#she gives mitsuru a run for her money
thecard · 7 months
Akimitsu baby would be really cute tho (feral child with Akihiko energy)
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Unable to pull up the game rn but I made this of their sims baby (link to the picrew generator in photo description).
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chantillyxlacey · 3 months
What about Mitsuru?
First impression:
For similar reasons to what I said about Shinji, I’m not sure I remember :’D I’m pretty sure I would have immediately been struck by how gorgeous her design is tho lol
Impression now:
My darling girllllll the love of my liiiiife
I want her to be happy dammit, she’s been through enough bad shit and loss, she deserves something nice to happen to her for once
Favorite moment:
God you know it’s actually really hard to pick a single specific moment— I just— enjoy literally every moment she’s on screen cjdbdjfbdj
Idea for a story:
Post P5, Akechi needs somewhere to go and Sae is able to secure him a place with a friend of hers from her college days, in exchange for permission to interview him about the metaverse and his experiences as a persona user
(Spoiler warning, it’s Mitsuru; Akechi gets found family’d whether he likes it or not, by both Mitsuru herself and her trophy husbands)
Unpopular opinion:
I love my girl but I don’t like her (MC) social link :’>
I just do not buy that romance arc at all
Favorite relationship:
With Akihikoooo
Even aside from shipping them, which I do both on their own and as part of an ot3 with Shinji, I just— adore their dynamic and the absolute trust between them, it’s so so good
Favorite headcanon:
I mean out of the ones that don’t require a novella’s worth of context, I love the idea that she can give Shinji a run for his money in an arm wrestling challenge
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grey-eyed-menace · 3 years
Weapons of the 11th Generation Vongola Family, sort of, kind of. Maybe?
It's a work in progress, bit here's the idea. They ain't gotta make complete sense, it's motherfucking Vongola.
Sawada Ienobu, the 11th Generation Boss, is pretty standard, he uses his rendition of X-Gloves, technically the XI-Gloves, which have their improvements, and their draw backs. To put it simply, he gets horrible arthritis down the line due to their design seriously injuring his hands if used for too long. He also learned how to actually fight, unlike Tsuna back in the day, at first anyway, at a pretty young age so, you know, he actually knows how to throw a punch without breaking his knuckles outright. He mainly trained under Ryohei growing up, and cries a little bit on the inside whenever Hana decides to slip in on a sparring session.
Gokudera Subaru, the 11th Generation Cloud Guardian, was absolutely fascinated with the Vindice as a child. Don't ask. Seriously, Hayato still has nightmares about the fact that an enforcer actually showed up once to answer her questions when Subaru sacrificed her chicken from dinner. Anyway, Subaru uses chains as her primary weapon, and whips, but her fighting style is more based on that of bludgeoning and binding that that of the typical whip user.
Fukunaga Kii, the 11th Generation Lightning Guardian, went motherfucking RWBY up in this bitch and decided to make a Godsdamn Gun-Spear, (Shoichi screamed for two hours straight after the first rendition of Kamilo made it out of the labs), but, then again, she was apart of a mass of orphans that was tri-parented by the collective mess known as Dokuro Chrome, Lambo Bovino, and Rokudo Mukuro. So, fair enough.
Hirabayashi Atsuko, the 11th Generation Sun Guardian, is perhaps the most simple in the fact that she uses metal plated weighted boots as her primary weapon, and takes after a lot of martial arts that are influenced heavily in them, it's also very much why Ienobu refers to her as 'Legs For Days'.
Hibari Mitsuru, the 11th Generation Storm Guardian, uses twin batons, and is formally trained in tessenjutsu, honestly, despite her surly nature, and status as a Storm Flame, she mostly picked up these weapons for the fact that they weren't automatically lethal. She's not one to seek out fights like her father, and is far less... Restless. She welcome a good fight when it comes her way, but otherwise? Eh, it's life. It comes and goes.
Atsushi Mirai, the 11th Generation Mist Guardian, was primarily trained by Sawada Kyouko, and thus has a very... Strange idea about Mist Based illusions, and gets... Freakishly geometrical. He nearly made Kyouya scream over math! MATH! He's a much more subtle Mist user, but he layers his illusions like a finely crafted cake. And he's kind of terrifying when pissed off. Like, Ienobu is cautious of Mitsuru's temper, but the moment Mirai gives him The Look he knows he's all but dead. More seriously, he typically drifts towards long knives weapons wise. Kyouko tried to set him up with her prefered glock, he nearly went dead in his left ear, and refused to come out of his room for three days afterwards.
Barakova Nikolaevna Vasilisa, the 11th Generation Rain Guardian, is mainly a non-combatant, preferring to run logistics and support her friends from the sidelines, but definitely prefers the Femme Fatale approach down the line, once she settles into it anyway, and has a... Taste for poisons.
Why does Ienobu have exactly one male Guardian? Because Muse!Mitsuru held me up at gun-point, took my lunch money, and promptly told me she was a woman. And that she would kill me if I made her anything else.
For refrence, all the Guardian groups have a running theme in the 11th Generation Skies.
Out of Kyouko and Tsuna's seven children, five of them are Skies, with only Yae and Kichi being of another Flame type of which they are a Mist and Rain respectively.
Ienobu's direct youngest sibling is Take, by three years, and has half of her Guardians by the time Kawahira comes by and drops his shit on the 11th Generations laps, and is generally kept in the dark about the proceedings afterward. Her theme, is, mostly a mirror of her brother, she has five male Guardians and one female Guardian at the end though. Tsuna doesn't really complain until a series of misunderstandings makes him think his eldest daughter is living out a reverse harem drama when she's eighteen. She's not. She's really, really, really not.
Chou and Tsurune, the twins, are... Fully outfitted with siblings. All of which are either twins, triplets, or otherwise. It's... A thing. By that, all of Chou's Guardians are Cloudy, while all of Tsurune's Guardians are Misty.
Toku's Guardians are all... Very, very, very strange. Mostly because he just... Kind of shows up with them out of the blue? For refrence, he's the one that snags Yamamoto Jun, if only by courtesy of being in the same age group, as his Mist. He shows up with him mid-afternoon at the Iron Forte, out of fucking nowhere, after being missing for two weeks, and Jun supposedly still being in Japan with his mother!
By this, Lior inherits all of his mothers Guardians.
Kyou and Juuri share a single set of Guardians, maybe. Eh, Ienobu thinks as much, really, Kyou has the Storm, Sun, and Lightning, while Juuri is Bonded to the Mist, Cloud, and Rain.
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misedejem · 4 years
I wrote 75 headcanons about Kannao
25 for Kanji, 25 for Naoto, 25 for them as a couple
Why not.
 Kanji Tatsumi
1.     He does actually need glasses, but he was hesitant to ask for contacts, so he spent most of P4 struggling to see until Naoto brought up that he looked like he was having a hard time. He wore contacts for a bit, but eventually he just stuck to glasses.
2.     The scar on his head was a source of speculation for the other members of the Investigation Team for years, because he never cared to explain, resulting in some very wacky theories. Eventually they found out it was just from a fight with a gang member, but considering he got it when he was twelve, the story is still pretty interesting.
3.     He hates mentioning medical stuff to anybody, but he’s prone to fainting spells out of nowhere. Thankfully, it never happened in the TV, which several members of the IT very angrily said to him when he blacked out in front of them one day.
4.     He’s the spitting image of his father, only with shorter hair. He could never let it grow out for that reason.
5.     He’s the only one from the Investigation Team B to go to college. He studies textiles and trains to become a teacher in Tokyo. He ends up being an art teacher at a middle school.
6.     He’s actually pretty good at literature and humanities subjects, though he struggles applying those skills in a school setting until a teacher who hasn’t given up on him yet helps him through them.
7.     Rise forced him to take dance classes the minute he moved to the city because he was ‘super good at it dammit’. Ditto the drums. He can sing too, but she’s not allowed to know that.
8.     He actually just tends to go along with Rise’s plans a lot, partially because he knows her well enough to know stopping her is futile, and also because she understands his tastes very well once she learns what they are
9.     He doesn’t dislike the way he used to dress in high school, but it wasn’t quite him. It needed more cuteness, and softer colours, which is how he started to dress once he graduated high school.
10.  The black hair and glasses stay forever, but when he’s sewing, he still wears his hair pushed back. Yukiko gave him a hairband for it when she noticed him growing slowly more irritated with it getting in his eyes.
11.  As well as his nose and ears, he also gets an eyebrow piercing in college.
12.  He manages to make a small group of friends in college, with his course being the perfect way for him to find likeminded individuals who applaud his skills rather than shunning them
13.  Kanji is the best cook in the Investigation Team. His baking skills, especially, are exemplary.
14.  He has an online, worldwide store where he sells his plushies and the occasional drawing and outfit. He’s semi-fluent in English by the time he graduates college, so when Naoto travels abroad sometimes he goes too and hits up the conventions.
15.  Ann is his go-to model once they meet. He helps her with outfits for a college final once and they work together so well that she sticks with him.
16.  The reason Koromaru dislikes him is that he can tell he’s kinda rough with physical affection. He doesn’t realise it for the longest time because nobody points it out. He is really good with animals otherwise though, and he’s also really good with kids.
17.  He’s a back-up fighter for the Shadow Ops should they need him, by virtue of being married to their resident detective.
18.  The main reason he keeps training his body though is actually because Chie is determined to beat him at arm wrestling one day, and he’s too proud to let anyone win without a fight.
19.  When Naoto’s cat, Mochi, had kittens, he got to name the one they kept. His name is Pocky. He has a little leather jacket that Kanji painstakingly crafted one night when he couldn’t sleep.
20.  He needs a lot of alcohol to get drunk (which makes nights out with the IT interesting for him, given that the others are all serious lightweights)
21.  If you give him a life sim, especially that one with the cute animals, you will not see him again for days at a time. He’s not huge on video games, but life sims will take over his life
22.  Even if he does retreat into a cave to build a pristine village though, he will still probably emerge with a smooth face because he doesn’t grow facial hair very easily. He can, but it takes a while.
23.  He can’t sleep as easily unless he’s holding something soft.
24.  The easiest time to get him to speak his mind about certain things is when he’s sick and more vulnerable, which doesn’t happen very often. For example, the IT had no idea their jokes at his expense bothered him until he confessed it while extremely out of it on cold medication one time. He doesn’t remember saying it either, but he did notice they were more sincere with him after that.
25.  Everybody in the Investigation Team ends up facing their Shadow again in their adulthood, but by the time Shadow Kanji returns, Kanji has become so accepting of the self the Shadow had represented in the past that he takes on a completely different form. Naoto is the only other person with this same experience.
Naoto Shirogane:
1.     By the time they stop growing, Naoto is nearly 5’1” and they absolutely make it a point to let their friends know
2.     They don’t really know how to look after their hair at all, hence the cap and general messiness. They tend to forget about it until it becomes too long and gets all tangled.
3.     They’re very accident prone, and are covered in a lot of scars from their childhood. The worst one though is one on their back from that time Sho stabbed them at Junes.
4.     One of said scars came from their neighbours’ huge dog biting them when they were five. To this day, they’re still absolutely terrified of big dogs.
5.     They’ve experienced panic attacks for most of their life, though they occur less frequently as an adult.
6.     They resemble their mother more than their father, but the height comes from the Shirogane side. Grampa Shirogane was quite small as well.
7.     They are the only member of the Investigation Team who can tolerate Rise’s cooking. The others suspect potential spice immunity.
8.     As well as piano and ballroom dance, they were also trained in a choir as a child, but fell out of favour with it in their teens. The Velvet Siblings hold a final Theatre Showdown with their guests in 2019, and this is when Naoto fully rediscovers their musical side again.
9.     If you ask Naoto how much those specially tailor-made clothes cost, they will mumble and then change the subject
10.  Naoto returns to Yasogami as a full-time student in third year after Mitsuru enrols Labrys in the school out of nowhere, intent on investigating her motives.
11.  They hold the school’s record for highest graded paper for decades. It was on Sherlock Holmes.
12.  Naoto has written a lot of Sherlock Holmes fanfiction as a kid. The others are aware this exists, but are not allowed to read it.
13.  They don’t attend college after graduation, but don’t have much time to figure out what they will do. The mental shutdown incidents begin the same year, and Naoto decided to help the Shadow Operatives with it as much as possible.
14.  Naoto hates the title ‘detective prince’, and actively tries to shed it. Akechi was a godsend in that light.
15.  They actually hate the media’s attention in general but figured that they may as well use the platform they have for a good cause. They want to be the kind of person they needed to see on TV as a kid, but they very vocally opposed the ‘detective prince’ crap until it ended – which it did quite abruptly when the truth about Akechi came out.
16.  Much of what Goro Akechi likes, he got from Naoto’s indirect influence, from the way he dresses to knowledge of that jazz club in Kichijoji. They’re more of a regular there than he is.
17.  Rise set them up on social media, but they don’t really get how to use it. Their fans discovered it though, so they still have a fair number of followers.
18.  Naoto has a slight friendly rivalry with the people who run a local escape room place. Their goal as a company is to one day leave Naoto stumped.
19.  Naoto doesn’t actually like coffee. Too bitter. Tea is their go-to.
20.  They got a standard-size motorcycle at eighteen but doesn’t drive a car. Yakushiji and Kanji refuse to let them behind the wheel.
21.  After becoming comfortable with their childish side once again, they became openly enamoured once more with Neo Featherman, and have a lot of very expensive figures on display in their house. They even cosplayed at a convention once with some of Kanji’s college friends (though it was difficult to convince them to do it)
22.  Yosuke was paid back all the money the IT owed him shortly after Naoto joined the team and discovered they were mooching from him. Yosuke doesn’t know for certain where it came from.
23.  They adopted a kitten they named Mochi in 2017, who they found abandoned outside a supermarket (in an old box that had contained a shipment of mochi, hence the name). She’s an orange tabby, and she became something of a comfort animal when Naoto was at their lowest.
24.  Their grandfather died from an illness in early February 2017. They didn’t handle his loss well, and they ended up falling into a depression that they never really came out of, though they weren’t able to admit that they weren’t okay. It was an encounter with their Shadow that eventually led to them seeking help.
25.  While they’re still a Private Detective in theory, most of the work they do following the events of P5 are Shadow-related. The Shirogane Agency became one of the Shadow Operatives’ closest allies. Makoto Niijima is currently doing an internship there (they met after the Phantom Thieves helped the SOs deal with another incident in Tokyo in 2018)
1.     Naoto ‘came down with a fever’ around the time of the Love Meets Bonds festival that had absolutely nothing to do with their friend Kanji suddenly seeming way cooler than before.
