#she has a lot of faith in that dress tbh
lacm-ac · 2 years
The strongest thing in God of war isn't Kratos, or Thor.. its Sifs dress.
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fantasy---feels · 5 months
Living Dreams (1)
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pairing: jungkook x female reader
genre: fluff, smut, fluffy smut, yeah mostly just smut tbh, fantasy
wordcount: 4,5k~
summary: Y/n get cheated on by her bf, with a friend of hers, which is just charming really. Luckily Jungkook, one of her best friends, is there to defend her, and maybe do something else for her too...
warnings: violence, unprotected sex (kind of?)
date: 15-01-2024
info: Initially wrote this about two of my Oc's but later felt like also adapting it to some of my favorite fandoms sooo, oops~ Also, since I couldn't choose there are multiple different versions of the same story, just with different main characters ^^
When Jungkook gets closer he sees Maron yelling at Y/n, 'Are you seriously breaking up with me over this? Are you really making me the bad guy right now?!' Y/n looks at him perplexed, 'You cheated on me? And with someone I considered a friend, what made you think I'd stay with you after that?' Maron rolls his eyes sarcastically, 'Yeah right, as if you've been faithful the whole time.' Y/n frowns, 'I never cheated on you what are you even talking about??' Maron laughs, 'Riiight, with the way you're always staring at that guy? And the way you dress? Fuck of with the lies you stupid slut!'
Maron blinks in confusion. He's looking up from the floor, and his nose, it hurts... It hurts like hell, what happened?! He slowly brings his hand up to his face, there's blood, a lot of it. His eyes shoot up to Y/n and... Jungkook. Jungkook's eyes basically tell him that he's lucky to even be alive at all. His fist is balled at his side and his other arm is protectively around Y/n. 'If you EVER. Talk to her again, or even get anywhere near her, I swear to the gods I'm going to fucking kill you.'
'Maron!' Layla, the other girl exclaims as she kneels down next to him, while he still states up at Jungkook and Y/n. Jungkook snarls at him, 'And for your information, YOU cheated, she never did, not with me, not with anyone else. YOU screwed up. And I'm honestly so glad that you did.' He looks at Y/n. 'I've been waiting to do this ever since she got together with you', he gently puts his hand on her face, still bloody from the hit.
She looks at him in confusion, but he just slowly leans down, and kisses her. She makes a surprised sound, but doesn't push him away. After a moment of hesitation she puts her arms around his neck and pulls him closer.
Maron glares at the two, his hand pressed over his face, trying to stop the bleeding. When Layla tries to comfort him and tell him that he has her now so it doesn't matter, he pushes her away. He gets up and storms toward the exit, Layla following him.
Jungkook and Y/n on the other hand forgot about him completely. When they finally break apart, they're both completely flushed and out of breath. Y/n stares at him in disbelief. 'Was that.. Did you mean that or did you just say it to-' Jungkook shakes his head. 'I meant it. You have no idea how much you've tortured me the past few months.' Y/n stares at him in shock. 'Why didn't you..' Jungkook, chuckles dryly. 'You were with him. And I was scared.' He pulls her closer to kiss her again.
When he finally let's go of her he whispers in her ear: 'Let's go home.' Y/n looks up at him in surprise before nodding slowly and letting him pull her to the exit. Once outside Jungkook can't seem to keep his hands of her and on the way home he keeps kissing her hand, her lips, her face. They come to a halt one turn away from the house, where Jungkook kisses her and she ends up with her back against the wall. As the kiss deepens and Y/n pushes her body closer to his Jungkook groans in frustration.
'You have no idea what you're doing to me..'
He reaches down and before she can react Y/n is sitting in his arms, her back against the wall and his hips pressed between her legs. Y/n gasps. 'No wait! Is this okay? I'm heavy..' Usually she doesn't care, but with him.. Jungkook blinks at her, confused. 'What? No.' He immediately leans in to kiss her again and Y/n moans against his lips as he presses into her. He freezes. He puts his forehead against hers and presses his eyes shut. 'I must be going crazy.. If you want me to stop, please tell me right now.' Y/n shakes her head, confused. 'I don't want to stop.' Jungkook looks up at her. 'I'm serious Y/n. If you don't tell me now, I don't think I'll be able to stop anymore.'
Y/n shakes her head and takes his face in her hands, her face flushed. 'Please don't stop.' Jungkook groans deep in his throat. 'Fuck.' Then he pulls her back into a kiss before lifting her in his arms, and away from the wall, making her squeal in surprise. But he just adjusts her, tells her to hold on, and jumps. She shrieks and clamps onto him, but a moment later they land on the roof of the house. He let's her down gently before opening his window and jumping inside. When he helps her jump in, he immediately pulls her close again to kiss her. After a moment he picks her up, and carries her to the bed. He gently sets her down and breathes in deeply, trying to calm himself. He presses his forehead against hers as her leans over her. 'Are you sure?' Y/n nods and pulls him in for a kiss. 'Please?' He groans into her mouth, 'You're going to ruin me.'
Then he leans back and pulls his shirt over his head before leaning back down. Y/n let's her hand glide over his chest, nervously at first, softly. Jungkook takes her hand in his and presses it to his body. 'It's fine, I wont break.' Y/n blushes, but let's her hands travel all over his chest and then his back and his stomach, which has him closing his eyes. Her hands reach his belt and she looks up at him uncertainly. He nods and gets up to undo his pants. When they fall to the ground Y/n looks at him in wonder. 'Can I..?' He nods and lays down next to her. Y/n hesitantly goes to sit over his legs and slowly let's her hands explore his body. He has his eyes pressed closed and one arm is draped over his face, while the other hand is holding onto one of her legs, slightly clenching any time she finds a sensitive spot. Her hands are torturously slow, but when she finally gets close to touching his dick, he can't stand it anymore. His hand shoots out to grab hers and her eyes meet his. He looks at her hungrily as he pulls her in for a kiss. 'Can I see you too?' Y/n flushes bright red but nods and sits back. He sits up with her and pulls her closer, till she's sitting in his lap. He let's his hands travel down her arms, while first kissing her lips, then her jaw, and then the crook of her neck, making her shiver in his arms. He slowly moves his hands to the back of her dress, halting as he finds the zipper. He looks at her and whispers,' Is this okay?' She nods, still flushed, and shivers as he pulls down the zipper, baring her back. He gently pulls the dress down her arms and chest before letting it pool at her waist. He looks at her in stunned silence. She blushes brightly under his staring and moves her arms up to cover herself. His hands shoot up to stop her. He let's them glide down her arms to her hands which he moves back down to her sides, 'Please don't. '
Then, he carefully cradles her waist and, for a moment, just stares at his hands on her skin. He still can't believe that he's finally holding her. His touch feels gentle, in spite of the size and roughness of his hands and Y/n shivers. He slowly let's his hand travel up, over her stomach and her ribs. When he gets to her breasts he stops and hesitates. Y/n brings her hand up to one of his, and gently puts it on her. 'I won't break either', she whispers. He let's her guide him to gently cup her breast, before taking a deep breath and letting his head rest on her shoulder. 'I can't believe I'm touching you...' He chuckles dryly, 'You have no idea how many times I've dreamed about doing this.' He kisses her shoulder, while carefully kneading her breast. When he feels her react, he softly sucks on the same spot, making her moan inadvertently. The sound makes him groan in frustration and he moves his hands to her waist.
He picks her up and lays her on the bed, before pulling her dress down the rest of the way, leaving them both in nothing but their underwear. When Y/n unconsciously tries to cover herself again under his staring, he grabs her wrists and pins her hands above her head. She blushes at the unexpected action, as well as the sudden vulnerability. He leans in to kiss her and whispers, 'Please let me look at you.' Then he lets go of her arms, which she wraps around his neck to pull him closer. He groans into her mouth and kisses her deeper.
He uses one hand to prop himself up while using the other to touch her. He let's his hand travel up her hip, her waist and finally to her breast which he gently kneads in his hand, before using his thumb to draw circles around the most sensitive part. Y/n moans into the kiss as he explores exactly what to do to her. He breaks away for a moment, and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. 'I haven't done this before, so you have to tell me if I do something wrong.' Y/n shakes her head breathlessly from under him. 'You're perfect.'
Jungkook smiles at her softly before leaning down to kiss her again. He let's his hand travel down and with his fingers he traces the line of her panties, making her shiver against his chest. 'Can I take them off?' he whispers. Y/n nods and he leans back to gently pull them down her legs, before swallowing deeply. 'I can't believe I get to have you.'
He let's his hands run up her body, from her ankles, over her legs and her stomach, to her breasts, as he moves to lay on top of her. He softly draws cirkles on one of her breasts while tentatively taking the other one in his mouth, eliciting a surprised gasp from Y/n. When he notices her reaction he slowly start to suck and lick around her sensitive nub, feeling it get harder against his tongue. The moans are falling from Y/n's mouth as he keeps gently massaging her breast with his hand while using his mouth on her at the same time. With one last gentle lick over her nipple he let's go and moves his attention to her other breast. He is taking in all of her reactions and he loves that she can't seem to control them, as he gently licks and sucks at her skin.
When he can finally bring himself to stop, he slowly moves down her body, kissing her stomach and her waist, sucking softly on her skin, trying not to leave any marks. When he finally gets to her most sensitive place he looks up questioningly. Y/n has her face covered with her hands in embarrassment, but still nods hesitantly.
He smiles reassuringly as he puts his arms around her legs, and softly places a kiss on the insde of her thigh. Then, he slowly starts kissing down the inside of her legs, all the way down untill he reaches her center. He looks up at her, his impatient eyes showing just how much he is trying to pace himself. 'Please tell me if you want me to stop, or when I'm doing something wrong.' He smiles at her before placing on last kiss on her leg. Then he leans down and licks one long stripe over her center, making her jump and cry out in surprise. When immediately after he softly sucks on her sensitive nub she moans deeply and automatically weaves her fingers through his hair. He smiles against her. 'Good to know.' Then sucks her into his mouth again and swirls his tongue around her, making her moans come out in stutters.
To get better access, he uses one hand to gently pushes her folds apart and licks long strokes in between. As he licks and sucks experimentally he greedily takes in all of her reactions and expressions. He softly starts to rub over her clit in circles with his thumb, while using his tongue to lick over and inside her entrance. Pressing his tongue against her, he groans under the combination of her taste in his mouth and her hands in his hair. Carefully he presses one of his fingers inside, while sucking her clit into his mouth. When she starts to relax around him, he adds a second finger, making her groan. He slowly starts oves in and out. She moans and reaches down to hold his hand in place. 'Curl your fingers up' she whispers, slightly out of breath. Jungkook smiles against her and does as she says while simultaneously circling her with his tongue. She starts moaning louder now, and he keeps doing exactly as she told him, curling up his fingers and rubbing the sensitive spot inside her. As he keeps licking her, and pressing his fingers into her, Y/n is getting closer and closer, until he knows she's almost there. When he feels her tighten around his fingers, he curls his fingers into her one more time and sucks on her hard. She cries out and her body trembles as she comes. He keeps slowly curling his fingers while licking her softly, working her through her orgasm, until she's pulling his head away, her hands shaking.
'How... How did you know all that?' She asks, confused and completely out of breath. 'I thought you had never done this before..' Jungkook grins at her, 'Aïsya gave me homework. One day she just handed me a whole pile of books she told me I should read.' Y/n turns bright red. 'Oh gods, that little witch!' She puts her hands over her eyes. 'I can't believe she basically trained you for me.' Jungkook chuckles while placing a kiss on the inside of her leg. 'I'm glad she did, otherwise I would have had no idea what to do.' Y/n sighs and grumbles, 'I guess I should buy her dinner sometime...' Jungkook moves up and pulls her hands away, to put a kiss on her forehead. 'Same here.'.
Then, when their eyes meet he kisses her lips and she pulls him in closer. She let's her hands run down his back and pushes at his underwear. 'I want them off...'
Jungkook flushes just barely as his eyes darken, before reaching down to take off his last piece of clothing. For a moment Y/n just stares, she had expected him to be pretty big, but not like this... He gently takes on of her hands and kisses it.' Are you still sure you want this? I understand if you want to stop now.' Y/n just shakes her head, her mouth hanging slightly open, still staring at him. Jungkook frowns, 'I don't want to hurt you.' Y/n looks up at him. 'You won't, I promise, we'll be careful.'
She slowly props herself up and reaches forward, to put her hand around him. He groans at the feeling, staring down at her touching his dick. She carefully moves her hand to stroke him and he let's his head fall back as a moan falls from his lips. 'Fuckkk, Mila..'
Her mouth waters at the sound of his voice and she slowly leans forward. He doesn't have time to realize what's happening as she licks one long stroke up his whole length, making his body shock with pleasure. But before she can continue, his hands shoot up to stop her.
He leans forward, resting his forehead on her hair and breathes in deeply, his eyes pressed shut. 'Please stop. I dont think I'll last long if you do that.' Y/n pouts, 'But you did it for me... I want to taste you.' A muscle ticks in his jaw at her words, but he shakes his head. 'Not tonight.'
He leans in to give her a quick kiss before leaning to the side to open a drawer and reach for a box of condoms. Y/n's hand stops him, and he looks at her confused. She blushes and looks down. 'I took a potion, so we can do it without.. But only if you want to of course..' She glances up at him shyly, her face flushed. Jungkook blinks at her in shock, then slowly sits back and puts a hand over his eyes while breathing in deeply. 'You're going to completely ruin me.' Then he let's his hand fall to his side and stares at her hungrily, before grabbing her face and kissing her roughly. 'You have no idea what you're doing to me.'
He let's his hands run all over her body, before ending up at her legs and gently pushing her knees apart. He groans as he looks down at her, 'I'm sorry, I don't think I can stop now.' She shakes her head at him, 'I don't want to stop.. Please put it inside me?'
He presses his eyes shut to calm down, and carefully leads his dick to rest against her entrance. They both moan at the feeling and Jungkook breathes heavy, trying to restrain himself. 'I'll try to go slow okay. ' Then he leans forward to push himself into her.
At first she is still too tight, and Y/n groans, but then his tip pushes inside and they both gasps. Jungkook groans, 'Fuck. You're so warm. So soft.' He leans over her as he tries to regain his composure. With one hand he cups her face while the other is holding her leg. 'I'm going to go a bit deeper okay?' Y/n nods silently as she takes deep breaths, trying to get used to his size.
He looks her in the eyes as he slowly starts to push in further, making sure that she's okay. Her eyes slowly start to go wide as he pushes deeper and deeper. Her mouth is slightly open and her expression is making him go crazy. He curses. 'Fuck I'm sorry.' and then suddenly he snaps his hips forward, pushing the rest of him in at once.
