#she is forced to bury it
halfyearsqueen · 7 months
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step back. usually, you're able to bottle up your emotions and ignore the frustrations. but, after weeks of shoving everything down, your body needs a release, and i pity the poor person who managed to piss you off. it's screaming crying, shouting, kicking lockers, whatever you can do to get it out of your system. it's a whole jean grey moment, fire and fury blasting out of you.
tagged by: taken from @wilsonjacket
tagging: @daekarys , @doloridis , @afterevers ( choose ?) , @roseguided ( visenya / dae ? ) , @lcerys , @wedthrice
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stealingpotatoes · 8 months
You know if Han can appear as a force ghost, then padme can appear as a force ghost, Luke needs a hug
PADME SHOULD ABSOLUTELY APPEAR AS A FORCE GHOST HEAR ME OUT HERE. okay first of all because #feminism SECOND OF ALL she was literally pregnant with TWO whole eldritch skywalkers before she died. that should TOTALLY give her enough force to show up as a ghost. anyway here's this bc lucasfilm r cowards and i'm not
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luxrayz64 · 3 months
like we were so fucking robbed of seeing perez in the wake of saw vs events I want to see her getting out of the hospital and flipping tables and pointing a gun in ericksons face after being told that strahm is the lead suspect. I want to see her having a breakdown after strahms fingerprints come back dead. I want to see her hand twitching over her gun everytime she sees hoffman. I want to see her fucking losing it and desperate to avenge her friend and partner and to clear his name. I want to see the thought process that lead to her inviting known serial killer mark hoffman to the basement lab just so she could torture him psychologically before she had a legitimate excuse to shoot him. I want to see more of her and I want to see how strahms death impacted her the way the reverse impacted him.
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starfall-isle · 1 year
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I’m just a ten cent copy
Of people far more advanced than me
#Stej#spark the electric jester#spark the electric jester spoilers#float#Clarity#flint#spark#art tag#Float is so so much 2 think about. Even before she died there was still this acknowledgement of like.#She does not know who she was before she just knows she was discarded and literally buried alive and everything just gets worse for her :(#character who deserves some kind of resolution the most I think/#I can’t fully wrap my mind around how Clarity’s replica works (ignoring what was said about her and Astra#solely being extensions of clarity bc I think that kind of sucks and doesn't fully make sense 2 me anyway)#like she is not the original ofc and float was already dead before assimilation but she is still clearly enough of a copy#that she has her feelings and (assumedly) resembles her formie body from before she was experimented on#Something even she didn’t remember‚ & I'm just curious how exactly clarity made her so faithfully 2 float and how much she has that#same kind of cognition and emotional independence that Astra did‚ even if she is only trying to achieve clarity’s goals.#I know WHY float was used 2 trick spark into reaching the Fark force the point was that shes just. Still so real and it’s so sad#The original float is gone but she is still here and she still remembers her life and feelings it’s soo fucked up#The only autonomy she has ever had over herself was when she and flint met each other. She just has been used so much even after death!!#I don’t want to make assumptions about something that isn’t out but like. If floats just gone now after doing so much to reintroduce her as#an agent of clarity I think it would be such a disservice 2 her Character like how interesting could it be to have float but she is not the#same as float she has this girls face and memories but she has been so fractured and manipulated that like. Who could she be now#that clarity isn't in control and she no longer has a purpose. if she ever got to reunite with flint would he be willing to trust her?#Would she want to reconnect with these emotions and memories that she knows she’s been programmed from? How would it feel to know#that everyone else has this idea of you and a history that for you technically isn’t real but it still FEELS real. AUGH#Anyway. segmented like a bug get it#ask to tag#Taphophobia#Blood
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sylvies-chen · 3 months
