#she would adore james ngl
venusararara · 1 year
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@hotpinkmoon ... you opened pandoras box, not my fault!!! srry, gatherine took him when i wasnt looking!!! she has obtained the throat goat
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rookthorne · 8 months
⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ 𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐟𝐮𝐥
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You had always had the biggest Halloween and spooky spirit — every fall was a haven for you, and this year, you had the opportunity to harness the ultimate joy of surprising James when he came home after a long day. His reaction, however, left you speechless and stunned; wishing for every season to become fall. 
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 ☘︎ Lumberjack!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 ☘︎ 1.0k
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 ☘︎ Tooth rotting fluff, Bucky is passionate
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 ☘︎ I died from the cuteness, ngl.
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕 ☘︎ @rookthorne's Fright Night — Masterlist
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𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐲 𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐭𝐬, 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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The air was warm and filled with the aromas of a freshly cooked dinner. Wood cracked and burned in the fireplace as you sat on the couch, legs tucked under you with a blanket on your lap. It was late in the afternoon and Bucky was due home any minute now – Sam had called him on site for just a favour that ended up taking up the whole of his day. 
You weren’t mad, though. In the time that Bucky had spent on site, you had elected to have some Halloween fun with Sarge and Koda – both of which were cuddled on the couch next to you. Sarge’s head rested on your thigh, and Koda’s head was propped up on Sarge’s back. 
It would have been peaceful. No different than any other night that you spent reading or relaxing, if it weren’t for your stifled giggles. 
Sarge – looking as broody as he always did – was indifferent to the small hat that had black horns sticking up and out from between his ears. Or the red vest with two wings sprouting from his shoulders. A red, pointed tail was sewn onto the end of it and it laid curled next to his own fluffy (and still) tail. 
Behind Sarge, Koda stirred, blinking and huffing as she woke up from her nap. The orange hat she wore had a green stump, perfectly resembling a pumpkin top. Her brown, fluffy body was covered in an orange vest, striped with a darker hued orange to give the illusion of a round pumpkin. She stared at you with her soft, dark eyes, and you smiled. “You’re so adorable, baby girl.” 
Tires crunched over gravel outside and then light flooded the living room of the cabin – Bucky’s truck had just pulled in. Your heart skipped a beat as you struggled to move under the weight of a still slumbering Sarge. “He’s home–daddy’s home, wake up, Sarge.” 
Both dogs sprung to life and ambled to the front door just as the engine of the truck cut out, and the thud of the driver’s door closing sounded. It was music to your ears after such a long day. The dogs yipped and jumped over one another in their excitement. “Down, down, settle–here,” you said, rushing to open the door. “Go on.”
“Hey, love,” Bucky called from the stone path to the front door, but he was looking towards his truck as the alarm chirped. He was still wearing his red plaid jacket and light denim jeans, though they were covered in wood dust, and the bun he had thrown his hair up in that morning before he left was gone, instead, his long hair flowed down his neck and over the collar of his shirt. 
You sighed softly as you watched him shove his truck keys in his back pocket. “I’m so sorry I was gone so long, sweetheart. I tried gettin’ away but you know Sam. And then fuckin’ Steve, I swear to- What the–?” He stopped by the flower bed, his widening eyes downcast towards the dogs that were jumping up at him for attention. 
“Welcome home, babe,” you said, cocking out a hip to lean against the porch rail. “I made dinner–you hungry?”
Bucky stared up at you, slack jawed. “What did you do to them?”
“The dogs?” you asked, arching a brow. “I got them ready for Halloween, James.”
“Halloween,” he repeated as he glanced back down again. “You- When did you get these coats? And the hats?”
“Wands helped me.” The wood beneath your feet creaked as you stepped down onto the path. Sarge and Koda paid no mind to you as you neared – their attention entirely captivated by Bucky. “Aren’t they adorable?”
Slowly, Bucky looked back up at you, then back at the dogs that jumped up his legs. Suddenly, he dropped his work bag and fell to his knees, a wide smile on his face that made his nose scrunch and eyes squint. “They are more than adorable,” he cooed, holding Koda’s face in his callused hands. He kissed her nose then hugged Sarge. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner, baby? I would’a picked up some pumpkins or somethin’!”
You watched, amused, when Bucky’s bright eyes widened just as they always did when he had an idea, or a plan. “We need a photoshoot–get your camera!”
“Babe, wait,” you called, laughing as Bucky sprang to his feet and ran inside, presumably to look for your camera. “I can go get some pumpkins tomorrow.”
“No!” Bucky’s yell was muffled, like he was on the other side of the cabin. “We gotta do it now, just look at ‘em.” He popped his head around the door and you laughed – he looked just like his dogs when they were excited about something, a treat or a toy. “What?”
“Nothing, you’re just adorable.” Bucky blushed and bounded down the steps. “Do you want to take photos now, or wait for tomorrow–when I get the pumpkins?”
“Both.” He shrugged and looked down at his dogs. “They deserve that–do it every day, if you could. You’re so good at it, sweetheart.”
“Flattery will get you somewhere,” you teased, and you grabbed the camera from his hands. “Alright, you’ve convinced me. Let’s take some before it gets too dark and then you can help me plan tomorrow’s shoot.”
Bucky grinned, a beautiful sight, and before he could change his expression, you snapped a photo. “For my personal collection.”
“You can take as many as you want, Clover,” he promised earnestly. “So long as I get to see your pretty face light up while you do it. Fuck, I love you.” You blinked at his words, unable to take them in, and then Bucky kissed you on the cheek before he ran off with the two costumed pooches in tow. “C’mon, let’s go!”
Your fingers brushed where his lips had connected, and your heart bloomed with warmth. If you got to experience his joy just from taking photographs – you decided then and there that you would never put your camera down. “Coming!”
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⠈⠂⠄ 𝐢𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐱 | 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 | 𝐚𝐨𝟑 ⠄⠂⠁
⠈⠂⠄ 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ⠄⠂⠁
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Hello! Can i request for a dating James lee/ DG hc?
Like the reader is big fangirl of james since their highschool years, she just adores whatever he does and literally believes he can do no wrong (she does stop him from doing what she thinks is not good for him or his future)
The reader isn't a fighter but more like Eugene, a better eugene who brings strong allies on her side but they alliance isn't forced and she isn't black mailing anyone unless they are DG/James's enemy
James has also being whipped for the reader since the beginning without her figuring out, she just thought she was too annoying and clingy for anyone to like so she never even approached James once. She knew what he was doing and even helped him alot, so James was the one to approach her first as James lee and helped her by boosting her confidence and took care of people responsible for this, (whenever they appeared)
James doesn't come between when someone insults the reader unless it is a physical fight.
[Sorry if its too much! Please delete this if you don't feel comfortable! Do not take any pressure from this]
Not at all - and thanks for the ask! I've never really thought much of DG lol. I described him as a plain wet noodle of a man here lol... But this actually popped some ideas in my head?!
ngl, found this difficult and hard to make him in character. Not sure I succeeded. Here's a little scenario for you... Uh, enjoy?
DG x Reader: Daniel Park
Pre-PTJ Entertainment Arc. You have some concerns
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"What about Daniel Park?" James lounges on the chair in front of you, his body poised as if waiting for a photographer.
You try to suppress a snort at his posing. He has wholly embraced the persona of DG, the K-Pop idol. No matter how much he has changed, you still remember him as your delinquent James Lee. The same boy that would scribble immature notes to you in class and protect you from assholes. "I've got a bad feeling about him," your eyes continue scanning the screen as you scroll through documents and intel. There was surprisingly little on this Daniel Park. And he lives with someone else called Daniel Park? Something seems off.
"Yeah. I can't pinpoint it. I just think there's something going on."
Forever trusting your instinct and advice, James nods. "Sure. I'll keep an eye on him."
"You should keep him on side... just in case. Keep him sweet."
"Like how I keep you sweet?"
You look up from your files to see James with a teasing smirk on his lips but undeniable fondness in his eyes. He steals a kiss.
Whether he is James Lee or Diego Kang, you can't deny how well he takes care of you. He has always been aloof and arrogant, but you are his one soft spot he keeps shielded from the world.
He has defended you ever since you were in school together, and safeguarded you even as he ascended to fame and fortune as DG. But you know, and he knows, you are his absolute confidant. You know all his secrets and he knows yours.
You pull away giggling and ruffling his ridiculous pink hair, "You should definitely only do that with me."
"Hmm. Guess I'll have to think of other ways... Speaking of keeping you sweet-" Your ears perk at his sudden change in tone, "-I heard there might be a spot opening up for the CEO of PTJ Entertainment... and a No.2."
"What?! Really?"
"Yeah, I heard Charles Choi is looking to make some moves soon. So what do you think, I become CEO and you join me?"
You see the same light in his eyes as you did back then."You wouldn't mind working with me everyday?"
"And seeing me around all day everyday?"
He really does keep you sweet.
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leoruby-draws · 2 months
hello hello hello
i just want to say i love your little drawings so much they're adorable and so full of life and everything feels exciting in them and i love how you draw and make really fun stuff for many of the minor characters, you're doing such a good job with them and it gives me so much joyy
Hi Hi Hi
Thanks for liking my stuff! Happy to bring you joy, drawing these brings me joy!
Also its fun to get into and draw minor characters because their reading lists are super short lol! But I like to give a little love to characters that most people might not know about, in fact here's some random drawings that I had in the back-burner for the past year! Never could find a chance to just post them:
Here's a cute drawing of Cyclone, Maxine Hunkle! Wanted to give her a cute costume makeover. Kinda has a magical girl look to it huh? Took a bit of inspiration from Ojamajo Doremi, but also she's meant to resemble Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz! Both the princess and the witch. I have a bit of idea of what I'm going do with her, but that's for later.
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Got a drawing of Gan, Jason's friend from the Knight White books. Not sure if she exist in my Training Wheels au, but I like her a lot. Her rapport with Jason was fun to read.
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Here it looks like the Outlaws are trying to recruit new members, from the Relative Heroes group, Damara Sinclaire (Allure) and Tyson Gilford (Blindside). They're not likely to join, preferring to stick with their own group. Just as well since Damara's powers might make things a rather chaotic, she doesn't need that drama in her life lol. Tho I like the thought of Tyson helping out now and then, his invisibility would be pretty useful.
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Here's some random assortment of heroes, Ray Terrill the...Ray. Amethyst, tho top pic is uncolored (im lazy) but theres a Sailor Amethyst to make up for that.
There's the first Green Lantern (Alan Scott) with his kids,Jade (Jennifer Lynn Hayden) and Obsidian (Todd James Rice). Wonder why their babies here, de-aging mishap?
Jason and Toni gossip about their fellow teammates, and down below Jason decides to annoy a young Kyle Rayner. A universal constant!
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Todd can't help but join in!
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Also some cute father-son bonding! I sent this to someone else earlier, so imma just stick here too.
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For a really minor character, here's Jay, Eddie and Rose meeting up with a very strange new friend!
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And lastly here are the Metal Men, or should I say the mini-Metal Men. Read some comics about them, including a bit of silver age as well (they get destroyed pretty often, kinda funny ngl). I thought about what kinda sidekicks they could have, but I didn't want to look up metals or learn about metallurgy or chemistry or whatever. So I just made them smaller, its just temporary though, aren't they cute? Look at poor Copper, she just wants to join in!
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Anyways, hope that wasn't too much, tagging all of this is gonna suck.
Sorry I haven't been posting, due to Tumblr being a pile of shit and trying give our stuff to ai websites. So I thought I would download nightshade and glaze, but that didn't work out at all (I got a new laptop but it still wont render for me at all). So I'm just gonna hope my opt-out in the settings will be enough for now. Sigh!
Hope you like all this anon, might be a while til I post again. Later!
