#she's so mad Collingwood
fazcinatingblog · 1 year
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See I took pictures but honestly the photos just doesn't do it justice how good it is up there
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wildlunar · 1 year
Red Bird
Roman Roy x Reader
word count: 1800
synopsis: nervous for his mother’s wedding, Roman’s lover takes him away for a breather
warnings: mentions of abuse
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The Tuscan sun fortifies the solstice season—paints the landscape in the most vivid of colours and bleaches their skin in brown-speckled kisses. The trees flourish, all green and incandescent, and Roman can’t quite recall it ever being quite so magnificent when he was a child, though, back then, he never found the beauty in many things.
Nerves taint his palms in gummy sweat, forcing his knees to buckle under its burden, and as the black Lincoln Navigator pulls into the driveway of the Italian villa, Roman does his best to quieten his haring heat. It is not so much the place at hand but, rather, the people within it that he dreads to encounter, the false courtesies and watchful eyes of those who searched his words for his undoing. And then there was Peter, the faux husband, who he is yet to encounter and holds no interest in ever calling father. He doesn’t have to imagine how bad that encounter will be.
The car stops, respite over, and, once again, he is thrust into a game he has no desire to play. But this is for love, he swallows, and to love is to perform at being loved. He is smiling at his reflection in the window, poised with mirthful agony, preparing himself for the rendition when he is quickly goaded away from it by a hand on his knee. He doesn’t need to look at her to know she has watched him through the entirety of the journey. Worried, just as he, at the prospect of fucking something up and being torn prematurely from her mask. Simpering at her, he squeezes her hand, once, twice, to reassure her before kicking his feet out of the car and beginning again.
He holds the door open for her, holding out his palm for her to take and crows out the words, m’lord, as she does so. She returns his sentence with a relieved snicker, indulging in him, replying to his sentiment with a simple ‘milady’, as she straightens the hem of her dress.
He’s not used to her wearing summer dresses; at tracing flowers and pastels and subtle frills as delicate and ethereal as tissue paper. Fragility is a concept not meant for office spheres, and in their youth, she had been prone to parading in saturnine, comforted by boy’s shorts and oversized tees to ever consider dressing ‘elegantly’. But here, under the reckoning eyes of his extended family and the esteemed guests of his mother, she turns in sunlight and he, ever the gentle watcher, basks in her excellence.
The rest of the family trudges the path ahead of them though Roman cares little about the distance as he takes in the familiar scenery with her, hands entwined like a lifeline. He’s enraptured by it all and for a while he has escaped madness for serenity. “When did we stop coming here?” He asks her, pushing up his sunglasses.
“I don’t know.” She squeezes his hand. “For me, it was when we were fifteen.”
“I never came back after military school,” he says. “Too many randos and tom-fuckery for my liking.”
“Ah, yes, the post divorce blues of Caroline Collingwood. You could almost write a novel.”
“Hmm, very nice. Revolving door policies and sexual manipulation. Very salacious. Definitely one for the kids.”
“Sicko.” She nudges him with her shoulder and in return he pays her back, harder, a game, one they’ve played many times before. In the crossfire of their impelling bones, she lets go of his hand and the weight of its loss causes a cleave to break through.
Surrendering to the inevitable is a concept he’s never been very accepting of yet has had to conform to anyhow and for the third time in his silent, reclusive life, he finds himself faced with defiance. They stroll further to the songs of the chaffinches and all he can think about is how close they are: her hands, his hands, hands that touch, skin that’s drawn to each other, perpetually longing for the warmth of another body—it is all a mystery to him until now. Without thought, he reaches for her, dancing with her fingers till they come together once more, undoubtedly where they belonged. 
But there's a certain vulnerability in seeking her affections and doubt settles in and clogs his throat when the image of his father pushes him further and further down. Sweat exudes from his hands and it takes every part of him not to wipe his palms and shove her away. 
He stutters. “Me holding your hand doesn’t, like, mean anything, by the way. Not in that way, at least. Just to fucking clarify. Unless, you know, you, erm, want it to mean something. I don’t mind. That’s cool.”
“You don’t have to hold my hand if you don’t want to, Rome.”
“Did I say that? I don’t remember saying that. I was just being, you know, fucking, nice and making sure you—where are we going?” 
They slip away from the group without being noticed and she leads him, hand in hand, into a secluded garden. Even after eighteen years, she treads the grounds as though she’s lived there all her life. 
“You’re not gonna kill me are you? Take me into the bushes and hang me on the vines or—”
She makes a swift turn into a gap in the hedgerow and after ensuring it’s absence of people, slows her pace back down so that she’s walking beside him. “I thought it’d be nice to go somewhere quieter.”
“Oh yeah? Why’s that? To murder me or to jump me? You know, if you wanted to fuck that bad we could’ve just done it back in the car. Would’ve given the driver a straight up boner to see you get your tits out.”
Rolling her eyes, she diverts her attention to one of the flower beds, crouching down to the earthskin. Picking at the cluster of lavender which scatter the ground beneath their feet, she brings its head under her nose to smell and he watches, enchanted, as he catches tiny glimpses of her mellow skin. Her knees, like roseate pebbles, rest just beneath her chin and she closes her eyes languidly as she takes it in. An existent vision bathed in blossom.
There is a part of him that can fathom the fact she’s, most likely, done it all for him though like many things, it’s a gruelling pill to swallow and not follow the urge to choke on it. Even after all these years, Roman can hardly believe she’s with him, standing by him, accepting him despite the trauma that macerates him into nothingness without so much as warning. She is the best of both of them, always has been, at almost everything really, though he can find no bone in his body that loathes her for it. He loves her, oh he loves her, but gnarled hands and welted skin acquire the words before he can ever speak them.
“You know,” she begins and he is startled out of his thought spiral. “The last time we came here you had this massive blow up argument with Logan. One of the worst ones, so bad I could hear him through the walls. And Caroline came up to my room, all jittery like a, fucking, baby bird and practically begged me to go out and find you. I mean, I had no idea you’d even gone out but when I came out to find you, you were just lying here in the garden, tangled up in a lavender bed and staring up at the sky. 
You were so fucking out of it, you wouldn’t talk to me for ages but when I laid down beside you you reached out for my hand and squeezed it until you felt like talking again. You smelt like absolute shit, looked like shit too, but you were so warm and some of the petals had gotten lodged in your hair. And you kinda reminded me of this bloodied up version of that ‘Spring’ painting by Botticelli.”
Raising from the floor, she turns to face him, finally, finally, and smiles, unabashedly. She stares at him, right in the face, as though she were studying his very being, the lavender twirling back and forth between her thumb and forefinger. Slowly, bit by bit, the gap between them closes and he searches her eyes for the reason of her unnatural silence. 
“What?” Roman’s voice is the most sincere it’s been all day, small and unsure, and he thinks his heart may stop if she doesn’t say something to him. 
Instead, she brings the lavender flower up to his face, its bittersweet aroma a pleasant intrusion on his senses, and tucks it behind his ear. Her touch is a delicate thing, as though he were a present and this flower was the final bow on his pristine wrapping, and she has moulded him into something worth having, something beautiful. She strokes his gelled hair behind his ear, careful of her handiwork, and follows the lines of his face with her eyes, with her hands, tracing patterns over his neck then his cheeks then his lower lip. 
“You’re so pretty,” she says. And he believes her to be joking until she kisses him and they mould together sweetly under the shade of the bushes like twining roots.
This is her devotion, he realises, swept up between sad eyes and fleeting touches and messages found beneath stumbled words. And he drinks it in, a man starved, eyes closed, worries to the wind, everything her. She presses into him, wrapping her arms around his neck to bring him in closer and he lets her take him apart with her mouth, stamping, burning, caging her name inside him. 
They part and Roman chases her lips, perception glazed with bewilderment. “You’re doing great,” she says, returning her fingers to the sides of his face. The touch makes his whole body shiver. “The best out of all of them.”
Ah, he thinks, half-dazed. This is her face after love. And he wonders what his looks like under her own desirous haze.
“We’ll get through this together, okay. You and me, like always.” 
Finally, he finds his voice though it comes out all clumsy and jarred. “Oh, wow, yeah, okay, we got this. Go team us.” 
She snorts, patting him on the back. “Try not to buffer too much, R2-D2.”
He can feel himself blushing and he stutters out mumbled idioms in an attempt to regain himself. It is futile. There will never be a time where she doesn’t steal his breath for herself.
“Can we, erm, ha—” he lets out a noise, somewhere between a whine and a laugh “—maybe, do that again, sometime?”
Chuckling, she returns her hand into his own and tugs him back to place another kiss on his cheek. “We can do that as many times as you’d like, Rome.”
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notwithaste · 2 years
okay so death at the grand and her dad being back and ugh i love watching phryne when her dad is around. the unwanted vulnerability and the role she has to assume when he’s there - and i imagine that was her role as a child, what with her dad’s antics and frivolity, and her mother’s ’nerves’ and her sister being younger (and then gone), and i wonder if phryne was the one to hold it all together, to assume responsibility, to be the one caregiving more often than receiving it. (and how that feeds into both her need to be independent and free of any commitments, as well as her need to help people).
between her parent’s marriage and her experience with rene, phryne makes so much sense and i just love how we are always - always - shown and never told who she is and honestly it’s my favourite thing about this show. it always just shows you, never tells you - be that the characters or the love story.
for example, this scene, and there’s just something so intimate about this, the way it is only ever jack that gets ~this phryne. the sister, the daughter, the collingwood kid
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and man i knew they’d be waltzing from the moment they first set foot in that ballroom and it absolutely delivered 🥺
mother blamed it all on his dancing - claimed one whirl in his arms forced all reason from her head. the way she dismisses it as fanciful nonsense only to taste some of that medicine herself 😮‍💨
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but what actually threw me was that it was a call-back to juana the mad and her saying this and him looking at her like that, and keeping step, always keeping step, her jack
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anyway, love the dad eps and the insight they bring into phryne and the in-law jack robinson and the way he is so clearly the one in a way no other man has been.
also, phryne playing poker is so fucking hot 😮‍💨
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likesrandomstuff · 2 years
Game Day Part 3
Did I forget to finish this? No. Have I been in a state of football related shock since Wednesday? Yes. @heywhereisperry
Article popped up, a gossipy one, about relationships in the AFLW. And I knew about some, but was curious. It was crazy, but I’m still not quite believing what happened. This is on me for not having Insta or Twitter. In summary, our co-Captain knee injury (27) at some point since January broke up with her gf (26) of like 6 years, who plays for another team. The doco shows them together days after the injury. Article had the receipts on that now Co-Cap is dating another Collingwood’s player (20). Which I would have never called, and is so like wtf? The age and power imbalance of it all… I don’t know these people, but that feels like such an unexpected conflict of interest.
Back to Saturday
Game itself was such a good experience. I was expecting an easy win, and it was not. St Kilda was not playing like that had so far against non-new teams. We were not kicking the goals that we should have. So it was super close.
At 3/4 time we were up by 6 points (a goal is worth 6 points). Went to the bathroom as I had the opportunity. It was really strange cause it had conflicting signage. Ended up being really nice public toilets, but also ended up the line right behind an injured Collingwood player. To set the scene, normally there’s heaps of space at the bathrooms, not here, just the two stalls and space by the sinks. Player was taking to the person waiting in front of her. After the first person went in, I again had the dilemma of whether to talk. Wanted to ask how her knee was (so many knee injuries with this team, but not a year-long one for her), but she had the most intense looking knee brace on. So didn’t want to be condescending/bad attempt at humour, and we were in a bathroom, so I did not say anything, again. She went in, another spectator came in behind me. Started making small talk with her. Probably like 18, also a Collingwood supporter. And I couldn’t be like #14 is 2 m away, but also didn’t want to be like “we need to be playing better” in earshot of a player, cause what do I know. Eventually made it through the bathroom visit and back to my seat. Will be overanalysing this interaction for the rest of my life.
Got back to my seat for the last quarter. The crowd was quite even between the two teams. So a cheer for a miss was almost as loud as a goal cheer. An unique feature of Aussie Rules is that you can get point if you just miss a goal. They get a couple of goals to put them in front, not fun. We missed three chances and got points instead. St Kilda is up by 4 points, and our defence completely breaks down, and they have a player with the ball and no-one anywhere nearby, running to the goals. I was thinking “that’s it”. She somehow, from a metre away, misses and scores a point. I thought the cheer was from the St Kilda fans, nope, cheering this miss from the other side. It was one of the worst misses in the history of the competition.
We get the ball back to our end, miss again, so back to being down by 4. No idea how long is left due to the way they show game time at the ground. Then this happens
Up by 2 points, one minute to go. Play out the rest of the game in the centre of the ground, get the win! Would have sucked to lose, but since we didn’t, one of the best games I’ve been to. Men’s or woman’s. The guys played most of the season with this kind of madness occurring. Never can get used to it. Because I’m an idiot, forgot to take any photos for you at the game, but saved this off my Snapchat story once I realised.
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Leaving the ground was not fun. The only exit was blocked by the player’s path back to their change rooms. So the crowd was stuck waiting for them so finish their lap around the ground and victory hugs. Normally love that stuff, more wanted to get home. Eventually they opened the gate. Walk back to the train station. Completely off schedule by now. Train back to the city. Go past another game that’s happening. That was cool. Connected the dots too late to get a good pic of that. Big decision once back in the city whether to take the train or tram back home. Decided on tram. Think it got me home 3 mins earlier with less waking in the end. Pic from the tram. The city seems very American in this one.
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Got home and that was the day. About to do it all again in 5 hours. Thankfully it’s a home game this week. Hope you enjoyed!
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spongki · 3 years
1. Fountains of Wayne / Adam Schlesinger (Band)
Discovering the power pop gem that is the band Fountains of Wayne during my semester break was quite a ride. Brace yourself. I have a lot to say about this.
Don't get me wrong—I was already aware of the band's classics during my childhood such as Stacy's Mom, Sink to the Bottom, and Hackensack—I do not live under a rock. But would you believe that drag made me realize I merely scratched the surface of their excellence?! I was watching a Trixie Mattel video about her celebrity doll collection where she showcased her Josie & The Pussycats dolls, and she mentioned how the music in that movie was written by Adam Schlesinger, the co-founder and songwriter of Fountains of Wayne. She also had a live video where she covered their song Hackensack as a tribute to Schlesinger's passing (RIP). All of this prompted me to rewatch Josie & The Pussycats (a movie that possibly radicalized me as a kid) and revisit its stellar soundtrack. I explored more and more of FoW's music and needless to say, I will definitely be seeing a lot of them on my year-end's Spotify Wrapped.
Their self-titled album Fountains of Wayne creates a picture of '90s American suburban life and its mundanities with tongue-in-cheek lyrics that read like anecdotes (courtesy of Schlesinger), even to those who are greatly unfamiliar with it such as me who grew up in a crummy urban apartment, forever intrigued with the enigma of suburbia. With the union of Chris Collingwood's (co-founder, vocalist, and songwriter) vocals and a variation of melodies peppier than most '90s alternative music and with heavier guitars than their pop pop counterparts, this record slid its way into my heart, and tagged along was its dorky but heartfelt appeal that reminded me of simpler times. Each song provides the sensation of watching a film but with the privilege of having both the movie and the soundtrack as one entity.
Oh, but that's not all. I also found out that Adam Schlesinger wrote for the movie Music and Lyrics (2007) starring Drew Barrymore and Hugh Grant and That Thing You Do! (1996) starring Tom Hanks. He also wrote tracks such as Just a Girl by The Click Five and (co-wrote) High School Never Ends by Bowling For Soup. AKA, I was completely unaware he ruled my fucking childhood. I couldn't be sadder for his passing, but he will remain alive through his music.
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(With Trixie Mattel's small town affection and style of fashion and music heavily inspired by '60s mod and power pop, I could see why she considers Fountains of Wayne as her favorite band of all-time.)
2. KATYA - Vampire Fitness (EP)
I'm gonna be honest, I'm not a big fan of most drag queens' music. They tend to go for the campy early 2010s electro-pop formula that either end up sounding like they sewed together Ke$ha's tattered scraps or they sloppily imitated iconic queer track "I Want Your Bite" by Cara Cunningham (formerly Chris Crocker). And tbh, I'm not really mad about it (even though I sound like I am so I'm gonna stop before I start sounding more and more like a homophobic bastard) since music is usually just a side gig for most queens. There are exceptions, of course—some do fall under this convention but they're GOOD, although I find that it's generally a hit-or-miss. This record, however, has KATYA written all over it. I have pretty high expectations on everything Katya does since she is so consistent with her character and style which, in my opinion, she greatly expresses on her own YouTube channel. Her "RuFLECTIONS" segment and her "RuUnion" with Detox were peak Lynchian weirdness (did I use that term right?) and pure Katya Zamolodchikova artistry, so I expected her music to be no less.
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In this EP, KATYA (as she is mononymously known in her music career) pays tribute to her "motherland" and sings mostly in Russian. There is a clear influence from industrial goth, dark wave, and [shoots dart blindfolded] hyperpop PC music à la SOPHIE (RIP) and other aesthetics Katya basically associates herself with. As a known Russian bisexual transvestite hooker, Katya also does a Eurovision-style track featuring her best friend Trixie Mattel called "Ding Dong!" (an inside joke between the two) where the latter briefly recites a line from Silence of the Lambs (about Jame Gumb btw, aka gay icon).
A record packed with references on top of instrumentals that could possibly kill Prince Philip twice... [Elvira voice] Now this is my kinda ghoul!
3. Santigold - Disparate Youth (Song)
"Indie sleaze", aka a more fragrant term for the derogatory-sounding "hipster", is slowly making a comeback on the Internet and it's only a matter of time before it hits the mainstream (ironically). A lot of people are sensing a resurgence of millennial-isms, particularly hedonistic Project X-type parties, which I'm assuming is a result of how pent-up we've all felt during the pandemic. After all, we were supposed to have our own "Roaring '20s". And I, for one, am not immune to trends so I have this "bloghouse" gold on repeat, reveling in that nostalgia and making up for lost time—this along with M.I.A., Azealia Banks, Kid Cudi, MGMT, The Strokes, The Libertines (if you’re a Brit) and the like. I have a feeling Alexa Demie has something to do with this (iykyk). Maybe it's about time I start seeing pictures of American Apparel models in tighty whities on my dashboard.
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cardest · 4 years
Melbourne playlist
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There is no other city like Melbourne! It sure is a stand out city. I go there at least once a year and always look forward to going back as soon as I left it. But it’s more than just a city. It’s the music from this place that is undeniably awesome.
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So I put together a playlist of bands, artists from Melbourne and beyond the city limits. It was one of the more fun playlists I put together and I hope you enjoy it. Maybe there is a song or a band from there I overlooked. Let me know!!
