#(the entertainment company may or may not be Disney btw)
zikadraws · 11 months
I couldn't exactly get what I wanted for Halloween done, sooo you're getting some OC stuff.
Her name is Salomé, and she's been 11 for twelve thousand years.
Happy Halloween.
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matt0044 · 7 months
So... this was... wallop. Yet not entirely unexpected.
I think... some of the writing was on the wall. Even if he didn't get all trigger-happy, between RTX staff getting laid off among other cuts, a lot of mismanaged management persisting and RWBY being the one thing that was consistently keeping the lights on, this felt... disappointingly inevitable.
Make no mistake, dear ol' Davey-boy took the shot... but Rooster Teeth sadly made themselves too easy of a target. If not him, somebody else.
Also make no mistake, that this unwarned closure announcement wasn't disclosed to those still working. Another example of how the top brass never concern themselves with the "cog" of the machine as it were.
Heck, I ponder if Red Vs. Blue's final season was green-lit when they saw the signs. Might as well end things with how it all began. I hope Camp Camp has a good season finale around here to go out on.
Internet entertainment companies are often easy to get more tangibly mad at since a parasocial relationship is far more engendered compared to something too big to so much as approach like Disney.
It's also more easy to feel betrayed when some damn dirty laundry spills out from the hamper. The grassroots illusion of it all is snapped away. Made worse when there's a concerted effort to present themselves as getting with the times. Acknowledging, well, white people aren't the center of the universe.
But that doesn't mean that they deserved to go out like this. Nor that all they've done up to now never mattered.
The RWDE can drum up every "hot take" they can but RWBY is loved and popular for a damn good reason beyond what they may dismiss it as. Red Vs. Blue grew a ton from the basic Halo machinima of the early 2000s into a legitimate Halo spin-off. ZERO good actually BTW. It formed communities be it for love or just blowing off steam from being pissed to hell.
There may be a million "The Rise and Fall of-" videos waiting in the wings but they wouldn't even be a thought if Rooster Teeth wasn't what it was, warts and all. Some warts, yes, were more ugly than others.
Whoever worked there with all those warts, I hope to hell and back that this can be at least a good spot on your resume going forward.
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Okay this might sound mean but it's not my intention... Do you think post-Hamilton LMM wouldn't be where he is film industry-wise if he chose not to allow Hamilton on Disney+? I read somewhere that Disney asked him (probably more than once) to release it on there but he kept refusing so they made a deal: He'll allow it on the streaming service in return of him getting to write songs for Disney songs. (I loved him in MPR despite his failed British accent, btw - so adorable and quite the charmer!)
Oooh, I read that somewhere too! Are you talking about his relevance in Disney or his acting career in general? Whether the musical got put on Disney+ or not has nothing to do with his entertainment career and relevance in Hollywood. Also, it was originally going to have a theatrical release on October 15, 2021, but it went on Disney+ July 3, 2020; and I, personally, wish that that did not happen. It should have gone to the movie theaters first and then Disney+, but considering what went into effect in 2020, it may not have done well in the box office, so this second plan actually worked out.
If you're referring to his acting career in general, then I can't say yes or no, because he's had acting gigs in both film and television before 'Hamilton: An American Musical', which ran from February 2015-July 2016 starring him and the rest of the original cast members (it began airing "previews" on Broadway July 2015 and opened to the public in August); however, he just wasn't as well-known like he is today. The Broadway musical instantly becoming a global phenomenon as well as earning countless awards and nominations, which I honestly feel is rare nowadays especially considering every musical seems to be based on a novel or film, is what boosted his career as well as relevance in Hollywood. Fun fact: He was writing music for both Moana (2016) and the musical at the same. Now, about Disney itself and Disney only, I feel that his affiliation with Moana is why he's still working with the company. If I'm interpreting this correctly, I think the deal was he'll allow the musical on Disney+ if he gets to star in Disney films of his choice, not continue writing songs for Disney films. I think he'll continue writing songs for Disney no matter what. (The only animated films he wrote all the songs for are Moana and Encanto, and both of them were a success!) I could be totally wrong, though, so someday I'll do research and see if I'm right or wrong.
