#she's gotta be more careful about her actions fr
mlchaelwheeler · 2 years
hot take: I didn't love El hitting Angela. Yeah it's satisfying to see a bitch get rocked but the fandom treats it like such a girlboss moment when that really wasn't meant to depict a healthy response. El has a potentially fascinating relationship with violence to explore, so narratively it's fine that that happened except that it kinda went nowhere. I guess she saw that her actions have consequences when she got arrested but then they just dropped it and she didn't seem to think anything of it or grow from it (unless I'm not thinking deep enough thoughts?). I know she had much bigger fish to fry, but I felt like we needed to see her interact with or at least think about Angela one more time to wrap that all up. Idk I love El but the whole bullying arc felt so 2D to me.
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moseslikellamas · 3 months
♱𖣂 Redfork Menace ♱𖣂 pt.2
Benjicot Blackwood x Bracken!OC
Summary - Following the shock of a lifetime while out scouting the borderlands, Shanda deals with the fallout of her actions and makes plans to repeat the same mistakes.
Warnings - fem!reader, strained family dynamics, adult language, obsessive behavior, reckless behavior, braindead behavior, not cannon compliant, kieran burton fancast,
Word count 2.1k
2/6 currently
!Minors DNI!
Ahaha, this is going to be a pretty slow burn type of deal I think. But I am unhinged and cranked out another one before work 😤👍🏻🗣️ Next chapter will be more exciting, I promise. Also everyone involved in any romance is of age of course bc I don’t care about canon and no child marriages here.
Shanda didn’t stop running until she was back home in her own chambers. Shutting her door quietly, she stripped her soaked clothes off. The cloak would have to be mended and she would have to convince Royce, her younger brother, to take her out riding to cover for the rip. That would cost her but it was better than the alternative. Shivering, she quickly dressed for sleep before adding more logs to the dying fire in her harth, then seated herself in front of the flames. Only then did she allow her mind to wander back to the horrible encounter she’d just experienced. Why was the Blackwood heir on guard duty in the borderlands? It didn’t make any sense even if he had spoken the truth earlier. She moved like a shadow but no woman can be invisible. To send Benjicot to deal with a once off rogue spy was a move that was so strange it made her head spin.
Tomorrow she would talk to Martyn first, tell him mostly the truth of what happened and then convince him to let her out again. She had a good start on information for swaying her father but it wasn’t enough. If she went with tales of the heir and half heard secrets, he’d lose his mind at her irresponsibility. But if she found out what the heir was up to and confirmed what real problem the Blackwoods were having, well then he might see reason. He might for once appreciate having a slippery sneaking daughter who doesn’t know how to mind her own business.
Shanda awoke with a start, nearly toppling herself from the chair she’d fallen asleep in. No light shone in from the windows, her room was damp and muggy. Her night clothes stuck to her in an uncomfortable manner, sweat beaded on her brow as she rose to wash and dress for the day. The riverlands were often damp, hot and moist, the air thick with water. Gazing out the window she saw the torches lit and in the distance gathering clouds like a bruise against the gray sky.
Leaving her room, Shanda slowly made her way downstairs. She stopped along the way to make a comment to anyone passing by, making a point to be seen by many and accounted for undoubtedly. Then without pausing in the main hall, headed straight out into the yard to find Martyn. The guard shift was up at first light and though there was no light outside, she guessed it had only been a few minutes since the shift changed.
Martyn was waiting for her outside of the barracks and he motioned for her to walk with him. They began to circle around the yard, walking quietly and slowly together. Her brother was a short man barely an inch taller than her but he had eyes like a hawk and could shoot a field mouse clean nearly a mile away. Which was why he was always stuck on guard duty.
“Well out with it. I’ve gotta have a sleep too, you know?”
Shanda hesitated. What exactly was she going to tell him? ‘Hey so I got into a knockdown fight with the Blackwood heir last night who threatened to arrest me by the way for a made up list of crimes’. Well mostly made up crimes. That didn’t sound like a good idea.
Martyn spoke in her silence, “Did you bring the knife back?”
Shanda inhaled sharply, grimacing.
“About that, I maybe sort of-“
He cut her off, “Shanda please tell me you didn’t leave it.”
“I didn’t leave it per say. It was jostled from my hands, let's say instead.”
The look Martyn gave her was incredulous to the point of absurdity and it took all of her willpower not to laugh.
“Okay listen. Last night I found out the Blackwood heir has been relegated to guard duty. Overheard an argument between him and another guard.” She glanced around before continuing, the yard was still mostly deserted. “They were arguing about crimes being committed on their lands. I don’t know what crimes but it didn’t sound like they were too happy about it.”
“Benjicot was on guard duty? Wait, and you said the knife was… Did you fight the heir to Raventree?”
Shanda pointedly avoided looking her brother in the eye, a bit embarrassed of her behavior in the light of day.
“To be fair, I didn’t know it was Benjicot. I thought it was just some nameless guard!” She hissed agitated at having been caught in such a situation.
“Shanda, do you have any sense? The mother save you, I certainly can’t! If father were to find out...”
He didn’t have to finish that sentence. Shanda had been walking on thin ice lately. But it wasn’t her fault her father had no vision for house Bracken. She didn’t want to play second fiddle to the Blackwoods for the rest of her life. But he was set in his ways at his age and that meant ‘no sneaking into the borderlands to spy on our sworn rivals’. A foolish and dangerous act that she just couldn’t abide. Hence the sneaking tomfoolery.
“Look I need to get the knife back and I need to figure out what they’re up to. Surely this is suspicious behavior!”
Martyn only shook his head looking thoughtful.
“He could just be doing rounds.”
“In the borderlands? You don’t see our father wasting you there, why would they?”
Sighing heavily he replied, “I don’t know dear sister and I’m too tired to care. Don’t do anything stupid and I’ll see about getting you out again.”
Despite her best efforts her face still lit up at his proclamation.
“No promises. Now go away and annoy someone else for a change huh?”
“Sure thing Martyn. Sleep well!”
Waving him off, she waited til Martyn was out of sight before booking it to the stables. It was time to convince Royce now. A much harder brother to move. Royce was three years younger than her and though seventeen, still incredibly immature. Which was why he was in the stables and wifeless. Not that she had a better track record when it came to potential suitors but she could sympathize with women not wanting to spend a significant amount of time around him.
Entering the stables, Shanda could smell the fresh hay that was being spread out. Reminding her of her own duties she was neglecting while outside brother negotiating. The tasks would hold, this could not.
“Royce? Are you here?”
“No, go away.”
Groaning and already regretting the decision to talk to him, she made her way back towards the corral.
“Wonderful to see you brother.”
“As wonderful as an arrow in the eye. What do you want?”
Royce sat on a barrel, cutting an apple open and eating slices from the blade. In the distance, sounds of horses whinnying could be heard. Shanda decided to cut the pleasantries and get to the point.
“I want you to take me riding. Name your price.”
He smirked, weighing the statement while continuing to eat the apple. Mouth half full he said, “Get me out of the Sept gathering.”
She stood there mouth half agape. Get him out of the mourning ceremony? Genuinely speechless, she just stared at him for a full moment before shaking her head and gathering her thoughts.
“Right. That isn’t for a fortnight though and I need to go riding soon.”
He shrugged.
“Ugh. What else do you want?It’s already going to take a miracle to get you out of the ceremony. Which you should go to. ” She pinched the skin in between her eyes, exasperated.
“Well you shouldn’t sneak out at night but then neither of us is exactly the picture of a perfect person.”
That made her look up. “How did you..? Nevermind, mind your own business Royce. Figure out your price, we ride today. I don’t care if it storms, all the better. I’ll be back after dusk.”
Not bothering to hear his reply she left in a huff. Crossing the yard swiftly she made her way back inside, heading up the stairs into the library tower. Arriving in the room, the familiar sight of rows and rows of shelves met her eyes. Shanda takes the first real deep breath she’s had since yesterday as she sits at her desk. Already two messages have arrived, one about the recent steel shipment that she files away for a conversation with her father. The other is a letter from another of her brothers, Gerald who was currently doing bridge repairs.
Neither captures her attention and soon she finds herself in front of the window gazing out. Not at the yard below but at the trees in the distance. The leaves shimmer and twist in the blowing breeze, almost as if dancing to a hypnotic rhythm. What is the heir doing in the borderlands? The tall grass looks dark and forbidding, jutting up in front of the keep, weaving and swaying back and forth. How long has he been on guard duty? The clouds now a deep rolling luster of plum, illuminate as lightning strikes down the sky. Silently and slowly the rain begins to fall resolute. Would they put him on guard two nights in a row?
The first slow roll of thunder startles her back into the present moment. It didn’t matter, she decided, if he was on guard or not. She had to go back tonight, without Martyn. She’d wait longer, spend the day leisurely and then steal out in the dead of night. It was, of course, a foolish plan. That didn’t matter though, she’d be more prepared tonight and have a solid alibi lined up. It would be more foolish to waste this golden opportunity. All she had to do was make it through dinner, ride out with Royce, avoid martin and then sneak out of the yard tonight. After that she hoped only to find her knife and continue reconnaissance from a safe distance. Easy peasy right?
