#King x Reader
dr3c0mix · 6 months
Bloody Red Roses
Yandere!Evil King x GN!Reader
CW: kidnapping, weirdo behavior, pretty mellow for now
👑 It was known throughout the land that King Alistair of the Obsidian Kingdom was a terrifying and cruel ruler. His heart held no mercy for those who opposed him.
👑 His dark magic was one to be feared, many know better than to ever go against him and his undead soldiers.
👑 Recently, he’s set his sights on your kingdom. He was planning on overthrowing a few lands and expanding his territory, and with your kingdom’s promising resources and location, he saw it as the perfect prize.
👑 But he isn’t a war mongering psychopath who declares war right then and there, no no he’s much more sophisticated than that, he’s going to kidnap the princess instead!
👑 He needed a bride anyway, so for him it’s a win/win!
👑 “Sir! We got her! We got the princess!” The door opening and the rattling of bones got Alistair’s attention. He sent a few of his skeleton soldiers to capture the princess whilst on a carriage ride through the borders of his territory.
👑 There were many guards protecting the area, but their weapons were no match for enemies who couldn’t die, and with a little bit of sleeping potion, carrying the princess away will be easy as pie.
👑 “Excellent~ and you brought her to my chambers like I told you correct?”
👑 They nod and scamper alongside the king to meet the princess
👑 “Oh princess~ are you awake ye- !!” His eyes widen and he cuts himself off. The person unconscious and tied up in his bed was indeed a royal, but the princess they were not.
👑 “What. Is. This?” He growls, the soldier’s bones rattle in fear
👑 “W-well you sai-“ “Does this look like a princess to you?! How am I going to take over their stupid kingdom if don’t have a bride!?” He scowls angrily.
👑 He hears you tossing and turning in your sleep, you let out a soft little squeak as you reposition yourself to be hugging one of his pillows.
👑 “…”
👑 “Uhm…your highness..?”
👑 “Leave. I’m done with your stupidity..I’ll deal with them myself..”
👑 The soldiers waste no time running off to who knows where as Alistair looks at you with cold eyes.
👑 “Hm…”
👑 He takes a seat by the bed, watching you as he figures out what to do with you.
👑 He’s trying to figure out a strategy, but he keeps getting distracted by your form. You looked so small and delicate, maybe he could…no that’s stupid he could never..could he?
👑 His thoughts plague him a awhile longer until he notices you waking up.
👑 Your muscles are weak, your head feels like it’s spinning, and it takes a bit for you to get back to your senses and realize what happened.
👑 You jolt awake, remember of the attack and almost scream at the sight of Alistair, but he was quick to covers your mouth and try to ease your panic. It took a while, but he managed to get you to stop fussing so he could take off your binds.
👑 “Apologies for this little..incident, I was supposed to take your sister..but now that you know my plan for your little kingdom, I have no choice but to keep you here. Perhaps I don’t need a princess to marry after all, I could just use you as ransom..” he chuckles.
👑 He sees the tea in your cup rippling in your shakes hold and scoffs, bringing his hand to hold your wrist to still your trembling “Oh don’t be so scared now, I don’t bite..”
👑 It was just supposed to be a means to make you stop shaking, but your skin…your big pitiful eyes staring up at him..he didn’t want to let go.
👑 So he kept you, for ransom of course, not for anything else..
👑 With you at his disposal, he started preparing negotiations with your kingdom to see what they’ll do to get you back.
👑 But in the mean time, he had to deal with you somehow..
👑 He settled on just letting you wander around the castle (with supervision of course)
👑 But then he starts to wonder what you do everyday, what did you even like to do? If you were staying with him, he might as well talk with you for the time being.
👑 It started off sort of awkward, he spotted you by the garden feeding some birds with two soldiers watching you. He approached and waved at the soldiers to leave them alone together. You thought you were in trouble but to your surprise, he just asked you how you were doing..
👑 “I uhm..heard you like going out here everyday..I figured I’d join you…Don’t take it the wrong way, I just had some..free time..that’s all..”
👑 The whole interaction was unusual. It wasn’t like him to be so casual and calm with someone, especially a royal of another kingdom.
👑 He enjoys the reactions you give him whenever he talks about his role as the dark king of the Obsidian Kingdom. Your nervous but polite smile masks your mortification of him, but it’s adorable to him nonetheless
👑 “What? A scared of the big bad king? How cute.”
👑 Your little talks slowly became frequent, for the king, it even became something he couldn’t help but do. What can he say? He was so used to your presence it seemed wrong to not talk to you at least once..plus he had to check to see if you weren’t planning an escape so..
👑 “Where have you been my little rose? I haven’t seen you all day.”
👑 His interest in your interactions turned to fondness the more he picked up on your cute little quirks. He takes note of the things you find funny or interesting, he brings them up in order to see that adorable little smile of yours, and that giggle, oh god that giggle…
👑 He denies it so much at first, but slowly starts to accept the fact that he wants- no, needs you with him
👑 Soon he started to want your presence even more, offering to eat meals alongside you instead of eating whenever he’s schedule allowed it, he started eating scheduled meals for you <3 we love self care guys
👑 “Of course I’m eating with you tonight. After all we never got to finish our conversation.”
👑 He loves watching you, even when simply eating or any mundane thing, you will more often than not catch him staring at you. You’re just so cute and soft! Definitely not like the snobby and overly stiff men and women he’s seen.
👑 He couldn’t have you trying to escape so what better plan than to keep you by his side 24/7? Then you’ll never be out of his sight!
👑 “What’s so wrong with letting you tag along my dear? I’m sure you’ll enjoy yourself with me.”
👑 And what if you try and sneak out from your chambers? Clearly you need to be moved to his chambers, that way he can make sure you’re behaving.
👑 Oh and of course in case you get lost, he made you a cute collar with the royal insignia on it! Isn’t it pretty? He used your favorite colors and everything!
👑 Of course he needs to fulfill his kingly duties. But how can he leave you alone for that long? No worries, you can sit right on his lap! That way you won’t have to stand for a long time and hurt your feet.
👑 And those clothes? So simple and out of style, perhaps you should wear something more fitting to his kingdom’s styles? Like a cute outfit with lace and ruffles! You look so delicate and graceful in it! He can’t help but buy you lots more outfits like that! Tis only fair for a person of your status.
👑 “How about this one? It compliments your form…what do you mean it looks too cutesy? I think it looks perfect for you.”
👑 he’s the type to not do much physical affection, but dear god does he crave both giving and receiving it. Give him a kiss or a caress of his cheek and he struggles to keep his composure and not melt to your touch
👑 Simply put, he might not seem like it (at least he thinks he does) but he can’t live without you. He couldn’t fathom the fact he was planning on trading you for a kingdom, you’re way more valuable than some puny kingdom!
👑 He even considers his original plan, you wouldn’t mind right? Besides, he bets you look absolutely exquisite in a little wedding dress~! Even if you don’t want a dress, an elegant suit would perfect on you~!
👑 “Where do you think you’re going my rose?”
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It’s finally here guys ✨✨✨ I know it’s been a while but I’ve been busy with school and genshin. Anyway we got em in the end! Thank you for being so patient guys !! qwq
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asceluffy · 7 months
OP MEN when they’re in the mood pt. 2
ft. Shanks, Mihawk, Katakuri, King (not proofread)
Little did you know that it’s you who gets him in the mood every single time. It’s not just a “I’m feeling horny and I need release” typa thing.
He gets riled up when he watches you put on your favorite lipstick, when you try on your newly bought clothes and show it to him, when you walk around the ship with his shirt on, and when you sit on his lap.
His brain is quick to conjure up different positions he’ll fuck you in when you sit on his lap.
At first, he’d rub your inner thigh ‘absentmindedly,’ and when you shift on his leg, that’s when he’ll go further.
With a mug of beer in his other hand and half his attention on his crewmates, his fingers slowly dance their way up your leg until he stops just when he’s near your panties.
While he chats with his members he’ll toy with the garter of your underwear, tugging it at first before he snakes his hand inside just to feel the skin near your pussy.
And when you squirm, he’ll lean near your ear, face flushed with words a little slurred.
“Once they all get wasted and pass out I’m gonna fuck you on my bed, yeah?”
Mihawk is the type of person to plan things before it happens.
He’d feel the need to feel the warmth of your pussy as it clenches on his thick cock, but when he sees you busy he’d patiently wait until your schedule is free.
He’d set up a romantic candlelit dinner, cooking you steak and pouring you the finest wine in his collection.
He’d let out a small, ‘nonchalant’ smile when you compliment his cooking, all while holding himself back from pining you on the table and taking you then and there.
On the middle of the dinner, he’d casually say, “Let’s have sex.” which will lead you to choke on your food.
“After dinner,” You’d say, and in his mind he’s already celebrating.
When you two finish, he’ll ask you to take his hand and lead you to the bedroom, gasping when you see rose petals scattered inside and lovely music playing from his vintage record player.
He’s mostly shy around you, being his first girlfriend and all.
Some people may think that he acts coldly towards you, but it’s only you who truly knows why he acts that way.
You’d know he’s in the mood when he acts cranky and touchy.
He’ll wrap his arm around your waist, fiddle with your fingers, compare hand sizes, and glare at anyone who dares speak to you or even breathe your way.
But when he’s really in the mood, his subtle touches will level up.
He’d rub your inner thighs, fondle your breasts, lightly squeeze your butt.
You’d notice how his breath gets heavier and how his pupils dilate when you get near him.
You’ll notice him staring at you the whole day without saying a damn word, and when you notice these signs you’ll chuckle and pull him into a passionate kiss.
King is a busy man, working under Kaido means he has to do things almost 24/7.
The only time you’d spend with him is when’s sent on expeditions, which rarely happens because he’s always glued beside Kaido.
Or, when he just finished a battle.
While his whole system is still pumping with adrenaline from a recent battle, the only reason for him to calm down is to sink into your tight cunt.
When he sees you after he just won a fight, all his pent up energy will shoot straight down his dick.
He’s a man of few words, and once he has you pinned against the wall, you know what will happen next.
“Fuck, I haven’t seen you in a long time. Open your pretty legs for me so I can show you how much I missed you.”
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moonydustx · 6 days
Hi, I was wondering if you could do Zoro, Ace, Luffy, Law, Crocodile, King, and 2 Characters of your choice x Reader, where they and Reader are having a romantic moment and just when the moment is just right, something or someone interrupts the romantic scene?
ok, ok, I know, I'm really late with this one. But life is so chaotic that I won't even look for excuses hahah but I really liked your request. I think some came out a little less romantic? I don't know, I'll leave it for your evaluation. I hope you enjoy!
warnings were placed individually in each of the stories.
F!Reader x Zoro, Ace, Luffy, Law, Crocodile, King and Smoker (placed individually)
requests here | rules and guides | masterlist
Comments, reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated.
warnings: mentions of previous fights/problems with an enemy pirate. Zoro is very direct with his feelings. Mentions of drinking (we have Zoro in this one, so it's kind of obligatory)
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Another victory, another time to rest in some bar.
Taking the opportunity to explore the new island after solving yet another series of problems, you and your companions chose to stuff their faces - and especially Luffy and Chopper, fill their bellies with food - in a bar they found there.
However, something still stirred you. The encounter with an enemy pirate that afternoon and the way he had spoken to you still affected you. It still made you see your position on the team as shallow, expendable, unnecessary. It still made you want to isolate yourself.
