#she may not be aggressive but she's not passive either
w1shb0n3z · 5 months
"Oh, Falin's so pure! She'd never put one life over another! She loves everyone equally and would die of sadness if anyone gets hurt under her watch! She must he so anxious and shy! She meeds to be protected and- "
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Ermmm, nuh uh?
Please don't infantilze Falin. I beg. my heart can't take it
Just because she's soft spoken doesn't mean she's a "uwu angel baby". That is a grown women that's been through some shit! We start off the series with her being eaten by a dragon goddamn it. You think dragons just pop up and scoop up unsuspecting damsels? NO. You gotta decend in a dank dungeon, beat monsters, and revive who knows how many people to reach that thing.
I dont think she's anxious. Even in what we see of her as a child, she isn't a really nervous kid! She's just introverted! She isn't really "shy" as much as "quiet". She wins the IDGAF war and is nice (rare combo)
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cazshmere · 2 months
Synastry Observations Pt.2
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DISCLAIMER: These are just my personal observations and are meant for entertainment purposes only; it may not resonate with everyone due to the nuances of astrology. Please respect my work and avoid copying or stealing it. Enjoy reading!! 🍊⭐️
🍊 Mars in the 12th house synastry has got to be one of the worst things 😭. It’s confusing and exhausting. The Mars person seems to harbour some sort of irrational animosity towards the house person in a very passive-aggressive way. The house person can sense this too, but they are unsure if they’re making it up or not. Also, it’s such a blockage; you could be really close to each other and know of each other, but the conversation WOULD TAKE AGES to start because neither the house person nor the Mars person wants to initiate conversation. It’s like there’s an invisible barrier between you guys 🥲
🍊 Venus in the 8th house/ in Scorpio’s first romantic relationship or situation always ends up hurting them. I’ve seen this countless times where their first experience with romance either ends in heartbreak, unrequited love, or just a missed opportunity. This heartbreak helps these individuals immensely transform, and they might prefer to isolate themselves from anything romance-related for a long period of time. Honestly I think this is a canon event for every Scorpio/8th house Venus that I’ve met, including me lmao and especially if there are Venus-Saturn hard aspects, dear lord, sending love to all my scorp/8th house placements fr🫶🏻🥲❤️‍🩹
🍊 Something I’ve observed with Libra placements, especially the moon, is that when they’re in a relationship, it becomes the focal point of their life. They might go as far as changing career paths to be closer to their partner, altering their style to match their partner’s preferences, or adjusting their personality to be more appealing to their partner (yes I’m sure most of us do this to some extent but it’s a bit excessive for these peeps😭). Their relationship becomes such a central part of their identity that if anything goes wrong, it can feel devastating for them. For instance, I have a friend who is a Libra moon, and she always refers to her partner as “my boyfriend” instead of his name, even though we all know him personally, like gurl come on he’s got a name haha😭
🍊 Moon in the 12th house synastry can equate to the house person opening up to the moon person or just feeling extremely vulnerable around them. They’d share things with the moon person that they dare not share with anyone else. This synastry could also mean staying up late in the night and throwing your sleep away just to talk to each other 🧿
🍊 12th house synastry could also have undertones of enemies-to-lovers (the lovers part only if you ever get together, that is) because there’s this energy where you don’t know why the other person acts hostile/passive-aggressive towards you, ignores you, or sends you mixed signals that makes you dislike them but at the same time, you can’t stop fantasizing/dreaming about them in all these romantic scenarios or them showing up in your dreams outta nowhere like??😭
🍊 7th/8th and even 10th (to some extent) house synastry could indicate that one of the two, either the house person or the planet person (mostly the house person), copies the other, be it mannerisms, clothes, slang, or even certain traits of the other’s personality 💀. It’s because they notice how much attention or admiration the planet person garners, so to obtain that same kind of attention and recognition the house person might try to emulate the planet person 🫤
🍊 7th house Mars synastry can be very annoying and tiresome (especially for the house person). The Mars person could be a bit too much for the house person. The Mars person could get very petty and passive-aggressive towards the house person for no reason (this could go vice versa too). Yes there is sexual attraction and y’all could motivate/support each other through stuff but at the same time it’s draining asf, a big no no for me when it comes to synastry 🥲
🍊 Moon square Saturn synastry can cause delays when it comes to emotional attachment between two people, but once these two finally connect, it’s ride or die typa relationship fr 🥺🫂
🍊 Moon/Mercury in the 1st/5th/9th house synastry is very exciting and fun-loving, with lots of playful teasing and bantering with each other 😋🥰
🍊Moon /Mercury in the 2nd/4th/8th/10th/12th house synastry makes both parties very sensitive to each other’s words because these houses reflect our self esteem/self worth, the deepest parts of ourselves, our core, our reputation etc. A little bit of critique can also be taken personally by either party. Even harmless jokes could be taken in the wrong way and arguments could occur (especially if there isn’t 3rd/5th/9th/11th house synastry or any easy aspects in the synastry chart)
🍊 When someone's planets fall in your 8th house, they intuitively sense your true and deep needs related to that planet. For example, if someone's Venus is in your 8th house, they will know how to love you in a way that makes you feel unconditionally loved and appreciated. If their Mercury is in your 8th house, they will understand how to communicate with you on a profound level, meeting your need for deep and meaningful conversation. If their Mars is in your 8th house, they will instinctively know how to meet your sexual needs and desires and please you in bed🖤❤️‍🔥
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© cazshmere 2024 [All Rights Reserved]
banner credits : @anitalenia <3
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astrologyvas · 5 months
mars in the 12th house overlay/synastry
please do not copy or repeat my work anywhere
mars in the 12th house is a mystical, alluring and beautifully contradicting synastry placement.
in this overlay, we have mars, the fiery and confrontational celestial body. when you mix that with the 12th house, being an elusive, murky swamp of reminiscence, there is a lot of conflicting energies. on one hand, the fieriness of mars has the potential to boil out the impurities of the watery house and cleanse them of tainted habits. on the other hand, water can extinguish fire completely.
the first glimpse of this person ignites a spiritual pull towards one another. both, but typically the mars, feel an insatiable curiosity towards the other. it's like a dark, faint-lighted party where they can't take their eyes off each other.
mars in this connection wants to untwine the soul of the house, diving head first into their whirling and opaque waters. however, they quickly realize they need to slow down and restrain their impulsivity in order to be abundant in this connection. the house is cautious of mars, and may be scared away if mars does not tread carefully. trust is very blurred in this overlay, both wanting to be in control of the vulnerability shown to each other.
the house is an oasis of water that mars stumbled upon. mars will need to relinquish its aggressive nature in order to penetrate the shy and mysterious aura the house emanates. mars frantically texting "why are you ignoring me?" while the house is asleep vibes.
how aware one is of their subconscious will be how aware they are of what's going on beneath the surface of this overlay. there is a very passive energy when it comes to disputes and arguments. hidden conflict is a theme because of the timidity of both parties. there is potential for destruction if open & honest communication is not at the forefront of this connection.
mars is almost drowned in the dim haze of the house, causing a tendency for delusion and false impressions. both mars and the house feel like a piece of the puzzle is missing, because of their preconceived notion of who this person is.
this linkage will be a sensual and otherworldly bond. sex feels like you are traveling to astral planes through each other. like you are pulling their walls away, and reaching into the depths of their soul.
it is a powerful coming-together, but if either parties aren't looking or prepared for 12th house activation, it can be just as powerfully draining and cataclysmic.
mars can reach parts of the house that they may not be used to, especially if the house person has an inactive or empty 12th house. it can have the energy of "wait, you noticed that?" after the mars pointed out something the house only ever thought to themselves.
12th house connections are notoriously tragic, as the 12th house itself is a very impenetrable retreat in the natal chart. the house person may initially be full of lust for the mars person, which in time bleeds into insecurity or resentment. this is due to the nature of the 12th house bringing unconscious wounds and trauma to the surface when triggered by someone like mars.
however, this synastry is spiritually elevated and beautifully transcending if the challenging energies are balanced and nurtured. these bonds are meant to trigger change and emotional discomfort.
songs that may resonate:
like a tattoo - sade she - harry styles how to disappear - lana del rey rose blood - mazzy star
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simpingland · 1 year
The rumors// Aemond Targaryen x wife!reader.
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Requ: May I request a piece with Aemond x Blackwood!Reader? Was thinking that the oldest daughter of the Blackwoods gets betrothed to Aemond in order for the Greens to gain their support, Aemond is not ecstatic about it but he finds that lady Blackwood is fascinating person, very intelligent and very much..like him.So of course he slowly falls for her and in spite of her cold/sarcastic demeanour she truly sees Aemond for who he is and falls for him at first glance (but of course he doesn't have to know that:).
Summary: Aemond is forced to marry a woman he was more than happy to ignore. But her sarcasm, brain skills and a knee injury makes him feel a bit too passionate for her.
Your father had quickly changed his colors as soon as the largest dragon in existence landed on the mountain closest to his castle. Of course, Aemond showed no threat; he knew he had to get an army that was willing to defend Aegon, not hate him. So he passively aggressively asked for the army of Lord Samwell Blackwood, who ruled a considerable part of the Riverlands, in exchange for something else. And of course, the lord had you, a daughter of appropriate age, hard to marry and smart enough to know how to grow the Blackwood power at court. So he asked for a marriage. You could see the Prince let out a sigh from your hiding place, but he agreed. It was a conscious decision that you found yourself "indisposed" in the days leading up to your wedding. In these, you spent your time wandering the corridors in the shadows, following the Prince at a distance and meeting the women with reliable sources who told you what Aemond Targaryen was like. Best of all, you knew he knew nothing of you. That was an advantage.
The wedding was rushed, held in your own home, making it clear to the Tullys and Bracken that their support for Aegon was expected. If they did not support your House, you were likely to be the victim of a mysterious death, and the Brackens would be happy with the news, but the Tullys would not. You were dressed in red, the black was entirely removed from your dress, and your jewels and veil silvered. Under the veil you could see him watching you with that blue eye, and when he withdrew it, you could see an indecipherable change in his face. Whether he was happy or not didn't matter to you, because he was surprised, and that was interesting. You exchanged vows, touching his hand for the first time, as cold as you expected, and he could hear your voice. He only looked away when you looked at him, but the rest of the time you were sure he was following you. He kissed your hand courteously at the end of the ceremony.
"Does your wine not please you, my lady?" His voice surprised you, his gaze resting on your glass, still full.
"It pleases me as much as it surely pleases you, my Prince," you replied. He hadn't had a drop either.
"I'm tryingto keep a clear mind."
"Some men drink their fill precisely to clear their heads. Besides, you shouldn't be nervous, I'll tell you which hole is the right one."
The sly grin that appeared on your face made him clench his jaw in frustration. Perhaps, a dragon rider, such a fearful prince, would react with fists and shouts at the taunt. But Aemond decided to pick up his goblet and take a good swallow.
"It's going to be a long night, I'm afraid," he said it as a kind of threat, but to you it sounded as if it was more of a nightmare.
And he stared at his failure to scare you, as you continued to eat with glee.
The bedding was not public thanks to your father, but you did spend the night with Aemond. He was reluctant to undress, so neither did you. He sat in front of the fire in your room while you watched Vhagar from your balcony.
"Are you going to force me to ride on the dragon to King's Landing?" You asked without turning around.
"If you prefer, go on horseback. But by the time you reach the castle I will have marched off to war." He sounded serious.
"It doesn't sound as bad as you think it does."
You heard him rise from the chair, and then you were a little afraid. He walked quickly towards you, placing his face inches from yours, his hands grasping and squeezing your arms.
"Then you will enjoy an extremely lonely time, my dear. No one will know who you are and neither they would want to find out. And if I die in battle, with no heirs, no one will ever care for you. They'll send you back here and you'll become old and a burden. And if we lose the war, there will be no one to protect you." His soft voice spoke calmly despite the venom they gave off.
