#g flip was so excited when she walked in
fazcinatingblog · 1 year
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See I took pictures but honestly the photos just doesn't do it justice how good it is up there
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logansdoll · 2 months
Heyyy. Ok really cheesy but I’d like to request a Logan x reader friends to lovers where it’s like an accidental confession. Maybe someone makes fun of the reader and Logan without thinking about it just starts yelling and defending why the reader is great and everything he loves about her? Ik it’s a little OOC but maybe he gets so mad (as Wolverine does) that he gets all mushy without realizing lol. Thanks ❤️❤️
while on library duty, Logan overhears two girls talking shit about you... and corrects it quickly.
CW: sorry i went in a little different direction, suggestive, profanity, takes place during the timeline of the og X-Men, these girls are bitches, etc.
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"I just don't get what's the big deal about her," Maya scoffed, resting her cheek in her palm as she thoughtlessly flipped through her biology textbook.
Talia nodded, glancing up from her notes with an excitement that screamed nothing to do.
"No, seriously," she agreed. "Like we get it... you can grow shit. Big deal."
That piqued Logan's interest.
With Jean and Scott off on a date, the professor away, and you and Ororo teaching a joint class, he was slapped with library duty—watching the kids during their scheduled study period.
Now, originally, he planned on simply plopping himself down in a corner and puffing his cigar, hoping to fall asleep and just ride out his sentence.
And he was halfway there, too.
But just as he was about to catch some Zs, his hearing picked up on a conversation between two older girls who seemed to be trash talking his girlfriend.
"Word," Maya turned the next page, a grimace settling on her face when she noticed the image of a flower.
One you were very vocal about liking.
"She won't shut up about these stupid lotus flowers either... Hey! Did you guys know that the lotus is considered sacred in many Eastern cultures? And it often symbolizes purity, beauty, and rebirth!"
Talia let out an obnoxious snicker, the impression not nearly as funny as what she was making it to be.
But maybe she just hated you that much...
"You sound just like her," she commended, very much amused. "Only she's always smiling. Like I've never seen her frown before... it's almost creepy."
"Seriously creepy. But Peter can't get enough of it... you know he has a crush on her, right?"
Logan let out a quiet chuckle, tickled by the news.
He'd caught the boy staring at you during a few Danger Room sessions, but didn't think much of it, assuming he'd just caught him while he happened to be looking in your direction.
Oh, how wrong he was...
He couldn't wait to tell you later tonight.
"Mhmm. Half the boys at school nearly fall over themselves to make sure they're not late to her class... It's almost funny."
"Funny, my ass. Why'd it have to be Peter?" Talia huffed, tossing her pencil at the textbook in frustration. "She's not even that pretty. I've had dogs that look better than her."
Maya attempted to muffle a snicker, but Logan heard it loud and clear, his brows furrowing at the horrible comment.
"I'm serious. She puts up this whole nice and innocent act, but I bet she's a raging bitch behind closed doors."
That was it.
All the stuff before was just normal, teenage jealousy; something he'd—albeit reluctantly—let slide.
But calling you out of your name?
Insulting your character?
Comparing you to a dog?
A line had to be drawn.
"Tali, you can't say that," Maya chuckled, glancing around to make sure no one was listening.
"Like I care," she scoffed, rolling her eyes. "I'd tell it to her face if I ever got the chance. Just walk right up to her and say—"
"Say what?"
The girls nearly jumped out their skin, whipping around, only to be met by Logan's arched brow, the man leaning up against a bookshelf as he puffed on his cigar.
They were at a loss for words, unable to say anything under his imposing presence.
"Don't get shy now," he goaded, crossing his arms over his chest. "Go on. Tell me what you're gonna say to Dr. (l/n)."
The two were practically frozen, frantically glancing at each other for assistance, Logan's eyes flicking between the two expectantly.
"Nothing?" he hummed. "That's funny... 'cause you both seemed to have plenty of shit to say earlier."
Both their faces fell almost instantly, the color practically draining from Talia.
"You heard that?" Maya squeaked, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Every word," Logan nodded. "And what I managed to gather from it was that you both just can't stand her because she's kind, passionate, pretty, and beloved."
He listed each trait off on his fingers, glancing at the two for confirmation.
"How's that? Am I in the ballpark?"
They remained silent, hanging their heads in embarrassment as Logan's confrontation had garnered the attention of the whole library.
"Well, then, how's this..." he pulled the cigar out his mouth. "I'll let you both off this time with a warning... but if I catch either of you trash talkin' anybody again, teacher or student, you're grounded."
"'Til when?" Talia asked, nervously.
"'Til I tell you you're not."
The end of day bell punctuated his statement, a flourish of shutting books and closing pencil cases muffling the girls' sighs of relief.
"Now get outta here."
He had never seen two students pack up so fast.
They were gone in T-minus ten, and once the library was cleared out, Logan allowed himself to sit down, letting out his own sigh.
He could've tore into them infinitely worse—and he honestly wanted to for that dog comment—but he figured that was the right, and legal, amount for a teacher.
But even still...
'I dunno how a girl who can only float two inches off the ground is talkin' about (n/n) havin' a shitty power...'
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some-bunniii · 6 months
Consoling Lucifer on Charlie’s first day of school
・❥ Charlie’s growing up, and Lucifer isn’t taking it well. Luckily, you’re there to keep the King of Hell standing on two feet.
x: just a short fic about a super soft lucifer who loves his daughter, i had some fun with this haha. reader is g/n and also has a parental role. no use of y/n.
~ 1.5k words
warning: tooth-rotting parental love
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“Are you crying, Daddy?” The tiny apple-cheeked figure asked, her head tilted curiously up towards the almost identical-looking porcelain face standing a few feet away from her, his hand over his eyes as he rubbed at them feverishly. 
“No,” He lied, his lips curved into a tight-lipped smile as he bit back tears, “It’s just allergies, Apple Pie.”
Lucifer’s eyes trailed back onto the poofy red dress Charlie wore. The intricate, black lines and little hearts woven into its soft fabric made her even more adorable in the outfit. She also sported snow-white stockings, and a pair of sparkly red shoes that glinted in the light as Charlie smiled giddily, excited about the new adventure.
A small red bowtie was nestled into her hair, which was styled in a large braid that ended at the middle of her back. It swayed softly as the young girl bounced in place, becoming antsy by the second. 
You stood right beside him, smiling happily at Charlie as she looked up at the two of you. It was you who had gotten her ready, no doubt did you think she looked like a beautiful little princess. However, you were not expecting such an emotional reaction from your husband, Lucifer Morningstar, when you presented her outfit to him. 
It was Charlie’s first day of lessons, which means—in Lucifer’s opinion—she was finally leaving the nest. Except for the fact she was still considered just a youngling when it came to being Hellborn, and Charlie still needed her father to read her a story every night before bed. She still has trouble reaching items on the counter, and remembering all the letters of the alphabet. She was far from flying off on her own, she was still her father’s little duckling.
He was already nervous the days leading up to this morning, and you had watched him flip through baby book after baby book. Each contains hundreds of photos depicting from when Charlie was a newborn, and through last Sunday. 
Whenever Charlie so much and breathed cutely, Lucifer was pulling out that camera and saving it for the album. Especially when he got a hold of a yellow duck onesie? The man was a goner, and the bookshelf was beginning to fill with rows of binders filled with polaroids.
Yesterday, you had been in the process of cleaning out a closet of rarely used items, when you stumbled upon a pair of Charlie’s old baby boots. 
Lucifer had just walked into the room when his eyes landed on the tiny boots. They obviously wouldn’t fit the girl now, as she had grown out of them long ago. It definitely stirred something inside the fallen angel when his lip began to quiver from the doorway, and slowly walked over to you sitting on the edge of the bed.
He took the boots from your hands, his thumb brushing softly over the small velcro straps. Charlie was old enough to start wearing laces, and she needed his help getting tying her shoes less and less as the months went by. That thought made him collapse onto you, tears brimming his eyes. 
“She had such adorable little feet!” Lucifer wailed in your lap, as you soothingly petted his hair. There were multiple photos in his hands, all of baby Charlie, “Her toes just don’t look like little sausages anymore, it’s not as cute!”
“At least she’s not a hobbit,” you replied, brushing a stray tear from his face.
“I don’t even know what that means!” He had sobbed.
It wasn’t like she was going off to college or anything, yet the way Lucifer clutched her baby blanket in his free hand—which she only stopped sleeping with 2 days ago—made it seem like the girl was not coming back from a few hours of teachings. 
“I packed you some snacks. Apple slices, and some funnel cake. Eat the fruit first, it’s healthy for you. Want to grow up big and strong, don’t you?” 
“Uh-huh!” Charlie nodded with enthusiasm, smiling brightly.
“That’s my girl,” Lucifer choked back tears, nodding approvingly. 
