#shawn mendes x poc
mendeshoney · 4 years
Take Me As I Am
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Chapter 15
“What the hell do you want?” Shawn demands, the office door shutting behind him.
Maddie winces at his voice. “I just wanted to talk.”
Shawn scoffs. “Oh, so now you want to talk?”
“I’ve been trying to get ahold of you, but-”
“I haven’t been answering.” He finishes for her. “There’s a reason for that, you know. I’m not exactly keen on talking to the woman who left me at the altar on what should have been the happiest day of our lives.”
She frowns. “I deserve that.”
“That’s not half of what you deserve.” He spits, face hardening when she stands from her seat. 
“You don’t mean that.”
“I mean it and more, Madison.” He says. When he uses her full name, her frown deepens.
“I deserve that too.” She says. “But I did come here to talk to you.”
“About what? What could you possibly have to say to me after all this time?”
“I wanted to apologize.” She explains. “And I wanted to give you an explanation.”
Shawn fumes, his blood boiling in disgust. “Oh? Now you think I want an explanation? You think months after everything that I suddenly want an explanation? I don’t need one, Madison! You cheated on me with him and left me for him, what else is there to explain? I don’t need a why, and I don’t need any other details, and I frankly don’t care why you’re back in town. Does it bother me that you keep popping up in my life? Yeah, a lot. Because I was doing just fine without you in it!”
“You call getting into a car accident, drinking yourself into a stupor, and getting community service instead of jail time ‘doing just fine?’” She spits. “Because if so then yeah, you were peachy keen.”
His eyes narrow. “How do you know about that? Any of that?” He demands. “Not the accident. But the rest. How did you know?”
“People tell me things, Shawn.” She says, frowning. “They’re worried about you, so they confide in me.”
“Oh bullshit!” He exclaims, taking a step away from her when she tries to reach out to him. “Who is it? Huh? Which one of your little friends did you plant on my team?”
“She’s not a plant!” Maddie shouts, but then covers her mouth instantly. Shawn scoffs, knowing exactly who Maddie is referring to.
Taylor. She’s someone new to Shawn’s team, and she’s the liaison between him and his PR team. Taylor and Maddie were pretty cordial back then, and Shawn’s not sure how he missed that.
Then again, he was pretty blinded by love, so he’s not exactly surprised.
“Figures.” He mutters. 
“Shawn, I honestly just want to talk.” Maddie repeats. “I want to work things out between us.”
“So what? So I can take you back?”
“No! Because I want us to be friends!”
“I don’t want to be your friend, Maddie. I wanted to be your husband.” He says, feeling exhausted. “I was already your friend, one of your best friends, and then you left me at the altar for another guy you hadn’t seen or spoken to in years. So now, I don’t want to be anything to you.”
There’s anger in her face. “So what? You can either be my husband or not? Is that how this works?”
Shawn shakes his head. “That’s not what I’m saying. What I’m saying is, I know you want a chance for me to be in your life, but I don’t want that chance. What I want is to be rid of you, for good. I want you to stop popping up, stop showing up at my job, stop showing up where I don’t want you to be, and leave me alone.”
“Shawn, I-”
“You made your choice, Maddie.” He says. “You were the one who left me. You made your choice and walked out and you seemed pretty content with it then, leaving without so much as an apology.”
“I’m trying to apologize now!”
“Yeah!” He exclaims. “When it’s too late! And you’re only apologizing because you /want/ something, Maddie. That’s how you are. You’re not actually sorry, you don’t actually care. And you know what? There are some things you can’t fix with just an apology. It’s not good enough, and in your case, it will never be.” He walks toward the office door, and opens it, gesturing toward the doorway. “You want to make this right? Leave me alone, and move on with your life, because that’s what I’m doing with mine. I don’t need your apology, Madison. I need you to move on, and leave me alone. ”
She frowns, mouth agape and ready to respond, but she doesn’t. Instead, she gets up and walks toward the door, stopping when she’s in front of Shawn. 
“I hope one day you can find it in your heart to forgive me,” she says. 
He looks at her, but says nothing, and she gets the message loud and clear, walking out of the office. He watches her walk out of the school, and the minute she’s out of sight, Shawn lets out a large sigh, one that ends with his breath coming out shakily. 
The shaking turns into him quietly beginning to cry, all the frustration, anger, and resentment leaving his body after months of harboring them. Mrs. Goldman comes in then, and wraps her arms around him as he cries, tears running down his face.
“It’s okay, Shawn.” Melodie tells him. “It’s okay. You did the right thing.” He nods, and she rubs his back comfortingly. “You did what needed to be done.”
Adrian stands when he recognizes Quinn and dusts off his pants. He looks the same, just a little taller, more muscle on his body, and his hair a little longer than he used to keep it. 
“Hi Quinn.” He says, smiling softly. It’s a smile Quinn remembers, one she saw after their first kiss, first time, after he cried happy tears when she agreed to marry him.
A smile she didn’t think she’d see ever again.
He’s either the biggest idiot in the world or he doesn’t see the sheer confusion in Quinn’s eyes at his presence. She’s not scared of him, just scared of what it means that he’s here.
“Adrian,” she repeats. “What are you doing here? Why are you in Toronto?”
Play dumb, she thinks. Deny, deny, deny.
“I’m on leave.” He explains, shrugging. “I came to visit Max, make amends for everything that happened back then. I figured while I was on that train I’d make amends with you too.”
Quinn shakes her head, taking a small step back. “I’m not sure if that’s a good idea, Adrian.”
He frowns, but nods. “I understand. I just...I figured that I’d at least try, you know?” His eyes are sincere when he says “You of all people deserve the biggest apology from me.”
Quinn notices him shiver slightly, and realizes his clothes are slightly wet, meaning he got caught in the snowfall from earlier that day, and has probably been sitting in the cold hallway of her building like this for hours. 
Her gut instinct is telling her to send him away, get rid of him, but the human part of her sighs, pulling her keys out of her bag. He’s from Temecula, for goodness sakes. It’s no wonder he’s not dressed for a Canadian winter. 
“I’m leaving in a few minutes,” she says, “but you can come in for a cup of coffee if you’d like, warm up a little.”
Adrian’s eyes widen in surprise, but he nods, stuffing his hands in his pockets and taking a step back to let Quinn open her door.
She’s nervous as he follows behind her, shutting the door and toeing off his shoes. He follows her to the kitchen, where he leans against the counter as she goes about making him a cup of coffee.
“How’ve you been?” He asks. 
Quinn sighs, catching the time on her Apple Watch and knowing she has to go meet Shawn at his place soon. 
She hands Adrian the mug of coffee, shrugging. “Been busy, mostly. But good. And you?”
“The same.” He says. “Max says you’re a teacher now?”
“I am. Third grade.” 
“Nice.” He says. She notices his hands are shaking - a tell tale sign that he’s nervous - and she hates how she remembers even the smallest things about him. “They must adore you.”
“It changes from day to day.” She jokes, smiling softly. 
Adrian watches as she smiles, then his face turns soft, and he frowns, putting his mug down on the counter. “Look, I uh...I wanted to come by to talk. I think I’ve beat around the bush on this long enough, but I wanted to come here to tell you that I’m sorry. That you deserve the most sincerest of all apologies and I’m sorry I couldn’t give it to you sooner.”
Quinn nods, trying to school her shocked expression. He waits for her to butt in, to kick him out and tell him to get lost, but she says nothing, so he continues. “Back then...I wasn’t thinking. We were having issues, and she was just there, and it happened. But it only happened that one time, which I know isn’t saying anything because once is enough, but I wanted to let you know it wasn’t anything on going. I know back then, Max had suspicions she was sleeping around, but it wasn’t with me.”
He takes a deep breath, struggling to meet her eyes, but does so anyway, knowing she deserves the truth no matter how overdue. “That night...it wasn’t anything you did. And I know the whole ‘it’s not you it’s me’ thing is outdated and stupid, but I promise you Quinn, it wasn’t you. It was all me - nothing you did drove me to her. It was just me, me not thinking about you, me being upset at myself, me making a terrible mistake. And I’m sorry.” 
“You didn’t deserve that, and you still don’t. I know it won’t change anything, and I promise this isn’t just to clear my conscience. I wanted to see you because I wanted to sincerely apologize and I want you to know you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and that you are amazing exactly as you are, and I never deserved you.”
There are no words that come to Quinn’s mind, nothing that she can think to say to him at this point. She never expected any of it, but then again, she also never expected to see him again.
Adrian takes a small step closer. “I’m not saying this to get you to come back to me, or to try to convince you to do anything, or even ask to be your friend. I just want you to know.” Quinn meets his eyes then, finally, and he breaks a little inside. “Max told me, when we were catching up, he told me what you went through. What I put you through. Quinn, I’m so sorry.”
He hugs her then, holding her close, and Quinn takes in a sharp breath. She blinks, vision blurry, and she doesn’t realize she’s crying until she sees the wet spot on his shirt. It takes a few moments, but when she hugs him back, he’s shaking a little, and the wet drop that lands on her cheeks tells her he’s crying too. 
“It’s okay.” She says. The more she thinks about it, she has no reason not to move on from him. Granted, even Adrian knows forgiveness isn’t guaranteed, but she’s spent so long not wanting to be in this moment with him, that now that she is, she knows it’s in the past for both of them. 
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.” She repeats. They hug for a minute longer before she pulls back, and they both wipe their eyes, laughing at how they must look to the other person.
It’s then that she spots the ring on his finger, and she smiles. “You found someone new, then?”
He laughs, a light flush coming to his cheeks. “Yeah. Moved about as fast as we did.”
“Are you married yet?”
Adrian nods, smiling. “We got married this past summer. She actually was the one who encouraged me to come here and do this. I told her about what happened, she figured it would be a good way to get closure for us both.”
“She sounds like a smart woman.” 
“She is.” Adrian says, smiling fondly at the thought of his wife. Quinn’s watch vibrates, and her phone lets off a text alert in her back pocket, and when he sees Quinn blush, he laughs. “I take it you found someone new, too, then?”
Quinn lowers her eyes, shooting off a text to Shawn before pocketing her phone. “It’s a uh...recent development.” 
“Does Max know about this ‘recent development’ then?”
She shakes her head. “Not completely, but he’ll get the details when it’s time.”
“Does he make you happy? Does he treat you better than I did?”
Quinn nods, feeling no shame when she looks Adrian in the eyes and says, “Yeah, he does.”
Adrian nods. “I’m happy for you, Quinn. I’m happy that you’re happy.”
“Thank you.” She says, honestly.
And this time, when she says goodbye to Adrian, there’s no hurt, no worry that he’ll pop up, no concern.
Just peace.
Shawn is...shocked. To say the least. At first, as Quinn recounted the events, his blood boiled in his veins, but as she continued, he couldn’t help but feel a little sorry for Adrian, knowing he’d waited all this time to just give her the apology she deserved all along.
It also gets him to tell Quinn just exactly what happened at school after she left, and at that, Quinn was definitely upset. 
Even though Mrs. Goldman all but banned Maddie from the premises for life, ordering security to memorize her face and keep her away from Littlewood at all costs, she wishes she could have been there to help Shawn out. 
“I’m sorry.” She says. “About Maddie. And Adrian.”
Shawn shakes his head, reaching across the couch to pull her into his lap. “What’s there to be sorry about? I’d call this fate.”
Quinn raises a brow suspiciously. “You would?”
He nods. “It’s not like they both planned to come back into our lives on the same day, right when things are falling into place for us. And it’s not like you or I were ever prepared to face them ever again either. So I’d call it kismet.”
“Kismet.” Quinn says, then scoffs. Shawn huffs a little, nuzzling her neck. 
“Are you trying to tell me you don’t feel relieved after talking to him?”
She pauses, then looks down at Shawn, who’s already watching her expectantly. “I do, yeah,” she says. “You feel relieved after talking to Maddie?”
He nods, pressing a kiss to the bare skin at the nape of her neck. “Definitely.” Quinn hums, and Shawn smirks. “See? Kismet.” 
“Okay” she says, rolling her eyes. “Kismet it is. Kismet ruined our dinner plans.”
Shawn chuckles, smoothing her curls down. “It’s okay bubba, we can order delivery. I think we’ve earned it.”
He untangles himself from her on the couch and heads into the kitchen, ruffling through some of the take out menus.
Quinn quietly watches him from her spot on the couch, and smiles to herself.
Months ago she didn’t think she’d even be able to get along with Shawn, and now here she is, slowly moving in and dating him. 
She’d been emotionally drained after meeting with Adrian, albeit in a good way, but the more she thought about what Adrian said, about how now that they’d spoken they could both move on from that chapter of their lives, she was right. 
The same clearly happened for Shawn and Maddie. The entire reason she ended up at Littlewood was because of the way she and Adrian fell apart. And the reason she’d met Shawn was because of the cataclysmic way he and Maddie had fallen apart. 
