#she was an accident baby btw lmfao
thecard · 7 months
Akimitsu baby would be really cute tho (feral child with Akihiko energy)
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Unable to pull up the game rn but I made this of their sims baby (link to the picrew generator in photo description).
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amarayys · 16 days
teruko with glasses oh my teruko with glasses oh my teruko with glasses oh my
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okay so i think it's really weird how hu keeps interrupting nico and talking for them. i think hu might be faking being with nico in the morning. Some notes before we begin: I suck at theories. please don't bully me /hj Hu and Nico might (??) be OOC for this, forgive me. My formatting sucks, but I tried. This is not meant to be an attack on Nico, Hu, or anybody who disagrees with this theory. please don't burn me at the stake /j If I accidently use the wrong pronouns for Nico at any point, please point it out so I can fix it!!! I've proof read this like 3 times because I keep making mistakes, but I DONT TRUST MYSELF. IDK WHAT TO CALL THIS SECTION LMFAO First of all, Nico never actually confirms being with Hu in the morning. They actually don't comment or react to it at all as far as the viewers can see. Hu has also been speaking for Nico (and interrupting them) quite a bit whenever they start to try defend themselves for a lot of chapter 2. Even before the trial, Hu has never actually let Nico defend themselves, instead just shouting at anybody who even tries to suspect them. ACE ATTACK Before I go on, let me say - I *do* believe Nico was the one who attacked Ace, and they did it without any outside influence. Nico confirms that they did attempt to kill ace, (image) without any prompting from Hu. Maybe Hu was involved in some way - for example, maybe she lent them the wire? - but she could also be in denial that Nico would do anything like murder and Nico got wire from storage or simply just stole it from Hu, which is what they probably did. We've seen them steal before (cough cough ROSE TURPENTINE) . I'm actually not too sure which one it could be... or if it's something completely separate, but that's not too relevant to the main topic of this post anyway. i seriously doubt hu forced nico to kill ace and I think this theory is based on the fact people think nico is some weak little baby (btw this is not an attack on people who believe this theory) cough cough anyway
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MOTIVES So...why would Hu lie? Why is Nico going along with it? Well, I have a few (shaky) ideas. 1. Hu came up with her and Nico's "alibi" in the moment, and it wasn't premeditated. Why? To keep herself and Nico (as she clearly cares for them) out of suspicion, whether they are involved in the murder or not Nico went along with it because they didn't want to be suspected, (we've seen them lie about what they were doing during murders in chapter 1 - where they claimed to be in their room while in reality they were walking around the place - because they didn't want to be suspected. They then proceed to heap blame on everyone without alibies to get suspicion off them, even though they had nothing to do with the case and were most likely just scared of being suspected as the blackened)
OR Nico didn't really notice Hu lying, and they were more focused on being interrupted. (again, nico doesn't confirm/comment on Hu saying they were together, instead focusing on how they keep getting interrupted)
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Nico is the murderer and is threatening/manipulating Hu to cover for them. This would be pretty ironic, seeming as many think it's the other way around... but Nico has no reason to go for Arei, and basically all the people left have more evidence against them, so I doubt it. Just thought I should include this anyway 2. It was premeditated, Hu is the culprit and Nico is being threatened/manipulated (for the whole of chapter 2??) and is helping her out. I **REALLY** doubt this, there's nothing to support this and it's VERY ooc for both Hu and Nico. It just doesn't work. Also, as I mentioned, Nico would not just kill somebody cause Hu told them too. Nico is NOT A PUSHOVER LISTEN TO ME- ahem. So no, I don't believe in this, but I suppose it's a possibility?? OR It was premeditated, they are both lying to cover each other, whether they are the culprit or not. Kind of OOC for them, but maybe??? I think I'm going to go with the first idea, along with Nico either not noticing Hu's lies or just going along with it to stay safe. It's just the most likely and most in-character for them. SUMMARY. Alright, here we go. PRE-MURDER: Nico steals (or simply just asks for, seeing as Hu would never suspect them) Hu's wire and uses it to cut Ace's neck open. Hu in uninvolved in Ace's murder any further than that. 1. Hu sees an opportunity to come up with an alibi for her and Nico. She doesn't want people to suspect them, so she lies in order to keep them safe and out of suspicion. She needs to keep everyone safe, as she sees herself as useless if she can't help people (episode 11 dialogue yall!!!) especially Nico, so she lies to keep them away from suspicion. 2. a) Nico notices Hu's lies. They hesitate, before realising the opportunity. They won't have to fight the others and be under suspicion if they have an "alibi". Hu will continue to defend them. They decide to divert the attention to them being interrupted again and don't say anything about Hu lying. 2. b) Nico fails to notice Hu's lies, more focused on being interrupted again. Their frustration leads them to completely miss Hu's comment, and the topic moves on. OR Im reaching per usual and nobody was lying about anybody's alibies. wooah. this was fun to make, although it kinda sucks.... ANYWAY, let me know what you think!!
