#she starts visiting just for the fresh bread LMAO
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Requests from Twitter #4 - Jimmy baking bread in prison 🥖 he is using his Cinnabon skills to woo Kim
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ever-is-typing · 3 years
Soo do you do skin hcs? If you do can you pleaseee do eli " night owl "? I simp for that guy, he is so cute and hot amd so many more- ❤❤❤❤
note: yaaay, first skin request 😎 I'll try and make it a good one for you ♡ (btw will be trying to make these skin hcs as close to the established skin essence story as possible. also this one turned out kinda long soooooooo 😳 lmao sorry)
🌙🦉Night Owl! Eli (Seer)🦉🌙 relationship headcanons!
• you had lived on the edge of the Forest of No Return for as long as you could remember
• ...though you never really believed all of the nonsense about it being magical
• but then again you never really ever went into it-??
• like you were pretty sheltered from it as a kid
• but now that you were an adult living on your own it totes gave you creepy vibes
• but ofc that wouldn't stop your dumb ass from going into it!!!
• and getting ✨lost✨!!!!
• (as the name of the forest suggests 🙄)
• you didn't know how much time had passed but eventually it got too dark for it to still be daytime
• you were getting pretty anxious
• what if this really was a forest of no return?? what if you... never returned?!
• all the while you were hyperventilating, though...
• you were being watched. watched with cold, calculating, (and slightly curious?) eyes.
• if you're observant enough to see him concealed within the trees and are bold enough to call out to him, congrats- you've caught the Night Owl off guard.
• usually he has to reveal himself to people first, so you automatically stand out as interesting
• when he does emerge from the foliage, though, the mysterious air about him shimmering in an almost teal colour, you know who he is instantly
• your parents used to tell you stories of a mystical night traveler who would help lost people escape the Forest of No Return...
• this had to have been him.
• and, surely enough, he did!
• the exchange was wordless- he took you gently by the hand and led you to where you had entered the forest in what felt like moments...
•...and had vanished without a trace before you could even say thank you.
• rude
• now, needless to say, you were pretty intrigued
• like??? hello??? mysterious magical owl man who was actually kind of handsome looking???
• like you couldn't just leave this be
• so you went back into the forest!! at dark!! not a bad idea at all nope
• when the Night Owl does spy you again, he recognizes you instantly- and once again, he's confused. why were you back?
• once again, he reveals himself and extends his hand to take you out of the forest...
• you refused though.
• you wanted to thank him for helping you before! so you did!
•...and you also sheepishly admitted to being intrigued by him
• now at this point, Night Owl was pretty intrigued by you too
• no one had ever gone out of their way to thank him before... he did it out of duty, usually, to make sure humans didn't wander somewhere they shouldn't
• and it wasn't often that he was able to actually talk with one beautiful/handsome as yourself...
• so, he instead took your hand (gently but forcefully) and led you further into the forest
• the smooth leather of his gloves made you shudder... his hands were pretty cold
• and eventually, he brought you back to his home. (which was basically just a large magic tree or smtg lmfao)
• he tried to be very polite and cordial (even tho he was notably nervous). probably never had many house guests ;)
• his owl companion took a quick shining to you tho 😌✨ she adored you from the start, constantly crooning for neck scratches
• this flustered Night Owl, and he silently muttered an apology on behalf of his familiar.
• you waved him off tho. you found it endearing!
• anyways, once you two got talking...
• it was actually a very cool first date!!
• he was a bit slow to start talking, as he was still somewhat wary of you- but you were very kind to him.
• you told him a lot about how the world outside of the forest works, which satisfied- and also encouraged- much of his curiosity about you.
• you also told him about how sheltered you were from the forest as a kid- which he understood completely, the forest was definitely not the safest place to roam.
• even so, he couldn't help but be saddened by how you never got to see the more beautiful sides of this place
• so you guys kept meeting every night to talk! you both taught each other a lot about your different worlds...
•he would take you to see many different parts of the forest, while you would bring different trinkets/foods from home for him to see
• he ADORES fresh baked bread, so does his owl
• Night Owl soon grew excited for your visits every night... and, with every visit, he felt... feelings for you grow.
• was this love?? the night traveller had never felt it beyond a platonic scale (towards his owl >.>) so the feeling was definitely foreign to him
• eventually he did decide to confess these feelings to you.
• everything about you intrigued him from the very start- and now, that curiosity has blossomed into a beautiful adoration and love for you!
• and of course you accepted his feelings! you felt the same way about him since the very begining- one look into those shining blue eyes of his and your fate was already sealed ;)
• and of course, you both wind up living together- Night Owl can't leave the Forest of No Return, so you'd willingly agree to stay with him in his home
• and, while the forest is still dangerous for humans, Night Owl doesn't find himself as scared for you as he once was. he knows that as long as he's there to protect you, you'll both be able to live in the Forest of No Return happily. ♡
"I never thought I'd fall in love with someone as amazing as you, Y/N... I'll guide you through this forest always."
-Night Owl! Eli Clark 🌕🌕
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jksangelic · 5 years
heaven’s winter (m)
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GENRE: fantasy, fluff, smut, a hint of a soulmate au, light angst
PAIRING: village daughter!reader x seraph!yoongi (alternatively, an “angel”)
WARNINGS/TAGS: lots of overthinking/past angst regarding both reader and yoongi separately (yoongi especially), tae is involved as an important plot side character but he’s barely in there i’m sorry, surprise aggression from yoongi because u get in his personal space, slow burn smut but the smut is nice and flavorful, explicit sexual content, body worship, oral sex (female receiving), virgin!reader, clumsy cute smut uwu, unprotected sex (wrap it up pls), several positions, unintentional temperature play?, lots of love and respect up in this house and lots of other things i probably forgot. 
also i wrote a lot for the intro you can skim idc lmao.
SUMMARY: your duty as the village daughter places you in line for the season’s Offering; a tradition not to tread lightly upon. as the snow falls slow and heavy, and the seraph awaits in the shallows of the mountain, you fail to realize what the winter has in store for you.
WORD COUNT: 18,600
NOTE: welcome to my slice of the Fantastical Stories for Curious Souls Collaboration!
it’s always really an honor to be able to work with other writers and i’m really grateful that they allowed my butting-in )))): thank you all!!! make sure to check out everyone’s stories in the link above and let us know what you think!
(uhhh i just..... i spent way too much time on research and the politics behind this fic for it to still be aLL oVer tHe plaCe but please cut me some slack. might i throw in that this has no religious/cultural affiliation and instead has more of a fantastical theme to it that is entirely fictional. especially for the concept of the Offering and how i loosely throw around the word “angel” and “heaven” and etc.)
((might i add that i recently discovered that i am *terrible* at describing geography and am totally basing it off of video-game visuals........ cough cough zeldabreathofthewild))
(((this last one’s kinda important!!!!: yoongi is described to be larger than you bc he’s this magical bird being. i always try to keep reader insert broad in description but if you’re taller than irl yoongi boongi, pssst, you’re not in this universe sorry but i make the rules)))
((((this is currently unedited. @14statelier​ get to work.))))
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Part One
The snow falls slow and thick. The children catching it on their tongues and compacting it to shoot at each other, screaming and wailing all the same as it continues to pile. It fell particularly early this time around, normally nothing more than cold bitter to the skin and clouds stirring prediction of the oncoming winter. You were always a heavy sleeper despite the beauty of first frost, long past your days of childish amazement through fogged windows and warm fires but you watched the icy cotton substance pile since dawn this morning. Not even drowsiness will overrun your excitement for the day ahead.
“You light three incense and make sure they burn all the way through before you turn around,” Taehee states.
“Find some stones on your way. Use them to hold the tapestry down as you set up. It looks especially windy today,” Mina adds.
Yoona finishes tucking your hair back rather tightly, “You should stop by Jin’s and pick up some extra bread. You know he’ll give you some of his fresh batch if you asked for it.”
You suppose, not even the nagging of your aunts.
You chew on your fingers, a nervous habit. Taehee pulls your slobbered index from your lips with a wrinkled forehead, “You better remember this, dear. You only have to do it once but if you do it right, it’ll be worth much more.”
You recite drearily, “Follow the path, set up the altar, say our prayers, return home.”
“Once the incense is out, Y/N. You mustn’t forget.”
“And you cannot explore the manor. Don’t walk around. Don’t look through the windows—”
“It’s a manor? How big do you suppose?” you ask with newfound interest to your words.
“That doesn’t matter, girl. You don’t wander. You don’t explore. You do what is told of you and nothing more. What matters is that you don’t spot a seraph, and that the seraphs don’t spot you.”
You never understood that rule. If the seraph tribe was so kind as to help your country win a rather one-sided war, then why the invisible boundary? To be in alliance and never interact was an odd sense of unity to you, if any. “Have you ever seen a seraph? Is it true they have two sets of wings?” You’d always been curious to the subject, a fairytale-like existence just waiting below the peak.
“The elders claim they do. A large and small set. Some say it’s necessary for having human proportions. You know, they say it’s bad luck to stare at a seraph’s wings. ” Mina says in awe in correspondence to the way she suffocates you with your robe’s sash.
You swat her away, forcing down a smile, “I don’t believe that, you haven’t even seen one! How do you even know they exist!”
“Hush! You’ll get into some real trouble if an elder catches you saying that. They exist. And they live up the mountain. And you will do the Offering with utmost delicacy and respect. Besides, you’re the only one coming-of-age this year! A girl to do it by herself is surely something the leaders will appraise of you.” You avoid their scrutinous, expectant gazes.
You could say you’ve been cursed at birth. Weak in basic skills in which an adult, regardless of age, is identified by. You lacked time management and a sense of direction, you harbored a bad habit of looking down when you spoke, you couldn’t even wash the dishes without chipping a glass. Your legs worked against you at random times, quite literally tripping you up and deeming you as a clumsy, pitiful thing. As you grew older, the only skills you were able to contribute were to the fields, where things were organic and didn’t require fragility.
“I am not as useless as you think of me,” the words come out unprompted but true and exposed.
The women gawk and babble like hens in a flurry of angered denial or soft apologies but you no longer have time to discuss unimportant matters.
In the midst, rough, giant hands encase your face. You don’t realize you’re looking to the floor until Taehyung props your chin upwards, met with smiling eyes and an ear-to-ear grin. His name rolls off your tongue in surprise.
“Hey, don’t start moping before you even start. It really isn’t a big deal. You hike all the way up to the riverbank more than the others and that’s a long way. This is no different. And think, when you come home everyone will come to realize how much they’ve missed you! Me included.”
“It’s not that I’m…” You start haphazardly. Well, it’s not that you’re reluctant to do the Offering. To adventure otherwise prohibited land and by yourself, to prove that you can handle life just fine and don’t need to be seared by the judgement of deploring eyes. Some time to enjoy solitary peace. It wasn’t even a whole day, dammit, but you’ll take what you can get. You choose to lie, “I guess I am a bit nervous. I’ll make sure to pace myself. Besides, I’d run myself short if I finished in half-a-day like you.”
Tae puffs, a little proud of himself, “What can I say… I’d like for the little ones to look up to me.” You roll your eyes, scanning your bed for your scarf. Taehyung eyes the cloth as you wrap it around, a rare moment of quiet. He stares, entranced, and you don’t think you’ve ever seen him so focused. As you think about inquiring his statue-like manner, you notice that more of the silence is due to the disappearance of the squawking hens. Those sly, evil matchmakers.
You suddenly pull him along and towards the exit, “You can’t be in here. You’ll get us in trouble.”
He blinks dumbly and slumps against your ministrations. “Your aunts seemed to be fine with it. And it’s not like I haven’t snuck in your window a few… several times.”
Your expressed sheepishness is his favorite source of entertainment, “Goodness, as kids! You make it sound so rebellious.” He winks as if you share a grand secret, all to his imagination of course.
Taehyung, on the other hand, was the village’s be-all and end-all. Born to work and carry everyone else on his back. He stands tall with his shoulders wide and prominent, chestnut waves that reached his cheekbones now. Shirt tight around his torso in ways that could excite anyone that risked a glimpse. You can’t help but find it amazing how much of a crybaby he was when you were young and how sturdy and dependable he is now. He was humorously your polar opposite.
You try to shoo him once more, “Anyways. I’m getting ready and you can’t see me. Go wait with everyone else!” His pout is jarring paired with his hard, strong build. Like a teddy bear with abs and palm blisters from years of physical labor.
His body moves on his own at some point, reluctantly reaching for your door handle, “No parting kiss upon my cheek, fair lady?”
It’s obvious he’s being more daring these days. With frequent visits and gifts on your doorstep, and now requested kisses. The whole town knew you were likely to marry him, a relief for most. But on your hand, you’ve just known him for so long. Practically since you were born. You’ve already shared kisses, you’ve already had those butterflies in your stomach; but the kisses were stolen in secret and the butterflies were stagnant. And although it was never a consistent nor official courting, you felt as though Taehyung was already a route taken. You know better to never admit that into the air, though. Not when everyone expected your cooperation with marriage at the least. To care for someone so special, and to bear his children plump and healthy.
What a static life to live, you try not to think. You instead try to blame such thinking on your inferiority complex, to at least ease some of that horrible guilt in your stomach. You should be grateful for your life. Talentless yet adored. A village princess that was easy on the eyes and sought after by those looking for that beauty and its accompanied dowry.
A proposal was near, that much you could tell with his efforts. In his perspective, the sooner the better lest he want someone else to steal you from him. Contradictory to your own reasoning, the only relief you find is that it is him, your dearest friend. Perhaps the only one to disregard your shortcomings and want to fill your empty spaces as much as he can. He cared about you and that could be enough. So you try to convince yourself of that.  
You kiss his cheek softly and without hesitation. Not so much as a blush. He suspects nothing less than mutual adoration and takes his leave like you request, leaving you alone in silence for a relieving twenty seconds. Then the hens come back inside and squabble about who will be able to sew together your future gown.
 Part Two
It starts under the old pine tree on the far side of the village. A crowd gathers as you wait under the swaying branches, mutters and looks of excitement apparent. A cleric waits beside you with three elder women who prepare your things: a woven satchel loaded with the items that you are to lay out, things like dried flowers, fruits, fine wines, tapestries, collected crystals, baked goods and the incense. A replica display of what little the humans had presented at the foot of the seraphs. Untouchable beings with class and power much above your own. Kindness as well, so it seems; to be provided with just this and offer unparalleled assistance to a hopeless cause in the old wars. You wondered if they still watched from afar, curious to the well-being of their mortal neighbors.
"Dear, keep your mind with us. You'll be off shortly," one of the grandmas whisper, placing a carved selenite athame into a leather holster and slipping it into the confines of your robe, "For protection." You smile and thank her kindly, tuning back into the ceremony and waiting for the second elder. They continue to adorn you in charms and traveling goodies, eventually piling on unnecessary weight that will, for sure, slow you down in the process. The trek was basically a day’s trip. If you moved efficiently, you should be home no later than when the sun begins to set, in time for supper even. As much as you’d like to stay out longer, you dare not risk a night in the mountains.
“—this year’s representative will be just as prosperous. May she bring good fortune and health onto our town just as the many before her has done so,” the old cleric roars into the audience, just about finishing his speech as you start to listen. You hope he didn’t say anything too significant. Can’t possibly hang on to every dry word when you were so close to tasting temporary freedom.
You make your way into the parted sea of people, some who grip your hand as you walk by to invoke strength as you move along. A few grumble good luck’s and come back safe’s. Then an angry baker charging through helpless bodies.
“Take this, you stupid girl. You were supposed to stop by the bakery this morning,” Seokjin whines, thrusting what seems to be a warm pastry wrapped with cheesecloth into your hands.
“Thank—Thank you. I’m sorry, I didn’t want to bug…”
Jungkook pops in from nowhere, hitting your shoulder a little too playfully, “Chin up, love. Don’t be back too soon.” You nod shyly as he distances behind. Jungkook always had a strong nose for your facades but he also always kept your secrets. Clutching your things tightly, you watch your boots as they pick up speed through the mess of attention.
“Good luck!”
“Watch your surroundings, little one.”
“Come home and don’t wander off!”
You leave northbound until you no longer hear their cheers. Until the snow no longer has indented prints and you think you’re alone and off to the races. A sudden tension snaps when you release your sore cheeks from an artificial smile, not even aware you were sporting one in the first place. There was always a heavy pressure when you presented yourself to the public, and while you were no damn princess, everyone ensured that you at least feel the looming responsibility of one. Curse your family’s political ties and all that, otherwise you wouldn’t give a damn if you seemed like an old witch spotted once in a blue moon.
When you reach the border gate is when you see Taehyung for the last time today. It comes as a surprise to see him waiting for you like a loyal dog, dark hair sprinkled with snowflakes, red cheeks a striking contrast against the bright setting. If you were more grateful, you’d think he looks particularly good today. If anything, it strikes you more that you failed to see his face at the send-off.
“Hey. I didn’t want to do this in front of everyone else… and today of all days but if I don’t right now, I don’t think I ever will,” he jumbles. In his hands hold a scarlet scarf, the same one you had seen as a child when his mom would occasionally take care of you, let you help bake, and playfully dress you in her accessories. All but that scarf, folded neatly and tucked into a corner or her closet.
“Oh! Don’t touch that, love,” she said, “That’s something my mother-in-law made for me.”
You had pouted then, a spoiled brat of sorts. But Taehyung’s mother’s eyes were always warm and she spoke softer than cashmere, “I have to give that to my son when he decides to marry. Will you make sure he finds the right one, for me? You are his best friend, aren’t you?”
You remember the challenge you felt, yelling without hesitation, “Taetae will marry me! When we grow up I’ll be his bride and you won’t have to worry!”
She giggled in contentment, eyes squinted in a wide smile and petting you lovingly, “Ah, of course. I know you’ll be a wonderful wife, Y/N. Taehyung will be in great hands.”
“I had been there, you know,” Taehyung chuckles, “When you claimed you’d be my wife when we got older. I was hiding in the hallway and initially, I thought, ‘I’ll never marry my best friend!’. But, now… I just can’t imagine wanting to marry anyone else.”
You grin at him sadly. Of course he had been holding onto this his entire childhood.
“We’re still young, I know that. I just want to give you this for your trip to make me feel more at ease and so you can think about it. You can take all the time that you need. I know Mother wouldn’t mind, especially for you.” You nod. It’s all you can do. Taehyung pulls you into a tight embrace and kisses your hair. When he pulls away, he wraps your neck into the warmth of the scarf you’d always wished to wear. But it’s almost suffocating now, locking in your fate before you even step out of the village boundaries.
“For now, just come back to me. I’ll be waiting for you no matter what you decide.”
You can fathom the communal disappointment of rejecting your strongest suitor. More importantly, you would be shameful to turn down his proposal. Once it was out there, there was no “decision”.
You can imagine your aunts now, squealing in delight and sewing from their best cloths.
 Part Three
Though you never had the chance to explore much, this really was nothing you've ever seen before. An ominous stairway carved into rock weaved in and out of your trail which made it fairly easy to follow along. You can't imagine the labor that went into sculpting this far ahead and all the way up the side of the mountain; it was truly something mind-boggling. As the air begins to thin, the amount of snow starts to grow thicker. If you had waited any longer into the winter you wouldn’t even be able to see the path, you’re sure.
You only need to stop twice to catch your breath and sit down. Snacking on the bread Jin gifted you only a few hours ago. It’s satisfying to look back at the area you’ve covered, how small things look from your height and the beauty of a fresh snow blanket. The scenery to the riverbank was nowhere as near breathtaking to that of the mountain. A dreamscape of evergreen trees and varying shrubbery, crossing over a short wooden bridge floating over a near-frozen stream, even occasional wildlife prancing into view. The summit itself wasn’t terribly high. It was manageable to hike for the most part, more so that your goal wasn’t to reach the peak. 
You could travel all the time, you think. Hike or take a horse somewhere farther than here but that’s not very practical. There was nowhere really to go and you didn’t have the luxury to just up and leave your household, and now Taehyung. The knots in your brain seem to loosen, blame the inclination and dry air infiltrating your head. Knowing your life was to be faced someday and all your immature ambitions to leave the village now seeming childlike and unattainable. The pessimism had yet to blow out your weak flame of philosophical rebellion but it was surely keeping you in check.
Judging by the sun's position, it's midday. Meaning it shouldn't be long before you catch sight of the "manor" and thus will be halfway finished with your journey.
You nearly walk off the cliffside before you notice the route's abrupt change and how it slithers deeper into the eye of the mountain. The farther you walk, the closer the earthy walls begin to shut in on you in a trench-like structure. It's even more unbelievable coming upon a short archway, perhaps man-made and mined through a boulder that could have fallen from atop one of the peaks. Being here, you realize, makes you feel small. Slithering through the terrain like a fairy in the tales your mother had told you at night. Of beasts and cryptids that could appear in the tangles of forest and vanish all in the same. There was a sort of dreamlike trance you found yourself in as you walked under the rock as if it were a portal.
And, unexpectedly, it's there. Atop a few more dreadful flights of stairs, hidden between an odd bundle of trees and beneath a fresh veil of snow, you can barely make out the silhouette of a house. It's still a bit far and eerily surrounded by fog but it's there and it almost looks as if it's... floating. Like a gateway to a secret nook of heaven.
It's one of those odd, puzzle-like mirages when you climb more steps to think you're only getting farther from the house. The swaying of branches keeps you from determining just how big it is and what it could possibly conceal. Even the atmosphere, chill and intimidating, makes your heart skip in perplexed anticipation. Having been at this for hours, if the staircase hadn't just ceased you would have kept walking straight into the dark wooden door.
But your aching legs find relief in the stretching flat surface of a porch and your exhilaration to reaching such a majestic destination that you could squeal. Of course, you don't, and instead get started at the task at hand.
You kneel onto the cool floor and begin to unload your things, neatly and without the need to rush. You lay stones on each corner of the tapestry to hold it down, you lay out the contents in somewhat of an aesthetically manner, you strike a match to light the incense and you mumble your thanks on behalf of the village, all as you were told. The snicker under your breath comes unwarranted as you finalize the display, even Taehyung couldn't have done this well.
It feels a little anticlimactic; a little short-lived. To have come up this whole way and spend a maximum of five minutes in somewhere you could spend days exploring. Idling, you can practically hear the warning clucks of your aunts engraved into your brain.
"Don't dilly-dally!"
"Come straight home."
"Even think of doing anything funny and I'll have Seokjin roast you alive."
Maybe it's why it's even more satisfying to you when you ignore them altogether, standing from your position and just dying to see the rest of the manor's exterior. One peek, one peek and I'll never stray from instruction ever again, you think. Just my last burst of freedom and then I promise to be a good girl with no more personality than a wet dish rag.
So you tiptoe to the massive door and lean your ear against it as if you could hear anything with its size and the strong winds. You questioned if anyone even lived here, void of any decorations or signs of recent activity. Maybe the deer would get to the food you laid out before someone even stepped foot on the property prior next Offering.
When there are no obvious indications of life do you weasel your way around the corner, an extension of the porch wrapping around the side of the house to much of your assumption and revealing an expanse of space. The cabin was two stories at the least, maybe even three if not had been for the first story windows and how incredibly tall they were. You could only imagine the comfort of being inside such a space, being able to wake and watch the snow behind a glass wall of incredible proportions. While you ogle the window do you, of course, fail to realize that it's transparent and startle a bit when something begins to move.
The reflection makes it a bit difficult to pinpoint, a large dark figure shifting ever so slightly in its confines. Like a complete buffoon, you near the wall even closer with squinted eyes just making out the shapes of an entity.
Whatever it is, it's incredibly large. A heart in shape and composed of monochromatic blacks, reaching the floor and surely much taller than you. It was killing you that you couldn't figure out what the hell it was, well-near leaning against the glass as you peer into the private space.
You freeze in place as the elongated heart is really in the shape of wings, accompanied by a body as they’re dragged behind it like a veil. Long and dark and ruffling occasionally as their owner rotates a bit...
But you don't get to see his face. The man in which you firmly believed could be nothing but a myth; as propaganda by the village elders to keep your actions in check. Rather, the seraphs were more authentic than you could have ever imagined, and as magical and inspiring as it may be, so are the Offering rules that are now proved and justified, and that could only mean that this was very, very unfortunate timing to be snooping around property that was not yours.
Your feet scramble backwards in attempt to flee out of sight, instead graciously slipping against the frozen wood and causing you to land quite harshly on your side. Your hip burns at the impact but more horrifyingly important, the crash rattles the side of the floating stoop and his eyes burn into your pathetic body. The moment is wedged between fractions of a second, eye contact barely existent but it's enough to see the daggers in the seraph's irises. It's enough of a warning for you to get back onto your feet and sprint as carefully as possible away from such a gaze that could light this winter wonderland into disastrous flames.
