#she’s A.K.I from Street Fighter 6!!!!!!
remy2fang · 8 months
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A.K.I. as Yor Forger SF6 Mod.
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I just realized my mod was featured on EventHubs a long while ago. They said some nice things about it. How many times have I been featured on that site now?
When I saw the trailer for the Spy x Family collab, I thought it would be neat to have A.K.I. dressed as Yor Forger. Tbh I wasn’t disappointed that it was only avatar gear. I am a modder after all and I can make what I want. The in-game assets made it convenient to do too. I thank Capcom for that haha. Plus, there are people who are happy dressing their own characters as Loid and Yor.
Of course, I have to include a version with AKI’s original hair style. She looks great in other hairdos, but her original umbrella hair is the best one—it’s the style that defines A.K.I. 💜💜
I know there are people out there that thought characters like Chun-Li (a mod already exists for her by FishBoy), Juri, or Cammy would fit better…but I like A.K.I. more lol. I’m contemplating on making another Yor Forger mod, but it’s not going to be a character that most people wished. I am a modder after all, and I can do what I want 😜😜. But I’m sure there are other modders out there that might be working on a Cammy or Juri version.
That being said, currently there are three SF6 characters that have Yor Forger mods.
1) A.K.I.
2) Chun-Li
3) F.A.N.G (!)
Yes, I did put FANG in Yor’s clothes (and also Loid’s) 💜🥰💜🥰. Wow, F.A.N.G before Juri and Cammy lol 😅😅. I am a modder after all, and…you know where I’m getting at haha. Though unsurprisingly EventHubs excluded that bit. As much as I enjoy some of the articles on that site, I have the feeling that they’re afraid to showcase such content. Like even if it’s not F.A.N.G and it’s on a more conventionally attractive male character instead, they would shy away from it. I can’t blame them. Even though the FGC is quite diverse, it’s still very hetero-cis-male dominated. It’s understandable that they’re afraid of offending their target audience, but I’m sure a number of EventHub readers are more open minded than what the site writers have expected. Or at least that’s what I believe.
Anyway, here’s the download link:
And a YouTube showcase:
Thanks for reading 💜💜
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sketchmenot-art · 1 year
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A.K.I. - Dark Viper
Drew A.K.I. from Street Fighter 6!
I really reeeeeaaaaally like her~💜 She’s so sick! (and she’d love to make you sick as well~)
I was pleasantly surprised when she was revealed to be an evil psycho! I’m such a sucker for creepy/violently psychotic female characters so of course I already adore her! 💕 😈 💕
Juri will always be my #1 SF gal, but I also wanna give A.K.I. a try! 😁
I was inspired by the song Rigged Game by Machine Girl while working on this piece. I love how this song manages to capture a very venomous feeling somehow, so I felt like it suited A.K.I. quite nicely! 💜
Machine Girl - Rigged Game
Done with Clip Studio Paint EX September 27, 2023
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thedestinysunknown · 1 year
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Street Fighter 6 - A.K.I.:
"Here's a new character for Street Fighter 6 and wow....I'm in love. I've been wanting to see her gameplay since the roster leak was out and she does not dissapoint. She's giving me some Fang x Zafina from Tekken vibes. Moving like a snake. I am in love."
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Street Fighter 6 Roster Character Ages:
Because the game never made it clear how old certain characters are, these are my personal headcanons that are straight up just guesses. I’m going from who I think is the oldest to the youngest. I am also basing the ages around dialogue, behavior, and of course, the year the game takes place, which I’m gonna assume is either mid 2010’s or late 2010’s because of how the smartphones look, and a bit of appearance. I say a bit, because like in real life, characters can be much older than they look. The asterisk next to the ages has more to the guess. (I also project a lot towards the end)
My personal guesses:
Oldest Fighters (Oldest to Youngest)
JP: Mid 60’s
Dhalsim: Mid 60’s (dude has the bushiest and whitest beard imaginable and acts like a grandpa)
Akuma: Early 60’s (He’s not out yet, but that ain’t gonna stop me from guessing that he’s a demon grandpa)
Zangief: Mid to Late 50’s (think about the oldest wrestlers form any wrestling company who have retired and have aged like the finest wines)
Blanka: Mid 50’s (considering that he’s a beast that lived in the Brazilian forest for a very long time while hiding from tourists, I’d like to think that his DNA gave him the best genes that just barely age him)
E. Honda: Late 40’s*
Guile: Late 40’s*
Ryu and Ken: Late 40’s*
Chun-li: Mid 40’s
Deejay: Early 40’s
Youngest Fighters (Oldest to Youngest)
Cammy: Late 30’s to Early 40’s
Juri: Early 30’s (she calls Chun Li an old lady in different ways in World Tour mode, so I’d like to think that specifically, she’s 30-33)
Rashid: Late 20’s (the closest to being 30)
Marisa: Late 20’s*
Ed: Mid to late 20’s (I’d like to think that he is close to being 30, considering that he calls Luke a “Kid” despite looking like he’s in the same age range as him, not to mention that he is shown in the Fighting Ground selection screen very clearly drinking beer, so he’s above the legal drinking age)
Manon: Mid 20’s*
Luke and Jamie: Early 20’s*
A.K.I: Early 20’s (Specifically, she is the last character in the group of characters who are in their 20’s to turn 21)
Kimberly: 18 or 19 years old*
Lily: 18 years old*
Further explanations (The HCs with the asterisks):
Ryu, Ken, and Chun-Li: They’ve been fighting for a long time. Ken and Chun-Li are both parents with kids that are now in their late teens or early twenties now, and Ryu has witnessed both Ken and Chun-Li grow. Specific ages are 49 and 48 for Ryu and Ken and 45 for Chun-Li since it was officially stated that Ryu is 4 years older than her.