"A dose for whatever's going on in your head." Zoro placed three small glasses in front of you and three in front of him when he sat down.
"What do you mean by that?" you turned to him, only then realizing that what was a full table before was now just the two of you.
"Everyone was leaving, some asking you to come along, but you seemed stuck in your own head." he explained and drank the first shot of drink. "Like I said, one glass, one thought."
"And what are you thinking?"
"That you stayed here because you didn't want to go with the wire eyebrow, of course." he pointed out, eliciting a light laugh from you. Little did Zoro know that, out of all the options you could have, Sanji wasn't exactly the one you were looking for. "Now it's your turn."
You downed the drink and felt the strong alcohol burn your throat, but the words didn't want to come out. It was too difficult to bring into the world an insecurity that, in your eyes, would be so dispensable in the vision of someone as strong as Zoro.
"Me again." he pointed out, seeing that you had remained quiet. As soon as he downed another shot, he started. "You let that shit that guy said get into your head, didn't you?"
"Can you tell me where he went wrong?" you asked and only saw Zoro laugh in disbelief. "I'm weak, I'm just a linguist, I can't fight, I don't have a devil fruit. What am I but dead weight?"
"Much more than you imagine." Zoro responded as if it were obvious.
"Much more? Only if it's much more of a burden, much more of a responsibility. I don't want to cause problems for anyone, I don't want to become a responsibility. If it weren't for you today…"
"If it weren't for me, you would still be alive and well, no one would let that idiot hurt you." Zoro seemed to be stressing about the subject and that became clearer when you saw him downing his last dose and the two of yours that were left and then remaining in a brief silence.
"I'm sorry Zoro, I didn't mean to…"
"You're important, okay? To Luffy, to the crew, to me." Seeing you look away from him, without much refinement or kindness, Zoro turned your face back to him, holding you by the chin. "I would face him a thousand times over if I had to."
"Zoro, what does that mean?"
You could feel the adrenaline rush through your body as well as waves of goosebumps going through you from the point Zoro touched you and before he finished the path to your lips, a loud noise on the table separated the two of you.
"It means I don't want you talking about yourself like that again, please." the ending came out more like a whisper than anything else. "And it also means that whenever you need me, I will protect you. It's not everyone's responsibility, you're right, but please let it be mine."
"Here you go!" Luffy sat between the two of you, practically half on top of each of your bodies. In front, a plate full of different types of sweets: chocolates, lollipops, cotton candy. Chopper was along, already stealing some pieces. "Today we know it was a difficult day for you and we know you like sweets, so this is a good thing to cheer you up. What do you think?"
"I think it's amazing!" You took a piece of chocolate, enjoying it as it melted in your mouth. "Thank you, you're amazing." despite leaving in a loud voice, your eyes went to Zoro, who just nodded and adjusted himself on the bar stool, pleased to see you happy again.
warnings: Ace and F!Reader have a casual, no-strings-attached affair.
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The party and chaos accumulated on one side of the Moby Dick, it was a common image as there was no shortage - and often, barely needed - of reasons for the crew to get drunk and celebrate something. That didn't exempt you. With a good dose of beer in hand, you were sitting further back on the edge of the ship, just contemplating the mess a good few meters ahead, while the sea was choppy behind you, the cool breeze sending goosebumps against your skin.
"Hey, what's a pretty girl doing so isolated like that?" Ace leaned against the free space next to you.
"I just came to catch some wind, breathe a little." you explained, seeing him get even closer and stop almost glued to your side. "And you?"
"I just came to see a pretty girl." He placed his hand on your knee, caressing your skin, which was covered in goosebumps by the cool wind - and perhaps by his touch. "But seriously, is everything okay?"
"Of course, I really just came to enjoy the view for a bit." you explained, seeing him paying attention to every word. "I like to keep these happy moments in my memory, and besides, the night is beautiful."
"Yeah, I like it too." giving up the caress on your leg, he sat down next to you. "I like to think that one day it will be the two of us."
"What do you mean the two of us?"
"This celebration today. It's going to be about the two of us. About me putting you there in the middle, getting down on my knees and asking you to be mine and then, after a while, it's going to be the celebration about our marriage." he saw you laugh knowing he had surprised you with his brief proposal.
"And what else, fire fists?"
"The old man is going to celebrate our wedding, after all, he's the one who has to give the blessing. We're going to drink all night and then, after a while, maybe we'll be celebrating the arrival of our child, I don't know." he shrugged, chuckling at the very thought. "Maybe I went too far."
"For all of this, we need to stop being just hookups, don't you think?"
"You and I know that's not all we are." His tone of voice lowered, as if he was telling an intimate secret - which it wasn't - between you. "You know you mean so much more than just that to me."
"I know and I know you know it too." you turned around to try and steal a quick kiss from him, but were stopped by Ace placing his hat on you.
Gently, he hit the object on your head, removing your strands of hair that were a little messy and then, he helped the small hanging rope. His hand wandered from the object to your cheek, placing a quick caress.
"I love you, Ace." your voice came out as a brief whisper, a confession that was almost forbidden.
"I love you even more." he stole an almost chaste kiss from your lips, just to confirm the feeling.
"You should say that sober." you warned him and saw him walk away with a cynical laugh in him. Upon reaching the glass he had brought, Ace took another sip and offered it to you, who accepted. Water.
"I needed courage to come and talk to you about this today and I don't think drinking alcohol would help." he explained, placing quick kisses along your exposed skin. "So, no more hookups?"
"No more hookups." you confirmed, feeling his lips slide over your skin. "Keep doing that and I'm going to want you to get down on your knees and propose as soon as possible."
"For your information, I intend to kneel today." his kisses found the weak spot on your neck. "But you're the one who's going to be asking for something more."
"Stop that!" perhaps the distraction of his kisses prevented you from seeing Thatch and Marco approaching. "The two of them won't be isolated in this clump."
"Did he have the decency to ask you to be his girlfriend?" Marco asked you, who nodded, feeling his cheeks burn in shyness. "Finally!"
"Then there are no more excuses…" Thatch threw Ace over his shoulder and Marco did the same to you.
"Put me down." the fire fist asked, even if he wanted to, he would have let go of there.
"We need to celebrate. You finally got the courage." Marco pointed out while you didn't even make an effort to get off his shoulder.
It should have been a night for the two of you to celebrate the new agreement between you, but it was difficult to celebrate alone when everyone wanted to celebrate the fact that you were finally and officially together.
warnings: Luffy is a cute fool, that's all. Ah, we have mentions of Luffy sinking into the water (poor dear and his inability to swim)
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Damn, a thousand times damn. Why was it almost impossible to get Luffy to listen to anything other than his crazy ideas?
Most of the time it had ended well, but it didn't seem to be the same as today. Praying to any god that could help you at that moment, you threw yourself against the cold, turbulent water of the sea. Shaking your arms the way you thought swimming was, you began to dive awkwardly. A few feet below, you could see Luffy sinking.
With some difficulty, you reached him and despite being weak, he still remained conscious for enough seconds to see that it was you there. Sticking to his vest and using the very little you knew, you managed to pull him back to the Sunny and now the fight that was taking place throughout the ship was being contained mainly by Zoro and Sanji, leaving you not much to worry about other than revive Luffy.
Not finding many plausible solutions, you stuck your mouth to his and tried to pull out all the water he had swallowed. When you repeated the gesture for the third time, you saw him wake up spitting, while you were kneeling next to him, relief washing over you.
"Thank you for saving me." he began, knowing you would probably be furious. "And apparently you learned to swim."
"Desperate times call for desperate measures." you allowed yourself to relax for a brief moment. In the end, he was fine.
"The only problem is, I've always thought about doing it, but not right after I drowned." upon seeing the question mark that was practically drawn on your forehead, Luffy continued. "I always thought about kissing you. You're pretty, nice…"
"Have you always thought about kissing me?" You looked indignant, but quickly corrected yourself, letting the little secret you carried for so long slip out there. "I've always thought that too Luffy, I think I like you, more than just as friends."
"Can we repeat the kiss…" before he finished proposing, his calm tone was replaced by a loud grumble as soon as he was hit by Nami.
"You idiot! How can you let yourself fall into the sea when there was only one person who doesn't know how to swim to save you." she insisted, the angry tone clear in her voice.
Some of your coughs caught the attention of both of them, as well as that of the ship's doctor.
"You might have swallowed a lot of water too!" Chopper pointed out, stethoscope in hand. "I need to run some tests."
"Don't worry about it, Chopper." You tried to push him away, but soon you felt him cover you with a cloth.
"Listen to Chopper." Luffy asked this time, already recovered and almost dry, which was a mystery to you how he managed to do it. "Chopper, take care of her and as soon as everything is okay, call me, please."
Luffy had no social constraints that would prevent him from doing that in front of everyone, but something told him that it had to be special. Then he just placed a chaste kiss on your cheek and left. Now everyone seemed as lost as you had been the first time.
warnings: sweet boyfriend Law. This has to be a warning because this man is amazing.
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Before you even open your eyes, you can feel a pair of arms wrapping around you firmly, moist lips sliding along the contour of your neck. The warm quilting of the blanket against your skin also made you want to stay there even more. However, it had just been a break after lunch for the two of you to talk - and in fact, talk and without meaning to, or perhaps because of the way his fingers slid under the top of your head in a caress, you found yourself being dragged to the world of dreams.
"Looks like someone woke up from their nap." Law's huskier voice indicated that you weren't the only one to have closed your eyes that afternoon.
"Looks like I wasn't the only one who took a nap." you - even though you practically had to fight against his arms - turned around, just a few centimeters separating your face from his. "You look rested."
"And you look beautiful, even in your sleep." he stole a quick kiss from your lips. "Even snoring."
"Yes, the noise was certainly capable of driving away the sea kings that were circling around." he grunted when he felt the light, painless slap on his arm. "Okay, it was just a cute snore."
"A cute snore?" you pushed him in vain, feeling like you only gave him enough space to pull you onto his body. "Don't even think about it, Trafalgar, after that, you don't deserve it."
"Don't be so mean." his hands slid over your body in a gentle way, practically not malicious. "Don't I deserve anything?"
"Nothing." you leaned down, placing a kiss on his cheek.
"That kind of nothing seems interesting to me." he pointed to the other cheek. "Can I have a nothing here too?" As soon as your lips met his skin, the tattooed finger moved to another corner of his face. "And here, can I?"
"Since when did you become so sappy?" you continued following where he pointed, leaving soft trails of kisses against his skin. The last place he pointed was at his lips. "Do you think you haven't gotten enough kisses?"
"Not yet." He raised himself up on his elbows, just to reach your lips and take them for himself.
His hands soon tangled against your messy strands of hair, while almost slowly he allowed himself to explore every corner of the paradise that was hidden between your lips. There was no searching for contact, no mischievous squeezes or grumbling and moaning, just the two of you, tangled in a pile of sheets, exchanging kisses and caresses.
"Captain!" Bepo's voice reached the two of you before he had practically walked through the door. "I found you!"
"Would you mind knocking on the door before coming in!" Law's voice started low and ended almost furiously.
His hands, previously on your body, pulled the sheet to cover your body. Even though you were fully dressed and Bepo posed no threat, Law couldn't help the sense of protection that surrounded him when it came to you.
"What's up Bepo?" You said more sweetly, discreetly trying to get off your boyfriend.
