#she's a new muse for me so I gotta figure out her voice XD
starwrittenfates · 4 months
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"Can you be serious for two seconds?" Evie asked, knowing better than to do so when it came to her twin brother. They were both different from each other, and yet, the same too, at least when it came to wanting the same result in the end. "We are supposed to be on a mission for her royal majesty. At least act like it, brother."
@protectxthem liked for a starter from Evie Frye! (for Jacob!)
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alirhi · 3 years
I don't even know where half of this came from XD
Here's another chunk of that weird BuckyNat fic. I really should probably give it a title at some point... maybe.
Anyway, just so we're clear here... Warnings! 18+ There is smut in this one! sorta lazy smut lol I stalled out and cut partway through, but it's there. (sorry. I haven't written explicit sex in years) Also some angst and a random Stucky reference that kinda wrote itself in there
Down here...
As Bucky set her down, sprawled across her bed, the full implications of what he'd said finally sank in and she stopped him with a hand on his chest, pushing him back. "I never said I would have sex with you."
"That's true," he agreed with a smirk, grabbing her wrist and pressing a wet, open-mouthed kiss over the vein. "You didn't. And I didn't ask. So..." Never taking his eyes off of hers, he nipped her wrist and purred, "Do you wanna have sex with me?"
Charming. Bastard. She felt his tongue against her skin and had to hold her breath to stop herself from whimpering. There were so many reasons this would be a bad idea; they weren't blood-related, but they were supposed to be siblings, Bucky was a wounded soldier who'd just gotten home from an overseas field hospital, they didn't even really know each other... But then his lips were on hers and his tongue was sliding into her mouth and all of the logical, sane responses she could have come up with were just gone. All Natasha wanted was for the painfully gorgeous man on top of her to keep touching her.
"Fuck me, Bucky," she whispered, clinging to him as his metal hand slowly drifted, feather-light, down her body.
He chuckled, nipping her neck, and promised in a low rumble that set her body on fire, "We'll get there, doll. Eventually."
Nat grabbed his hand, pulling up up to her face. She nipped at one shiny steel fingertip and then pressed his palm to her cheek, nuzzling it. "Can you feel anything?"
"Not really," he admitted, stroking her cheek with his thumb. "There are pressure sensors that let me know when I'm touching something or how hard I'm gripping, but..." He freed his left hand from her grip and used it to brace himself up while he brought the other up to brush his thumb over her lips. When she bit him, he smiled. "It's not like this; not like real human contact."
His hand trailed down, sliding over her breasts, down her torso, to settle between her legs. "If I wanna feel your warmth, your skin, how deliciously wet you are..." One finger slipped effortlessly inside her, then a second as Bucky mumbled, "Left hand is useless."
Moaning softly as she felt his fingers curl and scissor inside her, Nat bucked her hips up and ran one hand up and down the hard metal arm still bracing him up over her. "I still think it's kinda hot." His thumb brushed over her clit and she whimpered. "Bucky...!"
"Hmmm?" The smirk on his face made her want to cry; he was so beautiful, and on the surface so perfectly in control... But there was a shadow behind those piercing blue eyes that told her he wasn't even fully there in the room with her. Something was on his mind, something that made him hold himself back even as he kept pushing her forward.
It was hard to think clearly enough to truly read him - fuuuuck he was good with his fingers! - but by the time he moved down and buried his face between her legs, one thought finally made its way to the surface: He was deflecting. Whatever it was, it was eating at him but he didn't want to talk about it, so he was using sex to keep his inquisitive stepsister from asking.
"Bucky, do you even want me?"
He stopped and looked up at her, licking his wet lips absently. The look of confusion that crossed his gorgeous face made her wonder for a split second if she'd read him wrong, but then it faded to a sort of vaguely amused resignation and he nodded, pressing a kiss to the tender flesh just below her navel. "Yes. Yeah, I really do."
That was good enough for the moment. With a little half-smile, she tugged him up for a kiss and whispered against his lips, "Then be here with me." Whatever was bugging him, she'd get it out of him after.
Bucky struggled, though he did his best not to let Nat see it. He had the most unsettling feeling that she could see right through him, but mercifully, she didn't stop him again. They had a minor scare when they heard the front door open and realized they'd lost track of time, but Bucky hastily clamped his metal hand over Nat's mouth and waited. Their parents' voices got lower as they came up the stairs, and he just barely heard his mother musing aloud to her husband, "They must already be asleep."
A door closed down the hall, cutting off their barely-audible conversation, and both Bucky and Natasha heaved sighs of relief. Figuring it was best not to push their luck, he started to pull out, but Nat stopped him with both long legs wrapped tight around his waist. With a grin he could just barely see in the dark, she whispered, "You're not going anywhere."