"I never said I didn't want to ride in Vhagar, my Prince." Your reassurance surprised him, as did your hands resting on his chest gently. "I'd rather ride and stay there with you...I'm sure it's much more fun."
And without further ado, you turned away and set about sleeping, or pretending to. Aemond never got to lie in bed with you. But soon he would, you needed time. The flight to King's Landing was quick, in silence and quite impressive. Clinging more to the chair than to Aemond, you didn't tell him how impressed you were with the sensation. He didn't want to ask you any questions, but looked at you in search for something to make him feel satisfied, but it was hard to impress you. When you landed, he helped you off the beast and you decided not to let go of his hand. And so the Dowager Queen Alicent saw you.
"Did you enjoy your flight?" she asked politely.
"The truth is, yes. Now I understand why children are willing to lose precious things in exchange for flying with them..." they both looked at you quizzically. Of course, the source of the loss of Aemond's eye was just a rumour, a rumour you had heard. You smiled, noting the tension in both of them. "Like little Ronnel Arryn when Visenya asked him to surrender."
Your explanation was enough for Alicent, but Aemond could tell it was a trick answer, that you had someone else in mind. And when you reached your chambers, the one you would share for the rest of your lives, Aemond did not hesitate to corner you against the wall in one of his graceful moves. His hands rested on your cheeks, squeezing hard enough to keep you quiet and your gaze locked with his.
"I don't know what's going through your mind, but I don't like a single tone in your voice." His voice was laden with anger, anger at not knowing. "You think by smiling at the end of every sentence people forget how irritating you are."
"You barely know me..." you tried to say with his fingers so tightly pressed to your face. "But I'm glad to see I was right to bet that I was going to have a good time with you."
"I'm not a buffoon." His face was so close to yours that you had to turn your own away.
"I know better, my Prince. With that hair and that dragon there is no doubt about it. It must bother you that there are people in the kingdom who don't see Jacaerys and Lucerys for what they really are...mustn't it?"
His hand loosened slightly, and Aemond seemed to calm down. He waited for you to draw another smirk again, watching your lips slowly. But that smile did not come, for you knew you had hit the nail on the head. Your bad luck was that Aemond was almost as smart as you, and only trusted you for those brief seconds. Then he squeezed your face again before releasing it abruptly.
Even though Aemond was constantly wandering, Helaena was the best company. She was the one who explained to you everything that was really going on in that castle, even though it was hard to understand her. Her words were never clear, and she got lost in the middle of conversations. What reassured you most was that Aemond was a tender brother, caring for the children Aegon had neglected from the beginning. And if Aemond was patient with a girl like Helaena, it indicated that there must be something good in the prince everyone feared. Now all that remained was to keep him more than a few minutes at your side.
Then came the opportunity to visit Oldtown, to meet Daeron and make sure that the Hightower would support the Greens and how good that support was. On this dragon ride, you decided to put your hands on his waist, consciously moving them all over his abdomen, trying to unnerve him. And at your attempts, Aemond commanded Vhagar to fly in a brute and exaggerated way. A bad idea, for although she managed to scare you, the dragon was very old and hurt herself, brushing against the mountains as you passed Horn Hill. Had they been higher, you would have been killed, but Aemond controlled the situation before it got worse, and the fall only resulted in a rough landing in the mountains.
"Why did you do that?" you shouted as soon as you saw that Aemond was still alive, a few metres away. He was able to get up and approach you, putting on the patch before you could see him without it. "We could have died!"
"You were the one triying to to piss me off!" You were still lying on the ground, your leg felt sore, and you didn't want to move it.
"Is that why you asked Vhagar to shake himself in the air?" You were indignant, somewhat flattered, but mostly indignant.
"You were trying to distract me!" he justified himself, looking down at you from above.
"You should have told me to stop!"
"And would you have stopped?"
He watched as you fell silent. Obviously you wouldn't have, you would have ended up finding some other way to irritate him. Then Aemond offered you a hand to help you up, and you took it. But a pain in your leg made you grunt and fall back down. It was sharp, but not exaggerated. Aemond bent down to check your wound, and without any embarrassment, lifted your skirt.
"Wow, you can do that and I can't hold on to your chest?" Even in pain, you still laughed at him. And Aemond's gaze commanded you to shut up.
His hands gently touched your knee, and the pain returned. You saw Aemond quickly pull his hands away and cover you again.
"Good thing it's not broken," he said, standing up again.
"What a joy... Now you're just going to leave me lying here?"
With another deep sigh of his own, he lifted you up without difficulty, careful not to move your knee too much. And it took you a while to mount Vhagar again.
This time you would not be behind, but in front of Aemond, both legs to one side, and Aemond's arms as a barrier. He placed your hands firmly on the collar of his coat and your legs wrapped as tightly as possible around his. Your face was basically buried in his neck and his scent clouded any other scent.
"Don't move" he whispered in your ear. And you didn't, also, you didn't wanted to. The rest of the flight was quiet and pleasant, and you could watch Aemond's face as much as you wished to. The arrival in Oldtown was rushed to say the least, Aemond wanted to leave you with the Maesters while he met with the more important lords.
"But I want to be present," you demanded, still in his arms.
"Your leg must be checked," he justified.
"I want to know everything, I refuse to have made this journey to stay locked up in my room.
"You simply can't."
He spoke to you as if you were stupid, but when you grabbed his coat tightly, you surprised him with your change of tone.
"Take me with you right now, Aemond, or I swear you will lose the support of the Rivelands with one word from me."
He could barely attend to the meeting, seeing you sitting with dignity in the chair, attentive to the words of the lords and maesters, and disguising the pain in your leg. He felt rather guilty, for besides, Aemond had gained nothing, for you continued to impress everyone who came across you. You knew by heart all the information you had received, you knew what your father was planning, and what Otto was planning. You looked like the Princess, not Aemond. And when the meeting was over, he saw you stand up with a grimace, and ran to hold you, letting you lean your full weight on him slyly.
"Now you're really going to see a Maester, wife."
"About time, this is all your fault."
He was going to argue, but as he turned he saw that smile again. Something in him melted and he knew he had to surrender to you, for he was losing that futile battle.
In the room, with your knee smeared with a medicated cream and covered with care, Aemond saw you reposition yourself on the bed, now comfortable.
"I didn't know you liked politics," Aemond said, watching you from across the room.
"I don't. But I want to survive."
"You don't trust us to win this war?"
"I trust nothing, ever. You have to be prepared for anything."
"I agree," he moved closer to the bed. He brushed your sore knee gently. "Does that mean you'll never trust me?"
"For starters, you tried to shake me off your dragon."
Aemond's gaze softened, moving his hand away from your knee but sitting on the edge of the bed.
"I'm sorry. You made me nervous."
"And to continue," you interrupted him, "you won't let me get to know you. And I remind you that you are now my husband."
"I've never met a woman who wants to be so involved with her husband's affairs." He smiled slightly, wryly.
"That's because you don't know many women...as the rumours say."
"The rumours?" you nodded. "Do you listen to the rumours?"
"No, I just listen and wait. You'd be surprised how many times I've seen them confirmed. Just now was one of them."
"You think I haven't been with a lot of women?" Aemond slowly bent down to close the distance, and his breath circled over your face. You had to hide your nervousness, for he didn't seem angry this time.
"You don't like my touch... But I assumed it was because I am little more than a stranger to you. I do not think you a virgin, but I know you have loved few women. If you ever have..." His weight began to fall on top of you, covering you with his body.
"And what else do the rumours say?"
"That your eye is replaced with a diamond. Though I've also heard that it's empty dark, and that's why you cover it."
His lips landed on your neck, where he left you a soft kiss.
"And what do you think I'm wearing?" His voice sounded husky and you felt its vibration.
"I've seen your books, many of history, and many of gemstones, an incredible boring reading... But not to look like a diamond man." You turned your face to him, forcing him to look at you, and saw his blue eye with the pupil dilated, glittering. "It's a stone, but not a diamond."
"And what stone do you think it is, wife?"
"I don't know. I've been thinking more about other things. And I have little interest in what's behind a patch. You covered your eye for a reason and I will respect that."
He seemed surprised, your tone was, for the first time, serious and cutting. And he liked that better than he expected.
"Everything I've heard about you is that you were a hard woman to marry."
"That's because no one delivered what I asked for. I have not been so obedient to my father's orders when offering my hand to a random lord."
"And what is it you ask, my lady?"
"I am no longer a lady."
"True, my princess." He couldn't help but smile when he saw the pride appear on your face.
"What I ask, my prince...is that my marriage will bring change to House Blackwood. It is because of us that The Riverland is so powerful. And the Tullys and Brackens get all the credit. We were kings once. And we can be kings again. Just one dragon can be incredible powerfull."
Aemond stroked your hair, then your lips with his thumb. You let your husband touch you tenderly for the first time. You caressed that face too, and Aemond kissed your fingers.
"I find it hard to believe that my wife seems tailor-made for me," he said at last. "We may die as Princes, but I swear to you our children will be kings."
"But that requires some irritating and distracting...Touches."
"I will have to make the sacrifice then of-" Aemond tried to joke, but you cut him off, kissing him at last on those lips.
They were warmer than you had expected, perhaps, in the comfort of the bed, with the lust stirring and the fantasy of creating a family, Aemond's body had been comforted by the feel of yours so close. And he fell surrendered in your arms, eagerly receiving and sharing that kiss that ended in something much bigger. That day, without rumours, without theories, you got to know Aemond completely, as a prince, as a husband, as a lover, as a man. He was all your, as you were all his, maybe, and just maybe, because he trusted you as much as you trusted him.
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greenunoreversecard · 7 months
Kai,llyod, and Cole hc of them with a s/o that's kinda like a child of aphrodite from pjo? A bit more like piper though, they hate their gift and have to deal with cat callers alot?
I got cat called by way older men on the way home so this would be really comforting.
A/N:sorry it took so long to get this out for you. Ik my words can't offer much, but I'm sorry you get catcalled, it's not a fun feeling.
Sugar and spice-> Gn! Reader
individual headcanons of kai, cole and lloyd with a stunning S/O
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Kai, despite being extremely similar to his element in a multitude of ways, is an utter gentleman.
Hes always respectful of you, and makes sure to ask before he touches you in anyway, and is respectful with his eyes as well
With this said, as you guys grow close and start dating, he becomes uber protective of you.
He knows your very stunning.
And he knows others know that as well.
But alot of times, these people are creepy and go about saying: "hi, your outfit is cool" weirdly
And so he won't hesitate to punt a bitch into the sun
Most likely to throw a punch before a word leaves the creeps mouth.
And if your ever feeling gross and icky bc of the creeps?
Bros pulling out every stop.
Hes getting Zane to make a 10 course Michelin star meal, he's getting your comfort items, a hoodie (yours or his, doesn't matter) and he's becoming a 10/10 massager
Hes getting self care items, and a bath along with movies and cuddles with a side of shoulder to cry on
But if you get angry about the creeps??
He eggs you on. Agrees with you"YEAH BABE, FUCK THOSE ASSWIPES"
he will actively encourage any fist fights fights want to start with them
Hes your number 1 hype man, as well as comforter
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This man worships the ground you walk on. Just generally
Also drinks the respect tea (all of them do)
Hes always telling you how amazing you look, and even gives advice for anything you may need
Clothes? Food? Whatever hobby your working on?
