#she’s like the worst person to go after
Chan| Misunderstanding
In which you are hurt by something Chan said.
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You were on your way to Chan’s studio, with a cutely wrapped pack lunch and note. You knew your boyfriend had the tendency to overwork and skip meals; so you wanted to make sure that he was eating at least one fulfilling meal a day.
Just as you were about to knock on the door you heard the guys laughing. You smiled and realized Chan must be working with all of them at the moment. It was so cute to you how he took all of them in as his kids.
You raised your hand to knock again as you heard Jeongin speak up.
“Channie Hyung, when is Noona coming today?”
You heard a shuffling of feet and a sound come closer to the door. The squeaking of styrofoam made you flinch a little as you could assume someone was getting water from the bubbler.
“I don’t know.” You tensed as you realized it was Chan by the bubbler. “She probably will at the worst time.” He said, chuckling and clapping his hands once. His voice was oddly light for something so hurtful. “But we’re gonna at least get Seungmin’s part down before she comes, because she’ll probably stick around for a while.” You can hear him walking away from the door.
“Do you not like your girlfriend coming around hyung?” You hear Jeongin say jokingly, a little nervous laugh in his voice. 
Before you can even hear a response you quickly make your way to the exit.
As you were walking you walked past Sana.
“Y/N!” She quickly embraces you and looks at you with a warm smile. “How is my favorite person doing?” Sana had actually been the one to introduce you to Chan, after you had met her and hit it off in a chance meeting.
You looked up and gave Sana a small smile, and her face immediately fell.
“What did that Pabo do? Do I have to beat him up? ‘Accidentally’ leak his latest comeback in a way that is bad?” She said seriously, squishing your cheeks, and stroking your hair like a comforting big sister.
You sniffed and shook your head. “It’s nothing…can you not tell him I was here Eonni?” You say quietly. She nods as Tzuyu walks up and smiles at you.
“Hi, Y/N!” You smile at her and wave as you make your way back to your car.
As you drive you grip the steering wheel tightly and bite your lip. 
You blink back a few tears and you make your way to your apartment.
You place the food you made for Chan in the back of your fridge, hiding the cute little ribboned package with a few jars of various things, not wishing to look at it, but not having the heart to throw away the food you spent so long preparing.
You felt too sad to even clean up the dishes you had used to make, figuring you’d go sleep off your sadness for a bit and clean up when you were in a better headspace.
You felt the bed shift beside you and familiar toned arms wrap around you. Chan’s scent engulfed you, something oceany mixed with linens  and the slight hint of sweat from his practice. This scent was something you loved, something you found yourself thinking of when you thought of home.
“I used your emergency key. You didn’t answer any of my texts, so I came over to check on you.”
You look at the clock.
11:04 p.m.
You had been asleep for a while.
“Are you sick baby?” He hummed quietly, nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck and shoulder.
“Sick?” You said hoarsely.
Chan’s eyes opened in concern as he sat up and turned on the bedside lamp.
“You sound sick baby, is everything okay?” He said getting up and rustling through the drawers by your bedside, looking for the thermometer he had placed there.
“I’m…I’m not sick.” You say quietly, trying to clear your throat. You had been crying a lot and ended up irritating your throat so much from your choked sobs it had become hoarse.
“Your voice sounds…nasally and hoarse.” He mumbles, still searching. “And you didn’t come to the studio, so it figures you must be sick.” He sighs and places his hands on his hips. “I think I left an extra thermometer for you down stairs I’ll be right back baby-” You look down as he places a chaste kiss on your forehead and makes his way down stairs, his feet making a staccato rhythm on the staircase.
Once Chan had found where he placed the thermometer and cold and flu tablets he opened your fridge to find something sweet for you to use as a chaser for the cold medicine you hated the taste of oh so much.
“I think I brought her a slice of cake the other day…” He mumbled looking through the fridge. He moved some things out of the way - perhaps he was overlooking something?
After moving a pickle jar he saw something with a cute little red ribbon.
He grabbed it and unwrapped it. 
“Y/N likes those little pastry shops, they always have cute packaging…” He trailed off looking a little confused as he saw a little envelope sealed shut with a pineapple sticker. 
It was placed on top of a few containers.
“Did someone make her a care package?” Chan wondered as he opened up the containers, but quickly realized that wasn’t it at all.
You had always loved making Mexican food for Chan, since it was something you were good at and he loved. He just didn’t get to eat it much because any of the places he could find that sold it always made things too spicy for him. You made it perfectly suited to his tastes.
A small breath left his lips as he  held the envelope in his hands and carefully peeled the sticker off in a way to keep everything intact.
He smiled as he read your little note to him, and chuckled at the part where you told him to tell Han to not steal your carne asada this time and if he wanted it that he would make you some when you were able to get to the store.
He gave a contented sigh as he carefully started to prepare things to be warmed up.
He contemplated the time he should take to warm things up.
“It must be left over from a day or two since she was sick today…” He mumbled messing with the settings, until he turned towards the sink to wash his hands and noticed the pile of dishes sitting there.
A pile that was very obviously used recently. He looked over in the trash can and saw the packaging of all the ingredients you used.
He started to click things together and then thought back to the odd interaction that had happened earlier.
“Hyung, I’m hungry ~” Han whined as Chan and him made their way towards another room.
“We can get something to eat after we finish-”
“Can’t I just eat some of what Noona brought you?” He asked, perking up a bit. “She always makes the best food.”
Chan hmmed in agreement. “She hasn’t brought anything today.”
“But its almost dinner time. She always brings-”
Han bows politely to Sana as she walks past. She stops and turns back to them.
“Ya- Chan.” He had turned around and saw his friend growing. “Stop being such a pabo and apologize quickly.” She said turning away and walking off.
Han looked at him and at Sana’s retreating figure.
“What did you do hyung?” He whispered quietly.
Cham furrowed his brows, because he was also at a loss.
He stood in front of your bedroom door, with the plate of food in his hand, but the medicine was left on the counter.
Because you weren’t sick. 
You were sad.
“Baby?” He said quietly as he walked into your room. You were sitting up in your bed scrolling through the shows on your TV, trying to find something to watch.
You looked up as Chan set the plate of food down and you swallowed as you realized he had found it.
You didn’t say anything as he sat down on your bed with you and pulled you into his lap, putting his head in your shoulder and just holding you.
You couldn’t help but feel your lip tremble as you started to cry quietly.
“Baby, shhh, its okay.” He said stroking your hair. “You heard what I said in the studio?”
You nodded and Chan looked at you and gently help your face.
“You didn’t hear all of it though.” He sighs quietly, flattening your unruly hair. “That much is clear.” 
You sniffed and wiped at your nose with the sleeve of your sweater and continued to stroke your hair.
“If I remember correctly, the conversation went something along the lines of you coming at the worst time and staying a while right?” He looked up at the ceiling and hmms in thought. “And then I remember Jeongin asking me if I didn’t like it when my girlfriend came to the studio. And I said no.”
You looked up at him, your lips trembling more now.
“I said No- I actually love it when she comes to the studios. She always comes at the worst times. When I’m feeling unmotivated, or hitting a wall with lyrics or the arrangement. But she comes, and she charges me up with motivation and inspiration when she stays a while. She fills up my battery life.�� 
You looked at him, and could tell he wasn't just saying things to make you feel better. There was truth in everything he just said.
“Baby I could never get tired of you. You take care of me so well,” he mumbles, kissing your shoulder. “Besides, if I did Sana would never let me live it down. And to be honest, she becomes really scary when it comes to you." He says shuddering and nuzzling his head into you. 
You giggle and nuzzle back into him.
“Now eat,” He says, grabbing the remote from you and putting on a random drama. It wasn’t like he would be paying much attention to it anyways, he just wanted to look at his girlfriend who he hadn't seen all day.
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mysunshinetemptress · 14 hours
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Leah Williamson x Reader
Warnings: Mean sisters, Mean Leah
Natalie had popped out the shops leaving the older girls in  charge of you who still hadn't moved. Your older sisters had taken this as the perfect opportunity to wind you up, they started by hiding the house phones before watching as you ran around the house in a panic becoming more and more panicked as you searched furiously, your eyes began to fill with tears as you heard the phone ringing trying to navigate where it was coming from. Melia looked at Ellie and Charlotte before peaking around the corner watching as you picked up the phone and sighing in relief "Watch this." you pressed accept before you began talking "Hello." Melia tried not to laugh as she dropped the octave of her voice "Hello is Y/n Sterling there." The three girls tried not to laugh at the excitement in their younger sister "Yes this is she." "Oh excellent well I'm sorry to tell you but we aren't going to accept you to Arsenal." You looked down at the floor disappointed "oh..ehm  why." You felt your bottom lip start to tremble as the voice on the opposite side began to speak "well if I'm being honest you are the worst football player we have ever seen not even Man United would want you and in my professional opinion you should quite playing all together."
Tears welled up in your eyes, blurring the image of your sisters huddled in the doorway, barely containing their laughter. Your voice cracked as you stammered, "But... I practiced really hard. Leah says I'm getting better."
The voice boomed through the phone, "Leah? Leah Williamson! You will never be as good as her"
Tears began to run down your cheeks. Their giggles, though muffled, were a cruel counterpoint to the fake voice booming through the phone. Your voice, small and choked with emotion, came out barely above a whisper, "But... I want to be good like Leah."
Suddenly, the phone clicked and went dead. The fake voice, the disappointment, it was all too much. You slumped to the floor, a sob escaping your lips. The room was silent for a beat, then the sound of the front door opened and you ran out into the garden searching for the only person who could make you feel better.
You tried to stop crying as you knocked on Williamson's front door "Oh Y/n, Jacobs is at training he will be back in an hour." You looked up at Amanda as she shook her head "Is Leah home I need to talk to her." Amanda nodded stepping aside and telling you she was upstairs Amanda watched worriedly as you ran up the stairs bottom lip still trembling. you stopped knocking on Leah's door "What." you let out a breath trying to not cry "It's Y/n can I come in please Leah." Leah huffed "No leave me alone." You shook your head ignoring her "but I really need to talk to you." Leah didn't answer as you began to open the door before being knocked to the ground by the older girl you looked up at Leah "Why can't you just take no for an answer Y/n I don't want to talk to you I don't want to hang out with you your a baby for crying out loud who wants to  be seen with a baby."
You couldn't move not knowing what to say as you tried desperately not to cry again "I...... I." You couldn't form the words as Leah let out a groan "See you can't even talk properly." You tried not to let the tears that had weld up in your eyes fall but you were beginning to get tired of it all "I just wanted to talk to you." Leah let out a huff standing back from the girl and walking back towards her room "I told you I don't want to talk so leave." Leah slammed her door as you began to stand "what is going on up there." you made your way down the stairs head bent in defeat and you began to cry "I'm sorry, I annoyed her." Amanda didn't get a word in before you left out the front door back to your house. Ignoring your older sisters and racing up the stairs.
Your world felt like it had shattered around you. Tears streamed down your face, hot and relentless, even after you'd slammed your bedroom door shut. Leah's cruel words echoed in your mind, each one a fresh blow. "Baby," "annoyed her," "don't want to hang out with you." They were like thorns digging into your heart, twisting with every ragged sob.
You clutched Leah's forgotten Arsenal jersey, the fabric a hollow reminder of the idol you so desperately wanted to be like. It felt like a betrayal, a cruel joke alongside Leah's harsh dismissal. All she'd wanted was a moment of comfort after the crushing disappointment of the phone call.
The memory of Leah shoving you to the ground sent a fresh wave of humiliation crashing over you. You felt small, insignificant, like a nuisance in Leah's life. The rejection stung worse than any scrape you'd ever gotten on the football pitch. Here, the pain wasn't physical, but it was a dull ache that threatened to consume her.
Natalie arrived a little while later looking into the sitting room at her three oldest girls "hi girls." The older lot didn't take there eyes of the tv muttering hellos from where they sat on the couch, Natalie looked around the room "where's Y/n." Charlotte waved off "in her room." Natalie sighed turning to walk up the stairs in order to retrieve her youngest daughter. Stopping outside the room Natalie knocked before entering only to see you wrapped in Leah's Arsenal jersey asleep tears streaks down your cheek, Natalies heart broke at the sight.
Natalie knelt down beside the bed, placing a hand on your shoulder. "Hey, sweetheart," she said softly.
You stirred slightly, mumbling something incoherent before burying your face deeper into the fabric of the jersey.
Natalie sighed, her earlier annoyance with your sisters melting away completely. She gently nudged your shoulder. "Y/n, it's okay to wake up. I'm here."
Slowly, you peeked out from the jersey, your eyes red and puffy. Tears welled up again as you looked at your mom. "I got rejected from the Arsenal academy and Leah was mean," you croaked out, your voice thick with emotion.
Natalie sighed stroking your back "Darling, that phone call it wasn't real."
You blinked, confused. "What do you mean?" you mumbled, sniffling.
Natalie explained how your sisters had tricked you, their laughter echoing in your mind as you pictured the scene. A small, angry puff escaped your lips. You couldn't believe they would do something like that!
Natalie chuckled, wiping away a stray tear. "Those silly girls. They thought it would be funny, but look what they've done."
You snuggled closer to your mom, the anger giving way to a wave of relief. Leah hadn't rejected you, hadn't said those awful things. But then a new worry bloomed in your chest. "But what if I am rubbish? What if I never get good enough?"
Natalie squeezed your shoulder gently. "Sweetheart, you're only nine. You have so much time to learn and improve. And besides," she added with a wink, "Ronaldo wasn't trying out for premier league academy teams at nine was he?."
You shook your head before your eyes began to tear up again.
"But Leah..." you mumbled, clutching the jersey tighter. "She was horrible."
Natalie's smile softened. "Leah... well, Leah is growing up and things are becoming more complicated. That doesn't mean she had the right to be mean to you but she's going through things you can't see and won't know about for a few more years."
You sniffled. "But she doesn't want to be friends with me anymore."
Natalie pulled you into a hug. "Oh, honey, I'm sure that's not true. Leah just gets frustrated sometimes. Maybe you can try talking to her again tomorrow, after she's had some time to cool down."
The thought of facing Leah again made your stomach churn, but you nodded slowly. You just wanted things to be back to normal, the way they were before.
Natalie helped you get cleaned up and changed, then tucked you back into bed. As she kissed your forehead goodnight, she said, "Remember, Y/n, you're a brilliant footballer. And even if you don't make it into the Arsenal academy, there are plenty of other ways to achieve your dreams."
Her words brought a small spark of hope back to your eyes. Maybe she was right. Maybe Leah would apologize tomorrow. And maybe, just maybe, you could still find a way to be a great footballer, just like her.
The next day dawned, but the hope your mom had kindled flickered faintly. You ran next door to the Williamson's as soon as your homework was finished before being let in by Amanda, you approached Leah who was sitting out the back garden, heart hammering in your chest. Leah, surrounded by her group of friends, barely acknowledged you. Your stomach lurched, but you pressed on.
"Leah, can I talk to you?" you mumbled, picking at your school skirt.
Leah scoffed. "About what? You bothering me again?"
Tears pricked your eyes. "No, I... I just wanted to say sorry about yesterday."
"Ugh, seriously? You're still going on about that?" Leah rolled her eyes. Her friends snickered.
Shame burned in your cheeks. "But you were so mean! And the phone call..."
"The what?" Leah looked confused.
You explained about the fake phone call, your voice trembling. Leah's face paled. She whipped around, glaring at her friends who thought it was funny. They laughed hysterically, pretending not to notice.
Suddenly, Leah stood up staring at them, her anger a palpable force. You watched, heart pounding, as she confronted them, "Get out." One of them looked at her confused "What." Leah didn't move "I said get out."
Leah excused herself and her friends walking them to the door.
When Leah returned, her face stormy, she looked at you. "I... I had no idea. I would never say those things to you."
You didn't know what to believe. Relief warred with lingering hurt. "But you were horrible yesterday too."
Leah looked down at her shoes. "I was just... having a bad day. It wasn't about you."
The apology wasn't what you wanted, but it was something. Maybe, just maybe, there was a chance to mend things with Leah.
"Can we still be friends?" you asked hesitantly.
Leah looked at you her heart clenching "I don't ever want to not be your friend Y/n."
You smiled at her happy that she was still your friend before grabbing her hand "Can we practice before you go to training."
Leah smiled "I would love too."
As you passed the ball back and fourth laughing you failed to notice your Mum standing in the kitchen watching you both smiling
"Y/n hunny, five more minutes before you have to get changed, Arsenal under tens train at seven thirty."
You waved her off offering a small ok Mum but Leah stood frozen.
"You got in." you looked up from the ball at the older girl "I got in." you asked confused, before you realised what your mother said "Oh my god Leah I got in." Leah laughed picking you up before spinning you around "Congratulations, I knew you could do it."
For you
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riddle, ace, and malleus (separately) x fem!reader (u can make it gn!reader if you’d prefer tho!) where the reader is about to leave twisted wonderland but she’s clearly hesitating and then the character asks why they don’t just go, and reader tells them through tears that she loves him, and asks if he feels the same n that if he does that will be the only reason she needs to stay. he does and she runs into his arms immediately. so a little bit of angst but ends with cute comfort. if this is unclear at all PLS LMK and i will clear it up!! brain is rotted atm bc i finished the worst essay of my life a little bit ago
Riddle, Ace, and Malleus (separately) x fem!reader who’s hesitant to go back home because of their crush
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You were looking at the mirror in front of you the hazy outline of the world you know and turning back to see Grim trying to wipe the tears from his eyes. He’d tried several times to stop you like rallying the ghosts in ramshackle to help him or using his fire magic in the least destructive way he could or moving all the furniture to block the door.
Ace and Deuce nor Epel, Jack, or Ortho didn’t want to force you to stay since you’d tried so hard to find a way to get home and now you had. It was right in front of you but you couldn’t bring yourself to take a step forward. Your heart refused to budge and rooted itself despite your mind's logical reasoning. It pushed the one reason you had been trying to ignore out to the front of your mind.
Tears brimmed your eyes and you did your best to blink them away to no avail, using your hands to wipe them and felt them fall down your cheeks. You sniffled at the thought of never getting to see your crush again. Someone who you’d loved with all your heart and who helped you through all the trials and terrors that you’d experienced since you arrived in Twisted Wonderland.
You held your bag by your side and stared at the silver shining mirror that glowed signaling that its destination was fixed to the location the user wanted. Your home or rather somewhere close to your home as Crowley couldn’t exactly get the mirror to transport you to your country and reluctantly let Ortho and Idia help so its arrival destination was a lot closer.
Behind you were your friends along with your crush the dorm leader of Heartslayble Riddle and they watched bittersweetly as you walked closer to the mirror. In front of you was the hazy view of a city near where you lived and you were supposed to feel ecstatic that you could finally go home, and see your parents, and your friends but you didn’t. Ever since you stepped foot in Twisted Wonderland you felt like an alien but over time it began to be your home and one person held your heart through all your time here.
You loved Riddle dearly and after his overblot, you were there for him much to his confusion since he was horrible to you and the others but you relented. Riddle has grown so much from his freshmen year and saw nearly every day now, walking between classes or hanging out in Heartslayble and helping him paint the roses red or tending to the hedgehogs. The way he talked to the hedgehogs or flamingos was adorable and it was always impressive when an Unbirthday party was being set up and he was in his formal uniform staff in hand ordering people where each dessert went. In your hand was a specially made strawberry tart for you with a queen of hearts card sticking out of it and a fondant miniature hedgehog in front.
When Riddle tutored you because you needed help with some of your classes you sometimes tried to make the sessions last as long as they could since Riddle had such a strict schedule you would practically have to schedule or make an appointment his free time. Riddle of course upheld the rules for everybody even including you but he would sometimes bend them because your pout was too cute or your smile was perfectly bright. You both loved each other so much without the other knowing and it appeared like it would stay that way since you were leaving for your real home.
Riddle noticed you hadn’t moved for the last couple of minutes and seemed to be in deep thought however you were shaking. “Are you alright or worried? You’re shaking. Is there something wrong?” he asked and buried the twinge of hope in him that thought your hesitation was because you weren’t going to go back. You felt the hot tears drip down your cheeks and sniffled, turning around so your friend and everyone saw you were holding back the wave of tears threatening to fall. “I don’t want to go back… I don’t want to go back because that means I won’t get to see my friends or you! I love you so much! I have since the first unbirthday party I ever attended and I don’t know if you love me back but I don’t want to leave!” you cried and opened your eyes to see Riddle crying silently, tears unknowingly escaping his eyes and face a blushy pink.
You both stared at one another in silence for a couple of moments before the dorm leader spoke and wiped his face noticing his tears. “I didn’t want you to go back but it’s not my choice and it would be wrong of me to cause conflicts in you. I love you and want you to stay here with me. I can’t promise everything will stay calm but I promise I’ll always be by your side.” he said and his eyes widened when he saw you drop your things, running over to him and tackling the poor short Riddle to the ground. You cupped his face and kissed him softly, his face blushing scarlet but intertwining your hands and cupping your face in turn. “How about we make a new tart in celebration or salvage the fallen one I made you, my rose?” he asked and eyed the dropped slightly damaged dessert in its frail simple packaging.
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You were looking at the mirror in front of you the hazy outline of the world you know and turning back to see Grim trying to wipe the tears from his eyes. He’d tried several times to stop you like rallying the ghosts in ramshackle to help him or using his fire magic in the least destructive way he could or moving all the furniture to block the door.
Ace and Deuce nor Epel, Jack, or Ortho didn’t want to force you to stay since you’d tried so hard to find a way to get home and now you had. It was right in front of you but you couldn’t bring yourself to take a step forward. Your heart refused to budge and rooted itself despite your mind's logical reasoning. It pushed the one reason you had been trying to ignore out to the front of your mind.
Tears brimmed your eyes and you did your best to blink them away to no avail, using your hands to wipe them and felt them fall down your cheeks. You sniffled at the thought of never getting to see your crush again. Someone who you’d loved with all your heart and who helped you through all the trials and terrors that you’d experienced since you arrived in Twisted Wonderland.
You held your bag by your side and stared at the silver shining mirror that glowed signaling that its destination was fixed to the location the user wanted. Your home or rather somewhere close to your home as Crowley couldn’t exactly get the mirror to transport you to your country and reluctantly let Ortho and Idia help so its arrival destination was a lot closer.
