#she gave me the hylian shield
imababblekat · 1 year
The Prince’s Gift
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@nesting-dreams​ ,” How do you think Prince sidon would deal with having a crush on a Hylian and he gave them a romantic gesture of protection. Crush does not realise this. Nobody told them. They thought it was because theyre friends and didnt know this was a part of Zora culture.  They end up splitting apart because crush has to go elsewhere, but when they meet up again, crush still has it With them. Crush finds out this time that its a romantic gesture and they apologise to him for not realising, but they offer to continue having it even after they realise because they like him  back if hes still interested? This idea is sweet and funny to me.”
Staring down at the specially crafted shield in your hands, you let out a groan, gently knocking your head into said hand held barrier. You felt so silly. How could you have not realized the implications and significant importance of it? Looking back and remembering all the moments shared between you and the Zora Prince, Sidon, the evidence was as clear as day. However, you of course hadn’t noticed a single one, too oblivious to notice your own true feelings how could you have been able to see his. Now, standing before the graceful statue Mipha, you wondered if it was too late. It had been a long while since you were last in the domain, having departed for an extended mission alongside Hyrules Hero. Before having left, Sidon had pulled you aside, handing you the shield as what you thought a simple parting gift between friends. Oh how wrong you were though, as it was anything but a simple friendly gesture. 
“Hylia, I feel like an idiot.”, you grumbled out, gazing up into the stone eyes of Mipha.
You never personally knew the princess, but from what you gathered by the stories Sidon shared with you, you had a feeling she would have been giggling at the adorable predicament between you and her dear brother. 
As if the universe had been reading your mind, the sounds of foot falls across the domains watery floor resounded behind you, and you turned with a stunted breath to see the man on who’d been occupying your mind. 
Upon seeing you, Sidon broke into a wide grin, sharp teeth glistening the light of the glowing architecture surronding you both. 
“Ah, so Bazz was right. You have returned. I am glad to see you again, and safe nonetheless.”
The feeling of familiar butterflies fluttering in your stomach had started up, and you internally cursed about your reaction to such a simple statement from your closest friend. Perhaps it was his tone that had set your heart array, the Prince had always had a light air to his voice you noticed. Sidon had been known for his charisma, but even when not trying to rally confidence out of others, he seemed to still have a way of caring his thoughts through his voice. With a shake of your head to regain focus, you took few steps forward to be closer to your best friend, holding out the object that caused you so much recent turmoil.
“W-well, I have your gift to thank for that.”, you gulped, feeling your cheeks warm and peering up to gauge Sidons reaction from beneath your lashes. 
Sidons eyes had widened for but a brief moment at seeing the protective gear he had presented to you now being presented to him. With a gentle smile, he reached down to caress his scaled claws over the intricate designs he carved himself, taking note of a slight gash that had not been there before. As much as it scared him to know you’d been in some sort of trouble, he was relieved to see his present had provided it’s purpose. However, along with the remembrance of the reason for his gift to you, came a sorrow that had blossomed the day you left with it. Before Sidon could express his troubled thoughts, the call of his name and your furrowed brows accompanied by a worried frown had stopped him.  
“Yes (y,n)? Whatever is the matter? Please tell me.”, he persuaded, a frown equally etching its way onto his eloquent face.
With another gulp, you nervously tapped your nails against the gorgeous shield that kept you safe day and night during your journey.
“About your gift. I-well. . .uhm. . .I’m so sorry.”
A gut wrench feeling like the tip of the sharpest spear pierced it’s way through Sidons heart. Oh no. Was this it? Was what he had been fearing about to actually occur. He had thought your nonchalant thanks when he had presented you the shield after the endearing speech he’d given before hand had been a tad bit strange. The poor Zora figured you had accepted his hard made, devoted gift only out of kindness as friends, not wanting to cause him any dismay if you’d rejected it instead. Oh, but how far from the truth Sidon was. 
The prince regained himself, ready to put up a front to hide his pain and take back the rejected gift, when you’d suddenly clutched the shield to your chest. With a heavy sigh, you willed yourself to speak what you meant by your apology, all the while nervously stumbling over your words.
“It’s just that-well-I. . .I didn’t know what it truly meant when you gifted me this shield, and I’m so so so sorry for the lack of appreciation I must have given you. In truth, I. . .”
Biting your lip, you held up said gift to shield your own embarrassment before blurting out the truth.
“I really do cherish your courting gift, and I would love to court you if you still want to!”
A moment of silence fell between you both, the only sound being the domains rushing falls and your own racing heart. There was no way Sidon could still feel the same. Enough time had passed between his proclamation of how he truly felt about you, that surely he’d have gotten over it by now. Yet, you knew that if you didn’t say something in this moment, than trying to go back to just being friends would be very difficult on your part. At least this way, you could have some closer and a reminder to squash any fluttering feelings from blossoming further in the future. 
The sound of a handsome laugh had pulled you from your thoughts, and you peeked over the metal of the shield to see Sidon trying his best to not burst into further laughter. At your very confused expression, the prince waved a hand, reaching forward to clasp his much larger hands over yours which still clutched his gift. 
“Oh my dear (y,n). I am the one who should be apologizing. I suppose I was too excited in gifting you that I had forgotten Zora courtship practices are not very well known to others.”
Looking from his warm hands cupped over yours to the endearance pouring from his gleaming eyes, you goofily squinted.
“Soooo, that’s a yes to still wanting to ya know? Like. . .court and stuff?”
A deep laugh resounded from within Sidons chest as he gently lifted you up into a hug; you clinging to him and the shield he crafted to forever protect you. With an added kiss to your burning cheeks your Zora companions actions gave your elated self a very clear, and heartwarming answer.
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carrotsnake · 6 months
Botw/Totk headcanon: Sheikah NPCs beyond Kakariko
after impa being the Last of Her Kind for nearly 20 years, we were kind of spoiled with the era of wilds sheikah. still, kakariko is known for it's older population and botw makes a point to let us know paya isn't used to seeing people her age. this post is about asking 'where are they?' and filling in the gaps. being a peaceful farming village it makes sense the younger gens would want to leave as soon as they can for some adventure.
sheikah typically have hair on the grey-to-white scale (granté proves this isn't a requirement), and unlike the past games they have a greater diversity in eye colour. below is a list of hylian npcs that look too young to have greying hair that i hc are either from kakariko, or have some sheikah ancestry.
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from left to right: lecia, letty, mina, her brother mils by proxy, teli, juney, and baumar. i'll go into more detail about each under the cut, comparing them from the 2 games alongside some more headcanons. some of them i haven't found in totk yet, so i'll edit when i do.
pic on the left side is them in botw, totk on the right.
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Mina is a treasure hunter looking for loot with her brother by the exchange ruins outside the great plateau. the siblings also show up in the dlc. they're trying to steal a sheikah heirloom back from the yiga hideout, though they don't know it's purpose - they just wanna sell it. in totk she walks on the path between lakeside stable and lurelin. she says that even treasure hunters deserve some fun once in a while, so we can assume she's takin' it easy. Mils, meanwhile...
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...joined the zonai survey team, and moans about what tough work it is. he walks through pagos woods to the zonai ruins. he joined in the hopes it would lead him to treasure, but he hasn't had his lucky break yet. most hylians travel from stable to inn and can be assumed not to have a proper home due to the lasting effects of the calamity. this is my bias but i like to think he's talking about kakariko when he mentions home. let him grow some pumpkins and wrangle cuccos. he wishes to live a quiet life.
i find it sweet him and mina are both in faron. maybe they decided to split up and cover more ground? with mina off sunbathing and sipping mimosas in lurelin, mils got the short end of the stick again.
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'i hope you die': lazy, cliché, unrealistic. 'i hope your favourite botw npc gets mushroomed and bowlcutted': it's scary, it's possible, it's happening to me right now. such was the fate of our poor resident shield-surfer bro from botw. known for many hit quotes such as 'let's go bamboo! yahoo!', 'shield surfing is like, totally radical, dude', and my favourite:
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in botw he rides his horse on the path between serenne and snowfield stable. in totk he's part of the fashion tour-group that run around hateno village. maybe he went to hebra to show his 'wicked' surfing moves to selmie and she said 'kid, if i let you out on the slopes you'll die. sorry'. his world was completely shattered beneath him like a broken shield, so he turned to cravats and puffy short shorts to cope.
his name is similar to the hills of baumer above deya village ruins. maybe he's a descendent of the few survivors. i wonder what his ancestors are thinking now, watching what he does with the gift of life.
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Teli walks between fort hateno and hateno village. He sells ancient guardian parts and even mentions he trades them with Robbie. he has a high opinion of himself and tells you he's known across hyrule for his 'roguish good looks.' in totk he's one of the men in the 'Gourmets gone missing' Penn quest that gave himself food-poisoning by riverside stable. after which he scares away some cuccos and makes you wrangle them for a sidequest. just L after L for this dashing rogue.
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Juney, now famous for her rupee grinding sand seal minigame, i instantly recognised as the epic divorce woman from rito village. her attitude is just as surly as ever but they gave her a soft side. i like that every minigame location could not be further from hateno. you'll find that school someday queen.
she was a newly wed mad at her husband, jogo, for choosing a cold place for their honeymoon. he begs you to give him flint to cook some baked apples for her to save their already failing marriage.
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in totk they're not together, jogo inhabits a cabin in tabantha village ruins with another woman. he didn't give her enough baked apples.
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Letty walks along the path between lakeside stable and lurelin. she gives you cooking tips and that's pretty much it. i'm pretty sure i've met her as a yiga disguise more often than i've seen the real her. if anyone has found her in totk, please let me know.
