#she's so carefree until she isn't. you know what i mean. she doesn't really know how to handle loss or grief or fear
dykeyleth · 9 months
thinking abt the scene in the lava forever and ever
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actual-changeling · 5 months
Do you think Crowley would be more emotionally open without Aziraphale? I’ve never thought about it, but I’ve just read the tags of your last ask and now I’m really interested
Short answer? Yes, absolutely.
Long answer? Also yes, but it's complicated. <- past me was correct, this got very long, my apologies.
What-if scenarios are always part canonical evidence/part subjective interpretation, because the only Crowley we know is the one who spent six thousand years orbiting Aziraphale.
Still, there was a pre-Aziraphale him, up until Job I presume, which is when they started being lonely together, and we do see what they were like!
The Starmaker is his 'before', the being he was before the doubt, the war, the fall. Before hell and the garden and Aziraphale. She is the blueprint the Crowley we know is built on. In the short time we have with her, she's incredibly emotive—with both positive and negative emotions—and her body language is soft, almost fluid.
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Showing emotions is simply a natural part of being a person, and what exactly that looks like obviously varies; but this angel has never been punished for doing so. There are no consequences, it's safe to exist however she wants (though not much longer).
After this, we get Crawley what I assume is more or less a short amount of time after the fall. Everyone got settled in hell, and once the institution was functional, they now needed to actually have humans running around on earth. Otherwise there are no souls to torture.
Even here, Crawley is still open, still smiling, still soft, although a bit more covert in their body language. She laughs and—this is the important part—questions God right on there on the walls of Eden.
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Even after falling for asking question, she does not stop, not for one moment. Despite the trauma they undoubtedly must have gone through, Crawley sees an angel, slithers up to him, and strikes up a conversation, trusting that he will not hurt them.
Now, this is where subjective interpretation comes in, because we have no information of what the fall was actually like. They got punished for asking question, for rebelling, for trying to change the system—but in my opinion, they never got punished for having emotions.
In the modern day, angels are terrified of making mistakes or asking question, but they are still emotive, they physically express their feelings. Some are more intense in their expressions, others subdued, but from Muriel all the way to Gabriel, they talk about emotions, they show emotions, and that in of itself is not a crime.
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Hell is just as—if not more—emotional than heaven. Just remember Hastur when Ligur was melting and then later during the trial, or Beelzebub when ze summons Crowley in the first episode.
Yes, they communicate in code a lot, but only when it comes to very specific kinds of information and interactions, not when someone is going insane over the blaring alarm.
Why does all of this matter?
Because it proves that the level of emotional suppression Crowley and particularly Aziraphale have reached is not taught by either heaven or hell.
Instead, just like Aziraphale's claims that 'heaven is watching', it is a rule system instated by himself for himself, and by extension for Crowley; he set the requirements for interaction and forced Crowley to meet them if he wanted to be around him.
We don't see Crowley laugh the way he did as Bildad or the Starmaker anymore, we never see him carefree or joyous or sad. I mean for fuck's sake, he HIDES behind his glasses, a physical manifestation of the repression he's caught in.
Humans wouldn't notice his eyes in the same way the police doesn't notice them at the convent in Tadfield. The glasses show up during Job, and we know Crowley already had a plan to go against orders, so glasses it is. However, he doesn't wear them during the crucifixion, which comes after Job. Crowley tells us she spent a lot of time with Jesus, so you'd expect her to be wearing them, but she isn't—whatever her relationship with Jesus was, she seemed to trust him a lot, and Aziraphale wasn't around.
Aziraphale is the one who demands silence, who never wants to talk about anything he himself hasn't approved as a 'safe' topic, he and his fucking forgiveness whenever Crowley questions God, calling him a demon and pushing him away whenever he openly shows affection towards Aziraphale.
So yeah, of course Crowley cannot regulate his emotions and has no idea how to express himself now, Aziraphale has shoved a gag down his throat for six thousand bloody years and still wants it to stay in place. Our closed-off Crowley would not exist without Aziraphale's continuous presence in his life, and that is a hill I am more than willing to die on.
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Crowley is getting his heart broken in the worst, most violent way imaginable both times. But now? His face is stone and steel, one third of it hidden away behind black-out glasses. No tears, no words, no desperation, no flying hands or fluidly moving body.
This is the kind of person you become when someone else forces you to make yourself small, when emotions are punished and affection withheld until you act the way they want. It's horrible, it's unhealthy, and it destroys parts of yourself that you will never get back, no matter how hard you try.
So, in conclusion, yes, without Aziraphale's influence, Crowley would be softer, more open, and we would still see remnants of the Starmaker in him—but we don't.
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captainmera · 6 months
I'm reading your Caleb fic and actually losing my mind over how good and fitting his characterization feels, how well you put the seeds of becoming a bad person in Philip without making him Evil Child and instead make it feel like a natural progression, how everyone's so NUANCED, the historical accuracy, EVELYNS CHARACTERIZATION!!! God!!! I love all of this!!!! (Also the closeted bi Caleb.)
Thank you! :D
Yes, I'm having fun crafting Caleb specifically with Philip turning into the guy Luz meets in canon, and eventually Belos, in mind.
I asked myself: Who the hell raised this dude!? :l And out came my version of Caleb, lol.
And yes, I don't think Philip was a bad kid. I think he became a bad person. Like most people who grow up, things happen and.. You know.
When you look at an adult who is angry, cruel and hateful, you seldom see their whole story. You see them for who they are right now and their unjustifiable actions and behaviours.
Caleb isn't a great parent. He's a good brother, not a half-bad provider, but parent? Not really. He was a kid when he raised his brother, and nobody taught him how to do it right. His outlet for frustrations and feeling helpless allowed him to cognitively dissonance himself from his cruel actions as a witch hunter.
We have no control. There is both freedom and imprisonment in knowing we are powerless to the chaos of hindsight. The endless human toiling of reminiscing in the "what ifs" of life will curse us all to an early doom.
The acceptance of no control, strangely, gives you more control and peace of mind. Sometimes, you can do everything right and it still goes wrong. Sometimes you do everything wrong and things turn out fine!
Doesn't mean people are blameless. Knowing the cause of something doesn't excuse the action or the choices you made.
But recognising that you made choices at the time based on what you knew and believed to be right - does give insight to things. What to do with that insight is up to each and every person.
Evelyn I'm enjoying quite a lot. Because she's not mentally ill like Caleb, who's depressed and suicidal. A character doesn't have to be unwell to be interesting. People have emotions and struggles anyhow. She's a nice person, she means well; she's a perfect example of someone who is just benefit-of-doubt enough to walk into dangerous spaces in good faith. Which puts her in situations Caleb must interfere with, lest she gets found out as a witch.
They save each other, in a way. :)
Caleb closeted bisexuality is a source of great delight to write a sub-plot for. Caleb, v.s. his ideas of what makes a man, is a fun field to dance on. He has been fed a lot of self-destructive ideas that he tries to live up to.
And Evelyn's nonchalant self-expression is also a great delight to write. She's carefree to the point people mistake her for an airhead and kind of stupid. Which isn't true, she just trust in that there is good in people until proven otherwise, and she tries her best to not let those experiences discourage her from new relationships. I like exploring that strange box that often occurs with her personality type - as though being kind and gentle is somehow dumb or naive.
BUT YEAH, Theyre very fun to write! :)
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chaoticklesblog · 6 months
Helluva Boss Tickle Headcannons:
Super ticklish despite not being tickled very much in his younger days, (Blitzo is definitely the first one to discover this weakness when they were kids and never really forgot how ticklish Stolas was, or is, for that matter.)
Is a switch, but is definitely is more lee leaning! He enjoys the bondage aspect of it and definitely experiences the most anticipatory giggles.
Has one of the most adorable laughs ever. It doesn't take much to get him laughing. He has such a high-pitched laugh that gets squeaky if you get the right spots.
Worst spots are wings and beneath his feathers.
As a ler, my goodness is this guy fucking RUTHLESS.
Is a demon, so expect to receive whatever tickling is dished out tenfold in return.
His feathers and claws are horrendously evil tickle tools and the mothefucker KNOWS it.
Uses tickling as a torture method for those who most deserve it (cough cough, Blitzo).
Regularly involved in childhood tickle fights with Fizz. Used to win most of the tickle fights until the accident happened.
So playful and silly, he was the first to initiate a tickle fight with Stolas and the first to realize what a ruthless tickler Stolas is.
Also a switch, very needy as a lee and super teasy as a ler.
Surprisingly a very gentle ler unless otherwise provoked.
Definitely tickles Stolas the most of anyone because Stolas absolutely loves it. Also frequently tickles Millie and Moxxie but mostly Moxxie because he deserves it. Doesn't DARE tickle Luna (he doesn't have
Most ticklish spots include ribs, tummy and underarms.
Super silly laugh, loves provoking others to tickle him, and is so shameless about it, the little shit.
Is ticklish but is much more of a ruthless ler. Mostly tickles Moxxie to get him to relax or not be so uptight.
Absolutely ruthless. RUTHLESS.
Not only does she know Moxxie enjoys being tickled, but she encourages the other IMP's to tickle him.
Doesn't mind being tickled by Moxxie but will destroy anyone else who tries.
The worst spots are her hips, thighs, and knees.
Has a bright, carefree laugh.
Will 10/10 dish out absolutely unholy revenge to those who dare to tickle her.
Is such a lee! 100% lee. Is baby.
It doesn't take much to get him all flustered, just a few well placed pokes, a wink, or teasy voice.
Prefers to be tickled by Millie but is the frequent victim of gang tickles. Not that he minds.
Is wayyyy more susceptible to gentle and teasy tickles.
His back is an absolute death zone. Absolutely cannot handle back massages AT ALL.
Screechy and screamy laughter. AHAHAH.
Hides his face a lot, or at least he tries when tickled. Lol. He can't even help it.
Will literally beg to not be tickled.
Deserves to get his shit WRECKED!
WE AREN'T gonna pretend this man isn't ticklish.
I mean, he is. Has a super boisterous laugh.
I mean, if this anyone has a tickle kink, it's him lol.
I feel like he's got tons of ler energy. He tickles Fizz so much, lmao. Surprise tickles, tickle games, tickle hugs, teases, etc. ASDFGHJKL. Fizz eats it up, of course.
Is kinda ticklish in a couple secret places only Fizz knows about. I mean, I don't even know, and Fizz didn't tell me lmaooo. It's a secret, do with that info what you wish.