“Honey, she’s going to be late, hurry up and say goodbye,” you prodded gently, smiling warmly with clasped hands. You had been silently on standby, this was a much more emotional moment for Lucifer than you, he needed the space and time with his munchkin.
“You’re right, you’re right,” he growled softly at himself, “look at me, all worked up over nothing. What a joke of a King.”
Lucifer lowered himself to one knee and reached out a hand, and Charlie walked forward returning the touch. Her tiny hands were engulfed in his palm as he curled his fingers tenderly around them. The fallen angel met his daughter's gaze, before taking a deep breath.
“I love you, Charlie.” 
“I love you too, Daddy,” Charlie laughed, before leaping forward and wrapping her arms around his neck. Lucifer pulled her in, nuzzling into her hair as she squeezed him tightly. 
Even if Charlie grew apart from her father as she got older, you’d know she’d always be a daddy’s girl. It was Lucifer whom she invited for tea time among her stuffed animals, and it was he she asked to dance with when the radio’s soft melodies filled the lounge during the evenings as the three of you relaxed by the warm fireplace. 
It made your heart flutter with how similar the two were, and the way Lucifer fawned over Charlie like he’d never seen a more beautiful soul. 
“My best creation,” he had whispered with a smile one night, while the two of you were sitting on the balcony, the alcohol buzzing inside your mind as you held his hand from across the small table. Those words had made your love for him continue to grow, if that were even possible in the first place.
Lucifer and Charlie stayed locked in an embrace for a few moments on the floor before the girl released him, and Lucifer’s arms slowly lowered from her abdomen as she took a few steps back towards the door.
“Go on, now! Don’t let me keep you waiting, just remember to crush it.” Lucifer waved his daughter off, and she jumped with joy.
“Okay! Bye, Daddy!” Charlie giggled, her little red dress bouncing along with her toes as she quickly turned away towards the open door of her room. 
“Have fun, Charlie!” You called after her, as Lucifer slowly rose from his position near the floor.
“I will! Bye!” She replied, running down the hall, her little bag bouncing in her hands as she scampered away to…
…her private tutor’s small classroom at the end of the long hallway. The three of you had been wishing the girl farewell in her large bedroom inside the family manor, which meant Charlie’s teaching wasn't even outside of the home. 
That made Lucifer’s reaction even more humorous, but it was also incredibly sweet. The ruler of Hell, a nasty, bitter place, was a cinnamon roll behind the bad-boy act that he played so well in front of the rest of the realm.
When Lucifer stood straight again, you turned your head to face him. The sight before you caused you to clamp your lips shut tight, trying to suppress your laughter at Lucifer’s disheveled figure.
His hair looked messier than before he had said goodbye, and his face was soaked with tears. Lucifer’s lip quivered, and he quickly averted his gaze, slamming his hand over his face to contain his quiet sobs. The man was practically in shambles. 
“What’s wrong with me?” He groaned, rubbing a hand down his face, “I can’t control my emotions when it comes to Charlie.”
“Sorry to break it to you, Your Highness, but you’re in love,” you cooed, shaking your head with a smile as Lucifer sniffled beside you. He pulled a hand-embroidered handkerchief from his waistcoat, dabbing underneath his eyes to clean the fresh tears. 
“Come on, Lou. How about I make you some pancakes for breakfast?” You said softly, lacing your fingers with his as you tugged him towards the opposite end of the hall. 
“Really?” He sniffled, looking at you with glistening eyes.
“Mhmm,” your hands lifted to cup his face, tenderly squishing those small red spots as you replied with a honeyed tone, “Heaven knows how the ‘Big Boss of Hell’ can be such a softy. Don’t worry, Charlie will be back by lunchtime, and maybe we’ll go on a picnic, hm?”
Your free hand went up toward the fallen angel’s head, and your nails softly grazed his scalp as you pulled his hair back into a more uniform appearance. After fussing with it for a moment, you leaned in and placed a tender kiss on his forehead.
“A picnic sounds nice, I have no idea how you always have a remedy to everything,” He said softly as you pulled away, an adoring smile on his lips as you turned to tug him down the hall.
“Years of practice,” you laughed, as the two of you walked towards the large kitchen, passing loving glances between the other. 
At least, with Charlie away for a few hours, you and your husband could get some alone time together. God knows the poor man needed it. 
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lucifer is just so soft for his little princess whether it’s beating the shit out of adam or playing tea party it makes me just 🤭🥴 like damn
hope you enjoyed the lil snack, have a great day! 🤍
tags 🏷️
@ohnoivefallen @doodlebob2726 @coleisyn @undertale-is-sansational @nehy019 @mixplara @chewbrry @yellowsubiesdance @airwolf92 @lxkeee @jellybellyrulez @catnoirsleftnut @mbruben-stein @mint129106 @froggybich @moonlovers34 @just-trash-yeah-thats-it @lil-bexie @wings-of-sapphire @the-tortured-poet @enigmatic-blues @bethleeham @blue122 @cherry-4200 @azullynx @luzzbuzz @for-hearthand-home @helluvapoison @th3-st4r-gur1 @concentratedconcrete @cimadreamer @marsenbie @guacam011y @maxiskindahere @purplerose291 @fictional-character-whore @0willowwisp0
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woso-dreamzzz · 9 months
Shirt Swap IV
Pernille Harder x Child!Reader
Keira Walsh x Hardersson!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: You finally meet Keira Walsh
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You've spent the weeks running up to the group stages of the World Cup with the Swedish girls - for one of the first times in your life - but you flip flop between Morsa and Momma when you want to.
This is one of those times.
Momma's been put into a group with England, meaning Leah's team, meaning Keira Walsh.
It was a struggle this morning for Momma to put you in her Denmark shirt instead of a Keira Walsh England one.
Your Denmark loses and, even worse, Keira Walsh goes off injured. Your grandparents cover your eyes when it happens so you don't see her get stretchered off but you remain antsy the entire match afterwards, especially when Momma gets into a few scrapes herself.
You're allowed out of the box and onto the pitch when it's over and you tentatively approach Momma, pulling on her shorts.
"Does this mean Denmark stops playing?" You ask, biting at your lip.
"No, princesse," Momma says," So long as we win our next match, we can finish second in the table and get through to the knockouts."
You nod, pulling at your jersey. "So you're not too sad?"
"Only a little sad," She confirms, taking your hand with a smile," Come on, princesse, I think Rikke has some skildpadder just for you waiting in the locker room. How about we go eat our feelings?"
You smile as Momma brings you into the tunnel. "Morsa says that's unhealthy."
Momma winks. "I won't tell if you don't."
You giggle and nod, holding Momma's hand tightly just in case she really is upset about the loss and needs comfort.
"Luce!" Someone from the England side snaps," I can walk!"
"You're on crutches!"
"Yes! And I can walk!"
Momma seems a bit confused at the upset and hurries you along a bit quicker, hand moving to your shoulder to force you ahead of her and further down to the Denmark changing rooms.
"Hey! Wait! Harder, wait up!"
Momma stops, shoving you behind her a little bit. When you peer out from behind her legs, Keira Walsh is standing there. She's on crutches and looks to be in quite a bit of pain.
"Keira Walsh," Momma says neutrally, still keeping you pinned to her side," How is your knee?"
"Not good," Keira Walsh replies," It'll get better." She seems a bit distracted and she smiles down at you before looking over her shoulder. "Luce, G, mind helping me out here?"
Lucy Bronze and Georgia Stanway (you recognise her because Momma says that she plays at Bayern, where you all are going to be moving to after the World Cup) hold onto her as Keira Walsh takes off her shirt.
She smiles at you again. "Hi," She says," Er...Aitana sent your mums a picture with me in it. I...er...I heard she sent you some of my shirts as well."
You nod, stepping out from behind Momma.
"Well...here, I'd like you to have this one too."
"Course. Anything for my biggest fan."
You take the jersey and Momma helps you put it on.
You look up at Keira again, smiling. "Thank you."
Keira's smiling at you too even though she looks unsteady on her feet. "You'll have to return the favour one day, huh? When you're playing in a World Cup, I'll want your shirt too, okay?"
"How about that, princesse?" Momma says. She kneels down next to you, a hand on your shoulder. "Keira gives you her shirt now and you give her yours when you play at the World Cup. Seem fair?"
You nod. "Yeah!"
"I'll look forward to it," Keira says," I think that I'll be your biggest fan when you're older."
Your face grows a little bit red under the praise and you shift on your feet a little bit to dispel your excitement. "I don't know if I can give you my jersey when I win," You say a little apologetically," Because I already said that I'd give that to someone else. Maybe when I beat England though."
Keira laughs. "That's good by me."
Georgia Stanway laughs too. "It won't in a few years when she's scoring past us."
"I don't score." You shake your head quickly. "I save. Like Zećira."
"A keeper then," Keira says," Even better. I've never had a keeper shirt."
"I'm gonna be the best keeper," You say.
Lucy Bronze laughs and yells out," Oi! Mearps! Take off your shirt!"
