#she's pink and her name is mochi :3
terrariumindrawer · 8 months
the finch app is the only to-do list app i've tried so far that i almost like as much as writing things in my notebook
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blues824 · 7 months
Imagen izuru Kamukura dating the mitsuri kanroji.
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💞He is the obanai to your mitsuri (he is more obanai and giyuu combined.)
🍡Imagen the contrast between them a person who constantly shows emotions and loves everyone dispite their flaws and has her own flaws with a guy who doesn't feel emotions gets easily bored and doesn't have any flaws.
💞Imagen her braiding izuru his hair like her and him letting her and him doing her hair in return.
🍡Imagen his reaction to her hair being pink and green because of her love for sakura mochi and learning that she had to eat 180 sakura mochi for 8 months staigt of it to acedently happen.
💞Or het mussels mass being 8 times denser than everyone even surpassing him and her being able to beat 3 sumu wrestler in a food competition.
🍡I know he whoud be able to be as flexible and as tallend with a sword like the mitsuri mc or even stronger but she doesn't mind she always wanted a strong and intelligent husband.
💞Her being a cat person and always doing adorable things and izuru is just starting their watching over her imagine her making a flower crown for him and him just walking around with it.
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Izuru Kamukura
When I say that this man fits your type perfectly, I mean it. You were invited to Hope’s Peak as the Ultimate Swordswoman, which made sense. The only thing was that you were well-versed in every weapon, and your signature was a pair of whips instead of a sword. However, Izuru could wield them just as well, if not better. 
Now, you were his perfect opposite. You were very sensitive to your emotions, being way more in-touch with them than he was. You don’t get bored too easily, and you are rather happy and joyful despite being shy. He, on the other hand, was not a fan of emotions, as they tended to get messy. He tended to think about the negatives, being a cup-is-half-empty kind of person. He was not shy, nor was he soft-spoken… he was just a lone-wolf.
But, here you were, sitting behind him at lunch and braiding his hair into smaller braids. All of your classmates were purely amazed that Izuru was just allowing you to do it as you talked to him and did his ‘daily affirmations’. Truth be told, your gentle hands felt good in his hair, and he found himself relaxing in your arms. You were the only one who could make him temporarily forget the pain he has gone through to be here, but he’s grateful for it because he has you.
Izuru has what one would call a ‘sleeper build’. His muscles won’t show unless he flexes them. Your muscles work pretty much the same way, but you often use yours more. He makes it known that he doesn’t care that your muscle mass surpasses his and that the concept of femininity has been frayed since the beginning. This came up when he saw you refusing food for the nth time. Afterwards, he gave you a box of sakura mochi, and his heart melted at seeing you so happy.
You totally call him ‘honey’ or ‘sweetie’, and again, everyone is questioning how you are still alive. In your mind, though, you were already married. Despite there being a certain absence on your finger, you have already pictured up an image of you and Izuru growing old with each other (think Ellie and Carl from Up). 
For your pink hair, he kind of guessed that it was because of the pigment in the sakura mochi you loved so much. But he didn’t really care. You were eating something you liked, and that’s all that mattered. Plus, your hair was a pretty pink color that allowed Izuru to distinguish you in a crowd, which he definitely liked. You stood out like a pink highlighter, and that’s actually Izuru’s contact name for you in his phone. Don’t be offended, it’s affectionate.
Once, you came to school with a flower crown in hand. It had all sorts of daisies and dandelions, and you placed it on your boyfriend’s head. You then placed a kiss on his cheek before heading off to drop your stuff off at your locker. Throughout the day, Izuru could be seen wearing the flower crown, as he didn’t bother to take it off. Plus, he didn’t want to make you sad by taking it off, so it stayed on.
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nishloves · 8 months
f!reader x kyojuro rengoku // fluff, angst, smut (later in the series - skippable) // spoilers ahead! // masterlist
s y n o p s i s : the flame hashira said that you were like a sun; cheerful, warm and positive; it was the weirdest correlation you had heard but then, you strangely aspired to be as cheerful as rengoku made you out to be, which was weird because who could be positive in this cruel world? then you realised that maybe you were just fucked because of human emotions :)
w a r n i n g s (p a r t 1) : blood
w o r d s : 2k (approx.)
chapter 1 | chapter 2 | (3-10 coming soon!)
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when you saw him for the first time, you knew you could never even think to forget him, it was like looking at the sun, blinding and so empowering at the same time.
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Your hands were covered with blood, were they ever not? Dirt hung onto your clothes as you remembered just how you hated it when you got dirty, but now it's your lifestyle. You couldn't remember the last time you had relaxed in these past months; more so when you had become a hashira.
The nichirin blade slashed through yet another demon's neck as you watch it disintegrate and wailing for someone to save him too.
You sheathed your sword back, your black and silver haori swirling as you walked away from the demon, his sobs deaf to your ears.
"Fifty eight now, was it?" You mumbled to yourself as you watched the kakushi clear out corpses of humans who had perished before you came to their aid.
The demon wasn't even a kizuki.
You sighed as you sat on a nearby bench, your eyes fluttering close as you clutched your blade closer to yourself.
One more, kill more. More and more. Until you're a pillar, until you're strong enough— strong enough for him.
Now what? What after that?
"y/n san! Looks like you have finished your work!"
You opened an eye.
"Mitsuri," you smiled at the girl who beamed at you and pulled your hand towards herself, her soft palm enveloping yours.
"Wah! I really do love it when you call me by my name!" Mitsuri grinned as she leaned into you, her pink hair tickling your cheeks as you laughed.
"Isn't that why I call you, Mitsuri?"
The pinkette grinned at you as she fished out Sakura mochi for you, not again.
"You're taking up too much work, y/n san, you should rest once a while," she smiled at you passing on the dessert.
Rest, was it?
You weren't like this, you weren't a person who desired to overwork themselves to the bone, hell you've always wanted to run away from work yet now, when you have finally attained your goal, you're so scared that it will all slip away, slip away from your grasp as you stop to take a breath.
Was it enough? Was it really enough?
You didn't have any noble goals like other hashira, you just wanted to feel useful. Just that. You didn't really care about demons before you joined the corps, you don't even hate them right now— it wasn't their fault that they were turned into these disgraceful creatures.
"Are you in your head again?"
"Sorry Mitsuri, I am- just tired, yeah," you tried to smile at the newest hashira. You really did adore her a lot.
"Well! That's why I always ask you to take breaks! You wouldn't even stop exercising at the training centre!"
"Don't worry about me." You chuckled, "What are you doing here?"
"Oh OH i was on a mission and wow, that demon was really powerful, not a kizuki but strong! My kasugai told me that you're nearby so, after killing him, i came to meet you!" She exclaimed, her palms fisted in excitement as she blushed at you.
"Oh yeah? You did well, Mitsuri!"
"Thankyou so much, Y/N SAN!"
You laughed as you laid your head on the bench's headrest, your eyes closing by themselves as you realised just how worn out you felt from over three weeks long back to back missions.
"Oh? Rengoku san!"
Ren... goku san? Oh my god, Rengoku-san! Was I drooling? Do I look too much like a mess? AAAH! What should I do!?
"Kanroji! and l/n-kun!" You startled awake as you heard his booming voice, suddenly much more conscious about your appearance.
Did you smell? Was your haori too dirty? Did you burn your hair during the fight?
"Good morning, Rengoku-san," you smiled, trying to ease your mind, you're a slayer for god's sake, you can't look good after a fight!
"What are you doing here, Rengoku-san?" Mitsuri asked, passing another mochi to him as he gratefully took out and squeaked out a very loud "delicious" before answering.
You really wanted to sleep.
"I got a two day holiday because my mission went over a month! So I went out to walk."
"In a demon infested area?" You unintentionally mocked as you saw Rengoku's ears turning pink, he's gonna hate you now, isn't he?
"You got me there, l/n kun, as expected of your smarts!"
I am not really that bright though?
"I came here to meet you, l/n kun, it's been so long since we last caught up!" He said enthusiastically as his eyes trailed on your exhausted figure.
"Or let's not, i shall walk you to your cottage; you really need sleep," his bushy brows furrowed as he leaned down to examine you, his hand outstretched as if waiting for you to ask him for help.
