#akihiko x mitsuru
smellbringer · 7 months
Stupid Persona 3 Request Idea I Got Stuck In My Head
Akihiko: "Listen Makoto, we need you to have The Talk with Amada-san." Makoto: "Why?" Akihiko: "Because he's going around claiming that Mitsuru and I are... wrestling." Makoto: "I thought you guys were wrestling too." Akihiko: "..." Makoto: "..." Akihiko: "Did you sleep through sex ed?" Makoto: "Yes." Akihiko: "Why?" Makoto: "Needed to get my courage stat up."
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ari-blueberry-bloop · 3 months
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incorrectpersonathree · 7 months
Akihiko: Mitsuru and I are having a baby.
Ken: That's gre-
Mitsuru, slamming adoption papers on the table: It's you, sign here.
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sees-text-shenans · 1 year
Hello! I really like your blog and I was wondering if... we could have some Akihiko x Mitsuru content?? I know it's super unpopular in the fandom, so if not, maybe Mitsuru x Kotone? Thanks in advance!
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I hope you likey!!!!
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thecard · 7 months
Akimitsu baby would be really cute tho (feral child with Akihiko energy)
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Unable to pull up the game rn but I made this of their sims baby (link to the picrew generator in photo description).
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kumeko · 2 years
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A/N: For the Festival of Stars: A Persona Wish zine! One day I’ll finish P1/2/4/5 and write about the other ones, but for now, I’ll take every chance to cram in MitsuAki that I can
After months of fighting Shadows, the midnight city was a familiar one to Mitsuru. Streetlights lit the way home, stretching out into the distance like a pearl chain. The odd lamp flickered on and off, making a soft buzzing sound as they walked past. Iwatodai was usually just as lively at night as it was in the day, but even midnight was an hour too late for most. The odd car raced by, music blaring as it screeched and squealed through the empty streets.
A short, bark-like laugh drew her attention and Mitsuru turned away from the road and toward her two companions. Ahead of her, Shinjiro and Akihiko bumped into each other as they talked, their voices clashing against one another as though they were sparring. For friends, they argued a lot.
Then again, Mitsuru wasn’t one to talk. Aside from them, she couldn’t think of a single classmate she was close to. Maybe this was the norm.
Still, their argument today looked more like banter. Even Shinjiro, who Mitsuru found impossible to read on a good day, was smiling, his teeth showing as he tried and failed to hold back a laugh. Akihiko’s responding glare couldn’t disguise the mirth in his expression.
“What’s so funny?” she asked before she could stop herself. It was something that happened more and more these days. Perhaps Akihiko’s impulsiveness was rubbing off on her.
Shinjiro glanced over his shoulder, his dark eyes studying her. Whatever he was searching for, he must have found it for he relaxed and smirked. With a teasing lilt, he explained, “Akihiko still believes in fairy tales.”
“Don’t say it like that!” Akihiko lightly punched Shinjiro’s shoulder, embarrassment clear in his voice. As they walked under a streetlight, Mitsuru could just make out his red ears.
“Then what am I supposed to say?” Shinjiro challenged, punching back. Akihiko almost stumbled onto the street from the force. “Akihiko believes in magic? Akihiko—”
“Come on man!” Akihiko growled, shoving and cutting him off before he could get any further. His cheeks flushed as he peeked at her and then away. Whatever it was, he clearly hadn’t wanted her to find out. “It isn’t like that.”
Shinjiro snorted. “It is—”
“Then what is it like?” Mitsuru asked, interrupting their argument before it could get any worse. She quickened her pace till she was right behind them.
Akihiko stiffened at her sudden proximity. When it was clear she wouldn’t let this go, he scratched the bandage on his cheek sheepishly. “That’s…” Clearing his throat, he mumbled awkwardly, “It’s…it’s just…”
She couldn’t make out the last part. “It’s just?”
Shinjiro merely laughed, neither helping nor stopping the sudden inquisition. Akihiko elbowed him in the gut. “You!”
Holding his hand up, Shinjiro weakly defended himself. “Alright, alright. I get it.”
