#she's like 'i've never met a boy my age before and you're nice to everyone especially women'
roguestorm · 2 years
rahne's crush on berto is so cuteeeeeeeeeee
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dudeshusband · 1 year
Ship: Mike x Joe Ricco
Words: 900
Description: Mike brings Ricco lunch at work.
Warnings: none!
Joe would be in his office at lunchtime. Mike had made sure of that. Ever since they'd been going out, they wanted to bring him a homemade lunch. They'd prepped some cilantro lime salad and sandwiches the night before so they could easily come to his law building from their job at the paper. 
They walked into his office and were greeted by Jamison, his secretary. They'd heard quite a bit about her but had never met her. 
Jamison was a woman about Mike's age, maybe slightly younger. She had short brown hair that was parted in the middle and surrounded her head, a bit like a long pageboy. She smiled professionally as Mike approached. 
“Hello, miss,” she said, which stung a little. “It's Mr. Ricco’s lunch hour but I can make you an appointment.” 
Mike lifted the bag they were holding. “That's exactly what I'm here for.” 
Jamison eyed Mike's flared slacks and furrowed her eyebrows. “You don't look like a delivery boy.” 
Mike chuckled. “No, I write the political commentary section of The Chronicle. Occasionally I publish short stories. I've been in a few publications. I'm hoping for The Atlantic next.” 
“Ambitious,” Jamison said. “So then-” A lightbulb went on in her head. “You're the person he's dating? You're Mike?” 
“Yep! That's me. Nice to meet you.” 
“How old are you?” she asked. 
Mike sighed. “Why does everyone ask that? I finished my English doctorate three years ago.” 
“You're my age?” she asked, then cringed. “Ricco’s old. He's probably my dad’s age.” 
“If we're done judging me, I'm going to have lunch with my boyfriend.” 
Mike attempted to walk past but Jamison stopped them. 
“Oh, I'm not judging! I'm just surprised,” Jamison said. “It's good to see him happy. He's been alone as long as I've worked for him. Maybe he'll stay out of my love life now and stop being such a busybody.” 
Mike chuckled. “He told me he was trying to get you a boyfriend. Any success?” 
“Maybe,” she said, stressing the y. “He was right about Markham anyway.” 
“What's up with old Italians and the matchmaking?” Mike joked. “We were set up by Nino and Angela. They'd been setting him up on a bunch of dates he didn't want.” 
“What a hypocrite!” Jamison exclaimed. “Doesn't like it when people do it to him but does it to everybody else.” 
“Well, see you later,” Mike said, and walked into Joe's office. 
“Hi,” Mike said. “Lunch is here. I got held up by a very confused Jamison. You didn't tell her I was coming?” 
“No, I forgot.” 
“You didn't tell her what I look like? How old I am?” 
“It didn't seem relevant.” 
Mike laughed. “She's probably still in an advanced state of shock out there. Wondering how you pulled such a pretty young thing.” 
He rolled his eyes. “You're not so young.” 
“I'm decrepit in women's years, don't you know? Dry as dust!” 
Joe busted up laughing at that. 
They added dramatically, “Like an overripe lemon!” 
He shook his head fondly. “Come here.” 
Mike set the bag down on a chair and approached his desk. They leaned in. 
Joe gave them a gentle kiss hello. 
“Not quite dry yet,” he said. 
Mike gave him a quick peck back. “You're getting there.” 
“Hm, I don't know. I sure drive you crazy.” 
There was no denying that. 
“Shut up and eat one of these sandwiches.” 
Mike grabbed out a pastrami for him and a veggie for themselves. 
“There's salad too,” Mike said. “Cilantro lime. It's really good.” 
“It probably is, if you made it,” he said. 
Mike smiled. 
“Are you busy for the rest of the day?” Mike asked. 
“Oh, there's this case and that case,” he said. “Why? Are you planning on playing hooky?” 
Mike smiled. “Oh, no. I have to get back to the paper and write my thoughts about the latest White House sex scandal. Riveting stuff.” 
“The readers like it,” he said. 
Mike looked up from their sandwich. “How would you know?” 
“Oh. People like to talk. People think you're funny. Right, but funny.” 
“Well. That's good.” 
“I found one of your short stories in one of those little literature journals,” he said. “You're good.” 
“I didn't know you read literary journals.” 
“I don't.” 
“You should try to aim higher,” he said. “Some big paper.” 
“The Atlantic and the New Yorker keep rejecting me,” Mike said. “But that's understandable because only 0.00067 percent of people get into those.” 
“You'll get in,” he said. “They'd be stupid not to at some point.” 
“Thank you.” 
After a while, both finished their lunch. Mike sipped their green tea as slowly as they could. 
“Don't you have that sex scandal to write about?” Joe asked. 
Mike sighed. “I'm trying to pretend I have all the time in the world.” They took his hand from across the table. “What if I want to stay here?” 
“I'll have to kick you out,” Joe said, lightheartedly. “I can't enable you slacking.” 
Mike did their best pleading eyes. “Just once? We could just go walk the dock together?” 
“I'll see you after work,” he said. “The dock’ll still be there. Along with the stars.” 
“Well,” Mike sighed. “I tried. Have a good rest of your day.” 
“Good luck on that commentary,” he replied. 
“I'm not leaving without a kiss goodbye,” Mike said. 
They kissed him for as long as they could. 
“You taste like pastrami and mustard,” they said with a giggle. 
“Go, go,” he said, waving them towards the door. 
“I'm going, I'm going! It's almost like you want me to leave!” 
Joe shook his head. “See you later.” 
“If you're lucky.” 
“See you later,” he repeated. 
Mike gave him one last smile, then left his office. They hurried downstairs and across the dock. They were 15 minutes over their lunch hour. 
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neopuff · 1 year
title: elaborate plans word count: ~5200 ship: six/holiday summary: Holiday wants Rex to go to a museum. Six sees an opportunity. ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48731992 references to: "there's always next time" and "only you"
"You're going to New York City?" Holiday asked, not sure if she'd heard correctly.
Six nodded, pointing a thumb behind him. "Knight heard some rumors going around - something that sounds a lot like one of Breach's portals was seen in Central Park yesterday."
She nodded, but was pouting slightly, and Six couldn't deny that he was curious about what was on her mind.
"...do you want to come along?"
"No, no," she answered quickly. "I just…well, I was thinking."
Six didn't respond, knowing she needed time to finish her thoughts.
"Rex is almost eighteen now and…he's never been to a museum. Not that I know of, anyway."
He raised an eyebrow at her. "And?"
"And-?!" Holiday glared at him. "I've been giving him a basic education from here, but he's not getting a lot of formative experiences that a boy his age should be getting!"
Six stopped himself from rolling his eyes. "Doctor, he's been all over the world. He fought a living mummy. I don't think he's missing out on much by not seeing collections of paintings and sculptures."
"I just think it'd be good for him," she added as a final point. "You don't have to take him, but I'd appreciate it if you did. The Met is right there."
With that, she turned back to her computer and continued typing whatever she'd been working on before they started their conversation. 
And Six was left with a quandary.
He didn't want to go to a museum. Not particularly, anyway. And he didn't think Rex would want to go to one, either. But that was Holiday's point, he supposed. Rex should try it because everyone should try it at least once and have the experience of being in one. Maybe Rex would really enjoy it and if they didn't try, he'd never find out.
It would also be nice to make Holiday happy, of course. She seemed like the type of person who really enjoyed going to museums and thought they were a good way to spend an afternoon. Maybe she’d go by herself, or maybe she liked to go on…dates.
Six stood there for another few moments, considering. There were a lot of moves he could make at that moment and he wanted to make the right one.
"You should come with us."
She looked up at him. "Six, I didn't mean to-"
"I've never been to the Met, Doctor. I wouldn't be a good guide on my own."
Holiday looked suspicious for a brief moment, then gave him one of those rare, brilliant smiles that she seemed to save only for the closest people in her life. Six felt honored to be among the few to see them.
"When are we leaving?"
"Take off in ten minutes."
"Make it fifteen - I need to get changed."
"What? Why would we go to some dusty old museum?" Rex whined, leaning against the inner wall of the small scout ship they’d borrowed from the hangar.
"Dr. Holiday wants you to try something new," Six answered, arms crossed over his chest. "You've been stagnating over the last two months. I can tell you're getting bored with fighting humans in badly-made robot suits."
"Well, yeah, sure." Rex waved his hands around. "But I can't exactly fight anything at an art museum. How's that supposed to help?"
"Try to have an open mind."
Rex stuck out his tongue childishly. "I bet you don't wanna go, either. Did Holiday bat her eyelashes at you or something?"
Six glared at the kid and stuck his hands into his pockets. He was about to respond, but then Holiday walked up to the ship and distracted him. She wasn't wearing anything particularly notable, but something about seeing her in casual clothes with her hair down always caught him off-guard.
She was wearing a long blue skirt, white top, and light blue cardigan. It looked very pretty on her - pretty enough that Rex elbowed Six in the arm and whispered something about eyelashes again.
"Sorry I took so long. Are we ready to go?" Holiday asked with a guilty smile.
The boys nodded and Holiday walked past them to take a seat - Rex gave his mentor two thumbs up as she passed and Six wondered if this was a huge mistake.
"Okay, sure, I didn't get that spine-tingly feeling that I always get when Breach is nearby. And sure, Holiday didn't read any nanite activity with her little monitor thingy. But I still don't think that means we can give up and waste the rest of the afternoon here."
Rex spread out his arms and motioned around himself. He and Six were surrounded by civilians, which was a strange situation for the both of them. Exhibit entrances were to their left and right, up the stairs, around the corners…it was an endless maze of art and history.
Six sighed, hands twitching in his pockets. He did not enjoy being surrounded by so many people. Even if he and Rex used their Providence clearances to come in without going through the metal detector, he still felt like they were vulnerable. "Think of this like a…field trip."
"Kids go on field trips with their friends, not their parents."
Rex slammed his mouth shut after that and looked away from Six, feeling awkward. Everyone knew there was a sort of weird, parental relationship between him and Six and Holiday, but calling them his parents felt like too much. They were his family, sure, but they weren't his mom and dad. They were his…something else. Something just as important.
"...I suppose that's true," was Six's short response. He had some of the same thoughts as Rex, and he wasn't sure how he felt about all of it, either. Sometimes he looked at Rex like a son, and he knew Holiday did the same. But it was complicated. Rex was still learning more about his real parents every day and they didn’t want to confuse him or get in the way of that.
Holiday was buying their tickets and they were supposed to patiently wait for her to get back, but Six was itching to start his master plan of the day. He looked over to the ticket area to make sure Holiday wasn't in hearing range and then looked back down at Rex.
"If I give you twenty bucks, will you run off as soon as Holiday hands you your ticket?" he asked quietly.
"Huh?" Rex glared up at him. "Why?"
Six just stared as a response - his mouth a thin, straight line.
The realization hit Rex like a bag of bricks. "Oooohhhh, you don't care about me getting cultured - you just want an excuse to do something romantic with Doc Holiday!"
"Who knew you had it in you, Six?" Rex said cheekily, a bright smile on his face. "You could've said something earlier! I would've been way more on-board with this plan if I knew I could just leave-"
"No leaving. You're still going to look at art and learn to appreciate it."
"Aw, come on, Six! Is this any way to ask a guy a favor?" Rex whined again, though his eyes were drawn away from his mentor by a small group of girls wearing t-shirts that said 'Glendale High Seniors'. "Maybe I could be convinced to stay, actually…"
Six followed Rex's line of sight and frowned. "What happened to Circe?"
Rex pouted and quickly shook the blush off his cheeks. "Um…Circe and I are kind of keeping it casual while she works out some family stuff. It's complicated."
"Sounds like it," Six said, not really caring. "Do we have a deal?"
"Make it thirty!"
Six exhaled loudly through his nose and quickly grabbed two twenties from his wallet, handing them to Rex reluctantly. "Bring me ten back."
Rex laughed and stuffed the bills into his pocket. "We'll see!"
At that moment, Holiday returned with their tickets and handed one to each of her boys. She looked extremely happy and they both knew she was ready to infodump about her favorite things in the museum if they gave her the opportunity. "Are you guys ready?"
"Aaaactually, Doc - Six gave me a great idea!" Rex said with a devious smile that made their resident ninja very nervous. "I'm gonna follow around that high school group and try to get a normal teen field trip experience with them, okay?"
"O-oh." Holiday looked disappointed for a second, but she followed that up with a smile. "That's a great idea, actually. Just text one of us when you're done, okay?"
Rex gave her a two-finger salute and quickly ran off, easily falling in line with the group of students who seemed extremely excited to hang out with a famous person.
Holiday sighed and glared at Six, hand on her hip. "You could've suggested that before I wasted money on our tickets."
Six held the ticket she'd given him and looked over both sides. "Is there a particular exhibit you want to see?"
He shrugged, trying to seem cool and casual. "I wouldn't mind looking around. If you want to."
There was an excited sparkle in her eyes that made Six's heart race, and she glanced around the room. "I haven't been here in almost twenty years, I don’t remember all the…well, I’ll go grab a map!"
While she did that, he looked at some of the text above the large, looming entranceways. European Art, European Art, more European Art…hm. Oh. He noticed her walking back and pointed to a room upstairs and off to their left. "Let's start there."
Holiday followed his finger to the Asian Art exhibit and smiled at him again. "Sounds great, let's go!"
Six wasn't much of an art guy.
In the past, he'd stolen some artwork for clients - rarely, very rarely, since his specialty was more in the life-ending department - but otherwise he didn't really partake in museums or art galleries or anything like that. He liked to stay informed and always paid attention to valuable pieces traveling through the black market, but he didn't have any interest in taking them for himself.
That being said, he had a particular lack of interest in portraits of old American and European politicians. He wasn't born in America, nor did he have American citizenship, nor did he have European ancestry, and he didn't have much interest in those countries outside of studying their fighting styles and war practices and much more modern politics and policies. It was important to know the history, of course, but the portraits weren't interesting to him at all.
He didn't have a lot of exposure to Asian art, having been raised extremely poor in Mexico City and then extremely isolated on a small island off the coast of Japan. One didn't prioritize that sort of thing in his training, understandably, but Six still found himself drawn to it. His family came from China and his master came from Japan, not to mention he'd spent decades studying and mastering Japanese fighting styles.
Holiday seemed interested in pretty much everything they saw, which Six thought was very cute. She would stand at each piece and read the blurb of information, then stare at it for a minute to really take it in, and if she had any feelings about it, she'd turn to him and ask for his thoughts. It continued like that through three rooms of artwork before Six realized that she wasn't going to stop. Which was fine. He was just glad that she was enjoying herself.
His interest in the art and his interest in Holiday couldn't distract him from his paranoia, however. Security guards in each room watched them carefully - especially him, because Six was a very recognizable figure and they probably knew he was dangerous. Then there were so many civilians around them - occasionally someone would bump into Holiday and Six would have to resist the urge to attack them. A crowded museum was not a great place for someone like him to be.
Still…it was making Holiday very happy. He liked that a lot.
As they reached the fifth room, Six started to take note of something else. All of the couples - well, almost all of them - were holding hands as they walked and chatted about what they saw. Some of them would even sit on the benches and cuddle while looking at certain pieces.
He stared at Holiday and wondered if she’d want that. Their relationship was very confusing - for both of them, he was sure - and he wanted to start trying to make it…less confusing. It was difficult to allow himself to get to that level of vulnerability, but he was willing to try if it meant he could be with her more completely.
It'd been clear for months - almost a year, at that point - that they had feelings for each other. And in that time, neither had really made a move to take things further. Six didn't think it was because her feelings faded, just that she didn't want to rush him. And there was also a slight hesitation that he imagined stemmed from whatever they'd had before he lost his memories.
Still, he felt like they were getting to the point where it was ridiculous. He was nearing 40, after all. He couldn't just watch her from a distance forever.
As he stared at Holiday while she stared at some art, Six finally followed her gaze to the painting and gave it a good look. He hadn't been offering her much interesting discussion about any of the paintings or sculptures so far, mostly because he was too focused on the dangers of so many people being around them. But he figured he could give her something. If he couldn't hold her hand, he could absolutely pay attention to what pieces she liked.
At that moment, she was staring at a painting of a Japanese woman, daydreaming sadly. Called Surgical Ward. He looked from the painting to Holiday's face, and back again.
Holiday caught him paying attention and brightened significantly. "This one is really interesting, don't you think?"
"...yes," Six answered, being somewhat genuine. "She reminds me of you."
Holiday curled her lips and stared at him as if he'd said something very strange. It made Six feel self-conscious, which she must've noticed because she immediately changed her expression to one that was more sympathetic. "Why's that?"
"I…" He suddenly forgot how to speak. Why did he say it made him think of her? That was stupid. It was because she's a woman and a brunette and it had the word surgery in the title which made him think of her being a doctor even though she wasn’t that kind of doctor. But that wasn't a good answer - it wasn't smart or charming or interesting. "I don't know. It just does."
She didn't seem put off by that response, giving him a smile in return. "It's based off of a book, according to the blurb here. The woman falls in love with her doctor and dies during surgery."
Not smart. Not charming. Not a good date. He hadn't even established their outing as a date yet. Maybe Six could save face by backflipping out the window into traffic instead of stuffing his foot into his mouth so badly. "Not quite what I was imagining."
"It's all about interpretation, right?" she said with a chuckle. She lightly bit her lip, having noticed his lack of interest in the pieces so far. "We can go to another exhibit if you'd like."
"I'm fine to stay if you're enjoying yourself."
"I'd enjoy myself anywhere, Six." She pulled out the map and looked around for a few seconds. Then, suddenly, Holiday smiled and pointed to something that Six couldn’t see. "Oh I know exactly where we should go."
Six raised a curious eyebrow at her, but didn't say anything. He just assumed she was going to tell him.
Instead, Holiday reached out and grabbed his hand, tugging him through the rest of the Asian Art exhibit and back into the main hall. He didn't pay much attention to where they were going, focused instead on the soft warmth of her hand nestled in his. He was supposed to grab her hand, not the other way around! Though he supposed either way was fine so long as they got there.
He wondered if grabbing his hand to guide him somewhere counted as a romantic hand-hold or if it was different somehow. Where was the manual for that sort of thing when he needed it?
"Here!" Holiday said with a smile, using her other hand to point to the exhibit entrance name.
Six followed her pointer finger and saw the words Arms and Armor over the door, then looked inside to see a room filled with swords, armor, and other types of weapons or related instruments. He couldn't hold back his smile at the sight and squeezed her hand a little tighter in appreciation.
"Excellent choice, Doctor."
Holiday smiled and attempted to move away from him - including moving her hand out of his grasp - but Six held on and gently pulled her with him towards the first case filled with swords.
She didn't say anything in response to his actions, instead just staring at their conjoined hands like it was something she'd never seen before. In her defense, she hadn't seen such a thing in a very long time, and certainly didn't expect Six to keep holding onto her like that.
Her heart started to race embarrassingly fast as Holiday's analytical brain deduced what was happening. She'd seen Six hand Rex some money earlier and just assumed it was so he could buy himself something at the gift shop. But…maybe it was a bribe. Maybe this was all some sort of strangely elaborate plan to get the two of them on a date without actually asking her out or using the word date at any point.
Those thoughts made her feel a little paranoid. Maybe Six was just suddenly feeling romantic and wanted to hold her hand. That wasn't the craziest thought in the world (yes it was, yes it absolutely was) (the elaborate plan idea made way more sense). Or maybe Six's hand was just cold. (That was definitely not it either - she could feel how warm his hand was and it made her cheeks turn slightly pink.)
She followed Six's line of sight to a beautiful scimitar sitting in a case - embarrassed that she hadn't been paying attention to the artifacts around them. She was just thinking too hard about whatever was happening with their hands.
"Is this alright?" Six suddenly asked as he turned to look at her. He tightened his grip on her hand for emphasis, and Holiday blushed.
"...yes." She wanted to say it was more than alright, it was perfect, but she didn't want to humiliate herself further. Six was holding her hand in an art museum and she was overthinking it instead of just enjoying it? That was ridiculous. So she took a deep breath and smiled and moved her hand around so their fingers were interlocking. "It's definitely alright."
Six responded with one of his teeny tiny smiles that he saved just for the three closest people in his life and they continued through the exhibit, holding hands the entire way. There were hundreds of pieces to look at and plenty of time to look at them - both Six and Holiday were happy to take their time and enjoy themselves.
It'd been well over an hour by the time they reached the end. Several lively discussions about the effectiveness and artistry of certain weapons later, the two of them were still connected as they walked back into the main hallway. When Rex reappeared with a Statue of Liberty stuffed toy in his hands, he was smiling very brightly at the sight in front of him.
"I guess I don't need to text you, after all," he said with a smirk, staring blatantly down at their hands. "Have a good time without me?"
The two adults quickly separated their hands - Six's went right to his pocket, and Holiday clasped her hands awkwardly behind her back.
"Rex!" Holiday said, embarrassed that he'd caught them and also…embarrassed that she was embarrassed. Couldn't a 36-year-old woman hold hands with the man she loved without blushing over it? Maybe not. "Did you like the museum?"
"Actually…yeah, it was pretty fun!" Rex smiled and held up his new toy. "I made some friends, saw some funny naked sculptures, looked at some of the art of my people…"
Holiday smiled as he spoke, completely over the moon that he'd had a good time.
"...aaaaand I got this amazing little plush! She was only $38.99! What a steal, right?'
Six frowned deeply as Rex shoved the toy in his face, and Holiday just watched them thinking it was related to some inside joke she wasn't privy to. She didn't really care at that moment, she was just happy it'd been such a good afternoon.
An amazing afternoon, really. She was pretty sure that Six had planned all of this, and she wanted to thank him somehow. She had absolutely no idea how best to do that.
Well, she had one idea of how to do that. She just didn't want to rush anything. Even if she knew Six wouldn't object, she still didn't want to make a mistake. He was one of the most important people in her life, after all.
But he'd made a move, so she needed to make one, too.
Rex pretended to fall asleep as soon as they got back on the ship. 
He'd made it clear on more than one occasion that he thought his two guardians should be together and had been vocally frustrated by their lack of communication about the subject. Multiple times, he'd threatened to lock them in a room together or set them up in an elaborate Parent Trap-type scenario where they'd end up on a date without realizing it.
Six didn't want to deal with either of those options. He was an adult. He was the sixth most dangerous man in the world. He didn't need some nosy teenager to push him into going out with a beautiful woman. He was perfectly capable of telling her how he felt and holding her and kissing her and doing whatever else she wanted him to do to her.
Six kept those thoughts running through his head as he stared at Holiday through the mirror near the pilot's seat. He could see that she had her arms around herself and was staring awkwardly at the floor, looking like she had a million thoughts running through her head.
She glanced up and he looked away, despite the sunglasses hiding the fact that they'd made eye contact. He couldn't help but feel intimidated under her gaze at that moment.
"Mmm…talk to each other…" Rex mumbled loudly, still pretending to be asleep. "...stop being awkward…"
Holiday glared at him, blushing, and Six just tried to ignore him. He didn't need a push. He was doing just fine.
But then suddenly Holiday was standing up and walking towards him and Six felt his mouth go dry.
"Hey," she said quietly, taking a seat in the chair next to him.
She looked out the window and watched the sky for a minute, enjoying the view of the clouds rolling by. There was nothing quite like flying at such an incredible speed. "Today was really nice. Thank you for that."
He squeezed the control wheel and felt his heart beat a little faster. "Anytime," he answered, trying to be cool and casual and charming.
Holiday smiled at that response and tugged some hair behind her ear. "I was wondering if you, um…if you wanted to get some dinner when we get back."
Six's face remained expressionless as she spoke and his grip on the control wheel loosened. So he hadn't fucked it up - she didn't just enjoy herself, she wanted to continue their date even further and maybe even further after that. He was very satisfied knowing he'd done the right thing.
When he didn't immediately answer, Holiday continued to talk, rambling a bit. "We don't have to go anywhere fancy, I just thought it'd be nice to eat together-"
"Dinner sounds great," he said finally, cutting her off. "Anywhere you want."
She smiled again and stared out the window, feeling very good about herself and the day she was having. "Okay. Okay, perfect. Good."
Dinner was nice. Dinner was nice last time they’d had it - Holiday remembered it all too well, almost like she’d dreamt about the missed opportunities for weeks after it happened. But Six didn’t remember it at all, obviously.
Ever since losing his memories, Holiday observed him occasionally do little things that reminded her of his old self. He’d pour his coffee the same way, he’d lean against a doorframe the same way, he’d say her name (her first name, it was rare but it was always something that made her heart leap) in the same way. Some days it almost felt like he never lost his memories at all.
But the dinner was a continuous reminder that he had. Because she couldn't help but think back to that previous date - where they drove out into town, had some Mexican food, and he kissed her on the cheek after the alarm interrupted their evening - which happened almost two years earlier.
Two years was a long time to wait for a second date. But she'd waited two years for the first one, so Holiday didn't mind. Besides, she'd had plenty of other things going on during most of that time.
She was not going to let the second date end like the first one, though. There wasn't an EVO alarm anymore, thanks to Rex, but there was an alarm for certain types of threats that couldn't be handled by the police or military. And Holiday was completely prepared to ignore it if need be. She was tired of waiting. She wanted to be with Six and he had made it perfectly clear on multiple occasions that he wanted to be with her, too. They'd waited long enough.
There was no rushing, no pushing, no pressure from an outside force. Just a simple desire to be together.
Holiday kept that thought running through her mind as Six walked her back to her room at Providence HQ - the same room she'd lived in last time they did this. The same hallway, the same footsteps, the same everything.
His hands were in his pockets and he looked like he didn't know what to do with himself.
She smiled softly at him, hands clasped behind her back. "This was nice."
"It was," he answered, just as soft.