"O-oh, I-I forgot that Iguro san was waiting for me at-at another city!" Mitsuri shreiked as she got up from the bench, fumbling and running away before you or Rengoku could say any word.
"Not really, Iguro-kun doesn't like waiting on others."
"I.." your speech faltered, did it even matter what you wanted to say?
You focused your eyes on the glinting red orbs of Rengoku as warmth spread over you; how could a pair of eyes be so earnest?
You slipped your hand in his.
"Thankyou for taking care of me, Rengoku-san."
"No worries, l/n-kun! We are friends right!?"
Friends, yes. Friends. You pursed your lips to refrain from showing any disappointment.
"Come on, don't look so glum, i will treat you to lunch!"
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"That was very fulfilling," you replied after an amazing (and embarssing because he wouldn't stop saying umai) lunch as you walked with Rengoku, his cheerful smile plastered on his face. You didn't know you were that hungry.
"Ha ha I know right? They have the best soba," Rengoku said, his hands buried under the cuffs of his kimono as you blushed slightly.
"Break day for y/n! Break day for y/n!" Your kasugai crow chirped as you winced at your bird, who flew and sat straight on your shoulders.
How far was your house?
"Are you alright?"
"Y-yeah i am," you tried to smile, you really did.
"But, you don't look fine at all," Rengoku said, directly looking at you, "I am sorry for overexerting you."
"Not at all!" You retorted, your hands flailing in the air as you scared your kasugai off who squeaked and flew off to a new tree... you would say sorry later. "I am so glad that you treated me to a meal! I'm pretty sure that i would have stayed hungry by myself." Because I'm too lazy to cook.
"You shouldn't stay hungry l/n-kun, We are hashiras! we should eat fully and keep track of our healths!" Rengoku remarked, his gaze travelling to your dark circles and your worn out haori.
What was Rengoku doing?
He crouched right there in front of you, his hands at his behind, "Come on, i will give you a ride!"
"W-we could call a cab! You don't need to do this!" You tried to explain, your face flushed as you looked at the gentleman who laughed at your stammering.
"And waste fuel for some measly three kilometer walk? We shouldn't do that! Now climb over, it's a way of me saying sorry for pushing you to get a meal."
You pursed your lips and climbed on Rengoku's back, your arms around his neck and his hand situating securely on your thighs as you blushed and looked away to watch the sidewalk.
"You didn't push me to get a meal, Rengoku-san; I was quite happy when you asked me to," you muttered, your voice barely above a whisper as you could feel his grip tighten slightly.
"I see! Still, let me help you, you just finished your mission!"
You let go of your complaints, you didn't want to make a good one either; you cherished the little yet meaningful time you spent with the hashira, his laugh and smiles always seeping warmth into your body, he could calm your very soul.
You leaned your head on his shoulder.
"Thank-you so much, Rengoku san."
"No worries, y/n!"
You didn't hear him saying your name as your eyes dropped and you drifted to sleep on the most reliable back of the world.
You remembered when you first met Rengoku, on the footholds of mount Fujikasane, among the numerous wisteria leaves as a particular bright haired man stood out amongst the crowd. You sensed that he could clear the selection easily.
"Me?" You heard his boisterous laugh, "Oh, I practice Flame breathing!"
Your family wasn't really affiliated to the demon slayer corps before you so it was a given that you didn't recognise the peculiar mane of hair, you wondered just why was this man so popular? But, it wasn't as if people like you would be, so you didn't complain; you remember sitting on the ground and trying to conserve your energy as pupils around you either chatted to relieve their nerves or had their teeth jittering.
You remembered the way his red eyes made contact with yours mere moments before the final selection started, he sent a nod towards you, as if wishing you all the luck, you could only nod back.
The week in the mountain was... a blur. You remember slashing off numerous demons, and hiding on the top of the trees or resting on open grounds during the day to save your energy. You and the demons both moved at night. Strangely, you didn't meet any slayer after the two initial days not that you cared a lot, but you found yourself wondering about the whereabouts of the flame breather. If he was... alright.
Only six had made out, one of them being you and the other being Rengoku, two of the other four being lucky enough to be saved by him.
You could see that he actually spent his whole time killing demons and saving people.
You scoffed, this was the final selection, if not now, they would die later, would he be there to save them again?
You remembered the way he trudged towards you, a gigantic smile on his face as he laughed, "I knew you would make it!"
Your heart melted.
"Why did you think so?" You asked in a small voice, intimidated by his happy demeanor as he said, "You look like you are very strong, and guess, I was right!"
You blinked at him.
"It's nice that you made it out too," really, is this the best that I can offer?
"Right? Let's save the weak!"
"Yeah... sure."
"l/n kun?" Was this sixteen year old's voice always this bold?
"l/n kun!" Wait, you didn't tell him your name yet in this flashback!
"l/n? Wake up!" The boy of your dreams who had just escaped Mt. Fujikasane shook you as your eyes shot open.
"AAAAAAAAH!" You cried out!
"AAAAAAAH!" He screamed too.
You looked at him, "Why are you screaming?"
"Why were you screaming? Did you have a nightmare?" The now man of your dreams asked, his brows furrowed in concern.
Yeah, it was a dream alright.
"Not really, it was fine- my dream was fine," you mumbled, your eyes adjusting to the light as you looked around the room; was it your living room? You frantically looked out of the window, it was dark!?
"Oh yes, here!" Rengoku passed your keys to you.
"You gave them to me while you were asleep! And then you said something about turning on the porch light?"
You didn't remember any of it.
Looking at your incredulous face, Rengoku laughed, "You don't remember?"
"I don't," you admitted abashedly. "What else did I ask you to do?"
"Nothing really, you said that I don't need to worry about you and that I can go, you even came to see me off and closed the doors after I left!"
"I-I did?"
"Yes! I asked you to lock the gates too!"
"I don't think I locked them," you winced.
"You didn't! I came to check up on you because you looked sick, and the door was unlocked, i thought an intruder had entered your house so I trespassed your property, sorry for that!"
"It's alright—"
"But then I saw you sleeping at your front porch, so I brought you in!"
You smacked your head, could you be any more embarrassing than this?
"I'm so sorry, Rengoku san—"
"It's alright, l/n kun! I like taking care of you!"
Your cheeks flushed as your eyes widened slightly, what virtues might you have done to ever meet a man like this?
"Thank you so much then," you could only offer him a smile for keeping up with you.
He grinned.
"Your house is... nice," he mumbled, looking around the garden where a bunch of colorful flowers were carefully planted to follow a colour scheme.
"No- I mean, your cottage—though small, is cozy and warm, it's almost like... home," he muttered his red eyes shining under the red hues of setting sun as he looked at you and gave you the warmest smile.
Did you really need sun if you have him?
"There's also this scent of cinnamon, I noticed it quite earlier but I can't find the root of it! Your house feels quite like home."
A bashful giggle erupted from your chest as you looked at his glistening hair against the sunlight, he was glowing, glowing in front of you.
"I bought cinnamon seeds to try and grow in my backyard and well, I got sidetracked so I—" you stood up, a blush caressing your face as you pulled out a drawer, which was full of bundles of cinnamon. "I-I liked their smell a lot!"
It was now Rengoku's turn to laugh, his eyes crinkling with delight as he took the support of the wooden floor he was sitting on.
"I see, l/n kun; you're a hoarder!"
"I am not!"
"But you are!"
You covered your face with your hands in embarrassment as you retorted quite chidlikely, "What's wrong in keeping more of things that you like? Huh!?"
"Nothing, I guess," he smiled at you, "It's good to keep things and people you like close to you, it makes you happier, stronger and more determined, because now you have more things to go back to."
You watched his face from the gaps between your fingers, he had such a calm smile that your heart fluttered like a giddy teenager's yet you felt more safe than nervous with him.
You pursed your lips, maybe if the situation of demons was over, maybe if you get stronger and on par with him, you would let him know of your feelings.
"Things and people to go back to," you mumbled, your eyes softening, "I suppose I do have them; but you have so many things to look forward to too, don't you Rengoku san?"
He looked straight at you with a faint smile on his face, "I do."