He just has a eye for style of all categories
Hes generally also more down to earth, and realizes its much more than looks that makes a person
Which is why it takes him a bit longer to confess, as he wanted to get to know you better first (this man is demiromantic and demisexual)
Hes also fucking oblivious
So when people are more... sly about their intentions, like wording and such, he prolly won't notice
But the second he gets wind of what they are tryna pull
Hes super passive aggressive
And he slings a arm around your shoulder, or hides you behind him
Trys to talk it out first, and if they don't catch the hint they will catch his hands
Hes not... great with comfort tbh
His mom's dead and his dad's lowkey emotionally unavailable so he's not good at it
But he will rub your back when you cry, and buy takeout
He'll also prolly ask kai or Jay about how to comfort you better, bc both had either a sibling or parent.
He would ask Nia buts she's a younger sibling with a emotional brick wall of a brother so it's next to never she did some comforting.
Hes a little confused when it comes to comfort but Hes got spirit
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He has always been a little silly
So expect to bark at your aggressors
Idk why I just see him barking at your catcallers
Besides that
Hes always relied more on personality for if he likes someone, like cole
Not that kai doesn't care for personality he does, but looks plays a bigger factor for kai than they do cole and lloyd
Off topic
Lloyd doesn't make a big deal how you look. Like doesn't comment on your outfits like cole.
Doesnt mean he doesn't think you don't look nice, bc he thinks you look lovely always
But moreso doesn't give a fuck
Wear a potato sack, or go naked, he doesn't give a fuck he just wants to get to the mall before it closes to he can check out the anime shops
He Def has a idrc additude, especially in dragon rising i feel, so I think if you want compliments you'd have to be outright about it, whereas the other two just kinda;"aww my partner is lovely🥰🥰"
And he's like;"babe, love you to bits and pieces but hurry the fucketh upeth I wanna get there before the fucking store closes"
And bc of that he's also the worst at comfort
Like he's always been told to suck it up so he kinda just is like... cool you done? And stands there awkwardly. He will get better with time, but please explain how to help better for future moments bc he was a Lil scared when you started crying.
Anyways back to the beginning about when mfs are being creepy
Barks at them
Fr barks
Bc it weird them out and he thinks it's funny
Or just tries to be as weird as possible
Like starts acting possessed
Crawls backwards on all fours like the lady from the ring or smth
If generally weirdness doesn't work he fights them
Though he tries to scare them off first
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znitsamluv · 8 months
Could you hcs for baji, smiley and angry with a gf that loves leaving subtle marks that just shouts they're taken (not in the weird way)
Like for example whenever she wears lipstick, she'd kiss the collar of their uniform so it would leave a stain, at the back of their hand, etc
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• I apologize for the long wait , I changed it a little bit so I hope you don't mind and enjoy it
Warning: mention of gang fights but nothing detailed
Character: Angry , Smiley , Baji
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• Baji pretty much gets into fights for a reason or without, so he always ends up tearing his hair ties , but now he has you as his lovely girlfriend that would give him hair ties willingly ( he was going to tackle you and take your accessory box so you saved yourself some trouble)
• Sometimes it is hairbands or scrunchies but either way when anyone sees him they know he is taken , and he is actually proud about it .
• Every time he succeeds in taking a new hair accessory he brags about it , going around in Toman meetings saying how nice of you to give him your hello kitty themed hair ties.
• your favorite is when some girls try to talk to him by opening up a conversation about how cute his hairband is but it actually cuts them like knife when he says it is yours and the conversation turns completely about you since Baji is a bragger.
• Baji is really oblivious but it fills you with pride how he open about showing he is taken, with talking about you or by walking around wearing a hair accessory that belongs to you.
• would go absolutely feral in a fight if his opponent managed to take whatever he was wearing at the time , may their soul rest In peace.
• Comes back in a sour mood ( he knows you are going to give him another one either way) until you give in and give him another hair tie ( you bought a new stash and keeps it in secret so he can always count on you)
• it started at first as an accident, going in to kiss him but he gets distracted and looks away so the kiss ends on his collar.
• He didn't want to wash it even though you told him he should he said he would take it as a good luck charm .
•and surprisingly he would think like that from that day on , going to you to stain his collar with lipstick before any fight and you would gladly do.
• cocky af around toman members, won't hesitate to throw hands the moment someone makes fun of it .
• Angry have to take the shirt to clean it when smiley is sleeping so he doesn't have to catch those hands .
• Passive aggressive king , would be beating someone and then ask them what they think about the stain , if he liked their answer he will try to be more gentle with them (they end up in the hospital either way ).
• whenever angry gets injured more than smiley the only logical answer smiley has is because he doesn't have an amazing girlfriend that will give him good luck kiss like you do .
• Angry is soft by nature but with you he is like a cloud at this point , you pointed out many times how you don't like when girls come up to talk to him and no matter how many times he rejects them politely he knows where you are coming from and he thinks about a way to make you feel less mad at him .
• so the best solution to ease your mind was to get a bracelet with your name on it , you didn't ask him to do it he just showed up one day with it and blushed when you mentioned it.
• He would treat it like his most favorite possession , he also wears it all the time even while sleeping.
• And again he doesn't do that because you asked him to he does it because he genuinely love you and feels happy to know he can have something to remind him of you.
• smiley would tease him on a daily basis but only lightly since he knows how Angry cherishes you and he doesn't want Angry to feel embarrassed.
• usually in fights he puts it in his pocket so it doesn't tear up while fighting but one time he forgot to do it and the beads flew everywhere.... Let's just say Angry made sure whoever ruined his previous bracelet was unrecognizable.
•Angry would be in a bad mood since he couldn't save all the beads he only found some and the first syllable of your name.
• would go to you sad and apologize even though he has nothing to apologize for .
• the next day you surprised him with a necklace you handmade with the beads he saved and added more to make it a necklace , you also made one for yourself too with Angry's name , now everyone knows both of you belong to each other easily.
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polin-ista · 4 months
Okay so I know absolutely nothing about flowers BUT my mother is an avid gardener and Artist. I asked her if she could try to decipher the waistcoat that the costume department said was foreshadowing a lot of season 3 part 2
This one:
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On the coat are multiple flowers, these are what we think they are and their known meanings
(I am not a genius and therefore this is all speculation for funsies 🤣) (all meanings are either taken from the Language of Flowers or Known English meanings of the time.)
First is Foxglove:
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Symbolic of Conundrums, riddles and secrets
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Symbolic of purity, perseverance and rebirth
Bird's foot trefoil:
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Symbolic of revenge, usually a passive aggressive flower
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Symbolic of faithfulness in the face of adversity
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This is found wrapped or hovering around every flower and I think may have multiple meanings.
Symbolic of birth in English meaning but is considered the 'Tree of birth' In ancient Greece the tree is related to Artemis (a Greek goddess) who presides over childbirth and is a protector of women.
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borderlinereminders · 6 months
They left you on read, and now you feel like spiraling. So the question is, what do you do? I want to specify that for this post, I am talking about pre-established friendships.
First of all, stop and take a breath if you can. A lot of times, we have urges to spam message someone, or send messages asking if they still care about us, or even urges to be passive aggressive because we feel hurt. This can damage your relationships though. If you are struggling with urges, please read about Urge Surfing. The goal of urge surfing is to "ride the wave" of an urge. Another suggestion I have is to try some grounding exercises to pull yourself out.
In most cases, being left on read does not equal rejection, even though it can feel that way. The next thing to do is to find an alternate reason they might not be responding. Here is a list of possible reasons here, but keep in mind that there are numerous other reasons that are not on this list. People have downtime sometimes, but it doesn't mean they want to fill that downtime with talking to people. Even people who are important to them. And that's okay. It doesn't mean they care about you any less.
If you are feeling rejected, challenge those thoughts. I personally keep screenshots from my loved ones that tell me they love me that I can read back when I need a reminder. I also keep a list of things they've done that show me they love me. Here's a post on challenging thoughts.
The next thing I recommend doing is to focus on distraction. A really great skill for that is ACCEPTS. Here's a write up on that here.
Below the read more is some stuff for some long-term coping/communication. It can totally be skipped though if you were just looking to get through an immediate situation.
Sometimes, greater communication might be needed. While no one owes you unlimited access to them, it might be good to set up plans with people who may feel too drained to talk (possibly for days on end), or even friends that may open a notification and then get distracted and forget to reply (and no, this doesn't mean they don't care about you.)
In the first case, it's so valid to feel drained from talking to people. And while people are allowed to take space they need, sometimes it can be a lot for us if it's going on multiple days. It is possible to find compromise. For example, I have one friend who feels insecure if I go a few days without talking to them. For us, we've established a specific emoticon that I can send that says "Hey, it's not you at all. I just am not up to talking right now." I send the emoticon if it's going on a couple days because I don't want to leave them hanging.
For the second case, someone forgetting, in situations like this it might be good to establish beforehand what an acceptable amount of time is before you can send a follow up nudge. While my best friend and I talk a lot, sometimes she forgets to do stuff that we need for the business we run together. We've discussed that it's okay for me to nudge her once a day because she does genuinely forget.
There are also different rules for different friendships. For example, my best friend is allowed to absolutely spam me. The messages can be related or not. But we've established that it's okay if I'm not up to answering, and in this specific friendship, it doesn't drain me if she messages multiple times because there is no pressure on my end to respond.
Either way, it's okay to talk to your friends about situations like this. Is there an acceptable amount of time they're okay with you sending a follow up message? Is it okay if they aren't up to replying to your message, but have the energy to send you an emoticon or even a picture of their pet without responding to the actual message? (Sometimes I have the energy to share memes, or pet pics, but don't have the mental energy to answer a bigger question, and my friends know and are okay with me coming back to the question later while continuing on the conversation in other ways.) If they frequently go quiet because of their mental health, is there a compromise for both of you? Sometimes, it isn't even about our insecurity but that (especially with online friends) we may be concerned for their well-being and would like an indicator they're okay.
Remember that sometimes friendships aren't compatible, and it isn't a reflection on either of you. But if your friend isn't able to compromise and you feel constantly stressed/worried, then maybe the friendship isn't compatible. And that's okay! It's okay to need to walk away from a friendship even if someone hasn't actually done something "wrong."
A lot of my anxiety about being left on read went away as I worked on my own healing and coping. I used to make my life all about my relationships, and I'd feel lost if I was alone. It took me a long time for me to find an identity outside of other people, and it was so worth doing.
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tremendously-crazy · 4 months
Ranting about ACD Johnlock because these Victorian husbands need to be happy for me
What the hell happened between Holmes and Watson in 1902 and 1903?
Context: 3GAR is described as happening in July 1902, and ILLU happened in 1902. CREE and BLAN happened in 1903.
In 1902, Holmes and Watson were inseparable.
I don't even need to elaborate when I mention 3GAR. "It was worth a wound" should be enough to remind you of why. I was so touched when I read Holmes seeing his Watson injured and rushing to his side. He is terrified at the thought of losing his friend. It was amazing to read this seemingly cold, distant, and unemotional man threatening to murder the man who almost killed his best friend. There was loyalty, there was love, and it was beautiful.
According to ILLU, in 1902, they're also frequenting Turkish baths together. (which, I might add, was a common place for homosexual men to gather, do with that knowledge what you may) They're lying side by side on two couches with nothing but a blanket on either of them as they dry off. Watson hears Holmes is injured and nearly passes out, and he rushes to Baker Street to see him as soon as possible. He is terrified at the thought of losing his friend. He gingerly sits at his bedside to ensure that Holmes is okay. These are all very intimate things to do between friends. Indeed, this even suggests the possibility of the two being lovers.
IMAGINE that. These two are inseparable. Clearly, these two stories help to build on the idea that they love each other (platonically or romantically. To me, they seem romantically involved, but even as friends, they do love each other. It's all up to personal preference.) Their relationship is so strong, more than anything we have seen before. These stories showcase their love for each other and how passionate they are for each other.