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michonne about rick next week:
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matchandelure · 1 month
binge read all of kaiju no 8 a couple days ago :::) and im all caught up w the anime now too i am hooked holy
#haha i start my internship in a couple days so im feeling really shitty and anxious and need to bury my feelings w new media#I LOVE THIS SERIES??!!! A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#i didnt do research before starting the anime like i usually do..so i had zero idea who the voice actors were#BUT THEN I HEARD HOSHINA SAY ONE LINE AND WAS IMMEDIATELY LIKE. ASAGIRI GEN IS THAT YOU?!?!??!?@??@?@!?!!?!?!!!#IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND OOOOOOOH THE ACCENT IS PERFECT!!!!!#hoshina is my favourite.....silly guy who wields his sword for fun... i also caught up with b side bc i heard he was the main#and i cried lol...#also cried a couple more times during my run through the manga haha#kafka... ohhhhh kafka as a protag!!!!!! HES SO SO AMAZING#guy in his 30s fueld by a promise w his childhood friend to stand next to her and eliminate all the monsters#THE WAY HE CARES SO MUCH ;O; THE IMPACT HES HAD ON BOTH RENO AND KIKORU#KIKORU MY DAUGHTER ;O; SHES DONE SO MUCH SHES DONE SO WELL SHES AMAZING SHE DESERVES SO MUCH PRAISE AND LOVE#yea....i like these guys i think they are very very cool I CANNOT WAIT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THEM#honestly kn8 episodes are gonna be what gets me through the weeks now...#both these eps and ALSO THE NEW TOURABU ANIME BUT IM SO SAD ITS ENDING IN 3 MROE EPS :(((#literally either teared up cried or screamed or all 3 a ton as i watched each episode tkrb will always cheer me up#i am gods most predictable pathetically weak soldier i saw hoshina who smiles like ranpo and laughs and jokes around constantly and yet als#has this huge sense of like... what is my purpose. what is my proof of existence. how can i be asked to just drop the one thing that ive#kept at all my life. thats all i have out here thats the only way for me to save people and prove i existed#that keeps me this role in this force in this organization and this is all i ahve to live for#HES SO URUHRHTUGHGSDFKJFK#GUY WHO ON THE SURFACE SEEMS SO HAPPY GO LUCKY AND SIMPLE WHO SHOUDLERS AND KEEPS SO MUCH TO HIMSELF WHO IS SO PASSIONATE ABOUT ONE THING#THAT HAS SHAPED HIS ENTIRE LIFE WHO CARES SO SO MUCH AND JUST WANTS TO DO WHATEVER HE CAN BECAUSE ITS ALL HE CAN DO#i discovered bsd when i was 14 years old discovered ranpo bsd and was never the same#comfort character fr actually..so comfort character that it transcends just the one series#lol enough rambling i shall go back to playing hades watching one piece with kn8 manga tab open split screen style and listening to p3r#soundtrack so that i can stop thinking and forget that i am actually somehow a person#willows rambling branch
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riccissance · 2 months
saw someone mention wanting to see an older/younger moment for taissa which i 100% need, and now i'm considering the implications of reversing the process for her. like, instead of her older self turning into her younger self in a moment of stress, young tai turns to older tai the moment she steps off the rescue plane signaling that she is forcefully burying her current self and mentally living decades in the future. she will not really live her 20s or 30s, because from the moment of rescue tai's entire existence is about crafting the perfect life to disappear into. it's a forced metamorphosis that can only end in tragedy
or, conversely, other tai is the one that changes into her younger self. because no matter how bad things get, tai is unable to fully reconnect with her younger self, for better or worse. she severed that part of herself so completely that she can never go back even if she wanted to. because tai pretty much hit rock bottom in season 2 and it made her other self come out more, but the younger version of her never came any closer
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the-darklings · 2 years
Hi! You said wanderer searches for corinthian but can't find him, does it mean he's avoiding her?
Corinthian knows Wanderer is searching for him. He still has her ring (in her absence, it has become a bit of a Wanderer locator, the slight pulse he still feels from her grows stronger when she's near), and he keeps tabs on her when she's in the waking world as much as she seeks leads on him.
And yes, he's purposely avoiding her for many complicated, messy reasons you'll learn upon their reunion and when we get to that Corinthian one shot.