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more at chapter 2!
this was a rather short chapter and I wanted to leave it at a heartwarming note so <3 hope you liked it and thankyou for giving this fic a chance!
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kny tmi! - cannon (+added lore of the fic for y/n)
mitsuri was kyojuro's apprentice! she was 19 in the mugen train arc and rengoku was 20 and rengoku became a hashira while kanroji was still learning from him. considering that kanroji was 17 when she chose to work under demon slayer corps, rengoku became a hashira at 18! now rengoku and y/n's age in this fic is around the same but y/n isn't as strong as mitsuri or rengoku so it took her around three to four years to finally become a hashira while mitsuri took around 1-1½ years. but, y/n did become a hashira earlier than mitsuri, so we can assume that she became a hashira around 6-8 months before kanroji!
[ while rengoku defeated lower 2 of kizuki to become a hashira; y/n took the way of defeating fifty demons (which would take a normal and good slayer around five years)! y/n is talented but because she has people like rengoku, mitsuri and tokito around, she doesn't really realise that she does have a great deal of potential. ]
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bakugotrashpanda · 2 years
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Two Truths and a Lie
Chapter 3: Always Second Place
Bakugou x Fem!Reader
◈ Pro Hero, Fake Engagement ◈ Word Count: 2730
◇ Chapter Select
◇ Previous Chapter
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Bakugou finds out he’s engaged.
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“Well if he’s fucking dating her, then I’m engaged to Dynamight,” you mutter to yourself.
–Earlier that day–
Bakugou pulls out his phone and checks the time again. She’s late. Of all the times he didn’t want her to be late, why did it have to be today. He shifts his weight on the balls of his feet – the need to constantly move and dispel some of his nervous energy is strong.
He checks the time again. Not even thirty seconds has passed from the last time. He runs his hands through his hair and exhales deeply. He needs to calm down. There’s no reason to get all worked up. He’s just going to officially ask her out. No biggie.
A bright bubbly voice calls out his name. “Bakugou!” He nearly gives himself whiplash turning to see her. Ochako waves and walks over to him, weaving between people on the sidewalk. The slight bounce in her step curls his lips into a smile.
She really is fucking adorable.
If Bakugou remembers correctly, and he almost always does, it’s her day off. She showed up in a soft-pink sweater and flowy blue skirt that swishes with every step she takes. Since he’s only on his lunch break, Bakugou changed into all black street clothes. It’d be easy to change back after.
“Hey, Cheeks,” Bakugou grins and takes her hand to pirouette her gently. The bottom of her skirt flares out before swishing against her legs again.
“Have you been waiting long?”
To ask you out? Yeah. Bakugou felt like he was finally at a place in his life where he could afford to have a relationship; he’d made it to the Top 8 heroes, was slotted to start his own agency in the near future, and was financially stable. He could go on dates and spend evenings in without it harming his career. And who else would he want by his side other than Ochako, his high school crush that he put on the back burner.
Bakugou holds the door open for her. “No, got here a couple minutes ago.” A lie. He got there a full ten minutes before he was supposed to. 
The light around them dims and soft jazz can faintly be heard as they step into the swanky restaurant. Bakugou feels underdressed. He’s out of his element, but this is Ochako. She deserves the best.
“This place is so fancy,” Ochako murmurs as they’re shown to a private table.
Bakugou pulls out her chair and pushes her in. The tips of her ears turn a rosy pink to rival her cheeks. He relaxes in his own chair and looks at her – like really looks at her. The place has good food, good atmosphere, and it’s just him and her. Bakugou had his doubts before about being in a relationship, but now? This? He could do this. 
“I thought you’d like it,” he grins.
Ochako tucks a loose strand of hair behind an ear and opens a menu. “Yeah, my boyfriend took me here once and I really liked it. They have good mochi.”
She might as well have poured her ice water on him. He doesn’t say anything for a second as he tries to curb the part of him that wants to shout WHAT BOYFRIEND?
“Boyfriend?” Bakugou clears his throat and grabs his own menu. He watches her like a hawk over the top. There’s no missing the way she freezes at this word or the way her cheeks bloom crimson. Her mouth imitates a fish out of water as she flounders for words. “I didn’t know you were seeing anyone.”
He works hard at keeping his voice casual. It’s an innocent question. There’s no need to hunt down a man she may or may not be seeing.
“I- I wasn’t supposed to say anything,” Ochako stammers quickly, “Just forget I said that.”
“Hold up, Cheeks. You can’t say that and then drop the subject.” We’ve been friends for over a decade, why is this the first I’m hearing of her having a boyfriend? “Who is he?”
Ochako bites her bottom lip. His heart squeezes at the action. It’s not for him. She’s thinking of someone else. Ugly jealousy takes root in his heart and stabs outward.
“Well, nothing’s official yet. We’ve been waiting before we announce it to the public,” she scratches her cheek and laughs nervously. “Actually, tonight we’re-”
“You’re not answering the question.”
“Bakugou…” She reaches across the table and rests her hands on Bakugou’s forearm. Before, he would’ve relished the contact, but now the usually comforting warmth sears his skin. “We’ve been friends forever. And you’ve always looked out for me, but I don’t want you to get upset.”
“Me? Upset? It’s not like you’re dating-”
“It’s Izuku.” They both knew how he was going to end that sentence. Ochako just finished it for him.
Are you fucking shitting me? That goddamn loser is dating her?
“Deku.” He can’t even be bothered to keep irritation out of his voice.
“Izuku, yes.”
“How long have you been seeing each other?” How long have I been oblivious?
“A couple months now. We wanted to keep it quiet for as long as possible.” Ochako looks at him with pleading eyes. Is it pity? Hope that he’ll keep their secret? Whatever it is, it twists his stomach into a thousand knots.
Suddenly the quiet jazz is too loud. There’s too many odors of different dishes mixing together and overwhelming his senses. The lights are too bright. He needs out of there. He needs away from her.
“I have to go.” He rises abruptly and searches for the exit.
“Wait, where are you going?” Shit. What can he say? ‘I need to sulk that you got a boyfriend when I was finally ready to ask you out?’
His phone chimes in his pocket. Saved by the bell. “Lunch break’s over. Gotta get back to the agency.”
How could he have not known? The woman he’d been crazy over for years suddenly had a boyfriend and he hadn’t seen any change in her. Or maybe… 
He thinks back to how she seemed to be smiling more. How a lovely blush would tint her cheeks sometimes before she snapped out of it. The dreamy sighs and accidentally floating herself into the ceiling while lost in thought. With all of that, how could he have not known? She might as well have had hearts for eyes, and he still hadn’t noticed.
Fuck everything. The text he got back at the restaurant was actually spam for some delivery place near his apartment. But she didn’t need to know that. He sends an email to his boss. Something about food poisoning. He wouldn’t be back for the day, and he’d pick up a night shift sometime to make up for it. 
Right now he needed air. And maybe a jog. His phone vibrates in his pocket. Ochako. He’d definitely need a jog. But first, he has to ditch his phone.
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Jogging back to his apartment as the sun sets, he decides to take the stairs. His legs burn from sprinting and taking the stairs two at a time, but it gives his mind something to focus on.
Outside his apartment he stops. Another night in his apartment. Alone. Wiping sweat from his forehead, he unlocks his front door and tosses his keys and shoes to the side. His phone vibrates on the counter. Probably Ochako wondering what the hell is up with him. He’ll need an excuse… but he can deal with it later, for now, a shower to wash away everything sounds divine.
Steamy water runs over his skin and carries his thoughts with it. Something he learned from his mentor. It’s not easy to shut off his mind, but ironically with enough focus, he can stop his mind from wandering and replaying memories he knows he won’t be forgetting any time soon.
When Bakugou finally does check his phone, he nearly chokes on his own spit.
[Sparky] >> Are you for real engaged?
Engaged? Him? Bakugou’s about to fire off a response telling Kaminari to fuck off and lose his number when another message pops up in his notifications.
[Kirishima] >> bro i didn’t know you were dating anyone??? But congrats on the engagement!