All that comes across your mind as you rush down the steps is how wrong you were. How you unjustly became more and more skeptical of the stories and legends of the creatures that existed in the crevices of the mountains. How numb you became to the warnings as your age drew near for your rite of passage. How much of a taboo you would become if you were to ever tell a living soul that you witnessed a seraph and its marvelous wings. Not that you would.
Your ability to run brings you to the realization that you forgot your things but it was beyond you now. For once in your life, you cherish the idea of being home and hiding under the covers in the tranquil warmth of a familiar fireplace. To dream away the moment that dark angel caught a sly fox trespassing into his territory and, rightfully so, looking as if he craved to skin it alive.
You yelp at the sudden caw of ravens as they fly overhead. Their screeches send shivers to your bones, a sudden chill slowing you down. Rustling in the nearby trees deem you completely terrified, a gut feeling deducting the possibility of winds blowing that strong in the middle of dense shrubbery. Your heart drops once more; your athame was left in the abandoned bag.
The last time you had seen a wolf was when you were barely a toddler, sleepily held in the arms of a younger (and much kinder) Mina. It lurked in the woods just past the fields, a little young and possibly separated from its pack. But wolves were smart and they knew better than to make trouble in a town of loud humans. You remember the way it pulled its ears back and slinked back into the sanctity of its wild home and never to be seen again.
These wolves were smart too, howling their announcement upon finding a small, weak girl all alone and oozing dread. Two pairs of eyes track you as their corresponding bodies stalk out of the bushes, large and sleek and beautiful. Both grey and both incredibly hungry, they begin to pace around you maybe 100 feet away. You startle back and up a stair, most favored option to return to the cabin and retrieve your bag, maybe stay near for a bit until the creatures leave but then another, black and larger than the other two, barks harshly and stands its ground on your sacred steps. You are royally trapped.
“Stay… Stay back,” you warn dumbly, looking to the only open direction in the woods. You wouldn’t be as fast as on the path as long as you had to maneuver through the snow but you could possibly break off a hefty branch. Enough to ward them off to get back to the cabin and pray that the seraph doesn’t pose more of a problem than flesh-eating hounds.
So you sprint, robes clenched in your fists and boots sinking into the pillows of ice, disappearing into the trees and disregarding the snarls that start up behind you. You look desperately for something, anything to help you. Snow begins to find its way into your shoes each time you trip over yourself, wetting the soles of your feet. Hands scraping against bark with each twist and turn and your fingers burn. You only look back occasionally, seeing no more than one pair of eyes at a time at a short distance. This must have been a fun game to them, howling their contents into brisk air.
The black dog truly appears from nowhere, a flash of teeth from your left peripheral before it tackles you to the ground the same moment you find a dead branch and thrust it into its snapping jaw. It all happens too fast. You yipe as you roll through the fall, wolf teeth still digging through your only weapon and snapping the poor thing to two. In pure desperation, you dig the sharper broken half into whatever it’s willing to hit. Fortunately enough, the wolf whimpers and tumbles off you. Then you’re off once again, adrenaline ringing in your ears as you don’t even care to recall which way is which, as long as it’s away from, what can you assume was, the Big Bad Alpha.
More howls from them, more cries from you.
You’re able to return to the path without another spotting. It turns out you were going the wrong way when you’re also met with the narrow exit and that cursed archway. A gateway to inevitable death.  
Halfway through the gap in manic rush and you’re face to face with a beast so pale that it camouflaged with the flurry encasing you both. Eyes clear as water and almost… comforting. Even with the low rumble in its throat and one paw in front of the other in a slow, tantalizing chase. The others growl behind you, an enraged black-furred monster bleeding from its right eye socket turned quite smug now knowing that you were completely, utterly trapped.
It’s when the white wolf soundlessly drags a deep wound into your thigh while the three merely watch is when you ascertain that it is, undoubtedly, the pack leader. You fall back as the beautiful thing toys with you, snatching the front of your thick robe and shredding it with a sickening rip. You scream for the first time this entire chase, grabbing at Taehyung’s scarf in fear that it got caught along with it, caring for it more than your own life at this point.
The scream must have been piercing enough to discombobulate your attacker, it’s large ears flitting around as it jumps away from you. It’s even more of a shock when they all flee out of the divide, leaving you bleeding and too traumatized to move an inch. Whatever alarmed them devastates you even more.
The ravens caw loud and the ground vibrates. Watching the birds circle in the sky, you notice the way pebbles begin to crumble from each peak, how snow begins to over pile on such weak grounds and the way it begins to slide inward.
It’s an odd sound; snow sliding against other layers of snow and having so much weight that it pulls a few small trees with it. And this trench-like area only had so much space and you were positive the amount of white that begins to hurl towards you would fill it like a water cup; bury you with absolutely no chance of being able to dig your way out. Despite your fear, you cower at its charge and wait for the weight to hit.
 And then your head lolls back against something wonderfully warm and dry. You were completely soaked but too exhausted to shiver. In your last moments of consciousness, with your neck craned uncomfortably, you see the ground as the sky and the sky as the ground and feathers as feathers. You think of home. Think of warm summers where you would dip your feet in the riverbed. Think of bonfires with Jungkook and Jin and Hoseok and even Taehyung. But everything is still snow and you think you’re beginning to loathe each damned flake. The only comfort you find is the homeliness of the carmine red material that blows softly against your face. With that and the fleeting thought that you might be righteously transported to heaven do you finally pass out.
 Part Four
Yoongi wasn’t particularly fond of humans. Unlike his brothers and sisters that sympathized with such weak creatures enough to put their own lives at risk, it was just something he would never come around to understand. Species were organized and separated for reasons and intermingling was a curiosity that died ages ago for him.
Which is all a hypocritical contradiction when he sees you sleep soundly on his common room couch, changed into dry clothes and buried beneath a heap of duvets. Whatever had possessed him to go after you was pure impulse after the stunt you pulled on him. Prowling around on private property and, more importantly, breaking the village’s strict ritual rules. Catching him going about on what would be another unmomentous day in his schedule, creating enough of a ruckus to capture his attention, and then fleeing as a feeble mouse.
It’d be a lie if he had said he didn’t watch you scramble away down the steps from the comfort of his front door and a fresh coffee in hand, watching you stumble over nothing on your way. It was more when you had left your things like a pure imbecile, food and tools and all, and left without even waiting for the incense to finish burning. It was then that he came to the conclusion that you were incredibly clumsy and that served as entertainment to him.
The howls were his test of will. Knowing the dogs were way farther up the mountain than they normally were and supposing they had followed your poor, unfortunate soul during your trek, waiting for the perfect time to strike. And you were practically handed to them on a silver platter, considering you’d left your only knife on the cold wood of his porch.
Maybe he had come down, grumpily disturbed from his peaceful Saturday, more to save himself from cleaning the remnants of someone eaten in his vicinity more than the compassion to save you. But that was a tad bit too cruel, even for him. He thinks it was more of that uniquely curious glint in your eyes as you practically skipped into his sight. Daring enough to ignore those rather ridiculous warnings and try your luck. Delicate as a deer in hunter’s perspective. As often as he’d go out to restock supplies in neighboring towns would he never come across a visitor in his own domain. Call him quaint, but it was a mediocre surprise.
He prods the fire, making it crackle and reflame with more vigor. It had barely been a few hours since he’s saved you by the skin of his teeth, almost caught in the landslide himself.
He checks the wound on your leg once more, cleaning it again before securing it in bandages. If only he had gotten there faster, Yoongi tsks, but you’d strayed from the path and he could only follow the prints so quickly before they were covered by the flurry. By the time he found you again, you were knelt in front of the pack and submitting to your death. Had he not been on a hill, had he not been able to utilize his useless wings to glide down before the snow had claimed you first…
You groan softly, unable to roll around without a searing poker sinking into your thigh with each attempt. Contrast to the icicle state the rest of your body sported. You felt like hell. Like hell in hell guarded by those hounds. Hell in your thigh and hell in your head and hell in—
“Don’t move too fast. You have a fever and I just replaced your bandages,” a disembodied voice orders. Your eyes snap open to tall, wooden ceiling. Sitting up is your first horrible mistake, dropping back down immediately with a pained wheeze.
“I just said not to move too fast. If you can sit up normally, you should drink some water. I have some here,” it speaks again. You try again cautiously, blurry spots ruining your vision the farther up you scoot. A silhouette is kneeling beside you, maybe a cup in his hand but you’re too jumbled to confirm.
Yoongi tries his best to fold in on himself, lowering the obvious limbs stuck to his back and appear as human as possible. You wouldn’t be able to run again in your state but he tries his best to be courteous to your skittishness anyway.
“Where… Where am I?” You dazingly question. You don’t really… recall too much. Last memory somewhat muddled between your send-off and contact with those treacherous wolves, very few in between and serving no importance if you couldn’t remember how it ended.
“You’re safe in my house. In the mountains still. You passed out pretty good out there, been out for a bit. Now drink.”
It’s easy to do as your told with you’re running off little brainpower, downing the water hastily.
The voice scolds, “Hey, slow.”
At some point, you can see again. The blankets that cover you and the large room you inhabit. Of course, the seraph from earlier that awaits by your seat. His seat. But you feel no urgency to scurry into safety. You were discombobulated, sure, but you knew enough that this man was kind enough to bring you into his home and care for you. So you fold back the material slowly and watch his face contort into confusion as you try to stand.
“I’ll be on my way. I’m sorry to have bothered you. Thank you for treating me.”
“Woah now. You’re in no condition to be standing. Besides, the path is blocked. Snow was too heavy and caused a slide. I doubt it’ll clear until the spring,” he informs, looking out the window as if to drag your own attention to it. The snow stopped but it’s fallen a few feet, at least. The path, you remember, chased by wolves and led into an ice trap. The few split moments in which the man must have scooped you up before your demise, remnants of being carried back towards his estate.
His place, in which is even more amazing inside than it was outside, a luxurious wooden mansion of sorts, tall and spacious and filled with those incredible windows that displayed better than you could have ever dreamed. The man himself that sits beside you draws full attention. Despite his position, he was large and still intimidating as the moment you crossed sights for the first time. Hair matching his wings in dark palette, soft and delicate looking. His face anything but, sharp eyes and thick brows, lips that curved into a simper. Above all, he looked more human. Even as radiant and prepossessing as he was, if the cape of wings didn’t follow him where he went he would look just as human as the rest of the population.
“Are you a seraph?” You ask dumbly. Dumb, because he laughs and because he obviously is.
“Are you a human, pretty thing?” He retorts. There’s no condescending lilt to his words but it makes him seem otherworldly to you. With such a provoking question and your lightheadedness, he seemed a blessing to be inhabiting such an earth.
You melt into the cushions once more, leg throbbing and eyes heavy. You watch his wings as they bob with his breath, “They say it’s bad luck to lay eyes on the wings of an angel…”
“Why would that be?,” he scrunches his nose, maybe a little appalled by the idea, “Such a misleading myth. Besides, I’m no angel.”
You don’t know why he stands to leave the room after that, unnoticing how you fall back into sedation a minute later.
 Part Five
You wake with clarity. Check your thigh to find it almost completely healed over except a now lingering scar. All’s left is a dull soreness but god it felt so much better. Enough to stand and stretch in the empty room. Enough to coherently realize that you only wear your underwear while the rest of your garments hang torn and sadly on the fireplace screen. It’s not as unbecoming if it had to be done for the sake of your health and wellbeing, right?
Getting dressed is easy when you don’t even bother with your robe, the gash decreeing it useless and instead tying Taehyung’s scarf around your shoulders as a shawl over your tank. You’re lucky it didn’t get torn.
There’s a fleeting moment where you really think you miss Tae, feeling a little regretful to being so afraid of his proposal in light of the recent accident. You’re sure he must be worried sick; must think you’ve perished under the debris and snow if he’s come to look for you. As his best friend, you solemnly wish he was here to hug you close and promise that it would all be okay. To fend off your shame and welcome you back into the village with teary eyes and a warm smile.
“Ah, human. You’re awake.”
You whip around to discover fox eyes in the door frame, poorly lit now that it’s nighttime. The moonlight pairs well with how it sits on his milky skin, almost something out of a painting.
“It’s Y/N. Not ‘human’.” You answer a little sharper than you mean. He notices too, quick to wave it off since he really had popped up out of nowhere. He tries your name once on his own tongue, a satisfying thing to say.
“Pleased to meet you. I’m Min Yoongi, in case you don’t want to call me seraph all the time.”
You suddenly grab your thigh, rubbing it over your pants in questionable disbelief, “How long have I been asleep? My leg is almost fully healed…”
He rubs at his eye, a little nonchalant about the scene at hand, “Only overnight and throughout the day today. It’s probably quarter to nine about now. I had medicine to help your cuts heal over nicely. Call it, uh, advanced seraph technology.”
The gashes hadn’t been incredibly deep to begin with, thankfully not going any further than the first layer of skin and just really causing some bleeding, but it was still amazing. The feeling is short lived. Even if only a day, you’ve overstayed your welcome.
“Thank you, um, Mr. Min. For saving my life and everything after that. I’d like to repay you sometime. But for now I’m afraid I should be heading back, I’ve stayed for too long. I’m sure I can find some way over the path.”
It dawns on you that Yoongi is a little facetious, especially when he purrs a, “Well you can do whatever your little heart desires, but I’m here to remind you that there is no path. Here, look out the window.”
You do, tiny bit distracted when he stands by you to point out the ridges of the mountains that surround you. “See those? How they curve in towards the top and how it sort of resembles a bowl? This area was made only for seraphs to get in and out of generations ago; flight only. Trying to climb it would be suicide on both sides. The path that goes through was strictly for human use, and if that’s blocked, there’s no way out, little one.” You weren’t the shortest in your village but Yoongi truly was massive, both lanky and filled-out somehow. Like there’s underlying strength to his lean build. You’re sure if you were to stand directly in front of him, the top of your head would barely surpass his sharp shoulders.
You disregard his name for you, a bit annoyed at this point, “Could you not fly me over the pass?”
Yoongi repeats in disbelief of such a daring request, “Fly… You over the pass… No. I’m sorry. I won’t do that. If you truly want to figure it out, you should do so soon. It's storm season."
Gritting your teeth, you express your discontent for once. What did he save you for, then? For points? You didn't know members of the almighty seraph clan were so keen to half-completed deeds. "And why not? Wouldn't you rather I be on my way? What am I supposed to do if I can't leave?"
"You forget yourself, Y/N. Did I not save your life? Chase after you and save you from being crushed? Buried alive?" He takes a second to straighten himself out, aware of how you look to your feet in frustration.
"Hey," he starts again, "I know you'd like to go home. I only tell you the truth of your situation in its entirety. If I could fly you over the pass I would but unfortunately, I'm out of commission."
You feel heat in your face, embarrassed of the way you address a complete stranger even after all the things he's done for you. But this was frankly a sticky situation to find yourself in, trapped and unable to get Yoongi to help you any further. Though you do wonder what he means by his last statement...
"I'm... I'm sorry. I don't mean to make demands. I'm just scared and in a place I'm not used to and I'm not quite sure what I'm to do from here. Is there no one else who can help me over?"
Yoongi averts his gaze before he shakes his head, "I'm the last one in this country."
That's even more odd to hear but you don't prod for information that isn't yours to learn.
In silence, you contemplate the work that even went into carrying another human body by use of wings that were structurally built for the owner's own weight and possibly nothing else. Now was not the time to be ignorant.
“What am I supposed to do?” You mumble weakly. Yoongi watches your gears turn warily, stress surely beating down on you.
He rubs his neck, ruffles his left wing, “Listen. I promise I’ll help you back come spring. You won’t be able to make a dent in the landslide as long as it continues to build with snow every night.” He tends to forget that humans are pack animals, often lost without one another and feeble in the hands of species not of their own.
Your doe eyes, beginning to well with tears, convince him over tenfold, “I’ll help you in any way possible to pay you back for all the things you’ve done. I know I’ve caused nothing but trouble but if you have the room, is it possible I stay here?”
And Yoongi had enough vacant rooms to house a whole herd of deer now that he’s been alone for these sum of years. It really was no trouble… and he could make use of you as long as you stayed. His brow shoots up, “You can stay.”
Your grin is enough to light the whole room encased in night’s darkness, looking back down to the ground now knowing you had some hope to hold onto in such an eventful day. A whisper of a thank you Mr. Min is thrown in and Yoongi can feel his fists tighten.
He clears his throat, standing a little taller than he already is and acting strict, “But there are some rules. And you can just call me by my first name.”
 Part Six
 It's always a little weird trying to adjust to new scenery. Though your past experiences have been anticlimactically different than this; not exactly the first time visiting a friend's house or dropping off delivered goods from Seokjin's shop and awkwardly facing an elder who forces you to stay for tea.
Yoongi had shown you around the areas you needed to know. Offered you the closest room to the main part of the house with a king bed, fresh sheets and your own majestic window to stare out of. The living room which you had rested in before and the kitchen, grand and spacious just like everything else. He showed you a greenhouse out back that was utterly ginormous. Stone walkways and a hot compost keeping it from freezing, rows of plants you both have and haven't witnessed before. And again, he showed you what you needed to know.
That goes onto the chores he assigned you as long as you stay, to help him clean come Sundays and manage the plants throughout the week which served as no problem. At least with horticulture you proved some use, struggling throughout the weekend to do anything else but cause Yoongi a bit of a headache.
Tuesday rolls around and Yoongi stops by your room with stationary. Tells you he has a messenger bird to deliver any letters you desire to send home and you hop on the opportunity quicker than the landslide had tried to eat you up.
Of course, it was an exceptionally long letter. Longer than the papers Yoongi had given to you and he had to fetch more when you looked absolutely devastated sitting at your desk. You began with the simple phrase, "I'm okay." Filling it with a volley of explanations and apologies, how you were nearly killed, how the seraph had scooped you up to safety and how you inhabit his home now until further notice. You write how you talk, sure the recipients are sure to read in hushed mumbles and run-on sentences. You explain that there's no use to try to get home now while the clouds continue to precipitate and gate your only exit from the bowl-like wonderland. You end with how you miss them already, a request to send back an update or two every once in awhile, and a final wish to have a happy winter without you (though you're sure they won't appreciate that joke).
You think, if they really receive the letter, how terribly furious they'll be with you. Taehyung and Jungkook will probably come hiking up the mountain to try to put a dent in the debris and fail miserably. Your aunts and how they must feel even the tiniest bit of guilt for thinking you so small and helpless. Mina and her jealous wonder that you've done it now, how you've seen a seraph before her and you're positive she'll have a flurry of questions when you return. When you return.
You come out onto the balcony to pay your respects to your so-called "messenger", pretty white thing large and wide-eyed. Humorous is the familiar to another winged being, bird of a feather, you chuckle to yourself. Yoongi pays no attention when he murmurs directions to the bird and sends it off, straight in the direction you were hoping.
Thursday and you think you finally have your routine down. No longer unsure in the hallways and able to sit when your work is done without feeling completely out of place. It's only when you're around the other member of the cabin do you feel a little subdued, reminding you that you burden him and quickly finding something to do out of that guilt.
Today you feel a bit sluggish. You drag yourself down the corridor, opting for the bath until you see a dark head in an open room. Yoongi sits in his study, presumably reading with his back facing you. You can't say you've seen this room before, ceilings just as tall and walls just lined with books, journals, art pieces and things of the like.
"You can come in," he snickers suddenly, maybe feeling the heat from your eyes boring into the back of his head and warming the space entirely.
"This is amazing... Your collection, I mean." You force yourself down in a chair, hands trapped underneath your thighs in case they feel like touching anything.
"Thank you. It took quite a bit of time to build it up. Not by myself, of course."
It makes you ponder. If he's mentioned his state of loneliness twice, then your questions were expected.
"There were more, right? Family of yours? Why are you the only one left?"
"One question at a time, yeah?" He swivels around and takes off a pair of reading glasses that you would have liked to inspect on his face a bit more, "I can't leave because I can't fly, remember? They left because they held no other duty tied to this land. That's all."
You quiet. He returns to reading whatever it is on his flat desk. "Why can't you fly?"
"Because I was hurt."
"How were you hurt?"
"Next question."
"What are you reading?"
"A story of a girl with a terrible habit of too many inquiries."
"You know, I loved to read when I was a kid. All kinds of things. Novels, studies, maps even. Now I never have the time for such pleasantries." A wistful sigh leaves your lips.
Yoongi eyes you beneath his lashes, watches as you survey the room with giddiness and hands taut underneath your bum. "Why's that?"
You frown, "Too many things to do. Jobs and cleaning and family and stress. If I have time to read, I have time to be doing something more important."
His lips curl, amused at this little play-thing in his room. Like a child scolded all her life, whining and pouting in front of a stranger. Yoongi stands tall and shrugs his sweater tighter around him, "Well then, you'd better hop to it."
"Hm?" You squeak, chewing on your lip when you meet his eyes. So innocent.
"You only have the winter to read these. I'd get started soon. After work is done and you want to poke around in here, feel free to do so. Take them to your room if you'd like, just please return them."
And he swears he sees damn stars in your eyes before he turns and leaves the room. He hears your immediate footing once he's halfway to his room, little yelps of excitement enough as his thanks. Yoongi can't help but smirk, eventually floating away and speaking way out of earshot for you to hear.
"Nothing is more important than the things you want."
 Part Seven
 After a month, you find it a little boring. After receiving a teary letter of how your family misses you, not one ounce of scold or chastisement more than it was just wholesome relief to see familiar handwriting, their only wish was for you to stay obedient and not write so often as to waste poor Yoongi's paper. It was typical, somewhat stress-relieving. And that was that.
It was often you spent your quiet interest reading of botany and romance (in what little you found of it) preferably in his study on days he's holed up in his room. At this point, he still remains somewhat of a mysterious entity, conversing when he must and accidentally showing his face once or twice like a ghost. The only times you really see him are for Sundays with idle chit chat.
One particular evening you find an old, ratty recipe book. Handwritten and falling at the seams and that's how you know that there are some golden tips in there for you to test out.
You choose pumpkin bread. Something to warm the palette while ice continues to build outside. And working in Yoongi's kitchen by yourself was oddly fulfilling, no one to correct you or send you off to another job if you fail to do the first. It's probably why your bread turns out perfect, slicing the loaf and placing a piece on a small plate for a friend.
Rather, someone you'd like to establish as a friend.
You haven't seen him once today; not odd but a little lonely. Pacing on the carpets and looking for an open door with any sign of a sly angelic being. Even after a month, it's the first time you've freely made something with intents of sharing with him. Was that rude of you?
Coming upon a jarred entrance, you speak softly, "Yoongi? Are you in there?"
No reply.
You clear your throat and toe the door open just enough to stand in its frame, "Yoongi? I made some pumpkin bread for us—"
Thank your soft voice does it not wake him, still a snoring log in a bed even larger than yours. His limbs sprawled widely, laying on his stomach and breath soft and slow. Sleeping in the middle of the day while his guest slaves over the stove must be quite nice, huffing subtly and placing his plate on his night desk. Sure to be spoiled even more when he wakes to a treat.
As you turn, your eyes can't help but dawdle over the expanse of his wings. One covering a naked back and one hanging off the side of the bed, a marbling effect of muddled sepias and ink blacks, occasional golden ochre pigments seeping through the deepest layers of feathers. It was utterly breathtaking. This has to be one of the first opportunities you've had to inspect them so, equating staring at his monstrously large wings the same as blatantly staring at his junk.
You draw close like a moth to a damn flame, checking to assure he's still sound asleep. Reaching delicate fingers, you dare to lay a palm on the mass. It's surprisingly strong, an odd firmness as you slide your hand down silky plains and watch as the feathers ripple by your touch.
Then, as if you weren't dumb enough to foretell the upcoming events, he wakes.
A whirl of darkness encases you, whips you around so fast that you see stars in the middle of day, completely flipped and pinned to the bed beneath you. The intense heaviness makes you recoil, unable to budge your wrists and legs with Yoongi's strength.
And his face of unadulterated fury is one that would be ingrained into your memories forever. Pupils dilated and nose scrunched like prey warding off predator. Yoongi was surprised to say the least, a scared frenzy of confusion as he growls down at you.
"What were you doing, human?"
Your weeping gains no mercy, "Ow, you're, you're hurting me!"
"What the fuck were you doing?" He spits.