Side Rant: Lin-Manuel Miranda is a genius. He's so creative and poetic, and I love watching interviews with him, because you can hear genuine passion, enthusiasm and excitement in his tone (or seriousness depending on the topic). He strikes me as a deep thinker too. This beautiful, talented Puerto Rican clearly has a gift for writing (songs), and I believe that that is also why he's thriving today. Lin-Manuel Miranda is a multitalented, natural entertainer.
0 notes
andreycoded · 4 years
I’m gonna write a messy, short essay here about the spn finale. I know we’re all enjoying analysing and ripping it apart because, oh god, if you just look at all the pieces, all of us could’ve written so much better, and they all deserved so much better, and it hurts. but all in all i haven’t had that hard of a time forgetting about the finale, and the reason is that the minute that episode started I went. fuck. they really made a nostalgia episode for the last one.
i’ve got a really complicated relationship with nostalgia. i get high on nostalgia, like everyone else, that’s why all of us distanced spn fans went off the rails on november 5th. generally, i keep getting stuck on things that were good in the past and i love reliving those things by remembering. but not thinking about personal experience, i hate nostalgia. hate itttt. it ties so much into bad things these days and there’s two aspects in which it is relevant to the finale: firstly, how nostalgia is monetized, second, how white (cis? straight? i don’t know who specifically had a hand in writing the finale and i’m not gonna look it up for this, feel free to argue) males especially think of nostalgia. for example, disney owns our brains in the most crucial developmental phase, so the way they’re capitalizing on that childhood nostalgia is a good example of the bigger picture going on with it. right now, it’s really easy for all companies that have to do with entertainment to go the route of just evoking those sweet sweet memories. nostalgia has to do with emotion, emotion is a really easy way to persuade people to buy things, because invoking those familiar feelings is a way to instantly make you care. so if you think about ending your series (or beginning a sequel, looking at you the force awakens, actually probably the whole trilogy, whatever) what do you think is the surefire way to get that emotional punch out of people? now, we know that that surefire way is to do the work required, do a little original thinking and pick up the pieces of the narrative that still need completing. but if you were someone not privy to this understanding, if you were feeling lazy or if you possibly were someone thinking about things from a commercial point of view, you would most likely think oh! all the classic supernatural things, that’s what’ll make the people happy. and that probably did make a section of the fans happy! some people are happy with the endless churning out of remakes, as long as the industry is willing to do it (looking at you winx remake). i find it hard to blame them, especially when the future is sometimes looking really grim. but it’s also making me feel desperate, because we need to get out of the past to get original things, we need new stories, and the industry isn’t funding them because original ideas monetarily are a risk, a gamble. (now i’m rambling) so all of the things about the finale rang to me like remember this thing? remember this thing? remember this thing? the sympathies and narrative positions of the writers would factor into this and figuring out what they were thinking with all of this, like whether the last hunt or dean filling out a job form was supposed to feel (soul-crushingly) sad so that the death felt sad - idk, as i said i haven’t really looked into it and i don’t know the writers that well. now obviously, it’s hurting so much to think that in the end dean was that daddy’s blunt instrument, what with going on a hunt taken from john’s diary. but if you didn’t have a brain and were writing that, wouldn’t you maybe think that this is where it all started, it’s so emotional to remind everybody of that. bring back the hunt, the diary, the brother dynamic, that one vampire lady nobody remembers but it’s still a callback? i can’t remember what else there was but the ”plot” in the start of that ep was trying so hard to be season 1. and the pie. that’s nostalgic, that’s emotional. right? riiight. all of these cheap emotional cues left no room for actually dealing with anything that had been going on. (i don’t need to say that but i said it anyway: 101 of writing, there’s action and then there’s reaction, rinse and repeat.) not paying attention to the possible versions of the finale that there may have been before covid, even the decision to start everything as it started makes sense from this point of view, thinking about all the things from the earlier seasons that you could reference. oh my god, remember how sam wanted this in the beginning, always wanted to get out? and how dean said this is how he would go? how fitting! god this is way too long. ok so idk, i faintly remember that some of the writers have stated that they wrote the story for themselves. it might be a different writer than those who wrote the finale (i don’t know, sue me) but there’s definitely a pattern of white male writers lapsing into this nostalgia narrative. and