#she fucking loves shiny things and pretty things tho she collects them
moss-flesh · 1 year
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mouse in her silly little outfit
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secretkittywolf · 9 months
Zexal headcannons that appeared out of nowhere. (There's a lot btw)
Cathy and Shark bite people. Cathy mainly nibbles or nips you, whilst Shark will full on bite you. The Numbers Club are covered in nips from Cathy and bite marks from Shark. Cathy tends to nip Tori a lot on her arms and occasionally Rio too. Shark will just bite Yuma a lot and Rio to annoy her. Cathy only bites if she's in a bad mood (Yuma witnessed it firsthand) also Shark loves to bite shoulders. He sees a shoulder (mostly Yuma's) goes up behind them and bites.
The only people that Shark will ask to bite is Tori and Trey. Tori because he once bit her and drew blood which made him feel bad (he'll never admit to that tho) and Trey, mostly cause he's sweet and he doesn't want to hurt him (he will deny that too!) despite Trey telling him its fine.
Shark goes feral from time to time. He tends to growl and chomp people, but the worst he's ever done was to Vector, where he bit his arm hard, that he tore the flesh and didn't let go. Despite Vector wildling shaking his arm.
Yuma and Shark like to climb tall people (Flip would be included, but cause I don't really like him much, he doesn't get climbing people privelages) Yuma mostly climbs either Kite or Nistro whilst Shark climbs Chris and Thomas. Shark always kicks Thomas in the shins before climbing him, just to piss him off.
Yuma also likes to climb on Astral. He'll never forget the day when he climbed Astral, back when his friends couldn't see him, and they freaked out on how Yuma was floating. The only person Yuma never climbs is his sister because he accidentally kicked her and she flung him off her back.
Shark files his canines. He started when he first got the nickname "Shark" and still does to this day.
Astral collects shiny objects. Anything that shimmers and sparkles, Astral will pick up. There's a pile of shiny things in the Emperor's key where Astral keeps his treasures. It definately has gotten larger when he got a more solid form since he got Yuma to collect them in the past.
Mizar makes bird noises. Everytime a bird chirps or tweets, Mizar does it back. His favourite bird is the canary and one time, he squawked after Vector scared him and is not allowed to live that down.
Alito & Girag are bronies. They discovered the show whilst flicking through channels at the BARian and fell in love. They both cried like babies when the show ended. Alito's favourite pony is Rainbow Dash and Girag's is Fluttershy.
Dumon curses people in Latin. Not "fuck you!" or "You asshole!" in Latin, I mean actually CURSING people. He only does it if he's extremely pissed off and Alito once got cursed by Dumon, he had the aboslute worst day ever and nearly died on 5 separate occasions.
The Tenjo brothers have one secret: Kite doesn't read Hart bedtime stories, Hart reads them to Kite. Ever since Hart got sick and Kite dying on the moon, the older Tenjo brother has nightmares, so Hart reads to him every night before bed.
Ever since "Sharks" by Imagine Dragons came out, Shark became obsessed and Rio is already sick of it.
Despite being the biggest klutz, Yuma is a pretty good baker. He learnt from his grandma Haru, and tends to bake for his friends and when he stressed, since it's the only thing that calms him down. The whole kitchen became a bakery once the Barians started attacking and even more so when he lost Astral.
Even though he's seen as the sweetest Arclight sibling, Trey loves to wear leather and is a heavy metal fan. The only one who knows of his secret is Shark.
Rio hates flowers, especially being gifted them because of her allergies. Due to her being popular, she's had many guys confess their love to her, shoving flowers in her face and it makes her furious and sneeze a lot. She now carries around a pair of scissors so if someone gifts her flowers, she can cut them.
Quattro is a botanist. He found various books on plant life and decided to learn everything about them. He takes it very seriously (a shock to the rest of the family) and if being a World Duelist fails, he plans on taking his studies further.
Dextra gives up dueling full-time to be a Lepidopterist (someone who studies butterflies and moths). It was a shock but Kite, Nistro and Hart fully support her and do whatever they can to help her out with her career change. She still duels, but it's sparingly due to her new career.
Quattro & Dextra are besties. It was the biggest shock but there was a reason behind it. Dextra was at the library, looking for books on butterfly anatomy and bumped into Quattro as he was looking for more books on plants. The two became fast friends after Quattro helped Dextra out with some of her research. They both are planning on opening a butterfly sanctuary where Dextra can let the people of Heartland City know about various butterfly species and Quattro on the various plant life. Quattro will continue on entering tournaments to provide some of the funding for their project.
Nistro owns a café. He opened it once Mr. Heartland left since he is a big fan of cosy cafe's (he'll deny it but Dextra has seen his browser history)
Shark has an altar ego: Yumi. Yes, he loves to crossdress. He wears a pink wig, green contacts and has a hidden box full of girl clothes. He's even trained his voice to sound like a girl. The Numbers Club have met "Yumi" but are stupidly oblivious to not realise that Shark hasn't met her face to face but Rio is suspicious tho.
(There will be more added so do keep an eye on this because it will be expanded whenever a headcannon forms)
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lilflowerpot · 1 year
hello again~
I'm here to ask a question about LoZ. so, I have a friend who plays and recommended it to me because she knows I love open world games and breath of the wild is (apparently) one of the best open world games ever and I've been hesitating ever since. she might be a little biased tho lol
and like. there's a sale going on right now for botw, so the recommendation just kind made itself known in my memory again
anyway so, basically I'm here to ask if it'll be worth it? I mean, the general consensus wherever I go seems to be 'amazing, go get it u won't regret it'
(and, this is totally optional, but if you could answer asap that would be great because idk when the sale ends, thank you)
p.s I love little blade. you're amazing
I think it's obvious by now that I am a //massive// Zelda fan so tbh I'm likely no less bias than your friend lmfao, but that being said I'm going to try and give as balanced a response as possible!
BotW is beautiful, and I mean b e a u t i f u l . The graphics have this lovely watercolour quality to them as an ode to the artstyle used in Skyward Sword, but more crisp & refined. Unlike a lot of the big open world games (looking at you skyrim) BotW doesn't sacrifice colour or try to be "gritty", but rather leans into that soft-apocalypse, studio ghibli vibe.
The narrative is equally lovely and fulfilling, and depending upon what order you collect Link's memories in you will likely have a different gameplay experience. You'll also meet a lovable cast of characters to whom you'll end up unreasonably attached, which will ultimately break your heart in the end,,, I apologise in advance, but I promise you it's worth the pain.
On that note, do it for my bitch-ass bird son. You'll know him when you meet him.
Link can jump. This will mean very little to you if you've not played a LoZ game before, but my boy can fucking JUMP.
You can also climb pretty much everything (bar like one specific material) which means if you want to get to that Cool Thing Over There, then with a mix of mix of ungodly arrogance, sheer willpower, and a lot of stamina potions, you can. If you suffer from the magpie brain (ie. you see a new shiny thing and become immediately sidetracked from your original objective) this will mean that you take about 10x as long as you should to do literally anything, but my god is it fun.
The soundtrack gives me feelings that I cannot put into words, and the voice acting is //phenomenal//. Importantly, Link himself does not have a voice actor which is the only correct choice considering he's been heavily implied throughout the entire LoZ franchise to be an elective mute, and I would have //hated// hearing him speak.
Link is also just a very sweet & funny golden retriever boy who occasionally sasses back like nobody's business. 10/10 protagonist.
If you like women, you will like them even more by the end. If you don't like women, there's a 90% chance you'll seriously reconsider it upon meeting [REDACTED].
The game has something for everyone: you like exploring? Well you're going to do a lot of that. You like collectables? There are so many outfits (that you can dye to your liking!) and a wholeass compendium to fill out. You like puzzles? You'll certainly find your fair share. You like combat? The basic mechanics are what you'd expect with there are enough different enemy types to keep it interesting, but dO NOT FIGHT A LYNEL WITHOUT MAKING SURE YOU HAVE ENOUGH WEAPONS BC THEY WILL BREAK AND LEAVE YOU WITH A VERY ANGRY VERY MEAN MAN TRYING TO KILL YOU.
It is genuinely very good value for money, and even more so if you can get it on sale! Not only do you have the mainline game & all its side-quests, but there's also the expansion pass, and, of course, an entire sequel just ready and waiting!
Sometimes the open world can feel a little too open. Considering the game's context, it makes sense, but comparatively games like Skyrim feel more densely packed with Things To Do, whereas BotW has several areas of overgrown nothingness that are lovely to look at, but not especially interesting (though this is better rectified in TotK).
You can't swim underwater. This was not rectified in TotK, though I dearly wish it had been.
A lot of fans used to complain about the temple format of p much every Zelda game up until this point, so the developers essentially removed temples altogether and instead replaced them with only four (technically optional) Divine Beasts, plus Hyrule Castle itself. I... did not like this. I'm a big puzzle girlie, and though BotW has shrines scattered across the landscape—most of which are puzzle-based—I personally felt that this substitute was lacking in comparison to the original. TotK does improve on this by reintroducing temples, but I still could have gone for a few more (Skyward Sword was the opposite of this, with very linear gameplay which a lot of people hated, but I personally will stand by SS's Ancient Cistern until my dying breath, and Twilight Princess had some really innovative temples that I have replayed several times over).
On a semi-adjacent note, the final boss just... wasn't my favourite. That's not to say it was bad, only as boss fights go I've had better (I did, however, like the final segment of that fight).
You will develop an immediate fear response to the Guardian music.
Ultimately though, I absolutely do think you should buy it, and am jealous that you'll get to have that bright-eyed bushy-tailed first-time experience, because believe me, if I could erase my memories and play BotW all over again, I would.
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kalofi · 4 years
Bro just the way u like. Draw the cast it makes me so happy its unreal....can u pls spill sum hcs u got for the crew?
AH THANK YOU !!!!! um im rly bad at coming up with hcs they usually just happen when i draw but i’ll try to sum up the silly little thoughts i have about the cast !! about two for each :)
kinda canon, but he just says stuff. like most of the time without thinking. so sometimes he comes off as insensitive but he just does NOT have a brain to mouth filter. this has gotten him in a lot of trouble but also can b rly fucking funny. some old jerk scientists will be like oh dr freeman didnt you wear that exact shirt yesterday(smug) and gordon without looking up from the photocopier and only half paying attention will b like well u wear that same face everyday and i don’t hear anyone else complaining. and then the other scientist will try to hold in their tears as they walk away. gordon does not give this a second thought ❤️
extremely smart but also just so dumb. u know what i mean. also he loves fishing but hates hiking. he also doesn’t know the first about how cars work and has no idea how to differentiate between brands or models. gordon “help girl i don’t know what breeds of cars there are” freeman.
me n cecil (@/mint-bees) were talking about this once but benry usually just dresses comfortably cause it’s easy but if they want to dress up they WILL. extremely good fashion sense which surprises everyone cause like. benry can dress?? the same benry who wears tuxedo shirts unironically?? THAT benry??? but they just wear shittyass clothes cause they find em funny and also they just like em
benry is so bad with animals. like they try to be friendly but most creatures are scared of them lol. sunkist is the only dog who would even get near benry and that took a couple months of interaction to achieve. don’t be mistaken tho sunkist wasn’t afraid of benry she just didn’t like them lol
TOMMY MY FRIEND TOMMY. pls excuse me projecting onto him but tommy loves jewelry. collecting it, wearing it, etc. he’s just super into it and he especially likes metal-type jewelry cause of the clinking sound they make when they hit each other. his favorite designs of jewelry are fun litle things like fruit or candy or just miscellaneous objects. he finds them super cute!! also, the brighter the color the more drawn to it he will b. tommy is like a crow in which he sees a neon or shiny color and his eyes zero in on it and he needs it now now NOW!!!!!!
this is based off that one comic i made but tommy can just. consume stuff without actually...eating it?? like if he wants to eat a breadroll he can just hold it in his hand and like. absorb its energy. from an outsiders perspective it just looks like that object is slowly phasing out of existence. in retrospect it’s kind of a useless ability and tommy likes the stimulation of chewing so he doesn’t use it that much except as a fun party trick ❤️
also tommy was adopted by gman but he still has powers cause gman just passed them onto him. think all might passing his quirk onto midoriya but without the hair eating. tommy spent time in his childhood after being adopted trying to hone his skills but he’s still a little unsteady to this day. in that way he’s kinda more dangerous than gman sometimes cause he can’t completely control his powers
i think this is kind of agreed on within the fandom but bubby loves cooking. black mesa food was ASS. utter ASS. so once he gets out he goes all out with experimenting on what he does and doesn’t like. they’re pretty bad at cooking at first but they’re pretty stubborn so eventually they get it!!
i feel like it’s funny if bubby was one of those ‘oh in my day-‘ old ppl but like also he likes to b pretty up-to-date with whatevers currently popular. hence the ‘NUT UP OR SHUT UP!’ and ‘i believe the kids say you pogged it!’ gordon hears bubby use the word lit once and has to sit down for a moment to process.
also unrelated but bubby only likes two video games and they are tetris and pac-man. this is simply bc years ago i asked my mom what video games she liked and she was like ‘i hate video games the only one i like is pac-man’ and i thought it was the funniest shit. me n my siblings still make fun of her for that
DR COOOMEEERRR !!! we all know dr coomer is extremely impulsive if he wants smth he WILL get it by any means necessary. he is very bad at thinking of long term consequences, he just sees the product of the now and if he likes it he will go for it. the reason he allowed himself to b cloned by black mesa even tho it was extremely new and unsafe technology was bc he was like wow! that is just so cool! and didn’t give it any thought beyond that. i feel like the reason dr coomer has so many body modifications(power lungs, extendo arms, etc) is bc of the long term affects on the body of the cloning process. like yeah in the long run it may have caused for him to need to get a replacement heart but also: clones 😼
this has been said b4 but dr coomer is p bad at comforting ppl. like don’t get me wrong he tries but most of the time when trying to comfort someone he’ll just go off on tangents. in that sense he’s bad at it cause he usually doesn’t know what to say but also surprisingly it helps bc most of the time he says the most absurd thing that just cause ppl to. snap out of it. at least for awhile.