“I still don’t,” Mitsuru pressed, before either could drop the subject. There were few things she disliked more than being left in the dark.
“That…” Akihiko cleared his throat. He rubbed his nose and sighed before reluctantly explaining. “Shooting stars.”
That clarified nothing. She frowned. “What about them?”
“You know, that old thing. You make a wish when you see one.” Akihiko shoved his hands in his pockets and scuffed his shoes on the sidewalk. “I was just thinking it’d be nice to see one.”
Vaguely, Mitsuru recalled hearing about that as a child. But they were in middle school now, far past the time for such childish indulgences. “That’s inane.”
To her surprise, Akihiko didn’t get angry. Instead, he chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s a little silly, yeah. I know it’s not true or that anything’ll happen but…” His expression softened, his eyes rising to the night sky. “It’s fun.”
Shinjiro nodded, looking oddly vulnerable as he also turned to the stars. “Yeah. It is.”
She didn’t have to ask to know who they were thinking of. Miki. Mitsuru knew a handful of facts about Akihiko’s sister, but it was enough for her to know that her ghost lingered here still. Neither of the boys in front of her were ready to let her go. And she didn’t have the heart to force them to.
Mitsuru followed their gaze. Between the streetlights and the bright moon, the stars were faint and hard to find. Intellectually, she knew the distance between them and those twinkling lights, knew the combination of gas and elements that composed each one, knew galaxies and constellations they belonged to.
“I don’t understand,” she finally said, tearing her eyes from the heavens and back to earth. “The stars are…just stars. And a shooting star isn’t even a star. Why make a wish on them?”
“You’re too practical, princess,” Shinjiro replied softly, though there was nothing cutting about his pet name for her.
“You don’t have to take it so seriously.” Still embarrassed, Akihiko ducked his head as he spoke. “Like I said, it’s just for fun. You can wish for anything.”
“Anything?” Mitsuru raised a brow.
“Yeah. Even impossible things.” Akihiko’s voice dropped a notch.
What did you wish for? Mitsuru knew better than to ask that question. She knew better than anyone just what impossible thing Akihiko and Shinjiro wished for. She knew better than anyone how desperate they were for it to come true, how unattainable that wish was, how insurmountable reality was.
What would I wish for?
Mitsuru was grateful they hadn’t asked, because even if she included impossible things, she wouldn’t know the answer to that.
The beach villa was oddly quiet. It had only been a few days since all of S.E.E.S. had come here, and every night had been filled with some excitement or another. When Junpei and Yukari had promised to enjoy it to the max, Mitsuru hadn’t expected them to stuff every hour with fireworks, ghost stories, and more. She wasn’t sure where they found the energy.
It was all too much for her. She had craved peace and quiet and she was glad that tonight, for once, the pair had finally stumbled into bed. Fuuka and Ken had guided them back, looking slightly worse for wear and just as exhausted as Mitsuru felt. Minato had disappeared to who knows where. The end result: the house felt oddly quiet and Mitsuru almost missed the noise.
Almost, save for the boy sitting on the porch next to her. Akihiko leaned against a post, yawning as he blearily stared out into the night. His dark red shirt clung to him like a second skin, still slightly damp from an earlier water fight. In the distance, waves crashed against an invisible shore. A warm wind blew, tangling her locks, and above them the stars shone bright in the moonless sky.
A comet streaked across the sky, short and fleeting, and Mitsuru remembered a laughter-filled night long ago. Fondly, she asked, “Do you still make wishes?”
That shook him out of his stupor. He jerked himself into an upright position, sitting up properly as he stirred into alertness. Akihiko stared at the sky blankly before turning to her, surprised. “You still remember that?”
“Of course.” Mitsuru smiled. She hadn’t forgotten a single thing about those days, when S.E.E.S. was just three kids fumbling in the dark. When her small world had expanded just a little, giving her a glimpse of possibility.
A possibility that had been snuffed out all too soon.
“Me too.” Akihiko sounded oddly pleased. She couldn’t understand why. He leaned back, his hand planted firmly on the wooden deck as he stared up at the stars. “Think you’ll make a wish? Or is it still pointless?”
