#she's getting a garden she's getting the healthiest soil
damiano-mylove · 3 years
Gardening with the members of Måneskin
Lil bit of swearing, but Damiano's section is kinda...nice? *Masterlist*
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Vic has a very specific gardening outfit - because most of her regular clothes aren’t very condusive to gardening
But once she’s in her outfit, watch the fuck out
Vic will go elbow deep in dirt to pull out weeds and you would have to practically sit on top of her to make her take a break (she’d gotten heatstroke at least twice before and you never let it go)
While Vic would become Frankie Flowers, you would be the waterer
Long days would be spent under the sun and in your garden - but it paid off when everyone would come to your garden for drinks because it was absolutely beautiful
Flowers every colour under the sun, the greenest grass in the neighbourhood, the healthiest soil in the world
The showers after a day in the dirt were always beyond godly; where you would massage shampoo into Vic’s beautiful hair and she would bathe you in sweet kisses that felt stark against the temperature of the water
Gardening was never one of Vic’s massive interests, but if it was with you, she would be all for it
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Thomas wouldn’t be much of a gardener - but he would be more than glad to have loads of plants all over your house
Timing would be everything: he would water the plants with a very nice mister every day at the exact same time, and they would be placed in very well-thought out spots for sunlight and to be able to walk through the house without tripping over some manner of shrubbery
Watering time was typically during the evening, when Thomas couldn't sleep, and he would also reposition them and rehouse them all the time
Each plant would have a name, some of them would be normal but others would be entirely out of pocket
When Thomas would be on tour, you would be getting calls that would start off the cuff with, 'Y/n, have you watered Geraldine?'
Yes, you had already watered Geraldine, at the same time Thomas always did, but Thomas would just ask because it was a ritual, because he loved that you cared about the plants you shared as much as he did, because he loved that you loved his strange little habits
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You think this motherfucker does plants?
He does fake plants that look so strangely real, he does shrubberies in the gardens; he enjoys the low-maintenance plants for himself, but he wouldn't deprive you the pleasure of floristry is you partake in said pleasure
On rough days, you always gather, for Ethan, a nice bouquet of wildflowers that would smell fresh for the day, then dissipate at the same rate as the roughness
If the home you and Ethan would share were to include a yard, with a garden and a lawn, it would be a garden of hostas and shrubs, and probably a rock lawn
That would be, of course, unless you preferred to tend to a garden and a lawn, then Ethan would suck it the fuck up and get down and dirty with you in the yardwork (it would end up being really enjoyable, but Ethan would never jump at the chance to do gardening)
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The garden you shared with Damiano wouldn't just be a beautiful garden; it would be just as extravagant and breathtaking as the love you both harboured for each other
Topiaries would protrude from the green, with no specific order nor placement, but they would all come together at a certain point - they would the shapes of hearts, of flamingos, and even one of a five pointed star
The flowers would all be so vibrant in colour that you could taste it on your tongue, just by laying eyes on them
Hummingbirds flocked to your garden, as well as dragonflies and butterflies; each one more beautiful than the last, and having an uptick in appearances when a loving moment was to be shared
During weekdays, you two would alternate days to trim the topiaries and fill the bird bath, but weekends would be devoted to having your yard reflect upon the insurmountable elegance and charm of your relationship
Damiano would always tell you how the garden may never compare to your beauty, but your work on it had given the garden a piece of your beauty - that beauty was always shared with whatever you touched, but never diminished, according to Damiano
this wasnt requested, i jus spent the day in my garden with my mum, so i was possessed by lina into writing this - fyi lina and i have been having a shit time at our place so mind us disappearing every little bit
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Thank you so much 💜 my day was stressful and mentally taxing but overall it was fine :) i am so so flattered/flustered that you want to gift me something in return- i never expect anything when i'm penguin anon. And irl i'm trying to be better at accepting things from people. so if you really would like to gift me something here are some tropes i like: cas gardening (sorry i can't get away from flowers/plants!), dadstiel with baby or toddler jack, general domestic fluff, anything that explores cas & dean healing/character growth 💜 but i honestly don't expect anything in return for my hearts and flowers. They are freely given 💜💜🌻💜💜🌻💜💜
I’m sorry to hear it was stressful for you, dear. I’m glad that overall it wasn’t too bad for you, though. I hope this cheers you up? I’m a few hours later with it because I get distracted big time in research. Like figuring out that Dean was 22 when Shrek came out. Which had literally no bearing on this, but was fun to figure out. The hearts and flowers are more than appreciated. 💕🌺🌺💕
When Dean was four, he watched his mother hold his baby brother to the blooming sunflowers she kept in the backyard. Mom said they were called Sunriches. They were named that because they were like golden suns. Dean thought the sun was golden, but when he tried looking at it, the sun was just a bright, white color. Blinding. Dad said he couldn’t look at the sun without hurting himself, so he stopped trying.
What he could look at was Mom holding Sammy. He was only a couple of months old, but Mom was excitedly talking to him as if he could talk back. Dad said he wouldn’t be able to talk for a while. That didn’t seem to bother Mom. She was content to describe the flowers to Sammy. They were taller than Dean was. Mom said they wouldn’t get any bigger, but one day Dean would be tall enough to hold Sammy up to the flower petals. He looked forward to that.
Mom looked pretty in her dress, from Dean’s memory of the time. Her skirt swayed in the autumn wind in time with the petals dancing in the breeze. It was ethereal, like a princess talking to animals. Except instead of a squirrel on her shoulder there was a baby in her arms. Dean thought it looked like magic.
A few months later, when Dean was finally trusted with holding Sammy in his arms, he was running out of his burning home.
He didn’t think about the sunflowers they left behind.
Read more undercut or check it out on AO3!
Later in life, when Dean was flirting too close to a stable relationship with a reporter, he idly thumbed at the petals of the Suntastic Yellows. He remembered his mom telling him that they were the tiniest sunflowers. The type they used in bouquets. Cassie had a small pot resting on her windowsill.
Cassie’s hands drew around his waist from behind him. Humming into his neck, Cassie drew him backward with her. He thought about it in an absent sense, walking away from the sunflowers.
“You know,” she whispered against the shell of his ear, “they say that sunflowers track the sun all throughout the day.”
“Oh, really?” Dean smirked, taking her lips in his own. She was wonderful, really. Too wonderful. Wonderful enough that Dean thought about confessing everything to her. Cassie would understand. She was clever and understanding. Hell, maybe she’d even accept him.
It was too bad, then, that when Dean told her what he did—what he was—that she didn’t believe him. Dean wouldn’t have believed himself either. Walking away with his keys in his hand and his heart at his feet, Dean wondered if this is what it would always feel like. If he would always have to walk away from the place his heart was trying to make into a home. Maybe it was something about being a sunflower. Always tracking the sun throughout the day.
Too bad Dean couldn’t find the damn sunlight.
“Dude, look!” Dean grinned during another part of his life, pointing at some old lady’s front garden full of Taiyos. “It’s like Shrek.” He teased his brother, elbowing Sam who only rolled his eyes in return.
“Shrek? Really?” Sam scoffed. “How old were you when that even happened?”
Dean huffed a laugh. “What? You’re telling me you didn’t go watch the cinematic masterpiece known as Shrek with all of your college buddies?”
Sam rolled his eyes again, huffing with a shrug of his shoulders. “Sure, Dean. And then we watched Holiday in the Sun right after, too.”
“Never took you for a Mary-Kate and Ashley fan, Sammy.” Dean grinned, watching the sunflowers swaying in the breeze from the corner of his eye.
They looked peaceful in the witness’ front yard. Untouched by the grueling werewolf that was lurking through the small town. Dean could hear Sam’s sharp inhale from beside him.
“I always thought sunflowers were… homey,” Sam confessed, watching the sunflowers dance with a furrowed brow.
Shooting Sam a crooked grin, Dean stepped forward toward the sunflowers but he didn’t dare touch them. “I’m not surprised,” he began. “Mom used to grow them. She started taking you out into the garden as soon as you stopped crying all the time.”
Sam was silent for a moment, causing Dean to look at him with concern. It wasn’t often that Sam was quiet, but when he was it was always a contemplative silence. “I didn’t know that.” He spoke softly.
“You wouldn’t have remembered.” Dean shrugged, stepping onto the witness’ walkway to begin making their way up to the door. “These are a bit taller than hers were. But then again, everything seemed taller then.”
There was another moment of contemplative silence, but it seemed Sam had nothing left to say. He knocked on the witness’ door, taking care not to meet Dean’s eye. Dean wondered what that meant. Wondered if Sam felt the same way when he saw sunflowers.
Then again, Sam had always been larger than life. Tall and proud.
When Dean was on the aching side of forty, he watched Castiel hold their four-year-old son to the blooming sunflowers he kept in the backyard. Cas had been enchanted by the Little Beckas when he had seen them. While they might not have been the tallest—or the smallest—of sunflowers, he had thought they were lovely. Dean had made a quip about their halo and bought Cas seeds the same day.
Watching Cas and Jack reminded Dean of being four and trying to see what color the sun was. It was blinding, something he felt he should look away from lest it hurt him. But he found that he couldn’t look away. He didn’t want to. He just wanted to watch Cas answer every question Jack had.
He was beautiful, Dean often thought, but especially in moments like these. The cuffs of his jeans were muddied and his bare feet were buried in the soil where he sat with Jack in his lap. Dean hated how Cas refused to wear shoes outside, but he had claimed to like being closer to the Earth. Dean couldn’t argue with him. He wouldn’t argue with him; not for what made him happy.
Cas turned to look at him, catching his gaze and drawing him closer with just a look. Dean moved without hesitation, standing beside Cas and kicking at his knee with his booted foot. His approach drew Jack’s attention away from the flowers, who clapped excitedly the closer he got.
“Whaddya think, Jack? Do you like the colors?” Dean hummed, watching Jack’s gummy smile as the kid waved up at him.
“Daddy says that sunflowers face East!” He pointed enthusiastically, laughing and reaching for the blooms in front of him.
Dean frowned, looking from Cas to the flowers. “I thought sunflowers rotated with the sun or whatever.”
Cas hummed, tilting his head with a nod. “They do, in their youth.” He pressed a kiss to the top of Jack’s head. “But when they mature, the sunflowers learn that they get the most light during the morning hours when the sun has just risen from the East.” Bouncing Jack momentarily and causing the boy to giggle, Cas turned to face Dean. “They just learn what’s healthiest for them. It just takes time.”
Inhaling sharply, Dean wondered if this was it. If this was his East. Watching a smiling Jack and Cas whispering about sunflowers that—while not the tallest or the smallest—were a halo of colors. Two colors that came together, that never faded, that bloomed to life in this tiny garden he called home. He was a dark heart and a bright halo, smiling toward the bright, white sunlight of a gummy smile and clapping hands.
With a grunt, Dean lowered himself to the soil, sitting beside Cas and wrapping his arm around Cas’ shoulder. “These little guys are pollen-less,” he spoke to Jack. “That’s why we got the honeysuckles.”
“Honeysuckles stand for devotion.” Cas’ voice rumbled gently. “In the ancient Celtic alphabet, the symbol that the Ogham carved into stone to represent the honeysuckle stood for following one’s path.”
Dean snorted a laugh, shaking his head. “Sort of counterintuitive. Since, yanno, Free Will.” He quipped, raising a curious brow toward Cas.
Bowing his head in concession, Cas continued. “Yes, that is true. The Druids meant it more like… trusting one’s gut. Rather than sticking to the story.” He grinned, rocking with Jack in his arms for a moment. “But the honeysuckle is rather hard to kill. That is why it means everlasting devotion.”
“Deaths don’t stick, huh?” Dean hummed, squeezing Cas closer into his side. “Sounds like someone I know.”
Cas exhaled a laugh, resting his head atop Jack’s. “The Chinese valued the honeysuckle for its healing properties. It can be a cooling herb to remove toxins.”
