#she could have just tied her up and left but she didnt. she stayed she shared information she was as reassuring as one could be in this
seldaryne · 5 months
idk if jaheira is a Hugger TM (i couldnt keep her ass alive in haelryne's game by round 6 i just Gave Up so i havent experienced her yet) but breaks my heart a bit to imagine velrith getting one from her. i don't think she received a lot from her adoptive parents since she wasn't response & while they weren't intentionally cruel to her, there was a lot of 'i wish my child would look me in the eye/verbally tell me they love me even if they might be telling me in a different way' energy in the household. so they likely just assumed she wasn't interested & like. gave up yk.
she's so starved for any affection and has 0 clue, she just assumes everyone holds everyone else at an arm's length and doesn't know what to do when confronted otherwise. she's so grateful that jaheira pulled her out of her own head that night and actually just answered questions without sugarcoating. the next day, she's skittish and hesitatnt to approach, but she's looking at jaheira with something in her eyes that she's never seen before. she wants to impress her, wants to be worthy of that type of attention, and she's so, so clearly worried that she's going to fall short.
that hug would break her into 10 million little pieces. mean stoic scary bhaalspawn who can't stop shaking & clinging to the fabric of jaheira's shirt trying to process a new type of gentleness that was always out of reach in her life.
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d10nsaint · 2 years
A love triangle with dion cassis where you already had kids with dion (for some reason i could see him having 5 children) and cassis is into milf's
a/n:Why do only i get requests like this?
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>So, i'd say this is in a messed up ver. of the current timeline so the children would fit in the timeline.
>So, with a toxic relationship with Dion, and a new toy cassis, what could make him differ from other toys?
>You visited him at night while dion was out on a mission.He had been cleaned up and was tied down with the magical chains.
>And when he saw you, in a short nightgown, the lovely lanternlight shining on your face, he was in awe.
>And when you said sorry for how your kids might have been too rough, his face got even redder.
>kids?All five of those monsters were her kids? Shes that hot and has kids?
>And when you topped it off with a lovely seductive smile,How could he not fall inlove with you?
>Thank the lords that you couldnt see his pants tighten!
>And when he found out from the guards about who you were, (They gossiped about your body) a dim look took over his face. You were married to the monster of Agriche, Dion.You had sex with him, gave birth to his kids, and stayed with him after.
>And, on the night where he escaped, he confessed to you;A married woman with kids.He left before you got time to respond.
>When you saw him at the banquet, you completely froze up at first, but then you greeted him with the same smile that you gave him when you met him.He stiffened up and lost composure.
>Later that night, you saw cassis in the forest.When you called out to him, you saw how he smiled at you like he had seen the prettiest woman ever. he kissed your hand and wrapped his arm around your waist.
> "Excuse me.sir cassis, You do know im married with children, right?" Your face relaxed at the kiss on your hand.
> "If you didnt like it, you would have pushed me off, my lady."he bent down and put his head on your shoulder, taking in the cold on your thick nightgown.
>”Sir Cassis, what is so appealing about me that makes you like me so much?”
> “Maybe how you give every man you meet a smile, or how you were still so kind to me and helped me when Roxana couldnt.Or, maybe how you have kids?”He was speaking into your shoulder so you couldnt see his face.
> “..Sir Cas-”
> "What scandalous behavior between a married woman and a man who just turned 19."YOu heard the rustle of a pair of thick boots crunch the winter leaves. Dion.
>Cassis still kept his grip on your waist. "Maybe we would'nt be here if your wife knew how to cover up-Or maybe if her husband paid attention to her."
>..you found yourself between Cassis and Dion.
>Whenever cassis sees you,he complements your beauty, gives you roses,kisses your hands..
>Whenever dion sees you, he fucks you to assert dominance.
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uzumakichcined · 9 days
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It bothers me so much that people seem to think oh yeah ofc Karin and people would hate Orochimaru, despite the fact.
They continuously. Willingly. Always. Go. Back.
I get that yes abusive situations are hard to get put of but take Karin. She was imprisoned in village i cant google the right spelling of, and she broke out to see Sasuke who was near by and immediately complains to Orochimaru about how sasuke stabbed her. The tone indicates to me its comedic. Like shes taddling to a parent that she got beat up by someone
This doesnt read to me as an abuse victim feeling forced to help after. Karin could have just not joined. She also didnt have to stick by orochimaru at all after the war. Theres legit no reason. Yes technically he is all she has left in a way, but to me i feel it adds more layers to Karin and the whole grey character orochimaru can be
Yeah hes evil and did horrid shit. But he also saved one of the last people from various clans. Karin was treated far better by orochimaru than by the grass village because *they killed her mother* while Karin clearly was rewarded praised and promoted for her work.
Could she be upset with orochimaru? Yeah who isnt angry at people youre close to. But in the end she chooses to stay and help work with him because they are her family. They are all she has left and is happy to stay where she is understood and accepted not for her blood ties, but because shes proven to be intelligent and valuable.
She gets to be her own person
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fionajames · 7 months
OR IF MY PREVIOUS REQUEST IS TOO HARD, (hello again btw) what if Ahsoka never left the order? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤨🤨🤨
Like, she accepted the council’s invitation back into the Jedi. Did she still meet Bo-Katan and go to Mandalore?
This was a last minute idea that popped into my brain, and I’d like to see your thoughts on this. Ngl, this would be an actual amazing fic, and if anyone could pull it off, it’s you.
Sincerely, Sha 🫡
PS: Your work is amazing 🤩
hello sha!!!!!!!! and hello to everyone else!!!
i rlly love this idea and please if you want a part two request it, i apologise that this is so short.
Ahsoka watched as the sun set in front of her, feet dangling off the edge of the Jedi Temple wall. Her Padawan braid - still gripped tightly in her hand - felt heavy with thoughts of doubt. Had she made the right choice by staying?
Coruscant had never looked more intense than it had whilst she was on the run, and she’d never experienced the lower levels like that before. Her heart cried for the small wisps of freedom she’d felt while running through the streets, unbound by the ties of the Jedi - free at last. She hated that she’d liked it so much - the taste of freedom, the taste of a life where she wasn’t a Padawan.
But, how could she leave her family? She couldn’t.
Ahsoka stood up as she pocketed her Padawan braid, not quite ready to put it back on. She strolled to Anakin’s room quickly, knocking on his door thrice. He opened it immediately and gave her a grin.
“I think I’m going to go for a walk,” she told him as they silently and in-sync linked their comms just-in-case. “Need some air.”
“Alright, Snips,” he told her fondly. Anakin spotted the missing Padawan braid but didn’t say anything. “Have fun, please come back.”
Ahsoka nodded, not smiling as she left. She made her way through the Temple quickly, breathing in huge gulps of air as she did. With no destination in mind, Ahsoka set off into the streets of Coruscant.
It had been months since the Trial, and Ahsoka still wasn’t fully herself again. Anakin was worried, and Obi-Wan was sorrowed. Rex hadn’t left her side. Except, for when she went on her walks.