She could hear the laughter in his voice, his question more teasing than barbed. Mitsuru clasped her hands on her lap as she considered his question. Even now, she couldn’t understand the merit of such a superstition.
“It is pointless, but I’ll do it.” Mitsuru turned to him with a smile, her hair falling over her shoulder. The only difference between now and then was that she had long since learned the value of such intangible things. “It’s for fun, right?”
Akihiko stared at her, eyes wide, before bursting into laughter. “Seriously?”
“Is it really that unbelievable?” Mitsuru asked, frowning. She couldn’t tell if he was mocking her or not.
“Just a little.” He pinched his fingers, leaving a small gap between them, and smirked. “Can you blame me?”
She pursed her lips. In all honesty, she would have had the same misgivings a year ago. Just this once, she’d let it slide. “No.”
“So?” Akihiko watched her now, his eyes bright. The moonlight made his hair and eyes silver, giving him an eerie look. “What’ll you wish for?”
“I thought it wouldn’t come true if you tell?” Mitsuru retorted, raising a brow. She wasn’t entirely ignorant to the superstition.
“Well…yeah…” he admitted sheepishly, rubbing his neck. There was a bandage on his nose and Mitsuru couldn’t remember if she’d ever seen him without an injury of some kind. Part of her wondered if his nose was permanently broken. “But you didn’t actually make a wish yet, right?”
“Does that count?” Mitsuru exhaled softly, shaking her head. Not that such technicalities mattered anyways. It was a fantasy, not a fact. “I’d wish that we would defeat all the Shadows and end this.”
Akihiko chuckled. It was almost tender the way he bumped her shoulder, the way he shook his head. “That’s just like you. You know you can wish for something you want, right?”
“I want us to defeat the Shadows,” she curtly replied, scowling at his insinuation.
“That’s not what I…” Akihiko blanched, his shoulders slumping as he tried to explain himself. “I just mean…you could wish for something personal, ya know? Something that’s just for you, not for everyone else.”
“Oh.” Mitsuru looked away. “I guess so.”
She shrugged. It wasn’t like she had any other wishes. Even now, she didn’t have an answer to that question. “I want to defeat the shadows.”
Mitsuru gazed fondly at the old brick building in front of her. Behind it, the sun had just set, its last golden rays disappearing into a velvety sky. The twilight hour gave everything a romantic feel. It was an appropriate feeling, considering this was the last time she’d see her old dorm.
“I knew we’d leave someday but…I dunno, I guess I didn’t think I’d miss it this much.” Akihiko said, his words echoing her thoughts. He stood right next to her, so close she could feel his warmth, so close she could bump shoulders with him if she were so inclined. He was tall, a whole head taller than her now, and she couldn’t say just when that had happened. They’d been together too long, his presence as familiar and comfortable as her shadow’s.
“It surprises me too.” Mitsuru kept her hands by her side and wetted her lips. “It’s a good thing. We’re not needed anymore. The danger’s finally gone.”
“Gone?” Akihiko questioned, a shadow crossing his face. “I’m not so sure about that.”
Involuntarily, Mitsuru’s gaze landed on the second floor. On Minato’s window. S.E.E.S had gathered around his room just before leaving, giving him a final farewell. Their lost leader, their fallen hero—Mitsuru wondered how long it’d take before the ache in her chest disappeared. Before she could think of him or her father and smile.
“The Shadows won’t return,” she finally said, stiffening her spine and squaring her shoulders. This wasn’t the time or place to dwell on the past. “We’ll make sure of it.”
Akihiko glanced at her and laughed. “Don’t know why I was worried.” He bumped shoulders with her gently. There was something terribly fond about his voice, about his eyes. “You’re here.”
She swallowed thickly. Composing herself, Mitsuru managed to reply, “And so are you.”
“That’s right.” He grinned, his usual cocky smirk. Akihiko shoved his hands in his pockets as he took in the building once more. “We’ll keep the world safe for them. You know, for all that happened, I actually liked living here. We had some good times. More than the bad.”