Now, flash forward to 1903, when CREE and BLAN take place, and we are given an entirely different narrative. Watson describes himself as one of Holmes's "habits" in CREE, saying he felt as though he was an accessory to Holmes. Their relationship is "peculiar," and he is only called over to Baker Street as some kind of tool Holmes can talk to or use on a case. Holmes can rely on Watson, and he is, in a way, taking advantage of his reliability. Throughout the entire story, we can feel the tension between these two (remember how Watson had to stress over his practice in order to join Holmes on the case, and Holmes seemingly did not care at all). It seems partially resolved by the end, but there is still a feeling of bitterness that was fully apparent to me while I was reading it. It seemed like their interactions were angsty and passive-aggressive.
In BLAN, Watson does not even live with Holmes anymore, around a year after 3GAR and ILLU. Holmes explains he has "deserted" him for a wife, which he described as "the most selfish action I can recall in our years of association." Holmes was alone. In the story, Holmes cannot stop talking about how much he misses "his" Watson.
These four stories have such a sharp contrast. They have been absolutely terrorizing my brain a lot as of late. I feel like them being so close in ILLU, and *the* moment in 3GAR are some of their strongest moments together. They are both so terrified to lose each other. How is it that a year later, according to the canon, they are barely on speaking terms? My question is, if we are to trust the canon dates, what happened during those months that caused them to drift apart so terribly? How could Watson leave his Holmes for a wife so recently after these frightening events?
Another point about this supposed second wife. I don't think she even existed. (I do think Mary was really Watson's wife, and I might've reblogged a post about it somewhere) But about the second wife. As far as I'm aware, she's mentioned one (1) time in one (1) story by Holmes, and it was likely just a ploy by ACD to separate them (oh well, I'll just give him a wife. That'll separate them good enough.) It's easily enough ignored for that reason. Watson was, in fact, away from Baker Stret, but the idea of a wife was, in all probability, just made up by Holmes as an excuse for his absence.
I'd like to add my personal headcanon because the continuity in Sherlock Holmes is actually so messed up. John is called James in one story (TWIS, if you want to see for yourself.) October 9, 1890, is called a Saturday when it was really a Thursday (REDH) There's a story set in 1892, when Holmes was supposedly dead... etc, etc. Given the known unreliability of dates in these stories, would it be so unreasonable to suggest that the dates of the four I have talked about were swapped? That, in fact, CREE and BLAN were a falling out in their relationship and that ILLU and 3GAR was their healing? That the former were set in 1902 and the latter, in 1903? I can understand that after knowing someone and living with them for so many years, you may start to take them for granted. But after you narrowly lose them, you would not do such a thing again. (Especially not only a year after such a traumatic experience!!) Therefore, I believe CREE and BLAN were examples of how their relationship was beginning to fail and were actually set in 1902 (or some other date in the latter days of their relationship), and ILLU and 3GAR were reminders of how much they meant to each other, and they happened in 1903 (or, more simply, a year after CREE and BLAN).
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk. I know this is completely incorrigible and nobody's gonna read it but I just wanted to get it out there.
TL;DR: Late Sherlock Holmes canon sucks. No way that they had both near death experiences in 3GAR and ILLU, and less than a year latery they can barely stand each other in CREE and BLAN. My personal headcanon says CREE and BLAN were moments of stress in their relationship and that 3GAR and ILLU happened afterward to remind them of how much they appreciated each other and help reconcile them.
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adelheidvonschicksal · 8 months
JJK crew with Fem sweet S/O who’s been heavily abused verbally and sometimes physically by her relatives, the only family she has left. They make her do chores and they make her sleep outside in a tent. She feels like she owes them for taking her in so despite being hurt and malnourished, she does whatever they say. JJK crew including Gojo, Itadori, Megumi, Nobara, and anyone else in mind?
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A/N: Honestly, the majority of the students are throwing either hands or words. I combined two requests because I felt like I would’ve been repeating myself otherwise, and the requests share more similarities than not so smoosh! The main difference was the second request asked for a reader immuned to cursed techniques because their family would curse them out of jealousy and for being mixed/hafu. I also tried to focus more on the reaction than the actual abuse.
Tags: non-graphic abuse mentions, hurt/comfort, fem!reader
Maki has seen this story before – the hateful stares and the mocking laughter, stepping down on even the smallest hope to dream. Being told again and again how useless you were, how worthless, that clinging to dreams, wanting more was all pointless.
When you reveal that the reason you’re so strong is because others made you feel weak, she encourages you. “Then, prove them wrong. You don’t have to live your life the way others believe you should.”
She tries to get you to speak up more, not necessarily to your family but about everything. You’re a kind person and quiet but she feels like you never truly speak your mind, wanting to please everyone.
Whenever she sees someone trying to berate or annoy you, she’s quick to ask why they’re fine talking down to you in private and not in front of her. She may never say it out loud but she’s a bit overprotective of the people she likes.
She eventually offers you a choice: when she takes over her clan, you should join her in building a place where you both can be accepted.
He’s intuitive to tell you don’t like your clan. The few times he’s met them, they weren’t the politest to him either since he comes from a non-sorcerer family but it’s still strange that they treat a total stranger way better than their own clan member. It clicks more when you explain he’s “pureblood” and you’re not, so they like you even less.
He becomes a bit more protective of you after that, inviting you to hang out with him since you two non-sorcerer blooded people should stick together. It seems to take some of your apprehension away.
It still makes him angry to think about though, even more frustrated whenever your other clan members ignore his speeches on how you’re all sorcerers and that they should treat each other with more care.
They obviously don’t appreciate it, but you do. So, his main goal is to at least make you feel better about the situation through little jokes here and there and trying to convince you that you shouldn’t worry about them because the school can be your family now.
He knows it doesn’t completely fix everything, but he hopes you can see that at least the rest of them care about you.  
Like Geto, he can tell beforehand that you’re uncomfortable talking about your family. You get the same look he does when someone new accidentally asks him about his family, both his father and his connection with the Zen’in clan.
Megumi always figures it’s not in his place to ask, when you’re ready to talk about it, you will. It’s as simple as that. It doesn’t really become an issue until he sees you actually interact with your family, and how nasty they could be with you, overtly and the disgustingly passive, micro-aggressive way that only old family lines could pull off.
As much as you hate how your family treats you and as much as you hate explaining it to him, you’re more worried that telling others will make them realize that you’re no good and that the other students wouldn’t want to be your friends anymore if they found out about your status and the fact half your family weren’t from here, let alone sorcerers, which is a big reason why you never shared the information.
Megumi doesn’t really care about what most people think especially people who he considers trash. You’re sweet and kind, and that’s really all that matters to him, so you shouldn’t think that he nor the others wouldn’t be your friend because of your birth.
He has no problem telling your nosier cousins that he’s friends with you because he thinks you’re the most outstanding member of your clan—only when asked though.
He will never give you the time to question him or to doubt your relationship together. Any “buts” or “Megumi—” about you not wanting to bring him into your family life or to try to distance yourself is met with “Don’t care” or “No,” to shut down that line of thoughts.
It becomes a little more common for you to spend the night over in his dorm instead of going home at night but he’s still working on convincing you to give up your family entirely like he did.
Gojo keeps trying to wiggle himself in your life any chance he gets. He really likes meeting new people especially during high school, you’re included in that when you join his second year.
Unfortunately, you don’t like him for some reason, you don’t like him. You keep avoiding him and barely talk to him, and it’s killing him to know why. Because who could hate him?
It takes a long time of poking at you (your sides specifically) and teasing you to finally get you to admit that your family told you not to talk to him, not to draw his attention, don’t so much as breathe near him. Because you should be lucky to go to the same school as a member of the Gojo Clan, let alone THE heir, and that you shouldn’t be a burden to him.
“Oh, is that right?” Once you tell him your clan’s name (the name you couldn’t use because they didn’t want you representing them) then he fully understands. He knows them well enough.
He immediately wants to go to your house. He wants to visit, in fact Suguru should go! And why not Shoko, too? He’s going to live up the royal treatment from your folks, even as you protest for him not to go. Maybe he’ll ask for all the good drinks and put his feet up on their fancy table?
But why not? He just wants to talk to them and tell them about his new best friend in the world: you. He wants to tell them how he’s so happy how well they treat his adorable little underclassman. And, oh, your room is so tiny, smaller than his walk-in closet, and there’s nothing in there, almost like they only now remember the room exists since he asked about your room. Haven’t they ever thought about getting you a bigger space? Oh, they were planning to let you move into the guest room? Great idea! Wow, then you’re definitely going to need some new clothes to fill that nice new closet, he’ll have to send some. And it’d be rude if he sees someone else in the clothes his clan gifted specifically for you, huh?
When asked why he decided to do that, he says he already told you why: you’re his cute little underclassman.
And he always treats you as such too. Always buying you things to take home and pampering you. Always inviting you out to eat with him and telling you to eat up because he can’t finish it all by himself, and that pretty girls should eat a lot and that you should try every dessert at a new bakery with him.
He constantly asks about your family life now too, to make sure you’re still doing okay, and that when you graduate you should leave them because you don’t owe them anything for being a child who needed help.
She’s seeing red when she sees you hurt or when she sees you cry. Society already treats women so awful, and it hurts seeing you be treated evilly by people who are supposed to care about you.
There’s no stopping her when she puts her mind to something. Normally, you could convince her not to retaliate against your family but when she sees any mark on you it’s the last straw.
She’s going to gather your things and kick over that stupid excuse for a “room” they’ve given you and bring you with her. She doesn’t care if she has to share her small space with you as long as you’re safe. She’s sure Gojo can get a new dorm ready for you in no time flat, so it isn’t even a big deal to be sharing a bed for a little while with you.
It feels warm and safe in her hold, and she doesn’t forget to ever tell you how much she loves you and how wonderful a person you are, that she admires you for always being so kind despite your upbringing.
She isn’t afraid to tell you that you don’t owe those people shit while also promising to take you out for new clothes and something to eat. The guilt eats at her for not protecting you sooner, and it makes her want to punch the wall every time she’d think of how dizzy you would get somedays. She had her suspicions but didn’t trust her gut. She promises herself not to make that mistake again.
Anytime you need to do anything with your family, she makes you promise to tell her and let her come with you or one of the others.
You manage to pull the wool over his eyes for longer than you expected. You tell him that your family means well and that it’s tough love. Itadori understands that to a small degree. His grandpa was a little ornery, but Itadori always could tell that his grandpa loved him. Megumi can be a bit abrasive, but Itadori can tell Megumi cares about them. With your family, he doesn’t get that vibe.
It’s even worse than he thinks when he finally hears from your own mouth what’s going on, so much that he wants to cry for you because you won’t do it for yourself because you’ve gotten so used to the treatment that even your own body adapted, all because you feel like you can’t be ungrateful and leave your family.
He’ll do the best that he can to help, assisting you in running your errands so that you can have a break, but he still feels so lost because even if he wanted to fight them, he can’t attack an entire clan, and he doesn’t have the weight to do something about it himself especially when you beg him to keep between the two of you.
He’s trying so desperately to convince you that none of your home life is normal while you bury down that fact that you know he’s right.
Itadori quickly makes it one of his ultimate goals to save you like he wants to do with everyone else he meets. Sure, he can’t save everyone, and sure, he can’t exactly get rid of Sukuna just yet, but you’re right here in front of him, and he should be able to save you because he loves you.
P.S.A. Please remember to reach out to someone if you’re undergoing any type of abusive situations from family members or other domestic partners, or if you suspect someone is going through those things.
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animeyanderelover · 5 months
Anon: Yandere headcannons for Maki, Nobara, Mai and Mei Mei from JJK?
I already did Hc's for Nobara in a previous post.
Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional behavior, overprotective behavior, manipulation, blackmailing, gaslighting, control, isolation, abduction, bribery, some spoilers for Anime only fans
Jujutsu Kaisen Hc's
Zenin Maki
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💚Despite her tough exterior, Maki is the kind of person who tries her hardest to solve her problems by herself without having to involve someone else. This mindset of hers can be observed in the way she handles her own feelings as well as in the way she treats you. She isn't one to fool herself so of course she is aware of her own feelings and whilst she doesn't show it, she feels ashamed of the way she thinks and feels of around you. Adamant to remain strong and independent though, she refuses to indulge in those longing emotions which results in her initially trying to avoid you. The way you perceive her behavior around you may lead you to believe that she doesn't like you but it is actually the complete opposite. Maki likes you a little bit too much but doesn't want you to be involved as she knows that this isn't really your fault. As headstrong as she is though, sooner or later she has to acknowledge that avoidance doesn't solve her problem.
💚​Despite the straightforward attitude of hers that will scold and chastise you whenever you do something stupid, Maki is protective to the marrow of her bones. Especially if her darling is a non-sorcerer who doesn't know about any curses nor and can't fight against them either. She doesn't see the need to let you find out about them either as you live in your own world and she doesn't want to shatter your view of the world. Her work and her private life she spends with you should not mix and on occasions where it does happen, Maki is quite unhappy. She normally doesn't lie to you but the world of sorcerers is one of the few topics where she will keep the truth from you and as long as there is a way to conceal the truth, she will do it. Just because you don't possess Cursed Energy nor have such a strong body as she can is not an excuse for her to go easy on you. She doesn't believe that babying you would do anything for you and you have due to that your fair share of freedom with her.
💚​Even if her clan has tried her whole life to drag her down and shame her for her lack of Cursed Energy, their words and insults have never truly broken Maki nor have they scratched her confidence. She has no such insecurities as her twin sister has and is fairly relaxed when you hang out with other people. I do think that she would be more prone to feel jealous if the two of you aren't a thing yet but would feel more inclined to feel possessive if she is your partner at that point already. If you are hers after all, she doesn't have to worry about anything anymore and will be brutally honest and straightforward with the other person who tried to charm you. You are hers so they should just get lost before they embarrass themselves even more. If she is feeling jealous during the time where you aren't hers yet, she is more prone to some passive-aggressive comments and sharp glares, although she is unwilling to admit her true feelings and tries to play it off if someone asks her about it.
💚​She draws a clear line with the problems you require her help with or the problems you can solve yourself if you remain stubborn and determined enough. Her own life of constantly standing up for herself has influenced her which is why it is essential to her that you also learn to remain strong against unfair standards and harsh expectations. That said, she is extremely skilled and freakishly strong, especially after having gotten complete possession of Heavenly Restriction. She will defend you against everything you can't fight against such as curses and possibly sorcerers who target non-sorcerers. She doesn't hold back against someone if they charge at her with the intent to kill and judges based on rational observations. The fights she fights for your protection very rarely offer the possibility to let her opponent stay alive and she has never felt particularly inclined to let them keep their lives either. She has already lost Mai. She won't allow anyone else to die from the people she cherishes.
💚​An abduction is something she has promised herself to never do as she sees this as a bigger low than killing someone which is more commonly practiced in her profession as a sorcerer. It isn't like Maki is overly paranoid either as she grants you a lot of personal freedom. Abducting you might encourage you to rely too much on her as a result of isolation and she despises the thought of robbing you of your freedom and independence as she stands firm in her belief that even if you don't have any Cursed Energy, you should still be able to handle your own challenges and problems. You are supposed to attend school, graduate and eventually get a job and then earn money yourself whilst Maki will do her own thing to pay her attribute to the shared life. The worst that happens in emergency cases is that she either has you transported to a safe place or that she locks you up in your own home.
💚​Panda and Inumaki are teasing the living daylight out of her as soon as they figure out that she has some feelings for you and she can only lash out on them whilst trying to stop the blush from appearing on her face. Yuta is more directly encouraging in his support but she warns all three of them to not band together to set you two somewhat up. She wants to win your heart without any help, even if those people are her friends. Whilst you have no problem introducing her to your friends, it is a tad bit more difficult for her to do the same, especially since a talking and thinking Panda isn't exactly what a non-sorcerer is used to. She isn't a huge fan of any overly sappy dates as she thinks just hanging out together is already more than enough, although she will accept it begrudgingly if you have put a lot of work and effort into a special date.
Zenin Mai
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🔫​The same experience can influence people quite differently and that is obvious when we look at Maki's younger twin sister. Mai has been forced to become a sorcerer, the very thing she never wanted to become after Maki's betrayal and it has transformed her into a rude and crude person. Whereas Maki allows her darling a lot of freedom, Mai feels an inherent need to have her darling under her control. Maybe it is simply to keep control over at least one thing in her otherwise terrible life where she is always the one who has to obey, something that allows her heart and mind to feel a little bit of peace by knowing that she at least will always be the one with the leash in her hands in this relationship. You are the last person she rely has ever since her older sister broke her promise which has pushed her to be naturally very obsessive and clingy around you, always in the need to know what you are up to and with whom you spend your time with when she isn't around.
🔫​She hides her feelings partially though but not because she feels guilty or responsible like her sister does. No, she doesn't show the full extent of her feelings to retain the facade of being in control around you. She can't show any weaknesses, even around you as there is a deep-rooted fear that if she would rely on you, you would leave her too. This time she will play the strong part though and have you rely on her, even if she does it in very rude ways. She likes to put you down and belittle you as soon as you get into troubles and likes to use the shame and guilt of yours to boost her own confidence to convince both of you that she is better and that you need her. Differently from Maki who encourages you to be independent, Mai goes for the exact opposite as she wants you to depend on her. It is all for her own ego so that she can feel better about herself despite her shitty life. If she realises that though, she is far too selfish to stop herself.
🔫​Yet her confidence is mainly only for show and for nothing else. Mai feels inferior and insecure deep down which makes her much more paranoid and prone to experience jealousy than Maki who is always laid-back. Jealousy can transform someone into an ugly green-eyed monster and you witness this horrifying transformation with Mai. All of your friends and acquaintances are scared away due to her condescending and snarky attitude as she pushes all of them away from your side, leaving you standing there alone awkwardly. It is a terrible thing to do yet when you try to confront her about it, she reflects all of those accusations back at you and turns the tables quickly. Her words cut into your heart and confidence as she lashes out on you, her judgement clouded by bitterness and paranoia until you have no courage to bring the topic up around her anymore.
🔫​She has always been weaker than other people and she knows that yet she would never allow you to find out about any of this. You don't know who she is and maybe you are a non-sorcerer yourself, someone who can't see curses and use Cursed Energy at all which would make you even weaker than her. It isn't something that should bring her as much satisfaction as it does yet Mai needs to feel superior and stronger when it comes to her darling and in such a scenario that would be the case. You don't know about curses yet she might just inform you of their existence simply so that you can be scared and she can play the hero by admitting that she can exorcise them, although she keeps quiet about the fact that she isn't very strong in comparison to other sorcerer though. She just can't let you know that as it would destroy the image she tries to uphold when with you. At least in your eyes she wants to be seen as someone strong and dependable, even if her methods are crude.
🔫​Interestingly enough the one freedom she insists you to keep is your ability to have your own home, although her reasoning is more cowardly. She just wants an escape from her own clan and she uses that by occupying your own home as much as she can to escape from the harassment and the discrimination. If you were to ever meet her family, she knows that you would see her for the pathetic girl she is deep down and she is paranoid about that, convinced that you would abandon her too if you were to see how weak she really is. You have the choice to walk away after all. She on the other hand is chained up to a family that doesn't love nor want her, never able to attain her freedom. That is why she keeps your relationship a secret from her clan and always stares you down with such a condescending glare if you dare to ask if you could meet her parents.
🔫​She puts you down with her comments, humiliates you and even mistreats you. Mai is a terrible partner but she is too afraid to stop her behavior. Too afraid that if you were to see her for who she really is, you would laugh at her and dismiss her just like everyone else in her clan has done so far. In her mind even her own sister left and it has awakened the impression that she can't even trust those she thinks are closest to her. She is pushy and demanding of love, something she has rarely received from people in her life and possessive to the point where she feels neglected the moment you dare to ignore her for someone else. Perhaps in her eyes her behavior is justified as she has gone through so much already and will have to endure even more so she deserves you. She deserves a person who will only love her and who will never betray her. Even if her words are hurtful and even if she does terrible things to isolate you, she can always tell herself that she isn't the worst person you sometimes blame her to be. Because she is convinced that she has seen worse.
Mei Mei
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💴​Mei Mei finds her darling rather fascinating. As a non-sorcerer you have on first glance nothing notable on you as you are by all means a rather average person. However, as someone who has only ever expressed interest in money, this is what makes you so interesting to the sorcerer. There is no profit to gain from you nor would you be valuable on a battlefield yet even despite knowing all of that, she finds her gaze constantly drawn to you. Money is the only thing she has ever valued in her life yet you catch her attention in ways that no one has ever done before. As an openly selfish woman who is not afraid of admitting that to other people, Mei Mei indulges in whatever is of interest to her and you are no exception to that. Even upon noticing that her interest is turning into something else, she does not stop herself. She simply doesn't care about it as she has no such things as morals nor does she feel any shame for her obsession. Instead she finds the situation rather entertaining.
💴​The only morals she has depend on the money she receives for her jobs yet Mei Mei still seems to have certain standards she likes to present herself with to others. She has the luxury of time and money which allows her to take things slow and easy in regards to you. There is no need for desperation or any haste, she can take her time to get to know you and gauge how you react to her. Her Black Bird Manipulation allows her to keep an eye on you even whilst she is away to earn some money and then there is Ui Ui who would do anything for her, although he expresses some jealousy and outrage for your inability to recognise her true greatness. With her calm and analysing demeanor, Mei Mei oozes with confidence that she will have you for herself one way or another and this can be rather intimidating. Her words targeting your insecurities are like poison that slowly infects you and like the cruel predator she is, she treats it almost as if it were a game and it might as well be.
💴​Perhaps it is much more common to be the other way around and this is what Mei Mei would like to see just as much. You pale in comparison to her and you are often reminded of that when you two spend time in public. You feel inferior and almost unworthy in company of such a beautiful and rich woman and whilst Mei Mei is at least not as mean as to encourage your growing jealousy, she never does anything to ease it either. She finds it rather adorable when you turn a tad bit more jealous and possessive after all. She on the other hand doesn't have to overthink as much if it is the other way around. Most people are barely worth of her attention as they would neither have any worth to her life nor to yours. Her voice is always calm and her every gesture dismissive as she expresses her opinion honestly to such people, questioning them for the lack of value she sees in them. Whether her words humiliate someone to tears or fuel someone's anger, she has already won but everyone is free to amuse her for a bit more with their pathetic attitude if they desire to do so.
💴​Normally she doesn't lift a finger unless there is profit to make so it truly is a honor and sign of the worth you have to her that she exorcises curses who could be of potential risk of you without any money involved in the first place. Non-sorcerers are not worth her effort and time though as she knows of multiple other ways to take care of such people without having to stain her own hands. That is what money is for after all. Whether she bribes or blackmails someone, money has never failed to do the job for her. Maybe you have a different opinion and will accuse her as a corrupted woman but your view on the world is rather naive. You're pure but qualities such as kindness and honesty have never won a fight before. If you were part of her world, you would have died long ago as only those strong and smart enough to pick their battles wisely reach the top. Luckily you don't have to worry your silly head about anything because you have her to do that for you.
