#take me as I am
arropadita · 12 days
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⠀ ͏ ♡ Lost and Used ♪ ˚ .     ✧̩͙̾͒
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Ok but on a serious note, I have so much to analyse/rant about with Jekyll and Hyde like it's so BRILLIANT and for what:
FYI: Only listened to the 1994 Gothic Thriller Album and thus call 'Emma' by 'Lisa' (and will only refer to her as Lisa, thank you very much <3)
ALRIGHT BUT- Take Me As I Am is the most beautiful romance song ever... Like they're swearing to each other and accepting each other and god they're the most beautiful couple ever.
And then: 'give me your hand, give me your heart!' 'swear to me, we'll never part!' THE FACT THAT LISA IS SO LOYAL TO JEKYLL. She is always by his side, she defends him against her own father in His Work And Nothing More and THEN Jekyll is the one to swear about never parting... But he dies anyway IN FRONT OF HER ON THEIR WEDDING DAY. Tragedy tragedy I'm not crying, you are...
Also about His Work And Nothing More... The overlap is so beautiful. Utterson worries about Jekyll and his work/sanity, Sir Danvers questions everything, Lisa defends Jekyll, and then JEKYLL FINALLY CALLS OUT TO LISA... aaaaaaa
Can I just say asw, the steampunk aesthetic in The World Has Gone Insane... It drives ME INSANE. How it works and blends the madness into something as methodical as like- Train tracks and machinery and work which is everything that Henry Jekyll is all about...
Honorary mention to: 'I see the reaper grinning at my door!' being such an iconic and creepy line for Hyde in that song.
I don't really care for Lucy all that much (sorry Lucy stans). I understand her plight and empathise with her but... Getting with Hyde... Or trying to... Just remember that he's a psycho PLS
Also I love how Hyde's evilness is rather subtle until 'Alive' and then you get the full extent of Jekyll's descent into madness + the murders later on and the whole take over situation... Ofc Confrontation is already iconic but now I understand it and it's brilliant... I think that's enough for today but have fun with that <33
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POV: you just woke up and this is the first thing you see  👀
Yeah... I guess that lately I have a problem with cringey/romantic web comics and as you can see my drawings are getting influenced by it, oopsie
Personally I don't mind but I recognize it might look awkward from the outside AHAH
However you might ask why I made Des wear a Versace robe...well it's a funny story! I don't buy luxury stuff because I can't afford it but for some reason my socials still thought it would've been a good idea to show me some ads about it; now, here's no way I'll spend 400+$ on a robe but damn if it gave me major Des vibes! ✨
(I doubt Versace will come for my ass but in case I wrote "Verace" instead of the actual brand name and in italian it also means "authentic" which is pretty ironic considering the situation ahah) 
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fullofobsessions · 1 month
What did Lisa Carew mean when she say "love is the only danger" in Take Me as I Am?
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grandslambbqct · 2 months
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Real, raw & rare 🙌🏻
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x-heesy · 5 months
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A vision that hurts and a skirt that's clinging
Suspicion fought with thirst but the thirst was winning
I'll regret this in the morning, shots at the Ride
That's future me, I'm glad I'm not that guy
With your hand above the fold, you're a scandal in your press
There's powers in your flowers, you're a damsel in distress
Take me as I am (Ay)
Or watch me as I go
She said
Take me as I am
Or watch me as I go
Melodies of love, all selling the dream
Everyone in the club is smelling their keys
Men are weird at the close of the PM
Just ask a pretty girl to show you her DMs
First we're at the bar, blurry to the brink
Ghost me at the bar, you'll be thirsty with a drink, she said
Take me as I am
Or watch me as I go
You're messing with my mind, my feelings in your eyes
It's a blessing in disguise but it's really well disguised
I'll regret this in the morning, shots at the Ride
But that's future me, I'm glad I'm not that guy
Take me as I am
Or watch me as I go
She said
Take me as I am
Or watch me as I go
She said
Take me as I am (Ay)
Or watch me as I go
She said
Take me as I am
Or watch me as I go 😜
@len0r @dakota-283 @seanisnothing @luna--zylum @invincible-selfxmade-punk @frenchpsychiatrymuderedmycnut @bigbonzo @boanerges20 @derflaneur @cumpletelyhappythesecond @faccaldo @edgarmoser @p1325 😘
Take Me As I Am by The Streets, Chris Lorenzo v10
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Vote for your fave, reblog & share your thoughts and other faves (even outside of this list) in the tags I would love to hear it 😊😊
Check out my masterpost for the other artist/band polls 😊😊 thank you and have fun 😊😊
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illustratinglaura · 5 months
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This was a bit too ambitious for me. Good practice but I think I need to learn a bit more about -well, everything, but like colours and lighting.
Inspired by fic: Take me as I am” by orphan_account, Shira_a at archieveofourown.
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majestic-aphrodite · 1 year
In my pain suffering alone whatdoyaknow
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covered-in-bones · 2 months
Take me as I am
Or don’t
I don’t care… I don’t care
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narcan-necromancer · 2 years
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seraphdreams · 4 months
the only thing i can offer is that i look like fem!shidou :(
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bahbzxxx · 1 year
Venti as a father
Help me friends
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eponastory · 8 months
That was probably the shortest hyperfixation I have ever had...
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Welp, I guess I'm going back to hot fictional video game husband...
Ah well, I can't blame me. I'm just too lonely and very single.
I did get a little writing done this afternoon, and I've decided that I'm going to mess around with Evan's timeline a bit with an AU and have her born after DMC5. Playing around with that a bit.
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ash-ketchum-boy · 10 months
As god is my king and sight
Never rear your head
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x-heesy · 7 months
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A vision that hurts and a skirt that's clinging
Suspicion fought with thirst but the thirst was winning
I'll regret this in the morning, shots at the Ride
That's future me, I'm glad I'm not that guy
With your hand above the fold, you're a scandal in your press
There's powers in your flowers, you're a damsel in distress
Take me as I am (Ay)
Or watch me as I go
She said
Take me as I am
Or watch me as I go
Melodies of love, all selling the dream
Everyone in the club is smelling their keys
Men are weird at the close of the PM
Just ask a pretty girl to show you her DMs
First we're at the bar, blurry to the brink
Ghost me at the bar, you'll be thirsty with a drink, she said
Take me as I am
Or watch me as I go
You're messing with my mind, my feelings in your eyes
It's a blessing in disguise but it's really well disguised
I'll regret this in the morning, shots at the Ride
But that's future me, I'm glad I'm not that guy
Take me as I am
Or watch me as I go
She said
Take me as I am
Or watch me as I go
She said
Take me as I am (Ay)
Or watch me as I go
She said
Take me as I am
Or watch me as I go
A vision that hurts and a skirt that's clinging
Suspicion fought with thirst but the thirst was winning
I'll regret this in the morning, shots at the Ride
But that's future me, I'm glad I'm not that guy
With your hand above the fold, you're a scandal in your press
There's powers in your flowers, you're a damsel in distress
Take me as I am
Or watch me as I go
Take me as I am
Or watch me as I go
She said
Take me as I am
Or watch me as I go
She said
Take me as I am (Ay)
Or watch me as I go
She said
Take me as I am
Or watch me as I go
@savage-flirtation @luna--zylum @invincible-selfxmade-punk @frenchpsychiatrymuderedmycnut @bigbonzo @boanerges20
Take Me As I Am by The Streets, Chris Lorenzo 🖕🏾
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