#she's fairly calm and normal
mx-misty-eyed · 2 years
i am so confused
#don’t rb#so like. there’s definitely something wrong with my brain#or multiple things most likely#and i’m trying to figure out what specifically it is#but it’s hard bc i’m kinda hesitant to self diagnose#all for informed self diagnosis ofc but im just doubting myself/have an internalized/irrational fear that i’m faking everything#especially since my therapist keeps diminishing stuff that i tell her#and i asked her to do a screening for ocd and she never did and idk if she forgot or she just didn’t believe me/think it was a big enough#deal where it’s worth getting tested or whatever#and also with the self diagnosis a lot of the stuff that i’m wondering whether or not i have has overlapping symptoms with other stuff#so idk how to differentiate/figure out what it actually is#like i’m fairly sure i have ocd depression and adhd#and prob anxiety too#(apparently it’s not normal to have a set of words that you repeat over and over in your head to calm yourself down)#but also it’s possible some of the stuff i’m experiencing is a sign of bpd and/or bipolar (more likely bpd i think but it could be bipolar)#and also i’m thinking it might be possible i have osdd? either 1a or 1b i’m not really sure#like i feel like i have kinda different personalities for school and home and stuff like that#but idk if that’s just a normal thing where you act differently around different people#<- like obv that’s a thing a lot of ppl experience i think but idk if the extent to which i’m experiencing it would make it osdd#but also idk? it’s possible i have osdd-1b#idk how likely any of this is but#like idk how to describe it#but i think the description sounds mildly accurate at least#like i def don’t have amnesia#and idk#like it’s possible that it’s different system members but#i also don’t know if that’s a thing that’s up for debate?#like if it was then i feel like it would be more apparent#that there’s different system members and stuff#rest of the tags got fucked up check replies
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usuallydyinginside · 1 month
TLDR: Francesca Bridgerton is Autistic. Fight me.
Okay so I did not go into Season 3 of Bridgerton expecting to have any feelings about Francesca Bridgerton. We have seen her only in glimpses in the show and I have not read the books, so I knew basically nothing about her before binging the first four episodes.
But guys. GUYS. I will die for this autistic queen.
Okay, so starting with first impressions. We know that on her big day, Francesca went out of her way to avoid her nosy, loud family by having a very early, quiet breakfast by herself and then calming down via playing the piano (clearly a special interest of hers).
In her first balls, we see Francesca light up any time she talks about music (clearly her current or forever special interest) but as soon as men try to take it to a flirting place she IMMEDIATELY shuts down. It's clear that even as she states very matter-of-factly that she plans to marry this season, she also is baffled and uncomfortable any time someone tries to actually, ya know, court her.
At one of her first shindigs, she got attention and then went up to her brother and (while making almost no eye contact) told him (rather than asked him) that she needed a sec.
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She then sat by herself in the side of the ballroom.
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Later on, she left a ball in search of quiet and solitude to fix her sensory overload, so she went outside this time. (A thing that we know from pervious seasons is a HUGE no-no, particularly unchaperoned. But she was very respectfully near the door so maybe that's fine?) The point is that she cares very much about staying respectable so she can get this marriage thing over with and get people to stop perceiving her, yet she risks some scandal by going outside just so she can be somewhere quiet alone.
Enter: this absolute (also autistic) Prince Charming.
He says hello (so she knows he's not like trying to sneak up on her in the dark like a creep) and then just stands there. 10/10, no notes, best way to flirt I have ever seen in my life.
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Seriously just look at this. I'm in love. Never before has there been a greater sign of love at first sight than in this "standing politely five feet apart in total silence in the middle of a ball and enjoying each other's company."
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I need to go watch these first four episodes about a hundred more times, but I THINK this might be the first sincere smile we see from Francesca??!? I at least got the impression immediately that this is the first time she's felt genuinely comfortable and happy while not entirely alone this season.
Like, these nerds did not even exchange names. They barely exchanged a word. Yet you can see them falling head over heels in love right there in that moment. I don't even LIKE love at first sight tropes and they have my whole heart. They are the only exception.
Then, of course, you have this second absolutely iconic Scene of Silence where the entire Bridgerton family stares in neurotypical confusion a these two amazing weirdos. The way these two do not know each other but they DO know each other. The way they are both so happy and so comfortable but also still playing the whole society game the way they were told they had to?? I just don't have words right now.
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Look how happy this tiny, silent moment is making her. How she understands immediately what he's doing and is absolutely delighted to participate too even knowing her entire family is hardcore judging them from not that far away.
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And then you get this smug little look from him and it's like you can see his autistic ass thinking, "Yes. I calculated correctly. This was the correct romance option. Gold star to me." (Okay, maybe that's just how my brain works but shhhhh)
Which, of course, brings us to this absolutely hilariously awkward ND attempt at flirting. We start off with some fairly normal "whoops, I'm flustered cause you make me nervous" sort of moments, but notice how little eye contact she makes. How she only looks in his eyes very briefly and it seems like she almost has to remind herself to do so when she's doing the "polite" answers (OR later when she's genuinely interested in a topic).
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So as soon as Francesca is like "oh shit, I ruined it. I forgot how to neurotypical. It's over" then she loses patience with the practiced social niceties.
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I spent like 30 minutes trying to find a GIF and I should already be asleep so I'm not going to go learn how to make one BUT I needed to look up exactly what happens next cause it's basically the most autistic thing I've ever seen.
WHICH IS that in response to the second awkward silence after Francesca shares all of this, John's response is, "That is helpful. If you'll excuse me."
Like it would be awkward anyway but now Francesca thinks she misread a social cue so she's feeling sad, and meanwhile this absolute king is over here on a romantic mission no one asked him to do because he is that set on showing her he's listening and cares.
The man shows up at the ball and as soon as he had a paper we were all screaming "he wrote her a song!!!"
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Again, notice the eye contact (or lack thereof). I think with period dramas and women, it's easy to just go "oh she's just shy" or "she's just being demure like she's supposed to" but like NO. This girl does not want to meet anyone's eyes.
Until she does. Because in moments where she's talking about music or enjoying quiet, it's worth it to purposefully meet his eyes and see how he's feeling too. To make sure he can see she's happy.
ANYWAY, it was so much better than him writing a song for her.
Because he didn't just give her any ol' music. He sought out the music they'd specifically heard in the street, and he took her exact specifications on what was "wrong" with the music, and he FIXED IT. He then put the whole thing on sheet music and handed her a copy with no further explanation than this.
Our autistic lass was so excited she basically sprinted out of that ball so she could find a piano. (Which, the fact that she does this rather than try to stay and flirt/dance with the man who just gave her this incredible gift ALSO says a lot, just saying. Daphne could never.)
So our girl finds a piano and GUYS. LOOK AT HOW HAPPY SHE IS.
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I'm pretty sure this woman would accept a proposal right this second. Maybe make one herself. She is so head over heels in love with this man that it's absurd. We have watched her mask in these first four episodes, but the last two where she's interacting with John are the first times she seems genuinely happy and like the real her is shining through.
Like, does she enjoy her family? Sure. But it's obvious (and she even tells us) that she finds them overwhelming and generally to be A Lot. But these scenes? This gesture?
You can just get how seen she feels. How weird and wild and amazing it is to her that this man can see who she actually is and wants to join her there instead of making her play some part of the perfect Bridgerton who likes to be the center of attention.
(And even here - the EYE CONTACT. She glances at people when she's talking to them, but the way she looks at the sheet music is so much more intense and intimate and personal than anytime she's looking at the average person in the show. She still even in places she's most comfortable, such as sitting at the piano, makes very little eye contact and only at very specific moments.)
Anyway I'm going to sleep now but I'm sure I'll add more thoughts as they come to me. Feel free to add your own case for why Francesca is autistic and/or otherwise neurodivergent. I want to hear allllllll the thoughts.
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pinievsev · 6 months
Hi I saw you added sweet home to your list, could you do Any fic or something where the reader hurts his ankle or something and hyun soo and his monster are being overprotective please?
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Cha hyun-soo X GN! reader
Warnings: mentions of injury, S2 spoilers,kinda comedic
A/n: I know this is probably not exactly what you had in mind but I wrote it in school. Again.
Note: bold: hyun-soo monster side.
Normal: hyun-soo
Italics and (): (hyun-soo in his head )
Bold, italics and (): (hyun-soo monster in his head )
You ran after Ah-yi, who had decided she'd ran off to chase some kind of monster while hyun-soo had gone to look for necessities.
She slid under a tall metal fence, you definitely didn't fit under that. You made the drastic decision to jump over it, and as you landed, you twisted your ankle.
"Fuck." You groaned and stood up with difficulty. "Ah-yi?!" You called for the young girl you had been chasing. She appeared from behind a tree, running towards you.
"Yes?!" She asked, her adorable smile on her face. You've been calling out for her for the past half an hour. Yet that's all it took. You inhaled sharply to compose yourself.
"We need to get back home, hyun-soo will be back soon too" you tried and to your surprise she agreed fairly quickly, she yawned and made grabby hands at you.
You sighed but picked her up, hissing at the pain that shot through your ankle in the process.
It took some time, and the kid had fallen asleep in your arms but you made it. As you neared, you made out hyun-soo's voice, looking for the both of you.
You limped your way up the stairs, careful not to wake Ah-yi up. "We're here." He immediately rushed to you. "Where have you been?" He whisper yelled at you.
"She ran off to chase something." You explained handing him the child.
He carefully took her to the small room behind him and tucked her in by the corner. You followed him slowly, closing the door behind you. You sat down in the opposite corner, a groan escaping you as you felt your ankle stinging.
"Are you okay?" Hyun-soo asked, moving to sit by you "I'm fine, just hurt my ankle it'll heal." He reached out to examine it but you pulled back "let me see?." He asked as calmly as possible
You shook your head "I'm okay, really."
"Let me see." You looked up, his eyes now a piercing blue colour unlike his usual calm dark eyes.
You threw your head back, resting it on the wall "Fine." You said gesturing to your ankle.
He checked your ankle, once you Looked back down, his eyes where back to normal and he was wrapping it with some gauze and tape.
"You should be more careful out there." He noted turning to look at you once he had finished his job.
"I'm sorry I was trying to get to Ah-yi. My ankle was the least of my worries at that moment." You defended yourself.
"I understand, but if something happened to you i-" (we.) "We don't know what we'd do."
You chuckled at the "we". You'd gotten used to his monster, you treated him like a friend and You never kissed hyun-soo while he wasn't in control.
You smiled and hugged the boy "I'll be more careful then. Promise." You assured. You felt him peck your cheek, then he leaned back, eyes closed and leaned in to kiss you.
You placed a finger over his lips "open your eyes." And he did. Just as you expected they were blue. You raised an eyebrow, and in a second your hyun-soo was back.
You pecked his lips and messed his hair a bit.
(Just once!) (Actually, shut up.)
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lovinpelova · 5 months
babylove | j. fleming
summary; jessie interacts with a younger fan in front of you and you realise how much you want a baby with her. [SMUT]
🎵 baby by me - 50 cent
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ever since chelsea won the fa cup against manchester united, jessie had started coming out of her shell a bit more. it wasn't a lot but it was certainly noticeable. she was saying yes to going places she normally wouldn't want to even think about, interacting with fans more often with longer conversations and started telling her stylist to go bolder with her outfits whenever there was an upcoming event.
still high off the recent win, you and jessie couldn't have been in a happier place with your relationship three years down the line, both playing for chelsea after she moved to your childhood club just after she asked you to be her girlfriend meant you moved quite fast with your relationship and had been living together since. you still weren't married but spoke about it often, as well as having children together, so every time jessie even looked at a baby in the crowd of your games you were swooning with how she'd interact.
that brings you to right now, watching on with guro and niamh as she carefully takes a fans child out of their arms and poses for a picture with the baby, deciding to hold onto her for a couple more moments as she started asking her if she enjoyed the game and if she was her favourite player. when she handed the baby back to her parents she noticed her older brother looking up at her in awe and the way he almost had tears in his eyes, laughing as he turned around to show off his 'fleming' chelsea jersey before deciding to take hers off and give it to him.
she calmed him down from crying fairly quickly to not cause a scene or upset him any further, promising him that if he came to your next home game she'd give him her boots and get a 'fleming' jersey for his baby sister. the mother thanked her gratefully over and over again, jessie placing her hand on her shoulder to calm her down as she stated it was no bother before saying goodbye to the boy and his little sister, jogging back to you, guro and niamh with a massive grin on her face.
"this world doesn't deserve you jess."
niamh commented as guro hummed in agreement, yourself too startstruck at how well she managed that whole situation to even comprehend the conversation that was going on in front of you. you knew jessie was good with kids after how you saw her acting with your nephew one day but you didn't know she was that good with kids- and you'd be lying right now if you said you weren't extremely attracted to it.
the thought of having kids with jessie and her being able to act comfortably and sensibly around them was driving you wild, unable to wait until you got home any longer so you could tell her how you felt and see her reaction.
"c'mon, lets get home."
guro dragged you to the changing rooms as she saw you were still zoned out thinking about jessie jessie jessie, still stuck on those thoughts when you got changed and showered, ate quickly before meeting her at your car and kissed her hello, whilst she was driving you both home and when you were relaxing on the couch together. you couldn't get enough of it, replaying the interaction again and again and again and imagining she was acting like that with your kids instead of a fans.
"you okay baby?"
your girlfriend asked as she looked down to see you zoning out again, pausing the movie that was playing on the tv in front of you to gain your attention. she'd noticed how distant you were acting immediately after the game, opting to stand and stare at the ground in your own thoughts instead of join in on the conversation with niamh and guro, taking note of how quiet you were during the ride home too.
"yeah. m'fine. perfect, a-okay. you?"
the canadian scoffed at your emphasis on how you were feeling, tone of voice not matching the description of your emotions as she raised her eyebrows at you in suspicion.
"mhm. sure you are,"
she teased to gain your full attention, internally grinning once your eyes finally met hers.
"what's been goin' on in that pretty little head of yours? you've been spacin' out all night."
you groaned and threw your head back at how observant jessie was, cursing her quiet nature for the only time you've ever wanted her to not be so watchful. knowing she'd already caught you out and it was too late to deny her study of your behaviour, you had no option but to tell her what you were thinking about.
"when you were talking to that kid and his little sister earlier on i found it cute. i was just imagining you talking to our kids like that when we eventually do get married and have our own."
you heard the midfielder hum in acknowledgement of your words, nodding her head alongside it with a small smile protruding at the idea of having children with you.
"but then- i dunno how to put it."
you sighed in exasperation whilst running a hand over your face in embarrassment, jessie reaching to hold your thigh gently with a comforting rub of her thumb.
"no judgement, remember?"
you closed your eyes with a scrunched up expression, still far too embarrassed to even look her in the eye as you thought about how to word it in a way that wouldn't be weird.
"um, i started thinking about you and me- and what you would say to me during sex if you were actually able to get me pregnant."
rushing out the last bit of your sentence, jessie grinned down at you as she finally processed what you meant, immediately knowing you'd just confessed to having a breeding kink.
"yeah? what was i saying babygirl?"
she asked softly whilst leaning into your ear, pressing a kiss under it before leaving a trail of soft and slow pecks down your pulse point to rile you up. the canadian quickly withdrew her lips and looked into your eyes when you turned your head towards hers, nodding her head encouragingly in a silent way of telling you it was okay to say what you were thinking of because you were in a safe space. you took a deep breath to compose yourself from how she'd just affected you, gathering all the ideas you had in your head to make sense of them so they weren't just floating about in seperate fantasies.
"you're using the..."
jessie finished for you, knowing how shy you could get at moments like these. no matter what she was always the more dominant one in these situations, you fell into your shell and jessie came out of hers, it was the perfect balance to have a taste of what the other experienced on a daily basis.
"mhm. and you're saying that you wanna get me pregnant 'n you can't wait to see how i'll look carrying your babies. stuff like that."
your girlfriend immediately knew what you meant by 'stuff like that' and she smirked at it, not letting you grow shy again by standing up quickly and picking you up with her, walking with you in her arms towards your bedroom as she initiated a sloppy kiss. you felt her stop just before the bed to search for something in the bedside drawer until she found it, smiling against your lips when she tossed it on the bed beside you as she crawled on top of you. jessie leaned up to take off her shirt and watched you do the same, trailing her kisses down your neck to leave marks along the swell of your breasts as she unclipped your bra and threw it behind her carelessly, latching her mouth onto your chest to suck pleasurably with the occasional bite to tease.
her left hand began to massage your free breast softly as her right one pulled your thigh around her waist so she could start grinding into you, groaning against the hickeys she'd quickly made when you dug your nails into her back and bicep and softly moaned out her name. jessie pulled away and began moving further down, feeling your hand cup her face and tug her towards your lips as she followed your command to kiss you again before she could even think about going any lower. happy with the way you were moaning into her mouth she pulled down your joggers and underwear alongside her own shorts, leaving you completely bare and herself in underwear as she blindly felt about for the strap beside her.
having to break apart to see where it was, she turned her head to find it and begin putting it on whilst your lips trailed eagerly down her neck, leaving marks in your own wake as payback for the painful ones she left on your chest earlier. the canadian finally put it on right and moved her head towards yours in a heated kiss, one hand grabbing the strap and rubbing the tip over your heat to gather your arousal, playfully slapping your needy clit a couple times to hear you moan her name out or whine as she smirked cockily.
"are you still wanting this?"
the immediate switch made you melt for a moment as she asked for consent one last time, loving how she always ensured you were one-hundred percent in until the last minute.
"so bad jess."
your girlfriend kissed you softly with one hand beside you to support herself, the other guiding her strap into you as you moaned gently at the intrusion, one hand gripping her waist and the other on her shoulder. it didn't take long for her to bottom out inside you, your legs wrapping around her waist as her hand moved to grip your thigh in response when she started moving at your silent prompt. jessie thrusted into you slowly at first, beginning with shallow strokes to get you used to the feeling of it before you whined at not getting enough attention to feel pleasurable anymore, starting to pick up her pace and depth.
"feel good baby?"
she questioned whilst bottoming out, pulling back a second later to push back in as forcefully as possible to earn a moan from you with your head thrown back, nails digging into her skin wherever you could find it.
"need more jess."
"what, you want more than my kids? you not grateful for how i'm about to fuck them into you?"
a pornographic moan left your lips whilst jessie grabbed your chin with one of her hands, tilting your head to look into her eyes so you had no option but to fully take in what she was saying. her hips picked up their pace as she began fucking you roughly, deciding that making love was not how she was going to go about this newly found kink.
"you gonna answer me or just sit there and look pretty whilst i get you pregnant?"
"no! i want your kids jess!"
your legs tightened around her waist to pull her hips in deeper, jessie pushing one leg further away to get a new angle as she began grunting with the sheer force she was exerting onto your core.
"can tell by how tight you're squeezin' me- fuck baby. gonna fuckin' take all my cum aren't you?"
"want you to cum inside me jess."
you begged, biting your lip at the growl jessie let out as you moaned uncontrollably. your girlfriend wasn't the worst at dirty talk, she just was always opting to praise you instead of saying what she wanted to do to you- but this was a whole new territory and it was working way faster to get you off.
"yeah? you want my kids inside you that bad? you feel me here, hm?"
jessie took your hand and placed it on your stomach with her hips pistoning into you, pressing down so you could feel the bulge of her strap as she grinned when you let out a moan at the feeling of her pushing into it.
"feel how deep i am baby?"
"yea- so deep-"
"that's how deep imma cum inside you, yea? make sure you get all my cum- gonna make you a mommy. how's that sound?"
you nodded your head continuously as jessie moved her hand from resting on yours, kissing your collarbone when you kept pushing down on the bulge since you knew she'd want you to, her digits rubbing over your clit to drive you towards your high.