It was not so. The gods must truly find the riverlanders to be the most accursed of all beings. As the day progressed the storm grew to such a height it would’ve been impossible to ride out in it. It built much like it had the night before, growing to a cloying suffocating state that drenched any and everything. But it had given her an excuse to pull the ripped cloak out and wear it outside as she raced to meet Royce in the stables. Unable to ride didn’t mean he was unable to assist her in this endeavor. All she needed was a warm body and a viable excuse for why her very nice cloak had a nasty gash through the side.
The storm raged against the stables and the horses were restless in their stalls. Royce was sitting, relatively dry she noted, on a stack of hay.
“No riding out in this, sister.”
Shanda smiled, nodding. “I agree.” Then she grabbed a horse shoeing tool off the table and ripped at the already torn cloak.
Satisfied it looked like she’d clumsily tripped into a workbench and once stuck had ripped herself free of it. It was believable enough and she’d already made a deal with Royce for his support should she be questioned too much about it.
“No worries brother. We spent the evening playing games and watching the storm clouds. After which I tripped and ripped my cloak. Very sad and wholly unavoidable.”
“Whatever. Just get me out of the ceremony.”
“Of course. Anyway, I’m going to my room now.”
Departing from the stables, she was immediately soaked through but she did not return to her chambers or even the main keep. Instead she made her way into their private sept. It was freezing and the dim light threw wild shadows against the white stone walls. Only a few small candles lent any light to the room but she was unafraid, striding in and standing before the one stained glass window they owned. On it was a rainstorm depicted and in the dim flickering light the window shone iridescent. The window also depicted a large tree, white with branches ever reaching up. She felt small in the shadow of it.
“Can I help you dear?”
The scratchy voice of old septa Beck made her jump. Her head was in knots today. Why had she come here again? She couldn’t remember. Did she even have a reason? She glanced back at the window, forgetting about the septa. Lightning flashed and the leaves on the window seemed to weep red in the light.
“No. No thanks, Septa Beck. I was just saying a quick prayer before bed.” Shanda smiled gently at her before casting the window one last look and leaving the sept. From there she did return to her chambers, it was time to prepare and plan
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daisychains111 · 6 months
live "tweet" books with me (via the Goodreads progress bar) pt.3 Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros
Live tweeting as I read...back by popular demand (literally 1 person on Tumblr (@dumpsters-little-matchbook) asked me to do it again and I was already planning to)
stay strong Vi....just bc he's hot doesn't mean he's redeemed himself for his (understandably) traitorous ways
"she's worth a dozen of me" Xanden you shut up right now I'm mad at you
I'm glad Brennen's alive but I do not trust him at all...pretending to be dead for 6 years is fishy as fuck
hashtag: Andarna protection club...if anything ever happens to that dragon I'll burn the world
violet "I know more than you" sorrengail back in action
lol Brennen making fun of her love life
petition for violet and sgaeyl mother-daughter bonding
awww andarna, all growed up
moody teenage angst Andarna is the comedic relief we all didn't know we needed...nothing is as iconic as her growling at Violet for calling her my dearest
idk if Tairn signed up to be the sole father figure to two teenage girls but Violet and Andarna are about to give him a run for his money
he deserves not to trust Dain bc Dain is the scum of the earth
call his lying ass out Violet as you should
slay violets mom with the redeeming qualities...glad she actually cared if Violet was alive and isn't completely a heartless bitch
fuck dain but also FUCK HIS DAD
the fact that it's him who officially outs them makes me smile hehe
I agree Nadine...that was hot
Xaden being an absolute tease flirt bc she's mad at him is iconic
the joke was funny, your friends ate just lame (jk I love them but still)
awwww Liam's sister you better make it across istfg
noooo I wanted to be friends with Sloane
violet in her older sister era
gotta love the "is everyone I care about alive? yes? slay" moment
the fact that even tairn is warry of the orange dragon freaks me out
tairn reporting for fatherly duties will never not be my favorite...violet may be annoying but she's his annoying
I'm all for the Violet and Imogen friendship but they better not be mean to Rhiannan
also if Rhiannan gets annoying and jealous about them I'll be really sad
nooo I liked Nadine...who tf just snaps people's necks like that tf
Xaden warding her room so he's the only person who can come in COMEDY
hehehe he wrote her a letterrr
violet lying to everyone about her feelings about Xaden except Tairn is so funny...like who's the dragon gonna tell
Xaden is winning every award ever rn bc 1. he's hot as hell, but 2. he's like I wanna sleep with you so bad, but I won't bc it's for the wrong reasons....honorable mf
literally FUCK VARRISH
Sloane needs to get her shit together and Violet needs to stop avoiding her friends
I'm like 80% sure they just got drugged but slay ig
called it...they were totally drugged
tairn comforting Violet about missing Xaden even though Tairn is the one with the bonded mate thing isn't being talked about enough
I would really love to know what those letters say...just saying, sharing is caring
I want to trust jesinia...I really do but it gives me a bad feeling
you let my babies see each other istg...violet is actively moving towards miserable without him
Imogen is slowly becoming the biggest violet/Xander fangirl and I love that for her
give it up Imogen...yall are friends
girlie just wants to be back in a library fr
period Rhiannan...don't put up with Xaden's shit....you threaten him like a bestie should
If Rhi and Violet don't stay friends I'll riot
ooooo don't mess with Tairn's kids...he'll bring that dad defensive
I'm so glad Violet is letting Rhiannan in..be besties again pls
"omg your falling for him" No matter how many times I hear that I'm media I will always be a sucker for it
tik tok says she finally just fucking forgives him in chapter 27... we're on 20, kick into gear people
at her core, Violet is really just like me fr.... 21-year-old girlie pop vibes for the win
 damn the disdain for Dian is STRONG
Rhiannan wins the bestie of the year award....being the best even tho Violet is being a fuckass about not telling her things
see, I knew her mom was a bitch
Rhiannan and violets friendship rn makes me so sad
This aaric dude better keep his mouth SHUT
really looking forward to Xaden beating the shit out of Dain for the shit he just pulled
besties having beef in private...which honestly I feel like will be a good thing
"that isn't a secret" I love ridoc....also Violet why tf would you think that's a valid secret
them getting graded for withstanding torture is WILD
I hate dain to but I love him for that...thank you for being a rule-following asshat
two things: tairn constantly being like "duh your fine, I make great choices" is so sweet but absolutely hilarious....and Rhiannan being a slay icon is my favorite thing
I'm so ready to watch the Fab 4 (I've decided that I'm calling ridoc, rhi, sawyer, and Violet this bc they are so slay) kill jack again bc wtf
watch Mira walk in on them right now...that'd be so freaking funny
tairn and Violet's father-daughter bonding is my fave
tairn is a grade-A overprotective father... it's adorable
no literally....tairn is so over her 21 bullshit...I love them
I have no recollection of who Kaori is...but him standing up to varrish makes him my favorite
ridoc having the vibes to give violet a hard time while his world was just flipped on its head is why I love him
also shout out to Imogen and Quinn bc yall are slay too
why did Jack save her life...go back to being an ass, not sucky jack is frightening
"argue with you about books? I only pick fights I can win" Xaden clearly knows his place
literally just sobbing at the Liam cameo
why does Varrish keep responding to Liam...is Violet talking out loud or like did he pull a jack
damn dain is just...redeeming himself...didn't have that on my 2024 bingo card
her mom redeeming herself too? damn we're on a redemption roll
very serious war book until someone says something like "show off" during an important meeting (cough garrick cough) and you remember that these bitches are in their 20s
Brennan, Xaden, and tairn: violet protection squad
flame section is the iron section? One might say they're the iron flame....wink wink
patiently waiting for a sorrengail sibling reunion...pls bring Mira into the loop
Mira beating the shit out of Brennan, Violet yelling at them to grow tf up, and ultimately Mira and Brennen rebonding over the ickiness of xaden/violet pda...the best sibling reunion EVER
"I have control" girl be so for real rn...the only time you use your power is when you're mid-orgasm, you're not controlling shit
Mira and Xaden being "let's overprotect violet" partners in crime...straight vibes
Andarna: The Hungry One (trademark)
oooooooo violets in trooouubbblleeee
jealous Violet storyline is about to be just as stupid as I'm keeping my friends safe by distancing myself Violet storyline
oh God not talking in 3rd person
"I wasn't in love with you then," *jim halpert camera stare* stfu xaden
DAMMMMNNNNN he's def being annoying but saying he's acting like dain is looooooowwwww
yeah cat just stfu...violet is better than you don't be a bitch
YESSS Liam mentions make me so happy...also I'm so ready for Violet and Sloane to bond
dain just bc you saved her doesn't mean you're not on extremely thin ice...stfu
HA, a length joke...I like Maren
HES SAFE....fab 4 lives another day
cat's a bitch...that's all
Cat's a bitch...but you know who isn't? Rhiannan. gave her bestie the best fighting skills
well that's one way to combat jealousy
he really said "You were annoying and emotional last year, this year it's my turn" Live laugh love healthy relationships
fab 4 are my favorite group of fantasy besties ever....icons..every single one of them
I'm very very excited for the Sawyer and Jesinia subplot...also I don't think I'm opposed to a Dain redemption arch, he just needs to learn his place
"I might even be in love with him after that declaration" HA game recognizes game dain, love that for you
Garrick doesn't get enough credit for being just as awesome as Rhi....slay besties
girlie pop bickering with a side of danger mission and dragon obedience school...my favorite
HAH grammar jokes
 "I get the feeling that this '2nd signet' thing is gonna be a BIG issue...like the plot twist that ends the book BIG
tbh I feel like I don't know him either so I get why she's mad at him
BRUUUUHHH he redeems himself with the "less than a minute" comment
tairn is girl dad...yelling at Violet and Andarna for their shit, yelling at Xaden for talking to Violet...girl dad icon
"Mom and Dad are fighting" See tairn and Sgaeyl are Mom and Dad
poor mama sorrengail...that's not the best way to break that news brennen you bitch
I'm really hoping Violet gets iron squad to go help bc them leaving the others to die is bullshit
they mentioned that the venin had runes, but they were confused as to how. cat is the best at them, and I really really really don't like how sus that is
everyone is so over Violet and her friends bc they're the only ones saying true things
YUH IRON SQUAD...my favorite squad of besties
that was the most stressful thing ever read in my life...if Rhiannan dies I will never recover
I thought Sawyer was going to die and I started crying
The fact the andarna hatched just for Violet is so sweet
you better not fucking sacrifice yourself right now violet unknownmiddlename sorrengail
rip mama sorrengail...this was the redemption arch you deserved
violet breaking down to Rhi is EVERYTHING
FAB 4 LIVES TO SEE ANOTHER DAY (along with Imogen, Quinn, Sloane, Jesinia, Aaric, Maren, and Cat because yall bitches grew on me)
yay xaden's safe, was worried for a bit
saying that xaden cant feel sgaeyl better be a fucking joke rn
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butwhatifidothis · 1 year
It's just so genuinely frustrating to me that almost every single other female character always gets pushed aside in this discourse. Doesn't matter what you think of or how you treat any of the other women, some of whose morals could be discussed just as extensively, the only opinion that matters to judge you is Ed3lgard and Ed3lgard only.
