#she's also a stage manager on top of that
lena-in-a-red-dress · 9 hours
Musician Age Gap AU Pt 14
True to Lena's plan, while the paparazzi on site hounds them for information on Kara, the rest of the world is too taken by the new song to speculate much on who Lena's *current* beau is.
Kara proves to be little more than an escort, following Lena from event to interview to even a hospital to visit the childrens ward. Even so, Kara doesn't mind. She has no thirst for the spotlight at her age, and is content to let Lena be front and center.
At the hospital, however, as she's lurking out of sight from the press cameras (legitimate press, looking for staged candids for the hospital's future use), Kara feels a tug on the hem of her shirt. Looking down, a frail little girl trailing a tattered blanket stares up at her.
"Can you read me a story?"
Without hesitation, Kara reaches for the girl's hand, and they manage to find a relatively isolated corner to huddle in. With a skinny children's book in her hand and the little girl tucked against her side, Kara reads aloud in a low voice, doing her best not to draw attention to herself.
Her efforts are for naught. When she glances up towards the final pages of the book, Lena's gaze is locked upon her, her gaze warm with something indecipherable. Upon being caught staring, she smiles, and cocks an eyebrow to check in. Kara nods, and Lena, satisfied, returns to the gaggle of kids crowded in around her for photos.
Lena is wrangled into a standing meeting with her mother once the children are returned to their nurses and caretakers, leaving Kara to linger on the periphery. To her surprise, Jess is the first to approach.
"Hi!" Jess chirps softly. "Lena has a few friends in town, and they want to take her out tonight before we fly out tomorrow."
Kara's eyebrows lift. "Okay...."
Jess leans in conspiratorially. "My guess is she'll invite you, but by out I mean clubs, bottle service, etc."
At that, realization dawns. "Ah. Thanks for the warning."
She won't mind declining, or spending an evening alone, especially in Paris. As eager to spend as much time with Lena as possible, she's loathe to infringe on Lena's time with friends--
"I don't suppose you brought anything.... appropriate?" Jess continues. "For the club, I mean."
Kara blinks, then barks a laugh. "Hah, no."
Jess nods, grinning. "Thought as much. I can pick up a few options for you, if you'd like..."
After a moment's consideration, Kara nods, smile growing on her face. "I'd appreciate that, thank you."
"Oh, it's no trouble at all! It'll be in your room by the time you get back this evening--"
"Jess?" Kara cuts in, a thought occuring to her. "Could you also pick up some workout gear for me? And maybe... keep all of it a surprise?"
The young woman brightens. "Sure-- do you prefer looser clothes, or more form fitting."
"Tight on the bottom, loose on top, if you can mange it?"
Jess makes a note on her phone, nodding. "Got it." She winks. "We'll put the rack directly in your suite."
"Thank you, Jess, truly."
"Oh," Jess grins, "it's my pleasure."
Lena approaches her shortly after, head tilted with an imminent check-in. "Doing okay?"
Kara nods. "Of course. Jess has been taking good care of me."
"Good," Lena purrs. She leans against Kara's chest, kissing her languidly. "I have a question for you."
Guessing it has something to do with the information Jess had imparted early, Kara feigns curiosity. "Uh huh?"
"I'm planning to go out with some friends tonight. Would you.... want to come?"
Kara acts out a thorough consideration of the prospect. In the end, she hedges. "Can I think about it?"
Lena nods. "Of course. And no worries if you'd prefer to take advantage of the time alone. I know this week has been..."
"Wonderful," Kara fills in, bringing a smile to Lena's face.
"Yes," she agrees, "but also a lot. I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to decompress."
With a nod, Kara leans in and kisses her again. "I appreciate that."
Lena's day continues until well into the evening, with the final interview wrapping up just before nine. Only the thought of seeing Lena in a new environment, with people who were not her mother, keeps Kara from groaning at the thought that the night was really only just beginning.
They split upon returning to the hotel penthouse, intent on refreshing with their own showers. When she steps out of the bathroom, towel wrapped around her, Kara makes her way to the rolling rack of clothes standing next to the closet.
She bypasses the workout clothes, noting only that Jess had fulfilled her request to a tee. The other half of the rack takes more consideration. Hanger after hanger displays dress after dress, all short, all glitzy. Lifting one of the hangars, Kara holds it against herself in front of the mirror, studiously regarding the figure staring back at her.
This is going to be interesting, she thinks to herself. Then she grins. No, this is going to be *fun*.
An hour later, Kara's putting on her shoes when she hears a soft knock on the door joining her suite with Lena's. "It's open," she calls.
"Hey," Lena issues quietly as she edges into the room. "Just checking in, have you made a decision about..."
Lena's words fall away as Kara rises from the edge of the bed, pulling herself up to her full height-- plus another four inch heels now strapped to her feet. Her hair is loose around her shoulders in waves that glint in the light, and her dress is short and layered with gold fringes.
Kara hasn't looked this good since college, and she feels the difference. She feels sexy, and powerful, and *thrilled* that Lena clearly sees it too.
"Oh," the younger woman breathes. Lena herself is clad in a rhinstone studded mauve dress. It comes to mid-thigh, but hugs every curve of Lena's body like a glove. Her sleek black hair is up in a high pony, the tail straight and shimmery. But her eyes are on Kara, and nothing else.
Kara slowly struts towards Lena with a sultry smile. "Does your offer still stand?"
Lena blinks, dazzled by Kara's beaded fringes. "Huh?"
Reaching out with one hand, Kara tilts Lena's chin up to meet her eyes. "Up here," she says quietly.
"Right. Sorry. Just--" Lena clears her throat. She shakes herself out of her daze. "I guess you're coming."
"If you'll have me."
Lena grins. "I'll have you right here if you'll let me..."
"I think I've been hogging you enough lately," Kara returns. "I wouldn't want to keep your friends waiting."
Even so, Kara takes Lena's hips with both hands, tugging her close enough for a kiss. Lena moans.
"Fuck 'em."
Kara chuckles. "I think that would make a bad impression."
Lena looks at her for a long moment. "You really want to meet them, don't you?"
Brow furrowing, Kara nods. "Of course." She pauses. "Is.... that okay?"
Lena's smile warms. "Yeah. It's just... new." Before Kara can ask what that means, Lena steps free, snapping her clutch shut. "Let's get out of here."
The club is glamorous, and clearly catering to a high end crowd. There's a cordoned area for paparazzi, allowing both photographs and unobstructive ingress to the establishment. When Kara slides out of the SUV, she's careful to immediately twitch her skirt down so as not to give the tabloids something new to talk about.
As always, she lets Lena set the pace. Lena takes her hand and leads the way into the club. Her free hand lifts towards the paparazzi as they walk the roped sidewalk to the building, in a wave or to shield her eyes or hide her face, Kara isn't sure. Before she could decide whether to do the same, the door opens to admit them, releasing a wave of music and voices from within.
When the door closes behind them, Lena takes a moment to scan the crowd. No one seems to recognize her, or, more likely, don't care. It allows Kara's gaze to catch on a tall, slender brunette at a both in the back, standing on the bench seat and waving them over.
Kara nudges Lena and points. Lena nods. "That's us!" she calls over the din. "Let's go!"
Lena tugs her through the crowd, and Kara soon finds herself watching as Lena throws her arms around the brunette. The hug is tight but brief, before Lena turns to pull Kara closer. "This is Sam!"
Sam thrusts her hand out, gripping Kara's hand firmly as she leans forward. "Kara! Nice to meet you!"
"And this is Jack!" Lena continues. "And Veronica-- who invited you?"
"Fuck you too!" Veronica returns easily. She eyes Kara up and down. "You're hot! Wanna dance?"
In an instant, Lena's arm loops through Kara's. "Sorry, taken! Bye!"
And then, Lena leads her back to the dance floor. Kara doesn't have the presence of mind to be upset at the introductions being cut short-- not with the way Lena's body soon moves against hers. Her movments aren't choreographed, but they may as well be with how quickly it melts Kara's insides.
For her own part, Kara struggles to find the beat. She eventually tries to mimic the bodies around her, but remains a half beat out of tempo until Lena gently grabs her wrists and guides Kara's hands to her hips.
It's too loud to even attempt to talk, but Lena's actions speak loudly enough. Her body moves sinuously, her hands resting atop Kara's, and with their bodies pressed together, Kara finds herself falling into step with her partner's. Soon, all that exists is the heat of Lena's body, the pulse of the heavy music, and the scent of Lena's perfume.
They dance for two songs before Lena calls a time out. They return to the booth only long enough to collect the others, before they all relocate to a second floor Kara hadn't noticed, where there's just enough air for Kara to hear herself think.
"We're gonna talk," Sam says, leaning in to murmur in her ear. "Later."
There's no malice in her voice, which prompts Kara to give an easy nod. She looks forward to knowing more about Lena's friends-- even if it means she gets a shovel talk or two.
Once they collapse in a booth, a server takes their orders for drinks and food-- for which Kara is grateful. She doubts the hunger in her belly will be sated by small bites from the bar, but it could perhaps tide her over until she and Lena returned to the hotel.
"Well," Jack says pegging Kara with a pointed look. "After that display, I think we deserve to hear how this happened." He gestures towards the pair of them, and Lena giggles.
"Kara barged into my dressing room," she delivers. Her fingers lace between Kara's under the table as she continues to relate the story of their meeting. When she finishes, Jack whistles.
"Quite the whirlwind for you then," he says to Kara. "How are you holding up?"
"Lena's been taking good care of me," Kara says with a smile. "It's been amazing to see her work."
Lena beams back at her. "You've been amazing." She shoots a look towards Jack. "Don't you dare scare her off."
"Only if you give me a dance, darling."
Lena sighs. "All right. Come on, before the food gets here."
Kara slides out of the booth for Lena to exit, and as she sidles past Lena kisses Kara's cheek. "The things I do for you."
"My hero," Kara grins. Lena isn't at all put out by the idea of dancing with her friend, and for all the warning Lena gave him, he didn't seem to be antagonistic about their relationship. She watches them go, glad that Lena has the chance to reconnect with her friends.
"Kara!" Sam calls. She waves Kara back to the table. "Come sit!"
Kara obeys, only for Veronica to slide out. "I'm going to find the restroom. You two have fun!"
Bracing herself, Kara turns to Sam-- who laughs and waves away her tension. "Relax... I'm not Lena's keeper. She's clearly into you, and you don't seem to be an asshole, so. I'm good."
"You're Sam Arias, right?" Kara asks. She hadn't been sure before in the strobing lights, but sitting so close she now recognizes the actress from some of the movies Esme likes.
Sam nods. "I'm filming in Florence right now, so I figured I'd stop by while I could. Jack has a cover shoot in Vienna, so we figured we'd make a night of it."
Warmth floods Kara's chest. She's seen how hard Lena works, and how solitary she's been since Kara met her. The fact that she has friends willing to bend their schedules to make time for her when they can speaks volumes.
"Mind if I ask you something?" Sam asks. Kara nods for her to continue. "What do you want out of this?"
Sam's not the first to wonder. The difference is that she's asked, rather than assume like Lillian has.
Kara shrugs. "Nothing Lena isn't willing to give." Sam looks at her, waiting for more. "I'm comfortable. I don't want her money, or her fame."
"Then why drop everything to go on tour with her?"
"Being with her makes me happy."
It's a simple truth, but a truth nonetheless. She can return to National City whenever she likes; Lena has placed no pressure on her to stay. But in National City, Kara's thoughts would stay with Lena, so why condemn herself to being stretched between two locations, when she has the freedom and means to simply stay?
"God, that's refreshing," Sam drawls. She takes a sip of her drink before she gives a broad smile.
"Positively saccharine," comes a dry voice from behind Kara, making her jump. She turns to find another tall brunette lurking over her shoulder. This woman's gaze, however, is far sharper than Sam's.
Sam doesn't seem all that surprised to see their visitor. "Andrea," she greets.
Andrea sits on the edge of the bench, worming her way in so that Kara is forced to scooch to accommodate her.
"What's interesting," Andrea continues, "is that Lena finally found someone who has absolutely no impact on her career."
Though ostensibly that would be a good thing, the relish glinting in the woman's gaze suggests something much darker.
"Before she's chosen industry people. Singers, actors, reps and so forth. The kind of people who, if crossed, could end her career in a heartbeat. Untouchable."
Andrea leers at Kara, her smile tight and predatory. "But you... mmh."
Kara's features settle into a solemn glare, defensive. "What about me?"
"You're nothing," Andrea responds, as though it's the most obvious thing in the world. "So when you inevitably break her heart, which you absolutely will..." Andrea leans closer. "I'll be able to absolutely demolish you."
"Funny," says Lena, reaching between them to snag her drink. Her face is flushed, upper lip glistening with sweat, but her features are placid. "If only you had put that much care into our relationship *before* it ended."
Andrea blanches slightly, but her features remained solidly antagonistic. "Skimming the gutter, are you, Lena?"
"And happier than during the two years I spent with you," Lena returns smoothly. "Imagine that."
"Get lost, Rojas," Veronica drawls, approaching from the other direction. Andrea is cornered, and she knows it.
She rises stiffly. Moving to leave, she pauses at Lena's shoulders. "Lena--"
Lena scowls. "Please leave."
Andrea hesitates a moment more, but ultimately decides now was neither the time or place to push further. She leaves, and Lena watches her leave with a glower on her face, before she settles onto the bench seat next to Kara.
"Ignore whatever she said to you," Lena says stiffly.
Kara softens. "She cares about you."
"She doesn't get to," comes the sharp retort. "Not anymore."
The message is clear-- Lena does not want to discuss Andrea Rojas.
The mood lightens as Lena's friends expertly steer the conversation away from Andrea's interruption. It's not long until Lena's hackles ease, and she's once more laughing and having fun. Kara relaxes as well, accepting every one of Lena's invitations to dance.
When they leave, it's at Lena's request. Kara's surprised-- Lena's trademark energy still relatively untapped-- until Lena captures her gaze with a heady one of her own. They're on the dance floor when it happens, and Lena leans in to shout into Kara's ear.
"Wanna get out of here?!"
Kara hesitates only a moment, conscious of how Sam and Jack had crossed international borders to see Lena, before she sees Sam not too far off. The brunette's features are astute and smirking, confirming the she understands-- and approves-- exactly what Lena intends.
Before she nods, Kara turns her head to capture Lena's lips as she pulls away. She kisses Lena deeply and soundly, and when she breaks away Lena lists after her. Heavy eyes look up at her, dazed and hungry for more.
"What about your friends?"
"Sam says I've been eye-fucking you all night," Lena calls back. "I'd rather be fucking you for real." She grins. "Respectfully!"
Kara laughs, the sound lost in the music. "Uh huh," she says, mostly to herself. "Then let's go!"
Lena waves at her friends, earning cheeky grins from all three in return. Kara's surprised to see the time is already past 2am. Her blood buzzes in her veins, arousal and anticipation electrifying her nerves.
Kara enters the suv at Lena's slight push, which means when Lena climbs in she plants herself firmly in Kara's lap, hiking up her skirt to straddle Kara's thighs.
"You are so hot tonight," Lena murmurs. "I couldn't keep my eyes off you." She grins. "I wasn't the only one."
Kara blinks. She hadn't sensed anyone staring at her. Then again, she hadn't paid much attention to anyone but Lena.
"I didn't notice."
"I know," Lena purrs, leaning down. Her tongue laves across Kara's throat, before she engulfs all of her senses in a searing kiss. "So fucking hot...."
Kara glances frantically towards the front, hesitant to put on a show for anyone but Lena, but finds that the driver has already rolled up the privacy screen. Kara doubts the screen provides any amount of soundproofing, but it's enough for her to slide her hand under Lena's hitched skirt, cupping a bare ass cheek in her palm.
"Fuck," Kara groans. Her groin tightens, warming with arousal that leaks past her own thong. "Lena--"
"Let me, baby," Lena murmurs beside her ear. She suckles the column of Kara's neck, even as her hand deftly delves under Kara's dress. "I'm gonna make you feel so good..."
Expert fingers find Kara's clit and pause, pressing gently against the throbbing bud. Lena's fingers are warm, but still cooler than the heat between Kara's legs. She curses again, hips bucking ever so slightly.
"Not so fast," Lena croons. "I want you to enjoy this."
Kara's breaths are already coming hard and fast, as her higher brain functions swiftly cease to function. She grunts, pulling a smile to Lena's lips.
Long fingers slide tenderly across Kara's arousal-slicked opening, circling almost carelessly-- except Kara understands Lena knows exactly what she's doing.
"I want you to wait," Lena whispers. "Can you do that for me? Can you wait until we get to the hotel?"
Kara's teeth grind, lassoing any shred of self control she has left, even as Lena's fingers dip between her labia. She enters almost enough for Kara's walls to grip her fingers, but Lena is quick to react, withdrawing before Kara to gain any purchase.
"Answer me," Lena says.
"Y-yes," Kara stammers. "I-- I can wait-- ungh!"
A high, pitiful sound escapes from Kara's throat, wild and unexpected. She feels her cheeks tingle, and knows they would have turned a vivid red if she weren't already red from the exertion of the club.
Lena kisses her, long and slow and deep. As she does, a fingernail lightly catches on Kara's clit, making her gasp. She tastes the warm air and alcohol from Lena's breath, savoring it for a short moment before another stroke of Lena's fingers makes her huff in frustration.
"You're doing so good," Lena tells her. Her free hand strokes Kara's breast, teasing her through the dress until her nipple hardens and stands at attention. "Oh my god, Kara-- you are so beautiful..."
Kara moans plaintively. "I-- I wanna touch you... more--"
"Not yet," Lena chides. She rests their foreheads together, even as she continues her ministrations under Kara's dress. "Do you know what I'm going to do when I get you upstairs?"
Kara grunts, gasping for breath. She's on the verge of coming, and has to force her inner walls to relax lest she climax right then and there.
"I'm going lay you down on my bed," Lena continues, scissoring her fingers inside Kara and smiling sweetly when Kara squirms. "I'm going to lay you down, and then I'm going to ask you to spread your knees as far as you can. I'm going to make you stretch for me...."
Kara's thighs tense under Lena's, hungry in anticipation. Lena leans in close then, speaking low into Kara's ear.
"And then I'm going to put my mouth on you." Teeth scrape Kara's earlobe, sensitizing it for when Lena makes another pass, this time nibbling sharply. Kara throws her head back hard enough to bounce off the headrest.
"Would you like that, baby?" Lena asks, smiling languidly. "Do you want me to lick you dry? Suck on your clit until-- uh uh," comes a stern warning.
Lena withdraws her hand just before Kara climaxes. Kara gives a shuddering sigh, grateful even as she resents the sudden stillness. Her core gapes, walls flexing in search of something, anything to grip.
"You promised," Lena reminds her.
Kara nods, breathless. "S-sorry," she gasps.
"Shhhh," Lena soothes. Her hand returns, playing idly with Kara's clit. "You're doing amazing, baby."
She retracts her fingers again, less cruelly this time, and lifts them to Kara's mouth. Understanding her intent, Kara kisses Lena's slick fingertips, then parts her lips in invitation.
Lena carefully inserts her first and middle fingers, and Kara lets her tongue curl around them. The salt of her own arousal only heightens her senses further, and the pleasure in Lena's features only makes Kara want to perform perfectly, whatever Lena asks of her.
"I--I want...."
"Tell me," Lena murmurs. "Tell me what you want..."
Before Kara can find the coherence to answer, the car slows to a long stop. Lena's eyes flick up to glance out the back window. With a smile, Lena bends back down to capture Kara's lips in a soft kiss.
"You made it," she says. "We're at the hotel."
Lena wipes her damp fingers across her dress to dry them, then clasps Kara's hand and all but drags her out. If there are paparazzi waiting for them outside the building, Kara doesn't see them. She doesn't register much of anything until her dress is a pile on the floor, and Lena pushes her gently backwards. Her legs fold against the edge of the bed, and she sits with a thump.
"Lay back, baby."
Lena kneels, long ponytail spilling over one shoulder. "Let me take care of you."
And oh, does she.
Kara comes in moments, but Lena doesn't relent. She suckles Kara's clit, and licks ardently, endlessly, until Kara comes again and again.
She doesn't relent until Kara breathlessly pats somewhere near Lena's head, unsure if she actually makes contact. Nevertheless, Lena disengages and crawls over Kara, gazing down into her eyes with satisfaction and adoration.
"Worth the wait?"
Kara mutters a curse. She reaches up to snag Lena by the edge of her jaw, pulling her down to a deep, languid kiss.
"Do that again," Kara warns, "and there's no guarantee I won't explode on the spot, if that's my reward."
Lena beams.
"That was so hot. You-- Lena, I...." Suddenly, Kara's brain catches up to her. "Why are you still dressed?"
"I was a little busy..." Lena grins. Her chin is still slicked with arousal, which she wipes salaciously with her fingers.
"Fuck that," Kara growls. She fumbles for the zipper behind Lena's neck, but doesn't find one. "Off... off, off, off."
"Easy, tiger..." Lena casually reaches under her arm, and undoes the side zipper. Then Kara is treated to the sight of Lena peeling the dress up and over her head. Her boots, at least, are already off, leaving Lena utterly, delectably bare.
Lena tilts her head in a tantalyzing tease. She leans down, and the end of her ponytail tickles the hollow of Kara's throat. "How do you want me?"
"I want you so wet I could drown in you," Kara murmurs. Lena's cheeks heat in a ready flush. Carefully, Kara repositions them so that she was the one straddling Lena. She rubs the top of her thigh between Lena's legs, earning her a sweet mewling as Lena wriggles down to try and increase the pressure.
Rather than tease, Kara plants her knee in the mattress, a grounding rod for Lena to grind against.
"What do you need?" Kara asks simply.
"Drawer," Lena says breathlessly. "Under the scarf. There's a-- ngh, jeezus."
Now it's Lena's turn to be frustrated, and Kara finds that she enjoys the picture she paints. She enjoys it very much.
Kara gamely pushes off the mattress and pads over to the short dresser on the far wall. Fishing under the aforementioned scarf, she pulls out a dildo already fitted to a harness.
Lifting an eyebrow, Kara lets it dangle from her finger by one strap, shooting Lena a suspicious glance.
"Planning ahead, were we?"
Lena gives a cheesy grin. "Can never be too prepared," she teases. Her own eyebrow lifts in challenge. "Think you're up for it?"
Kara crosses back to the bed with dildo in hand. Lena returns to her back, and gazes up at Kara with eyes glazed by desire. She inhales sharply when Kara presses the shaft of the dildo between her legs.
"Tell me what you like," Kara urges, her voice low. She kisses her way up Lena's sternum, the licks the hollow of a slender throat. When she pulls back, Lena whimpers. "Tell me."
"I want you," Lena starts, her eyes hooded with want, "to hold me down, and fuck me senseless."
An all new wave of desire floods Kara, making her insides quake. She leans in close to Lena's ear, and feels her partner's breath catch.
"Challenge accepted."
67 notes · View notes
im guessing the main goal of theater putting a cast of 20-year-olds to play characters that range from young to elderly is that they want any swing to be able to cover any character, which fucking blows because it just shows how little they care :[
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Here’s a swing not in her 20s. They can cast swings not in their 20s who can cover a multitude of parts, too. 
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kubota-crackhead · 1 year
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a unit of scuffed vocal dolls me and some good pals made in all idol perfect stage i hope draw more of them at some point
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redcherrykook · 10 days
── ‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ (tent)ative enemies - e2l, camping request
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content: friendgroup camping trip, e2l vibes, banter, tension, penetrative sex (unprotected), make out, tent sex oop, backshots, hair pulling, one slap to the ass, big dick jk, creampie, fluff lowkey, argument / angry confession (very cheesy)
note from cherry: omg i love this sm (this is a cloud anonie request so everyone mentally say thank yewww to our baby)
@jeonsbabygirlsworld <3
"Who's idiotic idea was this again?" Miso asks, the thumping of her boots heavy on the soil,
"Jungkook's who else" you reply, rustling through leaves and branches, the striking heat burning the top of your head
He gruffs, pushing you slightly with his arm
"Might wannna hit the gym more, i'm chilling" very evidently, Jungkook is lying. The sweat trickling of the side of his face, the stains on his grey tank top and the pink hue on his honey toned skin are obvious indicators that the stupid, exhausting hiking- camping trip is getting to him.
Just like it has been getting to you and the three remaining people
Miso, someone who barely gets out of the house, has it the worst.
She's been complaining about it ever since the first hour of the trip
Brilliant idea.
Jimin and Taehyung are dealing with it as dramatically as expected
"Oh my god we need to take a break" jimin huffs, his hands pushing on his thighs with every step forward,
"I know right. Kook how much is left?" Tae agrees, moving his head torwards the younger male
"An hour. How many times have i told you it's a three hour trip" his reply makes your blood boil,
This all-knowing, cocky, ego attitude of Jungkook is unbareable
And you'd have to endure it for a total of two and a half days
You have been enduring it for two hours straight and it's to the point where one more stupid comment will make you burst
Worse than the sun burning your head, worse than the sweat ruining your freshly washed hair
"We're not taking another fucking break tae just push through"
Miso rolls her eyes too, shooting you a look to which you only manage to shrug,
"I told you" resting at the tip of your tongue, it wasn't your idea after all, it was Jungkook's and you had warned the group about this exact scenario
Being no stranger to his stupid endeavors, you might be the most familiar with his personality, having known the campus jock and heartthob since his middle school days
Is he your best friend technically?
One might call him that,
Is he also incredibly annoying and you can't stand being alone with him for 20 minutes?
Yes. Yes he is.
The hour passes and it feels more like three with each step,
Each lyric blasted into the forest by the group, shouted out to drown the heat out
"This is the campsite?" Miso says, out of breath and water, just like everyone else
"Yeah" you breath out, looking over the scenery
"Dude this is crazy!" Tae shouts, excitedly wrapping his arm around jimin and ruffling his hair
"Ouch- yes, yeah so cool" he agrees, stepping closer while trying to pry off his best friend
Maybe three hours through what felt like the Amazonas and five stages of grief were worth it after all
The glistening lake in the very back, the shade between pretty flowers and trees, the solitude and animal chirping?