2.     The ‘fever’ got worse when they started having classes together in school, and Naoto agreed to help Kanji with his college entrance exams.
3.     At this point Kanji had kinda accepted his feelings existed, but were unrequited, and that he didn’t want that to interfere with their friendship. Naoto was one of the only people who really got him, and he didn’t want to lose them so soon after building a rapport with them. Little did he know.
4.     Naoto was the first one to eventually confess, once Rise, Yu, Grampa, Nanako, several books and google searches, and a random stall vendor at the summer festival in their hometown had convinced them that the weird feeling in their chest wasn’t actually an illness. They did it in the summer of 2013, at said festival.
5.     They were also the first one to say they were in love. The realisation hit them one day as they were watching Kanji play a cute life-simulator game in his college dorm.
6.     While they’re no longer awkward around each other all the time, there are ways they can still make the other very flustered. For example, with Naoto, it’s any time Kanji is wearing a suit.
7.     They got married at Christmas in 2019. Kanji had a proposal planned. Naoto misread the vibe and proposed early and spontaneously on the day he had planned to, though he still got to go ahead with his as well.
8.     Kanji doesn’t really like PDA. They get a lot of people staring at them anyway because of how they look, or because Naoto is recognisable from the TV, and he doesn’t want to make the stares worse. In private though, he’s the more affectionate one.
9.     Naoto accidentally fuelled the rumours that ‘Kanji Tatsumi is in a biker gang’ again when they first started dating by parking their motorcycle outside the textile shop. Ma Tatsumi was quick to tell anybody who questioned it that it belonged to her son’s significant other long before she was supposed to know they were dating
10.  Kanji keeps forgetting to specify which number in his phone is for Naoto’s personal phone and which is for work, which has lead to such wonderful anecdotes as ‘I accidentally hired a private investigator to fix my broken car’
11.  They’re both used to the other bolting upright in bed at 3am because they’ve had an idea for a new pair of socks for the cat, or another hypothesis for a case. Naoto also wakes up quite a bit due to nightmares.
12.  They lived together with the rest of the Investigation Team since 2016, but they don’t get an apartment as just the two of them until the year they get married. It doesn’t take long before there is an entire room in that apartment filled from floor to ceiling with toys.
13.  Kanji is much tidier and more organised than Naoto, even though Naoto isn’t bad, so he’s the one who figures out where things should go. Decorating the house is his favourite thing
14.  They are the unparalleled board-game kings. Somehow, they’re an unstoppable force of nature when paired together for them.
15.  Surprising everyone, Naoto is the more likely of the two to use pet names. They are the only person who won’t be threatened if they call him ‘Kan-chan’.
16.  Before it became common knowledge amongst Naoto’s fanclub that Kanji was their boyfriend, they thought he was their bodyguard. (The Risette fandom had the same idea)
17.  Kanji never helped that rumour die, considering that when the media tries to shove cameras into Naoto’s face, he yells obscenities and gets in the way until the footage is unusable.
18.  They have a daughter in 2025, when Naoto is 30 and Kanji is 29. She’s named Chihiro, mostly because it’s like a phonetic portmanteau of Kanji’s father’s name (Koichi Tatsumi) and Naoto’s grandfather’s (Yasuhiro Shirogane). But also, that was the name of the actor who played Naoto’s favourite version of Feather Swan. Naoto isn’t creative enough to come up with a portmanteau.
19.  They are each 80% of the other’s impulse control
20.  Naoto couldn’t care less that Kanji isn’t the brightest, despite common misconception. The Shirogane family, and the people who work for it, always placed emphasis on a person’s intelligence (hence Yu’s requirement for a lot of knowledge to start the Fortune link) but Naoto is strongly opposed to that mindset. To them, it’s freeing to have somebody around who doesn’t want to be an intellectual 95% of the time.
21.  They are very private when it comes to their relationship, to the point that sometimes even friends or colleagues have no idea what’s going on in their lives until it’s let slip somehow. When Junpei and Yukari – the Shadow Ops Naoto worked with the least - found out they were expecting, it first had to be explained to them that they’d been married for five years.
22.  They sometimes get mistaken for father and son at restaurants until their early thirties, to which point Naoto will make a scene of ordering a lot of alcohol to prove they’re old enough. Naoto can’t really handle booze.
23.  They’re really bad at making face to face announcements about anything big to their friends, so they always find some way to do it elaborately instead. They told the IT they were having a kid, for example, through a series of puzzles put together by Naoto
24.  Kanji loves making couples costumes and outfits, but then gets too embarrassed to wear them
25.  Naoto is a fiend for stealing Kanji’s clothes as pyjamas. They are large and warm, and when they’re travelling for work, they remind them of him. It got to the point where Kanji would pack a shirt of his secretly in Naoto’s suitcase, knowing that’s why his clothes always went missing.
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kaweeella · 4 years
Chapter 1- New Beginings
Word count- 1609
Description- Tsuzuru moves in with a small family to be closer to his new collage, but he finds it won’t be as normal as he’d hoped
Authors note- This is my third attempt to get it to tumblr so here’s hoping that it’s working now edit: and I forgot to add the chapter title
“Good luck with school, Tsu-Chan!”  Mitsuru says, hugging his side.
“Thank you, be good while I’m gone, okay?” Tsuzuru gives him a pat on the head with a smile
“I don’t know what we’ll do without you,” His mother says with a small chuckle.
“I’m gonna be the responsible one, now!” Kaoru declares “So don’t worry about us while you’re away!”
“You have a place to stay there, right?” His father asks
“Yes, I contacted them some time ago, I checked the messages again this morning, and I looked into the people and location.”
“Good, good. I thought you did but I just wanted to make sure you’re not left stranded in a strange place.” His dad gives him a firm pat on the head.
The Minagi family says their goodbyes as Tsuzuru gathers his bags and boards the train.
Tsuzuru finds a seat and pulls his stuff close to him to take up less room, people bumping into him nonetheless. Such is life. As the train goes forward, Tsuzuru starts to nod off.
When Tsuzuru starts to wake up again, he doesn’t hear anyone else. When he opens his eyes, there are only two other people sitting right in front of him, and the train has changed, too. It’s blue and looks much more extravagant. This can’t be the train I boarded. It’d be too expensive. Tsuzuru thought.
One of them is balding and has grey hair. He also has a strangely long nose.
The person next to him had long white hair tied into a ponytail which lay over his shoulder.
“Welcome, to the Velvet Room” the balding man says. “I am Igor.”
Velvet Room, huh? Yeah, way too expensive. This train is basically calling me poor. 
“Your journey is beginning,” Igor continues. “A new location. New allies to make. Our time here together is coming to an end, but I know we’ll see each other again.”
Tsuzuru wakes up again, incredibly confused. He doesn’t get to ponder it long, as he realizes he’s at his stop.
Exiting the train, he pulls up the address and starts to walk.
A while back Tsuzuru looked into the area he’d be staying at to make sure it was a good area. Part way through he got distracted by a street nearby. Veludo Way. It’s known for all the theater companies that are around. He was thinking about the possibility of being a scriptwriter for one of them. It could be good money. Though one theater drew his attention more than the others.
It had been closed down for a long time now, but whoever owned it didn’t seem to want to let it go.
After some time of walking, Tsuzuru arrives at the address, which was good, because he’s feeling as though his lungs were about to give out.
Tsuzuru knocks, and answering the door is a woman with long dark brown hair. She has a small beauty mark under her left eye, which are sharp and grey. Her outfit consists of a simple pink robe.
Tsuzuru can’t help but feel intimidated as she stares downs at him.
“Are you the college kid who’s going to be staying here?”
“Uhm, if I’m at the right address, then yes.”
“Alright, one second.” She turns around and shouts “Izumi! The kid’s here!”
Izumi seemingly runs to the door, as there are loud footsteps and she’s breathing a bit heavily when she arrives. She has long brown hair, lighter and longer than the other woman’s and big brown eyes. She’s wearing a white shirt with black stripes and blue jeans. She practically radiates happiness.
“This is my daughter, Izumi. And I’m Yasashii Tachibana. Your room is a little small, I hope you don’t mind.” Saying this, she turns around and leads him to where his new room is.”
“Oh it’s, fine. I’m just grateful you’re allowing me to stay here. My name is Tsuzuru Minagi. Thank you, Tachibana-san.”
“Well, Izumi needs a friend so-”
“Mom! Don’t say that type of stuff to him. It’s weird. And I can make friends on my own, thank you.”
“Right, that’s why you’ve made so many new friends since you left school.”
Tsuzuru tries to make himself seem as small as possible in hopes they would forget he’s there.
“Here it is, Minagi-san. I hope this is okay.” 
She was right when she said it’s small, but Tsuzuru had done more with less and he was being honest when he said he was just grateful to be there.
“No, it’s great, thank you again.” 
“Let me help you get unpacked!” Izumi offers.
“Oh, no, I can get to it myself, thank you, though.”
After the Tachibanas leave him to his own devices, he takes a look around his new room.
The bed’s headboard is pushed up to the middle of the wall underneath a window. There’s a desk pushed into the corner with a small lamp on it, there’s also a small plastic stool, presumably to be a stand in for a chair. It’s not gonna ruin my posture anymore than it already is. 
Tsuzuru checks his phone to see when he will be starting school. About a week. He decides he should get to know the area he’s now going to be living in. Leaving his room he sees Izumi on the couch on her phone.
“Hey, Izumi-san, I was planning to go out to see the area. You wanna come with? Maybe you could show me around some.”
“Oh, yeah I’d love to!” She says, sitting up. “Although I have something to do in about an hour so the tour’s gonna be a little short. Hope you don’t mind.”
“It’s alright. It’ll probably be better to see the town by myself some afterward to get a good feel for it.”
“Then it’s decided!” Izumi says, jumping up and clapping her hands together. “Lets go!”
They tell Yasashii that they’re going out to introduce Tsuzuru to the area and then head out.
“There are great grocery stores here, and they’re particularly cheap”
“That’s good. Won’t need to worry about that, I suppose.”
“Oh! I need to go now, I hope that was good! See you later!”
“Bye! Thank you for showing me around!”
After saying their goodbyes Izumi runs off, leaving Tsuzuru to look around by himself. Maybe I should check out Veludo Way. He checks his phone and sees that it’s close by. With that he starts walking.
When he arrives he sees a man curled up against a wall looking worse for wear. He was groaning some and holding his sides and Tsuzuru couldn’t help but feel concerned.
“Hey, are you okay?” Tsuzuru asks him.
The man looks up at him, seemingly startled. “No, no I’m alright, but- uh- thank you.” His voice didn’t make him seem any more healthy.
“Are you sure? I can call a doctor-”
“No! No, I’m… I’m fine. Thank you, though.”
As he said that another man comes running over. He has fluffy brown hair and lavender eyes. He’s wearing a brown sweater with blue and yellow stripes.
They’re saying something. Tsuzuru is sure of it. But he’s too busy wondering what’s going on. After sometime of trying to comprehend it, the two men turn to him, snapping him back to reality.
“Sorry if I scared you.” The first man says, putting out a hand to shake.
“Oh, uh, yeah… what?” 
“I was so worried when I got here and saw Tasuku talking to someone.”
“Well if you’d show up on time then I wouldn’t have unknowing people being concerned about my well being, would I?” Tasuku looks back at him again “Thank you by the way. So what brings you here? You… seem a little lost?”
“Mentally, yeah. I guessed I should have realized that you were just acting.”
Now that Tasuku’s standing, Tsuzuru can get a better look at him. He has dark hair and piercing grey eyes. He’s wearing a white shirt with black sleeves and… some kind of design on it.
“I’m new to the area so I was just looking around.”
“Oh!” The shorter man pipes up. “You’ll love it here. The performances are amazing, especially ours. We’re part of the God Troupe. Come see our shows sometime! You’ll love them I’m sure of it!”
“Yeah, I’ll do that, thank you. See you around.”
Tsuzuru continues looking around and finds what drew him to Veludo in the first place. Mankai. The building doesn’t look like it’s been abandoned, it looks quite well kept. He stops to take it in and notices two other people also standing there. One of them being a blonde man with a black jacket and… Izumi?
Tsuzuru doesn’t mean to eavesdrop. He can’t help it.
“Why do you keep this thing up?” The blonde man asks her.
“It’s the last thing I have of my father. I was just thinking… maybe if I search around in there, I might find something… some reason he left.”
“Why here of all places?”
“He spent most of his time here so there must be something, anything.”
“Well you’ve done good holding that thing together, I’ll give you that.”
“It wasn’t easy. It was in such horrid condition when I got to it, I practically had to rebuild it with string.”
“I hope you find what you’re looking for.” Saying this, the blonde man turns and walks down the street
“Yeah, me too” Izumi whispers. Tsuzuru could hardly hear her. Looking down, Izumi sighs and leaves.
Tsuzuru looked back up at the building. So this is izumi’s? Tsuzuru decides he’s been confused enough today and decides to go back to the Tachibana house.
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tantalizingmuses · 4 years
Shinjiro Aragaki’s Past + Future Storyline
This storyline will be told if Minako/Hamuko offered her life as the Seal--since Shinjiro would normally be dead in Minato/Makoto’s time as a leader, this is all an AU.
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Birth to high school:
Shinjiro was born to Mai Aragaki and Hiroshi Aragaki. Shinjiro was premature when he was born, hence his mother having to let him be born via c-section and had to be in intensive care for the first few months of his life. While that all happened, Mai Aragaki died, while trying to recover from giving birth--they couldn’t find where all the blood in her body was going. This lead Hiroshi in becoming an independent father, who did his best to help raise Shinjiro. He had tried to find love, while Shinjiro grew up, but it just failed horribly. So, he focused on being the best father for Shinjiro--Shinjiro, himself, still loved his father and wanted to grow up like him.
However, the pressure of being a single parent took the toll on Shinjiro’s father in the end. He left a note for Shinjiro, stating that I cannot handle being alone with you. It’s not you, it’s me. I’m sorry and he was left with one of his father’s friend. Eventually, Shinjiro did not know what really happened with his dad--that he just left him was the gist of it--and he was brought to the orphanage. He met Akihiko and Miki Sanada there, and felt himself being able to relax in his friend’s warming nature. Shinjiro was happy again, just like he was before his father died.
