#she's his gustavo /j
s0ckh3adstudios · 2 years
if Noisette doesn't get more content in future updates/DLC I'm going to MAKE IT MYSELF.
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manicplank · 6 months
hi what do you headcanon PT cast's parents being like + names
Parental headcanons!
I'm bad with names pls bare with me.
(slight tw I guess, nothing bad, but some of them don't have great parents)
For Peppino: Mama Spaghetti was a sweet, loving lady. She's very patient and kind. Her name is Isabella. She raised him and Maurice but had trouble as Maurice was always such a bully to him. His dad was named Lorenzo. He was okay, but he was emotionally unavailable. He was very stoic. Maurice takes a lot after their father, and Peppino takes after their mother.
For Gustavo: His mom was a wonderful woman. She was sweet and caring. Her name was Gianna. Gustavo's dad was named Stanley. He was patient and had a good temper. They both loved him to death. They made sure he was happy but not spoiled.
Mr. Stick: His mom's name was Bianca. She spoiled the ever loving shit out of him and bought him everything he wanted. His dad was named Stanley. Unfortunately, his dad worked a lot, so he wasn't very present. His family was good to him, though. Despite not spending much time together, he and his dad had a decent relationship.
Pepperman: His mom was named Cayenne. She was very supportive of him and loved him very well. His dad was named Poblano and was pretty mild but assertive when needed. They both supported his art his whole life and sent him to art classes. "Pepperman" is his nickname for himself. His actual name is Phil Bell Pepper.
The Vigilante: His mother's name was Brie. She was an old-fashioned but very loving and nurturing mother. She loved her Vigert very much. His dad's name was Stilton. He was a hard-working farmer who loved his family. They were all very close. Vigi was raised to be a hard-working gentleman. Even his grandpa, John E. Cheese, had a very important role in his childhood.
The Noise: Since his father was absent, he only had his mother. Her name was Perla Noise, but he just calls her mamas. Being a single mother of an autistic child, she was very stressed out and could be very snippy at times. Despite this, she loved her "Teedo" very much and spoiled him. She had a very hard time with him as a toddler and teenager as they fought a lot. (Teedo is her nickname for him. He couldn't pronounce his name as a baby and would say Teedo. Only his mom can call him that.)
Noisette: She had very good parents who seeked behavioral therapy for her autism. Her mom's name was Anais. Her mom was very loving. She was a mellow and patient parent. She was sort of like a trad wife. Her dad's name was Pierre. He was a happy, kind man. He worked a lot but still made time for his family. Noisette's real name is Hazel. She gained the nickname "Noisette" after the paparazzi and media found out she was dating The Noise as well as using the name for her cafe.
Fake Peppino: Technically doesn't have parents. If they were to be anybody, they'd be Peppino (they share DNA) and Pizzahead (who created him).
Pizzahead: Now, this is just my theory. Based off of the pictures in the lobby and the first floor of the tower, as well as granny pizza, Pizzaface was actually Pizzahead's father. Pizzaface and his wife "PizzaMama" adopted Pizzahead as pizza people can't really produce naturally. Pizzahead was less likely to be adopted due to his head being a slice as opposed to a whole pizza, so they chose him. He was only like 6 or 7 when they adopted him. They loved him unconditionally. After PizzaMama passed away, Pizzaface fell into a depression and grew apart from Pizzahead. Granny stepped up as a parental figure. PH blamed himself for PizzaMama's passing, despite having nothing to do with it. Years later, Pizzaface passed as well, leaving Granny to raise Pizzahead once again. Many many MANY years later, Pizzahead discovered a way to recreate his father as a robot with the similar sentience. However, Pizzaface doesn't remember his previous life.
Pillar John: John and Gerome shared a mother named Esmeralda, or Esme for short. She was a wonderful woman. She met John's father, Flint, and the two fell in love instantly. Voila! Out popped John. Esme loved her "John Boy" and Gerome very much. She was patient and kind.
Gerome: John and Gerome shared a mother. However, Gerome's father... wasn't a great guy. His name was Bruce. They called him Bruce the Brute. He was pretty mean to Esme. They got divorced shortly after Gerome was born. Gerome felt very sad about it. When John's dad, Flint, came into his life, it changed. Gerome didn't like Flint until he saw how kind he was to Esme and John. Eventually, he let Flint into his life and they became quite close.
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myloveforhergoeson · 1 month
That's All She Wrote - Chapter 31
Chapter Index
Find me on wattpad + ao3!
Chapter 31: The Music Or The Misery ~ 15k
“Mr. Rocque, Kelly, please,” Roxanne pleaded, shaking fingers threaded, palms pressed together. She would’ve gotten down on her knees to beg if she, the band, and their two bosses weren’t already in the back of the limousine headed to Brand New Day’s album release party. “The Big Time Rush booking fee is for interviews and photoshoots, and- and millionaire’s birthday parties. Not for an advertising campaign for a band no one has ever heard of!” 
Though she winced at her desperate tone of voice, she hoped one final appeal would make the two adults change their minds. Despite spending the last 24 hours making similar statements since Gustavo’s call at the movie theater, neither of them had budged in their decision for the band to attend the party. She’d even taken the fight all the way to Griffin’s office, sitting atop the Rocque Records building and adorned in the strangest taxidermy the assistant had ever seen, hoping that even he would think it an odd request. 
Turns out that had been a mistake; Roxy had severely underestimated how much Griffin seemed to like her. America’s fourth most powerful CEO was no better than his money-hungry adversaries and deep down she knew that… She just wanted someone other than her friends to take her feelings into account just this once. 
With Griffin’s word as law, and whatever Gustavo was afraid of in Obdul’s briefcase when the tall man tapped on it, the band was set to attend the gathering and adhere to Brand New Day’s request. 
When Kelly sighed, shifting her gaze from the soft glow of her BlackBerry in the back of the dark limo to the writer, she just slowly shook her head. “You heard Griffin earlier, Roxy. They’re paying customers and Rocque Records has a contract to fulfil. As much as you dislike these boys-”
“These two,” The assistant automatically corrected, feeling James’ hand slide onto her shoulder as the limo turned a corner. “These two,” Kelly continued after a brief pause, “There’s a lot of money at stake here.”
That was the same answer the talent scout had given her all day - the same corporate talk about contract fulfillment, legal obligation, and reputation. Bullshit. 
 “Griffin said we have to,” Gustavo added in a flat tone, red glasses matching the tint of a neon sign zooming by outside the window behind him, suggesting that he wasn’t all too thrilled with the night before them either. “So we have to. Set aside whatever crap has you all up in a twist about this party! It’s only a few hours, okay?” 
With a huff, Roxy crossed her arms and pushed back into her seat, watching the endless stream of cars out the tinted window beside the man’s head. Most of the time she and Gustavo were on the same page, especially when it came to breaking down emotional barriers in the writer’s room. If he was able to help her draw out the words to place on the page when she was struggling in the past, why was he so incapable of seeing her irritation now? 
“We’ll be okay, Rox!” From across the way, Carlos reached out to pat her knee, welcome warm contact on skin that felt as cold as ice. The charm from the bracelet she’d made him for Christmas jingled around his wrist. “The night will be over before you know it!”
Carlos’ optimism never ceased to amaze Roxy; She wished she could feel even a small portion of it at the present, but her confusing amalgamation of fear and anger had been busy building up in her system all day. Too much time had already been wasted worrying about Mag and Dani since they’d moved to Hollywood. Past memories playing in her head like a bad movie plagued her dreams, causing her to reach out for James in the darkness of her bedroom, only for the emptiness to creep in when she remembered a few walls separated them in 2-H and 2-J. Horrible flashes of whatever may transpire tonight took hold of her imagination when she was awake, only fueling the fire of emotions rooted in her belly. 
And even that felt ridiculous because Mag and Dani were just people she used to be friends with, not the supervillains of epic proportions her mind was making them out to be. The hurt and confusion then mingled with shame for expecting the worst from them, dragging up situations in which they’d looked out for her at local gigs or sat up and listened to her complain on the phone all hours of the night while she tried to work out a new tune or melody. All the fun they’d had playing together, advertising for their band wherever they could, and drawing up big plans to hit the big time together.
Then, the cycle of emotions started anew, because if they were such great people, how could they so easily take her work and pass it off as their own? How could they be Brand New Day without her?
Pinching the bridge of her nose, Roxy tilted her head back into the hard headrest, focusing on the hum of the limo’s engine since she’d been too fatigued to pick a radio station, and took a deep breath in an attempt to stave off the emotional overload.
Beside Carlos, messing with the material of his lap belt, Kendall nodded at his friend’s words. “Just a few photos for the news outlets and some social media posts saying how much we love the new album, then we’re so far out of here everyone will forget about Brand New Day in a week.”
Though both of them knew that the last part probably wouldn't be true, Roxy wanted to believe it anyway. Internally, she cursed her past self for all the time and effort she’d put into promoting Brand New Day to friends, strangers, and whoever would listen, wishing she could take back all the wishes on shooting stars in clear Minnesota skies that one day they’d blow up and get to move out of their nothing town. 
Too little, too late, the girl thought, feeling the unpleasant sting of her nails cutting into her palm as they balled into tight fists in her lap. At least we all got what we wanted in the end.
James must have noticed her discomfort; The hand on her shoulder trailed down her arm to unwind the mess she might have made of her palm with her fresh manicure. 
“You also… Don’t have to come…” Logan tried to add but quickly winced when Roxy countered his comment with a nasty glare. 
“Are you kidding me? I’m the only one who knows what those two are like! This is all part of their plan-” 
“Roxanne.” Gustavo cut her off with a grating exhale of her name, which was probably a good thing, because as far as she knew, there was no plan. For a few seconds, the humming of the engine was the only sound heard between the seven. “Being in the entertainment industry means sometimes you have to do things you don’t like to do. Do you think I enjoy playing babysitter for the five of you? No! But if I want to stay Hollywood’s number one producer, that’s what I have to do!”
“Oh, stop it Gustavo, you flatter us too much!” Kendall gasped with a sarcastic smile in a clear attempt to ease some of the tension radiating off of his boss and assistant, which calmed Roxy only slightly. At least one of them was able to keep a level head at the present. “We all know you love us too much but simply can’t admit it - out loud or otherwise.”
Grumbling something under his breath, Gustavo turned to look at Kelly’s BlackBerry, signifying Kendall had won that part of the conversation for now. 
The frontman looked over to her too, for approval or something else she wasn’t sure, but she did catch the upward quirk of his lips. Momentarily, some of the tension left her body and she finally let her head rest on her boyfriend’s shoulder. If there was one thing she could count on tonight, it was her four friends. 
Like it or not, this was happening, so she might as well suck it up and be the bigger person. In public at least; The big tub of chocolate chip ice cream in her freezer and the floor of her kitchen were already calling her name no matter how hard she tried to ignore it. 
Even if it wasn’t his intention, Roxy found comfort in Kendall’s subtle smirk. As good as friends Mag and Dani had been to her in the past, their bond didn’t even come close to the one she shared with the Big Time Rush boys and her new friends at the Palm Woods. So, she took it as a sign. One that screamed “We’ve got your back, Roxy! Always!” in bright, flashy colors, big enough to rival the magnitude of the Hollywood sign looking out over the city they so loved. 
Maybe James had noticed it too, his hand tightening in hers before pressing a light kiss into her hair. The two savored the last bit of physical contact they’d have before the prying eyes of everyone at the party because neither of them needed to add a potential relationship exposé to the list of things that might happen that evening. “Everything will be alright, baby. I promise.”
Bright, blinding flashes of light escaped the cameras of the photographers lined up in front of the party venue, giving Roxy the perfect opportunity to slip out of the limousine’s right door while her friends took up the attention from the left. 
Whoever had arranged this album release had gone to a lot of trouble to ensure there was mass media coverage, so the assistant figured she might as well use that fact to her advantage. No one cared about the people behind the scenes as long as celebrities were present. 
The chill of the Los Angeles winter air didn’t bite as much as it did back in Minnesota and Roxy’s nose wrinkled at the bitter scent of gasoline as the limo pulled away from the curb. Folding her arms over one another did little to curb the goosebumps forming over her skin; The temperature and her onslaught of unpleasant emotions were working in tandem to make her as uncomfortable as possible. 
While the boys took their time walking down the black carpet rolled outside the venue doors, it gave the writer some time to scope the place out before entering. From the outside, the building appeared somewhat run-down - chipping white paint revealing dark brown metal underneath, lights on the outer walls flickering, cracks in the sidewalk - but based on the other buildings around which were styled with the impeccable glamor of Hollywood, she figured it must have been made to give off the air of abandonment. 
People from Los Angeles are so weird…
However, the venue called back memories of the ancient dives and abandoned warehouses the punks of Duluth would take over for nights at a time, constructing makeshift stages in rooms covered baseboard to ceiling in graffiti to play shows. She, Mag, and Dani had only been to a handful of gigs like that, mostly preferring to stick to the basement and small local music venue circuits, but warehouse shows had been something they’d talked about doing more before the band’s untimely breakup. 
Brand New Day was already one album in and still getting to accomplish even more of the goals they’d made ages ago. 
Kelly and Gustavo trailed a few feet behind the boys, showing the invitation they’d received at Rocque Records last night to the doormen, and Roxy a few feet behind them, presenting her own hand-delivered invitation. The processes seemed far too formal for her taste, considering the three of them used to crash house shows uninvited all the time.  
The inside of the venue wasn’t starkly different from the outside, it still had the same general theming but was paid far more attention to. While not as large as a commercial building, it was slightly larger than the two dance studios of Rocque Records put together; There was a moderate amount of guests present. Around her, the white walls practically shone, as though they’d been scrubbed twenty times over, the wooden floor was waxed to perfection, and the high ceilings made it perfect for the chatter of the party patrons to carry appropriately while not making the space seem too packed. 
If she had to wager, she’d bet Mag and Dani weren’t given creative control, like Big Time Rush wasn’t at their first album release party, and their producer had likely taken that duty on to impress investors, Galactic Records employees, and even fans.
Fans, Roxy’s mind echoed, causing an unpleasant lump to lodge itself in her throat. Eyes sweeping over the floor allowed her to spot a table filled to the brim with drinks and hors d'oeuvres, likely her next stop, a makeshift stage in the back of the venue with a dance floor cordoned off, an area with tables and chairs, and a section where a long line of teens who didn’t look much older than her and her friends were lined up. In front of the line, a small plastic table, piled high with CD jewel cases, and, of course, Mag and Dani, chatting with attendees, signing autographs, and taking pictures with each and every person in line.  
It probably would have been a good idea to listen to the album before attending the party, just to know which of her private thoughts were currently being aired out in the world in the form of music, but when she’d opened up SnoobTube and saw “Heartswell Summer” on the home page, she’d slammed the device shut so fast she feared she may have shattered the screen. 
When it came to Big Time Rush and their musical accolades, Roxy tended to ignore what she could. She had no idea how many of their songs had been promoted by SnoobTube, the number of streams their songs had earned, the types of rankings on Billboard charts - Except for “Til I Forget About You” which James told her almost entered the Hot 100 - or the fan favorites. Music taste was so personal and subjective, she didn’t want to learn how the public felt about her own favorite Big Time Rush songs or which ones were more popular than others. 
If she were to start caring about meaningless numbers and public perception, she feared she would lose sight of the real reason she wrote songs and forgo personal art and expression for the sake of others. At their audition, she’d promised Gustavo she wasn’t interested in working for him for money or fame; That was a vow she intended to keep. 
Mag and Dani on the other hand, seemed to have lost sight of that already, basking in the attention their fans were giving them at the signing table as she glanced over one final time before making her way to the refreshments. 
The band and their bosses were somewhere on the other side of the venue curating the social media posts they’d been contracted to make, leaving the assistant to her own devices. Everything would be fine if her friends stayed on the opposite side and the other two stayed at the table until the performance Mag had mentioned at her door the other night. 
Whatever it took for this night to end, she’d be happy with. 
At the very least, whoever was catering the event had a wonderful array of delicious-looking foods on display. The smell of freshly baked bread and sweets curled around the assistant’s nose - so aromatic she envisioned herself floating over to the table like a character in a Sunday morning cartoon. Though attempting to enjoy herself this evening felt like a long shot, this was a good place to start. 
From the white tablecloth, Roxy took a small plate and piled it high with as many sweet things as she could find. Even if she and her old friends didn’t have too much in common anymore, it seemed as though she’d be able to rely on their superior taste in deserts for just one night. 
With a comical amount of food stacked up - Roxy told herself it was all to share with the boys because that’s what a good assistant would do - when she got to the end of the gorgeous display, she spied a brownie that she absolutely needed to have and reached for it. 
“Roxanne?” someone asked from behind her, and the writer slowly around, feeling like she’d been caught in the middle of something she shouldn’t have been doing. “I see you haven’t changed one bit!”
Eyes landing on the teenager in front of her, the fake smile Roxy’d been forcing all night slowly loosened into a real one. “Sydnee?”
The bright purple blush on Sydnee’s cheeks stood out against the brown rose of her cheeks, just as colorful as the rest of her outfit. “I wasn’t expecting to see you here!”
Neither was Roxy, admittedly, but why wouldn’t Dani’s girlfriend fly out for her partner’s album release party? 
Though the chuckle she let out was humorless, the assistant set her plate down and wrapped the far taller girl into a hug. Despite her issues with her old band, that was no reason to hold a grudge against those who had fallen out of her life because of it. She just wished she’d realized she might have to see others from her past at the party before running into them. “I was in the area. And the band I work for got an invite, so…”
Sydnee squeezed her back with such intensity Roxy feared one of her ribs might crack. “Now that I think about it, Dani mentioned you were staying in the same hotel! So, what? Got your big break after leaving the band? Have I heard any of your stuff on the radio?”
The question wasn’t meant to be condescending, and nothing in Sydnee’s tone made it sound that way, but Roxy was just the right mix of anxious and stressed to take it as such. Thanking the musical gods Sydnee didn’t ask her why she left the band, she took a breath and answered. 
“Not on any of the stations you listen to,” Smile faltering, she referred to Sydnee’s love of reggaeton. “Daddy Yankee and I don’t run in the same circles.” 
As if it were the funniest joke in the world, the other girl tilted her beautiful features back, a handful of long, lilac-beaded braids falling over her shoulders as they shook. “Come on! You know I’m all about Today’s Top 40 when those two fools aren’t around.” 
Thumb jerking in the direction of the signing table, the euphoria of seeing an old friend was virtually eliminated when Roxy remembered the real reason she was there. The both of them still had a huge line of fans to get through; Currently engaged with a pair of teenage girls at the signing table. 
“My fools are over there,” She shared, pointing in the opposite direction of the party space, where James, Kendall, Carlos, and Logan were all posing for a photo Kelly was taking, each one of them holding a copy of the album Barely Hanging On.
Even the title of the album had been ripped right from the pages of her book. 
Stone brown eyes following her finger, Sydnee’s eyes widened.
Inadvertently, Roxy held her breath, waiting for the usual reaction she’d get when offhandedly mentioning she worked for Big Time Rush to the new, young Palm Woods residents, but it never came. 
“No way! A three-piece band to a five-piece? You must finally have a bass player!”
More than once, Sydnee had made fun of her partner and friends back in Minnesota for their startling lack of a bassist. The jokes about them “almost being a real band” used to bother Roxy quite a bit, but these days, it certainly didn’t matter to her anymore.
Hands drawing around her waist, Roxy found herself looking down at the linoleum tile. “It’s just the four of them, actually. Having a girl around kind of defeats the entire purpose of a boy band. My role is more behind the scenes, writing, producing, assisting… But I’m part of the touring band!”
“Oh… A boy band? Wow…” Sydnee’s eyes flickered, dimples disappearing momentarily before she drew up another smile just as quickly. “That must be fun. I’m happy for you, Roxy.”
Just as the girl opened her mouth to thank her friend, she continued. 
“It’s just disappointing knowing I won’t see you, Mag, and Dani rocking out like I used to. Hard to believe you’d give up your own band for some assistant job.” 
A slap to the face might have been nicer than the insinuation that Roxy was a sell-out. The look on her face must have communicated her emotions, despite the daze swirling around her brain, as Sydnee’s brows shot up, hands flying out in front of her and waving wildly as she cried, “Sorry! I didn’t mean that in a bad way!”
I knew coming to this thing was a bad idea.
Sour taste entering her mouth, the assistant nearly gagged on her own spit as she tried to come up with something to say back - an excuse to end the conversation, some fake pleasantries, a question about the weather, anything - until Logan called her name from behind her. 
In an instant, the boys who had been busy creating their contracted advertisement swarmed around her; Carlos picking up the plate she’d left on the table and munching on one of the gigantic chocolate cookies she’d been stacking up before getting roped into the conversation with Sydnee.
Their first meeting had been at a party too, Roxy recalled, back during their freshman year. While Mag and Dani weren’t party people, the third of their trio was, and she’d been invited by one of the junior varsity cheerleaders in her English class to a kickback after the first football game of the season. Too afraid to go alone, she asked the other two to come as well. 
Mag had agreed to attend at Roxy’s promise it would be good to scope out which of the people at their high school might be interested in coming to one of their shows and Dani had agreed if they could bring their partner. So, introduced for the first time in the cheerleader’s crowded living room, the two girls danced the night away while the other two kept to themselves in the kitchen. 
While they certainly weren’t best friends, they were always friendly with each other, or so Roxy had thought, until Sydnee’s backhanded statement moments ago. 
“Hey!” Carlos greeted, sweet as ever, while some crumbs trailed down his front. Turning to his assistant, he questioned, “Who’s this?” 
Now outnumbered, Sydnee shot Roxy a sympathetic smile, sorry for how her words had come out. Regardless, Roxy brushed it off like usual, but the comment only added to her emotional pile-up. Tonight wasn’t about starting fights; Big Time Rush was collecting a check and getting out as quickly and painlessly as they could. 
“Boys, this is Sydnee Vélez, an old friend,” Pausing for emphasis on that last word, Roxy smiled so hard her cheeks began to ache. “She and Dani have been together, for, like, ever. Isn’t it sweet she flew all the way from Duluth to support them tonight?” 
One by one, they introduced themselves to the newcomer, more than happy to make a new acquaintance. 
From there, the boys were able to carry on the conversation as they moved to the seating area, and Roxy was able to zone out and take stock of the venue now that the party guests were starting to settle in. The line at the signing table had finally died down, Mag and Dani still sitting behind the black tablecloth as they talked about whatever, laughter carrying across the hall. Most of the fans were lingering around the roped-off dance floor in front of the stage, hoping to be as close to the barricade as possible for Brand New Day’s first performance post-album release. 
Gustavo and Kelly were socializing over at the tables set up by the refreshments, presumably networking with Galactic Record’s finest songwriters and producers though Roxy knew that they’d likely never speak again after this party ended… 
A pair of adult men who looked suspiciously like the Madden brothers walked in front of her, blocking her view of her bosses.
A bit beyond them, she noticed Mr. and Mrs. Huron, sitting together at one of the smaller tables, beaming with pride. Dani’s features looked almost exactly like their parents; Sharing the same long, straight brown hair, brilliant green eyes, and ochre complexion. The two of them were locked in conversation with Ms. McAllister, who wore a similar expression on her pale, sunken face. Unlike the Hurons, Mag and his mother were almost physical polar opposites, her wavy, straw-blonde hair didn’t come close to matching Dani’s midnight black curls, nor did his round cheeks compare to the hollowness of his mother’s. 