"The captain is about an hour late for his task and Ikkaku has been looking for you for a while too." the bear explained. "And also, if we continue on the same route, we will come face to face with a giant sea king in a few minutes."
"And you just let me know now?" Law grunted, but the stress was short-lived when he heard your laugh, almost like an automatic tranquilizer for him. "I'll meet you in a minute."
Understanding the message, Bepo closed the door and left the room. Your boyfriend's face gave it all away: he wished he could stay there, but he couldn't. Duty called you both.
"I'm coming to sleep here with you today, what do you think?" you proposed and saw him stop fixing his shoes to look at you, a small smile lit against his lips.
"Please." He asked, making you nod. "Well, I warned you."
"What did you warn me?"
"Your snoring, now I have a king of the seas to take down." he laughed when he saw you mumble. The small pout on your lips was covered with a kiss from him. "I'll see you later love."
warnings: jealous crocodile, as always. Brief appearance of our favorite hawk eyes.
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Some things started to make sense when you entered the large hall. As an assistant, you knew that part of the ball was just an excuse to attract some enemies while the other part was to find allies, investors or anyone who could make a relevant contribution to the Cross Guild.
Even though you knew all the planning for the party, you still didn't understand why a long, sparkling dark green dress appeared on your table a few days ago. When you saw one of the evening's hosts, you noticed that - perhaps coincidentally - the two of you's outfits matched.
Waving to some infamous pirates - with rewards that you lost count of digits - little by little you got closer to whoever had provided such an outfit for you.
"I see you liked my gift." Crocodile said as you stopped in front of him. Without hesitating, he took one of your hands and made you do a little turn. "It served as if it was made for you."
"I suspect it was actually made for me, am I right?" you accepted the champagne and with an almost malicious smile you took a brief sip. The two of you lived in a cat and mouse hunt between all the years you had been working together, your feelings for him were clear and at least on one day, you expected to be reciprocated.
"I couldn't afford to let the most beautiful lady of the night go unnoticed, or unaccompanied." He said and for a brief minute, you realized he still hadn't let go of your hand. The awareness of the act seemed to reach him too and in a subtle way, he let his hand fall to his side. "And after so long…"
"After Alabasta, after Impel Down, here we are." you concluded his idea, a sideways smile took over Crocodile. "Everyone begging to be at your feet again."
"I know I'm a little cold, I won't deny that fact, but…" he approached, letting the words come out gently and quietly, as if nothing mattered other than the two of you there. "I'm grateful that all these years you've been by my side."
"And I'm grateful that all these years you allowed me to stay. For taking me out of that miserable life." you just said, reaching out to grab another glass and handing it to him. "Here's to business."
"I'm hoping this is the last toast to business." He tapped the glass against yours, seeing your expression remain in doubt. "I hope our next toast like this, you won't be my assistant anymore. I mean, just my assistant."
"And what do you expect, Sir Crocodile?" you gave him space to approach, stopping just a few inches away.
"Instead of green, maybe you'll wear white. And we sure as hell won't have that bunch of stupid pirates." he pointed out, seeing you smile widely. He raised the cup towards you again. "So, here's to our last night of business?"
"Sorry to interrupt." Mihawk's voice reached you as did his brief touch on your waist.
"I hope it's something important." Crocodile's mild expression faded as he analyzed his business partner and wondered why he was touching you.
"I need your help, miss." he pointed out, turning to you. "An idiot who refuses to take his eyes off you coincidentally owes me a few things. Would you be willing to serve as a little bait?" The groan that came from Crocodile upon hearing Mihawk's proposal to you didn't go unnoticed. "It's just a talk with him."
"Alright, I can help you with that." you agreed, much to your partner's chagrin. You handed your cup to Crocodile and taking advantage of the fact that Mihawk practically covered you from the others' view, you gave Crocodile a quick peck. "Last night of business, okay?" the man just nodded and watched you leave with the other man.
"Mihawk?" he called, seeing Mihawk and you turn towards him. "Let him lay a finger on my girl and I'll have his head and yours on my desk."
warnings: cute, very cute. Kind of like OC King, but I can't help but write him being cute. Sorry.
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Some companions respected him too much - you analyzed it as pure fear, but you preferred to keep the observation to yourself - however, King did not impose this "fear" on you, quite the opposite.
When you weren't carrying out any of the requested orders, you liked to take your time and observe him. How he seemed to have been sculpted by something that went beyond comparison, how he could be affable when no one was around - this Queen insisted amid acid comments that it was an affection directed only at you.
After a long battle and few scratches distributed throughout the crew, in a more private corner you can see him sitting, patching up a possible injury to his hand. Aside from the bandage and messy hair, he still looked the perfect vision.
"How can I help you?" the words spill out of you without giving you much time to think.
"Don't worry about that."
"That's kind of impossible." you moved even closer, assessing his hand. "It's a small cut, it should heal in a few days."
"It was a small oversight." He shrugged and smoothed the insistent strand of hair that fell into his face.
"Can I help you with this?" you asked and he just nodded, giving you space to work.
Agilely, your fingers reached the stubborn strand and began to adjust it back to where it belonged, that is, the braid that was almost part of it. As soon as you finished, you adjusted it so that it wouldn't fall into his face again.
What went unnoticed by you was how close the two of you were, about how when you looked down you could feel his eyes burning towards you, as they strayed from yours towards your lips.
"Thank you… I mean, how can I thank you for that?" his voice was no more than a brief whisper.
"It is not necessary…"
"I insist." he interrupted you, being graced with the smile he knew on your lips. What he wouldn’t give to let you know what that meant to him.
"A ride then." your answer sounded natural to him, as if the idea crossed your mind with a certain frequency. "I always wanted to see the world from above."
"A ride, sounds amazing to me."
"I knew." Queen's voice interrupted the two of you and you immediately moved away from his body. "I told you that this softie was only soft on you."
"Shut up." King simply said without even looking in the other's direction, his eyes following you to apologize and leave.
How did that idiot Queen feel free to interrupt - and even embarrass - someone so beautiful?
The sun was already setting when you finally finished your tasks for the day and out of everything you could have expected to find in front of you, on your bed, you didn't expect to find a small note.
This way, we cannot be interrupted. Neither on this note nor among the clouds.
I heard that especially tonight the moon and the view from above will be beautiful, not as beautiful as the girl reading this note. Would you like a ride?
warnings: mentions of a previous incident, but we have no descriptions, just brief mention of it being traumatic. F!Reader is also in the Navy.
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Even without opening your colleague's door, it was almost as if you could see smoke coming through the gaps. Smoker was stressed and that was nothing new, especially when one of his missions went wrong.
"Commander Smoker?" your knocking on the door didn't seem to have caught his attention that much, so you opened a small gap, seeing him typically sitting with two cigars in his hands. "I can enter?"
"Yes." he simply responded, watching you close the door behind you and cross the small space that separated you from his desk.
"Here are some reports from today's mission."
You placed them on the table and you could see him still sulking. You had been working together for too long to know that if possible, Smoker would always let his frustration take over the entire environment - and sometimes it wasn't even in the form of smoke.
"I heard that some stupid pirates gave you a hard time today." you pointed out and saw him just respond with a look, he really wasn't interested in conversation.
A small idea, more like a memory than an idea, crossed your mind and you decided to put it into practice.
"You seem tense." you stated and saw him sigh deeply as you left your gloves on the armchair in front of him.
Without even asking permission - if he didn't want to, you would have at least gotten closer to him, you let your hands slide lightly from his shoulders to the back of his head. It only took a few squeezes for you to start to see him relax. Massaging all over his shoulder and neck, Smoker slowly began to become something more malleable and accessible under your hands.
"Those idiots, if I catch those little shits." he grunted, turning his neck a little to give you more room to work. "And you still ask if I'm tense."
"Some things are impossible to go unnoticed." you let the laughter escape you, a comfort to Smoker's ears. "But you know, sometimes you need to take some time off and relax."
"You say it like you take a lot of time to relax." he turned around, seeing you stick your tongue out. "Some things are impossible to go unnoticed." he repeated to you. "How many nights did you sleep well after that incident?"
"Well, I guess…" you thought for a moment, now your hands were just resting on his shoulders. "To be honest? I think it was only that night that I slept there." you pointed to the armchair on the opposite side. "And of course, in the infirmary. Their medicine is good."
"Don't say things like that." he pointed out, little did you know but the idea of ​​that night still gave him chills.
Letting the affection he had for you guide him, Smoker brought his hand to yours on his shoulder and pulled it, so that your face was level with his.
"I believe we both need to relax." he pointed out, his breathing practically mixing with yours.
"Yeah, we both need it."
You could almost taste Smoker's lips when the door ahead abruptly opened, revealing a panting Tashigi in front of you.
"Commander Smoker!" she started and then stopped, analyzing the situation in front of her eyes. "Do I interrupt something?"
"Don't worry honey, I'm leaving." you pointed out and you could hear Smoker practically grunting in front of you.
"What's so important Tashigi." he didn't bother to let go of your hand, even with the girl's presence, even with your body already standing behind him.
"The pirates from the last mission, someone attacked their ship and they sank, so the team that stayed behind managed to bring them in." Smoker jumped to his feet immediately, picking up the reports you had left on the table.
"You can go, I'll be waiting here." you warned without even waiting for him to ask. As soon as the room was empty, you occupied your favorite armchair and, as you rarely did, you allowed yourself to relax with the aroma of Smoker that still remained in the room.
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sockmeat · 1 year
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𝐅𝐄𝐌 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 -- 𝑰𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒍𝒊𝒑𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒌 𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒌𝒔 𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒆... (𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒍𝒚 𝑺𝒊𝒏𝒔)
(𝐰𝐜): 3,058
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: When you acquire a new shade of lipstick, you’re eager to try it on and see how it looks. When you see your s/o minding their business, you’re curious: what will it look like on them?
(𝐀/𝐍): GET THIS OUT OF MY DRAFTS i am sick of looking at it
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠(𝐬): Meliodas’ scenario is suggestive at the end but if you blink you’ll miss it, Ban’s scenario is suggestive all the way through I’m sorry I wanna fuck him so bad, I tried to get this out on Valentine’s day but I’m pathetic and lazy so let’s pretend this isn’t a whole MONTH late
♡ Sometimes Meliodas was just too fucking cute.
♡ Even though you were well aware of how his mind works, being the victim of his impulses, you couldn’t help but want to squish his cheeks until the end of time.
♡ And it just so happened that you were getting ready and decided to wear your new, bright red lipstick when he came in with all his cheeky glory.
    “Yo, (y/n)! What’cha doin’?” He asks you with a smile, closing the door behind him and leaning on it. You turn from your vanity with a matching expression. He was in his usual outfit--he always refused variety in his wardrobe. You’ve gotten used to seeing him, but you will always be excited to see his face. Especially his cheeks.
    “I’m just playing around with some makeup,” you tell him. He hums and you return your gaze to the mirror. Delicately, as to not knock anything over, you grab your newest shade of lipstick and apply it to your lips.
Meliodas stays silent as he watches from across the room.
    When you were satisfied, you put the lipstick down and reached for a spare napkin, only for you to stop in your tracks when you make eye contact with Meliodas through the mirror.
    Your smile grew when an idea popped into your head. “Meliodas,” you coo, “Come here please.”
    Meliodas pushes himself off the door and does as you say. “What’s up?” He asks, stopping next to you.