But then, the fire happened at the orphanage and everything went a bit crazy. He tried his best to comfort Akihiko, with the lost of his sister, but he was then whisked away to another orphanage, further away from Akihiko. Shinjiro wasn’t one to complain, but he did have his moments of rage and attitude, only because he was taken further away from his friend. When he was around the age of 13, Shinjiro decided to leave the orphanage, since they really didn’t give a crap about him, and decided to live on the streets. At this point in time, he met up with Chidori, Jin, and Takaya. They were older than him (at least Takaya and Jin was), and was able to help keep him in line--even if their apartment wasn’t all the best, it was still a home, in Shinjiro’s eyes.
He did try to keep in contact with Akihiko, but it was just luck of the draw whenever they saw each other. Akihiko got himself and Shinjiro a phone, just to keep in contact if possible. He did have Shinjiro stay with him a couple nights, but overall? Shinjiro did very well adapting to homelessness, in a way. He was invited to stay in the dorms with Akihiko and Mitsuru. Awakening to his Persona when Mitsuru and Akihiko were unable to summon theirs, was something he couldn’t fantom--the pain, it felt like he was being left alone again. He didn’t have good control of his Persona, but tried his damnest.
This leads into high school and losing control of his Persona, killing Ken Amada’s mother. Which he was withdrawn for the next week or two--which lead to him being called back to Takaya and the others. He made sure he left no trace of him behind in the dorm. Akihiko and Mitsuru knew the reasoning, but it stung when he left them high and dry. Slowly, this leads to him being found by Yukari, Junpei, and Minako/Minato in the game.
Persona 3 events occurring here, to the end of the game.
Post P3P:
After the sacrifice Minako gave to become the Seal, and embracing the girl who saved his life all those months ago, Shinjiro...stays in the dorm for the rest of the month. He does weekly check up with the doctors--he isn’t really motivated to do much, since he didn’t realize what he was going to do with this life she gave him. So, he’s...conflicted on what to do. After the Abyss of Time events occurred, and with him getting his door (showing the moment Takaya and the others found him after running away from the orphanage), he starts to slowly open up and makes a promise to Mitsuru: he will go back to school and finish his last year of high school, so that the others could help him if he ever needs it. This leads to him praying he gets a different classroom than the others, which it does since Yukari and Junpei are in the same class and Shinjiro is in Fuuka’s class, to take over for Natsuki’s seat, ironically.
When they finally graduate, Shinjiro contemplates his life as he had no idea what to still do with his life. He, at the least, makes sure to stay in contact with Mitsuru Kirijo, Akihiko Sanada, Ken Amada, and Fuuka Yamagishi, knowing that they helped play an important role in his life. So, he notices one day that there was a couple kids putting up flies around the town, wondering what they could be up to. He takes the flyer and it reads that local children need tutor for big brother/sister program. Something inside of Shinjiro flips the switch on, and he decides to help these elementary school students with being the big brother and helping them with school and such. Of course, he takes on a side job at Hagakure, which then he becomes one of the cooks there and he treats the kids to ramen when they do well in school (like an A on a test or Straight A’s). Because Shinjiro just wants something good to happen to those kids.
After a year or two of doing that--and having Mitsuru help him get an apartment, because he doesn’t want to stay in the dorms (as well as he has to save up money cause he has nothing)--he realizes that he should be moving onto bigger and better things. Eventually, he moves to Inaba, not knowing murders had occur there just a year before moving there, and works at Aiya’s, thanks to the manager promising him a new job there. Of course, he’s sad that he has to leave the other children behind, but told them to help those who need it the most and all that emotional sap. 
Arena, Ultimax, and onwards:
Even though Shinjiro was in Inaba for both events, he only helped with the storyline in Ultimax. Only because Ken had his number and told him the others (Mitsuru, Akihiko, Aigis, and Fuuka) was in danger. Of course he sprung into action. With the small apartment he had, a small walk away from Aiya’s, he still uses his axe to battle and has much more control over Castor. Granted, his Persona did not evolve like the others did, but he didn’t care. He wasn’t even fully back to full health, after all the suppressants that have been in his body. He takes the situation and the fog calmly, knowing that he needed to find someone whom he knew and could team up with, even if he knew the area like the back of his hand. Eventually, he teams up with Ken + Koromaru. 
After all is said and done, he mentions to Mitsuru that he only wants to be an auxiliary member of the Shadow Operatives. He wouldn’t mind being a full time member, but he knew if he did, he might be more of a body guard than anything. So, he makes sure to stay in Inaba, for a while. He has a good job, still does what he did in Iwatodai over here for the kids in Inaba--people texted him like crazy to have their kids be tutored by him--and he weekly goes to the local animal shelter to play with the dogs. It is one of the ways he is able to destress. He does try his hardest NOT to adopt any animals because if he does, it’d be the Koromaru situation all over again. And he doesn’t want anyone to really be waiting for him in the end.
Shinjiro never really spends the time trying to look for his deadbeat dad. He has contemplated the idea of asking Fuuka, but couldn’t possibly bother her with something so stupid. Shinjiro really needs to be pushed to try to find him. Then again, sometimes in his gut tells him that he’s dead or dying. And that’s something Shinjiro really doesn’t want to think about.
Besides that, Shinjiro is single, as he is a bit too worried to jump into commitment so quickly. Only because he wants to be able to love someone the same way they could love him--he’s a big ass teddy bear, but he’s distant sometimes as well. Shinjiro takes a long time to fall in love but he loves his friends at least.
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ravenoftheskyes · 5 years
Daughter of Evil (p3 Evillious chronicles AU)
(AN: Why am I starting a new WIP? Idk. Let’s just get into it. I’m using Ketsuban’s Daughter of Evil cover as the basis for this. Also I used like one line from Enn Sings’s Bystander/Daughter of White cover. Check them out! Also, Even though I normally use Minato/Minako for the twins, I thought Kotone/Sakuya would be better for this. Also this time, the AU’s up on @yusuke-of-valla’s blog.)
There was once upon a time in another place
An evil kingdom who no person dared to face
The port kingdom of Iwatodai, a strong kingdom known for its power and ruthlessness.
And the ruler was a girl so mean
A tiny little princess of only age fourteen...
Kotone Shiomi, crown princess, and ruler. She never took the title of queen. Out of respect for her mother, she waits till she comes of age.
So much furniture littered her abode
Her loyal servant who’s likeness surely showed
Sakuya Kirijo, adopted son of Takeharu Kirijo, who was killed early in Kotone’s reign.
Josephine was what her horse was named
All the riches of the world is what she had claimed
Kotone’s loyal dog, Koromaru. She and her dog were almost inseparable. She always made sure to give him the best.
If you’re short on money, that’s no fearful thing
Just take it from those whom you dangle on a string
Mitsuru Kirijo, daughter of Takeharu Kirijo. She hated the princess. Kotone killed her father. She never understood why Sakuya loved her so much. Wasn’t he his father too? And now she’s robbing the whole kingdom blind, with unreasonable taxes.
To those who feel that they want to bring me down...
You’ll just tidy up my gown!
“Now, bow to me!” Kotone screamed out.
“Princess Kotone, why must you take all our money like this?! I have nothing left!” Mitsuru spoke, while on her knees, begging.
“I am the princess! My word is law! Guards, take her away!”
“Sakuya, how could you?!” Mitsuru screamed, as one guard with black hair and glasses and another with silver hair dragged her away.
Sakuya bowed his head in shame, his blue hair cascading down.
Evil flowers steadily bloom
With an array of colorful doom
But the weeds who feel that they want to stay,
They’ll just die and feed me the same anyway.
Kotone smiled as she saw Mitsuru dragged away, her red hair whipping as she turned to Sakuya.
“Did you see that? She begged!”
Sakuya did not respond.
The princess held a love for a man
Of blue who wasn’t very much her fan
Akihiko Sanada, prince of lands across the sea. Engaged to Kotone since they were children. He thought she was ruthless, but he was prepared to marry her for the good of the kingdom. That is, he was...
Instead, he chose his neighbor’s girl
Of green who’s eyes shone like a pearl.
Akihiko met Fuuka Yamagishi on a trip to the city. He was captivated by love at his first sight of her. Fuuka, however didn’t share his feelings. She was in love with Yukari. Akihiko still realized that he would never be happy with Kotone, and broke off their engagement.
The princess knew this and was filled with rage
She called the minister, locked in her cage
And she said in a small voice to not be heard
Make sure the green country is badly stirred
“See to it that all the women with green hair are dead, they shall thrive, in these lands no more!” Kotone told Sakuya, with a tight-lipped frown.
Sakuya didn’t visibly flinch. The princess’ word is law. He must obey.
Houses of the people were burned to the ground
So many voices would no longer make a sound
The people who had suffered so much pain
Didn’t get pity from the one who’d slain
Sakuya led the shadow war. But then he saw Fuuka. He left her in a well, to keep her safe.
Fuuka did not survive. Akihiko found her, dead in the well. He and Yukari mourned her.
Sakuya regret everything at the moment he realized Fuuka was dead.
He went home, bloodied to Kotone.
He cleaned himself off and served her some brioche.
Kotone, chipper as ever, said “Oh, it’s tea time!”
Evil flowers steadily bloom
With an array of bloodied doom
Even though the flower is so very refined
The thorns had driven its garden to decline
What the princess and her servant did not realize, was that Akihiko and Mitsuru had joined forces. They were planning to execute the princess. They plotted and planned, and finally the day came where the joined armies revolted.
To defeat the princess was no easy task
But the people could no longer wear their mask
Like a flock of birds, they were led by
A red lady mercenary into the nigh
Mitsuru, decked out in crimson armor. She ran up. Some say she said some words. Some say she was silent. They all agree on one thing.
She was telling her father revenge would soon be her’s
All the anger that had built over the years,
Now consumed them without any fears
And her army was battered from the green war
Their attacks were not much of a chore
Mitsuru and Akihiko cut swathes through the army. Some say they were possessed by Penthilisea, spirit of ice and Polydeuces, spirit of thunder.
Once they fell the countrymen surrounded the court
The servants ran away as time was running short
Little woman princess would never pose a fight
And she was finally captured in the night
The last servant seen running was said to be Sakuya.
“You’re such a disrespectful man!” Kotone screamed, as Akihiko dragged her down to a dungeon. Akihiko said nothing, not trusting his voice.
Evil flowers steadily bloom
With an array of funest doom
How the paradise that she made for herself
Put this broken doll back on the wooden shelf
Kotone turned around and fiddled with her hair, as she was shut in the cell.
There was once upon a time in another place
An evil kingdom who no person dared to face
And the ruler was a girl so mean
A tiny little princess of only age fourteen
Kotone sat in her cell, having changed out of her extravagant red dress into a simple brown one.
Mitsuru and Akihiko walked up to the cell.
“Sakuya, how could you?!” She whisper-screamed.
“How could I what? Kill our father, Kill Fuuka, or save my twin?”
“All of them!”
“Kill me if you wish. Let Kotone live.”
“You will never explain, will you?” Akihiko said, to the boy disguised as his twin.
“Never. I will protect her.”
“You bastard. Death is too good for you.” Mitsuru said, pure venom in her voice.
They both stalked away, letting the kingdom think Princess Kotone was about to be killed. Little did they know, the assumed dead Prince Sakuya was truly about to be executed.
Sakuya fiddled with his magically swapped hair. He made a deal with Orpheus, master of strings. He manipulated his fate and her’s. A bit of magic, and Kotone and Sakuya switched hair colors temporarily. When he died, his sister would get her hair back.
He smirked, knowing his sister would survive.
She was to be punished at 3’o’clock,
When the church bells resounded atock
The person who was once royalty,
Was bored in jail with no loyalty.
Sakuya slept, waiting for his fate.
At the time that eventually came
The church bells to her sounded rather lame
Without looking into the faces of the crowd
She said with her eyes in a shroud.
“Oh, it’s tea time!” Sakuya said, hoping he mimicked his sister’s voice well enough.
Kotone stood up, head still in the hood. Her hair would give her away if she stayed much longer. She cried, and then ran.
“I’m sorry, Sakuya...” she said to herself, under her breath.
Evil flowers steadily bloom
With an array of colorful doom
Now the people speak of her without a second thought
The daughter of evil had received what she sought
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camellianswer · 5 years
Nanbaka AU: Wild Idiots!
Nanbaka fantasy AU! In the territory of Sabor, a Veldland province, a tentative truce is struck between humans and forysters, the wild denizens of the woods. Chief Hyakushiki, the barbaric leader of the human faction, rules her men with an iron fist and keeps the peace by violence as much as strategy. There would be little trouble in the towns if not for foryster Jyugo and his band of hooligans, who manage to make Hunter Hajime’s life a living nightmare.
Forysters are humanoids with beastlike features. Most have large, fur-tipped ears, hard nails, long teeth and a tail. Others have light fur all over the body or an elongated face resembling a snout. Forysters are actually just as human as everyone else – their mutation is the result of a recessed gene that has been bred into a stronger form in certain isolated tribes. Or is there a more sinister origin to their appearance?
Hunter Kenshirou is madly in love with their barbaric ruler, though she has eyes for only Hajime.
Hunter Hajime is devoted to his work and will stop at nothing to put an end to the shenanigans of the four troublemakers. If Chief Hyakushiki finds out how many times Hajime has failed, he’s done for!
Hunter Kiji works with employing forysters as workers in the human community. It’s slow-going, but he’s fallen in love with their gorgeous fur and tails and will never give up on finding a place for them.
Hunter Samon does his work well, keeps a suspicious eye on Hajime, and still has time to care for a neglected bunch of forysters from the east.
Mitsuru is a foryster who is in Hyakushiki’s band as their messenger. His loud voice can be heard all over the region.
Mao the foryster betrayed his tribe for money and is always looking for an opportunity to corrupt Hyakushiki’s band.
Tomato the foryster takes in orphaned children, human and fory, often with Samon’s assistance. He adores cute things.
Uno is considered a disgrace as he woos humans and forysters alike. While he seems cheerful, he harbors a hatred for humans.
Rock is the son of a foryster chief who left his evil father and became a vagrant. He adores animals – as pets or as meals.
Nico is an orphan foryster, probably the runt of the litter. He usually distrusts humans because of abuse he suffered as a pup. Though Nico was a runt, he proved to be one of the finest specimens of a foryster; a pure case of the mutation and highly valuable. He was captured and subjected to all manner of inhumane tortures in the form of experimentation before escaping. The people in Hyakushiki’s band are the only humans Nico feels comfortable around.
Jyugo is a foryster, but considered a discredit to his race. He possesses none of the remarkable agility and strength forysters are supposed to be born with. He cannot run fast, swim, fight, or attract a mate. He can’t even find food on his own. Despite his flaws, his friends would die for him.
Tsukumo is remarkably good at imitating foryster mannerisms and spent much of his life raised as a foryster before abandoning them to live with other humans. He is shunned, however, and finds sanctuary with Jyugo’s bunch.
