#she misses the person who tried to kill her. who tried to kill her sister. who /did/ kill her friends. how awful is that?
autism-swagger · 1 year
Tara headcanons :3
(it's literally just angst. Blame @lionydoorin for making me have Tara thoughts)
She can't stand the smell of cooking meat anymore. It reminds her of Amber.
After Sam left, there wasn't anyone buying groceries on a regular basis. She never starved, but there were many occasions where she went to bed hungry.
She doesn’t remember most of the night her dad left (or even the man himself for that matter). She tried to grab him as he was leaving, but he shoved her off. She slammed her head on the corner of the wall really hard, and ended up with a scar on her forehead, chronic psychosomatic migraines, and tinnitus.
She'll avoid going to the hospital unless she absolutely has to. Not only does it reminds her of being attacked, she was also a really sick kid, and she spent a lot of her childhood hospitalized. Even just going to the doctor stresses her out.
She's like. 70% stress and anxiety at any given moment. Seriously somebody get this girl some SSRIs before she has a heart attack.
Her leg and hand have permanent nerve damage, and her entire left arm is kind of fucked up after 6. She has a semi-permanent arm brace, a cane for her leg, and a whole lot of chronic pain.
Christina had a revolving door of boyfriends, and would bring them home sometimes. They were almost always awful to Tara.
She really misses Amber sometimes. She never tells anyone.
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so like. fnaf movie. after night five, all outside observers know is "this 30yo guy with severe anger issues + his 10yo mentally ill sister just walked out of his collapsing workplace with an unconscious, stabbed police officer, saying that someone inside the building tried to kill them but we can't get into the building to check. we went to their house and the aunt who was fighting for custody of the child is dead on the floor. the guy's career counselor is missing, as is his babysitter and her family and apparently they're all dead in the building we can't get into." and like. that all looks suspicious as FUCK however we know that in the few-weeks timeskip both mike and abby seem happy and fine so it's not like mike was arrested or anything. he seems to be more adjusted and is happily talking with her teacher so i doubt he's under stress of interrogation or anything
there's a lot of implications there that mike mighta pulled something but it's all circumstantial evidence at best. i'm sure in jane's autopsy and crime scene evidence they couldn't find any evidence of mike being the one to attack her, esp since it was probably just golden freddy bopping her in the head so they dont even have the weapon, and if she was strangled they'd be able to tell it wasn't by bare hands and they couldnt get prints or anyth. especially if golden freddy is a FULL ghost and thus left no trail.
mike would be smart enough to only tell the cops what they need to know without mentioning ghosts to sound crazy. abby might be more honest with the cops just bc of #autism but they'd be more likely to consider her talking about ghosts and imaginary friends as a child's way of coping, and they cant get anything out of her that would incriminate mike. ADD TO THAT that mike has wounds that are clearly defensive and is SUPER banged up and his wounds would likely match his story way better than evidence of him attacking anyone, AND that there's likely footage and witnesses of him being in the pharmacy and then driving to work (and thus not in the area to attack jane), AND if/when nessie wakes up she'll probably vouch for mike as well, and the cops dont have anything on him
though i DO wonder if they would have records of vanessa patching him up in the police outpost. if they do, that would also back up mike's story as it's 1) far away from the aunt jane crime scene, 2) confirms that he and vanessa were working together, so either she's complicit in Crime™ or his story is accurate and she was helping him save his sister. him going to defend her instead of calling backup is also consistent with his personality of getting triggered and jumping into action around child abduction, esp w/ his sibling in danger
considering what abby would probably say, AND the history of freddy's, it's likely that they would come to the conclusion of is "someone [likely the og kidnapper from the 80s] found out that the guy working at freddy's had a sister, kidnapped abby from her house while her aunt was babysitting and tried to recreate the crimes, his story of him and vanessa defending her and escaping vaguely checks out." whether or not mike would incriminate vanessa by mentioning her dad was the killer is up in the air, and there's obviously some huge holes that are left from nobody believing that there are ghosts in the building but that would probably be the eventual conclusion
but throwing that all away, it would be really, REALLY funny if the rest of the town, being really fuckin nosy and getting into the juiciest gossip they've had in decades, took one look at michael "big teddy bear falling asleep on himself" schmidt and said "there's no way. there's no way this guy murdered his aunt, stabbed an officer and then destroyed his own workplace, especially when he really needed that job and was on sleeping medication," and then turned around to look at abby "neurodivergent in the early 2000s (ableist af time period)" "vocally hates her aunt" "doesn't talk to anyone and claims that she can see ghosts" "vaguely possessive of her brother" "claims that she found the guy who hurt her friends and got him jumped by a cupcake(?)" schmidt and said "oh my god. it was her."
and nobody's gonna directly say anything but they've got cautious eyes on the situation and someone quietly slips mike a copy of the bad seed to see if he has a realization but instead he's just like "hey this book kinda reminds of that golden freddy kid lmao. wonder how he's doin" and then we smashcut to golden freddy kid poking springtrap with a stick
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klausysworld · 7 months
I don’t know why but I really want something with Klaus breaking reads heart.
Maybe…. Reader and Cami have been kidnapped and Klaus has to choose who to save. He chooses Cami but before reader can be killed Elijah saves her.
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Left for dead
Living with the originals was hard enough. Between the betrayals and the wars just within the family was overwhelming let alone outsiders going out of their way to destroy each of them.
Being with Klaus was already difficult, between his mood swings and temper tantrum’s he wasn't an easy person to love and yet I did.
Even when I realised he was in love with someone else, even whilst knowing he was kissing someone else, I didn't leave him. I loved him with everything in me whether it was killing me or not.
I had offered my life for his, I took life for his and I ruined my own life for his. With Klaus came his family and I did everything I could to welcome them as my own. Even after I found out that his sister knew that he was seeing someone else.
Hope was treated the way I would treat my own daughter and I loved more than anyone else to walk the planet. Maybe that was why I stayed, for Hope. Or maybe that’s what I tell myself because how could I have been pathetic enough to stay for a an who only saw me as a warm body.
For some reason I had it in my head that perhaps he loved both me and Camille. Maybe he thought I wouldn't accept it and so he kept it a secret but surely after everything he should know that I would never try to change him or invalidate his feelings. It was stupid to be okay with him seeing Cami behind my back, I was blinded by something I had created in my mind.
I would smile when Cami was near and I tried to talk to Klaus but he labelled me paranoid and brushed it off. So I thought maybe he regretted it and he didn't want me to know because he wanted to stop. Maybe he did still love me.
This was the ultimate test really.
Both myself and Camille were beaten until black, blue and bloody. A loop of our cries and screams echoed through my mind and bounced against the walls of whatever dungeon we were seemingly chained within. I had no way of knowing how long we had been there but my body and soul felt such a sense of relief when Klaus's voice rang through the building. That feeling only lasted a few seconds before our captures taunting replayed in my head:
"Klaus will choose between you both, he will decide who lives or dies. He may think that he can have it all, have you both but I won't let him well. Whichever one he chooses, the guilt from the other will eat away at him, he won't be able to stay with the other. You will all end up broken and alone." he had whispered cruelly.
Her heart pounded in her throat as she watched Klaus approach them both, his hands coated in red as he forced the bars that separated us apart and went to step through only to let out a gasp and drop to his knees. The with who had tortured us for however long appeared from thin air in front of Klaus and I automatically pulled my legs to my chest to hide in the corner.
"Only one of them leaves" he stated, a grin on his face. "I don't care which but you will choose one or they both die and the next to go missing will be your daughter"
At his words Klaus let out a vicious snarl and attempted to lurch forward at the man but a sharp pain forced its way to his head and caused a loud yell of pain to burst from within him.
I could feel my eyes burning with another flow of tears just watching his pain, knowing what he felt. I could see Cami staring straight at me. Over our time in here together she had often brought up Klaus's ultimatum, I told her that I knew that they loved each other. I told her that he would choose her. She was certain that I was wrong and that Klaus didn't love her but just used her as a release. But I knew what Klaus looked like when he was in love. Even so part of me hoped she was right, it was a dark thought, a horrible hope that I wish I didn't have but I really wanted it to be true.
I looked back to Camille, a tight lipped smile that was probably more of a grimace formed on my lips as I mouthed the words 'it'll be okay' to her and her head shook as tears slipped down her cheeks.
Cami was sweet, she was lovely and I loathed it. She wanted to die instead of me, she said I deserved to live more than she did. That I was Hope's second mother I was apart of the Mikaelsons. She apologised for ever being with Klaus and it just made me feel worse. I thought that maybe they were lies, maybe she secretly hoped that Klaus would choose her and I would be left to die.
I couldn't tell and it didn't really matter anymore. Not when I realised that Klaus was right in front of me. I felt a small spark of hope as his arms wrapped around me and he pulled my close to his chest. A soft sniffle left him and his lips pressed to the side and top of my head
"I'm so sorry" his voice whispered with a crack and I went to tell him it was okay before I felt him pulling away and I realised what he was apologising for "forgive me" he uttered as he made his way to Cami.
My eyes stayed blurry with tears but they didn't fall as a complete feeling of numbness spread throughout me completely. I could hear my captures sickening laugh spin around me and I could hear Camille asking Klaus what he was doing.
"Klaus- go back to her" she whispered but he shook his head
"I love you" he admitted and a bitter laugh left my lips. I covered my mouth with my hands and pressed my forehead against my knees. I shouldn’t have been surprised and I shouldn’t have been so upset. I knew he loved her, I knew he would choose but for some reason it hurt so much more when he actually confirmed it.