Ahsoka had made it a regular thing to go on a walk through Coruscant when she was home, and she was quickly learning her way around. Today, she was bounding from house to house just below the surface, laughing as her speed made her lekku flow in the wind.
She landed safely on a platform, dangling her feet over the edge to watch the traffic. Someone walked up beside her and through the Force, Ahsoka could feel their good-intentions. She didn’t move.
“Rather beautiful, isn’t it?” A sort-of-familiar voice spoke up and Ahsoka turned to see Bo-Katan sitting beside her. “My home planet was.”
“What happened to it?” Ahsoka asked, gazing back at the mesmerising lights and darkening sky. Before the bombing, she would’ve been alert and perhaps hostile at the return of the Mandalorian, now, she was just calm. She’d grown a lot in maturity, and she could tell it scared Anakin.
“A Sith has taken over Mandalore, and has enslaved my people,” Bo-Katan told her mournfully - yet with her voice un-shaking and strong. “He killed their ruler - my sister.”
Ahsoka turned to her with a face of soft sorrow and sympathy. “I’m deeply sorry for your loss,” she told the woman whose eyes squinted ever-so-slightly in surprise.
“I want you to help me,” Bo-Katan told her firmly. “I’ve seen you, you’re courageous and smart. My people need help.”
“Who is this Sith you speak of?” Ahsoka asked, crossing her arms. 
“His name is Maul.”
Ahsoka froze as a ripple of shock went up her spine. She’d heard of him of course - the Sith that had killed Obi-Wan's Master, the Sith who'd returned from the dead more-or-less recently. Former Sith, actually, but that didn’t matter.
“I will help you,” Ahsoka told her after a minute of thinking. She stood up and so did her ally. They shook hands firmly before parting ways. Ahsoka walked back to the Temple with her brows furrowed and hands clutching her lightsabers. 
As she walked, she reached into her pocket and pulled out the small, beaded braid. Ahsoka reached up behind her lekku and secured the braid onto her headdress.
She was going to help Bo-Katan, no matter what.
hope you all enjoyed!!!!!! yes, apparently, im back.
request people!!!!!!!
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the-vixen · 8 months
𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐜𝐨𝐥 : 𝙀𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣 𝙃𝙪𝙣𝙩 𝙭 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
When you are sent on a mission to rescue Ethan Hunt from prison, the events that domino will force you to face the ghosts of your past and your guilt tied to Ethan.
This takes place throughout the events of ghost protocol. There will be a change in the story and the events of the mission impossible 2 and 3. Ethan and Julia never got married, a certain amount of information will be changed that will be revealed in the story.
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You sighed as you dumped your old bandages, after replacing them with a fresh one. According to Jane you lost a good amount of blood by the time you went to go help brandt; killing wistrom in the process. 
She was upset by your disobedience, you could've stayed and covered Benji in the time she went to provide backup to Brandt. 
You were a little bit out of it by then, but Brandt got you help in time. 
Now you were in Seattle. 
Ethan took a lot of damage while stopping Hendricks, as usual in Ethan Hunt fashion, he drove a car off a ramp and let it drop 100 meters to the ground. He was in the hospital for a couple of weeks before being discharged. 
The IMF was back in the process of being reinstated, most of the work had already been done, just yours and Benji's evaluation, Brandt's position and Jane's ranking left in processing. 
Ethan had met up with Luther, catching up with him after his time away and updating him on what happened during the mission. You missed Luther, but you haven't spoken to him lately either.
Of course, only Ethan would blurt out "mission accomplished" while aborting a nuclear warhead. 
He had requested the rest of the team to meet him there, you didnt go. 
Not that it mattered, you've been listening to everything Ethan's been saying by bugging his table. 
But you couldn't bring yourself to see Ethan again, not anymore now that he had no reason to stick around with you either. You didnt see him when he was at the hospital but you did send little tidbits to keep him entertained under an anonymous identity. 
You knew that Ethan knew it was you, the two of you used to play games like this and follow a language that only the two of you could speak. 
You just also knew you didnt have the courage to meet him face to face again after the kiss. Even more so if Jane told him you got hurt again cause of Wistrom. 
You listened to the bug, hearing how Ethan expressed his gratefulness that the team functioned well, and how he was glad that they ended up together. A bitter part of you felt like he wouldn't have been so positive and vocal about the mission going well if you were there. 
But you knew Ethan was kind. He probably wouldn't do that. 
"y/n's not coming huh?" the sound of your name from his mouth making you stop. 
"no...havent heard much from her.." Jane shook her head. 
You swallowed and closed your eyes, continuing to listen as Ethan explained to Brandt that Julia didnt die, he just faked her death for her safety...for her protection. But as to why he went to prison, he just told him that he had his own reasons. He had to protect someone he cared about. 
Listening to Ethan reassure and reconcile with Brandt, putting the man at ease after the years of guilt hes faced, made you wonder again. 
Why not you?
Why didnt he do the same for you?
You wanted to kill that wounded part of you. 
That pathetic part of you that's probably metamorphosed your platonic feelings for Ethan into feelings of love. 
"Are you ever gonna see me again?" Ethan's voice came through, snapping you out of your thoughts. You looked at your laptop. 
"its impressive...bugging the table I would be on...bugging my hospital bed...bugging my apartment..." he spoke. "although I would've preferred to see your face. catch up." he spoke through to you. 
You bit your lip, a slight flare of confusion and frustration at his tone and statements. It feels like hes playing with you...just not in the way youre used to. 
You waited by your laptop, waiting for anything else to be said. 
At the stretch of silence, you disconnected the bug, getting ready to pack your stuff up. 
You weren't sure where'd you go, but you were not needed here. You only followed Ethan to Seattle to make sure hes okay. 
After packing your stuff, you heard the apartment door unlock. 
On alert, you grabbed your gun and headed for the door, suspicious at the presence of an intruder. Carefully, you walked out, your gun up and pointed in the direction of your attention. 
"move and I shoot." you turned to the front door, finding Ethan standing there with his hands in his hoodie pockets. 
Unexpected but unsurprised, you lowered your gun, "picked the lock?"
"Already knew where I was?"
"Here to scold me some more?" You looked at him. 
Ethan shook his head and smiled softly, locking the door again behind him. You watched him in apprehension, putting the gun away. 
"what do you want Ethan?" you looked at him before walking into your room. 
He trailed behind you, "to talk. face to face preferably. it makes the conversation more interesting watching your reactions." he said. 
A smile quirked up your lips before you shoved it back down. It wasn't fair. He doesn't get to do that. You turned around, maintaining a poker face as you looked at him, "so talk."
"Im sorry. About how I treated you during the mission.." He began. 
You crossed your arms, "that doesn't cut it Ethan...you..you can't just..undermine me and treat me like a kid and then go and enact your hunches on me. Im not a sidekick for you to use and dispose." You sat down on your bed. 
Ethan's gaze analyzed you, before he took a step forward. "I had to make sure you were safe."