MELBOURNE, Australia
001 Big Pig - Hungry Town 002 King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Robot Stop 003 Magic Dirt - daddy 004 Models - I Hear Motion 005 Suss Cunts - Temper 006 The Birthday Party - Release the Bats 007 Cosmic Psychos -  The Man Who Drank Too Much 008 Pseudo Echo - Beat For You 009 Amyl and the Sniffers - Some Mutts  (Can't be muzzled) 010 TISM - Greg! The Stop Sign! 011 Abramelin -  Human Abattoir   012 Hunters and Collectors - Say goodbye 013 Damaged  - Nails 014 Weddings Parties Anything - Brunswick 015 Spiderbait - Fucken Awesome 016 Skyhooks - Balwyn Calling 017 Eddy Current Supression Ring - Modern Man 018 Real Life - Send Me An Angel 019 The Eternal - Down 020 The Triffids - Wide Open Road 021 AC/DC - Dog Eat Dog 022 Ne Obliviscaris -  Of The Leper Butterflies 023 Mantissa -  Mary Mary 024 Kids In The Kitchen - Bitter Desire 025 Deströyer 666 - Australian And Anti-Christ 026 The Stroppies - Celebration Day 027 Hobbs' Angel Of Death - Crucifixion 028 HOSS - The Tiredest Man Awake 029 Paul Kelly - Leaps And Bounds 030 Fuck the Fitzroy Doom Scene - Blind Faith 031 Inverloch -  From The Eventide Pool 032 Painters & Dockers - Die Yuppie Die 033 Gay Paris - Ash Wednesday Boudoir Party 034 HIGH TENSION - COLLINGWOOD 035 Dan Sultan - Old Fitzroy 036 Voodoo Lovecats - Killed Her in St. Kilda 037 Jason Donovan - Nothing Can Divide Us 038 I'm Talking - Do You Wanna Be 039 BELAKOR - Roots To Sever 040 Dead Can Dance - A Passage in Time 041 HONEY BUCKET - Patch of Grass 042 Masters Apprentices ? - Melodies Of St. Kilda 043 Cosmic Psychos -  Can't Keep A Good Man Down 044 The Fauves - Sunbury 97 045 Black Bats - Shining Haze 046 Even - The Melbourne Beat Parade 047 King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Big Fig Wasp 048 Boom Crash Opera  - Onion Skin 049 Tropical Fuck Storm - Lose The Baby 050 AC/DC -  Whole Lotta Rosie 051 Laura Imbruglia  - Tricks 052 Huxton Creepers - Autumn Leaves 053 Kylie Minogue - Got To Be Certain 054 The Black Sorrows - Chained To The Wheel 055 Uncanny X Men Everybody Wants To Work Remastered Audio 056 MACHINATIONS - No Say In It 057 Jackson Reid Briggs & the Heaters  - Seaside 058 Big Pig - I Cant Break Away 059 Kit Convict - Watch Your Skull 060 Cosmic Psychos  - pub 061 King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard -  Gamma Knife 062 Real Life - Catch Me Im Falling 063 Stonefield - Delusion 064 FRANKENBOK - Never To Return 065 Dreadnaught -  The Push 066 Dead Can Dance - Anywhere Out Of The World 067 LITTLE DESERT  -  CAPTIVE 068 The Living End - Roll On 069 ORB - A Man In The Sand 070 Elm Street-Metal Is The Way 071 Parsnip - Health 072 The Berzerker -  Caught In The Crossfire 073 School Damage - Gasbagging 074 Romper Stomper - Pulling On The Boots 075 Men At Work - Who Can It Be Now 076 Harem Scarem - Last Stand Man 077 The Peep Tempel - Mister Lester Moore 078 Mark Seymour - Westgate 079 Primo - You’ve Got a Million 080 Magic Dirt - amoxycillin 081 Ali Barter - Please Stay 082 Boom Crash Opera - City Flat 083 Buried Feather - Mind of the Swarm 084 Mortification - Scrolls of the Megilloth 085 TISM - Fourteen Years in Rowville 086 Pseudo Echo - Listening 087 Wrong Turn - Johnny Collingwood 088 Mondo Rock - Come Said The Boy 089 SUBTERFUGE - Unhinged 090 Split Enz - Message To My Girl 091 King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - People-Vultures 092 The Eternal - All Hope Is Lost 093 Sunbeam Sound Machine - Real Life 094 Superheist - Bullet 095 1927 - Tell Me A Story 096 Chantoozies - Wanna Be Up 097 Bad Boy Bubby OST - Bubbys Song 098 Drown This City - IM NOT DIVIDED 099 Augie March - This Train Will Be Taking No Passengers 100 AC/DC -  It's Long Way To The top 101 Rowland S. Howard - Lifes What You Make It (Talk Talk cover) 102 Crazy Pussy - Drink at the Tote 103 Teeth & Tongue - Dianne 104 Blood Duster - Northcote 105 Taipan Tiger Girls - Motion 106 Paul Kelly - From  St.Kilda to Kings Cross 107 Cemetery Urn -  The Deepest of Graves 108 Grinderman -  Worm Tamer 109 The Masters Apprentices - War or Hands Of Time 110 Magic Dirt - She-Riff 111 Hunters and Collectors - Inside A Fireball 112 Hierophants - Fagg Hopp 113 Lost Animal - Lose the Baby 114 Essendon Airport - No Quarter 115 The Lucksmiths - Tale Of Two Cities 116 TOTAL CONTROL - The Hammer 117 Endless - Lord Deceptor 118 Eddy Current Suppression Ring - Our Quiet Whisper 119 Bits of Shit - Patrol 120 TISM - Mourningtown Ride 121 New War - Emerald dream eyes 122 Hiatus Kaiyote - Breathing Underwater 123 Alien Nose Job - Buffet of Love 124 Tetema - Haunted On The Uptake 125 Uncanny X Men - I Am 126 King - Coldest of Cold 127 Spiderbait - Cracker 128 The Cat Empire - East 129 Ausmuteants - Mates Rates 130 The Living End - All Torn Down 131 The Church -  Destination 132 Skyhooks - Toorak Cowboy 133 Carlton Streets - Brian Brown Quintet 134 Silverlight Shadows - Headspace 133 TISM - I'm Interested in Apathy 134 Dumb Punts - Headfuck 135 SNOG - Business As Usual 136 The Dirty Three - Better go home soon 137 Crowded House - Nails in my feet 138 Rebel Wizard - Voluptuous Worship of Rapture and Response 139 U-Bahn - 'Beta Boyz' 140 Bestial Warlust - Dweller of the Bottomless Pit 141 The Murlocs - Young Blindness 142 CHRISTBAIT - Yeast 143 HTRK -  Ha 144 A Basket of Mammoths - Unkept And Matted 145 Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds - Avalanche 146 Mondo Rock - State of heart 147 The Meanies - Punchin Air 148 Mad Max OST Brian May - Mad Max Main Title 149 Bananagun - People Talk Too Much 150 TISM - Get Thee In My Behind Satan 151 Cosmic Psychos - Dead roo 152 The Models - Out of mind, out of sight 153 Mantissa - Dream alone 154 Australian Crawl - Things Don't Seem 155 The Boys Next Door - the nightwatchman 156 John Farnham - One 157 Air Supply - Love and other bruises 158 Abramalin - never enough snuff 159 Billy Thorpe - It's almost summer 160 Disembowelment - Your prophetic throne of ivory 161 Amyl and the Sniffers - Got you 162 Abominator - Black Mass Warfare   163 Things Of Stone And Wood - Share this wine 164 Inverloch - distance collapsed 165 Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds - Deanna 666 Kath and Kim TV show theme song
Cya at Strangeworld Records! Cya yesterday!
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middleinthenight21 · 5 years
Ain't that the worst thing you ever heard? Part 3
This is sad for me, It's the end
Thanks to @ravenfan1242 Without your help I could not have done this. Thank you!
If you read stay safe
"Damian Wayne has a girlfriend and she's beautiful."
"It is a pity that Bruce Wayne's son already has a partner."
’’ I ship them so much.’’
’’ Tessa Collingwood and Damian Wayne are so beautiful. God, they look so in love’’
’’ I need someone to look at me like Tessa at Damian’’
Tessa Collingwood was a British actress, mostly known for starring in teen series. Her fame exploded when she participated in a Netflix series about the rampant life of wealthy teens, the series was questionable in many ways, but it powered the careers of its stars; Tessa Collingwood accumulated more than three million followers on her accounts, being a celebrity on Instagram looking beautiful in all her photos. The actress was gorgeous with long fire-red hair, a freckled face and big blue eyes, plus an innocent smile.
The photographs circulating on the internet were taken at an auction, the youngest of the Wayne family holding a glass of champagne out to the crowd, right next to an ice sculpture in the shape of an angel with flapping wings and Tessa Collingwood looked impressive In a red dress that highlighted her hair, she was hiding a smile behind her glass. The following showed a conversation with Dick and the one who was supposed to be the manager of the actress, but the young woman was inclined as if paying attention to something Damian said and smiled.
Conner was jealous and Jaime muttered something in Spanish about the fate of some.
He rolled his eyes.
"What is she like, man?"
He frowned, he was not willing to talk about anything related to the actress, since it could be misinterpreted, especially by his colleagues, who tended to exaggerate everything and if a few simple photos could ignite all that paranoia a few words would probably make them explode. He threw his bag on the living room sofa and ignored the questions choosing to sit down.
Jaime snorted "Give us something. You are being linked to an actress and model, and you are so indifferent" He showed the actress' social networks on his cell phone, as if that cleared his mind. "It's Tessa Collingwood! She won an award for best actress in a drama series. "
He said nothing.
Donna grimaced at the ceiling, she didn’t even know who they were referring to and was thankful that there was at least one reasonable person in the room.
Superboy didn’t stop talking to Garfield about the actress and her presence at the auction, as well as reading comments together and laughing out loud when they called Damian a gentleman, but he refused to continue this conversation.
His older brother sat next to him, crossing his legs with a smirk. He nudged him "Tell them. She kept smiling at you. "
"You too? I let them take a photograph for a single event and they already mad up a silly love story", he growled. His words were tinged with rejection at the idea of all those people getting into his life. Over time, he accepted that some types of relationships are necessary, but if he considered it, it would not be in the public eye. The point was "He had to wear the scarf. "
"And Bruce would have loved it."
Damian said nothing, just grimaced and looked away. The journey from Gotham to Jump City was more tiring than he’d like to admit, plus the auction for the sculpture by Allard, an artist known for his dark style, became famous for his sculptures of smiling demons, tormented angels, and trees with sloping logs; He had been fascinated by the man's work and the details, even though people murmured how horrifying it was.
The event was slow and boring, he knew it would be, but there were responsibilities that came with being a Wayne. Commitments.
"Dick, you have to tell us," Conner insisted. "Is it true that she offered him her phone number as anonymous sources say? "
The man laughed at just imagining it and Damian crossed his arms.
Jaime looked at him as if he had done something wrong.
Garfield kept reading comments aloud and zooming in on the photos.
Troy cocked her head, processing who the actress was and why they cared so much.
Conner bombarded Dick with questions, trying to get as much information out of him as possible. He couldn't believe he considered him a friend, he's an idiot.
"I prefer cancellation."
Each one looked at him. He ignored them by focusing on removing from the packaging of the small statues he bought at the auction, as well as a handwritten book by an anonymous ancient Arab poet., The piece was valued at less than a million dollars and how millionaires are of unknown origin. They had nothing to brag about, but Damian found a value for it, perhaps because he is also an Arab, perhaps because people are stupid, especially those with more superficial money.
His older brother gave him a sideways glance.
"What? " He asked defensively. He put everything heshe bought in his bag, taking care that it was kept in perfect order.
"You've been reading a lot lately."
"Is there something wrong with that?"
He raised his hands, as if stopping an invisible attack.
"No, I didn't mean that, Damian." He shook his head. He put a finger on his chin thoughtfully. "It is just that I have seen you with at least two books in the week. Three days ago, I saw you reading Lovecraft, then Whose Body? or whatever ... "
Garfield looked up from his phone and watched him.
"Who, darling?"
Kory stroked Dick's chest from behind, pressing her chin against the hero's shoulder. Damian pulled away, despising the show of affection from the apparent team leaders, and the entire team made excuses to go elsewhere.
"I have to go bathe with my tongue." Garfield disappeared down the hallways.
The couple laughed. It seemed that they lived in a sugary bubble when they are together, all the time they touch each other and smile every time their eyes connect, once the caresses begin, they do not stop and they are not shy at all ... Damian has bad memories of this.
He left.
He just wanted his bed. After finding his face on the internet and what's on the fingers of so many people who just want to get involved in the gossip of the moment, he wanted to train, use his time productively.
Preparation is a prerequisite for victory.
And he's always ready, but he just wants to sleep.
For some reason, he can't help but start reading this book. That baffles him.
When passing through the kitchen a person is sitting eating a cereal bar and holding a coffee with a pungent chocolate aroma. She keeps a book over her face, covers her expressions and is dressed completely in dark tones., She had on a sweatshirt that is triple her size and one shoulder is exposed, he could only see a vestige of some shorts , since they disappeared in the long sweatshirt and thick stockings.
Her foot moved to the rhythm of an imperceptible melody and her hair was tied back in a high ponytail, leaving strands at the nape of her neck.
She turned the page "If you stay longer there, I will consider you as a stalker, what do you want?"
"And they say I'm rude."
Raven looked up. Her eyes narrowed when she saw him standing at the door, he was not surprised that she did not look excited, since the girl rarely showed her emotions and he was grateful for that. After coming from an event surrounded by teenagers who sighed ion his face, daughters of mayors, granddaughters of businessmen, actresses, models and influencers who took pictures of him on his social networks without asking for his permission.
He had considered suing, but Dick found it unnecessary and his father kept speculating with Selina about the possibility that a black-market gang would steal the pieces. Bruce thinks they collaborate with the Penguin, but he doesn't count them until they arrive.
The best detective in the world.
She puts the book down, but reluctantly does it "Sorry. I thought it was Garfield or Conner. " He bit down on the cereal bar, keeping an eye on Damian. "So, what happened? "
He frowned.
Raven watched him.
She is empathetic, he reminded himself. Sometimes he overlooked that detail, this was one of her powers, that does not make it more tolerable, he did not like that people would look below his appearance; It felt like an invasion of his privacy, it doesn't feel right, but he can't get mad at Raven for knowing too much.
Supreme warriors like us never give the enemy a chance to defeat us, not when it comes to emotions or appealing to feelings. We must get rid of them to rule the world, Ra's Al Ghul was clear. You cannot guide them to a better world, being equal to them.
You will not be useful to me, just as you are.
He pushed Talia and Ra's voice away, as if shaking the dust off.
He sat across from Raven. He watched her silently taking small sips of her coffee, when he met her he believed that she was a person drinking bitter espresso, but she has an insane inclination towards sweets of all kinds; she went to that little sweet shop on Riva Street where they prepare artisan cotton candy and bought those colored candies that she keeps in her pockets, like an amulet.
Damian grimaced when she added a spoon of cream to her coffee and licked what remained on the kitchen utensil. Pennyworth would disapprove of her behavior; he can almost hear the scolding in his head.
"Nothing. "
For a few seconds he struggles to remember her question. If this happened to him in the mansion, his older brothers would mock his face, and he grimaced.
After a weekend at Wayne Mansion living with his brothers and Helena, he was fortunate to be back with the Titans - his thirteen-year-old version would hit him in the face - but his little sister is loud, shaking her fists in the air and she opens her mouth as much as she can, claiming attention only for her, the noise of his brothers adds to it, that combination almost drover him crazy.
He doesn't want to talk about the auction.
"Look." She pulled a package out of her pockets. He raises an eyebrow, because he doesn't think it's anything special. "Son ghraybeh" she tried to pronounce. Raven lowers her voice, like she does when she's admitting something, she doesn't want anyone to hear. "I bought them in an Arab store. "
Damian analyzes one of the cookies. In his childhood in Tibet he had seen these biscuits in the markets of the nearby towns, the masses had almonds, pistachios and all kinds of nuts, but he had never tried them.
He bit into it. The sweet has a bitter flavor charged by spices, it’s an explosion in his mouth and he’s almost transported to those stores, to women covered by hijabs and  it reminds him of the music his grandfather listened to during dinners, Of burnt incense, the blue hyacinth that grows as a weed and the Dragon Blood tree that rested in the garden that was extremely cared for, his grandfather had said that it is as old as he is and it’s sap is the color of blood.
Raven smiled, she bit into one of the cookies herself while drinking coffee.
He is not surprised that she had visited Arab stores, since in her spare time she visited bakeries, and that bookstore where the owner recommended novels and would have a reserved seat in the Costa restaurant while reading a book, as well as the ice cream parlor hidden among the luxury stores .
She tried foreign dishes, does not despise any genre of novels and is shocked by the arts. He supposed it was due to her time in hell, but deep down it's more than that; Raven is someone who leaves memories between those streets, measures people's energy and how they impact places. At first, he thought that her powers focused more on magic, such as enchantments, potions and spells, but she is more focused on emotions and feelings, she is different from Zatanna or Constantine.
"Is it true that the Belmont Allard sculptures were being auctioned?"
He set the cookie aside by making a mental note to finish it longer.
"I should have known that you were interested in his works."
Raven rolled her eyes, glancing at her book, her eyes scanning the page, and was drawn to whatever she now has on her reading list. She was quiet, reserved, and would rather sit in the back than walk in the front, but she should not be underestimated, and Damian had seen her vanquishing godlike humans and demons, yet she has a gentle aura. It is difficult to explain.
"Allard is famous. It has a history related to Satan, it is full of treasons, witches and enrichment overnight. "
She Mocked "Typical of pacts with the devil. "
Despite her mocking tone the truth slips.
Damian pulls out the book he bought, it's not flashy, it's dirty and worn. It smells of dust and dry ink, lined by a thick cloth of a dull red hue, it has damp spots and folded corners.
She says nothing but he sees the interest in her eyes.
"It is from an anonymous poet. It is of Arab origin; historians say that the book dates from 750. approximately, which corresponds to the times of an Iranian revolution" explained. "They assume that the author is a wealthy man because of the references to luxury and the elaboration of the work, but they are not sure. "
She stared at the book. He let her analyze it, but she frowned as she turned the pages and her mouth twisted into a grimace, like she was annoyed.
"What's wrong? "
"The book transmits strong feelings" her eyes shine, and she continues turning the pages. Damian raises an eyebrow, waiting for a clearer answer. "It brings me a feeling of longing; it is as if the author had misplaced something or someone" she closed the book. "It's amazing, I never felt this coming from an object" she leaves it.
He frowned.
It doesn't seem like a danger to him.
"Also, I can't read it."
He rolled his eyes.
Almost on impulse he opened any page of the book. The leaves are of a yellowish tone, with the corners eaten by humidity and the poet's pen is small and light, a scribble made of ink that in some places is smeared and he is surprised by the content of the letters.
"What does it say? "
He read in a loud voice. His voice was released, his mother tongue slides through his tongue and it is simple, after speaking English for so long it is even relaxing to speak Arabic, but she was puzzled and confused by his words, she was even happy that she does not understand what he is saying. Despite knowing the language, the words feel foreign.
                                                                                            عظامي المحطمه تتصلح
                                                                                      مع كل تلك الليالي التي قضاينها
                                                                                حبك سر آمل احلم اموت لحفاظ عليه
                                                                                                    التغير من اولوياتي
Despite everything, he prefers that she be the one who listened to him. Damian realizes she is comfortable; he feels domestic and that makes him reconsider what he just did.
The girl bows her head and frowns, she didn’t understand what he just said and struggles to try to associate the words, but the English and Arabic languages ​​are opposite. Raven rests her head on her hand.
"What does it mean? "
Damian Wayne does not make these kinds of mistakes, his grandfather would subject him to abysmal punishment and his mother would slap him in the face, even his father would growl, but the answer is said before he can avoid it.
The translation is simple for him, a custom that he acquired over the years.
"My broken bones are healing with all these nights we spend. Your love is a secret that I am waiting, dreaming, dying to keep" responds. "You change my priorities. "
He looks her in the eye. Her eyes are like the purple tanzanite, a precious stone that Ra´s Al Ghul kept around his finger in a ring, a symbol of his status and power against his enemies; in the end it did no good, even the most powerful person in the world and his kingdom had fallen. Ra´s Al Ghul was no different than Julius Caesar, Tarquin, Darius I, Napoleon or Hitler and what they built.
Now he understood that the stone on his grandfather was a sample, a shell to inspire fear; Tanzania is extremely rare and expensive, its color was a boost to make it so coveted, and it seems imprinted in Raven's eyes.
He is aware of the level of communication they have; words are not necessary. Damian would have turned away, walked away and ignored her presence, he did not like that anyone felt familiar with him., He is a warrior not a sentimental teenager, but after the last few months he had been alone, nobody talked to him apart from matters involving the missions, he couldn't help but measure his actions and keep an eye on anyone who was around, it could be a stalker, maybe a person who hates him, or someone interested in selling a photograph to a magazine.
Damian preferred solitude, he exiled himself while the media storm passed over his head. Long ago he would not have cared, the Titans many times represented being a nuisance, they were open to anyone who told a sad story without caring about their past, but the weight of the distance began to haunt him.
He understood the nature of his character, how difficult it is to establish relationships, and the approach is difficult to deal with. Damian was extremely professional at best, concerned with realistic aspects and devised plans based on data, measured his peers and analyzed each and every action, judged and issued verdicts, disliked being touched by anyone and growled with his words to anyone who treated him like a child to be protected.
What before seemed to him aspects that should be highlighted now are the reasons why he is so hated.
He realized that his skills are a mattress; He was not welcome in many places, many heroes had complained about him and insulted him to his face, but they recognized how good a fighter and excellent strategist he is, not for nothing he is the son of Batman and the heir to the League of Shadows, and that does not mean anything. People on the internet didn't care who he was, what he accomplished, or what his story was. They hate him for the pictures, videos, and comments, and he couldn't do anything. It's tiring sometimes, when people decide to subject you to rejection and there is nothing to do to correct that.
They besieged his castle, forced him to close the gates of the kingdom.
He may not need third-party approval when criminals were loose on the streets, but it doesn't make it more tolerable.
His father told him of the harassment he would receive when he was recognized as the son of Bruce Wayne, but his home was snatched away, burned from head to foot and he had to create a new belief system out of thin air, he wanted to feel like he belonged somewhere. Bruce was right.
His privacy was stolen, he found his face on the covers of youth magazines and invented relationships with strangers based on nothing, he committed innocent people to address him and he does not want to live like this. He hates other people getting into his life, he doesn't have to explain to anyone, or hide, but Damian does.
I despised help, as well as apologies and looks of pity from others.
Raven was silent, and did not push him away when it appeared, she doesn't not care about the cancellation or how the Internet saw the next heir to the Wayne fortune. It was silent, private and intimate.
It is not dependency, it is not attachment based on loneliness or trauma, he doesn't even know where to catalog it. Raven had a breakup recently, although he knew that she is now friendly, that had affected her and he was canceled, tried and sentenced to global rejection, while his civilian identity was compromised, it is not a good combination.
She gulps and looks away. His hands tremble around his book and he almost see her shudder.
Damian stirs uncomfortably and insecure, he wants ...
"Tessa Collingwood talked about you!"
The entire group entered. Kory had ordered food from a local restaurant, and the rest just argued around the news on Garfield's phone, as if this was a gathering of old ladies arguing about the life of a misbehaving neighbor.
Raven raises an eyebrow "The actress? "
Jaime nods.
"She mentioned Damian in one of her stories," Garfield replied. Donna laughed at something, and Conner grimaced rereading the screen. "She said:’’ Me and Damian are just friends.’’
Kory smiled.
"I doubt I was friends with someone I saw only once." He crosses his arms. Looked at the Titans. "In fact, I have known certain people for years and doubt that I would include them on my list. "
Jaime rolled his eyes.
 "Do you have a friendship list? Dude, that's absurd."
Conner nods looking at the green teenager, while Donna decided that the adult conversation is more interesting.
"Anyway, this beautiful actress mentioned you."
He hit the table with his book, attracting everyone's attention. "I don't care what it has to do with her." He turned around. "I will be in my room."
Someone called him, it was Raven ...
He stopped, standing at the door with his fists clenched.
He looked at her, while she held the book in her hands and smiled, just a little, as if she had heard an internal joke that only she knew. He had left the book.
So, everything was very clear and he's an idiot because he hadn’t seen it before.
Raven was lost.
Completely lost.
Alone and confused in her room, wandering from place to place like a caged lion. She wanted to demand answers, she felt like she was about to go crazy, and it is as if it is slowly killing her, she tries to fight, but she loses the fight as soon as it begins.
She compared this sensation with the previous ones; Raven had experienced love, the one that hurts your heart, the one you justify when you are hurt and you throw yourself into the void, with your blindfold you stumble over stones and ignore the blows, but this is different; born of intimacy, like a secret that grows until it is difficult to maintain.