Between the two women, Mr. Huron was doing his best to translate their conversation into sign language for his wife and spoken word for Ms. McAllister.
Though none of the three adults had been thrilled at the band’s beginning, apparently it had finally paid off enough for them to show some support for their children’s careers. Roxy remembered long conversations with her friends, the two of them complaining about how their parents had forced them to aim for “realistic” aspirations, like Mag’s mother signing him up for an internship at the healthcare company she worked for, or how the Hurons had practically forbade Dani from playing shows toward the beginning of the band’s timeline. 
All things that, to the writer, seemed entirely ridiculous. Why allow your child to cultivate such an impressive musical skill and then try to clip their wings the moment they decide to pursue that instead of something conventional? 
That’s exactly what her grandparents had done to her father; There’s a reason he hadn’t spoken to either of them in seventeen years.
As much as Roxy couldn’t stand the two, no one could deny that Dani was an incredible, dedicated musician. There was hardly a time they were seen without drumsticks in their hands. They used to drive teachers crazy with their relentless tapping on desks while they lectured. 
Mag’s effortless skill on the guitar while wowing the crowd with his fine-tuned and captivating voice was no small feat either. Like the boys in Big Time Rush, he was a natural-born performer, craving the spotlight more than anything else in the world. 
The two of them were beyond talented; While they were all still friends it was hard to stand by and watch their parents try to convince them otherwise. 
Should I go say hi? The girl contemplated, turning to see her friends laughing at something Sydnee had said, before remembering the last time she’d seen the Hurons they’d busted the three of them for having a gig in their basement when they thought they’d be going away for the weekend. Ms. McAllister wasn’t her biggest fan either; Roxy had driven one too many needles into her son’s ears, lips, and nose to think she was a good influence on her “sweet boy.” 
Absentmindedly, her fingers rose to fiddle with her earrings, thinking of the piercings he’d given her in return. Then, she wondered if Mag or Dani had thought to send her father an invite to the party. 
Of all their parents, he’d been the one to foster their creative talent - Driving them to shows, helping them load and unload gear, and giving his input when necessary. Should there be anyone Brand New Day needed to thank for getting off the ground and breaking into the industry, it was Declan Somerset. 
Roxy blinked, figuring she should call her dad and tell him how much she loved him when this whole ordeal was over. 
“Psst,” Someone whispered from behind her, saving her from a stroll farther down memory lane. God forbid she start to remember the good times she’d had with her old friends. 
When she turned, Roxy found herself face to face with Carlos, still holding the plate he’d picked up from her earlier. Contagious grin reaching out to her, he shared, “One video of the live performance and a video with the band afterward and we’re out of here.”
“Oddly specific contract requirements but, that’s good.” The girl wasn’t able to say much beyond what she needed to. “Hopefully they’ll finish the…”
Line of sight reaching the signing table, the writer noticed the line had dissipated and Mag and Dani were nowhere to be seen. All of the fans were beginning to crowd around the stage now that they were allowed on the dance floor, pushing and shoving at one another to try and be on the barricade line and have the best view of Brand New Day’s performance of their first album.
Carlos followed her gaze. “Oh, yeah! Sydnee said they’re going to start up soon - Apparently, Dani is very good on the drums. She’s excited to see the energy they’ll bring tonight.”
“They’re one of the best…” Roxy swallowed the rest of her compliment.
“Why don’t you come and join us until then?” He suggested, pushing the plate in the direction of the rest of the band; Logan appeared to be in the middle of recounting a story, arms waving wildly as he spoke. In return, Sydnee gasped, covering her mouth with her palm. That was when James and Kendall jumped in, attempting to speak over each other to recount the next part of their tale. “When they’re done she said she’d tell us all about you before we met!”
Internally, the assistant cringed, wanting to cause any sort of distraction to keep that from happening. Maybe I’m strong enough to pull the tablecloth out from under the food…?
Instead, Roxy just shook her head at his comment, racking her brain for any kind of excuse to get her out of talking to Sydnee again. “I think I’m going to use the restroom actually… Look out for James for me, would you?” 
Taking a bite of one of the iced brownies, the boy in front of her nodded, “Sure thing, Rox. Holler if you need anything.”
Just as she went to turn away from him, she noticed James trying to get her attention from where he stood a few feet away. 
Hi! His wave indicated, before he tried to beckon her back over with the curling of few fingers.
No thanks! She willed back, taking a slow blink before pointing her thumb to the side, attempting to share, Be right back. 
Chin jutting out, she watched as his eyes flickered back to Sydnee, still showing interest in their conversation, before he placed his palm to his mouth and blew his girlfriend a kiss. See you soon.
Of course you will, I can’t stay away from you. Roxy thought, unsure of how to convey that beyond pretending to catch the imaginary kiss and place it on her cheek. 
Now flushed pink, she planted herself on the edge wall of the venue and followed it until she came upon a small hallway with the icon of a man and a woman hanging from a sign above the entry and decided that was good enough. 
As long as she could hang out away from the crowd for a little while, she figured she’d be able to coast through the rest of the night incident-free. No Sydnee, no Mag and Dani, no parents - Just her and her head, racing at approximately a thousand miles per minute. 
Maybe Logan was right, she silently concluded, finding herself in front of the washroom mirror. Dark bags were setting in under her eyes. A cooling splash of water from the sink to her face would’ve done wonders to calm her down, but it would come with the price of ruining the makeup she’d spent an hour trying to perfect. I don’t need to be here.
Too much time had been spent worrying about others in the hours leading up to this party; Just the thought of the boys and Brand New Day interacting tonight was able to launch her into a tailspin. In all that time, she hadn’t even thought to step back and judge how her attendance would take a toll on her as well. 
But the night’s almost over, she reminded herself, and on the way home, you can convince James to call out of work tomorrow and go on an adventure.
Yeah. That sounded nice. Deserved.
And that was enough to calm her pounding heart, watching her chest start to rise and fall normally under the burnt sienna of her halter top in the reflection. 
You will get through this. You always do.
Roxy ran a few fingers through her hair, smoothing it down at the part before taking both her hands and poofing it up, running her nails lightly back and forth across her scalp - Shaking out the negative thoughts and feelings stirring around up there. 
Now, her goal as she made her way out of the restroom and back over to her friends was to avoid anything else that might ruin her newfound good mood, as she pulled out her phone and googled “Most romantic things to do in Los Angeles” to pitch some ideas to James.
If she’d waited even a second longer before burying her nose and weaving through the mass of people in front of her, she would’ve caught sight of the untapped cable that had been laid to the stage directly in the middle of her path back to her friends. 
Without warning, the toe of her ankle boots slipped under the thick wire and as she mindlessly scrolled the webpage she found it caught. Cable growing taught, it completely restricted her movement.
Stomach lurching as she began to hurtle forward, Roxy let out an involuntary yelp, one hand clutching her phone while the other flailed helplessly as she went down, down, down… Right into the chest of the person standing on the path in front of her. 
Calloused fingers dug into her upper arm to steady her while her cheek landed on the leather lapel of a jacket adorned with dozens of buttons and pins. 
PROUDLY SERVING MY CORPORATE MASTERS read the white text on a blue background, encased in a small circular button right in her line of sight and Roxy let out a string of curses, scrambling to pick herself up and shove the person off her as quickly as possible. 
When she’d found that button at a thrift store in Duluth, she’d thought it a funny gift, but now, pinned to Mag’s jacket at his first album release party under one of America’s largest record labels, she felt as though the satirical element might have been lost on him. 
“Wow, now that’s one way to say ‘thank you,’” The boy joked, cracking an award-winning smile down at his former bandmate. “But I’m glad we ran into each other, actually-”
“I was just leaving,” Roxy cut him off, pointing vaguely at the space behind him. Eyes trailing to the side of him, she couldn’t even bear to look up at the singer as they spoke. “My friends are back there, somewhere.”
The sooner this conversation was over, the better.
Shaking out his fingers before crossing his arms, Mag let out a small hum barely discernable over the chatter of the crowd surrounding them. “Glad they got our invitation too! Of course, it wasn’t quite like yours… But it’s nice to see all of you showing up to support us. Did you get a chance to pick up a copy of the album yet?” 
“No sense in wasting twenty bucks on a CD I won’t use.” Channeling her best inner Dani impression, she let out what she hoped came off as an unbothered scoff.
As the girl took a step forward, trying to signal the end of the conversation, Mag took a step back. “Just hang on a second! I’ve got one here…” His hands fell from his chest and patted down his pockets with a few soft thuds. “Somewhere…”
Out of his inner jacket pocket, he produced the jewel case containing Barely Hanging On and extended it out to her. The cover featured a photoshopped image of the two of them, cartoonish expressions of horror on their faces as they pretended to hold onto the top of the H in the Hollywood sign. 
As he requested, Roxy reluctantly took the CD, hoping he couldn’t see the way her hands had worked up a slight tremor. Assuming that was all, she once more tried to continue on her way. 
“Hang on! Check the booklet, Rox. I left a little surprise for you in there.” 
The use of her nickname sent a sheen of sweat unpleasantly rolling down her back; He’d lost the right to call her that long ago and no matter how many times she kept reminding him, he just couldn’t seem to remember. That in combination with whatever he thought to point out as surprise-worthy and the girl was beginning to grow queasy as well. “I’ll find out later. Excuse me.”
 On her third attempt to maneuver around the boy in front of her, she made the mistake of glancing his way and finding the unyielding attention of his bright blue eyes, vast and endless. The kind of fixating gaze someone would love to get lost in.  
I can’t believe that used to work on me, she chastised her past self, cringing at how she’d misinterpreted their friendship and built it up to be far more inside her head. A year and a half ago, she’d be clamoring for any crumb of attention he could give her, and now it was as easy blowing him off as it was to breathe. Life’s funny like that…
“Please?” Mag inquired, a few of his black curls sweeping over his eyes as he tapped on the case with a black painted nail. “Think of it as a peace offering if nothing else.”
“A peace offering?” 
Immediately, not knowing what took control of her hands, Roxy popped the case open and slid out the insert, the picture of Mag and Dani staring back at her as she tucked the plastic under her arm and flipped through the small book. Going along with the theme of the cover image, the pages containing the lyrics, acknowledgments, and legal elements were stylized to look like a map of the Hollywood Hills. Mixed in along the way were photos, some she recognized from their early days as a band and others that appeared to have been taken throughout their journey in L.A. 
Nothing in particular stood out to her, so she kept her place using her thumb and used the paper to smack Mag on the shoulder. “Dude, whatever-”
That felt more casual than she’d liked, but she didn’t spend too much time dwelling on the action before he spoke again. “The credits?”
Roxy blinked up at him, mind going blank. 
Opening the booklet again, she could hardly get her vision to focus as she followed the line of text down the first page for the opening song, from the title to the lyrics to the compositional credits. It was there, in shiny black bold letters.
Lyrics and guitar composed by Roxanne Somerset.
Line of sight jumping over to the next page for the second song, there it was again, and on the third, the fourth, all the way through the complete tracklist. 
It must have been nearly impossible for her to contain the shock on her face, and judging by the cheery laugh escaping Mag’s lips, he found the way she tore through the book to look at every song to find her name underneath entirely amusing. 
“I just wanted to apologize,” He shared, “What happened the day you left the band was entirely my fault… You’d still be here with us if I hadn’t been such a complete ass. So, this is a thank you, an apology, and hopefully, a way to start making up as well - Our manager said she’d talk with your boss tonight and make sure all the writing copyright and royalties and whatever else goes to you.”
“Mag, I…” Roxy was at a complete loss. Ever since Brand New Day had unexpectedly moved to the Palm Woods she’d been worried about the two of them passing off her work as their own, skyrocketing to the top of the pop rock charts without so much as a thought about how it might have affected her. “You still took my songs. I wasn’t there for recording or mixing or-”
“I know. We fucked up, Rox, big time, but you know how badly we needed out of Duluth.” He looked up to the ceiling, taking a deep breath. “All three of us were bigger than that stupid, stifling town.”
Taking the case from where she tucked it under her arm, Roxy popped it back open and slid the insert back inside. “That doesn’t make it okay. Not in the slightest.”
When her voice broke on the last word, Mag’s head snapped back down, brow softening as he pulled one of his lip rings between his teeth. “Every song was done by the notes in your book - I swear. Just give the album a listen before you judge.”
“I don’t own a CD player,” She fought back. Sweaty fists balling up into her skirt, the writer breathed, “Anything worth listening to can be recorded onto a tape.”
At her words, Mag smiled, reaching back into the pocket of his jacket. A few of the pins could be heard clanking together. “Don’t think I’ve forgotten too much about you, Roxy. I know mixtapes are one of your favorite forms of communication and this is likely the most important one I’ve ever made.”
A black and white tape was pressed into her hands and Mag finally moved out of her way. Black and red flannel wrapped around his waist swaying with each step, he paused when they were shoulder to shoulder, dropping his mouth to her ear and murmuring, “Accept my apology or don’t. I just want my friend back.”
Roxy twirled the cassette in her hands. “Start with telling everyone here you didn’t write these songs and I’ll think about thinking about it.”
In the twenty minutes between meeting up with her friends and the house lights going down to signal Brand New Day’s show was about to start, Roxy had fumbled her way through conversations, not registering much of what was going on around her.
The day had already been too much. Fighting with Gustavo and Griffin, not to mention the disaster of a limo ride where the producer had all but yelled at her for voicing this party was a bad idea, and now, she had Mag’s so-called apology to consider. The cassette he’d given her was burning a hole in her mini backpack, one she could feel on the small of her back as she and the boys made their way over to the V.I.P. viewing area. 
To top it all off, she couldn’t even find comfort in her boyfriend until the party was over, despite walking right next to him, in case any of the news outlets attending the party caught sight of the two of them. With everything going on right now, that was only an added stress flowing through Roxy’s head. 
Slowly, as she, the band, and their bosses took their place at the set of circular standing tables beside the stage, she could practically feel the hemispheres of her brain pull apart from each other, resulting in one of the most splitting headaches she’d ever had. It was only added to once the Hurons and Ms. McAllister arrived at the tables in front of them. 
“Okay, here’s the plan,” Kendall whispered behind her, effectively pulling her out of the heavy daze she’d found herself swimming in. “Logan, you disrupt the fog machine and set it to produce as much fog as possible; If no one can see the band, they can’t play. Carlos, the stairs to the mezzanine are to the left, make sure the spotlights are out, okay? James, the audio control booth is being set up in the middle of the room. I took a peek earlier and it’s exactly like Gustavo’s - If you can mess with the microphone sound, I’ll take care of the instrument sound. And Rox…” The boy pushed a bottle of Peppy Cola her way, glass screeching unpleasantly across the table. “You just sit here and enjoy Brand New Day’s downfall. Everyone got it?” 
With three of the boys letting out an emphatic, “Yes!” it was quite hard to hear Roxy whisper, “No.”
From her right side, Carlos bumped elbows with her. “If you don’t want to stand around, you can come with me to the mezzanine! There’s probably a bunch of lights we can mess with.”
Enthused giggle leaving his lips, he linked his arm through hers and made a move in the direction Kendall had pointed out earlier. Though it jostled her a bit due to his hockey player strength, Roxy managed to hold her ground, feeling both of her hands fly up to the black tabletop, nails attempting to dig into the solid surface. 
When Carlos’ brow furrowed, he stopped trying to pull her along but kept their arms linked together. “Maybe you’d feel more comfortable at the audio booth?”
Roxy’s mouth opened to respond, but no sound came out. 
“I could use a hand with the fog machine, if I’m being honest,” Logan tried, tossing a weak smile in his assistant’s direction. Both of them knew he didn’t, he was just doing his best to include her in their plan to sabotage Brand New Day’s show. “If one of us follows the chord to whatever power source it’s hooked up to, we could manage to increase the electrical current flowing to the-”
“Guys, just stop for a second.” The cautious words from James caused the girl to increase her grip on the table as he cut Logan off. It was almost as if he were upset about something, though she wasn’t sure if he had some reason to be. 
Did something happen while I was away?
“Roxy? You don’t want us to do anything, do you?” He asked, plain as day. For a boy who was often quite lacking in situational awareness, he’d zoomed into her problem far quicker than any of their friends. 
Had they not been in a crowded room, she’d reach up, knot her fingers in his t-shirt, and pull him down into an earth-shattering kiss. 
When she shook her head, she was finally able to release her fingers from the table, though they soon resumed keeping busy as she began to pick at her cuticles. Now that they’d gotten to the root of the problem, she wasn’t sure she wanted to explain to them why she felt that way. 
Should she clue them into her conversation with Mag? It wasn’t any of their business, but they were her best friends. Maybe they’d understand where she was coming from, why she wanted to believe he was truly apologetic for his actions. But on the other hand, what if they didn’t comprehend why she was considering what they’d talked about? Any criticism hurtling her way would probably break her, let alone statements about her ability to judge character. 
There had been a reason she’d been pulled into Mag and Dani’s world their freshman year. The two of them had been good friends. Her best friends.  They’d given her a space to express her feelings judgment-free and had taken a chance on the least punk-presenting person in all of Duluth to help give rise to the band they’d built together. 
She didn’t want to forget the long nights they’d spent together, handing out fliers outside of record stores, hanging out in the radio station during her overnight shifts, or the shows they’d handcrafted, piecing the setlists together as though their lives depended on it. Even outside of their band, they’d been the first two to explore their hometown with her, they’d gotten through Mag’s father's passing together, and survived the horrors of American public schooling by each other's sides. 
Those were the people she remembered them to be; Those were the people she still wanted them to be. Was it so wrong to want her friends back too?
The pit in her stomach certainly told her it was.
Even if she wasn’t entirely sure she was still willing to forgive them for what they’d done, if Mag truly meant what he had said earlier, this might be the performance he makes it right, and Roxy wasn’t interested in sabotaging that in any way… Selfish as that might be. 
“No,” she confirmed, daring to pull her nails from the bloody mess she’d eventually make if she kept pulling at her skin and reaching down to her side to lock pinkies with her boyfriend. Though that wasn’t the physical comfort she sought at the moment, it would have to do for now. “If something goes wrong and it’s traced back to the four of you, Gustavo’d throw a fit. He’s already on edge…”
Looking around the table, she took note of nodding heads, until Kendall slammed one hand down on the table, causing her to flinch at the sound, practically shouting, “Rox, who gives a fuck? These two completely screwed you over!”
Kendall yelling at her? That was certainly a new experience - One she didn’t take well to at all. 
“Still! That’s my music they’re about to play up there!” She roared back, feeling the line that had been tightening all night finally snap, goosebumps prickling down her arms at the tone he’d taken with her. “That’s serious shit, Kendall! That’s personal. My heart is up there on that stage with every word, every strum of a guitar chord… Credited to my name or not, if the four of you hatch some stupid, wacky plan and ruin that, you’d be screwing me over, too!”
“Don’t you understand? People like Mag and Dani need to be taught a lesson! Or they’ll just keep getting what they want over, and over! Those two did some damage, Roxy, we see it whenever you try to keep an unfinished song from us or carry your problems alone-”
Chest constricting, Roxy didn’t bother to quell her words. Whatever was getting Kendall so worked up, letting him think it was fine to raise his voice at her affected her tenfold. “There’s nothing of mine left for them to take! It seems you’ve forgotten that’s your job now!”
James let his hand fall from hers. 
By the way her friends gaped at her declaration, she had been right to hold back the contents of her conversation with Mag. 
Finally, she found where they differ; Big Time Rush wanted revenge for what had been done to their assistant. Roxy wanted, needed, recompense. 
Carlos glanced somewhere behind Roxy before his line of sight made it down to the black tablecloth. “You think our plans are stupid?”
“Is… writing for us not fun anymore?” Across the table, Logan’s question further twisted Carlos’ knife.
And all at once, the conversation that was meant to bring the five of them together that night left the writer feeling fully isolated. Her heart throbbed, unpleasantly mixing in with the beginnings of a bass drum beat blaring through the stage speakers, blood pouring into her ears as the pangs of anger prickled her brow. Beginnings of anything she could possibly say next were swallowed up by the crowd’s ovation as the lights went up and Brand New Day took the stage - That was probably a good thing, too, because if Kendall wanted a yelling match, Roxy was just bothered enough to give him one. 
Of all the things she had to be right about that night, her statement about her heart being on stage rattled around her head as she recognized the opening riff to the first song, “Into the Night.” Based on the night of Brand New Day’s first show, an evening blazed into Roxy’s memory from the pure emotional overload, Mag began to sing the lyrics. His unrefined, raw, voice stood out from music perfectly, sounding like the punk singers he’d spent so much time learning vocals from on old CD tracks in his bedroom.
Goddamn it, the girl thought, taking everything in, it does sound just like I imagined it would.
As the song went on, she tried to reach out to James, only to find his arms crossed against his chest, watching Mag very intently as he jumped around the stage while he played. When she attempted to place a hand on his arm, he shrugged her off, not even bothering to look over in her direction. 
“Babe,” She called, almost directly into his ear, but the sound coming from the speakers was far too loud, drowning out any possibility of her soft tone reaching his ears. 
That, or more likely, he was pretending like he couldn’t hear anything but the music.
“Heartswell Summer” was the last song and lead single off Barely Hanging On. 
A song Roxy had written after Mag had gotten his driver’s license, when the two of them had taken his mom’s car keys and joyrode around Duluth the summer of their sophomore year. Taking on surface streets and highways together, daring to head down little one-way mountain roads, and overall, just enjoying the company of a friend.
Something had been… freeing about the entire interaction; The idea that someone she knew besides her father was able to drive her places was a major plus, but also, the ability to potentially play shows outside of their hometown. That excited the two of them more than anything. 
Originally, Dani was set to come with them on their drive to nowhere, wasting as much gas as they could before they would inevitably have to come back home and beg Ms. McAllister to refill the tank - none of them had ever pumped gas before - but they had to pass. Sydnee’s family’s upholstery store needed someone to cover the register while her sister had her tonsils out and they were more than happy to step up to the plate. 
Looking back, had Dani been there, Roxy wasn’t sure she’d have been able to come up with the song in the first place. There’s no way they’d let them listen to Mag’s Saves The Day CD or park the car at the cliffs of the North Shore, staring out the front windshield and admiring the beauty of the lake scene in front of them. 
The two of them weren’t talking about anything important, in fact, as she tried to search the recesses of her memory to try and take a guess as to what it was, she couldn’t even come up with anything. At one point, he’d turned to her as they spoke and his unwavering attention caused her mouth to go dry. 
Then, her heartbeat a little faster. Palms grew sweaty as she held tightly to the soda cup they’d gotten at the Bun In A Million drive-thru. When she laughed at whatever jokes he made, there was a little something extra behind it. 
Sure, she’d been on a date before, kissed a guy even, but none of the new feelings she’d encountered that day even came close to what she was experiencing in the passenger seat of Mag’s car. 
On the way home, they’d sung along to his CD until their voices were gone and the minute she got home, she locked herself in her bedroom and wrote “Heartswell Summer.”