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lucigoo · 2 months
Weekly round up: 1st April - 7th April
NGL, i was at a 6th bday party yesterday and just forgot it was Sunday, whoops lol. So, i wrote 17,728 words last week, with 3 uploaded stories. As always, recs first, then mine. Im also adding summarys and going to sort out my rec list so bare with: Home - SunnyRose - The Hobbit (Gen fic, Written by the wonderful @sunnyrosewritesstuff an adorable look at Uncle Thorin. )
Summary: Being an uncle doesn't come instinctual to Thorin. He loves his nephews with all his heart, but he doesn't quite understand them. However, when Dís needs a break with the death of her husband so fresh, she leaves to travel as a blacksmith and Thorin is left to mind the colony, Fíli, and Kíli. If they all manage to survive to the end of the five months, Thorin will consider it a success. The Fluttering of All Your Wings - whisperedstory - Wiedźmin | The Witcher (Geart/Jaskier, i had a bit of a fae Jaskier binge and this one is top tier) Summary: Jaskier has never really fit in anywhere, not with the fae and not with the humans. His mother always warned him to hide his heritage, especially from witchers. But then he meets Geralt and starts following him around the Continent. He finally learns what it's like to feel like he belongs somewhere, which makes keeping his secret even more necessary—and difficult. Of Bookshelves and Baby Carriers - poppunkpadfoot (StormVandal) - Harry Potter (Sirius/Remus, one of my fav muggle Au fics) Summary:
The customer standing in front of him is quite possibly the most beautiful man Remus has ever seen. Like, he looks like a model or something. He has long, black hair, flattened by water, and just the slightest amount of scruff on his face, and…
And a baby strapped to his chest. The Gift of Hobbits - MoroseBarnacle - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, and its just SO good!) Summary: The gift of hobbits is a secret not known to dwarves. Bilbo’s gift saves the Company—repeatedly—and they don’t even know it until after Smaug is dead. But by then, just about everybody knows there’s a hobbit in Erebor, and the invading orcs decide to keep Bilbo and his otherworldly gift for themselves. Let's Play Pretend - MsAlexWP - Harry Potter (Sirius/Remus, muggle Au and fake dating, whats not to love?) Summary: After James and Lily died, Sirius Black's therapist told him not to date for a year. And that's just as well. He's got a 13-month-old baby now and quite enough to deal with, thanks. But the nosy neighbors in his building keep trying to set him up and won't take no for an answer. Enter Remus Lupin, another single dad who pretends to be Sirius's boyfriend, just to get the old lady brigade off his back and nothing more. Nothing more at all. Guardian of Kings - SunnyRose - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, another excelent work by @sunnyrosewritesstuff, and im sure most bagginshielders love a bit of BAMF Bilbo and cultural misunderstanding, I know i do!) Summary: The Company has been having a good laugh as the story of their quest spreads through the mountain and more and more retellings makes Thorin out to be Bilbo’s damsel in distress. It stops becoming funny when Thorin’s honor is challenged, and it’s up to Bilbo to defend it. Thorin may be ready to smuggle his hobbit out of the mountain, but Bilbo will do it. For Thorin, he would do anything. Hope theres something to others to enjoy, if not see you next week for more.
Now, for my uploaded fics:
Far over the Misty Mountains:A hobbit with a heart (Past Bilbo/Thorin, for the KCAWS 30-days-of-feelings prompts) Summary: Bilbo's home is suddenly invaded by a troop of dwarves. He would be bad, should be mad, but that song .... It's a good job I love you! ( Bilbo/Thorin,written for #247 - Blindspot for @flashfictionfridayofficial) Summary: Bilbo sees that Thorin has once again forgotten to take the rubbish out, bloody husbands, he thinks exasperated. And finally This is real, but it isnt ME! (Jegulus and background Wolfstar, based off a prompt from a friend about Regulus being in a crop top and not happy about it) Summary: Regulus loves his brother, something he has to remind himself, because right now he wants to murder him. This is all Sirius fault!
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all yours - l.e.
pairings; lily evans x fem!reader
warnings; nothing really, maybe some symptoms of anxiety
summary; you love lily, but she's in a relationship with your best friend james.
a/n; i enjoyed writing this ngl, i will def write more of my girl <3 alsooo it's like 2,5k words long, i got a bit carried away, sorryy
you sat at the gryffindor table with the marauders and the girls for dinner, playing with your food while watching the couple almost everyone adored so much.
james and lily were, as expected, seated next to each other, whispering to the other's ear and giggling. you were sick.
"stop glaring, love," sirius whispered from beside you.
you looked down at your food. "i'm not glaring."
"and i didn't have the best sex of my life last night with moony." he smirked and you rolled your eyes. sirius always had to say something dirty.
"you know," he began after a moment again. "i think lily isn't that into james now. there are not sparkles in her eyes anymore."
your head perked up but not because of the reason most people would think.
there it goes again, you thought.
"i feel like they will break up soon, don't tell anyone, though," he said sadly. "it doesn't seem like there is something wrong with them now but sometimes it just doesn't feel right. i know you like james but please don't expect him to immediately start dating you or something after lily breaks up with him. he has spent so much time loving her and if she breaks his heart, then he will need his time to heal."
you hated that people assumed you were over heels for james. he was your best friend, yes, and he was a person whose heart was from gold, but you couldn't imagine liking him, let alone dating him.
you held back tears, it was too much for you. no matter what decision you make, one person will always end up being hurt. if you decide to hide your feelings for lily, you would be heartbroken. if you decide to tell lily how you feel about her and if she somehow feels the same about you, james would be the heartbroken one.
you didn't want to feel like it. however, james was one of the most important people in your life and you would rather suffer if that means he would be happy. that was how much you loved him.
biting the inside of your cheek, you let your head fall on sirius's shoulder and closed your eyes.
weeks went by and the torture was more unbearable than before.
sometimes while watching all the happy couples at hogwarts being all cheesy and romantic, you wanted to curl up in your bed and cry yourself to sleep. you dreamed about you and lily being like these couples, making yourself even more sad.
to make it even worse, james invited you to his house for christmas break. at first, you didn't want to go, but then you figured out it wouldn't be so bad if lily wasn't there.
you were proved wrong as soon as you got there. because none other than lily evans opened the door of james's house.
your eyes widened at the sight of you. "lily! what are you doing here?"
"meeting james's parents," she said, beaming.
you took a step to the house. "he didn't mention you would be here."
"surprise," she laughed and you could feel your heart melt.
the boy ran down the stairs to greet you with a warm hug.
you knew this was going to be a hell.
because of james's parents, you shared the guest room with lily. fleamont was not afraid to say directly that he doesn't want any children to be made in his house, making the couple's cheeks heat up.
you didn't know which was worse. waking up next to lily everyday to see her beautiful face in the morning sun light, causing you to fall for her even more, or the idea of sharing room with sirius (monty & mia, for obvious reason, would not be afraid to let the two of you share one bed) but thinking about what kind of things are lily and james doing.
now, you were lying in the bed, writing in your diary. you knew that it wasn't the best idea because you knew that anyone could open it and read it (sirius and james were indeed very nosy people), but it's not like you had anyone to talk about the fact that you were in love with your best friend's girlfriend.
in that moment, lily walked out of the shower. a towel that reached only to the middle of her thighs was wrapped around her body, her hair dripping wet. she looked so pretty. she always did.
lily laughed quietly. "you okay, y/n?"
"hm?" you didn't notice you were staring until she let out those words. "sorry, what did you say?"
"i asked you if you are okay," she repeated. "you were. . . zoned out."
"oh, yeah i am fine."
"what are you doing?"
"nothing," you mumbled. you knew she wanted to ask what were you writing into that diary of yours, but lily was a respectful person.
and then, euphemia called everyone for dinner.
you stood up and hid the little book under your pillow. "d'you want me to want me to wait for you?" you asked the girl.
lily shook her head. "no, it's okay."
and with that, you went down the stairs for dinner.
seven minutes later, lily was nowhere to be seen.
you were almost halfway through your meal when monty spoke.
"are you sure lily is going to join us for dinner?"
"i hope so," james replied.
"she's getting ready. she just came from shower when mia called us," you said.
"lils wants to be pretty for you, mate," sirius laughed.
james grinned. "she doesn't need to try, she always is."
a few seconds later, you lifted your head, realizing something.
it sure doesn't take seven minutes to get dressed. you were sure lily won't be doing her make up when it was evening.
lily saw you writing into the diary.
she for sure wanted to ask you what were you writing about.
lily may have been a respectful person, but she was also a curious one.
you stood up quickly, making everyone look at you in surprise.
for a second, you stared at them before saying, "i'm gonna get her."
never in your life you ran so fast.
you reached the guest room and opened the door, revealing lily, sitting on your side of the bed, reading your diary. she was reading those pages where you basically wrote your heart out.
"lily!" you shouted, not too loudly.
she flinched and snapped her towards you. she dropped the diary and stood up.
"y/n, i. . ."
you cut her off by walking towards her, taking the diary in your hand and dropping into your trunk.
"why would you do that?" you asked her angrily.
"i'm so sorry, i really didn't want to do it—"
"then why did you?"
you didn't wait for an answer. you ran down the stairs, angry and sad. not a good combination. you were about to cry, but you didn't want the potters and sirius worry about you.
you put on a smile and walked to the dining room.
"lily will be here soon," you informed everyone and they nodded. and not even a minute later, the ginger haired girl was seated beside james, eating her dinner.
you couldn't eat anymore, you felt sick from how anxious you were now. you couldn't look anyone in the eye.
you didn't realize you started bouncing your leg, and your hands started to sweat until sirius leaned closer to you and asked in a whisper, "are you okay?"
you looked at him, gulping. from the look in your eyes, sirius could tell you weren't okay at all. you were stressed and scared about something and he didn't know what.
he looked around the table to see if anyone was paying attention to what was happening with you. no one really did, but lily was trying to catch your eye the whole time.
"y/n is not feeling well," he said loudly, catching everyone's attention. "i'm gonna help her."
"oh no!" said mia. "dear, is it something from the food that made you sick?"
"no, mia, i don't think it was from the food." you forced a smile. "i'm gonna go sleep and i promise i will be feeling very much healthy tommorow morning."
sirius took your hand in his and the two of you stood up.
"y/n—" lily stood up too, but then james forced her back to chair.
"she will be okay," james said, comforting —well, not really— her. "get well soon," he said to you.
"thank you," you mumbled. sirius and you walked upstairs to sirius & james's shared room when james's voice reached your ears.
"oh, and, sirius, remember that you have a boyfriend!"
sirius laughed. "jerk."
his smile dropped when he remembered why were you two there in the first place.
you sat on a bed, sirius was still standing. he then sat down on the floor in front of you.
"do you want to talk about it?" he asked gently.
you were ready. "i think i'm gonna explode if i don't."
he nodded, waiting for you to continue. you didn't know how to start. sirius helped you. "you know, everything was fine before you went for lily. you then came back and were all. . . anxious, scared and sad. what happened upstairs?"
"before dinner, i was writing into my diary. . ." you began. "lily came out of the shower and asked what i was doing and i answered 'nothing'. mia then called us for dinner and i asked lily if she wants me to wait for her and she answered that i don't have to, so i went downstairs. everything was okay until i. . . until i realized that lily maybe does respect one's privacy, but she's incredibly curious, too."
"oh god." sirius could already tell where this was going.
"when i opened the door, i found lily reading my diary." your voice was shaky. "she read those pages where. . . where i. . uhm. . . where—"
"where you wrote about your feelings for james," sirius cut you off.
you gave him a look and sighed. "sirius," you began. "have you ever thought about that all those times i told you i don't like james were true?"
he shook his head. "no." you gave him a look again. "i'm sorry, y/n, but i never thought about it."
