#imagine getting backstage and realizing your music is playing and feeling like you missed something because your students are onstage
sassmill · 1 year
My brain is like. Weird right now. Is it related to not taking my Lexapro because I know it doesn’t interact well with dayquil and I needed the post nasal drip to stop? Theoretically but also this has been building for days.
#didn’t get any cartharsis from finishing the year with the studio#because the director sort of jacked my students and I walked in to her running a staging rehearsal that she decided upon on her own#imagine getting backstage and realizing your music is playing and feeling like you missed something because your students are onstage#and I panicked like was there a rehearsal scheduled that I forgot about??#nope she just decided to grab them as soon as they arrived to clean their piece without me#like either agree with me that the piece is a mess or don’t#but don’t keep reassuring me it looks good and then undermine me like that#I know it’s a mess#so that really set me up in a shitty mood#because it was also basically my last show with them after 20 years and it ended on a low note#not hosting either event because of my injury (?) and the depression#and like literally at the same time she’s been so supportive and checked in on me#but also it doesn’t feel supportive to lie to me about the piece I choreographed looking good and then run extra rehearsals without me#and then during the finale the host completely forgot about me when calling faculty bows#so even in a moment that should’ve felt good should’ve felt like a natural conclusion should’ve been a moment of release#somebody fucked up and I ended up feeling like an afterthought#almost started crying backstage while the host fumbled to recover and call me on#so. this weekend was a lot on top of a lot. and they had enough company students to manage without me.#which was a relief but also awful because I felt useless#the first time I didn’t stay all day and at least help crew#just weird weird weird#the only thing that felt good was writing her that letter and realizing just how much she’s done for me over the past decade#and then when she hugged me and said the exact same thing as I wrote in the letter she had yet to open#that felt. good. on a cosmic level.#so logically I know I will get better things will get better#and I can always go visit her#and I know she understands what I’m going through#but yeah it also all simultaneously sucks and she is the only person that has actually been any comfort to me#meanwhile I’m at home with my mother who is telling me to just ‘choose to be relieved’ like that’s how feelings work#it’s trauma hours
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Everybody Plays The Fool
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Part 2: Just Like A King, I've Lost Everything
Pairing: Elvis Presley x Gn! Reader
Summary: In the middle of an afterparty, Y/N stares at the truth, and the truth stares right back.
Warnings: ANGST Hunney, feelings of inadeqacy, drinking, infidelity, no happy ending, reader spirals. (i think that’s all, let me know if I missed any)
I was A/N: This was a blurb that I started last month. For some reason, I just let it sit. Initially, this was a bar scene, but I took it in a different direction after listening to this song: Anywho, enough of my rambling. I hope you enjoy this short tidbit. I recomend listening to the song for the full effect but you don’t have to!
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Okay, so your heart is broken, you're sittin' around mopin', mopin', cryin', cryin'...
Tonight was supposed to be beautiful, fun, happy even. I don’t know how I ended up here, though. Drink in my hand, frozen in time. I’ve been sitting like a lonesome fool for the better half of the hour, yet he hasn’t even noticed me. The outfit that adorned my body left me feeling ugly and cheap. The way his arm wrapped around her so naturally left a bitter taste In my mouth.
Said you’re even thinking about dyin’…
The room was spinning. I needed to get out. a familiar sting began to hit my eyes. The exit was so close, yet so far, I couldn’t tear my eyes away as I watched him flash the same smile I had become so familiar with at another beauty. Her locks framed her face perfectly, her dress hugged her form in a way that made me envious, and the shoes that adorned her feet cost more than everything I had on.
Well, before you do anything rash baby, listen to this…
My stomach tied into a million knots at once; there was a pain in my chest that I couldn’t explain as I watched him whisper something sultry, I’m sure, into her ear while his hand rested upon her knee. Then, as if god himself wanted to spite me, Elvis leaned in and placed his lips over hers. Those lips that brought comfort in the night, that whispered sweet nothings, those same lips that uttered three sacred words to me.
Everybody plays the fool, sometimes…
Quickly it became clear to me these past four months meant nothing. This was all too familiar; I was in her spot, not even twenty-four hours ago. We were the picture-perfect couple, you know ‘Heartthrob, Elvis Presley, and his Blushing Beauty, y/n l/n’ not even a few hours ago I was on cloud nine, and now I’m plummeting back to earth. The soft music playing in the background began to fade out as I watched. My feet seemed to have had a mind of their own and moved for me.
There’s no exception to the rule…
Once I made it out into the night, the crisp air kissed my skin, and the damn broke. My heart didn’t crack, split, or shatter. No, this was too slow, too painful. My heart crumbled like a stale cookie. The pain in my knees went unnoticed. I hadn’t even realized I was on all fours, howling like a wounded dog. This was my fall from grace. I struggled to breathe as the truth began to sink in.
It may be factual; it may be cruel…
Reality had stripped away my rose-colored glasses. This wasn’t the first time. Whether it be a girl in a store or the ones that lingered backstage, I can’t even imagine who filled my shoes when I was back at Graceland. I don’t know if heartbreak is supposed to hurt this badly. Hiccups replace my ability to breathe as I sit back in awe at my naivety.
I ain’t lyin’…
Dear god, what is wrong with me? Pathetic; he’s just a man, right? Just a man who gave you the world and snatched it right back. I can’t help the giggles that rumble in my chest. How could I have been so foolish? How could I have been so blind? As I pull myself from my sorrows, the giggles turn to laughs. It is comical because,
Everybody plays the fool.
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Taglist: @tacozebra051 @mizzydr @myradiaz @waiting4brucewayne2adoptme @imaginationlast
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wastelandcth · 3 years
i’ll always come back to you - cth
summary: Calum wore a skirt. A stage reveal happens. 
author’s notes: I have no excuse but I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. 
warnings: Cal in a skirt (please it’s too good), car sex, PIV, calum blanks out a little, she’s back and better than ever!
masterlist || request || more doves
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“What do you think I should wear?” Calum asked softly, his hands running through the different items in his closet once more, “It’s a pretty big show, I can’t just show up in something shitty. All I’ve worn for the past two years is either baggy jeans and a t-shirt or shorts and no shirt.” 
It was true, ever since the world had shut down and the band’s tour had been put on hold more times than Calum could count, his passion for fashion and finding new clothes to wear had been put on hold as well. Comfort and trying to stay sane in the middle of a worldwide pandemic had left him reaching for any signs of comfort to hold on to and keep him sane. But with the band’s first show slowly approaching and Calum’s nerves returning in the form of playing a fake bass while he tried to calm his racing mind, he knew he’d have to find an outfit sooner or later, and it’d have to be one to make him feel good about himself on stage once more. 
“I mean, I don’t think anyone would personally complain about you showing up shirtless to a show,” Dovey teased, her eyes tracing the muscles in Calum’s back as she sat on the edge of the bed, “I certainly wouldn’t.” 
“Yeah, but you’re a pervert so you have no choice,” Calum chuckled and threw another shirt towards his loving wife. 
The days had gone by and Calum had been stuck at rehearsals, trying his best to find the groove the band had long for ever since the start of the shutdown, but eventually, Calum found himself at home the morning of the show watching from the green room as the concert went on around the world. His bag, which he’d packed and unpacked multiple times that morning, laid on one of the couches. He knew he’d made the right choice, the look on Dovey’s face when he’d packed away the black fabric before she could get a peek of it enough of a reaction to make him smirk before he had rushed out the door at the sound of Ashton’s horn. 
“So, did you decide on an outfit?” Michael asked as he sat down next to him during a break in their soundcheck, watching as Calum’s leg swung along to whatever beat Ashton was trying to work out with Luke, “Dovey has been texting me all day asking if I’ve gotten a peek at it.” 
“Tell her to fuck off,” Calum chuckled, “I told her she had to wait like everyone else did to see it.” 
“Alright,” Michael huffed, nudging him playfully, “But we’re going to be the first to see it then.”
“Yeah, yeah, and she’ll manage to bully you into telling her somehow.” 
Calum looked in the mirror, inhaling a shaky breath as he fixed the collar of his suit jacket once more as he heard his bandmates chuckling outside of the bathroom door. With one final look at his outfit he opened the door and stepped out, goosebumps covering his skin as the cold air of the dressing room brushed against his legs. 
“Woah! Calum!” Ashton grinned, his eyes wide and his head nodding, “No man, that looks sick! I love it!” 
“Oh man, your dad is going to freak once he sees you on stage!” Luke nodded, “You look so good!”
“Guys, Dovey is literally going to kill us all,” Michael whined and clapped Calum on the shoulder, “You look fucking awesome, dude.”
Calum’s cheeks flushed, turning hot as he chuckled and shook his head, letting the curls he’d been growing out swish against his forehead while he tried his best not to push away his very excited and very supportive bandmates. It wasn’t until the room, which consisted of the four of them and their photographer started chanting for him to do a spin that he’d finally told them to fuck off. But with a spin, and a small bout of giggles that left him when the material of his skirt brushed against the back of his knees, Calum had never felt more prepared to play a show in his life, especially when he knew that Dovey would be in the crowd singing her heart out along with them all. 
Dovey’s eyes watched the crowd around her grow restless as time ticked slowly, minutes dragging on until the show would start. Her adrenaline was high as she heard an announcer overhead shout that the show would start in one minute, the pit in her stomach thrumming with excitement and the thought of seeing her husband and his best friends on stage again after so long. She knew how much Calum missed being on stage with them, how much he missed performing to a crowd of people singing the lyrics back to them, and so she knew that tonight’s performance would be nothing but perfect. The hum of a guitar backstage and the sound of cheers around her had Dovey on her feet before she even knew it, her wide eyes searching the stage for the man she’d married. 
“Oh my god, he did not,” she gasped, her cheers and clapping drowned out in the rest of the crowd as she saw Calum walking out on stage, “That bastard!”
On stage, under the shining lights and for everyone to see, Calum Hood stood grinning as his fingers moved easily over the strings of his bass. The silver chains, which hung across Calum’s waist, shone like his eyes as the set started. Dovey’s eyes tried their hardest to focus, her vision blurred by the tears that sprung out as she watched the love of her life sing his heart out on stage after too many months of being away from the one place he was able to lose himself in. The skirt, which Dovey was already drooling over, swayed along with every movement Calum made as she found herself swaying along with it, stuck in a never-ending dance she wasn’t sure she’d ever want to end. But when Ghost of You played out and Dovey’s eyes found Calum’s it was like the large crowds that had given her anxiety ever since Calum had mentioned the show and the loud music had all disappeared. 
There was no one but her and Calum standing there, swaying to the song that had meant more to them than anyone could have ever imagined. 
She knew their kids were watching from home, giggling and dancing along in the safety of their living room while the sitter recorded them for Dovey and Calum to cry along to later that night. But right now, in the moment, all she could think about was how despite all the things that had gone wrong and how scary the world had turned, she still had her family and the love of her life was singing to her in a room full of people once more. The set was over before Dovey even realized, her legs carrying her back towards the dressing room she’d left not too long ago and towards her husband and his amazingly talented friends. 
The night had become a whirlwind of events, Dovey’s arms wrapping around Calum and stuttering through her praises as her hands and eyes took in his after-show presence. Her mind was distracted throughout the rest of the promo the band had gone to do with the view of him in the skirt and mesh shirt that kept peeking in and out of view from where she stood with the rest of their team. Her eyes never left his as she watched him smile and laugh with the band and it wasn’t until the car door closed next to her and she watched Calum walk in front of the car before sliding into the driver’s seat that she let out the soft breath she was holding in. 
“So, what did you think of the show?” Calum asked as he pulled off the highway, his grin wide as his eyes glanced over at Dovey, “Did you like it? I think we did great. Yeah, the set was short but I think it we-”
“Calum, if you don’t pull over right now I will literally crash this car,” Dovey breathed out, her hand reaching out and squeezing Calum’s thigh gently. 
The car screech to a halt, Calum’s soft gasp lost on Dovey’s lips as she pulled him into a kiss, Calum’s body leaning over the console to pull her even closer to him. He and Dovey might not have been a couple of a thousand words, but he knew exactly what she was doing when her teeth pulled gently at his bottom lip. He also knew that they didn’t have much time before their car was steamed up and their moans echoed against the tinted windows, so Calum had to work fast. 
“Back seat, baby girl,” he breathed out, his forehead resting against his wife’s for just a second before she sprung into action, her soft laughter music to Calum’s ears. 
“I am. So proud. Of you.” Dovey mumbled in between the kisses she was leaving on Calum’s skin, her hips rolling against his and pressed up silver chains of his skirt, “You looked so fucking amazing on stage I couldn’t help but think about all the things I wanted you to do to me tonight.”
“Yeah?” Calum breathed out, his hands squeezing Dovey’s thighs as he helped her push up the hem of the skirt she was more than likely soaking through if his leaking cock wasn’t already at fault for it, “Gonna show me all those things you were thinking of?” 
“Mhm, only have time for one of them right now though,” Dovey smirked, her hand taking his cock and stroking it a few times, listening to the soft whimpers that left Calum as her own hips rocked against his solid thigh, “Have to wait until we’re back home for the others.” 
Calum’s eyes opened enough at one point to see the steam from their act fogging up the windows, the beads of moisture dripping down their foreheads matching the ones racing down the window next to his head. Above him, Dovey looked like an angel, her closed eyes and barely opened mouth making Calum think he was the luckiest man alive. His fingers had dug into her hips, soft whimpers leaving them both with every rock of their hips and Calum wasn’t sure if he’d ever want this feeling to end. He wasn’t sure if he’d ever get tired of the way Dovey felt wrapped around him. He’d happily get lost in her warmth and never find his way out again if he could, but the coil in his stomach kept stretching and stretching, threatening to snap as he listened to Dovey’s moans grow louder and louder as her hips rose and fell with every one of them. 
“Calum,” she gasped out, one of her hands finding comfort in the soft curls she’d been playing with ever since they’d grown out and coiled against his head. 
“I know, I’ve got you,” Calum choked out, his own high speeding towards him as he felt Dovey clench around him as her hips paused and her whimpers were soaked into by Calum’s skin, “Oh fuck, baby, I-”
“Calum,” Dovey whispered, her soft kisses on Calum’s skin making the blinding white stars beneath his eyelids clear slowly, “Hey, come back to me,” she mumbled, the feeling of her fingers running through his hair grounding Calum back to the backseat of his car. 
His lungs hurt, the panting breaths he was taking sounding over the muffled music playing from the radio in the front, and his vision was still blurred as he watched Dovey leaned back against his thighs, her hair tousled and her dress still rucked up over her hips. It took him a couple more breaths, the thick air coating his lungs until finally, Calum’s hand found Dovey’s in the darkness of the car and he smiled lazily. 
“You back with me, Hood?” she asked softly and smiled, the gentle squeeze she gave his hand making him nod. 
“I always come back to you,” Calum whispered, “Always.” 
join my taglist: @hoodhoran @moonlightcriess @mxgyver @calpops @karajaynetoday @notlukehemmo @calumrose @devilatmydoor @lowkeyflop  @conversecake @hemmo1996-5sosvevo @ashtonsunflower @2fangirl4u @multistann @wiiildflowerrr @himbohood @in-superbloom​ @suchalonelysunflower @killmywildflower @sebsbrokentoe @nicebasscalum @letmereadpls  @xxxlaura
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wildroseparadise · 3 years
KY Jelly: Sebastian Stan x reader
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x reader
Word count: 2k words
Requested: No ♡
Summary: Imagine going on the Jimmy Kimmel Show with your boyfriend and bestfriend, only to talk about, you guessed it- KY jelly!
Warnings: Sex jokes, nicknames [Please tell me if I missed any!]
This is part of a series but each part can be read independently! [Part I] [Part II]
Want to join my TAGLIST? Follow the link, please!
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"Oh, no! I promise you all that today we have some amazing guests!" Jimmy looks out at the audience, sporting a wide grin. A few wayward whistles come from the back of the studio. "So, without further ado... let's take a look!" he points towards the camera, a teaser trailer starting to play for your new show.
You, Anthony and Sebastian dance around quietly backstage, trying to get the jitters out; something the group of you had started doing together before interviews to help you with nerves and anxiety.
"Bucky, no! Come back!" you hear Anthony's voice over the loud speakers in the studio. The loud music reaches its crescendo, fading into a faint thumping base. The three of you move towards the door, waiting to make your entrance as you know the end of the trailer is close.
"Who the hell are you?" Bucky roars, and you can literally feel the vibrations in the fake wall separating you from the cameras.
It's quiet for a second before you hear your one and only line in the trailer- the one teasing at your new character.
"Did you miss me, Jamie?" the pout is clear as your voice echoes, sounding distant even in the original video- figure covered in shadow.
Bucky takes a breath. That's all- a sharp inhale of breath. "Doll?"
You look at your boyfriend as it plays through the speakers, mouthing along with the recording of his voice, a dumbstruck look on your face- mouth hung open, just like how he does it in the show.
Anthony shoots a teasing grin Seb's way, slightly disappointed when he sees the lazy smile on his face- Sebastian hadn't found it as teasing as he had, instead finding it endearing.
"Woah! I don't want to keep either you, me, or our guests waiting any longer- so here they are! The Falcon and the Winter Soldier's Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, and Y/n Y/l/n!" the crowd goes wild as you walk out onto the stage, proud smiles adorning each one of your faces.
You wave at the audience and blow a kiss to a few of them, one fakes swooning and you laugh along with Anthony, the only other one who seemed to notice.
You shake hands with Jimmy Kimmel before sitting down on the small sofa with Sebastian, Anthony taking the armchair closest to Jimmy and on the other side of you.
"Welcome, welcome." He greets excitedly, all of you saying 'thank you' whilst letting the audience calm down before even attempting to start up a conversation. "That trailer was fantastic! And the ending-" Jimmy gasps, letting it show his honest reaction to the ending.
You laugh, realizing that many in the audience must have done the same considering that it was the first time anybody was seeing it- being released today for the press tour locations and interviews only.
"Well, we obviously have to start off with your character, Y/n." Jimmy looks at you with wide eyes, "Tell us a bit about her... who is she?" he probes, trying to get anything exclusive.
"I can't say to much, or else Disney will have my head." You pull a funny face, cringing at the thought. The audience laughs, though, much to your relief. Big crowds weren't really your thing, surprisingly.
"But, what I can tell you is that she's a totally new character. Never before seen, either in the movies or the comics. She's a total badass, and let's just say she stirs up the pot a bit for our beloved Jamie, or Bucky- whether she wants to or not, is the real question, though." you give a teasing smile, winking at the camera for the way you finessed the question.
"Yes, well, I would say you do a lot more than stir up the pot, Y/n/n!" Anthony laughs loudly. The shocked and slightly offended look on your face send the audience into a laughing fit as you hit your best friend's arm in reprimand.
Behind you you hear a muffled chuckle and turn to see your boyfriend biting down onto his knuckles to keep from crying of laughter- remembering precisely what episode Anthony was talking about and how the two weeks filming it had gone.
"Really? You too?" You whine, shoulders slumping in defeat as you pout towards the audience. Sebastian lets go of his knuckle, a loud gasp and then laughter echoing. Soon after placing his arm around your shoulders lazily and the audience, as well as the cameras, can visually tell how you automatically perk up at his touch although still trying to seem sad.
"I'm sorry, draga mea, but it's true." Sebastian tuts, "Now," his thumb brushes against your lower lip as it juts out, "put that pretty pout away before anybody gets any ideas." He looks over his shoulder at the audience as if though trying to spy someone suspicious. 'Awws' and suggestive whistles come from the audience.
Sebastian was a very flirty person and was often seen getting cheery with other celebrities in interviews, and even though you knew they were always just friends (if even) it could be hard for some to not get jealous, but you never did. This was why, very simple, what other fans and tabloids saw Sebastian do with others was nothing compared to how he acted with you.
And the best thing was that he never changed it, he never tried to act as if though your relationship was less than or more than it actually was. He simply acted the same way around you, no matter the cameras- apart from, of course, certain situations or gestures.
"You see what I have to deal with every day?" Anthony exclaims from beside you, pointing with his thumb towards the interaction going on between the two of you. Only then did you notice that you had become entranced by your boyfriend, having just stared at him for the last few seconds.
"Ah, yes I see." Jimmy responded, "But you must have a lot of great times on set, though?" he tries to steer the conversation.
"Yes, it's so much fun getting to work with Anthony again- I mean, have you met the man!" Sebastian says, "And working along side Y/n has just been amazing, I've been to many sets which she's worked on but it was so fascinating to see her working and doing her thing."
"I'd also like to add that this is the first time I'm coming into a production where I already have personal relationships with the other actors, apart from maybe making one movie together before. And when I say 'personal relationships' I don't just mean Sebastian and I,"
"No, actually, Sebastian, that is something Y/n and I have wanted to talk to you about," Anthony jokes, turning to face your boyfriend with his hand clasped together on his lap.
"Haha, very funny." you shoot down, rolling your eyes as you continue. "What I wanted to get to," you shoot Anthony a playful glare, "was that apart from Sebastian, Mac has really been my best friend for years now, along with Lizzie." Anthony gives you a warm smile and you squeeze his arm in return.
"That would be Elizabeth Olsen, right?" Kimmel asks, brows furrowed.
"Yes, that would be correct. I've known her for even longer than either Sebastian or Mac, we did the movie 'Kill Your Darlings' together in 2012 and 2013."
"So you've know each other for nearly ten years then?" Jimmy's eyes widen in surprise.
You grin widely, happy to be talking about your close friend, "Yes, nine years, at least."
"Okay, returning to the topic at hand. Who would you say was the biggest prankster on set? Were there many pranks or jokes?"
"Ooh, I've got an answer for this!" Mac nearly sings as he wiggles in his seat. You gesture with your hand for him to go on.
"Y/n and I easily did the best prank of the whole- ever! It was so great!
"What happened? What did you do?" Jimmy moves in his seat as well as he looks between the three of you, making note of how the 'Winter Soldier' actor had hidden his face in his hands with a grunt.
"Okay, so, Bucky has a metal arm which obviously Sebastian does not," Sebastian start, quickly being interrupted by your quiet mumbling.
"I wish..." you say under your breath, Anthony turning to you with a disturbed looked on his face. Your cheeks growing hot at the fact that both the male actors were now staring you down, as well as the audience.
"What was that, Y/n?" Sebastian sound so taken off guard, having removed his hands from his face to look at you. It's your turn to grunt now, wishing you had just kept your mouth shut for once.
"Something tells me that knowing will be more disturbing than anything I could think of." Kimmel adds, the audience whistling and hollering in agreement to your earlier comment.
"Do all of you just want me to chop my arm off?" Sebastian turns to the audience, throwing his hands up in mock offense.
"Anyways, so, for Sebastian to get into the arm he has to use a lot of KY jelly- and I mean a lot, like bucket-loads!" Anthony motions in big circles with his arms, exaggerating to draw laughs from the audience.
"Okay, now you're overexaggerating!" Sebastian defends.
"He really isn't." you scrunch up your nose, giving your boyfriend a lopsided smile, which causes the laughing in the studio to intensify.
"And so, Y/n and I came up with this brilliant plan to switch out the normal jelly for the warming and tingling ones. And so we went to the 'KY-casserole' as we like to call it, his arm-people if you will, and they were in on it!" you squealed in excitement at the memory returning to you. You look over at Sebastian with a wide grin.
"This delayed filming by an hour, by the way. And I had to walk around with it all day!" he looks entirely exhausted as he recalls his memory from that day.
"But that wasn't the best part!" you call out over the laughter, "He acted weird all day, right. Like, obviously you would. And, so, every time we'd ask him what's wrong he'd just pretend like everything was fine. He took it like a champ!" you laugh.
"All the way until..." Anthony let's you continue.
"Until I came into his trailer at the end of the day when they were taking the arm off." you smile, "After the 'KY-casserole' left, he walked over to me with such a big pout and just said," you look directly into the camera as you act out what he had done.
"I can't feel my arm, it's warm and tingly, and I can't feel it... What did you do..?" the pout from earlier return onto your face and you whine as if though you're about to cry.
"I did not do that!" he looks incredulously at you and Anthony.
"It's okay, soldier, of course you didn't." You comfort, wrapping your arms around your boyfriend but turning to mouth at the camera, eyes wide. "He did" you mouth, causing the audience to laugh.
"Oh, no! What did you do?" Sebastian pulls back and looks at you.
"Don't worry about it, soldier." You drawl, scratching his slight scruff and giving his cheek a kiss.
"Well, I'm sad to say that's all we have time for today, folks! I want to thank you three for coming here tonight, as well as our audience, and don't forget to go watch 'The Falcon and the Winter Soldier' on..." he gestures to you.
"Exclusively on Disney+ on March 19th, as well as every Friday after that!" you call out, joining the others in waving at the camera before standing to thank the host.
A/N: This is my first series of independent fics all lined up. I hope the situations and timeline will make sense- I'm really trying!
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Forever Taglist:
@thighs-of-betrayal-blog @edenstarkk @reverse-iak @lokis-leah @my-current-fandom-is @irwinxbmth @horrorxweasley @flynn-flynnagan @ridiculous-creature @missmarvel03 @takemetoanotheruniversesposts @sweetdreamsjg @marilla-laufeyson-1054 @knopewyattworld @msfandomfreak @lil-iva @nms224
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watchmegetobsessed · 4 years
Drum it out - Harry Styles
a/n: hiya lovelies! im bringin an OC fic this time only because i had a strong vision about the girl and thought it would be best to have her as one instead of Y/N this time, but hope you’ll enjoy it regardless! Remi Devon is a baddie, i like her!
pairing: Harry x OC
summary: Harry is forced to find a new drummer since Sarah is about to become a mom, but no one seems to be good enough to replace her. It is until he meets Remi Devon, the woman who completely takes his breath away from the moment he sees her on stage.
word count: 7k
warning: NSFW content, some slight spanking
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“Don’t worry, you’ll love her just as much as I do!” Sarah smiles at Harry, giving his arm a gentle squeeze as they make their way into the small but cozy looking bar. Harry is skeptical, mostly because for him, no one compares to Sarah and if it wasn’t for her pregnancy, he would do anything to make her stay in the band. But he is so happy his two friends are starting a family together, it’s only that Harry is now forced to look for a new drummer as it’s getting harder for Sarah to keep up with the hectic lifestyle they’ve been living. Her bump is now pretty obvious and it’s only a matter of time until she can’t sit behind her instrument.