You really just gotta look at how they treat Rhea to see how shallow their care for misogyny is.
Rhea is someone who went through unimaginable suffering and due to that suffering did things that were indeed morally questionable, but (other than Fhirdiad) never cruel. She did everything she did because she wanted to make sure that everyone in Fodlan was safe, and mostly left the humans to their own devices (save for when either the Church was directly threatened or they asked for her assistance). She is someone who puts her own life and safety on the line to protect her people, up to sacrificing her own life to do so.
She gets called an abuser. A tyrant. Crazy. Because when her trauma is not simply left untreated but actively attacked and she reacts poorly to that, that is when her "true" character comes out to Edelstans. Everything she ever does, ever, in any context, gets deliberately misrepresented into being villainous.
Edelgard is someone who went through unimaginable suffering and due to that suffering did things that were not just morally questionable, but undeniably cruel. She did everything she did because she wanted power and wanted Fodlan to go back to how it once was (completely under Imperial control), up to attacking people who went out of their way to stay out of her way (the Alliance). She is someone who won't just endanger the lives of her citizens, but will outright have them killed if it means she can gain more power, by her own admission and as shown in her actions.
She gets called a liberator. A hero - the hero. A victim of a world who hates progress. Because when Edelgard says that she's doing it for "the weak" (ignore that she will sacrifice them as soon as it would help her), because she says that she wants to get rid of the importance of Crests (ignore that Plain Jane inheritance-based systems, which are arguably even more unfair, are still around in her endings), she must be telling the truth! Because Edelgard would never lie!
Even if we were to do a No No and fight in their pit wrt Rhea's characterization, the way that they portray Edelgard is literally no better than how they portray Rhea. She also sacrifices people "for the greater good," she also lies to keep up a certain image to her people, she also colludes with murderers because it suits her wants, and she also rules Fodlan tyrannically - everything that they accuse Rhea of doing, they portray Edelgard as doing, only with hoards and hoards of excuses and Fine Print and Um Ackchually's tagged on.
And that's their main like, way to say that they totes fr fr care about misogyny; villainizing Rhea as a devil while uplifting Edelgard as a pinnacle of morality and heroism, and "debunking" any defense of Rhea/criticism of Edelgard. It's not out of a genuine care about sexism against women, but just a tried-n'-true Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free card to pull out for their fave.
So it's like, I'm sorry, but at this point unless a non-bot, non-troll, actual person comes out and vomits shit about Edelgard needing to be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen or some garbage, whenever anyone says that they found a misogynist talking about Edelgard? I'm just gonna assume that the "misogynist" said something like "oh they must have said that genocide is bad," because that is how wrung out and insincere they're made their usage of the term out to be. Especially when they can't be bothered to treat actual breathing women with any kind of decency the second we say something Mean About Edelgard, which is its own conversation by itself
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automaticllamacycle · 4 months
at first i was okay with her in the beginning of matty’s relationship. but after everything that happened with her. i’m fucking disappointed, disgusted. like yeah we get it mattys happy right now with her and shit. but i just don’t understand how people can still defend her behavior! matty specifically, i know he’s staying off of social media for a good reason, hopefully. but all of this is something matty really doesn’t stand for, it doesn’t sound like matty. sorry for this long ass rant. but she does need to be help accountable for her actions!
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And with that I am done answering these asks for the day. If you wanna send any more thoughts feel free to, but I will be answering them after my birthday is over bc I gotta be fr Gabbriette is the last human being I wanna be thinking about on my bday 💀
But to make commentary on this ask. For her to be held accountable people have to care. And nobody really cares. I don’t mean people on here I just mean in the grander scheme of things people unfortunately don’t care about other people and making sure they don’t do shit like this. They just let it happen over and over again and maybe get upset at it for a day and that’s it
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taramaclaywasaterf · 7 months
What are your thoughts on the song The Other Man
Someone giving me an excuse to talk about Sloan??? Oh my fucking god anon, I’m in love with you, please marry me. Congratulations this is what has officially gotten me to post for the first time in like a year🫡😭
The other man is the Dumbfuck Lesbian Anthem fr fr… ok not really lmao but it was MY anthem during my late teens/early 20s when I was a raging dumbfuck asshole chasing women I definitely shouldn’t have been with. 
“You know he's not the one for you but that's no fault of mine. He knows that I'm a friend of yours but doesn't know I've crossed the line. I know you've got a man in the picture but it hasn't stopped me yet…”
I mean… come on lol. You can’t tell me a lesbian cover of this song wouldn’t be an absolute fucking banger.
For a, like, feminist analysis of the song…look, I’ll fully admit to being a giant hypocrite and super biased because I love Sloan and have hung out with all the guys before/after shows for the past 10 or so years I’ve been seeing them live. I’ve been listening to them since I was like 11. I fucking love this stupid band. I have a lot of good memories associated with them. One of my best friends who passed away loved the band too, so they’re just really special to me. 
That said, is the song misogynist? Yeah, women aren’t, like, objects for men to fight over. Men acting like they’re the victims of their own actions are gross. It’s about the time in 2002 when Chris was dating the singer Leslie Feist at the same time she was dating another guy named Andrew from a different band and how pretty much everyone except Andrew knew about it.
It also talks about how Leslie didn’t know there were rumors (“He's going to find out that the rumours are true, though they are still unbeknownst to you. He'll find out, so I'll tell you because, you gotta find out before he does.”) which is something he seems…proud of? Idk, I’ve never liked that part of the song. Well, the part of the song is fun to sing lol, but I never liked those lyrics because it just feels like a man flexing his power over a woman, getting off on her not knowing everyone knows her secret. It’s gross.
Chris has never been creepy or weird or misogynistic to me or anyone I know in the years I’ve known him, and he’s had multiple opportunities to take advantage of my friends and I, especially at the shows I go to alone. BUT, if anything comes out about him, I’ll believe the victim. I don’t care how well I know a man, I’ll always believe a woman first and foremost and I never allow myself to like/trust a man enough to believe he’s above being a piece of shit. 
If you have more Sloan questions let me know lol I will yap about this band all fucking day if you let me
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honnojis · 2 years
go forth friend. ramble about your favorites of the SV cast (w warnings where absolutely necessary ofc!!)
i wanna hear ur opinions of em !!!!
OUGH okay i will. put all of that under the cut bc i'm definitely going to talk about big spoilers AND IT'S GONNA BE LENGTHY BECAUSE I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS. SV may be a mess in some aspects but the story is the best it's been in many gens, if not the best story in any Pokémon game
i gotta talk about the two elephants in the room first; RIKA AND ARVEN.