supernatural was meant to be relatable to young white men, right? this time it’s not that kind of ”remember when everything was better” narrative that it usually is in politics, but definitely related to the question of ownership and entitlement. i think that personally a white man writing this (or star wars, or other things) might think of it like this is what was important to me. this is how it started, so many years ago and it’s so meaningful to me and reminds me of those years and feelings. this is my story and i want to end it on that emotional nostalgia that i feel. so to wrap this up somehow, i find it really hard to take the finale seriously when i think of the bigger picture. this is not to say that i don’t acutely feel everything about how dirty the characters were done, and i cherish and relate to every single post analysing that episode. I love to talk about it and debate it, but when it comes to being a finale denialist, it’s easy. after the primary reactions of laughing and then feeling angry when i thought about it, it just makes me feel flat. that was somebody elses personal version of a finale. that was a symptomatic, sad consequence of the larger theme going on, of men claming ownership to stories and/by taking into account only their own subjective experiences of it. and the fact that largely the entertainment industry is counting on everyone else doing the same right now. it was just a sad shortcoming that is entirely removed from the overarching story and plot (both pretty damn original and emotional) some of them were committed to doing. btw there’s a good article about how “originality is always traded for nostalgia” by writer khadejah jones. even though i’m high on that s1 rewatch nostalgia right now, let’s also remember to look for new things. i know a lot of you are going to be the ones creating those things and i’m looking forward to them, so let’s try to nudge the industry that way while we wait.
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alatismeni-theitsa · 4 years
Answering more anti-LO asks:
(1) Smythe definitely comes across as a child over a professional. She's nearly 40 years old and reacts like an entitled teenager when she doesn't get the mindless praise she wants or someone isn't kissing her feet, and brags about it! She probably relates to this child-like Persephone because she acts exactly like a spoiled teenager versus a grown adult. I've seen actual teenagers online who act with more poise and grace than Smythe ever has.
(2) As funny as Smythe can be being sassy about Disney, Disney also owns the Henson Company, aka the company that now owns the rights to LO. I'd never wish her ill-will, but you know, not the smartest idea to get snippy with the company that can easily sink your one project because you don't know when to just be quiet. Not saying she has to bow to them, but it's hard to be in entertainment, you have to play nice and we are well aware she can't, so she should learn sooner rather than later.
(3) The dream ending of LO is Persephone rejects Hades and goes with Hermes + she goes and lives her own life of healing with her own friends and family. Hecate takes over the Underworld since she's the only good worker, and Hades and Hera are left penniless and alone because they're removed for abusing their power sand trying to groom a teenager to be his wife, also him being a slave owner and both them for being lying hypocrites.
(4) Hey I’m not sure if you still do anti lore olympus but I gonna put this here anyway. Isn’t me or do the LO gods look like the ones from Disney Hercules. Just Look.. Disney Hades- Blue LO Hades- Also Blue Disney Persephone and LO Persephone are both pink Disney Apollo and LO Apollo are both purple Disney Demeter and LO Demeter are both green with a pink child. Disney Zeus’ Toga is Purple but I could being alittle picky. (Sorry for my bad grammar and spelling btw heh)
(5) Btw am I also the only who think Persephone is just a Mary-Sue? She’s perfect at everything and everyone (But Minthe, Apollo, and Thanatos) loves her? And she just ARRGH acts like a child just to get her way. I used to love LO dearly back in 2018 but now it’s just doesn’t excite me anymore. The fans are also very toxic. Harassing other H&P comic makers and stuff. Sorry for the long post, I just had to get this off my chest. I can’t believe that she made my baby Apollo evil for no reason. :(
(6) The biggest comment i see from LO fans is "its a story fo agency" but where exactly is Persephone's agency? She doesn't get to control anything about her life beyond what everyone else like Hera or the plot makes happen , her only "agency" is through, i guess, wanting Hades? What about her own goals? Her wants? Her dreams? We see nothing about this supposed agency beyond wanting to hop into bed with her boss. I'm waiting to see when she's supposed to have a choice in anything.
(7) Let's be real here, if LO Hades can only relate/feel a ~connection~ to an immature teenage then he does not deserve to be a king or CEO of anything bc that means he's either just as immature as her aka should not be leading anything or is just a plain ol' creep who may or may not be grooming her. There are more and more people being disgusted with rich, older men lusting after girls barely out of their teens in real life, and for good reason! He should be held to the same standards!