    You say nothing, only pulling his face down to your level. With quick vigor, you press a dozen kisses on his cheeks; six bright red kiss marks decorated his face like freckles. Finally, you press one last passionate kiss on his lips. He parted with a silly smile stretching his face.
    He knew he’d be getting teased for it, but he couldn’t bring himself to wipe the lipstick off. In fact, he’d wear the markings proudly until the day they wore off.
♡ And just as he expected, Meliodas was teased. A lot.
♡ He wasn’t the only one being teased, though. Ban teasing the both of you all day about you both being perverts.
♡ Despite that, never once did he consider wiping your art off.
♡ Meliodas is the type of guy to love any kind of marking, giving or receiving, so he was in bliss the whole time.
♡ At the end of the day, he knew he was loved and the markings were proof of that. Don’t be surprised if he starts buying lipsticks of all kinds and asking you to mark him lower, too. Maybe you could even make a rainbow!
♡ When you finally got your hands on a lipstick you had your eyes on forever, you couldn’t help but put it on straight away.
♡ You picked out a cute outfit to match, too. You were just so excited!
    You smiled to yourself, admiring yourself in your bathroom mirror. You had a dress, cute shoes, the jewelry Ban stole from you--you were only missing one thing. Excitedly, you grabbed your new lipstick and started putting it on, leaning closer to the mirror.
Knock, knock.
    Ban opens the door without hearing your answer. “Hey, babe, Meliodas wants us--Oh,” he stops in the frame, gawking at you.
    “Hey, hot-stuff,” Ban purrs, eyeing the dress you’re wearing. He walks to you confidently. “Going somewhere? I hope not. I didn’t know you had this dress,” he smirked.
    “Yes, I’m going somewhere. It’s very important and I don’t need you smudging my makeup,” you attempt to scold him. Ban ignores your silent demand and leans down, pressing a kiss to your hairline.
    You sigh. “One kiss,” you tell him, turning and pressing a kiss to his jawline. “Now, shoo! Out!”
    Ban stops you by grabbing your hips and pressing you against the counter. “Oh, no, I’m not going anywhere,” he smirks. “But neither are you.” He grabs the lipstick from your hands and swipes it across your lips.
“You’re gonna need more of this.”
♡ Ban doesn’t mind markings, but he prefers giving them over receiving them.
♡ This doesn’t mean he’ll tolerate teasing, oh, no. He’ll either fire back at them or brag about the marks.
♡ He will also get you more lipstick and opt to try it out, but instead of buying it like Meliodas, he just steals it. (They’re always new, however, since the one time he got you a used one you got a sore and he couldn’t kiss you until it healed.)
♡ Strangely enough, he found out he has a thing for lipstick thanks to you.
♡ When you mentioned your date with King to Elizabeth, she decided to take you shopping while you were at a pit stop.
♡ There were many options, but you decided on something conservative. You didn’t want to give your favorite fairy a heart attack just yet--not until you were married, at least.
♡ It was a simple outfit, but one you knew he’d like. As a bonus, you had the cutest shade of lipstick to go with it!
    Elizabeth sat on your bed with the brightest smile, patiently waiting for you to leave the bathroom and show her your outfit. You two just got back from your shopping spree; you got a new outfit and Elizabeth got some jewelry, but the star of the show would be your new lipstick.
    Until now, you had never worn any type of bold color on your lips. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t excited. With grace, you applied the final coat to your lips and strut dramatically out of the bathroom.
    “What do you think? Is it too much?” You ask Elizabeth, your confidence suddenly flying out of you. You nervously wiped your hands on your outfit and smoothed the wrinkles.
    “You look wonderful,” Elizabeth cheered, brightening your mood. “He’ll love it!” You returned her smile. No one could stay grumpy when Elizabeth was around, her joy was simply too contagious.
“Thank you,” you tell her.
Knock, knock, knock.
“(Y/n)? Are you in there?”
    You open the door to see King with his fist raised. He almost looked surprised to see you; his face held shock, but there was a faint trail of pink on his cheeks.
    You smile at him and ask, “Are you ready?” He grips his pillow and looks around the hallway, stuttering over his words. Whenever he tried to say something, he’d cut himself off and try to say something different.
    “I-I just...” King sighs. “You look really pretty,” he mumbles, finally meeting your eyes. Your face warms and before you can think, you’re pressing a kiss to his cheek.
    You pull back and giggle when you see the red stain on his face. “Come on, let’s go before it gets dark.” You grab his hand and pull him down the stairs. He floats after you with heart eyes, burning the feeling of your kiss into his brain.
♡ Another person that gets teased for the kiss mark.
♡ He gets a lot more embarrassed than the others, though.
♡ He also can’t defend himself that well...
♡ If he gets teased enough, he’ll just hide away in his room.
♡ He’ll consider wiping the kiss off until he thinks about you being sad because of it.
♡ Chances are, because of that thought, he’ll keep the kiss there until it wears off or you wipe it off.
♡ He thinks they’re a little bit embarrassing--he will almost never ask for them unless he’s feeling bold.
♡ This time you’re getting ready together!
♡ Diane has a large collection of beauty products and loves to share them with you.
♡ At least once a week the two of you are playing around in her makeup. Sometimes they’ll be considered dates and sometimes you’ll do it to get ready for actual dates, but they will happen.
♡ There is no escaping it.
♡ Everyone knows about these dates, too. Sometimes Elizabeth or even Merlin will join and it’ll be a girls’ night!
    You and Diane were sitting around and talking about life’s secrets when she decided to pull out her makeup. The two of you were gathered on the hardwood floor in front of a body-length mirror, her mountains of makeup sitting next to and in front of you.
    With a smile, you pushed your cheek against hers and looked at her through the mirror. “Always,” you whisper.
    “Oh, oh!” Diane chants, reaching into one of the piles and pulling out a hardly-used lipstick. “I got this a few days ago, but I totally forgot about it!”
    She was quick to put it on her lips. Puckering them up, she turned to you with a duck face and mumbled, “Don’t I look cute?”
    Diane squeals, “(Y/n) thinks I’m cute!” while rubbing her cheek against yours as if she was starting a fire. She continues to spout cheesy nonsense before attacking your cheeks.
    One kiss turned into five and five kisses turned into twenty. Soon enough, your entire face was covered in her lipstick. The lipstick left on her lips was now smeared from her harassment, but the smile she had distracted you from that.
    “Well, if you’re gonna be like that--” You start, snatching the tube of lipstick and putting it on erratically. Diane screamed and tried to run, but you grabbed her and returned her onslaught full-force.
    In the end, the two of you were covered in lipstick--both of your lips were bare, however, instead, the lipstick was everywhere else. Diane would look back on this memory with fondness for the rest of her days.
♡ She enjoys it as much as you do!
♡ However, she isn’t the type to keep it on all day. She can just ask you to give her more, after all.
♡ Ban is really the only one that teases her and she’ll brush it off like it’s nothing.
♡ She knows you love her and that’s all she cares about. The kisses are proof of that!
♡ Occasionally, she’ll ask you kiss in a specific spot if she’s looking to do a whole look. She’ll make something intricate with your kiss as the main course and will only take it off when she has to go to bed.
♡ While Gowther was shopping for books, you wandered off and came across a beauty store.
♡ You planned on just looking around, but when does that ever work out?
♡ While you were exploring, a beautiful shade of red caught your eye.
♡ You tried the sample and sure enough, you looked amazing! You were quick to grab the tube and purchase it.
    You skipped swiftly down the streets, eyes set on the book store Gowther would no doubt be visiting. As if someone would steal it, you held onto your newest tube of lipstick with a grip of steel.
    When you were just a few steps away, you slowed and took the lid off to put it on. With a finishing swipe, you rubbed your lips together and looked for Gowther.
    “Gowther! Look what I got,” you call, seeing him exit the store with a few books in his hand. He looked at you for a moment before he noticed the change. A ruby red color, which was not there before, made itself present on your lips. It looked strangely... Kissable?
He points to your lips and asks, “What is that, girlfriend?”
    You grab his hand and begin walking back to the tavern, where everyone was waiting. “It’s lipstick,” you inform him. “Makeup. It just makes you look nice. Do you like it?”
    Gowther thinks for a moment before answering. “Yes,” he states. “I do like it. Why haven’t you shown me this earlier?”
    You smile, “I wasn’t sure how you’d feel about it. You can be brutal, you know. I’m glad you like it!” Pressing a quick kiss to his cheek, you decide against telling him about the mark it left.
♡ Gowther doesn’t understand them. In fact, he may even see them as unsanitary, considering how much germs the human mouth has.
♡ Are you surprised? This is Gowther, after all.
♡ But still, he’ll do what you want with them.
♡ Once you explain that it’s a sign of your love, he’s more open to keeping it on.
♡ He’ll even randomly point it out to other people and subtly brag!
♡ You sat patiently in the front area of the Boar hat, waiting for Merlin to return from her escapade. A month ago, before she left, Merlin promised you that she would bring you something as a gift--a souvenir.
♡ Of course you were said to see her leave. Anyone would be!
♡ But the rest of the sins were good at keeping you distracted so you weren’t moping around.
♡ Thanks to them, the month passed by quickly.
    You sat at the bar of the Boar hat, staring at the door as if it owes you money. As humble as you wanted to appear, you knew you were being impatient. No doubt, you would be teased for this, but you didn’t care.
Your girlfriend is coming back today! Who wouldn’t be excited?
    Your heart leaped into your throat when you heard footsteps approach the door. Merlin. Each step felt like a millennia apart. You had half the nerve to march over and swing that door open. There was a chance she was teasing you, after all. A chance she knew you would count her arrival by the second.
However, there was a chance that wasn’t her. So you waited.
    Finally, the door opened and Merlin stepped in. She couldn’t say a word before you were latched onto her. You gave her a passionate kiss, your leg popping out of habit.
    “Well, hello there,” she smiles, pulling away from your kiss, but not your touch. “I didn’t expect to see you here.” An obvious lie. This has been a long-going routine for years now--Merlin would go off on a mission and you would always be there to greet her.
    She reaches into her cloak and pulls out a tube of lipstick--pink, just like hers. “I know how much you love to match. It just so happens that I found this while travelling and I thought of you,” she chirped, taking the cap off and applying it for you.
    You admired her as she concentrated on your lips. A small smile graced her lips. When she finished, she put the cap where it belonged and put the tube of lipstick in her hands.
    “Thank you,” you purr, leaning forward to give her a kiss on her lips, then her cheek.
    Normally, Merlin would wipe the mark to avoid comments, but you were just reunited. Perhaps she could deal with the sins’ teasing.
♡ Merlin prefers giving them instead of receiving them.
♡ She appreciates the sentiment, but sometimes she has important things to attend and when all her peers can focus on is the kiss marks you left behind, no work is done.
♡ However, giving them is like a little claim for her. She absolutely loves to see them.
♡ Giving Escanor kiss marks wasn’t a new concept.
♡ Whether it was cheering him on in his day form or cheering him up during the night, Escanor almost always had a kiss mark somewhere on him.
♡ Escanor loved nothing more than holding you in his arms while you kissed anything you could reach in his day form.
♡ In his night form, he loves holding you close so you can kiss him while he reads to you.
    You tried to pay attention to what Escanor was saying, you really did! But watching him next to you looking so kissable made it so hard. You were feeling especially loving tonight--you were damn near close to biting the man because of how cute he looks.