Incoherence is not what he asks for but that's all you can give, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I won't touch them again I was just—"
His wings which were so beautiful to you before, makes you feel nothing but fear now, flapping angrily as he keeps his balance and shrouding you in shallow lack of light. When he lets up on his grip, you gasp like he also held your breath. Immediate relief streams through your blood, though he continues to trap you between his thighs. He asks you again and you sob.
"You know what happened the last time I let one of your kind close? Nearly fucking killed me for no reason. You know why I can't take you down the mountain? Why I'm stuck here by myself? Because a goddamn human stole my ability to fly. I can't fly anymore, do you understand me? That's all that I was and they took it!"
Yoongi sees the pity etching onto your face like some sort of charity case. With your pathetic excuse for tears that claim to sympathize with him and it makes the bile in his throat grow. As for you, you could have never imagined such a travesty. Those words that seem to bounce around in your skull, to be wholesomely one thing and to be rid of it by someone else's doing, you could never relate to that.
You itch to relieve his pain in some way as if he never lashed out on you to begin with. Like you were the one truly at fault here even though you know it's a two-way situation. Your hands struggle to not touch his face, to attempt to alleviate those dark, regretful feelings. "Yoongi, I'm so sorry. I would never—I would have never known--I'm from one of the villages where we look up to the—"
"Yeah, well I don’t trust people," He cracks, lungs filled with muddled sorrow.
Both of your breathing is ragged. He takes his leave off your body and sits on the edge of the bed, wings lamely drooped.
"Leave." So you do.
 Part Eight
 You find the most beautifully carved wooden bow the next morning. Sun barely risen and adventuring around in nooks you haven't looked through before. You find it, accompanied by plenty of arrows, leaning against the wall right outside the backdoor. Though it's been months since you've last hunted, you ache to make use of yourself. Wearing bundled layers of the clothes Yoongi let you borrow from what was left and bounding through the condensed areas of the woods behind the cabin.
Food isn't scarce to hunt for, you've come to realize. Rabbits abundant and easy to kill once you got the hang of it once more. Two are struck and red seeps through white. You always sink your knees into the ground after each kill, whispering your thanks before you move back to the house.
Taehyung's father had taught you the basics of hunting and fishing and everything that came after that. Skinning and cooking and preserving the flesh something everyone in the village should learn to do, he had said. Even after your mistakes, even after your hesitation for your first kill, he'd always pat you on the back and reward you with the first bite of fresh food.
You miss them all, especially now. It wouldn't be long until you saw them again with maybe a bit of heightened skills. You hope they'll be proud of you.
Yoongi wakes a little after you're finished cooking the first rabbit. He stumbles in quiet and groggy, as if having no recollection of the previous altercation. But he doesn't speak, doesn't so much as look your direction before he plops at the head of the dining room table and begins to sulk in an odd inner-turmoil state.
You wait a minute or two by garnishing the meat unnecessarily; perhaps he was waiting to say something. To apologize. To ask questions. To kick you out once and for all. Well, you'll beat him to it then.
You set his plate down in front of him, the jarring sound breaking his trance enough where he can finally meet your face.
"I hope you don't mind I used your bow. I cleaned the arrows afterward and put it back where I found it," you hesitate. "I appreciate your kindness thus far; to take me in like this. I was a complete stranger and you gave me shelter anyway, so I thank you. I've packed and cleaned and I—I think it's time I leave now. I'll find a way to get over, I don't care. And I'm, I'm so sorry for all the trouble I've caused, Yoongi. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable but I overstepped my boundary way too far yesterday and I apologize profusely."
You find that you dig your nails into your palms as you talk, head craned parallel to the floor and you wonder if Yoongi could even hear you when you were so rudely speaking to the rugs.
"Stop, you don't... You don't have to leave. There's still no way you can get over the snow." He massages the back of his neck, tense in his own skin.
"I'm so sorry," you repeat. "I let my stupid curiosity get the best of me and I can very clearly see how that made you feel alarmed and uneasy and—"
He cuts you off, "You know the myth, right? How it's bad luck to see a seraph's wings?"
Confused, you nod.
"It's not literal. It's a metaphor that it's bad luck to see our vulnerabilities. Our faults. Years and years and years ago, when the war was still active, I got mixed up with a human. Within enemy boundaries. I was naive and trusting and they made use of that. They sought out my weaknesses, ate 'em up and covered my suspicions with false adoration and love," he says the word like it's an illness, "But then. But then one night, they put something in my water. Drugged me. Something was wrong and I didn't fully go under. I suppose their original plan was to take me, probably torture me as a prisoner. But I caught on and still had a bit of composure and when they realized the drugs didn't work, they sought to kill me instead. Used a dagger and plunged it into my back as hard as they could. Right," he reaches an arm behind and massages a spot, "Right in the cross-section of where all four wings meet. I should have been paralyzed but we're tough. I can still move them but I haven't been able to fly since. Thank heavens I wasn't killed but..."
You can tell by the way that there’s no emotion in his statement, how true it rings, "That day, I might as well have been."
You wipe the pools of tears with your scarf, heartbroken for the shattered man that sat in front of you. Having to bear the sight of his wings every day and full-knowing he would never be able to use them again.
His voice croaks, "In their eyes, my own family's eyes, I commit a sin just by making such a fool of myself. The war ended and I was punished. They left me here and claimed loneliness is what I deserve."
Yoongi then realizes he sounds as if he's trying to justify yesterday's actions and literally sinks to the ground, "This isn't supposed to be a pity party. I just thought you might want to know why I am the way I am and how I had no right to snap like I did. I know you're from the north most village. And that you would never try to do what they did and I was wrongfully paranoid."
Then, out of all things unexpected, he grabs a bare ankle and lifts it out of the length of your dress. When you hobble, he grabs your gentle hand with his other to balance you. He can see the marks he left, not too dark but enough to tell and he can't help but despise himself. In pure remorse, he presses his lips softly to each bruise, not lingering for more than a second, before cowering to the ground with his head low.
"My sincerest apologies, Y/N. You don't have to leave if you don't want to. I prefer if you wouldn't. I'd like to get to know you and redeem myself, as selfish as that may seem. Maybe, until spring, I can make up for the things I've said and done—"
You sputter, voice too high and full of embarrassment as you struggle to pull him up, "Please! P-Please get up! I am at fault here! Don't kneel, please! You have nothing to make up for!"
Mouth agape and eyes wide, he watches you yell your affirmations and weakly tug on his arm. It was like watching a little kid throw a fit and that makes him chuckle aloud, how could he have ever suspected you as harmful? When your large eyes shed tears like no other and you impulsively make decisions for others before yourself. You were kind and he could see that. He laughs hard and you stop your squawking.
In disbelief you fall to your knees right beside him, looking plain stupid while you're at it. It occurs to you that you've never heard him laugh like this, smile so wide that his eyes crescent endearingly and it just lights up the room. After watching his handsome face radiate forgiving happiness, you join in too.
You eat rabbit together. The conversations from there on out easier to come up with, more emotional and found in the midst of tranquil understanding. Like you now shared a bit more of each other than before.
Occasionally, you think of all the sadness he must have accumulated until now. Of the things that happened to him that shouldn't have, and those years of isolation and abandonment that he suffered. But now you realize, too, how he's able to laugh and continue on despite those melancholy winters in a desolate place that he once called home. How it's all he can do as his only sign that he's still alive.
 Part Nine
The weeks after that seem to breeze past you; time racing when you have more things to do and someone to do it with. Yoongi really meant it when he said he would try to make up for his past harshness; never daring to miss a meal, spending more time in the livelier rooms if it meant that it was to accompany you, going as far as helping you out with your own chores if he hadn’t taken them over entirely. It was a polar opposite of who you knew before.
The first time he joined you to hunt again, in favor of how you had cooked his meat the last time, he layered himself in clothing that made his appearance softer than you’d ever imagined. Leaning towards darker garments that contrasted against his opalescent skin.
In some haughty attempt to show off your archery skills do you aim for a squirrel in a less-than-mediocre angle, letting the arrow fly without a second thought and piercing good ol’ trunk. Yoongi had a fabulous time laughing at your mishap, yanking the wasted arrow from the bark and handing it back to you.
“That was a horrible shot,” he said.
The temperature of your cheeks could have melted the snow, taking the thing with shaky, embarrassed hands, “I was being hasty.”
“You got two rabbits. I know you’re good. Let me just show you some things.”
You walked behind, letting him tread through the snow first so it was easier for you to fall into his prints.
“There. Squirrel,” he whispered. Probably the same one, mindlessly crawling up and down trees like target practice.
“Let me see your form again.” You aimed, self-conscious and probably showed it. You shivered when he swiped a hand under your grip arm, pushing it back.
“Keep it aligned with how the arrow is facing. Completely centered. You can widen your feet a little too,” his voice soft. “Don’t completely lock your elbow but tighten your back muscles before you hold. Does that make sense?”
“Mm. It won’t stop moving though, the squirrel.”
“Watch this.”
Then Yoongi had dug through the snow for a small stone with enough weight to throw. Aiming for a far tree to the right, he tossed just hard enough to cause a knock to echo in its vicinity. The squirrel halts, presumably looking for what caused the noise in its unknowing last thoughts.
And it landed perfectly.
He watched you silently each time you had knelt next to the victim and mutter your thanks, both sorrowful and appreciative. It was the first time he ever witnessed someone, frankly, talking to dead animals and at some point he asked you why you did so. You responded with a giggle, briefly claiming how all living creatures deserve the same respect, to be mourned, to not be wasted. Yoongi finds interest in the concept of valuing each as their own and of the same importance in the Grand Circle of Life, probably something his family would never have stopped to think about. The seraphs had always placed themselves above others in a deserving, self-righteous kind of way. It made him think.
A particularly windy night and you caught him in the seat of his study's window, drawn to the mirage of colliding trees and listening to the croaks of the house on its plot. A muddled bottle sat on his desk, its glass counterpart being twirled in his hand.
"Do you like storms?" You asked.
"I didn't used to," he answered, unfazed by your sudden entrance, "Caused problems a lot of times. But I think they're pretty fun nowadays. And you?"
"I like when there's thunder and lightning."
Yoongi faced you at that, your twiddling fingers and the way you scanned the dim room.
"Would you like to join me for a drink?" Although it was a question he poured you one anyway, barely anything more than a few sips worth. Obliging, you took the liquid. Pride a little stung in all honesty, pretty aware of your high tolerance.
He tittered, "Don't pout. You can pour as much as you'd like. But this stuff is ancient, concocted from poison and the desire of Death itself. Watch yourself."
It was always a trait of yours to take on a challenge, though, ignoring his warning and foolishly gulping it down. The burn was subtle despite its awful, awful taste, yet you poured another and let Yoongi watch you spiral down the rabbit hole.
Two stories and one half-glass later and you draped yourself very unladylike on his desk, too warm and too moist and too loud.
"Min... Min. Mr. Yoongi."
"That's wrong but that's me."
"Yoongi you have to keep a secret. That I'm going to tell you! From Yoo—from Yoongi!"
"Wait, that you're trying to keep a secret from me or—"
You must had forgotten, instead focused on bunching your skirt and tying it higher up your thighs, "Soooo hot. Too warm. I'm going to leave it like this, ‘kay?"
"You don't have to pass it by me. They're your clothes," he said, biting back laughter. His accidental peak of pretty, bare legs could have made him think different though. Reverting his gaze back out the window, he wouldn't have been surprised to see lightning that night.
Taking his eyes off you wasn't his best idea. Hobbled out of his chair and sneaking to his place with hands buried in feathers before he could shy away. Yet the wonder stained your eyes with childlike amusement and he wouldn't dare change that face. So he idled in a flustered mess, relaxed in the way you unknowingly massaged his muscles.
"Pretty wings, Mr. Yoongi... Can I touch them?" You asked stupidly. Yoongi grumbled.
When you finished evaluating, you swiveled awkwardly and tripped over his knee, a yelp escaping your lips as if he wouldn't catch you in one swift motion and onto the safety of his lap. Yoongi could smell the bite of alcohol that stained your breath; could see how swollen and red and beautiful it had made your gentle face. The proximity was deadly and your innocent, apologetic features could have slain him right then and there. You didn't even make another peep, eyes drooped in what he assumed was embarrassment for your clumsiness.
In which he thought wrong, your hands slapping each side of his face and squishing it together horrifically. "Pretty face, Mr. Yoongi."
"Alright, time for bed."
You fought all the way until he tucked you in, out with soft breaths and sprawled arms. Even after he had laid you down to rest and calmed back in his lair, there was no slowing the fondness that grew in his ribs.
You don’t know when you’ve started looking forward to Sundays, springing out of bed in the morning with a green thumb and a will to dig, or so you imagine. You knew Yoongi would be waiting for you in the greenhouse and spent a little extra time rinsing your face, doing your hair, and double-checking nothing was in your teeth.
Yoongi was already checking the pots when you had gotten there, wrapped in black per usual and winking as you walked by. The familiarity by now was tangible. There was always a nice flow to your conversations and Yoongi doesn’t back away when you naturally find yourself in his space like he used to. It was both a prideful accomplishment and an endearing new relationship that sparked joy every time you were able to do something together. To step back and see the difference over your time spent here, the things you’ve done, and the way Yoongi warms up slowly.
He watches you mindlessly hum as you harvest what you can, voice soothing when most times it would have been dead quiet. That’s what it felt like being around you: like a void suddenly filled, his whole being gravitating to your aura. You were addicting, if he had to admit.
The scarf, somehow pristine despite how often you wear it, is shuffled up your neck as you do one thing or another. Like a constant reminder that it’s there, you always feel the need to touch it.
Yoongi points to it, “Did you make that yourself?”
“Hm?” You follow his line of sight and crumple the red thing in your hands, “Ah! No. It… It was a gift.”
“Ooh, from a suitor?” He doesn’t mean any harm when he jests but it prompts the things you’ve left at home. No matter how much you’ve tried to suppress it down and not nitpick on the responsibilities you’ll have to return to. Awful as it seems, it makes you take notice to the sun and how it begins to peak out more with every day. You push the thought down once more.
Instead you laugh nervously. Yoongi knows immediately when you say nothing but, “Mmm…”
His gut twists from a melting of surprise and disappointment. How could he be so dim? To not even hypothesize the mere possibility of someone else being in your life. Though the feeling weighs heavy on his head, he speaks lightly and with a smirk.
“You must miss him then.”
“Yes. Of course. We’ve known each other since birth and have been best friends for as long as I can remember!” You chuckle, “He gave this to me right before I left and claimed we could get married once I returned. I was so shocked that I made myself sick thinking about going back. Just nervous, I suppose.” Taehyung, as expected, never said anything in the occasional letter updates to you. He meant it when he said he would only wait to talk about it for when you came home but you ponder how he feels now; what he’s been doing. If he’s changed his mind once he’s realized how incapable you are that you couldn’t even do the Offering correctly, but you know that isn’t true. Maybe just wishful thinking.
You throw dead leaves in the compost and Yoongi eyes you.
“’Shocked’? It’s not something you’ve been looking forward to?”
You look down, “It’s not that I—I don’t know! I just have seen him as family for so long and then there’s this sudden proposal without even talking about it beforehand… And everyone expects it. For me to just be married and have a family and all of that but I just, I just don’t see that for me so soon.” Your words begin to jumble and Yoongi hasn’t seen you so stressed within the span of twenty seconds before.
“Forgive me and my input but isn’t the most important thing what you want? You could just turn down his proposal,” He suggests like it’s the easy answer, hoping you don’t suspect a hopeful tone in there.
“Does it really matter what I want?” You stop to think about the people who matter to you and what would ease their minds most when it comes to your future. Marrying Taehyung seemed like the only option. “I can’t turn him down simply because I don’t want to. That’s selfish.”
“That doesn’t make very much sense to me.”
“Well,” you sigh, “in the village it’s courtesy to accept a marriage proposal regardless of how you feel. It’s the receiver’s obligation to be grateful towards—”
“Is that how humans treat their women?” Yoongi spits, agitated just by the thought. He leans against a table next to you, arms crossed like he’s simply not having it, “To ignore your own say and force you to think you should just be appreciative? That’s some bullshit.”
“It’s not as serious as I’m making it seem it’s just…” You think of your aunts and the elders and Taehyung’s mom. How you’ve grown into a nuisance, lacking here or there. The time where you were supposed to return to the village after a successful Offering and marry and finally be someone to be proud of. “In my case, especially, it’s probably better off I’m just someone’s wife. I’ve never been much to begin with.”
And that’s truly heartbreaking for Yoongi to hear, so much that he becomes enraged with whatever twisted society you grew up in, “Y/N. What have you been doing these last few months?”
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“I mean, what have you been doing? Just sitting around? Watching me sweep circles around you? Serve your meals on a silver platter and draw your baths? No, because you’ve been doing that yourself. For yourself. By yourself.” The look of confusion on your face causes him to huff before he continues. “Sure, you were a little rough around the edges with some things but who isn’t? You hunt, you cook, you read like no other, you do a lot of great things and it’s not because you’re trying to do it right. You do it right when you like what you’re doing.”
“Yoongi, I understand. Thank you but you don’t have to—”
He walks toward you, lecturing on. “I know it’s by unwanted circumstances. But has your time here been horrible? Have you despised being here and doing these things?”
Your answer is immediate, “No. Not at all.”
“Has it not been nice to have your own space and do things simply because you want to? Because you were thinking of yourself?”
“I-It has been… I don’t know where you’re getting at.”
Your legs hit the corner of another table and you notice he’s backed you up into it.
“So, you go back and you do what you want like you have here. Don’t worry about what they think. Wait until you’re ready. Marry for absolute, unwavering love. Be a little selfish,” Yoongi hooks your chin with his index and props it up. You didn’t even realize you were looking to the ground. “Look up.”
Your heart stammers, “But Taehyung…”
So Taehyung is his name, Yoongi thinks. He frankly does not care.
“Do you love him?”
“Perhaps I was mistaken. Do you want to marry Taehyung because you truly love him?”
You see his lips before you hear his words, parted and nearing you bit by bit. So close that you feel his warmth, aching to close the distance. “I…”
A shovel clatters onto the stone and Yoongi removes his arm that’s found its way around your back, shuffles backwards and lets your hand fall from his face. It was natural to touch him, you realize, unaware that you feel distant and cold when he’s away.
Yoongi picks the damn thing up and curses. It wasn’t like him to be so forward, close to doing the unimaginable to you. You, who was involved with someone else. Heading towards the door, he ruffles his wings like he’s restarting.
“Forget I said that,” he requests, “I’m going to wash up.”
You nod, frozen in your spot with legs too unstable to dare walk. Without even knowing you had reached for him, so close to doing something you’ve only been secretly daydreaming about of recent and how incredibly wrong it was for you to think this way. But in another sense, you would feel worse lying to yourself by saying you weren’t attracted to the seraph. It was a twisted contradiction of emotions and you could scream.
Needless to say, you don’t see Yoongi until the next day, and even then nothing is mentioned of the almost.
Part Ten
On Tuesday, the bird returns with a letter from your family and Taehyung. It’s brief, with evident relief that the snow is melting and how happy they’ll be to see your face. Your heart sinks at how much you miss them yet how angry you are to receive the letter. To what extent would they be happy to have you home? Until you dare humiliate Taehyung when you turn him down? To dishonor your name and his parents and gain the glances of people who care more about your failures?
You calm and shoo such immature feelings away. Yoongi is confused when you don’t send a letter back and you return to your room early that night.
You haven’t had a full night’s rest that entire week. You’re sure Yoongi notices the tension and that makes you feel horrible, but the lingering necessity to run to him and never go back to the village is too prominent to just face head on.
He’s been checking the trail every day, making dents on the softer parts of the snow when he can and updating you when he returns. You know he doesn’t want you to leave and you know he thinks you feel the same. Maybe it would have been better if you hadn’t said anything about the proposal that day.
Flipped onto your back, you stare at the ray of moonlight that floats atop your bed. You would miss it here, so much that it hurts your throat. You would miss the windows, the kitchen, the greenhouse, the library that Yoongi was happy to share. It goes without saying that you would miss him the most.
Unprompted imaging of a possible future with him interrupt your thoughts, something so uncertain and fortuitous in comparison to the stone-set fate you have now. What the stoic seraph would think if you just asked him to stay a little longer, until you know you would never leave. The landslide and how much you had hated that unfortunate event seems so insignificant now, replaced with a dimmed appreciation for this life detour, no matter how short lived it will end up.
You’re probably on the verge of sleeping now, thinking of the incident and it’s wild connection to your present out of pure lunacy. You could bet your entire existence on the fact that you were meant to meet him; your entrapment by the snow no mere coincidence. Neither was Yoongi’s endless solitude atop this mountain. It had to be fate that you two were to meet at this moment and your heart feels it so strongly.
Even for you this could be too far-fetched, or maybe you were just trying to cover up the way your heart is undoubtingly falling for Min Yoongi.
 Final Part
 You prod the logs, provoking them to catch more of the fire. In your last night do you decide to pour a glass of wine, kneel on a pile of blankets and snack on the charcuterie board you made for yourself. In the past, you used to be so hesitant about helping yourself to the manor’s amenities, having no problem doing it now.
The lame, weak fire is your only source of light in the large living room, clouds blocking the moon from shining through. You feel, immaturely, just as cloudy. Set in your intentions to leave your feelings locked away as to not cause more trouble, confusion, and inevitable heartbreak.
“You look quite comfortable,” Yoongi surprises you and he can tell when you jolt. Speaking of the devil. He looks great in the dark too, leaning against a wooden pillar with folded arms.
“Well, it feels like I’ve lived here for quite a bit. Just,” you break to sigh with exaggeration, “soaking it in before I leave. Too beautiful to not.”
If not for the crackling between the wood, it’d be dead quiet.
“Would you like to join me?”
He titters, rolling his eyes before he walks your way. Laying on his side, you offer him your glass. “I hope you don’t mind that I used the wine from the ritual contents. With the stuff you normally drink, this must be nothing.”
“Like water to me but I’ll enjoy it nonetheless.”
You cheers to nothing with one glass to share. Occasionally picking off meat and fruit from the board and enjoying how the fire builds up.
“Your family will be so happy to see you.”
You hum. You suppose they would. Avoiding the bitterness you still associate with the thought.
“And I’m sure Taehyung will be too.” He says a little clipped. Not in a way to be facetious or sarcastic but because he feels the need to address it.
Yoongi is caught on the carmine scarf again, downing the rest of your poor wine.
Forcing a smile, you speak faintly, “Let’s not talk about that.”
At this point you both know. He nods to keep you happy, but there is no hiding or pretending. In front of the flames, your lies and justifications seem to melt away unspoken. Changing the subject, you shove him lightly, “You’ll miss me when I’m gone. I don’t think you’ll ever learn to bake as well as I do.”
He tuts, which is refreshing. “I’m great at cooking and baking, I’ll have you know. It was just nice having someone else do it for once.” You feign betrayal and scoff aloud. He mumbles low, “But I’ll miss you for more reasons than that.”
And he breaks an unmade promise not to bring it up again. Feeling the need to throw it out in the open and even with the simplicity of admitting that he’ll miss you, you really know what he means. The seraph feels for you. He feels deeply. Yoongi doesn’t expect a response, just pops more food in his mouth and rests his eyes.
You contemplate, following suit with a bite to a grape and thinking hard. What to do. What to say. How to say it if you did. You weren’t supposed to feel this way and it goes way beyond the rule of even coming in contact with a seraph, let alone unconsciously falling in love with one. 
But that’s just it: how you live by assumptions and rules based off the words of the ignorant villagers and the elders, how they all believe the seraphs are all still here, how they think there’s a direct relation to the Offering and a year’s good harvest, how it’s bad luck to see a seraph’s wings when it’s brought you anything but. If you learned anything from this winter, it was that you found you own way of living, thank the curiosity your home curses you for. Making your own path instead of aimlessly walking one that was already paved. You learned to trust yourself a little more while Yoongi propelled you forward and believed you deserved it all. You learned you did deserve more. You learned what love really felt like when it was new and fresh and exciting and real. And Yoongi. Yoongi, Yoongi, Yoongi was the wine to your previously empty glass, and this winter with this man, it was heaven.
You decide the realization is enough for you. Have been gifted with so many things and blessings that you’re grateful for the chance to have met someone like him.
“I’ll miss you, Yoongi.”
Yoongi tastes bitter in his mouth. He felt that if all these years left alone in a manor of silence and rejection was to eventually meet you he would do it a million times, but if all you could reciprocate was this then it just wasn’t meant to be for him. It felt unfair but it also wasn’t his decision. He takes the sourness with him and stands. “I suppose I should head to bed.”
Your sad stare breaks his heart, even more so when you give up and nod. The fire catches your attention as it pops and you leave it at that. He tries to walk away, footsteps haunting, until he stops altogether.
