#I thought it would be cute to @ miki
thecard · 7 months
Akimitsu baby would be really cute tho (feral child with Akihiko energy)
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Unable to pull up the game rn but I made this of their sims baby (link to the picrew generator in photo description).
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phoebefebruary6 · 10 months
i know they never got together and barely talked to each other later on but
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linagram · 1 year
[ 𝚢𝚞𝚛𝚒𝚔𝚊'𝚜 𝚝𝟷 𝚟𝚘𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚍𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚊 ] 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝 𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚎 𝚒 𝚞𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚎
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.. so i wanted to say that this vd will most likely be something like a break from kei and asahi's vds, but.. no, this is still a dark one.
yurika is such an interesting character to me honestly, because it's like.. sometimes i forget that she exists because of how "normal" she is compared to most prisoners, but when i actually start thinking about her and her crime.. wow, this girl is just as insane as everyone in this prison! maybe she's actually worse than some of them!
(warnings for mentions of stalking and implications of harassment)
(divider link)
(sounds of footsteps)
Eiji: .. Can you explain what happened earlier?
Miki: .. N-no, I don't think I can.
Eiji: Sure, maybe the kid was just being weird, but..
Eiji: What if you two really are-
Miki: We can't be related! It's simply not possible!
Eiji: But it makes sense, doesn't it? I have to judge my own brother, of course, they would make the second guard do the same.
Miki: But.. it's really not possible for me and Yano-san to be siblings..
Miki: Because, um.. he said that I have the same eyes as his "real" mother, right?
Miki: My eye color is the same as my mother's, but she just.. can't be Yano-san's mother.
Eiji: Why though?
Miki: W-well..
Miki: I.. I did have a younger brother and he had disappeared a long time ago, but if Yano-san really is my lost brother..
Miki: .. I feel sorry for him.
Eiji: Was your mother.. also a bad person?
Miki: I can't say she was a perfect mother, but that's not the only reason.
Miki: .. My mother died right after giving birth to my younger brother.
Miki: And that means.. Yano-san would never be able to meet her.
Miki: So if we really are related, it means that Yano-san doesn't even know what his real mother looks like! If he actually remembers me, he's probably just assuming his real mother looked just like his older sister!
Eiji: ...
Eiji: I don't know if I should say that I'm sorry for your loss, considering that she wasn't the "perfect mother".
Eiji: That can mean anything from "she had her flaws, but she still was a good person" to "she was the most heartless person you could ever imagine". And knowing you and how much you like to forgive people no matter what they do, it's probably the latter.
Miki: Even if she wasn't the best mother, I'm definitely the worst older sister.
Miki: I just won't be able to look Yano-san in the eyes after this.
Eiji: The fact that you still care about him shows that you're not as bad as you think.
Eiji: Okay, it's time to interrogate the eighth prisoner. Are you ready?
Eiji: If you're not feeling well, you can take a break.
Miki: .. Eiji-san, why are you so nice to me?
Eiji: Because even though I don't agree with what you say most of the time, you've showed me more support than anyone else ever did.
Eiji: It's only natural for me to do the same.
Miki: ...
Miki: I'm going with you.
Eiji: Glad to hear that.
(door opens)
Eiji: Hello, Prisoner 008.
Yurika: Ah, h-hello!
Yurika: Um, did I do something bad? You're not going to do anything scary to me, right?
Eiji: We're just interrogating everyone. But we might do something scary to you if you make us.
Eiji: So I hope you cooperate~
Yurika: Oh, okay, sure..
Eiji: "She's surprisingly easier to talk to than all the other prisoners."
Eiji: "I don't know if I should be happy about it though. That makes her so boring.."
Eiji: So, Prisoner 008, Maruyama Yurika. 21 years old, a university student and..
Eiji: .. A maid cafe worker?
Yurika: Haha, yeah, that's me!..
Yurika: God, it sounds so cringe when you say it.
Miki: Wait, you worked in a maid cafe, Maruyama-san?
Yurika: Yes, I was a waitress, so.. I was one of the maids, basically.
Miki: That sounds so fun! I'd love to see you in your uniform-
Miki: T-that sounded weird, didn't it?..
Yurika: Ah, don't worry, I'm used to it.
Yurika: Also, I mean, you can't be worse than.. uh, Kei-san.
Eiji: I remember him mentioning that you two don't get along. Is that true?
Yurika: Well, to be honest.. I don't like him that much. He reminds me of some customers I had to deal with in the past.
Yurika: Also, he has that "a character who flirts so often that it's actually creepy and not attractive, but fans forgive him anyway because he's so cute or at least that's what they think" vibe.
Yurika: .. Sorry about that.
Eiji: Did he do anything to you? You can always tell us in case something happens.
Eiji: "More reasons for me to punish him, yay!"
Yurika: No, thankfully. But sometimes I really wish he could just.. shut up or even forget about the fact that I exist.
Eiji: Listen, if I see any of you fighting, of course I will punish you for your behavior, but.. you really should fight back if he tries to hurt you. You have my full permission to do that.
Yurika: Ah, thank you, but I don't think Kei-san will try to do anything bad to me. He's scared of me, actually.
Miki: .. Scared? Kei-san thinks you're scary?
Yurika: I don't know, one day I just got really angry at him and I guess I looked at him in a certain way and after that..
Yurika: I can still hear him talking about my looks when he's with the other prisoners, but when he actually sees me, he just runs away.
Eiji: .. So you're saying that you're the only prisoner who Kei actually finds scary, haha..
Miki: Eiji-san, are you okay?
Miki: Your face is getting red again-
Eiji: A-anyway, about your crime.
Eiji: I wonder what kind of crime someone like you could commit. I bet that you're either the most dangerous prisoner here and you're just good at hiding it.. or you were just so stupid that you ended up accidentally killing someone.
Miki: I want to believe that Maruyama-san's crime was an accident. She just doesn't look like that type of person who could plan a murder and do it all on purpose.
Yurika: M-my crime..
Yurika: I.. had to do it.
Yurika: It was self-defense, I swear! I would never kill someone just for fun or anything like that!
Yurika: I had no other choice! It was either me or..
Eiji: Wait, wait, hold on. Can't you just explain what happened?
Yurika: .. You don't believe me?
Yurika: Am I that suspicious?
Eiji: You're a Milgram prisoner, of course you're suspicious.
Miki: Maruyama-san, if you tell us why you had to commit your crime, maybe we'll be able to forgive you!
Eiji: Maybe.
Yurika: .. Fine.
Yurika: So, uh.. I did mention those customers that Kei-san reminds me of, right?
Yurika: You see, considering my job and how popular I was, of course, a lot of people would end up loving me a bit.. too much.
Eiji: I think I know where this is going.
Yurika: So.. Yeah, I had to deal with stalkers before.
Yurika: And I couldn't ask anyone for help because "Hey, you're still alive, so it means they're not dangerous"!
Yurika: Haha.. I wonder if they would say the same thing after seeing my corpse.
Yurika: And if they weren't stalkers, then they simply were.. too affectionate.
Yurika: Thankfully, my boss was always there to protect me. She was so nice to me..
Miki: Were you close with your boss?
Yurika: I want to believe I was. She always knew what to say to make me feel better and she was the only person I could actually be honest with.
Yurika: Ah, Eiko-san reminds me of her a lot! They have very similar personalities.
Eiji: .. So, are you trying to say that your victim also was your stalker?
Eiji: Or maybe they were one of those "affectionate" customers?
Yurika: Well, actually, I wouldn't say that they were my stalkers..
Yurika: But they knew a bit too much about me. And I didn't want them to know even more.
Yurika: I just wanted them to respect my privacy, that's all!
Miki: .. Stalkers?
Miki: Maruyama-san, are you trying to say that you've actually killed not just one, but multiple people?
Yurika: ...
Eiji: Oh, now this is getting interesting.
Eiji: Maybe you're not as innocent as you're trying to seem, Yu-
Yurika: Hey, I'm not sure what to call you, so I'll just go with Guard 002-san, is that okay?