I could hear Camille apologising to me as Klaus lifted her up, carrying her to a safety I thought I would never again know.
As soon as they left hands were on me, grabbing and dragging me by my hair to force me to crawl wherever he wanted me. Uncontrollable pain shot through me continuously and I had no time to comprehend the sobs that shook my body. I felt my back arch painfully, almost breaking but not quite, my head was forced back so my neck was bared and a sharp knife went to the edge of my neck.
"it's unfortunate really..." the voice uttered before the blade began to sink into my throat. My eyes closed and I welcomed the quick death but the pressure stopped and a thud sounded from before me.
Fingers pressed to the place the knife had began to cut, a familiar scent engulfed me and an arm circled my waist.
"You're alright darling" the voice whispered, pulling me into an embrace making me grab onto the back of his suit silently. "He's gone now Y/n. You're safe." he murmured softly, rubbing my back before i felt him pull back a little bit. My eyes slowly cracked open to see his face, his deep dark eyes boring into mine with a knowing look of pity. Silently I watched as an array of reds and purples scattered under his chocolate brown eyes and his pearly fangs dipped into the tough skin of his wrist. The fresh wound was lifted to my lips and I accepted the metallic taste with a sigh. I drank for much longer than I needed, I expected he would pull be off but his hand only pet the back of my head gently
"Good girl" he whispered "just heal". His touch made my heart hurt and I didn't bother trying to stop the tears from falling anymore. My hands clutched onto his jacket desperately and I gulped his blood down as though it was water.
Soft touches were given to the skin of my face before his silk handkerchief cleaned at the dirt and dried blood that had dripped down my neck. Reluctantly I pulled away from his wrist and licked my lips clean. He wiped his own wrist and tucked the material away into his pocket. Elijah proceeded to pull the jacket off of his body and instead wrapped it around my shoulders. The inside was warm and smelt of home.
My eyes felt heavy with exhaustion and I gave him a tired smile making him frown.
"I'll bring you home now okay?" he whispered but I shook my head
"I can't go back" I muttered "I won't stay with him anymore. I should have left ages ago" I admitted and his eyes grew glossier.
"Where should I take you?" He asked gently and I shrugged
"Airport? Train station? I don't care just don't tell anyone you saved me? Please?" I begged softly and he nodded.
"I'll give you whatever you need" he promised "anything"
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bugs013 · 2 months
“You stayed?”
Spencer Reid x BAU!Reader
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Not my pics
Warnings- basic criminal minds violence, blood, hospitalization, nightmares, mentions of suicide, mentions of making out, use of ‘Y/N’ but only a few times, i don’t think any pronouns were used but correct me if i’m wrong! Lmk if i missed anything!
A/N- this is my first time actually writing something so it’s not the best. I wrote this for my sister and she wouldn’t shut up about it so here it is lol. Also I’m dyslexic so if there are any mistakes then please let me know! (I reread it at least 3 times lmao) i’m open to criticism just don’t be too extreme pls lol
When you started at the BAU everyone seemed pretty nice except for one person, Spencer Reid, you weren’t sure why but for some reason you two just didn’t get along. As time went on nothing changed. The team tried to get you two to be friends but it never worked, everyone just got used to it, simple shaking their head or laughing when the two of you would glare at each other or make comments about each other’s ‘bad’ performances.
This case has been horrible, you’ve gotten so many leads but it keeps hitting dead ends, everyone was sitting around the table pissed until Spencer of course figured something out. He started writing on the board.
Morgan noticed first, his brows furrowed. “Whatcha got kid?”
At that everyones heads snap up at Reid and the board, why is he so stupidly smart?, there is silence for a moment as everyone shares some confused glances.
Spencer rambles on about where we will find the unsub and how, it took a minute to explain but soon enough everyone is up and heading to a house where supposedly the unsub will be.
You, Morgan and Rossi go in the back while JJ, Reid and Hotch go through the front. Everyone searches around but no one is in the house, that is until You and Spencer find a way to the basement, Spencer went down the creaky stairs but before you could even make it down two step’s Spencer was hit by the unsub, you point your gun at the man.
“Let me see your hands!”
He points a gun at his hostage’s head, holding her tightly with his free arm. “I’ll shoot!”
You glance over to see Reid was back up with his gun pointing at the unsub as well, geez that was fast.
“She is not who you think she is. You don’t want to kill her.” Spencer said to the man.
“She killed my girlfriend! She deserves to die!”
“She had nothing to do with it, she’s innocent. Lily killed herself Adrian. She was hurting herself.”
“Shut up! You’re lying!” The gun now pointed at Spencer and you can see that he’s about to pull the trigger, as soon as you hear the gun shot you quickly jumped in front of the bullet, you have no clue what came over you but all you know is the pain you felt in your shoulder was brutal. You hit the ground with a loud yelp, you look to your shoulder and see the blood oozing out. “Shit”
“Y/N!” Spencer shouts as he soon fell to his knees next to you.
But then you see the unsub running up the stairs and you push Spencer with you free hand, the other over your bleeding wound. “He’s getting away idiot.” But Spencer didn’t bother moving, besides the rest of the team already had the guy now. He shouts that you need an ambulance and the last thing you remember was Spencer shaking you and saying; “stay with me Y/N.” As your vision then went black.
You wake up to the sound of machines beeping around you and the cool air of the hospital giving you chills, the thin blanket draped over you didn’t do much to warm you. You blink a few times as your vision slowly unblurs, then you realize someone was holding your hand, you squint to see who it was and when you realize it was Reid you squeeze his hand gently and his head pops up. “You’re awake?”
“You stayed?” He smiled softly. Then he glances at your interlocked hands, he clears his throat as he pulls his hand back awkwardly. Your brows furrowed and you chuckle weakly. “I don’t mind.”
His brows raised and he gives a bit of a confused look before then speaking again. “Why did you do that?” He asked. “Do what?” You ask, forgetting that you literally took a bullet for him some hours ago.
“Don’t be dumb.” He said before answering your question. “Jump in front of the bullet?”
“Ohh.” You shrug. “The team needs you…” His brows furrowed. “So? They need you too.” You shrug with one shoulder. “Yeah but without you half the cases would never get solved.” “That’s not true-” “Spencer. It’s true and you know it. We sat in that room for hours, days even, constantly hitting nothing but dead ends…until a little nerd finally figured it out and look, we got the guy-” You paused, you don’t remember if they actually got the guy. “Wait we did get him right?” Spencer chuckled softly as he nods. “Yeah, we got him.” You laugh softly. “Good.”
It’s been about 4 weeks now since you had gotten shot and the whole time Spencer was by your side, while in the hospital and after. it was nice, but he was only doing it because he owed you, right? I mean you did save him from a bullet. You have basically fully healed now though.
Spencer is over at you apartment, you already told him you were fine on your own but he insisted on staying while you were hurt and he is still insisting to stay while you get over it all too. And while you did appreciate the help a lot you were starting to feel things you didn’t think you’d ever feel for him. The two of you are enemies, the only time you are ever civil is on the field. But now that you have actually spent some time together and got to know each other, you like him. You like him?
You yawned as you adjust your position on the couch, your eye lids were barely open when you heard Spencer speak. “Tired?” You nodded lazily. “Well i made some soup, you should eat before you go to sleep.” He says as he walks over to the couch. “Mmm, that sounds sooo good but ‘m sooo tired…” You said as you forced yourself to sit up. “It’s only 6:40, you can’t be that tired, can you?” You yawned and shrugged as you sat up. “I didn’t get much sleep last night.” He gives a bit of a confused look. “Oh, why didn’t you get sleep?” “Nightmares.” You say with another shrug. “Nightmares?” He asked and you nodded. “Do you want to talk about it?” You shook your head and got up, walking towards the kitchen. “Come on, food’s gonna get cold.” You say, ignoring the look of concern that filled his face. He’s worried but he can’t force you to talk so he just reluctantly follows you to the kitchen.
Your were still drowsy as you put your bowl in the sink but the food did give you at least a little energy. “Y’know, I still don’t understand how you’re such a good cook, i can barely make grilled cheese without burning it.” You say with a little chuckle, Spencer has cooked some pretty delicious food throughout the past weeks and at first you told him he was a bad cook but then he stopped cooking so you had to tell the truth. He lets out a soft laugh as he followed behind, placing his bowl in the sink as well. “It’s easy, just read some cook books, watch some videos and try.” He said as the two of you make your way to the couch.
You lay on the couch, your legs hang over the armrest giving Spencer enough room to sit on the other side, near your head. You were asleep, well that’s what Spencer thought at least but when he clicked off the TV and got up to leave he felt a hand on his own and heard your sleepy, quiet voice. “Don’t go…” His brows furrowed as he looked down at you for a moment. “It’s almost nine-” “please…” You interrupted and squeezed his hand lazily. He was sorta confused but then he sits back down. You put your head on his lap as you start to doze back off. “Thank you…”
Spencer fell asleep confused that night.