Mary Earps, who has begun to make her way down the tunnel, frowns. "That's a terrible pickup line."
"Not for me," Lucy says," For Pernille's kid. She's going to be a keeper when she grows up. Says she's gonna be the best."
Mary Earps is a very good goalkeeper and, a bit like Keira Walsh, you're slightly star-struck. She smiles easily at you though and strips her shirt without a second thought, passing it over to you.
"Thank you," You say, practically whispering as you hold it tight in your hands. She's smiling at you and you feel a little bold wearing Keira's shirt and holding Mary's. "I'm going to be better than you."
It sets off a howl of laughter from Lucy and Georgia and a wry smile from Keira.
"God, I hope so, kid. I'll hold you to that."
"I will!"
Mary laughs too and crowds into your space as Momma snaps a photo before sending you off to the locker room to have your skildpadder.
"I think you all just made her week. It's all she's going to be talking about. I don't know if she'll sleep tonight."
Keira winces. "Sorry."
"Don't be. Magda's got her tonight."
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alessiasfreckles · 8 months
she's mine (georgia stanway x reader)
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inspired by she's mine by eva westphal / life with your adhd girlfriend, georgia
warnings: none
a/n: this is in no way me saying that georgia stanway has adhd (or that she takes medication)!!!!! but as someone with adhd, it wouldn't surprise me if she does. also the bit about pronouncing words differently is word for word what i said to my girlfriend that made her ask me to marry her so
I love her the days she forgets to text back Her phone is on silent, sometimes I get mad
“I’m sorry,” Georgia says when she comes through the front door. She’s biting her lip and her thumb and finger rub together, the way they do when she’s anxious. 
“It’s okay,” you say simply. You can’t help but feel mildly annoyed, but you know she didn’t do it on purpose, and you know that being mad at her isn’t going to help, it’ll just make her feel worse.
“I just- my phone was on in my bag, and I thought I’d walk home since the weather is so nice for once, and I was listening to music and kind of zoned out and my phone was on silent and-” she rambles, trying to explain herself.
“G, it’s okay, I promise,” you hug her gently, and her body sags against yours.
“You’re not mad?” she asks, and her voice sounds so small, so unsure.
“No, baby, I’m not mad,” you tell her. “I was worried, that’s all. Normally you’re home by 4, but you weren’t, and you know how I get worried. But I’m not mad.”
You feel her nod against your shoulder, still wrapped in your arms. She pulls away just enough to be able to look at you, your arms still resting on her shoulders, hers around your waist. 
“I’m sorry for making you worry,” she says. “I’ll try to remember to message you next time, or at least put my phone on loud so I notice if you message me or try to call me.”
“Thank you, baby,” you tell her, kissing her sweetly. “That’s all I need.”
I love her the weeks she can't get out of bed I love every curl, every hair on her head
“What if I quit?” she asks one day. She’s been having ‘bad brain days’, as she calls them, a lot lately. Constantly flip-flopping between having no energy and wanting to stay in bed, and being so restless she could scream. 
“Quit?” you ask, drawing circles on her back as she lays next to you in bed. 
“Quit football,” she mumbles into the pillow. “What if I just quit football?”
She’s not really asking that, and you know it. She just feels trapped at the moment. Understimulated and overwhelmed at the same time. Her brain needs action, excitement, something to focus on. 
“You don’t want to quit,” you tell her, kindly. “I mean, it’d be okay if you did, but I don’t think you do, really. Do you?”
“No,” she sighs, and rolls over on the bed, starfishing. One arm is draped over you, and the smooth underside of her wrist absentmindedly rubs against the crook of your elbow. “I guess not.”
You can see her brain running a million miles an hour. “Do you want to talk about it?” you ask. 
She shrugs. “I don’t know how. There’s too many thoughts, I don’t know how to put them into words, or how to start.”
“You can just say words. I’ll piece it together,” you tell her, and she flashes a smile at you, grateful for how well you understand her.
She thinks for a minute, quiet, and you wait patiently, knowing not to push her. She’ll start talking when she’s ready. 
“I just want my brain to chill the fuck out,” she says finally, and all you can do is nod and press a kiss to her forehead. 
I love her the nights she complains that she's cold But I'm always warm, so I give her my coat
“I don’t understand!” she exclaims, shivering slightly. “Why does it feel so cold? It’s not like it doesn’t get this cold in England, if anything, it’s warmer here! We’re much further south!”
You slip your coat off. You’ve lived here much longer than she has, you’ve gotten used to the weather. Plus, like any good German (or person living in Germany), you understand the importance of layering, so you usually have enough layers on to keep you warm, even without a coat. 
She blushes when you help her slip into your coat. Grabbing the collar, you pull her in for a kiss, and when you pull away, she’s smiling.
“You know,” you say, tilting your head slightly. “I’m starting to think you just like wearing my coats.”
“Hm,” she hums, leaning forward to kiss you again. “Maybe.”
Oh, I even love her when she's running late I'm always on time so I'll work while I wait
You’re sitting in a café when your phone vibrates. Before you check it, you already know that it’s a message from Georgia. 
sorry i’ll be there soon i promise!!!
If you had to guess, you’d say it was going to be about 15 minutes before she got to the café. You didn’t mind. You went to the café every Wednesday afternoon. She’d meet you there after training, sometimes earlier, sometimes later. At first, it had annoyed you. You felt like she was saying you weren’t important enough for her to prioritise. After a while, you realised how hard she was trying, and that it really wasn’t her fault. Her time blindness made it hard for her to realise how much time had passed, a couple minutes easily turning into half an hour. She would set timers, alarms, reminders, but most of the time her brain would just block them out. You’d grown to enjoy the time alone before she arrived, planning for it, bringing a book or a podcast.
Ten minutes after you received the message, the bell above the café door tinkles as she comes flying in. She slides into her seat at your usual table, the one in the corner by the window so you can people-watch. 
“I’m sorry I’m late!” she says quickly. Her face is flushed and her hair is windswept, still slightly damp from showering after training. She frowns, remembering something the two of you had talked about, about saying thank you, rather than apologising. “Wait, no. Thank you for waiting for me.”
“I’ll always wait for you,” you tell her, and she smiles.
She is funny and clever and kind She says whatever pops in her mind, oh And she's so fucking weird, that when she's with me I'm laughing most of the time And she's mine, she's mine
“Have you ever thought about how weird it is that we pronounce words the way we do?” she asks, and you blink at her, sleepily. She’s sat up in bed, looking wide awake.
“Babe, it’s 7:30 in the morning,” you say, eyes watering as you hold back a yawn.
“Good morning,” she says, kissing you. “Anyway. Have you ever thought about it?”
“Uh, not really,” you sit up, joining her, rubbing sleep out of your eyes. “How long have you been awake?”
“Mh, like, an hour? I woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep.”
“Oof, I’m sorry.”
She waves a hand and keeps talking, undeterred. “Like, imagine if we pronounced pineapple like Minneapolis. Pin-ee-a-pol-is. Or what if Dwayne was pronounced like Kanye. Dwan-ye. Actually, I guess that one doesn’t work. The ‘y’ is in the wrong place.” she says, frowning.
You burst out laughing.
“What?” she says.
“I love you,” you tell her, and kiss her until she can’t even remember how to pronounce her own name properly. 
I love her when she forgets to plan ahead I love her when she repeats what she's just said
“Oh, did I tell you that I’m starting on Thursday?” Georgia says as she rummages through the drawer of her bedside table.
“That’s great, baby!” you say. She starts most games now, but you’re still filled with pride every time she walks out onto the pitch.
“Shit,” she says, frowning.
“What’s wrong?” you ask.
She holds up her medication bottle, upside down. “I forgot to order a refill.”
“Ah,” you say. You can see her initial frown of realisation turning into one of frustration. “It’s okay, baby. We’ll call and order a new one as soon as the doctor’s opens.”
She nods silently, still frowning.
“What are you thinking?” you ask, gently, and she shrugs.
“Feel stupid. This happens nearly every month,” she says, voice small and angry.
You hug her tightly, staying there until you feel her tense body start to relax against you.
“You’re not stupid,” you tell her, voice calm but serious. “You’re not. I promise.”
She huffs a little, sagging. “But I always do this.”
“That doesn’t make you stupid. It just means that your brain isn’t very good at remembering things like this,” you say, rubbing circles on her back. 
She nods, frustration and anger quickly ebbing away. “Hey, did I tell you that I’m starting in the game on Thursday?” she asks, perking up, and you giggle.
Oh, I even love her when she's fast asleep I'll keep her warm when we're under the sheets
“Chilly,” she mumbles into your pyjama top as she spoons you, holding you tightly.
“You’re just using me for my warmth,” you tease, and you can feel her nodding against your back. You squeal when she puts her cold feet on the back of your legs, and her body shakes slightly as she laughs.
“You’re so nice and warm,” she sighs, wriggling to try and get closer to you.
