#she made percy buy him and her matching rings
demigods-posts · 20 days
headcanon that tyson thinks percy and annabeth are married. like, he's fully convinced that they're newly weds. and that they just decided to have a private wedding. then one day. percy invites tyson over for dinner with his parents and annabeth. and tyson casually refers to annabeth as percy's wife. and everyone just pauses. but before percy can correct him. annabeth just slyly confirms it and continues setting the table.
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 1 month
could you please do some random tig hcs?
random tig head canons
sure! hope you like them <3.
gigi is super obsessed with pasta. she eats it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. she even has this thing called dessert pasta where she eats it with chocolate sauce (its disgusting but she likes it)
gigi once dared xander to make a really weird sex toy cause he's so good at making things (what it was it up to you)
jameson has beat the record for the amount of concussions a human can get in a life time. this dude has had like 25 of them
nash goes around making sure all of his brothers have condoms so they don't end up being teenage dads.
max and gigi are the type of people to write really aesthetic notes.
grayson loves wearing gold sheet masks. he's convinced it makes him glow like a pregnant lady
in tbh, jameson said he was considered the second hottest hawthorne. i know people will say grayson's the first, but i think xander is hotter (sorry not sorry. he's hot but xander >>.)
avery and jameson love giving each other shoulder kisses when they're cuddling in bed.
savannah loves cardigans with her entire being. she likes to look put together in public, but when she's alone in her room, she'll throw on a cardigan.
savannah is super into literature. she's constantly buying books (classics, poetry). she has a tumblr account where she post her poetry
a duck once flew into grayson at such high speed that he fell on the ground and tumbled down a hill (this has never happened and will never happen to anyone but grayson)
max has horrendous taste in men (other than xander). max and avery will be taking a walk when the most horrendous, disgusting looking man who looks like he hasn't showered in 50 years, and could probably pass for a goblin passes by and max goes 'smash'
at events and balls, when max and gigi are bored, they look at the crowd, pick out a person, and decide whether they're a smash or pass
jameson loves munching on ice. he's always eating it
xander and avery have matching tattoos. i don't know what it would be, but they definitely have one.
thea is a petty bitch and has a burn book (no, she is not a girl boss. she's a mean girl who thinks everyone loves her when in reality people despise her guts)
grayson takes freezing cold showers because he once read that it's good for you hair and skin
xander, jamie, and gigi have twerking competitions. they get max and avery to judge.
when avery has a nightmare. she likes to go out on her balcony and stare at the stars. they make her feel close to her mom
xander is super into greek mythology. he has read the percy jackson series and has made extensive research on the topic.
xander journals at night lying on his stomach, in his bed, kicking his feet in the air.
max loves kicking guys in the balls (only pieces of shit, not nice guys (she may or may not have once kicked xander in the balls))
gigi wishes she had a dick for one day so she could stack donuts on it.
nash teases jameson by coming up behind him while he's eating, picking up his spoon, and 'helicoptering' it to his mouth saying here comes to airplane (in a voice that one uses to speak to a baby)(if that makes sense)
grayson has the weirdest but cutest laugh you will ever hear.
jameson knows how to speak in tons of different accents. he changes up his accent everyday. one day, it'll be british, the next, scottish
jameson is a sucker for gold jewelry. this dude has gold chains, necklaces, rings, watches, cufflinks, etc (he looks hot wearing them)
libby loves going strawberry picking. she finds it super relaxing and she loves eating them
grayson owns a typewriter (*cough* the tortured poets department *cough*)
when avery is out with alisa, people will take pictures of her (alisa), post them, and caption them mommy (people simp over her so hard)
they all have a group chat (the hawthornes, avery, libby, max, gigi, savannah, and alisa, (maybe even rebecca and thea)) for emergencies only (or at least, thats what they told themselves when they started it), but gigi is alwyas spamming cat memes, xander is always complaining about his missing eyebrow, and max is always begging her 'sugar mommy' avery to buy her books. basically, the gc is a mess and is the most chaotic thing you'll ever see.
xander wants everyone to call him 'dibbles' but no one does.
they sell merch. there is literally never anything in stock, though, because it's always sold out.
grayson is the type of person to take 249123 different types of vitamins to keep himself healthy
gigi snores so loud, you'd be able to hear her from the neighboring state.
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greenhousethree · 1 year
Withered 🪴
April Prompt 25 for @hinnymicrofic. (606 words — sort of micro?)
It’s a housewarming gift for them both, perched on the credenza in their first flat once her rookie contract is up. Neville’s wrapped a bow around the pot, rhapsodizes over its soothing properties: It’s heralded as a rare treasure in the mountains of Ecuador. 
Two spindly stalks, reaching from dark soil like outstretched hands. Colorful, waxy leaves that move as though breathing.
Spring warms to summer amid unpacking, Euro Cup qualifiers blaring from the wireless, family stopping in to share a pint and admire their view from the balcony. The branches dance animatedly among raucous cheers and clinking bottles when England secures third rank. The hum of London presses against the windows. 
She buys a copper watering can. Most days, she remembers to check the soil’s dampness. Fills vases with flowers, burns fewer meals on the stove. Cleans to prepare for Teddy’s first stay, realizes her mistake among sticky handprints and biscuits crushed into the rug.
Ron brings in a Muggle telly amid her peals of laughter. They set it up, and the four watch Notting Hill that night. Later, she leaves the room halfway through Fight Club. The branches shudder.
The leaves tremble with excitement when an owl brings her first full-time contract: three years, better pay. She takes an interview with Quidditch Weekly from their living room while he’s at work.
July brings long days and longer nights, giggling returns from the pubs and a lopsided cake she’s made him. Their party guests file out and then he’s kissing her neck, pressing her against the wall.
The leaves along the street change color. The ones inside are unaffected. It’s quiet most days; he departs before the sun’s fully risen, she rushes off for practice with toast and coffee. A week into preseason, she takes another interview, Witch Weekly this time. He’s away six days. Arrives late, holds her close on the sofa until dawn. 
Late nights, candles burning low on the desk. He brings work home, pores over evidence, accepts mugs of tea. She kisses his forehead, hands find his shoulders. Anxiety undulates from the stem through the branches.
He falls asleep on the sofa. When she wakes him, the curse narrowly misses the plant, singes a hole in the wall.
Time together grows sparse. She travels for matches, he leads his first mission abroad. She loses, he fails. The leaves grow paler, stems yellowing in their absence.
In winter, a week on the sofa with a concussion and the clanging radiator. She grows restless, waters it plenty, buys a bigger pot.
Fireside chats with Luna over glasses of pinot noir, secrets spilled. He’s not sleeping. She’s worried this case is hitting too close. Ron’s thinking of buying a ring.
They forget to put up a tree, and Andromeda chastises them. Next morning he brings one home, wet from sleet, needles everywhere. She sips mulled wine and he lifts Teddy to add the star. Ties a bow around a toy broomstick.
It’s mid-January when they notice. She’s up 3-1 on away matches, he’s back from St. Mungo’s with a case file to close out. Crisp leaves scattered around the pot, withered stems and cracked soil. He suggests they consult Neville. She jokes that she’ll make a terrible mother, and he’s quiet.
Spring brings the chance to have a better year. Playoffs, holidays planned for the summer, an engagement party with the pop of champagne. She makes him dance in the living room one night, a song from Percy’s wedding, pulling him back to the moment, leaving the war behind. 
Outside the window, the tips of branches bud with promises of green.
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
this person is literally a fucking maniac I’m so sorry they did that shit to you??? It’s headcanons and you didn’t even mention anything remotely offensive or required whatever shit they were spitting. Fucking SUICIDE BAITING OVER WHAT?? Dios mío. (to get your mind off it if you would like, share with me your favourite punk percy headcanons)
RIGHT LIKE THAT NIGGA REALLY SHOWED ME NOOSE PICS OVER FUCKING PERCY JACKSON💀And said i was 'fetishizing' trans people as if i'm not trans myself and as if she's not a cis woman and probably straight too.Stop projecting come mierda♡
But tysm,i will and you choose a good time to ask because i've been finally continouing my punk history research!!