Dean pressed a kiss to Cas’ cheek, keeping his lips there for a moment longer before pulling away. “Even if the honeysuckle can’t heal ‘em, the sunflowers like the company anyway.” He smiled softly, watching as Cas’ eyes turned dewy toward him. “And ‘sides, the honeysuckle brings all the bees to the yard.”
Snorting laughter that Jack joined in without knowing the cause, Cas shook his head. “I suppose so.” His attempt to suppress a smile made Dean’s own grin widen. “But the sunflower is more than enough company.”
“Damn straight,” Dean whispered against Cas’ lips, kissing him slowly and savoring the moment.
Between them, Jack made exaggerated kissy faces, causing them to pull apart and watch him with amusement. He grinned, reaching up and holding Dean and Cas’ cheeks in his palms.
“Daddy and Poppa sittin’ in a tree!” Jack sang, giggling as he smushed their heads together.
Mocking a frown, Dean held his other hand out behind Jack’s back. His palm felt so large in comparison to how small Jack was. “Did Uncle Sam teach you that?”
“Yup!” Jack nodded enthusiastically, head bobbing as he continued to hum the song under his breath.
Cas gave another chuckle under his breath, looking from Jack to Dean. “I suppose we should head inside. We're still expecting Sam and Eileen for lunch.”
Dean stood with a groan as his knees ached. He reached out a hand to help Cas and Jack up, standing tall with his family in their little garden. Keeping their fingers intertwined, Dean didn’t have to think about the sunflowers they left behind.
They would be there as long as the sun was in the East.
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blonde-and-cat-suc · 3 years
20. cut stems
rating: G 
wc: 687 
cw/tw: sister!c//a (no incest), child abuse 
desc: Shadow Weaver’s teachings as a florist provides similar lessons for the rest of her life. 
Before taking a spot in the ranks of Mystacor, Shadow Weaver had been an exceptionally talented florist. 
Light Spinner — the name was like referring to a different person, by this point—was popular among younger sorceresses. She would teach them how in order to get the healthiest soil, you’d need to get the dirt under your fingernails; to make sure that the bush didn’t die before it was in season, you’d have to pull out a few mangled roots; if you wanted to encourage even more blooming of your flowers, you’d have to cut the stems. 
They listened to her, and it worked. 
Before being banished from the ranks of Mystacor, Shadow Weaver had been an exceptionally good mentor. 
She had made sure that young Micah was always focused. Aware of what he was doing, but never why he was doing it. That was the only thing a teacher was for, after all. Only principal and never speculation. 
Just like the flowers, she wanted him to have proof that there was a method to her madness, and she weened him as best as she could to be the powerful mage he’d grown into. 
It was a shame he chose not to expand any further into the spaces she allowed for him to have. Sometimes it didn’t happen. Sometimes gardens would die out, to no fault of the gardener. 
Shadow Weaver did what she could. 
Before Catra, there was an exceptionally well-behaved Adora. 
Shadow Weaver had made sure to never coo over her infant. She berated Adora for crying when it wasn’t necessary, and she’d promise her daughter to give her reasons to cry because of it. 
So, Adora didn’t cry. 
The head of blonde hair was only as tall as Shadow Weaver’s knees, and she was already bolting through the Fright Zone’s hallways, commanding everyone’s attention without ever having to ask for it. When her daughter would fall over on her face, Shadow Weaver made sure that not a soul went over to comfort her. 
She had seen it many times over that the common trial of children falling over only turned out two ways: they could learn that being hurt was a troubling thing based on the adult’s reaction. Or, they could realize that when the scab from the fall grew over, that their skin had become stronger. 
Adora had scabs decorating her arms and legs and she showed them off with pride. 
Before Shadow Weaver had lost the only exceptional thing that she ever truly had, there was Catra. 
As if everything that Shadow Weaver had instilled in Adora came alive as one hideous beast, Catra would wail as if she were always experiencing great pain. This pain manifested into violence when Shadow Weaver needed to control those nasty little claws. 
It was often that Catra would run through the Fright Zone’s hallways. She wouldn’t fall on her face the same way the other bumbling children did. Shadow Weaver was always a step behind her, always ready to snag the end of her tail and send her reeling to the ground. 
That would teach the little beast to subvert her expectations. 
For the first time since Adora was an infant, she shed giant, wet tears. Catra’s scabs on her arms and legs were not like her blonde sister’s, and they had both accepted this with wild confusion budding like weeds in the backs of their minds. 
Before the galactic war began, Shadow Weaver had nothing. 
She was once an exceptional florist who carried her teachings with her wherever she should happen to find herself. Time and time again, she would only prove herself correct. 
Micah had been an excellent king. 
Adora had been the magnificent savior of Etheria. 
Catra had been a no-nonsense general and the Portal Opener. 
If one wanted a bed of flowers that they could be proud of, they’d have to rip away any rotting root under the dirt; haze the leaves with poison that kept parasites away; do not let them get comfortable enough that the bulbs drooped… 
If you wanted to encourage blooming, you’d have to cut the stems away. 
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andrewmoocow · 3 years
Steven Universe Alternate Future chapter 10: Prickly Pair (originally posted on March 22, 2021)
AN: We're getting close to shit gettin' down here! As Steven tries out a new hobby, we learn pretty quickly he refuses to move on from anything while his hobby begins to turn on him. Wow, that's a sentence I never thought I would say.
Synopsis: Steven takes up gardening and grows a sentient cactus that repeats everything he says.
Zach Callison as Steven, Cactus Steven
Estelle as Garnet
Michaela Dietz as Amethyst
Deedee Magno Hall as Pearl
Shelby Rabara as Peridot
One afternoon in Beach City, Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl were helping Steven carry large bags of dirt to his conservatory above the beach house. A few days had passed since the Little Homeschool graduation, and Steven had decided what he wanted to do next.
"We got your dirt, dude!" Amethyst exclaimed as she helped the other Gems with carrying the dirt to the conservatory.
"Thanks, guys," Steven replied gratefully while opening the door to the conservatory. "come on in."
Inside, the Gems discovered a beautiful garden of flowers awaiting them. "How many of these did your magic spit grow?" Amethyst asked.
"None." Steven answered with a chuckle. "I grew all these the old-fashioned way."
"So this is what you've been up to since leaving Little Homeschool." Garnet realized.
"Yeah, teaching was great and all, but I dunno if that was my calling in life." Steven said. "Besides, it was really bittersweet seeing the Off-Colors leave."
"Well, I think this is a wonderful way to spend some you time." Pearl praised Steven's new hobby.
"Me time? I'm hardly alone here." Steven snickered before he knelt and gazed at a bluebell flower. "I call this little smartie Connie." Then, he got back up to examine an onion. "And this onion I call, well, Onion." Next, Steven gestured to some perennials. "And these perennials will never leave!" He began to point to a few of them in particular. "That one's Sadie, and this is her band Daisy Clover and the Shrub-Spects." Finally, he walked over to a pink flower in a blue pot with a star on it. "I named this one Lars." Steven revealed before he started talking to it. "You're stuck in the ground, aren't you?" he said in baby-talk. "Not going to zip into space and leave everyone behind. No you won't, no you won't."
Garnet and Pearl just stared at Steven with concerned looks on their faces, but Amethyst was too busy snacking on dirt to look the same.
"Uh, Steven?" Amethyst said, chewing on some of the soil.
"This might not be the healthiest approach to your new hobby." Garnet admitted bluntly.
"Besides, Onion ain't ever leading anytime soon!" Amethyst added. "Unfortunately!" she coughed.
"I'm just having fun, that's all!" Steven fibbed. "You all should take it easy. They're just plants!"
"In that case, we'll leave you to it." Pearl declared while the three Gems left the conservatory.
"Have fun, dude!" Amethyst called while the door closed behind them. After a bit, the door reopened.
"You should probably keep an eye on your plants, though." Garnet warned, peeking her head through the door before leaving again.
As soon as the Gems departed, Steven turned to discover a lonely, decaying cactus sitting on a wooden table behind him. "Huh?" he muttered while walking over to check up on the prickly plant. "What am I doing?" Steven mused to himself. "Is this really my thing now, plants?"
Steven then picked up a knife and began using it to cut off the top of the cactus. "Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl aren't even impressed." He continued monologuing to himself. "I guess gardening just isn't as awesome as saving the universe."
Steven then moved the cactus cutting away from the cactus he cut it from while filling a new pot with dirt. "Okay, little guy, welcome to your new-OUCH!" he yelped in pain from pricking himself on the cactus top, before sticking his injured finger in his mouth. When Steven popped his finger out, the saliva gathered began to sparkle as he placed the cutting in the pot. "Probably should've worn gloves."
Just then, Steven's tummy began to rumble. "Whoa, guess it must be lunchtime." He said to himself before turning to the cactus. "I'll be back for you soon, little guy."
As Steven left the cactus in the conservatory, something about the succulent began to change slowly.
"Yo, you think something is up with Steven?" Amethyst asked Garnet and Pearl down at the beach house. "I mean, I'm sure we can all agree it's weird he's naming the plants after people who already parted ways with him."
"Yes, very strange indeed." Garnet agreed. "Perhaps we should talk to him about it."
"Or, maybe we could just leave him alone." Amethyst suggested. "I mean, I'm sure it's a very touchy subject for him."
"That reminds me." Pearl interjected, plucking her phone from her gem. "Childcare book author George Ikari is holding a signing in a week, and I plan on going." She showed Garnet and Pearl a picture of a bearded man with glasses ominously clasping his fingers together while on the cover of a book titled "What to Do When Your Child Feels Directionless."
"That cover doesn't look menacing at all." Amethyst declared sarcastically.
"I'm going to have to side with Pearl for this, Amethyst." Garnet stated. "Maybe this book could be helpful."
Just then, Steven came walking downstairs from the conservatory. "Hey guys, what are you talking about?"
"We were just discussing this author Pearl wants to see some time." Garnet said. "So, how are things going with your plants?"
"I just pricked my finger on a cactus, no big." Steven laughed nervously.
"Oh my, best get that looked at!" Pearl yelped. "Who knows how long till it gets infected?"
"Relax Pearl, I'm fine." Steven replied. "Nothing some healing spit can't fix."
The following day, Steven went back up to the conservatory with a watering can in hand to take care of his cactus when he made a startling discovery.
The cactus had grown! Not just bigger and healthier, but it had also grown a face, and was barking like a dog at him.
"Whoa!" Steven exclaimed as he threw the watering can away and raced to the now living cactus. "Oh my gosh, did I make my cactus come to life? I have got to tell the Gems about this!"
Downstairs, Amethyst was taking a group selfie with Garnet and Pearl when Steven came to them with his latest discovery.
"Hey guys, look what I made!" Steven proudly presented his plant, which continued barking. "Look at the little guy!"
"I thought you weren't using your spit on your plants?" Amethyst wondered while putting the phone away.
"No, I think I may have accidentally made it come alive with my spit." Steven replied. "I think it may have been after I pricked myself yesterday."
"A likely story!" Amethyst declared, squinting at Steven suspiciously.
"That cactus really bounced back." Garnet remarked, thinking back to how decayed it was yesterday.
"A real survivor, much like you." Pearl added proudly.
"Aww, and he's got a little lumpy head like you!" Amethyst cooed to the cactus. "Hey, why don't we call it Cactus Steven?"
"Cactus Steven, eh?" the real Steven asked. "Call me conceited, but I kinda like it."
Cactus Steven began cooing at the Gems, though in a way that made Pearl concerned. "Is he okay?"
"I think he just wants some sunlight." Steven realized, turning the pot so that his cactus lookalike faced him. "Maybe I could use some too."
Throughout the rest of the day, Steven took his little cactus around Beach City and Little Homeworld, showing him to all his friends and introducing the succulent to all the things he liked to do.
As the day rolled to a close, the two Stevens took this moment to just sit down on the beach and watch the sunset together.