    When Escanor offered to read to you, you didn’t hesitate to accept the offer. It was common, sure, but you would never get tired of hearing him describe a scene. He had a way of expressing a scene that made you feel like you were there yourself.
    You were so busy admiring him you didn’t even notice when he stopped reading. “Dear?” Escanor calls to you, resting the book on his lap. “Are you alright? I’m not boring you, am I?”
    “No, no! I just--” You stumble over your words. Your hands are waving wildly in the air, hoping you convey your message better than your words can.
    You sigh, annoyed, and get up from your seat. Confidently, you strut to Escanor and plop onto the space next to him. Your legs are thrown over his and your arms are around his neck.
    You grin when Escanor’s face flushes. “You’re just really cute,” you gush. While you press scattered kisses on his face, Escanor’s heart is beating faster than ever.
    His thoughts are chaotic--how much he doesn’t deserve you, how he’s glad that no one else is here, to how he could feel the lipstick you left behind--but no matter what he thought about, it was always about you.
♡ In the end, it doesn’t matter which form he’s in, he’ll always love them.
♡ He just gets more embarrassed over it during the night.
♡ But don’t let that fool you! He will never deny you from showing your love.
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Not Tonight
| Nanami, Kuzan, Fatgum, Smoker, Macro, Katakuri, King, Benn, Rayleigh, Aizawa, Yami, Shanks, Mihawk, & Anyone else
☆⋆·˚ ༘ *________________________☆________________________⋆·˚ ༘ *☆
Looking out the coffee shop window, you take in the lively scene. The shop usually closes around the late evening hours of seven making it the perfect time to see the night come alive. You watched as the calming sun-kissed sky slowly turned into a mystical night. The streetlights turn on illuminating the dark streets. Taking a slow calming breath, you relax and sip the remaining coffee in your cup before returning to work. Lost in the scenery, your eyes gazed towards a man outside the shop’s window.
Your attention was taken by a man who dressed in the finest suit you have ever laid eyes on. Eyes continue to pan as you take in his height. The calming demeanor he carries is reciprocated through his style of dress and the way he takes care of his appearance. Your eyes couldn’t detach from the man as he walked into the store. Adjusting his suit, he orders a hot cup just before the shop closes. The staring must have become noticeable as he turns in your direction to see who is looking. Embarrassed, you turned your face only to realize that you were standing in a sea of nothingness, being the only person in the direction he was looking in.
The slight smile he gives sends an arrow through your heart. He motions you to come over, but your body betrays the command. You begin to feel as if you’re strapped down to the ground. Feet heavy as boulders refusing to move. The words you want to say remain trapped by anxiety and paranoia. A shower of terrifying thoughts and the smell of dread wash over you as you start to fantasize about the different possibilities that can take place. Your heart races as the thoughts run rampant in your mind, “*What if he doesn’t find you interesting? Attractive? Time worthy?*” the criticizing words flood my mind. Overwhelming to the point of no return. Your face flushes red as you notice him finding you in this position feeling like a fool. Looks of concern take over his face as he begins to question his actions.
Defeat raises more in both of you as hesitation sets in. Losing breath with every passing second, trying to figure out what the next move between the two of you is going to be. Your courage is hiding deep inside as you barely must use it. You’ve never been in a relationship, and always find yourself backing out of it for fear of being reminded of the cruel past of failed attempts. You want to scream just one word, a simple "*Hey"* would be enough for you, but you can't bring yourself to it. Choking on words and crumbling deeper into yourself. Forgetting your surroundings, a light hand places itself on your shoulder while the other engulfs your tense hand. His voice was just as attractive as his looks, "*Are you okay?"*. All you could find yourself doing was being wide-eyed and embarrassed that you couldn't speak in his presence. He smiles to bring comfort. Your eyes close as he embraces you and tells me I have nothing to be afraid of. Sinking deeper into his chest, you melt as you’ve never felt this before. Especially from someone who doesn't even know you. Blood rushes to your heart as you muster the courage to utter a, *"Thank you."*.
Letting go of the warm embrace, you stare at him again. Lost in his eyes, a new emotion you find unrecognizable creeps in. As you open your mouth to speak, he cuts you off. Slipping a piece of paper in your hand before bringing the hand up to his soft lips and kissing it gently. He looks you in the eye and smiles one last time taking his coffee and leaving with a nod of his head. Coming back to reality, you mindlessly stroke the kiss stain on your hand and look at the writing on the note, *"Whenever you're ready. -XXXXXXXXXX.".* The words on the paper float around in your mind as they bring ease to the overbearing thoughts. You begin to ease out any lingering worry and find breath again.
You scold yourself one last time for not speaking up as you become grateful for being granted another chance to speak to the lovely man. Running your fingers over the handwritten note as you look back at the night through the window. You wished he had come back, so you could go right up to him and tell him how you feel but you assume tonight is not the night for this princess to find her knight in shining armor. Smiling at the note kissing the same spot on your hand as he did you whisper, "I'm ready, but not tonight.".
A/N: Thank you all so much for taking time out of your day to read my first short story. I really want to do a part 2, but I'm sure if I should. Anyways thank you again!
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suprababka · 4 months
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Asking them "1 million dollars & the prettiest girl in the world or me?"
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• Saitama • Genos • Speed-o'-Sound Sonic • Garou • Metal Bat • Amai Mask • Flashy Flash • Zombieman • King
A/N: I wanted to upload last week but the university said no :(((
Thanks for all the likes, comments, reblogs and following me! I really appreciate your feedback and support, guys!🥰🫶
You can check my masterlist too see more of my other works.
Prepare for possible OOC!
(Sorry if there are any mistakes!)
And, most importantly, enjoy!!!
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Saitama & Genos & Speed-o'-Sound Sonic
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Garou & Metal Bat & Amai Mask
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Flashy Flash & Zombieman & King
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218 notes · View notes
itsthatmff · 9 months
Watching a Horror Movie with their S/O
Included: Genos, Saitama, King, Garou, Metal bat, Zombieman
Some longer headcanons for you guys~
This turned out more chaotic than I had envisioned it, enjoy !
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Genos(with a s/o who isn’t scared at all)
Genos was the one to suggest on watching a horror movie together because he wanted to do “Social activities” with you. He once read during his daily web browsing, that watching horror movies with people that are important to you is a nice thing to do in your free time.
You both got Popcorn, snacks and blankets that day and watched “The ring” together at your apartment.
You honestly didn’t really feel like watching a movie, especially since you already watched that movie twice.
But Genos seemed so excited to spend time with you that you just couldn’t say no.
It began pretty chill, you both were looking at the screen while eating your snacks. Genos talked about how he never watched a Horror movie because he didn’t see the point in them.
Later, when the first jumpscare popped up, you weren’t really surprised. Genos on the other hand looked very much confused.
“I do not understand, Why did she jump up to the screen?”
“So that you get scared, silly”
Later, he started asking more questions and you answered them instead of paying attention to the movie. And after a while the “movie night” turned into more of a chit chat since you both lost interest to watch the movie.
“Y/N, I must admit that listening to your soothing voice is better than watching a horror movie. My suggestion wasn’t that good after all”
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Saitama (with an S/O who’s scared shitless)
Ever since Saitama got promoted onto rank B, you finally had some time to spend together as he didn’t have to patrol every day.
You decided that watching a movie at theaters would be great and left the ticket purchasing to Saitama as you bought the popcorn and nachos for both of you.
Little did you know that Saitama had gotten tickets for a horror movie. And little did he know that you were frightened by them.
You didn’t realize that the movie you had entered in was a horror movie way until 10 minutes into screening.
Sitting down on the comfortable armchair and munching on your popcorn, the sudden eerie music and the creepy hall made you halt.
“Saitama..what kind of movie is this..?”
“A horror movie.”
Saitama casually continued eating his nachos when he suddenly felt you grab onto his arm. He looked at you confused.
“No way, are you scared?”
All you could do was nodd as you were closing your eyes.
Saitama felt kind of proud on one hand to have you cling onto him like that, but he set his ego aside.
“We can leave if you want to, I heard this movie is shit anyways.”
You didn’t wanna ruin your movie date like this, but you really couldn’t stand being here for another second.
Once you guys had left the theaters you apologized to him, but all he did was take your hand and give you a small smile.
“It’s fine, cmon. The fact that we left earlier means we can still catch the sale going on at the supermarket.”
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King (with a s/o who loves horror movies)
King already shits his pants when seeing a monster, So I guess he Ain’t a big fan of horror movies either.
You asked him once after playing videogames if he wanted to watch a Movie with you and he agreed, not expecting anything.
At that night you both sat down and you decided to watch IT. It hadn’t even gone through your mind that the movie wasn’t watchable because it really wasn’t that scary in your opinion.
And King on the other hand couldn’t say no to watching a horror movie because he would’t want to upset you by showing his weaknesses.
When the movie began he already was shaking inside, and you didn’t notice until the first jumpscare popped up and he began sweating like hell.
“I’ll go to the toilet real quick Y/N”
A good 10 minutes had passed and he still hadn’t returned, which made you realize that he probably had gotten scared.
It was not too long after that he returned, ready to face the next gruesome 2 hours of his life, but there was no horror movie to be found.
Instead, he saw his favorite game playing on the screen, with you laying on your stomach and holding the controller.
“Y/N..what’s this?”
“I didn’t feel like watching the movie anymore. Playing video games is much more fun.”
A little smile crept upon him, he was very grateful to have such an understanding S/O.
“Sure, but don’t complain if you loose for the 2000th Time.”
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Garou (with an overdramatic S/O)
You loved to tease Garou any chance you could take.
It was always fun to see him react to situations he’s never experienced before.
That day you begged Bang at the dojo if Garou could take off one day of his training to have a sleep over at yours.
At first he was skeptical, he knew how reckless the youth of today could be.
But you reassured him that it would be a movie night and no more.
With his approval you had your plan rolling.
Garou was never the overprotective type when it came to trivial things, he thought it was too cheesy and knew you were independent enough.
Once at your apartment, you put on the first horror movie you could see on netflix.
Garou made himself comfortable on the couch, spreading his legs and tilting his head back.
You sat next to him, just waiting for the first creepy thing to happen.
You know sometimes in the movie when theres this tension just to turn out that nothing happened? Like when they turn on a light and theres nothing in the room.
At such a moment you decided to go all out, cling your arms onto his waist and close your eyes.
Garou was cleaning his ear when he looked from the tv screen down to you in confusion.
“What the fuck are you doing Y/N. Nothing even happened.”
“It looked like a jump scare..”
He knew damn well you were being overdramatic on purpose again.
“I swear to god if this is one of your stupid games.”
Despite saying that, he still wrapped his arm around your shoulder.
In some scenes where even he got startled a little, he tightened his grip around you.
The plan had worked. And you had to hold back your grin to save your life.
“It wasn’t even that scary- hey, what the hell are you grinning for? You did this on purpose didn’t you?”
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Badd (with an S/O who tries to act tough)
It was after school when Metal bat decided to take you out to the movies.
Everyone at school was talking about this new Horror movie that aired and of course as a good boyfriend he would want to spoil you and let you watch the movie so you could feel included at school.
You were indifferent with horror movies, they aren’t your favorites and you didn’t watch them often, but they certainly weren’t ‘too scary’ for you to watch.