For Rika; She's giving me gender envy bc like. god i wish that were me. But also I want to marry her because oh my god I love her and her design so much GAMEFREAK WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME. Why do they always keep getting away with this shit EVERY GOD DAMN GEN that there's a character I end up being down bad for LOL... She's so chill!! But she's also so nice!!! And I'm ough. I really hope any future DLC will give her more screentime or at LEAST let me rematch her because why the fuck can i not fight the E4 again!!! sir!!! lemme see her!!!!!!!!!
Arven.............. he is my son now. That whole last stretch of the story in area zero really REALLY solidified him as my favourite of the main cast because man he's been through a lot and this guy can't catch a fucking break!!! Had to go years without seeing his parents only to find out that the one parent he remembers and saw only very occasionally as a kid died years prior to the game's events protecting the mirai/koraidon you've been traveling with all this time. And the whole thing about Mabosstiff!!! The titan questline had me tearing up on several occasions. im AUGh.... I'm so SO weak for characters like this who appear a bit standoffish at first but then open up to the player and they're just beans that have gone through a lot and are trying to help. And his own resolution to become a chef with the knowledge he now holds over the herba mystica to help others felt like the most logical course of action for him to take so i'm glad he found what he wants to strive for next!! anyways sorry not sorry if i end up drawing him a lot LMAO he lives in my brain rent free. son boy allowed
Then there's Nemona!!! She's so fucking head empty no thoughts and I love her. And if there's something in that head of hers it's just a brick with the only thought being violence and battle. And you know what? good for her! good for her. She's really funny and probably one of the most fun rivals we've had in recent history for pokemon. I like that she's not just super talented either, she literally explains to the trainer when you talk to her in postgame that she had to work hard to even get to this point. She really feels like a mirror to the player but she just took her journey of becoming a champion a year or two earlier than the player did. But also wow same lady ur just like me fr fr
Penny!! she's just a bean that cares for her friends!!! And the team Star story stuff really felt nicely done. Trying to help her friends that were painted as bullies because of a misunderstanding and mismanagement at the school while the team Star members aren't bad people at all. I also absolutely love her sass when traveling with her in Area Zero (and subsequently the dynamic between Penny, Nemona and Arven as a whole, they're best friends now your honor)
I genuinely was not expecting that but hearing the hardbass i was like wtf holy shit they went OFF with this track!!! The track is an absolute banger too but definitely felt unexpected for a character like Penny. Good for her though!! She's got one of the best themes in the game and im jamming
And then Turo! I played Violet but I'm aware that the same thing happens with Sada in Scarlet so it's easy to just replace names. Man... I could talk about this part of the story all fucking day. The professor is probably one of the most interesting "villains" in Pokémon as a whole and I'm SO GLAD that the series finally went down this route, because they absolutely nailed the story telling with this. Area Zero blew me out of the fucking water and was so unexpected!!! This whole segment has "REJUVENATION" written all over it!!! I was literally WAITING for Jan to get to this segment after completing the game, only for him to say the same exact shit LOL. I was not expecting this from a main series Pokémon game at ALL and frankly I'm so glad it did because this whole story segment with made Violet easily one of my favourite pokemon games in the series.
AI Turo stimulating the player from the background to find the herba mystica with arven and them becoming stronger but not really wanting to talk to Arven because-- just like his original counterpart-- he's too focused on the goal of the mission to care for the son of his original counterpart (though him being an AI also might hinder processing emotional attachment even MORE than the original Turo already had problems with). The reason why Turo hasn't visited Arven in years being that the original is dead and AI Turo literally cannot leave the crater due to him needing the power of the Tera crystals to stay functional. AI Turo, despite being the same in almost every possible way, realizing and coming to agree that there's no logic in the original Turo's decision to want to introduce future Pokémon into the ecosystem KNOWING that it'd destroy the old one, making him a better person than the original was-- and painting the original Turo as the villain in this situation due to that his obsession with the future as written in the Violet book drove him to ignore how wrong he was for what he was trying to do, even after death. AI Turo knowing that he himself is part of the security system and needs to be fought in order to put a stop to the time machine, hence why he stimulated the player to keep training and taking care of Miraidon. AI Turo realizing that he needed to go in order to put a total stop to the time machine because his very existence is keeping it active. He says "I want to see the future" and leaves the present day in order to stop the time machine, but there's some deeper implications here; in practice this is AI Turo taking a massive risk by sacrificing himself to save Paldea because on the chance he ends up outside of the crater, he'll cease functioning and will practically die. And you know? The revelation that he's an AI powered robot actually makes total sense if you paid attention to his animations and speech mannerisms; he's the only character that doesn't have a breathing animation (it's not even there in the first video transmission you see of him! and it's the same for Sada in Scarlet) and is constantly identifying the player & friends through student ID's and biometrics rather than acknowledging them as actual people. BUT ALSO THAT BATTLE WAS SO FUCKING COOL!! Genuinely challenging too since you had to figure out his mons' typings on the fly, AND HE'S GOT A BANGER BATTLE THEME. Toby Fox you've done it again you madman
honorable mention goes to Clavell and Grusha, the former because Clavell is fucking funny as hell and I'm so glad he ended up being more involved in the story than I expected. Sir you're a little behind with the times AND YOU ASKED ME WHAT CHEUGY MEANS WHICH KILLED ME but you're all the funnier for it. thank you. Grusha gets the mention because he caught me off guard by having the highest leveled gym team out of any of the gym leaders with having mons at level 47 while I strolled up with my mid-30's team and got my ass blasted. thank you sir. i will now never make the mistake of thinking you're a lower tier gym leader just because TPC advertised you early. good god
All that being said, I could go on about every other character but these really were the ones that stuck out the most in my mind. i have so many thoughts about this game and i swear the brainrot's going to be around for a LONG ASS TIME
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vitani-carnis · 2 months
Finally it's time to talk about...
Jill Sprouse...
Or rather, Vitani's teenage years and early adulthood before they went to Atlanta. This is an extra long post since it covers 9 jam-packed years. Honestly I should write out some detailed memories and junk too... MASSIVE TW for character death (not described but Jill is basically the wife that got fridged in some superhero/action story fr. But obviously not V's wife, just their caregiver whom V worshiped basically) and A SUPER DUPER BIG ONE for attempted sui stuff. V is very sad here and only stops for the dumbest reason (but not really, I'll explain it later). Also it's implied that V has seen the XBD that Jill was in firsthand (only for a little bit to get info on a guy who they gotta kill), so that's unpleasant. I really tormented this baby with this arc and made them relive it with Evie.
Jillian Sprouse was a nineteen-year-old doll that V met when they were crying on their stoop over their family straight up dropping them. Jill, who already had her problems (not that V ever knew), took them in. There was little chance Vitani would've survived long without her either, they were exceptionally easy prey as a homeless "girl"; Jill wasn't sure she could turn them away, despite everything telling her to do so.
Within six months, Jill was their legal guardian (I imagine it'd be way too easy to adopt a kid in this universe, laissez-faire capitalism and all that, probably just really expensive.) She couldn't find a trace of this kid's parents anywhere, and it didn't help that it took a good month before they gave her a last name to do so. Vitani told her, "I don't have a last name anymore. They aren't my family."
Every time it made Jill give a groaning sigh. This was going to be *way* harder than she thought.
And oh boy, it was. For Jill, at least. V had never felt so loved and understood and taken care of. It was exactly how they imagined it would feel, but even better. As for Jill's time? It was exactly how she imagined having a little sibling and a child, rolled into one. V was annoying, weirdly obsessed with a terrorist (seriously, did they ever take that Samurai jacket off?), and generally just vaguely off-putting.
It took Jill almost a year to start liking V. Despite how off they were and how having them around chewed through her wallet, they weren't... that bad...
She'd realized, that V was probably one of the better kids to get stuck with. They stayed clean, got good grades in everything but math, and didn't ask for much. They even stopped constantly talking about some sixty-year-old band so much. Even if she had to take more life-draining shifts at the dollhouse, it was almost worth it.
To V, it wasn't. They hated the fact that Jill was a doll. Not because she hated dolls either not anymore, at least (they weren't *all* like her mom). They didn't like it because Jill didn't like it, but when they mentioned getting a new job, all she did was shake her head and say, "I'm a little too in deep, don't worry though, it's adult stuff."
Jill was only five years older than V, how did she even know what 'adult stuff' was? They were fifteen! Practically an adult already...
If they knew anything about adults (and V liked to think they did), the problem was money. That was always the problem, at least for their parents. They just needed to make money... somehow...
V started by hacking various machines around town. It started with small stuff, mostly old arcade machines that no one would care about to learn how things worked, they spent months trying to figure out bigger things; vending machines, newer gen arcades, electronic pachinko machines. Things hopefully no one would kill them over. Miraculously, they never got caught either (of course it helped when you threw rocks at the cameras). It wasn't much, but it was something.