“You know, you’d probably be warmer if you wore pyjamas,” you tell her, smiling, already knowing what she’s going to say.
“Gross,” she says. “I’ll feel all trapped and sweaty and suffocated. Ugh, and what if there’s itchy tags? No, thank you.”
“You know, you can cut the tags out,” you say, laughing.
She shakes her head against you. “No, thank you,” she repeats, voice thick with sleep.
You wake up during the night to pee, and when you crawl back into bed, you look at the sleeping form of your girlfriend. She’s curled in a ball, the duvet pulled tightly around her. As you wriggle under the covers and wrap an arm around her waist, her back against your front, she lets out a content sigh, leaning into your warmth.
She is funny and clever and kind, oh She says whatever pops in her mind, oh And she's so fucking weird, that when she's with me I'm laughing most of the time And she's mine, she's mine
“Oh, baby, are you crying?” you ask, looking over to Georgia, who’s sniffling, curled up in the corner of the sofa.
“No,” she says, looking at you with tears streaming down her face.
“Darling,” you say, holding an arm out so she can cuddle into your side. “It’s okay! It’ll all be okay!”
“B- but,” she sniffs, wiping a tear away. “He doesn’t know that! He’s just a little baby!” 
She gestures to the TV, where Brother Bear is playing. Somehow, she’s never seen the film, and as it’s one of your favourites, you decided it was finally time for her to see it. 
You look at her, fresh tears welling up in her eyes as she watches the little bear, and you can’t help but giggle, heart overflowing with love and adoration.
“Are you laughing at me?” she asks, but you can hear laughter in her voice, despite the tears. 
“No,” you say, pressing your lips together firmly, body shaking as you try to contain it. 
“You are!” she gasps dramatically, looking at you with wide eyes. “I can’t believe I’m crying and you’re just laughing at me!”
You poke the corners of her mouth, which are wiggling up and down as she tries to keep herself from laughing. She swats your hand away, but it’s too much and she can’t keep it in any longer. You both dissolve into a fit of giggles, and she has to wipe new tears away, but this time they’re from laughing so hard.
“See!” she says, in between laughter. “Now I’m crying again!”
She can’t keep a straight face, though, and neither can you.
When you’ve both finally calmed down, you can’t help but kiss her. “I love you,” you mumble into the kiss, and she smiles against your lips. 
“I love you, too,” she replies, eyes sparkling brightly.
And I see her smoking a cigarette Dancing through fountains you almost fell in You're drinking red bull at night when I can't have my coffee past 12pm And I'm so fucking grateful for every bullet I dodged to get to you Yeah, I'm so thankful for every moment I've got with you
You’re walking through a park in Munich on a summer evening, enjoying the warm air, when you come across a playground. There’s a big rope pyramid in the middle, surprisingly tall, considering it’s supposedly made for children.
“Hey, babe,” Georgia says. “Bet you I can climb up that in 10 seconds.”
“10 seconds?” you ask, raising an eyebrow. 
“Yeah!” she nods enthusiastically. “From the start to the top. Easy.”
“Hm,” Pretending to think about it, you squint at the pyramid. “What do I get if you don’t manage it?”
“A kiss.”
You roll your eyes. “I’ll get a kiss anyway.”
“Fine, I’ll put away the laundry tomorrow,” she says and you hum, not convinced. Her eyes brighten. “And I’ll do that thing you like in bed when we get home. You know, with the vibrator, and-”
“Okay, that’s enough,” you say, quickly looking around to make sure no one was nearby. “Fine. If you win, what do you get?”
“A kiss. And a massage when we get home,” she grins.
“Can you time it on your phone?” she asks eagerly, bouncing up and down on her feet, and you laugh. “But don’t start it until I say go!”
“Okay, okay!” you chuckle, and she bounds towards the pyramid. She waits at the bottom, watching you, waiting for you to have your phone out. 
“You ready?” she calls out, and you nod, giving her a thumbs up. “Okay, now!”
You start the timer as she scales the pyramid, reaching the top with 3 seconds to spare. 
“7 seconds!” you yell up to her, and she lets out an excited whoop, pumping her fist into the air. She stands up briefly, then sits down on the rope again. You watch her look around, frowning. “You okay, baby?” you call.
“Yeah, I, um,” she says, running a hand through her hair, and says something so quietly that you can’t hear it.
“I- I don’t know how to get down!” she yells, and you can see the blush on her cheeks from where you’re stood.
“What do you mean? Just climb down, like you climbed up,” you call.
“I can’t! It’s too high!”
You watch her frowning, arms folded across her chest, when you have a realisation. “Wait, baby, are you scared of heights?”
“Um,” she says, not looking at you. “Maybe?”
“Okay, hang on.”
You climb the pyramid, and when you reach the top, she clings onto your hand. Slowly, the two of you make your way down together, you telling her where to put her feet. When you’re on the ground, she looks at the ground sheepishly, cheeks still pink from embarrassment. 
“I may have, um, gotten overexcited,” she admits, and you laugh.
“You? Overexcited? No, surely not!” you tease, and she rolls her eyes.
“Yeah, yeah,” she mutters, not meeting your eyes, and you take her hand and pull her close, kissing her until she forgets about the fact that she needed your help to climb down. 
You are funny and clever and kind, oh You say whatever pops in your mind, oh And you're so fucking weird, that when you're with me I'm laughing most of the time And you're mine, you're mine Mine
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jihyoruri · 5 hours
❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ SUPER RICH KIDS kim chaewon x reader
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❀ ͘ ⴰ previous chapters | richgirl ⭢ that girl (she’s delicious) ⭢ idon’t smoke ⭢ pretty when you cry ⭢ homesick
↳ warnings richgirl!yn, angst (yn is back home), family dynamics, rich kid things, swearing, chaewon is still chaewon, arguing, weight mentions
you’d think after everything that someone has gone through in this house, stepping back through those doors would be the last thing she’d want. but she wasn’t going to lie.
yn felt at peace.
because in the moon mansion, she could be who she truly was and not feel bad about it.
a rich girl.
“lunch will be ready soon,” jia’s voice broke through the peaceful quiet as yn lay sprawled on her pink towel by the pool.
yn let out a contented sigh, lifting her sunglasses and pushing her hair back. “thanks, jia. what’s on the schedule for tomorrow?”
“you already attended the press conference with your father, so that’s off your list. your brothers will be going to the one tomorrow, so all you’ve got left is golfing with your members.”
the happy, serene soundtrack in yn’s head came to a screeching halt as she shot up from her towel.
“your mother didn’t tell you? she thought it’d be a good idea for you to invite them, so she reached out while you were out with your father,” jia said, her expression full of concern. she didn’t understand. shouldn’t yn be excited?
“when does she ever tell me anything?” yn grumbled, flopping back down on her towel childishly “jia, during dinner, add a splash of vodka to my mango juice. maybe the alcohol will keep me from flipping the table.”
jia chuckled softly, fondness in her eyes for the girl she’d watched grow up. “when has that ever helped anything? i’ll check on lunch.”
yn groaned as jia walked away. this was supposed to be her escape. chaewon is going to have a field day with this.
it seems like nothing can ever go yn’s way.
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dinner was quiet. but that was hardly unusual. as far back as yn could remember, dinner had never been family bonding time
bonding didn’t even exist in this family.
the unspoken rule was simple: eat in silence, speak only when necessary.
honestly, yn found the quiet pretty peaceful. just eating, no forced conversation.
but it seemed like her mother couldn’t stand seeing her at peace—ever.
maybe that was an exaggeration, but yn firmly believed it.
“you seem tense, yn,” jae said, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he took a slow sip from his drink. “something bothering you? got a problem with someone?”
yn gripped her fork tightly, slowly lifting her gaze from her plate. “i do, actually. and for once, it’s not with you, dickhead.”
“language,” their father muttered, eyes never leaving the documents he’d brought to the table.
“oh really, who’s ahead of me?” jae asked clearly liking the banter him and yn are having at the moment.
“I won’t disclose any details just as yet.”
daeun rolled his eyes at his siblings, then, deciding to break the silence since everyone seemed eager to chat, he asked, “so, mom, how was your day?”
their mother beamed at the question, her smile bright and warm. oh, how she adored her son. yn couldn’t help but roll her eyes.
“it was amazing, honey. i was just reading an article about your sister’s group.”
“oh, really?” jae responded with mild interest.
“yes! that yunjin member mentioned how she always makes sure the other girls eat and stay healthy. isn’t that wonderful? yn, you have such lovely members.”
as far as yn was concerned, yunjin had never once asked if she was eating properly. but that wasn’t what set her off, she had kazuha who always checked in on her.
it was the nerve her mother had to praise yunjin for something like that—the same person who was the root cause of yn’s so-called “problem.”