Always had the punk mindset as seen in canon since she's anti-authority,rebels against all corruption she sees and protects and is extremely loving towards younger minorities
But was too poor to afford the clothes and piercings and such.Didn't bother him though since he cared more about acting punk than looking it
Thalia was his first real experience with the subculture headon and that's why he admired and was lowkey jealous of her along with a bit of gender envy
Goes to protests and does charity work with Rachel
And she bought him a bunch of punk stuff(from punk bussiness ofc,otherwise what's the point)
Learned to diy so many things it's gonna be a running in my fics of her
Rrrrt girl and Mcr fan-Also not punk but loves Ice Spice and Megan Thee Stallion too ofc.Really likes Green Day too!!
The specific types of punk Percy is are afropunk(because i hc them as half afro-dominican and half black-greek),seapunk(NOT because of Poseidon but because of Sally)and either crustpunk or pastel punk depending on wether we're talking her as transfem bigender and a mix of masc and fem or her as a super femme trans woman.Not for gender roles reasons because that would be ridiculous but i think just that their lives would be significantly different so that leads to a few differences in their tastes
Persephone Amelia has comics!Starfire hair,Perseo Isadore has dreads
Straight edge
His autism definitely contributes to how he approches punkness
Their patches jacket has spikes and frills around the collar and the patches are the dominican and trans flags and a black mermaid to represent Sally,a skull and a yellow diamond to represent Nico and Hazel and he has a god handful of pins but his favorites are the Riptide one Lex made him and the cat one(Yes i'm including my Pjo self-insert in this because i couldn't help myself)
Goes on estrogen but only a light dosage and for a short time compared to full transitions and gets no surgeries.Wears makeup too and gets a tongue ring,an eyebrow piercing and forward helix on both ears
Radicalized Nico and Hazel,who are now goth punk and pastel goth punk
Exclusively buys video games and consoles secondhand because of being anti-capitalism
Killed Luke in TLO not only because of being the hero of the prophecy but also because no actual punk wouldn't unalive a fascist who's also a serial ped0phile the second they got the chance.He made sure it was extra painful too and even had Nico use his soul erasing power we saw in BOO on him
And eventually manages to kill Poseidon too-Idk about Perseo but Persephone exists in my Pjo x DC x Spiderverse crossover where she's got kryptonian heritage and i headcanon krytonians are on the same levels of gods in regards to power so that's how.Zeus is too scared of Percy afterwards to stop her from fixing the greek myths world system LMFAOOOOOO
And for a lil more Perlex because i am down horrendous,him and Lex punk4punk but Lex is pastel punk and solarpunk!!They go on punk themed dates like going to concerts in matching outfits and defacing public property together <3 Also Percy has the cocky flirt punk guy thing you usually see in male characters who are but it's a Lex exclusive
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glassamphibians · 3 years
heres random nico headcannons that totally aren’t to make up for anything because nothing bad has happened here :) nothing at all :)
• he’s already greying and it should probably concern him but it fits the Goth Aesthetic so he’s cool w/ it
• every time a parent meets him their Parent Instincts immediately kick in. if ur mom meets nico she will be asking about him for the rest of ur life there’s nothing you can do about it. there is an ongoing joke in the Jackson Household that sally is going to replace percy w/ nico. percy does not find this funny.
• speaking of percy, video games saved he and nico’s friendship. they were both determined to be friends but had no clue where to start so percy asked him if he knew about mario kart and boom friendship saved
• they get super competitive & its a healthy way for them to get their primordial big three rivalry feelings out without killing each other <3
• nico dedicated his animal crossing island to crossbreeding every type of black flower he can, but it backfired and now is island is covered in flowers and he doesn’t have room for anything else :/
• he gets a patchwork sleeve when he’s older & all of the tattoos either have extremely personal meanings or were gotten on a whim. there is no in between.
• he also has an planchette tattoo at the nape of his neck get it bc like ouija board bc he can talk to ghosts its vv clever
• his voice is kinda raspy bc drinking literal fire and then suffocating in a jar is bad for ur throat probably
• harley is convinced nico has met God. nico has made no attempts to correct him.
• he and reyna have matching rings
• also after boo reyna gave him her silver pocket knife that he’d used to kill lycaon. it was kinda emotional bc nico cannot comprehend people giving him things and not expecting something in return :,)
• rachel and nico have sleepovers all the time!! nico is a cryptid so he genuinely loves sleeping in the cave & he has his own designated Painting Wall. rachel is a fraud so she sneaks into his cabin & sleeps there and he promises to never tell camp <3
• he helps the hermes kids smuggle junk food into camp. he buys all of it and refuses to take his cut of the profits after they sell it. he just does it bc he’s bored and they’re all deeply platonically in love with him
• it hasn’t happened yet but one day carter and sadie will pull him out of the duat on accident and chaos will ensue
• asphodels grow around the hades cabin as well as those bioluminescent plants that grow in the palace gardens. this isn’t about him i just think it’d be pretty
• he has a massive sweet tooth i feel like this is cannon already bc we only ever see him eating deserts. seriously just give him something sweet and he’ll immediately side w/ you idk why the titans didn’t try this
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sweeethinny · 3 years
Golden Dress
inspired by @startanewdream fanfic - here -, which after reading me made me think about writing about Hinny in the future, and Ginny wearing a gold dress again.
for those who want to see what the dress looks like: here but golden ofc
in fact, this fanfic is for those who think that just because Ginny is a badass, she cannot like the "feminine" world, don't be so radical, people are complex and one thing does not cancel out the other
'Stupid dress,' Ginny mumbled, snorting irritably and giving up zipping the back of her dress, looking in the mirror at her husband who was lying on the bed, arms behind his head and feet crossed. 'Babe?' She said, sly, winking at him in the reflection, a lovely smile on her dark red lips.
'If it weren't for me, you would go to every party with your butt off,' Harry said, getting up from the bed and walking over to her, dressed in her beautiful gold satin dress, long and light, making her look magnificent. The thin straps looked too delicate and he thought that maybe the fabric could tear in one simple step, and that neckline that the fabric created in the front with the accumulation of fabric, would fall and show her beautiful breasts.
The zipper went down to the top of her white panties, her bare back seemed to call Harry again, and if he closed his eyes he could still feel the softness of the skin against his lips as he went down and down, memorizing, or trying, every freckle which disappeared tantalizingly down to her round ass.
'You look beautiful wearing gold,' Harry whispered against her skin, smelling Ginny's sweet and unique scent, the same that had always been in his Amortentia. He let his hands roam over her skin, inside her dress, calmly reaching for Ginny's hips and squeezing. His eyes never leaving hers in the mirror, she looked even more radiant, her cheeks flushed and made up, shining through that shiny powder she wore, her brown eyes made up and looking even more mesmerizing.
'And you are tempting in that suit, I promise you that we will enjoy it much later, but now,’ She pushed her ass against his groin, pushing him away. 'Close my dress or we'll be late, and George may not appear to be nervous, but I think he might be able to die if we're a minute late.' Ginny smiled. 'You are much more daring than when I asked you to close my dress years ago.'
'I learned from the best.' He shrugged, surrendering and closing the dress, noticing the lack of a bra, and needing to close his eyes for a few more seconds just to not rip off that dress and have sex with Ginny until the dawn day. 'Did you choose the gold dress just because of that? To remember the first wedding when you made me hard as an idiot, asking me to close your dress?’
'No, George and Angelina chose the color. My brothers are strangely obsessed with gold.' Ginny sat down again in the cushioned chair in front of her dressing table, opening the jewelry drawer and seeming to be looking for something. 'Do you think these earrings match?' She held up a delicate pearl that she had bought on their trip to Spain, turning her face gently and assessing the earring. Harry nodded, leaning against the side, feeling a little obsessed with her.