What in the fuck? Bringing up his notification center, he sees responses pile up for his social media accounts. An outpouring of congratulations for ‘the happy couple’, some fangirls lamenting him being off the market, and plenty of people commenting in a way that has his blood boiling.
Haven’t these assholes heard of minding their own business? His fingers pound away on the screen, a scathing message that’ll get him locked out of his accounts and send his PR team into a tizzy. Really it’s their fault; if his PR team hadn’t insisted that he have ‘an online presence’, then this would be a non-issue.
Centimeters from hitting send and informing everyone that he is most certainly not engaged to whoever the hell is claiming it, another text pops up. 
[Deku] >> congratulations on your engagement
Oh hell no.
Fuck him.
Bakugou’s heart hammers into overdrive. This asshole has been secretly dating the woman he’s been pining for for years – and he probably knew about Bakugou’s feelings. And now he not only gets the girl, but also gets to laugh in his face about it? Kick him while he’s down?
Three bubbles pop up. The shithead’s still typing. What more could he have to say? Bakugou opens the Edit Contact section of his phone and types quickly before saving it.
[Asshole Deku] >> tbh i didn’t know you felt that way about her >> i didn’t know you and Verity knew each other
Verity… he knows that name…
Right. Pro-Hero Verity. Quirk: Revelations. An underground hero known for getting answers. Didn’t attend UA. Commonly on loan to different agencies and assigned to high tier cases.
Fuck. He sounds like Deku rattling off your information like that. Speaking of Deku… last he heard, you were dating the dumbass on the downlow. Something hush-hush that the bastard let slip a couple times while on joint missions. If he recalls correctly, Deku seemed… fine with you. He wasn’t head over heels, but he wasn’t fucking miserable either.
Searching your hero name, he finds your verified Pro-Hero account and a slew of posts and pictures you’re tagged in. Funny that someone so ‘underground’ has official accounts. Probably something your agent made you do.
The vein in his temple throbs the more he sees. It looks like you started spouting nonsense half an hour ago, and the more he reads, the worse your spelling gets. Indeed, you claim to be engaged to Bakugou, but one thing is glaringly obvious: you’re fucking drunk. 
The most recent picture shows you surrounded by empty shot glasses and beer bottles. Keen eyes scan the background of every single photo you’re tagged in, taking in the pictures on the wall, the faded scratches and a faded handprint on the wood of the bar. Goddamn it he knows exactly where you are. 
Bakugou sighs and rubs his forehead. He can’t in good conscience leave you there, and he definitely can’t leave you alone to keep running your mouth. But fuck, why’d you have to make this a headache for him?
Picking up his shoes, he laces them tightly before throwing a black jacket on over his tank top. His phone vibrates again and he remembers he was mid conversation. The green haired asshole’s message taunts him. Fuck him. Why not have some fun?
[Bakugou] << can’t believe you let her go
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Standing in front of the bar, he exhales deeply. Bakugou hasn’t been here in years. None of the times he went were his idea, but his former classmates wanted to hang out and no matter how much he protested, Bakugou always found himself being drug along. 
Cheers meet his ears before he can even push it open. Bakugou can feel his hands sweat – can they see him already? Do they think he’s engaged? This was a mistake. He should’ve just stayed at home and sulked.
But you. You’re the reason he’s here. You were dating fucking Deku. You were supposedly what made him happy. Except apparently you’re not now. And you’re dragging his name through the mud.
He opens the door. There’s no earth-shattering quietness at his arrival. No shouts of his name and congratulations. No one even looks at him. Heads are pushed together at everyone’s respective tables and it reminds him of when he was brought here years before. Everyone is having a good time and a good laugh, but not at his or your expense.
He walks up to the bar with forced nonchalance. You’re slumped over, finger circling the rim of an empty shot glass. You look fucking miserable.
Bakugou places a hand on your shoulder and leans in so his mouth is a whisper away from your ear. “Hi, sweetie,” he says through gritted teeth, “Let’s get you home.”
“Dynamight!” you giggle and slide off your barstool. Your footing isn’t solid though and the first step you take nearly sends you to the floor. Bakugou’s quick on his feet and turns the fall into him sweeping you off your feet and holding you bridal style. Another giggle bubbles up from you. You wrap your arms around his neck and rest your head against his shoulder. 
Turning to the bartender, he eyes the mess you left. He needs you out of there and somewhere more private before you start spouting off more lies. Somehow he finagles a business card out of his pocket while holding you and tosses it on the counter. “If she didn’t leave a card on file then send a bill to me. I’ll take care of it.” And you would reimburse him tenfold. 
Without waiting for a reply, he walks out of there and into the cool night. You curl into him as if you’re cold. Based on the mess you left, there should be enough in your system to keep Kirishima, Sero, and Kaminari warm on the frostiest winter night.
He manages to hail a cab – no easy feat given that he’s carrying you, but the alternative of walking home essentially carrying a body wouldn’t be any better. 
It takes what feels like ages to get you up to his apartment. First you fought him getting out of the cab, sleepily claiming that you could do it on your own. Then he had to keep you in one place in the lobby as you started to wake up and get your second wind as well as the need to explore. And to top it off, you lost all that energy as soon as the elevator started moving so he had to pick you up a second time and unlock his apartment.
For a split second, he contemplates dropping you onto his bed and calling it a night, but a nagging voice in the back of his head that sounds suspiciously like Kirishima says that wouldn’t be the right thing to do. So he lowers you onto the covers and pulls the free end over you. You burrow into the black comforter and sigh. Maybe it’s a trick of the light, but Bakugou swears he can see glistening drops lining your lashes. 
What the fuck is he going to do? Will you even remember this in the morning? He doubts he’ll get any sleep tonight after everything that happened.
Leaning down, he adjusts the covers one last time so your face isn’t covered in case everything you ate and drank decides to make a reappearance. Just as he’s about to leave, your hand reaches up and cups his cheek. Your skin is warm against his. Too warm.
Your eyes open slightly and stare up at him, a small confused frown puckering your lips.
“Ka’suki,” you slur quietly. Your lip quivers, and for a moment panic floods Bakugou that you’re going to hurl all over him. A single tear slides silently down your cheek. “I fucked up.”
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Truth: Every time Bakugou replays the moment Ochako says she’s dating Deku, it feels like a slap to the face.
Truth: You’re a complete pain in the ass.
Lie: It doesn’t bother him that Deku is ahead of him. Again.
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◇ Next Chapter
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Tag List: @thatfanfictionwriter , @loving-katsuki , @dienamights , @katditca , @boosyboo9206 , @alex-sulli , @hypernovaxx , @daddyissxes , @ti-mame , @thekaylahub , @ms0milk , @nerd-nowandforever , @minninugget , @tiny-wooden-robot , @icedemon1314 , @xviternity , @naiomiwinchester , @lovinkiri , @sincerelyyrosemary , @abnormalanimeweeb , @satogg , @liberace2 , @acid-rain27 , @itgetzweird08 , @chaoticorganizedmess , @neurovascular-entrapta , @kiwiified , @bnha-free-writing , @fishbolw , @xxkay15xx , @zombiewarprincess , @izuwumidoriya , @blue-enigma , @mommy-without-milkers , @plaggi , @budibbly , @hiqhkey , @great-goddess-of-sin, @iam-thevillain-of-thisstory, @zyxys1, @doonaandpjs , @chifuyus-slut ,
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straycatj · 2 years
hey hey! i got a new kitten!! she is a calico but i dont know what to name her! Shes like a toasty yet burnt marshmallow hehehe
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[yes she had an eye infection but ia getting proper treatment do not worry!!]
gray, yellow, and pink...Ohagi! How about Ohagi!?
※ohagi is a kind of mochi... please check the photo from this link then you can see three colours ohagi...
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signedeclipse · 2 years
Hello :) thank you so much for doing my request, I really loved it :) would it be okay if I could request headcanons to what the hashira’s would do when they start to realise they have a crush on a hashira reader. With gyomei, shinobu, mitsuri, uzui and muichiro please :)
He has to be the least oblivious hashira of them all
So the very moment he starts showing signs, he is contemplating those feelings day in and day out
Not panicked, of course, not
But he is crying every time he is near you
If you ask, he starts speaking about the inevitability of death and how it saves no one
" Dear y/n, it saddens me to know that eventually, you will not be with us. "
" I never expected you to want me dead that badly, Gyo! Consider savouring me while im here, then. "
Of course, you laugh it off, but he can't help feeling bashful for not realizing how you'd interpret his words
What he meant to say is that as much as he wants to be with you, he knows it will eventually end
But you were right; why mourn now while you are chipper as ever?