“is that why you invited them over tomorrow—without asking me?”
yn hadn’t planned on bringing it up, but her mother’s comment set her off.
her mother furrowed her eyebrows at yn’s tone. “yes, actually. they seem like lovely girls. i was going to suggest you invite those ai girls you’re so fond of, but your judgment isn’t always the best, so i made the decision for you.”
the screech of yn’s chair echoed through the dining room. “i’m not hungry anymore, because clearly no one in this family respects me. may i be excused?”
“sure,” her father said casually, taking a sip of his wine.
“oh, come on, yn! let’s not fall back into those habits,” jae teased.
”fuck you jae!”
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“you don’t like them, do you?”
yn lifted her head from her pillow, turning slowly to see daeun standing at her door.
“the girls in your group. you don’t like them.”
she watched as he stepped forward and sat at the edge of her fluffy bed. “you wouldn’t have reacted that way if it were the girls from sm.”
yn hated how daeun could always read her. they barely talked nowadays, but he still knew his little sister like the back of his hand.
“it’s not that I don’t like them. they don’t like me. no matter how much I lower myself or how nice i act, it’s like they can’t get over the fact that i’m a moon.”
“you lowered yourself for them?”
yn’s eyes flicked up from her lap to see jae standing at the door, disappointment written across his face.
she nodded, feeling a wave of shame. they were raised to believe they were better than everyone else, and here she was, bending over backward for girls who didn’t even like her.
“well, that was your first mistake,” jae said, shaking his head as daeun nodded in agreement.
“you’re dimming who you are to make them feel comfortable, and they’re taking advantage of that,” daeun added, hitting the nail on the head. yn hated how right he was.
“i know you, yn. you’re a bitch—a real one,” jae said with a smirk, earning an eye roll from her. “just be who you are. that’s how you’ll show them. it seems like they can’t stand the fact that you were always going to be successful, idol or not, and they hate that.”
“woah.” yn blinked in disbelief, looking between her brothers. “for once, you two actually make sense.”
“see? a bitch.”
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yn adjusted the dior sunglasses perched atop her head, then straightened her pink ralph lauren golf dress before turning to jia.
“why are they taking so long? it’s a gated community,” she complained, tapping her foot as she stood in front of her expansive front lawn.
“patience is key, miss moon. the van is pulling up,” jia replied calmly.
yn felt anxiety creep in but quickly reminded herself of her brother's words. this wasn’t the dorms; this was her turf, the place where yn excelled.
the first person to step out of the van was kazuha, who immediately sprinted toward her.
“you look so cute! i love your dress,” kazuha gushed, her eyes scanning yn’s outfit she couldn’t help but smile at how relaxed yn looked, she was completely in her element.
“thanks! my dad got it. it’s vintage!” yn beamed.
“of course he did.” yn already knew who that could be.
as she looked past kazuha, she noticed the rest of the girls gazing at her house in awe, it was kinda awkward seeing them, especially after the last time, but yn was just gonna pretend like that day never happened.
yunjin nudged chaewon, nodding toward jia, who narrowed her eyes at chaewon, causing the latter's eyes to widen.
chaewon hadn’t realized someone else was there.
yn couldn’t help but smile at that. “this is jia, the help.”
the girls nodded politely, while kazuha waved, causing yn to furrow her brows. “bow?”
the girls’ eyes widened at the unexpected demand but quickly bowed their heads.
“we treat the help with great respect around here,” yn said sternly . “so take note of that for next time.”
kazuha smiled at yn while the others nodded, a mix of confusion and compliance on their faces.
“so, who’s ready to golf?” yn asked, flashing a sweet smile.
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“you guys suck,” yn laughed, watching the girls struggle with their golf swings.
“well, not everyone has been doing this since birth,” chaewon shot back, rolling her eyes.
“you’re so right! it would take a lot to be like me, wouldn’t it?” yn teased, nudging chaewon’s side causing the girl to stumble “your form is horrendous.”
she strolled over to eunchae, adjusting the younger girl’s stance, then moved on to yunjin.
chaewon’s gaze drifted down yn’s body, taking in her outfit of course, she didn’t even know people actually wore dresses like that these days.
she was about to make a snarky comment when a loud shout interrupted her.
“ignore them it’s just the golf boys,” yn said as she corrected sakura’s form.
chaewon rolled her eyes when she heard the boys calling out yn’s name in a flirty tone.
“passed around?”
yn groaned at chaewon’s words. “I’ve only talked to them a handful of times. I barely know them.”
“i talk to the caddy girls a lot, though,” yn added, causing kazuha to laugh while chaewon scrunched her face in distaste.
“do you want my help with your form?” yn asked chaewon, raising an eyebrow.
“definitely not.”
“okay, then continue embarrassing yourself.”
chaewon opened her mouth to argue but was cut off by a woman’s voice.
the girls turned to see yn’s mother approaching, and yn groaned, rolling her eyes. “why is she here?” she mumbled to herself.
the girls recognized the woman—it was yn’s mother.
“hey, ladies! I hope you’re having fun and that yn is being a good host,” she said with a bright smile.
the girls greeted yn’s mom with polite smiles, and she continued, “I just wanted to drop off some cute gifts i got for you all. I completely forgot about them! I had to stop the driver we just left from going to lunch.”
“lunch?” yn asked, the emotion in her voice hard to pinpoint. “you guys went to lunch without me?”
“honey, it’s not a big deal. don’t be dramatic! we were just celebrating your brother’s achievements just an intimate get together that I planned.”
yn couldn’t remember them ever holding something for her achievements, and she had plenty. “right,” yn laughed sarcastically. “i’m always so dramatic, huh?”
the girls exchanged awkward glances; they had never seen yn like this before.
“don’t act like that. god, you’re just like your father,” her mother said, brushing off yn's feelings.
yn clenched her jaw. “is that all? you just came by to drop off gifts?”
“yes, and i wanted to check on you. stop being so moody! just like your dad. my boys are more like me,” her mom said with a smile, prompting awkward laughter from the girls.
“you see how she argues with me, such a daddy’s girl, she looks like a girl version of him as well doesn’t she?.” her mother laughs causing yn to look at chaewon who looks at back at her with a blank face.
“how about you go back to your boys? they’re probably waiting for ‘mommy’,” yn snapped, glaring at her mother.
she had never spoken to her mother this way before, but as she got older, her respect for the woman had diminished. she barely considered her mother a mom anymore.
“yes, i have to go. we’re going shopping to pick out suits for your father and brothers.”
yn felt as if she had been punched in the gut. family shopping—without her? everyone knows yn loves shopping.
“did you plan that too?” she shot back.
her mother ignored yn’s words, stepping back to scan her daughter. “this outfit is cute. it looks good on you. maybe lose a couple more pounds, and it’ll look even better.”
the girls’ eyes widened at her mother’s words, but yn remained unfazed on the outside.
inside, however, yn felt the sting. she tried to pretend she didn’t care about her mom’s opinion, but deep down, she knew she’d spend extra time on her diet after that.
“anyway, I have to go. it was nice seeing you girls! i hope you like the gifts,” her mother said before walking away.
the girls turned to yn, who stared at her mother’s retreating figure before turning back to them.
“I just love my perfect life, don’t ’ I chaewon? now let’s work on your imperfect form.”
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cameronsprincess · 10 months
i wanna requesttt!!
so maybe reader and jj r studying and he cant focus so reader thinks of a way to get him to focus and decides to cockwarm him🫣 everytime jj gets a question right reader rolls her hips until jj gets fustrated and flips reader over to finish wha she started🫠 (just an idea you dont have to follow through<33)
warnings: cock warming, unprotected sex, reader is a tease.
this was so hot, thank you thank you for the request omfg 😩
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“this is fucking stupid” jj groans, tossing his head down onto the desk.
you sigh, standing from your bed and walking to place a hand on jj’s upper back, “j, we have to study, this test is worth ten percent of your grade..”
jj turns in his desk chair, his hands finding your waist instantly. you feel chills run through your body when he tightly squeezes at your hips.
“i know baby, but i can’t focus. my mind is on.. other things” jj runs his hands down your hips, placing them on your ass and jiggling the fatty flesh.
you bring your bottom lip between your teeth, an amused smirk played across your lips.
you sit yourself on his lap, your fingers running through his hair, tugging softly at the blond locks as you lean your lips down to his ear, teeth nipping softly at the skin.
“i think i might know how to help you focus baby”
jj’s cock grows hard, his thick length pressing into your ass.
“oh yeah? and how might that be?”
you quickly stand, sliding your shorts and panties down your legs and kicking them across your bedroom floor. jj’s eyes go wide, his hands flying to your bare pussy, fingers lightly grazing your clit before you push them away.
“ah ah, no. you can’t touch. i’ll sit on your cock while we study, but you have to focus, anytime you get a question right, i’ll roll my hips a little, get a question wrong, well, i don’t move. once we finish studying, you can fuck me”
jj grins, quickly standing from his chair and pulling his sweatpants down his legs. jj grabs his books and rushes to the bed, pulling his underwear off before sitting and patting at his lap.