The charm of an ace card that your crush Ace had given you was dangling from your phone and a replica of his magic pen held tightly. You looked at your phone once more and saw the goofy picture of both of you running from Riddle with the tart in hand as your lock screen. Letting a couple of tears fall and bringing your phone to your chest, trying to come to terms with that you would have to deal with never seeing your best friend and crush ever in exchange for being on earth again.
Ace and your other friends behind you grew worried as they saw your shoulders shaking and hands clutching your stuff tighten. Why were you hesitating? He was devastated that he would never get to see you again, assuming that texting you in your world didn’t work, and putting on a mask of happiness for you. He never even got to tell you he loved you but he knew now wasn’t the time as it’d make you hesitate. To the others, it was crystal clear how hard this was for both of you.
He ordered his voice to be steady even though it came out shaky. “Why don’t you just go? This is what you have wanted since you got here right? We’ll all miss you so much and you know we support your decision right?” he asked and heard the others murmur similar statements or agreement. You let out a sob and turned around to the group, tears falling down your red cheeks and bordering on a breakdown. “I can’t go knowing that I’ll never see any of you ever again. That I’ll never see you again, Ace. You’ve been with me since I got here and always stuck by me. I can’t leave because I love you and I’d never know if you loved me back if I left now!” you cried and hiccuped, dropping your bag and wiping your wet cheeks with your sleeve.
That was the breaking point for Ace and he stopped pretending to be glad you were going home, knowing his crush someone he loved ever since he saw you come through that mirror and go through all the crazy hijinx of this school year loved him back. He sobbed and held his uniform sleeve over his eyes to hide the onslaught of tears pouring out of his eyes. “I never wanted you to leave not when you already became a girl I could depend on every day. It’s selfish but I didn’t care because I loved you too. So seeing you happy to leave… it broke me.” he said and let the sad emotions overcome him.
You smiled albeit a bit wobbly and dropped everything you were holding, running to Ace and tackling him in a hug. Both of you fell to the ground with you on top of him and he cupped your face, kissing you softly and wiping the tears falling with his thumb. You parted for air and rested your head on his chest as you caught your breath. “So would my hot girlfriend be up for snatching a couple of sweets from my dorm?” he asked cheekily.
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You were looking at the mirror in front of you the hazy outline of the world you know and turning back to see Grim trying to wipe the tears from his eyes. He’d tried several times to stop you like rallying the ghosts in ramshackle to help him or using his fire magic in the least destructive way he could or moving all the furniture to block the door.
Ace and Deuce nor Epel, Jack, or Ortho didn’t want to force you to stay since you’d tried so hard to find a way to get home and now you had. It was right in front of you but you couldn’t bring yourself to take a step forward. Your heart refused to budge and rooted itself despite your mind's logical reasoning. It pushed the one reason you had been trying to ignore out to the front of your mind.
Tears brimmed your eyes and you did your best to blink them away to no avail, using your hands to wipe them and felt them fall down your cheeks. You sniffled at the thought of never getting to see your crush again. Someone who you’d loved with all your heart and who helped you through all the trials and terrors that you’d experienced since you arrived in Twisted Wonderland.
You held your bag by your side and stared at the silver shining mirror that glowed signaling that its destination was fixed to the location the user wanted. Your home or rather somewhere close to your home as Crowley couldn’t exactly get the mirror to transport you to your country and reluctantly let Ortho and Idia help so its arrival destination was a lot closer.
Malleus had specifically arrived at Ramshackle to go with you to the Hall of Mirrors to spend the most time he could with you and convinced Lilia to stop Sebek from going with him since he knew it meant so much to his draconian friend. He desperately didn’t want you to leave. Who would he spend his nightly walks with or have interesting conversations about gargoyles? But most importantly, how would he fill the hole in his heart if his favorite student he loved left?
You held your bag in one hand and in the other was a replica of Malleus’ magic pen along with a small orb with the illusion of Ramshackle dorm with its gargoyles and you, Grim, and him outside pointing to different parts of the worn down dorm building. Just looking at it brought tears to your eyes. It reminded you of what you were leaving and how you were leaving the one person you loved behind.
Malleus and your friends noticed your hesitation and looked at each other worried if you were okay, wondering if they should speak up or say something. He went to take a step forward but stopped and gripped the sleeve of his blazer, unable to form the words he wanted to say. You looked at the glowing mirror in front of you and saw the hazy reflection of a familiar landmark smiling a bittersweet smile. Letting the tears fall down your cheeks and sniffling.
Your mind waged war on both sides of your mind wanting to come out on top and win. You didn’t want to leave the person who you’d slowly grown to love and who piqued your curiosity the moment you saw him. You couldn’t. Your crush spoke up after what felt like an eternity. “Are you alright? This is what you want isn’t it?” he said with a hint of solemnness. Turning around and letting everyone see your teary sad sad face. “I can’t go because I love you and if I go I’ll never get to see you again. I don’t want that. I love it here and I love being here with you. I love you and I don’t want to leave even if it means you don’t love me back!” you said through tears.
He let a few tears fall down his cheeks and smiled warmly. “I was hoping you would say something like that. I love you too and want nothing more than for you to stay here with me. I’d miss our walks and nicknames. Everything about you has captured my heart.” he said and brushed budding tears with his thumb. You sobbed hearing his confession and dropped what you were holding, running into his arms and holding him tightly. Both of you held the other like they would disappear if they let go. You laughed and leaned into the hand cupping your face, kissing him sweetly, and resting your forehead against his. “Shall we get something to eat, my beloved?” he asked charmingly.
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joelmillerisapunk · 11 hours
Beach Daddy VI. One Last Time
bfd!joel miller x f!reader
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series masterlist masterlist
wordcount: 13,941
summary: you find yourself in Joel's arms once more, torn between the love you share and the dreams that pull you apart.
warnings: 18+, age gap, finally finally unprotected p in v, some cute stuff goin on here, uses of the names darlin and babygirl, this involved a lot of me going "ahhhh" and "whyyy" and then "yesss" I didn't leave you with a mean cliffhanger this time.
notes: thank you to everyone for your love on this fic, I truly never thought this would be as loved as it is <3 I can't thank you guys enough for your support and the likes, comments and reblogs. Truly you guys have made this that much more fun to write. AND thank you to everyone who has been so so patient with me as I finished this chapter. I only have one hand to type at the moment so this took 50 years. ty @saradika-graphics as always for the divider
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Why don't you stay with me, share all your secrets tonight
We can make believe the morning sun never will rise
Come and lay you're head on this big brass bed. We'll be all right as long as you stay with me
The dark sky seems even darker through the tinted windows of the black car that Joel has sent to pick you up. He sounds urgent on the phone; when you tell him that you need to talk, he tells you that you have a lot to discuss, but he doesn't want to talk over the phone.  Eventually, you agree to have his driver pick you up and take you to his penthouse. Secretly, you're glad that he suggested meeting in person. You don't want to go over everything and why you left without saying goodbye, with your two roommates listening to every word of your conversation. Lin acts as though your life is more interesting than all of the reality TV shows she binge-watches every weekend.
The car is just as luxurious as you should have expected after seeing all of the amenities that the Miller family is used to, but you're still surprised at how supple the leather seats are as you slide across them for your long ride across New York. It's nice to spend the drive relaxed and not on the edge of your seat, afraid the cab driver is going to hit a pedestrian trying desperately to cross the street. You remind yourself not to get comfortable with this type of luxury; it's not going to last.
“Is there anything I can do for you to make the drive more comfortable, Miss?" Joel's driver calls back from the front seat.
“No, everything is perfect, thank you," you answer.
“There are snacks and beverages stocked for you if you change your mind."
There's sparkling water in the cupholder next to you, mysteriously maintained at the perfect temperature. You crack the seal and let the bubbles tickle your throat as you watch the skyscrapers pass by your window. You should have guessed that Joel's penthouse would be on the Upper East Side, but you can't help but stare at the buildings and how extravagant everything seems compared to your dumpy little neighborhood. The driver pulls to a stop in front of a tall building and gets out to open your door for you.
The night sky is littered with stars, which are muted by the bright lights of Joel's building. A doorman dressed in a uniform opens the front door for you and escorts you to the elevator, where he presses the button for the penthouse and backs out with a lift of his hat. You ride the elevator in silence, your heart beating increasingly faster as you pass each floor with a ding of the elevator. You can't help but wonder if Joel is angry with you for leaving the Bahamas without so much as a word. You hope it hasn't hurt him, but after your fight with Sarah, you couldn't stay, and you knew that Joel and you could never have a future together, especially when his only daughter hated you. Worst of all was the reason you were at his home in the first place. You couldn't let him risk his reputation for you. That photographer didn't need to have the opportunity to take more pictures of you together. You're convinced you're not worth the risk. The elevator stops at the top floor, and the doors slowly slide open to reveal Joel's front entry, a set of floor-to-ceiling glazed glass doors. You ring the small buzzer, and a few seconds later, Joel's unmistakable form approaches the glass.
“Darlin'," Joel says with a warm smile as he slides the door open to reveal his face.
You're relieved to be greeted so warmly. You had told yourself over and over again on the ride over that you couldn't pursue anything with Joel, but as soon as you see him, you have to fight to suppress your feelings for the man. “Joel, it's nice to see you again. Thank you so much for sending a car, although you really didn't have to."
“I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to," Joel says, reaching out his hand to you.
After a slight hesitation, you take it, and he leads you into his penthouse. The interior is decorated in a modern style with sleek lines and crisp edges, giving the entire space a clean and wealthy feel. A large statement dining room table takes up a large portion of the space.
It's glowing from the tiny flames of tealight candles spanning the entire length of the table. The light flickering off all of the surfaces adds a subtle softness to the sharp lines of the room. Joel pulls out a chair for you.
“I don't know if you've eaten, but I had my chef prepare a little something before he left for the night."
“I can always eat," you say with a small smile of thanks before he disappears into the kitchen.
He returns with two artful plates of filet mignon and asparagus spears. He sets a plate in front of you and the other in front of the chair directly across from you. He pours a generous glass of wine for each of you before taking his seat.
“This is absolutely beautiful," you say as you glance around the room.
“It is, isn't it?" Joel says looking around the room, too, before continuing. "Honestly, I tend to forget how nice this place is. Typically, when I'm in New York, I get so wrapped up in work that I forget to enjoy it."
“Well, you should slow down more often," you say, not exactly sure how friendly to be with the man you'd almost slept with and then ghosted.
“Well then, to more happy nights," Joel says, raising his glass to you.
You sigh, not picking up your glass to meet his. “Joel, don't you think we should talk about the photographer? We can't act as if nothing happened."
Joel sighs, too, and sets his glass back down on the table. “I know that we need to talk about what happened. I am sure you have a lot of questions for me. I'm honestly surprised that you even agreed to come here after everything my family and guests put you through. I just wanted to spend some time with you before we had to talk about all of that unpleasantness."
You're shocked that Joel is worried about you not showing up; he always seems so confident and put together. The entire time you had been worried he wouldn't want to see you again when he was worried about the same thing. “I was afraid you wouldn't want to see me again," you admit sheepishly.
“Babygirl, I would have to be crazy not to want to see you again."
Heat bursts into your cheeks, and you're thankful that the light is low enough to hide your blush.
“I have mentally kicked myself every day for not going to you right after I got back from chasing off that photographer. Then, when I woke up the next day, I found out you were gone, and it was too late. After that, I figured you needed some space, understandably. Your vacation was anything but relaxing," Joel says as he rubs the back of his neck.
“I should have at least stayed to say goodbye, but at the time, I didn't feel as though I could stay."
“I found out from some of my staff that you and Sarah were heard getting into an argument. No one knew what it was about, and I couldn't get a straightforward answer out of Sarah. What did she say to make you feel like you needed to leave?"
You look down at your plate and take a slow bite, trying to decide just how much of the fight with Sarah you want to disclose to her father. The meat is so tender it feels as though it melts in your mouth; you swallow reluctantly before speaking. “Sarah found out that I was Todd's previous girlfriend. She obviously wasn't happy about it, and things got pretty heated. I didn't want to stay after that."
Joel stares at you as though trying to get you to go into the horrible things his daughter had actually said to you. It's hard for you to understand why you still feel the need to protect Sarah from her own shitty behavior, but you hold your tongue anyway. “I know there is more to it than that."
“None of that matters anymore," you say, looking down at your plate again to avoid his piercing gaze. “We are going in completely different directions in our lives, and I doubt that we will ever cross paths again. We are from completely different worlds."
“You are right," Joel responds, watching you carefully. “You two are completely different. She is turning into everything I hoped she wouldn't, and you, well, you are… real."
The silence between you is only interrupted by the soft clinks of your silverware against your plates.
“I wasn't able to catch up with that photographer," Joel says softly, almost ashamed.
“I know," you respond, finally lifting your eyes to meet his.
“What do you mean?" Joel's eyebrows furrow together, clearly confused by what you are alluding to.
“Right before the flight I was on took off, an unknown number sent me a picture of us in the cove."
Tears start to well up in your eyes. Joel jumps up from his side of the table and is next to you in an instant. He grabs your hands from where they are resting on your lap. Even as upset as you are, the feeling of his hands on yours makes your entire body feel warm.
“Baby, why on earth did you keep this to yourself? If I would have known that he was blackmailing you, I would have had someone standing guard at your apartment day and night."
“I thought that if I disappeared, they would leave you alone, but whoever it was, they found me. That's why I came to find you at your office."
“What do you mean they found you?" Joel asks, concern flooding his eyes.
“Someone followed me back to my apartment. I ran down the street, but they must have noticed where I lived because the next time I opened the door, there was a box waiting for me.
Joel stares at you, absorbing every word you speak.
“The picture was inside of the box with a note that said, 'Tell Joel he is running out of time.' That's when I decided I needed to come and find you. I am so sorry, Joel. I thought this would all just go away if I walked out of your life."
"That son of a bitch," Joel curses, releasing your hands as he stands and strides toward the balcony. Your hands, now devoid of his warmth, feel empty and cold.
"Who?" you inquire as Joel retreats, opening the door to step outside onto the balcony. You rise to your feet, fully intent on following him when he doesn't respond to your question. You make your way out to the balcony slowly, a sense of awe washing over you. You've never been inside a home as luxurious as this one.
The balcony sprawls out before you, offering an incredible view of the New York skyline. The distant buildings cast a glow that lights up the night sky like stars anchored to the earth. It would be breathtaking if not for the tense conversation hanging in the air between you two.
Joel settles onto an outdoor sectional in front of a fire pit nestled within the coffee table. The lavishness of such amenities never fails to astonish you. You take a seat next to him and look at him with expectation in your eyes, but when he still doesn't answer your question, you press further.
"Joel, who is trying so hard to drag you through the mud? Surely, it isn't just about money. If that were the case, they would have sold the photo already, and it would be everywhere by now." You pause for a moment before continuing with conviction in your voice. "I'm sure someone would pay a lot for that picture. This seems much more personal."
"You're right, babygirl," Joel responds with a slight smile playing on his lips as he gazes into the slowly flickering flames before him: "You are very perceptive; you really will make an excellent lawyer." 
Your eyes meet his with determination: "I hope I get to be one," you say thoughtfully before adding with concern. "But I don't know how focused I will be if I am constantly having to watch over my shoulder or fend off journalists curious about our situation." 
Joel sighs at your comment and looks out over the cityscape below—a silent acknowledgment that perhaps you were more direct than he expected. Even though you're not in the public eye like he is, this situation still has the potential to jeopardize your future career.
"I am sorry for dragging you into my messy family drama," Joel finally offers, his eyes softening as he turns to face you.
"Someone in your family is trying to blackmail you? Who would do that?" you ask, your shock evident in the way your eyebrows shoot up towards your hairline. You watch as Joel struggles to articulate an explanation.
"I believe I mentioned a bit about my father and our strained relationship while I was growing up," Joel says, his gaze drifting away from you.
"Yes, a little, right after we watched the dolphins," you recall, encouraging him to continue.
"Well, a significant part of our issues was his constant absence. When I was younger, I convinced myself that his work kept him busy, but after his death, I discovered that it was likely due to an affair he was having."
"Oh, Joel, I'm so sorry," you say, at a loss for words. The thought of discovering infidelity after already grieving the loss of your parents is unimaginable to you.
Joel continues, "I don't know how long the affair lasted, but at some point, the other woman became pregnant. I found out about Blaine some time ago—my half-brother, the product of my father's long-hidden affair. I don't even know if my father ever met his other son."
Curiosity piqued, you ask, "Have you ever met him?"
"No, I searched for him for years without success. Once I finally located him, I had my security team investigate him. To put it mildly, he's made some very poor life choices. So, I never pursued a meeting with him."
You reach out and take Joel's hand in yours, feeling the tension in his fingers as they intertwine with yours. He looks at your joined hands, seemingly finding it difficult to meet your gaze.
"It wasn't long after he discovered a connection to the Miller family through a DNA match that I started receiving messages demanding money. My father made it clear that Blaine was to inherit nothing. When I didn't respond, he began threatening my family members."
"Oh no," you say, your voice laced with sympathy as you run your thumb lightly over his.
"I had my security team focused on protecting my extended family. I was naive to think he wouldn't have me followed to the Bahamas. My oversight led to us being photographed. Blaine, my delinquent half-brother, must be the one trying to use you to get to me," Joel concludes, his guilt apparent in his eyes.
"Joel, this isn't your fault," you reassure him, squeezing his hand and trying to catch his eye.
"It is my fault. I'm the reason you're being dragged into this blackmail," Joel insists, finally meeting your gaze.
"If it weren't me, it would have been someone else," you counter, trying to alleviate his sense of responsibility.
"Don't you see?" Joel asks, frustration creeping into his tone. "If there had been another woman he could have used against me, he would have. There's never been anyone I cared for enough. I believe Blaine had us watched for quite some time before you left. He must have realized there was something more between us that he could exploit."
"What is between us?" you ask, your voice barely above a whisper, as you grip your hands together tightly in your lap.
Joel hesitates, the weight of his words hanging in the air. He looks at you with an intensity that makes it hard to breathe. "There's enough between us that I couldn't bear the thought of him hurting you," Joel finally admits, not breaking eye contact.
A pang of disappointment hits you, but you push it aside. "Oh," is all you manage to say, feeling a sense of deflation. You chide yourself for harboring such feelings. You know better than to want him in that way. He's older, and he's the father of your former friend. A relationship between you two could only lead to heartache. Yet, despite all logic, you can't help but yearn for him to feel more for you.
Joel stands with you, gently taking hold of your arms and turning you to face him. He pulls you close, and you can feel the heat of his body against yours as you place your hands on his chest.
"Babygirl, you are... irresistible," Joel confesses, his words sending a jolt through you. "I found myself seeking you out, just to spend a few moments with you. I tried to keep my distance, but I couldn't resist my desire to be near you, to hear your laugh, or to be the reason for the smile on your beautiful lips."
His words ignite a flutter in your chest, and you struggle to steady your breathing, your hands moving up to caress his neck as your fingers thread through his hair.
"And that day I took you to watch the dolphins, I knew all my efforts were in vain. I gave in to my feelings for you, despite knowing it was wrong. I wanted nothing more than to take you right there on the sand of that beach."
Joel's lips graze yours, the proximity of his mouth making it hard to concentrate on anything but the possibility of what might come next.
"I let my guard down because I thought it was safe. Safe for both of us. I liked the man I was when I was alone with you. On the yacht, I was more myself with you than I had been in a really long time. You awakened a desire in me that I didn't know was still there."
"I couldn't stop thinking about you," you whisper, your lips brushing against Joel's, your body instinctively leaning into his.
His urgency matches yours as his lips meet yours in a passionate kiss. You explore the contours of his chest and neck with your hands, finally allowing yourself to indulge in the moment. His tongue slips into your mouth, and a soft moan escapes you, prompting him to pull you even closer. After a few intense seconds, you regain your senses and pull back, your breath coming in short gasps as you stare into his face, taking in his handsomeness.
"What's wrong?" Joel asks, a frown forming on his lips.
"I'm moving in two days," you say, trying to rationalize your hesitation. "I just don't want to start feeling more for you just to have to leave again."
"I have a home not far from Harvard. I travel constantly all over the world. This isn't really about the distance between us, is it?" Joel challenges gently.
"No," you admit reluctantly.
"Then what is it about?" he asks, moving closer, his gaze locked onto yours.
"It's about how complicated this is, with Sarah and Blaine... it's all just so much," you confess, unable to trust yourself to look at his enticing mouth.
"What if we stopped worrying about how complicated this is and just... gave in?" Joel suggests, brushing a lock of hair from your face. He leans in and kisses you sweetly once more before pulling back to gauge your reaction.
“Just for tonight”, you whisper, biting your bottom lip. Sleeping with Joel, even for just one night, is probably a bad decision, but you don't care at the moment. You are so caught up in the emotions he sends spiraling through you that you can't bring yourself to say no. At his touch, your skin is on fire, and the taste of him lingers on your lips even after he pulls away.
It's all the invitation he needs to pick you up and kiss you again and again. He trails a soft touch up your side, and your skin prickles at his wandering hand. He lays you back against the soft cushions, and you catch a brief glimpse of his skin as his shirt billows. You can't help but run your hand up his stomach, feeling each well-defined ripple of muscle. Goosebumps appear in waves along your body as the heat of his chest travels up your arms.
You help him out of his shirt as the firelight sends dancing shadows across his skin. His linen shirt falls to the floor in an unwanted pile. Joel leans down to you and settles his hand upon your cheek. The gesture is adoring, which makes your heart ache with happiness. You have never been looked at the way Joel gazes at you.
"You are so unabashedly beautiful, baby," he says, his eyes narrowing in a hungry gaze that leaves you wanting more. His thumb traces the soft contour of your mouth, melting away your thoughts of anything but him. His deep eyes penetrate your soul, warming you to your core. You have to have him.
You reach for the waist of his jeans, but he stops your hand and grins at you. "Slow down," he says. "If we can only have this one night, I want to remember every second of it. I want to memorize every curve of your body, every sound that crosses your gorgeous lips, every look on your face." If you are only going to allow me one night, I am going to make it count."
His lips meet the nape of your neck, making your entire body shudder. Every kiss and soft touch of his lips along your collarbone has you melting. Joel's hands slide to your waist, and he tugs up the fabric of your shirt. He gently eases the garment over the top of your head. You feel his eyes devour the sight of you in your black lace bralette.