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oikadori · 4 years
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Happy Birthday Oikawa
Oikawa x f!Reader 
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Summary: It's been more than 6 months since the last time you and Oikawa had been in each other’s arms, he has been in Argentina training while you went to the United States to study. But now his birthday is coming
WC: 1,5K
Genre:  angst,fluff, a little suggestive,swearing
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“I miss you so much, (Y/N),” your heart clenched at the sound of his voice lowering  “God I wish I could be there with you.” a small smile appears on your lips while you handle your bag to the airport assistant. “I know, Tooru, I miss you too.” 
“It’s just so frustrating!! I want to hold you, to kiss you but I can’t…And I just-” his voice raises and he starts to speak faster, you reach the boarding wait room knowing you’ll soon have to end the call.
“Babe, I have-” 
“You know what??” he sounded desperate and kept talking.
“Babe, I know it is hard but I really have to-” you tried to add but Oikawa’s voice didn't let you “Fuck it!! I’m taking the next flight to Boston, that’s it” you stiffened,a large sigh coming out of your lips,  you were 120% done with his complains. You shake your head thinking about your exasperated boyfriend, and how he’ll react when he sees you.
“HEY TRASHYKAWA! Listen to me, I have to go. I was supposed to work on... a group project.” the woman behind you looks at you frowning, how couldn’t she,  with that scream of yours.
“Sorry babe, I got a little carried away...wait, what?” he blinks a couple of times,  looking down at his watch, 11:20 pm.
 “But you were supposed to be the first one to say Happy Birthday to me…” even if you couldn’t see him, you could picture his mouth pouting. 
 “I know Tooru, I’m really sorry. I have to go,” Oikawa bites his lip “Okay…” his voice is barely a whisper, you take a deep breath,  not knowing how much can you keep this going. All you want to do is to tell him that, after the next 5 hours you will be hugging him tightly  “I’ll call you first time in the morning, don’t do anything stupid ‘till then, okay?” a little smile adorns his lips 
“(Y/N), what can I possibly do in the next 6 hours, plus, I do have a sleeping schedule to follow” you let out a ringing laugh, Oikawa squeals at the sound of it, seeing that gorgeous smile of yours again will be the best birthday gift he could ever ask. When was the last time he actually saw that pretty smile? Thought you never liked your laugh, he never stops telling you how cute it is.
“Who knows? You always manage to surprise me” the line of boarding moved, making you the next to show your ticket, an endearing chuckle came from the other side of the call, making it almost impossible for you to finish the conversation with him,  “I really have to go...I love you Tooru, bye.” You quickly place your phone on your handbag and turn to the counter lady. 
“I love you too” his back drops on the bed a little shocked about how quickly you finished the call. “Fuck” his forearms are crossed over his face, his mind wandering over the last time you shared dinner together, held hands , slept on the same bed to wake up next to each other.
But most painful was that he couldn’t stop thinking about how your lips tasted and how your skin felt under his touch. Oikawa wasn’t able to restrain a small sob from his lips. 
12:00 pm and not even a text from you, were you that busy to not even text him? No, you were actually updating Iwaizumi, Makki, and Mattsun about the plan the three of you were pulling out.
  A little sore made its way to his chest, This week you barely talked with each other. He didn’t know that you were busy organizing your trip to Argentina just to be with him. 
Worry written over his features, his eyelids became heavier and his breathing slowed, fatigue making its way in his bod, after all, he just has made its way back from training. He turned to the side hugging a pillow pretending he is holding you and closed his eyes longing for you to be there with him.
You stand in front of a door in the middle of the hall, your eyes checked the address in your phone and looked at photo Oikawa sent you a few months ago when he moved in. Yeah, this is the place, a big smile appears on your face and you knock the door expectantly. Nothing. It’s almost 5:30 am, he’s likely to be sleeping, knowing his schedule you realize today is his day off. Of course, he is sleeping.
 A few minutes after, you’re calling your boyfriend. 
“(Y/N)-chan?” Oikawa’s voice rings from the other side, hoarse and slumberous. 
“ Happy birthday Tooru!! Sorry for not telling you sooner, I- The guys stayed until just now and…” 
“Awww, Thanks (Y/N)!! Don’t worry babe, I understand... you sound tired” a huge yawn coming out from his lips, you giggle at his words, if you knew Tooru. Your heart beats faster at his soft words, hearing him always made your heart skip a bit. “Babe? Everything ok?” his words still are drowsy and another yawn makes it through his lips. Oikawa won’t tell you that his eyes are closing with each passing second because he only wants to hears your voice as long as he possibly can. And you know this. Your heartbeats speed up and your cheeks heating up.  
“Yeah, it’s gonna be more than ok” you whispered “I’ll let you sleep now, I know you need to have a good sleep to keep that pretty face”  you tease, as sleepy as he is Oikawa lets out a warm laugh and grins at the phone. Before he can fully answer, you silence your phone and knock the door with powerful thumps.
“Of course, to wake up this handsome I- What the fuck? Sorry babe, some idiot it’s knocking on my door, wait for me a minute please” 
The door opens and Oikawa’s eyes widen, his tiredness disappearing instantly. You blush at the view in front, his phone con hand, his messy brown locks framing his features, and his bare torso exposed to your eyes. 
“Guess I’m the idiot, uh? “ you smile sweetly at him “Surprise T-” before you can say anything else, Oikawa is already all over you. He kisses every inch of your face while holding you tightly, his lips brush your neck and make you let out a vociferous laugh. 
You gently push him a little, feeling his skin under your touch is hard to regain your composure “Happy Birthday Tooru” You cup his cheeks and kiss his lips, his hands move to your waist and pulls you closer. Sharing a passionate kiss that was longed for too much. 
“I still can’t believe you are here, how?” His forehead rest on yours and your fingers strike his locks and caress his neck. 
“Well, It turns out your girlfriend is amazing soo..” His laugh fills the hall and sends warmth to your stomach. 
 “This is the best birthday gift I could possibly get, you know?” he lifts your chin up, stroking your cheek, his eyes filled with tenderness “I love you so much...Fuck, I missed you” Small tears appear on both of you, a smile set on your lips.
“You are the best thing it could possibly happen to me, Tooru” his eyes dazzle while wiping your tears with the back of his hand. Both of you restrain yourselves from becoming a crying mess, slowing down your breathing. 
“Well... are you gonna invite me in? Or are we staying here the rest of the night?” you cock your eyebrows making Oikawa smirk playfully at you. He observes you, but his gaze looks ...darker.
“So many things we could do here, tho” he leans , pressing your body against the wall, trapping you between his arms. You feel his chest against yours and notice how bulkier his forearms look now. You manage to collect all your self-control and keep a playful mood. 
“Tooru” you whisper bowing closer to his ear “Iwaizumi, Makki and Mattsun are coming here in about 2 hours,” 
“Are those 3 coming too?... You guys are awesome” his face displays a big smile and shiny eyes. Is he really that shocked that his friends are coming to see him?  “In that case, love,  we should make most of the time we have left” His husky voice promises so many things, sending shivers through your body. You are genuinely surprised how easy he shifts his moods. 
“I like the idea. Maybe, after you  help me unpacking, hmm?” 
“That won’t take long, isn't it?”Oikawa hums in your neck  
“Well I’m making a whole semester here, I think I brought plenty of stuff” you coo, Oikawa steps back and his eyes glisten in delight. He takes a look at your suitcases noticing for the first time how big they are and hurries to take them in his apartment. 
“That’s just the best news I’ve heard so far. You’re making this day better and better (Y/N)” Oikawa’s hand holds yours tightly as he closes the door. “You make me so happy, babe, I’m really lucky...thank you...for ev-” One of your fingers presses his lips, you  lean on your feet to reach his cheek, planting a gentle kiss
 “ Anything for you, I love you Tooru. Happy birthday”
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It is  almost a week late but I had to do something for his birthday. 
Here are some other things I made about Oikawa (⊃‿⊂) .  Ahhhhhh I’m still new to this
↳ ∴ Master List ∴
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
A Man And His Cat
You both explore pet play.
Warnings: Adult situations +18 , Pet play, Spanking, Oral, Its kinky
A/n: Sooo who wants smut? my quarantine imagine went down well so here is another dirty fic. This will probably be a mini series feel free to send me your kinks and I will try and incorporate them. I am still working on my other stories slowly but on a little writers block and I may or may not have re-watched superman vs batman so look out as there might be some more dc on the horizon because omg I nearly forggot how yummy they were. Anyway here is another smut piece for you all hope you enjoy xx
Taglist @two-unbeatable-beaters​ @thatgirly81​
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A Man And His Cat
You lounged across the sofa in your hello kitty onesie playing your xbox, you'd gotten Jurassic world evolution and was currently snickering letting your t-rex run around eating people. Henry was upstairs you could hear him moving around in the study. The door bell went off you quickly got up wrestling kal out of the way to answer it hearing the post man call out he had left it on the bin you thanked him bringing the large box inside with a few letters piled on top. Not thinking anything of it you brought the post in kicking the door shut behind you.
"Babe what the fuck?" You froze not sure at first what you'd done wrong
"Shit hands! hands! sanitize them quick! we cant take chances! Your not supposed to answer the door I've told you that! Were in London! For Christ sake" He said rushing to you snatching the post handing you the sanitizer that sat on the table by the door. You shook your head quickly rubbing the sanitizer over your hands letting it soak in as Henry shook his head at you watching closely.
"Sorry, sorry I forgot" he sighed since receiving your official 'shielding'  letter from the government Henry had been a little mother hen....papa bear? Either way he was on edge hounding you about keeping your hands clean not touching anything that could possibly be infected or letting anyone other than himself with in 6ft of you. He even made you take your temperature each day with good reason tho your heart clenched things were getting bad the infection and death rates climbing each day ,there was rumors that the UK was on the course to being just like Italy and Spain. In a way his worrying was your fault when the letter came through Henry had freaked out a bit, it hit him hard when he realized it wasn't just speculation it was a fact that if you caught this thing it would most likely kill you and he was shook to the core. It didn't help when you'd only told him a few days prior not to worry about your condition that it was under control ,which technically it was every two months you was having blood tests every so often your blood count would dip a little but you normally managed it with your diet just eating more meat usually does it, the protein helping your count go up a little. You didn't bore him with the details he didn't need to know to much, you knew what to do and when to do it, it was normal for you. You feel yourself getting rough you get a blood test and up your steroids, you feel better you lower them back down the main goal being avoiding blood transfusions. But Henry had insisted he needed to know everything now he said it'd make him feel better so you told him, sat him down and explained that somehow your body can survive on a borderline blood count it should be 120 to 150 yours hovers around 100 to 110... If your lucky, not low enough for a transfusion but low enough to cause a few problems if it drops any more the lowest it got in recent years was 57.... yeah that wasn't fun, you'd spent two whole days seven till seven getting transfusions then had to go back to have the iron in your blood taken out....It was not pretty, but since then you'd been more careful. You explained the fact that your immune system was practically non-existent you caught chicken pox a year before and it nearly killed you two days after the spots appeared causing all sorts of issues pneumonia, bacterial infections in the heart and lungs then sepsis resulting in a few weeks in hospital in the infectious diseases unit so yeah safe to say catching this thing would be bad. Henry bless him was gobsmacked he knew you was anemic ,that was it, he had enough on his plate you didn't want to add to it.You leaned back on the side unit by the door trying to pet kal who sniffed at your hand then snorted walking off, he didn't like the sanitizer one bit.
"Henry I'm sorry I just-it keeps slipping my mind" he nodded wrapping you up in a bear hug resting his chin on your head.
"I know baby I'm sorry for snapping... I just don't want to loose you, stay indoors and stay safe those aren't just the government's rules ,their my rules as  well baby girl remember?" You nodded kissing his chest before replying.
"Yes daddy" then turned and walked to the living room again noticing kal playing in his small cubby hole that had been a cupboard until recently, it had been turned into his own little bed room, complete with bed, night light and shelves that had some family photos of the three of you, you blew him a kiss and he huffed plonking his head down on his fluffy bed stretching out ready for his morning nap, you settled back down to play your game. Henry used the sanitizer then ran a hand through his hair sighing he picked up the post bringing it in placing the large box on the counter. He smirked realizing what it was. His order from bondara ignoring the letters he quickly got a knife slicing open the box. Henry routed around in the box like a kid on Christmas excited he headed up stairs to collect his other investments. You was pulled out of your game by Henry combing your hair back with his fingers pulling it up and back into a high ponytail, something you had no idea he could do, you paused the game turning to him but he held you still facing the TV then you felt them. He had clipped your little fluffy grey kitty ears in your hair pulling the pony tail tighter to secure the bottom of the crocodile clips. You brought a hand up to them confused a little touching them softly. He walked to the side smiling cooing at you
"There she is my precious little kitty! Just look at how cute you are?" You flushed at him as he bent down petting between your 'ears' then he growled in your ear.