“come sit baby, we have a test to study for”
you quickly oblige, rushing to him and sitting yourself on his lap. you grind your bare cunt against jj’s throbbing length, getting it nice and wet with your arousal before you grasp it and begin teasing the head at your entrance.
you sink yourself down onto him, a low groan falling from his lips when you do. he unconsciously bucks his hips up, his swollen head lightly hitting at your g-spot and pulling a whine from you.
“j- fuck- jj no, focus”
you hear jj groan, but ultimately he agrees. he grabs his textbook off of your bed, placing it in your hands so you could begin asking him test questions.
“the basic elements of the supply chain include what?”
jj snaps his fingers, a wide grin growing on his face. “easy, supply, manufacture and distribution”
you smirk. “correct”
you slowly roll your hips over his length, feeling him twitch inside you before you stop.
“don’t get too excited we have a lot more to go baby”
jj groans as you clear your throat, “next question: what is a company’s strategic plan?”
“uhhh, outlining new products for the next year?”
you tsk, “nope, sorry baby, it’s a statement of goals and objectives for a long-range period”
“fuck, i knew that” jj sighs, his lip jutted out in a pout at the lack of movement from you.
“it’s okay, next question…”
you and jj continue this cycle for almost an hour, jj finally beginning to get all the questions correct, his need for reward strong.
you’re mid sentence on a question when you hear jj groan, “fuck this, i need you now”
“jj-“ you begin, but your words are replaced by a squeal when jj grabs the book from your hands and tosses it to the floor. he quickly flips you onto your back, running his hands up your shirt and cupping your breasts tightly between them.
“i was good, i answered as many questions as i could, but i need to fucking feel more of you, this ‘cock warming’ shit isn’t cutting it” jj grunts out, his hips pounding harshly into yours as his fingers pinch and pull at your hardened nipples.
you whine loudly, arching your back off the mattress, your hips bucking up and matching his thrusts. “fuck fuck, jj, so fucking good”
“yeah? you like how my cock feels buried inside you? do you think i should let you cum after you teased me for almost an entire fucking hour? hmm? do you think you deserve that baby? sitting this warm, soaked pussy on my cock but not giving me what i need?”
you open your mouth to speak but nothing comes out except for moans and whimpers, jj’s cock repeatedly hitting at your g-spot, pushing you closer to the edge.
jj digs his fingers into your sides, the cold metal of his rings surely bruising the skin. you hear him grunt out a few curse words as his thrusts grow sloppier.
“tell me, do you deserve to fucking cum? i don’t think you do”
you begin whimpering, your release so close you could feel it. “p-please let me cum, j! i-i promise to be good, won’t tease you like that ever- shit- won’t tease you ever again”
jj begins licking and sucking on your neck, his hips stuttering as his cock twitches inside you, the hot ropes of his cum filling you up.
“fuck! cum for me baby” jj grunts out, his hips stuttering to a still as he comes down from his high.
his words were all it took, your toes curling and a pornographic moan escaping you as your release bursts from you.
jj falls limp on top of you, his chest heaving up and down as he tries to calm his breathing.
“fuck, that was..”
you cut him off, finishing his sentence, “.. fucking amazing. i need to get you frustrated more often”
jj rolls off of you, pulling his sweatpants back up his legs and grabbing his book off the floor, “yeah, maybe you do. now let’s get back to this, worth ten percent of my grade right?”
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JJ TAGLIST: @aemonddtargaryen @ivy-34 @thelomlisrafecameron @writingjjfics @always-reading @jesssssmaybank @harrys-humble-housewife @maybankspov @immyowndefender @jjmaybankswifes-blog @wetbitchlibrary @lizcameron @xprloki @starkeypankowsbae @moremaybank @alexisbaumann2004 @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @thewitchesofart @unsaidjaelinrose @itsmytimetoodream @abbybarnesstuff @r1vrsefx @mel119g @rafetopia @jade-is-jaded @jjmaybankisbae @lexasaurs634 @fayerite @drewstarkeyslut @presleyanswrites @sierraluvz @carma-fanficaddict @rafescokenostril @madzzz0797 @slytherhoes @jscameron
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riptideripley · 8 months
Two Mamis
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summary:Ever since you joined the judgment day,people have been raving about Dominik having two mamis. He’s always denied the idea but behind closed doors,it’s completely different.
Rhea and Dom were close. Everyone knew that,but they didn’t know how close they reallllyyy were. You were completely oblivious to this right up until you were invited into the Judgment Day as a replacement for JD. You happily accepted,feeling yourself grow more and more excited to be with the ex con and eradicator. As time pasted,Rhea grew more than a friendly liking of you. Her and Dominik had been together roughly 2 months after she recruited him,keeping their relationship private from the world. Though on screen everyone thought they were together,they would never reveal the truth behind the rumor.
Rhea had suggested adding you to their relationship,since they both had discussed about having a third partner. Dominik was a bit skeptical about you at first,his attraction to you growing more once he finally saw you wrestle. He was used to seeing you in baggy clothes,nothing too fancy. But once he finally saw you in your wrestling gear he lost it. Your beautiful figure stood out to him,the tattoos peaking ever so slightly. He was in awe. After a brief discussion with you about the idea,you agreed.
Rhea’s heart skipped a beat when you said yes. Her dream girl really wanted her. She was over the top excited,making sure you were by her at all costs. Dom just stood by,admiring his two gorgeous girlfriends. You enjoyed the company of them,it comforted you. But little did you know this would be so much more.
Rhea was a sex addict. Dom knew it better than anyone else did. Always whispering things to him between segments and matches,making sure no one caught on. The part that shocked you the most was finding out how their on camera dynamic somehow..flipped. Dom had mentioned to you one night while you were in his hotel room about the sex they would have. You were completely comfortable and open to having this conversation,curiosity getting the best of you. You could never picture THE Rhea Ripley as the submissive one in a relationship,but quickly learned and later on accepted it the closer you got to them.
Now how did Two Mamis start? Well one day during a backstage segment,you and Rhea had just retained your tag team titles while the others waited for you two. You came back inside completely exhausted and ready to go home. Dominik had just walked in shortly after you too and noticed this quickly,helping you sit down and drink some water. “Just relax mami..” he cooed in your ear,sitting next to you making sure you were ok and didn’t need a medic. You didn’t tell him until later on how much you really enjoyed the nickname,it was something new and you loved it. From that day forward,he would address both you and Rhea as mami. Damian would make “two mamis” jokes constantly which made Dom laugh,seeing it was true.
The first time you three had sex together was..life changing. Rhea had a switch side to her that was rarely shown since she began dating Dominik. Dom had a sex appeal like no other. His figure was a sight to see once you really got to see him,toned muscles and a slim waist. What really got you curious was how Rhea’s whole demeanor changed around him once you three were alone. But enough of that,the sex. The whole threesome started from a few rounds of Dare or Drink. You all were slightly tipsy,a little high from the weed Dom had snuck in past Damian. Rhea had this look in her eyes like she needed or craved something.
She exchanged a look between you and Dom,a small smirk appearing on her face. Dom seemed to catch on quickly,looking at you. You glanced a look between them,slowly catching on. Next thing you know you were face down buried in Rhea’s sweet pussy while Dom was behind you doing the same thing. Rhea was more vocal than you expected,a handful of your hair in her bawled up fist. She wasn’t expecting you to be so good at this,but she fucking loved it. Dominik eventually got tired of just tasting you,he wanted to feel you. Rubbing his tip between your slick folds,causing you to whimper. He finally slowly slid himself inside of you,painfully slow. Once he bottomed out,he slowly began thrusting. He smiled as he earned a loud gasp from your lips,followed by a whimper.
You tried to focus on Rhea,spreading her legs wider as you slipped two fingers into her dripping cunt. “H-Holy..” and before she could even finish her sentence,her orgasm hit. Just when you were about to pull yourself up to kiss her,you felt Dom yank your head back down making Rhea yelp. “I never said stop mami.” he whispered in your ear making your knees weak. He placed his hands in your waist,adjusting your position continuing his rough thrusts. You could tell Rhea was overstimulated and god did she sound beautiful. “Dom..e-es demasiado para manejar..(it’s too much to handle)” she choked out through whimpers. She needed to fuck you asap and couldn’t wait any longer. Dom decided to be nice enough and let her move,pulling out of your sensitive cunt and pulling you away from Rhea. You watched Rhea shakily get up from the bed,turning your attention to Dom as he handed you a bottle of water. “You alright? Need a break or anything” he asked softy,kissing your forehead. You smiled in return,drinking some of the water. “No I’m fine,just need a moment” you responded.