“This last year especially…” Mitsuru closed her eyes, inhaling softly. The noisy dinners, the crowded living room, the way the building was never entirely empty—she hadn’t thought she’d like it as much as she had.
And throughout it all had been Akihiko. She peeked at him from the corner of her eye. Even now, his profile was proud and confident, ready to take on the world. They might not see each other again after this. Mitsuru was off to university, to get a degree to help her with her business. Akihiko was bound for college, his future uncertain.
It bothered her more than she’d care to admit.
Akihiko looked up and grinned. “A shooting star. I’d wish for the dorm back but…” He chuckled wryly. “That wish kinda got us trapped in a time loop.”
“I’d rather not repeat today again.” Mitsuru shuddered. For a while, she had feared she’d never breathe fresh air again. “Besides, who knows what we might find in the future?”
His grey eyes locked onto hers as he agreed. “There’s always something better around the corner, right?”
This time, neither the cold nor fear caused her to shiver. Mitsuru looked away first and started walking down the sidewalk. “I’ll give you a ride.”
“Sure.” Akihiko nodded before trailing after her. Within seconds, his longer strides overtook hers. Hands in his pockets, he hunched forward till he seemed like he was her height. His eyes met hers, his dangling hair too short to hide his gaze. “So. What would you wish for?”
Mitsuru still had few wishes, and the only one on her mind right now was a want. A desire. And it was something she could make tangible with her own hands. “Let’s have dinner next week.”
“Huh?” Akihiko blinked, bemused. When she didn’t add anything, he cocked his head. “Sure, but what does that have to do with anything?”
Everything. Mitsuru smiled mysteriously. “Like you said, we can’t wish for the dorm to come back. However, we can still meet.”’
Mitsuru had memorized Akihiko’s profile at night. It was impossible not to, after years of working together, after years of fighting and patching each other up. By now, she knew him better by the light of a streetlamp than she did the sun.
Even tonight was no exception—the moon was high in the sky as they leaned against her motorcycle, beers in hand. Akihiko balanced a container of takoyaki in his other hand. His skin was lightly flushed and by the tingle in her hands, she knew hers was no better. They’d have to walk off the alcohol before she could drive him home.
It was hard to care when he smiled at her, goofy and smug. “I know it’s a dive, but it hits the spot.”
Mitsuru glanced at the street stall in front of her, manned by a little old lady with the skills of a finely tuned machine. Exhausted office workers, rebellious teenagers, and more drifted to and from the stall. She hummed her agreement. “It is nice to go to places like this once in a while.”
Akihiko set his can on her motorcycle seat. She eyed it warily, ready should it spill and fall over. The last time he’d done that, the seat had been sticky for weeks. Maybe she hadn’t punished and threatened him enough, if he was risking a repeat.
“I bet you’d never go to places like this if it weren’t for me,” Akihiko boasted, baselessly as cocky and confident as ever. It was a strange thing to be proud of. Even now, she didn’t understand him entirely.
There was no point in denying it. “I suppose not. You have given me a craving for it.” Mitsuru took a swig of her beer, the quality lower than anything she owned in her apartment. Somehow, she didn’t mind when she was with him. “The reverse is true. You wouldn’t enter any of my favourite restaurants if it weren’t for me.”
Akihiko snorted as he blew on a takoyaki ball. The steam wafted in the air and dissipated. There was no bitterness in his voice as he agreed, they’d known each other too long for that. “Yeah, of course. It’s outta my pay grade.”
“Just a smidge,” she agreed lightly, tilting her head back to admire the sky. “It’s a nice night.”
“Yeah.” Akihiko bumped shoulders with her. He’d been doing that a lot lately, ever since they’d graduated in fact. It was oddly affectionate and she didn’t miss the red in his ears as he pulled back. “I didn’t think we’d do this so often.”
“Oh?” She glanced at him curiously, trying to gauge his feelings. “Would you prefer otherwise?”