There was a brief hesitation between the two of them where they both knew exactly what question was in the air. It was a very big step and though both parties were completely ready and willing, it still felt like dangerous ground.
Holiday took a deep breath and, instead of saying anything, reached out and grabbed Six by the wrist. With her other hand, she opened her door - and then silently pulled him inside and let the door close behind them.
The lights came on automatically and she awkwardly removed her hand from his arm, bringing her hands together to fidget with her fingers. She'd taken one very big step, but she didn't want to mess things up by taking the next one too quickly.
"I, um…so, obviously this has been a long time coming, sure, but I don't want you to think I've got any expectations or anything - I'm just trying to, uh…you know, see where this goes and-"
She was suddenly cut off by Six's lips pressed gently against her own.
Six had been listening patiently as she rambled, just as he'd silently obeyed her when she pulled him into her room. He wanted her, she knew that, and she was making it pretty clear that she felt the same. But he did enjoy watching her blush, so he let her struggle for a minute before responding.
He kept his hands in his pockets initially as he leaned down to kiss her, but after a moment he couldn't fight the urge to feel her skin against his hands. He removed his hands from his pockets and laid them against the sides of her face, holding her gently to him.
After the initial shock wore off, Holiday smiled. Her lips curled up right against his lips and he could feel each and every movement as she reached her hands up to grab his lapels. She bounced once in excitement and pulled him closer, releasing a small giggle as she pressed their lips harder together.
Six smiled back into the kiss, having never been kissed so enthusiastically before. He liked it. He liked it a lot. He was already feeling very drunk on the sensations of Rebecca's lips and hands and smell and she was so soft and -
He moved his hands down to her waist and squeezed, hoping she could understand that though he didn't express himself in the same ways as her, he was just as excited about what was happening as she was.
At his squeeze, she smiled again - and as her tongue passed his lips and entered his mouth, Holiday felt her back hit the wall and Six's body push against hers. There was no question about it anymore - it was happening. They were finally - finally doing it.
They made out for a minute against the wall, both feeling much younger than they usually did - until Six pulled his lips away from hers for a few seconds to catch his breath.
He smiled at the small whiny moan that escaped her throat and he wondered how fast his heart was racing. "I should take you to museums more often," he said quietly.
Holiday opened her eyes and stared into his sunglasses, giving him a small laugh before leaning up to peck his lips again. "Absolutely. I hear the MoMa is lovely this time of year," she answered cheekily, gripping his lapels tighter. "But let's focus on this for now, alright?"
He nodded, still smirking, and kissed her again. With an intense grip on his jacket, she guided him towards her bed, and Six let his fingers dig into the soft skin of her hips as he tried not to lose control of himself.
It was very difficult with Rebecca's arms circling his neck and her legs finding their way around his waist, but Six was a master of self-control.
Or at least he used to be.
Holiday's attention moved to his jaw and then the side of his neck, and Six squeezed her so hard he wondered if he might leave bruises. He also wondered if she wouldn't mind. At that moment, she was his and he was hers and he wanted to mark her up and make that very clear to anyone who saw her.
She started undoing his tie and he moved his hands under the bottom edge of her shirt.
He could ask her about it later. At the moment, he wanted to focus.
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sugdenlovesdingle · 2 years
Gone swimming (AO3)
Single dad Robert takes his adorably cheeky son to swimming lessons and didn‘t expect the teacher to be that hot.
A/N: based on this post
A/N 2: I thought I'd post it like this too since the 'original' version is hidden in reblogs
"With all this water around the village, he should learn to swim." Robert reasoned while filling in the sign up form for Seb. "You know I fell into the river as a kid and nearly drowned, I don't want that happening to him."
"Of course not. But you've only just moved in two days ago. You haven't even unpacked yet." Vic argued. "If you wait until the summer we can teach the boys together. David and I can take Harry and Theo too."
"Just sign them up now." Robert shrugged, looking over the form to make sure he'd filled everything in correctly. "It's never too early for them to learn." He handed the form back to the woman behind the desk. "Don't you agree?"
"Oh uh, yes, yes, absolutely. My youngest is six... I should sign her up too, come to think of it."
"Better hurry up then Vic, looks like the class is filling up quick."
"I can email you a form if you like. If you just give me your contact information."
"I'll have to discuss it with my partner. I'll know where to find you when we want to sign our kids up." Vic settled on.
"When do the lessons start?" Robert asked, pulling the woman's attention back to the matter in hand. "Or can he just join in?"
"I have two openings. One on Thursday evening and one on Saturday morning."
"I think we'll go for Saturday morning."
That Saturday Robert dragged an unhappy four year old to the pool.
"You're going to love it. There are lots of other kids and I bet your teacher is really nice."
"Are you coming too?"
"I'll stay and watch the whole time, I promise."
"But you have to swim too." Seb insisted.
"It's for kids only. And I already know how to swim." Robert explained again. They'd been having the same discussion since he'd first told Seb about his swimming lessons.
"You can show me how!"
Robert mentally rolled his eyes at his son.
"Just give it a try today. If you really don't like it, we'll think of something else."
"I really don't like it."
"Nice try. If you really don't like it afterwards, we'll talk. Now come on, let's get you changed into your swimming gear or you'll be late for your first lesson."
Fifteen minutes later Seb was happily splashing in the shallow end of the pool with a boy his age he'd just met and declared his new best friend.
Robert himself had changed into shorts and a t shirt and convinced himself to take a seat on the bench next to the pool instead of going into the water. Though he watched Seb like a hawk, ready to jump in if necessary.
"First time?" A woman with a thick Scottish accent asked him as she sat down next to him.
"Is it that obvious?"
"Only a little. But don't worry, my nephew teaches this class, your son is in good hands."
Robert nodded and bit his tongue to stop himself from mentioning the woman's nephew was also late.
As if on cue a man carrying a bunch of pool noodles and other floaties walked over to the other side of the pool and put his supplies down, before taking off his flip flops and getting into the water with the kids.
He introduced himself as Aaron and let everyone introduce themselves too, and then turned around to where Robert was sitting along with some of the other parents.
"I'm Aaron, I promise I'll keep a close eye on all of them." He smiled and Robert suddenly felt like he was 15 again with his first crush on a boy.
He had a nice smile, gorgeous blue eyes, and Robert would be lying if he said he didn't like the way he filled out his uniform.
Aaron put the kids through some floating exercises and when he asked for a volunteer to go into the deep end with him, Seb was the first to raise his hand.
The deep end still wasn't very deep but Robert could tell Seb was getting scared when his toes couldn't touch the bottom of the pool anymore.
"Don't worry, I've got you." Aaron told him, keeping a hand on him at all times. "Nothing is going to happen. I won't let it. Just try to do the same as we did over there."
Seb nervously glanced over at Robert who tried to hide his death grip on the bench.
"Is that your dad?" Aaron asked, trying to get Seb to focus on him instead of panicking. "Is your mum here too?"
"I only have a dad." Seb told him.
"Yeah? Well then do you want to show your dad what you can do?"
After a beat Seb nodded, and with Aaron's help, he floated from one end of the pool to the other.
Coming to a stop right at Robert's feet.
"See? You did it!" Aaron said, giving Seb a high five.
"Did you see that daddy?" Seb asked excitedly.
"Yeah. It was great." Robert told him. "Your teacher is pretty great, isn't he?"
Aaron smiled up at him.
"Just doing my job."
He helped Seb swim back to the rest of the group and continued his lesson.
By the end of the hour, the kids were tired but when Aaron told them they could play in the shallow end of the pool until the next group was ready to start, none of them seemed to remember that.
Seb was playing with the same boy as before and Robert made a note to figure out which parent he belonged to so they could set up a playdate.
He went over his schedule in his head so he could suggest a day to the other parent when suddenly someone sat down next to him. He hadn't even noticed the woman from earlier had gotten up.
"So. How are the nerves?"
Robert turned his head and looked right into a pair of sparkling blue eyes.
"Most parents are nervous the first time... but I was worried you were going to go right through this bench the way you were gripping it."
"Oh... uh... yeah... I uhm... I guess I'm a little over protective."
"I noticed."
"It's not that I don't trust you or anything." Robert rushed to say. "It's just... it's his first lesson and we just moved here and it's just the two of us because his mum couldn't take care of him and... and... you don't care about any of that... Sorry."
Aaron laughed.
"Don't worry, it's fine. I always like meeting new people." He looked Robert up and down, obviously checking him out. "Especially if they're as cute as you."
Before Robert's brain had processed what had just happened, Aaron was back in the water and making the kids help him gather their supplies.
The next few Saturdays, Robert did his best to focus on Seb's progress but his eyes were constantly drawn to Aaron.
Aaron whose blue eyes were going to be the death of him. Aaron whose uniform clung to him in all the right places when wet. Aaron who the kids all adored. Aaron who was fast becoming Seb's favourite person, and by week 4 they were the first to arrive before the lesson and the last to leave.
Robert had promised Seb a pizza and milkshake after his lesson, and for once didn't mind the long wait until their food was done. He'd hoped Aaron would come into the cafe for lunch too and he'd have a chance to talk to him about something other than swimming lessons. Only after almost an hour, there was no sign of Aaron, Seb had finished his lunch, and there really was no reason for them to hang around any longer.
So Robert had gathered their stuff and the two started to make their way home.
"Aaron!" Seb suddenly yelled when he spotted the other man in the car park, and ran over to him.
"Hey Seb, you did good today mate. Maybe we can move you up to a more difficult lesson soon."
"Is that with you too?"
"Yeah, just a little later."
"Can I, dad?" Seb asked Robert who had just caught up with them.
"Uh.. we'll see..."
"Are you going home now?" Seb asked Aaron.
"Yep. I'm done for today." Aaron replied. "What about you, are you going home too?" He looked over Seb's head at Robert.
"Dad is taking me to auntie Vic's because he has to work." Seb told Aaron. "He's always working."
"Someone has to pay for your new trainers and your swimming lessons." Robert reminded him.
"He's so boring." Seb whispered at Aaron, a little too loudly.
Aaron laughed.
"I don't know, I think he's pretty interesting. I reckon he knows how to have fun."
Robert looked Aaron in the eye and tried to think of a reply he could say in front of Seb.
"Maybe you can be daddy's friend. He doesn't have any friends."
"Yeah, I'd like that." Aaron replied and turned to Robert. "Give me your phone, I'll put my number in."
Robert hesitated for a second but then handed the other man his phone.
"Maybe we could go for a drink some time?" he asked Aaron. "This one can sleep over at my sister's... So I won't have to rush home..."
"Sounds good. Text me."
"Right. Yeah. I will."
"Alright. See you around." Aaron said and walked away to his car, leaving Robert and Seb to go find theirs.
By the time Robert had put Seb's stuff in the boot and made sure the boy was properly strapped in, he felt his phone buzz in his pocket.
He got behind the wheel and quickly checked it. A text from an unknown number. He knew who it was from before he even opened it.
Hey this is Aaron. I live in Mill cottage. Come over for pizza and beer tonight?
Robert wanted to reply but then another text came through.
Or we could skip straight to dessert.
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aspenmissing · 1 year
𝙰 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 𝙰𝚕𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚢 𝚃𝚘𝚕𝚍 (𝙿𝚝 𝟸)
Tyran drags Y/N through the village with a wide smile, Y/N's face sweatdrops at the young boy's enthusiasm. It's been two months since she promised to visit the village more often and now Tyran is ready to introduce her to his grandmother.
"Come on Y/N! Granny said she wants to meet you!" He says.
"I know, I know. But are you sure she's fine with who I am? She isn't gonna try and kill me or tell everyone?" Y/N asks, walking so she doesn't fall over from Tyran's dragging.
"Of course, she won't silly. She understands what it's like to be judged and accused of being a witch...Well, you're more of being accused of being a reaper but the same thing." Y/N shakes her head amused.
"I think I've done way worse than her. Hell, I think I'll even put the devil to shame." Tyran laughs.
"And that's why you're awesome!" He says and continues to drag her along. She smiles at the boy softly, chuckling to herself that she has found someone so young, who has had losses that he doesn't even remember having. And fights that he never backs down in. How could a child be so strong and know of the cruelty of the earth, yet still have the child's innocence.
"Humans always find a way to amaze me." She mutters. He pulls her up to a house and opens the door, walking in.
"I'm home Granny! And I've brought Y/N!" Tyran says. The grandmother chuckles, picking up a cup.
"You have? I can't wait to meet him-" She cuts herself off as Y/N comes from around the corner, waving at the old woman.
"Hello, I'm Y/N. Uhm, nice to meet you." Y/N sees the older woman's grasp loosen on the cup and it falls from her hold. However, Y/N is quick to rush forwards and catch the cup before it smashes. "Are you okay lady?" Y/N stands back up and puts the cup on the table. The older woman looks up at the taller woman, mouth slightly agar.
"Y-Your real?" She asks. Y/N tilts her head in confusion before nodding. "Oh my-" She falls back onto the seat, holding her head.
"I told you she was real Granny. She wasn't a part of my imagination." Tyran says, walking over to the table and sitting down on one of the chairs.
"Sorry about scaring you, I should have let you get comfortable before introducing myself," Y/N says, smiling at the old woman. The grandmother shakes her head, patting Y/N's hand.
"No no, it's okay dear. I shouldn't have jumped to you being imaginary." Y/N chuckles sheepishly, rubbing the back of her head.
"I mean you had every right to, it's not every day that a kid tells their family that they made friends with someone who brings death." The grandmother chuckles, shaking her head.
"How about we start over, hmm." The grandmother gestures to the seat opposite her "Please, sit. Make yourself comfortable." Y/N nods at the older woman, sitting down on the wooden chair, the grandmother following in suit and smiling at the younger woman.
"Thanks, lady."
"Please, call me Lillian," Lillian replies, Y/N nods. "Now, I am curious as to how you met my grandson?" This gains the attention of Tyran, who looks to Y/N with pleading eyes. Y/N looks slightly confused before smiling, patting Tyran's head.
"Well, I had dropped something while on my way home, and this little rascal had quickly picked it up and ran after me to give me it." Lillian smiles.
"Sounds like him." The elder woman looks to Tyran. "Tyran, dear, could you get us some drinks please, the bottle should be in the bottom left cupboard. I'd get it myself but this damn leg is acting up again" Tyran nods, standing up.
"You should get that checked out gran" He grabs the cup off the table.
"I'll be fine, just comes with old age," Lillian replies before Tyran disappears into the kitchen. Y/N looks the woman up and down before frowning.
"How long," Y/N asks, Lillian looks over to her with a surprised look before chuckling.
"I shouldn't be surprised if anyone was to know it would be you." Y/N stays in silence before Lillian continues. "They don't know how long, could be months maybe years... It's a sickness, I'm slowly becoming less able to move... It was bound to happen eventually."
"And you're not gonna blame me?" Y/N questions. Lillian shakes her head.
"Of course not, we both live with curses that we hate yet we still walk with them. We accept that they're a part of who we are. Besides, its been in my family for generations. My mother had it and her mother had it. As did my daughter, Tyran's mother. Just that it caught up to her quicker." Lillian frowns, looking down at her hands.
"When are you going to tell Tyran?" Y/N asks. Lillian shrugs.
"I was hoping that Tyran will be able to look after himself by the time I'm gone." She says. Y/N places her hand on Lillian's hand, smiling at her.
"3... no 2 Years left..." Y/N holds back a frown, tilting her head at the woman.
"You're not afraid of death. Tyran tells me of a poem that you like. Do you too respect death and only accept its calling when you know it's your time?" Y/N asks. Lillian nods.
"If I am to die for Tyran to become who he is supposed to be then so be it. Fate has humour like that." Y/N chuckles.
"Tell me about it, fates a bastard when you get to know it." She jokes, causing Lillian to laugh a little.
"I'm back, and I've brought the drinks," Tyran says, walking back in with a bottle of ale and two cups, placing them on the table. Y/N looks a the ale, smirking.
"Lillian, I think we're gonna get along just fine," Y/N says, popping open the ale bottle.
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3 Months Later
Sunlight streams golden through the window in a well-mannered announcement of the risen sun, its warm touch spreading over Tyran's face. His eyes flutter open, adjusting himself to the light as he sits up, stretching and yawning. His eyes suddenly widen, remembering what the day is before shooting out of bed and rushing down the stairs and into the kitchen, finding his grandmother sitting on the chair, sipping a cup of tea. She looks over at her grandson, tilting her head.
"What's got you so excited so early in the morning?" She asks, placing the cup down on the table. The boy looks a little disappointed before walking up to his grandmother.
"You don't know what today is?" He asks. Lillian begins thinking before snapping her fingers.
"Oh it's the annual festival today, shoot I forgot to pick apples." Lillian stands up, rushing out of the kitchen. "Hurry up and get changed Tyran, you need to go and help Y/N pick them." Lillian opens the door to another bedroom, seeing the sleeping werewolf on the bed, the covers kicked off onto the floor and a leg and arm hanging off the side of the bed, her hair all messy and sticking up, drool falling from her lips. "You need to wake up Y/N," She says, tapping the woman on the shoulder. Y/N groans, rolling over. Lillian sighs, pushing Y/N a little harder. "You will get up right now."
"5 more minutes." Y/N groans. Lillian pulls at Y/n's ear, only for it to be slapped away by Y/N.
"I'm trying to sleep here, lady," Y/N mutters, shifting around.
"Watch that tone missy, or I'll grab the wooden spoon," Lillian says, causing Y/N's eyes to widen- shooting up.
"Okay, okay, I'm up. There's no need to grab the spoon." She says, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. Lillian smiles.
"That's what I like to hear, now you need to get changed to go and help Tyran pick apples for the annual festival," Lillian says, winking at the woman. Y/N stares at her dumbfounded before nodding, smiling. Lillian walks out of the room, leaving Y/N to get changed. Minutes later she walks out of the room, and down the stairs to the kitchen, where a sad, now dressed, looking Tyran sits.
"Hey, buddy, what's wrong? Aren't you excited about the annual festival? Your gran told me how much you loved going to pick apples with her." Y/N says, patting his head before grabbing an apple from the bowl- biting into it.
"Yeah I am...just feeling a little tired is all," Tyran says, forcing a smile on his face. He stands up and walks over to the door. "Let's get this done, the quicker we do, the quicker the festival can start." Y/N nods, placing the half-eaten apple on the counter before grabbing the bag on her way out. Tyran follows behind in pursuit.
They make their way through the village, Tyran looks around at all the townspeople decorating for the annual festival, the celebration for the creation of the village centuries ago.
"No one does remember." Tyran thinks to himself. Y/N notices the boy's silence and turns her head to see his frown, frowning herself before stopping, letting him catch up. He does so and before he could overtake her, she reaches down to grab his hand, smiling at him.
"You okay shorty?" Y/N asks. Tyran huffs a smile, slightly shoving the woman.
"I'm not short, your just tall." He replies. Y/N continues to look at him, her eyebrow raised. "But yeah, I'm okay. As I said, just a little tired."
"Well how about when we go over the bridge I'll let you ride wolf me's back?" Y/N offers, squeezing the boy's hand. Tyran looks up at her, giving her a genuine smile, nodding quickly.
"Yes please!" Y/N chuckles before she begins walking again, still holding onto Tyran's hand as he walks beside her. The two make it over to the bridge and close to the forest edge, away from any risk of anyone seeing her. She puts down the basket and bag before cracking her neck, poofing herself into the brown wolf. She uses her teeth to throw the bag over her back, before gesturing her head to Tyran to get on her back. Tyran smiles giddily as he gets onto the wolf's back.
"Hand on tight, don't want you falling off," Y/N says to him. He looks at her confused.
"Since when could you talk to me through mind thingy?!" Tyran questions. He hears Y/N chuckle in his head.
"Always could just never needed to though." She says before she begins her walk into the forest. The two don't notice the young boy watching from afar, his eyes widened in slight fear but yet in satisfaction. He recognizes that it's the wolf that had gone to attack them.
"Of course, you have that beast on your side, you are a freak. Everyone will know it. " Jake says, he thinks for a second before smiling devilishly." And I know exactly how to show them who this Y/N's person, really is."
The large brown wolf runs through the forest, jumping over fallen trees and large rocks. The young boy grabbed her thick fur to keep tight a hold, all while closing his eyes to feel the morning breeze on his face and weave through his hair. Tyran has a large smile on his face, feeling something he's never felt before...
Freedom. Something everyone wants yet only some can get. A word that could so easily build up or bring down kingdoms. And Tyran was feeling it, simply by feeling the wind, the same wind he's felt since birth, yet it feels different as he's sat upon the back of someone who could easily take his freedom with the snap of her fing-
*Snap* *Snap*
"Oi, shorty. You still with me?" Tyran shakes his head, his eyes focusing on the tall woman in front of him.
"W-what, yeah." He looks around, noticing they were no longer in the midst of the forest but now in a small clearing, surrounded by apple trees. "When did we stop?"
"About 5 minutes ago, you were silent the entire time. You okay?" Y/N asks, tilting her head with a concerned look on her face. "You aren't still tired are you?" Tyran shakes his head, smiling up at her.
"No no, was just daydreaming." He chuckles. "Happens all the time. But now let's get started on picking these apples." Tyran walks over to a large apple tree, looking up to see the lowest hanging apple. He tries to jump for it only to miss it. He huffs and tries to climb the tree, his fingers scraping the bottom of the apple before sliding back down, pouting. He hears snickering and turns around to see Y/N with a hand over her mouth, shoulders moving. "Hey, stop laughing! I can do it!"
"Of course, you can shorty." She jokes, walking over and reaching her hand up as far as it can go, wrapping her hand around the apple and tearing it from its root, placing it in the bag. "We've got a lot to grab, how about we work together so it'll be quicker?" Tyran crosses his arms. "Come on, I'll be sure to tell your gran that you didn't need my help?" Tyran looks at her.
"Fine." He stands up as Y/N grabs him, putting him on her shoulders. She then grabs the bag and holds it up to him.
"Now make sure to grab the juiciest looking ones, you know how well your gran can make an apple pie so we don't want to disappoint." Tyran nods, smiling before reaching up to the apples, much easier now, and pulls it off its root.
Tyran wipes his sleeve across his sweaty forehead, breathing heavily as he puts the last apple into the bag, sitting against the tree.
"Well, I think your grandmother will be set for ages with all these apples," Y/N says, picking up the bag of apples over her shoulder. "Let's start heading back before it gets dark." Tyran nods, standing up and slowly trailing beside the woman.
The two walk-in silence, only the sound of the rustling of the forest as well as the sounds of its animals, protected within the forest never-ending trees and bushes. They stop by a small lake for a rest, Tyran splashing some of its crystal clear water onto his face, while Y/N bites into one of the red juicy apples, savouring every bite. The young boy looks to her, hesitating on something.
"Ya know the more you stand there and not say anything, the more it'll bug ya," Y/N says, biting into an apple, looking off into the forest.
"How did-, actually never mind I forgot you can read minds." He replies, walking over to Y/N, standing beside her. She chuckles.
"I can't read minds, if I could read minds I'd be rich with all the betting I did." She laughs at her joke. "But no, I can just read people, especially someone who keeps opening their mouth before shutting it." She turns her attention from the forest to Tyran, smiling down at him. "Now spill it out, what do you wanna say." Tyran sighs, fumbling with his fingers.
"D-Do you remember what day it is today?" He asks. Y/N tilts her head in confusion.
"Of course I do, why do you think we're out here picking apples. It's the annual festi-"
"It's my birthday!" Tyran shouts, clenching his fists, now upset and a little angry." It's my birthday today, and you and granny forgot! Instead, this stupid annual festival is more important than my birthday." He begins crying. Y/N looks down at him, sighing.
"Lillian's going to kill me for this." She mutters, crouching down to the boy. He looks at her with teary eyes. "We didn't forget your birthday, kid, why do you think I took you out this far into the woods? To give your grandmother time to make you a delicious apple pie." Tyran sniffles, hiccupping.
"S-So you didn't forget?" He asks. Y/N shakes her head, resting her hand on his cheek, wiping a tear with her thumb.
"How could we ever forget our little rascals birthday." She jokes, ruffling her hair and standing up. She turns around, holding her arms out. "Now come on, hop on or we'll be late." Tyran wipes the rest of his tears, smiling before jumping on Y/N's back, holding her shoulders. She grabs the bag of apples in one hand and begins walking again.
The two breakthroughs the forest line, the sun still high in the sky. Tyran gets down from Y/N's back, now walking beside her. She moved the bag of apples to rest over her shoulder, her other hand resting by her side as she begins walking over to the village.
"Hey, wait for me," Tyran says, rushing forwards to grab Y/N's hand. "I've got small legs compared to you, I can't always keep up with you."
"Won't be like that for long, before you know it you'll be as tall as me and able to walk faster than me running," Y/N says, chuckling and booping his nose with their intertwined hands. "But for now your my little short stack."
"Hey, I'm not that short." Tyran whines, pouting.
"Yeah yeah, whatever you say shorty," Y/N says and they begin walking to the village. "Now when we get there you have to act surprised okay. Can't let your granny know I told you about this."
"Hmm, what do I get in return?" Tyran says, smirking. Y/N deadpans.
"Wow, I see how it is huh. You're gonna snitch on me to your gran. You know the horrors of that wooden spoon." Y/N jokes. Tyran continues to look up to her, his brow raised. She sighs. "Fine how about this, you don't tell her and I'll take you up to the cliff later." Tyran thinks for a moment, before nodding.
"Deal!" They make it into the village, and Tyran has a massive smile on his face already, preparing himself for getting back home and hearing the shout of celebration...but he wasn't prepared for the one he heard.
"LOOK! THERE'S THE FREAK AND THE BEAST!" A voice shouts, they look to see that it's Jake, pointing at the two with a feared expression. The villagers first look to the boy before looking to Tyran and Y/N. "She's the wolf who attacked us! And he's the one who made her attack us!"