"I could just eat you all up" you mewled rocking on the sofa a little anticipating the way this would turn out he gasped a little.
"But whats this? you still need your collar how will anyone know you have a loving owner if you don't have a cute little collar on?" he strode across the room plucking something from the box and retrieved a few more items from the counter that you hadn't known was there ,now tho you could clearly see a folded black towel you moaned at the implication he must have brought it down from upstairs turning he made his was back to you this time standing in front of you.
"As much as I did like your own kitten collar I got you a new one, not from bondara I didn't like theirs much but thankfully etsy is still up and running, here it is see?" You gasped as he revealed a pink leather choker with a pretty lace and ruffle design making it look more like a fancy Lolita choker then a kitty collar apart from the large rose gold D ring hanging from the middle just below a dark pink bow and medium-sized rose gold bell You quickly made to grab for it but he pulled it out of reach .
"No let me do it" you quickly held your head high stretching your neck for him to put it on he chuckled at how eager you was, you smiled wide as he quickly placed it around your neck you sighed when you felt the inside was a little padded with a soft almost suede like material. He spun it around so the bell and D ring was central then hooked two fingers inside checking how tight it was satisfied that it wouldn't choke you he pulled away and watched you closely then he sighed
"No ... its still not right is it kitten?" You tilted your head feeling a little ashamed?upset? he didn't like it? Did he think you were ugly? You blinked frowning at him bottom lip wobbling a little as you were on the brink of tears pulling back from him.
"What-" he shushed you placing a finger to your lips
"Kittens don't talk, now there is something missing pet, Ah! I know now this might be it" he said and picked up a small shiny matching rose gold heart tag, he held it to you to read it. On one side it said kitten the other had 'Property Of Henry If Lost Call' and his phone number on it you gasped a little opening your mouth the thank him but he snapped his fingers at you.No talking. You pouted mewling up at him again not sure how to communicate how much you loved it. Then you clicked leaning forward licking his hand biting lightly before tilting your head nuzzling his crotch. You smirked as his breath hitched in his throat and he grunted swearing quietly unable to stop himself from grinding on your head a little then stopped as you pulled back he grunted again rearranging himself in his bottoms. He made quick work of threading the tag onto the D ring he kissed your head
"Good girl and look baby it was a set" he leaned over you picking up a thick soft paracord lead in pink with leather handle decorated to match your new collar clipping it onto the D ring then looped it around his hand tugging lightly prompting you off of the sofa once you stood he quickly undid the buttons on the onesie letting it fall leaving you naked in the room. You shivered nipples puckering as the soft lead grazed your breasts and tummy as he moved, stepping out of the onesie Henry kicked it across the room.
"There we are kitten, nearly finished now down" he said barley containing his excitment you got down on your hands and knees before him holding his gaze rubbing your thighs together rocking side to side trying to caress your tingling clit between your lips as you felt small trickle of your arousal escape onto the floor mewling at the tiny flickers of pleasure it caused. Henry lead you across the living room to the island in the kitchen crawling was a little tricky at first but you soon found a smooth rhythm staying beside him smiling as the bell tinkled at every movement you made, he smiled down at you from this angle you could already see the bulge forming in his trousers, you went to sit down when he stopped only to have him fold the lead in one hand an strike you with it lightly across your breasts making you yelp out then moan looking down seeing a red stripe across them.
"No sitting until your told now ass up, good kitten just like that" you complied preening at his praise. He bent down holding out a fluffy grey kittytail plug you squealed a little bending further down pushing your tender breasts to the cold floor looking back at him expectantly waving your ass in the air at him. He laughed and crouched beside you running a hand across your dripping pussy  he leaned over kissing your head growling as his fingers massaged your wet center you moaned pushing back on him, he dragged his fingers to your opening plunging two thick fingers inside crooking them trying to scoop out more of your cum holding the plug just below you arched pushing back skimming your breasts across the cool floor trembling as he fucked you slowly bringing the plug to your clit and pressing it in small circles making you buck against him moaning and keening in higher pitches.
"Oh looks like I may have wasted money on lube hey baby? all wet and ready for me already such a precious thing." he ran the plug along your ass smearing your arousal across you all the way down to your slit you moaned as he spread his fingers out pulling your lips with them revealing your quivering hole to the cold air of the room making you gasp and clench as the freezing metal plug passed over it resting heavy on your clit, bucking a little you whined pushing back a little as the cold metal met your heated wet flesh, he held it still letting you warm the toy before running it back and forth slowly twisting it letting your arousal coat it wanting to make sure it was wet enough for him to push it in once satisfied he lifted it moving one hand to your bottom then began pressing it insistently at your tight little pucker. You whined placing the side of your face on the cool tile looking at him, he stroked your head shushing you when he realized just how much bigger this was from the last one
"Ok kitten now try to hold still one big deep breath just like before...Good girl now out push on your bottom" you nodded whining  bearing down on the toy as he held your shoulder using it to pull you back as he started pressing the tail further into you. You arched taking deep breaths when the plug seemed to get wider and wider you shook your head trying to arch away as it stung despite your arousal easing the way, you panicked a little as it seemed to keep stretching becoming sore as your tight ring tried fighting it .
"N-no its to muc-AAHH!" you cried out , he shushed you
"Come on kitten... Nearly there....Just a tiny bit more I promise......Push out again for me good girl! shh that’s it...Such a good girl for me......Ah ah no! stop moving bab-baby no no don't do-HEY! enough!-you’ll hurt yourself!" He scolded you as you tried to push against his hand on your shoulder to wriggle away then when that didn't work you unconsciously tried tucking your bottom beneath you whimpering. He stopped you with a quick volley of sharp spanks you yelped as his hot hand heated your ass, then there was a familiar popping sensation as your bottom swallowed the plug closing snug around it. He had used the distraction to quickly push the last of the plug in with a quick little shunt. You pushed up on your hands breathing heavy as the plug was indeed larger then the one you had used before, you ached as your ass tried fighting it wanting to push it out you let out pitiful breathy moans as you rippled around it.
"Daddy? Its big-im not sure-FUUCK OOHH" you cut yourself off moaning loud when he grabbed the tail and gave a small tug smirking as you cried out then followed it trying to ease the pressure he thrusted it a few times hitting something deep that made you arch high and squeal pressing back on to it as your pussy ceased and your clit throbbed so hard it almost felt raw he let go then twisted on his feet petting your head drawing patterns on your back.
"Oh baby I know its hard but your a kitten and kittens don't talk , if you carry on daddy will gag you understand?" you nodded at him pressing your head into his chest and kissed it softly wanting a little comfort, hissing deep breaths as you clenched around the tail plug whining, he brought the hand from your back and rubbed around the plug pressing it lightly.
"Its a little bigger but look at you? such a good girl look at that pretty little tail now just one more thing and you'll be daddies perfect kitty" he stood back up getting the remaining items a set of mittens that had no thumb piece instead just one Little pouch to fit your hand in with little paw prints on them they would be held on by two thin leather wrist cuffs. you wriggled around now growing accustomed to the bulbous plug pressing on your insides moaning as the ache became more a pleasurable throb you rocked a little in the air mouth open gasping as you rocked faster feeling the plug press against the back wall of you pussy, Henry quickly snatched up your hands one after the other locking them into the paw mittens. He stood back groaning loud as he watched cupping his erection rubbing along the bulge moaning rocking his hips into his palm as you kept arching your back. The sight was more erotic then he could have dreamed, he almost drooled as you rotated and wriggled your hips pushing back and forth trying to make your plug hit the spot he had pressed it to earlier moaning with closed eyes flushing a bright red, flinching as the tail ghosted your legs as it swayed behind you, turning you looked at the soft tail hanging between your legs giggling as the soft fur licked at your thighs. He snapped out of it and tugged you moving slower this time you stopped every so often moaning and whimpering as each step make your pussy twitch as the plug pressed against the back wall of it teasing your sensitive flesh from the wrong side by the time you got to the sofa both thighs were wet and you was shaking with need he sighed sitting down on it legs spread holding the lead tight keeping your head close to his crotch
"Come on baby time for your little treat" he said motioning for you to pull him free you brought your hands up fumbling with the zipper only really achieving to rub him through them ,making him grind against your hands throwing his head back you groaned in frustration whimpering at him resting your head in the inside of his thigh running your nose across the bulge sighing he looked down then petted you between your ears again.
"Oh kitten you can do better then that come on get daddy out." you pouted at him and nipped his thigh with your front teeth making him hiss and tug harshly on the lead growling at you before wrapping the cord around his fist once more pressing your nose into his crotch
"Bite me again kitten and see what happens, you think I wont fuck your throat raw? Ram into your mouth until my cock is choking you? Face fuck you until your pass out? I wouldn't test me kitten not now Ive waited to long to have you like this." His low ground out threats made you moan you couldn't wait until he fucked your mouth, already craving his salty taste, you kissed his cock through his trousers licking at it, it made you realize what you should do you trembled tucking your knees underneath you to keep your weight off of the plug you licked a long strip up the front of his trousers wetting them making him grunt again, one hand rested on your head petting you, you smirked watching through your lashes as he started flushing and panting, he loved it when you did this it was the only time he let you tease mostly because he was enjoying himself to much to fight for control, for all his talk of wanting control you think he secretly liked being at your mercy every once in a while, you poked out your tongue grazing his zipper then bit down making sure to press on him harshly making him yelp and hiss though clenched teeth when you dragged it down, he fumbled quickly undoing his top button and shimmied them down his hips giving you enough room to bite his boxers and pull them down....only you didn't you wrapped your lips over them sucking on him hard through them making sure to soak his boxers with spit making him groan giving a  thrust up to your face fisting his fingers in you hair a little careful not to pull off the ears.
"FUCK kitten!! Oh GOD! fuck pleaseplease do that again!! come on once more such a good girl" you did taking your sweet time kissing and suckling on him nudging him with your nose pushing him up and latched onto the sensitive underside of his cock running your teeth over his hot flesh rocking your hips left and right letting your pussy massage itself poking out your tongue you flattened it running it up the vein near his head pinning it to his hip then opened your mouth around it humming, he jerked up ass leaving the seat moaning out loud swearing at you for being a tease, you continued up finding his swollen crown you licked at it then his slit sucking again on him. He groaned loud and drawn out flexing his fingers and widened his legs you carried on enjoying having the man at your mercy for once kissing and sucking at his twitching length he began rocking faster panting.
"OH! yesyesYES Baby...WAIT HOLD ON!... Fuck slow down!Dont nono that's it kitten thats enough daddies going to cum! NO! ENOUGH!" you giggled as he used the lead to jerk you away panting and sweaty you thought it was funny you'd never heard him that desperate before, he normally had godlike restraint  holding himself back for hours if he really wanted to, he gasped then ran a hand across his face and melted into to sofa fighting of the impending orgasm. You sat there biding your time once he relaxed you swooped back in ready to force him to cum in his boxers, but only managed one kitten lick before being jerked away again he growled at you in warning giving you a stern look then tugged of his top still panting.
"you cheeky little thing!" you grinned raising yourself to your knees running your hands up his thighs as you leaned in kissing along the v of muscles above his boxers licking at his skin then nuzzled him lightly ghosting his stomach with your nose placing butterfly kisses here and there feeling him flex trying to arch his cock up to you, you slowly made your way down again opening your mouth tilting your head to engulf the muscle just on his boxers waistband flattening your tongue relishing in the pleasure filled noises he let loose and in the same moment curled your fingers over it the elastic pulling it away letting him spring free hitting your chin. He grunted as you let go letting the elastic snap back onto his balls only letting his cock free he looked down at you giving you a heated look
"Careful baby you don't want to play these games with me" you blinked innocently at him smiling then began kissing lower until you was at the base of his cock ignoring the small patch of hair at his root kissing him obscenely with open mouthed wet kisses then licked him from base to tip before plunging down on him he groaned closing his eyes tight
"FUCK KITTEN! Oohh god that's so hot, shit your mouth is SO FUCKING HOT UGH!" You sucked him deep swallowing around him letting one hand wander to his balls cupping them and rolling them in your palm your other hand dropped between your legs and you ground yourself on your hand moaning onto his cock as you worked your clit in slow firm strokes making your new gloves sticky and wet from your arousal. He cried out desperately bucking into your mouth and throat moaning and crying out cutting off his own words as you kept changing your pace hearing your little bell jingle with your movements on him bobbing your head slow with harsh sucks to his head then fast making sure to swallow or moan as he hit your throat focused solely on making him cum. Today he would cum first you were going to make sure. You whined as you changed direction on your clit feeling the heat in your belly slowly make its way down settling in your hard clit rubbing and tapping at it moaning louder as your orgasm began to build. He shivered his thighs jerking and trembling as you pointed your tongue pressing on the sensitive vein underneath it he shook his head clutching at the sofa grunting breathlessly each time he felt the vibrations of your throat moaning on him.