A few months later, that song had been the catalyst for her humiliating departure from Brand New Day. 
Now, hearing the final chorus escape Mag’s lips, Dani, sweaty, but still expertly pounding away at their drum kit to round the song out, Roxy decided for the first time in ages, she was glad to have written it, even in the wake of the pain it had caused her. Without it, she’d have never considered signing up for Gustavo’s talent auditions, never leading her to meet Big Time Rush, never have allowed her to travel the United States playing her songs for crowds of thousands and thousands. 
The applause the duo had garnered was well deserved, no denying those two put on an excellent show. It was also evident Brand New Day had no place for her any longer, even if a small part of her had thought that there was the slightest possibility, and admittedly, that realization didn’t hurt as much as she thought it would. 
Roxy’s place was with Big Time Rush - A fact she’d overlooked tonight for the sake of the past and people she used to love. But that didn’t change the fact she wanted to get in Kendall’s face and scream, show him how upset his tone had made her, how he made it sound like she wasn’t able to solve her problems on her own.
Control freak… 
It had been a good while since she’d been this agitated, there was a reason she’d been drawn the punk music after all, feeling the need to get it out all at one person. She hadn’t allowed herself to yell at Dak after their break up or at Camille when she’d kissed James, because she thought herself better than that. Now, she was pretty sure if that blond boy got anywhere in her vicinity she’d explode.
The worst part? Though anger like this was healthy every once and a while, Roxy was usually able to channel it into something good, like a song, but her mind was just drawing blank after blank. A kid with a white crayon scribbling and wondering why nothing was showing up on the page. 
With no outlet like that, she knew she’d better keep her mouth shut before their fight evolved into something bigger than it already was. At some point, she’d have to apologize, especially for dragging the other three into it unprompted, but that was the farthest thing from her mind right now as Mag and Dani took their bows, stepping up to the microphone to say their thank you’s to the crowd. 
With the sound of clapping slowly starting to dissipate, Mag strummed a few chords on the baby blue guitar over his shoulder - The one that had inspired Roxy to write the track “Baby Blue” - before stepping up, joking, “That’s enough of that! Stop it!” before placing his hands over his heart. 
“Plenty of people in our lives deserve the applause far more than we do,” Dani followed, pulling out a sheet of paper from their back pocket. Sound of crinkling paper coming through the mic, they spoke in their usual nonchalant manner. “Even though you get to see the two of us up here, Brand New Day is far more than Mag and I.”
“First off, we’d like to thank our parents… Not very punk, we know, but we really wouldn’t be here without their constant and unwavering support!” 
Dani waved his hand up and down, prompting the crowd to cheer louder and louder, as one of the spotlights found its way to the table where the Hurons and Ms. McAllister were sat. An odd first choice to the girl, considering she could remember plenty of times they hadn’t been supportive. Considering she hadn’t been around them for a little over a year, what did she know about their current parental relationships?
Another lazy riff and Mag let it ring through the speakers before taking the mic again, “And of course, none of this would be possible if the lovely and talented producer, Chelsea Northrop, hadn’t taken a chance on our little band…”
The light found a middle-aged woman in the crowd, bright red hair contrasting greatly with the black of her power suit, and she politely waved. No trace of a smile on her face despite the band receiving so much positive feedback from fans in real-time. 
Running their hand down the written list in their hands, Dani smiled before crumpling up the paper and throwing it behind their back. They leaned into Mag’s grip on the mic. “One more person…” 
Roxy’s heart skipped. 
“...Well, more like a group of people: The fans! Thank you all so much for always showing up for us, buying our music, hyping us up online… The growth of Brand New Day can’t be attributed to anyone else. We can’t wait to keep making music you all love!” With a flip of their long hair over their shoulder, the house lights illuminated the crowd, and it appeared as though Dani was reaching down to the front of the stage to pull one of the setlists off and hand it to someone in the front when Mag drew his pick up and down the strings again.
With a few clicks of his tongue and a wry smile, the black-haired boy waggled his finger toward the audience. “Speaking of fans… Were any of you lucky enough to see us when we were a shitty little cover band back in our hometown?” 
One person in the audience cheered, “Hell yeah!” with an emphatic fist pump, inspiring Roxy to let out a “Whoo!” of her own from the sidelines, clapping her hands together as loud as she could just so the big room wasn’t so quiet. 
“Well then, you might have noticed we downsized from a trio to a duo - Fear not, our best friend Roxanne Somerset is still with us behind the scenes. Not only did she write every song we played up here tonight, and the entire album if I’m being honest. She also helped arrange all of the covers we played back home. Dani and I don’t think her nearly enough, so Rox, if you’re out there, what do you say to playing one more song with us?”
Dani froze, looking at the singer with wide eyes. 
Recompense. Just like she’d wanted. Only now she was learning she’d bit off far more than she was willing to chew when the same annoying spotlight Carlos had promised to bust found her on the sidelines, nearly blinding her. It took all she had not to bring her hands up to her face to block the light, and the crowd’s chant of, “One more song! One more song!” didn’t leave her much choice. 
Caught in a catch-22, Roxy didn’t have much time to mull over her decision. Play the song or don’t. Piss off Big Time Rush or piss off Brand New Day.
Accept my apology or don’t.
 Turning the offer down would just be downright embarrassing, especially in front of so many people, and when her eyes finally adjusted to the light, she could see her friends in the V.I.P. section staring straight back at her, trying to determine her choice. 
When Kendall slowly shook his head in her direction, Roxy just about lost it. 
She ran up to the stage, making sure to go out of her way to pass by the table the boys were standing at, because what did they know about her time in Brand New Day? How dare Kendall act as if he were the end-all, be-all of her life’s decisions? Playing in her own band, getting to own the whole stage, and interacting with the other two, was far more a rewarding feeling than being boxed in stage right at a Big Time Rush show. Not that Kendall would understand. He’d never even know the difference. 
Who cared if she played one more song with them? It was a good send-off, especially after Mag had admitted to a room full of people neither he nor Dani had written their own music - The first step in what she was now happy to consider a healing friendship. The boys would just have to get over it eventually. 
When she approached the band, Roxy didn’t think twice before throwing her arms around each of their shoulders, pulling them down into the huddle position they’d always do to debrief before their shows. Paying no mind to the crowd in front of them, Roxy took her time savoring the moment. 
“Thank you, both of you, for admitting that. Being so honest with everyone was pretty… Unexpected, but appreciated” She beamed, hair falling into her face, wrestling them a bit tighter. “And congratulations on the album.”
Mag was the first to fire back, “Thank you, Roxy. Seriously, I mean-”
“What song are we playing?” Dani cut him off, rolling their drumsticks between their palms. Small, lined intents covered the thick wood from top to bottom, a testament to how hard Dani went on their kit during the performance. “‘The Anthem?’”
“Oh, God, no. Not while the Maddens are here.” Cheek scrunching in disgust, Roxy couldn’t stand the thought of playing a Good Charlotte song while two of its founding members were somewhere in the audience. “The Replacements, maybe? ‘Bastards of Young?’”
“That song is ancient,” Mag laughed, light and airy, “I was thinking something more suited to Roxy’s taste… Not exactly punk, but how about ‘Bring It On Down?’”
The gasp that escaped Roxy’s lips might have been heard by the entire crowd, “You’re serious? I had to beg both of you to learn that one…”
“Sure. That one. Whatever.” Dani grunted, gently moving out of the writer’s grasp and jerking a thumb in her direction. “Just one problem, she can’t play any of the guitars here.”
“Think again, Dani!” 
Now that the huddle was broken, Mag slid a few steps side stage and pulled out his first electric guitar; The black, sleek instrument Roxy would always have to borrow for their more important shows instead of playing her shitty acoustic/electric.
Roxy childishly snatched it out of his hands, pulling the neck into her chest and rocking side to side, “I can’t believe you kept it strung like this!” 
In a flash the black strap was around her shoulder, adjusted as though he hadn’t played it once since she last touched it, and she reached out to his mic stand to take a pick. 
“I had hope we might play together someday… Call me sentimental…” He took a step closer to her and reached out a hand. Without thinking, she leaned back, eyes widening.
If they noticed this interaction at all, they didn’t let it show. Dani struck their drumsticks together to signal the beginning of the song. If Roxy had any hope of getting through the song without messing up, she’d have to pay incredibly close attention to the time Dani was keeping on the drums.
Once more, Mag held out his hand, palm facing her this time in some sort of peace gesture before he went for her shoulder, adjusting the strap so it was smooth on her skin instead of the twisted mess she’d made of it when she slung it on the first time. 
Roxy had to look down at the instrument below her, not because she needed to see the strings to play, but to ignore the way his eyes shone under the bright stage lights. 
That, coupled with the fact “Bring It On Down” was one of her favorite Oasis songs had her thinking for just a split second that maybe it was a bad idea she’d chosen to join them… But when it came her time to strike the lead chord, hear it resonate out to the crowd as everyone began to move to the beat, that thought quickly left her mind. 
With a glance to the table with her friends, she tried to send a silent message to James that she wished it was him up there with her, but he was too busy speaking with Kendall, Logan, and Carlos - quite furiously by the quickness of his hand gestures -  to notice any of the fun she was having. 
Just as she left the stage after a final bow, placing Mag’s guitar back into its case on the side, she turned to look for Brand New Day, only to find the red-haired woman from earlier, standing right behind her. 
“Hey, Ms. Northrop, right?” She greeted, attempting to mask the small gasp of surprise that left her lips. Blood still pumping from the adrenaline rush of performing, the girl wiped a bead of sweat from her forehead. “They should put a bell on you… or something. Uh... Thanks for letting me play with those two again-” Stepping forward, Chelsea’s heeled boot smacked the wood of the stage as she extended a hand, and Roxy flinched, making it hard for her to return the woman’s handshake. 
“I’m going to cut to the chase.” Chelsea cut her off, very effective in doing exactly what she had said. “Do you like it at Rocque Records?”
Roxy wasn’t sure if the continued hammering in her chest was due to the performance anymore. “I do-”
“Gustavo Rocque is an unpleasant man,” the woman spoke over the rest of what Roxy was trying to say. 
If she’s trying to sell herself as more pleasant… It’s not looking that way…
“He has his moments, sure-”
“I have a contract here offering you your same assistant songwriter position under me and all four of the bands I manage.” From her large black purse hanging at her side, Chelsea opened a professional-looking ledger and produced just that; A thick, bound leather folder was thrust into the assistant’s hands before she had the chance to protest.
Immediately, Roxy pushed it back toward her as though the object was cursed, “Look, you’ve got the wrong idea. I’m not-”
“Open to the second page. Section 12-B. Line four.”
“No. I’m not going to do that, Chelsea. How about you let me finish what I’m saying?” The fury she’d felt toward Kendall earlier was starting to bubble up again, and though she had done her best to be cordial with this woman, getting spoken over was just degrading. “I’m not looking to switch jobs and I’m not looking to work with Brand New Day again, that performance was just for fun, okay? There’s nothing in the world that could make me-”
“Roxanne, I’m willing to offer you three times your current salary to come work for me at Galactic Records.” 
The next words that came out of Roxy’s mouth were a garbled mess of sounds dying halfway from her throat to her tongue. “Wha?”
“You’ve got forty-eight hours to let me know your decision. Please make the right one.”
Only at the sound of her heels smacking on the wood did the writer realize Chelsea was walking away. Click, click, click…
All the writer could do was stand there, dumbstruck at the offer, running the producer's words over and over in her head as she tried to make sense of all that had just occurred. The leather folder in her hands had held the key that would unlock the door to more industry opportunity, which, honestly, didn’t matter to Roxy in the slightest, but to walk away from triple the salary she made at Rocque Records…
From the boost in royalties this new album under her name would provide, she had figured, at least, she might be able to pay for her father to come visit, but with three times her current salary?
Screw Dad coming to visit… Dad could move here. We could live together again and see all the things we talked about seeing if we could afford it…
From somewhere in the crowd, Roxy heard Mag’s laugh ring out, clear and true.
Was this all a ploy to get my writing back in Brand New Day?
Even without confirmation, the thought of getting played by Mag McAllister again had Roxy’s eyes watering faster than the end of Titanic. Half-way a call for help, half-way a prayer, she shakily whispered her boyfriend’s name, “James… I need to find James…” before a few lyrics wedged their way into her brain.
The only issue? Her songbook and pen were in her backpack at the table and there was no way she was letting the other three see her like this right now. Frantically, her eyes scanned the side stage area, hoping for a pen, paper, anything that could help her get the lyrics down on paper before she forgot them, but her search yielded no results. 
Without thinking, she practically tore her phone out of her back pocket and opened her texting app to the first conversation, typing out. 
R: I walk offstage because this whole play is more than I can take 
Once that was out of mind, Roxy heard another line begin to play, but it was too loud to decipher over the chatter from the venue’s patrons. She needed to get out of there, now, somewhere quiet where she could get the lyric out before losing it. 
Good thing the ramp leading to the stage let out close to a hallway marked with a glowing red exit sign. 
R: I was one foot out the door, I couldn’t play that part no more
This new lyric finally erupted as the cool air of the Los Angeles night set in, lining the girl’s skin, a new tremor racking through her already shaking hands as her fingers typed out one last line.
R: The chemistry just wasn't there, I couldn't act like I didn't care, when I do, I do
How annoying. Roxy threw her head back, greedily gulping down the smoggy breeze in the alley outside of the venue. Still writing stupid songs about him to this day-
“Don’t tell me you came out here to complain about Mag. That’s your ‘I-Want-To-Complain-About-Mag’ face.”
“Jesus, Dani!” For the second time in as many minutes, Roxy jumped at an unexpected presence, this time coming from the stairs to the venue’s second floor, where Dani sat about halfway up, a lit cigarette between their pointer and middle fingers. “I’m going to put a fucking bell on you too, I swear to God…”
“O-kay,” Dragged out the drummer, making sure to pull the cigarette for a few beats too long before blowing the smoke out in Roxy’s direction. “Whatever that means…”
But, they scooted over, patting the rotting iron step beside them.
Bundling into her bare arms as they crossed over her chest, Roxy gave a grateful nod and descended a few steps to reach them. The last time they’d sat outside and spoken like this had to have been her last winter in Minnesota, right before the band broke up. Roxy couldn’t remember if it had been on her back porch or Dani’s, but either way, the gorgeous Duluth sky had left them ample opportunity to stargaze and talk about whatever came to mind. 
When she finally sat, the smoke’s earthy scent enveloped her nostrils, curling down into her mouth and making her crave the taste on her tongue. 
Maybe Dani noticed, or maybe they were just being polite, but they held the cigarette in her direction. 
Roxy just shook her head, “Not tonight, thanks… It’d ruin my ability to complain about Mag, don’t you think?”
The snort coming out of Dani’s nose had a little bit of smoke behind it. 
“For the record, I’m pissed at him too. I had no idea those songs were yours, Rox, not until I held the final copy of our record in my hands. There’s no way I’d agree to play them if I’d known.” For a brief moment, they flicked the ash down onto the ground below. Dani Huron was many things; a great drummer, a grassroots activist, a Good Charlotte fan. The one thing Dani Huron was not, was a liar. “Hmm… Doesn’t seem to affect my complaining at all...”
After the most emotionally tumultuous hour of her life, Roxy let out a small sigh, daring to lay her head down onto the soft t-shirt sleeve covering Dani’s shoulder, just like she would when they were smoking back home. 
Earlier in the day she’d never have dreamed of speaking to Dani like this ever again, but now, she just needed someone to talk to and it seemed as though they were more than willing to listen. Though it was a nasty habit, smoking always helped calm them down, cracking through their hard shell and allowing them to open up far more than in casual conversation.
“Dani, I am so sorry for thinking you had a part in that all this time,” Even the sigh at the drummer’s quip wasn’t enough to help swallow the crack in her voice. Of course, Roxy wanted to say it was okay, but at this point, her mind was so twisted, she had no idea who to believe. “Mag apologized for taking them earlier, actually, and I asked him to tell everyone it was my music. Then he did. So, I thought it would be cool to play with you again… For the sake of… A new friendship, maybe? But then that witch Chelsea offered me a job at Galactic the moment I got off stage. Three times my current salary. And now I have no clue what to make of everything… Am I crazy to feel like he’s just playing me again?”
“What makes you think I’d tell you if I knew?”
“Best friend code?”
“That’d normally work if we’d spoken any time in the last… twelve months, I think. Or you’d left Duluth with a goodbye.” They turned their face to the side, casting a glance over the alleyway below. “I called you, like, a million times when Project Pop canceled your show ‘for the foreseeable future’ because you’d ‘moved to the land of the stars.’”.
Screwing her eyes shut, Roxy dug the heels of her palms into her eyelids. “Again… Thought you were in on the whole song-stealing thing…”
Taking another drag, Dani let out a silent bout of laughter, shoulders shaking and sending their friend’s head bobbing up and down. Somewhere in the distance, a car alarm began to go off, interrupting the surprising silence of the big city at night. 
“Seriously, though, I want this band built off of talent, not lies. If Mag has anything cooked up, I swear on Bear he didn’t say a word to me.”
Visions of Dani’s enormous goldendoodle ran through Roxy’s mind. “Thanks, Dee… Out of everything that’s happened tonight you wouldn’t believe how refreshing this normal conversation is..”
“Oh?” More smoke curled out of their mouth as they breathed out the word, scratching at the black, metal ring stuck in their nose. “You’re always in the middle of the weirdest drama - and I mean that affectionately.”
“That trait 100% followed me to Los Angeles… You should meet the guys I work for,” The writer huffed as the corners of her mouth turned up, “I royally fucked things up with them earlier, too… Ugh, that apology is going to be so humiliating-”
The door the the venue slammed open below them. “Roxanne?” 
James said her name with a sense of urgency, one she’d never heard out of him before. 
“And that’s my cue… Catch you later,” Dani whispered, bumping shoulders with their friend before sliding down the stairs and back into the venue.
“Up here, babe!” His assistant called, shooting to her feet almost as quickly as Dani had, and taking a few steps to the ground. As James turned to the sound of her voice, she couldn’t help but throw herself into him, arms scrunching around his torso, “I’m so sorry about earlier, what I said was…”
When she pressed her ear to his chest, she could hear the rapid beating of his heart. Then, his arms were on her shoulders, physically putting her at an arm's length away. A cursory glance up and down his tall frame immediately told her something was wrong. Not only was his perfectly set hair uncharacteristically disheveled, but his stunning hazel eyes were puffed red under the halogen lamp hanging above the door, foot anxiously tapping on the ground as he pulled one hand off of her and reached into his front pocket.
Phone screen flicking on, almost as bright as that spotlight earlier, his fingers dug into her shoulder as he held it up to her, “What the hell is this?” 
Three white text bubbles filled her vision; The song lyrics she’d been unable to write down earlier had been sent in rapid succession. No wonder he looked so panicked… Receiving those three lines in a row would certainly freak anyone out. 
Intestines twisted, and the girl shook her head. Why hadn’t I thought of that before I hit the send button?
Her hand shot up to meet his, curling around the fingers that held his phone and lowering the device out of her face. If he could feel the claminess setting into her palms, he didn’t mention it.
As difficult as looking him in his bloodshot eyes was, Roxy assured him, “Lyrics! Song lyrics, James, nothing else. My journal was too far-”
“Lyrics? To a breakup song?” Though a chuckle left his lips, it was anything but gleeful. “Something inspired you to write that tonight?”
“It’s a bit early to call it a breakup song… It’s just three lines. They came to me when I hopped off stage, that’s all.”
 Sucking in a breath, James shook her hand off of his. The boy in front of her was physically shaking and it certainly wasn’t due to the low temperature outside. “Playing with Mag caused you to write this?”
Of course, that’s what she had said, opposite from what she’d meant. 
“The words are about him, baby, not you!” Reaching out for him again, she tried to place her palm on his cheek, but he recoiled from her touch, shying away from her like a vampire in the sunlight. For a second, Roxy had to swallow down some bile rising in her throat. “I think we need to go home and talk, okay? We’re not breaking up; It’s just a poorly timed text message.”
When his eyes glazed over, Roxy knew she had lost him. His utterance of “We… need to talk?” suggested he hadn’t heard anything beyond the first part of her statement. 
“Breathe, James, please. You’re going to pass out.” 
Like he had before, he only continued hearing what he wanted to, saying whatever he could to fit the narrative he’d constructed about the messages he’d received. Labored, but collected enough, he pushed out, “We do need to talk, actually. About you writing love songs about other guys!”
The lamp above the doorway flickered, and Roxy’s vision began to blur. A nasty flashback of Dak chewing her out in her apartment about hanging out with the band flashed behind her eyes. 
“How come it was a breakup song when you thought it was about you, and a love song now that you know it’s about Mag?” 
Asking that question through shakey breaths likely ruined how important it was to her to hear his explanation. 
Mouth flapping open and closed like a fish, James finally found his words as he read over the text messages again. “I couldn’t act like I care, when I do.”
Roxy ran one finger over her top lip to stave off the running she could feel starting in her nostrils. All her brain told her was that she needed to crash into him, squeeze him to death, run her hands through his hair as they spoke and maybe, maybe, he’d be ready to listen to her, but if she reached out to him one more time and he refuted it, she’d break down far sooner than she was on track to. “He just said some things to me earlier about my songs and I asked him to admit they weren’t his to everyone tonight. It’s just a little confusing where we stand now-”
“Who cares where you stand? You have me!’
“Will you stop implying I’m into him? I can’t think of any other way to say it, James! It’s just a stupid fucking song I was dumb enough to write down outside of my songbook and share with the world before it was done!” The writer cried. “And Kendall wonders why I keep that shit to myself… I’ve done my best to share my songs with you before they’re finished recently, but right now you’re just proving why I shouldn’t!”
“Right,” Huffed the boy in front of her. “Because communication is only a two-way street when it comes to anyone but you.”
Jaw falling slack, Roxy’s entire body grew numb. Out of everyone in her life, he was the person she’d been the most vulnerable with. Allowing herself to take the plunge into romantic entanglement together, both emotional and physical. Their entire relationship was built on placing trust in the other person. Just the hint of the idea James didn’t trust her anymore sent the tears Roxy had been holding back spilling out onto her cheeks. “This conversation is over, James. I can’t-I can’t do this right now. This night has already been so hard for me.”
Making way for the door behind James, she rammed her shoulder into his arm. He allowed himself to be knocked to the side. “Sure didn’t seem that way when you were rocking out with your lying, stealing, jerks of ex-band mates.”
Catching the heavy, metal door before it closed, Roxy stood halfway into the building, tossing her head over her shoulder to give her boyfriend one final glance before escaping to the crowd inside. “Sure beats the hell out of a jealous, combative, asshole of a boyfriend.”
She didn’t stop moving, not as she weaved through the tables by the stage to get her bag, or around the people getting down on the dance floor, when Gustavo called her name, or when her sock slid down her heel, digging into the bottom of her foot as she stomped to the front of the venue. 
Thanks to the large number of attendees to the album release party, nearly a dozen taxis were waiting out front to pick up anyone who hadn’t been lucky enough to arrange a ride beforehand. Around her, a handful of adults staggered on the sidewalk, who had taken advantage of the open bar, while others her age went this way and that with their CDs and other Brand New Day merch in hand. 