1) No joke, from the way she acts I initially thought she was 20+ at best!
2) “Disney also owns the Henson Company”. Shiiiit! I didn’t know that! She should be more careful. But... see ask no.1 xD
3) I actually like this ending??
4) You are right! The colors are similar. Was this the cartoon she picked her artstyle from? I mean not exactly the style, but the colors. Fans were accusing her of something like this...
5) I think she would be a Mary Sue if the rules of the established universe bended to suit her. I don’t remember this happening tbh. She is also not perfect and most of characters there don’t claim she is perfect. So she has problems as a character for sure, but I wouldn’t say she is a Mary Sue.
6) Don’t worry, she will finally have agency in episode 500!! 🤣
7) Unfortunatelly Smythe brought the story to a modern setting with today’s moral values so... yes we should judge LO Hades the same way as we do with older male celebrities. And it’s a pity because it takes us away from the original story and the fact that we are not actually meant to judge the actions of gods. 
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kpoptrashships · 7 years
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🍁🌺Heller, can i get an idol life ship please? My name is Diana, I am 15, my zodiac is pisces.*and i am 5'3* I have a bubbly personality, I am very clumsy,sassy,stubborn,care free,open minded, annoying,confident,sometimes arrogant, weird,lazy ass and hippie..Oh, and I am a very random person, like I say many random things and I love to do weird faces.Sarcasm is my second name. I love to do crazy things, I have no shame and I like to think of myself that I am a creative person. I hate liars and people who can’t keep their promises. My fears are spiders and dark. I love to smile and I love to make other people happy..I stan friendship and world peace..I am very emotional, I love rain, books, movies, TEA and night walks.Sometimes I may seem dumb but I am not*at least I hope* I am a loyal person, kind hearted, I love to help people around me, I am not homophobic* I am pansexual btw*I am not racist and I also believe that men and women should be treated equally. I am very shy at first but after u get to know me I am not shy anymore.I don’t have a lot of friends, in fact I have only 3 friends but I thank my lucky star that I have them. I am a family person, I love my family very much. I love music with all my heart and I cant picture a day of my life without it. I can draw and I can sing and dance. I love animals,my favourite animal is idk,i think dog*i have 2 dogs btw,and a cat*and i love food, Disney movies and animes. Oh,and I also love acting. Beside kpop i listen to western pop rock, metal, indie and alternative.. I love to travel and to take photos of thing that I like. I don’t judge anybody and I really think that everybody is beautiful in their own way.I am a very positive and optimistic person. My favourite colors are pastel Pink and peach So yeah.. That’s all…I am really sorry if this is too much.. And I hope I don’t bother you. Oh and I also love ALIENS, CONSPIRACY THEORIES and everything that means paranormal activity. *and every day I lip sync to songs and think that I am famous* *again I am really sorry if this is too much*🌺🍁
Thanks for requesting Mon Cutie!!~ Hope you like it!!
Company: SM Entertainment
Stage Name: Diana
Main Position: Vocals
Sub-Position: Maknae
Type of Idol: The 4-D Maknae, when you first debuted you were shy, but you easily came out of your shell and everyone loves you! Your stage charisma is a 180 from your fun and silly personality!
Group Name: Magic
Number of Members: 8
Number of Nationalities: 5 Korean, 1 American, 1 Chinese, and You!~
Fandom Name: Lunar
Fandom Color/Theme: Peach&Lilac/Magical
Group Theme: Girl Crush/Flirty
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First Song: Touch
First Mini Album: Moon Cycle: Cresent Moon
Years Active: 10
Dating Scandal: Exo’s Oh Sehun !
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Brother Group: SHINee
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Sister Group: SNSD (Girl’s Generation)
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Collabs: Oh My Girl
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-admin pensu
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thepennydarling · 5 years
Happy HUUUUUMP Day, ya’ll!
Preston and I have had a VERY busy…month, actually, and it’s not slowing down anytime soon! Phew! Lots of work and things to do!
This is a VERY exciting Wednesday, if you didn’t know it!
