#she looks AMAZING as always
sophfandoms53 · 2 years
Oh yeah, these boys are gonna be so much fun
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angynomadsimp · 1 year
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Shots from my dear friend @valsilverhand ❤️ thanks babes
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beas-mind · 7 months
Anna Diop filming for Gucci during Fashion Week🤎🤎
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retro-rezz-the-est · 1 year
Jadeeeeeee 😍😍😍😍
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ladyblackbirdart · 5 months
This is my contribution to an art trade with @sleepytownzzz 🩵
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Abby told me this messy braid wasn’t “tactical”. I told her she looks like she should be singing Mayonaka no Door by Miki Matsubara with that turtle neck 😘
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hauntingofhouses · 8 months
they literally got rid of her eye bags and under-eye dark circles and made her cheeks fuller and more flushed along with her letting her hair down... to show how happy she was on the farm...
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gummi-ships · 1 year
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Kingdom Hearts - Hollow Bastion
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inklore · 4 months
i feel like some people forget pen has been pining after colin for three seasons. twenty episodes of home girl being love sick over this man, colin just needed to catch up. to realize him looking for pen in every ballroom, only feeling comfortably seen by his best friend, is something more. that’s why there is no slow burn. those twenty episodes have been the slow burn!
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bigbrainbiology · 4 months
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Penny's dress has me rolling on the floor <3
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shkika · 1 year
So on the topic of iterators playing video games, this:
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which is a part of the set of holograms Iggy can show Moon after Rivulet powers her back up. Which based on the colors, grid, and way the tiles change, is probably Moon and Pebbles playing the iterator dominoes
(It's funny to think one of first message Moon sent to Pebbles after hundreds of cycles was essentially "Hey you wanna play games")
(I need Saint playing Dominoes with Moon now)
I'm beyond mentally ill for those two! I'm very aware of their domino shenanigans. If you pay attention to Moon's projections you can see a lot of neat stuff. Actually let's talk about that!
I think them playing together is just so.. fitting and beautiful. It's such a simple way to connect with others. Playing games is one of the easiest ways to build or rebuild friendships. Any kind of games. Something casual you can talk and share while you do. And those two have plenty to talk about.
Aside the games though..
Ramble about a bunch of her projections in Saint and Riv campaigns below! It was very fun!
Moon also remembers her various slug cat companions through the cycles.
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She tells Hunter how she wishes she could remember them. And now she can. Moon can remember her savior and remember just how hard her family and peers tried to contact her, to reassure her, to show how they cared. Even this image on it's own speaks a lot. Moon couldn't have taken it, because she was offline before that key ended up in her chamber. So it was Iggy. One of the overseers she no longer has control over yet tried to help her anyway. It's sweet.
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It makes it canon that Monk met her and gave her two neurons! A thoughtful and kind creature.
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Pet pictures of course! Here is little demon baby.
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Moon also has pictures of the local group in the distance! She never stopped trying to look after them and be a local group senior. Checking up on them in the only way she really can. I think that's sweet.
And what honestly breaks me is uh..
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These. She also never stopped being Five Pebbles' administrator.. or more accurately his big sister. Checking up on how he is doing and the situation with his rot. It just makes me ache a little. It's been way too long for her to be angry anymore. She can finally talk to him and they both know it won't be for long.
Moon also has pictures of Silent Construct.
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Unless I am mistaken of course. But I get the idea that she has trouble reaching him. Or she can't find him. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think Moon's overseers can’t reach Five Pebbles anymore. I don't think she'd stop being his company otherwise. Silent Construct is a place that has crumbled very badly and who knows in what state overseer tunnels are.. especially with the dense scavenger populations, it must be difficult to reach him.
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Of course we also have the fallen buildings of her local group in the distance. No longer standing. Their time is over.
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And! Something a little more fun is that she has a projection of the Moon. Looks to the Moon alright! How silly and sweet.