Is actually the tickle monster. Hehehe.
Is such an adorably ticklish imp.
Arguably, the most ticklish character.
Literally used to be nearly tickled to death by Blitzo as kids. And ganged up on by the other imps. Was pretty much defenseless lol.
Blitzo used to knock him down a few pegs for getting all the attention by tickling the everloving snot out of him.
Literally never won tickle fights until after the accident. The robot arms improved his tickle fight game tenfold.
His robot arms are indeed also ticklish but offer an advantage in tickle fights by being able to stretch or tickling people far away.
Bottom ribs, hips and sides are his worst spots.
Cannot handle his ribs being counted. (Ozzie found this out, and the poor guy can't rest ahah).
Wheezy laughter that eventually goes silent, and he also thrashes a lot.
Uses his robot arms for tickling and bondage purposes with Ozzie and to also get well deserved revenge on Blitzo, haha.
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shadowqueenjude · 8 months
I see quite a few people who ship Lucien with Vassa and ask why Lucien stans want Lucien with someone who doesn't want him (Elain) so I just wanted to address this: 1. We don't actually have any confirmation Elain doesn't want Lucien. Is she avoiding him? Yes. But that's because she's running from her problems, the mating bond on the top of her list. When she was begging for Graysen to take her back (barf), she still managed to say "His name is Lucien." Am I really supposed to believe she hates him? Nesta was avoiding Cassian too but it's canon that she still wanted him. But she didn't want the mating bond. Elain is similar in this way. And going after Azriel is an easy way to avoid her problems. She has had a ton of time to reject the bond and hasn't, which is telling.
2. It may seem superficial to think about, but Vassa is a human. Lucien is immortal. There is no way for this to work unless Lucien bounds his life to hers like Lorcan, and I just don't see that happening, because Lucien is destined to play a bigger role in Prythian which would really make binding his life to a human's unfeasable. 3. Neither Lucien nor Vassa is interested. Lucien is canonically seen to be looking at Elain with longing at the end of ACOSF. "Cassian’s heart strained at the pain etching deep into Lucien’s face as he tried to hide his disappointment and longing." And I'm pretty sure Vassa is into Jurian (a pairing that makes sense since they're both human)
“And Jurian and Vassa?” “At each other’s throats, as they like to be,” he said, a tad sharply.
Vassa rolled her eyes, then looked to Lucien, who sank onto the sofa beside Jurian. Like the Fae male had settled similar arguments between them before. Sounds like Lucien is the middle man between Jassa. 4. Vassa is not like Jesminda. Yes, they're both described as wild, but Jesminda's was described as a carefree, joyful spirit whereas Vassa's wild is described as warriorlike. Besides, being similar to somebody you did love doesn't mean you're going to fall in love with them too. 5. I think people underestimate the depth of Lucien's love for Jesminda. In this way, Lucien's story is kind of similar to Rowan's, only Rowan was hoodwinked by a spell. Lucien, on the other hand, loved Jesminda so much he genuinely believed she was his mate. The only kind of love that could ever compare to that is his true mating bond, which in Faelore makes marriage seem insignificant. Rowan, too, could never get over Lyria until he met his true mate, Aelin. 6. I'll be the first to admit I'm disappointed with Elain thus far. But it is canon that we haven't seen all Elain has to offer yet. And I believe once she gets her head out of her ass she'll be perfect for Lucien. For one, they're both excellent speakers, despise violence, have been constantly underestimated and frankly disrespected by the IC, both lost their first loves in a painful manner (I know Elain's love isn't dead, but he might as well be), were both ripped from their homes and forced to settle in a place where they're not very comfortable. 7. Only when Lucien arrived did Elain start to eat properly. Only when Lucien was there did Elain show her powers. Only when Lucien was there did she start to come out of her shell. Lucien was the only one who actually understood what she needed. I don't give a shit if Azriel discovered her seer powers; that doesn't make him a mate in any way. Understanding her power doesn't constitute understanding her. By this same token, you could say Lucien understood that Nesta's power was a cold fire first. Mates! Actually there's more evidence in favor of this since Sarah had originally made the two of them mates lol. Nesta asked Elain what she wanted and she said Sunshine. And it was constantly said that the Spring court would be perfect for Elain. Guess who is the heir to the Day Court and has serious connections with the Spring Court. Yes! Lucien Spell-Cleaving Vanserra! 8. Have you SEEN the elucien fanart??? You expect me not to ship them after seeing it?? I'm pretty sure Vassien was created so that people could get rid of Lucien in favor of Ewriel anyway.
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podcastenthusiast · 10 months
(Little fic set during the first Long Rest. Astarion experiments with the new limits of his vampiric nature. It goes badly and Tav helps.)
Now on ao3
The atmosphere at camp that first night is fraught with worry and uncertainty, everyone reeling from the recent trauma. Reminds you of home, really. You know a thing or two about sharing space with the only handful of people in this world going through the same horrid experience as you.
Now here you all sit sharing a meal together, too. Or, well, they are.
"Something wrong, Astarion? You're not eating."
The half-orc is looking at you with suspicion—no, with concern. They are all looking at you. Then this is your cue. Time to put on a show. Play your part.
"Well," you sniff haughtily, "to be honest, this is hardly the caliber of cuisine I'm used to. No offence meant, darling."
"None taken; Gale cooked."
"And I did my best with our severely limited provisions, thank you very much. Sorry it isn't up to your standards, Astarion."
You conjure distant memories of decadent meals as unreal to you now as the forgotten color of your own eyes. Can't have anyone sneaking a peak into your mind through your shared connection and seeing blood and vermin--your usual sustenance.
"Even so, please try to eat something," she insists.
"Why? To build team camaraderie? I can think of far more exciting ways to get better acquainted."
"We all need to keep our strength up," she says. "For the journey to that cure Lae'zel spoke of."
Maybe I don't want a cure, you almost snap. But that wouldn't align with the image you've woven for them of a carefree magistrate who must have a comfortable life in the city worth returning to. They cannot know the truth. At least not until they trust you enough to tolerate a monster in their midst. Until you've proven yourself more useful alive.
So you regard the stew warily. Hunger gnaws at your gut, never sated, but only for blood. Still... After a full day in glorious sunlight, perhaps you could decide to push your luck just a bit further. Who knows what other remarkable exceptions to your condition the tadpole has provided? What's the harm in a little experimenting?
You tentatively lift the spoon to your mouth.
Later, while the others are asleep in their beds, your evening is spent retching up the meager contents of your stomach into the bushes. Turns out the mind flayer tadpole can't or won't alter every inconvienient facet of your undead physiology. Walking in the sun? Yes, by all means. Eating food? Very much still a no. Makes perfect sense!
"I see Gale's cooking really didn't agree with you."
Her voice manages to startle you. Not many people can do that anymore. Damn. It will be more challenging to seduce her after she's seen you like this, so weak and sick. It's okay. You are a professional, after all.
You fumble for an explanation that would satisfy your traveling companion. Would she believe a garlic allergy, or is that too on the nose? You could claim someone tried to poison you. Or you did it yourself to avoid the inevitable transformation but got the dosage wrong, play her sympathetic heart like the strings of her lyre. That could work.
But she doesn't ask any questions, for which you are immensely grateful.
Your stomach rolls and lurches painfully again. You taste something metallic on your tongue, subtly spitting out a clot of old blood into the grass. Pray she doesn't see; she would think it's already too late for you. She fears the tadpole—fears death, fears becoming something else, losing control of her body, as any reasonable person would in this situation. You almost want to tell her things can get so much worse than that. Worse than she is even capable of imagining.
"Astarion, hey. Breathe."
You breathe. There's a warm pressure against your back. Her hand, you realize, solid and soothing.
"Look at me?"
You look at her.
She touches your forehead. Gentle. You can't recall the last time anyone touched you like that.
"No fever," she mutters as if to herself, withdrawing the hand. Your eyes linger on the veins in her skin. "You feel too cold, in fact, you're shaking. Come sit by the fire."
You obey. Allow her to coax you over to a bedroll. Somehow you have fooled her into believing you're worth caring for.
"I didn't know you're a healer," you hear yourself saying. Where are you? You don't feel entirely present in this moment. Perhaps you haven't been for quite a while.
"Because I'm not. Just a mother," she says, a touch wistfully, and you realize how little you truly know about this woman whose throat you held a knife to mere hours ago. She carries herself like a soldier but calls herself a bard. Probably middle-aged, if the greying hair and lines beneath her eyez are any indication. And she has at least one child, apparently. You wonder vaguely if anyone waits for her back in Baldur's Gate. You wonder how it feels to be missed.
You don't know what to say, however, so you don't speak.
"It's okay to be scared, you know," she says quietly. "I'm scared, too. But we're in this together."
You laugh bitterly. She sincerely thinks it is fear making you ill, doesn't she, like some pathetic creature. A mistaken assumption, obviously, but...
You are, though.
A fear so bone-deep and familiar it is home to you. You're afraid this has all been some bizarrely wonderful nightmare, that you'll wake up any moment in a gloomy crypt with Cazador looming over you. Even more afraid that it's real and you actually have something to lose. You would sooner eat another wriggling parasite--hells, an entire pot of that damn stew—than go back to Cazador.
He will find you, you're certain. He will send hunters to track you down like a dog. Escape is impossible. This is nothing more than a brief reprieve in the misery of your existence.
You're a little afraid, too, of her. Of this unrelenting, undeserved kindness. Of what happens to you when it goes away.
"Why are you helping me?" you ask. She must want something. Everyone does.
"Maybe I just need you well enough to fight tomorrow," she offers. "Or, consider: you're a person who could use some help. Simple as that."
"You're too good for this sorry world," you say it like an accusation. Too good to me.
She shrugs. "Well, go with the first answer then. Need anything?"
"No, I think not."
The one thing you need, you don't dare ask for. Not yet.
"Try to get some rest, okay? I had last watch so dawn can't be too far off."
"I...I would appreciate if you didn't mention this to the others."
That earns a strange look from her, but she nods. "Of course. Good night, Astarion."
You watch the sunrise for the first time in centuries. It is completely worth the awful, sleepless night which preceded it. Your days are numbered, you know, between the parasite and Cazador, but you are damn well going to make every second of that freedom count.