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jealousraisin · 1 year
Needed to get the car thoughts OUTSIDE MY HEAD
I still have to fix anatomy and all that lovely stuff but 🫶 their cars✨💖
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Luke is pretty into cars actually.
Owns a Mitsubishi Lancer he's done work/customisation (2012 evolution x)
He got into street racing when he was about 16 and still is. He's a big fan of taking his car to the local track too.
When he first crashed he was in shambles, inconsolable for a solid month, that was his baby 💀. Charlie thought he was so stupid to think that way until she got her own car, now she gets it.
Luke also owns a motorcycle. (I just can't bring myself to draw that yet) and a Miata.
Charlie isn't too into cars but she does care if it's cute, she has a Volkswagen golf type r 2018 (automatic because who actually wants to use gears) that she will merge through 5 lanes of traffic with. It's been painted pink by Luke. It has a heart shaped exhaust.
She's been on the track with Luke before she really likes when she can floor it, she's pretty decent.
Shockingly has NOT been in any form of crash/accident despite how she drives sometimes.
Those poor speakers (which have been upgraded from the stock ones btw) get abused on the daily the car is basically her own portable karaoke booth.
The interior is cute, pink and black car seat covers, sticker decorations and a small plush hanging from the mirror.
Jonothan doesn't really drive much but he does own a car. It's a Porsche 718 Cayman GTS 2018 , jet black because obviously.
He just bought it because it looked cool, no other thought went into it really. If you check his infodump post it mentions he actually doesn't like to drive he's scared of merging on the highway he'll only do it if he's doing a road trip LMFAO.
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x1uizy · 4 years
woodz woops! first listen commentary
trigger is so good! i need to listen again for coherent commentary but yes!!! he did that!!! she is who buck thought she was!!!
second listen: it almost has a country inspo? it's interesting that he began and ended the album with country inspired vibes but stuck within very non country songs (with trigger being more pop/trap/rap and tide being a slow song).
also i know that it was between this song and bump bump...i really like this song but bump bump was DEFINITELY the right choice!!!! this is a very fun promoted bside but bump bump definitely feels better to me as a title.
the transition between trigger and bump bump saved my life
bump bump is making me like,,,nostalgic for my friends 😭😭😭 it's definitely that post graduation summer roadtrip song that you listen to with the windows down,,,i love her sm i wish she came out,,, you know,,,in the summer 😭😭😭
on my own...the upbeat alt teenager vibes continue. i really like this one too, if im continuing the metaphor this is the song that plays when your friends have fallen asleep in the backseat and you and the driver are the only ones awake just chilling and reflecting,,,god the vibes im so 😭😭😭
thanks to was written for his grandmother iirc? it's really sweet, i think after hearing that i expected it to be more like a ballad? but im really happy that it's more chill w/ a tropical house kinda beat. the key change was unnecessary imo but i really do like the song hhh
sweater ooo 2/5ths(?) of mola 😭😭😭 lowkey im glad that most of the ppl who were mad at jamie are gone lmfao, that was stupid as hell and im glad that it doesn't seem to have affected their bond
anyways it's very chill and their voices are really great as usual. i could see this song doing really well in sk, it has coffee shop vibes (i think its charting lowest rn though lol) its kinda low-fi too? i could see dean and luna doing a song just like this, or maybe even heize
tide - very slow but not boring at all. as a person who doesn't really like slow songs this is like. nearly my ideal slow song. like i can actually see myself putting this on a playlist and studying to it lol (simjlar to sweater, but sweater is more chill than outright slow)
overall im extremely satisfied with this album, but i had a feeling i would be! my vibes match seungyoun's 9 times out 10. woops! definitely makes my top albums playlist, i might remove tide and perhaps sweater.
for some of these songs, you can really tell that he wrote them during luizy era. the emotions are similar but the performance is more sophisticated. i appreciate that soooo much.