"gonna make you my wife first, gonna look so pretty when i fuck your brains out every night on our honeymoon- then i'm gonna keep fuckin' you every day when we get back so you can't walk. gonna be full of my kids babygirl, wanna get you pregnant so bad."
"fuck jess! i'm cumming baby- please cum inside me!"
"such a pretty mommy."
jessie mumbled thoughtlessly into your neck as you came around her, hips working overtime as she moaned occasionally at the feeling of you coming undone so hard your legs were shaking around her waist. (judging by the way she was grinding into you when your orgasm subsided, she had formed a breeding kink too.) the canadian slowly pulled out of you and kissed you in apology when you whimpered at the loss of contact, tiredly watching her take off the strap and throw it onto the floor to deal with later on before rolling onto her back beside you and welcoming the cuddles you wordlessly requested.
"that was so hot."
you mumbled into her neck as you both chuckled, jessie nodding her head whilst you caught your breath together.
"i think i enjoyed that more than you."
"you better make me your wife and mother of your children by the way."
the canadian kissed your forehead sweetly as she pulled you closer, knowing what she said wasn't a lie, it had just came out in the spur of the moment.
"i wouldn't want anything else."
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raitonsfw · 4 months
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𝓈𝓎𝓃𝑜𝓅𝓈𝒾𝓈: | 1 | Nagito was obsessed with your pussy, the slick that leaked from it, and the graces of hope that poured from your precious lips. | 2 | Nagito absolutely adored you – in all of your flowered expressions – and for valentine's day, you both picked out the perfect position for the two of you. | 3 | Maybe Nagito shouldn't of been so condescending during the first trial, because now he was tied up within your grasp and it seemed like you'd never touch him– even if he begged. | 4 | When you first met Nagito, you couldn't stop staring at him– and his thighs that smoothed under his shorts. Now he's lying back for you... letting you do as you please.
warnings: 18+ mdni, fem! reader, smut... | 1 | pussy worship, dirty talk, fingering, cunnilingus, orgasm (reader), petnames (honey, my beautiful hope), nagito likes talking to your pussy. | 2 | lotus position, soft!nagito, loving, sensual, caring sex, orgasm (both), praises, petnames (honey, baby), nagito's a lil clingy, a bit more rough in the end but not by much. | 3 | tied up and submissive, sub!nagito, sdr2!nagito, begging & pleading, edging, mentions of sex toys, teasing, slight degrading, nagito begs for reader to touch him but is refused each time, allusion to first trial (no spoilers except his switch up). | 4 | thigh worship, boyfriend!nagito, body worship, massaging, licking, hickeys, handjob, masturbation, nagito lets you do whatever you want to his thighs as long as he can get off too, slight mention of scars (udg canon)
a/n: i tried to make them as blunt as possible tag wise so we know whose is who though everyone had a fairly different idea in their v-day thirsts so i think were good on that aspect. i had four in total for the lucky boy, making him my lead character. (honestly me too though, im obsessed with him so this wasnt much of a surprise) wc: 600ish each v-day m.list | m.list
thirst count: 4
divider credit: @hitobaby & @firefly-graphics
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| 1 |
“Pretty little thing, aren’t you?” 
Nagito’s not talking about you– to you even, he’s between your legs. You looked down from where you were planted, laying amongst the soft blankets he had taken the courtesy to place between you and the mattress. His hair was disheveled, some of its white fluff sticking out in different directions on top before falling down against his shoulders in a pale cream. That wasn’t your doing, it was normally like that. But you wished it was your doing– the way he’d whimper out as you pulled on it made you see stars sometimes. But this wasn’t about him, it was about you– as you’re splayed out in front of him, waiting for him to make a luckful gesture.
You whined as his forefinger swiped through the collected arousal that stuck to your folds, but it didn’t push past your entrance and a quiet chuckle sounded from the edge of the bed as you clenched around nothing. 
“Ah, she’s crying for me…” He cooed, sucking his finger into the cavern of his mouth and he stared at you for a minute as you calmed yourself down again. “There we go… back to normal?” 
“N-Nagito… please do something.” You whimpered, your legs fully spread open and you could feel yourself leaking all over the gray blanket beneath you. Thankfully, you spurred him on a bit and he positioned himself eye level with your cunt now. 
“Patience.” He commanded softly, pressing a feathered kiss against your swollen clit. His eyes had fluttered shut with a quiet hum as he tasted you against his tongue, laving at the raised bud languidly. Pleasure washed over you as he finally caved in, after who knows how long– God, he was mean sometimes… all because he wanted to admire every crevice of your body, of your precious pussy.
You felt more of your slick pour out of you, into his open palm that he placed underneath you. Nagito tucked it slightly against your thighs and as the fluid spilled between his fingers, he pulled off your clit with a wet noise to focus on the glistening mess. “Oh, you’re so sensitive… I haven’t even fully touched you yet.”
You were quick to open your mouth, it was obvious he was still praising your leaking hole but as you went to object and plead for him to do something– anything, his fingers slipped inside thoughtfully. 
“She’s such a good girl for me…already squeezing the tips of my fingers– Ah!” Nagito let out a surprised sound, a doe look flushing his face, as you started to fuck down against his hand with utter desperation for anything he had to give you. “So needy… for someone like me? Thank you…”
He curled them upwards, grazing over your sweet spot and it took everything in you not to clasp your thigh shut around his arm from the sensation. You were so neurotic, your senses shot to dust as another chuckle echoed off his cottage walls. His other hand rested against your left thigh, it made you shiver as it was cold against your skin and you warmed up to the fact that he was soothing you– Nagito was rubbing soft circles into the flesh of it as he brought you to your high. 
“Go on, honey.” He was finally talking to you now, his gray eyes glancing up towards yours and you fell apart against his fingers. He cooed at you through it, soft remarks falling from his lips like ‘that’s it, my beautiful hope’ and ‘did so well, love you so much’ while your pent up arousal leaked all over his palm. You muffled your moan, the back of your hand pressing up against your lips and your eyes squeezed shut as you shuddered into his still caressing fingertips. 
It took you a minute to come down from your high and as you did, you noticed Nagito still hovering between your legs– his eyes devout of lust. 
“‘M going to clean you up now, hope you don’t mind.”
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| 2 |
“You okay?” Nagito asked you, his arms holding you close into his chest. His cock was nestled deep inside you as you huffed out a quiet sigh, adjusting to the position you two agreed upon. Your legs hugged his backside and you were utterly exposed in his eyes as they scanned over your face for any cause of concern. 
“Yeah, I’m okay baby.” You nodded with a small smile, bringing one of your hands from his shoulder to his cheek and you leaned in to press a poised kiss against his lips. Nagito hummed into the kiss, his fingertips trailing down your back lovingly as he further deepened the kiss. He hasn’t moved inside you yet, completely entranced in the intimacy that doused the both of you like a spell as both of your eyes had slipped shut– just reveling in the touch of one another. But when you grinded subtly against the length of his cock, he panted into your mouth and his hands slipped down to grab at your waist– an indication he needed to move inside you.
You made the first full move, gently lifting yourself up and planting back down in a gentle manner and he was putty within your arms. A quiet moan left his lips and he tilted his head back, which gave you access to litter his pale neck with hickeys. Nagito held you with one arm now as he leaned back, his other pressing into the mattress to stabilize his movements as he started thrusting up into you now. 
“Oh my God… Y/N– you feel so good…” He breathed out, his eyes opening and flickering down towards where you bruised a hickey into his collarbone and his hips stuttered into you as you bit down. You looked up at him through your lashes and he only moaned out more, trying to get you to bounce more on him now. You noticed how his hips rolled right into you, lazy– unhurried and it turned you on even more as you started to let out sounds of your own. 
His cock brushed against your sweet spot and your nerves stood straight up, tiny whimpers pouring out of your mouth now as you rocked down in time with his thrusts now. “Nagito– right there, please, do that again…”
“Whatever you want, honey.” His eyes were completely focused on you as you intertwined your hands around the back of his neck and you threaded your fingers into his hair. You pushed his head towards your neck, which he took the leisure to kiss at it– sucked a few marks down it as you bounced earnestly on him now. Every jolt of his cock sent you into a frenzy, your head burying deep in his precious hair to try to hide the fucked out look that spread on your face. 
It didn’t last long as he murmured against your skin ‘why’re hiding from me? come back down, i miss you…’ and his hands pulled you down by your shoulders, his cock nestling deep into you. You whimpered out as it pressed directly against your cervix and you could feel the dull pleasure within your tummy as you edged closer to your release. 
“C’mon, baby…” Nagito’s fingers traced the swell of your clit and you threw your head back, your walls nearly choking his cock as you came all over it. “T-That’s it, knew you’d do so good for me…” 
His thrusts had sped up, fucking you through your orgasm and he was practically bouncing you on his own now, chasing his climax with low groans leaving his lips. “Baby… ‘M so close– just a little more, you can take it.” 
His eyes screwed shut moments after and his jaw fell slack as he came in you, lazily pumping into you as he shuddered through his orgasm. Quiet breathy moans escaped him as you felt his cock twitch, his fingers gripping the back of your shoulders in a close hug. 
“Love you lots, should do that again soon…” Nagito babbled on afterwards while letting you fall against him in a cuddle, not bothering to pull yourselves fully apart.
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| 3 |
Nagito’s eyes brimmed with cupidity from where he was tied up– his legs and arms bound behind him as he tried to roll over to look at you. You had positioned yourself against his back, your palms caressing the sweat that glistened on his chest. You hummed softly as a sob wracked Nagito’s body when you tweaked one of his nipples with lithe fingers, compliant words spilling from his lips. 
“Y/N, fuck me already.” The words were nothing but a rasp, his hair fluffing as his head hit the pillow again in defeat when your hand pulled away.
“That’s not how you ask.” 
“Please– fuck me please… I’ll do anything–” Nagito groaned and you could see the anguish of his face even as he faced away from you. His cheeks burned with hotness, a flush he couldn’t escape as it trailed down his pale chest. His eyes were squeezed shut in agony as he tried to rut into the mattress, but you wouldn’t let him as you hooked him back by his rope. He let out another whine, tears falling freely from his eyes as he looked back at you with a saddened pout. “Please… I swear– just touch me.”
 You smoothed his hair down, threading your fingers through it as you reached for the waistband of his boxers. A short whimper escaped him as you pulled out his cock, aweing at the sight of it lying against his tummy. You felt bad, but then again– who was the one who was being a brat during the first trial? Nagito was lucky he was saved from the cold confines of the ground in the old building, he should be thankful that he was tied against the comfort of your bed. 
“Nagito dear…” You cooed, your fingers ghosting over the tip as it dripped precum onto the sheets. He shook with anticipation as he watched them intensely. Oh, the relief he was going to feel when you finally wrapped your hand around his aching cock– he’s been like this for hours now and you hadn’t let up one bit in your teasing. 
You’ve driven him on the brink of madness several times, by playing with his nipples and hovering your lips over everywhere you could reach. You’ve showcased your collection of sex toys, buttplugs and whatnot with jewels littering the bed before him and he’d whine for any of them but you wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of one. You needed to show Nagito that everything wasn’t set in stone– when you act like a condescending asshole, this is to be expected.
And all he wanted was your touch– exactly where you’ve abandoned him. His cock had been flushed red for God knows how long and it was starting to really hurt. Nagito pulled at the rope against his wrists, struggling against them and you tutted at him with a long sigh. “None of that, please. I’ve worked real hard on those knots.” 
He instantly obeyed because maybe, just maybe you’d touch him if he was good. Maybe if he begged… “Please, Y/N… I need you. Pleasepleaseplease, need your hand– I’ll be good, I promise. Next trial I’ll be good…”
Next trial? You wiped that thought from your mind as your hand drifted to his cock again. Quiet mutters fell from his lips, more like empty pleads that didn’t make sense and you sighed in defeat as you moved him over to straddle him. You planted yourself right against his knees, taking in the wrecked figure in front of you. Tears stained his cheeks, his dull eyes rimmed with red, and a fucked out expression painted his face as he realized what you were about to do. An unstable, yet warm still leveled his lips.
“Where do you want me to touch you?” 
“A-Anywhere…I don’t care–! Thank you…” 
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| 4 |
When you looked at him the first time, his legs stuck out to you– the tall lengthy figure that sat near the edge of Jabberwock. You didn’t know him then and someone from the island introduced you and all you could think of was how perfect your head would fit between his legs down under. As you shook Nagito’s hand in greeting, you knew you needed to know everything about him, the moon and stars nudging you further. 
He wore shorts underneath the dusk, the hotness of the island wafting over the both of you and his hair fluffed with humidity as you two sat against the sand, overlooking the beach. Your eyes would keep drifting towards the plushness of his thighs as he sat criss crossed on the beach, taking in your every word– naturally by the end of the night, you had him wrapped around your finger.
And here he was, pressed back into the divet of your mattress with sighs and pants spilling from his lips. Now you two had a label between you months later and he was entirely open to you, letting you adore his thighs. Your hand had slipped up and down his cock lazily, giving him some friction as you pressed your lips against the flesh of his right thigh. Your other hand fondled at the other, circling the scars that adapted to his skin and you hummed contently. 
Nagito knew you loved his thighs, saw you drooling over them the first time you both had met underneath the darkened sun. And he was intrigued, so he bit at the line you fed him and this is where it got him– you practically praising, worshipping him like he was an esteemed deity– all for the granted hope of his body. 
He was lucky.
“Y/N…” You heard from above you and your eyes met his, glancing up quickly and taking in his lust rimmed eyes. “Admiring me again?” 
You nodded, your tongue darting out to lap at a bruise you made a few hours prior when you had him splayed out for you before breakfast. You sped up your hand that encased his cock in pleasure, a sharp inhale emitting from him. “And what about it?”
“Ah- N-Nothing…” He groaned out, his head falling back onto the pillows with a slight arch in his back. You smoothed your hand over his milky thigh once again, suckling a new mark into the soft flesh and you felt Nagito jolt a bit. You hazily giggled as his lengthy hand wrapped around yours on his cock. 
He practically gave you permission to bury your face between his thighs as he lightened his grip to let you pull away, both of your hands now pillowing against his thighs– you were so thankful as he pressed them slightly together, your cheek resting against one of them as you toyed with the other. 
Nagito’s hand sped up on himself as you pinched softly, the sharp sting running through his spine and you heard his breathing get more raspier. His hand movements had gotten sloppier too, more uncoordinated as you licked a heavy stripe up the inside of his thigh. 
You clenched your legs together as you felt his body tremble, nearing his orgasm and you felt as though you could watch him from this angle forever. His pale slender thighs shook like a leaf as he fell apart, spurting all over his hand with a quiet gasp and you tried your best to contain yourself. 
But once Nagito came down from his high, your teeth were nipping at his thighs again– your hands massaging near his hips and he happily let you do as you pleased. 
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aphroditessaturn · 1 year
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pairing || miguel o'hara x fem!reader (is a spider-woman, tho nothing specific)
summary || you have anger issues and it’s no secret to anyone in the Spider-Society, Miguel might as well be the only who can tame you. His methods are, quite effective…
warning || smut! p in vi, oral (female [fingering] and male receiving) throat fucking, nipple play, spanking if you squint
note || I had to get him out of my system and I'm not even done, this piece is for my anger issues and I need a Miguel to fuck them out of me. please reblog/comment and give feedback! I would love to know if you like my Miguel fics, I have so many more ideas
legend || mi luciérnaga = my firefly; abre la boca = open your mouth; buena niña = good girl; mocosa = brat; puta = whore; dios mío = my god; niña traviesa = naughty girl
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“I do not have anger issues, who does he think he is?” you asked to no one in particular while walking around Miguel. He let out a sigh, pressing his fingertips against temples.
“He’s like what? 15, yeah you don’t say that to someone twice your age,” you continued, your blood pressure building up with every second you thought about the incident.
Miguel tried to be calm, but the last mission worked him up and scratched on his nerves. The mission went fairly well, except for you going ballistic and the newcomer – Miles – commenting on it. Oh, and the target almost escaping because of Miles which lead to all of this.
“Can’t fucking believe this, he was the reason the mission almost failed, and he dares to say I have anger issues!” the last part you nearly screamed. You never paused, always moving around.
You couldn’t stay calm, couldn’t calm down. Every vein beneath your skin run hot, some just waiting to explode.
Suddenly both of you heard someone coming near Miguel’s platform, said Spider turned around with a glare. He knew exactly who came and what would happen if you saw him, but now there was no preventing it.
You walked to the edge of the platform and looked down at Miles, “came to apologize?” you asked and crossed your arms over your chest.
Miles looked confused, no he wasn’t here to apologize, and he would make that clear, “you threatened me, screamed at me because I let the anomaly almost escape. You overreacted,” he stated.
Your eyes squinted together, expression hardening. “You can’t do a thing right and accuse me of having anger issues? I do not have fucking anger issues!”
Just as you were about lounge at Miles, arms wrapped around your waist, “enough,” Miguel’s deep voice rang through your ears. Normally his voice would smooth you, but you were already too gone.
Your man however ignored that and pushed you behind him.
“Miles, we will talk about this later. You made a mistake -,” “what, you’re saying she didn’t go bonkers?” Miles didn’t want to accept that what you did was right.
“If you’d let me finish, you would know that she will get her fair share of consequences,” Miguel snapped at the young boy, while it made a small part of Miles feel better it only angered you more.
“Are you serious? You let that little shit get away with saying I’m in the wrong? He lost the target and we had to-,” you couldn’t finish your sentence. “Miles, leave,” Miguel’s voice was dark and left no room for back talk, he sounded scary to be honest.
Miles immediately left, knowing it was better for now and he needed to get away from you.
“We weren’t finished yet,” you barked at Miguel who didn’t bat an eye. You stalked up to him, trying to intimidate him – unsuccessfully. “Yes, we were and it’s time you calm down, mocosa,” he whispered and grabbed your waist.
You were manhandled onto his desk, wrists held together in his right hand. With his left hand he ripped down your suit, “you asshole! Can’t you-,” “yeah mocosa, stop your whining,” Miguel rolled his eyes.
Without warning he pushed pointer and middle finger into your drenched cunt, you gasped. Realising with just a few words he had you wet and in your rage you didn’t even notice.
He curled his fingers against your walls, your head fell back. Right hand letting go of your wrists and sliding down to your neck.
Miguel moved his head into the crook of your neck, kissing along your carotid artery.
A shudder run down your spine when you felt his sharp teeth graze your skin. You adored the feeling of his teeth piercing your skin as it made you feel a kind of pleasure nothing else brought you.
Miguel had easily picked up on that all those years ago and now used it taunt you, “niña traviesa,” he commented with a small smirk.
His fingers kept a slow pace, it was torture and Miguel knew that. “Miguel,” you snapped, a plead for more however the man above you wasn’t having it. “You think you can be a mocosa and I’ll just give you what you want?”
“I wasn’t a brat! It’s not my fault your spider people can’t do their job and then-,” “dios mío,” again Miguel cut you off, picking up the pace.
Hitting that spongy spot inside you which pulled a loud moan from your lips. As his fingers worked their magic on brining you closer to your high, Miguel run his tongue along your earlobe and gently nibbled on your skin. With your hands free you threaded them through his beautiful hair
You closed your eyes, the feeling just too wonderful and for a moment you lost yourself but quickly Miguel reminded you that this was a punishment.
“Look. At. Me,” his voice deep, commanding. His hand was suddenly in your hair, gripping it tight as he pulled your head back. It was a way to underline his words.
You looked at him with pleading eyes, god you loved this side of him. Miguel would make you take whatever he gave you if you could or not – you were surprised with how much you could actually take.
“I’ve barley did anything and you’re already putty in my hands,” he teased, slowing his pace down again. You wanted to scoff at his words.