Miki: Y-yeah, sure..
Yurika: Thank you. So, Guard 002-san..
Yurika: Don't you think that I was the real victim?
Yurika: Even if I did have multiple victims, so what? Think about everything I've told you. Can you imagine how hard it was for me? Don't you think people like that are so horrible that.. they actually deserve to die?
Miki: ...
Yurika: It's not fair. Everyone was so cruel to me, even my own parents who literally kicked me out and my coworkers only pretended to be my friends, but they actually didn't care about me at all.
Yurika: *starts crying* Nobody understands me! Even you don't understand me, even though you try so hard to make it seem like you're the "good" guard!
Miki: But I-
Yurika: Oh, look at her, she's so nice! She's so special, she's so much better than that other guard! She actually wants to save us and help us leave this place!
Yurika: But I bet you wouldn't even try to help me if you knew what I had to go through! You would say the same exact thing.
Yurika: "If you're still alive, it means things aren't as bad as you think".
Yurika: I didn't know that you were that type of person who likes to blame the victim-
(Eiji slaps Yurika)
Yurika: ...
Yurika: What?..
Eiji: So you're actually just like all the other prisoners.
Eiji: Hehe.. you're not as boring as I thought you are.
Eiji: Look, I agree that dealing with stalkers sounds.. bad.
Eiji: But it doesn't mean that you automatically get an excuse for every single thing you do if you had a tragic past.
Eiji: And you better be grateful to the second guard for trying to help you, because she is the kindest person in this whole prison and I have no idea how she manages to see good in everyone, but I'm honored to work with her.
Miki: !
Miki: Eiji-san..
Yurika: .. Haha..
Yurika: But Guard-san.. Do you really think that you being a guard is a good excuse for treating me like this?
Eiji: I told you that we might do something scary to you. Trust me, this is nothing compared to the punishments I came up with for other prisoners in case they get voted guilty-
Eiji: No, they're definitely getting voted guilty.
(bell rings, machinery sounds)
Eiji: Oh, time's up.
Eiji: Well, let's see how truly innocent you are.
Eiji: And if your video shows that you actually were fine and you made up this whole story to make us feel sorry for you..
Eiji: I will never forgive you.
Yurika: .. I just thought that I deserve better than this.
Yurika: No, I do deserve better than this! I want to go back to the life I had before all of this happened!
Miki: By "this" do you mean the fact that you're in Milgram now?..
Yurika: No. Though obviously I'm not happy about being a prisoner.
Yurika: I just.. I want to go back to those simpler times.
Yurika: I wish I didn't have to grow up.
Eiji: Prisoner 008, Yurika, sing your sins!
═════════•°• ⚠ •°•═════════
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yrdnzz · 6 months
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did this for the unofficial blue lock zine on twitter, which you can look at here !! my prompt was "sleepover" :]
some thoughts/headcanons i had while drawing this:
since snuffy treats football as a job, i thought it would be in character (and very cute) if he gave his players mandatory rest days
these rest days aren't only when they dyed barou's hair but also when they have sleepovers n hang out!!
sleepover nights are arranged by aryu and sendou-- aryu does the decorating while sendou gets the snacks, chooses the movies, etc.
niko and aryu are watching puella magi madoka magica on niko's laptop. so far, mami is aryu's fav
niko's laptop has a sayaka miki sticker and a very off brand banana fish sticker that someone got him
sendou is always the first to fall asleep and every time the other members stuff a pillow under his head & throw a blanket on him. he's a heavy sleeper so once he's out, he's OUT
the plushies niko and aryu are holding belong to sendou
aiku looks like he's texting a girl & everyone assumes so but rly he's just watching baby animal tiktoks (usually baby chicks). sometimes niko gets nosy to see what he's doing and every time he gets whiplash
aryu painted everyone's nails black !!! though he made his own nails look a lil fancier because its ~osha~
barou is invited to everyone of these sleepovers but he rarely comes willingly, aiku and lorenzo usually drag him into this mess
in the drawing, barou's returning from a quick bathroom break or smth and while he was gone, lorenzo took his chances and brought out the popcorn
lorenzo is a messy eater so popcorn crumbs r everywhere..... barou hates it sooooooooooo much
HOWEVER in the drawing the popcorn mess isnt entirely from messy eating!! the real reason is lorenzo got bored and started bouncing popcorn off of sendou's forehead (his ass is NAWT waking up)
after having enough sleepovers, everyone kinda has their own spots & usually when barou is there, he's between aiku and niko-- he's cool being around them bc they usually just keep to their phones/laptops
^^ this doesnt stop lorenzo from throwing popcorn at him tho LMFAO and that's when aiku becomes not only the final wall for blue lock but the only wall between barou (becoming a murderer) and don "ace eater" lorenzo
and i think that's everything........ !!! if u read all this. Damn ur kinda my goat (THANK U)
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strawberri-yan · 9 months
You’re honestly on to something about Alpha Childe x Beta reader where he just bitches them into an omega, I like need a whole fanfic about it for my Brain rot currently. Galaxy brain right there, 20/10 will be thinking about this for the next 5 business days (also happy new year!)
Alpha Childe thinking that you would be so much better as an omega than a beta, he thinks that this was one of natures mistakes. You shouldn’t be a simple, plain beta but a sweet little omega wife whose stomach should always be filled with his pups in his cozy home, always cleaning and cooking. So that’s why he decided to modify that by kidnapping you and stuffing you daily with his seed until your body slowly transforms to that of an omega. He finds you so cute when your struggle attempts lessen and slowly you become more docile as he fucks another load into you. Your scent begins to turn into a sweet miky smell that makes his mouth water, finally you were becoming a proper omega! His omega.
Childe's eyes glinted with a predatory hunger as he towered over you, his voice dripping with arrogance. "You know, I've always thought you were wasted as a mere beta. Nature's little oversight, I'd say." His sinister grin widened as he continued, "I'm convinced you'd make a much better omega – a sweet little wife for me, with your belly always swollen with my pups." You can do nothing but whine pathetically as his knot swells inside of you, filling you up with his 5th load of fertile cum
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narizaki · 3 months
remember summer days   tsukishima kei x reader
―   tags   fluff,  established relationship,   pre-timeskip & timeskip kei,   gn reader
―   notes   i thought of this randomly,   forgive any grammar mistakes & ooc characters, wc is around 900, i am only capable of writing fluff, there's like one cuss word, ik remember summer days is from the 80s don't mind
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it was on a warm summer day when you found out tsukishima kei — the love of your life, resident intimidating giant with a terrible resting bitch face — listened to 90’s japanese city pop.
out of anything that could be playing in those white sony headphones of his, you think anri and miki matsubara were probably at the bottom of the list. and, boy, did you have a field day when you found out.
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“aww, kei! that’s so cute! i would’ve never thought you’d listened to this kind of music,” you cooed, scrolling through his extensive playlist. you recognized various artists, all well-known for their songs in the city pop genre, in addition to a plethora of other titles. beside you, kei was fuming. the tips of his ears were burning a red so bright that he couldn’t even blame it on the heat. he’d given up his attempts to retrieve his phone long ago, ultimately deciding to deal with the embarrassment and allow you to thumb through his music account. 
had it not been for the sheer amount of boredom you were experiencing that day, you’d never would have found out about kei’s taste in music. having left his unlocked phone on his desk while he ventured downstairs to find something cold for the two of you to eat, you couldn’t deny your curiosity about his music taste. more often than not, kei would have his headphones plugged into his phone — even when you’d first met him, he had them on. when you asked why he always had them on, he bluntly responded that they drowned out any bothersome noises with something more tolerable. 
however, whenever you asked what he was listening to, he’d brush you off. if you were to count on both hands and feet the number of times he’d simply scoffed at your questioning, telling you that it wasn’t any of your business, you think you’d run out before you even got halfway through. the curiosity was killing you, which is why you took the first opportunity you had to figure out what was so special about his music. there had to be something to it that made him inclined to practically gatekeep it from his own partner.
and to find out it was because he was embarrassed by it? you thought you were on cloud 9.