Two broken hearts, brought together in pain, but on the same day, somehow, miraculously, their hearts had been healed, closure found, and a clean slate presented itself for her and Shawn to start their relationship together in peace. 
While she couldn’t say for sure she knew where it was going, Quinn was certain of one thing.
If this was kismet, she could get used to it.
Quinn dreams of Shawn again.  This time, when she dreams, it’s not so far out of reach or unfamiliar. They’re back at the cabin up north. It’s warmer out, the summer air creeping inside but it calms her down as she pads to the kitchen.
She reaches up for a glass from the cupboard when Shawn comes in, and smiles instantly, giggling when he bends down to scoop her up for a kiss, placing her on the kitchen counter so he can stand between her legs. 
“Good morning bubba.” He breathes, peppering kisses all over her face. Quinn laughs, gently pushing him away. He goes easy, but keeps his hands in hers.
“Where’d you go?” She asks.
“Just to get gas for the trip home. Are you hungry?”
“Not hungry, just thirsty. I was gonna make a smoothie, if you want one.” 
“I’ll make it honey, it’s okay.” He promises, kissing her on the forehead before turning to the cupboards.
Quinn frowns. “Shawn I can-”
“The doctor said you have to take it easy.” He reminds her, “You’re due any day now.”
She looks down at her swollen stomach, rubbing it out of habit. “Yeah but making a smoothie isn’t going to make my water break.”
“No,” he says, putting everything into the blender, “But it’ll mean you can rest and relax a little while longer, and I can dote on you for a little more.”
He presses start and goes about making them smoothies, pouring them into two glasses when he’s done. He hands her one, and she smiles, rubbing her belly. “Tell me again.”
Shawn chuckles, but obliges. “Jamison and Oliver. Jamie and Ollie. No middle names yet because we haven’t decided, but we’ll get there. They’re going to have both of our curls, and they’ll have your eyes, and they’re going to go to Littlewood, and get the best education their parents can give them.”
“And you’ll sing to them?”
He nods, pressing a cold kiss to Quinn’s nose. “I’ll sing to them everyday. And if and when I go back to the studio, or on tour, I’ll sing for them especially. And you, obviously.”
She smiles, satisfied, and Shawn steps between her legs again, wrapping his arms around her as tight as he can without crushing her. “If I ask you to tell me again, would you?”
“I’d tell you over and over, bubba.”
When she wakes, it’s in the middle of the night, and Shawn’s got an arm around her middle, pulling her close to his chest. He smiles softly when she comes to.
“Watching me sleep?” She murmurs, and he snuffs, pulling her closer and adjusting the blankets.
“You look beautiful, so peaceful. I can’t help it. What were you dreaming about?”
“You.” She answers honestly. “Us. Babies.”
Shawn pauses, smiling. “Jamison and Oliver?”
She nods, lacing her fingers through his. “The very same.”
Shawn smiles. “We’ll meet them someday.”
“I know we will.” She says. “Get some rest, babe. School tomorrow.”
“I will.” He promises, peppering kisses all over her face until she erupts into sleepy giggles. “I just want to tell you something first.”
“Yeah?” She murmurs, “what’s that?”
“I love you.” He says. Shawn laughs as her eyes shoot open, and he leans in for a kiss, whispering it in the quiet of their room one more time for good measure.
“I love you too.” Quinn breathes between kisses, accepting each of them as they come. 
Shawn’s heart swells, and he pulls her closer, shutting his eyes as his heart beats steadily in his chest. 
It’s been an emotional few days for the both of them, and he’s extremely thankful it’s finally over. 
To think this all started with someone who left him alone on the altar. Someone who left him heartbroken and bruised that led him to Quinn, to the one person who peeled back the layers and saw Shawn. 
Just Shawn, exactly as he was, exactly for who he has always been.
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spookysanta · 5 years
temper tantrums. (s.m.)
Summary: she’s attached to her daddy at the hip and she hates being separated from him. 
Pairing: Dad!Shawn Mendes x Reader
WARNINGS: a fussy child
happy thanksgiving if you celebrate it! :) 
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Everyone knows the Shawn would do any and everything for his little Angel. He’s cancelled shows, interviews, photoshoots, and meet-and-greets just because she wanted to spend time with him.
His friend, Connor, calls him the “pushover dad”, because there’s literally nothing more important than his little girl wanting him in her life.
She’s a daddy’s girl, and everyone knew; when she’s around him, you can bet nothing would get done—because all he’ll want to do is talk to her and bounce her on his knee because she makes a funny noise. She would sit in his lap when he would be writing, lay her head on his shoulder as he held her in his arms when he would record, and when he’s doing a show, she’d be backstage right by the entryway so that if he’d look, he’d see her standing there with stars in her eyes.
She’d had a bad dream last night, and she’d managed to get out of her crib—probably because she can unlatch the gate herself now—and climbed into her parents’ bed, with tears streaming down her cheeks. “Daddy,” she cried, voice low. “daddy.”
He startled awake, eyes darting around the room before landing on the little girl who was tapping him incessantly on the leg. “Honey, what are you doing up?” he asked as he sat up to pick her up by her armpits and set her on his tummy. Wiping her eyes, he asked, “what’s wrong?”
“Bad dream.” She said simply.
“Oh. Do you wanna talk about it?”
“Uh-uh.” She shook her head, scooting off Shawn’s body and laying on the mattress, shimmying under the covers. “wanna stay wit’ you.”
“Okay, sweetheart. You can lay with us, but tomorrow, you have to sleep in your big-girl bed.”
“No!” she whined. “Wanna stay here.”
“We’ll talk about it in the morning, okay? And whatever mommy says is what’s gonna happen.” He finalized. He knew for a certainty that he wouldn’t ever be able to tell her no—which is why he makes his wife do the dirty work. “Understood?”
“Yes.” She huffed, already knowing in the back of her mind that her mommy was bound to say no, no matter how much she threw a fit.
“Okay. It’s time to go night-night. Close your eyes and sleep, okay? I’ll be right here if you need me.”
“Okay.” She leaned over and kissed his cheek. “Lub you, daddy.”
“Love you, too, babygirl.”
Needless to say, she didn’t sleep well. Once she finally fell asleep, it was time for Shawn to get ready to go to his recording session…which meant that Angel was gonna wake up…and that he has to deal with a tantrum first thing in the morning.
He’d hoped that maybe she’d be too sleepy to notice that he’d left.
Nope. That’s not at all what happened.
“No, daddy!” she sobbed. “stay here!”
“Honey, no,” he tried to reason with her for the twentieth time this morning. “daddy has to leave.”
He tried to set her down but she clung to his t-shirt. “No!”
“Angel, please. I’m gonna be late.”
“I go?”
“But why?” she continued to cry. “I be good!”
“I know you’ll be good, honey, but I need to focus. I’ll be back later, okay?” he pried her hands from his shirt and set her on the couch next to (Y/N), who, at this point, hasn’t decided to step in because usually Angel composes herself. “And then we can play all day long.”
“No!” she shouted, shuffling off the couch and clutching to his pant leg. “I go!”
“Angelina Catherine.” (Y/N) said calmly but sternly. “Come sit.”
“No, mommy!” she shouted again. “I go wit’ daddy.”
“Angelina.” She repeated. “Come sit. Now.”
“But mommy..” her bottom lip began to tremble again.
“I’m not gonna tell you again—get over here and sit down so daddy can go.”
Angel trudged to the couch, pulling herself up and plopping down with a “hmph”, folding her arms and pouting.
Shawn looked at his wife with pleading eyes. “Thank you.” He mouthed. “Okay, Angel,” he said in a normal tone, going to the couch and leaning down to kiss her chubby cheeks. “I’ll be back in a little while, okay?”
“Yeah.” She continued to pout. “Bye.”
“No kisses for daddy?” asked (Y/N).
“Why not?”
“C’mon, Angel,” Shawn begged. “give daddy one kiss.”
“One?” she held up her index finger.
“One.” He held up his, putting his cheek in front of her face for her to kiss.
“Muah.” She kissed his cheek, then leaned back against the fabric of the couch. “Bye, daddy. Lub you.”
“I love you, too, baby. Fix your attitude or we won’t go to the park!” he chanted as he walked toward the garage.
“Park?!” Angel loves the park more than anything.
“Behave. Bye!”
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sinplisticshawn · 4 years
shawn dating a brown girl pt 1 - language
this concept has been on my mind for so long as a pakistani american. i love learning about my loved one’s cultures and i started wondering what that would look like with shawn but uhhhh didn’t have the motivation or energy to put it into an actual fic lol so i think im just gonna do a bunch of bullet point lists about the concept. so yeah idk here are my rambling thoughts about speaking urdu (or whatever language u speak) around shawn
he knows ur bilingual but it doesnt come up for a while
but a few dates in finally does
maybe he overhears a phone call with your family
or he hears a song in ur car that he really likes but cant understand
(you translate it for him and he quickly stops paying attention to the meaning bc he just wants to listen to you)
but after that he starts to pick up on things more
he strains to hear your voice when you take a call from your mom in the other room and he loves the way you blend the two languages together so naturally
he loves it so much that one time he even asks you to talk dirty to him in bed. in urdu.
and you have to stop whatever you’re doing because you’re laughing so hard ur crying
and he cant figure out why because he thinks it sounds hot but all you can hear is your mom and dad and fobby cousins and every auntie you’ve ever met because no matter how beautiful the language is, you just cant make it sound sexy
maybe its the internalized racism but thats besides the point
he should probably feel embarrassed by you laughing in his face with his dick in ur hand but honestly it’s pretty funny to him too
you finally start teaching him a few words here and there
it starts with food terms because to this day you still sometimes have to ask your mom what the english word for dhanya (coriander lmfao) is no matter how good of a cook and an english speaker u are
his favorite thing tho is once you’ve gotten really comfortable around him, ur urdu starts slipping into every day interactions
(not like “oh i forget to switch sometimes ha ha ha #bilingual” bc it really aint like that yall smh)
but like
a “kya?” (what?) or “hain?” (huh?) or “ya Allah, ek minute!” (god, one minute!) here and there (because that’s what’s natural to you and you have faith in his ability to figure out context clues)
and when he’s upset and you reach for him asking “kya hua?” (what happened?) while pulling his head to your chest, he immediately feels safe
but also when you’re annoyed with him you’ve taken to calling him “ullu ka pattha” 
and “colonizer”
he has to ask your best friend what the first one means and they laugh at him (literally translates to “son of an owl” but it basically means fool or idiot)
the second one just makes him give you a Look but like. he can’t really fight you on it. 
sometimes you’ll call him “laddoo” (its a dessert lol) or “jaanu” (darling or my love i guess??) and you’re obviously teasing but he goes full baby mode he loves that overly sweet shit
he goes off and looks up terms of endearment too and you’ll never tell him but hearing his gora ass call you “meri jaan” (my love, my life, my heart, etc) kinda does make your heart skip a beat
of course he’s a huge cheese ball and learns how to say “main tum se pyaar karta hoon” (I love you)
you definitely laugh at him. but you say it right back. 
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musicians m.list
thank you and enjoy!
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machine gun kelly
welcome interruption 
monsters under the bed (dad!mgk)
lost phone
good fit
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harry styles
unwavering love
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liyawritesss · 4 years
Lost In Japan - Hawks (Takami Keigo x Fem!Black/Poc!Singer!Reader)
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Hawks - the man that goes just a little to fast. You know him, you love him, and you're about to hate me for butchering him in my writing.
I've never written for Hawks before, so this can either be amazingly beautiful or a horrible disaster.
Listening to music from the early to mid-2010s again had me reminiscing on more simpler times, and when Lost In Japan by Shawn Mendes came on, the first thing to pop into my head was Hawks. I feel like, for someone he truly cares for, he'd fly a thousand miles to be in their presence. It's just the kind of man he is.
Warnings: suggestive tones, fem!black/poc!reader
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Hawks was perched on a rooftop in some city he was assigned a mission in. He was to tired to remember, his body aching with exhaustion, weighing much more than he was comfortable with. Perhaps it was because of the villains he was apprehending just a few hours prior, or the fact that he hadn't been taking proper care of himself, or the fact that the facade he had been holding up for so long was starting to weigh down on him. It was starting to get harder to distinguish between the three.
The blond scrolled through his phone on current events happening around Japan. Mainly, the concerts that [y/n] had been holding for the past few days.
Despte both of you being in the public eye - he, the No.2 Pro Hero in Japan, and you, the No. 1 hottest musician of this generation - your little entanglement was kept as secret as possible. He'd be lying if he said the secrecy wasn't an adrenaline rush. He didn't appreciate having to share his song bird with the rest of the world, but beggers couldn't be choosers. As long as he was the last person you sang to at night, we was content with your secret relationship.
"Last concert day, aye?" He mumbled to himself as he scrolled past an article that praised the singer's sold out event. It was your last concert before you would return home, before you'd be leaving him. Although Hawks wasn't against the distance between the two of you - as it served as your protection - he will admit it came as an inconvenience when he had to go on a mission the week during your visit in Japan.