As you both took your seats and the movie started, metal bat was already uninterested in what was going on in the movie. He was way more excited to be spending time with you. His gaze stuck on to you, he could see in what moments your eyes widened, when you flinched, when you laughed and when you felt scared.
It seemed like this movie was more scary than usual and it seemed that badd noticed your uneasiness.
His head rested on your shoulder,
“It’s just a movie.”
“I know.”
You knew, and still you felt uneasy. Though Badd’s assurance helped a lot. You combed through his hair as the movie progressed.
In the end, it did feel like the tension was worth it, as the ending of the movie turned out to be really good.
But that wasn’t the end of your date at all. Your boyfriend still had to spoil you rotten.
“Y/N, let’s grab food and go to karaoke afterwards, ya hear me?”
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Zombieman (with a S/O who loves Horror Movie marathons)
Watching horror movies with Zombieman was a usual thing for you two to do.
Especially since you two loved the old Halloween franchise. You’d both be on the couch at his crib, him smoking his usual cigarettes, a good whiskey on the table as you two watched and discussed the movie.
It was a nice activity you two shared. And it was obvious Michael myers was Zombieman’s favorite.
The smell of cologne, cigarettes and whiskey, the dim lit living room and the screams coming from the tv. Thats what you liked to call a romantic evening.
Its only when the room is filled with smoke and he sees your drowsy eyes that he decided to finally end tonights marathon.
He put his last cigarette on the ashtray and turned off the tv.
“We’ve watched enough, haven’t we?”
That deep raspy voice could immediately send you to sleep.
“You’re surely different to please, Y/N. But that’s what I like about you.”
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kobb4ni2 · 5 months
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TW: Alot of blood mentioned, and drunk kissing (not sober so that's bad >:v), SPOILERS FOR KING'S REAL NAME, and implied s3x
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I feel like King would be incredibly touchy only to you. King has been deprived of physical touch or any kind of affection, how can he? When he spend most of his days being a lab rat for Vegapunk. King can't even imagine touching someone so affectionately yet when you slowly broke down his walls and how you capture his heart raw, and the many days (aka everyday) he wanted you only to his side, how he wants to hold you close, skin pressed against him tight, he knows the goo goo eyes he notices from other people whenever both of you are hanging out (aka stalking).
Oh how he despise it. If every dead body he had killed because of his fires he could be making a forest a burning one to be exact, but he dares to never even let a single drop of blood be in his rugged up hands when he caress your tail, or your hands.
You've always taught that King only liked to be near you and even touch your tail because he wants you to talk more about his extinct race and if you want stop talking he will make you you by using the fires of his back but how wrong you were. You carefully unravelled him, like a tightly tuned shamisen, your words, touches, voice are like your hand carefully playing with heart like a talented maestro yet when you keep on strumming his feelings you failed to realized the blood dripping out of your fingers when doing so. King's swords is not only covered in the blood of his enemies, or even thinks to be near you but your name also carved in his sword.
He doesn't care about the height difference you guys have, even if your are in your smallest from (16'9) he will always find a way to feel you whole.
May it's the way you make him feel small when you look at him, or how your tail wrap around his waist, maybe the times he allowed you to touch his wings and how much he tried his best not to kiss you when you get near his face, he wants to taste your colored lips and let his face be full of your lipstick stain.
Depravity makes a man or any creature kind, and was that true for Alber when he was under you drunkingly kiss his neck while you hold him up, Alber wants you you maybe one day he can kiss you deeply and passionately after a wild hunt of sheading blood in your name as a infant baby with brown skin, with black feathers that were on your arms as Alber holds the other infant baby that has the same brown skin as his but a tail longer then it's entire body just like their mother.
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How I make the yandere character act at my fanfics :3 (NO ONE CAN STOP ME)
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(Random tiktok of the day:3)
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mangekyuou · 1 year
Hello! How are you? Was wondering if I could request some fluffy hcs for Kaido and King (separately) with their gn s/o giving them a massage plz?? You're so awesome! Keep up the good work! xx
✩༄  headcanons ,  giving them a massage !
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☆ — characters! . . . kaido. king.
☆ — cw(s)! . . . n/a. gn!reader. no pronouns used. not proofread.
☆ — notes! . . . them <33 it’s been awhile since i got to write about king, so i was so excited to write these. thank you so much for requesting !! <33333
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kaido loves massages, only yours. there’s no one else who works out the knots in his neck and pain in his lower back quite like you do
it’s how he met you in the first place. your hands are like magic on top of his rough skin, he had to keep you all for himself
so when he returns to your shared room, complaining about his aching back, you know exactly what to do to make your hunk of a man feel at ease
kaido loves the ambience of it all. the dim lighting, the candles, the drinks, the warm towels that you somehow have on standby
other than when he’s partying, this is when he’s the most talkative
he becomes extra flirty. just when you thought you heard every line in the book, he somehow always manages to surprise you
it reminds you of before you began dating, how often he flirted with you. it was so nice to know that no matter how long has passed he was still so in love with you and only you
when your hands get close enough, he’ll take one of them into his own and bring it up to his lips to kiss over your knuckles
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getting king to even agree to let you give him a massage is a process. you’ll have to wear him down to get him to say yes
when he lays on his stomach on your shared bed and tells you he’s never had a massage before…you've got your work cut out for you
when you touch his bare shoulders and back, you immediately feel how TENSE his muscles are
no wonder he’s so irritable all the time. there’s no way he’s comfortable walking around like that
it warms your heart seeing that he fully trusts you, relaxing underneath your fingertips coated in massage oil that you gently spread all over his skin
he’s done such a long way since you first met him
as you actually start to massage his back and work out on those awful knots in his neck and shoulders, you swear you can hear him hum in delight
never have you seen your stern boyfriend look so peaceful. he didn’t even have a snarky comment to make on you giggling at his comfortable state
before you could call his name gently, you heard a light snore. he fell asleep
maybe he did deserve a little nap
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© MANGEKYUOU — do not copy, repost, or translate my works.
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praisethesuuun · 9 months
Sooo... What about Arbel and Mihawk lifting their lover in their arms and making her do a twirl ♥️ and dancing with her in the sunset! ♥️♥️ Or in a field full of poppy flowers 💋
Enjoy my first OP request for you, my Invincible Sun! ☀️☀️☀️
ngl, this request was a comfort for me, especially now that i'm more than ever in the one piece fandom. thank you, my precious moon🤍🌙
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⚔️The best swordsman in the world has always sought a quiet life, far from the chaos of the other islands. It's no coincidence that he enjoys growing his own vegetables, while you help him and giggle at his farmer's hat. Mihawk must have been expecting your request to start planting flowers around the gloomy Kuraigana island as well, but he wasn't totally opposed to it.
⚔️However, the choice of flower would still have been significant, as your husband is the type of person who pays attention to details. After a long reflection - only on his part since you had already bought the seeds - you planted some red poppies in the warmest part of the island.
⚔️The dark and gloomy colors of his home, combined with the bright red of the poppies, created one of the most beautiful contrasts he had ever seen. Mihawk stops to look at them every now and then, picking one and bringing it to you as a sign of affection, knowing how simple roses are not enough to appreciate you.
⚔️A little habit that the swordsman has always had is to dance sweetly with his beloved in his arms, especially when you are sad about something. Even as dancing in his room to a graceful melody remains his favourite spot, Mihawk sees stars in your eyes whenever the smell of poppies accompanies you instead of the notes. And he can't help but please you, getting lost in your eyes.
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❤️‍🔥Let's face it, King the Wildfire is not someone who gets lost in certain things like romance or affection, preferring the smell of battle and the anger he carries inside. That's why, every now and then, you have to remind him. Loving the lunarian is a feat, but you know King holds a special place for you, he just has a hard time showing it every now and then.
❤️‍🔥One of your favorite pastimes - more yours than his - is being held in his arms as he takes flight with that beautiful black wings of his. The wind ruffles your hair every time you and King explore a new island, especially if it's quiet and colorful, very different from Onigashima.
❤️‍🔥The air crashes against your skin as King holds you with all the strength he has, his protectiveness taking over; he doesn't cover his face with the heavy mask and you are able to see his features. King's scarlet eyes, matching the beautiful poppy field you are flying over, while your fingers caress the petals.
❤️‍🔥King is a very observant person, paying attention to your movements, studying you incessantly. He can't help but land among the flowers; the force produced by its wings enough to spread them out, creating a small, leveled space for you. You have to take the initiative, taking King's hands in yours and starting to move gently, swaying through the field and making him see some good in the world.
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dr3c0mix · 3 months
Alistair x (platonically) Teen Reader
In the fic he is like oh my god a bride, he walks in and instead of an adult..or a bride-
They find a teen, who literally threw a pebble at him, an angsty teen💀
I’m very happy to read ur fics and usually pair them with teen/child mc because I find it funny because they expect the love of their life
and teen mc standing there :🧍‍♂️
anyways sorry for the long request, luv ur writing, and ur art :D
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Yandere! Evil King x Teen! GN! Reader
CW: platonic relationship, Alistair is a bit of a DILF so do with it as you will, Dads are hot you guys!! READER IS A MINOR.
👑 Who is this sassy lost child?
👑 His minions kidnapped you while you were on a carriage ride back to your kingdom.
👑 He was hoping for like a princess or something to marry and take over the kingdom with or whatever so like...what tf he gonna do with you???
👑 Clearly you were too young to be in a situation like this, but theres no way he's giving you back without a reward, so yes he still holds you for ransom.
👑 "Child, I am Alistair, King of-ACk!"
👑 Did...did you throw a pillow at him?!
👑 "How dare yo- AHK! Stop it!" another one..
👑 You refuse to listen to anything he says, you just wanted to go home
👑 You two had a bit of rivalry for a bit. He hated you and you hated him.
👑 He promised not to show any affection or care towards you since in his eyes, your actions didn't deserve it. How can someone be so rude to a king !?
👑 But he starts to notice you don't eat much. He never sees you in the dining hall and has only seen quick moments of you nibbling on some bread or pastries the servants gave you.
👑 He scoffed, so irresponsible! You must eat a proper meal right this second or you'll starve!
👑 You're surprised to see a meal prepared for you during your routine trip to get a snack from the pantry with a note on the plate.
👑 "Next time, ask for a proper meal. I don't want your parents to think I've been starving you. -Alistair P.S. go to bed early."
👑 Huh...
👑 Alistair smiled from the doorway of the dining hall, watching you eat up with a smile on your face. You might have been too scared of him to ask for food so you've been sneaking snacks while he wasn't looking.
👑 Of course he wasn't doing it because he cared about you, he just didn't want royalty like you to resort to such pathetic means to eat!
👑 Why are you still sad? Perhaps he should get you some things to keep your attention..
👑 He asks (threateningly may I add) about your hobbies or interests.
👑 The next morning your cell (which has been upgraded to a lovely room in the castle because he didn't want you to be filthy and gross in a dungeon) was filled with anything he could find that he thought you'd enjoy.
👑 Don't think he wants you to be happy! He's just tired of seeing you sulk everywhere!
👑 He denies everything, but you swear you could see a tiny smile on his face when you hugged him happily.
👑 You start being a little more open to him, showing him anything you've made or done with pride and he'd receive it gratefully, but he won't show it of course.
👑 "I made you this friendship bracelet!"
👑 "I've seen better jewelry."
👑 "Oh I'll take it back then I guess.."
👑 "No, it's mine now, back off."