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Lecia is a new character in totk. she's with the research team and plays a part in the foothill stable Penn quest. she kind of looks like a grown up Koko. maybe a distant relative? but maybe she's not sheikah. maybe the sight of all those pasty naked man nips traumatised her so bad she got marie-antoinette syndrome from the shock. i haven't seen her since.
thank you if you read to the end. to clarify i'm working on some fic stuff and that entails finding npcs across the overworld to give some more lore. it's a sheikah focused fic so i needed some characters other than the kakariko residents. it's also just fun fleshing out random npcs to make the world feel more lived in. again, i'm missing some details like what mina does before you save lurelin, so i'll edit this post in the future.
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am-i-interrupting · 11 months
A Glimpse Of The Past
Master List
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Tags: 740 words, eventual Rauru x Reader x Sonia, sheikah!reader
Things had been going according to the plan. It started out as a normal day. You got dressed in your armor, pulled your hair into a bun, put on a jacket as well as the eyewear Purah had made for you (they helped enhance your vision to see the smallest details, they were the same make as the ones she and Robbie wore), and grabbed your weapon and shield.
You were going beneath the castle to search for the source of a new sickness spreading throughout Hyrule. You’d run into some keese but that was no issue. You found a mural of the history of Hyrule. Zelda’s excitement had been adorable to witness.
Then you’d descended a set of stairs and found a body with a hand inside the chest. The hand fell. A small, tear shaped object rolled onto the ground with it. Zelda picked it up.
The body animated. It cracked and twisted in jagged ways. The eyes looked towards her and lit. A substance which reminded you of the gloom which was theorized to be the cause of the sickness, lunged for her.
Link ran in front of her and deflected it. You placed your hand on her arm as you used your body to shield her. Your kodachi in hand; Link’s master sword in his own.
The gloom seemed to attack the sword, making it decay. Then it went for his arm. You pushed Zelda back. The body spoke. It said your names, all of your names. Instead of answering Zelda’s question as to how it knew them, it assaulted the ceiling.
The world began to shake and crumble. The platform with the body descended down. The ground beneath your feet crumbled.
Everything went dark.
Then there was a gentle shaking that brought light. You opened your eyes, blinked several times, and then saw them. In front of you were two figures, both of which you’d never seen. A moment of confusion followed by clarity as you abruptly sat up and looked around.
On the ground, not far behind you, was where she laid. Her eyes closed, as though she was also asleep.
You glanced at the figures. You didn’t see any visible weapons and making sure she was okay would be worth the risk. You moved over to her.
“Zelda,” you said as you shook her awake with the same gentleness you had been.
She looked up at you. She accepted your help to get up before she noticed the people behind you. This time she was the one to pull you away.
You looked at them more closely this time. The woman had blonde hair and brown skin covered in white markings. She looked hylian.
The man beside her, however, did not. His ears were long and furred. Along his hairline were four small horns. His face a bit more animalistic than hylian.
Both wore clothes you’d never seen before.
“We didn’t mean to startle you. I’m sorry,” the woman said. “It’s okay. My nana is Sonia.”
“And could we ask what your names are?” the man said.
“I am the daughter of King Rhoam of Hyrule, Zelda,” she said with a level of authority in her voice she so rarely used. She then gave your name, “a member of the Sheikah along with their research facilities and trusted guard.”
“What an unexpected answer. We are the King and Queen who founded Hyrule after all,” he said with a look to Sonia. “Or at least, we were last time that I checked.”
It was your turn to share a glance with your partner. “You founded Hyrule?” you asked with a knot welling up inside your chest.
“You’re the king?”
He gave a small hum and a nod. “I am Rauru, King Rauru of Hyrule.”
You closed your eyes and sighed. This would reach the top of your list titled “Misadventures with Princess Zelda.”
She looked around the area. “Are we need the Great Plateau?” she asked but she didn’t wait for an answer before she began walking away.
“Princess!” you called after her. “We are in unknown lands,” you told her as you caught her wrist, “we must be careful.”
“I will be and if worst comes to worst, I have you to protect me.” You made a face given the most recent circumstances. “I just want to get a good view, see what’s changed and if we really are,” her voice trailed off.
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rrain-writes · 25 days
This is part 2 of 'Help Them' from Febuwhump! Here's part 1.
“What’s a young boy like you doing out in the rain?”
Hyrule’s head jerked up at the voice. A woman stood in front of him, holding her satchel over her head in a poor attempt to shield herself from the downpour.
“Come on, love.” She said, reaching out for Wild, who sat slumped against Hyrule’s shoulder. “Up we get.”
There was something off about the woman, something different that was very not Hylian, but between the way the cold water seeped through his clothes and under his skin, and the way that Wild didn’t even stir as the woman wrapped her hand around his bicep, gave him no other option.
Shivering slightly, Hyrule bent over to grab Wild’s unconscious form. Between the two of them, it was easier to carry the champion, and the woman led him to a quaint house on the outskirts of the village.
When they got inside, Hyrule watched as the woman lay Wild down on a faded couch, then busied herself at the stove. The traveller stood akwardly in the doorway, water drip drip dripping off his clothes and onto the floor.
"Sit down darling.” 
Hyrule startled. The woman hand managed to sneak up on him, yet again. She smiled warmly as she handed him a cup of warm milk. “Now, what’s your name?” She asked as he sank into the part of the couch that wasn’t taken up by Wild.
“Rulie.” He replied. Past experience had shown that introducing himself as ‘Hyrule’ got very confusing, very quickly.
“Hmm.” She hummed. “And your friend?”
“His name is Wild.” Hyrule took a polite sip of his milk, feeling it warm him up as it slipped down his throat.
The woman took a sip of her own mug, nodding. “My children call me Aine.” She told him. “So you may too, little one.” Her grey eye’s sparkled with a hidden magic as she observed him over the top of her mug. Hyrule shuffled anxiously, feeling like he was being scolded by a mother. As Aine went to say something, she was interupted by Wild groaning.
Like magic, she was by his brother’s side, gently sitting him up as she asked him questions about how he felt. Wild shook his head like he was trying to clear the fog in his head, and jumped slightly when he noticed the unfamiliar woman. His eye’s darted to Hyrule worridly, but Hyrule just gave Wild a slight nod in reply.
Aine raised one of her hands to Wild’s head, like she was going to check for a fever, but a soft, pink glow surrounded her palm instead. Hyrule gasped and Wild’s brow furrowed in confusion. Aine smiled knowingly as she looked over to Hyrule. “Is something wrong, little one?” She asked.
“I- you-“ He stammered.
Wild’s eye’s drooped with the gentle touch of her magic, and Aine layed him back down to rest. “Shh.” She said, placing a finger to her lips. “We all have secrets, child. But like calls to like.” The fairy shrugged, and stood to place a hand on Hyrule’s cheek. “Sleep.” She told him. “You’ll be safe here.”
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gust-jar-simulator · 3 months
So I've been analyzing the Triforce Poly to figure out Baldur's Gate builds for fun, and honestly their fighting styles say a lot about them and really interest me.
Zelda: archery. She's thematically associated with defense, sealing, and shielding, but the most common thing we see her actually use is a bow. Shoutout to Twilight Princess Zelda, who uses a sword, but while it's probably hers it's notably when she's possessed by Ganon. I have feelings about the fact that she's an archer and the other notable tool of the goddess is a harp. Something about strings on a frame. Something about angels and smiting. Hylia DOES have a sword, but she gave it to her knight.
Link: sword and board. Skyward Sword link definitely fits the paladin archetype, you literally get back to Skyloft via prayer. Honestly though I think his devotion to Zelda would've been blasphemous if she wasn't. Y'know. The goddess incarnate. I have feelings about that. Anyway, Link does multiclass into bard notably in Ocarina of Time, but the thing about Link is that he's a hero. "Love not the sword for its sharpness, but that which it defends," etc etc. He might be a chaos gremlin who specializes in property damage, but he helps the little guy and carries groceries for grandmas in need. He wields the sword of the goddess and the shield of Hyrule. He is a divine weapon, but also the protector of Hyrule, and both of these are equally important.
Sometimes it takes awhile for him to find one or the other- you could say a lot about Skyward Sword, for example, because he Starts Off with the weapon of the goddess and develops and understanding of what that means as he goes, but he only gets the Hylian Shield after engaging with people and exploring and immersing himself in the land. In Wind Waker, he starts off with the shield of an old hero in his family, and has to basically rip the sword from the jaws of the gods with undeniable moxie. He's not a weapon of the gods, he just demands to be, because he's foremost a protector and the shield is inherently tied to his family.
Ganondorf: dual scimitars, trident. His notable scimitars have the names of his mothers carved into them, and the Spear of Power is a callback to Ganon's very first appearance and Zhu Bajie's war rake. Notably, these are melee weapons, and he uses both hands for offense. He tends to compliment his fighting style with some casting, like fireballs or lightning, and of course there's the massive fuckoff demon king transformation in several games. As far as I know he doesn't use a shield. Demise came later on, development wise, but he also uses a greatsword and lightning.
Ganondorf is a king who plays politics and can lie like a devil, but if it's to the point that he's actually personally fighting you there's no need for illusions or sugarcoating. He's a warlord and his style is hit you until you die, and he will fill both hands with pointy objects to overwhelm the opposition and make sure you stay down. Also from personal experience, fighting a dual wielder or a polearm is Fucking Terrifying. Archers are sniper fear, either they hit you or they don't, and they need time. Sword and board is somewhat predictable, if hard to actually hit. Dual wield or polearm is like picking a fight with a tornado.