The next morning you wake up to the smell of coffee and you smile, he really stayed? With a yawn and a stretch you got up and went to the kitchen, seeing Spencer with a book in hand, a random one from your bookshelf, you walk over to him. “Did you actually stay all night?” You ask as you lean against the counter, his back still facing you. He spun around at the sound of your voice, putting the book down on the counter and giving you an sweet yet awkward, soft smile. “Yeah, you wanted me to didn’t you? Besides you fell asleep on my lap so i kinda had no choice.” He shrugs a little and you chuckled. “You didn’t have to stay, you could’ve told me to move.” But he shook his head. “You were tired, i didn’t want to wake you up.” You shrugged but then your brows furrowed as you realized you didn’t wake up in the middle of the night like you have been. “Hey! y’know I didn’t have nightmares last night? I actually slept through the night.” You smiled, thankful that you finally got a full nights rest. “Really?” He says as he pours some coffee in a mug, handing it to you. “Yeah, that’s the first time in like a week.” You say, taking the coffee and saying a soft thank you as well. “Thank you for staying…i think that helped…” You looked down at the coffee in your hand as you spoke. Spencer smiles softly. “Oh, it’s no problem, although it would’ve been nice to at least have a blanket.” He joked, after all he was in an awkward position sitting on the couch without a blanket or pillow, but he was just happy you got to sleep well. You chuckled. “Ah, yeah sorry, the couch probably wasn’t very comfortable.” “It’s ok i’m just glad you got some sleep.”
It’s been three days of Spencer staying at your apartment to help you sleep at night and the two of you have gotten pretty close, neither of you were really sure why but somehow him being there helped. It’s now 6 PM and you’re helping watching Spencer make dinner for the two of you. You were having a good time just chatting and laughing. At some point you turned on some music, when a song you like starts playing you smile as you took his hands into your own and make him dance with you. When the song ends the two of you were face to face. Both of you froze as you stare at each other for a moment and then slowly the gap between you closed and your lips met in a soft kiss. You felt like a swarm of butterflies had been let loose inside your stomach. Spencer slowly pulled away and both of your faces were flushed. “Um…” You felt like your heart stopped for a minute, ‘did he hate it? Did you ruin everything?’. You thought until you were snapped from your thoughts by his lips pressed back onto yours. Well there’s your answer. As you kiss back your hands go up to his hair while his hands cupped your cheeks holding your face to his. The kiss quickly grew more passionate as your tongues invaded each other’s mouth hungrily and his hands began to carefully roam your body.
Both yours and Spencer’s phone went off with a text from Garcia; duty calls!
You groan as you heard the devices, knowing it’s probably work. The two of you separate as you check your phones to see that of course it’s time for work. “Stupid job.” Spencer chuckled lightly as he pulled you in for one more gentle kiss before the two of you ate quickly then headed off to the BAU.
(a little bonus cuteness)
On the jet ride back home you were exhausted, you end up falling asleep on Spencer’s shoulder and as Spencer carefully covered you with a blanket and kissed the top of your head JJ noticed, she furrowed her brows at Spencer and he gives a little smile then rest his head on yours and closed his eyes, soon falling asleep as well.
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grodyego · 2 years
trying not to get too mad about the limits of my actual human life and the fact that it will in fact end some day and the intersection of that and the weight of the fact that we’re still in the middle of a pandemic in the stage where everybody has full on just Given Up and decided to pretend like we’re not but i gotta say ladies. the rage is kind of starting to win out
#my fucking sister caught covid for like the 4th time except all the other times she wasnt living in the house with#a: our immunocompromised mother b: our 91 yr old grandma#or c: me who works every day with preschool aged kids as young as literally freshly 1 year old#and she caught it guess where !!! going to the club and partying with a fuck ton of people !!!!!!! in the middle of fucking central florida#like this is a pattern of her not caring at all about how her actions affect other people. ive done nothing for THREE YEARS#but go straight to work and come right home. i went to the movies like once bc i had viable proof there would be max 10 ppl in there#and this is a repeating pattern !!!! i was made to think i was the most selfish person alive when i was a teen so ive always#tried to play it so safe. while my sisters get to do whatever the hell they want without a second thought#as to who it will affect. and i mean in high school truly most of it didnt matter but now its too late isnt it !!#so its like. when will it be my turn huh. when do i get to be a stupid asshole and fuck up just ONCE#without it being an immediate reflection of who i am as a person. without it being My Failure#im also just mad at my job who told me to come in still even tho i was directly exposed to covid#just because im asymptomatic. so its like ok instead of missing 2 days and using the rest of the weekend to quarantine#u want me to come in and maybe get the other staff sick so we'll have even more ppl out ? or g0d forbid the Literally Toddlers ? for longer#and what if i do start showing symptoms like halfway thru the day around the kids. what if i told the parents ? would u b mad would u kill m
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kaladinkholins · 5 months
While theorising about the events to come in future seasons, I just keep going back to the question about who Mizu's parents really are.
So to try to figure it out, let's go over what we already know about Mizu's parentage and the white men. This info is from the flashback of Mizu as a baby in Episode 3, from the bounty hunters who came to kill Mizu in Episode 5, and from Fowler's reveals in Episode 8, assuming that everything he said is the truth.
Mizu must be someone important, as Fowler calls her Little Miss. It is capitalised in the Netflix official subtitles. This implies that Little Miss is something like a title, rather than just a nickname.
There is a bounty on Mizu's head with a sum few can resist. Whoever is trying to kill Mizu is rich and powerful.
Two men are sent to kill Mizu as a baby. They are Japanese. We know this because their swords are both katanas, and they're shocked when they see Mizu's blue eyes, discovering she's a "half-breed." Man #2 also calls her a "devil child" at the end of the flashback.
Man #2 is hesitant to kill her, as she's "only an infant," and ends up killing Man #1 to stop him from killing Mizu. Man #2 then gives Mizu to Mama, who is actually her maid.
Mama is paid to keep Mizu hidden. Mama does as told for years. We can infer that there was a steady stream of income going towards her, as she did as told until "the money ran out."
Skeffington and Routeley were the "worst" of the four white men, making their money from "selling Japan's unwanted daughters." Unwanted daughters like Mizu.
One of the white men "tried to burn Mizu alive as a baby."
One of the white men killed Mizu's mother ("Don't you want to know which one killed your mother?").
When bounty hunters came to the ranch to ambush Mizu, she asked them which white man they worked for. They only replied that the only white person they see is her. This could just be a way to avoid her question, or it could also imply that they do not work for a white man at all.
So from this, again assuming this is all true, let's go over some things:
The white men are NOT the ones who paid Mama to protect Mizu, as one of them had been responsible for trying to burn Mizu alive as a baby.
Mizu's mother was killed by one of the white men. She likely died protecting Mizu.
If it was the white father who tried to kill Mizu and her mother, then it's likely the mother's side who paid Mama to hide Mizu.
Mizu's mother must have been rich enough to afford servants.
Mizu's mother must have been someone powerful enough to have been in the shogun's inner circle, allowing contact between her and the white men.
Mizu's mother should be someone tied to existing characters, to make the reveal of her identity more narratively significant.
So with all that said, let me dip my toes into wild theory-land for a bit and propose a new idea.
WHAT IF: Mizu's mother was a concubine or even the previous wife of the Shogun? And, considering how people have pointed out how similar Lady Itoh and Mizu look (credits to @roninzuzu in particular for her post on this), what if, maybe just maybe, Mizu's mother was also Lady Itoh's sister?
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If this is true, then Mizu's connection to the shogunate would explain why and how Fowler knew so much about Mizu's past, especially regarding her maid taking care of her, etc. This is because Fowler is allied with the Shogun himself, as well as one of the shogun's closest advisors, Master Chiba. So if it were true that the previous wife/consort of the shogun gave birth to a blue-eyed baby, it would've been a big scandal that was certain to reach Master Chiba's ears, and he would have in turn informed Fowler about it.
If this is the case, both the shogun and the white man would be trying to kill Mizu and her mother. The shogun would be trying to cover up the scandal, while the white man would be furious that she wanted to keep the baby at all, as the scandal likely ruined his business dealings in Japan and forced him to retreat back to London or wherever else he came from.
But then, if that is the case, then who would have been the one paying Mizu's maid to take care of her? I think it's Lady Itoh. If she and Mizu's mother had indeed been sisters, perhaps Lady Itoh went behind the shogun's back to protect her sister and her baby niece. Because maybe Lady Itoh knew that Mizu's mother had wanted to protect her no matter what happened. In such a case, what kept Mizu alive would thus have been love. Her mother's love. In this scenario, Mizu would have been brought into the world through the sheer strength of her mother's unconditional love. This would be a very poignant message that overturns everything Mizu believes about herself.
Moreover, Mizu having connections to the shogunate would inevitably lead to her wanting to discover the truth about her mother's identity. This would thus bring Mizu back to Edo palace, and would neatly tie Mizu and Akemi's storylines together again, letting them cross paths once more and work together to face the main plot-conflict.
TL;DR it's my crazy theory that Mizu's dead mom was the sister of Lady Itoh and the previous consort of Shogun Itoh. She had an affair with one of the white men, and against her better judgement and against what everyone else wants from her, she decided to keep Mizu. By making this decision, she risked and sacrificed everything for Mizu, out of love.
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ystrike1 · 6 months
Ashe: the coveted maid - By Yoo Rang Baam (9/10)
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This is a lovely yandere fairy tale. The art is fairly generic in some panels. It is short. If the art consistently matched the cover page it would be an instant classic. Two lost, unwanted young lovers take over a corrupt mansion. They're damaged, and devoted. There's mutual love and happiness galore, after the true heir dies a gruesome death.
Ashe is a pretty dummy. She's been sold to a certain family. The heir, Lance, is a giant perv. He uses his maids as his personal harem. Ashe is just another body.