A gust of wind sneaks through the holes of the lace, making your nipples even harder than they already are at the sight of him. Joel's lips trail down your neck and to your breasts, teasing you with his tongue. He kisses along the upper barrier of your bra, leaving you panting and writhing beneath him as you long for him to take your hardened peak between his lips.
Again, you reach for his belt and busy yourself undoing it. Your fingers fumble with the clasp, and he chuckles softly at you, but eventually, it gives way, allowing you to access his top button and zipper. You want to rip the fabric from his body, but you remember that he had told you to move slowly, so you do your best to keep your trembling fingers calm.
The moon continues to rise higher in the sky as you slowly and methodically abandon each piece of Joel's clothing. You are ready to follow his lead, but Joel insists on slowing everything down for you, making your body physically ache with desire for him. He unclips the clasp of your bra and lets it fall to the floor at his feet. His soft kisses trail every part of your chest as he makes his way down to your belly button. Your arousal burns inside of you even as the cool breeze of the evening nips at your naked body. Joel pulls you closer to him. The heat from the fire only warms one side of your bodies.
"Are you cold?" he whispers against your neck, his breath fanning out and warming your flesh.
Shivers continue to move down your naked body in response to him and the breeze, but you do your best to give him a verbal response, even though your ability to speak has evaporated when his lips met your bare skin. You can only manage a slight shake of your head. However, Joel sweeps you into his arms and back into the house. His bare feet are soft on the cold tile of the hallway, and he uses his back to push open a door. You can barely make out his bedroom in the dark, a skylight offering the only light in the room directly over the bed.
The bed is covered in a white goose-down duvet that flutters in response to Joel helping you into the pillows. Then, as the blanket settles around you, he crawls over top of you. You grab the sides of his face and pull him closer to you, your thumbs massaging against his cheekbones.
"I am so lucky to have met you. Taking that trip was the best decision I have ever made," you pant, and you kiss him hard, sucking his bottom lip into your mouth, your teeth clamping down on the soft flesh, leaving him leaning into you with want. You can feel his hardness against your thigh, which only serves to spur you on to kiss him deeper. When you release him, he smiles down at you, his eyes glistening in the moonlight.
"I’m the lucky one. I will always be the lucky one." Joel's fingertips brush your cheek as he moves a loose lock of hair away from your face.
He kisses you back and lowers his body to meet yours. You lift yourself up to him, wanting to get as close to him as possible. You need him so badly; the thought of there being any distance between you at all is unimaginable. His need for you is also apparent, and he presses himself closer to you, his hardness poised at your entrance. The heat of your bodies mingles in the warmth of his bed.
You grip the duvet cover in both of your hands, anticipating him pushing inside of you, but he is still gazing down at you, taking his time.
You are unable to fight your longing for him for another second, so you don't. With both hands, you grip his muscular back, spreading your legs wider to welcome him in. His smile shifts to a smirk, and then, he is moving inside of you. Your head tips back, and an ethereal moan leaves your lips as he fills you completely.
Joel takes his time with this as well, creating a smooth, steady rhythm that has you hanging onto him as your only grip left on reality. Your hands trail down to his firm ass, and touching him in such an intimate place sends another shiver of pleasure through your body.
Before long, you feel your body begin to spasm around him, and it is all you can do to keep oxygen in your lungs. Joel's lips are on your neck, and you can feel him increasing his pace to match your moans as you tumble over the edge, crying out his name in a voice you don't even recognize as your own. Joel keeps you at your peak for what seems like an eternity. By the time he tightens up and grunts a few times, filling you with warmth, you can hardly handle the intensity of what he is doing to your body.
After Joel finishes, he doesn't move off of you right away. Instead, he kisses you softly, taking his time, his tongue dancing around yours, as if he were savoring the taste of you. When he finishes, he kisses you a couple of more times, quickly, and then moves so that he is resting next to you.
He pulls you to his chest, cradling your head against him and running his fingers through your hair. You nestle against him, wrapping an arm around his chest. You want to tell him all of the emotions you are feeling in your heart, but you don't dare. You had said just once. How could you lie in his arms and tell him you love him when this wasn't just your first time making love, it was also goodbye? You can't do that to him. So, instead, you lie there in his arms, letting your heavy eyes close, listening to the rhythm of his heart and his breathing, wishing this was just the first time and not the last, but nothing can be done to change your circumstances.
This will have to be the end.
You wake up a few hours later, and Joel is still awake. You know by the look in his eyes that he wants you again. Your instincts say no, you shouldn't do this again, but the fact that you have already made love once, and the night isn't over, spurs you on. Before you can stop yourself, you are mounting him, and with him buried deep within you, you rock your hips, letting that feeling of euphoria wash over you again. You continue for hours until you are both exhausted. 
Finally, you begin to fall back to sleep and settle next to him, but your mind is too busy to let you fall asleep completely. You watch the look in Joel's eyes as he looks over at you. Your breath slowly starts to settle back to an average pace. He stares at you as though he can't look away.
The soft glow of early morning dusts the starlit sky. He kisses your lips so softly you aren't sure if it's real or if the entire steamy night has been a dream. He lays his head back on one of the many pillows and closes his eyes. A small hint of a smile still lingers on his lips. Joel wraps a soft blanket around your naked body in a protective way. You melt into his side and can feel his heartbeat. You listen to the steady rhythm of his breaths until they slow. You know he has fallen asleep. Despite the heaviness of your eyelids, your mind doesn't want to rest.
Joel has a way about him that makes you feel safe, wanted, and, dare you think it, loved. You haven't felt that way in a long time. This one night with Joel puts three years with Todd to shame. You can't see yourself ever finding any man as wonderful as Joel again. You feel a piece of your heart break, knowing this can't last… that you won't let this last. Knowing that everyone in Joel's life will make sure that you won't even get a chance to try. You don't want the ugliness of reality to ruin the perfect night you have shared.
Joel was right. If you were only going to have one night together, you needed to make it count. Rather than giving in to your thoughts, you close your eyes and fall asleep in his arms.
When you wake up, it takes you a few moments for your eyes to adjust to the morning light streaming through the skylight. You're at Joel's house, in his bed. The smell of his sandalwood cologne lingers on your skin and the silky sheets. You roll to your side and realize that you're alone. You sit straight upright, holding the sheets to your bare chest, as you look around the room. The door is cracked open, and you can hear the clinking of dishes coming from down the hall.
You drape your legs over the side of the bed, scanning the floor. After an unsuccessful search, you realize your clothes are still on the balcony. You make your way into what you assume is Joel's ensuite, pull one of his shirts from the closet, and slip it over your shoulders. After rinsing your face in the sink, washing away yesterday's makeup, you silently make your way down the hall back to the kitchen.
Joel is humming a light tune while he's scrambling eggs in a frying pan. You stand and watch him as he continues cooking, humming to himself, and occasionally smiling. Your heart lifts at the thought that those smiles are for you.
“Good morning," you say in a lighthearted tone, pretending as though you hadn't been watching him.
“A very good morning," Joel answers with a small wink.
“I hope you don't mind that I borrowed this. I couldn't seem to find my clothes this morning."
Joel laughs and splits the scrambled eggs onto two plates.
“It looks a lot better on you. You can borrow it anytime you like," he says, not taking his eyes off of you.
“Oh wow, you cook too. What can't you do, Joel?" you ask and take a bite of eggs into your mouth.
Joel pulls out a paper bag full of pastries and places each one carefully on a plate.
“Eggs are just about the only thing I can cook. I usually have a black cup of coffee on my way out the door, so my cook doesn't come until later. I always like to keep a few of these on hand, from the bakery down the street." Joel passes you the plate full of pastries and you pick out a fluffy croissant. When it's just Joel and you, it's easy to forget that he's insanely wealthy and amenities such as personal chefs are his norm.
“I would love a cup of that black coffee if you have it on hand." You smile and break the croissant in half, inhaling the buttery scent.
“How did you sleep?" Joel asks, pouring you a mug full of coffee.
“I slept amazingly. You'll have to tell me where you got your sheets. They are so soft," you tease.
Joel chuckles and sits down next to you, placing the coffee in front of you. He brushes back a piece of your hair and tucks it behind your ear. The simple action sends another wave of heat through you, and you have to remind yourself not to get used to this. You swallow hard.
“How did you sleep?" you ask.
“The best night's sleep I have gotten in a long time," he says with a smirk and a glance in your direction. You feel your cheeks burn at his insinuation.
“Me too," you admit, thinking about how great it felt just to sleep next to him.
You take a sip of the steaming coffee and continue working on your plate.
“So what have you been up to since I last saw you?" Joel asks as though you hadn't run away without saying goodbye.
“I have just been packing up the apartment and trying to remember everything I need to do before the move."
“Did you get everything taken care of that you needed to?"
“Yeah, for the most part," you say, glancing at him. You can't stop thinking about your night together.
“Have you gotten everything packed?" he asks with a hint of sadness in his voice, keeping his eyes on his food.
“Not everything, I am close, but I still have a few more things to sort out."
“I would offer to come to help you if I didn't have to work today. I have a meeting with investors, which I can't get out of."
“Oh, no, I would never ask you to miss work. I will just call a cab," you say quickly.
“Nonsense. I will have my driver take you home."
Joel helps you collect your clothes from the balcony and you use his bathroom to freshen up before he walks you downstairs. The same black car is waiting for you on the street in view of the lobby.
“I will call you later, babygirl. I promise," Joel says.
You nod and look up into his eyes with a small smile. Joel bends down and touches your lips to his. The kiss is soft and sweet; the heat lingers on your lips as the car pulls away from Joel standing on the sidewalk, watching you leave.
The drive goes fast on the way back to your apartment because you keep replaying the events of your night with Joel over and over again. You can feel your face heat up by the time you pull up to your building and Joel's driver opens your door for you.
“Thank you so much for the ride," you say with a smile, the driver nods but does not get back into the car.
“Is there something else?" you ask, confused.
“I have strict instructions to make sure you get into the building safely, Miss."
You give a weak smile and head into your building and up the stairs. As soon as you put your key in the lock, the door flies open. Both of your roommates are standing in the doorway with grins plastered on their faces.
“Somebody didn't come home last night. That better mean you have something to tell us," Lin says, she's nearly vibrating with excitement.
“I don't know what you mean. We just had a nice time catching up," you lie with a sly grin, and already know your roommates can see right through it.
“Oh, you two caught up last night alright. You slept with him, didn't you?" Aubrey says, and her smile gets even bigger.
“I did," you say barely above a whisper, your smile filling your face at the admission.
Both Lin and Aubrey squeal as they usher you inside and close the door.
“We need every single detail," Lin says.
“Fine, but I really need to shower first," you say, chuckling.
After your shower, the three of you sit down so you can spill the tea. You start off with the not so interesting parts and let it build.
“So everything started out on his balcony, where he kissed me. I was ready to rip his clothes right off his body but he wanted to take things slow. He said he wanted to memorize everything about me," you say, warming at the memory. “Since it was only for the night, I'm glad he made me slow down."
“And how is this man single?" Aubrey asks with a giggle.
“Honestly, I have no idea. The way he made me feel was like nothing I have ever experienced before. Plus, he made me breakfast this morning."
“We don't care about the breakfast! How was he?" Lin asks, waving her hand to make you move on.
“He was absolutely amazing, I think I actually left my own body at one point."
“How big is he?" Lin asks, leaning in closer with a grin.
You smack her arm lightly and start laughing, hard. “No way in hell am I going to tell you that!"
“It was worth a shot," Lin says with a mocking smile.
“Honestly, the sex was the best I have ever had. And it wasn't because of his size or his amazingly toned body, which it is by the way. It was the way he looked into my eyes that made me feel like I meant so much to him. I felt like he was seeing me for who I actually am, and adored every part of me. I haven't felt that way in such a long time," you gush as you wrap a towel around your wet hair.
Lin lets out an audible moan and falls back onto her unmade bed.
“Oh, you are so lucky. I don't know if I will ever find a man to look at me like that. Although, right now I could do with one with rock-hard abs," Lin says.
You laugh and toss a pillow over to Lin, and it flops onto her.
“It was absolutely amazing!" you continue daydreaming.
“So when are you seeing him again?" Aubrey asks.
“I kind of told him that it was a one-time thing…" you trail off.
“Why the hell would you do that?" Lin shoots straight up and practically shouts at you.
“In case you forgot, Lin, we are moving in just two days. How am I supposed to continue a relationship with him while he's living in New York?"
“You can't really believe that. The man is a billionaire, I am sure you would see him all the time if you really wanted to. You are just using moving as an excuse," Lin says. She stares you down until you can't take it anymore and look away. You make eye contact with Aubrey and can tell she feels the same way.
“It's complicated."
“We just want you to be happy. You deserve to be happy," Aubrey says and reaches out to hold your hand.
“I want to be happy too, but there is so much standing in our way. I am moving away, his daughter absolutely hates me now, and not to mention our age gap. Plus, the creepy stalker situation."
“It doesn't matter how messy it is if he makes you happy," Lin offers.
You sit in silence as you soak in their support. A knock on the door echoes through the entire apartment, making your heart beat faster. You all look at each other with apprehension.
You rush to the door expecting Joel to be on the other side. You're ready to tell him that you want to give this, to give it a shot. There's no one at the door, so you stick your head out and look down the hallway, but still discover nothing. Just as you're about to shut the door, you notice a small piece of yellow paper taped to it. You peel the tape off of the door and turn the note over. In tiny, extremely neat handwriting are five words. These five words make your heart drop and chase all thoughts of a relationship with Joel from your mind.
You can't run from this.
Everything about you had been so wonderful, and Joel couldn't get the memory of your intimacy out of his head. He sighs, resting his cheek on his fist as he rides along in silence, anticipating a busy meeting with investors. Vultures, all of them, but they were a necessary evil. The only thoughts Joel wanted to have today were of you. Unfortunately, he didn't always get what he wanted.
He watches as buildings whiz by, the scent of street vendors and car exhaust heavy in the air. People wander along the sidewalks, chatting happily with one another, arms full of shopping bags. He sees a couple lean forward and lock lips, a sadness stabbing into his gut. That could be us, Joel thinks to himself, letting out a sigh and shaking his head. Things had to be so complicated. Money could solve most, if not all problems, so why not this?
The car pulls into the building, and the door is opened for him so he can make his way inside. Bland colors like muted whites, greys, and blacks greet him as he exits the elevator and walks down the halls in his formal tailored suit. He gives an absentminded nod toward the secretary, not thinking much of either this meeting, the people here, or the day, as his thoughts are strictly locked on you..
Well. That was until he recalls a rather recent memory regarding the secretary. He remembers her words regarding the wonderful, intelligent woman he had in his bedroom only last night. Before entering the meeting, he gives her a harsh glare out of the side of his eye, something she doesn't notice, as she is busy typing on the computer. Perhaps something would need to be done about her unfair and unwarranted treatment of you.
Joel smiles to himself, the thought of being rid of this new problem tantalizing. First, however, he needs to handle the circus that is the investors. Thankfully, the meeting goes quickly, the bored expressions of the investors only mildly infuriating. It takes a lot of determination and hard work to run this company, so to see people a bit less enthusiastic makes his stomach clench with annoyance. Now he can move on to more important matters. His hand flies toward his pants pocket as he feels a vibration, raising a brow. Could it be you? He wonders, at this point excited like a lost school boy. He's a mess. Joel Miller, a highly successful man in this dog-eat-dog world. Brought to his knees by a woman twenty years his junior, but what a woman you are. To him, that doesn't matter. Joel brings out his phone, his heart fluttering and a grin widening across his face as he realizes the message is from you. Perhaps you're texting in order to work things out? He's been interested in you before, with obvious worries due to the age gap, but is now convinced that if you both wanted to, you could work things out. He would never force you to do so. However, after actually reading the texts, his heart clenches, and he feels a pit in his stomach. His hopeful smile melts into a deep, angry scowl. That bastard is still active, more than ever now. Blaine needs to be stopped, his antics this time included leaving a letter for you that reads;  You can't run from this.
Joel will make damn sure that he can't, either. He needs to figure out the status of this situation with his head of security. He clenches his jaw and resists the urge to throw his phone against the wall. Reacting that way wouldn't be helpful. Joel ignores the secretary's wary, surprised look as he briskly walks past her. No doubt, she sees his expression and posture. He will deal with her later.
Sending a text, he makes his way to another meeting room, this one private. He waits for Bruce to enter, taking a seat himself and leaning back in a cushioned chair. Bruce does, after what feels like hours but could only have been minutes.
“You want updates on the Blaine situation, sir?" Bruce asks, causing Joel to give a curt nod. Bruce sighs, shaking his head. “I have good news and bad news. Bad news first, we have no idea where he is located."
Joel puts a hand over his forehead and lets out a soft groan, the stress of the situation spawning a minor headache. “What could the good news possibly be in this situation," Joel asks, his voice laced with frustration.
The security head isn't phased, likely having expected this reaction. Rather, he dips his head, taking out his phone to turn toward Joel. His expression is grim, and there are shadows under his eyes. Perhaps this situation is taking its toll on him as well. Joel will bear that in mind for bonuses. Bruce will get a big one, if he can coherently help Joel take Blaine down, of course.
“We're sure the pictures have not been released to news outlets. My team has been watching this issue like hawks. No sign of the media getting their grubby hands on this. Your reputation is safe for now, sir," Bruce explains.
Joel sighs, muttering, “It isn't my reputation I'm worried about." He shakes his head, holding his face in his hands and thinking for a moment. After composing himself, Joel looks back toward Bruce and gives a nod. “Thank you for your hard work. I hope we'll be able to find him soon. He's been making my life a living hell, and I need to put a stop to it." Anger swells in Joel's chest at the lack of progress despite the 'good news', and not at the head of security by any means. He knows that the team is doing their best. Those not doing their best, however, are about to get punished, and hard. Joel runs his fingers through his hair, making his way out of the room and dismissing Bruce back to his current position.
Now, Joel is headed toward the front desk, his jaw tightened and his expression twisted into an incredibly deep scowl. He approaches the secretary, who is leaning back, likely slacking off as she sometimes does. That's whatever to him, as long as she gets her work done. Insulting you, however, is not included in her job description, and it tells him how she thinks of, and treats people in general. 
Joel snarls at her, “You. You're fired."
“What? But, sir, I–"
“Did I stutter?" Joel asks dangerously. “Out. Now. You have five minutes to grab your things and go. If I return and see you here, I will address this with my head of security."
“Can you at least tell me what I did?" she asks, pouting as she stands up.
“Yes. You insulted someone who is very important to me because you thought you were better than her. Maybe this will teach you a lesson about treating people poorly. Now, out!"
She stares at him with a mixture of anger and horror, the latter expression doubtlessly winning out. There's no way she can touch him, not with the amount of power he holds. One moment she was on top of the world, abusing those below her, and the next, she's below the woman she mocked. Hopefully, Joel isn't emulating that. He ponders this for a split second, but then shakes his head. No. She deserved this after the treatment of you, but beyond that, it again shows that this behavior was likely not limited just to the one woman he cared for.
Joel makes his way into another room, taking a few turns in the hall before arriving at his assistant's desk side. His angry expression fades into one that is far more apologetic when he sees her typing away, stacks of papers to be organized on her desk. She looks up, puzzled, and tilts her head. “Sir?" she asks, taking her hands off the keyboard and leaning back.
There's no fear in her gaze, like some when they look upon him, given the position he holds. She knows him well enough that if she's actually diligent with work and a good person, he will return the kindness. Unfortunately, she's about to have something added to her workload. Guilt twists in Joel's stomach, but nothing can be done about that.
“I need a new secretary," he sighs. He adds, quickly, “I'll compensate you for your stress. I promise. A large bonus. I know it's a lot, and I truly appreciate your work."
His assistant sighs, glancing back to her computer. The slightest hint of frustration crosses her face, and Joel could have sworn the circles under her eyes got just a bit darker. Then, however, she smiles, letting out a chuckle. “Sure, Joel, I will get right to it. An extra day off or two added onto this bonus may help all of this stress, though."
“After we sort out the secretary thing and other pressing problems, yes. A week off, fully paid, and that bonus. How does that sound?" Joel asks hopefully.
She grins, giving him a thumbs up. Joel sighs in relief, glad that at least, that was taken care of.
Glancing at the time on his cell phone, he realizes he has lunch with Todd and Sarah. What fun that would be. Seeing Todd again after everything he's learned about him is less than appealing. Joel gets into his car, leaning against the door and staring out into the bright, sunny day.
What he wouldn't give to be with you right now, learning even more about you, talking about plans for the future. Joel licks his lips, shaking his head. Speak of the devil, though. On his way to the restaurant for lunch, his phone rings once more, and it's you.
His heart flutters seeing your name, but he knows this is serious. “Hello?" he asks, a hint of caution in his tone.
“Joel," you breathe from the other line. “You got my text, right? I'm so scared. Can we please talk? I really want to see you again to go over this."
“Yes, we can," Joel confirms, happy to be able to see you again, but sad to hear the stress in your tone. Given the circumstance, it's understandable. “I'll have Bruce pick you up. See you soon."
Your heart pounds with anxiety as you wait on the sidewalk, leaning against a brick wall and shuddering despite the warmth of the sun. Your reputation is currently at major risk. Your stomach clenches, swirling with negative emotions and sheer, utter fear. You've worked so hard to get where you are, to lead a successful life, and now this could ruin it all. You don't want to be stuck in a low-paying job, barely scraping by. Is Joel a curse or a blessing at this point? No, you can't think like that. Blaine is the one causing issues, not Joel.
The memories of kissing and fucking Joel flood back, and you recall how good it felt, how cared for you felt. You lick your lips, remembering the way Joel ravaged you in bed, allowing your eyelids to droop just a little. For a moment, you cap the fear, but that only lasts briefly before the wave of negative emotions crashes over you again. You start to pace, trying to reassure yourself that everything will work out. Surely your life can't be ruined by one picture, can it? But deep down, you know the truth. This is terrible.
By the time Bruce arrives to help you into the car, tears are streaming down your cheeks. You quickly wipe them away, not wanting your emotions to be so plainly visible by the time you arrive. It will be hard to hide your feelings from Joel, but you're too distraught to care at this point. You click your seatbelt into place, lean against the leather seat, and stare out the window, trying to distract yourself from the inevitable. 