It's beautiful, mesmerizing and screams relaxation,
Who are you kidding. Nothing could repair three hours of enduring jeon jungkook
"Alright, lets set the tents up" you sigh, taking big steps torward the grassy patch under a shady tree,
"I want that spot" Jungkook says, standing right in front of you
"Too bad. Take that one" you say, pointing to the tree next to yours with an overexaggerated smile,
He scoffs, messing your hair up while walking past to the tree you pointed at,
You angryly readjust your hair, watching jimin and tae goof around, almost pushing one another into the lake
"I wish i was this careless" miso says, shaking her head while also watching them
"Me too" you sigh back, fumbling with one of the tents bars,
Everything had gone fine this far but this one bar simply won't stay where it needs to
Frustrated, you slam the bar down in the grass, watching the half set up tent fall into itself
A chuckle can be heard from next to you, approaching steps accomodating it
"Need help with that?" Jungkook asks, his knees coming down next to you, eyes scanning over the mess of pieces
Jungkook tsks, hands working fast to reassemble the bars and fabric,
He is making am effort to stay focused, bottom lip tucked between his teeth somtimes, his tongue grazing over the lip ring carefully
Your eyes move down to his hands, gently working on building you a place to sleep in
"You done?" He says, waving his tatted hand in front of your face,
He clicks his tongue, a amused smirk slowly spreading on his face when he moves it closer
"I said, are you done" repeating himself, you just now notice that he is the one that is done, having finished assembling the small, cozy tent
"With what?" You ask, already annoyed with this attitude he carries
"Staring. If you want me, just tell me. Open that loud mouth, won't you?"
"Ew you're gross. Thanks for the tent but i won't suck your dick for it"
His smile is insufferable, that cocky, low tone and the way he leans into your face only adding to the irritaing charm he possess
"How cute. I didn't even mention that, but look who's imagining things" he hums , his thumb tracing over your cheek before standing up, leaving you to yourself on the floor
"Oh god shut up" you tell him, kicking into his leg from below,
He laughs it off, jogging towards the rest of the group
"So what you're saying is, you need to go to the supermarket?" Jungkook groans, sitting down on a folding chair,
Miso nods, "dude we totally thought at least one of us had a car with stuff"
Jimin agrees, "but turns out you were serious about the three hours"
"And you notice that now?" You reply, eyes practically rolling back into your skull
Three idiots that share half a braincell.
"Well no- but- i mean, it was too late anyways" Tae mumbles, rubbing his nape
Three idiots who were responsible of bringing food for the night,
None of which managed to bring anything but crisps who are, to no surpirse, already eaten up.
Jungkook pinches his nose bridge, sighing with evident frustration
"Now what?"
"Guys come on" you chime in,
Miso looks at her phone, "i could call a cab to the main street? It's a 25 minute walk to there"
Jimin and tae hum,
"Okay. It's the best option" you sigh, combing through your hair
Jungkook looks up at you from his seat
"Yeah. We'll set up the fire and you guys go to the-"
"No way", you scoff, looking at him with wide eyes,
He responds with an annoyed laugh, running his hands over the visible muscles on his thighs
You nod, "dead serious"
Silence, once again.
Jungkook takes off, practically shooting up from his chair and walking to the fireplace
For the very first time, the air feels heavy.
You look back to the other three who are all staring at you like a deer in headlights,
"Go. Just go, i'll take care of him" you shake your head, watching them wander off to the main street.
A pit forms in your stomach, the anxiety creeping up in your throat when approaching a visibly angry jungkook
You've never felt bad for bickering with him, mostly because he always returned it
But this time, it hurt. Something shifted when you saw his doe eyes glimmer, almost like he was hurt himself.
The way his jaw clenches when you stop in front of him makes you shiver,
"What?" He snaps, breaking a couple branches and throwing them on the stack,
"I'm sorry" you mutter, the pride in you never backing down, your voice sounds as annoyed as it did 4 minutes ago,
He takes a second to respond, stepping closer to you,
"You piss me off so much" he says, locking his eyes on yours, his gaze is dark, almost intimidating
The air feels even heavier now, you try to ignore it, ignore the goosebumps you get from his voice,
"We're equal then"
His tongue grazes the inside of his cheek, eyebrows furrowing slightly
"No we're not. We can't be"
The anger inside you boils up quickly,
"Why? Because you're so much better than everyone?" you spit out, mockingly pouting at him,
"No. because you think i'm insufferable and don't want me around" he replies, almost cutting you off in the sentence
"Whats not equal about that? You literally hate me-"
"Shut up" he says, this time fully cutting you off
"What did you say?" you laugh out in utter disbelief,
"I said shut. Up."
"You know what? No because-"
"Oh my god will you shut up? I hate you? Are you insane?" borderline yelling, his eyes never leave yours, staring you down
This time, you have nothing to say.
"I hate you? Seriously? Like i haven't been in love with you for years? Like i can't take my eyes off of you, and the only reason i show off is to impress you? Like it doesn't hurt my feelings when you pretend like the worst thing is to be near me?"
The words leave his mouth so quickly, neither yours nor his mind can catch up, panting, he looks at you, biting his lower lip, seemingly realizing what he just admitted to
His hands run over his face,
"Look i-"
"Jungkook" it's your turn to interrupt him now, looking him dead in the eyes,
You're met with nervousness,
"Yes?" he says, whispering
"If you don't kiss me right now i'll kill you"
There's no time to think when he ruthlessly crashes his lips to yours, grabbing you by the waist with greedy hands and pressing your body to his,
His lips are needy, eagerly moving against yours with groans muffled into the kiss,
You sigh softly, hands finding his jaw to pull him in closer,
His teeth bite at your lower lip, making you open up just enough for him to slip his tongue in, exploring every inch of your mouth
A couple minutes of this heated kiss go by, until he breaks it, ragged, heavy breathing fanning against your lips
His forhead rests on yours,
"Holy fuck" you whisper, making him smirk slightly, connecting his lips to yours again,
"I need you so bad" he mumbles into the kiss in a deep groan, pushing his lips against yours with desperation
You pull away this time, hands on his shoulders while your face is moved back enough to see him in full view,
Swollen pink lips, barely illuminated face
"If this was a ploy to sleep with me you're gonna drown in that lake" you laugh, slapping his shoulder lightly
He snarks, hosting you up in his hands before carrying you to his tent,
"Unfortunately i am an embarrassing amount in love with you, but hey, if you don't wanna fuck-"
You shut him up by kissing him,
"Don't ruin the mood" you say, climbing into his tent on all fours
His eyes focus on your ass, round enough to show beneath the shorts,
With now both of you inside the tent, his hands immediately find your hips,
"We don't have much time pretty, i'll make it up to you at home" he says, pulling your shorts and panties down in one go,
Your back arches immediately, the noise of his joggers being pulled down only adding to the exciment
"It's okay kook, i'm as desperate as you are" you reply, only to feel him smack your ass harshly,
"So you did imagine sucking my dick?" he says, groping at your soft skin,
"Many times jungkook"
suddenly, you feel his thumb move down to your entrance, pressing in only slightly before pulling away
"Fuck you're so sexy. Can i pull your hair?" He groans, pumping his heavy cock before guiding it to slide between your folds,
"You freak, god, yes, you can"
A strangled moan leaves your lip when he pushes his entire length in, one of his hands gripping your hip tightly while the other one gathers up your hair, pulling on it
"Fuck, you're so tight. You're not a virgin are you baby?" he huffs, snapping his hips against yours slowly at first,
You giggle between moans, gripping at the tent floor with what you can gather,
"No- i'm not. You're just- fuck- huge"
He throws his head back, pulling on your hair harsher while his hips speed up significantly, hitting that soft spot inside you over and over again,
Both of you are trying to keep the moans down, yours muffled by the ground under you, jungkook's deep growls quiet enough for only you to hear
"You feel so good, i wanted to fuck this pussy for ages" he mutters, letting go of your hair to harshly pull your hips back, making you meet his thrust half way,
Your knees feel weak, pressed into the ground and that pool in your stomach only grows, threatening to snap any second
"You're mine now right baby? My girl? My pussy? My bratty little thing?"
you let out a high pitched yes, followed by a desperate plea of his name,
"Gonna cum?" he groans, pushing his hips deeper inside of you,
You only manage to nod, mind having gone practically blank with the way he feels inside of you,
The knot snaps, legs shaking and cum coating his dick entirely,
"Mhm fuck, coming baby" his moans are deep, pushing a few slow thrusts into you, splurting his milky cum inside your cunt
A few minutues of silence pass before he pulls out, watching your pussy pulse and release his cum slowly, his entire shaft covered in the both of yours arousal,
Suddenly, you feel him kiss the side of your hips before softly flipping you around, making you lay on your back
You smile up at him weakly, watching as he cleans the both of you up carefully, pulling your panties and shorts back to normal before laying down next to you
"I left fingerprints, does it hurt? I didn't realize how rough i was pulling you" he says, placing small kisses on your cheek
You shake your head, intertwining your hand with his,
"It's okay. You're actually nice, wow" the urge to be teasing him returns, nudging his nose with yours
Jungkook bites your cheek playfully, then, he kisses all over your face,
"Stoooop" you whine, a broad smile creeping up to your face,
"I'm obsessed with you. God, you don't even know" he mumbles, cupping your face in his hands
"Should we knock or something?" Tae says,
The three of them standing a couple meteres from your tents,
They have been, for the past 20 minutes,
Bags in each hand,
"Uhm? Sure" Miso says, turning her attention to the tent again,
"Well," jimin starts, "at least they get along now"
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sassmill · 1 year
My brain is like. Weird right now. Is it related to not taking my Lexapro because I know it doesn’t interact well with dayquil and I needed the post nasal drip to stop? Theoretically but also this has been building for days.
#didn’t get any cartharsis from finishing the year with the studio#because the director sort of jacked my students and I walked in to her running a staging rehearsal that she decided upon on her own#imagine getting backstage and realizing your music is playing and feeling like you missed something because your students are onstage#and I panicked like was there a rehearsal scheduled that I forgot about??#nope she just decided to grab them as soon as they arrived to clean their piece without me#like either agree with me that the piece is a mess or don’t#but don’t keep reassuring me it looks good and then undermine me like that#I know it’s a mess#so that really set me up in a shitty mood#because it was also basically my last show with them after 20 years and it ended on a low note#not hosting either event because of my injury (?) and the depression#and like literally at the same time she’s been so supportive and checked in on me#but also it doesn’t feel supportive to lie to me about the piece I choreographed looking good and then run extra rehearsals without me#and then during the finale the host completely forgot about me when calling faculty bows#so even in a moment that should’ve felt good should’ve felt like a natural conclusion should’ve been a moment of release#somebody fucked up and I ended up feeling like an afterthought#almost started crying backstage while the host fumbled to recover and call me on#so. this weekend was a lot on top of a lot. and they had enough company students to manage without me.#which was a relief but also awful because I felt useless#the first time I didn’t stay all day and at least help crew#just weird weird weird#the only thing that felt good was writing her that letter and realizing just how much she’s done for me over the past decade#and then when she hugged me and said the exact same thing as I wrote in the letter she had yet to open#that felt. good. on a cosmic level.#so logically I know I will get better things will get better#and I can always go visit her#and I know she understands what I’m going through#but yeah it also all simultaneously sucks and she is the only person that has actually been any comfort to me#meanwhile I’m at home with my mother who is telling me to just ‘choose to be relieved’ like that’s how feelings work#it’s trauma hours
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Dolly Parton - Jolene 1973
Dolly Parton is an American singer-songwriter, actress, and philanthropist. With a career spanning over fifty years, Parton has been described as a country legend and has sold more than 100 million records worldwide, making her one of the best-selling music artists of all time. She has had 25 singles reach no. 1 on the Billboard country music charts, a record for a female artist (tied with Reba McEntire). She has 44 career Top 10 country albums, a record for any artist, and she has 110 career-charted singles over the past 40 years. She has composed over 3,000 songs. She has founded a number of charitable and philanthropic organizations, chief among them is the Dollywood Foundation, which manages a number of projects to bring education and poverty relief to East Tennessee where she grew up. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Parton donated $1 million towards research at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, which funded the critical early stages of development of the Moderna vaccine.
"Jolene" was released on October 15, 1973, as the first single and title track from her the thirteenth solo studio album Jolene, and became Parton's second solo number one single on the country charts. "Jolene" became Parton's first top ten hit song in the UK, reaching number seven in the UK Singles Chart in 1976. It also re-entered the chart when Parton performed at the Glastonbury festival in 2014.
According to Parton, the song was inspired by a red-headed bank clerk who flirted with her husband, Carl Dean, at his local bank branch around the time they were newly married. In an interview, she also revealed that Jolene's name and appearance are based on that of a young fan who came on stage for her autograph.
During an interview on The Bobby Bones Show in 2018, Parton revealed that she wrote "Jolene" on the same day that she wrote "I Will Always Love You".
"Jolene" was nominated for the Grammy Awards for Best Female Country Vocal Performance twice, in 1975 and 1976. The first nomination was for the original recording, and the second was for a live recording from the TV series In Concert. It did not win either time, but in 2017, a cover by the a cappella group Pentatonix which featured Parton as a guest singer won the Grammy Award for Best Country Duo/Group Performance.
In 2023 she released her forty-ninth solo studio album, Rockstar, a collaborative project with a variety of rock musicians and where "Jolene" is sung by Italian rockband Måneskin, listen to it here!
"Jolene" received a total of 94,3% yes votes!
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lustspren · 4 months
D.A | The Way You Look Tonight ft Sullyoon, Haewon, Bae.
length: 19.2k words (short update btw) ✦
Male reader X Sullyoon, Haewon, Bae. 
Diamond Eyes AU.
tags: rough sex, bdsm, oral, ass eating, dirty talk, public sex, creampie, anal, shower sex, thighjob, assjob✧ 
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She hadn't done that. It was a figment of your imagination.
No, wait, yes she had. And in a very shameless way. What the fuck.
Sullyoon had told you, before going on stage, that she would do something that would be like a little wink towards you that she was sure you would love. You thought it would be some cute heart sign, or a literal wink at you. But no, the sassy little slut had pulled down the lace shorts she was wearing to her hips, so everyone could see her belly. She had them up after a few seconds, but it was enough for you to become feral.
You had clearly been left speechless. It's not like you have much to say, though; you were so horny that you needed something. Her. As fast as possible. You would miss part of the live performance, yes. But you could see it later, minor details.
Without attracting much attention you snuck out of sight of the staff members. The main building—not the front wing, the one just behind the stage— of Dankook University was quite big. There would almost certainly have to be some empty, remote room. For the love of God, so be it.
You searched through each of the four floors patiently. Unfortunately, the first three floors were busy enough that trying anything was impossible. But also much to your fortune, and almost like a divine gift, you found your holy grail at the end of a hallway on the top floor.
It was a large room with a high ceiling, full of unlit tubular lamps. As soon as you entered, you were greeted by the sight of an immense white wall in the background, with what appeared to be a projection screen rolled up from end to end. The tables were arranged in two rows on each side, each with four chairs. At the end of the aisle left by the seats, and in front of the white wall, was a single longer table with two chairs. It must have been a meeting room, or something like that. It would work more than fine.
Everything in there was taciturn, with enough light to know where everything was and not trip. But it was better that it remained that way; a single room with the lights on was going to raise suspicions much faster than you could imagine. You were lying if you didn't say it was kind of creepy. But the sound of the music, muffled and distant after passing through several layers of cement, somehow managed to counteract the spooky vibes.
You were forced to wait sitting in one of the two chairs at the back, probably dedicated to some dean or lecturer, but now used by a young man eager to fuck his girlfriend. You even took the liberty of making yourself comfortable, since you didn't know how long it would take Sully to get off the stage. So you put both feet up on the table and sank into the seat before pulling out your phone.
You wrote a message to Sully. One that she would see as soon as she picked up her phone when she saw that you weren't there when she got off stage. Simple and precise. About half an hour passed before you received a response.
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Sully took longer than you expected to arrive. But you couldn't complain about it. She would surely have to comply with some protocol when leaving the stage, like taking off her in-ear headphones and all that complicated singer stuff. About fifteen more minutes had passed until she entered.
Seeing her face when she walked through the door and found the immense dark space was like a fun reflection of you. She had already noticed where you were since she set foot inside the room. But still, as she walked between the tables, she scrutinized each corner in case some evil spirit decided to assault her.
You just looked at her with a smile that denoted nothing more than pure love. That day she was carrying a couple more levels of spiciness. You could tell by the way she swayed her hips when she walked, and the confidence in which she did it. And how could you blame her? That sexy waist… those long, meaty legs… her tummy, hot as always… and damn, that messy dark hair.
It was fucking fascinating. A perfect sculpture of a woman. And yours.
"Daddy… wasn't there a scarier room?" She asked when she was a couple of meters away from you.
You took your feet off the table and rolled your chair back. Then you spread your legs, a clear signal for Sully to take a seat.
"I literally didn't find any other option, honey. I'm sorry." you said, as she walked around the table in front of you and went straight to sit on your lap, on the side of your left thigh.
Sully raised one thigh to rest it on top of yours, and she wrapped her arms around your neck. From that distance you could see how her body was still covered in a light layer of sweat, shining by the light of a bright street lamp outside. Damn, she looked so sexy you were going to explode.
She gave you a sly smile and kissed your cheek, then your jaw, and then a peck on your lips. You put one hand on her thigh and with the other you surrounded her waist.
"Well, if you made me come here for what I believe, I guess it doesn't matter," she whispered.
The memory came to your mind. Every detail about that moment when she almost made your jaw hit the floor.
"You're a sassy little slut, you know?" You raised an eyebrow, squeezing her thigh gently. "Pulling down your shorts? That's going a bit far."
You placed the hand you had on her thigh on her belly and slowly moved it up to rub the side of her torso. Sully stared at you, while she played with the hair on the back of your neck.
"But I'm wearing safety shorts underneath daddy… even like that?"
"Thousands of people saw you in just those safety shorts. I think that's quite a lot."
"It was only a couple of seconds!" she protested with a little smile. You smiled too, but you managed to hide it by bringing your face to her long neck to give her small kisses.
"Yeah but you already know how possessive I am of you…" you murmured against her skin, while rubbing her waist up and down.
You heard Sully give a small gasp, and she 'inadvertently' dropped her hand to rest on your cock. She didn't squeeze or grab anything, she just left it there. You put your hand on her thigh and rubbed it up and down, rubbing the back of your hand near her crotch.
"Daddy… but you know I made that just for you."
"And what did you want to cause?"
"Being fucked by me as soon as you got off that stage," you interrupted, placing deeper kisses on her neck, with small bites.
Sully moaned and finally squeezed your cock, in a gentle but also deep way. She then massaged it again and again until it started to get hard. You returned favors and stuck one hand directly inside her shorts and her safeties, until you reached her pussy and rubbed it with your fingers. Gently, up and down.
She turned her head, desperately searching for your lips, and you looked up to give them to her. You melted into a fiery, deep kiss. You stifled small moans inside each other's mouths, while you touched each other's intimacies. She melted just from your fingers, which had made her wet in less than a minute.
Your cock was already hard under your pants; Sully reached under them, to grab your shaft and surround it with her fine, soft fingers. She let out a louder moan and squeezed hard. She then separated from your lips, stood up, and with her eyes on you she took off her now surely famous lace shorts to leave them on the table. She was now only in her safeties when she sat on top of you again, this time straddling you.
With your girlfriend's thighs now on either side of your hips the groping intensified. First you wrapped your arms around her body, one behind her waist and the other across her back. You pressed her against you, feeling the warmth of her body against yours as you kissed.
Sully, with her hands on the sides of your neck, moved her hips back and forth, grinding against your hard bulge. You lowered your hands and placed them on her ass, squeezing each buttock firmly. The kiss then became a battle between your tongues, which swirled around each other.
After a few long seconds Sully separated from your lips and put her hands on your chest. Her breathing was heavy, and her cheeks were flushed, just like yours.
"Daddy… I'd love to suck your cock right now, but we don't have much time. I said I needed to go to the bathroom."
You let out a sigh, disappointed.
"It will have to wait, then."
"Do you want me to ride you as compensation?"
"I don’t even know why are you asking, baby," you nodded, and bit her bottom lip gently.
As soon as Sully got off you, you were already with your hands on the hem of your pants; you lowered them by raising your hips, including your boxers, to your ankles. Sully meanwhile did the same. She turned her back to you, and she pulled down her safeties and her panties to get both off her legs.
You and your girlfriend worked as a perfectly coordinated team: while you were spitting on your cock and making it very slippery, Sully had already taken a couple of steps back and had bent her knees to leave her ass floating above your cock, which you held straight so she only had to impale herself on it.
"Mmmm…" Sully moaned softly, as she slowly lowered her ass until it rested against your pelvis, your cock now hidden between her butt cheeks.
Your girlfriend's pussy felt as silky and tight as ever. You growled, hands gripping her waist. She rested her hands on your knees, and turned to look at you with an amazing movement of her hair, which left it all in front of her left shoulder. Her eyes stayed locked on yours, just as she started moving her ass up and down.
You squeezed Sully's waist between your fingers, teeth clenched and your toes curled inside your shoes. She bit her lip and left her mouth ajar, her moans soon twisting her face until a few seconds later she was unable to hold your gaze.
She bounced faster and harder, and the sound of her flesh slapping against yours reverberated through the large, once silent room. Added to that were Sully's moans, and also the two spanks you gave to her left buttock. Her shiny hair looked very tempting to pull, but you'd do it a different way.
You let Sully bounce as much as she wanted on your cock, but when you thought she had enough of it, you made her stop and stood up with her, taking her in front of the table and bending her over it. She looked at you over her shoulder, her hands resting on the cold surface and her stomach flat against it.
"Is daddy going to punish me for being too much of a slut?" she asked, not with her puppy dog eyes, but with those bold, sharp, piercing eyes.
Sully had become like that over time. Spicy. Naughty. It wasn't like you were complaining about it, quite the opposite: it was a plus that you didn't know you needed in her until it just started happening. You definitely had to thank Chaeyoung's influence, and maybe a little bit of Yeseo’s and Jiheon’s. That trio of demons had transformed Sully into a monster.
"And what if I only enhance how much of a slut you are thanks to that?" you asked back, one hand kneading and squeezing her buttocks as you rested balls deep inside her.
She giggled and thought about it for a moment, before looking into your eyes again.
"Then you can punish me again… and again, and again. Until I stop being a sassy slut."
You chuckled.
"I see no way that could happen, darling."
You gave her a single hard pump, which made her let out a moan.
"Great. That way I can be daddy's sex doll all the time… and without getting tired."
Oh, my God. She outdid herself this time. That deserved that you do it too, no less.
The first instinct you had, this time yes, was to grab a handful of her hair and pull it back to arch her back. Then you started fucking her, fast, hard and without any shame because of the noise you were making.
Sully also showed no shame for looking as horny as you were. She moaned, grunted, and muttered all kinds of curses to herself while you hammered her pussy from behind. At one point she slammed her open palm on the table, so hard it sounded like a small explosion.
"Punish me daddy! Hard! As hard as you want to!" she whimpered, and you complied with her request, giving each buttock a spicy spank with squeeze included.
Having made sure that your hands had been marked in red on her buttocks, you gave another tug on her hair so that she could lift her body. Then you quickly grabbed her neck and shoulder and pressed your chest and back together.
From there you were able to fill the side of Sully's face with kisses and bites. Your fingers clung tightly to her neck as you pumped as hard as you could, not afraid to split her in half. She turned her face and met your lips, instantly capturing them to muffle moans against them.
You used your other arm to wrap around her belly and feel that soft flesh for a moment. Then you lowered your hand and reached for her pussy, to rub her clit as best as you could between all the shakes. Sully stopped kissing you and left her mouth slightly open, brushing against yours. She was unable to make coherent sounds, paralyzed with pleasure.
You were staring into each other's eyes when she flinched and a sudden spasm signaled that she was cumming. Sully grabbed onto your right wrist with both hands and squeezed it, finally letting out a deep, savage growl that showed how delighted she was.
She tensed against your body and dug her nails into your wrist, moving somewhat messily against your cock. You only waited a few seconds, between slow pumps, to get out of her and grab her by the waist and turn her around.
As if she were able to read your mind, the first thing she did—without you telling her—was sit on the edge of the table and spread her legs wide for you. Her pretty pussy, soaked and perfectly shaved, at your mercy. The idea of falling to your knees and eating her out was very appealing. But it was going to be a big delay for her, so you defeated your intrusive thoughts that time.
"I feel like I haven't been punished enough daddy…" Sully said, a few strands of hair stuck to her face. "Is that all you fucking have for me?"
You let out an incredulous giggle and shook your head. She sounded exactly like Shuhua. Bad examples everywhere.
"Shut your mouth and don't poke me with the stick, Seol Yoonah," you raised a finger in warning, and then you settled between her legs to leave your cock resting on her lower abdomen.
There was a silence between the two of you. You just stared at each other.
"Or-what?" she finally said, defiantly.
You sighed.
Very well, you should give her what she wanted, then. You raised one hand and gave her such a slap that her face was turned to one side, and her hair covered that side. Sully let out a groan and smiled. Before she could say anything, you grabbed your cock and guided it back into her pussy.
Whatever she was going to say was replaced with a cute squeal. She looked into your eyes, still with that damn victorious smile on her face. It wasn't until you started pumping in and out, and you gave her another slap, that her smile turned into a sexy grimace of pleasure.
"Let it be clear that you asked for it."
You reached behind her back, grabbed a fistful of her hair, and pulled it back so that her neck was as exposed as possible for you to kiss while you fucked her.
"I'm not saying otherwise…" she moaned as you filled every corner of her neck with saliva. "I would do it again."
"What a fucking whore you've become, huh?" you growled, and bit her jaw.
"So what?" She put a hand on the back of your neck and tangled her fingers in strands of your hair. "Daddy loves it… and I love being daddy's little whore."
You growled and let go of her hair to stand up straight, grab her waist with an iron grip and hammer her pussy without any mercy. Sully was a good girl and kept her legs spread wide, even between moans and crashes.
You had your teeth clenched, crazy about the way you made her face twist. That girl was the living representation of duality in people: for most of the time she was an innocent little angel, worthy of being kept in a little glass box. But mother of god, now, when she was getting fucked, she was like the hottest porn actress.
"Yes darling?" you managed to say.
"Can I swallow your load? Mmmh!" she asked between whimpers. "I want to have it in my mouth… please!"
Of course that was like plugging a USB killer directly into your brain. You could no longer keep your mind distracted to last more, no matter how much that was your goal. Words like those, coming out of her mouth at a moment like that, were like a spell that was impossible to repel.
"Get off," you ordered.
You pulled out of her pussy and Sully jumped off the table. She instantly fell to her knees in front of your cock, the tip of which she put inside her mouth to jerk your shaft as fast as she could. This led to an orgasm that made you moan out loud.
You shot stream after stream of thick cum into your girlfriend’s mouth, who had dispensed with the use of her hand; now only moving her mouth across your cock in a slow and sensual blowjob that had the sole objective of draining your balls.
She watched you at all times, even when she gave you the most mind-blowing deepthroat, with no gag reflex or even a single god damn hint of it. This time you had to thank Yeseo. That little nympho whore.