Musashi is a blind foryster with a remarkable ability to generate flames. He’s known as the phoenix in many parts of the land.
What do you think? Should I go for it? Or feel free to write stuff from this AU yourself - just let me know when it’s done so that I can read it! :D
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aftermathdb · 5 years
DEATH BATTLE Review: Weiss vs. Misturu
Y’know, I had a gag planned when that required Weiss to be introduced after two other RWBY Characters that I don’t think I can do anymore since Weiss got introduced before them. Maybe I can do a deleted scenes thing later…
Two Ice Queens battle for the true reign over the ice castle!
Weiss′s Preview.
The world of Remnant is full of many things that make it famous. From the vicious creatures of Grimm, to the Huntsman and Huntresses that are sworn to fight them, and many many more. But in this world, you’d be hard pressed to find a person who has never heard of the Schnee family.
And like any famous family, these guys are like royalty. And their princess, is Weiss Schnee.
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Like many children born to great families, Weiss’ home life wasn’t that fun. Her father had high expectations for her, and she was set to just run the place… Whenever that happens. But, in defiance to her father’s wishes, she got out and joined Beacon Academy, an illustrious school where everyone can learn how to fight monsters. And once she joined a team, she put the ‘W’ in team RWBY.
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But Weiss can’t just get by with money. So like most Hunters (Which is what I’m going to be calling them so that I can save some space), Weiss got herself a weapon, which Boomstick nicknamed Merc-Nasty.
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This rapier is nearly three feet in length, and, much like nearly every other weapon in the show, it doubles as a gun (insert “it’s also a gun” joke here)!
Myrtenaster comes equipped with a six-slot Dust chamber. And unlike the dust in our world, the Dust in this world is special. Similar to the materia from Final Fantasy or Crystals from Storm Hawks, these all come with their own stats and effects.
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Weiss is a fan of combining water and wind to create Ice Dust
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But, if you’re going to fight giant shadow monsters, criminals, and godzilla dragons, you’re  going to need way more than just a stick to fight them with.
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Think of Semblances as “X-Men” powers. They’re all unique in their own ways. However, Weiss’ Semblance is a bit different. In the sense that instead of it being unique, it’s actually inherited through her family line. Kinda like the mark of the Joestar (Before you ask, no. No Jojo character is up next. I’m upset about it too).
Weiss’ Semblance lets her do all sorts of crazy stuff. From manipulating gravity, to time dilation, to manipulating dust.
But most impressive of all, is the summons, which lets Weiss act like Yuna from FF X and bring out monsters she’s beaten to fight alongside her.  And the most powerful one of all, would be knight, the Arma Gigas… Which means “Giant Armor” in Latin.
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But yeah. Weiss’ family is pretty dysfunctional, and kinda abusive at times. Her Colonel Sanders-looking dad up there cut her out of the family line, leaving her piece of shit brother as the sole heir to the company.
But if there are any physical weaknesses Weiss has, it would probably be her durability.
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Aura is finite, and takes time to recharge. Sure, you’re basically invincible when you do have it, but when it’s out, you’re out.  And compared to Best Girl Yang (Fight me), Weiss’ durability isn’t that great. And since using her Semblance also burns aura, she’s more likely to run out sooner rather than later.
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But Weiss is pretty tough. She once managed to survive a train crash. Judging by the size of the fragmentation, and applying the appropriate mathematics, the amount of force Weiss withstood comes out to be about…
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Not good enough?- Then how about the time she knocked over a giant mech that was designed to fight giant leviathan grimm?
Judging by the size of her partner beside her, Weiss’ output of force should come around to about…
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And it’s unlikely that Weiss is doing this using only dust. So, by using the water,  we can get an estimate as to how much energy is being used for this attack.
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For those of you wondering, this translates to over 230 tons of TNT!
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Forget Dust. Weiss could make a killing on giving people renewable power alone.
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Weiss might not be the strongest of her team, but with her newfound family, she’s certainly proven that she is far more than just a name. And she’s out to prove that this life is hers.
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Misturu′s Preview.
In the early 2000s, you’d be hard pressed to find anyone in Japan who hasn’t heard of the Kirjio group, a global conglomerate that was involved in nearly every aspect of daily life. .
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And just like any other major company like this, they had a family. And this princess, was known as Mitsuru Kirijo
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One day, Mitsuru’s Grandfather was experimenting with some sort of mental world called “The Mind Place.” Officially known as “The collective unconscious.” Because companies doing shady business deals is apparently something we should expect. When is news going to break out that Disney does have their founder’s head in a jar?
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Anyways, the Mind Place connects every living being’s subconscious mind. Things known as “Shadows” lived there.
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These things are basically demons. But if you want to see an inner demon, you find a person’s “Shadow Self.”
Surprise surprise, Grandpa Kirijo decided to try and get to the shadows for himself. But, as per usual, summoning demons never works out… Unless you play an Archfiend Deck in Yu-Gi-Oh, in which case, go nuts.
So, everything kinda went to shit because of it, and not only were the shadows released into the world to attack an unsuspecting populace, this tower thing here:
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the Tartarus, arose. It’s basically the citadel between worlds. The earth was changed with a new “Dark Hour.” A period of time where everything freezes at Midnight.
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Most people don’t really notice though. Time resumes as normal when it’s over, and almost nobody really notices.
Some people can keep moving around in this time. Mitsuru is one of them. since she felt bad about her family’s company screwing everyone over, so she decided to fix it.
And while her rapier skills are certainly good, on account that she’s in the fencing club at her school, a small sword like that isn’t exactly enough to take down a bunch of evil shadows… Wait, hang on. Do both of these franchises have Heartless ripoffs?- Moving on, Mitsuru also has various abilities that she can use.
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And on top of all of it, she even got a Stand Persona, named Penthesilea, which later grew into Artemisia.
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With Artemisia by her side, Mitsuru has a lot of powerful ice spells that she can call upon in battle. So it’s basically a Stand except they don’t have that rule of “Only a Stand can defeat another Stand” thing going for them… Huh, note to self: Have Jotaro and Mitsuru get into an argument about terminology. Also unlike Stands, Personas can be defeated, but they’ll come back after a short time.
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Similar to Stands, Personas also kinda reflect damage back to the user. But since it’s more linked to the personality rather than the soul or fighting spirit, it’s more mental stress if anything else.
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Artemesia gives Mitsuru all sorts of awesome stuff. Like ice powers that could give Elsa a run for her money. It also grants Mitsuru enhanced strength, speed, and durability. In addition, it also makes her completely immune to the cold and ice-based attacks. I’d ask “Why the fur coat?” But, as we all know, Everyone needs a fur coat (And it’s a pretty nice coat). She can also sense her surroundings via analytical clairvoyance, which makes sneaking up on her pretty hard.
But, like all great heroes, nobody really does it on their own. Mitsuru created the S.E.E.S, or the “Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad.” A group of Persona users that were basically the Teen Titans, if they had Stands instead of superpowers. And, as an added bonus, it’s an after school club, so bonus extra credit!
And you might be thinking “How would one summon a Persona?” Well, since this franchise wasn’t done ripping off Jojo (I looked it up, Stands and the Stand Arrows were introduced about three years prior to Persona 1), they decided to uh… Use the Evoker… Which… Fair warning…
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(I think I’ll take the Stand Arrow instead).
The idea behind the Evoker is that it evokes a strong traumatic experience to awaken a person’s Persona, similar to how Mitsuru’s first experience in summoning hers was also traumatic.
To add to the unsettling nature of this, you don’t just have it shot at you. You aim it at your face, and pull the trigger. DEFINITELY taking the Stand Arrow over that.
Anyways, with all that power, Mitsuru’s pulled off some ridiculous stuff.
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Here’s an added bonus: One Persona user that could outrun a bullet fired from a Magnum. So it’s reasonable to say that Mitsuru could do this too.
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If that last feat wasn’t impressive enough for you, Personas can move even faster. One of them reacted to and caught an arrow within milliseconds. And since Mitsuru defeated this user and Persona in a fight.
But if you’re looking for a durability feat, then look no further, because Mitsuru once survived an explosion.
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This one to be exact.
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This is easily the longest series of images I’ve had to upload in a row. And isn’t Boomstick a Poultry Scientist?- Why’d he say “I’m a scientist now.”?
Ahem, moving on. Artemisia also once helped out in icing these creepy puppet things:
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Now, using the surrounding air and accounting for Nitrogen (As it makes up a good chunk of the air we breathe), we can get some calculations for this feat.
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The energy output, after the calculations are done, comes to around…
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Okay, forget Weiss supplying people with Power, Mitsuru’s where it’s at. Maybe she could slow down out polar ice caps from melting.
And after ending the Dark Hour and redeeming her family name, Mitsuru continued battling for people everywhere. One shadow at a time.
Not too shabby.
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The Battle Itself.
Torrian and Kristina are here for animation, Weiss will be voiced by Kara Eberle and Mitsuru will be voiced by Corey Pettit, music (Winter Sonata) by Therewolf,  and audio by Chris Kokkinos.
So, we just jump right into the middle of the fight. No explanations, no story build-up, no nothing. It’s just like RWBY Volume 4! Ha ha! … Sorry, I, I just, I had to get that in there… God, that was a garbage volume.
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So, with swordplay looking to be about even, both sides are basically going to be relying on their other skills for this bout. Y’know, a fencing tournament getting out of hand would have been an interesting story for this fight.
So, a bit of talking later, and the fight just picks up. And it occurs to me that they should have used this as the example fight for why the “FIGHT!” soundbite shouldn’t return. Like, c’mon guys.
Back on the fight, Weiss uses her ice powers to try to give Mitsuru the cold shoulder, but as we’re already aware, that’s not very effective.
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And out comes Artemisia, which Weiss manages to parry some of the attacks, and opts to get the hell out of dodge after a quick burst of fire.
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The Wasp up there is then sent to fight Mitsuru’s Persona while Weiss opts to fight Mitsuru directly.
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But, let’s face it. The Rapier Wasp is a Bug Flying type. So Artemisia takes it down.
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And with Weiss distracted, Mitsuru then gives her a kick to the face. That’s the face of someone who was wondering why she was just standing around when there was someone trying to kill you right in front of you.
But Weiss isn’t a fan of being kicked in the face, so she uses her gravity glyphs to make some distance.
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And with that distance comes…
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The Arma Gigas! Let’s be real, we wanted this fight so that we could see this knight fight Artemisia. After a couple of combos where neither side seems to make any headway, Artemisia then fires some frigid projectiles towards Weiss.
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Her Knight, being a gentleman, takes the blow for her.
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Weiss charges (with added assistance from her time dilation glyphs) and manages to actually stab Mitsuru.
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Unfortunately for her, Mitsuru doesn’t go down that easily. And she uses Artemisia to knock them both down.
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Finishing blow in 5…
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Imperious Queen of Executions indeed.
Verdict + Explanation.
So, to Weiss’ credit, her versatility put up a decent fight. But she was pretty outclassed in other categories aside from speed thanks to time dilation.
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But with Mitsuru’s analytical clairvoyance, that speed gap gets a lot smaller. To the point that Mitsuru’s the one that can outpace Weiss. Not that it matters, Artemisia outpaces Weiss a few times over.
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Now sure, the time powers seem like an insta-win, right? Well, maybe that would give Weiss a win in some scenarios, but not all of them.
Since Weiss is extra reliant on Ice Dust, and her other Dusts are fairly lacking, Mitsuru didn’t really have to deal with fire at all. Especially since Weiss doesn’t have the best track record with fire (As we’ve seen from that fire geyser from before).
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It also doesn’t help that the explosion from earlier is pretty up there in terms of destructive power. Power that isn’t really that low for anything Weiss had to really beat it out.
Using calculation provided by Boomstick (Yes, you read that right), the calculations can be made through the height of the bridge.
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This puts the explosive yield to about.
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And this is even accounting for the fact that the person setting it off wasn’t even planning on killing Mitsuru too.
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Also, remember those big ice structures that each of them made?- Well, comparing them directly, Weiss’ energy output doesn’t come close. Even if one were to cut Mitsuru’s stat in half, on account that she had help for this feat, Weiss falls short. About a hundred times short to be exact.
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At the end of the day, Mitsuru had the power, skill, and durability to take Weiss down. Sure Snow White there had versatility, but at the end of it all,
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Overall impression.
I heard from a friend of mine (And I  read  it on the Persona Wiki) that Personas can’t really be seen by non-persona users. Whilst this doesn’t really make much of a difference since it was more exciting to see the Arma Gigas directly fighting Artemisia instead of having it flailing around while the Persona just chipped away at it, it would have been nice to have seen this acknowledged.
Also, I kinda had like… Ten jokes that I could have used for my own end quip, but I’ll just post that to my Deviantart account as a list.
Overall, the results are solid, the animation is good, and it feels well-made. Sure, Weiss’ death could have been a bit more brutal (I would have liked to have seen her shattering with the ice), but as far as underwhelming deaths go, this one wasn’t that bad.
6.9/10. It would have been higher, but we didn’t get a “Bites the Dust” reference for Boomstick’s end joke (The song, not the Stand).
Next Time…
MORTAL KOMBAT! DO do do do dodo doot do do doot do doot do do do!
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By the Gods I have been wanting to use Johnny Cage for the story. And having another Nintendo rep is always a plus. This… Is gonna be fun!
Is there a fight that you want me to review? - Send an ask/request, and I’ll look into it!
Do you want to read my fanfic based around DEATH BATTLE itself? click here!
Thank you for reading, and I hope to see you next time for…
Falcon Punch vs. Nut Punch
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fivzen · 5 years
So with that little change in mind, here are the few Characters in Persona Asphalt I have right now:
Elee Leigh (Later Changed to Elee Esperer), Fool Arcana: Main Character and leader of the Heroes Union (the team in Asphalt). Has an opened personality as a front, but is actually worried all the time about the world crumbling around her. Gains her persona in a battle against a fake version of her Shadow. Her initial/base Persona is Sento, based on the story of Kamen Rider Build, her soul shows what she wishes for in the world most: Love and Peace. She fight her true shadow by the end and releases her Ultimate Persona KiRyuuga, based on Cross-Z Build, her truer self shows that she wishes to learn from herself and others as she strives to a live of love, peace, and hope. Has had a connection to shadows since she was 6, since the place she was abandoned was actually Okinawa. A certain pair of siblings of blue and red/pink and their team were the ones to find her.