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spqcebunsforever · 8 months
Opposites always attract
Pairings: Stu Macher x reader
(N/n means nickname)
Summary: Y/n is a great student but that's because she doesn't want to disappoint her parents and let's just say they definitely start getting more pushy when they realise that their town isn't as safe as they thought it was. Stu sees how stressed and tired Y/n is and decides that the best thing to do is skip the rest of the school day and just chill out.
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Y/n’s pov 
I rushed into my class not caring about all the stares I was getting I needed to be on time. I had always made sure that I was early or correctly on time for classes and that I was always in school way before everyone else either in the library reading or just sitting outside on the grass studying. Everyone in school would call me a teacher’s pet but what they didn’t know was how much this meant to me. I wanted my parents to have a reason to be proud of me so I would get the best grades I would make all the teachers like me and I would sign up for things like school president which I did win. My parents would always tell me how proud they were of me and how well I was doing but that stopped the moment the killings started. My parents had never had lots of money and they both didn’t have great jobs so they started pushing me telling me that since we couldn’t live here because it’s now a dangerous and unpeaceful town I needed to start getting better grades than I am and I have to push myself 10x more so I can get a good job getting good money and we can move far away and live happily ever after. But let's just say putting all that on your child when there already super stressed and scared about the new killer is not a great mix. 
I sat down in my chair and I put my head in my hands desperately wanting to go home so I could just sleep but like clockwork, I felt something hit the back of my head. I turned around and made direct eye contact with Stu Macher like I did every time he would hit me in the head with a small ball of paper. Stu was the complete opposite of me all he cared about was throwing parties and having fun I couldn't even count how many times he had skipped school and how many times he had tried to get me to help him cheat on tests he was the class clown but I couldn't lie sometimes I wish I could just be like that carefree but I would never admit that to anyone. But for some reason, Stu thought that it was the most hilarious thing ever to throw shit at me every time we had this class together and I would normally tell him off and tell him how immature he was being but I was just too tired to do anything. So after he gave me his signature grin and a little wave I just turned around and tried my best to survive the class the best I physically could. 
When the school bell rang to let us know it was lunch I immediately started packing my things up so I could bolt right out of the classroom. But sadly Stu Macher had different plans. “Heyy N/n I see you didn’t lecture me like you normally do you know that kinda hurt my feelings”. He was about to say something else but he got a look at my face and cringed “Woah N/n you know you're not looking so great if I knew any better I would say you aren’t getting any sleep”. I just continued packing my stuff away trying not to show that he was annoying me. “Yes, Stu I’ve not had that much sleep but can you really blame me there is a killer on the loose I doubt anyone is getting a good night's rest”. He just stood next to me not saying anything until he quickly grabbed my hand and we started quickly walking out of the classroom together. 
“Hey! Stu what the hell where are we going”. He just kept dragging me along with him with that stupid big smile he’d always have on his face. “We’re going to skip school and have some relax time it’ll be so much fun”. I immediately stopped making Stu stop with me. “Yeah no you see I would love to do that but I can’t and I mean can’t skip school my parents would kill me”. Instead of walking away and admitting defeat like I wanted Stu just again grabbed my hand and started walking “You know that’s probably why you don’t have any fun you keep thinking about your parents live a little N/n and if your parents do moan just blame me I’ll easily take the blame for you”. I stopped complaining after that not really sure what else there was to say I just let him lead the way. 
We finally made it to his house which was massive I hadn’t realized it but his parents must be super rich to be able to afford something like this. But from the look of Stu, I wasn’t expecting this to be his house I wasn’t very sure what I was expecting but it definitely wasn’t this. We made our way to his door and he opened it for me bowing slightly “Lady’s first” I couldn’t lie I felt a tiny bit of a smile start to form but I didn’t want Stu to notice so I quickly walked in. And to say that the inside was just as nice as the inside it was like I was dreaming and had gone to my dream house. I started walking around looking at all the nice furniture “Ya like what you see” I turned around and saw Stu grinning obviously liking that I was gawking so much at his house. “Of course, it’s so nice I’d kill for a place like this”. I closed my mouth quickly realizing what I had just said was not the best thing to say when a killer is on the loose. 
But before I could apologize or say how insensitive that sounded Stu just laughed. “Don’t look so scared N/n don’t know if you could tell but I also make dark-humoured jokes”. I let out a breath that I didn’t realize that I was holding in and I felt my shoulders instantly relax but a part of me kinda knew that he wouldn’t be offended because not to sound mean but it’s Stu. “You can just make yourself at home and the living rooms over there I’ll go get us some drinks”. He left and I made my way to the living room just like the rest of his house it was really nice. I sat down on his couch and tried to force myself to relax that was the whole point I was here anyway. I looked over at the clock to see what time it was and I noticed that if I was still at school I would just be heading to my next class. 
While I was thinking about that Stu came in with some drinks. “Here you go my lady only the best for the best”. I took the drink and started taking sips but no matter how hard I was trying to relax I just couldn’t help but think about how disappointed my parents would be when they found out I skipped. And Stu must have realized that I was still a bit stressed because he playfully rolled his eyes. “You know this is supposed to be your getaway from school but I can tell you keep thinking about it you know your a teenager you would be a dork if you never skipped at least once”. I looked down I didn’t want people to think that I was a dork “Well I’m not a dork I unlike everyone else care about their education and want to be able to get a good job so I support my parents”. 
“Gez you know you talk about your parents a lot like my parents will be so disappointed or my parents won’t like that”. I just took a sip of my drink and shrugged my shoulders. “Well yeah I mean they are the ones pushing me to be my best and to stick in at school and to..” Before I could finish my sentence Stu jumped in and finished it for me “To be a bore”. I looked up and gave him an angry glare “Shut up I’m not a bore just because I don’t do all the type of things you do”. Stu grinned “Yeah but if you keep living your life thinking about what your parents would like you to do or not to do then you’ll end up sad and boring”. I didn’t really know how to respond he was right Stu Macher was right now I was sure I was in a dream. “Listen I’m throwing a party soon and I think It would be totally cool if you would come show people that you can be cool”. I couldn’t help the chuckle that left my mouth out of anyone that got through to me it was him. 
“Alright, Stu you’ve convinced me I’ll come that also might help me destress”. Stu smiled and put his hand out wanting a hive five which I happily gave him. “You know it's weird I never in a hundred years thought we would hang out we don’t have that much in common but yet here we are and I’m really enjoying hanging out and talking to you”. Stu moved closer to me on the couch and put his arm around me “Well it's what they say toots opposites always attract”.
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softedgessculptures · 5 months
Armin only met Nathalia (my canon oc) when she was crying alone KKKKKKKKK 😭😭☠️ (get some history bellow)
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Everyone on the wall thought she was a bit crazy and brainless for telling strange theories about the walls and around (nothing but the truth) and there were rumors about her running around she was pretty clueless yet VERY clever and smart (I have always lived in the world of the moon and I believed that reality was beyond what is seen since I was a little girl, so I transmitted the same to my oc. Most people still think I'm crazy out here, but that's okay 🤗❤️)
She entered the area of reconnaissance focusing on the theory and research team, or closer to where Hange works because of her curiosity, knowledge and wisdom. And when Nathalia found out that Eren had become a titan, she was VERY interested to KNOW WHY. She tried to get close to him, came to follow him around a few places and watch to write down in her notepads (she's just a girl!!! 😭🎀) watching him from afar since she was a bit shy and Eren was always surrounded by people or with Hange... until they started the rumor that, in addition to her being labeled "crazy", rumors also spread that she liked Eren. Nathalia barely knew about Eren's trio, and barely heard about Armin or Mikasa. Nathalia just wanted to.... talk. 😢😢
"GYAHAHAH GIRL DID YOU end UP running away and stealing a few beers from some ass veterans???? All that comes out of your mouth is shit!!!" in the girls' dorm Ymir teased Nathalia A LOT, seriously, even Krista Historia struggle to stop her. Not least because Ymir knew that Nathalia's words were too dangerous. "Are you really as weird as everyone says?? Pffft".
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At the other side, Annie didn't talk much and isn't the type to let emotions rule "ugh, shut upp" kind of thing, but she always claimed that nothing Nathalia said made sense. (I really like her)
When asked, she answered "Is it really?" and get silent, pretending not to give a damn. Annie knew she was there on a mission and that Nathalia's words were true, even though some were too head-traveled and imaginative. Annie knew it was dangerous to increase, but she........... did she really cared?
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The only one who came closest to staying by Nathalia's side was Sasha, but not too much because she's the other crazy one in the new squad. "Well... that's it. She's not wrong........ in fact, I mean, she's really crazy. But! Who guarantees, huh?!" she shrugs and leans on the pillow of her carefree bed "What if someday, what she says, proves to be right? You can't tell!!"
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And Mikasa. Well......... she didn't trust Nathalia much because of the rumors about her liking Eren, however, more than that, Mikasa paid attention and kept Nathalia's words to herself because she knew someone who also shared the same ideas: Armin. In their trio they had dreamed of this since they were children and she always listened to Armin's stories and fertile imagination, and knew when someone was being honest. She saw faith in Nathalia's eyes. However, he never spoke to her or got into the rumors despite understanding what she felt, she just... She is not one to go around telling the secrets and conversations of her trio. Mikasa still watched her aside because she always knew that Nathalia watched Eren and they too much. "I don't know what you intend with this game but... Just don't try anything".
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Being that NATHALIA just wanted to talk!!!!
When she heard about the rumors, even though she denied it and was smart enough to prove otherwise, she felt so hurt! She sat in the corner of the horse barn when there was no one and burst into tears. Full, silent tears. Why doesn't anyone believe her?!
She just didn't know that someone was watching her in silence all this time.
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seasaltmemories · 1 year
Mars Review/Analysis
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Mars was a series I had vaguely known about for a while. I've seen the iconic statue kissing scene, the male lead ranked as one of ppl's faves problematic love interests, and even had a mutual who talked about reading the series once a year. However it wasn't until a discussion on the portrayal of sex and other mature topics in shoujo that I figured it might be useful for me to read such a foundational work
Cue me reading the first chapter and breathlessly telling people it alone would count as the one of the best of shoujo. I binged the rest of the 15 volume series in a week, and through so many familiar ups and downs, it still felt like something special.
CW: Suicide, Sexual Abuse, Homophobia, Transphobia
Summary time:
Kira, a shy high school student, lives only for her art. Rei, An arrogant, rebellious and violent playboy, wears his delinquency like a badge of honor. They are exact opposites in every way, but when Kira sees Rei kissing a statue of Mars, she overcomes her fears and asks him to model for her. And, to everyone's surprise, Rei agrees.