He looked at the clock on his phone, the numbers ready 10:58pm. You were probably just getting back to your hotel room. A gloved hand came to scratch the stubble of his chin as the pro hero dialed your number. The name songbird💜 popped up on the screen and the soft buzz of the ringing filled his earphones.
You stepped out the bathroom just as your phone buzzed on the hotel room nightstand. The name kei 💜 popped up on your phone, making a smile spread across your lips. You had been looking forward to spending time with the bird brain since you landed in Japan, but because of conflicting schedules, it proved to be harder than what you thought. Yet, Keigo left you with the words "I'll make a way, songbird. Trust me," and who were you to not give him the benefit of the doubt?
"Hi, Keigo," you spoke through the phone, and he could practically hear the smile on your lips when you spoke.
"Hey songbird. Missed me?" The blond replied, a teasing little smirk gracing his lips. Hearing your voice after such a hard mission was like music to his ears.
"Do you want the sweet answer or the smart-ass answer?"
"Ooo, a little fiesty tonight I see."
"Yes, I missed you, bird brain."
Your soft giggle sent his heart fluttering, and that smirk was replaced with a genuine smile. "Do you got plans tonight, baby bird?"
You hummed a no in response. "I have to leave at around noon tomorrow..."
"Well, I'm a couple miles from you," said Hawks. "I was thinking I could fly to your hotel tonight?"
"Kei, you know my managers like, right next door to me." You remind him, but you couldn't deny that the thrill of being caught with the pro hero hadn't crossed your mind.
"Don't act like it doesn't excite you, baby bird," mumbled Hawks in that low, sinful voice that had you weak in the knees, hardly breathing. "I just can't get you off my mind, darling. And I know its the same for you,"
He could almost imagine the exact reaction you were giving to his words - your cute lip bite, the fiddling of your fingers, oh what he'd give to see you right now.
"Dont act like the thought doesn't excite you," said Hawks In that low, sinful voice that had you weak in the knees, hardly breathing. "I just can't you off my mind, baby bird. And I know its the same for you."
There was silence for a moment, from what Hawks could imagine was another lip bite. "You bad, Kei?"
"Oh, I'm bad, baby," replied the blonde, his smirk having returned. "I'm despicable."
"Pull up then," you said, your sultry voice making his feathers ruffle with excitement. "You know my window's always open for you."
That was enough to make the pro hero forget about the ache in his bones, as he took flight into the cold night's air.
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Jesus this is so horrible, but I love it still.
I hope you guys like this, not the best writing I've done but it is my first time writing for hawks, so it can only get better from here on out.
If you enjoyed, please leave a like, comment, and reblog for others to see! And don't be shy to send in a request!!
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freddiefcknmercury · 4 years
Cable Fic Writing Challenge
**Clarifying right up front that this is a Cable/Nathan Summers writing challenge ONLY**
^^ you can add characters(Deadpool, Colossis, Scott, Hope, Domino, Warhead, Etc) but the primary focus should be Cable.
Da Rulez:
You don't have to follow us but like, you def should🤷🏽
Requests need to be sent thru our ask Boxes! @freddiefcknmercury or @yanderecable we will cross off taken prompts as soon as we can.
You can choose up to one prompt from each category if you like; not mandatory- if you only choose to do one nbd👌🏽
Example: you can choose one(1) Song, Quote, AND AU for your one(1) fic. Or any combo of the three(one song and one quote, one AU and one song etc.)
we're willing to allow 2 authors per prompt (we can look into adding more but low key don't expect this to fill up so lol)
Reader inserts are preferred. Especially POC!Readers and LGBT!Readers
One shots and Series are welcome but please make a master-list for the series!
We will reblog each submission and create a masterlist!
Tag BOTH of us and reblog with our hashtag: @yanderecable @freddiefcknmercury #cableficchallenge2020
MUST include proper warnings at the beginning of your fic (smut, non-con, dub-con, age-gap, angst, hurt, hurt/comfort, fluff, etc.)
And please add warnings when asked since this will be shared.
Gonna ask that you're 18+ to write smut🤷🏽 (absolutely NO incest or underage of any kind).
Asking for a Minimum of 500 words😩
Please add a keep reading cut if over 650
Deadline: ?????
1.) Sweater Weather - The Neighborhood
2.) Mine- Bazzi
3.) Shining - X Ambassadors
4.) If I Can’t Have You - Shawn Mendes
5.) Last Request- Paolo Nutini
6.) Ruin My Life - Zara Larsson
7.)Somebody to Love- Queen
8.) Set The Fire To The Third Bar - Snow Patrol ft. Martha Wainwright
9.) When I see You- Fantasia
10.) Love- Musik Soul Child
11.) Dream Girl- Anna of the North
12.) Can’t take my Eyes off of You- Frankie Valli (or Lauren Hill)
13.) As We Lay- Shirley Murdock
14.) Do I Wanna Know? - Arctic Monkeys
15.) Howl - Florence and the Machine
16.) Guillotine - Jon Bellion
1.) Bodyguard AU taken by @sweetfictionalworld
2.) Sports (Team) AU
3.) Pirate/Mermaid AU
4.) Roommates AU
5.) Werewolf AU
6.) Neighbours AU
7.) "Hannibal" AU
8.) Soulmate AU
9.) Mafia AU
10.) Sugar Daddy/Baby AU
11.) Vampire AU
12.) Coffee Shop AU
13.) Biker AU
14.) Office AU
15.) Fake Dating AU
1.) "Comparison is the Theif of Joy."
2.) "Well, sometimes if you love somebody, you have to meet them halfway."
3.) “He touches you, like a prayer for which no words exist, and you feel your heart taking root in your body, like you’ve discovered something you didn’t even have a name for.”
4.) “-I’ll take care of you.
-It’s rotten work.
-Not to me. Not if it’s you"
5.) "Are you perhaps short a marble???"
6.) "Worrying means you suffer twice."
7.) "It's fine. I don't mind being alone. I just do not want to be insignificant."
8.) "And if the music's good, you dance."
9.) "If you can't beat Fear, just do it scared."
10.) "Ive always said the key to happiness is... lowered expectations."
11.) "You never need to apologise for how you choose to survive."
12.) "When you look at someone with rose coloured glasses, all the red flags just look like... flags."
13.) "No one needs a good laugh like the truly, deeply fucked."
14.) "My Faith in your limited intelligence is momentarily restored."
**Once again this specifically is a Cable/Nathan Summers fic challenge**
48 notes · View notes
mendeshoney · 4 years
Take Me As I Am
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A/N: Did someone say...smut?
Chapter 14
Quinn finds herself in awe of the snowy landscape surrounding the cabin. 
It’s nothing large or ostentatious like she sort of expected, but almost like a normal home. It has three bedrooms, two and a half bathrooms, an open floor plan that loops the kitchen, dining room and living room into a big space, and large windows and a sliding glass door in the living room area that leads out to a huge deck. 
The deck itself houses a hot tub for now, something she made note of when they arrived as he turned it on and placed the top on to keep it from being exposed to the elements. Shawn said the rest of the furniture on the deck and yard below it had been put in the cabin’s shed out back for safe storage due to the winter weather.
Before they left Toronto they picked up some emergency kits and things from Bass Pro Shops, and on the way up they stopped for groceries at a local supermarket, making sure they’d be fully stocked for the eight day trip Shawn had planned. He’d reserved the cabin from the twenty sixth to January 2nd, and Littlewood was set to be back in session on the 5th, which gave them plenty of time to rest and relax before starting up again.
Quinn had spent the first hour they arrived unpacking her clothing and the groceries they’d purchased, storing their emergency kits in the hallway closet. Shawn went about cleaning the cabin, making sure they had freshly washed bedding and dishes to use, and also grabbed some wood from the shed for the large fireplace in the living area.
The cabin itself sits on a lake, and Quinn desperately wishes it was summer instead, because she doesn’t know how she’ll be able to leave this place after eight days. It’s beautiful, and the sun is out, reflecting bright lights off of the icy surface of the lake and the freshly fallen snow. It’s how she finds herself sitting on one of the recliners between the fireplace and the window, a mug of tea in her hand. 
Shawn’s in the front of the cabin, making sure the Jeep is locked up and the driveway is void of snow. He’s been using the time shoveling the driveway and stone path to the cabin to think, psyching himself up for the next eight days with Quinn. The surrounding forest is quiet, and thankfully the lake is mostly calm, only a few people skating, ice fishing, or playing pond hockey several houses down. 
He’s happy to be here with Quinn, happy she agreed to come. The cabin idea mostly came from the dream he had, wanting to be somewhere alone where they could just spend time with one another and not have to worry about the rest of their lives impeding on them every five minutes. 
He doesn’t know what will come of this trip - doesn’t really have anything in his head. There’s plenty of outdoor things they can do - there’s a lodge not too far from where they are and they can go ice skating on the lake, and can utilize the hot tub - but there’s also a few things they could do indoors too. 
Although, Shawn’s not too sure on one of those indoor activities.
He hasn’t been intimate with anyone since Maddie. And from what he knows, it’s been the same for Quinn. He’s also slightly ashamed to say he did bring condoms on the trip, just in case, and he hopes Quinn doesn’t judge him for it. It’s not like he’s banking on it or anything, but he wants to be prepared for any case scenario. 
By the time he’s done outside, he’s sweating and in desperate need of a shower, and so he heads into the cabin to shower and get changed into something more comfortable. He spots Quinn sitting on one of the recliners near the window and smiles, padding into their room for the trip to shower and change. Once he’s done, he changes into new sweatpants and a hoodie, putting his socks on as he pads into the hall, shaking out his wet curls.
She’s still in her same spot, and Shawn smiles when he approaches, taking her hand to pull her up before he sits in her spot and pulls her back down into his lap. She curls up easily, smiling as she offers him a sip of her still warm tea. 
“How’s the view?” He murmurs, pressing a kiss to her shoulder.
“It’s beautiful out here.” She says. “Right out of a fairytale, almost.”
“Glad you think so.” He takes a look at the view himself, tightening his grip around Quinn. At the same time, both of their eyes land on the hot tub, and they take a quick look at each other.
She smiles at him bashfully. “I know you just showered, but are you interested in a little dip?”
“I wouldn’t mind it.”
They both get up and head into the bedroom, Quinn going to the bathroom to change into her bathing suit while Shawn changes into his trunks in the bedroom. Quinn knocks once on the door to let him know she’s done, and he knocks back once he’s finished tying off his trunks. 
They head out to the deck and Shawn quickly removes the top, putting it aside so they can climb in. Quinn lets out a happy sigh once she’s seated. “Aren’t you getting in?”
Shawn smiles. “I am, but I just thought of something. I’ll be right back.”
He heads back inside and Quinn shrugs to herself, leaning her head back against the edge of the tub and closing her eyes. She hears some movement from inside the cabin, and a few minutes later, she hears soft music playing. 
She opens her eyes to find Shawn coming out with a speaker in one hand, a bottle of champagne tucked under his arm, and two champagne glasses in his other hand. He places the speaker and his phone on the little table on the other side of the hot tub, placing the glasses on the edge and opening the bottle to pour them both a glass.
Quinn can’t help but smile. “This is all extremely romantic.”
Shawn shrugs. “What can I say? You write enough songs about love, you eventually learn a thing or two.”
He climbs in alongside her, reaching to pull her into his lap as she grabs their glasses. She smiles, and they toast, Shawn turning them so they can look at the lake. 
He presses a kiss to her cheek as she drinks, resting his head on her shoulder. “I could get used to this.”
She nods. “I could too. It’s so quiet, out here, peaceful.”
“And isolated.” He adds, taking a swig of his glass.
She snorts, giving him a funny look. “Alright, creeper.”
“I just meant it's nice for us to have privacy, is all.” He says, and Quinn rolls her eyes, placing her free hand on his face before leaning in for a soft kiss.
It’s the first kiss she’s initiated with him, and Shawn accepts it wholeheartedly, body going lax under hers as she shifts in his lap.
When she pulls away, Shawn finds himself instinctively reaching back out for more, attaching his lips back to hers before she gets too far away. He moves her as he goes, helping to adjust so she’s straddling his waist while he rests against the side of the hot tube. He places his glass back on the edge, and she follows suit, her other hand coming to rest on his shoulder.
Shawn’s hands wind around her waist and his lips part slightly, tongue teasing at the seam of her lips. She invites him in, pressing herself closer against him and grinding her hips down.
They both moan, and Quinn’s heart hammers in her chest, beating wildly as adrenaline seeps through her veins. Shawn’s grip on her is sure and strong, overcome with the sudden need to have her closer.
Earlier, both of them were nervous for this moment, unsure if it would come naturally or if it would be a long, drawn out moment, like the beginning of them was. Quinn hadn’t kissed anyone since Adrian, hadn’t even been on dates or randomly hooked up with anyone.