Roddy Etchings, Magician Arcana: Second Party Member and best friend of Elee, (also potential love interest). An aspiring fashion designer, he wishes to make stylish clothing for those he cares about, but the people in charge of the tech focused fashion stores in Neotech only wish to use him for his talents, instead of hiring him. He nearly falls into a despair over how no one will truly like his work, which he avoids when he meets Elee and faces his fears, granting him the Persona: Katsumi, based on Ultraman Rosso from R/B showing his love of fashion firsthand. When he unlocks his ultimate, it is through how he finally realizes that fashion is actually okay to mix with subjects, his favorite being science, unlocking his Ultimate: Minato, a full amount of Greube from the R/B movie but Persona-fied.
Bree Survi, The Chariot Arcana: Third Party member (and a love interest of Elee). A girl with a passion for performing magic, she had escaped a toxic relationship before the events of asphalt. When her past comes back to haunt her in Neotech, she begins to lose hope that she’ll ever be able to grow stronger. Through only a little push from Elee, she stands up for herself and fights back, unlocking her Persona: Futari (A persona-fied mix of Cure White). When she finally admits to herself that idea of a relationship with others is somethings she’s been wanting for a while, but she was scared of being hurt again, she unlocks her ultimate: PreCura.
Lia Kingly, Empress Arcana: Fourth party member. Neotech Academy’s resident “Queen”, she secretly wishes for nothing but the love of real friends and the chance to go wherever she wants. Gains a real friend with Elee as a Relation Connection, before joining the party when she faces her shadow in the Net (and becoming another Love Interest for Elee, and is the closest to being canon). Her Persona is Shishi, and it evolves into Orion (based on Shishi red’s forms).
Wilson “Webby” Crimson, Star Arcana: A program originating from the Shadow Net, later revealed to be the once though missing son of Shad0wTech’s CEO. Acts as the groups navigator before he gets his own Persona, to become the fifth member of the team. His is an automatic Relation Connection for until you max it out (he’s also a potential love interest). Unlocks his persona after facing his shadow and learning the big truth of his past. His wants to find the truth grants him the Persona Janperson. When he reaches his max link, his persona grows into Gavan.
Max “Fang” Fangsen, Emperor Arcana: The sixth Party Member and second Navigator. Thought to be nothing but a punk by many of the other students, is actually a very smart person who works hard on his looks so no one will pick on him. Faces his shadow and begins his Relation Connection with Elee (another love interest, though it’s hinted he also has feelings for Roddy). His persona is  2Bat, who later evolves into Kivat (based on Kivat the 2 and 3 from Kiva)
Akira Ryuusou, Tower Arcana: Seventh Party Member, and an aspiring business studies focused student. He had once believed that business had to trample over everyone that could interrupt it, but saved himself when he remembered his morals were not worth compromising for the sake of money. His relation connection is learning to deal with his once terrible tendencies, and growing past them (continues the trend of being a potential love interest). His Persona is Zanget and his ultimate Persona is Kachidoki Zangetsu (it should be clear who that’s based on.)
Elise Knighting, Priestess Arcana: Eighth and final party member. A girl with royal heritage, she feels she trapped in a fate of only having her name tied to a past she wants nothing to do with. She faces her shadow and despair, regainning her hope of being able to change her family name into one of pride. Her Relation Connection is her first steps to becoming a recognized name. (Also a potential love interest, though she also has potential feelings for Webby.) Her Persona is Dull-Ga, and her Ultimate Persona is Bright-Garo (based on the Golden Knight Garo and what little I know of that series.)
Heroes Union, Fortune Arcana Relation Connection: The name of Asphalt’s team. They believe that as long as they stick together and keep their hope, Fortune will shine upon them. Earned their name from how Heroes were made to inspire hope to all. Updates automatically.
Mr. (Roger) Scripten, Strength Arcana Relation Connection: Elee’s Theater Teacher. Starts out as cold and closed to all, but actually cares about the students he teaches. As you become close to him, he slowly opens up to others, and becomes more cheerful. Eventually reveals that the reason he closed himself off is that one of students had an accident when working in the tech shop, and he was scared of getting close to students after. He provides Elee with help on her theatrics skills, in turn helping her dancing in the Shadow Net.
Molly Esperer, Hierophant Arcana Relation Connection: Elee’s adopted mom, she’s the head of the R&D area at Shad0wTech and a caring person. She’s very young to be a parent, at 27, but she wanted a child because she had felt that her home was too empty without a family, one that she wanted, despite not looking for any partners currently. She supports Elee in whatever she does, and provides info about shady tech dealings when she learns about the Union.
Mitsuru Kirijo and Yukari Takeba, Justice Arcana Relation Connection: Elee’s other ‘Moms’. Were the two who visited her the most when she was still in Japan. They still keep in contact with her, but eventually she gets to see them again when they move to Neotech for their work (Yukari getting a new role in a show being filmed there, and Mitsuru wanting to set up new works for the Kirijo Group in Neotech.)
Rise Kujikawa, Sun Arcana Relation Connection: The famous idol herself is living in Neotech for the next year and a half due to her work. Meets Elee when the girl interns at a production studio. She becomes quick friends with her, and is especially interested by the fact that she seems to know both Yukari Takeba AND Mitsuru Kirijo.
Barista From Japan, Ren, Moon Arcana Relation Connection: An aspiring professional cook and barista from Japan, Ren seems to know more than he lets on. Meets Elee when she enters his current workplace and he mentions wanting to see some Labyrinth Movies with a friend again someday. Later reveals himself as THE Ren Amamiya, once leader of the Phantom Thieves (Elee remembers meeting him once upon a time somewhere. Perhaps a Movie Theater? Or was it a Maze? She can’t get the letter Q out of her head.) 
Elizabeth, Death Arcana Relation Connection: A mysterious woman who owns the Blue House book rental. She reminds Elee of those two from ten years ago (due to how she was the attendant for them). The persona Elee can fuse by the end gives her a sad feeling, as if those two are with her again (Messiah and Thanatos).
Eli Simmers, Temperance Arcana Relation Connection: The man who runs the toy shop (and provides the Heroes Union with their weapons). Imports toys from overseas and bonds with Elee over their shared love of Featherman and Kamen Racer (as it’s called in that world). Wants nothing more in life than to share his joy of other cultures with Neotech, and his Connection is all about that.
Manuel Imborglione, Devil Arcana Relation Connection: Neotech Academy’s resident prankster, who also happens to be the star history student. Every prank he pulls is planned out with a historical event in mind and is often in the middle when it comes to win loss ratios for these pranks. His story is his want to make people learn from the past, as he had learned from his own growing up. As another student he is a potential love interest.
Mabel Enforcra, Judgement Arcana Relation Connection: Another Student at Neotech, Mabel is an aspiring comic writer and is Asphalt’s succesor to Mishima, as the moderator of the Heroes Union Site, the place that all of the dances of the HU are uploaded too. Her story involves her want to prove her worth as a writer, and Elee being there as a support. As a student, she is another potential love interest.
 Stella Reclu, Hermit Arcana Relation Connection: Stella is Neotech Academy’s top astrology student, with the habit of pushing everyone away who tries to get close. Elee manages to stay despite her pushing and learns that she was being pushed because Stella didn’t want her parents to try and threaten anyone for interrupting her studies. The Heroes Union saves her grieving heart and she finally stands up to her parents. As a student, she is another potential love interest for Elee.
Wilbur and Charlotte, The Lovers Arcana Relation Connection: The attendants of the Velvet Room, a married couple who live in the city and owe Igor a favor for help from a long time ago. They offer assistance to Elee when they see her, and handle the Persona Compendium.
Igor: The series staple caretaker of the Velvet Room, he offers his assistance with Persona Fusion and fortunetelling services. He loves the current status of the Velvet Room, as a hero group headquarters, stating it fills him with great pride as an over looker of the hopes of humans.
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shadowtarot · 6 years
Sooo how's Ikutsuki gonna fight? Discarded Persona android models??? TII
Thieves in Inaba Part 76
Sho glares down at his adoptive parent. His expression is conflicted yet still showing sparks of anger. 
“You treated me like shit, kept me from interacting with others as apart of your experiment. Yet you payed for my medical bills, and left me with all your money after you died. What the hell is your deal then?! Do you give a shit about me? Or am I really just another kid dragged in for experiments just like the rest?” 
Metallic footsteps echo within the hall of the entry way. Sho looks behind him to see mangled remains of Anti-Shadow weapons before him. 
“…that’s gonna be all you have to answer huh? Fine. You pretty much showed me the best way to get to know a person is to fight them. So let’s start bonding.” 
Yasogami Tower, Block ??
“Hey, are you awake?” 
“He’s got scratches on him..”
“Move, I have bandages…”
Naoiki’s eyes flutter open, and he’s met with several people huddled around him. Some he knows, others he doesn’t. 
“Where am I?” He asks, looking around. 
“Unfortunately, we don’t know.” A girl with long brown hair with red ribbons states. “I received a call from the owner of a Cafe a friend of mine used to work at, warning me to barricade myself indoors. But then I was attacked by…some sort of wolf. Then…I woke here.”
A fox sniffs the area, which alarms some people in the room. 
“A fox?” Naoki blinks. “Why would it be here?”
“Yip!” It looks to the crowd, dropping some leaves. 
“Is it trying to help?” 
“Well, regardless we should try to know each other, it would probably be best if we did that much.” The girl states. “I am Hifumi Togo. And you all are?” 
“Naoki Konishi…” The blond boy states, avoiding eye contact slightly.
A short black haired girl nods. “My name is Yumi Ozawa. And…what about you?” Yumi turns to the final person in the group. A young kid. 
“…Shinya…” He mumbles a bit. “My mom got a weird call too, but she thought it was just some prank. The monsters were seen on the highway chasing some motorbike. I saw it on the news but…” 
“Yip.” The fox goes to comfort Shinya. 
“…you’re kinda nice, for a weird fox.” The King smiles a bit. 
“Do you think there’s more people trapped here?” Hifumi asks, placing a hand on her cheek. 
“If there is, then they might know more about what’s going on. Hopefully…” Yumi sighs, shaking her head. 
“The Phantom Thieves will save us.” Shinya looks serious as he speaks. “I know they will!”
“Whaat? They’re just a weird group that made a fuss for a year and then vanished, why think they’d do something about this?” Naoki shakes his head. 
“No, Shinya-kun has a point. I would know…I helped their leader out.” Hifumi giggles. “But that’s all I’ll say.” 
“Wait…you know him too?!” The elementary student looks happy. “That’s awesome!”
“Seems you both have a lot in common. But have any of you taken the time to notice something? We have rope burn on our wrists. Someone tied us up.” Naoki points out. 
“How are we free then? Unless…” Hifumi and the others look to their Fox friend. 
Yasogami Tower Block 1
The team is on high guard, the faint sounds of Sho’s battle can be heard below but since his request was to do this alone the team had no choice but to respect his request. Down two people now, the feeling of unease was starting to seep in. 
“What’s the read on the Persona from before Futaba?” Makoto asks, looking to her teammate. 
“It’s still weak. I think it’s coming from another floor.” 
Minato nods. “It has to be either Jin or Takaya. We know at this point that those who died can be brought back. And if Nythotelp is relying on Persona users and those with access to Anti-Shadow weapons…then..”
“He’s getting desperate.” Ryuji states, hand in his pocket. “But what I don’t get is why hold people captive still…he should know that we’re gonna come after him no matter what at this point.”
“Perhaps he has a reason for it…” Akechi states. “Wild Cards have the power that we have because of our bonds.”
“But I can’t see how anyone would affect that, all bonds we’ve formed have changed or improved the lives of those we’ve helped. Reversing a bond would be impossible.” Yu shakes his head. 
“Maybe…he’s just after the power.” Mishima states. “Think about it: I was easily able to awaken to a Persona as was Nanako. We both had bonds.”
“I think I know where you’re going…and it’s kinda making me worry about Kou and the others…. We never did find where they were…” Yosuke sighs, shaking his head. 
Persona Training Center, Warped Inaba
The banging on the doors gets rougher and rougher. The rescued links are all close together, preparing to fight.
“I don’t care if that glass was made from magic or whatever, this isn’t going to hold much longer.” Ai shakes. “We really could use back up…”
Sae sighs, nodding. “I agree, but that tower is the team’s top focus. We just have to hope they leave.”
“Yeah, at this rate that’s not gonna happen.” Iwai states bluntly. “They’re after us. And we have to make sure they don’t do shit to any of us.”
Howling can be heard all around them. This wasn’t good…
Dojima Residence, Warped Inaba
“And that takes care of that Shadow!” Marie smirks, dusting her self off as a large shadow hits the ground with a thud. “We’re doing good so far I think.”
Dojima nods. “Your..Persona right? They sure are helpful…”
“Yeah. Too bad they’re a major drain if you use them too much.” Adachi shakes his head. 
“What do you mean?” 
Marie strikes a small shadow with her bag, killing it. “Persona aren’t like a gun or any other weapon you people use. They’re like an arm or leg, using them too much leads to fatigue.”
“Seems like quite the drawback…but they’re the main thing killing the Shadows correct?” Dojima shoots a shadow as he speaks. 
“For the most part.” Adachi shrugs. 
But their short chat is soon interrupted by two mimics rising from an inky like puddle. They resemble Ken and Kanji.
“Shit! This is what that kid told me about!” Adachi quickly reloads, only to be attacked by Mimic Ken’s spear and getting badly hurt. 
“ADACHI!” Dojima runs to him as Marie attempts to fight the duo off herself. 
“Damn..these things hit harder then the others….” He’s holding his bleeding side. 
“You’re that injured? Well I can fix that…” As if on cue, rain falls despite the fog. 
“Why does this rain feel so odd? Did you do something, Marie?” Dojima asks. 
“…maybe. All that matters now is he should be fine. Now shoot these two!” 
Yasogami Tower, Block 1 
The Persona team walks carefully through out the halls, dispatching small groups of shadows with ease and minimal effort. But they soon find a staircase leading to the next floor of the block. 
“Persona reading’s getting strong guys. Whoever’s waiting above…they’re gonna ambush us as soon as we climb the stairs.” Futaba looks around her. “We need to be prepared to fight hard.”
Mianto sighs, shaking his head. “Given their Artificial Persona status, they shouldn’t be hard to fight. But I don’t expect it to be as simple as before. Our enemy must be aware.” 
“Stay on guard, everyone. No matter who we see at the top of that staircase we need to push forward.” Mitsuru orders. 
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selenecrown · 6 years
Persona 3 - Arisato Siblings AU
Alternate Universe where Minato Arisato/Makoto Yuki and the FeMC from Persona 3 Portable are actually twins and both children do not die in the car crash that killed their parents. Unlike what I believe happened in Persona 3 Portable. 