Your attention turned back onto Rhea as she appeared,more relaxed and less shaky but there was something different..a black strap that was at least 8 inches was attached to a harness around her waist. She noticed and laid next to you,gently kissing your cheek. “Don’t worry mami,I’ll be gentle” she cooed softly in your ear,still laying next to you. You took one final sip of water and placed it in the nightstand,giving Rhea that green light. Giving you one last peck on the lips,she switched her position and kneeled in front of you. Glancing over at Dom to make sure this was the position he wanted while you laid there waiting. He nodded and laid next to you,watching closely as Rhea rubbed the silicone tip against your clit earning a soft whine. She chuckled softly to herself,slowly pushing the strap inside of you. Dom whispered soft praises while trailing kisses along your neck and soft breasts.
“Ah ah,stop squirming.” Rhea spoke firmly as she bottomed herself,not moving until you told her to. “M-mami..please” you whined out. She decided to be nice and not torture you anymore,slowly thrusting. “Fuck she looks so good taking you like that..” Dom muttered out through moans,using your hand to stroke himself. “She really does..” Rhea whispered,looking down watching as the strap went in and out of you. God she loved it. As she continued and picked up her pace,your moans grew louder. They both needed you to be quiet since Damian was just next door,so Dom had an idea.
Turning your head to the side and propping himself up,he lowered your head onto his cock. Rhea adjusted your legs,throwing them onto her broad shoulders making your legs spread out wider. She just smiled,watching as your legs began to shake. At this point you were on the verge of screaming,if it wasn’t for Dom fucking your throat of course. His thrusts grew sloppy,signaling he was close. “Should we let our pretty slut cum hm?” Rhea whispered out,her orgasm approaching from the harness rubbing against her sensitive clit. “Fuck- yeah..she earned it” he responded,his orgasm hitting hard. You moaned around his cock,your orgasm also crashing into you as your legs shook around Rhea’s shoulders. Rhea laughed softly at the sight in front of her,still thrusting to chase her high. Her orgasm soon washed over her,stalling her movements. Slowly she pulled out,gently placing your legs down onto the mattress then getting off the bed to retrieve two cold towels. Once she came back,Dom carefully spread your legs allowing Rhea to gently wipe you off.
“You did so good for us princesa” he spoke,pulling you into a deep kiss. “And good girl for swallowing without me telling you” he whispered and winked,making both you and Rhea giggle. She tossed Dom the other towel and laid next to you,pulling you into a spooning position. Dom wiped himself off and placed both towels on the nightstand. Turning back around to both of you,he smiled and laid on your chest.
To say the least,this would be a moment you’d never forget.
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archangeldyke-all · 10 months
sevika fucking rough but lovingly holding hands while doing so ...
men and minors dni
sometimes sevika fucks you like she hates you.
she's got a lot of pent up aggression. usually, she gets it all out at work, or at the gym after, or by having a bitch session with you as you lovingly comb your fingers through her hair and listen to her rant.
but sometimes, these methods don't work.
sometimes, all sevika needs is to bend you over the nearest flat surface and take all her frustrations out on you.
you don't seem to mind.
in fact, (and fuck does she love you for it) you seem to kinda love it.
she'll come home with that angry glint in her eye and a snappy tone of voice-- and she'll see the way your eyes fill up with excitement and lust at the prospect of what she'll do to you when she finally snaps.
sometimes, you'll even push her to snap. you'll be loud in the kitchen, you'll put on obnoxious music you know she hates, and you'll flaunt around the house in your underwear, making small little messes until sevika's fed up.
and when she's fed up, you can bet your ass you won't be able to walk properly the next day.
tonight's one of those nights.
you could tell from the second she walked through the door, her stomping footsteps a little louder than usual, a few curses tossed out as she struggled with getting her boots off, her breathing heavy.
so, to help your wife relieve her frustrations, you strip down naked before you run into the kitchen to greet her.
you find her chugging a glass of water.
she chokes and spit water everywhere when she catches sight of you.
"what are you--"
"sounds like you're having a bad day." you say with a grin. sevika raises an eyebrow at you and chuckles, before she rounds the counter to wrap you in her arms.
you hug her tightly, pressing gentle kisses to her hair as she melts into your hold.
"horrible day." she grumbles into your shoulder. you scratch her scalp and she sighs.
"well..." you say. she pulls away from your shoulder to look at you with a smirk. you giggle. "i got a few ideas on how your day could get better." you say. sevika chuckles.
"i can see that." she says as her eyes trail up and down your naked body. you grin.
sevika presses a sweet, loving kiss to your lips. it's all the warning you get before she's tackling you to the floor and flipping you onto your front.
you gasp as you hit the ground. one of sevika's strong hands pull your hips up so she can admire your pussy, while the other keeps your head pinned to the carpet beneath you. you whimper.
"look at this cunt." she grunts behind you, one of her fingers quickly swiping down your slit to gather some of your arousal. you twitch and sevika chuckles, darkly. "you love it, don't you?" she grunts. her thumb starts tracing circles into your clit. "love it when i have a shitty day. love it when i fuck you like a toy, don't you?" she asks again. you choke beneath her.
"like makin' you feel better." you say. sevika groans behind you, one of her hands smacking your ass.
"and you do such a good fuckin' job of it." she grunts as she shoves a finger inside your cunt.
you gasp and twitch beneath her, but she doesn't relent, starting a brutal pace with one finger, quickly adding a second when you start squirming.
she loves seeing you writhe beneath her, loves watching the way your cunt squeezes on her fingers when she pulls them out, like it's desperate for her not to leave. she loves watching your clit slowly grow engorged as she massages your g-spot with her finger tips. she loves watching the wetness slowly gather around her fingers until it's a ring of cream. she loves the way your soft whimpers and gasps quickly turn into long groans and curses and half sentences.
"shit, sev, gimmie your-- fuck!" you squeak as she leans forward to lick at your asshole, her fingers still pounding into you.
she pushes a third finger into your clenching cunt. "what, honey?" she taunts above you. you whimper and gasp and she chuckles, spitting on your winking asshole. "fuck, you're so good for me." she grunts as she bites the flesh of your asscheek.
"sevikaaaa!" you whine.
"yeah honey?" she teases. you pout into the carpet.
"want your cock." you say.
"beg for it." she commands. you shiver beneath her. she chuckles. "y'know you want it. c'mon. tell me how much you need me." your cunt's squelching around her fingers at this point, dripping down her hand and into a puddle on the carpet.
she always makes you beg when she's angry like this. some of it's because she like hearing you beg and whine for her-- it's a good stroke to her ego, and the noises you make get her throbbing in her boxers. most of it is just so she's sure. the last thing sevika ever wants to do to you is hurt you. and when she's angry and got her cock inside you, she loses all control of herself. so she makes you beg. just to be sure.
you have no problem with this. "fuck, sev, please. pleasepleaseplease give me your cock i need it baby. i need it so bad-- you need it too i know you do. don't you want this pussy? c'mon, sev, please!" you whine. sevika sighs and presses one loving kiss to the small of your back. then, she pulls her fingers out and lets go of your hips. you collapse to the carpet beneath you. behind you, you can hear the jingle of sevika's belt buckle coming undone.
she plasters herself over your body, biting your shoulders and shoving her cock between your legs. you whimper and try to rise to give her more room, but she just pushes your hips back down.
"relax." she whispers. her cock is nestled between your thighs, the tip poking at your entrance. you're squriming beneath her, trying to get her inside you.
"sev!" you whine. she chuckles, then sinks her teeth into you as she shoves her cock inside your cunt. "oh, fuck!" you gasp.
she doesn't give you time to adjust, just starts fucking your hot, wet, clenching cunt with deep, hard strokes. "take it." she grunts.
you cum. "sevika!" you shout, your body twitching and shaking beneath her as she plows into your squirting cunt. she shudders.
"fuck, fuck, fuck, this pussy's so good. look at you, honey, squirtin' on my cock-- god you're a slut. fuck, i love you." she grunts as she continues to fuck into you through your orgasm.
she doesn't stop.
she doesn't stop when you start twitching from over stimulation, and she doesn't stop when three minutes later she fucks another orgasm out of you. she doesn't stop biting you, fucking you, groping you with a bruising grip.
she only stops when she gets close, adjusting the arm beside your head and bringing her free hand down to hold your own hand.
you cum the second her hand wraps around your own. sevika groans a long a drawn out "fuck!" as you cum around her cock.
"that's it, baby, there you go, good girl. takin' it so fuckin' well." she babbles. you whimper beneath her, trying to catch your breath as her thrusts slowly inch you across the carpet.
you'll have carpet burns on your tits and stomach tomorrow. it's worth it.