He didn’t do ‘barley anything’, he almost bit into your sensitive neck, rubbed his fingertips over you bundle of nerves and hit your g-spot with every thrust. Miguel very well knew that all those little things would send your body into overdrive.
“You know exactly what you did!” you spit at him and drew a low chuckle from him, it amused him how you kept pushing, “are you that much of a puta for me that you can’t shut up?” “Guess if you want me to shut up then you have to fuck my-,” “fine.” Miguel retrieved his fingers from your cunt pulling a whine from you.
Both hands gripped your middle, manhandling you down to your knees. He gripped your chin with his thumb and pointer finger tilting your head up to look deep into your eyes.
Then his suit slowly started to dissolve, starting by his neck, and revealing his naked, toned chest, his broad shoulders, and muscled arms. The light of the screens dipped Miguel into a dangerous red which made him look like the devil in person.
Now he was completely naked, his mushroom formed tip hitting his lower abdomen. “Abre la boca,” when you didn’t instantly comply Miguel slapped your cheek, causing you to gasp and open your mouth, “now,” he added.
His thumb moved between your lips and pressed onto your tongue to make you kept your mouth open, “you’re going to be a buena niña and suck my cock.”
You caved and let your mouth hang open, tongue already awaiting him. At first, he gently placed his tip on your tongue, giving you a chance to taste his salty precum. Then without warning he thrusted his cock full on into your mouth.
You gagged as it hit the back of your throat, Miguel looked down on you. There was still a part of him that didn’t fit inside your mouth, but it was his mission to make sure it did.
Miguel began fucking your face, abusing your throat with his harsh thrusts. You looked up at him with teary eyes, his head was tipped back in pleasure and a deep groan fell from his lips. You clenched your thighs together, you were a whore for Miguel as it was already but something that always got you were his moans.
Miguel was vocal, so fucking vocal. For one his mouth never stopped running, but then there were his moans. They were deep, hoarse, and loud.
However, your throat couldn’t keep up with his pace any longer, though you loved the feeling of getting used by him too much. Salvia dripped from the corner of your mouth, his cock twitched in your mouth which was his cue to pull away.
You whimpered pathetically, of course Miguel catched up on that and wiped your mouth with his thumb. “Such a cock slut already, just for me,” he stroked over your hair before kneeling down your level and hosting up into his arms. Your back hit his desk, legs dangling over the edge.
“What hermosa? No, smart comment?” Miguel teased with a smirk, you couldn’t say a word. Your throat hurt, no tone would come from your lips.
Miguel dipped his head down, teeth closing around your nipple while his right hand grabbed your breast. Massaging it as his tongue lapped on your nipple, causing you to whimper again. In response your man slapped your breast making you moan, “fuck,” your voice barely audible, throaty thanks to Miguel.
Switching sides he sucked on your right nipple, your hand coming up to grab his hair and pulling on his roots. “Ay, dios mío,” Miguel moaned, loudly.
He pinched your neglected nipple causing you to arch your back and a line of goosebumps to adorn your skin.
Suddenly you felt his tip stroke over your drenched entrance, distracted by his work on your breasts you hadn’t noticed immediately.
“Miguel,” you whispered and in the next moment he had plunged his huge cock into your cunt. A pained yet pleasurable moan left your body, loud and hoarse.
His cock was big, and thick, god even after all this years you needed time to adjust to his size. You could feel those veins, how he stretched you out. “Don’t fret mi luciérnaga, I’m not fully inside you yet,” Miguel whispered against your lips before kissing you.
You loved his kisses, they were full of fire and passion. Miguel kissed you like he owned you – he did, and it was one of your favourite things. His lips were so soft and warm, sliding over yours before his teeth bit into your bottom lip.
“After all those years and you’re still so tight,” he gushed and slowly pushed deeper inside you, lifting his head to look at you with a smirk.
“Feel that mi luciérnaga? Feel me deep inside your belly,” Miguel pressed his hand onto your stomach, feeling his tip bulge out, “am I too big for you?” he taunted.
You didn’t know what possesed you, but something did, “you wish,” you snapped. Miguel looked dumbfounded for a second before his expression turned into a glare, “guess my mocosa is back.”
He pulled out all the way before harshly pushing back in with his full length, cunt pulsing around him as he pounded into you without mercy. You couldn’t catch a break, he constantly hit your sensitive spot, “you like it, huh, like me fucking you like the puta you are,” aside from his cock pushing you into an abyss of pleasure, Miguel’s voice made you shiver.
It also didn’t help that he groaned uncontrollably, growling when you tightened around him. You were close, so fucking close and he knew it.
Miguel wrapped your legs tight around his waist to keep you close. His thrusts became harsher, and his thumb pressed down on your bundle of nerves, drawing hard circles.
His pace was animalistic, “look at you, mi luciérnaga already cock drunk. That’s what you need, someone to fuck all the anger out of you, fuck you dumb.” You couldn’t say anything, only unidentified words came past your lips.
Your high was near, it came and washed over you like a fresh shower, “mhm, come for me, buena niña,” Miguel only strengthened it.
“I’m not finished yet,” he stated and manhandled you, so your back was turned to him.
All the while still having his cock in your needy cunt and fucking you through your orgasm. His hands gripped your ass as he rutted into you, “Miguel,” you whined, holding onto his desk, “come on where’s your fire mi luciérnaga?” he slapped your ass.
You had nothing in you anymore, your head was completely empty. As much as would’ve wanted, you couldn’t. You just laid there, enjoying the pleasure, and taking everything Miguel gave you.
“Maldito infierno,” he cursed as he reached his orgasm, for a moment he stilled inside you and painted your velvet walls with his cum. Filling you up to the brim, not pulling out.
He slid his hand around you and pulled you against his broad chest, right hand wrapping around your throat like a necklace.
“How you feeling mi luciérnaga,” he whispered, softly stroking your sides while you closed your eyes.
“’m fine, Miggy,” you mused laying your head on his shoulders. Everything felt at peace, you were calm and had no issues with anything.
You could just lean against Miguel and he would take of you. He scooped you up and slowly pulled out to make sure he didn't hurt you, his cum leaking out of your cunt. A sight Miguel could never forget – one he didn't want to forget.
Miguel went to your universe, laying you into your bed and cleaning you up. Meanwhile you dazed around, until he joined you in bed.
"I don't have anger issues," you muttered into him as you cuddled up against him.
He covered you two with the blanket, "no, you don't," he agreed and pressed a kiss to the crown of your head. You were fast asleep, tired and spend while Miguel admired your beauty.
You have anger issues, always will but Miguel knew an affective method to control them. Add to that he loved your fire, needed it.
And Miles did fuck up.
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please reblog/comment and give feedback! I would love to know if you like my Miguel fics, I have so many more ideas
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bones4thecats · 4 months
Hi! I was wondering if you can do Poseidon X Goddess of music!Reader and the reader rarely come out of her house and if she does for example: when she goes to any meeting she always has this mask on:
and she always sits next to Poseidon for some reason she feels safe with him...?
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Thanks if you do this request!
God of Music! S/O Feeling Protected
Type of Writing: Request Character: Poseidon Name: God of Music! S/O Feeling Protected Requester: @imperfectbloodmoon
A/N: These may not be the best thing I've ever written, but I'm trying my best to keep up with stuff from my classes and with these requests. But, I do hope you guys enjoy this!
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🔱 Alright, let's get one thing clear; Poseidon is a fairly oblivious man when it comes to emotions, which should be obvious
🔱 Poseidon was fairly wary when you first started to get close to him. He just isn't used to anyone trying to bond with him in any way, because many see him as a dangerous being
🔱 Which he technically is
🔱 Now, if you were a mortal or nymph, this guy would just push you aside and claim you to be a worthless being, not worthy of his time and patience
🔱 But, once he asked you who you were and you introduced yourself as the Deity of Music within the Greek Pantheon, working alongside that of Hermes and Apollo, he began to see you with more worth
🔱 Poseidon enjoys listening to your songs that you either sing or play on an instrument. He personally enjoys more slow and calming songs while he looks over his underwater kingdom
🔱 And he does enjoy your more reclusive nature, since he's not a very large people-person himself
🔱 He understands a lot more about you than anyone could realize, even yourself for that matter
🔱 But one thing he never fully understood was your need to wear that beautifully decorated mask that covered your entire face whenever you were to leave your shared home
🔱 Poseidon has claimed his love for both your personality and your looks often, though he's fairly monotone sounding, you can hear the amount of pulsing emotion underneath
🔱 Whenever he gets notice that one of his brothers is coming over, he tries to get you to keep the mask off; these are your family members, after all. They know how you look because they attended your wedding all those centuries ago
🔱 If you were to give him a good reason (such as; you didn't want Zeus to try protruding into your backside) then he would understand a bit better. But if you claimed you believed you didn't look good enough, he'd be beyond shocked
🔱 Like I mentioned earlier, Poseidon has claimed his love for both your personality and physical appearance. So the fact that you would still be insecure would make him feel the need to prove you were beyond good enough for a God like him
🔱 Okay, beyond the topic of the role and mask. He, like I also mentioned, doesn't understand emotions fully
🔱 Because of this, Poseidon is quite confused whenever you wanted to sit by him (before your relationship) at meetings, since normally everyone, deities included, were scared of him
🔱 Yet, every time you sat beside him, he never tried pushing you away, much to both of yours and everyone else's surprise
🔱 Despite his inability to understand why you personally wanted to be beside him, he does have quite a few hunches that many believe is true
🔱 One is that you wanted to be by someone who you knew wouldn't be to loud, the second is that you wanted to be closer to him, as he is in your pantheon, and his third one is that you wanted to be with somebody because you wanted to feel safer and protected from other Gods who may have bad intentions
🔱 Poseidon always mainly leans to the third one
🔱 After you guys started your relationship and got married, he started to have you sit right next to him. And by that, I mean by he'd have you sit either on his lap or right beside him
🔱 If I haven't mentioned it, he's possessive of what he deems to be his. Yes, he does allow you to be your own person, but he doesn't want anyone to get any ideas; specifically Zeus
🔱 He cannot keep his hands to himself, and that is coming from his own older brother!
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gayhoediaz · 3 months
(inspired by reply i left on one of @texasbama's posts)
T | 1k | also on ao3
“I feel like jello.”
The words follow a few long moments of silence as they struggle to catch their breath, panting as they stare up at the ceiling of Eddie’s dimly lit bedroom. 
It’s a fairly normal thing to say after an orgasm like that - Buck could huff in amusement, say ‘Me too,’ except Eddie isn’t praising his skills in bed. His voice is not drenched in happiness and the wonder of afterglow - it sounds… thick. Buck can read Eddie like the back of his own hand, even without looking at him. Eddie is not sad - not at all. Although, he's certainly… emotional. 
Buck swallows, keeping his eyes on the ceiling. 
After he pulled out, they ended up falling onto their backs like two people on a sitcom after having off-screen sex, needing the space to cool their body temperatures down - but now he moves his hand, blindly reaching until it finds Eddie’s. Eddie immediately responds to the touch, lacing their fingers together.
Buck squeezes. Eddie squeezes back. 
Buck wants to say something, but he doesn’t. It doesn’t feel as if it’s what Eddie needs right now. It feels as if he’s gathering up the courage to elaborate, himself. So Buck gives him the time he needs, waiting patiently.
Another few beats pass. Buck remains quiet - moves the pad of his thumb back and forth over the back of Eddie’s - soothing him. 
“I, uh…” Eddie finally continues, trailing off to swallow, the click of his throat audible in the silence of the room. “I used to have to use that every time Marisol and I - I uh…” He stutters a little bit - which isn’t usually his thing, it tends to be Buck’s. “I - we-“ he stutters some more, his voice growing thicker. 
Buck sighs, gently slipping his hand out of Eddie’s only to roll himself up onto his side, supporting himself on his elbow, eyes falling upon Eddie’s flushed face. 
Sinking the hand into his hair, soothingly combing his fingers through the sweat-damp strands, he slips his other hand into Eddie’s instead, giving another reassuring squeeze. 
Eddie’s eyes are closed, but the warm light of the bedside table lamp highlights the slight wetness collected around the corner of his eye. Buck leans down - just barely brushing his lips over the area. Eddie swallows again, squeezing his hand. 
“With Shannon, things were… things were good, with Ana, I used to just… close my eyes. Wait for it to be over, you know, but with Marisol, I… I used to, uh… I had to use that.” 
“You used to have panic attacks?” Buck can’t help but breathe, his chest aching. “With her?” 
“No.” The word leaves Eddie’s mouth with a sad huff of amusement, as he finally opens his eyes, immediately finding Buck’s. “Almost,” he says, then. “Every time, I just… I used to repeat it, it was always this mantra in my head,” he says, bringing his free hand up to gesture towards his own temple. “Everything was okay. I wasn’t in danger. My legs were jello, my arms, my chest, my head, I was a giant…”
“…Eddie shaped jello mold,” Buck finishes softly. Eddie nods. 
Buck swallows down the anger he feels at Marisol. 
Rationally, he recognizes that she didn’t do anything wrong - likely didn’t have any idea whatsoever, because if there is one thing Eddie is good at, it’s compartmentalizing and pretending that everything is okay - especially when it comes to people that ultimately don't know him all that well. 
Irrationally, however, the thought of her touching him when he didn’t enjoy it makes Buck want to vomit. So much so that he apparently makes a face he’s not aware of, because the corner of Eddie’s mouth twitches up of amusement, a huff leaving his nose as he reaches a hand across his own body, and up to fit his palm against the side of Buck’s face, thumb gently caressing his cheekbone. 
Buck’s heart immediately calms down. He sighs, giving his other hand one last squeeze before he lets go, moving it to wrap around his wrist instead, nodding once to nuzzle his cheek deeper into his cupped palm. 
“It was on me,” Eddie assures him. “I shouldn’t have forced myself to-“ he cuts himself off when Buck makes a slight huff in his throat. It may not have been her fault, but it wasn’t yours either, is what he wants to say - but instead, he nods, allowing Eddie to go on. “…anyway, I just - it… kept the panic at bay, but it didn���t really… work, you know? I didn’t feel…” he trails off again, shrugging best as he can while laying down. “Didn’t feel right, I never felt…” 
“…like jello,” Buck hums. 
“It helped - kept me from... panicking completely, but I never actually felt... like jello - not in those moments.” 
“And jello is calm - relaxed,” Buck hums. 
“Safe, yeah.” 
“If you felt safe, you uh… you wouldn’t have to remind yourself you feel safe,” he says, briefly turning his head to press his lips to Eddie’s palm. Eddie hums, nodding. “But you’re jello now?” Buck asks, allowing a hint of lightheartedness to slip into his tone as he fits his cheek back into the palm of Eddie’s hand. 
“Oh, yeah,” Eddie says, the slight twitch of his mouth melting into a full smile. “You didn’t see my legs shaking?” 
At that, Buck barks out a laugh - loud enough that he has to tilt his head back, eyes briefly falling closed; Eddie’s own chuckles harmonize with his own - and when their eyes meet once again, Eddie’s smile has grown into a full grin, the previous red-flushed tone of his eyes nowhere to be seen. 
“I did,” Buck assures him, leaning down to bring his lips closer to Eddie’s. “I did see that.” 
“Think you can make it happen again?” Eddie teases, his hand slipping up past Buck’s cheek, fingers tangling themselves in his hair as Buck lets go of his wrist, reaching down and across Eddie’s body to find a grip on the outside of his thigh, pulling it over to lay over his own. A few warm, happy chuckles sound somewhere deep in Eddie’s throat, and Buck nods once, only to brush the tips of their noses together. 
“Mhm,” he assures him. “And again.” 
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sixosix · 3 months
UR EVENT IS SO CUTE !! n u already know who im requesting for whehwhw
shinsou, chemistry textbook (sorry), fluff
CONGRATS AGAIN u deserve 5k more 💗💗💗
a/n hi kei THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE YUO and i knew this was coming, i could smell it miles away. the moment you sent an ask i was already bracing myself for the word hitoshi...
notes 1.2k words, WARNING CURSING,  everything is normal and hitoshi is peacefully  in 1-A au, bit of crack i fear, but fluff nonetheless
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It was study night.
Unsurprisingly, Midoriya was the first to sit on the couch, textbook and pen in hand. No one could ever dream of beating Midoriya Izuku—not even Iida or Yaoyorozu, who was pretty normal about intense studying habits. Everyone else followed after him, and soon enough, the common room began to get crowded. Bakugou was fuming, with sparks coming from his palms as he yelled at his friends, were you even listening to class?! while Mina and Sero howled with laughter, Kirishima and Kaminari were trying their best, and Midoriya was waving his hands, spluttering, calm down, Kacchan! You’re disturbing the others! Promptly followed by a drawn out: HAAA? It was a miracle they even got Bakugou Katsuki to tutor them.
And it was fun. It was lively, and you felt at home, but someone was missing, and you noticed his absence right away.
You hesitated. Shinsou was fairly new in the class—and although he adjusted well considering the class welcomed him with open arms, he was still a little distanced. You wanted to close the distance. Hitoshi seemed like a nice guy, just a little shy. (“You just think he’s cute, don’t you?” Imaginary Uraraka whispered in your ear, all leery and uncomfortably hitting too close.)
You slipped away from the class, and you were really hoping you were as stealthy as you thought, but Uraraka’s eyes seemed to have snapped to yours like she was starring in a horror movie. You froze.
“Where are you going?” Uraraka asked sweetly. You regretted telling her about your crush every time shit like this happened.
“I forgot my pen,” you said, then dashed off before Iida or Midoriya could offer theirs.
Your room was on the same floor as Shinsou’s—the fourth floor, by the far corner; his was beside Bakugou’s, while yours was beside Mina’s. Your rooms were technically—almost—across from each other.
But as you reached the fourth floor, you hesitated. Would it seem creepy if you went to fetch him? You didn’t want to come off as eager, but you also didn’t want to act disinterested. Augh. This was too complicated. Having a crush was too complicated.
Running on frustration, you took this as an opportunity to man the fuck up and knock on his door. Knock, knock. You instantly flamed in embarrassment.
There was a bit of clanging from inside, as if not expecting anyone to have checked up on him—which was a reasonable deduction. You might have been pushing too hard.
The door slowly inched open and revealed Shinsou, with his brows furrowed and lips pulled downward before it morphed into surprise as you waved sheepishly.
“Y/N,” he said, and you shouldn’t be surprised that he knew your name—everyone introduced themselves to him, and he isn’t super fresh to your faces—but that didn’t make it any easier to hear your name in his… gorgeously low voice.
“Hey,” you said, then felt immensely pathetic. Seriously? Hey? In response to that? The only appropriate response was to swoon and faint on his chest. “I—uh, we were wondering if you wanted to join study night, in case you didn’t know.”
“Oh.” He blinked, then looked embarrassed. “Yeah, I know about that. Uh, I was looking for my textbook. I couldn’t find it…”
“Ohh,” you said, like the perfect conversationalist you were. “I can let you borrow mine. If you want, I mean.”
And in classic Y/N fashion, you began to think. What if you missed something? What if looking for his textbook was his excuse not to join? What if you inadvertently pressured him into joining?
“Ah, really?” And then Shinsou smiled, and angels started singing. It was only a quirk on one side, but it was there. It was there, and it was goddamn beautiful. “Thanks.”
“N-No problem,” you said weakly, a deflated balloon.
You moved backward like you were hypnotized as Shinsou stepped forward and shut the door behind him. He was tall, but something else about his presence seemed bigger about him. You silently thanked Eraserhead for training Shinsou.
Shinsou scratched the back of his nape and asked, “Should we go, then?”
Like a moth drawn to a flame.