Above, the sun begins to be obscured by clouds, a fitting metaphor for your mood. The greys of the asphalt mix with the bland white and black buildings you rush by, their windows dark, mostly covered by curtains from the inside.nYou pass a murder of crows picking at roadkill, twisting your stomach at the sight. Though all of this is mundane, it only serves to worsen your mood. The patter of rain on the windows confirms the approaching storm, accompanied by distant rumbling. You hug yourself, close your eyes, and try to calm down.
When you arrive at Joel's house, the sight of it in all its extravagance would usually excite you. You adore seeing Joel. But with the recent problems caused by your complicated relationship, it doesn't feel the same as when you left. Bruce leads you to the door and politely steps back, waiting for Joel's protocol. You hesitate but eventually knock, convincing yourself that texting would be silly given you're right here.
Moments later, Joel opens the door. Your breath catches as you stare up at him, momentarily lost in his eyes before snapping back to reality. Memories of your night in bed come flooding back, distracting you, but you know you need to stay focused. This is a horrible occasion, but even within this tiny pocket of time, you convince yourself that surely he can help. You make that decision just by looking at him, even if it feels a bit naive. After taking a deep breath, you reach into your purse and pull out the note for him to see in person.
A mixture of emotions crosses Joel's face. His lips twist into a scowl, his brow furrowing, reflecting the mood of the storm. Another rumble of thunder causes you to jump a little, but Joel has no reaction. He slips the note into his pocket and fixes his eyes on you. His scowl fades into a worried frown, his deep eyes gleaming with concern.
"Babygirl," he begins, biting his lip, probably searching for the right words. A silence stretches as he seems to lose his words again. You break the silence after placing a hand on your forehead and dragging it down your face. You will the tears to hold back this time because you need to keep your tone steady and convey how you're feeling.
After taking a deep breath, you say, "Joel, I'm frightened about what this could do to my reputation. That note definitely indicates action will be taken soon. I really want us to work out, but with that horrible person causing all this stress and danger to my life as I know it, I'm on edge and losing it."
This time, you can't stop the tears. They well up in your eyes and slowly glide down your cheeks. Joel stares at you for a moment, probably at a loss for words. Once again, silence stretches. Say something, you think to yourself, biting your lip and quickly reaching up to wipe away more tears. You raise your eyebrows, hoping he has all the answers. Sadly, he appears as lost as you are, his head hanging slightly, his body tense.
"I will take care of you. Just put your career aside, for now. Not forever. Let me help you. It will be fine, we can work this out," Joel finally says, causing you to inwardly groan.
That's not what you wanted to hear. You don't want to have to rely on him all the time. You don't want to put your dreams aside for some storybook relationship that may not work out, leaving you with nothing. You've worked too hard in life for this, spending countless hours in school to become a lawyer. Your dreams are crumbling right before your eyes. Is it because of Joel? An inner voice tells you no, it isn't. He has nothing to do with this. By how he treats you, you know he loves you back and wants to do everything in his power to make this work. But this situation has escalated beyond his control.
You shake your head, crossing your arms as he motions into the house. "Please. Follow me, at least. Let's talk this out," he pleads. You oblige, the pit in your stomach growing heavier.
You walk through the house, your eyes falling upon the fancy carpeting and light fixtures, still finding some comfort in them despite this situation. Truthfully, you need to start letting this go. You need to let it all go. With your mind stuck here, with him, there's no way to move on with your life and advance the way you want to. As much as your heart breaks having to admit that, you know you need to be a lawyer more than anything.
You take a seat at a table across from him as he raises a brow. "Eggs?" he asks sheepishly, causing you to smile despite the circumstances.
But that smile quickly fades into a frown as tears begin to flow once more. This time, you don't bother wiping them away. You take a deep breath and make the decision you need to. Steeling yourself, you look him in the eye and say in a very serious tone, "Look, Joel, we can't do that. I can't do that. I have to do this for myself. How can I rely on you all the time? How can you take care of me through all of this?"
"Baby, I have plenty of money and resources. I can easily take care of you; you don't need to worry about all of this," Joel says, his voice tinged with a pleading tone.
"I am not some child in need of being taken care of. I can't spend my days longing for the beach billionaire only to have my independence and dreams threatened. I want to be a lawyer for myself, not for the money. If my reputation is shattered, so is my life. I am sorry it has to be this way, but this has gone too far, and I need to say goodbye."
"What? No, wait, I–"
You're not listening at that point. Tears are pouring down your cheeks as you stand up quickly, whirling and bolting down the hall. You don't care if you're running away from your problems now. You don't care if you're running away from him while at the same time wanting to fall into his arms and tell him you'd drop everything so that he could care for you. You need to do this for yourself and not be caged by this nightmare.
The expression on his face, that brief glimpse of utter grief, has your heart pounding. You burst out the front door and hurry down to Bruce, sniffling and letting out a few whimpering sobs. You feel as though you're melting. The pattering rain makes you sopping wet, which does the opposite of helping the situation. You lock eyes with Bruce and gulp. "Please. Take me home. Just take me home."
He nods, thankfully asking no questions, and opens the door for you. You get in and rest your forehead against the window, shuddering with sobs. Bruce graciously raises the privacy screen, though you catch a sympathetic glance from him in the rearview mirror.
Strands of your hair fall into your face, but you don't care. You wrap your arms around yourself, trying to calm yourself down after that horrible decision. How could you just walk away from Joel? He was so great, but you were just too scared. Scared of losing what you've worked so hard for, even if you do love him. You had to do this for yourself. You hate how much you still love him. You hate how you want this to work out. But most of all, you hate that you need to leave him. All of this is what's best for you, though.
As the car pulls out of the driveway and drives off, you glimpse Joel standing there, watching you leave, his shoulders slumped. He stands in the rain, not moving, letting himself get soaked. He watches you drive away until you can no longer see each other. 
You manage to calm yourself down at your apartment, telling Lin and Aubrey that you really can't talk right then because your head isn't in the best spot. You drown yourself in books, particularly those of law, to remind yourself just how important this is to you. You can't let some lovestruck incident stop you from chasing your dreams. When you finally look at the clock, it's 11:03 PM. You gasp, surprised at just how well losing yourself in rounding out your studies has worked to eat up time.
Tossing and turning in your bed, you can't get Joel's expression out of your head. Everything about that situation makes you feel horrible. 
Did you make the right decision?
You still feel that strong urge to contact Joel again and apologize for how you behaved. Running back would achieve the opposite of what you want, though. You have to let this all go. You can do that, right? Judging by how closely you clutch your pillow that night, imagining it's Joel, you aren't so sure.
The next morning, you wake up, yawning and rubbing your eyes. The smell of fresh bacon hits your nose, causing your stomach to rumble. Through all of this stress, you find yourself eating less than you should lately. You really should pay attention to your health. All of this stress is, no doubt, horrible for you. You enter the kitchen area, looking over to Aubrey. Her eyes sparkle with concern as she stares you down, tilting her head.
“How are you?" she asks with hesitation, as if concerned the question would shatter you to pieces. 
You respond with a shrug. “Been better. My focus is on packing. We have a lot to finish," you offer. 
Aubrey nods, finishing breakfast up and serving you at the table. She sits down across from you, munching on the scrumptious bacon and gesturing for you to help yourself. That you do, something you definitely don't regret. Cooked to perfection and warming your stomach at least a little bit, the bacon helps ease you even if only a smidgeon. You're grateful for the silence during eating, though, as you're still gathering your thoughts.
When all is finished, you return to packing. You haul some books and pack them into some boxes neatly, letting out a light sigh. Lin joins you soon, her cheerful expression fading upon seeing your face. Are there circles under your eyes? Probably. You went to bed at a less-than-reasonable hour. Not to mention, you tossed and turned all night, which probably contributed to how slow you are right now.
You break the awkward silence first. “I was very harsh with Joel yesterday," you begin. 
Lin gasps, taken aback by this. “The same guy you said you had amazing sex with? But why?" she asks. Aubrey leans forward, flabbergasted by this knowledge as well. You nod, biting your lip and feeling tears coming on again. You cry a lot lately, don't you?
“Because it isn't working out," you say with a short tone, gathering your bearings. A few items in boxes later, you decide to elaborate. “My reputation is at risk. I really want to become a lawyer, guys. I am so scared. I got a threatening note, and if pictures get out of us together, I'll be done for. You know how the media is. I will never be able to practice. My dreams are at risk of being completely destroyed," you mutter.
Aubrey and Lin exchange a glance, probably debating how to approach this. You glance up toward them, waiting for their response. Your arms are a little bit achy from moving some of the heavier objects into the boxes, but you make do. Probably best to rest after these final days of packing.
“And you're sure, dude, you're completely miserable." Aubrey asks softly. You hesitate but slowly nod. Her eyes have a skeptical spark to them, but she dips her head. ��I'll take your word for it even if you seem a little unsure. The stress is getting to you. I can tell."
“Yeah," Lin agrees. “The way you talked about him was hot. I still wish I had a guy like that, but if it's not going to work out, then it's best to move on. Moving will probably be the best thing that can happen."
“New York isn't a good place to be right now," Aubrey adds, her nose wrinkling. “So many problems, and on top of all this? Thank goodness Cambridge is quiet. At least, it should be quieter. Look, I'll hold the fort for you here. You promise to stay in contact, though?"
Realizing you're losing one of your close friends, you tear up all over again. The best you can do is nod. You spread your arms, and your two friends rush over to you. One group hug and many tears later, you pull away from them. You place your hands on Aubrey's shoulders. “Lin and I are going to miss you so much, we will absolutely stay in contact. How could we not, you're like our sister?"
You all hug again, crying at splitting up. It had been you three against the world for so long. The sadness is interrupted by your need to load the Uhaul. That's even worse than carrying all of the heavy boxes around, admittedly. The conversation turns from the obvious panic-inducing subject of the Joel situation to brighter, happier topics. At least there isn't a cloud in the sky above this time, making the move a bit more pleasant.
You smile and enter the apartment, wanting to take one last break before heading out with the final boxes. The stormy mood hanging around your head is at least starting to dissipate. 
Lin and Aubrey take a seat before you, munching on some ham sandwiches for lunch. Lin eyes you and asks, “You ever think about writing a book or something? Your life sounds like a movie."
After a harsh look from Aubrey, Lin grins sheepishly and coughs. “Er, this will hopefully be a happy ending."
You chuckle, shaking your head and wiping away some sweat from your forehead with the back of your hand. “No, but I should, shouldn't I?" You chuckle.
Then, you sober a bit. “We don't need to avoid the subject if you have questions, though. I can tell there's something on the tip of your tongue."
Lin glances over to Aubrey, who shakes her head. Evidently your friend decides to ask the question anyway. “Do you think he will follow you? How bad was your fight, anyway? You said very harsh but that could mean a lot."
Aubrey leans over and elbows her, and Lin gives her a look that says, What? We were both wondering that.
You sigh and shake your head. “I don't think he will. At least, I hope not. I will put my foot down and tell him to go away if he does. Even if I really, really don't want to."
Aubrey's eyes sparkle with sympathy as she stares at you. “Still in love, huh? Not every day you find a man that looks at you the way you described. But, again, you should do what's best for you. Before everything else. There will be other men out there! If you think this won't work out, yeah, moving on is good. Not awesome, but good." You nod, wanting to take your friend's advice to heart and not put yourself in any more danger.
“We are really going to miss you Aubrey, life won't be the same without your great advice and support," you say and Lin nods in agreement.
“Yeah, who's going to keep my mouth in check now?" Lin says with a grin, though tears are in her eyes.
“No more crying!" Aubrey says, and you all laugh. It's going to be hard to leave this, your friendship means so much to you all. You try not to think about what Lin said. But you can't stop the thoughts running through your mind now.
What if he does follow you? Will you really tell him to go away? Or will you cave? This really isn't his fault, at all, but regardless of who's causing the issue, you together can't work.
You feel your heart clench at that, really, really not wanting to accept it. Thankfully, there's no way he would show up anywhere soon. He's too busy, right? 
You finish up your break with the other two, exchanging hugs again. They each take a few heavy boxes and head out to the Uhaul, grunting at how heavy they are.
As Aubrey passes you, she says, “You really take your studies seriously, huh? I'm glad you did what's best for you in that case, because just by all of this, your career being in danger would obviously crush you. Even more so than these heavy boxes are crushing me."
You have to laugh at her antics.
Placing the last box at the bottom of the moving truck, you wipe more sweat from your brow and smile to yourself. You can look to the future, leave this place behind, and start anew. You have so much going for you. All of this drama will be behind you soon. So will Joel. You bite your lip, not liking that thought. Maybe you should have been nicer as opposed to storming out like that. “Very harsh," you whisper to yourself.
“Uh…hey?" you hear Lin's voice. 
You're resting there, staring at a box, lost in thought. Letting out a sigh, you wave your hand without turning around. “Give me a minute, please," you respond, wanting to gather your bearings once more. All of your swarming thoughts keep contradicting you, after all.
“I don't think we have a minute. Someone is here to see you," she says. You furrow your brow and roll your shoulders back, turning to see what in the world she could be talking about.
Your eyes widen and your jaws drop as you spot a very familiar face. Your entire body tenses, and your breath catches as you take in the man standing before you. The man you'd driven away from and left there in tears only a day before. He wears a forlorn, lost expression, guilt seeping from every pore.
“Joel," you breathe. “What are you doing here?"
Seeing you again, so gorgeous in every way, brought back painful memories that, just hours before, he had said goodbye to. Yet here he is, staring you down with likely an incredibly pleading expression. A pit forms in his stomach as he wonders if this is disrespecting your wishes about space. He doesn't walk any closer to you, even though he very much wants to take you into his arms and hold you close. He swallows and lets out a soft sigh, opening his mouth to start.
“Babygirl, I–"
“Joel, what are you doing here? You–"
“I know, it–"
“Seeing you here again, I–"
“I wanted to talk about–"
You both stop, getting nowhere since your words are being tangled by talking over one another. He has the delight of seeing an amused glint in your eyes. You bring your hand up to your lips, covering your mouth for a moment in amusement before clearing your throat and letting out a sigh. Your expression hardens as, no doubt, you decide to stand your ground. Rolling your shoulders back, you lift your chin, regarding him with a small degree of wariness.
“Go ahead, Joel. I'll hear you out," you say, nearly causing Joel to collapse with relief. He has one last chance to make things right, and he needs to make it count. This isn't about him; this is about you. You deserve the life you've strived for. You're an intelligent, beautiful woman, and it's not his place to get in the way of that. Steeling his resolve, he does as you ask, nodding and refocusing his mind on the issue at hand.
“I was wrong," he starts, watching as you raise a brow. “I should have never asked you to put your dreams on hold for me. It was selfish. I was blinded by my feelings for you, which in the end, would have harmed you. You will still have the position at the law firm I helped you obtain, though your merits were more than enough. I understand none of this is about the money. It is about you being you, going out there and helping people like you have always wanted to. Making a name for yourself. I apologize for being too dense to realize that."
Tears brew in your eyes that you reach up to quickly wipe away. He watches your shoulders sag and listens to the little sniffle you give as you process everything he's telling you. Several emotions flash across your face right then. The first is surprise, followed by acceptance, and finally cautious happiness. You wear a soft smile, moments later not bothering to wipe away the tears.
He has a feeling they turn from panicked and sad to tears of a more positive nature right then. He can't help but feel hopeful at this and a smile slowly creeps across his face.
“Thank you," you breathe, taking a few steps forward and hesitating. “Can I give you a hug?" His heart skips a beat, and he nods, delighted for this chance. It will likely be among the last ones you and him exchange, as he is not going to get in the way of your dreams, though he has deep feelings for you.
You continue, “I'm really happy you came to see me. I tried letting go of everything, but it was so hard, Joel."
He wraps his arms around you as you bury your face into his chest. The smell of sweet perfume wafts into his face, causing his entire body to relax. Everything about you is angelic, beautiful, and perfect. He wants to sweep you off your feet and take you away, to treat you like the princess you are, but he knows those thoughts are unreasonable. Rather, he holds you there for several moments before finally breaking the silence after a thought of seeing you for longer comes to him.
“Would… you like to have one last bit of extravagance with me before you start your new life in Cambridge? No strings attached. Just a night of fun for you, to rest your mind after all the stress you have been dealing with," he says.
Even if the stress was due to him, in some part at least, perhaps this all would help. You would know you were going to a better place following the night, if you accepted, anyway. He knows you don't want him to ruin your chances at law school, but he really doesn't want to let you go. The thought of never seeing you again after tonight makes his heart ache. He looks at you, trying to hide his desperation to be with you from his expression.
After a long pause, you pull away and look into his eyes. His heart drops, considering the high possibility you will decline. You have every right to, after all, given all that has happened. He opens his mouth to assure you that he would understand entirely if you said no, but you raise a hand to stop him, your smile widening. “Yes. I think that would be good for me, Joel. Thank you. Plus… I miss you. I am sorry for storming out the way I did," you mutter.
“Oh, I deserved it," he laughs, rubbing the back of his neck. “I was not putting you first or thinking of how hard you worked to achieve your goals. But I am delighted you decided to come with me."
Right then, rounding the corner are two women, your roommates. Seeing him, your jaws drop for a moment. One walks up to you, quickly, putting herself between him and you. You say, “Lin! What are you doing?"
Lin replies, “Making sure you're alright! You came home a wreck, and now this guy is here? He's the one you left, isn't he? Looks like how you described him."
“Yes, but we talked it out. I… want to spend one last evening with him. It's something he offered to do," you say.
Lin steps aside, crossing her arms and furrowing her brow. She looks over to the other girl and gestures to him and you.
“What do you think, Aubrey?" Lin asks.
The other girl, Aubrey, shakes her head, looking toward you. “Is this healthy? Are you sure you are not in danger? He clearly seems to care, but what about the stalker?" she says, side-eyeing him. “We just want to make sure you're okay."
He can't blame them, and this is not his place to intervene. He steps aside, waiting for you to explain the situation. Trying to interject and defend himself would not be wise at this point.
You give your friends a very sad smile. “Hey, I appreciate how much you two care. I know. I was a mess. I still am. But Joel apologized, he understands my dreams come first. It's goodbye after one last night. I'm not changing course or anything. I'm not dropping my plans. I just can't deny my emotions for him anymore. Really, I need this," you tell them.
He blinks in surprise, honored you would defend him in front of your friends the way you did.
Lin appears skeptical as she exchanges a glance with Aubrey. The sun shines down on all four of you, just a few clouds in the sky right now. The temperature is mild, so the atmosphere itself at least isn't making things worse.
A car rumbles by, its mechanical growls breaking the silence that had settled on your group. You're out of the way and on the sidewalk, so you're not disrupting anyone, at least.
Finally, Aubrey speaks up. “If you think this is what's best for you, then we support you," she says. “I know you won't walk away from your dreams for anyone, no matter how dreamy he may be. But be careful, okay?" Her eyes fall upon him, and there's a dangerous glint to them he rarely sees in any expression from another toward him that doesn't relate to his wealth. “As for you, don't play with her emotions or steer her away from what she truly wants. Understand?"
He nods, aware she is dead serious and wondering if that was a threat. Not that he's opposed. This is a caring gesture for you, and he's relieved you have friends like this that care deeply. “I do," he replies. “I know I was wrong, I was just scared for her and tried to protect her the only way I know. It wasn't the right way, though. And it will never happen again."
He hopes they believe him because it's all true. He would never ask you to sacrifice your dreams for him; it isn't fair to you.
“I will arrange for someone to drive your belongings to Cambridge and set up your apartment while we spend one last night together. Lin, if you'd like, they can set your stuff up there as well."
Lin and Aubrey exchange another glance and nod. Lin says, “Thank you, I'll take you up on that! Remind me to find a guy like you when I have to move again."
This lightens the mood, causing all of you to laugh. Thank goodness, the situation could have turned fairly complicated very fast. True to his word, he makes a call to his assistant, arranging for your things to be taken care of. One last thing to worry about.
When the other two women leave, you and he are left there together, silent and just staring into each other's eyes. He finds himself lost in yours, tilting his head and cupping your cheek.
God, you are beautiful. His breath catches just looking at you. He can't believe just how lucky he was to have found you, and that you found it in your heart to forgive him even if he's drowning in guilt over not putting your wishes first.
“Kiss me?" you ask in a hush tone, and he can't help but to oblige. He leans down and presses his lips against yours, stars practically rushing through his entire body. He is lost in all of you during that kiss, emotions swirling and skin crackling with chemistry. You eventually have to pull away for air, sadly, and you let out a soft sigh.
“Thank you," you whisper.
He smiles at you, taking you into another hug. “No. Thank you, babygirl."
He will make it count and see your smile light up the area again. Nothing is too much for you, and he is going to pull out all the stops. He looks at you and smiles. “One last night together," you sigh and smile up at him.
One last night together.
taglist: @brittmb115 @lizzie-cakes @puduvallee @theoraekenslover @harriedandharassed
@vickie5446 @chiyo13 @ashleyfilm
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violetarks · 3 days
when he overhears you speaking to one of your friends about confessing to your crush soon, osamu prepares himself for the worst.
he’s always been in his brother’s shadow, and nearly everyone who has ever talked to him did so for the sake of getting closer to atsumu. just because you two sit next to each other in class and talk a lot doesn’t mean you are automatically different. it could be that you only smiled at him the way you do because you somehow knew that osamu thought about you 24/7, and you liked playing a little game on him.
and so what if you got along with atsumu? and when you three would walk to and from class together, you would butt heads and he’d smile at your behaviour. it didn’t mean a thing, did it?
except it did. and he is more than annoyed at that.
“well, why don’cha asked her out?” atsumu asks his brother that day as they walk home, “she could be confessin’ to you.”
“i dunno’,” osamu replies as he stares at the ground, “jus’ think she’s not gonna’ ask me, ya’ know?”
“yer’ an idiot, ‘samu,” atsumu dodges a whack in the head, “go n’ ask her out! this is yer’ chance!”
“ugh, whatever, tsumu…” osamu doesn’t say anything more, but he secretly hopes his brother is right about this. he plans to ask you out tomorrow after school.
but his plans get interrupted when he and his brother get to their shoe lockers and a letter sits in atsumu’s. they stare at it as atsumu carefully unfold it.
it’s a confession, but not just any — it’s yours. osamu would recognise that handwriting anywhere.
“dear miya,
“i have been wanting to say this for the longest time — i have feelings for you. it has taken me so long to gather the courage to admit this to you in hopes that you reciprocate my feelings. you are kind and genuinely funny, and your smile makes my heart burst. i think that you’re one of the sweetest people i’ve ever met.