Y/n gasps as he fills her up completely. She moans as she is being stretched around him, it feels as if he pushed himself all the way into her stomach. Jungkook is panting above her. The feeling of her around him overwhelming. 'Fuck, fuck im so sorry, are you okay? Did I hurt you?' She wraps her arms around his neck and shakes her head against him. She wants to tell him she's fine but her voice won't come out. Jungkook buries his face in the crook of her neck and wraps his arms around his waist, accidentally pressing himself even deeper inside of her and they both groan.
He places soft kisses in her neck and under her jaw as they both wait to calm down. Y/n's breathing is heavy as her body tries to accommodate his size.
Jungkook pants as he feels her clench around him. He softly sucks on the skin in the crook of her neck and places gentle kisses on her throat. 'You're doing so good Y/n. You're doing so good taking all of me.' She moans as he readjusts himself, and he leans down to kiss her, absorbing the sound. He pushes himself up slightly, to look at her face. 'Are you okay? Does it hurt?', he frowns, a combination of concern and concentration. She shakes her head wordlessly, eyes closed tight and lips pressed together.
He rubs her face with his thumb. 'Look at me.' She opens her eyes to stare up at him, her eyes are glazed over and tears are slowly forming, dripping down her cheeks. His frown deepens and he begins to get up, but she grabs his wrist. She shakes head, 'Keep going. It doesn't hurt.' He rubs her tears away with his thumb, 'You're crying..' She smiles at him shakily, 'Just. A lot. It feels good, I promise.'
He frowns again but nods. Then lifts her hand and kisses the inside of her wrist, then her face, kissing away her tears. 'Are you sure?' She nods, and he kisses her softly, before slowly pulling back a little, and pushing back in. They both moan and he let's his forehead rest on hers. He chuckles dryly, 'Maybe it's actually me who can't handle it.' Y/n smiles slightly and wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him in closer.
Jungkook carefully starts moving his hips, pulling out a little and pushing back in slowly, still scared he might hurt her. She moans under him, and kisses his face when she sees his concerned expression. 'I won't break.' He closes his eyes for a moment, before slowly picking up the pace.
He brings back his arm to hook it behind her leg and push it to her chest. The new angle makes Y/n writhe under him as he continuesly hits her soft spot. Jungkook makes sure to not push his whole length in, still worried about her. Looking at her face however is making it more and more difficult for him to control himself and every time she moans or clenches around him, he unconsciously snaps his hips forward just a little bit harder.
Y/n's voice comes in a string of moans as she puts up one hand to press against the headboard behind her and one down to rub circles on her breast. Seeing her playing with herself, and moaning with his dick inside her, makes Jungkook groans deep in his chest. He leans back and takes her other leg, to also push that forward, giving him the perfect angle to slam down into her. Y/n gasps in surprise, which accidentally let's him go even deeper.
Jungkook curses, but his self control is gone and he can't keep himself from pushing his dick into her to the hilt. Y/n's eyes fall closed as tears stream down her face and nonsensical sounds spill from her lips. Jungkook groans as he looks down at where his length has completely disappeared inside her. 'God's Y/n, you're taking all of me.' He pulls out and slams his hips back against her, just to see her taking it all. 'You're so good for me. You're perfect.' He leans forward, pushing her legs further against her chest, her feet on his shoulders, and he presses even deeper. Y/n just moans deeply, her face completely fucked out, dazed.
Jungkook almost bares his teeth looking at her and pulls back to slam down into her again. Guttural moans spill from Y/n's lips as he pounds her into the mattress, both of her hands now pushing against the headboard. Jungkook can feel her walls clench around him as she starts getting closer and closer to her release.
He leans back and let's her legs of his shoulders, before reaching down and grabbing her hips, lifting them up. He slams himself back into her, the new position allowing him to pull her hips back against him, putting even more force behind his thrusts. Y/n cries out in his arms as his whole length is being slammed into her again and again. His tip hitting her womb every time he bottoms out.
Her face is a mess, with her makeup running down her face, her lipstick smeared, her eyes only half open, completely glazed over and a continuous string of senseless moans falling from her lips. Jungkook basically snarls at the sight and snaps his hips into hers even harder, till they're both almost at their breaking point.
When he can feel how close she is Jungkook leans down, covering her body with his own and puts his arms around her, keeping her still as he pounds into her. He angles his hips, so that with every thrust, he's rubbing up against her soft spot. He groans, trying to control himself at least long enough to make her come before him.
Y/n's moans are deep and guttural as he keeps slamming himself inside her, rubbing her insides and bruising her cervix. Suddenly her orgasm washes over her and she cries out as she wraps her arms around Jungkook's neck, pulling him completely against, and inside of her.
Jungkook moans into her shoulder as she clenches around him and digs her nails into his shoulders. He wants to keep fucking into her, but he knows that he shouldn't. Her body is trembling against him and he can feel her walls pulsing. It feels like her inside are basically sucking him in and he softly bites her shoulder, trying to restrain himself.
'Jungkook?', Y/n's voice is soft and a bit hoarse, and the sound of it destroys all of his resolve. He groans against her neck as he slams himself all the way back into her, pulling a gasp from her already exhausted throat. 'Sorry', he rasps against her skin, as he pounds into her over-sensitive pussy, deep and hard, making her cry out as she wraps her arms around him even tighter.
He groans as he feels himself get closer and closer, his thrusts becoming faster and more erratic. 'FUCK. Fuck Y/n. Can I come inside you?' She doesn't have the voice to respond and just nods against his shoulder as her nails dig into his back, the overstimulation slowly turning back into pleasure.
Jungkook curses as he angles his hips to hit her even deeper, their breathing growing louder and louder. With another deep thrust Y/n cries out against him, her voice breaking as he forces her through another orgasm. Her walls tightening also finally pushes Jungkook over the edge and with a few last hard thrusts he presses himself into her as deep as he can, before coming undone.
They stay like that for at least ten minutes, panting against each other's skin, their bodies pressed together, her walls stills pulsing around him. When his breathing has finally calmed down a bit, Jungkook moves to get up but Y/n wraps her legs around him and pulls him back. 'Stay like this for a bit, you're so warm...' Her eyes are closed and her whole body is trembling slightly from exhaustion. Jungkook smiles at her softly and presses gentle kisses to her face. He kisses her on her eyelids, her forehead, her nose, her lips, and finally also her neck and her shoulders. She moans softly and tiredly as he softly sucks on her skin. 'I wonder if I can still walk.' Jungkook chuckles against her skin, you've survived worse things. She groans. 'Have I?' He laughs and kisses her shoulder. 'Wait here, I'll get a towel.' He carefully lifts himself of of her. 'Nooo, it's colddd', Y/n cries out in protest, her eyes still closed, but lazily lifting one hand to pull him back. He smiles and takes her hand to kiss her fingertips. 'I'll be back in a second. I'll keep you warm the rest of the night.' Y/n just groans and turns onto her side, grabbing a pillow to hold against her chest. Jungkook chuckles and covers her with the blanket. 'I'll be right back.'
Once they're cleaned up Jungkook climbs into the bed and lays against her back, wrapping his arms around her. 'Are you okay?', he whispers into her hair. Y/n grumbles in his arms and snuggles closer to him. He smiles softly and presses a kiss to her head, before pulling her close to his chest and falling asleep too.
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discodreaming · 8 months
Could we please get some general romantic relationship headcanons for Erza, Juvia, and Mirajane?
genre: fluff
general romantic relationship headcanons
characters: erza, juvia and mirajane
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i feel like she's shy with dating, or anytime of romantic gestures
but also like really excited to be having such a romantic time with someone!
Now these next ones are pure rambles bc erza
I feel like she secretly has ur guys wedding planned out to the t
Like she won't tell you until u ask her to marry you
And she'll pull out thus giant book filled with wedding plans
Erza is also very sentimental with the dating
She keeps all your little gifts and eveey picture taken of you two
i like to also think she's clumsy during ur first kisses, and she's so flustered about it her face is all red
and it's the time where you can't help but laugh
she'll remember that
i feel like erza is also a lot more anxious in terms of needing to protect if you're a nonmage
but if you're a mage shehas more belief in you if you tell her you got it
she won't help the small anxiety she has with worry
but she still believes in you so much
now that's with fights though, but you guys only ever get into arguments about each other's health tbh
she is a lot more snappy in terms of protective but overall
miss ma'am is out here devoted to you so u better be devoted to her
juvia is also another sentimental person that she basically hoards like every little thing
I'm talking a small treasure chest or plastered on the pinboard type sentimental
confetti? tickets? photos? etc? it's up there
i feel like she'd love to match clothes tbh imo, bc even though she's got a style
i feel like she has some matching outfits planned for things like date night, important events
wear the outfits and she's gonna be !!!!!!!!!!!
i also see her as another one planning the wedding like
she has a book just like erza but make it a binder, and two books and like it's a lot she has it planned to the t
she also has a lot of faith within you, like fighting? day to day things? hell yeah
but she'd also not hesitate to protect you too
she would not hesitate to take on so much pain from you
her favorite dates are the most thought about ones, like a picnic? hell yeah. a nice dinner where u guys dress up?? just take her on dates SHE DESERVES IT
you guys def have kids later on
if it seems self indulgent it is i love her
whoo boy there wouldn't be much difference of friend mirajane and dating mirajane except the fact it's subtle but in the cute ways that makes people go fucking nuts
you could just simply be talking to someone and she'll come and run her fingers over your shoulder or neck
or you'll give her a quick peck on the lips before any quests
and the small but cute gifts
you two are also a matching outfit couple for dates
and it's this soft type of romance for a bit where everything sets your guys heart a flutter, like just
it's a sweet, soft romance but she's also ur support system vise versa
her siblings are very supportive!!
the entire guild is !!!! i shit you not it's like a huge family there's gonna be teasing but also okes and just overall being brought in by a huge family
she's also super protective of you like i mean she knows ur capable but also a scratch after a job? ur cheeks are in her hand and she's asking you what happened, are you okay, who did this?
you know the song where "ur beauty never ever scared me" that's u guys fight me
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a/n: i really am sorry for taking so long for this job has me by the scruffs but i hope you enjoy these
if you'd like mre i can give more i love these three women just bites hand
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lovelytsunoda · 1 year
november rain // lance stroll
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when I look into your eyes, i can see a love restrained but darlin' when I hold you, don't you know I feel the same? (..) if we could take the time to lay it on the line, i could rest my head just knowin' that you were mine, all mine so if you want to love me then darlin' don't refrain, or I'll just end up walkin' in the cold november rain
summary: after four long years and one pandemic cancellation, it's finally time for y/n and lance to return home to mount tremblant and tie the knot.
pairing: lance stroll x newlywed! reader
warnings: co*kwarming, so much implied smut and sexual innuendo and i'm not sorry, weddings, they are so painfully in love it is sickening. a dad who doesn't quite get the jewish traditions but is doing his best. also i googled a lot of the jewish wedding traditions so im not sure they're 100% completely accurate tbh
inspo: wedding dress, lance's suit, welcome sign, the arch, getaway car
ten months to the wedding.
it was a calm, quiet afternoon in the ranch house. lance was asleep, desperate for a nap after his afternoon cardio session with his trainers, and y/n was in her home office, laptop out in front of her as her manicured fingers dragged tabs around the homescreen, a pinterest board full of white dresses open on her phone. the couple's two year old golden retriever was sitting under the desk, resting his head against her lap.
"you're going to be the best ring bearer, aren't you, boy?" she giggled to herself, carding her fingers through whistler's fur as she looked back at the wedding blog open on her screen. whistler licked her fingertips, almost as if the dog was agreeing with her.
15 jewish wedding traditions you should know about.
"hey, baby." lance spoke softly, rubbing sleep out of his eyes as he ambled into the office, hair messy and shirt wrinkled from his nap. "what are you up to?"
"just some wedding stuff." she replied, getting up from her desk chair to wrap her arms around her lover, whistler padding along beside her as lance reached down to scratch the dog behind the ears.
"are you looking up jewish weddings?" lance asked, lips against the crown of her head. "baby, you don't have to go out of your way for me."
"i want to, lance. this is your ceremony too, and it means something to me that you feel as if your faith is being represented here as well. as long as i get to wear my white dress and pick the song i walk down the aisle to, i'm not picky about anything else."
"as long as you're happy." lance smiled, leaning down to kiss her, fingers lacing with hers as their lips danced gently together. "have you picked a song yet."
y/n groaned, tipping her head back. "you're going to laugh at me."
lance laughed. "no, i'm not! just tell me, darling."
"well, i wanted to walk down the aisle to 'november rain'. it just has a lot of special meaning for me. it's one of the songs that made me believe in love." she admitted, meeting lance's eyes.
"if november rain is what you want, that's what we'll play. have you picked a dress?"
y/n grinned, nuzzling further into lance's chest. "a few contenders have emerged. but it's bad luck to see the dress before the wedding!"
laughing, lance swept y/n off her feet, carrying her towards the bedroom with whistler at his heels. "come on, you really don't believe in that."
"so what if i do?" she smiled, cradling his face with the hand sporting her stunning diamond ring as she placed her on the king sized bed.
"then i guess i'm just going to have to keep fantasizing about that tight white fabric, hugging all the right places." lance teased, his lips grazing the skin on her neck.
"you do that, loverboy. because you don't get to see my dress until i'm coming down that aisle."
"and then i get to take it off you, right?" lance smirked, kissing her on the forehead. "because god, i have had thoughts about what we're going to do that night."
the bed dipped next to them, whistler's wet nose nudging at y/n's nose as she burst out into giggles, lance groaning as he flopped down on the bed, carding his fingers through whistler's fur.
"whistler, my guy, you don't need to be such a cockblock." lance laughed, patting the dog's side.
"baby, this is what you signed up for when we adopted him. you've had two years to get used to this." y/n giggled in turn, gently shooing the dog off of her bed.
"whistler, c'mere buddy." lance clapped his hands and signaled for the dog, lumbering clumsily off the bed. "i just want twenty minutes of alone time, buddy. go play with your raccoon toy."
he continued to attempt to bride the dog as he guided whistler out of the room, gently closing the door as the golden retriever left with his stuffed toy.
"twenty minutes, huh?" y/n joked, taking off her shirt. "you really think you're that good?"
"baby, please. you know that i can have you screaming my name in ten." lance's voice was husky as he leaned over her, pressing her body back against the pillows.
he kissed her deeply, running his tongue along the seam of her mouth as she moaned into his touch, bucking her hips up into his, feeling his erection grow inside his jeans.
