#she makes my blood BOIL
clearlydusty · 29 days
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Take His Heart
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jamminvroomvroom · 9 months
wait are we hating on danicka patrick im here i'm ready -🤪
yes we are can they pls send her home? my girlies rachel and bernie do not need this woman diluting their screen time
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taylorscrows · 1 year
Join the tante heleen hate club today!
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ponds-of-ink · 2 years
Okay, Fazbear Frights spoilers, but I need to get this off my chest before I “combust” or something
Eleanor from Fazbear Frights officially wins my “completely loathe” FNAF character list… Which, thankfully, just includes her iirc. Not even the fandom’s pick Balloon Boy or the ever-annoying Minerinas and Bin-Babs (however you spell those two names idk) reach this level in my mind.
Like… If I ever get to fight Eleanor in Ruin for whatever reason, I will let the Ruin Girl clock that monster of a robot’s lights out.
You know a character’s a piece of work when she not only goes after some vulnerable kid(s) but also has the sheer audacity to manipulate the living daylights out of the usual antagonist of the franchise— a n d t h e n g e t a w a y w i t h i t. Literally making him have aN E M O T I O N A L B R E A K D O W N when she decides to leave him to die.
And that’s not even touching the fact that she’s organized pretty much most of the main Frights stories. Somehow. Freaky little Circus Baby ripoff (?) managed to plan further ahead than Afton’s ever done and with even more twisted stuff in mind!
TL;DR: I am needlessly enraged by this fictional cyber-woman and I needed to get my thoughts on her out there real quick. Now I think I know how some of the fanbase feels towards William tbh.
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getoswhore · 2 years
if you like stephanie from bgc season 16 ik ur breath smells
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comradekatara · 3 months
sokka’s crisis of identity in “avatar day” after losing his boomerang is played for laughs and he does ultimately retrieve it by the end of the episode, so it’s not a particularly dire conflict, but i do think it’s interesting how pressing this loss clearly is to him. when they’re attacked by the rough rhinos at the beginning of the episode, aang delays them by grabbing his staff, and katara delays them by grabbing her waterbending scroll, but when sokka’s boomerang is left on a tree stump, they don’t bother going back for it. katara is even kind of mean about it, like his boomerang isn’t as important to him as aang’s glider or katara’s scroll. but his boomerang is also a cultural artefact that connects him to his heritage. i think that hakoda probably gave sokka his boomerang (he could’ve made it himself considering his blacksmithing abilities, but like. where would he have found the materials and tools needed to make it), and so it represents a direct connection to a memory of his father, in the same way that katara’s necklace represents her last memory of her mother. the boomerang signifies the skill, adaptability, and ingenuity of his forefathers just as the necklace is a symbol of the resilience, courage, and strength of katara’s mother and grandmother before her. it’s more than just sokka’s favorite weapon, it’s a part of him. the unique skill and precision of the boomerang represents who he is, as someone whose greatest strength is his mind rather than his brawn. and its connection to the men of his tribe, specifically his father, is his only remaining link to a legacy and tradition he has always aspired to embody. and not for nothing, but i’ve always found it so incredibly apt that the prized, cherished object of a boy with such prevailing abandonment issues is one that is known for “always coming back.”
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mimikyuno · 7 months
homura (after a whole movie dedicated to the mechanisms of her inner psyche and set in a world that is literally her subconscious, populated by little dolls that are the manifestation of her emotions and self-hatred, after a whole movie where we get to see that she loves and cares for her friends and above all she deeply loves madoka, after the most heartbreaking scene in the history of anime where she realises madoka never wanted to sacrifice herself, after sacrificing herself to try and keep madoka’s wish alive anyway and keep her safe from the incubators, after being saved by madoka and feeling undeserving of it yet again, after finally giving up on trying to preserve madoka’s wish and creating a universe in which madoka can be happy and her friends too and the incubators eat shit, after showing how much she hates herself for it): i’m evil! i’m a demon! i’m evil incarnate!
people: yeah that checks out, homura is evil.
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coolattas · 2 months
thinking about lucretia adventurezone and grinding my teeth down to the gums because holy fuck dude. holy shit. she was impossibly, horribly young on the starblaster. three hops and a jump from being a fucking baby. the two-sunned planet is devoured by the hunger in the same year that she graduates from high school. she is easily the youngest of the birds, even considering the differing rates of aging amongst the rest of the crew. teenaged astrophysicist, wizard, author, artist, without ties solid enough back home to keep her from the starblaster's maiden voyage. she writes and rewrites every moment she can wring from her memories into enough notebooks that it's damn near arthritis-inducing to step within 50 feet of the stacks upon stacks of field notes, of detailed accounts and gentle, domestic benignity. she loves and she loses and it still can't ever prepare her for the next decade. a century dwarfs the time she spends alone running the bureau, but the sheer magnitude of her loss is incomparable. lucretia learns to live in the stolen century, learns to rely on others, learns to trust and care and laugh and build, create, sacrifice, indulge. she pries these things away from herself in the name of a greater good, to what she believes to be their only hope. she sees the agony they're in, and she inadvertently compounds that anguish when she tries to fix it. she is 18 and 118 when she feeds fisher her journals. she is 30 and 130 and 50 and 150 when taako holds a staff to her chest and counts down like it means anything to her anymore that she dies. maybe it's atonement, but even that sounds far too holy a word to describe it. her brother grips her life in his hands, and she thinks it's only fair that he is the one to soundly smother it at last. the lonely journal-keeper is so young and so impossibly old and she is so, so tired. her family will outlive her by centuries. she will be a fine powder, dust beneath the crust of the planet, long before she believes their forgiveness will ever be known. if that day comes at all. everything she has ever done is soured by a guilt so weighty that she spends every day trying to play damage control with the havoc she feels solely responsible for having wrought. she lives within the confines of dichotomy, of red and blue and good and bad, even when she knows she's lying through her teeth, because its easier to live with herself (it's not) when she justifies it, when everyone else lives and dies by the idea that she got it right. she spends 12 years alone, sitting in the thick of her own grief. she mourns men who are right in front of her face. she sees the way they have changed, so fundamentally, sees the ways her choices have ruined them. 12 years is such a long time to be alone. 12 fucking years. she ages 32 in the same span, shedding decades in wonderland in the blink of an eye, and she knows she's running out of time. she's willing to give up whatever she has left, without question. lucretia loves so fiercely and so unquestionably and still she believes herself to be irredeemably cruel when really she was just so scared, tethered to any sense of hope only by the idea that she was doing right by her family. in a position that no one should have to be in, a situation that virtually no one else could truly understand. she was so young and she suffered so, so much. more than any person should. she is flawed but she is not the monster she convinces herself she has become. lucretia adventurezone they could never make me hate you lets kiss on the mouth ok?