💴​Mei Mei is generous enough to offer you the option to move in with her. In her mind it doesn't even matter for how long you have known her by now. The only aspect she cares about is that she has known you long enough by now to realise that you really are too valuable for her to let go of you. Feel free to reject her offer yet be aware that you are already beyond saving. The sly smile on her face when you deny her her question is already a telltale sign of her intentions but she lets you squirm around anxiously for a while, your helplessness a relish in her eyes before she sets things into motion. Your bank account, your home and all of your possessions are stripped away from you, leaving you with little to no choice but to crawl back to her. She's already awaiting you though. You know that she is responsible because she hasn't even made the effort to hide it from you. She has intended for you to know simply so that she can shatter your ideal view on the world to prove that ultimately money rules over everything, even the law.
💴​There has never been a moment where she has yelled at you as Mei Mei has never lost her composure before. She retains such an incredible level of control over her which only humiliates and humbles you whenever you lose hold of your temper. Your self-esteem crumbles as her condescending words spoken with such a calm tone make you feel very small in front of her. She gives you the feeling that you are the only one who causes all of the problems. Worst is that all of this is in a way true as Mei Mei really doesn't have to do too much because she knows that you can never escape or run away from her. Are you not tired of those tedious struggles of yours? What is it that you could possibly desire from your old life? She is rich and can provide you with all earthly possessions that many people could only dream of and all she asks of you in return is to stay in her mansion and be her most valuable possession. One that may not be made out of diamonds but gold but holds more value to her heart than all the riches in the world.
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girlboypersonthingy · 7 months
Can you write something platonic about alastor, like tiny things he might do around people that are his way of showing care around the hotel and people around him?
Yessss I love this creepy king!!! I know he has a soft spot somewhere in him, he’s just a weirdo. Thanks for requesting! And enjoy~ ❤️
Platonic Alastor Headcanons ❣️
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If he likes you, he’ll talk to you quite often. He’ll even make jokes at your expense, might even go as far as to bully you or tease you about things he knows will get a reaction out of you.
But don’t get it twisted, if Alastor didn’t like you, he would either straight up ignore that you even exist or straight up threaten you and do his best to scare you off. So the fact that he even talks to you, regardless of the passive aggressive comments, is a good sign.
Taps his mic cane on the head of those he likes. Doesn’t really like physical touch but will occasionally touch you and others at the hotel, mostly with his cane but sometimes with his big claws.
If he really cares for you, Alastor will offer to share things with you. For example, he’ll invite you into his radio tower for a behind the scenes tour, he’ll offer you some of whatever is on his plate if you accidentally interrupt his dinner (even if it’s disgusting, it’s the thought that counts right?)
Won’t hesitate to destroy someone for trying to mess with you, anyone at the hotel or the hotel itself…as we saw when he slaughtered all those loan sharks for Mimzie.
He can be very frightening when he wants to be or needs to be, he never backs down from a fight.
Although, when Alastor has a soft spot for you, he will check in with you after he goes all scary crazy on someone.
Bro be like 😈👹 *radio static and screeching* and then immediately turn his attention to you like 😇 ‘oh you saw that? My bad.’
“Oh darling! I sincerely apologize for letting you see me that way. But! As your hotelier and also the radio demon, I must step up when someone tries to mess with us. You feeling alright? Yes? Good! Off you go then.”
He’s an extremely smart and carefully calculated man so really, any show of affection, care, consideration, concern should not be taken lightly.
Will also pull those typical, polite gestures like holding a door open for someone, offering his seat up when there’s no other open seats, magically summoning an umbrella for his company while on a walk in the rain, ect.
Again, as simple as that may seem, if this guy doesn’t like you he’s gonna do the exact opposite. Slamming doors in your face, lowkey trying to trip you as you walk past him, ect.
If he happens to catch you crying all alone, he won’t leave you be until you’re feeling better and your tears have stopped. Think when he went to comfort and encourage Charlie when she was crying in bed.
He will stay beside you, either aggressive praising you and trying to up your mood with encouragement or he will be cracking lame jokes or even offering to go kill whoever made you upset.
Is actually very easy to tell if the radio demon likes you or not. Alastor lets his feelings show through his actions.
As long as Alastor isn’t threatening you, ignoring you or trying to scare the shit out of you, then he likes you :)
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kookygranger · 9 months
Fairytale of Hawkins: Part One
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Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
A cheesy hallmark Christmas fic inspired by @bettyfrommars's tow truck!Eddie and prompts #1 & #6 from Betty and @allthingsjoeq's Holiday Prompt Party
Summary: You're spending Christmas in your best friend Robin's hometown this year, after spending far too many alone in the city. She can't wait to introduce you to the gang and all the wholesome festive activities they get up to, but you may have already made a not-so-good first (and second) impression on a certain metalhead in the first few days of your visit.
Warnings: mention of car crashing into snowbank (no damage), reader gets drunk (happy holidays!), reader doesn't have family, reader and Eddie are in their late 20s/early 30s, swearing
Word count: 4.4k
Author's note: I've spent far too long agonising over this when it's supposed to be silly and fun and not perfect, so please just have this first part and ignore me screaming into a pillow in the corner.
Part Two
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6 Days 'Til Christmas
You really weren’t feeling the holiday spirit this year.
Not that you normally did.
Christmas for you, meant taking advantage of a quiet city, spending the hours alone walking the empty streets and having nothing but smoked salmon and champagne for dinner without feeling guilty. Sometimes (every Christmas), you’d let a corny Hallmark movie play on your TV and cringe and laugh at the predictableness of it all. Maybe, you’d be a bit quieter when the lovesick couple inevitably kissed at the end, maybe you’d pour yourself a little more champagne.
The aesthetic of the holiday season itself, you didn’t mind so much. The pretty twinkling lights, spiced hot drinks, and cookies you could take. But the frenzied crowds, all the talk of “goodwill” and “Christmas cheer”, when all you had to do was spend an hour in a department store to witness the real ugliness of humanity – hard pass. And let’s not forget Christmas day itself, either people would be spending it stuck with family, passive-aggressive comments and secrets coming out after the first few rounds of spiked punch, or they’d be forcefully and painfully reminded of just how lonely they were in this world.
The snow was nice. You secretly enjoyed the quiet and stillness a fresh blanket of snow could bring to the city. But out here in the sticks? Snow was your worst enemy.
Once your heart had settled back to a normal pace, you got out of the car to assess the damage. There was no smoke coming from places it shouldn’t, no visible scratches or dents that you could see – but there was also no way in hell that you were getting this car out of the snowbank you’d crashed into. At least the deer you swerved to avoid was probably off in the trees to your left with its family, living to frolic another day.
You had no idea where you were. Already lost on the horrible directions your best friend Robin had given you before that damn deer came out of nowhere. The snow was coming down faster than the street plows could keep up with, your hair drenched in a few minutes as another shiver ran through your whole body.
Hawkins was cold. Like, freezing. You always thought winter was winter, but they really took it to another level here in the Midwest.
The day still had a little light left in it, but darkness was fast approaching. You decided the smart thing to do was wait in the car and hope that somebody driving by would be able to help. Or pretend to help before murdering you. Well, you didn’t think walking on a fairly deserted road in the middle of a snowstorm when you had no idea which direction to go would produce better results. So, you waited.
And waited.
Oh god, you were gonna die here all alone. You never should’ve let Robin talk you into coming home with her for Christmas. You could be happily wrapped up in blankets in your climate-controlled apartment with a warm mug of eggnog right now.
Wait! The rum you bought for making eggnog with Robin.
You scramble to reach over the car’s middle console, hands rummaging through the paper bags on the floor in the back until you find the smooth glass neck of a bottle.
The rum burns your throat on the way down with the first swig, but the edge is taken off soon after with a couple more swallows – the familiar warmth settling into your skin once you’ve polished off about a quarter of the bottle. You curl up into your seat, tucking your legs into your coat and holding the bottle of rum close to your chest.
Distracted by the fuzzy feeling seeping into your head and thoughts of which picture of you they’d use to announce your death on the local news, you don’t notice the sound of a truck approaching or its headlights shining across the back of your car.
Maybe Robin will give them a good one of you on vacation together in The Bahamas last year. God, you wish you’d gone somewhere warm instead.
You almost jump out of your skin, letting out an involuntary squeak when someone knocks on your window. Barely making out the shape of a man with wild hair through the condensation that had fogged up the glass.
“You alright in there?”
Please don’t be a murderer, please don’t be a murderer, please don’t be a murderer.
You open the car door and step out on shaky legs, almost stacking it when your feet are swallowed by a much thicker blanket of snow than you were expecting. The man reaches out to steady you, his hands engulfing your forearms as you look up at your rescuer. Or potential downfall. A black beanie covers the top of his head but does little to protect the rest of his wild curls that fall across his shoulders from the still falling snow. You briefly take note of the blue coveralls with a name sewn in red thread across his heart, before you’re sucked in by the worried look in his brown doe eyes.
“Are you alright?”
You nod, stuttering when you try and speak, gesturing to the car behind you and then to the road. “I–the car, there was a–and then, the ice just sort of…”
The stranger straightens up, the warmth from his hands leaving you as he eyes you wearily, “You been drink driving?”
“What? No! God, no…I–I,” you take a deep breath, trying to compose the thoughts that were tumbling too fast out of your mouth. God, he was pretty. “After I realised I wasn’t going anywhere,” you point to the front of the car, barely visible from the snow piled around it, “I may have opened a bottle of rum to keep warm.”
He scoffs a little meanly, “You realise that’s not how it works right? You actually lose heat faster when you’re drunk.”
A tingling warmth crawls up your neck at his scolding and you shrug, “Well, I thought if I was gonna die I might as well do it with a good buzz.”
He squints at you, his stare stony and you can’t tell what you’ve done to warrant this level of offence from a total stranger. Was he helping you or not? “You’re not from around here are you?”
You straighten up reflexively, shoulders going back in defence, “What makes you say that?”
He gestures vaguely to all of you, “Well, apart from the fact that you ooze city girl,” you frown, “it’s a small town. I woulda remembered you if you grew up here.”
He didn’t say it with a smirk or a sly look at your body. You knew it wasn’t meant as a compliment. Not a ‘you’re so pretty I would’ve remembered you’ but a ‘you stand out in all the wrong ways’.
“Okay, um,” you look around and notice his truck parked behind him, disbelief painting your face when you turn back to him and take in the ‘Munson Motors’ patch on the other side of his name. “Would you be able to help me?”
He answers with a frown as if the question itself is offensive. He has a tow truck and you're stranded on the side of the road in below-zero conditions. Of course, he’s going to help you.
Eddie, goes straight to work hooking up your car to the back of his truck, pulling it out of the snowbank and parking off to the side of the road again as you stand out of the way and watch, shivering now that the freezing outside air has begun to sober you up.
When he jumps back out of the truck to check your car is secure, he clears his throat, speaking to you like he's continuing a conversation, “How long you been out here?”
Your breath catches in a cloud of condensation as you exhale. “What’s the time?”
He pulls back the blue fabric of his left sleeve to check his watch, “Quarter past six.”
“Oh, um…a couple of hours I think.” It had been 45 minutes.
He nods as he gives a chain one final tug. “Guess no one’s come past ‘cause it’d be dumb to drive around in these conditions.”
You had to hold back from reflexively rolling your eyes. Here comes the mansplain.
“You know, you really shouldn’t be driving without chains on your tires.”
You huff, “Well, it’s not my car and I was only popping out to the store to get some groceries…an–and I got lost and then a deer just–” You wave your hand across the road stumbling over your words as the stupidly pretty tow truck driver turns to you and raises his eyebrows. “Forget it.” You sighed, “Is the car gonna be alright?”
Eddie licks his bottom lip, his intense gaze starting to heat you up again as he slowly nods. “The car will be fine. I can drop you and it off if you’ve got an address for me in town.”
“Uh, yeah. Thanks.”
A sigh leaves you as the warmth of the truck cab engulfs you, the smell of tobacco and the black ice magic tree hanging from the rearview mirror, along with something woodsy surrounding you on the inhale.