"i love you." he said softly, his hands caressing her bare sides. "i can't wait to get married."
five months before the wedding.
"ladies, i think i've found the dress!" y/n giggled, pushing through the dressing room curtains and performing a little spin, the white satin fabric swirling around her bare legs. "this is the one."
"babes, you look stunning!" christa, her high school best friend and maid of honor cheered, raising her champagne glass. christa and her boyfriend bruce had gotten married during the pandemic, much to the disapproval of her greek family, who were expecting a large, flamboyant wedding.
as the wedding seemed to approach faster and faster, y/n and lance had both decided to go shopping for big day outfits on the same day. y/n, however, was pretty sure that lance only came up with that plan because he wanted to sneak a peak at his bride before the big day (and to grab more material of the love of his life for his spank bank while he was at it).
the dress would need a few alterations, currently pinned to her body with wooden clothespins, but when she looked at herself in the mirror, cream fabric hugging her body, the large slit up the side of the dress, she knew that this was the dress she was going to get married in.
"bestie, your phone is ringing." helena, her college roommate, shouted from the sitting room where they had all left their bags. "i think it's loverboy!"
y/n laughed, extending her hand. "bring the phone here, hell."
lancey💍would like to facetime.
chuckling to herself, y/n flicked to a regular phone call and ducked back into the changeroom. outside, helena and christa exchanged looks.
"were you trying to steal a look at me in my dress?" y/n laughed, sitting down on the fitting room's ottoman. "baby, i thought you were smarter than that."
"i hoped you wouldn't realize it was a facetime call at first. not even a peek?" lance asked hopefully.
"not a chance. i think i've found the one, though. it's cream coloured, and tight fitting, contoured to all the best spots." she said with a smile, knowing that lance would be working himself up on the other end of the line. "off the shoulder with a big slit going up the leg."
lance exhaled, and she could just picture the blush rising in his cheeks. "and i don't even get a look with a visual like that? come on now baby, that's just cruel."
"how goes the suit shopping."
"so, it turns out that pastels are on trend this year and i don't know how i feel about that. i had mick take some pictures for me, i'm sending them through now. unlike you, i actually want my spouse's opinion." lance said teasingly. "i'm leaning towards the mint green, team spirit and all, but let me know what you think."
her phone buzzed in her hand, seven pictures taken by mick schumacher sliding into her inbox. she smiled to herself as she flicked through, looking at her fiancé's dorky poses and looks of pure disgust at the mustard yellow suit esteban had insisted he try on.
"you're right, go with the mint green. it goes with the theme, too."
she could practically hear the smile on lance's face as he responded. "i thought you'd say that. right, if we've both got things picked out, i take it you'll be home soon?"
"an hour, maybe an hour and a half. i still have to buy the wedding lingerie as well, you know."
"oh, baby, don't say that when i'm out with my friends." lance groaned. "now i'm hard in a suit that's not mine."
y/n couldn't stop herself from laughing at that one as she took a sip of the champagne. "that's your own fault. so i take it you don't want me to ask what kind of lingerie you want me to buy?"
"something white, lacy and expensive. my dad is paying for half of the wedding, so money is no issue, babes. really, i want you to treat yourself. i know the wedding has been stressing you out lately."
"you try planning the happiest day of your life." y/n chuckled. "i can't wait to get home, if i'm being honest. as great as looking for dresses has been, this morning has been exhausting."
"i'll run a warm bath for you, order takeout from that place on main that you like. i think i know just how to ease those nerves of yours." lance suggested, a seductive tone in his voice that had y/n biting her lip.
"that plan wouldn't happen to involve cotton sheets and bath and body works lotion, would it?" she teased, knowing that every long, erotic night with her fiancé usually started with a massage and ended with a few orgasms.
"uh, yeah, of course it does. how else am i going to get rid of this little problem? seriously, babe, i am out in public."
"what are you going to do about it, big boy? spank me?" she joked, having fun imagining just how red her lover probably was right now.
"i haven't made up my mind yet, pretty girl." lance teased. "maybe i will, maybe i won't. you'll just have to wait and see, yeah?"
"i look forward to it. i've gotta go if i want to be done shopping by dinner. i love you, lance."
"love you more, y/n. see you when you get home."
the night before the wedding.
it was just after midnight when y/n slipped out of her hotel room, forgoing shoes as her mismatched socks padded along the hotel carpet. helena and christa were fast asleep, and y/n found herself tossing and turning as her separation anxiety kicked in.
she counted room numbers in her head before she stopped and knocked gently on the door, hands in the back pockets of her jeans as she waited for the door to open.
“you just couldn’t stay away, could you?” lance stroll joked, opening the hotel room door. he was wearing nothing on his top half, his lower body covered in nothing but a pair of montreal canadiens flannel pants.
part of him had known that y/n would find her way back to him before the wedding started. she never had been great at being on her own.
“we both know im not as tough as I pretend to be.” she quipped back, wrapping her arms around her husband-to-be. “I missed you.”
lance smiled against her skin as he placed a gentle kiss on her neck. “come inside, pretty girl. let me run a bath. the bathroom window has a great view of the city.”
y/n closed the door behind her as the couple made their way to the large bathroom, lance filling the large jacuzzi tub with warm, bubbly water as his fiancée undressed. she slipped into the bath alongside her lover, humming in contentment at the feeling of lances body against hers.
“you couldn’t sleep either?” y/n asked, sighing into his arms as lance put his arms around her torso, gently kissing her cheek.
“nah, I was watching the game. its not the same trying to fall asleep without you.”
“now who’s the cheesy one?” she giggled, splashing her lover as he moved his hands, beginning to massage her shoulders softly. “I love you.”
“love you more.” lance hummed as he kissed the back of her head. “how’d you get out of your room anyways? I thought the bridal guard would have you on lockdown. for the sake of tradition, and all that shit.”
“theyre asleep. I snuck out, used pillows to make it look like i was still in my bed. how was the bachelor party?”
lance laughed, pulling his fiancée closer. “I dont know if you could call the hockey hall of fame and whalburgers a bachelor party, but I had a good time.”
“you got a weekend in toronto and all I got was pottery painting and mocktails?” y/n joked, her hand trailing up lances thigh. “im glad you had a good time. I did too.”
with her back pressed up against his chest, y/n dragged her hand further up his thigh and upwards towards his member, wrapping her nimble fingers around his shaft.
“baby, not right now." lance whispered, concern in his tone as he unwrapped his arms from the woman in front of him "what’s bothering you, pretty girl? you get needy like this when something is getting to you and you don't know how to say it out loud.”
she sighed, retracting her hand and linking her fingers with his. “i'm just nervous about tomorrow. scared, I think.”
lance's expression softened. he shifted in the tub, trying to turn y/ns body so that they were sitting across from each other, both her hands in his.
“its not too late to elope if you dont want to do this anymore, love. I can call chloe and she can drive us down to city hall. just the two of us, no stress, no fuss. I just want you to be happy, y/n.”
"no, lance. everybody is already here and i've been dreaming of this moment since i was thirteen. i want to do this. it just scares the shit out of me. it's like when i slept with you for the first time, you have to remember that."
lance laughed, using one damp hand to rake his hair back. "if anything, i was more nervous than you were. because i knew that if i fucked that up, i could have lost you for good. i swear, i would have given up on sex if you never felt comfortable enough with me to do it, i just knew i wanted you in my life."
"and now look at us." y/n hummed, kissing lance's knuckles. "i'm just scared that something is going to go really really wrong tomorrow."
"listen to me baby, here's what's going to happen. you are going to walk down that aisle tomorrow in your gorgeous dress with your parents on either side of you, and 'november rain' playing in the background, and i promise that i will be waiting for you at the altar. i'll also probably be crying from how stunning you look and how surreal this moment is, but i will be right next to you the entire time, okay?"
"promise me you aren't going anywhere?"
"i promise." lance said, leaning over to kiss her before stepping out of the tub and wrapping his well-built frame in a plush hotel towel. he extended a hand for his lover, lifting her out of the tub bridal-style. "now, you and me are going to curl up in bed, watch the last two episodes of 'the night agent', and not think about anything wedding related."
y/n smiled, feet firmly back on the ground before she raised her arms and allowed her fiancé to wrap the towel around her body. "i like that idea."
dried off and wrapped in a silk hotel bathrobe, y/n curled up underneath the comforter. she gently swept her hand across the bed spread to flick off the crumbs, frowning at lance as he redressed in his hockey flannels and joined her in bed.
"i leave you alone for one night and your bed is filled with crumbs?"
"sorry," lance shrugged, a small blush on his cheeks. "force of habit. can't watch the game without a bag of miss vickie's."
rolling her eyes, y/n reached for his laptop, waking up the dark screen before closing the tsn app and opening netflix.
"baby, your skin is freezing." lance remarked, pressing soft kisses to the skin on her shoulders. "look, you've got goosebumps. do you want me to turn down the air con?"
with a cheeky look on her face, y/n turned to look at him. "i can think of another, much more fun way to get warmer."
"oh, you want me to warm you up with my cock, is that it?" lance hummed, gently slipping a hand underneath the hem of the white robe. "baby, if you let me have my way with you tonight, you won't be able to walk down that aisle tomorrow."
"we don't have to do anything. i just want to feel you."
and how could lance say no when she asked with those eyes, with that voice? she hummed in content as he slipped inside her glistening folds, readjusting the blankets around their conjoined bodies as she pressed play on the next episode.
"i love you, lancelot." she hummed, turning her head to press a kiss to the tip of his nose. "i can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."
"i love you too, y/n. now, get some rest, darling. if you fall asleep, i'll stop the episode so you don't miss anything, yeah?"
the wedding.
"ladies, i'm going to be real with you, i'm scared out of my mind." y/n laughed nervously, smoothing out the front of her dress while christa fussed with her hair.
christa and helena were not fools: they knew that y/n had snuck out of her hotel room to meet up with lance, but neither of them could fault her for that. christa knew firsthand that y/n had been so scared that she would never fall in love, never have her moment in a white dress, and she wasn't going to stop y/n from being with lance, even if it was just for a night.
that being said, nerves were high on the morning of the wedding, and y/n had to be talked down more than once so that she would be ready to walk down the aisle.
and now that moment was finally here. she walked out of the dressing room to meet with her parents, who would be walking down the aisle with her, as per jewish tradition. lance had gone down the aisle moments earlier with claire-ann and lawrence beside him.
"you're going to do just great, kiddo." y/n father said, pulling her in for a hug. "but remind me what i'm supposed to do once i get up there."
"you're going to stand across from lawrence, diagonally from claire-ann in place of the bridal party. all you have to is stand there, and once the rabbi has said 'you may kiss the bride', shout 'mazel tov' with everybody else."
mr. y/l/n nodded, gripping his daughter's hand. "i'm so proud of you, honey. you picked a good man, and i love that he makes you so so happy."
the bars to 'november rain' began to play, and y/n took a deep breath before she walked into the banquet hall with her parents. her hands were shaking, and she tried not to look around and notice how many people were in the room.
she would celebrate with them all later.
she tried not to think about anything as she stepped up the small wooden stairs (not many steps, just three) to the altar. lance stood underneath the arch of roses (they'd decided against the traditional jewish canopy, but would have their parents stand at the four corners in principle), looking dashing in his mint green suit. he was restless, messing with the white rose on his lapel before wiping at his eye.
"were you crying?" y/n giggled quietly, reaching for her husband's hand
"what, no." lance laughed. "there's gotta be some pollen in here or something."
"good, because if you cry, i'll cry."
weeks, even months later, if you had asked y/n what the rabbi had said during the ceremony, she probably wouldn't have been able to tell you, even though the entire thing had been videotaped for the happy couple. the entire world narrowed down to that altar, to her and lance.
the love of her life.
"i now pronounce you husband and wife."
"mazel tov!"
"too soon, dad!"
"sorry love, carry on!"
@starsanova @magnummagnussen @diorleclerc @sidcrosbyspuck @daydreamingleclerc @libraryofloveletters
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cressthebest · 6 days
i want to start this out by saying that if this ask is something that you are not comfortable answering or talking about please don’t answer it bc some of this might be a little personal.
i saw in one of your posts about you being ex-catholic and i was curious about that. i’m a catholic person that goes to a catholic school, in a catholic town, with a catholic family. i’ve been really thinking about being catholic recently and my problems with it. i was wondering if you could share a little of your experience with me? again if this is too personal please ignore i don’t want to pry into your life.
i promise i wasn’t ignoring this, i just suck at answering asks 😔 which is unfortunate because i love receiving asks and talking about myself
and i have no concept of person space/personal questions, so honestly it’s all chill
but my experience honestly only got worse with time. when i was little, things were more fun, as things typically are when you’re young. i was always bored in church, but i liked wearing pretty dresses and singing the songs. this post will go over a lot of uncomfortable topics and will be quite personal. you’ve been warned. blep. 👁️👅👁️
the first step, which is ignored for a long time was drumroll …. masturbation. i didn’t learn about it from books or fanfic or porn or anything. i was just a kid (maybe 13) and figuring out my body, which included being curious about why touching down there in certain ways felt good. once i realized what it was and that it was a sin, i started to struggle a lot. 1. it felt good and i didn’t want to stop feeling good in that way. 2. but it’s a sin and god did not approve.
for non-catholics reading, in catholicism we do something called confession. it’s where we go to a priest and tell him all our sins. the priest acts as god, and when you tell him this, it’s basically telling god. he then forgives you and gives you a penance, which is typically just a set of prayers to say. and they’re NOT ALLOWED to tell anyone else your sins.
well i was a regular confession attendee, but i could never bear to tell the priest that i had masturbated. lots of times i would cry after masturbating and was worried about going to hell, because i wasn’t stopping. i couldn’t figure out how to abstain from this habit (that quite frankly i didn’t even indulge in very much). lots of tears and fear associated with something that is supposed to feel good.
i can’t remember if i eventually resolved that i wouldn’t stop even tho it was a sin, or if i struggled with this up until i stopped believing in general.
it honestly started to go downhill the most once covid hit. (i was about 14) school closed, and so my mother decided that her kids (all six of us) would be homeschooled from now on. the homeschooling was the second step. she decided it would be best for our family to be catholic homeschooled. all of our books were Seton Homeschooling. any catholic homeschooler has probably heard of this program, even if they never used it. this program taught me a hella lot more about the faith. and me being autistic, this definitely became a hyperfixation. i learned a lot tbh. i probably know more about catholicism than the average practicing catholic.