It comes unexpectedly when he wraps his arms around you tightly, pressing his knees into your back. A weird sight it is to see his wings unfurl and curl around your rigid body. “Are you satisfied? Is this enough for you?” His voice is soft, like he could take either answer as long as he heard it from you directly.
“Why don’t you ask for more.”
“You’ve already done too much for me, how could I possibly ask you for more?”
He hisses liar into your ear. “Is it your family?”
“Is it him? Taehyung?”
Here you are again, faced with a question that tore you apart in the garden while you ached to be with Yoongi anyway. But there were no distractions here; nothing to interrupt your thoughts. Just you, Yoongi and your truth. He loosens his grip so you can face each other, knees between knees. Instinctively, you reach out for his feathers and indulge yourself with their softness. He pushes his wing into your hand as if to bribe you like a child.
He grows impatient, “Do you love him?”
You don’t waver, “No.”
A quick glint in his eye, a sort of relief, and then he finishes what he’s started and kisses you. It’s wrong how right it feels, lonely lips moving in tandem to find comfort in one another. Yoongi leans into it, absolutely devastated by your simple touch. The strength of the wine remains on your lips and he can’t help but lick into the flavor, drunkenly entranced by such luxuries. Yoongi’s hands can’t stay, snaking up your back, caressing your face, dragging his knuckles across your jaw and finally grabbing at the scarf. Carefully, he unwraps it from your neck, slow enough to feel it tickle your shoulder blades, before he folds it respectfully and places it elsewhere.
You sigh, more weight taken off your shoulders than there should be.
“Is this okay?” His voice raspy, speaking into the corner of your mouth. You’re stiff, nodding shyly and lacking the fire you brought up until this point.
He rewords, “Do you want me?” Yoongi feels the need to confirm, waiting for this moment for so long that it seems superficial. Like if he’s not careful, you’ll disappear into another one of his many short-lived dreams.
“Of course I want you, Yoongi. I want you more than anything…” But your eyes flicker to the ground, your lip tucked between your teeth.
“Then what’s wrong, lovely? You don’t have to.”
“No! I want to, I just… I’ve never done this before. I want you so bad but I don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing—”
His laughs are light, his hand on the small of your back as he dips you onto the floor. Holding himself above, he plants a soft kiss on your cheek. “You don’t have to do anything. I’ll take care of you. I want you and we’ll go slow and if you decide you don’t want to anymore, we won’t.”
The way he makes you feel, how gentle he is, you couldn’t imagine a more perfect way for this to happen. It eases you slightly, letting your arms snake around him in an attempt to let your guard down. He’s patient and wonderful and you mumble about it. “Mhm, okay.”
The night robe he’s gifted you now poses a problem, his slender fingers looping through the bow that keeps it wrapped, “Can I?” You nod again, and he unties you like his own present. The feeling of being bare in front of him becomes apparent when he sucks in and the heat from the fire dances against your skin. Other than that, you look to the window to avoid his face.
“My love, look at me.”
His commands are easy to follow but you cover your breasts to hang onto your last bit of pride, granting eye contact at the least.
Face flushed, you can tell he, too, is trying his best. “You’re incredible. More prepossessing than I could have ever imagined. You shouldn’t be embarrassed in front of me.”
“Well,” you retaliate, “it’s hard not to be when I’m the only one naked.”
He grins at the challenge, sitting up to shed his layers, never noticing his garments having to wrap around in a way to accommodate to his wings. You just thought it was just a more ornamental way of dressing that the seraphs took to. He’s left down to tight underwear that hugs him incredibly, beautiful milky skin exposed and tinted with golden light. “Satisfied?” He lilts.
“You look like an angel,” you trace indents of faint abs. Wide shoulders that taper into a tiny waist, a slim build that you could study forever.
He kisses your words away, pushing you into plush comforters and pillows. A makeshift nest unintentionally built for the two of you. A groan rewards him when he licks your bottom lip teasingly, taking your wrists swiftly to pin them above you. “Pretty thing, I don’t have a halo.”
He starts from the top, kissing each inside of wrist before moving down your arm, slithering onto your shoulder, then into the crook of your neck with gentle suckles. Teeth grazes before puncturing, eliciting a yelp from you that satisfies him. He does this over and over, decorating the canvas of your neck.
“I want to burn you into my memory. I don’t ever want to forget this,” he moans with a wake left down until he meets cleavage. His muscles were relentless, impatient and eager, wanting to worship ever square inch of your body as you rightfully deserved. Your squeaks serve his purpose, his muse as he continues his ministrations down.
Out of nowhere, “I don’t want you to leave me, Y/N.” The profession makes you giddy, happy you’re not the only one who feels so. A hidden insecurity acknowledged and lifted.
“I don’t have to if you don’t want me to.”
“Let’s talk about it after?”
He reaches your stomach and doesn’t hesitate to nibble there too, flinching when your hand flies to his head and buries itself in his hair. He ditches his current plan to grab your hand and plant a kiss to your palm in a second, making you giggle.
He admits, “I like when you touch me.”
“I want to. I feel so useless letting you do this alone.”
“You’ll get a chance if you’d like later. But right now, it’s all about you.” Husking it out. Of course, the idea sounds blissful, but the scene of having you cum by his actions sound better. “Need to cherish what’s in front of me properly.”
So he dips dangerously, laving at the skin above the hem of your panties and hooking his fingers under the sides, “Please,” he breathes.
“You… can do whatever you’d like to me. I want it all.”
He tugs his lip between his teeth, pulling it down. An unexpected wetness strings between your skin and the cloth and you both see it; him amazed, you horribly mortified. You stutter trying to explain yourself, oblivious that you could even feel as aroused as you do now. But his forehead falls onto the jut of your hipbone and you can hear subtle teasing in his tone. “I-I’m just as nervous and that was so incredibly sexy. I don’t think I can go on, shit.”
You laugh stupidly. “Quiet! Not another word! Just hurry up and—”
That terrible habit of looking away becomes your biggest fault, unprepared for Yoongi to filthily bury his tongue into your heat. He flattens his tongue and tantalizingly drags up until he can just barely flick your clit with the tip. Growling in the process.
“You are so sweet. The sweetest I could ever have. You will be the end of me.” Rushed in panted breaths as he does it again. And again. And again. So much that the growing sound of wet against wet echoes in the empty room and renders you paralyzed.
The feeling of it makes you squeamish, like you want to move, buck your hips, pull his hair. Despite the lewdness of having his rough tongue against you and lapping you clean, you could never ask him to stop.
“You just… keep getting… wetter…” He says between turns. “You really wanted me this much?”
“Yoongi—ah! Please, I can’t. It feels weird.”
“You don’t want me to continue, my love?” He asks lightly, blowing cold air onto damp skin and really forcing you to buck.
“No! I just… I have never felt like this. I want you to but I can’t sit still.”
“Oh? Let me help you then. But you have to let me finish.” So you shyly nod and loosen your legs. He uses the prompt to scoop them underneath his arms and attach the back of your knees atop his shoulders, your hips curving up and towards him in a new, tight position.
“No matter how you feel, just let it happen.”
Sultry wails are music to his ears when he brutally sucks on your clit, licking your folds here and there and using all his strength to keep you in place. He spells out his love with his tongue, digs it into you sweetly. His power, though, anything but kind.
“Uncover your eyes,” he orders deeply.
You whimper, begging for mercy.
“Look. At. Me.”
Unveiling your view, his stare immediately burns into your veins. Looking at you under dangerously slanted lids and that sinful mouth. Holding you in place with strength that could leave prints into your soft legs. With one roll of your clit under his teeth, you feel in ways you never knew how, as if all the pressure that built up in your abdomen suddenly overflowed with a tight burst. Choked sobs and hand gripping his hair enough to make him moan into you, vibrating wonderfully as he works you through it. 
He lets you go, remnants of syrupy arousal trickling down his chin; watches your legs fall open widely and your chest heave for air. Your features bring him joy, loving the way your hair sticks to your face with sweat, eyes closed, and brows knit together in concentration. He loved seeing you painted in warm hues and although he was never an artist, he could replicate this scene exactly how it’s displayed in front of him.
“How do you feel, lovely?”
You respond with a weak smile. “You’re so cruel… Min Yoongi.” You felt flimsy; weightless. A feeling you could come to love too much if you aren’t careful.
“I just wanted to make you feel good,” slithering back up to rest his head in your neck, giving you more kisses like you haven’t had enough. You’re happy he’s back, massaging your hands over his torso, up his neck, down his spine. And then you hit it and he tenses.
Thick and raised, an area between his wings that softly juts out. It was fairly large and the texture varied from the rest of his beautiful planes of skin. It was a scar. Wide as a dagger.
“I wish it wasn’t there. I know it’s—”
“Yoongi, baby.” You nudge him to lift his head and he does unwillingly, face turned away. “My Yoongi, it’s nothing. What happened was horrible but it’s over. And I will do everything in my power to make it up to you by giving all of me.”
His lips stop you tenderly, a whisper of affection that pours out love, “You didn’t do anything. In fact, you’ve made me better. I wasn’t able to feel anything for a long time until you. So. Thank you.”
Any remaining embarrassment vanishes. Not when Yoongi’s done his part and you would do anything to take care of him.
Sweat molds your bodies together, heat emanating from a fire that’s ablaze now. There’s a private summer in this room while winter continues outside and it feels special to you. It’s hot here, hot when Yoongi scrapes his teeth against yours, hot where his pelvis lays. You take notice to the hard thing twitching against your thigh, making you flinch.
“Ah, I’m sorry. And we’re in A Mood and all.” Yoongi snickers.
“Don’t be,” you purr, feeling a bit lustful and reaching down to grab it through the cloth.
He hisses, “Fuck! Fuck, please, I’m so sensitive at the moment.”
Ignoring him, you unskillfully maneuver your fingers around him. Just touching to be familiarized with it. He surges forward accidentally, sighing in your ear as he shamelessly humps the space between your groin. You use his distracted state to pull his shorts down, the sudden reality of his skin touching yours bringing about sensual noises from the both of you. A sudden spurt of precum makes it easier for him to drag his heavy cock against your hip.
“I’m sorry. It just feels so good.”
“Stop apologizing. I’ll help you.” You stare down as you flick your wrist, encircling him with fingers shaped in an o and pumping him slow.
“Squeeze,” he pleads and you oblige.
“Is it… supposed to be this large?” It’s a stupid question to ask, especially when you’re not entirely clueless. You know his size exceeds average proportions.
“Don’t spoil me. Seraphs have always been larger than humans. Height wise, I was the smallest of my brothers though.” Which seemed unimaginable to you, not when he towers over you and could easily devour you in a hug. Cock hanging low and barely able to keep in your single hand. He must be acting coy.
“Now you’re just bragging!”
“I’m just being honest. I’m automatically pleasing to the likes of you,” he chuckles.
The dampness overflows, smears over your skin in incredible amounts and how you wish you could taste out of pure curiosity, but he has other plans for you.
��I don’t think I can hold myself any longer. Please.”
“That’s… fine. Um, should we? Like this?”
“It’s so hot, could you flip on your side?” You roll and he figures he’s made a mistake. Entranced by the way your weight, breasts and soft curves, naturally gravitate down in a seductive pose.
“Like this?” You ask, unaware that he could simply die right now.
He lifts your leg to rest on his shoulder again, easy to stretch. “Perfect, my love. I’m going to go slow. If it’s too much we can try again another time, okay? No rush.”
Challenged by his kindness, you shake your head, “I’m fine. I’m ready.”
Whatever’s left of the arousal between you both is more than enough to let him enter easily. Head of his member no problem to push past that initial tension.
But it’s his shaft that makes you keen, entire length seeming endless as he fills you and overloads your maximum space. You cry, nerves making you writhe, “It’s not going to fit all the way—hah…wait.”
Yoongi struggles to hold himself back, perspiration dripping down his nose, “Are you okay? Does it hurt? It doesn’t need to, I’m pretty close to being all the way in anyway.”
“I’m fine,” you pant, head lolled to the side as he stretches you out in an odd, numbing way. “You can… you can move.”
His hips test it, pulling out so little to only be sucked back in with a leveled grunt. “Baby, you’re barely allowing me to.”
“It feels so tight,” you sigh, worried that if you move it’ll really begin to hurt.
“Ah, really? Let’s do this then.” He quick to please, wanting your pleasure before his own and getting you to flip, propped onto your elbows and filled from behind. Smooth chest meets your arched back, him hiding a kiss below your ear while he’s there. A moan aches in your throat as his dick unintentionally digs deeper inside, easier to move and to the hilt.
“Is this better, Y/N?”
“Hah… Yes. Yes, so much better. So good. Please move.”
His hips roll, just enough to grind into you which feels nothing but euphoric in itself. You mimic each other’s lusty whimpers with every movement. Caving into each other’s kisses and licks and pants that you feel synchronized.
Yoongi grows impatient with himself, exaggerating how he pulls out and slams himself back inside. The mere force that he fucks into you sends you forward, opting to lay on your chest and bite the blankets beneath you to keep from screaming. “You feel so good. So, so good. I’m sorry it hasn’t been long, but I feel like…”
His wings fall at his sides and cover you in shadow. It’s weird to see them like this, in a way you could imagine the perspective of having them yourself. But it covers you in unnecessary warmth and makes you grunt.
“It’s hot,” you admit with a quick breath, “Let me on top. I’ll finish.”
The way his member slides out; the way it leaves you tensing over nothing is a sad, needy feeling. You don’t slow at the chance to lay him down and take control, straddling him and watching his face contort in loving awe.
Sitting on him is an entirely different feeling and Yoongi keeps himself from cumming inside you right away, a choke in his throat. “Fuck, fuckfuckfcuk. Y/N, I won’t last like this for long please—”
“I’ll make it quick.” You lean over him, palms to the ground as you start moving, grinding and using him to your advantage. The nerves start again and you shake with pleasure.
“Yoongi, Yoongi, Yoongi!”
Slender fingers dig into your velvety hips as he forces himself into you with harsh, quick jabs. “Baby, I have to cum.” He smooths his knuckles over your cheek, pulling you down into a tongue heavy-kiss in an impossibly fiery caress.
The ramming he enforces take incoherent sobs from your lips. You feel a ghost of a smile, sure Yoongi is enjoying your shameless display of indulgence; coming undone before his very eyes.
You arch into him, clenching tighter and falling onto his chest. With impeccable timing he pulls out, strings of hot white flooding between your stomachs.
“A lot,” you complain.
“Mmm. Because I’ve been waiting so long to have you.”
Without the pressure of moving, you lay on him despite the humidity. Petting the underside of his wings as they drape so gracefully against the blankets and the rug.
“I need to go home tomorrow.”
His heart sinks, “Oh?”
“To see my family. To come home and let them know I’m okay.”
“Yes, of course.” He’s afraid that you won’t come back, though.
“And… to turn down Taehyung’s proposal in person.”
Yoongi looks down and can’t see your face but he’s imagined it’s worried. “Y-Yeah?”
“Yeah. And Yoongi?”
He waits. You speak again, “Do you really want to be with me? For me to stay?”
“More than anything.”
He feels the tug of your cheeks on his chest; a wide smile.
“Then I’ll need to get my stuff.” And that makes him want to cry. After traumatic betrayal and years of loathing his punishment of isolation, he’s finally being let out of his cage. Free to be with someone that cares for him as much as he cares for you.
Your last thoughts remain on the fire and how it’s the only other entity to to swallow your talks, plans and confessions. Of his feathers like his arms as they fold in comfortably next to you, feeling like they’re meant to be there. Like you really were fated to be skin-to-skin with this man in his manor. Entwined by trust and love and an unprecedented future that would be everything as long as he’s in it. An irony of a useless girl and flightless wings.
Yoongi watches you fall under, wiping his thumb over your lips, trailing it down your chin and covering your naked body with his wing. Slumber finds him soon after, mind stuck on his self-epiphany that he had to lose his wings to gain you, and how incredibly lucky he is to have it that way.
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a/n: ahAhaA, i’m sorry. please feel free to let me know what you think.
❋ masterlist ❋
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Nothing Else Matters [Jaime Lannister x Reader]
Request: "Hi! I haven’t followed you for too long, but your writing is just amazing !💞 I read that you were doing some GOT requests, and I have a little idea lmao. Maybe you could do something with Jaime/reader, where the reader is Ramsay Bolton’s half-Sister, not a bastard and after he killed their father, she’s scared for her life, and maybe asks Jaime to protect her?" by anonymous
A/n:Thank you so much dear anon 💕💕 Please enjoy and don’t hesitate to leave a comment! I love every single piece I write, but this one here holds a special place in my heart. 
Words: 4400 (got a little carried away) || GoT Masterlist
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The Boltons were a noble House of the North and had even served as bannermen for the Starks and there was nothing about the Bolton legacy you didn't accept or honor. However, you despised the way your father, Lord Bolton ruled. He was cruel and manipulative and didn’t care about either honor or decency. At the same time, he trained his bastard son, Ramsay to become even more vicious than he could ever be in the promise of legitimizing him.
Ramsay had always been distant and cold, but now a new side of him had come to the light and it scared the living hell out of you. This Ramsay was ruthless and sadistic, taking pleasure into watching people suffer through unimaginable torture. This was a monster. And the worst part was that this monster had always been hidden inside him lurking in the shadows and waiting for the right time to appear. Being in Ramsay's presence had always felt uncomfortable but slowly it had gotten increasingly worse to the point where you found yourself being afraid of him.
The relationship you had with Roose was a complicated one and had only gotten tenser when his soldiers had brought Jaime Lannister to Dreadfort as a prisoner. You had only met the Lannister once, back in King's Landing so there was no specific reason for you to defend him apart from the fact that the way they treated him and his companion was at best inhuman.
"He is a prisoner not a guest" Ramsay's voice echoed down the halls
"Most of all, he is a living person and he deserves some dignity" you argued sharply having suffered enough of Ramsay's behavior the last days
"He won't stay with a living for a long time if you push this further" Ramsay hissed through gritted teeth causing you to shoot him a stare so cold that could freeze the seven hells over
"That's enough" your father interrupted the fight "Jaime Lannister is our captive. Royalty or not, we don't have people to spare at him. If my dear daughter wishes so much that we get him a nurse maybe she should do it herself" he added giving you a challenging look. Taking care of the prisoners was a task for the lowest servants, therefore no one believed a noble born lady such as yourself would diminish herself in order to complete it.
"If that is the case" you replied making your exit and slamming the door behind you. Knowing only the basic of medicine you had almost no idea what would help a man whose arm had been cut off. Gathering anything that seemed useful, you headed towards the small room he had been thrown in while countless thoughts were running through your head.
Why was your father supporting Ramsay?
Would he actually give him Dreadfort?
What in Seven Hells would happen then?
Taking a deep breath, you decided to deal with one problem at the time. The current one came in the shape of two soldiers guarding Jaime's room/cell.
"What is your business here?" one of them asked sternly
"By order of Lord Bolton, you have been dismissed. Both of you" you straight up lied knowing they wouldn’t dare question what they believed to be your father's orders. When they had walked away from the corridor, you knocked on the door but you were met with no reply. Deciding that could be your only chance, you ignored all formalities and busted inside the room, where you came across a startling sight.
Jaime was sitting in a dirty cot on the floor struggling to put on a shirt while his old one was thrown away, completely covered in mud and blood. His state was horrible. Every inch of skin was full of cuts and bruises and his once blood hair now seemed much darker due to the amount of dirt covering them. His left arm was wrapped in a thin cloth that had ended up completely soaked in blood, almost certain to cause an infection if left that way.
"I thought not answering the door was a clear sign not to enter" he snapped as you expected him to. He had been hurt and stripped of the one thing he cared about the most, his pride, of course he would be angry.
"I apologize. I came to help and since this may be the only time I'm allowed here I believe it shouldn't be wasted" you explained calmly knowing it would take a fight to convince him you weren't another trick of your father's.
"I don’t need your help" Jaime insisted giving you a death glare.
"We both know that if your hand doesn't get tended to, it will get infected. I can assure you that is the last thing you need right now" you replied not shying away from his threatening look.
"I remember you. Tell me, Y/n Bolton, why would Lord Bolton send his daughter to complete the task of a servant?" he shot back defensively. Pushing away the surprise that statement caused, you chose to keep a neutral expression.
"Because she volunteered. You may not want to admit it, but you need help. There's no way you can fight your way out of this. So, shut up and let me help you before you end up dead" you replied locking eyes with him. If you wanted to be honest, you’d admit you didn’t even know why you cared so much about him. Giving up, Jaime sat back down on the cot and allowed you to kneel next to him "This is going to hurt" you warned carefully before unwrapping the cloth from around his mutilated hand.
"Do what you will, I don’t care" he said, looking anywhere but at you. In truth, Jaime was embarrassed by the situation you had found him in. The Lannister valued pride above anything and if there was one thing he despised the most, that was feeling weak and helpless. Having you, or anyone for that matter, seeing him in this state only served to make it more real which hurt him even more.
Carefully, you picked up a new cloth and cleaned as much blood as you could before dripping it in boiled wine. Attempting to make your moves as gentle as possible in order not to inflict any more pain, you disinfected the wound the best you could while muffled groans of pain escaped Jaime's lips. By the time you were done his breath was coming out in erratic gasps and his eyes were closed in pain.
Tying a clean cloth around his hand, Jaime was surprised by the gentleness of your actions. Your almost feather-like touch was a pleasant sensation on the scarred skin of his forearm and he sighted at the contact.
"The worst is over" you reassured, reaching over to squeeze his shoulder causing him to flinch away as if your touch had burned him. Being quick to withdraw your hand, you took a step back in an attempt to give him some space "Try to get some sleep. I'll come back tomorrow" you said upon noticing just how exhausted the Lannister looked. There was much work to be done and yet for now he needed to rest or you were afraid he would pass out.
"Don't" he responded, but the door had already slammed shut behind you. That night Jaime was actually able to sleep due to the pain in his hand having significantly lessened.
Despite his protests, you did as you said and returned the next day and the day after that. Every time you'd tend to his hand or any other wounds on his face and chest and simply leave without asking for anything. When you noticed he wasn't eating you’d bring him loaves of bread and fresh water from the kitchens and insisted that he ate.
Slowly, Jaime had started warming up to you, realizing you were truly trying to help and were not there to trick him or extract information. As days came by, he started picking up small conversations during your visits as he'd try to find out more about you. Slowly a bond formed between the two of you as he came to know you and despite the circumstances Jaime found himself actually liking having you around. As time went by he'd ask for your help, reluctantly at first, but growing more and more comfortable with your presence later on.
Hearing the door creak, Jaime smiled as he watched you walk into the room.
"How's my lion doing?" you asked playfully. The nickname had started out as a joke but ended up sticking around and Jaime couldn’t deny that hearing it come from your lips send a wave of pride down his spine. Maybe not only pride… he thought, but quickly brushed it off.
"Same as yesterday. Are there any news of the Capitol?" he asked hopefully and the only thing you could do was nod in denial. Every day, he'd ask the same question, hoping his House would communicate with the Boltons, setting the terms of his release and every day he was met with the same answer.
"I can send a raven to them" you suggested surprising the both of you. What you were talking about was treason to your house and you knew it. But were you really loyal to a house that tortured and killed prisoners? A house that turned their back to the North by refusing Robb Stark's call? A house ran by madmen? The answer was clear, house Bolton meant nothing to you anymore.
"They'd kill us both if they caught you" Jaime argued. Somewhere between the continuous bickering and your incredible persistence, the man had come to truly care about you. The kind and decisive nature of your character had motivated him to open up to you causing the strange unexpected bond that existed between the two of you to bloom.
"They would never know" you replied but the look on Jaime's face made sure he wouldn't accept your offer.
"There is something you could do" he started somewhat hesitantly as he always did when he was asking something. This time however, there was something else added to his tone as if he had put thought into it "This is starting to get more than a little annoying" he added motioning towards his newly grown beard. Unwontedly, you allowed a chuckle to escape your lips. Out of all things he could ask for, Jaime chose a shave was the most necessary.
Upon seeing your smile a warm feeling tugged at Jaime's heart. That seemed to happen increasingly when he was around you, he realized as you left only to come back a few minutes later holding a washbowl full of water. Deep down Jaime knew exactly what that weird feeling meant, but refused to admit it in fear of what that could signify. Try as he did, there was no way to ignore the way his heart skipped a beat when you delicately placed a hand on his cheek in order to keep him steady.
Jaime claimed to be in love with Cersei for as long as he could remember and still there had been not a single moment he had felt anything similar around his sister. The way his skin felt like it was on fire whenever you touched him was a completely new and all the same welcomed sensation.