“shut up,” he grumbled, “it’s not that interesting.” 
your only response was to giggle, clicking on one of the songs you knew — remember summer days by anri. the smooth introduction of the song reverberated throughout kei’s room, and you gently tossed his phone off to the side of his bed. you stood from your seated position on your boyfriend’s bed, nudging his knees apart with your own to stand between them. while quietly humming the song, you took kei’s face into your hands, thumbs running over the apples of his cheeks.
“i know,” you replied, smiling down at his flushed face. it was a rarity he ever got close to being embarrassed, so you made sure to savor his expression. “just thought it was funny that you were hiding this from me for so long.”
“i wasn’t hiding anything from you.” he mumbled. he wasn’t making eye contact with you, but his hands came to rest on your hips anyway. he gave them an unconscious squeeze, pulling you closer to him. you could only laugh as the song continued, wrapping your arms around his neck.
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“hey, (name),” hinata calls out. you turn to the orange-haired opposite hitter, prompting him to continue. “did you ever figure out what stingy-shima over here listens to? he always had his headphones in during highschool, but never, ever, told us what was playing in them!”
the sudden question causes you to burst out laughing, and a glance around the room tells you that everyone else is as interested. who knew those mysterious headphones of his racked up this much attention? even kageyama was watching intently!
you feel kei tense up from beside you, a harsh squeeze to your hand serving as a silent warning. don’t say anything. he’s glaring daggers at you, and you don’t doubt that he’s planning out hinata’s demise in his mind.
you almost feel bad. you consider waving off hinata’s question, brushing it off with another laugh. maybe saying something along the lines of oh, just podcasts, or whatever’s on the radio. 
but, you decide you don’t feel bad enough, so despite the burning sensation at the back of your head, a teasing grin breaks out on your face.
“well, hinata, if you really wanted to know, kei likes to listen to —”
“ah, would you look at that,” kei cuts you off mid-sentence. “it's getting pretty late, i think it’s time for us to go now. thank you all for tonight, we'll see you guys around.” he finishes, speaking uncharacteristically fast. there’s a nervous lilt to his voice that makes you cackle, shoulders shaking and tears threatening to pool in your eyes. he’s tossing a few yen onto the table to pay for your shares of food, before tugging on your arm and pulling you out of the restaurant.
once the two of you are walking back to his car, he’s grumbling about how much he hates that dumbass hinata and how he’ll definitely be paying for asking that. you take advantage of his distracted and irritated state to sneak the professional volleyball player a text while you enter kei's car.
to hinata: he likes listening to 90s city pop. think stay with me by miki matsubara.
from hinata: NO WAY
to hinata: yes way. 
to hinata: btw, if he kills me, it’s ur fault.
from hinata: WHAT NO
you snicker from the passenger seat, prompting your fiancé to side-eye you. in response, you entwine your hands, the sound of anri’s remember summer days filling your ears. 
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scificrows · 1 year
Okay, my brain refuses to think about anything other than Murderbot, so I looked at every use of the word "friend[s]" in TMBD and... created some pie charts. Normal human activities.
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Some Thoughts™ I had while putting this together (under the cut):
In All Systems Red, Murderbot notes that the PresAux crew are all close friends (twice! and goes on to explain their internal relationships which I think is very cute). This is pretty much the only use of 'friends' in ASR, except for when Murderbot says that SecUnits can't be friends with each other.
It seems that this may be one of the first times Murderbot has ever really been around a group of friends before? Murderbot notes that this is not the norm for its contracts and admits that the fact that they are all friends and the way they interact with each other make it actually enjoy that contract (before!!!! the hostile attack, so it already enjoys this contract before they start seeing it as a person etc ghghhhh). [Inference: Friendship seems enjoyable.]
The first character that calls Murderbot its friend is ART in Artificial Condition. Murderbot immediately refutes this (and then goes on to call ART its friend to its clients for the rest of the book). [Inference: Maybe ART is Murderbot's friend. And maybe that is... agreeable]
Rogue Protocol has more than twice as many instances of the word 'friend' as any of the other novellas. Why? Miki. Friendship and its implications for non-humans are a central theme because Miki is friends with everyone. Murderbot initially scoffs at the notion that Miki and Miki's humans are friends. At the end of the book, after witnessing how desperately Don Abene tried to stop Miki from trying to save them, and her grief after its death, Murderbot has to admit that she had in fact been Miki's friend. [Inference: Humans can be friends with bots and can sincerely care about them]
In Exit Strategy, Murderbot tentatively uses the word "friends" for its humans for the first time (several times actually). It questions whether it can actually call them its friends or not and later realizes that it had been afraid what admitting that the humans are its friends would do to it. At the end of the book, Mensah tells Murderbot the PresAux crew are its friends, which is the first time a human has directly said that to it (at least on-page). [Inference: Humans can and want to be Murderbot's friends]
In Network Effect, Murderbot seems to be more habituated to the word 'friend', confidently calling ART and Ratthi its friends, like it is no longer just trying the concept on unsure if it fits. There are many instances in which other characters refer to MB as ART's friend or the other way around and Murderbot's humans refer to Murderbot as their friend several times. Generally, there seems to be less hesitancy, because yes, all of them are Murderbot's friends, why wouldn't they be. [Inference: SecUnits can have friends. This SecUnit has friends. They care about it a lot.]
Conclusion: The Murderbot Diaries tell the story of a construct that does not seem to consider the possibility of friendship for itself and is fine with that - until it accidentally starts caring a little too much and suddenly more and more people annex it as a friend (ew) to the point where it can no longer deny that this is happening and has to begrudgingly admit that yes, it has friends now and maybe that is actually not a bad thing.
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strawberrymochin · 5 months
Springtime Fushiguros♪
Context-: exploring the memories of childhood of fushiguros, marking the spring time of you and satoru gojo.
Lost-: satoru loses Megumi while you all visit the firework festival
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Your lips form a satisfactory smile as you finally finish tucking Megumi in a kimono with blue dragonflies printed all over, which once belonged to gojo.
Tsumiki was twirling, wearing her new yukata, adorned with sakura prints on the pink fabric, you guys brought her back shopping. You bought one for Megumi too, which was what he supposed to wear today— on Hanabi— the firework festival celebrated in Japan during the summer season.
He would have looked so cute in the kimono you initially chose for him, even with that grumpy face, like a squishy mochi, if not for gojo who threw out the shopping bag containing megumi's kimono mistaking it for trash.
"Aww! Megumiii!!!! He looks just like mee!!!" Gojo squealed in joy, coming into the kids bedroom to take a look at kids. "And oh my gawd! Miki!!!! You look like an angel! Just like—"
"Like me?" You cut gojo's sentence, grinning at him.
"Nah, I was talking about my self!"
"Wha— you're such a sucker!" You scoff at him, while tsumiki giggles.
"Oii no swearing infront of the kids. Wasn't it a rule you made? Who's breaking it now?"
"Shut up!"
"Hey gumi, never thought you could pull off my kimono huh!" Gojo remarked, bending his torso down, to the kid's level to look into his eyes.
"Do you really have to throw it away?" Megumi grumbles, seemingly uninterested to respond to gojo's compliment.
"I told you, i thought it has trash in it."
"Who keeps trash in a shopping bag?" asks Megumi bitterly, turning his head away, noticing you picking up their now-discarded dresses into the laundry basket. However there was a faint blush tainting your plush cheeks, as your eyes crease shyly, excusing yourself out of the room.
"I do. It's basically saving money yk. You don't have to buy trash bags." Gojo says cupping his face, back to him, squeezing his cheeks.
This was just a while ago, before gojo messed up. He's damn sure you would never forgive him for this. Nor tsumiki would. The sounds of people passing by; sounds of childrens laughing, running around; sounds of announcements buzzed through his ears.
He had lost Megumi in the crowd.