👑 Drawings and the like that he said would be thrown out as soon as you left would be seen framed in his room
👑 It would be a..waste of good canvas..
👑 And of course he buys a few books of your choice for you to read, he'd be damned if your brain turns to mush.
👑 Bro bro he'd be the type to let you swing around while holding onto his bicep.
👑 If you ever have any problems, or come to him in a bad mood, he'd have no idea how to help other than to sit down and listen to your troubles.
👑 He's not the most physical when it comes to affection, but you bet your ass he's gonna do everything he can to cheer you up.
👑 At this point he's rewriting his demands for the ransom. Either your kingdom lets him sign some adoption papers or he's starting a war.
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mishsymishy · 8 months
Digital circus/Reader
Angst¡¡ Part1-
( first ,If there is any language error please tell me, English is not my first language lmao , and I never write angst gonna be honest)
You can take it as platonic or romantic, although it is more romantic
Warnings!!!: A LOT OF ANGUST! , insecurity, bothering others, suicidal thoughts, self-blame, insanity, self-hatred.
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You end up abstracted.
—She will definitely feel like it's her fault, Even if you became distracted by something else unrelated to her or your relationship with her, she will feel that she is guilty and will have a hard time thinking otherwise
—She won't reach the point of also falling into the madness (I hope), After knowing that you are the black thing with eyes, she will try to act as if everything is fine so as not to get more nervous, (failing in the attempt)
—Ponmi really cared about her, I mean, she lost her loved one ,her even saw her in the hallways talking to herself, many times stopping in your room with your photo crossed out.
—Little by little she will improve, although not completely, she will always have a void in her heart or mind, now feeling guilty of anyone who also abstracts
—She misses you too much, she misses her morning talks with you, she misses your voice and your touch.Her didn't sleep digitally because I was thinking about you, And she will spend days thinking about you again
—She already has traumas, losing you would be like a double punch in the stomach. She will never be the same again, even if others try to help her, she is convinced that without you there is no point in even smiling. He feels guilty for not having been with you at that moment, she feels that she failed you at the worst moment.
—When they gave her the news, she already expected it, she didn't see you all day even if you told her yesterday that you were going to meet her to play some strange thing or try to remember things from back
— she wants to cry, but nothing comes out of her eyes ,Her pupils simply dilate every time she thinks about being with you again, you were her support .The reason she hadn't gone crazy yet
— She goes literally crazy, isolates herself from everyone and starts trying to find a way out sooner or even tries to convince herself again that everything is a dream no matter how real it all was, she laughs to herself and starts not even paying attention even Ragatha and no one
-Firts think it's a joke, that they want to get revenge on him for the jokes using you.Don't believe anyone even if they are panicked or gleeful about abstraction.I mean, you were fine..right? He saw you very well the last time he see you, it doesn't even make sense.
—He stands still when he sees everyone gathered..and you missing, watching as Caine takes the abstraction to the basement, saying your name in a really dramatic sigh.
He don't believe it ,he doesn't want to believe it.
—Feel bad for Ganglee, because now he is going to bother twice as much and with more pain , even taking her mask and breaking it into pieces in front of her face.
He's twice as serious and doesn't even smile that shit-eating smile anymore, not even when someone falls or starts to descend into madness. Just making practical jokes to annoy and get revenge for everything with everyone.
—If someone else abstracts themselves, he will feel proud but also painful, as if it were revenge for taking you away from him (Even if it is not the fault of others, he will think that others are to blame, especially Caine)
—He will secretly cry for your loss, wishing you were there to ask for your forgiveness and he alsowould secretly tell Caine that if he finds a way to fix the abstracted ones, you have to be the first one, And fuck the rest. he doesn't care anymore
—He carries his depressed and angry feelings towards other people, without caring about the consequences, he no longer even cares if he becomes an abstraction, or rather he doesn't even see the bad thing about that
-God, not even the happy mask can fix it, She will cry and sob every night , every hour, every moment. It's really fucked, because Jax will remind you of you at any second ,And it's not unintentionally.
_- Oh yeah.. s/o can fix it ..oh sorry_- Jax says, watching the mask hide in its ribbons as she runs away from him , crying quietly
—She will hide in her bands or cover her eyes every time someone tries to support her, she will feel bad for not being with you and leave you alone in the basement, although she doesn't know what's going on there , she knows that you probably don't want to be there and you're trapped there with people that you don't want. ( like her )
Thinking about that, she quickly panics, sobbing your name while tightly grabbing her happy mask and accidentally breaking it by crying ,and accidentally putting pressure on her mask. She cries more and runs to her room, again not even wanting to go on missions with the others to distract herself, don't want to see anyone any more. Even if it makes her abstract. She could make company there. They are totally not going to notice her disappearing.. she is no one on the team, no one cares about her like you did.
I need to study so I split this in two
Byebye people , don't cry and be happy , yay.
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ziinesso · 10 months
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Selfish, I acknowledge it. However, as soon as my mind turns to you, an urgent wish awakens within me: that you desire me fervently. It's a personal intention, I admit, to aspire to bewitch your thoughts, in the same way you adeptly do with mine.
Selfish that I am to seek the attention of an innocent. How can I pretend to rise from the darkest depths of the earth to reach you? And yet, here I am, writing to you, kneeling before your gentle person. I allow myself to confront you with my reality, with my shameful dreams.
But as I contemplate these words, I cannot help but wish that they reach you, that they reveal the depth of my heart to your eyes. For in the midst of this tragedy I am living, perhaps you will deign to cast a compassionate glance my way.
- choso, geto (jjk) ; itachi, madara (nt) ; law, king (op)
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Imagine going to the fire festival with King
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You: *just joined the crew* do we all have to go to the fire festival?
King: Attendance is strongly encouraged
You: ah so we're being voluntold to go to this party.
King: yes, but it's not just a party, it really is a festival over in the capitol. It has food, music, and all that fun stuff.
You: oh, so we get to go to the capitol during it?
King: well... no, you have to stay at Onigashima.
You: ugh fine I'll go, but I'm gonna complain the whole time.
King: *lets out a long-suffering sigh* yeah, I know.
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At the party
King: *finds you hiding up on the roof* So this is where you ran off to.
You: Sorry to disappear like that, but I promise I just needed some air, and a break from Orochi and his stupid laugh.
King: understandable *sits down next to you*
You: I mean, my god he sounds like a deranged horse when he laughs. How can any of you stand it?
King: because he's useful at the the moment. So please grin and bear it. But it's snowing, so we should head back inside soon, so you don't get sick.
You: In a while *Sees lights start to rise from the capitol* what are those?
King: oh, those are the sky lanterns. The people of Wano send those up with messages to their dead.
You: it's so pretty, we could never have something like this back where I'm from.
King: What, why?
You: it would inevitably end in a wildfire, and we have too many of those as is.
King: What, how many of those do you have?
You: enough that it occasionally rains ash.
King: What does that look like?
You: Kind of like a snow flurry, except it's hot out and doesn't taste good to catch on your tongue. Not that snowflakes really do have much of a taste. *Catches one on your tongue*
King: well yeah, it's ash, dummy, it isn't going to taste good. And you shouldn't eat the snow, it's full of fumes from the factories.
You: huh, is that why it leaves a funny aftertaste of ammonia?
King: *stands up and urges you to get to your feet* You're getting your mouth washes out.
You: *flails uselessly* Nooo!
King: *grabs your arm and lifts you, trying to get you to stand up* I'm not going to carry you, but I will go get the doctors. Do you really want to disturb them on one of their only days off?
You: *freezes*
King: that's what I thought.
You: You owe me sushi for this. *Supports your own weight*
King: yeah yeah, you can have all the food you want, let's get inside.
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roguerambles · 4 months
Rising Heat
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Tekken - King x Female Reader
Warnings - 18+ Only. Adult Situations.
So, I have come to the fairly firm conclusion that King is the hottest Tekken man. I will not be taking questions at this time--
Enjoy the Rambles!
The Charity Tournament was proving to be a success, so far.
In the aftermath of the last King of Iron Fist Tournament, the Mishima Zaibatsu had something of a “PR issue”, as Lee had so delicately put it. Which, considering the last head of the corporation had attempted world domination, was probably something of an understatement.
You were not sure exactly how the idea had come about, but between the minds of Lee, Lars, Alisa, Jin and Steve, the King of Iron Fist Tournament had been rebranded. Now, the tournament’s goal was to raise funds for reconstruction efforts in the areas most affected by the corporation’s actions, along with charities and causes of the competitors choosing.
…you had to admit, the idea had merit. And if gave you an excuse to get back into the ring, so to speak. Jin owed you a rematch, after all.
Xiaoyu practically vibrated with excitement beside you, the prep room bustling with activity. On the large screen above your heads, the match between Jin and Hwoarang was in full swing, and so far it was proving a close call.
Hwoarang hit the floor as the audience erupted with cheers and groans. Xiaoyu bounced on the spot and clapped gleefully, her face lighting up.
“Jin! He did it! He did it!”
“I noticed.” You said dryly, watching her with some bemusement. “Is anyone actually keeping track of how many victories those two have over each other?”
Xiaoyu tilted her head, giving a thoughtful hum before shrugging her shoulders. “I’m sure they must be. I’ll ask later.”
You snorted and returned your attention to the monitor, the announcer’s voice blaring through the speakers as the leaderboard flashed across the screen. You spotted Xiaoyu’s name (“Hey, look, I’m going up against Steve!”) and were scanning for your own when a exuberant voice called out behind you.
“Ladies! Enjoying the show?”
Turning around you saw Lee approaching, his handsome face practically glowing. He had been in his element this evening, and seemed to enjoy working with others to make the tournament a success. You were glad he seemed to be having a good time, but at the moment you were eager to find out when you would be getting into the arena.
Xiaoyu smiled brightly and gestured to the monitor. “We were just looking for her name—”
“I better be fighting Kazama.” You cut in, leaning back to nudge Lee slightly. “Sorry, Xiaoyu, but your boyfriend is going down.”
“Hey, he’s not my—!”
Lee laughed boisterously while Xiaoyu flushed and pouted, flashing you a winning smile – whether in an attempt to charm or placate you, it was difficult to say. “Alas, you’ll need to get to the next round first.”
“Then tell me whose ass I need to kick, Chaolan.”
Lee reached into the pocket of his flashy, fur-lined coat, pulling out his phone and studying the screen for a moment. “Steve and I were talking about it, and we’re quite excited for who we’ve matched you with—Marvelous!” Lee interrupted himself, a pleased grin blooming on his face as his head suddenly turned to look past you and Xiaoyu. “You’ve arrived!”
You watched as Lee strode past you and Xiaoyu towards the entrance, cheerily greeting the newest arrival – was something growling?
It took a moment for you to register who you were looking at, a towering masculine figure with a bestial face – King had arrived.
You had heard of King, of course, and the distinct jaguar mask – seriously did he take that thing off? – and herculean physique made him instantly recognisable to most anyone. But you had not spoken to the man before. The events of the previous year had not exactly been the opportune time to socialise.
“I always forget how huge he is!” Xiaoyu whispered behind you. “He is even bigger than on TV!”
You watched King as he shook an enthusiastic Lee’s hand, your eyes falling on the thick swell of his bicep, rolling under sunkissed skin. “I didn’t know you were a wrestling fan.” You replied vaguely, gaze trailing over his exposed torso, the perfectly sculpted abdomen and broad, powerful shoulders, and what were quite possibly the most bloody fantastic pectorals you had ever laid eyes on.