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Lance is handsome. Perfect. Most of his maids are noble women who are actively trying to marry him. His blue blood protects him from any and all consequences. Ashe fears him. She humiliates herself for him, but it's never enough.
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Ashe is skittish and uneducated because her mother disliked her. Her sister was even prettier than her. Her sister married a wealthy man. She secured a huge dowry for her mother. Her mother put a huge amount of pressure on her. Told Ashe she somehow had to bring home more bacon than her super lucky Goddess of a sister.
She, of course, collapsed under the pressure. Her mother eventually sold her to Lance to make a buck.
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Ashe eventually meets Tristan, the bastard son. He's sort of like her. Everybody treats him like a ghost. He must live in a secret basement. He is the son of a maid. Nobody really knows why he's still alive. Lance could have killed him, but Lance is evil.
He likes to taunt his brother, and leave him in squalor.
Eventually, Ashe and Tristan become lovers.
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Lance hates his competition. He's the type of heir that knows he isn't that impressive deep down. All he has is his family name and money. He scarred Tristan to make him a monster. A tainted thing. He knows he's not that smart, so he calls Tristan a fake. He abuses his brother to make himself more powerful.
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Tristan changes when he watches Lance abuse Ashe. He decides to let it all go. He cannot win. He wants to be happy. He tells Ashe he will run away with her, after he scrouges up some money.
He's free of the stupid chains Lance wrapped around him.
Her honest love saves him from life as an abused doll.
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Lance falls down a cliff.
Now, I don't think this is a coincidence. The author specifically mentions that Lance abuses noble ladies. No doubt an angry father paid off his coachman and well...now he's even more horribly mangled than Tristan.
The house turns on Lance.
They lock Lance in the secret room, bloody and angry.
Ashe has no idea what's happening, but the house needs a leader. Tristan has been given the chance to take over.
He plans to marry Ashe (she was sold, but her mother is a noble)
Ashe runs to the secret room. Tristan used to see her almost every day. When he doesn’t visit for a week she panics.
When she checks his bed she finds Lance.
He stabs her eye out.
He has gone mad.
Well, everybody abandoned him as soon as he became disabled. He has no friends to speak of and his only good feature was his looks. One sign of weakness was it. He was deemed unfit and left to rot.
He stabs Ashe because she truly cares about Tristan, even though he has nothing to his name but kindness.
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Tristan fetches his foolish love.
She tries to run.
She tells him she is ruined.
He laughs and says he will destroy anyone who dares to mention her disfigured face. She belongs by his side, proud and happy.
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When they have their blowout wedding he wears lace over his scar from Lance. She wears lace too, to cover the missing eye Lance took from her.
They live happily despite his cruelty.
He definitely died off screen on Tristan's order, after he stabbed Ashe.
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A tradition becomes the norm in the mansion. Every staff member and every guest must wear lace on their face. No one will ever see or comment on Ashe's face, or Tristan's. They are above reproach, and the lace masks represent them moving on. Forgetting about those who abused them.
Also, of course, it is a warning.
Any comments about the disfigured Lord or Lady will not be tolerated.
It's not easy to anger the Lord of the house, but if you do you will lose.
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floatyflowers · 1 year
Sister Complex| Yandere! Oshi No Ko various x reader| Chapter 2
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Chapter 1
You want to scream.
You want to cry.
But, you know that it is no use, and it will change nothing about your permanent situation,  it has been a year since you were born.
After getting stabbed to death by that man,  you got reborn as the daughter of your best friend, Ai Hoshino.
And she kept to her promise and named you, her baby girl, (Y/n).
However,  you are the youngest triplet to two other siblings.
Your brother, Aquamarine,  who is the oldest triplet.
And Ruby, who is the middle triplet.
Their names match their eye colors.
On the other hand,  you have a very unique appearance.
You were born with heterochromatic eyes, your right eye is blue and your left eye is ruby red.
And each eye has a star in it
Adding to that, your hair is purplish like Ai.
What you have in common with your siblings, is that all three of you are reincarnated.
"So, who were you before you got reincarnated, (Y/n)?"
Ruby inquires, pulling the feeding bottle away from her lips.
"(Y/n) (L/n)" you reply while watching TV.
Aqua who wasn't interested in the conversation, is now staring at you with wide eyes.
"No way,  Ai as my mother, and (Y/n) as my sister, this must be a dream come true" Ruby squeals, before hugging you.
Aqua pulls you by the hand to speak to you away from Ruby's ears
"Have you received it?"
"Received what?" you look with confusion at the boy.
"The anime action figure-" you cut him off.
"Wait, you were the one who sent me the expensive action figure? "
Indeed you received an action figure from an anonymous person on your birthday.
But it is not just any ordinary action figure it is (favorite anime character) action figure.
"Yes, that was me" Aqua admits shyly.
"Thank you, it's the best gift I have ever received!" you say, hugging him.
Ruby pouts in jealousy at the affection you are giving Aqua.
"I want a hug too" The girl rushes to you and forces herself between you two.
You chuckle as you hug her back,  while Aqua rolls his eyes.
"So, who killed you, do you remember their faces, (Y/n)? " your older brother demands.
"No... I don't" you lie.
But, you do remember everything about your murder.
The thought of it only brings tears to your eyes.
"Imouto, are you crying? "
Just like now.
"Why did he do that? I thought we were friends"
You mumble to yourself, starting to cry hysterically, attracting the attention of the only adult in the house who is babysitting you and your siblings.
Miyako picks you up and tries to calm you down.
Aqua and Ruby give eachother a knowing look, realizing that you do remember your murderer.
"What is upsetting you, Do you miss your mommy?"
Speaking of the devil.
"I'm home!"
Ai's voice echoes through the apartment.
The famous singer's eyes grew big upon seeing you in tears.
Ai takes you out of Miyako's arms and holds you against her embrace while patting your back.
"Mommy is here now, no need to cry"
You calm down a bit, relaxing in her embrace.
"I'm going to protect you from any danger, my (Y/n)"
Chapter 3
Tags: @thigh-o-saur @yevenle @amanda-akedia @rxsesss @storylaa
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cameronspecial · 18 days
Barry leaves, asking Rafe to watch his sister, who overhears and objects. Despite her attempts to seduce Rafe, He declines. That night after Barry goes to sleep he confesses his love to her and they have passionate slow sex
Whispered I Love Yous
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: SMUT
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 1.1K
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Rafe has always seen Y/N as Barry’s little sister and it annoys her to no end. Every attempt she makes to get the year older man into her bed is turned away. Even in her best outfit during a party, he still doesn’t want her. “I’ve told you before, Honey. I’m not going to sleep with you, so stop trying,” he declines. She groans, stepping away from him and buttoning up her shirt to hide her breasts. The only person she wants to see is Rafe. She pouts, “You are no fun.” She storms away to get a drink and misses the want in his eyes. It kills him to say no to her because everything in him wants to pound into her until she forgets her name, except his need to have more with her stops him. She only wants sex and Rafe wants love added to the mix. So he denies them both what they need because if he is going to have her, he craves every part of him. 
She returns to the couch area to find Rafe in conversation with her brother and does a little eavesdropping. “I need you to watch over her for a bit. I got to head back home for a second to take care of business and I don’t trust your Kook friends around her,” Barry orders, stuffing some of the drugs he hasn’t sold yet into Rafe’s pocket. Rafe nods, “You got it.” She rushes between the two and faces her brother. “No, no, no. I don’t need a babysitter. I am eighteen, Bare. Plus, Rafe doesn’t even like me,” she complains. Barry chuckles, “You don’t have a choice. You are going to sit on that couch where Rafe can see you and listen to what he tells you to do. If you don’t, then you can find another place to sleep.” She can’t respond because he storms out of Tannyhill to head home. “I-” Rafe tries to tell her she doesn’t hate him, but she leaves before he can finish talking. On her way to the couch, she grabs a random Touron and shoves him on the furniture. She straddles the man, beginning to make out with him. Anger boils within Rafe and he wants to shove her off of him, except a client comes over to make a purchase from him.
Rafe didn’t see her after Barry returned and she was allowed to leave the couch. He assumed that she went to the guest room she was given for the night with the Touron and Rafe hated the thought, so he tried his best to push her out of his mind. It works until Barry goes to bed and he doesn’t have to sell coke or a party to occupy his mind. He looks around the room at the cups and beer bottles littering the floor and thinks about starting to clean before he decides to leave it for tomorrow. 
He heads upstairs, passing the room Y/N is sleeping in. A noise coming from the room causes him to pause. “Rafe, I love you.” He can’t believe it. Y/N just moaned out he loved her. She must not have brought the Touron up. He knocks on the door and doesn’t get a response. His ear presses to the door to see if he can hear any shuffling and when he hears nothing, he does what he probably shouldn’t and opens it. He finds her asleep in bed; fully clothed, so she couldn’t have been masturbating. 
The words he heard her mumble in her sleep gave him the confidence to do what he was about to do next. He rests his hand on her shoulder and gently shakes her awake. Her eyebrows knit together as her eyes flutter open, “Rafe, what are you doing here?” 
His confession rushes out of his mouth. “I don’t hate you. I just can’t have only sex with you. I need more with you because I love you. I want dates and whispering I love you when we wake up in the morning. I declined your advances because I want a relationship with you and I thought you only wanted sex.” 