'You look beautiful with anything,' Harry sighed, as if he was tired of explaining the obvious to her. 'I remembered that night almost every night afterwards.'
'What night?' Ginny looked at him quickly, a clip pinned between her lips, adjusting the lock of hair that had gone out of place for her perfect hairstyle.
'Bill's wedding. I remembered you wearing that dress, the cleavage, everything, for many nights,' he admitted shamelessly, picking up her hair comb before she even asked. It was not the first time that Harry had watched Ginny get dressed, he didn't even care when they were late, almost every event that required a more elegant outfit, Harry was not excited to go. But standing there, seeing how she was concentrating while choosing the color of the shadows, or how she made her cheeks look adorably pink and shiny, made him want to go.
He had never said it out loud, and Harry was afraid he would look a little sexist, or Caveman, but he loved being the guy who was next to her when she was like this. Harry loved being the guy who was always next to her, when Ginny was wearing his clothes as pajamas, when she wore Harpies uniform, dressed in pants and sweaters, or expensive and elegant dresses.
Harry thought it was the most beautiful thing when Ginny sat on the chair at her dressing table to get ready. He thought it was almost as if she made a child’s dream come true, to have things that only belonged to her, to be able to choose what type of earring, necklace or ring she would wear that day, whether or not it matched the diamond on their wedding ring, if the lipstick didn't look out of place with the clothes. He had noticed how little by little Ginny had seemed to break the walls that seemed to prevent her from being that happy and excited girl because she had bought a dress or some beauty product.
He still remembered when they moved into their house, and Ginny's eyes sparkled with tears when she saw the dressing table there, as she had asked, with lights, a big mirror, a comfortable chair, drawers for everything she wanted buy or already had, and a good space to be able to decorate as she wish on the top.
Harry blamed the fact that Ginny was forced to mature quickly and create armor strong enough to survive after Tom, who prevented her from letting that more feminine side emerge.
After they got married and went to live on the same street as there was a cosmetics store, however, Harry noticed how Ginny looked into the store, her eyes big and shining. It was like a childish need, and Harry remembered how happy and complete he felt when he went to the market and bought everything he wanted to eat.
He understood how Ginny felt. It was as if it were going to fill the material void that was once created.
Harry never made jokes or even laughed at them when he saw them in the newspaper, saying that ‘’now that she was married, Ginny had decided to drop her tomboy pose and become a stylish housewife to satisfy Harry.’’ He thought it was disgusting.
‘You’re not going to stop being you, if you wear makeup, or wear expensive clothes, you know that, don’t you?’ He said, after seeing that she looked sad, sitting on the couch and looking at a fashion magazine. 'You look beautiful wearing green.' Harry smiled, looking at the green wool suit.
'But maybe the earrings you gave me will be better.' Ginny woke him from his reverie, her hair neat and the pearl earrings put in place again. 'What do you think?' She looked at him and then the mirror, they were delicate and small rings of braided gold. ‘Too golden?’
'I thought it was perfect.' Harry smiled like a fool in love.
'Excellent. Wake up James, okay? I'll be ready in a minute.’
'If we had been looking for peace, he would have woken up a long time ago.' He grunted, listening to Ginny laughing.
'Wait until night, he'll smell that his parents want to spend some time alone, and he'll crawl into our bed.' Ginny laughed, watching her husband laugh too, giving up and going to wake up their son who seemed to have the same timer as Ron, to know when a couple was kissing.
'And yet I can't love him any less.' Harry sighed, kissing the top of Ginny's head before walking away to leave the room.
'I feel like today is going to be different,' Ginny promised, holding Harry's hand and making him look at her. ‘And maybe we can do everything you wanted to do when you saw me in the gold dress for the first time?’
'I didn't know as much as I do today,' Harry pointed out, smiling at her. 'But it would be great. And at this wedding, I don’t even need to be in a Weasley’s body, which also helps a lot.’
She nodded. 'Thanks to Merlin, there are already many Weasley in the world.'
Harry laughed, leaving the room and walking over to James, who was still sleeping the same way he was when Harry put him to bed, hugging the bear Percy had given him, covered by his favorite blanket, looking like he didn't even care that there was a wedding about to happen, and wearing that mini suit that was the most adorable thing.
Smiling and watching his son sleep, Harry was happy, now he and Ginny knew how good it was when things were so simple.
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annabethy · 3 years
under the mistletoe, watching the fire glow: day 4
Character A is desperate to find a particular item (book/toy/etc.) as a present for someone, but it’s been sold out everywhere. Character B helps.
Percy nearly slams into a brick wall because of how fast he’s running. He doesn’t have time to actually stop and apologize to the poor child he’s almost trampled as he continues running. He has to make it to the store before it closes or else he’ll never forgive himself.
He tried so hard not to go Christmas shopping last minute, yet here he was on Christmas Eve panicking that the store is going to close before he can make it in. His mom had seen a pretty ring she fell in love with, and Percy had shoved it to the back of his mind in an attempt to remember to get it for her. He had remembered to get it— it just happened to be on December 24th that it happened. It was also just his luck that every one of the jewelry shop was sold out except the one that was furthest from him.
His mom is the sweetest person in the world, and yes, the ring hurt to buy, but she put him through college so he figures he can return the favor.
Percy barely makes it into the jewelry shop on time, but him sliding through the door before it locks counts. As he enters the store, he finds it alarmingly empty, and he turns around, worried that he might have just broken in on accident. He checks the time, one minute until closing, and only feels a little bad for the workers.
He makes his way around the store quietly, looking through some of the glass cases. He doesn’t find the ring, and he begins to think that he’s out of luck and will have to tell his mom that he’s a failure, but then he spots another rack of rings along the walls. He walks up carefully up to it, but he hesitates as he sees the glass case open.
He tries to keep his distance from it as to not seem too suspicious, but then he catches sight of the ring, and there is no one else around. He considers waiting, but he has to be home soon and there’s no one around, so he ends up grabbing it anyways. He inspects the band size, wonders if it’ll be the right size for his mother.
It’s really pretty, he thinks. There’s a big gem in the middle, and she had loved it in that catalogue he stole from her. He even notices the matching set of earrings next to it, and he just knows his mother will be so happy to get it. He brings it closer to his eyes, and it gleams, and—
“I hope you’re planning on paying for that.”
Percy jumps, looking towards the voice. He spots a girl leaning against the wall, her arms crossed and eyes expectant. Her grey eyes seem to piece directly to his soul, and he can tell from the single look that she fully thought he was about to book it.
“I was just—” He swallows. “I wasn’t going to steal it.”
“I just needed to buy the ring, and I couldn’t find anywhere, so I just picked it up to look at it! I wasn’t going to just take it! I– I’m not a thief!”
In his ramble, she turns more towards amused, nodding along with his story. She pushes off the wall to walk behind the counter. “Next time, maybe don’t walk into a jewelry shop and just start grabbing things. Especially not if you snuck into the shop.”
“I didn’t sneak in,” he mumbles.
She holds a hand out, and it takes him a moment to realize that she’s demanding the ring he still holds in his hand. He gives it to her, and she says, “I’m pretty sure walking into a store after closing when no one’s around qualifies as sneaking in.”
“It wasn’t closed yet,” he points out.
She doesn’t respond, instead choosing to look over the ring. He stands there awkwardly, eventually diverting his eyes to anywhere else around the room. He must have been so distracted that he hadn’t even noticed the way the shop was decorated. He guesses that she must be one of the owners, and he has to say that he likes her taste in décor. Instead of the usual red and green themes, she seems to have taken the more Winter Wonderland route. There is white along every wall, and sparkling silvers lining the tables, everything pulled together by the white and silver Christmas tree in the corner of the room.