He's a lot less pessimistic as he notices his feelings
Oh, this poor sweet thing
She knows, she knows it all too well, actually
How her entire body heats up the moment you speak or even walk into her field of vision
Good thing she looks good in pink, because around you, that's all she is
But she's so happy that of all people she's fallen for, it's only the strongest hashira they have!
The strongest and the best baker
Mitsuri loves sakura mochi, but it tastes much better when you make it!
" Oh! Misturi, I made this Sakura mochi inspired by you. It's even got the stripes! "
Could have fainted- not only had you been looking for her, but with her favourite treat that you went out of the way to make inspired by her?
She won't stop herself from her feelings now; Mitsuri loves you!
It is really hard to notice any changes in him because either way, he'll be staring off thinking about it
Muichiro knows, though, that he won't even try to deny his feelings
He knows because he'll be remembering things he deems unimportant so long as it's about you
Middle name, how your voice sounds, the shoes you wear
For most, its just one easily identifiable trait, and their name
Muichiro doesn't bother hiding it because really he knows you won't notice
All it would take is one person asking, and he would say yes, with zero hesitation
Of course, that doesn't stop the knot from twisting in his stomach while he anticipates your response
She is much too busy to be thinking about love or getting into relationships
I mean, she's practically a mother of 5, and that's not counting the patients she cares for every day on top of all the missions she is sent on
But she finds herself highly thankful when you offer to do a mission for her when her hands are full
Or how you'll take her place in caring for patients if she really has to be the one to go
Shinobu finds herself not only thankful but extremely happy with you
The butterfly girls know; of course, they do! That's why they always ask you all kinds of things so they can tell Shinobu after
Eventually, she will come to terms with it, yes, but for now, you are already playing family, and that's enough for her
Bonus: If you ever get married, expect to adopt all the butterfly girls as your own! Just two wives and their daughters <3
He knows a thing or two about love; it's just that...
It still takes him very long to understand his feelings
Probably just acts a lot more frustrated with you whenever you are hurt or done something seriously life-threatening
He doesn't know why he cares so much; really, it takes him by surprise
Because you are a hashira, a full-grown adult that can handle themselves
Yet he just can't stomach the idea of you being in pain
Probably never realizes his feelings, just keeps taking care of you and keeping a watchful eye
It'd take someone else telling him or you!
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Authors Note - Thank you for the request dani!! Hope you are well <3 I mean, we spoke so much today so I hope this catches you by surprise haha! Please take care of yourself 😊
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swallowtailcherry · 2 years
❤️Sakura Mochi❤️
Hades x Goddess!Reader
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1. I love the idea of Goddess!Reader with Mitsuri's personality (I wrote Qin with the same idea and now it's Hades' turn!)
2. This does mention Mitsuri's hair colour and her love for sakura mochi
3. I am falling deeper for this fine ass god-
4. Hades is probably ooc, but I tried!
"Is there any reason why you're so excited?" The lovely voice of the Goddess of Beauty, Aphrodite broke you out of your dream-like stance. You turned to face the beautiful goddess with the smile most of the deities grew to love.
"I'm eager to see Lord Hades! I haven't seen him for thousands of years!" You exclaimed, cupping your own face with your dainty hands.
"I take it you heard word of his arrival?" The goddess giggled. You nodded your head fast, the excitement growing more and more. Aphrodite always found it amusing to see you fawn over certain deities.
"I wonder what he looks like now? Will he be the same or will he look different?" You asked, mostly to yourself. Aphrodite opened her mouth but stopped when the smell of sweets caught her attention.
"You've been eating those small cakes again, haven't you?" Aphrodite teased, her blue eyes filled with mischief. You lowered your head down in embarrassment.
"I can't help it! They're so delicious!" You said, folding your arms and huffed like a child.
"Anyways, I shall leave you be! Tell me everything when you meet him again!" The Goddess was carried away by her golem like male servants. You stood in place, trying to process her words.
"Eh?! Aphrodite!!"
You smiled like a child that just received their favourite candy as you practically chomped down on your favourite sweets, sakura mochi. After finishing a huge bowl full of them, you wiped the crumbs off your lips and began walking around. You realised that you had to look for the god you've been waiting on all day, so you picked up the pace.
Meanwhile, a god with formal wear was on his way back to Helheim when his nose picked up a sweet smelling scent. It was something unfamiliar to him, but he remembered something his younger brother told him.
"If you suddenly smell something sweet, to be more specific, the scent of cake, a little goddess may be nearby!"
Hades was well aware of his younger brother's... problem when it came to females, but never really got involved in any way. He assumed this little goddess was his next target, but at the same time, he wanted to see why most of the gods spoke so fondly of her. Now that he think of it, Zeus had never spoke of her in such a way that implied wanting to sleep with her. He spoke about her as if she was a daughter to him.
The scent got stronger, but he never moved an inch. He felt something run into his side and turned a little to face whoever it was. To his surprise, it was a smaller female with pink and green hair.
You managed to catch yourself before you could injure yourself. Your two toned hair was a little messy from the running, but it was still in good condition. When you looked up, you couldn't believe who you ran into.
"Ah! I'm so sorry, Lord Hades! I was in a rush and-"
"It's fine (Y/n). But please be careful next time."
You shut your mouth, nervously playing with your hair. His voice was so calming it made you explode with embarrassment.
"Okay!" Your answer came out shaky. Your mind was blank from just being near Hades.
"Lord Hades is so handsome! He looks so dominating!" Gushing about the stoic god in your mind, your gaze landed on the floor, avoiding the slight mischief in the god's eye.
"Lord Zeus must've told Lord Hades my name. But the way he says it makes my heart shake!"
You mustered enough courage to face the god again, looking him straight in his eye. His fingers made their way under your chin and tilted it up and leaned closer to your ear.
"Your scent is intoxicating. Hopefully you taste the same." His breath tickled your ear and sent chills down your spine. He pulled away and left you, his lips forming a smirk. You stared blankly at the ceiling, not blinking even once. After a minute, you fell to your knees. You clutched your chest with your hands, trying to calm down your heart.
From afar, a certain blonde goddess had watched it all and giggled to herself.
"This is really interesting. I wonder what will happen next~"
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taniavttv · 1 year
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Happy Birthday to Mitsuri Kanroji🥳💗☺️🥰🌸
June 1st
Here are Funfacts about Mitsuri
💗 Her Zodiac sign is a Gemini
💗 She was born with Above Average strength
💗 She joined the Demon Slayer Corps to find a husband that was stronger than her.
💗Mitsuri is a huge cat lover and often seems to talk with Gyomei over the bond of cats
💗Her Haori was a gifted to her by Kyojuro Rengoku
💗She trained under Rengoku regiments
💗Created the breathing named Love Breathing
💗Mitsuri has a huge Appetite which boosts her strength
💗Her body is super flexible
💗She has a unique sword and it's pink
💗Obanai gifted Mitsuri the green pair of socks
💗Her favorite food is Sakura Mochi and also this is why her hair is the way it is with pink and green
💗Mitsuri hobby is to compliment people in her head and play menko
💗Obanai has a crush on Mitsuri
💗We can't wait to see more of Mitsuri and Ohh season 3 is gonna be great 🥰💗💗
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lady-of-endless · 4 months
Hello! May I please request a one piece matchup? If you're too busy please feel free to delete! <3
Name: Mochi
Gender: Female (she/her)
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual (any gender match is ok!)