"then think about it now!" you hissed.
he was quiet for a moment, just staring at you before finally speaking, "if you don't like james, then who?"
you tilted your head and looked at the wall before flicking your eyes back to him. he seemed clueless for a while before his mouth wide opened.
"yeah," you nodded. "oh."
"oh my. . . . merlin."
"is it bad?" you asked.
"well," he gulped. "it's certainly not good."
you couldn't lie that you were glad he was honest with you.
"so, um, lily knows you like her." you nodded. "what did she say about it?"
"well, i didn't give her much space to say anything. i shouted a little and then just left and didn't speak to her since. but it doesn't matter because she loves james and james loves her. they will live happily ever after and i will live in agony. that's my plan."
"that's not exactly true," he said.
"what's not exactly true?"
"that lily loves james."
you laughed, not believeing him. "what do you mean? of course she loves him, why would you think she doesn't."
"she told me."
you stared at him.
"she told me she doesn't love james."
your eyes widened. "when?"
"two days before the break," he answered. "she was waiting for james to get back from practice in the common room and we just talked and i made some jokes abou them getting married and stuff and she just had a breakdown in the middle of the common room. she told me that as much as she loves james, she started realizing that her feelings are purely platonic. she mentioned something about loving someone else."
your heart ached, tears streaming down your cheeks. "who does she love?"
you rolled your eyes and wiped your tears. "this is a very poor and unfunny joke."
"i am telling you what she told me."
"i don't know if i should believe you or not."
"i take that personally," he pretended to be offended, bringing a smile to your face. "there you are," he smiled and hugged you.
"what should i do, sirius?" you mumbled into his shoulder. "how did you confess to moony?"
"i don't know, it just sort of happened. . . we kissed first so then the confessing was easier when i knew he felt the same. my advice is to kiss lily the first chance you get."
you laid in your bed, staring at the ceiling. it was dark already so you didn't see much.
as you were laying, you thought about if lily was now breaking up with james or if she was still pretending to be bewitched by his charm.
you felt bad for hoping it was the first option.
you closed your eyes immediately after hearing the door of the guest room opening, knowitng it was lily.
she closed the door and quietly made her way over to the bed a d laid down next to you.
you hoped she didn't hear you releasing the breath you didn't know you were holding. unfortunately, she did.
"y/n?" she whispered.
you didn't answer.
"y/n," she tried again. "i know you aren't sleeping."
"i am," you whispered.
she sighed and turn on the lamp by the bed. "can you please turn around?"
"i don't want to."
and so you did. you looked at her in the eye for the first time in hours.
"i want to talk about what happened."
"sirius told me you told him you love me, is that true?"
lily closed her eyes. you prepared for the worst and that sirius was actually lying to you. however, you were surprised to hear a 'yes' slipping past lily's lips.
"yes, it is the truth," she confirmed again, opening her eyes.
you were silent, too shocked to say anything
and then, lily shifted her body closer to you, making your heart go wild.
she placed her hand on your cheek and caressed it with her thumb before leaning her face closer to yours. your noses were touching.
"my advice is to kiss lily the first chance you get."
as much you wanted to listen to sirius's wise advice, you couldn't.
you pulled away. "wait," you sat up and looked at her. "did you break with james?"
lily avoided eye contact and shook her head.
"in that case, i don't want to kiss you yet," you said as your head hit the pillow again. "not if you're still with him. i can't and don't want to do that."
"i understand," lily whispered and then smiled sadly. "i'll tell him tommorow morning, i promise."
that night, you laid with your head on lily's chest while she was now and then placing soft and loving kisses on the top of your head or your forehead.
in the morning, you were woken up by lily kissing your cheek.
you didn't need to ask her if she broke up with james. you know she did, because then her lips crashed onto yours, moving together like they were made for each other.
after she pulled away to catch her breath, she smiled and said,
"i am yours now."
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lopez-richter-fangirl · 7 months
So I haven’t really posted anything actually spoilery yet but this will be!
Musical daddy Clark truly unreal. I love the opening number so much. I love how much dancing Lauren got to do this show, the joy on her face alone makes me want to cry. She and James had a bit in the opening number we love that duo. She and Joey also have a part in that choreo where they’re looking at each other and that was the moment I was really like oh god this is their first married SK show. Also I know I already brought this up but Joey wearing his ring for Bob is one thing, him wearing it from the very top of the show is NOT okay. I also shouldn’t be allowed to sit close to Lauren because I always get distracted, before it’s been her scars and her ring this time it was her sparkly eyeshadow fun! Also istg Lauren seems smaller every time I see her and the height difference between her and Joey seems worse.
Gift of the magi made me CRY. I forget how good Curt’s voice is and Janaya’s we KNOW is phenomenal and they were just so sweet together. And guys I cannot stress enough how amazing and hilarious this Joey Lauren Brian trio is like it MAKES act 1 for me. The whole song of that part Meredith posted on her story is SO funny. Also I’m fucking in love with Lauren’s costume in act 1 but even more so after the show she accidentally threw it off her head in that part.
L/J/B open little match girl and that song will not get out of my head. I’m not sure between Brian and Joey if the choreo was ever 100% perfect but we all know it adds to the charm. Lauren had to nudge Brian into the right place one show which was v cute. Ali is incredible and I’m so so happy to have her in a full length SK show again (but Lauren understudied match girl and ngl I would kill for rehearsal footage to hear those songs in her voice). This story was such a good showcase of how well SK combines the humour and the emotion.
Scrooge makes a little cameo in both of the stories which sets it up so well, and then the act 1 closer sets up for christmas carol.
I absolutely loved watching Meredith in the band and it’s so special how happy and proud she looks of her friends.
AJ’s scrooge is great and he brings a lot of fun little things to the characters, I think I just have a soft spot for Dylan’s scrooge because I have a soft spot for him that I don’t have for AJ.
The night Curt forgot his very first line in Bah Humbug and just said “yeah!” after Janaya was too funny and Joey put a hand on his back like “it’s okay” they’re all very cute. Honestly though that was probably the biggest fuck up. Joey is just like so so good as Bob obviously it’s perfect casting but it’s perfect casting.
3 spirits was even cooler the way it was staged this time.
Jaime’s I’m the ghost choreo was even funnier. Also nothing can compare with the Brian/Lauren siblings (finally!!) but Lauren was little sister again and was even cuter than last time, she had a little leg pop that was adorable and funny and then a little giggle at the end. And I remember being excited for Joey’s Fezziwig and then being like but he literally has one little part in that song, but he really did have fun with it and he had a cute interaction with Clark and Mere.
I love that scrooge with Curt and even after the 2021 show I’m still in disbelief over Janaya’s voice.
Christmas electricity is just the best fucking thing to see live the energy is so good. I did miss Lauren and Brian starting the song off (Clark was back to singing more of the interludes and we love Clark but there were a few I missed). AJ really was funny in this song. James slays so fucking hard. Lauren was wearing the black boots which I’m obsessed with. But she left early to make her quick change and THAT was when it hit me that I was about to experience the first married priceless.
And truly what to say. There were some ways it wasn’t as bad as previous versions, “this soil is rich” certainly no longer had THOSE implications. But literally just the fact that they *are* married and Joey’s wearing his wedding ring just got me even harder than I thought it would. There was also an EXCESSIVE amount of hand holding. And you’d think I’d be okay after the spin in the 2021 show but they did it in their slow mo section this time which was worse. And if that wasn’t enough, in the last show he spun her TWICE more in the last chorus in a way that definitely was not choreographed which you could see in Lauren’s face and I just. We KNOW they’re both phenomenal actors but we know even more that every bit of that is *real* and I will never recover. I say it every time but I cannot thank Clark enough for writing such a beautiful song for them. And at the end of the song Joey leaned his head on hers and I just looked at him and was like, that is a man who could not be happier performing with his wife. Also I absolutely think he tried to kiss her head the first show but she walked away. He was also the last to leave the stage at the end of the song and he was very proud husband/dad about it all. Jamie and Brian both *consistently* made Lauren break though which is always funny. Also in the first show there was someone in the front row who I think was not participating in cratchit family sing along so Lauren went right up to them and was singing right at them and then Janaya also shout-sang “priceless” at them. Which reminds me I do love that they got their hand mics back for this song. Also the last night Joey fucked up the part where they’re leaning out and wasn’t looking at Lauren when she was looking at him so she was acting offended but then when he did look at her they giggled and I love them endlessly.
Jim and Della became the couple in final ghost which was perfect. The decision to have Joey come out for the cratchit part holding tiny tim’s care bear was fucked up. Lauren leaning on his arm, also fucked up.
There was a new section in christmas day for Jim and Della which was really sweet, and a match girl appearance with an extra couple lines. It did mean we had to lose turkey boy which is kind of a tragedy because it means we’ve never *properly* gotten it live, but I do love love that they tied all the stories together like that and the emotional payoff was so good. We had Lauren donation man and her and AJ were really funny in that bit. Lauren had an entrance while the Bob and Scrooge bit was happening so watching her wait there like a proud wife for him to come and take her arm was 🥺
All that to say this is such a special show and the new additions are perfect and you should absolutely get a digital ticket!!!
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edwinspaynes · 10 months
i can't think properly or i'd do it all myself but
taylor swift (debut) album as tlh characters. welcome to do it incompletely and i'll collab i got stuck at tim mcgraw so
also yes or no is cold as you thomas when he's mad at alastair, a mix of that cog-coi gap and academy conflicted emotions? and teardrops on my guitar is his admiration from a distance while alastair's with charles. the outside is alastair's pov
iomwiwy is gracetopher. mary's song is jordelia. and invisible is cordelia @ james and grace in cog.
agree or disagree i don't mind just keen to hear what you think!
OKAY SO here are my takes:
Tim McGraw: Matthew to Cordelia at the end of the series, ngl. Like, yeah, the love is lost now, but it was something and he hopes she thinks of him sometimes and what they shared in Paris.
Picture to Burn: Thomas at Alastair after Chain of Gold. "Coming back around here would be bad for your health" has the same vibes as "I'll chuck you in the Thames if you talk to me again."
Teardrops on My Guitar: Academy Thomas to Academy Alastair for SURE but yes, also Thomas to Alastair when he's with Charles. Like, "he's the song in the car I keep singing? don't know why I do?" Yes. Yes yes yes. Also, THE ONLY THING THAT KEEPS ME WISHIN' ON A WISHING STAR? Kill me dead you're so right
A Place in This World: This might be controversial but lowkey Ari? She feels a little lost and is trying to find her place in the world and I love her.
Cold as You: Yes, once again, Thomas to Alastair after Chain of Gold. Filled with conflicted emotions, you're so incredibly right.
The Outside: Has been on my Alastair playlist since Day One for obvious reasons. I absolutely adore this song for him like "how can I ever try to be better? Nobody ever lets me in" literally something he says in period-typical terms in Chain of Iron. Also in the Letter Game. And he's right! He's the best!
Tied Together With a Smile: Matthew. I don't even feel like I need to explain this. He cries but doesn't tell anyone that he might not be the golden one? He's tied together with a smile but he's coming undone? Yes. That's all there is
Stay Beautiful: Thomas to Alastair. Like he thinks he is so beautiful and hopes that life leads him back to his front door! He is waxing poetic about his eyes (like petals of a flower, not the jungle, but still!) Idk 100% see this, but also could be Alastair to Thomas too he also finds him beautiful I wish we got more of his PoVs :')
Should've Said No: I'm going to say maybe Cordelia @ both James and Matthew after Paris, lol. They should both indeed be begging for forgiveness at her feet. (I'm kidding, mostly).