“I like the decorations,” he tells her.
She just smirks, and he imagines that she says something along the lines of I’m sure you do in her mind. He reads her nametag — Annabeth. He thinks it matches someone with her personality. Pretty, but has that edge to it take makes people tremble with a single look. A name really does say a lot about a person, and hers fits her perfectly. He has to admit that he’s intimidated by her, but he’s also drawn in.
“It’s a pretty ring,” she says, setting it down onto the counter in front of him before reaching for something underneath the counter, giving him a wry smile. “She’s a lucky girl.”
He just hums, still too busy analyzing her. Then, he realizes that she thinks he’s about to be engaged, which was definitely not the case, and he didn’t want her to think that either. “Wait. No. It’s for my mom.”
They fall back into a painful silence as she rings him up. When she speaks again, it physically pains him to hear, “That’ll be five-hundred twenty-three, and fifteen cents.”
He’s sure his eyes practically bulge out of his head, but he reaches towards his pocket for his wallet. He shoves his hand in, mumbling, “I’m not going to be eating for the next few months, then.”
She must have heard him because she laughs. “That bad, huh?”
“How could a ring possibly be so expensive?”
“I mean…” She raises an eyebrow, smiling. “You did choose a family business to get it from. Handmade.” “Aren’t all rings handmade?”
“Ours are made with love.”
“Made with love,” he mumbles. “Right.”
“What was that?”
“Nothing,” he says quickly. He reaches into his other pocket for his wallet, and only starts to panic when he feels nothing there. He pats his sides frantically, and Annabeth gives him a look.
“You good?” she asks when he keeps searching his pockets.
“I can’t find my wallet.” And this is mortifying, because he just wants to get home and not make a fool of himself in front of this pretty girl, but it looks like neither of those things are going to happen. His vision that one spot on his couch that he’s almost certain he left his wallet on. His hand drops from his side, defeated, embarrassed. “I left it at home.”
“You left it at home?” she repeats.
Percy can’t even speak to confirm it, knowing that if he opens his mouth, he’s just going to start crying. He’s a full half-hour away from home, and the shop is closed, and tomorrow is Christmas, and he is inevitably screwed.
“On Christmas Eve,” she says, mirthful, “you left your wallet at home.”
He pouts. “Don’t laugh.”
“I’m not,” she swears, but her lips are turning up.
“It’s not funny.”
She brushes away her blonde hair from her face, smiling fully. She pinches her fingers together as she says, “It’s a little funny.”
Percy’s nervous, but when she starts to laugh, he can’t help but do so himself. He doesn’t know her, but he feels comfortable in this moment, listening to the sound of her voice that reminds him of a warm winter day, spent inside with the ones he loves. Before he can help himself, he’s already imagining that she’s the one he’s spending the winter day with.
He bites his lip in a smile as she continues to snicker at him, and he is absolutely captivated by this girl making fun of him. Everything about her fits in perfectly right now, her name to her personality, her curled hair framing her face, herself to Percy.
“Do you need to run home?” she asks, eyes still gleaming.
“You’re closed,” he points out.
“I’ll wait if you need me to.”
“I’d feel bad holding you here on Christmas Eve. It’ll be at least an hour.”
“I don’t mind.” She pauses. “What’s your name, so I know who to report if I find anything stolen?”
“Haha. Funny.” A beat passes. “I’m Percy.”
“Then really, Percy, I don’t mind waiting.”
Percy debates it for a moment. He knows it’s not polite – she has people waiting for her to get home too, he’s sure – but it gives him an excuse to come back and work up the courage to maybe ask her if she’d want to get something to eat with him at some point.
“Are you sure?”
She rolls her eyes fondly. “Go.”
Percy wastes no time in turning around and booking it. He drives what is way too fast, and he makes it home in only twenty minutes. He may have run Santa over. He doesn’t really know.
He practically trips running up the stairs to his apartment, and when he unlocks his front door, he snatches the wallet from the couch before doing a complete U-turn. The drive back is a little longer, but he makes it quickly enough. He tugs open the door to the shop, and spots her along one of the other walls, fixing up the display.
He notices that she’s taken the jacket off that she had on earlier, and he suddenly feels another wave of guilt as he realizes she must have been about to leave before he popped in.
She turns her head at the sound of the door chiming, and he holds up the wallet. “Got it.”
She smiles, waving him over to her again. “I’m glad to see it.” She helps him pay quickly, and then he suddenly doesn’t have another excuse to stay any longer. He doesn’t leave as he pockets the small box. He truly doesn’t know why he so badly wants to stay because he barely knows her, but maybe that’s what it is. Maybe he could know her, and if he does, something tells him he’ll fall in love with her.
“So,” Percy says.
“So,” Annabeth teases.
He glances out the glass windows at the front of the small store. “It’s really cold outside.”
“Is it?”
He looks at her, and that humor is back in her eyes. “You’re making fun of me again.”
“This is too funny not to.”
“This is humiliating, and you’re not helping.”
She gives him a soft smile, and she comes around the counter to throw her black long coat on. She comes up close enough to him that he can smell her perfume; she smells really good, a warm scent on an icy day. She tugs her hair out from the back of her coat.
“Ask me,” she urges.
It’s then that he knows she does feel the same thing he does. She feels that fascination at the possibility of what they could make and what could they be. It provides Percy with the boost of confidence he needs.
“I don’t have to do anything else today,” he says, a silent offer. “I know Central Park is nice this time of year. We could go there for a walk?”
And she grins. “Central Park is nice.”
“Maybe we can get something to eat?”
“I’d like that,” she says. She begins to walk to the door, and she looks over her shoulder. “You coming?”
Percy follows her steps, and he begins to think of the future. There’s something about this moment that whispers to him that they are going to turn into something incredible. She just fits him, the pure definition of perfection, and he wants to see where this takes him.
So he follows her out the door into the Winter sky, the snow falling upon their heads, snowflakes delicate on her eyelashes, and when he grabs her hand later that night, she feels warm and safe.
When she kisses him in the middle of the city that never sleeps, he falls in love.
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papermoonloveslucy · 4 years
November 6, 1948
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“Katie & Roscoe” is episode #17 of the radio series MY FAVORITE HUSBAND broadcast on November 6, 1948.
Synopsis ~ Katie, the Cugat's maid, has been telling her long-distance romance that she was rich. Can Liz convince Roscoe that she's the maid and Katie is her employer? It all depends on whether or not George finds out!
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This script was partially used as the basis for the “I Love Lucy” episode “Mertz and Kurtz” (ILL S1;E32) first aired on October 11, 1954. 
Note: This episode of “My Favorite Husband” was aired before the characters names were changed from Cugat to Cooper. It was also before Jell-O came aboard to sponsor the show and before the regular cast featured Bea Benadaret and Gale Gordon as the Atterburys.
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“My Favorite Husband” was based on the novels Mr. and Mrs. Cugat, the Record of a Happy Marriage (1940) and Outside Eden (1945) by Isabel Scott Rorick, which had previously been adapted into the film Are Husbands Necessary? (1942). “My Favorite Husband” was first broadcast as a one-time special on July 5, 1948. Lucille Ball and Lee Bowman played the characters of Liz and George Cugat, and a positive response to this broadcast convinced CBS to launch “My Favorite Husband” as a series. Bowman was not available Richard Denning was cast as George. On January 7, 1949, confusion with bandleader Xavier Cugat prompted a name change to Cooper. On this same episode Jell-O became its sponsor. A total of 124 episodes of the program aired from July 23, 1948 through March 31, 1951. After about ten episodes had been written, writers Fox and Davenport departed and three new writers took over – Bob Carroll, Jr., Madelyn Pugh, and head writer/producer Jess Oppenheimer. In March 1949 Gale Gordon took over the existing role of George’s boss, Rudolph Atterbury, and Bea Benaderet was added as his wife, Iris. CBS brought “My Favorite Husband” to television in 1953, starring Joan Caulfield and Barry Nelson as Liz and George Cooper. The television version ran two-and-a-half seasons, from September 1953 through December 1955, running concurrently with “I Love Lucy.” It was produced live at CBS Television City for most of its run, until switching to film for a truncated third season filmed (ironically) at Desilu and recasting Liz Cooper with Vanessa Brown.