Thematically speaking, the scimitars are carved with his mother's names. He wields the blades in their name, aligned with their goals, and it's a connection to his roots as the king of the Gerudo people. The spear is more connected to his nature as the heir of Power, the weapon of the Demon King. In FSA, pulling the spear from a stone is actually what transforms him from a Gerudo into the Demon King, in a sort of magical girl King Arthur situation.
Also to round it out because I think I'm funny, Vaati can use a sword but he fights you as a caster because he doesn't want to fucking touch you. He's above that. Then after his demon transformation he's just trying to swat you like a fly because he's mad.
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Savior: BoTW/ToTK Link x younger reader.
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Age: 8 during breath of the wild 15 during tears of the kingdom. On the way to deliver her father lunch Reader Chan is kidnapped by monsters when she was 8 years old but Link saved her and brought her home, 7 years later she joined Link in his adventure to look for Zelda.
During BoTW:
You are outside practicing sword fighting and archery while your mother is inside cooking lunch.
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Your father had opened up a training camp at an open field right outside the woods where your family home was in, ever since he was saved by a swords man named Link from a Yiga clan soldier and the same man helped him gather up materials for his camp he decided to revive the family bloodline of hylian knights by making a boot camp to train young people how to fight, you wanted to join but you couldn’t until you turned 13 so you’ve been training at home with your father’s old weapons that your grandfather gave him when he started training at 13 and some home made targets shaped to look like monsters.
As you’re shooting at a wooden target shaped like a Bokoblin your mother called you “Y/N! Time for lunch.” She said from the kitchen window “Coming mom.” You said gathering your things and the training dummies then you went inside the house to see that she made stuffed meat balls.
After eating your about to help your mother clean but she stopped you “Dear can you take this to your father?” She asked holding up a basket with stuffed meat balls in it “Of course.” You said taking the basket and walking out of the house to get your pony Penelope “Be carful, and don’t talk to strangers.” She called out “Ok.” You said galloping off to the boot camp.
So far things were going well until you heard very familiar screeching and growling, looking around you saw some Bokoblins and a moblin heading right towards you, scared you tried to urged Penelope to a gallop but the silver bokoblin took out a bow and shoot the pony causing her to die instantly “PENELOPE!!!” You screamed in fear when the black bokoblin hit you over the head knocking you unconscious.
A minute and 30 seconds later:
You slowly regained consciousness from the monsters making loud noises as they jumped around the camp fire, you tried getting up but you saw that your hands were tied behind your back and your ankles were tied together “What???” You tried struggling out of the ropes but they were tied to tight.
As you continue to struggle you heard a pained shriek, looking up you saw a red bokoblin droop dead and turn into purple dust, looking around again you saw the other bokoblins and moblin getting shot and turn into dust until it was just the silver and black Bokoblins left then a person jumped out and attacked the remaining monsters.
You couldn’t see their face because they had on a navy blue cloak with its hood up but you saw that they were actually a man wearing a sky blue tunic with beige pants and brown boots, wielding a sword and a blue shield with Hyrule’s symbol on it, after he finished off the silver Bokoblin the man removed his hood to reveal short blond hair in a low ponytail then he turned around to reveal that he was still young, possibly 9 or 10 years older then you but his blue eyes showed that he was much older then he looked “Thank you for saving me Mister.” You said as he made his way towards you “are you heading to F/N’s knight boot camp?” You asked making him nod “I’m on my way there to, I was bringing lunch to my dad but I got attacked by those monsters.” You told the man what happened as he cuts the ropes from your wrist and ankles “I could take you.” The man said in a youthful voice “Thank you mister.” You said “Link, just Link.” He said making you pause “Your Link!? The Link??? My dad told me and my mom that you saved him from a Yiga clan soldier and helped him gather materials for his camp.” You said excitedly picking up the basket that was surprisingly still in tack and checked the food to make sure that it wasn’t cold or eaten yet and was still in perfect condition ‘Guess I wasn’t out for long, it’s still noon.’ You thought to yourself “You’re F/N’s daughter? He told me a lot about you.” He said whistling then a horse came up to you two and he helped you up on to it.
As you galloped you both talked and you asked him questions on his adventure, the regions he’s been to and the people he met “You’ve met Mr Kass to? He’s a great musician, his songs are very lovely and historical.” You said until you saw the camp in view with a lot of tents “Theirs the camp.” You said “Alright, hang on tight kid.” Link said urging the horse to gallop faster until you reached the camp and your father was talking to a Zora warrior “Dad.” You said hopping off the horse and running up to him “Y/N, why are you here?” He asked until you lifted up the basket “Mom made lunch.” You said giving him the basket “Alright I’ve been craving your mother’s cooking since breakfast, LUNCH BREAK.” He said taking the basket and sitting down while you went to train with a target while you’re father and his new students had lunch “Link, I’m sorry to trouble you but can you take Y/N home? I don’t feel comfortable with her walking alone in the forest after you told me how you two met.” Your father asked the hylian champion who smiled and nodded “Sure, she’s a great kid.” Link said.
After lunch you gave your father a hug goodbye and said bye to the people training “See you at dinner Dad.” You said as Link helped you back on the horse, once back on the road you gave Link directions to your family home, where you saw your mother waiting for you “Y/N what happened to your head and who is this?” You and Link explained to your mom what happened of course she nearly had a heart attack but when Link told her he saved you and brought you to the camp she calmed down and offered Link a thank you meal for dinner.
After Calamity Ganon was defeated Link took Zelda around new Hyrule when they both saw you at the woodland stables with Sidon, Yunobo, Riju and Tiba you ran up to Link to hug him which he gladly gave back then he introduced you and the new champions to Zelda and she immediately adored all of you and Link became your new mentor after asking your parents to train you himself and you moved to his house in Hateno village.
7 years later during ToTK:
You didn’t know what happened but you remember being underneath Hyrule castle with Zelda and Link, finding some ruins and Murals, Link took some pictures then you all found a dried up corpse that some how moved, all of you fought and then everything went black.
You woke up in a cave in nothing but undergarments until you found a white and green dress with sandals (think of Zelda’s ceremony dress but with green on it) and after so much walking and swimming you saw your mentor and savior “Link.” You said happily and hugging the older Hylian making him smile and hug back.
You both saw that your on some sort of island in the sky, met these robots that reminded you of friendlier versions of the guardians called Steward Construct one gave both you and Link a Purah pad each and the Steward Constructs gave you very useful information, you went to the temple of time but couldn’t get in because you have to visit three shrines.
After visiting the shrines and facing obstacles like enemies and harsh weather conditions you were able to enter the temple of time but you couldn’t get through the second door behind the goddess statue because non of you had enough energy and it turns out there is a fourth shrine and after more running around you and Link finally had enough energy to open the door only to find a platform with a table on it then you saw Zelda and she took yours and Links swords (you have the skyward sword master sword) and told you to find her thus starting your journey.
When you and Link landed in Hyrule you went up to a tower that was surrounded by some sort of fort, there you met Purah, Robbie and Impa, you told Purah what happened underneath Hyrule castle and that Zelda was missing.
Purah gave you a quest to find Zelda and that’s how yours and Link’s adventure started with Link training you on how to use your sword The sky sword and your own Hylian shield.
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On the way you guys met many familiar faces such as Your parents who now lived in Tarrey town, Sidon, Riju, Teba, Yunobo, Tuline (Teba’s son), Saki (Teba’s wife), Bruno, King Dorephan, Buliara, Paya and the Son group (that’s what I’m calling them) you met new faces as well like Yona (Sidon’s fiancé), Maddison (Hudson’s and Rhondson’s daughter) and Josha (Purah’s assistant)
After finding your swords on the head of the light dragon, your shields in the docks of Hyrule castle and seeking out the sages you and Link are training on how to control your new abilities “And now, RELEASE.” Link instructed as you shot a lone red bokoblin with Riju’s thunder “Good job Y/N.” He said “If we continue to train, help people, find dragon tears for memories and shrines for more hearts and stamina we’re ready to face the demon king.” Your mentor said “And save Zel.” You said calling the princess by her nickname (I’m not entering the castle yet because I still need memories) making Link smile “precisely Kiddo.” He said happily as he cooked creamy heart soup “We’re running low on hearty radishes.” He said looking into his bottomless satchel “I have a few that I harvested in the south Lanayru Archipelago.” You said handing him the heart shaped vegetables “Thanks.” He said taking some for the soup “Oh look there’s hearty truffles over there.” You said going over to collect the mushrooms but as you’re collecting a familiar high screech was heard, looking up you saw five silver bokoblins.
You reached for your sword only to remember that you left it along with your shield, bow and arrows at camp so you got ready to use puff shrooms but sadly you only had one left so you used elemental enemy parts, bombs and fruit to keep the monsters at bay when an arrow came and struck one of the pig like monsters in the horn then Link came out with a Silver lizalfos Cliver and beat the bokoblins with ease, after the attack and going back to camp you got a good scolding from Link “Y/N, next time you’re in a situation without weapons you call for me, your not allowed to venture off into forest alone and no desert for a week.” He said sternly symbolizing that he was going to watch you like a hawk.
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fioreofthemarch · 11 months
Finding Her - Chapter 4
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Link makes notes, takes photos and keeps time on his quest across Hyrule, in the hopes of finding Zelda and staying sane until he does. [ Previous | Next | First | AO3 ]
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Talus Tracking Stone Taluses in Hebra and Hyrule Ridge are our main sources of rare gems that we use for weapon and bow crafting. They’re a tough enemy, but a skilled warrior can take one with the right preparation. 