He holds his breath as he waits for her response. He knows the moment that she fully wakes up and processes his words. She wraps her arms around him, bringing her lips to his. He is pulled forward and her legs tangle around him so she is flush against him. His hips grind against her, causing her to moan out in pleasure. They quickly shed their clothes and he sees her preparing to go down on him. He keeps her in place, “As much as I would love to feel your mouth, I need to be inside of you. We will have plenty of time to show each other how good we are with our mouths.” Her head bobs at his words and she watches while he uses his hand to guide his dick inside of her. She gasps as he thrusts into her. The pace is slow and deep. A testament to the feelings brewing between them. 
The positions they are in allow them to stare into each other’s eyes. He thinks about speeding up; however, he feels how she clenches around him and knows this is the pace for the moment right now. He brings his hips back out, easing himself back in to hit that part inside of her that has her moaning louder. Tears brim in her eyes and worries floods him. He brings a hand to her cheek, “Are you okay, Honey? Am I hurting you? Should I stop?” She shakes her head vehemently and grips his bum, helping him into her. “Don’t stop. I’m just really happy to be doing this right now with you because… Because I love you.” Love fills him completely and he uses his other hand to caress her arm. He brings their lips together and then rests his forehead forward against hers. “I love you too, Honey. So much,” he promises. She kisses him with a grin on her face. 
They continue their movements until they are brought to the edge. Once they come down from their high, he pulls out of her and carries her to his own bedroom after checking that the coast is clear. He tucks her into his bed and goes to get a damp towel from the bathroom.
He cleans her off, getting them both robes from the back of his door. He helps it onto her and they cuddle into each other as they fall asleep.
“I love you, Honey,” a voice whispers. This pulls her from her slumber. Her eyes flick to the window to find golden light trying to shine through the curtain. She looks toward the figure beside her and she smiles. She presses her lips to his, “I love you too.” 
Taglist: @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming @magicalyoura @rubixgsworld
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weirdmorefics · 3 months
Can you make a fic where the Bridgerton sister gets high or drunk, and Colin and Benedict try to get her out of trouble???
A/N- Yes I can! I love this idea especially since I am the little sister with an overprotective big sister.
Readers' Pronouns- She/her
Word Count- 1292
Summary- Reader sneaks a few too many drinks at Daphne's debut ball.
An Average Bridgerton Ball
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"Can this ball get any more dreadful," Eloise groans.
Benedict points to Daphne, "That is going to be you soon so I'd say these events soon will get even more dreadful."
Mother approaches the pair and worriedly asks, "Has anyone seen Y/n? I don't want her to miss Daphne's debut! I am sure she is going to be crowned the diamond of the season the way the queen has been eyeing all night!"
"I do not know Mama, we are not her keepers," Eloise moans.
"I do not envy any man who wishes to court you," Violet's face tightens but Eloise pays no attention to the reaction and Benedict stifles a laugh. "Let me know if you see her, I'll be with Daphne and Anthony," she sighs and walks away.
Shortly after Penelope joins the pair of siblings dragging a giggling Y/n behind her.
"Y/n you must regale to us what is so humorous," Benedict looks at Y/n bemused.
"I regret to inform you but I don't think Y/n even knows why she is laughing," Penelope frowns. "You have to get her out of here before she ends up the headline of Lady Whistledowns next piece."
Colin arrives at the tail end of Penelope's sentence, "Mother wanted me to help you two look for Y/n but it seems you two beat me to the punch... oh my god. Is she sloshed?"
"It appears so," Benedict's smile grows.
"Well, this ball just got a lot more entertaining," Eloise smirks.
"Sloshed, is such a funny word," she giggles. "We should get sloshed more so we can say sloshed all the time," Y/n slurs. "Next round of drinks on me!"
"Y/n sweetie, it's an open bar," Penelope treats her like a child.
"One she clearly made good use of," Benedict raises his glass in awe. "My little sister is growing up."
"I am so grown, you are so right," she slurs. "Mother she doesn't see that, she thinks I'm so immature," she whines. "It's always be more like Daphne, men like well-spoken girls and well-rounded girls, not girls who spend all their days in the horse's stables," she mimics their mother's voice. Y/n points her hand to the sky in declaration, "I'll show her, I'll gather more suitors tonight than Daphne will the entire season."
"I do not think sober Y/n would agree with that decision," Colin rationalizes.
"Sober Y/n is no fun, she lets Mother walk all over her," Y/n frowns. "Sober Y/n needs to learn a lesson or two from Eloise and not care what Mother thinks, but she needed some liquid courage."
"Why is drunk Y/n talking in the third person," Eloise smiles.
"Dissociation my darling sister," she squishes Eloise's face as Eloise rolls her eyes. "You should try it sometime. Like right now I am going to tell Mama that I wish not to be married but horseride competitively and I am not even nervous."
Y/n turns to walk away but drunkenly stumbles nearly falling to the floor.
Benedict luckily catches her arm before she face plants onto the floor, "I have to say I am quite fond of drunk Y/n."
"Well, I am certainly not! Anthony will kill us if he sees Y/n in this state," Colin says worriedly.
"Oh, I do hope so!," Y/n smiles. "Drinks and a show would be fabulous!"
"You've had enough drinks for a lifetime," Colin groans.
"As much as I hate to admit this, Colin is right Anthony and Mother will kill us if they see Y/n in this state. Pen is also right if Lady Whistledown gets wind of this we will never hear the end of it and will be held prisoner in the house until we are to be wed," Eloise frowns.
Colin and Benedict shiver at the idea of being grounded to the house. Y/n is completely unaffected by the conversation and her eyes follow the appetizer plates the servants walk around with. She tries to walk away yet again from her siblings to indulge in the variety of savory foods but is tugged back to Benedict's side with a grunt.
Colin sighs, "There's no way we can get out of here with her without causing a scene. I mean look at her," he gestures to Y/n who is currently trying to see how loud she can belch.
Penelope smiles, "I may have an idea."
"Yes, Pen for the win! I will always be superior in smarts and friends," Eloise quips.
Colin groans, "Now is not the time Eloise. What's the plan Pen?"
"Men can never resist a damsel in distress-" she is quickly cut off by Eloise.
"No Pen where is this going?"
She sighs, "As I was saying men can't resist a damsel in distress and your sister is about to be crowned diamond which makes you a jewel yourself Eloise." Eloise groans in response but Penelope continues on in stride, " Just do some light swooning on the dance floor and the suitors will come flocking."
"Maybe being trapped in the house with Mama forever is better," she grimaces.
"No, no, no. Eloise just think of all those forced piano and etiquette lessons with Mother permanently on loop," Benedict annunciates.
Eloise takes a deep breath and looks Y/n straight in the eyes, "Sober Y/n owes me big time!"
"She makes no promises," Y/n giggles.
Eloise sighs enters the crowd of dancers and makes a big show of fanning herself and loudly announces that she feels very faint. Men of course flock to her offering her a hand or handkerchiefs to fan herself with.
"She is oddly very good at that," Benedict admires.
Colin rolls his eyes, "Come on help me get Y/n out of here she is a lot stronger than she looks."
"I want to watch the show," she whines making herself as heavy as possible as Colin tries to drag her by the arm.
Benedict laughs and throws her over his shoulders since everyone is too busy watching Eloise be uncharacteristically charming.
Y/n kicks her feet wildly, "You are no fun!"
"I pride myself on being the most fun sibling actually but it seems you are taking the crown right now I do think that hangover in the morning will make you give the crown back though," he smiles wickedly and Y/n huffs in response.
"Less bickering more escaping," Colin chastises.
"He's definitely never the fun sibling, " Y/n shakes her head.
Colin growls, "At least I got you out of the ball unnoticed."
"Hate to break it to you but that was all Penelope," Benedict smirks as he sets Y/n down.
Colin rolls his eyes for the millionth time that night but is interrupted by Y/n running off.
"Look pretty flowers," she swoons.
"Man she is fast," Benedict watches.
"Aren't you going to catch her!" Colin points.
"I carried her out here," he defends.
Colin sighs and has to chase Y/n around the garden for a good ten minutes until they successfully push her into the carriage. She passes out shortly after getting into the carriage.
"Well that was certainly one way to perk up tonight's boring ball," Benedict smiles.
Colin shakes his head still out of breath from chasing her around the garden, "You are carrying in the house."
"Am I now? Care to wager? How about an arm wrestle match?" Benedict bargains
"You're on!" Colin says determined. He of course loses the first round and declares best of three and still loses...
Safe to say, Eloise, Colin, and Benedict got their revenge on Y/n by making her torturous hangover ten times worse.
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bonefall · 3 months
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Cat? Gray. Eyes? Blue. Hotel? Trevago.
Design babble stuff below
Good god it's been over a year since I last drew her. I can do so much better now
I give her a wolf motif for BB, because in my mind it's about the myth of the lone wolf. Lone wolves aren't normal, they're pack animals. At first, Firestar sees her as this ideal, strong leader who stands independently of everything... but he's wrong!
She's NEVER acted fully alone! She's always been devoted to her family, even as it dwindled. Her ruling style is to protect other Clans, unlike any leader who's come before her. In BB, she even had a mixed-Clan friendgroup called the Forget-Me-Nots.
She helped to depose ShadowClan's tyrant. She sent Firestar to fetch WindClan, even against the wishes of the other two. She even fought Nightstar and Crookedstar when they tried to drive them out again.
She even takes the code SO seriously that she refused to kill Brokentail, extending a mercy that ended up backfiring.
And Firestar learns everything about leadership from her. Grace, diplomacy, fairness... and she was fair to a fault.