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Lucille Ball (Liz Cugat) was born on August 6, 1911 in Jamestown, New York. She began her screen career in 1933 and was known in Hollywood as ‘Queen of the B’s’ due to her many appearances in ‘B’ movies. “My Favorite Husband” eventually led to the creation of “I Love Lucy,” a television situation comedy in which she co-starred with her real-life husband, Latin bandleader Desi Arnaz. The program was phenomenally successful, allowing the couple to purchase what was once RKO Studios, re-naming it Desilu. When the show ended in 1960 (in an hour-long format known as “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour”) so did Lucy and Desi’s marriage. In 1962, hoping to keep Desilu financially solvent, Lucy returned to the sitcom format with “The Lucy Show,” which lasted six seasons. She followed that with a similar sitcom “Here’s Lucy” co-starring with her real-life children, Lucie and Desi Jr., as well as Gale Gordon, who had joined the cast of “The Lucy Show” during season two. Before her death in 1989, Lucy made one more attempt at a sitcom with “Life With Lucy,” also with Gordon.
Richard Denning (George Cugat) was born Louis Albert Heindrich Denninger Jr., in Poughkeepsie, New York. When he was 18 months old, his family moved to Los Angeles. Plans called for him to take over his father’s garment manufacturing business, but he developed an interest in acting. Denning enlisted in the US Navy during World War II. He is best known for his  roles in various science fiction and horror films of the 1950s. Although he teamed with Lucille Ball on radio in “My Favorite Husband,” the two never acted together on screen. While “I Love Lucy” was on the air, he was seen on another CBS TV series, “Mr. & Mrs. North.” From 1968 to 1980 he played the Governor on “Hawaii 5-0″, his final role. He died in 1998 at age 84.
Ruth Perrott (Katie, the Maid) was also later seen on “I Love Lucy.” She first played Mrs. Pomerantz, a member of the surprise investigating committee for the Society Matrons League in “Pioneer Women” (ILL S1;E25), as one of the member of the Wednesday Afternoon Fine Arts League in “Lucy and Ethel Buy the Same Dress” (ILL S3;E3), and also played a nurse when “Lucy Goes to the Hospital” (ILL S2;E16). She died in 1996 at the age of 96.
Bob LeMond (Announcer) also served as the announcer for the pilot episode of “I Love Lucy”. When the long-lost pilot was finally discovered in 1990, a few moments of the opening narration were damaged and lost, so LeMond – fifty years later – recreated the narration for the CBS special and subsequent DVD release.
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Hans Conried (Roscoe Miller) first co-starred with Lucille Ball in The Big Street (1942). He then appeared on “I Love Lucy” as used furniture man Dan Jenkins in “Redecorating” (ILL S2;E8) and later that same season as Percy Livermore in “Lucy Hires an English Tutor” (ILL S2;E13) – both in 1952. The following year he began an association with Disney by voicing Captain Hook in Peter Pan. On “The Lucy Show” he played Professor Gitterman in “Lucy’s Barbershop Quartet” (TLS S1;E19) and in “Lucy Plays Cleopatra” (TLS S2;E1). He was probably best known as Uncle Tonoose on “Make Room for Daddy” starring Danny Thomas, which was filmed on the Desilu lot. He joined Thomas on a season 6 episode of “Here’s Lucy” in 1973. He died in 1982 at age 64. 
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John Hiestand (Cory Cartwright) served as the announcer for the radio show “Let George Do It” from 1946 to 1950. In 1955 he did an episode of “Our Miss Brooks” opposite Gale Gordon. Cory was a regular character who was eventually written out of the series when the Atterbury’s (Gale Gordon and Bea Bendaret) were introduced. 
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Bea Benadaret (Lucy, Party Line Gossip) was considered the front-runner to be cast as Ethel Mertz but when “I Love Lucy” was ready to start production she was already playing a similar role on TV’s “The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show” so Vivian Vance was cast instead. On “I Love Lucy” she was cast as Lucy Ricarodo’s spinster neighbor, Miss Lewis, in “Lucy Plays Cupid” (ILL S1;E15) in early 1952. Later, she was a success in her own show, “Petticoat Junction” as Shady Rest Hotel proprietress Kate Bradley. She starred in the series until her death in 1968.
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Florence Halop (Bessie, Party Line Gossip) was cast to replace Bea Benadaret in a radio show moving to CBS TV called “Meet Millie” when she was hired to play on of the two women on Lucy Ricardo’s party line in “Redecorating” (ILL S2;E8) also featuring Hans Conried. She wouldn’t work for Lucy again until 1974, when she played a Little Old Lady on a Western-themed episode of “Here’s Lucy.” In 1985, she replaced Selma Diamond (who had died of lung cancer) as the bailiff on “Night Court.” Coincidentally, Halop, also a heavy smoker, died less than a year later of the same disease.
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Herb Vigran (Newspaper Collection Man / Bank Telephone Voice) made several appearances on “My Favorite Husband.” He would later play Jule, Ricky’s music union agent on two episodes of “I Love Lucy”. He would go on to play Joe (and Mrs. Trumbull’s nephew), the washing machine repairman in “Never Do Business With Friends” (S2;E31) and Al Sparks, the publicity man who hires Lucy and Ethel to play Martians on top of the Empire State Building in “Lucy is Envious” (S3;E23). Of his 350 screen roles, he also made six appearances on “The Lucy Show.”
Liz Cugat is in the kitchen doing dishes when Katie the maid comes in, worried about a boyfriend she hasn’t seen in 15 years: Roscoe Miller, a wealthy man from Kansas she’s been corresponding with. Katie has told him she was wealthy, too.  Roscoe is coming to town and now Katie is worried she will be discovered as a maid, not a mistress. 
To rescue Katie, Liz will pretend to be the maid, while Katie poses as Lady of the house!  To accommodate the deception, Liz loans Katie her wardrobe and perfume.  In the process, she tears the dress.
KATIE: “I’m just too fat for your clothes.” LIZ: “Oh, fiddle-faddle!”  KATIE: “That’s just it. My fiddle’s okay, I’m just too big in the faddle.”
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The doorbell rings and Liz goes into action as the maid to answer it. She admits the man, but it is just the newspaper collection man (Herb Vigran). After he goes, the bell rings again. It is Roscoe Miller, who doesn’t match Katie’s description at all. 
Katie greets Roscoe, but instinctively doesn’t sit down, forgetting she’s no longer the maid. Roscoe is still single.  Katie says she is, too, but Roscoe spots a cigar smoldering in the ashtray.  Katie says it is hers!  Roscoe also sees a photo of a man (George) inscribed “to my wife”!  She says they are her ex-husband. 
LIZ: “Pardon me, ma’am. How do you get the cream and sugar into those little tea bags?” 
Katie asks Liz to explain about the ex-husband in the photo. Thinking quick, Liz says he left and has never been heard of since, taking the children with him. 
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LIZ: “And he took her automobile with him.” ROSCOE: “The cad!” LIZ: “No, the Buick.”
Liz continues her story, saying that he developed amnesia and is wandering the world somewhere. Katie starts to cry. Liz says his name was Adolph Jensen. When Katie starts to chime in on Liz’s story, they tell conflicting tales, confusing Roscoe. They can’t decide where she met him: bank or country club or whether it was 8 or 10 yeas ago.