Zodiac: Libra sun, Libra moon, Leo rising
Enngram: 4; the individualist
Alignment: Chaotic good
House: Slytherin
Love Language (Giving): Physical touch, quality time
Love Language (Receiving): Quality time, gift giving
Likes: Video games, reading, drawing, writing, crochet, cross stitch, Sanrio, frogs, mushrooms, cows, coffee, sweets, summertime
Dislikes: Chores (executive dysfunction), cold weather, bitter foods, crowded places, overload of sounds (sensory issue)
Personality: I'm a very quiet person, but I'm also very friendly and bubbly. I love making friends even though I have social anxiety around new people. I'm not the most talkative, though I can hold a conversation: I'm a great listener, at least! I love spending time with my loved ones, especially my special person. I try really hard to make people feel welcome and relaxed when they're around me. Despite being quiet, I'm generally quiet communicative. When it comes to negative feelings it does have to be dragged out of me a bit, but otherwise I'm an open book!
I'm very chill most of the time, and can be very laid back. More a follower personality. I can be a bit cavalier as I deal with everything through (often quite dark) humor, but if I ever make someone genuinely uncomfortable I'm good to stop. I do need to be told peoples feelings directly though as I'm not a good judge of others unless I already know them well. Because of this I don't sus out peoples intentions well and see the best even when maybe it's not there. I'm pretty naive and gullible tbh. If you dig my humor, though, I'm really funny.
I'm very mental health aware. I suffer from anxiety and bipolar II, so I can be a lot. That being said, I'm very observant with those I love and very good at dealing with ups and downs in myself and others. I'm very introspective and always in my head for better and worse. I'm always striving to better myself, but tend to doubt myself and give into negative self talk.
I value my found family above all else. There's nothing I wouldn't do for them and I've been told I'm too loyal. I also value accountability, a growth mindset, and ambition.
Im very indoorsy and a bit of a homebody. That being said, I don't mind being spontaneous from time to time or going out if there's something interesting to do.
I have my moments of insecurity for sure but I'm pretty confident most of the time. Like I said, I'm an open book - I'm not shy to talk about anything with someone who asks and is seemingly well-intentioned! I honestly just have a huge interest in how people think and love picking their brains lol. I also love silly theorheticals for this very reason.
I'm a big softie who unsuccessfully pretends to be a tough guy. I've got a major weakness for cute things and wouldn't hurt a fly in reality. Soft candy with a gooey centre fr.
Hair: I have shoulder-length very dark brown wavy hair with a side part and grown out fringe. My hair is plain but it's soft!
Eyes: I have beautiful, big chocolate brown eyes with long lashes. They're one of my favourite parts of myself!
Body: I have olive skin, a pear figure, and am overweight. I have about 7 smallish tattoos, and piercings in my lips, ears, and nose.
Style: usually I'm very hobo-chic with all sweats but my preferred style is either full alt or cute pink dresses and bows.
Tysm for your time! Don't hesitate to message me if you have any questions!
Author's Note: Thank you so much for this request and how detailed and well structured it is! It made my work really enjoyable. As a side note, you seem such a nice person. Hope you'll enjoy it! 🌹
I ship you with...Trafalgar D Water Law!
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(lovely gif is not mine, please show appreciation to the OP)
- Your chill and laid-back way of being is what naturally draws him to you. Afterwards, your bubbly side is what keeps him close, all whipped and annoyed.
- He hates to admit that you are exactly what he needed.
- You both seem loyal, mature and ambitious. Once he discovers those traits in you, he decides that he wants you close. An ally, maybe. That's what he sees in you initially.
- A softer demeanor is what Law needs to heal from his past. You being a softie is what will keep him getting better. Is also a side of you that he wants to keep as a secret, not wanting others to try to use it as manipulation.
- Being introspective is a mutual trait so at times, it will be a little complicated for you to figure out and communicate what's happening between you two.
- He's the first to notice that you're feeling anxious. Maybe because he's a doctor or maybe because he worries for you, who knows? (Hint: It's both.)
- The innocent gullibility you mentioned is something that triggers Law to take care of you. And also to tease you, good luck.
- Soft hair? Lay next to him as he's studying and let him run his fingers through your hair while he's reading.
- A cute scenario? You two would have late night convos about tattoos and piercings. Both being half asleep, talking about what other tattoos or piercings you want/consider cool.
- About your style, I think you two would make a great power couple when you go for the alternative aesthetic. If you go for the cute pink aesthetic, there's something about it that makes him whipped.
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boycigs · 2 years
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masterlist. previous chapter. next chapter.
genre; crack, slightly suggestive, check cw from masterlist
taglist ; @gabytodd @rome-alone @milkyfab @defnotphantomofficial @satsuri3su @one-green-frog @royal-shinigami @sanemiss @astrozuya @8-29pm @yuuisasimp @kawouya @massivebde @kusuinko @spqce-bun
bibi's note ; please note that since reader is izana's brother. (MALE READER) he will have similar features, lavender eyes. thank you so much @softiefeli for proof reading <3 ily, reblogs and comments are very appreciated!!
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Your class wasn't half bad. A lecture explaining the content for next week and talking about the start of mid-terms. Now on the way to Bonten HQ.
Thoughts going through your head of why Mikey couldn't have sent for someone to get you. Ah well, going through these parts of the city was interesting. Just a few more blocks and you decided you're done walking for the day.
The building wasn't as you expected, but they're criminals. Hiding in plain sight.
As you opened the doors to the building there was a lady behind the desk who just acknowledged your presence.
"Ah, Good evening sir. May I help you?"
As you glanced down at her the words softly spilled from your lips, something resembling 'meeting with Manjiro Sano'.
"Meeting with the big boss huh? You're gonna wanna take the elevator to the top floor, get out, turn left and take the second right door-" she handed you a piece of paper with a tiny, quickly drawn map. "Just in case."
"Thank you."
Now on the way to see your brother. Although one thing you could say was the elevator music was crappy, not even the original tunes.
"Office, office, ah map‐" you pulled out the poorly drawn 'map' and started to follow it.
15 minutes later after searching and passing by a couple of interesting-looking employees that eyed you with wide eyes. You made it to a very loud office room. One distinct voice boomed with an anxious tone. "BOSS, WAS THAT IZANA, OR AM I SEEING THINGS?"
As you knocked on the door, it was like a spell. All those voices ceased, plus a large thump which worried you.
Finally, someone came and opened the door, and the first thing that caught your eyes was; the semi-familiar shirtless Ravenette passed out on the floor with what seemed to be a head injury, two purple heads, (both having features making them look like jellyfish) now pointing at you and screaming "ITS YOU", to which the taller one hummed along with you 'Video Games' by Lana del Rey, and a short man who looked like your brother, but deathly pale.
"What's going on here ? and, you ! must be Manjiro right?" you questioned, pointing at the short platinum blond.
"That's boss, and why do you look so much like Izana Kurokawa? Are you two related? Are you Izana Kurokawa ?! Did you really die ?!?" The toned lanky-looking one bombed you with questions.
"Uh, Izana's my brother, and by that logic, I'm Manjiro's adopted brother." You stated before your lips slightly turned, the feeling of still having family warmed you inside.
"It's really nice to finally meet you, 'Invincible Mikey', oh and here ya go. 'Zana said you liked 'em." You handed him a taiyaki as well as opening one for yourself, while he started to introduce everybody with his mouth full.
"Thanks, and you as well (name). Now, those two purple jellyfish are Ran and Rindou Haitani, the one on the floor is Kakucho Hitto. The pink one is Sanzu, beware he's probably on something-" You snickered, cutting your brother off. "It's fine, that's how I get through uni."
"Anyway, the other blonde in red is Koko, Takeomi is Sanzu's more civilized brother and mochi is, somewhere. That's Bonten. Everyone, treat him like you would me. Otherwise I won't hesitate to put you on the chopping block."
The short blonde looked the younger haitani in the eyes before speaking again. "Rindou I trust that you'll get this info to the executives that aren't here right now."
When Mikey finished introductions he ordered his executives off to whatever task they had at hand before you came, and took you to his office to talk more with you.
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medea10 · 5 months
Medea Played Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, The DLC’s (Part III)
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Just because the main story is over, doesn't mean you have to stop playing the game.
Once you get back from your adventure in Area Zero, Briar has quickly written a book about the ordeal.
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An apology for doing absolutely fuck-all when Terapagos was kicking all of our asses and for not controlling Kieran. Fuck no and fuck you.