“i do not expect you to answer me straight away, but know that i wait for your response. thank you for being such a wonderful person to me. i couldn’t imagine a better person to be near.
atsumu slowly turns to his brother as he rereads it ten times now.
“i knew it.” osamu interrupts as he slams his shoe locker shut and trudges into the building.
people watch him as he marches passed them. when he makes it to his homeroom, you’re sitting at your desk and scribbling down something on your notebook. he takes a deep breath in and sits at his spot.
“oh, osamu,” you mumble out as you see him, “i, uh… did you see my letter?”
“‘course i did.” his voice is sharper, which catches you off guard.
“y—yeah? what do you think?”
“i don’t wanna’ talk about it,” he grunts as he looks away from you, “i don’t even care.”
you stare at the back of his head before deciding to be quiet. perhaps he just wasn’t in the mood to talk.
at lunch, osamu and atsumu usually eat with the volleyball team in the cafeteria, but atsumu can’t help but feel his brother’s sadness radiate ofd him. he excuses himself from the table and makes a beeline for you.
“yo, y/n,” atsumu speaks up. you and your friends look up from your food to see the heartthrob staring at you. “can i talk to you for a sec?”
“oh… sure,” you say as you get up. you follow him outside the building to talk in the empty hallway. “is something wrong?”
atsumu rubs the back of his head. he doesn’t know how to explain his rejection, it’s different because he knows that osamu genuinely likes you. usually, he’s just flat out say it. but this was hard.
“look, about yer’ confession—”
“why didn’t osamu like it?” you interject with your hands playing with each other. you stare at the floor with furrowed brows. “i don’t understand…”
“huh?” atsumu scoffs with crossed arms. he doesn’t understand you. “what are ya’ talkin’ ‘bout? osamu’s in love with you, y/n!”
“but,” you mumble with hot cheeks, “he—he said he didn’t care!”
“oh my god, y/n,” atsumu groans with a roll of his eyes, “of course he’d care about you confessin’ to his brother! why else do ya’ think he’s pissy?”
you freeze up at that and don’t say a word.
“look, i’m just here to say that i don’t return yer’ feelings, okay?” he sighs to you, “and i don’t think i ever could. i just see you as a friend of my brother’s, and i would never do that to ‘samu.”
“who… said i was confessing to you?”
it’s atsumu’s turn to be confused. he tilts his head.
“you… what?”
“i was confessing to osamu. i—i mean, i didn’t put his name because i got a little nervous and wrote it very formally, but still,” you explain to atsumu, “i wasn’t… the letter wasn’t for you. i’m sorry, no offence whatsoever, atsumu. i just… i just see you as my friend’s brother.”
“oh crap,” atsumu facepalms and wipes his jaw, “you put it in my locker by accident, ya’ idiot.”
“what?” you shriek in embarrassment, “i—i’m sorry, i thought osamu’s locker was the top one.”
“well, now you know it’s mine,” atsumu chuckles out. he reaches out and ruffles your hair. “go n’ talk to yer’ boyfriend, he’s been down all day.”
“i’m sorry, atsumu,” you apologise again with an embarrassed face. he feels kinda’ bad after spending the whole day being angry at you. “ah, this is the worst! no wonder he hasn’t spoken to me all day…”
“yeah, how could ya’ fuck up so bad?” he laughs at you.
“i’m not gonna’ help you, loser!” atsumu claims as you jab him in the stomach, “this ain’t my mistake.”
“ugh, whatever, just—”
the cafeteria door opens and out walks osamu. he looks left and right before he sees the both of you standing close together.
“atsumu,” he calls out, “c’mon, kita wants to talk to us.”
“r—right!” he walks over to his brother as you stare at your peer. osamu refuses to look at you.
“osamu,” you say to him as his brother walks back into the cafeteria. osamu stops on his tracks involuntarily, and can’t find himself to continue on. he lets you come closer. “can i talk to you after school today?”
“i have practice.” he responds.
“i can wait,” you say hastily, “just want to talk to you.”
he glares a little at you for a bit, but then reluctantly nods his head. you let him go and decide to finish your lunch with your friends and explain to them your situation. you get a few giggles, but you can’t blame them.
you watch from the entrance of gym as the twins practice their attack. the other players are resting and drinking from their bottles. you try to hide from around the corner and keep and eye on the younger twin, but you get caught by the captain.
“kita!” you jump as the captain blocks your view, “i’m sorry, i’m just waiting for the twins to finish.”
“you’re waiting for osamu, right?” he asks you as he looks to the said twin, “he is usually a little late to practice because he likes to walk you to your bike.”
“i’m sorry.” you sheepishly say.
“it’s fine,” he replies, “you wanted to speak to him? you may wait inside, if you’d like. it is cold out there.”
“oh? hey y/n,” suna calls out to you as he wipes his forehead, “come to watch?”
before you can say anything, kita is escorting you to sit on the stage. he lets you out your bag beside you and even asks if you’d like to see a little practice game while you were here. you say ‘yes’.
osamu can’t help but look over his shoulder at you every time a point is scored and he gets to catch his breath. one of the last times he does that, you’re already looking at him and wave a little. for a moment, he forgets everything and he waves back too but he doesn’t hear the whistle blow. he does, however, feel the volleyball hit the side if his head.
“hah!” atsumu laughs out loud from the front line. he watches his brother fall back with a red mark on his cheek. “pay attention, dumbass!”
“shut up, fleabag!” osamu groans from the floor. the game stops and everyone crowds around him.
“okay, let’s just get him up ‘n get a sub,” aran says as they lift the guy up from his feet. they walk him over towards you. “l/n, can you please look after him? make sure sure he doesn’t sleep.”
“o—oh, yes, okay…” you mutter back as osamu holds the side if his face and slumps beside you. he furrows his brows and looks away from you. “are you okay? you were doing pretty well.”
“yeah? betcha’ didn’t even notice with yer’ loverboy showin’ off his muscles for ya’.” he grumbles out.
“can we talk about this morning, ‘samu?” you plead, “it was a huge misunderstanding.”
“yeah, it was.” he says back to you.
you go quiet and look back to the practice game. the whistle blows, spikes are hit and points are won. you’ve begun to lose interest after what osamu had said to you. admittedly, he feels a little bad for being so rude to you, but he doesn’t go on.
deciding to not embarrass you more, you hop off the stage and grab your bag before you walk to the exit. osamu watches carefully at how you clench your fists at your side and you ignore how suna calls your name.
the practice goes on like normal and osamu joins the game soon after you leave. when training ends, atsumu smiles at his brother and walks beside him on the way home.
“so, how’d it go?” he chirps, “did y/n talk to ya’?”
“i didn’t wanna’ hear it,” osamu retorts as he trudges through, “it—”
“what? ‘samu, you idiot!” atsumu groans as he wipes his face, “y/n likes ya’, and messed up the confession by puttin’ it in my locker. i went to reject ‘em but i found out and told ‘em to tell you the truth.”
osamu stops as stares at his brother in disbelief.
“yeah, look at yer’ dumb fuckin’ face now!” atsumu shouts as he points an accusatory finger at osamu, “you two, i swear to god…”
“i—i’ll be right back, meet ya’ at home, ‘tsumu!” osamu shouts loudly as he begins running.
he knocks at your door ten minutes later, frantically waiting for you to answer. he’s huffing and puffing with his scarf wrapped tightly around his neck.
when you open the door, in a baggy sweatshirt and sweatpants, hair undone, he holds his breath.
“osamu? what’re you doing here?” you ask him.
“i really like ya’ and i wanna’ take ya’ out on a date,” he blurts out without letting you explain. his exhales turn into puffs of cold smoke while he stands outside. your face begins to freeze just by opening the door. “i’m sorry for bein’ a dumbass n’ not listenin’ to you. atsumu told me everything and—”
you take his freezing hand and pull him inside and close the door behind the both of you. osamu shuts up as you press your warm hands to his face.
“god, you’re shivering, ‘samu,” you point out. you drag him to the kitchen and grab your blanket from the couch. wrapping him up, you heat the kettle. “i’ll make you some tea.”
he lets out a small hum in thanks. now he’s embarrassed to say anything.
“it’s okay, osamu,” you tell him, “i get why you’d be so upset. but i really wanted to confess to you… i’m sorry too. do you think we could—”
as you turn around to him, osamu is already making his way to you. he presses a kiss to your lips as he wraps the blanket around the both of you. your hands find his waist and you tug him closer as you melt against him. osamu, ever the inexperienced, is much too eager for a taste of you. he is a bit of a messy kisser, but once you reach a hand up to hold his cheek and guide him, he’s found his groove.
you were a good kisser. he wonders if you’ve thought about kissing him as much as he’s done to you.
when you pull away, he’s as red as a tomato.
“you better.” you chuckle as you kiss where he was spiked in the face.
“i’ll go out with you, ‘samu.” you say softly to him.
“thank you,” he replies, “i promise i’ll treat ya’ well.”
his phone begins to ring. pulling away, osamu sees his brother’s name pop up on his screen.
“okay, okay, ‘m sorry,” he quiets down, “say ‘hi’ to y/n.”
“hey, y/n,” atsumu says to you.
“hi, ‘tsumu.”
“get yer’ boyfriend over here before i freeze my tits off, ya’ hear?”
“okay, ‘tsumu.”
he hangs up without another word. osamu takes off your blanket and folds it on the couch as you turn off the kettle.
“‘m sorry, i forgot to give him the key.”
“it’s okay, ‘samu, just make sure you two get warmed up,” you retort. you walk him to your door and even holds him hands, bring them to your lips and try to heat them up. “i’d hate for you to be sick on our first date.”
“right…” he whispers out. you smile at him.
“get home safe.” you say to osamu after you lean up and kiss his cheek. he nods at you before walking off in the direction of his home.
he’s got some dumb smile on his face once he reaches his house. atsumu, however, is squatting down by the door with his scarf wrapped around his face and his hands tucked under his pits. he’s red with annoyance.
“‘bout fuckin’ time, asshole,” he grumbles out as osamu pulls out the keys from his pocket, “ya’ tell me to leave my keys at home but forget to gimme’ yer’ set. in the dead of winter. look at ya’, you’re smilin’ like it’s nothin’!”
osamu opens the door and allows atsumu inside first.
“me n’ y/n are goin’ on a date.” he tells his brother.
“oh, is that what you were ‘bout to sacrifice yer’ brother for?” atsumu grumbles out as he sets the heater on a warm temperature, “finally you two are together.”
osamu smiles to himself as he heads to his room. you have lovely handwriting, now that he thinks about it.
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llllluxxxx · 3 days
Junior US open 2006
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introduction, part 1, part 2
Summary; Poor Sabrina just wants to enjoy the junior us open with her bestfriend and the 2 white boys she found, of course Tashi wont let that happen!
Pairing; F!oc x patrick zweig x art donaldson x tashi duncan
Word Count; 13k
Warning; fake id, underage drinking, mentions of sex (at the very end), smoking
Authors note; my first time posting my writing pls be nice :3 lmk if yall like the format!
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"Dude, we are so badass!" Kenny exclaims as we stand in line at the snack bar. "So badass!" Sabrina laughs in agreement. The two celebrate their win with snack bar slushies and candy, a tradition they have held since they were 11 and Sabrina begged her best friend to play tennis so Sabrina could "finally have a decent partner."
They continue to laugh and talk about their junior US Open Women's doubles win, a streak lasting 3 years now. "Dude, did you see the jump shot I did? That 100 percent should go down in tennis his-" The tall brunette's rambling gets cut off when Kenny's face drops as she looks over her best friend's shoulder. "Don't look now, but your worst enemy is walking over here," it's said in a hushed whisper, and it's replied with a groan and a "Seriously!?"
Sabrina turns around, immediately greeted by Tashi Duncan. Sabrina feels as if angels are singing and the sun got brighter; she gets lightheaded when she sees her.
"Hi," Tashi Duncan, oh my god, Tashi Duncan. "I just came to say congratulations. I'm excited to play against you tomorrow." Oh my god, Tashi Duncan.
Nobody really knew what happened between Tashi, Kenny, and Sabrina. All anyone really knew is that Kenny sided with Sabrina (obviously) on whatever went down. The three were inseparable after Sabrina begged Kenny to join tennis. The trio was attached at the hip until it all came crashing down. Not even Kenny fully knows what happened between the two. She probably never will.
"Thanks!" Kenny says fakely and nudges the brunette next to her. Sabrina blinks, snapping out of her trance. "Oh, thanks, me too," she responds shortly, not even trying to fake a smile. Tashi nods stiffly. "You absolutely destroyed Anna Mueller," Sabrina blinks in shock. "You've been watching my matches?" Flashing her doe eyes at Tashi, she curses herself internally for how meekly she came off; even Kenny shoots her a look. "Of course, had to scope out the competition," Tashi says with that so very Tashi smile. "Right..." The tall brunette mumbles and holds back an eye roll. "Anna deserved it, she's a sore loser and a racist bitch," she huffs, making Tashi laugh. "Right, you two coming to the party on Long Island? Adidas sponsorship-" Tashi's cut off. "Yep! We'll be there! Peaches was invited personally by Adidas," Kenny brags and grabs Sabrina by the shoulders, shaking her. Tashi winces at the nickname and mumbles, "I'll see you there then," and walks off.
The pair watch Tashi saunter off. "What a fucking bitch," the shorter groans. "Oh, I know! She hasn't even won against-" Sabrina mocks and gets hit upside the head. "What was with 'You've been watching my matches?'" The blonde mocks, using puppy dog eyes, causing Sabrina to push her. "Oh, fuck off!" the tall girl groans. "You should've just started humping her leg; I think that would've been a lot less-" The blonde pokes her friend, who interrupts. "Shut up!?" And they finally make it to the front of the line.
After they collect their winnings (19 dollars worth of snack bar candy, 2 large cherry slushies, and their trophies), they go to watch the remaining bit of the Boys Doubles.
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"He's hot," Sabrina hums and bites into an Airhead. Kenny focuses on the ball, watching it being hit back and forth. She looks away with a groan. "Motion sickness," she complains.
"Which one?" She sips her slushy.
"The one with dark hair, not the Czech," the brunette says casually.
"Oh, he is. You should get at that, peaches," Kenny bumps her shoulder with her best friend's. Sabrina laughs and rolls her eyes.
"I'm not gonna—"
"Why not?" The blonde interjects with wide eyes. "You're hot, he's hot, boom." She claps her hands together for further effect.
"Yeah, okay, maybe," the taller girl huffs, and they continue to watch the game.
"Ugh, what is that serve?" Kenny groans and leans back. Sabrina shrugs and leans back, watching the boy intensely.
"It's kinda sexy," she mumbles and is met with a scared/shocked look from Kenny. They burst out laughing... silently as to not ruin the match.
Donaldson and Zweig win, the winning shot being an under-the-leg shot. The boys run at each other, and Zweig jumps into his tennis partner's arms. Donaldson lowers him to the ground; they don't fall. He lowers him to the ground. Sabrina notices.
Sabrina and Kenny look at each other. "Should we go say our congratulations?" Kenny suggests with an evil smirk.
"I think we should," Sabrina laughs and stands up. They pick up all their trash and throw it away. On their way to the junior players' tent, they laugh and joke.
"They're right there, let's go!" Kenny whispers (badly) and points, making the boys look at them. Sabrina gives them an awkward smile and wave before shooting a dirty look at her best friend and walking over to them.
"Hi, I'm Sabrina Lilli—"
"I'm Kenny—"
"We know who you are," the blonde boy, Art, says with a smile. "Copy and paste, right?" The two girls burst out laughing at the nickname, which comes from how they play; exactly identical.
"Yeah, that's us," Sabrina says through giggles, making the boys smile widely.
"So, who's copy and who's paste?" Art's friend, Patrick, asks with a dumb smile.
"Oh, I'm copy," Kenny says, already having had this discussion over a joint with Sabrina. The taller girl nods.
"So, you're paste," Patrick adds, checking Sabrina out.
"Yeah," she hums with a shrug. "You guys were amazing out there," the tall girl compliments.
"Thank you! You guys are great! I saw you at the Australian Open," Patrick remarks, making Sabrina laugh and Kenny's eyes bug out of her head and her face turn red.
"Please tell me you're lying!" she groans. Patrick frowns, "What?"
Sabrina giggles harder. "Nothing, it's nothing! We'll see you later!" the blonde girl shrieks and pulls her friend away.
"Bye!" Sabrina calls back to them, waving over her shoulder. The boys both smile and wave at her.
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The pair walk into the Adidas party. Kenny is wearing a pink short dress that barely meets her mid-thigh, and Sabrina is wearing a short white lacey dress. They immediately walk to the bar, flashing their fake IDs at the bartender. They both get tequila sodas—perks of having very rich parents who are too busy for you! Sabrina turns her back to the bar and glances around. She sees her.
Tashi Duncan. Oh my god. Tashi Duncan. At the sight of her, Sabrina gets lightheaded and sick to her stomach, but she can't look away, fully entranced by the sight of her dancing.
"Peaches, peaches! Hello!" Kenny snaps in front of her friend's face.
"What?" The brunette looks over with a questioning expression.
"Are you for real?" the blonde asks. The brunette gives her a look. "What?"
"WhAT?" Kenny mocks and hits her with the back of her hand. "Stop staring at Tashi, creep."
Sabrina flushes red. "Fuck you! I'm not a creep!" she argues, and her best friend sighs and looks around.
"Peaches, look." Kenny gestures over to the two boys from earlier. "You should go say hello!" the girl exclaims, only to be met with a look of disgust.
"Me?" Sabrina scoffs.
"Yes, you! Look, they're looking at you. They both thought you were cute earlier!" the tall brunette huffs. "They're looking at US, not just me," she says, sipping her drink.
"Go! I have to go mingle." With that, Kenny practically runs away from her best friend, blowing a kiss at her over her shoulder.
Sabrina groans and looks over at the two boys to see them already looking at her. The blonde boy waves awkwardly with a shy smile. She smiles and waves back but turns back to the bar anyway.
"Hey," Tashi walks up next to her at the bar.
"Hey," Sabrina throws back nonchalantly, even though her stomach is filled with butterflies.
"You look good," Tashi says after she receives a fruity drink, nonalcoholic, Sabrina assumes. Sabrina feels her whole body get hot suddenly.
"You too," she replies weakly.
"Hey," "Hi,"
Both girls turn around, met with the two boys who were staring at Sabrina earlier. Suddenly feeling much better, Sabrina says, "Hi," coolly and sips her drink.
"I'm Patrick, this is Art," the dark-haired boy introduces himself and his friend.
"Cool," Sabrina responds with a nod, causing Patrick to smile at her.
"I'm Tashi—"
"We know!" Art, the blonde, chimes in with a dopey smile that makes Sabrina giggle. Patrick nudges him and gives his friend a look.
"So, you're playing against each other tomorrow?"
"Yeah," Tashi responds coolly while Sabrina rolls her eyes.
"That's exciting, playing against your friends—" Art starts rambling.
"We're not friends," Sabrina cuts him off.
"Oh," Art stands awkwardly. Patrick looks between the two girls and then at Art.
"I heard you're playing for Stanford next year," Tashi says to Art. Sabrina scoffs, causing Tashi to roll her eyes.
"Yeah, how did you—"
"Me too," Tashi says, the tension between the two girls rising.
"What?" Art blinks. "Are you serio—" Sabrina groans before Tashi interrupts her. "I just accepted the offer," she starts and gives Sabrina a dirty look. These boys are lucky they're cute. "They mentioned you," Tashi finishes, looking between Sabrina and Art.
"You're not going pro?" Patrick asks the both of them, seemingly disappointed.
"No, not yet," Tashi responds while Sabrina just shakes her head.
"You're not going pro?" Art repeats his best friend to Sabrina.
"Not yet," the girl shrugs.
"Why?" Patrick raises his eyebrows. Tashi pauses at the intensity of the question. "Sorry, but you could be winning slams tomorrow. Why would you waste your time on college tennis?" Patrick sounds disgusted, and Art looks hurt. Sabrina does too.
Tashi opens her mouth to respond when her dad walks over.
"Hi, Sabrina," her father greets. Sabrina says hello back.
"Baby, come over here for pictures," Tashi and her dad walk off.
Sabrina watch them leave.
"Hey, do you smoke?" Patrick says suddenly.
"Cigarettes?" Sabrina raises her eyebrows.
"Yeah," the boy nods.
"Yeah, do you?" she hums, making Patrick smile.
"Yeah. Do you wanna get some air?"
The three of them wander over to a more secluded area.
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"So, when are you going pro?" Sabrina hums and leans over so Patrick can light her cigarette. Art pushes her hair back so it doesn't get burned, and Sabrina smiles at him gratefully.
"As soon as I can," Patrick smiles proudly, "next season."
"Wow," Sabrina laughs. "So, what's up with your serve? Are you gonna fix that or...?" This makes Art burst out laughing and Patrick roll his eyes.
"It works," the dark-haired boy shrugs. Sabrina nods and blows cigarette smoke out of her nose. All their heads turn when they hear Tashi.
"Hey!" "Hi!" the boys call, making Sabrina roll her eyes.
"Hey, you're still here!" Tashi calls back and walks over to the group, taking direct note of how close Patrick and Sabrina are sitting.
Tashi sits on the big rock in front of them.
"So, I have to ask you about the Stanford thing," Patrick says to Tashi. Sabrina glances at Art in annoyance.
"Okay," Tashi laughs.
"What's the deal?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, what are you trying to do? What's the angle?"
"I want to get better, obviously."
"By beating up on a bunch of girls who were the best players in their high schools?"
"You know, they also offer classes at college. I don't want my only skill in life to be hitting a ball with a racket."
"Oh, I get it." Patrick pauses. "Oh, that's really smart. You're making them wait for you. You want all these girls you've been obliterating in the juniors to go pro and have a year or two where they get comfortable without you. Then you want to come back from the shadows and just be like: Remember me?"
Tashi tries not to react, but Sabrina knows he isn't far off at all. Patrick continues, "And, of course, they will remember you. And so will all the women on tour who've been watching you in the juniors. Meanwhile, you get to be the tennis phenomenon who cares about her education, getting straight A's at Stanford, carrying all these country club players to the NCAA championships."
"Amazing. I can see the Nike campaign already," Sabrina huffs.
"And I assume you're going pro ASAP?" Tashi laughs, ignoring Sabrina's remark, while Art laughs quietly.