Guile: He gives me the vibes of a brother that is only one year older than him. 49 specifically. I ran into a lot more people with siblings who either have a one or two year age gap. I’ve yet to run into someone who’s age gap between their siblings is significantly larger than me and my sister’s (I’m eight years older than my sister)
Marisa: Again, just going off of vibes here, I’d like to think at her age (27-28) she would be seeking out relationships and wanting to have a life long partner, and seems like the type of woman that is into older men like Zangeif. Could be projection, who knows, but with how young she looks? Definitely late 20’s.
Manon: The fashion industry loves to mostly hire women who are 18-25, and considering how young Manon also looks, I’d say she’s 25. I mean, she’s already a master at her craft at her age considering she started judo and ballet training as a child.
Luke and Jamie: To me, they both act like typical college aged men in their early 20’s. Jamie is the frat boy who is a heavy drinker and gets into fights the most, and Luke is the laid back former soldier boy who gets into a fight with drunk frat boy. I can say this, I have heard many stories about college aged men that have personalities similar to Luke and Jamie (hence why I’m not attracted to either of them, sorry to anyone who simps for these two)
Kimberly and Lily: These two a lot of people speculated a lot. People have guessed that Lily is 14-16, for Kimberly, 17 to 19. My personal guess? I think they are in their late teenage years. I have four reasons for this. One, people can be older than they look, especially from Asian media. If you look up literally any Asian celebrity, they look younger than what their actual age is. Japan has depicted characters who are just as young lookin as Kimberly or Lily but they are much older in canon. Two, there are real life young adult women who have body types like Kimberly’s and Lily’s. ESPECIALLY Lily’s. I am 5”0, and I’m 25 years old. I’ve been told I looked 19 at a job I left, in High School, I was mistaken as a freshman when I was actually a senior, when I went with my sister to her middle school registration, there were middle school kids who were taller than I am, and I had to show a cashier my ID at a grocery store (I was looking after a shopping cart which had beer (which was my dad’s and he went to get something at the last minute) to verify that I am over 21 years old. And three, Kimberly and Lily’s outfits would not be age appropriate if they were underage. Finally four, Capcom is not that type of entertainment company that sexualizes underage characters (unless there were before and Capcom just did a good job hiding it) or puts them in revealing outfits despite being underage. Even back then, they never did that.
More explanation on Kimberly: Guile, Juri, and Cammy refer to her as a kid both directly and indirectly. Not to mention how she acts too. She acts like any 18-19 year old who are a little too curious about certain things to the point where they take so many risks. I mean, think about it. Even at 18 or 19, a teenager will still think they are invincible or super tough even though they’ve been through a few typical middle school and high school moments that you can think of. Kimberly went further into the rabbit hole about the death of her uncle and has fought JP in her story. So it’s safe to say that she is a late teenager who takes risks despite the fact that it puts her in danger. Chun-Li also jokingly says that Kimberly’s youth is somewhat “blinding” to her.
More explanation in Lily: She displays some curiosity most 18 year olds would show, especially since she travels the most out of everyone on the roster. Not to mention that most 18 year olds don’t just magically grow out of most their childlike behavior. Plus, there’s the whole mistaken-as-underage-because-of-her-height situation she has. And if she was underage, again, going back to Capcom not sexualizing underage characters or putting them in outfits that are too revealing, she wouldn’t have the booty shorts that show a peek of her buttcheeks. I have worn short shorts (not the ones with my big butt out). Then again, I could be projecting since I am petite like she is, except she has the petite body type and I’m a shortstack (because boobs and butt).
Edit: A weird edit because Tumblr needs to fix this issue with my comment being eaten every time I want to respond to a comment on here (like seriously Tumblr actually fix this). I was informed by @sunkern-plus (thank you very much for the information) that Cammy is younger than Chun-Li and is closer to Sakura’s age with Sakura being a few months (I’m guessing two to three months) older than Cammy, so possibly 38-40. Pretty much one of the very few times in any Capcom canon there has been a more clear answer on a character’s age.
Edit 2: I forgot to list Rashid, so he has been added.
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Justification: “First off, it'd free us from the annoying "A.K.I. having intense romantic interest in F.A.N.G." dynamic, which literally incenses me because it's a misogynistic trope for one thing (the whole "female character is romantically obsessed with her male mentor who literally doesn't care about her" trope), and second, it'd make so much sense for her. Even if the trauma of surviving child prostitution to raise money and make up for the severe neglect she suffered in childhood didn't kill her interest in romantic ANYTHING (as I personally see her as caedromantic), the poison training (where she dips her hands in deadly poison to test her devotion to the art of assassination and F.A.N.G.) probably would. Plus, it'd make so much more sense for her character: she probably has little to no actual romantic interest in ANYONE, and is far more interested in selling medicine by day and being a super cool assassin by night. Sorry A.K.I x Rashid and A.K.I. x Kimberly fans, I feel like she's completely aromantic (by way of caedromanticism) to me.”
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demifiendrsa · 1 year
Street Fighter 6 - A.K.I. Gameplay Trailer
Japanese version
Street Fighter 6 DLC character A.K.I. will launch on September 27, 2023. A.K.I. will be unlocked for owners of the Deluxe Edition, Ultimate Edition, or Year 1 Character Pass. Players can also try out A.K.I. for free for one hour with one Rental Fighter ticket, obtainable via the in-game Fighting Pass.
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Latest details
A.K.I. draws much of her poisonous personality and inspiration from her master F.A.N.G, who was first introduced in Street Fighter V. In the single-player World Tour mode, players can learn more about A.K.I.’s interest in the evil Shadaloo organization and help her find her herbal medicine in Tian Hong Yuan, a new location for players to meet their newest Master and apply her deadly moves to their custom avatar.
Speaking of deadly moves, check some of them out below… if you dare:
Serpent Lash – From a distance, A.K.I. sends her nails flying forward like a chain, poisoning enemies she hits. When she strikes an opponent who is already poisoned, a Toxic Blossom will trigger an explosion and open enemies up to follow-up attacks.
Nightshade Pulse – A.K.I. sends a bubble forward that also poisons enemies it hits. She can strike the bubble with Nightshade Chaser to pop it in advance, increasing its area of effect.