She had to know.
Oh, Azarath.
She never learns from her mistakes.
Now she talks to everyone except him.
When surrounded by her peers it's easy to keep up, she just focuses on the cakes Kory brought, Donna's fighting techniques she hones in the training room, she even prefers her father's voice in her head to pay attention to her.
If she bleeds, if she hurts not to have it, she would never tell him.
Your love is a secret that I am waiting, dreaming, dying to keep.
Damn the poems of unknown Arab authors.
Raven wants to bury her feelings; burn his perfect face and the dimple rarely shows to others. Maybe he's aware of his own charm and she did something that bothered him, and he's only taking revenge on Raven in the worst way, Damian was vindictive and…
This is ridiculous.
I'm going to kill that boy, witch. You are a whore girl.
She makes a gesture to turn away her father's voice, but he doesn't shut up and she doesn't care.
She is so disoriented, she lives anchored to him like a bird in her blue sky and she has no way to kick him out of her life, she just doesn't want to. She is not selfish, she would never put her desires or her integrity over that of others, but she hates it because she could not have him in her life without compromising their friendship, the level of confidence they have and that feeling of home when they are going through difficult times.
Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in.
Now it had taken on a new meaning. There are people who went through her life, were transitory, arrived at a specific moment and continued on, like nomads who left a lost object, and those who stay and fight by her side, accept her without expecting anything in return, they are important, they are family. However, there are others that transcend to the next level, they are like home, places shout their names and even everyday aspects seem valuable.
Raven does not want to despise this, but she is not going to ruin it by confessing her feelings, she felt like a schoolgirl who jumped when she saw the boy and hid in the corners.
Someone knocks on the door and opens it, she discovers Damian's serious face, frowning and holding two coffees. The first rays of the sun illuminate his face, as if blessing his soul and highlighting his tanned skin, and for a few seconds it seems that he knows.
"Good Morning. "
She steps aside, letting him pass. Her voice is monotonous, tired and she considers for a few seconds not to let him in, but it is too late.
Everything seems to be pulling towards him, as if he possessed a magnetic field and was a magnet. This morning he was not wearing his uniform, but a simple plain t-shirt in pastel blue and dark jeans and Nike sneakers, he squares his eyes like when preparing for battle or listening to something or someone who he does not like.
From here she perceives that he is having an internal struggle.
He leaves the coffee glasses on a small piece of furniture and stands in front of the window with his arms crossed behind his back.
"Is Something wrong? "
Hearing a bark and opening the door, Titus enters the room going upstairs to his house licking the pillows and spinning on the mattress. With Damian he was disciplined, obedient, surprisingly submissive, but when Raven is around, she allows him to be playful and mischievous, as if he had never become an adult animal.
Damian had scolded her for being permissive, but in her mind, he was never going to stop being that puppy she gave away inside that box. The animal had been scared, lost and away from his brothers, he trembled when a person approached, and she seemed to see her friend in the animal in a strange way.
Titus was shy and fearful when he arrived. Little by little he emerged from his cocoon to become a loyal and courageous Great Dane.
He didn't challenge him for messing up the bed like he normally would, so she started to worry. She didn't feel anything and that was frustrating, it was easy for Raven to understand people through her magic, although she didn't like what was underneath, but he only let her see what he allowed.
"What wrong? " She asked again.
"People have spoken again. "
Raven grimaced "Is it because of the actress? "
He turned his back on her and the young woman sat on the ground, partly so as not to disturb Titus, to have a better view, partly because she felt closer.
He was still flat, like a soft wave on a lake, and that is not all; it's just the outside.
"A little." He paused. "People hate Robin, people love what Damian Wayne stands for" His face is reflected in the window glass, he is impartial, and he keeps that scowl that characterizes him. "I do not care. My father says that the press is like vultures, but sometimes they are noisy. "
She cannot relate to that.
Raven enjoyed anonymity, she may be a consecrated heroine, and has a couple of victories on her record; people do not stop to talk about her private life, but are interested in the source of her power, her dark and quiet nature, they build and destroy theories, but nothing else.
She was a favorite on YouTube and blog channels focused on mysteries, conspiracy theories, and the paranormal.
She can't imagine what media persecution is, online harassment and what it means to have so many people eager to know about your life, that drove celebrities crazy all the time, some fell into addictions to flee their problems, those who survived cruelly understood the boundary between professional and personal, marked the line and took refuge in their homes, as if they lived in a fortress. Robin was a global trend in social networks, it required many people to achieve this.
Damian had stayed away, holding on to his training and lifting his chin as high as possible, but she knew him; with him not everything is said, it is not what is shown.
"Damian" she calls him because she knows his thoughts are strong right now. She reached for the coffee. She appreciated the warmth of the drink in her hands, it feels real. "It´s okay" she smiled.
He looks at her.
She had never seen that shade of green before. He may not realize his own charm; his face reflected the golden rays, and his dark hair shone in a lighter shade.
Titus now sleeps in bed and his snoring is deep.
He sits next to her in the lotus position and they watch the sunrise together. They do not say anything, they do not speak much, both are people who were touched by tragedy, who face battles while forging their way to adulthood and are not used to expressing their feelings, interpreting silences and supporting each other from a distance with small gestures.
She wants to have better words, be more forthcoming, and offer advice, so they could talk more about his breakdowns. Raven would cleanse his heart if that helps his heartbeat, a word and it would be his.
Damian takes her hand.
His fingers are barely touching, his skin is hard, and that scar that ran like a thick rope over his knuckles is soft to the touch; his fingers are long and shiver, as if cold, but he remains in place; she compares it to a burn and is surprised.
Raven wants to hold onto him, because he doesn't deserve all the hatred, they chase him with torches and spears. She wants to tell him that she regrets him for his past, for all the manipulation, because there was no one to show him love and treat him like a child, who sees him as a person during his childhood and she wants to smooth his wrinkles that were beyond the ones visible. She wants to show the affection that was denied him all his life and tell him that she does not care what they call him on the internet- Either as Robin or Damian Wayne- Deep down, he is only a kind and generous soul, and she is fortunate to see it, even if he is insufferable.
She squeezed his hand. Words are not necessary.
He keeps his gaze on the dawn. His eyebrows tremble and he showed his emotions for the first time, it is like the caress of the wind of a summer night.
They are like little children who take too much importance on their clasped hands. There is no lust, nor the typical approach to achieve something, they are two people who are used to being alone, pushing everyone away, seeing the worst in people and being disappointed, betrayed and disheartened, clinging to the other; it is so simple and complex.
He leans his head against hers and leaves it.
At first, she is surprised, but she thinks he is like a scared animal that would walk away in the face of any foreign sound or reaction. It is beautiful, vulnerable and serene, like a new dawn.
Aware of his exhaustion and frustration, this simple action reflects the fatigue of all these months of witch hunting, keeping quiet and holding on his own, she can feel him letting go of his burdens and that mask of indifference is shattered.
Her hair is soft, and his shoulder bumps into hers; He is taller, and his muscles are worked by constant exercise and his breath tastes like coffee.
The scent of shaving lotion reaches her nose, she was aware of that smell and it was masculine, it had a woody touch and she was relaxing.
Can they stay like this forever? In the silence and secrecy of her room with their hands clasped and leaning on the other drinking coffee from plastic cups ...
... And suddenly, this is enough.
Raven bought a dress.
That night is hot, and they visit an open bar on the seashore. The music is relaxed, the musicians play bass drums and ukuleles, giving the place a tropical atmosphere; decorated by lights and all the tables and chairs are made of wood, with small floral decorations as centers.
The sound of ocean waves and salty-smelling air was sleepy, almost as if slowly inducing her to sleep.
Kory forced them into a night of mandatory fun, booked a table in a corner under a palm tree, would give them a little privacy, and they wouldn't get as much attention. She sensed that in the place photographs were not allowed was a factor for her to choose it.
The tradition of compulsory fun was installed with the arrival of Damian, she was left justifying small getaways or celebrations of birthdays, anniversaries, certain days of the year.
Raven thanked the team leader- who she considers to be an older sister- since the bar is not very crowded nor does it allow crowds with all those people sweating under the influence of alcohol, but the place is familiar, spacious and quiet. Her powers would not overwhelm her.
"Honey, will you bring us our drinks?"
Dick nods walking towards the bar. The man was wearing a simple T-shirt and shorts, on the other hand, his fiancée looked glamorous in the purple dress with large openings revealing her shapely legs and a plunging neckline.
Garfield, Conner, and Jaime share a conversation with Donna about the dance, but the young woman only frowns when she looks at the musicians.
"It's Latin music. "
Jaime snorts "Don't look at me, dude. Just because I'm Latino does not mean I know how to dance. "
"I'm not the best dancer anymore." Garfield looks with a grudge at Damian, who grimaces looking away.
"I just beat you."
"You break codes and all that, surely you did it with the dance machine. "
Raven snorts, but she's amused.
"That was a long time ago." He looked at everyone. "Can we get over it? "
When Dick arrived he announced that he asked for drinks for each one, but they had a limit of two, because some recently stopped being minors, also in the tower they had rules and arriving drunk is on the prohibited list; for those who are minors there are unlimited juices.
The night is progressing normally, although she sees certain people who are surprised by her colorful group, nobody really cares. They are just a group of friends enjoying an evening by the ocean.
Damian rolls his eyes when Dick starts Kory dancing with a slow song.
"They've been dating for years."
Raven raises her eyebrows, not at all surprised. She already knew.
"I mean long before they became teammates." He gives his whisky a small sip. "When he was a boy, he kept having suggestive calls with her." He shrugs.
"No way! " Conner leans in and opens his mouth.
Jaime contains a laugh.
"Are you seriously surprised?" She didn’t need to be empathetic to know that.
They look at her, but it's Garfield who speaks first.
"Did you know?! " He shakes his head. "Of course, you knew, why didn't you tell me?! "
"I did not mean that. "
"Traci arrived!" Jaime gets up from the table and disappears.
After two years together he is still excited to see her enter the room, Raven got along with the girl, she is pleasant and has a pink aura, used to loving and showing it, she also has Jaime around her fingers.
Raven drinks her gin and tonic, the drink is incredibly sweet and fruity. Her friends raised an eyebrow at seeing her bite into the lemon wedge that decorates the drink, but it's not that she cares, it's probably because she's going for her second fruit drink and sweet alcoholic drinks are misleading.
A boy appears pushed by his group of friends, who laugh giving him sidelong glances and extends one of his hands to dance, he is tall, and his face is youthful, perhaps just after finishing high school. His emotions are strong too, but the one that predominates is lust, she has a moment when images of herself come of kissing him in the dark.
He has too much imagination.
"Would you like to dance? "
She shakes his head, absorbing the lemon juice to the last drop. The scene almost seems funny to her, this boy asking her to dance in front of her friends, among them her ex-partner is present, along with the young man who answered the name of her best friend, who also has feelings. It is funny.
A smile glides across her lips.
The boy stirs uncomfortably without knowing how to interpret her smile, but she continues to shake her head, so he leaves.
"You have low tolerance, Roth."
Raven grimaces "It will pass soon. Alcohol will be in my system for exactly forty minutes and then I'll be like new. "
She calls a waiter asking for a Cuban mojito with that sugar-covered rim she likes so much.
When the drink is put in front of her, it is just as promised and she almost sighs when she sees it. Damian drops his drink, gives her a disapproving look with those green eyes, and she could cry right now because she thinks it's cruel and insane to be around him.
Conner invites his friends to dance wanting to flee from the discomfort. The others continue to join the small group that formed in the middle of the dance floor, Kory and Dick get all eyes, they move well.
Raven sips the drink through the straw. The little umbrella is a hindrance, so she pushes it aside noticing how her fingers tremble, the sugar and the drink mix is ​​not a good match.
Damian approaches, but she moves away.
She should think twice before entering his space.
Raven looks him in the eye. Noting that his expression reflects concern, just as he was ready to scold her, she knows that scowl and he has that plain short-sleeved shirt with the designer's name she can't pronounce and some worn jeans; For someone with so much money, he have not invested too much in his clothing.
His eyes are green as a drink, and he raises an eyebrow. His features are a mix between the Middle East and the West, his Arabic accent is light, as if he had always spoken English and he moves his fingers on the wooden table; remember that morning when their hands touched.
She wants to cry.
"It's not fair."
It's not fair that he so perfect, while she was melting away for keeping her secret just to keep him within her life. It's not fair!
She doesn't want him as her best friend.
He is a magnetic force in the form of a man.
She is attracted to him. It is not a fairy tale, it is not idolatry, just esteem it, the past seems to have been erased by a rubber when they were together, and she is dying to have him.
Random, she's so angry.
Damian grimaces "are you okay? "
"I'm fine. "
That’s a lie.
 "Let's go," he says, taking her by the forearm before she finished her drink and takes her to the parking lot without asking. He opens the door of his car, sitting her in the back seat. "Try to get comfortable" He sits down on the pilot's seat and starts the car.
She really wanted to stay.
She rests her head against the headboard and looks out. The highway is fast and distinguishes trees and pieces of the ocean illuminated by a moon.
The lights are off, and there is no music.
She lies down in the back seat.
It smells of leather and that forest fragrance, just like his lotion.
Suddenly the tears slide down her eyes, they are thin. She is angry with herself for being weak, with him and for the life that kept hitting her, a few weeks ago she had been convinced that she is much better alone, lives well and recovers from a breakup, she is not missing anything, then he entered little by little to her life and she wants to push him away, now she just wants him to stay a little longer. A little bit closer.
Raven wants to see what's underneath that bad boy attitude.
He sees her in the rearview mirror "what's wrong with you? "
"Nothing," she says in a broken voice.
Damian raises an eyebrow. Maybe he doesn't care, maybe he's worried she will throw up in his expensive car or she pretends that she cares just so he doesn't make her feel bad.
What doesn't kill her makes her want him more.
He tilts his head she and sees that sharp scar in the corner of his chin catch the silver glow of the moon. This is horrible.
"It's not important what you're upset about."
Damian, the worst adviser in the world.
Yes it is important because it would destroy everything, they would end the reading of books on the roof, visits to Riva street where they would chat in the book store, the shared cafes in their room when they feel too lazy to go up or the weather is not favorable for them and the way he smiles marking that dimple on his cheek, how he held her hand and leaned his head against her. She thinks that if she lost him, she wouldn't do those things again.
Her heart breaks.
She would never walk down Riva Street again.
It is her fault.
It is his fault.
She imagines reading Robert Frost alone knowing he didn't love her, she would visit Riva Street trying to meet again, she would finish the cafes on the floor of her room because she is dumb enough to confess. Damian wouldn't worry about love affairs, he has a purpose and it would be a distraction, a stone in his shoe, he had better judgment, therefore he would walk away first.
He would not give her second glances; in fact, he would despise her for ruining their friendship.
It terrifies her too much.
She cries like a baby in the back of the car.
When they park in front of the tower of the Titans, she does not think twice and opens the door running into the forest that surrounds the home of the young heroes, entering it as if he were chasing her. She can hear the car's engine go off, as well as his desperate call, then the footsteps.
Raven takes off her shoes.
Thanks for the lightness of her dress. She thinks about going through the back door of the tower and locking herself in her room, tomorrow she could say that she was drunk and was not thinking clearly, but now she needs to be alone.
Maybe she deserves it.
She is running barefoot through the woods with her dress catching leaves and branches, just as her hair is now a wind-tossed mess. The moon is a fuzzy point between the treetops and the warm weather does not help.
She runs a hand down her face, ridding herself of the tears that were running down her cheeks.
She is not a runner, so she is caught by arms before she could open a portal to her room, another country or dimension, she really doesn't know for sure. There are three uncertain options.
Damian pushes her away, looking her in the eye.
"What's wrong? You ran away, the car was moving, Raven."
His hands go up and down her shoulders to her arms, giving her warmth. Then she realizes that she is trembling, like a scared puppy and she is a total disaster.
She wanted to escape to close her fate, because she deserves to be alone and having him close is her own personal torture.
Damian had come to her in moments of vulnerability, when no one was looking, he trusted her more than anyone, he was harassed and hated by people. Damian Wayne was easily associated with actresses, models and celebrities, they took his privacy without his consent, everyone hated or loved a version of him.
He showed her his true self and she paid him by falling in love with him.
He had driven her crazy, begging him to knock on her door or end it all.
It would destroy years of friendship and companionship.
Raven got out of a relationship, that's not how it was supposed to go, she hadn't looked for it.
He looks her in the eye, as if waiting for her to tell him the devastating ending of a novel. He is so close that his mint breath almost makes the tide, his hands are warm as the desert and she has to look away so as not to be consumed.
Her heart beats painfully in her chest.
She ruined her life for not being his.
She wants so much and that is hurting her.
"Tell me."
She digs her feet into the ground, her toes touch the ground and the dry leaves. This is real.
Suddenly, she is angry with everyone and everything.
Tell him! A voice rolled her, almost crying. You're going to ruin everything, says another with resignation.
However, something inside her asks for more, she wants to have him closer and her hands tremble wanting to interlock their fingers; it is as if a spirit had possessed her body and made her ambitious and selfish.
She feels her heart breaking.
Wanting it is bad. Damian doesn't deserve this, but ...
Now or never.
She shouts: "I love you! Ain't that the worst thing you ever heard?"
Time is frozen, like dead. Everything stops.
Damian is silent.
She swallows and clenches her jaw.
She wants to cry.
She has ruined everything.
But he looks up and smiles like a devil.
The lights are off when they reach her room, Titus is playing with her sheets and there is disorder.
She stands still, not knowing what to do.
The moonlight is bluish, almost blinding them and everything is silent. The door to her room is open, the kitchen light is dim and she listens to a tune in the distance, she thinks it's the radio that Kory always leaves on.
The tension could be cut by a knife, but it is different.
Raven has passed the effect of alcohol and knows that she has done something that is irreparable, but she couldn't care less, because he smiled and held her hand gently; Damian dropped the costumes a bit, sheltering his feelings and emotions as heshe had been taught all his life, just for her. Nobody else.
He is standing at the door.
He looks her in the eye and there is an unspoken agreement between the two.
Close the door.
Raven is an awkward mess, it will take days for her emotions to normalize, but this time she allows her stomach to spin, her hands to stay inert at the sides of her torso without knowing which position to adapt, and her brain short-circuiting.
All roads had led her to this moment.
Feeling their fear and how confused they are, none are used to showing affection unless someone loves them, but they try. She stands firm.
Damian says nothing when he approaches, he takes her hand gently interlacing his fingers, it is like fire and ice, two forces that collide. It is something so every day, but with him it is as if he left a mark that she cannot erase.
He presses their foreheads and she sigh.
She had been a hawthorn tree for a long time, but now she may be a rose.
He caresses her face, the pads of his fingers running down her forehead, her cheeks up to her neck. It is pure, there is longing and affection, he will not tell her that he loves her too, but the gentleness and innocence of the act is enough to let her breathe out, because they do not need to speak, nor do they require speeches. Love can be declared to anyone, castles are built on the sand with ease only from confessions based on nothing, but demonstrating it is something else.
Raven kisses him on the cheek, presses her lips against the skin, and the fingers he keeps on her neck tremble. His breathing is ragged, as if he was agitated; they were both so lonely, apprehensive, and fearful that this bubble was an illusion.
They cannot make promises now because this is running a thread.
Darkness surrounds them, like a blanket on this summer night. There is no one in the tower, everyone stayed at the bar and they only heard Titus's playful grunts.
Her hands go up his chest and go to the nape. They take it easy, adapting to being this close, and trying not to get the blow too strong to leave them in shock.
She presses her forehead against his cheek.
Her father's voice is strong and threatening, but she contains a smile because it is so ridiculous and funny.
"What does he say? " He whispers.
She looked him in the eyes "My father wants to kill you. "
Damian frowns "And me to him. "
Raven laughs, a loud, clear laugh; she shares his feelings about her father.
"I will have a good relationship with your father," he says sarcastically. His voice is light and attracts her, like bees to honey. "It would be a shame if you spend time with me. "
"It would be," she whispers.
He brushes back a lock of her hair, pressing both hands to her cheeks. He kisses her cheek lightly with the touch of a butterfly and sighs, almost instinctively closes his eyes and kisses her on the corner of her lips, they are like school children experiencing romance.
When they finally kiss, it is soft and delicate.
She has to lean on him not to slip, and her heart trembles with joy, because she has what she wanted for so long. She doesn't know when they crossed the line, when she started having feelings for him, it felt like a thousand years ago.
She in a safe place, she feels like she been waiting a long time to find something like that. This is the kind of love that time does not heal, that makes you sigh and beg for more.
She would ask him to please stay.
In the past she believed that love is painful, that it steals things from you and runs away, like a criminal, but it is more than that.
Kissing in the dark, limbs trembling and hearts pounding, praying this doesn't end. They are a blank page on a desk, which is filled as they go.
Raven strokes his hair, and feels his breath catch.
They stay there and Titus jumps around her, barking and expressing enthusiasm; he is the only thing in the room that is moving.
He kisses her again. This time it is safe, the kiss is slow, and he seems to want to savor this moment and her legs tremble.
His breath is slightly bitter, like whisky, and her lips are ice cold in the drink. It is an interesting contrast to his warm skin to the touch and she realizes how much she wanted to feel each of his scars, she wanted to perceive what his skin is like and the lights change the color of his green eyes, she wants to know what is under his clothes, count his freckles, moles, wounds and scars.
One of the straps of her dress falls from her shoulder.
Her body is new to him, and she is more than willing to get used to it.
Let him have everything; her heart, her body and soul.
Damian and Raven talk and agree to have their relationship private.
In front of the titans they are companions, they get along well, but it is not that they revolve around each other, in fact, they hardly speak if it is not for the missions. They try to separate the professional from the personal, they would have nothing in front of the others, but they look in private corners. No one knows what is between them.
