#she’s a paid actor
fruityfroggy · 5 months
@anonymocha , so I’m listening to your medpoc rn…
And this is my workspace atm…
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Let’s just say that I’m feeling it
But isn’t she kinda cool like this?
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valtianan · 2 years
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“they were young and loud and triumphant, and the kings of henrietta.”
blue sargent | adam parrish | ronan lynch | gansey III | noah czerny
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belazarts · 1 year
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one of those supposed encounters 😗🫰
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clownwoman · 2 months
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ℑ 𝔟𝔢𝔤 𝔱𝔬 𝔰𝔢𝔯𝔳𝔢, 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔴𝔦𝔰𝔥 𝔦𝔰 𝔪𝔶 𝔩𝔞𝔴, 𝔑𝔬𝔴 𝔠𝔩𝔬𝔰𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔰𝔢 𝔢𝔶𝔢𝔰 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔩𝔢𝔱 𝔪𝔢 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔱𝔬 𝔡𝔢𝔞𝔱𝔥. ⁺‧₊˚ ཐི⋆⚰︎⋆ཋྀ ˚₊‧
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malarkgirlypop · 4 months
Easy Men Pranksters
How easy company men prank
Richard Winters:
I feel like he would do the most unnoticeable prank, like move an item one inch to the side. I'm sure he would think it was funny, he would've seen someone do it on facebook reels lmao. He tries it on Nix, who does not notice. But every time Nix walks into the room, Dick has a good chuckle to himself, knowing what he did.
Lewis Nixon:
He would throw a party and say he put out spiked punch. Turns out is wasn't spiked punch, just normal juice and fruit. He just wanted to weed out the fake bitches who pretend to get drunk. But that's not the true reason he did the prank. No way is he sharing his collection of alcohol, if you want to get drunk BYO.
Harry Welsh:
I think he would try to prank Lew and Dick. When they are hanging out without him, he calls the house and asks if the fridge is running. But jokes on him, he didn't turn off caller ID. "Harry, please stop calling the house. If you want to come over, just come over." Tries to pretend it wasn't him that called. He tried to convince Kitty to prank call the house so he doesn't look suspicious, but again forgot to turn off caller ID and it's his phone she has.
Ronald Speirs:
Leaves a horse head in the persons bed. Doesn't know the difference between a death threat and a prank.
"You should've seen his face."
"Speirs he had a heart attack."
"Yeah, ahaha, classic."
Please don't let this man prank.
Carwood Lipton:
The most harmless prankster. Like you don't get the prank. He has to explain it.
"Come over to the window and look at all these deer!"
"Got you!!"
"You've been punked son!"
"I'm confused."
"There were never deer!!"
Oh Lip no. That's so bad. BOOOOO ahahah.
George Luz:
Loves getting pranked more than pranking. But he always is trying to get people to prank him, so he never get tricked. 100% would sneak into your house and replace all of your family photos with just pictures of himself. He has especially gone to JCpenney to get those hilarious awkward family photos, but it's all just him duplicated. It's a family of Luz's!
Joe Toye:
He's a mean prankster. One of those guys who has fake bugs and insects and tricks you into looking at what's in his hands. Also will hide around the house in the dark just to scare you. You're so used to it, that when you come home you have to scope out each room, only to find he actually went out for a drink and you're home alone. You call him and tell him what you have just done for the past hour and he thinks it's the funniest thing he has ever heard. Will definitely brag about it to the boys.
Bill Guarnere:
Classic prankster. Cling wrap on the toilet, cling wrap in the door way, putting everything in jello, wrapping the room in tinfoil. Causes the most mayhem and the biggest clean ups. He spends more time on the prank than the reaction is worth. Spent a whole night putting post it notes on your car, only to find out it was the neighbours and now they are pissed.
Joe Liebgott:
100% buy you those fake lotto tickets and let you believe it for the longest time. He would get Web countless times with it. Every time the man falls for it and Lieb just finds it so funny. He let's Web call all of his family members every time he "wins". It happens so often that the family members on the phone know it's a prank and try to explain it to him.
David Webster:
None of his pranks have ever been successful. OR when he does pull pranks he accidentally gets himself. He does the cling wrap on the toilet, forgets about it, pees all over the ground. Fills a room with water cups, forgets about it and walks into said room and tips over all of the cups. Like this man just can't win. Poor guy.
Buck Compton:
The only prank he does in the warm bucket prank. He is convinced it will work every time. It never does. He literally does tests, he's so invested on getting it to work. It's basically become an experiment for him. He tries out different water temps, different vessels he puts the water in, how deep he puts the hand in the water. He has a little notebooks of each time he has tried the prank and the method he used.