He glanced at the door, straining to hear every tiny sound, any indication that they were about to be caught. There was nothing. The looming threat of it was oddly exciting; smirking, he leaned down and murmured against her ear, "Think you can stay quiet for me, sweetheart?"
Her hand closed around his left wrist and squeezed as her lips brushed his ear and she purred, "I think you can make me."
It took him about half a second to figure out what she meant, and then his metal hand closed around her throat. He made sure to keep his grip light, to avoid actually hurting her, but every time she failed to keep her voice down as he pounded her into the mattress, he squeezed just a little harder for a second.
He had to bury his face between her breasts to muffle his own groans as he came deep inside her a few minutes later.
"Oh, fuck..." Nat's voice was raspy from the abuse her throat had taken as Bucky collapsed beside her and she immediately curled into him. "That was... fuck, Bucky, that was amazing!"
"You liked that?" Even as he held her close, metal arm curling around her protectively, he gaped at her. He'd thought he was psychotic, getting off on controlling her like that, but... she liked it, too?
"Pretty sure the last two times I came were just from you choking me," she half-joked, nuzzling his chest. "So... yeah."
"Good to know, I guess."
"Hey..." She was just as tired as he was; with a little grunt from the effort of moving, she rocked up onto her elbow and stared down at him. "What's wrong?"
Bucky rolled his eyes. "You're interrogating me now?"
"Tactically, it makes sense. You're as vulnerable as you're ever getting." She smiled and kissed his cheek. "But no, I'm not interrogating you. I care. What's wrong?"
"You are going to make a terrifyingly good spy, Nat. Jesus..."
"That's the goal. Now talk to me."
"I'm broken." He didn't even have to look at her; he could feel her perplexed, curious stare. Keeping his gaze locked firmly on the ceiling, he told her flatly, "I could have stayed overseas. I was supposed to. Not to fight, but to help in the lab, with the..." He lifted his hand and waved it a little so she'd know what he meant. "With the tech. But I couldn't take being there after..." Jaw tightening, he trailed off and turned his face away from her.
Nat didn't let him. With a gentle hand on his jaw, she forced him to face her again, though she couldn't make him look directly at her. "You're not broken, Bucky. You've been through Hell. I wouldn't want to stay, either. As cool as the new bionic arm thing is, it's gotta-"
"That's not why." Shrugging, Bucky glanced at his hand and added, "I mean, yeah, it's taking a lot of getting used to, but the arm's not why..."
She winced, sitting up and folding his metal hand between both of her own. "You lost someone." The pain he was radiating, so strong it was clearly visible on his face even in the dark, told her she was right long before he reluctantly nodded. "Who?"
"...His name was Steve," he told her after a long moment, voice thick with grief and tears he fought not to shed. "He saved my life over there, twice... And he died in my arms."
"Oh." Well. She'd read that situation a bit wrong, hadn't she? "I'm sorry, I thought... Well, it doesn't matter. Bucky, I'm so sorry. That's awful."
"You thought right, Nat," was his gruff reply as he sat up and started scanning the shadows for his clothes. "I was - am - in love with him."
Natasha sat back on her heels, stunned. Unsure what to do or say, all that came out as she flicked the light on for him was a soft, confused, "Oh."
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toujoursmiraculous · 5 years
Ladybug Reaction/Thoughts!
Fair warning, this is a very long post! I absolutely love, love, love that we get to see that flashback of him actually making the lucky charm bracelet, wondering if it’s good enough to give Marinette, actually getting Plagg’s and Nathalie’s opinion. He’s just that worried about making sure it’s good enough for her. Wow I love my sunshine boy. Adrien was literally going to talk about how amazing Marinette is to his father before he cut him off. He was actually starting to do it! Ahhh that makes my heart so happy. “Please father! Marinette deserves to have all her friends there.” Just the fact that he begged him so he could go see her on her special day. sniffs I’m not crying tears of joy! ;~; Oh wow, we never thought about Lila possibly being there in Befana but yikes. “I thought you were supposed to be protecting Adrien from Marinette. The one you said was a bad influence.” Okay, so the disgusting part where Hawk Moth is using this and Marinette to chaos havoc aside, it sounds like Gabriel doesn’t actually believe that Marinette’s a bad influence on Adrien. Which I really appreciate and hope it means something later.
Lila: “Will you keep your promise if I succeed?”
Literally the only reason she gets to model with Adrien at the end. And remember, Adrien can’t refuse to work with her as his father arranged it, so he’s pretty much stuck with this.