The doorbell rings. It is Cory Cartwright (John Heistand). Liz enlists his help by telling him the whole story on the porch:
LIZ: “Roscoe Miller is Katie’s old boyfriend who thinks she’s married to Adolph Jensen. Adolph has amnesia because he embezzled the bank and we’ve got to get rid of Roscoe before George comes home and he finds out the truth. Now, is that clear?” CORY: “Sure. You just condensed the plot of the last three years of ‘Ma Perkins’.”
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“Ma Perkins” was a radio soap opera heard on NBC from 1933 to 1949 and on CBS from 1942 to 1960. Between 1942 and 1949, the show was heard simultaneously on both networks. The series is widely credited with giving birth to storytelling and content-based advertising.
Cory agrees to help Liz by taking Roscoe downtown and drop him somewhere. 
Later, the phone rings and George asks if he can bring a friend home for dinner - a new acquaintance named Roscoe Miller.  
LIZ: “We’ve been held over, Katie. We’ve got to give a repeat show for the West Coast!” 
This inside joke refers to the fact that live radio (and later television) shows had to be done twice to account for the time difference. Once for the East Coast and again for the West Coast. Technology would soon make such reprises unnecessary. 
Katie urges Liz to call George back and tell him the truth. When she tries, the phone is being used by a party line with Lucy and Bessie gossiping non-stop. 
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A Party Line is a local loop telephone circuit that is shared by multiple subscribers. Party line systems were used to provide telephone service starting with the first commercial switchboards in 1878. Party lines provided no privacy and were frequently used as a source of entertainment and gossip. Objections about one party monopolizing a line were common and eavesdropping remained an ongoing concern. By the end of the 20th century, party lines had been phased out in the United States.  A party line would also be featured in “Redecorating” (ILL S2;E8) where one of the gabby partiers is also played by Florence Halop!  
If she can just get through on the phone, Liz will tell George she has lockjaw and can’t entertain guests.  When Liz is finally able to get the women to hang up, George has already left the bank. 
Cory comes back to say he’s completed his task, but Liz tells him that they’ve met up and he needs to find them and head them off.  
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When George and Roscoe pull up to the Cugat home, Roscoe realizes George is Adolph Jensen!  He tells George that he’s about to be reunited with his long-lost wife!  When he opens the door, Liz and Katie both pretend George is Adolph.  Roscoe asks about Adolph’s six (or seven, according to Katie) children. 
George insists that he’s George Cugat, not Adolph Jensen. Saved by the (door) bell!  It is Cory, answering the door Liz the maid has a moment to whisper in his ear to play along.
LIZ: “Why, Adolph!  Don’t you recognize him?  Your eldest son!” GEORGE: “Cory!  Say something!” CORY: “Daddy!” 
Later, George and Liz are relieved that everything ended well. George reports that Roscoe bought a lot of bonds from him. Liz reasons that then he can afford to buy her a new fur coat.  He suddenly fiens amnesia. She does too!
LIZ: “I’m not Liz. I’m Mrs. Jensen. Give me a kiss, Adolph.” 
End of Episode
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strickenice · 7 years
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A cis verison of the Frachercy I made for @dontcallmestraightorcis
- Despite who Percy’s parent is, they love to go on high-sky dates
- And a lot of ocean dates
- Cuddling at night is a 50/50 chance of a three way spoon or a spoon with a cat. No in between
- Rachel uses them as her living canvases, and adores how smooth Frank’s skin is
- Percy and Frank having to deal with that ‘but you’re related’ bs and Percy being the one to snap back
- “Yeah Joe, but 99% of humans are related anyways”
- Rachel and Frank spending their money on Percy, because both of them are technically rich
- Percy complains because he grew up without money but keeps them gifts because he loves it
- Frank always being short on shirts and hoodies because his bf and gf keep taking them
- Percy and Rachel can both fit together in one of Frank’s hoodies so they cuddle there a lot
- None of the rooms in their apartment have solid colour. It’s a huge canvas covered in shelves
- They own Sally’s entire published collection and it has a proud shelf right in front of the front door
- They live in the city because it’s greener and have two apartments - one for living and the other for art and gardening
- Vegetarians; Rachel because she’s never liked meat, Frank because he usually IS the meat, and Percy because that bonding with Nekhbet has made him rethink his life choices 
- They would be vegans but they felt good where they were at
- Percy teaching his boyfriend how to cook while Rachel watches the Dream Boys work
- They use Frank as a pillow a lot, and when they do Percy always braids Rachel’s hair
- swim team Percy competing and his two s/os being the loudest in the bleachers
- Frank getting back into the Spelling Bee, only the high school version, and Rachel goes to every meeting as moral support (Percy tries but sometimes swim interferes so he has Rachel record it so he can watch it later)
- They have matching ring-sets that they wear everywhere even though they’re not married yet
- There was that one time Frank turned into a parrot while at school and Rachel decided to take this bird around school and everyone was either cooing over Frank or wondering if that was even allowed
- Vegan Ice cream saves Frank’s life on Sundae Sundays
- Someone poked fun at Frank’s largeness and Rachel beat Percy to the guy and no mortal knows what really happened
- They go on expensive vacations, mostly cruises, and curl up together and sunbath
- Rachel’s freckles multiply in the sun so Frank traces them with his finger and Percy’s dying because SO CUTE???
- Romantic Slobs who can’t plan worth a dime but instead just go to the movies and have slushies in the middle of the night
- Since, technically, Frank’s still a Canadian citizen, they all end up getting duel citizenship eventually
- Sally buys them a bigger bed for Percy’s room and it takes up 70% of the free space
- Monopoly marathons with real money
- This one time an oblivious dude-friend asked Percy if he wanted to double date since his girlfriend wanted to hook Percy up with someone, so instead he just shows up with Big Panda and Little Red Panda at a bowling alley
- Dates at the Bottom of the Ocean, featuring Frank the Merman (they have a picture of that on their wall it was a great time)
- Avid Theatre People, they love On and Off Broadways shows
- Percy’s favourite play is Macbeth, don’t ask why it just is
- Dinner dates are fun, sometimes an older lady would come over and quote about how monogamy is Better and they make the most of the oppertunity
- The camps supports them like crazy
- And, while Mr. and Mrs. Dare were skeptic at first, they publicly support their daughter’s boyfriends
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mrandmrsvex · 7 years
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Relationships: Percival "Percy" Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III/Vex'ahlia, Vax'ildan & Vex'ahlia (Critical Role) Characters: Vex'ahlia (Critical Role), Vax'ildan (Critical Role), Percival "Percy" Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III, Grog Strongjaw, Shaun Gilmore, Mentioned: Pike and Kima and Scanlan Additional Tags: Rated Teen and Up because of Alcohol, alcohol mention, alcoholic mention? I suppose, also lotsa swearing for some reason my Vex swears a lot Series: Part 3 of thursday nights and friday mornings
Vex has had quite enough of this week full of extra studying and homework. Now she's gotta deal with everyone at the pub teasing her about her supposed new 'sweetheart'. And then suddenly she's gotta deal with 'sweetheart' and his very obvious problems. (All while Vax laughs)
It's the first thursday night! Off to such a great start! Or not. You gotta add some dramatic undertones to a slow-burn dorklove fic, I think.
[Part 1]
[Part 2]
It had only been a week since her last engineering class, but Vex felt like it had stretched on for months. What was usually just a quick half hour of homework – granted, she'd never bothered to spend more time than necessary on this class, and oh what bitter irony it felt like now - had turned into a whole week of research, library visits and late evenings staring at equations that would not, could not be solved.
And that was just the first two assignments Percy had given her. She'd not dared to look into the folder he'd handed her with even more papers inside. Two assignments instead of one after a week, that should count for something, right? Surely it'd make him agree that she was taking her grades seriously now. Surely he'd decide to drop the rest of it and give her a damn C or D on the entire class and be done with it. (Surely he'd be a bit impressed by her efforts, she thought for a second, before beating down that silly idea coming from out of nowhere.)
But none of that plan would work if she didn't manage to finish this set of equations tonight.