Actually, you don't have to keep it for long. In Kitakami, go to the Crystal Pond, have Terapagos, and watch as things make no sense.
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That's right. A mist comes through and you meet with the professor. You have an in-depth chat about things and in the end, you exchange Briar's book for the Scarlet Book. Everything comes back around full-circle. Back at the school...
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Go to Amarys and she'll feed Koraidon/Miraidon a supplement that'll make him fly now.
No, she still doesn't call them by their actual name.
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Outside the school, you can meet Mr. Snacksworth. A man who has apparently met nearly every legendary (except Dialga and Palkia) and has crafted snacks for each one.
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Once you capture 200 pokemon for your Blueberry pokedex, go to Perrin for a special quest in Area Zero. However, after you complete the request Perrin only gives you a Park ball. You know, the balls you use at the National Park in Johto.
In the clubroom, you can spend those BP's on the item printer, throwing styles, or changing the music.
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Cute choices and all, but might I suggest some better songs?
*Mt. Pyre
*Route 27
*Route 44
*The three lakes in Sinnoh
*Lavender Town
Just to name a few.
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And of course, you can invite coaches to the club room. Invite two certain coaches at the same time and they might strike up a conversation and you might learn something. Here are some of the things I learned.
*Katy was the one who gave Kofu the Venonat wallet
*Grusha was a fan of Iono's back when she first started streaming
*Nemona knows Lacey from a party a few years prior and gave us confirmation by saying her father Clay's name
*Poppy is nine-years old
*Hassel knows Drayton and his granddad
*Clavell thinks Mr. Jacq-strap is a total slob
*Drayton is a total dick to Kieran long-after the incident
*A lot of the gym leaders are a bit resentful towards Geeta
Let's not forget the gifts and trades! After you battle the coaches, you get a gift. The first time, you might get cool stuff like phone cases, Drayden's black tracksuit, and...
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Clive's wig? I look so dead inside.
Invite everyone on the list at least 3 times and trade with all of them will allow you to invite the mystery person named Saffron. That person of course is Cyrano, the director of Blueberry Academy. Defeat him in battle and he'll trade you his Shiny Blitzle.
Let's return to Uva academy and help Team Star.
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I got major whiplash seeing Eri here.
Giacomo and Eri ask you for help in tutoring the other Team Star members and hide it from Penny too. It didn't go as planned, but there was a happy conclusion. Plus, you get some new outfits in the process.
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This leads to Atticus being grateful for the help that he makes his own garment knock-offs to be bidded on.
Many of these items you might recognize from past games like shoes from Aether, helmets from ORAS, and another reminder of Ball Guy's existence from Sword/Shield. Getting all the items are very costly with most auctions costing as much as 365,000 wing-wangs.
And now, let's get to the Mochi Mayhem.
First of all, you must get this mythical pecha berry from the mystery gift. Once you get it, go to Peachy's store in Kitakami. You notice a certain pink object move and then Arven calls asking to stop by your home. Next thing you know, the object is gone.
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Back home, Nemona and Penny joined Arven. There, you also get a letter from Kieran asking for you and your friends to come to Kitakami. He's using snail-mail due to not having a smart-Rotom phone. Before we leave, we learn something about Penny.
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Her father used the word "Adven-tour". So it's a good chance that her father is Peony. Which means her sister is Peonia. Which means her uncle is Chairman Rose. I have so many questions and this is the only time we hear about Penny's papa. Once we're in Kitakami, we're greeted with a familiar face.
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Kieran is a meek cinnamon roll again. I guess the answer all along was to have him battle with Nemona. Nemona beat the pants off this boy but also had him enjoy himself.
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Unfortunately, there is something wonky going on in Kitakami. Carmine has been acting weird. And...um, how do I go about this?
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She flaps like a chicken and says the word "Mochi" over and over.
With Carmine acting strangely, there's only one thing to do.
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I am...just wow.
After this idiocy, we step outside and it turns into a cliche horror film trope.
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Everyone in the town is slowly turning into these flapping, mochi-munchers.
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Even Kieran's grandparents get hit with this mochi-demic.
Also, not helping in my suspicions on these two being Jessie and James. I know that's not their names, but Gramps battles you with Arbok and Weezing.
Back at Peachy's, we find the mystery pokemon causing this trouble. But it winds up shooting mochi at us.
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Penny and Arven eat up. I avoided it. And Kieran got conked on the head with it. And before you can say, "Mochi, Mochi"...
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They were under the mochi spell.
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Before you know it, the entire place is surrounded by moch-ombies.
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It's just that Nemona is too hard to possess fully.
Once you beat Nemona, you have to fight Peacharunt and catch it.
And those are the DLC's.
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The Teal Mask was just okay. I think the only thing I really liked was just Ogerpon and the ability to catch some of my favorite pokemon.
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The Indigo Disk, I was actually surprised by. The fact that you couldn't play that one until you've finished Teal Mask and the main game in total meant some major stuff was going to go down. Plus, the battles are a lot harder than normal.
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Mochi Mayhem was cute. It reminded me of some of those events for legendaries like the ones in R/S/E or the Victini one in B/W. I'm glad that we got an event pokemon through mystery gift. Something I wish we could have had with Zarude back in gen 8 instead of that bullshit joining a newsletter or something stupid.
So...I suppose this is the end of Scarlet and Violet. Unless we get more mystery gift surprises, this is probably it. I am a little upset that there isn't a battle tower like in previous games. And more important, Pokemon Horizons is going to go off and do it's own thing, not attaching it to the game whatsoever. We'll see what happens at the end of February as Pokemon Day always arrives with huge news in the games department.
And that was Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
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anxiety-lemsbian · 10 months
name: aster
age: minor
pronouns: she/her/they/them
sexuality: gay but in a sapphic way
gender: idfk man
likes: cats, phoebe bridgers, finland, vintage teacups, watercolours, music, bracelets, queer people, radio silence, taylor swift, rain, cardigans, knitted vests, embroidery, green, lorde, dangerfield, drawing, quirky stuff, ducks, stars, girls, tumblr, tacos, art, ballgowns, long skirts, oversized shirts/jumpers, sweetpeas, rainbows, alice oseman, daisies, mochi, lily of the valley, eliza and the delusionals, pale sunlight, typewriters, rotary phones, earrings, lavender, floral scented soaps/conditioners, peppermint lip balm, blue eyes, love, velvet, apple pie, gilmore girls, people using my correct pronouns, heartstopper, little women, reading, nice pink watermelon, british accents, a flower fairies treasury, sarcasm, sunflowers, lemon iced tea, frances janvier, spanish, macarons, bubble tea
dislikes: math, global warming, migraines, the sun, tight clothes, pimples, homophobia, spiders, racism, transphobia, shitty people, terfs, aphobia, tiktok, wasps, watermelon when it’s too red and floury, my father, school, most people, being bad at Spanish, being alone, depression, anxiety, people being ignorant, drunk people, smokers, vomit, rejection, being delusional
favourite book: radio silence
favourite movie: little women
favourite tv show: gilmore girls
favourite food: pincahas y tostones and chips and chocolate mud cake
favourite drink: lemon iced tea or jugo de parcha
favourite movie series: to all the boys i loved before
favourite lolly: sour cola bottles
favourite kind of chocolate: caramello
favourite song right now: timeless by taylor swift
favourite musician: phoebe bridgers
favourite artist: @eunnieboo bc of pink in the night or alice oseman
tagging: @lukiverse @tesseract-s @tiredandcaffeinated @trashmeowcan @chanda-chamke-cham-cham @whenjasfallsinlove @when-emma-falls-in-love13 @stranglingfigs @urlocalsadkid-l @im-dead-still @ticcywhaleshark @ultimatedisastergay @fernfinity @dumbassbella @ferretbutlonger and literally anyone else
pls do it I’d love to get to know you better <3
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heart-shaped-horns · 2 months
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*bubble gum pops* HELLO AGAIN tumblr nation…it’s your favorite truckstop whore in the flesh.. nyeah………ANYWAYS. For those who haven’t come to know me my names pecan and I run a church (my blog) where we smoke newports and attend sermons (whatever bullshit posts I have to give) PLEASE! Make yourselves at home- the body of Christ is a gift that keeps on giving.