"Hitting a ball with a racket is a great way to avoid having a job, and it's definitely a great way to avoid having to go to school."
"Peaches! Oh, peachessss!" Kenny calls, stumbling around, obviously drunk.
"Oh lord," Sabrina huffs and stands.
"Peaches?" Art giggles, and Sabrina flicks his forehead. "Hush."
"Peaches, there you are! It's time to go!" Kenny slurs as she reaches the group.
"Bye, guys," Sabrina laughs and goes to walk away.
"Wait, are you on Facebook?" Patrick asks.
"Yeah, just my full name," Sabrina smiles and helps Kenny walk steadily.
"Hey, come hang out with us after you put her to bed!" Patrick calls.
"We have beer!" Art chimes in. "Room 206!"
"I'll be there!" Sabrina calls back.
"You're getting that white boy dick tonight!" Kenny laughs quietly
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gguk-n · 1 day
Mission- Cheer up Logan
I've just had a sad dream with Logan in it and I told him how much I love him and how important he is after watching all the shit Williams and Vowles have been doing. I need this to heal myself. I hope it heals everyone rooting for Logan too
Summary- Literal Logan fluff.
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Y/N didn't dislike many people and hate would be a strong word in her dictionary but right now James Vowles and the Williams racing team made her hate them with the tirade they had going against her poor boyfriend which was pissing her off; worst of all, it was affecting Logan. Her happy puppy of a boyfriend was lost. He would either be at work or looking lost and depressed at home. They no longer had witty conversations going on or Y/N teasing Logan any and every chance she got. He would barely smile at her at times. So, Y/N took it upon herself to make her Logan happy.
It was one of those days, the weather was bright and sunny, Logan didn't have to go to work and the previous GP may have been bad but it was slightly better. It was around 9 and they were still in bed. Y/N woke up to Logan 'asleep' at least he pretended to be. She knew him like the back of her hand and every time he acted like he was sleeping his eyes would be shut tight. This habit of his made her smile. She looked up at him while resting her palms against his chest.
"Good morning, baby boy" I whispered followed by a kiss on the lip which was followed by a grunt and covering his face with the blanket. "Babe, we need to good shopping, we're out of everything." I emphasised. "You can do that alone" he said, still under the duvet. "Yes but you know I hate shopping alone and I wanna show off my super hot racer boyfriend to the world, come on." I said while pulling the covers off. His big blue eyes met mine and I pouted my lips. "I won't take long, I promise. Pinky promise." I exclaimed while holding out my pinky. "You're hurting my ribs, babe." came a strangled cry only to notice my elbow jabbing his ribs. I giggled while apologising and dragging him to the bathroom. We were dressed in 20 minutes and out the door. As Logan started the car, he looked at me and said, "The only reason you're taking me along is so that I can drive you there, right?" I was appalled at the accusation but replied with a smile, "one of the reasons, babe." I said. He laughed asking, "Couldn't you drive there yourself?" "Why would I do something when I have a pro who can do it for me." Logan shook his head. "I have the hottest formula 1 driver at my beck and call so am not even allowed to show him off; is an atrocity I say." dramatically sighing. Logan let out a big laugh, one I hadn't heard pass his lips in ages. It made my heart flutter and tears spring up in my eyes.
The car ride was filled with singing along to songs playing on the radio which we hadn't done in so long. It felt nice to be able to have my Logan back. The trip to the grocery store was uneventful. Once back, I made quick work of putting every thing away. I went back to Logan sat on the couch in the living room and made myself comfortable on his lap, "darling, what would you like for dinner?" He was pulled back from whatever thought he had as I sat on his lap, "Pizza and Pasta" He said. I looked him in the eyes and asked, "What about we go on a date?" Logan looked at me quizzically. "It could be a home date, like the good old days. We could cook together and then dress up to have dinner together. I even bought a few dresses I didn't get to show you." I elaborated.
Logan's POV
In all honesty I couldn't care what we did. I didn't really wanna go out and getting dressed just to eat at home was such a waste of time. But I couldn't say no, when her face was literally hoping for me to say yes. She kept looking at me expectantly and I didn't wanna let another person down, so I agreed. The way her face lit was better than winning any GP. She leaned in and gave me the sloppiest kiss and pulled me to the kitchen to help her cook. I would never say I could cook when Y/N did all the heavy lifting. "Baby boy, you look lost in thought. Is there another woman that is occupying your thoughts?" she said in a southern accent while placing both her arms around my shoulder and wrapping them around my neck. It made my breathe hitch; the effect this woman had on me even after so many years was shocking to say the least. I placed my hands on her waist and replied in an equally fake southern accent, "Darling, there ain't no woman worth my time when you're standing in front of me." "You better." she said while leaving multiple kissed on my face making me laugh. The cooking ended quiet quickly for two people; where one of them couldn't cook and the other kept violating ever health and safety protocol by kissing and touching the person next to them.
We were almost done with dinner and I asked Logan to go dress up. I would get dressed just before plating the food in the guest room because I didn't want Logan to see the outfit I had planed for him. About 15 minutes later, Logan was back at the table and I left to get dressed. It took me only 20 minutes which was a record. I wore a black lacy mini-dress which barely covered my ass and tits at the same time but it made me look hot and that's all that mattered. I stepped out of the room to an eagerly waiting Logan.
Logan's POV
My mouth was on the floor when I saw what she was wearing. "You don't plan on wearing this out, do you?" I said and then quickly added, "If you did, I don't mind. I can fight but I need this image burnt into my retinas." I ogled. She giggled and walked towards me, "You can take it off, once dinner is over." She whispered in my ear. Dinner was done in record time. We headed to the bedroom so that I could hold her to her words.
While cuddling, Y/N said, "You know, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me." I cut her off because she was the best thing that has ever happened to me. Y/N shushed me, "Right now, I'm talking and you're gonna listen. I love you Logan Sargeant more than there are words that I can use to express myself. I'm so happy every day to wake up next to you and support you in achieving your dreams and aspirations. I hope you remember how good you are and deserve everything you've worked towards. A couple fuck ups don't undermine the talent and hard work that is Logan Sargeant. No matter what anyone says, you are the most handsome and talented driver that deserves to be in F1. Those assholes are blind to not be able to see your pure raw unfiltered talent. I love you baby boy." She finished her speech. There were tears in my eyes that had started flowing which Y/N wiped away with a kiss. I pulled her closer and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I'm so lucky to have you. Thank you for sticking with me. I promise I won't let you down or let anyone make me feel like crap again." She smiled while drawing a heart on my back. We fell asleep wrapped in each others arms.
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Feral 2
Minors Do Not Interact!!!
Warnings: brief mentions of arranged marriage, threats of harming an animal (it's a joke but the reader takes it seriously), and several references to slavery
The silly little cat fic is getting a sequel because someone commented that Feyd not liking Friz would make him Friz's favorite person.
"Get him." Feyd said firmly.
Y/N snorted out a laugh. Ever since the wedding she had gotten very comfortable around him. He liked that. He wasn't a fan of a certain flea bag getting that comfortable though.
Friz had a new habit. A habit that annoyed Feyd to no end. Anytime Feyd sat down somewhere, Friz would climb up on the back of the couch or chair, and rub against the back of Feyd's head. Normal he would just ignore the beast until the creature got bored, but with Friz's newfound affections came a fun new fact. Something about the combination of Friz's fur and Feyd's skin created a bit of static. Every damned hair the cat shed stuck to his head like it was glued. Only showering or a lint roller would get it all off. Every damned time he left his rooms he had to triple check himself to make sure he wasn't walking around with cat fur on his head. Y/N was admittedly helpful about the situation, often going over him with a lint roller before he left.
Friz seemed to have an endless supply of fur that fell off of him at the slightest touch. The beast didn't seem to have much fur when you looked at him, but it was a cowardly deception. Y/N had taken an undercoat brush to Friz while Feyd watched, horrified at the amount of fur that kept getting brushed off of him. It was never ending. And after Y/N was done, a giant clump of furballs next to her to prove she'd done it, Friz looked no different. And still she'd on the couch that evening during his nap time.
"The maids scramble about to keep this place as fur free as possible." Y/N explained to him, throwing the fur into the incinerator. "I've no idea how they do it, I think they use some sort of hand rake that works kind of like the undercoat brush."
"Remind me to increase their rations." Feyd grumbled.
Which brought Feyd back to his current predicament. Friz was standing in the back of the couch, rubbing against his head like he owned it. Y/N held out her hand, offering pets to Friz.
The tomcat promptly gave her a warning hiss.
"It's out of my control." Y/N said.
"And you're sure we can't shave him?" Feyd pressed.
"He'll get sick. Giedi Prime is already so cold, I can't let him freeze without his coat." Y/N explained.
Feyd opened his mouth to say that wasn't the worst outcome he'd ever heard, but went silent when he felt it. On the back of his head. Something warm, wet, and scratchy. It touched him briefly, then disappeared for a split second before touching him again, and again, and again.
Y/N grinned from ear to ear. "Aw, he's grooming you!"
Feyd growled, crossing his arms in what definitely was not a pout. "I am cleaner than he has ever been."
"You know, cats only groom things they consider to be family. And since you're new to him, and have no hair, he might think you're a kitten!" Y/N giggled. "A poor, cold little kitten with no hair."
A little meow from behind him assured the both of them that not only could Friz understand them somehow, but he was committed to this entire bit.
"I'll toss you to the slave pits." Feyd threatened the cat. "They're usually half starved. They'll tear you to-"
"Feyd." Y/N snapped. "If you speak to him like that again, you'll need to go to your own room tonight."
Feyd took a deep breath, gently reminding himself that his wife wasn't from Giedi Prime, that she was softer than him, that she wasn't going to take kindly to even joking threats. "My apologies. Is there some solution to his shedding I have overlooked?"
"Well, regular baths would help." Y/N said. "Right now I can only manage about one every two weeks, but if I could give him longer bathes where I really get in there and scrub him, it'll knock a lot of fur off."
Feyd narrowed his gaze at Friz as the cat jumped into his lap. "Consider it done."
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lovezbrownies · 3 days
Alright, then I'd like to request Yandere Bully.
So, for info. The bully is a girl—let's call this maniac, Lauren—she's 18, and goes to school with her darling, who is the same age. She's blonde, rich, tall, popular, and athletic. She bullies her darling, but deep down she's obsessed with them.
Scenario: How does she react when darling finally snaps, punching her?
Punch me again. (Yan!Bully X GN!Reader.)
You're a genius anon.....
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Synopsis: Lauren's agonized you for years but what happens when her meek servant fights back?
Lauren McCanister x GN!Reader.
Warnings: Bullying, verbal abuse (?), physical harassment, sadism masochism combo, Lauren's horny at the end, lots of yelling, no use of y/n.
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As far as you could tell, Lauren’s ‘hated’ you since she’s known you. She’s been tormenting you since middle school and it’s just been getting worse since junior year of high school. Today, like every other day, Lauren had pulled you into the nearest bathroom, pushing you until your back hit the wall, she would lean over you and verbally abuse you before pinching either your upper arm or your upper thigh, even going as far as biting you on your neck or shoulder when she’s frustrated. No matter how hard you fight back she would not budge, she overpowered you with her height and athleticism.
That was a part of your daily routine at this point. The worst part of it all is that she’s completely invaded your personal life. Your parents love her, she’s your stupid neighbor, she loves to visit you at your part-time job, and she’s somehow always in your classes. You’ve barely been able to keep it together lately, but you had to. You’ve only got 2 months of senior year before you can finally move out of your town and into whatever small dingy apartment that you can afford from your savings. 
The past few weeks were torturous for you. Every day, without fail, Lauren would corner you, verbally abuse you, spit on your face, and even scratch you with her medium-sized manicured nails. She just would not stop asking so many questions, becoming furious when you refused to answer, and what’s worse is she always knew when you were lying, and would punish you accordingly. 
You snap out of your thoughts, and a sultry voice laughs from above you, “You better say the truth this time, baby. When are you moving? And where the fuck are you moving to.” Lauren’s been harassing you more lately, all of that just to know where you’re going for university. You haven’t told her, you refuse to. If another year of your life is turned into hell by Lauren McCanister one more time you might just lose it.
You kept looking down, at the dirty bathroom floors. Her leg is in its usual spot, between your own, one of her arms help her lean against the wall while the other rests on your hip. On the other hand you kept all external organs to yourself. “Come on… Don’t you want to brag about how smart you are? How you got into some fuckass Ivory Uni? Don’t ya? You can tell me sweetheart… I’ll let everyone know how much of a nerd fucking loser you are.” Lauren’s hand kept rubbing your hip, sometimes lowering her hand down to pinch a bit of your thigh.
You didn’t want to. No, if you told her she’d follow after you, you don't know why she’s so set on making your life hell but you wanted none of it. “I… I’m going to Prince Holand…” You respond, as meek as possible. Just how Lauren likes it. Prince Holand University is not luxurious at all, it’s the community college closest to your town. The actual university you’re going to is on the other side of the country, Xelera’s People University. One of the most luxurious universities, and you managed to get a full-ride scholarship in XPU. Lauren was definitely your motivation to study so hard, not because she’s your cheerleader, but because you wanted to be as far away from her as possible.
Lauren knows. She knows you’re lying to her face, you’ve been lying this entire time. She’s been asking the same question for days now, and every single time without fail you lie to her. Lauren kept giving you chances to fortify your mistake, tell her the truth, and finally confess how much you love her. But time and time again you lied, you told the entire school the same thing too. But Lauren knows you’re going to XPU. Of course she does she had tapped into all your devices and watched you obsessively through the cameras she had installed in your home.
Lauren’s also been accepted, but mostly due to her mother’s influence as well as paying the school to accept her. She will go to the ends of the world to make sure no one ever likes you, and that you never end up with someone else other than her and that includes spending millions for a year’s tuition. It's not like it’d make a dent in her bank account. Lauren’s just as smart as her mother, who’s a world-renowned scientist who has studied many things, but her mother’s most influential project was “Asexual Reproduction of Sentient Beings through Magic.” A project that changed many lives and nearly doubled the population. That is exactly how Lauren was brought to life.
So far everything’s worked. Lauren’s completely isolated you from the rest of the town through baseless untrue rumours, then she completely invaded your life and spent most of her time with you. Lauren likes to bully you. She loves how you react to her harsh words and pinches, but often times takes it too far, much like she is about to today.
“You fucking liar! If you don’t tell the damn truth NOW! I will hunt down everyone you love and kill them. I will find out where you’re going and I will follow you. You… YOU UGRATEFUL ASSHOLE!! DON’T YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I’VE DONE TO KEEP YOU TO MYSELF!?!” Lauren yelled out, punching her fist onto the wall next to your head. Shocked, you look up at the seething beast. Her eyes filled with rage, her nose scrunched up in disgust and her lips frowning. 
For the first time since she’s corned you today, your eyes met with her own. You can tell how they softened ever so slightly, looking at how fearful you look right now. But of course, her anger takes over her, why wouldn’t you tell her the truth! Lauren’s the only person you even speak to! You should be deeply in love with her! Much like she is with you…
Lauren suddenly grabs your shoulders, harshly shoving you to the wall causing your head to smack against it. She didn’t mean to. It’s like the smack to the head had awakened something in you because you somehow managed to push her toned body away, a hand touching the area where your head had collided with the wall, pulling it back you saw blood all over your hands. She’s so sorry.
Lauren shocked with the sudden show of strength locked eyes with you, you looked so angry yet so afraid. No, look at me with love please. She froze as you yelled, how strong your voice is, she never heard your voice like that before. She would love to hear you yell in pleasure. “What the fuck!? What the fuck is wrong with you, Lauren!?!” Say it again, say my name again. “What do you want from me?!? I was your loyal servant this entire time and never uttered a word!! I want to be left alone! Do you understand?” No, you don’t mean that.
You continue, all the pent-up frustration finally coming out. “I don’t know why you have this sick demented obsession with me but I want out! Everyone likes you but what they don’t know is that you’re worse than all the rumors you made up about me!” I don’t care about them, only you. “From now on, leave me out of whatever sadistic kink you’re into! I hate you and everything about you, you- you cunt!” And with all your might you fully punched her, albeit a weak punch due to your injury, but it was still a punch. Ohhh…
Lauren watched on as you stormed out of the bathroom, hand holding onto your head. You look so dizzy she should go and help you right? But… She can’t. After being punched by you she felt rather… aroused. Of course, you turn her on all the time but this time… All the yelling and degrading things you screamed at her made her feel different than usual, but then that punch. Lauren had never thought she’d be into it but she wanted to grab you, beg you to do it again, do it until you’re satisfied. Your satisfaction is her pleasure after all, and as it turns out her pleasure is degradation. 
A sick and twisted smile came upon her face. She wants you so badly. This little game of yours awakened the beast Lauren never knew she had. And she’ll show you how much you mean to her, she’ll still bully you– that’s a no-brainer– but she’ll send over many gifts, from flowers to sex toys, acting as if she’s a secret admirer. Please use those sex toys while she watches through the cameras, dear.
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Qualifications of Critique
Fem!Reader Words: 1130
AN: This is very much a test to see if I can write him in character. Also, my first time posting a fic for HSR
Dr. Ratio flipped the page of the chemistry book he had begun to study enjoying the peace and quiet of the university library. A welcome change of pace after spending most of the day grading papers that hadn’t met his standards. There were a handful of students he had hoped to step to the plate but only a few of that group continued to show promise—a pity.
The library had been mostly quiet only gaining more silence as students left for the day. Something he would have done himself if not for the horribly late faculty meeting that had been scheduled in a few more hours.
There was the quiet tapping of heels against the carpet floor getting ever louder. It was an easy sound to ignore but should have served more as a warning with the voice that spoke from behind him. “If it isn’t the worst teacher to ever grace the cosmos.”
He closed the book, turning his head around to see one of the professors who worked there alongside him. She stood there with a bag around her shoulder and her arms crossed. “Excuse me?” He asked, already annoyed that his break had been interrupted.
“I’m being asked, actually that’s the wrong word. I’m being told to move my classroom to make room for a new study hall dedicated to trying to improve the rate of three percent of your students passing.” She complained.
”Don’t take this up with me. It’s not my fault your class was being moved.” He stood up. It would be best to go back to his office and lock the door if he wanted any ounce of peace.
”It is. This study hall wouldn’t have been created if you were better at your job.” She glared up at him, tapping her shoe attempting to calm herself down at the information she had recently been told.
”Have you considered that these students should have to work at grasping the material? It isn’t my fault that they are too foolish to understand simple concepts.” His book had been abandoned on the table.
”Of course, it’s simple to you. You already know it!” Y/N rolled her eyes at his reasoning. “How can you be so smart but still not even understand that being a good teacher means your students should be passing your class?” Any students still lingering around in the library were rushing to pack their things with hushed gossip over the argument that was unfolding.
Arguments between the two of them were slowly becoming famous across campus. Students and professors wondered when the tension between them would finally break. As entertaining as they could be to watch, no one wanted to risk being caught in the crossfire and being forced to take a side.
”I am passing those who put in the work. That’s what should be done.”
”I’m not saying to just pass everyone. Yes, pass those who put in the work. But you also should be putting the work in to make sure they have a chance at understanding the work that is being asked of them.” She explained. It wasn’t like that should be a hard thing to comprehend.
”I put the effort in.”
The bag on her shoulder fell to the floor as she uncrossed her arms. “You do not. You talk a big game of ridding the world of ignorance but can't even take the time to learn how to be a better teacher to do just that!” Her bag had been left on the floor as she took steps forward, shortening the distance between the two of them. “It's such a joke that you consider yourself so smart but are too stupid to see that.”
The distance between them was almost closed as they stood near each other. She had been the only person in this university to challenge his intelligence. Other professors had been quick to praise him but she focused on pointing out his faults to say where he could improve. It was infuriating but a welcomed difference to see someone who could clearly think for themselves.
“I don't see how insulting me adds to your critique of my teaching abilities. I'm not even sure if this qualifies as a critique.”
“Have you ever done a critique yourself? It involves saying what should be improved and then offering advice to guide that person in the right direction, sometimes showing them step-by-step what to do. It makes the base for anyone even interested in teaching. I’m surprised that critique is even in your vocabulary.” 
His eyes didn’t mean to wander down at her lips. Glossed to absolute perfection as she spoke a mix of insults and advice. “Do you ever shut up?” He asked, missing the peace and quiet that the library was known for before she had stepped in.
“Occasionally when those I am conversing with have value to add. If you would take the time to reflect on what I have been saying we wouldn’t have to keep having this conversation. Do you understand how your actions have an effect on me?”
“I wasn’t aware that you would let others have any sort of effect on you.”
“It’s when I’m able to move on with my life. You just keep causing me roadblocks. First, my program loses funding that gets diverted to yours because you have a big name. Now I lose my classroom for a study hall for students struggling with your class. What are you going to change in my life next? I would at least appreciate some sort of warning.”
“If that is what you would consider life changing then I believe we are both using separate definitions.”
She rolled her eyes before speaking in a sarcastic tone. “Oh won't the great Veritas Ratio enlighten me then.”
Maybe it was the way that she knew how to stand her ground against him. Or maybe it was that she saw the humanity within him to acknowledge his flaws instead of defaulting to praise like others had. Could it have been that when she came to complain about his teaching she treated the argument more like a debate something that could be seen past the insults? 
He placed his hand underneath her chin holding her gaze on him. Y/N let out a small gasp. “Veritas…” The boldness in her voice had dropped into almost a whisper. “I meant a definition, not this.”
“Everything you said has made it sound like you pride yourself on a proper example.”
“So you do know how to listen. You’re just horrible at application.” She leaned her head to the side, her boldness only dropping momentarily as it returned to her voice. “We should revisit what a life-changing moment is once your class has upped the passage rate.”
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redrose10 · 9 hours
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Yoongi x Female Reader. Soulmate AU
Summary: There’s no one on this planet you hate more than your coworker/secret crush Min Yoongi. He’s an arrogant, rude, womanizer who gets under your skin every single shift and you can’t wait for your day to be over so you can get away from him. Unfortunately when Jimin, your caseworker from The Ministry of Adoration, shows up offering you both a raspberry jam filled cookie, things take a surprising turn for the worst and you can no longer get away.
Warnings: Swearing, hints of smut (nothing graphic or really detailed), mentions of death, a little angst, Yoongi gets around. Might get updated later
Chapter 1-Coffee and Cookies
Word count: 4,268
“I hate him.,” you mumbled leaning on the counter of Perks Perkup Cafe where you were currently employed.