The easiest place to find a talus is south of Rito Village near Strock Lake. This part of Hyrule is rocky and lush with mineral and ore deposits, so it just makes sense that taluses make their home there. 
Be careful of what the Hylians are calling Battle Taluses. Bokoblins in the region have caught wind of the defensive capabilities of taluses, and have started making hackneyed little camps on top of them. A few well-placed arrows will take the cretins out, but stay on your game if you come across this type of talus, and consider bringing your best wingman for back up. 
Log date: 22:45. 5th month, 26th day 104AC Location: Swallow's Roost, Rito Village Weather: Snowfall continuing 
Eyelids heavy. It's late. But wanna get all this down. Arrived in Rito Village yesterday morning. Haven't been here in about a year, a lot has changed.
The blizzard is bad, real bad. The bridge into the village is down, so no food coming in. Visibility basically zero with the snow. The Rito can't forage or hunt if they can't see. Genli offered me some mushroom stew that she made but, said no. I've got some rice balls that weird sign guy gave me. The kids here need the food more than me. 
Met with Teba and Tulin. Elder Teba! Did Zelda know about that? I bet she did. And Tulin! He's as tall as me now, with a bow of his own. Glad to be here with them. There's talk of a scouting trip tomorrow, for any food that can be found. Least I can do is help out and then see if I can figure out what's causing the blizzard. Going to need some Snowquill gear for it though and have all of 58 rupees on me. 
So I got an idea. And Zelda, if you ever read this, keep in mind I survived it.
Harth the armourer keeps a map of Stone Taluses in the area. Quickest way to get rare gems to sell is from a talus. I grabbed a Moblin-horn sledge, ate some Ironshroom Rice Balls and rode south to where Harth had marked the location of a talus. Was crossing a narrow bridge across a gap in the Hyrule Ridge when it hit me; not the Stone Talus I was looking for but an arrow, directly into my right arm.
Praise Rauru, the arrow hit the arm on its snaking metal gauntlet but my horse (Spot) reared and threw me down into the clearing below the bridge. Hip still bruised from where I landed — right in front of a Stone Talus with three bokoblins riding on top of it, all howling with laughter. A Battle Talus. 
The Moblin-horn sledge broke in the fall. Just managed to get my shield up to block a hail of arrows from the bokoblins. Was in a bit of a tricky spot, cornered too. One hit from the talus and it’d all be over. Had to improvise. 
Zelda, maybe where you are you’ve seen the Zonai tech? It’s all over the place now. I’m a fan of the rockets. And a fan of fusing them with arrows. One rocket arrow took out all three bokoblins. Three more took down the talus. Might have gotten a little singed myself. But I lived to write all this down and farm enough gems from the talus to buy a Snowquill coat. 
Still, there have to be better ways to make a few rupees. 
A photograph of a pile of rubies, sapphires and amber. The sparse, spiny grass behind the cairn is still on fire from the battle in which the gems were acquired.
Caption: Can’t wait to tell Harth about this.  
Log Date: 09:45. 5th month, 27th day 104AC.  Location: Hebra Trailhead Lodge Weather: Snowfall worsening
Set off to help Tulin with the hunt but he’s gone on ahead. Taking a quick stopover in this cabin at the base of the Hebra mountains before going to look for him. Amali helped make some spicy pepper-stuffed capsicums (struggling not to eat them now) and Harth is here too. Can’t tell if he was impressed by my Stone Talus story — he just sort of shook his head as I told it. 
The blizzard is howling. The cold feels cruel somehow. Aggressive. Was always taught never to muck about in bad weather — Nature doesn’t care if it kills you, someone once said. But what would it feel like if it did? If it was actually trying to? Probably a bit like this.
A photograph of dense snow, the outline of the rising Hebra mountains traced faintly in the background. Tiny flecks of orange light are visible from the bonfires that have been lit along the Hebra trail. 
Caption: Even through all this the Rito keep going. 
Log date: 14:25. 5th month, 27th day 104AC.  Location: Kahatanaum Shrine, Rising Island Chain Weather: Warning! Blizzard conditions and unbearable cold. Return indoors as soon as possible. 
Stopped over by a Shrine of Light for a rest. We’re splitting the stuffed capsicums Amali made. Tulin made a little shelter with some torches and a camping blanket he had. We wouldn’t be able to stop otherwise, the blizzard has bite now. It’s good to travel with company. Tulin is a beast with a bow and an aerial ace too.  
We found him heading for the sky islands above Hebra Peak. He said he’d seen Zelda out this way. Can barely believe it. What’s she doing out here? It’s dangerous. And cold. Whatever it is, she doesn’t have to do any of this alone. She should know that. 
A voice has been calling to us. Tulin has been singing the song of Stormwind Ark as we climb. Up above there’s something in the clouds, something big, circling at the centre of the blizzard.  
Can’t stop long. If Zelda’s here, we’ll catch her. If the blizzard can be stopped, we’ll find a way. Next time I do one of these, this’ll all be behind us.
A photograph of the huge dark cloud that stretches high into the atmosphere. It is encircled by two dozen or so floating wooden structures.
Caption: Boats? Those are definitely boats.   
Log date: 0800. 5th month, 28th day 104AC.  Location: Spire of Lake Totori (above Rito Village) Weather: Clear skies.
Feel like I’m gonna start off many of these with ‘a lot has happened’, but — A lot has happened. Wind temple. Colgera. Secret Stone? Demon King? And you, Zelda. Still chasing you. 
From the top of the rising sky islands we dove into Stormwind Ark (the one from the song), navigated its ancient corridors and then beat the crap out of a giant ice bug. 
It was holed up inside the boat and was NOT happy to be set free. Right away it was in pursuit, the huge mandibles that surrounded its ugly, angry face barely missing us as it flew by, its segmented body trailing behind. There was no doubt it was the cause of the blizzard, the way it blasted us high into the air with its gusting winds. It took a few useless arrows fired at its face before we realised it had a weak spot. But not before nearly being blown overboard, saved by a well-placed gust from Tulin, who caught me with his talons and flew us back to safety. Then it was just a case of hitting Colgera where it hurt (or maybe diving through where it hurt?), enough times to kill it without also dying myself. You know, hero stuff.
That’s when we met the ancient Rito, heard about the Imprisoning War and saw you, Zelda. Tulin’s not convinced but I am. I know that determined look, that quiet poise and that commanding but calm voice, the kind that could convince anyone to do anything, including an ancient Sage of Wind. But still I don’t understand — we saw you at Stormwind Ark in our time as well as the past. Tulin and I searched the temple before we left but found no trace of you. 
Speaking of, Tulin accepted the duty of being the Sage of Wind, and lends a little of his power to me. Wish he could come along when I leave this place, not just his avatar, but he is needed here. You should have seen Teba’s face when he learned HIS son was the Rito warrior to finally end the blizzard. Could have sworn the old man smiled. ‘Zelda would be proud of you both’, he said. ‘She’ll be back when she’s ready, and not before.’
Starting to maybe believe that could be true. With the blizzard gone and a little corner of the world back to normal, maybe someday it’ll all be okay, and you’ll come back.  
Gonna stay here another day to rest. And for target practice with Tulin. He’s here now, gonna see if he wants to try a friendly archery contest. 
A photograph of Tulin of the Rito, his new Great Eagle Bow in hand. Behind him are the mountains of Hebra, shining brightly in the sun, and in the distance Rito scouts flying freely through the skies. Tulin is smiling, giving the camera a thumbs up with his free hand.
Caption: He won all three rounds. 
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ultimatefangirl-exe · 6 months
OoT Highlights #2
After 30 minutes, I gave up on trying to pair my N64 controller. Gonna send it back. Should have read the reviews instead of getting too excited.
Finally got into Hyrule Castle
"Oh, I was supposed to get caught."
Made it
Shut up, Navi. Zelda's right there.
On the call with my friends: "EVERYONE, SHUT UP! We are about to see the man!"
Hi Zelda, show me Ganon
Show me Ganon
Where is Ganon?
Yes, I know about the Triforce, show me Ganon
Why does this child look like she have boobs? That dress is not flattering.
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Zelda, I have known you for two minutes. Of course I don't believe you.
Thanks for the letter, Zelda
Link's idle stretches and yawns are so cute, lol. Just a sleepy boi
Ok, let me see Ganon again
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Oh hi Impa
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You're gonna teach me a song? owo
< ^ > < ^ >
Thank you, Mommy- I mean Mommy- I mean Impa
Bye Impa
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Oh shit it's becoming night-
Calm spirits, huh?
Where is the graveyard?
Here is the graveyard
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Not suspicious at aaaaalll
Ok, it's for the Sheikah, but still
Ooo rain~
Ooo well
Did I trap myself in the well?
Nope. Here's the ladder
Why are the guards so rude?
Why does time stand still in towns? I gotta go out and fight skeletons now.
Navi, that wasn't important. I'm trying to figure out how to get to the mountain.
Oh, I just had to show the not. I forgot I had that for a minute lol
The guards are so rude
"Why would I get something for your kid when you've been an ass?"
Rolls for dayyyyysssss
Keaton mask!
Hylian shield!
Off to Death Mountain!
They see me rollin'. They hatin'.
Am I ready to let go of the Keaton mask? Nah.
Oh fuck you
Fine. Take your stupid mask.
Sometimes, I wish this game had teleporting. Or at least sprinting. The rolling has started to lose its charm.
Death Mountain, here I come!
Luckily no Stahlchildren on the path at night
Mr. Goron, please let me talk to you. Stop laying back down as soon as I get close to you.