Mary's Song: Yeah, unfortunately Jordelia. But, since I love this song, Thomastair too. "Said you'd beat me up you were bigger than me, you never did." Kind of a stretch but I don't want to think about James/Jordelia every time I hear it LOL
Our Song: OKAY LOWKEY GHOSTWRITER Because like. They're sneaking out and tapping on each other's window? They're in that little glow of first love? Idk I really like this association and am down with it LOL
A Perfectly Good Heart: Alastair to Charles please. A precursor to him going all-out and singing "I'll Bet You Think About Me" from Red TV at Charles because Charles sucks. I love the idea of Alastair blasting Taylor's angry country bops at Charles. It cleanses my soul.
Invisible: I actually want to go with Matthew to Cordelia here ngl
I'm Only Me When I'm With You: Yes I fully agree that it's either Grace to Christopher OR Alastair to Thomas also really works for it.
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gabbysdawsons · 4 months
I kinda want to know how Cody and James would survive in Beacon Hills tbh…
teen wolf canon is but a vague suggestion to me so this is based purely on vibes and the details I happen to remember from the show. Which is very little I was convinced Chris was named Craig for 5 years
this also got very long so under the cut
since Cody and James have kind of the right age gap for it, Cody would have been in school with Derek, and James would be in school with Scott, Stiles, Lydia etc.
right away I can say the Skipton family would be hungers. They have that vibe, and I can see them working pretty frequently with the Argents.
Unfortunately for them Cody absolutely befriended Derek in high school and never looked back. She’s not an idiot and her parents taught her well so she pieced together that he was a werewolf pretty quickly. When Kate burns down the Hale house, Cody leaves with Derek cause she kind of- hates her family and all hunters after that and she- trusts Derek.
James does not take her sister basically running away from home very well and her parents decide it’s best for all of them if they move out of Beacon Hills, but like the argents they move back in season one.
season one is kinda boring for them, just a lot of Cody arguing with Derek and absolutely adoring Scott. And wanting to throw hands with a fifteen year old stiles every chance she gets. And James struggling with- her sister being back, and also hey what the hell her family are werewolf hunters?
In season two, during Derek’s quest to start a pack Cody- maybe kind of stupidly- agreed to let him turn her, cause she’s a good pal like that. And she ends up being this very weird- aunt/authority figure for the others cause she speaks Derek and is able to help them whenever he’s being Broody™️ while she’s dealing with that- James is having a real bonding moment with Allison over their family history and all of those struggles. Tbh the more I think about this the more I can see them really working as a couple-
ngl the rest of the show is an absolute blur after this except for Theo and the dread doctors which I can’t see other of them getting too seriously involved in-
Other miscellaneous thoughts:
Cody works at the vet with Scott and Deaton! Cody Skipton weird coworker supremacy.
James and Isaac are mortal enemies but also besties. Nobody can explain it.
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maddies-chronicles · 3 months
@hiya-itsamber you convinced me to start the inheritence games series- i'm on chapter 14 of book 1. here are my thoughts:
i'm making an inheritence games DR for sure. avery just got bequeathed a wholeass mansion where she now lives with four rich, hot dudes. like obviously i want that.
speaking of, i went into this book knowing i was going to pick a guy. no two ways about it. so my thoughts on each boy thus far:
grayson is annoying so far. also one of my DR brothers is called grayson, so i think i'd feel weird about liking grayson. also, he's not very bright, i feel. he acts like he is, but he's also not viewing avery in the logical sense, despite literally priding himself on being the most business-y, factual brother.
nash is okay? i haven't seen much of him yet. he kinda reminds me of a guy i don't like, so i'm not super fond, but that's not really his fault. irl boy just spoiled cowboys/texas for me forever 😐
xander is cool but i have an ex named alex so idk... but so far i like his personality. he reminds me of leo, whom i obviously adore.
jameson... good lord, i'm in danger. witty, puppy-dog, and just a touch self-destructive? save me now. plus his name is james(on) which automatically places me in danger of falling in love. besides the riddles? the games?? good lord that boy is mine.
libby is a saint, and drake should die. avery's a stronger soul than me, because i woulda knocked a bastard out.
(timeskip here from me reading up to ch 14 to like ch 48-ish)
rahhhh okay. soft spot for grayson. soft spot for xander. jameson may have lost my favour, after saying everything with avery was a game. girl i'd be PISSED if some rich white mfer said that to me. but he did also literally shield avery with his body when they were being shot at, so... idk maybe he's a little bit forgiven. also, i'm not fond of this emily chick, but i will tell you i think she has something to do with why avery inherited the estate.
avery's mom died because she didn't get a transplant. emily had some kind of congenital heart condition. those two things are related, i just don't know how yet. maybe emily got the transplant that avery's mother was supposed to get, hence the apology? but emily died due to her heart condition (supposedly) so maybe not.
super proud of myself for knowing the middle names were meant to be places and not surnames right off the bat. also, definitely knew emily was two-timing grayson and jameson (although ngl... avery's kinda doing that too, but i think maybe for her it's not as intentional). also also? the parents' blatant favouritism of emily over rebecca?? sucks balls. i love rebecca so far. she's gonna be the traitor. if amber didn't love him so much, it would be between rebecca and nash, honestly. they both seem like kind, caring people, but the focus isn't on them so they slip under the radar.
i know i'm not supposed to like thea but like. she's awesome. i do like her. which is hilarious, because i'm not supposed to like her, but especially hilarious because she dated xander and i adore xander. even though you don't see much of him, you can tell he's got just as much as the other hawthorne boys going on under the surface, and i've always tripped and fallen in love for a good enigma of a boy.
i know something's happening with max, but i'm ignoring that in favour of the plot for now, but mostly because max is in another state. if she was in texas, i would be looking at her more closely. unrelated- toby is definitely alive, right?
sorry to everyone else who follows me who definitely thinks i'm insane lol
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kim-ruzek · 4 months
What Hollyoaks storylines and characters are you enjoying?
Honestly, at the moment, since we got the new show runners and it's been a few months of them properly settling in, I'd say I'm enjoying nearly everything and everyone.
But saying that, I do have my favourites:
Firstly: Sienna. I adore Sienna, and I pretty much like everything she does (even honestly the story lines that cause me pain because they're so unfair to her because Anna Passey plays it sooo well) but I am particularly enjoying this story line atm. Which is nice, since the last story line of hers I properly enjoyed was the start of her and Ste's friendship/the burying a body one (and the one I proper enjoyed before that was her teacher story line so that was already really refreshing).
But I'm ngl, I adore Sienna and I adore any and all Sienna and her sisters content. Liberty and Sienna are my fave siblings in the whole show honestly, and I've really missed Lib. And honestly, at first I was Not A Fan of Dilly being a secret daughter of Patrick's because I already wasn't a Dilly fan, I didn't like how the new show runners pivoted and changed the Harcourt story line (still the most baffling thing) and I absolutely did not think it would be done good AT ALL but damn I have been absolutely loving it. Especially because Hollyoaks isn't washing over just how awful Patrick was, which was a worry of mine as Hollyoaks isn't always great when it comes to Sienna's past.
I especially enjoyed how it's led to some great Sienna and Maxine scenes because I also adore them two, and led to a Sienna and Minnie scene, because yet again, I'm an utter softie for big sister Sienna.
I've also enjoyed the little ethenna scenes we've gotten, although jfc I am SO done with Ethan right now, because he's a fucking idiot who has a saviour complex. I love him, and I do adore Ethenna as a ship but my god I've just wanted to slap Ethan these past few days.
Secondly: James and Ste. James (alongside Sienna) is my most favourite character and both of them make it on to my all time favourites list across all fandoms honestly, but yet again, some of his story lines can be a hit or miss for me. But like I'm a softie for sister sienna, I am an absolute softie for Dad!James and Husband!James.
I hated the whole Lucas / James story line last year and honestly I came very close to quitting the show but everything has just been SO good since. I don't love how Romeo was threatened into pleading guilty because it was literally self-defense and the only thing he was guilty of was obscuring the course of justice, but I have enjoyed seeing Dad!James in action. And Romeo is my soft boy, I love him so much.
I also just love seeing this more mature James. I mean he's still very much James, y'know the man who has Romeo said always has to be the smartest person in the room, but he's been so mature recently. Like him going to Leah's counseling session? ugh. And also I just love the insanity of him framing a man for the manslaughter of Ella like no one can deny he goes HARD for the people he loves.
Which brings me to Ste. I have a soft spot for Ste in general, although I have hated him at times (Ste in his harry era, imo, was the worst and yes that's over abusive ste and far-right ste because at least then he was still compelling as a character to hate, whereas harry era ste was just such a mess and very uncompelling honestly) and I've really enjoyed him these past couple of years.
But my god, nowhere NEARLY as much as I'm enjoying him right now. This story line, while still in it's infancy, is already SO SO good and I'm enjoying this darker story line for him.
Thirdly: the osbournes. I'm very much enjoying their collective story lines right now, although not because they're fun or I'm happy with the characters but because it's just a really interesting story line. I hate what they're doing to Jack, but I like the divide it's caused.
I must say before this, Frankie was really doing my fucking head in, and she still is to a degree, but this has definitely made her more compelling. However, I am down to my last nerve with JJ, which is pretty funny since before, I was more okay with JJ and now it's the opposite.
I also like the divide that's formed between Darren's sons: his biological one, and his adopted one because I think that'll be really interesting going forward.
I also bloody adore how Suzanne is trying so hard to get between Dancy and every time it backfires on her so spectacularly.
Fourth: Lucas. I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with this story line, which I will get into in a moment, but ignoring all my hate with it, I honestly adore it. I was so unsure about his recasting (although I did love that he is literally a mini Ste and Leah is a mini Amy it's so cute) and then all the James stuff, but him being soft but moody and pouty over Dillon and confused, it's just so.... yeah, I'm enjoying it and he plays it SO Well.
Although I am low-key pissed at Dillon, like you KNOW the guy is struggling with his sexuality, he finally reaches out and he's late, yes, but this is the FIRST time lucas has proper reached out in a way that'll move them forward in whatever this is between them and Dillon immediately sleeps with Freya.
and finally; Cleo. Cleo is literally one of my ultimate faves and having her back on my screen has made me SO SO happy and I'm enjoying everything we've had already so much. Although I am once again BEGGING hollyoaks to let my girl have a healthy non-manipulative relationship like please. I mean I love that she hasn't, because it's honestly in character depending the abuse she suffered growing up, but she just deserves a break.
I also love how they dealt with the whole Joel/Cleo/Leela thing (except when Joel decided to conviently forget HE was the one who seeked Cleo out and that she was doing everything to NOT go near Joel after finding out how serious him and Leela were) because it wasn't just an ex coming back into town, it was his soulmate and it's not just some girl he's now with, it's the mother of his step son and future child - two very big things Joel WOULD be conflicted over. And while I'm still hoping for more Joel/Cleo stuff in the future because I'm an absolute bitch for them, I am glad he 'chose' Leela and the baby (although mad at him for proposing outside of the McQueen's like what the hell??)
Yeah, so that's like all the MAJOR stuff I am enjoying at the moment, but I am enjoying so much more and hollyoaks in general right now.
The only story lines/characters I hate currently are Warren and John Paul. I mean I'm not a fan, obviously, of Carter but it's a compelling story line even if I hate it but god John Paul is pissing me off. He KNOWS the man has practiced conversion therapy, and maybe I could reason with JP not calling the cops and believing him when he said he stopped, but like. That's if Carter was just another person, working at some office. But he's literally the HEAD TEACHER of a school, who will inevitably meet vulnerable queer teens. He literally has the ethical and legal obligation to report this.
And JP has heard Nancy's concerns for this thing he's doing? And that doesn't make JP say, hm, maybe I should alert the authorities? Nope! Even more when, yes, so JP doesn't suspect Lucas is gay, but he knows Lucas is in this course and he knows Lucas' dad is gay and like for godsake Lucas was his bloody step son! Like he doesn't even need to out Carter in order to report him so there's not even that as an issue.