You shook your head, "if I wasn't safe the secretary wouldn't have put me on the mission--"
"--not that kind of safe." he interrupted. "your safety. I had to make sure your safety was---"
"--it still doesn't matter! I know I make mistakes but that can't be a reason for you to treat me so shittily. if it's a personal reason because I got you sent to prison then say that. be transparent. dont say shit like my safety mattered and then go and tell me you'd much prefer that I was out of the team completely!" you stood back up, upset. 
Ethan watched you, "you weren't the reason I went to Rankov Y/n.." he said, making you scoff as your emotions bubbled up. "dont give me that bs Ethan...I know. the secretary all but confirmed it. You went to prison after rescuing Julia cause of the Ukraine mission fuck up and the Serbians that followed you to Moscow. you took the punishment because you were responsible for keeping me in line and I didnt listen to you and got the asset killed. it was my fault and youre upset about it so youve been unable to trust me and that's why you've been treating me like shit--" 
"Y/n you weren't the reason I went to rankov! you were in a coma!" Ethan snapped. 
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visionthefox · 2 months
I know the April Fools episodes are jokes but it's kinda funny to analyze them Earth's nightmare seemed to be her fearing that she's a terrible person that everyone hates, dislikes, or avoids, her forgetting everything again, people not telling her things or keeping secrets from or about her, feeling powerless even to herself, losing Lunar(except for that last bit), being generally confused... And then Sun's, Sun's was all their enemies apologizing for everything they did, fixing whatever they screwed up, and disappearing, or in the case of the Creator dealing with Fazbear since Sun hates that company, and then Moon leaving after being weirded out, even Sun pointed out the sheer absurdity early on, maybe all of these incidents affect him subconsciously even more than he realizes, poor guy just wants some catharsis Earth and Sun telling one another about their weird dreams after the fact is something I could see happening too
ANON WE THINK THE SAME I WAS GONNA START THINKING TOO DEEP but I felt soo stupid but AA IM NOT ALONE!! for Earth- I guess is a mix of feeling guilty she "failed" Lunar- and fears she may be too focus on her family life she may not pay attention to Monty- also something about fearing you "did a terrible thing" and just feeling gaslited even when you know you didnt hits home.. her fear of maybe "being forgetfull and controled" may be the most obvious, yet is still interesting.. as.. for me, she gives me "hero complex" at times, thinking she is meant to be the one fixing ppl (even when I see ppl saying she never asked for this role) maybe because when made, she was mentioned as "the better version" so she goes by that.. ending up feeling both fake, try hard, yet afraid to fail and emotionally stressed out trying to be what ppl expected of her. so then- we see her fears, being seen as a bother, seen as someone to deal with rather than work with.. also, maybe is me, but she does kinda takes too hard her "brother" not wanting her in his date/celebration.. also going on over Solar "hating her" when the dude seems to be neutral with her.. that got me feeling odd, she takes simple soft push as "you hate me" .. no? they dont want you there, yet they still care to ask if you are ok.. what is she on about? (I know, is a nightmare, she is not meant to make much sense, specially as the emotional one she is.. I cant blame her too hard ) NOW SUN~ OHOHOHOHOHHHHHHH oh HE HE DOES SHOW SOO MUCH~ isnt it.. curious? of all the jokes they can make.. is ppl saying sorry ! what they show us? again, I expected actors or bloopers like other channel did! but.. now.. isnt it curous, right after he tells Eclipse to kill himself, he dreams of him saying sorry, sure, is clear Eclipse is not happy nor all sappy. not even wanting to be there with them any longer than BM did.. not saying "I hope im welcome back"-- nothing! Eclipse showed up, say his words, and choose to walk away, Sun is clearly weird out .. yet- clearly hoping to see the lie,, he doesnt, Eclipse lose more than he wins.. so Sun is left to wonder- was it true? he means it? we know Sun feared him. then hated him- has every reason to- yeeeet.. Sun has to know.. he is mad at the shell of how was a enemy. maybe having Eclipse saying sorry is the thing he needs to let go of this anger , just like Lunar did Lunar faced the big bad wolf- only to see a mere AI, broken and lost, lying to itself hoping to gain some sense of control over a life he cant even run away from.. Sun maybe needed to tell itself, via Moon "thats not the man that hurted you, thats the ghost of the past.. let it go" Moon is that side of him telling him to let go, and when things got too wild, his "reason" just had to leave- I feel thats when Sun stayed to yell, feeling too much stress confusion and cringe even (I have more to say but may do a post later on. idk) last joke video was not canon at all, yet this one is clearly tied to canon.. soo.. this has to mean something!! IM NOT LOOKING TOO DEEP YOU ARE ANON!
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I hope my ramble isnt too long! but yea. I may explin myself better later on. just- I feel the fact this is DREAM and not an AU means a lot..
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kusanalogy · 2 years
Sing for me?
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Characters: ganyu and xiao x immortal!reader but it isnt that emphasized
a/n: for the sweet and spice event hosted by @bluexiao and @anantaru! First time participating in an event officially, was pretty fun tbh.
Warnings: reader has longer hair on ganyus, because she braids it. Lmk if i missed anything! I'll edit it
Main event post, scroll down for the m.list (support the rest of the creators!! just a reminder that theres a nsfw mlist so minors like me yeah stay away if they havent warned you enough 🥰)
ganyu who'd lay on your lap after a lengthy day, wanting your familiar comfort before heading off to rest.
You both watched the birds fly from the mountains, off to who knows where. While ganyu observed one take off, she noticed 2 rare glaze lillies right where the bird was.
"y/n.. Look at those glaze lillies!" Ganyu points out
You look to where she was pointing to "Oh wow! Thats rare in these areas. Cmon, lets take a look."
Ganyu follows your steps to the ancient flower. Once she sat by it, the half-qilin hummed a tune to it. Glaze lillies are known to read human- or immortals hearts. If the atmosphere is happy, the sound of music is lively, the glaze lily will open. If they aren't, and the surrondings are full of negative thoughts, the flower will wither away. It can listen to peoples singing aswell! Which is why ganyu wanted to experiment with it
Her voice was a gentle tone, a tone that calmed your senses. You closed your eyes to focus, and opened them again once she had stopped.
Ganyu touched a petal of the glaze lily, inspecting it to see if there was any effect. "Im not the best at singing, b-but i'd like to know what you thought!"
"It was great ganyu," You put your hand on hers and smiled "Your singing voice is notably clear."
Her cheeks went red after hearing such compliment "Thank you.. Ah! Look at the glaze lily on the left."
Your attention transfered to that flower, and because it listened to ganyu's sining, it bloomed.
"These flowers never fail to amaze me. I've heard that the geo archon is fond of this flower too. Dont you agree?" You say to- wait.
No reply?
"Ganyu?" You turn your head to the blue-haired adeptus behind you, and you didnt notice that she was starting to braid your hair
"Hold on y/n. I got an idea. Stay still while i braid your hair, if you'd let me." She says as she slightly combs your hair with her hands, to make it easier to braid.