Before she could pick up her pencil to scribble some more useless numbers on the paper, Vax interrupted her with a theatrical slam of the front door.
„Get your shoes on, dearest sister! I've found us yet another great and well-paying job!“ That could mean no good – Vax's idea of a 'great job' usually meant either something so boring he could just sleep through it, or something so dangerous and barely-legal that Vex didn't even want to hear about it.
„Vax, I told you hundreds of times, I can't. I have to finish this goddamn homework so I can hand it in tomorrow.“
„That's for tomorrow?“ Vax's question seemed innocuous enough, but she could see the edges of his mouth twitch upwards suspiciously.
„Yes. My engineering class. Every friday. We've been over this.“
„Could it be, Vex, sister, dearest.“ He stood behind her chair now, hands heavy on her shoulders, and she could hear the glee in his voice. „Could it be that you've forgotten tomorrow is a holiday?“
She tensed up. Her mind raced. What was the date again?
„Oh, fucking hell.“ was all she could stammer.
Vax couldn't hold back anymore, and her continued swearing was drowned under a wave of laughter as he leaned down, still holding onto her shoulders, which she quickly shrugged off.
„You didn't think to tell me that the whole week you watched me work my ass off?!“
„I didn't know you were doing it for this friday.“ He was still giggling and only barely lying. „I thought you just wanted to get as much done as possible!“
„I fucking hate you.“ She slammed her book shut. „Now tell me about this goddamn job I'm apparently working tonight, considering how much free time I've just gained.“
„Oh, it's a great gig! Scanlan's playing at-“
„I'm not working for Scanlan again. We agreed on that.“ The bastard had stiffed them last time, despite the copious amounts of cheap-drink-buying - which Vex realised now was mostly done to get them drunk enough not to notice when he paid them barely half of what he promised.
„It's not for Scanlan, and if you'd let me finish a sentence you would know that.“ Vax poked her side. „As I said – Scanlan's playing at Gilmore's tonight. I helped him set up, and Gilmore mentioned he was short-staffed. He needs a bartender and a waitress.“ Another poke. „I sang some praises about how quick on your feet you are and how friendly and customer-oriented and how good all my drinks taste, and he's agreed to let us help out.“
That was, surprisingly, an actually great job Vax had scored them. Gilmore's Glorious Gastro-Pub was a nice enough place – albeit somewhat chaotic and filled with the most random and weird customers she'd met so far – and Gilmore was as good a boss as they could ever get. If they worked the latest shift as well, he would probably let them take home any and all leftovers from the kitchen. He'd already done that whenever Vax stayed as a guest far longer than opening hours allowed. A well-paid job, food for the fridge and a shitload of tips if she just practised her winks and smiles some more sounded wonderful to her after the stressful week.
„You have yourself a deal. When do we start?“
„Pretty much right now. Get your shoes on and we can help Gilmore set up the kitchen for the evening crowd as well.“
„Doesn't he have that new kitchen-guy that replaced Pike for help? Greg?“ Vex hadn't been to Gilmore's for quite a while, but Vax was a frequent customer – along with Keyleth – and kept her pretty up to date on their friends' shenanigans.
„Grog. Once you meet him, you'll realise why he won't be much help at all when it comes to delicate things like dishes.“
8 hours later, Vex was still surprised how well her brother did in getting this short time job. She would have to actually be nice to him tomorrow, to say thanks.
But right now, she was allowed to shoot dagger-sharp looks in his direction every time he matched her stare.
It only took about 5 minutes after she put on the waitress apron at the beginning of this shift that Scanlan had made an off-hand joke about 'putting in extra work everywhere' that she planned to ignore. It took another 30 minutes until she was introduced to Grog, and his first words to her were „Ain't you got an important class tomorrow?“. It was so busy in the middle of the evening that she barely noticed Kima getting a beer at the bar and shouting „Didn't know you liked blondes, too, Darky!“ when she shuffled past her with a tray full of drinks. But the breaking point had been when Pike came in after an obviously exhausting day at the hospital, sitting down to an already perfectly prepared drink and patting the seat beside her, putting on her usual happy-mumfriend face and asking Vex to tell her „everything about your new sweetheart at college“. Vax had almost dropped his cocktail shaker from giggling before fleeing his sister's rage by dashing to the kitchen.
He didn't get far. He was halfway to the walk-in cooler before she slammed him into the wall.
„What the everloving fuck have you been telling people about me?“
„Nothing but the truth.“ Vax was still giggling slightly, trying to push her away, but she didn't budge. „Just that you've got a class with a much bigger workload now and a new teacher.“ „That is an awfully short way of describing the gossip you're spreading about me.“
„I'm not spreading gossip. It hurts that you think I would do that, to my own sister.“
She pushed a bit harder and heard him cough – her elbow was digging into his chest. „Pike thinks I've got a 'sweetheart'. Kima knew his fucking haircolour.“
„Now, to be fair.“ He finally managed to push her away just a bit, enough to let him breathe again. „You've given me such a good description of your horrible-not-horrible teach by now that I could pick him out of a crowd, and I've never even seen the guy. I know you're very perceptive but I get the feeling that you've spend more time than usual memorizing little Percival's... attributes.“
All he earned for his smug wink was a punch in the stomach. Vex had left before he could get up from the floor and stop coughing.
Hours later and with the pub now empty, she was still fuming about it. It hadn't taken a lot of insisting to convince Pike that there was no one new in her life – not that Pike would ever push further even if she didn't believe it – and she'd managed to mostly ignore or stare down any other jokes from their more rambunctious friends, but Vax had still avoided her pretty well. So all she could do was stare at him in anger. And now she couldn't even do that, because he had dissappeared somewhere while she was cleaning the bar top – which was, supposedly, his job as barkeeper.
Another figure appeared next to her to help instead. A tan hand, covered in gold rings and bracelets, grabbed a towel and began scrubbing with a slight jingle from all the jewelry. Vex looked up and looked into the dark, heavily painted, absolutely lovely face of Gilmore smiling at her.
„Let me help, Gorgeous.“
Vex couldn't help but laugh at his greeting. „I thought that was one of your many titles.“
„Ah, but that is one of the rules.“ Gilmore pointed at the sign behind the bar. The usual jokey 'no shirt, no shoes, extra friendly service' had been expanded with sharpie during many drunk nights. „Everyone in this pub is gorgeous. Some more than others, I might admit, but I'd certainly count you in the top class as well.“
„Well, thanks. I appreciate it, even if it's mostly because I look just like my brother.“
Now it was Gilmore's turn to laugh quickly. „Oh dear, enough about me and my gorgeous friends. What about your new friend? Is he as gorgeous as Vax makes him out to be from your descriptions?“
She groaned and put her head on the freshly cleaned countertop. „Not you too, Gilmore. Why does everyone believe I'm interested in someone just because I dared to talk about him more than once? Am I not allowed to be annoyed by a substitute teacher without everyone immediately dreaming up wedding lists?“
„Hyperbole, dear.“ He softly lifted her head back up. „The lady doth protest too much, methinks. I'm pretty sure people wouldn't be bothering you with it quite so much if it didn't... bother you as much.“
He had a point. Not that Vex was going to admit it out loud in any way. She was getting far too riled up about some light-hearted ribbing – why couldn't she take it with a smile and a sharp joke in return, like she usually would?