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Specimen Info:
-My name is pecan, and I also sometimes go as pecanpie. Other aliases include: Cherry Ferry Fantasia. Choose wisely how you refer to me- or don’t, I don’t even exist!
-I’m 19 and female, you can use whatever pronouns when referring to me, but I usually go by she/her 🪭🪭🪭
-aroace, with a hint of bisexuality.
-My hobbies include: drawing, writing (though I rarely ever do finish my pieces let alone publish them) collecting worthless garbage, listening to music and blowing my eardrums out, being an eternal pain in the ass to deal with, thrifting, sitting on porches, smoking winstons, masquerading as a sane individual, dressing up, and trying out new things because I am an avid dopamine chaser. woohoo!
Things I like: Pretentious media, throwing pitchforks at rich priests, consumerism, otome games, douma, buddhism, echo rose, religious studies, args, reaching divinity, shitty manga, maximalism in every sense, bedazzled stuff, money, getting tacky nails, the roaring 20’s, 1950’s femme fashion, old era aesthetics, boutique shops, leopard print, grandma couches, pathetic wet sop characters and a lot more.
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-I have two cats, Mochi and Waffles. The bloodline ends with yours truly.
Fandoms I’m currently active in; Obey Me! Shall We Date, Demon Slayer, and Stephanie Lawson Stevens. I may consider writing for the first two, but I won’t set that in stone yet.
Movies I like: Pink Flamingos, No Country For Old Men, Helter Skelter, Pulp Fiction, All the Boys Love Mandy Lane, Girl Interrupted, Valerie and Her Week of Wonders, Spun, Gummo, Last Night in Soho, Fruit of Wonder, Elephant (2003) - will be updated the more I get my hands on anything new that tickles my fancy.
My taste in music: I’m pretty versatile when it comes to what I prefer, so it could range from bimbo-pop to classical music. Anything that sounds good to me I like. I mostly listen to 50’s housewife songs and lady Gaga, though.
-I’m a big fan of indie art and surrealism. Filmmaking as well. Shaye Saint John and Mouchette.org are a few of my favorites.
-I like mortuary work and autopsies. I hold the death industry in high regards- not everyone is willing to work with corpses.
-huge GIGANTIC douma fan. anything and everything douma related I will not hesitate to engage with, he’s my little guy.
- heart sunglasses ambassador (this is my trademark) ❤️
-Polka dot prints and faux fur are resounding yesses.
-You know Florence? (If you get the reference.)
-I think vintage pill cases are lovely.💋
-I have the response time of a limp dick. I either respond in less than a second or only after 3 business months.
-I’ve been working on my new oc line on and off for a few months now, called FEAR & LOATHING in JERUSALEM. artblock is a massive bitch, but stuff is in progress.
Anyways if you’re a terrible human being feel free to block me, you are not welcome onto my blog thank you very much xoxo (transphobes homophobes ableists you know who you are)
GOT COMPLAINTS? CONTACT ME AT 1-666-JERUSALEM-CRACK-SHACK! Make sure to leave me a message. Business hours only!
🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒MASTERLIST: IN THE WORKS? 🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒
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gummygoatgalaxy · 2 years
💕Mio Momoko Mochi💕
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She is a pink pigeon who moved to Duckburg from Tokyolk :3
(yes i know pink pigeons arent in Japan but shush)
Her name has meaning!!
Mio means "cherry", Momoko means "peach-child" and Mochi is a japanese dessert!!
She is a baker who lives in a Thai sweet-shop called "Petite Pigeon Parlor" with her 2 moms
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raid3r-r4bbit · 11 months
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My coworker heard about my cat, and has given me one of her kittens.
Meet yuzu. (She kinda pink cause she got into some paint before we got her, she's fine lol)
We went through a bunch of different names, Ume, Mochi, but my mom suggested yuzu and soba. We settled on Yuzu cause it works with the other cats name's.
Anyways she's 3 months old and super super sweet and cuddly, I'm very thankful for my coworkers 💗
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She's also super wiggly
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ribbonscene · 3 months
ㅤ️ㅤ️ㅤ️ㅤ️ㅤ️ㅤ️ anne and her tales 𓆩♡𓆪 𝅄 ⋆
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ᅠㅤ️act i : who is anne?
ㅤ️welcome, lovelings. hereby you are entering anne’s fairytale. now... you may wonder, who is anne and what do you need to know about her? well, you have taken a great start here. ♡
ㅤ️anneliese claire is an alter-ego created by ralynsha clairanne, a normal corporate worker who spent most of her time crushing herself against life and the problems within while half of her mind wandering around what she called “beyond the universe”. unlike ralyn, anne is a free-spirited ego who isn’t afraid to speak to her truth. and like a little kid, just as pure and as curious about the world, anne finds beauty in the mundane; spending her days writing about her layered feelings, to let out what ralyn can’t due to her principals.
ᅠmeanwhile, most people have a back-to-back different alter-ego, ralyn and anne got each other’s back like a figure and its shadow. what ralyn couldn’t say, anne would. and what anne couldn’t do, ralyn will pursue.
ㅤ️both ralyn/anne often describe themselves as an orange cat, having infp-t as their mbti, and a proud libran all the way. she preferred being addressed using feminine pronouns, and in case you are bewildered with all this new information, you may address the human form with both names {let’s just say it’s the same person, different name}. :]<3
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ᅠㅤ️act ii : what intrigues anne?
ଙ♡ generals : anne/ralyn likes anything pink, sanrio, and positivity contents. she believes in manifestations and the power of mindset; universe, and everything in between. she has always been a one-true worshipper of makeup, skin and body care, food, and perfumery. she indulges in fiction books a lot, as it helps her to write better. and one of her quirky qualities is that she is always curious. be it you started to talk about science, which she isn’t fond of, she will spend her times to search around for answers so she could have a conversation with anyone. she loves strawberry, green tea, and mochi a lot {you would find her talks about these three things a lot}. she loves learning new things as she treasures what’s already there.
ଙ♡ music : she is fond of k-pop music since her early years of living {nowadays her lenses are focused on enhypen, seventeen, theboyz, riize, ive, newjeans, le sserafim, aespa, csr, itzy, and stayc}. besides those, she is an avid listener of taylor swift, niki, mitski, beabadoobe, olivia rodrigo, melanie martinez, laufey, dept, hivi!, bruno major, nadin amizah, gracie abrams, and so much more musicians! ♥︎ her life rotates around music and always will, and listing all her favorite musicians will be a long-life job she couldn’t finish.
ଙ♡ movies and series : during her worst days, she found reading books overwhelming since the letters were running around her head; thus, cinema helped her recover her feelings on those times. two of her favorite genres is romcom and child flick; as she could watch movies with those genre forever. before trilogy, 13 going on 30, 10 things i hate about you, mean girls, wild child, legally blonde, la la land, the devil wears prada, you are the apple of my eye are some of her favorite movies to watch. while modern family, brooklyn nine-nine, young sheldon, superstore, anne with an e, reply 1988, extraordinary attorney woo were some of her favorite tv series. she likes cartoons {especially anne} and disney is the one who accompanied her growing up. besides that, she loves the baby boss series and studio ghibli productions! well... the list is taking too long, isn’t it? shall we stop now?
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ᅠㅤ️act iii : where is anne?
ㅤ️you are reaching the last’s part of anne/ralyn’s mega-bank {phew, finally...}! now that you are here and before you find out about where you could directly speak to both anne and ralyn, i think it’s best for you to know that the place is her safe place; so if it’s uncomfortable for you to stay around with all her stuff going around, please always know that you are allowed to skim her presence from your life. and she would prefer new friends whom she could talk to; so if you aren’t up for that also... please skip this message, kindly. c:
ᅠㅤ️✧ㅤ️anne’s main-residential
ㅤ️ㅤ️✧ㅤ️ask anne anything!
ㅤ️ㅤ️✧ㅤ️hot-or-cold tea sesh with anne
ㅤ️ㅤ️✧ㅤ️anne and her ancient tales.
and that is that, anne and ralyn hope you enjoy your short stay here. and she is looking forward to see you somewhere above. see you on the other side! 🤍
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