If you eat rocks, why don't you eat the rock in front of the rocks?
Hehe. The circle of rocks looks like a Korok puzzle
If you eat rocks THEN EAT THE ROCKS
Where is Darunia?
I shall play a song for you, Darunia~
More like Da-rude-ia
Gonna call that a night before I get too tired and mad at the game lol
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mistresslrigtar · 8 months
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Read chapter five HERE
 Zelda recognized the 6-string bass guitar shaped like a Hylian shield and walked over for a better look. Next to it was a sparkling silver electric guitar, similar to Revali’s blue triangular-shaped one. The other two were an acoustic covered in colorful stickers of all shapes and designs and an unadorned classical guitar.
“Are all these yours?” Zelda reached for the silver one but withdrew her hand, uncertain if he would mind if she touched it.
“Yeah. You can hold any of them you want.” Link reached down, lifting the guitar off its stand to hand to her. “This one’s my first and favorite. Much to my parents' dismay, my grandmother gave it to me when I was ten.” He laughed at a memory, and Zelda tried to imagine what he must have been like at that age. Precocious maybe? Trouble definitely.
The guitar was heavier than she would have imagined, and she held it tightly by the neck while she ran her fingers over the smooth, lacquered surface. “If this is your favorite, why do you play the bass with Hyrule Warriors? You and Ganondorf formed the band, right?”
“Somebody has to.” He took the guitar when she returned it to him and placed it on the stand. 
Zelda turned away from the guitars to look over at him. “What do you mean?” 
“The bass player is underrated but an important part of a band, like the drums.” Link shrugged. “Bass suits me better. Rev prefers the limelight, I don’t.” 
Many thanks to my fantastic betas! @zeldaelmo and @hyylia. TYSM, friends 😊
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abyssal-cryptid · 1 year
I keep playing Tears of the Kingdom (SPOILERS)
The Like enemies are the worst
I hate them
Yona is such a sweetie
They wrote Sidon and Link's relationship to be romantic in this and added a girlfriend to Sidon for deniability
Yona even calls me Sidon's 'true companion'
The people making tutorials for every little thing have my heart because I am dumb of ass
I cant be the only one who avoids the depths like my life depends on it
Its not even the depths, the chasms just make me almost have panic attacks
Anyways there is a chasm under Zora domain
Its free on enemies and has a forge
Im terrified of the dark
Also there is Zora statues
Why is Link dick sucking height for everyone
Sidon, Rauru, Ganon
I mean
I dont write porn someone else do that for me
I write sad Link
Not that sad Link cant suck dick I just cant write it
I would go to the Tulin air temple but there is an ice spider there
Also the boss bokoblin marches are so scary wtf
I saw group of black bokoblins paradin around and immediatly dipped into the ocean
Cant follow me
I was excited for pirates
But no its just monsters
Uhhhh quick tip dont sleep in the middle of killing the Lurelin village pirates
You bet your ass Im spending my precious time fixing up the village with Bolson
Its so fun
Im helping
I love these types of quests
In going to Hestu after this
I dont want to
I so dont want to
I hate the depths
But I need bombs and theres a lot of them here
Stop making me go down there
Let me be
Back to rebuilding
Im sure I was doing something but I cant remember
I need more space for meals
Roman is now 4*-5*-4*-3* horse and I love him so much
He looks like Epona and has flowers in his mane
Ive gotten like 9 memories
I love the animation for Link gaining hearts or stamina
Why cant the musicians walk
I love Mastro
His little ya yahs
Their band is really good
Makes me want to run in the woods
Anyways more great fairy!
Why is there no great moose
Why do I have to pay the great fairy
They gave Link so many slutty slutty outfits
Making Link wear the hylian hood when he opens a memory looks funny
Why doesnt Master Sword ever talk to ME
Why does it only talk to Zelda
Maybe there was a mix up because goddess Hylia only talks to Link
Im going to write Zelda-Link fanfiction about this
Typhlo ruins being visible is kind of strange
Wait I can have a whip
Okay I admit I like the vehicles
All great fairies opened
Stable Trotters play so beautifully
The scales on the great fairies clothes are so pretty
Sidon's avatar has scared me so many times
Can I please get the ancient saddle back
I slayed
Got all the rewards possible from the hideout
Rauru is dumbass a little bit
Ganondorf is so hot here
Ganondorf is a liar but my god
Sonia is so beautiful my god
Zelda looks kind of like Sonia's daughter and I wonder if Ganon thinks she is
The Zonai clothing is stunning
Why does Ganondorf have to be so evil
Slip resistance is like the most useless thing in this fucking game
Because it does nothing
Even on level 3
The Dream Homes are so cool
They cost so many coins
But Im so excited
Its so cute
I got a kitchen too
And a study
And weapons room
I love it
Is it time for Gerudo town clearing? Yes yes yes
I hate this sandstorm and love the desert so
The Lightning Temple is so cool
The puzzles are hard, I have so little brains
Boss battles are so hard
The Lightning Sage is majorly hit
Why is Demon Ganondorf so hot
Is this like a traditional shield and weapon of the Lady of Gerudo?? I thought it was just Urbosa
Btw Urbosa is my favorite Champion and I adore her
Simple lesbian brain
Once again Zonai Zelda is the prettiest person in any room
Please Can I Marry Her
Why does Zelda have tear tattoos? Like did she just get them to complete her fit
Why cant we see the faces of the Sages
Me every time they call Zelda the Sage of Time
Riju is adorable
She's grown so much
I intended to write a long fic about BOTW with my interpertation of Link and all
But then TOTK released
I do keep thinking about it
There is so many ideas and headcanons I have
I do miss dressing Link as a girl
He has slutty outfits but like let me explore Link's gender
I so had a crush on Riju in BOTW I was just dumb and in denial
I want to write a desert civilization inspired ny the Gerudo and also real desert civilizations
But idk where to start
Oh I need to take a picture of Mattison for Hudson
I love Patricia
*feeds fruit to her*
I love that Padda also loves her despite her puns
I really like the custom they have of the vai coming to live and grow in the city after certain age
I love the thunder helm
Haha you cant touch me
Its 3.30am rn
I should sleep soon, the sun wakes in like an hour
Impa, staring at me publicly in Gerudo town: I did not expect to see you here
She has the same energy as Yoda
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solance-fics · 2 years
Come to Dennys we have 9 lovely heroes for you to meet! For a price.
Chapter 1: don’t mind the sign :)
Reader was just heading to a dennys to get some food cuz renfair food is expensive and the lines are long as fuck. While crossing the street she avoids getting hit by truck kun but while she thinks she is safe, unknown to her the Dennys sign some how broke and fell right on her
After getting bonked. Well she thinks get got bonked by the sign she wakes to find herself in a different world, when she makes it to town she finds a group of nine familiar faces. How will this adventure go and who will she meet? Follow along to find out!
Also thank you to my friend bean who helped me with the title <3
This fic will be An interesting one , reader is a loz fan and know who the chain is and that won’t stop her from being an idiot tho
Also bean gave me the chapter title as well, this fic is also posted on ao3
Tw: none that I can think of
The renfair you fucking love this place and have been going every year for the past five years, and you’re gonna continue to come untill you get to old or broke for it. This place was great! The smell of food , the sound of people having fun, the guy you know is ducking wasted but you can’t tell if he’s an actor or just some guy who wanted to get wasted here. Either way it was great, well not the insane food prices or the lines for said food.
Those two reasons are why you’re currently leaving the fair to get reasonably priced food with a shorter wait time. You’re about half way out when you see a weapons shop , you’re currently dressed like a typical rpg adventurer but you’re sword and shield less , that’s unacceptable. Walking into the reasonably sized forge you begin to look around for a sword and shield that would work for your costume and your strength level. Seeing your indecisiveness the black smith helped you out a bit, he had you hold a good amount of swords. Eventually he found one that’s light enough for you to hold confidently and won’t get tired from holding it for long photo shoots.
Your shield was easier to find , you got a wooden one in a heather style, it was light yet sturdy. You paid for the two items which were expensive but not as expensive if you bought the replicas of the master sword and hylian shield so that’s good at least. You attach the sword and shield to your back with the straps and sheath that came with them, and you continue our original mission of going to food. You’re lucky you choose to bring a crossbody bag with you for the fair, having a backpack on with your new items would fucking suck.
You walk out the exit of the fair and begin heading to where the main road is , you know there’s a Denny’s nearby so you could go there, it has cheap but good food and that’s exactly what you need right now to replenish the energy you lost while walking around and do random activities at the fair. You pull out your phone to check the time and it’s about 2:40pm a good time for a late lunch.
Putting your phone back into your bag you continue to walk till you get to the part of the sidewalk that has the crossing button. You press it and wait for a few minutes for it to be your turn to cross the street to get the Denny’s. It’s an older location whose sign looks like it could fall at any time . You've been here a few times before , mostly with friends, once to fight an ex friend in the back parking lot next to the dumpster. You obviously won. They had it coming , calling you weak and trying to screw you over so you two made a deal that whoever lost the fight had to admit to every shitty thing they ever did. Let’s just say they had their social life obliterated after their confessions.
The little guy on the crossing light appears signaling it’s your turn to walk across the street , so you do. While walking you look to your right seeing a ducking truck coming right at ya, you don’t think you just run. Throwing yourself forwards you barely miss getting it by the truck. You can’t say the same for the poor bastard that just got hit. Hey at least it wasn’t you, rip that guy hope he gets the isekai life he always wanted. Getting up off of the street you dust yourself off and walk towards the dennys. Surviving truck-kun really worked up your appetite.