While you were working on getting rid of Jaime's beard, you couldn't help admire his delicate features. Even if there were almost healed cuts all over his face, the Lannister was undoubtedly handsome, with his sharp jawline and his capturing emerald green eyes. Snapping out of your thoughts, you realized said eyes were staring at you with an almost unprecedented intensity, giving you the impression he was seeing right through you.
Allowing yourself to get lost in his fervent gaze, you inched closer to him in an agonizingly slow pace until the distance between you was practically nonexistent. Time seemed to freeze as his eyes lowered down to your lips causing your breath to get caught in your throat. The hand that was resting on his cheek slowly traced down to his jaw provoking a shiver to run down Jaime's spine. Glancing back up at you, he searched your eyes for any sign of hesitation but found none. His lips parted as an almost inaudible sight escaped him, right before he moved to close the microscopic distance that was left between your lips and his.
The sound of a door slamming open ruined the moment causing the both of you to jump back. Looking behind your shoulder you were met with a familiar cruel smirk.
"Seems like there was a reason to care about the prisoner after all" Ramsey exclaimed loudly followed by a humorless laugh that caused the blood to freeze in your veins "A Lannister's whore? That's low even for you, dear sister" he added. Jaime was about to say something but you shot him a pleading look that prevented him from voicing any of the thoughts running through his head. "Was she any good? Oh, I'm sure she must have been" he added turning to Jaime who was positively furious at this point, hoping he still had his sword hand so that he could give Ramsay what he deserved.
"What do you want, Ramsay?" you asked firmly trying to refrain from lashing out at him
"Father sent me. Seems like I must take away your toy. Tywin Lannister paid for his release" Ramsay explained "Escort the prisoner to the stables and send him off" he barked at the guards who rushed to do as he said. They grabbed Jaime who only had the chance to give you one last desperate look, before they led him down the dark corridors. Ramsay's laugh could be heard echoing into the room as he slammed the door leaving you alone in the room.
That was the last time you saw Jaime for a long while. Knowing he was finally able to escape your insane family and that he was finally safe was relieving and you tried to convince yourself that was the end of the story. However, no amount of stubbornness could erase the feeling of longing that grew in your chest every time your thoughts wondered to the blond Knight. The moment you two had shared haunted you even in the form of dreams until he was dominating all of your thoughts.
No matter how strong those concerns were, there was a much more important situation you had to deal with firstly. Ramsay had gotten increasingly more violent as his outbursts had begun getting extremely often. When you found out what he had done to poor Theon Greyjoy you were more that terrified and after your father legitimized him, Ramsay had completely lost it. Witnessing spiraling out of control was almost driving you crazy with fear for what would follow.
Once, you attempted to talk to your father about it but somehow Ramsay found out and you ended up locked in a cell for days with almost no food or water, while guards and even Ramsay himself beat you repeatedly. At some point, one of the guards tried to take advantage of you in a different way which infuriated Ramsay, who ordered his hounds to kill the man right in front of your eyes.
"This is the fate of those who disobey me. Watch and learn sister" he had hissed at you without a single hint of emotion in his tone.
When he finally allowed you to leave the cell, you were petrified to discover he had murdered Roose taking on the title of Lord Bolton. By that time you were certain what your fate would be had you stayed in Dreadfort any longer. So, gathering all your strength you wrapped a dark cloak around yourself and disappeared into the night leaving the place that had once been your home behind.
At the same time, word of Ramsay's unimaginable monstrosities had reached King's Landing making Jaime's worry hit the ceiling. He knew he had been lucky to have escaped the Boltons, but there was no way he could shake the feeling of guilt for not being able to take you with him and it was eating away at him. Almost every waking hour of his days was plagued with thoughts of you, just as his dreams were haunted by your presence.
Nothing had been the same since his return in the Capitol for the simple reason that he was not the same man that had left in the first place. Days had turned into weeks, but he had not been able to force your gentle touch and breathtaking smile out of his memory. Needless to say he was unable to see Cersei the same way, which only frustrated the woman making her more bitter and resentful, pushing Jaime further away from her.
Jerking upwards in his bed, Jaime looked around only to be crushed by the reality of his situation. He was alone in the large chamber that suddenly felt unfamiliarly cold and empty, in complete contrast with the warm and affectionate nature of his dream. You were there, of course you would be. And you were his. For a brief moment, Jaime was able to hold and worship you the way he desired to, the way you deserved. The illusion of your soft touch was lingering on his cheek, a bittersweet reminder of the heated moment the two of you had shared.
A knock on the door brought him back to the real world and he wondered who could be searching for him at such an ungodly hour of the night.
"Ser Jaime, I-I apologize for disturbing your sleep" the servant stuttered causing the knight to roll his eyes in annoyance. He was not Cersei, he would not sentence a servant to death because they had annoyed him.
"What do you want?" Jaime asked pointedly
"My Lord there have been news from the North. A raven just arrived and you asked to be briefed about-" the servant tried to explained but was quickly interrupted by Jaime
"I know what I asked. Where is the letter?" the annoyance in his tone had been replaced by something much more deep and sincere that almost resembled fear. Jaime dismissed the servant after being handed the letter and took a few calming breaths before lighting some candles and reading the content.
To say he was shocked at what he found out would be a terrible understatement as he was overcome by a sense of pure dread and blind terror. Roose Bolton being dead and Ramsay having been legitimized were bad enough on their own, but what really got to Jaime was yet to come. All it took was a couple of words to make Jaime's blood freeze in his veins as the cold hands of fear wrapped tightly around his throat.
Y/n Bolton has disappeared soon after being released from the cells. No word of her has been heard since and therefore is presumed dead.
No, you couldn’t be dead, he refused to believe that. You were too smart to die like this. Not hesitating for a single second, Jaime threw the letter in the fire and gathered the few belongings he would need to reach the North. With absolutely no plan and no sign of where to begin, Jaime rode a horse and left King's Landing behind him. You were somewhere out there and he was determined to find you for he would never forgive himself if he didn't.
Meanwhile, you found yourself in an almost similar situation. Left with no plan and next to no money, the only thing you could do was ride East. The first choice had of course been Winterfell, but seeing that the Starks were fighting their own war in combination of it being too obvious, you opted against it. However, that left you with a single choice, the Capitol. You knew northerners were no welcomed in King's Landing, especially under Cersei's rule, but you had hoped Jaime would manage to grant you passage to a ship heading towards the Free Cities or even allow you to stay for a few days.
The road so far had proven to be nothing but relentless as you had dealt with thieves, bandits and all sorts of criminals in your attempt to stay off the King's Road. Most of them had settled for sending you threatening looks, but some had tried more. Thankfully, despite the hurry you had left in, you had taken your favorite pair of daggers with you, rendering yourself more than capable of defense.
The incident seemed to repeat itself, you realized as a group of four rugged looking men attempted to corner you demanding for you to hand over any food or water you carried and asking if you were interested in keeping them company. Upon refusing to give them anything, swords had been pulled as one of them attempted to grab you by the hair. Ducking, you managed to escape his grip as the fight broke down. Even though you considered yourself to be a skillful fighter, you knew facing four men twice your size would be challenging.
Being able to push your dagger through one's armor, the man fell on the ground as a pool of blood formed around him. At that moment another had managed to sneak behind you and was getting ready to disarm you when a sword was pierced right through him. The other two saw the man in the golden armor standing behind you and ran off in fear of the Knight.
"Are you hurt girl?" a familiar voice asked gently causing your whole body to freeze. Trying to comprehend whether that was another one of your dreams, you turned around only to be faced with the man that had been haunting your thoughts.
"J-Jaime?" there was no use in trying to hide the quivering of your voice as your eyes finally met his. There were no words to express the depth and number of feelings that flooded your senses. For a moment neither of you spoke a word, too scared that even the smallest movement would break the spell and you'd be woken from your reverie as you had so many times before. And then it all came crashing down like a wave collapsing into the shore it had so desperately longed for during the storm.
There was no way to know who moved first, but somehow you found yourselves in each other's arms holding on like it was the only thing that kept you alive. Jaime grabbed a fistful of your dark cloak in a frantic attempt to make sure you were real. Burying his face in the crook of your neck he breathed you in trying to get a hold of the various emotions running through his mind. This is real, he told himself incapable to believe he had you in his arms once again.
Your hands were wrapped around his shoulders as you snuggled into his chest seeking to feel his body against yours and to hear his heartbeat. You didn't care how or why but he was there and that was all that mattered. Moving your hands to run through his hair, you felt your eyes well up with unshed tears tugging him even closer as your breath came out in short gasps through your trembling lips.
Upon feeling your whole body shaking in an almost violent way Jaime pulled away just enough so that he could look into your eyes only to be taken by surprise by the intensity of the unspoken feelings hiding there. Framing your face with his shaking hand he hesitated for a single moment before finally giving in and crashing his lips on yours. It was rough and possessive as you both expressed the feelings that had been drowning to be let out all this time. Longing, hopelessness and passion all mixed together as you pulled him closer by tugging on his hair. He moaned against your lips, a needy and desperate sound that made your body shiver and your heart to ache for him even more than it already was.
Breaking away, Jaime rested his forehead against yours as he used his thumb to delicately brush away the tears you hadn’t realized had escaped your eyes as you couldn't help noticing the contrast between his soft touch and the roughness of the kiss.
"I've got you. Look at me. Y/n, I've got you" he hushed you, leaving gentle kisses against your lips after every word as his grip on your waist got even tighter.
"I love you" you whispered in between tears causing Jaime to pull you into another embrace as he allowed you to calm down while he was leaving kisses all over your face, hand tangled in your hair "But you have to leave" you begged hoarsely "He's out to get me and he won't hesitate to kill you too"
"I don’t care. We're the only ones who matter, you and me. We'll figure it out" he insisted his eyes burning through you "Nothing else matters. Okay?"
Nodding in response you gave him a hesitant smile as he pulled you back into his arms. Jaime had just gotten you back and he was not going to let you go ever again. No matter what came your way, Jaime was determined to keep you safe as the thought of having to spend another day without you seemed torturous. He had finally found out what love felt and he would never give that up. Having everything he needed to be happy right there in his arms, Jaime felt complete for the first time in his life.
And nothing else mattered…
Jaime Lannister Taglist: @cyaa-niide
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tarajenkins · 5 years
Given what you've said of Vauthry, about how we're never given any chance to even try and redeem him, help him become a better person, I'd like to ask: how would you go about "saving" him? When he transforms into that Lucifer/Archangel Michael-looking guy, he seems permanently lost, but how would you write out a redemption narrative for him?
I love this ask, I hate the answer I have to give. But it’s gonna be a long response anyway, because context and because you already know I don’t know when to shut up about characters, lmao. 
SO I HOPE YOU LOVE HEARING ME RAMBLE UNDER THIS CUT (but I won’t blame you if you don’t)
I don’t think the in-game narrative allows Vauthry any chance at redemption in the current time, even if he had the agency to take it.  I don’t think we ever saw what he actually could have been. I think what we saw in Shadowbringers was the Lightwarden he’d been carrying finally “awakening”, as Innocence’s Triple Triad card put it. Or, as the X-Files put it in their eighth ep: “We are not who we are”.  
Even if that Lightwarden could be driven out of him (I know an “Aethertech” who would do anything to make that possible cough), I don’t know if he’d regain clarity he may never have had to start.  I’d love to think that he did, a long time ago. The Minstreling Wanderer tells us he can’t say whether or not Vauthry was a monster as a child, when you unlock Crown Of The Immaculate EX.
I believe the Lightwarden’s influence was driving a lot of his brutal acts of “justice”, because that is kinda their whole thing.  As for the man inside the monster?  I have a hunch he was desperate to not be seen as unnatural, and was trying to make sense out of what was happening to him in a way that would not make him a hybrid abomination. Because if he wasn’t a God, if he wasn’t this divine thing he was told he was – then what was he? The way he worded it, “this is why I was born…as man and Sin Eater both…” – it makes me feel he had, at some point in his life, at least once, ASKED why he was born as he was. That he had perceived it was wrong. He needed it to be right. And that was just fuel to the corruption fire.
The talk of godhood actually seemed to be a recent phenomenon, as no other NPC mentions a thing about it – they refer to him as “Lord Vauthry”, and speak of him in mortal terms, apart from his miraculous ability to keep the Sin Eaters at bay. He freely boasted of being a God to the Crystal Exarch, yet we’re to believe he didn’t say a word to his own people, all this time? Or that no one, in turn, would mention to us “Yyyyeah, about this guy….” Mayor Punchable Face may have told him he was a God, but it doesn’t sound like Vauthry bought into it enough to spread the good word for at least twenty years. 
Also consider he called his transformation into Innocence a “trial”. Why would a god need to be tested? And by whom?
By the time we see him in-game, it seemed he was in a rapid decline of sanity, or at least the ability to keep up appearances, and whatever was left of him was fervently clinging to the only purpose he was ever apparently given – which is exactly what that Lightwarden (and Emet-Selch) would want. 
 He was really cynical about the rest of humanity. Given his father, I can see where he’d get that from. Not that daddy told him people suck, it’s that Vauthry probably learned that by his father’s example. Maybe by the rest of Eulmore, too, but I got the impression he was kept seriously isolated from society before his inauguration. He seems to prefer being alone – he only leaves that room when he moves the Sin Eaters against Lakeland. He gives no indication he knows how to socialize, period. You either come to him, or you don’t see him. (He may be keenly aware humes don’t typically reach at least fifteen feet tall. Seriously, look at Cruelty’s size compared to player characters, now look how Cruelty makes a comfy couch for him.)
Cynical, and yet, he wanted to see the people of Eulmore’s “dreams fulfilled, their wishes granted”. Just so long as he was the one responsible, and he was the one recognized for it. He needed their acceptance. 
ANYHOO.  On to stuff I still have zero idea what to make of. 
I should preface the rest of this infodump with the fact I found the Eulmore arc to be the weakest of the expansion, between Vauthry and Ran'jit. Most of the MSQ was given nuance. Eulmore was given a Saturday Morning Cartoon sledge. A -lot- of questions, with no answers, unless Squeenix decides to be generous in a fifty-buck lore book later. (something I hated Warcraft for. I should not have to pony up for a book to understand the main story quest chain in a game.) So, here are some of the questions I’ve got:
They don’t really explain why Emet-Selch thought corrupting an infant was a good plan, as the Sin Eaters seemed guaranteed a win on The First, if only by outlasting the survivors of the Flood. Impatience, maybe? Why not give it to the mayor? That dickpickle would’ve said yes. Maybe we’ll get more answers with the Eden raid. IT’D BE NICE *COUGH*
- The meol thing.  
It’s using Sin Eater’s non-existant flesh to make a bread, and through that bit of Sin Eater, Vauthry could control whoever ate it.  The fanbase loves the “soylent green is people” angle, but it’s done pretty haphazardly, when you think about it like that? Sin Eaters have no lasting corporeal body. They are Light, mixed with a bit of the lingering essence of whatever they originally were – and what they originally were did not have to be humanoid. They dissolve into sparklies in the air upon death – and arguably, they would not have to die to contribute sparklies to somehow mix into food. Forgiven Cruelty lost a whole wing to Thancred when Thancred first took Ryne from Eulmore, and it seemed to have grown back just fine by the time we see Cruelty again. Killing Sin Eaters also would be entirely counterproductive to a nation that devoted themselves to NOT killing them. Also – we are shown the Afflicted, people who are falling to corruption from a SIn Eater attack they’d survived. How is it people who eat meol don’t become corrupted themselves?
Where did the idea for meol  even begin? Vauthry’s father was ousted by the people as mayor before Emet-Selch said hey there, friend, you have a punchable face, let’s make a deal – and Vauthry only took control of Eulmore 20 years ago. He looks a LOT older than 20, or even 40. So his father must’ve rode his child’s coattails before then.  Did Mayor Punchable Face think that was a wise countermeasure against future insurrection? In any case, Vauthry did not exert that control until the WoL and allies were coming to kill the Lightwarden of Kholusia (him), so it did not seem to be a priority of his. Alphinaud confirmed the people were of a free mind until they were made to fight the WoL and allies. (and dialogue stressed it was very noticeable when someone was not of a free mind.) Squeenix: *throws meol into purse* I have to go plotholes came up
- The “Perverted Paradise”.  (I at least giggle every time Alphinaud says this.)
Vauthry is presented as the pinnacle of vice, yet the game does not really show this well – in some cases, not at all.
Gluttony: He isn’t shown to indulge in drink, let alone overindulge. Apart from the meol scene at the end, which was related to controlling the Eater-corrupted citizenry, not gluttony, he was not shown to have so much as a snack. There’s food in his chamber, all of it untouched. But! In the Shadowbringers trailer, Squeenix thought the best example to showcase Eulmore’s decadence was – three thicc'qotes. Having pleasant conversation ‘round a table. Eating fresh fruit.
Not the creepy-ass old patron who thinks that  since his pretty servant can’t sing anymore, she should be “Ascended” as a kindness, although it was implied she could have recovered her health, just not her voice. Not the guy who tossed his servant from a balcony because reasons and wanted us to bring him back. Not even the noblewoman trying to have her servant killed because her lecherous husband put designs on the poor girl.
Three thicc'qotes. Having pleasant conversation ‘round a table. Eating fresh fruit.
We get it, Square, we’re supposed to see he’s fat and think that is bad. Moving on.
Lust: He doesn’t visit the adult nightclub downstairs (the adult nightclub that is shown practically empty and behind closed doors, the lewdness of it all – I clutch my pearls.) He doesn’t  creep on your player character like Magnai did in Stormblood – he doesn’t creep on anyone. He doesn’t want you to be his steed. No interest is shown in the Sin Eaters apart from them fighting for him, as much as some people in the fanbase theorize he is fucking them. (They probably think that Spirited Away is about the sex industry and My Neighbor Totoro is about dead girls, too.) This game is pretty blatant when they intend that sort of thing, see: Yotsuyu, Sastasha, any number of things in Ishgard or Ul'dah. I’ve found nothing here, except the German translation for “Consort Of Sin: Forgiven Obscenity” is “Purified Fornication: Playmate Of The Redeemer”. Since this is not implied in any other translation, I put my trust in Koji Fox and the fact Obscenity’s job seems to be Official Nose Petter to Forgiven Cruelty.
Greed: I am not going to hold his rings and his robes against him, as Urianger has just as much bling (more, actually), The wealthy are made to give up ALL their fortune to be permitted to stay in Eulmore – but that wealth is then used to provide everything for free to those who live there, and the free citizenry are apparently given funds for private use to boot. If they intended to show that Vauthry was using all that for hookers and blow for himself, it did not convey well.
Wrath: If one has broken the rules of the city (or has thrown shade that takes him a full two minutes to catch), Vauthry definitely has this in spades, with a temper tantrum a lot like Philia’s Fierce Beating attack.  But again, the writers don’t really show the extent of the wrath they are trying to tell . Because if you don’t break the rules? Nothing happens, apparently. Trouble seems to have to be brought forward to him, he doesn’t go looking for it.  It didn’t feel any different to me than the Grand Companies, yet this is the one that finally makes Alphinaud do the *GAAAAASP*.
The populace does not seem afraid of Vauthry. In fact, they feel free to pop ‘round to have a word if they think something needs doing. Chai-Nuzz did not seem distressed by his wife’s suggestion she would have a word with Vauthry to soothe the “hard feelings” stirred up in the quest “Emergent Splendor”.  
Pride: He has great pride in his ability to keep the SIn eaters under control, but doesn’t really display any vanity in himself. No portraits, statues, etc. When Alphinaud interfered with Kai-Shirr’s punishment, Alphinaud was told he’d be permitted to stay in the city if he made a painting – not a portrait of Vauthry, but of the city itself.
Sloth: We get it, Square, he’s fat and he sits down, moving the FUCK on.  No actually, hold up, to be honest? As tired and :| as he looked all the time, he struck me as depressed. What guy in Paradise looks that haggard?
NOW moving on.
Envy: If my theory holds, probably plenty of unresolved envy for folks who are not “half Sin Eater”. Otherwise, I can’t think of an example here.
- “Ascension” (Sure thing, Jan)
This is only made reference to in the Weeping Warbler quest chain. “As all know, the sin eaters exist to devour the sinful. But also do they serve to gather the souls of the innocent, and shepherd them unto celestial paradise.”
Sin eaters ate a meal that represents the sins of a household you fool oh wait this is The First
The thing I don’t get here is - why are there obviously limitations on who can be ascended, and when? If the idea is strictly to feed the Sin Eaters, or make meol, or just be an asshole, why is this the only time we hear of it?
It’s like if there are no more mortals, Vauthry wouldn’t have that reassurance he is doing good anymore. Either that, or since he’s never worked in retail, he doesn’t know how to push features.
But I’m betting on the former.
- LASTLY: the hypocrisy of the writer’s narrative (and the fanbase).
Tesleen was our first and horrifying sample of what Sin Eater corruption can do to a human. No matter how strong her will may have been, she was just lost to it. She scratches madly at her face when she uses one of her attacks in Holminster Switch, as though trying to stop herself, or punish herself. But she can’t help it. And we know this.
Titania was a tragedy, had to be stopped. But, a TRAGEDY. Whatever was left of the benevolent ruler was corrupted. There was never a moment where our heroes went “dis binch just evil, they gotta go down”. ( I had many choice words for Titania when I wiped enough times to them, but no actual game dialogue really says it. )
We, the Warrior Of Light, came this close to becoming a Warden ourselves. Somehow it was stalled (convenience!), but there was never a question corruption = bad and out of our control.
Vauthry, on the other hand, is treated as though he is in full control of his faculties, although the corruption before birth makes that questionable at best and he pretty clearly is not? Even as he did that Exorcist neck-twist, no one was like “oh fuck, the Sin Eaters got to another one, damn that poor man”.  (Which would seem a logical conclusion to me, I hate we have like zero real say in our characters’ reactions) Not even a “ahaha okay no seriously what the fuck is going on guys”. Nope. Their reaction was “EVIL”.  Trying to help somehow was never on the table. Watching him die slowly at our feet was.
We saw the Echo of the real circumstance of his birth. It had to come from the Sin Eater that corrupted him, because he wasn’t out of the womb to see that scene play out. Or Emet-Selch. Either way, we saw it, yet at no time afterward do we try to bring the truth out. We just let everyone believe he was evil by choice, and not another casualty of this mess.
And remember earlier, how I said Alphinaud confirmed the free citizenry were not under Vauthry’s control until the fight? Remember the noblewoman whose husband went after their bonded servant, and so she tried to get the girl murdered?
Yeah, we catch up to that noblewoman who tried to murder her servant. She feels really bad about that now.  And what is an option we get to tell her ex-bonded servant when she wonders how she could possibly trust the woman who tried to kill her?
“Vauthry’s society brought out the worst in people…”
Fffffffuck you Square lmao
In private RP land? In private RP land, where we can back the fuck up in the timeline at will? You are damn skippy that Lightwarden got purged before it took complete hold. (an Aethertech did it with SCIENCE.) And Vauthry is cynical and scarred and bitter and broken and betrayed, but he’s not evil. If anything, he’s actually pretty relatably human. And he’s actually pretty damn glad his father’s shitty legacy is over.
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chimcharstar · 5 years
zinc white; how are you really feeling today? no one-word answers please!
I’m feeling tired because I’m supposed to be in bed. But happy because I did the work and I can get away with sleeping in and things are just chill right now. I have devised a way of sneaking waste food at work. If you put it in these little metal containers and hide them under the fridge, nobody notices them and throws them away. This eve I dined on garlic bread and prawns.
cadmium yellow; when you think of the word “happy” what’s the first thing that comes to mind?
Walking with coffee and tunes. I’m trying to appreciate things in my life I will feel nostalgic about later in the moment, so I don’t regret anything. This is one of those things. Although I might not have the tunes part for long because I fucking broke my headphones and they may or may not start playing my music out loud for all the world to hear. I hope people like disco!
lemon; what’s your comfort food?
Food from my old workplace. I have trouble finishing food usually but not this stuff. I will probably scream while eating it. You know this and you love me
hansa yellow; what’s your guilty pleasure song?
“I Will Survive”. People were singing it in the Office and I guess it’s so famous and ironic and cringey now or something. But then I remember that one fucker
yellow ochre; name an artist/band whom you just discovered & can’t get enough of!
Herbie Hancock. I don’t know if I’ll listen to every single thing from him but I was just listening to some funk as you do and his like solos? I was vibing. We were having brain to brain communication. It was an experience. It was so so good. It was good fucking music. Listen to this shit. Herbie Hancock - I Thought It Was You This stuff makes me want to wiggle on public transit. 
naples yellow; where do you feel most at home?