They’ve been trying to find someone to replace her during the second half of her pregnancy and at least the first year after she gives birth, but no one seemed good enough. Truth is, and Harry knew it damn well, that his problem was always the same: they weren’t Sarah.
Now she has dragged him to check someone out, a girl Sarah knows from years ago and who was told to be a mind-blowing drummer, though Harry has doubts about that.
“Sure will,” he hums, not too convinced about it.
The bar was previously a small theater, the seats have been taken out on the ground floor, replaced with tables and stools around the sides and a dance floor in the middle. The gallery is used as a kind of VIP area, this is where the two of them are right now, sitting at a small table in the front corner so they have an amazing sight of the stage where a local band is about to start very soon. Sarah said Remi, the drummer in the talk, is just a jump-in for the night for a friend, but it was a great opportunity for Harry to check her out.
“You know, she beat me at an audition a while ago. This super cool rock band was looking for a drummer for their mini-tour in Canada, because their drummer broke his leg and we both tried for it. There were still some people waiting to audition when she went in and she blew their mind so much, they just ended the audition right there,” Sarah tells him, the story still holds a dear place in her heart. She and Remi used to be close friends, but got a little distant as life took them to different paths. Now they are meeting up every few months when they are in the same city, catching up on everything since they last saw each other, sharing their equally exciting stories.
“Really?” Harry asks with genuine surprise as he takes his beer from the table and glances down at the stage. Everything is set up already and his eyes move to the shiny looking drum set at the back. It’s hard to imagine himself finding someone as good as Sarah, for Harry she has been the etalon ever since they met. But now he is forced to find someone even though he doesn’t want to, not even a bit.
“Yeah. She is the kind of girl that just turns heads wherever she goes without even trying.”
“You think I would get along with her well?” he asks, turning to face her just in time to see the wide smirk on her lips as she nods.
“I think you two would make an epic duo, H.”
“Alright, now I’m interested,” he smiles softly.
“She said they will play a lot of covers.”
“What kind?”
“You’ll see,” she smirks, sipping on her lemonade, a hand going to slide down on her stomach.
The dance floor is not packed, but there are a lot of people, seemingly most of them are here specifically for this band called Striped Shoes, Harry hasn’t heard about them until now but he is always happy to discover new music.
Soon, the lights go down, darkness falling to the theater, the only light is coming from the bars at the back. Then a spotlight turns on and a guy is standing in the middle of it, cheers erupting from the people as he starts playing the guitar and Harry immediately recognizes the song: Smells like teen spirit by Nirvana. Just a few riffs later all the other spotlights come on, each of them illuminating a member of the band and Harry’s eyes flick to the drum set where the only female on the stage is sitting, he catches her the moment she starts playing, the vibrant energy lingering around her almost knocks him off the stool even from this far away. Her hair barely reaches her shoulders, it falls to frame her heart shaped face in soft waves, the roots are a darker color than the rest that’s an odd shade of mahogany, but it suits her perfectly, Harry thinks. She has a few tattoos littered across her arms but not a full sleeve on any of them. They are on full display in the shirt that’s sleeves were seemingly ripped off, the fabric is raw on her shoulders. It seems to be some kind of old band shirt but Harry doesn’t recognize the logo on the front. Her legs are wrapped in ripped jeans and Harry is immediately mesmerized by how steadily she keeps the rhythm while absolutely nailing the song.
She makes it look so easy yet fascinating, her head snaps back a few times, a satisfied grin stretching across her lips as she enjoys the music, clearly a fan on it. She doesn’t miss a beat and flows into the next song that’s an original from the band as if the two songs were the same while she had to switch up the rhythm entirely through the transition.
Harry feels starstruck, watching this woman take the whole show, in his opinion, while simply sitting behind the drum set, playing like no one he has ever seen. She puts all of herself into it and that’s why she manages to outshine everyone else. Harry knows how hard it is for a drummer to get the same kind of attention as other members, but Remi makes it seem like it’s the natural, like drummers are the front people without a doubt.
When the cover version of Rock and Roll by Led Zeppelin comes on, in a way more hard rock version, Harry almost fears the stage is about to catch on fire. The song already has amazing drums in it, but the band gave it even more attention, giving a chance for Remi to show how amazing she really is.
“So? What do you think?” Sarah shouts over the music and Harry suddenly realizes he is not alone. He managed to zone out on the drummer without even noticing.
“She is… amazing,” he admits truthfully, in complete awe of what he is witnessing. This is music. This is passion. This is exactly what Harry always looks for in musicians and Remi has a whole lot of it.
They push the short drum solo a little longer at the end and Harry watches as Remi finishes the song standing, playing so hard that with the last hit, one of her sticks simply snaps into two, flying across the stage as she is breathing hard, skin glimmering from the sweat, her hair a complete mess from all the head shaking she’s been doing, but Harry thinks that it’s the hottest thing he has ever seen in his life.
Sarah knows she finally found her replacement, judging from Harry’s look she knows he is a sucker for Remi so she just lets him enjoy the rest of the concert.
When they play their last song and they all gather at the front of the stage to bow in front of the audience, Harry finds himself standing as he is applauding the band, but especially Remi who doesn’t even know Harry Styles is now a fan of hers.
“Let’s talk to her, shall we?” Sarah suggests once they disappear from the stage. Harry nods, finishing up his beer before the two of them head backstage.
Sarah has been put on the list since she previously let Remi know she would be coming. She was ecstatic to see her old friend, however was not told that Sarah would be coming with someone else so when Remi spots the two of them walking down the small hallway at the backstage, she is surprised but not shocked. She knows Sarah has been working with him for a long time now, but she wasn’t expecting him to be here tonight.
“Hey! There you are, mama!” Remi jokes with a heartfelt chuckle as she hugs her old friend. “Already looking like a milf!” she teases, earning an eye-roll from Sarah.
“Rems, I want you to meet Harry. Harry, this is Remi Devon.”
Remi’s eyes meet Harry’s piercing green ones and for a moment, Harry feels his stomach drop. She is even more breathtaking up close, in her simple but very fitting outfit, hair pushed back from her face carelessly she is easily the first woman ever to make Harry nervous to the point where he is having a hard time to even talk.
Remi holds out a hand for him smiling warmly and he luckily takes control over his actions and shakes it before it could get awkward.
“Nice to meet you, Harry. Heard a lot about you,” she chuckles softly.
“Hope you believed only the best,” he nods with a shy smile.
“Oh, of course,” she winks and Harry swears he felt his heart skipping a beat.
“We actually have something to talk to you about, Rems. Do you have some time for us?” Sarah asks.
“Yeah, just let me wash my face and I’ll be right back. There’s a small green room on the left, feel free to wait there,” she nods and disappears a moment later.
Sarah and Harry move into the room as Remi told them to and just a few minutes later she storms inside, a new shirt hugging her torso, a simple black one, but it’s tight unlike the one she wore for the concert. She sits into the armchair while Sarah and Harry have taken the small sofa.
“Alright, I’m all yours,” she smiles at them crossing her legs. Harry knows he should be the one to bid the offer, but it seems like he is not finding his words just yet. But Sarah is quick to talk when she realizes Harry is at a loss of words.
“I brought Harry today because I wanted him to see you play. We are currently looking for someone to take my place shortly,” she explains, placing a hand to her bump. “I know you’ve been freelancing lately so I thought you’d be interested in working with the band and of course Harry.”
“Oh!” She seems genuinely surprised at the offer. “So this was kind of my audition in secret?” she chuckles.
“You could say that,” Sarah smiles.
“And how did I do?” she asks, eyes meeting Harry’s gaze that hasn’t left her face since she arrived.
“You… definitely passed. The best I’ve seen so far,” he tells her and the smile on her face is worth everything for him. 
“So what does this mean exactly?” This time Harry answers, finally finding his voice.
“If you are not too busy in the upcoming time, I would love to have you as my drummer,” he states, handing her the offer on a silver plate, basically.
It’s an offer most musicians dream of, so Harry thinks she’ll accept it right away, but of course, Remi is not like others. 
“I’ll be needing some more details before I give you my answer though,” she smiles.
And that, she gets. A few days after the concert Remi meets up with the rest of the band and Jeff to talk about all the details. She clearly wants to know what she is jumping into and Harry respects that. At the end she accepts the offer and as Harry watches her sign the paperworks, a huge wave of satisfaction and excitement washes over him. 
The public imagines Harry as the picture perfect human being who is always at his best, never making any mistakes, but that’s far from the real truth. He is as flawed as anyone else, it’s just that not many get the chance to see him in this state.
His bandmates are among the few privileged ones that are bound to see all his ups and downs as well and since Remi is part of them now too, she has witnessed his bad days since they have started working together.
Harry’s growl is heard in the microphone when he is supposed to be singing and the music soon comes to a halt. It’s probably the tenth time he is messing up the exact same part because his head is just not at the right place. He knows he should be at the top of his game, not wasting his colleagues’ precious time, but he just can’t bring himself away from the heavy thoughts that’s been occupying his mind lately. There are days when he is as free as a bird, not a worry in the world, but sometimes everything comes down at once and he feels like crumbling under the weight of his own career.
“Sorry guys,” he apologizes into the microphone, a heavy sigh escaping his lips as he closes his eyes for a few seconds to collect himself. The silence in the auditorium where they are currently rehearsing for tour is harsh, everyone is tired and they can feel the nerves creeping up on them about the upcoming tour and making sure that everything is perfectly in place for the first show.
Remi looks around from behind her drum set, holding her sticks in one hand and she doesn’t like what she is seeing. A group that’s always so happy and carefree is now just a big ball of stress, this is not right. 
“Guys, why don’t you all wrap it up for today, I’ll stay here with Harry and help him get it right,” she offers.
“How do you want to practice without everyone else?” Mitch asks, not at all in an offending way, more like out of curiosity.
“I’ll find a way,” she smiles softly and he doesn’t push it further. 
As the rest of the band is packing up, leaving slowly, saying their goodbyes Harry is sitting on the floor next to one of the speakers, head hanging low, deep in his thoughts. Adam is the last one to leave the place and once it’s just the two of them, she stands up from behind her set and walks over to the desperate man.
“Get up,” she orders, not in a bossy manner, more of a ‘do what I asked, I’m trying to help’ way so Harry obeys. Standing up he towers above her, almost a full head taller than Remi, but still, sometimes she can make him feel so small.
Harry has noticed that her energy is making her push the air out of his lungs sometimes, just the way she stands, looks, moves around a room, it’s making her appear like the ruler of everyone around her. He has often found himself just staring at her from afar since she has joined the band and even though she has caught him ogling her a few times, he just still can’t bring himself to stop admiring her. He definitely has a fat crush on the new addition to the team, however now his feelings are pushed aside, their place taken by his anxiety and worries.
She takes his hands and pulls him to the middle of the stage, putting the microphone stand to the side so they have some space cleared out around them. She then turns to face him, a warm smile tugging on her lips while he is rather curious about what she has on her mind.
“Scream,” she simply tells him, his eyebrows immediately knitting together in confusion.
“Scream,” she repeats, but he is still lost about the situation. She chuckles a little before taking a few steps away from him, twirling around her heels before stopping facing the area where the audience is supposed to be during a concert. “Whenever I feel like I’m locked, like everything around me is so suffocating that I can’t even function normally, I take a minute and just let it all out,” she explains before taking a deep breath and hunching over, the most eardrum-breaking scream bursts out of her, making Harry jump a little.
She holds it long, until her throat is cracking up and she runs out of her breath, then the scream dies and she takes a deep breath, filling up her lungs again. Harry stands there, completely stunned, thinking that if anyone heard her now, they are surely convinced she is being tortured here. 
When she turns back to face him again, she is smiling as if nothing just happened, like it’s the most natural thing to randomly scream from the top of her lungs on a casual Wednesday night.
“Now it’s your turn,” she tells him, but Harry doesn’t feel like it’s gonna be his thing at all. But he still turns to the side, clears his throat and lets out a not too forceful shout that’s quite saddening compared to her scream. “Oh, come on, I’m sure you can do better, Styles,” she chuckles, hands on her hips as she tilts her head to the side.
“Is this really necessary?” he questions, eyebrows still furrowed at her.
“Very much. Now come on, do it!”
“Remi, I--”
He doesn’t have the chance to finish, because she screams at him, knocking the air out of him once again, making him flinch at her sudden action.
“Scream!” she then snaps at him.
“I don--”
“Scream!” she repeats forcefully and Harry gives up. Taking a deep breath he lets his voice out in a hoarse scream that’s way more vibrant than his last attempt. “Yes! Again!” she grins nodding and he does it again.
And then again and again, until he feels like his chest is completely empty, like nothing is keeping a tight grip on his insides anymore. He is panting, mind racing as he realizes how much better he is feeling now, meaning that Remi’s technique worked.
“How are you feeling?” she asks, smirking, her arms folded on her chest.
“Fucking awesome,” he chuckles out of breath, running his hands through his messy hair. 
“Great. You think you can handle going through the song now without messing up?”
“I… think?”
“Alright, grab your guitar and I’ll give you the beat.”
She moves back behind her set as Harry grabs a guitar, throwing the strap over his head, turning to face Remi behind him as he places the microphone stand in front of him.
“I’ll go softer on the beats, you just do your thing okay?” she tells him and he just nods, fingers already on his guitar.
Kiwi sounds a whole lot different with just the drums playing weakly and only one guitar playing, but it’s not what matters. Harry finally manages to go through the song without messing anything up.
When the song ends and the music is replaced by silence, Harry can’t help the grin stretching across his face.
“I fucking needed that,” he sighs, his head falling back for a moment as the last bits of euphoria settles in his body.
“Want to go over something else?” she asks, turning back and forth to the sides on her stool, playing with the sticks, twirling them between her fingers easily.
“You sure don’t want to go home like the others?”
“Let’s see what choices I have. I can go home and watch an entire season of Love Island on my own, eating leftovers from two days ago or I can stay here, play music with a hot dude. I think I’m fine with the second option.”
Harry’s eyebrows shoot up at how simply she just called him a hot dude, his heart fluttering in his chest again like the first time he saw her play, only difference is that now her eyes are piercing on him and it’s just the two of them in an empty room. He is already having thoughts that should probably be pushed down.
“Did you just call your boss hot?” he teases her then.
“I don’t think you’re my boss,” she scoffs. “You need me here more than I need to be here, so I think I’m the one having the higher ground,” she points out and Harry knows she is so damn right. “Besides, I know you find me hot as well.”
He is quick to blush at her words, but that doesn’t stop him from questioning her.
“What makes you think that?”
“I see you staring, Harry. I’m not oblivious or naive. I know you like checking my butt out every time I’m fixing my set leaning down,” she chuckles and now he is certain his ears are a deep shade of red, he was caught more often than he thought, it seems like. “Also…” she smirks slyly. “If you think you hid your hard-on cleverly the other day when I played my solo, you are wrong.”
“For fuck’s sake,” Harry mumbles, cursing himself for being such a horny teenager around her, but he can’t help it. The woman is the epitome of everything Harry finds so fucking attractive, it’s like she was made for his imagination specifically. “This, um, this is a little awkward, but I’m sorry--” “Oh, don’t be,” she chuckles. “I’m just lucky I’m a woman and my arousal can’t be seen that easily,” she comments and Harry almost chokes on his own breath.
Did she just admit she has been turned on by him before? When? What did she think about? What was it that made her turned on? Harry needs answers, however he is not given the chance to get them.
“Alright, you can choose two more songs we’ll go over and then we are off,” she simply says, as if they weren’t just talking about being horny a moment ago.
“Uh, maybe Only Angel and, um, Lights Up?” he prompts, trying his best to regain his composure. 
“Cool. Let’s do them.” And with that, she switched back to work mode without batting an eye.
It feels like the crowd will never stop screaming. It just keeps going and going, people are probably losing their voice, but the screaming just continues as Harry stands at the front of the stage, his adrenaline jumping to the sky, eyes roaming around the full arena. He throws a few more kisses, placing his hands to his chest one last time before turning around and heading off the stage, his eyes meeting Remi.
She is not wearing her usual clothes, instead, she is now sporting a pair of high-waisted dress pants in a lavender color, a white top tucked into it, her matching blazer thrown to the floor, she probably got hot the moment she started playing. Her tattoos are on full display and she looks just as sweaty as Harry feels. But still, for him she is a sight he would love to look at for the rest of his life.
Their eyes meet and she smirks at him, eyes glimmering from the high she experienced through the concert, it’s a feeling they all share every time they perform together and it’s clearly like a drug neither of them wants to come clear of.
“Good job, Rockstar,” he reads her lips saying and he laughs, winking at her.
Ever since their one-on-one rehearsal, things have felt to change between them. It’s like a barricade that’s been lying between them has come down and they are feeling much more free around each other. Secret glances, touches and flirty comments are their usual and they don’t care that the people around them are starting to catch on it as well. They love the game they are playing and neither of them plans on stopping it.
Harry stops at her drum set, holding out a hand to help her up and walk her off the stage, knowing well she doesn’t feel the most comfortable in her stage clothes and feels a little too restricted by the end of the concerts, but she understands that her style does not go well with the look they are going for. 
She snatches her blazer from the floor and gladly takes Harry’s helping hand as he walks her off the stage, her Gucci boots feeling a little too tight at the moment.
“One of these days I’m gonna rip these pants off,” she jokes, pulling on the tight waistband of them.
“Just make sure I’m around when it happens, Darling,” Harry teases, making her laugh as they walk backstage, everyone congratulating them and the band following behind on their way.
“Oh, you’d love that, wouldn’t you?”
“Very much,” he admits without shame, the blushing long gone from his cheeks and ears. The buildup has changed his nervousness around her lately and he is enjoying the teasing and flirting all too much. 
The whole team agrees that tonight’s show was exceptionally good and that it deserves some celebratory drinks. A few blocks away from the hotel where everyone is staying there’s a cozy looking bar and the rather loud lot occupies half the place as they flow in and start ordering their endless rounds of drinks. 
Harry is sitting at one of the tables they have taken up, going strong with his third beer of the night, half zoned out of the conversation with the small group he is sitting in. His eyes are fixated on Remi’s figure who is standing at the bar with Charlotte, unlike every other female around she is not sipping on some kind of fancy drink or a cocktail, she went straight for the crafted beers the place had to offer. She has changed her stage clothes, wearing her usual tight black jeans and a sheer top with a simple black sports bra underneath it. Harry can’t stop his eyes from raking down her body, taking in every curve, tattoo and tiny detail about her and he thinks that there is not one thing on her he doesn’t find attractive. 
Her eyes find him, a playful smirk playing on her lips Harry has been thinking way too much about lately, and she cocks an eyebrow at him in a way that yells at him: Like what you see, Rockstar?
As an answer, he just simply shrugs with a growing smirk until she turns back to Charlotte, who is still talking to her, she hasn’t even noticed that Remi was focusing somewhere else for a moment. Remi laughs at something her bandmate said and Harry wishes he could be closer to hear her voice, he has grown quite a liking to her laughter, he has been trying to crack as many jokes lately as he can just to hear it.
He takes his eyes off her just for a second when someone at the table asks him something. He mumbles his reply and reaches for his beer as his gaze shifts back to her figure, only to find that Charlotte is not gone and a not so friendly looking guy is behind her, clearly trying to chat her up.
The dude is standing way too close to her for Harry’s liking, leaning in to talk to her, but she keeps backing away, however he does not care about that. She is clearly not enjoying the exchange and when the guy reaches up to her face Harry is quick to jump to his feet, ready to go to her rescue. But it’s not needed.
Just as he takes one step towards the scene near him, he witnesses as Remi grabs the bloke’s hand before he could touch her face and with a strong and quick move, she twists his arm behind him, keeping the guy on his toes as he is trying to escape her deadly grip on his wrist, his hand pushing into the middle of his back.
Harry’s mouth hangs open as he watches Remi tell something to the guy in a not too friendly manner before letting him go and the man flees before Harry could blink twice.
“That was impressive,” Harry tells her, walking up to her at the bar. Remi just shrugs, gulping down the rest of her beer. 
“I know some tricks.”
“How come?”
“Grew up with three older brothers, had to learn how to defend myself when they decided to attack me out of nowhere.”
“Three brothers? That must ‘ave been wild,” he huffs impressed.
“I surely didn’t have a girly childhood, I’ve always been kind of a tomboy,” she shrugs again. As a teenager, she often wished she would be like the girls in her class, but later on she realized how big of an advantage it is that she speaks the boys’ language so easily.
“I think it just made you… badass,” Harry smirks, leaning against the bar counter.
“Is that what I am?”she arches an eyebrow cockily. 
“Definitely. A handful, but the good kind.”
“Oh, just be careful, Rockstar. I might think you are trying to get into my pants,” she chuckles and as Harry hears her laugh he can’t stop himself from taking it further. She is too intoxicating.
“And what if I am?”
Remi doesn’t seem surprised at his comment, not even a bit. She is clearly enjoying the flirting once again, but when she answers, he surely is the one who is surprised.
“Then I gotta say you are working way too slow. I’m losing my patience.”
His eyebrows rise, lips parted as he stares back at her, the words that left her lips pushing the air out of his lungs once again, he is done for her. Utterly and completely. He wants to say and do a million things, but then settles on just one simple question.
“Want to get back to the hotel then?”
“Thought you’d never ask,” she smirks and simply heads towards the door without another word spoken. Harry is quick to grab his stuff from the table and catch up with her at the exit. 
The crispy night air feels a little sobering as they both step out of the bar, heading to the nearby hotel with rushed steps, keeping their silence but they both are grinning madly. When their eyes meet they can’t push down the laughter and Harry grabs her hand before he starts running, pulling her after himself.
By the time they reach the hotel they are both out of breath, adrenaline running high once again as what’s been building up between them since the first time they saw each other is finally about to bloom fully.
Remi pushes the button for the elevator and as it moves down painfully slowly Harry’s hands find her hips, pulling her back against his chest. His lips tease the soft skin on her neck, peppering kisses everywhere he reaches while his fingers dig into her skin under her sheer top. She leans against him, head falling back to his shoulder and she pushes her bum against his crotch, a whiny moan escaping his lips that makes her smile in satisfaction. 
“Fuck, Remi,” he breathes out, eager to finally have her all to himself and make all his fantasies come to life. The elevator finally dings and as the door slides open Remi turns in his arms abruptly and grabbing onto the collar of his shirt she simply pulls him inside, hand snapping on the button of his floor and just as the door slowly slides closed and they start moving up, her lips finally crash against his.
They are kissing hard, eager to take as much from each other as they can, they are both greedy, wanting the other all to themselves, the heat of the moment lighting up the small elevator. His fingers rake through her hair, grabbing a handful of it in each of them while one of her hands slide down his upper body until it stops on the obviously growing bulge in his pants. Harry moans shamelessly when she gives his erection a teasing squeeze and she smirks against his lips, satisfied with how easily he reacts to her touches. 
Harry melts into her, wanting to devour every bit of this moment with her, he is seeing stars when she takes his lower lip between her teeth and tugs on it. A hand flies down to her ass and he squeezes it hard without shying about how much he is enjoying touching her.
The elevator reaches their floor and once again he grabs her wrist and starts pulling her down the hallway towards his room. Her lips are glued to his neck when he is trying to get his keycard from his back pocket and open the door, but when he finally succeeds, they basically fall into the room, tangled into each other and the door snaps closed behind them. 
He is quick to push her against the door, lips attacking her neck, nipping and sucking on her skin until he is sure a mark is left on her. 
“Off with it,” she pants, her hands tugging on his shirt and they work with all four of their hands to unbutton his shirt until it flies across the room. Remi pushes on him, hands spread across his hot chest as they get farther inside the room. The bump into some furniture on their way, lips glued together again until they finally reach the bed and fall right onto the perfectly made sheets. They are both showing dominance so it’s a constant fight for the lead between them, rolling around until at last Remi ends up on top, strangling his lap. She straightens up and grabs the hem of her shirt, getting rid of it fast before she does the same with her sports bra, baring her upper body completely to Harry’s greedy eyes.
“Fuck,” he breathes out, pushing himself up until he wraps his arms around her, mouth meeting her chest, littering her heated skin with sloppy kisses until his lips reach one of her nipples.
“Yes!” she moans as he starts playing with it, his hands coming to cup her breasts, massaging them continuously before his mouth moves over to her other nipple, giving it the same attention. 
Harry uses her momentary weakness and turns them over, his crotch coming in contact with her center as he pushes his hips between her legs forcefully. He kisses down her stomach before he leans back and works fast on the buttons of her jeans. The tight material hugs her legs stubbornly, but he is eager to get rid of them and he soon succeeds, leaving her in just a lacy black thong. He undoes his own pants in a heartbeat, pulling them off and throwing them to the side before he gets on top of her again, kissing her lips so hungrily as if it hasn’t been just a few moments since he kissed her last. 
She whimpers under his touch when he moves a hand between her thighs, running his fingers along her clothed folds, her arousal already soaking the fabric. He doesn’t hesitate to slip his hand into her underwear, her juices wetting his wandering fingers and he teases her hole and clit playfully.
“You better not fucking tease me, I don’t like that,” she pants, her dark eyes meeting hers and he can see the threat behind her words, she is not joking.
“Then what do you like?” he breathes out, eager to please her so much, she’ll forget about everyone else she has ever slept with.
She doesn’t answer, instead, a devious smile tugs on her swollen lips as she pushes him off until she is able to move. Harry is now kneeling on the bed and watches as Remi pushes her ass up into the air, back arching perfectly, her thong looking so delicious on her round butt and when she pushes herself back so her behind meets her throbbing dick in his briefs he could cry from the sensation. His hands immediately grab onto her asscheeks, pulling her even harder against himself.
“Smack it,” she breathes out, glancing over her shoulder.
“Do it,” she nods and Harry doesn’t need more encouragement, he lifts a hand up and smacks her ass so it leaves a little redness after it. Remi moans erotically, enjoying herself fully and seeing how much it turns her on, he smacks the other cheek as well.
“You are gonna be the death of me,” he whines and pushing down his briefs his erection finally springs free, he grabs it with one hand, stroking himself a few times while his other hand is keeping a tight grip of her ass.
Remi wants to see him naked, so she quickly pushes herself up to her knees and turning around her eyes fall on Harry stroking himself. Hunger fills her eyes as she launches forward, lips meeting his while her hands simply take the place of his on his length, doing the job for him.