You take about ten steps and then you hear a loud creaking, looking up you see the Denny’s sign start to tilt. Before you can react it’s falling , knowing you cheated once you can’t cheat it again so you just cover your head with your arms and squeeze your eyes shut. The sign is about to hit you when a portal opens and swallows you, to the outside world you got crushed but not even blood was left.You don’t even realize you're falling thinking you're dead. You don’t even realize you're still alive due to hitting your head on a rock and knocking yourself out instantly.
When you eventually woke up you felt like shit, your head was pounding and everything was sore. Going to sit up you let out a groan, touching the side of your head you let out a hiss of pain. Well now you know you hit your head , which would explain the pain you felt. You sigh and begging to feel around for any other injuries, lucky there’s none but you’re still sore. Slowly standing up you finally look around at your surroundings, in response you stare in absolute confusion.
You were in the middle of some forest and in some tall grass, lucky from what you could tell there weren't any dangers around so that’s a good thing. You couldn’t tell where you were, so it looks like you’ll have to do some exploring. Checking to make sure you still have everything you remember having before ending up wherever the fuck you are. You do and just as a safety thing you unsheath your sword and give it a few swings. You feel a bit confident in using it but you’re not actively gonna look for something to fight. You start to walk out of the grass when you kick something hard and small, you look down and see a green gem. 
Picking up the gem you think it’s an emerald at first but at a closer inspection it’s a rupee. Wait , a rupee ?!? You stare in shock at the fictional currency, well now not so fictional currency. You think of a few seconds , if you just so happened to get iseakied into your favorite video game series you might as well get some money. Spending the next few minutes cutting grass and throwing rocks to find some extra cash, you eventually end up with about 40 rupees. It’s not much but it’s a start. You start to walk in a random ass direction. 
You’ve been walking for about 20 or 30 minutes and you even got a few more rupees bumping  you up to about 50, you that’s good. Eventually found yourself near the end of a tree line. You get excited till you see it. A moblin with a spear, it hasn’t spotted you yet but it will as soon as you step out of the woods. You can’t tell which game it’s from so you’ll find that out when you find a town. You slowly get your shield onto your arm that doesn’t currently have your sword in it. Raising it to where it’ll cover what it’s supposed to you begin walking forward. Moulins are pretty easy in game so it’s not like you’re fighting a dungeon boss. 
Once you’re out of the woods and in its line of sight it spots you instantly and charges. Keeping your shield up you quickly move to the side  and you raise your sword a bit.Making a quick yet hard jab at where you think it’s ribs and heart are you land a hit. Quickly pulling your sword out with some resistance due to how deep you jabbed, you pull your sword out. The moblin explodes in a puff of smoke, once the smoke is gone you find half of a blue kinstone. Well you now know you’re in the minish cap/ four swords hyrule and you got a pretty decent drop, looking around you find a path and follow it. 
After a small 30 minute walk and fighting off three more monsters, getting a few more rupees you find yourself outside of Hyrule town. You make a mental list of what to buy, food, hygiene supplies, a map and maybe a few small adventure items you could use. Checking the time on your phone you see it’s about 12pm. Wow. You were out a whole day and spent like an hour and half walking to this town. Sighing you head into hyrule town. 
It’s exactly how you remembered it , but you know it's real and not pixelated. Walking to where the main shop is you realize something. You don’t have a lot of rupees. Like less than a hundred, trying to think of how to make quick cash you remembered a certain mini game. Heading to the small house located in the southern right corner of the town you see Auju standing in the gateway to her house looking anxious and defeated. 
Walking over to the distressed woman to see if you can help her, she  notices you. “Excuse me miss , would you be so kind and help me? My Cuccus escaped, if you help me by bringing them back I’ll repay you” Anju had her hands clasped together in a ple. You nod “sure I’ll help ya out , cuccus can be quite tricky at times so I understand. I’ll start looking for them. How many are missing?”  You needed the rupees cuz last time you remembered she gave link 110 after about round 10 with a heart piece. 
Anju instantly brightens up at you agreeing “oh thank you! I’m missing three , each one ran off in a different direction knowing them, they should be in different corners of town. Please get them as quickly as you can.” You give a small nod and smile to the woman and take off running , vaguely remembering where each cuccu was. Running to the southwestern corner of the town you find the first one. Picking it up under your arm with your other hand holding it’s feet you run back to Anjus house and you throw it into the pen. 
You do in fact get all three in and get paid 110 rupees but the damn things escaped another two times. You of course helped Anju again and got the birds to stay in after their third time escaping. Apologizing for the inconvenience they caused Anju paid you another 220 rupees, that with what you already had gets you to 380 rupees. Nice ! That much should cover everything you need to buy. You say goodbye and she thanks you again, not even realizing she never got your name.
Heading to the local store you walk in, it has a few things you need like soap, hair wash, toothbrush and this mint, berry paste that you think is some form of toothpaste but that’s about it. After paying you take your leave , you’re now down about 60 rupees but hey you wanted to make sure you have enough to last a while. Next up was food and you were starving you didn’t get dennys cuz of the damn sign bonking you into another world. 
Heading to the outside market you notice it’s bigger than the game makes it look, there’s a lot more people selling and buying but hey you’re not complaining. Heading to a person selling dried and seasoned meat for about 5 rupees a pound, you buy two pounds. After you pay you head to someone selling some old adventure gear , picking out a bedroll , and a book about foraging plants and fungi. Noticing the size of your back the older adventure asked to charm it to make it fit more stuff , you obviously agreed. He said the charm was for free and his reasoning was it’s a gift from a veteran to a rookie. 
The three items you picked out to buy cost about 40 rupees, so now you have 270 rupees left, not bad. Saying good but to the older man you began looking around the market for anything else you’d like to buy. A few small things caught your attention and then some random dude gave you some free kinstones due to you being new in town even if it’s just for a bit. You fused some kinstones with some of the people around town, mainly the kids cuz , well they thought you were interesting and they wanted to fuse. 
You haven’t found anyone to fuse the blue kinstone half you got from that moblin so you stare down at it for a bit. You go to put it away but someone speaks up. “Excuse me , if you don’t mind I have a kinstone half that matches yours we can fuse them” it was a guy's voice soft yet confident, light yet mature. “Oh I don’t mind at all “ you smile and turn to face the guy who asked only to come face to face with the hero of the minish, and the four swords. The kicker? It was the linked universe version of him. That’s not all, behind four were the other eight heroes. You’re in deeper shit then you realized. 
All because of a fucking dennys sign.
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babbletaels · 9 months
The godess of time
Many people think that Hylia is the godess of time, but I feel like the godess of time has always been supposed to be Nayru? Nayru "gave the spirit of law to the land" and by law I'm pretty sure they don't mean like "don't be a thief", but laws like time, gravity etc, like laws of nature. Oracle of ages features Nayru, and revolves around time travel. I've seen some people claim the godess of the sands is the same as the godess of time because of hour glass, and I was kind of on board for that being a predessor to botw hylia worship, but also Lanayru obviously named after Nayru, a dragon in the desert. There's the fact that all zelda deserts were once oceans, Nayru is connected to water and ice, so the godess of the sands could very well have once been the godess of the sea?
And then we have the fact that the ocarina of time is an item that belongs to zelda, the sage of time, also the bearer of the triforce of wisdom, which is Nayrus triforce piece. It just seems like the godess of time just simply IS Nayru? I honestly feel like this whole Hylia thing is so unnecessary, like they could've just had Nayru "reincarnate" to become zelda if Hylia really was a godess like the golden godesses, but they didn't even need her to do that cause the spirit of the three godesses basically do reside in normal hylians whenever the triforce splits.
Anyway back to the topic. I feel like Hylia is more like a godess of light? It's always the bow of light and swords that emit light and mystical light powers, that are needed to defeat ganondorf/the incarnation of demise I guess, the supposed enemy and opposite of hylia. In tears of the kingdom we have five dragons total. Heat, cold, electricity, light and... "demon dragon". No. He's the shadow dragon, or the darkness dragon. If there's light, there's darkness - we all know this. The three dragons in botw are representative of the three golden godesses, and then we have a fourth dragon, and a fifth dragon. Do I need to spell it out more? There's a reason why she's called "the light dragon" and not "the time dragon". I think Hylia is the godess of light, whether she counts as a golden godess I'm very unsure. But with Hylia out of the way it is very clear to me that the godess of time is in fact Nayru.
This complicates things, though, because in ocarina of times spirit temple, where we can see the godess of the sand, light is a very important mechanic. But I think I have a very far fetched explaination for this. I'll try to keep it short. In majoras mask, similarly to ocarina of time, we find the mirror shield which we use to reflect light to complete various puzzles in both games. The two mirror shields don't look the same. The mirror shield in ocarina of time has the gerudo symbol on it. The one is majoras mask has a face on it. But it's not just a face. I'm 100% certain that the face on the mirror shield is supposed to be a symbolic representation of the moon, because the majoras mask moon has a face. We can find moon symbols with faces in other parts of majoras mask. The moon only shines because it reflects light from the sun, just like the mirror shield. The gerudo symbol used to be a moon. And moons aren't associated with light, despite reflecting it, they're associated with water, they're associated with the tide. Tide is derived from old english, it means time. So light reflection - moon - water - tide - time. The godess of time is not Hylia and the godess of the sand is not the godess of light.
Nayru is the godess of time
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hunter-clarke · 1 year
Chapter 8: A new type of Enemy
Continued from Chapter 7. Based on @jojo56830's Linked Universe.