I won't get into all the reasons I'm pissed off at Warren because that would literally take all day. ALTHOUGH saying that, I am very much enjoying Mercy's twins being both his and Felix', something I called before we even knew they were twins for sure.
Thank you for asking!! This got long but I do really, truly, enjoy Hollyoaks, my utter trash show, and apparently I can talk and talk and talk about it! Feel free to always come ask me questions.
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ladystrallan · 1 year
Once Upon a Time season 5B thoughts
I’m rewatching OUAT and I wanted to share some of my opinions on each season!
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- This is my favourite season!!! (And the only one I have rewatched before)
- Awww it’s Neal
- Slay red intro
- Of course cora is the mayor
- This implies that they have a municipal government (Cora) and a federal?/realm? government (Hades)
- No don’t kiss him it’s James!!!
- Why are they wearing the same outfit lol
- Cora basically just told Regina that she’s going to hell
- Omg rumbelle is adorable
- Ooh Pan is back
- “The ale of Sinead from the land of Dunbroch” “That’s a mouthful” lol
- Not the jester lol
- Ooh slay Henry sr switched the hearts
- Pocket sized dad
- Alexa, play My Man from Funny Girl
- Fun fact: it was Greg Germann’s idea for Hades to be getting a pedicure in this scene
- Such a slay lair
- Yassss call her out for what she did to Zelena
- Every single line delivery is 10/10
- Yasssss the flame hair
- Imo it doesn’t look as bad as people say it does like there is WAY worse cgi on the show
- Hercules is my favourite Disney movie and although I love this season, Hades is the only character they got right
- They sucked all the sass and agency out of Megara, making her just a damsel in distress
- And Hercules just doesn’t have the charisma or hunk look of the original
- He looks like the guy from the maze runner, just a typical YA movie looking guy
- They also aged them down which I’m not a fan of
- It’s just kinda disappointing
- Yassss he’s back <3
- She replaced all Regina’s horse stuff with dog stuff… I’m dead
- The bloody hook…
- He’s so camp, I love it
- “The music, the gin, the glamour… the gin” lol
- Woah how did it get to the house
- The only conflict in my relationship with Hades would be that I don’t like dogs
- That is an ugly dog too
- “I want to be Snow White again” yassss
- No more annoying Mary Margaret
- “I’m not angry, I’m disappointed” ok dad
- Or should I say daddy ;)
- Ooh him realising that she’s pregnant
- The children in the underworld make me really sad :( I would take care of them
- Why is Hades so hot in this scene???
- I kinda get the homoeroticism that some people see in the Hook/Hades torture scenes
- Greg is just so sexy all the time he can’t help it
- “They had a torrid affair, which resulted in a scandalous teenage pregnancy in prison” Rumple just airing out all of Emma’s dirty laundry
- She’s looking for DANIEL
- I’m starting to find Rumple’s ‘coward face’ really funny
- Like he just looks so distressed 24/7
- Wow just flirting with another guy while your husband is out trying to KILL SOMEONE TO SAVE YOUR DYING SON
- Maybe don’t yell so loud if you’re trying to be discreet
- Milah is kinda pretty ngl
- “Tell him hello from his papa” me crying
- “Get your hands off that squiggly little thing” LOL that has to be the funniest way to describe the dagger
- Wow my man sure can entertain
- ‘Here come into my lair, would you like something to drink?’
- “Mrs Dark One” I LOVE IT
- Is that where rumple got the idea to take babies as payment???
- The way he yells “MILAH” before chucking her into the river lol
- He really put so much into that performance
- A horse???
- He looks so disgusted as he reads that book lol
- Rumple’s real catch phrase: “no no”
- “And then, butterfingers, you dropped it” lol
- I laugh every time I see Hades poof that man in
- He looks like an npc
- One of my favourite lines: “Take your baby” the delivery is 11/10
- Omg it’s Liam
- My favourite picture of Hades is from this bar scene
- The glass sliding across lol
- “What would you like to try first, the champagne or me?” David looks so uncomfortable
- Does James have a mommy kink?
- The way Liam stumbles back after seeing Hades’ hair
- Why does one brother get a boy band name and the other gets an emo pirate name???
- It’s over Liam, I have the high ground
- Hades: Nooooo he’s not going to hell? Disappointing
- “Zelena… our secret remains safe” he sounds so sexy when he says that
- Our Decay is my favourite episode of the whole show!
- I recreated Zelena’s cupcake for one of my birthdays (15th? I think?)
- Ah yes, the old dog and curtain trick
- Dude just let her see her baby
- He looks so handsome in that cravat
- They have so much chemistry omg I love zades
- Where has robin been? I swear I haven’t seen him in like two episodes (not a complaint)
- “This is what, celebrating abandonment day?” Lol
- Wow Zeus is a jerk for cursing his own brother
- The way he gestures to her lol
- Marital problems
- Why am I literally Zelena??? (I can’t ride a bike either)
- Why not me…
- Belle I love you but STOP BEING MEAN TO ZELENA
- They need a lawyer to work out this custody agreement
- The way Hades looks at Zelena >>>
- That’s so sad you can tell she really loves her daughter :(
- You’re taking a BABY to the FOREST??? ok
- The romantic dinner!!!
- Screaming
- “When we were on that bicycle, and I had my arms around you” OMG
- I would not even hesitate to kiss that man
- Even if he was evil I don’t care he’s hot
- “I love you” AAAAAAAAAAAA
- She broke his heart :(
- “But it’s our decay” MY HEART
- He really said ‘take all the space you need but I still love you’
- “But if you change your mind and decide you want me” 1000/10 delivery hot sexy romantic
- “Lord legume” sorry I’m allergic
- Not skirmishes with the ogres!
- Was that an ogre in the intro???
- We love a good twister
- Lol hades what’s with the joe goldberg vibes
- Ok that time the hair didn’t look great
- “It was an arranged marriage, I was doing you a favour” rumple…
- “You mean other than that baby in your belly?” WHY WAS THAT SO FUNNY???
- Not the Rumple mannequin lol
- Why do they have that?
- Lol bye Gaston
- How romantic he gives her a little flower
- Yay ruby is back
- The episode title is the ship name lol
- “I’m afraid sometimes I’m just too clever” slay
- Not her turning into a puddle…
- Ruby slippers is cute
- Belle sleeping curse :(
- She doesn’t think he will be her true loves kiss that is so sad :( (marital problems part 2)
- I don’t want to set the world on fire by the ink spots!!!
- His car is so slay
- Zelena, how does it feel to be living my dream
- The way he’s sitting !!!
- “Will you make chaos with me?” AAAAAAAAAA
- Hades/Greg is so hot omg
- You’re not my mom Regina
- “Because he’s a villain” GIRL LITERALLY SO WERE YOU
- Honestly Cora deserves that punishment
- It’s impressive that Zelena can use magic like that with zero training
- “Who could possibly love that man?” ME
- Slay Zelena she saw right through that
- After everything Cora did she deserves to go to hell and she should have
- I don’t think she should get to go to heaven after doing one good thing
- I love him so much he’s so romantic
- Awwww him dancing is so cute
- Noooo they kidnapped Zelena
- “When will you believe I’d do anything for you” Awwwwwwww
- His heart is beating again omg
- Me constantly rolling my eyes at Robin
- Rumple jumpscare
- Slay rumple take Robin’s heart
- That lady is kinda slay
- Omg it’s stealthy
- “That’s right vermin, scatter” slay queen
- He “dissolved” James lol
- “Kid eater” lol
- If I put my heart on there to weigh my love for Hades it would 100% work
- My love for Greg is true
- Awwww captainswan
- How do they give you a last name if you’re found on the side of the road?
- Oooh yikes tree cut down
- Slay Hades 10/10 plan btw
- He could’ve done a lot worse tbh
- Which only proves more that he was just doing what he thought was best for Zelena
- Why is this woman exactly like Emma???
- Noooooo them holding hands :(
- “Is she looking for me?” NOOOOO she’s dead :(
- Transporting your wife home in a little box :)
- How was hook alive again??? I forget
- Not this episode… I’m dreading what I know is going to happen
- “I trust you with anything” awwwww
- I hated that man
- “Robin’s baby” That baby is also my girl Zelena’s!!!
- “Actually, he’s not a man. He’s a god!” YASSSS SLAY
- Yeah he’s going to hell
- How do you kill a god? You can’t they’re immortal? Bingo!
- Slay Olympian crystal
- Maybe I could think of some other uses for it ;)
- This is the messiest custody battle lol
- Rumple jumpscare (part 2)
- He’s not going to wake up his daughter??? Wtf
- Not the cane ptsd
- I can’t…
- Literally push Arthur into the river of souls
- Slay hiding place
- It’s giving antique furniture with secret compartments
- Hmmmm maybe the research would be faster if BELLE’S FATHER WOULD WAKE HER UP
- ‘Hello, this is Hades’ lol
- In my AU rumple and hades would be besties
- That spirit was a hero trying to drag Arthur into the river
- “I really hate him” you are speaking at full volume
- Babe, you walked right past them…
- “No Underworld, no moving on” do not pass go, do not collect $200
- Slay
- I would say rip but he just got erased from existence
- Also I hate Robin
- “I did it for you” this is so sad
- Regina just bodychecked him nooooo
- Jail
- “I defended you when no one else did” girl when???
- “Hades won’t give up a single thing for you” he got rid of his leverage against rumple for her!!!
- Regina stop lying
- Screaming crying
- This is TRAGIC
- The way he says her name as he’s dying :(
- Wtf Regina’s smiling a little bit
- RIP to the love of my life (and death)
- I will be metaphorically wearing black for the rest of the season
- I’m in mourning
- Ugh Zeus
- He looks like just a dude
- Her putting the flask on the grave lol
- The roses on the arrows… tacky
- It would be so funny if Zelena named her daughter hades or something similar
- #depression
- They literally treated Zelena so horribly after this
- Ooh henry x violet
- “I need more power” okay what else is new rumple
- Ooh yikes
- “I can still feel the aura” lol
- I mean maybe it’s warranted Regina
- Literally that’s so dumb don’t destroy magic
- Ooh crystal in TLWM
- Zelena is slaying so hard right now
- We love a redeemed queen
- Ooh is this the land of untold stories?
- Yikes just choking him
- I love gold’s car omg
- “Do you happen to have any duct tape?” Lol slay
- “Strange name” lol
- Wtf I hate this guy
- With his stupid magic taser
- Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde!!!
- I can’t remember if I liked this plot line
- Where SHE’S taken him???
- Imagine it’s a breakup letter lol
- Maybe Robin shouldn’t have been a little bitch
- #vandalism
- You’re seriously going to attempt to fight the dark one?
- I love the crossover between science and magic it’s cool
- That is so scary yikes
- How symbolic
- Okay I kinda like mr hyde kinda slay
- The room service guy is probably like wtf is this???
- “Your best student” sorry girl that was Zelena
- “This isn’t on me” YES IT IS HENRY OMG
- The dragon???
- I thought he got killed by a taser
- That’s so embarrassing omg
- People probably think he’s a crazy person
- That one extra’s face lol
- Rumple went through the portal!!!
- How convenient that her dad is from TLWM
- Ooh kiss
- Awwwww captainswan
- The evil queen just dusting around
- Ok
How I feel about the characters this season
Love: HADES, Zelena
Like: Belle, Rumple, Emma, Hook, Ruby, Mulan, Jekyll/Hyde
Neutral: Hercules, Megara, Henry, David, Snow, Dorothy, Cruella
Dislike: James, Gaston
Hate: Robin, Regina, Cora, Arthur, Pan, that stupid orderly
Season rating: 10/10
I love this season so much! Zades is my favourite ship in the whole show, and I love Hades with all of my heart. I didn’t really like the destroy magic plot line but it was just the last two episodes. Hades and Zelena are so slay and I love them!