When the elevator dinged, the class turned and greeted you and Shinsou, even when you were already there before. Uraraka was quick as ever; she was grinning wide like a mother too excited to encourage her children to interact with their peers. You glared at her when Shinsou’s eyes curiously slipped to where you were staring. Then everyone turned back to mind their business; whether it was mercy on your humiliation or politeness for Shinsou’s shyness, you were just grateful.
But there was a problem.
Shinsou realized it at the same time as you, too. There was no space left where the class had gathered: the long row of tables and chairs. You could’ve sworn you had a seat beside Todoroki Shouto, but it was not there anymore.
Shinsou craned his neck and gestured at a suspiciously empty green loveseat by the corner. “We should just sit over there?”
“Yes,” you said, hoping that you didn’t sound too delighted. “Yes, uh, you’re right. Which textbook were you looking for?”
“My Chemistry one was missing.” Oh, Chemistry, for once a blessing to your life.
With a skip in your step, you walked to the table and returned to where Shinsou was waiting patiently. This was wonderful. You were on cloud nine. You sat beside Shinsou, with a bit of distance out of respect, but distance didn’t matter when it was just you and him in this corner.
“Thank you,” Shinsou murmured—ohhh, he murmured; how is it possible for a teenage boy to have his voice get that low?—and settled in his seat, fingers thumbing your textbook open. He still looked a little tense, but you were really hoping it was not because of you.
“No problem,” you said, beaming up at him. You pulled out your English textbook because you didn’t want to seem lazy in front of him. “If you have questions about the quiz, you can ask me!”
Shinsou cocked a brow and tilted his head. “You understand this?”
He gestured at the equations printed by the far end of the pages. In truth, it made your head hurt and your eyes water just looking at the equation that most likely had the same length as a paragraph, but you knew nothing. If drawing Lewis Structures until your hand is cramped and you went cross-eyed and determining the molecular structure of liquids was your only ticket to talking with Shinsou, then—well… Chemistry was your favorite, now.
“Sure,” you said.
“I’ll be in your care, then,” Shinsou said lowly.
Ahh, so charming. You hoped your eyes weren’t in the shape of hearts.
While 1-A studied relentlessly—and violently, thanks to Bakugou—you and Shinsou were tucked in the corner, murmuring to each other about Thermodynamics and shit. He was a fast learner and cracked jokes at the right time. It felt like you had known him forever.
At some point, Shinsou drifted off and started talking about cats. You didn’t know how, either, but the lull of his voice made you hardly care. Then, at some point, your head ended up on Shinsou’s broad shoulder as you slept. You wouldn’t have seen it because you were off in dreamland and most likely dreaming about Shinsou, but Shinsou had smiled fondly and stayed there. He wondered if it would be too obvious if he borrowed another textbook tomorrow.
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 3 months
Hello! Do you have more headcannons for Shin? I really am down bad for this man 🥺 Or maybe headcannons as to how the Sano household would be if Izana lives with them? Also, you mentioned in an earlier post that Shin values education. Why do you think so? Thank you so much 🫶
Since I've already done Shinichiro, here are some hc's on the Sano house with Izana living there!
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Izana and Mikey's rooms can't be next to each other or they just end up banging on the walls to annoy each other
Izana helps Emma to steal Mikey's blanket/towel so it can get washed
Grandpa Sano remains unfazed about everything 
Izana helps out in the dojo often, helping with the kids
Baji is so confused about where Mikey keeps getting siblings from (one time he asks his mum if he can have a sibling come to live with him too)
Shinichiro smiles a lot more with all his siblings together
Shinichiro also cries on the day Izana comes to live with them
One time when both Grandpa Sano and Shinichiro had to go out, Shinichiro struggled with choosing who's in charge. Izana is older but Mikey's lived here longer, he ended up leaving Emma in charge.
Izana and Mikey compete over who can give Shinichiro and Emma their birthday presents first. Shinichiro normally gets squashed in this process since they jump on his bed to try and get there first (they're more gentle with Emma)
Izana ends up befriending Senju since he doesn't like how she's always left behind
Izana and Mikey's rooms are pretty much opposites, Izana's room tends to be kept fairly clean while Mikey's is more messy
Shinichiro is the best at calming down arguments between Mikey and Izana, Emma is also very good too.
Izana and Mikey's relationship is very love hate. They'll argue and fight but will stick up for each other if others get involved 
Shinichiro actually doesn't adopt Kakucho, at least not right away. Instead Izana doesn't really mention him but then kinda kidnaps Kakucho after moving to the Sano house (he just goes and gets him and brings him to the Sano house). Eventually Shinichiro finds him, realises he's a missing kid and after a very lengthy conversation with the police and adoption people Kakucho comes to live with them too. 
The first day that Izana moves in, Shinichiro takes him shopping for some extra clothes and things for his room.
One time Shinichiro showed Izana all the letters he'd sent him that he kept in that box. Izana was very embarrassed about them (even though he kept all the letters Shinichiro sent too)
Shinichiro loves family dinners (even if they are chaotic a lot)
Izana uses the Sano name but also keeps his Kurokawa, he uses two surnames instead.
On Izana's first day, Emma gives him a stuffed toy to sleep with to "keep him company in a different place" Izana keeps it on his bed (hidden though) for years
And finally, Shinichiro will sometimes try to initiate a family group hug but nobody else ever wants to.
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allthingsimagines · 1 year
Multiverse Parenting
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Summary: One day when you’re swinging around New York a little girl falls from a portal from the sky. She asks you to help her find her dad, but how are you supposed to do that when he’s the Spider-Man of a different universe?
Word Count: 6k
A/N: This was based off an idea a few weeks ago by @twentysomethingwereyote ! Thank you for the amazing idea!
Original request: “Gabriella gets teleported to Earth-1218 or one similar to it and it’s up to the reader to somehow access the multiverse to get her home.”
Part Two
It had been a fairly normal day until everything flipped on its head in Manhattan. You’d been Spider-Woman for three years now and everyday came with its challenges. Managing bills piling up and dealing with the bizarre villains that popped up.
That’s New York for you.
You’d been swinging around casually on your day off from work. You swung around the corner of the Empire State Building when suddenly you noticed a flash of bright colors in the middle of the sky. Your eyes widened, what the hell?
The sky was literally glitching out. Well, this was new.
Then a sharp scream rang out and all of your senses lit up. A little girl flew through the mess of glitching colors and straight toward the ground.
You dove off the side of the building without hesitation and shot towards her. You quickly grabbed her into your arms and held her tightly to you. You shot a web out quickly to the closest building and swung towards the roof. The girl clung to you tightly and sobbed. Your heart clenched at the sight, “Don’t worry, I’ve got you kid.”
You landed on top of the building and looked back at the sky to find the glitch that the girl had fallen out of was gone now. You set the little girl down as she continued to cry. She looked to be around ten and had brown hair pulled into a ponytail.
You bent down to her level and placed a comforting hand on her back and rubbed it to soothe her, “Hey, what’s your name?”
She sniffed and took a shuddering breath, “Gabriella.”
You realized the mask wasn’t helping you to calm her down since she literally just dropped from a hole in the sky. You took a moment to nervously ponder whether taking it off was worth it.
“Are-Are you like Spider-Man? My dad is Spider-Man in my ho-home,” She said, wiping her tears away.
You felt relief flood you as you resigned to take your mask off. You pulled it from your head and smiled at her, “Yeah, my name is Y/N. They call me Spider-Woman here.”
She nodded and you could tell the similarity between you and her dad helped her relax. You sighed at the realization that you had no clue how to get her home.
“What’s your dad’s name?” You asked her and she shuffled back and forth on her feet.
“Miguel O’Hara,” She said softly.
You’d definitely never heard that name before. You had no clue how to get to another dimension and it was going to take a lot of brain power to get this girl home.
You smiled gently at her and squeezed her shoulder. Her scared eyes looked up at you, “I know this is all scary and confusing. I’m sorry you ended up here, but just know that your dad is doing everything he can to get back to you.”
“My dad calls me ‘todo su mundo’ it means ‘his whole world’. I miss him a lot,” She said and her eyes filled with tears again.
“Gabriella, I’m going to do everything I can to get you back to your dad, okay?” You said, trying to comfort her as much as you could.
You held your hand up with your pinky out and you caught the smallest smile on her face as she nodded and looped her pinky around yours. You stood up and sighed, “I think you should stay with me until I can find a way to get you to your dad. I live with my Aunt May and let me tell you, she makes the best cookies ever.”
Gabriella smiled as she looked up at you, “Really?”
You beamed at her and ruffled her hair, “Oh totally. She’s the best cook in Queens. She’ll make whatever you want I swear.”
You pulled the mask over your head and picked her up on your hip. She wrapped her arms around your neck and tucked her head into it. You held her tightly to you and shot a web before jumping off and heading towards Queens.
You hoped to god Miguel O’Hara was out there looking for his daughter too.
Three years had passed since you’d had any experience of the multiverse. Gabriella was now fourteen and a sophomore in high school. She was an extremely bright girl and excelled in school and sports. She was the star soccer player and you and Aunt May always attended her games to cheer her on, well when you could with Spider-Woman business.
Your search for how to get Gabi back to her universe had never come up with any leads. She had literally just dropped from the sky, like goddamn Chicken Little. There was no Miguel O’Hara in your universe either for you to try to rely on.
You wanted her to get back to her dad as you could tell it still ate her alive not knowing what happened to him. But, she had also become like a daughter to you.
The superhero life didn’t leave much time for relationships. How many people on earth would ever be able to understand how much sacrifice and hardship it took to protect the city each day? But, that girl did.
She understood how much her dad, and now you, had to sacrifice to keep the city safe. She was a great kid and you were happy for her to be in your life.
You were in the midst of having a movie night with her. You lounged next to her on the couch as she leaned against your shoulder.
“So, they just decided to make dinosaurs ‘cause they could? Isn’t that a stupid idea?” She questioned and you laughed.
“That’s kinda the whole point. Humanity is bound to destroy itself if given the chance,” You said with a shrug.
“The dinosaurs are a genetic disaster. It’s wrong to bring them back,” She said with a smirk and you threw a hand over your heart dramatically.
“Woah! From a genetic disaster themselves that is rude,” You teased her as your watch lit up.
You had crafted a watch to track crimes and keep you updated on the going ons of the city. Much better than a walkie talkie. You pulled your arm out from behind her shoulders and checked the notification, “Santa mierda.”
Gabi pointed at you and grinned, “Aunt May would have your head for that mom.”
You stood up from the couch and swore to yourself as you rushed to change into your suit.
“What’s wrong? Mom?” Gabi questioned as you sped back into the room in your full suit.
“Goblins out. He’s supposed to still be stuck in a maximum security cell in the Raft. I’ve gotta go before he tears up Manhattan,” You said as you moved over to her and grabbed her shoulders gently.
You smiled at her and pressed a kiss to her forehead, “I love you mi ángel. I’ll be home when it’s done, but you need to stay here with May. It’s not gonna be safe in the city tonight.”
She nodded and pulled you into a tight hug. You sighed and rubbed her back to comfort her. You pulled away and smiled before pulling on your mask and rushing out the window.
You swung as fast as you could across the city. There’d been no reports of a break out from the Raft, so how the hell had he got free? You swung towards the Brooklyn Bridge as you saw bombs coming from the sight. You swore to yourself as you zipped towards the bridge and Green Goblin came into view.
What the hell? That was not the Green Goblin you knew.
He looked so weird. Almost like a devil or a guy in a strange Halloween costume. Either way that was not the guy locked up in the Raft.
“I don’t know who you are, but I already put one or your asses in the Raft,” You said as you swung towards him and landed a kick to his jaw.
He went flying and crashed into the wall behind him. He looked up and growled at you, “You’re not Peter Parker.”
You scoffed as you began to web him up, “No shit. Now can we hurry this up. I've got a movie night to get back to.”
You continued to fight this Goblin and you had him pinned down until you noticed a flash of bright lights above you. Your eyes widened as you noticed a portal opening up, just like the one that day.
“What the hell?” You said before Goblin shot a bomb at you and you flew backwards.
You smacked your head hard against the concrete and groaned, “It can never be easy.”
You pushed yourself up into a sitting position and watched three people come out of the portal. Your senses lit up and your head felt fuzzy until you realized that these people were Spider people as well. One woman rode in on a motorcycle, another came in with a guitar, and the last one was just an imposing man. They were quick to take down Goblin and contain him as you dusted yourself off and walked over. “So, are you guys Spider-Man too? I’m Y/N L/N.”
Goblin banged against his brightly colored cell as they turned to you. The woman smiled and folded her arms over her chest, “Yeah, I’m Jessica Drew. Spider-Woman too.”
She was very obviously pregnant and so much cooler than you. You grinned under the mask, “God it’s good to have another woman around. Y’Know basically all of my villains are guys. We gotta mix it up around here.”
She laughed at you and your eyes moved to the one with the guitar. He cocked his hip and chuckled, “Hobie Brown. Power to the people.”
You nodded and laughed, “I like it. Very anti-establishment of you.”
He nodded and folded his arms across his chest as your attention turned to the last one. He was a very tall and broad man in a futuristic blue suit. He stayed silent and you raised your brow, “What’s your name? Michael Myers?”
Jessica snorted and Hobie didn’t even bother to hide his laughter. The man grunted and folded his arms across his chest, “Miguel.”
Your heart dropped to your stomach. Miguel was a common enough name, but a Spider-Man named Miguel? You stepped closer to him, your heart pounding in your chest, “Last name?”
He obviously rolled his eyes even if you couldn’t see it with the mask, “What is this? An interrogation?”
You had hope that maybe he could be the dad your daughter had been searching for. You stepped closer and narrowed your eyes, “Last name.”
He stepped chest to chest with you and glared down, “O’Hara.”
You felt your heart stop and you stumbled back a few steps, “Holy fuck.”
You put your hands on your knees and closed your eyes as you tried to take calming breaths. This was your daughter's father. Gabi would have her dad again. You looked back up at him and rushed over and grabbed his arm, “Did you have a daughter?”
He physically recoiled at the question and stepped back, “What?”
No one had ever asked about his little girl. Few even knew that he had a daughter and now some random woman from a different universe was asking about her. Miguel glared down at you as his heart pounded against his chest.
You could practically see his defenses go up at your questioning, but you swallowed your fears and stepped towards him again, “Was your daughter named Gabriella? You called her ‘todo su mundo’.”
Miguel felt physically shaken by your words. His heart dropped to his stomach. There was no way. He’d seen her disappear from his arms. So, how did you know the nickname he had for his daughter?
Miguel rushed towards you and tightly grasped your arms,“How do you know that?”
You smiled under the mask and tears welled in your eyes at the knowledge that you had finally found her father. You grabbed his hands and squeezed them, “Because Gabi fell through a portal just like that three years ago. Your daughter is alive, Miguel.”
Miguel fell to his knees and began to cry. His daughter was alive and safe? He bent his head to the ground and clenched his fists as he tried to calm himself down.
You dropped to your knees next to him and placed a hand on his back and rubbed it, much like you’d always done for Gabi, “I’ve been taking care of her as my own for the last few years. You’d be so proud of the girl she’s grown up to be.”
Miguel sat up as he took deep breaths and he lifted his head to meet your eyes, “Thank you, for taking care of her.”
You smiled at his words. Gabi had been the best to ever happen to you. You sniffled as you did your best to hold your own tears back, “I’m grateful for her everyday.”
Miguel let out a shaky breath before he pushed himself to his feet. You quickly stood up and had to crane your neck to look up at him as he asked, “Can I see her?”
Your heart broke at the sight of him. This was a man who had clearly never stopped looking for his kid and he wanted her back. You looked around at the disaster around you and sighed before you met his eyes again, “I think it’s best to do this tomorrow. I need to talk to her and give her time to process this.”
Miguel looked ready to put up a fight at your words. You quickly grabbed his hands and gave them a reassuring squeeze, “I know you want to see her now, but she needs time and so do you. There’s no need to rush this.”
Miguel bit his lip to hold in his frustration at your words. He wanted everything to go great when he saw his daughter again and as upset as the thought made him- you knew her better now than he did. Miguel nodded and let go of your hands,“I understand.”
You smiled and let out a shaky breath, “I can take her to you tomorrow. Is there a way I can meet you?”
Miguel looked back and held his hand out. Jessica tossed a watch similar to your own and he caught it before offering it to you. You took the watch from him and slipped it onto your free wrist. He took your hand in his and pressed a button, “Hit this and scroll until you see Earth-928, that’s headquarters.”
You shook your head and laughed at his words, “Headquarters? This feels like S.H.I.E.L.D., like a super secret superhero club.”
Miguel shook his head at you, but secretly smiled to himself. If his daughter could have ended up with anyone, a witty Spider-Woman from another universe wasn’t the worst possibility.
“Open the portal and come there at eleven,” He said, quickly showing you how to do it yourself.
“It’s a date,” You said without thinking and your cheeks lit up.
Miguel watched you in amusement as you became clearly very embarrassed at your own words. You folded your arms across your chest defensively and cursed, “No! Not like that. Ah, mierda you know what I meant.”
Miguel laughed at you and felt a pull towards your demeanor. Like all of the other Spider-Men, aside from himself, you had a good sense of humor and for once it didn’t completely annoy him. Miguel softly smiled at you before he surprised even himself by pulling you into a tight hug.
Your cheeks lit up again because from everything you had picked up about him hugs were definitely not in his repertoire. His grumpy demeanor did not scream that he was a hug guy, so you were going to take this as a success. Miguel stepped back, remembering himself as he cleared his throat and looked down at you, “Thank you for taking care of my little girl.”
You smiled at him and nodded, “I love her as my own. I’ll talk to her tonight and get her ready, okay?”
Miguel nodded and you backed away as you checked to make sure Goblin was all taken care of. You smiled at the group and saluted them, “Thanks for taking care of that weirdo! Can’t have more Green Goblins running around.”
You looked at Miguel one last time before you shot a web and swung away. The whole trip home felt like a blur as you fretted about how she would respond. You were glad you had found her dad, but did this mean she’d never come back? Would she visit you still? Would Miguel be okay with you still being her mom? You were the only person she’d ever called mom.
You landed in an alley near your apartment and quickly changed out of the suit before heading home. You took the elevator up in your building and let out a sigh to calm yourself before you unlocked the door.
Gabi was sitting at the kitchen table working on a painting, but her head snapped to the door as she noticed you come in. You let out a sigh as you kicked your shoes off, “You didn’t have to wait up for me.”
She dropped her brush and rushed to your side and tackled you in a hug. You let out a sigh and smiled as you hugged her back, “Hey kiddo.”
She pulled away from you and you brushed her dark hair from her tired eyes, “Why’re you still up? It’s way past your bedtime.”
She rolled her eyes at your teasing, “Can’t I just be worried about my mom?”
You nodded and sighed, suddenly feeling the weight of having to tell her the news. You wrapped your arm around her shoulder and led her to the couch, “We need to talk hun.”
Gabi tensed at your words as you sat on the couch. You wrapped your arms around her shoulders as she asked, “Am I in trouble?”
You shook your head and squeezed her shoulder, “You know, I am grateful everyday that I get to be your mom and that you came into my life. I wouldn’t change anything for the world.”
Gabi leaned into your hold as her cheeks lit up and she smiled. You bit your lip to hold back the wave of emotion threatening to crash over you, “But I can’t imagine how hard it was for your dad to lose his daughter and for you to be away from him.”
Gabi quickly scrubbed at her eyes and nodded. You pulled away from her and put your hand on the side of her face as you tried to smile as comfortingly as possible, “Gabi, I found your dad.”
Her face paled and she grabbed onto you, “Mom- I don’t understand- what?”
You smiled comfortingly and you scooted closer to her, “I met your dad tonight. He came from your universe with a few other Spider-Men.”