When she came across the first empty cab, she took a fifty out of her wallet and threw it in the window. “The Palm Woods hotel, as fast as possible.”
The cabbie didn’t need to be asked twice, and the minute the door to the backseat closed, they peeled away from the curb so quickly Roxy feared her head might spin off. 
Now that the party was in the rearview mirror, the girl was oddly relieved, though that didn’t stop the rush of emotions still completely overwhelming her. She was pretty sure she’d been crying for the last several minutes, if evidenced by the tear stains on the blank notebook pages in her lap, and the numbness from James’ words earlier still stuck around. 
How she managed to piss off all of her friends in one night might be some kind of new fucked up world record… One that would make the work day tomorrow anything but normal.
hi, lots to say about this one, but mostly that i'm sorry lol this did hurt very much to write!
roxy's lyrics come from an unreleased btr song called intermission if anyone was wondering.
i imagine brand new day sounds a lot like yellowcard (minus the violin) (that's a surprise tool that will help us later) and "heartswell summer" is heavily based if not lifted entirely from their song "with you around"
and as always, thank you for reading! be sure to let me know what you think <3 ily <3
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toastedjeans · 6 months
Full name + driving headcanons bc idk
Peppino Giuseppe Spaghetti. He can't drive a car, BUT he can drive scooters. He only barely got his license after a few tries cause he was really nervous, but eventually he got used to driving. He drives his little Vespa very cautiously since he's a small target on the streets. Parks on the side of the road, trying to take up as little space as possible. (Based on myself, just that i can drive cars but not bikes)
Maurice Spaghetti. His actual given name is Marco but he changed it, and he has no middle name. He drives a pickup truck. Got his license on the first try, but still drives like an asshole, and parks like an even bigger one. We're talking like, taking up three parking spots, with the rear sticking out far enough that it's in the way for other drivers. (Based on my brother LOL)
Gustavo Cannoli (i saw this somewhere before but i don't remember who said it. I love it tho). He's too small for most cars, but can drive short distances on Peppino's Vespa. He doesn't have a license, but nobody suspects anything since he drives very mannerly. Most of the time he just rides on Brick's back.
Scott Spencer Stick. Spencer is his actual first name but he doesn't like it so he decides to go by his middle name instead. Can drive cars, but hates how little space he has for his long legs. Puts his seat almost all the way back. Could probably drive bikes too, but feels too unsafe. Probably drives an SUV. Sometimes parks a little crooked, taking up a bit of space on the parking spot next to his. Doesn't bother correcting it, no matter how long he's gone from the car.
Hugh Mary Burton. Everybody just calls him by his last name. His mom calls him Huey (or used to, before she passed). Too big for most cars and bikes, and can't drive. Hitches rides with Mr. Stick. (It's a really big SUV trust me guys)
Philipp Belle Pepper. Uses Pepperman as an alias / artist name. Drives that cabrio he has in the ending credits since he's too.. shaped.. for any other cars. He isn't exactly reckless, just selfish. Will drive a little too fast or go into the wrong lane when not paying enough attention (due to checking himself out in the rearview mirror). Doesn't have a license. Don't tell Vigilante.
Vigert Irving Cheese (bonus grandpa -> John Ebenezer Cheese). I know people like Lantte as his last name but since his grandpa's last name is Cheese i thought it fit for him as well. He can't drive cars or bikes, so he doesn't have a license. Rides on rats or one of those weenie mounts if the rats are out of order or something.
Theodore J Noise. It's not short for anything, it's literally just a J. He doesn't have a license, but he drives both cars and bikes. Recklessly. If he gets a ticket he bribes the cops cause i mean. He's a celebrity after all. You can't arrest him. He'd bite the cops if they tried. Has a sports car and one of those off road bikes. (Fun fact: my mom calls those bikes "petrol mosquitoes" ("Benzin-Gelse") because of the sound of the motor.)
Bonus Noisey: all the Noisies can drive, and they'll sometimes drive Noise somewhere in a fancy limousine. Mostly when Noise is too tired or just doesn't wanna drive by himself. Or when Noisette forces him, or doesn't want him to drive by himself.
Hazel Belle Jolie aka Noisette. She'd absolutely hate the fact that she shares a middle name with Pepperman if she knew his full name. She has a cute little car, probably a cabriolet. Does have a license but doesn't drive very well. Not necessarily like an asshole, but just. A little stupid. Has definitely caused a few crashes and just drove away like nothing happened. Not because she felt guilty, but because she genuinely didn't even notice anything.
Fakey does not know how to drive anything. He does like watching traffic from afar but he's strangely hesitant to get near cars. Bikes are fine. He prefers running on all fours.
John Benjamin Pillar. He's incapable of fitting into any car and is too heavy for a bike. He doesn't need a car and i feel like he'd hate driving anyway.
Gerome William Pillar. He could drive a smaller car, but he doesn't have one. He prefers taking the bus or subway. Would ride in a taxi, but only if the driver doesn't talk to him / only talks very little.
Peddito doesn't have a car and doesn't need one. I mean, when you can fly everywhere you wouldn't need one either.
Anthony Dorian Solero aka Doise. His actual first name is Diego. Privately goes by Tony, but more often than not he stays in his persona. Does not have a license nor a car or bike, and would drive like a maniac if he did. He doesn't like driving anyway, and just rides around on his skateboard.
Totino Margherita aka Pizzahead. He doesn't have a license and can't drive cars or bikes. But he can pilot mechs and, surprisingly, helicopters. Unsurprisingly though, he doesn't have a pilot's license either. But if he had one, he would've gotten it illegally. Cheater. Has crashed multiple vehicles, and they all exploded, yet he survived every single time. Because cartoon logic.
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cosm1nya · 5 months
Past-a Tower AU | fanfic
Part 1
The tower finally fell. Everyone watched it. Since Peppino didn't kill all enemies, they somehow managed to escape, while his final fight, and now are walking all around the city.
Peppino was exhausted, was sitting on the ground. Gustavo talked with him and Brick watched them calm down. The rest of the group were talking together about the whole thing. Only Noise stood further, all wet from the rain. He was shaking from being cold and the pain from his fights.
Peppino, after a while, came to him.
-Hey Theo! How are ya?
Noise didn't respond.
-Noise? Hey, you okay? Hey... Are you crying...?
He was sobbing and shaking a bit.
-Leave me alone...
Peppino put his hand on his shoulder.
-Hey, what's wrong...?
-Go away!
Noise walked away, he didn't want to talk to him now. But Peppino tried to keep up with him. He put his hand on Noise's shoulder again.
-F*ck off...
-Theodore. What is wrong?
Noise stood still, still shaking for a bit and sobbing. After few minutes, he suddenly ran towards the ruins as fast as he could.
He started searching through all what was left from the tower. He looked in every place. Peppino ran to him.
Noise walked for a moment when Peppino came, then he froze.
-Noise...? Hey...
Peppino tried to put his hand on his shoulder one more time, but Noise suddenly fell on his knees.
-What are you... OH
Noise started crying heavier as he held destroyed mask that belonged to Noisette.
-Oh God. I'm so sorry... I-a...
"Oh God. No...No, no, no..! This cannot be happening... I... I forgot about her... I... Forgot... This can't be....I... I didn't save my friend... I... It's all my fault... God....why?" Peppino was overthinking everything, as always.
Peppino also started tearing up as Theo stayed silent, still crying.
The rest was confused, why did Peppino and Noise go there and not come back for so long. Vigi decided to go check on them.
-What is goin' on there?
Noise looked back at him, with sadness, pain and anger in his eyes. Vigilante noticed the mask, that was ruined and had bloodstains.
-Oh my... I'm so sorry...
Peppino whispered to Vigi:
-He searched through all of it...! Even i-if she died... Her b-body would be there... It couldn't j-just wanish.
-Yeah, that's strange... I even found my gun, a person should be much easier to find!
The rest of the group came to them after a little while. They stood there in silence, some of them sobbing quietly. They took off their hats. Noise was still on the ground, crying.
They stayed there until midnight.
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praetoravila · 3 months
15, 20, 25, 38, 40 (a new one! not one we've talked about👀), 51, 69, 72, 83, 99, 100 (if you're up for it!) <333 for jelisa !!!
HIIIII thank you ash!!!!!
15. How do they comfort one another when the other is upset?
elisa is a physical touch person, so usually a hug and a kiss or just generally hanging around in james’ presence is enough to help her, while james prefers getting to talk it out (he also likes a good mope session)
20. Who handles the spiders? Who screams directions in the background?
neither of them LMAO! elisa grew up with bugs all around her in brazil and her immediate reaction to most of them now is, danger will kill you, so she just doesn’t do anything until it’s gone. and james…. well it’s james. he doesn’t like dirt and anything involving dirt. tião (elisa’s uncle) is usually called in as bug reinforcement
25. Do they have any pet names for one another?
YES!!! stealing this one from you lol, but james calls elisa songbird, along with your standard babe, baby, and babygirl - babygirl usually being one only for more intimate moments. elisa calls him pet names mostly in portuguese but a few english ones sneak in there as well. her favourites are: meu príncipe (my prince), lindo (handsome), and meu gato (my hottie). technically she could also call james tiago since his name and that name are derivative from the same word but it’s too close to tião so absolutely not LOL
38. What would be their ideal evening in?
elisa’s not very picky, so honestly, just lying around w james in bed or on the couch doing nothing is sufficient for her. james prefers doing something of some sort so either watching a movie together or cooking a simple meal together - he loves learning about elisa’s culture and hearing her speak in portuguese as she’s explaining things to him
40. What is a song that reminds you of the OCs' relationship?
oooo okay choosing a song, that we haven’t already talked about, stuck by big time rush in my head is the first song james writes for elisa. it’s written post mid s2, when they first start dating and gustavo informs him that he can’t talk about their relationship publicly bc he’s the heartthrob of the band, and the fans won’t like the idea of him
not being single. he just wants everyone to know how in love he is, but he can’t, and it’s killing him lol. for a elisa song, flip the script by prima j is her song. when she first starts falling for james, she had no intention of getting into a relationship at all, she’s still struggling with her immigration and her homesickness + her fears about not being good enough for los angeles. james is one of the first people in la to remind her that she is talented enough and that she’s done the work to prove it and herself. it doesn’t fix her fears, but it sates them, and its one of the first real, intimate moments they share that makes her realize her feelings for him!
51. Are there any characters who ship them?
is it a cheat to say all of btr? lol, but yes, james’ friends are all very supportive of their relationship, particularly kendall and carlos who are the quote unquote matchmakers. kendall points out to james that he has feelings for elisa in the first place, and carlos finds ways to insert the two of them into shenanigans where they have to interact so they became friends and eventually more. elisa’s best friend back in São Paulo, fernanda (fernie for short) is also their biggest supporter, and she gives james the shovel talk (in portuguese. at 2am. right after a concert lol)
69. If they were to go shopping, who holds the bags? Who decides where they go?
james is the one who usually holds the bags, he’s a gentleman okay? he’s also usually the one who decides what stores they go into. elisa isn’t a big fan of malls, they overstimulate her too much, especially with the smell of american fast food (girlie hates the smell of refined oil) but when she’s in charge of the mall trip, they usually end up in american eagle, anthropology and Aeropostale (or the triples a’s as she calls them lol) since those stores are her vibe
72. If someone flirted with or showed an interest in their S/O, how would the other react?
oo!!!! i think it’s nuanced. elisa knows that james is famous, and that he’s the heartthrob of the band, so she’s kind of resigned herself to knowing that people will flirt with him, and that she is going to have to learn to not be jealous. but i think if someone is flirting with him when he’s just james and not specifically being james from big time rush, she gets a little bit peeved bc she wants him to have that distinction from who he is in the band. james on the other hand is a jealous man. he doesn’t like people looking at or touching what’s “his”, and that includes elisa lol. it’s part of why he hates jett for so long, bc jett would NOT get the hint and kept flirting with elisa. she would obviously turn him down and be polite, but james could tell it was making her uncomfortable which made his anger turn up 100 times more
83. Who gets frustrated more easily? Who does the other calm them down?
james does for sure! he’s passionate about everything he does, even if it’s not always the smartest thing, and one thing in particular he gets frustrated about is people comparing him and kendall. he’s very insecure about it, and elisa’s good at picking up on when he needs a moment to be in a kendall free zone and just rant or hug it out or whatever it is that he needs. elisa sometimes gets frustrated w her health issues, especially when her thyroid problems start acting up. james is good at spotting when she needs to take a break and stop for a minute, and he’s particularly good at enforcing the routine of eating and drinking water for her (she forgets to do it all the time. like seriously elisa, girl it’s a problem)
99. Who gives off "they said no pickles" energy?
elisa!!!! she’s the mom friend, and james is very picky about what he eats and she will go to the poor 16 year old running the mcdonalds counter and chew them out in english and portuguese for putting pickles on his cheeseburger when he asked for no pickles!
100. Make a meme of this ship.
okay not memes that EYE made, but here some silly goofy ones that i think fit them.
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i went off a little bit lmao
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phantomdoofer · 6 months
Chapter 19 - Vecchi Amici
Peppino woke up to the smell of rat. He cracked an eye open…
Brick was leaning over him.
" Yiiii!" Peppino yelled as he launched himself off the couch he'd been sleeping on. "Ti avevo detto di non farlo!"
Brick's response was a snis snis snis that sounded suspiciously like laughter. He growled as she walked away. He'd taken to staying with Gustavo, just as Giuseppe had started staying with Margherita. The Pizzamancer's words still echoed in his head:
I will destroy what you hold dear before I return to kill you. And I will savor every moment of it.
Giuseppe had reached the conclusion that they should stay with those who couldn't defend themselves. Fake had told Giuseppe about their past as Bruno, before going to watch over Brando. Peppino was staying with Gustavo, as much for comfort as protection. As tough as the little masso is, he doesn't have the powers we do.
Gustavo was still snoring in his bedroom. Peppino shrugged. No need to wake him yet. He yawned and scratched his arm. He hated imposing, but it was the safest thing. The Pizzamancer's Tower had been spotted all over the world, only to disappear again. No one knew what he was doing. For someone who said he wants to destroy the world, he's being pretty quiet.
There was a knock at the door, and two notes slipped through the mail slot.
Peppino tensed. Anything could be a threat. Mushroom hopped down off the top of his head, skittered over, and inspected them. It chirped a happy tone. Safe.
Peppino sighed and relaxed a little. The Toppins had been an absolute godsend - they could detect the Pizzamancer's influence on anything. Even they didn't know how.
Peppino picked them up. Two letters - one from La Crosta University - why would someone from their ever send me a letter? Probably junk mail. But it was hand-written, so he doubted it.
The second was also hand-written, in purple ink. Something tickled in the back of Peppino's mind - a sense that he knew who it was from. He quickly opened it.
Inside was a note so short it bordered on terse. Peppino, we owe you big time. When you need us, we'll be there. ~ G and J
Gerome and John, Peppino realized. How did they know? And what does it mean? Peppino carefully folded the letter. He'd show it to everyone else later.
The second letter was longer. Mr. Spaghetti, you don't know me, but I know about your situation. I have information vital to the situation with the Pizzamancer that I need to impart to you in person. Please come to the La Crosta History Department Main Office tomorrow at 1 PM. I cannot stress how important this is. The world itself might depend on it.
Peppino flipped it over - there was no name. He shivered. It could be a trap. But then, Mushroom didn't sense anything...
His phone rang. He picked up. "Pronto?"
"Did you just get a mysterious letter from the University?" Giuseppe's voice sounded terse.
" Sì, I did. I'm-a guessing you did too?"
"Yep. No name, either. Guess whoever it is wants to stay a little hidden." There was a pause. "Of course, if this person has such vital intel on the Pizzamancer, I guess I can't blame them." Another pause. "Are you and Gustavo going to open the pizzeria today?"
"Sì," Peppino responded. "It-a may seem foolish, but people seem to be taking heart from seeing something not-a caving to fear."
Giuseppe laughed. "They're right. Life goes on, even in a situation like this. I don't have to say "be careful."
Peppino grinned. "I know, fratello. I appreciate the concern. Just keep Mama safe, bene?"
"Of course, considering her mood, anything that did attack her would probably get folded in half." Both men laughed. "She may be old, but she's not defenseless, you know."
"I know, I know," Peppino said. "I just... I just-a worry. I'll see-a you tomorrow, esatto?"
"Of course, fratellino. Ciao."
As Peppino hung up, Gustavo came out of his bedroom. "Hey, Pep. Anything interesting in the mail?"
"See for-a yourself." He handed the two letters to the gnome.
Gustavo read both over, looking more concerned by the second. "G and J... Gerome and John?"
" Sì, I think so. I wonder what-a they mean, "they'll be there when we need them"?"
Gustavo shrugged. "I dunno. But I'm glad they're all right. I remember reading somewhere that people like them can have weird powers. And John owes you his life, after all." He shook the other letter. "Wonder who Mr. Mysterious is."
Peppino shrugged too. "I don't know, but I guess we'll-a find out." He stretched, his back creaking and popping. "Do you mind if I get a shower before we leave?"
Peppino, Gustavo, and Brick carefully walked into the History Department waiting room. He felt like he was intruding, but the secretary had waved him through. "We were expecting you, Mr. Spaghetti. Your brother is already waiting."
Peppino glanced behind him and, indeed, Giuseppe was sitting behind him. They sat beside him. "Anyone-a else here?"
Giuseppe shook his head. "No, but I know Vigi said he got the same letter, so I expect all the bosses to be here. Fits the pattern." He wriggled around, trying to find a comfortable spot on the wooden seat. "Wish I knew who this Professor guy is."
Peppino stared in surprise. "Wait, you don't know anything about him?"
Giuseppe frowned. "I mean, if someone keeps low-profile, and doesn't cause trouble, why would I? But this guy already seems to know too much." He winced and adjusted again. "I don't like this."
Peppino nodded, then sat back to wait. After a few minutes, he pulled out his phone and started searching current events. They pretty much all revolved around the resurrected Tower: a sighting here, a glimpse there. One report of a military base firing on it and being obliterated moments later. Peppino shivered. What can we do against that? It's like being attacked by aliens.
As the minutes went by, the bosses showed up: Vigilante, Pepperman, Fake, and finally, Noise and Noisette, Noisette escorting the still-bandaged Noise.
Peppino stood up. " Mio Dio, Noise, should you even be here?"
Noise waved a hand irritably. "Eh, keep yer worry to yerself, Spaghetti. I'll be Ok by the end of the day. I paid for the good stuff." Noisette stood with her hand on his shoulder. "Just want to know what the hell's goin' on."
Then the door opened again, and in walked -
“Pizzahead? Cosa ci fai qui, bastardo?” Peppino balled his fists, and everyone present looked angry. Both Brick and Noise hissed at him.
The Ninda held up his hands defensively. “Please, calm down! I told you, I don't know who this ‘Pizzahead’ is! My name is Paolo Totino! The last thing I remember is… my father dying, and a ring…”
Fake loped over to the Ninda, grabbing him by the shoulders, looking him in the eyes.
The Ninda cringed. “What do you want, you…” he stared, his disgust giving way to horror. “What… what are you??”
Fake stared him in the eyes for several seconds, then nodded. “This is not Pizzahead. He is what he says he is.”
Everyone visibly relaxed a little. “How do you know?” Peppino said.
Noise spoke up. “Because big guy here was the one around ol’ Pizzahead the most.”
Fake nodded. “Pizzahead’s eyes carried the spark of madness. It is not there, now. Though…” Fake turned back to Paolo. “There is a coldness there, an arrogance. We know arrogance.” He leaned down, and Paolo trembled. “Know this - if you betray us, we will kill you.”
Paolo grimaced. “Yeesh, Ok! I get it! Anyway, I was released from the hospital. They said I have memory loss. Considering I've lost…” he looked up, obviously counting, “three years, I'd say that's an understatement. Then I got this letter demanding I come here today.” He shrugged. “My life is gone. What have I got to lose?”
Then the door opened again, and in walked another unexpected figure...
“Brando?” Peppino said. “What are-a you doing here?”
The young man looked up in surprise. “ Signore Peppino? Signore Gustavo? What -” he looked around at the small crowd in the waiting room. “I received a mysterious letter yesterday, saying to come here. Did one of you send it?”
Peppino and the others shook their heads. “None of us, ragazzo.” Peppino looked at Fake, and he noticed the others trying not to do the same. Brando is Bruno's son, and the Pizzamancer said something about the Tagliatelles, Bruno's family. How are they involved?
Finally a tone beeped on the secretary's desk, and she stood. "The Professor has indicated he'll see you now. Please, head inside." She gestured at a worn wooden door to her left.
As everyone stood, Peppino picked up a general feeling of electricity in the air. Are we all that tense, or is it something else?
Once they had all entered, the secretary closed the door behind them. The room was essentially a library - the shelves towered ten feet, ladders granting access to all the shelves. Spaced amongst the books were curious little objects that Peppino gradually realized were machines. Seems our Professor is a bit of a tinkerer.
A simple wooden desk stood near the back wall, and the leather chair behind it was turned away. Peppino could hear someone whistling happily in the chair, but he saw no one.
Finally, the chair turned. A gnome, with long black hair, mustachios, and a goatee was sitting tinkering with a small machine, his tongue stuck out, the tiny screwdriver working furiously. He was dressed unusually casually for a professor. Of course, that might be normal for professors. Without looking up, he spoke. "Hello everyone, I'm Professor Schreiber, the one who called you here. Just a moment, I need to finish this." He turned a few more things, grabbed a casing, and clicked it into place. Suddenly the object was a solid gray orb, which he sat on his desk. "Er, if anyone here has implants or fillings, I apologize in advance." He clicked a hidden button, and a burst of light went off. The small objects scattered around the room also shot off a wave of strange light in response. Peppino felt an uncomfortable buzz in his chest where he'd been shot - he knew there was metal there. Noise grabbed his mouth. I knocked enough of his teeth out, no telling how much metal is in there. Heh. Giuseppe jumped and looked incredibly uncomfortable, for the same reason as Peppino. Then the entire room went dark.
Suddenly a light blossomed - the gnome had lit a lantern on his desk. An old fashioned oil lantern, in fact. The gnome jumped out of the chair and walked around the room, lighting other candles and lamps. "Sorry, but it had to be done. This room is now completely inaccessible - no electromagnetics, no vibrations, no gasses, not even light. It's completely and totally private." He looked around. "Sorry for the secrecy. My name's Aldo. I need to tell you this in complete privacy - the Pizzamancer might be monitoring you."
Giuseppe stepped forward. "How do you know how to do that? That's Old Tech, OLD Old Tech. I've barely even heard of it. And you just - casually built one?" He pointed. "Who are you?"
The gnome smiled. "I told you, name's Aldo. Though that's not all I am." He leaned against his desk. "We don't have much time - when I say no electromagnetics, I mean none, including heat. It's gonna get cold in here eventually. And I know how because I invented it."
Giuseppe's hand fell. " Invented it? That's not possible - you would have to be-"
"-over 3000 years old, to be precise,” the gnome interrupted.
The entire group gaped in surprise. “Th- three thousand-” Peppino stammered.