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Like obviously the whole "they're just doing [x] for attention!" is completely asinine because humans are social creatures who need attention to some capacity, but also... in your narrative, does everybody do things specifically for your attention? When somebody does something drastic or shocking, is it not because they're desperate for help but just because they crave your attention specifically? Does the sun rise and set at your command as well?
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ahalliance · 3 months
wishing certain qsmp fans a very Stop Being Fucking Misogynists
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dareduffie · 1 month
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overhated female main characters who are products of their environment and are blamed for every conflict in their story because for some reason an extreme lack of media literacy has become the cool and interesting thing to do
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Featuring: Cmdr. Sophie Shepard, Primarch Adrien Victus, Dalatrass Linron, and Urdnot Wrex With: Comm. Specialist Samantha Traynor Commander, you need to keep Cerberus at bay- I can't overstate what a victory a treaty between the Turians and the Krogan would be for the Alliance. We need all the help we can get... Mass Effect 3: Legendary Edition (2021)
#mira makes gifs ✨#sophie shepard#urdnot wrex#samantha traynor#mass effect#mass effect 3#me3#mass effect legendary edition#dailygaming#finally got around to gif'ing the sur'kesh footage and i ended up splitting it in half bc the summit just had too many good wrex moments#by best of: the normandy summit i really just mean best of: wrex bc this is literally just every wrex moment from the summit LMAO#i was gonna stuff this in with the priority sur'kesh set but literally when i had like 10 gifs of just the summit i was like#sur'kesh is getting the mars split bc wrex has too many good moments to just start cutting half of them out tbh#also victus in his fancy primarch robes with THAT VOICE??? i'm not down bad for most turians but DAMN victus#maybe we talk about how fucking real he was for hearing wrex say that the krogan were the ones who spilled their blood to stop the rachni#and immediately looked at the dalatrass and said that wrex was fucking right#and then said that the dalatrass was helping wrex or she'd never see another friendly turian again?? like he's a fucking ICON for that tbh#and soph in the dress blues????? HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT (mass effect women in uniforms and armor 😍)#her angy face coming back at the dalatrass to defend wrex is everything to me#and wrex's expressions during the summit are so fucking good#there's so much raw emotion on his face that you can see and you can tell how like angry and frustrated he is with the dalatrass and victus#and how much he's holding back!! especially when linron insults him!! when she basically calls his people useless!!#like there's just a thousand+ years of pent up krogan rage about the genophage just boiling behind wrex's eyes#and he somehow manages to keep somewhat cool during the summit? like obvi wrex isn't a thousand+ years old but he's his people's rep#he's such a fucking interesting character especially during this scene when you think about a thousand+ years of the genophage#bc you get to watch him balance keeping his cool in a political situation he's a leader in#vs. remembering he's a krogan in the presence of the leadership of the people who literally created a sterility plague for his people??#and the raw emotions of that for him???#wrex my love you deserve the world for dealing with the summit in the cool-headed way that you did bc it was 100% bullshit for you#canon soph would have thrown the dalatrass off the normandy so fucking fast for insulting wrex and his people and you cannot change my mind
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feelingtheaster99 · 6 months
Marinette Dupain-Cheng deserves like an EPISODE LENGTH apology from the whole class for not believing her about Lila
Honestly especially Alya for constantly GASLIGHTING her about Marinette’s dislike and disbelief of Lila purely stemming from jealousy when the WRITING WAS ON THE WALL
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beanghostprincess · 6 months
All One Piece characters are poly and married to one another. Especially the Strawhats
I agree wholeheartedly. Honestly, I started shipping some strawhats as poly when I thought about my favorite OP ships and I was like "damn, if Zolu and Sanuso are on top 1 and 2 I honestly think I should just make it a single ship lmfao" and here we are. Multishipper things. Also, I don't ship ALL the Strawhats together but I enjoy the concept a lot. My poly ships within the Strawhats are basically:
Luffy x Zoro x Sanji x Usopp
Robin x Franky x Jinbe x Brook
Nami x Vivi (x All the girlfriends Nami has. Perhaps fem Sanji. Depends on the context)
And somehow I always end up finding connections with other ships, so atp all OP characters are just a huge polycule.
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claremikas · 2 months
I'm so conflicted about the vampire arc because I really like dornez's story but the sympathetic view on dunward the narrative tries to give off pissed me off majorly
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vampcaprisun · 5 months
i knew mizora was big on the whole treating wyll like a dog thing and i already fucking despised it, but nothing could’ve prepared me for hearing her call herself his “handler”. being a bitch to her isn’t enough anymore i need to destroy her and i need to do it now. wyll baby i’m so sorry she talked to you like that i love you so much.
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