Orchid Spring – A.K.I. places a puddle of poison in front of her which will affect opponents who step inside it.
Sinister Slide – Slither across the screen to avoid threats while stalking forward and perform follow-up moves like Venomous Fang, Heel Strike, or Entrapment.
Claws of Ya Zi – A.K.I.’s Level 3 Super Art pierces various pressure points on an opponent’s body and injects a poison that dangerously detonates from within.
A.K.I. and her elegant Outfit 2 will be available for owners of the Year 1 Character Pass, Deluxe Edition, or Ultimate Edition on September 27. Get a taste of her poison for an hour with a Rental Fighter ticket, which can be obtained via the Fighting Pass.
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doamarierose-honoka · 3 months
The prospect of bringing Elena back was a scary one for players who spent a lot of time in Ultra Street Fighter 4, but that's a reality we'll all soon be living in — though the developers appear to be keenly aware of fan concerns.
Following the reveal of Season 2 DLC also including M. Bison Terry Bogard and Mai Shiranui, Street Fighter 6 Director Takayuki Nakayama and Producer Shuhei Matsumoto recently had an interview with Japanese publication Famitsu where they talk about the first Street Fighter 3 character coming back to the roster and her infamous healing powers.
Thanks to the talents of our own Nicholas 'MajinTenshinhan' Taylor, we now have a full translation of their discussion to provide more insights on the team's thought process for the upcoming DLC.
Famitsu: You're also adding Elena from the Street Fighter 3 series. Was there any particular reason for bringing her back?
Nakayama: First of all, we didn't have a capoeira user at the moment and we also wanted to have someone who was from Africa, which were two big reasons for including her.
We were thinking about making a brand new African character, but we felt like if we did that'd leave no room for Elena later so we chose to bring her back instead.
Famitsu: You're working hard to not have overlapping nationalities and fighting styles, then?
Nakayama: That's right. We're always trying to bring in nationalities or martial arts that aren't represented yet. In Street Fighter 6, we added Snake Kung-Fu on our poison user A.K.I. and Drunken Fist with Jamie when we made new characters.
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Although the interviewer brings it up, the Director himself doesn't specifically mention her being a SF3 representative as part of the reasoning to bring her back.
This is quite interesting since SF6 is the first entry to fully take place after Third Strike, but it seems we won't be getting caught up with basically any of the New Generation era cast until almost two years after the game came out.
Famitsu: As usual, she'll be mostly fighting with her legs?
Nakayama: Yeah. We're right in the middle of developing her right now, but please look forward to further news down the line.
And then there's of course what all USF4 players were wondering about.
Famitsu: I'm quite curious about Healing... ?
Nakayama: During Ultra Street Fighter 4, I saw a tournament which had Rose, Yun and Elena and the matches became extremely long.
We're very aware of this in our development, so please don't worry about Healing.
Everyone: Hahaha.
Nakayama: For some inside info, the idea of "how about she heals her opponent instead?" was raised, but obviously this was rejected, haha.
This does certainly make it sound like Elena does have Healing again in SF6 though they don't plan on it being quite as strong.
Back when she was re-introduced in Ultra Street Fighter 4, Elena became something of a menace at most skill levels because of her Ultra 2.
She could easily and consistently knock the opponent down and send them flying basically full screen with moves like Spin Scythe and Scratch Wheel to give her an opening for Healing on their recovery.
Most characters didn't have a consistent punish to this tactic, so she'd often get it off for basically free and force the opponent to do enough damage to basically KO Elena 1.5 times to get a win — and then she could just do it again the next round (or sometimes twice in one round if she recovered enough).
It also certainly helped that it only took her Revenge Meter, so she was still free to use her EX moves and Super without a tradeoff.
As the Director mentioned, this could slow down and draw out matches longer than basically any time in SF4's history, which of course drew some ire from the playerbase.
If we had to take a guess, Healing will most likely be Elena's level 2 Super Art in SF6 judging by how the developers tend to set up the characters in this game. And maybe it'll refill her Drive Gauge instead or at least give her the option to.
On top of that being a fairly expensive cost, SF6's mechanics like Drive Rush and almost no hard knockdowns presumably would make healing much riskier than SF4.
Elena already had Healing in SF3 too and wasn't really good there, so it was largely how Ultra SF4 was set up that led to her being more of a menace.
Famitsu: In the trailer, she really gives off a kind of a big sister vibe, so are we to take that as her growing up from her previous appearance?
Nakayama: Of course, time has passed for her just like the rest of the characters, so she has grown. She pets a hippopotamus in one scene, and that's also going to be related to her story.
Previously, the Director talked about how players would probably be surprised and say things like "what are you doing?" in regards to SF6 Season 2, and he certainly seems to be right by bringing Elena back plus the series' first guest characters.
Players will likely be waiting many more months until we actually learn more about Elena in detail and see her in action considering she's the last character scheduled to release in Year 2 all the way in Spring 2025.
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satoshi-mochida · 1 year
Street Fighter 6 DLC character A.K.I. launches September 27
Gematsu Source
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Street Fighter 6 downloadable content character A.K.I. will launch on September 27, Capcom announced. A.K.I. will be unlocked for owners of the Deluxe Edition, Ultimate Edition, or Year 1 Character Pass.
Here is an overview of the fighter, via Capcom:
A.K.I. draws much of her poisonous personality and inspiration from her master F.A.N.G, who was first introduced in Street Fighter V. In the single-player World Tour mode, players can learn more about A.K.I.’s interest in the evil Shadaloo organization and help her find her herbal medicine in Tian Hong Yuan, a new location for players to meet their newest Master and apply her deadly moves to their custom avatar. Speaking of deadly moves, check some of them out below… if you dare:
Serpent Lash – From a distance, A.K.I. sends her nails flying forward like a chain, poisoning enemies she hits. When she strikes an opponent who is already poisoned, a Toxic Blossom will trigger an explosion and open enemies up to follow-up attacks.