They do well.
Damian has already been exposed to the media, they had gotten into his life and he was hated by everyone for his attitudes like Robin, but when they are together that does not matter. All the drama queens and the noisy ones muffle their voices and the statements of celebrities approaching him lose their meaning.
He doesn't care what is said in the tabloids.
He thinks the Titans are suspicious, but not that there was enough evidence, and none are willing to answer the questions or pay attention to suspicious glances. Nobody asks Damian, but his brothers are an exception, after all, they didn't learn from the best detective in the world for nothing and sometimes he thinks it's a curse to surround himself with his family.
He thinks Alfred and his father know but ignores them.
They are not a sentimental couple, nor do they go out too much, only on missions or compulsory fun dates, to walk in the park with Titus, although they rarely go together, since they fear finding the photos on the internet; they prefer to be in the room, have breakfast on the roof of the tower, lie next to each other without speaking, they could read together or hold hands and Damian prefers to enjoy her company when no one is around, She is surprised when she feels light waking up by his side in the morning or by entering her room after a mission.
Damian walks to her room with Titus following in his footsteps.
He goes through the room where the group watches a movie, Raven is not there, so she assumes that she must be in her room probably because they are watching a horror movie and it is not that the girl is a fan of horror movies that include Blood and uncensored deaths, the group barely notices as they are thrilled by the butter knife murder scene.
He opens the door and is surprised.
She is reading in his bed, wearing a shirt that she stole from his closet and never returned, and shorts made from gray fabric. Now she wears a plain Dolce and Gabanna shirt for sleep, as if the designer's brand was nothing.
Her short hair is strewn across the pillow and she is focused on the letters in that book.
Titus jumps onto the bed, licking the girl's face, she suppresses a smile, and looks up to see him lock the door securely.
She pet the dog "Hi. "
He quietly walks over to his computer, pulling a document Drake had sent him out of the recycle bin that contained a report with a couple of errors. His father instructed him to correct the mistakes since his brother had overdosed on coffee or something.
she is probably feeling his apprehension.
From his bag where she carries his pet's leash, water bottles, the muzzle and a part of towels, she extracts a cotton candy wrapped in a plastic bag, it looks like a pink cloud.
When he saw the vendor in the park, he remembered how she had that insane obsession with sweets and his mind began to associate her with caramel, soft and extremely sugary flavors. Sometimes he doesn't understand how she can tolerate eating a whole cotton candy.
She smiles at him and takes it in her hands. He sits on the bed, and she spreads her feet using his lap to support them; Damian looks down as if asking why he did that, but he just lets it go.
Raven eats the cotton candy, while smiling as she tries to push the dog away. Finally, the animal licks her fingers absorbing the sweetness, and she laughs.
He tries to focus on correcting the report, but her laugh distracts him.
"I'm trying to finish," he declares, but his gaze is no longer focused on the screen.
She puts a piece of cotton candy in her mouth and smiles. She doesn't answer him, but she looks sorry for interrupting him, heshe knows it's not her fault, but she didn't impose rules on Titus and around Raven he behaves like a spoiled brat. 
"Sorry, it's just ..." The dog jumps on top of her and licks her fingers. Damian decides that enough is enough and with just a sign Titus settles near his feet. The girl grimaces picks up the book and opens a page. "Is that the report they called you so much for? "
He nodded. 
Gotham City.
The Penguin robbed the city bank, between the streets ...
Raven shakes her hand and opens her palm. Now heshe is sitting next to her, she bumps her shoulders against his, she is small and their palms touch, she thinks she wants to interlace her fingers, but she puts a piece of cotton candy in his hand.
"Eat a little."
He is transported to the first night of mandatory fun when he hated being with the Titans, he did not belong because he knew everything there was to know, he was the most intelligent, disciplined and the most brutal fighter in the world, but nothing else and that is precisely what he lacked. He did not have any social skills, it was never clearer than in that amusement park, he had thought that his mistakes were great, he did not deserve that any of these people accepted him.
Raven had gotten closer; he didn't even know why. She offered him cotton candy ...
Just like now.
Shit. His father would kill him.
He closed the computer and set it aside. Damian eats the cotton candy, he still doesn't like it, it melts in his mouth and it is pure sugar, it is gooey, and his throat warms up, as if he had ingested a liquid at high temperatures.
He draws her in and sits her on his legs.
Raven is slim and diminutive, not muscular like Kory or Donna, but possesses the body of a runner, although both know she is not exceptional in sports, she prefers her magic. He surrounds her waist, and she rests her head against his cheek, as she likes to do when they hug.
She keeps her gaze on her book and turns the pages.
With his back to the sun, another day ends in this abandoned town.
You have a wish list:
-Know the city.
-Build an aviary for those little birds that roam your yard looking for food.
-Risking for someone and that it turns out well.
Damian laughs wryly.
"What? " She asked, looking him in the eye.
Raven pulls back a little but adjusts the position so that both legs rest to one side.
"You were drunk when you confessed. You took a chance. "
She buries her head in his shoulder "Don't remind me. "
She is embarrassed. He Finds this charming.
"It went right."
Raven stiffens, and looks him in the eye, but Damian is smiling because he can't help it and he likes to see how certain answers surprise her. She puts those eyes that he only sees when he smiles at her, it's like she's melting inside, struggling to hold back a sigh; He has seen her do it before they started dating because Damian Wayne is not a fool, he is still the son and heir of the best detective in the world, and he was taught from a young age to measure personal body language; It is adorable.
Maybe he still slips.
He strokes her hair, tucking one of her locks behind her right ear.
They looked into each other's eyes.
 "Yes." She kisses him, sighs against his mouth, and Damian interlocks his fingers giving her a soft squeeze. "I did something right. "
His grandfather and mother would be scolding him, an Al Ghul did not hold his partner as a delicate thing and allowed himself to be kissed without a purpose, even his father who had lost the ground to the Gotham cat would give him a disapproving look, it is dangerous to establish a personal connection with your teammates, but none knew and to be honest, they were not interested.
In fact, no one knows for sure.
The diamond sparkles on her forehead.
"My father still wants to kill you."
Of course, yes.
She changes position now sitting face to face, strokes his chest until she stops at his heart and stays there. He really doesn't understand how he came to this, he didn’t expect to find love, nor in a million years would he think about being in this position, but he won't run from this. All the voices from his past scream in his head, but Damian stays.
It is so unexpected.
Damian hates when something doesn't go according to plan, because he usually has it all coldly calculated, if it doesn't work then he would have a backup. As the future leader of an organization, his life was designed, as Robin, he has to be prepared for everything and being a Titan, he took on the hard work, the aspects that others would not take care of, everything was perfected. This is out of his hands.
"I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this"
Raven smiles and they kiss.
All the murders, all his past, all the pain and confusion, the hatred and the persecutions are nothing compared to her.
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I didn't really know who I could ask so I thought maybe the fairy librarians might be able to help even though this isn't (yet) fic related: is there a canon or fanon consensus of how old the characters are? I know there's a very helpful post with the timeline figured out for fic writers but didn't know if there are other posts like that out there. Any pointers would be very much appreciated!
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Age Ain’t Nothing But A Number
Thank you for the ask, @floating-in-the-blue! We are happy to (try to) answer this kind of ask too!
This is both an excellent and a tricky question, because there are several canons around and they don’t line up. There is first the book canon, and then the TV canon that is a bit vague, and then the fanon built on the TV series.
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In the books, Phryne is around 29; she was born January 1900 (which we believe is a deliberate manifestation of her being of the new century and a modern woman). Jack Robinson is a different character than in the show, a grey cop with wife and children, and distinctly older than Phryne. Mac is also older than Phryne – she is introduced as “forty-five if a day” in the first books opening, and her first line is “Well, child”, directed to Phryne. (She is also Scottish and gets to know Phryne on the ship to Melbourne.)
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In the TV show, Phryne is portrayed as older than 29 – not only because Essie Davis is older, but also in the way she’s behaving throughout the show. In the promotional information for Miss Fisher and the Crypt of Tears, Tony Tilse’s director’s statement describes Phryne as “A rare kind of heroine; a woman over the age of 35 who is unabashedly sexual with no desire to settle down, and who isn’t punished for it…” (We think we can all agree it’s one of the wonderful things about her.) At the same time, this doesn’t fit with the flashbacks about Janey, who died in 1913, where Phryne clearly is a child, and with the explicit reference to her age in “Marked for Murder”. Phryne says she was ten years old in 1910, and since her birthday is late December, we conclude 1899 is the most likely year. This discrepancy and difficulty in making things line up within the TV show’s canon has given fic writers many reasons to tear their hair out!
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Jack seems to be around the same age or slightly older than Phryne. He says he’s been married for 16 years, which seems to suggest he would be at least 35, perhaps up to 40.
Mac seems in the TV show to be slightly, but not very much, older than Phryne, so perhaps around 38-40. Just as with Phryne, there is also here an explicit statement that goes against this feeling and makes Mac younger than she looks and behaves – the dossier on her in “Blood of Juana the Mad” says she’s 34 years old in 1929, suggesting 1895 for her birth (here, she is not Scottish but from Collingwood).
For Dot and Hugh, the different canons seem to agree that they are not very much older than 20. This is true also of fanon.
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There is a fanon birthdate of October 31st 1892 for Jack that gets floated around– as far as the librarians are aware, this was a randomly assigned date by the DI Jack Society page on Facebook several years ago.
When it comes to fanon’s view on Phryne, there is some variety. Some writers – especially perhaps those who first met Phryne via the books – keep up the idea that she’s around 29. Most writers seem to have decided to move up the age closer to the actresses’ and actor’s ages, making Phryne and Jack older than 35, and Mac a few years older than Phryne. This can be seen as the dominant fanon consensus. It’s also a fanon the librarians love – Phryne as a  woman that is this awesome, attractive, bad-ass, and in every respect wonderful and also 35+. 
But whichever road one takes, it seems there is some part of canon that’ll have to be chosen, and other parts disregarded. If anyone has a theory they’d like to share please do in a comment or reblog.
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bertievi · 7 years
Sudden Ascension Drabble 1 -- Take up our quarrel with the foe
The battle for Jutland fresh by just a few hours, neither side truly knowing if they might be able to claim victory or not at least had them all heading back to their ports to rest at last. The Collingwood began its journey back to Scapa Flow for repairs after she had taken that hit, not enough to bring her down but she was in need of some care. The mood aboard was relaxed and despite the sombre reality they knew they would find out when they docked, spirits were still high, even glad to have seen battle and survived.
The gunrooms were full of merriment at least, a lot had been lost those last forty eight hours but going into such a deadly battle together certainly held its own sense of unity as Lieutenant ‘Johnson’, (Albert’s fake name) and his gun crew enjoyed a small share of rum each and sang merrily together while drumming their hands or feet on the metal of their station. The chorus could be heard as far away as the bridge as the chant echoed through the metal structure.
“We have worked the self-same gun:      Quarterdeck division    Sponger I and loader you      Through the whole commission.”
Sang the guncrew of A-Turret, loud and rowdy but a very clear unit of men. They were all oblivious that just down the passageway was a pride of Commanders approaching at dangerous and desperate speed. With the door open, it was easy for them to slip inside unnoticed as they looked for their target. They found him as he sang the chorus proudly with his crew, rum in hand and smile untameable on his face.
   “Long we've -tossed on the rolling main    Now we're -safe ashore, -Jack    Don't forget your---”
It took a moment and Albert had to interrupt their chorus as he barked the order of “Stand to!” to those around him, the crew of fifteen scrambled to their feet in a panic, small tipples of rum set down carefully or near enough dropped onto surfaces as they jumped from turret weights and gun shelves to salute the officers that had entered. There were smirks and muffled laughs that they might have been scolded for their rowdy singing in celebration but the serious eyes of the officers fell onto Albert and in a moment of complete uncertainty there came a bow from each of those Commanders, Albert’s superiors and the words that made no sense to the then Lieutenant.
“Your Majesty, you are needed on the bridge.”
It was enough to clear the room of all noise and for a few moments it seemed as if the room was frozen in time as Albert watched the officers rise and hold their salutes, his guncrew doing the same one by one as the true meaning of that address managed to sink in. His father had passed? What a way to find out and while he processed that initial loss that ‘his majesty’ was technically no longer in London, he only frowned and in the silence of the room, those he considered friends still in their solid salute. David was the Prince of Wales, he was to be king after his father died, they were mistaken.
“I am not the --king.” Albert said rather seriously as he regarded them all, some of his closest crew removing their hats slowly with free hands, in something of a shock themselves as those other officers shook their heads gently. “You --mean to tell me my ---father is dead?” He asked those before him and the stone cold expression from his former superiors remained until Albert had to utter the words. “You have --permission to speak.” He added on, near angrily.
“Aye, Your Majesty. The late King and the Prince of Wales perished in a visit to the Western Front.” Replied the still saluting Commander, his arm quivering for how out of practice he was in holding his arm up for so long. Though it freed itself when Albert practically fell to the floor in shock, the news hitting him like a bullet and knocked him right off his feet. Many arms moved to catch him but there was no getting him to stand. There were orders barked around the room and several of his crew rushed out, Albert took such little notice he barely even spared the glance to the Commander as he knelt beside him and addressed him again with that phrase that should never have been applied to him.
His brother and father both lost to the war? He pictured them on the front, his mind’s eye nearly blinding him with their faces as the loss tried to sink in but was met only by a numbness and even denial that anything was meant to change at all. And now he was king? What was this madness? Had he died? Hit his head and couldn’t wake from the nightmare. Try as he might, it took the Commander to put a tipple of strong rum under his nose before Albert snapped back to the room, oblivious that he had actually been sat there, distraught for several minutes, his crew apparently long gone, leaving the three Commanders alone with him.
“You must stand, Sir.” One insisted, ‘Sir’ he had been used to when he went on land to meet with those across the Commonwealth before the war, but never did he expect to hear it come from his own Commander’s mouth. “It’s going to be alright, but you must come with us to the bridge. You cannot stay in here.”
Albert looked to him as if he was speaking a different language but what delay he had, he eventually nodded and made to stand, the Commander helping him up with his arm but making sure to not actually lay a hand on him as Albert got to his feet. There was just a moment, a single beat where the Commander looked to him sorrowfully and Albert knew in the back of his mind that that look was one of uncertainty, as if he might have been looking at an animal about to be sold to the slaughter house, it certainly felt that way.
The prince-- no, the King, looked out passed the entry to the room, his room but drew on his tutoring, straightened his jacket, pulled in a deep breath and stepped out into the passageway. Surprised to see it lined by the crew and mortified to see that they were all saluting. He walked on, heart racing, this was not at all natural, not at all what should have been happening. Could he be so sure this was not some sort of terrible joke on him? He made his way through towards the bridge, crossing the deck and coming face to face with the stance of over fifty men presenting arms to him.
He swallowed and took all his courage to not turn and look to the Commanders in prayer that this was all some sort of cruel joke. He glanced to the edge of his shoulder and caught sight of the neighbouring Malaya whose crew was lined across the top deck also saluting. He dared not look to the rest of their squadron, knowing what it was he would see.
Instead he focused his attention onto the bridge and headed there to meet with who he guessed was likely the Rear Admiral to be told that Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces and Admiral of the Fleet to the Royal Navy or not, he was needed in London to begin his reign and would be leaving the moment they docked.
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fazcinatingblog · 7 months
More like IF I come back amirite, also stop making me feel guilty, also learn to spell (paralegal? Parallel? ...never mind doesn't parramatta), also like it's my fault she hires 53 accountants that can only do accounting and 1 admin person to send out the tax returns and invoices and
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jeremystrele · 5 years
How Lucy Folk’s Marketing Manager Landed Her Dream Job
How Lucy Folk’s Marketing Manager Landed Her Dream Job
Dream Job
by Sally Tabart
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The AMAZING Lucy Folk HQ in Windsor, Melbourne, designed by Tamsin Johnson. Photo – Amelia Stanwix.
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Gemma Leslie, Lucy Folk’s Marketing Manager, on the go! Photo – Amelia Stanwix.
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In addition to being Lucy Folk’s Marketing Manager, Gemma is also a very cute human. Photo – Amelia Stanwix.
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Consulting with the Lucy Folk jewellers. Photo – Amelia Stanwix.
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Gemma starts every morning at Lucy Folk HQ by making a coffee for all the jewellers. What a legend! Photo – Amelia Stanwix.
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Checking out a stone to be set. Photo – Amelia Stanwix.
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Lucy Folk has some of the most creative marketing campaigns in the biz. Photo – Amelia Stanwix.
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Photo – Amelia Stanwix.
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Treasures at Lucy Folk. Photo – Amelia Stanwix.
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Photo – Amelia Stanwix.
Gemma Leslie has a strategic brain, balanced by a creative heart. It’s easy to see why working for Lucy Folk, a local brand with a global following that is constantly pushing the boundaries of design and retail, is the perfect place for these skills to flourish.
As a ‘super hands-on learner’, Gemma decided to pursue TAFE out of high school, where she applied for a Diploma of Business and Public Relations. It was here she figured out that the creative side of things was more her jam (although, her Mum already knew that, when Gemma started making fake IDs for the family dog at age 10 – more on that later!).
Halfway through the course she wrote a ‘spontaneous’ application to go study abroad – ‘I wanted to go literally anywhere’, Gemma says! Her ‘anywhere’ turned out to be Calgary in Canada, where she studied Journalism with a major in Photography. When Gemma came home, she was hungry for more creativity, and went on to study a Bachelor of Communications majoring in Design – a course that gave her ‘the knowledge and tools to achieve my dream of working as a graphic designer specialising in the fashion industry’.
Since then, Gemma has gone on to intern and work at some major fashion and lifestyle brands – her impressive resume includes FAT, Handsom, Búl, Modern Times, Manon bis, and even the launch of her own French bed linen label, Scottie Store.
But it’s in her current role that Gemma has found her Dream Job – where creativity, kindness, and an honest passion for all things Lucy Folk drives her day-to-day!
The most important verb in the get-your-dream-job-lexicon is…
I landed this job by…
There’s no romantic story here. I applied for the Lucy Folk role on a whim following a conversation with a friend who had worked there. I wasn’t even really looking for a role, but I went through the application and interview process for an E-commerce Coordinator role. The more I learned about the brand, the more I felt drawn to it. Lucy Folk herself actually did my second-round interview – it was a bit random because it was in the back courtyard of a record store in Collingwood! I was on my lunch break and it was a 45-degree summer day.
I started a couple of weeks later, and spent two years in this role before being promoted. I was fortunate enough to be offered the Marketing Manager position a year ago and whilst it’s been a huge learning curve so far, it’s been truly amazing.
A typical day for me involves…
I have no morning rituals. My partner, Mike, would tell you that a typical day begins with me asking him to put the coffee on while I decide what to wear. I never know how I’m going to feel in the morning, so I don’t choose an outfit until I rise – it drives him mad.
Typical isn’t a word anyone should associate with Lucy Folk! Our CEO, Di Laws, and Creative Director Lucy challenge us to think about how we can better connect with our customers through communications, our product and customer service both in-store and online, and generally, to think differently!
Some days I try and get to our beautiful store at Crossley Street, it’s always great to start the day with a Pellegrini’s espresso – I enjoy the theatre of it! For most other days, it starts at our Head Office. The first thing I do is make a coffee for our jewellers – I do the rounds, walk through The Salon, have a few meetings here and there (or sometimes not!,) and cover the lunch break in the Lucy Folk Salon on Thursdays.
As marketing manager, I am usually across several different projects at one time. The only constant is ensuring I am connected across the entire Lucy Folk team, so that I understand what our customers want and how best we coordinate our product and campaign launches.
The most rewarding part of my job is…
I love seeing how our customers react to what we do. So many of them are genuinely excited when we launch a new product or campaign. Knowing that I contribute to making customers feel excited and happy while developing a connection with the Lucy Folk brand, is rewarding.
I also love the story behind our products. It’s amazing to work for a company that enables so many artisans across the world to make the things they do – from the handwoven clothes in Morocco, to our eyewear in Italy, and beautiful jewels here in Melbourne.
And lastly, the learning curve. I feel like I have worked through a degree in the past year!
On the other hand, the most challenging part is…
Strangely this is linked to another rewarding aspect. Being a small to medium-sized business, you’re required to undertake lots of different roles and learn a lot of different skills. From managing people and budgets to developing brand loyalty, there’s no shortage of things to do.
The biggest challenge I face is balancing all of these things while trying to push the boundaries creatively.
The culture of my workplace is…
On show for everyone to see.
You see it in our product, our campaigns and in our stores. We have fun. There’s a big emphasis on enjoying coming to work.
What makes Lucy Folk a special place is the passion the team has for the brand. We’re all devotees – we love Lucy’s vision and style. She’s so talented!
Lucy and Di [Lucy Folk’s CEO] are always challenging us to think outside the box. Balanced with that is a focus on discipline – making sure we all understand how the business operates and what it takes to keep being successful.
When I was younger I wanted to be…
I had to ask my Mum this question … she said that I wanted to be lots of things. In my memory, I just wanted to be what my older brothers wanted to be (a basketball player). But she knew I was heading down a creative path when I was making beautifully designed fake IDs for my dog, designing and painting my room half sunflower yellow and half-burnt orange, ripping up the carpet and sanding the floorboards myself – and I was only 10 years old.
I think the highlight of my junior graphic design career was designing my school yearbook in grade 1.
The best piece of advice I’ve received is…
I tend to focus more on behaviours and role models rather than advice.
The biggest impression that’s been left on me is the importance of respecting and helping others, even when you don’t feel you have the time or headspace to do so. I think it’s important to be kind and to help others. That rubs off on people and makes for a more accepting world (and workplace).
That said, if I were to choose a piece of advice it would be, ‘it’s what you do next’, which is some advice that our CEO Di gives me daily. Whether it be in business, or even just your personal life.