Bonsais and my quiet neat fucking room. Or not giving a fuck in other people’s mess.
raw sienna; with whom do you feel most at home?
golden ochre; describe the relationship you have with your closest friend.
We reblog asks and send each other all the asks. ADHD disaster energy finding balance. The worst posts I’ve ever seen followed by revenge. Two gay best friends who are best friends. No seriously I am so grateful for your unconditional love and your warmth
golden deep; what’s your favorite season?
Autumn. When the leaves were falling and the sun was shining all bittersweetly I was running around taking so many pictures because there’s like this golden time and then it’s gone.
cadmium orange; what do you like to do on your days off?
I like to buy too many plants and pretty rocks that are just vibing. I just like to wander around with coffee without a schedule. Listening to funk and disco. Seriously I’m the coolest person ever
orange lake; do you have anyone you can turn to when you’re sad?
U HO. And some online mutuals of course :) I feel like I don’t turn to people when it’s real sad hours though. I just give my ocs more PTSD.
titans; do you prefer slow mornings or relaxing evenings?
Relaxed evenings. Fuck mornings. All my mornings are slow buddy. 
shakhnazaryan red; are you currently binge-watching anything?
No, because I had to go and cancel my Netflix as all my favourite things got more episodes. 
red ochre; are you more right-brained (creative) or left-brained (analytical)?
Oh right brained bitch.
burnt sienna; is there a painting that brings you peace when you look at it?
No, paintings are stressful. It’s always like “Holy shit, that must have been so much work! I don’t enjoy painting myself! This person is better at painting than me!” I have much love in the heart for Van Gogh.
english red; what animal do you relate to most?
I know what you’re trying to do and it’s not going to work. I could say a cat, because I want to lie down in a patch of sun, knock things over, and complain loudly. I would say a dog because I think people are way better than they really are, am tenaciously loyal to them, and get excited about going for a walk.
vermilion; what’s your favorite accent?
Whatever this one hot guy at work has.
cadmium red; do you have a “type” when it comes to a significant other?
FOR FUCKS SAKE okay I’m going to google what my type is
You got: Mr./ Mrs Perfect
You like someone that truly has is all. You need someone who is well rounded in all aspects of life. When it comes to looks and personality, only perfection receives your affection.
Wow, what does that mean at all
scarlet; describe your current crush/es.
Ok, one of them gave me cheesecake, one of them offered me pizza, another one is the guy whose Facebook you stalked for me and we still couldn’t find his birthday but I laugh about one adorable photo still (the car one), and one of them I spent half an hour trying to find where I put the birth chart of and we’re actually really compatible. I’m sorry, if you want more information I’ll have to ramble about it in your messages.
ruby; what does your ideal first date look like?
carmine; what does your ideal second date look like?
I don’t know, fuck it let’s go to the aquarium!
madder lake red; would you ever kiss someone (or accept a kiss) on a first date?
I dunno man. I feel like I wouldn’t if it wasn’t socially acceptable but I’m also wild and crazy.
rose; what’s something really positive going on in your life right now?
I REALLY ACTUALLY LIKE MY WORKPLACE. And my living situation is pretty okay. It’s not great I guess but I’ve been coming a long way.
quinacridone rose; what’s something you’re really looking forward to?
Literally what are these colours. Okay, I’m looking forward to putting wires around crystals to make them into jewellery. Then, I want to give the jewellery to my friends. 
violet rose; what does your dream house look like?
An old as fuck, old fashioned as fuck haunted-looking mansion I can give some love.
violet; is there any place in particular you’d like to settle down?
I need the outdoors bro. I need those trees. I gotta live in the countryside again someday.
blue lake; what would you like to do/accomplish before you settle down?
Write some books! Run rampant in the city…
cobalt blue spectral; what is the most beautiful place you have ever been to?
I think it would have to be the hills where I grew up. It was bursting with biodiversity, there was a rustic sheep farm, everyone shut the fuck up, there would be frogs, the smell of the fresh air in any season, some days would just be heart-stoppingly beautiful and I ache for it sometimes. Birdsong? I heard some birdsong today and I wanted to cry. I remember our hedges would be deafening with the birds in it.
ultramarine; when was the last time you were in a good mood? do you know/remember what sparked it?
Today, it finding something I maybe could sit around and read and then finding it in me to actually get out of bed lol.
blue; what’s the most recent dream you remember?
The one I just had. A lot of it is blurry, which is frustrating because I got some strong almost-memories of it throughout the day, but it sticks out to me because I was bawling my eyes out a lot in the dream, and I also hurt myself the way I used to and I had to check that I hadn’t done it in my sleep. But I think it was a very expressive dream and those are my natural emotions.
bright blue; what does your dream family look like? any kids or pets? 
I like the idea of a husband and some dogs, cats and chickens. Kids maybe.
how many of each?
A lot of chickens, but not too many please.
blue cobalt; do you like your name? would you give yourself a different name if you could?
I do like my name, and I did give myself a different name. Even if I knew how annoying everyone would be about pop culture Gordons, and I did. I still would choose this name.
prussian azure; what’s your favorite scent?
I’m running out of things to say as my favourite scent. OK, Nomad from Old Spice. I don’t know why, I think it must suit me or something. Maybe it’s the citrus… stuff going on there.
azure blue; what’s your favorite type of tea, if any?
Red Rose, my mom made it for me as a kid and she drank it all the time while teaching me piano or reading books.
turquoise blue; if you could start a garden, what would you plant?
Flowers, to show off to everyone, and then I don’t know, maybe some fucking pumpkins and easy things like corn and peas.
cerulean blue; if you were guaranteed to have a viewership, would you start a youtube vlog?
I think I’d be happier to have one if I knew no one was watching my antics LMAO
glauconite; describe your body without using any negative adjectives.
Best of both worlds
yellow green; picture yourself walking in a field. what do you see & hear in this scenario?
I’m still thinking of where I grew up. I see the sun through the branches of very old maple trees, and hear the wind in the long grass.
green light; are you in a comfortable place in life? if not, what do you think might make it better?
Yes, but I could make it better by moving in with cleaner roommates and getting a cat. And maybe work at something I’m actually interested in, or go to school or something.
green; name three countries you want to visit; do you have any actual plans in place to visit any of them?
I don’t have plans, but I’d like to visit Mexico, France, or Japan.
emerald green; do you speak any languages besides english? are there any additional languages you want to learn?
Kinda French. I want to learn Spanish… now Portuguese because everyone at work speaks it… literally, any very popular language. I want to learn so many languages
oxide of chromium; what’s your favorite book?
olive green; are you currently reading anything? how do you like it so far?
Yeah, I’m reading a personal account of a Satanic cult. I had to stop reading it because I wasn’t ready for the graphic details.
mars brown; what’s a movie that always puts a smile on your face/makes you laugh?
Megamind/Thor Ragnarok
burnt umber; what’s something you plan to do before the day is over to take care of yourself?
Wow I feel really called out right now. I was going to eat some chicken because I’m hungry. Because that’s what I should be doing at 3AM.
umber; have you drank enough water today?
Yes, but probably not. I’ve been trying really hard today though.
voronezhskaya black; what or who is your go-to outlet for when you need to vent?
Probably you again, welcome to the salt mines!
sepia; name five things that always make you happy.
Buying a plant, rolling around on my fuzzy blanket, videos of cats being idiots, little unexpected thoughtful gifts, people sharing food.
indigo; what’s the best/sweetest compliment you have ever received?
A Treasured Mutual once spontaneously said I was a really good person because I was chill and they felt free to be themselves, to be vague.
payne’s gray; describe your aesthetic?
Looking around my room, it would seem to be whatever those studying people organizing notes with the window open on a sunny day have. I don’t know if this is me, but my room looks… vaguely feminine and organized in that way.
black; post a selfie because you are so beautiful!
I’m in my PYJAMA CLOTHES. I only want to take a selfie with GOOD NATURAL LIGHTING and the DAYTIME DARK CIRCLES around my eyes not the NIGHTTIME DARK CIRCLES. Maybe I have one hanging around
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shewolfofficial · 6 years
Levi x Mourning!Reader
 Warning: Angst, Cursing, Blood involvement 
Summary: You and Levi are walking through your home city when somehow titans breach the wall, you eventually find your only family member, your mother crushed under some rubble and eaten
D/N - District Name
Inspired by: Eren’s mother's death ( that sounds so bad lmao ) 
The sun shone down brightly onto the district of D/N, clouds grazed the bright blue sky as birds flew freely across it. Walking through the markets beside your boyfriend Levi Ackerman you glanced through all the stalls. ‘’Are you going to get that bread for your mother? You said you’ll pick one up for her before we visit’’ Levi said from beside you as you looked over the different pieces of bread and pastries you nodded humming silently, picking up a loaf of fresh bread you gave the cashier the money and popped the loaf into a bag. Looking to your lover you gave him a warm smile as you both continued on your day off, in civilian clothes you and Levi decided to spend the day out.
You both were in the middle of a conversation when a very loud boom went off from behind you, spinning around you notice the gates to D/N have been blown open and now titans were pouring in. 
The ruble and large boulders from the wall went flying across the sky crushing anything it landed on. Gasping wide-eyed you looked at the now large hole in the wall ‘’th-they got in..’’ you mumble, Levi’s shocked gaze flickered to you reaching over to grab your wrist ‘’Y/N we have to go now!’’ he called to you over the screams of the people who ran away from the invading titans. Slowly inching forward you didn’t even bother looking back to him ‘’m-my house is that way..’’ you say frightened ‘’my m-mom is by herself..’’ you continue, Levi’s eyes widen an inch after hearing you say that. ‘’Y/N we can’t go that way we have to leave now!’’ Levi said watching you slowly inch towards the area where the titans got in before you set off in a sprint. ‘’Y/N!’’ Levi screamed to you taking off after you. 
Running and dodging past the people who scurried by you-you didn’t care about the screams of terror by everyone else. ‘Mom.. come on please be alright... come on... the house is fine.. the house is alright.. she’s alright’ you frantically thought to yourself ignoring the calls and shouts from Levi to you. Turning a sharp corner you looked up the street where your nice and cozy house would be situated, the roof was collapsed and a large boulder was now laying on it. Screaming you soon arrived spotting your mother underneath a wooden banister ‘’mom!’’ you cried out dropping to your knees next to her. 
‘‘Y-Y/N...’‘ she said painfully noticing Levi sprint up towards you both he soon arrived standing there slightly panicking, dropping the bag of bread for your mother you stood up trying to get a good grip on the banister ‘‘Levi! Help me pull this up!’‘ you panicked at your mother laying there groaning from pain. Levi got a hold of the other end and began to try to lift it whilst stringing out curses quietly. ‘‘Mom it’s gonna be alright! Don’t worry we’ll get you out! Right Levi?’‘ your gaze flickered to your lover who returned it in a sympathetic expression trying to haul the wooden banister up. 
Hearing a loud thud your breath hitched in your throat as you looked up seeing that the titans were getting closer. ‘’Nononono! Come on stupid piece of shit! Lift!’’ you cried out to the wood. You snapped your orbs to Levi ‘’Come on we have to hurry!’’ you yelp. ‘’Fuck.. I’m trying Y/N.. Shitty thing won’t budge!’’ Levi responded once again trying to lift it even with the weight of the boulder on top. ‘’No... it’s them.. you both have to get out of here’’ your mother said to you and Levi. Her gaze flicked to Levi as she shot him a pleading look ‘’Levi.. Take Y/N and run! Go!’’ your mother tried, Levi stubbornly shook his head not uttering a word as you both hopelessly tried to lift the heavy object. ‘’Mom I need you to get up! I need you to be alright! You’re going to be fine!’’ you shouted back as tears started to prick at the corner of your eyes. ‘’Darling listen to me.. my legs have been crushed.. so has my hips... even if you both do get me out I can’t run... I’ll be dead weight!’’ she said to you as you bit your lip from the pain in your hands ‘’There’s no time’’ she said blankly to the ground with a hint of fear in her voice. ‘’No! We can carry you! You’ll be fine! Come on!’’ tears streaked down your cheeks as you tried to convince your mother to agree, Levi glanced down to his hands seeing some splinters and blood drip from them.
‘‘Can you just shut up and fucking listen to me for once in your life Y/N!’‘ your mother screamed up to you ‘‘I’m only asking you to do one thing! One damn thing! Levi make her!’‘ she begged as a titan began walking down the street slowly. ‘‘I-I can’t’‘ Levi grunted looking to the titan mentally begging it to piss off knowing exactly what will happen in mere minutes. ‘‘Y/N do you want all three of us to die? You both a have your lives to live now go!’‘ You’re mother shot back to you.
Levi glanced back to you and your mother who were shouting at each other in panic before his grey orbs flicked back up to the titan who was nearly at the house ‘’Y/N this can’t be lifted!’’ he said to you, you continuously shook your head ‘’no Levi we have to! I can’t leave her here!’’ you cried, shaking his head Levi let go of his end walking over to you and throwing your smaller form over his shoulder, looking down to your mother he cast a sorrowful gaze to her ‘’I’m sorry..’’ he said before taking off the opposite way. Screaming whilst looking back to her you started to try hit his back ‘’LEVI! PUT ME DOWN! NOW! PUT ME DOWN!’’ you screamed in horror. You watched your mother as you cried and fought against Levi’s grip on you. ‘’Protect her!’’ your mother shouted to Levi watching him carry you away. 
You weakly hit his back trying anything you could do ‘’WAIT! NO LEVI STOP! WE CAN’T LEAVE HER THERE WHAT ARE YOU DOING!’’ you continued as tears trickled to the ground. ‘’I love you! You hear me Y/N?! Stay alive!’’ she called to you as you failed to escape Levi’s grip. ‘’Y/N we can’t save her!’’ he said to you, you swore you could feel your stomach drop when the titan finally reached her and began to dig through the rubble, eventually lifting her up out of it as she weakly fought against its large hands. ‘’NO! STOP! STOP IT!’’ you screamed to the beast watching as it rose your last struggling family member to its mouth.
You notice Levi looking over his shoulder to your mother as you both watch her try to hit and punch its hand, the beast raised it’s other hand wrapping it around her form and snapped her back. ‘’NO!’’ you scream to it noticing her limp body in front of its mouth. ‘’MOM!’’ you yell as Levi turned his head back facing forward, quietly thinking over your mother's words to him. 
‘Protect her’
Levi would do that until the day he died, he would make sure of it.
Soon enough you felt and saw blood splatter everywhere, a large bit of it landing on your cheek and at the back of Levi’s head even in front of you. Turning around you looked to Levi, he glanced to you not faltering his speed as he ran to the horses.
// Time Skip \\
You walked into the mess hall followed by Mikasa with the usual tired expression, losing the last family member you had took a toll on you and everyone knew what happened so they tried not to push you too far but you were getting better, slowly. Getting your food you kept your distant looking gaze to it as you arrived at your friend's table.
You took your space in between Mikasa and Sasha, opposite you was Eren at the right, in middle was Armin and then Jean.
‘’Hey Y/N how are you feeling?’’ Armin offered a gentle smile, looking up to him your gaze softened ‘’I’m doing fine..’’ you mumble and start to eat your dinner. ‘’Didn’t get that much sleep last night huh?’’ Eren asked, shaking your head you met his gaze. ‘’I’m starting to get more sleep but I still do get the nightmares..’’ you mutter as the boy nods in understanding. ‘’They won’t last forever... You’ll be alright, this gives you another reason to slaughter those disgusting beasts’’ Eren continued, smiling you nod at the thought of avenging your mother. ‘’Here we go again..’’ Jean snickered, Eren sent him a glare. 
// Levi’s P.O.V \\
I sat quietly drinking my tea as I watch Y/N eat her dinner with her comrades, not long before Jean and Jaeger begin fighting making me sigh from annoyance and click my tongue. I feel someone lean closer to me, looking to my left I see Hanji smiling sadly ‘’how’s Y/N been?’’ she asks, putting down my cup I glance back over to the scientist. ‘’She’s getting better.. slowly..But she’ll never forget what happened’’ I say as Hanji nods in agreement ‘’her mood has improved anyway! She’s actually eating and talking now!’’ she grins making me nod. 
‘‘She’ll be alright..’‘
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asrasleftnipple · 6 years
Muriel x Lyria (oc)
*i don’t use my oc’s name in this but i wrote it w her in mind but! feel free to change the pronouns in your mind and imagine your apprentice in her place!
This is my first time posting a fic lol, shred me if you want, english is my first language so if it’s trash, i so sory
She has rich parents who don’t pay much attention to her but are also disappointed in her lascivious ways
Ended up getting kicked out of school but instead of going home, she began training under a talented herbalist
Learned magic accidentally 
Eventually left town with money, herbs, and a small makeshift medicine kit
Ended up in Vesuvia
Got famous on the way, she became really gifted 
Got invited to the palace when she arrived
Befriended Nadia (who really doesn’t care who fucks who)
Jucio took an interest to her immediately
He pestered her but she wasn’t taking his shit
Still ended up sleeping with him a few nights later (it was terrible)
Meets Asra the day after at a luncheon (at breakfast-time) in the garden
He warns her that Lucenzo isn’t who she thinks he is and tells her about his “Scourge of the South”
She was hella convinced
Asra tells her to get out as soon as possible
Arranges for her to meet a friend at the Rowdy Rave
She goes to the coliseum later that day with Nadia and Lucio
Horrified at the bloodlust
Horrified at Lucio
Horrified at the violence and gore
Slips through the crowd as soon as it’s over
She basically sprints to the Rowdy Raven and shouts breathlessly “Is anyone here a doctor?!”
Everyone just looks at her
Jules pops up all concerned and shit
“I’m a doctor, what’s wrong?! Who’s hurt??”
She’s like oh, do you know Asra?
Chaos ensues
Has to smuggle her ass through to the edge of the forest bc Ucio has guards scouring the city for his wayward “court magician” (she declined the job offer)
She dazzles him with her suave flirting and finesse until she ends up taking a fucking plunge into one of the canals
Ilya only has time to drag her out of the water, pry off a vampire eel and throw her over his shoulder because the guards spotted them and were coming in hot
When they reach the edge of the forest Muriel is waiting for them
She claims she’s fine and that she can stand and promptly eats shit
Falls towards Muriel instead of Julian
Muriel just lets her hit the ground bc he wasn’t expecting that at all
Julian has to stop the bleeding before they can even think about moving on
Muriel parts with Julian and carries her to his hut
She needs to recover for a few days, in that time Muriel discovers that she’s a mega flirt… just not with him. She can’t really talk properly around him…
Asra, and Julian (much to Muriel’s dismay), come through a few times to check on her
She immediately turns it on:
Asra is only a bit flustered at the beginning but starts to take it playfully
Ilya’s life is ruined
He can hardly form a proper sentence, she’s laying it on so thick
Might pass out from high blood pressure
One night, while Muriel’s with the chickens and Inanna, she asks Asra about Muriel’s scars (bc she can hardly look at him without actually making a whole fool of herself, nevermind ask him a personal question)
He pauses, “before I tell you, be patient and gentle with him?”, when she nods he pauses for a long time
Then all he says is “remember when I told you about the Scourge of the South...?”
She goes buckwild (Faust says Rowdy!)
Starts getting hysterical
“H-he did that to him!?!??!?!? That- that fucking monster!!!”
Tries to get up even though she’s still injured, Asra is like “oh shit chill”
“He’s killed so many people!! He’s like a fucking plague!”
Muriel overhears and just assumes she talking about him
Meanwhile, she’s still flipping tables inside calling The Count a variety of Bad Things
All of a sudden goes very still and very calm
“I’m going to kill him”
“N O”
Muriel’s heard enough (or so he thinks) and goes deeper into the forest with Inanna. He’s gone for hours
Meanwhile, she starts sobbing
Asra eventually calms her all the way down with some magic help, tea, and squeezes from Faust
She explains her whole predicament from sex with Lucio to her feelings for Muriel and how she feels like she owes it to Muriel to end The Count
Asra lets her cry on him until she falls asleep and he has to go back to the shop
It’s almost noon the next day and Muriel still isn’t back
She starts to panic “fuck, what if he heard me crying last night and thinks I’m fucking hysterical?”
Is restless as fuck
Finally over it, she puts on some clothes and leaves the hut (like a damned fool)
She calls out to Muriel for what feels like hours
She’s starting to feel dizzy… she hadn’t eaten that day and her wound? That shit hurted (but not as much as her heart!)
Decides to take a nap under a random tree, actually going into shock bc she fucked around and reopened the bite
Inanna smells the blood and leads an unknowing Muriel to her, sniffling at the unconscious magician (stupid head)
“What are you doing out here?!”
She jolts up and squints at him
He carries her back to the hut (bc he’s totally soft for her)
“What the hell were you thinking?”
“I just wanted to make sure you were safe”
“... what?”
He takes care of her bloodied clothes and redresses her wound
“... why … would you do something like that?”
“... I- I can’t tell you yet”
Muriel thinks it’s some assassination plot and gets hella closed off and also mad at himself because it was so fucking easy for her to get him right back where she wants him
He closes off immediately and she’s reminded of what Asra told her last night, why he’s a hermit who doesn’t trust anyone but him
Starts sniffling
“... what are you doing?”
Then she just flat out cries with them ghibli tears
“What’s wrong…??!” ol boy Muriel is starting to panic
She can only choke out “I am so sorry” over and over until she can’t speak properly
Muriel is still lost as hell “what do you have to be sorry for?”
She finally looks him in the eye “for sleeping with him! … for what he did to you”
Muriel is shook as fuck
“What he-? You.... you don’t think I’m a monster? That I’m a plague?”
She finally understands his meaning even though her mind is a fog of pain, dizziness, and tears
“Of course I don’t think that! I was talking about- … about Lucio. You’re not disgusted at me…?” she croaks
He shakes head and strokes her head softly as a fresh wave of tears hit her
Muriel sits on his bed with her silently until she falls asleep, curled up in pelts with Inanna
He thinks back to when she said that she would “kill him” and breathes out a short huff of a laugh
She’s so small and so fierce… like… a little bear
He knows she can’t go back to the city because of The Capricorn™️ and he’s already gotten used to having her around and so has Inanna
“Alright, Little Bear, don’t worry anymore”
He lets her feed the chickens all the time and cooks her favorite dish whenever she gets cramps
Eventually lets her braid his hair with flowers
Asra brings them their bread when he visits
Julian stops by a lot less frequently than Asra, but one night has them both try a salty bitters and is #banned
She dances in the rain too much and just grins at an exasperated Muriel when she drips water all over the goddamn floor
She makes Muriel sleep on his bed with her, she won’t take no for an answer
Learns to cook his favorite meal and has Julian smuggle her some black mead as a birthday surprise for Muriel
He actually smiles at her to her face!
One morning she’s trying to wake him up because his arm is heavy and she needs to get up to feed the chickens and he just mumbles “what is it, Little Bear?” and she just drops dead right there
The boys are devastated (kidding)
She just can’t speak properly for hours but Muriel falls back asleep, oblivious
She goes swimming with Inanna on a hot summer afternoon but stays out late so he goes to find her for dinner
She neked
He wasn’t fucking ready
He’s red for the rest of the night and she’s like Muriel: 264; me: 1
Sometimes she sneaks kisses on his shoulders and arms but they’re so light he doesn’t notice
Gets caught once
“That was you??”
Can’t look him in the eye for a week
She was having a one-sided conversation with Inanna and hears a strange sound behind her
It was Muriel. He laughed. Out loud. Surprised everyone including himself
One night she and Muriel get caught in the rain
They’re both a mess in the duration of peeling off their soaked clothing
She sits wrapped in a pelt in front of the fire
There’s hella firewood so Muriel has no fucking excuse to leave
Just wraps a pelt around his waist and goes about making tea
Once that’s done, he’s forced to awkwardly sit by her in front of the fire
She’s getting bold now, letting the pelt slip down her shoulders and leaning against him
Poor man almost fucking combusts
Now or never, bitch
She stutters out some dumb confession and Muriel just looks away and smiles softly “I know, Little Bear”
After that, she can’t keep her hands off him
She always at least lightly lacing their fingers when they’re near
And she kisses his face A Lot
It always flusters him without fail
Likes to hug him all the time. She’s like a koala but cuter
Eventually convinces him to take off his collar
Asra comes over for a picnic and immediately senses the difference (cue The Smirk)
She tells him about Muriel’s nickname for her and he just eats it up lmao
Teases Muriel the most
“Can I help plan the wedding? We can invite Nadi!”