Nightshade Pulse – A.K.I. sends a bubble forward that also poisons enemies it hits. She can strike the bubble with Nightshade Chaser to pop it in advance, increasing its area of effect.
Orchid Spring – A.K.I. places a puddle of poison in front of her which will affect opponents who step inside it.
Sinister Slide – Slither across the screen to avoid threats while stalking forward and perform follow-up moves like Venomous Fang, Heel Strike, or Entrapment.
Claws of Ya Zi – A.K.I.’s Level 3 Super Art pierces various pressure points on an opponent’s body and injects a poison that dangerously detonates from within.
A.K.I. and her elegant Outfit 2 will be available for owners of the Year 1 Character Pass, Deluxe Edition, or Ultimate Edition on September 27. Get a taste of her poison for an hour with a Rental Fighter ticket, which can be obtained via the Fighting Pass.
Street Fighter 6 is available now for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series, and PC via Steam.
Watch a new trailer below. View a new set of screenshots at the gallery.
A.K.I. Gameplay Trailer
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gaymer-hag-stan · 9 months
Characters I Mained This Year
1. Chun-Li - Street Fighter 6
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I have always kept Chun-Li in my roster in previous iterations of Street Fighter but she was never a Main. Until her SF6 redesign! I've had tons of fun with the game in general but with Chun-Li in particular as well. When the entire base roster and season 1 DLC leaked A.K.I. immediately caught my eye and I thought she would be my main, but after realising that she wasn't part of the launch roster I immediately focused on Chun-Li and even now that A.K.I. is out and she is part of my roster, Chun-Li stayed in place!
2. Testament - Guilty Gear -Strive-
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Strive's redesigning of characters confused me a bit. At first I immediately picked up I-No and then I thought that I would switch for Jack-O' when she was announced but I didn't really vibe with Strive Jack-O' as much as I did with GGXrdR Jack-O' so I stuck to I-No but I wasn't 100% content. I love I-No and I've played her in the past but I wanted something more. After finally getting Testament I was hooked. I knew they were the one and I'm so happy with my choice!
3. Nina Williams - Tekken 7
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Nina is of course my forever Queen and she will always be so of course she's on this list. Not much more to say, I've mained her since I was a kid so she stays on top as the Queen of Tekken!
4. Trish (& X-23 & Phoenix) - Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
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UMVC3 is of course a team game, it's just that I think of Trish as the "leader" of the team of shorts. I'm still struggling with this game, I think I always will, but it's always a nice change of pace from my usual Tekken sessions and these three girlies are my favourites to play as.
5. Mai Shiranui (&Luong &B. Jenet) - The King of Fighters XV
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Now that the game's online was finally fixed I was able to get my ass kicked properly online with my girls! To tell you the truth I'm still not 100% sure if I'm sold on Jenet. I love her, obviously, but I'm not sure if she's main team material. Mai and Luong are staying for sure, but if Mature and Vice finally make it in a possible upcoming season, Mature is probably rejoining my main team!
6. Android 18 (& Android 21 & Trunks)
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In a game with only four playable ladies (and one palette swap) I struggled a lot to find my team as I'm not really a Dragon Ball fan, I just have a general idea of who the characters are and what they do with their life. Android 18 was an obvious first choice and so was 21, but then I grew unexpectedly fond of Trunks (plustheothertwoladiesarenotuptomystandars) hence how he made the cut!
7. Neco-Arc - Melty Blood: Type Lumina
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I always pick my mains based on looks and then personality and gameplay so Neco-Arc came as a breath of fresh air in a game like MBTL, let's be very honest. She has a distinct lack of cuntiness compared to the rest of my mains that made the top this year but I think she more than makes up for it in the personality department!
8. Mileena - Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate
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It's taking me a while longer to upgrade to MK1 because I'm broke, so I took as much advantage as I could of MK11U's final hours and my main girl is of course still my number one. I'm not sure who I'll pick in MK1 though... I feel like, for the first time since Deadly Alliance, Nitara may be the one..!
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succ-princess · 1 year
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Name: Jung-Hwa (정화) Surname-May-Vary •Goes By: Jun (順)
Nationality: Half S. Korean, Half Swedish
Gender: Full Package Futanari •Position - Submissive
Occupation: Final Year Highschool (Cosplayer, Streamer, etc)
Eye Color: Silver Hair Color: Silk Raven Black Hair Style: Long, even cut bangs (these vary wildly when cosplaying)
Measurements: Height - 155cm (5'1") Bust - 153cm (60) •O Cup Waist - 58cm (23) Hips - 90cm (35) Cock length: 12" (grows with each edged load) Ball Size: Orange+ (grows with edged loads) Cum amount: 2+ cups minimal
Personality: Jun is generally a helpful, kind, and honestly very naive person. As her story progresses she'll also assuredly be corrupted much more into a truly lewd plaything, until then however. . Just hiding how nerdy she can be.
Background: Jun is an above average sized Streamer (especially because when she games the only thing she plays is fighting games), much more popular Cosplayer, and all around well liked content creator. She happily goes by e-girl despite not having very many e-girl qualities, her cosplays can be revealing but she also loves every character she cosplays, has watched the anime, played the game, and enjoys getting to dress up like them. She's a member of the FGC (fighting game community) and has been playing them since she was 6, taught by her late father. Her Morrigan Aensland cosplay was done out of love for the name Aensland, and her adoration of the Vampire series (she main'd Lilith though, shh). Waaiit. . Jun hadn't done these things. Her online handle NEPHiLiM had. In fact, her 'normal' life and creator life were completely separated from one another, and for many reasons, mostly ones that she still kept behind yet another layer of secrecy.
Jun's favorite things:
Jun's favorite bands/music?
A few of Jun's favorite Anime/Manga?