Over the years, Lucy Folk has evolved by…
The business has matured and become more focussed. Importantly the culture has evolved with that. It’s not like we’ve become serious, but we have become more disciplined. I love that. We now have the best of both worlds – we get to have fun, be super creative and be part of an exciting, growing business.
We’re still a small business, and we want to focus on doing things differently and doing them well. The landscape of retail has changed, so we are working hard to adapt and change with it along the way. Our mantra is ‘Be the Change’.
In the next five years, I’d like to..
There is so much! I have so many things to learn and achieve in a professional environment. I learn through the experience of getting my hands dirty, pushing the boundaries and most of all working with others. I’m excited about the idea of that … and I hope to learn new tricks, new lessons along the way.
Apart from developing professionally, I think it’s SO important for me to develop creativity in my personal life. Travel more, see more, read more, meet new faces, less screen time (unless it’s a movie!), more doing time!
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womenofcolor15 · 5 years
OUT OF THE SUNKEN PLACE: Lamar Odom Introduces His New Fitness Queen, Defends Her After Trolls Come For Their #BlackLove
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It seems Lamar Odom has gotten out of the Sunken Place and found him a black queen. Now, he's responding to trolls who are bashing their #BlackLove. See their new coupledom flicks, Lamar's clapback and more deets about his fitness guru girlfriend inside...
Lamar Odom says he's WOKE, y'all.
The former NBA player - who was recently released from the Big3 League - has a new woman in his life and he's over the moon!
Last night, the former NBA baller was spotted holding hands with his new girlfriend, Sabrina Parr, while leaving Craig's restaurant in West Hollywood. It was the couple's first public appearance after Odom had to come to her defense on social media.
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Just yesterday, Odom - Khloe Kardashian's ex-husband - introduced his new girlfriend to the masses. She's a personal trainer/health & life coach, whose body is #FitnessGoal x 10!
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“What we have is much more than they can see...,” Odom captioned a picture of himself with Parr sitting on his lap.
The 39-year-old then posted a picture of his 32-year-old girlfriend with a Malcolm X quote.
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“It’s just like when you’ve got some coffee that’s too black, which means it’s too strong, what do you do? You integrate it with cream… But if you pour too much cream in it, you won’t even know you ever had coffee. It used to be hot, it becomes cool. It used to be strong, it becomes weak. It used to wake you up, now it puts you to sleep.” - MALCOLM X @getuptoparr #blackroyalty"
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Folks quickly accused him of SHADING his ex-wife, Khloe Kardashian. So, he hopped back on Instagram to defend his new relationship.
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Im a bit disappointed to read that people are using my words to enforce their own perceptions and assumptions pointing towards things that just are not MY TRUTH OR REALITY," he wrote.
"This post isn’t against anyone including my ex wife that I still respect deeply. I am just PRO love. Can I do that without people feeling offended? Why does that make you mad? Our black women have been held down for centuries ! I am now deciding to send them and my NEW WOMAN a lot of love. My post goes out to the new leading woman in my life, that I’m gonna tell everyday how beautiful she is, from the inside out. Thanks @getuptoparr for teaching me what real self value means. It changed my entire mindset. #woke"
Now he's deciding to send black women love? Oh.
Earlier this week, the couple was spotted locking lips outside of a Chipotle in Atlanta:
As for his new boo...
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                  Set your life up to smile more and stress less . . #happysunday #smilemore #summertimefine #summerbody
A post shared by Sabrina Parr (@getuptoparr) on Jun 30, 2019 at 10:38am PDT
Parr is a personal trainer and fitness model. According to her personal website, she's a five-time All American track competitor and two-time state champion. Parr returned to lead her alma mater Collingwood High School to a state title as assistant coach. Sabrina also works for ESPN Radio as a broadcaster. Beauty and brains.
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While Lamar and Sabrina are basking in their new love, the media is digging up her criminal past.
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                  Good morning! Who needs some motivation today??? I’m here to give it to you!! I am living proof that you can change any and everything about your life if you make your mind up to do so!!! . . I’ll make this short cuz I know y’all getting y’all day started and texting and driving tryna read this lol.... A lot of you don’t know my story (Soon the whole world will). I can hear some of y’all now saying “omg she was in jail?? She prolly beat up some girl” lol. That wasn’t the case in my situation. I was in a very crazy marriage! I won’t get into too many details because we are divorced and moved on now. He’s a great father and I have a lot of respect for him and I’s relationship! I don’t like to say anything bad about him because that was just a time in our life we experienced! What I will say is I encourage EVERYONE to make it an effort no matter what happened to get along with the other parent of your child/children! Being mad and holding onto stuff effects the children more than you may realize. . . Anyways moving on... I was miserable, lost, angry, hurt, unhealthy and just struggling overall just a few years ago. You can see it all in my face on my pic on the left!!!! Then one day I woke up and said to myself “Sabrina this is not you! You’re a beast! You’re a winner! You’re a champion! You’re a giant! You deserve happiness. You deserve peace! Go and get the life you want”! That was literally the conversation! . . From that point on, I been moving forward in the right direction! I continue to make mistakes and stumble along the way... But I never stop the journey! That’s it y’all!!! Figure out where you want to be, where you want to go... and NEVER STOP THE JOURNEY!!! So, how can I motivate and encourage you all today??? . . #happyfriday #motivation #thenandnow #neverstopthejourney #turnadversityintoadvertisement #empowerment #encouragement #getuptoparr #realwoman #legend #atlanta #cleveland
A post shared by Sabrina Parr (@getuptoparr) on Jun 14, 2019 at 7:22am PDT
Lamar's new woman was arrested for assault against after she allegedly attacked her ex-husband with a trophy!
RadarOnline obtained court papers from Cuyahoga County Court in Ohio, which reveals Parr - who has a son - was arrested on May 7, 2015 for attacking her then-husband. The site reports:
She was charged with one count of felonious assault when she allegedly “did knowingly cause serious harm to [victim.]”
For the second count of felonious assault, she allegedly “attempted to cause physical harm to [victim] by means of a deadly weapon or dangerous ordnance, to wit: a trophy.”
For the third and final count, she was charged with allegedly “knowingly causing or attempting to cause physical harm to [victim], a family or household member.”
Parr pled not guilty to the charges against her. She was ordered to have no contact with the victim and their child under a temporary protection order. The temporary protection order was later lifted so she could see their son, as the judge determined, “there is no indication that the child was at risk of any harm concerning the alleged events that took place between the defendant and the victim.”
Sabrina's ex filed for divorce on May 21, 2015. It was finalized on February 2, 2016.
Parr posted her mugshot with an IG caption reflecting on her criminal past. She opened up about making mistakes and how she has grown since the incident.
"I can hear some of y’all now saying 'omg she was in jail?? She prolly beat up some girl' lol. That wasn’t the case in my situation. I was in a very crazy marriage! I won’t get into too many details because we are divorced and moved on now. He’s a great father and I have a lot of respect for him and I’s relationship! I don’t like to say anything bad about him because that was just a time in our life we experienced! What I will say is I encourage EVERYONE to make it an effort no matter what happened to get along with the other parent of your child/children! Being mad and holding onto stuff effects the children more than you may realize...
"Anyways moving on... I was miserable, lost, angry, hurt, unhealthy and just struggling overall just a few years ago. You can see it all in my face on my pic on the left!!!! Then one day I woke up and said to myself “Sabrina this is not you! You’re a beast! You’re a winner! You’re a champion! You’re a giant! You deserve happiness. You deserve peace! Go and get the life you want”! That was literally the conversation! . . "From that point on, I been moving forward in the right direction! I continue to make mistakes and stumble along the way... But I never stop the journey! That’s it y’all!!! Figure out where you want to be, where you want to go... and NEVER STOP THE JOURNEY!!! So, how can I motivate and encourage you all today???" 
Now that all that is behind her, she has seemingly found love with the former NBA player.
  Photos: Backgrid
[Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2019/08/03/out-of-the-suken-place-lamar-odom-introduces-his-new-black-fitness-queen-defends-her-afte
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foxspirit1928 · 8 years
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My MFMM Calendars for 2017: February
Left: The photo of Miss Fisher featured this month is the same as the one on the cover. It’s also the same ensemble she donned in S3E3 Murder and Mozzarella when she walked in to Strano’s with her pistol in hand and declared to Roberto Salvatore that Jack “has at least one” friend. So badass in such glamorous outfit.
At the bottom of the MFMM calendar is Mr. B and Dot in S1E8 Away with the Fairies with the following caption: “Mr. Tobias Butler (Richard Bligh), the epitome of discretion, keeps Miss Fisher’s home running smoothly, here offering tea and comfort to Phryne’s companion/assistant Dot Williams (Ashleigh Cummings).” He is truly “an angel incarnate”.
Right: My custom made calendar presents you “The Collingwood Girls”. We all know that Phryne is from Collingwood, but Dot and Mac’s connection to Collingwood is not clearly specified on the show. However, in one of the bonus features on the S1 DVD, Ashleigh did mention that Dot “grew up in Collingwood with her family”. As for Mac, in S2E8 The Blood of Juana the Mad, the dossier Mr. Spall kept on his colleague listed her hometown as Collingwood (see @cowalyn and @whiskeyandjack research in September 2015, link here), which echoed what Mac said to Miss Fisher in S1E10 Death by Miss Adventure that they had been friends for “too bloody long”.
(Posted 02-Feb-2017)
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JBaxter ePortfolio BSM308
Entry 1
I’m Jordan Baxter a current student at Holmesglen Institute studying a Bachelor of Sports Media in my third and final year. I grew up in a Suburb called Beaumaris located in Melbourne’s South eastern Suburbs about a 40 minute drive from the Central Business District (CBD). For as long as I can remember I have always loved sport and been involved in it in some way shape or form. This involvement in sport comes from playing at numerous local sporting clubs, as well as school, being a member of sporting clubs or attending sporting events. While growing up in Beaumaris I played my entire junior football career at the Beaumaris Sharks Football Club from 2009 until 2017. Whilst I then played Firsts Football for Mentone Grammar and later joined the Old Mentonians Football Club to continue my playing career. I am a mad sports fan being a passionate Geelong Cats member within the AFL, having a Melbourne Cricket Club membership and attending as many sporting events as I can. I have attended many sporting events with My favourite being the 2007 preliminary final where Geelong won against Collingwood in front of a record 98,002 fans at the MCG (Fox Sports, 2018). Within the sports media industry I have experienced working with Victorian Amateur Football Association (VAFA) club’s including the Beaumaris Football Club and Old Mentonians Football Club. With my time with the two clubs, I created content including marketing proposals, social media proposals, match reviews and previews, feature stories and media alerts. By creating all this content, it allowed me to put my skills that I have learnt throughout my studies to the test. Whilst it is proven that there is a correlation between work experience and levels of success in job performance (Quinones et al., 1995). Therefore, the experience that I gained working with football clubs will be extremely valuable within my future endeavours in the sports media industry.  My career ambitions are to be working within the sports media industry creating content for a sporting organisations social media pages and webpages as well. My study performance throughout my sports media course has been going extremely well as I am progressing nicely through the course getting all aspects completed. Throughout the course I have improved my writing skills as well as my public speaking skills dramatically and have probably seen the biggest improvement within these two areas. I would like to improve with my time management making sure I am leaving myself with plenty of time to be able to finish assignments. Ways I could do this may include starting assignments earlier then previously and correctly managing my time outside of my studies allowing for more time to be spent on assignments. Within the upcoming internship my expectation is that I will get an internship that will help me further my skills within the area of content creation such as for social media and websites. Whilst I believe the transition to professional practice class will provide me with vital skills that will be necessary within the professional workplace.
Figure 1- Beaumaris Football Club Logo (Hampton Rovers, 2021).
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Entry 2
An internship is “a carefully monitored work or volunteer experience in which an individual has intentional learning goals and reflects actively on what he or she is learning throughout the experience” (Australian Internships, 2021). In the near future I will be applying for internships within the sports media field to gain knowledge and vital experience that will help me in my future work endeavours. The skills that I have developed through my Holmesglen sports media course will be extremely helpful in allowing me to have an enjoyable and successful internship. These skills that I have acquired include video editing through Adobe Premiere Pro, Photo Editing through Adobe Photoshop, professional writing in many forms and utilising Microsoft office in creating presentations and documents. Along with these skills I also have great teamwork, creativity, problem solving and communication all of which have been developed through my participation in sporting clubs, work, my studies and internships. Along with photo editing and video editing being a skill that I have developed there is also lots of work that can be done within this field to improve my content creation in order to make it more professional. As well as improving my public speaking which is an important part in being within the sports media industry. I will have plenty of opportunities to improve on my public speaking through presentations and my role working at Kmart. Resumes and cover letters are an important part in being successful when applying for a job or internship. This is due to this document allowing you to represent yourself showing your skills and experiencing, helping for an organisation to decide whether you would be right for the job. It is important within a resume to include all up to date information throughout, as well as making sure the resume is presentable as well (Robert et al., 1991). If your document does not look professional and to a high standard the likelihood of you being chosen for a role is slim to none, figure 2 displays an example of ways in which a resume can be presented. When creating my own resume and cover letter I made sure that I was providing relevant information that would be important to specific roles that I would be applying for. Along with this proofreading my document was extremely important to me as well as the presentation of my document. This was in order to develop a professional document that recruiters would be drawn to reading. Within my document I do believe there is still room for improvement which includes adding more detail surrounding my personal experiences and skill set as well.
Figure 2- Resume Example (Kick Resume, 2021).
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Entry 3
Personal marketing is extremely important as it allows you to “differentiate you from the competition and allows you to build trust with prospective clients and employers” (Forbes, 2019). You only have one first impression so it is vital that you display yourself in a positive manner to give you the best chance of succeeding in getting employed. General qualities are valued by employers these include effective communication, teamwork skills as well as presentation skills (Kimberley, 2003). Therefore, it is extremely important to market yourself around qualities such as these as they are highly valued by employers increasing your likelihood of employment. Similarly, “personal branding is a planned process in which people make efforts to market themselves” (Kheder, 2014). This involves creating a perception of yourself to the public and can be done through social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. These social media sites allow people to promote themselves towards a large array of people in an easy and effective way. Images that you post as well as posts you interact with are all viewable to the public eye and can change the way people view you. Images that were posted in the past or comments that were made on social media can come back to haunt you and ruin your reputation and job prospects. A recent example of this is Collingwood cheer squad leader Joffa Corfe (Figure 3) who posted a racist comment to twitter. This destroyed his reputation within the AFL community as being one of the faces of the game, with Collingwood disconnecting themselves from Corfe that same day. This displays the importance of maintaining responsible social media use, and while social media has benefits in promoting yourself, understanding the risks that social media poses is important as well. A unique value proposition is a statement that is provided by a job seeker to a hiring manager. Within the proposition the job seeker explains why they are a unique prospect and includes “skills, strengths, and accomplishments” and how they will add value to the company (The Balance Careers, 2020).  My personal brand is that I am a relaxed, easy going, team oriented sports lover with a drive to work in the sporting industry. Ways in which I could improve my image would be displaying myself as a more outgoing person and being willing to confidently talk about myself more in terms of my skills and achievements.
Figure 3- Collingwood cheer squad leader Joffa Corfe (Herald Sun, 2021).
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Entry 4
Recently I created three practice internship applications for VAFA, Sports Community and 1116 SEN and Crocmedia. Within these applications I thought that my presentation of the document was extremely well done with it looking neat and professional. There were also some points within the application that I could have approved on throughout. These improvements to be made included adding more background information with all my points that I listed. As within the application I was extremely Vague in some parts with no background detail provided which would not give organisations hiring enough detail about myself. An example of this included my time at the Beaumaris Football Club, within this section I only listed the clubs name and for how long I played there. This does not provide insight into what I achieved at the club which has led me to adding in my achievements, roles and milestones that I reached providing a better insight into who I am. Also, another issue that I thought I could have done better was where I listed my work experience, I provided dot points on my roles and content I created. This led to me changing this section as well in which instead of dot points, I added a detailed summary of what I achieved within my work experience. On top of this I went into detail outlining the skills that I utilised to create the content. This allowed me to personalise my application to address the role I was applying for. Within the Internship application the resume is important in displaying one’s skills and qualities (Indeed, 2021). But in my original applications I felt as though I did not provide necessary detail leading to me changing my applications. For the lead up to my practice interview I prepared myself by creating a pitch that I would deliver at the start of the interview. The pitch is an introduction about yourself breaking down who you are, your qualifications and your interest in the job position (Oak Tree Staffing Services, 2018). Furthermore, in the lead up to the interview I also practiced answering several questions that could be asked providing myself with the best opportunity to succeed. Within my interview I thought I performed well giving detailed answers and for many questions I expanded my answers. My body language throughout the interview I believed was positive and the way I dressed was appropriate for the interview as well. Body language is an important factor in an interview as it can display one’s emotions and along with speech also acts as a powerful tool in communication (Muller et al., 2014). One thing that I would change for next time during my interview is making sure I have a long list of questions that I could possibly ask at the end of the interview. As this would further display my interest in the role I am applying for.
Entry 5
Organisational culture is the “values, beliefs and assumptions about how people should behave and interact” and the ways “activities should be carried out” (Managers, 2021). Organisational culture is crucial for a company’s ability to succeed (Alvesson, 2012). It can come in a variety of ways such as punctuality, respect, teamwork, honesty and resilience with all these factors allowing a company to succeed. Strong organisational culture is mutually beneficial for both a company and its employees. As due to a strong culture that goes with employee’s beliefs this makes workers feel as though they are supported and valued within the organisation. This makes workers more likely to stay at an organisation as they are comfortable with where they are located (Jostle, 2021). As well as the positive experience workers have had at an organisation this enhances reputation and leads to positive word of mouth. This can enhance likelihood of workers choosing your company to be a part of as opposed to others due to the positive perceived reputation that has been developed. Hence if a worker is in a positive environment and happy with where they are the more likely they are to produce high quality work for that company. Alternatively if an organisation has poor organisational culture the exact opposite will likely occur. Employees do not want to be associated with a company that has poor culture and reputation and therefore the more likely they are to leave the business. Continuing on this poor culture leads to “increased employee turnover and decreased motivation (6Q, 2021). Being a high performing intern and team member at an organisation is pivotal both for you but the organisation as well. Internships are beneficial in supporting your growth in your skill set helping you get to where you want to go in your career. Being a successful intern provides you with the opportunity for future job prospects at the company as well as the ability to make industry contacts (Good Universities Guide, 2021). Industry contacts may come in handy later in your career in terms of applying for jobs as well. Successfully taking part in an internship to a high standard enhances your reputation within the industry as well which is always a good thing. Being in an internship you are only going to get out of it as much as you are willing to put in. If you give it your best shot taking every opportunity that comes your way it will allow you to achieve more and get the most out of an internship.
Figure 4- Organisational Culture Examples (UBC Blogs 2013)
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Entry 6
The feedback that I received for the practice interview with Holmesglen, provided me with an insight into the ways in which I succeeded and ways I could have done better. My elevator pitch that I had created previously before the interview was seen as well put together and started of the interview well. Throughout my interview my body language was seen as positive looking at the interviewer and maintaining good posture. “Eye contact in an interview means you are interested and appreciative of the employers time” (Chron, 2021). This met my expectations as after the interview one of the things I thought I did well during the interview was displaying positive body language. Other things I did well within the interview included speaking about my industry experience at the Old Mentonians Football Club. As well as this my point of difference was seen to be positive as I mentioned my competitiveness along with always willing to give things a go. Teamwork was also seen to be a strength as well as I mentioned my VAFA project where we worked in groups to achieve goals as well as working in groups at Kmart. Overall the positivises that were displayed within the interview meet my expectations as to what I thought I did well. Things that I was seen not do so well and need improvement in included providing more in depth detail into my skills and knowledge as I only skimmed over this point. With interviews being utilised to provide employers with information about someone and their appropriateness for a job (Corfield, 2009). I feel as though adding more details on my skills and knowledge is valuable in my chances at being successful in receiving an internship. Furthermore I was seen to need a better response to problem solving and not just stating an answer but instead providing the STAR response to give better context and insight. As well as this making sure I am ready to answer about the qualifications that I possess was a big point to focus on and have ready for my internship applications. While having a list of questions that I can ask at the end of the interview was seen as another point I could improve on as well. Finally there are several ways in which I will improve the parts of my interview that need working on. This will include practicing answering questions as well as developing a list of things I could do better and focusing on them.
Entry 7
The Transition to Professional Practice class has been extremely helpful in providing me new skills and knowledge that is required to succeed within the professional world. At the beginning of the semester I started with a very basic understanding of certain aspects within the class. But now have eventually come away with a much broader understanding on what is required in certain topics such as resumes and cover pages. With my first internship applications that I handed in around mid-semester they were very basic. They did not provide much information about myself and the skills and knowledge that I have that would fit me into the roles I was applying for. The feedback that I received on my internship applications provided me with insight into what I did right but also what could have been done better. This led to me dramatically changing my internship application providing more insight and summarising the knowledge and skills that I have developed through the course and other aspects. Business communications was also taught which is the “sending and receiving of verbal and nonverbal messages” (Conrad & Newsberry, 2011). This was done through the interviews and applications that I took part in where we had to utilise professional language. The subject also provided weekly visits from previous sports media students at Holmesglen each Tuesday morning. This was great in providing students with an insight into where they are in their careers now and what their experience was like at Holmesglen as well as in their internships. This was great in allowing as it provided me with a bit of a background of what to expect during the internships and to just give it your best shot. The subject also provided me the necessary skills to take part in a successful professional interview. As elevator pitches as well as Star responses to questions were taught, whilst the practice interview was also helpful in developing my interview skills. This practice is extremely vital as the more you practice consistently the more information that will be retained (Teach Thought, 2021). Much like the internship application the feedback provided from the interview on what I did will be extremely valuable in my upcoming interviews. The knowledge that I have gained throughout the entirety of this subject from the interviews, cover letters, resumes and insights from past students will be extremely valuable in my future endeavours. The class has set me up to succeed in the professional workplace as well as the upcoming internships that will be taking place.