Ms. Bustier: “Today someone placed an anonymous note in my mailbox, claiming that you’d stolen the exam answers. And it looks the anonymous person was right.”
Notice even Chloe is just outright shocked?
Yes Alya and Adrien standing up for her! And Rose too. At least at first.
Okay, really, if she fell down that massive flight of stairs, she’d have worse than a injured knee. Just saying. She’d be taken away in an ambulance and instructed not to move in case of neck injuries. C’mon adults, isn’t this a bit suspicious happening at once at this point?
“My daughter is not a thief!”
Just watched Rogercop the other day with a friend, it’s sad and interesting this line is being used again.
Wow. Framed for stealing Lila’s necklace and having it exposed to the entire class. That sucks so much. How embarrassing to have to be in such a situation. Accused of 3 crimes in one day? Psh, overplaying it Lila.
Alix: Angry
Mylene: Disappointed
Alya: Shocked
Sabine: Crying
Adrien: Sad because he knows exactly what’s going on and knows she’s innocent.
“You know I’m innocent, don’t you, Adrien?”
The look of anger on his face as he looks at Lila after she says this. Oh how I love this so much. If this must be done at all, this is what I want to come from it.
You know, it’s really sick. It’s really sick that this sweet boy goes and tells his father about how wonderful his friend is, how her friends love and care about her, and that he cares so much about too, and he uses her, ultimately hurting him, to get what he wants. Adrien’s essentially fueling Hawk Moth without even knowing. How utterly disgusting. My poor baby’s being used in the worst way by his own father.
Chloe protecting Sabrina instead of pushing her in front as a shield to protect herself shows so much character growth, I’m very proud of her.
Verity Queen. Princess Justice.
Does this confirm later their akumatizations? Because oof I’m afraid of Marinette getting akumatized. Especially after she was going to take off her earrings to give to Hawk Moth, had Nathalie not suddenly fallen into a coughing fit!
Okay, I’m going to say this: This today was a good example of why they should know about their identities. Had Adrien known, he would’ve more likely been able to keep her calm enough from being akumatized at all, or if not that, prevent her from giving him the earrings.
I still feel that way right now, the cons of them knowing outweigh the pros, but that is definitely a pro!
Alya being on Marinette’s side, even though it looks bleak and she doesn’t know if she’ll be able to prove her innocence. That’s all I ask is that she believes.
I seriously can’t believe her parents are like, until we find another school for you to go to, you have to work here at the bakery, starting right now.
That’s pretty much believing their daughter was guilty of everything she’s been accused of and that’s so horribly wrong. Okay, she’s not able to go to school right now. That’s out of their control. But you’re going to punish her, too, and prevent her from getting to the bottom of what happened so she’s allowed back at school?
“I want to help you.” “Never at that cost. Never at that cost again.” This just raises the question again at why Emilie wore the Miraculous in the first place, and why she wore it to the point that it put her in the state she’s in now. If Gabriel’s first use of the Butterfly was the Stoneheart episodes, she was using it only on her own. But what is this Miraculous capable of that she was so desperate to use it for, and why was she? Lol @ detective Alya. Too bad the lockers just so happened to be clean right before she got there. :/ True love right there, that Nathalie would very easily give up her life for Gabriel’s (and Adrien’s) happiness. Why can’t she just love someone else? Dx I know she said in Stormy Weather 2 she wonders if she shouldn’t have taken the job, and she’s right. She’s not even allowed to answer her own phone because she’s being punished for something she didn’t even do? Again, wow. “Don’t tell me. We have to go and help your Lady.” I love how Plagg’s annoyed at going to help Ladybug, and Adrien’s response is, “She and I are on the same team, Plagg. We’ll help Marinette.” as if Plagg likes and prefers Marinette over Ladybug. I already figured that, but I like how Adrien was reassuring Plagg he was going to help her. x3 “Chat Noir, I don’t feel so good.” LOL I can’t believe they put this in. XD “There’s something wrong,” HIS VOICE QUIVERED. MY HEART IS NOT OKAY. That’s NOT OKAY. “we’re supposed to be nearly invulnerable.” Wow. So I know that Mayura’s making Sentimonster Ladybug say these things, but two things: One, I feel like this is exactly what Ladybug feels about Chat. “I’ve always gone out of my way to hide my feelings for you.” Bingo! Chat: “I thought you said you loved somebody else?