࿙֒͜࿚࿙࿚࿙֒͜࿚࿙࿚࿙֒͜࿚ ⪩ 𖧧 ⪨ ࿙֒͜࿚࿙࿚࿙֒͜࿚࿙࿚࿙֒͜࿚
"...anddd finished!" She ties the end of the braid "I dont have a mirror with me right now, but theres a clear pond nearby?"
You walk to the pond and look at your braided hair in multiple angles, and back to ganyu
"You're doing so well today ganyu! If i could keep this on until tomorrow i would. But then it would get messy.."
She didnt come up with a proper reply, but instead nodded. Not long after, she picks herself up and slightly shakes your hand, like a signal to get up. So you proceed and go back to the two glaze lilies.
She places her hand on your cheek, picks up the same left glaze lily that bloomed from its stem and puts it on your braid.
"Perfect! But... I have one more request." Ganyu shyly states, then continues
"Sing for me? Could you make the other glaze lily bloom?"
"As you wish."
no, reader isnt venti 😇‼ I hope it isnt too similar to xiao and ventis connection bc i swear it wasnt meant to be like it
xiao who'd watch you from afar, not wanting to disturb you. Listening to your quiet hums as you rest by a tree. You both havent seen eachother in awhile, So he was cautious for no reason.
Oh, your body looked so delicate. Your hair reflecting the rays of sunlight that went through the leaves of the said tree, the gentle movements of your hands.. and your lips. Those precious lips. All he wanted to do was to put them right on his.
He comes closer, I mean, its you anyways.
He remembered a time where the both of you used to talk to eachother a lot, and for a long time. "Them just accompanying me used to be a weekly thing.. but y/n had become a bit busy. It wouldnt hurt to approach them again?"
"Xiao. I missed you! What brings you here?" You ask, smiling. You recognize the sound of his footsteps, since you know he'd rather not chat much.
You miss him? "..Greetings, y/n."
Your bored mind thinks "Come here, i'd like to... Hold ur hand..."
"What?" Xiao thinks that something has gotten into you. You werent this direct with words before, right?
You hold your hands together and raise it to him, practically begging "Please~? For the love of rex lapis??"
"Yay!!" You instantly brighten up and playfully hold his hand, then placing your now intertwined hands on the grass. Putting your head on his shoulder, you hum a familiar tune to calm his senses. That gradually turns into you singing softly- with lyrics now. A song inspired by a liyuen legend, the adepti. Which included the person sitting right beside you!
Oh how he adored it. Once you start its like he wants it to never end.
࿙֒͜࿚࿙࿚࿙֒͜࿚࿙࿚࿙֒͜࿚ ⪩ 𖧧 ⪨ ࿙֒͜࿚࿙࿚࿙֒͜࿚࿙࿚࿙֒͜࿚
When you finished, xiao couldnt help but want more. Did he have to ask? How embarrasing... well
"...Sing for me." He whispered, barely audible.
But you felt him shift places "Come again? I couldnt hear properly"
"Sing for me?" He said a bit louder, but could still be considered a whisper to a normal person
Oh- he doesnt wanna. Better try to change it then? "why am i not as comfortable with him like before? Was it because of the time i was away?" your thoughts were so messy...
"...If you dont want thats alright! I'll sing anyways"
How could you be so understanding? Its almost like you can read right through his mind.
How does love do that? you both think about that everyday.. theres not really a "real answer" to that, right?
"No no," Xiao clears his throat "Sing for me?"
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bridgyrose · 3 months
Roman had a devious little plan to break Ruby. Have Neo create an illusion of her friends murdered by his hands, and have Ruby go mad from grief just like he had. So... why, oh WHY is she refusing to kill him?!?
(This... isnt as dark as I could've made it but its still pretty dark for the intent. Proceed with caution.)
Roman paced around the empty warehouse, upset at yet another failure of a plan. Getting the White Fang into Mountain Glenn was never going to work, and he was lucky enough that Neo was able to get him out before he could get arrested. All that dust wasted for a set back that would take months to get back on track. Though, out of all of it, he did have one consolation to the whole fiasco. Red was finally in his grasp, no longer able to be a thorn in his side. 
With a heavy sigh, he finally made his way to the small room that Ruby was chained up in, peering into the small window on the door before opening it and walking inside. “Well Red, I think its safe to say that no one is coming for you.” 
“They’ll… they’ll come,” Ruby said as she pulled at the chains that held her to the wall. “My team will find me-” 
“Its been days since our little encounter at Mountain Glenn and they didnt notice you tied up behind a few crates. Then, they left without you. You really think they’ll come for you now?” 
“I know Yang will never give up trying to find me and Weiss and Blake will do whatever they can to help!” 
“I’m shaking where I stand,” Roman said sarcastically as he walked away from Ruby, closing the door behind him. Red was right, her team would find her eventually even if he did send her scroll off towards Mistral with an S.O.S. beacon running. He had at least bought himself a few days with that, but once they’d realize that was a false lead, it would be only a matter of time until the general and his tin cans would start combing through Vale’s borders for him. And running to Vacuo wasnt exactly an option since Cinder was no doubt keeping an eye out for him. No, he had to do something with Red before it was too late. 
Then, a thought came to mind. He couldnt just off Red, that would bring too much attention to him, but he could break her. And the best way to do it would be to have her watch her friends die right in front of her. “Neo, I have a task for you.” 
Neo looked at him curiously as she looked away from the manual she had stolen of one of the Atlas warships. She quickly used her semblance to look like Ruby and ran a finger across her neck with a questioning look. 
“Something like that, but not for Red.” Roman slid his scroll to Neo with pictures of Yang, Weiss, and Blake that he’d taken. “I need you to create illusions of her friends for me to kill.” 
Neo nodded with a smile. 
Roman grinned as she watched replicas of Yang, Weiss, and Blake manifest in front of him, gently tapping each one with his cane. “Ice Queen, Kitty, and Blondie. Exactly as we need them.” He spun his cane around and held it over his shoulder as he started to walk to Ruby, making sure the three replicas followed him. “And now, its time to put on a show.” 
Neo nodded and moved the illusions to the door, letting them rush to open and try to free Ruby as a smile crossed her lips. Once the door was open, she made sure the Yang and Blake illusions stayed just in view of the door while the Weiss illusion rushed in. With a quick bow to Roman, she let him know the stage was set. 
Roman picked up his cane and swung it at the Yang illusion, an audible crack coming from it as Neo made sure to make things as real as possible. Then, he aimed his cane at the Blake illusion, firing off a rocket at it. 
“Yang!” Ruby called out as she tried to pull on her chains. “Blake!” 
Without giving the illusions time to answer, Roman slammed his cane into the Yang illusion, another crack coming from it as it went still. He put up his cane to block a strike from the Blake illusion, almost grinning as he kicked her away and fired one more rocket, glad the explosion hit the shatter effect. 
Ruby pulled her hand away from the cuff that was unlocked from the Weiss illusion, trying to move to the door. “Weiss, you have to help them! I-I can get out of here.” 