ranking: i think its obvious but bump bump > trigger > on my own > thanks to > sweater > tide ...so album order minus bb and trigger lol 😅
comparison to prev music:
i respect equal's creative drive and i do love it a lot, but woops! definitely fits my vibes better. so ranking them together:
bump bump > trigger > on my own > lift up > waikiki ≥ love me harder > noid > accident ≥ thanks to > sweater > tide > buck > memories
i cant really rank different, pool, how have you been, baby ride, etc because they feel like a very different seungyoun tbh. like i love those songs a lot and wouldnt call them worse than his new stuff, but even like. equipment quality and editing quality differences are clear to me (esp with the luizy stuff) so idek hoe to put them together with the "refined" seungyoun lol. but if anyone cares my ranking of those songs is hhyb > different > baby ride > pool and idr the rest off of the top of my head. anyways back to equal:
love me harder is my 14th most listened to song, followed by lift up at 25, waikiki & noid at 60 & 61 and accident is 73 (kinda funny how the order is off from my ranking but i mightve streamed lmh idr). i definitely think bb, trigger, and omo will make the list, idk if they'll unseat all of equal with a month and a half left in the year but. they definitely could bc i like them sm.
also, continuing the earlier thought about luizy vibes/sy growing up as an artist: i really like equal but it definitely seemed like angsty seungyoun. not that that can't express that (in fact im glad he does) but i find equal to be a very intense album with very little breaks. it almost makes me wish that woops! was a repack of equal, because i feel like they balance eachother very well. equal felt like "meaningless" seungyoun, refined but still angsty? whereas woops! feels like him on the road to healing, it's very nice :) (note: this is purely based on vibes, not lyrics btw lol)
if anyone else has thoughts feel free to reply or whatever, i love talking about this stuff!
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Hashirama & Tobirama With a Little Sister Headcanons
( as children )
♡ butsuma was never really a good father. he was constantly pushing his children into war one way or the other, so i headcanon him as being, to put it bluntly, a very abusive father.
♡ i imagine butsuma being absolutely infuriated when he finds out that his youngest child is a girl
♡ "what am i going to do with this? she won't ever be as strong as my sons!"
♡ with this being mentioned, hashi and tobi's little sister grows up constantly being called a 'total misfire'
♡ so, with that in mind...
♡ get ready for a whole lot of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE
♡ GOD, hashi just loves her SO MUCH
♡ when she was little, hashirama would play with her in her room like, all the time. no buts. all the time.
♡ "wanna play with the blocks? you want the green one? here you go!! i love you so much!!!"
♡ he can't believe he has a little sister! three brothers it took to get him here and now all he wants is to play with her constantly
♡ when kawarama and itama become fatalities to the uchiha clan, hashirama has a newfound drive to protect his youngest sibling. he vows to never, ever let anything happen to her, may god help him.
♡ stands up for her against their father. butsuma is furious, but hashi's little sister never forgets that. hashi made a vow to protect her, and that's exactly what he's gonna do.
♡ whenever she has nightmares, he's always there to comfort her, no matter what. if he has a curfew and has to be in his room and stay in there at a certain time, he'll sneak out and crawl through the halls just to get to her room. #goodfam
♡ during the colder months he likes to wrap a long scarf around his sister and throw one of the ends over her head, just for shits and giggles
♡ she doesn't mind, she's giggling too
( as teenagers )
♡ when things get a little more rocky in their lives now that hashirama is older, he finds he doesn't have enough time for his baby sister anymore. right around the corner he'll be in his twenties, and his baby sister is still only barely past the age of ten. now that he's much more stronger and able to provide more for his family, he's willing to do anything it takes, even if it means he won't always physically be there for his sister.
♡ when butsuma passes away and hashirama becomes the head of the senju clan, there's a lot of strain on him, but he manages to pull through
♡ his baby sister is always getting noogies or having her hair ruffled by him
♡ once she was complaining about her hair getting too long and how she didn't like it, so hashi sat her down and cut her hair for her. he was like "OMG KSJGFSHGBJRGH IM GONNA CUT YOUR HAIR ARE YOU READY? im not the best at cutting hair. like, TERRIBLE. im TERRIBLE at it. but i hope it'll look good on u!! cus ur so cute!! look at those squishy cheeks!!!!"
♡ his little sister is like "uhh, on second thought???"
♡ he does a terrible job
♡ he cuts it at about a few inches above her shoulders but it's so UNEVEN
♡ he tried his best
♡ she cries because it looks so bad but can't get mad at poor hashi
♡ his little sister enjoys practicing being a homemaker before fighting other clans, so that's what she does. while hashi and tobi are out, she stays at home and sweeps, scrubs the floors on her hands and knees, does the dishes, washes the laundry as best she can, etc
♡ by the time hashi and tobi get home she's fallen asleep on the floor
♡ when she woke up nothing went well.