“He’s really not THAT bad.”, your best friend and coworker Mina replied.
“No he really is. He’s arrogant, he’s rude, he thinks he’s soooooo much better than everyone just because he had one song go kind of viral. He’s late like everyday and never gets reprimanded because Mrs.Perk has some weird disgusting crush on him. I just want to wipe that stupid smirk right off his face.”
Mina rolled her eyes, “He’s also charismatic, charming, funny, nice when he wants to be, a good salesman, easily one of the hottest guys on the planet, aaannnddd even you downloaded that one song.”
With a huff knowing she was right you took a sip of water just as your other coworker and archenemy Yoongi finished up with a customer who was happily sliding her number across the counter to him.
“Great here comes the demon kitty now.”, you groaned.
“Shhh, if he ever hears you call him that he really will give you reasons to hate him.”, she chuckled.
“Ladies,” he winked before heading to the back office.
Truth be told you might’ve had a teensy tiny not really that small crush on Yoongi ever since he accidentally spilled a latte on your shoes during his first month of work over a year ago and then profusely apologized with red tinted cheeks before offering to buy you a new pair and dinner on top of it.
An emergency came up and you weren’t able to make it to the dinner but you’d hoped to be able to reschedule. Unfortunately he never gave you that chance because after that night the shy sweet blonde turned into a menace, showing up late, always begging to leave early, never cleaning or prepping, and spending most of his time getting different girls numbers. He was rude to you. Always calling you a prude or making hurtful comments. He tried to get under your skin any chance he got.
You’d be lying if you said it didn’t hurt every time you saw him shamelessly flirt in front of you or loudly tell your other coworker Namjoon about all of his random one night stands. At this point you weren’t sure if you hated him because of who he was and how he treated you or simply because he wasn’t yours. But that was a secret you’d take to your grave. You made hating Yoongi part of your personality and in no way would you let that go.
The rest of your shift went relatively smoothly. You and Mina kicked ass while Yoongi sat in the office only coming out if he sensed there was a pretty girl in the building.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay? I don’t mind getting there a little late.”, Mina checked with you one more time.
“No it’s okay. The busy hours are done with so we shouldn’t get more than a customer or two at a time. I can handle it. Go celebrate your brothers birthday.”
With a smile she bounced out the door leaving you to spend the final hours before closing with Yoongi.
Unfortunately for you your one or two customers at a time remark came back to bite you thanks to a high school graduation happening a block over from the cafe.
You stared at the line of people all looking back at you with agitation as you tried your best to take orders and make orders and cash out while still trying to smile. You went to the back looking for Yoongi, but he was nowhere in sight so you took a deep breath to collect yourself and returned back to the front greeting the next customer in line.
Just as you were adding the whipped cream to the top of some girls cup of sugar with a splash of coffee you heard the back door swing open.
“Jesus Y/N, why didn’t you come get me?”, Yoongi asked hurriedly tying his apron behind his back.
“I tried but you were no where to be found. But of course you would show up when there’s a pretty girl involved.”, you spat back handing the girl her drink while trying to ignore her giving puppy dog eyes to Yoongi.
Without responding he headed to the register to take a few more orders before helping you knock out a few of the drinks that were built up. It took about 35 minutes but the two of you were able to get everything caught up.
Throwing a towel down on the counter you wiped some of the sweat off of your forehead really regretting not taking that job at the ice cream parlor instead.
“Here have some cold water.”, Yoongi said handing you a bottle.
“No thanks. I don’t need your pity water.”
“Oh my God Y/N, I’m just trying to give you some water. Why does everything have to be a fight with you?”
“Maybe because I’m tired of having to pick up your slack.”
“Well maybe I’m tired of your bitchy attitude.”,
“Yeah well maybe I’m-“
Before you could finish the sentence someone on the other side of the counter cleared their throat.
“I am so sorry. How can I hel-“
Your fear of upsetting a customer turned to joy when you spotted one of your favorite regulars, Jimin. He had been coming into the cafe for a few weeks and you always enjoyed it. He was personable and friendly. Not to mention very handsome. He’d come in and order a large iced mocha and occasionally a slice of banana bread, make a little small talk and then quietly work in the corner. Judging by his tailored designer suits and briefcase you figured he probably worked for one of the various law firms that surrounded the cafe.
“Hey Jimin, how are you doing today?”, you asked immediately perking up.
Out of the corner of your eye you saw Yoongi mocking your excitement, but chose to ignore it for now and focus on Jimin instead.
“Hi Y/N. Just the usual today.”, he smiled back.
“Of course!”, you said while ringing up his iced mocha.
Yoongi got to work on the drink while you handed Jimin his change.
“So things not getting any better between the two of you?”, he asked putting away his wallet.
You scoffed, “Not even close.”
“I see. Well that’s not good. We’ll have to work on that.”, he said taking the drink that Yoongi had quietly sat down on the counter before returning to the back to start the closing process.
Jimin thanked you with a wink before taking his usual seat. His words still playing in your head.
As you were scrubbing away at one of the machines you heard the door chimes ring signaling someone was entering the building. You turned to greet who would hopefully be your last customer of the day.
“Oh Yooonnnggiiii”, you heard a sickeningly sweet high pitched voice.
“Ugghh”, you rolled your eyes recognizing the woman. She was one of Yoongi’s regular hookups. Rose or Lilly. Maybe Violet. You weren’t really sure what her name was and didn’t care enough to ask.
She was desperately in love with him and would drop to her knees faster that he could say suck. You almost felt bad for her knowing that he was only using her as a last resort when he couldn’t find anything better.
Yoongi came walking out of the back office smirking as you made a gagging motion.
“Seriously? You couldn’t wait fifteen minutes to set up a booty call?”
He shrugged his shoulders, “Hey, she offered and who am I to say no?”
It didn’t take long for you to watch him grab her hand and pull her towards the bathroom as she giggled. Your stomach twisted in disgust, but your heart broke at the sight.
He must’ve had an off night or one of the best experiences of his life because it was less than seven minutes later that he came walking back behind the counter with flushed cheeks and you saw the woman embarrassedly heading towards the door with tousled hair and running mascara.
You busied yourself by scrubbing away at a coffee stain on the counter that had been there since before you started so you knew it was useless, but you just wanted to avoid any interaction with him that you could.
You jumped when you heard someone clear their throat not expecting another customer five minutes before closing time.
“I uh I finished all the dishes.”, Yoongi said not making eye contact.
“Okay? Do you want a cookie?”
“Wow Y/N.”
“Well it’s part of your job Yoongi. I don’t need you to walk me through it.”
“I know that Y/N. I just wanted to let you know so that you didn’t go back there to do it.”
“Yeah well while you’re at it why don’t you go disinfect the bathroom too.”
“Sorry no one has ever been so desperate to get in your pants.”
“Oh go fuck yourself Yoongi.”
“Don’t have to. I have people for that.”, he smirked.
“I hate y-“
“Hi guys!”
You jumped at the peppy voice coming from across the counter before feeling an immediate sense of relief.
“Hey Jimin.”, you smiled as Yoongi rolled his eyes.
“Hi Y/N”, he smiled back.
“How about a cookie?”
“I’m sorry what?”, you chuckled at his odd question.
“Here”, he said sliding over two raspberry jam filled cookies.
“Oh no thank you Jimin. I’m not much of a jam person.”, you politely declined.
“I stayed up all night baking these. I’d really love to get your opinions. I’m calling them Raspberry Romances.”
Thanks to the deep pout he was giving you and the way his eyes twinkled you couldnt say no a second time so you grabbed the cookie popping it in your mouth in one go.
“Mmm actually not bad.”, you said trying to keep the crumbs from falling out.
Jimin smiled before sliding the other cookie closer to Yoongi.
“No thanks. My parents taught me to never take candy from strangers and I’m pretty sure that applies to cookies too.”, he shook his head.
“Come on Yoongi. Jimin isn’t a stranger and would it kill you to not be an exhausting asshole for two minutes of your life?”
Letting out a long sigh of defeat he reached for the cookie popping it in his mouth, “Its okay. Name needs work though. Sounds like something a Girl Scout would sell.”
You rolled your eyes at his attempt to fake disinterest.
“Great! Thank you guys so much.”, Jimin clapped his hands together.
“So what got you into baking all of a sudden?”, you asked trying to make small talk and avoid Yoongi’s glare.
“Oh just a new hobby I guess.”
“Pfft I’m gonna go lockup so we don’t get any more customers trying to poison us with random cookies.”, Yoongi said walking towards the door.
You shook your head, “Ignore him. You’re welcome to bring any of your creations for me to try any time.”
Jimin smiled as he watched Yoongi round the counter. As Yoongi walked closer and closer to the door you felt an odd sensation in your chest. It got tighter and tighter the farther Yoongi walked away from you until it felt like you had been stabbed in the heart with a burning knife.
“Ahh call and ambulance. I think I’m having a heart attack.”, you cried doubling over in pain.
“Nope! No heart attack.”, Jimin said a little too cheerily given the situation.
You looked up noticing he was pointing towards the door where you saw Yoongi doubling over gripping his chest just like you, “What the fuck? I’m too young for this shit.”, he cried.
Instinctually you ran over to check on him forgetting about your own troubles. As soon as you got within a few feet of him though you immediately started feeling better. Yoongi did too as he was able to catch his breath and stand up straight.
“Oh I’m so glad it worked! And so quickly too!”, Jimin excitedly bounced watching this all unfold.
“So glad what worked?”, you asked turning to look at him.
“The cookies I gave you.”
“So you did poison us. I knew it!”, Yoongi exclaimed walking forward.
“No no no, let me properly introduce myself. My name is Park Jimin and I am your case worker.”
“I’m sorry what? Our case worker?”
Jimin nodded, “Yes, your case worker. I work for the broken souls department.”
“Great. It’s worse than poisoning us. He drugged us.”, Yoongi dramatically waved his arms around.
“I did no such thing.”, Jimin responded offended.
“Please explain what’s going on in detail.”, you said trying to diffuse the situation.
“Right. So I work for The Ministry of Adoration in the souls department. We’re divided into three different sections, Complete Souls, Broken Souls, and Lost Souls.”
“Oh my god. That’s it. I’ve died and gone to hell. I am in hell right now.”, Yoongi groaned from next to you.
“Shut up and quit being so dramatic.”, you hissed before turning back to Jimin, “Maybe start the explanation from the beginning.”
With a loud sigh he continued, “Everyone is born with 50% of their soul. Someone else in the world is born with the other 50%.”
“Oh like soulmates!”, you exclaimed.
He smiled, “Yes exactly Y/N! And it’s everyone’s destiny to find their soulmate to complete their fulfillment and bring the souls together. Most of the time the two souls are compatible and get along smoothly with no issues. Sometimes though they need a little help to move along and their cases are then sent to my department hence the broken souls.”
“Okay and what the fuck does this have to do with Y/N and I? Why did we feel like we were dying a few minutes ago?”, Yoongi spat.
“Well you and Y/N are soulmates.”
You and Yoongi both let out a deep laugh at the same time. “No we’re not.”, you quipped.
“Yeah we hate each other.”, Yoongi added.
Jimin nodded in agreement, “Yes which is why I’m here. I’ve been watching you two for several weeks now hoping you’d work it out on your own and I wouldn’t have to step in but after your little argument today I knew my help was needed.”
You couldn’t believe your ears. Maybe Yoongi was right and you both really were poisoned by a handsome guy in a Gucci suit.
Jimin continued, “The cookie I gave you was a new prototype that we’re working on. Normally we’d just lock you two together with some handcuffs and call it a day. But with this cookie it gives you a little more wiggle room and will hopefully make the experience more enjoyable therefore having a higher success rate. Thanks to the cookies the two of you can’t be more than five feet away from each other or you’ll feel that little pain in your chest. A heartbreak if you will.”
“Why are you doing this?”, you asked.
“Well you and Yoongi are running out of time to become compatible and fall in love. Once your souls run out of life they disappear forcing you both to then turn to the lost souls department lead by my coworker Jin where you’ll be subjected to an eternity of loneliness and despair and not to mention countless unfunny dad jokes. And trust me, you DON’T want that to happen. Which is why I gave you two the cookies. It’ll force you to have to spend time together and get to know each other and hopefully that gives you both the little nudge you need to finally let Cupid in with his little arrows of love.”
“I know someone I’d like to shoot with an arrow right now.”, Yoongi spat.
Ignoring him you asked, “So what happens if we don’t fall in love?”
“Welllll, you have three weeks from today to share true loves kiss.”
Yoongi went to speak but Jimin quickly cut him off, “And no you can’t fake it and just kiss. We’ll know whether it’t true love or not.”
Yoongi sat down in huff and you continued, “Okay and what happens if we don’t kiss?”
“After the three weeks, if no true love kiss has happened, then your soulmate bond will be broken. And then the two of you will have to decide whose soul you want to continue unscathed and who you want to be sent down to the lost souls department. It not a the best situation but at least this way we can save one of you instead of loosing both.”
“Wow un-fucking-believable.”, Yoongi muttered beside you. You were speechless.
“Well I think that was enough excitement for one night. Remember not to stray too far away from each other.”, Jimin said walking towards the door.
“Wait what if we have questions? Or something else happens?”, you panicked.
“Don’t worry. I’ll be around when you need me.”
And with that he walked out the door letting it slowly shut behind him.
“What are we going to do?”, you asked turning to Yoongi.
“I’m gonna go grab my shit and go home.”, he said walking towards the back. Hastily you followed after him not wanting to stray too far. He grabbed his things and headed towards the door with you on his heels.
“Y/N, stay here. None of this is real. I don’t need you following me around like a lost puppy all the time.”, he said before slamming the door in your face.
It only took a few seconds for the pain in your chest to return causing you to double over. Thankfully it quickly disappeared when Yoongi returned out of breath clearly having experienced the same.
He grabbed your hand pulling you with him, “Come on. We’ll stay at your place. We just need to stop at mine and grab a few things.”
“Umm excuse me? Why do we have to stay at mine?”
He sighed, “Because I live with two other roommates who will never stop giving me shit about this and you live alone.”
“Okay. Fair point.” You didn’t exactly want to have to live with all these random people anyways.
His apartment was pretty close thankfully and much nicer than you expected. As soon as he opened the door you were surprised to see everything clean and organized. A faint scent of cinnamon and vanilla hung in the air. His two roommates were on the couch watching a movie.
“There you are! We were wondering when you’d get home.”, one of them exclaimed.
“Of course you were late because you had to find a friend for the night. At least she’s way prettier than your usual catches.”, the other spoke. His comment making you blush slightly.
Yoongi grabbed your hand beginning to pull you down the hall when one of the guys spoke up, “Hey aren’t you gonna introduce us?”
“Yeah don’t be so rude Yoongi?”, you spoke trying to poke a little fun at him sensing his irritation.
“Oh for fucks sake.”, he grumbled before pulling you into the living room.
“Y/N, these are my roommates. This is Jungkook and that one is Hoseok. This is Y/N.”
You politely smiled and waved at the two men who seemed much nicer and friendlier than Yoongi.
“Great. Everyone is pointlessly introduced and I have things to take care of.”, he said pulling you back down the hall.
“Don’t forget to use protection.”, Jungkook shouted after you eliciting a giggle.
Yoongi motioned for you to take a seat on his bed, “I’m just gonna grab some clothes and my laptop.”
You shook your head, “No thanks. I know what you do on that bed.”
“The only thing I do there is sleep. I never bring girls back here.”
“Why not? Don’t you want to be comfortable instead of always hooking up in a car or random bathroom?”
“I don’t know. It just feels too personal if I bring them here. You know into my space. I only save that for people I actually care about.”
You didn’t think he was capable of having feelings like that and then it hit you.
You smirked, “So you care about me? I mean you did let me into your personal space after all.”
“Don’t think too much into it. I just didn’t want to be doubled over in pain while I packed.”, he rolled his eyes before turning away so you couldn’t see the blush forming on his cheeks.
Once he had all his things packed you both snuck past Hoseok and Jungkook who were too busy fighting over the last piece of pizza to notice you anyways.
Swinging the door open to your apartment you suddenly felt really self conscious. It had been several months since you had a guy over and the fact that the guy next to you was Yoongi didn’t make it any easier.
Conveniently you heard him chuckle from behind you.
“What is it Yoongi?”
“Nothing. Your place is cute.”
You rolled your eyes before walking further into the living room.
“I’ll get you some blankets and a pillow. You can have the couch.”, you said motioning to the corner of the room.
“Umm yeah that’s not gonna work.”
“Well make it work because I am not sharing a bed with you.”
“Alright fine. I’ll take the couch and you can sleep in your bed and we’ll both be in excruciating pain all night because you peer pressured me into eating a cookie from some demonic Betty Crocker wannabe.”
You closed your eyes internally smacking yourself for forgetting the whole reason you were stuck with Yoongi to begin with.
“Fine. We’ll share my bed. But no funny business.”, you huffed past him.
“Wouldn’t dream about it babes.”
“Could you please hurry up. I’d love to get to sleep at some point tonight.”, Yoongi groaned.
“Almost done. Just rinsing off.”, you said. The large size of your bathroom was the main reason you chose this apartment but you were really regretting it in this moment. You tested it and Yoongi standing outside the door was just too far away so you both agreed to stay in the bathroom together as you showered and did your nightly routines. Shutting off the water you peaked around the curtain to make sure he was still staring at the wall.
“Okay I’m coming out now. Don’t turn around.”
“Y/N I’m not going to look if you don’t want me to. Just please hurry the fuck up.”, he spat clearly getting cranky.
Quickly you dried yourself off before getting your pajamas on.
“Can I turn around now?”
“Yeah sure.”
Your mind was probably playing tricks on you but you swore you saw a hint of red running down his neck.
“Hey tomorrow I nee- Oh my God Yoongi.”, you exclaimed bringing your hands over your eyes before turning around. “Seriously? You couldn’t warn me that you were just gonna strip naked.”
“I’m getting in the shower. Of course I’m gonna be naked. And I promised I wouldn’t look at you. I don’t care if you look at me. Plus I know you’ve been dying to catch a glimpse of all this.”
“Oh please don’t think so highly of yourself.”
Thankfully his shower was quick and he was dried off and changed within minutes.
Your bed was small forcing the two of you to lay shoulder to shoulder.
“Can I ask you a question?”, you spoke breaking the silence.
“Why do you have a tattoo of a cookie with a smirk on your butt cheek?”
“You were checking out my butt weren’t you?”, he laughed.
“Answer the question.”
“His name is Shooky. It was something I had drawn one day and then after a few too many drinks one of my friends dared me to get it as a tattoo.”
“And you thought your butt was the best location?”
“You don’t even want to know where Jungkook got a tattoo of the pink bunny he drew.”
“He didn’t.”, you gasped.
“He did. He calls it Cooky on a coc-“
“Okay that’s enough.”, you stopped him before he could go any further. He laughed before letting the room fall into a semi awkward silence.
“You still awake?”, he asked after several minutes.
“Well I just remembered that my brothers wedding is this weekend so uh I guess you’re gonna have to be my date.”, he said barely above a whisper.
“Okay. It’s not like we have a choice anyways.”
“Yeah, I guess so.”
You both laid there in silence for a while but you could tell neither of you were close to falling asleep.
“Hey Yoongi?”, you asked.
“I’m scared.”
“Don’t be. We’ll figure something out. Besides we both know I’ll be the one who walks away from this anyways.”
You rolled your eyes before turning away from him. You should’ve known better than to look to him for comfort.
Yoongi laid awake staring at the ceiling while sneaking little peaks at you.
The truth was he was scared too, but he’d never let you know that. Scared of what might happen. Scared of what might not happen. Scared of the fact that he has loved you since the minute you introduced yourself to him at he cafe even though you’ve never reciprocated the feeling. Scared you’ll find out that he’s only a jerk to you as a defense mechanism to hide his true feelings.
He was most scared because he knew at some point the truth was going to come out.
52 notes · View notes
libby-for-life · 20 hours
**Lucifer trying to teach Adam how to play the violin**
**What Lucifer says**
Adam after playing for an hour straight: so, how did I do?
Lucifer: Okay, we'll start from the top. I think on that second measure you round off that phrase a little bit so it makes the entire thing feel just a little bit better.
Adam bursts into tears: Fuck you! *runs away*
Lucifer: hu?
**What Adam hears**
Adam: So, how did I do?
Lucifer: That...was the worst thing I've ever heard. And that's not just *you* as a player. It's you as a person. How is it possible that you've lived for so long and have been a fully functional soul for longer could take a musical instrument and make it sound like a bunch if dying walruses?
*Adam crying*
Lucifer: How is possible that a monkey with a xylophone has a better rhythm than you have had in your entire life? How is it that when Lilith was first made, she could take that violin with both hands behind her back and blindfolded and sound much better than how you played today?
*Adam sobbing*
Lucifer: So why don't you go take that piece of wood that you have now sullied and use it as firewood? Go back to a fucking cave where you belong!
Adam: Fuck you!
42 notes · View notes
papercorgiworld · 2 days
Hey, I just wanted to know if you are taking requests right now and if yes then would you be comfortable writing angst or sad stuff. If not it's totally understandable.
Sending you lots of love and purrs
Hello not so anon anon, thank you for dropping by in my inbox darling! AND OMG YOU KNOW I LOVE PURRSS! So obviously lost of love and purrs back! I hope you like this! Happy readings, though Tom's version is pretty sad so not so happy readings...
What we could’ve been
A very angsty Mattheo and (any) Tom imagine 😭
When you're dying feelings are confessed. Both endings are more or less open, but still sad.
I find writing angst very difficult so definitely feedback me.
You had been forced to switch schools after a series of mysterious events had followed you around at your previous school. Your parents had chosen Hogwarts as the safest school for you and Dumbledore welcomed you regardless of your rather dubious academic history. 
You had been looking for answers. You had been desperate to find out the truth, too desperate. Of the very few friends you had made at Hogwarts none of them had time to follow you on this quest. You should have waited, but you didn’t. A small light shone from your wand as you walked through the forbidden forest in search of an enchanted pond. Your heart sped up with each sinister noise you heard, making you turn around to stare at the darkness of the forest.
“Drown in truth.” You read the words carved into a nearby rock. “This should be the spot.” You mutter to yourself, your heart going even faster now that you have found the pond. The water was exceptionally clear and you kneel to dip your fingers into the chill water, disturbing the suspiciously still and peaceful water. 