The Weiss illusion nodded and stood up, getting a glyph ready, only to be struck down by Roman as he slammed his cane into her over and over. 
“I told you… Red… that no one… is going… to save you!” Roman spoke between hits, leaving the Weiss illusion on the ground as illusioned blood started to pool around her. He sighed and lowered his cane, taking a few deep breaths to calm himself as he looked at Ruby once more, pressing a button on his scroll to unlock the other cuff from Ruby’s hand. “So Red, what’ll it be now?” 
“You… you killed them,” Ruby said as she dropped to her knees, staring at Weiss’s body in front of her. 
Roman watched her as Neo took care of the “bodies” on the ground and left Ruby’s scythe on the ground next to her. As the minutes ticked away, he started to get frustrated when Ruby didnt move or even try to go to her weapon. Instead, all she did was sit there, staring at where Weiss’s “body” had been. “Alright, what gives?” 
Ruby slowly looked up at him, then looked away to wipe away a few tears from her cheek. “I’m… done.” 
“Come again?” 
“I’m done.” 
“Done?” Roman asked as he moved closer to Ruby, slamming his cane into her side. “Done with what? Being a huntress?” He slammed his cane into her again, moving her to her scythe. “This is what you get for being a huntress. Huntresses die, just like every hero that came before you. You dont get to be done until I say you’re done!” 
Ruby slowly reached for her scythe, arm shaking for a moment before dropping it on the ground, pulling away from it. 
Roman frowned and kicked her, leaving the room and shutting the door behind him to leave her. None of it made sense, she was supposed to kill him after watching her teammates die, to be blinded by grief until she could get her revenge. Instead, all he watched her do was give up once her friends were gone. While this wasnt the result he was looking for, another thought came to mind to turn this into his favor. 
A smile crossed Roman’s lips as he turned around to make his way back to Ruby, ready to turn her against Ozpin and to help bring Beacon down.
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oorevitcejda · 1 year
i truly cant believe some ppl think Gwen, Beter and even the rest of the spidergang DIDNT want to see miles. Like did we watch the same thing? (i mean ive seen it 3 times so far in theaters and im buying it the second its available on digital) but heres my proof that the whole spidergang wanted to visit miles
Her monolog opens with talking about miles. hes not the only one. she talks about how he needs help while flashes of the first movie and ending of the current movie go in time with her drums. She obviously wants to tell SOMEONE about Miles but who could she possibly tell? her band mates are just band mates, her father is unknowingly trying to hunt her down and she obviously doesn't have anyone else to confide in.
after antagonizing miguel (who are you?/dark Garfield?/*GASP* wait im not confused.) she asks if one could "go anywhere" with that watch and reaches for it.
during and after the museum fight Jess hints at recruiting gwen. miguel yells at gwen for "tearing a hole" in the fabic of space time. miguel calls her a liability. later on jess admits he was right
it's unclear exactly how many months Gwen spent in the spider hq, but it seemed 4-6, and during that time she was a protégé under Jess, most likely being held on a short leash with explicit restrictions to miles dimension. She was probably allowed into a few dimensions with the team but not on her own.
When she met hobie who knows what went on, but they obviously connected over music as well as spider-beings
finally being able to talk to someone who GETS IT, gwen presumably dumped all her thoughts about miles and not being able to see him.
Hobie knows more than what id assume miguel would brief the other spiders on and implies Gwen talks about him 'off the clock' "Is this the [idk] from 16-10!?" after breaking the alchemax shield
it was inevitable that an anomaly would end up in Miles 1610 dimension. Gwen had earned a lot of trust for Jess to let her go alone/first(?) because the first thing she does is visit and hug miles.
The spot does his dimensional collider making just bc gwen wants to hang out with miles a little bit longer. they swing and catchup and play games and talk and SHE GOES TO HIS FAMILY PARTY
they eat and chat and she tries to politely talk to rio and jeff before the spot continues and her watch pops up.
she tries to make excuses to stay. she turns to leave. she turns back and holds her hand to miles. she hesitates at the top of the stairs.
she had to have hesitated a lot longer too considering how easily miles catches up to her and follows her into the warp.
Jess immediately knows she spoke to miles even though they had to have had many MANY conversations about why she shouldn't/ couldn't be seen by him despite the protocol being to involve the resident spider.
both Jess and Lyla are disappointed in Gwen for just SEEING miles. Gwen didnt know how to tell miles WHY she couldn't see him.
you cant tell me miguel didn't threaten her about seeing miles/ going to his dimension.
even Beter
he only had Mayday, his daughter who he obnoxiously loves, because of miles. because that Kid in the Spider-Man Costume made him want to love and try again.
"I couldn't." the ONLY reason he gives for not being able to see miles despite how much miles wanted to see them too. he was the only one left out and they must have been as crushed as he was.
anyway thanks for coming to my ti talks
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pitynostars · 2 years
for the dw ask game: 10, 11, 20 💜
10 favorite companion ?
clara my beloved <3<3 she literally has it all. people often complain she feels like a different character between s7/8/9 but thats part of why i love her because the progression of it all makes complete sense to me so instead of feeling like having 3 companions in one because of bad writing its just one beautifully fleshed out story. her growth from bosj->hell bent (arguably aotd->hell bent but-) is insanely well done i love her so much shes my little meow meow i turn her round in my head like a rotisserie chicken every day i am shaking her in a pringles can etc etc. shes stubborn and mean and kind and funny and obsessive i just <3<3 MY WIFE. MY WIFE. the doc/companion rship is the heart of the show for me and her relationship with the dr is SO insanely juicy and complicated i'm obsessed with it and i also love her dynamic with danny and missy and hurt!doctor and like basically every guest star she bounces off so it's just like.... GAH. every element works for me. CLARA<3
outside of that her run sits in the most vivid memory for me i remember jenna's announcement so vividly and watching asylum of the daleks and seeing oswin for the first time and how shook we all were and the whole s7 arc SO vividly and my memory is terrible and i HATED s8 but i stayed watching because i wanted to see clara's story out to the end but then s9 made me re fall in love with the show and s8 retroactively so my love for her is also just very tied into all that because if it wasn't for her i would have given up on dr who like.... her power !!!! but i do just honestly think she is one of THEEE characters of all time for me
11 least favorite companion ?
i dont really have any companion i DISLIKE thinking about it, but i do think dan is pretty boring. i forget he exists often tbh akfjsldf.... even tho he JUST left. he has some fun setup and i liked his dynamic with karvanista and yaz but other than that there's not a lot there for me... sorry king. hope u get a new house soon 😢
20 if you could change anything about the show, what would it be ?