"You mean the wolf months ago that showed up?" The chief asks, "And for some reason said animal tried to attack you and your friends and not Tyran?"
"Yes! And it's right there!" Jake says, pointing to Y/N. The chief looks to the woman, who shrugs.
"But I don't see any fur on her or sharp teeth. And she's most certainly not wearing any grandma's clothing." He jokes, causing the others to laugh.
"Yeah because she can change from a beast to a human!"
"Son what your describing is that of a Beastmen, no one has seen one for years. And besides, they wouldn't come this close to a village." The chief explains.
"But she is!" Jake shouts, fists clenched. He looks to Tyran, anger in his eyes. "You're a freak! You and your granny probably made a deal with the devil and got that thing to protect you!"
"Jake I've told you a hundred times, stop saying such awful things! " His mother says, walking over and grabbing his arm. "Can't you just let Tyran have his birthday in peace and not bully him and his grandmother! I mean, your already grounded for going out of the village, and heavens knows where you went off to, don't make me ground you even more for this."
Tyran and Y/N walk over, she drops the bag of apples, staring down at the boy while Tyran holds a frown yet terrified expression, that Jake could know what and who Y/N is. Y/N however stays calm. Jake's mother looks to the two, a guilty expression on her face.
"I'm sorry you two, I don't know what's gotten that thought in his head." She looks to Tyran." And forgive my son's incompetence of listening to me, I've told him a hundred times to not call you that."
"I-It's alright miss," Tyran says, looking down. Y/N sees his expression and frowns herself before bending down to Jake, tilting her head.
"No! Stay away from me beast!" He shouts, trying to pull away from his mother's grasp, but she keeps him in place.
"Now, why would you call me that kid?" Y/N asks, "I'm nothing but a human, just like you and the rest of these people. Someone who just wants to help wherever she can."
"Liar! You're a beast! You work for the devil and demons!" Jake shouts, causing Y/N to sigh. She sniffs up, suddenly catching the smell of something. Her eyes widen for a second before returning to normal, smiling at the boy.
"I'm sorry If I gave you that impression, but right now it's that kid's birthday." She says, pointing to Tyran, "And you're taking all the attention away from him." She stands up, picking up the bag of apples and grabbing Tyran's hand and walking off back to their house.
"You should be very disappointed in yourself mister." Jake's mother says, dragging him away. The boy however is anything but disappointed, and instead smirks at the two walking away. Tyran and Y/N make it back to their house, opening the door and walking into the kitchen.
"Happy Birthday Tyran!" Lillian shouts, holding up an apple pie with a wide smile. She then sees Tyran's sad expression and before she could ask what's wrong, he runs up to his room, his door slamming. Y/N frowns, putting down the bag of apples and sitting at the table. Lillian looks at her, frowning.
"Jake happened. We got back to the village and he was there shouting at us, calling him a freak and me a beast. Ruined everything for Tyran." Y/N says, leaning back into the chair.
"Oh that boy is gonna be the death of this village one day, he's going too far," Lillian says, putting down the pie on the table and grabbing a knife and 3 plates, cutting the pie up into pieces. "I've talked to his mother about it, but even she can't control him she says, he's a wild one." Lillian puts down one of the plates in front of Y/N before sitting down herself, another plate with a pie in front of her. "Luckily Tyran is a strong boy, he got that from his mother."
"That boy, Jake," Y/N says, looking down at the floor. "He knows what I am." Lillian looks at the woman in surprise. "When I crouched to him, I smelt it on him. Wolfsbane. I don't know how that brat got it, but he did. His mother did mention that he went out of the village for a while, must have got it out of town."
"He must have, we don't sell anything like that. But then again, the next village is quite far away."
"Someone else knows who I am, he couldn't have gone alone or someone's given him it. Y/N says, clenching her jaw. "I may have to lay low for a while, not bring too much attention to myself." Lillian nods.
"It seems you must, but don't go breaking that promise of yours." She says, smiling. Y/N looks to Lillian in surprise.
"How did yo- You know what, never mind." She says, chuckling. "You're not gonna get the spoon out are you?" Lillian laughs, shaking her head.
"Of course, not dearie, you did exactly what I thought you would." Lillian looks to the woman, a soft smile across her face. "You remind me of my daughter, you know. She always seemed like she'd be hard to handle to those outside of the family, but she wasn't. She had the kindest soul."
"And I'm sure her soul has gone someone amazing," Y/N says, smiling at the elder woman. The two continue to talk for a bit longer, the day starting to get later and darker. Y/N finished her pie before picking up the other plate with the untouched pie. "I'm gonna go and check on him now, see how he's doing." She turns around and begins walking towards the stairs.
"He sees you like a mother you know." Y/N stops in her tracks, "When I'm gone, look after him like he's your own, okay?" Y/N doesn't turn around to face her and instead nods, making her way upstairs.
Even without a verbal answer, Lillian smiles. She knows that deep down, Y/N already does see Tyran like her son, and she'd do anything for him. Even fight heaven and hell and all its creations for him.
Y/N makes her way up the stairs, the plate with a piece of pie on it in her hand. She gently knocks on his door.
"Oi short stack, can I come in?" She asks, putting her head close to the door. She doesn't hear anything and opens the door, peeking her head around the door. "You okay buddy?" She sees Tyran under his covers, they pulled over his head. She sighs, walking over to and sitting on the edge of his bed, placing the plate on his nightstand table. "You shouldn't listen to him you know, he's just an insecure boy who still wets his bed." Y/N chuckles to herself, before turning her head to look at the boy. "You know your gran told me that you, uhm, see me as a mother. At first, I didn't know what to think, never been someone's mother before. But your mother deserved that title, your true mother, and she didn't get to live it for long. But, if you'd let me, I want to live that title for her, to let both your mother's soul and your grandmother know that you'll be okay, and safe..." She admits.
She waits a minute or so for a response, but she doesn't get any. She looks at the blankets in confusion, reaching her hand to pull them back, when she does she sees nothing but pillows arranged to look like someone laying down.
"What?!" She sniffs the area, seeing the shirt he was wearing before was over one of the pillows to make it look like he was still there to Y/N's smelling ability. "Oh, you...gotta admit, smart move kid." She opens the window, looking down to see a cart with hay, seeing a deep impression of where someone landed in. "Smart kid indeed." She goes running out before a note catches her eye sticking out from under his pillow. Her eyes widen in terror, she drops the note and rushes out of the door.
The letter falls to the ground, written in black ink reads:
'Going to the cliff, need to clear my head."
0 notes
tired-teacher-blog · 2 years
Hello! I hope you're doing well. Could you perhaps write a scenario Ive had for awhile? So basically, a new student transfers into Class 1A who identifies as Genderfluid, is physically female but feels more comfortable wearing the male uniform. Upon meeting the new student Iida freaks out on them due to his serious, studious nature and wholeheartedly believes that a "girl" should wear the female uniform. He then feels bad after Aizawa explains things to him.
I hope you're doing well too honey! Here is my input so I hope you enjoy it 😘
Title : Odd one out
Characters : Aizawa (Dadzawa)/ Iida/ Genderfluid reader
Genre : Angst/ Heartwarming mostly
Masterlist|Second Masterlist
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_ "Alright, be quiet," mr Aizawa's fist pounded on the table as he coerced his students to settle down while he introduced you to them, "this is y/n, she will be your new classmate so treat her nicely."
You took a quick look around the classroom before bowing your head down, "it's a pleasure to meet you all."
_ "You'll be sitting over there right next to Iida, he's our class representative so if you have any questions he'll be happy to help," your new teacher gestured you to take your seat, and you thanked him quietly before walking straight to your designated spot.
It was hard ignoring everyone's questioning looks– not that you were surprised to be the subject of their observation anyway, as you weren't only the new kid at school, but also had a unique look that managed to turn every head your way.
Ever since you were a little girl, you were expected to speak, dress, and act a certain way that mostly left you feeling shackled.
You had never been free to decide those things for yourself since your choices were always met with strong objections.
_"You're a girl, never forget that."
_"No, you can't cut your hair short."
_"Oh look at you, finally dressed the way you should."
_"I don't get you, seems to me like you have no idea what you want for yourself."
But that wasn't true, since you've always known what you wanted.
You simply wanted to be free, and hated following social norms and limiting yourself to what's expected of you as a girl.
_ "Don't forget to hand in your assignments in time am I clear?" your teacher warned in that same tired monotone voice before dismissing everyone as the session came to an end.
_ "Excuse me y/n, may I speak with you?" it was that class representative guy, Iida was it? You would definitely need some time to learn everyone's name.
_ "Yes sure." you offered him a nervous smile as you continued clearing your desk.
_ "First, let me welcome you properly and wish you a nice stay among us," he then took a deep breath and straightened his glasses before carrying on, "I've noticed that for some reason you're wearing the boys' uniform instead of the girls', may I ask why?" this guy is the same age as you are, but for some reason he had a more mature demeanor than everyone else did.
_ "I'm more comfortable dressing this way. Will it be a problem?" there you were, facing another confused soul.
_ "But you are a female y/n! School regulations are clear, and state that what you're wearing is specifically designed for male students, so please make sure to respect our dress code and to wear a proper one starting tomorrow." this guy is strict, and soon you started to understand why he was picked to be the class rep out of everyone else.
_ "I don't believe I'm breaking any rules, and I'm not trying to be controversial, it's just.." you lowered your head and squeezed your eyes shut as you prepared to explain yourself the way you had been doing your whole life, "I'm gender fluid."
He blinked a few times in obvious confusion, "what does that mean?"
_ "Simply put, it means not being restricted to only one gender identity." okay it's true, but who said that?
Your head snapped up to follow the voice, and your eyes widened as you found your teacher approaching your desk.
_ "Mr Aizawa! you're still here sir?" your class rep was clearly as oblivious as you were of your teacher's presence.
_ "I'm sorry, I wasn't going to interfere but I guess I probably should?" his eyes were on you, almost as if he wanted your permission first.
It was unexpected, usually no one cares enough to try and learn about you, and instead jump into their own judgements and conclusions.
You nodded slowly and turned to look at your classmate who seemed increasingly tense.
_ "Sir, we were talking about the school uniform she has chosen to wear."
_ "I know, there is nothing wrong with what she's wearing though, that's still our school's uniform."
_ "But sir, she's a girl. There is a reason why we do not have a unisex uniform."
_ "You're disregarding her gender identity though, which has nothing to do with sex. Let me ask you something, how would you feel about being forced to speak or act in a certain manner just because that's what's expected of you? Never mind how you feel about it."
_ "If I have to do it I will, even if I don't like it."
_ "Wrong answer, you shouldn't force yourself to do something you're not comfortable doing just to gain everyone else's approval," your teacher placed a palm over the confused boy's shoulder, "as long as you're not hurting anyone, you should be free to live however you want, and in that regard I believe that's what y/n is doing. She's not breaking any rules or disrespecting anyone, she just wants to freely dress and act the way that makes her happy. We should all respect that."
Your eyes moved between your new teacher and classmate, it was mesmerizing how knowledgeable and accepting Mr Aizawa seemed to be, and the smile that found its way to your face was proof of how happy you were.
_ "You're aiming to be a hero Iida, and I believe that one day you'll be able to make your brother proud, but to do that you'll need to accept others' differences and see them as unique individuals since you'll be a hero to everyone despite their distinctions."
_ "I've never thought of it this way before sir and I believe you're right, which means I owe y/n an apology," your class rep averted his eyes in embarrassment before bowing down, "please forgive me y/n, I never meant to disrespect or belittle you. I was simply ignorant of your preferences, but I promise to learn more and to never run to judgement. This was a good first lesson." he straightened his back and offered you an apologetic smile that you returned immediately.
_ "I'm happy this happened, and you know what? You can ask me about anything that confuses you, I don't mind at all."
All the anxieties and self doubt that accompanied you on your first day, had left instantly after this conversation.
_ "Alright, now that everything is cleared up, get out of my classroom, I still need my nap."
You were in for an adventure, with unique teachers and unique students, and you could barely wait to start your journey alongside them.
_ "Yes sir! Right away!" Iida pulled you up and pushed you out quickly, as you blinked in confusion, "let's go y/n I'll explain later."
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To Raise Children: Chapter 20
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Chris Evans X Daughter!Reader, Grandpa!Chris Evans X Flynn and Felix Evans (OCs) Tom Holland X Single-Mom!Reader (Slow Burn)
Series Masterlist
OC List
Series Summary: It's been 4 years, your sons are starting kindergarten, you're starting junior year of college, a lot has changed.
Chapter Summary: You tell the boys about their sister!
Series Warnings: Age gap (Reader is 20, Tom is 29), absent father, mentions teen pregnancy, mentions abortion, if you see anymore please let me know politely.
Chapter Warnings:
Sequel to "It Takes A village"
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"I'm glad Flynn is doing better." Tom says into the phone as he walks around his apartment. You and him were still talking despite him being back in London.
"Yeah, he's doing much better but has been in my bed the last four days, Never share a bed with a five year old." You warn him.
"Geez that bad? Why doesn't he sleep in his bed?" Tom asks you.
"He can't climb up the ladder, Felix's bed isn't big enough for them to share and Felix refuses to stay on the top bunk until Flynn can use his arm again. I'm probably gonna move Flynn's mattress onto the floor so he can sleep on it." You sigh.
"That would work. The boys at school?"
"Nope my dad took them shopping. Probably for Christmas gifts."
"Oh! What did they ask Santa for?" Tom asks as he sits on his couch looking at the ceiling.
"No clue they haven't told me, and we haven't written their letters yet cause of everything that's been going on. Have I told you that I've been talking to their sister's parents? They're nice."
"They have a sister? Wait wouldn't her dad be your ex?" Tom asks, he thought you hated your ex.
"He didn't want to be apart of the girl's life so her bio mom put her up for adoption. I've been talking to her adoptive parents." You explained.
"Oh that makes more sense. Do they know about her?"
"No, she also doesn't know about them so I'm telling the boys today, and her parents already told her this morning."
"I'm sure the boys will love having a sister! What's her name anyway?"
"That's a really cute name... Hey I got to go I promised my mum I'd have supper with them tonight since all of us are in London right now. But I'll call you when I get home if you want?"
"Sure. I forget your five hours ahead it's only noon for me."
"Just don't call me when it's your dinner time I'll be asleep." Tom laughs.
"Don't worry I'll call you at ten tonight." You laugh.
"Okay. Bye darling, Tell the boys I said hi."
"Bye Tom. Don't worry I'll tell my dad you said hi."
"I meant Flynn and Felix! But tell him I said hi too." Tom laughs.
"I know I will bye Tom."
You had no clue how you were gonna tell them about their sister. They're gonna ask questions and you'll just have to answer them the best you can. You know they'll ask about their dad eventually. Especially since they're in school now. You just hope you have more time to prepare for it.
"Boys, I have to talk to you real quick." You say to the two boys who were focusing on the TV that plays the paw patrol movie.
"Okay." You grab the remote pausing it before you sit in front of them.
"So you guys have a little sister." You begin.
"Are you pregnant?"
"No... Where did you learn that bub?"
"My friend Jackson's mom was pregnant then he got a baby sister!" Flynn says smiling.
"Oh... I'm not pregnant. Your father has another kid, and she's your baby sister." You explain.
"Will we get to meet him?"
"Probably not sweetie, but you will get to meet your sister!"
"Has she met him?" Felix akss.
"Oh so she only has a mommy like us!" Flynn concludes.
"Well no... A new mommy and daddy adopted her."
"Why?" Felix asks.
"Uhm." You didn't know how to explain this in way they'd understand. "I don't know sugar."
"Why does everyone else gets a dad though," Felix argues. Your heart broke a little hearing that question.
"Yeah I know and I can't tell you why you don't have one because I don't know either, but I do know that you have so many people who love you both."
"Like who?" Flynn asks.
"Well you have me, your poppy, your nana, don't forget your aunts, and uncles and cousins and your Gran."
"Oh... Do you think our sister likes spiderman?" Felix asks.
"I don't know and your sister's name is Amelia."
"That's a pretty name!" Flynn grins.
"Can we see her?" Felix asks.
"Yeah let me find the photo they sent." You pull out your phone and go through the messages you have with, Kevin, Amelia's dad. You find one of the little girl in her stroller, she has big brown eyes, short blonde hair, and a similar face shape as your sons. She looks a lot like them when the were toddlers. The only difference was their skin tones, they were slightly different.
"She's cute." Flynn says looking intently at the photo.
"She looks like me!" Felix smiles.
"She does. So tonight after dinner we're going to call them if that's alright with you two?" You asked them.
"Yeah! I always wanted a sister!"
"Okay." You smile at them.
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Taglist: @fic-for-readers @denisemarieangelina @thevelvetseries @kaitieskidmore1 @ellerosie2332 @tahniemarie @runawayolives @marajillana @buckybarnez @positivelyholland @firehoseevan @coldmuffinpartycloud @beautifulrose0809 @believinghurts @laura-naruto-fan1998 @shadow-dixon @claaaaaaire-blog @mrs-brekker15 @h-j-s-03 @moniffazictress11 @buxkybarnez @ducks118 @kalopsia-flaneur @silverrmist @some-lovely-day @peterparkerbae @Olivia197810 @gengen64 @Bellagaseta20 @hollzo-03 @bubb1eana1ee @cmalas @jamie0515 @mpamphsss @bucketbarnes12 @cedricdiggorysimpp @snigdha-14 @hunni-bunny
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jishyucks · 3 years
Me and You Against the World ‣ hjs
‣ genre: royalty!au, arranged marriage, female reader, pls read an!
‣ wc: 4.7k
‣ summary: "I don't understand why they judge when they don't even know you…"; in which you don't let the words of others get in the way of your relationship with Jisung
‣ warnings?: Itzy is mean in this (but it doesn't reflect how they are irl!), prejudice due to less wealth, lots of thinking
‣ an: These events are what leads to this fic but in a different 'era.' Basically, I decided to just write the ending of this fic in a rich kid au setting instead of a royal au setting and just post that,,, but since I already wrote a lot of it, I decided to post it! It can be read separately but this doesn't have a proper ending.
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You can vividly remember the reactions of all the other princesses when they found out you were arranged to marry none other than Prince Han Jisung. They snickered and laughed. They blatantly shared pitiful glances, taking turns to pat your shoulder as if it could bring you a sense of comfort.
Of course, at the growing age of fourteen, you had no idea why they had been acting as so. From images and stories you received of the Prince, he seemed like someone who would be easy to get along with. So why the judgmental looks?
"They're the poorest of all the kingdoms, Y/N," Yeji pointed out, "Your kingdom is one of the richest, of course, after mine. Don't you think that's rather odd?" She traced the laces of her gloves and scoffed discourteously.
You bring the teacup up to your mouth, eyeing your friend curiously, "What do you mean by that?" You gulped, afraid that the image of your family name would be stained. It was not your choice, however, nor your parents'. You had been drawn to be last when choosing a suitor, and naturally, from the apparent reputation and wealth of the Han family, their son was the last left to be selected.
Yeji scoffed, the other princesses laughing at how naive you've been acting, "Obviously, their family's going to leech off of your family. I think your parents should rethink their decision of choosing Han Jisung as your future husband."
Shaking your head, you frowned at the meaningless words that your friend had been spitting out, "I don't think that's needed… Isn't that what we're supposed to do? Help each other out? How bad can Han Jisung be?”
Lia finally speaks up, "I heard that he rolls around the mud with their pigs."
"And… he doesn't even take a bath after doing so," Yuna budges in. She stirred the cooling tea with a miniature spoon, a smirk rising up to her lips, "Imagine how his bed smells. Rancid."
"I hear he's poor-mannered, too… that he lacks the respect a prince should need towards others," Ryujin says stiffly, "Just generally not fit to be a king. I feel bad for you, Y/N."
There was a brief silence between the six of you, the sound of Yuna's spoon tapping the sides of the cup occupying that silence. Though you felt yourself frown at the possibility that you were to be married to an ill-mannered prince, you quickly shook those thoughts out and tried your best to ignore them. You were taught never to be driven towards believing rumours or gossip in this case. Who were they to judge someone they never met? Except for Yeji, who met him through her brother.
"I ask you all not to pity me in any sort," you finally say, "Not until I've met him. Besides… those are just rumours. He could be much better than you hear." Satisfied with how you handled the situation, you straightened your back and took a long sip of your tea, mentally preparing yourself for your first meeting with the Prince.
Upon arriving at the valley region, the kingdom owned by the Han's, you immediately understand why your parents settled with their son. Though you were last to choose your suitor, your parents and his parents seemed to be closely acquainted, smiles on their faces and direct contact as they greeted each other. You stood back, watching the exchange begin and end, rather amused at how happy both sets of parents looked.
"I'm so happy you all arrived safely," the Queen of the valley region clasped her hands. The King nodded and let his wife continue, "And I'm so glad that our children are to be married by chance… All the other young princesses chose, while you–" She looked over your mother's shoulder and at you, "You and my precious son fell into this arrangement by fate's doing! The world wanted this."
Your mother responded by smiling fondly, "I never viewed the situation like that!" They begin to move up the stairs towards the front entryway, the knights moving along the four majesties. You followed closely behind, listening in on the conversation as you let your eyes wander around. "My mother had been upset that Y/N fell last, telling me I would not be able to choose the best," your mother began, "But I don't see any problem with that."
Compared to other castles you've visited, you could definitely see how much wealth the Hans did have. It was still very much a beautiful castle. It was well-kept and unique in build. Something drew you to it. But you couldn't exactly point out what part of it did.
"I understand your mother's perspective," the King chuckled, "No one likes being last. However, I believe that in such matter, no one is stuck with the 'worst.'"
At this point, everyone had entered the castle, and this was when you could see that the Hans were, in fact, less wealthy than the other royal families. Much of the furniture and interior decorations were quite old, almost antique, but again, it was a feature of the castle that drew you in. The outside of the castle looked much larger than the interior.
"Ah! I almost forgot," the Queen turned to look at your family, "My son is out and about exploring. We instructed him to come in time to greet you guys at the entrance but boys his age never listen." At the mention of Jisung, you almost forgot about him, causing your curiosity to rise.
"Miss Kim?"
A lady appeared from another room, hurriedly approaching the Queen with a bow, "Yes, your majesty?"
"Please escort Princess Y/N to Prince Jisung," she instructed gently, "It will be nice for them to get acquainted while we continue with our conversation about this arrangement."
Miss Kim nodded and waved you over with a motherly smile, "Let us go, Princess." You quickly bid your parents goodbye before trailing behind Miss Kim. Though her legs were short, she moved with ease, almost flying down the corridor with a constant speed. She didn't look back to see if you had still been following her as your footsteps helped her indicate your presence.
"I suspect the Prince is somewhere by the garden," she mutters urgently, "Or by the river."
"River?" you questioned. The idea of a river caused you to smile. Your family ruled the mountain region, meaning there were not many rivers to visit. A river would be a nice change in scenery. Miss Kim finally leads you out of the back of the castle, the sight of flowers taking over your line of sight.
"Prince Jisung?" she called out, "Prince Jisung?" It was rather enjoyable seeing Miss Kim run around frantically in search of the Prince. Your mind wanders back to the conversation you had with other princesses, how the Prince is ill-mannered, one who was not fit to be a king. With his absence in greeting you and your family, you're afraid that the other princesses were actually correct with this information.
"I'm over here, Miss Kim!" a voice called out, "By the pond!"
Once again, Miss Kim waved for you to follow you. You hiked up your dress and tried your best to keep up with her speed, though she still kept the same pace she previously had. She walked straight down the stone path, turning right onto another pathway, and then left, finally revealing a beautifully decorated pond.
"Ah, there you are, my prince!" Miss Kim had been blocking your view of the third presence, marching towards the pond. You let her move ahead, allowing her to approach the Prince on her own, "The Y/L/Ns are here… your mother strictly told you that you should be there to greet them."
Still a voice with no face, you hear him reply, "I'm sorry, I lost track of time… I'm feeding the fish!" There was a moment of silence as the Prince went to stand up, finally revealing the frame of his body to you. He turns to face your direction. His head was kept down as he dusted off the dirt from his pants.
"Do I have time to chan–" The Prince finally noticed you standing yards away from him and Miss Kim, causing him to halt abruptly in his words, "–ge?"
"Your parents have ordered for you two to get acquainted," Miss Kim stated, "I assume I will be the one to call you both shortly for dinner." At this, she turns to hurry back, leaving you and the Prince alone.
He bows stiffly, "Nice to meet you. I'm Jisung."
He bowed… that's a good indication of manners, right? You curtsy, "I'm Y/N."
"I know who you are," he says happily, beginning to walk back towards the main path. You follow, "You know they call you the 'Snow Princess' here? Which I don't understand because the mountains aren't always filled with snow." He looks back to see if you followed him, "Do you mind if we drop our titles with each other? We are at the same standing."
"I don't mind," you replied. You're taken aback at his apparent tendency to talk, "We are arranged to marry in a few years…."
"Well, Y/N," he begins, a bright smile on his face, "How should we begin?"
You watch as he advances forward, hands swinging carelessly, something you were taught never to do. As a princess, you were taught to cross your hands in front of you to give you a poised appearance. Jisung had a hop in his step, his posture could be straighter, and his hair was unkempt. You could already say that Yeji's brother, Hyunjin, was probably the opposite of Jisung. He kept himself tidy, he came on time to schedules and never interrupted when another was speaking. This is perhaps what Ryujin meant when she said Jisung was not fit for a king.
"How do you like to spend your time?" You questioned. You figured that this was a way to start a conversation, hoping that it would blossom into another.
Jisung hummed in thought, "If I'm not doing my studies or sleeping, I tend to spend my time here… just deep in thought." He raised his arms, presenting the garden to you.
"You don't go horseback riding? How about practicing swordsmanship?"