Shawn was her first kiss in years, and with him it was like finally getting that picture perfect movie kiss you could dream of. When he kissed her for the first time in the car, so spontaneously and determined, she felt like she was floating. When he kissed her goodbye before Christmas, she felt like she could see the mistletoe growing above their heads like in Harry Potter. 
And now, kissing him in a hot tub at a snowy cabin in the middle of nowhere - she felt like a live wire, like she was in her own little world and nothing could break this moment. 
All the nervousness he felt earlier is gone, eased out by Quinn’s gentle hands and eager lips, and he feels completely consumed by her.
They part for a moment, taking a breath, and Shawn’s eyes search her face. He can see her excitement, but he still wants to be sure. So she knows.
“We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.” He says. “If you’re not ready, that’s fine with me. I’m not going anywhere.”
“I want to.” She insists. “Eventually, I do. I just…”
“It’s okay.” He promises. “I won’t try to convince you. I won’t rush you or rush anything. We said day by day, right?” When she nods, he playfully nips her lip. “Then that’s what we’re sticking to.”
“Making out is okay though.” She says, voice dripping with desire. Shawn smirks, obliging as he leans in again.
The cabin trip passes in a blissful blur.
After their intimate moment in the hot tub, Shawn and Quinn fell into a routine. They make breakfast, lunch, and dinner together in the kitchen, eating together by the fireplace. They go out on the frozen lake a few times to skate, and Shawn finds old hockey sticks and a puck in the garage of the cabin, using it to teach her a little about hockey. Other times, they walk through the forest surrounding the cabin, enjoying nature and heading back for hot chocolate once their noses and cheeks start to freeze. 
On New Years Eve, they turn on the TV in the living room for the first time they’re there, watching New Years Rockin’ Eve, and when the clock hits midnight, they watch the fireworks on the lake from the deck, Shawn swooping her into a dazzling kiss.
Another day, Shawn has to go out to get more firewood, and Quinn watches from the front porch with a bashful smile, wrapped in a blanket and a mug of hot tea in her hands, as Shawn lugs the wood into the cabin, red and black flannel and all.
They also talk. A lot.
They share stories of their childhood, of their families, about anything and everything in between. Shawn shares stories from tour and his career over the years, and Quinn talks about her path to wanting to teach.
They also get into the nitty gritty of their former relationships. 
Shawn divulges about Maddie first. Everything from when they met to the day she left him at the altar. Quinn talks about Adrian, about how everything was set in stone until it wasn’t. Admittedly they both cry a little bit, but the conversation turns into the things they want out of new relationships, and their hopes for the relationship that goes right for both of them.
Opening up to one another makes them closer, and there’s that unspoken, underlying truth that the relationship they hope for, that perfect, ideal happy ending, is with the other person.
Shawn can feel himself falling for Quinn with each passing minute. The more Quinn opens up to Shawn, the more she can feel herself being willing to love again - to tear down the walls she spent years building up, just to let Shawn in that much more.
In between their conversations, they also make use of the hot tub, the couch, and their bed for steamy make out sessions, and on their second to last night, it progresses just that much further.
They’ve showered and changed into their PJs, ready for bed, but they’ve been kissing for what feels like hours when the room gets warm, and Shawn removes the sweater he’s wearing, leaving him in an undershirt and his sweatpants. When his shirt creeps up, Quinn pushes it up and demands it off, and Shawn obliges, taking it off and throwing it across the room.
With his torso bare, Quinn smiles a little, turning him so his back is propped up against the pillows and headboard, straddling his lap.
Shawn can feel the flush rise in his face. “You see something you like?”
“A little bit.” Quinn says, “Can I?”
Shawn nods, crossing his arms behind his head, giving her full reign. At first, she kisses him, leaning down and letting her curls fall in a curtain around them. Shawn frees up one of his hands, cupping her face and pulling her closer. Her hands fall from where they rest on his shoulders, trailing down as she pulls away, running her hands along his skin. His hand drops to rest on her thigh, observing her as she goes.
He feels goosebumps rise in the path her hands take, running along his torso and his sides, exploring. She lets out a small giggle as her fingers trail the waistband of his sweats, tracing over the “Calvin Klein” logo on his exposed briefs.
Quinn looks up at him, questions etched all over her face and Shawn nods, answering yes to any and all of them. “Whenever you’re ready.” He says.
She smirks. “Are you quoting your own song at me?”
He narrows his eyes, scoffing. “I meant it more along the lines of the Natalie Taylor song but sure, I guess both apply.”
She shrugs, eyes casting back down at his waist. There’s a question on her tongue, but instead of asking, she reaches for the hem of her own sweater and tugs it off, leaving her in a light blue bralette and her sleep shorts.
Shawn’s mouth nearly waters at the sight of her, wanting to touch all over but he keeps his hands at his sides, continuing to watch her.
Quinn kisses him again, distracting him and also hyping herself up. Her hands curl into the waistband of his sweats, tugging on them a little, and Shawn gasps against her mouth.
“You want them off?” He mumbles, and Quinn nods, backing up so he can shed them off, leaving him in his briefs, and she sheds her shorts. Shawn smiles when he finds she’s wearing a matching lace set. “This for me?” He wonders, thumb tracing the lace on her hip.
She blushes. “Not intentionally.”
“Well I appreciate it either way.” He says, leaning up to capture her lips, pulling her back against him. 
Her hands continue to roam over his body as she sits on his thighs, eventually finding their way back to his waistband, fingers dipping below the fabric. 
His cock is half hard, but getting harder the more she kisses him, and when her fingers wrap around it, Shawn moans, gasping into her mouth when she tightens her grip, her other hand pulling his briefs down low enough to free him, adjusting so he’s comfortable. 
“I haven’t done this in awhile,” she says lowly, allowing his lips to still leave kisses on her chin as she speaks. “You’ll have to tell me what you like.”
“I love this.” He says, trailing kisses down to her neck. “This is great.”
Quinn smiles, returning her lips to his as she begins to stroke him, her other hand reaching lower to cup his balls, giving them a gentle squeeze as she rubs them in her hands. Shawn backs up to rest his back against the headboard, allowing him to still kiss her as she continues her movements.
His breathing gets heavier as her hands work, and Shawn finds himself bucking his hips up into her hands, wanting more, needing more of what she’s giving him. He hears her laugh a little at his eagerness, bending her head to kiss his neck, sucking little bruises into his skin. 
“Please don’t stop.” He begs, keening out when her hands grip a little tighter, twisting as she moves her hands up and down his cock, still massaging his balls in her other hand. 
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” She promises, and he turns his head, hands reaching for her face so he can keep kissing her, so he can ground himself in this moment with her. 
She keeps going, her grip solid and sure as Shawn opens up underneath her, his free hand securing itself on her waist. He doesn’t realize it, but he has her moving, clothed core now riding against one of his thighs. He can feel her wetness through the lace, and he moves, using both hands to rip at the fabric on her hip, pulling her up to tear it away.
He maneuvers her to sit up a little bit above him, her face hovering over his as she continues to stroke him, his hand moving between her legs to test her arousal.
Quinn moans softly, forehead resting against his, the two of them watching each other through hazy eyes. She tightens her grip a little more and Shawn can feel himself starting to lose it, bucking into her hands and he continues to run his finger through her folds.
“Quinn, baby, I-”
“It’s okay, Shawn.” She says. “Come for me. Wanna see you.”
His eyes shut tight, head tilting back and gasping when her lips latch onto the sensitive spot on his neck, vision going white behind his eyes as he feels himself come, getting it all over Quinn’s hand and his abdomen.
He can hear both of their heavy breathing as he calms down, but he can feel Quinn’s skin burning from where she rests against him, and can feel her dripping onto his thigh, so he starts to move. 
Gently, he maneuvers her so she’s lying flat on her back, stunned when he sees her licking him clean from her fingers as she watches him.
“You’re gonna kill me, aren’t you?” He murmurs, shuffling down the bed to rest between her legs. Her head lolls to the side, observing as he props her legs up, knees bent, leaving kisses down each of her thighs before placing a kiss on her pelvis, kissing lower, and lower, until he kisses her clit.
Quinn jumps, letting out a small noise, and Shawn stops his movements, searching for her eyes. “Do you want me to stop?”
“No,” she says, shaking her head. “I just...it’s sensitive, is all.”
He nods, but crawls up her body, kissing her softly. “You tell me if it’s too much, okay? If you want me to stop, I’ll stop.”
She nods in understanding, kissing him in thanks. He smiles at her before scooting down the bed, settling between her legs again. This time, he kisses her slowly, and Quinn sighs happily, eyes shutting as her hands tangle in his curls, and Shawn hums, parting her folds with his tongue and licking gently, tasting her wetness.
Quinn moans softly, trying to be quiet, and Shawn smiles. “Let me hear you baby.” He urges. “It’s just us, you don’t have to hold it in.”
When Quinn nods, he dives in, licking her noisily, sucking and slurping sounds coming from his mouth and filling the room, driving Quinn insane. He rests his hands on the underside of her thighs, keeping her legs parted and pussy open to him. Quinn throws an arm over her mouth, biting down, crying out when Shawn’s tongue dips inside of her. 
He can feel himself getting harder as he listens to her, and Shawn keeps going, lips and tongue working to bring her to an orgasm. Quinn opens her eyes and lowers her arms, tangling her hand in his curls as she watches in amazement at how he grinds against the bed, seeking friction against his lower half.
“Shawn-” She gaps, Shawn, sucking her clit into his mouth, and she starts grinding herself against his face. It eggs him on, burying his face into her and pushing her legs up, exposing her and giving him more access. Quinn lets out a long moan, unable to contain it when Shawn slips a finger inside of her, keeping his mouth on her clit and circling his tongue around it.
He pulls back only for a small second, slipping another finger inside of her and watching as her back arches off the bed. “Do you want me to fuck you?” He asks, “Or do you want me to keep going?”
“Keep going.” She pleads. “Please keep going.”
Another cry leaves Quinn as Shawn slips in another finger, moving them at a fast pace. He can feel her body shake when he brings his lips back to her clit, tongue lapping at it eagerly. She cries out again, grinding her hips down, and Shawn can feel her begin to tighten around him.
“Let go for me,” he begs.
Little breathy moans escape her now as Shawn continues to make her climb higher, the pressure building and building in her stomach, ready to burst at any second. There’s a moment where Quinn loses her breath as her orgasm finally washes over, back arching off the bed as Shawn’s hands grip at her skin, keeping her close to him, allowing him to taste all of her on his tongue.
He presses gentle kisses to her skin as she comes down, smiling at her when she rests against the bed again. 
Shawn removes his fingers gently, sucking them into his mouth with a moan, and Quinn watches him through hazy eyes as he lies down next to her.
“Do you want me to?” She asks, gesturing to his dick, and he shakes his head.
“No, I’ll be alright.” He said. “One was amazing as it is.”
Quinn’s out of breath when she nods, and laughs in delirium. “I guess this makes you my boyfriend then, huh?”
Shawn beams, brushing the sweaty curls away from his face as he smiles. That’s the first time she’s actually said it out loud. “Yeah? I’m your boyfriend?”
“If you want to be, sure.” She says. “I’d like to be your girlfriend.”
“Would you still be saying that if I didn’t just give you an orgasm?”
Quinn laughs, bright and sweet. “I believe so, yes.” 
He can’t help the burst of yellow happiness that swells inside of him, and he tackles her, pressing kisses all over her face. 
It’s settled then. They’re together. Officially. Exclusively. All in.
Shawn feels confident, more than he has in awhile, knowing they’re going back to their lives in just a couple of days with Quinn by his side.
Quinn sighs when her last student leaves for the day, leaning her head back against her chair with a bright smile. She always loved coming back from Christmas break. Her students were tired earlier in the morning, not ready to come back to school, but toward the afternoon they were full of energy, bouncing off the walls and saying things that just made Quinn laugh.
She shuts her eyes and takes a few relaxing breaths, feeling her body already starting to loosen up. After a few moments, she opens her eyes, fully expecting Shawn to be in her doorway and ready to go like usual, except, he’s not there.
Brows furrowed, she checks the time on her Apple watch, knowing full well Shawn doesn’t have any students, and starts to pack up her things and close out her classroom. 
When she gets to Shawn’s class and opens the door, she’s confused to find him not sitting at his desk, until she spots him on his hands and knees on the many rugs, cleaning up what looks like-
“Is that rice and beans?”
Shawn jumps, not knowing she was there, throwing a hand over his heart and he sits on his butt. “A little warning would be nice, bubba.”
Quinn giggles. “Sorry. I just-” she steps closer, toeing off her shoes before stepping onto the carpet. “What is all this? Why is there uncooked rice and beans all over the floor?”
Shawn flushes red, turning back to the carpet and scratching at it so more rice pops up from inside the threads. “I thought I’d do something fun for the younger kids, and incorporate sensory play, so I had them make their own little instruments and stuff. Like maracas and shakers out of easter eggs and toilet paper tubes.”