When nothing else came out of your cock, Sully pulled you out of her mouth with a loud slurp. She then stuck out her tongue so you could see how she had swallowed it all, and it had been a considerable load.
"Fuck… and you don't even deserve it," you gasped, brushing Sully's hair out of her face.
"I'll have to share you later, daddy," she replied as she placed affectionate kisses down your shaft. "Not with one but two more people. It seems like a fair way to make it up to me."
You sighed, looked into nothingness and gave up looking for an answer.
"Yeah, you're right. But you don't deserve it."
"Oh come on daddy, relax a little," she jumped to her feet and showered your face with kisses. "I'm always a good girl… but well, today I wanted to tease you."
You raised an eyebrow.
"Slut. Sassy slut."
Sully smiled from ear to ear.
"Only yours. Are you going to complain?"
"Not in the least. Now come on, get dressed, we have to go."
Sully obeyed and hurried to get dressed just like you. She fixed herself as best she could, but there was still a small trace of red on her cheek where you had given her the first slap. She would find a convincing excuse, she always did. But Haewon would probably be the first to connect the dots; she was formidable at it.
"You go first, I'll go wait in the car," you said behind her, as you combed her hair the best you could.
"You're sure?" she asked, looking ahead. "Don't you want to say goodbye to the girls? Jiwoo will kill you for not doing so."
"I'll submit to her judgment later," you turned her around and gave her hair the finishing touches. "But even arriving minutes after you is very suspicious."
"Do you really think no one knows what we do?" she raised an eyebrow.
"No one knows we did it just now. You said you were going to the bathroom, and I just disappeared."
"But you left without saying anything before I got off the stage, right?"
"Uh… yeah."
"Then it's the same thing. It's just as suspicious," she raised two knuckles and tapped you on the forehead.
"Um… whatever. I'm not going to put up with Lily's teasing today."
Sully shrugged and shook her head.
"As you wish, daddy," she snuggled into your chest and gave you a loving kiss. "I'll see you in an hour, maybe less."
"Count on it, my love," you nodded, and after placing a kiss on her forehead, Sully turned away and headed for the exit.
Waiting in your car was no bother to you; you were so proud of it and of yourself that you took advantage of any slightest excuse to use it.
That Purosangue was an exact copy of the one you had rented that time in Milan to hang out with Hanni: black chrome on the outside, only with cream-colored interior upholstery. Ordering it to be brought to Korea had been almost as expensive as the damn car; it was only possible thanks to a couple of good investments you had made last year. And yet, you were still recovering financially from that purchase.
But it was already yours, it was already there. And damn, you were happier than a kid in a toy store.
You knew that the supposed waiting hour that Sully had promised would be longer, so as soon as you sank into the car seat, you took out a jar of Pringles from a bag in the back seat and opened a live video on Instagram to chat with your followers. The number of spectators rose at an alarming rate; at that point, an hour and a few minutes later, you had about 9k.
"Bro where you at…" you read among the comments. It was a question you expected, since you had the lights inside off and the only thing visible about your face was thanks to the university light. "I'm in my car, uhm… waiting."
You put a chip in your mouth and continued reading.
"Waiting for what?" you read again. "Death. My Italian ass has always wanted to die inside a Ferrari."
Laughter after laughter in the comments. You did your best to stay serious and make it even funnier.
"I don't know what you're laughing about, I'm serious."
You looked to the left, towards the covered parking lot where the girls were supposed to appear at any moment. It was the most discreet option possible, since it was not a very busy area at that time and that specific building was the furthest from all the crowds.
"Dude, who is that girl in your backseat?" you read, and your eyes widened as you turned around and slammed the phone down, by pure reflex. There was no one. For a moment you thought that, for some reason, one of the girls had somehow sneaked into the car. But it was a joke. "Bro, oh my god I'm gonna ban you… oh no, right, this is Instagram."
The live was filled with comments from people curious about why you had covered the camera so quickly. You didn't read any out loud. One in particular said: 'This guy has a girlfriend who doesn't want to show on camera.' Close, pretty close.
"Do your gossiping asses want to know the truth? Aight, I have a famous girlfriend and if I show her I’m gonna be in serious trouble, what's the matter?"
You read for a few seconds, and the truth was that you were making an inhuman effort not to laugh.
"A From Software fan getting hoes? Good joke brother, try better," you read, and a smile escaped your lips. Thank god you had a chromosome graveyard as a chat. "But I’m handsome as fuck!" you protested. "Still From Software fan," you clicked your tongue. "Aight bro."
Another fifteen minutes passed where you were discussing random things with the chat. That day you weren't particularly willing to give a serious opinion about anything, so you were just contradicting everyone for fun.
"Bro, there's no way you're going to make me say non-ironically that Dark Souls 2 is a good game."
Something new in your peripheral vision made you look away from the screen to look to the left. Three people emerged from the parking lot, wrapped in heavy coats and caps that covered their eyes. It was them.
"Alright, bunch of virgins, I have to go, fuck y’all. Have a nice night," you showed the middle finger to the camera and ended the live.
You were in a pretty bad posture for your back, so as you straightened up in your seat you let out a moan worthy of an old man. One of the girls, probably Haewon because of her height—or the lack of it—, had seen you and burst out laughing as she walked around the car front.
The girl opened the passenger door, and when you saw her eyes you confirmed that it was Haewon.
"Were you doing yoga or what?" she asked, sitting in the passenger seat, while Bae and Sully took the back seats. She then took off her cap and leaned to kiss your cheek.
"I had to get comfortable while I waited for you, woman."
You pressed the touch button on the steering wheel and started the car.
"I couldn't even see you until you decided to sit up straight, oppa," Bae said from behind, followed by a chuckle from Sully. "Is your back okay?"
"Fuck, I'd love to say yes," you sighed, looking down the street, and turned right to circle the campus. "Did something happen? You took longer than I expected."
Haewon also took off her coat, underneath it she was wearing the same pants that she wore for the stage, but on top instead of the college sweater she was only wearing a white, tight-fitting crop top with thin straps. In the rearview mirror you noticed that Sully and Bae had done the same.
"Oh you know, trying to convince manager-nim," she said, as if it were a trivial thing. "It was a little tougher this time. We have more university festivals over the next few days."
"Another tomorrow, right?"
"Yeah," the three of them said in unison, in an exhausted tone.
"What time should I take you tomorrow, then?" you asked, finally leaving the university campus behind.
"At two in the afternoon," Haewon replied as she looked at her phone.
"Aight, we have time to relax a little then."
"Well, I don't know about you," Bae said. "But as soon as I arrive I'll take a shower and go straight to bed."
"Why are you so boring!" Sully complained. "We were going to play Monopoly!"
"It'll only be a couple of hours! I'm exhausted."
"Well, you'll have to sleep with the AirPods on because…" Haewon began, but she left the sentence hanging in the air.
You smiled, already knowing what she meant. But you looked out the window as you stopped at a traffic light.
"Huh? What do you mean by that?" Bae asked.
"I think you better listen to her," Sully said with a chuckle.
"That's how loud you are playing Monopoly?"
You and Haewon looked at each other. She couldn't hold back her laughter and turned to look at Bae.
"We're not going to play Monopoly," she said.
"Wait, we won't?" Sully said.
"Oh my god…" you mumbled to yourself, in disbelief.
"I mean, yeah. But you know, we wanted to play something else."
“Ahhhh…” you saw Sully nod out of the corner of your eye as you looked out the window. "True, true."
There was silence between the four of you. Now only the low noise of the radio could be heard, which you were forced to turn up a little. The light turned green, so you started again. Haewon stared at her phone, and Sully had pulled out her iPad, where you heard she was playing Minecraft.
"Ohhh!" Bae said, breaking the silence, as if she had discovered a secret of the universe. "You're gonna have sex!"
Haewon locked her phone and closed her eyes with a deep breath. You remained expressionless, and swallowed, short of words to say. Sully on the other hand dropped the iPad on the mat under her feet.
"Am I invited?" she asked, and there was another silence.
Haewon opened her eyes and looked at you. You shrugged. You had never fucked with Bae, mostly because you had never fooled around like that unlike with Lily or Jiwoo. But that night could be a perfect chance.
"I’m cool with it," you said. "But those decisions go through Sullyoonie first."
Well, most of them. Some others went through Chaeyoung, others through Hanni, and others through Jiheon. Few things were your direct responsibility. Like when days ago, Lily gave you so many signs that she wanted to get fucked bu you that you gave in to her Australian charm, to which you were already weak.
"Yeah, why not? It'll be fun," said Sully, whose view you knew was on the iPad screen and not on you.
"Yay!" Bae said.
“The only thing you need to know is that I…” Haewon started to say.
"But I still decline the offer. I want to sleep," Bae interrupted.
Haewon closed her eyes again and took another deep breath. You raised your eyebrows and brought a hand to your forehead. Bae knew how to get you off your nerves, but this time she had taken it as a challenge.
"You try to get in and I'll kick you out, Bae Jinsol," Sully warned seconds later, in a low but threatening voice.
"And I'm going to moan so loud that you'll have to go out on the balcony," Haewon said.
"No, because I'll have the AirPods on."
You couldn't help but giggle as you shook your head. Haewon glared at you, so you had to cover your mouth and hold back your smile.
"Alright, all three of you shut your mouths," you said, and looked in the rearview mirror. As you expected, Sully was staring at her iPad, while Bae, sitting in the middle, just looked at both sides of the street. "We have an hour left on the trip so, enjoy the music."
What better option than playing DAMN? That's what you did, after asking Haewon for help to take your phone and connect it to the car herself. Then you could focus on driving.
The rest of the trip was more than peaceful: you and Haewon vibed to every song on the album and sang some verses together. You just didn't sing during PRIDE; it reminded you of your night with Hanni in Milan, probably one of the most fulfilling moments of your life. The lyrics didn't go with her or with you, but it was common to associate songs with people for random reasons. That was Hanni's.
Who by the way, was now a cute femboy. My god. The things you were going to do.
Bae asked for the name of some songs. Sully, well. Sully kept playing Minecraft until you arrived in Seongsu-dong, where you had now lived since October of last year. The apartment wasn't yours yet; you paid it in installments thanks to a mortgage loan, which you estimated you could pay in full by the middle of next year if you managed to close a sponsorship deal that this company had offered you less than a week ago.
After considerable floors in the elevator and walking through a small corridor, you finally arrived at your place. The first thing you saw when you opened the door was a small hallway, with two doors on each side: one was a small closet that you used to dry clothes and the other was your laundry room.
Once you crossed the hallway you finally found the big elegant space, made up mostly of the living room, located to the left, and the dining table and the kitchen, right in front of you. The smell of sandalwood essence, emanated from your air freshener, immediately delighted your nostrils.
The room walls were white, while the corridor ones were made of dark oak wood. The countertops, and the kitchen in general, were made of a beautiful polished marble that blended perfectly with the gray floor. In the living room, the furniture was mostly gray and others were brown, color also present in some cushions and various decorations.
The place was everything you ever wanted in a house. It was cozy and elegant, with a color palette that had you in love and a considerable number of windows arranged along the entire wall. You had left the blinds open, so the first thing you did was go to close them.
"Ahhh!" Bae squealed, blurting out all of her stuff in front of the hallway, "Hi Rory!"
Rory was the gorgeous ragdoll cat that you had adopted thanks to Chaeyoung's idea a year ago. Bae had run to hug her and shower her with kisses. She was a quiet and lazy cat; she wasn't exactly affectionate, but she didn't avoid contact with humans either. She didn't care at all, basically.
But she wasn't the only furry being in your house at the time.
"Helios!" Sully greeted as she headed towards the other hallway, the one that led to the bedrooms.
Helios, on the other hand, was a toyger cat. You had also adopted him thanks to Chaeyoung, who didn't have to put much effort into convincing you since you were a cat lover before. He, unlike Rory, loved physical affection, a constant demander of attention and pampering. Although he was significantly dumber.
Sully bent down to pet him and disappeared into the hallway, probably to leave her things in your room.
"Bae Jinsol!" Haewon called, setting her things down on the dining room table. "Pick up your things!"
Bae suddenly turned and looked at her things scattered on the floor, then looked at you, who stood close to her as you closed the blinds of the window in the corner.
"Don't look at me," you shrugged. "She rules when she gets here."
"But it's your house!"
You backed away from the corner and walked to the kitchen, passing Haewon.
"Yeah, I know. But tell that to her."
Bae looked at Haewon, who stared at her without a hint of softness in her eyes. Bae didn't even question her, it was useless. She just stood up and went to pick up her things without saying a word.
“I thought so,” Haewon nodded, satisfied, and she stood next to you as you looked into the fridge for food. She put her hand on your waist and rested her cheek on your arm. "You come with me?"
"Where to?" You took out a plate with a slice of pizza that you had left over from lunch that day.
"To take a shower, of course," she replied, lowering her voice.
"Will you let me eat first?"
"Will you eat my ass later?"
You smiled and looked over your shoulder to make sure Bae was distracted, then you wrapped your arm around Haewon's waist and squeezed her ass.
Haewon bit her lip and turned to look back with an amused expression. You removed your hand from her ass.
"Hey, charred brains!" she called out to Bae, who turned around. She was now sitting next to Rory. "Weren't you going to take a shower?"
"Ah, yeah," Bae nodded, and she stood up to grab her bag. "Oppa, can I use the bathtub?" she asked you.
"Aha. Just make sure you empty it later, please."
She gave Rory one last caress and disappeared down the same hallway Sully had walked down just minutes ago.
You were left alone with Haewon, who went to lean on the counter behind you, hands on the edge as she watched you. You closed the fridge, left the plate with the slice of pizza on the counter next to the sink and turned to her.
"Aren't you gonna go wait for me in the shower?" You stood in front of her. Your eyes remained fixed.
"Come here and kiss me first, I deserve it for having to deal with that girl every day."
You took another step forward and pressed yourself against her. Then cupped her face in your hands and smashed your lips together without hesitation.
Few pairs of lips were as pleasant to kiss as Haewon's. They were fluffy and thick, with a hazelnut aftertaste thanks to her lip balm, and boy did she know how to use them. You liked that she was always in control when you kissed, since she always knew when to make it slower and more passionate or more disastrous and fiery.
On that occasion, the situation warranted that you taste each other as quickly as possible, so your heads went from side to side in the middle of a wild kiss that was anything but discreet and silent.
You put an arm around her waist and with a little effort you lifted her onto the counter, then she clung to your neck with her arms and your torso with her strong thighs. You grabbed one of her breasts, and with a muffled moan against your lips she reached down to give your cock a squeeze.
"Oppa, where do you keep the…" Bae said, again from the hallway. She didn't finish the sentence as you abruptly separated from Haewon, whose pale cheeks were now red. "Incense… Not even five minutes oh my god!"
"Uh…" you looked at the ceiling, reorganizing your thoughts. "Inside the sink mirror," you finally answered, still staring up.
"Very well, thank you," she looked at Helios, who was lying on the side of a single couch in the living room. "Helios, come on! Don't watch those things."
You didn't expect Helios to truly obey her, but he did. He followed Bae down the hallway. Rory, on the other hand, had fallen asleep on the couch.
You and Haewon looked at each other.
"Go wait for me in the shower, please," you begged. "If we keep going I'll fuck you right here."
"And what's wrong with that?"
"I'm hungry, woman," you gestured towards the plate of pizza.
Haewon brought her hands to her jeans button and undid them, then leaned back on the counter and with a lift of her hips she took them off. She settled on the surface and spread her legs wide, exposing her slit, covered by white panties from which a tiny wet spot peeked out.
"And don't you fancy an entry?" She asked, grabbing her panties to pull them aside and show you her pretty pink pussy.
Your gaze stayed there where Haewon ran two fingers up and down between her folds. You also looked at her thighs and buttocks, both worthy of a volleyball player. All that was left was for her to take off her top and release those pair of perfect round tits that you swore to God didn't stop growing. Still, that was enough to make you give in. Damn woman.
"I'll accept the entrance," you sighed, and stepped forward to replace her hand with yours. "But you'll have to wait for the shower for the main attraction."
You knelt between Haewon's legs, her pussy now inches from your face. Foreplay wasn't necessary, and you didn't want to do it either. So without a second thought you clung to her thighs and buried your mouth in her folds.
“Mmm…” she moaned, stroking your hair as you ran your tongue up and down. "It's funny how easily you always fall for this trick."
"You better shut your mouth before I leave you like this," you said softly, tasting Haewon's pussy more hungrily each time.
She gave your hair a little tug and then continued caressing it, in a rather affectionate way.
"I doubt you want to do that…" she gasped between labored breaths.
"Do not challenge me."
You became more frantic with your licking and sucking, but that led to Haewon becoming louder, which you didn't know how much you cared since there was actually nothing to hide. Maybe it was a matter of protecting the only bit of decorum that you thought you had left, but the reality was that it had all disappeared the first moment you lost your fear of fucking in public places.
Besides, what was the worst that could happen? If Sully came out to see what was happening, she would end up joining anyway. But it was kind of difficult for that to happen. She was probably in your bed, in the exact same clothes she was wearing when she arrived while she played on her iPad. Bae, on the other hand, would already be in the bathtub and you knew she didn't give a damn.
So well, you let Haewon moan as much and as loud as she wanted while you ate her out.
You loved eating her pussy as much as kissing her lips. That's how you let her know every time you did it, letting out soft moans of satisfaction at how delicious it was.
But damn, pizza with sausage, ham and peppers was also exquisite. And your stomach was growling.
"Alright sweetie, let's do this quickly," you said, licking your lips. Then you stood up.
Haewon looked at you with a furrowed brow and was about to protest, but you were quicker and kissed her immediately. She was also about to protest in the middle of the kiss, but then you took your middle and ring fingers inside her pussy.
She let out a whimper against your lips and clutched at your hoodie with one hand, then she crumpled it with a tug as your fingers made their way between her tight walls.
“That's cheating…” she gasped against your lips. "Damn cheater."
"I'm preparing you for when I'm going to fuck your brains out in the shower… how ungrateful."
Without giving her time to take a breath you pumped at a gradually faster and faster pace. Your fingers slid smoothly, soaked in Haewon's glistening fluids. Soon the sound of your palm constantly colliding with her crotch reverberated through the room, as did her loud moans.
Haewon let her head fall back, still clinging to your hoodie as if it were the only thing capable of keeping her in place. You put your free arm around her, and watched her grimace and squirm.
"Please take your cock out and put it inside me!" she asked with a whimper. "Don’t make me wait!"
"Fuck woman, can't you be a little patient?" you asked quietly, and raised an eyebrow. You pumped fast and hard, intensifying the wet sound of her pussy.
"I don't want to be patient, I want you to fill my pussy!" she said with a punch to your chest.
"Shhh… cum, love, come on."
No matter how rude Haewon pretended to be, it was adorable how that combination of words always worked. Like a magical spell of those that Sullyoon applied on you against your will. Haewon closed her thighs around your wrist, which felt like being caught in two hydraulic presses at maximum power. And with a squeal she let herself be carried away by her orgasm.
"Mmmhhh!! Son of a bitch!" she screamed, frustrated, in the midst of intense spasms that you were responsible for keeping at bay with your grip.
"Yeah yeah…" you nodded, making an effort to continue moving your wrist, since it was surrounded by two pieces of muscular flesh.
"I'm not letting you out of that damn shower until you've filled every damn hole in me," she growled, and you knew she meant business.
"Anything you want, cutie. But I want my pizza first."
Haewon closed her eyes and pursed her lips. Her orgasm passed after a few seconds, and only then she did release your wrist.
You didn't know how hard she was really squeezing until you felt how your blood rushed normally to your hand. What a menace of a woman.
"Come on, clean up."
You took your fingers out of her and brought them to her mouth. Haewon accepted them with obvious annoyance, but she didn't complain as she sucked them hard in a taste of her own fluids. When you took your fingers out, they were perfectly clean.
"What makes you think you can order me around?"
You stepped back and let her get off the counter. You turned your back on her and went to the other counter to grab the plate of pizza.
"Go wait for me in the shower, Oh Haewon," you purposely ordered without looking at her, and went to the microwave.
There was no response from her, instead, from the corner of your eye you saw how she reluctantly grabbed her jeans and walked straight towards the hallway. Thank God. Now it was just you with your slice of pizza, which you heated up and ate accompanied by a Pepsi.
You were patient, maybe too patient, with that little alone time you had once Haewon went to the shower. You sat on the large L-shaped sofa for about five minutes. Next to you, a dozing Rory purred when you placed a hand on her back to caress her.
Haewon would probably be mad at you by now for taking so long. But if you were about to be drained by what was probably one of the best asses in the industry and certainly the best pair of thighs, you had to mentally prepare yourself. Because damn, that woman could be pretty intense sometimes.
Besides, you wanted to see a tripleS stage. You were quite in that group for the last few days, and you had a pending video to watch. A couple of them caught your attention, and you had understood from things you had heard and read, that they would be at the Korea University festival tomorrow. The same where NMIXX and NewJeans would perform. Maybe…?
No, you already had enough with all the girls that were in your life, which were not few. The most sensible thing was to be grateful for all the incredible luck you had for a year now and not try to squeeze the handkerchief even more. You didn't want to become a womanizer.
Above all, it was incredibly self-centered and reprehensible thinking for you to believe that where you put your eye you could put the bullet.
The fact that it had worked so far was a matter of, once again, pure luck: you and the girls were mostly a fuck buddy relationship, like it could happen with Yeseo, Shuhua or Rei. They all knew their position and had no emotional bond with you beyond a simple friendship.
Then there were those you considered friends with benefits, a group that included Dani, or Jiheon, or Sumin, or Haewon herself. With them the relationship wasn’t that different since sex was something common, but you did have an emotional bond with them; they were real friends, and you loved them.
Still, very few of those relationships had been born as a whim of yours alone. The rest had been thanks to Sully, Chaeyoung—better known as Lee Isa— and Hanni. Your three babies. Your three loves. They were far from being just friends; there were very strong feelings involved.
You didn't have to push your luck any further. Just no. But those tripleS girls… good lord.
Okay, enough. You were going to let whatever had to happen happen. You weren't going to force anything or play with fire.
You had been deep in your thoughts, and checking the time on your phone you realized that it had been over 20 minutes since Haewon had gone to the shower.
Of course she didn't take long to call you. It wasn't necessary to answer, you just left the phone on the couch and ran to your room. You weren't surprised to find Sully face down on your bed, in her panties and sports bra. Now she was playing Genshin Impact. Next to her was Helios, licking his paw to run it over his head.
You looked to the left. The tall black glass wall that separated the bedroom from the bathroom was closed. Behind would be Bae, having probably the most peaceful moment of the day in the bathtub, music in her ears and incense burning.
You turned to Sully, who hadn't noticed your presence yet since the door was open.
You cleared your throat and leaned your shoulder against the door frame.
"Honey, are you coming?"
“Uh…” Sully took a few seconds to put the iPad down and look at you. "Where, daddy?"
"To the bathroom, with me and Haewon."
"Oh…" she looked thoughtful, then grimaced. "No, I'm exhausted and I don't feel like it anymore for today. I'm sorry daddy."
You smiled and nodded, understanding.
"Nothing to be sorry about, dear," you walked over to the bed, knelt on the edge of it, and leaned forward to kiss her cheek, shoulder, and forehead. "But for the love of God, put on some clothes, or take a shower, I don't know."
"But Bae is using the bathroom!" she objected.
“Bae is using the bathtub,” you corrected. "Not the shower."
"That is the same!"
"Of course not. You can use the shower while she uses the bathtub."
"She's seen you naked before, hasn't she?"
"Yes but…" she looked at her iPad and groaned. "Ugh, fine."
Sully reluctantly stood up and went to the glass wall. You stood up too, as Haewon was calling you again.
"Don't be a brat, you weren't going to sleep with me without taking a bath."
"You weren't going to sleep with me without taking a bath," she imitated you in a silly voice, then she stuck her tongue out at you and slid the glass just enough for her to get in without you looking inside.
What bad influences did. Sully was full of them.
You let out a long breath and, before Haewon went out to find you herself, you went to the guest bathroom.
It was considerably smaller than the main bathroom, with the sink just in front of the entrance, the toilet to the right, and the shower to the left. Inside it you found Haewon, already completely naked in the shower, with the phone in her hand. She had removed her extensions, and her short hair was held to the sides of her head by two clips.
And she wasn’t happy. Not at all.
'Haessal' was the pet name you had for Haewon. It was the closest thing to a Korean translation of 'Sunshine'. Besides, it was like a cute modification of her real name.
"Haessal my ass," she said as you closed the door behind you. "Come here."
You nodded and looked down. You undressed as quickly as you could, but Haewon's gaze burning into your skin made you nervous and you almost crashed into the wall on the right. You cleared your throat to hide your embarrassment, and once naked you went into the shower with her.
"There was no reason for you to spend twenty-five minutes out there," she said, and turned her back on you to slide the glass closest to the sink to leave her phone there. Then closed it again.
You took a step forward, which in that small space left you with your body pressed against hers. Your cock against her round ass. Haewon turned her head and glared at you, as the water from the shower fell between her body and yours.
"I was spending some time with my daughter, woman, can you blame me?"
You surrounded Haewon's body with your two arms, one of them just below her breasts, which you raised a little. The tight hug made the water fall on the back of your neck, but also that you could now feel almost every corner of her against you. Then, you started kissing her neck.
"Liar. I could hear Girls Never Die from here," she said, cold as ice despite your attempts to melt her.
"It was just the song, I was petting Rory."
"You're lying again. I could hear the stage fanchants."
You let out a sigh and gave up, your face buried in her neck.
"Very well, if you insist so much."
With one arm around her abdomen you exchanged positions: she was now on the side of the wall opposite the shower, which now fell on your back. As upset as she seemed, she didn't put up any resistance when you placed a hand on her neck and forced her to bend forward, her hands resting on the ceramic wall.
You got on your knees behind her, her round, firm, perfect ass inches from your face. Having that view was like seeing one of the seven wonders of the world, especially if you looked down a little further and found those beefy thighs ready to be made to tremble.
You didn't make her wait much longer. You grabbed her buttocks, one in each hand, and spread them apart to bury your face between them. You directly attacked her butthole with your tongue, which made Haewon tense up and let out a gasp that you knew was originally a moan, but in her desire to appear cold, she had hidden it.
Let it be a challenge, then. You loved challenges.
Not only did you lick and kiss Haewon's butthole, you also went down every few seconds to lick her pussy, between her folds, and inside her. You squeezed her buttocks, which transformed into two anti-stress masses with a smooth surface and spongy texture. You spanked one of them, and the drops of water on it splashed on you.
"You're cheating again…" she gasped, and you could hear a hint of a moan. "Don't you know any other method to calm me down?"