“Where to?” Eddie plops himself into the driver’s seat, pulling out onto the road as you give him Robin’s parent's address.
The ride there is mostly quiet, aside from the low hum of a Black Sabbath song coming out of the speakers, and you get the feeling Eddie the tow truck guy doesn’t take well to city girls getting themselves into sticky situations on his roads. You’re starting to feel a little silly yourself as the rum buzz well and truly wears off. This was a little too damsel in distress-y for your liking. You were an independent woman for god sake, the best solution you could come up with was getting drunk before an incredibly well-timed, handsome local had to come to your rescue?
As soon as Eddie pulls up to the curb he’s jumping out of the truck, clearly not wanting to spend another minute in awkward silence. You were never really good at small talk.
It isn’t until the passenger side door slams behind you that you notice the yelling.
“Oh my god! I thought you were for sure dead!”
Robin almost knocks you onto the sidewalk when she slams into you.
“Oh, I was so worried! I kept telling my dad, I think I told her the wrong directions. I told you to turn right on Maple when you should have turned left–“Her arms flail about in the air as she rambles in a panic and you just smile at her.
“Rob, I’m fine. I got to the shops okay in the end, it was getting back that was the problem. Then this deer ran out in front of me and I lost control when I swerved.”
“Oh my god, I can’t believe I almost killed you. You haven’t even been in town a full day!” She squishes your cheeks in between her hands, and you laugh.
Once she’s satisfied that you’re okay, she turns to Eddie as he walks up to the both of you. “Thanks for bringing my girl back alive Munson.” Robin beams and you notice Eddie’s eyes darting between the both of you, things clicking into place before she tackles him with a hug.
“Nice to see ya Buckley.” You hear Eddie mumble something into Robin’s hair and she laughs.
Figures. He was that Eddie. The metalhead with a heart of gold. Fantasy nerd that you were “going to love.” Obviously, your mind hadn’t immediately associated the grumpy tow truck driver Eddie with the one you’d heard hundreds of stories about, the one that was supposed to be warm and quick to welcome outsiders. Maybe it was just you?
“The car’ll be fine. Might just take a little while to warm up next time you go to start it, but if you have any issues just drop it by the shop.” He speaks directly to Robin as if it were her that he’d just rescued from the side of the road.
She thanked him with an affectionate punch to the shoulder and you tried to catch his eye before he turned away.
“Thanks again, for uh–for your help.”
He just nods, eyes briefly making contact with yours before they flit away again and he walks back to his truck.
“Don’t let her get lost again. It’s only gonna get colder over the next week.” He shouts before he slams his door shut behind him.
You turn to Robin who’s cheerily waving him off.
“Cold-er? It gets cold-er?!”
5 Days 'Til Christmas
“This is ridiculous.” Condensation forms around your huffs of breath, Jack Frost nipping at the tip of your nose and cheeks as you pull your coat tighter around you, stumbling slightly on the icy ground.
“The only thing ridiculous is your dress sense.” Robin giggles, pausing to let you catch up with her, arm linking with your own as you cross the car park together.
“This is my favourite coat.” You pout.
She shakes her head, “I know it is. And I know how much it cost, but we need to get you something sturdier and some thermals or something.” Her free hand rubs the thin, expensive material on your shoulder.
“Maybe, we should just stop leaving the house.” You grumble, causing Robin to knock her shoulder against yours.
“C’mon! I know we’re meeting everyone in a couple of days, but when Steve told me Jonathan and Nance we’re going to be at the bar tonight as well I thought it’d be the perfect opportunity for you to meet the grown-ups first.”
“Aren’t the kids at college now?”
You’d learnt a lot about Robin’s chosen family over the years. Having met Steve multiple times when he came to visit her in the city and been regaled by countless stories of the trouble they’d all gotten up to in high school.
“Yeah, but they’re not legal drinking age yet and it’ll be much easier meeting everyone else without them around trust me.”
The Hideout definitely wasn’t anything like the bars you frequented in the city, and you couldn’t help thinking about where you were a week ago – an office Christmas party that involved two-hundred-dollar bottles of champagne and coke in the marbled bathrooms – as your weather inappropriate shoes found the sticky floor and your nose wrinkled involuntarily at the smell, eyes wandering over the small crowd of mostly old men hunched over their half-empty drinks.
“Charming,” you murmur, Robin’s arm tightening its hold on you upon seeing her best friend waving at the both of you across the room.
“Hey dingus,” She ruffles Steve’s hair as you approach the group sitting around a small wooden table.
“Hey numbnut.” He was quick to push his hair back, everything but a lonely strand falling back into perfect place. Robin took an empty chair, while Steve captured you in a much-needed embrace, greeting you warmly and without a childish nickname.
He kept an arm around your shoulder as he introduced you to the three other occupants of the table. You shake Nancy and Jonathan’s hand, smiling at the way they held each other, but when you hold out your hand to their friend Argyle he just laughs and gets up to hug you with a “Come here my lil’ city slicker.” The scent of pineapple and pot clinging to you as you take a seat while Steve heads to the bar to get you and Robin a drink.
“Where’s Eddie?”
The pang that jolts you at Robin’s casual mention of her friend’s name is slightly concerning.
“He’s over there with the guys.” You follow Jonathan’s gesture to a group of boys standing next to a makeshift stage at the far end of the bar. A tousle of brown waves in a leather jacket stands with his back to you with three others dressed much the same, all drinking beer and laughing. You couldn’t see his face, but even from here you notice his shoulders look more relaxed than he was during your encounter yesterday.
Maybe you’d get to see the “warm” Eddie now that he wasn’t having to haul your car out of the snow.
Steve returns to your table with drinks and takes the seat next to you, reaching over your shoulders to pinch Robin when she complains about hers not having enough ice before letting his arm relax around you. Steve had seamlessly fit himself into your life when you first met just as he always did in any situation, and you knew that he could sense your nerves about meeting the rest of the group. You just hoped he didn’t pick up on any nerves about the presence of one in particular.
“Nice of you to join us Buckley.”
You tense as Eddie appears at the table and Steve squeezes your shoulder, smirking into his drink.
Never fucking mind.
“Oh my god, you guys I have to tell you all about Eddie’s hero moment yesterday!”
As Robin captures the attention of the group with a dramatic retelling of yesterday’s events, your eyes wander to your reluctant rescuer. He was yet to acknowledge your existence, only rubbing his neck and blushing when praise was thrown his way. His attention is mostly on Robin’s theatrics before it shifts, and you notice his gaze land on something by your shoulder. You look down at Steve’s hand still resting there and when you look back up your eyes catch shining, dark chocolate ones.
You’re the first to break the spell, eyes quickly landing on the table, unable to hold his intense stare.
When Robin finishes her story you excuse yourself to get another drink, having nervously gulped yours down already and you pass Steve on your way back to the table.
“Hey, can you give these to Eddie? He’s just outside. I need to take a leak, thanks.” He walks away quickly, leaving you with a packet of cigarettes in your hand.
Eddie stands with his back to you, leaning against the brick of the bar as you exit the swinging door, a blast of arctic air hitting you as you immediately wrap your arms around yourself.
He spins around at the sound of your voice.
“Uh, Steve said you needed to borrow a smoke?” You hold up the pack.
He stares at you for a second before he lifts an unlit cigarette in between his fingers.
“I’m all good. Bummed one off Gareth.”
You nod and shove the carton in your coat pocket.
“You smoke?”
“God no, I value my lungs. These are Steve’s.” You shake your head and Eddie raises his eyebrows, pausing in his motion to light the cigarette now pursed between his lips, the yellow flame from his scuffed bic lighter flickering in the chilled breeze.
He releases his thumb from the lighter, taking the cigarette out of his mouth and frowning at it.
“So uh, I didn’t expect you and Buckley to show up tonight.”
You grip your coat tighter around you, it’s far too cold to be out here but you’re pleasantly surprised that he’s initiating conversation with you. “Oh yeah, Robin dragged me out of the house to come see some lame band. Personally, I think it’s too cold to do anything other than drink tea under a pile of blankets but–“
“Robin said they were lame?”
“The band playing here tonight, she said they were lame?”
“No, she just mentioned that they’re here every Tuesday,” you look up at the neon signage hanging above the door, missing a ‘d’ with a barely flickering ‘o’ and shrug, “I figured–“
“Hey, Ed!” One of the boys Eddie had been standing with earlier pops his head out of the bar door, giving you a curt nod when you turn around. “You ready? We’re on in two.”
“Yeah, just give us a sec.”
The boy disappears back behind the door and you screw your eyes shut. Of course it was his band.
“Shit, Eddie I’m sor–“
“You always just say things without thinking?” His arms are crossed, eyes squinting at you in that offended disbelief that seemed to be reserved just for you and your big mouth.
You sigh, “Only around you apparently.”
You swear you see the corner of his mouth twitch. “Why’s that city girl?”
The nickname could almost pass as a term of endearment, the way it comes out of him in a drawl if it wasn’t for your terrible first and second impressions preceding you.
You shake your head, “Never mind. I’m gonna–“ You point your thumb behind your shoulder, “Yeah,” and walk back inside before you manage to say anything else idiotic, Eddie grinning after your retreating form.
You watch Eddie thrash about on stage under the haze of a couple of shots, needing a little liquid courage before you could throw yourself back into socialising – at least you seemed to be getting along with the rest of the group.
His skin was glowing with sweat under the cheap yellow stage lights, leather jacket abandoned so you could now see the tattoos peaking out from under his tattered old band shirt. One that hugged his biceps as they flexed with the ferocity of his guitar playing. Holy shit.
When he jumps off stage and approaches his friends, you can’t take your eyes off the damp hair that sticks to his neck and forehead.
“You guys were amazing.”
He bows his head at your compliment. The two of you now slightly off to the side of the rest of the group as they figure out whose round it is. “Not lame then?”
“No,” you shake your head, “no, I shouldn’t have–that was shitty of me to judge without hearing you. To judge, full stop. I’m not like that normally. I know you think I’m just some city girl who’s completely out of touch but I’m just–I got a bit nervous about meeting you all and making a good impression for Robin. I’m sorry.”
He rubs the back of his neck, “S’nothin’ to apologise for. Not like we’re playing The Garden or anything.”
“That doesn’t matter.” You frown, “You’re great–I mean the band are great–I can tell that you all love playing up there no matter the audience. That’s what’s important.”
“Thanks.” His soft tone and doe eyes threaten to swallow you whole. You look away, burning up under his attention again.
“You’re welcome.”
“We’re playing pool now, I need you on my team c’mon.” Robin wraps her arms around you and drags you away before Eddie gets the chance to keep you talking.
“Wait, Steve! You’re not driving?” You cringe at Robin’s slurred volume as she shouts across the small car park, thankful this isn’t a residential area.
“Pfft no! I’ve had way too many. I’m going in Nance’s car.” She glares at her best friend as he follows Jonathan and Argyle, waving her off.
“How are we getting home?!” She raises her arms in exasperation and turns to you as if you’d be able to offer a solution, the creaking of the bar door opening behind you grabbing both of your attention as Eddie steps out. He stops short, car keys coming to a halt mid-swing when he notices eyes on him.
“Eddieeee.” Robin sing-songs, wrapping her arm around your shoulder. His eyebrow quirks up. “Fancy dropping off two gorgeous young girls and making sure they get home safe?” She leans her head into yours and you giggle.
Eddie rolls his eyes. “Yeah whatever, get in.”
Robin turns away abruptly to head towards his van, leaving you to stumble without the support, Eddie’s warm hands brace your arms before you even have time to think.
“You good?”
You nod, “Had a lot to drink.”
He huffs a laugh as you sway, breath stuttering when you look up at him, “Yeah, you did.”