“-years old, yes. That's right,” Aldo said. “Let me explain.” He took a deep breath, looking at the floor. “I know the Pizzamancer of old. We were friends, once, I thought.” He shook his head. "I worked with him back before he was the Pizzamancer. I've been waiting for him to reappear all this time. And I know how to give you a chance to beat him."
Pepperman finally found his voice. "Who - what are you?"
The gnome walked up and put his hands on his hips. "I told you, we don't have time for the full story. Short version: I have fire-based powers that also render me immortal. We were researchers, working on the root of superpowers and whether they could be transferred. And we succeeded. Then he copied my power to give himself immortality, which I didn't know it did at the time, but he did, since he'd seen the data and deleted it, to hide it from me. I spent the next 500 years fighting in the shadows to stop him." He looked down. "I gave people the powers to fight him, but most of them died. Finally, three of them - Volante Spaghetti, Gordo Tagliatelle, and Rosa Rossini, managed to defeat him, using a device I designed to imprison him - a ring. Only Volante survived the battle, and that only barely."
At the names Spaghetti and Tagliatelle, everyone looked shocked. Peppino, Giuseppe, and Fake looked at each other. "So that's what he meant," Giuseppe said.
Aldo nodded. "But he had a dead man switch - a nanoplague that swept the planet, destroying almost all technology and a huge chunk of the planet's life. The only sapient survivors were the superbeings I created." He looked around. "Your ancestors. You know this as the Old War. It was..." Aldo paused for several seconds, seeming to struggle to get the words out, "it was my fault. For trusting him." He looked up at them. "But now he's broken free, and I spent the last 2500 years researching a way to give you a chance." He walked back behind his desk, producing a handful of small devices. "He imbued himself with many abilities in the 500 years I fought him. These devices will remove his immortality and fire abilities. The rest... I don't have enough data on. You'll have to deal with them on your own."
Each of them looked at the tiny device - the size of a pen, with a button. Giuseppe shook his head. "You invented the teleporters, didn't you? This looks just like the one I used during the war."
Aldo chuckled. "Oh no, that tech's far older than me. I invented the return relay, though. Glad you're paying attention." He coughed. "I'm telling you this because you deserve to know. And because you're the only ones I think he'd let live long enough to get close enough to use this. With you, the vendetta is personal."
Noise scoffed. "Then why don't you do it, old man?"
Aldo shrugged. "Because he'd run if he knew I was there. He knows I know his secret. This way, you can take him by surprise. You might have a chance, together." He sat down. "I hate to lay this on you, but if the government intervenes, he'll destroy civilization. If you show up, he'll practically usher you in, just so he can watch you squirm."
Brando stepped forward. “ Signore, I understand now why you invited me, but… everyone else here has powers or at least, the ability to defend themselves.” He gestured to himself. “I am just a simple chef. Why am I here, other than for the knowledge you've imparted?”
Aldo smiled. “Well, that, for one. Forewarned is forearmed. You're a descendant of Gordo, so you're automatically a target.”
Brando shivered. Peppino saw Fake begin to move towards him, then stop. Noisette stepped forward and hugged the boy.
Aldo walked up to him. “Two, you might be surprised, young man, when it comes to powers. Gordo’s power was incredible toughness - I saw him take fire blasts and lasers to the face and laugh.” He reached up and patted the boy's arm. “That was a strong power. I bet, even if it's dormant, it's still there. The trick was -” he turned to the Spaghetti brothers - “those three - Volante, Rosa, and Gordo - their powers activated through emotion. Speed from fear and anxiety…”
Giuseppe and Peppino looked at each other in shock. “Strength through rage and hate…” Giuseppe whispered.
Aldo nodded. “And Gordo's toughness, from determination and stubbornness. All qualities those three had in abundance.” He pointed at Peppino and Giuseppe. “You two remind me a lot of Volante, and Rosa, too.” He pointed at Brando. “You're nowhere near as fat as Gordo was, but your face… yes, it's still there, all this time later.”
Brando held up a hand. “I… look like him?”
“Down to the curly mustache. But you're a lot thinner.” Aldo turned. “Every one of you is a descendant of someone I helped, fought beside, even created, in a few cases.”
Paplo stepped forward. “While I think I understand, old man, as the short guy said, you're sending us out to do your dirty work. Sounds a bit fishy. What's in it for us?”
Aldo turned, stared, and strode up to the Ninda. Even though Paolo towered over everyone other than Fake, Aldo seemed to loom.
Then his eyes lit on fire, and his hair stood up, floating in the air like black flames.
“What I THOUGHT was that you might like to live in a free world, one not under the heel of a maniacal despot,” the gnome said, his voice crackling like flame. “Maybe I was wrong? You WANT to risk being murdered on a whim daily? Maybe chopped up for parts, or food? I know this man. He thinks he's the only one in the world that matters. He will destroy you, and everything you hold dear. And he will do it with a smile on his face. Is that a good enough reason for you?”
Noise climbed down out of Noisette's arms, where he'd leaped in terror. He'd developed a fear of fire.
Gustavo spoke up. “I get what you're saying. If you show up, he'll run, right? And with the Tower's disappearing trick…”
Aldo’s eyes returned to normal, and his hair laid back down. “He'll disappear, and he might just destroy the world out of fear before it reappears. Right, my boy.”
“So, what do we do?” Vigi said. “You worked with him. Got any pointers?”
Aldo nodded. “I don't know what powers he has, but he's arrogant, and he has a very fragile ego. If you provoke him, he might go all out. But if you get him talking…” Aldo grinned maliciously. “He always loved to monologue. Be decisive when you strike, though - if he has time to use the Tower in the fight, you're probably done.”
Aldo walked back over to Paolo. “I bet you're descended from the Pizzamancer. It's why the ring took you over. I bet you don't remember anything from the last few years, do you?”
Paolo nodded. “That ring was my father's. His last words were to keep it with me, that it was very old.”
Aldo nodded. “A quirk of the ring’s design was that, while it let his spirit influence you, keeping it near to his bloodline also kept the seal strong. Did you give it away?”
Paolo frowned. “Pawned it, actually. I needed the money.”
Aldo shook his head. “You couldn't have known, but by giving it away, it gave the part of him that took root in your head a chance to flourish. There's no telling what he made you do - and he'd need it back to bring himself back. Once he took you over, the seal didn't mean much.” Aldo grasped his arm. “You have a stake in this too, young man. He destroyed your life.”
Paolo nodded. “I don't care if he's my ancestor. I'll kill him.”
Aldo nodded. “Keep that fire, young man. But don't let it blind you.” He paused, and turned. “This is the only way forward I can see - the world's only chance.” He sighed, and reached out to touch the little device. The room filled with light and sound. They all squinted and held up hands against the sudden glare. “I wish I could do more. But this is your story, now. Be careful, all of you. I hope to see you all again.” He smiled at Peppino. “I still want to try your pizza, after all.”
The group filed out of Aldo's office. All of them looked pensive, even Noise.
Finally, they all turned to Peppino. “So, big guy,” Noise said, “what do we do?”
Peppino reared back, looking ready to bolt. “Wh - why are-a you all looking at-a me like that? I'm-a not the leader here!”
Giuseppe laid a hand on Peppino's shoulder. “Hate to break it to you, Pino, but you kind of are. You took down the Tower yourself. You beat all of them.” He gestured at the Bosses, who looked irritated, but nodded. “You're the one who did it, Pino. You. We're the backup here. You're the squad leader.” Giuseppe crossed his arms, smiling smugly. “So what do we do, Boss?”
Peppino looked pensively at the group. Why me?
He heard a chorus of familiar voices in his head.
Gonna abandon them? Run scared? Leave them behind like you did us?
Peppino started to shiver…
Suddenly he felt the hand on his shoulder squeeze.
Giuseppe smirked. “We're here, Pino. You can do this. I know you can.”
Peppino nodded. He thought about everything Giuseppe had told him about, that he'd been through. He's me, after all. I guess he would know.
Peppino took a deep breath. The voices faded, but he could still feel their gaze on him. Finally, a single voice echoed in his head. If you want to make it up to us, save them. Protect them.
Peppino nodded. “ Va bene. Do we-a know where-a the Tower is?”
Giuseppe pulled out his phone. “I bet we can find out.”
Peppino nodded. “Then we do it. As soon as we can.”
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whereismyhat5678 · 11 months
yayaya u kno what time it isss evelyn hcs less gooooo
Due to the tower falling and reviving, her speech is a little broken, if someone (like the pillar bros, peppino, etc) were to have conversation with her then they'll have to be a little patient when shes speaking.
Here, I'll make an example:
``It was v..very lonely, in that hee..headspace, but I'm just glad I m..anaged to make it out. I hope I didn't sc..are anyone too much fro..from my revival..``
Although, when she gets more nervous/stressed her speech becomes more broken than before.
Heres another example:
``Look, Mr. Gustavo, a-as much aa..s I respect y..ou symapthy, I d- don..tt want to ta..talk a..bbout th- thee..the "incident" at a..aall- And I'm su..sure Peppino and th..e others wouldn't wa- wan't to tt..alk about thee t- tower f..all- O-or Pi- PPiiz- Pizza- Pi- Pii..iizzah--`` *COUGH COUGH, COUGH, HACK, AHEM.* ``I j- I'm..I'm sorry. Could..Could we please cc..change topic? I don't wan..t to talk abouuu..about him anymore.``
Her favourite genre of songs is..Heavy Metal! ..yeah I wouldn't expect that either- But hey, her song choices have never changed since her children were teenagers! That AND Weird Al songs are her favourite-
She once had a (not really) wrestling match with Pizzamancer- I say not really because Noise saw the fight about to start and he just- got his camera crew to live stream it and just..called it a wrestling match-
oke thas it byeeee have a good day <333
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Other from that.
Honestly, her music taste is amazing, love a woman who can jam the fuck out to some heavy metal
I’m picturing that one scene from Monsters University when Squishy’s mom is in the car dropping them off at the actual building and when she rolled the window up she was BLASTING THE HEAVIEST METAL OMG SHE’S A QUEEEEEEN 💅💅💅💅💅💅✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 (If you haven’t watched the movie you should I love it-)
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paras1t1c-squ1dd · 10 months
Hi guys! Since it won the poll here's my REAL first ever Pizza tower au! It's more of a fan project since they don't really look like their Pizza Tower counterparts but :3c
Let me introduce you to.........
Drum roll.....
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I've waited so long to show this AU to you guys I'm so excited!!!!!
Puree Pillar goes along with the usual pizza tower lore, owner of a business gets threatened by a giant sentient piece of food that wants to blow up their building yada yada yada....
The main character ain't no ordinary peppino no siree
Instead, they're basically entirely different!! They look... Nothing alike probably.
Let me introduce you to the characters!!
Susie! (Peppino) : Susie is a not-so-young (he's old as shit) woman running a small beverage shop called Susie's Smoothies! (You will never guess what she sells. /j) Yeah, he has a smoking addiction she can't get rid of, but that doesn't stop her from kicking ass!!!!! (He is very depressed) AND on top of that!! She's a war veteran!! Crazy right!! She had a group of 3 other friends that had passed away during the war. Poor Susie can't catch a break... But on a lighter note, she rides a motorcycle! Woah!!
Next up we have..
Mia!! (Gustavo) : Mia is Susie's best friend and has been since they were wee little children! How adorable!! They've been with Susie through thick and thin, always helping each other out! (But Mia is not in fact, a war veteran like Susie.) She works with Susie and helps her run the shop. They care a lot about each other!! And her giant pet hedgehog Pebble!! :3c
(God this is getting long)
Berry! (The Noise) : Berry is a circus performer along with his girlfriend Drupe! Him and Susie are rivals, always getting into fights those two.. Berry is his stage name! What's his real name you say? I have no fucking clue
Drupe! (Noisette) : As stated before, Drupe is Berry's girlfriend! She runs her own little bakery somewhere in the pillar! (Or well, tower)
The Assailant. (The Vigilante) : He's a sentient glop of smoothie that anyone who dares to break the law must answer to! He's quite a fancy fella, but if you break a law.. Pray! Cause your ass MIGHT die!!! And he thinks he's a real human being! What a weirdo (/j)!!
DJ Apple! (Pepperman): DJ here is quite a cool guy! He makes sick beats that everyone enjoys! So much so they might break a hip from dancing too hard! Where did he get that chunk bit out of him? Why is his hand missing? ..... Who knows! But he still manages to make some good music!
Fake Susie! (Fake Peppino) : Whatever this thing is, it's creepy! How did it get in here! Why does she look so much like Susie? It's weird!! It's entirely made of smoothie, kinda like The Assilent! But why is she not as intelligent as him? Sometimes she can be found in vents! How the fuck did he get in there get him out
(I'm pretty sure you know what the purpose of the ingredients ((toppins)) are so I won't write about them)
Mr Trick! (Mr Stick) : Mr Trick here is a scammer!! Watch out!! He's very greedy, and would choose money over anything!
Nate! (Snick) : It's him!!
Orange Head... (Pizza Head) : He's the big bad of the pillar! The one who started it all! Boy I hate this guy! He knows... Strangely a lot about Susie... I wonder why!
Orange Face... (Pizza face) : He's a giant floating hunk of junk made by Orange Head! It's only that big so he can fit his fat ass inside!! Orange face chases Susie out of the levels once the timer reaches 0 so she can't get out! But Susie is usually too fast for him.
And last but not least...
Jerald! (Gerome) : He's the janitor/plumber of the pillar, the only one that has the key to special rooms!
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anywaysss I hope you guys will enjoy this au as much as I do! Which is a lot!! This is basically my main au since I've been focusing on it a lot lately
But yeah!!! Holy shit!!! I can finally share this!!
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raging-violets · 1 year
Meet Cute  // KendallxRiley // Big Time Rush
A/N: So I realized that I’ve written Riley in two different ways the last few years; the angst driven one with her parents dead and the other lighthearted driven one when her parents are alive. But unless you pay attention to the things I write in different fandoms, you wouldn’t really see how they’re the same character but there are fundemental things about her personality that are different with and without the influence of her parents. So, I decided to write two quick scenes to show y’all!
The first version is where her parents are dead, the second is where they’re alive. This is set around Big Time Audition.
Tag List:  @partiallypearl​ @witchofinterest​ @mystic-scripture​ @darknightfrombeyond​ @arrthurpendragon​ ​
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Version 1
Kendall pushed open the door to the costume closet with light trepidation. Was there going to be more leather all over the place? Or was it going to be an explosion of red, white, and blue with tassels? Either way, he hoped Gustavo got the message that the boys weren’t going to be easily controlled. Then again, Griffin’s assistants—Obdul and Jessica—seemed to be as crazy as Griffin were and thought they were good ideas. (Though he figured, being around Griffin in any capacity of time was enough to drive anyone insane).
“Hello?” He called.
“You’re late!”
The voice came from behind a set of racks that sat in the middle of the floor. Kendall walked over and peered around it, finding a girl teenage girl his age sitting on the floor with a pencil in her mouth an da clipboard on her lap. She looked up at him, eyelashes fluttering behind the long black hair with red streaks that hung straight around her shoulders and back.
“Raleigh?” He asked.
She pulled the pencil from her mouth and said flatly, “It’s Riley. And you’re late.”
“Sorry.” He held out his hand to help her up, brought it back to his side when she stood on her own. “I just…”
“I would be too if I had to wear what you lot did when Griffin was in here,” she continued as if he hadn’t spoken. Once on her feet, she set her clipboard aside and shook his hand. She tilted her head, turning his hand aside. “You play guitar?”
It took a second for him to recognize the change in subject. “Yeah, how could you tell?”
“Callouses,” she replied plainly. “It’s all over your hands, mate.” She slid her hands into the back pockets of her jeans, shifted her weight as she cocked her hip. Looked him up and down, the hint of a smirk coming to her face. “Plus, I reckon you don’t seem the type to be in a boy band.”
“Is that a good or a bad thing?”
“I’m trying to figure that out,” she replied honestly. “Also, you’re pretty brave for wanting to work with Gustavo Rocque. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but he can be a little…”
“I was going to say ‘completely mental’ but that works, yeah?”
“That…probably does work better. It’s really accurate.” Kendall nodded. “And, how many times do you get the chance to try to make music with some of your best friends?” Her eyebrows rose. “Opportunities like this come once in a lifetime,” he said, answering her question. “How could I pass it up?”
“Don’t you have a background in hockey?” Riley folded her arms, studying him. He looked at her curiously. “You have to do your research on anyone you’re going to work with,” she said as explanation. “Hockey, huh?”
“Hockey’s my life,” Kendall said. “I grew up playing it. I can’t imagine not being on the ice…it’s like home to me.” He suddenly felt a pang in his chest, of anxiety. Had he made the right decision? To give everything up and go all the way to California to try and see if they could be a music group? A success? But he also couldn’t sit back and have his best friend be berated and told that he had ‘no talent’ when James had all the talent in the world and then some. “But there’s always time for it. There’s always an off-season.”
“Sounds like me and surfing,” Riley said after a second with a light nod. “I never planned on being in a band, I just want to be in the water.”
“Right!” Kendall’s anxiety washed away with her words. Finally, someone who understood. “The feeling of the stick in your hands, the reverberation of the slapshot you just took, the rush of getting that slapshot into the top corner of the net as it slides by the goalie? Facing off against the line of defenders while you try to make a breakaway for the last goal of the game. Washing out all blood—and sometimes mucus—stains from your jersey but not washing out the memories.”
“Whatever you say, Hockey-Head,” Riley quipped after a second of silence. “You’re lucky you’re cute or else I’m sure that would turn off a lot of people, yeah?” She looked at him suspiciously. “You do have all your teeth, right?”
“Yes, I have all my teeth,” Kendall said with a roll of his eyes. He pursed his lips and made a show of tapping his two front teeth with his fingertips. Then started to smile and play a beat with the tapping from his fingertips. “Hey, maybe Griffin would be happy with something like that?”
Riley sighed, placing a hand on her hip. The other rested on the arm of the couch, supporting her weight. “Something tells me you’re going to be very annoying,” Despite her words, she had a small smile on her face.
Kendall smiled back.
Version 2
Kendall hesitantly stepped into the costume closet. He pressed his hand against the door and pressed it open, expecting to see even more red, white, and blue apparel all over the place. Either that or the massive amounts of leather he and his friends had been forced to squeeze into. His legs still had the rash that even his mom’s best lotions couldn’t cure.
The idea of being dressed in any of those outfits again was enough to have Kendall turn tail and run. But James would never forgive him, especially not after Griffin decided to take a chance on them and sign them after three days of hard work. Logan would’ve ranted at him the statistics of the time, blood, sweat, and tears they would have wasted. And Carlos…he wouldn’t have cared much; everything was an adventure to him.
But he’d never backed away from a challenge and he wanted to prove Gustavo and Griffin wrong. Still, he found himself trembling as he entered the costume closet for the fifth time in the last few days. He found a teenage girl about his age scribbling on a clipboard.
“Raleigh?” he asked, using the name Gustavo had given them.
She lifted her head, brushing her black hair from her blue eyes. A strand of dyed red fell back into her face, and she tucked it behind her ears along with her low pigtails. “Actually, it’s Riley.”
“Oh.” Kendall blinked, suddenly at a loss for words. Partially from embarrassment at having gotten her name wrong—though he should’ve known that Gustavo wouldn’t have gotten anyone’s names right considering he and his friends had almost immediately been reduced to ‘dogs’—and partially because he was stunned from her smile. Was that an accent? “I’m sorry.”
“I’m not,” she replied with ease.
Kendall felt his cheeks burn as he smiled. “I’m Kendall.”
“I know who you are.” She stuck out her hand with a warm smile. He took it, eyebrows widening when he felt the firmness of her handshake. Then they lowered in confusion when she turned his hand over and ran her fingers from his palm to his fingertips. She lifted her head, blue eyes widening in excitement. “You play the guitar?”
“Yeah.” He brought his hand back, momentarily surprised. “How could you tell?”
“A bloke like you doesn’t seem like they’d be in a boyband, yeah?” She lazily waved her hand, moving back through the costume closet to grab a rack of clothes he assumed were for him. Judging by the flannels and skate shoes he saw sitting on it. “Doesn’t really seem like your thing.”
Kendall watched her as she moved, silently wondering if that was a good or a bad thing. Being in a boyband wasn’t his thing, they were going to be a singing group. There was a difference. Still, he found himself smiling at her comment.
Noticing the silence, Riley chuckled quietly and said, “The callouses on your fingers are a dead giveaway, mate.” She rested her arms on the top of the rack and gently rocked back and forth. “So, what made you agree to work with Gustavo? I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but he can be a little…”
“I was going to say ‘crazy’ but…” she shrugged. “Your word is correct.”
Kendall laughed. “Opportunities like this come once in a lifetime,” he said, answering her question. “How could I pass it up?”
“Easily, considering you were slated to become a big hockey star.” She smiled gently when his eyes narrowed. They’d only just met; how could she have possibly known that? “One thing to learn about the industry, everyone is in everyone’s business and it’s only a matter of time until it reaches the public. Whatever you don’t want people to know…I hope you’ve got it under wraps.” She brushed her hair back from her face. “For me it’s only a matter of seconds until something I try to hide gets to my managers. Then again, my mum and dad are my managers.” She paused. “Hockey, huh?”
“Hockey is my dream,” Kendall admitted. He suddenly felt a pang in his chest, of anxiety. Had he made the right decision? To give everything up and go all the way to California to try and see if they could be a music group? A success? But he also couldn’t sit back and have his best friend be berated and told that he had ‘no talent’ when James had all the talent in the world and then some. “I want to play center for the Wild.” He shrugged. “Or the Maple Leafs.”
“Dreaming big.”
“Yeah. But I couldn’t take this opportunity away from James. He’s my best bud, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself. There’s always time for hockey, there’s always an off-season.”
“Whatever you say, Hockey-Head,” Riley quipped. She pushed herself away from the rack of clothes and smiled demurely. “I think Gustavo and Griffin may regret hiring with you lot. But, you plan on sticking around, yeah?”
“As far as this takes us.”
She folded her arms. “Ace!” Her eyes dipped over him and for a moment, he felt like he was being X-Rayed. Her smirk-smile widened. “I think this’ll be fun.”
Kendall found himself smiling back.
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Lillian Gish in The White Sister (Henry King, 1923)
Cast: Lillian Gish, Ronald Colman, Gail Kane, J. Barney Sherry, Charles Lane, Juliette La Violette, Gustavo Serena. Screenplay: George V. Hobart, Charles E. Whittaker; titles: Will M. Ritchey, Don Bartlett; based on a novel by Frances Marion Crawford and a play by Crawford and Walter C. Hackett. Cinematography: Roy F. Overbaugh. Art direction: Robert M. Haas. Film editing: Duncan Mansfield.