He shrugs, "We're short on horses right now, and my father is prioritizing the knights with the horses since they need it. As for swordsmanship, my mother wants me to wait until I'm older."
Short on horses?
"Ahhh, I understand," you nodded awkwardly, "If you ever come to my kingdom, I'll take you horseback riding! You seem like the person who would love doing it."
This sparks a feeling of joy in Jisung, a smile reflecting it, "That would be really nice! I'll look forward to that." He stuffs his hands into the pockets of his dress pants, "How about you? How do you spend your time?"
"I do studies, like you… I read, visit the village. Horseback riding, of course… suddenly I can't think once I'm asked," you laughed, "But I'm often very active and doing my duties."
"Your life sounds a lot more interesting than mine," he grins, trying to laugh the sad reality off, "It's evident in the way you can't even list all of your activities." You could see his smile start to falter, bangs falling over his forehead as he looked down at his feet.
You feel your heart stutter, and soon you're frowning. The words you had told the other princesses echoed in your head. Isn't that what we're supposed to do? Help each other out?
Reaching out, you grab ahold of his wrist. At the sudden contact, he flinched slightly before relaxing at the realization, "You're still happy, aren't you?"
He nods gently, still dwelling on the fact that even though you both stood at the same social standing, his wealth didn't amount to yours, and he couldn't help but be embarrassed. He couldn't help but feel bad you were stuck with him as a future husband when it was quite obvious you could do better.
"Then that's what matters," you say. A part of you wanted to tell him not to compare his life to others, but you stopped yourself, refraining from creating emphasis on your wealth and his supposed slight lack of it.
At your exchange of glances and sympathetic smiles, the footsteps of Miss Kim grew closer. Looking over, you see as she's waving you both over for dinner. Jisung nodded and held up a thumbs up to indicate that you both were going to follow, sending Miss Kim back to tend to the meal.
Jisung turns to once more, "Thank you, Y/N. I'll live by that."
Yeji, Hyunjin, and Lia sat around the table, eyeing you as if you owed them something of great importance. You stared back at them, straightening your back as you become aware of the attention on you.
"Pardon?" What is it that you needed to tell them? You didn't recall promising them any sort of information, nor did you have news to pass on.
"How was your visit to the valley region?" Lia questioned, "Was it all as they say it was?"
Yeji leaned towards you, "And Prince Jisung? Was he ill-mannered?"
You mentally bring a hand to your forehead, comprehending what it was they were expecting from you. You assume they wanted you to traduce the Han family and their kingdom. But despite the obvious difference in wealth they had from the rest of the kingdoms and the fact that Jisung lacked the training he needed as a prince, you found no problems in the Han family.
"Their castle was unique," you begin, "It was beautiful, actually." You use a fork to poke into the sliced fruit laid out on a plate, bringing it to your mouth as you wait for their reactions. As anticipated, puzzled looks rose up onto their faces, rather confused about your comment. You continue, "The interior was beautiful as well. Not as extravagant as the Hwang family's castle, but it was still a sight to look at. It was adorned with flowers.
"As for Prince Jisung," you could feel some sense of protection over him, biting back your tongue from saying rude things to those in front of you, "He's just as much a prince as Hyunjin. He's playful and carefree, is all. So I hope you all should refrain from listening to the gossip being spread about the Han family, especially since they're going to be part of my family in the future." The three of them sat back and nodded. You wished you could laugh at the embarrassed and apologetic looks on their faces, but to their eyes, that would not be very polite of you.
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It wasn't until two years later that Jisung had been actually able to visit your kingdom. Though you did enjoy visiting his kingdom and enjoying the change in scenery, having him come to yours was something you had wished for ever since you met him.
Over the past two years of getting to know each other, you had grown much closer than you initially expected. Jisung had a view on life that contrasted to yours in more ways than one, and learning of the different perspectives of the world allowed you to adopt an open mind. You believe that he made you a better princess and future Queen.
Likewise, Jisung has been able to get a taste of what a typical royal life is like through you. Though his family was still able to experience the everyday duties and privilege of being royalty, there were limitations when it came to his position. Through you, he could at least understand what other things were expected of him. As he grew physically, he grew mentally, learning to appear princely in front of others without completely stripping the playful personality he had around those close to him.
Regardless of what others did say about the Han family, the relationship between you both worked well in all sorts of ways. You would always think about what Jisung's mother had told your parents, how you both were brought together by fate, and in that sense, you guys were meant to be partners.
"Ready to ride horses?" You had a mischievous grin on your face as you pulled the boy behind you.
"Why are you smiling as if the horses could kill me?" Jisung eyed you suspiciously, genuinely afraid of what could happen next. He stumbled over his own feet as he followed you, scared yet excited.
You laughed, "I mean, they can, but they won't."
The two of you finally arrived at the stable, catching Seungmin placing the saddles onto the horses. He greeted you and Jisung with a bow before speeding up in doing his task.
"I promise you, I won't let you get hurt in any way," you say. You asked Seungmin to bring the horse out for Jisung, who refused to guide the horse without experience, "You'll get the hang of it. Watch me get on and do the same."
He nods, listening to every single syllable of your words. Setting your left foot onto the stirrup, you grab hold of the saddle and heave yourself up after a couple of bounces on your right foot. You swing your leg over your horse, Blizz, with ease, quickly making yourself comfortable on the horse.
"That… that can't be too hard…." Jisung muttered. He mirrors what you previously did, setting his foot onto the stirrup and grabbing hold of the top of the saddle. You watched as he bounces countlessly on his right foot, unable to find the right time to pull himself up.
"Do you need help, Prince Jisung?" Seungmin questioned. You almost forgot that he was standing aside because of how amused you had grown in watching Jisung.
Jisung shook his head, mentally shooing Seungmin away as he finally times everything right and heaves himself up. Forgetting to throw his leg over the horse's, Buran, body, for a brief moment, Jisung's body had been doing over the horse, hovering as his foot stuck to the stirrup.
"Sung, throw your leg over!" You exclaimed, holding back a laugh. You shouldn't even laugh, as he barely rides horses, but you couldn't help but find the situation hysterical. Jisung was close to panicking, but right when he was going to back off of the horse, he finally found the courage to build momentum to swing his leg over.
"I did it!" He gasped. Jisung shifted slightly on the saddle to make himself comfortable, a proud and bright smile on his face.
"You're a natural!" You tease. You let Blizz move closer to Buran, mirroring Jisung's smile widely, "It's actually difficult getting on horses. I'm surprised you didn't have much trouble."
"Of course," he joked, winking, "I'm me."
You playfully hit his shoulder before going over the ways he was supposed to guide his horse. He listened carefully, never seeming to blink for the next ten minutes of your brief lesson, "I won't go any faster than this." You rode circles around Jisung, keeping your attention directly on him. Judging by the expression on his face, he was nervous to begin moving, "Are you ready?"
Jisung nods confidently, gesturing for you to go ahead of him so that he can follow.
"I'm staying beside you," you told him.
You both started off slow, following a man-made path that circled your family's castle. Jisung had great control of Buran, though his knuckles were white from the grip had on its reins. You assure him that he was okay, that Buran was well trained and would not go out of control even with the most hectic of occurrences.
"Are you sure you haven't ridden before?" You questioned, "Wanna speed up a little bit?"
He nods, "Not so quick, though… I want to ease into it." You nod understandingly as you both begin to speed up. He follows you, heart pounding at the possibility that Buran would not understand his controls, "I've ridden once before, but my father was the one controlling the horse… He let me hold onto the reins, but that was about it."
"How long ago was that?"
"When I was about five."
Making plenty of rounds around the castle, you decide to divert down the path down to the edge of the town. Jisung followed you, even moving slightly ahead, "Your kingdom is beautiful, Y/N."
"I could say that about yours, Sung," you catch up to him and let your gaze fall onto Jisung. The gentle breeze softly brushed through his hair, exposing his forehead. You could tell that he was slowly growing used to the feeling of riding. You figured that speaking to him was a great distraction from the nerves.
He smiles at the mention of his home before shaking his head, "Oh hush… this is about you." He returns your gaze, snickering once he gets a proper look at you. Despite you both being on horses, the space between you both would have been considered close.
"What's so funny?"
He reaches forward and picks out a leaf that had flown into your hair, "Since when did you get so messy?" Letting the leaf fly out of his hand, he winks jokingly at you, causing you to almost fall off Blizz.
"I've always been messy," you rolled your eyes. At the sight of the town, you advanced faster, making sure that Jisung was comfortable without your guidance, "The only reason my bedroom is not cave-like is because of the caretakers."
Jisung won't say it out loud, but somehow, flaws such as this made him fall harder for you. Though you appeared to fit how princesses should be, the more he learned about you, the more he understood that you were just as human as any of those he ruled and you ruled.
"Do you want to stop by the bakery before returning to the castle?" You turned back to look at Jisung, who had chosen to fall back slightly just to catch a glimpse of you, "You can meet Mr. Yang! He'll love you!"
Jisung nodded and trailed closely behind you, ensuring that he wouldn't lose you, not that he actually would lose you. The town's buildings grew closer, the townspeople walking to and from them.
It was nice to see the attire and the architecture of those who lived in your region. Compared to Jisung's region, where people often wore sleeveless or short sleeves, the people wore longer sleeves and thin layers. Though the weather was not at all bad, he figured that they had grown used to this type of weather and generally wanted to dress warmer. The buildings were built on top of platforms that separated the actual structure from the ground, probably to avoid the permafrost during colder days.
"We're here," you turned back, noticing the awe in Jisung's expression. He shook the look off and smiled, slowing the speed of his steed just as u had, "I wonder if Jeongin is in! I've known him since I was younger."
Jisung took time to hop off his horse before dusting off his trousers to make himself look presentable. You were ensuring that the horses were tied tightly at a nearby post, waiting for Jisung to join you. Once he had done so, you both made your way into a large building, the name of the bakery on the front: Yang-Yum Bakery.
"Mr. Yang!"
"Princess! Welcome!" An older man had his head raised over the counter, a deep smile on his face, "And is this Prince Jisung?" He stood up straight and bowed, "Welcome to my bakery. Princess Y/N has told me so much about you!"
Jisung felt his ears warm up before smiling back, "Nice to meet you, too, Mr. Yang."
The baker kept the smile on his face as he moved down the counter towards his baked goods, "What would you like? It is on me today as a welcome gift to the Prince."
Jisung's eyes widened at the selection of goods, his mouth watering at how good they all looked. He could hear you thanking Mr. Yang, "Is Jeongin helping out today?"
"Unfortunately not, Princess. He's out doing errands for Mrs. Yang," Mr. Yang retorted. You nodded understandingly before turning your attention down towards the treats. You spot your favourite ones, the meringue cookies, and then the honey-bread, a close second.
"What do you want, Sung?" You questioned quietly, gesturing to Mr. Yang the two choices, "You'll probably enjoy any of them." You could see his eyes moving back and forth across the options, his lips pressed into a thin line.
"I'd like those," Jisung points towards egg tarts, "And those, please." His finger pointed towards strawberry cream croissants, a satisfied look appearing on his face.
"Coming right up," Mr. Yang smiled and prepped the baked goods for you and Jisung, tying them into a cloth bag. He pushed it towards you with a warm smile, "I hope you enjoy them all. See you, Princess. It was a pleasure to meet you, Prince Jisung." He bowed and softly waved.
You and Jisung bowed back before taking your leave. Soon you both were back outside, people still carrying out their duties. They had not noticed that you were present, which you did not really mind. It was nice not being the center of attention once in a while. And while Jisung was here, you didn't want the usual fuss that occurred when you visited the village.
Speaking too soon, a younger girl noticed your attire, immediately indicating that you were a royal. She smiled and curtsied, "Afternoon, princess."
"Afternoon," you smiled back.
At that small exchange, others followed in pursuit, also noticing the presence of the Prince next to you. And because they did recognize him, you couldn't help but take note of the fact that people were whispering, which wasn't what usually occurred when you were in town.
Upon hearing Jisung's name in their hushed remarks, your ears perked, miraculously gaining the ability to hear the words they spoke, "Isn't that the Prince of the valley? The poorer kingdom."
"Yes… you can tell just from how he's dressed."
Shaking your head, you tune out the insults being 'secretly' thrown towards Jisung, who, judging by the look on his face, could also hear them talk. It was sad how people were so quick to judge.
"This is Prince Jisung," you say confidently, "The one who I will marry in a few years' time… I ask that you respect him as much as you respect my father."
They shut their mouths, bowing to follow what you had asked of them. Jisung's gaze fell onto you, hundreds of thoughts rooted from different beliefs clashing inside his head. The people had dispersed, leaving the two of you alone.
Though you smiled at him, he couldn't help but feel bad that you had to stand up for him. Every time someone mentioned the wealth of his kingdom, he couldn't have but believed you deserved better, especially because there was a drastic difference between your family's wealth and his family's wealth.
Y/N shouldn't be going through this…
"Should we get going?" You questioned, "There are more things I want to show you." You acted so casually about such a situation that Jisung could sense that you've already been in a position. Just how many times have you stood up for him?
Though the idea should be giving him a sense of comfort, he still felt as though he should be doing something in return. Securing yourselves back on the horses, you begin making your way back to the castle. There was a short period of silence before Jisung had spoken up, "You don't need to defend me, you know. But thank you."
You glance over at him and frown, "I don't understand why they judge when they don't even know you… And as your future wife, it is my duty to defend you. Besides, if it were the other way around, you would do the same."
That night, Jisung couldn't help but let the words play over in his head. You were right. He would do the same for you, but it was because he adored you. Did this mean that you felt the same?
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"Part Two"
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celestialevie · 3 years
Flower Boy // George Weasley x GN! Reader
Summary: AU where y/n is working at the tattoo shop, while their best friend is an owner of a flower shop. What happenes when expecting to see your best friend for lunch, you end up meeting a tall ginger man. Warnings: fluff, mention of food, tattoos, flowers, George being absolute charmer Word count: 1.7k a/n: enjoy this aboslute fluff of a fic!! and again, english is not my first language so if there are any mistakes please do not hestitate to let me know about it!! ' Evangeline ' is an oc of mine, so she might appear in some of my fics as a side charachter. Also credit to @bwbatta for the dividers!!
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Being a tattoo artist was one of the things you were proudest of. It wasn't easy to become one after neglecting art for so many years during High School. But after your best friend opened her own flower shop, she helped you get your inspiration for art being constantly surrounded by flowers and stories of why people were getting flowers. You were happy with everything but not knowing that wasn't the end of your happiness. It all started when you were on your lunch break and decided to swing by your best friend's flower shop to visit her. Expecting to see a small blonde girl behind the counter, you were shocked to see a tall ginger man standing there instead. '' Hello, how can I help you today? '' When ginger looked up, he felt as if someone kicked all of the air from his lungs because before him stood a beautiful person with y/h/c hair and y/e/c eyes. Smiling at them as they approached the counter, they were even more beautiful up close. '' Hi, um I'm looking for Evangeline? I didn't know she hired someone new. '' Ginger laughed, nodding his head. '' Ah yes, I'm only here temporarily. Unfortunately, you just missed her, she left to go on a lunch break with my uglier twin. '' You only laughed at that. '' Too bad, but can you please let her know that y/n looked for her? '' He nodded. '' I'll let her know. I'm George by the way. If you ever wanna ask her for me. '' George wiggled his eyebrows, making you shook your head. '' It was nice meeting you, but I have to go now. Please don't break any of her flowers she's not afraid to commit murder if you break something in her shop. '' his eyes widen, making you laugh as you were leaving but his voice stopped you. '' Hey! You come here often? '' he asks '' Considering I use to work here and my best friend owns it, yes. '' and with that, you left the shop, heading back to your workplace.
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As the clock turned changed time to 8 pm, you relaxed finally going home after a stressful day. Just as you were open the door, Evangeline barged in. '' Hello, heard you've been looking for me. '' She grinned at her best friend, attacking them with a hug. '' Hello to you too,'' you said returning the hug '' I see the tall ginger you failed to mention to me kept his word. '' smirk appearing in the corner of your mouth as you recall your encounter with him from earlier today. '' It seemed to me you left a trance on Georgie boy. '' Evangeline wiggled her eyebrows, making you laugh '' You can't do that to me, I wanted to have lunch with my best friend only to find she ditched me for and I quote the ginger man '' uglier twin '', leaving me to get almost a heart attack. For a second I thought I walked into a wrong shop. '' Both of you walked out of the shop, heading towards your apartment. '' Speaking of that date, you also failed to mention you were dating someone, and here I thought we tell each other everything, tsk tsk. I'm disappointed. '' you nudged her, blush creeping on her cheeks. '' Oh my god are you blushing? He's making you blush just by thinking of him? You need to tell me about him. '' and so she did. She told you how his name is Fred and along with his twin, he has 6 siblings, making both of them the middle children. It was very interesting to know about a man who took an interest in my best friend. Deciding she'll spend the night at yours, you both got cosy into pyjamas and watched movies until you both crashed. The next morning you went together to work, letting you know she'll come to your work for the lunch break. So when your lunch break came, you didn't expect her to walk in with the same ginger man from yesterday. '' y/n/n, I brought us a bodyguard to keep us safe during our lunch break. '' grin played on her lips, making you shake your head. '' Yeah because we're so in danger that someone is gonna try and kill us while eating Taco Bell. '' George snorted, making you look at him. He looked even cuter than yesterday if that's even possible. Maybe there was something in gingers that you'd yet to discover that makes them so attractive. '' So flower boy, what do you do when you're not being a bodyguard or taking care of Evie's flower shop. '' he was grinning at the nickname. '' I own a joke shop with my brother, but we're currently redecorating inside so we had to close it for a week or two. '' An attractive businessman, that's a first one you snorted to yourself. Spending an hour with two of them, turned into a mostly back and forth conversation between George and you. Soon Evie had to leave, her lunch break coming to an end. To your surprise, George asked you if he could stay for a bit longer, which you said yes to since you had no client for another hour. He asked you about your art style, which, according to George made your eyes sparkle up with happiness, making him chuckle when you started to ramble not even noticing. '' You're rambling. '' he chuckled making you blush a little. '' Sorry, sometimes I can get carried away without even noticing. '' George smiled, taking your hand in his, making you look at him. '' Don't apologise, it's adorable. '' blushing even harder, you looked at the clock making you realise that in 15 minutes your client should be coming. '' Oh shit I didn't even realise how much time has passed already, I have to prepare for the next client. But hey if you ever want a tattoo you know where to come. '' You said and with that, you disappeared somewhere behind in the storage, kind of hiding from flower boy, because he's starting to make you feel things you haven't felt before.
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Everything was happening so fast, in the next few days he kept coming either alone or in a company of Evangeline. She knew what she was doing and she was enjoying it. You even got to meet Fred, him wanting to meet the fascinating best friend of his girlfriend and the person who his brother can't seem to stop talking about. So when George asked you out, you said yes having nothing to lose. Deciding on a picnic, both of you packed some food, and he picked you up after work, leading you to a park. He prepared a blanket and put down the baskets where food and drinks were, sitting down and relaxing. '' How was your day? '' you began the conversation. '' It was good, mostly spent the entire day thinking of what to bring for our date tonight. '' a smile appeared on his face. '' How was yours? Any interesting tattoos you did? '' so you told him about this older guy who had half of his back tattooed with some weird game character, which made him laugh. Looking up at the sky, it looked amazing. '' Isn't the view beautiful? '' a grin played on your lips as you looked at the stars. George was only looking at you, and how beautiful you looked under the stars. If he wasn't already falling, he definitely would've now. '' Yeah, it couldn't be more beautiful. '' you looked at him and he was looking at you. '' Stop looking at me like that! '' He grinned at you, placing a hand on your cheek. '' Like what? '' he said softly while looking you in the eyes. '' L-like I've placed all the stars in the sky as if I'm the most unique thing on this planet. '' you were avoiding his eyes, knowing you wouldn't be able to breathe if you do. George had other plans, because he softly placed finger under your chin, making you look up at him. His eyes were filled with so much adoration, making you get lost in them. '' I've been looking at you like that ever since we first met, darling. I've grown quite fond of you from the first time our eyes met. '' a smile was spread on both of your lips '' God how much I love seeing you smile. I like you so much, love. '' placing your hands on both of his cheeks '' Can I tell you something? '' you said quietly almost a whisper. '' You can tell me anything. '' ''I like you too flower boy. '' even bigger smile was on his lips. '' Could you say it again? '' you furrowed your eyebrows. '' Were you not listening? '' he shook his head. ' No, I was, I just like the sound of your voice. '' you shook your head at his goofiness. '' Can you kiss me? '' a grin appeared on his lips '' Thought you'd never ask. '' and with that, he placed his soft lips on top of yours, lips mending with each other. It was like fireworks exploded inside you, from how much happiness you felt in this moment. Everything was perfect.
The next day you decided to visit Evangeline in the shop, expecting to see I guy you've grown s much fond of. And there he was stood with Fred and Evangeline, his beautiful smile playing on his lips. '' Hello, hope I'm not interrupting a big secret meeting. '' you joked as you approached them. George pulled you in his embrace, placing a small kiss on your temple as he sneaked an arm around your shoulder. '' Of course not love. '' you smiled at him, starting a conversation with him, not noticing how Fred and Evangeline were looking at the two of you. '' I haven't seen her smile like that in ages. '' Evie said, '' Hey flower boy, '' Fred began only to be shot by a dirty look by you. '' Hey, only I can call him that,'' you said and with that making everyone laugh including yourself. This is the happiest you've been in forever, and you could only hope it could stay like this forever.
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A ball| Tup
Note: they did not need to make him that Pretty
Warnings: no not really, just Tup and Y/n fallin in love and steamy scene at the very end but kinda not really, also this is really long
Reader: female
Part 1 | 2 (in the works)
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"Checkmate," Satine spoke.
"Damn it..." Y/n muttered, hand on her chin as Satine had one yet again another game.
Satine smiled at her, as Y/n tried reading the board seeing how it had exactly happened.
"Duchess, excuse me." A guard interrupted their leisurely game outside in the guards of the castle.
"It's no problem, what seems to be the problem?" Satine questioned.
"The preparations for the ball are underway, the royal seamstress says your outfits are done and asks if you both can approve of them."
"Yes of course," Satine spoke, two more guards walking up with boxes.
"Oh. no, I'm quite okay," Y/n responded, resetting the black and clear glass pieces.
"Y/n, you are turning 19, my dear, you'll need to look presentable," Satine spoke.
"Dutchess I believe I look presentable, I'm quite comfortable like this as well," Y/n told.
"I know my sweet child, you've always been comfortable with the bare minimum, but please, let me spoil you for one day," Satine responded.
Y/n was quiet as she set the final piece down, "very well..."
Satine smiled as she stood up to look inside the box and approve the dress, Y/n sat in thought, Satine wasn't her mother, no they looked drastically different after all, Y/n had been left in a bush in the palace gardens, Satine finding the child alone and in silence, busying herself with one of the flowers. Satine had gladly kept the child inside the palace walls until a parent came along, but no one ever came and Satine was suddenly a mother.
"Mistress." The guard spoke snapping her out of thought.
"Oh uh, yes." Y/n spoke standing up from her seat, and looking at the creme outfit with barely a glance, "Yes, it's beautiful, tell the Seamstress 100 thanks."
The guard nodded covering the box as they all bowed and left, Satine frowned, "Come walk. Let's talk my daughter."
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"General Skywalker, do, do we really have to go as well?" Tup questioned, droids handing them all dark blue suits almost black in color, and matte.
"Yes, Obi-Wan was double security at this event for the Dutchess, and I agree with him," Anakin spoke, "Separatist parties will be there, Duchess Satine has a knack for being able to convince people, and with Padame they're practically an unstoppable team."
"But," Tup spoke, "Sir a, a party?"
"Diplomatic party, you'll be fine Tup."
Anakin then walked away to let his boys get ready and go get himself ready.
"I look good," Fives spoke checking himself out in the mirror.
"It's nice to wear something besides armor." Hardcase commented, "Makes me feel like a civie."
"A civie that just has thousands of replicas." Dogma argued.
"Oh get the stick out your ass," Jesse argued, "We can have fun for the one time in our life on the job,"
"Hey," Kix placed a hand on Tup's shoulder, "You okay?"
"Huh? Yeah," Tup spoke, "Crowds, uh aren't my thing."
"I'll make sure Rex posts you on the patio outside, you won't be around too many people then," Kix told.
"No, It's fine, I'm on the job- I'll, uh...just focus on that," Tup responded.
"Are you sure?"
Tup nodded as Kix returned the nod in understanding, going back to dressing himself, Tup went over to his bunk to dress, he'd admit, even though he was the same as everyone else in that room, he still felt shy, being a bit leaner than the others he started pulling his armor off to dress in the new outfit, simply putting the outfit over his blacks.
"What- No! Hey I want a titty window!" Fives argued.
"No," Echo demand, buttoning up his brother's shirt fixing Fives vest as well.
Tup stayed silent as he buttoned up the shirt, tucking it into the slacks and putting on the matching vest.
"OH Ho HO!" Fives whistled, "Look at Tup!"
"Yeah, thanks," Tup spoke, fixing the collar of his shirt, and pushing up the sleeves.
"Come on! Let your hair down! We're going somewhere fancy!"
"I'm good." Tup spoke
"He's way to excited for this." Dogma protested causing Tup to chuckle.
"You look nice." Tup commented.
"Uh. Yeah I guess." Dogma spoke.
The two had gotten close due to one another due to being not only regular troopers with no rank, but due to there quietness.
The boys turned there head whistling playfully.
"Bad bitch is the house."
She wore a pinstrip pant suit, the lines orange on white fabric and a pair of heels. She laughed.
"We're almost there." She spoke, "Skyguy wants us on the transports now."