“No,” Akihiko denied immediately and bluntly, filling her with ease. He stared at the takoyaki ball he was about to eat. “Just…surprised, you know. When we first met, I didn’t think we’d end up drinking beer like this.”
Another thing she couldn’t deny. Mitsuru tapped her beer can. “Things change…I used to regret dragging you into this but…well, it’s a little selfish, but I’m glad you were there.”
“Me too.” He grinned, his eyes soft. It was strange how everything about him seemed soft in the dim light. Part of Akihiko didn’t seem real, solid, and she resisted the urge to touch him. “You know you can be a little selfish, right?”
A shooting star caught her eye and Mitsuru jerked her head up. “Oh. Make a wish.”
Akihiko chuckled as he looked up. “Never thought you’d say that either.”
“Well, I did.” She focused on him. “What did you wish for?”
“If I tell you, it won’t come true,” Akihiko protested. When she gave him a look, he sighed and looked away. His ears were red again. “Just that…we keep doing this.”
Her breath hitched. Mitsuru reached down, taking his calloused hand into her own. Her skin burned at the contact. He was real, he was real and he was solid, and perhaps it was time she stopped this dance of theirs. “Me too.”
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luniise-kel · 9 months
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imagine having to pretend gay ppl r normal
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randoimago · 9 months
could you write shinjiro, akihiko, mitsuru and maybe kotone with a fem s/o thats introverted, but loves listening to music with them?
have a good day / evening!
Fandom: Persona 3
Character(s): Akihiko Sanda, Kotone Shiomi, Mitsuru Kirijo, Shinjiro Aragaki
Note(s): Ngl, just chilling out and listening to music sounds like a fantastic date imo. You have a good day / evening too!!
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Immediately by your side when he sees that you're uncomfortable. Akihiko is kind of a mix of being social and preferring to stick to those he's close to.
But he'll gladly step in and straight up let the other person know you're uncomfortable (he does say it politely, but he's also blunt).
Akihiko has had you in the same room as him while he's trained with his weights or punching bag. Music plays in the background as he works out and you hang out on his bed. It's honestly a very nice dynamic you both have.
Of course, he doesn't want you feeling neglected either so there are times when he'll lay with you on his bed (and he gets flustered every time) and share earbuds as you both listen to whatever music you choose.
She's definitely more upbeat and bubbly (and chaotic) so she's happy to step in and take charge of any scary social situation you might have found yourself in.
Will subtly assert herself in the conversation and send you a small wink before she changes the subject to focus on her or the other person.
Kotone absolutely loves just hanging out in her dorm room and listening to music together. No headphones needed as she has her ipod playing as you both lay on her bed.
You two don't even need to talk as the music is playing. Of course, now and then she does decide to have a bit of fun and pull you up to dance chaotically with you. Who cares if you feel/look like an idiot? It's fun!
Mitsuru is a natural leader and easily has the attention go to her so you don't have to deal with social situations. She's very polite as she makes an excuse and leads you both away from the situation.
She mostly listens to classical music so being able to hang out in your room (she insists of it being your room because hers is boring in her eyes) and listening to your music makes her happy.
Mitsuru has found that she enjoys music playing in the background while studying. The white noise is nice and not nearly as distracting as she initially thought it'd be.
So there are many study dates between you both where music is playing in the background.
Scary dog privileged. You're in a situation that makes you uncomfortable? He's there to scare away whoever is causing that discomfort. Even if they're doing it unknowingly, he's not going to let you deal with it yourself.
Shinjiro is also not really a social person. He has a small group of people he likes. Really does rely on being intimidating so you both can have some space.
He's not the most verse in music so he lets you choose as he hangs out with you while music plays in the background.
Sharing earbuds would cause him to be too flustered, so he prefers the speakers to just play music in the background for you both.