Eugene Roe:
He's a cute prankster. He opens two boxes of cereal and switches the bags. So you think you are getting lucky charms, but instead you get frosted flakes. Gene thinks it is the funniest thing seeing sleepy Babe questioning every thing in existence as frosted flakes appear out of the lucky charms box. Babe still being half asleep just shrugs and tucks into his breakfast. Gene has to explain the prank to him later.
Babe Heffron:
Does the, "oh yeah I put premium air into the tires." To Gene. Gene is losing his mind, thinking babe paid $100 for air. Also has a bunch of fake items, like vomit and dog poo that he gets Gene with all the time. "Gene the cats puked all over the lap top!!" Poor Gene is stressed to the max with Babe lmao.
Don, Skip and Penk:
The trio is trioing. If there is one group that is forever pranking, it's these lot. Whether it's each other or their friends, they are always down for a cheeky prank. Fill a room with ball pit balls, foam, balloons. Breaks into your house and turn it into a full out haunted house. These boys are hard out, it's go big or go home. Nothing is off the table, they will invest life savings into a good prank. Watch your backs they are after you, they will punk you. They seriously talk about starting and producing their own punked series. 100% has a prank youtube channel that blows up.
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iguessitsjustme · 4 months
Love Sea Ep 1 Thoughts
Okay. I know I said my next liveblog would be She Loves to Cook and She Loves to Eat because it won my poll BUT I decided I’m gonna be liveblogging Love Sea as it airs each week. And I will be liveblogging She Loves to Cook and She Loves to Eat later today. Or at least starting the liveblog. But liveblogging Love is the only way I think I make it through this series. I got my snacks I my got a diet coke. Pray for me watching a MAME show. Keep in mind that I am not a fan of MAME generally (and I have now finished this episode and this show is no exception. Don't get mad at me if you click the read more and don't like what I say). Under the cut as per usual:
I do like water so the water effect and sheer amount of water at the very beginning makes me extremely happy. I want more water forever.
“Dive and go get it” is not an appropriate response to dropping a pen in the water. Accept your loss.
A nice, tranquil place being called heaven on earth makes sense. Our protagonist showing up and immediately calling it hell on earth because ???? does not make sense. Maybe see more than two feet of it before declaring it to be hell?
Calling someone that speaks a different dialect an idiot when you are on their island…bold. Dumb. And bold.
Do not steal his phone. You’re just an asshole. You’re both assholes. But you pushed a man off of a boat so I hate you more. All the other guy has done is been uppity and snobbish. He hasn’t actively endangered anyone’s life for a laugh.
And now purposefully speaking a dialect he doesn’t understand. Yes, he was an ass about it, but you knew he didn’t understand and did it anyway. And now he has explicitly said he doesn’t understand and you’re rubbing it in his face. You can speak a dialect he knows and understands and you both know you can and yet…
Oh I got it. He behaves like a teenager. But like the kind of teenager that needs a good life resorting. He’s a bully but no one really calls him out for it because he disguises it behind class clown behavior. He needs a swift kick in the pants considering he’s an adult that’s behaving this way.
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I dislike how these shows always portray women as incapable of talking about the hotness of these guys. It’s not just BL. Other dramas are just as guilty if not more so. But c’mon. Having women characters does not excuse your portrayal of the other women in the story as only caring about some random dude’s hotness. Mut is hot? Not my taste but I can see why people consider him hot. But I guarantee most women on vacation, while they talk about hot guys, are also doing other things and talking about other things. Like the books they are reading on the beach. And how hot they themselves are. And the next activity they’re doing. They aren’t laser focusing on Mut. Except that the show says they are. Because they have no identities outside of a weak plot device to convince the audience of how hot Mut is. If he was really that hot, this tactic would not be needed. It would be conveyed in the rest of the show.
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See how differently it’s framed for the men? Women are the ones interest in Mut, but when it’s for the men, it’s that Mut is open to them. The attraction is his. This is definitely setting the tone for the relationship that’s being built. Cause our other lowkey asshole (I’ll learn his name eventually maybe) is a man. He is not interested in Mut. But he is apparently Mut’s type so Mut will be attracted to him. It’s a different way of taking away agency but here it is on a character level and not removing agency from an entire gender.
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They better be delivering this to me I have a feeling I’m gonna need it.
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This montage of people interacting with Mut trying to tell us what a good person and community member he is feels like such lazy writing. Incredibly lazy writing. Like makes me angry because despite her faults, I know MAME is capable of better than…that.