"I know several," you replied, now working with greater eagerness on her butthole. "But then we'd get cheesy, and right now I just want to fuck the anger out of you."
"Then fucking do it, coward," she snapped.
You spanked her again, harder, hoping she would shut her mouth once and for all. To your surprise she let out a whimper, muffled against her pursed lips. You continued the licks around, against and into her butthole for a few more seconds. But soon your cock felt painfully hard.
You stood up, spit on your hand and brought it to your cock to lubricate it. Then you held Haewon's waist with your left hand, while with the other you guided your tip to her pussy to sink into it with a single slow motion.
"Mmmgh yes!" she moaned loudly, and bit her lower lip hard. "Fucking finally."
If someone told you that even Haewon's pussy was muscular inside you would have believed it without many questions. You gasped, delighting in how extraordinarily good the softness and warmth of her walls felt wrapped around your cock, which was now completely inside her.
"This was what you wanted, wasn't it?" You growled, placing your free hand on her waist as well. "Now moan for me, you tough bitch."
Haewon's pussy was already well lubricated thanks to her own fluids, which meant that you could slide in and out of her without any resistance. That allowed you to hammer her hard and mercilessly right from the start.
She couldn't hold back any longer and finally grimaced, moaning with each frantic thrust that took your cock completely in and out of her. The sound of her firm flesh colliding against yours rang out over the falling water, and reverberated between the walls of the small bathroom.
"Do you think that damn wonderful ass is for decoration?" she asked, looking at it as you make it jiggle with each crash. "Spank it, squeeze it! Hmmgh!"
Complying with such a request was mandatory. But maybe you had gotten a little carried away, since once the first spank fell, you continued again and again. Haewon moaned at first, but with the last few those moans turned into screams of pleasure. You didn't stop until those beautiful buttocks were so red that they looked like they were about to bleed at any moment.
With the spanks covered, you dedicated yourself to squeeze and massage her buttocks, which had to intensify the itch generated by the burning on her skin. You didn't mind, and neither did she, since she was enjoying it even more than you.
You left one hand on her left buttock and brought the other to her hair. It was a shame it wasn't as long as before, but that didn't stop you from grabbing a good handful of it and pulling back.
"Oh my god keep going! You're gonna make me cum so hard!" Haewon screeched, as you pumped without a small hint of exhaustion.
Haewon pursed her lips and wrinkled her forehead, frozen in what were the seconds before her orgasm. She exploded with just a few more thrusts, and slammed the side of her fist into the wall with a grunt.
But you didn't slow down; you fucked her through her orgasm. You grabbed one of her thighs and made her lift her leg, which you held in the air below her knee. Haewon's body was now slightly sideways, allowing you to watch her pair of wet tits bounce again and again.
She was no longer moaning, now she was whimpering. When she opened her eyes to look at you you could see tears in them. Perfect. Did she not want to be railed? May she reap what she sowed in you.
"Are you gonna fill my pussy, you fucking liar?" she growled with a hand on your chest, looking at you with eyes overflowing with lust. "I think you should hurry up. I'm crazy about draining those balls with my mouth too."
You gritted your teeth and groaned in pleasure. You hugged Haewon's thigh with both arms, clinging to it like a koala to a branch. She stretched even further, putting her ankle over your shoulder to rest it there. Now, with that posture worthy of a ballerina, you had the perfect angle to make you enter the final stretch.
Haewon went back to whining. Between that dirty talk towards you she hadn’t realized that another orgasm was just around the corner, because while you destroyed her pussy with fast and strong thrusts, she came again.
She put a hand to her mouth and let out another grunt of pure pleasure, her eyes rolled back. The visual input of her twisted face, the way her thigh trembled under your arms, and the suffocating grip of her pussy were more than enough to make you explode inside her.
"Ughhh!" you growled, resting balls deep inside her as you painted the walls of her pussy in her white. "My god!"
“Oh fuck yes…” she sighed, caressing your chest with her fingers. "That's… put it all inside."
With slow and deliberate pumps you made sure to leave every drop of your load inside her. When you were done, your cock came out like a plug and let a whole ass waterfall of cum seep through her folds and fall to the shower floor. This quickly dissolved in water and disappeared into the drain.
"Let me fucking kiss you for the love of god," you said with a gasp.
"You know I never say no to that," Haewon replied, with a hint of a smile.
"Liar," you said, and took her leg off your shoulder.
Haewon giggled and let you approach her. You turned her around, wrapped your arms around her and lifted her into the air. She gripped her strong thighs around your body, and wrapped her arms around your neck. Then you stuck her back to the wall and kissed her.
It could have been 5 or 15 minutes, you couldn't really tell, because when you kissed Haewon, her addictive lips made you enter a deep trance. You could just go on and on, but a greater need called you.
"Mmmh…" Haewon moaned softly, as you pulled away from her lips and took one of her tits into your mouth. "I was starting to wonder when you were going to give them some love."
"Ever since I got in the shower you've treated me like a piece of trash," you said, perhaps with a little too much drama.
The fact that her tits seemed bigger every day was not an exaggeration at all, although perhaps it was just a product of your mind, which had a special fixation on them. But how could you not have it if those pair of mounds bordered on perfection?
"My god, you're such a crybaby," she teased with a giggle, her fingers affectionately stroking the hair at the nape of your neck. "Would you forgive me, sweetheart?"
You licked and sucked on her nipples, up and down in a slow, tortuous rhythm. Haewon let out another small moan.
"Hmm… it doesn't sound like you mean it," you murmured against the skin of one of her soft mounds, and began placing kisses around her nipples.
"Honey, I spoil you too much," she said, and cradled your face so you were looking into her eyes. "Would you forgive me, please?"
She fluttered her eyelashes and looked at you with a pair of adorable bright eyes. Now she was the one who was cheating; she used her natural charms to manipulate you.
You narrowed your eyes.
"Only if you fill me with kisses."
She raised an eyebrow, amused.
"Didn't you say you didn't want to get cheesy?"
"Do you want me to forgive you or not?"
She rolled her eyes and dutifully placed kisses on every corner of your face, and you found yourself smiling like a fool. Maybe you were a little too spoiled by her.
"Forgiven," you said when she finished, with a little smile.
"Uh huh, now put me down," she patted you on the back twice. "You know I have work to do."
You took her off the wall and let her get off you. As soon as her feet touched the floor, she carefully lowered herself to her knees in front of your cock, still quite smeared on the tip by your own cum. Haewon then took it by the base and the first thing she did was take your tip into her mouth to clean it with gentle sucks.
"Mmm…" She pulled you out of her mouth and placed kisses around your tip. "I hope those balls can give me at least two more."
"Try your luck and see what you find, Haessal."
Haewon stuck her tongue out and planted it under your cock. With a slow head movement she licked upwards, and in the same motion she took half of your shaft into her mouth. You let out a gasp and crossed your hands behind your back. She gave a small moan, as she took you in and out of her mouth.
You took one hand from behind your back and brought it to her cheek to rub it with your thumb; then you placed it on her head, and stroked her hair as she took a couple more inches and sucked more and more hungrily.
She brought one hand to your thigh, and left the other around the base of your cock. Her head pumps became faster, and her suck sounds louder and sloppy. Haewon wasn't able to take you completely inside her mouth, but she sucked what she could so well that it wasn't even missed. She wasn't as prodigious as Rei or Yoon, but she was very good.
Every few seconds she would pull you out of her mouth for air and lick your cock, up the sides, around your tip and also down to your balls to kiss them while she masturbated you with her hand.
After a couple of minutes of messy blowjob, Haewon decided to finish you off quickly. Your cock was slippery, with a thick layer of saliva on top of it which she used to add her hand and move it in combination with her mouth. You gasped, already noticing the consequences on your body. Then she looked into your eyes, expectantly, and used a trick that always worked: she spread her knees and arched her back, so that you could see her magnificent ass raised. That was an instant nut for you.
“You motherfu…” you growled, and gritted your teeth the moment you started shooting a load into her warm mouth. Your hand on the back of her head.
Haewon removed her hand from your shaft and placed them both on the shower floor, now using only her mouth to drain your cock at a slow, sensual pace. You noticed how she swallowed every drop of it, while she let out soft moans of pleasure and slurped every inch of your shaft available to her.
She finally took you out of her mouth, and when you saw your cock, you noticed it was clean and shiny. Haewon caught her breath and filled it with kisses, then she looked at you.
"Delicious as always," she said, and you didn't need to see her tongue to know that your load was probably already all in her stomach. "But there is still a hole to fill…"
You, still shaken by your recent orgasm and with your cock sensitive, looked at her and offered her your hands. She took them, and stood up with your help.
“And I will,” you stated. "But can we do it outside? We haven't even had a real shower."
She rolled her eyes.
"Yeah yeah, whatever. Come on, you go first."
She gave you a little push and you ended up under the shower. Luckily the water was warm, but that didn't stop you from almost accidentally swallowing some of it. You didn't say anything, you just lowered your head and let your hair get wet.
Haewon took the soap from behind you and rubbed it all over your body. She did an excellent job, but she refused to accept your help when she reached your most intimate parts, which made it somewhat intrusive. But at that point you didn't care about that. It's not like you haven't touched every part of each other's bodies before and like she doesn't have maternal instincts with you sometimes.
By being ready you returned the favor to her. A perfect excuse to feel her entire body slippery against your hands. Just like she was with you, you were just as intrusive. But of course she didn't care either, on the contrary the only thing you did was turn her even more, and she hurried you so that you could finally go outside.
Finally, when you were both showered, you turned off the faucet and you both went out to dry yourself with the same towel. Haewon finally took off the clips holding her short hair up and took your hand to lead you outside. Rory was still asleep on the couch, which of course made it impossible to use.
"Do you want to use the balcony?" Haewon asked, gesturing towards it.
"Huh? Are you sure?" You raised your eyebrows. "We still have the guest room."
"I don't feel like using a bed, to be honest. So yeah."
"Come on, then."
This time it was you who led the way, with Haewon holded to your hand. You walked to the left, towards the glass door that led to the balcony; it was covered by the blinds, so you first had to roll them up to slide the glass and get out.
The space was relatively small: a table and two black chairs located on the left side, a plant in the corner, and a small stool with an ashtray, a pack of blue Marlboros and a lighter on top, in the opposite corner.
However, the strong point of the balcony was not the space, it was how it was located: not a single building in front, several meters high, and with a beautiful view of the entire south of Seoul behind the Han River. The perfect place to sit and drink a beer, smoke a cigarette and relax after work.
Or in those cases, to fuck and give a show to the whole city. You had used it a few more times already, once with Chaeyoung and the rest with Jiheon, who always got very horny at the idea that someone could see her being fucked.
"Wah, I never get tired of this view," Haewon said, and she went to lean on the railing. The wind blew against her face, and it made her hair flutter.
"And I never get tired of this one," you responded from behind her, staring at her ass.
You pulled out one of the chairs and positioned it right in the middle of the balcony, facing forward. You sat on it.
Haewon looked over her shoulder at you and looked down at your flaccid cock. She smiled and bent her upper body down, her hands resting on the railing. That left her ass inches from your face.
"How about we bring it back to life?" she asked with a mischievous tone of voice, then she lowered her ass and sat right on top of your cock.
She rested her hands on your knees and started moving her ass back and forth, your cock being kneaded between her butt cheeks. That didn't take long to make you hard, and Haewon let a satisfied moan escape from her as she felt you firm against her skin.
Even though she already had the job done she didn't stop; she continued with even more energetic, passionate movements. You placed your hands on her waist, feeling her athletic abdomen from the front with your fingertips.
"A little dry, don't you think?" you asked, biting your lip as you grabbed her butt cheek.
Haewon looked at you over her shoulder.
"I have the solution for that," she replied. "But I don't think the wind is going to help."
Haewon then spit on her hand and wrapped it around your cock to rub it just a few times, enough to cover it with a layer of saliva that served as lubricant for the assjob she began to give you.
You let out a gasp, watching as your cock was the filling of a firm meat sandwich. You ran your hands up Haewon's back, then over her shoulders and down her sturdy arms. Then you reached around her body, grabbed both of her tits and kneaded them while she moved her ass in wide, slow circles.
She moaned and removed her hands from your knees, so that the full weight of her ass was crushing your cock against your abdomen. Then she leaned her body back, and she put her hand on the back of your neck to kiss you, continuing to rub your shaft between her buttocks.
"You don't want my thighs?" she murmured between kisses. "I wouldn't want you to cum like this; it would be a waste."
"I thought you wanted it inside your ass," you replied, and reached down with one hand just to reach her pussy and subtly touch her clit.
"I do want it," she raised her ass and reached for your cock again, but this time she spread her thighs a little to put it between them. "But since we don't have lubricant available, we will have to use our natural resources."
Well, that night your balls would end up like a pair of dry chestnuts. You wish you had prepared better, but Haewon was as unpredictable as a dice roll.
Now, you couldn't complain in the slightest. Receiving a thighjob from her was like going up to heaven, being touched by an angel, and coming back down to earth on a cloud. She squeezed her thighs on either side of your cock, but she didn't consider it enough, so she crossed one leg over the other.
"And so you expect me to last until I fuck your ass?" you gasped, and pursed your lips at the stupidly overwhelming pleasure of having that pair of strong thighs crushing your cock.
Haewon placed a couple of kisses on your jaw and caressed the back of your neck.
"I don't expect you to last," she replied, purposely tensing her thighs to further suffocate your cock. "I intend to use your cum as lubricant for my ass."
Before you could protest she leaned forward again and grabbed onto your thighs to move up and down, so slowly that it felt like your cock was going in and out of a rolling mill. That's when you noticed how really athletic that girl was, since she only had one foot on the floor while she worked her triceps to go up and down.
"Oh my god yes," you gasped, clinging to her waist. "Use me as a gym."
Haewon giggled and nudged your thigh.
"Maybe another day I'll use you for my squats," she said, and she started moving faster.
You let out a louder moan, closed your eyes and let your head fall back. There was no possible way not to feel removed from the physical plane when Haewon gave you a thighjob as tight and stifling as that. At that moment you could say with complete certainty that you'd rather fuck her thighs than her pussy, but Haewon was such a complete package that an opinion like that changed from one day to the next.
She stopped just for a second and spit on your cock. Saliva fell on your tip, hot and thick, and spread over the rest of your shaft as Haewon's thighs went up and down.
You opened your eyes and straightened your head. Her sexy back was your focus for a few long seconds, but then you looked down at her ass. You couldn't just sit still while that woman melted you, so you sucked on your ring and middle fingers and brought them to her butthole.
Haewon was startled, but then moaned when she felt your fingers rub at first and then penetrate a few inches into her tight butthole. When half of your fingers were inside her you simply left your wrist still, so that she could fuck her own ass at the same time that she stroked your cock with her thighs.
Soon your moans were joined by Haewon’s, who in a moment turned to look at you and asked you with a nod to take the rest of the length of your fingers inside her. So you did, raising your wrist so that your fingers were buried knuckle-deep inside her butthole.
Now Haewon, with a new motivation to up the gear, sacrificed some pressure around your cock just to gain speed. You hardly noticed any difference, since you were so close that just that slight friction on both sides was enough to take you down the hill.
Your fingers went comfortably in and out of Haewon's butthole, who in search of more pleasure moved as fast as her own arms would allow her. Unfortunately for her, the work her thighs were doing quickly paid off, and with a loud growl you exploded between them.
She realized that you were in the throes of an orgasm, but she didn't seem to care; she continued to move painfully fast as your fingers continued to act as her personal dildo.
"H-hey… stop!" you growled, and gave her a careless spank while you were still shooting cum streams onto the air.
Haewon screeched and finally stopped. She turned to look at you with her brow furrowed. She then looked down, realizing that her thighs and your cock were covered in cum.
"Oops," she said with a giggle.
"Oops my ass. Come here."
You took your fingers out from inside her butthole and with the same hand you pushed her forward. Haewon fell to her knees on the wooden floor, and automatically bent her back to make a perfect arch and rest her hands on it.
With her ass raised and presented to you, you stood up, pushed the chair behind you with your foot, and knelt behind her. Your cock was still hard and soaked in your own fluids; you took it with one hand, and as painful as it seemed at first, you buried it inside Haewon's butthole.
She moaned, but you let out a pained groan.
"I hope you're on my damn side when we play Monopoly," you said thinly, as your cock easily slid into her.
Just like Haewon wanted it, your cum served as a makeshift lubricant. It felt strange, but it fulfilled its function perfectly. With rather a minuscule effort your cock was completely inside.
"It's a game of chance, darling, I don't think I can do much about it," she replied, her head falling between her shoulders.
You placed a hand on her ass and gave her butt cheek a gentle squeeze. Then you started pumping your hips slowly. Your cock was still sensitive, so you felt more pain than pleasure at first.
"Give me squares, skip turns, I don't know."
She leaned on her forearms to turn her head and look at you, her mouth slightly open and her brow furrowed.
"And you don't want me to rob the bank too?" she raised an eyebrow.
You shrugged, and stopped moving.
"I mean, if you can."
"No, I can't! The girls would be upset!"
You rolled your eyes and shook your head.
"How boring."
Neither of you two opened your mouths again to do anything other than moan, since you had returned to what was really important.
The pain soon disappeared, but you still gave her slow pumps just to test how well you could move in and out of her. Haewon was already more than well trained for that practice, and especially for you, so it didn't take long for her ass to adapt to you.
Seconds later you started pumping faster and faster. Inevitably your hands went to her ass, which jiggled with each collision of your pelvis. Haewon stared ahead, between loud moans that went away with the wind as soon as they came out.
Inevitably your hands went to her ass, where you gripped each of her butt cheeks with your fingers. You wanted to destroy her, fuck her as hard as you did in her shower. But the fatigue in your body, accumulated after that long day, prevented you from being as intense as always.
Still, neither of you needed excessive aggressiveness to feel good while you were fucking. Haewon, despite being somewhat explosive at times, never demanded to be fucked hard and dirty all the time; it was enough for her that you used your cock well, and that was that.
Luckily that last thing was something you knew how to do very well, even when your hips and balls demanded a more than well-deserved rest.
Trying not to leave all the work to your hips, you planted your feet on the floor and rose above Haewon's ass. This way you used only your legs while moving up and down as fast as you could, which wasn't too much, but it was enough for her to cum after a minute.
"I'm not done with you yet, Haessal," you gasped, and rested a hand on one of her shoulders as she squealed in pleasure. "Come on, give me another one."
With your free hand you reached under her body to find her pussy. When you reached between her legs your fingers went straight to her clitoris, rubbing it in circles while you fucked her through her orgasm. Haewon responded with a squirm that made her press her cheek against the floor.
Haewon's face was ruby ​​red, as it always was when she was subjected to high levels of pleasure. She was downright adorable, as her round face and cheeks made her look like a fresh tomato. But damn that arched back, that perfect ass up and being fucked, and those sensual moans were hot.
There came a point where your legs also began to weaken, and the sweat began to run down your temples. Sometimes you concentrated to not cum and last longer, but this time you concentrated to do exactly the opposite. Luckily it wasn't too difficult for you; it was enough for Haewon to cum once more for you to do it right after.
You both exploded between moans. You stopped rubbing her pussy and planted your knees on the floor again, as you shot a few spurts of cum into her tight ass. Haewon on the other hand grabbed her own head with both hands, pulling strands of her short hair as she let out whimpers.
You didn't cum as much as you did an hour ago, but enough so that at the moment you came out of her, a small waterfall of thick white liquid spilled out of her dilated butthole and fell to the dark wooden floor.
"Aight, enough for today," you said between labored breaths, and fell backwards on your ass.
"It's not like I'm in the mood for more, you fool," she replied softly, and straightened up to get on her knees. "You've squeezed me out for today."
You let out a laugh.
"I squeezed you out?" you asked in disbelief. "I feel like my dick is going to fall off."
"Oh come on, it was only four times," she supported herself with her hands and with an arduous effort managed to stand up.
“Five,” you corrected.
Haewon whipped around to look at you.
"So you did fuck Sullyoonie earlier, huh?"
You sighed and didn't say anything, you just shrugged since you didn't consider it respectful to admit those things openly.
She clapped her hands and pointed at you.
"I knew it!"
"Of course you knew," you nodded, also standing up as you looked at the mess you had left out there.
"Where it was?" she asked, and took a step forward. "A service room?"
"An empty conference room," you answered without looking at her, more worried about how you would clean everything than anything else. "Now shut up and stay still while I find something to clean up the mess."
You walked inside the house and ran past the front of the hallway to avoid Bae or Sully seeing you. You reached the kitchen and quickly grabbed the roll of towel, under the watchful eye of Rory, who was now sitting on a counter.
"I hope you haven't seen any of that abomination, darling."
After giving the kitten a kiss you returned to the balcony. Haewon looked towards the city, with her arms crossed and leaned on the railing. When she noticed your presence she turned around and leaned on her lower back.
"I see why Sully's cheeks were redder than normal," she said. "She's been kinky lately."
You remained silent and cut several pieces of towel to leave them on the cum stains in different parts of the balcony. Even the chair was stained in places. When they absorbed the liquid, you picked them all up one by one and rolled them into balls.
"You're not going to clean me up or what?"
"Nope, you'll do it yourself while I look for the spray mop."
You didn't let her protest, you simply stood up and left the roll of towel in her arms to go back inside the apartment.
When you went to pass in front of the hallway of the rooms your brain had gone on autopilot, so when the door to your room opened at the end of the corridor you didn't even have time to hide.
Bae, with a towel on her arm, in her panties and in a crop top shirt, immediately fixed her gaze on you. You stood paralyzed, also looking at her and her thin body full of hot curves. She scrutinized you, especially your lower part.
"Uh…" she looked at the floor, and then at the door to her left, which was the guest room.
The risk of her seeing you had completely slipped your mind. It was your house, and you were more than used to all the girls who went there seeing you naked. But Bae had never done it. It had to be, of course, in an uncomfortable situation.
"Nice body," you said, since it was the first thing that came to mind.
Bae looked at you again; she stayed quiet for a few seconds while she detailed you.
"You too."
You both nodded slowly, and then you looked towards the kitchen.
"Well… I'll get a mop," you pointed with your thumb.
"Yeah, sure," she nodded again, and opened the door to the guest room. "I… I'll go get dressed so we can play."
"Sure," you nodded again, and looked at the floor.
You both looked at each other for a few more seconds until each of you continued on your respective path. Then you found yourself with hot cheeks.
Bae was stupidly hot, with a body that looked like it was sculpted by hammer and chisel. But you were forced to get certain images of her out of your head so as not to get horny again.
Still embarrassed, you went to the laundry room and took out the spray mop to return to the balcony. Haewon had already cleaned herself, and she had gathered all the towel balls in a corner to throw them away later.
"I can't believe you let her see you," Haewon giggled as you moped the floor.
You shrugged as you mopped where the chair used to be. That particular floor was always a pain to clean, and this time was no exception.
"Bad timing I guess."
"Do you want me to go get the trash can?"
"No, we can throw the towel over the railing."
"I just don't want anyone to see me!"
You looked up at her and raised an eyebrow, as if wanting to say 'Really?'
"Ugh, right away."
Haewon left you alone for a moment, but returned seconds later with the trash can and an extra mop. Between the two of you, you continued cleaning the balcony and, after about 10 minutes, you left it sparkling as if nothing had happened.
By that point the night was already cold as hell, so you and Haewon went inside and closed the door to the balcony. You went to your room, where you found Sully sitting in the middle of the bed while she watched a video of her on her iPad. She had on her lavender pajama set, and was brushing her hair with Helios asleep next to her.
When she noticed that you came in naked, she looked up.
"Oh, are you done?" she asked, and looked back at her iPad.
"Thank god yes," you gave Haewon a look and turned around to enter through the door that was just at the entrance to the room, which led to the master wardrobe.
"Were you that hard on him?" you heard Sullyoon ask Haewon, while you looked for your clothes.
You pulled out your underwear, a black Celtics tracksuit and a white Puma sweater.
"I wouldn't say that," Haewon replied. "It's not like I forced him."
That wasn't entirely true. You frowned as you remembered how she had manipulated you with the charms you were always weak to. She had slowly dragged you into her web, and although you fell straight, it was all orchestrated by her and her desires.
When you got dressed, you went out and found Haewon already dressed too, in short pajama shorts and a simple t-shirt. She was sitting next to Sully as she caressed the back of the dozing Helios, who was between the two of them.
"Well? Shall we play or what?"
"Yeah!" the two said in unison.
That night's game was a real war.
Sully had been the least of your problems. If you and that girl acted as a team even without meaning to, when the situation called for it you were unstoppable. You bought properties from each other all the time and then exchanged them so you could build.
But Haewon had cared little about your request, and that whole game had been based on her and Bae trying to screw you over.
Bae didn't care about winning, she just wanted to be as annoying as possible to the three of you. On the other hand, Haewon was petty as well as visionary. She made you sweat towards the end of the game, but the winner ended up being Sullyoon, for the simple fact of having invested in all the orange properties at the beginning of the game.
After playing the Monopoly game, the four of you went to the balcony wrapped up warmly and spent the time just eating snacks and chatting. It was around two in the morning when you went back inside to sleep. Haewon and Sully slept with you, while Bae slept in the guest room.
You were usually never the first to wake up; someone was always ahead of you. But for some time now you had gotten into the habit of getting up no later than 9 in the morning. It had happened for several reasons: one of them was to feel like you were making better use of the day, another was to fix your sleeping schedule in general, but the most important thing was to be able to give food to the cats when it was time.
That day you had woken up at 8:30 in the morning. Sully was on your left, and on hers was Haewon, on the side of the bed closest to the window. Both still fast asleep.
Careful not to disturb Sully, you slid out of the blanket and stood up with the phone in your hand; you left it on the floating shelf in front of the bed, which spanned the entire wall to the corner. Then you went to the bathroom, washed your face and teeth, and after taking your phone back, you left the room.
As soon as you crossed the hallway, Helios got off the couch and greeted you with a meow as he approached. Rory came out from behind the kitchen island and jumped onto it to sit, staring at you in complete silence.
"Good morning, my loves," you greeted in a tiny voice, as Helios rubbed his head against your calf. You bent down to pet his back, and he meowed again. "Yeah yeah, I'm coming."
You quickly walked to open all the blinds, so that the apartment was filled with beautiful natural light. Then you went to the kitchen, Helios following close behind. Rory got off the island and stood next to you as you picked up each of their plates from the floor. You put them on a counter and went to the corner of the kitchen, where the huge bag of cat kibble was with a scoop inside. You served a considerable amount on each plate, and amidst desperate meows you put the plates in their places for them to eat.