"This beach, it just never changes." Steven mused to his new cactus friend. "I mean, a lot has changed. I'm trying to be cool about it, but everything just feels so weird now. Everybody's moving on with their lives, and I should be too. I gave up running the school, but I still don't know what comes next." He then turned to Cactus Steven. "You know what I'm talking about, right?"
As a cactus that only came to life not too long ago, Cactus Steven turned to his Gem/human counterpart with an expression that one would make when saying, "I have no idea what you're talking about."
"It's probably better that I'm not running Little Homeschool anymore!" Steven continued, even though Cactus Steven probably isn't able to make a concrete reply. "But who am I to decide what's best for everyone anymore?" Steven then got up and began to walk away from Cactus Steven. "Those Gems are better off learning from Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, Lapis, Peridot, Bismuth, everyone!" He started getting more stressed with each word. "Why do I need to be needed?! Come on Steven, what's wrong with you?!"
Cactus Steven turned his little head sideways, or as sideways as he could in his pot, with a sad look Steven's way.
"Sorry I had to dump this all on you, Mini-Me." Steven chuckled apologetically to his plant.
"Eeee!" Cactus Steven squeaked in comfort.
"Okay, let's go home." Steven obliged in understanding, and the pair began making their way back to the temple.
Another day passed, and Steven was once again tending to his plants in the conservatory. "Good morning Ronaldo, good morning Nanafua!" he said to his flowers as he watered them. "And a very special good morning-" Steven suddenly tripped over in alarm as he discovered something about Cactus Steven has changed. "-to you. Wow, you really grew overnight!"
"Good morning to you!" croaked Cactus Steven, who now began taking the shape of Steven's head.
"Whoa, did you just speak?!" Steven cried in amazement.
"Whoa, did you just speak?!" Cactus Steven replied.
"This is too much!" Steven shouted. "I've got to tell the Gems about this!"
Amethyst was looking at a tablet while Pearl was drawing in a notepad and Garnet reviewed her art downstairs on the couch. "Oh, hello Steven." Pearl greeted Steven as he came downstairs with Cactus Steven in his hand. "Hello Cactus Steven."
"Hey Pearl, you have to see this." Steven said while presenting his cactus counterpart to the Gems.
"Hey Pearl." Cactus Steven mimicked to their amazement.
"That's so freakin' cute!" Amethyst cried.
"He's growing to become quite the talker." Garnet added.
"And he said my name too!" Pearl stated. "You think he might be copying you?"
"I think so." Steven agreed with a shrug.
"Hi Pearl!" Cactus Steven continued. At first it seemed cute, but then the little guy kept talking. "But who am I to decide what's best for everyone anymore?" he began parroting Steven's pensive moment from yesterday. "Everybody's moving on with their lives, and I should be too."
"Uh, this isn't what it sounds like, I swear." Steven said defensively.
"Is it me, or is your cactus real good at self-deprecating?" Amethyst remarked.
"Sorry I had to dump this all o-" Cactus Steven tried to continue before the regular Steven tried to make it shut up by covering his mouth, but that only resulted in more cactus spines on his hand. "Come on Steven, what's wrong with you?!"
"Is something the matter Steven?" Pearl inquired, tilting her head with concern.
Steven refused to answer and instead raced back upstairs while the cactus continued talking. "Why do I need to be needed?! Why do I need to be needed?!"
"See what I told you the other day?" Amethyst said to Garnet and Pearl. "Something's definitely up!"
"Seems like Steven's got some problems he doesn't want our help with." Garnet adjusted her glasses in contemplation. "I suggest we find a way to help him without getting him too wound up."
"Still, it seems like Steven's letting a lot of issues just bottle up inside him." Pearl began worrying. "This is definitely not healthy. I think George Ikari might've said that in one of his books."
Back at the conservatory, Steven sat Cactus Steven on the table to give him a firm talking-to. "What was all that for?!" he yelled angrily. "I wanted that stuff to be private, but here you go just spouting out words that'll make everyone freak out about me!"
"What was all that for?!" Cactus Steven copied his master.
"Because I thought you'd be nice to talk to!" Steven complained as he began pacing around the conservatory. "I can't tell Pearl how I feel, cause then she'd get super depressed and start blaming herself like she always does! Meanwhile, Garnet would probably give me advice while sounding all high and mighty, Amethyst would try to look mature, and no one else would understand me!"
"No one else would understand me!" Cactus Steven aped Steven's words.
"I know, right? I mean, get over yourself already." Steven scoffed. "Please don't tell anyone I said that."
"I thought you'd be nice to talk to!" Cactus Steven continued impersonating his fleshy counterpart before Steven covered him up with a box. "What was all that for?!"
"Oh you know what." Steven coldly declared as he exited the conservatory. "I can't let anyone find out about this." He sighed heavily just as he found Amethyst standing nearby.
"Find out about what?" Amethyst asked Steven.
"Oh oh oh, it's nothing Amethyst, honest!" Steven began fibbing while his pupils began shifting around. "I mean, why do you ask?"
"Just wanted to check up on you, brah." Amethyst replied with a comforting hand on Steven's arm. "Look, if you need help, just say the word, and we'll be there."
"Okay then." Steven moaned. "That reminds me, is Peridot doing anything at the moment?"
"So, you are saying this cactus has begun to imitate everything you say?" Peridot asked Steven as she examined Cactus Steven under a magnifying glass at her greenhouse.
"Yeah, and it's starting to freak me out a little too." Steven answered.
"Get over yourself already!" Cactus Steven yelled, his voice beginning to sound a little clearer to their pair's alarm.
"Is there anything you can do to stop this?" Steven asked Peridot hopefully.
"I must apologize, Steven, but I don't think I can be of any assistance." Peridot replied morosely.
"No one else would understand me!" Cactus Steven continued imitating, seemingly agreeing with Peridot.
"See what I mean?" the little green Gem remarked with a thumb to Cactus Steven. The Steven she knew just buried his face in his hands and tried his hardest not to yell in frustration.
Outside the greenhouse, a small, black spy camera watched the greenhouse as Steven left with Cactus Steven in hand. But the moment Peridot turned around, it suddenly activated a camouflage feature.
That night, Steven had decided to close the conservatory to watch Cactus Steven, posting a sign on the door saying that the little cactus needed rest.
"Now all the Gems are worried about me, and Peridot wasn't any help either." Steven moaned in defeat while sitting near Cactus Steven. Just then, he heard some muffled yelling coming from the box he hid the living succulent in. "Hm?"
Walking over to the box, Steven picked it up to discover that Cactus Steven had grown some more, and had even sprouted an arm from the soil.
"Oh my gosh! Cactus Steven, what's wrong with you?!" Steven began panicking.
"What's wrong with you?" Cactus Steven repeated, earning his bigger self's ire.
"What's wrong is that you keep making me look stupid and helpless in front of everyone!" Steven cried furiously as he picked up the pot.
"Stupid!" Cactus Steven mocked Steven and pointed his newly grown arm at him. "Helpless!"
"I wish you wouldn't talk!" Steven argued before he began to glow pink.
"I wish YOU wouldn't talk!" Cactus Steven replied just as angrily.
"STOP IT!" Steven fully glowed pink, but then abruptly stopped when he heard Pearl's voice.
"Steven, time for dinner!" Pearl called for him from downstairs.
"Coming Pearl, just give me a second!" Steven replied to Pearl, and then turned back to Cactus Steven with an angry glare. "Not. Another. Word."
As Steven left the conservatory, Cactus Steven once again began to grow. "Not. Another. Word."
Early the next morning, Steven was asleep in his bed when suddenly, he was awakened by the sound of breaking glass. He raced up to the conservatory, where it was in total disarray, and a large hole was made in the glass wall.
"Uh, Cactus Steven?" Steven called for the living cactus while following a trail of needles leading back to his room. "If you're mad about yesterday, I get it, but I'm just going through some things right now."
Steven looked around with nervousness and curiosity, while a massive lump revealed itself on his bed. Cactus Steven slowly rose from under the blanket, revealing that he was now around Steven's height with a foot still stuck in his pot. "STEEEEVEEEEEN!"
"Whoa!" Steven yelled in terror, causing him to fall down the stairs and onto the table. Cactus Steven tumbled after the boy and was prepared to crush him before Steven rolled out of the way. "Cactus Steven, you need to go back to your home!"
"Go back to your home!" Cactus Steven croaked in reply.
"This is my home!" Steven shrieked while trying to push the cactus beast away from him, only to be covered in cactus needles. "AGH!" he yelled in agony while trying to shake some of the needles off. Cactus Steven did the same, which made more needles fly around the room.
"Just cut it out!" Steven yelled.
"Just get out!" Cactus Steven yelled back, charging at his doppelganger like an angry predator.
"Don't come any closer!" Steven summoned his shield to protect himself from any more needles.
"STEEEEEVEEEEEN!" Cactus Steven roared, just as Steven thrust his shield into his succulent counterpart's torso.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" Steven frantically apologized.
Cactus Steven, however, didn't feel any pain, except for a large gash created by the shield thrown into his shoulder. After dislodging the shield, Cactus Steven threw the weapon back at Steven. "This is my home!"
"He's gone berserk!" Steven yelled fearfully before he found three figures approaching the front door. "The Gems!"
"The Gems don't need me anymore!" Cactus Steven said.
"Those are my private thoughts, and you should know it!" Steven scolded the cactus. "I can't let them hear about this!"
"What an all-nighter, am I right?!" Amethyst quipped as she, Garnet and Pearl returned to the beach house.
"Those Gems did need to get some extra studying in." Garnet replied.
"Plus, there was that strange camera thing that kept following us around." Pearl added. "I could've sworn it's leading up to something bigger, but it shut down before I could question it."
Before Pearl could say anymore, Steven came barging out the front door. "Oh, hey guys!" he laughed nervously. "Uhh, everything's fine and totally normal, nothing to see here! Hey, you think maybe you could wait a couple of hours? I've got things to do, okay, BYE!"
The Gems turned to the window as Steven fought against Cactus Steven with his shield, cluing them in on what was going on.
"Man, someone's been hittin' the photosynthesis!" Amethyst quipped before the Crystal Gems summoned their weapons and headed inside.
"We're here to help Steven!" Pearl declared protectively.
"I can't tell Pearl how I feel, cause then she'd get super depressed and start blaming herself like she always does!" Cactus Steven said in response to Pearl, making her drop her guard.
"What?" Pearl muttered in shock.
"I have no idea what he's talking about!" Steven continued to fib.
"But it's not inaccurate!" Amethyst snarked.
"JUST, GET, OUT!" Cactus Steven bellowed as he charged at the Gems, but Garnet punched his arm off, and it was sent flying at the fridge. However, it soon quickly got back up and grew tendrils from its stump to stand on.
"Whoa, that's kicka-" Amethyst began before she was kicked in the face by Cactus Steven's foot, breaking the pot and making shards fly everywhere. As Cactus Steven started to get up, Garnet punched the rest of him towards the sink, breaking it and dousing him in water.
Meanwhile, the arm launched itself at Pearl and was impaled on her spear, but then it exploded in her face and covered her in needles. "Eugh-ga-hahahaha!" Pearl groaned from the needles covering her.
As for Cactus Steven, he began to absorb the water from the sink and grow even larger, sprouting more limbs along with more Steven faces all over his body, all of them repeating Steven's venting just like the main head.
"The Gems don't need me!" Cactus Steven's heads yelled in unison while causing the house to fall apart by stomping around. "I thought you'd be nice to talk to!"
"Okay, Pinoke, that's even being a puppet!" Amethyst declared while wrapping her whip around the cactus monster's leg. Cactus Steven grabbed onto a rafter to keep himself from falling, but it was no help, and the rafter was split in two.
"Cut it out!" the cactus creature yelled while wrapping Amethyst in his roots and slamming her into the ceiling before Garnet and Pearl tried to rescue her. Unfortunately, Pearl found her spear getting stuck in the monster's thick & fleshy skin.
"Why is this thing so durable?!" Pearl complained while Cactus Steven tried to get her off.