Now there are only two options:-
1. Tell the truth and beg for your forgiveness
2. Wander around trying to find Megumi
Before he could decide which option to choose—
"How long do you have to take to buy one lemon soda?" Gojo turns around to find you along with tsumiki, sucking on her popsicle.
"Oh...um—" gojo hesitates, panicking inside, as your eyebrows form a frown.
"Where's Megumi?"
"You see— he's....umm—
A lost kid has been reported named Fushiguro Megumi, age 7 years, wearing a blue kimono with dragonfly prints along with a blue belt. His guardians are requested to gather near the lost and found centre near the main entrance. Thank you.
"Wow! I see how it is..."
"Have fun doing the laundry the entire week!"
Gojo sighs in defeat, knowing better not to provoke you anymore following you on your way to rescue Megumi.
When you reach the lost and found centre you see Megumi, grim faced, clutching the lemon soda tight in his hands, among the bunch of other lost kids.
His eyes perk up with relief as soon as he saw your silloute, running to you ignoring gojo's existance.
"Next time don't loose my hand." Gojo says, getting hold of him again. " Or maybe next time you don't loose my hand trying to pose for those aunties simping over you."
You dart your eyes at gojo, upon hearing megumi's words, "what?"
"No..no babe. He's lying. I swear." Giving you his innocent pouty victim look trying to melt your heart with his cuteness. "I love you."
"Yeah?" However, his cuteness didn't work melting you this time.
"Have fun doing the laundry and sleeping on the couch this entire week."
Gojo - (⁠ノ⁠ಥ⁠,⁠_⁠」⁠ಥ⁠)⁠ノ
Back home, you were helping megumi, take off his kimono, an unconscious smile tugged on your lips. Megumi tilted his head to the side as you unwrap his belt taking it off.
"Why are you smiling?" He asks.
"am i? Just remembered something sweet yk...." You reply, folding the belt taking in a deep breath.
"What?" You looked at Megumi, eyes glistening with curiosity. It's rare to see him with such soft expression except when he's asleep.
"This kimono you're wearing holds a precious memory to me." You smile, before continuing, "This was the kimono satoru was wearing when I saw him for the first time. You know that day he saved me from getting killed."
Megumi's eyes widened a bit as his lips parted in a small 'o'.
"It's strange how you're so similar to him. Yk, when he was of your age, this guy barely smiled. God he would have such terrifying blue eyes that kids would stay a mile away from him. Lol."
"Weren't you terrified?"
"Yes....but what I was terrified of was the sheer loneliness that lied behind his eyes, which were devoid of any emotion."
"Oh" Megumi didn't know what else to utter. It's hard for him to imagine gojo as someone who would stay dead serious.
"Though don't tell your sensei about it. He doesn't remembers that incident."
Megumi nods coming closer to you as you take off the kimono from him.
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tunatoge · 1 year
pairing: s. gojo x reader | < previous part
a/n: this is for that one person that wanted reader teaching gojo how to bike—ty for this idea, this was a lotta fun to write! this might be a little ooc tho, sorry about that
gojo is capable of doing anything and everything except riding a bike.
he watches in acute envy as megumi bikes confident circles around you, smiling with windburned cheeks. gojo glowers next to tsumiki, begrudgingly biting into his double chocolate chip ice cream as tsumiki blissfully licks at her’s. he groans and knocks his head back on the park bench. for the past week, all megumi wanted to do was go to the park and bike with you. you’d even gone and spent a little bit of your sorcerer’s salary on your own bike so you could bike with him.
“your ice cream is melting,” tsumiki states as she looks at gojo, cocking her head to the side. “are you okay? normally you’d be done by now…” she turns back to her own ice cream cone, biting into the strawberry treat.
gojo looks over at tsumiki, his head lolling to the side as he continues to lean back, “do you wanna learn how to bike?” he asks, secretly hoping she says yes so he can ask you to teach her on megumi’s bike and potentially let him mess around on your new fancy bike.
tsumiki hums as she swings her legs back and forth, she nibbles into her chocolate waffle cone. “not really,” she says as she lets gojo reach over and wipe a smear of ice cream off of her cheek.
gojo sighs as he sits up straight, dropping his unfinished ice cream cone into the trashcan next to him. he stands up, telling tsumiki to stay put, and makes his way towards you and megumi. he ignores the other people around him on bikes, roller skates, and skateboards. instead, he tunnel-visions on you and megumi biking figure eights and laughing.
“hey,” he says as he stands in front of you, waiting for you to stop biking. megumi scowls at gojo’s presence, wanting to continuously bike with you.
you set your foot down, your new muted red bike tilting to the side. he watches as you lick your lips and admires how cute you look with your windblown hair and slightly teary eyes.
“hey, yourself,” you say with a grin. “i thought you and ‘miki got ice cream, what’s up?” you fully dismount your bike, dropping down the kickstand.
gojo could easily take your bike right now and run off with it, but he doesn’t; megumi would bike after him and easily match his speed.
“could you teach me how to bike?” he mumbles so quietly you lean forward.
gojo groans, rolling his eyes behind his glasses. you almost gasp at how pretty they are when the setting sun catches them. “can you teach me how to bike?” he asks clearly, waving towards your bike with his left hand. “i… want to be able to bike with you and megumi.”
your lips are slightly parted as you take in his words before you full on grin, “what happened to ‘biking is for country bumpkins’, satoru?” you tease as you turn around and attempt to adjust your bike seat for gojo’s tall frame. gojo huffs out a laugh, watching as you easily pull the seat to its highest setting and put the kickstand back up. you hum thoughtfully, “alright, get on!”
megumi watches with a grimace as gojo awkwardly gets on your bike. gojo is far too tall for your bike with his knees easily coming up into his torso. you stifle a laugh and position yourself behind gojo. megumi bikes away and back towards tsumiki, making sure to be wary of other children and adults. he and tsumiki watch as gojo awkwardly pedals on your bike, you closely following him with one hand situated on the back of the bike and one on his waist like you’d done for megumi.
“c’mon, satoru!” you say, still following him at an awkward pace as he bikes slowly, “go a little faster, you won’t have enough momentum to keep you up!”
gojo grimaces and fights back a stupid ‘that’s what she said’ joke as he picks up speed, pedaling even faster. the people around you take no notice of the two of you as you guys bike laps at a decent speed. once gojo is certain he’s got enough speed going and is confident biking with you holding him up, you let go and stand back as gojo bikes away from you. your lips press together in a tight line as you watch him bike around on a bike a little too small for him. a laugh slips past your lips when gojo freaks and bikes headfirst into a tree.
tsumiki grimaces as she watches gojo’s body fall over while megumi watches smugly, knowing it’ll take a while for you to get gojo back on the bike after he’d brutally injured his ego.
you bound over towards gojo as he gets up, you grin at his sour disposition. “that was good!” you say, laughing as you help him back on his feet.
he grumbles something under his breath before bending down and picking up your bike. there’s a small dent in the red metal but you don’t care.
“wanna go again?” you ask, leading gojo back onto the paved biking area. you watch as gojo nods and gets back on the bike, his knees still painfully pressing into his rib cage. you take a look around, noting that everyone else already went home. “this time, try not to hit a tree.”
“yeah, yeah, just get behind me and grab my hips or whatever,” gojo scoffs as heat rushes up his nape and into the tips of his ears. he jerks forward slightly when you take hold of his waist again, lightly squeezing in reassurance.
“alright, whenever you’re ready,” you tell him. immediately, he pedals forward and you easily run with him. excited, warm adrenaline runs through gojo’s veins as he bikes in the empty park. he doesn’t notice when you let go, easily biking around by himself.
“let go!” he says and he hears you laugh several feet behind him.
“i already did, satoru!” you call behind him and he grins as he turns around and sees you standing in the dimly lit park with your arms wrapped around your figure.
he looks back forward as megumi bikes up next to him, his little blue bike teetering from side to side as he works to catch up. he grins at the boy as he scoffs and bikes a little faster to get ahead of gojo.