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coffeecatcraze · 7 months
I would just like to point out that when Ymir got a second chance at life, she immediately used it to be gay and do crime. Truly the lesbian icon we all deserve. 💖
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zikadraws · 8 months
I couldn't exactly get what I wanted for Halloween done, sooo you're getting some OC stuff.
Her name is Salomé, and she's been 11 for twelve thousand years.
Happy Halloween.
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goldensunset · 2 years
like i don’t.. really wanna be that person who’s like ‘clearly the author is wrong about what they said about their own work via word-of-god interviews because that doesn’t line up with this thing in canon!’ because i mean sometimes the author legitimately does get their wires crossed and misspeak but a lot of the time people just can’t accept that the story isn’t what they thought it would be
but still. i have sort of felt for a while that certain nomura interview tidbits of information have been maybe not the most reliable. i don’t want to act like we as fans are better than him or anything because that’s really disrespectful but i don’t think we can deny that he is a wild writer and does change things around a lot. remakes, remasters, changing story plans, etc…we never know what thing we think is established as true might be thrown out the next day. i just want to take things with a grain of salt sometimes maybe
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wingsandpetals · 1 month
for some reason i subconciously get kind of mad that people exclude my first wife, tyna, from their cult of the lamb headcanons
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i read a hannigram fic last night where op decided it was an okay thing to mention vatsyayana and my brain chemistry is fucked now.
#raj shitposting#afghdaklkjfdakjfgaskjgf#so for context i read the kamasutra as a joke earlier last month and istg i was not expecting what i read.#bro- listen i thought it'd be about heterosexual sex only but it's really not specified IN SO MANY PLACES IT MAKES ME WANNA YELL.#there's this entire section in the text about scents. now idk how many of y'all know seema anand but you should def check out her tedtalk.#because she kinda boils it down to the very basics with the best examples for all of those who do not want their brain chemistry altered.#and that was what got me into her stuff and i read the arts of seduction a couple years back but i wasn't unhinged back then-#-so i forgot all about it until like a month or so back when i came across a video of hers on yt and damn those floodgates BROKE man.#which lead to me finally putting my foot down and reading that shit and JESUS FUCKING CHRIST-#so back to where we were. there's this entire section about scents alright? and we all know where this is going so bear with me please.#so this section talks about how different scents stimulate excitement and how different parts of the body should be scented.#like seema anand does NOT warn you about how fucking DETAILED this shit is in the original text. AT ALL.#it's got i think somewhere around 600 different scents and the optimum intensity of the scents for like IDK TURNING INTO A MONSTER.#so like when i read the fic my brain thought HEY THESE ARE TWO UNHEALTHY OBSESSIONS OF THIS FUCKING SICKO THAT SHOULD ALIGN RIGHT? BOOM.#and i imagined post fall will experimenting with scents for fun and shit because why not who's to stop him at this point in his life?#and then my brain flashed me a very vivid image of hannibal BURYING his face into will's waist to smell the perfume he put there-#and then my brain short circuited because that is too powerful an image for a mortal brain to comprehend.#i don't think anyone will understand what the fuck it is that i'm on about but y'all should watch that ted talk.#and get ahold of the nearest fic writer you know and force them to write a fic on this BECAUSE THIS IS THE PROMPT THEY'VE BEEN WAITING FOR.#this is actual psychosexual bullshit and istg i've had SO MANY vivid dreams ABOUT SCENTS ALONE it's making me lose my fucking mind.#GAAAAAAAAAAAAH#hannigram#hannibal
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theheadlessgroom · 4 months
"Oh, I dunno," Randall ventured to say with a tiny smile, saying, "I, uh...I got a good feeling that, if you went back and picked it up again, it'd be like old hat to you...like no time had passed at all."
He couldn't explain why he felt that way, he just did-it was so funny, how certain he felt of these little things when it came to Emily; he hadn't known her all that long at all, and yet, he felt as if he'd known her all his life. It was a funny feeling, strange, but altogether not unpleasant. It was sort of pleasant, really, feeling this sort of connection with her-he still couldn't decide if they'd met before or not, but even without that confirmation one way or the other, he quite liked that connection anyhow.