My 27th birthday is next Thursday, May 23rd! And I am excited and a little nervous!
So I’ve teamed up to giveaway over $1,000 of giveaways with some of my favorite places to shop, my most requested items, and more! We’ve got Vermont Teddy Bear Factory, ModCloth, Unique Vintage, and more!
However, this is a SUPER exciting week (starting today!) with you all!
Let’s talk about the ruuuules!
Let me just sneak the boring stuff so we can get to the goods! Check me out on Instagram here!  I also have a selling Instagram page where I sell some of my old clothes/styles so that I don’t drown in my own wardrobe. I just listed a few new things – so check that out!
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All giveaways will take place on Instagram between 5/16 and 5/22.
Winners will be randomly selected & all be announced on 5/24.
You follow me, like the pic, & tag two besties to enter EACH post!
Each Instagram post is a DIFFERENT giveaway and will be listed in the description!
Follow the company who is sponsoring the giveaway! (they will be tagged!)
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Throughout the week there will be LOTS of opportunities for extra entries! Keep posted to my Instagram stories, blog posts, and Facebook for announcing opportunities!
For extra entries ANY day, like & follow All-In-One Company on Instagram and comment your fave animal emoji!
For double entries ANY day, like & follow the shops listed at the bottom of this page!
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  I’m kicking off this birthday week with a totally gorgeous tea party, hosted by Bigelow Tea!
Ya’ll know how much ya girl loves tea. I love it hot, iced, and spilled! Ha! So obvi, I knew I wanted to have a birthday tea party with Bigelow! I love to put peppermint tea bags in my water bottles for a refreshing twist, sleepytime tea for relaxing, or even sharing English Breakfast (Preston’s fave!) with him!
Check out Bigelow Tea on Social Media! You can check them out on Facebook here, and you can sip on over to the ‘gram to follow Bigelow here!
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This skirt was CUSTOM designed by the INCREDIBLE Rachel Gray of Wishes & Wardrobes to look like the style icon: MINNIE MOUSE for the Surprise Celebration in Disney! Rachel makes totally custom and Disney Inspired garments!
Check Wishes & Wardrobes out on social media!  Instagram & Etsy  (double bonus: her Insta is TOTALLY adorable!)
Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse don new outfits bursting with color to commemorate 90 years of magic in celebrations across Disney Parks. Beginning in January 2019 at the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, Calif., guests are invited to Get Your Ears On – A Mickey and Minnie Celebration. The special party will feature new entertainment and decor at Disneyland park, plus limited-time food and beverage offerings and festive merchandise available throughout the resort. (Richard Harbaugh/Disneyland Resort)
  Giveaway #1: All-in-One Company
The All-in-One Company is a wonderful company & is our sponsor of the week! They make custom onesies for ALL bodies & EVERY body. One of their motto’s is that no one is different, but everyone is unique!
They prove their commitment to that motto with everything from custom fabric type (I’m more of a jersey than a fleece gal), patterns, pockets, ears, tails, and a million other perfect details! The All-in-One Company utilizes custom sizing, suggested sizing (from newborn to 5XL). Preston & I already have PERFECT onesies (that we look adorable in, BTW!).
These onesies are the most Snuggletastic delight to grace the Darling household since Charlie! They’re handmade by the The All-in-One Company team in the UK! Find out more about their story here!
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  Giveaway #2: Harvey’s of California
For this giveaway, I’ll be gifting one of these adorable Toy Story bags featuring the Pizza Planet aliens! This Harvey’s of California signature seat belt bag is a total exclusive!
These little alien guys were my favorite characters in Toy Story growing up (and my mom’s too!), so when I saw that Harvey’s had a new line inspired by Disney’s Toy Story, I knew I HAD to have one (and Harvey’s gifted me a second one to giveaway!). Shop the rest of this line here, partner!
Check out Harvey’s on Social Media
Facebook Instagram
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  Giveaway #3: $200 ModCloth Gift Card
Ya’ll know that ModCloth are MY PEOPLE! ModCloth is actually what started my fashion obsession about five years ago! If I were Citizen Kane, ModCloth would be my rosebud. Ha!