Also I'm probably going to add more later if I think of any during or after PQ2. Or just in general.
In other words, that AU that is accepted by the fandom but not canon. But it should be Atlus you cowards!
I will refer to these two as Minato Arisato and Minako Arisato. 
If you prefer Makoto Yuki, then FeMC's name is Hamuko Yuki (Sorry, I wasn't sure what other me to use for this.) Or, if you prefer Sakuya Shiomi, then FeMC's name is Kotone Shiomi. 
- Minato is the oldest by two minutes. Minako says otherwise, but it's a lie and the two of them know it.
- When they were young they actually were pretty close, as most twins are. Only, their personalities were different. For one, Minako was more shy and reserved and Minato was much more friendly.
- But, after the car crash that killed their parents, Minato became more apathetic towards others excluding his sister who he became even more protective of. In response to Minato shutting away other people, Minako became much more friendly (and sassy) to step up for Minato. Originally, she just wanted him to smile again so she always tried her best at being nice and funny towards Minato and others, but this later became a part of her personality. 
- The twins kept moving from family member to family member as the two kept getting kicked out because of Minato's borderline suicidal actions and apathetic words, because Minato became extremely apathetic towards others minus his sister (who also started picking up his actions and also became somewhat depressed) family members would keep them until they couldn't take Minato anymore and, because Minato refused to leave his sister, both of the twins would move onto another family member. 
- Minato really stoped caring and even on trying to get to know his family members. Minako actually is thankful most of her family would take them in, but often forgets the family members who took them in, since they never stayed longer than a year.
- Until they came to the dorm. Then, things changed. Minako and Minato started to like being in the dorm. They met people that they liked and agreed: They actually liked it there. They wanted to stay.
- Minato was actually happy to be there. His apathy seemed to change into him just being reserved towards people. This, delighted Minako. Because for the first time in years, he wasn't acting like a cold-hearted asshole all the time to other people. 
- Minato and Minako are still field leaders, they just trade off every full moon. The other comes with the party, but it just a normal attacker. 
- Minato is quiet, but reliable leader. He's the type of leader that is very aware of his teammates despite him not acting like it. He maybe laided back and doesn't really give his opinion on the situation at hand, but he certainly shows an example of a leader. 
- Minako is like the cheerleader. She often encourages the group to do their best and get things done fast. But, like Minato, looks after her group. Despite her picking odd clothing choices and sometimes really crazy missions, she does these things (mostly) to help her team get stronger.
- Both of them have the Wildcard ability and both Elizabeth and Theodore look after both of them. Elizabeth is supposed to look after Minato, and Theodore is supposed to look after Minako. But the two Velvet Room Attendants mostly just share the two twins.
- Which, is really amusing. Imagine Elizabeth going out with Minako and Theodore is stuck with Minato. What happens between the four are actually super funny and often times really cool in retrospect.
- Get ready for cute siblings fights as leaders. Like, 
"Minato! What about this outfit? It would look cute on Yukari!"
"Yes, but she'd kill you if you asked her to wear it."
"Not if you asked her to wear it!" 
". . . Fair point."
"Minato! Look at this shirt! It'd be perfect for Koromaru!"
"That's a good shirt. +10 agility, not bad. . . Minako, we don't have that kinda money."
"But it's cute!" 
"We need to buy something for Junpei! His armor is falling apart! If we don't get something better for him, we came here for no reason!"
"Oh my gosh you're right. I almost forgot!"
- The Twins teasing each other about their harems. That's it. That's the headcanon.
- Both Minato and Minako can be pranksters. Like, they do good pranks. One time, Minako asked Minato if they could play a prank on both Yukari and Junpei because both of them had gotten into a fight and wouldn't even talk to each other. And. . . Let's just say, Mitsuru, while amused at what the two did and pleased at the twins got Yukari and Junpei to start talking again, was not too happy at the mess they made.
- While both Minato and Minako live in the same dorm, they sleep in separate rooms, for obvious reasons. Which, Aigis is not too happy about since she want to protect both of them and it's hard to watch the both them sleep at the same time if they are in different rooms.
- Honestly they probably help one another with Social Links. Yukari's Social Link reversed? Minako is willing to try and help out Minato in fixing it. Akihiko being a little too reserved with Minako? Well, Minato will give it a shot to try and help.
- Speaking of which, Minato can actually make Social Links with his male teammates! Even Koromaru! He can't date them, but he still has the Social Links.
- Running into each other going to Social Links or when the other sibling is hanging out with that Social Link are awkward as heck. 
- "Minako, you hog. Let me hang out with Shinjiro! I wanna taste his cooking!" "Well, then, let me hang out with Mitsuru! You're keeping her all to yourself!"
- Minato and Minako have weird things they do as siblings that S.E.E.S. has somewhat picked up on. Like when Minako is down in the dumps, Minato will stay close to her and comfort her if need be. Now, EVERYBODY knows when Minako is upset and often will track Minato down to give her that comfort and they actually try and make her happy until such time as Minato arrives. And when Minato is down in the dumps, be prepared for the whole team, lead by Minako, to do the stupidest crap to get him to feel better. Like beat the Reaper in swimsuits and videotape it while doing some werid dance. 
- Also, twin jokes everywhere. Even Mitsuru will pull out those jokes. It's great.
-Overall, great shenanigans in the dorm with these twins around.
- Then crap went down. As in, Strega and Shuji Ikutsuki came and screwed everything up. Majorly. Minato closed himself off again, and often wouldn't let Minako do too much with others either in favor of keeping her close to him.
- Because of that, the two got into a huge fight. 
- Minako, who finally found people she wanted to stay with, refused to let her brother mess up the one place both of them agreed they wanted to stay in. Not like he did the last few times, Minako was not willing to give up her time with S.E.E.S. to Minato's apathetic nature. Minato, who after remembering the warning from Pharos, was not willing to lose his sister to fate. 
- And, the two drifted apart. Worse, S.E.E.S. could do almost nothing to fix the problem since they were having their own problems to deal with. Well, then Ryoji came into the picture. Ryoji, after being confused with the distant twins, got the two of them to make up temporarily. But then Ryoji figured out his true nature, and while it brought the two closer and got them to fully make it up to one another, got the two of them to become depressed again.
- Then they had to make a decision as to kill Ryoji or not, and after lots of thought, the two came to the same conclusion. And so did everyone else. 
- And so, they fought Nyx. And the two became the Great Seal. Minato became the Great Seal of Nyx, while Minako became the Great Seal of Time which prevents her brother's Seal from being messed with through timelines, as well as protecting other timelines from Nyx. Which, makes Elizabeth just a bit more miffed at the amount of power she needs.
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hifumi-matsuoka · 3 years
Incorrect Quotes 2
[From https://incorrect-quotes-generator.neocities.org/]
Kirijō: In your opinion, what’s the height of stupidity? Yukari: *turning to Junpei* How tall are you?
Hifumi: What's a word thats a mix between 'sad' and 'mad'? Kirijō: Disgruntled, miserable, desolated- Akihiko: Smad.
Akihiko: We need a distraction. Hifumi: Is anyone here good at jumping up and down and making weird noises? Amada, whispering: My time has come
Akihiko: Hey Mitsuru, Kirijō: Yes? Akihiko: Can a person breathe inside a washing machine while it’s on? Kirijō: Kirijō: Where’s Matsuoka?
Akihiko: I trust Hifumi. Kirijō: You think she knows what she’s doing? Akihiko: I wouldn't go that far.
Junpei: I told Yukari her ears flush when she lies. Hifumi: Why? Junpei: Look. Junpei: Hey Yukari! Do you love us? Yukari, covering her ears: No. Hifumi:
Hifumi: They stole from me first! Hiromi: Mhm. Hifumi: Stole my heart... Aegis: It is still illegal to commit murder.
Yukari: WHY. why did you give Koromaru a KNIFE?! Aegis: I’m sorry. He said he felt unsafe. Yukari: Now I feel unsafe! Aegis: I’m sorry. Aegis: ... would you like a knife?
Junpei: We need to get through this locked door. Yukari, give me your credit card. Yukari: Here. Junpei, pocketing it: Thanks. Akihiko, kick down the door.
Hifumi: Fitness tip: never stop pushing yourself. Some say 8 hours of sleep is enough. Why not keep going? Why not 9? Why not 10? Strive for greatness. Akihiko: Next time you’re working out do 15 push ups instead of 10. Run 3 miles instead of 2. Eat a whole cake instead of just a slice. Burn your ex’s house down. You can do it. I believe in you. Junpei: There were so many mixed messages in that I can’t-
Junpei: Who thinks I can fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth? Hiromi: You’re a hazard to society Hifumi: And a coward. DO TWENTY.
*The group is getting into the car* Akihiko: I’m driving. Hifumi, out of view: Shotgun! Junpei, turning to face Hifumi: Aww! But you had it on the way here- Everyone except Hifumi: WOAH- Hifumi, holding a shotgun: No! I found a shotgun! And I want the front seat! *Pumps gun*
Store Worker: Would a Ms. Kirijō please come to the front desk? Kirijō, arriving at the desk: Hello, is there a problem? Store Worker: points to Akihiko and Hifumi Store Worker: I believe they belong to you? Akihiko and Hifumi, simultaneously: We got lost :( Kirijō: I didn’t even bring you guys here with me-
Junpei: If Yukari and I were drowning, who would you save? Hiromi: You two can’t swim? Yukari: It’s a hypothetical question, Hiromi! who would you save? Hiromi: my time and effort.
Akihiko: Here’s a fun Christmas idea. We hang mistletoe, but instead of kissing, you have to FIGHT whoever else is under it. Kirijō: Akihiko no. Hifumi: Mistlefoe. Kirijō: Please stop encouraging him.
Hifumi: Would you stab your best friend in the leg for 10 million gold? Akihiko: You stab me, and then when my leg gets better, we buy a big-ass house. Hiromi: You can stab me too, then we'll have 20 million. Hifumi: Good thinking.
Junpei, texting Hifumi: Hifumi! Help I’m being kidnapped Hifumi: Where are you? Junpei: I’m with some strange person. In a car. Help. Hifumi: I’ll call Yukari. Yukari, answering her cell: Y’ello? Hifumi: Where’s Junpei? He texted me that he was being kidnapped. Yukari: Junpei? Whaddya mean, he’s right next to me- Yukari: Yukari: I’ll call you back. *hangs up* Yukari: THE NEW HAIRCUT ISN’T THAT BAD! Junpei: WHO ARE YOU?!
Hifumi, holding a python: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him Yukari: You did WHAT– Hiromi: William Snakepeare
Junpei: If you had to choose between Yukari and all the money I have in my wallet, which would you choose? Hiromi: That depends, how much money are we taking about? Yukari: Hiromi! Junpei: 63 cents. Hiromi: I'll take the money. Yukari: Hiromi!!!
Hifumi: I love you guys, you're the best thing that's happened to me. Junpei: We're the best thing that's ever happened to you? Hifumi: Yes! Yukari: I'm starting to feel a little sorry for you.
Junpei: In my defense, I was left unsupervised. Kirijō: Wasn't Hifumi with you? Hifumi: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised.
Hifumi: Aki and I don’t use pet names. Junpei: I see. Hey, what do bees make? Hifumi: Honey? Akihiko: Yes, dear? Hifumi: Junpei: Don't ever lie to my face again.
Yukari: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, Hiromi? Hiromi: … No. Hifumi: I do! Yukari: I know, Hifumi. Hifumi: I’m sad! Yukari: I know, Hifumi.
Junpei, whispering to Akihiko, who’s on the phone with Hifumi: Ask her something! Akihiko: How are you feeling? Hifumi: Fine. Junpei: Something personal! Akihiko: At what age did you first get your period?
Junpei: Hey, Akihiko? Can I get some dating advice? Akihiko: Just because I’m with Hifumi doesn’t mean I know how I did it.
*Akihiko and Junpei sitting in jail together* Junpei: So who should we call? Akihiko: I’d call Mitsuru, but I feel safer in jail
Junpei: What do you think Hifumi will do for a distraction? Yukari: She’ll probably, like, make a noise or throw a rock. That’s what I would do. *Building explodes and several car alarms go off* Yukari: ... or she could do that.
Amada: Why are you on the floor? Hiromi: I'm depressed. Hiromi: Also I was stabbed, can you get Aegis, please.
Akihiko: Hifumi, what do IDK, LY, and TTYL mean? Hifumi: I don’t know, love you, talk to you later Akihiko: Ok, I love you too, I’ll just ask Mitsuru.
Junpei: HELP! I TOLD HIFUMI I’D COOK DINNER TONIGHT BUT I CAN’T COOK! Yamagishi, pouring milk directly into the cereal bag: And you thought I could help?
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nanbatrash · 6 years
Why u never share headcannons ;u;
Oh haha.. well I dunno. I’m rarely asked about them. Plus I have tons upon tons.
Which all go into about five different aus I have. ((I have only shared two because the other three are fucked up and no one wants to see what kind of twisted shit I come up with))
Flower/ Coffee shop au
And the one concerning my oc. ((My friend likes to call it FloofBirdverse, because she’s obessed with calling Thia a fluffy bird, because in the beginning she was loosely based off a very fluffy canary that my oma owns))
So I guess I might share a few head canons for both just for giggles.
Flower/Coffee shop
- Everyone in the flower shop takes turns to watch Upa for their boss while working because they know he cannot afford to pay a babysitter. ((Plus, who wouldn’t want to watch that little bitter bundle of cuteness))
- Qi had a one night stand, thus creating Upa, and they tried to make it work, but they just had no chemistry and eventually she walked out.
- Trois got banned from going near the coffee pots and machinery due to a small incident involving him trying to “upgrade” them to his liking.
- Liang has a little school big crush in the flower shop’s owner, but shhhh don’t tell Hajime. Qi returns these feelings, and shows it by wearing a peach colored flower pin on his uniform.((Note: All members of the flower shop have their own flower pins if choice on their uniforms. It could be a rose, daisy, tulip etc. I’m pretty sure I’ve said this somewhere))
- Inori is a guardian of sorts to Youriki, Rokuriki, and Kokoriki, who are about highschool senior/college age in this ah.
- Kiji and Ruka used to date but had a falling out of sorts.
- Enki is in this Au, and doesn’t go to prison, but actually a correctional facility. He and his brother reconcile, though it takes Samon a little time to fully trust him again. Enki now currently runs his own little mini Dojo.