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effervescentdragon · 2 years
Weird writer questions, go :D
1, 4, 9, 13, 17 (SPY AU PLS), 25, 28, 36, 38
How do you do that, Jenson thought as he watched Lewis scrunch his face, then throw his head back and laugh. How do you say those kind of things without even blinking? Do you know how much we love you, he thinks as Lewis pushes Nico back, his hand settling around Nico's waist in a move too smooth and too practiced to be just a one-off. Do you know how hard you push? And do you even care? Do you think we'll always forgive you? 
okay im typing this up bcs my computer is too slow for properly doing vocab log and i may have pushed myself into a hypoglycemia inadvertedly so im waiting for sugars to start functioning properly XD
this is weird writers asks, and it got LONG. ask me more tho, i love tinkerbelling :D
i think i answered, imma link it when i find it :D okay here it is. im basic af and blind as a bat, so i just switch to arial and like. 14 xD
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
uhm. not a word, but a phrase. "i have you" or "i got you". i fucking SCREAM.
9. Do you believe in ghosts? This isn’t about writing I just wanna know
ahahaha tbh idk? probably. i think it would be fun, having lil ghosts around. moving stuff taht i dont rmbr moving. i was in love w casper when i was a kid and absolutely believed in ghosts then, does that count?
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy?
any type of explicit torture, non-con, dub con, abuse and violence that isnt like, movie-like spy murder and stuff. i cant and won't.
easy is inner monologue and angst :) so so easy.
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
you asked about the spy au. god. i wish i knew? like, im not sure how the lore works. i know we have criminal syndicates, the bulls and the cavallino rampantes (i take no criticism on this xD) and i know im thinking of a sort of. man from uncle kinda setup? for the good guys, but i dont have a centralized thrush. its vaguely james bond and john le carre inspired also, bcs im a sucker for those, but for other stuff, i legitimately have no fucking idea. it will come to me at some point, and knowing myself, everything will make it into the text. or i will talk your ear off with my worldbuilding. <333
25. What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story?
i actually had to think about this a lot. i usually make sure to include at least hints in my writings, if for nobody else, for myself. but remembering any of it without re-reading the fics... hmmm. imma answer other questions then come back to this if i remember anything xD
OH I REMEMBERED. in the princess of monaco au, when seb and charles meet in the club and talk, when charles is drunk, seb already has a beginning of a crush on charles. then he makes himself stop, because charles is sixteen, as jules tells him, and he feels like an absolute bastard, so he keeps as far away as possible. thats why later, when they meet again and charles says "i cant go till im 18" seb kinda blanches. enzo isn't that far off in his freakout, but i have to clarify seb would never do anything, in fact he's gonna agonize over it a lote in general, but like. he thought the kid was cute, and he has morals, so he freaked. xD
28. Who is the most delightful character you’ve ever written? Why?
oh it has to be charles in my princess of monaco au. that is my therapy, that's just, idk, i love that version of him so much. he's very. close to my heart there. very close second is the way i wrote aredhel in his brother's keeper. idk why, i just love her there so very much, although she doesn't appear that much? and maybe azaghal in ardent red heartbreak, because, well. it's seb. :) however, lalwen has my heart all over, ngl. her and cirdan are adorable :)))
36. They say to Write What You Know. Setting aside for a moment the fact that this is terrible advice…what do you Know?
complicated family relationships. being a bitch due to circumstances and as a defence mechanism (khm vielleicht vielleicht sequel). having a legacy. defying the legacy. being fundamentally wrong and having the world swept from under you. fighting not to die. grief. maybe some other things, but those are for anyone who reads the fics to tell me if they noticed something. im in the eyes of the storm. i dont know.
38. What is something about your writing process YOU think is Really Weird? If you are comfortable, please share. If you’re not comfortable, what do you think cats say about us?
i dont think anything i do is weird tbh? i could do with a bit less research that isnt relevant for anything except my peace of mind. i think cats are like. "peasant. heathen. feed me. yesssss-now move. bitch. uwu. bye" :)
18. Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end. Spicy addition: Questioner provides the passage.
so. THAT. passage. well. i mean. as you may or may not know, i relied on my own personal experiences for that fic, adjusted very much for the appropriate context (as in, them being rich dudes and decidedly not in hs, tho you wouldn't know it). i. like nico. i think i get nico on some level. and nico, he. he pushes, because he's always had to push. because of the legacy and because of the insecurity. because he has to know, if. well. is this going to be the moment where they quit on me? is this going to be the moment when i become too much for them? is this the moment where they say to themselves thats it, im done, i cant take him and all that he is anymore. he's too much for me. he's too this or too that and not enough of modesty and not enough of poise and not enough of effortless beauty and class, like he should be. im done
so he pushes. and he's charming about it. and he waits, because, well. he was never taught that love can be unconditional.
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myyoungroyalsblog · 2 years
My liveblog as I read Red, White and Royal Blue
Oh boy all I'm gonna say is that it's looong
SPOILERS!!! (For Young Royals too)
Chapter 1
Siblings checking the tabloids love it lol
I love Nora
Ohhh enemies to lovers did not know that👀
Yeah the cakes price is depressing
Them falling on the cake... Amazing✨
Chapter 2
Wow Ellen chill (she ain't like Linda)
Ngl that whole CIA thing was funny
"You're a dumbass, love you" hilarious
Oh so it's enemies, pretend friendship and then lovers!?
Cornetto scene my beloved
"I didn't know you wore glasses" bitch neither did I!?
That whole scene where they are shoved into a supply closet 👀
"No booty calls" IM SCREAMING
Chapter 3
Their texting is adorable
Chapter 4
Why the FUCK does Alex want turkeys in his room
Fucking knew Henry was taking the piss afajsvhsjd
That phone call... Yes... Just YES
"I BEG YOU TO NOT" afgaksbdkd I laughed so hard
Mansplain lol
I've lost count to how many times Henry says Christ... I like it
Also love June
The tie... He listened🥺 it ain't bland no more
Oh god... The dancing... The prince who only knows how to ball dance and the latino who knows how to move their hips👀 top tier shit
Loved the kissing scene, and that oh shit moment from Alex
Chapter 5
Of course he can't stop thinking about the kiss
Wait he's straight!? Since when!?
He made out with Liam!? And more!? Are you fucking kidding me!? Yes that means you're straight Alex lmao
Nora isn't straight!?
That oh moment... Yes
Poor baby can't stop thinking about him🥺
Fuckin knew the moment June gave Alex the magazine and said that Henry was in it that there would be gossip of him with a girl🤦
Wow really liked how Alex thought about Henrys position and his struggles as a gay royal👌 very mature
lol you go Liam
Chapter 6
"Alex wants to rip it off"
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My god the pinning
Ahahaa an actress from doctor who lmao
Jfc Alex yes you need to go to horny jail you just shoved him against a fucking wall
I am loving flustered Henry
Ohh and demanding Alex... Yes pls
Their banter is just *chefs kiss*
"Your highness" yyyaaaassssss
I needed to stop a few times to breathe cause hot damn (also this is how i kinda thought Wilmons first time would be like too? Wtf?)
Oh god I'm already dreading the aftermath convertation
Okay wait is Alex suggesting friends with benefits?? But he obviously has a crush on Henry but doesn't want to persue it that way? But Henry really likes Alex right!? RIGHT!?
I just love how confident Alex is and Henry is shy
Oh god he's in love isn't he? Fuck
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Alex you little shit I love you
Is Amy like Malin? Lmao
Did... Did Henry just do the no homo tap!? For the press but still afakshdhdk
Whips!? Pls don't let it be that kind of book
Thank fucking god
This dynamic... It's gonna be the death of me they are so fucking adorable
He was turned on by the getup afskdbsbjs ALEX KEEP IT IN YOUR PANTS
Oh no the emails, are these the ones that get leaked? (I already knew about this spoiler)
Love the way they address each other and sign of the emails lmao
Chapter 7
Henry's the little spoon🥺
Also love Zahra now lol
"It's only physical" yeah right keep telling yourself that Alex (it's obvious that Henry likes him for more than that too)
He has a hickey! Hehe
Holy shit Henry has a long ass name (love the name James)
Gay kings!? Goerge and Edward!? Excuse me while I investigate which Edward it was and if it was my great great... Grandad lol
I come from a gay king holy shit😳
Henry Wales sounds kinda nice
I know tricky dicky was Nixon from Doctor Who lmao
Poor Bea
Hell of a way to come out to your sister Henry holy shit (my heart breaks for them)
"Wanker" afajshshs PLEASE
Wow his grans a bitch
I want to give Henry a hug🫂
"I miss you / I miss you too" catch me crying at the club😭
Love the nickname Alex has for June, Bug🥺 and yeah June has the right to be pissed
Whenever they mention a scene where Alex rubs his fingers over Henrys face in the magazine all I think about is this👇
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My god I love the sibling bond between Alex and June (it reminds me of Simon and Sara)
Wait so Amy is trans and has a wife right?
Yep love Pez too lol
So Henry's been pinning after Alex for a long time huh?😏
It's so cool that they're using the money for HIV clinics and LGBT youth shelters🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
What the hell are Oscar and Luna talking about? Ngl there was a 50-50 chance in my head that they walked out to talk about something like this, or to make out lol
Henry's "oh dear" was too endearing omg
Oh god pls be more classy than hooking up in the loo of a club🤦
Well, never mind then lol
Can we have a scene where Wille plays air guitar pls
Bea and Nora...👀 is that a thing?
"Tosser" lmao you go Bea
Their banter... I love it🥺 my god this is like fanfiction i love it so much
Oh shit their doing that okay😳
He called him love I CANT-
Hell yeah Cash lmao
Also Alex has friends yay :D
Chapter 8
Oh so James I is the other gay king
Oh my god Henry🥺 that email was so sweet... are you drunk? lol
I love how Alex calls him sweetheart too he's such a little shit
"Yours in sexual frustration" where's the lie?
Holy shit Philip what is up your ass? (He ain't no Erik)
Omg is Henry going to play the piano for Alex!?
Oh god they're in love FUCK🥺 are they going to say it?
Fuck... Luna what did you do...
He abandoned ship before it sunk the bastard
June calling Alex tiny itty bitty baby LOVE IT
Yayy Henry go cheer Alex up lol
"You are good" my soft boys🥺
Get in the closet lmao (story of my life)
"God fucking dammit" I feel you Zahra but they're in love💕✨
Chapter 9
Thank god Ellen accepted him (maybe she is like Lind afterall?)
My god the power point presentation... Again
"Does he feel like forever?" Love that line (and I think he does)
Oh no he's off the campaign :(
Planned Parenthood hell yes
"History, huh? Bet we could make some" CAN I HAVE THIS TATTOOED ON MY FOREHEAD PLEASE!?!?
"Affectionately yours"... My heart🥺
Oh god Henry's offering him an out so that Alex can continue to do what he loves :( my god these two are too much
They really send each other love letters huh? (Emails but whatever afsjdhkldk)
Henry could easily be a writer follow your dreams babe (*˘︶˘*).。*♡
Wish I could roadtrip and drive for hours too
"Do you feel forever about him?" Anghhh soft
"Hi, love" uh yeah they are forever SO PRECIOUS
His dad accepts him🥺
"Alex was so in love he could die" I... I need a moment
Alex making breakfast... Henry strolling in and kissing him on the cheek... Henry calling him love AGAIN... So domestic I CANT-
Lake scene my beloved
Henry saying he's the spare... *having flashbacks of Wilhelm saying the exact same thing holy shit*
Chapter 10
Alex let me give you a hug😭🫂
Oh my god he's going to England
I love Alexes temper and how he curses like a sailor lmao
Oh god this is gonna get angsty... Bring it on
He said it... He fucking said it... I was hoping for the I love you confession during a fight asksvdhdjd my god this is so good
Henry loves him... He's in love with him too... I'm fucking dead
He can't abdicate? Hasn't he thought if that?