She then broke down into tears and clutched onto you like a lifeline. You held her tightly to you as she sobbed. After a few minutes she looked up at you with puffy eyes, “Where is he? Why isn’t he here?”
You pushed her hair out of her eyes and squeezed her shoulder in support, “He wanted to angel, but I think you both needed time to process this. You’re getting your dad back and he’s getting his daughter.”
She nodded in understanding and you sent her a small smile, “Besides he was still in his suit and could probably use a shower before you had to give him tons of hugs. By the way, was he always a grump?”
Gabi laughed and nodded, “Yeah, he was always really grumpy with other people. But, it’s all a lie. He’s a softie.”
You smiled at her words, that made more sense rather than the stoic demeanor he put on. She looked at you hopefully, “When can I see him?”
“We’ll meet him in some Spider-Man HQ tomorrow at eleven. But if that’s too soon I can go and tell him you need time, just say the word,” You said as you tightened your hold around her shoulders.
“It’s not that. It’s just, when I go back to him will I still be able to see you? Of course I want to be with my dad, but you’re my mom too. I don’t wanna leave you,” she said as she tucked herself further into your side.
It was your biggest fear too. She was your kid now and you didn’t want to let her go either. You smiled wistfully and kissed her forehead, “Don’t worry about it tonight. We’ll figure everything out tomorrow, I swear.”
The next morning you and Gabi both nervously stood in the living room as it neared eleven. She fretted over herself as she fixed her hair again for the thousandth time. You smiled as you squeezed her shoulders and then pressed a kiss to the side of her head, “Don’t worry, he still loves you. You’re still todo su mundo, I promise love.”
She nodded and squeezed your hand on her shoulder, “Thanks, I love you mom.”
You took her hand into your own and smiled at her before pulling your mask over your face, “I love you too. Ready to go?”
She nodded and you held up your watch and pressed the button. You then scrolled to Earth-928 and hit the button to open a portal. A burst of colors appeared in front of you and you both looked at each other in awe. You squeezed her hand in yours before you both stepped into the portal.
You gripped your hand in yours as you tumbled through an inter dimensional tube. Then suddenly you both landed in a different universe. Your eyes quickly moved to Gabi and gave her a quick once over to make sure she was alright before turning your attention to the world around you.
Holy shit.
There were flying cars, buildings going into the clouds, and there were only spider people here. This place was filled to the brim with every kind of Spider Person you could possibly think of. Gabi had a look of wonder in her eyes as she looked around at the world in front of her.
You turned to see Jessica standing there with a bright smile on her face. Jessica walked up to you and you smiled in relief, “Jessica. It’s good to see at least someone here that I know.”
She nudged your shoulder and laughed, “You can call me Jess. I think we’ll be seeing enough of each other that we’ll be friends.”
You nodded with a smile before her attention turned to Gabi and her eyes softened. She met your eyes again and you could see the sympathy in her eyes for what you were feeling, from one mom to another.
“Come on, I’ll take you to his place. He’s waiting for you two,” She said and then began walking further into HQ.
You both followed behind her as she led you through a maze of hundreds of different Spider People. You could tell Gabi was in awe of the sights around her, but her nerves were eating her alive. You held her hand tightly in your own to keep her grounded as you finally began to move away from the crowds.
You reached what looked like a residential wing of sorts as Jess led you into the elevator and hit the button for the top floor. The ride to the top gave you a great view of this world, but you were nervous for Gabi to meet her dad. She was still a kid when he last saw her and now she was growing into an amazing young woman.
The elevator reached the top and you came face to face with the door to his apartment. Jess stayed in the elevator, but gave you both a comforting smile, “Good luck.”
You nodded in thanks before you both walked up to the door. You squeezed Gabi’s hand and she looked up at you, “I’ve got you. No matter what happens next.”
She nodded and you dropped her hand to let her do this on her own. You pulled your mask from your head and shoved it in your pocket as she raised her hand and knocked on the door. The door swung open and Miguel stood in front of you now with no suit and in casual clothes.
He looked so much like his daughter.
Gabi’s eyes watered as she reached out for him, “Dad? Is it really you?”
Miguel nodded, clearly choked up, “Gabi, my little girl, look at you.”
Gabi burst into tears and jumped into her dads awaiting arms. Miguel pulled her into his arms and held his daughter to him.
This made everything worth it. Gabi finally had her dad back. You’d done it.
They continued to hug for a while until Miguel let out a half laugh and sob as he looked at his daughter, “God, look at you. You’re a beautiful young woman now.”
Gabi smiled at her dad as she wiped away her tears, “And now you’re old and grumpy.”
Miguel laughed at his daughter and clearly this was the happiest he’d been in years. Miguel finally moved his eyes to you and you felt a little out of place being here. Gabi reached towards you and grabbed your hand and pulled you forward, “Dad, this is my mom, Y/N. She’s been there for me ever since I landed in her universe.”
You met Miguel’s eyes and you both seemed to stop.
Wow, he was really good looking.
The intimidating demeanor he had previously only added to your attraction. He had dark tousled hair and a jawline that looked like it was cut by the gods.
Miguel was taken aback by you. Out of all of the thousands of Spider People he’d recruited, none of them held a candle to you. You were beautiful. You were a kind person and a good one. Oh he was in for it.
“Hey Miguel. Nice to see you without the mask and everything,” You said, trying to keep your embarrassment to a minimum.
Miguel nodded and you swore his own cheeks looked a little pink, “Thanks again, for everything.”
Gabi looked between the two of you with a mischievous look written all over her face. You narrowed your eyes at her, oh god what was she up to. Miguel opened the door to his apartment and you followed Gabi in and she looked around in wonder at all the futuristic technology.
His apartment didn’t seem homey. It was huge, but it was lonely. It was missing his daughter.
You looked around as Gabi and Miguel sat down to talk when you noticed a picture of Miguel and a little girl. You walked over to the frame and picked it up. The picture was of Gabi as a little girl shoving an ice cream cone into Miguel’s face as he smiled lovingly at your daughter.
“Do you have any pictures of her as a baby?” You blurted out without thinking.
You turned to face them and Miguel had an eyebrow raised at you. You flushed, slightly embarrassed for just speaking without thinking as Miguel sat next to Gabi with his arm around her shoulders.
“I’ve always wondered what she looked like as a baby. Y’know since I’ve never seen her that young,” You said and Gabi rolled her eyes.
“Mom, you’re just gonna use those to embarrass me,” Gabi teased you with a smile.
You set the frame down and went over to her and pressed a kiss to her, “I’m pretty sure that’s in the job description.”
“Yeah, I’ve got them back here,” Miguel said as he stood and began walking down the hallway.
You quickly followed after him then he suddenly stopped in front of a closet. You stumbled into him and he grabbed your arm to stabilize you. You met his eyes and bit your lip and shyly stepped away, “Sorry.”
Miguel opened the closet and reached into the back and pulled out two large scrapbooks. He placed the old large scrapbooks in your hands and you smiled up at him, “Can’t say I would’ve chalked you up as the scrapbooker type. I’m very impressed.”
Miguel shut the door and leaned against it, “Well, I’m a single dad what can I say. There’s plenty you don’t know about me.”
“Well at least one of her parents has to be good at it. I can hardly do anything creative that isn’t tech related. Worst soccer mom ever,” You said as you pulled the books to your chest.
Miguel smiled at you.
What? It was a smile just for you, but kind of in a teasing way? He was way too hot to be doing things like this. You were starting to get mixed signals from him. First he was stoic and grumpy and now he was charming and making scrapbooks.
He was also your daughter's father. That made everything far more complicated.
“Thanks Miguel,” You said before you headed back to the living room and sat down next to Gabi.
She leaned into your shoulder and whispered, “He’s totally into you.”
Your eyes widened and you checked to make sure Miguel was still in the hallway. You pressed a finger to her mouth and shook your head, “Nope. Nada. Zip. Don’t even start on this.”
Miguel sat down on her other side and the two began talking as you tried to keep your heated cheeks from view. You opened the book in front of you and began to look through it. There were so many photos of her as a baby and you couldn’t help but to feel devastated at the possible loss of your daughter.
Why would Miguel let her stay with you? How was she supposed to manage traveling through different universes and maintain a normal teenage life?
You flipped through the pages, holding your bottom lip firmly between your teeth in fear of losing the best thing you’d ever had. You wanted her to have a relationship with her dad, but that didn’t mean you wanted her gone forever.
You gently set the books on the table after flipping past a picture of Gabi as a little girl with a replica of her dad’s mask pulled over her head. You stood from your spot on the couch and mustered up your best smile, but not meeting either of their eyes, “Sorry, I just need some air.”
“Mom? You okay?” Gabi asked with a worried voice.
You knew if you met her eyes you’d lose all of your self control and burst into tears. You nodded and headed towards the balcony door, “Yeah, I just need a minute.”
You opened the door, shot a web, and pulled yourself to the roof. You let out a shaky breath as you plopped onto the roof and looked out at the city. Pulling your knees to your chest, you rested your chin on your knees and looked out at Nueva York. This universe was beautiful.
The city always calmed you, but now it was a reminder of everything you could lose.
Some time had passed when you heard a thwip similar to your own and there was a thud on the roof behind you. You closed your eyes in anticipation of the bad news Miguel was about to bring you. He quietly sat next to you at the edge of the roof and hung his feet over the ledge.
“She’s worried about you,” Miguel said, looking over at your tense form.
You bit your lip and shook your head, “I’m okay.”
“Tell me about her,” He asked, looking out at the sun setting over the city.
You tried to keep your sniffles at bay as you spoke, “She’s incredibly smart and way too intuitive for her own good.”
Miguel chuckled at your words and you moved your eyes to him as he said, “She always got into trouble when she was little because she was like that.”
You smiled softly at his words and let your knees hang over the edge, “She gets in trouble in some of her classes because she outsmarts her teachers. Can’t be mad at that.”
Miguel watched as you began to open up and relax as you talked about Gabi. You were too good for anything he deserved, but maybe you were meant to be here with him. Maybe Gabi was meant to bring you together.
Maybe the rules of the multiverse were a little more lenient than he thought.
“She’s a super talented soccer player. She still young, but some college scouts have been watching her play and showed interest. She’s just a great kid. You raised an amazing daughter,” You said, looking at him with a smile.
He bumped your shoulder with his own as his lips slightly curled up, “You did too y’know.”
Your eyes slightly widened at his words and your voice caught in your throat, “I-I’m glad you can be together again. I really am.”
“But?” He asked, his dark eyes seeing through your walls.
Tears welled up, but you blinked quickly to get them to go away, “But I don’t want to lose her either. She’s my daughter now too.”
He stayed quiet as you began to ramble, “I know being outside of your universe can mess things up, but she’s been fine. She never glitched or had any issues in my universe. Don’t you think that’s a sign-“
“That she could be a part of both of our universes,” Miguel finished for you and you nodded.
Miguel swallowed down his own nerves and placed his hand on yours and gently squeezed it, “I just want her to be happy. I don’t think taking her away from her mom would do that.”
Your heart leapt at his words as you gripped his hand, “Seriously? You’d be okay with splitting time with me?”
Miguel chuckled and smiled at you, “I don’t think splitting is the right word. I’m thinking more along the lines of figuring this out together.”
Your cheeks lit up and you smiled at him, “I’d like that. We can finally be the PTA parents she alway deserved.”
You and Miguel shared a moment where you just looked at one another and things began to change. You were going to figure out this parenting thing together.
“Are you guys done being sappy up there! I’m getting bored down here,” Gabi shouted from Miguel’s apartment.
The two of you shared a look and laughed at your daughter. Miguel shook his head as he called out, “You’re in the clear.”
You heard metal clinging as Gabi climbed to the top of the fire escape and hopped onto the roof. She smiled at you and Miguel sitting next to each other as she walked over and plopped herself between you two. She grabbed both of your hands into her own and looked at you both, “We’re a team, right? The whole solo superhero thing is such a bad idea. We work better together.”
You both shared a look before laughing at her. You brushed some hair behind her ear, “We’re a team. But that still doesn’t mean you get to be the guy in the chair for either of us.”
Gabi rolled her eyes and looked to her dad, “You gonna defend me here?”
Miguel smiled at his daughter, “Listen to your mom mija.”
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lilacmingi · 3 months
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My works are 14+ ONLY. If you’re under 14 DO NOT interact with me or any of my works
Pairing: Slytherin!San x Slytherin!fem reader
Word count: 6,000
Note: Brief cameo from Jooyeon (Xdinary Heroes) <3 Reminder that this is an imagine from my Wattpad from 2023 so there will not be extra parts or continuations
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You and your friends started heading off the quidditch field, walking back towards the school when a voice called out to you.
"Hey, Y/n!"
Knowing who the voice belonged to, you turned expectantly to the dimpled Slytherin standing a few feet away wearing his quidditch uniform proudly.
"What is it, San?"
"Did you see me play today?" He questioned breathlessly.
"I did."
"I was pretty good, wasn't I?"
"You were sub-par."
"Sub-par?" He echoed with a scoff. "I'm the seeker, that's like one of the most important roles on the team. I control the whole game."
"For a seeker, you sure aren't finding much."
San's jaw dropped. "I played very well today."
"But you didn't catch the snitch." You pointed out.
"I-" He paused. "I was having a rough day."
"Right." You nodded and turned to leave.
"Hey!" He called to you, making you stop once more. "You know, the championship game is coming up next week. If we win it, will you go on a date with me then?"
The air between the both of you was quiet for a moment until an idea popped into your head and you smirked, deciding to humor him and play along.
"Tell you what, if you catch the golden snitch, I'll go on a date with you."
You could see a look of determination on his face as his shoulders straightened, his eyes sparkling. "Alright."
"Alright." You respond with finality before turning around and leaving the quidditch field.
You weren't concerned in the slightest about your little bargain with San, you knew he wouldn't catch the snitch so you had nothing to worry about.
San on the other hand, took your bet very seriously and planned to work as hard as he could to make sure the quidditch cup trophy belonged to Slytherin.
7 days until quidditch championship
Your textbook landed with a heavy thud on your desk as you set it down, dropping into your seat with a heavy sigh. The empty chair beside you was soon filled by a bright-eyed San who seemed far too upbeat for someone who was up at 9 AM.
"Morning, Y/n."
"Morning, San." You greeted with less enthusiasm than him.
"I'm gonna go to the quidditch field after school to practice. You wanna come watch?"
"No thank you."
San's nonstop efforts to win you over were incredibly annoying, not to mention futile. No matter how much disinterest you showed, it was never enough to push him away.
"Your loss." He sighed, leaning back in his seat and propping his feet on the desk. "I'm going to practice as much as I can. I plan to catch that golden snitch. Just you wait."
"Mr. Choi, feet off the desk." The professor scolded as she strode into the classroom.
"Sorry." He murmured.
You didn't actually think he was going to succeed, not that you thought he was incapable but because catching the golden snitch is a hard task no matter how good of a player you are, so the chances were fairly low.
"You know, there are plenty of empty seats in this classroom." You pointed out.
"Yeah, but I wanted to sit next to you."
"Of course you did." You mumbled under your breath.
To your relief, class began shortly so you wouldn't have to worry about San bothering you for at least three hours. Normally, you'd be upset about having double hours, which is for students in higher grades, but considering this three hour class will keep you from being pestered by San, you're thankful for it, at least for today.
5 days until quidditch championship
Your quill moved smoothly across your parchment as you scribbled down notes for potions class, listing the ingredients for the Blemish Blitzer and Calming Draught potions as your professor spoke. He was talking about all sorts of different potions, telling everyone what they were used for and what was needed to make each potion. You were listening intently, finding some of them to be very useful. There was a potion for calming anxiety, alleviating coughs, and even one to make the drinker drowsy; that last one might come in handy on nights when you can't sleep.
As you jotted down notes, a paper crane flew over and landed in front of you, pulling your attention away from your messily-written list of ingredients. Your gaze lifted to find the teacher's back turned to the class before you unfolded the paper, a note written inside.
Favorite flower?
Your eyes moved over to the only person who could be responsible for sending such a note. Choi San.
The culprit sat a few desks over with a small smile on his face, his cheek resting on his palm as he waited for your answer. Instead of writing a response, you wadded it up and tossed it into your cauldron without breaking eye contact, seeing a small plume of smoke in your peripherals as the bubbling potion incinerated the paper in the blink of an eye. You only did this when the teacher wasn't looking and once he turned around the smoke had dissipated.
San pressed his lips together, visibly sighing before going back to his work.
The day went on as normal and you found yourself sitting in charms class. Your professor was showing you the wand movement for a particularly difficult spell, your wrist flicking and twisting as you tried to get the movement down. Your brows pulled together, your tongue poking the inside of your cheek in mild frustration.
"One more time." Your teacher instructed, his eyes scanning the classroom to get a look at everyone's movements.
"Now, practice saying the incantation." He directed before saying it aloud, the class repeating it.
You echoed the incantation once again with the rest of the group. It was a mouthful, but you felt like you got it.
"Alright. Does everyone understand?"
Your eyes shifted around the room, noticing everyone nodding their heads. To be honest, you didn't quite feel like you got the wand movements down, but no one else seemed to have any problems so you decided to keep it to yourself.
San, who was sitting diagonally from you in the next row over, noticed you struggling. Even though he couldn't see your face too well, he could tell you were unsure when you tried to copy the professor's movements.
Later that day, you were headed down the stone-paved halls towards the Slytherin dorms when you heard a crackling sound of sorts that grabbed your attention. You turned your head towards the strange noise which seemed to be coming from a wall decorated with intricate concrete swirls. You took a step back, watching as the sculpted piece slowly began turning black, a doorway appearing seconds later.
Before you could do anything, a hand shot out, pulling you inside the darkness as the door closed. You began thrashing around until a voice spoke up.
"It's just me."
"San?" You spoke his name harshly due to his unorthodox way of announcing himself. "What's going on?"
Just as you asked the question, the room slowly lit as the lanterns sitting about grew brighter.
"It's a training room." He said with a smile.
"You seemed to be having trouble in charms class today. I thought I could help you."
You tried to hide the surprise on your face as you responded. "I don't need help."
"Alright. Show me the spell, then." He countered, crossing his arms.
"I will." You then proceeded to repeat the incantation after taking a few seconds to recall it.
"Now show me the wand movements." He instructed.
You were hesitant and San picked up on that.
"Go on." He prompted.
Heaving a sigh, you withdrew your wand and did the motions in a swift manner in hopes that he wouldn't notice any errors you made.
"Slower." He instructed.
Biting your bottom lip you slowed the movements down, San's eyes lingering on your hand.
"That's wrong."
Your arm dropped in defeat. "Okay, I don't quite understand the wand movement, so what?"
"You need help and you didn't ask for it today."
"I..." You trailed off, the rest of your sentence getting stuck in your throat. "I was embarrassed."
San's perfect brows raised. "Embarrassed? For needing help?"
"It's stupid, I know."
"It's not." He shook his head. "I get it."
You looked over at him, noticing the sincerity in his eyes.
"If you need help, I'm offering it. I know you'd rather it not be me, but if you're desperate enough for assistance then you'll take what you can get."
He was right. You silently cursed him for being so perceptive.
A pleased smile settled onto San's features at your answer.
"Alright, then. Try it one more time, but do it like this." He demonstrated the movements with his own wand, watching you repeat it.
For the next fifteen minutes or so, you practiced the spell until you had it perfect.
Despite how you felt about San, you thanked him for helping you. You weren't above being grateful when it mattered, even if the person that helped was someone that got on your nerves.
"We can meet up at our place whenever you need help." San offered while you both went on your way to your dormitory.
Your brows raised. "Our place?"
"Yeah." He grinned. "The training room."
"It's not our place."
He seemed to deflate a bit at that but was quick to brush it off, changing the subject.