“Well, I’m not really, Panda is though—ooooh I should get his autograph for her!”
You barely had time to register exactly what Xiaoyu had said before you found yourself being dragged along by the other woman, towards where King and Lee were still talking.
Damn it, Xiaoyu—
You instinctively wanted to pull back, but your gaze was immediately drawn back to King as he gestured animatedly in front of Lee, biceps flexing at his sides, causing the powerful muscles in his arms and shoulders to bulge downright indecently.
“Ah! Excellent!” Lee’s grin flashed bright as he spotted you, while Xiaoyu cheerfully introduced herself to King (“My friend Panda is a big fan—“) he gestured theatrically towards you, turning to King again with a flourish. “King my good man, this is your opponent for the next round. I am sure you two together will be a superb performance!”
The wrestler turned his attention to you, and you found yourself momentarily unable to form sentences as you grasped just how tall he was.
King held out a gloved hand for you to shake – his hands were as massive as the rest of him, their rough warmth enveloping yours and damn it all you could feel your face getting hot. “I have seen you fight before.” He growled, the sound low and deep, rising from somewhere inside that broad, gloriously sculpted chest. “It is a pleasure to meet you properly at last.”
It certainly could be.
You cleared your throat, struggling to regain some composure – damn him, was that a smirk you saw on Lee’s face? – and shook King’s hand firmly. “I like your mask.”
Are you fucking serious—
Xiaoyu gave you a confused look, and while it was difficult to tell, King seemed a little puzzled as well. Lee smothered what sounded suspiciously like laughter – you were going to kick his ass – before suddenly hooking his arm around Xiaoyu’s shoulders. “My dear, I almost forgot! I need to take a few shots of you and Steve before the match, you understand—”
“Oh, okay! I’ll see you later!”
Xiaoyu called to you over her shoulder as Lee quickly began leading her away, and you glared at the back of the silver haired man’s head for a moment before realising you had not let go of King’s hand yet.
Releasing your hold, you shook yourself, brushing imaginary dust from your shoulder. “I’ve heard good things about you.” You tried to steer the conversation somewhere close to familiar. “I’d like to get my hands on you. In the arena. I mean—”
God, this was embarrassing.
King’s shoulders shook, a deep, throaty chuckle emanating from him and you felt yourself flush again. Damn it, even his laugh was kind of sexy—
“I look forward to seeing you in action.” He said, nodding and crossing his arms, the simple movement triggering a symphony of contracting musculature, those gorgeous pecs flexing unconsciously fuck you needed a drink. “Let’s give the crowd a show to remember.”
The fight. Of course. Familiar territory. You felt your lips form a smile, and confidence began to flow back into your limbs. “Naturally.” You leaned against the row of lockers nearby, flashing your teeth up at King. “It’s not everyday people see a King being toppled now, is it?”
King laughed again, shaking his head as he leaned against the lockers with you – it was a little odd talking to someone wearing a mask over his entire head, but King had a surprisingly warm aura for such an imposing figure. “I do not plan on losing.”
“Neither do I.” You stretched your arms over your head – maybe it was your imagination, but you swore you saw his head tilt down slightly, gaze lingering on your chest, before immediately moving back to your face. Warmth blossomed across your skin, and you pushed yourself upwards, arching your back just slightly. His head tilted slightly, following the movement.
Oh? Looks like I’m not the only one who likes what they see…
You felt a surge of boldness, your footing regained. Adopting as casual an air as possible, you grabbed the zipper of your form-fitting jacket, slowly pulling it down. You shrugged out of the material, sighing softly as the warm air of the prep room rushed to greet the bare skin of your arms and stomach. The material of your top hugged your chest and as you tossed your jacket onto the bench nearby, you glanced in King’s direction.
The mask made it difficult to tell, but you could feel his gaze trailing down over you, stopping on your hips before moving back up. You bit your lip slightly, barely stopping a pleased grin from spreading across your face.
“We should talk more after the fight.” You said, pretending to examine your boots – lifting your thigh, tilting your hips, just slightly – smiling impishly. “Maybe get a drink? Lee tells me the hotel they’ve booked for the fighters has a good bar.”
King said nothing for a moment, although you swore you heard a low, rumbling growl from in his throat. “Yes.” He said after a moment. “I would like that.”
“Good.” You swallowed, a flicker of excitement sparking deep in your belly. “We can toast my victory.”
King laughed once more, then stepped away from the lockers. You watched as King began to make his way towards the tunnel leading to his side of the arena, the muscles of his broad back flexing and contracting with every step, his powerful thighs striding across the room, the pleasing snugness of his pants accentuating his perfectly crafted—
Kazama would have to wait, you decided as you turned and began to make your way to the starting area. You were beginning to think of a different way to spend your evening after the fight.
King was a thrilling opponent.
You had fought plenty of men who thought themselves showmen. Often they’d be so distracted performing for their perceived audience they seemed to forget they were in a real fight, with a real enemy. That carelessness had made those victories easy.
King was different. He balanced his technique with theatricality, showing off for the crowd, bringing excitement to the arena, but his guard was never down. Every opening you spotted was bait, luring you in for an easy strike only to close down around you like a steel trap.
He was strong, you were quick. The trap would spring, you would dodge, and the dance continued, the temperature rising, sweat clinging to your skin. You ducked beneath King’s grasp, the warmth of his powerful body grazing your own, and it was hard not to imagine how this intensity would feel in other, more intimate environments.
Fuck, you were so turned on.
The crowd cheered and the music blasted through the air as you spun beneath King, aiming a kick directly at his exposed abdomen. He twisted, his arm darting protectively in front of him, knocking you off balance. He swung his body to the side, a fierce roar bellowing from deep in his throat, and you were thrown back, barely managing to flip around and skid across the floor to minimize the impact.
You had put nearly full force into your kick, and King had tossed you aside as though you weighed nothing, throwing you across the arena with strength greater that even his powerful build and size would suggest.
Fuck, that was hot.
King charged suddenly, and you sprang into action, launching yourself upwards. You swung your foot directly at the side of King’s head, but his massive hand shot up, fingers snapping tight around your ankle. You barely had time to react before the wrestler’s other hand grasped your waist, guiding your momentum until your thighs were on top of his shoulders.
What the fuck—
You squirmed in his grip, adrenaline mixing with bafflement, but King held fast. He twisted around, and you felt air rush around your ears as the world dropped out as he threw himself forward, sending you both crashing into the floor of the ring. Pain flashed across your shoulders and back, the roughness of King’s fingers digging into the flesh of your thighs, the weight of his broad, muscled body sliding between your legs, strong and wide and hot—
The sound that slipped past your lips was downright obscene. King’s head snapped towards you, and he became suddenly still, the jaws of his mask open in a silent roar. He stared at you, unmoving, and you felt your cheeks burn as you realised he definitely heard that.
Blood rushed in your ears along with the crowd’s cheering and King continued to stare at you unmoving, his palms burning against your skin. Biting your lip hard, you twisted your hips sharply, squeezing your thighs tight around him. King grunted in surprise as he was thrown onto his back, you perched atop him, gazing down at him, breathless with adrenaline and something else.
King stared up at you, chest heaving, his strong hands still holding you. You held each other’s gazes, the noise of the crowd and pounding of your heart deafening in your ears.
“…about that drink….” You said finally, swallowing thickly as King’s hands subtly brushed up your thighs, heat trickling down your spine. “How about we have it in my hotel room?”
King did not reply, but after a moment he nodded, fingers lightly stroking the strip of skin between your belt and shirt, leaving a trail of heat in their wake. You arched slightly, fire coiling deep in your belly, and swung your fist downwards. King threw himself to the side as you rolled sharply to your feet, excitement crackling in the air as the crowd roared with approval.
“But first….” You crooked your fingers at the wrestler as he slowly rose to his feet, his gaze remaining fixed on you, the jaguar mask bringing to mind the image of a hungry beast eyeing prey – was it weird that was turning you on a little? – and flashed him a grin. “I’m afraid it’s time to disappoint your beloved audience.”
King’s shoulders shook slightly, a booming laugh rising from deep in his chest. “I do not disappoint.”
You definitely caught the edge of innuendo in his tone, and a grin burst onto your lips.
This was going to be fun.
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itztim3todi3 · 1 year
ʜᴜɢs ʜᴜɢs
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Headcanons of how I think their hugs are/how they react to hugs(?) :)
Requests | Open (read rules on pinned first)
Fandoms | Demon Slayer, Seven Deadly Sins, Arcane-League of Legends, and Spy x Family
Platonic or Romantic? | Can be either (went for more romantic I think)
ᴋʏᴏᴜᴊᴜʀᴏ ʀᴇɴɢᴏᴋᴜ (ᴅᴇᴍᴏɴ sʟᴀʏᴇʀ)
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His hugs are warm and refreshing, like a bear hug due to his flame breathing
Hes typically always warm, due to this breathing, plus it's just who he is
This is one of the times that he's, usually, quiet
He likes to remember these moments when you're in his arms because, as sad as it is, it could be the last time
He wants to wrap his arms around your frame, smaller or larger, and just hold you close, breathing in your scent and basking in your warmth
He likes the feeling of your arms wrapping around his frame, your lips kissing his cheek lightly before burying your head into his shoulder/chest
ғᴀɪʀʏ ᴋɪɴɢ ʜᴀʀʟᴇǫᴜɪɴ (sᴇᴠᴇɴ ᴅᴇᴀᴅʟʏ sɪɴs)
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His hugs are shy yet protective, his small stature making it a bit hard for him to wrap his arms around your waist (unless you're his height/shorter)
He likes to have your head on his chest, whether you're smaller or taller than him, he likes the feeling of being able to protect you
But he does love cuddling into your stomach or chest, he likes feeling protected himself, to feel loved and wanted as you play with his hair
Affection is new to him, hes not that used to it but he loves it, hes just a little shy about it
ᴊɪɴx (ᴀʀᴄᴀɴᴇ-ʟᴇᴀɢᴜᴇ ᴏғ ʟᴇɢᴇɴᴅs)
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Her hugs are fun, tight, and usually playful! She loves to squeeze you and swing you around as she holds you close
Her laugh is echoing in the room as she hears your pleas to be let go, but she knows that you don't want her to let go
There are those moments when she just wants a soft, calming hug
Your hands gently running through her hair or down her back, words of reassurance falling from your lips as she buries her face into your neck
She likes to fall to her knees in front of you when she's feeling down and just burry herself into your stomach, sometimes lifting your shirt for skin-on-skin contact
She loves how warm it is, and how much it makes her feel safe and at home
ʏᴏʀ ғᴏʀɢᴇʀ (sᴘʏ x ғᴀᴍɪʟʏ)
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Her hugs are a bit awkward yet soft, her hands automatically rubbing your back in comfort, her muscles a bit stiff but relaxing when she senses no danger
She loves hugs, she never really got affection from anyone besides her brother so she loves it 
She loves the way your hands fit perfectly on her hips, the way her head seems to fit into your neck like a puzzle piece
She loves how it's quiet enough that she can hear your heartbeat but it's not too quiet as she hears your voice mumbling things to her or the air conditioner running in the background
She loves how your warmth stays on her skin as your hands leave hers, her mind begging her to pull you back in and just keep you there for the rest of eternity
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