Quietly Mattheo entered the castle grounds, he admired the beautiful sky and found himself ridiculous for lying to his friends, but he wasn’t ready to admit to them that you were becoming more than a friend to him. He had left the quidditch celebration party early even though slytherin had won, he wasn’t in a party mood since all he could think about was you. With a lame excuse he had left his friends in search of you, expecting you to be at the castle.
Before the quidditch game you had asked him to meet you after the game for another quest. He had turned you down, feeling pressured to keep up an act since his friends were watching. In the past few months the two of you had become something of an unusual team. There was just something so intriguing about you. At first Mattheo told himself that he just wanted to know who you were and why you switched schools, then you became this team obsessed with finding out what sort of magic hung around you. But even though you were a team and it was obvious to most that you two were slowly falling in love, Mattheo was terrified of anyone finding out that he was in love with the weird and mysterious new girl.
There’s nothing wrong with choosing my friends over her, she has to understand. She’s not an unreasonable person; she'll be happy that I returned early. Maybe we still have enough time to check out this new clue she had found and- Mattheo is torn from his thoughts when your patronus appears in front of him in an unusual colour, he looks for you but doesn’t spot you in the empty courtyard. When he returns his eyes to your animagus it’s quickly moving away. Mattheo follows it but soon realises it’s in a hurry and summons his broom so he can fly after it. His heart starts pounding at a terrifying rate as he enters the forest and realises that his worst fear is becoming reality: you were in danger. 
The only thing Mattheo remembered was that he had carried your unconscious body into the infirmary, where Madam Pomfrey shrieked in panic at the sight. Sitting on the floor against the wall next to the door of the infirmary with his head hanging low Mattheo ignores the approaching footsteps. “We heard.” Enzo says standing together with Draco. “Blaise and Theo have teamed up with Granger to see if they can find a cure.” Enzo continues, but Mattheo doesn’t want to hear these preaches of false hope. “There’s no cure for dying.” Mattheo’s voice sounds defeated and tired. After a moment of silence Mattheo lifts his head to let it rest against the wall behind him, like he can’t hold it up without support. His drained eyes move to Draco and Enzo. “I heard Dumbledore and Pomfrey. She’s cursed, she’s slowly dying and there’s nothing they can do except let the life in her slip away.” There’s a crack as he says those last words and the air among them gets heavier. 
Draco bends to level Mattheo sitting on the ground. “Have you talked to her?” Draco almost whispers and Mattheo looks at him with dead eyes. “She’s…” Mattheo falls silent and Draco fills in. “..dying, not dead. You can still talk to hear, she might hear.” Mattheo huffs. “And say what? Good luck on the other side.” The cynical tone in Mattheo’s voice makes Draco look up at Enzo for support. “Tell her what everyone wants to hear… that they are loved.” Mattheo, who had expected Enzo to speak up, looks surprised when he sees his brother approach. “Quit self pitying and go be with her.” Tom says calmly but there’s a sternness in his voice. 
Mattheo holds your hand in his as he places a soft kiss on your hand. He notices he’s holding his breath and takes a deep breath before looking at your peaceful face. With one hand still holding yours his other hand brushes through your hair, before his thumb gently strokes your cheek. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there.” Mattheo whispers and his voice cracks while his eyes get glassy. “I should’ve been there. I knew it was important to you.” A silent tear rolls over Mattheo’s cheek and he moves a little closer to you, taking in your perfect face. “You are important. You mean so much to me. I’ll never forgive myself for- Godss, I should’ve been with you. We, you and I, we could’ve figured this out… and whatever or whoever was after you, we could’ve defeated them.” 
Mattheo lets his head fall as it pains him to watch you stay silent, knowing that every second a little more of your light slips away. There’s tears rolling down his cheeks, but he bites back and looks back at you forcing himself to man up. With a brave voice and intense eyes he confesses: “I need you to hear me, because I need you to know that-that I love you.” Imagines of you smiling flash through his mind. He can hear you say his name and he remembers what it felt like when you were pressed against him that one time you had to hide in a broom closet together. You are such a beautiful person. The world will lose its light as you lose yours.
Mattheo runs a hand over his face drying his tears, telling himself he has no right to feel this way over someone he failed. He clenches his jaw and squeezes your hand, knowing that he needs to say his goodbye. 
“Matt!” Blaise yells, making Mattheo turn to see Hermione, Theo and Blaise approach. Theodore and Hermoine stop in front of Madam Pomfrey to show her something in a clearly very old and dusty book, but Blaise walks towards Mattheo. “We believe she’s stuck in a dream- more like a nightmare, but if we get her out, if we help her get out of the nightmare than, maybe,... she’ll live.” Mattheo just stares in silence at Blaise as he tries to process what Blaise had just told him. Maybe I get to have a second chance and have a life with you after all. Suddenly one specific memory takes over Mattheo’s mind, your voice rings in his head.
“Matt! Stop smoking, it's not healthy.” Mattheo rolls his eyes but immediately puts his pack of smokes back into his pocket rather than taking one. “Look, I saw this today.” You turn to him with a poster of the yule ball. “What’s up with this? I didn’t know Hogwarts had a dance.” Mattheo holds the poster but instantly gives it back. “Just some stupid dance that gets everyone excited over lame music and itchy outfits.” He stuffs his hands in his pockets as you still scan over the poster. “Did you find anything in that book that we took from that dungeon yesterday?” Mattheo asks changing the subject back to the things you always talked about. “Yes!” You say excited, before you explain everything to him while making him fall in love with your perfection.
“Matt, there’s hope.” Blaise says pulling Mattheo away from the memory. I really need to ask this silly girl to go to the dance with me. If I get the chance… Mattheo balls his fists as he tries to stay strong and not fall apart. 
Tom had shot your plan to search for the pond down the minute you had suggested it and on top of that he had called you an imbecile for even considering it. Obviously you took it very well and stormed off without even saying a word. 
The image of your pain filled eyes as his words had hit you burned stronger in Tom’s mind with each step he took in the direction of the infirmary. You hadn’t even argued with him, you were so hurt that you had just turned around and left him, standing alone in the hallway with his foul tongue. Tom halts at the door seeing you lying on a hospital bed, still and peaceful. His mind plays the image of you walking away again, a painful reminder that he shouldn’t have let you go.
I should have watched over you as I’ve been doing for the past few months. Walk with you, watch you study, help you research the most bizarre places in search of answers. Tom pushes himself away from the door back into the hallway, feeling suffocated at the view of your still body on the hospital bed. He couldn’t face you. It was too late to show up now. He should’ve stuck with you and helped you instead of… Tom grips at his hair and lets himself fall against the wall behind him, cursing himself under his breath. 
His attempt to push you away, keep you at a distance and avoid catching feelings had obviously failed. His heart ached. He cursed himself under his breath, how dare he be so weak to fall in love instead of pursuing greater goals. 
“You should comfort her.” Dumbledore spoke, seemingly coming out of nowhere, startling Tom. Within a second Tom bites back all his emotions, afraid of looking weak, especially to Dumbledore. “She’s dying. Dead people don’t need comfort. The ones around them need it. They live with it after all.” There’s a hint of pity in the headmaster’s eyes at Tom’s cold tone. “I find that comforting others can be comforting as well.” Dumbledore speaks calmly and Tom wants to reject whatever the old fool has to say, but nevertheless ends up considering it. Tom’s eyes wander to the open door of the hospital wing. 
You weren’t dead yet, you were dying and Tom really didn’t want his last words to you to be an insult. With each step he took towards you his cold hands got more shaky until a trembling hand reached to stroke your cheek. “How do you still manage to be the most beautiful girl in such a dire situation? You truly are a wonder to this world.” Your body felt colder than he was used to and it made his heart sink. “What I said earlier… you didn’t deserve it… but then again it was your own fault, making a monster like me fall in love… I break all things precious, I can’t help it, it scares me, you have scared me from day one. You’ve held my heart from the moment we met and wherever you’re going now, you’ll take it with you and I don’t mind. For as little time that I’ve had with you it was all I ever needed, to know that true love exists.” 
A single lonely tear rolls down Tom’s cheek, reaching his lips as he bows to place a kiss on your forehead. With dead eyes Tom focusses on your gentle features as a way to calm himself, while bringing his wand to his temple to strip himself of every memory he had of you and every dream he planned with you.
The memory: “Will you take me?” Tom can’t hide his smile as he looks over to the new girl he’s been studying with for the past few weeks. “To my favourite bookshop?” He questions and you nod with a happy smile. “It sounds so picturesque.” A joyful half smile tugs on Tom’s lips. “Maybe I will.”
The dream: “Tom! The new delivery of books has come, you want to help me sort them?” Tom appears leaning against the doorframe leading to your house attached to your very own bookshop. “When I brought you this place I didn’t expect you to put me to work in it as well…” You huff holding two books, one in each hand. “It’s books! How dare you call it work!” You jokily argue and your boyfriend laughs, but his laugh fades in your ears as you notice something in the box. “What’s this?” You place the books you were holding on a nearby table and reach for a small box. “Only one way to find out.” Tom says slowly walking towards you as you open the box to reveal an elegant and shiny ring. “Will you marry me?” Tom whispers in your ear as he now stands behind you and you quickly turn around smiling. 
The last image of you is a smiling one, but fades non the less as Tom strips himself of everything about you. A shocked Dumbledore arrives to find that Tom has locked all that he holds so dear in a small vile. “Why take the easy way out?” The headmaster asks with a pained voice. Tom looks at Dumbledore questioningly before looking at the vile and lifting his shoulders. “Can’t remember.”
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anothanobody · 2 days
Anon Ask: Tyz Eren eating Mikasa's pussy into the men's locker room
Summary: Since they began dating, they discovered a few things. One of those being the need to fuck whenever and wherever, only they exist in their world, it was a duty for them to pleasure one another.
Warnings: fluff. jealousy, whiny eremika, territorial eremika, they love each other a lot. nsfw. dry humping, inappropriate touching, oral sex (f. receiving), masturbation, public sex, creampie, choking.
Notes: this will probably be in one of the chapters. it’s a little something because i miss tyz a lot so i needed to write their horny selves. not my best but not my worst either. this is for the thirsty of us out here. i’m happy to be back!!! hope you guys like it.
There was one thing they were eager to try together.
The gym.
Despite their well defined bodies, they were not gym goers, they had done a lot of sports in their youth, from when they were infants till before university. That was pretty much why they did not go to the gym to maintain themselves. The restless sex they had was probably the only thing they were doing to stay fit.
So, they came up with this, after having sex, on how they should try more things to do together. Going to the gym seemed to be their first option.
In the following days they started to look for a place to go, their universities were excluded since in each they needed to be a student. They ended up finding one that had a schedule of 24 hours which worked well with their classes and work.
A week after the first conversation they walked in the gym, signing up for a single day just to see how it would fare.
They separated, each walking their respective locker room and since then the problem in their own heads began to start. There were a lot of good looking people, painfully so, and while secure in one another, they were annoyed with others.
Mikasa got out with only her phone and bottle, wearing leggings but still with a jacket that she would take off later. Eren met her halfway, wearing a simple Nike white T-shirt and black sweatpants. “What should we do first? Warm up?” She nodded and they walked towards the empty spot.
Stretching out in front of each other still felt too much. His eyes were wondering and hers did the same. There were too many positions that he was already willing to try by looking at her alone touching the tip of her feet.
“Stop it.” She scolded but was just as amused. “I will start with the treadmill, hurry up.” She pecked his lips as he did his last warmup.
Taking his phone and bottle from the ground, he didn’t expect to find anyone beside him. But here there was already a girl that he was sure had seen him kissing his girlfriend. “Do you need something?”
She giggled. “I was wondering if you could be my partner, i need someone to spot. I’m Elena, you’re new here, aren’t you?”
He wouldn’t be for long, he was thinking to leave right then, the fact he saw Mikasa taking her sweatshirt off, leaving her in her sports bra and leggings was enough to distract that thought. “Can’t do.” He bluntly said. He tried to take a step to the side just to be blocked.
He was a polite person, but his patience was being tested. “Oh, come on. It’s just a workout, I’m sure your girlfriend won’t mind at all.”
“But I do mind. Get lost, someone is already trying hitting on her.” He muttered the last part, pushing past the girl and into her direction where now a guy their age stayed at the side of her treadmill talking to her.
“You don’t have to lie to me. Let me take you out.” The guy seemed to whine. He heard her sigh from a distance. “I told you already i’m taken.”
“Love?” “‘ren, what took you so long?” She stopped her walk to turn around and kiss him. “Obstacles. Hi there, mate, do you need something?” He asked the guy there. But now flustered, he just stuttered a no and left the scene.
“I don’t like it.” Mikasa said out loud as he started with his walk as well. “Maybe we should have gone on a hike or something.”
He laughed at her cuteness. Mikasa was frustrated, she had told the guy that she was not available more than a couple of times but only when Eren came, he backed off. And, on top of that, she had seen the girl trying to take him.
After about twenty minutes, they decided to start their own programmed routines at a couple of meters of one another, they would get involved only when help was needed.
Eren couldn’t ignore the looks Mikasa was getting as she went for the leg press. His girl was undeniably sexy but the world didn’t need to know, his jaw clenched as he continued on his own, unless someone approached her there was no worry for him. People just had to stay away.
As he finished his arms quickly, he went up to her. “I can’t even be mad at you.” He just said, looking at her, focused, pretty, edible.
“As if. Just try to ignore it. I do that when I see them looking at your crotch.” she said, taking a deep breath after. “Well… crotch is one thing, they are looking from head to toe.” He whined, standing up, reaching for the necklace around her neck. His finger caressed it, then he met her eyes and he felt a jolt in his body.
“Uh-uh, don’t look at me like that.” He let it go, retreating his hand before wrapping it around her. “You know that.” He pinched the bridge of his nose, suddenly feeling his cock slightly hardening. Just one look. He was gone by just one look.
“I didn’t do anything.” She shrugged, she liked the power she had but couldn’t help the mutual feeling starting to light in her. Looking around she felt satisfied at seeing a few girls getting disinterested.
As soon as she finished, Eren accompanied her to spot for her. They were too close to each other, as she prepared he stood there, caressing the bare skin of her stomach, her leg slightly grazed his dick, giving enough indication on how this would end. “Don’t play with me.” She ignored his words, getting into stance by pushing her ass onto him, he took half a step back with his jaw clenched.
He was growing restless, each squat she humped against him, he was sure if he checked he’s find a wet spot right on her pussy. That thought alone made him want to just take her right then and there. “I’m horny.” She whispered.
He grinned fully. “Fuck you.” He chuckled his words, kissing her sweet spot on her neck. Making her back into him dangerously so. He had grown a full boner by then. As her set finished and not even a full hour passed in this gym, he was taking her away. “We’re done out here.” She couldn’t erase the smile on her face, she just watched him drag her into the men’s locker room.
By the time they were in, their lips were eagerly kissing one another, moans and groans going along with the touching, his hand quickly went into her pants finding it exactly how he wanted. Wet and ready for him to take. Laying down his t-shirt on the counter under her, he roughly took her leggings off.
He didn’t think twice in digging into her, his tongue moving around, in and out her pussy, pressing against her clit in the middle of the men’s locker room. Her hand went into his hair, grabbing a fistful of it. She tried to suppress her moans as she felt the pleasure all over her. As her eyes suddenly went to him, she could see his arm moving and the only thought had her close to the edge.
“Not yet, love, you were teasing me too much.” He said, his own hand taking care of his erection while the other held her down as she tried to ride him.
He was now going for single licks from down up, her body was spasming needing to release. “I won’t do it again.” She whined, her hand going to grip his forearm. “Please, Eren, I was just- annoyed. Please!” Her hips tried to lift with no effort.
She let go of his hair as he went up to kiss her. She moaned tasting herself on him, her hand going down to his cock, taking it into her hand, stroking it while rubbing it into her. “I know, we are not coming back here.” He said, thrusting himself into her at once.
He was fast and deep in his thrusts, his hand wrapped around her neck as her body bounced at the force. She moaned in his mouth, marking his back painfully more. There was little she could, she loved when he took charge and pleased her.
It was quick though, a quickie, thrilled from doing it when someone could just walk in and the pent up annoyance of the last forty to fifty minutes in this gym.
Her legs wrapped around him as she came and he thrusted in her the last time, filling her up, kissing her even more fiercely. this woman made him mad. Pulling out was a pain, he tucked himself in helping her down. “Go in the shower, I’ll take care here.” He said collecting their things.
“I don’t have my change.” “I do. I kind of suspected this would happen. Go in, before anyone comes in.” She ran in, he put their things in the duffel bag, taking out his change and her own, that were his clothes technically.
Appropriately so, someone entered the locker room a minute later. He sneaked in the shower, controlling himself from doing anything more when he saw her there. Drying off after the shower she waited there for him to bring her clothes and without worry enough they were able to sneak out the locker room unharmed.
She went to hers, getting her things and they were happily out of there. “This was a failure.” He said as they walked hand in hand. “But it’s another public space added to the list.”
“Shut up. It’s not like we planned all of them. We need more self control.” She said with a pout, the list was getting too long. “You’re laughing but i’m not wearing anything under and that could’ve ended badly.”
“Remind me about that when we get home.” That reminder was enough for him, he was ready for a round two or round one as a quickie couldn’t really count at all. As for anything the gym was a failed tryout.
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dippedinmelancholy · 11 hours
For all there is to complain about ACOSF - I am certain huge portions of it were taken out and rewritten. Particularly in regards to Mor. There's a reason the Christmas Special has a focus on Mor, in her perspective, with her memories and emotions. She has a particularly sharp dislike of Nesta, even going so far to say Nesta should be locked away where women are raped, sold, and are viewed as items, not people. She says Nesta would fit right in, but the unspoken bit here is that Nesta DESERVES such treatment for her "viper's tongue", because lets be honest. A cruel tongue is literally the worst of Nesta's sins. She never goes out of her way to hurt anyone, she doesn't care for it, nor does she have a taste for it. Of all the people to talk to Cassian after Nesta initially arrives at the HoW, it's Mor. Not Feyre, to check on how her sister is adjusting. No, it's Mor, who scoffs and laughs at Nesta taking a depressing nap (because that's exactly what it is, at least when you're asleep you don't need to be in your own head). And then. . . nothing. A huge gap between this, and Mor being the one to teach Nesta the Hewn City dances, which doesn't get it's own scene. Nothing between this and Mor requesting to come see Nesta and the priestesses train, and Nesta saying the other girls would like that. It feels so empty and weird that there's no scenes between this. When there clearly could have been some kind of written scenes to show development between Nesta and Mor, especially since Nesta has SO MUCH in common with how women in Hewn City are raised. Her virginity prized and used to secure a marriage, her mother grooming her, her father borderline abusive, being a survivor of SA herself, being willing to sell herself to Tomas to keep her family alive because it was all she had, her body, her virginity. Then, Nesta recklessly fucking the first person she can with no feeling, because in the land of the fae, her body has no worth now. A purposeful scene between Mor and Nesta rather than yet another meaningless smut scene, maybe even directly after Kelpie tried to SA Nesta, followed by the learning new dances scene, could have done so much. It could have proven to Mor that Nesta doesn't want to hurt Cassian, she literally never has. A mirror reflected of the brutality of being a woman, human or fae. An understanding that a mask is just that, a mask. It could have given worth to the "friendship" of Cassian and Mor, rather than Mor is just pissed Mor isn't her plaything anymore. I think that's my core problem with ACOSF. It feels as though so much else could have been written at one point. Instead, there's so much that we're just supposed to accept as "This is how it is now, problems gone!". ACOSF really leans on telling instead of showing, which makes it a really horrible read in a world building way, especially since CC3, and more than likely more books in the future, intertwine with these characters so much, expecting you to believe in them and their bonds.
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One of the worst misreads (deliberate or not) that I've seen from Zutara fans is in Crossroads of Destiny where Aang and Katara hug after being reunited, and Aang glares at Zuko over Katara's shoulder. They legitimately claim that Aang's glare is one of jealousy, when it stems from protectiveness. Katara was left alone with the same person who's spent the majority of their journey trying to capture or kill him and his team. To say nothing of the fact that he's already kidnapped Katara before. Aang's expression is "You better not have touched a single hair on my waterbender's head or I'll blast you through a wall before you can even blink."
Aang: *has a vision of Katara being captured by the Dai Li, goes to rescue her, and discovers she's been kept in the same 'cell' as a guy that is supporting the war and genocide and that has been chasing them around the world for months*
Aang: *glares at this dude while hugging Katara*
Zutarians: God, such a jealous, possessive, misogynistic boy! If he's that bad at just 12-years-old, imagine what he'll be like as an adult! Zuko would never act like that, even though he canonically accused Mai of liking someone else right after she said was indifferent to the guy he was paranoid about.
Aang: *offers to take Katara to the North Pole so she can learn waterbending, cheers her on when she's fighting an actual misogynist, calls her sifu to show his respect, says she gives him hope, helps her blow up a factory and says she's a hero for wanting to save a village*
Zutarians: I pretend I do not see.
Zuko: I'll help murder someone in the hopes that you make you not hate me anymore after I got your best friend killed and sent an assassin after your group. Also I'll sometimes serve tea to the group because we're all friends now and I'm trying to be less of a dick.
Aang: *admits he is upset enough that he'd probably be in the Avatar state by that point if he hadn't blocked his chakra and talks about it with Katara in an attempt to process his emotions and so they are on the same page on their friendship/potential romance/relationship*
Zutarians: Immature, possessive crybaby that results to violence whenever he's upset! Disgraceful! Have you never heard of healthy communication?!
Zuko: *throws a guy over a table for making moves on his girlfriend, constantly lashes out at people whenever he's upset, will fist-fight anyone if given the chance, literally went up a mountain to scream at God to fucking murder him, and blasts fire at his friends when unhappy with how chill they are despite the war going on because he grew up with an abuser that completely fucked up his understanding of how and when he can or cannot express himself*
Zutarians: Awkward turtleduck, would never hurt a fly, can totally be soothed by a hug from the right person if he's upset. Totally won't snap at said right person if they try it before he breaks something - even if that something is his own bones.
Aang: *completely misreads the moment, kisses Katara, realizes he fucked up, feels bad for it and leaves her alone*
Also Zutarians: Anyways, I started shipping this pairing when Zuko tied Katara to a tree because it inspired lots of fanfics of him forcing himself on her.
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