"The sun doesn't go down for another hour and a half, I was thinking of practicing at the quidditch field again. You wanna come watch?"
"I'll pass."
He had been asking you every day if you wanted to watch him practice and you had no interest in doing so.
"I assumed as much." He gave a dry, half smile. "There's no harm in trying though."
3 days until quidditch championship
Your shoes brushed against the grass as you walked through it, the blades making a soft shiff sound in response to your feet moving past. Classes were done for the day and you decided to take a walk around the school grounds, enjoying the refreshing weather. Your brief journey led you to the quidditch field, your eyes unconsciously taking a glance towards it, catching sight of San flying around as one of his teammates, Jooyeon, watched from he ground. Based on the lack of players, it appeared San was doing a solo practice. Without realizing, you came to a stop watching the way San dodged the bludgers coming at him, whizzing through the air with ease. Moving closer to the arena's entrance you stood and observed, making sure you were hidden as your eyes followed San's figure zooming around the field on his broom.
As annoying as he sometimes was, he was a good quidditch player, that much you would admit. Not just that, but his determination to improve was somewhat admirable—you'd never say it out loud though.
All of a sudden, one of the bludgers rammed into him and nearly knocked him off his broom, his once solid form wavering. You recoiled, hissing slightly at the sight as you imagined how bad it must have hurt. He tried to recover, but appeared to be losing control of his broom, unable to get himself back on track, this causing him to tumble to the ground, rolling a few times before stopping, his body a lump on the grass.
"San!" You gasped, rushing out onto the field without giving it a second thought.
He winced as he rolled onto his back.
A feeling of guilt washed over you as you took in San's pained expression, part of you felt like you were to blame for this. You made that stupid deal with him and now he had pushed himself too far and gotten injured.
"Y/n?" San peeled one of his eyes open to look up at you before a cheeky smirk pulled at his lips. "So you did decide to come and watch."
"Don't be delusional. I was only passing by."
"Sure you were." He rolled his eyes with a sideways grin.
"Do you want help or not?" You asked, losing your patience.
"I'm fine." He assured you, pushing himself into a sitting position. "It's nothing a quick trip to the nurse won't fix."
"You need to be careful."
"I need to catch the snitch." He said, meeting your gaze, his sharp eyes full of determination.
It was in that moment you worried he would actually win.
"San! You alright?" Jooyeon ran over with a worried expression, his distressed gaze scanning over his older teammate, searching him for injuries.
"Yeah, I just hit the ground really hard." He responded, rubbing his shoulder.
"We need to get you to the hospital wing."
"Y/n can take me." San insisted.
"No. I have somewhere to be." You lied.
"Not anymore you don't."
Without a choice or a say in the matter, you pulled San's right arm over your shoulder and helped him up, noticing the way his face twisted as he got to his feet. Escorting San to the hospital wing was not how you planned to spend your afternoon.
He was quick to asses the fact that he hit his left shoulder pretty hard on the ground when he fell off his broom, hard enough for it to cause him pain when he moved it. The injury, though minor and easy to fix, was preventing him from getting the rest of his afternoon practice in which agitated him.
The only sound heard was two pairs of feet moving through the grass and the light breeze that blew past the trees on the school grounds, rustling their leaves.
"That was a nasty fall." You commented, needing to break the deafening silence that loomed in the air.
"Yeah. That bludger hit me pretty good. Usually I'm able to recover without any issues, but for some reason I couldn't this time. I guess you're a bad luck charm."
"Bad luck charm? Really?" You sarcastically responded.
"I mean, it happened when you were watching me. You never showed up to my other practices and I never had any accidents then."
"Then I'll be sure to watch you real good during the championship game."
Your jab meant nothing to him, in fact it made him laugh.
Once you dropped San off at the hospital wing, you allowed the nurse to take things from there and turned to leave.
"Where are you going?" San asked.
Truthfully, you weren't sure.
"To the dormitory." You answered.
"Could you stay?"
Something in your gut told you to listen to him and for some odd reason the idea wasn't completely appalling.
"Alright." You caved, moving to sit on an empty bed beside the one San was occupying.
"What seems to be the problem?" The nurse asked him.
"I fell off my broom during quidditch practice. I hit the ground pretty hard and I think I may have injured my shoulder."
"Let's see." She began removing his gear, leaving him in his uniform pants and a black shirt.
She gingerly touched his shoulder, seeing if he reacted. When he didn't, she started moving it which is when San's face twisted in discomfort. After a moment, she nodded her head as if she figured out what the problem was.
"It seems you may have just bruised your shoulder, maybe even pulled a muscle during your fall. That's no problem, though. I'll heal it up right away."
You watched as she cast a spell, immediately healing his injured shoulder.
"Move your arm around for me, please." She requested.
San did as he was told, his eyes lighting up.
"All better." He smiled.
The whole visit took no time at all, you wondered why San even asked you to stay in the first place. Though, some part of you was glad he did. The thought of leaving him alone didn't quite feel right.
Once the nurse walked away, San jumped to his feet, rolling his shoulder to test it.
"Thank goodness it was just rough fall and a pulled muscle. If it were something more serious she might not have been able to heal it and then I couldn't play in the championship game." He went to grab his gear, sliding it back on.
"What do you think you're doing?" You asked.
"Going back out to practice."
"You just injured yourself."
"I'm all better. Everything is fine now." He paused, a smirk tugging at his lips. "You don't want me to practice because you don't want me to win the game. Is that it?"
"No. I just don't see why you're going back out there after getting healed. You should take it easy."
"Ah. So you're worried about me?"
"I never said that."
"You didn't have to." He grinned, sauntering out of the hospital ward.
As much as you wanted to try and stop him, you knew you couldn't. He was determined to get back out on that quidditch field and finish practice no matter what.
Later that night you lied in your canopy bed, staring at the green fabric draped over the wooden frame above. One thing you loved about the dormitories was how everyone got a canopy bed with curtains that could be drawn for privacy. During your spare time you'd sometimes come up to the bedrooms and lie down for a quick nap or just sit with the curtains pulled together while you wrote letters or did homework. The partial privacy the canopy beds gave you made you feel protected.
Tonight, however, your curtain-covered safe haven wasn't proving to give much solace as  thoughts of San swirled in your head, he was plaguing you and you hated it. You couldn't stop thinking about the way your heart clenched when you saw him fall off his broom earlier that day, the scene replaying in your head. You didn't say this aloud, but you were relieved he only pulled a muscle. If he'd gotten seriously injured you don't know what you would have done.
You paused, eyes going wide at your own thoughts. Why did you run out on that field? It's strange. You went out there without even thinking. As soon as San hit the ground you bolted towards him.
"No." You whispered out under your breath.
There's no way you were entertaining the idea of actually liking San. He got hurt, you were worried. That's all. This was just concern masquerading as attraction, you were sure of it.
1 day until quidditch championship
The light gray clouds hung low in the sky, moving languidly across your vision as you lounged in the courtyard. It was an overcast day which was fairly common here at Hogwarts. You didn't mind it.
Your eyelids slid closed as a long relaxing breath was let out through your nostrils, the comfortably cool breeze caressing your cheeks.
A few blissful moments passed before you heard someone walking through the grass, the sound seeming to be close by. However, you decided not to open your eyes, until you heard someone clear their throat, that is.
You peeled one of your eyes open, finding San standing over you, very clearly holding something behind his back.
"What is it?" You asked with a sigh, mildly annoyed that he disrupted your leisure time.
"Sorry to bother you." He apologized, seeming to be aware of your irritation. "I got these for you."
He held out a bouquet of red roses, his eyes staying glued to the blades of grass below as he avoided eye contact, waiting for you to take them.
The sudden gift made you scramble to your feet to get a closer look at the blooms.
"I hope roses are alright. You never told me what your favorite flower was and these are the default."
"Where'd you get these?" You asked.
"It doesn't matter." He responded, still avoiding eye contact.
You'd never seen San act this way before. Usually he was boisterous, overly-confident, and obnoxious. Now, he was shy, almost nervous and much quieter than usual.
Carefully, you took the flowers from him, turning the cluster of blooms in your hands, seeing the way they were tied together by twine, the stems appearing to be thorn-free.
San nervously fiddled with his hands, that's when you could see scratches across his knuckles and the tops of his hands, a couple bandages wrapped around his fingers.
Your expression softened as did your heart.
You cleared your throat, murmuring a quiet thank you under your breath.
"Yeah. You're welcome." He rubbed the back of his neck in a nervous manner. "Well, I'm gonna stop intruding on your alone time now."
With that, he turned around and started walking away. You almost called out for him, asking for him to stop and maybe even join you, but your words were stuck and died on your tongue before you could utter them.
You stood amongst your fellow housemates, watching the field below. Some students around you had signs with players' numbers on it while others had little pompoms with the Slytherin house colors on it, shaking them excitedly. It was a big day and the entire school was buzzing with energy. You on the other hand were nervous. Not only was this the championship game in which you and San's little deal depended on, but one that was between the houses with the longest running rivalry; Slytherin vs Gryffindor. Of course, you wanted your house to win, but if they did that meant you had to go on a date with San and you still weren't keen on the idea.
The players stepped out onto the field sporting their respective house colors, gathering around the referee and taking their places. The quaffle was tossed into the air and the game began. One of the players on the Slytherin team was quick to grab it, zooming towards Gryffindor's goal, but it wasn't that easy. A bludger was hit towards the Slytherin player by someone on the opposing team, but he was quick to dodge it as Slytherin's beater, Jooyeon, came in and hit it back towards Gryffindor at the last second.
It was when you saw a small golden sphere whiz by that your breath hitched. Your eyes followed it as San flew after it.
No, no, no. You thought to yourself.
He reached his hand out for it, but was hit in the side by Gryffindor's seeker.
You breathed a silent sigh of relief.
The game went on and both teams were doing incredibly well, the score staying close the entire time. Your upper body leaned over the wooden railing of the stands, watching anxiously as Gryffindor's seeker and San were side-by-side chasing after the snitch. The latter appeared to be ahead by a hair, his fingers almost touching the golden sphere.
"Go San!" You shouted impulsively.
You were quick to silence yourself. Why were you cheering? If San caught the snitch you would have to go on a date with him.
It was at that moment the snitch darted to the side, disappearing from San and the Gryffindor player's sight, which brought you a little relief.
He won't catch it. You thought. It's too difficult.
But he's been practicing a lot. You noted just a second later.
That little revelation was enough to have you worried all over again. That feeling multipled tenfold when San found the golden snitch and was hot on its trail once again. Even from your vantage point you could see the spark of determination in his eyes and that terrified you.
When he was close enough, he extended his hand, reaching towards the golden snitch while he tried to keep his broom steady with the other hand. You caught sight of Gryffindor's seeker coming up behind San, your nails unconsciously digging into the wooden railing. Moving your gaze back to San, you saw how focused he was, a feeling of dread washing over you. He whizzed all over the field, dodging bludgers and other players, sharp eyes fixed on the snitch. In the blink of an eye, San snatched the flying sphere from the air and the game was over.
"Choi San has just caught the golden snitch! Slytherin wins!" The announcer exclaimed causing the entire section to erupt in cheers.
Your heart dropped to your feet. He caught it.
San caught the golden snitch. Slytherin won the quidditch cup. The students around you screamed and cheered in celebration while you stood frozen and unmoving, your mind processing what had just happened.
You were only humoring him when you made that stupid deal, you didn't think he'd actually win. But now that it had happened, you realized you had to keep your end of the bargain.
You left the stands, keeping your eyes down hoping that you could slip out of the stadium without being noticed.
"Well, well, well." San smirked, walking towards you triumphantly.
"Don't rub it in."
"As bad as I want to, I won't."
"You know, I didn't even want to do this."
"I know, which is why I've decided something. You keep your end of the deal and go on a date with me, then afterwards if you really don't feel anything for me I'll leave you alone."
Your brows raised slightly.
"You're serious?"
"Okay." You nodded. "That's fair."
"Great. Meet me outside the school's entrance tomorrow at noon."
A vague feeling of dread creeped up on you as you stepped outside the school, hoping you wouldn't regret your decision to keep your word.
"You're right on time."
San was standing not too far from where you were, giving a friendly wave as you approached him.
"Alright. What's the plan?" You asked, noticing the broom in his hand.
"I'm glad you asked." He grinned while he straddled the handle. "Get on."
You hesitantly slung your leg over, standing behind San.
"You'll have to get closer than that."
You stepped forward, chest pressing against his back.
"Have you ever ridden a broom before, pretty?" He asked.
You ignored the way the nickname made your stomach flip and answered his question.
"Only once during first year when we were learning how to use them."
"Hold on tight."
You barely had time to wrap your arms around his waist before the broom lifted off the ground. San angled the stick upwards, lifting the both of you higher into the air making your anxiety skyrocket.
Your hold on his slim midriff tightened as he flew around the school, your face pressing closer to his back as you fought the urge to squeeze your eyes shut and shield yourself from the heart-stopping view below.
"There's no need to be scared, Y/n." He told you. "You're safe with me."
You hoped that was true.
Lifting your head, you peered over San's shoulder, looking out at the view of the lake sitting below Hogwarts. The outlook from above was incredible and helped distract you from being so nervous.
"It's pretty, isn't it?"
"Yeah." You breathed. "It is."
"See? This isn't so bad."
"I guess not."
After making his way around the castle, San landed on a flat area on the roof of the school, which you were partially relived about, thankful to be on solid ground again.
"The roof?" You questioned, glancing around at the empty area while San set his broom aside.
"Just wait." He grinned excitedly, moving over and grabbing something that you clearly couldn't see.
He pulled back on the unseen object, revealing a picnic setup.
"Ta-da." He beamed, gesturing to the arrangement.
"You had an invisibility cloak? How did you manage to get your hands on that?"
"I have connections." He shrugged. "C'mon. Have a seat."
Obliging, you made yourself comfortable on the blanket he had laid out, getting a look at all the snacks he prepared.
A small array of fresh fruit, sandwiches, and small desserts were spread out before you, even a couple bottles of fizzy sodas. You didn't want to say it aloud, but you were impressed. He really went all out for this.
"Would you like one?" San offered you a plate of small sandwiches.
You obliged, plucking one from the saucer and having a taste. Your brows raised in astonishment.
"Where did you get these?"
"I got permission from the kitchen staff to prepare all of this."
"You made these?"
He nodded, mentally fist pumping in celebration, thanking Wooyoung for teaching him how to prepare the sandwiches.
His dedication was, in a way, endearing and made you feel warm and fuzzy inside, your heart fluttering slightly.
"Is there anything you'd like? I can fix you a plate." He offered.
You accepted his offer and told him what you'd like, watching as he piled the plate with food. He handed you your platter with a smile, grabbing a bottle of soda.
"A drink for the lady."
Either he was really turning up the charm for this date, or he was actually a nice person and you severely misjudged him—you feared it was the latter.
"Thank you for agreeing to this." San gave you a dimpled grin, his cheeks painted a light shade of pink.
"Yeah, you're welcome." You spoke quietly, popping the top on your drink using a simple spell. "It's nicer than I expected."
"I'll take that as a compliment."
The both of you sat in silence for a few moments as you quietly snacked on fruit and took a sip of your drink.
"Thanks for the flowers." You spoke up suddenly. "And also for removing the thorns."
San appeared stunned at your words.
"You picked them yourself, didn't you?"
"How'd you know?" He asked.
"I saw your scraped knuckles and bandaged fingers."
He pressed his lips together, unconsciously fiddling with his fingers that were still healing.
"You're welcome. I hope roses were alright."
"They were. I really liked them, actually."
"You did?"
You nodded. "They're in a vase beside my bed."
Hearing that made San's heart soar. You'd always shown so much disinterest in him, but knowing you kept the roses he picked for you, in a vase no less, made him giddy. Maybe you didn't dislike him as much as he originally assumed.
"Would you like dessert?"
"Did you make this stuff too?" You questioned, reaching for one of the confectionery treats.
"Unfortunately no, just the sandwiches. I'm sure that makes all of this less impressive."
"It doesn't." You responded, taking one of the tiny sweets from the plate San had offered you.
San packed up the empty plates and other leftovers placing them into a basket, casting a spell to make it compact and easy to carry.
"We have to get back down and there's only one way." He stated, picking up his broom.
You peered over the edge of the roof, looking down at the ground below.
"You're not scared, are you?" San asked almost teasingly.
"No." You denied. "I can handle it."
"Get on, then."
You took your place behind him on the broomstick once again, this time feeling more comfortable wrapping your arms around him, the closeness making butterflies erupt in your stomach.
The descent from the roof to the ground wasn't as terrifying as you expected it to be. As soon as you landed, both you and San headed back towards the school, though a part of you didn't want the date to end.
"I have a confession." You spoke up.
San's gaze landed on you upon hearing the word confession, giving you his undivided attention.
"The date was..." You hesitated.
San's eyebrows raised.
"I enjoyed it." You finally admitted. "I was impressed with everything."
His eyes softened as a gentle smile spread across his lips, thought his heart was doing flips. "I was hoping you'd say that. So, what's the verdict?"
"Verdict?" You echoed.
"Yeah. How do you feel about me?"
The question alone put you on edge. How did you feel about San? He was so charming during the date and you couldn't deny that you had some sort of attraction towards him.
"Well, I don't dislike you." Was what you decided to say.
That made San chuckle. "So that means you like me?"
"I suppose it does."
"The real question is, do you like me enough to want to go on another date?"
It only took a couple seconds for you to answer.
"Can I escort you back to the dorms?"
"I'd like that."
The walk back inside the school was a quiet one, assumably because you were both feeling a bit shy after your confession. Truthfully, you were kicking yourself for constantly brushing him off, wondering why you hadn't given San the time of day sooner. He wasn't nearly as obnoxious as you originally thought he was.
You were so lost in thought, you didn't realize you'd already arrived at the Slytherin dorms until you heard San speak the password to get inside. He escorted you through the common room to where the girls' dorms were located, standing awkwardly outside the door, his face red. You turned to him, waiting to see what it was he had to say.
"Is it okay if I give you a kiss on the cheek?" He finally asked.
He leaned in and pressed his lips to your cheek in a gentle manner, the moment not lasting long enough. When he pulled away he was unable to hold eye contact, bidding you a shy farewell before scurrying away.
Your eyes scanned the hallway warily as the secret entrance to the training room slid open. Giving one last glance to your surroundings, you stepped inside, the already dim room shrouding in darkness as the entrance closed.
Your back immediately hit the wall as a pair of lips landed on yours, a set of hands squeezing your waist, keeping you pinned to the brick wall. Knowing exactly who it was, you welcomed the display of affection and kissed back. Your fingers tangled themselves in San's black hair, tugging at the strands any time his teeth latched onto your bottom lip, eliciting a string of blissful sighs from you. His actions made your mind foggy and your face hot, his kisses feverish and desperate.
You tugged his robe off, hands groping his arms, feeling his strong biceps under the fabric of his school uniform.
San parted ways, giving you only a few seconds to catch your breath before taking it away again by reattaching his lips to your neck. He pressed open-mouthed kisses to your sensitive skin, sending a wave of chills down your spine. Your fingers unconsciously curled at the base of his neck. The feeling of your nails dragging against San's scalp elicited a low groan from him, the sound vibrating against your skin and making your eyelids flutter slightly.
When he finally pulled away, you noticed the lanterns inside the secret training room had lit up, wondering when that happened. San rested his forehead with yours, gazing at you with half-lidded eyes.
"I wasn't sure you'd show." He said breathlessly, his chest moving up and down with each huff.
"Why? You asked me to meet you here. Plus, this is our spot, isn't it?"
His eyes widened as a bright grin broke out across his face.
"You called it our place."
"Yeah, I know." You lightly rolled your eyes, huffing out a chuckle.