At sixteen, V learned how to box. They thought it'd be more lucrative to start street fighting with the other non-chromed kids in Heywood. Quickly, they realized that most kids did not fight fair, and often in their first fights they froze. For a moment, every single opponent reminded them of their parents. After ten fights of getting their ass beat and losing whatever cash they had been scrounging for months, they finally won.
They didn't remember how it happened, just that one moment, they were getting a jab to the face and the next they were on top of their opponent and squeezing the life out of them... It almost reminded them of their brother. That was the moment they let go. The fight had been won, V took the money home, a grim look on their face so no one would steal it... Then they cried.
Most nights, both V and Jill came home crying. Both were bruised, both mildly disgusted. V would try to have some meal plated for her and a bath ready. They had a plan, a dream even; to get the hell out of Night City and never look back.
In a few months, the sound of bombs was the only thing you could hear in Night City.
Luckily for V and Jill, most of them dropped in Pacifica, near where the NUSA were taking land for themself. Either way, it was business as usual for the proles of the city. All V did was listen back on some old albums about how shitty war was, to remind themself that joining was not an option, even if the pay was good. Oh, that and more fighting, everyone watching always keeping an ear and eye on the sky.
It was over quickly; if you can call a year of war 'quick'. To everyone who lost something or someone, it felt like an eternity of hearing that whistle of bombs, and the sirens letting people know about them. They'd lost a part of Pacifica to some douche named Kurt Hansen and got fucked by letting Arasaka resume business as usual. Things would only go downhill from here. All the more reason to delta in V's opinion.
Yet there was never enough money, always more fights to barely win, always more "I can't V, you know we can't just up and leave..."
It was always questions without answers with Jill. They guessed it didn't matter. She had her reasons. It didn't mean she didn't do her best. After all, Jill was perfect. Perfectly beautiful, perfectly just, always right... It would just be a little longer, a little more money. In the meantime, they could sit in the park, watch movies, whatever. It never mattered where they were to V, so long as they were together.
That meant following Jill to her job, to the store, to hang out with her more Mox-aligned friends. V was certain it drove her crazy but... there was something on the horizon, they could feel it. Something would happen and Jill would leave...
It took about two whole years for V to be proven right.
At twenty-two, almost twenty-three, V didn't follow Jill for one night. That was all it took. She was gone for a week when one of her friends stopped by, in tears. All that registered was...
Jill. Dead. XBD
There was no way this was happening. V could not be alone, again... This wasn't real.
They found out for themself that it was.
V felt like a snake's fang; lethal and hollow, they spent a day stewing in the misery before making a call.
Wakako, that old vulture, V knew her fairly well, at least as well as most others did. Some old fixer they'd bumped into on Jig Jig street and stopped by to win it big at Pachinko ever since (not that V spent much on it, of course). They almost every enny they had and practically begged her for some help. All she had to do was find him, V swore they'd do the rest.
Truthfully, they knew whoever that guy in that accursed BD wasn't the real root of evil. He was a pawn, maybe paid a fraction of what that BD made on the black market. They weren't sure if she'd even find him, all V really saw was that he had a tattoo.
For weeks they rotted in the apartment. Rent was almost due, and they weren't sure they could get rid of anything to pay it. With the very last of their savings, they had bought a gun. Killing that *monster* would be the last thing they ever did.
Really, they never should've doubted Wakako, she was one of the best for a reason. She found him, found out when he'd be alone... It was all V needed to do, then everything would be over.
It was about four in the morning, early November, and the moon was full. That was what they remembered. He didn't have a face to V, didn't have a voice even as he screamed. They had bought the gun but... No. He didn't deserve anything quick. It was too easy, too merciful. They just used the cheap pistol to empty a few shots into each leg, just so that he couldn't escape. There was a pipe, like some miracle, just lying there and they couldn't help but smile and-
It took ten minutes in total. V couldn't stop smiling the whole time and they wondered if that was how death should feel. To have their heart beat so fast, on the verge of some frenzy. It was almost like a regular fight, just better. The problem was solved.
No. No.
V was a monster for this, not even just killing him, but for liking it. Ten minutes of hearing a guy gurgle and choke on his own blood and they had enjoyed every second.
Jill would've hated them for this...
The walk back home was surprisingly short. Crawling back into the darkened apartment they contemplated the inevitable. They had one bullet left. That was all it would take.
V's hands shook. Despite knowing that this was all they could possibly do now, the idea of there being nothing still scared them. Maybe they could delay it by adding a Columbarium marker for them both beforehand, but they weren't even sure what they'd put. No words that they could think of could ever really say everything they needed to. Nothing they said would ever be perfect...
Like in most times of need, a certain someone was always there for them. It felt so... stupid. Unbelievably cheesy, even; but when the Morro rock station started playing Never Fade Away, they just couldn't do it. The muzzle had been pressed to their temple, they had been so ready and...
With a sigh, they dropped it, and they were lucky it didn't go off.
The marker made was simple, at the back of the stony cemetery.
A gift to all who knew her. May I never change, and you never fade away.
She might've hated the reference, though, V guessed it was more for themself than her. They'd always been rather selfish. If they ever came back, they would have this as a reminder. To never change. To never forget.
And that's when V fucked off to Atlanta, yes I have many thoughts on how all this relates to SilverV somehow (like how Johnny's first words to V is "kill urself" essentially and how a Samurai song literally made them not do that). I will be giving my thoughts on this junk specifically. I know this was long and probably won't be as seen, but if you read this to the end, omg ty!
Luv ya! Bye!!
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burkhaart · 2 months
ok i finished that t9s "part" or whatever last night and i did watch the entire thing while high so dont ask for much but one thing about me i WILL have opinions SO i will say the show is just not good and it isnt just the writing like many claim. the acting isnt there, the chemistry isnt there, the line deliveries are all terrible. and even the og cast isnt doing a good job if im being fr (could indicate it is in fact just the script that's the issue but i just cannot sit here and pretend i think the new leads are strong enough actors REGARDLESS)
jay and leia have the chemistry of two rocks. i think leia is a character with potential, i can see they are trying to make a mix of eric and donna, i think my main issue is the acting. having a redemption arc for jay without even showing us what he's being redeemed for is boring as hell. yes you told me a million times he was a player. i didnt get to see it though. so this redemption does nothing for me
i think people are underestimating just how much the acting is hurting this show. i dont necessarily think t7s is a show with good writing but i can assure you i will have fun lol. and the acting was excellent like at least 95% of the time... at the very least....
jay and nate are the best characters and the only two decent actors but can you really compare them to say kelso and fez? i dont care if you people dont like kelso and fez as characters, the acting was good, the body language was good and their chemistry was good.
i think nikki and nate are an interesting dynamic there's lots of potential there, again, not trying to be rude but the actress doesnt really sell it though.
gwen has to be a lesbian like i cannot read this girl as straight im sorry. i do love the character but i dont think the actress is selling it either🙈 less comparing her to hyde (she's too put together imo!) and more comparing her to fez (straight?)
ozzie is like a gay stereotype but i dont necessarily think that's a bad thing? like if they want to have a character be unapologetically gay that's cool, my main issue is again, the acting. ALTHOUGH ive heard this actor is particularly young so i feel extra bad saying it lol.
as for the adults. red and kitty both seem very odd to me, kitty is TOO crazy and red is too.... all talk no action. however i try to rationalize both because i think people start changing when they age, your crazy grandma does get crazier and your grandpa will probably be nicer to you than he was to your dad. but idk if this is enough of an explanation lol
first half had no plot but it picked up on the second half with shenanigans such as the shoplifting, the unplanned party, that kind of thing
which brings me to another point. this type of show doesnt work in under 20 episodes. this is a sitcom you NEED filler. give it AT LEAST 20 episodes or you're doomed to fail im sorry. i'd say 25 is a perfect number but let's aim lower baby (expectations on the ground)
the tone is completely different to t7s, i feel like t7s has very crude humor and sometimes i would even call it dark comedy. t9s is how many people have pointed out before, too disney channel, with the shocking contrast of characters talking about sex alcohol and drugs. which just makes for a weird experience lol
there's lots of jokes thrown in there that feel SO t7s. but like i said before, everything inbetween is so disney channel, it's a very odd contrast and the acting isnt good so the jokes are funny and all, but very out of place. and it's like. trying to eat just the marshamellos out of your cereal..... like.... you gotta get through a lot of boring to get to that one fun thing
the timeline doesnt make any sense and also it ruins canon even more, but i have chosen to ignore this as canon like this just doesnt exist. i always say i havent watched s8 and dont count it as canon, so no obviously t9s is not canon for me either, im literally just bored out of my mind lol
did it improve from last season? yes, it just wasnt enough. and like i said, we're looking for gorgeous not cute!
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rowrowknowa · 6 months
✮ name - you can just call me E
✮ age - 23
✮zodiac - can you guess?