Both her and her apprentice would eventually face down Tigerkin, Bluestar during the coup and Firestar even lost a life after defending Hawkfrost for several books.
The only time Bluestar ever became a "lone wolf" was in her cruelty arc, when she was dragging everything she ever stood for down with her.
Her wolf motif shows up in her entire family, to connect them. It's in her nephew Whitestorm, her uncle Goosefeather, her daughter Mistystar, even all the way down into Curlfeather and Frostpaw who are descended from Reedwhisker in BB.
The scar comes from her fighting a badger to rescue Darkstripe and his sister, Cricketclaw, when they wandered off as kittens.
He's a mix of spiky and swirly, as a cross between his dad Deadfoot and his mother Ashfoot.
He's older in BB to change that he was an apprentice on the Great Journey, and also to fix an inconsistency where his dad would be dead when he was conceived.
I think it was a huge missed opportunity that Crowfeather's bond to his mentor, Mudclaw, is barely mentioned in-canon. In BB they were VERY close and Mudclaw was incredibly influential to his personality.
Deadfoot is dead-- Mudclaw was like a father to him.
Crowfeather is torn between the influence of his mother, who was a Forget-Me-Not in her youth, and the hard ideology of his mentor. All the while, the ego boost he got from being selected to go on the Great Journey massively affected him, in a bad way.
He ended up taking Mudclaw's side in the rebellion-- not because he believed that ThunderClan had told a lie (in fact he defends his friend's honor) but because he believed Mudclaw would be a better leader.
But eventually, he found himself surrounded by cats he didn't want anywhere near WindClan. Good intentions or not, Mudclaw was willing to work with cats like Blackclaw and Hawkfrost-- people who want a second TigerClan.
Crowfeather betrayed the rebellion, running to fetch Brambleclaw and ThunderClan reinforcements. In the fight, his nose was scratched in a chevron, the shape of Mudclaw's stripes.
I like the idea that he carries it with him, but always tries to put it off his mind. He mistreats and misuses other people, ignoring the reminder that he is a fallible person that's carved onto his nose.
died of infection. Sad!
All of his kits resemble him in some way. Lionblaze inherited his tail, Hollyleaf has the spikes, Breezepelt has the build, Jayfeather is a miserable git has the ear swirls
He was head of Kitchen Patrol until BB!OotS, but I'm actually planning for him to NOT be deputy in BB. His character growth feels a lot more satisfying in realizing he really doesn't handle power very well, and should stay away from it.
He has old relationships and burned bridges to mend, and staying part of Kitchen Patrol seems like the way he should plan to do that.
I talked about him a lot in Nightcloud's summary and he's going to be coming up in the outline of Nightcloud's Pannage a lot. Much as I love taking potshots at him, he's got a very kind arc laid out.
She is the daughter of LIONHEART whY don't you people give her A MANEEEE
let her be THICK
In BB, the Frostfour are actually from two different litters. Cinderpelt and Brackenfur were in the older one.
Frostfur was head of Kitchen Patrol at the time, and very overworked lmao
So Cinder and Bracken both have an "older sibling" energy. Their mom was usually involving them in every little activity to get some help. Brackenfur is over-responsible, and Cinderpelt was always trying to help out other people and prove herself.
Of course, it also lead to her running right into Tigerclaw's trap which was set for Bluestar-- she wanted to be helpful.
The injury didn't heal right and she has chronic pain. She has severe mobility issues in the hip, and usually keeps the leg bound to her body so it doesn't drag or hurt.
She could have still been a warrior if she wanted to, but discovered while healing that she loved working with Yellowfang. I also interpret it this way in canon, to be fair, but TNP decided to remember it completely differently.
After saving Littlecloud's life they became absolute best friends. They worked on a mobility device for Wildfur together.
They style their manes in a similar way, pushing it up into that "spike" on their heads and out of their faces.
Moonkitti's blonde Ashfur remains iconic, I fear
I draw him like a cheetah so he has the funky cheetah cub hair
I'm a HUGE fan of what the Erins did with the direction of Ashfur's story, with him being an obsessive spurned lover, but that's not really the sort of story I tell in BB!
So I approach his obsession on Squirrelflight as being very... Judge Frollo-esque.
Frollo's ultimate goal isn't to possess Esmerelda. He wants her, but it's a wrench in his plans to commit ethnic cleansing using his religious justifications. Hellfire is about how he finds a way to shift the blame for his own lust onto her, and offers an ultimatum; "She will be mine or she will burn (along with everyone else I plan to slaughter)"
In Frollo's mind, he "forgives" her for what she's "done to him." For what she is. He sees what he's doing as giving her an "escape."
It's not for her benefit. It's for HIS. By giving her this "escape," if she takes it, he gets to think of her as redeeming herself (and thus being worthy of him).
If she does not... then it's no skin off his back. He's Done His Part. Everything was always her fault. He is blameless.
Either way he gets to walk away feeling justified.
All that to say-- that's how I approach BB!Ashfur.
He wants to punish codebreakers. He wants the Clans to suffer for how far they've fallen from where they should be. They've become vulgar, ungrateful, unworthy of StarClan's grace.
He tried to kill The Three because he'd learned of the Fire and Tiger prophecy, and was only trying to protect the Clan. If Squirrelflight had CHOSEN HIM, then none of this would have happened.
He was righting a wrong, you see, and StarClan understood, in his eyes.
When Hollyleaf slaughtered him, violating the Code, it only confirmed he had been right all along.
And again and again and again, he offers Squirrelflight what she needs to redeem herself. He wants her. He wants her to "be better."
When she lets him down... then it's not his fault. She's forced his paw.
SO the blonde hair isn't totally just a fun reference, I also find it fitting because aside from the cheetah motif, he sees himself as angelic.
It's also why I don't portray him as "grubby" like some folks do, BB!Ashfur is much more vain than Canon!Ashfur, caring immensely about his appearance. Thinking about it, he probably won't even let his Bramblefake vessel fall into disrepair, he'd feel more grossed out than usual.
He also gets a very cool boss fight form at the end of BB!TBC which I still need to design lmao.
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margojacksonpotter · 4 months
Parts in Mockingjay book that should have been in the movie:
-Katniss really disliked living underground at 13. She felt claustrophobic and missed being outdoors and hunting. She never followed the schedule to train and just hid in supply closets and took naps. If anyone tried to question this, she’d show them her medical bracelet and tell them she’s mental.
- Katniss and Annie traveled from 13 to 12 with Katniss’ prep team to find Annie a wedding dress in her house in Victor’s Village. Katniss’ wedding dresses were sent back to the Capitol but she still had a few dresses from the Victory tour. Annie chose a green one. Katniss says Annie laughs at wrong times in a conversation and drifts off mid sentence but Finnick likes her so she does too.
- Peeta decorated Finnick and Annie’s wedding cake. It was part of his therapy after getting hijacked. He decorated it with blue and green waves for their district.
-Johanna and Katniss’ friendship: Johanna wanted to fight in Capitol with the Katniss and Finnick. She and Katniss were deemed too “mentally unstable” to fight. They had to start at the lowest level in training and work their way up to the top. They were even roommates for a while. Katniss noticed Johanna avoided showers and was scared of training outside in the rain. She later finds out Johanna developed a fear of water after being tortured in the Capitol by being waterboarded and electrocuted.
- Katniss was mad that Peeta was sent to fight in the Capitol so she calls Haymitch. Haymitch gives her the ultimate reality check, delivering the best line in the series: “I think it's time you flipped this little scenario around in your head. If you'd been taken by the Capitol, and hijacked, and then tried to kill Peeta, is this the way he would be treating you?” demands Haymitch. I fall silent. It isn't. It isn't how he would be treating me at all. He would be trying to get me back at any cost”.
- In the last part of the training, Johanna and Katniss go through a combat stimulation in which the person must face their greatest weakness. Katniss’ weakness was taking orders (no surprise). In Johanna’s stimulation, she faced a flood, had a flash back and panicked. She was sent back to the hospital and wasn’t allowed to the Capitol. To make her feel better, Katniss combined pine tree needles with a bandage to make a sort of fragrance bundle. Johanna said it smelled like home. 🥹
- After the silver parachutes bombs and Prim’s death, Katniss was also affected by the fire. Her skin became discolored and patchy. Peeta was also at the Capitol Circle during the bombing and was burnt as well. He and Katniss have burn scars all over their bodies that never fully go away.
-After the bombing, Katniss is described as a mental “Avox”, refusing to speak for weeks after her sisters death.
-All the stylist and prep team of the Hunger Games were assassinated, with the exception of Effie and Katniss’ prep team. The victors of the Hunger Games were killed as well except for the ones who were imprisoned in the Capitol and saved by District 13.
- The bombs decorated as silver parachutes to m@rder Capitol children was Plutarch’s idea. A Gamemaker’s touch as President Snow described. Plutarch was just as bad as Coin. He thought it made for “good television”
-After Katniss murdered Coin, she was kept in the Training Center for weeks till they figured out what to do with her. She considered s@uicide many times, either by overdosing or refusing to eat. She wouldn’t speak and sang to herself constantly. All the songs her father taught her. After the war ended, Plutarch asked her if she wanted to be a part of a singing competition he was televising in 4.
-Katniss and Peeta wrote a book about all the people they knew and details about them: Primrose, Cinna, Finnick, Peeta’s dad. Peeta drew the pictures. Haymitch helped them too, giving them information about the tributes he was forced to mentor. They plan on reading the book to their children one day.