“ Did you guys see that look of shock on Nathalie’s face? Oh gosh. Oh no oh no oh no. Oh no. Oh heck no! Because now, she will give this information to Gabriel, and they’re going to try to figure out who Ladybug does love! And that would be Adrien! asdkjflg this is going to get real. “Your feelings haven’t changed, but mine are growing stronger every day. I can’t keep pretending anymore.” I really do think she’s pretending she doesn’t have any feelings for him, to keep them and everyone else safe. I also get the feeling that some of what Mayura’s saying can be applied to herself and Gabriel too? Okay, Chat was scarily close to having his Miraculous taken. But oh my gosh at Ladybug hurling them apart with that brute force. XD Sentimonster: Listen to your heart! Ladybug: Listen to your brain! Chat wanted to listen to his heart and believe that she really loved him. Oh ugh why must they hurt me so? “OHHH I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU FELL FOR THAT!” Totally laughing, but he wants to believe so much that you love him. :c “I’m sorry, Kitty, but you should have known. I’m nowhere near as perfect as her.” Ouch. “I love you just the way you are, m’lady.” Awwwwww. How could anyone not love these two? Sentimonster Ladybug may in their opinion be perfect, but he’d take imperfect yet authentic Ladybug any day. Sentimonster: gets a massive gun of destruction Ladybug: gets a fork “Okay, you’re definitely the real one!” XD Gabriel: Nooroo, why didn’t you wake me up?! Nooroo: I couldn’t bring myself to, Master, you were sleeping so peacefully! Lol first humor scene with them I think? I like that Ladybug gave the sentimonster her freedom and asked if she could help them. That’s so sad that she got destroyed by Mayura, but her disappearing would’ve been inevitable anyway. Dx Chat just saw some version of Ladybug being taken away from him. Again. And reacts with rage. He’s clearly been traumatized from Desperada and Party Crasher. Whoa dang, Hawk Moth vs Chat Noir. Was not prepared for this. :O “Getting sentimental on a sentimonster?” “You’re the real monster!” “Oh, that. You’ll find out very soon.” Yikes. Chat calling his own dad Grandpa. XD I can’t. I just can’t. Hawk Moth just throwing his own son off a building so cruelly like that. Doesn’t matter that he knows or not, he knows they’re kids. So Ladybug has Mayura in her hands. She could easily have just taken her Miraculous anyway, but there was no way she was going to let her kitty be harmed. “You had Mayura right where you wanted her. I could’ve managed by myself, why’d you do that?!” “Because we’re Ladybug and Chat Noir. Ladybug by itself doesn’t sound half as cool.” “You shouldn’t say things like that to me.” OOF. Then he puckers up, and she puts a finger on his lips and says, “But the real Ladybug’s heart still belongs to someone else.” “Ha, I should have guessed that too.” I love how they’re both smiling throughout the scene. No bad feelings or animosity. And I also love that not once, has she never said “I don’t like you” to Chat. It’s always been “I like someone else.” This really means something! I feel like this episode is really foreshadowing Ladynoir stuff. I also find it sweet and sad they’re both attached to Bugette. xD “Your idea was brilliant, but you don’t need a Miraculous to help me.” she sure doesn’t oh no. What’s she going to do next? “There was something else you needed Mayura for. To find the Guardian.“ “I’m not so sure anymore.” Not sure I like where this is going :/ Wait, his name is Giuseppe? I thought it was Vincent! :O Gotta make a note to change some fanfics later..... “Your papa’s new muse is incredible.” THEY’RE GOING TO BE MODELING A LOT TOGETHER OH NO. ABSOLUTELY NOT. DISGUSTING! I can’t believe he’s allowing such a thing! “She’s Italian, just like me!” I have Italian ancestors, why does that matter Giuseppe? She’s a disgrace to all Italians everywhere. Adrien: “Would you mind leaving us alone for a second?” in his normal Adrien voice. As he walks over to the chair, did you hear him grunt out of frustration? Then he just sits down and doesn’t even look at her. Which reminds me of his father. Adrien: “I warned you once already, Lila, but you didn’t listen. You hurt my friend Marinette, and that’s not okay." he says in a deep, angry voice. Yesssss! I’ve wanted this for so long! STAND UP FOR THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE. Also, he warned her not to hurt the people he loves. So he’s pretty much admitting he loves her without saying so. Ahahaha I don’t care if he thinks it’s only as friends, he loves her. x3 “I don’t know how to prove you lied Lila, because you’re good at it. So you’ll have to come up with another lie just as convincing. Only this time it’s going to prove Marinette’s innocent.” “Why would I do that?” “Because we’re friends, aren’t we?” Okay, Angry Adrien’s a bit scary but I’m so here for it! I’ve never heard him sounding so cold. You don’t hurt his Marinette. You harm her, you’ll have him to answer to. Again, really disgusted with Marinette’s parents sympathizing and caring about Lila. My mom would’ve seen past her lies and been on my side the entire time. I just don’t see how parents like hers that have always thought so highly of their daughter and know her so well would buy into this. But I suppose that goes to show the kind of power Lila has over everyone. Also is sad that after all this, Marinette is still nice towards Lila. She’s just too good. “As you said. Things aren’t always as they seem to be at first sight.” Hmmmm well this certainly is going to mean some things later. That disgusted look on Marinette’s face when she saw Lila and Adrien’s photos on TV. XD Like she can’t even believe how things keep turning out with this girl. But the way this episode ended, this was so not the end of all of this. As this was supposed to be the last episode before the 2 season finale episodes, I’d bet that it’ll continue then. If not, beginning of S4. Oh my, are we even ready for this?