"BABY BABY STOP! I cant fuck please its to much- no nononono not yet I FuckFU-Fuuuck ah AH AH OH SHIT FUUUUUUCK" you ignored him, he was so lost that he had forgotten the lead, you used it to your advantage pulling back and sucking hard on his head licking at his slit then gripped his sack squeezing it tight as it tensed upwards then with one small drag of your teeth he whimpered loud and high releasing in your mouth jerking himself uncontrollably into your mouth face fucking you just like he threatened. You gave yourself a mental pat on the back but decided to go further swallowing as much of his cum you could but continued to suck and bob on him then cried out as your rocking hips found that perfect position on your clit making it throb and twitch your walls clenching, spasming making the plug move and caress your depths finally you screeched around his cock and came over your hand soaking the glove he yelped curling his feet into the floor shifting back trying to get away you followed placing your hands on his thighs pushing them back as he tried closing his legs trembling from your own release moaning and withering against him.
"UGH NOO FUCK STOPSTOPSTOOOP! ITS TO MUCH BA-KITTEN STOP IT NO PLEASE" he through his hands down blindly pushing you but you fought him wanting to torture him a bit, a little pay back for the other day you reasoned, but you couldn't fight him long even in his fucked out quivering state he was ten times stronger than you, you dragged your teeth across him one last time as he pushed you back off of him completely.
"Your a little bitch, you know that?" He said head tilted back and one arm draped across his eyes heaving deep breaths you just giggled kissing his thighs
"Where the fuck did that come from Anyway?" You just smirked licking your lip trying to collect the cum that had escaped from your mouth he groaned watching your pink tongue darting out.
“Meow?” You were a dangerous little kitten he decided. He looked down feeling your wet mitten then frowned a little before smiling deviously.
"Oh kitten? You didn't touch yourself did you?" You froze a little then sent him coy glance pulling your hands down slowly hoping he wouldn't notice. He caught your offending hand quickly
"Did you?" You shrugged feigning innocence as he pulled your hand up sniffing it you blushed
"It certainly smells like you" you whined at him flushing embarrassed  making him chuckle, he licked a long strip of of the mitten slapping his lips as he puled away tutting.
"Oh i think you did didn't you? Because daddy knows exactly how you taste and that my sweet little kitten is definitely you on this little mitten, such a needy little kitty hm? Did suckling on daddy really make you that desperate? Poor little baby" you panted as he bent forward his pupils dominated the blue of his eyes hot and playful all in one he peered down at the wooden floor sighing.
"Such a messy little pussy you have" he pushed you back a little you ducked when his leg swung over you and he got up walking to the counter again you watched  carefully as he approached the box you took the time to admire his taught ass as he bent forward a little reaching inside picking something out then folded the towel over his arm then hear the distinct sound of leather cracking on an open palm. You snapped out of your ass worshiping gaze eyes flicking  to his hands as he spun around looking at him as he held a new leather paddle with a paw print on it he smiled slyly crooking a finger at you. Come here. You gulped then rose from your spot on the floor crawling toward him gulping.
"You know kitten you was very reckless at the door earlier it was very naughty trying to torture daddy and playing with yourself without permission? I think you should be.....Corrected shall we say, for future reference just as a deterrent?. After all prevention is better then cure isn't it?" he licked his lips watching you squirm on the spot just across the kitchen island he tested the small paddle again. Your whole body ceased up as he stared at you.
"Erm N-no lets not how about best two out of three? You know three strikes and your out?" He chuckled shaking his head.
"Oh baby but that was three strikes and how many times do i have to tell you? kittens don't talk do they?" You pouted trying to sit your bottom down only to jerk it back up as your tail plug pressed deeper and the soft fur tickled your leg... not only that you didn't want to get it wet with your arousal
"Come kitten what do you say?" You blushed
"Meow" his face lit up yet his eyes only got darker
"That’s it such a clever kitty, but I must say you will be getting more then three strikes of your new paddle trust me now come round here like a good girl" you crawled around to his side squeaking as he lifted you effortlessly bending you over the counter you hissed as your breasts squished into the freezing cold marble your toes didn't touch the floor as he shuffled you up with the edge of the island on your thighs. He stood off to the side a little admiring the way your grey tail hung between your legs, the pitiful noises were delicious he grunted feeling himself twitch already starting to harden again he patted you bottom drawing lines along the soft skin moving to your slit following up towards the plug lifting the tail holding it taught in a fist but not pulling it out just tugging enough to make it press down into your pussy from behind. You moaned squirming trying to follow it as he held it high toes scrabbling up the cupboard door failing.
"Oh baby that's so cute, you know I  can see your pussy trying to find something to latch on to, does it feel hot? Is it empty? Sweet kitten you see if you had been a good girl following your rules, if you had stopped when daddy said and asked to touch yourself daddy would already be balls deep, battering away at your needy little pussy painting your insides with his cum... but no instead you hand to be a naughty girl and will have to settle for your paddle." You cried out as he circled your twitching clit as he spoke emphasizing words with shallow thrusts on his fingers he pulled away picking up the paddle striking your lower cheeks and pussy making you jump and moan hearing a wet slap as the sting settled in he pulled away running a hand over the pink spot
"Oohh look at that hah you have a little paw print on your tush now,I think fifteen will do don't you sweety? Five for each naughty thing you did? You know normally I would have you count and say thank you, but well seeing as your a kitten today you should meow instead" You groaned as he lifted it again slapping a bit harder this time you yelped as he aimed for the under curve of your left cheek then meowed dutifully.
"Very good again" he struck you again lower on your thigh no harder then before this time you meowed again moaning as your pussy clenched dripping on your touching thighs. You closed your eyes tight as he continued peppering your ass with the paddle the final five landed in quick succession on your weeping pussy you meowed loud and hard sobbing each pussy spank had directly struck the underside of your clit. Throwing the paddle on the counter he cupped your red swollen lips his hand cooling the burn. He smiled then tilted his hips up bringing his fully erect cock to your entrance. Throwing the towel down on the floor. You sobbed higher as he drew lines on your slit teasing your muscles you jerked against him just on the edge of cumming kicking out your legs.
"You know I have been doing some reading about squirting, I think I've sussed out how to make it happen on command shall we test it out?" You shook your head grunting as he thrust forward you cried out feeling him force your walls apart making room for his fat throbbing cock it stung more then ever with your weight on your tummy and plug in your ass but you loved it.
"Ugh! NOOO!AH AH FUCK!" You mewled grunting at each punishing thrust stretching you he was fighting the plug in your ass for room holding firm  he grinded your clit you screeched as he angled his hips and tugged up on the tail making the embedded metal run along his cock growling. Before you knew what happened your body ceased walls tightened clamping around his cock moaning and gasping releasing, flooding over him he laughed groaning as your steady stream of cum hit his abdomen and washed over him.
"Oh fuck! yes I knew you could do it good girl, fuck that's so HOT! again more come on baby you can do it! Give it to daddy once more then I'll fill you" he grunted doubling his efforts stroking his cock around inside of you giving sharp tugs to your tail jolting you back against him to meet his brutal hips making you whimper at the harsh treatment one of his hand snuck below you pinching your clit almost jerking it off.
"FUCK I’m nearly there KITTEN! OH SHIT! Fuckfuckfuck you better fucking cum for me! Or I'll get the wand out again!" That did it You threw your head back placing your toes on the cupboard door rocking against him cumming again long and hard, so hard you couldn't make a sound all the air left you and you just hung there your mouth hanging open in a silent scream he grunted gabbing your shoulders pulling you back to him making your spine curve painfully as you fell apart around him again your sopping pussy sucking on him trying to trap him with on final painful thrust he growled rubbing his cock head on your cervix releasing torrents of cum into you. He lowered your shoulders down feeling you go limp taking a moment to catch his breath then he pulled the box towards him panting heavy fishing out another plug
"NOnonono please Henry no moreIi cant-I came again I promise I did please don't get the wand out!" You panicked pleading with him as his hand disappeared into the box pushing back on him, he smiled waving a dildo plug on your face
"Not a wand see this is for your pussy love, to keep my cum inside you for the rest of the day.....after all you was a bad kitten" you mewled relaxing happy he wasn't going to torture you again to tired to argue you laid still as he pulled himself from you quickly plugging you up before anything could escape. You moaned and wriggled he slid you off of the counter to you feet quickly supporting you as you nearly dropped to the floor smirking a smug little smile you reached behind you to pull the tail from you he smacked your hand away
"Ohh no I think I will have you stay like this all day, at least then I know you wont answer the door" you gaped then pouted at him crossing your arms at him
"A-all day? What if I get cold" he chuckled walking across to the sofa throwing you his tshirt you quickly tried slipping it on but dropped it due to your mittens you sulked stamping a foot he pulled on his boxers then returned picking up the tshirt sliding it on you then quickly undid the mittens you flexed your fingers when they were free , he collected the damp towel on the floor wiping down your thighs and between your legs you took the other end patting his pelvis down blushing realizing just how much mess you'd made you looked down still wiping him tears sprung to your eyes sniffling
"Oh god this is so embarrassing" could hear the quiver in your voice, ready to cry out of shame he growled not having non of that he shook his head hooking his fingers into your collar pulling you up on your tiptoes forcing you to look him in the eye.
"Not its fucking hot! I cant believe how sexy that was feeling you cum so thoroughly, drenching me uncontrollably, fuck it was the most amazing feeling! And I cant wait to make you soak me again and again, one day I’m going to drink it from you." You blushed shocked by his words as he leaned in kissing you passionately sucking on your tongue he pulled away tossing the towel into the washing machine then pulled the leather cuffs from the loops in the mittens throwing then in as well quickly turning it on to rinse and dry. Then quickly he scooped you up settling back on the couch, you squirmed pulling the tail from under you he held it up your back lightly  then handed you the controller.
"Now show me your Jurassic park d-did you let the t rex out?" You smiled giggling at him nodding then snugged back into him as you started making a new paddock in the game. These next few months were going to be the best of your life if today was anything to go by.
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skittymon · 4 years
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Finally finished Tales of Eternia!! 
And that makes 11th tales games finished and 15th overall played in some degree (Phantasia, Legendia, Innocence, and DotNW being the ones I havent finished yet).
Once I started again in December I decided that instead of liveblogging I’d make a review at the end instead.
So here we go! I will keep this spoiler free as possible!
I’m pretty scatterbrained but I’ll try to divide this into: combat, story, characters, and other game mechanics.
Combat: So obviously, the combat is above Phantasia and Destiny’s, being made after them. I honestly have grown fond of the 2d linear style format. There’s so many different boss fights in this game that can only work in a 2d field rather than 3d. 
On the flip side, that’s not always a good thing. I count bosses like the wild dog thing in Vesperia, and Fodra Queen of Graces to be among the hardest mandatory boss fights in tales. Welp, Eternia added one to the ranks. Rem (aka Aska the light spirit) is one of the most frustrating boss fights I’ve done. Apart from constantly slowing healing itself, on the field it brings a shiny ball with it. You cannot destoy the orb, it’s there all fight, and if you touch it it hurts you. And of course it blocks the way to Rem. There is a way past it, it moves up and down so you just have to wait until its up to move past. BUT GUESS WHAT THE AI DOESNT DO. So your party will probably either be dying or constantly in pain. AND REM CAN MOVE THE ORD ANYWHERE. Also you cant physically hit Rem while its casting a spell only far away skills. So if you ever play this game just cheese it and spam variations of Sonic Blade.
Of course, on the flip side it’s every easy for you to cheese boss fights and just back them up into a corner unable to move or do anything until they die, so it evens out.
The sprite animations for the artes are gorgeous. Reid moves so fluidly in his artes, he’s honestly my third favorite protag to play as behind Yuri and Ludger because of this. The caster animations are great as well, granted it can become cluttered and hard to see in when artes like blizzard and earth shaker are used. BUT GOD DAMN I CAN WATCH MEREDY USE METEOR ALL DAY IT LOOKS SO COOL.
Nitpicks about the combat system are, Life, the reviving spell Farah has, takes to long to charge, and for Meredy and Keele to use healing artes you have to mix and match who has what craymel (spirit). There might be a guide but I didnt look beyond reddit so Life was the only resurrection spell I had. 
Last nitpick comes from the Aurora Artes. Aurora Artes are skills only Reid can use, but in order to use them you have to have health below 15% and press circle, square, and x at the same time, so it’s very easy to mess up and die. Then to use more Aurora Artes you press the same buttons repeatedly, and after you use them Reid is left with 1 hp. AND the final boss has an automatic kill skill, you have to press the buttons at the right time to activate it and keep everyone alive, or you can cheese it like I did and have Farah hold a reverse doll to revive her after she dies. Did I also mention this skill happens in phase 2 of the fight when the bosses health is less than 20,000 after starting from 300,000? If you fuck up thats like 10mins of redoing.
But to end on a better note for this section, I love the way artes are learned. You have to use certain artes a number of times before you can unlock it (I THINK abyss and vesperia and many others are like this but this is the first time I found it rewarding). I grinded like hell to get the best artes for Reid AND YOU BET IT WAS WORTH IT. Omega Demon Chaos I love you,,,,
Story: Like countless other Tales titles, the conflict comes from two worlds being at odds with each other. However this game does something that none of the other games have done with this story beat. Language barriers! It’s super cool in the first couple of hours theyre just trying to figure out how to talk with Meredy. Of course by the end this point is nearly dropped entirely, everyone else just getting the special ear ring I spent 3 hours to get so the plot can move on.
Like most tales, theres a moment you thought the story would end but BOOM the twist. I wasn’t shocked by it, but that’s because I knew who the final antagonist of the game was prior to playing it, but still it was executed well. 