Chainsaw Man (literal favorite piece of fiction) Steins;Gate (was my favorite anime for a long long time, Okaba is one of the best MCs) D.Grey-Man Hunter x Hunter A few of the many FGs you can play with her: BlazBlue Central Fiction (i don't think i'll ever enjoy any other game as much as i do BBCF, BB is 'Gimmick Character ; The Game!' so every character feels like they're from a different game almost, it's incredibly fun, but learning every matchup is a pain in the butt) Tekken 7 (have a long story here but damn. . . played Tekken the first time in 2023, and it's easily the game i play the most) Guilty Gear -strive- (sorry everyone i am dissapointed to report i had to secondary Jack-O', after spending so much time away from the game because of the bad man (in case your confused: Happy Chaos), i decided to finally learn Ram, and I've been crushing it.) Street Fighter 6 (i actually wasn't playing this very much despite it being the new big thing, and i mean it's been breaking records for number of people playing at tournaments, but. . A.K.I. just released, and guess what. . my character crises is over. will still probably switch to Ibuki when she's release, or just dual main, but yeah. . found a main <3)
May add to any of this at some point if needed.
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extremeeastfgc · 1 year
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Street Fighter 6 - A.K.I.
『ストリートファイター6』 A.K.I.
Her magnum opus!
💅 During A.K.I.’s Level 3 Super, Claws of Ya Zi, she pierces various pressure points on the enemy’s body and injects a poison that detonates from within. You don't want to get tied up in this.
#スト6 9/27 16時よりA.K.I.参戦🐍
#StreetFighter6 #Capcom #AKI
#ストリートファイター6 #StreetFighter #SF6 #スト6
#Capcom #StreetFighter6 #SF6 #スト6
#ストリートファイター6 #StreetFighter #SF #スト
#カプコン #fightinggamecommunity
#FGC #fightinggames #fightinggame
#格闘ゲーム #格ゲー #jogosdeluta
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remy2fang · 5 months
Hi!!! I'm getting back into SF after six years of not being active in the fandom. A.K.I is one of my favorite newcomers and she's slowly becoming one of my all time favorites in the franchise.
I have a question, do we have an estimate for her age? I worry that she might be being sexualized whilst not being of age herself since I keep seeing different answers. This has happened before to characters like Sakura, Ibuki, Elena and the other schoolgirls and it's a trend I hate to see in fandom. If A.K.I turns out to be a minor I'm going to have throw down with some people.
Hi there and welcome back to the SF fandom! I notice a lot of people are getting into or going back to SF because of how cool A.K.I. is 💜💜. She has an unknown age, but according to Japanese devs notes, A.K.I. is relatively one of the youngest characters in the roster.
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Takayuki Nakayama himself said that AKI is at least older than Lily, who also has an unknown age.
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Lily looks veeeery young, but she’s actually older than she looks. Some people from the modding community said she’s 19, but there’s no solid source for that. If anything, I trust ryo_redcyclone the most because they are very passionate and serious about Street Fighter lore. I’ll just stick to the concept of Lily and AKI being the youngest, but AKI is older and Lily is older than she looks. No solid ages, but just ideas of their ages.
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Also the three-part TOXICITY story that was published on the official SFV website back in 2018 where F.A.N.G meets a young kid A.K.I. (was called Phantom back then) was supposed to take place after the events of SFV. Estimated by some strong SF lore enthusiast fans, Street Fighter 6 might have taken place 8 to 10 years after SFV. English version of TOXICITY called Phantom a “young woman”, but that could be a censorship reason because that story is WEEIIIRD and I could imagine the outrage for the actual translation. Japanese version called her a “girl” and mentioned that she’s a “minor” at that time. SF6 Illustrations of AKI’s memories depicted her as a little girl when she met FANG and while training under him.
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In my estimation based on all these facts and strong lore enthusiasts’ conjectures, I think AKI could be between 18 to 22 years old, depending on what age she met FANG, and the time between TOXICITY and SF6 (TOXICITY takes place after SFV). AKI gotta be at least 10 years old when she met FANG because she’s at that age where she’s old enough to form crushes. Her memory suggests love at first sight when she first met him.
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Sorry that I could only provide an estimation rather than a solid age answer, but I hope these dev notes, in-game dialogues and images, and lore enthusiast conclusions could give you a strong idea of how old AKI is.
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nmarfo · 1 year
Talking about EVO, even though I don't play fighting games.
So EVO was this past weekend, and I actually watched finals to see the announcements! It was neat, even if I think the idea of needing to win 6 games if you came out of the losers bracket is an impossible advantage(Winners bracket only needs 3 wins).
I don't play fighting games, but I like cool character designs, and the stories they can tell, particularly with Mortal Kombat 1, the 2nd reboot of Mortal Kombat.
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I've been super interested in the stories of Mortal Kombat since the 1st reboot in 2011, and for this one they seem to be bring back a lot of the 3D era(Deadly Alience/Decpection/Arrmogedden) characters, such as Li Mei, Tanya and in the latest trailer, Havik and Ashrah. as well is turning Reptile seemly into a creation of Shang Tsung. It's going to be interesting to see how this world plays out.
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Onwards to Tekken 8, and gosh, the new character, Azucena looks amazing and I love her. She seems focused on Dodging and countering and it looks like she's a ton of fun if you master her. Tekken in particular seems to be able to convey a country's culture through it's fighters, partucally from South America and Asia.
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There was also the reveal of OG Raven(Instead of Master Raven), but I'm hoping that Alisa Bosconovitch, a very cute robot girl comes back, she uses chainsaws in Tekken 7 and she's pretty awesome! The Network test says she's next, so I'm pretty hopeful on that front!
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Lastly I wanna talk about Street FIghter 6... and dear lord this game keeps me giving women that are hot, and impossible not to love.
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This is A.K.I, the replacement for F.A.N.G in this instalment of Street Fighter. I saw a tweet saying that her and Juri are part of the "I can fix her, but whatever is wrong with her is way hotter" club, and I can agree there honestly. They are very hot when they are being batshit insane. Street Fighter has always had some great character designs, and this seems to be no expectation. I could have sworn Ed was before AKI though, but whatever.
But yea, I just wanted to talk about some cool stuff since I'm still not sure how to use this platform. Hope y'all have a good day.