“last one home is a rotten egg!” you call behind the two of them as they work to bike towards you and tsumiki. you’re standing in a t-shirt the same color as gojo’s eyes, your jacket pulled over tsumiki’s shoulders.
gojo turns to megumi with a boyish grin, “race ya’, megs!” he says teasingly as he stands up on his bike like how geto used to do when the three of you were younger, biking faster towards you and out of the park. his movement is a little shaky before he quickly settles into a safe, comfortable rhythm.
you laugh as he speeds past you in a blur, megumi hot on his tail. tsumiki giggles happily as she swings her arms back and forth as she walks with you in the direction of home.
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herwritingartcowboy · 10 months
Being The Girlfriend/Wife Of The Archons
A/n: I am taking out Nahida cause she is a child and two ew and no.
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Character(s): Venti, Zhongli, Ei, Focalors,
Warning(s): Slight spoilers , fluff, death, angst,
Readers Gender: Female
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Everyone knew venti was dating you due to all his songs would have your name in them
Does play music for you when waking up, going to sleep, to relax, even just random times and you do enjoy them
Always there when he is drunk and yes does try to make you drink with him
Can’t sleep without you so please be beside when sleeping
Loves holding your hand walking, sitting, even when eating this man will try to hold your hand
Give him head pats cause when you do it he will melt
Loves resting his head on your chest
Hugs are things he loves to give you
His biggest fear is losing you he may not show it but that is his biggest nightmare
He was terrified when you saw his archon form thinking you will be scared of him but grew more in love with you when you said “I don’t Venti cause I think I’m the most luckiest girl in all of Teyvat
Loves going on adventures with you
A cuddle guy
Does love receiving kisses and giving kisses
You do help him with his braids and style his hair for fun, putting him in fun hair styles
Very understanding
Small spoon
Give teasing but simp energy
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Will pay for all your dates
Tells you stories if you ask if it’s because you are curious or need help falling asleep
Will remind you embarrassing things you did
Did make a contract for you two to stay together forever and it was so cute you had time sign it
Gives you ride in his dragon form
If you ask he will give you advice
Give you all sorts of gifts and if you ever give this man a gift he will die cause he feels so in love and embarrassed
Treats you very fragile cause he doesn’t want to hurt you
Biggest fear is if one of you two forget the other, he doesn’t want you to leave cause he does want to forget you
Loves peppering your face with kisses and if you do it to him his face will turn pink
Big spoon but if you ask he will be a small spoon
Gives you flowers as gifts, knows what each flower means and will tell you
Does make tea for the both of you
Takes walks with you
One time very shyly asked you if he could rest his head on your lap and ever since than he will ask
Gives me loser boyfriend/husband energy
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Ei/Raiden Shogun-
Loves you very much but would never say it outloud
Buys you allot of gifts
If you tell her you love her she will be extremely embarrassed
Like Zhongli she is big spoon but wouldn’t mind being small spoon
Loves spending time with you
Always tells Yea Miki about you
Give kisses to your forehead and gets happy when you give her kisses
You two do each others hair while she tells you stories
You have to cook all meals but you do help her or let her be your assistant when cooking
Smiles when think of you
Holds your hand
Always laughs at your jokes no matter how stupid
On dates might order more than enough food but that’s because she wants to make sure you are fed well
Does teach you how to fight
Is also scared of you losing you and not wanting you to get hurt
Has thought about making a puppet like you so if anything were to happen you can truly never leave her
The only person that can make her smile and laugh
Is the girlfriend that will say “She asked for no pickles”
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Always impressed by anything you do
Likes tasting new treats with you
Does your hair in cute styles and compliments you allot
Very easy to talk to
She loves telling all sorts of things
You two feel very calm in each others presence and can just sit quietly but just love being next to each other
You always tell her you love how smart she is and she gets very embarrassed
Gives you cheek kisses
Does song you lullaby’s
Playing in the water is something you guys did once
Scared that the celestials will do something to you and wants to make sure you are protected
She is a very caring girlfriend
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red-rika · 1 year
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Pixel mike through the years + his family. (also a random purple variant of fnaf 1 mike)
(it looks like mike schmidt is flashing his light right in fritz's face and that's really bothering me.)
The balloon boy looking kid is meant to be Michael as a little kid. The staffbot sitting in the family table in security breach that's (assumedly) meant to symbolise mike is dressed as balloon boy, so I figured maybe that's how William dressed him when he was a baba. (theres also the theory that balloon boy was modelled after him too). I gave baby miky a fredbear plushie, maybe its the same one as evans, maybe it too has a walkie talkie in it, idk. I just thought it would be cute.
Some of the designs are a little whatever, particularly purple guy. but this was fun non the less.
I hope to draw some more of my boy mike in the future!!
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puellamagishowdown · 4 months
Round 2 Has Finished!
Hey, no tiebreakers this time!
Not much to say this time. Most of the results were what I expected but I do have some questions about others (please feel free to answer said questions).
If you would like to see the percentages and some commentary, continue reading. If not, I will see you soon for round 3.
Ayame Mikuri (51.9%) vs Miyuri Yukari
Pia Undo vs Tsubasa Hanekawa (75.2%) - I know nothing about Divine Gate, but I do think Pia's outfit is quite cute. A little sad she lost.
Toyo vs Madoka Kaname (84.3%)
Livia Medeiros (50.7%) vs Rena Minami - ... Really? Alright then.
Sana Futaba (78.3%) vs Asahi Miura
Kaede Akino (56.8%) vs Sudachi Suwa
Mikoto Sena (51.7%) vs Hotaru Yura
Saki Asami vs Mikage Yakumo (82.6%)
Sasara Minagi vs Amaryllis (81.1%) - This was a much larger gap than I expected. Is her story that good or do people mostly just like the design better?
Ren Isuzu (76.3%) vs Kokoro Awane
Kuro vs Nanaka Tokiwa (70.9%)
Kagari Hinata vs Alina Gray (85.7%)
Mikura Komachi vs Yu (76.9%) - Please, I am begging someone to tell me why Yu. Why is she so popular? It can't be because she's a serial killer, other serial killer magical girls have lost this already.
Himena Aika (62.5%) vs Sayuki Fumino
Ashley Taylor (70.7%) vs Meiyui Chun
Mel Anna (77.1%) vs Ryoko Natsu
Hazuki Yusa  vs Eternal Sakura (71.2%)
Mayu Kozue (53.4%) vs Kako Natsume
Rui Mizuki vs Kanoko Yachiyo (64.8%) - Aw man, the resident chuunibyou lost...
Masara Kagami vs Juri Oba (57.3%)
Kyoko Sakura (88.8%) vs Tsubaki Mikoto
Riz Hawkwood (75.4%) vs Kanna Hijiri
Chiharu Hiroe vs Mito Aino (59.2%)
Corbeau vs Tsuruno Yui (70.4%)
Yuma Chitose vs Mitama Yakumo (77.6%)
Yuna Kureha (66.2%) vs Riko Chiaki
Ayaka Mariko (74.6%) vs Meguru Hibiki
Momoko Togame vs Ui Tamaki (52.1%) - This was a little closer than I expected.
Ao Kasane (52.7%) vs Suruga Kanbaru - For a while, I really thought Suruga was going to win this.
Gunhild vs Homura Akemi (85.2%)
Sae Kirino vs Nagisa Momoe (74.3%)
Iroha Tamaki vs Yachiyo Nanami (62%) - It feels early to have two major characters face off, but the RNG willed it. And it wasn't that close.
Seika Kumi vs Nayuta Satomi (52.6%)
Karin Misono (56.7%) vs Kanae Yukino
Konoha Shizumi (68.9%) vs Shigure Miyabi
Oriko Mikuni (76.9%) vs Lapin
Olga vs Mifuyu Azusa (59.5%)
Felicia Mitsuki vs Mami Tomoe (72.2%) - Even against another major side character like Felicia, Mami has dominated. All hail Mami.