Something that makes this Tales stand out is how they deal with backstory. So the main fours backstory is vital to the story and their characters but they don’t show it till like 20 hours in. It’s like if Graces you start off in main arc and learn about the childhood arc 2/3 of the way through and went “ohhhh that’s why they were distant with each other.” And other stuff about it but I won’t spoil it.
Overall a good story, though I do feel like I’m missing things either from missing some side quests, or because of no skits.
Characters: The main ones to shine are the four main characters (Reid, Farah, Keele, and Meredy), everyone else literally is either one dungeon and/or optionable. Chat does still feel like a character being the owner of the Van Elita aka means of transportation for half the game. Max and Ras tho rip. ESPECIALLY MAX. Ya know how every tales there’s the mandatory Talk Before The Final Battle? Yea well they all get one except Max. You see him, but he doesnt talk, YET THEY CRAYMELS DO.
Another odd, yet charming, thing is that there’s no big moment of character development for anyone like Luke cutting his hair, Magilou keeping the portal open, or punch in the face like Alvin. They just. Slowly change. And its really weird cause for all of disc 1 Keele is basically an unbearable asshole and he just? Learns to be a better person from everything he sees? There’s no callout or moment of realization, he just slowly learns and it’s super refreshing. 
Reid is probably one of the most relatable protagonists up there with Jude. I’m sure most of you know the “he doesn’t want to do shit lol” persona he has BUT GOD WHY HE’S LIKE THAT BABY I LOVE YOU. Farah’s personality is also explained in the backstory, so for any of you crestoria players that Farah’s backstory is really different like how Emil’s is, but the sentiment of why she’s like that is the same and stem for a similar event.
Meredy’s also great. I thought I’d get annoyed of her and her “You bet!” but god when she says it the last time at the end of the game, I was pretty moved. I wish I knew more about her backstory but I’m pretty sure a certain section of her life info was left to skits and ya know we didn’t get those till Symphonia :)))
As antagonists go, besides the Craymels who are there to test you before you get their power, there’s just two. Main boss and their lackey. The lackey is eh. You see him once at the beginning of the game, then see him destroy a  city, then one last time where you kill him. You do get his backstory and stuff but eh I’m usually not fond of tales mini villains minus Chimerad, God Generals, and Artorius’s lackeys
The main antagonist tho, I really don’t wanna spoil it but it’s hard to talk about why I’m conflicted on it without spoiling. So it’s like Destiny’s final boss but written better in some part and worse in others. So at one point it’s super emotional and pretty powerful with the message eternia wants to send but at the same points its a jrpg where you gotta kill god cause he doesn’t think humans are worth it. 
Oh one more thing thats honestly hilarious, there’s literally SINGLE animated cutscene by Production I.G in this entire game minus the op. 
Other things: the amount of mini games in this game is insane, but the amount you have to do IN JUST THE SECOND DISC to continue the plot is more than any other tales game I can recall. Some of them are fun like the card game, others like the bomb one I want to throw in a fire. 
There’s also so much Destiny pandering in this game. There’s portraits of the characters, you can collect lens, I’m 95% sure the way a certain character is done is because they wanted another Leon, you can SUMMON THE SWORDIAN USERS ARE AS AN ACTUAL SUMMON. While all Phantasia gets is the cameo battle and the Eternal Sword. I mean I didn’t mind cause I’ve finished Destiny and it’s one of my fav tales games but damn it was pretty obvious. 
In conclusion: A fun game! I don’t think it was worth 133 dollars tho consider my play file was 35 hours and thats with a good chuck of side quests and ex bosses. Probably in my top 5 combat systems of tales and final villains, but not in terms of story or characters. A really hope it gets remastered soon I’d love for more people to play it.
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solasan · 4 years
15, 16, 22, 24, 27, 49 for Zinnia!
15. are they good at cooking? do they enjoy it? what do others think of their cooking?
yea she’s a good cook. liked to experiment a lot with it when she was younger, but she does that less now. lots of spices, she loves spices. also lots of seafood, bcos it’s what she’s used to; she knows how to make seafood good, whereas other stuff (like, say, venison) she’s less experienced with. 
she enjoys cooking quite a lot !!! even her bone broths (which would be what she’d usually be subsiding on by the time they’d reached a month / six weeks into a voyage) are like...... still very unpleasant, but usually have some spices in them to make them at least somewhat palatable
one of the best cooks on the white thorn 100%. used to barter meals she’d cooked for rum and whiskey from time to time shdhjsjdk. and her companions appreciate her cooking too, even if she hasn’t got access to as many fresh supplies / as much seasoning as she’d like. which is probs for the best bcos shadowheart would probably die from her proper dishes HSJDJSKDK
16. do they collect anything? what do they do with it? where do they keep it?
ok zinnia is a very practical person as a rule (whatever her personality might suggest) but she’s..... also a pirate, bro. she likes shiny stuff. specifically, she likes rings; she’ll collect rings till the day she dies. she’s always wearing at least one on every finger, sometimes two. they’re always on her person (less chance of them getting stolen that way, surprisingly) and those she isn’t wearing will be strung around a chain on her neck.
look when ur a rogue and a thief u kinda lose faith in locks and chests, ok
22. what are their favourite insults to use? what do they insult people for? or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back?
uhhh she’s especially fond of using ‘wanker’ as an insult. any form of it. if someone’s pissed her off she might go off abt them being a ‘small cocked wanker’ for example shdhsjdks. also just generally going around making it pretty clear she thinks ur an idiot is a sure bet; i do foresee her asking astarion if the tadpole ate up his whole brain, or only half of it, bcos really ur pretty dumb mate. and like, we know, but hey
anyway she might have a habit of stabbing people in the back when it comes to combat, but zinnia is absolutely willing to tell u to ur face if she dislikes u. esp if u’ve done something that breaks her ‘code’; she lies, she cheats, she steals, she even kills, but she doesn’t fuck with slavers and she doesn’t hurt kids, not ever. hurting the innocent (but especially kids) is a surefire way to get her boot up ur ass
on a less severe scale, she’ll insult u if ur boring or a stick in the mud shdjsjdk. even scholars aren’t especially safe from her (soz gale love u) just bcos she doesn’t see the point in learning from books when u could learn from the world
24. what is their sleeping pattern like? do they snore? what do they like to sleep on? a soft or hard mattress?
eh. better sleeping pattern than she had when she was younger ig tho i do think she finds it harder to fall asleep since the whole tadpole thing shshjjsd. worries she’s never gonna wake up again. but when she does sleep, she sleeps very deeply; snores a bit, drools sometimes, splays out in the most contorted positions. but once she’s in a position she’ll stay in it, basically; won’t move the whole night, sleeps like a log.
she can sleep anywhere and on anything (comes from years of sleeping in a rocking hammock on a moving ship, surrounded by her loud crew) but she prefers a soft mattress. not that she’s gotten to sleep on many
27. what makes them sad? do they cry regularly? do they cry openly or hide it? what are they like they are sad?
she’s not much of a crier tbh ??? comes from the emotional constipation shdhsjdjk. what happened to arabella made her very sad, but that quickly turned to anger; she’s gotten good at that, turning her sadness into anger. she knows what to do with anger ig ??? not so much sadness.
but yea seeing suffering kids, suffering animals, that makes her sad. also thinking on yarrow for too long; she starts wondering if yarrow’s alive, how her life is, if she misses her, etc. thinking of her crew does it a little bit too, but less so; it’s more that she feels extra motivated to get back to them
when she does cry, which is rarely, she hides it very well. tears are weakness to her ??? so she’s not comfy being seen like that. but usually she manages to turn sadness into anger before that can happen, which is definitely not healthy, but hey
49. what is their most valued object? are they sentimental? is there something they have to take everywhere with them?
oof. she’s not particularly sentimental, but she has a stack of yarrow’s old letters tied up with a piece of string back on the ship that she feels a little bit naked without. she’ll be super pissed if she gets back and finds they’re gone shdjsjdkl. i wouldn’t say those are her most valued possession tho; they’re sorta like a bruise she likes to push sometimes, but less and less as the years go on ??? they make her chest ache, and as we’ve already discussed, she’s.......... bad at being sad SHDJSJDK
im not sure what would be most valued to her tbh ???? her blades ig ??? bcos she’s so attuned to their specific weight, and they’ve kept her alive for years, and they’ve been her only consistent possession for like..... over a decade ???
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ravel-puzzlewell · 4 years
Ari: 5, 18,26,33,35,42,48,49,50,53,55
49. What are some themes tied to your character’s story?
“No wonder we cannot appreciate the really central Kafka joke: that the horrific struggle to establish a human self results in a self whose humanity is inseparable from the horrific struggle. That our endless and impossible journey toward home is in fact our home.”
— David Foster Wallace, Consider the Lobster and other essays
Ari’s central theme is this precise struggle to establish a self, but under a pressure of being perceived in a world that enforces a bunch of roles and identities on her. Being a half-drow girl in a small-minded village and having a cold, judgmental father, she knew from a very young age that there are acceptable and not acceptable selves, and if you show the world the wrong thing, you will be punished. And not just show the wrong self, but if you perform the right self in an unsatisfactory manner, you will not be accepted either. Like, she was a small orphan girl being bullied, but parents never took her side, because she was a grey-skinned drow child of this weird elf loner and she didn’t dress or look or behave like little girls, because she didn’t have a female role model and Daeghun just dressed her practically and didn’t bother giving her “feminine” cloth. So she watched other girls like a zoologist studying an animal behavior and adopted the patterns like “Oh hey guys, check out what a Hyper-real Idealistic Femininity I’ve got there, I think I deserve some acceptance and validation for that, huh?” Of course this realization that it’s not enough for her be something, people will only treat her like that thing if she performs what they expect from it lead to her building up a lot of resentment. And she never got a chance to figure her true self out as the pressures and expectations were being piled on her, up to saving Neverwinter. So Ari felt like a collection of masks hiding an empty center, where she doesn’t even have a self, just resentful rage and a bunch of shadows. She only got to figuring herself out in MotB, bc MotB was not about saving a kingdom, but about saving herself, and to save herself she needed to first define it.
33. How have they changed over time?
in original NWN2 Ari doesn’t really change, just grows better and better at performing what everyone around expects from her and becoming more and more bitter and angry because of that under a ethereal sweetness that she coaxed over herself. in MotB she’s finally forced to confront herself and realize that she’s not actually a despicable monster incapable of love and good things that she believed she was her entire life. She also came in terms with her masks, and being able to find her “self” and so to distinguish what part is a role and what part is she, Ari is now much more in control of the performance instead of compulsory mirroring the expectations. If before the world was theater and she was the actress, now she is also directing the play. She… well, not calmed down, she’s still very Extra™, but she’s lost the self-loathing self-destructive violent edge.
48. What was their lowest point? What was their highest point?
Lowest point is def the end of act 1 start of act 2 of MotB when Ari thought she can’t control the hunger and also because all she could feel inside is raging darkness and she couldn’t tell apart where is she and where the soul-eater, so she was completely unraveling at the seams. The highest probably when she went back to Neverwinter and saw that people of the Crossroad Keep are still aggressively loyal to her, and Kana is keeping off Nasher from annexing the Keep with lawful bureaucratic nonsense like Penelope waiting for Odysseus to return.  
53. Expectations vs Reality: what did you expect and what did you get with this character?
I didn’t expect anything when I just started nwn2, I usually see what narratives and themes the game offers me and form a character I think would be the most interesting to explore them with. If we talk about defying the expectations, it’s probably that I expected her story to be over at the end of nwn2. I was  disappointed with the ending, but on some level I saw it as fitting - Ari didn’t have the character development as much as self-destructive spiral throughout the game, and she died after her biggest victory, she always wanted, but never could live for herself, ceasing to exist as Neverwinter didn’t need her anymore, a heartbreaker who was only loved for what’s projected onto her, a shadow disappearing when the masks covering it are smashed by rocks. And then Mask of the Betrayer happened, and gave me not just a story custom-tailored to the themes and development of Ari, but also with love interest having parallel thematic arc of performing vs true selves. Even the flaws of OC NWN2 were post factum justified, like characters being one dimensional because that’s how Ari saw them vs layered, complex characters in MotB bc she learned to let people have their own agency and not just as objects that she needed to manipulate in order to save. It was truly a poetic cinema moment. At the end of nwn2 I thought Ari would be a sad character from a mediocre game that never gave her space to grow, and she ended up as my absolute fav OC in motb.
50. What are some motifs associated with your character?
Masks, shadows, Fae glamour, flowing shimmering silks, mirages, lightning, sky, esp in transitional stages between night and day times, twilight or the blue hour before the dawn, labyrinths made out of lilac hedges with a monster in the center.
Her general vibe is this post: “She had the confidence of a well organized library and the haunted grace of a moonlit cemetery.”
5. Height and Body type 
Ari is tiny, like, not comically so, but pretty distinctly even for a half-drow. Half-elves are on average human-sized and shaped, and half-drows are normally just a bit smaller, but Ari’s mom was a half Moon elf herself, so Ari is actually just a quarter human. So if normally half-elves look more like humans with some elvish characteristics, Ari looks like a watered down elf. Still lithe and bony, with sharply defined features and elongated limbs, but the aggressive angularity is smoothed down. It’s most obvious when she’s standing next to pureblood elves like Sand or Daeghun, who are pretty much made up only out of triangles and straight lines, and Ari has some ovals and curves.