On the surface it seems just like a typical good girl/bad boy story, and it is hard to say it isn't, but so much of what makes the story work is the details. Their meet cute is subdued, nothing but an excuse to get them talking again, but as they talk more and more, their chemistry just shines through. I don't know if it just fits my specific tastes, but it really is the stuff of girlhood dreams. Rei has this easy-going charm that is hard to look away from, and you can see Kira start to fall fast and hard despite herself, and by the end of volume 1, they've shared their first kiss and are more or less an item for the rest of the series
It is a pretty fast courtship for most romance stories, but the fact we skip the pining to get straight to an established relationship means we get this sort of easy physical affection that is so refreshing. Frankly I would enjoyed just watching them be absolutely adorable, but as we uncover both their dark pasts, they take on this young, restless "us vs. the world" love I can't resist
I mention before how a lot of Rei's appeal lies in his laid-back nature, rather than brood in a corner, he's outgoing and popular but the same carefree nature means he doesn't put much stock in social convention or consider the consequences his poor impulse control can get him in. It's a much more thought-out portrayal of a "bad boy" even as the dramatic details of his backstory build up. Considering his mother's early death, his estrangement from his father, and the fact he saw his twin brother commit suicide in front of him, it is clear his ease with everything is more bc of a general apathy, even towards his own wellbeing
Kira we learned started the series still recovering from the sexual abuse she suffered at the hands of her stepfather, as her relationship develops with Rei, she has to process a lot of trauma she still has surrounding her sexuality. It is clear her introverted, passive nature is not just a means of making her more relatable/easier to project onto, and that the real Kira has only started to come back out of her shell
I'd be lying if I acted like these issues were explored in nuanced, subtle ways, but even through the melodrama there was something real to it all that captured me. Like I usually struggle to latch onto most contemporary romances where the biggest obstacles couples face are their willingness to go ahead an make the first move. But these are real problems that real ppl face, even if it is heavily dramatized, and so their determination to stick together and make a place where they can be happy and safe just tugs at my heartstrings, even the breakneck pacing from one arc to the next, felt true to the whirlwind that is young adulthood. Did Fuyumi Souryo forget a plot thread when Rei's dream of becoming a pro racer fell away from the plot for like ten volumes? Maybe, but in life you're usually not really following a laid out plan and are more trying to survive from one crisis to the next while discovering patches of stability along the way
The melodrama really started to test my limits with the introduction of the antagonist, Masao. In contrast to Rei and Kira's detailed history of violence, Masao's just plain evil and attracted to the both of them for extra "creepiness" It's not just tasteless, it's boring, his entire arc nearly killed my interest in the series
Thankfully he only shows up for one arc in the middle and then briefly at the end to stir up more trouble. He's more bearable in those chapters thanks to the fact he's reflecting how much our main leads has grown, but his existence is painfully utilitarian, which applies to most of the rest of the cast, clearly only existing to highlight our main duo better. This also leads to some transphobia and insensitive portrayals of suicide.
Rei's mother and twin also suffer similar "secretly evil all along" reveals as Masao, which I do think cheapen Rei's struggle. Frankly we don't get enough time to unpack either character's history to really understand them, but even if the narrative doesn't suggest it outright, it is hard to ignore the feeling their deaths aren't so tragic bc of their flaws. Even so, they bothered me less than Masao for some reason. For all her violent tendencies, Rei's mother is still given sympathy that Masao never gets. And even though Sei's suicide note expresses a lot of misanthropy and sadism, to me there were enough lines almost suggesting he feared those tendencies within him and was also struggling in his own way. Perhaps their underdeveloped nature all helps keep either plot point form having to overstay their welcome
And that's the thing, despite all the dark and shocking plot twists I casually mentioned, what really stands out as I look back on the series, is the strong love Rei and Kira share. Going back to the plot summary, what you see is what you get. If you aren't on board with the series after volume 1, then it probably isn't for you. But few pieces of media have ever sold me on two character's love for each other as hard as this did. I mentioned before that I tend to need my media to acknowledge tragedy before I can accept their hope, but even when Mars isn't pulling out its soap opera cliffhangers, I always wanted to see how Rei and Kira would come together to support each other through their next stages of life.
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sinclaire-by-the-sea · 3 months
(The sound of waves can be heard in the background.) 
I... I'm not entirely sure why I've done this.  
She told me I didn't have to.  
(Sinclaire inhales) 
I'm... My name is Sinclaire. Sinclaire Gossamer. I'm twenty-three years old, and I live alone in a lighthouse. The date is Thursday, April thirteenth, 2017.  
This is dumb. I'm just talking to some lame recorder. Doesn't even have the courtesy to be a tape recorder. At least then it'd have some semblance of ambience. All I have is the echoing lounge room and waves to keep me company. It's cold. I'm cold. I can't imagine how it's going to be when Winter rolls around.  
For reference, if I somehow develop early onset Alzheimer's, I'm in the southern hemisphere. That means Winter in June through to August. My lighthouse is off the coast of Te Waipounamu, the southern island of New Zealand.  
I'm not from New Zealand. My family's English. Admittedly there's a little guilt in being the descendant of a race known for colonising. I recognise and respect Māori culture, I'm not a raging racist or anything. I just feel bad.  
I feel bad all the time. 
I'm rambling. Avoiding the topic.  
(Sinclaire exhales disappointedly.) 
Sandra wanted me to do this. Sandra's my therapist. Sandra Sadowsky. She's from Russia, I think, but she doesn't have any accent.  
Anyway. She recommended that I journal my thoughts. I thought she was insane. My handwriting is ass and the signal here isn't the best, and I don't have the means for a typewriter. And then she said I could record myself speaking.  
I considered it, and... here I am.  
You see, I'm not really the best with my... feelings. I never really... I've never been good at my emotions, despite my mother's best efforts. I had a girlfriend once, too, who tried to help with it. She did help. But we ended on bad terms, and since then, I've kind of forgotten all of it. It's a shame, really. But I shouldn't dwell on the past.  
So Sandra told me I should journal my thoughts to better understand myself. I don't see the point. I still do all of this thinking, just not out loud into a tape recorder.  
It also means I can't do my thinking while I'm out. I don't think I'd look very presentable if I was rambling into an audio recorder on a supply run. 
Oh god, I'm picturing it now. Walking through the grocery store, going down the fresh produce aisle, leaning into my jacket and letting my emotions and darkest secrets go free. I'd be in people's minds for /months/. Good lord. 
So... yeah, I don't really know why I hit record on this.  
But Sandra said it could help. And Sandra's usually right. So I'm humouring her. Maybe there'll be benefits. Who knows, maybe I'll become happy and carefree. Maybe I'll get a proper job and won't have to live in this concrete tower that's always cold and always echoes, no matter how many curtains I buy. 
But let's be real.  
That's not gonna happen. 
Sandra's gonna have my head for that comment. But these recordings are never going to see the light of day. Her loss, I guess. (Chuckle.) 
So, let's get things all orderly. I've been seeing Sandra for about three months now. She's been trying to get me to journal for the last three sessions. I started seeing her because some past traumas had resurfaced, and I wasn't all that well. So, she told me I should find a way to process things and come to terms with what happened to me. At first, I was dismissive. I thought that she didn't know anything about me. I've had to realise that she does, in fact, have good ideas.  
And you know the rest. 
I'm not... I'm not ready? I don't think?  
To talk about my... past. 
(Pause. Sinclaire inhales)
Sandra doesn't really know about it either. She knows a few details. 
But. I don't want to talk about it, really. And I'm not ready to. 
So, I guess this is just going to be me rambling and repeating myself until I'm ready enough to talk about it. 
(There's a long silence. Wind and waves fill the quiet. Sinclaire's breathing is picked up by the recorder.) 
SINCLAIRE: I like it here. It's quiet.  
(Another long silence. Sinclaire sighs.) 
SINCLAIRE: I don't have any friends.  
(waves can still be heard.) 
SINCLAIRE: Signing off. 
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armpirate · 1 year
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Pairings: tattoist!jk x fem!reader
Genre: smut, angst, friends to lovers, tattoo au, virgin reader.
Summary: They say there are two versions for every story, and it's important to hear both of them. Everybody is hearing your side of the story, but it's just fair to get to know his.
After breaking up with his girlfriend, the only thing he wanted was to have fun with no attachment. You wanted to get rid of your virginity, and he wanted to tick you off his list. What he didn't expect was getting so emotionally attached to you that he would regret the deal.
Previous || Next
I wake up to a scent that isn't mine. No, it's too heavy and too strong to be mine. That too sweet smell of vanilla almost makes me dizzy when I try to open my eyes to get up. And when I finally find the way to completely wake up, I feel a weight on my back that doesn't let me lift my torso while something is embracing my waist.
Moving my hair away from my face, so I can look over my shoulder, I see a thin arm wrapped around me.
Oh, right. The girl from last night.
I try to crawl away from her embrace, and be fully able to control my body, but her grip around me gets tighter. I try it a few times, but every time I move a few inches, she pulls me back and her hand goes lower on my body. She keeps me back from running away, when I feel her arm isn't the only thing wrapped around me. She's lowered her hand so much to the point where she's holding my crotch, closing her fingers harder and tighter around me whenever I try to move away.
I press my lips together, trying to hold back the whimpers that are aiming to come out due to pain.
It takes me a long while to free myself. I try a lot of different things, I try to move my body to make her uncomfortable, I try to pull her fingers away... But nothing works. At least not until I manage to hook my fingers in between hers, finally making her lose strength on me.
Honestly, I don't even know how I manage to do it. But I move outside of the bed fast, even if I end up falling to the ground.
I start walking away, trying to make the least sound possible so I can escape from here without waking her up. I really don't want to deal with the weirdness that comes along with getting up next to a stranger, especially when this same person was trying to tear my dick from my body.
I sigh, running my finger over the scratch on the side of my motorbike, the gray color standing out among the lacquered black.
It's been two days, and I still can't understand what was wrong with that freak.
For the first time in two weeks, I'm coming in later than Mark. But he still feels the audacity of looking at me with disapproval.
—I had an emergency —I leave my things in the little closet behind the counter.
—What's the name of that emergency? —he looks at me, raising his eyebrow— Paula? Steph? Kat?
—I wish I remembered —I tilt my head.