Tup followed suit of everyone else. Everyone doing as asked, it was odd, seeing everyone dressed up all fancy and nice.
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Y/n sighed.
"Look up madame. They'll be plenty fine gentlemen there." A maid tried to pursuade, "or a woman if you'd prefer."
"Yes. I know." Y/n responded mindlessly, nose stuck in the book about game tactics, her goal to be her mother, "mhm. I've never tried that before."
The maid sighed finishing y/n's hair in the crowned braid.
"Look look beautiful."
The maid frowned, and there was a knock on the door. It opened as Satine came in, the maid bowing and leaving quickly.
"You're nose still stuck in a book. You remind me much of Obi-wan."
"Is the party over yet?" Y/n questioned flipping the page.
"It hasnt even began my dear." Satine spoke, expecting a comment back Y/n kept silent sitting infront of her simple vanity it black in color and matched the bench she sat on.
Satine walked over, taking the open spot next to Y/n.
"What is wrong me dear?" Satine inquired, "You don't avidly read strategic books unless something is wrong."
Y/n sighed, marking the book with a string and setting it down.
"I. I just don't wish to go." Y/n responded.
"It is much bigger than that isn't it?" Satine refered, catching Y/n in her lie.
"I." Y/n sighed, "I am nervous."
"For what my darling?"
"People." Y/n responded, "I. This. People...it's...I dont have the skills."
"Well of course you do,"
"I've never been out the palace walls, I've never fallen in love, I've never been taken advantage of- I just- Don't know anything about people," y/n defended "I've never even seen another sential species besides the holograms and images in my books that use words. I know every launage out there but have never met there people- I-"
"Calm down, take a deep breathe." Satine soothed, "everything will be fine. I will be at your side. The whole time, and you know me. Don't you?"
Y/n nodded as Satine smiled, "You're turning 19 my dear, becoming a young woman. You can do this, and I will guide you through whatever you ask."
Y/n only nodded once more, "now. Lets put our. Pain killing heels on and make haste shall we? Guest are arriving and I'd like to introduce you to your very first group of friends, but first."
Y/n watched as Satine pulled out a box, "I had something much. Much more elaborate my birthday, but you I know. Like to keep things as simple as possible."
Y/n took the small box in hand. Opening the golden box there was a small golden crown, it reminded her of a laurel wreath, yet without as many leaves, a few littered around the gold band with a stone that was ment to set on her forehead.
"For you're love of nature a green stone." Satine spoke.
"Its beatiful, thank you." Y/n spoke softly pulling it out of its box.
"Allow me." Satine spoke, y/n handing it over and bowing her head, Satine with a smile set the item on her head.
Y/n raised her head back up, "quiet beatiful you have become."
Y/n smiled smallly, "now. Shall we make haste? To make new friends?"
Y/n nodded smally as Satine smiled.
With that they were off, y/n following Satine dressed up nice, and thanked maker for the soleless sandles given to her instead of heels.
Y/n wouldn't lie, when General Kenobi arrived as they walked out onto the royal landing pad she found no interest in him, bowing her head respectfully, she did the same with Anakin. A bit more intrigued with Ashoka, but nothing pictures hadn't depicted. A man stood next to Anakin, who was soon introduced as Captain Rex. Y/n welcomed and thanked him for coming, but besides that, she was silent during the conversation.
"Sir, apologies for interrupting."
"It's fine, Jesse go ahead," Anakin spoke, Y/n watching the man with a large tattoo on his face gave a brief report to his general as the two joined the tight group of talkers.
Y/n was intrigued with the man next to him, hair tied back in a bun as his brother in arms talked. He too seemed the silent type, staying behind Jesse's shoulder rather than next to him, it was a slight difference Y/n realized.
"Lady Y/n, these are two are some of my finest men, Jesse and Tup."
"Lady Y/n" Jesse spoke bowing his head.
"Nice to meet you," Tup spoke nervously, his hand outreached for a handshake, Jesse quickly pulling his brother's hand down who was already a nervous wreck.
"Apologies for my brother! He doesn't know how to act!" Jesse scolded elbowing Tup slightly who was already shaming himself mentally and Y/n could sense it, but Jesse was already dragging him away with an insane amount of apologies as he left. 
Y/n watched as they got far enough away to where Jesse had started to drag Tup by the collar of his shirt.
"Lively bunch aren't they?" Satine questioned Y/n who nodded.
"My apologies Duchess, Lady Y/n. The 501st is not very big on tradition, and neither is there general."  Obi-Wan scolded as Anakin shrugged.
"It's okay." Y/n finally spoke up, causing heads to turn, "I, um, apologizes. Duchess if I may."
"Yes, you can go ahead," Satine spoke worried for the girl as she rushed off quickly. 
"Will she be okay?" Ashoka questioned.
"She has no social skills, and on top that, no friends her age," Satine spoke solemnly, "I wish to help her but she's a closed book." 
"Have I got the perfect trooper for her to make friends with," Anakin responded
"You're not sending Fives or Hardcase over to her, if anyone to watch her it'll be Cody, at least he can stay on task," Obi-wan argued.
"I think me and my master have the same idea," Ashoka smirked.
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"I- I'm sorry general- Me?" Tup questioned.
"Yes I need a clone with Lady Y/n at all times, and since she seems to like you after a slip up that could have cost us a whole war," Anakin spoke, "You're watching her,"
"General! I. I can't watch her! I. I. I. I have patrol!" Tup tried to argue.
"Kix is on patrol now, she's supposedly back in her room," Anakin spoke.
"Her- what!?" Tup argued.
"one of the guards will escort you thanks again."
"Wait! General!" Tup argued but he was walking away and waving to Tup happily. 
"Are you the clone trooper known as Tup?" A guard asked walking up to him.
"yes, but wait a minute!-"
"This way." 
Tup had no option but to follow a guard at his back and his front as they escorted him to the room. Anxiety racked his body, his hands clammy and squeezing each other as he gulped, the guards stopping and knocking.
"Mistress your escort is here."
"Oh, yes," Y/n spoke quietly, "He may come in alone."
The guards posted outside her room as Tup pushed one of the doors opened, he walked in silently and closed the door behind him carefully.
Looking straight on the large french doors were opened to a patio. Walking towards the open doors he found Y/n sitting on the floor a stack of books beside her with a chessboard by her side, her knees raised to her chest as her dress was laid out around her.
"I'm uh, your guard for the dance," Tup spoke, his thumb pressing into his palm.
"You can go back, I'm not going," Y/n told him, her mouth and jaw covered by her arms propped on her knees.
"oh, uh..." Tup spoke, not knowing what to do.
Y/n looked beside her, "You can sit, maybe you'll get in less trouble that way?"
He nodded in agreement, taking a seat on one side of the chess board. They sat in silence against the wall. Tup looking down at the pieces of the board set up on their respective sides, his clammy hands couldn't help but move a piece. Y/n looked overhearing the crystal click on the board. Looking down she picked up a piece and moved it, Tup moving his next piece without a word. Y/n looked down at the board, her legs falling from her chest and onto the ground flat as she looked over in thought. Picking up her next piece she took his pawn, setting it down on the side.  As they played they could hear the talk of guests starting to come to the palace. Due to where Y/n's room was it wasn't much to hear, just the occasional burst of loud laughter. 
"Ah yes! Yes!" One laughed spoke loudly, "I love the stars!"
Y/n suddenly came with an outburst the came with the man's hearty laugh, "I have loved the stars to foundly-"
"-to be fearful of the night." Tup finished moving his next piece.
Y/n's moved her gaze up softly then chuckled, "Mythology lover?"
"When I have the time, I mostly learn through tell and hear," Tup responded watching Y/n capture another piece.
It was silent again as Tup captured yet another piece, his eyes drifting over to her stack of books. Eyes glancing over the titles.
"H.P Lovecraft?" Tup questioned Y/n nodding.
"I find his stories interesting, I enjoy the horror genere as a whole." Y/n smiled moving her next peice, "do you like horror?"
Tup nodded, "I do occasionally, again hear and tell mostly."
Y/n nodded, "come with me."
Y/n stood up, walking into her room, Tup watching her.
"Come on." Y/n gestured holding out a hand for him.
He took it gently and was pulled up from his spot on the floor. Y/n led him by the hand into her room and towards a wall pushing on a certain spot a small door opened. Y/n leaned down walking through the door as Tup followed, Y/n closed the door behind them.
Y/n smiled, "the palace library."
"I am the only one who's ever in here." Y/n contuined.
The two walked side by side, out from the side of the room and into the center of the room. Tup turned around to speak, but he watched her pass a dusty window, the sun set passing in through cobwebs and dusty, shining on her think crown, her dress flowly and made up of multiple thin layers of fabric.
He gulped as she turned her head, stopping in her spot.
"What's wrong?"
"I," he started but stopped for a momment, "My name, its. It's Tup. I don't know if you-"
"Remember you?" Y/n questioned, "I do."
She walked up to him a hand extended, "Y/n."
He smiled as they shook hands.
"Tup." He introduced himself once again as they chuckled lightly.
They pulled away, Y/n's hands clasped infront of her.
"Well Tup its very nice to meet you again."
"Its nice to meet you too Lady Y/n."
"Lady Y/n!"
She took a quick step back from her closeness with Tup, clearing her throat.
"Oh thank maker..." the gaurd spoke under his breathe, "the duchess wishes for you to greet your guest."
Y/n nodded softly, "Well. Let's go?"
Tup nodded, the two leaving side by side in silence. They two making there way down to the main set of doors which led to the throne room.
"Lady Y/n." Obi-wan spoke, "The Duchess ask I escort you in while introduced."
"Oh." Y/n spoke looking at Tup he gave her an akwards thumb up, she chuckled and smiled at him with a nod.
Y/n smiled Obi wan extending an arm, Y/n linking arms with the Jedi General. The doors opened as they walked forward.
"Introducing Lady Y/n! Daughter of Dutchess Satine! Next in line for the throne!"
Y/n and Obi-wan walked forward people clearing a straight shot to her mother. Her and Obi-wan walked forward, feeling the stares on her she kept silent. It soon because uncomfortable, feeling the gaze more than just simple admiration or awe. She tensed as they walked making her to the steps to Satines throne. She pulled away from Obi-wan, bowing her head to her mother as she walked up, a smaller throne simplistic like how Y/n liked it and took a simple seat, she watched Tup sneak into the room carefully standing next to a man who had a medical band on his arm with his suit, before everyone started to fill the room again.
Satine stood up, she was making a speech Y/n zoned out, it was a greeting, thanking everyone personally for coming to celebrate Y/n's transition into womenhood.
"That's why I am glad to speak, Y/n's hand is extended for potential marraige candidates!"
Y/n sat up shocked, and Satine thanked everyone once again and took a seat. Everyone going back to chatting.
"Excuse me!? Marraige?" Y/n argued.
"It is a formality you do not have to marry anyone."
"Im not taking anyone into consideration," Y/n defended, crossing her arms and leaning back in her seat.
"Lady Y/n-"
"No." Y/n spoke, she was beyond annoyed.
"Thank you for your time..." he spoke bowing his head and walking away heart broken.
Y/n rejected any man that came up to try and give there hand to her.
Tup watched from afar, Kix and Dogma by his side. Men contuined to go up to her and as more and more did she seemed more and more irratated. He quickly walked away from his brothers would watched him out of confusion.
Watching him walk up to the thrown he started walking up the steps.
"Y/n," Tup spoke, holding a hand out for her, "I'd like to spend time with you, perhaps a dance?"
"Hey! Buddy wait in line!" A man argued but Y/n looked at Tup thanks in her eyes.
The lighting on him seemed perfect, he back lit perfectly, his eyes holding a smile along with his lips. Y/n grabbed his hand lightly as Tup helped her up, the two walking down the stairs hand in hand.
"Thank you." Y/n spoke they now in the crowd of people.
"Seems you needed it," Tup answered as Y/n chuckled.
"To the libary?"
"Actually," Tup spoke quietly, "I'd...like to have a dance with you."
Y/n flushed, "t-that sounds good. Yeah."
It was almost on cue did everyone backed up circling people who wanted to dance, Y/n and Tup in the center of it.
"Um. Tup." Y/n spoke.
"Do you know how to dance?"
"Oh. Uh." Tup spoke, "no actually, do. Do you?"
Y/n shook her head no. The two laughing together as the music started.
"Suppose we should act like we're doing and maybe we'll fall in?" Y/n laughed.
Tup smiled in return, "I suppose."
The music started as they watched other, a simple waltz. Y/n and Tup luckily able to copy others, hands which once were placed in hand on on him, soon became more intimate, fingers intertwining. Tup's hand moving from her hip to the small of her back, she leaning into his touch just a bit more.
"Not bad." Y/n spoke softly, "we're doing decent."
Tup chuckled softly in return, "I suppose us clones learn quick."
"Clone?" Y/n questioned, "you're a clone?"
Tup looked at her confused, "You. You don't know that?" He questioned confused.
"I." Y/n spoke, "I don't mean to sound, uh, Rude."
Tup frowned, maybe she was an avid clone hater?
"I um. Havent payed much attention, to your face, my apologies." Y/n spoke, a flush coming to her cheeks.
"Am I offensive?" Tup questioned.
"No. No. Not at all." Y/n spoke, "On the contrary actually. I. Find you most appealing, your. Voice and presence is quiet soothing. You're a good man."
It was Tup's turn to flush, spinning her around softly as everyone else did. Her dress picking up just the slightest at the ends. Pulling her back into his grasp, it was sudden for both of them, there chest pressed up against one another, faces close, Tup's hand now across the small of her back grabbing her other hip as he lowered her into a dip, Y/n's arm around his neck as he did.
The claps of everyone was muffled in there ears.
Tup's nose brushing against hers as he tilted his head softly, Y/n stopping him with a hand on hie jaw , and she was raised up again in a flash.
"I. Im sorry" Tup apologized, everyone still clapping as Y/n bowed to him red faced.
"I...must go." Y/n spoke quickly rushing away and into the crowd.
"Wait!" Tup called rushing after her, she rushing out the throne room.
"My lady-"
"Im quiet fine a game of tag is all." Y/n defended rushing off, the urge of wanting Tup so bad fueling her feet as she ran from him.
Tup rushed looking both ways, "Which way did she go?"
"Left sir-"
Tup rushed after her, his shoes clicking against the marble floors of the palace as he ran. Seeing her take a turn up ahead he called her name once more, following her quick steps, she rushed into her ungaurded room and closing the door behind her.
Making it to the doors he panted for a moment, soon calming his breath he knocked on the door.
"Please! Y/n I did not mean to upset you!" He begged, "I. I should have asked asked you! I should have never just jumped into it!"
Y/n quiet as she leaned against the door, her body pressed up against it to keep it closed, he seemed genuinely angered with himself, and worried for her.
"I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." Tup spoke softly, "I...just..."
Y/n stayed silent listening.
"I. Seen you for the first time walking up with my brother to report to General Skywalker..." he informed, "I had no idea someone could look so beautiful until I seen you, then. Well then we started that chess game."
Y/n's cheeks grew red as she listened, her heart starting to drop its quickly put up walls.
"You just spoke and It was beautiful. I. I'm not good with words either. I." He sighed, "I didn't realize someone like me could have so much in common with you... half the time my brothers don't like any same things as me. And we're all copies of each other."
The knot in her stomach grew as she gulped, "I. Tup. Its not that I'm mad at you."
Tup was surprised to hear an answer, "I. I think you're quiet beatiful, I. I just...I've never..."
"Y/n you do not need to explain yourself to me." Tup told her.
"Just. Let me finish." Y/n spoke calmly, "I've, well. Tup. I. I. I've never kissed anyone."
Y/n stopped waiting for a laugh, or even a 'yeah right', but she got a sincere chuckle trying to break the ice, "neither have I."
It was a surpise to Tup when the door opened softly, Y/n's flushed face being seen due to the light of the hall.
"Are you okay?" Tup questioned Y/n nodding her gaze to the floor.
"We're you being..serious?" Y/n questioned softly.
Tup nodded, growing nervous himself.
"Would you..umm. like too?" Y/n questioned, "kiss me?"
"I..um." tup spoke his face full red, "yes.."
Y/n opened up the door a bit more so he could come in, taking the hint he walked in the room dark. His eyes not having to adjust as the French doors which were uncovered let in moonlight.
Y/n closed the door quietly, locking it behind her so they'd be uninterrupted. He turned his head watching her walk towards him.
Oh maker.
They stood infront of each other nervously, refusing to make eye contact. Y/n with a shaking hand reached out her hand, her fingers dancing along his shoulder as he looked down.
"Tup. I." Y/n spoke, her other arm following her first one on the other side of his head his hands slipping onto her hips.
Nerves in a bundle they tensed in one anothers arms, faces leaning in slowly, noses brushed up against one another. A few of Tup's fingers tapped and tilted her face to the side as he tilted his own face the other way.
"Tup...Im nervous." Y/n whispered against his lips, "what happens if...if i like it too much?"
"I'll do anything you ask me..." he mummbled her hot breathe hitting his lips.
It was silent for another momment, Y/n's eyes slolwy closing as Tup's followed. They leaning in the small space as there lips pressrd against each others. The bundle of nerves melting away and falling into ribbions that slowly started to knot.
The kiss was, cute, nothing more than pressing there lips against one another and then pulled away little space between there lips, a new found hunger filled the both of them, Tup pressing forward in a much more passionate kiss, y/n kissed back, lips dancing against one another. Y/n pushed into Tup. Breathe heavy through the armature kisses. Tup mindlessly picked Y/m up, her legs wrapping around his waist as they contuined to kiss. Walking over to her bed he placed her down carefully, climbing over her body.
Kiss only breaking for air, "Do. Do you want this?" Tup questioned, things had moved awfully fast and turned into a one night stand, love filled relationship neither could explain.
Y/n nodded, "Only from you"
"Are you sure? I don't want you unsatisfied." Tup spoke honestly.
"If its you I'll never be unsatisfied." Y/n told him, the two kissing again, Tup holding his like a peice of glass under him.
"I love you." Tup whispered against her lips.
"I love you too Tup." She spoke back. Tup kissing her once more.
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ohdeersthings · 3 years
Love Festival
Kirishima Eijiro x F!OC
Summary: Being Fatgums adopted daughter can be challenging, especially when it comes to meeting his new interns while also having to keep watch over Eri.
Quirk: Ram
Quirk fact: Bring able to run, jump and react like a Ram, the user is able to also headbutt and cause great damage with their strength and horns. They also can digest anything like a Ram. Also has a fluffy wool tail, and a wool band around both wrists. Her legs from the waist down are ram legs, so she looks more like a Mythical Fawn.
Warnings: Fluff, cursing, enjoy!!
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"Oh hey Eraser Head! What's going on?" Fatgum answered his phone while sitting at his desk in his office at Fatgum Agency. "Fatgum, Midoriya and Togata have requested for Eri to be present at our School Festival, seeing as how Eri has bonded with Aki, do you think she'd be willing to join her on that day?" Aizawa questioned, standing outside Eri's hospital room where the young girl was currently having her lunch.
Fatgum pondered for a moment,"Well I don't see why she couldn't. I guess she could use a break too, between her assignments and being with Eri at the hospital, I'm sure she'd love it!" "Alright, I'll be sure to let the class know so they don't freak out. Speaking of, only Amajiki and the others in the Big Three have met Aki right? She was away on another assignment when Work Studies happened," Aizawa knew his students would probably freak out when seeing Eri's caregiver and friend, who was the same age as them but on a whole other level.
"You're correct, so Kirishima hasn't met her. It'll be fine though, I have full confidence that everything will be fine," Fatgum smiled into the phone, nonchalant about anything going on. "Alright, we'll discuss details later then," with that the two hung up.
"Oh hey Togata!" Midoriya called out to Togata, waving him over from where Togata was hiding behind the bush. Togata narrowed his eyes, realizing he'd been found out before he can surprise them.
The dance team looked on in surprise as Togata stuck his bottom out from the bush, Eri standing beside him looking surprised as well, "Hey guys! I brought a PEACH for ya,"
"Eri!" Midoroya called out as he, Uraraka and Tsuyu ran up to greet them. "That dress looks so cute," Tsuyu commented, "You are precious!" Uraraka gushing in fondness. The girls couldn't help the big smiles on their faces.
"Midoriya, I finally got permission from the Principle," Togata climbed out of the bush and began brushing off his pants as Aizawa spoke, "in order for her to not get stressed, we're allowing her to roam around today before the Festival, also there's someone you all need to meet as well,"
The other dance team members came forward to introduce themselves to the young girl. "Well hello there, you must be Eri, I'm Iida, nice to meet you," "Wassup I'm Mineta, man you're gonna be a looker when you're older huh~" Mineta smirked, but the young girl hid behind Togata, "I want Aki,"
The name had taken them by surprise, "Aki? Whose that?" Midoriya questioned, confusion written on the Work Study kids faces. "Oh right, you haven't met her yet. Aki is Eri's caregiver, well when she's not on Assignments for Fatgum," Togata explained, "Eri can be a little shy around new people, but her and Aki get along very well,"
"Its perfectly alright to be shy," Iida commented, softening his voice to not scare Eri further. "Let's start the tour! Aki should be here soon, so I wanna show her as much of the school as I can so she can see what we do here, you wanna come along too Midoriya?" Togata extended the offer, knowing that since Aki isn't here, Eri might be calm with Midoriya around too. "You bet!" "Hey Dance Team! New idea!" Kirishima's voice broke out, before realizing Eri was there.
"Oh hey Eri! Wait, we've never been officially introduced," Kirishima crouched down to meet Eri's gaze when another voice broke out.
"I'm so sorry I'm late, someone decided to rob a gas station on the way over and I couldn't just leave the situation," it was a soft, silky voice that came from behind Aizawa. The students all turned their attention to see a young dark skinned girl about their age.
Her hair was a dark auburn red that came to below her shoulder blades, soft waves accentuating her purple eyes that seemed to have a swirl of white in them but were framed with thin gold wired glasses. Freckles dawned her nose and cheeks that were flushed with red, giving her an innocent look. What caught their attention the most was the Ram horns that protuded from her head, her legs being Ran legs with red fur like her hair but black hooves. Her outfit consisted of a off the shoulder wool dress she seemed to be wearing that came to stop at her upper thighs, a bell was wrapped around her neck and jingled everytime she moved, of course it also brought attention to her chest that was framed by the wool.
Some of the boys blushed, and Kirishima found himself entranced by her. "Aki!" Eri exclaimed, walking over to the girl who crouched down to her height, "I missed you!" Eri reached her arms out to her, Aki smiling and welcoming the girl into her arms, "I missed you too," giving Eri a nuzzle as the girls closed their eyes and embraced eachother.
"So you're Aki! It's a pleasure to meet you!" Midoroiya smiled, the class seemingly broken from the momentary shock. "The pleasure is all mine! Thank you for what you did for Eri, I would've been on the assignment too if Papa hadn't sent me on a different one," Aki greeted, before realizing she needed to properly introduce herself.
Standing up, Eri still in her arms as she bowed, "I'm sorry! My name is Toyomitsu Aki, it's so nice to meet you all, please call me Aki!" Straightening up, Eri wrapped her arms around Aki as rested her head on Aki's shoulder.
"Wait, Toyomitsu? Why does that sound familiar?" Kirishima wondered aloud, rubbing his head as if it would bring the answer to him. "WAIT I KNOW YOU!" Midoriya yelled out, eyes growing wide as he pointed toward Aki,"YOU'RE RAM-RAM, THE YOUNGEST PERSON TO EVER BECOME A HERO, YOU'RE ALSO FATGUMS DAUGHTER!" Now the students outside all yelled in shock, "WHAT!?"
"Oops, guess the cats out of the bag," Togata laughed, Aizawa just shaking his head in embarrassment from his students. "WAIT, you're really Fatgum's daughter!? Why didn't I know this!" Kirishima cried out, his head a mess knowing the girl he found cute was actually his Mentors daughter.
"Yeah, Papa adopted me when I was a baby, I hope this doesn't affect us becoming friends?" Aki smiled nervously, her small tail twitching in anticipation. "No way! That's so cool, let's take a break everyone, it's tea time!" Mina chimed in, hoping to calm everyone down from the excitement, "There will be more time to explain later, get on with the tour, we don't have time to waste," Aizawa called out, Togata and Aki nodding as Midoriya went to go change his clothes really quick.
"So if you're Fatgums daughter, you must know Amajiki right?" Kirishima questioned, trying to push through his nerves in front of the pretty Ram girl. He was determined to get to know his Mentors daughter. "Definitely! Tama-Kun is so nice, I love going on assignments with him, especially when he shares his food with me like Papa," Aki gushed, her red cheeks getting even darker with excitement, a closed eye smile making Kirishimas cheeks match hers in color. "My name is Kirishima Eijiro, my hero name is Red Riot, I'm actually a new intern at your father's agency for my Work Study," He introduced himself, holding out a hand in greeting.
Aki's jaw dropped and sparkles seemed to erupt from no where, "NO WAY! Papa has told me all about Red Riot, your name is a play off of Crimson Riot right!? I love that, he's such an amazing Hero!" Aki rambled, Kirishima feeling himself fall even harder.
Togata chuckled and took Eri from Aki, who was so engrossed in her conversation she didn't even seem to notice the weight lifted from her arms. Eri looked between the two red heads and noticed that Aki looks so happy, like when she finds a good object to chew on, then again anything was good to chew on for Aki.
"Totally manly right! Hey, are you gonna be here for our School Festival? It'll be totally killer, we're putting on a performance!" "Of course, I'll be chapperoning Eri that day so we won't miss it," The two had seemed to have fallen into their own little world, the other students just watching in amazement.