“I’m on birth control. When were you last tested?” she mumbles against his lips before leaning back so she can get rid of her thong and Harry does the same with his underwear.
“Three weeks ago, haven’t been with anyone since and I’m clean,” he mumbles in a rush.
“I’m clean too. You can ditch the condom if you want to.” “I wanna feel you,” he pleads desperately as she lies back on the bed and he gets on top of her again.
“All yours,” she smirks, spreading her legs wide for him, the sight in front of him is easily beating any art he has ever seen, he thinks. 
He positions himself to her entrance, but doesn’t push into her just yet, leaning down so his lips brush against her ear as he whispers into it.
“Let’s see if you feel just as amazing as I imagined.” And with that, he pushes into her with one swift movement, stretching her all the way until his whole length disappears inside her.
“Fuck, Harry!” she cries out, back arching at the sensation. He sucks on her neck once again as he starts moving in and out, fitting inside her so perfectly, he is convinced she was crafted just for him. 
He is going fast and hard, their pants and moans completely filling the hotel room and they can only hope they can’t be heard by anyone right now. She circles her legs around his hips, the angle he is reaching making her toes curl behind his back.
“You feel so fucking good,” he chokes out, face contorting into a blissful frown as he is getting closer to his orgasm with each thrust.
“I want to be on top,” she gasps, already pushing on and this time Harry doesn’t hesitate to obey. He rolls to his back, pulling her with him so now she is on top. Her hands come to rest on his stomach as she starts riding her, circling and lifting her hips so perfectly, so breathtakingly that Harry could cum just from the sight of her bouncing on him, but the feeling is making it a mind blowing experience. His fingers dig into her hips as she is starting to move faster and faster, before Harry starts bucking his hips up to meet her rhythm as well, going so deep into her, he is having a hard time deciding where she ends and where he starts. They are completely merged together in one hot mess. 
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum!” she screams gasping, her head falling back as she doesn’t fall out of her rhythm, still being such a drummer even in the bed, dictating the beat. 
Harry pushes himself up into a sitting position, wrapping his arms around her so he can push her naked chest against his, their sweaty skins sliding against each other relentlessly, creating friction.
“Scream my name when you cum,” he orders, his lips finding hers once again, but it’s a messy kiss, their teeth are clanking, noses are bumping together as they are both nearing their high.
“Harry, oh fuck!” she exclaims and with her next movement he can feel her clench around him.
“Louder!” he growls on the edge of his own orgasm.
“Harry! Harry!” she screams shamelessly, throwing him over the edge, a guttural moan bursting from him as they both fall out of the rhythm, satisfaction washing over them in waves.
“Oh shit!” she breathes out, lips against his as she keeps him close with her hands on the base of his neck. 
“Fucking Hell, Remi. I think I almost had a heart attack,” he breathes out with a soft chuckle making her laugh as well. She pulls him into another kiss, but it’s way slower now, the hunger and greed taken by their pleasure, now it’s time for something softer.
When they fall back to the bed, arms and legs tangled as they are still trying to stay close to each other, Remi looks up at him with a tired smile.
“So, was it like you imagined?” she asks and he chuckles softly.
“A thousand times better. But now we have a problem on our hands.”
“And what would that be?”
“Now I’m hooked. I won’t be able to stop thinking about you, not that it hasn’t been the situation since the start.”
Remi chuckles shortly, pushing herself up enough so she can look comfortable at his flushed out face. 
“Well, it’s a good thing we are kind of locked together for months.”
“I’m one lucky man, aren’t I?” he smirks, so full of himself before he pulls her back down, kissing her like they have all the time in the world on their hands.
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Måneskin interview for TVN24 - english translation
Few days ago an interview (on video) with Måneskin came out in Poland on TVN24 channel, sadly its paywalled on their site (and the tv only showed a bit).
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However, I got a transcript of it and decided to translate it for you guys :D
Also, while the interview took place in Poland (day before the Sopot festival), the interviewer knew italian, so they talked in italian and the TV translated it to polish (and dubbed them!!! :( ). So I hope theres nothing that like, got lost in translation twice.
Also its 2am now so the translation might not be the most perfect, but you'll definitely get the gist of what they were saying!!
The whole thing is under the 'keep reading' :)
First of all – congratulations on the San Remo and Eurovision wins! I just want you to know how happy you made my mom – she listens to your music for 3 years now. How are you feeling today?
D: We feel good, tho we’re tired as well. We travel a lot, but we’re happy. We meet new fans, new opportunities are coming up. It’s really nice.
How did you guys meet? When looking at you, you have this sense of unity and just good vibes. How did it all start?
D: We know each other for a long time.
V: Yeah, Since middle school. Me, Thomas and Damiano were playing in different bands, but they weren’t the best. Thet all disbanded. Then we posted in a facebook group ’looking for a musician in rome’ and found Ethan. Since then we started doing music for real. We devoted ourselves to the music, and… the rest just came naturally.
E: Yes. We knew it’s gonna be our life since day one.
What did you say In the post, when looking for the fourth member of the band?
V: I wrote ”looking for a drummer for an indie rock/new wave band”.
E: That’s true, there was new wave in it too.
I’m sure a lot of people replied.
V: No, actually only Ethan replied. But we found that post lately and now it’s full of comments like „why didn’t i reply back then!”
T: Ethan was really lucky.
What did your parents thought about your choice (to pursue music)? A rockstar lifestyle isn’t exactly what every parent wants for their child.
D: No, our parents are really content with it. They know what we do makes us happy, and of course we visit them whenever we can. And they are proud of us as well, because they see we’re happy and independent, travelling all over the Europe, and hopefully all over the world. I think every parent wants their kid to be satisfied and happy.
And friends? Are you still friends with the same people, or did the friendships fell apart?
D: We still have the same friends. And we’re sure that way that they are our real friends.
Do they understand your current lifestyle, that you can dissapear for a year?
V: Yeah, they all understand that this is our job, that our life is a bit irregular, but, like everything, it has its ups and downs.
E: Exactly, they understand, but they also miss us. Sometimes my mom calls and says ”I miss you, you’ve been gone for so long”. It’s normal. But what’s important is that we feel the support from our families and friends. They understand that you need to sacrifice a lot, to achieve a lot.
Can you still easily go ands grab a beer in the Rome neighbourhoods (districts?) of Pigneto or Trastevere? Or is it impossible now?
V: The only truly safe place for us is Trastevere, because we always lived there. Everyone there knows us and they don’t care we’re famous.
D: But I have to admit that since they whole Eurovision thing we still didn’t come back, so it’s hard to say for sure.
T: But let’s say that its a safe space.
Don’t you worry that now that whole world knows you, you’ll be followed by tourists?
V: Oh my god, you’re right, we didn’t think about it!
D: When we came back to Rome for one day I got excited when one tourist stopped me. ”Cool, I got stopped by a tourist” – now it’s normal.
T: It gives us joy.
V: It’s beautiful.
E: Wonderful.
V: We’re not complaining.
D: Long live the tourists!! (that one was kinda weird to translate)
You started by playing on Via Del Corso, now you’re international stars. I’m wondering, do you still feel the same when playing together as before? Do you have fun making music together? Or do you miss the simpler times and would love to go back to Via del Corso and play something spontaneously?
V: No, we’re still spontaneus. It’s really important for us, and we make sure people who work with us understand that. We’re really adamant about it. Music needs to remain beautiful, spontaneus and natural thing for us. We never worked with someone who would write lyrics for us. No one ever told us what we can and cannot do. We still feel the exact same feelings in studio and on stage that we felt when we were just getting started. It’s the purest thing for us. We want to have fun and feel free to express ourselves.
T: Exactly, especially that music is our driving force. Without music, we wouldn't have all the beautiful things we do. We focus only on music, and the rest comes to us.
Let’s imagine a situation where you just started ma king a song, and everyone has a different idea for it. How do you work that out? And who’s idea wins most of the time?
V: There are two options in this situation: we try every idea, and if none works, we throw the song away.
E: It doesn’t work. (that one is kinda untranslateable?)
V: Or we really work on it and fight till the end.
D: Exactly. Sometimes, but that pretty rare, one of us has a particular idea on how to do the song, and manages to convince us (to the idea). but it’s not an order, it’s a dialogue. An attempt to make everyone think the same way. I need to say that it was much harder in the past, because we were still searching for our sound, and each tried to push the rest into their way of thinking. But now we’re more aware of what we want to create, so it’s coming out in much more natural way.
E: Faster.
D: Not really faster, because it takes a lot of time to create new songs, but it’s easier, we don’t argue that much anymore.
T: It’s really cool, because everyone gives something from themselves to the song. (my brain kinda blanked here, sorry xD) Just like Damiano said, there are days when Vic has one idea for a song, I have another idea, Damiano has his own idea, Ethan as well… But it’s a whole creative process where we all contribute, and it’s pretty stimulating.
D: Everyone feels appreciated. It’s really important when it’s four of us.
What are the biggest signs that you became huge international stars?
V: We really realize that when we’re having concerts. Where we can see our audience and we can see that people really care about us. That they took time and money to listen to us. Now that we’re travelling across Europe, the amount of people stopping us on the streets really shows how many people know about us. People are waiting for us in front of our hotels. We didn’t think it would be like that. But we feel nothing but affection and warmth from them.
How was Eurovision for you from the backstage? Anything atypical?
D: No, it was all great. We played ping-pong.
V: Did rehearsals.
E: Interviews.
D: Yes, interviews. And ping-pong.
When you we’re in Paris, did anyone mention the drug allegations that came from French people during the finale, that kinda became a diplomatic incident?
D: Yeah, you could say that it was mentioned.
They don’t resent you? Or maybe you resent France?
D: No. To feel that about the whole country would be too much of a generalization. Of course there were people who were really vocal about it, but we don’t feel any sort of resentment. It’s in the past for us. We knew they were just primitive accusations. We did what it deserved – talked a bit about it, I volunteered to do the test, and they (the accusators) were sure it had to be false. It got ridiculous, so we just stopped talking about it. We want to talk about out music, our art. The rest is just meaningless.
Right now, LGBTQ rights are a hot topic both in Italy and in Poland. You mentioned freedom of being different and being yourself on several occasions. Do you think you can change the world on this matter as musicians?
D: Maybe not change the world, but we can definitely contribute. Speak the voice of those who can’t. We have a huge following on social media, on stage, on TV, so we feel responsibility to talk about what’s important to us. We hope that something will change because of us, but we don’t consider ourselves as the ones to set the standards of justice and change. We do what we can do, and if we know enough about it, we talk about it. We don’t want to put someone elses words into ours mouths.
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macbetha · 3 years
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below the cut, you'll find an interest check chapter for quatervois, a nancy drew pc fic. it's francy and also my idea of my absolute dream game. please let me know what you think and enjoy!
After Ned breaks up with her and she loses her father, Nancy struggles to find her old vigor for detective work. While on vacation in London with Bess and George, Nancy accepts the urgent invitation to return Blackmoor Manor. Her English getaway quickly turns into an investigation once Nancy realizes the true reason Nigel Mookergee asked her back to the moors. Finding Deirdre Shannon at the manor under the same pretense only sets Nancy’s nerves further on edge. It isn’t until the Hardy Boys show up in Blackmoor that Nancy gets a glimpse of who she once was. With a manor full of suspects and a glass heart cracked open, Nancy is determined to find the truth.
Dear Ned,
How are you? It’s been a while. I’ve always started off my letters telling you about my latest case, but I’m not on one right now. I’m sure that’s hard to believe. Bess and George have whisked me away to London. I’m sure you would love it here. This is the first time I’ve seen Bess and George since I sold the house in River Heights. I stayed with Kyler and Matt in Ireland for a while. I needed a change of scenery. Their daughter just turned two. I’m somewhat jealous I’m happy for them. Anyways, I miss you I hope you’re doing well. I’m sure New York is lovely at Christmas time. I hope Stephanie is I wish Stephanie well How is Stephanie? I hope Stephanie is doing all right. I appreciated the card Stephanie sent when dad passed away. Warm regards, Merry Christmas, Love Nancy
She stares down at the letter as if the red ink were her own blood. It feels just as wounding, seeing her emotions made physical in the words on the paper. Only when a tear splatters on the page does she break free from her trance to the past. Nancy is the only person in her hotel suite, yet she works to rid the evidence like one of her own suspects. She pulls her feet up in the desk chair and crosses her ankles, holding the arch of her right foot – it recently became the victim of her latest culprit. Nancy’s foot got caught under the getaway car’s tire, and she is lucky to even be able to walk after the event. Months later, it’s stiff as hell with the most intense cramps she’s ever endured. Heart racing to forget the night it happened, she focuses on the snowfall out the window – counting little sparkles of snowflakes, though the world blurs when she squints. The doctor thought her failing sight as well as the daily headaches were on account of being hit in the head so many times.
She busies herself with choosing a postcard to send Hannah and Nancy selects one with a cat dressed up as a royal guard. The cuteness puts a smile on her face, however small – she hopes it’ll do the same for Hannah, but there is no telling. Nancy had the gut-feeling Hannah was lying about recognizing her the last time Nancy visited the nursing home. Torment swirls like wind to fallen leaves. She doesn’t have Hannah or Togo to come home to. Togo passed just before Nancy’s thirty-second birthday, and Carson fell ill soon after that. Nancy looks to her hotel bed where Mr. Woogle Woggle sits tucked between two pillows. It seems he is the only one that hasn’t left her. A knock on her hotel door reminds her that is simply not true. Nancy rights herself, fixing her posture to the stance of someone passionate, and she opens the door. Bess and George greet her with blazing smiles; Nancy gives silent thanks for their presence in her life. She would still be in Scotland with Kyler and Matt, had Bess and George not insisted to take her on a vacation. Nancy imagines that their insistence was due to them wanting to keep Nancy from spending Christmas alone on the road again like last year. “Nancy,” Bess stresses. “You’re never going to guess who we ran into in the lobby!” Horror strikes dull and loud in her ears. Surely, it’s not Ned. Please, don’t let it be Ned. George says, “Give you a hint: they were involved in one of your cases.” Nancy’s despair leaves her throat tight. She glances down the hallway, preparing to yank Bess and George into her room and dial her Cathedral contact to get them set up in witness protection.
“That didn’t narrow it down at all, George,” Bess says with a roll of her eyes. “Nancy’s been on hundreds of cases.” Nancy’s strain creeps into her one word: “Who?” Bess and George beam. “Maya Nguyn!” ++
Nancy follows Bess and George to the elevator in a hurried stupor. No thoughts can she conjure as she steps free from the elevator walls which seem to close in on her; Nancy marches into the lobby and notices a woman in the crowd of tourists. She stands with her back to Nancy, her hair drawn up in a bun, and her chin is lifted high with no time for games. Maya turns around and her bright red mouth stretches into a smile. “Nancy!” “Maya,” Nancy huffs in disbelief. She tenses in Maya’s sudden embrace before all but falling into it. This is something good I did; Nancy cherishes with shut eyes. This is someone I helped. When Maya pulls back, Nancy says, “What are you doing all the way out here? You said in your last letter, you were still in Washington.” “My house is technically there,” Maya nods. “But I get to work on the road more these days.” Her brows crease over a sympathetic smile. “Bess and George tell me you’re kind of in the same boat.” Nancy shrugs, struggling to hold Maya’s concerned gaze. “It’s just easier,” Nancy lies. Maya seems to see right through it, but she doesn’t speak on it. Nancy will have to thank her later. George says, “Maya offered us free tickets to a play she’s reviewing tonight and get this – it’s at the Globe Theater!” “Remind me what’s so special about a globe theater,” Bess sighs, checking her nails. “Not ‘a’, Bess, the.” George shakes her head. “The Globe Theater – well, technically it’s a reconstruction of the first one, but it’s where Shakespeare wrote his plays.” “It’s the opening night of a new play,” Maya explains. “And Nancy, you’ll never guess who the star is.” Nancy cannot take anymore guessing games. “Brady Armstrong.” Maya blinks. “Well – yes, actually.” Nancy frowns. “Wait, really?” “Yes,” Maya laughs. “I’ll be conducting an interview with him after the show if you want to go backstage and chew him out for all the stunts he pulled back in the day.” A spark of vigor heightens Nancy’s senses. That doesn’t sound bad at all. Still – “Are you sure we won’t be a distraction or –” “Nancy.” Maya’s hand falls on her shoulder. “You saved my life. You’re the furthest thing from a distraction.” Gratitude floods her before Nancy nods. “All right, then.” +++ The walk to the Globe would be depressive what with the sky being the color of a soaked napkin, but the Christmas decorations lift everyone’s spirits. Nancy limps by a shop playing Christmas oldies through the open door and she is borne back to her father listening to records over cocoa on Christmas morning. She tries to push the memory from her mind, then she thinks of building snowmen with Ned and having snowball fights that turned into the sweetest kisses she’s ever received. The music won’t stop. There are three Christmas trees in the display window and their flashing lights strike pain behind Nancy’s eyes. She pants through a sensory overload before someone squeezes her hand. Maya smiles in understanding as Bess and George walk obliviously in front of them. “It’s hard,” Maya says. “This life on the road. You pick up a few habits.” Nancy squeezes her hand in thanks before tucking her own in her peacoat’s pocket. “I want to enjoy this,” she admits quietly. “But I think the holidays are always hard.” Maya nods. “It won’t be this way forever, Nancy,” she promises. “I’ve got my fingers crossed for you.” Cross your fingers, there’s a story behind this door! Nancy swallows around the lump of panic in her throat. She plasters on a smile. +++ The theater is packed with noise and touching and all-around boisterous patrons. They find their seats in the crowd and Nancy doesn’t watch where she’s going – she must keep her eyes on the open ceiling to remember how to breathe. She sits down at the end of the group and Maya passes out programs. Quatervois, the title reads. Bess says, “What does that mean?” “It means you’re at a crossroads,” Maya says. “A turning point.” “Sounds a little dramatic,” George grumbles. Nancy traces the swooping lines of the title with
her thumb, repeating the process until the lights go down. The masked chorus emerges from the shadows and gives a synopsis: Down from Olympus a great hero emerges, Mighty in his strength and courage! A choice he must make Shall he ignore fate? Will he choose love, Or follow his destiny there-of? When Brady saunters on stage in an impossibly short silk chiton, it’s an out-of-body experience for Nancy. He still hasn’t grown his ponytail back, so Simone could very well be in the audience right now. Nancy rubs her aching temple at the thought. Brady begins his journey as the character Diogenes, a demigod that was supposedly – according to the play’s plot – written out of ancient Greek mythos. Diogenes must defeat those who want to leave him forgotten in history, lest he admit that he can’t win this fight and live his life like everyone else. Nancy assumes the play’s ending too soon. She imagines this will be a droll experience written only to paint Brady as a glorious hero that can conquer anything – but she is quickly surprised. Brady is stabbed in the final act and addresses the audience in a wail: And so my story ends a breath too early, No time to even be weary! The moon shall pass over my corpse, And the sun will beat down on my ashes with no remorse. Today, I have failed my quartervois Alone, forgotten, and lost. When the curtain falls, Nancy’s mouth is parted in disbelief as a tear burns down her cheek. They don’t receive a proper goodbye with Maya since the rest of the crowd is bustling toward the exit. She does have time to say that Brady is producing a new television series and will be scouting some locations further into Essex; Maya will be following the film crew there for test shoots. She embraces each girl individually and holds Nancy for a beat longer, whispering, “You’ll call if you need to talk?” “Of course,” Nancy says by impulse. “Same to you.” +++ Nancy is proud of herself for going out, but when she closes the door to her hotel suite, her back thunks against the wall and she must take deep breaths for several minutes. She decides to treat herself to a bubble bath even though it’s nearly midnight. She rolls her hair up into a bun and looks at it in the mirror, how haphazard and messy hers is in comparison to Maya. Nancy isn’t jealous – but she can’t help but notice when people are thriving. She wants to figure out how to do it herself and hasn’t found the cure yet. The bath is claw-footed and deep. Nancy sinks into the steaming water before goosebumps rise on her arms, and her freckled skin blushes in the heat. The water does wonders for her foot. She eases her head back on the lip of the tub and nears a light doze when her cell phone rings. It rests atop a stack of towels by the tub. Nancy wipes her damp hand off before looking to the screen. Frank Hardy. Nancy answers and taps the speaker button to relax back in the tub. “Hey.” “Hi, Nance,” Frank says, his voice a familiar balm after such a stressful time. “What’s going on?” “Things aren’t too different from last week’s call,” Nancy smiles. “But I’m on vacation with Bess and George.” “Oh wow! That’s awesome. I hope it’s been fun.” Nancy’s glazed eyes blink. “Yeah,” she rasps. “It’s nice.” She clears her throat, searching for her old enthusiasm. “But what about you? How’s Joe?” “Same as usual, a pain in my ass.” Nancy chuckles before a distinctive lift raises Frank’s voice. “We’re actually getting ready to get on a plane for a case – but I wanted to make sure everything’s good with you.” Nancy’s hand closes in a fist on her raised knee. “Gosh, it’s been so long since I’ve been on a case.” “Not really. You just took a few months off to stay with Kyler, right?” “Yeah, but that’s the longest I’ve ever gone without a case since I started.” “I’d give you ours if I could,” Frank says. “Really not looking forward to such a long plane ride. Oh, they’re calling for our gate – but do you want me call you when I land?” Gratefulness is a warm glow in her heart. “No, that’s okay – but
thank you. Be safe on your trip and tell Joe I said hi.” “Can do.” Frank pauses. “I – tell Bess and George I said hi.” “Can do,” Nancy repeats. She chews her lip. “See you soon?” She feels foolish for saying something when Frank is headed to a case. While the weekly phone calls have kept Nancy sane, it would be even better to see the Hardy Boys. “I’ll make it happen,” Frank promises. “See you, Nance.” After they hang up, Nancy struggles to get out of the tub with her swollen foot. She gets into a pair of sweats and wraps up some ice in a washcloth, then holds it against her foot. Nancy mulls over her conversation with Frank, wondering how much of her poor mood could be due to not solving a mystery. With a deep yawn, she tosses the soaked washcloth in the wastebasket, not able to walk to the bathroom to put it in the sink. She cuddles up to her teddy bear and flicks the lamp off when her phone rocks to life on the nightstand. Bewildered, Nancy turns the lamp back on to look at the screen. The number is unknown; she sees her hand tremble around the phone. She lets the call go to voicemail before the phone vibrates to life once again. Bracing herself, Nancy answers. “Hello?” “Yes, hello – I’m trying to reach a one Nancy Drew?” The voice is British and eerily familiar, like Nancy heard it in a dream. “This is she.” “Splendid! Oh, you wouldn’t believe the trouble I’ve gone to in order to find your number.” “Sorry? Who is this?” “Why, Nigel Mookergee. We met at –” “Blackmoor,” Nancy whispers. “Nigel, hi. What’s going on?” “I’m afraid the manner of my call is not a jovial one,” he says. “How should I explain this? Well, I suppose from the start. You see –” He sighs. “Don’t tell anyone I’m speaking of this, but the Penvellyns have fallen into a bit of… financial trouble.” Nancy says, “’Financial trouble’?” “It’s certainly not my business to spread, but yes. It’s not that they are a poor family by any means, but one diplomat’s salary is not enough to keep up a castle.” Nancy sits up, grabbing a pen and notepad from her bedside table. She jots as Nigel continues. “The Penvellyns began to host historical tours at the manor – much to Mrs. Drake’s dismay, I might add. Jane wishes to expand the business to the paranormal side of things, and I don’t quite agree with the idea myself, but she insists it’s just what the manor needs.” Nancy finishes scrawling and says, “So, you’re working for the Penvellyns now?” “Yes. I’m afraid there’s been some situations – inconsequential events, if you will – that need a glance over.” Nancy arches a brow. “You mean an investigation.” “Ah, such a serious word. I simply want to make sure we are fully prepared to expand the business.” Nancy’s eyes narrow. “Right. When would you need me there?” “As soon as possible -” Nigel catches himself. “I mean, at your earliest convenience.” Nancy glances over her notes, running her hand over the page filled by red ink. She closes her eyes against the sight and says, “I’ll be there tomorrow.”
thank you so much for reading! please let me know what you think and stay safe. and please consider following me here and on twitter! xoxo
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let-me-write-shit · 4 years
I love your writing! Can you please write a piece where y/n has been a friend of him for years (all one d years too) and she is famous as well (kinda maggie rogers vibe) they write songs together etc. After the heartbreak from Camille she is always there for him and they realise that they have always been in love with each other, a bit of angst ofc 😂 Thank you very much!! 😍😍
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A/N: Thanks so much for the request and the kind messages when I was sick, @irelilien. I loved writing this. I know it’s probably not EXACTLY what you were thinking, but I hope you like it!! <3 <3 <3 
Word Count: 3,961
Requests are OPEN! If you have a request for a blurb, oneshot, imagine, whatever, Send me a message HERE!!!
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Started Off As Friends
“Will you relax, Harry?” you laugh, scooting to the edge of the office chair where you sat, reaching over and grabbing Harry’s hands away from his face to reveal his scrunched up eyebrows and dramatic frown, something he always did when he was frustrated. You took hold of his forearms as he pouted and tugged on your arms, making the wheels of your chair roll closer to him, your knees touching and his forehead falling towards your stomach.
Honestly, he could be such a baby sometimes. But as your hand instinctively plopped onto his head, running your fingers through his curls and massaging his scalp, you couldn’t help but smile. For years it had been like this; you and Harry were inseparable since the day you met. Back then he was still in One Direction and you just helped them write songs. You were one of the youngest songwriters on the team and they were impressed by it. Eventually, you began to release some of your own work, and when Harry went solo he often called on you to help with some of his songs, most of which always ended up on an album or being released.
You were there when his fame kicked off. He was there for you when you lost a family member. The two of you hardly even had so much of a fight, more like little bickers here and there. You were there through all of the One Direction drama including when you and Niall had a brief but scandalous (and absolutely not true) rumor spread that you were secretly dating and eloped, something Harry would cry laugh over whenever it was brought up. After all, if there would be any rumors of secret relationships between you and a member of One Direction, it would be with Harry. You were the closest out of all of them. You two had been through a lot in your friendship. More than most. And that included heartbreak.
You’d met practically every girlfriend he’d ever had. You knew details of his relationships that you really didn’t need to know about. And you’d been the subject of many jealous fights. But he’d always have your back. Until Camille.