I hear him huffing. And when I turn to him, he's playing with that dilatation on his ear. He always does it when he gets frustrated, something that usually happens when he's with me.
—You should try to settle down again.
—I thought y'all were so happy seeing me carefree. What changed?
—We're happy seeing you carefree —he shrugs—. But we still think you should try to meet someone new, in a deeper way.
—Trust me, I know the girls I meet in a real deep way —I joke.
Mark chuckles after my comment, getting up from the stool he was sitting in, just to walk up to me.
—You know what I mean. It's been seven months, you had fun. I'm not telling you to marry the first girl you meet next, but try to spend time with them. Something that doesn't last a TV ad.
—Did Soo tell you to talk to me about this?
I look at him, squinting my eyes. I know by that nervous smile on his face that my sister convinced him to talk to me about this. They all are so easy to read.
I can understand why my sister would ask him this anyway, Mark has been like an older brother ever since I moved here. He's always treated me as if I were part of his family, and has done a lot of things for me ever since I came here.
—Tell her I'll think about it, alright? That will give you a few weeks of peace before she sends you to do this type of big brother talk again.
—Soo also wanted me to confirm whether you'll be going to Mel's birthday party in Seneca —he mentions, looking at some drawings he's done.
—Do I really have to go?
At first, I was only planning to go because Leslie was friends with Melanie. I didn't even feel like going because of my sister, because I know she has her own group of friends, and sometimes it's better not to mix that. It's as if I were asking her to go to one of Jimin's or Taehyung's parties out of nowhere.
—It's Mel's birthday, don't be a dick ass.
—Why are you asking me to confirm then? You are going to force me to go either way.
✸ ✸ ✸
The day goes by a lot calmer than it was yesterday. Could be it had to do with Mark accidentally scheduling seven tattoos for me, and six for him yesterday -including humongous ones that took hours to be made.
I take off my gloves, and clean the seat that was occupied just ten minutes ago, to call it off. Finally it's over for me. I know I spoke too early when Mark gets my attention before I can even put my jacket on.
—What plans do you have tonight?
—I don't know. I think I'll stay home.
—Then come to hang out with Soo and Mel —he puts everything on the counter in place—. They met with Tammy in the bar she's working at.
—Okay, sure —I nod, holding the door open for him—. I have nothing better to do anyway.
—I'll see you there then —he waves while walking away to get his car from the parking lot.
When I get there, I wait for Mark to come outside. I know my sister and Melanie are there, but it feels weird to just get inside without the person they were actually expecting to come. One of the girls waiting to get a cab keeps looking at me, and I know she'll be reaching out to me in a few seconds, but of course someone scares her away.
He's always so timely.
—Why are you waiting here? Let's go inside.
Without giving a second look to that girl, I head inside, meeting up with that group of people Soo keeps trying to make me hang out with. Tammy greets both of us with a wide smile, and doesn't take long to wave at her side to ask someone to join us.
My eyes follow the direction of Tammy's moves, finding a short girl I think I remember. Could be I hooked up with her some time?
But when she finally stands next to our friend, and her eyes land on me, throwing a frightened and surprised look, I recognize her. That's the exact same expression she had on her face when we were in the studio.
—She's Y/n —Tammy introduces her to Mark and me.
Y/n... So that's her name.
Mark is right. Tammy talked a lot about her, but she said she was a cool girl that we all would love to hang around with. Not that she was a nun, that got shocked at the mention of sex to the point of not giving a fuck about others' belongings. I'm surprised these two are even friends at all, considering how different they are. Tam is indeed cool, I was able to see it the times she came around the studio and when we casually met whenever I decided to join Soo and her group of friends.
—So... —I talk— Is this the Y/n you told us about?
—Why? Did you already know each other? —Tammy asks.
—No —she rushes to answer—. Maybe he knows a different Y/n?
Her face is pure interned panic when she sees me opening my mouth to speak. She shouldn't worry, I don't want people to know the mess she caused either.
—I can answer by myself —I snap back, tilting my head annoyingly before I look back at Tammy—. But yeah —I sigh—, I thought you could've been referring to the same girl I knew. Guess not —I shrug.
—Note down a new one on your list, then —Melanie jokes.
She drops a fake smile, and I know she's sighing deep inside when I play along with her excuse. I can't believe I was thinking of going home tonight.
—She's joining us on our trip —Soo informs me, getting my attention by holding my wrist.
—Thinking about it —she talks—, I don't think I'll be able to join you.
It takes me a lot of effort to actually hide the laugh that's tempting to come out of my mouth when she says that. Seriously? She was able to go, but not now?
She mentions she has to visit her parents, but Tammy cuts her off fast. "You always do the same thing" is the only thing we're able to hear from their conversation, or argument more like. They keep fighting back and forth, Y/n is trying to get rid of the invitation, while Tammy keeps insisting on her coming.
I know that pissed off face from the other day. Oh wow. Tammy won.
—I guess I'll visit my parents another day —she gives in, annoyed—. Can I go back to work now?
Tammy simply nods, smiling big because she got what she wanted. And finally lets Y/n go when she asks permission to go back to work.
—You're coming, right? —Melanie asks when I sit to join them on their table.
—Of course —I nod—. Mark worked hard to convince me. There's no way I can say no —I look at Y/n, focused on her things behind the counter—. Why did you invite her?
—She's my friend —Tammy answers—. And she doesn't seem to do anything else but work, I think it'd be great for her to meet new people. You all are great, she's great. I bet it'll be good.
I turn in her direction, unaware of the conversation they start having from now on. There's something about her that makes her so interesting, she's as captivating as annoying, and that's a double threat.
Probably it's just because she rejected me.
At some point, Soo says we all should be leaving. Basically because we've been here for hours, and everybody else is leaving, too. Agreeing with her, Mark attempts to get up to pay for our table, but I move faster and tell him I'd be paying myself.
Not like neither of them rush to stop me either.
As I approach her, she seems unaware that I'm behind her. She's too focused on placing the glasses carefully over the surface behind the counter.
—Charge me, please.
She first turns with a smile, which disappears as she sees me. Y/n thinks I haven't noticed how hard she fought against her desire to roll her eyes at me, but I did. And that only encourages me to piss her off more. So before she's even able to ask me how I'm going to pay, I lift my credit card in between my two fingers. This time she doesn't hide, her eyes travel to the back of her head.
And god, ain't it funny to be able to annoy someone so easily?
—My motorbike is scratched —I casually say, while typing the pin.
—I'm sorry. I know it wasn't the best react...
—No, it wasn't —I nod, without looking at her—. And I'm glad to hear you know you were the one in the wrong.
That sarcastic laugh she throws at me makes me look at her almost instantly. I know this is going to get good when she tilts her head, while raising one of her eyebrows.
—You know what? I take it back. That scratch is the minimum you deserve —she snaps back.
—What do you mean? —my eyes squint.
—Don't act like you don't know —she hands me the ticket—. You acted all nice and cool, just to take me to that shitty studio and have me spreading my legs for you. Not even a bed? Are you sixteen?
Says the person who snaps back at someone by saying "I take back what I said". I bet she really thinks she's so mature because she treats sex as if it were the biggest sin.
—And now you have the balls to be here, talking about this with me as if it weren't a big deal and blaming me for whatever happened in your studio, while your girlfriend is sitting right there.
That takes me completely by surprise. Girlfriend? Who? And what the fuck have these dumb asses told her?
She looks at my table, pointing at it with her eyes. And when I look back at her, I can understand it all. It was something that used to happen a lot when I first got here. Could be it's having our initials tattooed, or how good we get on, but a lot of people seem to totally omit the 6 feet tall man that goes wherever Soo goes. Because Koreans can only date Koreans. Of course.
Yeah, no. I won't be the one telling her she's wrong.
—You're right —I nod—. How could I ever dare to get close to you in front of everybody? —I take a step back— Thank you —I lift the receipt and say:—, cocktease.
Absolutely everything that happened until this moment was totally worth it just to see her face like that, totally red and close to exploding.
That trip will be amazing.
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not-too-many-eyes · 1 year
Digimon Survive, Mistakes and Moving On Part 2: Wrathful
Day 4 of Survive Week: Harmony/Wrathful/Moral [Part 1] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Takuma Addition] This part will focus on the Wrathful Route, the characters it focuses on, and what that means for the story as a whole, exploring this route connects to the larger themes of the game. As you might have noticed there are more parts now. This is because talking about each route is long so I'm splitting it up into even more parts for the sake of time. Spoilers for: All of Wrathful CWs: Death, Self-Hatred.
The Karma System: So the main way the game splits up at the end of Chapter 8 is through the use of the Karma System, which tracks most of the choices you make in the game and if it corresponds to either Harmony, Wrathful, or Moral. Harmony: Represents Data types, most choices here will based on cooperating with others and trying to make sure everyone is happy. Wrathful: Represents Virus types, most choices here will be about what Takuma personally wants to do and his emotions on something. Moral: Represents Vaccine types, most choices here are based on Takuma's moral compass and what's the right thing to do.
It's important to note that none of the main four routes in Survive is a "bad" route. The only ending that is really considered bad is the ending where Takuma stays on Earth, which isn't affiliated with any specific karma. Put a pin in that we'll talk about it in more detail later. You get three choices at the end of Chapter 8, one of them being the bad ending and the other two being the karma you have the most points in. Truthful however doesn't have a specific choice since after you save Ryo your locked into Truthful for the rest of the game.
Stay with Agumon
If you choose Stay with Agumon your locked into Wrathful. In this route Takuma is going back, not to save the world, but for Agumon. He's scared, he doesn't think he has enough to save the world, and yet he's still going anyway. Because Takuma can't turn his back on Agumon. As revealed by the professor in Chapter 6, a Kemonogami is a reflection of their human. Meaning Takuma is really going back for himself. Because he can't leave Agumon alone, because he can't let Agumon do everything without him. Because he wants to protect his other half. It's...a bit selfish, and Takuma knows this.
Takuma: Maybe it's a bit selfish, but you know what I care about more than the fate of the world? Takuma: What happens to you, Agumon..So...I want to fight together, right up to the bitter end. Takuma: Is it...wrong of me to think that?
But, this isn't a bad route. Takuma is still going back, even if he thinks he's not good enough to really do anything. Because Takuma wants to stay true to himself, and to Agumon. Miyuki even says that she would do anything to save her partner, Renamon did so much for her after all. They go back, not to save the world, but to save the people they care about, and also, to save themselves.