18. Have any special keepsakes?
Not really for herself, Ari is not sentimental at all. Her familiar tho collects shiny and interesting things like all magpies, and Ari has a designated pocket on her bag to carry it.
26. Guilty Pleasure
Interesting question for Ari. by the end of nwn2 original campaign she would technically classify as like high functioning alcoholic with also occasional drug abuse. But that’s just coping mechanisms, not pleasure. Having a breakdown and fucking several succubi in your Keep’s basement is also I feel like shouldn’t count as guilty pleasure, it’s just Ari’s equivalent of crying in the bathroom for 10 minutes, then fixing your make up and going out to get shit done. It’s “I can have a little drug-infused orgy, as a treat.” So for guilty pleasures… probably just junk food.
The ask meme
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minecraftoworymode · 5 years
bob the old builders
#OK I KNOW WANDA PAINTED THIS I JUST KNOW SHE DID #WHY DID THEY CUT THIS THUIS SO FUNNY #MCSM #also the steve placeholder.. bro im telling u.. they keep confirming my lore #it keeps Happening #Many Thoughts Head Full. #ok but the fact its Just Fred raises many questions like binta knew about xara and rom but they arent considered on the same level as fred #even though the three of them created the universe together... so is it just like the three divided communities rewriting their own religio #steve here is very likely just a placeholder like hes been in concept art before but like... i have no doubt in my mind soren would be here #i stand by my fucking lore to the grave that the first ever steve avatars were the first builders and soren was a part of them #and thats THAT. on THAT. period.
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(related to my ideas on classes and worlds)
SO steve n alex do factor in to my mcsm au but they weren’t the first humans (or humans at all for that matter but. thats another post)- those would indeed be the old builders (tho i also like to call them ‘moderators/mods’ bc, ha ha admins and mods... n i kind of like the idea of referring to them collectively as the moderation bc none of them have ANY impulse control except maybe soren and otto once every century or so.)
i think the admins took on (at the very least) three “proteges” among them and we meet most in game. i’ll be naming the groups by the time-honoured convention of ‘shared flawed mindset that bites them in the tushie’.
“WHO NEEDS HEALTHY COPING MECHANISMS WHEN YOU HAVE GODLIKE POWERS? IF I’M HAVING FUN EVERYONE ELSE SHOULD BE TOO!”: mevia, hadrian, cassie rose, with romeo’s favourite probably being hadrian. all obsessed with being extra, getting what they want, and being generally choleric. i mean you couldn’t just sit down and talk things out like a reasonable adult, you had to build a death mansion murder mystery complete with scooby doo style killersona? you couldn’t just keep your games fun and balanced, you HAD to turn it into a minecraft hunger games where no one is there by choice just so you can be amused by the struggles of people you dont see as people? you couldn’t just offer a good enough reward to entice jesse to come to your icy palace of doom willingly, you had to trash their town and then threaten their entire world?? guys, please go to therapy. please.
"I KNOW THIS SITUATION ISN’T RIGHT BUT I NEED WAIT UNTIL I CAN BE SURE I’M MAKING THE BEST AND FAIREST DECISION I- OOPS THERE GOES MY WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY TO ACT. WELP, TIME TO TRIP AND SPILL ALL MY TICTACS”: otto, soren, (binta?? i have no canon justification for this one but making it make sense is,,, another post ghklfHGLKD). as it seems that the old builders all have (or had until it got stolen/destroyed) an enchanted flint and steel, soren having had one would explain his books being in almost every other world the gang visits (including, notably, fred’s keep in the underneath..). though it doesn’t explain why soren’s ended up in a random loot chest. (at least, canon doesn’t- i have som hcs about why soren wouldn’t want to draw the admin’s attention to himself, n using a flint and steel would definitely do that- so in this case it was probably ivor’s crowbrain going “ooo, shiny artifact! might as well steal that too for when i’m done with this whole command block stuff.”)
“I’M ABOUT TO GO ABSOLUTELY OFF THE SHITS AND YOU CAN’T STOP ME. MAY MY PATRON SAINT MUMBO JUMBO BE WITH ME TODAY, BECAUSE THIS MAY OR MAY NOT GO HORRIBLY WRONG. FOR SCIENCE!!!”: harper, isa, (yeah i dont really know who could be the third one in canon- idt ellegaard was an old builder- so this ones a big ole ???), with harper being xara’s favourite. admittedly i’m not sure about isa, she’s only really here because of the eversource- but considering the only others who mention those are the old builders, well... wrt isa’s lack of old builder powers, i think that xara’s old builders liked to try doing things that had never been done before (or any visionary-aligned individuals, really,, hence the name ghklfdhglkd). for harper that was building pokemon red in minecraft pama, and for isa that was renouncing her old builder powers so as to live amongst her people like one of them (tho this was more of a social experiment).
finally, the purpose of the old builders (DELVING STRAIGHT INTO HC TERRITORY HERE)- in addition to having beings to interact with other than the villagers- were to be sort of microcosms of what romeo is/was to the mcsm universe as operator/op, but for individual worlds (bc the admins aren’t going to be in all of them at once, even if they can inhabit multiple bodies). the role of the operator is to be the creator and catalyst, to keep the universe/server running, to introduce new factors into it so that it can grow and become something better than it was before. (this also means that romeo literally cannot die/be killed, bc the universe is dependent on his existence.)
it’s not that worlds can’t take care of themselves, but in the event of potentially catastrophic threats emerging, it’d be good to have someone with admin powers lite to step in and stop things before things escalated n potentially spread to other worlds- tho only as a very very very last resort, bc otherwise how are u gonna farm champions?
anyhow this post is getting. pretty loNG so, on a last note- my stance on canon lore (esp mcsm lore, or what little of it there is) is that they’re more guidelines than actual rules so i’ll admit some of my au (new game +) does just yeet canon, tho i tried to keep the absolute wildest shit out of this post. again, i’d be SUPER interested in hearing more about your own takes on the lore/plot/literally any aspect of this game?!?!?! my hyperfixation level has been at 418% for the past few months and it hasnt gone down and i am. s o thirsty for content... i hoPE IT WASN’T PRESUMPTUOUS OF ME TO MAKE THIS POST N ALSO THAT UR HAVING A GOOD DAY/NIGHT/PERIOD OF THE 24-HOUR CYCLE WE BASE OUR LIVES UPON AAAAAAA
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trailerparkflower · 7 years
Stephanie Says
It was a party at Tim. Crowded rooms, full of sweaty teenagers, loud music and a lot, a lot of booze. Steph pulled down short denim skirt-her mom would kill her if she would ever see how short it was. But, luckily for Steph, she wasn't at home today. As she wasn't at home yesterday. And all week before that.
Actually, count is over the month already.
Dad called not so long ago, tho. Told she said hi.
Screw both of you, Steph thought, nails digging into the fisted palms, as he started to lecture her about the college essay. Sure, dad, she said. Love you. Tell mom I said hi too.
She slept in their bed in that night, perfect creamy colored pillows stained with black mascara-the only evidence of her tears in a big, empty house.
Grabbing another drink and maneuvering between the faceless mass of dancing people, she glared on the whistling boys from the basketball team, what occupied all the couch, legs spread wide and face expressions grossfuly smug.
“Hey, Stevie!” Shouted Adam, getting up from his place under the overly-excited laughs of the other guys. Crossing arms over her chest, Steph wrinkled her nose as Adam came closer. Too close, actually-hot breath warmed her ear, oozing smell of the alcohol. Honestly, the only good quality of Adam was his dick. “We thought you won't show up today. You know, after Prince ditched you and got all lovey-dovey with the Byers freak bitch.”  
“Don't call her that.” Steph snapped, annoyed. Yes, maybe Byers was a freak-and maybe, maybe, some secret part of Steph considered her as a bitch too-but it's not like she would let other people bully the person with who they fought with monsters, saving Hawkins. Even if she stole her boyfriend. “And do me a favor, Adam-fuck the hell off.”
“Not in the mood, Steph?” Chuckled he. “Maybe it would get better if you join me and other guys? We can do a lot of fun things together...to cheer you up.” Adam big hand slipped lower from her waist, burning, like a molten iron. She felt their eyes on her legs, on her cleavage, on all her body-and felt like throwing up. Steph fucked with two of them, in the pre-Natt era, and heard the rumors about herself. Usually, he acted like she didn't care, ignored them, maybe slapped someone, but.
But their eyes was hungry, room was dark, and it wasn't enough of fresh air and free space around, and Steph found herself slowly slipping into the Upside Down catacombs, full of a flower-faced monsters with a dozen of sharp teeth sneering at her.
A sudden, overpowering feeling of fear what she wanted to suppress all this time and drown down in cheap punch cracked out from the carefully closed box, occupied her mind, making Steph break out from the Adam grip and take a few quick steps back, hands shaking and limbs cold, until she bumped into someone. Another arms wrapped around her, keeping Steph from the fall, and she felt like people played in hot potato with her, tossing from one to another.
Her drink fell on the floor, forgotten immediately, as Steph tried to resist to the tanned hands what holded her tigh, kicking and whirling, heart beating in her throat.
“Let me-let me go!” Her demand sounded a lot more like a plead, voice too small even to her own ears. She didn't wanted to be here. She wanted to be home, to lay in her big bed, safe and cozy, not be touched and treated like a piece of meat.
“Hey, hey, easy there, princess!” Familiar low voice shushed her, and Steph closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. “Calm down, Jeez. What got your panties in a twist today? You are all shaking.”
“Don't you think what you are being too obsessed with my panties, Hargrove?” Steph rolled her eyes, unamused and a little grateful. Getting her balance back, I told you to plant your feet playing in her head, Steph turned her face to Billie.
“Hmm...” Billie pretended to observe the accusing, making a thoughtful face. “Nah.” She shuddered, carelessly, golden earrings flashing in a faint light. “Speaking of those-what color you wear today? Red? Baby blue? Pink? I bet it pink. With a lace and little cute bow-”
“Gosh, just give me a rest.” Muttered she, probably too bitter-because Billie stormy blue eyes fell on the couch there basketball team boys sprawled out, already flirting with another girls, Steph seems to be already forgotten by them, just as spilled drink on the floor was forgotten by her.
“Are big bad boys harassing our little pretty girl?” Asked Billie, tone mocking, but face. Face serious and oddly collected, and Steph lowered her head a little, ashamed, even if it not she who should be ashamed one.
“What if so? Gonna play my knight in shining armor?”
Billie grinned, glancing at her under incredible long eyelashes with that kind of knowing look that make your cheeks flush and stomach twist. Like she knows about you more than you know about yourself.
“Is it what you want me to do, princess?” She asks with a smile, and Steph finally meet her eyes. There is a water on Steph lashes, sudden tears what she don't even bother to wipe.
Billie aren't smiling anymore.
“Yes,” Steph breathes out, as honest as she wasn't all two last years. She feel lost, tired, humiliated, dumb and helpless-so, so helpless. Not just today. All the time, she feel helpless. “Yes.” She repeats again, and those warm arms what was wrapped around her, disappears.
That's it, Steph thinks. This is the part there Billie is gonna laugh at her and go away, telling everybody what a wimpy bitch Stephanie Harrington is.
And Billie laughs-not as girls usually do, not soft, not pretty, not melodic. She barks in loud laugher, like a psycho. Like a boy. Steph prepares herself for sharp rude comment-but it never comes.
Instead, Billie goes straight to the Adam-blond curls bounce with every wide step-and punching him right into the face.
Just like that.
“Learn how to treat a fucking lady, fucker.” Spits she. Adam holds his nose, yelling in pain. Billie wipes her blooded knuckles of his white shirt, grimace of disgust on the gorgeous face, before grabbing him by the collar, then he starts to curse her. “Or I will have to teach you.” She says, and crowd boosts, glorifying their new leader. Hawkins High School Queen.
Then she smirks, predatory, corner of bright shiny lips curls up, as she looks back at Steph. Everyone in this room stars at Billie-but all Billie attention locked on Steph, and only on her.
Completely stunned, Steph made a breath what she didn't even knew what she holded, and made a step back, knees weak. Biting bottom lip, she blinked few times, feeling very, very drunk-and beams a wide smile, incapable to hold it, tilting her head to the side.
Billie grins in return, wild, proud, and in all teeth. With a last glare on Adam, she goes to Steph, pushing people out of the way, face shines with the victory while Steph just stands here and waits.
She feels like a damn princess. Like she's something beautiful and fragile, like she is worth to worshipping and protecting, fighting for her honor.  
It's stupid, probably. But no one made her feel like that before.
“Ya happy now, m`lady?” Billie asks, raising her perfect shaped eyebrows questionly, velvet voice deep and husky. “Gonna give your knight a grateful kiss?”
“Yeah, sure.” Steph scoffed, playfully. Heart fluttered in her chest, like a wild bird in golden cage. “In your wet dreams, Hargrove.”
Something changed in Billie expression, and Steph frowned slightly, afraid what she overstepped acceptable amount of their strange flirty way of talking, but then, Billie laughs again-genuinely, in a way what makes her button-like nose scrunch. It's adorable, and Steph tries her best not to blush.