Everything started great. You thought things had been going so well between them and Camille seemed to really like you. Oftentimes you’d get together just the two of you and have a girl’s night. But everything changed the night of one of your concerts. You were playing in London and the couple came to support. Throughout the night they had a lot to drink and each time you looked down things seemed to get increasingly more tense between the pair. Towards the end, it looked like a full-blown argument had ensued and they both stormed out of the arena. You assumed they were just going to talk it out and would meet you backstage afterward. You assumed Harry would fill you in on all the details later. But hours had passed and everyone had already backed up to leave. It wasn’t like Harry to just leave without saying anything. You called and texted but got no response. Not until the next day.
‘So sorry for leaving like that. We’ll talk later. -H’
But you never did. He practically ghosted you, only getting brief, cryptic texts or calls at random points in the day. The emotional circle-jerk you went through was next-level. Confusion, anger, sadness, indifference, and back to confusion. It was a never-ending cycle. You had later come to find that he only talked to you when Camille wasn’t around. And if she found out you were in communication, another argument would ensue and you’d hear about it whenever Harry called to complain. That’s all it was; a few calls and texts to whine about his relationship until the texts and calls stopped altogether. You hadn’t even seen his face for nearly seven months. For the longest time, you wanted to cry. You felt betrayed.
And finally, a month ago, after seven months of waiting, you had decided you were going to let him go and stop waiting around for him. But, when your phone rang at 11 PM that same night, your toughness crumbled to the ground. You had half a mind to yell and let it all out, or to just hang up, but you couldn’t. Not to him. Not when his heart was breaking. Instead, you invited him over. You must have drunk two whole bottles of wine by yourself, listening as Harry cried about his breakup and catching you up on all the issues they had. And you helped him through it.
For weeks he stayed with you so he didn’t have to be alone. You’d distract him with movies and games, stay up all hours of the night listening and reassuring him. You’d cry with him, laugh with him, and eventually, you’d help him channel his feelings into music. The two of you had written more songs than you can count about Camille and he finally had a sense of what he wanted his new album to sound like, picking a selection of songs on a demo and bringing it over to get your thoughts.
Listening to it brought on its own type of heartache for you. You remembered writing some of those lyrics with him. You remembered how broken you felt having to act like nothing was wrong and you were just happy to have him back. But the truth was, you were still hurt. You never did find out why he left so suddenly in the first place and coming back to you after all that time felt more like a slap in the face than anything. He knew you’d welcome him back with open arms He knew he could take advantage of your friendship because he knew how much he meant to you. Or, at least, he had an idea.
By the end of the demo, Harry looked so unsure that you were almost certain he’d start to freak out and second-guess himself. He rolled his head on your lap so that his cheek was against your thigh and groaned, “It feels like it’s missing something. Maybe I should have added ‘She’s Flames’.”
You shook your head as he sat up, “No. It’s perfect.”
“But what if-”
“No,” you cut him off, looking deeply into his eyes, “I wouldn’t change a thing. Not a single word, not a single piano key, not a single song, not even a single song order. Harry, it’s perfect.”
He relaxed his shoulders, letting his lips twitch upwards into a smile, and when he finally spoke, he took her hands in his again and said, “What would I do without you?”
You shrugged your shoulders, slipping your hands back and spinning in your chair to face your computer again, clicking away at the screen and layering instrumentals on your own music you were working on before he came over. Having a little makeshift studio in your flat helped when you couldn’t get in any time at a proper studio.
“Probably sulk at your own house instead of mine,” you mumbled, trying your best to sound like you’re joking.
“Hey, that’s not fair,” he whined, switching seats to a roller chair next to you.
You ignored him and continued to work while he talked beside you about possible release dates for his album, cover art, and which songs he wanted to have as his singles. You listened, adding your input where needed, as he carried on, grabbing your phone off the desk beside you and entering in your passcode. You didn’t mind, it was something the two of you always did. There was never any malice or reason behind it, it was just out of sheer boredom. You’d often scroll through each other’s social media dashboard or pictures. You had nothing to hide. Or, so you thought.
You became so hyperfocused on what you were doing that you almost didn’t hear it. It blended in with what you were working on so much that the sound of your voice singing from the speaker of the Harry held in his hands almost went unnoticed. But by the time you realized what he was listening to and snapped your attention to him, the damage was already done.
The knife of insight tore its way in me
A brash collision without sympathy
And maybe when the sun goes down I’ll come round, I’ll come out
Maybe we could take some time,
Unwind, figure out
When the knife of insight tore its way in me
Hit me up if you’re feeling down
Give a little, oh we’ll figure this out
Keep me up, keep my mind around
After dark, after light
Let it go if you want get loud
Make a little fuss, oh its all allowed
Beautiful how it all pours out
After dark, after light
Oh the knife of insight brought me to my knees
Broke me down and taught me how to see
And I know and I know and I know
That maybe we should take some time
Get this out, make this right
Maybe when the sun goes down I’ll come round, tell you all about
When the knife of insight brought me to my knees …..
You were at a loss for words, caught off-guard by him finding that voice note of a song you had recorded late one night three months ago. You could hear the wooshing of cars passing by in the background, remembering you recorded it on a drive to meet up with friends for dinner and didn’t want to forget the wave of creativity. Funny thing was, you completely forgot all about it.
You searched his face, hoping he didn’t understand what you were singing about But Harry wasn’t stupid. He’s worked with you long enough now to know your writing style. And with one look at the time stamp of the recording, he could tell this was written in the thick of when he had stopped seeing you.
“What’s this?” he asked softly, looking up at you.
He knew, he just wanted to hear you say it. You wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of an explanation, though. For weeks you had thought about what to say or how to confront him for what he did. But confrontation was never your strong suit and all the rehearsed speech had suddenly vanished from your memory.
Quickly, you grabbed your phone out of his hand and shut the music off, “Just something I was working on. Forgot it was still on there.”
He watched as your body tensed, hastily shoving your phone in your pocket. He could see right through your nonchalant attitude and he pressed again, “Is it about me?”
“Harry,” you breathed, forcing a laugh. But your refusal to look him in the eyes was your tell.
“It is, isn’t it?” His question sounded more like an answer, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Tell you what?”
“How you felt,” he turned your chair so that you were forced to face him and you looked nervously up at him through your eyelashes, his expression sincere, “Obviously you were hurt about whatever I did.”
Your mouth fell and he seemed to realize almost instantly that he had a poor choice of words. But, before either of you could say anything, Harry’s phone began to ring on the coffee table, catching both of your attention. And by a cruel coincidence, you saw that it was Camille calling him. His eyes widened and hastily silenced his phone, but the damage was done. You let out an incredulous laugh and stood up.
“It’s getting late. I think it’s time for you to leave,” you said firmly, avoiding his gaze.
You heard him stutter. He wasn’t used to you being stern with him. “What? Why? No, please, let’s talk about this.”
“Talk?” You laughed angrily, “You want to talk? Now? That’s rich coming from you! Alright, Harry, let’s talk, then,” your words were like ice and your heart pounded, finally getting the courage to look at him as you let it all out, “Ten years you’ve been one of my best friends. I’ve done so much for you. I’ve put up with a lot being your friend. All the backlash and drama and spite from your horrible girlfriends. But you always had my back Until her,” you motioned towards his phone.
His eyes fluttered, listening to you get angry. It was a side of you that rarely showed. And when your voice began to crack, he gulped.
You continued, “I was always nice to her. Always. Until one random day, she decided to hate me for no reason. And what did you do? Nothing! You ran after her like a lost puppy and avoided me for almost a year!”
“I didn’t avoid you!” Harry shot back, defensively.
“You didn’t avoid me?” you laughed in a hiss. “Harry, you dodged all of my calls and texts! I never saw you! And when we did talk, the Queen herself couldn’t know about it or you’d have another fight!”
“Don’t call her that. That’s not fair,” he pleaded.
“You want to talk about fair? The way you treated me wasn’t fair! All I was to you in those seven months was someone to complain to, but only if I was kept a secret!”
“That’s not true. Besides, it’s not like you ever complained at the time! You should have said something!”
“I shouldn’t have had to! You’ve always had my back and ended things with other girlfriends for a lot less!”
“I can’t keep ending relationships just because you don’t like them!”
“I never asked you to!” your voices were getting louder now, almost certain that if someone was passing by your open window, they’d be able to hear every word. “Never once did I ask you to break up with anyone or even hint at disliking them. You always did that on your own!”
“Because you’re my friend!” he shot back, his eyebrows furrowing and the crinkles by his eyes more prominent. Your back and forth was quicker now. Both of you speaking even faster.
“Then why did it change with her? Friends don’t treat friends as a last resort!”
“How did I treat you like a last resort? Because of a few missed calls and canceled plans? I was busy!”
“For seven months? No, you weren’t, Harry! You were a coward!”
“And you were jealous!”
“So what?” you snapped back. You could see the shock in Harry’s eyes, but you kept going, “So what if I was? It never made me treat you like dog shit on the bottom of my shoe! You ignore me for weeks at a time and when I finally get a response it’s because you’re crying about another fight you had with her and how neither of you trusts each other. Did I complain once? No. I listened. I never turned my back on you because that’s what a good friend does.”
“That’s what a good friend does? So now I’m not a food friend?” Harry scoffed, “I can’t read fucking minds, Y/N! How am I supposed to know you’re upset if you don’t tell me?”
“How am I supposed to tell you if you never answer my calls?!”
“I came back!” Harry yelled, “I’ve seen you almost every day for a month! You’ve had plenty of time!”
“Did I?” you sneered, “Harry, you were heartbroken about your breakup! What would you suppose I do? Tack on some more reasons for you to feel sorry for yourself? Cry about how you were mean and broke my heart? You didn’t need me getting after you! I recorded an idea for a song on my phone, and now you’re mad because I expressed my feelings in a song that you were never meant to hear?”
“You don’t get to decide what I can and can’t handle, Y/N!”
“You think you could have handled the added guilt?” you should back, bordering the edge of condescension, “I helped you write two albums worth of breakup songs about her, Harry! I sat here for hours a day every single day for weeks helping you write lyric after lyric explaining your love for a woman that hated me!” you were on the verge of tears now. “And here I am, the idiot helping you through it, only to find out you’re still talking to her!”
“I’m not talking to her! I called to ask if I could put something in a song!” Harry shot back, “And she didn’t hate you!”
“How can you not see it?” you breathed, wiping a tear from your cheek, “I have to watch a man I care so much about going through shitty relationship after shitty relationship. And I’m here, like always, waiting for you to wake up and see that you deserve better! You can’t even admit what you did because you’re too busy defending a girl that broke your heart!”
“I’m not defending her, Y/N! I’m sorry that I hurt you, but it’s not her fault! She didn’t hate you, she was just jealous and untrusting and she had every reason to feel that way!”
Heat rose to your face and your voice got more fierce, “I always treated her with respect! And I never gave her a reason to feel that way!”
“You didn’t, but I did!”
“What does that even mean?! Why would she hate me for something I didn’t even do? That doesn’t even make any sense, Harry! You avoided me for months and you’d argue if she found out you were talking to me, and you’re saying that it had nothing to do with me?”
“No. I mean, yes. Kind of,” he started to get flustered and began talking faster, “It was my decision, not hers. And I’m not defending her. I wanted to talk to you, Y/N, but I couldn’t!”
You were getting angrier. It felt like you were going around in circles with Harry and you were frustrated that he wouldn’t give a direct answer. “Why? You keep beating around the bush instead of just giving me a reason! What possible reason could you have for dropping a friend of ten years out of nowhere? I didn’t do anything! So, why?”
“Because I accidentally told her that I’m in love with you!” he blurted out.
His voice was loud and perturbed. But as soon as the words left his mouth he knew he might have just made a huge mistake. Harry never meant to tell you. He was perfectly happy with keeping this a secret for as long as it took to get over you.
You froze, sitting backward and raising your eyebrows, mouth ajar, “You what?”
“I didn’t mean to,” he spoke quickly, trying to justify himself, “We were drunk at your concert and, I don’t know, it just kind of came out and we started arguing. I didn’t even realize what I had said until the next morning when she was still angry.”
The memories of the night of your concert came flooding back. Images of their slowly fading happy faces turned to anger and fighting started to make sense. But what he was saying didn’t. He was in love with you? Surely he didn’t mean that. He showed no inclination of romantic feelings towards you. There had to be a misunderstanding. What he meant to say was ‘he loved you like a sister’.
When you didn’t speak, he continued to try and explain himself, hurriedly speaking again; something you hardly ever saw from him. Usually he was calm and cool, even when faced with uncomfortable situations.
“I tried to tell her I didn’t mean it and I had no clue why I said that, but she didn’t believe me. She kept saying ,‘I see the way you look at her’ and ‘Everyone knows it. I’m not stupid!’. So I just kept telling her she was crazy and started talking to you less and less to prove her wrong. But she never trusted me after that. And whenever she found out I was talking to you, it gave her more reason.”
“I-” you tried to speak, but he just kept talking, more unsettled now, “I kept trying to tell myself it was nothing. But when we broke up, the first person I thought of was you. I knew you were probably angry with me, but you helped me anyway. You were there for me like you always are. And I knew that Camille was right. It was always you. And honestly, I hated you for it.”
You recoiled, surprised as he started to get more agitated. He continued, “You were there since the start of it and you made me set this impossibly high standard for my relationships! That’s why they all failed miserably! That’s why they all hated you! Because they knew they couldn’t live up to you!”
“You’re blaming me for this?” you argued back, “I didn’t make you compare anyone to me! I didn’t even know because you were too chicken shit to say anything to me!”
“I couldn’t say anything to you! You were my best friend! I didn’t want to lose you! Those few months we didn’t talk were hell! I thought about you every day! Besides, what difference would it have made if I did tell you? You can’t honestly tell me you felt the same!”
“Stop assuming you know how I feel!”
“Well, am I wrong?!” he shot back, seething.
“Yes! You’re wrong!”
There was silence, the two of you just staring at each other, faces filled with frustration. His eyes flickered across your face, looking for some kind of sign as both of your chests rose and fell. His tongue grazed his lips, wetting them from all the yelling. And like the flash of light, both of you lunged forward at each other.
The mess of hands wildly roaming each other’s bodies and tangling in each other’s hair was dizzying. Hungrily, your tongues circled as if you were starved and the only salvation left was his breath entwined with yours. You both stood, only to be pushed backward on your desk, your keyboard slipping out from under you and crashing to the floor. You could feel your back press against your monitor as you eagerly fidgeted with the buttons on Harry’s shirt and before you could undo the last one, he had already managed to undo yours, pulling it down your arms and tossing it somewhere to the side.
Harry became impatient, finally pulling away from your lips and tanking open his shirt, making the last button pop off and roll underneath the desk. You for your first good look at each other; panting, out of breath. Half-naked, you could see every tattoo on his chest that you had always longed to kiss under the dim light of your flat and the veins in his arms bulged as he gripped onto the desk underneath your thighs. His eyes looked fierce and almost rabid as he looked you up and down. There was a moment of pause and thought. Slowly the two of you cracked a smile. And the smile turned into light laughter.
“I can’t tell you how long I’ve wanted to do this,” Harry whispered, pressing his forehead against yours and weaving his fingers through your hair just behind your ears as the warmth of his palms lay flat against your cheek.
You smiled, closing your eyes and placing your hands over top of his, breathing in his scent as you softly spoke, “Probably just as long as I’ve waited for you to do it.” And you gently pressed your lips to his once more.
@odetostep @mylittleangel9403 @thurhomish @fallingfordolans
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rosyfingereddawnn · 3 years
That’s The Way (Chapter 3)
Pairing: Jimmy Page x Reader
Word count: 3.7k
Warning(s): smut/nsfw, cheating, cursing, angst, Y/N being a badass :)
Author’s notes: We’ll be honest...this chapter is a lot to handle 😂 which is amazing since it’s only Chapter 3 of many! We suggest taking a break throughout, because you’re gonna need it 😂 So much happens that your mind may actually explode from the drama. By the way, Jimmy is introduced in the next chapter so yay! As usual, please enjoy, happy reading, and send us messages if you have theories, comments, music recommendations for the playlist, or if you want to be added to the tag list :)
Chapters: 1 | 2
Paul took Y/N out to dinner that week, and they had a wonderful time together. It seemed that every conversation they had together brought them closer and closer, and Y/N was in pure bliss. From that point forward, the two became inseparable.
Y/N’s parents, however, were not super pleased that Y/N was seeing Paul, especially because they had warned her about the romantically-unattached musician’s mannerisms and habits not that long ago. They just decided to act like they liked Paul, so he wouldn’t get suspicious or feel bad.
Two members of The Yardbirds in particular (and I’m sure, dear reader, that you know who they are by now) were hit with pangs of jealousy whenever they saw Y/N constantly attached to Paul’s arm. And, to make matters worse, it was under any circumstance imaginable: parties, interviews, photoshoots, meetings, airports, train stations, hotels...the list goes on. Yes, they did spend plenty of time apart, but attraction can make a man think irrationally. Even though they were specifically and strictly told to keep their mouths shut, it was very tempting to just say the truth and end their misery. A part of Chris and Jim felt happy to see her happy, but another, traitorous side of them felt exponentially bad for her. They knew that she was being used by Paul as arm-candy, and they knew that she, of all people, did not deserve that.
But that’s the name of the game, unfortunately.
18 February 1966
The Yardbirds were scheduled to perform on an episode of Ready, Steady, Go! that night, and Y/N decided to go and be a part of the live audience. She felt an obligation to support Paul and the band, since they were all friends (and a boyfriend, of course) now.
Before the show, Jim, Jeff, and Keith were all sitting on the stage, discussing the logistics of the rehearsals that would start soon. Y/N stood in front of the already-prepared stage and chatted with them.
“So what are you guys going to do on our days off next week?” Jeff asked.
“Spend time with my family,” Keith replied, adjusting his sunglasses.
“Not sure yet, haven’t figured it out,” Jim added.
“How ‘bout you, Miss Y/N?” Jeff nodded towards her with a smile. She answered with a soft giggle.
“I’m probably going golfing with my brother and a couple mates.”
“You golf?” Jim asked. She seemed to be getting more and more perfect by the day.
“Mmhmm,” Y/N nodded enthusiastically, “I’m bloody awful at it, but it’s fun, and I can hang out with my brother, so it’s a win-win.”
“You never told us you had siblings,” Keith smirked, tilting to the side and crossing his arms.
“Oh yeah, I have three. There’s Tommy, my older brother; Charlie, my younger brother; and Lillian, my little sister,” Y/N said.
“Wow, full house,” Jeff remarked, “I have a sister, Annetta, who I think you’d get along with quite well. I’ll have to introduce you to her soon.”
“Oh, that’d be great! I’d love to meet another Beck,” Y/N replied playfully. Jeff just laughed and shook his head.
“It’s a shame that I can’t spend time with Paul this week. He said he was busy, but he didn’t explain why,” Y/N sighed, “whatever. It’s probably legitimate, so I don’t mind. We’ve been hanging out too much anyway.” She laughed at the last part.
“He’s probably just going home to his wife,” Jim replied, thoughtlessly.
At that instant, everyone’s eyes widened, eyebrows raised, and lips downturned into a shocked, panicked frown.
“He’s...what?” Y/N asked quietly, sounding like she was about to shatter into a thousand tiny pieces.
Y/N noticed that Keith and Jeff were glaring at Jim, who was clearly embarrassed at what he had revealed. He hid his eyes with his hand.
When Jeff finally found it in him to turn away from Jim, he deeply exhaled. He then reached out his hands to touch Y/N’s shoulders in an attempt to comfort her.
“Look, Y/N, you weren’t supposed to find out this way, and I’m so sorry we didn’t tell you sooner,” Jeff began, “but he is indeed married. I honestly don’t know why he wanted to pursue you, and I warned him against it because of how much we care about you, but he did it anyway.”
Tears streamed down Y/N’s face and her bottom lip started to quiver. “I can’t believe this,” she whispered, “he made it seem like I was the only one…that he was really in love with me...”
Jeff hated seeing his friend cry because of something he could have prevented. But, Y/N was somehow still beautiful when she cried.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N,” Jeff consoled gently, getting off the stage to hug her, “here, let’s take you backstage to calm you down a little.”
Y/N refused Jeff’s kind offer with a shake of the head. Through her blurry, teary-eyed vision, she just plastered on a smile, and wiped the wetness from her eyes.
“Ew,” her voice cracked, “why am I crying? That’s so gross of me, I’m so sorry. I’m definitely making you guys uncomfortable.”
The three musicians’ eyes widened at Y/N’s sudden burst of emotional strength.
“Y/N, you just found out you were Sam’s side chick, and you don’t care?” Jeff inquired, genuinely confused as to what was going on with Y/N’s emotions.
“It’s okay to be sad, love. And utterly fuming with anger. I must admit, this situation wouldn’t be as dire if it were someone else, but it’s you,” Keith added. Jim just sat in silence. He didn’t know what to say. His message destroyed Y/N’s heart and her innocence.
“I am sad, but if this ‘thing’ went on any longer, I’d probably be even more devastated. You saved me from a lot more unnecessary heartbreak, so thank you, Jim,” Y/N said. Her tone sounded completely numb.
“How are you gonna tell Sam?” Keith asked Y/N.
She exhaled deeply. “I don’t know. It wouldn’t be fair of me to lash out on him before being on national television.”
“How can you care about fairness? Don’t you realize what this man has done to you?” Jeff asked, anger interlaced in his voice.
“Yes, Jeff. I do,” Y/N replied stoically, “And I’ll be fine, really. Let’s just forget about it, okay? I’m just lucky to be here, watching you perform. What song are you playing again?” Y/N tried to change the subject, but on the inside she was in deep agony and pain. She poured all of this time and emotion and her body into this cute musician boy, just to realize she didn’t matter.
“‘Shapes of Thi—’” Keith began quietly.
Jeff cut him off. “Y/N, I seriously refuse to believe you’re okay. Please, just let me help y—” he started.
“Jeff! I’m fine! Seriously,” Y/N raised her voice a little, annoyed at the nagging.
“But you seem—” Jim began, barely perceptible.
“Oh my God, Jim, I’m fine!” Y/N shouted. “I don’t care. It’s done, it’s over.”
The three men sat in silence after Y/N’s sudden outburst of anger, which was very out of character for her. She quickly realized what she had done.
“I’m so sorry for lashing out on you guys. That was uncalled for, it’s not your fault. I’m gonna go to the loo, excuse me,” she said quickly, walking out of the scene before anyone could call after her.
Y/N stayed in the bathroom for all of rehearsals, and she finally reemerged right before the broadcast was about to start, looking as fresh as she did when she got there. It was as if the news was never even brought to her attention.
She refused to make eye contact with Paul through the entire performance, even though it was apparent that he tried to get her attention with his eyes. Chris was just confused that she wouldn’t even dare to glance at Paul. Just a little trouble in paradise that he didn’t know about maybe?
After the show and when the band went offstage, Jeff went back into the crowd to check on Y/N and brought her backstage.
“You have to confront him,” Jeff pleaded.
“I don’t want to,” Y/N whined.
“You have to, or else he’ll bloody win! You don’t want that, and I sure as hell don’t want that for you either! He is the one at fault. You have every right to fuck him up for it.”
Jeff’s little speech gave her an impulsive boost of confidence.
“Fine. I’ll do it. Get everyone out of the room, though,” Y/N stated firmly, beginning to march down the hallway behind Jeff.
Momentarily, Jeff went into the room and rounded up Keith, Jim, and Chris, and filed them down the hallway into another room orderly.
As Y/N was about to enter the room, Jeff whispered in her ear, “Good luck, kid. Knock ‘em dead.” Y/N smiled at Jeff before entering the room and closing the door behind her.
Paul warmly smiled at Y/N as she entered the room.
“Hello, love,” he said gently, “how did you enjoy the show?”
Y/N painted on the most genuine smile she could force. “It was...almost perfect.”
Paul’s eyebrow quirked as he smiled in a confused way. “Why almost?”
“I don’t think rehearsals went as well as I had planned,” Y/N replied smoothly.
“Why? Did something bad happen to you? You’re speaking in riddles, dear.”
“Oh, I apologize,” Y/N snickered, “it’s actually so funny that you bring up riddles, because that seemed to be the exact problem at hand.”
“What does that mean? Did someone tell you something you couldn’t figure out?” Paul chuckled, “You’re confusing me.”
“I figured out that you would be going home to your wife next week.”
All the colour from Paul’s face was drained in a millisecond, and his originally jovial expression was gone. It was as if someone punched him in the gut.
“Who...who told you?” he asked, panicked.
Y/N was taken aback. “I find out I’m your side-chick and you have the audacity to ask who told me? Not an ‘I’m so sorry that I lied to you and broke your heart, Y/N’?”
Paul huffed. “And you expect me to just keep my composure when someone of your gravity walks into the room for the first time? I really am sorry, Y/N, I truly, truly am, but—”
Y/N’s calm and quiet demeanor had left the building at that point. She was mad. Really mad.
“But what? You tell me how in love you are with me, and how I’m your one and only forever, just to realize that I didn’t matter? I’m going to be eighteen years old in March. Eighteen. What do I know about love? Nothing, absolutely nothing. And you chose to take full advantage of my emotional vulnerability.”
“But you did matter. You’re so special to me, Y/N. Don’t you understand that?”
“Don’t you understand that you have a wife? You never loved me. I was never special to you. I was just another fling. But you won’t admit it to yourself.”
“The life of a travelling musician is extremely difficult, Y/N, and you don’t get that,” Paul said severely.
“And that shouldn’t be used as an excuse. You know what? We’re done. Whatever this ‘thing’ is, is over. I wish you the best,” Y/N concluded as she walked out the door and sternly shut it.
The nightmare was over and Y/N was a free agent.
Before she could debrief about her experience with any of the other Yardbirds, Y/N left the venue, caught the first taxi home, ran up into her room, and cried herself to sleep.
22 April 1966
Y/N found recovery time and solace in those two months without Paul. She didn’t go to any Yardbirds gigs, but she sporadically met up with Jeff, Keith, Jim, and Chris at a pub or restaurant to catch up over a meal and drinks. Chris had recently mentioned to her that they were playing in London on the 22nd, and if she felt comfortable, she could attend for free and get backstage to hang out.
Y/N said she’d have to think about it, but she’d definitely consider it.