Henry King was a director of solid competence whose career extended from 1915 to 1962, amassing credits on IMDb for directing 116 films. Even so, his movies are not particularly memorable. Who, today, seeks out The Song of Bernadette (1943) or Wilson (1944), two of the "prestige" films he directed for 20th Century-Fox? In his great auteurist survey The American Cinema: Directors and Directions, 1929-1968, the best Andrew Sarris has to say about the movies directed by King is that they display a "plodding intensity." King was, in Sarris's words, "turgid and rhetorical in his narrative style," and that certainly holds true for The White Sister. Lillian Gish had a great rapport with the camera, able to suggest an entire range of emotions with her eyes alone -- hence the many close-ups she is given in her films. But King, filming on location in Italy and Algeria, is more interested in the settings than in the people inhabiting them. (Roy Overbaugh's cinematography is one of the film's virtues.) Nor does he seem interested in moving the story along, dragging it out to a wearisome 143 minutes. When Prince Chiaromonte (Charles Lane), the father of Angela (Gish) and her wicked half-sister, the Marchesa di Mola (Gail Kane), goes out fox-hunting, we're pretty sure that disaster is about to happen. But King stretches out the hunt so long that when Chiaromonte is killed the accident has no great emotional impact. And when Angela takes her vows as a nun, effectively preventing her from marrying Captain Severini (Ronald Colman), the man she loves but thinks is dead, King gives us every moment of the ceremony, trying to generate suspense by occasional cuts to Severini's ship steaming homeward. There's also an erupting volcano at the picture's end, but King fails to stage or cut it for real suspense. Gish is fine as always, though she's not called on to do much but look pious and to go cataleptic when Angela receives the news of Severini's supposed death. Colman is handsome but not much else, and Kane's villainy seems to be signaled by her talking out of the side of her mouth, as if channeling Dick Cheney many years in advance.
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CHAPTER TWELVE, big time sparks
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When Andi heard that Jordin Sparks is recording at Rocque Records, she was beyond excited. She had always been a fan of Jordin's and couldn't believe she was going to get the opportunity to meet her. Jordin Sparks is one of her all time favorite singers so the fact that she gets to meet her made her year.
Andi was currently at Rocque Records, listening to Jordin sing her new song Count On Me.
Andi and Gustavo jump, startled whenever they suddenly heard clapping and cheering when Jordin was done. Andi calmed down, immediately knowing it was the boys.
"That was so good!" James complimented.
Jordin sheepishly smiles. "Really? 'Cause I'm not sure I'm feeling it yet."
Andi chuckles lightly when the boys immediately agree with her. She nods in agreement, glancing at Jordin. "It does feel like it's missing something."
"Jordin," Gustavo stands up, looking at Jordin while Kelly walks over to Jordin to hand her some lyric sheets. "Don't worry about the song, okay? Just take a little more time with it, and give me some time to fill the chorus and add some layers. This song is gonna be a big hit."
Jordin smiles and nods. Gustavo then turns to the boys. "Dogs, I got a big present for you in my office."
The boys immediately start cheering and ran to Gustavo's office. Andi laughed a bit and rolled her eyes, knowing that most likely Gustavo was going to tell them to stay away from Jordin.
"Why are you boys just standing there?" Andi asked, walking over to the boys who stood at the entrance to the pool area. She was confused as to why they were just standing there.
"Gustavo said we're not allowed anywhere near Jordin." Kendall replied.
Andi nods in realization. "Ah, I figured as much." She chuckled.
"And he called us Bad Luck Rush." James angrily adds. "He's wrong." Andi cringes at that and went to argue with him when James interrupts her and points at her. "Don't say it, Andi. We are not bad luck." Andi raised her hands in defeat and nodded. She still disagreed with him though. She knew that the boys didn't mean to have bad luck, sometimes it just happened.
"Yeah, we're more like good luck charms." Logan smiled.
"In fact, the best luck Jordin could have is spending her entire day with me." James takes out his pocket mirror and his lucky comb to fix his hair. "I mean, us." James corrected himself after seeing the look Carlos, Kendall, and Logan gave him.
Andi jumps a bit, startled when he suddenly drops the mirror and it breaks. Carlos gasps while James picks up the broken mirror. "You broke a mirror. That's seven years of bad luck."
James rolls his eyes. "That's ridiculous."
"Heads up!"
Andi winces when James was hit in the head with a football. Andi steps back along with Logan as James was hit with sunscreen. The five of them look over at a mom who was putting sunscreen on her kid. She looks at James apologetically. "Sorry."
Andi, Carlos, Kendall, and Logan quickly move out of the way when a group of people rush out to the pool area, knocking James to the floor. They stood by the entrance when the people were gone and James gets back up, looking at his broken mirror. He screamed, dropping his mirror again, and then ran off.
"Guys, we're not bad luck." Kendall reassures Carlos and Logan. "And don't let Gustavo get to you."
"Yeah," Andi agrees, her gaze turning to the entrance to the pool when she noticed Jax and she smiles. "Just try to forget about it and have fun." She couldn't help but stare at Jax, admiring him. He looked handsome as usual. The boys noticed this and exchanged a look. Kendall rolled his eyes, already feeling a twinge of jealousy. He didn't like the thought of Andi having a crush on someone else. He tried to push his jealousy away, though.
Andi is snapped out of her daze when the boys call her name. She blinks, refocusing on her friends. "Sorry, what's up?" She asked, slightly flustered.
"You were staring." Carlos teased, causing Andi to blush and look away.
"So, how are things with Jax?" Kendall asked, his tone a little sarcastic.
Andi shrugs, not noticing his sarcasm. "Good." She replies, a dreamy expression on her face. "Really good. We've been hanging out a lot lately."
The boys exchanged a look, not liking the idea of Andi spending so much time with Jax. "How much is a lot?" Logan asked.
Andi thinks for a moment. "Well, we've been going on dates pretty regularly," She says, her smile widening at the thought of her time with Jax. "He's just so sweet and thoughtful, you know? I really like him."
Kendall frowns at this, the jealousy rising. He tries to push it down, not wanting to let his feelings get the better of him. "That's…Great." He says, his tone a little forced. "I'm glad you're happy."
Andi looks at him with a soft smile, oblivious to the way his voice faltered. "Thanks, Kendall. That means a lot."
The boys exchanged a look, knowing that Kendall was not happy. It was clear to them that he was jealous, and they didn't blame him. If they were in his shoes, they'd be jealous too. But they knew that it wasn't their place to interfere, so they decided to keep quiet and let things play out.
"Anyway," Andi continues, breaking the silence, "I'm gonna go and talk to Jax. I'll catch up with you guys later." With that, she walked over to Jax, her face lighting up with a smile.
Kendall watched her walk away, his jealousy and disappointment growing stronger. He hated the fact that Andi was spending so much time with Jax, and he knew that he had no right to be jealous. But he couldn't help the way he felt, and it hurt him to see her so happy with someone else. He wanted to be the one who made her smile like that, and he knew that he might never have the chance.
Carlos, Logan, and James exchange a sympathetic look. They could tell that Kendall was upset, and they knew that there wasn't much they could do to help. They hated seeing him so upset, but they knew that there was nothing they could do. As the scene unfolded, Kendall's inner turmoil became increasingly difficult to contain. Despite his attempts to mask his emotions, his friends could see the pain etched on his face. They exchanged concerned glances, silently acknowledging the weight of the situation.
Andi's laughter echoed through the pool area as she chatted animatedly with Jax, oblivious to the tension among her friends. Kendall couldn't tear his gaze away from her, his heart sinking with each passing moment. He knew he had to confront his feelings, but the fear of rejection held him back.
Sensing Kendall's distress, Carlos steps forward, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Hey, man," He began softly, "You don't have to go through this alone. We're here for you."
Kendall offers a weak smile, grateful for his friend's support. "Thanks, Carlos," He murmurs, his voice laced with vulnerability. "I just…I don't know what to do."
Logan and James joins them, their expressions filled with empathy. "You need to talk to her, Kendall," Logan urges gently. "Keeping your feelings bottled up will only make it harder."
James nods in agreement. "And who knows? Maybe she feels the same way about you," he suggested optimistically. "You won't know unless you try."
Kendall's heart clenched at the thought of confessing his feelings to Andi. The fear of rejection gnawed at him, but he knew he couldn't continue to suppress his emotions. "Okay," He exhales shakily, "I'll talk to her." But he didn't get up, causing his friends to share a look and then send him one, ushering him to go talk to her. "Oh, you mean now?" He nervously asked and the three nod, sending him off. He sighed and then stood up, heading over to the two.
As he approached the couple, his stomach twisted with anxiety. Andi's smile was radiant as she gazed adoringly at Jax, and Kendall's heart sank. He had never seen her so happy, and he knew that he could never compare to the handsome singer. She was happy and he didn't want to ruin that. He stopped in his tracks, his resolve wavering.
"What's up, Kendall?"
Andi's voice snapped him out of his thoughts, and he looked up to see her staring at him with a puzzled expression. "Is everything okay?" She asked, her tone filled with concern.
Kendall swallows thickly, his mouth suddenly dry. "Yeah, everything's fine," He manages to say, his voice strained. "I just…Never mind, it's nothing."
Andi raises an eyebrow, not buying his excuse. "Are you sure?" She questions, her gaze searching his. "You seem upset about something." She didn't buy it. She had a feeling something was bothering him.
"No, I'm good," Kendall insists, his expression faltering for a moment before he plastered on a fake smile. "I'm just gonna go hang out with the guys."
With that, he turned on his heel and hurried back to his friends, leaving a confused Andi behind. He didn't want to ruin her happiness, but the pain of keeping his feelings bottled up was becoming too much to bear. He knew he had to find a way to deal with his emotions, but for now, he needed some space to process everything.
Andi watches him walk away, her brows furrowed. She didn't know what was going on with him, but she hoped that he was okay. She couldn't help but feel like she was responsible for his mood, and it made her uneasy. She was about to excuse herself from Jax to go check on Kendall when Jax spoke to her. "Sorry," She turns her gaze to him, smiling apologetically. "What did you say?"
"I was just wondering if you wanted to get a smoothie with me?" Jax asked.
"Oh, uh," Andi stuttered, not knowing how to respond. She didn't want to leave Kendall, but she didn't want to pass up the opportunity to spend time with Jax.
"It's okay if you don't want to," Jax said, sensing her hesitation. "We can always hang out later."
Andi smiles at him. "No, it's okay," She says, making up her mind. "I'd love to get a smoothie with you." She couldn't ignore the pang of guilt she felt in her chest as she agreed, but she pushed it aside, not wanting to ruin their time together.
Jax smiles, extending his hand. "Great. Shall we?"
Andi's heart fluttered as her hand intertwined with his, and she allowed him to lead her out of the pool area. As she walked away, she glanced over her shoulder, her gaze locking with Kendall's. He looked away, his expression unreadable, and Andi's guilt intensified.
"Is everything okay?" Jax asked, noticing the way she was looking at Kendall.
Andi quickly turned her attention back to him, plastering on a smile. "Yeah, everything's fine," She assures him, though she wasn't entirely convinced herself. "I'm just a little worried about Kendall. He's been acting a little off lately."
"I'm sure he's fine," Jax replies, squeezing her hand gently. "He probably just needs some time to himself."
Andi nods, not fully believing his words, but not wanting to argue. She pushes her worries aside, focusing on enjoying her time with Jax. But the memory of Kendall's dejected expression lingered in the back of her mind, and she couldn't help but wonder if there was more to his behavior than she realized.
Kendall sighed, running a hand through his hair as he returns back to his friends. "Dude! What was that?" James asked, noticing Kendall's sullen look.
"I couldn't do it. Did you not see how happy she is? I can't ruin that." He frowned, plopping down onto a chair. He was torn between his desire to confess his feelings and his fear of rejection.
Carlos, James, and Logan exchanged a knowing glance. They knew how difficult this was for him, and they wanted to support him in any way they could.
"Kendall," Logan begins softly, "You can't keep avoiding your feelings. It's not healthy."
"I know," Kendall sighs, his expression filled with resignation. "But what am I supposed to do? If I tell her how I feel, I could lose her forever."
Carlos places a reassuring hand on his shoulder, offering him a sympathetic smile. "You won't know unless you try. It's better to get it off your chest, even if it's not reciprocated."
Kendall takes a deep breath, contemplating his friend's words. "You're right," He finally says, his expression determined. "I need to tell her." He glances over at where Andi and Jax were, his shoulders dropping in defeat when he didn't see them there anymore. "Just not now." He added.
After getting smoothies, Andi and Jax decided to go hang out in town. As they walked down the street, hand-in-hand, they talked about music and laughed at jokes and learned more about each other. They stopped at a fountain and Andi looked at it, admiring it. Jax was distracted, thinking of the best way to ask Andi out. He had been wanting to officially ask her to be his girlfriend since they had started spending more time together. He thought this would be the perfect moment, with the romantic ambiance of the fountain and the connection they had been building throughout the day. Taking a deep breath, he turned to Andi, his heart pounding in his chest.
"Andi," He began, his voice soft but filled with conviction. "I've had an amazing time with you today, and every moment I spend with you feels like a dream come true." He paused, locking eyes with her, his gaze filled with sincerity. "I know we've only known each other for a short time, but I feel like we have something special. Something worth fighting for. And I'd be honored if you'd be my girlfriend."
Andi's heart raced as Jax spoke, his words filling her with warmth and happiness. She smiles at him, her eyes shining with emotion. "Yes, I'd love to be your girlfriend." She replied, her voice barely above a whisper.
Jax's eyes lit up as he grinned, pulling her into a hug. She laughed, embracing him tightly. She couldn't believe it. Her first boyfriend. She had always imagined what it would be like, but she never expected it to feel so amazing. She felt like she was on top of the world. As they parted, Andi couldn't stop smiling, her cheeks hurting a bit. She was so happy. She felt like she was floating on air, her heart overflowing with joy. She couldn't wait to see where this new chapter of her life with Jax would take them.
While they pulled away, her heart fluttered at seeing the love and adoration in his eyes. His hand comes up to cup her cheek and she couldn't help but lean into his touch, savoring the feeling. His eyes flicker down to her lips and she can't help but blush, her body tingling with anticipation. She's never felt this way before, and she's eager to explore these new emotions with him. She can't help but glance at his lips too, and before she knew it, they were both leaning in, their lips meeting in a gentle kiss.
Their lips brush against each other, sending sparks throughout her body. His hand moves from her cheek to the back of her head, pulling her closer. She melts into the kiss, her arms wrapping around his neck. They stayed like that for a while, their lips moving against each other in a passionate dance. It was the most amazing kiss she'd ever had, and she knew she was falling for him. Andi savored every moment of their kiss, feeling a rush of emotions coursing through her veins. She felt connected to Jax in a way she had never experienced before, and it filled her with an indescribable sense of euphoria. As they finally pulled away, their foreheads touching as they caught their breath, Andi couldn't help but smile up at him, her heart brimming with happiness.
Jax smiles back at her, his eyes filled with warmth and affection. "You're amazing, Andi," He whispers, his voice soft and tender. "I'm so glad you said yes."
Andi's heart flutters at his words, feeling a surge of love for him. She knew that this was just the beginning of their journey together, but she couldn't wait to see where it would take them. "I'm glad too," She replies, her voice filled with emotion. "I can't wait to see where this goes."
Jax leaned in to kiss her again, their lips meeting in a sweet and tender embrace. Andi melted into the kiss, feeling as if she were floating on a cloud. She had never felt more alive, more loved, than she did in that moment. As they finally parted, Andi couldn't wipe the smile off her face. She felt like the luckiest girl in the world to have Jax by her side. She knew that there would be challenges ahead, but she was ready to face them as long as she had him by her side Hand in hand, they continued their stroll through town, their hearts intertwined as they embarked on this new chapter of their lives together. And as they walked, Andi knew that no matter what the future held, she would always cherish the memory of this day.
Sadly, the new couple had to part ways when Jax's manager told him that he had a recording session in the evening. He kissed Andi goodbye, telling her that he couldn't wait to see her again soon. Andi was sad to see him go, but she knew that their time apart would make their reunion all the sweeter. She watched him walk away, a lovesick smile on her face. She never felt this way before and couldn't believe that someone as amazing as Jax was interested in her.
Andi decided to go for a walk at the park where she noticed her friends were arguing near the wishing well at the park. She sighs heavily and shakes her head. "Boys." She mumbled and made her way to them, hoping to break up their argument. While the boys fought, Andi noticed that Jordin threw her coin into the wishing well. Andi's eyes widen when she saw the boys let go of the horseshoe and that it was flying over to Jordin. A look of panic forms on her face when Jordin falls into the well.
Andi runs over to the boys who were standing in front of the well. She hits the four boy's shoulders harshly when she gets over to them. "You four are idiots!"
"Ow!" James whines, looking at her with a small glare and she just glares back at him. "That's the first thing you do when you see us? Hit me and yell at us?"
"Of course, it is! What did you guys expect? You knocked Jordin Sparks down a well!" Andi exclaims, pointing to the well and then looks back at the boys. "I can't leave you guys alone for a few hours without something bad happening!" She sighed and shook her head.
"Well, we didn't mean to," Kendall says, trying to defend them. "It was an accident. It's not like we wanted Jordin Sparks to fall down the well."
Logan rubs his the spot she hit. "Yeah, we didn't mean to knock her in the well!"
Andi sighs, her face softening. "I know you didn't mean to. You're not that cruel," She reassures the boys, placing her hands on her hips. "But you have to fix it! Now!"
"Nobody panic. I'm sure that Jordin is fine." Carlos said, trying to think of the bright side of this bad situation. He gets a coin out of his pocket and closes his eyes. "I wish that Jordin is okay."
He throws the coin into the well and the boys let out a sigh of relief when they hear Jordin grown. "Ow!"
Andi rolls her eyes at the boys. "You know, we could've just asked her if she's okay."
"Guys, is that you?" Jordin questioned.
"Uh, don't worry, Jordin." Kendall steps forward, looking down at Jordin. "You can count on us. How you doing? You good?"
"I'm in a well!" Jordin exclaimed. Andi grimaced, hearing the girl's frustration and fear. She didn't blame her, she would feel the same if she was in her situation.
"Right." Kendall sheepishly replied, stepping back as he nodded.
"We have to call the fire department." Logan suggested.
Kendall shakes his head. "We can't call anyone, or Gustavo will find out and kill us. Well, maybe not Andi." He gestures to himself, Carlos, James, and Logan. "But he will most definitely kill us."
"And think we're bad luck." Carlos added.
"We are!" James shouted, angrily stomping his foot.
Carlos moves over to stand in front of the well, looking down at Jordin. "Jordin. Everything's fine. We got a plan."
Carlos steps back to stand by his friends again, looking at them with a worried expression. "What's the plan?"
"To obviously rescue Jordin." Andi replied in a duh tone and Kendall pointed at her in a sign of agreement.
Kendall then looks at Carlos and Logan, pointing at them. "Now, which one of the good luck patrol is going down the hole?"
After a lot of talking and arguing, Kendall ends up being the one to go down the well. They got some rope and one end around Kendall's waist while Andi, Carlos, Logan, and James would hold the rope to make sure he doesn't fall.
"Good luck, Kendall." Carlos and Logan told him and Kendall looked at them with an annoyed expression.
"Yeah. Just lower me down. I'll put the rope around Jordin, and then you pull us both up."
"Hey," Andi glances back at James when he speaks and she noticed he was looking at the grass. "A four leaf clover."
"James, focus!" Andi scolded him, her eyes widening as he let go of the rope. Her grip tightenedbut it didn't work that well since Carlos and Logan ended up letting go of the rope out of surprise which made Kendall fall down the well.
Andi lets go of the rope and rushes over to stand beside Carlos and Logan, looking down at Kendall and Jordin with a worried expression. When James moves over to them, standing beside Andi, Andi slapped his shoulder for letting go of the rope, looking at him with a glare.
"Ow!" James whined, sending a glare back to her. "Stop hitting me!"
"Stop being an idiot and I'll stop hitting you!" She retorted and looked down at the well again, ignoring his grumbling.
"Are you two alright?" She asked Kendall and Jordin.
"Yeah, we're okay." Kendall answered, helping Jordin get up.
Andi and the boys started coming up with ideas on how they were going to get Kendall and Jordin out of the well. They first went with Logan's idea and it went out well until he slipped and fell down.
"Don't worry, Jordin." Carlos says, looking down at three who were in the well. "Andi, James, and I are on the case!"
James points at Jordin. "You can count on us!" He turns to Andi and Carlos. "Now, we pour some yeast and flour into the hole and bake it at 400 degrees until everybody rises."
Andi rolls her eyes. "The well is not an oven, idiot." She commented, childishly sticking her tongue at James when he looked at her with a small glare and mocked her.
"Or we could toss down some pool noodles, fill the hole with water, and they'll float up to the top." Carlos suggested.
"Wait, did you just come up with a ingenious water displacement plan?" Logan questioned, looking up at Carlos with surprise.
Carlos looks confused for a few seconds but then cockily smiles. "Ah, yeah."
Carlos goes to grab the hose that's nearby and turns to Andi and James. "James, catch the hose." He threw he hose, but a little too harshly and ended up knocking Andi and James into the hole. Andi only fell down with James because James had grabbed onto her for help and in result pulled her down with him.
The two scream as they fall down and Andi winces when she lands on the ground roughly. "Ow, James! Why'd you have to grab onto me like that?" Andi grumbled, rubbing her head as she sat up. She glanced around, taking in her surroundings. The well was dimly lit, and the air was cool and damp. She could hear the faint sound of water dripping somewhere in the distance, and she shivered slightly.
"It wasn't my fault! You were in the way!" James retorted, sitting up beside her and rubbing his own bruises.
Andi rolls her eyes at him. "Well, now we're stuck down here too. Great job, James."
"Hey, I didn't see you coming up with any better ideas!" James shot back defensively. Then he spots something on the ground. "Millions of lucky pennies!" James exclaims, looking at the pennies that people threw in the well. He grabs a handful of them, throwing them up in the air, and smiles. "I'm saved!"
"Not if I have anything to do with it. I'm going to kick your butt for pulling me down here." Andi stated, standing up and cracking her knuckles. She sent a glare towards James and he gulped, standing up and slowly backing away.
"Whoa, calm down, Andi. You don't have to do that." James said nervously, holding his hands up in defense.
Andi goes to lunge at him, but Kendall was faster, grabbing her from behind and pulling her away from James. She let out a frustrated growl, struggling against his hold. "Hey, Andi, calm down," Kendall urges, trying to soothe her. "Fighting won't get us out of here any faster. We need to focus on finding a way out."
Andi continues to glare at James, trying to free herself from Kendall's grasp. "Or maybe I could knock some sense into him. Maybe then he'll learn not to be an idiot." James let out a fearful yelp when she tried grabbing onto him and he hid behind Jordin. Jordin raised her eyebrows, slight amusement dancing across her features.
"Come on, Andi, James is sorry. Right, James?" Kendall glanced at his friend, and James quickly nodded.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm sorry, Andi. Please don't kill me." James pleaded, and Andi finally stopped struggling, letting out a heavy sigh.
"Fine. I'll let you off the hook…This time." Andi said, her tone threatening. "But if you ever pull a stunt like that again, I will hunt you down."
"Noted." James muttered, giving her a weak smile.
"Good." Kendall let Andi go after he was sure she wouldn't try attacking James again. Andi sighs heavily, stepping back and crossing her arms. She sent another glare towards James before turning away, walking around the small space and trying to find a way out. James stands up, moving to stand beside Logan while Andi quickly steps back, standing between Kendall and Logan when Carlos suddenly falls down. Andi and the boys look at Carlos with wide eyes. "What did you do that for?!"