knowing a lot about the faith caused me to find lots of weird “plot holes” and lots of contradictions. my faith was beginning to waiver, but i was learning everything i could about the faith, trying to answer my questions. honestly, i was starting to lose my grip on the faith.
covid being covid, this was the time i started to discover my sexuality. asexuality came first. it was a struggle to come to terms with, but i found out that there were gay people who were still catholic and i found temporary comfort in that community. i determined that my asexuality was actually a blessing from god. (he gave it to me because if i wasn’t asexual, i probably would have had sex before marriage because i love so fiercely and fully. so he gave asexuality to me so i could prevent myself from the sin of premarital sex. looking back, i think that’s a load of bullshit considering i’m actually demisexual lmao)
but then i had a ✨bi awakening✨which coincidentally took place in a church. a very pretty girl passed me in church and i forgot how to breathe lol. anyways, i left that church knowing something new about me. by the end of the week, i was thinking of myself as bi. i actually started dating this girl a few months later. funny enough, i felt like god had blessed our relationship and didn’t condemn it, simply because he allowed me to meet a girl named MARY in his CHURCH. so u felt like our relationship wasn’t a sin. she was catholic as well. we were quite the pair.
at this point, i was grasping at threads trying to find a reason to still be catholic. the next big incident snapped the thread. my best freind (catholic) told me that my relationship with mary was a sin and she couldn’t support it. i hung up with her lol. she called back and i said i’d only stay on the phone if she wasn’t mean. she proceeded to pull out a script she wrote to tell me how this was a sin and the guilty feelings i was having was because deep down i knew it was a sin. (it was just internalized homophobia). i hung up again. she texted me a long script and said i was going to hell. i blocked her.
here’s the part where the issue unfolds. she told her mom the situation, and her mom called my mom. she outed me to my mother. that night, not only did i lose my best friend and my girlfriend, but also any sense of comfort i felt in my house for about three years. (don’t worry for my safety. mother took away lots of my privileges such as internet, friends coming over, me being able to text most of my friends, going to my friend’s places, sleepovers, etc. but it was never unsafe for me) but that incident was probably the final drop that made the bucket overflow. i stopped believing in god sometime after that.
my loss of faith and discovery of sexuality are tied together and i cannot separate those journeys. however, i do believe that even without a sexuality discovery, i would have realized i didn’t believe in catholicism any more.
knowing as much as i did about catholicism, combined with my firm-proof-needing autism, and my sexuality discovery, all led me to lose the faith. after leaving it, i began to despise it, while also feeling guilty. it took many years to become okay with no longer being catholic.
though i would also like to note that even the catholic institution is quite corrupt and i hate organized church, i don’t hate people for being catholic. it makes me wary at first, but catholicism and god are not the issues. i don’t hate on people for being catholic or believing, nor do i want to belittle their faith. however, i feel like the catholic community is corrupt.
i don’t want to encourage you in either direction. do what’s best for you and what would help you be the best person and most happy in your life. i encourage you to question things and be curious about the faith. it might make your faith stronger, and you will be happy you did it, or you will realize this isn’t something you want to spend time on anymore. it’s up to you. and it may take YEARS to figure out. be kind to yourself and to others, and i guarantee it will be okay. no matter what you discover, you’ll have a community waiting for you.
as an end note, i’d like to add that you can ask any follow up questions you please. i’m willing to answer anything. if you require clarification on anything, just shoot an ask. i am aware that i wrote this while very sick with strep and honestly some of this might not make sense.
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i-mybrunettelady · 5 months
Hi 👋 formal and favorite for you lovely lady Alysannyra
SHE!! <3
formal: what's your OC's formal look? do they like dressing up? do they have different looks for different occasions?
ok this one is so !! to be bc i have such a fun time w/ her sense of fashion in my head, and this give me a chance to mention some old nyra hcs!
see, she has a very particular style that's very structured, very figure hugging, very dramatic for the sheer fact it's a centuries old krytan style, a faithful representation of it too, but also lacking in a lot of detail like jewelery. her usual look outside of battle/while chilling at home is a corseted one with chemise and a male vest and a cravatte. think 17th/18th century european male fashions, but adapted to the female body. so her formal wear follows the same pattern, but has a little more detail + is paired with a matching suitjacket of the same style. her style is general is more old fashioned male aristocracy oriented tbh
here's a visual done by @heyitsmejona :>
Tumblr media
favorite: does your OC have a favorite article of clothing or accessory? what is it? What's the meaning behind it? do they wear it all the time or do they wear it sparingly to keep it safe?
there's no meaning to this one, but she does have a favourite vest that she wears as daywear and a favourite pair of comfortable, heeled walking shoes that she's been wearing for a while and that are super comfortable for her. it's literally just her liking those two particular pieces of clothing tbh
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vintage-bentley · 1 year
ik they arent even in the trailer and their story is done but im kinda bummed out thatin the good omens tag basically nobody is ever talking about the them or the human characters anymore like they make up most of the book and half the show but always get the side lines in fandom content :/ like ive never seen an anathema focused piece of anything shes always like crowleys bestie or something nobody cares to explore a female character deeper than is shown in canon like raphael doesnt exist in canon and yet had more people explore his intricacies
I’m guilty of this too, and I think aside from regular fandom tendency to focus on a ship and let that be all that matters, A/C’s story is so interesting and unique that it outshines the others.
But I love Anathema! I really like her storyline of following something for her whole life because she was told she has to, and having to navigate not having that guide anymore—after choosing not to have it. I wish we got to see how she deals with going about life without knowing what comes next, I can see it being a great source of stress for her. And it would’ve been neat to see it paralleled with Aziraphale going through something very similar, now that he’s abandoned his trust in Heaven. I saw a post a while ago talking about how both human couples were mirrors of A/C—Newt asks questions of Anathema’s unwavering faith and helps her to leave it behind, just like Crowley does for Aziraphale. Shadwell ends up with somebody he’s supposed to believe is an embodiment of evil and sees he was wrong about her, just like Aziraphale does with Crowley. That was really interesting to see and I have a feeling that season 2 will do the same thing with Maggie and Nina (of course I hope they’re more than just mirrors of the male characters).
But as far as fandom goes, I have to admit that I understand wanting to focus on A/C since they’re the most interesting. It does annoy me though, that Anathema often falls victim to the typical fandom treatment of female characters, where they only exist to mother the male characters. In fan fiction she tends to be the voice of reason and the “smartest one in the room”, which seems great because yay a woman is smarter than the men…until you realise she’s only “the smartest one in the room” because people can’t imagine a woman being silly and fun, only responsible and maternal. I think so much more could be done to explore her whole conspiracy theory thing.
As far as the trend of her being Crowley’s bestie, I think it’s cute, but it feels like people reduce her to being a “goth bestie” and don’t really pay attention to her interests. I feel like she’d really get along with Aziraphale and they’d bond over interest in/knowledge of books of prophecy. I’m sure Aziraphale would be absolutely fascinated to hear from an actual descendant of Agnes Nutter, and despite having left the descendant lifestyle behind I’m sure Anathema would be eager to share her history with somebody who’s knowledgeable and interested. Like imagine you dedicate your whole life to following in the footsteps of a historical figure that not many people know about except prophecy enthusiasts. And then you meet the enthusiast of all time. That would be exciting!
And, y’know, I’m sure she’d be more fond of Aziraphale over Crowley, considering A’s the one who healed her and treated her kindly while C didn’t care that he’d hit her with his car and instead focused on un-denting said car…
That being said, I’ve found that a lot of content with her being friends with the husbands, especially Crowley, ends up treating her like set dressing. I’d make a feminist analysis of this, but tbh I notice it with all the human characters, so I don’t think it’s specific to Anathema because she’s female. It’s possible it happens to her more though because of it.
Anyways. I agree it’s sad that the other characters don’t get much attention! They’re great, especially Anathema and Pepper who are my favourites. But like I said, I get it, when they’re up against the competition that is ineffable husbands.
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msommers · 9 months
1, 9, 16 for riya/victor, and bonus 3 for riya/leroux :)
i give u a kees on the nose muah thank u // development questions for couples
What, specifically, was the catalyst for their physical attraction (if applicable) to the other character? In other words, what in particular had them like “Oh, they’re...hot...”
it's cheating if i just put "lust at first sight" as the answer, i know it, but i do believe in my heart that it's absolutely true for victor lmao. how is he (a simple spoiled rich boy) supposed to see her (a beautiful girl in a striking dress) walk by giving him an overt once-over and a wink while attending a fête or smth, and not immediately be a goner? impossible. alexa play sucker by jonas brothers. on riya’s end, without a doubt it happened the first time she saw him spellcasting. whether it was during the previous tourney or simply catching a glimpse of him practicing some spell or other, he was a showman who knew he was hot shit and she ate that spectacle right up. mages are incredibly sexy in action and both riya and i will die on that hill
What do they think about commitment? Is a long-term partnership the goal? Are they thinking about building a life with their partner, or are they focused on the present?
neither of them were particularly focused on the Big Picture and that was part of why they worked so well together, much to the disappointment of parents on both sides. they could see into the future so far as their grand plans of exciting and romantic adventures, but most of their focus was on enjoying their time in the present to the fullest without worries of what was to come later. which is entirely why long-term commitment was never discussed between them, though it was probably assumed?? given how deep their feelings were. 
If they had the ability to just spend free time with their partner, what would they do? Would they go out or stay inside?
mmmmm i think 9/10 times they would choose to go out, which shows how hilariously privileged they were before things went downhill. they'd get up to a lot of things but their favorites would have been dancing, walking the markets, and frequenting their favored meal spots. the kinda couple that were always in contact of some kind while out together, but it was hard to tell if that was fully motivated by affection alone or if they also wanted to be a little obnoxious and in-your-face about their happiness and attraction to each other. (it was for sure both.)
By contrast, what was the moment that first made their ~heart~ Soft for the other person? Not necessarily a conscious realization of “I love this person,” but a moment that had them like “Oh...I adore them...”
hmm. i don't know if riya's reached an Adoration level with him. the closest thing i can think of here (so i can give an actual answer) would be closer to a moment of Appreciation. my memory won’t provide what scene was going down when it happened, but i do remember there being a moment during a session where as a player i realized oh, this guy is the only one here who is actively going through something similar to riya. because while everybody else in the party has already been exposed to such things through their own varied experiences, riya was having her worldviews torn apart piece by piece with each revelation of how bad things are with the templars and the circle (and the world outside of her tiny view in general tbh) beyond cumberland and she was not doing great. so yeah it sucks leroux had to confront that the system he’s trusted and worked in for however long was allowing—and even encouraging!!—terrible things to happen right under his nose, but it gave riya a moment of being able to recognize that she wasn’t alone in having her views and faith flipped on their head. and as a lil extent of that, his commitment to taking action after the revelations helped influence her own attitude towards the entire white spire magebreak :) 
on the other side, clearly leroux was besotted at first meeting. duh. just look @ that smile of hers, how could he not be (aka i won’t make assumptions on his end lmao)
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scrappedtogether · 1 year
i heard velma & daphne series had velmaxfred and daphnexshaggy. what did you think of it? is it worth reading if your a fan of those pariings?
Hi Anon! Thank you for the ask and apologies for the wait. I ended up writing much more on this than I expected. 😅
In theory I think both Shaphne and Frelma work pretty well in the Daphne & Velma books. Spoilers below!!
Personally, I found the Shaphne relationship more compelling. Both Daphne and Shaggy come from a wealthier background. Daphne’s family is relatively new money while Shaggy’s is old. Shaggy’s family has a deep-rooted history with the town and most of their power is centralized there. Daphne’s family (at least her mother) doesn’t have the same connection to the land as the Rogers and yet their fame (again, mostly her mother’s) transcends the town. These create some nice parallels/contrast between their backgrounds.
Shaggy and Daphne both have a difficult relationship with one of their parents. Shaggy’s relationship with his mother is somewhat underexplored (there’s an argument to be made that the only reason he even has a mom is so they can have the classic teen-sleuth show cliche of someone’s parent being a police officer, allowing the characters access to police records, etc. it’s also possibly a reference to APN where Shaggy’s father was a police officer). His relationship with his dad, however, is rocky. Although Book 3 shows that Samuel Rogers has some affection for his son, Book 2 has Shaggy absolutely petrified of him. Daphne has a very tumultuous relationship with her mother, who she’s been estranged from since her parents’ divorce.
Both Daphne and Shaggy have a lot of self-image issues stemming from their relationships with their families. Daphne has a lot of unresolved anger from when her parents separated and Shaggy feels tainted by his family’s blood. Both Shaggy and Daphne feel they’re destined to hurt the people they love. Shaggy spends a lot of his energy in the series trying to make up for his family’s wrongdoings and Daphne spends a lot of it trying to atone to the people she hurt after her parents separation. It gives them a unique connection and understanding of one another.
They’ve also have sort of a push-pull thing going where Daphne is very reluctant to get close to anyone due to her abandonment issues and Shaggy has a hard time letting people in because of his self-loathing. They have trust issues and yet both find that they’re some of the few people the other can trust. There’s even a particularly cute scene in (I think) Book 3 where Daphne reflects that although she has a hard time putting faith in people, one of the foundations of her worldview is that Shaggy would never lie to her.
Frelma works with the two of them being more oppositional. Velma has spent a lot of her recent life feeling invisible (in part due to her parents’ troubles but also because of her lack of friends/popularity). There’s a part of her that enjoys it, because of the security it gives her, while another part of her craves recognition. Fred, on the other hand, craves the spotlight. He loves being the center of attention. One of the cute details about Fred (tho tbh it’s one of the only details abt Fred) is he’s constantly pulling stunts for attention. Throughout the books, he’s usually referenced in the background doing handstands or cartwheels.
It’s sort of implied that this juxtaposition between them drives their mutual interest in each other. Fred doesn’t really understand Velma’s comfort with remaining in the shadows while Velma can’t fully comprehend Fred’s interest in being center-stage.
In a lot of ways, Frelma feels like the more conventional story being told. This is probably just because Fred unfortunately has way, Way less time for development than Shaggy. We never really learn anything substantial about him (besides that he’s attractive, athletic, has a great smile, is fashionable, his hair is blonde and perfectly coifed, has a pool, dresses well, and did I mention he was good-looking?). Because of this, a lot of Velma’s attraction to him seems driven by how good it makes her feel to be noticed by him (handsome, pretty, popular Fred who could have any girl he wanted). As for why Fred is attracted to Velma? It’s honestly very unclear. Again, part of it you could assume is just that he’s interested in how different she is than him but we never get much elaboration. If Fred was a meaner character, you could honestly assume he likes her just because she’s not falling over him like a lot of the other girls, that Fred enjoys the fact he has to *work* for her attention. But that honestly feels a little mean-spirited and I doubt it was the author’s intention.