Saki Kimishima
We start Chapter 9 with a flashback, Saki is with her doctor, she needs surgery.
Saki has an illness, one that could possible kill her, we got hints of this in earlier chapters, most notably the medical chart you can find in the sewers in Chapter 5. But we didn't know how bad it was until now. While Saki is currently in a stable period the doctor's want to get Saki surgery as fast as they can before the sickness can get worse.
But, Saki doesn't want to to go to the hospital, as much as the surgery could help her she could also die on the operating table.
And Saki really, really, doesn't want to die.
So she lies, says that she has a camp next week, that she wants to make "memories that last a lifetime". Really she just wanted to hang out with her friends but she argued with them and now they aren't on speaking terms.
Saki Kimishima tries her best to act honest and carefree, and the people around her believe it. Saki's known for being outspoken and strong, seemingly not caring about what the people around her think.
Except, she does, a lot, Saki doesn't want people to hate her, Saki doesn't want to be alone, Saki doesn't want to die and have no one care.
Saki: (...I hate it. I hate myself like this.) Saki: (If someone like me disappeared, I doubt anyone would miss me...!)
Saki is sacred of dying alone. To not belong when the threat of death is so close. But she's able to find people that she feels like she belongs with, even if it's in a deadly camp in another world. So now, we get one of my favorite moments in the entire game, Saki's Death. Saki was just grabbed by a Kenzoku, one that the rest of the group weren't able to defeat. Aoi was able to grab her before she was completely dragged off and everyone else is trying to save her, except, they can't drag her out of the fog, and worse, there getting dragged in with her.
So Saki, the girl who is here in the first place because she didn't want to die, lets go.
Saki: I...I'm sacred...but...but...*sniff* Takuma: (Huh, Saki...let go?) Saki: Aoi...Thank you...
Saki willingly, let's go of Aoi's hand, and dies. Saving everyone.
Aoi Shibuya
Aoi Shibuya is the textbook example of a good kid. Known as the "mom" friend of the group. Aoi is always the one advocating for harmony and cooperation, and tries her best to be responsible and to take care of everyone. She's kind, patient, and this close to snapping under the pressure.
Even before camp Aoi was always the one taking care of everyone, in a flashback right as you start Part 11. Aoi is doing everyone's work, even work that the vice president or the student-on-duty should do. She knows it's unfair and knows that she deserves better but...isn't it good to be helpful? And...it's not like the professor will tell the people slacking off to stop.
So Aoi continues to be helpful and patient and kind, even if the people are just taking advantage of her, because, if it's not her, who else will take care of everything?
Enter: Labramon, Labramon loves Aoi deeply and Will Bite people if it means protecting her, Labramon says everything that Aoi wishes she could say, but as the game goes Labramon stops needing to defend her as much, because Aoi gets better at standing up for herself.
But then Ryo dies, then Shuuji. Leaving Aoi with even more responsibility, and the guilt.
Chapter 4:
Aoi: *sniff* *sob* I couldn't stop them. Labramon: Hey, don't be so hard on yourself! There was nothing you could've done. Aoi: But I could tell! I knew there was something wrong with Ryo. Aoi: Oh, why couldn't I help him?
Aoi is probably the character who's hit the hardest by the two's death, next to Takuma. Aoi takes full responsibility for there deaths because if she was just, better, she could of done something. Couldn't she? In Harmony and Moral, Aoi is able to move on and grow as a person. In Wrathful, she isn't, because of Saki.
From the very start Saki was close to Aoi, Saki was the one who was helping her, Saki and Aoi are usually paired up during scenes and Aoi was the first person Saki told about her illness.
And Aoi admired her. Saki was strong and kind and was better than her in every way and Aoi wanted to be good enough for her. To pay back Saki for all that she's done for her.
But then Saki dies. Saki died because Aoi was not good enough. Because she was weak, because she wanted Saki to die.
Aoi: (It's not like Saki wanted to die) Aoi: (Saki told me she was scared, after all. Even so... Aoi: Saki...made a decision so that all of us could live. That's...what we should believe? Kaito: That's what I think. Aoi: (Really...Would you really be happy with that?) Aoi: (Can we say she didn't regret it the moment she let go? Did she really want to save us?) Aoi: (And why didn't I try to grab her hand again in the first place...?) Aoi: (Could it be I was...relieved? That Saki let go for me?)
At least. that's what Aoi thinks, but, Saki made a choice here. It wasn't a choice she wanted to make but a choice nonetheless. Aoi is distorting what actually happened during Saki's death. Aoi couldn't of done anything in that moment, Kaito even tells this to her face that none of them were able to do anything. And that Aoi shouldn't blame herself for this.
But the problem is, Aoi cannot accept that she isn't responsible for Saki's death, because its either, she let go, meaning that she was responsible for Saki's death, or that she couldn't do anything, which also means she was weak, and thus responsible for Saki's death.
Aoi can't move on, she can't accept that she might of failed, because she's the good kid, she's the one supposed to take care of things when everyone else fails, she's the one who makes up for everyone else's mistakes. Her self worth and identity are built on this concept of perfect goodness, and Saki, Ryo, and Shuuji's deaths are proof that this concept is flawed, that Aoi can't help everyone no matter how hard she tries.
So, how does Aoi cope with that? Well, if Saki didn't run off none of this would of happened would it? And if Kaito and Miu didn't run off none of this would of happened would it? And if everyone would of just stayed together none of this would of happened. And the only reason why no one stayed together is because Aoi was weak, because she wasn't assertive enough, because she was holding back.
Aoi: I'm done holding back. That won't help me protect the others Aoi: Yes...I've should've been more assertive from the very beginning. Aoi: We all should've been more understanding, helped each other more... Aoi: Then we would've been able to save Saki! Aoi: I wasn't wrong...Harmony and cooperation ARE the most important things! Aoi: If everyone felt the same as me there'd be no more fighting...No more death. Aoi: I just want a world where everyone works together. A calm, and peaceful world. Labramon: Are you sure you're okay, Aoi? Aoi: (I Just need everyone to understand exactly how I feel.) Aoi: (We must...all become one) Aoi: (I was wrong to reject the idea of group harmony. That's why Saki had to die) Aoi: (The only way to prevent that...is for everyone to be the same as me.)
This is Harmony's ideals taken to the extreme, that to make a peaceful and happy world everyone needs to become one, to destroy the concept of individuality because people working as individuals will inevitability lead to death. But, something I haven't mentioned until now is that Aoi tends to treat things like there's a right answer and a wrong answer, this is most prevalent in Wrathful where she comes to this conclusion, that the "right answer" was Harmony and cooperation
So this isn't just Harmony's ideals taken to an extreme, it's Aoi's mindset taken to an extreme. Notably Aoi still says that she was "wrong to reject the idea" in the first place. Aoi is still blaming herself, saying that she was wrong. It's just that now she's found the "right" answer
A bit after this Aoi meets Piedmon in a field of red spider lilies, he's injured, fatally so, Aoi helps him, because for everyone to live in peace it needs...everyone. Even the guy who's been trying to kill them every time they meet. In response to there compassion, Aoi and Labramon are attacked and injured, both of them are dying now. And Aoi thinks about how she she was so sure that this was "right".
Aoi: Why? I just wanted to understand you...Are harmony and cooperation...so wrong? Piedmon: You think a human like you could ever understand me? Don't be stupid! Aoi: (This can't be real...That means everything I realized, it was all...a lie?)
Aoi: (Was I wrong this entire time? Is it possible for me to save anyone...?) Aoi: Someone, please..Tell me the right answer!
Takuma and the others arrive but, there too late, both of them are succumbing to there wounds, in there last moments they try to reach out to each other. Kaito tells Miu to let them be with each other in there last moments.
But Aoi isn't done yet, she can't die yet.
Not when she still doesn't know what she did wrong.
Aoi: (Why? Was I wrong...? Please...teach me what's right...) Aoi: (I thought we could all work together...Make it through this together...)
Aoi: (It doesn't matter if we're human or not. We just have to understand each other...right?) Aoi: (We have to come together, become one...Yes...I'd only just realized that...) Aoi: (Where did I got wrong? Or was I wrong from the very beginning...?) Aoi: (Is that why I lost Saki? Lost everyone? Why I couldn't even protect Labramon?) Aoi: (I don't...want to die!) Aoi: Lab..ra...mon.. ------------------------------ Aoi: (Ah...I can feel Labramon's paw on my hand. My partner...I...don't want to die...) Aoi: (I want to live...not die. Was I wrong this whole time? What was I supposed to...?) Aoi: (Idon'twanttodieIdon'twanttodieIdon'twanttodieIdon'twanttodieIdon'twanttodieIdon'twanttoDIIIIIE!)
And this, is when we meet Plutomon.
Generally speaking, most Biomerges are proof the bond between two partners. This one is no different. Plutomon is created by the trust between Labramon and Aoi and the desire to fulfill Aoi's wish, to create a peaceful world.
Thus, Plutomon is everything Aoi thinks she should be and has the power to bring forth the new world Aoi wants. Plutomon is noticeably more forceful and ruthless than Aoi or Labramon ever was. Killing Piedmon without even a hint of remorse. Plutomon doesn't seem like the Aoi we've known over the course of the game, even Plutomon says that she "cast off that weak persona" Except, she is still Aoi. A twisted version yes, but still Aoi. Notably, Plutomon keeps Aoi's friendly and polite manner of speaking and still has Aoi's voice, if filtered. And like Aoi, Plutomon is still concerned with having "the right answer"
Plutomon: I see it all so clearly now. hehehe...This was the right answer all along! Plutomon: Looks like I was never wrong after all!
Plutomon's goal is to fulfill Aoi's dream of peace and harmony. Through forced assimilation, Plutomon believes that if they all become one the world could be at peace. Because if there all together why would they fight? Plutomon plans to go to The Master, and take his power for herself, and no one can stop her. When we meet Plutomon again she's absorbed The Master's Kenzoku, something Haru describes to be akin to oblivion. They fight against Aoi and are eventually able to defeat her. Kaito even offers to kill her, to put her out of her misery, if she doesn't change her mind but Takuma stops him, intent on getting Aoi back.