(also I have art, I'll get it up soon)
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remy2fang · 4 months
TOXICITY was a Future Sneak Peak of the SF6 Story
This three-part story was published on the official Capcom site back in February 16, 2018, which was exactly 2 years after SFV was released. During that same time, development of Street Fighter 6 began, starting with a 92-page proposal. Most projects tend to change their plans. But for SF6, the entire plan was mostly intact, so not much has changed from the proposal.
Going back to TOXICITY, most people saw this story as an introduction to A.K.I., a new character for Street Fighter 6. That is in itself true, and it is neat that we knew of her back many years ago. I know for sure I was curious about her ever since I started my F.A.N.G craze back in summer 2019. But Toxicity provided more than just teasing a future SF6 character. Toxicity is a 2018 glimpse of the setting and story that would unfold in SF6. Most of it was teased on the first chapter.
Toxicity sets the vibe of streets and gangs, particularly of organized crime in which F.A.N.G is a part of for almost the entirety of his life. The game itself has a strong streets theme and has a number of gangs in World Tour mode that includes Mad Gear, Canary Crates, Crows, and some others.
It is said in Toxicity that F.A.N.G goes by many names, which holds true in SF6. Not only does he go by Fang Fei when you meet him in Metro City, but he also goes by Foo when he sends texts messages to you when you’re doing the Neo Shadaloo mission from the Akuma update. If you didn’t notice it while playing this side quest, yes, Foo is F.A.N.G. His profile pic gave it away with the hat, the double O’s for the glasses, the F for his head and frame, and the purple smoke background. Also, he has a fixation on getting M. Bison info and not caring about Neo Shadaloo (the AKI mission showed that he’s not in good terms with JP). Furthermore, the speech pattern sounds very FANG-like lol.
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Speaking of M. Bison, if anyone is shocked, surprised, or upset that he’s coming back, I gotta tell you that this too was mentioned in the Toxicity story. That was in 2018. It’s said that F.A.N.G wanted to revive Shadaloo, and that still holds true when playing A.K.I.’s arcade mode. Not only does FANG wanted to revive the organization, but he believes that Bison isn’t truly dead. At first I thought of Bison’s spirit, because that’s what we saw in SFV through Ed’s story mode. That’s not the case. Bison was resurrected. He is now alive, roaming around the world on a horse that he revived (I see a theme here). F.A.N.G is right. Bison isn’t dead after all.
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Also, look at this illustration here. See what F.A.N.G is wearing around his neck? That emblem used to be on M. Bison’s hat. And where is his hat? At the Neo Shadaloo ruined lab stage. Toxicity throwback right here.
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After finishing the Neo Shadaloo side quest, if you go to the Suval'hal Arena in Nayshall at night, you’ll see a former Doll Trainee. Unlike the other hopeful Dolls that you find at the same location during the day, this one is jaded and chose to work for F.A.N.G when he found her. This begs the question, how many subordinates does F.A.N.G really have? Not only does he have A.K.I. and this Doll, but he also has contacts with moles within Neo Shadaloo. He also collaborates with Experimental Subject Lee, who was a victim of Neo Shadaloo. Go figure, this Lee guy was freed from a bad guy and then end up working with another lol. If people are amazed that FANG can round up people for his evil cause, don’t be. In Toxicity, F.A.N.G was already an influential figure in the criminal underworld long before he joined Shadaloo. He used fear and power to command respect. Now that Shadaloo is “no more,” FANG went back to that life of gangs and crime, but uses civility instead of intimidation. With FANG selling medicine on the streets and how the Doll described how she joined him, it seems to go in line with what was said in Toxicity with his more “kinder” approach.
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(Don’t mind my A.K.I. avatar mod lol)
I must also mention that there’s another group, but it’s not clear if they’re associated with F.A.N.G or not. Their organization is called “The Poison Appreciator's Assassination Research Society.” They’re around Haggar Stadium at night in Metro City. They use code names like Pufferfish, Scorpion, Platypus, Urchin, and 20 other poisonous animals. They also look like FANG with their black outfits, hats, and shades. Even though they have a poison theme going on, their fighting style isn’t poisonous at all. They all use a generic fighting style and throw ranches at you. Oddly enough, they never mentioned about FANG nor some kind of poison leader. And FANG didn’t mention about them either. A.K.I. is aware about this group, but from the sounds of it, only by word of mouth. So she’s not close to them. It could be possible that this organization of assassins formed independently without knowing FANG.
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That’s all the Toxicity stuff I can think of that end up going into SF6 itself. It’s a F.A.N.G-centric story, but the A.K.I. dlc summarized parts of it from her point of view. She mentioned how she met F.A.N.G and that she got her name from him. But she didn’t mention about his special dagger (I still wonder if that’s gonna show up later in SF6?). She also said that she can’t be “emotionally” attached to him because of the nature of their profession, even though she secretly loves him. Someday they might kill each other if such a time comes. In Toxicity, it is said that FANG was ordered to kill his “brothers” that he used to care so deeply about. And that in itself “robbed him of his emotions.” I doubt AKI would kill FANG in SF6 because that would throw off the AKI dlc stuff in WT and the whole point of her character in SF6 is being a FANG loyalist. The ultimate face off would probably happen in a later game. But not in SF6. Good, I don’t want FANG to go just yet…hopefully I’m not speaking too soon on this!
Regarding about A.K.I.’s “brother” in Toxicity, FANG assumed the two of them were siblings from his point of view. From AKI’s memory in SF6, she tagged along with other impoverished kids on the streets as they steal, mug, and pickpocket to survive. The “brother” she was with is actually just another kid. They’re not related. I had to lay this out because I noticed people were still asking about the “brother.”
In the end, I think it’s neat that we had a little taste of SF6 years ago through a F.A.N.G-centric story. Who knows, maybe more things will arise in later dlc. I still want to see F.A.N.G’s dagger in SF6. Even Rashid unintentionally made a metaphor of it!