Chapter 8: A new type of Enemy
Suddenly, the Shadow Beast jumped out of the shadows towards the group, and Wolfie jumped infront of them to protect them. There was a few seconds of beastly snarling, then the wolf became a hylian, with his sword and shield at the ready. “I may need some help here Link.” Said the Hylian that just transformed from the wolf. Link was taken aback for a moment, but then quickly regained his composure as he understood the request.
“Alright. Let’s kill this thing. Whatever it is.” The battle was fierce, with the monster taking on different forms and attacking from all angles, using a heavy assortment of weapons. But Link and Wolfie worked together seamlessly, anticipating each other's moves and covering each other's blind spots.
At one point, the Shadow Beast lunged towards Zelda, but Link jumped in front of her, wielding his sword to deflect the attack. Meanwhile, new Link circled around and attacked the monster from behind, causing it to stumble.
As they fought, Link couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity with this guy's fighting style. He realized that Wolfie,or wherever this guy is,has something in common with him.
Together, the two Links continued to fight the Shadow Beast with all their might, determined to protect Zelda from its wrath. Eventually, nobody was getting anywhere, so the Shadow monster fled.
Weakened, they decided to set up a campsite right there next to the Rito Village. No one spoke for a while, but eventually the silence was too much, and Zelda asked, “Where are you from?”
After a brief second of thought, Link replied, “Faron. Ordon Village. Not now. Not this place in time”
“I know Faron. But Ordon Village? That’s not on my map.” Link said, looking at his map on the Sheikah Slate.
“Yes,” Link nodded. “I was a rancher there, until my friends got kidnapped.”
Link raised an eyebrow. “I’m sorry to hear that. But you also gave me a nickname for you, Rancher”
Rancher’s eyes squinted in a thoughtful expression. "Okay then.What were you before your adventure?"
“I was the Hylian Champion, the Princess’s personal guard.”
“Alright, Champion.”
After a while, Rancher spoke up. "We need to go to the portal. It's west of Rito Village."
Link looked at him in surprise. "You know what's on the other side?"
Rancher nodded. "Yeah. My Hyrule is on the other side. I've been through that portal before, and I have a feeling that it might lead us to some answers."
Zelda spoke up, her voice hesitant. "But it's too dangerous, isn't it? We don't know what's on the other side, or what we might encounter."
The Champion turned to her. "I understand your concern, Your Highness. But I believe that this is something that we need to do. And it's too risky for you to come with us. You should go back home to Hateno Village and stay there until I return."
Zelda's face fell, but she nodded reluctantly. "Very well. Please be careful, both of you."
At that, The Rancher decided to give them some privacy. From what he could see, The Champion pulled her into a tight embrace, kissed the top of her head, and teleported somewhere else right before placing down a big blue circle of light shining through the night. They then warped off somewhere else, becoming a blue substance and then dissipating. After a few seconds, The Champion reappeared on the blue circle looking kind of sad.
The Champion and The Rancher set off toward the black portal, their minds filled with questions and uncertainty. As they walked, Rancher spoke up again. "So, Champion, tell me more about you."
Click to read Chapter 9!
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cloudninetonine · 2 years
Hello me again. Still trying to fight off sleep issues so I present to you: more Courage, Koridai, and Sprite headcannons. They're kinda long sorry.
Koridai and Courage alternate nicknames were a little hard for me to figure out since we know so little ab them from the source material, however I have come up with something.
Thought process: The chain's alt nicknames (I'll call them ANNs for simplicity) have been around their occupation before or during their journeys - Champion/Smithy, Sailor/Captain - or have been to do with experience (such as age like 'Old Man', or amount of adventures like 'Veteran').
For Courage, it was a little more to do with after his journey. He becomes Wisdom's partner, which would make him Prince Consort. Hence forth, I propose to you all the ANN: 'Prince'. (Also fits with the design I gave him a bit).
Koridai's ANN was a lot trickier. From the little we get of his actual background from the CD-i games' cutscenes, we only really discover that he's got some relation to the royal family to be so close with King Harkinian (who also shares the name w Courage's King fun fact), Princess Zelda, Impa etc. We know literally nothing about Link. So I improvised a little backstory for him to solve this. If anyone has any better ideas, please voice them to the public, I was struggling.
Essentially, Koridai is from a family of important merchants who control the travel of goods in the kingdom, making them quite close to the Royal family so they can import and export resources across the land, and change trading routes. So basically, my boy comes from status. He got his sword and shield not from the castle, but from his auntie who is the head of the family. She took one listen to the prophecy and gave him this sword and shield made of high-quality metals with that enchantment Hyrule has on his. Might even go a step further and place the games in the timeline by saying it IS Hyrule's sword idk. Anyways all this to say what if we give the ANN 'Trader' or 'Merchant' to Koridai.
Also if we're giving Sprite an ANN, it would be obvious to name her 'Fairy' but that's like nicknaming one of the Chain 'Hylian'. So since she doesn't have a job and basically no prior experience, I encourage you to choose from 'Trickster' if she's more on the mischievous side, or 'Clematis' which is a type of flower I used in her design.
(Fun fact, struggled so much w Koridai, I debated on whether or not to suggest 'Mirror' after the one he gets trapped in in Wand of Gamelon. I decided against it) __________________________________________ Ages are fun! And is also a great way of showing dynamics, personality, and explain any downright tomfoolery. So we're doing that with Koridai, Courage, and Sprite.
Imo, Sprite would rather beat Courage with a stick than admit her age, so its largely unknown. But, since she's fae and (from my research) they live to ab 500-600, I'd estimate she's around 250 years old.
Courage, the absolute fool, is about 14. Generally bc it explains why he's so cringey and stupid, but I feel like he'd be ashamed of it upon hearing that people younger than him have achieved much greater (ie, Wind, Time, Legend, Hyrule etc). He's prob real self conscious ab it so sometimes exaggerates his behaviour to make the Chain think he's younger than he is. Maybe he's even lied about it.
Koridai I'd put at squarely 16 or 17. He's been on essentially 3 adventures by now, 2 where he's needed rescuing, so there's prob a year at least between them. He's cringey but in the way that nightcore kids used to be seen by people in 2010s iykwim. Basically just a whole lot of self esteem issues and helplessness packed into one bundle and hidden away with a cocky attitude and cringey behaviour.
Again sorry for the length, I seriously can't do anything else atm so I'm hoping writing this kind of stuff will help me get to sleep.
It's okay babes don't worry about it! Whatever helps!
Also loving this headcanons, love your iterations of them so much! (Especially the nicknames, got me thinking of what I should nickname them for my own stories- oh well, I'll give myself time.)
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enslavedmind · 3 years
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spoiled myself today 💕
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attllhak · 3 years
@technicallya1manband so, I just remembered that while I was camping I wrote another thing for the Gerudo Twilight AU. Specifically, I have a lot of fun with ‘The Unreliable Narrator That Is History’ (putting this like that, because I basically use it as a trope at this point), and I got bored one afternoon while hiding from the sun because it is HOT out, especially where I was. And then I thought I should probably have Twilight appear, so it kinda ended up ‘Expectation vs Reality’ by the end. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this, I’m off to bed now
“You look upset,”
Zelda startled, twisting to see Urbosa standing in the doorway behind her. The Champions had only just been dubbed as such, and Zelda had wanted to get away from the celebrations.
“I’m not,” she lied, turning back to face the sky.
Urbosa sighed, and after a moment she settled down next to Zelda.
“Little bird, you do not have to lie to me,”
“I know,” she sighed, not bothering to defend herself. “I just, I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do. My power won’t awaken, no matter what I do, and I just, I can’t live up to the expectations everyone has set for me. My mother unlocked her power so easily, and my grandmother did too. Why is it just me that can’t do this?”
“Zelda,” Urbosa wound an arm around her shoulders and pulled the younger girl to her side. “You need to stop comparing yourself to them. You aren’t them, and your power will awaken for you when you are ready,”
“But I’ve been ready!” Zelda threw out her hands. “And it’s not that easy to just, not compare! I know you wouldn’t understand that, but I just,” she put her head in her hands. “I don’t know what to do,”
“Wouldn’t understand, eh?”
Zelda peeked up through her fingers as Urbosa leaned back on her hands. 
“Would you let me tell you a story, little bird?”
“A, story?”
“It has a moral,” Urbosa promised. “And I think you’ll like it,”
“Okay,” Zelda folded her hands in her lap. “Tell me a story,”
“This is an old story, very, very old. Almost, but not quite, as old as the gerudo ourselves. Back when Ganon took the form of a gerudo voe,”
“Seriously?” Zelda twisted to face Urbosa, eyes wide. “That is old,”
“Indeed,” Urbosa smiled. “The man that would become the monster Ganon had been king for only a few years when the Hero of that era defeated him. I won’t go into the details, as they get confusing, and this story is not about them. After he was defeated, Ganon was sentenced to death. He was not successfully killed, but that is also a tale for another time. What I wish to speak of is the aftermath,”
“Why start with Ganon when you’re talking about something after him?” Zelda huffed.
“Because, little bird, Ganon’s defeat left the gerudo without a king. I know it may not seem this way now, with how long it’s been since the gerudo had a king last, but this was the first time we were without so much as a prince. Not to mention the hatred we faced for our King’s actions,” Urbosa frowned, looking off into the distance. “The hylian crown was not kind to my people in the aftermath of Ganon’s defeat. We were chased even further out into the desert, and we struggled there for a long, long time. For almost a hundred years, we were without a king, and so we elected the first chief, to rule until a new king was born,”
“I’m so sorry,” Zelda frowned, suddenly feeling guilty.