Before she feeds the chickens one morning, she goes to peck Muriel on the cheek
She  m is s ed
Muriel was so red haha she just giggled and flitted away
Makes it a mission to see how riled up she can get him
He caved after 2 days when she tugged on his earlobe with her teeth
NSFW later---
I wrote this a couple of weeks ago but the discord said it was cute or whatever so here it is
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happy blorbo blursday, morri! feel free to talk about either calista (who'd i'd like to get to know more) or hermes (who i hadn't heard about in a while)! have a good day ahead of ya. :3 - 🔮⛈
P.S: thanks for tagging me in the post about the donkeys too, it had been entertaining to check it out.
Hi Enchant!! Happy Blorbo Blursday!! And thank you! I hope you have an amazing day!
You know me, I never turn down a chance to talk, so I'm going to talk about both!!
Calista first tho!
Basic Stats: Calista (she/her), late 20's, nickname: Cal (NEVER Cali, unless you want to get stabbed). Bisexual badass.
Appearance: Black, wears her hair in locs that are braided to between her shoulder blades, head shaved on the sides. Dark brown eyes. Several scars across her body. Most visible is the one on her brow near her eye.
She's a thief and a smuggler whose main port is the city where Ashlin works now. (Still unnamed.) She was the daughter of traveling merchants who were killed by highway robbers when she was 7. She spent a few years in an orphanage, but things sucked there and the adults didn't give a rat's ass about the kids, so she ran away when she was 9. She was always clever as hell, so she took to thievery and living on the streets as well as you can as a child. As she got older she collected a little "crew" of younger kids that she looked out for and taught how to survive. Ash was one of those kids. When she was 17 she joined a smuggling ring and left the port city. At the age of 20 or 21 she split with those smugglers and started her own smuggling operation. It worked very similarly, but with one major difference. She was willing to smuggle people. If your situation was bad (abusive family/partner, huge debts, need a fresh start, whatever), she will get you to A) another city (where you have friends or family, or just a fresh start), B) a port city to get passage eslewhere, or C) across the border to a neighboring kingdom be it east or south.
She's a huge flirt and will flirt with anyone as easy as breathing, but it never goes any farther than that. She's not looking for relationship of any kind, be it casual or not, and doesn't enjoy hookups just for the hell of it. She's very charismatic and outgoing and makes friends wherever she goes. But the second you disrespect her or her friends, you're dead to her. She holds grudges and never forgets.
Bonus: She's friends with Theo's mothers, and thinks of them (Theo) as a sibling or cousin.
Hermes under the cut!!
Full name: Hermes (that's it) Fake Name: Lord Hermes Andino, Baron of Oraine. Real Name: Timotheus Straut (but he doesn't know that.) Age: unknown to himself (~26)
Appearance: Messy dark hair that falls below his ears, monolided brown eyes that sparkle when he smiles, often wearing eyeshadow and/or nail polish. Loves things that shine (he would love rhinestones and glitter, lmao.) Character: Bi disaster. Mischief maker. Chaotic comedian. Makes friends easily, but keeps everyone at a distance. Pretends he doesn't need or want anyone special in his life, but really just wants to feel like he belongs. Easygoing, friendly to everyone, no matter who they are. Deflects discomfort with humor.
He has no real memories of anything before the age of about 7 or so, but every once in a while he gets "phantom memories", a little bit like deja vu, where he feels like a memory is just out of reach, like a word on the tip of your tongue.
He got the name Hermes because of quick fingers and gift for lucky escapes. (yeah, it doesn't make sense for him to be named after a Greek god, but idk, it fits. Don't come after me.)
Some of his earliest memories include hiding fresh loaves of bread under his shirt as he books it out of the market square, the bread so hot it almost burns him.
Visiting Anvia more or less on a lark, because he wanted to see the world beyond Villecourt and Oraine in general, and also to see if he could con a Queen. (He takes risks for the hell of it, to be honest.)
Once started flirting with a young man only to find out he was the son of someone Hermes had robbed the night before. That was awkward.
Was shocked to see that Fallon actually cares about her people and doesn't just let them rot. (unlike the Empress of Oraine....) It gave him some hope that not everything is doomed. (Note to self: Share that scene!!)
Likes to always be doing something with his hands. Be it rolling a coin over his knuckles, fiddling with the collar of his shirt (not used to fancy clothes) or picking at something in front of him (unravelling fabric, chipping paint, etc.), his hands are always moving.
Thanks for reading all of this, if you did. And P.S.: you're welcome!! In my mind "I saw this and thought of you" is a love language, so I love sharing things that remind me of friends! :)
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shipstexts · 6 years
I’m a witch, you ass: part 2
Summary: All Jimin wanted was pass his final exams, but he ended up finding so much more
Pairing: yoonmin, side namjin and side taekook
Total wordcount: 17k ish
TW: none
Nota: I wanted to write a short story but my fingers slip and oops lmao. Anyways, i made a Pinterest collection of the environment in general, the characters and stuff, if you wanna check it out https://pin.it/zrbpvrupmi5u4y
part 1 / final
Wattpad  AO3   Versión en español (parte 1 / parte 2 / final)
Please let me know if any of the links doesn’t work!
Tumblr media
Exam week was over. And Jimin's results have been more than satisfactory. He was happy, over the clouds, flying through the skies. He had to thank his hyung as soon as he saw him for having told him about that shop and opening the doors to a world he didn’t even know.
He was excited, ecstatic, overflowing with energy. Even Jungkook and Taehyung were worried about his condition.
“Are you high, hyung?” The youngest asked one afternoon where they were sitting under a tree and the blond was humming a happy song, enjoying the summer breeze. "It's too early for a pot brownie”
“I'm better than ever, Kookie! I'm not high, really. Exams are over, summer is here, we have a year of university left, I'm with my best friends... What else could I ask for?”
A witch with pink hair by his side, perhaps? Giving his life a little magic?
The boys exchanged glances, surprised by the sudden optimism of their friend, when a big smile occupied their fields of vision.
“Jimin? Are you okay?”
“Hobi-hyung! You're here!"Jimin got up to hug the black haired boy, who barely had time to react before falling with the blond on top of him.
“What's the matter with you today? Are you high, Chim?”
"He's been like this all day, hyung," Taehyung answered for him, while Jimin laughed hysterically and circled the tree, jumping like a happy child. He gave him a worried look, almost waiting for Hoseok to read his thoughts. He didn’t, but he seemed to grasp the message.
Hoseok was silent for a moment, thinking. Something wasn’t right, could it be...?
“Jimin” he called “Why don’t you come with me for an ice cream?”
The aforementioned’s face immediately lit up.
“Ice cream! You’re the best, hyung!”
Hoseok told Jungkook and Taehyung that he would take care of his friend. They trusted him, so they had no problem letting them go.
"We could have that little date you promised me a long time ago, Kook," Taehyung said when they were alone, giving him a mischievous smile, showing his teeth. Jungkook tried to hide his red cheeks while agreeing to his boyfriend's request.
Hoseok made sure that Jimin didn’t deviate from the road while they were heading to downtown Seoul, where people who surely could help him lived.
“But look, what a beautiful day, hyung! We could go flying for a while before butterflies take over the sky!”
The older one rolled his eyes.
“Of course, Chim, but first we go for that ice cream, mkay?”
“Magnolia ice cream, please!”
They continued walking until they arrived. Hoseok opened the fence and crossed the aisle of moving floors until he reached the door. He opened it quickly, meeting the Russian blue cat sleeping on the couch and Namjoon near the cauldron, doing whatever potion he was doing. Judging from the scent that came to his nostrils and the bluish color of the substance, it was a potion for insomnia. That potion was sold as freshly baked bread.
"It needs cinnamon, Nam," said Hoseok as he entered. The brunet looked up and smiled warmly.
"Welcome back, hyung," he greeted, looking for the cinnamon jar to add a pinch of the powder. The atmosphere became calmer, almost loose, indicating that the potion was at its perfect point.
"Is Yoongi-hyung here?" He went straight to the point. "We have a problem”
Behind him, Jimin had pushed the cat aside and was now lying back in the chair, fast asleep. The cat, transforming into his human form, approached them.
"Stupid mortal, who does he think he is?”
“Don't blame him, hyung. I think he drank more than he should have”
The two present immediately understood that he wasn’t referring precisely to alcoholic beverages.
"He's in the back garden," said Jin.
“Excellent. Could you take care of him while I go get him? "He didn’t wait for an answer as he ran out the back door.
"What if we prank him?" Namjoon suggested, making his dimples appear suddenly.
Jin rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.
“You won’t do the mustache thing again”
In the back garden, Hoseok found one of the scenes that he liked to see the most: Yoongi, wrapped in his gardening clothes, speaking happily to his plants while he changed the dirt. Yoongi used to be cold, sarcastic, even grumpy, but when it came to plants, he could become a little child.
"Very well, lion, welcome to your newly clean home again," he said as he placed a Venus flytrap in a hole made of fresh dirt. The plant began to open its jaws, content with the change of environment “You’ve behaved very well. Here, you deserve a fly” and with this, he took a dead fly from a bucket and placed it between the teeth of the plant. It wasn’t more than ten seconds before the flycatcher began digesting it.
"Uncle Hope!" His favorite child in the world came running to meet him. Hoseok lifted her up in the air, glad to see her non-niece.
“Yujin, little dove! Nice to see you!”
“Uncle Hope, your aura is between gray and pink. Is there something that worries you or you're happy about something? Or both?” The girl tilted her head, confused. She was learning very well to read auras, but she still found it hard to decipher the strongest feelings in the person's mood.
“I'm happy to see you, little dove. But I need to talk to your daddy”
“Oh, sure. He’s there, taking care of the carnivores”
Hoseok left Yujin on the ground again and approached Yoongi.
“Give me a second, Hope, just let me finish with this one little one”
“You have a cephalotus! How come I didn’t know?” the boy bent down to admire the plant better, since he had never seen one of those in real life. It was so small but so deadly. It fascinated him.
“I just got it in a bacillo game, at the local bar”
“I didn’t know you knew how to play?”
"I've been learning." He shrugged, finishing placing the dirt around the cephalotus. It moved, adapting to its new home.
“It's so beautiful” said the raven. Yoongi could almost see the hearts in his eyes.
“You can come visit her whenever you want, you know”
"Really?" Hoseok was so happy that his wings threatened to slam, but he was in time to control them, hugging Yoongi tightly. "Thanks, hyung! I will come this very night! But before... We have a problem...”
“We? It sounds like a plural to me...” he let go of the boy's grip and looked at him with a frown.
Hoseok gave him an apologetic look before heading inside the shop, where Namjoon was in charge of bottling the potion, rationing it in jars of different sizes and labeling them, while Jin was sitting reading a book and eating cookies.
But what caught the attention of the witch was what was lying on the sofa with his head in the lap of the shifter. The same mortal who had come a week before, asking for a potion to pass his exams.
“You have thirty seconds to explain” he sentenced.
“I'm not sure what happened, but I swear it wasn’t my fault” the fairy quickly explained, no longer bothering to hide his wings and starting to flutter in front of Yoongi, now in his normal size, about two inches tall “I have the theory that he drank more than a sip from the potion you gave him”
With this, Yoongi rushed towards the mortal, removing the gloves from his hands. Jin got up without haste, placing a cushion under the blond's head, and approaching Namjoon while the fairy and the elder sorcerer took care of Jimin. Yoongi seemed exasperated, angry even.
“Only rule I have, first rule they break. That's why I hate muggles!”
“So you atched Harry Potter” Hoseok was amused with the scene, although he was still worried about his friend.
"Please, don’t be ridiculous." The witch rolled his eyes, trying to evade the subject, but couldn’t help adding: “I read the books first”
Hoseok just laughed and paid attention to the blond, who was still asleep and didn’t seem to wake up soon.
“Will he be okay, hyung?”
Yoongi ran his hands over Jimin's chest, without touching him, and closed his eyes, concentrated. He ventured to feel the blond's forehead, realising that his body temperature was higher than normal.
“He has a fever and he’s trembling a little. His heart rate is also high. I need...” he got up to go out into the back garden and returned with a mortar in his hands, crushing some extravagant ingredient. Then, he needed the help of the fairy “I need you to wake him up. But don’t let him see you like this for the moment, okay? We don’t want him to have another collapse”
Hoseok nodded and went to Jimin's ear, whispering something that Yoongi couldn’t understand. The boy woke up abruptly and the fairy went to hide under the cushion.
“What's going on? Where’ss my ice cream?”
“Sh, sh. Everything’s fine, okay? I have your ice cream right here” Yoongi took a wooden spoon full of ground orchid leaves and held it to his mouth “Look, try it. It's delicious”
Jimin, still wrapped in his sudden ecstasy, stuffed the full morsel into his mouth, swallowing with difficulty when the bitterness hit his taste buds. The grimace on his face was worthy of a portrait.
“That isn’t a good ice cream, sir. It's not even cold!”
"Sleep." The witch touched his forehead with his forefinger and thus Jimin fell asleep again, snoring occasionally.
Hoseok came out from under the pillow to sit on the right shoulder of the pink-haired one.
“I sincerely hope you didn’t poison him”
Yoongi got up, washed the mortar and put it back in its place.
“I didn’t. Orchids are ideal to counteract minor ecstasies. It should not take long to wake him up”
“Thank you very much for your help, hyung”
“I specifically told him not to take more than one sip”
“It depends on how big a sip is for him” the shapeshifter intervened from the other side of the room.
“How big can it be? As much as your ego?”
“Respect your elders, Yoongi”
“Says the one who lives under my roof”
“Guys, don’t fight” this was Namjoon who spoke, “The mortal could wake up at any moment, and he will have questions”
“Hope? Can you go back to your human form?” The older wizard asked. Hoseok shook his small head.
“I already used today’s spell”
“All right. You have two options” Yoongi took a seat heavily on the sofa opposite to where Jimin was “Either you tell him the truth, or you go and hide in your little house”
The fairy sighed.
“I suppose I'll tell him the truth. After all, he already knows your shop and Jin-hyung”
“Please, everyone’s speechless when they meet me”
Nobody answered.
After a few minutes in silence, where the only noise was the air currents from the window and the door open, Yujin entered through the back door, holding a seed in her gloved hands and with a big smile on her face.
“Look, dad! The mandrakes already gave seeds!”
Maybe it was her enthusiasm, or just the volume of her voice that woke Jimin. Startled, he sat up and blinked several times, rubbing his head heavily. His hair was messy, making him look… cute, Yoongi thought.
“The mortal’s here!” Exclaimed little Yujin, keeping the mandrake seed in the front pocket of her overall.
“What happened?”
"You disobeyed my rules; that happened." The witch rose from his place, crossing his arms.
Yujin approached him, sitting next to him as she did the first time he was in the shop.
"When daddy says don’t do something, it's always better to listen to him," she said, tilting her head and looking into his eyes. "Bad things happen when you don’t listen to daddy”
Jimin didn’t know whether to take it as a childish comment, a warning or a threat. He concluded that it could be the three things if he really thought about it.
He took a few seconds to observe the place where he was until he recognized it. From the girl, to the strangely attractive shapeshifter, to the witch with purple hair and more important... the grumpy witch with pink hair who had attended him a week ago. What he didn’t recognize, was the small fluorescent figure on his shoulder, moving as if it were... a mini human?
He didn’t immediately give importance to it, he concluded that it would be some magical creature and that perhaps it was none of his business.
“I don’t remember much”
"I'll give you a summary, little flower," Yoongi said, with a deeper voice than usual. "I told you to have a sip before each test, and you didn’t. You took more than a sip and that could cost you your life. If Hoseok hadn’t brought you on time, you probably would already have fainted in some alley, surrounded by dark fairies”
"Dark fairies?”
“They take advantage of the weakness of mortals. The point is... You must be very careful with magic, kid. That's why we hide from you”
“Wait a minute, you said Hoseok? Hobi-hyung brought me? Where is he?”
The phosphorescent figure jumped from the witch's shoulder and began to flutter until it came out the back door. Yoongi immediately understood the message.
“He had an emergency, he had to fly out”
Namjoon and Seokjin laughed in the background, still doing what they were doing.
“But don’t worry, don’t bite“ he continued “Yujin, little booger, why don’t you bring one of your famous teas to our guest?”
The girl smiled widely and jumped off the couch, standing behind the counter and getting down to work. Jimin watched her take out a miniature cauldron filled with water and put it on what looked like a Bunsen burner, but ancient. She took off her gloves and rolled up her red sleeves. When exposing her arms, the blond could notice the symbols that she had, almost like those of the sorcerer but in smaller quantity. She brought out different herbs and, with great precision, added them to the mixture. Shee almost seemed like… an alchemist. Even if she was just making tea.
“Well” Namjoon started, putting out the fire in the cauldron” I need to go out and buy some things. Jin-hyung, why don’t you come with me?”
“Of course, I need to get out of this place for a while”
“Oh! Can I go?" Interposed the girl." I want to buy a new pendulum”
"What happened to the one you had?" Jin asked. Yujin shrugged.
“It broke in a session”
“You losed the session? We don’t want evil spirits hanging around”
“Of course! That was weeks ago!”
"Bugger, do you need money?" Yoongi asked, ready to give the girl what she needed, but she was already shaking her head as she poured two cups of tea and turned off the burner.
“No, thanks, daddy. I have a little of what I have saved”
“And where did you get the money?”
“The girls in my school love to see magic tricks” her smile was funny and malevolent at the same time. Yoongi looked at her, softened.
“My little leech is growing”
"Ha, she's barely seven years old and she’s already more successful than you." Jin turned to Namjoon before turning into a cat and walking between his legs.
The girl left the two cups of tea on the coffee table and addressed her father.
"Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do," Yoongi told her, hugging her.
“And you try not to burn the shop while I'm not here, okay?”
She could have been seven years old, but Jimin thought that this girl has lived longer than he has.
When the door closed behind them, Yoongi took the cup and brought it to his lips, crossing his legs.
"Should I worry?" Jimin asked, already worried. Yujin had referred to a session... a spirits session? With real spirits?
“You shouldn’t”
Yoongi sighed.
“Drink, you'll feel better”
Jimin obeyed. As soon as he took the first sip, his body felt immediately lighter and the tension he seemed to be carrying lessened. He sighed, enjoying the sensation and closed his eyes for a few seconds.
“Oh God. It's the best tea I've ever had”
“Yujin has extraordinary cooking skills. She is the reason why I haven’t starved to death in the last seven years”
“Can I ask you a question?”
“You can’t”
They drank in silence. Yoongi finished his tea before Jimin and got up.
“Well, that would be it. I'm glad you feel better and there's nothing else I can do for you. As soon as you exit through that door, please don’t come back unless it’s a matter of life and death. And for the love of the gods, don’t reveal the existence of this shop to any of your mortal friends, okay? I'll know if you do, and the consequences won’t be nice for you. Have a nice day”
And with that, he walked to the back door, but as soon as he opened it, the small phosphorescent figure from before quickly got in, perching on the table in front of Jimin.
"Oh, no," Yoongi whispered through his teeth.
“Jimin! I'm really sorry! I should never have told you about the shop, nor should I have lied to you, but you needed help and you were desperate, and I wanted to tell you the truth for a long time, but I didn’t know how to do it and now I put you in danger, and...”
“Hoseok! Take it easy! You’re gonna scare him”
Jimin was confused. He listened to his friend's voice, but he didn’t know exactly where it came from.
“Down here, Chim!”
The blond looked at the coffee table to meet a two-inch human, shining and waving at him with one hand.
“An insect! A damn insect!” He jumped up from the sofa to hide behind it and just peeked his eyes out.
“Come on, Jimin. It's me,” the little man said, flying carefully to him and stopping on the back of the sofa, near his hands. "I'm your hope, I'm your angel, I'm J-Hope”
"More like a damn fairy," Yoongi laughed from his position. Hoseok shot him a murderous look.
“Hobi-hyung?” Jimin came out of his hiding place cautiously, taking his time to admire the size of his hyung, his wings, even his clothes. Being a fairy, the boy would think that his clothes would consist of green suits with shoes and a pointed hat, perhaps covered with leaves and twigs, but no. He was dressed exactly the same as the last time he had seen him.
“Your clothes shrink when you do?”
Nobody spoke for a few seconds. Hoseok was waiting for any other questions, except that one.
“They do”
“My friend is a fairy... My hyung is a fairy...” He didn’t know if it surprised him, scared him, or intrigued him. Maybe the three things.
“I'm a fairy”
"Are you one of the dark fairies Yoongi-ssi mentioned?" He asked, almost afraid.
“What? I'm not..." He looked at the witch angrily, who just shrugged and pursed his lips. "I'm not a dark fairy. I feel so attacked right now”
“I'm sorry, it's just that...” he walked around the sofa again, taking a seat where he was a few minutes ago “Everything is a bit confusing. A week ago I didn’t know magic existed, and now I find out one of my best friends is a fairy, and is friends with witches and shapeshifters.
“Only witches and shapeshifters, definitely.”
“And obviously there are many other things I don’t know”
"I know it's a lot to process, Chim” the fairy sat down softly on his friend’s shoulder trying to comfort him. “And you can take all the time you need”
“Just take it outside my shop...” the sorcerer intervened, leaning against the frame of the back door and crossing his arms.
"Hyung!" Hoseok scolded. "Jimin can take the time he needs, and he can come whenever he wants”
Yoongi rolled his eyes and sighed.
“Well, but there you must follow three simple rules”
“I’m listening”
“One: you have to be here when he is. I won’t take care of any emotional trauma if the kid goes unsupervised and I won’t start being responsible now.”
“Done. What is the second rule?”
“He won’t touch anything. We don’t want him to cause disasters I’ll have to fix later”
“Perfect. And the last one?”
“He won’t speak to me. I've done enough for this mortal”
“Well, maybe that's a bit rude...” the fairy started, but seeing the witch's hard look, he accepted “Okay. Do you understand, Jimin?”
The aforementioned nodded, trying to hide his smile. It’s true that Yoongi was grumpy and rude, but there was something odd with him, Jimin noticed. As if he tried too hard to look rude.
“All right. If you follow those three rules, you’re welcome in my shop whenever you want. It’s open twenty-four hours a day”
"As long as I'm here," commented Hoseok.
“You’re getting it”
And with this, the witch went towards the garden.
“Don't let him intimidate you. He is a grumpy old man who hasn’t had sex for at least fifty years.
The blond almost choked on the tea.
“How old is he? How old are you, Hobi?”
“You don’t want to know his age. And I’m much older than you, kid, so don’t drop the titles”
“I'm sorry, hyung”
After finishing his tea, Jimin looked at the clock on his cell phone, startled by the time and number of messages he had.
“Oh no. I'm late for an interview. Kookie and Tae are looking for me. I have to go!”
Hoseok took off from his shoulder, floating close to his head.
“Oh, yeah, you're looking for a summer job. What will you try now?”
“The coffee in front of the campus.
“Good luck, Chim! Come back soon!” He shouted when the boy was already out the door.
“Thank you! Will do!”
And the door closed with a thud.
  Jimin visited the shop almost every day. It was customary to follow Hoseok after his dance classes, in the afternoons. Almost two weeks had passed since the incident, and Jimin had never been livelier in his life. A whole new world is opened before his eyes, within reach of his hands and more excited he couldn’t be. Even Jungkook and Taehyung noticed his mood change in recent days. He couldn’t explain, of course, being that he had made a promise, but he wasn’t going to tell anyone.
It was a Friday when his friend/fairy brought out a topic of conversation that he was avoiding.
"How's the job search going?" He asked, as they opened the fence and crossed the garden toward the front door of the shop.
“Ugh, don’t ask me. I’ve applied in all the cafés in the city and none of them has accepted me. It's as if they weren’t even trying, can you believe it, hyung?”
Upon opening the door, Hoseok discarded the glamor that kept his human face to return to his original size and flutter near his friend’s head.
“Cafés? Chim, are you even trying?”
“Of course I'm trying! I want a job in a café and thus meet my soul mate, is that too much to ask?”
“This isn’t a love story, Chim. You need the money if you want to pay for your last year of college and your dance classes,” he said, emphasizing the and.
“You're right, but where else do you look for a job?”
“Maybe Yoongi can help you with that.”
Jimin dropped on the couch, in his usual seat while Hoseok landed on his shoulder. Seokjin was at the counter, as usual, keeping an eye on the shop with those blue eyes and Namjoon was behind him, sitting on a chair and absorbed in his reading. The book seemed extremely old. The two limited themselves to greeting them with a nod and a smile.
“But Yoongi-ssi said that I musn’t speak to him…”
“Mhm, you're right… Namjoon! Do you have a moment?”
The aforementioned got up, leaving the book aside and approached them.
“What do you need, hyung?”