♡ if his little sister wants to dabble in some medical ninjutsu, hashi complies immediately. 3 seconds after the words are out of her mouth hashi is dashing out of the house towards the medical quarters to see if he can find a nurse nin to teach his lil sis
♡ oh, btw, lots of "sis"'s
♡ and hugs
♡ and cheek kisses
♡ he can't resist he loves his baby sister SO much. like, 100/10 would fr die for her
( as children )
♡ he comes off as a bit cold and distant sometimes, but he really does care about his little sister, especially after itama and kawarama.
♡ whenever she'd come up to him wanting to play he shrugged her off and made her cry quite a handful of times, but every time he'd cringe at her sniffling and would be guilt-tripped into stacking blocks with her or some shit like that lmfao
♡ tobi definitely would not go to hashirama's level of affection for their little sister. it's just... it's just kinda nasty to him
♡ he hates the idea of receiving such affection and wouldn't "obsessively" kiss or hug his baby sister like SOMEONE he knows
♡ although once in a while he'll lay a hand on the top of her head
♡ she doesn't really know what's happening but he takes it off after .2 seconds
♡ he just aint that kinda brutha
♡ one time his sister started uncontrollably crying in the garden outside of their house and when he came to see what was wrong she pointed at a dead lizard on the ground and "i stepped on him!" poor babey
♡ tobirama honestly doesn't see how that's a problem. big deal, how many, i dunno, ants has he stepped on before? he never cried about that. he just cant understand what the big deal is. it's a lizard. there's billions of them.
♡ "so what? he was bound to be caught by a bird sometime or the other."
♡ in which the crying ensues, again, and tobirama begrudgingly places a hand on his sister's shoulder in some way to console her, but that's the best he can do. if his sister jumps at him while she's crying for comfort, he may lay a hand on the back of her neck while cries on him. that's it though
( as teenagers )
♡ when he's in his late teens, he's constantly out of the house preparing battle strategies just in case. he's virtually never at home except for when he gets off from his strategizing earlier than normal. when he's out late, he doesn't come home till past midnight probably or he'll be pulling an all-nighter. it's just who he is, and battle strategizing in case of a uchiha attack is necessary. someone's gotta do it
♡ now that his sister is older, she now has a bit of knowledge in the kitchen, and sometimes makes a little, small snack for her brother if he gets home late. it's not much, but it's the best she can do. probably something like a little tiny cupcake or a small dish of sliced fruit for him
♡ he appreciates it, but will never ever say that to her. his pride wouldn't be able to take it, showing thanks to a little girl when at the very least it should be him cooking for her. but we all know he doesn't have time for that
♡ once hashirama switched around the salt and sugar jars by accident since he just. he just doesn't know anything that goes on in the kitchen. it was a mistake. their little sister decided to make a little treat for tobirama when he got home, and she put salt in the cupcake instead of sugar. made it all nice and as neat as an eleven-year-old could, even put only a very small amount of icing on the top, just how tobi likes it
♡ when tobi got home he found it sitting out on the kotatsu in the dining room and decided to take only a bite before getting ready for a much-needed hot bath
♡ and promptly spat it out on the floor
♡ he was SO angry. ???????? like??????? did she do this on purpose??? was she messing with him?? was she angry that tobirama couldn't stay home the other night to eat dinner with her???? she knew that he had a busy schedule, so her giving him this garbage was unacceptable and selfish
♡ he's just a big grump
♡ when he confronts her about it the next day, shes like ??????? huh??? i didn't put salt in the food, get your mouth checked
♡ and then hashirama, amidst the loud arguing, is rubbing his neck like ...... hey guys, i have a confession to make
♡ when konoha is formed, tobirama is old enough to have his own home, and hashirama is arranged for a marriage with a woman named mito uzumaki. so tobirama moves out, and brings his little sister with him
♡ she runs the house while he's out being hashi's right-hand-man and whatnot
♡ y'know, slaving away, but now, thanks to hashi, pretty good at medical ninjutsu
♡ now that they're living alone together, tobirama has a bit more time for her. when he's free, he takes his sister out to a secluded spot to practice battle moves with her, pretty much trying to show her everything he knows, as much as he can. if his sister has an affinity for water like him, then all the more convenient. this gives him a much larger platform to teach her on
♡ she lowkey hates his style of teaching though
♡ "i can't be hitting you that hard" headass
♡ tobi she's like, thirteen, with barely any battle experience. you're a grown adult male whom has literally wasted some people, including that spikey-haired angry man's brother, ok
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treason-and-plot · 5 years
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Whatever helps him sleep at night.
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hmmm... agathe is messy but pablo is no saint. to refuse to take any part in your child's life except for court ordered payments is awful.