“Do not apologize, little bird. It happened so long ago, and things have changed so much,” Urbosa pulled her in again. “Besides, the hylians also gave us our next king,”
Both women turned to see the other Champions hovering in the doorway, though thankfully it seemed Zelda’s new knight was not among them.
“Sorry about that, highnesses,” Daruk mumbled, giving Revali a sharp look. “The King asked us to come find you, but we were kinda invested in the story,”
“I don’t mind telling you as well,” Urbosa turned to Zelda. “How about it? Can they join us?”
“Hm? Oh, yes, of course!” Zelda floundered, waving them out. “Please, take a seat,”
They filed in and sat around the two, and everyone turned back to Urbosa.
“Right, where was I?”
“A hylian king,” Revali said, looked a bit affronted on the gerudo’s behalf.
“He wasn’t hylian,” she corrected. “Well, I suppose that isn’t totally true. He definitely looked hylian, but he was gerudo. One of the girls who was alive when Ganon ruled had seen the writing on the wall and hid her daughter with the girl’s hylian father. This girl later married a hylian man herself and her daughter, it is said, moved very far away. Out into the middle of nowhere. She had a daughter herself, and this daughter had a son,”
“The King,” Zelda guessed.
“Yes, the King,” Urbosa smiled. “He didn’t know that though. His mother died when he was very young, and he did not return to the desert until he was already mostly grown. But, he did eventually return to us. I’m not sure how we knew he was our king, but there was no doubt at all by the time he was crowned. Of course, he was not in an easy spot. We were still suffering from the aftermath of Ganon’s rule, and he had very little time to prepare for his new role,” she paused to smile. “Which makes his achievements all that much more impressive,”
“You put an incompetent king on a throne vacated by the monster we’re getting ready to fight, and you expect us to believe he did well?” Revali huffed.
“No,” Urbosa said. “I expect you to believe we have never had a better ruler, either king or chief, after him,”
“What did he do?” Zelda asked while the others convinced Revali to stop squawking.
“Firstly, he repaired relations with the rest of Hyrule. Hylian - gerudo relations have only ever been better when your own mother was queen. Apparently he already knew the Queen at the time, and the two spent several days coming to an agreement that ended with all of the desert, and the highlands, being gerudo territory, so long as we remained a vassal state under Hyrule. After that, he is noted as having brought our people back to prosperity,”
“One king did all that?” Mipha asked.
“Yes,” Urbosa smiled. “At the time of Ganon’s rule, the gerudo were thieves. It was his gentle pushing that caused the change into a people of merchants. It is said that the first gerudo jeweller began her trade at the encouragement of the King. She was not the only one to have been encouraged by the King, of course. You know, the reason all gerudo chiefs have our own sand seals is because of him,”
“Really?” Zelda asked, thinking of Urbosa's own sand seal back in Gerudo Town.
“Oh yes, he loved animals,” she laughed. “It is said his pride and joy was a horse he’d raised from a foal that he never travelled outside of the desert without, and he even brought a goat with him into the desert,”
“A goat?” Zelda blanched.
“A goat,” Urbosa nodded. “One of the vai had an idea, to use the sand seals native to the desert as transportation. She decided to prove the worth of this idea, as it was still relatively unheard of for gerudo to be anything but warriors, by catching and taming one first. Once she had, she brought the animal to the King and offered it as a gift,” Urbosa smiled, shaking her head. “The King adored this idea, and loved his newest pet. He was very personally involved in the beginnings of the project, and encouraged the vai who had the idea when she suggested renting them out for people to use to cross the desert. The stories say that if the King was in gerudo town and couldn’t be found in the palace, then he’d be found with the seals,”
Zelda couldn’t help but giggle at that.
“My sword and shield are based on his, you know,”
“Gerudo kings, before him, all fought with a pair of twin swords. However, when he arrived he already had a decent grasp of swordplay. Only he fought with a single sword and a shield. He was gifted a set at his coronation, and ever since then the leader of the gerudo fought with a sword and shield. I had mine made to look like the pictures we have of his,”
“That’s actually kind of sweet, in a way,” Zelda mused.
“What do you call him?”
“Hm?” Urbosa turned at Revali’s question.
“Don’t you gerudo give your kings fancy titles?” Revali elaborated. “What do you call this king?”
“Probably the Seal King,” Daruk suggested.
“Please!” Revali rolled his eyes.
“What do you think he’s called then?” Zelda asked.
“Well, I would have called him the Hero King,”
“What about the Merchant King?” Mipha suggested.
“Little bird?” Urbosa prompted. “Do you have a guess?”
“Um,” Zelda thought on that. “Perhaps, the Healing King? Since, he’s the one who got you back to a good point,”
“All very good guesses,” Urbosa smiled. “All wrong. We call him the Wolf King,”
“Wolf King?” More than a few of them echoed back.
“Yes,” Urbosa nodded. “Fierce and feral like a beast to enemies, but to allies, there is none more loyal or dedicated,” she sighed, looking wistfully at the now setting sun. “If given the chance to meet any individual from Hyrule’s history, I would want to meet him. To ask for his advice on matters, to let him see what he’s done for our people. I just hope that I will be able to be even half the leader he was,”
“You already are,” Zelda said softly.
Urbosa turned to her, and smiled. “Little bird, that means more to me than you know,”
Zelda turned to see Chief Riju approach her where she stood on the balcony overlooking Gerudo Town.
“Oh, Chief Riju, my apologies,” Zelda dipped her head, an embarrassed pink making its way up her neck and onto her cheeks. “I didn’t, if I’m in the way,”
“You aren’t,” Chief Riju shook her head. “And please, just Riju,”
Zelda nodded, still a bit embarrassed, and the two looked out over the town together in silence for a moment.
“Rupee for your thoughts?” Riju asked.
“Just, thinking about Urbosa’s legacy,” Zelda admitted.
“She told me a story once, about an old gerudo king. The Wolf King. She said she had wanted to be even half as good as he was,”
“She succeeded,” Riju told her. “At least, in my opinion,”
“No, you’re right,” Zelda shook her head, smiling. “I just hope she knows that, is all. Knows that she was able to leave a big enough positive impact that she succeeded in her goal,”
Riju set a hand on Zelda’s arm. “I do too,”
Neither girl said another word.
Zelda felt a bit like screaming, if she was completely honest.
Link, Wild, whatever he was calling himself, had gotten sucked away on some magic time travelling quest with other Heroes, and now he was introducing her to his mentor, the Hero of Twilight.
A Hero, who it turns out was also the Wolf King.
He was shorter than Zelda had pictured him, and you would never know he was the gerudo king by his appearance. He definitely looked the part of a wolf, though.
But here he was, holding out the original sword and shield that Urbosa’s were based on. There were differences, obviously, but the smith who made the Scimitar of the Seven and Daybreaker had done a very good job replicating them.
“Are we done now, Cub?” The King, Twilight, sighed.
He didn’t seem to be very invested in his role as king, which contrasted Urbosa’s description of him as ‘dedicated’. In fact, it seemed like he wanted to stop talking about it as quickly as possible.
“Almost,” Link nodded. He turned to Zelda and waved his hands at Twilight. “See? I told you I got to meet him!”
“What?” Twilight asked.
“Oh, uh, pardon us, Your Highness,” Zelda gave him a half bow, and noted the way his face scrunched up. “It’s just, my good friend Urbosa had told me about you a long time ago. She looked up to you and your legacy, and so I’ve also, sort of, admired you. I, I never thought I’d actually get to meet you,”
Oh, Urbosa should be here, Zelda thought. She had wanted to meet him,
“Right,” he said slowly, tucking the sword and shield back in his bag. “Uh, thanks?”
“You, don’t seem very invested in your kingship,” Zelda noted.
“May I be completely honest with you, Your Highness?”
“Of course,” she firmly tamped down the excitement in her chest.
“I have no idea what I’m doing,”
That definitely didn’t sound like the king Urbosa told her about.
“I grew up on a ranch,” he explained. “I herd goats. I barely knew what I was doing when I became the Hero. And now I find out I’m supposed to be a king? My village had a mayor, and he taught me how to wrestle gorons. Because he used to wrestle gorons. I don’t know how many kings can wrestle gorons,”
“At least one,” Link offered.
“Not helping,” Twilight shot him a halfhearted glare. He turned back to her and sighed. “Look, I’m sure there’s some reason you and Urbosa admired me, but I have no idea what that could possibly be. I’m impressed I haven’t screwed anything up too badly yet. So, it’s not that I’m not invested, I’m stuck in the position so I may as well actually try and do well, it’s just, I’m sort of riding blind here. I don’t know what I’m doing, and I’d really rather not talk about it,”
“Oh,” Zelda blinked. “I, suppose that makes sense. My apologies, I’ll try to refrain from bringing it up. I hadn’t intended to make you uncomfortable,”
“You didn’t,” he sighed, and Zelda felt a bit relieved. “And, thanks. It’s just, a whole headache for me,”
“I believe I understand the feeling, Your Majesty,”
“No, stop,”
“No ‘Your Majesty’. No ‘King Link’, no royal titles at all. I am Link Ordon, the goat herd,” he frowned deeply. “I will accept ‘Hero’ if you must, but I,” he sighed in what seemed like defeat. “Please, just call me Twilight,”
“Of course, Twilight,”
“Thank you,”
Zelda wasn’t sure if the fact that Urbosa’s idol had no clue what he was doing would have made her friend feel any better, but it did boost Zelda’s confidence about the monumental task in front of her.
It was just a pity she wouldn’t be able to get any tips from him.
Although, apparently Hyrule’s first king was also among Links’s travelling companions. Maybe she could ask him for advice...
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