Rika Ayano vs Sayaka Miki (66.3%)
Mitsuru Inami vs Ikumi Makino (69.5%)
Kirika Kure (63%) vs Konomi Haruna
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kouchabu-archive · 6 months
Koisuru Scramble - Chapter 1
Writer: Nishioka Maiko Translation by: Sophie // Proofread by: Mirei
This story is fully voiced in-game! You should read while listening to it~
Episode 1: Scramble of Meetings
< Spring — during the time when Sakura trees aren't in full bloom yet. >
< From this day on, Koino Hajime is a second year student. >
< I styled my hair a little neater than usual. I also left my house earlier than usual. >
< And with a little hope in my heart, I wished that something special will happen today. >
< But unfortunately… >
< Now I have to run with all my might! >
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Hajime: Huff… Ah… Hah… Oh no, I’m gonna be really late!
Hah… Okay, 8:20am. Thank God. I think I can make it just in time!
(How come I dropped my favorite keychain today of all days?)
(I just had to run back for it. So much for leaving the house early.)
(At least I was lucky enough that someone surrendered it to the lost and found.)
(Ugh. I’m sure my face’s just super sweaty now. Don’t even mention how unruly my hair became! It took me forever to do this…)
(But I have to make a run for it, so I guess it’s fine! I can’t afford to be late on the first day of school after spring break.)
(It’s not like I have such high expectations… but well, I finally got into a new class, and I started to feel more comfortable in this uniform.)
(I just kind of wish that today would be special~ Like, maybe I’ll have some sort of a fateful meeting with my fated one, or something~)
(But of course, that’s just nothing but a far-fetched dream, huh…)
(Is this divine punishment for having just a little bit of hopes and dreams? Even so, do I really have to be this unlucky? Dear God, that’s just unfair! Stupid!)
...Oh, there it is! Yumenosaki’s famous six-way intersection! Just a little bit more and I’ll finally get to school!
(I've always thought about it, but… this is such a strange way to construct a road. Well, I guess that’s exactly where it got its fame.)
(But this road is just full of blind spots. I can never ever get used to it.)
Augh… Ow, ow, ow… My butt hurts. I really just had to hit the pavement that hard, huh? What's with my luck today…
Eiki: I’m sorry for bumping into you. Are you alright?
Hajime: Ah, I’m sorry, too! Thanks for aski—”
(Waahh… What a beautiful person. And he’s wearing our school unifor— wait. Huh?)
Eiki ‧ Miki: ….....
Konatsu ‧ Mahiro: ….....
Hajime: (Huh? Four guys are suddenly reaching to help me up?!)
(U-Um… W-Whose hand should I take?)
< And wait… aren’t these guys… >
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Airi: And then? What happened?
Hajime: Hm? What do you mean 'what happened', Airi?”
Airi: I mean, weren’t there four guys who reached out for your hand? Who did you end up choosing?
Hajime: ...Well, I just can’t decide whose hand to take so I just stood by myself, bowed down and apologized, and just went my merry way.
Airi: Eh~~ Why'd you do that? You just wasted a lifetime opportunity!
Hajime: A li—lifetime opportunity? You’re always exaggerating things…
Airi: I mean, that’s what it is! You bumped into those guys, right? This school’s very famous—
< That’s right. Those guys are the four most handsome boys who are fawned over in this very school. >
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[ The Academy’s handsome prince who brims with the utmost elegance: Nakaouji Eiki. ]
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[ The guy who has a gentle heart beneath his cool aura: Kurose Miki. ]
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[ The lady killer senior who embodies eternal youth: Asuma Mahiro. ]
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[ The cute junior who possesses both devilish and angelic charm: Nekomura Konatsu. ]
Airi: They're like the celebrities ever! You got super duper lucky! You could’ve at least bragged about it on Enstagram.
Hajime: I don’t really have to, though?
Airi: Gosh, don’t be so boring!
Didn’t you hear that even students from other schools would go out of their ways just to see even a strand of their hair? They’re that famous! Real celebs, y'know?
Hajime: Even so, that’s completely unrelated to me~
What happened earlier is just pure chance — a one-time miraculous coincidence. There’s no way we’ll have anything to do with each other after that.
Airi: Hey, it might be your fateful meeting with your fated one!
Hajime: No way. Even I know that there’s no way that’s going to happen.
Airi: Eh~~ Why are you giving up just like that? Don’t let your dreams be just dreams! Come on, don’t be boring~
Hajime: You’re just saying that because you find it entertaining, right?
Enough with all that. We’re up to order next, you know? Did you decide what to get yet?
Airi: Gosh, not at all! What should I get… Hm…
Airi: Hm~ Is there still space for us here?
Hajime: Oh, there's one over there! And just perfect, it has two seats! Let’s go, Airi.
Thank God~ I stroke gold—
Eiki: Hello there. We met this morning, right? Did you have any problems or injuries after that?
Hajime: .........
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Hajime: N-Nakaouji-kun?!
Airi: Ah, Hajime, careful! If you move too much in that small space, you’ll bump into the person behind y—
Ah, there she goes.
Miki: That hurts.
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Hajime: Waaah?! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to bump into you! I was just surpris—
Wait, Kurose-kun?! W-Wah, yet another one from earlier! I-I’m sorry!
Konatsu: Hm? It looks so lively out there. What’s up?
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Konatsu: …Oh? That girl who’s bowing her head down in the middle of all the fuss… Isn’t she from this morning’s…
Mahiro: Haha~ So everyone, should we go have some fun on our way home?
—Hm? Ah, sorry, ladies. There’s some sort of fuss over there…
Ah~ If it isn’t that cutie from earlier.
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Mahiro: Hm? Haha~ You’re all cuties in your own rights too~ Come on, wipe off those scary looks on your pretty faces.
Hajime: I’m really sorry!
< I thought that there’s no way we’ll have anything to do with each other after that. >
< I thought that it’s nothing but a once-in-a-lifetime miracle. >
Next Chapter // Koisuru Scramble Masterlist
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neppednep · 5 months
Hello! I would like a request for Madoka Magica
Mami or Sayaka with the reader looking like Gojo Satoru from Jujutsu Kaisen (like he is very strong but arrogant)
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Sayaka Miki w/ Gojo!Reader
I choose Sayaka for this one, as I haven't touched her yet and I already have something in the kitchen cooking w/ Mami. May or may not have to do with everyone's favorite spin-off manga. In any case, hope she isn't too OOC. Enjoy.
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》 If she claimed Madoka was a cute anime character, you'd bet she'd convince herself you were the main character of some battle shonen manga.
》 Seriously, what don't you have? You're hot, powerful, confident… hot. Who the hell is Kyosuke again?
》 She would be lying if she said she didn't have a bit of a crush. It would be hard not to fall for you. In the course of a few days her life practically did a 180 and was going to hell in a handbasket real fast.
》 She lost her crush to someone she considered one of her best friends, Mami died right in front of her, then that magical girl, a spit in the face to what a magical girl should be came along. She was powerless to stop her and she was falling into despair… that's when she first met you.
》 You may have been a bit arrogant, sure. The way you talked down to the red haired girl, tossing her around like a ragdoll with a smile on your face, treating her like nothing more than a minor nuisance may have not been the most ‘heroic.’ Yeah, she definitely enjoyed watching that girl get her comeuppance. After red was firmly planted in the concrete, you walked over to her and Madoka to check if they were still okay, Sayaka couldn't help but blush as she stared up at you.
》 In Sayaka’s eyes, there were two people she hoped to be like. Mami, the girl who introduced her to all this magical girl stuff. She was kind and caring, saving many innocent lives with a smile on her face, even if she did end up dying, she did it fighting against evil. Then there was you. You weren't selfish like that other girl, even with all that power. You were untouchable yet still cared for others who were quite frankly far below you. If she also had that kind of power and had the mindset of Mami…
》 From there, the two of you start meeting a lot more often. She's far weaker than she'd like to admit, and she had to learn that the hard way. All great heroes had to have someone to teach them at some point, so if she's going to become the Magical Girl of Justice, she might as well tag along and see what she can learn. She never really gets tired of seeing you crush witches and familiars with ease. No matter what kind of weird powers they may have, she's relieved to know you'll make it out fine and have her back In the process.