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Taglists: @reo-the-leo
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phantomstatistician · 6 months
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Fandom: Persona 3
Character: Mitsuru Kirijo
Sample Size: 806 stories
Source: AO3
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kisakis-boyfriend · 5 months
A collection of spicy Mitsuru + Akihiko thoughts. I'm weak for these two, what can I say? 😌
Contains: Male!reader, dom and sub reader bits, polyamory, college AU/adult AU, riding, rough sex, dirty talk, simp reader, AkiMitsu
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Being pinned in between Aki and Mitsuru though... mmph. They're flustering you to hell and back, and the only thing you can do is take it. They're groping you and rubbing up against your body, not-so-subtly grinding on you while you're in heaven. 🤤
Another way to be pinned between them is with Akihiko behind you; he's fucking you from behind while you're buried in Mitsuru. Aki's thrusts cause you to thrust inside of her, controlling how you fuck her with his movement 🥴
Mitsuru pushing you down onto the bed (not being rough but not exactly being gentle either), removing your clothes and riding you for the first time!! When she finally sinks all the way down and you're balls deep in her pussy, just so pussydrunk that all you can do is grip her hips and fuck up into her. She's so beautiful on top of you like this; with her hair framing her face nicely and her tits bouncing with every thrust.
Mitsuru prefers to be on top, though not necessarily being A Top. She likes riding you and Aki (and riding your faces 👀). Of course the queen is on top, it's where she belongs 💅
I think these two have a lot in common when it comes to sex-related characteristics.
They're both extremely vocal during. Nonstop grunts, groans, moans, panting, etc etc
Very gutteral groans when it feels good
S tier bottoms 👌
S tier tops too though 👌
If you bend them over something and just start fucking them, they won't complain unless you'll more than likely get caught
Bisexual switch/vers king and queen ❤️❤️
They're both obsessed with heavy make out sessions. Pressed together tightly, desperately grasping at clothes, lips becoming sore, dry humping each other type of make outs 🥴
The only difference that I really noted is their opinions on quickies; Akihiko kind of likes them, Mitsuru isn't as enthusiastic. I mean, she will, if the opportunity presents itself at a time when she's pent up/desperately needs relief. But she's not going to be the one who suggests a quickie. She'd rather wait until you can spend more time together.
At first, neither of them can wrap their head around the fact that you're not exactly joking when you say “Please beat me up.” or “I wish Akihiko/Mitsuru would do that to me.” when you're literally in the midst of battle... (Rip teammates who have to hear you simping)
However, if you sit down and explain what you mean, they will eventually oblige. Every once in a while Mitsuru will use you as her personal furniture or step on you. Just the same, Aki will step on you and choke you if you ask nicely 👉👈
Despite its dangers, Akihiko is very into shower sex. There have been multiple occasions where the two of you fucked in the showers at the gym after a joint workout. Just pressing one another against the wall; hearts pounding and bodies sweaty as your adrenaline drives you to not give a shit about getting caught.
Or maybe he just enjoys it when you pin him against the wall... Well, whatever. He just wants you to take what belongs to you really. It doesn't matter where you are, take him doggy style and tell him how much you love fucking him against things~
Soooo... You know how Mitsuru slips a bit of French into her sentences? Yeeeaaahh Akihiko loves that. Hearing the language fall so effortlessly from her pretty lips makes the poor guy melt. Especially when she whispers in his ears all of the pet names that he likes ❤️
Hearing Aki call Koromaru a 'good boy' every night while I explore Tartarus has been uh... An Interesting Experience, to put it mildly. 😳
Anyways... Akihiko calling you "good boy" randomly because he knows you're embarrassed by how turned on you get. That's all.