Their water bowl was still half full, so you didn't consider it necessary to pour more. Instead, after grinding the beans, you set about making your everyday cup of espresso. While it was being done, you went straight to get a box of cereal and a carton of milk for breakfast.
By the time the espresso was ready you had already poured yourself the cereal, so you took the cup with the coffee, put two teaspoons of sugar in it and took it along with the bowl of cereal to the dining table.
Not even five minutes passed when you heard a door open, and then another, probably the bathroom in the hallway. It couldn't be Haewon or Sully; they always used the bedroom bathroom. That only left one option.
After a while you heard the door open again, and seconds later Bae came out of the hallway.
Thank goodness you had already finished a good part of the cereal, because it would have spilled out of your mouth when you saw Bae, again in panties and a crop top shirt. Just like she was in your awkward encounter last night.
"Good morning!" she said, as she raised her arms to stretch them, an action with which she revealed more inches of her perfect, slim torso. You could almost see what was under that shirt, but she lowered her arms immediately.
"Good… morning," you replied, and took a sip of your espresso while between small glances you admired her long legs and her small waist.
"Wah, I really slept deliciously."
She sat next to you, in the chair facing the end of the table, legs crossed in the most attractive way she could choose.
"Yeah, that room is pretty comfortable," you nodded, and took another spoonful of cereal, one of the last. "What are you doing awake this early?"
"Well…" she rested her elbows on the table and her chin on her hand. "It just happened, why?"
"You never get up early."
"But this time it happened, what's wrong?"
"Nothing," you shrugged. "It's just weird. Are you up to something or what?"
Bae was silent for a few seconds while her gaze wandered around the table, in the end she pursed her lips and shrugged.
"In short, you're up to something," you confirmed, and grabbed the cup and the empty bowl to stand up. You went to the dishwasher. "Do you want me to make you something for breakfast? There's cereal, eggs, bread…"
There was no response from her while you were washing the dishes, but you did hear the chair move back. By the time you looked over your shoulder, Bae had already hugged you from behind and pressed herself against you.
You wrinkled your brow, and looked into her eyes with your hands still full of soap.
"May I know what you are doing?"
Bae squeezed you into her arms, and pressed one of her knees to your side. She rested her chin on your shoulder and leaned closer to your ear.
"Oppa…" she lowered her voice, almost to a whisper. "Do you think I have a nice body?"
That's where the shots were going, then. You should have guessed. But in the mornings you were not at your full brain capacity.
"What's that question about?" you looked away, as you now washed the bowl and spoon.
"You seemed delighted about it last night."
She planted a hand on your abdomen, caressing it gently up and down.
"I don't know what you're talking about, honestly."
You left the sponge in it’s place and removed the soap from the dishes with plenty of water.
"No? You were almost drooling…" she whispered. "You fucked me like four times with your eyes."
You couldn't help but let out a sly smile as you set the clean dishes aside. Then you left your hands rested on the edge of the dishwasher.
"I wasn't the only one, as I remember."
"Because you're hot, oppa," she replied with a giggle, and then lowered her hand to rest on your bulge. "And your cock looked… delicious."
Bae began to knead your cock gently, slow and deep movements. You held your breath for a moment, and resisted the urge to turn around and put your hands on her. You wanted to see how far she would go.
"If you wanted to taste it you just had to say so last night," you said, and looked down. Your cock was already getting hard thanks to her hand.
Bae laughed.
"And share you with those two?" Of course not," she said. "If I'm going to taste you for the first time, I have to do it alone."
Bae stopped moving her hand to put it between your sweatpants and boxers. She found yourself with your already hard cock, which she wrapped with her hand and then lowered it to your balls as well.
"Fuck, I don't think all that will fit inside me…" she murmured against your neck, where she placed soft, wet kisses. "My pussy is too tight."
"Oh my god…" you gasped, and let your head fall to the side to give Bae free rein on that side of your neck.
She didn't mince words and pulled down your bottoms to free your cock immediately. Then she stroked it slowly, while she used her other hand to rub your abdomen under your sweater.
Unable to resist anymore you slowly turned around and came face to face with her. You stared into each other's eyes, Bae still with her hand stroking your cock. Then you put your arm around her slender body, pressed her against you, and kissed her.
The way that girl kissed immediately reminded you of Sumin: just as insecure at first, but with a gradual increase in hunger as the seconds passed that led to her attacking your mouth with her tongue, which by the way you could notice that moved in a prodigious way.
The kiss lasted for a few long seconds in which she continued to move her hand up and down your cock, slowly until your precum began to leak between her fingers. You, for your part, had your hand clinging to the side of her torso, which you then moved to caress her back and lowered it again to grab her ass.
That made Bae let out a small moan against your lips and pull away from them. She then looked into your eyes once more, and with her gaze still on them, she fell to her knees with your cock right between her eyebrows.
"I've done this like only once in my life," she said, as she wrapped her fingers around your base. "So don't scold me."
"I'm not going to scold you, Jinsol," you replied. "You know how to use that tongue very well. Just use it and it will be fine."
Bae nodded slowly and stared at the piece of meat in front of her eyes. She looked at it for a few brief moments, as if wanting to decide where to start. She finally decided to comply with your statements, and she planted her tongue on the underside of your cock to lick it up. You gasped and rested your hands on the edge of the dishwasher behind you, while Bae swirled her tongue in slow circles around your tip.
“Fuck, like that…” you pursed your lips. "But- oh fuck…"
Before you could finish your sentence, Bae beat you to it, and fulfilled exactly the suggestion you were about to make: she took you inside her mouth. It was just the tip, but she sucked it gently while she gave it quick licks.
After a few seconds she worked up the courage to take a few more inches and begin pumping her head in calm iterations. She looked into your eyes frequently, making sure you were enjoying every little wiggle of her tongue. Which you certainly did, since such control was incredible.
Once Bae was sure she was doing a good job she relaxed and let herself go. Decision more than beneficial for you, since now she was taking her mouth further and further away, and to your genuine surprise, almost to her throat.
"What the fuck," you moaned, and your forehead wrinkled in pleasure. "How…?"
You didn't even bother trying to find an explanation. Some people were simply born with talent. Apparently Bae knew how to do that just because, and without any effort.
She gave you a few long, slow pumps and pulled you out of her mouth with a slurp at your tip.
"You like it like that?" she asked, moving her hand on your saliva-soaked cock. "I can go faster if you want."
“Oh god no,” you shook your head. "That's perfect," you nodded for her to continue.
Bae then took you into her mouth again and this time she prolonged her gentle, deep blowjob for an incredible two minutes in which you were constantly with your toes curled and your mouth gaping. You would have loved to cum inside her mouth, but you had other priorities right now.
"Alright, get up," you ordered between gasps.
She obeyed you immediately, and as soon as she stood in front of you, you wrapped your arms around her small waist and kissed her again. This time you took complete control, invading her mouth with your tongue while your hands roamed every corner of her tight body. You focused your attention on her lower back and her waist, places you constantly clung to because of how stupidly good they felt under your fingers.
Bae brought her hand back to your cock to try to rub it again, but you stopped her and grabbed both of her arms so she wrapped them around your neck. Then you had free rein to take your hand between her legs and rub her pussy over her bluish panties, which you noticed were wet already.
She moaned against your lips and gripped her fingers in your hair, as she rubbed her thigh against your balls. You then put your hand inside her panties to reach her pussy, which was extremely soft to the touch, and rubbed her clitoris in slow circles.
You separated from her lips and focused now on her long neck, whose pretty skin you filled with wet kisses. Bae let out an adorable, soft moan close to your ear, as you ran your fingers up and down between her folds, which were starting to get soaked.
“Oppa, fuck me already…” she moaned into your ear. "Please."
The only reason you decided not to continue teasing her was because you were almost as in need of it as she was. And how not to be, with that tight and soft body in your arms.
You took a few steps forward with her until you had her lean against the island counter, then you grabbed her waist with your hands and made her sit in the exact same place where last night you had eaten Haewon.
Not willing to waste time you brought your hands to the hem of Bae's panties and quickly slid them off her pretty pale legs. She then spread them wide open, revealing her pretty glistening pussy to you as she stared into your eyes.
You positioned yourself between her legs, and took your cock in your hand to rub the tip of it between her folds. You made a gesture to get inside, but she put a hand on your abdomen.
"Can I do it myself?" she asked, and she bit her lip pointing at your cock.
"Go on then," you nodded.
Bae leaned back, rested her left elbow on the marble surface and took your cock in her hand, rubbing it between her own folds and then bringing it to her entrance, where you gently pushed to insert your tip.
You both let out a small moan, as your cock slowly but surely made its way between her folds. And damn, she wasn't lying when she said she was too tight. For a moment you thought you were going to get stuck halfway, but with a little patience and saliva—literally—you were able to bury every inch of your cock inside that stifling space.
"It looks like every inch did fit inside you…" you smiled, and put your hands behind her knees as you gave her a moment to get used to your thickness.
"It seems so, yeah," she responded between agitated gasps. "But I feel like you're going to tear my cervix, oh my god."
You chuckled, and gripped your fingers on her thighs.
"You'll get used to it."
With that said you began to move back and forth, as slowly as you could at first while giving the tight walls of Bae's pussy time to stretch around your throbbing cock. It was a long and tortuous few seconds, but in the end the pumps became smooth and easy, enough for you to be able to move freely.
Bae couldn't afford to be loud, and she knew it. That's why her moans were so discreet. But her face, painted with a subtle blush, and her sensual expressions said it all. She laid her back flat on the counter, and covered her mouth so she could let out a few louder squeals she had pent up.
You released one of her thighs and left the palm of your hand on her lower abdomen, where you could feel the tip of your cock slightly bulge her skin with each pump, which became faster and stronger with each second.
From her lower abdomen you moved your hand up, to reach under her small cropped shirt and grab one of her tits; they were tiny, but you felt a pair of small, soft, adorable nipples that you pinched with your fingers.
Bae's thigh tensed and trembled under your left hand fingers. She now had both hands covering her face, her back arched and her toes curled so tightly they were red. And then, after a minute of her pussy being rapidly fucked, she exploded with a louder whimper that she was unable to stifle.
The feeling of having her pussy that tight around your cock reminded you of Haewon's thighjobs. It was suffocating, like it was going to squeeze your cock and crush it like a rubber toy. Even you let out a moan as you carefully fucked her.
Bae removed her hands from her face and brought them behind to grip the edge of the counter. Her face was even redder than before, her bottom lip bitten and her eyes squeezed shut. Her spasms made her back twist, and caused tremors in her thighs.
When her orgasm had passed you pulled out from inside her pussy and laid your cock flat against her abdomen. She leaned on her elbows and looked at you between labored breaths.
"Wanna ride me, cutie?" you asked, and caressed her toned abdomen up and down.
She quickly nodded.
"I'd love to, oppa."
"Then come here."
You took a step back and helped her off the counter. Afterwards, you took her hand and guided her to the other side of the room, towards the couch that, thank God, was completely free to use.
The couch had a square area on its left end that looked more like a small bed. You knelt on top of it and crawled until you turned around and placed your back between the cushions, with your legs extended forward. Bae also climbed onto the couch and straddled you, thighs pressed tightly on either side of your hips.
"Can I take that shirt off?" you asked. "It's been bothering me all damn morning."
Bae pressed her pussy against the back of your cock and very subtly ground her hips. She then nodded and lifted her arms, so that you could immediately remove her shirt and leave her completely naked on top of you.
"And me? Can I take that dumb sweater off or what?" she asked, and gave it a couple of tugs.
"It's one of my favorites, have some respect," you replied, and then raised your arms too.
She immediately took your sweater off and tossed it next to her shirt. Her hands planted themselves on your chest, which she slowly rubbed before diving back into your neck with kisses and bites.
Now that you two were completely naked, the rubbing between your bodies and the touching became a sensation as magnificent as fucking. You wrapped both arms around her slim waist and pressed her body against yours, your fingers gripping her flesh firmly. Meanwhile one of Bae's hands slid between your bodies until she reached your cock, which she stroked at the same time she rubbed it with her pussy.
She kept kissing your neck, and she soon focused on your collarbone. She then raised her hips, and straightened your cock to completely impale herself on it again. You let out a moan, but Bae just bit her lip, made you look at her and then kissed you before moving her hips up and down.
Your hands immediately went to her waist and a few seconds later they went down to her ass; Bae's went to your neck, before completely surrounding it with her arms and deepening the kiss. You were the only one moaning against the other's lips, which immediately made you realize that her goal was for you to enjoy it more than her.
She hugged your head and started moving her hips faster, with a skill and smoothness that left you surprised. That girl knew what she was doing, taking your cock all the way in and out of her, with movements that could have easily caused you to unintentionally pull out of her. But hell no, the control she had over her lower body was impressive.
You soon found yourself stunned. The girl you least expected turned out to be the one who rode cock the best of absolutely everyone. That, combined with her tight, toned, curvy body, her tight pussy, her cute round ass, and the sexy changes in her countenance made her a complete menace of a woman.
You couldn't help but moan again and again against her lips, until she had no choice but to break away from the kiss, just to stare at you while you melted with pleasure.
"Do you like the way I ride you, oppa?" she asked, with a cute and innocent tone.
You squeezed both of her buttocks hard and couldn't help but give one of them a little spank out of pure instinct. Then you sank slightly into her couch so that your face was level with her small tits.
"I fucking love it, fuck," you moaned, and put your hands on her back so she could bring her tits closer to your mouth. You took a nipple inside and sucked and licked it.
"Oh yeah?" She let a small moan escape her as you ate her small but delicious tits. "How much?"
"No one has ever ridden me as good as you right now," you gasped, and closed your eyes before letting your head fall back, your mouth half open in an O and your brow furrowed.
“Then fill my tight pussy oppa…” she rubbed your hair, and as if it were possible, she moved her hips even faster and harder. "But hurry up… who knows when those two will wake up."
You didn't even need her to rush you. You were already dangerously close to cumming from the moment she started moving her hips. It took less than a minute for you to put your arms around her waist again in a hug, and then explode inside that dangerous prison called pussy that she had.
Rarely did someone make you moan as uncontrollably as Bae did in that moment. She even had to cover your mouth as she moved her hips slower and felt you shoot your entire immense thick load inside her.
"Oh my god," she gasped. "You came a lot, oppa. And it feels so warm and nice…"
She removed her hand from your mouth and kissed you again. Meanwhile, you again held on to her ass as she slowed down to a complete stop. You two were tasting each other's mouths for a few long seconds, until she raised her hips to take out your cock. The only thing you could feel was the abundant amount of cum falling into your abdomen.
"Do you want a clean?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Fuck, do whatever you want," you sighed, eyes still closed.
Bae got off you and knelt next to you with her ass raised. She brought her face close to your abdomen and didn't hesitate for a second to lick the pool of white liquid from end to end. You opened your eyes and watched in silence as she collected every drop of it with her tongue and swallowed it.
"Since when…?" you wrinkled your forehead. "God, nevermind."
When she finished cleaning your abdomen she then took your cock and repeated the same process, until it was clean and shiny. She then sat back on her heels and looked at you with heavy breathing.
"Can you make me some fried eggs and sausages?" she asked, and tilted her head.
You couldn't help but burst out laughing. That girl was quite a specimen.
"Aha, but get dressed and go get the girls up. I have to get you back a little before 2 because I have to turn on stream early."
"And why don't you do it at night like always?"
"Because I'll meet you at Korea University. Come on, hurry up."
Bae nodded and stood up. You both dressed quickly, and you started making breakfast for all of them while Bae went to wake them up. You ended up taking them at 1 in the afternoon. By the time you got back home, you did your respective 4-5 hour stream and got ready to go to the campus where the girls would be performing that day—which was admittedly quite far from your house.
But you wanted to see your favorite femboy. And on top of that, you could see those tripleS girls up close. Three birds with one stone.
As always. Thanks for reading! MASTERLIST HERE!
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jasmineoolongtea · 4 months
― in between ⋆⭒˚.⋆
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― the ways in which they act around you when you're in that in-between stage ༘ ⋆。˚
contents: gojo x gn!reader, geto x gn!reader, nanami x gn!reader, megumi x gn!reader, yuji x gn!reader, yuuta x gn!reader, headcannons/drabbles, fluff a/n: heavily based on in between by gracie abrams. if she releases it in the secret of us deluxe edition, i might just explode with happiness. btw thank you sm for blowing up my last post, literally insane of you guys and a big kiss to all of you. also genuine question for you guys, do you prefer the layout i have for my headcanons, drabbles or longer fics? i'm trying to see which one you guys prefer
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gojo satoru never lets his phone ring for more than a couple seconds when it comes to you. doesn't matter where, when or what it could be about, the second he hears your personalised ringtone or sees your name flash across the top of his screen, he's scrambling to try and answer it as fast he possibly can. he could be in the middle of fighting a curse, deep within the throws of battle with a laser focus on the target in front of him and it all goes out the window the moment you call his phone.
you'll never know about it though. for some reason, satoru keeps this fact to himself like it's the biggest secret in the world. he'll always pick up the phone with a carefree lilt to his voice, sometimes even choosing to tease you for calling him when you could have just texted instead. quietly inside, he thanks the universe for giving him the opportunity to hear your voice again.
"gojo," god, he loves the way you say his name, maybe one day he'll manage to get you to call him satoru. "are you sure you're at home right now?" there's a tinge of concern that permeates your voice and he swears his heart beats twice as fast just thinking about the fact that you might be worried about his well being.
"of course! why'd you ask? don't tell me this is your way of asking to come over right now?" you sigh at his antics and he laughs it off, it's like a routine you two do. he keeps jokingly throwing out these more than friendly offers to your constant dismissal but secretly, he hopes one day that he can stop pretending like they're just that.
there's a loud crash coming from his side of the call which only serves your suspicions as you quip back. "no, gojo. i'm asking because i'm hearing noises like you're beating someone up." he curses faintly under his breath at the curse who's off groaning in pain in the distance after being punted into a wall with a flick of his wrist.
you pause for a second as your voice softens "is this a good time to call because if not i can just-"
"no, no." he cuts you off, "i've got all the time in the world for you."
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geto suguru hates it when you cry and hates it even more when you're away. he never thought it would be possible to hear a heart shatter in front of him but that's what he hears every time you shed a tear. you're the definition of angelic as crystalline tears stream down your face and his heart swells with warmth when you allow him to comfort you in his arms.
silently, he pledges to burn down whatever has brought you so much grief and pain as a newfound sense of anger courses through his veins. but before he can do anything, you turn to him with watery eyes and a quivering lip as you ask him to do the unthinkable.
"stay." you plead quietly.
"okay." he responds, a soft, comforting smile gracing his expression. he'll never say it out loud but he knows that it's a request, just like many others, he'll accept a thousand times over if it means he gets to stay close to you, even if it's nothing more than this.
if he thought it was painful to see you cry, then being away from you was possibly a fate worse than death. whenever he has to bear the misfortune of being separated from you, there's a part of him that you've taken away with you and is only reunited when you return to him. absence is said to make the heart grow fonder but he's pretty sure it's humanly impossible for his to do that as you're already the one it beats for. even across the distance of a phone call, it's still not enough for him to hear but not see you as it simply makes him crave your presence next even more.
he's rarely ever let anyone in like this before but the day you see him exhausted, dishevelled and broken and still choose to remain at his side, despite his protests, is the day he's sure that you're the only thing he'll ever want for the rest of his life. you claim it's under the guise of being friendly yet even satoru hasn't seen him like this. you might not know it but he does.
he doesn't say much, instead choosing to bask in this moment of mutual comfort and closeness as even at each other's worst, you both know that you'll still be okay.
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nanami kento says that he's new at this when you toe that delicate line between the two of you. you're new to this too. he's scared and you're scared, however, the fear is not enough to stop this. when does the line of being just friends end and the line of calling each other lover start? or is there a secret in-between stage that the two of you are stuck in like right now, where the other waits with bated breath to see if someone takes the risk to make the first move?
you've been friends for as long as you can remember running into each other that one fateful day within the rectangular walls of jujutsu tech. however, there's always been a whisper of something else there as well. it's been something the two of you have danced around with lingering glances and silent, 'accidental' touches in public spaces. the two of you have seen each other through the growing pains of adolescence, nights of broken hearts and awkward first dates and now with an added layer of professionalism as recent coworkers.
when it was nanami who was the one who rescued you from those times when you were left cold and alone in a random restaurant somewhere, you know that you've had enough of waiting on somebody who doesn't care about you. as he places his hand on your shoulder, ushering you into his car with his jacket dropped across your figure with the utmost care, he knows that you deserve so much more than whatever this world can offer and he can only dream of being the one to give this to you.
between you and him, there's an invisible wall of all the labels you have each barricade the other behind in an attempt to hide under a sense of familiarity but now in this moment, you want nothing more than to tear it all down with your bare hands. he reaches out to you, threading his fingers through his and in one swift move, he's done the impossible and has crossed over the holy ground that lies beneath you.
"do you think this is a good idea?" you ask him, your voice barely above a whisper.
"positive." he responds, more resolute in his answer than in anything he has been in his life, and you swear sparks fly when you kiss.
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fushiguro megumi loves your eyes and your smile and you love how he talks late at night when there's no one there. it's like a silent agreement between you two, one that you always honour. whenever one of you guys can't sleep, you will go to each other's dorm rooms and knock twice and you guys will stay up and talk until either the sun comes up or you both fall asleep.
it doesn't take a genius to say that megumi is a guarded person, with his walls so high you might even lose sight of him behind them, so it only makes it even more precious when you're able to see him like this in the dim light of the moonlight pouring in through the window. his skin is illuminated by the glow and the way he sounds when he's speaking with his soul bared open in its entirety makes you want to forever immortalise this moment in your memories. you think about all the people who have missed out on experiencing him like this with how his eyes sparkle with passion and how he breaks out into a grin at the slightest joke, leading you to mourn silently for their loss. however, you think of how vulnerable he lets himself become around you, knowing that you'll stay here with him no matter what, and the sweet nothings you hear him whisper to you when he thinks that you've fallen asleep and you realise this a secret you'll want to keep just between these walls.
on the rare occasion that megumi loses his battle to sleep first, he'll silently reach out for your hand and pull you closer to him. you're not sure if he's doing this consciously or unconsciously but you chose not to comment on the growing red glow of his ears as you sink into his touch.
usually, however, what happens is that you fall asleep first as you make your way onto the pillowy fortress that is either of your guys' beds. as you begin to drift off, he's always there watching over you like your very own moody guardian angel. this is the most he'll let himself indulge in your closeness, for now, as he takes comfort in the familiarity of this in-between stage.
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itadori yuji tells you that you're beautiful, funny and smart like nothing he's ever seen. he swears on everything he loves in this world, a list that includes you but you don't need to know that yet. you brush off his compliments with practised ease as you try to fight the burning sensation that is spreading across your face. deep down, you can feel your heart fluttering at his compliments but then you think about how you shouldn't be feeling this way about someone who's your friend.
"itadori, you're exaggerating," you say, shoving his shoulder playfully. he pretends to feign hurt, rubbing the impacted area with a slight pout. adorable, you think to yourself before bringing yourself back into the present moment.
"no, it's true really! if you don't believe me, i'll just keep saying it over and over again." he asserts, ever so confident in his stance. it's all true to him, just like how the sky is blue and the grass is green. he'll be the first one to say how pretty, amazing and talented you are in a room full of your biggest supporters and he'll be the first one to say it again when there's no one else.
you roll your eyes half-heartedly at him, trying your best to act nonchalant despite wondering if he might ever feel more for you than your current state of friendship. "you don't say that to your friends. what about nobara, you don't say this to her, do you?"
"yeah, but she isn't you," he responds back. you don't answer him, choosing instead to point out an ice cream stand in the far distance and he lets you tug him along with you. it's okay, he knows that you're scared of whatever lies ahead for you two. he understands that you're worried that he might like you in that way, although he thinks that it's a bit stupid you're still so unsure about it when he wears his heart on his sleeve whenever it comes to you. whatever is it, he'll be happy to go along at your pace, just as long as it means he gets to be by your side like this.
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okkotsu yuuta is so good to you and it makes you want it more than everything in between. is it greedy to say that you want more than whatever you two have right now? the longing stares, the lingering touches and the way your faces light up when you spot each other in a crowded room. sure, those were all fine for a bit but how long were you able to survive on just that when he was right there next to you as a constant reminder of the possibility of something more.
you never thought that you would be able to meet someone like him, someone who treats you as if you were the best thing to ever happen with so much care and love radiating from his very being. the way his hand brushes your cheeks when you get even the smallest cuts makes your heart feel like it's about to fall out of your chest with how he takes extra care to scan over your appearance for anything, pausing for a second on your lips. you think to yourself, he must be doing this on purpose, and you want to curse at him for playing with your heart but when he smiles at you with those half-moon eyes, you can feel all of that melting away and more.
the only person you can blame here for your current predicament is yourself really, you were the one who drew the line in the sand when the two of you first met. just friends, you said but in your defence, you had just learned about his history and how cold and empty his has been as well as how much you've been hurt in your own past, so you decided to do what was, at the time, what you thought was best for the both of you. only now, every day you spend with him makes him wish that you would one day wake up and finally take that jump.
yuuta also shares your sentiments, actually ever since he first saw you he knew that you were the one he wanted to live and breathe for, but he doesn't say anything for fear of scaring you off. he knows about your worries, your doubts and your fears and as much as he wants to tell you that you should throw caution into the wind and that he'll take that step for you, he also knows that he can't. so for now he'll do his best to quell your nerves with a gentle hand on the small of your back and a fleeting kiss on your cheek that you'll someday trust in yourself and him to fall headfirst into this new unknown territory, outside of this in between.
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hedgehog-moss · 4 months
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Good news! I managed to find the last dandelions of the season :) I really thought I'd missed the window to harvest them this year; it's usually a late-April activity for me but it rained so much in the past couple of months, it just ruined my flower-harvest schedule.
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The only dandelions left where I live are all in their wish-granting puffball phase, but I thought I'd try my luck at higher elevations—yesterday I called a neighbour who lives 150 metres higher, it went something like "Hello I would like to inquire about your dandelions and what stage of their life cycle they have reached." Neighbour told me if I hadn't introduced myself first she would have assumed I was a salesperson cold-calling to pitch a product ("You sounded so professional.") But she confirmed that she saw a few still-yellow dandelions during her last walk! Pandolf and I were immediately on our way.
Neighbour also told me that the cows were out in one of the pastures I was about to cross, but I didn't tell Pan, it was a surprise. He was so happy! Look at him bouncing his way towards them:
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I was ready to call him back if the cows looked nervous, but instead more cows arrived to meet this visitor, to Pandolf's extreme delight (I had to call him twice before he deigned to stop greeting cows and join me on my dandelion search.)