》 Eventually you did end up explaining more about magical girls to her. She wasn't too big a fan of essentially just being a gem, going into schizo mode and going on about how she's just a zombie and such. She wasn't really listening to you when you told her it isn't all bad and tried explaning the perks… so you took her sword and stabbed yourself in the neck. That understandably spooked her back into the real world, but it at least gave you time to explain everything to her. Your thanks was a swift smack and getting called an idiot. Tough crowd.
》 Luckily, with you by her side she never fell into despair, having someone there to remind her what she’a fighting for, keeping her grounded, and helping her grow into the best hero she could be really helped. She never really got over her crush, and she really wanted to confess. Turns out after seeing how powerful you are and the whole thing of essentially just being an empty husk got to her head and made her doubt herself.
》 After putting her pride aside and going to Madoka, who she is much more protective over after finding out the truth about magical girls, she was talked into going through with it, only having to wait until whatever she thought would be a good time to ask.
》 After thanking her best friend and leaving, she ended up running into Homura who recruited her to help against a very powerful witch who was supposed to be appearing soon. She just brushed her off, saying she'll help but I'm reality she suspected she wouldn't have to do much at all. With you there, everything would be fine. Maybe even after the battle she would finally ask you out. Then the day finally came…
“So, this is the strongest witch, huh?” You say to yourself, arms crossed with a confident smile on your face.
Sayaka nods, seemingly put at ease by your presence despite the inevitable battle to come. “Strongest witch vs. the strongest magical girl(?). You think you can win?”
“I'm disappointed you'd even ask that of me Sayaka.” You sigh, pushing off the wall you were leaning on and taking a step towards the edge of the roof you two were standing on.
“Wow, am I finally going to see the great Y/N get a run for his money?” She playfully retorts, lightly jabbing you with her elbow.
You just huff, glacing at her before bringing your attention back to Walpurgisnacht.
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gattnk · 1 year
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When the ambitious Miki and the conformist Gas cross paths, it's pretty much an "unstoppable force VS unmovable object" situation.
Last but not least, a couple of fan favorites! My redesign process was very different for each one: I did a quick sketch of Gas on day one, as soon as I was done with Raf and Sulfus, and I pretty much stuck to it. Meanwhile, I couldn't form a clear thought for Miki until my AFapril comic prompted me to do it! Now, about that creative process:
While Miki's canon designs are significantly different, Gas is pretty straightforward. Even then, I decided to work on unifying their respective color palettes first, and then focus on their redesigns proper.
I went with their Prisma Fly colors as their new main colors. To contrast the orange better, I switched Gas' purple for a washed-out blue, and included black and white for variety's sake. In Miki's case I went with three shades of forest green and included key lime green since it's closer to yellow and pops out nicely; I also included desaturated browns and off-whites to visually frame the key lime better.
Since Miki is characterized as somewhat non-conforming in the comics, I doubled down and updated her parka jacket to something more extreme-sports looking (thank you @haloheadhater for helping me figure that one out!), added thick denim jeans to the mix and the toughest pair of timber boots I could come up with.
Gas is the kind of character that tries to look tough (despite being the least intimidating devil ever), so I added a biker's denim vest to crank the Cool Factor™ to the max. There's little difference between his canon designs, so blending them together was easy enough. I tried to preserve his iconic Emo Frog shirt with a minimalist design, all derived from triangles to keep in line with the devil design philosophy I've been keeping so far.
I wanted to reflect Miki's dragonfly mascot in her overall design, so I gave her wings a peculiar shape. While adult angels may have multiple pairs, Miki's wings are a single pair: I took inspiration from pennant-winged nightjars for her wing design.
Officially, Gas has the smallest wing-to-body ratio of the entire cast. He can still fly just fine, no worries, but he took more naturally to phasing walls and floors around the school to get by. My biggest challenge was his horns and wings, specifically finding the right shade of orange so they would not blend with his ginger hair. I didn't want to use red for his hair, nor blue for his horns/wings like his original designs, so I had to put my eyes to the test there.
Mascot placement once again comes with meaning: Gas' tomato frog may have bright and intimidating colors, but it's actually cute, round and inoffensive; it rests right over his heart to represent his true nature. Miki's green darner dragonfly hangs at the end of her braid: braids are often associated with bravery, wisdom, patience or experience in character design, and dragonflies are renowned for their maneuverability; this way, Miki's core traits are in the end held together by her ability to adjust on the fly.
There it is! the entire main cast of Angel's Friends, redesigned :D I've also been working on the humans and teachers, but it'll be a while before I finish those. For now my attention is almost entirely on my AF rewrite fic. Shameless self-promotion aside, I'm really proud of my script and characters, and I really appreciate it when I get comments/kudos/hits. So far everyone's been really kind and excited and I definitely share on the enthusiasm!
I'll Fly With You (rewrite fic) Art masterpost
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tessenpai · 7 months
Kono Oto Tomare! Chapter 130 Scans and Rough TL
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Disclaimer: Please DO NOT use this translation to make your own TL of the chapter!! The KOT TL group works very hard to give you the most accurate translation, that does as much justice to the original script as possible. This is a ROUGH translation. That means is faulty and there must be mistakes in certain places. This is just for impatient people like myself to get a grasp on what is going on in the chapter! You can REFERENCE my TL if you want to discuss the chapter but never USE it as it was your own.
Scans:Kono Oto Tomare! Chapter 130 – Rawkuma
Page 1
Side text: Embodying the sound, the pinnacle of aesthetics
Chapter title: #130 Saotome Miran
Page 2
Miran [thoughts]: It all started with a small distortion
Side text: The essence of Miran's problem is...
Girl 1: Woaah--- Your big sis is so cute, Miran-chan--!!
Girl 2: She looks like a real princess!!
Miran: Hehe...
Girl 1: But Miran-chan, you look nothing like her!
Girl 3: That's so weird...
Page 3
Miran's mom: Listen here, Miran!!
Miran's mom: Are you playing with mom's makeup again? How many times have I told you not to!?
Miran: I want this. Buy me.
Miran's mom: Children don't need it!
Miran: I want, I want!
Miran's mom: Don't throw a tantrum!!
Page 4
Miran's mom: Miki, you had all perfect scores again!?
Miran's mom: That's amazing!
Miran's mom: I haven't even seen you study all that much at home...
Miki: I just pay very close attention in class--
Page 5
Miran's mom: Miran!! Why did you tear up and throw your tests in the trash!? I didn't even come to show them to me!
Miran: ...Cuz they are trash.
Miran: There's no point in showing you something like that.
Miran's mom: ...
Page 6
Girl 1: Miran's big sis appeared in the newspaper ---
Girl 2: She won the Grand Prize in the Essay Contest. That's amazing!
Miran [thoughts]: Mine wasn't selected.
Girl 1: She also has the leading role in the school play.
Miran [thoughts]: I'm Citizen C.
Miki: Miran--!
Miki: Let's go home together--!
Miran [thoughts]: Big Sis is
Miran [thoughts]: As pretty as a princess
Miran [thoughts]: She's smart, very athletic, the best at anything she does, and very popular in class.
Page 7
Boy 1: Whaaa--- Is this really Miki's little sister?
Boy 2: This is incredible, you two look nothing alike. Are you even blood-related? This is hilarious---
Miki: What?
Miki: I came to pick up my precious little sister... And what is this?
Miki: I don't see what's so funny. Saying things like that is seriously lame.
Boy 1: Eh- Ah.
Boy 2: Sorry...
Miran [thoughts]: She is kind, strong, righteous and fair. She's cool.
Page 8
Miran's mom: Miki, congratulations on being a representative of your class on the relay race!
Miki: Thanks!
Miran's dad: And you are going to be the anchor? That's awesome--!
Miran's dad: I guess you are like me in terms of athleticism. Your mom is as uncoordinated as they come.