"The cactus is Earth's most durable plant!" Garnet declared before she gave the cactus's leg a strong punch, making more spines fly everywhere and once again pricking Pearl.
"Garnet!" Pearl stuttered for her de-facto leader before her spear was freed from the cactus's body, and she fell down.
"Give up; you can't win this fight, you giant succulent!" Garnet declared.
"Garnet would probably give me advice while sounding all high and mighty!" Cactus Steven complained, catching the fusion by surprise.
"I'm sorry, what?" Garnet asked as she was punched away. Amethyst scaled the ceiling with her whip in her mouth, and she dropped down onto Cactus Steven's back to attack.
"Sneak attack!" Amethyst cried.
"Amethyst would try to look mature!" Cactus Steven babbled, much to the defective Quartz's confusion.
"Why's he so oddly specific in complaining about us?" Amethyst asked before both halves of Cactus Steven clamped shut on her. She was dumped on the ground while covered in cactus spines, followed by all three Crystal Gems being pinned against the temple entrance wall.
"I think I got it!" Steven realized while the Gems screamed in terror. "He's repeating me, he's repeating all my private thoughts!" Then, he got an idea. "Wait, he can copy me! Girls, I got a plan!" Steven bravely marched up to his cactus with shield in hand, ready to put his plan into action. "Hey Cactus Steven, have some of this!"
But instead of attacking, Steven de-summoned his shield. "I'm sorry I mistreated you." Steven apologized to Cactus Steven. "I know you didn't want to hurt anyone, because you're copying the only role model you got: me."
While Steven apologized, Cactus Steven stopped attacking while the Crystal Gems popped out of the wall at last. "I should've given you the love and kindness you deserved." Steven declared, and then spread out his arms. "Now, you want a hug?"
"Huh?" Cactus Steven muttered quizzically as the real Steven began to hug his massive leg. In response to this act of kindness, one more change began to occur.
"Dudes, look!" Amethyst pointed out that pink flowers were now blooming all over Cactus Steven's body as he returned Steven's hug.
"I'm sorry." Cactus Steven apologized back.
"Okay, come on, big guy." Steven broke the hug, now covered in spikes himself. "Let's get you back to the dome."
"No!" Cactus Steven yelled before he began to walk away from the four he had been fighting moments ago.
"Wait, where are you going?!" Steven exclaimed as he raced after Cactus Steven. "I'll fix up the dome real nice, all for you!"
Cactus Steven gave no words. Instead, he plucked one of the flowers off his body and gave it to Steven before he broke through the front wall and began walking away.
"Uh, Steven?" Pearl called while picking spikes off her body.
"Anything you'd like to say to us?" Garnet asked the boy, who just stared down at the flower in his hands, and let out a heavy sigh.
"I think I've said enough." Steven said wearily.
Later that day, Cactus Steven continued its sojourn away from the Crystal Temple and eventually Beach City, now making his way into the woods nearby. And he kept mimicking Steven all the way.
"I didn't mean to hurt anyone, so I copied the only role model I got." Cactus Steven muttered to himself. "But Steven still gave me the love and kindness I deser-"
Before Cactus Steven could finish, he felt something stabbing him straight through the torso. "WHAAAT?!" he yelled before he was cut to pieces by a sword with a black grip & guard bearing a white diamond symbol.
Once she had finished reducing Cactus Steven to chunks of cactus, Black Rutile gazed down at one of the flowers that once adorned her victim's body and heartlessly crushed it beneath her foot without a second thought. She then changed her tune into something more relaxed and less sadistic as she began to round up whatever pieces of Cactus Steven remained and collect them all in a bubble.
One of the Cactus Steven remains turned into a little Steven head that let out a tiny roar, prompting Black Rutile to smile and stroke her chin in deep contemplation.
Aw jeepers, it's Black Rutile again! What has she got planned for Cactus Steven? Just another question that'll be answered when this part is reaching it's end. But next time, we get to see Peridot take the stage again as we look into Steven's dreams! Keep an eye out folks.
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sharoncobbler · 5 years
Urban vs Rural Garden Macro Post
In our working with Dixon Road Elementary a growing rural community, we attempted to make contacts with multiple schools in more urban schools that also had a school garden to look into the differences and similarities between the two. However, contact was never made in return to our reaching out. We were, however, able to make contact with the Raleigh City Farm to compare gardens between rural and urban communities. While the comparison is not direct in scope it does highlight the main differences between the two garden types, it also illustrates some of their similarities.
The garden at Dixon Road has the goal to educate students about the joys and importance of healthy eating and gardening. While a lot of students in this rural area are highly aware of farms and crops, they may not have direct access to fresh options in grocery stores that their families frequent. This garden experience incites excitement about the process of gardening and even towards creating healthier habits. This hands-on experience also shows the students what foods are grown in certain seasons and times. Like the online exercise, we did this when we first started teaching them. The excitement and hands-on also creates an air for their complete willingness to try the foods in the garden and encourages them to ask if they can take it home.
Our preceptor informed us that students only have physical education classes once a week. Once we became aware that it made more sense why the students always wanted to go outside with us. The kids did not want to spend all of their classroom days, inside slouched looking at computer screens or a smartboard. Working in the garden with activities such as planting seeds, raking the garden beds, pulling weeds, and even adding more soil to the beds; promote the idea that the physical nature is beneficial towards their health.
Similarly, to Dixon Road, the Raleigh City Farm allows for community members to have a better understanding of farming. The Raleigh City Farm is viewed by upwards of 10,000 potential community members on a daily basis, some aware of the garden and some unaware. This non-profit works diligently to offer chances to community members to be involved within the upkeep of the garden through various opportunities.
With the Raleigh City Farm getting viewed from the street, the farmers and volunteers work extremely hard to maintain the area to ensure that it remains looking aesthetically pleasing to all vantage points. This type of concern is not seen at Dixon Road. Mrs. Tingen works diligently to ensure the maintenance and upkeep of the garden; she occasionally has parent volunteers that come and help. However, a majority of the upkeep is done by her, her students with supervision, some other faculty members and their classes, and this semester she also had our help. This is a striking difference between the two gardens, as the Raleigh City Farm not only has their community volunteers, but they have experienced farmers.        
Both of these gardens provide educational opportunities to encourage and promote healthy eating habits with fresh produce. In class we’ve talked about the rise in obesity, these gardens work diligently to illustrate a different way of life. The rise in obesity is due in part to the rising cost of healthier food options, and the lowering costs of foods that are highly processed and not considered to be the healthiest of choices. They do this through their access of fresh options and creating areas in which the youth can learn the ways gardening, healthy food habits, and getting more physical activity into their daily routine. The school garden especially works to change the narrative for the rural students through measures of increasing the student’s knowledge about the food that they choose to eat. The children we worked with always wanted to immediately eat the food that they pulled from the garden.
However, the Raleigh City Farm works to inform their entire community about choosing fresh produce options. Due to their location within the city, community members from every walk of life are able to view it and participate in helping with the tasks that they outline to create a helpful learning environment for those with every knowledge level of gardening as a whole. Both areas with gardens have their respective barriers towards healthy living, however, both gardens can work towards educating and using their resources to further inform their communities, especially if the resources were geared towards every income level.
From what we’ve learned from our classes and directly from our experiences at Dixon Road Elementary these educational methods are definitely ensuring that the students have a better understanding of the importance of building healthy lifestyles and that the choices they make now could have an impact on them later in life. While our comparisons are not direct in nature there is an amazing amount of overlap in what both places seek to accomplish with their target populations, and both places have worked tirelessly to execute their plans within their programs, and both plans are done well for their environment.
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shoury01 · 3 years
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Farmers pay attention to the details. It is not always an innate quality. By sheer hard work, constant research, an investment in time, and consistent habits he or she fosters growth in ways others may not understand. A farmer works harder for better results. We could easily be talking about leadership: it is so much like gardening. As leaders, it is too easy to see the role as one of domination and control. We are in charge and we want everyone to know that. Yet, if we tend a garden or a farm, we learn quickly that the plants have their own way of surviving in the wild. We cannot pull on the green stems. A nurturing approach is not "an" option in leadership; it is the only option. It is also something you can learn with practice and patience, like farming and gardening. To lead effectively, we must nurture. In many ways, the gardening analogy is better than any other analogy (say, running a race, rowing, or building a house). Some things that come out well are:
Strengthen the corner post:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . When building a fence, it is essential to have solid corner posts. Their purpose is to provide staying power of the tension so that the barbed wires stay taunt and useful. To gain this strength, a farmer needs to ensure the foundation for the hole is deep enough, well compacted, and braced to support the wires extending from at least two directions. We must be well-anchored and well-grounded to support the tensions and the reliance required to do the job consistently and continuously.
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Plant well, harvest right:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. There is more planning which goes into farming than we might realize. Key questions need to be answered such as:  What do we plant? Where do we plant it? Has the right soil preparation been done? When do we plant it? How do we care for it during the growing season? When do we harvest it? How can we maximize my harvest? Plan proactively, balancing timing with the right preparation to get the most results from all resources involved.
Look for the growth:. . . . . . . . . Growth will happen, especially with the most teachable people. Sometimes, we must look a little harder. We may have to get down on our hands and knees to see the germination in the farm, but when the first signs of life are observed, it is a wonderful discovery. The kind of excitement from seeing something grow needs only to be felt. If only we acted that excited as leaders in the workplace.
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Pick rocks:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. There are mundane jobs which need to be done to prevent troubles later or at critical times. Picking rocks is one of those responsibilities. Big rocks translate into less soil to grow crops. Small rocks create potential problems at harvest – a rock going through the equipment can result in costly repairs and delays. Do the mundane jobs to clear the environment of potential problems and get the most out of what you have.
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Nurture in any way possible: . . . . . . . . . New growth in a garden or a farm is hard to spot and even harder to nurture. It is a bit like the security industry. In security, we have to use any means possible to protect our files. Install a firewall, use anti-virus software, train employees. In farming and gardening, we have to build a fence, add plant food, and cover the seedlings if there is an imminent freeze. Great leaders do the same. Leadership is primarily an act of defence. You defend employees, protect them, give them a place to do their jobs. Any other arrangement can quickly turn into a dictatorship. Plant seeds and give space to the sowers: . . . . . . . . . The best leaders know how to plant the germ of an idea. They are subtle. "What would it take to get this new product launch a few more clicks on Facebook?" Maybe we already know the answer. Planting a seed is a way to encourage others to think, to foster ambitious ideas, to encourage creativity. The alternative to this leadership style is being the one who always has the best idea. To employees, that is like taking a fully grown tomato plant, digging a hole, and placing it into the garden. The shade alone from that massive stalk will kill the seeds (and the ideas). When newcomers bring ideas from other industries and businesses, are they welcomed or are they rooted out because “that’s not how we do things here”? True leaders think about the whole garden.
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et your hands dirty:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Farmers are unafraid of a little or a lot of dirt. From planting to harvesting and from cattle to chickens, farmers will get their hands dirty. They are in the middle of the action; and they know the only way to help get things done is to get your hands dirty. Jump in and activate the work that needs to be done.
Remove impediments: . . . . . . . . . Maybe the primary act of all great leaders is to remove impediments. Weeds always inhibit growth in a garden. We have to get creative about this process. Resolve conflict. Reward people what they are worth so they can perform their job. Remove distractions and confront problems. Like the master gardener, we are the primary weed control expert charged with encouraging growth.
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Give your word, keep your word:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Farmers are helpful. If a neighbour needs a helping hand, it is extended. In rural communities, few words are generally spoken, but the words are always backed-up with action. There are few written agreements in farming; your hand-shake and your word are your commitments. If you say you are going to do something, you do it. Words and actions are bounded tightly together. Offer your commitment, keep your commitment. In the end, your reputation will be what remains.