San had a game in an hour, so you were glad you got to spend some time with him prior, but part of you was selfish and wanted to spend the rest of the day with him.
"Good luck at your quidditch game today." You told San, cupping his cheek. "You're gonna need it."
"I don't need luck."
"I don't know." You trailed off. "Ever since we started dating you haven't been practicing as hard since there's nothing to win."
He smirked, pulling you flush against him. "That's because I've already got my prize."
Hongjoong ⟡ Seonghwa ⟡ Yunho ⟡ Yeosang ⟡ Mingi ⟡ Wooyoung ⟡ Jongho
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penkura · 1 month
knowing [5/8]
Summary: Sanji knew you were the one the moment he met you.
Pairing: Sanji x Reader
Warnings: None really. Normal One Piece stuff I guess.
Note: I love Dressrosa, Sanji got to go on a date lol. But obviously things are different here. ;) This one is also a little shorter, I wasn't sure what to do with this, but I'm fairly happy with it. Next week will be much longer! And on time I swear omg.
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[Ch. 1] ● [Ch. 2] ● [Ch. 3] ● [Ch. 4]
With the events of Fishman Island behind you, arriving on Punk Hazard, you drew straws with everyone willing to venture to the burning side of the island, being one to join Luffy, Zoro, Robin, and Usopp to scope the place out. You promised Sanji you’d be fine, you’d stick by Zoro even thought Sanji didn’t like that either, he knew you trusted Zoro as much as you trusted him. You knew Sanji would be fine taking care of the rest of your crewmates, even when you make it to the frozen side of the island and see things have gone a bit awry, as your friends are now all swapped around thanks to one Warlord.
“Okay, okay,” you looked between the four as Usopp took out a notepad and pencil to keep things straight, “So, Franky is in Chopper’s body.”
“Super right, buddy!”
“And, Chopper is in Sanji’s body.”
Sanji, or, well, Chopper nodded, starting to cling onto you which felt weird even though it was your boyfriend’s body it was Chopper’s mind.
“Nami is in Franky’s body.”
Nami-Franky was nearly in tears, poor Nami crying over not being herself.
“And…” You looked over the to the last member of your crew, smiling when see they aren’t looking at you, “Sanji is in Nami’s body.”
Slight nod, you nearly laughed at the whole situation, while everyone was wondering how to fix it. You weren’t sure you knew the answer, but thought Trafalgar Law was your only way of getting the whole thing fixed.
You all take to just calling your swapped friends by their names, you taking a seat by Sanji and patting his back while he kept his head in his hand, not having fully looked at you since you showed up. Being in Nami’s body must’ve been a lot for him to take in, especially considering his relationship with you.
“We’ll get you back to normal, Sanji. It’ll be okay.”
He stayed quiet for several moments, before finally turning to give you a hug that you returned.
“It’s probably weird,” Sanji said while almost burrowing into your shoulder, “but I just need a minute, I’ll be fine…”
“I know, I know.”
It was a little weird, to hear his voice coming from Nami, but for the time being, you’d have to accept it. It wouldn’t change anything about your relationship, it was only temporary. Even when Sanji left with Zoro and Brook to go after the torso-less Kin’emon, you stayed with the rest of your crew, helping calm the withdrawal suffering and mostly giant children, as Luffy and Franky ran to save Nami from whoever snatched her thinking she was Franky.
Once Luffy and the others return, with Trafalgar Law at their side, and an alliance planned thanks to Luffy not stopping to ask anyone else. You were all for it, making Nami mostly yell at you after she was swapped into Sanji’s body.
Nami in Sanji’s body was even weirder than the other swaps, but it felt stranger when Nami hugged you as she cried over now being in your boyfriend’s body instead of her own. You looked over at Law, giving him a slight glare that he returned.
“I kind of hate you right now.”
You were glad later that day when Law finally switched the two back. Sanji was so happy that the second he got the chance, he hugged you so tightly before running off to help Tashigi and the other Marines while you went on with Nami and the others to help Chopper stop the children from getting the spiked candy.
“I’m glad for you and Sanji,” Nami made a slight face that caused you to laugh, “But thank God I’m back in my body, I didn’t want you guys being weird while we were swapped.”
“Don’t worry, don’t worry!! All we did was hug!”
“Still weird.”
Robin smiled hearing your conversation and the near cackle you let out at Nami’s reaction.
Personally, she was just glad Franky wasn’t in Chopper’s body anymore.
“That little brat.”
“Sanji. He’s a child.”
“He knows what he’s doing.”
You fought back a laugh at the scowl on Sanji’s face while Momonosuke, one of the children you’d helped rescue from Punk Hazard with his father Kin’emon, slept on your lap. Of course, you knew the child had a bit of a bias towards women, whether because he didn’t have his mother or because of perverted reasons, you didn’t want to know really. You preferred to just view him like your little brothers, someone who needed some comfort and attention.
“He reminds me of my youngest brother,” You smiled a bit, watching Momonosuke while Sanji watched you still, “He was four when I left home, I felt awful cause he was crying and holding onto my leg so tightly…I almost stayed.”
Nodding, you looked over and gave Sanji a smile that he returned. “He was the baby before the new one my mom was pregnant with, we really thought he was going to be the last one.”
“There are nine of you now?”
Sanji quietly nodded, turning back to his dinner prep and trying to decide if he should say something else, before finally doing so.
“I’m…one of five.”
“Mm,” Sanji knew you were just watching his back, he was still trying to word things, that was the second thing he’d ever told you about his family, the first being his mother’s name, “I have one older sister…and three brothers, two older and one younger. My brothers and I were quadruplets.”
Your eyes widened and you had the sudden fear of having quadruplets yourself, before Sanji, who turned around to see your fear, quickly calming you down by saying his parents had help and there was no record of natural multiples of that many in his family line, you were safe. At the most you could have twins one day, but even that was rare.
Once Sanji had talked you down from running away with a million bunny trails, he sat beside you and watched Momonosuke sleep.
“I guess he’s kind of cute.”
“Kids are always cute when they sleep.”
The three of you are quiet for a bit, Sanji thinking of different things while watching you and Momonosuke. He wondered if you wanted to be a mom one day, do you actually want kids with him? He’d heard you and Nami talking about the kids from Punk Hazard, how you wanted to help them and the soft spot you both had for children. Having watched you the last couple days, on your trip to Dressrosa, as you spent time with Momonosuke and helped care for him, it made him want to have children with you so much sooner than you probably should or could.
Of course, he wanted to marry you first, but he had decided you would be a wonder mother one day, if that was what you wanted.
Luffy nearly broke into the kitchen a few moments later, shouting that you’d all arrived at Dressrosa, and it was time to get off the ship.
You had already been enlisted by Law to come with him to help hand over Caesar to Doflamingo, which Sanji didn’t particularly like as he was supposed to stay on Sunny with Nami, Chopper, Momonosuke, and Brook. While he trusted Law as an ally, the way you two seemed to be hanging out more and getting closer, it made Sanji a little jealous to see, but he was trying to push it aside after you’d forgiven him for his indiscretions with seeing the mermaids on Fishman Island.
He didn’t want to do anything to lose you.
"Hey, come with me, moss head."
Zoro didn't have a chance to argue with Sanji about going elsewhere before the blond pulled him into a store by his sleeve. He didn't even get to see what kind of shop he'd been dragged into, what if it was a place he didn't want to be? Once he did see it was a jewelry store, Zoro grumbled to himself about how stupid of a place this was for him to be, he didn't need anything more. His three earrings were more than enough. Why did Sanji even want to be here?
"Hey, what the hell are we doing here?"
"Shut up for a minute." Sanji growled out a bit, before turning back to the store clerk and handing the man a ring, asking to see anything in that size. Once the clerk brought over several rings that matched, Sanji started looking at them closely while Zoro watched him for a few minutes.
He finally had a thought about what Sanji was doing, but there was no way right?
He definitely wasn't doing what Zoro thought he was doing, despite his mumbling to himself about what was too gaudy or too ugly for you.
"What are you doing, curly brow?"
Stopping for a second, Sanji held a small ring in his hand before he looked at Zoro.
"I want to ask [Y/N] to marry me. I don't know when yet, but I want to do it soon."
He really was doing exactly what Zoro thought he was doing. Sanji was trying to choose an engagement ring for you. He'd probably only dragged Zoro into the shop with him so the swordsman wouldn't get lost, but the fact he even told Zoro what was doing was a surprise. You had gone with Law, Robin, and Usopp to hand off Caesar to Doflamingo if all went well, so there was no chance of you randomly walking in and finding out about this before he was ready to ask.
Sanji had known for a while that he wanted to marry you. If you all hadn't separated for two years, he believed he would have asked much sooner, but he also knew things would work out the way he hoped and planned either way. Whether he asked tomorrow or in another year, he felt certain you'd say yes. After watching you with Momonosuke since he and Kin’emon had joined you all, he knew his decision to ask you was going to be the right one, he knew you were going to be a great mother to whatever children you may have in the future.
Zoro was surprised Sanji hadn't asked you to marry him yet. He saw the gross, lovesick look the chef always gave when you were around him, the far off look in his eyes when he'd watch you spending time with someone else on the ship, and even the tiniest bit of visible jealousy as you spoke with Law about the plans he had for you all in Dressrosa. He knew you were the same way, lovesick looks when Sanji wasn't paying attention, you'd told Zoro many things that he didn't need or want to hear about how you loved the blond, and the way you'd be the first to offer to help clean and wash dishes after dinner.
There were even the few moments Zoro would catch you two on the deck, against the railing. Sanji would have an arm around you, leaning in to whisper whatever he had to say, which more often than not would make you blush and giggle a bit, doing the same to keep your conversation private. Zoro couldn't hear the likely gross, lovey-dovey  things you were saying to each other to elicit such reactions, and he didn't want or need to know.
If your relationship was out in the open for everyone to know about, Zoro could only imagine how gross you two would be.
"Surprised you haven't asked her yet."
"Yeah well," Sanji handed the ring he'd chosen to the clerk, who walked off to get it rang up while he took a drag from his cigarette, "Things have been moving so quickly lately we've barely had time alone as it is."
"You gonna ask her once this is done with?"
Taking the bag once he'd paid for the ring, Sanji shook his head while he and Zoro left the jewelry store. "No, I don't think so. I want to ask at the right moment."
"Better not make her wait forever," Zoro smirked a bit, but he knew Sanji wasn't going to take too much longer to pop the question to you, "Who knows, she might fall for Traffy if you do."
"Don't joke about that, you lame ass moss head!"
Dressrosa was freed in a day, you were glad when the birdcage came down and knew Luffy had taken down Doflamingo, finally. Your part was to help the townspeople after you worked with Robin and Usopp to stop Sugar’s Devil Fruit powers, having run off after your call with Luffy’s group and Sanji’s on the Sunny. Despite your concern for your friends, you were also worried for the regular people who had no part in the whole ordeal. Even with Marines around you tried to be sneaky, as a kunoichi should be, and slip around to help anyone who needed it, but especially the children that had been separated from their parents or other family members. Every moment and reunion made you miss your own parents and siblings, but also made you grateful to have the chance to make a difference in someone else’s life.
After your few days of rest in Kyros’ home and quick escape from the kingdom, you were glad to he back on a ship, even if it wasn’t the Sunny, returning to water made you even happier than you would’ve expected it to, even though it had only been a few days.
Much of your time during your trip to Zou was spent with Robin and Law, Zoro noticed. Or course you’d be near to Robin, she was like the big sister you never had, but Law was a surprise. He didn’t seem like the kind of person you’d be drawn to, let alone friends with, but maybe there was something else going on.
He was joking when be told Sanji you could go after Law if the blond tool too long to propose to you, it wasn’t a real thought in his mind at the time.
Eventually you tale a break from everyone and go to Zoro, sitting beside him and leaning into his arm, which makes him nod towards Law and Robin.
“What’s going on there?”
“Oh, I was just getting an idea of Traffy’s plan. He’s really got things all figured out.”
“Not what I meant.”
Tilting your head, you look back to them, before realizing what Zoro meant and feeling your face heat up.
“Oh. Oh! No, no, no, Zoro, nothing like that!”
“Look just cause the cook isn’t here and you’re still a secret doesn’t mean—”
“Zoro. Trust me. Law is cool and all that, but I’m not attracted to him. Sanji’s the only one for me.”
Zoro shrugged a bit, going back to his drink your interrupted him from. He does believe you, he’d been watching and the look in your eyes while you talked to Law, it wasn’t at all like the one you have when you look at Sanji. That look you have when you’re in love with someone, completely smitten and enthralled by them, you’ve only ever given that look to Sanji ever since you met.
“You’ll be back with your weird boyfriend soon.”
Giggling, you nod and close your eyes, just thinking about seeing Sanji again.
See you in Zou, Sanji.
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jangofettjamz · 7 months
Are You Okay?
Jenna Ortega x Autistic!Male!Reader
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Summary: Jenna noticed you've seemed a little down lately, she intended to find out why.
Themes/Warnings: Abelism
Words: 832
Jenna POV
Y/N's been really quiet lately, I mean more quiet than usual anyway but never like this with me. He's usually never afraid to speak his mind, in fact he's usually brutally honest but now... just silence... and I don't like it one bit. I need to figure out what's wrong.
He's currently building a Lego set upstairs, he's a real collector for that sort of stuff, he has his own room separate from our bedroom that contains his gaming setup, action figure collection and lego collection. To say my Y/N is a nerd would be a massive understatement, but I wouldn't have him any other way because he's absolutely perfect. I make my way over to his other room to try and talk to him and figure out what's bothering him.
I knock on his door twice to announce my arrival "babe you in there?" I call only to be met with a small "mmhmm", not unusual behaviour from him; like I said he's quiet but it worries me none the less. "Can I come in, sweetie?" I ask polity.
"Okay" he says quietly 'whats with the quietness' I thought to myself.
I see him sitting at his desk building some Legos, he said it was a very relaxing hobby for him and gives him a sense of accomplishment. "Hey hon' watcha doing" I say cheerfully and lean down to kiss his temple because I was genuinely happy to see him.
"Building" he says bluntly, seemingly annoyed by my presence.
"I see that, is it from Star Wars? I know you really like--"
"Look Jenna I just wanna be left alone, okay?" He says bluntly, his tone sharp as a knife. He's never spoken to me like this before especially in this harsh tone.
"Y/N, sweetheart what's wrong?" I say a little heartbroken by the way he just spoke to me.
"Nothings wrong just leave me be." He says sharply again, he'd give Wednesday a run for her money honestly.
I noticed the dry tear tracks on his cheeks, he had definitely been crying and by the looks of it, fairly recently too. This would explain his mood. I press on a bit further, determined to find the problem.
"Y/N, are you okay sweetheart?" I say.
He quickly glanced at me then returned his gaze to his Legos "I'm fine" he said but his voice betrayed him as I heard the sadness within it.
"I don't think you are fine, sweetie. You've got tears tracks on your cheeks babe, you're not fine at all, please talk to me baby boy" I say desperately trying to get an answer.
"You wouldn't understand" he says barely above a whisper. I turned his head to face me and cupped his cheeks.
"Please" I say softly.
His eyes turn glassy, wetness forming in them as he sniffles softly "Percy called me retarded" he said quietly.
"WHAT?!" I'm in complete disbelief. Despite my numerous rejections, Percy has been trying to get with me for months but I explained to him that our relationship was professional. He's said and done a lot of things but THIS is unacceptable.
Y/N broke instantly, the tear floodgates had truly opened and were spilling down his face like a dam. He's a fragile person and calling him such a vulgar slur with such malice is disgusting.
"Y/N can I hold you baby" he nodded erratically and threw himself into my arms, burying his face in my neck.
His tears were making my neck wet but it didn't matter he was all that mattered. "Why can't I just be normal?" He sobbed out, anger swelling within me; not towards him but towards Percy Hynes White.
"Shhhh don't say that babe, there's absolutely nothing wrong with you, being autistic doesn't make you less of a person." It seems to calm a bit so I continue to speak while stroking his back. "What he said was absolutely vile, sweetheart and it isn't true. He's everything wrong with the world put into one person and you're the exact opposite of that."
He lifts his face out of my neck. "You don't think I'm retarded?" I felt my heart shatter, Percy really got in his head.
"No sweet boy, you're not retarded. Never think of yourself like that, it breaks my heart that you'd even have to question that." I say with absolutely sincerity.
"You really mean it?" Pull him into a kiss on the lips, we pull away and he got the message that I meant what I said.
He sniffled and wiped his nose. "Thanks babe, you're too kind to me" he says making me chuckle.
"Nonsense you deserve every ounce of love in this world and I'll give you all of mine" I say "C'mere sweetheart" we embrace each other, my lips kissing the top of his head.
"Can I build legos with you" I ask and his eyes brighten and nods enthusiastically which makes me kiss all over his beautiful face. He so wonderful.
My sweet boy.
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nerdieforpedro · 4 months
He told me his name
The Mandalorian/ Din Djarin x plus size female reader
My entire blog is 18+ MDNI
Word Count: approx. 1.3k
Summary: It's not clear if you enter The Mandalorian's orbit or you enter his, but slowly the two of you are growing closer.
Warnings: vague mentions of mechanic work, HANDS (It's my thing about Din okay?!), fluff, some violence, blood, injuries and first aid
Notes: I've wanted to write another Din fic for a while and didn't have any sparks. Then I read @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin 's Din fic (Sorgan girls Are Easy) she put out yesterday which is excellent. I had my spark. ⚡️ Though the fic I wrote isn't similar to hers at all. Not even in the same category. 🤣 My fic is very moody. I might write a follow-up one shot to this. Not another series!
Dividers are by the wonderful @saradika-graphics
Main Masterlist / Din Djarin Masterlist /Our Journey Across the Star Ocean
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Lingering near your workstation had you curious, but you chalked it up to just being curious about how you worked. You’re aware that your organization, separation and tinkering can be slower than other mechanics but it also means you don’t need to double check your work as often.
The Mandalorian was intimidating and never rude or even commanding. In fact he was polite and let Peli speak to him pretty casually. You only said hello and goodbye.
That’s why it struck you with surprise when Peli asked during one evening card game with the droids if you’d consider riding with the “walking tin can” as she put it. You blinked and asked why you, shouldn’t he be asking her to come with him. She told you that she had a business to run and she’s not gallivanting around with a trigger happy bounty hunter who has to keep track of an adorable but absurdly strong baby. 
“You need some excitement anyway. You’ll just waste away here without any good memories or fun stories to tell. It will just be a life of regrets of paths not taken.”
Her words rang in your head as the small green child sat in your lap. The Mandalorian was at the controls, silently charting their course. Was this a good decision?
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He allowed you to come with him when he got his tracking fobs and when he turned in his bounties. The first touch was between your shoulder blade to your back, guiding you and the child through the market back to the Razor Crest.
The second was when his gloved hands touched yours while trying to improve your aim using a blaster. His voice was more gentle than his normal flat one. Closer to what he used with Grogu but still not as much warmth. It was enough to have you believe him to be kind.
The third happened after he brought a bounty back to the ship and he saw Grogu patting your cheeks as you spoke to him. Explaining about what different bolts did, it looked like you were organizing your tools again. His gloved hand was placed on your shoulder which had you peer up at his t-visor. He gave you a nod and went to inventory his weapons. Maybe it wasn’t just kindness. Maybe he believes you to be useful, a smile creeps along your face.
Such small gestures continued until you took Grogu out for a walk. 
It was a fairly green planet and Din said it was safe, you didn’t wander far from the ship as it was still in view. The first crawling plant you saw and shot it through and through with your blaster. The second, nipped your leg but you were able to knock it off and shot it twice. On the way back to the ship you were clear, but one jumped the gangway and a tentacle sliced across your back before you were able to turn and shoot it. You limped back into the Razor Crest and were able to clean and dress your leg but not your back. Grogu wouldn’t stop screaming and you kept moving him away from you to not get blood on the poor child.