"I don't think I've seen Kirishima this excited before," Tsuyu commented, Uraraka and Mina nodding in agreement. "Oh jeez, he's got it bad," Ojiro laughed, Mineta seething from the mouth that he didn't get to touch the pretty animal girl. "He's got what?" Shoji asked, looking to Ojiro for answers, although Hagakure answered instead, "Kirishima is totally falling for Aki! What better romance is that!? An employee and the Bosses daughter? It's so forbidden but romantic!" Hagakure couldn't contain her excitement and started to swoon, Mina grabbing her shoulders as she tries to balance her friend.
"Hey Aki! Let's get this show on the road!" Togata called out, waving his arm to grab her attention. "Oh, coming MiMi-Kun! I guess I should go, we'll talk again soon, right?" Aki questioned, taking Kirishimas hands into her own, a bright smile on her face as her eyes seemed to sparkle. Kirishima felt his face warm up, but nodded, a nervous smile on his face from how close she was,"Definitely, we can meet up sometime at the agency maybe,"
"See ya later," she giggled, walking over and taking Eri's hand into her own. Kirishima could only watch with his heart beating out of his chest as the beautiful girl left, when he felt a hand on his back slap him forward, "OH MY GOSH KIRISHIMA, YOU'RE SO LUCKY, YOU SLY THING YOU!" Mina exclaimed, repeatedly hitting him in her excitement. "Way to go dude," Ojiro laughed, the rest of the students all smiling and calling out their support for him. "Come guys this is so not manly," he whined, embarrassed having realized they watched him and Aki. Yet he smiled and couldn't help but think 'Maybe this Festival will be good,'
Walking around the school seemed to excite Eri and Aki, both wondering how all the different classes worked and what each class would put on for the School Festival.
Meeting up with Amajiki and Hado excited Aki to the point of her having steam come out of her nose in puffs, "Tama-Kun!Nene-chan!" She called out to them, Nejire flying over in greeting as they began to discuss the beauty pagent in detail and how Nejire was going to win this year.
"Hey! Maybe you should join Aki! I bet you'd be a shoe in for runner up!!" Hado squealed, wanting the girl who was like a little sister to join in on the fun. "Oh I'd live to Nene-chan but I'm not a student here," Aki smiled, though Midoriya thought her smile seemed a little forced, "plus I wouldn't wanna ruin your chances by competing, I'll be sure to cheer you on though!" Aki grinned, giving Hado two thumbs up who returned it. Eri looking between the two and then to her hands, mimicking them but smaller, though everyone swooned.
After visiting the Support Class last, they went to Lunch Rush's in the cafeteria to give Eri somthing to eat to finalize the tour. "Well that's all of U.A!" "What did you think of our School Eri?" Midoriya questioned, Eri though looked unsure, "I..I don't know," both boys looked at eachother nervously, but Aki smiled at her which gave Eri enough courage to continue, "But I can see how hard everyone is working, so I do wanna see how it turns out," Aki gave her a grin, proud of Eri for trying to speak out more and explain her thoughts and feelings.
At the end of the day, they returned Midoriya to Heights Alliance and said goodbye. "We'll be back on the day of the festival," Togata explained, pumping his arm in excitement, "So make sure it's killer,"
As they went to leave, Aki spoke up, "I will catch up with you in a moment MiMi-Kun, I wanna ask Midoriya somthing really quick," Togata nodded and escorted Eri out.
"What is it Aki? Is everything okay?" Aki stared at him for a second, before her eyes sharpened and it made him jump back, "What is your deal with Eri? What are you hoping to gain?" "W-what?" Midoriya was taken back, 'How can such a sweet and cute girl get terrifying to quickly!?'
"You seem very focused on making her happy. Why? I don't want anyone near Eri who was bad intentions," "It's not like that! When we found Eri that first time, I was so upset we couldn't do anything. I beat myself up everytime I think about it, I wanna be a hero that saves people with a smile. But Eri hasn't smiled once, so I wanna help her smile. I wanna help her become a child again, especially after what she went through," Midoriya was firm with his answer, now staring Aki back in the eyes, hoping to show her the true meaning of his intentions.
Aki suddenly smiled, sparkles surrounding her like with Kirishima earlier, "Okie dokie. I hope your goals come true," Midoriya sweat dropped, 'How bipolar can she be?' Aki then bit her lip nervously, arms behind her back as she shuffled, "I do have one more question, more of a favor though,"
This caught him by surprise, "Sure, what is it?" Holding out a folded up paper, she asked, "Can you give this to Kiri-kun for me?" "Huh!? KIRISHIMA!?" "Y-Yes, I know this sounds silly but.. he's very cute," Aki admitted, her face turning red and her tail stub swished back and forth.
"U-uh sure, I can give this to him. Wouldn't you wanna give it to him in person though," "I-I don't know..I don't wanna over step," "Nonsense, come on,"
With that Midoriya led her inside, the rest of the class unwinding in the main sitting area, though they looked in surprise with the girl in tow with Midoriya. "Hello again!" Mina greeted, "Guys this is Toyomitsu Aki, she's Eri's caregiver," Midoriya introduced the girl, her bowing to the class with a smile.
"Hello everyone, so pleased to meet you," her smile made them all flushed, 'SO CUTE'. "So what are you doing here? Is everything okay?" Jirou questioned, "I-I was hoping to speak to u-uh..Kirishima-kun," Aki was embarrassed, now noticing how many people were staring at her intensely.
"Did someone call me? Oh hey Aki! What's up?" Kirishima questioned, having just walked out of the kitchen, but smiled big when he saw the beautiful girl from this morning.
"H-hi! I just wanted to u-uh, give this to you," stumbling over her words, she tried to act relaxed but was dying on the inside and outside. "O-Oh, thanks," Kirishima blushed, taking the folded up note from her out stretched hand, when their fingers touched however they both jumped apart and their faces burned red.
Of course, Mineta took this time to try and sneak up behind the girl. Reaching his hand out to flip the bottom of her dress, mumbling on how it was so short, it'd be a crime to not go through with it. Thankfully, Kirishima took notice and pulled her to him, hardening his hand as he punched him away, "KNOCK IT OFF," He growled, holding Aki close in his left arm.
Aki shivered, noticing how his muscles squeezed her like she'd dissappear if he let her go. Tapping his chest, he realized he was holding her and jumped back, "I'm so sorry! He can just never keep his hands to himself and it'd be so unmanly if me to not step in," Kirishima freaked out, waving his hands and trying to plead his case. He froze though when Aki walked up and gave him a kiss on the cheek, "It's alright, thanks for being my Hero," she winked, suddenly finding some courage in his embarrassment. "I'll see you at the festival like we talked about earlier, right?" Aki asked, let her hands rest on his chest, "U-Uh YYEaH Suree," his voice cracked, his whole mind running in auto pilot. "Awesome, I'll see you then," she turned on her hoof and began walking toward the exit, she looked over to the class in a whole and waved goodnight before exiting Heights Alliance.
A loud thud made everyone turn toward where Kirishima was, noticing he'd fallen over, his eyes swirling and a giant grin in his red face. "Aki's so cute," he chucked, Kaminari and Sero whooping for him while Iida lectured about proper PDA in the presence of others. All Kirishina knew is that the festival couldn't come soon enough.
On the day of the festival, Aki and Eri sat in the back if a taxi has Togata sat up front and was going over the schedule for the day. "We'll catch 1-As performance, then race over to 1-B for their play, then it'll be lunch and the pagent, does that sound alright?" He turned to face the horned girls in the back, Eri's outfit was a cute red and white dress while Aki wore her usual wool dress only this time it was red to compliment her hair.
"Sounds great, we can probably catch 1-A setting up before they perform," "oo~you just wanna catch Kirishima before he performs, maybe to wish him luck~" Togata teased, Aki gritting her teeth and raising her hood, kicking him in the back if the head leaving a hoof print, "Hehe, nevermind," Togata smiled, Eri looking up at Aki, "Do you like Kirishima?" "U-uh well, I admire him so to say," Aki tripped over her words as Togata laughed at her misfortune.
Once they'd arrived at the school, Aki mentioned she was going to see Nejire before 1-A to wish her luck before she got ready.
"Nene-chan, are you in here?" Aki knocked, hearing a lot of voices from inside the dressing room. Opening the door, Aki was met with Hado, Yuyu, and a few other students. "Oh sorry, I just wanted to come wish you luck," Aki smiled, holding her hands together in front of her.
"Ram-Ram!?" The other students exclaimed, shocked that a young hero would show up here. "Oh hello! Wonderful to meet you," she bowed, greeting them as they momentarily freaked out before bowing back.
"Hey hey! What're you doing here Aki? Where's Eri? Or Togata?" "They went to go see 1-A real quick, I was about to go see them, just wanted to see you first," Aki sheepishly explained, Testutestu suddenly appeared in front of the girls face making her lean back in surprise.
"Wait a second are you that girl Kirishima is always talking about!? The pretty red haired Ram girl that is Fatgums daughter!" Aki flushed hearing the red haired boys name.
"Well it's nice to know he thinks of me," she said happily, before looking at the clock, "I've gotta go, I hope everything goes good for you girls!" She cheered, waving as she walked out leaving the others stunned, "Why does Kirishima always get the good opportunities," Testutestu cried out, falling to his knees depressed that a beautiful girl like that was already taken by Kirishima.
"Hey! I'm not too late am I?" Aki called out, running up to the 1-A group. "Oh Ram-Ram! Welcome," Yamomo greeted, fiddling with her keyboard to make sure it was on the right setting. "We've still got about twenty minutes until we go on, Midoriya should've been back by now, he went to go get rope earlier," Kirishima mentioned, cheeks going a light pink at facing Aki again.
"Well I'm sure it'll be amazing, are you doing special affects?" Aki questioned, leaning close into Kirishimas personal space, "Y-Yeah, I hope you'll enjoy them," he smiled, running a hand through his hair. "HEY SHITTY HAIR, LETS GO WE AINT GOT ALL DAY!" Bakugou yelled out then realized Kirishima was talking to a girl.
"Hey Sheep Ass! What're you doing in here?! Don't be trying to pull anything dammit," Bakugou seethed, his teeth gritting together in annoyance of a new person.
"I was just wishing you guys luck," Aki began to ring her hands nervously, "Well we don't need luck! We'll kick ass either way dammit!" Bakugou exclaimed, getting in her face. Aki decided he needed to calm down and quit yelling.
Ramming her head into his stomach, Bakugou lurched forward coughing as he fell to the ground holding his stomach,"Damn Ram Bitch. What the fuck was that for," he gasped, rolling around on the floor in pain. "I didn't appreciate you being in my face," she calmly spoke, turning to Kirishima again who looked at her in awe at her strength.
"I'll leave you to it, you'll do amazing," her lips pressed to his cheek again, although this time they grazed the corner of his mouth slightly. Giggling she turned and left the room.
Silence ticked by for a second before Kirishima belted out, "GUYS THIS HAS TO BE AMAZING, TOP NOTCH MANLY," He hardened up without knowing, the others in the class around him sweat dropping at the sudden mood change.
As the curtains opened and a deafening explosion happened, Aki smiled as Jirou started her song, the dancers and musicians knocking it out of the ball park all at once.
The beat had Aki dancing in place, Togata laughing at her as Eri watched in surprise of Midoroiya dancing, well at least until he went off stage for some reason. "He left," "He'll be back, let's keep watching," Togata assured her, the music still blaring into their ears.
The song kept continuing to grow in progress when all of a sudden a lot of special effects went off, Uraraka swinging out to the crowd and lifting some audience members off the ground, one of them being Aki who laughed and brought Eri with her who couldn't hold it in any longer, throwing her arms out and laughing, a giant smile on her face. Aki and Togata had tears in their eyes as they smiled, knowing this young girl had finally broken free from her shackles of a pervious life. Aki hugged her tight before spinning in a circle with her, both girls laughing together in glee as Togata cheered them on. The song came to an end as the audience screamed and cheered, Aki and Eri now holding onto Togata as the three of them embraced in a hug. Eri had finally smiled and it made the two older ones warm with happiness.
As the gym filled out, the three met up with Midoriya on his way back in, Togata congratulating him on a job well done. "It was so crazy! First there was a loud sound and it was scary, but then everyone started jumping, even Aki was dancing and then Deku you went away for a little bit. But then there was a spinning guy and it started to get cold and I saw a lot of birds and people went "Wow" and you know what I said? Wow too!" Eri rambled on, her arms being thrown everywhere in excitement as Togata and Aki copied her from her side. "It was so much fun! Especially when Aki flew in the air with me and we danced," Eri stopped when she noticed Midioriya getting tears in his eyes, "I'm so glad you had fun Eri," this caused Eri to smile wide at him, Aki not able to hold it in anymore and swooped her up, spinning in circles as both girls laughed together. The boys looking on with their own smiles.
Heading outside, they met up with some of the boys that were melting the ice. "Ah dang this ice is too big, hey Bakugou can you-" "Kick Force!" A voice cut off Kaminari as a blur of red jumped in the air and came down on the giant block of ice, breaking it into little pieces. "Whoa!" Peoole passing by stopped and stared, Aki standing up and fixing her glasses. "Is this okay?" She asked, tilting her head with a smile.
"Hey its Ram-Ram!" "I didn't know she'd be here!" "She's so cute!" Voices came from behind her, causing her to turn over her shoulder and smile at the students and give a wave causing them all to flush red from the adorableness.
"Hey Aki! How'd you like the show?" Kirishima asked, hands on his hips, but he quickly put them put to catch Aki who jumped at him, landing in his arms as hers went around his neck that was turning red, "It was so amazing! The lighting, the music, the dancing, it was so beautiful! The affects were so awesome too! It was a rush of adrenaline for sure," Aki couldn't help but gush over the performance, Kirishima grinning and twirled her around, cheeks still flushed, "THAT'S GREAT! I'm so glad you guys enjoyed it! I did happen to catch you dancing a few moves too," he winked, catching her off guard but she laughed and nodded, finally getting set back in the ground.
Togata watched for a second before smirking, "You know we still have about two hours or so before the pagent, why don't you show Aki the rest of the festival Kirishima!" Aki and Kirishima turned bright red, but both agreed to it as the rest of the class came out to begin their own sight seeing if the festival too. Kirishima grabbed Aki's hand and began to drag her out of sight, she looked back over her shoulder to see Togata and Eri waving to her, both smiling as she disappeared from sight.
Both red heads walked around, looking at all the different food vendors and games, before coming upon the High Striker game, where you bring the hammer down to ring the bell and win a prize. They went to walk past it before Aki noticed fluffy Ram and Shark plushies. Kirishima looked to her and then the prizes before waking up to the student running it. "Hey dude! What do you have to do to win those two?" Pointing to the plushies Aki was eyeing. "You've gotta ring the high bell, you only get one try though," the student informed, gesturing to the tallest one they had which looked to be about fifty feet high. Kirishima grabbed the hammer, Aki stopping him momentarily, "You don't have to do that Kiri-Kun" she informed, but he shook his head, "It wouldn't be very manly of me to not win a pretty girl the plushies she wants, so just sit back and watch," he grinned at her before turning his attention to the game in front of him. He hardened his body as he swung the hammer up and brought it down full force, the little rod shooting straight up and knocking into the bell, denting it but ringing it nonetheless.
Aki cheered in amazement as Kirishima was handed the two plushies, the student behind the counter complaining to himself about needing a new bell now. Aki was handed both but then looked to Kirishima and handed him back the Ram one. "Seems only fair you get one too, right," she giggled, Kirishima smiling and nodding, taking Aki's free hand into his again as they continued down the path. Both could agree that this was probably the best day ever.
Standing at the gate to see the three off, Aki and Kirishima stared at each other for a minute before smiling softly to one another. "I'm glad you could join us, maybe you can come back another time?" Kirishima asked, hopeful he'd get to see her again, preferably outside of Work Studies and School. "Mmm, I don't know. I have my assignments and taking care of Eri too," Aki admitted, her purple eyes staring into his Ruby red eyes that were full of hope.
"Actually, I guess it's alright to tell you that you'll be seeing everyone alot more. We're planning on moving Eri into the dorms here, to keep a better eye on her and her progress with her quirk. Of course, her care taker is gonna have to be with her," Aizawas voice cut in, making both teens turn toward him in shock before turning back to each other.
Kirishima whooped and picked up Aki, spinning her around as they both laughed, setting her back in the ground, he blurted out, "Would you like to go out sometime?!" He realized what he said and burned red, but kept his eyes trained on her shocked face but she soon smiled shyly and nodded, "I'd love to, maybe you can show me a nice Cafe around here?" She asked, Kirishima nodding as he took out his phone to get her number so they can plan it for the day she comes back.
Aizawa and Togata watched the two as Midoriya and Eri said goodbye a little ways to the side, "I'm gonna regret this aren't I," Aizawa sighed, feeling the need to go to bed after such a long day, "Awe come on Eraser Head, it's cute," Aizawa merely shook his head, turning to walk off, "Some School Festival this turned out be," Togata only laughed and called out, "I'm pretty sure you mean Love Festival!"
Hiiiii. Hope you enjoyed it. Let me know your thoughts! I know some people don't like OCs that much but I thought I'd give it a try.
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murderousginger · 4 years
Temporary Bliss
John Shelby x reader x Finn Shelby
Word count: 4,330
Warnings: Angst. Yearning. Smutty things. They're criminals guys, they do bad things.
Note: So this took some time and might be a bit rough, but we all need a distraction right now. I hope you all enjoy!
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(gif by @bonniebirddoesgifs​ )
Every day, John thought, Like fucking clockwork.
Finn was outside his office, like a lovestruck idiot, making moon eyes over his secretary. Five minutes before end of day. Every. Day.
It started cute enough. Finn ran past her one afternoon to give John a message from Tommy. He was so wrapped up in getting the message to John that he didn't even notice the girl that he pushed past in John's doorway. That was, until, Finn was knocked off balance from her hands on his collar as she dragged him out of the office. He was taller than she was, which only made it easier for her to move him.
"Excuse me," she had said, face red as she glared up at the youngest Shelby, "I don't believe you have an appointment and you are supposed to see me before you interrupt Mr. Shelby."
"(Y/N)," John said, hiding his smile with his hand before he pointed to the scoffing boy in her grip. "I see you haven't met Finn, my youngest brother."
She immediately loosened her grip on his shirt with a gasp, her eyes dropped to the floor as a waterfall of apologies left her lips like prayers.
"It's okay," John said laughing. "We don't think much of him, either. What do you want, Finn?"
Finn scoffed at his brother as he smoothed out his suit and walked back into the office, closing the door loudly behind him.
John watched through the frosted glass as (Y/N) settled back into her seat at the desk in front of his office before he stood up and met Finn's waiting eyes.
"Well," Finn said, "what's your response?"
John tilted his head.
"To what?"
"To what I just told you," Finn exhaled, hitting his thighs with his hands. "The message."
"The message," John said as he cleared his throat. "Right, well tell me again while I gather a good answer."
Finn groaned.
When Finn left, he had stopped by (Y/N)'s desk to tell her that it was okay, he wouldn't take it to heart, that it was a misunderstanding. But his breath caught as he looked down at her wide eyes looking up at him. He stammered his words as she gave him a smile, politely nodding to encourage him to finish his sentence.
It was all over at that moment, John thought, the idiot fell in puppy love.
Honestly, that was the day John looked at her differently, too. She had always been a good secretary, but her courage to pull a man out of his office made him want to know more about her. He started to notice more, pulling himself out of his head to acknowledge her. For a 20 year old, seven years his junior --far closer to Finn's tender age of 18 than his own-- she had a good head on her shoulders.
She was always nice to the other women, even the gossips and the complainers, and always encouraging on busy days. She did her work and went home. She was always respectful when someone stepped out of line but she had no hesitation in correcting what she thought was wrong. John started finding himself watching her from his office on slow afternoons.
I wonder what she's like when she finally relaxes, he thought. I'd like to be the one that knows. That gets to make her smile.
Finn must have had the same idea, because only a few weeks after their first encounter he started showing up at the office more. He would make small talk, leaning on her desk, bringing her little presents like wildflowers from the ditch or a treat from the bakery. Visit by visit she became friendlier, more animated, relaxed.
The first laugh was music to John's ears. It rang through the empty room after work only to be stifled by her hand. Finn was smiling, leaning over her as he sat on her desk, and something warm knawed at John's stomach. Finn tucked a stray hair behind her ears. He locked eyes with his brother as Finn sat back up and he sheepishly smiled as John's eyebrow quirked.
"I should probably be off," Finn shrugged, looking back at (Y/N). "Let you go home for the day."
"You could walk me, if you'd like," (Y/N)'s voice said softly and John's blood ran cold in the other room. "But only if you'd like."
"Y-yeah," Finn sputtered, standing from her desk. "I'd like that."
After that, Finn walked her home every day. John was always the last one out of the office.
Months went on. Finn continued visiting, bringing her trinkets, walking her home. (Y/N) got more and more comfortable with her position in the company and even began to relax around John. She often stayed late with John to finish counting the books or organize after a particularly busy day.
John found her presence comforting. He started to sit at the table near the safe with his paperwork after hours so that they could talk while the work was being done.
"Exciting plans this weekend, doll?" He asked one Thursday evening after a particularly busy day.
She smiled brightly as she counted a stack of money.
"Actually, yes," (Y/N) said as she scribbled into the book before picking up another stack. "Finn asked if I wanted to see the new Chaplin movie."
John's heart sank as his head shot up. He gave her a weak smile.
"You like Chaplin, eh?"
She nodded excitedly.
"I never really go to the pictures, so it's nice to be able to go."
"A girl like you should have suitors lining up to take you anywhere you'd like," John said as he looked back down to his paperwork. "My idiot brother should be the least of your choices."
"Finn's sweet."
"That what you're looking for?" John asked as he dropped his pen.
(Y/N)'s face is pinched, a troubled look flashing between confusion and annoyance. She bit her lip, as if she had words that would tumble out of she did not hold them.
"Just a question," John sighed as he leaned back. "But not mine to ask. I'm sorry."
"You know what I think?" She said, scrambling to her feet. "Tea. I think we both need a spot of tea. Yes."
She was gone in a blink, off to the kitchens to boil the water. John groaned and pressed his face into his hand a moment, exhaling out the frustration. He tried to read the papers again, but couldn't get past the first few lines.
"Idiot, John, idiot," he mumbled. "Finn's not the only Shelby without a fucking clue."
"He's not," she said as she brought in a cup of tea, setting it beside him.
John flushed as he looked up at her sheepishly.
"Thanks, doll," he said, briefly smiling at her before burying his head back into the stack of paperwork.
She smiled thinly, walking to the door but paused in the frame to look back at him.
"My name's not doll, Mr. Shelby."
John's head snapped up and he frowned as he studied his secretary in the doorway.
"I know your name, (Y/N)," he said, his pen falling from his hand. "Just like I know your last name. Just like I know your family. Just like I know your address."
She froze, and his frown deepened, realizing how that must sound.
"I'm your boss," he smiled as he said in a lighter tone. His eyes softened. "I also know that when the room goes to chaos, you run over and make all the girls a spot of tea, to calm everyone's nerves. Earl Grey, I believe. Probably what I have here beside me, too."
She relaxed as his finger swirled the top of the steaming cup.
"I don't call you doll because I don't know your name," John pressed quietly, tucking the words into the silence like you tuck the edges of a bed cover. "I call you doll because you look it. You're angelic, even in this 'shit lighting' you girls like to complain about."
"And I've told you before," he said, picking up the cup and pausing it against his lips. "Call me John."
Her mouth clamped down and she studied the man in front of her drinking tea before she smiled softly.
"Yes, John."
When your birthday came the next week, you gasped when you found a box on your desk when you sat down for the day. The small white box was wrapped in a red velvet ribbon and tucked in front of her typewriter. You touched the ribbon, feeling the plush fabric as you carefully pulled on it. You lifted the too to find a white note.
Happy birthday, (Y/N).
You deserve a little sparkle after all the hard work you've put in lately.
Under the note was a sliver of the moon woven into a gorgeous band that felt cool against your fingers as it glistened. It was the most gorgeous silver bracelet you had ever seen.
You appeared in his doorway and closed the door before you could even think straight.
"I can accept this, John," you said as you set the box on his desk.
"Why not?" He frowned as he reached for it. "It's your birthday."
"It's far too much," you said. "I'm just a secretary. This isn't proper."
John's eyes widened as he scoffed.
"There's no attachments," he said. "I'm not asking for anything. I just wanted to give you something nice for your birthday. You've worked so hard around here, a card didn't feel enough." He paused, moving the box in his hand. "And maybe there's an apology wrapped in it as well."
"An apology?"
"The other night I was a git," he said as he scratched his neck. "None of my business who or why you run around with anyone. Not my place. Now come 'round so I can put this on your wrist. I'm not taking it back."
You came around his desk as he opened the box, the chain looking so delicate in his large hands. Feelings bubbled inside and you giggled as he fumbled with the clasp.
"Thank you, John," you said softly as he clasped it around your wrist.
"Pretty bracelet for a pretty girl," he rumbled, smiling at you as you hand lingered in his. He cleared his throat. "Right. Well, work calls. Best go back before the chickens gossip."
He patted your hand before you stepped back, and he smiled at your wrist as you rotated it to watch the bracelet gleam in the light.
"Right, work," you said slowly, watching his eyes follow your wrist as you moved. "Do you need anything while I'm here, John?"
His attention snapped to your face as you said his name and he gave you a lopsided smile that gave you butterflies.
"No, thank you," he said. "Happy birthday again, (Y/N)."
"Thank you, John."
Days went by and you found yourself wearing the bracelet every day. Smiling at it when it caught your eye, even when you were in Finn's company.
One Monday morning, John didn't show up for work. Finn told you that his older brothers were in London, drinking and fucking under the guise of expansion. The answer itched under your skin, but you chalked it up to having to take John's place to keep the girls in the office moving. When he came back, you had no hesitation to visit his office.