She had realized over the course of two months that she was not truly in love with Paul. Yes, she fancied him, but she must’ve mistaken the feeling of being genuinely in love with the person for being in love with the situation. Y/N concluded that this relationship was the equivalent of living out one’s childhood dreams of a romance with their schoolgirl crush.
She decided that she was retired from dating for a long time, especially because of how this shitshow ended, but a miniscule piece of her wondered when and how she’d meet her other half.
In the afternoon on the day of the show, which was to be played at the Wimbledon Palais, Y/N made the reckless decision to take a trip down to the Yardbirds’ hotel, but not for the reason you might expect.
Y/N never got the chance to thank Jim McCarty for coming clean about Paul’s infidelity to his wife by “dating” her, and to formally apologize for ripping him at the Ready, Steady, Go! rehearsals. She felt bad for being so dismissive of him, because he was always so nice to her and apparently seemed to care more about her wellbeing than Paul ever did.
Y/N stood on the platform of the train station anxiously, meticulously scheming in her mind about what she would say to Jim to truly and genuinely express her gratitude. She thought about how the encounter would go all the way to London, and all the way on her walk to the hotel.
When she arrived at the hotel, she greeted the concierge, and took the elevator to what she believed to be the Yardbirds’ floor. She took an educated guess as to which room Jim’s would be, just by what she had seen in past times. Y/N took a deep breath before knocking on the door.
When the door opened, she realized that in her best interest, her guess was correct.
“Hi,” she greeted breathily, her fingers interlaced together in front of her timidly.
“Hi,” Jim smiled. After a short moment of awkward silence, he continued, “Um, what are you doing here? Not that it’s a bad thing, which it’s not, but…” he trailed off.
“I just wanted to tell you something that I think needed to be said in-person,” Y/N said quickly.
Jim raised his eyebrows in surprised delight. “Oh, okay.” He moved out of the way of the doorframe so Y/N could enter the room, then shut the door gently behind her. “Welcome to my humble abode,” he chuckled, “make yourself at home.”
Y/N smiled and thanked him graciously, but shyly, as she sat down at a small couch at the edge of the bed. Jim was quick to follow her actions.
Y/N took a deep breath before beginning, “I just wanted to thank you for informing me about Paul in February. I know, it’s been a really long time since then… but I’ve needed some time to myself to think and refocus and recuperate, y’know?”
Jim just laughed. “You came all the way here to thank me? That’s so nice of you. You didn’t need to do that.”
Y/N grinned. “I don’t know, I felt this obligation for some reason. And in addition, I wanted to apologize for lashing out at you as well. I was just shell-shocked, I guess, and I unfairly took it out on you and Jeff.”
“If I forgave you then, I’ll still forgive you now,” Jim smiled, “don’t sweat it. In all honesty, I was surprised at how well you took the news.”
“I just wanted to be as calm and composed as possible,” Y/N blushed, “but obviously I didn’t get very far, did I?” Jim laughed at Y/N’s little jab at herself.
“Well, you’re so quiet, at least you showed a piece of your inner self that night,” Jim teased. Y/N just beamed at him.
“You know, since I owe you, now… I guess I just need to live a little, y’know? I have this introverted shell I need to break out of someday, and I might as well start now,” Y/N offered with a chuckle. “So, with that being said, let me do something for you. Anything you want.”
“Oh no, that’s too much. You didn’t even cause me any grief,” Jim retaliated playfully, “thank you, Y/N, but I think you’re overthinking this whole situation.”
“Please,” she continued with a pleading voice, “I feel awful, and plus, if it makes you feel better, you’ll be helping me clear my conscience. Jim, I’ll do anything you want, no matter how crazy… I’ll take you jet-skiing, I’ll ride on a bike in a bikini when the temperature is below freezing, I’ll clean your kitchen… anything you want me to do, I will do.”
Jim grinned at the bizarre options Y/N gave him before contemplating her invocation for a moment. Anything, huh?
“Kiss me.”
“You said you'd do anything, no matter how crazy, yes?” Y/N didn't get a chance to finish, as Jim interrupted her with a hand at her wrist, and a flinty look in his eyes, that gazed right into hers.
“I did.”
“Well,” Jim continued, stepping ever-closer to the young woman in front of him. She looked just as beautiful as she always had, if not more. Jim was convinced she was perfect, and wanted to protect her. To treat her right, the way she deserved. “You could get on your knees, in front of me.”
Kneeling down on the carpeted floor, Y/N looked up at him through her eyelashes, and the glint in her eyes made his knees weak. She looked almost shy, and he couldn't help but send a comforting smile her way.
“Have you done this before, Y/N?”
She shook her head at this, and looked down, almost embarrassed. Jim, heart pounding in his chest in anticipation, reached out a hand to lift her head. Her eyes held trust, and a hint of nervousness, but her lips quirk up in a smile, her cheeks flushing.
“I’ll walk you through it, love.” The sound of a belt clinking to the floor reached Y/N’s ears, zipper following suit, and she couldn’t help the way she almost thrummed with anticipation. Her parents had warned her against exactly this type of thing. Musicians were, according to her parents, a fickle breed, who only wanted her for her looks and body. It hurt to think of it now, when Jim was being nothing but a gentleman to her. She wanted to break out of her shell, and maybe this was the way to do it.
Y/N looks to Jim and sees him exposed, fully hard now, and her cheeks erupt into shades of rosy pink. He was big, much bigger than she would have expected, and she smiled up at him.
“Okay, love. Open your mouth.” Y/N opened her mouth, sinking it over his tip, which elicits a strained moan, full of pleasure. His hand landed in Y/N’s hair, fingers clenching gently around the tresses. The light tug Y/N felt only spurred her on.
“That’s incredible, princess. Now, try and circle your tongue. You’re doing so well.”
Y/N did as she’s told, and it’s like a spell was put over the man. He craned his head back, neck bared, as soft whimpers fell past his lips. Growing more confident, knowing now what he liked, she let her teeth rake over him lightly, which worked more moans from him, almost breathless in his euphoria.
With a murmured “fuck,” he comes, Y/N’s name the only thing on his lips. She slowly released him from her mouth, wiping her lips with the back of her hand as she stood. Jim, leaning up against the wall, was in bliss, heaving breaths and ruffling Y/N’s hair as she approached.
“That was… you're perfect, princess. Absolutely perfect.”
Y/N laughs, smile nearly splitting her cheeks, and she pressed even closer, pressing her lips to his in a soft, content embrace. She could taste the sweat on his lips, and she couldn't help but think that she could definitely get used to this feeling.
Jim revelled in the feel of her soft lips against his, and he was struck by the thought that this is exactly where he’s supposed to be. He’s where he wants to be, beside Y/N.
Taglist: @blood-on-blood @reincarnated70sbaby
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Guns N’Roses when they discover that their girlfriend is bisexual:
A/N: Requested by this anon, and I couldn’t do anything but write it because y’all know my bi ass loves some bi-positivity. Also today is bisexual awareness day, so this is a gift to all the wonferdul bi girls/ bi female presenting people ( don’t worry bi nb/ bi boys, soon I’ll do the second part for you)
TW: Mentions of sex, curse words, mentions of internalized biphobia
Axl Rose:
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You were constantly afraid that your boyfriend Axl could discover your secret.
You never told him that you were bisexual, too afraid of being rejected or laughed at. Everybody knew what Axl had said on people of the community like you, in the past, and even if he was growing and changing, you were still too scared to come out.
But a part of you knew it had to be done, if there was something Axl hated was liars, many people in his life destructed his trust, also everyday you were finding more difficult keeping the real you hidden, and you were afraid it could make you two break up.
You two were cuddling on the couch, not so invested in the random movie on the TV, he looked so calm and happy, smiling every time he looked at you, kissing gently your hand. You hated to burst his bubble of happiness, but you knew it has to be done, so you decided to gather the courage, and talk to him.
“Axl, I need to tell you something.” You wanted to sound chill, but your voice was trembling a bit.
“Did something happen? Is it bad?” Axl was getting scared, even if he was trying to hide it.
“I kept a secret from you, and I’m sorry. I’m…. I’m bisexual. I’ve never told you because I was afraid you would have found me disgusting, like all the others, I was scared that you thought I could cheat on you just like your exes, but even more just because of my sexuality. But I’m not more likely to cheat and I’m not confused. I-” You broke down, salty tears streaming down your cheeks.
You waited for screams, for insults, or any bad reaction. Would he left? Would he be angry with you because you kept a secret? Would he throw you out of the house?
He did neither of those things, instead he took you into his arms, kissing your forehead.
“Shhh, baby it’s okay. I’m not angry or disappointed, I know what I’ve said in the past and I’m sorry, I’m trying to change, and I could never hate my girlfriend, I could never be angry at you for who you are. I’m proud of you! And I hope to learn more and be a better boyfriend with you at my side!”
“So is it not a problem for you?” You asked, still unsure.
He shook his head, and kissed you softly, first on your lips, then all over your face.
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You and Slash were slumped on a couch, pretty drunk, in the Hell House. All the other members were too busy or passed out to give a fuck about you two, so you were talking about random shit, like you usually do when you are not sober.
You were on your boyfriend’s lap, his arms around you and you were talking about his first time having sex. You were not shy to talk about past relationships, even the sex parts.
“Wait, you were really only 14? Fuck, that’s impressive! “You said with a giggle.
“How was your first time?” He asked you, taking a long sip from his Jack bottle.
Well, your first time was actually with a girl, they one that made you realize you had feelings for other girls too, rather than just boys. But you could have just lied and tell him your first time with a boy, right? I mean you were not out to him so it was the logical thing to do.
Wrong! Your inebriated brain didn’t want to collaborate, so you just started telling him the real story.
“I was older than you, like 17 or 18. I knew her for quite some months, she was my friend, and we did it at their parents’ house. It was great, until they come back earlier than we thought and I had to jump out of the window!” You laughed hysterically, but the look of confusion on Slash’s face made you stop.
Oh, fuck! You were so screwed!
“So it was a girl?” Your boyfriend questioned, completely chill.
“Yeah, I’m bi, so I like girls too. Are you disgusted with me?” You were usually never scared, but then your heart was jumping out of your chest.
“I could never be disgusted with you, baby. I’m just surprised that my girl likes girls too, but that doesn’t mean I don’t agree with that or I don’t support you. I’ll keep loving you, no matter what.” You kiss him on the lips, too happy to say anything.
“Plus I could use that as an excuse to have threesomes with some groupies!” He added, and you punched him on the shoulder with a smile.
Duff Mckagan
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You were sitting at the bar counter, when you felt Duff’s long arms around you.
“Babe, something weird happened earlier, you can’t believe that!”
You were starting to get a little worried, but Duff seemed mainly amused, so it wasn’t something too bad.
“Okay so a groupie approached me backstage…” Well know you started to  get worried and a little jealous.
“Well she looked me in the eyes and told me that she thought my girlfriend was into girls too. I was like What the hell? And she said you totally have like this energy, I don’t know she was weird, but I want to show you to her so she could prove me her point!”
Okay, now you were super scared. Because, you were bisexual, but Duff didn’t know that. So did you had to pretend that you are straight or be honest? But what if they already knew and it was all a test?
You decided to nod and follow him, just to not raise any suspect on you. However, once you had the groupie right in front of you, you stopped dead in your tracks.
Oh, no she was hot!
Of course, you loved Duff and didn’t feel any desire to date the girl, but hell if you were not in love him, you would have hit on her tonight. She totally made your bisexual heart skip a beat.
“Oh wow, she was right then!” Duff said surprised, looking at your open mouth. The girl just smiled, happy to have proven her point and left you two.
Those words brought you back to reality, and you started to feel a sense of dread inside you, while your eyes started to get wet. Fuck, you felt horrible, Duff would have left you and you couldn’t live without him.
“Hey baby girl, hey look at me!” Duff’s smooth voice said, cupping your face.
“P-please don’t leave me. I-I swear I love you!” You were so scared and desperate, while the void inside you kept growing.
“I’d never do that sweetheart! I love you so much, and this doesn’t change anything between us!” He hugged you closer, rubbing your back.
“I’m sorry if I didn’t tell you that I was bi sooner!” You said between the sobs.
“It’s totally okay, I’m proud of you for doing it now.” The blond answered with a smile.
“By the way, you have a great taste in women, if I was not your boy, I’d be your wingman!” He joked, kissing your forehead and your lips.
Izzy Stradlin
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Today was not a good day for you.
For years, you had struggled with your feelings, you tried to keep them down, to convince yourself that there was no way in hell that you could also like girls, but they never went away. You just couldn’t understand, that was not normal, you were supposed to like either girl or boys, you had to choose.
But then, thanks to a friend, you realized that what you were feeling had a name : bisexuality. You never felt brave enough to come out, and you still felt like you were “wrong”, but things seemed to be easier.
However, since Izzy became your boyfriend, you felt bad keeping this thing from him, and also to feel in that way. You were not sure if he would ever accept you or not.
“What are you thinking? You have been pretty distant today, and I’m saying that!” Your boyfriend asks, with his usual calm.
You were bad and you clearly needed to take this thing off his chest, so maybe you could have talked about it with him? Izzy was a very smart and kind man, never the judging type, but still that’s different when it is about your girlfriend.
“I’m bisexual. I think I’ve known this since I was a teenager, but I’m admitting it with myself just now. I’m so fucking scared that you could hate me, or that I could hate myself, everything is so confusing and scary. But yeah, I’m sure I’m bisexual!” You bit your lips, nervously.
“Okay.” He simply answered, getting back to play his guitar.
“Just okay? No screams, or disgusted faces? No I’m proud of you?” You were happy that he didn’t seem angry, but still disappointed with his nonchalance.
“I love my girlfriend and this won’t change anything. I’m glad you realized who you are, but I won��t treat you any different. I loved you before and I still love you now!” He was serious, but then a smiled softly.
“Well I’m so glad you feel like this, I was so scared to lose you!” You admitted.
“Nah, I would never leave you. Oh, I’m proud of you!” He said at the end, gently kissing your lips.
Steven Adler
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Your boyfriend Steven was on tour, and you spent much time thinking about whatever you should come out to him as bisexual. Sometimes you felt super confident while others you just kept stop imagine the worst, you loved him so much and the thought of him leaving you would break your heart, but also keeping this secret was eating you alive.
In the end you realize that you had to do it, but in a fun way, doing something that Steven would have loved and maybe that could have helped you being accepted, and what better way to do it that with a lovely chocolate cake, your boyfriend’s favorite.
So you started to bake, picking up all the ingredients and swaying  to some random music, hoping that it would have calmed you down a bit. Once the cake was in the oven, you prepared the frosting and also decided what to write on it : a simple “I’m bisexual” with two little hearts.
The doorbell rang right when you finished decorating, so you quickly put the cake in the fridge, and opened the door. Steven picked you up with force, hugged you tightly and made you spinning, all with a huge smile on his face.
“Babe I missed you so much! This tour was awesome, but without you there was something missing, like I needed my girl to be there!” He explained, getting inside.
“Well I’m here Stevie and you can spend as much time as you want with me.” You answered, kissing his nose.
“I’ll stay with you all the time. Oh, is it chocolate cake the smell I sniff?” He asked excited.
“Ehrm… yeah but it is a surprise, so sit and close your eyes.” You tried to hide your trembling voice and with shaky hands you put the cake on the table.
The blond drummer smiled, then he frowned, looking quite confuse. You felt like every bit of air left your lungs.
“Honey, what’s this?”
“I’m bisexual, I like girls too. I wanted to tell you, but I was too scared that you could have taken it the wrong way, so I keep it a secret. However, it was too much and I felt the need to tell you, please don’t go away from me!” You pleaded scared, just to be in Steven’s arms the next moment.
“ Hey I love you, you’re my girl, and I’m very happy that you decided to tell me this very important thing! I’ll always love you, no way I stop doing that. So please don’t be scared or cry now, okay?”
You were in tears, but they were happy ones. Your boyfriend held you even closer, keeping telling you how proud he was of you.
“10 points for creativity, that cake looks amazing, can we eat it now?” You cut a slice and gave to him, his smile priceless as he realized it was a two flavor one.
A bi cake though and through.
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Chapter 58 - The deal, the name and the prince (Part Two)
In the previous chapter: Angie has a weird nightmare about her future, where she becomes the author of fantasy-themed chick-flick novels, and she’s awakened by a phone call by Eddie. He reminds her it’s finally Friday, that is the day they’ll finally tell their friends about their relationship. Ater disappearing for some time, to think about what Grace had told him, Stone shows up at her workplace to and they talk things out. Angie and Eddie kiss in he streets outside her condo and they believe Jeff, Mike and Dave, who were in the van waiting for them to go to the Ok Hotel for their show, saw them and now are surely talking about them. Once they get to the van though, they find out they’re discussing the latest episode of Twin Peaks.
Pink. They're turning pink. My purple highlights are slowly but inevitably waning into sad off-brand bubble-gum pink, whereas the blue dye is fading out completely to my old boring dark brown. I'm here, squatting over the toilet, examining the locks of hair falling in front of my face, lightedy by the buzzing light of the Ok Hotel's restroom. I flush the toilet and pull up my pants and then I can hear the sound of the club's music going up and down straight away, followed by chattering and laughing sounds of female voices. Somebody else got in so I'll just stay here some more. I don't know why but I don't like meeting other people when I get out of the bathroom, it makes me nervous. I have nothing against going to the bathroom in three, five, ten girls all together, but if I have to pee, I'm the one who always goes last and tells the others to go first and that she'll meet them later outside. I can't use this system with strangers, especially in public toilet rooms in clubs with never ending queues outside the door. What do I do then? Either I hold my pee or I give up, trying to avoid eye contact with the girl getting in after me, who surely doesn't give a damn about me and just wants to fuckin' pee. This time though, it's early, the show has yet to start and the restroom was empty, at least until these people got in. Who knows how many are they? From the voices they seem three, I won't have to wait for that long. I just hope none of them will start wondering why the door of my stall is locked.
“Have you already heard these Pearl Jam guys play?” my ears don't miss the question asked by one of them since I'm focusing on their conversation, until now only to understand when they'd leave, but now even more interested.
“Not yet, but Emma did, right?” another voice, a little higher-pitched than the previous one, replies.
“Yeah, and the singer is so fuckin' hot!” the third voice has a vague Boston accent, I can't decide if it's a real accent the girl's trying to hide or a fake one she's putting up on purpose, I don't know why. And the accent is the first thing that catches my attention, more than what she actually says.
“Well, you don't need to hear him sing to say that, you just need eyes to look” the first voice chuckles.
“Yeah, he looks fine if you just see him around but on a stage? He's much sexier. You'll see and you'll agree with me”
“He's not bad but I'm more oriented towards the bass player” voice number two chimes in again but her friends immediately drown it out.
“We know, we know!”
“You've been oriented like that since Green River, maybe it's time to change your orientation since you've been getting no chance in hell, what do you think?”
“He'll be single once again sooner or later, won't he? He won't marry Miss Perfection, I mean...” the harmless, and after all kind of flattering, nickname these chicks just gave my friend bothers me a little, unlike their appreciation of Eddie. Actually I'm almost... pleased? By what they say? Yes, pleased. Am I normal or what?
“Aim for the accessible single ones in the band, trust me” Emma-maybe-Boston tries to discourage her friend from her crush on Jeff.
“That is the guitar player only”
“Who? Stone? Hasn't he recovered from his fucked up relationship with Psycho Valerie yet? Or you mean the other one?”
“The other one. Stone has a girlfriend, he must have found a new trust in women”
“Or he's just keeping this girl at a safe distance from his guitars hehehe”
Ok who's Valerie? I must remember to ask Meg.
“So the only ones left are the lead guitar and the singer. You're taking the guitar player”
“The singer isn't single”
“Isn't he?” “Really?” the other two ask at the same time.
“No, he has a girlfriend back home waiting for him or who's about to come and move out here with him, it depends on how it goes with the band”
“Where is he from?”
“California, don't know where exactly”
“Los Angeles”
“Shut up. Do you believe someone who wants to make music for a living would leave LA, which is like the center of the world where everything happens, and come to fuckin' Seattle? I've heard he's from near San Francisco”
“NO, SAN DIEGO” in the heat of the moment I almost can't understand who the fourth voice belongs to, then here comes the realization: it's me, coming out of the stall, basically screaming.
“And you... how do you know? Who are you?” now that I look at the trio I see they're nothing like I imagined. Voice number one, who's sort of the gang leader to me, is as tall as me, skinny and all eyes, big beautiful green eyes, dark hair pulled up in a tight high ponytail, giant loop earrings. Boston girl looks like she just came out from an episode of Baywatch, blonde, blue eyes, body of a model squeezed in a black mini-dress. Jeff's fan with the high pitched voice is the tallest one, a swimmer's body with broad shoulders highlighted by a strapless tube top, dark eyes, hook nose that gives and exotic and charming air.
“I know because I know him” I shrug as I bend over the sink to wash my hands, focusing my whole attention on the fuckin' pink strands in my hair in the mirror.
“Wait... yeah, I think I saw you with Stone and Jeff's friend, the blond chick who works at Roxy's... how is she called?”
“Meg, she's my roommate” I answer to the boss looking at her through the mirror.
“Do you know Jeff? Does he still have a girlfriend?”
“Hehe yes, I'm sorry”
“See, I told you!”
“I'll fall back on the singer then, his girlfriend is in San Diego, it's an out-of-sight-out-of-mind situation, she'll never know”
“He's not with that girl anymore, they broke up when he moved here” I stop here before adding any more intimate and unrequested details, although I have a senseless and sudden will to give them all out to these girls.
“I knew that”
“Actually... he's dating another girl, a girl here in Seattle” and that would be me and it's like I'm desperate to tell them, but why? What's happening to me? Am I becoming jealous? I told Eddie his jealousy towards Jerry made no sense but at least that had some factual basis. After all Jerry's my ex, he came over looking for me and we spent some time alone in a small enclosed space. These are just some random girls who've only said Eddie's cute. Thanks a lot. He is. It's only natural they like him. Why am I talking then?
“And who's she?”
“Well, dating someone is not like putting a ring on their finger”
“What's his name anyway?”
“Yeah, right, what's his name?”
“And what's Eddie like? I mean, as a guy, is he nice?”
“He's...” he's sweet, sexy, funny, shy, crazy, romantic, goofy, protective, quiet, clumsy, smart, passionate, practical, loyal, honest, reliable and other 800 adjectives more, which come to my mind and I keep to myself”... he's ok, he doesn't talk much, but he's cool”
“A hot guy who doesn't speak much: the perfect man” the blond girl states and all three of them laugh.
In the meantime I keep on washing my hands and if I go on like this I'll get webbed fingers soon. I turn off the tap and shake the water off my hands in the sink before heading up to the dryer hanging on the wall next to the door, feeling three pairs of eyes on me.
“Can you introduce us to him?” the beanpole asks me when I already have one hand on the door handle and I'm about to leave.
“Sure!” I smile at them and I'm still trying to decipher my behaviour when I get out of the bathroom, followed by the gang of three, and who do I find standing right there, one hand in his pocket and the other one holding a full glass?
“Hey, there you are finally! I was getting worried. Was there a queue?” he asks, noticing I'm not the only one coming out of the restroom. I walk up to him, my hands are still kind of wet so I rub them on the legs of my jeans, I'm conscious I have the trio's eyes still on me and then I do something honestly uncomprehensible: I throw my arms around Eddie's neck and kiss him like I had last kissed him last month and not twenty minutes ago, backstage, trying to get some kind of reaction out of Stone and Dave, who right at that moment were not looking at us though. What's wrong with me? Have I become a showoff?
“I was chatting with the girls” I back up from his lips, steal the beer from his hands and take a sip, then I turn around to face the trio of dropped jaws behind my back.
“He doesn't talk much but makes himself clear” the leader is the one who breaks the ice and makes her friends, and me I must admit, giggle.
“Very clear, I see” the tall girl adds.
“Haha come on, let's go. Bye Eddie, good luck with the show!” Boston vamp takes the other two by the hands and they all say bye and leave.
“Bye Eddie!”
“God, we made fuckin' fools of ourselves”
“Why? We said nothing bad after all”
“It was embarrassing though...”
I follow their conversation as long as I can and when the girls are out of my radar, I turn back around and find Eddie's perplexed eyes staring at me.
“Do you know them?”
“More or less. Come on, let's go, you're up next soon”
Eddie and I part ways after a kiss right in front of the stage, after we noticed Meg coming our way. Anyway when we end the kiss we see she's more focused on cursing against a guy, who's guilty of bumping into her and almost spilling his drink on her new t-shirt, rather than looking at us and noticing our public display of affection. Eddie shrugs, nods at Meg and goes backstage to get ready for the concert.
“You can stop pretending you know nothing about Eddie and I now”
“Really? Ok but that jerk really wasn't even looking where he was going!” she searches for the stranger in the crowd but he's already gone and disappeared.
“Yeah, we decided to tell everybody. I mean, to let people know. Stop hiding, you know”
“Uh! So is that why you're randomly making out all around the club?”
“Shut up!”
“Right, maybe you didn't stick your tongue into his throat right under the mixer station. And not even in front of the restrooms”
“Hahaha stop it! Anyway, ehm, it actually happened in front of the restrooms, also”
“Talking about that... I need counselling... with Dr Meg”
“You know I don't like to take advantage of your psychology studies”
“Very poor studies”
“And of your great and not academic only enthusiasm for the subject but... I'm weird and I need you to tell me why I'm weird”
“Ok so, first of all thank you for your surely mistaken trust in me, because it must be huge if you think what I know is enough to solve the Angelina Pacifico's enigma”
“I'm being serious”
“And I'm also flattered, 'cause usually it's me intruding your private life trying to analyze you and make you reason BUT this time it's you asking me spontaneously. I feel tears coming out of my eyes”
“I acted strange earlier and I can't say why”
“Ok, shoot”
I ignore her sarcasm, even though I appreciate it, and tell her everything about the three girls I met at the bathroom, while she listens to me in unnatural silence. Unnatural both for her, 'cause honestly I don't think I've ever heard her keeping her mouth shut for so long, and for the place, a crowded bar full of people, voices and sounds, I mean, pure chaos.
“So? What's wrong with me? Am I jealous like Eddie? Is jealousy contagious? Or have I just become a bitch?”
“Is Eddie jealous?”
“Yep. Well, yeah, a little” I don't wanna talk about this right now, maybe next time.