Hope you like the view Moonie.
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deoidesign · 3 months
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vampire and werewolf sitting in a tree
time trav e l i n g
first comes. trying to kill eachother then comes... learning you're his dead ex-lover then comes marriage!
(you can buy the book this scene is from for $15 it's really good. it's the fan favorite of the series!)
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thunderc1an · 8 months
Did u guys know I have a whole notes app with dialogue I’ve written for future warriors comics I want to draw. Would u guys like to see it?
My top 3 rn have to do with the following.
Comic 1: Tawnypelt thinking about Bramblestar
Comic 2: Sparkpelt thoughts about being told how she resembled firestar so much.
Comic 3: lowkey an au? Stonefur, Bluestar, and Fireheart comic (comic is legit titled: “My mother’s new son”).
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navree · 4 months
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refusing to be undone.
Atia Balba, niece to Julius Caesar, died only a year after his assassination, and was survived by her two children, Octavia the Younger and Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus, who she had named Gaius Octavius at birth. Both her son and daughter would outlive her by several years.
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dollypopup · 4 months
"Colin should have grovelled more!" "Penelope folded too easily"
I think statements like this typically come from people who like Penelope. . .but don't really understand her. And don't really understand just why she cares for Colin, and just why him groveling would not in any way bring her peace.
Penelope and Colin are kindred spirits in their loneliness, in season 3 more than any others. Penelope had lost her friendship with Eloise, and Colin didn't really have a close friend circle to begin with. Except with Pen. Pen was the person he could put the mask down for, could open up to, (in particular with their 'dreams' discussion) and that's why he couldn't even entertain the idea of giving up talking to her in Season 2. She is a vital part of his life, and holds so much significance and importance to him.
I imagine that's what made their silence over his travels especially painful for him. They spent such a long time talking after Season 1, and he even informs her that her letters were so encouraging, that it helped him heal something inside of himself. That if she could see him in a gentle way. . .so could he. (And he repays this, because he is honest to god out here acting and looking at her like she hung the moon in the sky). But without her presence in his life, he spiraled. Didn't feel confident in being who he is, and thus put on his persona more firmly. We know this because he wrote in his journal that "I want to be less needy, less insecure, while still maintaining the core of my vulnerability that makes me who I am". That he misses his family, that he misses home.
And we know, from the books, that Home? Home is Penelope. Penelope is his North Star, is his guiding force, and who I argue he feels he needs. In his very first scene, he looks toward her house, tries to find her in the window. When he does not, he returns to his family. In the outdoor gathering, he looks for her and finds her, eager to talk. He states aloud that he misses her, and I imagine he wrote it, too. Not hearing back from her over the course of his travels was surely something that hurt him, but he doesn't hold any ill will toward her for it, only wants to reconnect again. In fact, the one and only time he brings up how he misses her and that she didn't respond, she makes very clear the reason why: she heard what he said and it hurt her. And he's ashamed of it.
Colin hears her call him cruel, and instead of ruffling his feathers about it, instead of getting upset, instead of having a chip on his shoulder as I feel so many men would about it. . .he understands why she does so.
Penelope is a woman who has been largely treated poorly in her society. She feels unheard, she feels undesired, and in her circumstances, and I can't help but ask myself. . .has anyone ever truly apologized to Penelope for hurting her, before? Her mother? Her sisters? Eloise, likely, but. . .anyone else? And the way Colin did? Because of all the characters in the show, Colin? Colin knows how to apologize. He has a lot of practice in it. And very importantly: Colin, a man of privilege in his society, apologizes. . .predominately to women. To Marina, to his mother, and multiple times to Penelope.
Ultimately, Penelope wants to be heard, Penelope wants to be understood, Penelope wants to feel desired.