Like the majority of my chars they have both good and bad in them. I can see both sides, but it’s still unclear whether Agathe was truly trying to ‘trap’ him. The fact that she had an abortion when he refused to bend to her demands seems to point to this, however...
there is nothing wrong with not wanting to be a parent....when I was young I wanted nothing more than to be a wife and mom....it never happened and thank God for that....I never developed the patience and have discovered that I am happiest when I am alone without anyone depending on me for anything....
Yeah, Pablo definitely should not be vilified for that.  And he did make it clear to Agathe at the beginning of their affair that he was not interested in commitment or kids, so he deserves kudos for being upfront about that too. 
And I’m glad you found your peace and didn’t conform to society’s expectations. Good for you.
Hmmmm well I mean if someone doesn’t want kids and is up front about it then it’s really unfair of her to get pregnant (if she did so on purpose). It’s not fair to force someone into such a huge decision. She is in a pretty nice position to have a child on her own. I don’t feel like he’s been shady with Mia, so I’m doubting her story a little. He seems very up front (but I could be wrong)
I’m leaning towards Pablo being a little more truthful than Agathe, but she is also understandably more emotional about events than him, and may have exaggerated a little. The fact remains though that she did have an abortion, and as you say she seemingly was in a position to be able to raise a child or her own...so that might seem to point to the fact that her original idea was to ‘trap’ him, and when he wouldn’t come to the party she got rid of it. Which also lends credence to Pablo’s proclamation that she is the monster, not him. 
This is an interesting twist. Agathe's beginning to sound like my manipulative sister-in-law, who keeps having babies in order to manipulate my stupid, gullible brother. To a degree, I can't fault Pablo if he told Agathe up front about not wanting kids. Not everyone wants to be a parent. He still acted like an asshat about it, though. Condoms break on accident, but it makes me wonder if Agathe is being completely truthful, too.
Yep, neither of them come away from this situation favourably...you could argue they both are selfish and not very nice people, but as a few people have said maybe Agathe is being truthful in her own way...she probably really does believe that Pablo ‘forced’ her to have an abortion by refusing to be a part of the baby’s life, even if he didn’t do so verbally. 
Honestly I believe both of them are telling the truth because their stories line up. It's just different viewpoints are mixed in, but never once did Agathe say Pablo lead her on or tricked her into the child. So still, the only thing that Pablo is guilty of is being heartless, but he works for Renny so you can't exactly have one now can you? As far as Agathe tampering goes... i'm not sure. It could've been a miracle baby, but if it wasn't then you can't be angry when the person rejects the child you tried to force on them. In the event that she did try to set him up for a big happy family, it backfired, reap what you sow and move on. It's not a cool move anyway, and he's not really awful when he does his best to take the steps to prevent that. I mean the man is a believer of condoms. If he had no protection screaming "I don't wanna be dad" then i'd be roasting his ass. Btw, I know condoms aren't a 100% thing, but condoms + birth control.. cmon now. All that was left was pulling out, which I'm almost confident Pablo would do if it meant not being a dad lmfao. Rambling over!
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Your rambling is top notch! Could not have said any of those things better myself!
He's right though, it's not Mia's business, even though Agatha threw her into it.  Unfortunately, it does make him sound like an ass from Agatha's point of view, but not from his. I have parents like that... You just learn that you'll never get a real, unbiased look at what actually happened. 🙄
I like that there is a grey area, and the truth is buried somewhere in it. At least Mia has a bit more empathy towards Agathe now though. She was really very bitchy towards her before.
Also Jake, what the hell are you doing gatecrashing my replies post like this! GTFO!!!
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Two sides to every story. Mia just needs to bow out and go home.
She has to go back to Paris though and they will be in close contact again with Pablo and Agathe...she can’t avoid them even if she wanted to!
He Said, She Said
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That first part about Mia's walk 😂🤣
Heheh thank you!! I had great fun writing that!
It have crossed my mind Aggi  could have pulled a stunt like that so I believe him and in any other situation there is nothing wrong for Mia to continue her "relationship" with Pablo. It's just that she can get herself into a lot of trouble right now. :/
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Suspect that these two (Pablo and Agathe) are actually perfect for one another, if they could get over their blind assumptions. Suspect that both are telling the truth as they see it. And wonder if Mia asking questions and things might eventually lead to a reconciliation. Also suspect of Pablo’s ‘lack of feelings’ because not being good at emotion and not -having- emotion are two totally separate things.
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How I wish I was this sponge.
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*shocked* someone hacked my tumblr. Sorry @treason-and-plot​ ._." xD
Oh, my goodness!!! It’s okay, dear sweet Kevin, none of us are immune from hacking, despite our best efforts and the best protection....cyber criminals are everywhere, and we have to stay eternally vigilant! Godspeed, my friend!
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