„Besides...“ Gilmore pulled her out of her thoughts again. „I wouldn't be quite so adamant about how much you dislike this new fellow. Just in case it turns out to be a bit more than nothing.“ He lifted his hand, jingling again, to stop her from answering. „Because if it is indeed more than nothing, I'm sure he'd be a tad unhappy to hear how much you talked him down before we ever met him.“
„Gilmore, you're not ever going to meet him.“ The lady doth protest again, she realised. „But maybe you're right, overall, and I should cut my brother some slack. He's just making fun of me as he always does.“
„He tries, dear. He cares for you a bit too much, maybe.“ A soft pat on the back. „And now get your gorgeous butt out of here, and take your brother's gorgeous butt with you. You've been here far too long and helped with much more than you needed. I'll get you your official payment tomorrow, okay? And for the unofficial...“ Gilmore turned around, towards the kitchen. „Grog! Is that takeout bag ready yet for the twins?“
The icy air outside Gilmore's hit them both like an arrow in the chest. The absolute darkness beyond the streetlights at this time of night did not make the scene any more cosy. Despite still being angry with him, Vex couldn't resist huddling against her brother for warmth – and maybe a bit of feeling of safety, to be honest.
„At least we might not need a freezer for all this food, then.“ Vax looked down at the two large bags they'd been handed moments prior by a wide-smiling Grog.
„Let's just get home, and sleep.“
He steered her left down the street, past a smaller side alley that looked as inviting in the dark as it did by day – filled with trashcans, even more spilled waste, and leftover bottles from people who'd been thrown out of the various pubs around or were too drunk to ever be allowed in. And amongst all this dark rubble, she spotted a patch of white.
Instinct was all that made her pull her brother back sharply, against the wall and away from the alley. He was just as alert as her in an instant, probably thinking she'd seen a mugger or something equally dangerous.
„What?“ He barely whispered. „What is it?“
„...What?“ Vax's expression changed from concerned to confused, but Vex only shushed him and inched forward a bit, peeking into the alleyway.
There he was, just as she'd seen it, all white hair and golden glasses and big blue coat. What she wasn't used to was the slumped position down on the ground, head hanging low. Nor was she used to the bottle in his hand.
„Holy shit.“ Vax had apparently peeked in as well. „Is that – that's your boy? De Rolo?“
„Ssh!“ She pulled him back.
„What do we do now?“ Vax didn't know why they were still whispering. It seemed like Percy was in no state to hear them anyway.
„What do you mean, what do we do? We go home!“
„Are you serious? You find someone you know crouched down in an alley and your first reaction is to run off?“
Vex stared at her feet, thinking of Percy's embarassed face once he sobered up enough to realise that she'd found him in this state. It would be easier to just pretend nothing like that had ever happened.
„I mean, I don't know. He's just...“ Another lean past the corner and a quick look at Percy. „He seems pretty out of it. Drunk. I mean.“
„No shit.“ Vax shook off her hands, still around his collar, and pushed his takeaway bag into her hands before she could react. „Let's check if he's just drunk or if it's something worse, though.“
She couldn't stop him as he stepped into the alley and straight in front of Percy, who barely reacted by shortly shaking his head.
„Hey, bud. You ok? Somebody jump you, or something?“ He tried to sound calm, but Vex could hear the slight nervosity in her brother's voice. They knew all to well how much could hide in the rest of this alley.
„M'fine.“ She could barely make out from Percy's mumbling.
„Yeah, no, you're not. Where do you live? Is there anyone we can call to pick you up?“
No response. Vax sighed and turned back to her.
„Sis, come and help me at least. This is your drunk bag of problems here, after all.“
She hated him for this, sure, but she was at his side just as quickly.
„And now?“
„And now we take Mister de Rolo out of the gutter and, preferably, into a warmer home. He'll thank you for it later, I'm sure.“
Vax lifted Percy off the ground and slung his arm over his shoulder. Vex took a step closer, pretending to try and help, instead getting a good look at the bottle Percy had left lying on the ground. She recognised the label, barely, from behind Gilmore's bar. It wasn't the cheapest.
„Your boy is pretty light.“ Vax could feel Percy's ribs as he put his arm around his waist, even through shirt and coat. „I think he's not eating right.“ „He's not my boy.“ She grumbled quietly, hoping Percy wasn't awake enough to listen to them.
„Whatever. Let's get him home. Where does he live?“
„How should I know? I only see him at school.“
They stared at each other, blank, while Percy gave out a quiet groan from being dragged.
„Well, then. Should we just... should we take him home with us?“ Vax asked. Vex shrugged.
„Maybe by then he's sobered up enough to tell us where he lives.“
„Sis, I'm not gonna carry your pretty boy through town only to find out he lives at the other end. If we take him home, he's gonna stay until he's sober enough to walk back on his own.“ He looked down at the still groaning guy hanging off his shoulder. „And I highly doubt that's gonna happen anytime before tomorrow morning. He can have the couch.“
With that, Vax began dragging Percy down the street, only to be stopped by his slurring voice.
„Jus... jus leave me.“
„No can do, boy. The pub's closed, there's obviously no one else to take you home, and the police's gonna start doing their rounds soon.“ Vax patted Percy on the back and instantly hoped it wouldn't cause him to throw up. „Trust me, the worst place to wake up hungover is in the drunkard cell.“
„I know.“
Vex and Vax shared a look. What a catch, Vax seemed to say silently, you really know how to pick them. She flipped him the bird.
It didn't take them long to get back to the twins' flat just a few roads down. It proved a bit more difficult to get Percy up the stairs, but they managed to get him through the door and on the sofa without any really major scratches or bruises. Percy had already blacked out halfway down the street, so at least he wouldn't remember where the few scrapes on his cheek came from.
Vax pulled off his jacket while Vex undid his shoes, and together they draped him over the old couch. Vex carefully lifted his glasses off his face and put them on the table, at the same time shooing away Trinket, who was very interested in this stranger suddenly taking up all the space on his couch. She wasn't fast enough to stop him from licking right across Percy's face.
Luckily it only elicited another groan before he turned his head away and quietly snored again. He looked so calm, it was hard to believe she'd only just found him in a beer puddle next to a pub. It was hard to believe she'd met him there at all.
„Well, let's see here.“ She was still lost in thought when she heard her brother at the other end of the room and looked up. There he was, Percy's coat in front of him on the hanger, his hands already deep in its pockets.
„Vax, what the fuck?!“ She hissed. „Don't go through his stuff! Don't steal anything!“
„Oh please, sis. Like I'd be that stupid.“ His hands didn't stop, though. „I just wanna see if he has a cellphone or something. We gotta let somebody know where he is, don't we?“ One hand emerged – with a very crumbled pack of smokes. „An alcoholic smoker. What a lovely set of addictions.“ The other hand emerged empty. „No cellphone, though. Maybe in his jeans pocket?“
„We are not picking his pockets while he's asleep.“
Vax was by now going through what she could only assume was Percy's wallet. He pulled out an ID and snorted almost immediately.
„Oh, poor boy.“
„What?“ Vex was up and halfway towards him, but he quickly pushed the ID back in.
„Nothing, dear sister. Nothing that you should know, if he's not willingly told you yet.“
„He hasn't told you anything willingly either! You just went through his stuff!“
Vex made a move for the wallet, but Vax pushed it back into the coat quicker.
„Okay, so no phone to call someone, I've no idea where the adress from his ID is, nothing else in the pockets that could tell us anything, except that he is as unhealthy as he could get. Your boy is a mystery man in his own right.“
„If you don't stop calling him my boy, I'm going to punch you where it hurts.“
„Let's just let him sleep off everything on the couch and worry about it in the morning.“ Vax was obviously getting tired and ignoring his sister's threats.
„I'm gonna worry the whole night.“ She'd murmured to herself, but he heard.
„Vex, he's fine. Sure, drunk out of his ass and probably frozen halfway through, but he'll be alright.“
„That's not- ...not exactly what I meant.“ She sighed. Why did she have to find him like this? What would he think once he remembered? How much more embarassing could their whole situation get, anyway?
 And why the hell was he getting blackout drunk?,  a true worry crept into the back of her head.
(other fanfics: -non-AU-)
Percy being a wreck about having babies
Percy being a wreck about protecting his new baby
Proof that his kids are doing just fine with him as a dad
Percy is a wreck after Vex kills him in his dreams
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