"No one's seen you in days," you said as you crossed your arms and eyed him carefully from the doorway.
It has been nearly a week and you had to keep the girls in line as well as the bookies during a huge race while your boss, whose job it was, was off doing who knows what. Or who, the annoying little voice in your head chipped in. The whole thing made you feel tired and agitated. And now he's back, on a Friday evening no less, like nothing ever happened.
"Business in London," John said gruffly as he sat down at his desk to the mountain of paperwork waiting for him. "Tom called it a vacation, but there wasn't no free time. All business."
John sighed as he reached for a pen.
"And there's enough papers to go through I aughta be here half the night."
"Any," you said, smiling softly. So no girls.
"Wasn't any free time. Welcome back, John."
John looked up from his paperwork perplexed until his pursed lips slid into a small smile.
"Thank you, (Y/N)," he said as you kicked off the door and sat back at your desk to finish your work.
"Thought I was doll," you called just loud enough for it to carry into his room. You hoped he could hear the smile in your voice.
"You are," he laughed.
An hour or so later you had finished gathering the information from the last race's earnings and stacked the papers to take to John. You tapped on his door frame and walked in without hesitation.
John jolted in his seat and sat up, a guilty look across his face as if he was caught passing notes in class.
"Papers from the last race you missed," you said, tossing them on top of his pile.
John shuffled in his seat, both hands under his desk. You frowned. His hands reappeared and started shuffling the papers, his eyes not meeting yours. You looked down his pinstripe jacket before you realized why he would look guilty and your eyes snapped back up when you saw his trousers undone.
You turned around to walk to the door. You stopped there, a hand on the frame as you looked over your shoulder.
"You know quite a few girls fawn over you," you said. "You could have any of them, really. I don't think I've seen you with a girl in some time. You look" you paused. "Stressed."
John frowned as he looked up from his desk.
"I don't want a razor chaser," he said. "Those girls will blind a Blinder fast. They want the snow and the money but they never think of the violence as more than a thrill."
"Only want those that don't want you?" You smiled, watching closely for any response. A glimmer.
John chuckled before he looked back down to the papers.
"Something like that," he murmured.
Monday afternoon, you were at your desk when Tommy --Mr. Shelby-- stormed past you, cigarette burning between his fingers. The door slammed behind him and you could hear pacing in the room behind you.
"Right, John, you're to lead the Italian meeting in my stead," Tommy's muddled voice said, already moving toward the door. The door jiggled.
"Me? But what--"
"I don't want to hear it," Tommy interrupted, walking through the door before pointing behind him at John. "Just make it happen. This company is growing rapidly. Remind me why you should keep your position."
Tommy walked out with a curt nod at you. Conversation over.
You heard papers scatter as Tommy left and immediately stood up and walked into his office to find John pacing behind his desk. You flinched as he grabbed his chair and threw it into a corner, his hands flying to his head as he growled in frustration. You quickly closed the door behind you.
"John?" Your voice wavered.
He stopped in his tracks and looked up, his wild eyes looked over you before he closed them and took a deep breath.
"Yes, (Y/N)," he said tiredly. "What do you want?"
"It's a slow day today," you said as you looked him over, his hands shaking as he fought to stay still, calm, under your gaze. "The girls were hoping to leave early. Make up the hours when we're slammed later this week."
"Yes," John sighed. "Send them home. Thank you, (Y/N). Now if you could kindly go home yourself, I can properly go 'round the bend in peace."
He started pacing again, but you didn't move to leave.
"John?" You were quiet, and yet it was deafening even as he stomped and growled. You could tell your presence set him on edge, but wasn't entirely sure why. You had started to feel safe around him, joking and talking to each other in after hours. You had thought you were friendly with each other, but his demeanor was tense, agitated.
"Is there something wrong?"
You stepped forward and he stopped again, rubbing his eyes in his hand.
"Yes," he said, agitation spilling over like bubbles over a boiling kettle. "Yes there's quite a bit wrong. I've got to lead a meeting with the fucking Italians and I've already been on edge, fucking chomping at the bit for weeks. Between the kids and work I've not had a bloody minute alone."
"Can I help?"
John barked a laugh before he could stop himself.
"Not unless you can dress up as me and talk to the bloody Italians," he said bitterly. "Or you're ready to wank off your boss so his head's on straight again."
His head shot up, eyes wide as he took a step around his desk, his hand outstretched.
"I didn't mean that," he said quickly. "Christ, I'm going bloody crazy."
John started pacing again, a wild animal in a cage. The floor under his feet would wear if he kept going. The boards would creak, give way until he was pacing himself into the ground.
"It's fine," you said quietly. "I'll send the girls home."
You stepped out, keeping John closed in his office to pace as you sent everyone home. Your head was racing with his words. They had been carelessly tossed out without a thought only to be reeled back in, back to the boss you had come to know. They had shocked you. But also intrigued you, you thought. Did he mean it?
After telling the girls the good news, you sat back at your desk for a moment and finished a page of type. As they all filed out and said their goodbyes, you gathered your things but left them on your seat as you went back to John's door.
He stopped in mid pace in the middle of his room as you opened the door. He sighed, as his palms pressed into his eyes. As if to press his brains back in to his head before he did anything stupid.
"I'm fine, really," he said pressing his palms deeper into his eyes. "You can go home."
"I want to help."
John looked at you standing in the doorway. You bit your lip as you watched him watch you. The heat from his hungry eyes made your heart flutter.
"Do I have to say it again?" You asked, your voice stronger than you expected it to be. The longer he stared the more uncertain you felt. You looked down for a moment.
John's lips collided into your own as his hand raked into your hair and his hips pressed you into the door. He was hungry, needy, wild. He licked your lip and deepened the kiss. You jolted back to earth as his bit your lip a little too hard. You gasped as you pulled back and his moan was ripped out of your mouth. His hazy blue eyes sharpened as he cupped your face.
"Shit, sorry, doll," he said as he pecked your lips. "You taste so sweet. I got carried away."
You squeezed his forearm and pulled him closer to you again, your skin begging for his touch.
"Kiss me again," you said, watching his eyes light up and an easy smile spread across his face.
He did, and this time he didn't bite you. His hands wandered your frame, expertly memorizing every inch as his kisses made you forget everything but his blue eyes. He lightly tugged on your hair and kissed down your neck, illiciting a moan as he found the spot that made you see stars.
"I could listen to that sound forever," he chuckled into your neck before nipping at the same spot.
You pressed yourself to him as you loosened his tie and pulled his shirt from his trousers.
"Aren't I supposed to be relaxing you?" You laughed before you felt his hand push your skirts up to grab at your thighs.
"Multitasking," he said into your ear and pushed his knee between your legs.
You writhed as he pressed you into the door and you felt the friction he caused at your core. You grabbed his chin and pulled him back to your lips for a kiss as you grinded against his leg without a thought. The pleasure had you. He felt entirely too good against you, and you could not bear to be separated.
"You like grinding, eh?" He chuckled as you gasped when he moved his leg with you and you flushed.
He pulled you from the door, leading you to his desk to sit on top of all the papers. John cupped your face and kissed you so hard you saw stars. You followed as he pulled away, half lidded as he pushed you back onto the desk as he pulled his chair from the corner he had thrown it in.
"Stockings come off, love, before I rip them," he said, setting the chair back in front of you.
"Then rip them," you said lowly as you kicked your heels under his desk and propped a foot on the chair.
"Right," he smiled wolfishly as he sat down between your legs and slipped his hand on your calf and into your skirts. "Come 'ere."
You lifted yourself off the desk for a moment so he could pull your stockings over your ass. John tore them off of you without hesitation and tossed them aside as he ran his rough hands along your legs and up your skirt, pulling you off of the desk and straddling his knee. You purred into his ear.
"Your hands feel so good, John," you rasped. "How do I make you feel good?"
You had no thoughts, no cares, you only wanted more. The world, the room you were in, everything but this feeling and him were static to be ignored. You were lost in lust and couldn't pull yourself out, only through.
You grinded into him and whined as you pulled back to look him in the eye. His eyes were heavy and he cupped your cheek as he pulled you into a kiss.
"Did I need this or do you, doll?" He exhaled a smile as he rested his forehead on yours. "I'm not the only one pent up. Someone hasn't been taking care of you, have they?"
You growled and pressed yourself against him.
"Can you shut up for once in your life?" You gritted your teeth.
"I want to hear it from your lips, doll," he said as he teased you, just out of your reach.
"I want it," you whispered as you rubbed him through his slacks. "I want it. I want it. I want it."
Completely spent, John buried his head in her hair for a moment before standing up and fastening his trousers.
"I still have that meeting soon," John said, holding his hand out to help her sit up on the desk. "But after. After I tuck the children in," he kissed her hand, the bracelet catching his eye and causing him to smile. "I want to see you with nothing on but that bracelet. I'm not done. Come over tonight."
She smiled weakly, and he frowned and kissed her hand again. His mind was clear, the fog of cum spent between her legs. The clarity sent warning bells through his brain as he watched her face tighten, her smile artificial and cracking near the corners.
"Or yours," he amended and watched her expression stay the same. "Less chances of interruptions."
He frowned deeper and let go of her hand.
"Did I do something wrong? You're still shaking like a leaf, you can't tell me you didn't--"
"Oy, (Y/N)? John?" Finn's voice echoed outside his office. "Hello?"
John and (Y/N) both froze for a moment as they locked eyes. She gave him a pleading look as she stood up and smoothed her dress back down, slipping her heels back on with effort. John tucked his shirt back in and straightened his tie as she walked to the door and opened it.
"Hey Finn," she smiled weakly, opening the door wide as he strode in. "John was just going over last minute reports before we leave."
"I caught the other ladies down the street," Finn said and eyed his brother. "You're entirely unfair keeping (Y/N) while the rest are allowed to run off for the day. She works so hard for you already, you should appreciate her more."
"I suggested it," (Y/N) cut in as John frowned and opened his mouth. "To get a leg up for tomorrow. But we're done here, so I really should head home. John, good luck with your meeting. I hope I helped."
John nodded and cleared his throat, his brain growing dark. Is she really pretending like I didn't just take her over my desk, he thought. Surely she's just saving his feelings.
"Right, right," he said as he shoved his hands in his pockets. "Have a nice evening, (Y/N)."
"Can I walk you home?" Finn smiled at her as he asked. "Maybe take you to an early dinner?"
John's jaw set as she gave him one last pleading glance before smiling and nodding to Finn, nestling her arm in his.
"I'd love that," she said, her voice shaky as she looked back to John. "I'll see you tomorrow, Mr. Shelby."
John's heart dropped as Finn led her out of his office. He sank into his chair and settled his face into his hands.
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erzaguin · 3 years
Huntmira Week 2021 Day 1: First Meeting 
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Ed is out on his big date, Amity is locked in her room freaking out about Luz, and I’m spending my first time on my own at the library. That's kinda depressing. I decided I wanted to go out but didn’t know where to go. Before I knew it I was at the front steps of the library. I guess this is what I get when the only places I really go to are home, school, and the library thanks to Amity.
Well maybe it won’t be so bad. I can take this time to walk around and explore a bit. Whenever Ed and I come here nobody ever pays that much attention to us. It’s kind of nice that everyone is in their own world so they don’t see anything beyond the book they are reading. I guess this is why Amitty likes this place so much. It’s free of the pressures of being a Blight. I never really gave it much thought but this is probably one of the few places where I feel I can be myself without any pressures.
I must have spaced out a bit there. I don’t recognize this part of the library. Not that I know the library like the back of my hand or anything but still. It looks older than the rest of the library and there’s nobody here. It’s also somehow darker than the rest of the library and also dustier. I guess not many people come to this section. It's actually kinda nice if you don't mind the dust. There's nobody around and the lighting is actually soothing. Maybe a bit too soothing. What's that noise is someone snoring? 
I followed the noise to an opening with several empty tables with the exception of one. This table had several stacks of books that almost looked like a child's fort. It was also the source of the noise. As I got closer I saw that the source of the noise was a sleeping boy. He looks to be about my age. Yet the bags under his eyes and the scars on his face and arms almost make him look older. He must have a pretty hard life?  I took a seat next to him, careful not to wake him and studied his features. 
His ashy blond hair is actually well combed. I wonder how he got those scars. His clothes are of really good material so he must be from a wealthy family. I continued to watch him sleep while trying to figure out what his story was. Hmm, is that a mask? I must have dozed off because when I came to I was in the middle of a book avalanche. 
Oh no I fell asleep again he said startled at the realization that he had unintentionally taken a break. How do you want to prove your worth when you can’t even stay awake while doing research? *sigh* It’s not like it matters. I didn’t find anything useful today. The number of missions I've been on lately have started to wear me out. I can barely make out the words in these books with how tired my eyes are. My tiredness is just a sign that I need to do better. That's right, I have to be better for him. 
That's why I started coming to the library to do research on wild magic in the first place. I want to help Emperor Belos. It's a slow process but I have learned a lot. I know that somewhere within one of these books I'll be able to find a way to help him. Although falling asleep during my research time won't do any good. At the very least I managed to get some sleep in so maybe now I’ll be able to focus  … *chu*
Huh? What was thaAAAAHHH! Exclaimed Hunter as he jumped up after noticing the girl sitting next to him. His outburst caused the towers of books on the table to come tumbling down on the sleeping girl.
First Meeting 
"Ouch that hurt. What are you doing? Why are you yelling?" Muttered Emira as she nursed her head which had been bombarded by books.  
"What? Me?! You! Why are you here? What were you doing?!" Stammered Hunter as he tried to make sence of the situation.
"Isn’t it obvious? I was taking a nap before I was  so rudely interrupted." Said Emira cooly as she dug herself out of the mountain of books. 
"S..orry you surprised me. There's never other people in this section of the library." answered Hunter in a more composed tone as he offered his hand. "Plus people don’t normally take naps with strangers."  
"I know but you looked so peaceful sleeping that I just had to join you" responded Emira as she took his hand. 
"...Right?..."realization filled his face as he gazed up at the golden eyed emerald haired girl. "I know you, you're the eldest Blight daughter right?"
"That’s interesting because I don’t know you. Are you one of my secret admirers?" Teased Emira.
"What?!" Retorted Hunter in taken aback by her coment. "No,... everyone knows who the Blights are."
"That's a compelling argument..." said Emira as she got a bit closer to the boy meeting his gaze. "...but why are you still holding my hand then?" Jested Emira with a sly smile. 
Hunter quickly pulled his hand away and turned so the girl wouldn't see his blushing face although his crimson ears gave him away. “I think you should go.” stuttered Hunter, still not wanting to make eye contact. Something about the way she looked at him made him very nervous.
“Oh don’t be like that, I was just teasing. Besides, it looks like you could use some company plus I could be of some help with whatever you're doing” she said as she started rummaging through the books that were still on the table. 
Hunter turned to look at her wearily. “I don't need any company, I'm fine on my own. Besides, why would a Blight want to help me?" 
Without looking up from what she was doing she simply stated “ First of all I have a name, it's Emira and secondly I have nothing better to do and I’m curious about you?” 
 "What do you mean?" Responded hunter with his own curiosity starting to peak.
"For starters your appearance, the clothes you are wearing make it obvious that you are from a wealthy house and yet I have never seen you before. You seem to be around my age but you're definitely not a student at Hexside. So tell me, who are you?" she said while staring intently at him. 
Hunter was taken aback by her sudden bluntness and a bit impressed by her observation  skills but he would not let on. "Who says that I am not a servant? Or that I stole these clothes? And what makes you so sure I’m not a student at Hexide? Maybe we’ve just never met?
"Oh you’re definitely from a wealthy house,'' she stated matter of factly. “You could be wearing rags and it would still be obvious. And as you so blatantly pointed out I am a Blight it is our business to know everyone who could be a potential ally or competitor. If you went to Hexide I would know it. Don’t worry though I won’t pry on who your family is but do you have a name I could call you?” 
The boy paused for a moment trying to take in the situation he was in before finally saying “ My name is Hunter” 
“Well Hunter it’s a pleasure to meet you, '' she said as she stretched out her hand. Hunter looked at it before taking it hesently remembering her earlier jest on his behalf. “It's a pleasure to meet you to . . . Emira'' he stammered trying not to make eye contact. Emira gave him a mischievous grin before moving closer to him “This feels like the start of a beautiful friendship don’t you think?” 
Hunter instinctively tried moving away from her. Her gaze was still unsettling to him and although he wouldn't admit it, something about this girl scared him. 
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ssamie · 3 years
eight. “nakahara chuuya”
kozume kenma x fem dazai!reader
(bsd x hq)
tw: mentions of suicide and mild violence
masterlist.         suicide freak!
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instead of eating out with the team, her lovely afternoon turned into a not-a-date-but-kinda with chuuya 
"yaknow, chuuya.. you haven't changed at all" she commented. she twirled her straw around the glass of her milkshake as she briefly glanced at chuuya from across her 
"hah?! what's that supposed to mean??" chuuya exclaimed angrily 
"i've always wondered about this" she hummed "but where do you get your embarrassing hats?" she asked 
chuuya clicked his tounge as he angrily sipped on his milkshake. "say what you want, vogabond" he said 
"i bet you're still going on and on about suicide despite your age, aren't ya?" chuuya sneered 
"yeah" she nodded 
he sighed and leaned back on his chair. "atleast pretend to deny that" he said 
she sighed and leaned back as well. "what are we doing here, chuuya?" she asked with a huff  "im guessing it's not a date. well, unless it is, then-" 
"shut up! it's a not a goddamn date!" chuuya snapped 
she chuckled and threw her hands up in mock surrender. "chill out, chuuya" she cooed  "and not like i'd care anyways." she muttered "im still chasing after a certain pudding head so i'd rather this be a little reunion, if anything." 
chuuya's scowl softened at her words. his brows nit together as he blinked dumbfoundedly at her. 
"you love someone?" he asked, uncharacteristically quiet. 
"i wouldn't say love" she shrugged "more like close friends, im currently convincing him to commit a double suicide with me" 
"oh." chuuya mumbled 
she rested her elbows on the table and placed her chin on her hands. "why did you find me, chuuya." she asked, but with her tone it was more of a demand for the answer 
chuuya didn't reply but simply crossed his legs over the other. he chuckled lowly and leaned in closer to her face. "im here to take you down." he whispered "you and your agency may have fooled and escaped from akutagawa, but not me." 
chuuya grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her head closer, so that their noses were touching. 
"im your old partner, after all" he smirked 
"indeed you are" she smirked back 
chuuya grinned, mischief in his eyes as he roughly pulled her head back and tilting it to the left. he then leaned in and whispered something in her ear. 
"what the fuck?" kenma muttered in disbelief 
"old partner?" kuroo muttered in confusion 
a few of the boys, specifically kenma, kuroo, yaku, lev, and yamamoto, were hiding at the other side of the cafe. they were seated by the farthest booth covered by a huge plant, trying to spy on the two. thanks to chuuya's loud voice, they were able to hear bits of the conversation. 
"maybe they were lovers?" lev suggested with an innocent smile on his face 
"who even is he?" yamamoto asked in a whisper 
"well, he could be an ex boyfriend or a friend, we wouldn't really know" yaku said with a sigh 
"he has a point" kuroo sighed "we don't really know anything about her, if you think about it" 
"we don't know what she was doing or who she was with before this" 
"whatever, just shh!" yamamoto shushed him 
"ah! i think he looked at me for a quick second" lev shuddered nervously 
"what?? he saw you??" yaku asked frantically "that's because your head is almost touching the fucking ceiling! get down!" 
"he's looking this way!" yamamoto whisper shouted 
"shut up, yamamoto! you're too obvious!" 
chuuya grumbled as he met eyes with the boys. he briefly glared at them before averting his eyes back to the girl. "those brats are watching us. tch" he said 
"i know" she shrugged nonchalantly. "though, i would advise you not to hurt them" she chuckled
chuuya smirked and stared her down tauntingly. 
"or what?" 
"i'll kill you." 
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"ah, i see.." she hummed "you led me here to fight, is that it?" she looked around the deserted alleyway he brought them to. 
chuuya clicked his tounge and nodded in response. 
"well, i appreciate it" she chuckled "i wouldn't want kenma to see such violence" 
"stop babbling about that kenma and fight me!" chuuya scowled as he ran towards her, throwing punches which she dodged. just as he was about to hit her, she grabbed his arm and punched him in the stomach, making him cough out his saliva. 
"you call that a punch?!" he exclaimed as he swung his fist straight to her stomach, sending her back until she hit the wall. 
"it doesn't even count as a massage." chuuya sneered "get up." he scoffed
she sighed and lifted herself up from the ground, stretching her arm and wincing in slight pain. "geez, i thought my blocking arm would get torn off" she said with a soft chuckle 
"she predicted my moves.." chuuya whispered to himself 
"we've known each other for a long time, chuuya. i know everything about you, your moves, your pacing." she said 
"i wouldn't have been a proper partner if not, right?" she said with a teasing smile
"tch" chuuya scowled and threw a punch at her again. 
she groaned in pain as his fist made contact with her cheek. "why are you so weak?" chuuya asked. just before she could fall back, he caught her by the neck, pushing her back against the wall and squeezing hard on her throat. 
"the y/n i know would never be cornered down this fast, this easily." he narrowed his eyes in suspicion. "what're you plotting in that head of yours" 
she didn't answer but simply smirked as his grip on her throat tightened. 
"answer me or i'll kill you!" chuuya exclaimed "right here, right now!"
"no you won't." she stated with a carefree smile "after all, i am a former mafia executive. and a current traitor, as you all see me." she chuckled "my execution for those reasons would be the council's desicion"
she smirked as chuuya's expression morphed into one of conflict and distress 
"if you do kill me before that decision without permission, your act will be considered as betrayal" she said "you'll be punished, or worse, executed" she cooed 
"and if i overlook all of those and kill you, you'll still be happy since you still managed to die." he scowled 
she smiled and waved her hand about. "yeah, so go ahead. cmon!" 
chuuya scoffed as she simply continued to pester him. 
"coommmee ooonnnnn~" 
chuuya didn't answer but simply stabbed a dagger straight to the wall beside her head. the blade managed to graze her cheek, letting a lone drop of blood travel down her skin up to the bandages on her neck. 
she chuckled as she watched him stomp off in irritation. "oh, you're not going to?" 
"chuuya driven out of the organization because of me had a nice ring to it too" she laughed 
"shut up." he scowled 
she plucked the blade out of the concrete wall and waved it around with a teasing look on her face.  "well then, aren't you gonna walk me back like a proper gentleman? ~" she cooed 
"like hell i will!" he snapped back. he sighed and turned back around, continuing to make his way out of the deserted alleyway. 
"just shut your mouth and get outta here, you ass" he said as he lazily waved his hand in goodbye. 
"i'll try to find a man or woman willing to kill themselves next time" he said 
in an instant, her eyes sparkled. she looked at his retreating figure with wide eyes and a look of delight. "chuuya!" she exclaimed  "i had no idea you were such a good person!" she said 
"that was my way of saying 'go to hell', idiot!" chuuya barked back 
"let me tell you this, y/n" he said "don't think this will be the end of it." 
"there will be no second chance!" he yelled 
she simply smiled fondly and shook her head "no, wrong!" she sneered "dont you think you're forgetting something?" she called out, making him stomp in anger 
"dont-you-think-youre-forgetting-something? ~" she sang out 
reluctantly, chuuya buckled his knees and pointed at her with a fake bashful look. "there will be no second chance!" he exclaimed in a higher pitched voice, imitating a girl. 
she didn't respond with the proper reply they agreed on, but simply looked at him with a blank smile. 
chuuya blinked back and repeated his words. 
"n-no second chance.. HEY YOU SHOULD BE LAUGHING!"
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"well, he didn't walk me back after all" she sighed to herself. she was currently making her way back to the agency since kunikida has been calling her nonstop. the megane has been whining about her missing work, while atsushi was simply begging her to come back to keep kunikida calm
on her way back, she passed a convenience store, which had an annoyingly huge amount of people bickering infront of it. 
"oya?" she mumbled 
"what's happening- eh?" she sweat dropped upon seeing yamamoto arguing with a man 
she looked around to meet eyes with kenma, who looked like he wanted to anywhere else but there. kuroo noticed her too and smirked at his friend. "your lady's here, kyanma" he teased 
kenma looked at her, a look of impatience and discomfort present in his face. 
"good evening, everyone!" she greeted loudly 
this caused all three of the nekoma boys, and three of the huge muscular men to look her way. 
"what seems to be the problem here?" she asked with a nonchalant grin 
"oi. walk away quietly before we give you some trouble, girl." the man arguing with yamamoto scowled 
she simply side eyed him before looking back at kenma. "ken-ken, whyre you out so late?" she asked with a smile "i thought you had a new game you wanted to play" 
"well.. they won't let us go." kenma answered quietly, pointing to the men with a frown
she faced the men with an exaggerated pout "why are you bastards causing my pudding trouble, hm?" she asked in a scolding tone 
"y/n-chan.. you shouldn't provoke them" kuroo said with a nervous smile 
"hah?! you tryna act tough, lil girl?" the men laughed "these scoundrels have been loitering in our spot." one man scowled "so we came to teach them a lesson." he grinned maniacly as he lifted the hem of his shirt, showing the gun inserted in his pocket. 
"good grief." she sighed "another angsty gang. this is getting old" she whined  "last time i checked, you didn't own this store so these boys are free to stay here whenever they want" she said 
"and carrying a gun without a liscense is a major offense." she pointed to his pocket. 
she then pushed kuroo, kenma and yamamoto away. "but since you're so hell bent. we'll spare you the trouble." 
"good riddance~" she cooed at the men 
she pushed the nekoma boys by their backs, urging them to walk faster while yamamoto looked back to flip them off. 
"oi oi oi,, not so fast" the men laughed. one of them tugged her back by her arm, laughing once he saw the bandages and the cuts she had on her face from her previous fight with chuuya. 