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Usually I just sit in a pasture covered with thousands of dandelions and I barely have to move to fill my basket, but in late May the harvestable dandelions are few and far between, so I had to walk long distances to find a couple here, a couple there—and I had to really inspect the tall grass, where they are much better-hidden than in April grass.
And guess what else I found in the tall grass?
A lion!
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Worse! it's Texas :) I guess he is officially a recurring character. (Here's Texas' memorable introduction, for those who missed it.)
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He makes Pandolf look small and scrawny!
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I went to say hello to his owner but she wasn't home, so we returned to our dandelion field, followed closely by a suspicious Texas.
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Sure, I'd scritched his ears and it was nice, but he's a diligent guard dog and unlike Pandolf he doesn't think friendly ear-scratching and malicious intent are two circles that can't overlap. But once I showed him my harvest he lost interest in us. Catching dandelion thieves is not in his job description.
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Another animal I had to negotiate with were pollinators, who were clinging to the last few dandelions even though there were other wildflowers for them to feed from. They probably thought I was being similarly unreasonable with my single-minded focus.
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I also found an adorable tiny spider in my harvest—she was dandelion-yellow and perfectly camouflaged to hunt insects in there! Here she is giving me a tiny spider high-five (or maybe angrily shaking her fist at me as I deprived her of this ideal hunting ground)
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I let the llamas out to eat the weeds in my (still not planted) vegetable garden, like last week, as I started the long and meticulous process of destemming 400 dandelion flowers one by one. It started raining at some point but I had to stay outside to keep an eye on Pampe—it wasn't cold at all, and after the initial "oh no! rain" reaction, it started feeling pretty nice and meditative, sitting outside in the soft spring rain with the animals while preparing flowers.
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I proudly told my mother that despite being one month late I managed to make 5 jars of dandelion honey just like last year, and she complained about shrinkflation seeing as I used significantly smaller jars than last year. I'm sorry but that's just called making clever use of packaging to meet unreasonable customer expectations in difficult times. Plus, I used 1 more lemon than usual in my recipe, so what this product lost in quantity it gained in quality. ("That's what they all say," she tutted)
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(If my hen looks grumpy it's because she was sheltering from the rain under the table and I unceremoniously caught her and dropped her on top of it to enliven my photo. Not only did she get wet but she felt used, like a mere prop. She's back in her sheltered spot and it's been over 10min but you can still hear muffled resentful clucks when you walk past the table.)
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smutoperator · 5 months
Under Her Skirt
Choi Yewon (Arin) x Male Reader
Tags: A2M, acrobatic 69, anal, ass eating, ass-to-pussy, balcony sex, carry fucking, cheeky, choking, cute but slutty, daddy kink, dirty talk, (lots of) facefucking, face slapping, facial, miniskirt, objectification, rough sex, schoolgirl, socks, spanking, specs, spitting, squirting
Word count: 5143
For the last couple years, you and Arin seemed frozen in time. Ever since Oh My Girl renewed their contracts and moved towards sporadic activities, you have had very few chances to see Arin in person. All your opportunities would come from festivals where they would always play the same songs, and all you could do was watch Arin jiggling her cheeks on stage from afar.
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After you saw Arin perform in a schoolgirl outfit, wearing specs and looking cuter than ever, but also sexier than ever, you knew this drought had to end. You had to get Arin at all costs. It had become a matter of life or death for you. As you managed to dribble their managers and snuck into backstage, you found the beautiful, cute Arin right there, her heartwarming smile in full display when she saw you.
"It's been a while since we last met," Arin said. "I still remember when you used to warm me up backstage before Music Bank," she continued. "Can we do this again, even if just for today?" you asked. "Sure, meet me at home; I'll be waiting for you," she said.
Arin sent you a few pictures of her schoolgirl outfit before she even published them on Instagram. Truth be told, she missed you too and had been craving it for a long time; that backstage smile wasn't for nothing at all.
Arin greeted you with her stage outfit still on. Her glow-up since you two last met was quite amazing. The more you looked at her, the more your lust for her grew. Flashbacks of her riding you with her cheeky butt already popped into your mind, of you carrying her and spanking her ass while going nonstop inside her holes. It was long overdue to bring it back.
It turns out Arin wanted it just as much as you did. As you sat on the chair around her house's table, she took a different route, sitting on top of the table itself with her round cheeks and advancing towards you, giving you sexy kisses where you could feel how much she missed you.
"You want this, baby?" Arin asked you. You didn't reply, but the expressions on your face already made your answer clear to her. And your next move, even more so, as you jumped from the chair and grabbed Arin by her neck, immediately answering back her torrid kisses. You took your coat off as Arin's sexy mouth quickly heated you up. "You're still the same whore from the last time we met," you told her, giving her face a little slap. "But I'm a lot more experienced now," Arin pushed back.
"Then let's cheek it; I mean, check it," you said as you reached under her skirt. God, you really missed those cheeks. The moment you grabbed them, you already wanted to explode. Memories of you clapping it and spanking it hard flashed into your eyes. You placed Arin's body on top of the table and already took her panties off. Her lifted skirt stays on, just like her socks and specs. You are very much enamored by this look on Arin, like you never were before, and ready to show it to her.
You duck your head under Arin's skirt and start eating her pretty pussy. That cute schoolgirl facade is only present in her outfit. Everywhere else, Arin is just the moaning slut you always knew her for, as she closes her wonderful thighs around your head the more you stimulate her sweaty pussy. Soon, your fingers replace your hands as you kiss Arin and let her taste her hole while your hands make her even wetter. Arin just falls back onto the table and enjoys the finger-fucking session.
"Yes, please, please," Arin begs right before you kiss her. But you've got different plans. Carrying this petite doll was always one of your favorite things, and you do it again as Arin clings to your mouth and keeps kissing you.
"Turn around," you say as you drop Arin to the floor after a little while. As you give her skirt a little lift, the thing she's most known for is already on full display. You waste no time ducking between her fat cheeks, circling your tongue around both her holes. But this time, her asshole gets the most attention, as you already tongue it deep and soon remind yourself how much better it tastes when sweaty. Arin just moans and spreads her legs.
Arin starts jiggling her ass as you eat her out and grabs your head to dunk it deeper between her cheeks. Her reaction makes you go even crazier, as you suddenly get up and give Arin an order: "Let's get this off," you tell her, as she tries to take her top and tie off while you choke her and finger her pussy at the same time.
"Ohhhh, I missed that touch so much," Arin says. "Of course you did; you're an insatiable whore, always jiggling those cheeks on stage," you punch back, yanking her top off. "It looks like you enjoyed that jiggling, didn't you?" Arin said. "Look at how hard you are; I've been noticing it the moment you entered my house," Arin replied, touching your pants right where your erection lied.
"Then get on your knees and worship it, bitch," you tell her, unbuttoning your pants. Arin quickly wraps her hands around it and licks your shaft from top to bottom multiple times before she sloppily sucks it. "Open that mouth, bitch," you tell her as you grab her hair and start fucking her beautiful face, your balls slapping nonstop against her chin. As you stop with your cock impaling her throat, Arin moves it even further, testing herself and getting ready to gag hard on that shaft.
"Spit on my mouth, please," Arin says, opening it even further as soon as she gags on your meat. You give her what she wants and kiss her once again shortly after, quickly moving to keep the facefucking going. You had forgotten how messy she gets when her pretty face gets pounded, going from a cute, classy maknae straight into a slutty cocksleeve.
"You like to fuck that cute little face, don't you, baby?" Arin asks as she goes back to blowing that pipe off. "But you like it better when I turn into this cock-sucking slut, right?" she says as she finishes her aggressive blowjob, taking all your shaft in, including giving a lot of love to your balls.
"You're going to detention today, you slutty schoolgirl," you poke at her, aggressively taking Arin's bra off and exposing her perky tits. More kissing ensues while you rub Arin's cute boobs before slapping them. "Tell me who's daddy's whore?" you ask her. "I am!" Arin laughs.
"Get in there," you say as Arin places her small head between your legs. You feel really dominant watching her face get fucked in that position, giving you the perfect view of your manhood bulging under her throat while your balls hit the glasses in her specs.
"AHHHHHHHHH. AHHHHHHHH." Arin screams from the top of her lungs once you pull out of her mouth. "Shut up, bitch," you tell her, covering her mouth with your hands as soon as she screams. Instead, Arin licks your fingers nonstop. "My pussy tastes really good," she says once she finishes it.
You take your shoes off, making a stomping noise on the woody floor of Arin's house. Clearly, she hasn't learned the lesson. Now you fuck her face with your fingers, going deep into her pussy. "How does that taste, cunt?" Arin tries to say some words, but your cock mutes them. "Louder, I can't hear it," you tell her.
Arin coughs all over your cock, but little does she know you're about to get even spicier. You grab her by the waist and flip her upside down. "Don't let those specs fall down," you say to her. "YESSSS!" Arin gets excited and licks your cock as you grab her lower body and eat her pussy while she's upside down. Down low, she maniacally licks your shaft.
"Who told you to do this?" you ask her, spanking her ass and thrusting your prick right back into her face. Arin gets punished hard as her cheeks slowly turn into your favorite color: red. Upside down, a cock deep in her throat, a tongue deep in her cunt—it's incredible that Arin still manages to keep those specs on and still finds strength to bob her head on your dick as soon as you stop fucking her face, which leads to yet another punishment spank from you.
You flip Arin back and kiss her. "Yes, baby, it looks like you enjoyed that 69, didn't you?" you rhetorically ask. "But we are just starting," you say as you grab her neck once again. "Bend over," you order right after, placing your hands in her cheeks as you go back to rubbing her cunt.
"Time to get punished, bitch," you tell Arin, sliding your cock in her pussy. "Oh fuck," Arin gets caught by surprise with a monster suddenly inside her cunt, but instinctively bends over from long years of experience. "YES, YES, YES, FUCK IT!" Arin yells as you are already clapping her massive cheeks, giving her no room to breathe and attacking hard from the start. "Please destroy my pussy, AHHHHH," she begs as you pick up the pace.
"Fuck me just like that, hit me deeper," Arin keeps demanding as you pump her pussy nonstop, spreading her cheeks and moaning while you grab her arms behind her back. You push her body towards yours and give her a crazy pounding in standing doggy, treating her pussy like a fleshlight and making her cheeks let out loud noises each time you thrust deep inside her.
Arin has to cling back onto the table not to get obliterated, as you stop a bit to admire her meaty cheeks. "Get down," you tell her, taking advantage of a submissive Arin is bending over to eat her desirable butthole as she jiggles her ass and lets her cheeks hit your face. You put a finger up her asshole, but it's so warm you can't resist but to shove your whole cock inside it shortly after.
"Use my asshole; I know that's what you want the mo... AHHHH," Arin says. "Don't worry, bitch, I'll use it like my personal toy," you tell her, fucking her ass and spanking her cheeks nonstop. "Please, shove that cock deep in my ass," Arin continues to say. You love how her facial expressions change with each pumping and spanking you give her. "Oh my God, you fuck me so hard," Arin says. Even for a slut like her, it's hard to take such a big cock at such a fast speed in her butthole.
"USE ME. USE ME. USE ME. DESTROY MY TINY LITTLE ASSHOLE, FUCK!" Arin keeps screaming. The more she talks, the harder you fuck her ass, and the louder her cheeks clap. Not even five minutes in, but she can barely stand up, getting fucked like an animal as you go raw on her.
"I love how you fuck me," Arin says as soon as you finish ramming her. You slap her face as soon as you hear those words, which she loves. "Are you going to fuck me like your dirty little bitch?" Arin asks, clearly wanting more. You let your actions do the talking, grabbing her and leading Arin towards the balcony, pinning her against the glass door. Arin can barely hold onto the glass as you manhandle her ass, her moaning mouth, and her sliding hands, leaving an imprint on the glass on this foggy, cold day. 
"OH. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK," she screams, her little tits now hitting the glass nonstop as she has no control over her body, getting plowed like a slutty fuckdoll that she is. Arin gets grabbed from behind, and your primal urge to destroy her only grows as her whole body gets suffocated between that glass and your dominating self, forcing her to cling as hard as possible to any support, holding the door with all her might just to survive your rough anal rampage.
"Lick that glass, you dirty whore," you say, spitting on it right after you stop pounding Arin, who follows. "I want you to fuck me so bad," she says once she finishes. "What did you say?" you ask her, grabbing Arin back inside the room. Arin laughs. "Then shut up and show me," you say, lifting her leg against the door. "Ready to put it back in?" she demands, giving you a lustful stare. "Give me that ass," you say; indeed, you can't say no to it.
You fuck and spank Arin's ass like crazy. "Keep going, daddy," she says, masturbating herself at each thrust and even using different languages: "Follame el culo," she demands, in Spanish, as you grab her cheeks, but a different one in this case, those in her cute slutty face. Arin gets her face slapped multiple times, but she also retaliates and spanks yours as well, showing she's truly an untamed slut. All that while getting fucked hard in the ass.
"Make me fucking take it," Arin says as your anal addiction to her only grows. "I want you to treat me like the biggest whore you've ever met," she continues. You switch to a standing doggy once again; never stop fucking her butt. "Sí papi, así, así, así," she says once again in Spanish. "Fuck me harder, fuck me harder," she then says.
You indeed fuck Arin harder, making her hold against the door not to get destroyed. Her entire body jiggles, even her little tits. "Make me fucking take it, daddy," she continues. And you make her, gabbing Arin from behind. "GOD, I'M GONNA CUM," she says right after. As you just seem to have endless energy and never stop, her butt keeps getting spanked, her body used like a fleshlight. Her neck choked in such a way that it clenched her entire throat. If Arin really wants to be treated like a sex object, you sure won't object.
Arin gets on her knees to suck your cock. Despite the rampage she just endured, she seems just fine and ready for more, savoring her asshole like a dinner meal and making loud noises with her mouth as she gets very sloppy. Soon you're treating her face just like her asshole, fucking it hard as she nods with your cock deep in her throat, ready to choke on it. You spit on her face as soon as you finish it. "Give it back," she asks for more as you fuck her face with her still jerking your cock off.
"Come in." You grab Arin's hair as she crawls inside on all fours like a dirty puppy. You slam her body into the table and start eating her pussy. "Yes, daddy, make me fucking cum, ahhh," Arin moans as she moves her hips to meet your mouth inside her cunt. Soon, your mouth is replaced by that huge cock, sensing that Arin wants it back inside, begging and moaning as you pump her pussy in a hot missionary position before shoving your whole hand inside her mouth to shut her up.
Arin bites your hand as she chokes all over it, trying to let her moan out as you put the heat in her pussy. As you free Arin's mouth, you give her no time to collect herself, switching straight back to her asshole. The spanking continued, as this time you targeted her milky thighs. "Yes, that's what I want; spank me, spank me," Arin said as you kept hitting her.
You make things even harder for Arin as you shove your hand inside her pussy to add to the pumps you were already giving her asshole. She's on the edge of the table, having to be careful not to fall down. "FUCK. MAKE. ME. CUM," she says, each word becoming more and more of a struggle to come out of her mouth. "Fuck, I'm cumming," she says right after, her nipples fully erected and her body overwhelmed by the anal and vaginal stimulation you give her simultaneously.
Hearing those words makes you increase your speed a lot more, pounding Arin's ass until she squirts and cums all over your hands. You pull out and set your sights on fingering her wet cunt as Arin slides her legs out of the table. "Slap my fucking cunt, yesss," she begs as juices come out of it, and she wants the slapping session to extend into her entire body.
Arin romantically kisses you as she finishes her orgasm. You then turn her body around and place her head, falling out of the table, to fuck her face. "Give me all that cock," she begs as you plow her throat balls deep, and she savors your shaft, letting out loud moans that you can't hear an audible word of. Arin coughs deeper on your cock once you stop your pounding motion, engulfing it with ease. You two spend a couple minutes on this routine, with Arin lasting longer each time you shove your prick deep in her throat, coating your dick full of her spit and creating strings of saliva coming out of your throbbing shaft.
"Fuck that face up," Arin demands as you treat her mouth like a human onahole, reaching under her needy pussy to finger it while your pole is buried deep in her throat. "Yes, gag on that dick, you fucking whore," you tell her. "Fuck yeah!" she answers back.
With Arin still recovering, you grab her body and carry her. She answers immediately by bouncing on your cock while up in the air, showing why it's one of her favorite positions. Her moans are music to your ears as Arin impales herself on your big dick, and you enjoy how easy it is to spank her cheeks. Soon, Arin is kissing you while getting pounded and spanked mid-air.
But you want to pump her harder, dropping to the floor and without pulling out, hammering her pussy upwards as Arin has to hold herself to the edge of the table, getting pounded nonstop down low in her cunt. Your balls slapped onto her cheeks multiple times, turning both of you on even further. "Make those fucking cheeks clap," Arin orders as the pounding continues, only stopping for a couple seconds for you to switch holes and do the same thing but to her already sore ass.
You let Arin twerk on your dick as she made it disappear under her big cheeky butt. You love how she energetically jumps on that dick like an insatiable slut, spanking her cheeks and telling her to go fast, which Arin follows to the degree that your cock slips out of her butthole. Rather than complaining, you just take advantage of it to slide it back in her cunt and be the alpha man, obliterating it once more as your balls go all the way up into hitting her anal entrance with the speed you pump Arin's pussy.
"Let me fucking ride it; I need your fucking cock right now," Arin says as you pause a bit, letting her take control of the ride and impale herself all the way into her cervix. You kiss her and give her already red cheeks a little tap to praise her before she stops, and you two have a clingy and romantic moment filled with kisses, but always with your cock deep inside her.
You push Arin to the top of the table, lying on it while doing so, letting her enjoy a ride while standing tall. "There you go," you say as Arin spreads her legs and settles them on the table, giving long bounces on your dick, going all the way up your tip and then pushing all the way down your balls. "You want to feel this warm, needy pussy?" she asks. "Yes, just like that," you reply. Arin's moans get sexier as she shows her love for riding big dicks. "All the way deep in my pussy," she says while her bounce continues, and you get a perfect view of her hole getting stretched out every time she takes your cock in and out of it.
Arin's moans get louder as she spreads her cheeks. "Look at me taking all this fucking cock all the way in," she brags. "Time for you to use that fucking pussy again," she commands, as you push up it and Arin gets her sex manhandled while mid-air, the loud noise of her clapping cheeks filling the room once more. "FUCK. FUCK. FUCK," is all she can say, defenseless as your cock stabs her cunt like nothing, making her skirt wave at each thrust.
"FUCK. FUCK, I WANT ALL OF IT," Arin screams, still mid-air. "Nonstop, nonstop, nonstop, nonstop, nonstop," she starts singing one of her group's hits while giving you an order at the same time. "YEAH. YEAH. YEAH. FUCK. I'M CUMMING." Arin gets destroyed as you show no mercy for her cunt; the more her cheeks clap, the harder you pound her. As soon as you run out of stamina, Arin grinds her pussy on your cock sideways, coating it with her juices, and kisses you to show gratitude for fucking her like a whore.
Arin flips to the opposite side, diving to taste your cock full of her juices from both holes. You get up a bit to watch her marvelous mouth work all the way down your shaft as Arin deepthroats it in full force and makes even louder noises as she keeps coughing on that dick. More deepthroating ensues as you duck her head into your crotch until she gags.
"Is that what you want? To fuck me hard like a dirty little slut?" Arin asks as you choke her, and she fingers herself. "Put it back in my ass, please," she says, lying on the edge of the table as you penetrate her already gaped butthole. "Give me more; destroy my tiny little asshole," she continues as she moans, and you spank her little. "Use that fucking asshole, yeah," she keeps saying. "Choke me," Arin demands as you oblige, while placing your thumb in her mouth.
"Back and forth, switch between my holes," Arin keeps demanding as you take turns between her anus and cunt and tease her before settling for another hard ass-fucking that she loves. "Yes, please, stretch my ass like that. I love it. I love it in my fucking ass. Stuff me up, stuff me up," she tells you. The anal pounding continues, but you surprise her with another switch to her pussy, enjoying the whole back and forth hole-stretching, but truth be told, Arin has a favorite one.
"Please put it back in my fucking ass; I want you to use it," she begs. You go back into her asshole just as she wants, turning her cheeks even redder. "My ass is so fucking wet for you," she keeps talking dirty and praising the wonder of her tiny little stretched anus. 
You clap Arin's cheeks against the table as you increase the speed of your anal fucking. "KEEP FUCKING ME, PLEASE!" Arin screams as her asshole gets destroyed. "Harder, harder, yesss!" She pushes you to the edge, demanding the best effort you can bring to fuck that ass, yelling nonstop even as you choke her. Your thobbing cock tingles, and you almost cum at the spot as her clenching butthole smashes it, but you respond, fucking her even harder as she tells you she's ready to cum again.
"FUCK YEAH. USING MY FUCKING HOLE!" Arin gets even louder as she squirts after a long and rough round of anal. You aid her into releasing those juices as you massage her clit, letting a geyser come out of her cunt as Arin gets into a fetal position for you to slap her cheeks once again, her body sliding over the slippery table as you dive to eat both her holes out and then spit on her slutty face.
"Keep going down my fucking clit, daddy," Arin says as you continue to eat her pussy, her skirt fully lifted as you dive under it. More passionate kisses ensue between both of you as Arin puts her long legs over her head, letting you take her in a mating press up her asshole.
"Drop that fucking cock deep inside me; drop it in my ass," Arin tells you as you push it back in her anus. "All the way deep in my fucking asshole, please," she continues, sticking her tongue out. "Shut up, little cunt." You have enough of her slutty antics and shove your fist down her throat, fully topping Arin as she lies over the table.
You go slow and deep, taking a more passionate approach this time. "Keep going, right in my fucking ass," she says as soon as you free her mouth to speak. However, that makes you flip a switch as you start giving her a rough mating press deep in her butt, making her cheeks clap once again. Arin screams as her swollen butthole keeps taking pounding after pounding.
You move sideways, anally pounding Arin in spooning this time, your balls hitting her cunt while she fingers her clit. "Oh God, fuck," she moans as you grab her right thigh and stretch her asshole. "Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop," she repeats. "I told you to shut up," you say, placing your left hand over her mouth.
Arin is so overwhelmed she starts mixing up languages: "Me encanta the way you fuck my culo, papí," she says right after you go back to choking her. Your balls hit perfectly into her cheeks, making her moan softly. "Ram that fucking ass," she begs, but you have different plans, going back to her pussy as soon as she says those words.
Arin gets softer. "You treat me so well, Daddy," she says as you stretch her pussy out, her eyes flowing with tears of joy. "I love how you use both my fucking holes, Daddy," she continues. You two grow more passionate as you kiss Arin's mouth and neck while never stopping fucking her tight sex. "Keep going, daddy; put that cock deep in my fucking holes," Arin says.
"Slap my fucking titties," Arin demands, wanting to get used like a toy. You follow, hitting her boobs right at her throbbing nipples. Arin laughs as you duck under to suck her tits while still pounding her cunt nonstop, before surprising her and putting her back under a mating press that makes her body slide onde again.
"Fuck, it's so deep inside me," Arin moans as you keep attacking her pussy while up in the air, submitting her to a deep pounding that makes her cheeks jiggle on top of the table as your hips clash hard against them. "AHHHHHHHH! AHHHHHHH! FUCKKKKK! FUCKKKKK! FUCKKKKK!" Arin yells as her pussy clenches all over your cock. You could breed her at the spot, but you hold that urge, pulling her out so Arin can taste her wet juices.
"Fuck my little dirty mouth," Arin begs as your cock approaches her face, pounding her as if you had never left her pussy. "Ahhh, yes, use my face like that," Arin says as you finish, getting number after over 30 minutes of animalesque pounding. And you keep using her face, placing it on the edge of the table, and plowing her throat while lifting her skirt to get the perfect view of her amazing ass. 
At this point, Arin just wants to be a fleshlight. "AHHHH YESSS!" she gleefully screams once you shove your balls deep in her mouth. You push her to the other side of the table, taking a peek under her skirt to finger her pussy while fucking her face, amazed that her specs still haven't fallen off even with her head upside down. Arin bobs her head to meet your thursts as you slow down a bit to massage her cunt. "Holy fuck," you say as she shakes her head all over that meat despite facing down the floor, letting her face fuck your cock instead of fucking her face yourself.
"I want to sit on that cock, daddy," Arin demands. You pick one of the chairs around the table and sit on it, letting Arin slide your cock in her sore asshole, this time in reverse cowgirl, with one of her legs in the chair and another on the floor, giving you an amazing ride. "Daddy still likes to fuck me in the ass like that?" she asks.
Arin puts both legs on your thighs and gives you an amazing anal ride. The more you stretch her out, the more she wants. "Look at this cock so deep in my fucking asshole," Arin brags about her skills, fully impaling her sore anus into that big cock. "Do you like the way it feels in my ass, Daddy?" Arin asks as she keeps talking dirty. "Look how I sit on this cock all the way down in my ass," she continues.
Arin spreads her legs and lets her cheeks clap as she rides your cock, fingerging herself as she increases the pace of her ride. You grab her by the neck, and her butthole clenches even further. "I want to cum with your cock deep in my asshole," Arin says as she continues to bounce, reaching her orgasm shortly after. "Oh, I fucking love it," she says as she stops, giving you free reign to finger her clit and make it squirt nonstop as her legs close and she climaxes.
"Please cum on my face; drop that jizz all over my little, slutty face. I want to feel your warm and hot jizz in my face,  Daddy." Arin rests on the table, recovering from her final orgasm. You jerk your cock off on top of her, and soon she gets what she wants as you coat her specs full of sperm before filling the cheeks in her face with your white paint. Arin stays there, admiring your work of art in her now cum-filled face, sticking her tongue out in pleasure.
"You drained your fucking balls so well all over me," Arin says.
"Oh thanks. I have to go; it was nice fucking, I mean, meeting you again," you reply, as you notice it's already past midnight and you still haven't got back from the concert.
"It's fine," Arin says, with one final condition. "As long as you come back tomorrow to fuck my ass again,"
Damn, she's an insatiable anal queen, isn't she?
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Heat of The Moment
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TW: unhinged Rafe. Dominant sex. Dirty talk. Language. Oral sex. Hair pulling. Cum swallowing.
So the idea I have in my mind is that y/n and Rafe are dating and Rafe KNOWS that every guy wants y/n from tourons, college guys and even his best friends want her. So while y/n was out of town with her parents, Topper accidentally revealed that he had feelings for y/n and tried to date her while her and Rafe was in the talking stage. So Rafe calls y/n and sees where she at. When Rafe gets y/n location he shows up and let out his frustration he had and record them having sex with y/n then send to topper with the message “keep away from my girl”
Maybe y/n older brother have y/n phone and decided to play a prank on rafe acting like a guy had y/n phone
Heat of the Moment
"What the fuck, Top?!" Rafe accuses, holding Topper's phone high enough out of reach. But your pictures remain on the screen. More specifically, pictures the friend of your boyfriend shouldn't have.