Frelma more than Shaphne could have benefitted from some tightening up/editing of their relationship. Honestly, it bothers me that Fred first seems attracted to Velma when she takes off her glasses. It’s not just because this is overplayed (in both versions of the live action and others) but because I’m not exactly sure what the intent was there? Velma’s mentioned by Daphne to be very pretty (while actually she says hot, well ACTUALLY she says “stealth hot” which is an interesting term) but it’s unclear if the dance at the party where Fred first noticed Velma w/o her glasses is the first time he finds her pretty or if there’s more to the story.
This sounds crazy but I was actually waiting for all of Book 3 for Frelma to have a scene where Fred confesses that he’s *always* liked Velma or that he’s had a crush on her since they were kids. In this series, the Gang are all mentioned to have been friends when they were ten before a falling out caused them to part ways. I kept expecting some mention of this to be made by Fred as far as his feelings for Velma went but oh well. I think it also might have added a cool contrast to Shaphne with Frelma being the classic “loved you since childhood but I’ve only just now had a chance to tell you” and Shaphne being the “I’ve never seen you in this light before but I think I love you.”
Probably the biggest flaw of the series for me is the lack of acknowledgment about the history that the Gang shares. I find it super cute and compelling and just a great writing choice on the part of the author to have established this rapport between the characters.
It’s a really clever and fun way of being able to have the Gang all be strangers to each other (effectively) at the start of Book 1 and yet come together very quickly as though they’d never been strangers at all (once they’d reestablished those childhood bonds). But the Books don’t??? Do that.
I understand and respect and LOVE that the main focus of the book series is the relationship between Daphne and Velma. It’s very sweet and well-written and far and away the best part of the series. They have such natural chemistry and affection for each other. It’s perfect.
I only wish it could have been extended more to the rest of the Gang. Like I said, the book series establishes earlier on that Daphne & Velma were best friends growing up and there was one summer where they spent pretty much every day with their two other friends, Fred and Shaggy (and Scooby!) and even formed Mystery Inc., spending the whole summer solving mysteries with each other. Very cute.
Only, Daphne and Velma don’t seem to consider Fred and Shaggy childhood friends, like, at all. There’s several moments in the first book where Velma & Daphne reflect that Shaggy feels like a stranger to them, that they don’t know anything about him and never really have, and Fred never seems to benefit in terms of the progression of his relationship with either Daphne (who he almost never speaks to) or Velma from their shared history. And it’s like, I get it, they were friends when they were kids. Obviously, that doesn’t mean you know them super well as teenagers.
But it’s just a missed opportunity, I think, to not have them be able to benefit from that “sandbox love” like Velma and Daphne do. Daphne and Velma also haven’t spoken to each other since they were ten and yet after five years, they’re able to come back together like no time has passed at all. It’s very endearing and sweet. And while I understand that D&V were said to be the besties of the group while F&S were the tag-alongs, it’s unfortunate they never got to use that history as an excuse for them to “click” in the same way.
Velma and Daphne say in one chapter that they don’t know Shaggy at all but in later chapters they’ll reflect that they had sleepovers with him all the time and still remember his house like the back of their hand. It creates a hollow space in the narrative that I think would have been very satisfying to see be filled, if the Gang could have all ended up as friends in the end, built off of a childhood love and history with one another.
And Daphne and Velma are very close, can almost read each other minds and know each other’s hearts, and it’s a running theme in the books that they can’t trust anyone but each other. I get that and I can roll with it. I just wish there wasn’t so much disconnect between the Gang because of it.
Shaggy & Velma & Daphne & Fred & Scooby we’re all close once but the narrative never really uses this to do anything interesting with the characters (besides V&D) other than giving them a backstory I really love and enjoy.
I think the history could have been easily propped up to bolster Frelma and Shaphne in an interesting way it just never got there.
And don’t get me wrong, there’s a lot of cute moments between them (Daph makes Shaggy laugh when he’s upset in the bg of one scene, she holds his hand when he’s upset, they hug, and she blushes seeing him at the beach, Velma and Fred have some cute banter, he tucks the hair behind her ear a few times). It just might have been cute to see a few moments sprinkled in to remind you that these characters have known each other a lot longer than we’ve known them and they have an entire history we haven’t been given access to.
Maybe part of me is so disappointed just because, again, I think the author did such a phenomenal job with the V&D relationship and weaving in their childhood that I would have completely adored seeing how she could have done something similar with the rest of the Gang.
It also might have been interesting to see Fred & Shaggy interact a bit more. There’s a REALLY good scene in Book 3 where Fred is in danger and the Gang’s not sure if he’s alive where they demonstrate so much distress and horror. I just would have really loved to see more moments like that or some smaller moments between them. Fred & Daphne don’t interact much which is interesting just because they run in the same circles so they seem to have less estrangement between them, yet they never really talk to each other. You don’t get much insight into Fred from Daphne’s POV, nor does she really reflect on their relationship at all. There’s quite a few moments (esp in Book 3) where Velma sort of observes how Shaggy & her have this special connection because they’re both on the outskirts of the social circle (Velma through exile and Shaggy through self-imposed exile). It would have been cool to see some sort of parallel with this for F&D where they also could have experienced a special connection because of their shared social standing.
It’s odd too because Daphne is able to remark pretty confidently on the fact that Fred is interested in Velma (tho later she mentions how he cycles through girls because he’s always going after whoever briefly catches his interest) which seems to imply she knows him but it’s never explored. Daphne and Fred also don’t have history between them even though Fred has been said to date around and Daphne is in with the in-crowd. It seems like she’d have more insight into him than Velma does but he remains somewhat of a mystery.
Shaphne also ends up in sort of an odd place in Book 3. There’s a subplot I didn’t particularly enjoy in Book 2 where Daphne becomes very interested in a college-age intern, Ram (mind you she’s fifteen in the book), and talks about how she’s finally ready to let someone in and break down her walls. Long story short, Ram ends up breaking her trust which hurts Daphne.
While I didn’t love the Ram plot line, I did think it was a very solid jumping off point for Shaphne to begin in earnest. When Daphne starts thinking romantically about Shaggy, she always distracts herself with thoughts of Ram, though she’s interested in Ram she can’t help but reach for Shaggy and think about him even when she means to be thinking about Ram. I thought the Ram plot line would conclude with Daphne recognizing her interest in Ram had been driven largely by her interest in Shaggy. She tries to start a relationship with some random guy but can’t because someone else is always occupying her thoughts. She tries to let someone in but gets her trust broken. Maybe the right person for her is someone she trusted all along. I think there’s even an argument to be made that her feelings for Ram are somewhat of a cover. She pushes herself into liking this conventionally handsome, stalwart, uncomplicated guy to distract herself from the feelings she’s beginning to have for Shaggy, a person that she really cares about. Daphne has abandonment issues and it’s clear she’s afraid to consider starting anything real with anyone she actually cares about because she’s afraid of losing them/of them leaving her (once they see the “real” her/the monstrous side of herself she hates).
BUT, these all become sort of moot in the end. Ram returns in Book 3 full-force (seriously, don’t like him, get him outta here) begging for Daphne’s forgiveness, continuing to flirt with her, until at the end of the book Daphne forgives him. It does end with Daphne commenting that Ram’s charms no longer work on her (choosing instead to keep Shaggy’s secret instead of telling him) and her final thoughts being that she do “pretty much anything” to protect Shaggy. I’d call it a win, though I do wish Ram got shot down a bit more brutally (sorry to anyone who likes him, I’m just not into it at all) and Daphne was a bit more assured in the flavor of her feelings about Shaggy (romantic). It also would have been cool for Shaggy to get a few more scenes where he seemed interested in Daphne. Tbh, he’s just a ball of stress in Book 3 so I don’t blame him, but it could have been cool. I was Really, Honestly expecting Daphne’s revelation/confirmation of her explicit romantic feelings about Shaggy to be the scene where he gets upset and Daphne remarks something along the lines of how she’s never seen this side of Shaggy before but she’s drawn to it. That would have been a good place, I think, to pin it shut, but the author had their reasons for leaving up to a bit of interpretation which is fine.
ALTHOUGH, while on the subject of Shaggy’s feelings for Daphne, I do think they could have used his complicated relationship with Marcy to expand on it. He clearly had something with Marcy and it was interesting to note how both Shaggy & Daphne were drawn together because of a mutual love for her but it doesn’t get too much attention outside of Book 1. Also pretty bitter Shaggy never got to give Daphne a forehead kiss like he did with Marcy smh.
This isn’t to say that Shaggy’s feelings for Daphne are never implied because I definitely think the vibes are there (laughing together, touching each other). Shaggy is pretty much powerless to say no to her and the scene where it’s reflected that Shaggy would do anything to protect Velma and Daphne (when he has the knife to his throat in Book 2) is cute parallel to Daphne’s final thoughts on Shaggy, tho his protectiveness extended to Velma as well so it’s not a one to one.
Overall, super enjoyed Frelma and Shaphne. All the Gang was written to be very kind, caring individuals. Shaggy, Daphne, and Velma had a lot of complexity (sorry Fred but I love you bby) and I think any shakeout of relationships between the core four would have worked well. They were all just sweet and the heart of the Gang’s dynamic was definitely there.
In another timeline, this would be a Vaphne book with Fraggy coding but alas.
TL:DR: Yes!
TL;DR Yes! If you really like Frelma and/or Shaphne, (or Vaphne!!!) give it a try!
Sorry for the extremely lengthy answer. If you read this far, I hope it helped and interested you at least a little. Thank you again for the ask! Ask box is always open. 👋
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cedar-sunshine · 3 months
intro to my OCs just for background as I will be posting them
I have two WIPs, one solo and one with my best friend. The solo one is called Star for now and the one I'm collaborating on is currently nameless and I refer to it as 'the comic' which is incredibly specific and great for categorical tags (I'll probably just tag it with a sun emoji tbh).
Star takes place in a post apocalyptic world featuring two very queer very mentally struggling main characters who might kiss or might just cry a lot (follow me to find out!)
The comic takes place on a cool island summer camp with magic (if this reminds you of lumberjanes, that was the inspiration, I wanted to make a story about queer kids interacting with magic, sort of like escapism cause it's all positive and fun) and has a pretty diversely queer cast (I love them all deeply)
My OCs for star
Tristan- transmasc (he/him most likely), unlabeled queer in terms of romanticism, and probably asexual idk. Autistic coded imo. Really likes plants, pretty depressed. Strong believer that everything is bad and nothing good will ever happen and the world is over
Orion/Ori (or-ee)- transmasc, pretty chill about pronouns but generally prefers he and maybe they, as long as it isn't she he doesn't care. Achillean. In denial about everything and very optimistic. Pretty high energy and outgoing
My OCs for the comic (I swear we'll name it sometime) not exhaustive but this should be the ones I reference the most
Atlas- he/they, transmasc aroace, AuDHD, his main special interest is magic and magical beings and stuff like that. Knowledgeable and passionate about this to the point where he will correct adults who study magic if they're wrong. Also very into plants and plant identification and just nature stuff in general. Dude could write a handbook.
Alexander/Alex- he/him, brother figure for atlas. He's got a big sword and might be the reincarnation of king Arthur (he found the sword in a cool lake). Has no inclination to be the king of britain or whatever. Bi? Gay? Who knows. His love interest is a man
Lee - he/it/whatever honestly he doesn't care, devil (got some rad horns and shit, he can't fly) who likes to play at being a villain, pretty harmless and honestly just likes to fuck with people. Would wear a dress. Has worn a dress. Will wear a dress. Queer (he says that he's 'gay for every gender'). Gives his boyfriend (above) regular heart attacks (its. For his health. You know)
Athena - she/her probably, transfem and of questionable romantic orientation. Descended from a god, probably a minor god of summer or spring or something. She can set stuff on fire and glow and whatever. She's figuring it out. She also rarely puts on shoes
Angel - he/him but doesn't mind neutral pronouns, probably wont realize that neo or xenopronouns are referring to him though. He's the group counselor and generally just sort of tags along and watches to make sure they don't die. Has a lot of faith in them and encourages them to do stupid shit he thinks is funny. He does keep them safe but like. He lets them have fun. Polyam, bi with a very strong preference for men. Has rad wings (his name is incredibly on the nose)
Vince (he/him) and odyssey/essie/s(any but prefers masc words referring to them): angels boyfriends who don't actually show up much but I feel very strongly about them and I think they're all very cute together. Vince is the golden retriever, essie is the black cat, angel is the orange cat.
anyways if anyone actually read all that, that's rad!! I hope you like them. I will probably be posting a ton about them soon if you're interested!
Have a great day!
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fantasy---feels · 5 months
Living Dreams (11)
Tumblr media
pairing: Taehyung x female reader
genre: fluff, smut, fluffy smut, yeah mostly just smut tbh, fantasy
wordcount: 4,5k~
summary: Y/n get cheated on by her bf, with a friend of hers, which is just charming really. Luckily Taehyung, one of her best friends, is there to defend her, and maybe do something else for her too...
warnings: violence, unprotected sex (kind of?)
date: 16-01-2024
info: Initially wrote this about two of my Oc's but later felt like also adapting it to some of my favorite fandoms sooo, oops~ Also, since I couldn't choose there are multiple different versions of the same story, just with different main characters ^^
When Taehyung gets closer he sees Maron yelling at Y/n, 'Are you seriously breaking up with me over this? Are you really making me the bad guy right now?!' Y/n looks at him perplexed, 'You cheated on me? And with someone I considered a friend, what made you think I'd stay with you after that?' Maron rolls his eyes sarcastically, 'Yeah right, as if you've been faithful the whole time.' Y/n frowns, 'I never cheated on you what are you even talking about??' Maron laughs, 'Riiight, with the way you're always staring at that guy? And the way you dress? Fuck of with the lies you stupid slut!'
Maron blinks in confusion. He's looking up from the floor, and his nose, it hurts... It hurts like hell, what happened?! He slowly brings his hand up to his face, there's blood, a lot of it. His eyes shoot up to Y/n and... Taehyung. Taehyung's eyes basically tell him that he's lucky to even be alive at all. His fist is balled at his side and his other arm is protectively around Y/n. 'If you EVER. Talk to her again, or even get anywhere near her, I swear to the gods I'm going to fucking kill you.'