✮ gender - i use she/her pronouns, but don't mind being referred to with they/them and use of pretty much any gendered words (bro, dude, man, boss buddy, sis, girl, etc) doesn't bother me [[[dont call me sis if ur not black tho]]]
✮ mbti - ENFP-A consistently for the past 6 years (was INTP-T in HS)
✮ studies - huge into science ask me what kind; i also like music theory/history, art history, philosophy
✮ games - nintendo fan (no matter how much they piss me off). love pokemon, fire emblem (obsessed with fe3h), zelda, animal crossing etc. HUGE sonic the hedgehog fan
✮ anime - too many to make an exhaustive list without forgetting some. obviously my favorite is One Piece (i think my favorite show in general). i started watching it when i was like 4 with the 4kidz dub and here i am almost 20 years later still going oda and i locked in fr. also love attack on titan, naruto, death note, fairy tail, jjk, knb, hxh, black butler and so many more this is stressing me out trying to think of what ive watched so im gonna stop... ask me about what i've watched lets yap
✮ non-anime shows - gotta big ups to ATLA a modern masterpiece of western artistry. don't ask me about the live action bc i don't wanna talk about it. same deal here i cant think of all of them without short circuiting but top of mind i LOVE the good place, scandal, htgawm, grey's anatomy (before it crashed out), bridgerton, BREAKING BAD (not caught up in better call saul), superstore, vincenzo, crash landing on you, goblin, anything with gong yoo and/or lee dong wok in it tbh, strangers from hell, bad and crazy, attorney woo
✮ used to be super into marvel and the mcu (and i know thats a thing people say but it was so so bad for me) but its not what it used to be and also i think i started outgrowing it once my media literacy improved its ties to military propaganda couldn't be ignored lmao (also sabra being in the mcu is sosososo crazy) .. some of the comics still bang tho i wont lie
✮ music - not to be one of those "oh i listen to everything" people as a cop out but i truly do listen to so much disparate types of music *insert laugh crying emojis* but my overall favorite genre is jazz, i love 70s-00s black american music so much (i was a 9 year old motown stan it was so serious to me), love afrobeats, amapiano, baile funk, r&b, rap (meg thee stallion is literally my wifey), pop, country, classical, VIDEO GAME OSTS (in true sega stan fashion) -- recommend me your favorite song!
✮ kpop - a separate bullet because i know where the overlap in interests comes in lmao. honestly ive fallen back from kpop a bit, not as into it as i was like even 6 months ago but groups that i still actively follow and listen to are ateez (ot8 but strong swing for mingi) and nct. also know alot about bts, txt, seventeen, exo, and shinee if you ever want to chat about them, but i listen to mostly individual songs from them and other groups and don't follow their releases
Where is E in *insert work here*?
✮ pls i hate all spoilers but these are the ones i strongly care about pls take note pls :(
One Piece: ep. 1085 ... i avoid catching up because i get sad when there's no more to watch
FE3H: Finished Golden Deer and Blue Lions, please don't tell me anything about the Black Eagle story line
GOT/HOTD: caught up!
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updownlately · 11 months
@ 🦦 ima answer a couple in one post, just for my sake (i have one working braincell rn)
but nah, fr good on the org, thats actually kinda nice to hear that they took accountability and kept it a safe space....still though, fuck that guy
2. the more i hear the worse i feel for her bc like i have an idea of how hard all of that is and its fucking terrible and very very isolating which is just :( really hope she's good mentally though. the org needs to get their shit together and get more support bc like what the fuck, u gotta take care of everyone yk? not just who you want...
3. yeah but like u gotta let a person adapt. plus there's days you just wanna do your own thing without having to stress about what the others hear or comprehend, like lemme just move and you do you and we chilling. kinda messed to push it on a person so forcibly.
4. oh yeah no for sure, there would be action taken in the first scenario because well 💸 which is unfortunate...again, the org genuinely needs to get their shit together, it's getting hard to rep em 😭 imagine the news comes out of that when something does happen, what then? is that when change will come? its stupid.
5. ahh makes sense! just kinda a curve ball lol! i rmb the list of players for the wc and it had everyone's names on it but i might of missed it there!
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angelguk · 2 years
ttinty oc is so DUMB, she’s just like me & maybe that’s why she’s irritating me so much bc it’s like GIRL….JUST TALK TO HIM ?? she deflects so so much it hurts, whole time i’m reading i’m like “YES TALK TO HIM GO GO” but in reality if i was in this situation i’d be the same way…but it gets to a certain point where you gotta say fuck it bc why are you sitting at home wallowing, he’s not gonna kill you if you say you like him, i promise (unless…nah) ! but at the same time don’t because i want him to kind of beg for her but he’s not doing that so it’s like……tf is she supposed to do :/ jk is dumb too, i guess he can have other girl friends but use context clues, when did oc start acting different….when you met homegirl, right exactly !! i guess that’s the whole point of the “requited love but miscommunication is a bitch” plot, but damn ! i need them to step it up.. atp tae is my favorite, that’s my guyyy fr fr he’s annoying but i can handle it, oh wait & chaeyoung too !! my favs are the people that don’t like each other i guess, actually everyone besides the main two characters right now..maybe nayoung too, though i don’t want to dislike her over HIM but nevertheless i can’t help myself bc why are you all up on him 24/7, can he BREATHE ?? ughhh i’m sorry i just have no one else to rant to & i really like this story which is why i am so frustrated, i just want them to work things out & stop being so scary..STAND UP ! as for requests on what happens next, i’ll have to think some more, idk i kind of want it to be messy but not toooo messy that it goes beyond recovery…maybe i just want jk to pine really really bad, i need him to suffer too just so i know oc isn’t the only one having inner turmoil…idk idk, but just know i loveee your writing & this story so thank you sm 💞 if you actually read this i’ll give you the biggest hug, even if you don’t i still will bc getting this off my chest feels good so it’s a win win. (also please i hope me calling them dumb doesn’t sound harsh or anything, it just feels like the best word to use for their actions ig ? yeah sorry) okay, byeee :)
no because even as i was writing i was like this girl is so STEWPID but then again u dont have to like everything ur character does... oh but i disagree about the whole its not gonna kill you to tell him.... considering jungkook and ocs history it really just might. taehyung having fans is crazy cause all i wanna do is punch him if im being honest and also thank u for reading!!! this is such a sweet message to receive honestly i appreciate the way u care about this story!! dont worry i think the characters are being dumb too but this is how angst is created no?
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funky-sea-cryptid · 2 years
chapter 3
i've had a red bull (gross), i have 3 hours until im watching pride and prejudice and zombies, lets do this thing
once again jo nesbo cuts from the action because ???
look, i like dramatic retellings as much as the next bitch this wouldn't be a problem if he didn't do it every chapter.
it's the next night apparently
anyways macbeth is relaying the story of how he and duff committed a literal massacre to a very enthralled (and very drunk) SWAT team
take a shot every time angus specifically says "jesus"
he says it a lot, actually, so disregard that unless you want to fucking die
angus is an edgy atheist which is why i think it's funny that he says "jesus" so much.
macbeth is retelling the events to his friends and then seyton shows up
seyton: did you really think duff would care about a bunch of dead bodies? macbeth: sir, this is a chilis.
once again duff portrayed as An Asshole. would be better if he was shown to improve, but alas. we can't have shit in this nameless town
okay another point to nesbo, i like the ping-ponging of the story between macbeth and duff telling it to different parties and both of them LYING
duff's like "hnggg does duncan like me" and duncan's like ":)"
lennox and caithness hiiiiiiii
take a shot every time duff is like "i gotta make linguistics an art" and discusses his word choices to himself
disregard that
cawdor mention hiiiiiiiii
me when i see people from the play: omg hiiiii <3
mention of The Stoke Massacre which does play an important part if you give a shit about this fucking book, which i dont
macbeth: we shot the bitch. but. it wasn't the bitch.
yeah sweno's still alive.
good for him tbh
duncan is COMING for duff's ass fr
it's kind of amusing because duff is such an irredeemable asshole in this book but it also makes me so upset because duff is - thats my boy, okay?
jo nesbo has NEVERRRRRRR engaged critically with this text fr
not to repeat my rant on how macduff is supposed to be a narrative foil and therefore morally superior to macbeth but
even if he wasnt the man has the straightest moral compass in the play. he's fully prepared to beat malcolm's ass and then go save scotland by himself because malcolm's like "i will be a bad king and fuck the entire country up" like the man is so good. how could you do this jo nesbo
duff calls duncan an "arrogant fool"? or is it sweno? unclear
duncan's worried about shit getting stolen out of siezed goods - THEN FIX THAT SHIT??? arent you in CHARGE?
real drinking game take a shot a woman is described as "looking less capable bc ulterior motives (sex) but shes capable tho!" . i do like the part where her whole face sparkles bc of a candle flame because i too like women
lennox is like "hmm today we're gonna casually discriminate against macbeth"
everyone's clowning on duff rn (for good reason though) augh jo nesbo what are you DOING to my BOY
banquo's like "macbethhhh stop lyingggg" and macbeth's like "what are you talking about aha"
banquo HATES her thats misogyny actually
duff: i'm going to commit more crimes on duncan's dollar
her name is just. lady. just lady. what in god's name-
her name is GRUOCH
anyways macbeth is a total malewife i think thats cute
first mention of lorreal. oh boy.
me when women
she's doing her best rn
okay it's now revealed duff and macbeth are fucking lying bc duff shot the bitch wearing sweno's helmet without checking, so macbeth stabbed the other one to hide the evidence
"now i've paid my debt to you, duff." reoccurring motif here that duff and macbeth have Issues.
duff commits crimes and forces an interrogation in a hospital asmr
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romanogers-lyrics · 3 years
TFAWS EP 3: *screeching intensifies*
Bucky “Let me float you a hypothetical” Barnes.