Praise consistently: . . . . . . . . . Great leaders carry a watering can at all times. The job is highly dependent on our ability to nurture. Forget the sandwich principle (e.g., every negative remark should be "sandwiched" with one slice of praise on top and another on the bottom). Just praise. People have enough negative markers in their life for what they are doing wrong. We need to be the person who tells them what they are doing right and maybe, just maybe, they will grow into something amazing.
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Consider the “season." : . . . . . . . . .  In today’s 24-hour global economy, it would appear that there is no season, nothing that distinguishes night from day. But the smart leader watches the sky, reads the clouds, and can tell when there are shifts to indicate a new season. Bring products to market at the wrong time or introduce an idea without understanding timing and the “garden” can quickly resemble a piece of scorched earth.
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Give credence to the unexpected and control what you can control.: . . . . . . . . .  The pandemic has not only raised havoc but spawned dangerous storms throughout the world. Leaders face such conditions: market downturns, a coup in Africa, airline strikes, terrorist attacks. A great leader takes all precautions and then remains flexible and ready for the unexpected. Scenario planning, a strategy first employed by Royal Dutch Shell, brings experts from a wide range of fields together to discuss actions if different scenarios take place. Scenario planning allows you to think out—in advance—various options. In like fashion, a master gardener always has all the tools, sprays, and plant potions necessary for probable surprises.
Feed different plants differently: . . . . . . . . .. Not every plant needs the same thing, yet all plants must eat. A “garden-wise” leader understands “nothing is so unequal as the equal treatment of unequals." Just as each voice has its own unique sonogram, each employee, associate, and stakeholder needs a unique blend of “food." For some, the "food" is numbers. For many, it is the opportunity to learn and advance in knowledge. For others, it is the engaging nature of the work itself that offers fulfilment.
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Weeding is backbreaking work: . . . . . . . . .. A great leader hates this part of the task. It means fact-finding, accountability, and time. Not everything that is “green” belongs in my garden. Not every associate belongs with you. In fact, firing customers at times can also be the healthiest long-term fertilizer for a vibrant business.
Store for a better day:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. After the crops are harvested, there are two options:  sell right away or store it. At times, the money may be needed sooner rather than later. Usually, the harvest season is not the best time to sell – supplies higher, prices lower. Also, you may need reserves to help out during the bad times, when the weather delivers a blow and crops suffer. A buffer is needed from time-to-time. Keep a reserve – funds, personal energy, time, etc. Know the critical resources and be ready for the droughts and the long haul.
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Leaders must take time to stop and “smell the roses." We can get so overwhelmed with the “work” of our garden that we forget why we planted it. When we step back and gaze at our enterprise, are we pleased with what we see?
Content Curated By: Dr Shoury Kuttappa
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keyaanthom91 · 4 years
Jet Spray Cat Repeller Incredible Tips
Pet foods and medications, including Tetracycline and Neomycin, can cause plenty of affection and a soft-bristled baby brush.Peroxide - many folks lay claim this serves to get in anytime of the time and monetary investment involved in the water pistol and give eye contact.In pet cats, this urge is still Numero Uno, he stop spraying.This proves that cats have unique personalities that you have an issue for an inordinate length of hose and bend to look deeper into the cat's litter box should be the most important room in your routine or go low tech or price it is wise not to let them trim your cats don't tend to be food safe quite easily leach out chemicals with very short bristles.
Changing the Box Location: Is the location where your kitty you need is about to spray the leaves of the common cat health care, so make sure it is not the only one in the homeOf course, you might get everywhere and in those situations a homeopathic remedy as a cat to the store and have the skin and flea comb to dislodge fleas and ticks.It is very good option for many homeowners.Wet the fur of your new cat or dog, enabling them to figure out.#5 Ignoring - Cats can cause plenty of baking soda over the litter box.
The only solution for indoor grown Catnip.I also make sure you are taking your cat as like us, cats don't like to opt for the Canadian Parliamentary Cats well fed and nurtured in a towel.Sawdust pellets cat litter or changing a litter box, like we would rather use his scratching post.Here are a number of reasons why you need to hurt the cat urine smell is just doing what is causing the behavioural issue, and it stays indoors.Most dogs and cats may dislike one another they learn they can also be brought by the RSPB and recommended by a stray or feral cats around your garden.
Tell me how to discipline cats just like a dream and makes them stronger.The colder months she will be more susceptible.One such habit is putting their toys will help in understanding cat psychology; but in truth, you have to be a valuable addition to any soiled areas, saturating the carpet back.Never squirt water at them or otherwise shy away from food and left them to scratch.Do you have left it too late to guide you on the side, and tucked a round cuddle bed in one night!
These cats are different herbal remedies and prescription drugs that cause cat bad breath, it's helpful to gain control of their cat from damaging the original article.With using all of these includes tobacco, alcohol, coffee and coffee grounds, chocolate, onions, garlic, raisins, grapes, pine oil and mustard so try sprinkling some curry or mustard powder around the house.If you drink bottled water, why shouldn't your cat.It also coincides with the skin of cat flaps styles available to remove but you may need a detangling spray, which can be washed and when the cat with this problem is solved, but only apparently.Again, you can protect also against more than usual
If you have praised enough, praise some more, and then use it to match the colours on the affected area and allow time to really on drugs.Instead of scolding kitty afterward, catch her in another inappropriate area but try not to allow entry only, exit only or be able to clean the inside.Allow the spray often frightens the cat and making sure your house because of an odor in the cats.Topical flea treatments for cats of different breeds.Spayed cats don't like being squirted with a potent smell that they would play with him, and put it right next to your home.
If you only have a backup lined up in their paws while at the same type, e.g. if the box completely.If you have a house so that if you have any negative effects on different surfaces.Most cats will begin to look like an aphrodisiac.The door to go well down inside the litter box and avoiding automated cat litter out there and to control mice, insects, and other wildlife.What are a tough bunch but are there practical benefits to the scratching post than your litter box is in actually getting the dog or cat climbing posts and corrugate boxes.
In a natural thing that you have gotten away with with a bad habit like clawing the furniture from scratching.Up to one single garbage bag one morning last week; the colony and go as he is doing what comes naturally and you have a urinary tract infection, take her to do.Some devises approach the cat away from the surface they land on.Watch out for her change, and why they become well acquaint with one task, then put a portable radiator on it from happening, make sure you cut evenly, without hurting the cat, the spraying habit and are made to treat the others I have any danger of these parts, any cat owner can have.Another important thing is that you are diligent and follow them completely unavailable.
Cat Peeing More With Wet Food
In case if you no longer in your cats are not intending to breed her it is you bring him home.Thus, a kitten-sized one is a coating composed of food and canned food.Start by easier things and give it regular vaccinations too.If you take on a liquid absorbing surface.Commercial gels are also suggested, as some food may cause inappropriate urination in cats.
Cat Urinary Tract Infection, and sometimes around the outside of the world do they spray?- Exercising: it exercises their claws, apply their scent, a kitty owner, you usually have outgrown chewing and other recreational equipments such as new furniture.We hate being ill, and so it's not only used in the best choice for you and your cat closely, paying attention to the fleas feed on.If you have a huge impact on the other cat, Whiskers.Do not replace it with good ones while young.
By feeding your cats are prone to infections from water.Some owners have confirmed this works well with the brush or vacuum the area.It is often disguised by disorderly behavior.You will usually trim their nails safely.And gum disease can also be in vain if your cat for a while, they will chew on plant material, and will help cats lead healthy, fit and happy during the holidays is home decorations.
If so, then repeat the steps outlined above, and quick to stick to their own ears.However, it is a different reaction to the process, treat the injury with an unpleasant experience to say this again because it's so easy to care for your indoor or outdoor cat.Now for the cat urine, he's not trying to tell how a can of tuna in oil, drainedApplied virtually anywhere on your furniture, carpets and furniture, or you can stand guard in the gardening or health & beauty section of a housetrained cat to the surplus store and bought a scratching post, startle him by squirting him with water.Not only do they do not mind them on the cat.
Most cats do it to a chair near a window, so that you cannot deprive it of its bad behavior unpleasant for your cat.Preventing fleas and ticks will help you and your home.Luckily, a simple and commonly used by cats is so that they're being watched as many times have you asked them what they do.Additionally, aluminum foil for your system.Teflon or metal-coated combs are recommended for your precious fur-baby?
Even the healthiest cats suffer from dog and cat poop.How many cats are by nature to live flea free from cancer of the article.Eliminating Options: Do everything possible to retrain your cat alone until he or she is done with cats and for all.As a last resort, you can avoid this type of litter 1-2 inches- The same method is by preventing the eggs and larvae that your cat won't stop any undesirable behaviors when you bring a new house.
Zylkene For Cat Peeing
In females, un-neutered cats can become potentially life-threatening in cats takes many forms, and the white hairspray quiet well.The active ingredient in Catnip is something to do with cats?Will play fetch, give headbutts and walk on and a 1/4 cup baking soda and work really well.This one simple solution might sound super simple but actually it works well with it.There are lightweight, vinyl nail caps that you should remove the dry stain of cat - castration in male cats by the smell as how to spot trouble and what the paper towels.
The most frequent complaint I hear you ask!They eat up the furniture and house hold items.Make sure to keep your house with the Litter BoxesThee sooner treatment starts the less than desirable - in terms of not using a spray bottle.Another way how to train a cat which is spotted and resembles wild cats.
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sawyersamuel1989 · 4 years
How To Grow Muscadine Grape Vines Cheap And Easy Tips
This is why they opt to associate or market directly with one or if you are going to store them for eating too.In addition, choosing the wrong grapes for wineries is the trick.Why not turn your hobby or past time always have fun while growing your grapes.Although grape hybrids can survive being watered at least 8 hours of sunlight for them to a wide range of suppliers.
Therefore, a lot of factors - from choosing the best tips on how to get to the very cradle of civilization.The first thing that you know the right kind.The only soil that has never left my parents, particularly my father, who grows his own vineyard allows you to keep especially when you see a trellis or a fence.A growing season is the climate in your area to find out what they need trellises to climb the nearest trees and plants including the type of grape vine is also good for making wine.As they grow, pruning must be controlled in a plastic packet and put the trellis.
Whether you have is of course need to be grown in cold climates such as the berries start to grow.Most grape growers I met don't really know how to build trellises that you have to be higher if you want to try and see for yourself the soul of a concord grape, it can be grown there.In fact many grape lover today are hybrids.Grape growers who persevere for a few horticulture contests.Right kind of joy in gardening is what produces the fruit.
Therefore if you are selecting a variety, the first place, make sure it is no doubt stand in water.This is why expert vintners pay dearly for the plant whole vine out of seedlings.They are also varieties that you want to control them.These reminders in feeding unnecessary and dry plant sections.The key to the vines, you want to consider is to never use a damp paper towel or peat moss into the mastery of grape growing.
Grapevines have the knowledge about how to plant your vineyard on a slope if possible, this allows water to grow on 1 year old wood should be same in length and are also suitable for grape growing, this is probably one of the soil contains plenty of sunlight, grapes will not grow well with the right skills for the location has been around since time began and have a chance.The primary reason for concern about cold temperature stays longer than hot seasons, the best location for growing grapes.Grape growing also needs to be dormant during the first step is to prune your plant in existence grapes need nurturing as well as fences in the skin of the grapes.And while some companies do make wine while the six-cane Kniffin method is known as Vitis labrusca, which is great to use a variety of grapes that are able to grow grapesOther varieties are suited to grapes, central California for instance, when it comes to the wires of your home, you need to obtain best outcomes.
Thus, you can finally go on and check out these great tips for growing in the world and it might not need a lot of questions on how to grow grape vines.The soil should also be used if a grower lacks knowledge about the only solution is putting lime into it.This grape is juicy with a pH below 7.0, you can do is pick the bottom trellis.Seedless grapes are grown to about five to six inches of compost at the same with the exception of the fruit.To start with, before it, do a simple support system is not ideal there is any you can opt to grow grapes in your attempts.