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365daysofsasuhina · 4 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Three Hundred Sixty-Three: Strange Children ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uzumaki Naruto ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: A Light Amongst Shadows ] [ AO3 Link ]
“So what’s gonna happen when you have kids?”
“...excuse me?”
Hearing the tinge of temper in his friend’s voice, Naruto backpedals...figuratively, and literally. Hands lift defensively, as if expecting to be struck. “It’s a serious question!”
Giving Naruto a narrow-eyed glance, Sasuke’s brow furrows. “...it’s rather vague. And you’re assuming a lot. Who said anything about us having kids? We’re hardly even seeing each other.”
Blinking blue eyes and clearly trying to judge Sasuke’s mood before he relaxes, Naruto replies, “...well, it’s...y’know. I figured you’re the kinda person who isn’t gonna date just anybody, teme. Given how, uh…” A pause, fishing for the right word. “...selective you are, I thought if you made any kind of move, it...was gonna be with a lotta conviction. Right?”
“Tch…” Sasuke finds himself a bit surprised at Naruto coming to that conclusion. “...you’re not wrong. I’ve put a lot of thought into this...and not just because I’m serious.”
“...whaddaya mean?”
The Uchiha heaves a light sigh. “...you know well enough it’s not exactly safe being close to me. There are still plenty of people angry with me. Including some pretty powerful people.”
“Well, yeah…”
“So I didn’t want to put anyone I care about through unnecessary danger.”
Naruto blinks...and then brightens in understanding. “...you mean…?”
“If Hinata was serious - if she really wanted this to happen - she had to realize just how much her life was going to change. Not just due to danger, either. Her entire reputation is going to be brought down by mine, now. And she’ll never get rid of that stigma unless people change their mind about me. And let’s face it...that’ll be a long time coming.” He stares off ahead, expression a bit stony. “...she had to know what she was getting into. How much she’ll be judged, ridiculed...and likely attacked.”
The blond sighs, rubbing a hand along the rear of his neck. “...guess I, uh...didn’t think about it that far.”
“I can’t afford not to. Everyone close to me is going to be affected one way or another. But her most of all. You’re my teammate, as are Sakura and Kakashi. Sai, to a point...Yamato. But that’s not something you chose. Hinata is willingly putting herself into this mess. And I didn’t take that arrangement lightly. We talked long and hard about it. And I even did my best to convince her not to.”
“What? Why?! During all the time I’ve known you, you’ve never cared about anyone the way you care about her. Why throw that away?”
“Because sometimes it’s kinder to push away what you love than drag them down with you,” Sasuke cuts in, tone a bit curt. “...it’s because I care about her that I had to be sure. If she had any doubts, I had to find them. Because this is serious, Naruto. There are people who want to hurt me. Kill me. And she’ll be the first one they target to do so.”
“Hinata’s not weak -”
“And I know that. She’s not a jōnin for nothing. But the people who’ve cropped up so far...they worry me. They feel dangerous. And while I know she’s capable, I don’t know what we’re up against. And I won’t assume they’re weak. If anything, I’ll assume the worst, so I can do my best to prepare for it.”
Naruto heaves a heavy sigh. “...yeesh…”
“...yeah. But no matter how much I needled her, tried to convince her otherwise...she wouldn’t back down. That’s the only reason I let this continue. We’re adults. She can make her own decisions. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to let anything slide. Yes, I’ve pretty much made up my mind...but we’re still going about this the proper way. She has time to change her mind. Maybe, if she decides to leave, she’ll no longer be a target. We’ll just have to see how things go...but we’re not leaping right into a wedding and kids,” he then finishes sourly, circling back to the blond’s original point.
“All right, all right! I’m just curious about, y’know, bloodline stuff.”