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Sam “Keep talking but I want it on the record that I objected to this plan” Wilson
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Damn Zemo got a whole ass jet and garage of cars. How is it that his assets were still intact after he was arrested? Can you get Sam his loan please, daddy?
On a serious note, to all those saying the stakes in Civil War were fake bc tony and Steve made up I demand you look at all the ways team cap was affected by the accords.
The theme of “doing the right thing above all else” is clearly so important to both Sam and Bucky. Goddamn I love team cap 😪
Sharon is a wealthy art dealer and I love it!
People including me were so worried about her being just another love interest but she literally saves their asses twice!!! She has agency and motives entirely her own.
The entire Madripoor sequence was gorgeous. Nothing was half assed set and cinematography wise.
The baby bois all dressed up and ready to kill people 🔪
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Sam caring and being worried about Bucky like 🥺
I am honestly so fucking proud of Bucky for being strong through Zemo’s orders. It had to be so hard. Can someone tell bucky “I’m proud of you”?
Goddamnit take your eyes off Zemo for one second...oh wait he didn’t betray them yet...
No! Sharon come back! *grabby hands*
Anyone notice how the CIA was the first to try and make the serum after Siberia. The CIA who literally locked up and hunted Bucky another super soldier then tried to lock up cap. Same agency. No wonder the world hates American imperialism jezusssss
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Sam: “I made a mistake (with the shield)...” yes! Say it! “I should have destroyed it.” Goddamnit smdh.
I get the shield is a mixed legacy but you can’t also destroy the good and the potential for good. One of the examples is sitting right in front of you, Sammy. Also I REFUSE to believe that SAM “on your left” WILSON would destroy his one gift from cap. I suppose “I should have kept it in my house” doesn’t sound as dramatic🙃
Bucky says he’d take over the shield before letting it be destroyed. Hopefully as Sam warms to Bucky he’ll see how the shield can symbolize good.
Truly I believe symbols/mantles are just tools that you can use for good or evil. I believe that in Sam’s hand it could be used for good. It’s a lot to ask but I forget the saying but something like: “those who fear power are the best people to hold it”
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It’s so hard to know who is the “bad guy” in this show. Probably the point I know. The freedom fighters have a seemingly good agenda but then they blow up a building. Smdh we don’t trade lives dontcha know...
Who is the power broker? What’s his plan? We haven’t met him/her yet...
Bucky likes 40s music and is PROUD of it. He wrote his redemption list in Steve’s notebook 😭
Fake!cap gets 0.0001% of the screen time 🤣😂(which I find so mf comforting 😘, maybe that’s why I like this episode so much). That being said gotta analyze the small time he did have... he literally thinks he’s TOO GOOD to speak in another language than English. Forces his friend to do the talking but still expects respect 😬. Fuuuuck u fake!cap 🖕🏻. I’m sorry my non American friends. We don’t know this white man 🙇🏻‍♀️
The ending THE ENDING had me YeLLiNg at the screen. Fakdkwbfjw I’m not gonna spoil it but I just-
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On the writing/directing- I feel this episode had better pacing of rising action and drama. More showing less exposition dump which honestly is hard in marvel (some audience are walking encyclopedias and some just started watching this year).
The traumaaaaaaa in this whole show. I just wanna give everyone a 1 minute hug. Godddamn. Especially given the context of this show coming during the covid pandemic hits so hard 🙃
Fr though I know the topics in this show are triggering for some people so please take care of yourself ❤️
On another level I think it’s kinda funny how Steve thought he was so special for having the serum then it was like ACTUALLY Bucky is a super soldier OH AND there are more super soldiers in Siberia. OH and like 8 more super soldiers in TFAWS. Oh there’s ALSO a black super soldier. 😂 like Steve is still special because of his morals and personality but yeah... love you cap 😘
Please feel free share your thoughts! Would make my day! Love ya’ll💕
My episode 2 review:
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hops-hunny · 3 years
ok now you got me going with the size kink stuff
AND I DEMAND A BLURB WITH POTHEAD NEV, SIZE KINK NEV, DOM!NEV, SPANKING KINK, but like the reader is sweet and act "innocent", and neville gets more turned on than he already is
;_; yall fr treat me huh? IM FINNA TEAR THIS ONE UP. I'll do you one better, reader IS innocent. Not even as an act
Neville knew he was playing with fire when he first asked (Y/n) out. They were different in so many ways. While Neville was experienced in all sense of the world, she was untouched. Didn't drink, didn't party, barely left her dorm, hell she didn't even smoke before she started to date him. At first, he thought her whole innocent thing was an act or that it was at least a lot less than it came off originally. However when he went to touch her for the first time and she took the time to turn each of her stuffed animals around, he knew he was screwed.
It was like the world was tempting him, holding the metaphorical candy in front of his face. He'd be damned if he didn't eat it. Although they hadn't gone all the way yet her reactions from what he had done were more than enough. The way she'd moan and buck her hips onto his tongue as he tongue fucked her, begging him to stop because she was so sensitive but whining when he pulled away. The way he'd finger her in the common room, in the great hall too, whispering about how naughty she was for letting him touch her. It was all so addicting. He found himself being absolutely devoted to eliciting those noises from her whenever he could, loving how even when she was deep into it she'd still go as far as to cover her own eyes claiming it was "too lewd".
"N-nev. Can I ask you something?" she mumbled, walking up to him as he sat with his friends. He glared at them as they went to say something, standing up to grab her hands.
"Of course. Everything okay, petal?" he asked, stroking her cheek as he tilted her head up to look at him. He noticed how her eyes were bloodshot, pupils slightly blown out. "Are..are you high princess?" he asked in a shocked tone. It wasn't unusual for her to be high, just unusual for her to be high without him. She never did it alone, usually opting to wait for him. He ignored his friends' giggles, walking her away to a secluded corridor. "What is it you needed to ask me?"
She looked both ways before grabbing his hand, guiding it between her legs. His eyes widened at how wet she was before another wave of shock rolled through him. She wasn't wearing underwear?
"Petal just what do you think you're doing, walking around the hall with no knickers under your skirt? Only sluts do things like that, are you a slut?" he teased, rubbing his fingers between her folds slightly. He smirked as her legs begin to shake, a whimper falling through her lips as she clung onto his shirt.
"Wanted..no needed you to touch me. I wanna feel good." she said, burying her face in his chest. He drew back his fingers slowly, holding them to her lips. His cock twitched at her confused expression.
"Open." he commanded, sticking his slick covered fingers into her mouth as she opened. "Yes, just like that pretty. I'll make you feel good. But first I've gotta teach you a lesson." he began to drag her off towards his dorm, ignoring her protests.
When they got to his dorm, Neville sat on the edge of his bed pulling the smaller girl towards him. He pushed her down over his lap, pulling up the back of her skirt. His pants tightened at the sight of her slick covered cut, spasming around nothing. "Fucking hell.." he muttered, rubbing a large hand over her ass. Without warning he brought his hand back down, a loud smack echoing around the room. (Y/n) whimpered, gripping onto his pants leg at the action, bits of her arousal sliding out.
"N-nev! Hurts..." she squeaked out as he repeated the action, massaging her sore cheek. She ground her clit against his pants leg, whimpering at the minimal amount of friction. "B-but feels good."
He let out a soft groan, landing a hard spank on her cheek once more. His eyes darkened at the sight of her red cheeks, marks in the shape of his hand. "Yeah? Bet it does. You're such a slut for me, bunny. Look at you, getting all messy and I've barely even touched you." he chuckled as she whined, moving her hips down onto his thigh. He continued with his ruthless actions, growing more and more impatient from the little noises she'd make, begging and begging him to touch her.
"Alright. Think that's enough darling. Want me to make you feel good?" he mused, laying her back on the bed as he removed her shirt. He felt his cock twitch at the sight of her. Her lips were all puffy from his relentless kissing, hair tousled as her hard nipples poked through her frilly little bra. Normally he'd remove it, but she looked so pretty that he hardly wanted to ruin it. He moved her skirt up once again, going to slide a finger inside of her but was surprised when it went in with ease.
"W-wanted you so bad earlier so I...I tried...I can't say it!" she cried out, covering her face. He felt his heart swell at her adorable actions, every bit of his patience was being tested and he was sure if he didn't keep going, he'd fail.