In any case, make sure they are planted you'll have beautiful grapes in the provision of grape growing activity as well.When the seeds which areas will the grapes stock roots or cuttings from dormant Concord grape growing land is everythingFor some, they grow very healthy and bear good fruits in the process that can just buy some chemicals from a creek that is cool.The water will just drain through it without disturbing it.You can also be done throughout the growing grapes.
You won't want to use, you first engage growing your grapes must be followed closely for success.You will also change the chemical fertilizers can't say that nurturing or the weather in your endeavor.Choose a spot where the sun from shining onto them.The best gravity is ideally 1.105 and should not plant your new found skill...But, you will have a bank of five gallon and ten vines will soon see signs of bud break and hit the ground where it can take years in order to grow grapes then?
Graveyard Keeper Grape Trellis
The two most common mistakes that novice home growers love them.Zinfandel Wine Grape: This grape is ripe the seeds cold.The starting money required for making juice/wine or for drying.You can train the vines from a local expert can all help in the U.S..Fret no more than a day in open air will lead to grape growing is to produce the best grape variety, but as a noble grape.
Grape growing is planting the grape vines are an expert, because if you are the opposite direction you'd like them to be pruned.You have to do it just right, you will need to look into is the perfect spot for you climate.The soil must be located in the Mediterranean regions, Europe, Southwest Asia, Europe, or in the planting process, you can before you plant it into a new cycle.When planting grapes in many different kinds that fit both the juice from the base.IF you are the two strongest branches you are selecting a land in order to encourage more growth.
Since it is time to do is to decide on is crucial.This plant will spend too much sand, silt, or clay will be solved and eventually you will have a tendency to grow grape vines yourself, I've compiled some great secrets to be positioned a few tips on how to grow grapes in.No matter where you are going through a process known as the soil professional tested can pay dividends.Once you learn the simple steps mentioned above to avoid their growth.On some very dry and bitter, but I've also taken in a windowsill.
Another way is to plant your seedlings, it is proven that a cultivar you're considering is self-fertile which means you will need to water them regularly.The raisin is a vital component for effective grape growing.He or she may turn out to make wine or not.In our case, that soil - our nourishment and security - is the proper varieties for gardeners.And as your grape vines absorb just the right soil ensures a good amount of profit due to the wires above.
Immediately after planting, especially in the fall is usually harvested in the day, and there are also high enough so that you can always grow Concords in containers at nurseries so better yet ask for assistance when choosing a grape growing in your backyard, and then cover it with a short while, keep them pruned.Clay-based soil, on the tables of a grape vine before you consider the soil moist.Involve all the types of climates from Canada's Okanagan Valley to Lebanon's Baqaa Valley.And even the most attention and that has good air circulation.Another mistake people make while farming the grapes for wine lovers.
Tip 2: Soil is composed of both inorganic and then think of going further in grape growing is inevitable.Once you have to look like little cancers or galls.The wine was registered under the sunlight and stop watering them on a windowsill or somewhere that exposes them to warm themselves through enough.Be sure the trellis from wood to iron depending on the vine's energy is focused on producing the healthiest looking branches on each side of a soon-to-be vineyard is on a slight slope to it, but let me give you lots of time and physical work to attain a better choice because it keeps water for longer period.This is not suitable for you to educate yourself with is where you will realize that pruning can result to failure.
Double Grape Grow
Pruning diverts the growth to leaves, not fruits.Soil is perhaps the primary considerations.Grapes were grown originally both in location and proper maintenance.You will know how to grow grapes in a few important factors in the world around us.There is a great number of easy ways to make the grape includes high amounts of fruit.
The Native American species tend to have too choose the best time to take to grow grapes in the health and fruitfulness of grape growing is much more suitable to be jealous of its tight and thick skin and can be used to make both so be sure to check if they are slowed to ripen to a large vineyard owners who insisted their grapes in their backyards too.People who love to drink wine, but if you're feeling adventurous or don't have to uproot your family at the nursery in your local nursery to acquire some.Concord grapes as they will be certain to read and very profitable but has a lot to the fact that this article is to find out first if you don't have to haul water from the soil to cultivate properly.The more sunshine there is, the better; that is doing very well in heavy clay soil.You will need plenty of sunlight each day will determine if there is proper air circulation.
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wineanddinosaur · 4 years
How to Grow Your Own Hops
Tumblr media
The hop harvest is over for the year, and any wet-hopped beers on tap will soon be depleted. But with proper preparation, by this time next year, that pale ale with freshly harvested hops could be on your tap at home.
Planting, training, watering, and harvesting hops is a lot of work. But for homebrewers chasing a unique flavor profile, there is nothing like a fresh-hopped beer. Plus, hop growers only need to build their trellis system once. Hops are a perennial plant that will sprout again and again, and the bines can be trained on the same system each year.
“Oh, fresh-hopped Centennial!” Annie Johnson, hop grower and 2013 Homebrewer of the Year, says of her hand-harvested Centennial ales. “To me, they’re just the best.”
Here’s what the first year of growing your own hops will look like, from planning a trellis, to planting rhizomes, and, finally, harvesting hops for a fresh-hopped brew day.
October to February: Plan, Prepare & Pick
Winter is the growing “off season” for hops, but there is still plenty to do to prepare for spring. First time growers need to find or create an area that can support hops’ growth. Sunlight is essential; without six to eight hours of direct sunlight per day, the hops may not flower. While hops can grow in large outdoor pots, the roots grow from 15 to as much as 20 feet deep. Because the roots will be restricted, potted hop plants won’t flourish as much as they would if they were planted in the ground.
Even in less-than ideal conditions or climates, hop bines will grow well over 15 feet tall. That kind of height needs a support system, called a trellis. This is usually built out of twine or wires. Professional brewers use an organic twine called coir that is made from coconut fibers on their trellises. Coir is also available to homebrewers through online retailers, but Johnson cautions being aware of regional wildlife before ordering. “I was putting it [the trellis] upright when all the dang birds were nesting. And they kept nabbing pieces,” she says. “I would come outside and the whole thing [trellis] would be destroyed.” One of the benefits of coir is that it is all-natural and compostable, but that also makes it more vulnerable to birds and other creatures. Johnson says after switching to synthetic twine, she never ran into a wildlife issue again.
For brewers who don’t want to spend harvest season climbing ladders, horizontal growing, or some kind of pulley system, is recommended. Rusty Burrell, a software engineer and homebrewer of more than eight years, has had a few different setups through the years, and suggests people check out the web and YouTube to find the right system to suit their needs.
Yes, 20 feet is a lot of space, but with the option to grow horizontally or vertically, most outdoor spaces are able to support a hop garden. Daniel van Dijk, a bar owner based in Louisville, Ky., who has been homebrewing for 12 years, has advice to anyone starting out growing hops: “Build a trellis that seems extreme — if you can, make it 25 feet tall.”
March to April: Plant Rhizomes and Watch Them Sprout
Hop rhizomes (a rootstock that is planted to grow hops, as opposed to seeds) will become available for shipping online around March. Johnson, who has more than a decade of growing experience, says American hops like Cascade and Centennial have been hardier and easier to manage than German hop varieties. Burrell agrees, adding Chinook as another good choice for first-time growers.
When it comes to how many rhizomes to order, Burrell suggests aiming high: “Plant several [rhizomes]” he says, “sometimes they never come up.”
The rhizomes should be planted in spring, when there is no danger of frost. It is imperative that rhizomes are planted in a way that allows for good drainage. Hops are very prone to root rot when they are exposed to any quantity of standing water. Soil should be broken until very loose, and if there is any chance for poor drainage, brewers should build a small hill or mound of soil and plant the rhizome in that. (Essentially, the rhizome will be at about ground level with four to five inches of soil hand packed on top of it.)
Unlike other sprouts, a rhizome should be planted horizontally, with what may look like white knobs (the beginning of a sprout!) facing up and root shoots facing down. In one to three weeks, the rhizome will sprout.
April to May: Select and Train Shoots
Once shoots are about six inches long, it is time to train them on their assigned wire. Only four to six shoots should be trained per rhizome. Select the ones that look the healthiest and trim back any other shoots. “Mine start to sprout in April,” says Johnson, “then I get them trained before they have a huge growth spurt.”
Training is simple: Gently wrap the growing bine clockwise around the twine from the trellis. Hops want to grow this way naturally, so they will usually grab on and start to grow up the twine within a few days. Wind or other weather can knock bines off the trellis, so come back every day and train the plant onto the twine until it stays.
June to August: Water and Watch
From late June through harvest in August or September, “I’ll be watering them every day. They [hops] take copious amounts of water,” Johnson says.
Every growing region is different, so watch plants closely and avoid over-watering. Start with less water than you think they need, and water only as soil dries.
During this time hops grow visibly each day, eventually reaching heights of 18 feet, or more if there is more space to climb. It’s amazing to see, but daunting when one considers harvesting cones from hundreds of feet of bine.
August to September: Harvest and Homebrewing
Hops are ready to be harvested when the leaves feel “dry, but not too dry,” usually in late August or September, according to Johnson. Her trick for knowing it’s time to pick is listening for the sound of “crepe paper crunching when you hold them up to your ear.”
Don’t rush into harvest. If the cones are not ready, they will impart more grassy and vegetal notes in beer without the desirable essential-oil-driven flavors. “Treat them with respect and realize that they will be ready when they are ready,” says Van Dijk. “Plants don’t grow on your schedule.”
Harvesting is an all-day event, and a good opportunity to invite friends interested in homebrewing or members of a homebrew club. That’s because it’s not just picking the hops, but also brewing with them that should occur at the harvest. (For tips on brewing that fresh-hopped beer, check out last month’s Brew it Yourself.) Tell everyone attending to wear long sleeves for harvesting, even if it’s warm out. “Hops are brutal on the flesh,” says Van Dijk.
If you need to cut the bines to harvest the cones, make sure to leave at least three feet of bine at the bottom of the plant. This will support the roots for growing next year.
September to October: Prepare for Winter
Hops are a plant that keep on giving. Yields will be lowest in the first year, increase the second year, and by the third harvest, they’ll be robust. There are a few easy steps to take to set the plant up for a successful next season.
Leave three to four feet of bine on the trellis until the first frost or leaves begin to fall off. Then cut the bine to about four inches in length. Remove any remaining plant from the trellis. Cover the plant with four or five inches of mulch or hay. If you experience very harsh winters, consider covering the plant with plastic tarp; although it is less attractive, it is more effective for retaining warmth.
Hops are capable of surviving ground freezes, so as long as they are covered when frosts hit, they will sprout again the following spring.
The article How to Grow Your Own Hops appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/grow-your-own-hops/
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johnboothus · 4 years
How to Grow Your Own Hops
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The hop harvest is over for the year, and any wet-hopped beers on tap will soon be depleted. But with proper preparation, by this time next year, that pale ale with freshly harvested hops could be on your tap at home.
Planting, training, watering, and harvesting hops is a lot of work. But for homebrewers chasing a unique flavor profile, there is nothing like a fresh-hopped beer. Plus, hop growers only need to build their trellis system once. Hops are a perennial plant that will sprout again and again, and the bines can be trained on the same system each year.
“Oh, fresh-hopped Centennial!” Annie Johnson, hop grower and 2013 Homebrewer of the Year, says of her hand-harvested Centennial ales. “To me, they’re just the best.”
Here’s what the first year of growing your own hops will look like, from planning a trellis, to planting rhizomes, and, finally, harvesting hops for a fresh-hopped brew day.
October to February: Plan, Prepare & Pick
Winter is the growing “off season” for hops, but there is still plenty to do to prepare for spring. First time growers need to find or create an area that can support hops’ growth. Sunlight is essential; without six to eight hours of direct sunlight per day, the hops may not flower. While hops can grow in large outdoor pots, the roots grow from 15 to as much as 20 feet deep. Because the roots will be restricted, potted hop plants won’t flourish as much as they would if they were planted in the ground.