'Maron!' Layla, the other girl exclaims as she kneels down next to him, while he still states up at Taehyung and Y/n. Taehyung snarls at him, 'And for your information, YOU cheated, she never did, not with me, not with anyone else. YOU screwed up. And I'm honestly so glad that you did.' He looks at Y/n. 'I've been waiting to do this ever since she got together with you', he gently puts his hand on her face, still bloody from the hit.
She looks at him in confusion, but he just slowly leans down, and kisses her. She makes a surprised sound, but doesn't push him away. After a moment of hesitation she puts her arms around his neck and pulls him closer.
Maron glares at the two, his hand pressed over his face, trying to stop the bleeding. When Layla tries to comfort him and tell him that he has her now so it doesn't matter, he pushes her away. He gets up and storms toward the exit, Layla following him.
Taehyung and Y/n on the other hand forgot about him completely. When they finally break apart, they're both completely flushed and out of breath. Y/n stares at him in disbelief. 'Was that.. Did you mean that or did you just say it to-' Taehyung shakes his head. 'I meant it. You have no idea how much you've tortured me the past few months.' Y/n stares at him in shock. 'Why didn't you..' Taehyung, chuckles dryly. 'You were with him. And I was scared.' He pulls her closer to kiss her again.
When he finally let's go of her he whispers in her ear: 'Let's go home.' Y/n looks up at him in surprise before nodding slowly and letting him pull her to the exit. Once outside Taehyung can't seem to keep his hands of her and on the way home he keeps kissing her hand, her lips, her face. They come to a halt one turn away from the house, where Taehyung kisses her and she ends up with her back against the wall. As the kiss deepens and Y/n pushes her body closer to his Taehyung groans in frustration.
'You have no idea what you're doing to me..'
He reaches down and before she can react Y/n is sitting in his arms, her back against the wall and his hips pressed between her legs. Y/n gasps. 'No wait! Is this okay? I'm heavy..' Usually she doesn't care, but with him.. Taehyung blinks at her, confused. 'What? No.' He immediately leans in to kiss her again and Y/n moans against his lips as he presses into her. He freezes. He puts his forehead against hers and presses his eyes shut. 'I must be going crazy.. If you want me to stop, please tell me right now.' Y/n shakes her head, confused. 'I don't want to stop.' Taehyung looks up at her. 'I'm serious Y/n. If you don't tell me now, I don't think I'll be able to stop anymore.'
Y/n shakes her head and takes his face in her hands, her face flushed. 'Please don't stop.' Taehyung groans deep in his throat. 'Fuck.' Then he pulls her back into a kiss before lifting her in his arms, and away from the wall, making her squeal in surprise. But he just adjusts her, tells her to hold on, and jumps. She shrieks and clamps onto him, but a moment later they land on the roof of the house. He let's her down gently before opening his window and jumping inside. When he helps her jump in, he immediately pulls her close again to kiss her. After a moment he picks her up, and carries her to the bed. He gently sets her down and breathes in deeply, trying to calm himself. He presses his forehead against hers as her leans over her. 'Are you sure?' Y/n nods and pulls him in for a kiss. 'Please?' He groans into her mouth, 'You're going to ruin me.'
Then he leans back and pulls his shirt over his head before leaning back down. Y/n let's her hand glide over his chest, nervously at first, softly. Taehyung takes her hand in his and presses it to his body. 'It's fine, I wont break.' Y/n blushes, but let's her hands travel all over his chest and then his back and his stomach, which has him closing his eyes. Her hands reach his belt and she looks up at him uncertainly. He nods and gets up to undo his pants. When they fall to the ground Y/n looks at him in wonder. 'Can I..?' He nods and lays down next to her. Y/n hesitantly goes to sit over his legs and slowly let's her hands explore his body. He has his eyes pressed closed and one arm is draped over his face, while the other hand is holding onto one of her legs, slightly clenching any time she finds a sensitive spot. Her hands are torturously slow, but when she finally gets close to touching his dick, he can't stand it anymore. His hand shoots out to grab hers and her eyes meet his. He looks at her hungrily as he pulls her in for a kiss. 'Can I see you too?' Y/n flushes bright red but nods and sits back. He sits up with her and pulls her closer, till she's sitting in his lap. He let's his hands travel down her arms, while first kissing her lips, then her jaw, and then the crook of her neck, making her shiver in his arms. He slowly moves his hands to the back of her dress, halting as he finds the zipper. He looks at her and whispers,' Is this okay?' She nods, still flushed, and shivers as he pulls down the zipper, baring her back. He gently pulls the dress down her arms and chest before letting it pool at her waist. He looks at her in stunned silence. She blushes brightly under his staring and moves her arms up to cover herself. His hands shoot up to stop her. He let's them glide down her arms to her hands which he moves back down to her sides, 'Please don't. '
Then, he carefully cradles her waist and, for a moment, just stares at his hands on her skin. He still can't believe that he's finally holding her. His touch feels gentle, in spite of the size and roughness of his hands and Y/n shivers. He slowly let's his hand travel up, over her stomach and her ribs. When he gets to her breasts he stops and hesitates. Y/n brings her hand up to one of his, and gently puts it on her. 'I won't break either', she whispers. He let's her guide him to gently cup her breast, before taking a deep breath and letting his head rest on her shoulder. 'I can't believe I'm touching you...' He chuckles dryly, 'You have no idea how many times I've dreamed about doing this.' He kisses her shoulder, while carefully kneading her breast. When he feels her react, he softly sucks on the same spot, making her moan inadvertently. The sound makes him groan in frustration and he moves his hands to her waist.
He picks her up and lays her on the bed, before pulling her dress down the rest of the way, leaving them both in nothing but their underwear. When Y/n unconsciously tries to cover herself again under his staring, he grabs her wrists and pins her hands above her head. She blushes at the unexpected action, as well as the sudden vulnerability. He leans in to kiss her and whispers, 'Please let me look at you.' Then he lets go of her arms, which she wraps around his neck to pull him closer. He groans into her mouth and kisses her deeper.
He uses one hand to prop himself up while using the other to touch her. He let's his hand travel up her hip, her waist and finally to her breast which he gently kneads in his hand, before using his thumb to draw circles around the most sensitive part. Y/n moans into the kiss as he explores exactly what to do to her. He breaks away for a moment, and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. 'I haven't done this before, so you have to tell me if I do something wrong.' Y/n shakes her head breathlessly from under him. 'You're perfect.'
Taehyung smiles at her softly before leaning down to kiss her again. He let's his hand travel down and with his fingers he traces the line of her panties, making her shiver against his chest. 'Can I take them off?' he whispers. Y/n nods and he leans back to gently pull them down her legs, before swallowing deeply. 'I can't believe I get to have you.'
He let's his hands run up her body, from her ankles, over her legs and her stomach, to her breasts, as he moves to lay on top of her. He softly draws cirkles on one of her breasts while tentatively taking the other one in his mouth, eliciting a surprised gasp from Y/n. When he notices her reaction he slowly start to suck and lick around her sensitive nub, feeling it get harder against his tongue. The moans are falling from Y/n's mouth as he keeps gently massaging her breast with his hand while using his mouth on her at the same time. With one last gentle lick over her nipple he let's go and moves his attention to her other breast. He is taking in all of her reactions and he loves that she can't seem to control them, as he gently licks and sucks at her skin.
When he can finally bring himself to stop, he slowly moves down her body, kissing her stomach and her waist, sucking softly on her skin, trying not to leave any marks. When he finally gets to her most sensitive place he looks up questioningly. Y/n has her face covered with her hands in embarrassment, but still nods hesitantly.
He smiles reassuringly as he puts his arms around her legs, and softly places a kiss on the insde of her thigh. Then, he slowly starts kissing down the inside of her legs, all the way down untill he reaches her center. He looks up at her, his impatient eyes showing just how much he is trying to pace himself. 'Please tell me if you want me to stop, or when I'm doing something wrong.' He smiles at her before placing on last kiss on her leg. Then he leans down and licks one long stripe over her center, making her jump and cry out in surprise. When immediately after he softly sucks on her sensitive nub she moans deeply and automatically weaves her fingers through his hair. He smiles against her. 'Good to know.' Then sucks her into his mouth again and swirls his tongue around her, making her moans come out in stutters.
To get better access, he uses one hand to gently pushes her folds apart and licks long strokes in between. As he licks and sucks experimentally he greedily takes in all of her reactions and expressions. He softly starts to rub over her clit in circles with his thumb, while using his tongue to lick over and inside her entrance. Pressing his tongue against her, he groans under the combination of her taste in his mouth and her hands in his hair. Carefully he presses one of his fingers inside, while sucking her clit into his mouth. When she starts to relax around him, he adds a second finger, making her groan. He slowly starts oves in and out. She moans and reaches down to hold his hand in place. 'Curl your fingers up' she whispers, slightly out of breath. Taehyung smiles against her and does as she says while simultaneously circling her with his tongue. She starts moaning louder now, and he keeps doing exactly as she told him, curling up his fingers and rubbing the sensitive spot inside her. As he keeps licking her, and pressing his fingers into her, Y/n is getting closer and closer, until he knows she's almost there. When he feels her tighten around his fingers, he curls his fingers into her one more time and sucks on her hard. She cries out and her body trembles as she comes. He keeps slowly curling his fingers while licking her softly, working her through her orgasm, until she's pulling his head away, her hands shaking.
'How... How did you know all that?' She asks, confused and completely out of breath. 'I thought you had never done this before..' Taehyung grins at her, 'Aïsya gave me homework. One day she just handed me a whole pile of books she told me I should read.' Y/n turns bright red. 'Oh gods, that little witch!' She puts her hands over her eyes. 'I can't believe she basically trained you for me.' Taehyung chuckles while placing a kiss on the inside of her leg. 'I'm glad she did, otherwise I would have had no idea what to do.' Y/n sighs and grumbles, 'I guess I should buy her dinner sometime...' Taehyung moves up and pulls her hands away, to put a kiss on her forehead. 'Same here.'.
Then, when their eyes meet he kisses her lips and she pulls him in closer. She let's her hands run down his back and pushes at his underwear. 'I want them off...'
Taehyung flushes just barely as his eyes darken, before reaching down to take off his last piece of clothing. For a moment Y/n just stares, she had expected him to be pretty big, but not like this... He gently takes on of her hands and kisses it.' Are you still sure you want this? I understand if you want to stop now.' Y/n just shakes her head, her mouth hanging slightly open, still staring at him. Taehyung frowns, 'I don't want to hurt you.' Y/n looks up at him. 'You won't, I promise, we'll be careful.'
She slowly props herself up and reaches forward, to put her hand around him. He groans at the feeling, staring down at her touching his dick. She carefully moves her hand to stroke him and he let's his head fall back as a moan falls from his lips. 'Fuckkk, Mila..'
Her mouth waters at the sound of his voice and she slowly leans forward. He doesn't have time to realize what's happening as she licks one long stroke up his whole length, making his body shock with pleasure. But before she can continue, his hands shoot up to stop her.
He leans forward, resting his forehead on her hair and breathes in deeply, his eyes pressed shut. 'Please stop. I dont think I'll last long if you do that.' Y/n pouts, 'But you did it for me... I want to taste you.' A muscle ticks in his jaw at her words, but he shakes his head. 'Not tonight.'
He leans in to give her a quick kiss before leaning to the side to open a drawer and reach for a box of condoms. Y/n's hand stops him, and he looks at her confused. She blushes and looks down. 'I took a potion, so we can do it without.. But only if you want to of course..' She glances up at him shyly, her face flushed. Taehyung blinks at her in shock, then slowly sits back and puts a hand over his eyes while breathing in deeply. 'You're going to completely ruin me.' Then he let's his hand fall to his side and stares at her hungrily, before grabbing her face and kissing her roughly. 'You have no idea what you're doing to me.'
He let's his hands run all over her body, before ending up at her legs and gently pushing her knees apart. He groans as he looks down at her, 'I'm sorry, I don't think I can stop now.' She shakes her head at him, 'I don't want to stop.. Please put it inside me?'
He presses his eyes shut to calm down, and carefully leads his dick to rest against her entrance. They both moan at the feeling and Taehyung breathes heavy, trying to restrain himself. 'I'll try to go slow okay. ' Then he leans forward to push himself into her.
At first she is still too tight, and Y/n groans, but then his tip pushes inside and they both gasps. Taehyung groans, 'Fuck. You're so warm. So soft.' He leans over her as he tries to regain his composure. With one hand he cups her face while the other is holding her leg. 'I'm going to go a bit deeper okay?' Y/n nods silently as she takes deep breaths, trying to get used to his size.
He looks her in the eyes as he slowly starts to push in further, making sure that she's okay. Her eyes slowly start to go wide as he pushes deeper and deeper. Her mouth is slightly open and her expression is making him go crazy. He curses. 'Fuck I'm sorry.' and then suddenly he snaps his hips forward, pushing the rest of him in at once.
Y/n gasps as he fills her up completely. She moans as she is being stretched around him, it feels as if he pushed himself all the way into her stomach. Taehyung is panting above her. The feeling of her around him overwhelming. 'Fuck, fuck im so sorry, are you okay? Did I hurt you?' She wraps her arms around his neck and shakes her head against him. She wants to tell him she's fine but her voice won't come out. Taehyung buries his face in the crook of her neck and wraps his arms around his waist, accidentally pressing himself even deeper inside of her and they both groan.
He places soft kisses in her neck and under her jaw as they both wait to calm down. Y/n's breathing is heavy as her body tries to accommodate his size.
Taehyung pants as he feels her clench around him. He softly sucks on the skin in the crook of her neck and places gentle kisses on her throat. 'You're doing so good Y/n. You're doing so good taking all of me.' She moans as he readjusts himself, and he leans down to kiss her, absorbing the sound. He pushes himself up slightly, to look at her face. 'Are you okay? Does it hurt?', he frowns, a combination of concern and concentration. She shakes her head wordlessly, eyes closed tight and lips pressed together.
He rubs her face with his thumb. 'Look at me.' She opens her eyes to stare up at him, her eyes are glazed over and tears are slowly forming, dripping down her cheeks. His frown deepens and he begins to get up, but she grabs his wrist. She shakes head, 'Keep going. It doesn't hurt.' He rubs her tears away with his thumb, 'You're crying..' She smiles at him shakily, 'Just. A lot. It feels good, I promise.'
He frowns again but nods. Then lifts her hand and kisses the inside of her wrist, then her face, kissing away her tears. 'Are you sure?' She nods, and he kisses her softly, before slowly pulling back a little, and pushing back in. They both moan and he let's his forehead rest on hers. He chuckles dryly, 'Maybe it's actually me who can't handle it.' Y/n smiles slightly and wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him in closer.