Angsty and sad fuck okay then😳
Not surprised that Alex drinks coffee and Henry tea lol
Aww Mel and Sue yesss (I absoloutly adore Mel Giedroyc and Sue Perkins is such a gay icon)
"Since the Olympics!?" Bitch what!?
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Hehe loved this
Running away at 2am how scandolous
Good god their interactions are just the sweetest🥰
Slow dancing... They're slow dancing and kissing... My little queer heart can't take this afakdgdhdh this is too adorable
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Thank god I know spanish... Menos mal
Two homes side by side they are each others home I CANT FUCKING DEAL WITH THIS😭
Chapter 11
"Thoughts and prayers" ICONIC
So many Wilmon parallels holy shit
I just know Philip is going to be a fucking bastard (aka homophobe) when Henry tells him
Fuckin knew it
Again with the Jaffa Cakes lmao (I have a love hate relationship with those monstrosities) are those Henrys comfort food?
Yep Henry is a wonderful writer pls follow your dreams UGHHH fuck the monarchy (right Alex ;))
He made a list of things he loves about Henry what the actual fuck this is amazing
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Chapter 12
Fucking press man yeah who the fuck goes over security footage??? Someone seems desperate
Poor Henry is suffering so much over this😔
Ohh I'm liking this interaction with Luna
I thought about this the first time they emailed each other but... Why does Henry use his Kensington email which I assume is like an official Royal email? And Alex is using one that says eclair? lmao
FUCKFUCK IT'S THE EMAILS oh boy it's happened
I worried about the windshield... I fucking worried about it FUCK
You dumbfucks (affectionate) how could you not think about that!?
Also who's the fucking pervert taking the pictures!? And leaking the emails what the fuck!?
Fukcetyfuck the love letters were only for them to see ffuuuuuucucckkkkkk *scream into a pillow*
I really really hope Henry's okay I mean I know he isn't but idk the queen scares me, and Philip, hope Bea is with him :(
Chapter 13
I'm scared to continue someone hold me🥺🫂
"Are you okay?" Thank fucking god, Ellen you ain't so bad
Alex feels forever about Henry I WILL NEVER SHUT UP ABOUT THIS (and the fact that Henry feels the same way🥺)
Mother first, president second AS IT SHOULD BE (Kristina take fucking notes)
Yep I like Ellen
Fucking hell, their entire relationship and privacy for the world to see (like the sex tape holy shit) these four boys all have ptsd I swear
They're going to London, baby!!!! (yes that is a Joey Tribbiani reference lmao)
"Listen up, you fuck" my god I'm loving all the swearing in this book it's absolute gold
"Sweetheart" "Hi, love" NO ONE TOUCH ME
They want to tell the truth... I love them so much can I give them a hug?😭🫂
WAIT SHAAN IS ZAHRAS FIANCE!?!? I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING OMFG that is too cute (had to reread the phone call from earlier becuase now it's so much funnier afaksvshshs)
Bea my beloved💕
Alex and Beas convertation was amazing
Yep Philip ain't no Erik (switch places with him lol)
Henry is braver than you ever were Philip🖕
Yeah what Alex said afajsvdhkdldh
The abdicate™ bomb, yas queen👑💅
Fucking love how Henry is a "fuck the monarchy" type of person too, just like Alex (my god they are distant cousins to Wilhelm and Simon I SWEAR)
Go Catherine!!! (Also love how when Henry calls her mum and Alex calls Ellen mom they're spelt in the way of their country lol)
I fucking hope it ends well, otherwise I will Riot
The support of the people is just amazing🥺🏳️‍🌈
"Tories and Brexit fools" lmao
Yyeeesss Catherinee go off!!!!
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Bea 👆
They love each other so much😭
Chapter 14
"History, huh?" Yeah I want that T-shirt NOW
Oh god is Nora okay? What?
I have an inclining that Nora has been looking for the son of a bitch who leaked everything
Knew it lmao (it just made me think of Felice when she was looking for the bitch who leaked the tape)
Fucking Richards, just like their names they are dicks wtf fucking perverts LEAVE THOSE TWO IN GODDAMN PEACE
I bet it was Luna who sent Nora everything come on
Hehe YES
Oh fuck is that why Luna left? Because he knew they were doing that? I'm just trying to think about the convertation that Alex overheard with him and Oscar cause they did it for a reason right? Idk lol
Confirmed, Amy is trans and has a wife fuck yeah
Also Cash is pan!? Hello!?
Luna needs to be protected, what happened to him is fucking horrendous
"innit?" So British love it
They are so in love it's disgusting
Chapter 15
Henry's official portrait is with Alex I CANT-😭
"Bea's charity fund supporting addiction recovery programs and Henry's LGBT rights foundation"... *Cries*
Oh god Philip, he better be there to support them and not be a shitty sibling
Well, at least he's trying?
"The Super Six" Love them all
"Se repetira la historia?" Alex por favor habla mas español😩 hablale a Henry en español jeje
The tie... AGAIN AHAAAAHHHH can yall stop being adorable for five goddamn minutes!?
Hope they win🤞
The moment I read that Alex collides with someone I just fucking knew it was Liam
Fuck... they need to win Texas
"Four more years!" FUCK YES THEY WON!!!
Henry bought a brownstone in Brooklyn awww they're gonna be so domestic I love it
They're riding on bikes that is so wholesome
"We won" yes you fucking did
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The End
MY THOUGHTS (just a ps but english isn't my first language)
Love it
Absoloutly goddamn fucking loved it
All the characters are just so amazing and Henry and Alex... so much love for them💜 Anyone know where I can find love like that? 🥺👉👈
Ngl a bit too horny for me lol but it wasn't as explicit as the usual fanfiction that I find so it didn't trigger my sex repulsiveness yay :D
Also the part where they said they wanted to tell the truth I could not stop thinking about Wille and Kristinas convertation in the car: "Is it worth it?" Aka, Is he worth it? Does he feel like forever? FFUUUUCCCKKK Young Royals season 2 where you at?
So many times I thought about Wilmon holy shit (but in a good way)
Overall 11/10 fuckin loved it, so so good would recommend!
Hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it lol 💜
Now if you'll excuse me I'm off to read Firstprince fanfiction on ao3 byeeee
Ps you bet your ass I pictured almost every character with the cast of Young Royals lmao
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S/o that asks for affection unconsciously when they wake up without even noticing (nsfw?), how would the Bucci gang + josuke + young joseph+ giorno react? :>
So I don’t age up characters for NSFW, so I’ll just do fluff for Narancia, Josuke, Fugo, Giorno and Trish, but I will add some Adult Characters with NSFW for your troubles. :) I’ll add a cut for the NSFW as well so anyone can read before the cut, but only 18+ after please!
Warnings: Language
Bucciarati (Fluff):
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-He’s surprised when you hug him from behind when just standing around, or when you slip your hand in his just sitting, or stand behind him while he’s sitting and scratch his back (BLEASE DO THIS FOR HIM he will on god love you forever) 
-So when you two decide to move in, he’s also surprised to find that this carries over into sleeping. 
-He’ll wake up with you literally splayed out on top of him, And he blushes so hard. He’ll try to gently push you off of him back onto the bed, because surely you can’t be comfortable like that.
-Will immediately stop when you tighten your grip and stir, instead allowing his hands to rest on your back.
-He’s honestly not used to it but he will indulge you because god you’re so warm, and so soft and so beautiful in his arms. 
-You’ll notice when you’re awake that he’ll start to return your touches, leaning into your back scratches, squeezing your hand when you slip yours into his, Place his hands over your arms when you hug him from behind. 
-Will never say why, though. It’s his secret. 
Abbacchio (Fluff):
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-You may not notice, but god, does he.
-He Panic. You’re half awake, and you just reach out and pull yourself closer to him, nuzzling your face into his chest, Your breath evening out. 
-Oh god what does he do with his hands are you even comfortable there’s no way you’re comfortable jesus what the hell
-He opts to push you away, but you tighten your hold, babbling something out in your sleep about being warm. 
-(He do be warm tho ngl) 
-It takes everything, and I mean, E v e r y t h i n g in him to give in and rest his arms around you, but once he does, and you snuggle even closer? God he’s in love. You’re literally the most precious thing to him. 
-When you’re awake tho he will absolutely push you off the bed without remorse. (Expect a top of the head kiss from him though he’s soft.) 
Mista (Fluff):
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-He’s laying awake, tracing his finger along the wall, making damn sure the sex pistols don’t wake you. 
-In his distraction, you reach out, grasping his arm and hugging it. 
-(Arcana reference but Julian laugh) Oh ho ho!
-He takes note that you’re still asleep, and pulls you on top of him, securing his arms around you so that you don’t slip off. 
-Instead of tracing the wall, he will now be trailing his fingers up and down your arms and back, and through your hair. 
-His heart is melting you’re so god damn cute. He’ll tighten his grip, just gazing down at you with nothing but adoration in his eyes. 
-He will tease the everloving shit out of you when you wake up. Like he will not stfu about it. 
-He will also be a million times more physically affectionate with you during the day lol it’s sickening
-He is NOT stinky JFC
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-Whaaaaat are you doing?
-Oh, you’re asleep.
-He’ll stiffen up, but oh no you’re sleeping he cant just...push you away... he’s not heartless....
-He is confused to say the least, and a lil bit uncomfy, but he trusts you. 
-Watches as your features relax as your face presses into the crook of his neck and your arm tightens around his middle. Oh fuck you’re cute
-you’ve won him over. 
-He’ll wrap an arm around your waist, (So you don’t fall dsjdsjdsj) and let you be close to him. He enjoys it too, if he’s being honest. You’re so cute. 
-When you wake up, he’s much kinder and softer towards you. He’ll make any excuse to gently bump knees while you’re sitting or to brush his hand against yours while reaching for something. 
-Only because you asked for it tho
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-Nani in tarnation is goin on?
-He’s completely taken by surprise. You’re asleep? And you want him? To hold you? ???? ?????? *Windows start up sounds* 
-He literally doesn’t know what to do He’s so soft and so confused with his negative brain cells (I do hate him but I will admit he does have a big heart he is a sweetie) 
-He will, a little too eagerly, hug you back. His tenacity may or may not wake you up. (It does. Sorry.) 
-You wake up to a surprise hug though so win win?
-The more you subconsciously ask, the more he gives, until you two are literally glued together. (Social distancing whomst? We don’t know her.) 
-Expect sloppy kisses everywhere. On the other hand, funnily enough, you will have to initiate the hugging. He’s so scared. What if he hugs you too tight? What if he wakes you up again? What if he suffocates you? What if you don’t like his hugs
-Hug him jfc he needs reassurance that you want to be held. 
-Sleepy morning hugs where you two are just breathing in sync and there’s not a care in the world are his favorite
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-He is a light sleeper. I know I’ve said this before, but he is a very, very, very light sleeper. 
-So when you reach out and grasp at any piece of him you can reach, trying to close the gap between you (It’s a cold winter morning, come on) 
-He’ll startle awake and look over at you to check and see if you’re okay. 
-Oh, you are okay. Oh, you just want held? Alright. He’s up for that. Oh. You’re asleep? He’ll have to be especially careful to not wake you. 
-He will pull you close and rub circles into your back, pressing his cheek against the top of your head. He might even fall back asleep. If you stir, it’s not for long. His warmth and soothing movements lull you back to sleep in the safety of his arms. 