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(Don’t mind the hot Rashid mod I’m using!)
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remy2fang · 5 months
Street Fighter 6 character birthday commentary audio
From November 11 to April 15. I’ve compiled these into one vid. Characters include A.K.I., Dhalsim, Guile, Juri, Cammy, Blanka, Ken, Luke, Chun-Li, and Kimberly.
I’m still a little salty on the AKI one and much preferred the Japanese version where it says that “she adores him so much that she almost poisoned him” rather than the doom and gloom one of the English version. And I swear, I’m not one of those people that think everything in Japan is better—I’m just F.A.N.G bias, that’s all.
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remy2fang · 6 days
The A.K.I. & F.A.N.G Thing in Street Fighter 6
Some people call it a ship. To me, I honestly don’t know what it is up to this day, so I just call it a dynamic. To me, ships have to be a two-way street, which A.K.I. and F.A.N.G’s relationship doesn’t have. A.K.I.’s infatuation for F.A.N.G is one-sided.
F.A.N.G is the father figure and A.K.I. is the adopted daughter. It is also the relationship between Master and Apprentice.
How did the most bizarre Street Fighter relationship started? I’ll explain based on what happened in Toxicity (which I read many times) and in AKI’s World Tour memory in SF6 (which I’ve played many times). I’ll try to keep this summary short and simple.
A.K.I. was a child living in the countryside and her parents work in the city. Her parents entrusted their relatives to take care of their child. A.K.I. didn’t get along with her relatives, so she ran away from them and head towards the city to find her parents. She eventually found them, but her parents didn’t make her feel at home. Eventually, A.K.I. became a street child and it is implied that the parents neglected her. This of course, would affected her psych. A.K.I. and other impoverished street children did all they can to survive, including stealing, mugging, and pickpocketing. And then A.K.I. and an older boy schemed a plan to blackmail child predators for money. First, let me get this out of the way. A.K.I. was never a child prostitute, nor was she ever trafficked. She only pretended to be one in order to have her accomplice record enough footage to blackmail her potential victims, frame them as pedophiles, report them to authorities, and scam money out of them. She didn’t have to do any physical contact with anyone. Nevertheless, she and her partner did this scheme because they need to survive their poverty stricken state. The plan failed when they tried it on F.A.N.G because the country’s database does not have his identity file. Plus, he’s not a creep and is not interested in that stuff. Nevertheless, he thought the plan was clever from both children.
Right after the scam didn’t work, A.K.I. actually became obsessed with F.A.N.G, at least that’s what she said from her World Tour memories for in-game SF6. What she saw was a man shrouded in darkness and she wanted to learn everything about him. So that means her infatuation started before she was raised by FANG. Later on, she saw him more as a father figure (Japanese dialogue made it more obvious), but FANG forbade her from calling him as such because their line of work might have them fight to the death (this was also based from FANG’s own tragic past). So AKI opted to call him “teacher” in Chinese, which also could mean “husband.” Basically, AKI reverted back to her crush phase but also weirdly acknowledging FANG as an adopted father.
Despite her strong feelings towards FANG, AKI is highly intelligent and is aware that FANG will not love her back in that manner, and she accepts that. Just FANG praising her would make her happy, and it doesn’t have to go any further than that. FYI, FANG may seem uncaring, but the first time he met kid AKI, he was actually reminded of himself when he had to deal with poverty, but his childhood was far more violent. He took her in because he saw that she has a strength that’s potentially greater than his and she would become his successor.
Thats the sum of it.
It’s never officially explained how A.K.I. manages to see F.A.N.G both as father and “husband.” But with fan speculation, there’s a belief that AKI suffers from abandonment and neglect due to past experiences with her family, so she puts all of her love into FANG. She knew there’s a possibility that he would abandon her if she’s not deemed useful, which I find it ironic because FANG already invested years of his life training and teaching AKI to be his next successor. Also she hates everyone, except FANG. Although not officially stated, this could be due to FANG’s principles being passed down to AKI. Life as an assassin, it’s a liability to have emotional attachment towards anyone, including towards FANG, which he himself learned the hard way. AKI seems to take this to heart, except she still loves her Master. Not really sure why she broke that rule for him, but maybe because she already formed attachments for him before the training started. Also, FANG has done so much for AKI after all, considering she had nothing when living on the streets. It’s really no wonder she loves him despite being discouraged to. And…there were signs that even FANG broke his principles for AKI, even though he may be unaware of it. There’s another reason why AKI hates everyone , but this is probably more of a stretch. Her life on the streets had her learn that everyone must fend for themselves and that the world is uncaring. And perhaps even her partner in crime on the streets was also just as uncaring and selfish as everyone else. Again, that’s probably a stretch.
How do I feel about the FANG and AKI dynamic? Admittedly, it’s still a complicated thing for me, even though I love it very much. On one hand, I always want them to have a wholesome adoptive father and daughter relationship, and that was long before the SF6 roster leak from June 2022. On the other hand, AKI’s crush mirrors my feelings for FANG, as it does for those who feel the same way about him. I think AKI is cute and funny for that. Which is ironic, because from 2022 and before I swore to myself that I would block any content that would put FANG and AKI in a creepy old man preying on a young girl relationship. But one of my circle of friends pointed out that FANG and AKI are not blood related, so there’s no incest involved. I didn’t know how to respond to that because all of us weren’t sure how the AKI/FANG was going to be like canonically when the game wasn’t even out yet. But also, I was a Fujoshi and still am because I’d rather have FANG be shipped with Bison or some other male character lol. But the more I learn about the dynamic with a few hints here and there before AKI’s dlc release, I became somewhat more open minded about it. A lot of it has to do with AKI pursuing FANG rather than the other way around. Again, I truly relate to how AKI feels about FANG. And there were early cute official art where FANG wanted to run away from her, so he doesn’t reciprocate his feelings towards her. Even up to this day, Capcom keeps on pumping cute art of AKI fangirling over FANG. So at this point, I’m totally fine with this kind of gag relationship because it works. In fact, I actually one my favorite things. It’s super entertaining, funny, and oddly endearing. A.K.I.’s intense love is problematic, but F.A.N.G rejects her advances so the awkward situations would not go any further. More reason to love F.A.N.G. He may be one of the most vile and evil villains of Street Fighter, but the man is not a creep and he has standards. But also, this dynamic works because both F.A.N.G and A.K.I. are villains. They are allowed to have this weird relationship because they’re not a beacon of purity. It would be a totally different story if they’re good guys. It would be really icky if they’re good guys. At least in AKI and FANG’s case, no actual intimacy is involved, even though they’re villains. It’s all only in AKI’s head lol. As long as F.A.N.G does not reciprocate, then I’m fine with that. Also, A.K.I. understands boundaries when she’s in the presence of her master, so she has to behave lol.