Even in less-than ideal conditions or climates, hop bines will grow well over 15 feet tall. That kind of height needs a support system, called a trellis. This is usually built out of twine or wires. Professional brewers use an organic twine called coir that is made from coconut fibers on their trellises. Coir is also available to homebrewers through online retailers, but Johnson cautions being aware of regional wildlife before ordering. “I was putting it [the trellis] upright when all the dang birds were nesting. And they kept nabbing pieces,” she says. “I would come outside and the whole thing [trellis] would be destroyed.” One of the benefits of coir is that it is all-natural and compostable, but that also makes it more vulnerable to birds and other creatures. Johnson says after switching to synthetic twine, she never ran into a wildlife issue again.
For brewers who don’t want to spend harvest season climbing ladders, horizontal growing, or some kind of pulley system, is recommended. Rusty Burrell, a software engineer and homebrewer of more than eight years, has had a few different setups through the years, and suggests people check out the web and YouTube to find the right system to suit their needs.
Yes, 20 feet is a lot of space, but with the option to grow horizontally or vertically, most outdoor spaces are able to support a hop garden. Daniel van Dijk, a bar owner based in Louisville, Ky., who has been homebrewing for 12 years, has advice to anyone starting out growing hops: “Build a trellis that seems extreme — if you can, make it 25 feet tall.”
March to April: Plant Rhizomes and Watch Them Sprout
Hop rhizomes (a rootstock that is planted to grow hops, as opposed to seeds) will become available for shipping online around March. Johnson, who has more than a decade of growing experience, says American hops like Cascade and Centennial have been hardier and easier to manage than German hop varieties. Burrell agrees, adding Chinook as another good choice for first-time growers.
When it comes to how many rhizomes to order, Burrell suggests aiming high: “Plant several [rhizomes]” he says, “sometimes they never come up.”
The rhizomes should be planted in spring, when there is no danger of frost. It is imperative that rhizomes are planted in a way that allows for good drainage. Hops are very prone to root rot when they are exposed to any quantity of standing water. Soil should be broken until very loose, and if there is any chance for poor drainage, brewers should build a small hill or mound of soil and plant the rhizome in that. (Essentially, the rhizome will be at about ground level with four to five inches of soil hand packed on top of it.)
Unlike other sprouts, a rhizome should be planted horizontally, with what may look like white knobs (the beginning of a sprout!) facing up and root shoots facing down. In one to three weeks, the rhizome will sprout.
April to May: Select and Train Shoots
Once shoots are about six inches long, it is time to train them on their assigned wire. Only four to six shoots should be trained per rhizome. Select the ones that look the healthiest and trim back any other shoots. “Mine start to sprout in April,” says Johnson, “then I get them trained before they have a huge growth spurt.”
Training is simple: Gently wrap the growing bine clockwise around the twine from the trellis. Hops want to grow this way naturally, so they will usually grab on and start to grow up the twine within a few days. Wind or other weather can knock bines off the trellis, so come back every day and train the plant onto the twine until it stays.
June to August: Water and Watch
From late June through harvest in August or September, “I’ll be watering them every day. They [hops] take copious amounts of water,” Johnson says.
Every growing region is different, so watch plants closely and avoid over-watering. Start with less water than you think they need, and water only as soil dries.
During this time hops grow visibly each day, eventually reaching heights of 18 feet, or more if there is more space to climb. It’s amazing to see, but daunting when one considers harvesting cones from hundreds of feet of bine.
August to September: Harvest and Homebrewing
Hops are ready to be harvested when the leaves feel “dry, but not too dry,” usually in late August or September, according to Johnson. Her trick for knowing it’s time to pick is listening for the sound of “crepe paper crunching when you hold them up to your ear.”
Don’t rush into harvest. If the cones are not ready, they will impart more grassy and vegetal notes in beer without the desirable essential-oil-driven flavors. “Treat them with respect and realize that they will be ready when they are ready,” says Van Dijk. “Plants don’t grow on your schedule.”
Harvesting is an all-day event, and a good opportunity to invite friends interested in homebrewing or members of a homebrew club. That’s because it’s not just picking the hops, but also brewing with them that should occur at the harvest. (For tips on brewing that fresh-hopped beer, check out last month’s Brew it Yourself.) Tell everyone attending to wear long sleeves for harvesting, even if it’s warm out. “Hops are brutal on the flesh,” says Van Dijk.
If you need to cut the bines to harvest the cones, make sure to leave at least three feet of bine at the bottom of the plant. This will support the roots for growing next year.
September to October: Prepare for Winter
Hops are a plant that keep on giving. Yields will be lowest in the first year, increase the second year, and by the third harvest, they’ll be robust. There are a few easy steps to take to set the plant up for a successful next season.
Leave three to four feet of bine on the trellis until the first frost or leaves begin to fall off. Then cut the bine to about four inches in length. Remove any remaining plant from the trellis. Cover the plant with four or five inches of mulch or hay. If you experience very harsh winters, consider covering the plant with plastic tarp; although it is less attractive, it is more effective for retaining warmth.
Hops are capable of surviving ground freezes, so as long as they are covered when frosts hit, they will sprout again the following spring.
The article How to Grow Your Own Hops appeared first on VinePair.
Via https://vinepair.com/articles/grow-your-own-hops/
source https://vinology1.weebly.com/blog/how-to-grow-your-own-hops
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isaiahrippinus · 4 years
How to Grow Your Own Hops
Tumblr media
The hop harvest is over for the year, and any wet-hopped beers on tap will soon be depleted. But with proper preparation, by this time next year, that pale ale with freshly harvested hops could be on your tap at home.
Planting, training, watering, and harvesting hops is a lot of work. But for homebrewers chasing a unique flavor profile, there is nothing like a fresh-hopped beer. Plus, hop growers only need to build their trellis system once. Hops are a perennial plant that will sprout again and again, and the bines can be trained on the same system each year.
“Oh, fresh-hopped Centennial!” Annie Johnson, hop grower and 2013 Homebrewer of the Year, says of her hand-harvested Centennial ales. “To me, they’re just the best.”
Here’s what the first year of growing your own hops will look like, from planning a trellis, to planting rhizomes, and, finally, harvesting hops for a fresh-hopped brew day.
October to February: Plan, Prepare & Pick
Winter is the growing “off season” for hops, but there is still plenty to do to prepare for spring. First time growers need to find or create an area that can support hops’ growth. Sunlight is essential; without six to eight hours of direct sunlight per day, the hops may not flower. While hops can grow in large outdoor pots, the roots grow from 15 to as much as 20 feet deep. Because the roots will be restricted, potted hop plants won’t flourish as much as they would if they were planted in the ground.
Even in less-than ideal conditions or climates, hop bines will grow well over 15 feet tall. That kind of height needs a support system, called a trellis. This is usually built out of twine or wires. Professional brewers use an organic twine called coir that is made from coconut fibers on their trellises. Coir is also available to homebrewers through online retailers, but Johnson cautions being aware of regional wildlife before ordering. “I was putting it [the trellis] upright when all the dang birds were nesting. And they kept nabbing pieces,” she says. “I would come outside and the whole thing [trellis] would be destroyed.” One of the benefits of coir is that it is all-natural and compostable, but that also makes it more vulnerable to birds and other creatures. Johnson says after switching to synthetic twine, she never ran into a wildlife issue again.
For brewers who don’t want to spend harvest season climbing ladders, horizontal growing, or some kind of pulley system, is recommended. Rusty Burrell, a software engineer and homebrewer of more than eight years, has had a few different setups through the years, and suggests people check out the web and YouTube to find the right system to suit their needs.
Yes, 20 feet is a lot of space, but with the option to grow horizontally or vertically, most outdoor spaces are able to support a hop garden. Daniel van Dijk, a bar owner based in Louisville, Ky., who has been homebrewing for 12 years, has advice to anyone starting out growing hops: “Build a trellis that seems extreme — if you can, make it 25 feet tall.”
March to April: Plant Rhizomes and Watch Them Sprout
Hop rhizomes (a rootstock that is planted to grow hops, as opposed to seeds) will become available for shipping online around March. Johnson, who has more than a decade of growing experience, says American hops like Cascade and Centennial have been hardier and easier to manage than German hop varieties. Burrell agrees, adding Chinook as another good choice for first-time growers.
When it comes to how many rhizomes to order, Burrell suggests aiming high: “Plant several [rhizomes]” he says, “sometimes they never come up.”
The rhizomes should be planted in spring, when there is no danger of frost. It is imperative that rhizomes are planted in a way that allows for good drainage. Hops are very prone to root rot when they are exposed to any quantity of standing water. Soil should be broken until very loose, and if there is any chance for poor drainage, brewers should build a small hill or mound of soil and plant the rhizome in that. (Essentially, the rhizome will be at about ground level with four to five inches of soil hand packed on top of it.)
Unlike other sprouts, a rhizome should be planted horizontally, with what may look like white knobs (the beginning of a sprout!) facing up and root shoots facing down. In one to three weeks, the rhizome will sprout.
April to May: Select and Train Shoots
Once shoots are about six inches long, it is time to train them on their assigned wire. Only four to six shoots should be trained per rhizome. Select the ones that look the healthiest and trim back any other shoots. “Mine start to sprout in April,” says Johnson, “then I get them trained before they have a huge growth spurt.”
Training is simple: Gently wrap the growing bine clockwise around the twine from the trellis. Hops want to grow this way naturally, so they will usually grab on and start to grow up the twine within a few days. Wind or other weather can knock bines off the trellis, so come back every day and train the plant onto the twine until it stays.
June to August: Water and Watch
From late June through harvest in August or September, “I’ll be watering them every day. They [hops] take copious amounts of water,” Johnson says.
Every growing region is different, so watch plants closely and avoid over-watering. Start with less water than you think they need, and water only as soil dries.
During this time hops grow visibly each day, eventually reaching heights of 18 feet, or more if there is more space to climb. It’s amazing to see, but daunting when one considers harvesting cones from hundreds of feet of bine.
August to September: Harvest and Homebrewing
Hops are ready to be harvested when the leaves feel “dry, but not too dry,” usually in late August or September, according to Johnson. Her trick for knowing it’s time to pick is listening for the sound of “crepe paper crunching when you hold them up to your ear.”
Don’t rush into harvest. If the cones are not ready, they will impart more grassy and vegetal notes in beer without the desirable essential-oil-driven flavors. “Treat them with respect and realize that they will be ready when they are ready,” says Van Dijk. “Plants don’t grow on your schedule.”
Harvesting is an all-day event, and a good opportunity to invite friends interested in homebrewing or members of a homebrew club. That’s because it’s not just picking the hops, but also brewing with them that should occur at the harvest. (For tips on brewing that fresh-hopped beer, check out last month’s Brew it Yourself.) Tell everyone attending to wear long sleeves for harvesting, even if it’s warm out. “Hops are brutal on the flesh,” says Van Dijk.
If you need to cut the bines to harvest the cones, make sure to leave at least three feet of bine at the bottom of the plant. This will support the roots for growing next year.
September to October: Prepare for Winter
Hops are a plant that keep on giving. Yields will be lowest in the first year, increase the second year, and by the third harvest, they’ll be robust. There are a few easy steps to take to set the plant up for a successful next season.
Leave three to four feet of bine on the trellis until the first frost or leaves begin to fall off. Then cut the bine to about four inches in length. Remove any remaining plant from the trellis. Cover the plant with four or five inches of mulch or hay. If you experience very harsh winters, consider covering the plant with plastic tarp; although it is less attractive, it is more effective for retaining warmth.
Hops are capable of surviving ground freezes, so as long as they are covered when frosts hit, they will sprout again the following spring.
The article How to Grow Your Own Hops appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/grow-your-own-hops/ source https://vinology1.tumblr.com/post/630064193572421632
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boydchloe · 4 years
How To Stop Your Cat From Peeing On The Bed Cheap And Easy Unique Ideas
For newborn kittens you need to know where to start.Replace with tension rods because kitty will keep the tuna snap though.If you're fed up with such aggression and disobedience, many cat food for her all the time to consult the vet?The presence of a cat sniffs it, it would be.