Romance *gags* aside, this is incredibly poor customer service. He didn’t knock. He didn’t announce he was coming in. I’m hoping it’s not early in the morning and that our lowkey asshole is just sleeping in. He’s cleaning the room and going through not-his-things. HE TOOK PICTURES. Someone call the police. Or call the me. I’ll go kick his ass.
Also also also the fact that he had that key that he was supposed to give to lowkey asshole means that HE SHOULD NOT HAVE USED IT TO ENTER THE ROOM. HE SHOULD NOT HAVE HAD IT.
Okay I need a break. This scene has gone on entirely too long with just the two of them standing on talking. There needs to be some movement on the screen and the tiny amount of body movement is not cutting it. Lowkey asshole should be walking away during this conversation. That would be in character and provide the necessary movement. But as it is…this whole scene feels stale and stagnant. So I’m gonna go make some food. Maybe I’ll be less pissy about this whole scene when I come back.
Okay. I am back but I am not less pissy. Tell me, how did I manage to mess up pasta? Truly is a skill I must say. And I’m not that bad of a cook. I swear but…I digress. Let’s just get back into it *grumbles*
That was the weakest punch I’ve ever seen. And I have weak little noodle arms.
Even the GL part of this is toxic. Miss secretary ma’am. I have an idea. Send her all of the shit on your plate. Email her all of the shit you have to do. In the email tell her what hours you are actually available and if she cannot work with that, then that’s unfortunate but that is her only option.
You don’t call the owner’s secretary to fix a light bulb. You call maintenance. Girl if you don’t grow a spine and tell her no….
I had to mute this damn show because the music is trying to convince me this is romantic and I am not a fool. I have eyes. Also stop using flashbacks of things that happened earlier this episode. This is the first episode. We know what Mut is thinking about when staring at his hand. We were there for that scene five minutes ago.
If someone started reading what I was writing over my shoulder without being explicitly invited to, I would pour hot sauce in their eyes.
This hug makes me mad. I’ll leave it at that.
Okay. It’s time for something I can’t believe I’ve never done before! Rae’s hatred scale. Where I rank the characters on how much I hate them:
Vi - 2/10. Honestly give this girl a raise. She isn’t paid enough to deal with this. I do need her to get a backbone though. C’mon my girl you can do it. You can learn to stand up for yourself. I believe in you.
Rak - 5/10. Look I learned his name! I think. He’s lowkey an asshole but honestly he just wants to be left alone but was sent on this trip that he didn’t ask for and is now being harassed by this guy that he doesn’t like because his “friend” paid for it.
Mook - 10/10. Girl what’s wrong with you? I hope someone slaps you in your face. Learn how to treat people.
Mut - 1000000000/10. DO NOT PUSH PEOPLE OFF OF BOATS.
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fandom-mix-16 · 6 months
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elysiumcalled · 8 months
Goodnight from me and my cat and my cat
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starsandnoodles · 10 months
Marzipan during the DVD commentary for the sbemail titled Marzipan gave me a whole MOMENT and so this was created
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Below the cut is a gif of Homestar driving a car very fast that I did for a warm up along with a comic I did in economics because they must see the light of day
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forestwhisper3 · 1 year
Me on the lookout for another update from Cass today:
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paradisecitizens · 2 years
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🩶 before & after 🩶
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to-junipterandmars · 5 months
I've seen a lot of hooha about Cuddy leaving being completely out of character but ?? Would a normal person not leave if they felt that both their life and their child's life were in danger?? Cuddy has throughout the series been shown to be the Rational foil to House's insanity, and before her leaving she decided to put House's needs firmly Below Hers. She had a child, bro.