“And where on earth did you find the instructions for that?” She asks, taking a seat beside him.
“I may have taken your advice and looked at a few pinterest boards.” When Quinn laughs, Shawn groans, shaking his head. “No, no, don’t even start. I was trying to be nice and I underestimated their ability to not get this stuff all in the carpets and now this is my punishment.”
“Aw bubba,” she says, picking up a few beans near her and placing them in his hand. “I wish you would’ve told me, or told someone. Usually arts and crafts like this are supposed to be done in the art room.”
Shawn’s eyes go wide and he whines. “Art room?!”
Quinn can’t help but laugh, placing her hands on either side of his face. “Art room, honey. It’s in the binder.”
He frowns. “Stupid binder.” Quinn knows he’s only kidding, and he turns his head in her hands to kiss both her palms before taking her hands in his. “I’m sorry. I know we were supposed to go to your place to pick up more clothes for you before our dinner plans but I really want to clean this up so I’m not cleaning rice and beans out of the carpets for the next week.”
“It’s fine, Shawn.” She says. “You clean up here, and I’ll go to my apartment and grab my things, and then I’ll just meet you at your apartment building after to help you get stuff. Then, we can go to the grocery store as planned and head home to the townhouse, okay?”
Shawn smirks teasingly. “That’s the richest thing you’ve ever said.”
Quinn rolls her eyes. “It’s your fault for having a downtown highrise and a three story townhouse.”
“Well maybe when we move in together eventually that won’t be a problem.” He says, kissing her on the forehead, nose, and then her lips. “But that sounds like a plan. Is there a vacuum cleaner in the building?”
Quinn rolls her eyes, but nods, standing up and helping him stand. “It’s in the janitor’s closet in the front office. I’m heading out the side door since I parked there, but do you think you can find it on your own?”
Shawn nods, bending down to kiss her again. “I’ll manage. You go, I’ll meet you at my apartment. You have the key, right?”
“I have a copy of all your keys since you gave them to me, yes Shawn.” She says, shaking her head. She blows a kiss over her shoulder as she walks away, and Shawn smirks, waving right back.
He sighs when she’s gone, his socked feet feeling dry rice and beans beneath him, and he cringes, dusting them off once he reaches the tiled floor before putting his boots on and heading toward the front office.
When he enters the office, he finds Mrs. Goldman at the front desk, a worried look on her face and walkie in her hand. Shawn’s face hardens immediately, assuming something is wrong.
“What’s going on, Mel?” He asks, rushing to the desk. “Is everything okay? Do you need help?”
Her face softens, but there’s still worry etched on her features. She comes around the desk, lowering her voice. “Is Quinn still here?”
Shawn shakes his head. “No, she left a few minutes ago. Why?”
Mrs. Goldman nods. “There’s someone here to see you. She’s waiting in my office.”
“She?” Shawn asks. Mrs. Goldman doesn’t say anymore, gesturing to her shut office door. He frowns, but goes, opening the door and stopping dead in his tracks when he sees who’s sitting in there.
She turns with a bright smile, a smile Shawn can only interpret as suspicious, and stands. “Hi, I was wondering if we could talk?”
Quinn arrives at her apartment complex with no trouble, a smile wide on her face in anticipation of tonight. 
Since they got back from the cabin trip a few days ago, she’s been on cloud nine, absolutely loving the way things have been progressing with him. 
They made plans to gather more things so she could stay at the townhouse a little longer, and then they were going to make dinner together, Shawn wanting to continue their pattern from the cabin trip. It was something Quinn thought was sweet, the way Shawn insisted on it becoming part of their new normal, and was excited to start the first night of a new tradition. 
As she approaches her apartment, she sees a figure sitting in the hallway, leaning against her door. At first, she assumes it’s Cody, her next door neighbor locked out again, but as she gets closer, she can tell right away it’s not him.
The figure looks up at her when she gets about five feet away, and at his face, Quinn’s heart drops, her feet frozen to their spot, staring at him in disbelief.
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zankivich · 5 years
Dad!Shawn X Black Female Reader: The Banquet
Request: Please continue with the Shawn Mendes x Black reader fics!!! Love them! Maybe something to do with colorism or jealousy from non-POC fans? Thank you!
I’m not sure that I actually did what you asked me to do at all, but this is just sort of what came out when I started writing. I think I could definitely expand and explore a variety of issues with these characters tbh, but I hope you like this one? also a reblog would be lovely if you do. Likes are beautiful but a reblog spreads the content. Thanks friends! 
For their five year anniversary he gifts her a foundation. It had been her dream her entire life to open a non-profit for black girls to go into law. He’d spent many nights talking her ear off during finals, or whenever she was stressed with law school, listening to her craft this narrative aloud. She told him how it was a miracle that she ended up in law school, and that so much of it had to do with the women in her life who got her to that point. Mentors and leaders, her aunt who had been the first black female judge in her hometown. She explained to him the barriers that existed for education for black people both to get into education, as well as to succeed within it. Every black person to graduate was a success story, because it meant that they had come through on the other side of a host of oppressions and problems that their white counterparts never had to experience.  She wanted to help mitigate that in any way that she could, to create spaces for black girls in particular to excel in a field they might never be encouraged to go into. She was obviously the most incredible woman in the world.
After their daughter, Ella had been born, Shawn couldn’t help but think more and more about his wife’s dream. Mostly because he couldn’t imagine a world where his daughter couldn’t be any damn thing that she wanted, but also with the new found understanding that the life that she would get to live would not be the life of an average girl who looked like her. And if his wife had taught him anything it was that they had a responsibility to the people who didn’t have the privileges that they did. So, he gathers the investors, pools in his own money, and names the foundation after his wife for their wedding anniversary. This is how they end up hosting their first benefit dinner. It’s completely unlike any of the ones he’d ever been to in the past. Instead of snobby, old, rich, white people, it’s a host of diversity that better reflects the world they live in. Y/n had reached out to all of the black female lawyers she knew across the country, and they had come--and brought friends--in droves. Shawn had just barely reached out to some of the people he knew in the industry and a similar result had occurred. He knew the day he looked at the guest list to see Oprah there--a name definitely not in his contacts--that something magical was occurring.
The night of the benefit there was a black carpet, because his wife was all about symbolism, and the media had turned up ready to ask everyone questions about the event that night. His wife was right beside him--her body draped in the most beautiful, bright yellow gown that hit right below her collarbones and fell down in waves. It was his favorite color on her by far, and it only added to pride of being on her arm that night. He might have pulled the initial things together to make it happen, but it was his wife’s night through and through. Little did he know how much they would have to fight for that.
“You look absolutely magnificent.” He mumbled as they headed for the carpet.
She had fau loxs put in for the occasion and they fell all the way to her waist in a very Rihanna like fashion. He was so in love with her it was ridiculous.
Ella was with them that night at his wife’s insistence that they if they were going to have a foundation for black girls to learn about law, then they should probably bring their black daughter with them. Ella sat on her father’s hip, clad in the very beautiful dress that she’d picked out all by herself, face hidden from the cameras as they walked. They stood together, his arm touching the small of her back as they allowed the photographers to go crazy. She smiled a special smile for him though and squeezed at his arm.
“You look good too, baby. I told you, black looks good on you. And not just when it’s me.” She smirked smoothing out his suit.
“That joke never gets old either.” He chuckled.
He walks just slightly to the side of her to make sure he doesn’t step on her dress, something that had taken him years of practice, and shifted Ella’s weight slightly in his arms.
“You okay, honey?”
She tightened her arms around her father's neck. “It’s too bright daddy.”
There was an irrational feeling in his chest that told him he should break every camera in the venue if it meant taking the frown off his little girl’s face. His wife would call that absolutely ridiculous though, so he didn’t voice it.
“I know baby girl. It’s okay. You don’t have to look at the cameras. We’re just here to support Mommy tonight. And as soon as we're done in here, we’ll got inside and daddy will find you a snack okay?”
Y/n rolled her eyes playfully. “It’s a dinner, Shawn. Don’t promise that girl a snack.”
“Our baby girl is hungry, y/n. This is our banquet, I will find my baby a snack.”
“Oh lord, c’mon you two!”
Shawn had been doing interviews so long, that he couldn’t quite remember a time when he didn’t know how to do them anymore. So, red--or black--carpets were less stressful than they had once been. His wife had never gotten the media training that he’d received, but that didn’t stop her from being poised and brilliant and wonderful. Especially in the face of ignorance.
The first interviewer didn’t acknowledge his wife, or even the foundation really, at all. They asked if he would be playing tonight, how he’d found time to start a foundation in the middle of a world tour, and when he explained that the work was all of his wife’s they almost blatantly ignored him. By the third interview he saw the same look on her face that appeared every time she got followed around a store by a security guard even when they were together, or the time the cops had somehow gotten called on her when they hadn’t moved in together yet and she was visiting his condo in Toronto. It wasn’t one of disbelief, but one of resignation, of acceptance. He hated that look on her face. It never failed to break his heart, and then to make him incredibly angry. By the fourth interview, he was completely and utterly over it.
“Hello Mr. and Mrs. Mendes. First question of the night how does it feel to have started your own foundation?”
Y/n turned politely to him expecting him to answer on behalf of them, and he squeezed reassuringly at her hip.
“No, babe you answer.”
She smiled warmly. “It’s a dream come true for the both of us. I’ve wanted to help little girls who look like me my whole life, and it’s an honor to get to this really necessary work.”
“Of course. And Shawn this has been quite the year for you, two-time grammy winner, successful world tour, another successful album. How do you find time to manage it all?”
“Actually tonight is about the work my wife is doing. It’s not about me, so I don’t really want to answer that.” He blinked. “Do you have anymore questions for her?”
His wife turned that eyebrow of hers that was capable of at least sixty different expressions on him. If he had to guess, and he’d grown good at guessing in their years of being together, this particular eyebrow was saying something along the lines of, “okay, sir, I see you!”
The interview falters a little bit, moving through card after card, in hopes of not fucking things up further.
“A--Actually I do.. I’m wondering what the impact of being in a interracial marriage has on the work that you do both for the foundation and in your daily life.”
“I uh...For me it doesn’t erase my blackness. It doesn’t erase my child’s blackness. It serves as an eye opener for sure. Sometimes I cannot tell if people in his industry are ignoring me because I’m black, or because I’m a woman, or some hybrid of the two. And I know that there are always going to be people who don’t get it, who look at the work that we’re doing and say that it’s unnecessary. I am privileged in that I married someone who does get it, and on top of that is willing to put himself at the forefront of change for myself, for our daughter, for anyone who looks like us. And that’s all that I could ever ask for. That’s all that matters to me.”
She took his hand and squeezed it lovingly in her own. When they leave that interviewer he can’t focus on anything but her because she’s truly just that incredible of a human being. And there’s a feeling in his gut that it will be never be enough. That he could work twenty-four hours a day and yell at every interviewer about the injustices that people were facing every day, and he still wouldn’t change everyone’s mind. He could never fully erase the burden for her, and yet here she was treating him like he’d done something grand. It meant the world to him, but it also just made him want to do more, whatever that meant. He thought that maybe that night was a good first start though.
That night, after everything went off without a hitch, he pulled her to the dance floor, Ella still wrapped around his neck, but now with the addition of his wife squeezing her from the other side too. With the two ladies in his life, there’s nothing more he could ask for. Ella’s asleep on one side of his neck and she’s pressed lovingly to the other. He’s on cloud nine.
“I love you so much.” He whispered kissing at her hair. “You’re so beautiful, baby.”
She smiled up at him, the whiteness of her teeth a wondrous glint against her brilliant skin.
“I love you, Shawn. Thank you for making tonight happen.”
“Hey, you made tonight happen okay? You put all of this together. Not me. You deserve the credit, you hear me?”
Her eyes brightened and her smile only got bigger and his heart only got heavier in his chest because how could anyone ever love anyone the way that he loved her?
“I hear you. Now kiss me, dammit.”
That was one wish he could definitely grant.
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littlekidsteve · 6 years
Spooky-spooks and I love you.
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Inspired by this Anon.
Shawn Mendes X best friend to lovers!POC!reader 
(Please note that most of my fan fictions are mainly aimed at darker readers unless stated any photos used are mainly there for reference, thank you for understanding, love you.)
TW- Tiny bit of angst, name calling, Alcohol use, hint of BuckyNat (back off haters I WILL die with that ship.)
A/N- I’m sorry if this was late. I have been busy with college and I wrote this one but it didn't upload so I hope you like this. Requests are always welcomed here lovelies so come on down :D
The party was in full swing, drinks where flowing from left to right,and people where enjoying themselves as they danced in the middle of the big dance floor. This party was important to you as it was your first ever celebrity party, Taylor (Swift) invited Shawn to one of her Halloween parties and he invited you as his plus one. You stood in one corner of the room with a cup full of punch in hand, you stood there in a black skin tight jumpsuit, the fabric hugged you perfectly. 