And Colin checks every single one of those boxes. He informs he is not who he was before, and then he proves it to her. He hears that he hurt her, and he comments on it directly. An entire night apart, and he comes back to her 'Because I embarrass you' with 'I am most certainly not ashamed of you', replies to her 'I am a laughingstock' with 'you are clever, and warm, and I am proud to call you my good friend'. He hears her proclaim her own insecurities, and empathizes so deeply with her. He listens. He understands. He makes clear that he cares for her, and that she *is* desired. 'You lift my spirits' 'I seek you out at every social assembly'. That she helps him see the world in ways he loves, that he sees HER and how much she has cared for HIM, that she makes him feel appreciated, that he appreciates her, in turn.
And then? Then? He shows her. He tells her, and he shows her. His actions all throughout Season 3 reinforce this apology. He continues looking for her in every corner of every ballroom, he continues complimenting her, he laughs at her jokes and respects her boundaries, he is ever so gentle with her, he listens to her with an attentiveness that no one else has ever given her. To Lady Whistledown? Sure. But to Penelope? Who else in the entirety of that ton has listened to Penelope the way Colin has?
Absolutely no one.
Penelope Featherington ghosts Colin Bridgerton for months with no explanation, and Colin comes back wanting to reach out to her, and she finally tells him why.
And he apologizes. Because he listens. Really, truly listens. And really truly cares.
I need you to understand how rare that is, even nowadays, but especially back then. That Colin is the kind of man who can put his hurt to the side and realize he made a mistake, that he said something callous, and he adores her, and he can't lose her, and he has to see her and make it right.
Because that's why Penelope fell for Colin. Not because he's beautiful, not for his charm, not for his family. But for his heart. Because he shows her kindness in a world that so often disregards her. Because he seeks her out and tries to understand her, truly hears what she has to say and compliments her, says he's sorry and looks at things from her perspective.
Because he saw her when she was invisible.
Penelope Featherington, who grew up in a house that made cruel jabs at her, has Colin Bridgerton come to her and say he regrets what he said, and that he was wrong, and that he understands why she's mad at him. Penelope Featherington who has so rarely had much of anyone tell her that they're sorry for what they said about her, sits before Colin Bridgerton as he professes how much she means to him. That he cannot even spend a full day away from her knowing they're on bad terms with each other without making it right. That he sees how she is hurting and he has to in any way he can amend it. She is lonely, with no one really in her corner at the start of season 3, and she feels like she lost it all, and Colin comes to her and says 'no, I'm here and I appreciate you and you are special to me, please let me in and let me prove it'. Is it any wonder why after she shakes his hand, she stands in the sun, and she feels the warmth of it, she can smile? That she can breathe, again? That she can be truly content for the first time in the season?
Because Penelope Featherington does not want Colin to beg. She knows him. She knows the tender, full heart he hides behind the new cavalier persona. She knows the soft underbelly of Colin Bridgerton.
He never had to grovel. All he had to do was love her. Assuredly. Fervently. Loudly. Unapologetically.
And he does.
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sillyandquest · 1 month
Remember yesterday when I said if it weren't for the colors, Pomni would actually be the first one Bill would make a deal with?
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Ramblings below the cut!
I honestly really like this, but I think she looks too much like regular Pomni. I think it's the hat and colors. If I redraw this then I'd probably swap Pomni's hat w/ Bill's and add more triangles to her clothes, maybe swap out the pom poms for triangle charms.
Y'know in hindsight, Pomni and Bill use completely different shapes. Which, duh right? Pomni = circles, Bill = dorito triangle. I remember trying to make her hat be very sharp and triangular but when I did the line art it came out softer. Not a bad thing since Pomni is far more compassionate than Bill and this is a deliberate imagining of: if Bill possessed Pomni, what would he prefer she wear? Maybe I'm just being too critical, I'm not trying to draw a fusion. When I drew Bill Jax, he looked a lot like "Jax but formal," didn't even have to color the eyes. Through that lens I think I did pretty good with this drawing.
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linkedin-offficial · 9 months
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oh brother ‼️
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