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skyburger · 7 months
i love reading things set in countries that i'm knowledgeable and/or have been to because i can point out really minor errors in fanfiction. i think the average american does not know that in england (and apparently some of asia! which i only just found out) there are switches on power outlets so you can just turn it off instead of unplugging it. like 9 times out of 10 that won't come up but on the off chance it does i'm like ohoho. this clown has never been to england...! my favorite part though is watching americans (specifically americans because i swear to god people who speak english as a second language and/or are from any other country have some idea of what it's like to have an accent / personally know people who have accents? idk) try to write british accents like it is REALLY funny. i literally only lived their for five years and i never picked up a full accent myself (certain words and tones i did but they're mostly gone after living in the states again for a few years) but between living there and having a ridiculous amount of family there & visiting them often (like once a year if im lucky) i like KNOW what british accents sound like. i think some americans genuinely dont even know theres more than one or two english accents i think some people think there's like posh english and chav english and nothing else. maybe scottish accent gets thrown in there if they remember the uk is not in fact just england. i would bet real money they've never heard a welsh accent. anyway my point is it's really funny watching people who don't know as much as i do write this stuff. like i see it and i understand how doctors read this and go Oh that is so medically inaccurate. i get them now. anyway i dont remember what my point here was but please know if you are attempting to write a british accent. reddit and youtube are your best friends if you don't have a british friend you can ask and also rest assured even if you do ONE google search. it will not be the worst attempt ive seen guaranteed
#muffin mumbles#idek what the definitive worst one ive seen is#but ive seen some baaaaad ones#favorite example though is in the fucking jjba dub.#like thats not even a fan / indie project thats a real professional thing people were paid to do?!?! and the accents. are fucking TERRIBLE#please im begging you. you dont need to hire famous american voice actors for this. just go to any pub in the whole of england#and i can guarantee youd get better results accent-wise.#speedwagon's accent is easily the worst in part 1 like if you want examples lemme know cause i have some. its so bad. its really bad#but also so so funny#joseph in part 2 is. MARGINALLY better than most of the part 1 cast#not good. far from it. but an improvement#anyway hearing speedwagon say anything especially in part 1 (hes calmer in part 2 and he sounds better (not good. better)#like hes better in part 2 but not by much and only sometjmes.)#hearing this painfully obvious attempt at an american doing a cockney(?) (cant even tell for sure) accent complete with misused slang.#is SO fucking funny#like i showed me mom and she said it was worse than dick van dyke in mary poppins and shes not even wrong#and the slang isnt even like. irs not even super uncommon slang and i dont think its used wrong technically (iirc) but it just sounds so#painfully unnatural. please i am begging them to just hire british people next time. i promise you there are british voice actors#that being said i am still incredibly sad they just gave everyone american accents from part 3 onwards because i miss the awful accents#i miss them dearly.#the main benefit to this imo is that now joseph joestar despite living in england for the first almost twenty years of his life#just got this full blown american accent after living in new york. like i know he did not pick that up naturally#i KNOW dude watched stupid fuckinf tv shows to practice his accent. i know he sounded like a cartoon mobster and suzie q was like jojo.#please for the love of god. you cannot start talking like this. go back to being british#alas he did not listen. but he did drop the mobster thing (sadly.)#anyway this is really unrelated but if joseph was not old as fuck when it started airing i think he wouldve gotten a kick outta seinfeld.#like if the years lined up that wouldve been his main show to practice his american accent to the point people are like hey you kinda sound#like jerry seinfeld. and hes like hah i wonder how that happened!#hes a massive fucking loser is what im saying. hes like my weirdo great uncle joseph joestar#anyway. got really off topic. thank you for watching remember to SMASH that like button
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chaoticnerdsstuff · 2 years
Wednesday: May we leave? Torturing Pugsley is far more entertaining than whatever this is
Enid: Wednesday you still don't even dance yet.
Wednesday: These imbeciles don't have the rig-
*Payaso de Rodeo begins to play*
Wednesday: Oh. This got interesting.
Wednesday: I must attend these idiots don't have the slightest clue how to do it.
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unrealcosima · 1 year
Some of the responses to the writer and actor strike has shown me that there are a lot of dumb people and very little worker solidarity
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catboyolli · 9 months
can I please stop having weird dreams? thanks
#ex highschool 'friend'/classmate making fun of me not graduating university yet and me reacting with violence#participated in big brother with some dude that supposedly was my boyfriend and got backstabbed by him then allied with another dude +#who looked like a certain actor and flirted until we got eliminated only for him to kiss another woman while we were saying our goodbyes +#and then tell me to call him and wink at me but i didn’t even have his number??#meeting some of the mutuals in switzerland but y'all's faces were your profile pictures and you had random bodies assigned#going to a very hidden coffee shop where i hit it off with a cute girl while we were buying tea leaves then realized we had already met +#before covid and we paid for our tea with pages from our sketchbooks and we realized we had a lil group of friends with another girl +#then i went to an art class in a building and had to leave early because it was 12pm and i called my ma through a ring projection device +#went to the same building the next day and joined a paranormal haunt investigation (it was alright) and the other girl was there too +#and i went to the building the next day because i forgot a pair of sheer black thighs and she was just leaving so we went back inside and +#got assigned a room that was haunted haunted so i protected her from the ghost that was yanking her hair and got offered a chance at being +#possesed by a ghost which i obviously took and it sent me flying through the air :) the room got recorded for psychological evaluation tho
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