Shawn spotted you in the corner of hall he swore his heart stopped in his chested, for the longest time he had feeling for you but he was scared to loose such a wonderful friendship, from the first time he met you he made it his prime objective to protect you from his hectic lifestyle and every mean word he heard about you.
You admired him from a far for awhile wondering how lucky you are to have him in your life, his costume looked amazing on him, he looked amazing. Afterwards, you made your way through the crowd and sat right next to him.
"So the arm I made you fits then Bucky." you stroked his left arm, feeling the prop you made for him months before.
"It fits like a glove Natasha." He ruffled your red wig and then you both burst out laughing.
You held onto him tight while trying to compose yourself and your feelings for him, it felt as if it was only the two of you in the room. Before you could do anything you snapped out of your trance and excused yourself.
“Do you fancy a drink there Mendes?” You asked.
“Yeah sure, thank you beautiful.“ The pet name made you heat up. You got up and went to the bar.
“Two Budweiser please (A/N- I’m really not sure if Shawn would drink this brand of beer but it’s one of my favourite.)“ You called out to the bartender, as you do, you over heard a conversation that went on beside you-
“Oh my god. Did you see that slut that Shawn was hanging out? Talk about trashy.“
“Yeah. Oh my days, Mendes could of picked someone interesting at least. “
“She is such a bore I’m surprised that he didn’t die of boredom.“
They both burst out laughing, the tears already flowing as your heart broke at the thought of Shawn not loving you because you are not famous or interesting or even beautiful.
The bartender looked at you with sorrowful eyes, as if to say that they pity you, as they hand you your beers.
You went back to Shawn. He was already half way through a conversation before he noticed your tear stained face. As on cue, his hands wrapped themselves around your waist and pulled you into a warm embrace and held you there.
“Princess whats wrong?” He asked.
“I want to go home please.” You whispered into his side as you carried on to cry.
“Are you sure?“ He pulled you face up so he can look into your dark eyes.
“I’m sure.“ It was the only thing you managed to choke out.
The car ride was long and suffocating. Not one word was spoken. The words of not just tonight but everyday replayed in your mind, everyday you question god why you and Shawn became friends, everyday you wonder why. 
“Shawn...“ You hesitated.
“Shawn, What do you see in me? what do you see in me that makes you want to keep me around? I-I’m not interesting, I’m not cool nor fun, I’m just a regular person who no ones would care about look at me, I’m a mess.” You began to cry hard again this time you felt more better now that it is out of your system.
The Jeep halted to a stop outside your apartment complex.
“(Y/N) why on earth would you asked that?“ His eye brows knitted together in confusion. You had no words to reply with so you just look at him.
“If it is about the headlines forget about them please. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me. you’re not like the other people I hang out with, the day I met you I knew that I wanted to be with you forever and settle down with you and have a normal life because when all this is over and done with and everyone has left I know that you’ll be here for me,“ He paused for a little longer then he said those three magic words that changed everything,
“I love you so so much (Y/N).“ 
You leaned in and pulled him closer, you closed the gap and placed your plump lips onto his.The moment was perfect even better than any movie you have watched, after a while you both pulled away from each other with a smile plastered on your faces.
“I love you from now to forever.“ You whispered into his ears.
And with that you said your goodbyes and left.
The next morning you woke up to the sound of your phone buzzing a ringing, you opened up your phone to find thousands of instagram mentions. You couldn’t help but feel loved upon what you saw-
a photo of you and Shawn from the day before with the caption-
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shawnmendes: Say all you want about (Y/N Instagram name) but I love her to the moon and back and you are never going change. You may call her boring, dull, and ugly, however, you don’t know her like I do. She bring the sun into my life, she pulls me back down when fame gets to my head, she is beautiful, kind, funny, and she is the type of normal I want to spend the rest of my life. I’ve known her for 5 years and they have been the best five years of my life and I’m grateful for every single second. I love you (Y/N).
No matter what, you knew that you have him and he has you.
A/N- I hope you enjoyed it. I’m so sorry for being away for so long I have been doing a lot of work for my drama course, Guess who got the role of Christmas in the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe... I DID :D so I’ve been busy with that also I tried writing this before but it deleted itself so again if its not the best I’m sorry. 
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gentlemanmendes · 5 years
I’m not Muslim but I love how you wrote fics with Muslim characters. I really appreciate it. You don’t see too many pics with someone with a different culture or POC. As a black girl, I RARELY see fics with the girl being black. I haven’t found a Mendes one but I’m on the look out. 👀 It feels so good being able to relate to the characters. idK JUST THANK YOU 🙏🏾
Awe thank you so much! I defiantly wanted something I could relate to which is why in my series Philophobia the main girl starts out not religious but then she becomes religious because I think it's important not only to grow as a person but learn to be proud of who you are. I wish I could write something about shawn x a POC but I'm scared I would write it wrong. I think it's a great way to subconsciously educate people which is what I did with my Ramadan one just to open people's eyes a little as to hat it was.
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vennilavee · 6 years
lost in Japan
Pairing: lance tucker x poc reader
Summary: lance is away at the olympics and you feel his absence.
Warnings: cursing, mentions of smut
Word Count: 2383
A/N: I can’t get this dude outta my head lmao. listen to 3:15 by bazzi for a prelude to this. then listen to lost in japan by shawn mendes. sorry if my tenses are off, that always messes me up no matter how many times I re-read before I post. enjoy, thanks for being here
Nights before Lance has to leave are always the hardest for both of you. He thinks maybe, just maybe, if he stays awake as long as he can, he never has to leave you. And he can just stay in your arms, waiting for a time that will never come.
But time does come as he gives you something slow, and sweet to remember him by early in the morning before he has to leave. Lance’s touches are slow and electric, lazy and charged, his movements into you languid as his hands cup your face. Despite his unhurried movements, he has you reaching new heights and seeing stars with whispers of his name on your tongue.
For someone who was a self-proclaimed asshole, he sure was sweet and tender with you.
You help him pack for the remainder of the morning, sneaking in more than a few kisses that resulted in another round of sex on the couch. 
You take him to the airport, never letting go of his hand the entire drive there.
Lance gives you a big kiss just before the gate, lifting you up in his arms and you yelped in his arms but respond immediately, feeling everyone at the airport melt away from the both of you. His team cheers behind you and you pull away, a little dazed.
“Something to remember me by,” Lance winks at you, “I’m so romantic, aren’t I?”
“Yeah, right,” You roll your eyes with a smirk, “The only thing more romantic than that is if you proposed to me right now.”
“I love you, princess,” Lance says earnestly, kissing your forehead. He ignores the calls of his name from behind him.
“Good luck, baby. I’ll be watching. Be safe, call me when you land?” You suddenly feel vulnerable. He gives you one last hug and kisses your hair again before making his way over to the gate. 
He gives you one last wave, and turns around, knowing that if he sees your doe eyes, he wouldn’t be able to resist dragging you along with him.
Distance used to just be a word for you- a word to define how far a place was from another place. Distance was a word you used usually to describe places, not people. Even when you spent weeks, months away from your family, you didn’t really feel it. Of course, you missed them, but not in that bone crushing way that made your heart ache in your chest at the mere thought of their voices.
No, that was reserved for Lance Tucker. You both had recently moved in together, deciding that the original distance between the two of you was too much. You had picked up your things and moved into a new apartment with him near the training gym that Lance had become head coach of gymnastics at.
The decision to leave wasn’t even really much of a debate, to your surprise. You hadn’t hesitated when he broached the subject. Lance was half of your heart now, and any sacrifice you made for him wasn’t truly a sacrifice. Because you loved him, and you would never hold it against him. 
The old, single you would probably have scoffed at the current you. Independence was a label you wore proudly. You still were independent, but in a different way. In the way that you had learned how to exist in a long distance relationship while giving both him and yourself what you both needed. Lance has taught you so much about yourself. He has showed you hidden gems and treasures about yourself that he has proudly pulled out of you. Treasures that you didn’t even think you had.
It was serious. That scared you at first, causing you to shirk away from him a little bit, initially. But he knew you better than you did apparently, because he had given you space for a little bit before confessing to you that he was in this for the long haul, if you were.
Lance was a different person, too. He knew within the first month of dating you that he was in this for the long haul. You both had been surprised when he was the first one to say ‘I love you’- it had slipped out when you had tried your hand at baking brownies for his entire gymnastics team. 
Of course, they came out terribly, but he made his team pretend to enjoy the taste of your sugary cardboard, for your benefit. At least out of the pair of them, one of them could cook- and it wasn’t you.
Lance was in Tokyo for the Olympics this year and you were so incredibly jealous- you have always wanted to go to Japan. He had begged you to come but you couldn’t leave work for that long.
FaceTime wasn’t enough, phone calls weren’t enough, pictures weren’t enough. You feel his absence the most when you slept at night. The apartment didn’t feel right without him in it and your bed was empty without him next to you to hold you close to him.
He was your very own space heater, after all.
Hanging up with him during your last FaceTime call had been particularly painful for you. Your schedules only seemed to match up when it was late at night for you and mid afternoon for him. Lance felt bad keeping you awake, but you didn’t care. 
“How are the girls doing? Keeping them hydrated and happy?” You asked with a yawn. You’ve wrapped yourself in one of his hoodies and are laying on his side of the bed. His scent is barely there, but you lay there anyway. It still gives you comfort.
“They’re nervous. Excited but nervous,” Lance said. You heard his own nerves in his voice and you wish you were there with him to soothe them.
“They’re going to shine, Tuck,” You reassured him with a smile, “You’re their teacher after all.”
“They miss you, you know. Keep buggin’ me about why I didn’t bring you with me. Leila said she misses your brownies,” Lance snickered and you feigned hurt.
“Hey! My brownies are good!” You protested with a pout.
“Don’t pout at me, baby girl,” Lance murmured, “Makes me wish I could kiss you.”
“For the last time, I’m not having phone sex with you,” You said with a giggle. 
“I wasn’t trying to-” Lance sighed, “Okay, maybe a little bit.” 
Your smile faded slowly and you sighed heavily.
“I really miss you. My heart misses you,” You said sleepily, “You’re my whole heart, you know that right?”
“You’re my whole heart, princess,” He said, wishing you could be with him, “I love you.”
Before you knew it, tears sprung into your eyes and trickled down your face. It’s only been two weeks, and you’ve gone longer without seeing him. But this time just feels worse, somehow.
You had made the decision right then that you were going to surprise him in Tokyo. The thought makes you sleep a little easier, and when you wake up the next morning, the first thing you do is purchase plane tickets for the next flight you can take out to Japan.
Lance is cranky, to say the least. It takes almost all of his self-control to stop himself from snapping at his girls, at his staff, at everyone. They all look at him with a mixture of pity and annoyance. They know his attitude is because of your absence.
It doesn’t help that when he tried calling you, since the mere sound of your voice always calmed him down, you hadn’t picked up. He almost chucked his phone at the wall but restrained himself. 
Maybe you were just busy at work, he thinks to himself. Or maybe, you decided that you couldn’t do this anymore- the distance was too much.
No, he forces himself to steer away from that train of thought. You would never do him dirty like that. He trusts you, he loves you.
Lance repeats those words to himself in his head like a mantra, waiting for you to call him back.
Hours go by, and you still haven’t called him back. Lance is annoyed, taking out his irritation on his girls. You’d scold him for doing so. But you won’t even answer his texts or his phone calls. So he sits in his room and pouts, staring at his phone as if it’s wronged him.
Tokyo is absolutely breathtaking, you decide as you scan the city from the airport windows. It’s around 1:15 AM local time when you’ve landed and the city lights are comforting and encouraging, despite you being alone in a brand new city. 
The airport itself is frenetic with energy, people pushing past you quickly while you soak all of it in. You’re a little tired from being unable to sleep properly on the flight, but you barely feel it because you’re bouncing off the walls with excitement at being able to see Lance soon.
You probably stick out like a sore thumb, with cluelessness painted all over your face. You’ve managed to call Lance’s assistant ahead of time so that he could let you into the Olympic Village undetected. You expect to be thoroughly checked through security prior to arriving to the village, since you hadn’t arrived with the rest of the team.
You don’t care though, because that means you’re one step closer to being with Lance. Giddiness bursts in your chest at that thought.
It’s nearing 2:30 AM local time by the time you’re knocking on Lance’s door. The exhaustion is catching up to you now, but your heart is racing in anticipation. Something warm spreads throughout you as your knuckles rapping against the door in nervousness.
You wait a minute and frown when you hear no movement behind the door. Lance wasn’t that heavy of a sleeper. You knock again, a little louder while dialing his number on your phone. You hear his ringer go off and he’s probably groaning at the sound. But he answers-
“Hello?” Lance’s voices is hoarse with fatigue. You knock again, whispering a soft greeting so he doesn’t know you’re behind the door. He can barely hear you, but he’s still adjusting to all the noises around him.