Most of the fanart I’ve seen of AKI & FANG depicted them in a canonical sense with an extra dose of cutesy, so I’m glad most fans understand the funny one-sided love dynamic from A.K.I. Yes, there are people who love this relationship between these two characters because they think it’s cute and funny. Very seldom do I see creepy art of the two. Thankfully it wasn’t a lot. A reciprocating FANG? Im not gonna judge those who like it, but I’ll be honest that I am not into that lol. But of course, the best fanarts are just simple parent and child, which was something I actually hoped for years before AKI’s reveal. I love cute and wholesome things the most. Testasase is my favorite artist as she perfectly depicts this dynamic. Her art truly speaks to me: https://x.com/testasase?s=21&t=iEGeYIIN_aP028wRnoVcUQ
It’s understandable that people don’t like this dynamic, or just A.K.I.’s part in it, because it goes against their moral code. Just to be clear, even though the canonical AKI and FANG dynamic is my current most favorite thing now, that does NOT mean I’m OK with the incest or adoptive family having romantic/sexual relationships with each other, even if they’re fictional. I still convulse whenever I see these kinds of subject matter. I skipped scenes from “House of the Dragon” (good show btw) because they disturbed me. AKI & FANG works for me because of the reasons I mentioned above. Otherwise, that kind of stuff gives me negative reactions.
But I will admit, my love for the AKI and FANG dynamic stems from the thought that FANG will not be forgotten. I have been a F.A.N.G girl for years. I love him very much, but it really hurts every time I try to find good content of him online because I always have to see slander about him. It’s always “FANG is the worst. FANG will never come back. FANG will be forgotten. I’m glad the new waifu is gonna replace him.” If AKI is indeed a FANG replacement, then I don’t want her to stop obsessing over him. Her always talking about him and admiring him was what keeps FANG in everyone’s memories. If AKI were to lose that, at least bring FANG back as a playable character. I’d like to see both F.A.N.G and A.K.I. playable in the same game. But if AKI were to forget about him and F.A.N.G doesn’t come back playable, then Street Fighter will be over for me. SF6 AKI will be her best rendition for me if future iterations make her stop talking about him. I’m fine with AKI being romantically involved with someone else like Rashid, Juri, Chun-Li, or whoever as long as she still highly admires and loves FANG as a father figure (no romantic feelings towards him). I want her to keep on talking about him in a respectable manner. It’s funny for me that I say this, because FANG is in SF6 in World Tour mode and has been receiving steady updates with his story. And he’ll surely have more coming right up based on the unused audio files. But not everyone plays World Tour mode. Most people play Fighting Ground and Online Ranked, so of course there’s a lot of people who still think FANG is not in the game, nor do they understand his importance to the story in SF6. And that is why I’m happy AKI still talks about him even when she fights online. I can’t speak for other fans of this dynamic, but that’s how I feel about it.
I dare say, AKI represents how I feel. She is a character that is made for me (not intentionally). I love her design, I love her personality, I love her play style, I love her backstory, I love her quirks, I love her umbrella hair, and I love her obsession about FANG. Not everyone can say the last bit, but that’s why A.K.I. is indeed a character made for me and those who too embrace that aspect of her. Atgrbread, whose AKI art was selected for the New Challengers screen for SF6, really really love the AKI and FANG dynamic. She is truly a mega A.K.I. fan and her winning spot in the game is well deserved. But back to A.K.I.’s character: I didn’t think an in-game character would love FANG so much like how I and other fans irl would. I never wished for such a character like AKI to exist because I was just fine with the BisonFANG fanon ship in the past. But Capcom went on and created AKI that way. And she clicked with me perfectly. To me, it’s beautiful that I see a character that genuinely loves FANG in canon. I don’t want that aspect of AKI to be taken away. I didn’t know I needed it until AKI was released. This is perhaps the only canon dynamic that I like more than the fanon. It’s usually the other way around for me!
Seeing how A.K.I. is right now, her obsession for F.A.N.G isn’t going away anytime soon. What we see now based on her World Tour Story, Arcade Mode, fighting voice lines, and win quotes, this will be her character for the entirety of SF6 lifespan. I’ll enjoy whatever time I have with this. But as I said many times, I’d be fine with AKI only loving FANG as a father figure. That’s what I always wanted. She doesn’t need to have an infatuation for him. As long as A.K.I. loves F.A.N.G in a pure and wholesome sense, she will always be perfect.
If you read this far, thanks for sticking around.
For more info on Toxicity, you can read my other post here:
Also, earlier I didn’t mention about how AKI was interested in FANG’s poison dagger in Toxicity. In this story, which is written from FANG’s point of view, had kid AKI wanting to go with FANG because she believed the dagger holds the power to change her life for the better. Oddly enough during AKI’s World Tour story, she made no mention about the dagger. From her point of view, she describes the time when she first met FANG, and she was only very interested in learning everything about FANG. But nothing about the dagger, even though it was made to be a big deal in Toxicity. I’m not sure why Capcom changed that plot, but I have a feeling they’re saving the dagger for a future story update. And I believe only F.A.N.G can talk about it. Though, that’s just my conjecture…but many of my conjectures often come true…
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