“Healthy amount of jealousy”
“Healthy... I mean, what's healthy? Jealousy is not healthy, it's stupid. And it looks I'm getting stupid too”
“I don't completely agree with you about that. Anyway your scene has got nothing to do with jealousy, my dear”
“OH no, that's not jealousy, I'll tell you what it is. It's three things”
“Number one: you're pedantic”
“Romantic?” I can't hear shit in the noisy crowd with the loud music on.
“I said PEDANTIC! You're pedantic, you can't help it. If someone says a wrong thing you gotta correct them, nothing can hold you back, not even your pathological shyness. Had it been a matter of jealousy, you'd have jumped out immediately, insulting them and telling those three to keep their hands off your man. Instead you just stayed there, locked inside that stinky stall listening to those girls drooling after your boyfriend until they've started churning out incorrect facts. That's when you lost it, you had to speak up and give them the truth”
“So I put myself at the center of the attention only to lecture them?”
“Not just that but also for that. In this you and Stone are the fuckin' same, let me tell you. You're scarily the same”
“Shut up, you give me the creeps!”
“Number two: you're seeking approval”
“Everybody wants to be liked, but someone wants it more than others, especially those with a wobbly self-esteem”
“What's self-esteem?”
“If you were jealous, you'd describe those three like sluts or ugly monsters of both, but you didn't. It almost seems like you liked them”
“Because I did, I liked them”
“Exactly. Three nice funny girls who shared a common interest with you, without knowing. You told them you knew Eddie because deep inside you wanted them to accept you and approve you”
“Number three... well, number three is my favourite”
“Oh really?”
“Yeah. Because, Angie, my friend, I'm glad to tell you that at the venerable age of 18”
“And a half”
“Eighteen and a half...” she corrects herself rolling her eyes “... after all this time, you finally learned one of the main concept of life, as well as one of the most pleasurable feelings”
“That is?”
“Hahahaha showing off, of course”
“Showing off? I've never shown off anything in my whole life!” maybe just a couple of seconds, that infamous unlucky night, with the waitress of Canlis restaurant, waiting for Jerry. And see what happened next.
“That's why I said it took you a few years to get cocky...”
“Getting cocky for what then?”
“Because Eddie's your boyfriend!”
“And what's with me? It's not like I did anything, it's not a merit, it's not something one merits and shows off like a medal!”
“That's what yo say but your subconscious thinks differently. Think about it, you found approval from your new friends and when you saw Eddie you could have just introduce them to him briefly and just leave with him, but you didn't. You aimed right at Vedder and kissed him right in front of them, knowing exactly you'd have made their jaw drop. And don't even try to tell me it just came out like that and you didn't think for a second about their reaction because I won't fuckin' believe you”
“Well, actually, ok, yeah, I thought of it, a little...”
“You're with the guy they all liked, that's the ultimate approval, almost a consacration”
“I show off for no valid reason, what have I become”
“Don't overreact now, please!”
“I'm a horrible person!”
“Angie-drama starting in 3, 2, 1...” Meg counts down with her fingers inches from ny nose.
“Can't you understand? It means I treated Eddie like an object, like a bargaining chip”
“You're with a cute guy and you rubbed it in those girls' faces a little, it's not like anyone died or something!”
“A trophy to nurture my self-confidence”
“You're making it worse and bigger than it actually is. That is, as you always do”
“A decent guy gives a fuck about me and my head gets big all of a sudden?”
“A decent guy gives a fuck about you, you're a couple and you don't have to hide for any reason. When was the last time it happened to you?”
“Err... quite some time?” a normal relationship? I'd say it's been years. Anyway, have I ever had a normal relationship at all?
“You're with the singer of a fucking cool band everybody's talking about in town, I'd scream it at the face of everyone I meet. Listen to me: aren't you proud of Eddie and what he's doing with the band?”
“So you're proud and your showing, like you showed those three”
“Sucking face with Eddie right in front of them?”
“Exactly. By the way, considering you're sucking face with him in every corner of this place, they'd have seen you anyway sooner or later”
“Not necessarily, especially if they're as watchful as our friends, who haven't noticed yet”
“Or maybe they noticed but just want to be discreet”
“Discretion? Stone?”
“Well, thinking about it...”
“Talking about Stone; who's Valerie?”
“It's so weird to me that everybody hates the Kingdome. I mean, that's your stadium!” since I came here in Seattle I've never met a single sports fan who hasn't complained about the stadium or easily dismissed it as a simple location that's not so much loved by the citizens. Jerry is no exception, as we talk at the bar waiting for our drinks.
“It's not like we hate it, it's just it could be better, you know? Surely it doesn't suck as much for footbal as for baseball. Or maybe it's just a matter of different point of views: if the Mariners didn't play like shit, it would be the place of the heart, like Wrigley Field for Chicago hehe”
“Sacrilege! I've never been there yet, I gotta go and see” I playfully push him away and grab the glass the barman has just given to me. Cantrell does the same and says thanks with a nod since I buyed him the drink and keeps on talking.
“I walked into the field, actually I ran on it! Six years ago, no, seven, when the Seahawks beat Raiders 13 to 7 at the Wild Card Game and the supporters stormed the field at the end. The following week we'd fuck it all up and Miami would destroy us but in that moment we believed we could make it! Anyway the people is what makes the Kingdome good”
“The twelfth man, right?” I nod and as I look around I casually make eye contact with Angie, who's not so far.
“Yep, other than that and the adrenaline, the field itelf sucks, it seemed to walk on concrete covered with green carpet”
“Wrigley though, I'd sleep on that field...” I look the same direction as before but I can't see my girlfriend anymore “On the bleachers too”
“At the Kingdome you can sleep well too, the roof protects you when it rains. Some parts of it might break and fall onto your head but how bad can it be?” Jerry chuckles and sips his whiskey but he almost chokes on it, and I do too, when someone casually appears between us from out of nowhere and basically yells into our ears.
“Jesus! Hey Angie, uhm yeah, sure” Jerry gives her a perplexed look whereas I instinctively put my arm around her shoulders.
“What do you mean why?”
“I mean, uhm, you know, what for? What are you talking about?”
“Baseball” I answer probably with star-shaped eyes, just like every time I think about my favourite sport.
“And football” Cantrell adds then drinks up his whiskey with one last sip.
“Sports uh? A typical conversation between male friends...”
“Not necessarily betwe-” I'm about to argue with the idea sport is an exclusively male interest when my colleague interrupts me.
“Now I think I gotta go and find Sean. I saw Layne with Demri before so I think they made up and he'll go to her place so I probably have to go home with my drummer. See ya!”
“See you!” I say bye as he leaves with his hands in his pockets and Angie does the same but in a louder voice.
“BYE! Ok, what's going on? What's wrong?” she addresses me right away with an extremely serious expression on her face.
“What's going on? Nothing's wrong”
“What were you talking about for real?”
“What do you mean? Sports, we told you”
“Sure. And I'm Doris Sams” she folds her arms and gives me a side look.
“Are you a secret baseball player as well by any chance?” I let go of her, I fold my arms too and look at her suspiciously.
“I can't believe it! We gotta go out and throw a ball sometimes”
“I can't play! But I know the game and I know a couple of history facts, I remind you my dad is a fan of basically all the sports”
“I don't know... you're very good at pretending not to be able to do things, aren't you?”
“And you and your friend are very good at pretending nothing's happening and changing the topic of the conversation at the right time, aren't you?”
“My friend?”
“Jerry... well, friend, sort of...”
“We were really talking about the Kingdome”
“Sure. And the debate was so animated you even shoved him”
“Haha I gave him a little nudge, as a joke”
“Oh you were just kidding, of course”
“Angie, I don't know what's going on in your head and I don't know what you saw but really, we were just making small talk”
“Small talk?”
“You and Jerry talk?”
“Yeah. As you know, human beings are social animals, they interact with each other and-”
“Cut the crap! You know what I mean...”
“It's not like we're best friends or something but we know each other so we happen to have a chat from time to time” I shrug and on one hand I find it funny that Angie came here running, fearing for an upcoming duel between me and her ex, on the other hand I think he'd actually deserve a couple of punches after all.
“And you didn't talk about anything else?”
“No, what would we talk about?”
“I don't know, maybe you told him something about the other night...”
“Why would I?” I thought Angie would tell me to fuck off after that fuckin' scene I made but we made up the next day instead, problem solved. Why would I rock the boat?
“Well, I don't know, maybe because you threw a fit at me!” she retorts and suddenly she almost looks disappointed.
“That's different, I'm with you, not with him...”
“Ok but you almost ate me alive on the phone. And with him? Nothing? He just gets away with it like that? A chat at the bar like two old friends?”
“Sorry Angie, I don't understand. One second ago you were all alarmed because you thought I had told him something and now you're offended because I didn't. Is it that I'm limited and I just don't get it or does it make like no fuckin' sense at all?”
She opens her mouth as if she's about to answer, then she shuts up and looks around like she's looking for the right words through the crowd. In the end she admits, almost mortified: “It doesn't make fuckin' sense at all, I don't even know what I mean honestly”
“Hey, it's alright, ok? Jerry and I are on normal decent terms as two colleagues. And who gives a fuck about Jerry anyway” I take her face between my hands so she's forced to look at me as I smile to reassure her and let her know she's getting worried for nothing.
“Ok. But how do you do it? I mean, like, when you talk about me”
“Easy: we don't talk about you. Do you want something to drink?” I answer straight, turn back towards the bar to get the bartender's attention and order another round for me only, since Angie shakes her head no.
“Ok, right, but what if it happens?”
“It doesn't happen. Not even coke? Or juice?”
“No, thanks. But how can you be sure? What if my names comes up during a conversation, what do you do?”
“We don't do anything because that can't be, Angie... Windbreaker?”
“Wrong answer. Anyway the fact it hasn't happened so far doesn't mean it can't happen in the future” Angie smiles at my casual attempt at guessing her second name but doesn't let go on the topi.
“I'm 100% sure it can't happen. Jerry and I don't talk about you, we just don't”
“Never. We have a deal” the last bit slips out of my mouth and I regret it one second later, as soon as I see Angie's face as she registers this piece of information.
“You have... WHAT??”
“We made a non-aggression agreement that satisfies both parties” ok, I'm not 100% satisfied, and Jerry neither for sure, but it's working now.
“You made a deal with Cantrell? About me? And when?” after every questions she takes a small break that lasts a couple of seconds, in which I shake my head yes. But the third question requires a more articulated answer.
“In San Diego” kind of articulated.
“SAN DIEGO? You told Jerry about us when I left?”
“Actually, before that...”
“And it wasn't me telling him anyway, it was the other way round” Angie doesn't look convinced or maybe she's just confused. So I tell her about the little quarrel Jerry and I had at the Yates Club, about how Jerry had figured it all out and got mad at me for not telling him.
“Wait, correct me if I'm wrong: you mean he did everything he wanted when he was with me but he had the nerve to get angry because you hadn't let him know on advance that you were interested in his ex girlfriend? The ex girlfriend he treated like shit? Why would you show him this courtesy? And how did he understand we liked each other anyway?”
“Maybe he's a good observer.” or maybe I just suck at hiding what I feel but I don't say that because she sucks as much at understanding other people's feelings and I don't wanna hurt her “Anyway he was right to some extent, we were on tour together and from time to time he asked me about you and confided in me and I could have told him or just talk about something else. Instead I just stayed there listening to him. So I was kind of an asshole too”
“He confided with you?”
“And what did he say about me?”
“Why do you care? Is it important? And then, well, can't you imagine?” if I got so jealous the other night is also because I know he's still into her.
“No, but I'm curious to know: 1) how he's still alive, 2) how you held back throughout the tour”
“I don't know, maybe it's just because of a certain promise I made to a certain special person about not kicking the ass of a certain ex and keeping a certain secret and not starting any trouble in general”
“Wow, you're a man of his word then”
“I'm someone you can trust”
“Will you make a deal with me too then?”
“Sure, anything you want princess”
“The deal is... we won't talk about Jerry anymore”
“Like never, ok?”
“Well, I mean...”
“I won't mention him to you and you won't mention him to me. It's not like we can erase him from our lives, we simply won't actively have any more conversations about him, what do you think?”
“It's not that simple...”
“Well, if you can make an agreement with him, I can't see why you can't make the same kind of deal with me, since I'm also your girlfriend” she folds her arms once again and from the look she's giving me I know I won't get out of this alive if I don't accept this fuckin' agreement. The only thing I can do is trying to get the most out of it.
“In fact I can do it. I'm in...” I hold out my hand for her to shake it “on one condition”
“What is it?” she lets go of my hand and looks suspicious, I think she really don't know where I'm getting at.
“That you finally tell me your second name” she rolls her eyes and barely hides her smile, maybe she was expecting something worse.
“Ok, agreed” she shakes my hand again and I'm all ears.
“You know I'm giving you the most powerful weapon, right? You'll make fun of me as long as I live for this”
“I bet it's a beautiful name, I can't wait to know, I'm super psyched”
“Just like my parents when they chose my second name, like I'm pretty sure they were literally under the influence of psychedelics when they decided to call me like that”
“Call you what?”
“Angelina... Something Wind Pacifico”
“But if you're a W. it can't be-”
“The other half of the word starts with a W too”
“Whirlwind!” I say straight off and for an immediate word association the lyrics of Like a hurricane by Neil Young start running in my head and I can already picture her as the perfect main character of that masterpiece of a song.
“No, it's all together but actually it would be a separated word”
“Oh” are you sure? Because that name was pretty perfect.
“It's an adjective” she points out while, in my daydream, I leave the hazy bar and close the door behind my back.
“Windy Wind?”
“Hahaha fuck you, Eddie!”
“Ok, I'm serious now. Warm wind?” I think about the warmth of her hugs and her presence in general but she shakes her head no.
“My mother was... is a fan of Nina Simone. So?”
“Maybe I can help you a little more if I tell you Station to station by David Bowie”
I mentally run through the album's tracklist until I get to maybe one of Bowie's best vocal performances ever, right at the end of the record.
Wild is the wind
“Angelina Wildwind Pacifico”
“Guilty as charged”
“It's fucking cool!”
“Ok but... wild wind? Me? Can you picture me with a name like that?” she blushes and shakes her head and hides her face behind her hands.
“Actually it suits you perfectly”
“Sure, it suits to the most boring and average person on the planet”
“No, it suits to the strongest and most unpredictable and most breathtakingly beautiful person in the world. At least, in the part of world that I know, which by the way is the only part I care about because you're there” Angie removes her hands from her face and looks straight into my eyes without opening her mouth and for a minute there I get the illusion I managed to leave her speechless or, at least, in the condition of being forced to take a fucking compliment for once.
“Hahaha well, it really is a shitty world!” she cracks up all of a sudden and hugs me, so tight.
“How fuckin' stupid are you from 0 to 10?” I hold tighter.
“I don't know but I'd say we have a deal now, right?” she looks up and gets free from my embrace just to stretch her hand towards me and seal this agreement for good.
“Right, deal done” I shake her hand, then pull her back to me to kiss her and seal this pact my way.
Time to take a ride, time to take it in a midnight eye
And if you want to go, get on below
“Ok, where the hell are those two now? Dave and I have to unwrap our presents!” we all more or less managed to bunch up around a couple of tables at the Ok Hotel. I tap Krusen on the shoulder and he suddenly awakes. He zoned out completely when the Sonic Youth's song started. Or maybe when the whole evening started.
“I kind of saw them earlier at the bar” it's the drummer's wild guess and considering he basically spent the whole time at the bar, before and after the show, he could have seen Angie and Eddie any time. They could as well be in Mexico by now.
“They're not at the bar anymore, that's where we're coming from” McCready and Staley join us with two fresh beers in their hands, talking of people who should tone it down a little.
“Huh they must be tongue-kissing around here somewhere” Stone is sitting right in front of me, keeping one hand on Grace's shoulder and waving the other hand in the air while he speaks, as to brush it off like an unimportant thought.
“Who? Eddie and Smurfette?” Cornell Gazette from the other end of the table couldn't miss the breaking news and both Stone and Grace nod.
“They've been doing nothing else all night, they're on the edge of public indecency” Mike enriches the gossip story some more, followed by Ben and Kim, who put up a show and got us all bent in laughter.
“I've never seen anything like that”
“At some point we timed them”
“We were bored”
“Twelve minutes and a half of tongue”
“Contjnuous, uninterrupted tongue. I mean, with no breaks whatsoever”
“They looked like two fuckin' 14-year-olds”
“Well, Angie's still a teenager after all, it makes sense”
“Ok but what about Eddie? And how... just on a practical level, I mean, I don't get how they could fuckin' breathe through all that”
“They must have gills, fuck if I know”
“Hahahaha you're such assholes!” my girlfriend scolds us all but only slaps me on the nape.
“Well they're just making up for lost time and you're just jealous” Meg joins her in defending the two lovebirds.
“I get it but TWELVE MINUTES AND THIRTY SECONDS” Kim repeats punctuating every single word about the record timing.
“Jealous and peeping Toms!” Graces chimes in too.
“They were on top of the stairs, it was impossible not to see them” the guitarist shrugs and his bass player nods.
“From every view point and corner”
“Twelve minutes and a half on the stairs?” I playfully add fuel to the fire, the two musicians look at me and their arms flap out.
“Then the record is that Angie didn't fall down the stairs on anybody, given her history” Chris snickers under his moustache.
“God you love that story so much!” Layne almost chokes on his beer then laughs at Cornell's face.
“Ok ok, anyway, you're shit guys, this all mess for some P.D.A.s? Just because they loosened up a bit, it doesn't mean they're living 24/7 connected at the mouth li- Oh wait, yeah, there they are, they're kissing next to the door” Meg abruptly interrupts her speech and it's kind of comic because we all turn around together at the exact same moment and among those in the back there's someone standing up, getting closer or stretching their neck to give a better look at the not-so-new couple. Even strangers passing by turn the same direction to see what the fuck we're looking at.
We don't know if it's been more than twelve minutes and a half since the beginning of their laters make out session, but those two break away from their kiss and Eddie looks right towards us. We turn the other way around and in a second we're back at talking, well, pretending to talk as if nothing happened, as if he hadn't caught us red handed. Out of the corner of my eye I see them coming over and I casually lift up my voice.
“Alright, I love Goo too, it's a hell of a record, it goes without saying. What I meant is that putting it on in a club and just playing it front to back for two or three times, letting it go, it just gives me a sense of... sloppiness? That's how you call it, right? I'm not saying you have to pay a dj or some fucking guy just to put records on and select music, but they could at least take some time to make a fuckin' mix tape or something and put that on, even on repeat, it doesn't seem so difficult to me. Oh hey guys, where have you been?” I address Stone and Dave first, who look at me weirdly, then to Andie and Eddie walking up to the table.
“Round here. Have you already opened your presents? There's mine left!” Angie rummages into her bag looking for something, then picks out a not so small package.
“Cool, a new brush set, thank you!” I cheer as I unwrap it.
“A little bird told me you needed new ones...” Angie looks up playing dumb, exactly like the bird I know very well who's standing beside her. These two fuckers belong together.
“Oh and this is mine” the little bird sticks his hands into his girl's bag and takes out another package, which turns out to be Subway art, a photobook about graffiti art I've been wanting to buy for ever.
I can say this was a lucky birthday for me, with strings, cords, tool kits, acryic paint set, a couple of gift cards for Easy Street Records, which I loved quite as much as the supermarket voucher Meg gave to me. All useful presents but I loved the (apparently) less useful ones too, like the Marshall jack rack key holder with four plug key chains: thanks to the Alice guys!
During the whole presents and wishes exchange, Eddie and Angie are sitting in a corner and basically being the special observed ones, since everybody watches them like you watch a documentary about animals during the mating season. The couple takes part to the conversation and just ignore the rest, yet they whisper something to each other from time to time.
“By the way, Angie's got something to tell you” Eddie comes out of nowhere with this, in a moment we were all silent, catching our breath after a joke by Stone, who suggested Touch me, I'm Dick as the title of the stand out song of our fake band in Cameron Crowe's movie. By the way, who knows if Chris has already wrote something for the songs of Cliff's solo demo? I gotta remember to ask him.
“What?” Meg asks first, since nobody's speaking, not even Angie, who first gave Eddie a nasty look, then turned pale as she looked at us one by one.
“Is it about the movie?” Layne asks.
“No, it's not about the movie”
“Are you quitting college?” Dave tries.
“No! Why should I?” Angie denies it firmly.
“Is it personal?” if I didn't know him, I'd say Stone is trying to put Angie at ease and help her spit it all out. But since I know him too well, I can say without a shadow of doubt he's just enjoying himself playing with the poor girl.
“Well, yeah, but... mmm... it's not just about me, you know”
“Who else then?” I inquire.
“Eddie” “Me” the two lovebirds reply at the same time.
“Oh fuck, are you pregnant?” McCready stands out as usual for his caution and sensitiveness.
“OH MY GOD, NO! WHAT THE HELL, MIKE?” Angie stands up in shock while Eddie simply laughs.
“So? What's the news?” Cornell is all ears and right now I'm picturing him armed with a pen and notepad as an old-time reporter.
“What Angie's trying to say is that-” Eddie wipes his eyes with he sleeve of his shirt and tries to give an answer but the girl is faster.
“We're together”
“Eddie and I, we're together”
“We've been for a while”
“Almost a month” he suggests to her in a low voice.
“Almost a month” she repeats and she looks into our eyes searching for something she can't find and apparently she's just concluded the best thing to do is to keep adding details or to repeat the same concept with different words until she'll find it. Or until any of us opens their mouth.
“Something more than three weeks”
“We're basically a couple”
“I mean, he's my boyfriend and I-”
“And she's my girlfriend” Eddie ended the sentence for her.
“Wow, what a coincidence!” Stone can't hold back and I hide my face between my hands not to show I'm laughing.
“What do you mean?”
“Ok. You're together... and?” Mike tries to investigate some more and if he asks her if she's pregnant once again I swear I'm gonna laugh so hard that I'll fall out of my fuckin' chair.
“And nothing, that's it” Angie replies and sits back down.
“And that'd be great news?” Kim asks keeping a straight face.
“Why? What's wrong with it? Is it because you think I'm too young for him? Look, I know, we know. We talked about it actually, I understand tha-” Angie's about to launch herself into a hornet's nest with no way out but her roommate stops her and we all finally crack up.
“Totally unmotivated Angie-drama in 3, 2, 1...”
We all, but Angie of course.
“Why are you laughing? Is ther something I don't know?”
“What you don't know is that now everybody knows that what you believed none of us knew was actually well known by everyone” Stone answers in his style and Mike's face tells me he didn't understand shit.
“Huh?” exactly.
“He means we're laughing because we already knew what the news were about” I explain and the lightbulb in his head lights up.
“You saw us then, I mean, tonight? Because, well, you didn't say anything...”
“Who do you think we are? We're discreet people!” Cornell states and it almost looks like he believes it.
“We knew before tonight anyway” Ben adds without thinking.
“You knew before? How? MEG?? You told them, right??” Angie stands back up and roars against her friend.
“How could she tell if she didn't know?” Eddie asks puzzled his now official girlfriend.
“No! Right! She didn't know! But... I don't know, maybe she figured it out. DID YOU FIGURE IT OUT?”
“I figured it out” Meg confesses.
“But I didn't tell anyone, I swear” she holds up her hands, Angie believes her and looks at us one by one, before aiming straight at her boyfriend.
“No, I can assure you I kept my mouth shut, as you asked me”
“How did you know then?”
“Stone told me” McCready's voice of innocence out of nowhere.
“Stone told me too, because I was there as well that night. And Dave too” I confess and the drummer nods.
“Stone told us too, but it was some other time, at least I think so” Chris looks at Kim and Ben who shake their heads yes.
“For obvious reasons, he told me too” Grace raises her hand and shyly admits.
“Jeff told me because Stone told him” Laura chimes in.
“Is there someone Stone didn't tell anything to?” Angie blurts out.
“Me! I figured it all out by myself! I'm a genius!” Layne raises his hand and waves it around, as happy as the winner of a tv quiz.
“And you, how did you know, genius?” Angie turns to Gossard snarling at him but he answers calmly.
“I believe I knew even before you that you'd end up together, Smurfette”
“What do you mean?”
“That you both suck at playing the oblivious lovers. You're made for each other” I translate it all in Jeff-language and everybody nods in agreement, Eddie included.
“Were we so obvious?”
“Not that much”
“It's not that”
“It's just Stone's a very good observer”
“It's just Stone doesn't mind his own fuckin' business”
These are just some of the answers we give in no particular order just not to make her feel little Angie like shit.
“Come on, it was clear from the beginning they had a connection. Since the first time they met at the Off Ramp, I realized it at my own expense since I had bet on it, do you remember Mikey?” I like the fact that Stone, just like me, remembers old memories based on bets we placed.
“Right! I lost ten bucks too because I thought you wouldn't talk to each other, yet you got along immediately, it looked like you already knew each other”
“I'm gonna ignore the umpteenth bet you made over your friend's head but... actually we already knew each other somehow” Angie reveals and the alarm goes off in my head.
“Jeff?” Stone calls me immediately as I keep on trying to disguise the truth clumsily.
“I had met him at Roxy's the previous night, he came over to eat”
“So you didn't know about it Jeff?” Stone doesn't let go and by now it's obvious I got caught, I'm fucked.
My shit show at least has one merit: the following little bickering between Stone, Mike and I about the twenty dollars, which they think I owe them back, moves the attention away from Angie. Now she's finally free from the awkwardness and can sit back and enjoy the show of our friends kicking my ass, holding hands with her new boyfriend.
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strawberrywritings · 4 years
Hey, I was hoping you could do an imagine with Rio were the girl is a show girl (burlesque aesthetic) and he goes to her club every night to see her and sends her a champagne but she shoots him down but he keeps sending her stuff or asking her again and again until she agrees to go on a date
A/N: Rio makes a comeback! I had to do some research on what burlesque really is because I don’t have knowledge on this subject, if there’s anything incorrect, just message me and I’ll edit this😘 I feel like this is not my best Rio work, but I hope you like it, baby x 🍓
Ps: he’s a ladies man and no one will change my mind k bye
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He was always there, in the front row. Sometimes alone, sometimes with someone else. You had no idea who he was, but by the multiple champagne bottles, flowers and notes he had sent over the past few months, you knew he knew who you were. You never responded to his advances, this was only work for you, he’d get over it.