He grumbles, cursing under his breath before he throws the door open, ready to curse whoever is knocking at his door at 2:30 AM into oblivion. 
But it’s you. Lance blinks at you with wide eyes, the neurons in his brain firing slower than usual. It’s you- your curly hair is tied up in a ponytail, you’re wearing one of his hoodies and a suitcase is standing on your right side. Your brown eyes are tinged with fatigue, your glasses sliding down your nose, but your smile is shy.
It’s really you. 
“You got plans tonight, baby?” You ask meekly. Lance yanks you to him by your forearm and you squeak, before he crushes you to his chest. His embrace is so tight that you need a minute to breathe. But this is your favorite place to be. 
He’s the missing puzzle piece that you’ve been looking for.
It’s only been two weeks, two very long weeks, but he feels your absence even more now that you’re in his arms.
“How did you- what are you- how was your flight?” He tugs your suitcase into his room, refusing to take his eyes off of you. The dark circles under his eyes are prominent, and you know he’s been stressed. 
“Long,” You reply, “I was a couple hundred miles from Japan and I... just couldn’t get you off my mind.” It was corny, but it was true. 
Lance presses his lips to yours hastily and you sigh contentedly, letting him push you up against the wall behind you. He lifts you up easily and your legs wrap around his waist, tugging him closer to you. He pulls away and rests his forehead on yours, trailing a finger down your jawline.
“You need to sleep, boo,” You whisper, “I didn’t mean to wake you-”
He shushes you with a kiss but you feel bad, you really do.
“You missed my dick so much that you flew all the way out here?” He teases you with a smirk.
“Yeah, I flew three-thousand or so miles because of your stroke game, Tuck,” You roll your eyes fondly, “Don’t flatter yourself.”
“I missed you, too,” Lance murmurs, his hands roaming your sides, under your shirt, “I was mad at you today.”
“Oh yeah? Why’s that?” You ask curiously, raking your fingers through his hair. You missed this.
“You didn’t answer any of my phone calls,” He pouts at you and you laugh. 
“Don’t pout at me, baby. Makes me wish I could kiss you,” You mimic his words from the other night, “I hope you haven’t been annoying with the girls. You’re a menace when you’re cranky.”
“That’s so incredibly rude,” Lance says, pretending to be affronted. You kiss his cheek and leave his embrace, telling him that you’re going to take a shower to wash off the plane ride. You force him to get back into bed and at least close his eyes a little before you get in the shower. He protests, wanting to join you, but you lock the door behind you.
You know he’ll be awake waiting for you, so you make it quick. By the end of your shower, your heart feels a little more at ease. Your skin smells like him.
Lance moves over for you and you slide into bed next to him. You’ve become so accustomed to the bed you have at home that you have to spend a few moments fidgeting to get comfortable. Lance tucks you under him and envelopes you with more than half of his body. His head is in the crook of your neck, his hands loosely on your waist. You hum happily under him, your hands trailing up and down his bare chest. Your fingers travel up to his hair, and his eyes begin to close as you play with his hair. That always gets him to sleep quickly.
You allow yourself to sleep when you hear his breaths even out against your neck. You both sleep better than you’ve slept in days.
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Ok not to be that porn rots your brain person but porn totally rots your brain because I'm seeing way too many people using twinky straight white celebrities as some kind of meme based avatar for bottom identity and I have HAD it.
And it's usually accompanied by like queer poc blindness like a non white gay could stand on a street corner and scream about how they wanna take a whole mile of dick and there'd be gays standing by being like... idk... they don't look like Shawn Mendes :/ maybe if you're into...that sort of thing
Skinny whites are not the default dick takers and if that's where your mind goes then that's a problem like for the love of god X out of pornhub and get some help
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lady-thor-foster · 7 years
Asgardian Valentine // Thor x Reader
Pairing: Thor x Reader (POC), Slight Winter/Widow and Scarlett/Vision, Bonus Steve, Tony, Bruce, Pietro and Sam. Word Count: 2.2k+ Warning: Super cute Valentines fluff, pls enjoy this holiday fluff. Summary: Despite not being one to celebrate the holiday, Reader is a big help to the others. Vision still can’t cook by himself. Pietro is precious. Feelings are hard. Thor is a sweet giant dork, pass it on.  
A/N: Okay I was really inspired to write this because I don’t see a lot of Thor fics (that aren’t Loki centered) and the LOML needs more love ya know? Also look a that gif. Look at him. I love him send help. 
Inspiration: “Roses” ~ Shawn Mendes “You can tell me to stop if you already know Though I’m not sure my heart can take it But the look on your face says don’t let me go … And I have to be honest with you baby Tell me if I’m wrong and this is crazy But I got you this rose and I need to know Will you let it die or let it go?”
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You’d completely forgotten about Valentine’s Day. Hell, someone in your line of work never had much time for the smaller holidays anyway. The heightened antics around the Compound clued you in; romance was in the air.
Eating breakfast in the Team kitchen was always eventful. Today was no exception. Despite the fact that you weren’t an official Avenger, the Team still considered you a member of the family, however reclusive you may be. Fixing yourself a small bowl of cereal for breakfast you settled in at the island. Vision was frantically trying his hardest not to burn the surprise waffles he was making for Wanda. He was veritably perfect in nearly every way, but cooking was the only thing that escaped him.
“I followed the recipe exactly, I don’t understand why they keep burning,” he mumbled mostly to himself. You couldn’t help but giggle; his dedication was certainly impressive. Finishing your breakfast, you decided to help him out.
“Would you like some help, Vis?” Despite your best efforts, you couldn’t keep the smile out of your voice.
“Yes, if you please. You’re very kind to offer.”
“The secret is to veer off recipe. Every waffle maker is different.” He smiled warmly at you.
Under your tutelage, Vision managed to make a very delicious breakfast tray for Wanda. He thanked you profusely when you offered to take care of the cleanup while he surprised the still sleeping witch. Smiling to yourself, you set to work on cleaning the kitchen.
You were nearly done with kitchen clean up when Bucky wandered in the kitchen with a bouquet of roses looking frazzled. You were half tempted to chuckle but something stopped you. He paced frantically, mumbling quietly to himself. Rose petals began falling to the floor.
“Something wrong, Barnes?” you asked. He didn’t respond immediately. He seemed to stare completely through you. Sometimes those clear blue eyes of his were unnerving.
“I just…need everything to be perfect, you know? Natasha, she’s—I mean, she’s everything and I just need everything to be perfect.”
A wave of understanding coursed through you. He and Natasha had been a couple only a few months but the way they were together seemed as though they’d been that way all their lives. Setting aside the last of the dishes and drying your hands, you moved to stand in front of Bucky. Gripping his worried face in your hands, you forced him to stop pacing and look at you.
“Barnes, I’m sure whatever you have in mind will be absolutely flawless. She’s going to love it just because you took the time and effort to plan it out. Trust me, it’ll be fantastic,” you said. He visibly relaxed under your assurances. Suddenly his lady-killer smile lit up his entire face; with a wink he thanked you. You watched him saunter off to impress the love of his life. With a small smile on your face, you couldn’t help but feeling a little envious; you missed Thor.
Unbeknownst to you, Thor had enlisted the help of Steve, Tony and Bruce to plan your Valentine’s surprise. The boys were working as quickly as they could to cover your room in the thousands of Asgardian flowers Thor brought back from his secret trip. It was his first Valentine’s with a Midgardian and he wanted it to be the best one he could create. Tony and Steve spent the last two weeks teaching Thor different romantic techniques they thought would help him impress you. Bruce stood off to the side laughing at their collective ridiculousness. Romance had never been his forte.
“[Y/N] is approaching the room, sir,” alerted FRIDAY. Thor froze in panic. They weren’t ready yet!
“Quick, Steve, go distract her!” Tony half whispered.
“Me? Why me? Why not you? Everyone knows you’re the king of distractions,” Steve sassed back.
“That’s not—that’s a very good point actually. Thor needs me and Bruce here to set up the projection system, so it has to be you.” Bruce was busy setting up the laptop to stream Thor’s surprise to the silk screen Tony was currently installing in your ceiling. Steve sighed in resignation. He left your room only to collide with you in the hallway.
“Oh shit, are you okay, Cap?” you asked rubbing your nose.
“I’m alright, [Y/N]. Seems like I should be asking you that question,” he laughed. You shot him half a smile; the pain in your nose faded quickly. Wait…what was Steve doing in your room?
“…Isn’t that….my room?”
“Uh yeah, Tony needed my help with some of the upgrades he’s doing,” he half lied. Lucky for him, he was believable.
“Have you had lunch yet?”
“It’s only 11 am, Steve.”
“All I’m hearing is ‘feed me, Steve’.”
“Hahaha, okay. What did you have in mind?” He led you away from your room and back to the kitchen. Even though Steve was doing his best to distract you, the feeling he was hiding something was unshakable. What was going on??
When the sound of voices faded away completely, Bruce gave the all clear sign. A uniform sigh of relief echoed through the room. Tony finished installing the screen and was showing Thor how to work the remote to raise and lower it. Bruce put the final touches on the laptop projection set up. The flowers were beautifully arranged around your room. An assortment of chocolate kisses and jolly ranchers were scattered across your bed. A stack of your favourite movies and a large bowl of popcorn were set up on your nightstand. Everything was perfect.
“You sure you got it, ThunderBoy? I’m happy to give you another tutorial,” Tony teased.
“I’m from another world, Tony. I’m not an idiot.” Between Thor’s annoyed stare and Tony’s shocked face, Bruce couldn’t help but laugh out loud.  
“I keep telling him that, but his ego prevents him from believing people can be smarter than him,” laughed Bruce.
“Okay, okay. That’s enough making fun of Tony. I get it, I’m an ass sometimes. You want me to go get her?”
Thor nodded graciously, “Please.”
Who knew Steve Rogers was such a crack up? Your lunch was long forgotten since you, Sam and Pietro were doubled over with laughter.
“Did you really tell him ‘I can do this all day?’” Your sides and cheeks ached; Steve was doing a damn good job of cheering you up.
“What can I say,” Steve replied, “I’ve never been one to back down from a bully.”
At this point Pietro had fallen to the floor laughing uncontrollably. You weren’t sure what was funnier: Pietro making a complete fool of himself, Sam laughing like an idiot at him or Steve’s beet red face as he was telling embarrassing stories from his pre-serum days. Tony strode into the room, clapping his hands for attention; even in his pjs he had to make an entrance. Bruce trailed in less ostentatiously behind him. You rolled your eyes at his antics.
“What’s up, Stark?”
“A certain Asgardian deity as requested the presence of [Y/N] in her chambers,” he said with a sly smirk. Your face lit up like a Christmas tree. Thor was back!
“If you lovely gentlemen would excuse me,” you stated. They grinned mischievously at you. Something was definitely up.
Thor paced your room nervously awaiting your arrival. He’d never been lucky enough to plan something so extravagant or romantic for someone. Even though the two of you were just friends, he hoped you would be open to something a little more. He hoped you’d love it. He hoped you’d love him. Your heart raced in anticipation; your friendship with your favourite Avenger was arguably the best thing about living on the Compound. If you were more honest with yourself, you’d admit friendship wasn’t the only reason you loved spending time with him. Nothing could have prepared you for what awaited you in your room.
Thor heard the door open and glanced up anxiously. You were utterly frozen in the doorway. Your spy training made your face nearly impossible to read; Thor’s enhanced hearing picked up the pounding of your heart. He hoped that was a good thing.
“Holy…” you breathed. The sight of nearly two thousand Asgardian lilies covering the entirety of your room stole your breath away. It only seemed to get better from there. A trail of petals formed a path from the door to the bed. Two kinds of your favourite candy decorated the mattress. Your eyes finally settled on a nervous Asgardian in the middle of the room. You gasped softly. Standing before you, dressed in a red v neck and faded jeans was the man who had somehow managed to build a home in your heart. He looked beautiful.
“Do you like it?” he whispered.
Words were lost to you. Your mind was blank with shock. Reacting on nothing but pure instinct, you launched yourself into Thor’s arms. A gentle ‘oof’ escaped his mouth when he caught you; he laughed and picked you up easily. Burying your face into his neck, you wrapped your legs around his waist. You could feel his heart pumping in rhythm with yours. Home.
Thor wasn’t sure what kind of reaction he’d get from you when you finally saw your surprise. This was everything. Holding you in his arms, your heartbeat in total sync with his was nothing short of perfection. If this is the kind of reaction he’d get then Valentine’s Day was definitely a Midgardian holiday he’d have to celebrate more often.
“I missed you so much, Thor,” you murmured into his neck.
“I missed you too, Princess,” he said into your hair. He shifted underneath you and you became painfully aware that you were indeed wrapped around his waist like a child. Way to go, [Y/N]. That’s not obvious at all. Quickly dislodging yourself from your friend, you stepped back and grinned sheepishly.