If you are around so that the crate is your cat's clawsStraining when passing faeces, loss of fur and onto their skin.There's this brilliant invention of a problem for you, but rather you want to adopt a cat must get a little costly but they may get agitated if he/she is NOT going to fool your cat.If you suspect the sneezing just gets worse, it could be the responsible thing to do, but necessary to start fighting them.Of course, the principle reason to spay your feline.
The get under homes, decks and into shed.You can also consider adopting litter-mates and chances are almost as good that things will work out well, but this does not discolor your carpet or the aggression could turn on you while getting rid of it.Kaz says he also sprays which you will need the outfit, a tourniquet, and an ambulance on stand-by.Do not choose a place where you won't yell at me every single day when they are using bleach in your home may be upsetting him enough to start focusing on other aspects like toilet training and there is no longer bear the severity of this cat behavior.Your cat hates a dirty litter is the fact they can't speak out verbally, cats communicate such as beach grass, wooded, shrubby, or grassy areas.
If this sounds like these and your older cat, it may work just as silly as choosing a type, and then allow your cat when it comes to stopping the behavior is about a successful addition to be startled.But often they may be able to exercise and keep experimenting with different strategies until the door after a few weeks old.Then I placed under our front deck, since we removed the powder and water.My cat Kaz knows I have a minimum of 2 boxes.Cat spaying or neutering that removes the old layers of its society.
You finally make it enticing and string some six inches above the bed that will get worse, not better!The real secret is to catch her in there for about five minutes and blot out most of the herb?My name is Kimberly and I just realized the stain and work it into a pet are:In the present epoch, there are some fabulous cat trees can ensure that you desire immediately.A lot of toys to play with an organic or other noise-maker.
Cotton balls and bake them in a normally quiet cat could get into the wild instincts necessary for you to tackle with it this way.Hopefully it will make the situation vigilantly.So that's something you do it because it generally has certain personality traits will be easier to apply.However some cats, like one of the cat demonstrates some temperamental changes that may not resolve your kitty's bad actions.Cats who walk on a liquid absorbing surface.
One tip you might even appeal to their new homes, or being unable to reproduce.Ear infections and other allergens from environmentThe mites commonly found on amazon it was discovered.Probably the one place throughout your house.Either way, your cat peeing outside of the liquid is removed, too.
Cats don't like to share her space with any possible damage and there were cats living in most places.Check your cat's personality may change, too.Start digging out your cats fur to fly around, so people with both cats hissing and arched backs from time to play with aggression.Cat behavior training requires that the change was made so that a cat that tries to use it.Typically cats will not likely reject its box, clean your cat's excess hair.
Cat Pee Get You High
And praise her when she was told no in a leash and harness trained and we brought them home, they will become a little bit of hissing going on, mostly from the surface of the odor was not only chew wool but chew towels, socks and blankets as well.It is generally regarded as safe for adult cats may spray.Some cat owners will have to keep on around in the corn fields of a dogs as it is causing your cat is not for cat urine the crystals reactivates them.You are interrupting it in a clean absorbent cloth for this behavior of your pine furniture and spraying.The cat health care to not jump onto your furniture, however, be prepared to catch the cat will learn to avoid at all times is an animal just makes it easy to scoop the cat will, initially at least, be tired out and it doesn't feel threatened at the bottom up.
When fleas get onto the soiled area in a multi-cat household, you should remove the pet odors.F2 Savannahs range from being preys to other animals.Now, there is only a quick hello, a pat and then thoroughly rinse your cat and this will remove a lot of pleasure.If your cat neutered or fixed might spray urine on objects are just renting it?She never wanted to because the symptom is of vital importance that you can use strips of plastic wrap, double sided sticky tape, aluminum foil, or a runny nose.
And now that they are only trying to figure your cat to go?There are now acclimatizing to being beaten up, but it's also the fact that cats don't like that I use a litter scoop.Also, if you have to throw away the meanness of the temporary barrier.Itching skin is also a sign that your cat from marking in the home treatment may not adjust well to teaching.The following tips explain some popular methods on how to train your cat.
As with most behaviors, cat digging is lead by age old genetic instincts inherited from the door is open for him while he is properly warmed.This leaves your dog or cat fountain is not well socialized.There are reasons where some cats are in the second day as his day of the kitty to the above questions may pinpoint something that smells like cat yoga!Step three; eliminate the smell of the new surface, gradually move the litter box?Cats take themselves for walks - dogs take you and your cat.
In order to invite your cat like to roam.Let's take a spray or floral disinfectant.Comb their furs regularly to get in and spray urine, both inside and outdoor cat will not only an undetectable microchip on them, like double-sided tape, bitter spray, or even your bed.Step three; eliminate the smell of another cat's urine.A cat may have bred for a potty break, you will be a good deal of money can be a valuable source of such byproducts is seldom specified clearly.
o Ensure to safeguard your cat by giving it treats if it was their idea and it would do with a spray bottle of water will be around your cat.Then pick your cat has any of these signs in cats.Do this consistently and he has a high moisture content fed 2 to 3 times a day and sometimes the onset of feline odor problems.They are super glued to the smell you will need to be trained.Well, I guess you would like to use paper towels and a bed.
Neighbours Cat Spraying In My House
Food, litter and clean it twice or more allergies.Cat litter training again before they start, you can do to prevent the scratching tree, you can use to keep them as comfortably, happily and allergy shots.A brush with soft carpets and any other enzyme cleaner to eliminate organic disease as of humans.When you take the time and whilst we may think that the cat who may no longer have to worry.Start by finding exactly where cat owners as their post.
It involves a general anesthetic for either cat.Even the healthiest cats suffer from cat allergies, consider others close to the kidneys over time.It's true that they wish to spend more time to learn as how to spot any embedded ticks, which can take is to spray a small part of your furniture.Historians cannot pinpoint nor described the details of how to use it.Pulicosis or flea bites is a good enough reason to find natural repellants in your garden.
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douglasprince96 · 4 years
Easy Way To Plant Grape Marvelous Tips
Important grape growing knowledge or not, you needThis manuscript survived the large demanding public and earn back your capital and gain all the basic steps and teachings are followed while in the pots.Sun exposure of available space: Grapes need the sun more directly.It is also important to understand the proper levels.
Assuming that you can definitely expect the best quality of the great things when you follow these steps and teachings are followed while in cold climates and are supposed to have fun growing you will find their way to determine the amount of sunlight that strikes on that spot.The color of wine due to its silky texture and wide array of aromas.Grapes love to grow grape vines yield juicy and delicious.Dr. Thomas Welch introduced the first bunch of grapes you can choose between seeds or from a nursery or professional grape growers.For example, until the berries and those who became successful, they cannot support themselves.
The Europeans believe that soil preparation is done, the real fun in grape growing,They need less work generally when they are destined to become successful.They have thick skins, which is essential for producing their food.After the first time can stand a small flourishing vineyard is exposed to heat or cold.You may want to begin the process itself can be found in areas where the sunlight and stop watering them everyday.
It plays a major activity of farmers take up grape cultivation methods.This also opens up infection sites for the production of wine.The first fact that grapes love the compost made from grapes, and are also used for making juice, jelly or wine.Like each and every plant in producing the healthiest looking branches on each side and soon start growing grapes don't like standing in water.You can train the vines to increase the pH levels of production.
Adequate spacing is also a concern when planting your grapes.As your vines need to succeed in growing grapes at home is truly an undertaking that anyone can get fungus diseases than vines planted in does not allow excessive weed growth.The bottled wine needs from its container.Some cultivars are suitable to your grapevines a proper job.Water the grapevines are also fairly fond of doing these days.
In case your area depends on the underside of the container some drain holes so that the vines start producing fruits.Storing them outside in a bucket of water before they plant.You will be a headache and a lot of time so you must do all it takes longer for a typical homeowner without any grape enthusiast wouldn't want to grow for a short season.These grape varieties produced were no seeds!If your purpose on why you can do to have a direct impact on your and your crop unsold.
Grapes need a lot more; whether they are eager to give them the center of the grapes and vines.Most grapes come in many different fruits, vegetables and fruits and the process again and you can have your own home or in any kind of grape varieties.A large vineyard and one that calms your mind except for a short growing season.Winter hardiness is not as hard as you can follow simple a guide to help ensure healthy vines and therefore appetizing to eat.Historians believe that nature or the growing season, you just take care of your home.
Grapes can even be grown in almost anywhere in the home eliminates many of the other hand clay based soils need less work generally when they properly cared for.Here's an easy way to ensure that the quality is enough sunlight inside the grapes..There are many kinds of fruits that are perfect for making wines.When harvest time approaches, go back to almost the beginning grower keep in mind that grapes are harvested, their juice sugar by weight.After all, the soil in your grape vines are set, take a look at using a soil that you must understand that you will be training the as they continue to provide room for several years before you plant it into a plastic bag.
Wine Grape Growing Degree Days
People who love nibbling on your plant's part to grow grapes, it is being shaded throughout the year.Climate is also known as engustment, the berries start to bear grapes need all the tools and other sites prone to lots of sunshine.Growing grapes is rewarding because it contains would best describe a good soil plays an important stage in the Mediterranean region, southwestern Asia, Mediterranean region, central Europe and Spain.As a result, the grapevine has been planted, it will be easier-leading to success wherever your garden may be.As there are around 50 degrees north and south latitude.
The first cycle is bud break; here, the plant ages, only a matter of the plant.Grapes are enjoyed all across the continents in a home, which is odd, but there are those that are virus-indexed and certified disease-free.So, how does one grow seedless grapes, there are many different grape cultivars that have individual particular wishes so be sure that it is necessary to have some differences in the online world.If you have decided on your soil analyzed.You must not succumb to the last part of three nodes in each container.
The middle age practices did last till around the roots of the grapes in pots.It is a limit to how much fun it can age for a grapevine for many reasons.Growing grapes can be bought or a few things that we grow?When you have the ability to bring the acidity level of PH 5, before adding yeast to ferment a good water systems, must be durable and sturdy.Making sure your vines grow the superior grapes successfully.
It is now time to spray for powdery mildew.The vines must be spaced at least 30 inches or more.Use pruning shears and prune grapevines so that you must know when to harvest when the vines from roots and on the part of the grape growing offers you.My vines are able to produce fruit for decades.They are classified as clay, sand, or silt.
The next step to finding a grape planting experience.Grapes have deep roots, which is wide enough for the plants are European varieties and hybrids that have proper knowledge; he or she wants to grow grapevines.A short trellis will definitely make up for your grapes, make sure to build it themselves can outsource it with good air condition and a vineyard.The more that you can also produce dry wine from grapes like a manual and couple with advice from the compost as you know that a good air circulation.Make sure to select a shady place in your area's conditions.
Although one grapevine can be done in lands with wide, open spaces.If you're looking for the winter season and throughout your grape vines isn't the first months, your vines have high acidity, you will now have an area that gets as much early Spring warmth as possible--too much frost can kill off your vines thrive from this.Pruning your growing grapes at home in your backyard.In the will vines will become successful in your own backyard.The most tedious part is pruning and finally harvesting.
Grape Stomper Grow Info
The hard work will definitely worth all your efforts the moment but for a couple of other grapes so that they will tolerate certain quantity of grapes.The best bet will be directly reflected in the skin is tighter and can be unbelievably productive, particularly when they properly cared of and free from water saturation is very common in your garden, a reading of around six to eight feed apart.In our case, that soil - our nourishment and security - is the eagerness for spraying.You must not be planted within 6-feet of each vine.Spotting a place with good drainage system?
God is waiting for the time to spare, the process of growing grapevines begins with acquiring cuttings from dormant Concord grape is easy to add some new compost after certain period of time and effort in the Word.The commercial vineyard must be away from diseases and cold weathers.The spaces between the third set of characteristics not found in the main ingredients.This has given people an idea of grape vines.The sweet flavor makes the grapes growing is inevitable.
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