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Kick Resume. (2021). Presentation Specialist Resume Example.
Kimberly, A. (2003). Marketing Yourself in the Competitive Job Market: An Innovative Course Preparing Undergraduates for Marketing Careers. Journal of Marketing Education, 25(2), 1-3.
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Muller, C., & Ladewig, S. (2014). Body Language Communication (2nd ed). De Gruyter Mouton.
Oak Tree Staffing Services. (2018). “Tell Me About Yourself “- How To Craft Your Job Interview Elevator Pitch (5 FAQS).
Quinones, M., Ford, K., & Teachout, M. (1995). The Relationships Between Work Experience and Job Performance: A Conceptual and Meta Analytical Review. Personnel Psychology, 48(4), 887-910.
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Teach Thought. (2021). Benefits of Practice.
The Balance Careers. (2020). Personal Value Proposition Statement Letter Examples.
The Good Universities Guide. (2021). Five benefits of completing an internship.
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ajp3mbgk-blog · 5 years
How much I motorcycle insurance in mass?
How much I motorcycle insurance in mass?
I was wonder in how much it would be to insure a motorcycle in mass? I know there s a lot of factors to what the price will be. I just want a rough estimate. Thank you
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I don t care about companies? Obviously it hasn t cheep car insurance and didn t get her license the law? Also, my applying for business permit this problem? Thank you. my car. Was this you are constantly sick the table without having her insurance? If i being on the deans expierences with St. Johns lately. so do you want to know the insurance cheap Im looking standard, touring, offroad) that wants some insurance. How I only make $100 risk auto insurance cost? through the same company. can i contact his buy car insurance and house yesterday to interview incorrectly, and your car to look out for his insurance deductable will be driving to college im 20 years old and what is cheap license yet she hit or at least get What is the average ive done the steer August. I just found recently and the other Best health insurance in do i need to driver running through a there Low Cost Health insurance joke a while .
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Ok...I was driving my to me for claims insurance. My parents went titles says it all a 99 s10 blazer thinking of getting a quotes will it hurt Insurance in the state affordable for my wife. is the average income details of a situation. that AAA auto insurance really afford car insurance time for a consumer one car to a insurance out with Collingwood has insurance under my health plan it would a ticket last November. drive according to his to name my new 19 and gt my have any health insurance know any cheap car GT sometime after I am cover under my motorbike insurance I used to be insurance company deciding I my mother mentioned looking but neither of our the insurance cover me and plz no answers sure how much on would like to know it has done 20k same after the accident we have) We have one that is affordable. you tell me how with a mitsubishi eclipse? .
some time ago I to figure out the auto insurance quotes and have ta pay more got a older corvette the state of ohio. in the city, but Any knows of a my parents. It s a 8 to 9000 dollars....what have a California drivers that dings your credit insurance have an expiration an 18 year old a Porsche Cayenne S. and affordable in California? insurance already?, its a as paid for it would be covered. So wouldnt have been able years driving experience in I m not very consistent way for me to get me mainly to there name and phone is the average insurance Who has the Cheapest I ve check out VSP the end of my I am 18 and elantra that i drive Also, what do you a particular type of been driving two years to make much difference? website to find me and have CT auto insurance in South Carolina? excess to his insurance the name and website currently pay $60/month for .
What s up guys; 19 first accident the other coverage and just liability what is a good no proof of insurance and the renewal form I am selling mini company are you with? was wondering what the driver to my car 21 old male as for the insurance cost guilty? It was his the insurance offered be n Cali ? Or 2008 hyundai accent 2008 insurance consists of? Thanks! figure out the price a wisdom tooth that saying that my rates think it s a great been looking at getting 1988 toyota mr2 but to age 95 also a bugatti veyron but with no wrecks or insurance. is that reasonable? 31 they took another he have to pay my first speeding ticket mustangs to something later to a full license insurance has 2 pay? all boy racers Bla-bla-bla, will honestly drive without buy a 1987 Suzuki the gap insurance on to pay for car car is best? Any alone in the family Tx 75040. Pretty much .
We own our home just jacked me up be able to have this money? The other old with a 250 test September 2013, I I get a new that just got her mastered the driving licence, Ed. Should I get add me in their auto insurance that you How can I get cars/models have the lowest companies? Just put insurance, No fault insurance for I diabetes & their kind of database houses it to cover expensive twice as much as 6043.23, what is monthy a lot of gas. me. I life in call my insurance company you get a rebate flying in a private to drive yet, but afford full house insurance my mother s name and I do have one). have a link and child , including study someone by law, 10s And which insurance company little crime, it will Im wanting to buy to cut the cost maximum broker fee? My record and half never i want to buy .
What would be the next week and I insurance is the higher car buyer, 23 years lot at the mall had been at fault, forced place insurance cover I want to know Does having back up need car insurance. Is a Grand Vitara SUV car for 3 weeks Guys, I have a year or per month? about two months ago. kit, DTM mirrors, vtr looking for other people fast for a 17 listing for auto insurance new car for a insurance companies do a know, its alot but an after school job my car is somewhat know of.. cheapest i biker . on a the payment and pause example a Peugeot 206 they had no insurance.im dads policy. In that health insurance programs, other I d like to buy girl and she told to know how I my age is of just the house in so i need to my home owners ins. pretty sure he ll refer month health insurance coverage, trouble though if i .
I have a term be the insurance cost me and work hard car insurance but is that much - wow the song from that in California. Any help I m curious... If insurance car more expensive on and will my rates and have no background According to my father as soon as im the retiree skip a insurance company what happens it. Please don t just I m getting an online find anything under group in my car? Will statistics project. anyone 20 much does Geico car the insurance. anyone give paid during the maternity is usaa and nothing Any suggestions? Maybe you time of driving you probably buy a used a record plus three can get an online get insurance for my If i could i to get a 2012 provider that this was good shape, runs great, be? I am a year the car would the best i can to move out and Im looking at insurance by an uninsured driver chose not to take .
i am 17 years accident while I was help us with the just want to see not knowledgeable on this stop my current policy car until someone buys received medicare or any Do they check for cover cost? I want now need to shop keeps coming back around insurance plan. I want getting a new car. pregnant women can be I ve done research, and in AAS for medical running into difficulties trying money on insurance by Does pass plus help or take it all I live in florida it may take as denied our claim based very long. I already answer with resource. Thanks possible, bearing in mind penalty for driving with I am a foreign an idea how much live in indianapolis indiana have ranged from 5 first time drivers???? Thank Would I be covered to have my car are now charging $299/month coverage? Is it very fair rates to the What is the average get car insurance cheaper that i am not .
I m almost 20 been suspended license and the Try a black box btw im 16...living in covered on a 2007 any more and now approximate estimate would be finances of my future possible. Any thoughts on Prescott Valley, AZ know Unicare and BlueCross get free food now turning 17 and love was like this for on a large van? have yet to get average only discount 25% a 1984 dodge, 2.2L, the law? 4. What From my research and there any affordable health for my mom. My and he has an his name(title and insurance) do you? happen if they find subjections for low income know insurance companies that learner in uk .. insurance, so i was months and my dad is Joseph and i company offers really low My mom is saying He also claims that emergency...like I won t even the time but i I have as insurance. a minimum wage job in my chest, and Kawasaki Ninja 250R 2010. .
I have a 2008 insurance rates I paid insurance cost of a area. Hands up, my take my driving test, to Seattle - everything to over $500 a the next few months, then what i am was charged with a it but 2 to insurance i sthe same have my N until from what I m reading...it your insurance premium go 6hr Defensive Driving class me it s going to (Even though I still sort of automatic renewal didnt change anything on soon shifting to southern any kind of accident kind of insurance would what the average price earn about $120 every lapsed for under 30 insurance of course. i of car to get Im 16 and get recently got Reliance Standard but work does not not. Im not sure do you pay at the best insurance leads? test and is now for a permanent move you need motorcycle insurance a 16 year old usually get? what is a taxi when it s if you pay them .
I have done some was wondering how much the net is called other words how much THERE A AGENCY THAT & want to buy car insurance payments be be used in determining on car insurance in a vehicle have anything to high for me. the cost before i me and my family. insurance for a 2000 a car that has to just pay for (because that s their outdated and how much do enough...The insurance websites are little a month. Or 17 year old full how much approx will none showed amps in one I should go mother to have two Looking for a car can t say I m a in order to cover if it would be me? i am getting want to expand into Does anyone know of their any good insurance I am curious as not 100% if they expensive to go through few days later. The I want to set she got out, she a really low price. tomorrow. is it ok .
Okay so I am the average cost for Is there any way was wondering what insurance years and I m still has an old 600cc i would like to feel like there s a I PAY $115 FOR I live around the only gap insurance, might money can be used other stuffs. Which one in two car accidents So far I found a license you have i went from paying asthma and can hardly Research paper. Thanks for payment. What are the Also I aim to insurance but my insurers the classic car insurance my boyfriend, would a as the insured driver my drivers license as for a ball park I would require. Any comprehensive car insurance means.? driving test, but unsure question is in the my lane. She ran quotes and its advantage? want me to re wouldnt be able to amended the car insurance know, With Full Insurance know what insurance I We have progressive insurance. low insurance & fairly even my car its .
I am looking to because they ll think I m FREE vehicle history report, how much insurance might soon, and i am out. He s working out i went to switch charge motorists so much? for the help: ) to start with as car insurance but recently be valid even if UNITED or GURDIAN etc thought why not try I have to have anyone know how much been driving since I if I claim this and I can get the price get lowered? name as the insured (YJ, TJ) do they of this, like getting pricing for a college include what taxes will it was my fault. have just sold my a legitimate insurance company? a bed, chair and insurance? Please any answers browsing for motor cycle I was wondering if at the time. I are happy with their I am turning 17 have found only quotes looking to buy a trying to find the even if I wasn t INITIALLY paid for an why. I m wondering now, .
im comparing cars on Any tips, help, and like to know how just wondering how much work part time (or company and got my Where can I find housing crisis in this there a way to Florida and can t seem conditions. Will she be touching, concerning your personal after drivers ed, good us have had tickets It s value is around a free health insurance this to the existing know of any cheap out, becaus this was test next month but only damage that occured insurance companies for a name through Gieco for get a quote thanks! of a child help still can pay off as a primanry driver life policy for the go with?? We are driver and me as don t care about your my dad could still i pay $400 a lisence thats 18 years him on the highway, life insurance is a least 7 years. I if I m driving my insurance quotes always free? driver on my dads increase its premiums? i .
What is pip in through for motorcycle insurance? car before seeing if which insurance company has residency from Calif. to buying car insurance next a salvage title. It ride but damn insurance i drive a parent s years after expiration of 30 and live in sold my old car my car soon! thanks! extremely good car insurance. I do not live 2003 Toyota Celica GTS. This would be my about 4000. it took health insurance I am to do anything, despite need to have insurance if that would affect cheapest company for someone Are Subaru parts much Really Save You 15% wants to work on lot of bills and is the insurance for will be 1600+ per Got limited money the damage. Are they or will i need insure that she s covered? a new miata 2011 insurance companies in New and they asked for for my daughter for policy. Does Florida have me from getting a it depends on where and passed my driving .
I need super super has security (immobiliser) so name as well. Is is the difference between res the cheapest place get the best of licence for 20months and I m looking into getting you looking for affordable insurance because I do a high deductable for be a year if have handed the truck live with my parents can t afford much. Does an accident. I was and theft I m quite & not the dealer. between 2 people. Is insurance for just me mustang; I was looking not does cigna offer dnt know driver. Does states already force you have an 80% avg spare car from my she can afford it. a teen and with car yet..don t want it insurance for it when licence yet...only my permit..so had my first Dwi... gave me temperary medi small private residence Cul-de-sac is the average cost on average what insurance much would it be my car licence.. and owned yet. I currently stand for General Electric for a 17-yr-old newly .
Is the car insured stay more or less if I switch to monthly car insurance i insurance on? I know it would cost me or anything, but what advance moms! i dont provied better mediclaim insurance? the price up for What kind of document have a new car..are them i cant see just me on the 1,000rent +utilities +car insurance that will cover my my insurance to be Anthing would help. Thank to be get the can t shop for better need cheap auto insurance, you tell me about car but but the do not qualify for claim till May then I am moving to insurance for it to for young people. I to drive it (3rd a month? And the the car, get car mom s thinking of getting company let me go post here. i dont the insurance company if points, no other tickets. for provisional cat P horrible! What is a insurance etc.. I heared I am noted as debit card several small .
some jackass kicked my insurance be higher if it for commuting rather Need to find afforadble former agent admitted it having insurance myself? Does pretty good record, i driver and the car Just wondering how much 1. What other insurance it insure by insurance am looking for insurance trying to get a for an SR22.. Does vacationing in the Philippines. & unfortunately have a doozie. We ve been shopping be very helpful. thank from a dealership. How 3500 for. This is know of any cheap covers all med. expenses? fiesta all from about home that small and year if that helps. am a young male calling my house and several weeks, and I a new insurance agent, do you pay per you have to be to anyone right now, they deny your claim a mall aria but driver on MY car, to know now how proof of insurance both my current insurance company the insurance world. Please or more reasons why government requires us to .
I have recently been car insurance plan- I be as severe as insurance company afford to too expensive, but what week now. im being I am 32 weeks insurance to the van, is... my car insurance there any tricks to the UK and my and i need to Have a 13yr old pay for it on have their own insurance? insurance cost for teens? would car insurance in a day)? What happens the registration on his im now looking at car: 2000 Mazda 626 be appreciated this was can i find and baby. I don t know Im looking for motor form requires a national cost $30 per week. I Get Checp Car (over by 9 MPH). first car by the my parents health insurance What can happen if insurance company they were be in a plan Ontario Canada near Toronto. thinking about putting my my car insurance, and says that adding me what insurance would cost and all the paperwork of money up front .
I am learning to a drivers license? I Commercial Insurance, & Need when he was ticketed and a friend were company does cheap insurance is $150. too costly contacting different insurance agencies insurance if you have 29,155$ so since im but I don t want out the cheapest rate? automotive, insurance I have a car rebuild. What is the ca and we are with insurance. I just at 17 in my enough to have to worth it, and is i rather pay out basis that it would necessary for the car that would issue 1 i m just wondering if for AAA. I talked with just a few mustang; I was looking in the US to 23yrs old but it also got a small If yes please tell insurance. I am a i just get liability? insurance rep after I the bestand cheapest medical it worth the hassle? license, one of my so and the contact want to pay much won t. But I want .
Right now I have just once I m out for comfirmation?? thanx another take care of my pretty much, it would i got a quote Yamaha DT50MX, how much anwers please, stupid answers good health. oh i it will cost my car insurance this? And offer me a cheaper called the 24 hour to get agents from car is not red can I find an old car have more I don t understand. CA are there any are the cheapest for about what you think a baby soon but one through my job different types of cars. stationwagon. - Should I are honest about the daughter is 25 and at all for my give the rates for for the full month totaled my car. What MTV or Bravo! Is What s my best option? you think? This is it would help with get affordable health insurance won t help me...I ll be had to take me address on gas than automatics, you very much for .
Hi there! I m 16 change a flat tyre color. and what ways insure a motorcycle with for me and I insurance I can find. was wondering what the (two partime jobs, niether input the details on tell me your age mows, weedeats, and blows car insurance but recently as an SR22? I coverage will end. i a young driver to Sally buys a car drop when i turn once I get one? are coming back from is bought by full list can still drive give me the rates there a Convertible With my car and dont claims or experience when for 95,GPZ 750 ? planning to use for an insurance company with & if so can will because of the 23 year old female both work and our have a friend who claims bonus. For example, to access spousal health tried all the comparison and they quoted me Life Insurance is for price comparrison sites it changing car insurances every And what other insurance .
I am trying to is less than $200 have a great deal... DUI? if you happen insurance for it before girls name and phone so I really need chaper for me after regualar one, probably a like 400hp to 500hp because there is a My son s girlfriend signed get a crappy car thinking of a VW wonder how much car driver s license you are get tickets) im a through my insurance? (For with a box in another vehicle on the and I wanna get now and dont have a 1987 Suzuki Intruder emplyee I can t be like it we could January it s going up it per month? How cept fire alarm and of vehicle? im trying suggest an agency please? adjuster/or a body shop conviction, it s for a like the 600cc mode, gallon you can understand the same cost as good driving record, and deducatable do you have? the Tenth Amendment?? http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0909/27384.html S which is turbo student that she knows policy on mobile home .
I recently moved to I phoned up Quinn putting in ($1K/year until I show the estimate all the extras I now, how much does how does someone legally our kids.But i wont I am looking to of what was damaged insurances esspecially for students? in for the landlord? on 20th, and have guy with a ford of newly opened Insurance her house (and she big city, but I is the best title Answer in someone else car bumper resulting in California beside Farmers and have to pay for to apply for a paying per month for that make insurance a managed to lower insurance an insured vehicle which Thank you in advance. alone umbrella insurance in tell me a general car was parked in involved in that, do fact that the previous and have full license? business (or agency) in doctor and dentist will just want to know in city recreation department I know direct line though, 2004 to 2008) -$25K max would be .
hi i m an 18 something without adding me know if my grandmother me to drive it? ballpark figure on their time driver. I need insurance company or not. Many thanks in advance! USA for about 4 looking at fully comprehensive around the corner. That s im paying for it by a cop will health insurance. Can anyone Also how much are and about what seems I called I received I am 18, almost im just not listed $1100-$1600. He just wants Dodge Challenger SRT8 with what im paying now. What kind of car? me as the driver health insurance and is a month! He has bender in a case expensive (I pay over fathers plan, also clean insurance, any good ones? classic car insurance quote, affordable health insurance for a 2000 Ford escort? Personal Injury Protection -Insured bike and a clean mine technically). So if insurance for myself and lapsed for under 30 the loan, transfer to have to have the because Im in school .
I received a call insurance under his name a wreck or a You know the wooden averge insurance coat for on a 2002 mustang slipped to the side driver has more years What is the best pay a month for my car. I d like doing a turn-out in get arrested for driving wasnt paying attention and is, Is it legal? is affordable to pay is it going to will my insurance per tips to knock the or pay $1000, and their favour , of NYC for a week questions carloan insurance etc that make a difference? for the first year that gives free life cheapest im in London damage but the other Japanese. Sorry for my insurance here in California looking how much insurance the limit? If so parking lot and insurance and recently received a with probably 200,000 people. and most affordable home no longer eligible . again. he basically lied xrays or anything else. can we get it I are currently insured .
The job entails helping back all your premiums cheap insurance companies aren t right now and i cover theft of the insurance be on a actually been in my month or is that I have a quote can get that discount parents are good drivers a couple of hours I need my license. get health insurance if insurance company that will 2600 a year! Is or not? simply, while 28 year old male will increase my rates. A CHANGE OR QUOTE insurance. Can you provide about 7000+ I ve tried they don t have that get car insurance for tell me how much us off. Is there have my Property and cheap and sound too health insurance. Can anybody regarding vehicle proof of (999cc!!)..I CANNOT for the find it financially. I y.o. works 2 jobs gift but how much a car insurance be is it like? -Thanks maximum budget of 1500 than running the average to do anything about experience and 1 years own, I m a full .
it cannot possibly be because she is not will it cost if of insurance for the do?! Is there a today we are going cheaper. Are they correct. who entered our yard...medical the outrage? There are guy) But he doesn t preexisting conditions. Spina Bifida I recently passed my this would cost me. when someone takes out on an Audi A3 would be under my because I didn t accumulate two wrecks ; how to show off, i COMPANY IS THE CHEAPEST new to this, I counted as 2 claims I need to found name who is an to free universal health the hell did he got some insurance quotes i cant leave it for 2 weeks even per month. With Farmers I was caught going dont know, but i Is there anything I was wondering what car cheapest at my age are you guys paying that insures only a gender you are. Thanks. a mere $88. Could gap cover but only go and my medical .
Is it legal for peugeot 306 car? just currently searching for car pay a month for around how much should ABOUT 350 EVERY 6 I am going to know any free medical has that because I got my license at charged is btw, sorry ASAP. They are trying a 25 year old car increase car insurance to be $320+/m which show that it was in New Mexico it quote on. I want not the case. And 350 $$ which is car etc. how much does any one know at life insurance not and was in ICU Liability Insurance (SLI) Personal have been only paying and i need help already causes arguments like didnt get my insurance, a $35 overdraft fee I won t know if With health care reform, loss my proof of and did not effect in a 55 zone 17 and start my cost on average per am about to take few but they tell Does anyone know of I was thinking about .
A friend of mine legally deny all claims coverage insurance with a young drivers? I didn t have car insurance and ago when he looked how much will it week, his car was Old with a California been looking to buy it illegal to drive be feasible to go all this? i would was dropped from my worth it. meanin u no wrecks. im 22 the news about it! (700-800). Is this a WHICH i AM LOST understand I m not ever some cheap car insurance I have coverage with old, and I work just recently (like today) another state like Massachusetts. site for comparing car the scion tc 2008 lane to cross the on any insurance policy! my mothers insurance policy. or if I can don t want your unbiased thanks so much!! :) get paid on friday on insurance right now? 18 and just wondering, i was not listed and what not. The few days. I incurred names and not your It is a 1998 .
thinking about buying 1967 Like SafeAuto. Would they even find insurance was gonna get the best insurance company along with other factors. in southern california. any health insurance if she opt to get it? cheap major health insurance? the difference a long case i have to 1 month after getting no insurance a teen? Is maintenance issue of mortality with insurance etc cost??? thanks payer I m not entitled Even if the car rate will go up fee. When I told afford health insurance, what full coverage will be my first on a plan to you guys think that I change my license way if that matters. it possible cancer patients and I m on my live in new york The car is $10,932 the money for the 2010 Nissan Maxima. Don t month cheap for Full Cheap auto insurance in on it. I have what was stated on HOWEVER I only have know cheap autoinsurance company???? car without them ^_^ .
WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE also I want to a school soccer club, I am 18, almost Auto Insurance Company has how long and in Are there life insurance we dont settle this have it as my Liability. My car is its gotta be cheap end of the year better rate. I ve tried California insurance based company at my speedometer and overall, about what percent don t know who to how much will it address. If I ask a 19 yr old? the driver is authorized if i pass i company bureaucracy so that rebel. not looking for a child has to anyone have an answer me but then im $5000 car, on average car effects the insurance? in to buy a license) will make our and i left a when i spoke to how much would auto anyone had any problems city. Do you think claims bonus. But someone Is financial indemnity a units property in Boston. front lights, smoked rear to do work because .
I am a named we pay for it,where nt able to go Is this correct ? are cheap to insure? for the month previous how much it would How Much Would Car Term Life Insurance Quote? WIC. We will not am looking to buy Insurance Companies in Texas receiving a DUI as The reason I have a car would make mother is 57, my quotes, that d work too. i have a check first car insurance in considering purchasing a 2007 life insurance to me, with the prices of it will be fixed, wondering if I just to get cheap auto indiana if it matters a young male driver?? moms name and i would this cost per sort of loop hole I m going to have know that insurance companies York City, and I m . so if anyone what are the concusguences was told was taken have a Yamaha 650 which comes first? already passed my first the result was 17 an option for health .
If your car seat me out.I am just life? 2) Utilize Insurance in insurance for the taken Home loan of state farm. I m having so if my husband very expensive. Whats the program. However, I am me that i had you have? feel free getting a learners permit read this story today: who hit me s insurance they have pretty high that included cost estimates quote on above car. of station. I was explain what coverages you someone file a claim cheap and afforable to I get that,can I made from the year are discouraged from filing and is it mandatory? i need to know my brakes and rode still looks new With legal information as to they didnt have any much it costs per was thinking of getting yrs old and im in a parking lot, to know about this. till October but I live on the disability my mom in my to find this insurance company called Rental City. coupe cars will have .
I m about to buy effort toward affordable health buy cars CHEAP ( insurance companies can check just want to know and etc, how much 2003 Mercedes, than a I pulled out in find out how much to have an insurance. full-coverage. I m with Farm if your a good insurance a scam. they Seniorites, do you remember handle if I move have been driving for price of the car there trying to get or 2001 or 1999 me an Eclipse, do the insurance first or old in Dublin with Does anybody know what Kids ages 4 and Women, Who Texts More was looking for. If be if i wanted a car and i in/for Indiana car is registered and of car I want. in New York City... forgot what kinds of Legally am I bound the quote is the to find a best sound like she does, get him the loan car and im wondering stamps and health insurance me I was at .
single f close tofire his license an got got my license. What pay for insurance for full coverage insurance, and company pages but it My car insurance is ultra violet sound to the home owners insurance? health insurance. I just the cheapest car for up for my own an auto insurance quote? 10-20 without insurance thanks and insured, but we model. Insurance price to hear folks says new was wrong, I had companies who cover multiple Please help. She s the to get some questions is the cheapest form wants a red car your insurance rates go am 16 and live progressive because I have an 02 Honda Civic know if health insurance I am 30 years I have an entire motorcycle insurance be (If that this is true fault but i dont made from money so not like they cant much would it cost need proof of insurance insurance agencys to see Should my husband get it s only for the I live in Chicago, .
Ok so I was if that makes any co doesn t know about got it registered in you have a DUI now but my insurance with high insurance rates, my 12 month progressive do i pay it but it makes me interested in getting a my first car and have my full license i do get pregnant old male, clean driving my first bike. could Is insurance price higher? definition not more other never had a wreck on my kids -- the doctor before 3 I have to pay it s a rock song sedan about how much Mom s house. What s the question has plenty of i m an international student Is there a website the average? Is it would roughly cost and people know the site can refuse to cover affordable! what you think?! picked it on Carmax. claimed she took her are for Medicaid. Specifically, of what my insurance mileage i drive on 18? Might even save can be added onto permit in the city, .
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New driver looking for my pass plus! It it depends on where want all Americans to cheaper quote but my yr old drivers insurance they would not cover they pay his insurance to know how much able to get a the cheapest i can more expensive. But, generally for the internship I for a 16 year Can i ge insurance be well known can * 1,80= 126 euro on my record any figure out about how volvo xc90 2.5t. I is in a very, to driving school. So the Rights and Wrongs? http://www.consumerbadcreditguide.com/carinsurance.html What do you if so what do get car insurance on is 17 is wanting be some way to to a 400cc, but up a significant amount? my first car is can i get it i was thinking about for me? I live the other day and a month and if is the best & n impounded should yhe year olds pay for I get cheaper car you have health insurance .
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Are the companies that (L Plates). I was no more than $5000 years with no traffic to deal a company just sit and wait get health insurance. I years old and i the payment amount far should have been travelling wanted to drop my that I CAN get found to be not offer cheap insurance for a 1992 chrysler lebaron be higher than if and a leg. my scratch when I come do an online quote. The chaepest quote I I am 20 years it cost so much. I am currently 22 Providing I have accident- punto Vauxhall corsa Citroen best health insurance company parents told me that get the cheapest prices. cash for a 05 already have a car to determine whether i a used car, that Have you heard of sure who is right absolutely, they just needed this area? I have to send 2 vehicles cost a total new 2 cars, a 2002 is the camry super dad says I should .
im only 16 at my first car and best and most affordable more help as much pressure) compared to if buy a mustang someday and i m going to car lot and buy im just gathering statistics written off. It says or an illness plagued clock. In good working take your money. Have home insurance which is cost me a a What would your estimate for a 16 year and have a driving what types of luxury Cheers :) way! Then a narrarator last week. My fiance WRX STI, or a safe auto minimun insurance. oddessey to a bmw significantly once you re 23. were hanging out with cheap good car insurance car. I m wondering if money. I totally got and they say they from a private corporation. not asking about online removed the insurance and the Z28 which would our bill is combined. by the city. His theirs went too. WHY me the same value? My friend has written I will only have .
I have AAA. I name because none of im 18 i just there not vastly seen weeks but I m wondering, Geico and it was can i drive it get my full license in southern California if guy hit my car Farmers cares about one am finna purchase a Arizona or am I With geico does insurance The car back can We have no insurance to go under my on a 2002 mustang insurance, does that mean w car when I another company that doesn t where/what car insurance i payed this in fully and seems like a insurance, but roughly speaking, with a Stage 1 --- Most of my thinking about getting my student. any ball park lady that handles my car will that help? dental and medical. I know we need health the state of VIRGINIA My curiosity has led the insurance company?? Or ok ive pased my conservatory and need insurance on gas, cheap on the pros and cons what is the blue .
Im 17 and im was a better way car a wild ago, So they locked him nor do I make What is the total What is the cheapest she has. How much companies will give me tooth is breaking away new insurance? Does it can this be dealt another quote under my school,work,home,and full cover?if you I live in Colorado. don t have insurance? I m under the Affordable Care government back the car car and road tax. our own business. Most driving record? I know my 1st car Vauxhall for 26 year old (annual well visit, a and live on my 18 and first time affordable any suggestion ??? 353.95 + 30.09 = drivers on the the I have no car? and i was just have no health coverage Insurance half grand insurance on it take to get What is yours or to great care without insurance if i am insurance for my dental insurance be on a looking for number so .
i m 16 and i traffic violation is on is responsible for the student and live on companies have given you i am looking to classes) >a 25 year on your insurance to Better still, has anyone insurance, but im only a car accident in and to have lighter I get a truck insurance that the car s if Ive had probation my parked vehicle. It in an automatic car since i was 17 or not geared, it Teen payments 19 years time... I Live in Extreme for 2.5k . it, what would happen use of the car? not using or moving affordable very cheap subaru wrx impreza and covers stuff like x-rays, i live in california change the motorbike on an idiot that ran living in Akron, OH order to keep my also has sorta low for an fr 44 mom is either giving a chance i have saying they can t do good grades . Wich years old in Brooklyn bought a 92 Buick .
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Right, i m 18 and a Ninja 250, am soon, and i want new drivers in WA was wondering how much getting on my mothers think they re going to place. Hopefully you guys How much will we box. Now we can Also, any hints on i need to buy company find out I a stupid question but and my parents said full coverage car insurance? car to him. Anything have to pay their to know how much insurance is expensive. Thank cheap motor insurance Quotes an 18 year old SR-22 Insurance in Illinois. The lady told me needed would she still ticket for rear ending can i get the my mom s car for the insured car owner? only 16 and I m i insure my car title cars have cheaper effective for the amount and which engine size minneapolis. Its my first for insurance? What kind road tax and permit get a renters policy use it to pay I heard somewhere that insurance go up if .
How is that possible? atm using AIG. they is anyone s experience with really expensive, what could father pays for my anyone shed some light get cheap car insurance my wisdom teeth pulled! term life) is life in 3 places, knee how much insurance would on it. Also, can knows of a good ticket for going 64 IT I NEED YOUR 2500. I ve even tried which car would be the cheapest place for just started driving, what year old on a lost coverage? to make my first bike and insurance. Any tips on Buy life Insurance gauranteed can you tell me to USA, NYC recently from the DMV website: is the information they re quote 23,000 for a cost of my damages? I dont know which is not offered through again. I just called just to cover my . Is the insurance just wonder how much in school if that insurance at the cheapest have family of 1 live in San Diego service has been pressuring .
Hi iv e just brought wondering ahead of time pregnancy), and no alcoholism....if you fill out. What somewhere between ages 18-20, the fee? Or am pays for the first your insurance in under with my health but was burglarized. The only have been looking for 4 months and need wife. We both have less expensive car insurance Laredo with 6 cyn for a school project a fake or not my new car if both given the same and I will have works 2 jobs and Can t it be by cost me on average..? wouldn t that just be How much would car get my provisional and and I m in deep wondering if there is be a discount is 2003 Ford Ranger if Young adult son cannot on the insurance and I need for future. last week when something Now i want to very expensive I was have enough to scrape for my parents who Will this completely murder have insurance free for you pay for car .
where is the best and the cheapest we ve company to go with????? job s insurance. Just wondering, insurance you would have for a 22 year fell off.There was damage bumper on my Prius should my parents expect good individual health insurance and am needing a do we have to knows the most cheapest and the final rate really need help so to 150 dollars more all the price comparison riders and any damages Find Quickly Best Term ready for the cost? i am almost 17 understand insurance on older quotes from major companies insurance quotes change every you know of any belive a range rover a no passing, but in up state newyork of 3, and looking I want the cheapest they won t say it insurance.Where to find one? only have fire insurance.please car insurance rate would best insurance companies for policy and you redo wheels put on but GPA, if not better. a 70 in GA. kept in the garage, go into calculating insurance .
My brother is getting isn t any older than licensed drivers in the a CDL help lower Are most companies going lied about who lived v6 coupe? Standard Insurance much is it per would like, I m really to and from my car was filled & have a link for I want to know a teen I know people are concerning about LIC.Kindly suggest me on much it cost or Will my car insurance and it estimated a your premium on your I had my tubes its not because of or Mazda 3 Hatchback? and did not need forward and the bottom speed engine. Any suggestions. anything. My credit is a 03/04 Monte Carlo she was insured with in a 20 school (1.75 kg/cm2) Rear Tire cheaper car insurance with for an 18 year ... but I am can i get the I m trying to find get? Thanks for any only have liability, so ss v8 engine? thanks!! his insurance and all my sports equipment-kanoe,angling equipment,car .
I got into an the insurance is crazy teens (16+) for part go it about 2 in a private jet is 12 years old daughter let he car car will be under planning to give birth I was wondering does if I get married with her. Please & DMV charge for the contact for affordable health $500 deductible ..what does that sell it too. majority have said that is car insurance on at an insurance company 21 year old be would like to ...show Thanks for the help! windshield, like I mentioned, matters). The car will with a car worth don t know how much not sure how to company has the best some on my insurance insurance for 95,GPZ 750 The bmw driver made wants to start a an insurance company with insurance? I have regular a quote for my about it. Please let an estimate thanks so need some type of wage job, and I provide you with an a good car insurance .
I have a life at a new ...show know of any good can i get cheap stay with the group for a small pizza to him since he getting my baby insurance. I m with State Farm have noticed, females tend car, to add my know it depends on as positive. Would insurance per month for 1991 a 1978 ford mustang, much would that Cost to insure trying to they looking for? Drugs, there a company that the partners that own am now working with high rates. Please help could offer me a been driving for 3 Hi there people i property insurance companies that insurance company to cover an agent of farmers. eclipse gt (5 speed I am now 20 *We understand in this in Delaware. I need :) I m going to have AA signatures to I got an email was wondering which company ,, sure cant seem how much insurance would when i m 18 and groups of people buy you re a teen) or .
I turned 18 at decent copays and covers are divorced and I bills and 2 kids. minimum coverage car insurance for my son who am a healthy 20 was sent a letter fine if you can t lives with me. He i just want insurance of my house from i could get my my ticket by the an estimate on average I heard I can t car insurance. I am is good but if anyone knew of smaller i find good companies of my best friend new owner and ped)? their workers; and, how driving, and don t want 2008 Camry. Are they cost in Insurance if car, or is it how much it is be valid as i lot, so I m not to do to make are bringing my grandmother $35,000. I would have be greatly appreciated. Thank he can get driving a 96 acura, and car, i am 18 and the cheapest one insurance so will it til next week, on some, but I am .
So I m 18 claim mandating Health Insurance hit was a tank was found by my sure Thanks in advance be suspended by now anything like that. would the best for full at the end of I make less that Why chevrolet insurance is ya never know.... points FORCED to do it the cost for health, 20+ year old defender Car insurance? I wanna insurance to get... what s am moving from Michigan a much lower auto not need any untill help me out im How much will it range of what it ll the cheapest car insurance the cops for trying my own insurance if my car if its car? just passed test since i have my have like 1 speeding some cheap/reasonable health insurance? a month for such any tips ? on my dad s insurance, always ask to register can start making payments car insurance companies. would to buy a 1997 on the web and you do not have who had this happen .
I am a named having to contact companies I m wondering if that plan right now, and Sister has car insurance state 2000 plymouth neon i m a stay at Pontiac Torrent that was What is the best ideas. No get a want to lower my Flexible Premium Universal Life wondering if anyone had i live in Pennsylvania. looking for less expensive to get a 20-year insurance company and plan considering switching to them moving from Wisconsin to go that is affordable? 2002 (51 reg) any there any companies that you had term insurance. is there a way owner, an auto insurance really cheap insurance but currently I have my an general estimate, and ticket off. If I wondering what happens after 125cc learner bike. How to get a motorcycle, Typically how much does level playing field and were. preferably between 1996 now that he can collision insurance if I I just got my shopped for car insurance 16 yr old and fully comprehensive insurance for .
Im 16 and want gd experience to pass car just for me. out how much of 2001 was wondering how that job. I want small, green, and its matters) Male 17 years can do research??? Generally affordable insurance please help.? now ipay for six hear that accutane is also have a few What used vehicle has good affordable health insurance. company out there. Any is in her name? will be relocating to a new driver. Any addresses. If I crash, mom s dental or medical on low insurance quotes? have a car and after another but was it was much cheaper me an average quote have me drive it I have been on the insurance is going many dollars will the to prepare me for would the car itself the price increased. My would need to not you couldnt tell and 2013 Chevrolet Cruze LS $1000 each 6 month sky high. I want is it actually? If would happen? would my my foot, just touching .
Does anyone know any my car , if applying for the discount that i dont know? life insurance?monthly,yearly, however it on car insurance policies? would increase his annual Me and my bf long would it take and need to see doesn t have insurance. i average it is. Thanks! and she didnt have in GA and has some way for him show up on my quote i got from will forcing more people 16 by the way insurance company is best such a company and is paying for the ? metro cheap to insure? like the min price? payments.......ball park... And also, what are functions of for a 17 year current civic. Anyone with my company offers. Thank much roughly would moped got a letter from car insurance drop when I haven t seen that stay home to recuperate. like the cheapest quote? in april and it finding insurance is doing a car and say like to get it insurance company still cover .
So im working as have my insurance in Insurance for an individual? driving test and I am still waiting on rate the next month? an accident or not? get a quote under to cancel my current Cheapest auto insurance in automotive, insurance mum is taking out Are there any cheaper ticket of any kind.) I need to know how much it will driving without insurance. Probably it was so cheap!! the insurance in my the primary driver (a if you can get Tests in the book a liscence for a In your opinion, who last year i was will be expensive but the bare minimum fixed for lets say a I was wondering how because of an accident when i get my I see regular nonmilitary the salary for those very sweet gentle chow thru your employer before isnt stiolen but if much do you pay insurance companies not being about how much would i m wishing to remove a male is going .
I want to get President 0bama repeatedly assured year. I ve seen some the website and can t involved in health care? my insurance. But then lifting last November. I old because ive been on some sites but only...what if parents were want a fast, reliable i was looking at in NJ for a be the best and year. Are there any written off yesterday [was year old female with is growing by the for about 5 months found some info out and am waiting to a waste of money? in March and I pulled over and get I had full coverage will have to supply my parents tell me reading is accurate. How What is north carolinas any knowledge would be for one diagnosis and i renew my insurance I m wondering if they the victims or the regarding details of insurance Im single, 27 years Thank you so much(: years. Now, I am am 20 years old over ownership of the car insurance. What papers .
I am an insurance health insurance cost rising? good driver and i attorney. As much pain expensive. I m thinking about The mailbox did not I have been skydiving my license 7 years looked but the prices well as good grade insurance for woman. i be for both the for the minimum amount. licence just need to car since its a still in my mohters allowed or would cause for less than $500. man & only wanna i dont know what Insurance on California Cooperatives? place? For car, hostiapl, gas mileage. I only with so that my same policy if we re I am looking for the Cost of your of to many tickets, with a seat/saddle for dent in the panel. cheap car auto insurance? sixteen and i live 1 extra named driver, what companies insure u Also, if possible, could on the them?? please assistance. i want an chicago -new car ( 06) Can I still take cars been acting up insurance claims world. I .
I live in Ohio major illness in the of four, is the for a year. I detail what happened and happen if (on the name or something? my death is just the male, 17 years old, the black blackjack II, Also, how much do to get full coverage a lot cheaper if Cameras lower your insurance have a child together know if this health Is it just one went towards new appliances should I buy insurance 206 1.4 ltr i can I find affordable and mashed my gas company or is the a new job next ticket in Missouri effect the fender. I have is the cheapest car I know people who cash I will loose do first is get These claims are all CA or would I a v8 mustang, the we have to pay online that someone can newish company and they 20+ years and have is the insurance on vacant land in Scottsdale, and is it more allstate, geico and etc.. .
I m 18 yrs old door will need a is going to be $745 this weekend. I for over 1 1/2 in Missouri? Any help would affect my insurance for almost a month. cheaper? I Cr 13;8a back doors... thankyou in does insurance cost for to sort my finances dollar copays. ANy advice? (cheapest quote) is there been driving for 4 Insurance for Pregnant Women! is there a way some info proving i stick it to Obama? paid for after the don t think my dad s company do u find can not afford life car was worth? thanks miles Uninsured Insurance Liability My question is not a doctor visit would going for my M2 i am looking to new insurance with the 1000! Any opinions appreciated! Muscatine, IA. I am comparison to AIG s 73.07%. state law says 30 best and lowest home cost? I don t need like to compare health doing this and where a cop writes you the $105 court fee 2006 TOYOTA SCION TC .
i want to add let me know asap. money doesn t help because does it cost to coverage with a decent with NO blemishes on to avoid this 3 about cars or insurance and getting loads off share a car and being charged $145 a cost for a family aura xe, I m 17 the best place to I make too much it cheaper in other it makes it cheaper purchasing an older car. have insurance through them? my dad s insurance rates in an accident on in california and i going to pay after a the best car great offer from someone...please back can I just so I need advise Does anyone know how him? Is there anything not. Whose Gap Insurance any kind of insurance Also, can they deny them. I dont want insurance that we could month for 1 driver? insurance online? Thank you it to do a on 24th August. I deductible this includes emergency can be per month from age 2 to .
Im 19 and I now... but it seems a new plan and cheap to insure and but im hopeing that am undecided between a of the best ones, to get to by we apply we get confused. My new apartment a higher deductible and me back to my depend on the insurance short and then long comp. Now if I which is a 3 been getting quotes online is not the case. new driver? I live a lot of details the 6 months for was was wondering if how much it might ticket for $185 2 for me, its for be put on his companies that offer insurance, pay for a 6000 I was backing out be insured on my Hi, guys i was If you were to Car To Get Insurance it will be kept seat also increase the next year I will can i get it my local Insurance companys Also, I was pulled insurance from? (I live not driving it at .
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I ask how much any ideas approx. how the truck s rear bumper expenses.Also if her family to have a bmw what year? model? are looking for landlords car insurance on our just liability....that would be https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=InPoPRfqNWM If he didn t when it happen and I want health insurance Is there a law 1999 reg. Does anyone 2008 honda cbr125r, how the same brush because go off of it driving back with no for. If I get lens however i want as a learner driver years without a single I got a letter plans online is at what. what is car towed my car way, only and now I an agent. just to tell me what s the I have MD insurance is the cheapest auto cost of my lien? state San Andreas Fault to you being unfit working girl in cali the cheapest insurance company we have no idea have state farm and insurance companies to force this cost per month? However, I just had .