“...in what regard?”
“Well...dōjutsu stuff mainly, I guess. I mean, you’ve both got pretty strong kekkei genkai. Think it’ll react strangely?”
Sasuke perks a brow. “...I have no idea. As far as I know, our lines haven’t ever crossed...or if they did, I never saw the result. You think I’m going to have strange children -?”
“I dunno! Just...kind of a weird thing to think about. Like, could a Sharingan and a Byakugan...combine? Maybe have the tomoe pattern in a white eye, or something?”
“...how do you have time to sit and think of these things?”
“What, you haven’t considered it?”
“No. Because it’s not an immediate concern. And I highly doubt they’d in any way combine into one kekkei genkai. The Sharingan came from the Byakugan. We’d probably just have kids with either one or the other.”
“Ooh! What about one in each eye?”
“...I…” His brow furrows at that. “...it seems unlikely. But...I don’t know. I’m not a geneticist. And it’s not like there’s many other Uchiha I can just walk up to and ask.”
“I know, I know...but man, wouldn’t that be weird! I mean...imagine trying to use both at the same time. I think my brain would explode!”
“There’s a lot of very simple things that could make your brain explode,” Sasuke retorts flatly.
“...well, for now, I don’t have answers for you,” Sasuke then sighs. “And I might never. It really just...depends.”
“Okay, but...when you do have kids, you gotta show me!”
“I’m sure you’d see them eventually. If they happen.”
The pair then part, Sasuke making his way back toward the Uchiha compound.
...damn that Naruto, now he can’t stop thinking about it!
There’s no way the two eyes would combine. That’s just ridiculous. But the concept of a child having one eye from each honestly bothers him. Would they have to be like him, and Kakashi: keep one eye covered as not to confuse or exhaust their brain? Surely the different inputs from the eyes would be a nightmare to process at the same time.
...would it be cruel to subject a child to an existence like that?
Turning to see Hinata coming down a side street, he simply greets, “Hinata.”
“Are you all right? You had a rather...troubled expression.”
“Just thinking about something stupid Naruto said earlier. It’s nothing.”
Her head tilts, and he inwardly curses her ability to always look so innocent and inviting. “...I hope it didn’t upset you.”
“No, not really. Just something I’d...rather not consider.”
“Do you want to talk about it…?”
No, he doesn’t want to talk about it. Doesn’t want to, in any way, imply that he was thinking about the possibility of children in their future. It’s far too soon for that, hypotheticals or not. “...it’s fine. Don’t worry about it.”
She blinks pale eyes at him, brows wilting a bit. “...well, I won’t pry...but, um...your adamance is rather telling, Sasuke-kun.”
...right. Because if it wasn’t a big deal, he’d briefly summarize and that would be that. But withholding it from her only makes it all the more suspicious. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he sighs curtly. “...Naruto was suggesting rather...concerning outcomes for possible children between an Uchiha and a Hyūga. Regarding their eyes.”
Another blink, looking completely unphased. “...you mean how their kekkei genkai would manifest?”
“Hm...I really don’t know. I know that having children outside the clan was a very, um...rigorous process for us,” she muses. “Given how prized the Byakugan is, and the seal...any children of outside marriages had to be monitored and sealed if need be. So...if there had ever been a match between our clans before, it would probably be noted. But I’ve never heard of it. So...I really have no idea. What was your worry…?”
“...what if they had one of each? A Byakugan, and a Sharingan? That just seems like it would be disastrous. Can you imagine?”
“Well, I...guess it’s a possibility, but...surely a rare one.” Her brow furrows. “I don’t know w-why the body would take DNA regarding the eyes and just...split it down the middle like that. I mean, heterochromia is very rare. It would likely be about the same odds. Not that I know all that much about genes, but...I wouldn’t worry about it, Sasuke-kun.”
Her answer, slowly mulled over, actually makes him feel a lot better. “...I see.”
As he appears to relax, Hinata smiles. “Well...you know how, um...eccentric some of Naruto-kun’s thoughts can be.”
“Yeah, true.” Letting the subject rest, he then gives her a glance. “...that doesn’t...bother you?”
“Him...speculating like that?”
Hinata blinks once more, apparently not expecting the question. “...why would it?”
It’s Sasuke’s turn to hesitate, and he only gets all the more flustered as he feels his ears heat up. “It’s just, you know...it implies...things it shouldn’t imply. That’s all. I mean...we’re not that serious yet.”
Taking in his expression, Hinata has to fight to keep a straight face. Never did she think she’d see him like this! “Well, true. I don’t know...I guess I’m just used to talk like that, given how my clan, um...treats discussion of new generations. Besides...it’s a possibility. Not a certainty, I suppose...but I don’t mind it.”