only thought about this for half a sec but honestly whatever shit that went down behind the scenes that made chris eccleston leave after 1 series... i wish he didnt have to go thru all that and had had a better time with it and on a more selfish note i just wish we had more 9 and i wish that he felt safe/happy enough to come back for multidoc stories and whatnot. similarly w like freema and jodie (+ whoever else i'm forgetting/idk about who got it bad) w the racism and sexism they had to deal w from the "fans" 😠
also i wish there were more diverse writers/showrunners sooner one thing i respect about chibs is he apparently did try to push for more writers of colour, female writers etc..... the first writer of colour on the show being in like s11 is bad enough let alone counting all of classic who too 😭... just embarrassing. pls let someone trans have the floor in the writers room rtd i am on my knees 😢
just realised ive said i wld simply undo bigotry (: but i mean. yh aksdjfsgdlf...
on a stupider note then i'd take out that clause that says the daleks have to be in every series if that's even real because i think that is SOOO stupid if its true
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olivieraa · 2 months
its v easy for me to see if a mutual unfollows bc I follow just under 35 people. now, I have no idea why my follower count has stayed the same even during the years I wasn't on here. I lost maybe 2 followers, and then since I've been back, gained 5. but its gone up and down, gain, lose, gain, lose. its annoying cause the dominant number is always the uneven number oTL
but anyway I'm generally gaining them through my anime posts, then they prob see the non-anime things I reblog and are like "welp" lmao and so a follow becomes an unfollow and that's fine
buuuut ngl I'm always waiting to see the mutuals disappear. as a "just so I know when". cause I remember shit like that.
now most of the mutuals I followed back in the day unfollowed me one by one in 2017. it started off with an actual supposed friend, called Tr. she was the first. was happy about this tho, bc she was the reason I was walking (posting) on eggshells. way too sensitive for me, I cant handle people like that.
but then those I met through her started to follow her lead, like sheep. those are the people I forget the names of if I'm being honest. so when they unfollowed it was like nbd and I unfollowed back.
then came the unfollow from a mutual, again another supposed friend called Ti, and I had been expecting it. but due to my ocd, and how I memorise and categorise things, like I said, I like to know when. its not the "why" or the "how could you", just the when. actually happened way later than I thought it would. esp seeing as she was living with the first person who unfollowed me.
and in the end, out of all the people I was friends with on here, only Americans unfollowed me. bc no matter how liberal they are, an American is still an American. if you dont agree with them, you are wrong. and anything that happens in America, happens in the rest of the world. period. that's the belief.
and so from what I could see is that, even if my non-American mutuals didnt agree with my posts, it very much left the vibe of "but hey, you're entitled to your own opinion". the most non-American mindset.
in fact, even the people that messaged me in private saying I changed their opinion on a lot of things they hadn't realised, were ofc, non-Americans.
and so officially now, one of those non-Americans has unfollowed me. and its fine. its bittersweet. we haven't talked in years. prob disagreed with the bulk of what I posted but followed for this long, somehow. so that was interesting.
ngl, a random time to do it, but its done. my following count shall be even now
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dreamingofsundreams · 8 months
things were different after Salem and I'm not sure why. I got back monday night and have been feeling like a weight has been off ever since. I'm sure it was a lot of things.. the feeling of coming home after wanting to not be there, the feeling of relief when I left and didn't have to put on an act or feel left out, feel like I didnt entirely belong in that group. the relief of knowing that after this trip, I can actually be free. the two opened snapchat were not an accident, and its so funny to me to actually type that out at the grown age of 25. because that is what these "friends" were, just... not for me. I had been outgrowing them for some time now. I just always felt so out of place with them. for so so so many reasons. walking on eggshells, boundaries being crossed, feeling like they were always talking about me bc well they definitely were, feeling like they never stood up for me, that no matter what I was always looked at as the underdog; the bad guy. the sam situation, the Luke situation not only kiera helping him but when Luke verbally accosted me kiera didnt bat an eye. gina being a bitch in general. it was just disrespectful. it was so normalized with them and I just dont want that in a friendship. the quick to anger, when I was trying to help her find the car the "oh my god never mind" like idk, it is just so normalized in their friendship and I just do not want it for myself. if thats how you are when youre comfortable with someone then I do not want you to be comfortable with me. I outgrew these girls a long time ago. and now we all feel it and its good.. its a little sad but damn is it a weight off my chest.
for so long I was so tied to them, felt like I couldn't speak up, felt like I couldn't be with them one on one, felt like they just didnt really like me. I tied so much of myself within these people and was so in my comfort zone with them for years and years. I didnt want to be friends with anyone else. I had them!
truth: I am embarrassed that I cant really keep a friend and especially as an adult it gets harder and harder. most people my age are going through the same thing. but I just cant force these friendships just to say I have these long life friends. most people judge women who dont have lots of close friends. and I get it, some women w no friends it makes sense why they dont have any. but damn I am trying. I want to be a better friend. cue to gina quickly saying "not at all" when Trina asked if we were similar. I wish I had it in myself to shoot back and say wym? why were u so quick to say that? and for the longest time these girls have made me feel so small and awkward and small. and after Salem I knew it was finally time to let go. I dont want to text them. I dont want to keep the friendship going, not how it was. removing Gigi was a great decision because it was a catalyst to me and kiera drifting apart. Salem & the wedding was a good decision to go to because it was a catalyst to me and gina drifting apart. oh and youre welcome for paying you for the hotel I didnt stay in but you getting an attitude when I asked you to help me pay for the parking garage. oh and let me not forget how kiera treated my birthday gifts. when she barely spends a penny on mine. and how can I forget how uncomfortable her family makes me feel and how she would throw me under the bus any chance she got about anything. and how she never stood up for me when her gf were cunts to me which btw, its obvious you talk shit about me to them which is why they already have a predisposed narrative of me which allows them to be comfortable to be rude to me. please dont ever think I never noticed. I may or may not get to say any of this to them. I know I hold onto unsaid shit so I might regret not saying it. but what could I even say? that I feel like they haven't been good friends to me/dont like me?
I just cant do it. and now Ginas having a baby and I wish I knew how to be a friend for her to say yes you are similar. I wish I could be a better friend. person. not get angry. and leave people with the impression that I am mean or bitter. because when I go home I dont talk badly on people unless im mad llol. I wish I got out while I could. oh the places I would be. but these friendships taught me a lot, they taught me to be a better friend, taught me to speak up for myself and never let anyone especially a friend make me feel small, taught me what I dont want in friendships, taught me that there are people out there who will genuinely love me. here is to the beginning of the end of a long, tired journey. thank u.
adding: and when your friend says they are depressed and actively looking for a psychiatrist, maybe dont be a bitch to them.