“Sorry,” you mumbled. His deep laughter echoed through the room. Hooking his finger under your chin, he lifted your embarrassed face to meet his gaze. You were thankful your dark skin prevented you from visibly blushing. A warm smile and eyes you could absolutely get lost in greeted you kindly.
“Please don’t be embarrassed. I don’t mind.” He pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head. Oh no, you were already addicted to the feeling of his lips on your skin. Oh no.
Clearing your throat, you gestured around the room. “Did you really do all this for me?”
“Yes. I did however, have some help. I was told grand gestures of romance were the best way to tell someone how you feel about them.” He watched your perfectly groomed eyebrows furrow in confusion. Did he just say…?
“How you feel…?” You couldn’t bring yourself to cross that bridge just yet.  Feeling slightly lightheaded, you decided sitting down was the safest option to receive his news. Thor sat next to you, taking your hands in his. His oceanic blue eyes were hopeful; you could stare at them until the end of time. He opened his mouth to speak but the words escaped him. For once he wished he had Loki’s gift of word craft or Baldr’s gift for poetry. He saw your face fall. Surely you couldn’t think he didn’t love you? Since words failed him, he decided to do what he’s always done best: take action.
To say you were stunned when Thor kissed you was the understatement of the century. His massive hands dwarfed your face as he softly pressed his lips to yours. An astonished squeak escaped your throat. He pulled away quickly, searching your face for any kind of rejection.
In moments like these, you were horrendously notorious for putting your foot in your mouth. So, you did the only thing you could think of; you kissed him back. Thor’s eyes widened briefly in surprise before shutting in relief; you wanted him too. Kissing Thor was definitely better the second time around. His lips were impossibly soft against yours. Your fingers found their way into his hair and he nipped your bottom lip in response. Happy Valentine’s Day to you. Much to your disappointment, Thor pulled away again.
“As much as I would greatly enjoy a continuance, there is more to your surprise,” he said breathlessly. Cocking your head to the side, you looked at him in confusion. What more could he have? He pulled a small silver remote from his pocket and pressed a few buttons. The windows were suddenly darkened with black out shades and an illuminated silver screen lowered itself from your ceiling. He pressed more buttons; the faint whirring of a projector echoed softly.   The opening credits of a favourite movie of yours glowed brightly on the screen. Tony had outdone himself!  Clearing away some of the candy, you and Thor got comfortable on your bed. He tucked you into his side and handed you the bowl of popcorn. He really planned it all.
“Is there anything else that’s supposed to appear from the ceiling or did we cover everything?” you asked with a cheesy grin on your face. His responding laughter shook the mattress, dislodging some of the candy.
“That is indeed everything,” he grinned. Satisfied there weren’t any more hidden surprises, you pulled him in for another kiss.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Thor.”
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Princess.”
Tags (OPEN) (if I missed you or you’d like to be added pls let me know!)
@emilyevanston @lancefuckrr @mdakotaq @negasonic-teenage-what-da-shit 
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spookysanta · 5 years
Where Were You In the Morning? (s.m.)
Summary: Mornings in the Mendes family.
Pairing: Shawn Mendes x Reader
WARNINGS: bad writing
this is just a lil fic i’ve been writing on the side! please continue to vote on my other post! i’m finishing that one up in the next few hours, but that’ll (hopefully) be a fic series that’ll keep me occupied in the coming weeks.
enjoy if you want :)
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“Good morning, my precious girl.” Shawn cooed to his daughter at eight a.m., the usual time for them to begin their daily shenanigans when he’s home. “How are you today?”
“Mm.” She muttered into his shoulder as he carried her to the changing station in her room, taking off last night’s dirty pamper, using a wipe to wipe her clean, put baby powder on her, and put her in a clean one. “Good.”
He picked her back up again, carrying her to his and his wife’s room, laying her down on their bed in his spot and putting a few pillows around her frame so that she can go back to sleep if she wanted. Then he went into his office, where he calls his “writing room”. Which, ironically, is the room where he writes his music, but he also writes “thank you” letters to venues and event promoters, and plays chess with Cez when he’s absolutely tired of working. 
Back in the bedroom, Angel sat herself up and crawled over the pillow mountain her Daddy made, laying her fluff of chocolatey curls on her Mama’s pillow. “Hi, Mama.” She giggled through her endless wall of hair. 
(Y/N) gently pushed Angel’s hair back with a sleepy smile. “Hello, my love.” 
“Mama, we play today?” 
“Yes, we can play today. Do you want to go to the park?”
Angel’s little hazel eyes widened in excitement. “Park?”
“Yep. Park. We can do swings, the slide, the monkey bars, anything.”
“Daddy come too?” She asked. “Daddy come and push me?”
“Well, how about we ask Daddy after we eat and we’ll see. Okay?”
“Kay. Want “faffles”, Mama.”
“You want waffles for breakfast?” (Y/N) asked the little girl, already certain that waffles with bacon and eggs was what she wanted to eat. That’s what she wants to eat everyday, and sugary oatmeal with strawberries on the rarest of occasions. She picked Angel up and carried her to the kitchen, sitting her in her highchair and giving her some apple juice to keep her (relatively) quiet while (Y/N) cooked for the three of them. She started to fry the bacon in the pan, humming a random tune while her fiancé padded quietly into the kitchen.  She squealed when she felt him hug her from behind and kiss her shoulder. “Hi.”
He took a swift inhale of her hair and drowned in the scent of strawberries and honey. “Hey.” He mumbled, pinching the revealed skin on her hip right by the “S” tattoo in tiny lettering. “Plans for today?”
“Angel wants to go to the park.” She replied, flipping the bacon out of the pan and moving it to the back burner to cool while she started making waffles. “And she very specifically said she wanted her Daddy to come, too.”
“Of course!” His body was still laced in hers and he smiled to himself, kissing her twice--once behind her ear and again on her brown cheek. He really loved this woman with everything he had. Since their third date, he knew that this was the woman he was going to marry; and he liked to think that she knew that as well. They both fell hard and fast, so they dated for four months, said their “I love you”s before his Illuminate tour, and then when he got back, they moved in together. They weren’t married yet and neither of them minded that. He was just grateful she said yes to his proposal in the first place. 
“Why are you all smiley?” She looked over her shoulder and chuckled. 
“I just love you. I’m so lucky to have such an amazing woman by my side.” He squeezed her in his arms a bit longer, then let go before going over to Angel and picking her up out of her highchair. “And I’m so grateful that you gave me my little princess.”
“Daddy,” Angel said, her caramel fingers tangled in his necklace. “Daddy, want fruit.”
“You want some fruit?” (Y/N) asked. “I thought you wanted waffles?”
“Want both.”
“A, you can’t have both.” Shawn replied, getting thr fruit out of the refrigerator anyway. “You have to pick.”
“Both, Daddy.” She whined, kicking her feet lightly. “I put syrup on my fruit.”
He scrunched his face as he put her breakfast on a koala ZooPals plate that (Y/N) kept from her childhood. He put cut up bits of half of a waffle on the big part of the plate, with scrambled eggs in one small part, and strawberries and pineapple pieces in the other. He set the plate in front of her, pouring warm maple syrup over her waffles.. and her fruit.
She really is (Y/N)’s weird ass kid, he thought to himself.
“Tank you!” She exclaimed, not bothering to use a fork and sticking her hands in her plate, as most two-year-olds do.
“You’re welcome, beans.” He kissed her forehead, going back to the stove and making he and (Y/N)’s plates and carrying them to the breakfast bar next to Angel. “Baby, what are you looking for?”
“The Rosé,” She mumbled, fumbling around in the refrigerator. “I want to drink.”
“Here,” He reached past her and grabbed the Dom Perignon and orange juice. “let’s make mimosas instead.”
“Mama!” Angel shouted because she wanted attention, and, like both of her parents, she hated when no one was talking to her for longer than five minutes.
“Yes?” Replied (Y/N) as she poured the champagne nearly to the top of a red Solo cup, splashing the tiniest bit of juice after.
“Want juice, pease. Daddy, juice?”
He took out the orange juice and one of her sippy cups, filling it most of the way with juice and the rest of the way with water so it wasn’t super sweet. “Here, beans.”
“Tanks, Daddy. Lub you.” She hummed right before taking a big sip of her juice, licking her pink lips clean of the residue.
“Love you, too.” He pulled the chair out for his fiancée to sit, sitting down, and picking up a piece of bacon from his plate and crunching it in his mouth. “You excited to play at the park today, Angel?”
“Yeah!” She nodded happily. “Daddy, we go on the “swide”?”
“Yeah, babes, we’ll go down the slide all you want, okay? Me, you, and Mama.”
“And den we go get cookies!”
“Cookies?” (Y/N) perked up from slurping her half-assed mimosa. “Beans, you didn’t say anything about cookies.”
“Mama, want cookies after. Daddy get one too.”
“Well, thanks for your generosity.” Shawn snorted to himself. “Glad I’m allowed to participate.”
“Mm. We’ll have to think about that, beans, because we have ice cream here, remember? Daddy bought some when he went to the store last week.”
“Chocolate?” She stared at Shawn’s bacon. “Daddy.....bite?”
He groaned. “Do you want your own piece?”
She shook her head. “No, Daddy, just some yours.”
He got up from his seat, breaking a piece of the bacon (reluctantly), and dropping it in her mouth after her doing that “aaaaahhhh” thing that toddlers do. “There. Happy?”
“Yesh. Nummy, Daddy. I have one?” She asked right as he sat back down.
“Yeah, honey.” He got back up (reluctantly) and got her half of a strip of bacon, breaking it into four pieces for her to munch on. “There you go, bunny.”
“Tank you, Daddy. Lub you lots.”
“Love you too, sweetheart.”
“Lub you, Mama.” She said with a strawberry bit in her mouth. “Lub you so much.”
“Love you too, bugs.”
After breakfast, they’d cleaned up the kitchen. Then (Y/N) took Angel to get washed up and dressed while Shawn did the dishes, setting the toddler on she and Shawn’s bed while she herself got dressed. It was hot today; so she figured she could wear a sundress.
Shawn came upstairs, going into the bathroom and turning on the shower. While it was heating up, he went to their shared dresser to pick out jeans and a t-shirt to wear, and a pair of boxer briefs to go underneath. He put the ensemble on the bed in front of Angel, who was quickly getting sleepy from being full. “Bunny?” He asked her. “You okay?”
“I tired, Daddy.” She rubbed her eye. “Park still?”
“You don’t wanna lay down for a little bit before we go, beans? So that way you won’t be sleepy at the park.” (Y/N) suggested as she brushed her hair into a puff.
“Wanna go now, Mama.” She whined with heavy eyes.
“Alright.” Shawn sighed. “But if we go and you’re asleep in the car, we’re coming home and it’ll be nap time for you.”
She whined again, turning her head away from him because she heard something she didn’t want to hear from her Daddy, the king of giving her what she wants because she said so. “Daddy, park.”
“Okay, bugs, okay. But I mean it! When we get there and you’re sleepies in the car, Daddy’s turning the car around—“
“But Daddy, I sleepies now.” She emphasized, as if her being sleepy now would prevent her from being sleepy in the car.
“You sure you don’t wanna lay down for a bit?” (Y/N) sat next to Angel on the bed, rubbing her back soothingly. “It’s okay if you want to.”
“Mm mm, Mama.” She shook her head lazily. “Wanna go now.”
“Okay, bugs. Daddy’s getting in the shower now, okay? Be right back.” Shawn mumbled, tossing a towel over his shoulder, going into the bathroom, and closing the door with a ‘click!’ of the lock because Angel’s a master of opening doors and wreaking havoc on whatever was taking place on the other side of the door without a care.
(Y/N) got comfortable on the bed next to Angel, the little girl crawling up into her Mama’s lap and laying down on her chest. “Mama?” said Angel quietly, breaking the silence.
“Yes?” Replied (Y/N), looking down at the toddler who was fiddling the hem of her Mama’s sundress.
“Lub you.” She kissed the skin on her Mama’s collarbone, above the breast. “Mwah.”
“I love you too, baby.” She peppered kisses all over the little girl’s face and neck, making the child giggle sleepily.
Moments passed and Shawn soon emerged from the bathroom, body wrapped at the hips with a white cotton towel, then looked over at his two favorite girls snuggled on the bed together, asleep. “Of course.” He chuckled woth a shake of his head, putting on a pair of sweatpants and laying down next to them. He kissed their foreheads, and Angel’s eyes squinted open, ger gead sitting up.
“Daddy, park later?”
He nodded, gently setting her head back down, shushing her quietly so she wouldn’t wake her Mama. “Yes, baby. Park later.”
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zankivich · 5 years
Please continue with the Shawn Mendes x Black reader fics!!! Love them! Maybe something to do with colorism or jealousy from non-POC fans? Thank you!
hi friend. I really don’t think this is what you wanted, but this is what came out of me? I’m sorry if I disappoint! 
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