Taehyung carefully starts moving his hips, pulling out a little and pushing back in slowly, still scared he might hurt her. She moans under him, and kisses his face when she sees his concerned expression. 'I won't break.' He closes his eyes for a moment, before slowly picking up the pace.
He brings back his arm to hook it behind her leg and push it to her chest. The new angle makes Y/n writhe under him as he continuesly hits her soft spot. Taehyung makes sure to not push his whole length in, still worried about her. Looking at her face however is making it more and more difficult for him to control himself and every time she moans or clenches around him, he unconsciously snaps his hips forward just a little bit harder.
Y/n's voice comes in a string of moans as she puts up one hand to press against the headboard behind her and one down to rub circles on her breast. Seeing her playing with herself, and moaning with his dick inside her, makes Taehyung groans deep in his chest. He leans back and takes her other leg, to also push that forward, giving him the perfect angle to slam down into her. Y/n gasps in surprise, which accidentally let's him go even deeper.
Taehyung curses, but his self control is gone and he can't keep himself from pushing his dick into her to the hilt. Y/n's eyes fall closed as tears stream down her face and nonsensical sounds spill from her lips. Taehyung groans as he looks down at where his length has completely disappeared inside her. 'God's Y/n, you're taking all of me.' He pulls out and slams his hips back against her, just to see her taking it all. 'You're so good for me. You're perfect.' He leans forward, pushing her legs further against her chest, her feet on his shoulders, and he presses even deeper. Y/n just moans deeply, her face completely fucked out, dazed.
Taehyung almost bares his teeth looking at her and pulls back to slam down into her again. Guttural moans spill from Y/n's lips as he pounds her into the mattress, both of her hands now pushing against the headboard. Taehyung can feel her walls clench around him as she starts getting closer and closer to her release.
He leans back and let's her legs of his shoulders, before reaching down and grabbing her hips, lifting them up. He slams himself back into her, the new position allowing him to pull her hips back against him, putting even more force behind his thrusts. Y/n cries out in his arms as his whole length is being slammed into her again and again. His tip hitting her womb every time he bottoms out.
Her face is a mess, with her makeup running down her face, her lipstick smeared, her eyes only half open, completely glazed over and a continuous string of senseless moans falling from her lips. Taehyung basically snarls at the sight and snaps his hips into hers even harder, till they're both almost at their breaking point.
When he can feel how close she is Taehyung leans down, covering her body with his own and puts his arms around her, keeping her still as he pounds into her. He angles his hips, so that with every thrust, he's rubbing up against her soft spot. He groans, trying to control himself at least long enough to make her come before him.
Y/n's moans are deep and guttural as he keeps slamming himself inside her, rubbing her insides and bruising her cervix. Suddenly her orgasm washes over her and she cries out as she wraps her arms around Taehyung's neck, pulling him completely against, and inside of her.
Taehyung moans into her shoulder as she clenches around him and digs her nails into his shoulders. He wants to keep fucking into her, but he knows that he shouldn't. Her body is trembling against him and he can feel her walls pulsing. It feels like her inside are basically sucking him in and he softly bites her shoulder, trying to restrain himself.
'Taehyung?', Y/n's voice is soft and a bit hoarse, and the sound of it destroys all of his resolve. He groans against her neck as he slams himself all the way back into her, pulling a gasp from her already exhausted throat. 'Sorry', he rasps against her skin, as he pounds into her over-sensitive pussy, deep and hard, making her cry out as she wraps her arms around him even tighter.
He groans as he feels himself get closer and closer, his thrusts becoming faster and more erratic. 'FUCK. Fuck Y/n. Can I come inside you?' She doesn't have the voice to respond and just nods against his shoulder as her nails dig into his back, the overstimulation slowly turning back into pleasure.
Taehyung curses as he angles his hips to hit her even deeper, their breathing growing louder and louder. With another deep thrust Y/n cries out against him, her voice breaking as he forces her through another orgasm. Her walls tightening also finally pushes Taehyung over the edge and with a few last hard thrusts he presses himself into her as deep as he can, before coming undone.
They stay like that for at least ten minutes, panting against each other's skin, their bodies pressed together, her walls stills pulsing around him. When his breathing has finally calmed down a bit, Taehyung moves to get up but Y/n wraps her legs around him and pulls him back. 'Stay like this for a bit, you're so warm...' Her eyes are closed and her whole body is trembling slightly from exhaustion. Taehyung smiles at her softly and presses gentle kisses to her face. He kisses her on her eyelids, her forehead, her nose, her lips, and finally also her neck and her shoulders. She moans softly and tiredly as he softly sucks on her skin. 'I wonder if I can still walk.' Taehyung chuckles against her skin, you've survived worse things. She groans. 'Have I?' He laughs and kisses her shoulder. 'Wait here, I'll get a towel.' He carefully lifts himself of of her. 'Nooo, it's colddd', Y/n cries out in protest, her eyes still closed, but lazily lifting one hand to pull him back. He smiles and takes her hand to kiss her fingertips. 'I'll be back in a second. I'll keep you warm the rest of the night.' Y/n just groans and turns onto her side, grabbing a pillow to hold against her chest. Taehyung chuckles and covers her with the blanket. 'I'll be right back.'
Once they're cleaned up Taehyung climbs into the bed and lays against her back, wrapping his arms around her. 'Are you okay?', he whispers into her hair. Y/n grumbles in his arms and snuggles closer to him. He smiles softly and presses a kiss to her head, before pulling her close to his chest and falling asleep too.
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castle-dominion · 1 year
c3x19 law & murder
Edit: I'm gathering clips for tumblr rn but it is taking way long & I am disorganizing my clips so I might need to pause for the day, even tho these dvds are overdue at the library...
This guy is sending looks over all scary-like, & this guy looks like he needs to ask for help or a break soon. Why ask him? Why not ask the people who are already beside you? bc this guy is wearing a suit & looks like he knows what's going on? It reminds me of that story where a boyfriend breaks up with his gal bc she is uncaring & then she's ruminating on this on the bus & when someone dies right in front of her she does care; she cares that he coughed up blood onto her shoe.
Don't u usually go to crime scenes & THEN they go to court?
Casually picks up a big, unsmoothied celery leaf what's the sense in living longer if you have to drink that We call em professional development days here bc in catholic school we also had faith development days so two FD days would make no sense, we had to have PD days & FD days. Father daughter <3 wait alexis why r u mumbling into that drink? She did not she LOVES my breakfast smoothies! Going to take another sip before he realizes what he's doing Pick up a gal there, mr castle ;) Weird way to answer the phone ("for castle press one")
Brought a coffee : ) Castle & his poker group (won't clip) (except he walks into the wall & that was funny) Ah cyanide. I had a cyanide interest one. Mm the coffee bitterness could hide the cyanide bitterness. (read a fic once where someone used almond flavoured coffee, or almond milk or smth)
Dirtbag trifecta XD clipping this (& getting their outfits) Oh outfit update: Espt: leather jacket, lapels as usual, collared shirt underneath with zippered breast pockets, badge on neck, no tie. Ryan: brown overcoat, grey vest (I think), lighter, warm purply grey dress shirt, red tie. Maybe it's a blue dress shirt. That was my initual thought but it's so warm. & it is also patterned, not with ink I think but with texture. Becks: Red coat (tho I think it a different coat than the one we've seen her in before), scarf, other stuff under that which I cannot see due to the scarf but I see how her shirt's buttons are on a white lining & tbh it's kinda ugly. Castle: His usual. Blue shirt. Black jacket. Looks nice & dark too, not the usual technically-grey-but-we-call-it-black black. I mean it is technically grey but shush.
Heck yeah don't let your client speak to people
Good on the son for stopping the dad.
Lot of camera time. Love the way ryan said that & his outfit & there's just smth abt his cadence & tone & how much he lets his voice vibrate What was that "oh you do?" thing? He's a detective, ofc he got an apb out.
Second chances, but not fifth chances, I respect that. Man also has a decent outfit. Having watched this episode, I notice. Brother: He looked out for people. *eye contact just for a sec but I felt it*
(I don't rly know what to clip...) I'm marked for death, man!
Ugh. Big scary black guy we get it shut up bro. I liked you at first. Now you're just annoying & repeating that right in front of LT, a tall, black, intimidating cop Oh would you look at that chance. Weird how they just have TVs in the corners like that. & ryan can just easily pull up the footage to that exact moment? He might have had it bookmarked ig... Calls him cousin wardell lmao killer cup of joe that was great that was great
I mean yeah (the juror badges on their shirts might be a hint) He's not wrong tho rich powerful white friends can feel safe Yep, this man has a point
gsp tracked her phone with precinct supplies? Yuck. oh nvm with an app This is why I always have my location off. Mr app man. & be justified! He's right I guess... (remember this for s7)
She says it's cyanide laced but then says it isn't? Weird way to phrase it. He died approximately one hour after taking the meds, maybe he took em at 8.07 not 8.13 exactly. True, but that doesn't necessarily mean the killer is a woman
(Clipping this) KR: Isn't every murder a tragedy? esposito implied backstory moments (we will see in abt two seasons) Why's he quoting sum kinda poetry? Is that Shakespeare? JE, looking at him, eyebrows crunched: Bro u'r not castle KR: Yeah I know I'm not castle JE: Then stop trying to talk like him KR: What, I'm not allowed to reference the bard? (so yes shaksp) (door creaks & blows; they draw their guns) KR: I'm a renaissance man (sure bestie) JE: Memorizing one quote does not make you a renaissance man. (reminds me of that scene in stranger things where Steve just Can't quote sherlock holmes) KR: What if I memorized two? (No... No babe) JE: Have you? Memorized two? KR: No (AFSDJKH) but what if I did? (BRO I DON'T THINK THAT'S HOW IT WORKS also u called yourself a renaissance man & you're quoting "the bard" but you only know one? I mean I love it but dang what is even going on?) JE: KR: *nods upwards at the door* (me: sjhfksjdhjh) JE: Depends on the quote *opens door* (ok I'd like to point out that these two are just having a conversation while assuming someone is back there & waiting to shoot them. Or maybe they're conversing so that the person back there doesn't realize they're onto him.) & then this guy comes running out & Ryan flips him over his shoulder like a wrestling takedown but actually it's more like what my parents used to do for swing dancing except insted of landing on her feet, he fell on the ground; & ryan stretches his neck after that stunt. But Guns Don't Make Sounds When You Flail Them Around
my man looks a bit like marcus gates tbh
They tested Every Capsule So tru bestie. Ex-con instincts. I hear the cops & I hide. I like this man. I also looove their outfits. Ryan's hair is so spikey. they are so in synch.
I did it I did it I did it! You killed him? Oh my god no! I love her
sad that the clerk doesn't have the money for rent. I love her XD
Ooh Captain's tie! Purple, patterned but quiet.
Castle say "I have connections" not "a friend went there" She looks so much younger back in this season tbh, she's so baby. I think lack of eyeliner is part of it. Don't reveal your hand. Say you trust her. Say you trust her. Ask her to trust you too, tell her you won't be mad. Say you are concerned & you want her to tell you, you don't want to pry. (Cool dads don't pry.) ok but now he knows you took the train there & bought something with your bank card. Technically I would have to be the government to do that.
Beckett is so right. It doesn't matter to alexis if what he did was so wrong.
is it at all possible? YES! did I know anything? NO! At least he asks the son/brother for confirmation.
Karnacki. Lou Karnacki. District attorney.
Ew I remember this episode now. This DA thing. Once. Today.
Ew idk if this outfit is ok or if ryan's yellow tie is just straight up ugly. I can't tell. Brown jacket, nice dark-ish somewhat desaturated green, yellow tie. Plus a little irish flag. (oh fun story, yesterday I was driving with my mom bc I was volunteering at her work & I saw a flag, it was hanging oddly so I couldn't tell if it was the flag of india or ireland. I said this out loud & then mum asked if I had used hand sanitizer. "Why?" 'because it smells like alcohol in here' & then I looked out the window & the building with the flag & in big fancy writing on the side surrounded by art it said: Irish Centre of [City]. Actually I fudged the timeline a bit but this is basically what happened.) & esposito's outfit is like smth I would wear at home. It is not a shirt I'd wear to work. Nice long sleeves, blue, buttons but no collar. Castle's blue shirt actually has red on it castle & his apps XD My man needs a real magnifying glass not just an app. XD clipping this three reasons thing JE: Nice. *smacks castle's shoulder* RC: Ah JE: Sorry. *pats his shoulder gently*
Maybe he just thought it was fun to be part of the jury of a murder he did. Maybe he'll make a habit of killing ppl & serving on their juries
12 angry men was a great show.
he is the victim AND suspect but FOR DIFFERENT MURDERS Six degrees of separation bro
You found the phone or CSU found the phone? KR, in a secretary voice: District attorney's office uwu
Oh I love Dawn. Second time he's in the precinct, & all for this Girl u probably should speak in a more polite tone just to preserve his ego. Lou DA man chill tf out (the camera-ing is good) I agree you should have told him but I'm glad you didn't bc it revealed stuff abt him.
Sorry my little bro is playing portal two & I've been listening to him & I just died when wheatley said "I'm going to attempt a manual override on this wall" bc he literally just breaks it down.
Castle is sure holding that coffee weird. So Beckett can pick it up. KB: Yes? *smiles a bit* I like castle's ampersand.
At least this man has a lawyer. Auto theft, not murder. So valid. that bad boy was all the way back My dad is 6'5" my mom is 5'4", switching car seats sucked. The ONLY prints they found were his? sus. (sherlock holmes: the hardest part to see is the thing that is not there. or smth like that idk)
Yes otherwise we'd just be looking for tall people.
playing cards in the foreground Yes communication & apologies & alexis being pretty & hold on he has naked heat as a background? Mum said u put stuff u care abt there (my old phone had a lockscreen & background of unus annus) & then mum showed the pic of my brothers & me uwu. *mumbling* yw wr shhplhftng? Girl your friends went shoplifting? They're kids, they're girls who go to a good school why would they do that? For the thrill of it? I'm glad you're telling ur dad but maybe don't talk about this in the police station. & hey, it was very smart of you to leave the money & the note to rectify the wrong without implicating your friends or getting anyone arrested. Good on you. (Except u'r not the one who should have paid for it.) Oh & rick definitely shoplifted as a kid. She's not going to narc on them & heck yeah rick, angry & proud. Judged by the company you keep Girl don't make a promise u can't keep. Gives him a little pat before leaving.