“Jimin needs a little help”
“If it has to do with knowing your future, I’m all ears”
“Well... Something like that. He needs to get a job, do you think you could make an amulet or something?”
Namjoon shook his head immediately.
“Never. I’m bad with amulets and potions and you know that perfectly, hyung”
“Please, Joon, what's the worst that could happen?”
“If any disaster happens, Yoongi-hyung would kill me, and I fear for my life, thank you very much”
"Is someone threatening you, Nam?" The man was entering the room, with little Yujin behind him.
“Nobody’s threatening me... Yet. Hosoek-hyung wants a favor, so I'll let him tell you.” He smiled innocently and went back to his place to read his book. The cat gave him a funny look, and both paid attention to the conversion that was about to take place.
"How can I help you, Hope?" Yoongi was in a good mood, it seemed, until his eyes fell on a certain mortal in his tent. "Well, maybe it can wait”
He turned to go back the way he had come, but the fairy was faster and hurried to cover his step, floating in front of his face.
“Wait! It's about... Jimin”
Yoongi raised an eyebrow, disinterested, and made his characteristic pout, almost pursing his lips.
“C’mon, you helped him once...”
“And how did it end up for him?”
“Aish, but this time won’t happen. You'll do everything I say, right Jimin?” The fairy looked at the blond behind them, who quickly nodded quickly. “Come on, hyung. Do it for me”
“Uncle Hobi looks very distressed, daddy. Maybe you should at least listen to him,” the girl said, next to the sorcerer.
Yoongi sighed, while Hoseok smiled at Yujin in gratitude. In the end he rolled his eyes.
“You have thirty seconds”
“Jimin needs a job, but it seems he hasn’t been looking in the right place. Could you do something for him?”
The wicth raised both eyebrows.
“... Hyung?
Yoongi looked at the mortal. He avoided his gaze, trying to keep his promise not to speak to him. His hair fell on his forehead, his nervous eyes roamed every part of the room that wasn’t him. That day he was wearing a gray long-sleeved shirt with black pants and sneakers. The sleeves of the shirt covered his hands and he played nervous with them. He was slightly sweaty, a result of the dance class he came from.
He sighed one last time, closing his eyes and telling himself that he wouldn’t regret it.
“All right. Give me a few minutes”
He went to the cabinet in front of the counter and took out something that nobody could see. Then, he disappeared through the back door, leaving them alone, wondering what he would do. Seconds later, Yujin followed him.
Hoseok smiled, approaching Jimin, who took a seat again.
“Easy, Yoongi-hyung knows what he does”
Namjoon approached them equally, along with the cat and they both sat on the sofa in front of them.
“He’s right, you know? Yoongi-hyung rarely makes mistakes... Not after...”
The cat jumped on his lap and gave him an accusatory look, warning him not to talk more than he should. Namjoon understood.
“It’s just that Yoongi-hyung has had a difficult past that has shaped his personality over time”
Jimin was content with that, but he couldn’t help but wonder what had to have happened for Yoongi to be that way. He couldn’t help but remember what Yujin had said when he met her.
“Daddy says that mortals are dangerous. That I shouldn’t get too close to them”
Did it have something to do with that?
Meanwhile, Yoongi had gone into the room next to his garden, where he used to make his mixes, some potions, fertilizers and basically all his work. In the center, there was a wooden table with six chairs. The walls were full of shelves with various plants, jars and tools of gardening and alchemy on all sides. The place was full of windows, through which natural light entered. A single bulb hung from the ceiling for the times Yoongi worked at night. And in a corner, what looked like a stove and a refrigerator, where they kept their food and tried to cook.
"Do you need help, daddy?" Yujin said as she took a seat in one of the chairs and watched her father work. He placed a bracelet in the middle of a pentacle painted on the table and positioned some plants and candles around.
“No, sweetie. I'll just make a simple charm for the mortal and that's it”
“Jimin doesn’t seem like a bad person” said the girl, playing with her braids, ”I have dedicated myself to analyzing his aura during these days...”
“Yujin, not now, okay?”
“I’m just saying, daddy, that there are also good mortals in the world”
“And I’m just saying that I won’t look for them with the risk of finding a bad one, okay?”
His tone of voice came out harder than he intended, and when he looked up at the girl, she frowned, worried about her father.
“I just want you to be happy, daddy. I have never seen you smile outside your comfort zone”
Yoongi stopped doing what he was doing to look at his daughter. She kept her gaze steady until the sorcerer gave up. How was it that he had raised this girl so well?
“Thanks, Yujin. I'll try, okay?”
Yujin smiled, got out of the chair and approached Yoongi, wrapping him in a tight hug. The door opened abruptly, interrupting the moment. Hoseok entered with a trail of light and stopped in front of them.
“I'm sorry, am I interrupting something? Well, it doesn’t matter. Thea is here!” and he left as he arrived.
"Shall we see her?" Yoongi suggested when they were alone again. Yujin nodded happily and they both left the room, crossed the garden and entered the shop. The girl ran excitedly into the arms of the new arrival.
“Mommy! I missed you so much!”
Jimin raised his head to hear this. He hadn’t paid much attention to the new arrival, but when he saw Yujin so happy to see who her mother seemed to be, his mind kindled all kinds of alarms.
The girl looked young, no more than twenty-five years old. She was brunette, her loose hair was curly and dark brown, with small eyes, just like the little girl. Jimin could see the resemblance everywhere, and was surprised that Yujin and Yoongi had no similarities in physical appearance. The girl's mother didn’t dress too luxurious, as he could believe. Just ripped jeans and a greasy wool sweater that was slightly larger. On her back hung a small denim backpack.
As soon as Yujin opened her arms, the new arrival received her with welcoming arms, carrying her on her hip and greeting her with a hug that was just as strong.
“Hello, pumpkin. I missed you so much, too”
Then, Yoongi entered the shop, smiling slightly at the scene. Jimin noticed the exact moment when the wizard and the girl exchanged glances and a wave of jealousy invaded his chest. He didn’t notice, but Yujin was able to see his aura perfectly and smiled to herself.
Yoongi approached them.
“Hello, stranger, what a pleasure to see you again” he approached her to greet her with a kiss on the cheek. Jimin's interior burned, so he preferred to look away.
“Same, Yoongles, how’ve you been?”
The sorcerer shrugged.
“As usual. Solving everyone’s life, fixing Namjoon’s messes and taking care of this little one,” he replied, nodding at Yujin.
The girl smiled sideways.
“You have done a good job. I was afraid I would not find her on my next visit”
“Pff, please. Yujin can take care of herself perfectly. Better yet, she takes care of me, don’t you, little bugger?”
The girl smiled broadly.
"Daddy would be starving to death if it weren’t for me”
The girl laughed.
"And what brings you to Seoul, old woman?" Seokjin said, finally returning to his human form and approaching them.
“Well, I thought it was a long time since I visited you guys. And I wanted to see you”
Namjoon also joined the conversation.
“We are very happy to see you. Don’t disappear so much”
“Actually, I've been traveling a lot. And I came with gifts!”
She slipped the backpack from her back and sat on the couch next to Jimin, noticing his presence for the first time.
“Hello, I've never seen you around here” she smiled sideways, extending her hand. “I'm Althea, but everyone calls me Thea. A pleasure”
"I'm Jimin," he replied, taking her hand and trying to force a smile.
“You're Yoongi's friend?”
"Not really." Hoseok answered for him, sitting in the center of the table. "He's my friend, but Yoongi lets him come from time to time”
“I'm surprised that that grumpy old man hasn’t thrown you out yet. He doesn’t like to make many friends”
“Hm, you know him. He has a weak spot for the charismatic fairy”
Everyone laughed, except Jimin, who felt more and more out of place. Yoongi noticed his discomfort, but tried to ignore it as much as he could.
“Going back to the gifts!”
She started to take out some packages and distribute them to those present.
“A new crystal ball! How did you know I broke mine?” Namjoon exclaimed.
“Maple honey of the oldest tree in Canada. You know me so well” Laughed the fairy.
“A collection of selected ingredients and spices for cooking. How did you know?” Seokjin was already thinking of a thousand and one dishes to add his new seasonings.
“Wow! A quartz wand! But these are impossible to get!” Yelled Yujin, admiring her new wand, almost afraid to break it.
“And for Yoongi...” she got up and walked towards him, with her backpack in one hand and the other inside her, keeping her gift as a surprise” It's not really a gift, it's more like a commission, you know? I found it abandoned in a forest in Norway and I thought you would be the one to take care of it”
Finally, she pulled out her hand, revealing what Jimin thought was a turtle egg. It was very small, it could fit in Yujin's palm. The boy couldn’t know with certainty which animal belonged.
However, because of the face he put on, Yoongi seemed to recognize it immediately.
"You're kidding" His face showed surprise, admiration, even happiness. There were more expressions than Jimin had ever seen him do and he hated the girl for that.
“I'm not kidding. They will need a home when they’re born”
“It will be an honor to take care of him. Myzo will be happy to have company”
Thea handed him the egg and Yoongi received it as if it were a feather. He ran to find a container and a piece of cloth to place it there with great care and leave it on the counter.
"And how long will you be in Seoul?" Namjoon asked suddenly.
“Oh, I was about to leave, actually”
“Are you kidding? But you just arrived today!” Hoseok cried.
“I'm sorry, guys, I have some problems to fix. But I’m very happy to see you again”
“Well,” Seokjin intervened, “We don’t want to delay you. But stay in touch, okay?”
“I agree with the cat” Yoongi nodded, returning with them, “and call us if you need something, okay? You know where to find us”
Thea smiled broadly, glad to have such good friends. She approached Yujin and gave her one last hug that lasted a little longer than expected. She said goodbye to everyone with more hugs, a kiss on the cheek to Yoongi and a gesture with her hands for Jimin to finally leave through the front door, fading away in the streets of Seoul.
"That girl is a loose case," laughed Seokjin, returning to his cat form and leaning back on the sofa. Everyone returned to their places, still infected by Thea's energy until Hoseok broke the environment.
“Oh, hyung, did you finish Jimin's amulet?”
Yoongi seemed to come out of a trance.
“Right! I’ll be back.” He took the container where he had placed the egg and got out the shop again.
The shop was silent, only the sound of the wind broke the atmosphere. Jimin didn’t dare to comment or ask anything, so he began to analyze the place for the thousandth time until his eyes fell on Yujin. She was watching him with her head cocked and when they made eye contact, she smiled sideways. He didn’t have time to ask what was going on, because Yoongi came in again and approached him.
"Here you are." She extended a hand to him, handing him a silver bracelet. Jimin examined it. It was simple, thin and open, one of those that overlap and have no brooch. But at one end, a small feather was engraved. The design was beautiful, and Jimin could hardly believe the delicacy that both the bracelet and Yoongi's gesture implied.
“It’s an amulet. It will help you get what you need. Use it as much as you can and believe as much as you want”
“It’s beautiful. But how much will it cost?”
The sorcerer considered for a moment. Then he remembered the mortal's discomfort when Thea was in the shop and smiled sideways.
“It’s nothing”
Jimin didn’t know if he had imagined it but when he reacted, Yoongi was already in the door frame again, but stopped a moment and without turning to look at him, he added:
“Just remember. What you need is not always what you want”
part 1 / final
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socialfaculty · 4 years
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Lockdown: Day 1, 9am. This girl just called back saying she had given my proposal a thought and would like to lockdown with me. Fantabulous. Girl even said I shouldn't bother buying ready-made soup and stew as she will be cooking. but under one condition. I would go to the market myself and buy things as she has a lot to attend to. Ah! That one no be problem na. Abeg tell me what to buy make I go sharply. Boom! List land on Whatsapp. E no too cost and money no be problem. I left for the mini market and started shopping. I got beans, plantain, bread, yam, condoms, beverages, tomatoes, pepper, condoms etc. I buy things full taxi. This lockdown I must enjoy. Finally home, I positioned all food stuff in their signature kitchen spots. Everything don set; na this woman remain make e for complete. I downed some origin and left for the bathroom where I shaved as I anticipated the coming of this fine woman. Fresh and clean and ready quarantine with bae, I logged on to Twitter to pass time. Saw some of you tweeting how you are lonely and would be spending the lockdown alone lmao. I can't relate! Small sleep entered my eyes, next thing I'm waking around 6pm to this woman's call. Before she could say hello, I've already asked if she was near my gate. She said no, to my disappointment. Ah ah na. Oya, when will you be here? This girl said she couldn't come again 😳 Ah, when you are not Amaka? Jennifer, don't let your ancestors be unfortunate. You dey whyne me? This woman said her mumcy is paying her an impromptu visit tonight so she can't! Which kind wahala be this? Jennifer, what's spoiling your mind? I don't have coro o; I even have hand sanitizer and dettol. Jenny Baby, please come na 😔 She said she can't! Quickly I scrolled through my phone in search of substitutes but everybody was giving excuse. Some were "self-isolating" with their real boos while others were just too scared to come close to anybody. Nawa o. I didn't even know what to do again. And I don buy condom full house. What tf am I supposed to do with all these satchets of latex? No other choice but to self-isolate and self-service but chai, I no even stock up vaseline. ___ #StayHome #StaySafe (at Lagos, Nigeria) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-XwUO9BxnD/?igshid=1rv90lbzvbfe2
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A Special Mix (Ignis x Fem Reader)
Sorry for the delay! This one actually had me stumped for a bit (and I came up with it, wth) but I finally finished! Another addition in the “Weekly Prompt” series I currently participate in. “Ignis has lost something but finds it somewhere unexpected”. I actually had a few giggles in the midst of writing lmao I hope you all enjoy!
“Say Ignis, what’s for dinner?”
The question had stumped the tactician for weeks now. Ignis had continuously flipped through his little black book of recipes with the intent of making something new.
 Nothing was coming to mind. His mind was an empty canvas just waiting for fresh paint; for a masterpiece but that brush was never picked up, and the canvas was starting to collect dust. His companions hadn’t really noticed since upon their requests for food, he would make a dish he had since prepared in the past. As long as it was food, they were satisfied; but alas, he was not. His spark had disappeared…
 “I don’t understand” Ignis sat cross-legged in the armchair nestled in the corner of their hotel room in Altissia. The gang had made it a habit to come to visit the beautiful city when possible. This usually ended up with the other boys roaming around while Ignis went over work related things or visited the many food stalls and shops. Generally he could find all the items he needed along with new things but lately his search was less than helpful towards his current predicament.
 Ignis tried to enlist the help of the Internet. Of course he much preferred the fine print of a book but he was teetering on desperation at this point. After scouring many webpages, endless blogs and forums, he came up short.
 “This is unbelievable. I can’t seem to formulate simple concoctions from even the most basic of ingredients…” He trailed off in thought, running his long fingers through his hair as he slouched back into his chair.  Ignis needed something to jar his brain and kick-start the fire in his mind. He loved cooking to the point he needed to do it more often than not to keep himself remotely satisfied. Not having done so with new ideas was beginning to affect him mentally and with something so trivial to the outside world weighing heavy on his shoulders, for the Prince’s tactician and “lifeline” this was unacceptable.
 After letting another long hour pass and the ticking sound of the grandfather clock seemingly louder than usual, Ignis decided to abandon the confines of the hotel room and hit the streets of Altissia for a bit to ease his mind. Maybe he was thinking a little too hard on the matter…
 The roads of Atissia were always a real treat. The city stayed busy with residents and tourists alike; venturing to and from the many shops, stalls and restaurants. It always left Ignis a bit warm on the inside. Naturally, he had his few favorite locations to visit, however, one in particular always caught his eye.
 “[Bakey Name]” Ignis smiled as he stared at the small storefront. The sign above the front window display was in a traditional cursive calligraphy. An old cowbell cheered when the arched mahogany door, seemingly aged with time, opened out into a medium sized area. The walls were painted a soft cream color, accented with a rich mahogany crown molding to match the front door. A dark cherrywood floor flowed throughout the room only covered in a small area by a circular rug of the sitting space. ‘Heaven’ Ignis thought.
 Standing at the doorway, the aroma of freshly baked bread and a hot pot of coffee wafted its way underneath his nose; his toes starting to curl with delight.
 “Mr. Scientia! It’s great to see you again” A petite older woman with all white hair stood behind the counter giving Ignis a warm hearted smile as he made his way over.
 “Mrs. Eleanor, all the same to you. Naturally I couldn’t come to the city without stopping in. I don’t believe my taste buds would allow such a travesty”
 “And I’d be offended if you didn’t! We have some new cookies ready for the world to try and I believe you’re just the man to test them for us, mhm” She grinned stepping to the side to open and pull out a nice size cookie from inside the counter display.  
 “One fresh Oatmeal Raisin and Apricot cookie, just for you sir!” Ignis happily took the morsel in his hand, taking a generous bite. With a smile he nodded to the women.
 “This cookie is Ignis approved, madam” The women clapped feeling absolutely elated with the praise before she tilted her head.
 “Oh, y/n! I didn’t see ya there. Ready to pick up your order?” The women’s attention had moved behind Ignis. You stepped from behind him and smiled brightly to Mrs. Eleanor; a tote bag in one hand and a floral notebook held against your chest.
 “My apologies” Ignis moved to let you step forward, however, his gaze never fell from your form. As you spoke to the women, he involuntarily looked you over, admiring your (h/l) (h/c) hair, the way your large round frames sat on your nose and soft (s/c) skin against your sundress. What really caught his eye, well ear, was the sound of your velvety voice as you gushed fluently of new vegetables and spices you recently picked from your garden. The words rolled off your tongue as if it was a second language. Emitting dialect that only a true cook would understand the meaning of. Ignis wanted to know more.
 “Well I hope all continues to go well Mrs. y/n. Come back soon and I’ll have more for ya!”
 “I’ll be back soon, for sure. Thanks again!” You waved to the women, making your way towards the door and outside; the sound of the bell knocking Ignis out of his mild trace before saying goodbye to Mrs. Eleanor and making haste after you, cookie still in hand.
 “Hmm, a little bit of this dashed on top of the beef should bring out the flavor” Your mind was lost in thought as you walked inattentively down the narrow street towards your apartment. Writing down recipe ideas in your little notebook had become a habit. No matter where you were, if something sprang to mind, it was imprinted onto paper. Your interest in cooking stemmed from a young age as your family used to own a restaurant back in your hometown. Just being in the kitchen brought you endless amounts of joy.
 The streets of Altissa remained busy even with late afternoon looming it’s way closer. Ignis weaved his way through the sea of people trying his best to catch the sight of you. His eyes finally fell on your (favorite pattern/color) dress as you wandered through the crowd, head down appearing to be looking at something. With a break in the crowd, Ignis finally caught up to you, tapping you on the shoulder.
 “Oh!” Your books and bag flew from your hands landing at both your feet.
 “Goodness, I didn’t mean to startle you Mrs. I’m terribly sorry” Ignis quickly began to pick up your things as you started to gather your composure.
 “It’s alright. I suppose it’s my fault for being so unobservant while walking. Anything could have happened. Thanks so much.”  You smiled as Ignis placed your items in your hands, his eyes dropping to the open notebook. Quickly flipping it closed, you held it close to your chest, a light shade of pink dusting your cheeks.
 “Uhm, you’re the fellow from the bakery? Mrs. Eleanor seems to fancy you a lot” You gestured toward the cookie still being held tightly in Ignis’s grip. His gaze shifted back to yours.
 “You think so? I tend to stop by more often than not during my time in the city. I guess you could say I am a bit smitten with the pastries” He gave a light chuckle before running his hand through his hair awkwardly.
 “I agree. The little shop has a special charm that just draws you in. It’s very hard to stay away, Mr…?”
 “Heavens, I’m sorry. Scientia. Ignis Scientia. “ He gave you a soft smile before placing his hand on his chest and bowing slightly. The word ‘Regal’ popped into your head, as you looked him over. This man gave off an aura that oddly enough made you want to stick around him a little longer. Most men had made it painfully obvious of their intentions but you found it hard to read Mr. Scientia. What did he want?
 “Y/n Y/l/n” You returned his smile as he repeated your name, commenting on how beautiful it was. Ignis’s eye’s shifted to your notebook still being held tightly against your chest noting that you had placed little culinary themed stickers over it’s front.
 “Ahem, if I may be so bold. I couldn’t help noticing how well you spoke of the meal you intend to prepare in the future and also the notebook you hold, I say, are you a chef of sorts?” The mentioning of your hobby actually caused you to blush with excitement. No one had ever taken notice in your knowledge of the subject.
 “Oh no, I wouldn’t go as far to say I’m a chef, but I do love to cook. In fact I’d say it has been a passion of mine for a very long time.” Ignis listened as you spoke of your love for cooking. The excitement in your eyes and the pure enthusiasm behind your words was enticing. The two of you had started walking down the road exchanging bits of culinary information between small talk and silly jokes. You were surprised to see the man beside you had also carried a notebook filled with different recipes; his far more detailed of dishes from across Eos. Neither of you had ever met someone whom shared the same love for the culinary arts as well as other subjects so in the long run, this was a nice change of pace. He had given you some advice on the dish you planned to prepare, opening your eyes to new flavor combinations that hadn’t before crossed your mind.
 Ignis had made it a priority to come back and visit Altissia over the next few months, not only for the scenery, but also for the presence of someone special. The two of you had undoubtedly become closer than expected.
 “Iggy, taste” You held up a fork full of steamed veggies sautéed in a special pepper sauce made with your own ingredients from the garden allotment you tended to on the roof of your apartment. The night when you two met, you spoke of the garden which interested Iggy to the fullest extent ‘You must show me one day’ he asked, to which you agreed. Ignis had told you of his work with the Prince which lead to him indulging in cooking at a young age. ‘That’s incredible’ you had commented. He later promised to show you the huge palace kitchen much to your delight.
 “Absolutely delicious” The strategists green eyes sparkled behind his glasses as he stared back into your e/c ones. The small bit of praise warmed your cheeks as you quickly turned back to the stove. Ignis studied you closely knowing you were currently in your element, which made him delighted. The funk he had been in for the last few months still felt like a ton of bricks on his back leaving him quite sour most days but he refused to let that ruin his time with you. The idea of confiding in you for advice crossed his mind occasionally however he felt it to just be a burden. ‘I don’t believe it’s necessary. I should be able to whip up recipes on my own’ The stubborn mental response continuously played in his head even if he knew he was nearly at his wits end with trying.
 Ignis had come to stand behind you, his hands resting gently on your hips, bent slightly to rest his chin on your shoulder as you stirred the contents on your stovetop. In the time you two spent together, Ignis became someone very special to you.  You constantly made an effort to learn more about him and fully understand what made him tick, however, there was something you were very curious about.
 “Ignis…?” he nestled his nose against the crook of your neck, basking in your perfume before responding with a muffled ‘yes?’  After switching off the stove, you turned your head to him slightly before asking in a hushed tone. 
“What makes you so fond of cooking and looking after your friends? What really drives Mr. Scientia?”
 The questions kind of threw Ignis off causing him to raise his head with an arched brow. He searched your gaze for a moment before looking off into space. ‘What drove him?’. The thought never once crossed his mind. What exactly was this force behind his will to continue on the path he was given?
 “Love…” His accent hung thick to the word as it escaped his lips before he had a chance to think, however, there was more confidence in it than anything he has ever said. Love was the reason he stuck by Noct. The reason he put up with his friends shenanigans every day. The reason he continuously put his life on the line. The reason he enjoyed cooking as it always rewarded him with the gift of a smile from the person who indulged. And the reason he currently stood by your side. Those endless reasons…
 “Y/n…that’s it…” he whispered. Griping your hips a bit tighter, he turned you to face him, the feeling of relief washing over his body. You stared back at him, a questioning look on your face as a smile slowly started to form on his. Ignis had found it. His reason. His fire. Within seconds of the realization, endless ideas began to form in his brain, one after the other fueled in their entirety by his passion for cooking, his reason for smiles. That kick in the butt came from his love of his friends and now you. ‘This is all thanks to you’ he thought excitedly. You had opened a special Pandora’s box in his mind that really made him think. He wanted to continue this path of spreading happiness though the stomach; as silly as it sounded. It was what he wanted to do, needed to do!
 Ignis quickly picked you up and spun you around exclaiming loudly at the top of his lungs.
 “That’s it!” You could practically feel the sudden excitement rolling off of him in waves as he held you. You clung to him tightly both surprised and confused but let him continue his moment (noting it was a weee bit out of character but incredibly adorable). Nonetheless, it made you smile.
 “W-what is it darling?” He set you down and planted a deep passionate kiss onto your lips, causing you to squeak in surprise, before pulling away and adjusting his glasses.
 “I’ve come up with a new recipeh!”
RIP your kitchen. It was about to be a longgg night.
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