Carlos stands up, looking at them as he defended himself. "I was lonely!" Andi's face softened, her heart warming at his words. He was sweet, she'd give him that. But sometimes, he could be a real handful. Like the rest of his friends. But she wouldn't have it any other way.
Logan looks at Jordin with an apologetic expression. "Well, it looks like you may not make it to your recording session."
"It's okay." Jordin assures them, sitting down along with them. "I couldn't figure out the song, anyway."
"I didn't think it was bad." James said, glancing at Jordin who picked up one of the lyric sheets she dropped when she fell. "How did it go again?" Jordin hands him the lyric sheet and after looking at it, he sings a part of one of the verses in the songs.
"One, two, three, four, to the five."
"Yeah, yeah." Logan nods and smiles. "And add some layers to it. Try it again."
"One, two, three, four, to the five." After James repeats it, Andi surprises everyone by singing some layers. "Ooh, yeah. Yeah."
Jordin and the boys look at her with wide eyes. "You can sing?!"
Andi nervously smiles, her face turning red out of embarrassment. She shrugs. "Surprise?" She said sheepishly as she sat down by them. She had always been a good singer. Ever since she was a little girl, she was able to carry a tune quite well. She even won a few competitions, but she was always very shy when it came to singing in front of other people.
"Andi, why didn't you tell us you could sing?" Kendall questioned, a hint of hurt in his voice. He couldn't believe she didn't tell him and the boys something like this. Her singing voice was so beautiful, he could tell even with that little bit of singing she did. It was amazing. He couldn't wait to hear her sing more.
"You guys never asked and I'm not that confident when it comes to my singing," Andi admits, playing with a piece of her hair nervously. "But I guess now you all know." She sheepishly smiled.
"Why aren't you confident in your singing?" Jordin questions with a small frown. "If you don't mind me asking." She quickly added.
Andi shrugs, her gaze falling to the ground. "I don't know. I've just never really been confident about my singing. I used to enter contests when I was a kid, but I always got nervous when I was up on stage. Though when I started singing I got more confident, but I still have my moments where I get scared and start freaking out."
"Well, that's nothing to be ashamed of." Jordin reassures her, giving her a kind smile. "Every singer gets nervous, no matter how experienced they are. And you really are talented, Andi. You shouldn't hide your gift."
Andi shyly smiles at the compliment. "Thanks." She looked down at her feet, not used to getting compliments about her singing. It's not that she didn't appreciate them, but she was just so unused to them that she didn't know how to react. She wasn't sure if she would ever get used to it, but that didn't matter. What mattered was that her friends were supportive. That's all she ever wanted. And she couldn't believe the Jordin Sparks complimented her and was even encouraging her to continue singing.
"You should sing more often." Logan speaks up with a smile. "Your voice is incredible. And we would love to hear more of it."
"Oh, you should join our band!" Carlos grinned excitedly, his eyes lighting up.
Andi let out a small laugh at his excitement, shaking her head as her heart warmed after seeing the other boys agreeing with Carlos. "I'm flattered, but I think I'll stick with songwriting for now. You know, until I feel comfortable singing in front of other people. Even though it's a lot easier with you guys."
"We understand. But if you change your mind, the offer is always there." Kendall assured her. He knew that it was a big decision, and he didn't want her to rush into it. So, if she was more comfortable staying on the sidelines for now, then that's what she should do.
"Thanks, Kendall." Andi said, giving him a grateful smile. "And I appreciate that."
"Does your mom and Gustavo know you can sing?" James asked Andi.
"Yeah. They know and they've been trying to get me to write my own songs and at leasttry recording them. I just haven't got to that point yet." Andi replied, shrugging her shoulders.
"Well, whenever you get to that point, we'll be there for you." Carlos smiled and the other boys nodded in agreement.
"I'll keep that in mind." Andi said, her heart filling with joy. It meant a lot to her that her friends would support her and her singing. She didn't know what she would do without them.
"Okay, I hate to ruin this moment, but I still need help with this song." Jordin reminded them.
"It needs harmonies." Carlos and Kendall spoke in unison.
pointing at each other while smiling when they realize they said the same thing at the same time.
"One, two, three, four, to the five."
"Ooh, yeah. Yeah." This time Logan sings the layer part after James sings. Carlos and Kendall then add harmonies. "Baby, I'm counting on you."
The boys keep repeating this a few more times and Andi and Jordin even joined in. "Guys, you just helped me figure out the song." Jordin says excitedly. "Now you gotta get me out of here."
Andi then thought of someone that could help them out. "I know exactly who to call." After calling the person she had in mind, it took a few minutes for Freight Train to get there, but once he did he was quick to get Andi, Jordin, and the boys out of the well.
"Thanks, Freight Train." Kendall gave Freight Train a thumbs up underneath the others who fallen on top of him.
"That hurt, though." James commented and from her spot beside Jordin, Andi nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, but at least we're out of there." Andi said, relieved that they were finally free from the well.
"Aha!" They look at Bitters with wide eyes when they see he has a camera. "Jordin Sparks pulled out of a well tied to five losers. I'll be rich."
Andi, Jordin, and the boys try to get Bitters not to take the picture. Bitters didn't listen to them, but luckily Freight Train broke the camera to pieces. Bitters look at him with a glare. "Hey!" He faltered under the harsh stare Freight Train looks at him with and Bitters was then quick to leave.
Freight Train turns to Andi, Jordin, and the boys. "Hey, guys. Gustavo isn't happy. He knows about the well, and he has a skunk in his studio that he can't get rid of."
Andi furrows her eyebrows, speaking at the same time as the boys. "Gustavo can't get rid of a skunk?"
As they got back to Rocque Records the boys came up with a plan to catch the skunk and they got it just in time before it sprayed Gustavo and Kelly. Andi had to admit she was impressed at how well the plan was. Once the skunk was safely in taped up in the box, James hands it to Gustavo. "Here's your skunk."
Gustavo and Kelly look at each other with surprise and then at the boys. "How did you do that?" Gustavo asked.
Kendall shrugs. "We catch stuff all the time back in Minnesota."
"Yeah," Carlos nods and chuckles. "What did you use as bait, a lady skunk puppet?"
The boys laugh and Gustavo and Kelly join them, but were both nervously laughing. "What? No." Gustavo and Kelly dragged out the word which made Andi think that they were lying. She just chuckled and shook her head, amusement shining in her eyes. It was never a boring day when the boys were around.
"In light of recent skunky events," Gustavo said once they got back to the recording studio. He looks at the four boys who stood beside each other in front of where Gustavo, Andi, Kelly, Jordin, and Freight Train are. "I have decided not to kill you."
The boys felt relieved, but not for too long since Gustavo then yelled, "However," which made them jump since they were startled. "You blatantly disregarded my orders to stay away from Jordin Sparks and proved once again you are Bad Luck Rush."
"Gustavo, they're not bad luck." Jordin speaks up and Gustavo looks at her with raised eyebrows. "They're good luck."
Kelly furrows her eyebrows. "Um, they knocked you down a well."
Jordin nods. "Yeah, but if I hadn't fallen down that well I would have never figured out the song."
Gustavo points at the boys, looking at Jordin with wide eyes. "They helped you figure out the song?"
Jordin smiles and takes a step forward. "Yeah, it's not a solo. It's a duet."
Andi smiles and the boys look excited when Jordin says that. Then Gustavo starts laughing, starting to crush their hopes of singing with Jordin. "Duet? Duet with Big Time Rush."
Jordin nods and Andi was surprised that Gustavo actually agrees. "That was the most greatest idea I've ever hard."
The boys cheer, happy that Gustavo will let them sing with Jordin. Andi thought the boys did great with Jordin with singing Count On Me. They sounded good together and she knew the song would be a hit.
"Gustavo, that was awesome!" Jordin exclaimed.
Gustavo nods. "So awesome in fact that I'm teaming you up for one more project."
Turns out that Gustavo was competing with another record company called Hawk Records. The plan was to convince Hawk that Jordin is wanting to record there instead of at Rocque Records. But when Hawk gets there to pick up Jordin, Andi, Jordin, and the boys were going to put the skunk in Hawk's limo.
After they successfully did their plan Andi, Jordin, and the boys high five each other. Meanwhile, Kelly and Gustavo were nearby sitting on a bench, watching Hawk get out of the stopped limo while screaming.
"You know," Kelly said, glancing over at Gustavo. "Since the boys came to town, you've gotten a record contract, an album deal, produced a song with Jordin Sparks, and you just beat Hawk."
"Fine." Gustavo caved in, looking at the boys before looking back at Kelly. "But don't tell them they're my good luck charms. They'll just mess it up."
It was now the day that Jordin Sparks would be leaving Palm Woods. Jordin, her brother, Andi, and the boys were standing in the lobby. After Jordin's brother, P.J., left with carrying her bags, Jordin turns to Andi and the boys.
"And guys, good luck on your album." Jordin smiled, hugging Carlos and Logan first. "'Cause I could use a really great opening act in concert." Jordin then hugs James next. Andi wasn't surprised that James hugged her longer than he should. "James, you can let me go now." Jordin tried to get him to let go, but he wouldn't. It took Andi, Carlos, Kendall, and Logan to pull James off of Jordin. "Thanks." She gave them a sheepish smile and then moves to hug Andi next. "And Andi, whenever you're ready to sing on stage I'd love to work with you."
Andi smiles, returning the hug, feeling giddy inside that the Jordin Sparks would like to work with her. "Thank you. That means a lot. I'll be sure to let you know." Jordin smiled, stepping back as she nodded. She then hugged Kendall and after she said goodbye to Andi and the boys once again she turned to leave the lobby.
Andi couldn't help the grin that was on her face and her eyes sparkled with happiness. "I can't believe we met and spent most of the day with the Jordin Sparks." She couldn't believe how much things have changed. A week ago, the boys were working their way to become famous, and now they had an album coming out and recorded a song with Jordin. She was very proud of her best friends and couldn't wait to see what the future holds for them.
0 notes
lavelled · 2 months
the trickster three.
Prince Hurst:
In the strange logic of your cyber-hopscotch, normalizing rape and underage female ownership, at least you’re unable to play victim now.
I’m sad about Shannen.
She presented herself as steely and composed, but to me she was a fragile young woman taken suddenly and in too much pain. If I glance at any artificial cancer campaign that I feel demeans real patients or preys on the public’s humiliations, I’ll call you out.
A Kate caption: “She’s gone through something awful.” Yes, marrying into the House of Windsor. Anything you insensitive superficial blokes wish to say to Michael Strahan? Why not? You’re both well-versed on apathy, and an easier life, might you shed light on cycles of chemo?
A headline: “Tyler Perry, godfather…” Except. He’s not. You don’t have Hollywood friends. Nobody likes the unvirtuous Rachel Rosa Shirley Henry Marty Luther imposters, living apart. I wrote of A Few Good Men in Washington, DC, that’s why. As if I wasn’t erased, gone, at all.
To complete the unobstructed view: Indigenous Peruvian tribe, Mashco-Piro, risked disease and violence days ago to emerge from the rainforest. The most uncontacted, most reclusive, most withdrawn tribe in the world knows me. Hello! Peruse a tribe called quest. Google: Mashco-Piro asks for food August 20, 2013 BBC. Video of hand on hair pose, elbows-out, asking villagers for bananas. Get them bananas! (just bananas?) Traditional plant-based food! They detest you.
In Xaviour Twitter, we’ve lifted digital camouflaging on Archillect, Murat Pak, Elon Musk, and Piers Morgan. The snitching is Minor 101. Cyber users spy your regalia. I want the amplification of your unremorseful felon admissions with a high chance of pedophile rapist to destroy any label of boyish humanitarian aid worker, so that you don’t get that award—even in irony—no Netflix series, no podcasting series, no prime-time interviews, no meetings with dignitaries, minimizing your godforsaken earthly imprint after four decades of calculated family pedophilia.
Minority Report. Tom’s in a technological nightmare. Clairvoyant humanoids, one female and two males, in a pool, visualize future crimes for a government organization. The rival boss is played by Ireland’s Colin Farrell. There’s this weird disconnect. In every scene, he chews gum. You’d think the movie’s integrity would be more important than Trident—wait. He’s warning a little girl of rapey pedos. No wonder you left California: Steven Spielberg knows what you did.
The avec moi politician I grew up with is also chewing gum in his video. It’s titled: 18 Year-Old Trudeau on Quebec Sovereignty. I’m 17. You’re 5. Which means the no-life, no-choice, rape clause in the crayon-kinship philandering legalese was already in place. Normal dad.
Details are vague, but back in twitter’s profile, I was wrapped in an old, old, red, looped Where’s Waldo scarf. Thrifty. Yes. One of the most iconic fashion designers knew me, read emails, published essays and Twit doodling, waited, and, I think, was disappointed I hadn’t yet realized you were certifiably evil. Seventeen days after your ivory wedding, Kate Spade hung herself with her signature red scarf in her Park Avenue apartment.
Then, Bed Bath & Beyond CFO, Gustavo Arnal jumped in NYC.
Then, Fandango founder, J. Michael Cline jumped in NYC.
Overly educated. Overly successful. With loving families.
But for now, we have you etching puerile algae about orifices and winning. As you do. On Piers Morgan’s son, Spencer Morgan’s Twitter page.
Three years after September 11, you staged a folly paparazzi scuffle in London to confuse people. Judging from the way you’re held back by guards, you’re mad. At that older brute for leashing a young love like a prized pet, so cruelly and prolonged, it ignited global pain and suffering. You did that. Why not embrace it? Google: 9 Cringe-Worthy Prince Harry Scandals We’ve All Conveniently Forgotten About. 2017 article. Number 5. Kennel Club.
I know your dad was equestrian-minded when I was younger than a teenager. I just don’t ink it on billboarded, televised, mural canvas. You and I won’t meet.
0 notes
myloveforhergoeson · 10 months
R: Hi. Almost done?
The text tone chiming off in James' pocket startled him, snapping the boy out of the tired stupor he had found himself in down in the Rocque Records changing rooms. After convincing Roxy to stay a bit longer after work so he could perfect the dance routine Mr. X had shown him and the band earlier, he had done his best to quickly shower so they could head home together.
Normally, he wouldn’t have felt bad about asking her to say, but the clock on the wall reminded him of the late hour. They’d already missed dinner at the crib and now he was pretty sure his shower had cut into the time she normally spent going over her songs to tweak them before her writing session with Gustavo tomorrow.
To be fair, it hadn’t really been his fault. Once the music turned on and he began moving to the beat, it was like he was on a different planet. Their routines were no joke, and Mr. X was a tough man to please, so James had hardly noticed the few hours that had passed until he felt like he nailed each and every step. 
J: Yup! Be there in a few :)
Am I an emoji guy now? The boy thought, making his way out of the dressing room and heading back to the studio. He was genuinely excited to see Roxy, even though they’d been apart for less than 20 minutes, and take a drive through the city at night with her. Just the thought of it did bring a smile to his face, so why not convey it over text too?
Traversing the empty halls of Rocque Records was a bit unnerving so late in the evening, normally Gustavo’s angry screams rang out through the halls or the melodic guitar chords of a new song. So, when James heard the opening notes to “Boyfriend” come from the dance studio, it didn’t strike him as all that odd. 
Did I accidentally leave the song on loop after practice?
It wasn’t until he heard someone else begin to sing the words did he stop in his tracks. That was odd. 
“Have you ever had the feeling you’re drawn to someone…”
Though Roxy’s voice was quiet, he was still able to hear it over the music, and the squeak of her shoes against the hardwood floor told him something even more interesting - She was dancing. 
Daring to peek his head in the door, trying to keep himself out of her sight despite the floor-to-ceiling mirrors covering three out of four walls in the room, James confirmed his thoughts. 
His girlfriend, pretending as though she was holding a microphone, was wobbly copying the moves he had been practicing for the last few hours as she sang the lyrics to the song. 
The song she had written about him.
Logically, James knew she’d kill him if he whipped his phone out to take a video, so he did his very best to commit the moment to memory. Everything from the tone of the voice she swore she hated, how closely her dance moves resembled the actual choreography, when she caught herself if she messed up… Finally, as the song came to a close, his knees just about buckled when she raised her hands to the sides of her face and wiggled them - Completely imitating the stupid move he had created months ago just to get her to laugh. 
As he rushed to steady himself on the door handle, the metal bar ended up ratting a bit too loud as the track came to a close, alerting Roxy to the presence of someone else in the room. 
He watched, panicked, as her head snapped up, catching the eyes of his reflection in the mirror.
“Oh, my God-” Roxy’s hands shot over her mouth, obscuring whatever she said next. 
All James could do was stay frozen in place, staring at her as she sped to the opposite corner of the room where she had left her bag. 
The last thing he had wanted to do was embarrass her, but what else was he meant to do? Not watch as his gorgeous girlfriend worked her way across the room like she owned it? Pretend he didn’t want to hear her sing that song over and over again for the rest of his life?
Jingling keys brought him out of his stupor, and suddenly Roxy was standing right in front of him, motioning to the hallway, trying to leave the studio as fast as humanly possible. 
Even as she stopped before him, her eyes were cast to the floor. “Let’s get out of here, okay?”
When he brought his hand to the side of her arm to try and calm her down, she jumped a bit and his gut twisted with guilt. “Rox, hang on-”
“Please?” Her voice was nearly a whisper at this point as she shifted from side to side. 
“Wanna dance with me before we do?” The words out of James’ mouth shocked even him.
Roxy stopped moving altogether; for a moment even James thought she might have even stopped breathing. And, maybe, for a second he did too.
 Between them, there were a few beats of uncomfortable silence.
Idiot, why did you just make it worse-
“I-” His girlfriend tried, reaching up to grip the strap of her black bag. “I don’t want to dance to ‘Boyfriend’ again. It’s too fast anyway…”
At her comment, James let out a silent prayer to whatever powers may be that she wasn’t upset with him. In all honestly, he wasn’t sure what he would have done if she were. Problem-solving wasn’t really his strong suit. 
New dance… Something slow… Slow dance!
The grin that spread across his face was nearly contagious, grabbing Roxy’s hand and pulling her back to the middle of the room. Gently, he took her bag from her shoulders and set it back where it had been earlier before practically bouncing back over to her to present his idea.
“Okay - No more ‘Boyfriend.’” He slightly winced at that statement before continuing. “But I’ve got something better in mind for two people. Ever learn how to waltz?”
Roxy shot him a glare through squinted eyes. One that told him “You know what kind of music I listen to and you think I know how to waltz?”
With a nod, James started again, “It’s super simple! You’ll pick it up instantly, babe, I promise.”
“Yeah…” She scoffed, still avoiding his eyes, tone a bit condescending as she spoke about herself. “‘Cause I picked up the other one so well.”
She’s still embarrassed, James concluded, bringing one of his palms to her cheek. “That’s right. You did.”
In an unexpected turn of events, Roxy punched him in the shoulder. “Just teach me already!”
“Right, right!” Her boyfriend laughed, weight lifting off his chest for a moment as she began to transform back into her usual self. As he placed his right hand on her left shoulder, he took her right hand in his left. “All you’ve got to do is follow my lead.”
Squeezing his hand, Roxy nodded and wrapped her left arm around his waist. Though that wasn’t how the dance was supposed to go, he certainly wasn’t about to pass up an excuse to hold her a bit closer as they moved. 
“Alright… First step: I’m going to move forward with my left foot and you’ll step back with your right…” James instructed, carefully stepping forward as he said he would. 
Shakily, Roxy did as he said, eyes cast toward her shoes once more. 
“Then to the side…”
As the singer droned on, doing his best to guide his girlfriend through the steps, he was a bit anxious this hadn’t been what she had meant at all. She had been dancing to one of the most upbeat dance songs ever written - in his opinion - and now he was teaching her the exact opposite of that. If it bothered her at all, she didn’t say anything, just silently followed his lead as they circled the studio together.
Roxy is far better at dancing than she gives herself credit for, James thought as they finally got the steps down. They were doing a practice run without his words as guidance, only his movements as she quietly spoke the three count of the tempo. She’s always selling herself short…
He didn’t know what to say about that to her just yet and resigned that to be something to talk about later when she accidentally stepped down on his foot, causing a slight yelp to escape his lips.
“Oh, God, James, I’m so sorry!” The hand she had resting in his quickly pulled away, draping itself around his neck as she looked up at him, eyes widening in panic. “We were doing so well…”
Wordlessly, he caught her waist to steady her before she began counting their movements off again. “Roxy, it’s alright! Just breathe for a moment.”
“It’s kind of hard to do that when I’m dancing with someone who does it for a living.”
Was that the issue? She had been embarrassed earlier not because he had caught her, but because he was a professional and she wasn’t?
“Forget about that… It’s just you and me right now, focus on us. I know you can do this if you put your mind to it.”
The sigh she let out told him she was still slightly frustrated, but once again she nodded at his words. “Do you think it’d be better with music?”
James had been so caught up in trying to make her feel better, grow more certain in her steps, that he had completely forgotten that was another crucial part of the dance process. Music spoke to Roxy in ways he would never be able to understand - It only stood to reason a background track would help boost her confidence. Now the issue would be picking the right track. 
“Great suggestion, babe,” He told her, bending down to place a kiss on her cheek. “I don’t think I know any good songs in this tempo that were written in the last hundred years though.”
The sensation of his lips on her skin seemed to light a fire under her, which James had many thoughts about but vocalized none as she abruptly let go of him and raced over to her bag. Flipping the black flap open, she dug her hand around its contents, before gazing back at her boyfriend. 
“I’ll think of something, but while I look I’m gonna need you to tell me who taught you to dance like that.”
Triumphantly, she pulled her blue iPod out and began to shuffle through the songs she had downloaded, waiting for his explanation. 
James scratched at the back of his head, now it was his turn to be embarrassed that night. “Self-taught… Though, my first dance partner was my mom.”
Mentioning his mother made Roxy stop tracing the small circle control pad under her thumb as she breathed, “That’s so sweet.”
“Kind of,” He conceded, though he was trying to figure out the best way to change the subject. Thinking about his parents always sucked and he certainly didn’t want to bring his assistant down again. “I was trying out for the Beast in a local theater’s production of Beauty and the Beast. As you can tell, it’s not really a one-person type deal… She was a saint for putting up with me during that audition.”
Still scrolling, she asked, “Did you get the part?”
“Don’t you know who you’re talking to?”
Finally, Roxy giggled for the first time in forever, and the sound was music to James’ ears. “You certainly are a beast…”
“Hey!” He fought back, though he found himself beginning to laugh too. Struggling to think of a comeback, he settled for watching her plug her iPod into the speaker system and hit play on the song she had chosen.
Immediately, a distinct guitar melody began to flood into the room and she practically ran back over to him to get into the starting position they were in before. “1… 2… 3…”
James stepped forward and she stepped back once the male singer began the sorrowful first line, following the beat to help time their movements. This song had been on the radio, for sure he had heard it before, but he couldn’t quite place how much of it he knew. It sounded so much like her, of course this was the song she would choose. On the other hand, Roxy had traded out counting their steps for singing along to the song in the same quiet voice from before while she pulled her boyfriend tighter against her. 