"I had a vivid dream about u guys talking shit on me" "hell yeah its true" "probably is fake ass bitches"
responding to every single person but me on her wedding picture
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megismorallysunny · 9 months
i might upload 2 today bc i have a lot, not from today just in general, so much so that i wrote it down. i had science first, turns out the school wanted every teacher for their first class to show their classes the new one way system because they felt it was clogged up. its really fucking stupid and we were supposed to follow it as soon as we left first class.. spoiler alert no one did, absolutely no one, i didnt see any teachers not following but no students are. I feel like using that system its only a matter of time before a 1st year gets hit by a car, your supposed to go outside to get to some classes that would have only been a few metres away now, and the way you go sometimes has cars on it, i seen one going pretty fast just a minute after class started.
i had irish after science and turns out that irish hw i was doing wasnt even the hw, and i had already done the hw a week ago, omg i just cant but it was a-ok. after that was maths, everyone was in for once so there wasnt enough seats for everyone, hopefully 4k4 and his other friend 5k5 dont steal my seat, i worked my ass off for that. a student who came 2 weeks ago, nickname -bluebird, is just annoying, its not that shes done anything wrong its that shes a complete loner, wont talk to anyone, not like ive tried but more in the sense, you wont hear even a squeak. in business she doesnt take down notes, in maths she doesnt do questions (not that i can say much) and in french she doesnt even know ça va and wont do her french hw. so yeah plain infuriating. i did my english hw wrong after i spent an hour carefully constructing only a third of my answer for an hour last night. my friends went to the shop but i didnt bc i wanted to stay in the cspe classroom and eat my lunch and maybe also read trollhunter fanfics, hard enough to find good ones involving a very cute and fluffy relationship between jim and walter. anyways we had to have a fake election in cspe, to try out ballot box voting, in first year for student council i tied with another girl for top votes. guess how many i got this time? yeah thats right a solid one, thinking about it makes me sad, does no one like me anymore??? but i laughed at the time even tho every1 looked back at me, it felt really dehumanising, the only way i deal with bad situations is by laughing and joking, and that situation made me feel a little shit.
made me also feel real great when aprciot turned back at me and said i put you 5, its like he constantly tries to talk to me and be my friend and when i ignore him he gets mad, its not great that i was standing beside granite today and apricot started pushing granite and while he did that his hand touched my tit. great. made me feel just great, it wasnt on purpose he wouldnt even try.. well he did say consent didnt matter today if it was me. he was obvi joking but considering he tried to sa someone before and this day a year ago, "mango" his friend and apples friend sent diorite a voice message saying apricot said he was gonna do a thing to her. idk im sorry i feel uncomfortable typing out the word rape. but yeah thats what he said apparently. doesnt make it better he could walk to her house and he knows where that is. but unfortunately it is what it is no matter how cruel it can be.
anyways, after cspe i fucking raced through the classroom to get to another because it had a door to the outside which was closer to the door to the other outside door to get to or religion classroom, we had a proper sound sub, she was rly nice and i thought she was a bitch because of her hairstyle but she really wasnt, AND I GOT MY FAVOURITE SEAT!!!! mission acomplished, my friend was happy bc i always run to get good seats and i actually did unlike last time where some people were unfortunately quicker.
idk if i mentioned this but i learned about shifting maybe early 2021 and it didnt really go anywhere, id tell you where i have planned out for me to go but it would be embarassing, i have one for the embarassing one and one for a library, filled with extensive knowledge and characters from shows i watch. anyways my body felt like it was floating last night, just like my first shifting attempt nearly 2 years ago now, i nearly did it but i chickened out, opened my eyes and couldnt ever do it again or get those symptoms. when i woke up at 4 in the morning i was half stuck in a dream, and was trying to do my tasks to meet my goal, i dont even remember what my tasks or goal was.
i skimmed the entirety of sex education, it was my first time watching it, it was pretty good, i really liked ruby she was definitely my favourite i also really loved roman but cmon ruby, she was so good also aimee. i redownloaded farmville2 so its time to relive my farmer life whoop whoop. ill do another blog post later. anyways goodbye have a good morning, good day and good night
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Had a dream where bff was dating Zeth....
but like maybe it wasnt zeth but it was. I went over to hangout and meet him and he was amazing, and i wanted to feel jealous but i was happy for bff. 
Bff was explaining that when they started dating she was confused as to literally why he liked her like she was like, he loves being active, running, biking, hiking, and she hates all those things but he was still into her and didnt care. And she was basically saying, hes so hot and nice and cool and out of her league but for some reason he still likes her. 
And i was like bff, youre great don’t worry about ti. But then i met him, and i was like omg he’s amazing. I wanna marry him lol not to be rude but.....i see where shes coming from. 
And he had a big truck, with a bike always attached to it. And he was really nice and gentlemen like to me. He was zeth. We would be riding in the truck and he was like speeding down the highway with the and open the door and stand up while driving like WOOOOOO and i was like omg! like it felt so dangerous but so fun and freeing. I think thats what i was a little jealous of, like he was just so cool and adventerous and i wasnt sure if bff appreciated that. 
Like we almost crashed sometimes and i was so nervous, but he always had control of it. He was so spontaneous lol
We went to dinner? or something and then after we were driving around before we had to drop bff off at dogs to work. And he was riding through his childhood neighborhood and explaining stuff. And then he was like i used to get ice cream right here and then we saw the truck and he did a 180 and tire skid turned around for us to park and get ice cream. 
It was like a ice cream/magic shop. And it was mobile but you could go inside and order and sit. Like a small little room. And we went, and again he was being really sweet and offered to pay for both of us. And he went to the bathroom and bff and i were sitting there and all of a sudden. RON is there with friends, and he can clearly see us, its a small room but its so awkward, and i was like he he its kinda cool being here with zeth like idk he gives off cool vibes. I was also thinking “would this have the same effect if it was Liam hm” but i wasnt sure if ron had already seen liam and he wouldnt be a “new face” 
But i was picturing if Liam and i were on double dates with bff and zeth like that would be fun right? But i tried not to think about it cause it the dream it seemed far fetched that Liam and i would ever actually date. 
Then fucking alpha was there?? it felt like so many people from our past was in this tiny ass ice cream shop and bff and i kept making jokes like wooo its so hot in here, like geesh theres so many peoppleeeee 
Anyways, we paid and left and when we went out it was sooo dark and scary and there was a guy lurking and being creepy and weird. So zeth was like hold on, im gonna go check this guy out. So he grabbed his bike off his car and was trying to lure him away from us but also get a closer look. 
And bff was like “stay here, he’s gonna check if he’s a bad guy” like trying to explain to me what he’s doing like im stupid but also just so she could brag about the fact that he was so protective and strong oooo, he does this all the time for her oooo. And i was like OKAY i get it, your boyfriends perfect, and fun, and protective of women and thats hot. lmao 
But things got out of hand because people started chasing us, and i couldnt find the truck. We all got separated, and suddenly i was running and terrified. But we were on the steepest incline grassy hill. So trying to avoid the creepy guy was exhausting because i was trying to run away from people i thought was bad but it was up and down and up and down the steepest hill. In the darkness, literally gripping the grass to keep from falling when it was completely vertical at times. 