But Aoi won't budge. Because she's right! How can they not see it, the only reason why everyone's been dying is because she's let others be wrong. Even though it seems like Aoi is now fully blaming everyone else for what's happened She's Still Blaming Herself! Even after she decides everyone should become "her" for the sake of peace. Aoi can't stop blaming herself, except, instead of saying that she was wrong, she says that it's because she let others be wrong. But there conversation gets interrupted, there dragged into the Master's realm, and Aoi is getting "absorbed" by The Master. But that's really just a ploy, Aoi is using there compassion and loyalty against them so that they will weaken The Master For Her, and let her absorb him. Giving her all the power she needs to absorb Everyone.
Aoi knew they'd do it, and she's so proud of knowing, so excited to tell them what they just helped her with. Aoi could of only did this with them after all, why wouldn't she thank there contributions to her dream?
Aoi is...too far gone now, she can hear the voices of all her friends suffering and yet she doesn't register them. She just wants everyone to realize how wrong they are, and join her. She's treating them like children, telling them that they need to "learn from there mistakes". So they fight, because they can't let her do this, and they win.
Aoi: That's...weird. I wasn't...supposed to...make any more..mistakes... Kaito: There's no such thing as someone who never makes mistakes! I mean, look at me...
Kaito: I messed up so many times, but you were all there to tell me when I was wrong. Aoi: I only...I only wanted you...to know...how I felt... Aoi: But that...made me...a burden... Minoru: Hey, you were the one who supported us more than anyone! Minoru: We would've happily supported you right back! You never had to worry about being a burden!
It turns out, Aoi was never in danger of being abandoned by her friends. But she's dying now, and her final words is an apology.
They can go home now but, no one is happy. They couldn't save Aoi, or Miyuki, or Saki, or Shuuji, or Ryo.
But, the worlds are fusing now, and, Aoi's dream of a peaceful world wasn't that bad.
The world they go back to is a chaotic one, people with partners are captured and hunted down, people are fighting, the world is a unstable one.
While Wrathful is one of the more depressing endings, it's still a hopeful ending, because the group are still fighting for a better world. There a revolutionary group, fighting against the oppressive government and taking in people who just met there partners. So that they could support them and prevent a tragedy like Aoi's from happening again.
And eventually, to create Aoi's ideal world, where everyone can live together in harmony.
Ending Notes: I am, not familiar with Saki, at all, so talking about her is actually very new to me, hope I did well.
Something I'm still not clear on is that...we see the character's get dragged into the floor, leaving blood on said floor. Is this what literally happens or is it just a representation for the sake of clarity? Because I am not exactly sure. I'm a good 90% sure that Plutomon's whole thing is a plot of a Star Trek Episode but I'm not sure which one, maybe a borg one who knows?
Wrathful is admittedly my favorite route so Had to start with it, there are so many thoughts that aren't included here because I need to finish this on time. Hope you enjoy it! Some parts that weren't included here are going to be discussed in future part so yeah! EDIT: QUICK THING I FORGOT PLEASE GO READ DIGISURVIVE'S WRATHFUL ESSAY (this is there other account) AND ALSO ALL THERE OTHER STUFF ITS REALLY GOOD! Digimon Survive Week is created by: @surviveweek
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calronhunt · 4 months
im so interested in whatevers going on with lionel and this sun god, would love to hear any rambles about that/how lionel is treated by her (that one drawing you posted of them a bit ago was what make me go 👀)
YEAAAAH I love to talk about lionel! For just a little bit of context, Lionel is a paladin part of the order of the Sun Wolf. Lionel's past is very shady, being a part of a gang practically since birth and having done a lot of Less Than Stellar things growing up, and was forced to join the order after being caught during a heist that went wrong. Lionel was only given the choice to join because he ratted out his fellow gangmates. If he didn't join he would've been killed with them so ya know. wasn't REALLY a choice.
Lionel is a bit of a special case in the Order simply bc they're pushing him as a "see we can FIX anyone!" kind of person. However, Lionel's background also means he's punished way harsher than others when he makes mistakes. He was a criminal after all! They gotta beat all of that evil stuff he learned out of him. Corporal punishment is super common for him (though at the start of the story, it hasn't happened for several months and he's been allowed to do normal paladin duties without an overseer). But that's why Lionel's got all the cuts in the piece/got scars on his back!
THE LAST BIT is that The Order is like. a 99% female order. Lionel transitioned after joining, and everyone was cool about it (nobody's misgendering him or anything, there are several t-girl paladins). HOWEVER, in the order, it is expected that that Sun God herself will sometimes give a paladin a child to carry. and for this current cycle, Lionel got picked to be the one to carry to like "prove that he's been fully rehabilitated." And lionel doesn't want that!!! He really really doesn't want that!! but once again, no isn't really an option, what the sun god says goes.
The Sun God tries to treat all her paladins fairly and justly, and she genuinely believes she's doing that to Lionel. She thinks that Lionel deserves the punishments and to have this final test of loyalty. She's like an abusive mother who tells you that she's doing this because she loves you, it's for your own good, you don't know any better, but i'm going to teach you the correct way to be. I know it hurts but you won't learn any other way. The pain will teach you to never do that again. And lionel, having been in the order for years now, thinks this is the way to be. That he's fully unfixable, he's a broken person and she's the only one who can offer him guidance.
It's not until he meets Raphael and they start becoming close that he realizes he wants some freedom, to be himself and to make mistakes. That he doesn't have to be good and pure all the time, and that it's okay when he's messy. That mistakes don't need to result in something painful. Raphael's carefree nature helps him realize that.
And The Sun God is not happy about that at all.
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madara-fate · 1 year
reading the recent episodes of boruto and the final epides of part 1 before hiatus, I think konoha has oooone huuuge problem.
for starters, konoha is awful at keeping an eye out for enemies and protecting the village. they're setting themselves up by not using kiba and the inuzuka clan in tracking jobs considering the sensors are failing chapter after chapter. their constant policy of "I can't sense they erased their chakra" month after literal month could be avoided if kiba was in charge and not yamanakas. mind you, ino hasn't got a single sensing feat, in fact she uses animals to take advantage of their senses i.e looking for hidan and kakuzu. so who the fuck put her there? ever since she couldn't see boruto 40km away and naruto sage mode could should have been enough reason to remove her. kiba sensed sasuke kilometers (kilometers!!!) pre itachi fight but nobody is counting on him for kawaki who can erase his chakra.
kiba in that role knowing that the barrier team is automated, so incoming and leaving intruders are trespassing a machine detector and that their 3 workers use helmets for mind transmission, not only makes the yamanaka clan irrelevant in that team, but it makes kiba perfect for the role. dispatching teams with ninken and members of his clan while he takes charge could prevent kawaki and delta-koji having a nice conversation on a tree at the gates of konoha and avoidable situation.
remember pain? who he literally stood outside the barrier and no one detected him until he teleported inside and created chaos so konoha didn't have time to tackle the source? current konoha is just as useless they didn't learn anything!
on top of that, I really don't understand why konoha hasn't prepared a sensing system against corpses when they fought a war with edo tensei and white zetsu. koji is a walking clone of jiraiya, why didn't thet erase the jiraiya footprint? no shit koji was so carefree. and mind you he was right outside the gates with delta how is ino and the barrier team's scope just inside the gates and not at least 5 meters outside? they really wanna be invaded!!
they should have a system against erasing chakra signatures like karin's ability. that can be avoided with kiba because itachi and kakashi in their novels can do it too. make themselves invisible. so why not a motion detector? drones? troops by the door. I really don't understand it.
they whole cohabitation mission was taken care of by the barrier team without ino because they got their automatic sensing and the mind transmission helmets that have existes since the 4th war. during that time they told us ino isn't needed so why not use kiba? kawaki scaped again in that mission and only boruto could find him.
why isn't ino just selling flowers or reading minds? it's clear she's not fit for sensing if her range is equal to konoha's automatic machine. yeah she's useful at communications but they rely on her to wrote in thr plot too much. what if one day she's sick? komoha doesn't have phones? those chakra communication devices do the same as her use the technology komoha has developed at least? they're wasting kiba!! inoichi was reading minds he should be disappointed now that his clan was made for intel and is now failing at sensing woth the aid of automated sensing. shikamaru is trusting eida to check for the truth on amado insted of yamanakas and trusting amado to make drugs for boruto insted of sakura.
when kiba said tracking missions require him pre land of iron... poor kiba if he knew he'd be useless. i mean same with shino he can communicate and sense via bugs scattered around like. same with katsuyu tbh. but this is unacceptable.
2 things wrong here. Firstly...
ino hasn't got a single sensing feat, in fact she uses animals to take advantage of their senses i.e looking for hidan and kakuzu. so who the fuck put her there?
That's just completely wrong. Ino has many sensing feats, so it's really surprising that you're saying how she apparently doesn't have any. I don't know why you're trying so hard to put Ino down, but she definitely belongs in the sensory position that she is in.
Secondly, Kiba would not be the be-all-end-all solution to the safety problems that you're presenting him as. Kiba and the Inuzuka's ability to track people works by their sense of smell. Therefore, they have to already be familiar with the intruder's smell before being able to identify them. They will therefore be infective at identifying first time intruders. That doesn't even take into consideration the fact that masking smells and odours is a very simple tactic to get around tracking by smell. Sensory and Barrier teams are there for a reason. Detecting changes in chakra and unique chakra signatures (both of which Ino can do), are always going to be more reliable forms of tracking and sensory perception, despite their limitations.
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cave-monkey · 3 months
Monkey King 2009 Episode 8 (Part 1/2)
This episode makes me scared for the future. It's so wholesome. This episode was all about what great friends these guys are, how much they care about each other, how important these relationships are to them, and I mean. It did a great job. It did a wonderful job!
They are definitely getting ready to rip them apart. They might let it ride a few episodes more only to spring it on us when we've let our guards down, but it's coming.
Okay, so I already broke and talked a bit about Six Ears and Stone Monkey in this episode, so I won't go too crazy on that (maybe), but I do want to mention Stone Monkey's furiously intent expression while running to save Six Ears's life, and then how the second he was in range to attack that expression flipped to a smile. He also ripped Six Ears out of there and slipped back to a more serious expression when he asked him what he was doing out here all by himself. This entire episode Stone Monkey's kind of flipping between...really intense and then really flippant, which was interesting to watch? But also a bit whiplash-inducing. Jade Rabbit definitely took it as 100% real, and maybe it is - it's not like you can expect any version of Monkey King to not to be a little cocky - but...I dunno. I think there's some nuance there. It reminds me a bit of how he'd go from 0 to 60 when confronted with the four generals in Episode 6 compared to how carefree he might have been acting even just seconds earlier.