That little move almost made him trip up his step, bringing his feet closer together as he guided her around the room once more. Under his palms, he could feel the confidence she had lost during their first run-through build back up as she moved, throwing her head around as she continued to sing the chorus.
The chorus he definitely knew, but he wanted to listen to her for just a bit longer before he jumped in. 
While they continued to move together, she pulled him closer again, and all at once an image of the two of them circling a beautiful, Victorian ballroom filled his mind. Like they were the only two people in the dance studio, they were the only two people there in his fantasy as the song continued to play. His workout clothes were traded for an elegant black suit, one that perfectly matched the glorious red ballgown Roxy was wearing as they danced, continuing to hold onto each other. 
It was silly, he knew it was, but as he had earlier, this was a new moment he was trying to commit to memory. 
A few taps on his chest as they continued to move drew him out of his fantasy. “You know this right? ‘Iris?’”
All the boy could manage was a nod, grip on her waist inadvertently tightening.
“Good!” She called over the crescendoing guitar. “The last chorus is coming up… Think you could sing it for me?”
James Diamond was a professional entertainer - There was no question he could sing it for her. There was no question he’d do just about anything she asked of him.
I wonder how long it’ll take her to realize that.
Once again, he dipped down toward her, still keeping time with the song, and brought his lips to hers in place of an answer.
“Fuck,” She whispered when he pulled away, sending his heart pounding straight into overdrive. “Forget the song, forget the song-“
When James stepped forward for their first count, this time, she didn’t step back causing him to slightly careen into her. From the tilt of his head as he steadied himself, Roxy must have realized he was confused as they stopped dancing, music still filling their ears. 
The smirk that followed her actions confused him even further, he thought they had a pretty good thing going, before her hands snaked around the back of his neck, pulling his mouth back down to hers. 
This is way better than dancing, her boyfriend concluded, bringing his free hand to meet her waist. Roxy seemed to think so too, considering he could still feel faint traces of her grin before she pulled away from him.
“I’m so teaching you how to mosh next time,” She promised as she turned their waltz into a sway, bringing her head to rest against his chest. 
This girl is going to kill me…
When he didn’t answer, trading words for a kiss into her hair, she echoed his words from earlier to quell any opposition. “It’s super simple! You’ll pick it up instantly, babe, I promise.”
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64bitgamer · 2 years
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crazyk-imagine · 2 years
Chapter I: Grumpy Beginnings
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Characters: Sulane “Sullie” Celeste, Jasner “Jas” Verbane, Carlos Garcia, Hortense “Logan” Mitchell, Kendall Knight, James Diamond, Kelly Wainwright, Gustavo Rocque, Katie Knight, Jennifer “Mama” Knight, Guitar dude
Warnings: Hijinks, Sulane gets annoyed (big surprise), the boys almost lose the once in a lifetime opportunity, Jasner reassures the boys, James gets a smidge jelly of Jasner and Sulane
Word Count: 3,899
Sulane sits in one of the cabanas beside the pool, reading her book so she can finish her book report and (hopefully) help Kelly with a few things before Gustavo gets too cranky. 
It seems as though life or the universe had other plans for her. 
"Take this and call me in the morning." 
A card blocks the paragraph she’s trying to read. 
She looks up, tilting her head looking at the male teen with a bored expression. "Does that line ever work?" She snatches the card from his hand, checking it out. "Oh, look at that. You have your phone number and email on here... good for you. You can go now." 
The teen takes her attitude with a grain of salt and smiles, liking the progress he's made (with the cute girl he's seen hanging out by the Palm Springs pool). "I don't think you actually want me too." 
"And why not? What makes you think I want to stay here talking to you?" 
"You mean besides the fact that you haven't walked away already, I'd say my odds are pretty good." 
Sulane purses her lips and crosses her arms. "Fine but if you're staying here, I have one rule, be quiet. Got it?" 
"Anything for you, your majesty." He quickly settles into the seat beside her. 
"Keep saying things like that and I'll push you in that pool." 
He turns to her, resting his head in his palm, "promise?" 
"What? You want to pinky swear? Will that make it better for you?" 
He holds his pinky up for her, “maybe.” 
Sulane rolls her eyes, "you're so childish." She interlocks her pinky with his. 
"I've been told it's one of my best qualities." 
She snatches her hand away from him, stealing her pencil back from him. "Whoever they are, lied to you." 
He nods, looking around the pool before looking back at her realizing something. "I'm Jasner." 
"Jasner? Like J-a-s-n-e-r?" 
He nods, "yep." 
She scoffs, "no wonder you're weird. You’re a part of that percentage." 
"Some parents name their kids with a cool name and most of the time that kid will be cool but, in your case, you've got a weird name so you're more than a little weird." 
"I'm gonna take that as a compliment." 
"Okay… Sulane." 
"No, I'm Jasner." 
She groans, "oh my god. I'm friends with an idiot." 
"So, we are friends," Jasner says with a smile dancing across his lips. 
She drops her head onto her notebook.  
S01 EP01
“You’re coming with me and Gustavo,” Kelly informs Sulane. 
The teen girl sighs. “Where are we going?” 
“Just have your things ready by the time we need to leave.” 
Sulane's brows knit together, confused by her caretaker's behavior. “Kelly, where are we going?” 
"It doesn't matter where we're going, just please be ready." 
"Why can't you tell me? I won't be mad. Promise." 
She nods, “yeah, I’m not going.” 
“I know you don’t want to, but it’d be really helpful if you were there.” 
“No, I’m not going.” 
“You don’t really have a choice.” 
“Gustavo already got your ticket, and our room is ready.” 
“Can’t I just stay here? You two won’t even be gone that long.” 
“I’m sorry, Sulane but this is final. You're coming with us.” 
She scoffs, grabs her bag off the couch and exits the recording studio. 
She slams the door and collapses on a couch, releasing a dramatic sigh. “Jas, please tell me you have something I can help you with or something that'll keep me here overnight.” 
“What’s wrong? What’s Gustavo up to now?” Jasner asks. 
“He wants to go to Minnesota to find his next “star that has the fire” or whatever and I don’t want to go. You know I don't like it there.” 
“Honestly, I don’t. You barely talk about when you lived in Minnesota, to anyone much less me. I mean maybe Kelly but that’s because she’s your foster mom or caretaker. I forget what her “legal” title is.” 
“Yeah,” she grabs a pillow off the couch and screams into it before throwing her head back. “I hate this.” 
“You’ll be fine stopping whining.” 
“Says you. You’re gonna be in an audition for a new show that might not even make it anywhere.” 
“I don’t mean it like that because you suck- you don't by the way- I'm just saying, people want something else that the us "Palm Woods kids" can’t always give.” 
“Have you always been such a negative nelly?” 
“Have you always been an idiot?” 
Jasner faux glares at her. 
“I’m kidding.” Her phone buzzes. She picks up to see Gustavo and groans. “I gotta go. I'll be back later if I don't kill Gustavo." 
"Don't kill anyone!" He shouts as the door clicks shut. Jasner runs to the door, opening it, he yells down the hall, “you can do this!” 
“Where am I, and why am I freezing?” Gustavo shouts. 
“Minnesota,” the teen girl grumbles, standing beside Kelly (finding that she and the older woman had to take their own car to the place annoying). 
“You’re in Minnesota,” Kelly replies, nudging Sulane’s arm with her elbow. 
"What's up, Minnesota?!" Gustavo shouts to the crowd causing them to cheer even louder. "I hate all of them." 
"Yes, we know," says Kelly. 
"And the state for freezing My latte.” 
Kelly stares at the solid, frozen latte in her hand before tossing it to the side. 
“Also, I need A bigger coat." 
"If it makes you feel better, this is the last stop," Sulane informs him. 
"Well, it doesn't." 
"That attitude you have right now, is not appreciated." 
"Alright you two, that's enough. Gustavo, Focus and try not to make everybody cry. Somewhere here is your next big star. I can feel it." 
"I'm the star! What I need is a canvas with great hair that I can paint my pomp on. I need a singing block of wood that I can set on fire, so please tell me, where in, uh..." He trails off forgetting what state they're in. 
"Minnesota," the two females answer. 
"Where in Minnesota is My fire?!" 
Sulane cringes, covering her ears. 'I'll never get used to that.' She removes her hands from her ears when she knows it’s safe to do so. She taps Kelly's arm, "I need a break.” She stands up, pausing to ask, “I’m going to the vending machine. Do you want anything?" 
Kelly shook her head, “no but, hurry back, we’re almost done, and we’ll go back to the hotel after this.” 
“Okay.” Sulane nods at the security guards, “keep up the good work guys.” 
They gave her disgusted and bored looks. 
She shrugs, “Just remember, it’s almost over.” 
They nod, one steps in front of her, holding the door open. “Thanks, Randy. Oh, hey,” she turns around, “do either of you want anything from the vending machines?” 
They shake their heads. 
“No but thanks for the offer kid,” Randy says. 
James takes his sticker off, reaching for Kendall’s when the blond teen covers his, blocking his friends’ path. 
Sulane walks in front of the four boys but is too into her thoughts to realize who she passes by. 
Logan was still rocking in the chair, chewing his thumbnail. He looked up, watching the blonde girl walk by, he took his thumb out of his mouth, tilting his head, opening his mouth to all out for her before he was brought back to reality with the other three asking him what happened. “That man is Satan.” He brings his knees up and begins rocking back and forth in the chair. 
Sulane walks through the doors to see a tall, skinny, blond guy on the table singing, “Oh, you’re such a turd, oh yeah a giant turd, you look like a turd, and you smell like a turd.” 
She thins her lips, nodding her head, not quite sure what to think. 
Randy, the security guard runs towards the guy, pulling him off the table. 
A teen wearing a helmet jumps onto the other security guard (Sulane didn’t get a chance to catch his name) and pulls on the blond kid's arms. 
The two security guards struggle to remove the two off them while making sure Gustavo isn’t harassed. 
Two more teens join the chaotic scene on stage, clearly friends of the first two troublemakers. 
Sulane walks closer towards Gustavo and Kelly, pulling them out of their seats, guiding them away from the mess. She doesn’t want to be a part of this anymore than she already has. “Okay, first off,” she turns, pointing at her boss. “What did you do? And how many of them are there? There’s a limited number of security guards you hired, and it seems like they’re all a bit “preoccupied” right now.” 
“Why do you assume I did this?” Gustavo shouts. 
She raises a brow, “really? You’re Gustavo Rocque, your “thing” is yelling at everyone. Of course, I’m going to assume you did something.” 
“She’s got a point,” Kelly gives her input. 
“Now is not the time to point out my supposed flaws,” Gustavo pouts. 
“I’m just saying.” Kelly sighs when she notices how close her boss is to blowing his gasket. She turns to her daughter, “go wait in the car.” 
“Gladly.” Sulane rushes out of the room, running towards the door, exiting seconds before the security guards force the small group of guys out the building. 
Carlos tilts his head, wincing as he taps James' arm. 
The taller teen stares down at him. 
"Isn't that the girl that was with that mean guy?" 
James watches as the blonde teen struggles to get in the car. "I think so, why?" 
"There's something about her. I feel like I know her from somewhere." 
"I think you've taken one too many hits to the head." 
"You think you know a hot girl." 
Carlos scoffs, "whatever dude." 
“No,” Sulane disagrees right away. “No way.” 
“I came here looking for my fire and I found it,” Gustavo says. “You can either stay here in the car or come inside with us.” 
“I’d rather get frost bite,” Sulane crosses her arms. 
The owner of Rocque records bites his tongue to prevent him from lashing out at the young girl. 
Kelly intervenes, “okay, what if we stop by the hotel and-” 
“There’s no time!” 
“Do you really want to stay in the car?” 
“I’m not going in there.” 
“Okay.” The older woman sighs, “be careful.” 
She nods. 
“So, Barnes?” Sulane leans over the seat, sticking her head through the divider, “how have you been? The kids good.” 
Barnes, the driver turns around giving her a questionable look. 
“Alright, I hear you. I won’t bother you anymore.” 
She lays across the side furthest away from the Knight household and puts on her headphones, the one and only nice gift her mother ever got her before her accident. 
A rapid knocking alerts her, she sits up to find a shivering Gustavo and Kelly. 
She scoots to the other side, “don’t help them, Barnes!” She pushes the window button down, letting it roll down about an inch. “What do you two want?” 
“Let us in!” 
“That’s not the kind of attitude I, as a growing young person, needs to be around.” 
“This is my limo! Let me in!” 
“Can I get a password?” 
“The password is… LET ME IN BEFORE I BREAK THE DOOR!” 
“Okay,” she shrugs, opening the door. The two quickly get in, crossing their arms, hoping to get warm faster. “So, how was it?” 
“I’m getting more than one dog.” 
She groans, “not another boy band.” 
Kelly wraps an arm around her shoulder and pulls her in closer. “This is just cruel.” 
“You’re using me for warmth.” 
“… no, I’m not.”
“Do I have to stay here until they arrive?” 
“Yes,” says Gustavo. 
“I have school.” 
“You have the day off. I can’t handle teenagers by myself.” 
She looks over at Kelly, who rolls her eyes. “But you have Kelly to help you.” 
“It’s Kelly.” 
“Hey! She is amazing. Do not say anything bad about her... I need a break," Sulane says, looking at Kelly before storming out of the room. 
Kelly answers the phone and they’re quick to head to the supermarket. 
“I’m staying in here.” 
“Not again,” Gustavo complains, stepping out of the car, Kelly exits behind him. “Come-” the car door slams in his face. 
“I’ll deal with her later, let’s talk to them,” Kelly directs her boss in the (future) bands direction. 
“Well?” Gustavo asks. 
Kendall nods, “okay, I’ll go to L.A. With you and record some demos if… you take my buds and make us a singing group.” 
“Dude!” Carlos adds removing his helmut. 
Logan pulls his soda away from his mouth, muttering, “cold up my nose. Cold up my nose.” 
“Well, you guys said you would go,” the (wanna be) hockey player says. 
“I-I’m sorry. Are you trying to make a deal with me?” Gustavo asks, for clarification. “I make the deals.” 
The blond teen shrugs, “if you want me, you have to take all of us.” 
Gustavo laughs, “have you even heard your friends sing? Oh, that’s right. They can’t.” 
“Well, I’m no mega-producer like you, but I know they sing better than dogs,” Kendall points to the ripped-out page of old magazine James is holding, “and you can turn them into stars, right?” 
The music producer reaches for it and snatches it from his hands, “is this supposed to sway me? I’m Gustavo Rocque. I’m amazing.” He lowers his voice, “I’m amazing. And if you think for one second that I’m so desperate because of two or twenty-two cities that I haven’t been able to find anybody, you can think again, because there is no way, no way Gustavo Rocque is takin’ the four dogs from Minnesota to Los Angeles to make them stars. It’s never gonna happen. Never!” 
“So, we have a deal,” Kendall says. 
~ Do you want to ride in a big limousine? ~
The boys started boot camp because Griffin needs a fully functioning band in three days. 
Gustavo turns off the boom box, “okay. So, it’s been an hour and…” 
Kelly interrupts him, “what happened to Mr. X?” 
The boys start explaining what happened. 
Gustavo doesn’t like the sound of any of it and begins shaking. 
Kelly lets out a whimper as she reaches for the soundproof headphones, putting them on before he loses it. 
“Should we go check on them?” Jasner asks, his voice echoing through the air vents. 
Sulane shakes her head, “nope.” 
“Are you sure?” 
“If we go, will you stop and get out of the air vents.” 
“Yes, to the stopping. I’m still not so sure about the air vents. It’s really fun up here.” 
She stops at the door, shaking her head, “yeah, I’m not going.” 
“Oh, man.” 
Sulane removes her headphones, watching as the boys she grew up with wallow in- whatever it is they have going on. She can’t take it anymore. She pushes the flap of the cabana out of her way, marching towards the fighting group of boys. 
Katie steps up and pushes them in, bringing Sulane down with them. 
The blonde swims to the edge, hauling herself out of the pool with the help of Jasner. 
The two walk away before anyone realizes it was her. 
Sulane walks out of her room, meeting Jasner in the hall. 
The two venture down to the pool area for their nightly hangout. 
“Sullie,” Katie squeals, running over to her, wrapping her arms around her waist. 
The blonde girl chuckles, “hey, squirt. Sorry, I might have gotten you a little wet.” 
Katie pulls away and sighs, “I thought you would have forgotten about that.” 
“How could I?” 
“You didn’t talk to us so, I thought you forgot about us.” 
“Ask them.” 
The young sister furrows her brows, wanting to ask her what she means when she finds that Sulane is gone. 
Katie and her mom make their way down to the pool area. 
“You what’s funny. We didn’t even get a change to sing together,” Kendall says. Carlos chuckles. 
Sulane rolls her eyes, marching over to the four. 
“Sullie, wait. What are you doing?” Jasner whispers, following her. 
She stops in front of them, “you guys,” she points to the four, “are jerks and idiots.” 
“Yeah, yeah, it’s me. But you four, are idiots.” 
“You think you can just walk over here and call us idiots?” Kendall asks. 
“Yeah, because you are. You clearly fought to bring everyone here because this was, technically James’ dream but you all came here non the less and now you’re about to throw it all away and for what?” 
“You don’t understand-” Logan tries to explain. 
She shakes her head, “no, you don’t. What made you want to do this?” 
“James,” Kendall shrugs. 
“Wrong. What is the one song you can all bond over? The one song that lets you be yourself.” She sighs, “what’s the song that started it all?” 
The boys’ glance at one another. 
“Come on, you know there’s that one song that made this happen.” 
Kendall looks back to his boys and starts singing the classic, “oh, you’re such a turd. Oh, yeah, a giant turd. And you look like a turn, and you smell like a turd.” 
The corner of her lips twitch, she’s quick to prevent the smile from stretching across her lips. 
Jasner begins clapping. 
Sulane turns, placing her hand on his, “no.” She turns back towards the boys, “this is it. This is the spark you’ve needed. Let’s do it again.” 
“Oh, you’re such a turd. Oh, yeah, a giant turd. And you look like a turd, and you smell like a turd. Oh, you’re such a turd. Oh, yeah, a giant turd. And you look like a turd and you…” 
James hops up onto the bench, finishing the song on a strong note, “smell like a turd.” 
Jasner looks at Sulane, “now?” 
She nods, “now.” 
The two of them start clapping, everyone else at the pool area joins in. 
James hops off the bench. 
The boys all laugh, finally enjoying themselves and what they came here to do. 
“There you go. That- that is the fire Gustavo was looking for.” 
They look around, watching as everyone (human and animal) continue clapping for them. 
“She’s got a point, you know,” says Jasner. 
“We should do this. You guys were right. I really think we should do this,” Kendall tells his buddies. 
“How? We got fired, remember?” Logan adds. 
“We didn’t get fired.” He looks around to find Logan and Sulane giving him a look. “I mean, we got fired but the problem is we didn’t try our best.” 
“I tried my best.” 
“We know, James. We know.” 
“So, what are you four gonna do?” Sulane asks, finding herself curious as to how this will play out. 
“We’re gonna need some music, something a little inspirational.” 
“I know how we can do this.” 
“Shut up, Jas.” 
“No,” he shakes his head. “Guitar dude.” 
“Got something a little inspirational?” 
Guitar dude plays a little something. 
Jasner gives him a thumbs up, “awesome. What’s it gonna be? Dump the puck or big time rush?” 
Carlos narrows his eyes at the teen, “how’d you know we play hockey?” 
“I like to travel via air vent and you guys are loud.” 
“Ignore him. What’s your choice?” asks Sulane. 
One by one the boys stand up, saying, “big time rush.” 
Gustavo and Kendall stand in front of one another. 
“Well?” The producer asks. 
“Okay, we’ll do it your way. NO goofing off, no pillow fights, and no questions for the next two days,” Kendall tells him.  
“Okay. “Girl Time” from the top,” Gustavo instructs. 
“Except for that. We really don’t wanna sing “Girl Time”.” 
“Oh, let me guess. You have a better idea. Well let’s… Let’s hear it. Let’s hear the dogs’ better song title.” 
“Big time rush,” the blonde answers, pushing her through the boys to stand in front of her boss. 
The boys explain what the song is about. 
“I,” Gustavo extends the letter, “like it also but why is the weird one here?” he points to Jasner. 
“We’ve talked about this.” 
“Now I can’t say my thoughts out loud?” 
Sulane shakes her head, “no.” 
“This is my studio and I’ll so what I want.” He points to the four, “you dogs, in the booth.” 
Gustavo settles behind the desk, “okay, “big time rush” from the top. Only, this time, let’s try not to make me want to choke you.” 
The boys start singing.
~ Ah, ah, oh, ohh ~
“What do you think, Griffin?” Sulane asks. 
“Don’t call me by my first name but, I like ‘em, and the board’s gonna love ‘em. You got three months to make your demos. I told you the boy band was back,” Griffin smacks Gustavo’s cheek. 
Sulane tilts her head with her brows knit together, she raises her hand, “actually, I did… because you asked me.” 
No one says anything. 
“I have to go,” Griffin stands up, “my pants are cold.” 
“Is he going to go warm up his pants?” Jasner asks. 
She shrugs, “I don’t know but, it wouldn’t surprise me. He’s weird.” 
“I’m weird.” 
“Weirder than you.” 
She groans, shaking her head. 
“Guess who’s stayin’ in L.A.” 
The, now, boy band let out shocked noises. “Yes!” “Yes!” “Ha ha ha!” 
“Stop cheering,” Gustavo instructs. “If you thought the last three days were hard, wait till you see the next three months. Carlos still can’t sing; Logan still can’t dance, and I still can’t stand James.” 
“We’ll work on it,” Kendall reassures him. 
“Okay, now you can celebrate.” 
“Oh, and one more thing. My little assistant here,” the producer points to Sulane, “will be the one to help you dogs better than Kelly or me. If you have questions, ask her.” 
“Yeah,” she nods, “wait- what?” Sulane chases after her boss who high tails it out of the studio. “You can’t be serious! Gustavo get back here!” 
The boy’s shoulders deflate, they look as if they’ve been tossed to the side by their favorite person. 
“I- uh- I’m sure things will get better,” Jasner tries to reassure them after stepping into the room. 
“How can you be so sure?” asks Carlos. 
“If she was willing to help you even though, something clearly happened, I’d say your odds of being on her good side again are pretty high.” 
“Do you honestly think that?” Kendall questions him. 
Jasner nods, “yep. Oh, by the way, I’m Jasner,” he holds his hand out for the others to shake. 
“Jasner?” They repeat. 
“Yeah, it’s like an off-brand version of Jasper but instead of a “p” it’s the letter “n”. My parents wanted to give me a cool name in hopes of me being cool.” 
They nod and let out a quiet, “oh.” 
“It didn’t work out so well for them but, who knows. Maybe I’ll finally get my big break as an actor.” 
“You’re here to do acting?” Logan asks, curious as to who this guy is that seems to know the new Sullie. 
James seems to have finally found his voice (again), “are you any good?” “I’d like to think so.” 
James glances him up and down, wondering how Jasner could have become friends his Sullie his friend Sullie.    
Previously: Prologue // Continue: Chapter II
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