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frickingnerd · 10 months
S.E.E.S. Masterlist
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Makoto Yuki
when the stars smile at the moon - oneshot
a part of you lives on in me - oneshot
first time at a maid cafe - oneshot
admiring you from afar - oneshot
makoto dating an idol who's in a fake relationship for publicity - headcanons
enemies to lovers with makoto yuki - headcanons
caught making out with makoto yuki - headcanons
yandere!ryoji & yandere!makoto with a bullied darling - headcanons
Kotone Shiomi
enemies to lovers with kotone and a strega reader - headcanons
Yukari Takeba
until you hold my hand - oneshot
what we do in the shadows - oneshot
i'm all you have left - drabble
love triangle with yukari & mitsuru - headcanons
Junpei Iori
people will talk (no matter what) - oneshot
there's a first time for everything - oneshot
hold me in your arms tonight - drabble
Akihiko Sanada
the things i'd do for you - oneshot
drunk on your love - oneshot
tending to his injuries - drabble
being in a poly relationship with shinjiro and akihiko - headcanons
living together with shinjiro and akihiko - headcanons
fake dating shinjiro & akihiko falling in love with you - headcanons
Mitsuru Kirijo
all that could have been - drabble
dating mitsuru kirijo - headcanons
mitsuru dating a former delinquent - headcanons
mitsuru falling in love with a private detective hired to spy on her - headcanons
mitsuru's crush being in an abusive relationship - headcanons
love triangle with yukari & mitsuru - headcanons
Fuuka Yamagishi
undeserving of her kindness - drabble
Shinjiro Aragaki
↳ Masterlist
aigis' (failed) flirting attempt - drabble
holding hands with aigis - headcanons
having a baby with aigis - headcanons
aigis spying on you to find out why you're upset - headcanons
poly relationship with aigis & labrys - headcanons
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118 notes · View notes
akihiko sanada x ftm reader perhaps? maybe some fluffy pre-relationship headcanons?
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Persona 3
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Character(s): Akihiko
Genre: Fluff
Type: Headcanon
Description: Pre-relationship days!
Warnings/Notes: FtM Reader(Only Referred to With You/Your), Fear of Unrequited Love(Barely Mentioned), Akihiko and Reader are in Gekkoukan High
of course! thank you for sending a request in, i hope you enjoy <33
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It's rather cute, the way he pays attention to everything you do. The tiniest lift to your lips as you pass a few strangers by, amused by something they said that he didn't quite hear. The way you simply look upon the world has him so noticeably enamored, it's enough to get Mitsuru chuckling.
He doesn't realize what he's feeling at first, but once he does he's scared about doing something wrong. Relationships aren't really his forte. Especially romantic ones. But he's sure as hell going to try.
He pays attention to what you like, but sometimes gets it wrong. Junpei leads him astray here and there with his typical How to Get Partner 101(even though he means well). Aki tries getting physically closer and complimenting you, but it honestly just feels stiff and wrong to him. So he ends up just being himself, letting things happen naturally rather than forcing himself into something that doesn't work.
He gets you snacks sometimes, some from the vending machines or from the school's vendor. Occasionally, he'll invite you out to have ramen with him at Hagakure as well. Most of the time he just hangs around you more. Checking up on you and making sure you're alright, that sort of thing. But he also just enjoys spending time with you, even if you're doing separate things.
One of the things that's most obvious about Akihiko is that he always protects those around him- even more so if he's close to them. He'll walk on the side of the road whenever you two are on a sidewalk and tug you out of the way from a rushing passerby or cyclist.
If you're part of SEES you'll see it more clearly. He'll tug you away from attacks in battle or hop in front of you to counter an attack that'd otherwise knock you down. He's vigilant with making sure to step in front of you when danger arises. Or pulling you away. Though he tries not to since he does have a hard time measuring his strength.
A part of him is scared. That maybe he's reading his feelings wrong or maybe you aren't interested in guys at all. That if he says something about it he might ruin the friendship you both have and make it awkward.
So he ruminates. Thinking about how he'll say it or if he should even say it in first place. It almost feels like he's constantly teetering on the edge of just letting everything spill from his lips. That he's on the verge of telling you all of it until he can't breathe anymore.
The way he's always one moment away from telling you is enough to make him realize that his feelings are right.
He likes you.
All he has to do is say it.
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ari-blueberry-bloop · 4 months
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Akihiko 'I love my wife' Sanada
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incorrectpersonathree · 7 months
Akihiko: I can explain.
Mitsuru: Can you?
Akihiko: If you give me thirty seconds to think of a lie.
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sees-text-shenans · 7 months
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this post is an excuse to share my fuukoto propaganda
link to HD art!!!
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thecard · 8 months
Istg im about to start a mitsuru x akihiko campaign i think the ship really needs more love
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