"I- just stop it, man-"
"My girlfriend's tits are on your screen! What am I supposed to think?"
"She's in a bikini but it it doesn't matter okay? Just-just let me have it back." But Rafe smashes it before Topper can even brush his fingers against it. His finger is pointed in his former friend's face before he can right Rafe's actions that he believes wholeheartedly are justified.
"Rafe. When you and her were just talking, I...I thought I had a shot. I get that now, okay? I just, sometimes I wonder what if-"
"If I even see you looking at her after this, you won't be able to ever look again."
Rafe was already fuming. He was jealous and curious, both existing to a dangerous degree that meant his knuckles were bloodied more than healed and his voice hoarse from having defended you.
There wasn't a soul within a dramatic radius within the Outer Banks that didn't see your beauty. Whether it was the stunning way your eyes could focus and become instantly lustful with one look at your boyfriend or the way your voice warmed even the coldest of hearts, Rafe Cameron knew exactly what he had.
He just didn't expect to have to have to defend you to someone so close to him- someone who has apparently had feelings for you since before you were officially anything with Rafe. It makes his hands wrap tightly around the steering wheel and his foot practically punch a hole into the floor of his truck as he races across the Carolina road.
He never thought he left it to question. You were his. He was yours. It was as official as it could be without a ring or contract of marriage and yet he knew he needed to make it unquestionably true to the one person it mattered to.
So without a call or text in warning, he is pounding at your front door.
"Rafe? Are you okay baby, you-" He is over your threshold, face between your hands, your body pulled into his as he kisses you between words.
"You know I love you, yeah?" You nod with your hands coming up around his wrists. If you didn't trust him so gravely then you'd worry for the strength behind his hands as he brought you against him.
"You know I'd do anything for you?" He kisses with a grunt, more animal than the man you talked to earlier this morning.
"And that you say our word and it stops, no questions asked? That you know I put you first?" His forehead rests against yours as he waits for your agreement. It takes less than the time of a blink before he gets it.
"Good, remember that because I'm about to fuck you like I hate you." He lifts you around him and up your steps, suddenly too far away from your room.
You were the complete opposite of touch starved and yet you felt as if you had been drowning without his touch, the first moment of contact being an exhale for relief. Only in the juxtaposition that was being his girlfriend it also made you lightheaded.
"Rafe-" His hand comes up over your mouth as he only manages to get to the steps and turns you to cover them. Your knees dig into the uncomfortable wood and yet all you can focus on is the heat of the moment.
"Need to use that word, baby?"
You shake your head as he guides your hands around the open spaces between the bars making up your bannister.
"Then hold on." His belt sounds first and then the rough fabric of his pants being shoved.
"Jesus Christ, baby, I don't even need to spit on my cock, so I?" He leans over you, kicking your legs just wide enough to leave some comfort in the angle. "Always so wet for me isn't that right?"
"Always!" You moan into his hand as he grins against your shoulder before reaching into his pocket.
You hear the wrapper of the confom being torn and make the mistake to turn and see him do it with his teeth. Something about the savagery of it and the heat behind his eyes, still possessing your care above all else, and it sends you drenching the valley awaiting him.
"Safe and-" He moans, a deep honey tone, that makes your toes curl knowing you wrap around him snuggly enough to cause such a reaction.
"Tight, baby! Fuck!" He hits the stairs beside your cheek and yet it does nothing to limit anything. If anything, it spurs you both on as his other hand releases your mouth and you're able to kiss the skin of his fist as if to soften his rigidity.
"How are you so sweet AND sexy-hmm? Always know just what I need don't you baby?" Your body wills itself to endure all that is Rafe Cameron. Every tension soiling his happiness now pumping through every snap of his hips until all that remains is the frustration you know he veils from you. Still, you trust that every shove of him into you is only a method of showing you he cares.
However, it has never been quite this possessive before. Quite this needy. Quite this deep or hard.
And you fucking love it.
His hands can't move fast enough and yet they are graceful and not amateur. He rolls your nipples as he kisses your neck, thrusting without break, and whispering every dirty thought you have constructed in your time apart.
And then he becomes completely and utterly unhinged. Taking you in his lap, he pulls you facing away from him, still seated to the root. He bounces you, one hand around your neck, as the other rubs your clit. It can't be comfortable for him with the wood beneath you and still he is too driven by the cries you're making in the sound of his name to care about anything but this next thrust-or the dozens that follow.
"Nobody knows just how dirty you get for me, isn't that right baby? How deep you take my dick in this perfect little pussy? Yeah?" He slaps your clit with just enough pressure to make you jolt until he lifts his hips and makes you forget of the sting it leaves behind.
"How loud you get? It's a miracle nobody has called the cops yet. You sound like you're in pain, shit-" He turns you to him with the grip around your neck moving to your jaw and turning you to him.
"You good baby?"
"That's my fucking girl?" You're lifted with a gasp following you as he takes you into your room. You are only allowed the reprieve of wood beneath your soles for a second before he's rutting you into the bed. Hand pushing your face into the sheets to somewhat muffle your screaming, all you hear is the repetitive "yeah"s in the mix of your name as he wallows in you.
"Do I have to worry about anyone else ever knowing about how good you feel?" You are torn away from your blissful daze at the question.
"What?" You turn and face him, seeing the phone pointed towards you. The heat from your skin accelerated until it is now the marrow in your bones and you can't cool it, not that you want to.
"Who fucks you deep enough to make you soak his cock like this?"
"Rafe!" You manage as he pulls your hair and makes your back arch for him.
"Who makes you dizzy and shit when he knows just where to hit?"
He pulls you to him, against his chest until you can look up at him.
"Who loves you enough to prove to everyone on this goddamn island you're his?! Huh?"
"RAFE! GOD! YOU, RAFE?" You sob, the pleasure almost painful as he grips your hip with one hand and keeps the phone recording in the other. The video is shaky and then disposed of as his cum begins to shoot from his heavy balls and up his shaft.
"On your knees, baby-" He takes the phone back, pointing it to your face. As always, he kisses you sweetly and runs a thumb over your lips, before you take him behind your smirk.
"Ohhh baby-" You accept him slowly before opening your throat to him. Eyes locked and cheeks prepped to be hollow, you wait as he cocks his head before powering through. He thrusts.
And then becomes a blur.
Only grunts and 'fucks' leave between moans.
"Shit baby, you're gonna make me come- you want it?" He asks, managing to open his eyes long enough to see you nod. Digging your nails into his thighs, you drive him to pulse into your throat, over your tongue, and along with your swallow.
"Open-" he points the camera to show just the good girl you are.
"I fucking love you, baby, and now nobody will question who you belong to again."
"I don't think they do, Rafe..." You laugh it off as he helps you to your feet and into his arms within your bed.
As you fall asleep, you hear him tapping away on his phone before finally focusing completely on you. You rest well within his arms, satisfied in the countless orgasms you had as he reached his own, sweet dreams awaiting you that pale in comparison to what it means to be loved by Rafe.
Across town, Topper's phone buzzes. A video file from Rafe. The new phone, bought not even ten minutes after his last one was smashed sits in wait for the message.
MP4 file.
It is opened. The sound of slurping around the impressive shaft, angry and near completion is spliced with the sight of you spread for him on the stairs as well as the hip of the bed. Your cries are only of pleasure and they echo as the video plays.
"Stay away from my girl." Comes a warning meant for Topper.
Only it isn't Topper's eyes that come to the scene.
And it isn't Topper's life that gets the threat.
It is your brother's and he has just been waiting for an excuse to let out his own rage out against Rafe.
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good-griief · 25 days
losing game pt. 1
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HEYYYY i'm actually back with a lil smutty angsty ellie fic bc i needed to write for this woman... anyway here's part one its only a lil angsty i just wanted an excuse to write rly gay smut so enjoy and p2 tmrw!!
as most of yall know any reader i write (as a poc writer) has no race, i just wanted to use a picture of taylor momsen bc i love tpr and that's definitely the vibe of the music in this fic
part two part three
read me click me
Being in the rock scene was your dream. You started with small gigs, then small venues and festivals, and now you had a band to go along with your music. Your career was kicking off and it felt like heaven; every performance, every song, all the adrenaline made for some of the best nights of your life. 
When you picked your band, you hand-selected each member, and to say you picked your guitarist for any reason other than how pretty she was would be a lie. Yes, she was amazing, but you also couldn’t speak when she walked in for her interview. She just smiled, laughing at the way you stared at her before your manager started talking for you. He often did, she came to realize. 
She still accepted the moment you offered her the position, but she made it clear that she didn’t like your manager. She accepted for you; to be with you.
And she slowly became your favorite part of performing. You had this way of connecting with each other — of course, you were close with all of your band members, but she was different. You’d spend time together one-on-one, smoking a joint and talking about nothing until one of you had to force yourself to go. You’d get coffee together, have dinners, and even spend the night at each other’s apartments. Whenever someone asked about you two, you said you were best friends. Even when she was waiting for you at the end of the carpet, and you both laughed at your answer like it was some kind of inside joke. 
Even when you were onstage, on your knees, singing your most sensual song to her as she melted to your level, smirking as her hips thrust against the electric guitar. Sometimes, she even sang with you. You’d hold her face, or thread your fingers through her hair as you held eye contact or rested your forehead against hers with shut eyes, and if there was a break in the song you’d kiss her hard — a stage kiss that the crowd would erupt in cheers over. But they happened offstage, too… after a shared joint or during a party. Nothing more.
She’d let you place your fingers on the strings of her guitar to find the chords as you stood behind her, her head leaning back on your shoulder in a way that showed the muscles on her neck as she breathed in heavy, hot breaths. She let you wrap your hand around her throat, groaning in your ear as fans caught pictures of you dragging your tongue over her sweat-ridden jaw or biting her shoulder as she grinned. 
There was one night you let her take over the mic as you danced along. She played her guitar, singing and watching you until you sang with her. Your hands drifted down her thighs as you kneeled behind her, the crowd screaming as you lifted her shirt and came around to kiss the line of hair below her belly button. She smirked, stopping her playing and fisting your hair to pull your head back as you laughed. 
Nights when you’d take off your shirt, tossing it into the audience and pouring your water on yourself before she came to lick it up, tongue dragging over top of your breasts as you sang breathlessly. There were times she had to wrap her arm around your back to keep you standing when she did that, the action so intimate, so arousing, that it was hard to remember why you were on stage and not in your dressing room, alone with her. Some nights she’d take her shirt off and give it to you if she didn’t want anyone else to see you, smiling at you with her shirt on before you came over to kiss her cheek. 
There were moments with other band members, but none of them were like her. They didn’t make you feel the same — none of them were her. 
So, when the end of her contract came up and she talked to you about leaving to pursue other things, you were devastated. You didn’t think she’d leave, but after a talk with your manager, her decision was set. 
“I think you should,” you told her anyway. “Whatever makes you happy, Els, seriously. I’ll support whatever you do.” She smiled, taking your hand to kiss. On the inside of her fingers, and yours, you could see the matching tattoos you got months ago, threading your fingers together so they match up. 
You dedicated your last show with her to her. It was a surprise, and she cried when you said it in the beginning, but she just turned away to shake it off quickly. At least, she did until you started crying during a song you wrote for her — it was another surprise from you and the rest of the band, but the minute she saw you crying she couldn’t keep it together. She came over to hug you, kissing the top of your head as she let you hide your face in her chest. The crowd awed, but Ellie took the mic to say you’d be back. She set it down and lifted your head to make you look at her. “I love you, pretty girl,” she said, away from the microphone so no one heard her, but they could sound it out if they wanted to. “Please don’t cry.” She wiped beneath your eyes, ignoring the camera flashes and screams from the crowd. “I hate that I can’t do anything about it right now.”
You smiled. “I’m gonna miss you so much.” 
She laughed at you. “It’s not like I’m going anywhere.” She nodded to the microphone. “Finish my song, I wanna hear the rest.”
“You’re an idiot,” you said, now standing at the mic and making the audience laugh. 
You were such an idiot. 
She never told you what other things she wanted to pursue, but you should’ve known. 
Of-fucking-course she was pursuing her own music. Of-fucking-course she was starting her own band. With yours. Of-fucking-course all of their contracts ending over the course of a few months would amount to this. Of-fucking-course each last show you dedicated to them meant nothing. 
You couldn’t even be mad. It was smart. But you were beyond hurt. 
And she still dedicated her first show to you. She texted you herself, asking you to come. 
When would you learn your lesson?
“I just want to thank you guys for coming,” she said to an audience of mostly your fans. “You might know me — us — from a backup band, but we got a little tired of being backup, didn’t we?” The band laughed. “So, uh, my name’s Ellie if you don’t know… probably don’t,” she laughed as if you’d never thanked or introduced your band before. “And I just want to dedicate this show to the previous artist I worked with. I wouldn’t be here without her, so she means… a lot,” she said it so fucking snarky, “to me, and… I have a few songs for her… if you all wanna guess which ones they are.”
And her first song was the biggest Fuck You song you’d ever heard. 
Still, she texted you after the show. 
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She didn’t ask you to come to another show, and maybe that was because you announced a break from music, or because she was getting so much attention that she didn’t care. You saw her at award shows sometimes, and she would cheer when you won. Of course, you’d cheer for her too, but it never went beyond that. Almost like it was an unspoken rule that you weren’t on speaking terms. 
But the minute you came back to the scene, almost a year later, she texted you for the first time since her first show. 
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You didn’t reply at first. You hadn’t kept up with her at all during your break, your manager telling you to stay away from any of her and her band's promotions and interviews. He had you block all of them and their numbers, but you couldn’t bring yourself to block Ellie’s. And you were glad you didn’t. Usually, you didn’t have your phone on you until late at night, your manager having your assistant handle your messages and social media, but you were about to fall asleep when she texted. As if she remembered your schedule. 
And it prompted you to look her up. Then her and you, and you could see countless videos. 
every time ellie has mentioned “her” compilation was what you decided to click on. It was made by an account that was clearly a big fan of hers, so you readied yourself for any hate that’d be thrown your way. 
The first clip was an interview, asking her why she split from your team. “You know, I really loved her and her team,” she said, “still really love her. It’s just hard being reminded, constantly, that you're a stepping stone and your time is running low, you know? We might’ve held her back if we stayed, and she was moving on to better things,” it sounded like she was quoting someone else. “—I mean, she always wanted us to shine, and I’m so grateful for her. I really miss being on stage with her, but I don’t miss anything else besides her and I think that says a lot.” 
Another was on her way into a hotel, a reporter asking if you congratulated her on an award. You could remember seeing her at the show before your manager called you over just as she was walking your way. She laughed, “haven’t talked to her in months.” 
Another of a sit-down interview with the whole band, your name being brought up and Ellie snapping at them, “You know I really wish people would stop asking me about her.” She got choked up as the others answered, nose reddening when the question finally circled back to her. “We’re not friends, we don’t talk, she doesn’t want anything to do with us, so...” She shrugged, pissed off. 
The next was another interview. It seemed she was just having to get used to being asked about you. “I’ve tried to reach out,” she said, “maybe she changed her number.” 
Another. “She was my best friend, I miss her a lot. I hope she’s doing okay.” 
And another, asking about her songs. “Yeah, I wrote a lot about her — No, I don’t regret it. I feel like it reflects a moment in time, you know? It was a really nice moment — I mean, I still have our matching tattoos,” she laughed, showing the tattoos on the insides of her fingers. 
Another, after a show. She was always emotional after shows, and it made it harder to watch as she wiped her eyes when the interviewer asked what your relationship really was. “I don’t fucking know,” was her answer before she walked away. 
Some of them were sweet, memories you shared that made you laugh. Others made you sick with guilt, like when she mentioned your lack of response or you blocking the band. Some just made you sad. And you felt like an idiot for doing this, but after reading the comments, some defending you for not running your socials or phone, or angry with you for the same reason, you played a compilation of the two of you together from the same account. 
Then you called Ellie. 
It rang once before sending you to voicemail and you just hung up. You kept your attention on the video to distract yourself from how much that stung. 
But she called right back. 
You stared at the phone for a moment, seeing the contact poster of the two of you at her last show with you lighting up your screen and feeling your words get caught in your throat as your eyes stung. You grabbed the phone, answering quickly. “Ellie?” It was silent, “Ellie, I just wanted to say, I had no idea… I understand if you never want to talk to me again, but I—“ You cleared your throat, trying not to sound like you were about to cry. “I’m really sorry.”
“I thought — I didn’t think you were going to — It feels so good to hear your voice,” was what she settled on after stammering through a few sentences. “You have no idea how much I’ve, just, wanted to talk to you…”
You bit down on your lip as you listened to her. She didn’t sound angry, but she clearly had so much to say to you. Her voice was filled with feeling as she went on, trying to get everything out as if she thought you’d hang up the phone at any minute. You just listened, shutting your eyes and bringing your hand over your face as hot tears spilled down your cheeks. You couldn’t bring yourself to understand why you were so emotional, maybe it was the fact that you misunderstood her so easily, or that your manager had ruined your relationship with her, or maybe it was even that you were just getting to hear her talk after so long, but she paused the moment she heard you trying to calm your breathing. 
“Please don’t cry.” She already knew. “I hate it when you cry and I can’t do anything about it.”
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled. “Keep talking. What were you saying?” You looked at your computer, auto-playing something else of the two of you. It was clips of you on stage and during interviews, heads on each other's shoulders, hugging, kissing each other’s cheeks, singing together. You pursed your lips, tears coming quicker as you slammed your laptop closed. “Ellie,” you cut her off, biting at your lip as you looked at the empty spot on your bed she used to take some nights, “what are you doing right now?” 
“I’m on my way,” she said quietly, and you could hear her shuffling on the other line. She was probably getting ready to go to sleep, and wake up to no response just like every other time she messaged you. And you would have woken up with no idea she even texted you. “Do you want me to stay on the phone?”
“If you’re already headed to sleep—“
“I’m coming over,” she said. “I’m already in the car, I’ll be there in ten, okay?”
“Okay…” Now you felt bad for making her leave her house, looking outside at the snowfall and sniffling as you tried to wipe your eyes. “I’ll see you soon.” You hung up the phone and groaned at yourself, shoving your head in your pillow. 
You opened your laptop, typing in the song names people speculated she wrote for you and queuing them all. Not one was the one you heard during her first show, and it made you feel even worse by the time the doorbell rang. You moved off of your bed, wiping your eyes and going to the door to buzz her up to your apartment. 
You waited by the door, balls of your feet kicking at the floor as you crossed your arms and waited for her to knock. It was the same rhythm she used to knock in, and where it usually made you smile, it made you cry more. God, you missed her, and you didn’t even realize how much until now. You took too long to open the door and you heard the lock click. She still had her set of keys, and that made you feel worse, too. She’d probably texted you about returning them, and you never got to see it. Nothing was making you feel better as she opened the door, and seeing her face just made it worse. 
“God,” she muttered, immediately bringing her arms around your waist. She tucked her head into your shoulder, shutting her eyes as your arms went around her shoulders. Her hands held you like you’d disappear the minute she let go, thumbs running soothingly back and forth over your shirt. “I missed you so much,” she said. “They all wanted me to get over it, but I knew there was no way — I knew we had something more than just — fuck, I know you better than they do. I know I do.” Her lips brushed your skin with every word. “I missed you so fucking much,” she repeated, hugging you tighter. 
Just her touch made your tears slow to a stop, relaxing into her hold and hugging her so tight, but she didn’t care. She was happy to be back in your arms. Your hand drifted to her hair, cradling her head to your shoulder. You could remember the nights you spent playing with her hair until you fell asleep and the thought made you run your fingers through it. She sighed, pulling her head back but refusing to let you go. 
There was a silence as you moved her hair out of her face, tucking the strands behind her ear. Slowly, your hand cupped her cold, flushed cheek. She leaned into your touch, eyes falling to your lips as your thumb stroked her cheek. 
“Ellie,” you muttered and she hummed, turning her head to kiss the inside of your palm. “I missed you, too,” was all you chose to say despite the wanting in the way you said her name. Her hand took yours as she kissed the inside of your wrist. “So much…” Her kisses trailed up your arm, with more of a meaning behind them than any of the kisses you’d given each other before. 
You moved your hand back to her face, turning her head toward you. She met your eyes, hers shining in the low light. They fell to your lips again and she leaned in, kissing your cheek. She kissed away every tear stain, still wet and warm. She moved closer and closer to your mouth, but never kissed you, kissing away the stains on your other cheek instead. 
Then you turned your head, catching her lips for a brief moment before she pulled back. There was a moment of hesitation, neither of you able to speak before she pressed her lips to yours. They were still cold from being out in the snow, but they warmed as you kissed her back, pressing your body impossibly closer to hers as she sighed into your mouth. She couldn’t tell you how long she had wanted this, but she knew it was long enough that her waiting for you was pathetic.
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hoshigray · 8 months
idk if you’re taking in requests or thirsts but imagine giving toji a lap dance and even then he’s still the one who’s in charge and shiittt 😵‍💫
i want him so bad 😞
lol, why did I think of a stripper AU when I saw this? Also, this ask is like MONTHS old, I'm so sorry...also tysm for 4.9k guyssss, ur too kind
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: Toji x stripper fem! reader - explicit content; minors DNI - sensual movements; lap dances + bumping and grinding - kisses (f! receiving) - clitoral stimulation - breast fondling + nipple play - biting/nibbling- pet names (angel, baby, sweetheart, sweetie) - no penetration, but things get steamy - cameos: Mei Mei, Nanami and Ino. 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.7k
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You were Toji’s favorite stripper.
You, your coworkers, and all the clients who come to enjoy the show all know this as fact. 
It’s all fun and games that this is your job, and you must cater to all the other men and women who come to see you strut and work your stuff (or else your manager, Mei Mei, would have your head).
But this is something that should never be forgotten. When that raven-haired man with a scar on his lip walks into the premises, everyone has to act right: you’re off-limits because you are his girl. 
Tonight was one of those Friday nights; women gather around the bar top to gather their weekend drinks – and flirt with Kento Nanami, the part-time bartender. Men under the influence howl at the topless entertainers, allowing them to motorboat and stuff cash into their underwear. And Ino, the DJ, plays the tunes that set the mood and keep the place going. 
Toji walks past all of that — he’s not here for it. He strides up to the open area, where there are mini stages abided by booths, a pole for each that comes from the ceiling down. He comes to one of the stages, and a dancer stops midway through her routine to greet the man, ignoring the girls who whine from her mesmerizing dancing coming to a halt. “Toji~, it’s Friday already?” 
“Yup, good to see you, Roxy,” he flashes a quick smile at the named entertainer. “They here today?”
Roxy giggles. “Knew you were going to ask me that. They should be at that back one over there at the corner…Oh! There they are.” She points, and Toji follows her finger to the promised stage and booth at the corner. He grins and gives a curt nod to Roxy before going on his way. “Enjoy the show, Toji~”
At the club corner is a booth filled with tired businessmen who come to drink. But guessing from the grins on their faces, they’re too enamored by what’s in front of them to quench their first. On the pole, twirling around the metal bar, was you. Entertaining the men with the usual routine, a few tricks, and moves to wow the mix of young and old business clients. And they gasp and roar at you, splitting your legs during a high kick.
Unfortunately, though, this was the last of their fun with you. Because after you transition from the pole, taking a client’s hand to have them aid you down the stage, something – or someone – catches your attention from the corner of your eye. You turn and smile, “Hey there, big guy.”
“Hey,” he greets you with a smirk. The guys around the booth watch, most with expressions as if their hearts dropped. Minus one, a young man who felt he should question the man standing next to him. 
“Uhh, excuse me,” he says to the dark-haired, burly man. The other colleagues looked at him as if he lost his mind. “We got this table first, so go over somewhere with the other strippers and—“ 
He could not finish that sentence. Because Toji pulled the kid off his seat with one hand, the poor bastard squeaked at the sudden action. Piercing green eyes bore into his skull, his blood shifting to icy cold. “How ‘bout I have you go somewhere? Either in the trash or six feet under, whichever floats y’r boat.” 
The scared look on the poor kid’s face didn’t change Toji’s attitude. Not even the other guys who were pleading to him to let their friend go, that he didn’t know what he was doing. He did not come here to start something, not tonight. 
And for that, you were the only one who could calmly intervene, dissuading the situation by placing a hand on Toji’s shoulder. “It’s all right, Toji. I was giving these guys a little show before you came in. Now, please let him go, okay? I don’t think Mei Mei would want to deal with another broken arm situation.”
It was the safest option that you spoke to him, his little favorite. So, with a gruff scoff, Toji lets the guy go for him to land on the floor roughly. “You heard ‘em, fellas. Outta my spot.” The entrepreneurs get up and scram with no hesitation, grumbling at the younger colleague for causing such strife in the first place as they walk away somewhere, leaving you and Toji. 
He watches them leave, turning to you when they’re at a respectable distance. Here is when he properly gets a good look at you. God, he could never get enough of you. You were wearing a black laced, caged mesh bra that covered your breasts, matching with lacy bottoms that shaped your hips beautifully. The bra was covered in rhinestones that shined with the club lights, which partnered with the side of your bottoms. And to complete the look, over-the-knee heeled boots that sparkled. A new favorite, Toji thinks.
“Well, now that you’re done terrorizing my guests,” you giggle and gesture to the booth seat. “Ready for me to spoil you?”
“Heh, think that’s the other way ‘round, sweetheart.” Toji chuckles as he takes off his coat and sits down. He notes you staring at his bulky arms for a quick second. You were fast, but not fast enough for him to catch you. “I’m sure y’re ready to drain my wallet.”
You walk between him and the stage behind you, bewitching him with the twinge of your lips as you bring your face closer. “Would that be a bad thing?”
Toji’s hand goes to your cheek, “A pretty lil’ angel like you? I’d let you rob every cent of me.”
The jest does its job of making you laugh before you withdraw your face from his hold. “You know the rules.” 
The older man rolls his eyes but obliges, putting his hands behind his head and shifting comfortably. “I know, I know. No touchy.”
“No touchy.” You repeat, knowing he’s on the same page while you warm yourself up. 
You start with the usual — he likes it. You turn and spread your legs, bending down slowly before him so he can get a perfect view of your ass and underwear. And you take your time getting up, using your hands to entice him by grazing them around your asscheeks. Next, you face him, eyes locked with his emerald ones. Taking one foot after the other, you bend again and place your hands on his thighs, rubbing them while maintaining eye contact. “How was work? Tough as usual?” 