I don't think I'll clip that thing with alexis
Only two sets of prints? Not Lyla's? It's the DA isn't it
Ah the brother of the juror. So valid bestie. The b plot parallels. Little trust fund baby thinks he's so gangster until they hit a pothole. Yeah we should abolish guns. If u want to fight, use your hands. Well that's what happened! They did think it was auto theft!
What just happened with the captain? (btw sometimes they need to open up their aperture or.. close it.. idk. they need to make things all focused, not some sharp others hella blurred)
Lmao it's the booze from the old haunt episode! In Court, don't ask a question you don't Know the answer to. Yeah well politics & cops. It's like when brackenreid put away a criminal but for the wrong crime. Also this guy legit goes by lou? I p much exclusively go by my nickname but if I had a nameplate in my office it would have my full name (tho my nametag at work is my nickname) Isn't that illegal? to record like that?
Who is this rando? Is that the brother? Doesn't look like the DA. Oh wait it's Stephen. The brother of lyla. Oof, I feel bad for Montgomery. I feel like we could have seen castle playing poker with him lol, the da, the judge, the mayor, & the captain. "Your boss, your boss's boss, & the one who signs your warrants." & knowing the future pieces of this season, I see montgomery talking. All the good he's done, even tho he messed up. Montgomery is technically talking about his friend & colleague, Lou the DA. For those of us that have seen the series? Mm.
Castle fishing for a date XD I love when beckett puts on her coat & then takes it out again. It's times like this I remember I used to call myself a lesbian.
Yeah good episode. & great foreshadowing.
0 notes
direwombat · 1 year
That anon again. Thank you for listening to my rambling. And if it matters any, Joseph gets plenty of chances to Suffer during my dep's canon. Because we're (plural because this is all from an RP verse my best friend and I have where she plays Joseph and a 'John fucker' GFH while I play my dep and John) bitches like that and can't let the Seed boys get away with being the worst without suffering for it. (1/?)
A major theme of Joe and Dep's relationship is 'be careful what you wish for' since he spends a good early portion of things wanting to change her to fit his whims (for her 'own good' of course), but oops, he gets attached to who she is but by the time he realizes it, his actions are already responsible for her having begun to change for the worse. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, Joseph. Now suffer. And I'm rambling again, but I had another question to ask. Two actually.
First: how did you first get comfortable with sharing Syb with the rest of tumblr? I ask because part of me is tempted to do this with my Dep, but the other part of me is scared of being perceived and judged for my dep, my interpretations of characters, etc. Two: With Augustine becoming Faith, did Joseph specifically pull this to punish Syb? Because I'm getting big 'you took my family member, now I take yours' vibes. And it sounds about right and petty and fucked up enough for Joe. (3/3)
f;lakdjfaldfkj that's TOTALLY FAIR i sure as hell don't let jacob off easy either fal;dfjkadf
and OOF well...to answer question 1: i've been shouting about my ocs into the void of the internet for the past several years (got started in the dragon age fandom, moved to the general dnd fandom, and ended up here) having friends already on tumblr/in the fandom space to share ideas and bounce off of certainly helps. it's for sure scary!, but tbh? the more you talk about them the more curious people will get. at least that's been my experience. and then of course, engaging with other people who have their own ocs, rb-ing their art/fic/sending asks for ask games and prompt lists are a great way to kind of find your place in the fandom/community and make friends! And to address your fear of being judged for your dep/interpretations of characters, i'll just say this: fandom would be boring if everyone had the exact same interpretation of the characters and it's ok to disagree with an interpretation as long as you're not a dick about it, yk? And, just like people irl, everyone's deputy is different and adds to the fandom!
my advice: do whatever you feel most comfortable doing. make your characters in picrews and do those uquizes! I normally open tag, so if you see one from me that you like! tag me! this includes wip wednesdays/whenevers too if you ever feel brave enough to share any writing you have! BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, you are your oc's number one fan! if (god forbid, and i've never seen this happen personally) someone doesn't like them and has the gall, the sheer audacity to say that to your face? block them. have fun with your oc is what i'm getting at. they're your little barbie/bratz/whatever doll that inspires the most nostalgia for you. we're all just playing little games, telling little stories and dressing up our personal blorbos however we want. :)
as for question 2:
ahh.. poor sweet Augustine. So, Augustine is a park ranger who was on duty at the Whitetails Ranger Station the night of the Reaping and was injured in a pretty nasty fall. One of his coworkers (another oc, Shaw) is one of Jacob's Chosen (who spent a lot of time undercover as a civilian), and after hearing that the Deputy escaped, he essentially lets Jacob know that they have a piece of leverage against her. He's sent to Joseph to heal, where he's very subtley and slowly indoctrinated into the cult. He keeps Augustine hidden from Syb and he also keeps it secret that Syb is the one causing misery to the Cult/newfound family Augustine has found himself welcomed into (as much as he and syb love each other, they're not perfect and uh...there are some abandonment issues there). anyway, i'm still kind of ironing out the details of it all, but essentially, after john and faith are neutralized (john dead and faith/rachel safe and getting clean) jacob and joseph are like, "alright, time to use our secret weapon." Syb knows they have Augustine at this point, but she's under the impression that he's a prisoner, not a member of the cult.
So they meet up on neutral ground (i'm thinking tanami island) only instead of a loving and wholesome reunion, Syb finds out that her brother drank the kool-aid and Augustine finds out that his sister is the one causing the "unnecessary" violence plaguing the Project (which also, Joseph is very careful to shield Augustine from the actual violence, and paints the Project as a much more peaceful organization than it actually is). Anyway, cult tactics win over in Augustine's head and he turns against Syb, and given the power vacuum in the Henbane and his *ahem* closeness to Joseph, he's offered the mantle of Herald/Brother Faith. And. Yeah. It's definitely a method to punish/break Syb, and it's also a way to reward Augustine for his loyalty. Even she wouldn't kill or arrest her own brother. That reunion with her brother is the beginning of Syb's breaking point, and everything after that is just her slipping into misery, helplessness, and despair. everything about this is exploitative as hell :)
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aha uh-
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lochnessies · 3 years
this is not a hate message: why ship rhealeth? i am curious.
lmao obsessed with the clarification but i have a lot of reasons!
i know the ‘pseudo incest’ might turn some people away but i don’t see it that way. people ship seteth with byleth despite him calling byleth family. it’s just… i feel like defaulting to ‘ew byleth and rhea are related’ cheapens rhea’s character arc so much! byleth is not her mother! they are their own person and rhea comes to accept this. it drives me a bit batty when people insist that byleth is rhea’s mom then immediately turn around and say that rhea is bad bc she thinks byleth is her mom. like make it make sense 😭
i like relationships that feel earned. if the characters don’t struggle with each other then i find it boring (one of the reasons i also like dimilix). byleth and rhea’s situation is messy. incredibly so. characters have to develop and change their minds in order to fall in love.
i find them aesthetically pleasing as well. you have rhea’s white dress look vs byleth’s darker clothes which stand in stark contrast with each other in a yin and yang kinda way
i also find it cute how rhea is the only character that byleth can fall almost immediately in love with. before the timeskip even hits they’re so close that they reach an a support which is enough to be married.
then once you reach the timeskip byleth acts like that one “i want my hat back” meme and wants to search for rhea. like it’s objectively a major priority of byleth’s. it’s just so sweet and kinda ironic that byleth prioritizes her when the game forget to when it should in some areas 😔
jumping off from the last point i find it interesting how byleth goes from >:( to :) real fucking quick on vw/ss. like they’re so mad at edelgard and once they get rhea back they’re so happy!! look at them!! they don’t smile much in the game but i find it sweet how soft and delighted they look when rhea is found alive
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also rhea talks about how she has been waiting for byleth so she knew they would look for her and try and rescue her so she had a lot of faith in them for over five years even though the last time she saw them was them being hurtled over a cliff
and speaking of how byleth looks at rhea they look so mesmerized (i mean who can blame them)
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also they’re so physically affectionate with each other 🥺 i made this joke once and i stand by it still.
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also rhea helps byleth find a purpose in life which is (helping and guiding people) which is something that byleth had been looking for per them saying so in heroes. sure she gives them a position bc at first she believes they’re sothis but even after she accepts that it’s not going to happen she trusts byleth as a leader and someone worthy of authority
they also care for each other’s safety as we can see from rhea telling byleth to run at the battle of garreg mach and them coming back when they see her in danger from the demonic beasts. then i’m vw/ss rhea transforms again to take two fucking nukes to the face for byleth and the others
and byleth knows this and appreciates it!! when rhea was at a really low point and self deprecating byleth wants her to feel better and to know that there are people who are happy she’s alive
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hehe :3
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all in all i find them very sweet, have an interesting story, a unique conflict, and a satisfying conclusion. hell, they have a fucking alt together in heroes which is a fe player’s dream for their otp to have a duo together (i’m still crossing my fingers for a dimilix one like their cipher and an edelbert one)
i don’t really ship byleth with anybody else tbh but i have a guilty pleasure (scratch that i experience no shame) in multiple rhea ships that i know in my heart would be fun and interesting as well. pls fandom let older women be shipped with younger adult characters without it being weird or a kink thing i’m begging you they deserve love too!!
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nanatsumu · 3 years
jjk men as (kinda not really) sensual songs in my playlist
(okay originally this was just supposed to match a character with a song, but this turned into more of a “songs as jjk men in toxic relationships”)
i was gonna include naoya and toji in this but sukuna’s part of this drabble ended up being a lotttt longer than i intended it to be so i’ll probably do theirs some other time !! and sukuna’s might not add up correctly or make sense but i wanted to put this out since i was really invested in the whole plot and who knows, maybe i’ll turn it into a oneshot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and just so you know everyone has their own interpretations of these songs so whatever i perceive might not be similar to the way you perceive it :)
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OH BOY DON’T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THIS MAN. okay so after browsing around and researching, i couldn’t find a blog that explains the official meaning behind this song, but after analyzing the english lyrics i can only come up with ONE conclusion: this song is about a couple and the girlfriend begins to pick up on the signs that her boyfriend is cheating on her. but here’s the catch!! even though she confirms that her suspicions of him cheating are indeed true, instead of confronting him about it and getting closure, she resorts to trying to win him over one more time by wearing her sexiest miniskirt, ‘risky black high heels,’ and black stockings in order to catch his attention. but her attempts are in vain because nothing seems to change which explains the line near the end of the song: “even your eyes that look at me, why is it so cold?” and i think it just basically means that even after she dresses up all nice to catch his attention, he still treats her coldy and they probably end up in a toxic relationship even. WHICH BRINGS ME TO WHY I THINK THIS SONG FITS MR. GOJO >:( gege confirmed in an interview that they don’t see gojo being faithful to a particular woman, and you can either interpret this as gojo being a womanizer or gojo just not wanting to date at all due to his occupation as a jujutsu sorcerer, but for the sake of this analysis i will conclude that gojo is indeed a womanizer. i think the scenario that is the most befitting for this is:[ gojo and y/n being in a long term relationship but she starts to realize he’s been coming home later than usual with smeared lipstick stains on his face and the scent of a foreign perfume clinging onto his white button up. any normal person would immediately confront their significant other about that but c’mon, would any normal person really be dating gojo? he’s got you hooked and you can’t seem to leave him no matter how many times he breaks your heart. you fell in too deep and now you have to face the consequences, which is why you can’t seem to let go of the alluring blue eyed male. he pulled you in with that captivating smile of his and he’s not letting you go anytime soon. ]
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now this one is interesting.... tbh i feel like there could be a lot of different songs that represent him well (even better than this one) but in terms of toxic relationships i think this would fit well with him. so essentially, every song can be interpreted differently depending on the person and how they perceive it, but in MY EYEBALLS i think this song is about two lovers who know that they are toxic for each other but keep running back to each other. they have a ‘collar’ on one another, with either person pulling the other person back whenever one strays too far away and this leads to my explanation on why i think this song would best fit with sukuna and his lover’s relationship. we all know that sukuna has an extremely domineering aura, so i feel like he would need a lover equally as domineering or has a feisty personality. their relationship would start off as something like a friends with benefits arrangement after meeting in a club one night— and what was supposed to be a one night stand ended up turning into a whole fling. sukuna wants to see how long it takes before you break and you know this game all too well so it turns into a push and pull type of thing between you two. and even though sukuna plans to throw you away after he’s done ruining you, no matter how many times he tries to convince himself that this was all just a game, there’s always this tingling feeling in his heart whenever he sees your genuine laughter while talking to some dude from your uni. your smile has never once met your eyes whenever you were with him and he’s pissed that a random guy gets to see it and not him. so he starts ghosting you for a while after realizing that he actually yearns for you in a romantic way and you’re kind of hurt after noticing his change in demeanor since you thought things between you guys were going well but you don’t dwell on it for too long since you know what you got yourself into after being involved with him for this long. he goes back to fucking around with other girls and you decide to go back to your usual mundane university life— however, it’s not long before he shows up at the front door of your apartment, drunk out of his mind. and so begins this whole cycle of him ghosting you, fucking some other girl, and then running back to you continues. the two of you aren’t sure why you keep punishing yourselves like this but the only thing you both know is that you’ve got a tight leash on each other and neither one of you are letting go any time soon. there’s also one verse in the song that i would like to throw in and that is: “i died a thousand times. i did what i had to do. hey, that’s just how it goes. i’m still coming back to you.” so we all know that y/n went into the relationship knowing that things were going to end one way or another so when sukuna ghosted her the first time she wasn’t too affected by it. however, that one night where sukuna came running back to her happened and it made her think that whatever relationship they had could blossom into something more, but this is not the case though because it was stated that sukuna continued the cycle of ghosting her (idk he’s scared of commitment?), fucking another girl (to convince himself that there was no way he could ever have genuine feelings for y/n), and then running back to her (and this usually only happens when he’s super duper drunk because drunk words are sober thoughts right? except in his case, drunk actions are sober actions because he wants to see her— but like i said, scared of commitment.) y/n is aware that sukuna is doing this yet she continues to hurt herself by throwing herself onto him every time he shows up at her place, hence the line ‘i died a thousand times’ (someone going through many painful and unpleasant experiences being in a relationship and even though they have to suffer being with the other person, they continues to run back to them nonetheless.)
so that’s why i think “she’s my collar” represents this toxic relationship well because even though sukuna is constantly running away from her, he always ends up back in her arms (y/n being sukuna’s collar) and whenever sukuna shows up at her apartment, she’s always ready to welcome him with open arms every time (sukuna being y/n’s collar.)
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