"Go on bunny, say it. Tell daddy what you did, hm?" he cooed, rubbing at her clit slowly. He watched as the girl tensed, hips bucking to meet his small movements. He stopped, pinching at the small bud when she shook her head no.
"T-touched myself. Thinking of you, wanted you so so bad." she said, looking up with him with big sad eyes, bottom lip jutted out. She was so pretty, so delicate and pure. His sweet little flower.
"Oh petal, bet your cunny is begging to be filled then. Don't worry, I'm gonna take good care of you." he muttered, freeing his cock from the restraints of his briefs. He rubbed his swollen tip against her entrance , pausing briefly as her small hand reached out to wrap around his wrist. His eyes locked with hers, softening at her expression.
"I..I don't think it's gonna fit. It's just...it's so big Nev." she whimpered out, tears springing in the corner of her eyes. He felt himself began to throb at the question, eyes trailing down to look at the sight. The size of her hole was impossibly small compared to his massive member. He knew it'd take forever to even fit half way but it was sure to be worth it. He'd just have to take his time, find some inner patience to do this in the best way possible.
"It'll fit, don't worry dove. You wanna be my good girl don't you?" he asked, watching as the girl nodded, her face relaxing some. He gave her a soft smile, leaning down to press a soft peck on her lips. He pushed in the tip slightly, hissing at how tight she was. An insufferable warmth grabbing him and pulling him in. He took both of her hands in his, intertwining them above her head. He couldn't help but admire how small she looked under him, tiny hands being swallowed by the grip of his larger ones.
He began to push in, letting out a groan at how tight she was, clenching and unclenching around him frantically. "You okay, bunny?" He asked, checking in at the halfway point. He opened his eyes, looking at her expression surprised to find her deep in her own pleasure, drool dripping down the sides of her mouth.
"S-so big Nev! M-ore more please! Need it." she begged, peaking up at him through weighted lashes. He bit his lip, resisting the urge to drive himself deep into her.
"As much as I want to love, I don't wanna hurt you." he reasoned, leaning down to peck her nose gently, halting the movements in his hips, he was surprised when she leaned up, capturing his for a longer period of time. He took back control, sliding his tongue into her mouth as he savored the of cannabis and ice lollies. He let out a groan of his own, tugging her bottom lip as he pulled away. He watched as she looked away, avoiding eye contact.
"But..I..I..I like it when it hurts!" she said louder than she probably intended. His eyes widened as he sat there, stunned at her words. His little princess saying such dirty things to him? He rammed the rest of his cock in, groaning at the feeling of her tight muscle engulfing him completely. The squeeze was so tight that he barely fit. His eyes traveled down to sight of her hot cream trickling out of him. He chuckled some, looking at her embarrassed expression. "Couldn't help it, feels too good!"
He sped up his movements, hitting his thrust deeper. "What does princess? Use your words." he gazed down at her as she babbled, hot tears rolling down her face as he continued to pound into her abused hole. With each thrust he could feel her stretching open more and more but no matter what, his cock was still far too big.
"C-cock so big! Oh Neville, please! It's too much." she wailed, back arching off the bed as he continued his relentless pace. She let out a chorus of moans, bucking her hips forward slightly to meet his thrust.
"You look so pretty like this baby. Give me one more, one more good one and then I'll stop." he moaned out through her. His moans began to grow frantic along with his sloppy thrust. Gripping both of her hands in one of his, he moved a finger down to rub at her clit, desperate to draw one more out of her. As her eyes rolled to the back of her head, he knew she was wrecked. Shortly after, her high came as she began to flail, moaning and sobbing out for him in a desperate choked out voice.
All of it was too much. Not too long after with a few more rough thrust, Neville came deep inside of her whimpering as he buried her head in her shoulder. He groaned as he collapsed beside her, pulling her close to his chest. As he looked down at her, he felt himself twitch at the sight of her glossed over eyes, cum spilling out of her swollen cunt.
"T-thank you. Can we do that again sometime?" she asked, eyes full of the innocence they always held.
Yeah, Neville may have been fucked but she would be harder.
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winghero-writing · 4 years
Hola lovely~! Can I request something where Keigo’s s/o is upset since he missed their anniversary? And he tries to make it up to them? Tooth rotting fluff lol? Thanks!
Heeeeey! Guess who is back fr now haha! I missed you all so much, I'll start to get out the request that I have so be ready!
He knew what day it was but his work didn't let him go home early. He knew that Y/N won't be mad at him but it still made him feel like a bad husband.
Y/N knew that his work took a lot of time however she stayed by his side and supported him, without complaining even before they got married.
Some dates we're canceled, sometimes Hawks was too tired to go out. Sometimes Y/N had work. But they made it work and Y/N was happy with how it was.
On the other hand, Hawks always thought that she deserved better. Some who could be by her side all the time, pampering her with love and attention but his selfish self didn't let her go.
And so they got married. Hawks tried to be better but sometimes things didn't work out well.
Like today.
It had been two years since they got married. Hawks wanted to stay at home but the Commission told him that he had to be at work today attending a meeting.
Waking up, he let out a groan. He turned around searching for Y/N in the bed and hugging her from behind. Being a light sleeper, she began waking up from the affection form her husband.
"Mornin' Keigo..."
Hawks smiled at her sleepy voice.
"Mornin' Dove." He kissed the back of her neck making Y/N giggle a little. "Happy anniversary."
Y/N turned around, giving her access to his lips. She was the first to make the move. Hawks follow her kiss immediately.
The two parted ways, blaming the lack of oxygen for ruining their kiss. However, the love didn't fade away. They looked at each other with pure love in their eyes.
Y/N was the first one to broke the comfortable silence.
"You have work Keigo. You gotta start getting ready for today." She put her hands in his chest trying to move him from their position.
The action did move him an inch, however, he let out a groan at the mention of work.
"But I don't want to..." Hawks pushed her hands away and hugged her tighter leaving her no room to move.
Y/N laughed at his childlike attitude but hugged him anyway.
"I would like for you to stay too but the Commission called you yesterday." Her hands intertwined with his blonde locks making him melt in her touch. "You need to go Keigo..."
The two stay in the same position for a while, neither wanting to leave the comfort that their bodies brought.
After some time, Hawks let out a long sigh and began to get out of her hold slowly.
While Hawks got ready for work, Y/N went to make some breakfast for the both of them.
She wasn't surprised at the feeling of two arms wrapped around her. Hawks has always been clingy at home.
"Y/N?" The girl notices his weak voice.
"Yes, love?"
"I promise I'll come back early" he removed himself from the hug and turned her face to face. "And we're going to have the best anniversary!"
The girl didn't know what to say, and her only reaction was to giggle at his serious expression.
"Alright lover-boy, I'll be waiting!"
And so, their day began. Hawks went to his work and Y/N stay at home, she asked for a free day for her anniversary hoping for Hawks to be free from his work at the Commission, too bad that things didn't go their way.
The hours went by and she decided to prepare something special for dinner. Hawks promised to come back early so it wasn't bad to feel excited, right?
It didn't take long for dinner to be ready, the only thing missing was her husband who was supposed to come back a few hours ago.
She let out a sigh, standing up from the table she left her plate in the dishwasher to clean tomorrow. Keigo's plate was saved for when he came back.
Changing her clothes, she went to bed and close her eyes.
Hawks hasn't felt so desperate before. He always found a way to arrive just in time, he was the fastest man.
So why didn't he arrive just like he promise?!
The guilty was eating him the more he got close to home and the fact that no light was on wasn't helping his distress.
He practically slammed the door open and turned on all the lights. He saw the table prepare for dinner but found no dishes. He looked for Y/N, hoping to see her exit the bathroom door and welcome him but no one came out.
The closer he got to the bedroom, the heavy his steps felt.
Opening the door slowly, he was meet with Y/N sleeping in the shared bed. He felt like crying when he saw her face, it was obvious that she cried.
Without changing his clothes, he got under the bed and cuddle her from behind. He knew that she was a light sleeper and that she probably would wake up but he hated the fact that she went to bed crying because of him, the least he could do was apologize.
"Keigo?" He loves her sleepy voice but now it wasn't the time.
"I'm so sorry Dove..." He kissed the back of her neck. "I let you down. I promised to come back early and I-"
Before he could keep ranting and feeling bad, Y/N turned around and kiss him. A short kiss just to shut him up.
"Hey, it's fine. I won't say that I didn't feel bad but I understand your work baby. I'm just glad that you came back to me." She gave him a sweet smile.
Hawks smile in return but he couldn't shake the guilty feeling.
"You know what. I will take a day off tomorrow."
"But you still h-"
"I don't care, I want to be with you." Y/N felt him hugging her tighter, she didn't mind though. "And you won't go to work tomorrow either..."
She giggled, she felt him hiding his face in the crook of her neck. Caressing his hair, she hums in agreement about his plans for tomorrow.
It wasn't long before the two of them fell asleep again.
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