ModCloth is a size inclusive, retro-inspired, & quirky clothing company is a total gem for finding about half my wardrobe! The total unique prints (both made in house & stockists of smaller boutique labels!) has something for every body from XXS-4X (or 0-30 approx.).
Check out ModCloth on social media here:
Facebook Instagram Twitter
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Giveaway #4: $150 Curvy Couture Intimates Gift Card
So I wear a 44G cup. (is that TMI? I don’t care). It’s a big freaking bra. it has provided a never-ending amount of stress in my life. My bras are ALWAYS expensive, ALWAYS in boring colors, ALWAYS marketed to ‘slim’ me, and always a little uncomfortable somewhere.
When I found Curvy Couture – all of their bras WERE UNDER $60 (a thing that has literally never once happened to me). with some even being under $50, available in a millions colors and fabric types, and with an EXTENSIVELY awesome size selection!
Bonus: I have a promo code: ABBY20 for 20% your whole order! Baller. (so theoretically you could get a new bra for like $35) Shop my dusty rose set here!
Check out Curvy Couture on Social Media: 
Facebook Twitter Instagram
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  Giveaway #5: $150 Unique Vintage Giveaway
This vintage inspired & size inclusive site is a RETRO dream! Unique Vintage has sizes XS-5x (with new size charts, if you haven’t checked it out!).
Unique Vintage has their site divided into ERA! How cool is that? They go from 1920’s-1970’s inspired clothing! I have pieces from almost every era-inspired line! Bonus: not only does Unique Vintage have adorable pieces & an exclusive label, but they also have exclusive collabs with brands like Disney, Barbie, & Pantone!
Check out Unique Vintage on Social Media
Facebook Twitter Instagram
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  Giveaway #6: Vermont Teddy Bear Factory Hunka Love
Ya’ll know how much I lovelovelove The Professor….aka, my SIX FOOT TEDDY BEAR! He’s such a cute and spoopy addition to our home and he came all the way from the Vermont Teddy Bear Factory to live with us!He’s so soft, comfy, and cute and definitely a conversation starter!
Vermont Teddy Bear Factory, in Burlington, Vermont, is a place that makes handcrafted bears with love and care in every stitch!
For this giveaway, I’ll be giving away a 4′ Big Hunka Love® Bear from the Vermont Teddy Bear Factory. Your new friend will be a liiiiiiittle smaller than my bear, but equally as cuddly and fun!
Check out VTB on Social Media!
Facebook Twitter Instagram
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  Giveaway #7: $150 Avenue Gift Card
Avenue is, as ya’ll know, one of my FAVE places to shop…because I like everything! I have work out gear, shoes, bras, panties, dresses, skirts, swimsuits, blouses, faux leather jackets, graphic tees and sweatshirts, jammies, and anything else you can think of!
This plus sized company has a varied selection for all different body types! Avenue goes from size 14-32 or 14-32 and is a big range for plus sized bodies!
Bonus: I wear Avenue undies literally every single day. 10/10 would recommend for a friend!
Check out Avenue on Social Media! 
Facebook Twitter Instagram
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  Extra Entries!
Follow any of these AMAZING shops who sent me some awesome and lovely birthday gifts from 5/16-5/23 for extra entries for any post!
  Parks & Recs Candle Set by C & E Craft Co.
Ya’ll know how much your girl is totally a Leslie Knope type. I identify with approximately 99% of her quirks, lines, and plots! So these AMAZING-Knope-approved candles set (like Little Sebastian, JJ’s Diner, & Treat Yo’ Self) are richly scented and long burning!
I got this set from C & E Craft Company out of Pennsylvania! Check them out on Etsy here, and follow them on their socials here: Facebook & Instagram
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  Recreational Pipes from MudHedz
These totally gorgeous, hand crafted, and adorable ceramic pipes from MudHedz are AMAZING. They are so perfect for some recreational needs and they are totally a show stopper! I got one for a friend a few years ago for Christmas and I’ve been obsessed ever since!
Check out MudHez here! Check out the pickle pipe here & the conch pipe here!
Follow MudHedz on Facebook & Etsy & Instagram
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  Go-Go Gryffindor Glitter Candle
I fought it for years, pretending to be a Ravenclaw, but I’m totally a Gryffindor. This House Pride Candle from Geeky Girl Scents. This candle has a hazelnut coffee scent, is speckled with gold glitter, and is long lasting and delightful!