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That smile is also only moments after he just watched the Demon King send Six Ears flying, and we got a shot of his face immediately after that too, and he wasn't happy about it. Stone Monkey, I think, can smile maliciously, but he still...hm.
I get the impression Stone Monkey doesn't really like showing that something's actually getting to him, especially when his "enemies" can see it. He'll pretend he's more confident than he is, or otherwise that it doesn't actually bother him at all, at least until he can't hide it anymore and it comes out of him snarling (we saw this in action in Episode 6, where he went from avoidance/running away at the beginning of the episode to passive-aggressive antagonism in the middle to having to be held back from squaring up to Marshal Ma at the end). Even when he's genuinely (or "genuinely") annoyed with someone, there's generally a sort of playful air of exaggeration, or he'll teasingly escalate for fun. What it looks like to me is Stone Monkey enjoys confrontation so long as it's basically harmless, but he doesn't like being actually angry. This might have something to do with the fact that when he actually loses his temper, he gets violent. We see this with the Demon King and with Ginseng Fruit.
Which isn't to say all his quick changes in mood are deliberate obfuscation. That's going too far. But I do think it's a part of his character that pokes its head out of the brush every now and then.
We also see a little of how people react to it. Stone Monkey was visibly struggling enough during his fight against the Demon King that Jade Rabbit was moved to help him a few times even though she was still very angry with him, and when she'd knock the Demon King down or trip him up (from hiding, Stone Monkey didn't know (maybe) that she was there) he'd immediately flip over to mocking laughter and confident poses like he hadn't been worried at all. This PISSED her OFF.
It also makes me kind of wonder how Six Ears perceives it. Both Stone Monkey and Six Ears will default to mocking and taunts and making fun when they can during a fight, so it's not like Six Ears isn't familiar with the tactic, but he also doesn't see how stressed Stone Monkey gets when trying to get to him before a rescue, either. He only sees the smiling entrance.
I'm feeling this out because of the part in this episode where Stone Monkey - for probably the first time ever - refuses to let Six Ears fight with him, and even throws him away from danger. (I LOVE that scene.) I have a lot to say about it, actually, and I'll get into what I think was going on from Stone Monkey's perspective there in a second, but from Six Ears's side that cannot feel good. Yeah, Stone Monkey's just trying to protect him, but he's also not trusting Six Ears to help. He's forcing Six Ears to leave his best friend alone in the middle of an enemy war party, because he doesn't trust him to help. That's got to feel like a horrible slap in the face, at least once the battle is over and Six Ears has time to process it.
And I'm sure that's not going to have any consequences whatsoever.
From Stone Monkey's side (didn't I say I wasn't going to talk about them that much? well I lied), going back to their earlier conversation where Stone Monkey asks Six Ears what he's doing out here alone, and then the look on his face when Six Ears explains (plainly and almost casually for the situation, like he doesn't realize he's rocking Stone Monkey's entire world) that he noticed Stone Monkey missing and went looking for him because he was worried that he might be in danger somewhere.
Stone Monkey's shocked.
It isn't that I think he didn't realize Six Ears cared about him before this moment; it's that this is the moment where I think it really clicked. That Six Ears will notice and miss him when he's not there, that he'll worry about him, that Stone Monkey has someone who will come try to find him when he's lost and help him when he's hurt. Six Ears has been doing this for him since they met, even outright scolding him for always vanishing without telling anyone, so Stone Monkey's definitely been a little slow on the uptake here, but I also think this is the first time Stone Monkey's heard Six Ears actually spell it out like this.
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The progression of Stone Monkey's face during this conversation.
Six Ears also tells him not to apologize or say anything about always getting Six Ears into trouble, since Stone Monkey's always having to save him anyway. I mentioned before that I thought the sworn brothers thing was really important to Stone Monkey at the time, just because of how rough things had been with the troop and how nice it probably was for him to have someone willing to claim him and to let him claim them in turn, and I think this is something very similar. Confirmation that he's as important to Six Ears as Six Ears is to him. That they'll take care of each other.
Then fast forward a couple minutes and Stone Monkey throws Six Ears to the top of the cliff instead of letting him fall with him. I think this conversation is definitely a huge part of that.
It's not that I think Stone Monkey wouldn't have wanted to save Six Ears even before it, but I do think his emotions are running a little high at that moment. He saw Six Ears get flattened by the Demon King not long ago, they just had a very important conversation for Stone Monkey, and I think in that moment the thought of losing Six Ears when he probably feels he just got him (or had just allowed himself to believe he really had him, not much difference) was probably overwhelmingly horrible. He's already proven himself protective of Six Ears in the past, and I think that feeling is probably dialed up to a million at that moment, and so it's probably not surprising if he panicked and took a chance to shove him up on a high shelf for safekeeping. (Maybe Stone Monkey's mystic universe powers make him capable of recognizing narrative death flags and he said NOT TODAY.) (I kid.) (Or do I?)
There's also a possibility - way more of a stretch, not sure how I feel about this idea one way or another honestly - that he maybe now feels he can trust Six Ears to come back even if he isn't right next to Stone Monkey. That Six Ears won't leave him for dead, but will go get help and bring it as fast as he can, or will return to help on his own.
Or it's just that Stone Monkey 100% would have thrown Six Ears to safety in the past, but this is just coincidentally the first time there's been an opportunity. (Stone Monkey, shrugging: If you don't want to be tossed out of the fight, don't be so tossable.)
This ties into what I was talking about above (way, way above, oops) that Six Ears isn't always privy to the times Stone Monkey isn't confident. Maybe Stone Monkey didn't like even their combined chances and chose to save Six Ears because he genuinely thought they were going to die there when that tree went down, maybe he really did think he had a better chance of holding out longer than Six Ears, maybe he was going full big brain and knew that if he went back and tried to bring the army, there was a good chance the four generals just wouldn't listen to him, and it's just good luck that sending Six Ears lets him get his best friend safely out of the way. Maybe it's a weird mashup of many different reasons.
I don't think he genuinely believed he could single-handedly fight his way out of that canyon. I'm not sure if Six Ears knows that.
I'm not finishing this thought now, but I'm stewing on it.
And anyway, on a lighter note, most of Stone Monkey's intentions are totally moot because Six Ears - the universe's favorite trouble magnet - manages to either run immediately into another division of enemy soldiers (tiger guy probably had a grudge and went looking for him, actually) who bailed out of the canyon for their own reasons and gets tree-ed again for awhile.
There's also the possibility he took it upon himself to guide off some of the army from the canyon so Stone Monkey wasn't overrun while also handling the Demon King!
Anyway, I love these monkeys. This also totally derailed from being about Episode 8 so I'm going to do a part 2 to get things back on track.
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a-tale-of-legends · 6 months
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So uh. I put this in my drafts cause in mobile the asks are written funny when I try to answer them. But for some reason I can't go back and edit it???????? Which is. Weird. Good thing I took a screen shot.
( points to May/Brendan, Calem/Serena, Ethan/Lyra, Dawn/Lucas) Do they mean nothing to you anon /j Buuuut yeah, from the looks of it most protags are separate via timelines. I don't usually have a problem with this, since so far whenever there's an npc protag they aren't really doing....much. If you're lucky you get a Dawn/Lucas or Serena/Calem that tries to be very active in the plot, but outside of that they aren't much of a character. Calem/Serena tried to be buuuuut they failed imo. I think it really comes down the fact that if there's more than one protagonist in the game, one is gonna be less of a blank slate that the player can project on than the other. Which isn't a bad thing, I love giving the protags some personalities ( it's partially what started the Legendverse), but the whole point of the silent protag is for the player to project onto them. That, and Gamefreak sure doesn't make them as interesting as they could be. Lyra/Ethan are the biggest offenders of this imo. They. Really don't do much outside of tutorial stuff. You don't battle them, you don't fight with them, you rarely get any real depth from them like. I hate saying it, but if they weren't in the story at all it wouldn't have changed things, which really sucked to say cause I like HGSS. All of this is to say that this is why I have dual protags in my au. For granted,almost all of them are ocs, but they still share the protag title, just separated by "main" and "secondary".
Okay with all of that out of the way, to your ask anon. When it comes to hc about Juliana and Florian, it's...well it's not hard but it's annoying. Bc visually they're just Gloria and Victor 2. At least at first. Ironically I think the dlc art actually gives me a few ideas. This I'm treating these two as separate characters, so no genderfluid Florian/Juliana today.
Juliana: An excitable girl with a love for battling. Is known to throw rules away in favor of something more "fun"....whatever that is. She's generally very brash, and doesn't exactly think before acting. This bit her in the back Teal Mask, however. Afterwards she kinda.....lessened in terms of her usual energetic self. She became more serious and stoic faced- still Juliana, always Juliana, but the events of Teal Mask really brought her down. The last thing she ever wanted to do is to hurt a friend. In Indigo Disk she kinda adopts this serious, no nonsense persona which is admittedly, very weird, even for her. Seeing Kieran the way he is kinda makes it worse. She's a bit more....angry here. Whether it's at herself, others, Kieran, no one knows. She probably doesn't know. But through it all she just wants to make things right again.
Florian: The opposite of Juliana: a fucking nerd. Moreso wanting to focus on his studies than anything else, Florian is a skittish, rule follower to the T. Too bad the plot of SV ( and Juliana if we're doing dual protags) drags him into nonsense. But honestly it's a good thing overall. He becomes less rigid, a bit less fearful. He actually ends up enjoying himself more than he ever does and even makes some amazing friends to boot. Teal Mask was great for him! Until it wasn't. I like to think he bonded with Kieran very easily, both being somewhat shy, and an admiration of those who they deem stronger than them. When things hit the fan I think Florian was.....off. He was hurt. Very hurt. And he definitely beat himself over it. But he never let it show? In fact it seems that he's gotten more carefree as time goes on and a smidge more interested in battling. By Indigo Disk, Florian just seems like a brand new person. He seems more confident, more carefree, even leaning into Drayton's jokes a little. And yet, when he sees Kieran that mask sorta cracks. He's scared out of his mind. He doesn't know what to say or do no matter how much he thinks about it. But better do retreat, than face it head on, right? In the end, he just wants the same thing as Juliana, but is struggling to find an answer.
This post is getting long so I'm just gonna end it here. Sorry to anyone who wanted to see Gloria and Victor! But I hope you enjoy these hcs! They were fun to make!
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