"I, uh, I went to the ballet only once-it was a field trip when I was a kid," he continued, volunteering this memory with warm cheeks and a flustered, fluttering heart. "I don't think I really understood what the show was supposed to be about, but...I do remember the ballerinas being very beautiful. The leader of them, the, uh...prima ballerina, is that it? She was the most beautiful out of all of them, all dressed in pink with a great smile and golden blonde hair..."
He trailed off, realizing how closely this description skewed towards his hostess-he probably had that ballerina to blame for his eternal affection for blondes...
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falled-over · 7 months
remembering truganini is enough to ruin my day.
#i kind of want to make an art piece about her but i do feel weird using her as a basis for it. so it just exists in my head#its not like a 'i would need permission from palawa people to make it thing' i wouldnt do it even if i got permission. its not mine and#doesnt need to be#im sure the person reading this doesnt know who she is so heres a small part of her story;#she came from lutriwita tasmania. during her lifetime she personally witnessed an estimated 96% genocide of her people.#in the 1830's george a robinson towards the end of the 'black wars' (attempted palawa aboriginal genocide. it was very much#a war) travelled to offer a 'peace treaty' of sorts to the very few remaining (from an estimated 6-20 thousand to around 1-2 hundred)#saying they could go and live on an island where they'd be given flour and tea and a 'good white man' to protect them. truganini was asked#to be his guide to ensure he wouldnt be killed when attempting to speak to people. her reasonings for accepting were of course never#recorded but she did. and helped round up those people. almost all of whom died in the horrible conditions they were forced to live in on#that island (wybalenna). 16 made it back to lutriwita.#she saw the graves dug there for her people looted by settlers.#looted for bones. and skin. so they could be studied like specimines#the remaining people were sent back to live in an ex-convict camp in 1838. 8 years on that island. most died. as was the intention#even on her wikipedia page she is credited as 'one of the last full-blooded tasmanian aboriginals' which is a phrase highly contested by#living palawa people today. but she knew her reputation. she was considered the last tasmanian aboriginal.#upon the approaching of her death she took a trip to a nearby river and pointed to the deepest part of it#asking to be buried there#she had seen how her friends family and people had had their graves robbed by white settlers and knew the same would happen to her. she#wanted to rest in peace. in the bush. in the deepest part of the river#born around 1811-1812 she died in 1876#and the last piece of her skin was returned to lutriwita from a british scientific association in 2002.#126 years later#her skeleton was on display in the tasmanian museum (still in operation i might add) until the 1940s. some 70 odd years. and remained in#the museums storage before being returned to the palawa community in 1976. 100 years after her death#she asked to be buried in the deepest part of the river. where no one could touch her.
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calenhads · 1 year
episode review i am never going to recover from this
#meaghan talks#tlou hbo#tlou hbo spoilers#full review i still don't really care about kathleen like i get what they were trying to do and i think she's very sabinacore#but ultimately i didn't care all that much about her story or her brother because i just did not have enough time with her#on one hand i love her bc like. look at her. but also i don't actually care all that much#i joke about the silver fox but idc about him either#i don't even know his name#i liked seeing the ish stuff underground but i do kind of wish we had gotten expanded lore on that bc i thought his whole deal was cool#ONTO THE GOOD PARTS#ellie and sam. full stop i loved their interactions and bonding over the comics they had read#and playing soccer. and sam laughing and henry saying he hadn't heard that in a while. literally heartbreaking#the acting was incredible and there were so many moments where i had to face that in a lot of ways henry isn't all that old#in so many ways he's also just a kid forced to pick up a burden that was far too heavy for him and either sink or swim#and i think joel sees that in a lot of their interactions but he doesn't really know what to do with it#and god. ellie trying to cure sam. trying to stay awake with him through the night. but inevitably falling asleep.#that ellie and joel took precious time and energy and properly buried them.#and ellie wrote i'm sorry on sam's notepad. that's when the tears actually started and i just had to sit there like!!! cool!! awesome!!#AND WE GET TOMMY NEXT EPISODE!!!!!
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