- Liang officially meets Qi at the dojo, where he’d go to train. Qi would be taking Upa there after he expressed his interest in martial arts. ((When Upa would watch his little ninja cartoons and then would try to mimic certain scenes, often times pretending Qi was the enemy))
- Uno likes to play the flirty waiter, often times competing with Honey in contests to see who can get the lady’s numbers faster. ((Though Uno’s heart will only ever belong to Jyugo))
- Nico is Mitsuru’s godson, who’s parents passed away. Nico still went though all the human experiments, and was quite broken when finally brought to Mitsuru. Tsuru has been patient and very loving towards Nico, helping him find his coping method in anime, taking him to various cosplay conventions and anything related. He hoped giving Nico a job as a bus boy would be a good lesson of responsibility for Nico, and thus far, has been a great thing for him.
- Hitoshi is currently in Hajime’s care, as their parents are always in business trips. ((Being workaholics runs in the family it seems)) Always having been left alone most of the time to care for himself and Hitoshi, Hajime developed a strong sense of sterness. He’s still a great brother to Hitoshi, not showing his love often, but when he does it’s usually meaningful, but short spent. Hitoshi is by far more easy going, not having had such a responsibility filled child hood like his brother. Their parents send them presents on holidays and pay the house bills. All the money Hajime earns is saved up for Hitoshi’s surgery. Both are hush hush about it to their parents.
- Honey and Trois are in a frenemys with benefits relationship, but as time goes in they become something more.
- Both shops once got in a war that ended with smashed flower pots, cups, and coffee stains alp over the side walks. Customers were traumatized.
- Unbeknownst to Tsuru, Kuu is the coffee shop’s resident mascot. He draws in a LOT of customers. And surprisingly for a long haired cat, rarely sheds.
That’s all I’ve got for right now for the Flower/Coffee shop. I need a witty name for this damn it.
And some headcanons for my oc because I rarely explore her headcanons.
- Fiercely over protective mommy who would adopt anyone and everyone if she could.
- Absolutely loves the smell of anything fruity. Unfortunate for Qi because he had to use green apple body wash for a while. Needless to say, he was ambushed a few times.
- Loves the bite. She has a mouth of razor sharp teeth, unfortunate for anyone who wants to do anything intimate with her.
- Dom as hell despite her quiet exterior.“God damn, it’s always the quiet ones that are into the kinky shit.” Quoting Qi from a role-play with a friend.
- 10/10 best kooky old grandma. Absolutely spoils her grandchildren. Plus always somehow has candy with her.
- She has really fluffy hair and absolutely terrible bed head.
- She and Upa often receive no help reaching things from the high shelves. So they must stick together. Que Thia holding Upa on her shoulders as he reaches the top shelf. Bravely going where no shorties have ever gone before.
- She’s actually not human haha. I don’t know what she is yet. But once every month she just kinda sleeps for a straight week, usually under a bed. The first time she had Samon panicking because “Oh shit! Inmate 76 is dead!”
- Is known by Upa and Liang as bird mom, bringer of way to many snuggles and teller of bed time stories, too ferocious to fend off.
- LOVES. TO. PAINT. There’s no doubt about it. Capable of creating gorgeous masterpieces but has no faith in herself. Flicks paint at those her back talk her. Just as effective as washing one’s mouth out with soap or putting then in time out.
- When not paired with Qi, in canon with her own Universe she has ten boys from a previous relationship. When with my best Bud’s oc Akuma, she has them and two twin whom both have decided to call Artemis and Apollo. And she has a step daughter from Akuma named Mona Cyan. She adores her like her own babus.
- Has to aus for her. -One where she and Qi adopt Upa and Liang, get out of prison, and have a happy little life as a normal family. - And one where she’s gothic af and scares the shit out of everyone in Nanba by drawing pentagrams on the walls, doing weird ass ritual’s, and bringing the dead back to life.
- she’s fast af, can out run anyone. Quoting an rp. “You cannon outrun me supervisor! I never tired! Even ask Qi!”
- Her eyes turn a pale blue when mad.
- Has a gorgeous singing voice, though she’s too shy to use it. It was only discovered after she tried singing to Upa when he was ill. The other two were supposed to be gone. Que flustered bird.
Anyways I probably got carried away, but have this. Keep in mind this is only a fraction of my headcannons for my aus. Don’t get me started on the cannon. Haha.
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sambart93 · 7 years
2017.09.19 Nanbaka Review!
I got to see JP again ^_^ *peace sign* And I’d always wanted to watch Nanbaka but after a friend told me they gave up after the first episode, I was a little cautious but the fact it got a stage meant that it was good and popular right?...right?! So I watched the anime about 2 weeks before I saw the stage and I loved the anime immediately! It’s so much fun yet still has really dark moments in it! Give me season 3 now!! Anyway, so because of that, I was super excited for the stage even more! And also with the visuals and it having such a great cast: I always enjoy Tomorun’s performance, I love JP, I really like Ire and want to support him whenever I can (without going out of my way), it has NAOYA in it as probably my (most/second) favourite character -- it was looking promising!
Lets get on with it!
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Official Twitter here Official Website here Press Coverage 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Video Coverage 1, 2, 3 PreOrder the DVD here, here or here
Akazawa Tomoru as 15/Jyuugo Kitazono Ryo as 1/Uno Shiozaki Ire as 69/Rock Yasukawa Junpei as 25/Niko KIMERU as Mitsuba Kiji Utsumi Daisuke as Yozakura Kenshiro Hashimoto Taito as Goku Samon Takagi Shun as Hitokoe Mitsuru Utsumi Akiyoshi as Tsukumo Miyamoto Hidemitsu as Musashi Hoshino Yuta as Rian Inagaki Seiya as Godai Yamato Okuyama Keito as Tanabata Seitaro Momiyama Kenta as Sugoroku Hitoshi Gomoto Naoya as Sugoroku Hajime Ensemble
NON-SPOILER REVIEW Overall: Guys!! This was absolutely hilarious and so much fun! They were joking when Tomourun said in the dress rehearsals that it's basically idiots running around for 2 hours, because that's literally what happens! It's complete comical madness and it's SO MUCH FUN! I enjoyed this so damn much!! I don't even know where to start with this! It's entertaining, purposely and accidentally funny (parts that are scripted and parts that are adlibbed), there's a lot of audience participation (even teasing one of the characters xD), the songs are very well done, the characters are enjoyable, the story is simple with a lot of madness thrown in, the staging is great and how it's used, lots of running around the theatre so everyone can get close to them, even though it's hilarious I actually ended up crying at one part towards the end, Tomorun's acting was on point as usual, the costume are great, it's just... just go and watch this god dammit! I preordered the DVD at the venue because it's that good! I am trash... Seriously, everyone needs to watch this if they want a good time! I also highly recommend the anime/manga to get a little taste of the show before you start this stage. I need the dvd for this NOW! I need a second stage NOW! Rating: 9/10  - one of the best I've seen this year.
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I knew my seat was row 1, but I really didn’t know just how damn close my seat would really be! Also that I'd be right next to the DAMN stairs! I freaked straight away! And then I freaked out even more when I had the ENTIRE row to myself until about 2 minutes before the show started, until eventually one person either side of me finally showed up. There were on 3 of us, in the first row, on the right hand side, right next to the stage! It was ridiculous! I was so happy!! 
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I've always had good luck with seating for both JP's and Tomorun's stages. Usually for JP I get within the first 2 or 3 rows for a seat and then with Tomorun, he was right next to me and fighting right in front of me and (this is where I get creepy) his clothing brushed against me when I saw Messiah (here). Also it’s thanks to Tomorun (and my friend recommending I see Binan Koukou because he’s a good actor) that I discovered MakiChan -> we all know my love for MakiChan <3 anyway, so in Nanbaka, Tomorun was literally running past me or stood on the steps or crouched down on the right side of the stage. I think he noticed me pretty much straight away too (I don't know what his eyesight is like) because he seemed to flick his eyes over to me when he could get away with it. When he first went onto the stairs next to me I could see him turn and look right at me a moment before going back into his character. I got all dokidoki <3 
Before the stage started they were playing hard rock like Metallica, which is a wonderful starter to set the mood for this stage! I absolutely loved the songs they were playing so it got me even more excited! And then the music itself in the stage is so good! But I've jumped ahead.
OH! Before I forget, there was one girl who had very obviously come to match Hoshino Yuta; she had this red Chinese-like dress/top on and her hair was platted. I love when fans indirectly cosplay to match the characters -- even though I've heard you shouldn’ do it. I know at places such a Tenimyu and TouMyu there's a strict rule about cosplaying and that it's not allowed so I always assumed it was for all the stages too. But sometimes fans do it where they're still wearing normal clothing and such (I've seen quite a few 'not' MakiChan cosplayers at his stages), it just so happens to be very similar to what one character is wearing xD
Anyway, lets get onto the rest of the stage.
This is very faithful to the anime/manga and we do the main introductions then we go into a new guy joining, next the Taikai is announced and so they do three of the competitions: the Daruma knock out; the Karuta; fighting competition. All the while, someone very suspicious with cuts on their neck and running around the prison and naturally this makes 15 go insane but the others take care of it. However, Musashi provokes him and his duel swords come out and Hajime has to fight him. Finally we get the prison scene where Musashi explains his past and asks 15 to find the guy for both their sakes. Hajime tells him because cell 15 won Jyuugo still has time to say what he wants and he says 'Chance wo Kure / give me a chance' and he returns to the cell and story ends. 
So it's a complete story in a way BUT because of that final scene and the mystery of Jyuugos imprisoner (which is still a mystery in the anime too) they could very easily make a second stage. WHICH I want! Right now! Like tomorrow!
I recommend you watch or read the anime/manga before seeing this stage if you want to know the story and get an idea of what could very well pop up in it.
This stage was so freaking good! I cannot flail enough about how much I enjoyed this stage! Everything was amazing! I loved how faithful to the story it was but they still left a lot of room for extras and higawaris and improvised comedy and such. I love which parts of the anime/manga story they decided to use for this stage. The pacing was great too! Also, there was never a dull moment in this because of how they paced the story and how ot developed and because of how much comedy there was. BUT that's not to say it was just purely comedy; it hard it's dark moments too! I was a little confused during the '5 minutes before show time' part when they said 'oh another extra rule; please laugh a lot! Also, at the end, please cry!' but seriusly, they didn't need to tell us that. I naturally cried. Both at the sad and dark part at the end - also because Tomorun's acting is so freaking enticing and amazing -, and because I enjoyed myself so much I cried through happiness at feeling so satisfied and so entertained for 2 hours, as well as sadness that it was finishing.
I left the theatre and I was literally like this inside:
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It was just so amazing,hilarious, fun, heartwarming, such a good production!
I loved the set and who they moved that around and used it. I loved the costumes and how freaking faithful and perfect they looked and acted as the characters. The music and the musical numbers were so great! I enjoyed pretty much all of them and I defintitely want to rip them into MP4s when I get my hands on the DVD - which I preordered without evening thinking about it. I was straight in line to preorder that baby and didn't care how much it was going to cost me -- especially because Nelke are known for not really putting backstages on their DVDs (I kind of do hope we get a backstage for this one because the cast talked about how idiotic their rehearsals were and how fun they were; I want to see that!), but the stage itself, even if I get just that, is so freaking worth the money for this dvd. I loved how they used the projection mapping; I loved the physical props they did; I loved the ridiculousness of this stage. It's just all good right! I actually cannot think of one thing I was disappointed at in this stage << and that's rare as pigs flying for me isn't it!
Did I already mention the comedy was gold? BECAUSE IT WAS! I loved it all! Some scenes/moments I want to mention:
☆ There was a LOT of running around the theatre both on stage and in the seating area which was really nice for all the audience; everyone kind of got chance of being near the actors xD
☆ During the initial introductions scene; Naoya's character Hajime is supposed to be this serious and no messing around character, but during this part, Naoya/Hajime was tapping his fingers against one of the rails along to the beat while Seitarou lipsynced along with this huge smile on his face - immediately this set the mood for 'this is going to be ridiuclous and hilarious!' 
☆ I really loved the scene where Uno won and would sang during the Karuta Competition and the other three (Niko, 15 and Rock) were to the side on an upper level dancing as stupidly as they could! 
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☆ AND!!! They did the famous BLEEP scene (it's in the anime too) during the Sports Day Event! I cannot believe it made it into the stage - I loved it! Tomorun was in charge of the bleeping with this massive bleep machine around his neck. It was hilarious! Even during Rock's solo song moment, Tomorun still had it wrapped around his neck so Tomorun 'played' the deck like it was a keyboard or something xD he was seriously rocking out to each.
☆ NONE of these boys gave anything less than 120% energy and performance in this stage. They were all beautiful covered in sweat and using so much freaking energy - it was so much fun to watch! I don't even know why Ire bothered to have his shirt somewhat zipped up because it was pretty much all undone anyway and the sweat coming off him was a spectacle. Tomorun sweated like a beast too and he was hardly wearing anything -- although those 'chains' around his feet and neck would've caused a lot of that sweat.
☆ I loved when Yozakura Kenshiro did his solo song, Hajime and Jyuugo were sat on the floor looking bored, and the moment the song finished, they both yelled 'kimoi!! / that's disgusting!' it was such perfect timing and of course everyone laughed.
☆ Poor Tsukumo! He was just bullied non-stop the entire stage! I was hilarious, pitiful and adorable at the same time! As soon as he appears, Rock, Uno and Niko are like 'you're a ninja!' and Jyuugo is like 'who's this poser? Why you here?' so Tsukumo immediately go shot down. Then (either the same scene or the next) the Cell 13 (Jyuugo, Niko, Rock, Un) guys  start chanting a mean name at him and I remember JP/Niko and Jyuugo turning to the audience to signal them to join in so Tsukumo had like 500 people calling him a mean name for ages xD it was so funny! One other moment that stuff with me was when he went to go off stage one time, and he suddenly yelled 'ouch/itai' as if he's stuck on one of his shurikens or a nail, but then he immediately went '.... nani mo nai/there's nothing there' -- can you HEAR the laughter coming from me?! No? Well, my descriptions are making the hilarious scenes less funny. But just you wait til the DVD comes and you can see it for yourself! Tsukumo just had the worst luck and was treated like crap throughout the entire play, but it was just so hilarious.
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☆ Speaking of pitiful people, we have Mitsuru who just before he commentates the Sports Event, he's in the seating area and said: 'How many people bought bromides?! *most of the room* How many people bought MINE?! *3 people put their hands up* well now you've done it, I don't care anymore.' and moped up the stairs xD
☆ The show I saw, Naoya messed up his very first line and everyone died laughing, but he acted like he hadn't messed up and was so professional and just owned the mistake and acted like it wasn't one. Naoya is so good at everything he does. He's so good! Even when he had no lines he was still pulling the best faces ever and interacting with people ec.