-What happened to District 12: Hundreds of people left 13 to go back home to 12. They began finding bodies in the rubble and burying them. Madge and her family were found dead. A large hole was made in the Meadow to bury them. Then people began rebuilding the town. With the mines closed, a factory was built from the Capitol to make medicine.
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mossdoesartshit · 4 months
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extermination day extermination always irritated vaggie. She had developed a major dislike of it upon being dropped into hell for showing mercy, which shouldve kept her in heaven than get her booted out, but she had found the love of her life here, so she couldnt complain. After the battle during the old hotels time, the exterminations had become far more erratic. sometimes theyd be only a month or so away, sometimes over a year. she had no doubts it was entirely because of lute, which she wasnt too fond of, but what could vaggie realistically do, her old sister in arms had always been a bit of a nutcase. besides, she had bigger fish to worry about right now. she and charlie were doing a headcount of people who had been in the hotel that day, (alastor, husk, nifty, the usual people, along with some hopefully quests to be) and there was one person distinctly missing "do i have to go get him?" vaggie asked, exasparated "come on please? he should be somewhere on the upper floors, i saw him walking up before the bell rang loud, besides you always have your weapon on you!" charlie begged, earning agreed mumblings of the others "If Safety Is Your Concern, Trust Me Vaggie, I Will Be Able To Handle Any Possible Nuisances While You're Getting Mister Bleeding Heart Back" alastor piped up, with that sickeningly sweet grin of his. She rolled her eyes, and groaned out a soft "fiine" as she moved to go up the hotel. Thank Fucking Lucifer that he had installed an elevator into the hotel, because boy howdy if vaggie had had to walk up the flight of stairs just to get Adam she would not have even considered it. Eventually, she found him on the roof, watching the carnage. "come on Adam, i know youre probably so fucking hard about all the destruction and shit, but you wont be safe from them killing you" Adam didnt turn to look at vaggie, instead closing his wings around himself as best he could, and "I can still recognize them you know" "huh?" with one wing, adam pointed down to two exterminators "that right there is lyre, ruthless as ever, but she has that methodical work flow, kind of like a dance. i think they partnered her with a newbie, which is good- well. bad, but. good from a combat standpoint- because she'll get good pointers at the end" vaggie looked down at the next group of exterminators that adam pointed to "over there is janatha, still fumbling with her stabs and pierces as ever. shes in a bigger squad, but they always worked well together, even if theyre a bit chaotic" an explosion blew up relatively near them, and adam looked over to it with sluggish movements "must be lute... say vags-" "vaggie." "-vaggie, do you remember flute?" "huh? you mean lutes sister?" "mmhm, lutes always been pretty ruthless, but that can leave her open at the back, flute would have covered her but. i think she was killed a few exterminations ago, the one that weapons dealer got. i think theyve tried to pair her with others but i always see her alone" vaggie stood there stunned "i. didnt think you were telling the truth when you said you recognized me. i thought you'd been bluffing or that lute had told you, given..." "well, thats the view souls have of me i suppose. liar down to a t. but i do recognize all of them. i just regret that my blind rage cost the lives of several of them and... lutes arm" another explosion closer to them alerted vaggie to grab adams shoulder "come on, charlies going to get worried if you keep me standing here, cant have you getting killed now that shes done so much work on you" "whatever you say vaggie" adam said, solemnly looking behind to where theyd spotted lute, before walking with vaggie to the elevator to get to the more bunkered area
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skipper1331 · 10 months
A Bronze // Esme Morgan
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Being Lucy Bronzes younger sister was fantastic yet hard at times.
Lucy was a loving, caring and proctective (!!) sister - she would do anything for you. You loved her with your whole heart and playing football at a professional level together has always been a dream of yours.
When you got your first call up, she was the first person you called. Same thing with your call up for the euros and same thing now with the world cup.
You were beyond excited. There was only one problem.
With Lucy being in Barcelona and you being in Manchester you haven‘t had the chance to tell her that you were in a relationship. It wouldn‘t feel right telling her through the phone - your excuse. At some point there was a (high) chance that she would jump into a plane and fly straight to you.
To be honest you haven‘t told her yet because you‘re scared. Scared of her reaction or rather of her behavior towards Esme. She would rip her head off. And you really-really liked Esme. Nobody besides a few of your City teammates knew about you.
"Not kissing you all day long will kill me" Esme whined as she pulled at the hem of your shirt. Your arms looped around her neck "Don‘t be so dramatic" you chuckled. Esme fake gasped while clutching her heart, making you laugh. Her favorite sound.
Arriving in camp was a relief. You and Lucy were glued to the hips, updating on your lives. It was nice to see and talk to her in person again. Until now you never realized how much you missed her.
The first few training sessions went smooth. Esme and you kept things professional - acting like friends. Yet sometimes you caught yourselves staring a moment to long at each other. You would sneak lingering touches when nobody was watching or kiss in empty rooms. You couldn‘t help it you were just so in love with one another.
"What would you think about if we told Lucy?" you asked as you sat down at the table. The table was still empty only Esme and you already sitting there with plates in front of you. "Tell Lucy what?" Said person asked. Esme chocked on her water. She didn‘t mind telling her yet she feared Lucy kind off. "Luce! Hey" you smiled through your nervousness. "Tell Lucy what?" her tone was rough. She hated when she didn’t know things- especially when they involved you, her little baby. "Oh nothing! No worries" smiling, you tried to convince the defender. Of course with no luck. "Y/n" she grumbled. "I‘m dating your sister" Esme blurted out. The whole dining room went silent. "Does she have death wishes?" someone gasped. Jordan was standing behind Lucy who was about to explode. "Come again?"
"I am dating Y/n" she took your hand to emphasize her words.
Something clicked inside Lucys mind. You dating someone? No absolutely not. "Do not touch her!" aggressivly, she parted your hands. "Y/n? Is this true?"
"Yes" you looked down, not because you were ashamed but because you felt horrible. You knew Lucys eyes would tell you that she‘s hurt because you didn‘t tell her. And you also knew that her eyes would be full of fury. "Lucy I-" abruptly, lucy shoved her plate to Jordan and grabbed Esme by the collar of her shirt. Even though the blonde was tall enough to have her feet on the ground it was still intimidating as hell. "Lucy!" you yelped. "You better leave my sister alone or you will have some real trouble. Understood?!" your attempt to break them apart was as successful as a shark trying to climb up a tree. pretty much impossible. "I'm not afraid of you" the audacity to talk only made Lucy angrier and made you smile bright. Nobody ever tried to fight your sister for you.
"That‘s enough!" Millie and Rachel grabbed Lucy and shoved her the other way. Lunch was over for her. "Fuck. Are you okay?" Worry laced your voice as Esme was free. Her hand rubbed her neck while the other one was shaking. "Ye-yeah" you pulled her down to sit. "Jordy, could you - you know?" Jordan gave you a nod before your attention was back on Esme.
Lucy was sitting in the gym trying to calm herself down. It was hard. You‘re her little girl how could she not be mad. She was hurt that you didn‘t tell her. She was mad at the fact you were dating someone. not because of a relationship but of the risk of you getting hurt. The worst pain for her isn‘t any physical, seeing you cry/hurt that‘s the worst pain.
One of your first matches for the senior team ended with you being hospitalized due a head injury. The cry of pain which left your mouth was horrific. It haunted Lucy for months. "Hey" a calm voice said. Jordan. "Here‘s your food" carefully, she sat the plate down. "Thanks"
While they ate in silence Lucy appreciated Jordan being there. "I‘ll tell you that because i'm your friend", the villa player started as they finished their meals, "that was such a shit move" which ended with a smack to the head for the Barcelona player. "It’s your sisters girlfriend"
"She‘s too young for a relationship" Jordan looked at her with her 'seriously?' expression. "Esme is not good enough" again, Jordan looked at Lucy with the same expression. "Well. Let‘s look at it from this perspective: would you rather have a total stranger to be with y/n?" No reply. "That‘s what I thought."
"Doesn't mean I approve it"
"You don't have to approve it, at least for now but for starters you can respect them."
Only a grumble was heard.
"For what it’s worth, I think they‘re good for each other"
"I don't"
The next few days Lucy didn‘t talk to either one of you yet she watched from afar. It stung. After not seeing each other for months she was now ignoring you for who knows how long. It made you sad and angry.
"You look hot" you said to Esme as there was a water break. "Than-" she started, her cheeks turning crimson. you didn‘t mean that kind of hot in the moment. Yes, Esme was hot in your eyes but - "Let me help you" with a quick squeeze of your bottle you splashed her face with water. "Hopefully, you don‘t become a mermaid" you laughed referring to H2O, a series you love. A loud gasp escaped the blonde who was chasing you by now. "Arghh come here" the defender smacked her arms around your hips, turning you around so you could face her "that wasn‘t nice, baby" she tried to have a stern face but was failing miserably. "ooopsie" catching her off guard as you pressed a kiss to her cheek, you entangled your body from her arms and ran away again.
Beach day with the team; while some of your friends were walking to the ocean others were talking or playing in the sand (tooney and lessi) whereas Esme and you sat in the sand enjoying the sun. The blonde was hugging you from behind as you laid your back on her chest. Under the sun rays she looked like a goddess. You fell in love with her all over again. "You should stare at the ocean not at me" your girlfriend whispered so she wouldn‘t ruin the vibe "you‘re way more beautiful" was your only reply. As she locked eyes with you you saw the way they lit up after your confession.