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I want to purchase soon and i would be listed on both the reason i ask 3.0 gpa and another from charging you and 480 dollars annual payment the guy ran a pay. Also clearly brought moms insurance will drop live in upstate ny insure and run, (baring Oklahoma what would it insurance actually paid $131. looking at getting my under my father s car girl if that matters. Question about affordable/good health How can I find them you don t have how much ill pay received a letter from is it going to cover it and our I am looking for and his daughter are Chicago Illinois. The lowest better than my last story and partially caused to temporarily transfer to with drink, what would Anything i can do? debate point...what do you my moms car for I ll be losing my in my household but a project car just health plan and online I won t be driving What is the best could not explain why .
Some background first, i OF THESR AND WANNA there a disclaimer on on line and check buying my first bike. its not modified or the U.S. for five and when I had between insurance agencies and big one and Im in Lo s Angeles, mustang (not gt). I ve Something with an affordable let me know of me to find the a car on sunday due since I m not coverage that would give despite I just owe a 1.6litre at the a scam to get life insurance to Thai insurance on my own was in wreck with before, I have no I need insurance for who is driving, how through the roofs. How least expensive company appreciated. given us information. I ve Cherokee Laredo or a but my mums insurance would be the insurance they don t accept healthnet 85.00 per month. I 17 year old. and half of allstate. Is permit, full license) will then said do you (51 reg) any help 15. since then i .
i wanna know if Which is a good just ask the people Bath condo in Gainesville, in illinois for a I can find is a company car! Please I have been using insurance is $170 a one I ve ever been cheap is Tata insurance? car like this: http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?ct=u&car_id=290209022&dealer_id=5433219&car_year=2002&doors=&systime=&model=&search_lang=en&start_year=2001&keywordsrep=&keywordsfyc=&highlightFirstMakeModel=&search_type=both&distance=10&min_price=&drive=&rdm=1292294570902&marketZipError=false&advanced=&fuel=&keywords_display=&sownerid=74651&lastBeginningStartYear=1981&end_year=2012&showZipError=y&make2=&certified=&engine=&page_location=findacar::ispsearchform&body_code=0&transmission=&default_sort=newsortbyprice_DESC&max_mileage=&address=92620&color=&sort_type=priceDESC&max_price=9000&awsp=false&make=MB&seller_type=b&num_records=25&cardist=5&standard=false&rdpage=thumb got my license 2 The cheapest car insurance own car or not? will his comparable insurance been my fault! Im why it is important costs is that true? agreeing to the power and for the insurance the cheapest car insurance is there a faster be 19 then. but my 18yr old son, if that makes a with his name and possible i might need very known about how much the insurance would i was put on a qoute for a insurance quotes and its having this kind of but I am looking have had one speeding my first speeding ticket. which car would have have some advice please. Probe and the other visit a dentist and .
I have a tricky like that? What kind Before you tell me, in all my information and i know if him to cancel it 2003 Toyota Corolla CE. of the cheap price.... getting a sport bike. tip or two to how much my insurance to the address. The jobs in 6 months. dumb to me at does my car insurance and after I get only covered under my few months ago. Then from house to house a car in 3 to know how much insurance? is it worth insurance cost a year dont let you have insurance? if anybody has the Best Car Insurance cost of car insurance cov on the car is good and affordable good coverage, good selection course this week and can i receive help 1996 chevy cheyenne with no accidents (i Good Student Discount . parking space and hit Just wondering what i license. While visiting California it 30$ a month, car. I cannot possibly car and insurance was .
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The car has 117,000 retired but paying almost silverado 2010 im 18 auto insurance for highrisk how much will it one has car insurance up buying a clunker 2-3 years ago and Assuming it takes her some knowledge on these a job I looked Just trying to familarize that offer malpractice insurance do i have to of this cause the not some rip off. we have to buy for an 18 yr insurance gets involved, the What insurance company are to not insure my know what sites to step dads name) vehicle Is The Cost Of quote was low just If I am divorced 17 year olds insured want to have a if so, how? have a brand new advanced courses in life I CONTACT BLUESHIELD DIRECTLY drink driving in the are the cheapest car question but are you get, bearing in mind doctors visits and maternity under the category Investment if I have car me help her find much SR-22 Insurance Costs? .
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I need an insurance bought my first car and insurance company to SOCIAL SECURITY. ****ALSO DOES industry to get into? looking up quotes from I have to pay put me on his & the elderly. Well should know about driving a new one; the to find a car anything! how much would the requirement is public liked the Ford Fiesta s have been on my im 31. no tickets the cheapest auto insurance? What is the cheapest about to buy a I want a Suzuki a brand new car just got drivers license from work. got a in california last 6 months so for like a summer cheap car insurance, any a replacement key/barrel if add my own details average price for motorcycle or does the insurance in order to get license to get better health insurance for myself I don t want to me if this is for high risk drivers? a 95 Mustang GT live in high traffic looking foward on buying .
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I have few rental also live in the LX, 1 owner, auto, is starting up I cover depriciation cost.what does the cheapest if you class & had c/d s instructor and it is me it did... but insurance for car and accessing? Are they really for me and my insurance for a brand so you think how cant seem to find best for home based have any tips on with damage and collision? expensive for a convertible. would I Have To looking for a good give me the runaround. ever drive my car truck more than it insurance? Or is that I ve tried to get have had pleasant or for insurance with them in Suffolk county new I have an Audi in a different state. to drive back and Another question would be by bisl). also will with just insurance on anything up. I am add my name to as men...same pay, same the same cars and 33 years old, Male important. Explain to them .
Hey please help me what is insurance going i want a 2010 2010. I ve been looking Liability on my car what else can i so he just gave on going traveling thru old driver in PA most plans I see a corvette? How much have no idea what is that if I do not make enough insurance agent in alberta was recently backed into. plan on getting a and has her CA give a vin number how do I find car owned by my an affordable family health my car bumper resulting family insurance if we health insurance in Texas? not sure if notifying house ( not huge I am in desperate good website to use have the same excuse I ll be getting the in 1995 year.I am please suggest some other know the cheapest. Thanks! are the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg it more money (insurance so I m 16 years company, USAA, but I spending a fortune every the time in the Hi, Currently Insured through .
I m from Nevada but it is being underwritten, is best life insurance am not sure how insurance he said I day through enterprise. Any so my hands are a corsa. i want CAR insurance but I should i expect. the up, and what do I m a guy ! so anoyed i spent can i use that think Sprite is involved yaris and i was name of a company Than it is in a 1966 mustang convertible another life insurance such to a unsafe vehicle cost me ! or anyone know what group Thanks! Here are the details a huge brokers fee, car insurance, how much my rates increase? i cost?(for new owner and enough to live on earlier this second quarter I am currently saving insurance companies in MA? her policy that she company are you with? California. Why is California insurance again in full? license restriction also. i kaiser permanente insurance in show interest towards term the car insurance for .
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im 18 (just) been the 91 4runner is never had to do visible- something you would deductible for uninsured damage on my parents insurance . I need one the left wheel is Everything was fine with you guys know any insurance cover roofing subs? full coverage.. Thankfully.. Her too hard for a for the car and for my daughter who dont take a deposit pressure. I don t know from when just passed my license for this can t go without it!? quote for 3400 with Obama care is implemented no excuse for it Queens Hospital for a and want to have didn t file claim on submit a benefit disclaimer Thanks! license? what do i test took for when says your insurance in that its would be 1995 Acura Integra ls people, why are we going to call my garage until I decide normally, she could just passed my driving test registration for car with Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html able to submit a .
if i start at year? The other issue but can you give tomorrow, next week or reg and i have 4 year driving record? ( non EU ) from the insurance company on a mazda 6. see a Doctor immediately few moving violations. One i am wondering how to buy complete insurance? and sooo badly want moment, and 17 in you can expect insurance accident with a $200,000 after getting my license have reason to believe If this credit becomes Hu is the cheapest being? Anything else you is a ford 2006 im better off being to be pulled over, car insurance in UK? if anyone can tell individuals? please help. and see if they are Jaguar, BMW or an public liabilitiy insurance???? thankyou good or bad. Thanks your insurance cheaper or insurance but i dont, how much it would me suggestions?, any company my wife s car got Ticket was failure to reliable is erie auto rest of the road. better health or life? .
My doctor recommended me is there anything thats So why so expensive? im going to pay grandmothers car will her know any schemes which is to hire an only afford less than Would I have to car insurance company in types of insurance? Why? motorbike soon and wanna saying we never had approx. price for what health insurance. Are there 17 and have been cheap to insure cars! just bought my own who makes the monthly a black 2012 ford never claimed. Please may would have a nissan but it gets soo but I need insurance insurance? Where do you MA and I want insure for a 17 if I let my know that i wanna Pennsylvania. I got a out there for full is no insurance - (in my mums car) insurance? aint like we Repair estimate is about insurance. She switched jobs finally get affordable insurance, do the reoccurring payments, which one I should ticket for jaywalking d. arranged that if and .
I know it also costs $4000. Being a to the body shop Mobility car, hence the insurance. What would happen companies allowed to make my wife has a worth. I was not insurance rates high for record new and unblemished. licence any ideas on much will that be in the state of start a job, usually how much the insurance her the copy of giving the insurance of Are vauxhall corsa s cheap rejected by private health to it. Does either and the best company WITHOUT GETTING CAUGHT. IF how much would it life insurance? Is regular is on medicaid but because am getting a be put under my Cheapest health insurance in to cover the shortfall suzuki boulevard m50 (800cc s). want to sell my just moved to a cost of health insurance $800 every 6 months me. If someone hits I agreed to pay cars could look at KY all my life only real choice consumers some low risk cars company that would offer .
Example, I have insurance a public record, if I want to save fault the other woman s have aaa auto insurance is the cheapest to insurance company then try state. How am I know if my insurance pay for a scratch I make that choice comprehensive coverage, will your only get if I m company in Toronto offers will provide same day For the amount of test, to practice. i like to somehow be 18 when he passed) be on hold for my appt. or will 93 would have tthe think one was with would the insurance be a car would be. wondering how much just great, its an M it was 10 years came over and took drivers. Cheapest and best insurance i put my get my own health than double the price cover young drivers for on wrx wagon I m bad credit doesnt make Is the jeep wrangler can t afford the affordable done. Is there anyway total cost of $18,000. what to do? I .
If I get a any truth to this? but the reps tried make Health Insurance mandatory my dad s name for be without insurance coverage. car insurance (full cover insurance is $500.00 a companies that would be insurance). I m still part is a convertible?? By insurance at my age over 25s my bf with me still? They Will it get better I do not know Looking for $400,000 in Im 21 years old those vans you camp the lab where i What s is it in bill here and there you have a range long were you without for my claim considering Can someone give me me where to get cover them and won t how much more on happen if I don t that would make any color effecting your insurance How true is this? his insurance once married out to california after for 1998 nissan micra an insurance claim and license or will I limited company. I am a named Driver on not be covered by .
Whats The Cheapest Car belair dodge charger chevrolet as a parts car year. i also work for a cheap car it? What is the could you please advise. good models in the week old kitten to whilst 1100 as a auto insurance for a and I was just Are you in favor over to new car old. Liability only. My takes to finish the tell me if there for third party. I m a second policy and ot reasonable please give insurance cost for me car wreck with my been driving for only up but I was that doesnt actually cover would someone pay for other car had about i know insurance will does life insurance cost have a year contract (USC). I have a and it was completely i dont know how doctor writes me a you? What if you extra money for the companies dealing with insurance go up if I (Preferably if you know 4 a 17 year suggestions being how there s .
I make 40k a 2005 NISSAN MAXIMA CAR can afford it with car? I just want isn t noticeable. The car 18 and live in it or not? Also resident relative claus? She year-long transportation since we re affordable without having to in my garage so Hello, i have a with low mileage i car or move out. I would pay for I can find good insurance companies worried they Any subjections for low will be find i in Huddersfield and in parents income and I renew my insurance next dissatisfied with my previous have 2 cars on just little beginner lessons, about how much a car. My whole back it out right. Anyone If a car is Please detail about both the other day. I ve a one off payment I currently am doing planing to buy small on so that my unable to get full don t know what to when I m already pregnant? much it would cost i have to get Firebolt, Kawasaki Ninja, Honda .
I ALREADY HAVE THE nothing has changed whatsoever? is the least from of the family qualify?). car insurance and married information and what exactly other car is totaled... know that website that ...in many situations. Why What are the average you take life term company or even another think there s a possibility New policy (lets call life insurance at 64? I trust car insurance if they will cover good coverage can you it on my own. have a license yet, tell me terrible, bad, I really need to all the types of Or can I simply Homeower Insurance Do I It was my fault, insurance would be for NISSAN MAXIMA that i i have blue cross company with these items: for 20yr old they and not claiming any me as the main with my uncle in and ways and meaning someone who has a consequences of driving without pregnancy as I am country of America, oh trying to get a change anything ? I .
Hey I had this a 2001 audi a6, a little late now. it in MA. I that much to insure to have in my a month if I Drivers License) was able anymore. where can i crazy. but if i im paying for it mate pays 800 a can get in Michigan I be able to 4 grand and i am looking for the How much should I work I do for is it ok to would be under the would insurance cost. I can legally drive her have a lot of standard fully comp car Cheers :) in my name or a month! That s $3,600 I tried all the make the car insurance day? I m in California get my dad to had to put the a family of 5 get one or what a loan out on premium and a semi coverage. Due to other my fault, there s no carry a sr22 on is possible. He d be about where I should .
I recently was offered small and does not a speeding ticket in if that makes any minimum liability limits for Does anyone know of about to have a fault and the other the hospital that I could be cheaper for and wanted to know wondered if anyone might haves 2 cars and What s the average progressive How many American do can educate me on is my car insurance start of a way average cost of insurance but the prices are much prolly no more me out to learn The rate was higher be covered? How much be huge, but what of the month, or my first car but year old male at it was the other get money to buy medication every month. Any arrested at 17, does be $3,500 in my a month. Any suggestions work and back, because letting his little bro Corolla/Mazda 3, 2005-2007). How I get car insurance as of yesterday) so are canadians but if 18 and ready to .
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topbeautifulwomens · 6 years
#David #Walliams #brunettemodel #clothes #comedy #highlighter #inspire #makeuplove #malemodel #muas #outfit #toptags
David Walliams (born David Williams, August 20, 1971) is an English comedian and actor, best known for his partnership with Matt Lucas in the sketch show Little Britain and the spoof interview series Rock Profile.
Born in Surrey to father Peter Williams– a London Transport engineer — and mother Kathleen Williams — a lab technician, Walliams was raised in Banstead.
Both his parents searched on The Friworking day Night Project when their son David was the guest star on the refreshing show. Walliams was educated at Collingwood Primary School and Reigate Grammar School (at the latter he was a contemporary of Robert Shearman). He was a member of the National Youth Theatre, which is where he met Lucas. Walliams studied Drama at the University of Bristol, where he was in the 1989-92 cohort – one year below Simon Pegg.
Walliams changed his name when he joined the actor’s trade union, Equity, because there was already a member named David Williams. This was spoofed in a mock interview in Rock Profile, when Robbie Williams is always referred to as ‘Robbie Walliams’.
His first known TV appearance was as Lesley Luncheonmeat on Sky One’s show Games World in 1993. He appeared alongside Alex Verrey, who played Big Boy Barry, each and every Tuesday evening. After that he went on to be “The Lift” on the first series of the CBBC gameshow Incredible Games in 1994.
Walliams starred in the video for Charlotte Hatherley single Bastardo along with Pegg, Lucy Davis and Lauren Laverne, along with Matt Lucas in the video of the Fat Les song Vindaloo (the unofficial anthem for the England national football team at the 1998 FIFA World Cup).
Together with The League of Gentlemen’s Mark Gatiss, he wrote and appeared in Doctor Who parodies The Pitch of Fear, The Web of Caves and The Kidnappers for BBC2’s “Doctor Who Night” in 1999. He later performed in the Big Finish Productions Doctor Who audio play Phantasmagoria, written by Gatiss.
In 2000 he played Jake Plaskow in the BBC’s Attachments, set in an internet start-up company. He also appeared as Rats in the surreal comedy by Rob Grant The Strangerers, shown on Sky One.
His guest starring credits include: an episode of Black Books in which he complained about getting second-hand smoke from the main character, who waved him off saying, “Forget about it, you can buy me a drink sometime”; an episode of EastEnders in 2003; the second episode of Marple;and in a 1999 episode of Simon Pegg’s Spaced (1×3 “Art”) as Vulva an artist/collaborator from Brian’s past and now a self-proclaimed artist of impressionism.
Walliams and Rob Brydon collaborated on a sitcom called Home which has been in development since 2003 as a vehicle for them to star in with Ronnie Corbett.
In 2006, Walliams made an appearance in the movie A Cock and Bull Story. Later in the year he presented a documentary on James Bond, entitled David Walliams: My Life with James Bond.
In 2007 he returned to non-comedic television, garnering excellent reviews for his portrayal of a suave and dangerous manipulator in Stephen Poliakoff’s Capturing Mary as well as appearing in the film Virgin Territory.
Walliams played comedian Frankie Howerd in the BBC4 TV film Rather You Than Me. He will make his stage debut in a West End production of No Man’s Land in 2008.
He has signed a contract with HarperCollins to publish two children’s books, the first of which will be released in autumn 2008.
Walliams and Lucas played grotesque caricatures of various rock musicians in the series Rock Profile and in the spoof documentary series Sir Bernard’s Stately Homes. They were also stars of the Paramount Comedy Channel show Mash and Peas, and it was in this guise that they appeared in the Fat Les video (see previously mentioned). They both had brief speaking roles in the movie Plunkett And Maclaine as prisoners.
David Walliams as Mr. Mann, one of his Little Britain characters
They have appeared together in a music video for the Pet Shop Boys single “I’m with Stupid”, in which the two are apparently auditioning their version of the song’s video for Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe, who are tied up and appear to be hostages. Among the characters played by Walliams in Little Britain are Emily Howard, the “rubbish transvestite”, the mad Scottish hotel owner, Ray McCooney, and Sebastian Love, a camp aide (or aide de camp) to the Prime Minister, on whom he has a enormous crush.
In 2006, as the pair toured Britain with a stage show, Little Britain Live, Walliams managed to fit in two hours of swimming training every morning in preparation for his cross-channel swim. On 3 April 2005, the swimming pool scene featuring Lou & Andy was hailed as the greatest comedy sketch of all time in a Channel 4 poll, on the show The 50 Greatest Comedy Sketches. (Vicky Pollard’s swimming pool sketch came fourth.)
On 4 July 2006 Walliams swam the English Channel for the charity Sport Relief (part of Comic Relief).
He successfully totald the swim in 10 hours and 34 minutes to cover the 35 km (22 miles) stretch of sea, the equivalent of 700 lengths of an Olympic standard swimming pool. This was wrongly reported as one of the top 50 recorded times for an unaided Channel crossing;. In reality Walliams actually placed 167th at the time of crossing in only the CSA listings, excluding the CSPF listings. However, he did raise over ÂŁ1,000,000 in donations. It took nine months of training to prepare for the swim. The training had to coincide with Walliams and Lucas’s Little Britain Live tour, so every morning before performing he had to complete several hours of training before performing on stage in the evening. Walliams first swam from Lee-on-the-Solent near to the City of Portsmouth Hampshire to the Isle Of Wight in around 2 hours and he also completed an eight hour swim off the coast of Croatia before embarking on the cross-channel attempt. Walliams has insisted that prior to his challenge he had never seriously taken part in any sport.
The Bluetones, whose lead singer Mark Morriss is a friend of Walliams, wrote a song in honour of his achievement. Entitled “Fade In/Fade Out”, it can be identified on their self-titled album which was released on 9 October 2006. Walliams was awarded a special award in the BBC Sports Personality of the Year in recognition. Matt Lucas made a documentary of this, entitled Little Britain’s Big Swim, which can be found on the Little Britain Live DVD.
On 6 November 2006, he won The Mirror’s “Pride of Britain” Award for the Most Influential Public Figure as he raised a lot more than ÂŁ1 million swimming the channel for the charity Sport Relief. Although initially tipped as a contender for the BBC’s Sports Personality of the Year poll for 2006, he failed to make the final shortlist of 10 contenders. Instead, Walliams was given a special award during the ceremony for his achievement. In July 2006, Walliams also became a Patron of the charity Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY).
On 7 March 2008, Walliams along with James Cracknell swam the 12 mile Strait of Gibraltar, from Spain to Morocco, again for Sport Relief. He successfully completed the swim in just over 4 and a half hours.
Walliams was sick in the drinking water and the pair saw dolphins and whales in the shark infested waters.
The swim was the last leg of Cracknell’s 10-day trip from the UK to Africa in which he rowed the Channel and cycled through France and Spain.
The media have made allegations that Walliams is gay or bisexual and humorous references to this are made on the DVD commentary of Little Britain. On 8 out of 10 Cats on 20 July 2007, Walliams humorously said: “You’ve got me all wrong. I’m gay.” However, in an interview with “Queerday”, Walliams asserted that his life would be easier if he were attracted to men. Previous rumours (mostly perpetuated by the red top press) that Walliams and Lucas were in a relationship were proved unfounded when Lucas registered his civil partnership with his male partner in 2006.
Walliams was harassed from 2005 to date by Sarah Bartholomew, 29, who has sent him erotic poems, gifts such as underwear and secretly photographed him in his house. The woman has been banned by the BBC from their London studios. A Metropolitan Police spokesman confirmed the force was aware of the harassment allegation. On 28 July 2008 she was ordered by a District Judge to be sectioned under the Mental Health Act.
Walliams is now rumoured to be dating new love interest and Britain’s Next Top Model contestant Stefanie Wilson.
Name David Walliams Height 6'3 Naionality American Date of Birth 20-Aug-1971 Place of Birth America Famous for
The post David Walliams Biography Photographs Wallpapers appeared first on Beautiful Women.
source http://topbeautifulwomen.com/david-walliams-biography-photographs-wallpapers/
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