“Oh, I sure hope so, pretty girl.” Billie purrs, and all Steph efforts crashes, as she feels heat touches her blooming cheeks. She huffs, playing smugness; yet both of them knows what she is flustered to the point there she dont know where to put her hands, long delicate fingers playing with the edge of short skirt. Billie throws an arm around her shoulder, black leather squeaking a little with the movement. She smells like beer, cheap perfume and cigarettes-mix what should be horrible, yet surprisingly pleasant. “Well then. How about to find some less crowded place and smoke a little pot with me? Party is shit anyways, and all boys are ugly as hell. Giving me fucking heebee jeebees every time they trying to pick up me.”
Steph shook her head, snorting amusedly. Boys really was ugly as hell there, tho. “Uh, thanks for your generous offer, Billie, but I think I'm fine just as that.” Answers she casually-because if Billie Hargrove will find out what Steph had never smoked weed before, she will never let this topic die.
“C'mon, dollface, would be fun, I promise. Just be a bad girl as you used to be for once, Queen Steph. It's not like if I was a boy and could take advantage of you, right?”
“Well...yeah, right, but-” She tries to argue-mostly with herself.
“Great! Let's go.” Billie exclaims, not even bother to listen, and Steph rolls her eyes, as she drags her to the door.
Heck, her mother are right. Steph is a pushover.
Yet, something in her chest goes all warm and mushy, and she glances at Billie with a small smile while other girl doesn't see it. Maybe, it's not that bad to have someone in charge other you-at least just for once.
“You was right, you know.” Stephanie says.
They are laying on the roof, shoulders pressed tight to each other, as a milliard of stars dancing around the full, milky-white moon above them, high in the night sky. All the awkward, nervous moments of coughing and teasing finally passed, paying for themselves, because Steph finally feels free, free, free.
“Huh?” Billie asks, one eyebrow lifted up. Her usually sharp expression are softened now, and she looks like a movie star. Steph thinks what she is the most beautiful person she ever saw.
“They are pink today.” She giggles innocently, voice quiet and excited, like she is a twelve year old schoolgirl who are sharing the most dark secret to her best friend on the break between the lessons. “Pastel pink. And, like, with all this-all this shit, y`know. Little bow and lace...”
“Jesus, Harrington.” Chuckles Billie breathlessly, pupils so wide what you barely see a bright sea blue color behind them. “You really are something else.”
“I love them.” Steph murmurs, defensively, as as if she has to justify herself for it. “They make me feel...uh, like I am good. Pretty.”
Billie stares at her for long moment, what feels like a eternity, and Steph avoids her eyes, shying away, before tan palm cups her cheek, thumb brushing pale skin. “You are pretty. Even in potato bag, you would be the most pretty girl, the prettiest.” Whispers Billie, and now they both stares at each other, as if they see each other by the first time. “Pretty like a fucking princess.”
Steph swallows, mouth suddenly dry. Their faces are so close, what they share one breath, and she closes her eyes, eyelashes flutter-and without thinking much, kiss Billie on the cheek, sweet and gentle. Billie inhaling shakly, and she looks at Steph as like at the miracle.
“Maybe I am.” Smiles she, slyly, pressing her forehead to speechless Billie one. Their legs are tangled together now-short denim skirt don't hide Steph long legs, white socks under the nike sneakers, against Billies strong and curvy ones, covered in dark jeans, black boots with heels glints in the moonlight. “Maybe I am, but you, Billie Hargrove, are beautiful, like a damn queen.”
Billie blinked. Then, she grinned, slowly, tongue wagging in that way what makes funny things to Steph belly.
“Thanks, sweetheart.” She answered, looking at Steph foundly, fingers stroking silky brown locks now. Steph leaned to the touch, like affectionate kitten, and beamed a dorkly smile.
Billie eyes darkened.
“Hey,” Steph mewled cheerfully, after the moment of cozy silence. “I'm home alone today, parents in a business trip... Do you want to...do you want to come on the sleepover, or something?”
“Or something, huh.” Billie hums, predator-ish smirk on her red full lips. “Sure, Harrington, why not. Night is only started, right?”
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castlehead · 6 years
:wanna write a pome bout fire an call it sicc burrn.-
Be happy as you tie your shoes it is another day the will is written and I need no longer pray to organize what wishes left and throw out the lies about that death of mine that would have been had I not decided a mulligan on the whole damn escapade and doctors blowing up my phonepiece on my way to peace at the top of an office building called oddly enough the oracle office building i scoped the spcs it seemed high enough this time to break thorough enough larger numbers of bones
it was damn hot i removed identifiable clothing in case somebody sicced an ambulance on me i was out in the sticks some upscale suburb in Lexington with all these trees fucking my signal i made a wrong turn it was so damn hot i actually got farther from where i was going to go to die at the top tip point of an office building called the fucking oracle of all things i don't even know what kind of symbolism that shit is i just know it was damn hot and I was buying time by saying I was on my way till it became obvious I wasnt then prayed to lord jesus that if I killed myself let no one else do it because I did please do yr genie powers thing grant my wish if even I shake from the impact of meeting the fiery dearth of hell as simultaneously i met the boiling paved ground of a parking lot that has nothing to do with me hoping a thorougher break and no one too sad or not really sad too long
i wrote my will at a gas station im not a lawyer but tried to shaipshape the legality ok enough
but I thought of my daughter and all reason got ghosted right quick and logical comportment that made me calmly walk to this random office building GPS FUCKING MY SHIT UP folks wondering where I am i saying I am on my way but like it's been so long and no Dan knocking just wanted to buy time but my daughter unraveled my heart out of this daft empirical natty tightness and my tired shaggy patrician aspect which I resent for looking like ive spent long st studies and am back for the summer to get some sun i resent my eloquence that seems and seems all day when I know not even the semester seems unseemlywack fuck drenching a good shirt walking his way to die whwerever because catching an uber to my suicide well that would be rather tasteless.
when I got in here i found a fortune hiding in this cubbie shits it said this
"people who give happiness deserve happiness."
i remember in my intercessions to christ I asked for a visible sign I would be certain of and thought of my daughter and thought tha best mystic indication was whatever sign I myself conjured as all in the end must be assessed by the only great vacuity that does not inspire suspicion because it is the one we own love is irrational it is fortified from the best reasons to die as something simply for its own sake and like the deviant flexing purples of parnassian for the sake of art i guess I can still satisfy my gluttonous desire for logic and reason and proving by maintaining the practice of art as causa sui equally valid for denying any higher symbol or point to perform as on that reasonless beautiful spectrum as loving for the sake of love and living likewise if even i must endure another shameful cry of wolf i end up being sensible by tossing aside my book of reasons for why I am mostly a problem and the selfishness of continuing to live and be a problem and someone this reason discarding reason is more reasonable.
life is funny. my will is writ i my lawyer by proxy christ telling my why to live with some stupid fortune about happiness.
but His insight has always come after the fact else he would meddle too much in my freedom. but I knew he met what he said.
my will is writ. i write it everyday. i have thought of it living i have thought of it the insensible force and the meaning entire that has no argument and needs no proof and exists the more than those things that do
             ...A FEW WEEKS LATER.
since I cannot leave this unit i will go outside an inside place I will pretend my imagination is real which I guess is what that is anyway but
this feeling I need.. I need to talk to my social worker.. for the love of goddddssdd
i will hear these screams as the conversation of nice birds
it doesn't have to be special genus sparrows sound beautiful the most often
because their crew of them aflitter about one tree produce a nice litany of voices
small and excited and excitable Lacking patience like anything small
a nice cheeping of a bushel of birds in the bush, ripe as any sound
to collect the same as shiny red apples nice very nice I will hear that
instead of the screams of this fat patient who
selfish in her grief makes all the other patients anxious and cuts in line-
-at the med window becuase she must be attended to its serious can I
talk to somebody please
her tears already squint her eyes nearly out of existence suffocated
by big puffy fucking cheeks raw with grief that's been goin on so ling maybe it's both simulated
and of a sincerity developed over all this time doing it every day all day
screaming about her situation she says she's smarter than everybody and knows what's going on here
this really stout lady who is on-
-this damned filibuster long time now it's been
saying tearfully I am scared-
my epidermis will turn over and I willl look as tho skinned
it is alright and even tho it is
this is an act of desperation considering it's absurdity and the fact I spend my days
better than others who pace to pass the time the halls lit in this unwell shit ass light
my single act of rebellion was in refusing to lower the volume playing fairest of the seasons as a tribute
or something for this girl who liked Buddha who was leaving, and I said in the least patronizing way I could,
i feel like she valued that little pearl of wisdom that rosebud of shit like that comes out finally when ya
constipated from all the decaf coffee cuz ya need a high somehow riht?
actually silly now to think of that that song by nico that German lady who sang for VU // eh I unnoh its pretty i guess..
it was cause someone I knew was getting discharged
against the life of deeply felt boredom. thing is I feel for her
i really do but this reaction doesnt help yr case ma'am
. . . . . .
[...psych units stop helping and start being a wear on the soul at some point, like resorting to leather sandals too much for any outside excursions. Alas, the wind, I can tell she misses how she feels on my face. I miss her openness, divine golden ointment of reality. Blowing hymns. For there I found myself more truly and more street]
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tenderpotter · 6 years
Top six post war Ginny Weasley headcanons (imagine if she plays Quidditch for England, chooses not to marry and have children and becomes a cool aunt to her friends kids, travels around the world supporting revolutionary movements and donating money, graces wizard magazines because let's face it, this girl is GORGEOUS)
so i talked w cindy abt this bc all my headcanons are actually cindy’s headcanons bc she’s always right & anyway we both decided that ginny is a pretty straightforward character (this also being the only straight thing abt her) and what we see is what we get so there’s like,, no fun in making up headcanons abt her really..... like, she plays quidditch, she travels, she doesn’t settle down, she’s btfl and full of energy..... yeah
anyway my girl still talked abt ginny so im just gonna copy-paste u her texts but yeah, there’s basically no Top Six
right after the war the burrow is piled up with people bc harry is Officially Homeless lmao, and hermione is doing that thing where she just stays and like, doesnt leave, and everyone's grief is suffocating so ginny leaves the house and goes across the hill to visit luna, who is still rattled from being locked in a dungeon for several months (they gossip about dean and draco and about peter pettigrew wildly enough bc ginny loved sirius and luna has some observations about peter that rly makes them Think abt what went down btwn the marauders, new perspective etc). anyway so ginny gets out of the house by making sure luna is okay and visiting bill at the cottage bc its quiet there and bill's grief over fred is more tolerable than her entire fucking family's all at once in the burrow.
its like, she's doesnt do much because its summer and like, there's no villain anymore and mcgonagall and kingsley are running around trying 2 repair everything voldemort broke and ginny is wondering if the school is even going to be open in fall for school considering everything thats happened and the fact that its half destroyed and wildly understaffed now
she goes and helps clean up hogwarts because thats what everyone else is doing and she needs to keep occupied instead of staying at home alone with her mom while she cries. so ginny spends the summer after the downfall of the dark lord helping clean up hogwarts, talking to bill and luna, avoiding her mom, and raising her eyebrows at harry across the dinner table bc its really unclear how harry is handling everything lmao.
when its late august and school is around the corner, the weasleys decide its time to back to the shop. they've been avoiding it, collectively, since freds death but it seems like its time to get it cleaned up and started back up again. so the last couple weeks of august has the weasley kids cleaning up the shop and ending the day drinking copiously at bars or in the backroom, talking about fred and forgiving percy and speculating about what life is going to be like now
also a couple weeks later harry takes off on his roadtrip, needing to be mobile, and hermione goes back to school for her seventh year and ron goes to help percy and george in the shop so the trio is split up for months and months and ginny gets to know what its like to be in class with hermione and be the third wheel to her and ron and she kinda misses harry for that
so ginny drifts thru her last year at hogwarts and its super weird and not very fun and v strained and there arent enough players for quidditch anymore so she's just doing scrimmages with whoever's left and hanging out with luna
this is the part where ginny starts training more and more bc she feels a little like being on her own for a while, and ginny is usually a p popular girl but a few students dont come back to hogwarts and some of the ones that do are a little unbearable when they bring up fred or colin or literally anyone who died who ginny once knew and made laugh. ginny's usually popular but the first half of her seventh year, she's kinda done having to be a leader and shit, she's kinda exhausted from it all.
it gets easier tho, of course, and things are more or less back to normal by the time ginny graduates. except for the part where its the first anniversary of the battle and the first anniversary of fred being dead. but bill and fleur have a new shiny daughter, and that helps a lot.
post graduation ginny is kinda just enjoying doing not much at all. she gets a job as a barmaid or waitress or something, because its easy to flirt tips out of everyone and she makes a good amount of money and near enough her brothers' shop she can go bug them if she's bored on her break. seamus is also around, bartending down at hogs head while he does auror training, so she sees dean with him every now and again. luna has lunch with like everyone these days so there's no telling, when she agrees to meet with luna, who else might show up.
after a year of that, ginny winds up getting drinks with almost the entire old gryffindor quidditch team and oliver wood wont stop trying to convince angelina to try out for the open position on some quidditch team he knows about and it sparks a discussion about their life choices and how its a shame harry isnt going pro even tho oliver knows its a lost cause and ginny starts thinking about how dope it would be to play quidditch professionally and katie tells ginny that a girl from her recreational quidditch team needs a roommate. so just like that in a night, ginny decides to move out and start training more seriously.
its not immediate: ginny doesnt try out for a team until she's like, nineteen. she doesnt get in but tries out for another team when she's twenty. its a low level team but its still professional and she gets in.
at fleur's christmas party, she and krum talk in a corner for hours, and viktor tells her that she hasnt been on her team for a year, but someone is already looking to poach her. its the fact that she can play chaser and seeker with equal skill, he says. its the fact that she's ruthless. viktor tells her that her next game, someone's going to be watching.
they are and ginny's offered a place on a really good quidditch team before the season's out. she's about to take it when the harpies call too.
its like, she gets to travel most months from the year and its exciting because she gets to see charlie every now and again when her team plays near romania, or gets to see bill and fleur when they're in france and she happens to be playing nearby. she gets to play against oliver and viktor, which is wildly fun and satisfying, despite who wins. she gets to treat her brothers to tickets to games and watch ron bug out
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seabunnii · 7 years
I AM HERE :'DD ok so: 6, 14, 19, 28 for Nysaris anddd 2, 9, 18, 20, 24 for Idal'ia ;3c
(06) What is the most romantic thing that has been done for your OC?
hhhhh 8) 
i guess there’s really a few things that come to mind so it’s really a tie between-being given a small sword the day after his wedding so he wouldn’t be unarmed (not that he knows what to do with it)-being given a small balm of, basically sun lotion to protect against desert sun :’)-being taken out of bed and THROWN INTO THE OASIS so he could hydrate before going on a long trip 
so he’sreally feeling that romance i guess. (NOT LIKE HE’s DONE A LOT IN RETURN. 