Miran's mom: Hey now!
Miki: What about your class, Miran? Who's going to be representative?
Miran: ...Don't know yet. We decide tomorrow...
Miki: You are also very fast, Miran. I'm sure you'll become a representative as well!
Miran: Last year you just were one step behind from becoming one, right?
Page 9
Miki: I would be super happy if we sisters were in the race together!!
Miran's Mom: That's right! That would be great!
Miran's Dad: Go get them, Miran!
Page 10
Teacher: Now will take place the competition to decide our representatives for the relay race.
Teacher: The six fastest students, please line up.
Miran [thoughts]: The first three will get to be representatives... Last year I was 4th.
Miran [thoughts]: I just need to place one spot higher...
Miki [memory]: I would be super happy if we sisters were in the race together!!
Teacher: Get in position--
Teacher: Ready--
Page 11
Sfx: Dash
Page 12
Miki [memory]: I would be super happy if we sisters were in the race together!!
Miran's Mom[memory]: That's right! That would be great!
Miran's Dad[memory]: Go get them, Miran!
Boy 1 [memory]: Whaaa--- Is this really Miki's little sister?
Boy 2 [memory]: This is incredible, you two look nothing alike. Are you even blood-related?
Miran [thoughts]: I just need to place
Miran [thoughts]: One spot higher
Page 13
Miran: Ah...?
Page 14
Miran: ------Eh...?
Page 15
Miran's mom: I deeply apologize!!!
Girl's mom: Enough of apologies. Fortunately, her injuries are minor.
Girl's mom: --However
Girl's mom: I believe it would be best if you thought carefully about the way you are educating Miran-chan.
Girl's mom: This kind of thing is not normal.
Miran's mom: ...Miran...
Miran's mom: Why, why did you do that!!??
Miran: ...
Miran's mom: Do you even realize what you did!?
Page 16
Miran's mom: You got a friend hurt... She was one bad fall away from getting very badly injured.
Miran's mom: What were you thinking!!
Miran: I... wa- wanted to be
Miran: A representative
Miran: In the relay race...
Miran's mom: ...It's our fault for saying that to you. That was our wrong. I'm sorry.
Miran's mom: ...However, Miran
Miran's mom: Hurting someone else to forcefully grab something you want, it's a very cowardly and disgusting thing to do.
Page 17
Miran's mom: Never do that gain.
Miran's mom: Never. Understood?
Miki [imagination]: Miran! Congrats on becoming representative!! I'm so happy we will be running together!!
Miran's mom [imagination]: That's amazing, Miran! You worked so hard!
Miran's dad [imagination]: We will all go to cheer on you in the competition!!
Page 18
Miran: I'm sorry...
Page 19
Student 1: Miran-chan is truly the worst.
Student 2: Right? So scary.
Student 3: Her face is also scary.
Student 1: Her face reflects her heart.
Student 2: True.
Student 3: And yet her sister is so cute and extrordinary.
Page 20
Student: I feel sorry for her sister---
Shoes: *Scum* *The worst*
Shoes: *Die* *Ugly* *Trash*
Page 21
Miran's mom: Miran, are you not going to eat?
Miki: Miran, let's go to school toge-
Paper: I'm the most digusting scummy trash.
Page 22
Miran [thoughts]: Then, one morning several months later.
Miran [thoughts]: I just couldn't get myself out of bed.
Miran [thoughts]: I haven't been to school for a month now… I have truly become a pile of trash...
Miran: ...
Miran [thoughts]: Right. You gotta take out the trash.
Miran [thoughts]: You can't leave it at home.
Page 23
Kifune-sensei: ---Oh my. Could that be Miran-chan!?
Kifune-sensei: It really is Miran-chan!
Kifune-sensei: It's dangerous to lean forward that much! Come on, get quickly back inside!
Miran: ---...
Page 24
Miran [thoughts]: Who...?
Miran's mom: It has been so long, Kifune-sensei. Sorry for calling you on such short notice.
Kifune-sensei: It was no problem, I was free anyways so I was happy to come.
Miran's mom: Miran, are you okay to be up now?
Miran: nods
Miran's mom: This man here is a friend of your grandpa. His name is Kifune-sensei, and he is a composer.
Miran's mom: Although you met him many times before, when your grandpa was alive.
Kifune-sensei: You probably don't remember, you were too young.
Kifune-sensei: But your eyes haven't changed at all, Miran-chan, so I recognized you immediately.
Kifune-sensei: You've gotten so big. How old are you now?
Miran: ...I'm 10.
Kifune-sensei: I see!
Page 25
Kifune-sensei: Miran-chan, are you interested in the koto?
Miran: ...? The koto..?
Miran's mom: Right, it's this. This instrument!
Miran's mom: This instrument is a "koto".
Miran's mom: The granny of a friend of mine just passed away, you see.
Miran's mom: She found this koto when she was orginizing her belongings.
Miran's mom: I thought it would be such a shame to let it go to waste, but I don't know anyone who can play the koto so...
Miran's mom: I called Kifune-sensei to ask him for a bit of advice.
Page 26
Kifune-sensei: I will be testing it out. Miran-chan, if you'd like, do you want to try and play it together?
Miran: Eh?
Miran's mom: Oh, then...
Kifune-sensei: Aah, sorry for taking such a liberty.
Kifune-sensei: I value fate very much. I wonder if it's fate that broght this koto to this house, and it brought me back to meet Miran-chan, who I haven't seen in such a long time.
Kifune-sensei: What do you think?
Miran: ----...
Page 27
Miran: nods...
Miran's mom: !
Kifune-sensei: Ooooh--- will you look at this! What an splendid dragon---
Miran's mom: Dragon?
Kifune-sensei: See, doesn't it look like a dragon? The koto?
Kifune-sensei: Each part, too. They are called "Dragon's tongue", "Dragon's horn", and so on. It's interesting, isn't it?
Page 28
Kifune-sensei: Now, what tone will you show me.
Kifune-sensei [sfx]: Pa--------n
Kifune-sensei: Oh! It resonates so well.
Miran [thoughts]: It sparkles...
Miran's mom: Mira-...
Page 29
Miran [sfx]: Pi---n...
Miran: ...
Miran [Sfx]: Pi----n Pi----n Pi----n
Kifune-sensei: He
Page 30
Kifune-sensei: Miran-chan's sound is
Kifune-sensei: It's such beautiful and delicate sound.
Page 31
Kifune-sensei: It's a sound that I like a lot.
Page 32
Miran: U- Wah. Aaa--
Miran's mom: Miran-?
Kifune-sensei: Oh, oh my!? Wha- what happened!? I was praising you just now, though!?
Miran: Waaah aaaah. Waaahh. hic.
Miran: Waaaaaaaaaaah. Waaaaaaaaaaaaah. Waaaaaaaaaaaa.
Page 33
Miki: What!? You're going to start playing the koto, Miran!?
Miran's dad: And under the tutelage of Kifune-sensei!?
Miran's mom: Yeah. Miran's condition has improved a lot, so she can begin any time now.
Miran's mom: We also decided to keep that koto at home so Miran can play it.
Miki: That's so nice, Miran!! I'm so happy!!
Miran: !
Miki: I hope you get well soon now!!
Page 34
Miran[thoughts]: Ever since then, I went frequently to Kifune-sensei's house to practice.
Miran[thoughts]: Playing the koto was complicated but, so fun. So fun.
Miran[thoughts]: So much fun.
Miran[thoughts]: It I had any time, I played it.
Page 36
Miran[thoughts]: It's fine if I'm not cute. Even If I'm stupid, or trash. Even if I have no place at school.
Miran[thoughts]: The moment I remembered I had the koto, I became strong.
Miran[thoughts]: So
Miran[thoughts]: I said farewell to the past me.
Miran[thoughts]: Or so I thought
Page 36
Miran[thoughts]: Until I reached High School, and met him.
Side text: Luka's curse weighs on Miran---...
---Kono Oto Tomare! continues in the next issue---
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