#she is my favourite muse
littleblueteacup · 5 months
“I love you, dear dragon. Won’t you come sit by the fire with me?” - Me, possibly about to hurt some feelings
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 2 months
You cinephile in black and white, all those plot twists and dynamite / Said “forever,” then he blew it up
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Taylor Swift describing her relationship with Harry Styles in terms of colors:
Slut!: “Flamingo pink, Sunrise Boulevard”, “Aquamarine, moonlit swimmin' pool” & “In the tangerine, neon light, this is luxury.”
Out of the Woods: “The rest of the world was black and white / But we were in screaming color.”
Wonderland (original lyrics): "Colors I'd never seen twisting around me."
Question…?: “I don't remember who I was before you / Painted all my nights / A color I've searched for since.”
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butcharium · 6 months
My girlfriend just said that I am like granite to her this is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me <3<3 solid, dependable, and full of beauty <3
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cureblogging · 8 months
Once again laughing hysterically about Max Heart. Why is she called Shiny Luminous. Moon Moon-ass magical girl name
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immobiliter · 1 month
josephine montilyet my beloved, i knew you'd tempt me to bring you back as a muse once i started replaying dai <3
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bakawitch · 1 year
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And here's Anzu for the muse au!
Her theme is dream, but most of her powers are associated with butterflies and reflections (they're both pretty common imagery used for dreams to my understanding).
Her magic is extremely strong, and she tends to be more reliant on it rather than using physical strength. Besides her fancy ballet like fighting style, she also has the ability to invoke forgotten dreams in people who lost faith in the path they're taking. She has been a muse for a couple of years, but she worked alone up until she moved back to Domino and met Yugi again.
🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋
In the au, Anzu moved away from Domino right after she finished high school to pursue her dreams of becoming a dancer. She hasn't made it to Broadway yet, but she is getting there!
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wolfisland · 8 months
painting me and my wife because idk im insane
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oculusxcaro · 8 months
[I portray Rorschach as gay but low-key his bond with Khare is so sweet and meaningful that I could see him being fine with platonically marrying Khare. In a world where that would even be on the table, which I'm sure is not.
but also Khare could get a green card that way. just sayin]
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Rue, this is the sweetest thing and I'm sorry it's taken a while to reply to this because I kept coming back to this and grinning like an idiot until my cheeks hurt? Rorschach and Khare's relationship is by far one of my all-time favourite experiences, not just on this one thing but roleplaying in general.
Their connection is one of those things I never saw coming but holy crap, it's so good, the way their bond has grown so much and whenever I'm having a bad day, I just think back to one of their many interactions and start smiling like a loon all over again. It goes without saying your Rorschach is absolutely-fucking-phenomenal - all your muses are, but your writing in particular pulled Watchmen from the deepest recesses of 2009 and dragged it right back into the forefront again. Dan, Liz and Adrian are all beautifully written but I can't deny these two are something deeply special to me. Guilty as charged, your honor. ♥ Your Rorschach being gay (which I adore about him) is so brilliantly portrayed and reasoned, so it's all the more meaningful that, in the best case scenario, he'd actually be okay with platonically marrying Khare? I don't think she'd mind either; sure he's no Bruce Wayne, but that doesn't matter to her because she adores him and he really is the closest friend she's got, both in Gotham and probably in her life which was nothing special until, you know, the whole getting-kidnapped-and-turned-into-an-experimental-guinea-pig type thing. He's been good to her though, and even though not a lot of people like him very much, he's important to her, so even though it's not likely there's a world where this would actually happen given the issues™ our two have, just the thought that he'd willingly do this for her says a lot considering his attitude about women. She gets a green card, he gets a beard so nobody looks at them too closely and Rorschach can continue contending with his feelings and accept his being gay. It's a win/win situation if, you know, Rorschach didn't have a crippling deathwish and Khare wasn't basically rotting from the inside out. Still, it's a very sweet thing to think about and these two being able to heal from their pasts and come out as better people for it.
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nysus-temple · 2 years
Calliope: Valentine’s day is just a consumerist holiday that holds no real value other than drive people insane buying heart shaped chocolates for their significant others and—
Apollo: Calliope! I wrote you a poem!
Calliope, already crying: You did?
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awalkoflife · 23 days
@felixferitas sent: you're the shit. you deserve the best. ( fee & india )
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india wonders if he can sense it. her difference in demeanour. the way she's resorted to staying in instead of going out with them all. her lack of enthusiasm for what feels like almost everything lately. the compliment throws her off guard, the subtle sincerity of it even though he's still likening her to metaphorical shit . "fee." his name is shaky on her lips, doe brown eyes filling up despite herself. it's nearing the end of the school year, her nerves are frayed and she's more sensitive than ever. "you don't, we don't ---" have to do this. whatever it was. their way of preparing to say goodbye for the summer, perhaps? she finds it to be too much, his sentiments, as well as her own emotions. "ugh, it's so fucking hot." could she fool him by pretending it was merely the weather that was bothering her?
turning momentarily in the opposite direction, she swipes her hand across her face. a couple of stray tears are rubbed away with a quick flick of her fingers. she's trying and failing to compose herself in front of him, something that she thought she'd mastered. "i'm sorry." the apology is unnecessary because she already knows that he won't judge her for this. as unintentionally cruel as he'd been with her heart, she knew with certainty that he still cared about her. "my parents are getting a divorce." the weight of her words feel heavy in her throat. he's the first person she's told. as an only child, india had no siblings to comfort her or confide in. she'd been carrying the news around for a while, trying to bury it in the sand until the exams were over. "my mum is moving back to london indefinitely, but my dad's staying in italy. i'm thinking of spending the summer with him."
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a-hell-of-a-time · 1 month
" So, how did you manage to stay off the marriage radar? " ( via asking for no particular reason - none at all )
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"The short and simple answer would be your mother, especially after my own...previous engagement failed.
The longer answer would be that Stella had more opportunities to marry up in the eyes of our parents, so my marriage prospects were neglected in favour of hers. That, and my previous engagement did not go as planned."
He paused for a moment. "Through your parent's arranged marriage, my family got what it wanted thanks to your mother, so I was left to my own devices." Andrealphus failed to mention that he went from the favourite to the disappointment as a result of Stella's marriage to Stolas, for it was still a sore spot for him.
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logan-the-artist · 1 year
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learned about the greek muses in history class and i can’t get her out of my head
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dykrophone · 6 months
just realized that almost all the art I've made in the past couple of years has been for my friends. usually for birthdays. it's almost never when I'm feeling "inspired" but I do it anyway because I love them. and there's something so cool about that. everything I create with my hands is made entirely with love <3
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ramenwithbroccoli · 5 months
why is polish wikipedia genuinely so much better than the english one
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movietonight · 1 year
I'm watching women's discus throwing. For the plot.
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