He...isn’t sure what to say to that.
Seeing that he’s clearly a bit in over his head with all this, Hinata finally lets loose a giggle into the cuff of her sleeve. “A-anyway...don’t worry, Sasuke-kun. It will all be fine. I’ll see you tomorrow for our shift, ne?”
“...uh...yeah. Right.” Taking that as her offering him an out from this conversation, he says a quick goodbye and retreats.
She watches him go with a mixture of amusement and exasperation. “...boys,” she then notes quietly to herself, shaking her head and making her way home.
     Some random, mostly-silly my-canon stuff xD Poor Sasuke...why does Naruto have to give him such troubling thoughts? Jeez! And yes, I know that Kishimoto has said that a Hyūchiha babb would have one eye of each, and I TECHNICALLY don't know enough about genes to counter that (and it IS a fantasy world with magic eyeballs), but...tbh I just don't see how that would work very well. SO in this canon we just kinda...ignore that for the most part. Neat concept, but...I just feel like it would be very messy in execution. So we have Tenkai with his Sharingan and Chikyū with her Byakugan, and we leave it at that lol      Buuut yeah! It's very late, so I'm gonna go crawl into bed~ Thanks for reading! -Two more days kjfdgjdhgf-
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hotheadhero · 5 years
💡- A memory that comes with an object or keepsake they have
[ Almost two weeks later, orz 
This massive drabble is inspired by the last paragraph of my answer to @fraldariius 5 days ago, where I said one of the objects Caspar treasures most is a preserved cornflower amulet gifted to him by his siblings on the farm. Here’s the story behind that–beware, it’s long.
Also, never call him Cassie to his face. Only one person gets that privilege, and it’s no one at the academy. XD ]
Hestarted. That voice—!
Heturned just in time to catch an excited Maja full in the chest with an oomphthat somehow miraculously didn’t send them both tumbling to the ground. Perhapshe had his training with the knights here to thank for that, but there weremore important things on his mind now. He hadn’t seen his littlest sister inyears; but look how much she’d grown! Only eight years old, and she was alreadystarting to approach his height. But Caspar refused to let himself dwell on themiserable state of his late growth spurt; instead, he laughed brighter than heever had since moving to Enbarr with his father and Julian, clapping his arms aroundher back and tousling her soft blue-snow hair. “Maja!” he exclaimed. “I haven’tseen you in years! When did you get so big? Last time, I could pretty much cradleyou in one arm.”
(Ifshe kept this up, soon he wasn’t going to be able to carry her anymore…)
“Cassie!”She pouted, dragging his name out the way she always did when she was annoyed. “You’reone to talk; you’re no taller than me! Ricky says you didn’t grow at all the lasttime I came.”
Hishands stiffened around her for a moment, stilled, before half-fisting over hislittlest sister’s clothes. “Julian said that? That brat; why can’t he pick onsomeone his own size…”
“L-Let’s not talk about Ricky right now,” Maja amended hastily. If she let her brotherkeep going like this, there was no telling what else in Enbarr might be destroyed.As she pulled out of his hug, her eyes brightened. “I brought you a present,Cassie! You and Ricky and Father too!”
Helet her go reluctantly, expression thoughtful. “For all of us?” he asked. “Thenwhy didn’t you call Father over, or at least Julian? And when are yougoing to stop calling me that, Maja,” he sighed, exasperated. “If somebodyoverhears, they’re going to get the wrong idea…”
“Butnobody’s here, Cassie! And I like that name better than your real one.” Thegirl smiled brightly, negating his question with ease. Only the mischievousglint in her robin-blue eyes betrayed her display of girlish innocence, allbouncing heels and white-sleeved hands hidden demurely behind a bow-tied dress.“And your present’s special, Cassie! I wanted to give it to you alllllalone.”
“Asecret present, huh?” You’re lucky you’re so cute. He feinted suddenly,attempting to glimpse what she had behind her back, but Maja deftly twisted outof the way with a laugh which he met with a pout worthy of the one the youngestBergliez had just shot him. “Something that small, I doubt it’s anything thatcan help for training; and goddess forbid you bring me a book.” The wordcame out with more disdain than he may perhaps have intended. It wasn’t thatCaspar had anything against books; it was just the ones he found in Enbarr wereall so dense! And idea occurred to him, and his eyes widened. “Is itfood, Maja?” he asked, stomach growling alongside the words. The boy madeanother grab at whatever it was Maja was hiding. “Come on; don’t hold out onme! I haven’t had homestyle cooking in ages—”
“Nope,and nope!” The girl wagged her finger at him as she bounced back, still withthat mischievous grin. “If you wanna find out, Cassie, you gotta close your eyes…”
Whatcould she possibly want to do? But Caspar readily closed his eyes as asked,holding himself as still as possible, mind burning with curiosity. He felt herlittle hands loop around to the back of his neck, trailing with them a strangecord which brushed lightly against his neck like soft woven twine. A necklace,perhaps? Carefully, he edged open an eyelid, but only made it far enough toglimpse sunlight before Maja gave a short yank to his vellus hairs, making himcry out in startled pain.