"a girl like you tryna act tough is laughable. but since you're here, you might as well play nice and be our little toy" 
she grimaced and pulled her arm back, sending them a dirty look. 
"after all, it's pay back for giving us all a headache." he said with a smirk 
"oi! get your filty hands off y/n-chan!" yamamoto exclaimed angrily 
she looked back at him and smiled in gratitude, though she simply tucked her hands in her pockets and ignored them. 
"im afraid i won't be agreeing to your request." she scoffed "we'll be leaving now" she announced as she grabbed yamamoto and pulled kuroo and kenma along 
"get back here, you bastards!" the most bulky man reached out, trying to grab one of them. 
unfortunately for him, the person he manged to grab was kenma. 
"h-hey!" kenma shrieked, trying to pull his arm back 
she stopped in her tracks and immediately ran back to his aid. she pulled his other arm back and shielded him with her body. "hands off." she said with a dark look in her eyes. 
"you little-" the man was cut off as a fist came contact with his face. 
a loud and unnerving cracking and popping of bones could be heard as her fist rammed on his face. 
"my, my.." she cooed, holding her hand up as she watched the man stumble back on the ground. "normally i'd say i'd hate for this to resort in violence.. "
"but that would be a lie" she chuckled 
kuroo, kenma, and yamamoto gulped as they watched the fight ensue. "y-y/n-chan, let's just leave." kuroo says nervously "the guys have guns" he warned 
"correction. one of them has a gun." she said 
the two remaining men laughed at her claim and pulled out guns of their own. "don't get so cocky, little girl" 
she simply ignored them and continued speaking to kuroo, as if it were a normal conversation. "those two blockheads don't have a single bullet in theirs." she said nonchalantly 
the two men gulped as they laughed nervously. 
"only an idiot would point a revolver at someone without a single presence of a bullet in them." she laughed 
"ah, sorry kuroo-san! another correction. none of them have a utile weapon in hand" she chuckled 
kuroo cocked his head in confusion. "then what about him.." he pointed to the man on the ground 
the poor fellow who had to take a gruesome hit was still on the ground, sporting a broken nose and a missing tooth. 
"you see, stuffing a gun in your pocket is pretty stupid!" she scoffed "stupid, stupid stupid!" she taunted. she stuck her tongue out at them and pulled on her eye, teasing them like a child. 
"it'd be easy for the other person to grab it." she said "that being said.." 
she showed them the gun, hanging on her finger by the trigger guard. she smirked and pointed it at the bruised man, ignoring the other two as her finger grazed the trigger. 
"now.. tell me, mister." she cooed "are you the leader of this gang?" she asked 
"y-yes." the man answered reluctantly 
surprisingly, she didn't pull the trigger on him, but simply smiled in delight. "i see!" she exclaimed with a smile "well then, since you're the top dog, i'd say you should tell your little puppies to run off and leave my friends alone!" 
before he could utter another word, she pulled the trigger. but she didn't shoot him of course! she refuses to expose her friends to such inhumane acts. 
"good! im glad to hear that!" she cheered happily, a stupid and giddy grin forming on her lips. 
she thew the gun in a nearby canal and stuffed her hands back in her pockets. "if i see you bothering anyone else again," she trailed off, her grin faltering as an aloof expression loomed her features 
"i'll punch you twice and shoot you five times." 
but as quickly as she it had disappeared, her smile once again came to light. "well then, it's getting late.. bye-bye!" she waved at them 
the men took this as a signal to run, which they did. 
the three nekoma boys looked at each other with a horrified and hesitant expression before looking back at her. 
"y/n..?" kenma called out 
she turned around, her aura softening as her (e/c) orbs clashed with his honey hued ones. 
"well then, let's head home?" she said to them 
"uh.. we were-" kuroo cut himself off by clearing his throat. "we were heading to the train station!" 
"perfect! should i walk you there?" she asked them "the agency is a few blocks down the station so it should be fine" 
"y-y/n-chan!" yamamoto exclaimed "hm?" she hummed back questioningly "marry me!" yamamoto exclaimed, his eyes wide with a pink hue coating his cheeks 
"sorry, yamamoto-kun" she cooed "but marriage is the farthest thing i have in mind at the moment" 
she glanced at kenma, who was too busy silently hissing and glaring at yamamoto to notice even her 
"i do, however, have our double suicide in mind, kenma-kun" she said. kenma stopped with his cat-like hissing and looked at her. "oh.. is that so.." 
"mhm. well then, you all should head back!" she said “but kenma, you should stay with me!" she proposed 
"why?" kenma sweatdropped 
"we could have loads of fun back in my place! you'll love that, won't you?" she asked excitedly. she hugged his arm close and rested her head on his shoulder, thus making walking a bit hard for them, but she didn't mind. 
"aww! we could share the bed, and have-" 
"oya oya~" kuroo cooed "am i hearing this correctly~" 
"y/n-chan!! marry me instead! I'd love to stay at your place!" yamamoto cried 
"ke-n-ma~ what do you say?" she cooed, blatantly ignoring yamamoto. kenma grumbled and looked away from them. he tried to pull his arm away from her, but failed. 
"how are you guys acting so normally?" he asked "are we not gonna talk about y/n just beating up some guy and firing a gun?" 
"nope!" she hummed 
"what we will talk about, however, is my proposal of staying at my place!" she whined "i could please you all night long-" 
"im walking away now." kenma announced as he pulled his arm from her and fastened his pace 
"wait! i was talking about games and movies!" she reasoned out with a laugh "kenma!" 
"i am walking away. goodbye." 
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im so bad at writing fights smh 😔
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stargaze-issei · 4 years
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ᴅᴀʏ 𝟼; ғᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ʙʟᴏᴄᴋᴇʀ
-> tsukishima kei.
𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭; same tattoo, shared dreams, soulmates!au.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬; none.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭; 1.8k
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞; fluff.
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞; the way i want to make a series out of everything in this challenge sigh.
↳ main masterlist
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"what does it mean, tsukki?" yamaguchi asked by his side, looking with curiosity the needle leaving marks on his friend's skin. 
tsukishima wanted to get a tattoo through his complete adolescence, his parents never allowed it, not until he could pay it by himself, at least. and there he was, eighteen years old, watching in amazement how one of his few dreams became true. being honest, he wasn't sure what it meant, but he had dreamed about those numbers a lot. since he was thirteen, the same number appeared not only in his dreams, but was everywhere else too, everytime he checked the hour, the number of his locker, even his volleyball shirt. of course it took him a while to figure it out, but once he saw it, he couldn't stop. it became his luck number. 
"are you sure you just want that?" the artist wondered for the third time.
"yeah, it's important to me" the smile on tsukishima's face was completely different to all the others yamaguchi had seen since they knew each other. 
"please, come see me play, you're always busy!" your friend, koganegawa, could be a pain in the ass if he wanted to. he could be one withouth wanting too. your job as an assistant teacher kept you occupied half of the day, add the hours at college and how much you had to study, to say it was hard to make room in your life was an understatement. which was why you never went to kogane's games after highschool.
"i told you i can't! i have... work" 
"you don't work at nights, idiot! come see me play" he was so annoyingly persistent, that you had to accept, earning a excited hug from him.
after he left your appartment, only because you made him, you let yourself drop onto the couch, sighing. in fact, you were tired, but going to see kogane, one of your only friends, was something you could do. he was always so supportive, in his own unique way, it was the least you could do for him. you scratched your collarbone, unconciously going over your tattoo with your fingers, like checking if it was still there. somehow, that piece of inked skin gave you strengths when you felt like you were at your limit. the memory of a well known dream came to your mind, making you giggle.
you knew koganegawa's team was a professional team, but you never expected them to have a cheering squad, and local tv cameras and periodists focusing on them. it was your first time at the gym where they were playing, a little anxiety growing in your chest not knowing where to go. you tried calling him to help you, but all you got was a text saying he had sent somebody to your rescue. 
"hi, are you kogane-kun's friend?" said a short blonde girl, touching your shoulder. she seemed really kind, making you feel more comfortable instantly.
you mumbled a positive respond, and she quickly grabbed your hand to take you to the bleachers like she knew the place by hand. she introduced herself as yachi hitoka, and said the game was about to start. she was also a friend of one of the players, but met some others, like koga, in highschool. 
in the exact moment that you and yachi sat, the starting whistle blowed, starting with the power serve of a bleached haired guy.
yachi guide you through the game, explaining the basics to you, but you couldn't take your eyes off of the blond man with glasses, he looked so familiar, though you were sure it was the first time you saw him. he intrigued you, a lot. you were too shy to ask yachi for his name, hoping to catch it on through the speakers at some point, or trying to remember if kogane had said something about him. the game went on, points were made by everyone, and every single one the setter did, he looked at you, searching for a reassurance smile. 
when it finished, a crushing victory from the frogs, you and your new friend went to wait for them outside of the compound, yachi felt the need to warn you before you met everyone. 
"see, kyoutani can be a little... intense, some times, but he's really nice, and tsuk-"
"y/n! did you see me!? did you see my points!? we were so great!" she was interrupted by an overly excited koganegawa walking towards you, along with two ther blondes. your cheeks burned at the sight of whom you had glared so hard just minutes ago, wondering if he had noticed. his face was buried on his phone, too busy to look up, disappointing you a little.
"i saw you, dumbface, that's what i came to do" he pouted at your fake insult, proceeding to shout to kyoutani by his side how awesome you were for going to his game. you introduced yourself, one of they boys said to be kyoutani kentaro, the one of your interest didnt't even reply.
tsukishima had heard your voice many times before, but for the first time, he was awake. his eyes opened wide, a soft hum of confusion left his mout. it couldn't be you, you were just a made up person from his dreams, someone who he had never seen, less say heard talking, to recognize that fast. although it was you. those eyes, that voice, that hair, it was you. he had dreamed about you for so long, in his mind, at the beginning you were his same age, growing up as he did. you were exactly like that woman.
"...tsukki!" he came back to earth thanks to kogane, who was frenetically moving him from his shoulders trying to get his attention. 
"get off" was all tsukishima answered.
"where's yamaguchi?" asked yachi. you didn't know what they were talking about, but you had witnessed the glasses boy, whom's name appears to be tsukki, go through a complete life crisis in the last minute.
"he's joining us at the restaurant" he said, starting to walk away by his own, followed by kyoutani and yachi, later by kogane pulling you from your arm to walk. 
yachi and koga talked enough to fill the uncomfortable aire in the table once everybody ordered. a man named yamaguchi arrived a few minutes earlier, still in office clothes. he congratulated the guys on their victory and greeted you nicely, presenting himself as "tsukki's friend". 
the minutes became hours, everyone, except you and tsukki, was drunk, even kyoutani had that red color on his cheeks because of the alcohol. yachi, who had stated that she was just a little tipsy, sober up when she saw how late it was. 
"i have to work tomorrow! we all have to! oh go, i can't believe i let kogane- tsukishima, could you please take y/n home while i get these three an uber?" despite being so small, the girl seemed to be completely in charge of everything, probably because of her years as manager in highschool, you thought.
"are you sure you don't need help with them?" you asked, a bit curious about how was she going to handle two giants and a man with rabies by herself.
"don't worry, i've been doing this since highschool, i'm more worried about you arriving safe"
"i'll take her, you stay at yamaguchi's and text me when you're there" intervined tsukishima, he had been quiet most of the night, even though he couldn't look less interested in being there, he still refused to leave. sometimes, he would stare at you when you weren't paying attention, without knowing that you actually felt his look on you. the girl agreed to his proposal, kissing your cheek goodbye and giving her friend a small hug before you took your things and got out of the place, followed by the tall man. 
the walk was silence after you told him you lived near enough to walk, him just nodding to your words. you didn't feel uncomfortable, though, and you wanted to believe neither did he. both of you were at a really short distance, and he didn't seem to care, but you smell of strawberry shortcake coming out of him. you giggled, thinking how funny it was that such an intimidating guy smelled like cake. tsukishima glared at you, disconcerted by your sudden laugh at no apparent reason.
"i used to go to this coffee house in highschool, they had the best strawberry cake i have ever eaten" your random fact caught tsukishima off guard, because he went to a coffee house with a really good strawberry cake since highschool too. he stayed silence, affraid to keep finding more shared details betweent the two of you. "i mean, don't think i talk about cake when- you smell like- i'm sorry" had you just made the situation hundred times worse? yes, you had. 
the rest of the walk was as silent as the first half, now, tsukishima was uncomfortable, so much that you could tell, but still, he choose to stay close to you instead of making distance. despite being a autumn night, you felt hot, your multiples layers of clothing were now making you sweat. without giving it much thought, you took off your jacket and sweater, leaving at sight you tattoo in you collarbone. tsukki tried, he really did, to not look at you, stripping like it was nothing, so when he did, and saw his exact same tattoo in your body, he stopped walking. his jaw barely hit the floor, you could swear he saw a ghost.
"are you okay? d-do you...? what are you doing?" he got over his shocked, and in a light of boldness, he started to take off his coat and sweater, not only that, but lifting his shirt until you could see his nipple and ribs. it was then when you saw it too, your tatto, the exact same details, were on his skin, like it was printed of the same printer. you hadn't chose a design from an artist, you drew one on your own, wanting to be the only of its kind, yet, there you were.
like someone had opened a door in your mind, memories of lost dreams came back, you remembered from where tsukishima seemed so familiar. that damned dream you had for years, of him, who you thought was a creation from your subconscious, was now standing right in front of you, in flesh and bones. not you nor tsukishima knew how to react, maybe, fearing that the other would run away. a strange urge to cry invaded you, and for some reason, a intense desire to feel the blonde closer.
"i want to take you on a date, if that's okay with you" 
"yes" you said not a second late, almost begging him to be with you from that day to your last.
"and i wanna kiss you right now" he didn't even let you answered before jumping to your lips, leaning a bit. you sighed in the middle of the kiss, relieved to feel him and his warm arms around you, your lips moving at synch.
his lips tasted like strawberry too.
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⌙ 𝟐𝟎𝟎 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 🥳
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The Perfect Bad Boy (Pt. 06 of 18)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 2.4K
Summary: Working as a lifeguard in the Hawkins Community Pool, you try to fit in after moving from New York. Things were going pretty well when you notice you've been under someone's stare. Billy Hargrove, Hawkins' bad boy, has been staring at you since day one. You never intended to have anything to do with him, judging by the reputation he has. But Billy won't leave you alone, determined to show you his feelings are different this time...
As if your heart flooding you with confusing feelings wasn't enough, there are weird, strange animals lurking in the woods... But those have to be just part of the wild live of the woods surrounding Hawkins... Right?
<- Previous part (05)
Next part (07) ->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
Point of No Return
“(Y/N)! Go get the door!” Your aunt yells from the kitchen. “I'm busy here!”
“Ok!” You turn off the blow dryer, quickly fixing your hair before rushing downstairs. “What are you doing?”
“Grandma's cake.” She answers as you move to open the door. “Who's this?”
“Monica, probably.” You're still speaking when you unlock and pull it open. Your heart skips a beat when you see it isn't Monica. You raise an eyebrow to see him leaning against the door frame, a smile spreading through his lips.
“It's just Billy, aunt,” you say, raising your voice a little. Pushing him backwards, you close the door behind your back. “What are you doing here, Hargrove?”
“It's our day off. You promised to go to my place to meet Maxine, remember?”
Oh, you completely forgot about that. “I made no such promise.” Crossing your arms, you jump a little when the door is opened again. Turning around, you see your aunt with bright eyes.
“(Y/N), won't you invite your friend in?” Her tone makes you blush.
“Goor morning, Miss Florence. Actually, I'm just here to pick her up.”
“I can't go today, Billy. Diane is baking something nice and–”
“No, no, no. She's going.” Diane cuts you off, grabbing your arm and pulling you inside. “Go change out of your pajamas, honey.”
“But–” She gives you a meaningful look.
“(Y/N), go change.”
Rolling your eyes, you sigh. “I'll be right back,” you tell Billy, ignoring how embarrassed you are, and the smirk on his lips.
You run upstairs, trying not to think too much about where you're going. You were kinda hoping he'd forget about that, but you'll try to keep in mind what Monica said. There's no reason to overthink. When the moment comes to make big decisions, you'll make them. You do enjoy being around Billy, and you do have fun together. The whole feeling you have when you're around him is unlike anything you ever felt before, and some part of you is starting to get addicted to it. On the pool, you have found yourself excited for the lunch break because you'll get to talk to him... It scares you, but as you change into a lilac blouse and jeans, you make up your mind for the day. You'll be with him today, so you'll make the best of it.
After taking one last look in the mirror, you take some money because you remember saying something about pizza. You take a deep breath before leaving the bedroom. But you move backwards abruptly when you see Billy standing outside. “What the hell!” You exclaim, pushing him and closing the door.
“Can't I see your bedroom?”
“No.” You wouldn't mind actually, but you decide to tease him since he came all the way up here without asking.
“Then you won't get to see mine.”
“That's fine by me.” Shrugging your shoulders, you bump into him as you move back downstairs. “I'm going, aunt. See you.”
“Have fun with your boyfriend, honey.”
You freeze by the door, feeling as if Diane just betrayed you. You feel Billy's eyes, burning, and you bet he has that stupid smirk on his face. “He's not my boyfriend,” you shout at her, grabbing Billy's arm and pulling him out.
You're impressed by the fact that he opens the passenger door for you, but since you're still blushing, you avoid his gaze. The short trip to his house is silent as you hope what your aunt said fades away... And you're also memorizing the way there.
Soon enough you're at his front door, and you watch as he unlocks it. “The place used to suck, but I've been trying to fix it, so... Don't mind it. It's not as cool as your house.”
“Uhm...” You mumble, stepping inside and looking around, taking in the place. It's not bad as he described it, it's cozy...
It's Billy's place. You feel weird to be here, as if you're giving a whole new step closer to him. “How many girls have you brought here?” You suddenly need to know if you can allow yourself to feel special.
“One.” He moves to stand before you, holding his index finger up, then slowly pointing it at you.
Taking a deep breath, you step back, smiling. “You brought me here to meet your sister. Where is she?”
“Max!” He yells suddenly, at the top of his lungs and you jump, heart racing.
“What the hell.” You breathe out, slapping his arm playfully. His bare arm. You haven't noticed the sleeveless tattered dark gray shirt that leaves his arms exposed. You have to force yourself to look away, meeting his blue eyes. “Why did you do that?”
“Did I scared you?” He smiles, towering over you.
“Yeah, you did.” You step back again, eager to put some distance between you and him. “Jerk. Go get your sister before I change my mind and go home.”
“She's probably listening to music.” Billy walks away, disappearing in the hall. You're left alone so you walk around, noticing the bench press he has in the middle of the living room. Walking around it, a piece of paper above the TV gets your attention. Taking it, you sigh to read Max's handwriting. “She's not in her room.” Billy says as he comes back, gesturing at the hall.
“Be back in fifteen minutes, shithead.” You read the words out loud to him, showing the paper.
Billy takes it from your hand, rolling his eyes. “I'm gonna kill her.”
“Sorry that you have to stay alone here with me. It must be a true nightmare, Billy Hargrove.” Raising an eyebrow, you smile at his expression. “What about that?” You walk around the bench press, standing behind it and trying to pull the barbell up. The thing doesn't even move, so you try again, using more strength, but nothing happens. “Whoa, this thing is heavy.”
“I work out almost every night, so I just leave it here.”
“That you work out is pretty obvious.” You gesture at his arms and chest.
“Yeah. I'm glad you noticed.” He comes to stand behind you. “Let me just–” He picks the weight up, both his arms around you, keeping you caged between his body and the bar.
“What are you doing?” You ask in a low voice as he starts moving the damn thing, up and down, up and down. “Ok, I'm just a tiny little bit impressed to see you lifting this thing up, but put it down, please.” He knows the effect he has on girls, and he also knows you're not immune to it.
He doesn't say anything, pulling the bar up once again, forcing it a little against your shoulders, pushing you backwards until your back hits his chest. His solid, strong chest. “You're such a jerk, Billy.” Why is your voice so weak? You look at his left arm, how tensed his muscles are. “These things are heavy. Put it down before you drop it and hurt me.” You need to get away from him. Being this close is dangerous, because you feel something coming from the back of your mind, an idea that had never crossed your thoughts before.
“I'd never let anything hurt you.”
You turn your head to the side, just enough to look at him. He's already looking, those blue eyes threatening to drown you. Your eyes fall on his lips, of how close they are. You could easily tiptoe now and find out how his lips would feel on yours. It feels like he knows exactly what you're felling because when he moves the bar to give you more space, you turn around, almost as if you're being pulled towards him, like a magnet.
But you know you shouldn't kiss Billy. It would be a point of no return. That's it, a big decision... But right now, the last thing you want to do is think. You just want to feel, and let these feelings flow out.
When you're face to face with him, you feel the bar on your back, pushing you against his chest, making it impossible to run away. As if you would even if you had the chance. “You know I hate you, right? For doing this.” You whisper, as your arms involuntary move to lay on his chest.
“I'm not–”
“Hey, shitface. I'm back.” A girl's voice drags you out of your numbness, and Billy puts the bar down on the bench.
“That's disgusting.” Someone else says and you step away from Billy, catching your breath and clearing your throat. Max isn't alone. She brought a small army with her, five people, and everyone looks the same age.
“Perfect timing as always, Max,” Billy complains. “(Y/N), this is Maxine, my dipshit sister. And the rest of her gang.”
“The gang that saved your ass, you mean.” One of them says, his voice a little muffled, which makes you giggle a little. “Dustin, nice to meet you.” He steps forward and shakes your hand. “So. Are you Billy's girlfriend?”
“No, I–”
“Ok. These are Lucas, my boyfriend.” Max starts, and you feel Billy sighing when she names the boy. “Will, Mike, Eleven, and Dustin you already met.”
“So these are your saviors,” you say, turning to look at Billy.
“Every single one of them.” He answers.
“If you two aren't dating, why did you bring her here, Billy? Wasn't there a rule about not bringing your flings to the house?” Max mutters, walking past you and to the TV. The others move to seat on the couch and some on the floor.
“(Y/N) is not a fling.” He says, rolling his eyes. You try hard not to smile at what you just heard.
You're a little uncomfortable since Max's friends keep staring as if you're a ghost. Their eyes fly from Billy and back at you, and they even gossip, whispering on each other's ears. “Max, you look like a very smart kid.”
“I am.” She says with a smirk. “Unlike my brother.”
“So, if I make you a question, would you be able to answer real quick?” You smile at her curious face, as you slowly step backwards, closer to the hall and further away from Billy.
“Billy's room?” You burst out, speaking a fast as you can.
“First door to the right.” She yells, just as fast as you spoke, and you're off, like a lightning bolt because you see Billy moving.
You run through the hall and literally throw yourself on the door, opening it and almost stumbling in. You're laughing when he grabs your wrist, giving up when he notices you're already in. “You got me there, I'll admit.”
It's your time to smirk at him, teasingly, stepping further into his bedroom. “What did you say before? That I wouldn't get to see your room?” As you speak, you start pacing around. His room is more organized then you expected. His bed has a dark red blanket over it, and it looks very comfortable. There are movie posters on the walls and a sound system on his dresser. You move to stand before the mirror he has on the nightstand beside his bed, looking through the colognes he has. “Which one you use?”
“All of them.”
“No, there's one you use more often.” You have the scent vivid in your memory, so you quickly go through the small bottles, bringing them close to my nose. “This one.” You look up, meeting his eyes through the mirror.
“It's my favorite.” He says, moving a little closer.
“Mine too.” Thanks to the proximity, you can smell it, irradiating from his body. It's fresh and strong, very masculine. “I mean... I like it.”
Billy takes the bottle from your hands, opening it. “Here.” He pour some on his index and middle finger, bringing them to your neck, on the soft spot below your left ear, pulling the hair away, and does the same on the other side. You feel the cold liquid spreading through your skin, and the scent surrounds you completely. “Now you smell like me.”
What should you say? Or do? You're frozen, inebriated by the closeness, by the low sound of his breathing. “I...”
“Hey, lovebirds. We're watching a movie.” Max says, and her voice brings you back to Earth. She has such perfect timing to save your ass. “You can either come and watch or stay here and make out. You pick.” And she leaves.
“Movie...” You tell him, catching your breath.
“Did I make you nervous?”
“I just want to watch the movie, Billy.” Grabbing his hand, you pull him towards the living room. “We're watching the movie,” you tell the kids.
“You and you. Move.” Billy gestures at Dustin and Will, who immediately stand up from the cough, giving you and Billy enough space to sit down.
The movie is already starting, and you roll your eyes to feel Billy's arm around your shoulders. You're aware the kids are staring, but you guess they're not used to see Billy like this with a girl. But you try to really focus on the movie, as you slowly relax.
You feel as you move closer to Billy, your legs touching. The movie isn't very good, and you laugh when Billy sigh's out of frustration. The kids seem to like it though.
“Not a very good one, right?” You whisper to him.
“You picked the wrong option, princess.” He snaps back, and you immediately remember what the other option was.
“What makes you think I want to make out with you?” You turn your head to look at him, using all the sassiness you have to cover up the truth. That you want to kiss him so bad, a fact that you just realized today. You've been wanting to kiss him for a while now, but you know how dangerous it would be.
“You think I don't notice when you blush? Or when you start breathing fast? Or when–”
“Shhh.” Someone mutters, and your eyes move back to the TV, abruptly. You feel Billy's chest moving when he laughs.
“I need to know something...” He whispers, and you feel as his arms slide down, encircling your waist and pulling you closer. You can feel his breath on your hair, and whatever is on the TV right now is just a distant blur. “I need to know if you want to kiss me as much as I want to kiss you.”
@chloe-skywalker @dpaccione @tilesandtokens @dreamin-of-dacre
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