The bounty hunter saw you, quickly put his bounty on carbonate and grabbed the bacta spray. He spoke to his son and was able to calm him slightly as he ripped your shirt and bra to try and access the wound on your back but the blood and secretions in your wound from the tentacle made it increasingly difficult as you bled. 
“I apologize for this. I’ll need to cut off the rest of the back of your shirt to clean and apply the spray and…” He paused. The Mandalorian you know never paused, he was always measured in his speech, even with Grogu. “It may be easier for me to do if I remove my gloves. They’ve become too slick with your blood. Is that alright?” You found it puzzling that he was asking permission considering it’s one of the main tenets of his religion. You didn’t care either way as long as the bleeding and pain stopped. 
“It’s fine Mando. Do what you need to do. Grogu’s okay right? I didn’t get any blood on him, I think.”
You closed your eyes and heard the Mandalorian give a few curses as he removed his gloves, warm calloused fingers were dabbing your back and applying pressure. After holding it a few minutes, you felt the cool spray of the bacta and some patches being applied with more pressure. There seemed to be less pain and your back didn’t feel like a dripping pool so you counted your lucky stars and thanked the Maker that the bounty hunter had come back earlier than later. You felt something soft spread over your body and you were lifted off the floor of the ship and brought to your cot. How did he lift you so easily? Did beskar help with that? You didn’t think so, but you know next to nothing about the stuff. It was there that you drifted off to sleep.
When you awoke later, Grogu had tucked himself on your pillow with a small green hand on your cheek. It made you feel happy to see the little green one next to you, but you felt something in your hand. It was what had been on your back. Mando had one of his gloves off and was holding your hand with his bare one. His other hand was touching Grogu’s back but his glove was on. You turned away for a moment to let a tear fall. He cares about you, you’re more than useful, maybe.
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Grogu remained asleep but Mando awoke, squeezing your hand in his. “You’re awake? Has the pain subsided? I should check-” You turned back to shush him and carefully sat up, the blanket falling off your partially and he released your hand to pull it around you. The back of your shirt was open and had fallen forward some when you got up, but not expose anything thankfully.  “You should keep warm. We’re on our way back to turn in the bounty. I-I am sorry.”
“There’s no reason to be sorry. They came out of nowhere. I was able to not get killed because of the blaster shots you had me practice and Grogu’s safe so-” Since you’re not holding Mando’s hand any longer, you grasp the blanket, to have something in your hand.
“You were not safe. You were hurt badly. Do…I would not blame you if you wanted to leave.” His register is low, not threatening, but there’s sadness in it. He was sitting at your bedside mere moments ago. You wished to hop back in time and keep still so you wouldn't wake him. Just to have stayed in that moment a bit longer…
“I refuse to go. I will not. You’ll have to toss me off. I’ve seen so many things and places and I want to see that much more. You’re stuck with me Mando.” The blanket drops as you release it and you grab his bare hand with both of yours. “I’m not going to but. I just don’t want to go.” Speaking as you lock your eyes on his t-visor, a deep hum is heard from the hunter, but you remain firm.
“I am called Din. Please do so while it’s just the three of us.” His thumb ran across your palm and tickled your skin making you chuckle. “You will remain and hopefully I will hear more of your laugh.” Your smile only grows with his answer. “Please rest for now. Our journey isn’t over.”
Space Buddies: @linzels-blog @maggiemayhemnj @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @missladym1981 @morallyinept @sherala007 @yorksgirl @daddy-dins-girl @magpiepills @megamindsecretlair @anoverwhelmingdin @theincredibleinkspitter @alltheglitterandtheroar @mrsmando @drawingdroid @harriedandharassed @i-own-loki @lady-bess @undercoverpena @pedroshotwifey
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yrluvjane · 2 years
A Perfect Fit
James Potter x lawyer! muggle reader / Part 2
Note: (Mature sexual content in bold!)
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Tired and exhausted, James Potter returned back to his house with the mind to peacefully fall asleep in his lover's arms. It was way past midnight and there wasn't a sound in the air. While normal jobs allowed you to return home at a decent hour being an Auror didn't.
He softly unlocked the door of the fairly large, two story house, hoping that the sound didn't wake any of the inhabitants.
He walked into the house, quietly slipping off his shoes and placing them by the door. He squinted his eyes trying to adjust to the darkness in the room before feeling his way for the light switch on the wall.
With a soft click a soft, yellow lamp illuminated the room, making his dress change much quicker and convenient. James took off his Auror robes and hid them in a secret compartment behind the fireplace after using a quick cleaning spell.
James didn't like secrets, he didn't like lying to the person he loves but he couldn't exactly tell his muggle girlfriend about magic or about the Wizarding world without breaking The International Statute of Secrecy.
The lies and the secrets tore him apart, from secret missions and fumbled up excuses, he knew that Y/n knew they were lies but still trusted him enough to not ask. And the amount of trust she had in him is what made it horrible and heart-breaking.
This is why he and Lily broke up, they fell out of love and lied to each other trying to make their relationship work, they were too young and Lily didn't want to have a child at 21.
A few months after Harry was born he and Lily signed their divorce and she had gave him full custody over Harry, she now lives on the other side of the country with some Artist with a weird French name.
James would be lying if he said taking care of Harry was easy; he was eternally grateful for his friends and parents and all their help. It was hard and exhausting, he stressed and worried over every little thing, balancing life and work and there were moments were he felt like he was being pulled in so many different direction he didn't know which way to turn.
It was on the one blessed day, that he met Y/n on, did he truly felt at peace.
Harry was two and James had a day off at work, so he had decided to take Harry out to a park a little further than the local one.
One moment Harry was in front of him throwing sand everywhere and giggling with the other kids, the next he was panicking all over the park desperate to find the little raven-haired boy.
He was running around like a bird, lettering his parents, screaming and shouting. He almost gave them a heart attack considering the fact all he wrote to them was 'I lost Harry' making them assume the worst of things.
He only calmed down and took a deep, thankful breath, when he heard his young son's adorable little laugh, he immediately rushed towards its direction only to see the boy on a beautiful woman's lap, coloring on a blank piece of paper.
James had sighed and walked over to the two, ready to take Harry home and apologies to the lady. Though when the lady had looked at him, it was as if his brain froze.
She was utterly gorgeous, her hair was slightly disheveled from the breezy air and she didn't have much make up on but the mascara and liner she did have on on was slightly smudged under her eyes.
He remembered her putting her hand out and introducing herself, him stuttering, making a fool of himself and her apologizing for worrying him about Harry.
She had invited him to sit over and just like that all of James's plans were thrown out if the window. They couldn't talk long because she had a busy schedule and swamped for the day. It was by sheer luck did he manage to man up and ask her out by the end of their meeting.
And James has been thankful for that day ever since.
James slipped on a pair of sweatpants and a loose sweater that were folded with the rest of the laundry on the couch.
He softly walked up the stairs to the main bedrooms, avoiding any creaking steps and checked Harry's first. "Hey Prongslet." He whispered, smiling as he kneeled down at his son's sleeping figure.
When Harry had officially turned four, James allowed Harry to completely remodel his room to his liking. It had red walls (thanks to his dad and uncle's) and had golden snitches painted on, which Y/n didn't understand but still admitted was cute.
He's bed had blue sheets and was decorated with four animal-shaped pillows that were made after the four infamous animagi.
Harry was wearing little red pj's with small deer’s imprinted on it, that was a gift from Y/n, and it melted James's heart more than it should. Harry had absolutely loved them and refused to take them off; Y/n had actually bought two more pairs just so Harry could be happy and wear them again.
He adjusted the blanket the small toddler slept with before bending down and kissing the boy's forehead and ruffling his messy hair.
He tipped-toed out the door and softly closed the door, making his way to the master bedroom, where Y/n would be asleep
The master bedroom was huge, almost three times bigger than Harry’s; it had its own bathroom. a walk in closet and its own balcony.
It was decorated in soft grey, black and streaks of good ‘ol Gryffindor gold. Some of the windows were opened, letting in some cool air as Y/n slept soundlessly, unlike James, on the large bed. All of her - except her head - was covered under the duvet, giving James an adorable view.
He quietly slipped under the covers, immediately enveloped by warmth and comfort and raised Y/n head into a comfortable angle. As if sensing his presence, she turned around so that she could lie on side.
He took off his glasses and placed them on the nightstand not before seeing her eyes flutter for a moment, still heavy with sleep.
“Good day?” She asked her voice hoarse and quiet. James hummed, wrapping his arm under her waist pulling her into his chest. “You?” He questioned, brushing her hair out of her face.
She sleepily nodded; she raised her head and kissed his throat, “Sweet dreams, James.” She whispered before falling asleep once more and it was small things like this that turned the Gryffindor into a puddle of love. He wished her a good night and kissed her head before drifting into darkness.
The next morning James woke up at around eight, which meant he had around an two and a half hours to get to his work meeting. He turned to his side, wishing to find his girlfriend but it was empty causing him to groan.
He pushed himself off the bed, put on his glasses and made his way to his son’s room, where he expected Y/n to be; trying to get the toddler to wake up.
The door to the room was ajar giving James the opportunity to peek and spy. Y/n lied on Harry’s bed, the latter snuggled into her side as she tried to wake him up with a story. “…And then your dad spilled the tea all over the table!” She said as Harry giggled.
A very embarrassing story, James noted. “Daddy’s clumsy.” Commented Harry.
“Yes he is.”
“I thought you were on my team! Way to sell me out buddy.” James said as he pushed the door and revealed himself. “Daddy! Were you spying on us?” Harry questioned as he sat up and narrowed his eyes at James, glasses slightly askew.
“I’m going to have to second young Mr. Potter’s question, James. Were you spying on us?” Y/n joined in her professional voice with a raise of her brow.
“Me? Never!” James defended as he walked over to his son and sat next to him on the bed. James grabbed the giggling boy an attacked him with tickles. “No! S-t-oo-p!” Harry pleaded between hysterical laughter. James let the small boy go. And Harry didn't waste a second grabbing his stuffed dog and burying himself into Y/n’s side.
"Traitor." James whispered.
The elder man got up and walked around the bed towards Y/n, leaning down and bringing her lips into a sweet kiss. “Eww..” Harry commented. James pulled out mirroring Y/n’s smile, “You need to brush your teeth.” She said.
“And to take a shower.” Harry added, his voice muffled. Y/n let out a laugh as James gaped at them. “I can’t believe this.”
“You go and get ready, while me and Harry make breakfast.” Y/n said, running her hand up and down the four-year old's back. Harry raised his head and stared at Y/n with big, green, hopeful eyes. ”Can we make waffles?”
“What’s the magic word?” James asked.
“Please?” Harry added, sheepishly.
Y/n chuckled as she ruffled the boy’s already messy hair, “We can make whatever you want.”  She said. Harry stood up and pulled Y/n’s hand, “C’mon!”
“Why don’t you take out the ingredients and I’ll follow you in a sec?” Y/n suggested as Harry nodded adorably and frantically, his stuffed dog still in his arms as dashed out the room. “Don’t run down the stairs!” Y/n shouted warning the boy.
“Okay!” Harry yelled back.
Y/n nodded and got up, robe falling all the way down to her ankles. She faced James and smiled, “Morning.” She greeted.
“It’s a great morning.” James whispered as he wrapped his arms around her waist, leaning down and kissing her neck.
Y/n chuckled, running her fingers in his hair making James groan. "I don't have to go to work day, all I need to do is review some transaction documents; so I can stay and watch Harry till Sirius and Remus pick him up."
James hummed into her neck as one of his hand's slipped into her robe and slid up her thigh, pushing up her slip nightdress.
Y/n's fingers comb through the mess of James’ brown hair, getting thick curls out of his face as he tucks his head into the crook between her neck and shoulder, inhaling her scent deeply and leaving open-mouthed kisses on her skin; allowing her to let out a breathy moan.
"Y/n! Dad!" Harry's voice shouts as James groans into Y/n's neck, forcing his hand away and back to his side. "Sometimes I can't wait till he leaves for school." James jokes, standing up, arms still wrapped around Y/n's waist.
"I'll meet you downstairs." Y/n said leaning in and giving him a small peck on the lips before the two departed into different areas of the house.
Walking down the stairs, Y/n heard Harry's incoming patter of feet. She chuckled, when he stopped right in front of her, panting, his stuffed animal in one arm.
Knowing what he wants, she knelt down and grabbed from under his arms, picking him up and hoisting him at her side.
"Got everything?" She asked as she walked to the kitchen, one arm holding Harry and the other picking up her bag.
"Couldn’t reach the flowers."
"It's 'flour' not 'flowers'. Same way of pronouncing but different meaning."
"Flour." Harry said with a big smile, showing his baby teeth.
She placed her bag on a far away counter to avoid it getting dirty and sat the boy on the counter, opening the higher cupboards to get the missing ingredients.
"What's that?" Harry asked from behind.
Y/n turned to face him, his finger pointed at a hidden object. "That is a gift." She said with a grin placing down the bag of flour and watching as the toddler's eyes widened behind his glasses.
"Is it for me?"
"Maybe..." Y/n teased, she grabbed a bowl and began cracking the eggs.
"Can I see it, please?" Harry pleaded, pouting.
"Well you have to do somethings first: brush your teeth, wash your hands, comb your hair, have breakfast and do your homework. Then I'll give it to you." Y/n said, looking at the boy, who stared back with narrowed eyes then crossed his arms and pouted.
"But I don't want homework."
"I have homework too, and the trick is to not think about homework. Think about getting to open the present later on; we can even bake cookies if you finish early." She tempted with a raise of her brow.
The younger boy, bribed with cookies and presents, ran out of the kitchen with lightening speed eager to finish his part of the bargain.
One cold shower later, James slipped on a pair of trousers, red shirt and a black leather jacket (Gifted from Sirius). He shook the towel through his hair trying to dry it out enough to stop dripping. He ran his finger through the curly locks, watching as they fell and stuck to his forehead.
He gathered his worn clothes and threw them into the laundry basket before jogging down to the kitchen. There he saw Y/n with Harry on one hip and a whisk in the other, teaching him how to make waffles.
James let a smile tug on his lips as he walked over to the duo, wrapping his arm around Y/n’s waist. “Daddy, Y/n got me a pre-pra-”
“Pre-sent.” Y/n said breaking down the words, so that Harry could pronounce it correctly. “Oh, do I get a present?” The elder, male, brunet asked looking down at woman. “But daddy, you’re too old for presents.”
“Old? You’re never too old for presents. I’ll have you know, Prongslet, Y/n gives me a present every night;  just after you go to sleep.” James said, winking and ducked when Y/n made way to hit him with a whisk causing Harry to giggle.
“You don’t get waffles.”
“I’m sorry, love. It was just a joke. I’m sure I can make it up to you in other ways.” James teased.
Y/n placed Harry down on the counter and chased James around the kitchen island with a drying cloth.
Harry giggled watching the two, he leaned over, opening a drawer and grabbing a hidden camera that his father stashed after a failed camping trip with his uncles that ended with Sirius drunkenly threatening a bear.
Harry raised the camera and snapped pictures of his dad and Y/n and some of him and ‘stuffed Padfoot’.
“Okay, you got me, I surrender, your honor.” James said swiveling around last minute and trapping Y/n in his embrace. “You don’t sound as though you feel guilty.” Y/n said narrowing her eyes, she turned her head to face Harry, who seemed to be playing with a drawer.
“Harry, do you think daddy feels sorry about his actions?”
James smirked at the nickname before giving his son a pouting look. “No presents!” Harry declared, Y/n let out a laugh that grew once met with James’ shocked one.
“I object.” James began, "Overruled!" Harry shouted.
Y/n let out a suprised laugh, turning and grabbing Harry's face in her hand, shaking it as she peppered his face in kisses; the smaller boy giggled.
“You heard him.” Y/n teased and in that moment James couldn’t feel anything but happiness and love. Seeing Y/n and Harry laugh together, it made James think of what a family looked like.
Harry, Y/n, Remus, Sirius, Peter and his parents, that was his family. This was his family.
Waking to Y/n in his arms, reading Harry a story to sleep, making breakfast together (Even if James almost never helped due to his rushed work) and laughing with eachother.
James let a large smile take on his face, he walked over to Y/n and hugged her from the back. “Hey! You can't try and butter up the judge. That’s illegal y’know.” Y/n joked.
He buried his face in her neck and inhaled the floral smell of her hair. “I love you.” He said, his voice muffled.
“It would be quite awkward and weird if you didn’t.”
“Dad, Y/n, I finished, can I play for a little, please?” Harry asked, eyes wide and green. His mouth smeared with cream and crumbs.
“Sure, just wash your hands first and get ready for your uncles today, they should be here in an hour or two.” James replied.
Not a second later, Harry disappeared out the room. Y/n chuckled holding onto James’ hands that were wrapped around her waist.
“Something wrong, James?” she asked, after a moment of silence rang.
“Y/n...” James moaned against her neck, turned around and pushed her against the kitchen island.
He moved his hand under her thighs and sat her on the table, silencing her gasps with a heated kiss; pushing his tongue through her lips and parting her thighs with his hands.
In quick motions he undid the robe, letting it slide down Y/n’ shoulder, revealing her red slip. James groaned at the sight, one of his hands cupping her breast, the other rubbing her thigh. She grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer.
Breaking the kiss, Y/n moved her lips to his jaw and trailed her kisses up to his ear, sucking spots behind it, granted to leave marks.
"So wet..." James teased, as he lightly bit her bottom lip. His fingers made their way to her clit, causing her to moan into his mouth as he started to move his fingers.
“James.” Y/n warned.
"We should stop .." She said as she trailied down kisses on the unbuttoned spot of James' neck.
His only show of response was thrusting a finger into the muggle, eliciting a moan out of her.
James kissed her one last time before he got down on the marble floor, getting down on his knees and placing Y/n's legs over his shoulders; spreading her open for him.
His tongue ran up and down her soaking cunt making her moan and run her hands through his hair pushing it out of his face.
James’ lips suctioned around her clit as she tugged at his hair, making him groan. The vibrations sent waves of intense pleasure through Y/n, making .
"Jamie...so good." She praised as he let off her clit with a pop before removing his finger and fucking her with his tongue as his free hand, started circling her clit.
"Fuck, James!" she huffed out, her eyes closing and back arching; the hand in his hair slipping to the back of his neck, rubbing delicate circles and pulling at the small hairs.
James’ lips sucked on her clit once again moaning against it, he moved his hand once again, his middle and ring finger moving in and out of her as he lapped at her clit.
"James, please- James!" She cried tugging on his hair with one hand while the other clenched the tablecloth, scrunching it in her palm.
James raised his hand, playfully pinching Y/n's nipple causing her to moan and buck her hips against his mouth making him groan.
"Let go, love." He said pulling away, before sucking on her clit again. He could feel her clenching around his fingers.
"James! I'm-I'm gonna-" She cried out, pressing her cunt against him trying to make him go deeper before releasing into his mouth and on his hand.
After a minute he let off her clit and gently pulled his fingers out of her, as tried to catch her breath while staring down at him with hazed eyes.
James teased her one last time before getting up and licking his fingers clean. She narrowed her eyes at him playfully.
"When will you be back?" She asked, watching James as he walked to the storage closet and got a towel, running water over it.
He spread her thighs and wiped them gently, "Around one, maybe two." After he cleaned her up, he threw the towel into the washing machine and stood between her legs, his arms wrapped around he waist as her hands layed around his neck.
"I love you." She said, flicking one of James's dark locks back and running her fingers through his hair.
"I love you too."
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