Tonight was no different. You were getting ready for your show, fixing your make up and your lingerie, when one of the other dancers approached you. “Mr. Tattoo is in his usual place, darling”, you chuckled and shook your head at the big smile on her face. “He’s persistent, isn’t he”, you mumbled, applying the last layer of lip gloss onto your lips. “If you don’t wan’ him, I’ll be more than glad to offer him some private booth time”, she laughed, and you laughed, too.
You brushed her off through giggles, making your way to the side of the stage, and, while you waited, you were able to get a good look at him. He was busy scrolling on his phone, even when there were multiple dancers all over the stage doing their thing… he had no intention of watching, he wasn’t interested in them, just you. Your eyes scanned over him, noting how handsome he actually was, the tattoo on his throat, the clothes he was wearing, the nose ring, his hands… only when your gaze was on his face again you realized that he was watching you, too, a smirk on his face.
You felt your face and ears get hot, and that just happened to be the moment that you had to go on stage. You took a deep breath and walked over to the chair that was placed in the center of the wooden floor, positioning yourself behind it and getting into ‘work mode’ while waiting for the music to start playing.
When the music started, you slowly swayed your hips to the rhythm, smiling to yourself: being a dancer was something you deeply loved, it came natural to you, and the audience could see it as you started the routine. You circled the chair and moved your foot to rest on the seat and traced one hand from your ankle to the end of your thigh-high sock. You discarded the robe that covered your lingerie, finally revealing it to the audience. You smiled as you continued to dance, your movements were slow, sensual, even when you had to do the splits or other gymnastic moves. When your show was over, you were breathing heavy, and you had the biggest smile on your face as you waved goodbye to the people in the room, the applause following you out as you went to you chair in the backstage area.
You were talking with the other girls, smiling and joking, until you felt the bodyguard call your name, and when you turned around, the man was standing there with a big bouquet of roses. You smiled politely as you took it in your hands, noticing the card attached to it. “You were amazing, as usual -Rio”. The other girls were hyping you up to go out and find him, he most certainly was still out there, enjoying the high-quality alcohol the place provided, before going home. The same routing every night, the same routine you had learnt because you were curious about him, but you wouldn’t admit it… not yet.
When your head poked out from the curtain that separated the backstage from the main room, he was still sitting at the table, but now he wasn’t alone, there was another man next to him, with tattoos on his face. You decided to go change into some comfy clothes, a simple t-shirt and a pair of jeans, before going back out and approach him. In the meantime, you also wiped off your excessive make up, smiling when you looked at your reflection in the mirror. “He’s gonna love it”, the bodyguard said with a smirk, staring at you from his spot in the dressing rooms. You laughed and thanked him, you had been working here for a while, now, and you got to now everyone that worked there: dancers, bodyguards, bartenders, waiters and waitresses, even becoming friends with some of them.
You walked in the main room, heading straight for his table. His friend motioned towards you once he saw you approaching. “Hey”, you said once you were close enough, and you smiled at him. The other man politely excused himself and left the two of you alone. Your admirer got up and went to the empty chair, pulling it out for you. “Thank you”, you replied as you sat down. “What do I owe this pleasure, miss…?”, you told him your name and stuck your hand out, gasping when he kissed the top of your hand. Guess chivalry is not dead, after all. “I got your flowers, they’re wonderful, thank you”. “Only the best for you, mama”, and once again you felt your body become hot, as he smiled at you, he had a wonderful smile. “Well, thanks, for that and for everything you’ve sent the past few months”. “So you actually got my gifts, I thought you ignored them completely”, he laughed. He clearly didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, but now that you understood that he only sent them because he wanted to, and not because he expected something from you, made you feel horrible.
“Yeah, about that… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to ignore you, I just… you never know who’s on the other side, and this is my job, after all, I’m supposed to stay professional”, you spoke, him nodding his head at your words. “No, no, I get it. You can never be too sure, right? – to which you nodded with a chuckle – but there’s just something about you that I can’t get out of my mind. You’re just so captivating, it’s impossible not to think about you”. You bit your lip to contain the big smile that was spreading over your face, “Well, we could talk more about that, maybe in some other place”, you suggested. “Like a date? Are you finally saying yes?”, his eyes were glimmering, and he had a smile on his face, making your insides melt at the way he looked at you. You nodded, “On one condition: that you stop sending me gifts”. He made a show of thinking about it, the smile never leaving his face. “Mh, I’ll see what I can do about that, mama”, and you rolled your eyes, but you couldn’t stop smiling. You stayed there, talking until closing time, and when you were about to part ways, he asked for your number, so you both could start organizing your first date.
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blackberry-gingham · 4 years
Hewo :3
Saw you write headcanons ❤. Could ya do one of dati g the guys while being yourself a guitarist in another band ??
Yus I can UwU
I honestly feel like guitar reader with George would be soooo cool and laid back!
Like, honestly any relationship with George I feel would be like a "we're friends first and foremost, and significant others second" deal
So even tho you guys are in seperate bands, there's never like any "ok, but ONE OF US has to be the better one" type of tension/joking lmao
It really is just a lot of you two practicing together, trading tips, and just all around honing your skills together
That said, I could see the two of you needing time away from your band mates a lot and so the brainstorming with each other is a bit of a cover up
It's not that you don't like your band, or him his, it's just that you need your space to recharge and the others can be a bit.... much, being rock stars and all
Anyway, the two of you are very skilled guitarists so there would definitely be plenty ideas worth picking each other's brains for!
I think you and George would've met during the Beatles hamburg days in a little dive type of place
Your careers took off in seperate ways later on, but you both just clicked at the time and so you kept in contact ever since!
Despite how close you are with George, you don't really come in to feature on a song or just hangout in studio with all the boys
Or vice versa for George and your band tbh
Everyone jokes about needing to keep an eye on you both before you run off together and make your own band lol
Secretly, you both have considered it, but you're happy with your current bands and besides you two have your thing going, and that suits you just fine
Ok, so not to step on anyone's toes but ???
I personally headcannon reader to be like a slightly, but noticably, better guitarist then John ????
Like things definitely get competitive between you two
At first, John's kinda jelous tbh
I'd just imagine any brainstorming or private practice sessions being a lot of you bouncing ideas off of him and him just being his brutally honest self and not really doing much bonding with you
At first, that is
Bc as we all know, the root of jealously is insecurity! So I think having reader around to encourage the real John out as well as your genuine admiration of his playing skills, would turn his attitude around!!
When it clicks for him, it's like an "um duh" moment where he realizes that you're not out trying to claim the title of "better then John Lennon" or something
Not everything is a competition, and besides, you love him! It doesn't matter who's "more talented"
I feel like you and John met backstage after a show, like maybe you and your band opened for the Beatles or even vice versa!!
He's a little begrudging of it, but from musician to musician, he just had to tell you how great you were that night
After that came a few chance run ins between your bands and before long, you and John figured why not?
I mean, you both at least respect each other's musical talent, why not get to know each other!
You come sometimes to listen in on the Beatles recording sessions, and it's not uncommon for the rest of the boys to kick John off lead guitar and have you "show him how it's done"
It's just a little inside joke at this point lmao
He likes to act all offended and huffy of course, but when you're not around he loves to brag to the lads about how amazing you are, both as a musician and a person!!
The boys can get a little annoyed on occasion when you do come over tho, seeing as recording time sometimes turns into a bit of pissing competition between you and John
But it's all in good fun and also sooo obvious you two love each other and enjoy having a little go at one another from time to time, so they're happy for you both
Finally, someone who isn't also a guitarist lmao
Of all the other boys, you and Paul compliment each other, musically and instrumentally that is, the MOST
Like John and Paul are the lyrical masterminds always and forever obviously, but if Paul is looking to get a certain tune out? He tries to get in contact with you whenever he can!
It's just that you get him, like John does, but in a different way, if that makes sense. You know?
He'll oftentimes bring his and John's lyrics and a bass sample he's got for it and ask your opinion on the bass playing and even what kind of guitar chords you think would work with it!
Your private practice sessions aren't all work tho, sometimes Paul just serenades you with his bass and his voice and the two of you chill together
You and Paul are DEFINITELY old friends, like from childhood days!!
You've known each other basically since forever, which is how you're able to craft sheet music so well together, but life simply took you in different directions to different bands
Once you two seperated for that while that he was in Hamburg, he realised just how much he missed you and didn't want to be without you or your expertise!
He was 100% going to ask you to join his band, but you had already found your own :/
That didn't matter too much tho, Paul figured the least he could do was finally ask you out so he wouldn't have to be without you!
You've been together ever since
Typically you don't really come to the Beatles studio sessions, but Paul has been known to come over to you and your bands sessions for sure!
Your bassist is just fine of course! But I mean... Who could say no to some tips and input from good ol macca?
The boys poke at Paul a lot for "cheating on them" with you when it comes to writing sheet music, but they can't deny that you come up with really good stuff together!!
I think of all the boys, you and Ringo have like the least amount of tension between yourselves lol
Like there's a tiny bit of competition with any other string musician I'd think, but Ringo and his drums are in a whole other field!
Honestly, Ringo is just in awe of you and your skills
Granted, he doesn't really know enough about guitars to dissect the fine details of what makes you so great or compare you to John and George, but I mean... he thinks you sound absolutely incredible!!
Now, he's not the best drummer in the world, but he keeps great time and you love him for it! Especially when you two have practice time together
And he's so pleased to hear that
A lot of the time, Ringo likes to think he plays for you, rather then just with you and that internal motivation honestly helps push his skills to new heights!!
I feel like you two met totally by accident lol
Like he wandered into your recording studio by mistake one day
"Oh sorry, I heard the guitar and I thought you were George!"
You two share a laugh after he explains himself just a bit more, but you got on so quickly, that the rest is history!
Honestly, the other boys love having you there for their recording sessions
Like seriously, they appreciate you lol
They always tell you Ringo is at his absolute best when you're in the studio, and it's true!
It's to such a point that you've featured as a guest guitarist when the boys play live more then once, just to give Ringo that extra little push
Your favorite spot on stage is right beside him and his drums :)
In the post Beatles era, your Beatle either joins your band, or if that's lost as well, you two form a new group or just a plain duo together!
The transition is a bit of an adjustment period for your Beatle still, but having you there to support them after things fall apart is a HUGE relief
That, and having a familiar face who's also a talented musician to enter a new era of music making with is kind of exciting!
All in all, having you there eases your Beatles post breakup pain and you guys go on to make a couple iconic, landmark albums together ❤️
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hamiltonimagines · 4 years
Fell For You
Pairing: Daveed x Reader
Summary: Y/N is in the Hamilton cast and faints during the show. Daveed is concerned and misses the show to stay with her and help her get better.
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: Fainting/Passing out
I had feeling a little sick all day, but I had to power through it, because it was it a two-show day. Tomorrow was my day off so all I had to do was make it through today. I took some medicine before I left my New York apartment and grabbed my big bottle of water. If my voice was going to make it through two shows, I would need all the help I could get.
I walked into the theater and started the walk to my dressing room. “Hey Y/N” I heard a voice say behind me. I turned around and saw none other than the one and only Phillipa Soo. I was in the ensemble and played Eliza’s understudy. Because of that I became best friends with Pippa, Jasmine, and Renée.
“Hey Pip, how are you?” I asked, knowing I would have to act like I wasn’t sick so no one would know. “I’m good, but how are you? You look like you’ve had a rough day” she asked. “No, I’m perfectly fine. I’m ready for two shows” I said, faking enthusiasm.
“Come on Y/N, you can’t trick me. What’s up?” She asked. “I may or may not be getting sick, but don’t tell Lin or anyone please” I begged her. “If you don’t feel good, just take the day off. You work so hard, you deserve a day off” she assured me.
“I can make it through today, tomorrow is my day off. I promise I’m fine” I said. She stopped me before we walked into the dressing room we shared with Renée and Jasmine. “I won’t tell anyone, but only if you take care of yourself, don’t push yourself too hard. If you get worse I’ll tell Daveed. You know he won’t let you perform while you’re sick, he loves you too much” she teased.
“Come on Pippa, Daveed and I are just friends. We aren’t in school anymore, a girl and a guy can be just friends” I said, trying to convince her, but she knew me too well and would never fall for that. The truth is I’ve had a crush on Daveed since I met him. We’re really good friends and I knew telling him how I feel would just ruin things.
“I’m just saying, you both act like a married couple. And the way Daveed looks at you, proves he has to like you” Phillipa told me. “The way Daveed does what?” I heard a recognizable voice say and then felt two hands rest on my shoulders. I froze, realizing it was Daveed.
“Oh we’re just talking about how much better Anthony would be playing Lafayette and Jefferson” I teased. “Oh haha so funny” Daveed said, faking laughter.
“Lin said he wanted to talk to me about something, so I should probably go do that” Phillipa lied, as smirked at me and walked away.
“So how’s my favorite Y/N?” Daveed asked, as he moved to stand in front of me. “I’m doing great” I lied, smiling. Then I got that familiar scratching in the back of my throat. I quickly covered my mouth as I had a coughing fit. There was no way Daveed would believe that I wasn’t sick. “Hey, are you okay?” He asked me, as he placed his hand on my shoulder. “Yeah yeah I’m fine, guess I just choked on air a bit” I lied, trying to convince him. “Orrrr you could say I took your breath away” he said and winked.
“Alright that’s enough. You’re such a flirt” I said, rolling my eyes. “Just for you, my love” he joked and blew me a kiss. “I’ll see at call time” I said turning around and walking into my dressing room.
My cheeks were beyond red, I could feel the heat radiating off of them. There was no way he didn’t notice how much I was blushing.
I sat down in front of my mirror and heard giggling behind me. I turned around and saw Renée and Jas both with the biggest smirks on their faces. “And you say you guys aren’t dating” Renée said. “Oh shush, he could hear you” I whispered. “Ooo someone’s cheeks are red, I wonder who made you blush like that?” Jasmine teased. “I can’t stand you two” I said, giggling. I turned around and got ready for the show.
I had made it the winter’s ball scene. I was dancing with Daveed and he had a worried look in his eyes. “You okay?” He asked me. I just nodded, I needed to save my voice as much as possible. He went along with it, but still looked concerned.
I had made it through the first half of the first show and it was currently intermission and I was in my dressing room sitting down, trying to drink as much water as possible. I kept coughing and felt absolutely horrible.
Daveed walked in and sat down next to me. “I know you said you were okay, but I’m really concerned for you” he said as he turned to face me. “It’s nothing, just a little cough” I reassured him. He pressed his hand against my forehead. “Y/N you’re burning up. Please talk to Lin, he’ll let you stay backstage. You’re really sick, you might make it worse. I don’t want you to be in pain” he said, sounding very worried. “I can handle a little sick, and I’m drinking water. It’s just half the show and then another show. I can do it, I promise” I told him.
I felt so bad for lying to him and minimalizing this, but I didn’t want to disappoint anyone by failing at doing my job.
Then they made the announcement for places and Daveed helped me stand up. He put his arm around my waist and helped me walk back up to stage.
“As soon as you need to get off the stage, let me know and I will figure it out” he promised me, before leaving to go to the opposite side of the stage.
I put on a fake smile and walked out and performed to the best of my ability.
We got to the Stay Alive Reprise and I was standing in the wings. I was standing in the wing, looking for my water since my throat was burning. I couldn’t find it and realized I had left it in my dressing room. My muscles wouldn’t allow me to walk all all the way there even if I had the time.
I cursed under my breath and leaned over and put my hands on my knees. I tried to regain my breath and I heard loud footsteps. I looked up and saw Daveed running over. “Lin told me you looked sick, you need to stop. You can’t go back out. Have you been drinking water?” He asked me. “Daveed, I’m fine. I’ve been drinking water, I can finish the show I promise” I told him.
“You don’t look good Y/N. Please just stay here. You won’t disappoint anyone, no one will get mad at you. I need to know you’re safe” He confessed.
Had I not been so horribly sick, I knew I’d be blushing at how concerned he was. I heard where we were in the musical and ran back onto stage to my spot, before Daveed could stop me. Everyone would think I was weak if I couldn’t finish the show.
I finally made it to the end of the show. We were all doing the final bow. I had made it through the first show, I had told Lin I couldn’t do the second show. But, I made sure to finish the first one.
I stood next to Daveed when we did our bow. I was holding onto his hand like my life depended on it. I knew I was far too weak to be standing on stage. I hadn’t had any water in a while and I could barely stand up on my own. Daveed had definitely noticed and was supporting a lot of my weight, by letting me lean on him.
We took our final bow and he held on tight to my hand to make sure I didn’t topple over. I kept that fake smile on my face for the crowd. Then we started to walk off the stage. Daveed held onto my hand and we walked off the same side of the stage. “You did it, you crazy powerhouse. Now let’s get you some rest” he whispered in my ear.
I was not walking as fast as him even though he tightly held my hand. All of a sudden, the room started to spin and I felt lightheaded. I felt like I couldn’t keep up with him. I had to keep going, I was almost off the stage. “Da..dav...daveed..” I said, just as we made it into the wing.
My hand dropped from his and I felt myself slowly start to fall to the ground. It felt like I was watching it in slow motion. I heard Daveed call out my name and then everything went black.
I slowly opened my eyes and winced at how bright the light was. I looked around and recognized I was in Daveed’s dressing room, then I saw Daveed sitting next to me. He had his head in his hands and he was messing with his hair.
“Daveed?” I said, trying to get his attention. He quickly looked up to meet my eyes. “Y/N you’re awake!” He said, with the biggest smile on my face. “Did I really faint or did I imagine that?” I asked him. “No, you really fainted. Gave me and everyone else a heart attack. I was so worried about you” he said, looking relieved.
“I’m sorry for scaring everybody” I said, honestly. “This is on me, I should’ve stopped you from performing. Then this wouldn’t of happened” he said, blaming himself. “This isn’t your fault, you tried to stop me, but I didn’t listen. I pushed myself too hard.” I told him. “Next time, please be careful, I can’t watch you get hurt” Daveed said.
My feelings for him felt ten times stronger. He was so caring and compassionate. Too bad he would never like me back and we could never be together.
“Wait! If you’re here, is the second show already over?” I asked him. “No, it’s going on right now. They’re in act one” he told me. “What? Then why are you here? You should be out there, not in here playing nurse” I said, I felt guilty that I made him miss a show. “No, I chose to be here, you’re more important” he said grabbing my hand and I blushed. “You shouldn’t have to miss a show because I’m a mess” I told him.
“I can’t believe you still don’t get it” he mumbled under his breath. “Get what?” I asked, confused.
“I like you Y/N. A lot. I have since we first met. I’m here because I care about you too much to just leave you here by yourself. I know this will ruin our friendship and you’ll probably hate me, but I can’t watch you as you talk about how you feel like you’re a bother, when there is nothing in this world I’d rather do than be here for you” he said.
I was in complete shock. I couldn’t believe what he just said. Was this a joke? A cruel trick? He surely knew about my feelings and was trying to mess with me. After all these years, had he really felt the same way?
“You....you like me?” I asked, still in disbelief. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t of said anything” he said, putting his head in his hands. “No no don’t be” I said. He looked up at me with a confused expression. “I like you too, I always have. I thought you knew all along” I confessed. It felt so good to have it off my shoulders. “You’re not just saying that?” He asked me, still cautious. “I mean every word, I promise” I said, smiling.
“Well then, come here you dork” he said as he cupped my face and pulled me close. Our lips connected and it was so much more than I had ever imagined. It felt right. It felt meant to be. I placed my hands on his chest and he continued to kiss me. He placed one of his hands on my waist and then we both pulled away and leaned our foreheads against each other’s.
“Hey how is..OHH would you look at that?” We heard someone say. We looked over and saw Lin standing in the doorway. “It’s intermission, I was coming to check on Y/N. But, I see you two have finally gotten up the courage to tell each other how you feel. It took you guys long enough” Lin said, with a smirk plastered to his face.
“Alright, you can go now, but don’t tell anybody” I groaned. “Oh I’m telling everybody, I mean, nobody will be shocked” he teased as he left the room.
“Well I guess they were bound to find out somehow” Daveed said, as he kissed my hand. “We are never hearing the end of this” I said, giggling. As soon as I said it, both our phone pinged. We looked and everyone was sending messages in the Hamilton groupchat about how much they shipped it.
“That was quick” he said, before putting down his phone and pulling me into his lap. I placed my phone with his and admitted “I can’t believe it took us so long to get to this point. All it took for us to finally confess our feelings was me fainting”. He smirked at me and said “I guess when you fainted, you fell for me”
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colorfullfalls · 4 years
Me & You- part 2
Summary: Harry and Y/N have been dating for a few months when Michael invites them over for a small dinner party.
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Chocolate cake, double decker, vanilla frosting with the words “Let’s be fucking happy” on top sat upon the large marble counter. Old friends leaned around it discussing memories and ideas, laughing often and smiling even more.
Shoes messily scattered Michael’s walk in room where his guests hastily discarded them- caring more about hugs than shoe placement. Coats were thrown over the bench beside the door, the top two close to toppling over on the floor. Michael and Crystal didn’t mind at the hint of a mess. In fact no one even really noticed, besides Y/N.
She bent over at the hip as she grabbed matching pairs of shoes and lined them up together neatly on the soft black rug. She hummed in satisfaction when the last pair was set in place. Her eyes caught sight of the coats and she moved to fix those into place too.
Truth was, she didn’t give a damn about the messiness of Mike’s house. Well she did, but that wasn’t what her issue was. Calum brought Maya to this stupid get together and she didn’t want to be around them just yet.
Over the months Calum and Y/N got back into the groove they experienced most of their lives, but this time without the romantic agony of pinning after the other helplessly at opposite intervals. The pair was good, but Y/N still didn’t really know Maya. Truth was she was too embarrassed after how Maya first saw her talk to Calum. That was the first impression and it was a rotten one.
Maya seemed nice and of course there wasn’t bad blood, but Y/N still felt like an outsider as she moved to organize the coats better. Maya and Calum came to these dinner parties in the months that Y/N was leaning on Harry for support.
The boys still invited Y/N to get together the whole time but she took the time away that she felt she needed to properly move on. And she loved the boys but the time away allowed her to heal and create a wonderful bond with Harry.
“Having fun down there?”
Y/N sheepishly set the coats down and craned her head upwards to look at the person standing above her.
Y/N awkwardly laughed, letting go of the coats and letting her hands fall lamely into her lap. She was caught trying to distance herself from the group.
“Y/N, why are you in here organizing our belongings when you could be in the kitchen having wine and a good ole time?” He joked, blue eyes offering true friendship, consideration, and kindness.
Luke was always so freaking kind, just a really good friend all around.
“I don’t fit in anymore.” She mumbled in embarrassment, “I feel like... I don’t know, I was away for so long that I lost my spot.”
Luke sighed as he struggled to navigate his lanky body to sit with his knees up to his chest on the floor across from her. His back rested against the wall comfortably.
“Y/N, you’re our sister: we love you and you’ll always be one of us.. are we doing something particular to make you feel like this?”
Y/N shrugged, playing with the fray string on her favorite black and gray sweater. A sweater that Harry bought her the other day when she said she needed one. She kept slipping money in his wallet for it but he always caught her and demanded she take it back. Truth was, Harry spoiled her rotten.
“Not specifically. It’s not even your fault. I just feel like you guys have a groove now and I’m messing it up. It’s silly.”
“It’s not silly at all.” Luke’s hand grasped onto her knee and gave a comforting squeeze, “I’m glad you came tonight. We’re glad.”
Y/N smiled, nodding her head. “Okay.”
“Let’s go back into the kitchen.” He helped her stand and together they walked back to the kitchen.
Michael was laughing as he leaned over the counter, Crystal was rubbing his back lovingly as she giggled along with him. Calum was sitting on a barstool with Maya leaning against his left side, her arm wrapped around his neck, playing with the little tuffs of hair. Ashton and Kaykay were painting digging around in the fridge. Sierra turned when she heard the pair walk in and a charming smile graced her lips.
“There you are.” Sierra said, announcing the new entry into the kitchen.
Y/N blushed as she crossed her arms and leaned against the wall across from the counter, “I was organizing the shoes...”
Luke laughed, “Yeah she was, and the coats. Little nerd.” He pushed her and she fell into the wall. She smiled slightly as she pushed away his hands.
“We thought maybe Harry finally showed up.” Ashton said, turning from the fridge with a can of Pepsi in his hands. Kaykay grabbed the can from him and opened it, taking a sip and grinning.
“Nope, he should be here soon though. He was working out a song with Sarah.” Y/N explained, shuffling over to stand between Sierra and Crystal.
Crystal patted Y/N back as she walked over. The girls were really kind and understanding through out her trying to get over Calum. They would always invite her to girls nights and would call her regularly to check in and to distract her from the heart break. And they were her biggest supporters when they discovered that Harry and her were an item.
“Sarahs the drummer, right?” Cal asked, looking right into her eyes.
“Yeah, she’s an amazing drummer. And an even cooler person.”
“She seems so. One time I visited for a show and the guards wouldn’t let me backstage and she recognized me. Took me with her. She’s super nice.” Michael recalled the memory.
“Ha, me at your shows. One time the guard called me a groupie and wouldn’t let me in for the first half of your show until the members of Hey Violet realized I was missing. That was some bullshit.. but going back to Sarah, she’s honestly the best.”
“Oi, you can date her then.”
Harry stood in the doorway, two bottles of wine resting comfortable in his hands. His smug grin made him all the more attractive as he gazed into his girlfriends eyes.
Y/N felt the weight of the world fall off her shoulders as she took him in. He was so fucking beautiful. His jeans and gray hoodie looked casual and so domestic. She wanted to curl into him and explain that he made her feel more herself than when she was with anyone.
“Bout time you showed up with that wine.” Crystal said, moving around everyone to grab the two bottles as Mike grabbed the glasses from the top shelf.
Harry walked behind Y/N and slid his arms over her shoulders, pressing a kiss to her forehead and leaning his chin against her head. Her nose took in the natural smell of Harry, closing her eyes momentarily to let it settle the nerves.
“How’d it go at the studio?” She quietly muttered, leaning slightly against his tattooed arms. The very arms that were almost like home.
“Swell. We got most of the music written, I think you’d love the feel of it. Sarah made sure the rhythm was sturdy and it ties it all together.” He explained, nodding a thank you at Crystal as he bent over Y/N to grab her and him a glass of wine.
“That’s great, Har. I wish you’d let me hear it..” Y/N grabbed the glass and took a sip.