-When you’re awake, he’ll definitely be more affectionate, pressing tiny flowers into your hands, brushing your hair back, k i s s i n g y o u r k n u c k l e s (Im so fucking soft) 
-But seriously imagine Giorno getting down on one knee, taking your hand, and brushing his lips against your knuckles while looking up at you with literally nothing but love and affection in his eyes im going to cry
-Anything he does will have you a blushing mess
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-Who tf is waking her up? 
-oh, it’s you
-Oh, you’re hugging her
-OH, You’re still asleep.
-O H, you’re fucking cute!
-She’ll study you for a minute, before reaching up to lightly cup your cheek in her hand, careful not to wake you up. Her fingers will flutter over your face, tracing your features. She absolutely adores how precious you look snuggled up against her. 
-When you wake up, expect to have your hand held all day. Trish is the queen of hand holding. She will also take your face in her hands and kiss the corners of your lips, and rest her head on your shoulder when you two are sitting next to each other.  
-She’ll have this smug look on her face the whole time too dsjdsjdsjdsjds 
-Will absolutely do the disgusting feeding each other thing. “Babe, try this!” *Proceeds to hold forkful of food in front of your mouth. “Oh, that looks good, can I have some?” *Lets you do the same* 
-It’s revolting and I love it. 
Joseph (Fluff):
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-He’s already awake. He’s got to get up early and train (Viva reverie reference: “With these tall hat guys for a looooong time!”)  But oops, you just so happened to burrow against him, and your arm seems to have found its way across his stomach. What a predicament, you’re still asleep! He can’t wake you!
-He decides that he just doesn’t have the heart to move you, and wraps his arms around you to pull you even closer. What if you get cold? He’s warm, you’ll be warm next to him!
-He will hold you against him until you wake up, no matter how late it makes him. Punishments be damned. You’re way too cute and this opportunity is way too good to pass up. 
-In all honesty though he’s elated that you want him to hold you. This carries over into you being awake. He’ll be hanging off of you. Hell, He’ll carry you around if you give the okay. He will absolutely kneel so he can carry you around on his shoulders. 
-He’s very handsy, so rip to your personal space. You asked for it, after all. You wanna sit in that chair over there? Aww, that’s too bad. He’s your chair now. 
-Are you complaining tho? He’s got some thicc thighs, you’ll be pretty comfy. 
-Psst his hands are gonna be like twice your size compare hand sizes he will love it
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-He’s already cuddly bb
-But if on the rarest of rare occasions he either 1.) wakes up before you or 2.) Isnt already holding you, and you press closer to him in your sleep, just maybe ball his shirt up in your fists as you clutch at him, yearning for the affection you’re too scared to ask for when you’re awake
-Oh god he cry
-He cry so hard
-He is the (Parker James’ Steven Voice) CEO of bear hugs. Especially if someone as adorable as you is cuddling up against him.
-He will pull you up against him and bury his face in your hair, maybe even falling back asleep himself. (good luck getting out of his embrace when he’s asleep lol There’s no chance.) 
-it is always a nice surprise to wake up cocooned in his arms, his entire body wrapped around you. 
-When you’re both awake, He’ll do lots of little things for you. Absentmindedly rub your back and shoulders, sling an arm around your shoulders, link pinkies, hold hands, forehead kisses
-He will lift you up and spin you around and kiss you but shh don’t tell anyone
-He is
-so GOD damn soft I love him 
18+ ONLY
-He’s in the midst of registering being awake, getting prepared for the day, when he notices that you’re uh
-he can’t help his erection when he sees you bury your face in his neck and grind your hips against him. You’re still asleep, what could you possibly be dreaming about? 
-Oh god if he hears you whimper his name it’s all over for you. 
-Shakes your shoulder, peering into your sleep-gripped eyes and smiles nervously. 
-”Tesoro, would you mind if I made love to you before I left for work?” 
-Your lips on his are answer enough. He’ll thrust into you at a slow, sensual speed, showering you in praises, leaving soft kisses all over your body. Never marking, but always making sure the feeling of his mouth lingers on your skin. 
-He will speak only in italian during this time, so unless you know italian, don’t count on understanding anything he says. (You’ll have a pretty good Idea of what he means tho 👀)
-He will absolutely make sure you won’t be getting out of bed for the rest of the day. He definitely has a way of making your body melt under his touch. He’s never rough. He’s so, so gentle with you, and you’d be surprised how quickly he can have you cumming because of it. 
-If you ask nicely, he’ll stay in bed with you for a little longer afterwards, pressing kisses into your hair and telling you how much he cherishes you
-”You don’t have to be afraid, dolcezza. My arms are always open for you. You’ll find in them nothing but home.” 
-Did you just grab his tiddies?
-He’s in the middle of telling you off when he sees that you’re asleep, mumbling about how you want him to take you, grinding against him. 
-Something feral awakens in him at the sight of you, unknowingly begging for him, and he grabs your wrists, flipping you fast, waking you, and leaning over you, his breath hot against your ear. 
-”Dolcezza, Is it okay if I fuck you?” 
-The answer is yesssssssss
-Oh bby he is R o u g h. He’ll use his stand to hold your arms above your head and push your legs up so far that your thighs will be pressed against your chest, and he will pound into you with a speed and force that’s almost inhuman
-He will kiss you hard, and long, so that when he pulls away, you’re gasping for air, your lips bruised, your eyes rolled into the back of your head. 
-Any qualms he has about being this close to you are out the door. You’ll have deep handprints in your legs from where he was holding them, and the darker the bruise he leaves with his mouth, the happier he is. He doesn’t care where he leaves them, either. Expect some on your chin, your neck, your chest, anywhere he can reach, honestly. But if your lips are bruised, that’s what satisfies him the most. 
-You’ll definitely cum more than once, and once he cums, it’s hard, and he’ll pull you flush against him, breathing heavily, burying his face in your shoulder. Tell him it’s okay, because once he’s come down from his high, his fear that he hurt you is overwhelming. He loves you, after all. Reassure him. Hold him close, and don’t let go. 
-(Once again Julian laugh) Oh ho ho! 
-He’s gonna watch for a minute, but wake you up if the pressure becomes too much for him. He’ll give you a moment to wake up, and then ask you to fuck. 
-(Yes yes yes) 
-He’s like a mix of Abbacchio and Bucciarati. Rough and kinky, but will literally shower you in praise and affection. 
-He likes tugging your hair while taking you from behind (If you have hair. If not, his hands will grip your waist, or reach around to rub your clit/stroke your cock depending. 
-He will kiss down your back while leaning over you, making sure to leave little marks that’ll last, but not long 
-Definitely makes you cum before he does, but if he can, really enjoys cumming together. To him, it adds to the intimacy of the moment. 
-”Oh, Bombolone, do you need me so much that You want me even in your dreams? I’ll wake you each time, I need you more than you know. You are so perfect. You are so wonderful, and adorable, and I love you so much.” 
-He will literally not shut the fuck up during sex but it’s okay because it’s all sweet and loving. 
-Oh jesus christ stroke his ego why dontcha
-if you’ve discussed it beforehand, and you’re into Somnophilia, he’ll fuck you right there. But if not, He’ll take the time to wake you, his ears burning red. 
-”Oi, babe, You were holding onto me kinda tight and grinding your hips against my leg. If you want me that bad, say something.”  
-He will destroy you. Something about seeing you want him when you’re not even aware of what you’re doing? OOF. 
-He also has a bad case of not shutting the fuck up during sex. 
-The best remedy to this is to just pull him down into a kiss while he’s snapping his hips against yours. Hold it for as long as possible. It’ll make his heart happy if you’re bold enough to initiate a kiss as well. 
-He cums before you but will help you cum as well, whether it be eating you out/blowjob or fingering you/handjob. (If you’re AMAB then he’ll let you return the favor tbh) 
-Will shamelessly ask you for a blowjob. If you indulge him, he’s on cloud nine, His hands weaved into your hair, watching your every move as your mouth closes around his cock and your tongue swirls around him. It takes all of his self control not to throat fuck you. 
-Once you’ve reached your limit, he’ll help you into the shower and massage wherever’s sore, washing you off with a gentleness that’s a stark contrast to his movements prior. 
-When did you end up in his sleeping bag? 
-He’s awake before you or Johnny, and he notices you’ve burrowed yourself close to him. You’re also
-Nyo-ho. Oh are you also. 
-He’ll shake your shoulder, and once you’re awake, he’ll flash his grill and lean in, whispering in your ear
-”D’you wanna fuck me that bad that you’re doing it in your sleep, doll?” 
-Who cares if johnny’s sleeping right over there, with your consent, he’s inside of you faster than anything. He’ll give you a moment to adjust to him, and then start off slow, massaging your hips and thighs, whispering how amazing you are. 
-He goes slow, but makes sure he’s down to his full length with every thrust, pressing his lips into the corners of your mouth, then crashing them directly against your lips, not letting you come up for air until your legs are trembling around him. 
-He won’t change things up until he hears a “Please” 
-That’s his favorite word. If you groan out a “Please, Gyro,” And your voice cracks, oh, are you in for a t r e a t. 
-He’ll make you see stars, but shh, don’t get too loud, doll. Johnny’s asleep. If you’re being too loud, he’ll cover your mouth with his hand. 
-Please hold onto him. Wrap your arms and legs around him while he fucks you. He loves it so much. 
-Once you’ve cum, he tumbles not long after, blurting out something in italian that you can only hope to understand if you don’t speak it. (Hint: It’s praises for you and your body.) 
-Once he’s done, he falls back down next to you, pulling you close and pressing his lips to your forehead, deciding that It can be a later start than usual today. Besides, you look so cute curled up against him like that, doll. 
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sophsicle · 2 years
hey there… I hope you’re doing okay. I am not. I am not doing okay. Chapter 54 was traumatising.
Okay no. Let me just- okay. Your writing was beautiful as ever. But I think I started crying when regulus.. died? leaked? In sirius’ dream. And then I never really stopped.
Until… Cerci came. I LOVE HER SO MUCH! and then for a second I was actually happy when she asked out moira (and fucking hell I’ve read like 2 of their interactions and was shipping them already) and then she whispers to regulus who isn’t actually there and then I cried again.
Toms pov was genius from start to beginning. I like that he is simply too arrogant to assume regulus found a way to get the horcrux despite his defences.
Anyway I love the style of writing for Sirius pov (and let me tell you I gasped * audibly * when they were in “the room of death”). But the switch between dream and real life was so harsh it was like actually waking up with Sirius.
Do we get and explanation for how reg actually invaded Sirius’ dreams? I’m assuming it’s some sort of magic because if all of that was really just a dream… it would be very, very weirdly accurate.
James pov was flawless. I adore your characterisation of James. The way he breaks down in front of Frank (love frank btw) is exactly how I headcanon him. Always wanting to fix everyone and everything, willing to die to make other people happy. ngl I kind of wanted him to talk to cerci more because the two both cared so much for reg and tbh they kind of remind me of each other.
I’m absolutely here for Lily storming off and taking her time! As much as I love James, lily has every right to be mad at him and I’m glad you wrote it like that. She loses her whole personality room in a lot of jegulus fics but this is actually how I’d expect (want?) her to react.
Lastly… Lucius deserves to rot in hell. füçk him, honestly. I love cerci so much.
Also I’m still hoping for some Mary pov in the next chapter…?
Anyway love you and thank you so much for writing this <3
Hello lovely! There isn't gonna be an explanation for Regulus invading Sirius's dreams, it's one of those things that I feel like is better left unexplained. It's kinda what I call "muggle magic" not a spell or a potion, just sort of something unexplained. Regulus dies and James can't breathe. Regulus dies and Sirius sees him in his dreams. These moments kind of exist in that in between, between the real and the fantastical and it's up to you, and Sirius, and James, to decide how much faith they want to put in those moments. If that makes sense? Mary is definitely in the next chapter and she has moments with Lily and James but I don't think (emphasis on *think* because things change) she's going to have a POV :)
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