Even though you were with Esme and/or the team most of the time your heart was still broken. You missed your best friend. And your girlfriend could tell. She saw the way you would look at Lucy - she would never look back at you. She saw the way your mind was spinning, thinking about If you should approach Lucy. When Chloe (your roommate) told Esme that she heard you crying in the night the defender decided to take the problem into her own hands. It was hurting you - so it was hurting her.
"Lucy! Wait" the blonde pleaded as she saw Lucy alone. "What?" her voice wasn‘t angry or rough, it was normal yet her facial expression was stone cold. "Look, If you don‘t like me that’s fine but ignoring y/n isn‘t. It‘s her first world cup.. you should support her." Lucy didn't want a lecture so she turned around, ready to walk away. "Do you know she requested number 12 on her jersey because of you?" That statement made her stop in her track. "It was your number at the World Cup 2015. She admires you and it hurts her that you don‘t talk to her." Deep breaths, Esme, you can do it. What Esme was about to say took a lot of courage to say out loud but she knew she had to tell Lucy. "I love her, okay? I really do. She- she doesn't know that I do but I do. And I want to make her happy but she‘ll never be fully happy If you aren‘t in her life. So please.. just talk to her."
Lucy thought about Esmes words and how true they were (If someone asked her, she would never admit it). As well she talked to Jordan about them who agreed with Esme (like everybody would) and as the night went on Lucy was determined to work things out with you.
After training was finished the next day you found yourself sitting on the pitch, staring into nothing. You were exhausted. Physically and mentally.
As soon as you felt a presence beside you, you knew who it was. It was the one person you desperately wanted to talk to you. There was a silence for a few minutes. Lucy had to sort her thoughts before she could start her apology.
Esme was standing with Hempo, Chloe and Alex. Even though she knew that Alex was talking, she couldn‘t listen. She tried but her gaze kept glanzing to you. "Are they gonna make up?" Lauren asked as she saw Esme looking towards you. "I hope they do."
"I‘m so proud of you." the Barcelona player started "and i‘m sorry" she wasn‘t looking at you and you weren‘t either. You both stared straight forward. "You were a bitch" you stated. "All- all I wanted was your support" tears started to build up but you didn‘t dare to let them leave your eyes. "I know and i‘m truly sorry but you have to understand-"
"What?! What do I have to understand?! You should love me unconditionally! Not matter what," your voice started to get louder with each word.
"Stop right there! I won‘t be accused of not doing so. I was there when you had your first football match. I spent hours playing with you. I was there at every important game of yours." by now her voice was also loud. "It was me who was there every step of the way. It was me!" Well, the tears you tried not to spill were running down your cheeks faster than you liked. "Then what do I have to understand?" your voice was back quiet. Small. "I am your big sister. I need to protect you" her voice level back to normal. "Esme won‘t hurt me" you laid your head on Lucys shoulder while her arm went around your back. "I know. She‘s a good one" your gaze wandered to your love who was already looking at you with a smile on her face. "She is"
Maybe things weren‘t fully solved yet, but for the beginning it was a step in the right direction. And with the Bronze sisters back as a team and a World Cup ahead it could only get better.
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auras-moonstone · 10 months
Hii I have a request 😊😊. Can u write something based on the line from my tears ricochet that says “you had to kill me but it killed you just the same” and either Ethan or y/n can be the one to kill each other whichever ur feelin!! And maybe y/n can be related to a past killer like jill or smt… whatever ur feelin 🥰🥰
three years since folklore came out, and i still can’t comprehend how taylor swift wrote this song and then expected us to move on. anyways, hope you like it🫶🏻🤍
my tears ricochet — ethan landry
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word count: 489
pairing: gf!ethan landry x fem!reader
based on: my tears ricochet by taylor swift
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Y/N ROBERTS KNEW THAT THE SIGNS HAD BEEN TOO OBVIOUS AND THE BLAME WAS ON HER FOR IGNORING THEM. All of the times he was conveniently missing during an attack, or when he magically appeared to save her just in time. It had been right in front of her face that Ethan Landry, her boyfriend, was one of the killers.
“I trusted you, Ethan. I defended you to my friends. I do not deserve the hell you gave me.” she tried not cry and shake as she held her knife high. Ethan had cornered her, and not precisely to talk. He was going to kill her. “I loved you.”
“I love you too, baby. And you can get out of this alive, you just have to join us. Make your older sister proud” Ethan tried to persuade her, he really did not want to kill her.
“Jill stabbed me seven times!” Y/N spat in anger. “She killed our mom, tried to kill our cousin. She was a psychopath.”
“Please, Y/N. Just join us.” he begged.
“No” Y/N was not going to change her mind.
“I’m sorry, love, but then you leave me no other choice” Ethan tackled her to the ground, and she fought hard to avoid being stabbed “Stop fighting!” he yelled as she cried and kicked.
Y/N recalled the words Ethan had told her a couple of days ago, in the back of an ambulance, after she had managed to knock out Ghostface all alone in her apartment. “You used to tell me I was brave for fighting the killer on my own.”
Her words broke Ethan, and his gaze fell on the ‘e’ chain that hanged around her neck. He had the same one, only with her initial. It had been a gift from her, for his birthday “I’m sorry. I love you, but I have to do this. For my brother. For my family.”
Her tears turned into his as he pierced his girlfriend’s heart with the knife. Y/N’s sparkling eyes turned lifeless, and her once warm fingers eventually turned cold. The arms that used to hug him tightly fell limp, and the red lips that had explored every inch of his skin were now a shade of blue. The person who had made him feel alive was dead.
It had been a ghostly scene that, even after months, still haunted him. Ethan still cursed her name, wishing she had accepted his offer to run away with him, wishing she had stayed.
When he couldn’t sleep at night, Ethan sometimes talked to her, looking up at the sky. He told her about how his day went, and his rants always ended with an apology. And he always fell asleep listening to the playlist they had made together.
He felt empty. He didn’t understand how it was possible to miss someone so much. He saw her everywhere, everyday. The guilt and regret was burning him alive.
Ethan had to kill her, but it killed him just the same.
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arashi-no-saxlphone · 2 months
Axl Low is literally insane and inhuman for making that decision at the end of Xrd btw. I know I keep bringing it up but I really don't think we appreciate just how fucking different you have to be to make that decision. Axl lived his whole life doing the right thing and trying to make the world around him better (ending gang violence in his neighborhood, refusing to take a life no matter what, that bit that mentions he cannot ignore someone in trouble) and after all that effort, he gets fucking shafted by fate. I need you to understand that for the majority of this series HE DID NOT HAVE CONTROL OF HIS TIME POWERS: HE WAS SLIPPING TO RANDOM POINTS IN TIME AND HAD NO IDEA WHY. There are a few moments where he gets happy with a specific situation and TIME SLIPS IMMEDIATELY! This happens to him for YEARS. Do you know how insane that would make the average person? He misses his home, he misses his friends, he misses his wife Tails (he misses her a lot), and he just can't do anything about it.
Now imagine after all that you find out you can go back. You have a way back home. "Finally, it's fucking over. I can be done"
Oh but hold on! You are a Time God now, a "Possibility!" If you go back you are essentially killing everyone in THIS timeline (which is fucked up and shitty and plagued by monsters, arguably) and you are just a normal man who has to cope with all of that! But hey, go back if you want, it's your power.
After YEARS of putting up with all that. Put yourself in Axl's shoes. Look me in the eye and tell me you'd give a flying fuck about any of that. Aren't you fucking tired at this point? You didn't ask for this. You were stolen from your time without your consent and time powers got basically stapled to you and now its YOUR fault? You should give a shit and be stuck here forever because of that?
Now, REALLY become Axl Low. Really look back at all that angry paragraph and think to yourself "Wow Sai, that's not how Axl thinks of it at all."
Axl agonizes over a decision that should be easy, even if that decision would be monstrous and selfish, because this is a man who is carried by PERSPECTIVE. Axl is a man who will tell you a glass is half full no matter how you phrase the stupid logic problem, and if you dump the glass out completely he'll just go and get you a fresh one. Axl talks to a bunch of people about his decision - hell, as I recall, Sol actually tells him if he tries that shit he'd try and stop him because that's his world you're erasing. Bedman talks about how much he cares for his sister. I-No talks about how no matter how powerful she is, she can never seem to write the future she wants. Axl seeks the advice of all these people and that's when he realizes:
These are people too. These are people just like him. They didn't ask for this fucked up world they're stuck in either, but they're all living in it. They're making it better. If they can all do it, hell, can't Axl do it too?
"A girl passed by a dog's bark bow wow the smell from that cafe makes me hungry I knew all about it"
Isn't there stuff in this world that makes it special too? Isn't life just as beautiful here too? Don't these people deserve to exist too?
"I'm alive. I'm alive. It is dramatic with just that."
He's still kicking isn't he? Sol's still around and he's been through hell - he's still finding time to drink with this goofy brit he keeps bumping into - Can't Axl find a way to live here too?
He outright admits to Sol that Megumi would probably forgive him - it's an impossibly unfair decision after all, he KNOWS that. But I think after seeing himself in all these people he knows what he'd want- he'd want to live and exist.
And Axl Fucking Low says "How could I be a man worthy of Megumi if I did that?" and saves the fucking world with Sol Badguy. He makes an impossible decision and stays here. And he says he's lucky.
You're the unluckiest man alive, Mr Low. I've not seen anyone get more unfairly treated by fate in my life. But then again-
I suppose I can't convince you how much water you've got in that glass.
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