☆ At scene towards the end of the stage: Mitsuru put his mic against Kimeru's chest to hear his inner thoughts, and then did it to himself and then tried it again on Kimeru but didn't work the second time around, so he poked the mic into Kimeru's butt and Kimeru tried to get off stage as quickly as possible. AND THEN Mitsuru put the mic right against Naoya's face so he couldn't talk!
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I need a second stage like... already. I need, need, need a second stage, especially with this cast and staff! 
Seriously, who was the director and script writer *googles* Kawajiri Keita - huge freaking kudos for you! I'm pretty sure this guy was the one who did Hatsukoi Monster too... thanks for making such a great script and adaptation!
Now for some things about the actors or the characters I want to touch on...
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Akazawa Tomoru as 15/Jyuugo:
I'm always ALWAYS super impressed with Tomorun but I never make a mental note of placing him being one of 'the top 2.5 actors'. But after this show, my brain has very much definitely implanted this memo into my brain. He always does amazing.
To be honest, I wasn't sure if he could do Jyuugo because Jyuugo is this weird happy but dark character with lots of internal turmoil and secrets but why was I worrying?! It was stupid of me to worry about Tomorun as Jyuugo because he was 
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Which reminds me; is he popular? I always thought he was pretty damn popular but no one really wanted his random badges; I didn't see anyone buy his bromides; me getting a Row 1 seat is weird because I would've thought it would've been more difficult to get such a seat because I assumed he was super popular. Is he like UeChan in that Tomorun IS popular, just many people don't go out of their way FOR him and his shows? I love Tomorun, he should be popular, he should have more love... he should have al the love... more than what just Izawa gives him... which is a lot to begin with... anyway................
I really, really loved Tomorun's eye contacts! They were so vivid and amazing! You couldn't not look! It also helps that Tomorun has this wide round eyes that catch people's attention anyway. But when he's literally next to your foot and looking out in thought or shock, you can't not be attatched to his eyeline and eyes.
I also really loved Tomorun's little ballad where he talks about his cell mates about 20 minutes into the stage, as well as I loved his final song where he talks about them again and wants to be with them. Both of them are completely different tones but the songs are beautiful and Tomorun sang them so well(!) in fact, I don't think there was one bad singer - which surprised me. I expected Tomorun, or JP or even Naoya to be bad but.... nah. Everyone was either decent or really good!
Talking about Tomorun's sweat above remained me to mention something else about him. He is so freaking tiny! He's just bones and energy! He's so damn small! And due to the very few and thin clothing he wears in this, it was so much easier to see his collar bone and his tiny legs and stuff! I hope he eats -- he must do because he's never out of energy but it was so surprising to see this tiny boy give off such a huge and great performance. I've always liked Tomorun's acting <3 
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If you have any Tomorun stage recommendations, definitely let me know!
Kitazono Ryo as 1/Uno:
Surpringly either he, his character, or both, were the most popular for this stage; everyone was buying his goods, everyone wanted his trading badge, and you could just feel the air and tension rise when he had solo songs or if there was a moment you could cheer and 'woooh' for him. He got a bigger applause and wooing in those moment we were allowed to interact than Kimeru which really shocked me. He did great as Uno though; he was perfect. They were ALL perfectly casted xD
Yasukawa Junpei as 25/Niko:
JP was just adorable, as I predicted, in this!!! It was nice seeing him do something light and fluffy and fun and happy again! Yet it was a different type of happy to his Konchuuger character. This character is very much a child and very innocent and JP really pulled off the innocent and cuteness of Niko <3 I feel like the character really suited him and I hope they do a second stage and he's back for him.
I want him to do more cute roles! He’s an awkward but really nice guy in real life yet he always does these sexy and/or dark roles, and I super want to see him being more like this:
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Look how cute he is!!
But JP too and is freaking skinny looking in this stage because, just like the others, there wasn't really much fabric on him! He isn't as tiny as Tomorun but he's close enough! His tiny little legs and cute little butt. But anyway...
KIMERU as Mitsuba Kiji:
Kimeru never ceases to amaze me. He's always so freaking fabulous and owns his characters! The two girls either side of me were clearly his fans because they clapped and cheered so hard for him. He got to do this ridiculous, flamboyant performance and made to audience clap along every time and properly woooooo and cheering for him.
In one scene, Naoya turned to him and said 'by the way... why you so small?' And he's like 'I am NOT small!'.
He was so good and was perfect for this character! I want to see him do this role again! He was so much fun and he looked damn good in those heeled boots! I think I vagueley remember some thrusting dance moves from those hips of his at one point too... *coughs*
Utsumi Daisuke as Yozakura Kenshiro: 
I feel Utsumi did a great job at bringing this character to life. I didn't really know him in the anime, but in the stage Utsumi really fleshed him out and was much more memorable in the stage compared to the anime. His singing was so good too! Maybe he was the strongest singer...
Hashimoto Taito as Goku Samon: 
Taito got to use some of his breakdancing/acrobat moves in this stage which was great! But unfortunately, while I love him in the anime, his character stage time and development was very small in this one. He was a very minute character and role. Which is a shame because Goku is a character I like and I wanted to see him get more stage time. Hopefully in the second one *fingers crossed*
Hoshino Yuta as Rian: 
Hoshino made me giggle during the fight scene; he's clearly not flexible because he couldn't kick that high and he was barely able to go a cartwheel. This is a type of character we've seen Hoshino do before so of course he nailed his role and did well; Rian is the type of character he's used to and is a pro at.
Momiyama Kenta as Sugoroku Hitoshi: I really loved how in the stage, even though they find out she's a he, people like Niko and Rock still treated Hitoshi as a girl and were still like googly-eyed over him xD
Gomoto Naoya as Sugoroku Hajime: 
This character was perfect for him! He got to yell and insult people for two hours which is something we all know he's a master at! I love, love, love Hajime and Naoya was just PERFECT. He gave me the Hajime I wanted AND more because he's a pro at acting and knows how to take characters, give the performance the audience wants and adds to it so we get even more enjoyment from his character! He was the perfect Hajime <3
AND Naoya can actually sing! I was so shocked! They ALL can legit, properly sing!! They sounded soooooo good!
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I was super excited about the Miokuri even BEFORE the show started! I knew Naoya was going to be there as I had checked the night before. But when I rechecked the information they had pinned up, it had Kimeru for this day too! And after seeing his ridiculously, entertaining, amazing performance in this, I was nervous to see him too! 
The line went: Kitazono Ryo (I do NOT remember him being in that line), Kimeru, Takagi Shun, and lastly Naoya.
KIMERU was super duper genki and just had so much energy with everyone. He was like ‘ara! Arigatou! Kawaii!!’. And then we had Naoya who was at the end of line with his hands together in front of (or behind him, I don't quite remember) him and he bowed to everyone just like the gentlemen he is, and he was so professional and calm and just so.... ‘manly’ is a good word to describe him.
The pamphlet's pictures are so good! I have to show you some!! My thought process is basically 'So cute!!! So cool! DAMN THIS PIC IS NICE!!':
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I looked at the pamphlet before show and it was adding to the already crazy excitement that I had. After the show ended I just HAD to get my hands on Tomorun’s bromides also because he was so amazing seriously -- did I already say that?
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And that’s all for today folks! Hope you enjoyed it and I made you all more excited for this stage!
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pulaasul · 6 years
Femoral Meeting - C9
One day after school, Ryuji stumbled as his broken leg was acting up, and because of that, he met one of Gekkoukan High’s former athletes. Kazushi Miyamoto.
Prologue I C1 I C2 I C3 I C4 I C5 I C6 I C7 I C8
Afternoon of the next day, Ryuji was outside the same hospital that compromised his identity. He received a call from the doctor that day while playing some video games.
School was still suspended as requested by the police department to investigate the apparent terrorist attack that had happened.
He was about to get in when his name was called.
"Sakamoto!" Kazushi waved at him. "Great timing the three of us might as well go in together." He continued as he placed his right hand on the younger boy's left shoulder.
"Good Afternoon Sakamoto-kun!" Yuko greeted.
"Good afternoon Miyamoto-san, Nishiwaki-san." Ryuji greeted as he bowed at the older people before him.
"We heard what happened yesterday." Yuko started as she subtly checked the young boy for injuries and everything else that was amiss. "Are you okay?" She asked in concern.
"Thankfully, no one was hurt." Ryuji answered. "I was one of the few who was awake." He admitted. "But I managed to hide to a safer place."
"Thank goodness." Yuko sighed in relief.
"That must have been an ordeal." Kazushi hung his arm on the younger male. "In any case, are you ready to know your results?" He asked.
"Kinda nervous actually." Ryuji answered.
"We won't know anything if we're going to stand here." Kazushi stated as he lightly pushed the young boy towards the entrance.
Ryuji was inside the doctor's office per the doctor's request as Kazushi and Yuko waited outside the office.
"I didn't know Ikutsuki had things like that spread around Kirijo affiliated hospitals." A familiar voice, for the people outside doctor's office, stated. "Then again, the whole thing with Minazuki started with him loading some kid in a hospital far away from Iwatodai." He sighed.
"I know how you feel." Yukari's voice replied. "When you think that man would stay dead, another thing pops ups." She voiced her frustration. "It's annoying."
"I wish he'd stop haunting us." The same voice responded with the same amount of frustrations.
"Junpei?" Kazushi voiced out.
"Kazushi?" Junpei responded. "Man it has been a long time!"
"It has!" Kazushi agreed.
Both men just high fived each other and did a bro hug.
"Yuko-chan." Yukari greeted Kazushi's companion.
"Yukari-chan." Yuko responded.
Both groups reminisced and played catch up with each other and what they have been doing these past few years since graduating high school.
"What brings you here?" Kazushi his friend.
"Got the kids I've been coaching checked up for their upcoming game." Junpei answered. "A good coach must look out to the well-being of their players then securing a win." He continued.
"Well, who would've thought that you'd be coaching elementary and middle school kids' baseball teams?" Yuko joked. "Everyone pegged you to drop out of college." She admitted.
"You know Mitsuru-senpai." Junpei took the joke. "She has everyone's best interest in mind." He added. "The next thing I knew, I was qualified to become a baseball coach." He chuckled.
"That's Mitsuru-senpai for you." Yukari chuckled. "She even made Junpei go through the training involved."
"No fair!" Yuko pouted. "I'm still stuck as someone's assistant."
"Want to have Mitsuru-senpai give in a good word?" Yukari asked.
"Nah, I'm good." Yuko declined as she shook her head. "I'd want to get in with my own merits."
"Hey!" Junpei replied indignantly. "I got in with my merits as well, you know!"
"Nobody said you didn't Stupei." Yukari chuckled. "You're just defensive."
"I resent that comment Yuka-tan." Junpei pouted.
"Speaking of kids." Yukari started. "I'm assuming that Sakamoto-kun's here for his results?" She asked.
"Yeah." Kazushi answered. "The doctor wanted to have a word with him."
"It's your choice Sakamoto-kun if you're going to undergo surgery or not." The doctor stated. "Nothing is wrong with your leg, but the pain will continue to linger or even act up from time to time." He finished.
Ryuji was shirtless when he went out of the doctor's clinic and was in the process of putting on his black shirt and purple jacket.
"I don't think Ma's got enough money for that." Ryuji admitted. "Maybe I won't go through the operation after all sensei." He continued.
The doctor and another familiar face followed Ryuji through the door as the other man spoke.
"We highly suggest that you proceed Sakamoto-kun." The new face stated. "Your work around the pain on your leg has caused you to have bad posture and that can lead to more skeletal complications."
"Now Hiraga-kun." The doctor interrupted. "You need to use the layman's terms when you're talking to your patients." He commented. "It's just common courtesy."
"I apologize sensei." The Hiraga bowed and apologized.
"Hiraga-kun's right." The doctor agreed. "We understand that you're slouching to work around the pain on your legs." He added. "But that will soon bring more problems to your bones, especially your back bone." He continued." You'd run the risk of getting brittle bones and or permanent curved posture." He finished.
"Can't you do something Hiraga-senpai?" Yukari asked.
"I'm sorry Takeba-kun." Hiraga apologized. "Only the surgery is the work around and fully prevent those things from happening."
"Can I take a few days to decide?" Ryuji finally asked. "I want Ma to know these things first." He admitted.
"Take your time Sakamoto-kun." The doctor smiled.
"Now with that out of the way." Junpei exclaimed. "Why don't we go to Big Bang Burger?" He offered. "My treat."
"I respectfully decline Iori-kun." The doctor smiled. "Although" The doctor paused. "I think you earned yourself a reunion of friends don't you Hiraga-kun?"
"Thank you sensei." The Hiraga expressed his gratitude.
"Before anything else, let's introduce everyone else first." Yuko prompted. "Sakamoto-kun, you already met Yukari, the boy next to her is Junpei Iori." She stated as she prompted at the man wearing a baseball cap. "And you've already met, Keisuke Hiraga, the doctor's apprentice."
"Hey Kid."
"Nice to meet you again Sakamoto-kun."
"This is Ryuji Sakamoto, a third year at Shujin Academy." Yuko introduced the youngest boy in the group.
"Nice to meet all of you."
"Speaking of food," Kazushi smiled. "Yuko and I just invited Sakamoto to eat outside."
"Join us then." Yukari smiled. "It'd give us a few moments to reminisce and play catch up." She explained. "I was certainly surprised that you're an apprentice in this hospital Hiraga-senpai." She expressed her surprise to her former upper classman. "Fuuka-chan thought you detested inheriting your father's hospital."
"I did detest the idea." Keisuke admitted. "It's all because of him." He smiled. "While he supported my every decision." He added. "Him being there to listen to me rant about things made me realize things." He smiled fondly.
"Stop, stop." Junpei exclaimed. "I get that he helped us all, but we're here to talk about ourselves." He explained. "Catch up with what we accomplished."
"Still jealous of him stupei?" Yukari questioned.
"Hey!" Junpei replied indignantly. "I may be a bit of an asshole when he arrived." He admitted. "But he and I made up." He defended himself. "That should count for something right?"
"Whatever you say Junpei." Kazushi and Yuko chuckled. "Whatever you say."
"Aww c'mon guys!" Junpei pouted.
"What do you say Sakamoto-kun?" Yuko asked. "While it may be a reunion between schoolmates and friends, -" She explained. "- we're still doing this for you." She finished.
"It's okay." Ryuji nodded. "I just need to tell Ma where I'll be going." He explained.
"You do that." Junpei grinned.
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