I got this set from Geeky Girl Scents! Check them out on Etsy here, Facebook, & Twitter, & Instagram!
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  Check out these games from PlayMonster!
Preston & I lovelovelove board games and I was gifted a bunch of board games and now we can’t stop competing! Ha! (spoiler alert! I’m up!). Check out where to shop these here!
My faves are Utter Nonsense & The Game of Things! I am always laughing like a lunatic when I play these with our game group!
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  May the odds be ever in your favor!
Thank you to all of the wonderful sponsors, companies, friends, and family that are making this possible! Be sure to check out the rules, how to get extra entries, and be following me & checking me out on social media!
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  *This post is sponsored by the above listed companies with generous gifting as well! Thank you to all! However, all thoughts & opinions are my own!
If you are at all interested in doing a collab or working with me – please feel free to check out my new Contact Me! page! I also do social media consulting and photography, so please reach out! Let’s work together!
Follow me on Instagram: @thepennydarling
Like my Facebook page here!
Follow me on Twitter here!
Subscribe for updates!
If you’d like to donate to help me keep Penny Darling going – click here!
Comment for topics you would like to see me cover! Like to help my self esteem! What do you think so far? More fashion? More lifestyle? Do you like the mix?
Thank you for all that you do. You are truly extraordinary.
Love all you wonderful ladies (and gents!) out there!
How Very,
Birthday Week Giveaway Kick-Off! Check out the rules & what I'm giving away & how to get extra entries! Happy HUUUUUMP Day, ya'll! Preston and I have had a VERY busy...month, actually, and it's not slowing down anytime soon!
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btwthemes · 6 years
55 Creative Entertainment Ideas For Your Next Event Or Meeting -BTW-
New Post has been published on https://btwthemes.com/wpthemes/55-creative-entertainment-ideas-for-your-next-event-or-meeting-btw/
55 Creative Entertainment Ideas For Your Next Event Or Meeting -BTW-
1. Rent a comic who can poke some enjoyable at your CEO, do an impersonation of him, and even make a lightweight of your business as an entire.
2. Rent a magician that may included your gross sales message into his magic, or lower your CEO or receptionist in half. He would possibly even have the ability to vanish the CEO, a lot to the delight of the workers.
three. Ebook a vocal enchancment group to take requests and spin them right into a humorous efficiency.
four. Have a musician write a music about your organization and play it on the occasion.
5. Rent a star impersonator to return to the occasion and signal autographs and take photos with friends.
6. Ebook a caricature artist to attract customized sketches of every worker on the firm. These are enjoyable souvenirs as effectively.
7. Ebook a digital caricature artist who composes his or her images digitally on a pc proper in entrance of your eyes. They will even personalize the backdrop to mirror the corporate or occasion. This can be a nice memento for the friends to take house.
eight. Ebook a balloon artist that makes the life dimension figures reminiscent of Disney characters, surroundings like palm bushes, enormous firm logos, and extra. The balloon artist can do these figures with everybody watching making it an expertise to look at the balloons being put collectively.
9. How a few strolling juggler who can mingle via the cocktail hour.
10. Ebook a stilt walker to make an enormous announcement on your firm at an annual convention or assembly. It’s a enjoyable and assured technique to get everybody's consideration.
11. A clown is a good choice for occasions with kids or households. There are additionally evil clowns for occasions with no children or round Halloween.
12. Ebook a palm reader to make psychic predictions about the way forward for the corporate or to inform individuals's fortunes.
13. Rent a actuality TV star to work together with friends. They’re far much less cash than massive time Hollywood celebrities.
14. Ebook a tribute band to play the songs of an artist that’s standard among the many friends.
15. An a cappella group can carry out on stage or stroll via the occasion throughout a cocktail hour or dinner.
16. Rent a symphony orchestra to play on the occasion. You will want to contemplate area necessities for any such an act.