We made it out and was safe and everything
Thats pretty much it...,
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specterseen · 1 year
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new oc kind of incoherent rambling under the cut. many thoughts. may just make their own blog but keep it simple. lmao i must be stopped
ok but like. generic telekinesis oc who is very cool and has swag and works at an arcade + is very techy. her name is blair and her dad is a very scary CEO of a company she doesnt give a shit about and they both live in a penthouse but she hates it but also tries to be grateful for even living a lavish life. she thinks her dad is a dick (bc he is and devotes his life to work and neglects her) (kept her in the divorce battle by being a psychologically abusive asshole with money) and resents him for driving her mother away. she doesn’t resonate with the rich child look so shes often not home aka working at a small arcade for a small paycheck (her dad sometimes mocks her for having such a low paying job and thats its worthless) but also has been sneaking money from her dad who actually doesn’t notice bc metaphorically his pockets are overflowing with money so she’s been hoarding a bit of it here and there so one day she can make a break for it once she feels like she can leave.
except shes finding it hard to so shes kind of in a cycle go to work, stay out all night, maybe smoke a little bit, come home and repeat. sometimes volunteers at soup kitchens and in other ways in the community. anonymous monetary donations. the money she gives is from the money she makes, not from her dad. doesn’t let her efforts of giving back in a way get to her head bc she knows she’ll never be able to stand up to her father and his money. she feels that no matte what she will always be tied to her fathers legacy. almost got a job working on a committee to make more a change in the community but she got scared and backed out.
her telekinesis didnt randomly show itself during a moment of extreme anger or anything, it developed slowly as she grew up. it started as dull vibrations in her hands whenever she felt emotional (happy or sad, doesn’t matter which end) and it made her feel weird. like there was something there to be let go or dispersed but she could never figure out how. as she grew, anytime she was emotional as a young teen, things would move whenever she’d cry or scream. and then when she’s happy things would move like during a big laughing fit with friends for exmaple. this kept on until she was curious enough to actually try and move something. and to her surprise it worked. once she realized she could actually move stuff with her mind, she closed herself off and spent most of her free time during high school honing this ability. no idea where it has come from, she refuses to ask her dad about it and she has no way to contact her mom so shes just left with questions upon questions. left feeling alone.
she graduated high school with full control of her abilities. got a job at an arcade and smokes weed here and there. not much, she doesnt like to fry her brain too often. floats around hot spots around her city which include clubs and other hang out areas. isnt close to anyone so she really is just a floater. if shes feeling mischievous she likes to fuck with people by using her telekinesis and moving shit around. never gets old. 
shes still living at her dads penthouse and is surprised her dad hasnt kicked her out yet since one time during an argument he yelled he’d write her a 100k cheque to leave if she wanted. she only ever goes there to sleep, eat and bathe. not feeling homey enough for her just to hang around. although she does relish on occasion when her dad is gone on long business trips. 
she’s very cool and can be flirty. has made out with people at clubs for a drink or just for fun lol. 
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arckyy · 2 years
Day 13
The day before, We were talking on discord like normal. You had your son talked to me too. He called me "Daddy". I felt that. I felt the love. I felt like i was ready to become a dad to him. A fatherly figure to him that he didnt have growing up. We were suppose to meet on the next day day. We were planning to meet each other. Accompany you to take mc and introduce you to my favorite nephew. I was hoping you'd bring azka along too so they could play together. They're age weren't that far apart from each other. At this point, I knew what i felt was real. What i felt was something that i was searching for a long time. You asked for my ig at this point though. There was nothing for me to hide so i just gave it to you. There was a reason why i stayed single for 4 years and it was because i was still traumatised. Whatever my ex did to me, It still haunts me till this day. Getting cheated on 6 times and all of it happened infront of my own eyes was a feeling i dont want to experience again and i dont want anyone to experience what i felt during that time. So i went ahead and removed some people that i knew weren't good for me. There was one girl that i talked to before you though. I didnt have any feelings for her but i did know her from a friend in NS. My intentions were trying to help her because she was in need of help. Nothing more than being friends to be honest. I wasn't looking for love. I knew she wasnt right for me in the first place because of the way she talks to me and the times where we met, The more i knew her the more i just think that me and her should stay as friends. But i was still willing to help her. I told her once i helped her, I hope she gets back on her feet and find someone else. But we stayed as friends. It was a promise. But one day she just decided to not reply to my text anymore. I was left wondering why. You know this. The more you have questions unanswered in your head, The more you feel in pain. This was what i felt. Days after trying to talk to her, I just got tired. But she came back not long after and said that she wanted to continue talking to me. I rejected it though. I explained to her how i felt and since she broke my promise and i was already talking to you at that point, I was gonna cut all ties off with her but i dont want her to exist in my life anymore. I checked her ig highlights to see if she had our photo when we went out to eat and if she had it, I would tell her to delete it and blocked her for good. I didnt want you to think badly seeing my photos on other girl's page but i slipped up and accidentally reacted to one of her photos. It was a mistake that i wish i hadn't done. I should have just left it and blocked her. You saw that she texted me on ig and you felt in pain. You felt betrayed. You blocked me and i wasnt given a chance to explain myself. I knew i fucked up big time. You believed whatever you said to me is true, That i was like the rest. The moment i knew i fucked up, I got ready and went straight to your house. I was gonna surprise you and cheer u up. Tell you that im yours and yours only. But that didn't happen. I met azka though. Such a sweet boy. I kneeled down and talk to him. The more i talk to him, The more i just felt like i didnt want to lose him too. I still remember he said that he wanted a bicycle because the one that he had broke. I told him wait for my pay day and i'll go shopping with Mummy to buy him a bicycle. Really sweet boy. I enjoyed talking to him and i told him if mummy comes later, I'll ask her for permission to play with you at the playground. I was super excited. But you didnt know what to do. You felt uneasy. You told your mom to accompany you to take mc and i was left there just waiting. After awhile, I knew that i wasnt gonna see you that day. I just felt like i had to give you the truth no matter what. I want to save all of this no matter what. So i gave my phone.
I was left with no phone though but i was okay with it. I thought of the bigger picture and that was you and azka in my life. A little bit of sacrifice wont hurt me. You leaving me would. I went home and the only platform i had to message you was discord and twitter. You told me. On that same night, You told me you had an accident, I was super worried. I video called you and i knew you should go to the hospital and get it checked because usually when you pillion, You're the one that will receive the most injuries. But you told me that it was all okay. I was going to pick you up and send you home. Even though i didnt have my phone, I know my way around roads. I got ready and was on standby. But you didnt reply for awhile. You went to search for your missing items. Your missing items include my phone because i told you, Whatever i own, It's yours. When you said you were gonna book a grab back home, I felt like i needed to see you. I felt like you needed me and it was my time to shine. So i went over to your house and waited. I waited for about 1 and a half hours. When my brain is telling me to go home, My heart tells me to stay for another half an hour and maybe you'll show up. I waited for about 1 and a half hours before my heart tells me, "Maybe she's back home already waiting for you to reply to her. It's okay if you missed her at her house, But she's waiting for you to come back home and text her". I was right. You did text me but i realised that if i waited for another half an hour more, I would have met you. I was desperate to know how ur feeling but at the same time, I thought you should rest because it was a tough day for you. We talked next morning and you said you were in the hospital. I got superworried. I wanted to visit you. I took mc again and was ready again whenever you need to see me.
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