Harry snorted, taking a sip as well, “You will. When it’s finished, dork. Already told ya that.”
“Mi mi mi mi mi” she mocked, elbowing him lightly in the ribs, “all I hear when you talk.”
Maya burst into laughter, wine falling down her chin- hand coming up to cup it from falling on the floor. Calum smiled in confusion as she grabbed her a napkin.
“Y/N, you kill me. Your sass is unmatched.” She said, wiping her mess up. Maya smiled towards her and Y/N felt herself shooting one back.
“Yeah, it’s bloody endearing until it’s aimed at you.” Y/N knew Harry was bluffing because he was in love with everything about her. She knew this because he only told her every day.
“Imagine how we feel.” Ash deadpanned.
“You should feel lucky that you got to know me all of these years, and especially since I put up with your boyish bullshit for years while on tour. A moment of peace never existed.”
Ashton blushed, crossing his arms, “Yeah, yeah. Rub it in some more that you took care of us like a mom.”
“I’d say so. You guys would crawl in my bunk when you were home sick.” Y/N said, finishing her wine in one big gulp, “play with my hair, Y/N. Rub my back, Y/N. Talk about home, please, Y/N/N.”
“Wow, thanks for fucking exposing our manly composures in front of our women!” Michael yelled, throwing someone’s IPhone charger at her.
Harry’s reflexes must’ve kicked in because his hand grasped the thick cord before it could come in contact with his lover’s face. She hummed in appreciation, slipping her hand under his sweater and rubbing her thumb over his arm.
“Babe, we are well aware that you guys are softies. She didn’t expose shit. I’m sure she could if you really wanted her to-“
Before Crystal could finish all the boys were quickly shouting out no. Y/N knew the darkest dirtiest, most horridly embarrassing moments of them and they rather not share those right now.
“What’s with the cake?” Harry asked as he set his wine glass down and moved away from Y/N to get a better look at it. He chuckled in amusement as he read the lettering upon the creamy frosting.
“A lot is happening in our lives, and I figured we could just take a night to celebrate our success, happiness, friendship, and creativity. You’re all beautiful and deep souls that I’m glad to have the pleasure of knowing.” Sierra said, wrapping her arms around one of Luke’s.
Sierra’s words were genuine and Y/N felt emotional. She was dumb to think that she wasn’t loved anymore by her friend group. They were good, loyal people that saw her heart and adored her as she was. Awkward tension between her and Cal for a few months wouldn’t ruin the unconditional bond. She felt guilty for pushing herself back in the first place. It wasn’t fair to the group and especially not Calum and Maya.
Y/N should’ve been honest about her feelings. Calum deserved to have known and instead it blew up in her face. She was attempting to shelter herself but her lack of actions was really what wounded her.
Shit worked in crazy way. First heartbreak and then a euphoric relationship with Harry motherfucking Styles? Y/N knew things worked out in the way it was meant to. And she felt bad that so much time was wasted when she could’ve gotten to still see Calum and created a friendship with Maya.
Y/N’s eyes wandered to Calum’s as cheering of concurrent glee filled the kitchen. His brown eyes held the upmost love as his lips quirked into a small smile. He made a kissy face and she let out a content sigh.
Kissy face was their signal of saying “I love you, you’re my best friend.”
It was created when they first started touring and they were embarrassed to say it in front of the boys. The action was used at the most important times when sometimes the words wouldn’t mean as much as the mere gesture.
Y/N made a kissy face back, feeling her lips tremble a bit from trying not to cry from the emotions of relief and joy flood through her veins.
“Cut this bitch up! I wanna slice. The one on that corner? Fuck yeah. Dibs.” Ash said, poking his finger in it to seal the spoken claim.
Calum laughed, dropping his head into his hand. Y/N playfully rolled her eyes at the duo. Ashton could blink and Calum would find it hilarious. The two men shared a beautiful companionship. Y/N knew that she was calums best friend, but after her was Ashton followed closely by Roy, Luke, and Mike tied.
“Nasty.” Harry teased, “you gonna have some?” He asked the woman trapped again in his loving embrace.
“Yep, are you?”
Harry snorted, “My love, you underestimate me. Fuck, it looks so good, but not as good as you do all the time.”
He grinned when she rolled her eyes, “Shut the fuck up and get your cake.”
A few hours later and the group switched to hangout in the living room. Board games were brought out along with wii games. Harry, Crystal, Luke and Sierra played Mario cart while Maya, Michael, Ash and Kay Kay played Sorry. Y/N and Calum watched in amusement.
Harry cursed at Luke as he got hit with a banana peel, “Fucking hell, Hemings.”
Calum shifted so that he could pull the cigarette pack from his pocket along with his beloved blue lighter. His eyes glanced to the balcony before he nudged the woman beside him.
“Y/N, wanna join me for a smoke?”
She knew what he meant. Not for her to actually smoke, but to talk alone for a few minutes while everyone was busy.
She nodded.
Y/N figured it would be chilly so she grabbed her jacket- well it was Harry’s that she loved to wear. Together they made their way onto the balcony of Michael’s house. She wrapped the material of her boyfriends coat close to her, slipping her hands into the pockets.
“Glad you came?” Cal asked, flicking his lighter three times before the flame stayed. The cigarette caught the light and he brought it to his plump lips.
“Yeah. Feels right to be back with you all... I’m so sorry that I hid from you guys. So fucking childish of me.”
Calum shook his head, “No, no don’t even apologize, bub. None of us blame you. And to be honest it’s partly my fault.”
Y/N scoffed, hands gripping the railing to ground herself, “It’s not.”
They sat in silence, not wanting to upset each other and start a fight that was pointless. Calum flicked ashes over the railing, his other hand not holding his cig was running through his hair.
Y/N crossed her arms, pulling the hood up over her head to cover her ears. Soft material swallowed her whole, providing a safety blanket.
“You and Harry- you just fit. I’ve never seen you act like that anyone. It was obvious that you felt sorta awkward but the second he walked in, you were back to being our Y/N.” Cal spoke, taking a hit.
Y/N shrugged, “I dunno; he’s like my comfort person now. Probably because it was just the two of us for so long. But I’m content with him.” Her eyes drifted to gaze in at the window. His brown curls could slightly be seen from the bulk of the couch.
“You love him?”
Y/N blinked in surprise, “I do love him. He’s...”
Calum chuckled at her lack of words, “Difficult to describe the intense feeling into lousy English words, huh?”
She blushed but meekly nodded, “Something like that. I imagine you know the feeling?”
Calum put out his cigarette and pulled his jacket closer to him, “Yeah. I’m not talking about Maya here though. Well, not yet. Im falling in love with her, but Y/N you’re my absolute favorite person in the world. You’re my family in ever sense of the meaning. Words can’t explain how sorry I am that I didn’t realize how you felt and that I hurt you.”
She stood up and pulled her best friend into a hug. His arms dangled around her torso as she shoved her head into his chest, taking in the familiar smoke smell.
“Maya seems super authentic Cal, and she’s like.. hot.” Y/N paused when she felt his body shake against hers from laughing, “I should’ve talked to you about it instead of getting angry. You deserve to be happy.”
“Promise I’ll be the maid of honor at your wedding?”
Y/N giggled, swaying them side to side as her cold hands went under the shirt of his back to warm them up. He jumped at the touch. She grinned at his reaction because she’s done it to him since they were little kids.
“Only if I’m your best man?”
Cal hummed, “Hell yeah, wouldn’t want anyone else.”
She nodded while elbowing him gently in the side, “good. It’s settled then.”
Y/N heard yelling inside and the two turned to see that Harry was dancing around Michael’s living room. His arms flared around in the air as he moved his body side to side. She knew that dance. It was a victory dance. The same one he would do when she agreed to wake up with him to watch the sunrise or when he would get all of pieces in home while playing sorry before her.
Harry turned around and cheekily smiled at her as he pointed at the tv and then himself and gave a joyful fist pump. She gave him an enthusiastic thumbs up in response.
“We better head back in.” She said, grabbing Calum’s arm and leading him inside.
“Love, I just kicked their asses!” Harry yelled, hitting Michael with a pillow. Harry cackled when Michael quickly plucked the pillow from him and threw it back with more force.
“You’re a goofball.” She said, crossing her arms.
Couple hours later everyone warmly hugged their goodbyes, slipped on coats and hats, and they walked out of Michael Cliffords house towards their own. Harry and Y/N were the last ones due to her being adamant on helping Crystal clean up. Harry and Michael had talked about FIFA as they attempted to help too but were more so in the way. The girls appreciated the gesture though.
Harry kissed Y/N a couple times instead of letting her get in her own car. Her muffled words kept getting shut off by his lips meeting hers.
“It’s almost like we have a house that we could make out in instead of my friend’s driveway, Har.” She said, pushing his face away with her hand like she did the first time he kissed her outside the poetry shop.
“Have to drive there first, hun. Takes too long.” He whined, his hands pulling her closer to his chest as his lips dragged across her neck, “What did Cal have to say on the balcony?”
She snorted as he nosed along her jawline, peppering kisses and moving his leg to rest in between hers. She ran her fingers along his arm until she intertwined her fingers with his.
He was jealous.
Harry would always ask her how it went when she met up with Calum. Y/N wasn’t dumb, Harry was scared that her feelings for her old best friend would randomly punch her in the face. Harry was hurt before and she understood that he was just scared of getting hurt again.
Especially since he has been in love with her since he was freshly eighteen years old.
“Just that he was glad that I came. Heart to heart about being best friends. I promised him he could be in our wedding if I was in his.” She said, halting Harry’s kissed against her skin.
His head snapped up so that his green eyes looked into her, “Our wedding?”
She nodded, grinning from ear to ear.
“If we’re in this for life, I’d figure it would happen sooner or later. I don’t know if I wanna wear a traditional white dress with you in a boring tux. I think our style is too spectacular for that normal shit. You look so good in vibrant colors, Har.” She whispered, squeezing his hand.
He seemed in a daze as he listened, nodding frequently in agreement, “You’d look amazing in anything as long as you’re walking towards me to meet me at the altar.”
“Yeah, you think?”
Harry laughed, “Yeah, I do.”
“I’ll marry you as soon as you show me that damn song. It’s driving me crazy, dude.” She said, pushing him away when he went in for another kiss that would turn into ten.
Harry was a lovey, touchy feely man, but she loved it. She loved him.
“You ruined one of the best moments of my life by calling me dude. Seriously, you’re killing me here. Cruel woman, you are.”
She shrugged, “I have my ways.”
“Go home!” Michael yelled out the window, making them separate quickly. Harry flipped him off before opening Y/N’s door and helping her in.
“I’ll see you at home, wife.”
Y/N cackled when Harry gently shut her door and saw him hurriedly got into his. She knew that tonight would be spent in each other’s arms with how absolutely thrilled he was to hear that she thought about their wedding.
She turned her car on and thanked Mother Nature for working her mysterious ways to make her life fit into place so perfectly.
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limbo-limbo-limbo · 4 years
A Superstar Is What You Are
A/N: I decided to base this on the movie “Funny Girl” with Barbra Streisand just a little. Hope you enjoy! Songs used: Body & Soul by Tony Bennett, Amy Winehouse + I’m a fool to want you by Billie Holiday
ᴛᴀɢ ʟɪsᴛ: @youbloodymadgenius​
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: Ivar x Black!OC
ᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛs: 20. Wait a minute, wait a minute. You ain't heard nothing yet! (The Jazz Singer)  &  32. You have bewitched me.body and soul. (Pride and Prejudice)
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“Come on, just walk through that door and get this over with.” Standing in front of the door, Hattie tried giving herself a pep talk, she’s been jittery since last night, where she contemplated going through with this plan. 
Standing yet not moving an inch from her position she began reading the elegant yet alluring print of the words that read “The Tinted”. She remembered the first time they came into town creating a lot of buzz for themselves in just a short couple of weeks they became the best performance theater to grace the deep south.  
Turning the golden knob of the door, she stepped in guiding herself to the main theater where she knew the gentlemen would be waiting for her. 
She spotted three men seated at a table, in the far right corner of the room. All three men were vastly different in appearances yet somehow you could tell wealth and respect followed them. The man in the middle was dressed casually for a middle class man, he had to be about in his late 40s as the wrinkles showed age was not too kind to him. The man on the far left had to be around the same age as well, but if he wanted to easily lie and say he was younger, he dressed far more fashionable, decorated in rings and a gold chain which must have cost him too much money. The last man in the room was around her age. Hattie presumed he must be one of the older gentlemen's sons or just worked there, he dressed the same as her, mediocre yet the wealth laid behind his eyes. 
"Sirs? My name Hattie and I'm here to audition to be a part of your show, that you have round here." Hattie smiled. Hoping her confidence would ease their suspicion of her. The man on the left looked at her, grinning at her, yet it didn't reach his eyes.
"I'm sorry, but we can't allow you to audition." The man in the middle said. He smoked his cigarette, letting the smell in gulf her nostrils, grimacing at the smell.
"And why not good sir, I have just as much talent as the girls you usually allow to be up on that stage." Hattie was annoyed, she knew coming there was a bargain because of her appearance, but talent was talent and she had it. 
"You're pretty, but you're not like the other girls they're-" 
"White? Is that what you were going to say, I know who I am and I'm proud of it, sir I'm a star and if you give me a chance I'll have you swimming in bucks of cash, what do you say?" Giving him a look of reassurance, she hoped he would take the proposition. Not many white men in town gave black people a chance leaving most of her friends and family doing all sorts of odd jobs, but she wouldn't, she couldn't be one of those people.
"I'm sorry miss, but we ain't giving you this job, we'll have a mob outside our doors every night and I'm not risking my business because of that." The three men quickly began packing up their items as it seemed no one else was approaching, as they started to leave Hattie was panicking. Her dream was slipping through her grasps and she didn't know how to catch it. 
"Wait a minute, wait a minute. You ain't heard nothing yet!" Blocking their path leaving no room to escape, she tried reasoning with them hoping they heard her pleas yet they edged her out the way going out the door leaving her in the empty theater. 
Hattie was embarrassed, she wondered what went through her mind that made her think this would work? 
Her mother told her repeatedly to just go ahead and work at the sewing factory with her and the aunties. What type of life was that though? She thought.
Finally snapping out of her thoughts she decided to examine the room she was in, hoping to imagine what could have been.
Taking the steps to the backstage, she gained access to the main stage. She couldn't comprehend how anyone would get tired of the view in front of her. She began to imagine an audience awaiting her performance. Waving gracefully as if greeting her fans, she took her place in the center of the stage. 
Closing her eyes, she went to her safe place, the inviting smell of grits and bacon overtook her nostrils, Hattie could see visibly her mother at the stove. Looking at her surroundings she realized how broken her home was, the house has been disheveled with the wood chipping away because of termites, the old furniture that reek of something salvage from the trash and sat in the sun for awhile, yet she wouldn’t trade it for anything for that was her home and she was protected. 
The vocals of Billie Holiday played through the radio the beautiful song only played on Saturdays, making this her mother's guilty pleasure once a week to enjoy the sweet sounding of the blues. The house was either filled with church music or silence.
I'm a fool to want you  I'm a fool to want you To want that can't be true  A love that's there others too  I'm a fool to hold you  Such a fool to hold you  To seek a kiss not mine alone  To share a kiss the devil has known 
She could feel the longing and pain in the words as she sang, she never knew love, Hattie didn't even think love was possible for her, generations upon generations the family always picked your husband, it didn't matter if you knew each other or not, the fate of her love life was decided and she had no say in it. 
Feeling tears well up in her eyes, she could feel her breathing become unsteady from the sheer realization that she couldn't take charge of anything in her life. She thought this would better her life and then maybe she wouldn't need to get married to some man for financial stability, yet the truth of reality hit her, she knew nothing really happened the way you wish it to be.
Clapping began to grace her ears, alarming her. She quickly opened her eyes to where the sound was coming from spotting the young man from earlier, who didn't say a word, watching her with admiration in his irises. 
"You! Where did you learn to sing like that?" Hattie smiled. 
“I-I don’t know, being in the church everyone got to sing whether you want to or not.” Staring at the man, you heard a sigh of disbelief come from his mouth. Never had he heard the sweet vocals carry that much emotion, the sound of her voice put him in a daze as he envisioned memories of a love lost.
"I should leave, Thank you for the compliment, but I wasted my time coming down here." Stepping off the stage, she wished she could stay on it forever, a part of her heart yearned to stay there longer however it wasn’t her time to. 
“You’re in.” she stopped, shocked at what the young man said. 
“You can’t be serious with me, those two older gentlemen said and I quote that I couldn’t do it, hell they didn’t even let me sing for them, so tell me…” 
“Sigurd, my name’s Sigurd.” 
“So tell me Sigurd, how am I in the show?” Hattie said. Giving Sigurd a look of curiosity as to what he will say.
“Because You’re worth the risk, Our girls here are nowhere near as good as you hell I don’t even think they can do what you just did. I want to bring real music back into this place, when my father Ragnar and uncle Rollo started this place they hoped to establish music, real music back into the people’s heart, but they have been blinded by capitalism and can’t see reason, you can make them see.” Hattie could see the look of sadness in his eyes as he thought about his time here, Sigurd was a lover of music and could play any instrument that his fingers graced, but his father and uncle had pushed him to the back and he wanted out. 
“I have a song I want you to sing that I made and I need you...Sunday night we’re having a big concert for my brothers who are returning from war and let’s give them something they won’t forget.” Hattie couldn’t help but smile at the mischievous idea Sigurd conjured up. She started thinking heavily about the pros and cons that could happen but all her heart was telling her to do was agree. Agree to the adventure, what did you have to lose?
“You have yourself a deal Sigurd. Gosh I can’t believe it’s coming true.” Kissing Sigurd on the cheek, Hattie leaped into his arms thanking him for this opportunity, bidding him goodbye she ran home to prepare herself an outfit, hoping to not disturb her mother who was sleeping on the couch, she tiptoed to her room and once inside got to work on her outfit.
                                •• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••
As the days got shorter to the final day, Hattie privately met with Sigurd to practice with him when Ragnar and Rollo were nowhere in sight. She found a friend in Sigurd and he greatly in her, He told Hattie how hard it was for him to make his family proud of him, constantly compared to his brothers. Hattie could understand being reminded of others' accomplishments leaves you feeling agitated. 
It was late into the night, she waited. Her mother usually went to sleep at this hour, but tonight was the night she decided to stay up longer. Hattie sighed as she waited near her mother’s bedroom door praying the lights would turn off, she knew she only had a few hours to get to the theater before the show began. 
The shuffling of footsteps alerted her, she held her breath not wanting to draw attention to herself. The sound of the light switch being turned off, quickly her feet threw her towards the front door and to the bus station. 
Arriving at the back door, Hattie banged desperately onto the door hoping Sigurd would hear her. Sigurd didn’t tell a lie when he spoke of this being a big event, Hattie spotted a multitude of cars parked miles and miles when dropped off at the bus station. Photographers lined up at the entrance snapping photos of anyone who was deemed important, she didn’t recognize anyone that could be celebrity status, but how would she know if they were famous, the only thing she knew of famous people were the voices she heard from the radio, never getting a visual of who they truly look like. 
Finally the door opened, revealing Sigurd. He was dressed very handsomely wearing aa black suit with a dark green tie that highlighted his eyes and his hair was slicked back into a ponytail, yet he still had his fluffy bangs you liked about him. 
“Boy am I glad to see you, something told me you would not come.” 
“Of course I would come, Sigurd, why would I miss upsetting your father and uncle.” Laughing at Hattie remarks, he stepped aside to let her in. He thought she looked cute in her outfit, he could easily tell it was handmade, but it worked for her.  
“So have I missed anything?” Hattie said.
“Some of the girls are doing a number right now, but when you hear singing in the rain, I want you to stand behind the curtain and wait till you hear me playing our song.” Hattie nodded, she could feel her heart beating rapidly as the time tick. She had to greatly thank Sigurd for taking a chance with her, he was putting everything on the line just for her to perform. But he said she was worth the risk and she was starting to believe it. 
Sigurd hid her backstage, telling her that his father and uncle were in the audience, asskissing his brothers probably so Hattie didn’t need to worry about any mishaps for now. The chords of Singing in the Rain began to play and her heart stopped. Let the show begin. She thought. 
Standing behind the curtain, she could see Sigurd on the piano, and the other band members. They looked at her suspicious till they realized it was you, the mystery girl. Sigurd didn’t let you meet the others but boasted about you and your vocals, they thought it was weird, but they were just there to play, not ask questions.
“Hattie, remember to just feel the music, don’t think about my father or your mother, in this moment they don’t matter. This is your moment, take it.” Tears welled up in her eyes, Sigurd always had a way with words and today was no different, she was glad she made a friend like him in this harsh world. 
“Same to you Sigurd, you’re an amazing composer and if your father and anyone else can’t see it, to hell with them. I’m proud of you Sigurd, you’re a good man.” Wrapping his arms around her, they stayed in each other's embrace. They knew the hardships both carried and thats all they both wanted. Someone to understand. 
Letting out of her embrace, Sigurd handed her the microphone and proceeded to the piano. She breathed heavily as she tried to shut out the negativity. She could hear words from her mother, Ragnar, Rollo, Her aunties, and even herself. Tonight was her time and nothing was going to ruin it.
Looking at Sigurd, He gave her the nod signaling he was going to change the song. The mysterious yet alluring chords played, everyone in the audience had confusing expressions as the dancers and singers stopped shocked at what was transpiring. Soon enough the curtain came up and she could almost cry the sight of everyone. They all looked beautiful to her dressed in the finest garments. In reality she was the sight to see, many people gave questionable looks as to what was going on, while others looked at her with disgust. Hattie didn’t care though. 
Spotting Ragnar and Rollo looking quite pissed at the sight of her she turned to Sigurd to quickly sing the song.
[Sigurd] My heart is sad and lonely For you, I sigh For you, dear, only Why haven't you seen it? I'm all for you, body and soul
[Hattie] I spend my days in longing Wondering why it's me that you're wronging I tell, you I mean it, I'm all for you Body and soul 
[Sigurd] I can't believe it, it's hard to conceive it That you'd turn away romance, oh [Sigurd & Hattie] My life, a wreck, you're making You know I'm yours for just the taking I'd gladly surrender myself to you, body and soul
Opening her eyes she was greeted with looks of astonishment, Silence filled the theater as everyone stared at her. Hattie felt like an insect being inspected right about now, but she couldn’t lie and say she didn’t feel alive while up there.
Finally the silence was disrupted by a male seated next to Ragnar, clapping as he stared deeply into her eyes. He had the brightest blue eyes and he had to be about her age as well. He was gorgeous. 
Soon after applause and cheers was all around as they stood up. For me? She thought. She honestly couldn’t believe the sight in front of her, she looked to where Sigurd was and saw him smiling happily as he stared out into the crowd as well. Finally looking at Hattie, she mouthed genius to him and he could only bow at her compliment. 
“One More song girl!” 
“Oh yes please another one.” 
“Sing some more!” Smiling from ear to ear, Hattie looked to Sigurd for advice and he did the only thing he could do. Play another song.
                               •• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••
“That was amazing Sigurd, did you see how those people acted once we started singing?” 
“No, It was how you sang, I told you that you were a star Hattie.” 
“It’s only because I had the best Musician and composer in my corner.” After singing for hours, they were in the dressing rooms for a much needed break. Chatting up about their little plan. A door knock cut their conversation short. 
“Sigurd, can I have the room real quick?” Looking at the man who spoke, there he was. The gorgeous man from earlier. You looked at Sigurd telling to get out. 
“I’ll be right back Hattie...be careful with him okay?” Nodding your head, you bided Sigurd a bye and watched the other man in front of you. 
“Why did you send Sigurd out the room, what could he possibly do?” 
“My brother Sigurd has a knack for sticking his mouth into conversations that don’t pertain to him, so the best case is to send him away.” Giving the man an annoyed look, Hattie scoffed, hating what he insinuated about Sigurd. 
“Well I don’t appreciate you speaking ill about my friend even if he is your brother…” She trailed off her sentence, hoping the man would say his name.  
“Ivar and your name is Beautiful?” 
“Hattie. Thank you for clapping for me when one one else didn’t, I can understand how difficult that might have been to just do.” 
“When I hear something beautiful or see someone beautiful...I must appreciate it, don’t you believe so?” 
“I suppose so, I never saw that many pretty things in my life.” staring down at her hands, Hattie tried thinking of anything that completely blew her mind of its beauty. All her mind could conjure up was music. 
“Well we must do something about that.” 
“And what you are gonna do Ivar? Things like getting diamonds, or traveling to foreign places don’t exist for someone like me, I’m not those women you usually date where you can take them anywhere in the world and show them off...” Stopping herself from rambling on further Hattie got up from the comfy couch, Hattie made way to the door, walking home since the bus station was probably closed this late into the night. 
“Hattie! Hattie! I’m sorry.” Catching up to her, she could hear the desperation as he shouted after her. Ivar knew he hit a nerve and couldn’t let her leave with a bad impression of him. her opinion mattered. 
“Leave me alone Ivar. Shouldn’t you be chasing them white girls from the show?” Finally turning around to face him, since he remained persistent in following her. She didn’t realize how close he was to her, his chest was so close to hers there breathing become in sync, became one.
“I'd much rather chase behind you…"Hattie stared at him shocked. She never had anyone flirt with her so openly, much less a white man. Ivar continued to stare at her with those blue eyes that seemed to beckon her to give in to this desire he knew she felt.
"Ivar...you know there can't be anything between you and me, I'm a black girl and-" 
"You have bewitched me, Body and soul. When I saw you standing there on that stage my eyes could only stay at you, only you. You’re beautiful not because of your looks, but because you’re not afraid to defy society rules and go after what you want. As you know I’ve traveled far and wide because of war and no woman holds a candle to the courage I saw you do today and I want to stand with you in that courage.” 
Hattie zoned out as she glanced at Ivar, her body shot sparks of arousal running deep into her core as she pondered hard about what he said. About her. Any doubt about him that she suspected of him vanished, She knew she shouldn’t give in to him, yet she felt she could be happy with him even if she knew the outcome would be tragic once someone found out. 
“Sweet talker…”Hattie kissed Ivar on the cheek, laughing as a smile appeared on his face. “We can see where this goes, but you must promise me to only tell me the truth...if you grow tired of me let me know I won’t hate you if you are honest.” 
“I’ll never grow tired of this, of you. My elskede (Beloved).”
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