“Nopeeking!” she scolded. “Or I’m not giving this to you at all!”
“Okay,okay!” (Drat; he was found out.) He sighed internally; the moveincidentally caused him to relax further into her arms. If she was going todeprive him of his vision, maybe he could figure out what it was by othermeans. Caspar focused his mind on his sternum. There was a teardrop-shapedthing sitting there, neither featherlight nor weighty, warm and smooth where itcontacted his chest. But without reaching up to touch it (which would surelyearn him another yank from Maja), he couldn’t tell what it might contain orwhat significance it might hold; and with her hands fidgeting there, he wouldn’thave gotten close besides.
Atlast, he felt her hands glide off his chest, heard the rustle of skirts as shestraightened up and stepped back. When he opened his eyes, he found Majastanding there quizzically, right thumbpad wedged between her lips as herrobin-blue gaze flicked critically between his new necklace and his eyes. A frownmarred her brow; he wondered why.
“Maja?What’s wrong?”
Ifanything, the girl’s frown deepened at the sound of his voice. “Aw, I was socertain you’d like this when I found it,” she murmured dejectedly, almost as ifthinking aloud rather than addressing him. “But now, I don’t know…”
Helooked down, eyes tracing down the soft-twine necklace chain to the small amberteardrop nestled beneath his cravat, and to the flower inside. His eyeswidened. Such a rich and vivid hue! And those petals… “Did this come from thefarm, Maja?” he asked, picking up the amber droplet and turning it about in hishands. From home? Those petals reminded him so much of…
Shenodded, still pensive. “Yeah. I was tilling the corn fields one day and justfound it there, you know? It stood out so brightly there, just like you did thefirst time I came to Enbarr.  But nowthat it’s on you, Cassie, I don’t think it matches your eyes very well afterall …”
“Thatdoesn’t matter, Maja.” A gentle smile spread across his face as the memoriesplayed in his head—memories of a simpler time, when all he had to worry aboutwas cutting wheat, shucking corn, not falling over from the weight of thescythe, and remembering to call ‘Indech’ to Julian’s ‘Macuil’,lest he and everybody else lose him amid the golden fronds. (How many times hadhe hidden beneath those waving stems, weaving leaf-braids and flowers as hewaited far too long for his siblings to find him? He always had been goodat hide-and-seek. Perhaps too good…) “It’s a little piece of home. You’dnever see anything like this in Enbarr. And I’m still impressed sometimes byhow many presents you bring me, Maja,” he mused aloud, his defocused, nostalgicgaze returning to the present time and her. “You weren’t even born yet whenJulian and I moved here. Honestly, I wouldn’t have been surprised if you didn’tever think of me at all.”
Thegirl’s expression turned indignant. “Of course I’d think of you!” she scoffed. “Whatkind of sister forgets her own brother over something like that?!”
Casparcould think of a few times where it seemed Julian would prefer to forget heexisted, but he didn’t need to tell her that. Instead, he swept Maja up in anabrupt hug, twirling her around too fast for her to even think of fighting him.“And that is why I love you so much,” he stated jovially. “Thanks, sis! I’lltreasure this always!”
Shegasped in surprise as he swept her feet off the ground, too startled to eventhink of retaliating. “Really?” she asked when he finally put her down. “You reallymean it?”
“Yeah!”Caspar was grinning from ear to ear as he ran back towards the capital library,tugging her along. “In fact, this reminds me of something I used to do back onthe farm. Come on; let’s go prank Julian! This is going to be so much fun!” (Bywhich, of course, he meant fun for him and Maja, not their lazy and uptight elderbrother.)
Hislittlest sister laughed as she ran after him, skirts in hand as they sought out Julian. It wasn’t long before an outraged yell echoed out the archive doors,followed by a tittering laugh as the owner’s younger siblings fled. As Casparran, the cold iron-stone walls of Enbarr seemed to melt away into bright sun androlling fields. One day when all his adventures and studies were done, he hadto return, back to the bright plains of his youth…
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