The snow that falls around you two lands softly on your face, melting in your hair and on your eyelashes as you crinkle your nose.
“It’s so cold.”
He licks his bottom lip, “Right, right let’s get you home yeah?”
Despite Robin’s clumsy nature she always manages to stay light on her feet when she’s drunk. So, by the time Eddie pulls up to the Buckley residence she’s shooting out of the van, cackling at her own joke while you’re still trying to undo your seatbelt. Eddie tells you to stay still before he jogs to the passenger side and unhooks you, holding onto your arm as you step down onto the ground on wobbly legs.
“Where’s Robin?” You look around, the front yard frosted in snow that’s warmed by yellow fairy lights hanging around the edges of the house, but noticeably void of your charmingly sassy friend.
“She’s already inside. Here, let me get you to the door.”
His hands help steady you, guiding you to safety up the icy path, one stretching over your lower back the other holding your elbow. You hadn’t noticed his rings before now, silver glinting under the lights now directly above you as you walk up to the front porch. These hands adorned in skulls seemed to keep coming to your rescue. But you don’t need some hot tow truck, sexy guitarist guy coming to your rescue. You’re a capable, independent woman.
You feel Eddie’s breath on the back of your neck when he laughs softly.
“You think I’m sexy huh?”
You frown as you stop at the front door, shaking your head “What, why would you think that?”
“’Cause you just said it.”
“Out loud?!”
He snickers as you bury your face in your hands, “I have to stop drinking around you.”
Eddie bites his lip as you slip through the front door mumbling a good night and close it behind you without another glance at his smug face. He’s still smiling as he turns the ignition, the radio on low as Fairytale of New York fills his van with warmth. He takes a deep breath and shakes his head before pulling away from the curb, this fuzzy feeling in his chest not something that’s familiar to him.
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bunnyjesters · 10 months
I kinda of ship ragapomni like way way more but I’m curious , what’s the appeal of jaxPomni ?
Why do you like it ?
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Hello! Mew here 🌸
They are a very opposites attract type of ship. I want to start with analyzing Jax's character and then Pomni's.
From what we have seen, we know that at least in outward appearance Jax is very much self assured and enjoys picking on other members. He also loves getting a reaction from the group, whether its positive or negative. He doesn't seem all that worried about being trapped and uses whats at his disposle to entertain himself in the meantime. I'm sure at one point he was very very distraught about his situation but nowadays he either honestly doesn't care or has learned to distract himself from the issue at hand.
Internally I think his attitude is a defense mechanism of a couple different issues. The fact that he is trapped and the fact that he's lonely. If you view his character and look at his interactions with everyone. He does not seem to be very close to any particular person in the crew. At least not in any way that could be considered intimate (emotionally) I like to think in his human life he may not have had all that many close friends either despite being relatively intelligent and somewhat charismatic. I think that keeping people at a distance is safe for him and no one in the digital circus either realizes or cares enough to push his boundaries in that area.
Pomni on the other hand does not hide how she feels. She feels things very primally (mostly fear from what we've seen) She is pragmatic and genuine. She desires to be good person but struggles as people do and she is aware of this and unafraid of it. I get the feeling that whether or not she is a good communitcator, she is open about how she feels when she talks and very much direct. (I hc that she is Autistic) We know she does not like to be touched which I believe to be more of a neurodivergent thing rather than something from previous abuse. Although I may change my mind later on that.
As for how she is internals vs externals, in my eyes she is one and the same. She doesn't hide herself as I've stated before.
Now the attraction on Jax's end is that he loves attention, he loves to get a reaction from people and Pomni is very reactive. I think at first there is a dynamic of "hazing" the newcomer that is really just Jax getting a feel for this new addittion and mainting his own sense of control. I think it grows very heavily on Jax's part simply because Pomni is so sincere and she doesn't judge him or make him feel stupid for being open. At first he resents this part of her becuase she doesn't respond to his passive aggression when he's upset about something. She forces him to be clear about what bothers him and even though it's uncomfortable it soothes a piece of him he was likely unaware of. She also has hope for escape and it probably reminds him of himself at one point or another.
Pomni finds comfort in Jax. He's intelligent and entertaining. He has a hidden softness to him that resonates with her strongly but I think at first she may just use him as stress relief. He distracts her from the reality of their situation and gives her enough ease to focus on a plan for escape. I do think she is very fond of him even at the beginning and views him as her closest friend (in the circus) She is also not all that aware of his growing feelings either and some times takes him at face value in what he wants.
~Side note but I think her desire to escape sometimes really hurts Jax. I don't even know if he wants to escape at this point in time.
I imagine this ship to be a strangers to harassment to friends (with benefits) to Jax choking on his one-sidedly feelings and then maybe lovers.
definetly lovers :3
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kurogane2512 · 9 months
Three way with bottom chameleon and Eirene is just ahfhgkaifhjwb
Imagine having these two goddesses between your legs both eagerly sucking your cock/pussy and even sometimes fight over who gets railed first by arguing who's been a gooder girl only for you to just fuck em both stupid anyway because they look cute when they argue for your attention
And even in public when eirene orders you around and gets you all frustrated so you can take it out on her later, chameleon offers herself up as a stress relief until then while also giving eirene the biggest smug grin as you drag her off to a secluded spot to fuck her dumb
They both deserve a good fucking and it would be even better if they both wore skimpy maid outfits the whole time
Gn!reader with a cock.
I love the idea of both of them passive aggressively fighting over you because after all, they are still prideful and confident in their abilities, not to mention- simply above fighting like some level sluts. But in truth, they definitely have similar feelings as that. There are times when they are playing chess together, with the winner getting to be fucked first. And while Chameleon may not be a Chessmaster like Eirene, her Sinner abilities come in handy even against an S rank like Eirene.
The nights you 3 spend together are some of the most passionate and longest, which is really not surprising given how needy both of them are and have lots of stamina to accompany it. Not to mention, Chameleon’s abilities give you extra boosts as well. Expect your whole body to be covered in red lipstick marks and hickeys, even your cock as they love kissing it before sucking one by one. Sultry, angelic moans and whimpers will echo in the room all night as you fuck them together. One has your cock while the other is being fingered, or they'd just lay on top of each other for you to grind your cock between their folds.
They'll impatiently wait for you to penetrate one of them when you cum but you decide to let it out between them and stain their bodies instead. But don't worry, they'll get filled up soon after. Eirene purposely makes you accompany her to the exquisite gatherings she gets invited to, with the intention to either fuck in the car or the bathroom later. She intentionally teases you throughout the party and treats you like a secretary even though you came as her partner, she simply wants to get you worked up for when you do her. Unfortunately for her, Chameleon also happens to attend many of these parties (she knew you both would be here, she made her own arrangements).
While Eirene wants to take the long route by annoying you and savoring you later, Chameleon appears as a relief and drags you away when Eirene is not looking. You slip into the bathroom and pin her against the sink in no time, kissing and sucking her boobs while rubbing your throbbing member against her folds. You let out all the frustration Eirene gave you, growling into Chameleon’s neck as you begin to pull out your cock and push inside her. Just then, the bathroom door opens and Eirene enters with a frown on her face as she watches you all over Chameleon.
All Chameleon does is smirk before wrapping her arms around your neck and throwing her head back with a loud moan, pressing your head deeper into her while her gaze remains fixated on Eirene who's internally boiling with anger. Eirene watches how you pick up Chameleon against the sink and push your cock deep inside, how Chameleon’s fingers tread through your hair and grip them tightly as she moans in your ear, how you waste no time to pound into Chameleon and make her see stars. It should have been her, Eirene was supposed to be in that place right now. She's not going to let this go, she will make you pay for this.
Them wearing skimpy maid outfits is just— OH MY GOD 😩🥵 The role reversal is especially the most fun with Eirene who enjoys the whole ordeal as well. On days when they are feeling rather good and decide to cooperate, expect them to service you by putting on maid outfits and treating you like their beloved master. They'll pamper and spoil you a lot that day, like massaging your body and feeding you, helping you bathe and dress up. They'll take turns to cockwarm you and bounce on your lap- all to please you. You better fuck them real good later that night 😏
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shitswiftiessay · 10 months
so taylor has put out another hit piece against joe (who’s surprised)
after buying winning the TIME person of the year award 2023, and having a gushing puff piece that’s supposed to paint her as this trailblazer for women and feminist icon…
she made sure to dedicate a significant portion of it to talking about her boyfriends. 🙄
so here are the cringeworthy excerpts where she’s talking about her latest victim boyfriend.
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“Football is awesome, it turns out. I’ve been missing out my whole life.”
I love how she single handedly debunked the claim that swifties have been making, that taylor ALWAYS loved football and was a huge eagle fan (just bc she had an eagles shirt). now it’s basically confirmed that this football shit is just taylor’s newest PERSONALITY that she’s gonna wear for a few months, until she gets bored of it, and then she’ll throw travis under the bus and she’ll start siccing her fans against him.
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“This all started when Travis very adorably put me on blast on his podcast, which I thought was metal as hell.”
god, someone bring me a BARF BUCKET please. 🪣 🤮 and since when is it “adorable” for a guy to PUT YOU ON BLAST because you wouldn’t go out with him or take his number?? that’s… very weird. i’m sure she wouldn’t find it “adorable” if she wasn’t interested in the guy. but anyway, i’m pretty sure she just saw an opportunity here and she took it. she can’t handle being single for more than a month, she needed a new man to make people forget about her matty healy era. and she’s LOVING the good press she’s getting for being “America’s royal couple” as her fans are calling them. but does she actually LOVE HIM? that, I remain yet to be convinced about.
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and I love this part. “We would never be psychotic enough to hard-launch a first date.”
yeah, taylor’s not CRAZY you guys, it’s not like she said “I love you” to matty healy on stage back in may before breaking up with him 2 weeks later. nah. it’s not like she immediately bought a house next to her teenage boyfriend connor kennedy who was STILL IN HIGH SCHOOL when she started dating him. nah. that would be CRAZY. PSYCHOTIC even!!
and here comes the part where she starts passive aggressively smearing joe and we all know she’s on a smear campaign against joe now but it’s kind of pathetic that even while winning PERSON OF THE YEAR she has to make it about that.
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so taylor obviously has a lot to say about her new relationship, and how proud they are of each other. but you know what I DON’T hear her saying? “I’m in love” or “I’m happy with him.”
and personally, i think that speaks volumes. if she was truly HAPPY with her new man she wouldn’t be doing all this shit. if you were around when taylor broke up with calvin and then immediately started hard-launching hiddleswift, taking pap photo after pap photo and being extremely “happy” she was and meeting his mom and all that shit…. and if you don’t see the parallels between what she’s doing NOW with travis, you’re either a blind fan or just flat out stupid.
because at least when she started dating joe she actually left her exes alone (at least for a little while), she was like “I forget their names now.” and you can tell she was happy without having to make a big show of it- “nobody’s heard from me for months, I’m doing better than I ever was.”
but now she’s acting like it’s the worst thing ever that she was “locking herself in her house for a lot of years,” and she KNOWS that her fans are going to take that and blame joe for it.
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JUST LOOK at the quotes and replies of this tweet and this tweet to see how those insane fucking swifties are acting over this. EVERYTHING she does now is an incitement against joe and she knows it, it’s deliberate, it’s calculated.
and i guess she’s gotta bury him while she continues hanging out with a sexual abuse apologist so she can look like she has some kind of moral high ground.
also, the way she’s trying to erase the fact that 11 of the 15 songs on reputation were LOVE SONGS about joe, not “a goth-punk moment of female rage at being gaslit by an entire social structure.”
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this woman is just narcissistic and straight up DELUSIONAL at this point. she’s so far up her own ass it’s nauseating. but i really hope that she keeps on talking. because the more she talks, the more people realise what a narcissistic clown she is. 🤡
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