Now, while you have rules of your own, he also has things he can’t share — like the fact that his primary source of income comes from killing people. It’s why he’s always sure to clean himself up before coming here, spending his hard-earned cash to see you. But he humors you with tiny hints, “Mmm, as usual. Broken nose here, blood on knuckles there.” 
You straighten up, placing a heeled foot on his right thigh. “My my, not that you got hurt, right?” 
“Not a single scratch.”
You lift a brow before bringing your leg down to swiftly sit on his lap, snaking your hands up from his abdomen and chest to his strong shoulders. “You’re quite the dangerous one.”
“Sure,” He chortles smugly, “but y’re one to talk.”
You play along, forming a small “o” with your lips to display faux surprise. All the while bouncing on his lap. “Me? Dangerous?” 
“Oh yeah, sweetie.” His eyes never leave your face, even when you sway to the side to measure his attention. “Y’re quite the little minx yourself.” 
Your eyes narrow, inching your face closer, your noses practically touching. “You say that like it’s a bad thing.” Slow grinds to his groin, it makes him swallow. You close your eyes, lips drawing in with a whisper. “Is it?”
Toji closes his eyes as well, falling for your sensual spell. “Not at all…” But nothing comes of it, only a string of giggles as you remove your face from his, poking the tip of his nose with your finger to signal with awake before fully withdrawing your figure from him. He grins, shaking his head. “Fuckin’ tease.”
“I don’t see you complaining, sir.” You throw the title at him with a playful smirk, batting an eye before turning around with your back facing him. You gently sit on his lap and transition your services to that of a lap dance. 
With an arched back, you roll your hips and ride on his lap, your butt rubbing on his jean-clad thighs to create heated friction. And Toji’s eyes examine your figure, from the highlighted skin of your back to the sway of your hips. The view of your butt rubbing on him gets him going, trying to fight the urge to just fuck the rules and grab your ass to grind on himself. Every rasp to his groin tests him to breathe steadily. 
But then, you just had to look at him over your shoulder with that cute, complacent leer. “How ya feelin’ there, big guy? Dangerous enough for you yet?”
Yup, fuck it. Rules be damned, Toji grabs for your ass and brings it down flat on his groin. The action takes you aback – unconditionally out of the accustomed routine. Before you can question him, Toji’s scarred lips are already at your ear. “You tell me, princess. Teasin’ me like that is just askin’ for it.”
You hold back a whimper when he comes to your neck, biting your lips when his lips meet your skin. “Mmmm…whatever happened to no touchy? You could get into trouble—“
“Aww, are ya worrying f’r me?” He snickers to your ear again, listening to you gasp at the buck of his hips to your ass. “Don’t worry, sweetheart, just keep dancin’ f’r me, ‘kay? I’ll take care of you…”
Toji bites the helix of your ear, rolling his hips to hump you. With a shaky moan, you grind on him to match his cadence. You’re nervous; this is against the policy: guests are not supposed to touch the entertainers. And yet, now, with Toji’s firm hands holding onto you and him whispering to your ear, it somehow feels different — a lot more hedonistic. 
You decide to play along, throwing your head back to his shoulder to rest, which gives him more access to kiss your exposed skin. His lips peck down your neck, and quivering wails seep from your lips when he mischievously nibbles on it. Too distracted to detect a hand snake down to your covered chasm. 
Now would be the right time to say things are going too far. You bring a hand on top of his, a silent warning for him. But he chooses to ignore it, creeping the other hand under the hem of your top. “Relax, baby. Just focus on danicin’, yeah?” 
This was so different, having a guest take the rails — no, having Toji take control of you. And you don’t dislike it; far from it, actually. If anything, it’s oddly exciting — letting the older man please you as you service him. It’s new and dangerous, especially in your workplace. But, oh my God, you don’t want it to stop.
You wrap your arms around his neck while he puts his back to the booth, using this to change into a different move. With your torso lifted and using your legs to maintain balance, you move your abdomen up and down. While you’re ghosting his groin with wave-like motions, Toji uses his fingers to play with your body. His left middle and forefinger rubs on your cover folds, roughly pressing down on where your clitoris is. A choked sob leaves puffy lips, even when his right hand is in your bra to grope your breast, his thumb swiping on your nipple to harden. 
“Mmmph! Ahhaaa, Toji…”
“Yeah, just like that,” he reassures you. Another tweak to your nipple has you bite your lips with a hum. “Just like that—“
“Am I interrupting something?” 
It took you mere milliseconds to recognize the new voice that enters your space, abruptly interrupting your session with purpose. You’re off of Toji just like that, hurriedly fixing yourself in the presence of your manager. “H–Hello, Mei Mei.”
“Hello there, Y/n.” She says it sweetly, but her words carry a stern connotation. The pale-blue-haired woman has her hair up in a braided ponytail while wearing a simple black split-thigh cami dress with mesh sleeves, and her gold earrings and red lipstick contrast with her pale skin. “Ah, I expected to see you here, too, Mr. Fushiguro.”
Toji greets the women, standing up at his own pace. “It is a Friday, Lady Mei.”
She smiled at the use of her business name; it was appropriate for what she was about to say. “Indeed it is. I decided to come down to check on the place and see how the life of the party was going. And all my guests seemed to be having quite a good time…Minus this one guy, who told me about the ‘scary fucker with a scar on his lip’ who lifted him like a doll and scared him and his buddies to a different table.” 
Toji rubs the back of his neck, chortling with a smug grin. “Hmm, the guy must be some dick.”
“Must be...Now listen, Fushiguro, I know how much of a valuable customer you are, throwing good money at my girls — my girl.” Mei Mei walks to you and places her cold hands on your shoulders. “I’d find it hard to have you not come here anymore for not keeping your hands to yourself. On my customers and my entertainers.”
“That I understand, my Lady,” he sighs at your manager’s lecture and crosses his arms. “But you know how I roll. I just come here to see your girls—“ He stops to shift his gaze on you. “Your sweet girl.”
“And I see you care about them quite a lot, your hand up their bra and your lips on their skin.” 
He shrugs it off. “I’m guilty.”
Mei Mei walks up to the older guest, her light violet eyes locked with his dark jade orbs. “Fushiguro, I’m sorry, but I’m afraid my rules apply to everybody. No touching the dancers. This is a strip club, not a brothel.” 
“Yes, Mei,” He grasps every word thrown at him, his eyes not leaving her feline ones. “It’s just a shame that I’m willin’ to pay whatever to have Y/n privately for one night in those lil’ VIP rooms upstairs.” 
A silver brow is quirked. “Are you trying to throw more money at my face to change the rules for your own convenience?”
“I’m trying to talk business, from one loyal customer to a good businesswoman.” He says nonchalantly, pointing to you with his chin. “That is if they’re up for it.” Now, why did he have to single you out like that? Because your manager turns to you with a patient look, gauging where you stand in this situation. 
It’s a tricky thing to answer: do you want to have sex with your guest that made you feel good minutes ago? This job is supposed to be an easy one, coming here to dance and swing your ass off til the morning sun for good money. Now, on the one night when things get a little too heated – with your favorite customer, mind you – you’re in a conflict. And you have to thank God you didn’t kiss him on the lips! 
However, it’s not like you don’t trust Toji; it’s the opposite. Sure, he can be a cocky bastard; there’s been instances where he’s touched you, but never like tonight. And yet, you didn’t find any danger in it. You were relaxed atop of him, leaning more into his touches. So, the thought that more could come from it is new. Chilling, but thrilling.
Your manager can see the inner turmoil through your face, so she answers in your stead, “Give it some thought for tomorrow, Y/n. And you,” Mei Mei turns back to the man guilty of this predicament. “Learn to behave yourself ’til then.” 
“I will, Lady Mei,” Toji sneers, grabbing for his coat to put on and taking a few bands to give to you. “And I’ll be seein’ you tomorrow, baby.”
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© 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐲2024 – divideres from @/cafekitsune.
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beforeimdeceased · 11 months
hey bae! if you’re still taking requests could i please have something fluffy with mean! ellie and sensitive/soft! reader. it can be whatever u want, loving the pink theme btw 🎀⭐️!
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pairing: mean/cruel ellie x sensitive/emotional reader.
synopsis: you’ve had a seriously bad day, and now you’re stuck with the shittiest person you’ve ever met while you wait for your friends to get home.
a/n: thank u for acknowledging the theme! it took so long to put together 😭. also i really hope this fulfills your request. would you guys want a part 2 w/ smut this time?
“crybaby, crybaby. we need to cry. and if we do, i know that would be alright.” — edit
ellie fucking williams was an exceptional singer, guitarist, and had incredible stage presence. but more importantly: she was an asshole. a complete fucking dick, and not just the usual “too good for everyone” cocky. she was crude. she was vulgar and she knew exactly how to push people, you specifically. sometimes you thought that she walked around asking for a fight to prove herself to people. now, you think it’s so she can finally feel something. even if it’s a mind spinning jab at her face.
you did your best to stay away from her, despite you sharing friends; jesse and dina. you knew exactly how she was and you knew you couldn’t handle it. no matter how many times you tried to let her little remarks brush past you, you always found yourself wanting to go lower. and each time you were around her it got harder to bite your tongue.
today was a bad day. a shit day. one of your worst. you found fraudulent activity on your bank card, got hit with a frustratingly large and urgent bill, and your washing machine broke. all in the span of an hour. the customers at your job had been extra rude and to make matters worse, your manager yelled at you for a mistake you didn’t even make.
all you wanted to do was go over to dina & jesse’s and eat brownies while they treated you like the child they’d yet to have. dina rubbing your back and reassuring you that everything will be okay while jesse threatens to beat all your enemies bloody. you use the spare key you have to their apartment to messily trudge in, kicking your shoes off at the door and smiling as you open the fridge to find dina’s special 1,000 hour brownies.
“i keep telling her she should put weed in those.” echoes behind you, causing you to pause mid bite. there she is, leaning against the counter. eyes smudged with her signature stage eyeliner, sweat glistening on her skin, a tank top and her stage cargos sagging on her waist. gargling down a plastic water bottle that had definitely seen better days.
“where are dina and jesse?” you furrow your brows closing the fridge. you grab a napkin to place the brownie on, and move further back near the door away from her. just in case.
“they went to go grab some groceries, but they told me to stay here and wait for you.” she answers, finishing the bottle off.
fuck. how long were they going to be gone? you couldn’t imagine spending more than 2 minutes alone with this loose lipped devil. her eyes narrow as she looks you up and down before smiling. here she goes.
“bad day? cause it looks like it.”
“well it definitely isn’t going to get better with you around me.” you snap back.
“ouch. i’m hurt.” she laughs. deviously. a hand over her chest as she pushes off the counter to chuck the empty bottle into the trash can.
you move over to the living room, sitting yourself on the couch. maybe if you ignore her she’ll get bored and leave you alone? maybe she’ll get so bored she’ll actually leave. god, please get the fuck out of here.
she follows you though, sitting way too close for comfort and turning on the tv. you pull your phone out, immediately opening tumblr and mindlessly scrolling. hoping that dina and jesse will be home soon.
“d tells me you stopped showing up to gigs because of me. is that true?” she breaks the silence between you two. you shrug her off. “you’re not the easiest person to be around, williams.” you state.
“so what’s wrong with me? i’d love to hear it straight from the horses mouth.” she scoffs, scooting closer. when you attempt to ignore her she pulls your phone out of your hand. staring into your eyes with her very own. piercing through your soul for a response. “is it because i called you an idiot?”
“among other things, but it doesn’t surprise me that that’s all you remember.” you reach for your phone but she pulls it back. this causes you to pinch her, and she smacks your hand away still holding your phone back. “remind me then.”
you feel her taunting tone. her want— need to push at you. to push your buttons and boundaries until you break. it’s like a game to her, and you certainly weren’t in the mood for it today.
“can you give me my phone so i can find out when dina and jesse are coming home?” you sigh. her behavior reminded you of a customer you’d had earlier who’d treated you like garbage because you weren’t smiling. you felt tears welling up but pushed them down. you never cried in front of ellie. because of her, maybe, but never to her face. you’d never live it down.
“can you answer my question? so i can apologize or whatever. d is really on my ass about it.”
you scoff. “ofcourse you aren’t genuinely sorry. you probably don’t even remember all the fucked up shit you say and do to people. half of the time you ignore me and the other half you treat me like i’m a burden. do you remember when you guys had your first real show? i told the security i knew you and you pretended like i was a stranger.”
“jesse was sooo pissed you didn’t show up.” she laughs. “did he yell at you?”
“yeah. thought i was lying because you told him i was. called me a shit friend and a liar until i showed him proof. why am i the only one you treat like this?”
“you’re definitely not the—“ you reach for your phone again, but she’s quicker than you. pushing you away and laughing at your lockscreen, which was a picture you’d taken of yourself. one you felt incredibly confident in. all of that confidence was withering away slowly and you could guess it’d only been 10 minutes. “only one.”
“that’s so much worse. seriously, i don’t have time for this today. i’ll just go home.” you sniffle and fail to hide it. the tears were in the back of your throat and you felt like her personal rag doll all over again. what you’d finally gotten away from the last week was haunting you all over again. her taunting, her rudeness. she knew what she was doing and she didn’t even care.
“are you gonna cry? am i making you cry?”
you gulp, biting your lip to fight the shakiness in your voice. “just give it back.” is all you can muster up. her arm stretches up and as you reach for it she tucks it in her back pocket and sits on it.
you feel the tears begin to spill out of your eyes and you quickly turn around and lean into the couches arm. hands over your face as you pathetically attempt to calm yourself. you feel a hand on your shoulder and you push it away before realizing it’s ellie handing you back your phone.
it takes you a couple blinks, convinced the tears have obstructed your vision. the very same ellie who’d tripped you in front of a crowd of people last month, was being nice? her face has softened, genuine concern replacing the taunting gaze she previously had. she places a hand on your back and shushes you.
“i’m sorry. i’ve never made you cry before, i’m sorry.” she speaks softly. she almost seems…confused? is this what it takes to get her to realize that what she does actually fucking hurts you? for you to break down in front of her? for her to get a peek at the silent nights you’d spent sobbing over another one of her “jokes”? all this time?
you wipe your eyes and begin to laugh, which startles her and causes her to lean back. “you’re such an ass, ellie. god, you’re such a fucking dick.” you shake your head and breathe. she doesn’t respond, just stares at you with concern. brows furrowed as she concentrates on your body language. the way you’re leaning closer towards her.
“today was such a bad day.” you cry out in frustration, dipping your head into her lap. you just lay there, sobbing. she doesn’t move you, but instead rubs your back. shushing you. whispering that it’ll be okay, and you’d never admit it because it was coming from her, but you really needed it in that moment.
she pulled you in closer to her, turning you onto your side so she can rub her thumb across your cheek. wiping some of your tears away. you begin to cry even harder, but she doesn’t push you away. even when her pants are soaked and snotty. she lets you lay there, and cry into her.
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ventismacchiato · 4 months
O4 stuck with you — screaming and fighting !
scaramouche x gender neutral reader
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You and Scaramouche were dragged backstage and away from prying eyes, faces flushed and chests rising as the adrenaline from the argument on stage had yet to wear off. The dressing room was still, only filled with you both throwing insults at one another. The rest of your group members shared sheepish looks with one another, deciding to let you both get it out of your system.
As soon as the door was tightly shut you whirled around to face Scara.
“You just always have to get the last word, don’t you?” you asked, stepping closer to him.
“You’re the one who started yelling at me, I was just defending myself,” Scaramouche replied, his tone equally heated, but his posture was much more composed than you. 
“You’re the one who told me to give up,” you accused. 
“Yeah, give up the trophy so I could hold it,” Scara sighed.
“Yeah, as if you deserve to hold it.”
“Now that you mention it, I do deserve it more than you.” 
“You don’t know what it’s like to actually work for something,” you glared, voice laced with contempt, “You probably get everything handed to you by your mom.”
He glanced away, abruptly uncomfortable. “You shouldn’t talk. Your voice is even more unpleasant when you’re whining.” 
Naturally, you kept talking
“That’s the only reason you’re even here with the rest of us,” you continued, letting your jealousy cloud your senses, “I can’t be the only one who thinks that.”
Scaramouche’s face hardened. He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Whatever," he muttered, shoving his way past you to leave the dressing room before turning around one last time.
“Nobody even knew she was my mother until I became a trainee. I used a different name on the application forms. But if hanging onto that little fact makes you feel better about being so pathetic then be my fucking guest.” 
And with that he slammed the door behind him.
You hated the way he could make you inexplicably self-conscious. It used to be a foreign sensation, one left behind long ago in insecure adolescence.
You stood there, breathing heavily, as the door swung shut. The room was silent, everyone stunned by the intensity of the confrontation.
Lumine stepped up and placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, slowly guiding you outside to cool off. 
“We’re also gonna head back,” Aether awkwardly laughed, grabbing Childe and Kazuha by their collars and dragging them out.
“So, that just happened.”
“Shut up, Venti.”
“We really need to broaden your vocabulary, Y/n. Your insults could be better.”
“You too, Fischl! Zip it!”
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stuck with you!
masterlist — prev | next
begging u guys to let me use ur usernames as fans in this au pls let me make u a crazy stantwt user xx but pls comment on the masterlist so i see it
also everyone saying scara keeps eating yn up w insults is sending me 😭😭
title from the way i loved you by ts it suits scarayn so well
synopsis — after the disaster that was the live award show, where you and scaramouche got into an argument on stage after both of your groups got a tie for top artists, your guys' PR teams have been in shambles trying to scrape up your mess. that's when the idea to send you both off with some other idols to a remote location for a survival dating show to mend your public image comes up. before you know it your bags are packed and you’re on a plane to a remote island. the only obligation is you need to end up with scaramouche at the end of the show, whether you end up liking him or not doesn’t matter to your managers as long as the show’s ratings stay high. whatever you do in between to get there is up to you!
notes — 👍 leave me comments and asks instead of begging for updates pleek i need motivation to post more
taglist — @na1lea @cindywasneverhere @lunavixia @aestherin @mlaakai @camvrin @retiredmommylover @iheartpieck @jangyung @cartierfiles @loveariel @silly-ez @mochipls @pomeiu @chuuismylife @flowerypesky @creammpuff @justanothertiredreader @boxdisappeared @kissmiere @kissingkzuha @webbywill @kazusboyfriend @s3xpistolss @pjsucks @bunns-wonderland @lordbugs @localgirlywithnolife @kosumos @danfelions @featuredtofu @pinxeajin @herebyaccident0 @haeunoo @scaradooche @pglt19 @chemiru @childesbabygirl @simonisferal @shutingstar @vxcmx @domimiki @ttalgi @esuz @tokkishouse @kitsuvil @scarasmood @ihearttori @nomurahayami @starringyau @androxphobic
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anonymousicecream · 2 months
The Boy in the crowds (Minji x M Reader)
Smut & Slight fluff
(Y/n's POV)
Chosun University, the University I'm currently attending. I'll admit it, it wasn't my first choice, as I would've preferred to go abroad, but I did my best in school, and it got me into Chosun. It's my 2nd year of Uni now and I'm currently enjoying every second of it. Being a student is quite hard, but being a student also means time to party, which I do almost every night. Tonight almost became "another" night where I party until I forgot who I am and just hook up with someone, but it didn't became that night because my friends reminded me that the Uni Festival is here, and a special guest is performing.
(Later that day)
I took a quick shower before changing into my shorts and tank tops before leaving my dorm, heading for the location of the festival. It took me 10 minutes to walk to the site, but once I got there, it was a blessing as it wasn't too crowded as of now. I immediately walked into the site, managing to get near the stage and REALLY near the barricades. At this point, I can imagine myself getting squeezed or even flipped over the barricade due to how close I was. However, it took little to no time before the first performers started the show.
(Time skip)
It was so fun to the point that I didn't realize that we're nearing the end of the show.
"And now, the moment we've all been waiting for, give it up for NEWJEANS!!!" The MC shouted.
Just then, 4 beautiful ladies walked onto the stage, each holding a mic, and wearing the same Chosun jersey. However, one really caught my eye from the start.
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One of the tallest members, Minji, really caught my eye with her beauty and hotness. It really caught me off guard on how a women like her could act and dress very hot.
(Timeskip to the end of concert)
It took another 40 minutes until the concert ended. Once it did end, the crowd started disappearing into the night. It took me another 30 minutes before I manage to leave the site. I started walking back to my dorm, but before I reached my dorm, I suddenly felt hungry. I decided to make a run, going to the nearby minimarket. I searched the racks and fridges for a few times before deciding on getting a cup of shin ramyun and a bottle of my favorite soju. I reached for my favorite soju, before someone else reached for it too. I stared at her, being amazed and captivated by her beauty, despite her wearing a mask.
"You can take it." The girl said.
"No, you can take it if you want." I replied.
"I have an idea. What if we drink it together?" The girl offered.
"Sure, if you're fine with it."
I then let go of the bottle, allowing the girl to grab it. She walked to the cashier, and I followed her, grabbing 2 cans of beer along the way. We put the items on the counter and I reached my pockets to grab my wallet.
"Don't. It's on me." The girl said.
"No way. You already asked me out. The least I can do is pay."
"You sure?" She replied.
She then relented and I gave my card to the cashier. We paid before the cashier put our items into a plastic bag and we left the minimarket together.
"So, where to?" I asked.
"Let's go to my hotel room It's more private there."
"Lead the way."
She led me walking to her hotel. It was silent, but not awkward. We enjoyed the peace and tranquility while walking, and by no time, we arrived at her hotel. We entered the lift and she pressed the top floor. "Huh, interesting", I thought. It took no time before we reach her room, which turned out to be the penthouse. I followed her into the penthouse, and she closed the door, before guiding me to the balcony. She sat down at one of the sofas, and I sat in front of her. I put the hot cup of Ramyun and alcohols on the table, before she took off her mask. When she took off her mask, it shocked me.
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Kim Minji. THE Kim Minji, asked me to drink with her, and invited me to her hotel room.
"Hello? Are you okay?" Minji asked.
"Yeah, just shocked." I replied.
"Oh I see. You watched the performance didn't you?"
"Yes I did."
"I actually spotted you, and bumped to you in the minimarket again. That's why I invite you here."
"Oh, that's good to know."
"Let's drink."
She opened the bottle of soju and poured it on the shot glass. I took the glass and clinked it with her. "Jjan!" We both say. We drank the soju quickly.
(Time skip)
It's been more or less an hour since we started drinking and in the hour, we got to know more about each other. I found out that she's going to university in secret, without the knowledge of the public, and now she knows that she's my ultimate bias. We finished the final shot of soju before she suddenly stand up. I followed her but suddenly she walked towards me and pushed me down on the couch.
She hopped onto me and started kissing my lips. I kissed her back with the same intensity she showed me and started moving my hands around her back. I started from her shoulders and dropped down to her ass. I squeezed her ass, making her moan. I snuck my tongue inside her mouth and started kissing her again, and she did the same with me.
It took us a while before we parted due to lack of air. It was at this time that I got sober.
"Oh my god, I'm sorry I shouldn't do that." I said in panic.
"It's okay dear, I want this. Do you?" Minji asked.
"I do."
"Bedroom, now." Minji instructed firmly.
I smirked at her before leaning to kiss her neck while standing up, walking towards the bedroom. Once we got to the bedroom, I kissed her collarbone, leaving a hickey on her right collarbone, before I took my top off. I then took her top off, leaving her in her bra and jeans. At the same time, Minji reached to my shorts and lower my shorts and boxers, exposing my cock to the cold night air. I unbuttoned her jeans, taking it off her and put her panties aside, starting to rub her clit while kissing her, all the while she's jerking me off slowly, going at the same pace as my strokes.
I started caressing her clit with my thumb, while my index and middle finger entered her tight pussy.
"Ahhh" Minji moaned softly, "Give me your cock baby" She added
I stopped kissing her and directed my cock onto her face, and she immediately grab onto it, stroking it slowly before spitting on it and putting it into her mouth. It is the WARMEST mouth I've ever experienced, and the way she blew me is doing magic, looking at how she does it makes me wanna cum immediately. To make sure I don't embarrass myself by cumming early, I started inserting my finger deeper and faster, hitting her g-spot harder. Not long after, her pussy started clenching, which means that she's about to cum.
"Y/n, careful, I'm cumming, AHHH" Minji moaned loudly as she cums, squirting so much until my fingers were forced out of her pussy. The sheer pleasure in watching her cum caused me to cum as well, as I grabbed her head and pushed it deep onto my dick, making me cum deep in her throat. After I finished cumming, I pulled my cock out of her mouth, and she opened her mouth, showing to me that she swallowed it all.
"Good girl." I complimented, and she smiled and blushed.
"I need it inside me." Minji said.
"I don't have condoms." I replied.
"I'm safe, and I'm on birth control, it's okay. Just pull out if you don't trust me."
After receiving the assurance, I moved down and flipped her over to her stomach, raising her ass and aligning myself with her pussy before pushing my cock inside her.
"AHHHH" We both moaned.
I started thrusting deep and slow inside of her while kissing her upper back, starting from her right back to her left, before kissing each side of her neck. At the same time, I started moving my hands from her hips upwards through her abs before stopping at her breasts, bundling the bra and playing with it. She moved one of her hand towards her breasts, holding each other while her other hand moved down towards her clit, rubbing it. I started thrusting harder and harder.
"Baby I'm close." Minji moaned. "Cum with me baby." I replied, kissing her on the lips as I thrusted harder and played with her nipples more, before she clenched very hard one last time, and came. The sudden increase in tightness cause me to reach my limit as I pushed myself deep inside her one last time before releasing inside her, causing us both to moan as we kiss each other.
After we finished cumming, I pulled out of her and flipped her to her back, pulling the blankets over us and reached over to kiss her on the lips one last time before we call the night.
(The Next Morning)
(3rd Person POV)
The sun shined early, but for the two who had the best night of their lives, they wouldn't be up until 11, which was more than 12 hours since they both sleep. Minji was the first one to wake up, noticing the warmth y/n's hug gave her, and it made her smile. It didn't take a long time before y/n woke up as well, noticing that Minji has been staring at her.
"Staring at me huh?" Y/n asked.
"Yeah." Minji replied.
"Gotta say, you look more beautiful in the morning."
What y/n said caused Minji to blush very much as she never liked a compliment this much, especially coming from someone she doesn't know much.
"I gotta say, I really enjoy what we did, and I want to do more of it." Minji said, while smirking.
"I agree." Y/n replied.
"Move to Seoul. Go to college there, the company will pay for it. After graduating, be our manager." Minji ordered.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. Just tell me yes or no and I'll do it immediately."
"Of course I'll do it." Y/n replied while smiling, before leaning into Minji once again, capturing her in a deep kiss, affirming their feelings for each other.
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