17. You could possibly have a mime act out a company message to workers or occasion prospects.
18. Ebook a DJ to play solely requested songs or songs from a sure period such because the 80's
19. Break dancers may be plenty of enjoyable. They’re typically younger, hip, and add a way of youth to an occasion.
20. How a few mariachi band for some festive music.
21. A metal drum band could be a good addition to a excessive finish gala occasion.
22. Reserving a fireplace eater may be a good way to kick off the launch of a sizzling new services or products.
23. Carolers may be good addition to any vacation occasion.
24. A dwelling assertion could be a nice thought for nearly any occasion. Be sure you ask for a dwelling assertion that matches carefully to the theme of your occasion or assembly.
25. Reserving a cirque act is a good thought when the occasion wants one thing outstanding or to get a buzz going. Be sure you can accommodate for the area a number of the cirque acts require.
26. A snake charmer is a singular method break up a gathering or appeal to a crowd at an occasion.
27. Rent a mentalist to learn the minds of the friends. That is inventive method that the performer can work together with the viewers.
28. How about an ice sculptor who can sculpt the corporate emblem or a company message reside whereas individuals watch it being carved.
29. Acrobats present a purely addition to an occasion.
30. Singing waiters are an a cappella group dressed as formal waiters. This catches friends off guard and is an offbeat technique to infuse leisure into the eating expertise.
31. Ballroom dancers may be standard with all of the dance themed TV reveals like Dancing with the Stars and others.
32. A barbershop quartert is an a cappella group the place all of the members put on pink and white costumes, just like that of a barbershop pole. This has a nostalgic really feel to it.
33. Dueling pianos are a implausible technique to get the viewers concerned with nonstop leisure
34. You could possibly have your workers placed on the leisure by having a expertise present and getting everybody within the firm concerned together with the CEO. You’ll want to report this so everybody can watch it in a while, or it’s possible you’ll even wish to ship all of them house with a replica, or mail it to them afterwards. You could possibly additionally submit them on YouTube for all to touch upon.
35. A marching band may be an official technique to introduce anyone particular on the occasion. It may also be a method of displaying that the corporate doesn’t take themselves too significantly in the event that they ebook a enjoyable themed marching band.
36. Ebook the 60 second novelist. He comes together with his personal desk and a handbook typewriter and requests friends a number of inquiries to get a way of who they’re, and he sorts out a brief life story in a single minute. He even binds it so friends can take it house. The story is humorous, imaginative and true. This can be a enjoyable technique to get individuals to open up and share their tales and get to know one another.
37. Face painters are a neat technique to entertain the youngger children.
38. A choir could be a good technique to make a grandiose assertion.
39. How about an opera singer for a sophisticated occasion or gala.
40. A graffiti artist that may create a portray of somebody or one thing with a big crowd watching. Some artists do any such factor tremendous quick, making it intriguing to look at.
41. Ebook hula dancers to mingle on the dance ground with friends.
42. How about Polynesian dancers to inject a singular tradition into the occasion.
43. A ventriloquist could be a nice leisure alternative that may play effectively for teenagers or adults relying on the performer.
44. Rent a dynamic storyteller who can weave a message in regards to the objective of the occasion or assembly.
45. An escape artist is a dramatic technique to convey messages reminiscent of, escaping or breaking freed from limiting beliefs and constraints. This could be a good technique to encourage workers to attain a objective.
46. ​​Reserving a hypnotist can present a severe ingredient or a comedic one.
47. A rapper might carry out a comedic rap particularly written in regards to the firm. Some rappers may even improvise this on the spot.
48. A puppeteer is an alternative choice for youngger kids to maintain them entertained.
49. Rent a sword swallower to draw the group or if it matches into the theme.
50. You may all the time rent an actual Hollywood celeb to draw the eye and buzz you want or strive reserving a few smaller celebrities to make higher use of your funds and get extra celeb drawing energy.
51. You would possibly wish to ebook a political impersonator that’s standard reminiscent of Sarah Palin or Barack Obama.
52. A harpist can add a lightweight musical contact with out loud music. This may be good for a laid again, excessive finish ambiance.
53. How about having a number of celeb tribute artists on stage performing a bunch of hits songs from the varied artists they impersonate.
54. Have a stage the place completely different executives from the corporate do karaoke for a wide range of songs.
55. Lastly, one of the best ways to ensure a inventive leisure expertise is to have the performer or performers customise their actions to your occasion or assembly. This creates a memorable expertise friends are certain to recollect for a very long time.
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