(14) Does your OC have any romantic traditions?
YES as mentioned merfolk have plenty of romantic traditions and i unfortunately have not written out as many as i should LOL but here are some i know at least -having a specific song for your partner (which is different from ... well, maybe there’s technically two songs bc uhhh the noises they make while in bed are considered a song of their own if you get what i mean |3; )-kisses ?? lots of kisses (tho again, very common to kiss platonic friends/family but like, kissing on lips is def specific to your romantic partner)-lots of cuddling/being physically all up in your partner’s space)-sad tradition i’ve also mentioned a bit: if your partner dies ... *insert the man in red shirt “guess i’ll die” but like it’s more tragic*-braiding/otherwise styling your partner’s hair for suurrreee :’D-i think also, since deep sea merfolk at least are known for collecting shiny/colorful things/trinkets so i think dating a merbabe would basically be like having a cat or crow that brings you shiny things. (probably for a partner more in the jewelry sense)
(19) How highly does your OC value love (platonic, romantic, or otherwise)?
VERY HIGHLY. SO HIGH. Platonic AND romantic love are such a huge important (and in case of platonic very communal thing). Also the line between the two, i think for humans looking at merfolk society, the line would appear very blurry?? Bc merfolk treat their friends with a lot of physical affection/tell them i love you frequently. But romantic love is also very important with how much they put into marriage, like, you marry one person, you don’t remarry (no matter the circumstances), you’re incredibly devoted to your partner. c’: So because of this it’s really important to Nysaris. And even if he ... hasn’t fallen in love with his husband (yet. YET) he’s still determined to make their marriage appear as real as possible)
(28) What is something unconventional that your OC thinks is romantic?
sword training/sparring. he...probably wouldn’t admit to it/even REALIZE it right now, but it’s like ... he’s actually pretty thankful his husband is taking the time to teach him this/teach him how to protect himself. (also he secretly. maybe enjoys the rush of fighting more than he’d want to admit). tied in with this - i’m not sure this would be considered unconventional but i guess, the feeling of being protected? like when his husband, without thinking, moves him behind him/does something overtly protective (even if it’s not necessary). boy likes feeling safe :’)also, being taken care of heat wise. like. it’s nice when his husband remembers the sun is NOT GOOD FOR NYSARIS. :’D
Idal’ia 💕💕💕
(02) Does another OC love your OC? If so, whom, and does your OC know? 
HM I WONDEERRRR. ;3c I am pretty sure a certain Imperial Agent named Alunera is in love with this bounty hunter.
(09) What is your OC’s favorite small way to show their love?
it would probably be like, making sure her partner is well-equipped. not checking gear the way Alunera does, but like, making sure there’s enough ammo/other necessary equipment (or probably more accurately, being overprepared with that kind of thing).
Also little shoulder bumps of like “Hey nice job” or “Impressive” 
And the obvious, maybe not as small, but just, watching her partner’s back in fights :3c
(18) Does your OC have a “type”?
*will smith pose @ Alunera*
OK BUT SERIOUSLY her type would be someone who complements her skills, but also her personality. Someone who has more tact/diplomacy, but also won’t like, condemn the way she does things or the choices she makes. Also, someone who she can protect while also, getting protected in return. A battle partner. 
(20) How does your OC feel about public displays of affection?
TORN. because on one hand, she’d be all about it. She’d want to do public displays of attention and like, show this person is her person and she loves them. :’3 But at the same time ... her line of work is dangerous, WE KNOW ALUNERA’S LINE OF WORK IS MORE DANGEROUS, and there’s...a lot of risks that come with showing who you love. She wouldn’t see it as a weakness but it is a fear for her to lose those she loves, or have them get hurt because someone is trying to hurt her through them. So...I think her stance is...one day she’d like to be able to show public displays of affection but right now would hesitate. :’)
(24) How does your OC determine that they’re attracted to someone?
WELL. Surface attraction when she sees a strong lady who could fucking TAKE HER OUT (which. for the record, is pretty rare bc she knows she’s GOOD at what she does, but I’m pretty sure when she first saw Alunera her thought was like “oh if we were on opposite sides i’m not sure i’d win this fight and that’s...hot”). But like, serious attraction, the moment when she realizes she can’t imagine a future/life without that person there? in any way. She might know she can handle fights herself, but it would be the sense that something would be off if they aren’t fighting together. And off the battlefield not having them around when they’re relaxing, not having them around for spontaneous dance parties (;3c). Just, an overall sense of the way they’ve worked into her life so completely it’s routine and the new normal and also the way she wants things to be. 
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icespyders · 7 years
what up tagged in this by @dereknurseynurse and i'm too irresponsible to go to bed lmaoooo
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 10 people
# following: 430
# of followers: 420 blaze it (i've been hovering around that number and it goes a little higher sometimes but man i'm glad i'm here for this right now)
average hours of sleep: i probably usually end up at 6 or less. it depends.
lucky number: 14!
instruments: my voice is the only instrument i need, you’re all welcome. no not really. i have a very musically inclined family but i never picked one up.
what are you wearing: pajamas. sweatpants, tank top, my heaviest sweater bc it's TOO DAMN COLD IN MY HOUSE
dream trip: i wanna go back to tokyo! also i'd love to go to england someday and just generally tour european art museums bc i'm one of those kinds of people
significant other: my sweetheart @dereknurseynurse OvO
birthday: october 14
height: 5'5" i think??
gender/pronouns: female, she/her!
other blogs: i'm still really smug that i have the official icespiders url now. i have to do something with it but for now i'm just basking in the glow. i don't operate any sideblogs but i have some hoarded urls just for kicks.
nicknames: maggie!
star sign: libra!
time: 12:02 AM, i should go to bed but i want to make my nighttime tea and have a snack first. future me is already angry bc she's tired, i bet
favorite bands: the only band i've ever had true devotion for is my chemical romance, i soul bonded onto them in high school and that was that. nowadays i stumble across bands on spotify and just hoard all their best songs. lately i've been listening to one of my spotify finds, wildcat! wildcat! (listen to garden grays, circuit breaker, end of the world everyday, and straight to the top) and also mother mother (but only songs from o my heart bc that whole album is so good it's ruined their discography for me bc nothing will ever measure up) and i listen to a lot of instrumental music too
favorite artist: i know van gogh is a super mainstream answer but. whatever. i'm not an art history major, i'm more familiar with the images than the names behind them :(
favorite tumblr artist: too many to name!! i love all the art i stumble across on tumblr, original and fanart alike
song stuck in your head: none at the moment but usually there's one kicking around in there. i have music going right now so usually that takes over the usual "song stuck in my head" space up in my brain haha. at the moment the song is winter sound by of monsters and men.
last movie you watched: i was rewatching old episodes of mystery science theater 3000 this week, does that count? last time i went to the theater was for the last jedi tho, and it's been so long the theater i frequent sent me a "we miss you!!!" email lmfao
last show you watched: my dad is watching law & order but i'm not really paying attention. i uhhh rewatched an episode of haikyuu last weekend??
why did you make your blog: my high school friend got me onto hellsite so we could reblog glee gifs and talk abt harry potter. fucking 7 years ago, my god
what do you post: fandom stuff, pictures of flowers, pretty art, photos of new york city, weird aesthetic things...i'm a magpie, honestly, i collect shiny things and waste time scrolling through my own blog admiring all the treasures i've found
last thing you googled: uhhh i don't know. OH wait it was how to remove cat hair from clothes haha
ao3: icespyders. it's My Brand. i haven’t posted new fics in a long time but i always answer comments with far too much enthusiasm
do you ever get asks: not a lot but i appreciate the ones i do get!!
how did you get the idea for your url: i love trash monster movies and adding the "y" in "spiders" looked okay and i've been rolling with it ever since
favorite food: god how can i even pick. now i'm craving nice ramen all of a sudden
last book you read: i finished my novelization of the force awakens this week...lmao...before that i read a mystery thriller called you will know me by megan abbott and i liked it a lot
top 3 fictional universes: haikyuu (does this count lol i would love the chance to hop into volleyball world and cry for my champion crows live and in person), star wars (give me a LIGHTSABER, DAMMIT, let me KISS REY), the adventure zone (where i can be GAY in PEACE, THANK YOU)
i’m too lazy to tag people it’s 12:20 AM i need to make my bedtime tea. if you read all this i love you
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moonjeweled · 7 years
for the ship thing um Ezra x night king please
˜”*°•. &. ye olde ship meme || Accepting
                     → @therealricksanchezpleasestandup
who hogs the duvet
Probably Ez since I’m pretty sure his frozenness neither needs sleep nor blankets. BUNDLE HER UP IN FUR AND BLANKETS AND LET HER CURL UP ON HIM AND SNOOZE AS THEY RIDE AROUND ON HIS DEAD HORSE.
who texts/rings to check how their day is going
There is nothing I love more than the imagine of the night king holding a cellphone up to his ear and just staring blankly and ez babbles away about westeros politics probably. “HUN YOU’LL NEVER BELIEVE THIS BITCH.” She’d probably do some sort of spiritual check up with him tho in place of that. 
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts
I mean the Night King has the power of the undead and ice or whatever I think he could get pretty creative??? ice flowers? UNDEAD ice flowers? He could do a picasso and give her an ear (either his own or one of his many dead lackies) 
who gets up first in the morning
Death doesn’t sleep so probably the Night King. 
who suggests new things in bed
As stated above, I’m sure he’s pretty creative with all that ice and necromancy at his disposal. Ez is also pretty creative so maybe it’s a tie.
who cries at movies
I’m living for all the NightSpirit domesticity ohm ygof. This isn’t applicable but Ez always cries. 
who gives unprompted massages
Maybe both of them? For some reason I’m picturing that scene from the first season where after dany is poisoned, drogo pops up and cups her face to ask if she’s alright. PICTURE THAT WITHOUT THE VERBAL COMMUNICATION. Also like I said above, ez just casually checking in like ‘it good?’
who fusses over the other when they’re sick
Popsicle boy is undead so I don’t think he gets sick, unless its a.....COLD. HOHOHO. No but that’s hard to say, ‘cause on one hand see the night king being stoked about killing her (b/c death loves to take life, that’s it’s job and they love that job) but also “worrying” for her health. LIKE NO I’M GONNA STAB U, UR NOT GONNA COUGH URSELF TO DEATH. you know?
who gets jealous easiest
Ez really doesn’t have anything to be jealous of for obvious reasons so I’m gonna say the night king. I mean she’s already makin’ the eyez @ a certain snow boy so ----------
who has the most embarrassing taste in music
Neither. Night King likes the sound of a dying nation and Ez likes harps and flutes and shit. Neither of which are embarrassing. (i did see a video of him singing along to drake while in the makeup chair tho so theres that)
who collects something unusual
Do dead bodies count as unusual???? Ez collects lil bits and bobs she finds finds laying around in the snow on their way south probably. Shiny rocks and frozen flowers ect ect. Night King has an ever-growing collection of undead.
who takes the longest to get ready
They are always ready to party.
who is the most tidy and organized
Ez doesn’t have much in her ASOIAF verse so I’d say she is? Night King lacks formation his troops are pretty messy and could use help tbh.
who gets most excited about the holidays
Ez is constantly excited about everything.
who is the big spoon/little spoon
Usually I’d say Ez is the big spoon but not in this situation. He doesn’t need to be coddled b/c Death so she fully and readily accept the little spoon position. 
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports
who starts the most arguments
Probably Ez. Night King just stares at her and does whatever he wants anyway.
who suggests that they buy a pet
ez could just mention in passing once that she likes something and it would probably show up undead in her lap at some point in the future. -LOOKS @ THE DRAGON- 
what couple traditions they have
what tv shows they watch together
The Great British Baking Show 
what other couple they hang out with
They are a solitary couple 
how they spend time together as a couple
They’re currently roadtripping............
who made the first move
Night King went Dat Mine and Ez was like Okay.
who brings flowers home
Ez finds nice living flowers were are promptly killed and frozen but she still likes them anyway. 
who is the best cook
Probably ez since I don’t think anything anyone else in that crew needs to eat or can even cook anything that isn’t nasty tbh.
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