"y' fuck me so good." you say, dreamily. your brain melted out of your ears two orgasms ago, everything you're saying now is just stream of consciousness. "love you. love you love you love you." you say in between her thrusts. sevika grunts above you. "close?" you ask. sevika whimpers. you grin and squeeze your thighs together, clenching your cunt. sevika collapses on top of you, fucking into you like an animal as her teeth sink into your neck.
she's close, shaking and grunting against you, her cock twitching inside you. pinned beneath her like this, you can't reach her to hold her as she gets closer, so you just flip your hand up beneath sevika's and gently rub your thumb over her knuckles. "give it to me, baby." you whisper.
that's all it takes for her. she whimpers and cums, filling you up deliciously as she shakes above you. you moan and grin as she fills you up, giggling at the exhausted little sigh she lets out once she's done.
for a few minutes, the two of you just lay on the carpet, sevika catching her breath on top of you while you relish in the satisfied fucked out feeling spreading throughout your body. with your wife on top of you, you honestly have no where else you'd rather be.
eventually, sevika moves. she releases the bite she had on your throat to press a kiss to the indent of her teeth, then a kiss to your head. you giggle.
"feelin' better?" you ask as she pulls out and clambers off of you. she helps you roll over and stand, then pulls you into a tight hug. you press a kiss against her head and she kisses your neck. she hums happily against you.
"much better." she says. you smile.
she lifts her head up from your shoulder to kiss you properly. you melt against her lips, sighing as her tongue pushes into your mouth. "you're such a good wife." she whispers against your lips. you giggle. she pulls away with a pout. "i'm serious!" she says. you giggle again.
"i know. 's just that i was thinking the same thing about you." you say with a shrug.
sevika smiles bashfully, kissing you once more, before she drags you to the bathroom. "c'mon. wanna take a bath with you." she grunts.
you grin, bringing your intertwined fingers up to your lips to kiss sevika's hand. she blushes.
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity
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heart-0f-silk · 9 months
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Captain Killian “Hook” Jones x F!Reader
[Season 3]
Warnings: Fluff, Smut, Semi-Public sex, p in v, creampie, caught?
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You and Hook have never truly been alone. There was always someone, whether is was Emma, Henry, or the Charmings. Most of the time you guys even saw each other was when something bad happened and now you were on some crazy fairytale mission.
Now here you are, on ANOTHER mission. You and Hook were tasked to go the library and see if you two could meet up with Belle and search around for some information on Zelena.
The silence as we walk is uncomfortable. I decide to finally try and make some small talk. “So, uhm, Killian is your real name..correct?”
“Yes love. That it is, why do you ask?” He looks at me.
“Well I was wondering, I’ve never really heard anyone use it before..any particular reason why?”
“Well it’s probably because of my reputation, that and I tell most that they may as well call me Hook.”
“Oh..not as exciting as I thought..”
“What? Did you think I’d have some dark backstory besides the fact I loss my hand?” He gives me a smirk.
“No…well maybe. You are a pirate.” I kinda laugh, but it was just nervous laughter. Why is this so hard for me? We’ve spent plenty of time together, we’ve worked together, especially in neverland. So why do I struggle so much with this?? I guess it doesn’t matter, we need to focus on Zelena.
“Well, I am full of surprises, Love.” He continues his smirk towards me, but I didn’t even notice. I tried just focusing on Zelena and what she could be up to. “Something on your mind, love? You seem to be almost bursting a vein.” I hear his chuckle, “oh! Uhm just thinking about Zelena Y’know…”
“No, I believe there’s something else..what is on your mind?” Before I can even think of an answer we are already at the library. “Oh! Were here! Lets uhm.. go find Belle!” I rush inside. Why am I so nervous to answer his question? There’s nothing particularly wrong?.. I mean, it’s just I’m truly thinking about him.. is that why I can’t answer? Why am I suddenly feeling so..flustered about all this?
My mind is running on and on about Killian I completely ignore the confused Belle standing infront of me, “Hellooooo, are you listening?” I snap out of it as I hear her sweet accent. “Oh sorry, uhm. We just came to see if maybe we could find some information about our witch problem.”
“I see, I’m afraid I haven’t checked and I do have somewhere to be, me and Rumple are going out so- anyways, you’re free to look around! I’ll leave a key on the desk, please be sure to lock the doors oh your way out!” Belle finishes putting on her scarf and purse and then rushes out the door. “Well, it seems it will just be us two, love.” “So it seems..” why am I so sweaty all of a sudden?.. my heart rates also increased… “We should probably start looking today.” I snap out of my thoughts once again to Killians voice, “Y-yes, your right. I’ll start over there in section E-G, you can go from A-B.”
“And I thought I was a captain..look at you bossing me around.” Killian chuckles as he walks through the isles, pushing books sloppily with his hook.
After about 20-ish minutes of searching me and hook ended up meeting in the middle on the same isle. Both facing opposite directions. The space between the isle wasn’t forgiving, I could smell the natural musk and rum from Killian. It was so..intoxicating. While scanning through books I saw a red cover reading ‘the truth of your feelings’. Something about the book made me flip open to the table of contents. That’s when I see a chapter of the name ‘why and what is this feeling?’. I flip to the chapter and read a bit. It talks of feelings of intimacy, tension, both romantic and sexual, and a whole catalyst of other things. Most of it sounded familiar..this was how I felt about Killian. I mean, now that I think of it. I’ve always found hook quite attractive, and when he calls me love I feel a shiver go down my spine.
Oh my god.
I have a ‘crush’ on no other than Captain Hook. Right as I was staring off into space from this sudden realization I feel a warm chest seek behind me, pressing against my back. An arm comes over just above my shoulder to meet the bookshelf. “And what so that your reading, love?” Killian snatches the book out my hand and starts reading the contents. “Truth of you feelings, huh.. Do you like someone, love?” His smile is wide as he laughs. I try grabbing the book out of his hands- hand, but he moves swiftly.
“Give it back Killian!”
“I don’t think I will, who is it you like anyway?”
I ignored his question as heat rose to my cheeks. “It doesn’t matter! Give me the book!”
He leaned down to be infront of my face, “Tell me and I will.” I get his breathe on my face, it smelt of rum. I froze for a second before I looked up at him and spoke softly, “Please Killian, we need to find information on Zelena..” his look darkened, I’m not sure with what but he didn’t seem mad..
“And this is information on Zelena? Didn’t know you liked green like that.” He gave a light chuckle and handed me the book. “That’s not- Oh my fucking god. Let’s just keep looking.” I turned away from the smiling pirate and put the book back in its spot.
We continued searching until we found a few books that could be helpful. There was a small desk near the back of the library with a lamp and some bookmarks. I had been sitting in one of the chairs that was with the desk, Killian sat beside me.
“Y’know this is the first time we’ve ever been alone together..”
His eared perked up, “No it isn’t, we’ve been alone on the Jolly Roger.”
“No, Emma, Mary Margaret, and David were all there. I think Regina was aswell.”
“What about at granny’s?”
“Definitely not..” I chuckle.
“Well- what about at the well.”
“Regina and Emma.”
We both have completely set down our books by now and have lost all attention to what we came here to do.
“Wow, I’ve never noticed it seems.”
I don’t know why it stung a bit when he said that but, it did. What was I thinking? I was barely even aware of my own feelings so why is this suddenly so serious? That and everyone knows he pines after Emma Swan. I mean who wouldn’t? She’s beautiful, smart-witted, and resilient even through everything. What have I ever done that’s been of importance? I’m just some..girl. I’ve never done anything that has amount to something. Even back in the enchanted forest, I was no one. I helped Snow hide from the Evil queen for a bit but nothing more. Emma is a savior, the product of true love. How could I even allow myself the fantasy of me and Killian?
“It’s probably because I struggle with keeping my eyes off you so often that it seems that it’s just the two of us.”
I feel my body freeze in place as my eyes widen, “W-what?” Is all I can mutter out. “You’re quite the beautiful woman Love,” He leans in, our noses almost touching, “and I can’t keep myself under control sometimes when you’re around.” I look into his piercing blue eyes. “Then don’t..” I couldn’t even believe what I was saying, it seems I even took Killian by surprise but he leaned right in and kissed me. The kiss was passionate, sweet, and soft. His lips felt slightly chapped but I didn’t mind. The smell of the sea, rum, and desire was overtaking my senses. I broke the kiss first, a string of saliva connecting our mouths. “Please Killian…”
“Please what, Love?”
“Please, touch me more.” I run my hands up over the laces of the leather covering his skin. “Let me touch you more..” my eyes wander down seeing the tiniest bit of chest hair hiding under his shirts. “Are you sure about that love? I wouldn’t want to get in the way of whom ever you liked earlier. Who you were going to speak the truth about your feelings to.”
“No, no, you wouldn’t be in the way..Please.”
“Are you sure? You might have to tell who this lucky mystery person is.”
“Tell me.” His eyes darken as he felt down my thigh and squeezed. “You..it’s you Killian. I want you.”
“Mm, that’s all you had to say, Love.” He then desperately catches my lips in a sloppy kiss. I hear him moan lightly as I capture it in my mouth. I start instinctively ripping at the laces of the black leather vest. Killian of course noticed and help by taking off his jacket. Before I can continue however he suddenly picks me up from my thighs and sets me on the table. “Much better..” he grabs my lips again in a heated kiss. I continue at his laces before ripping then undone, “gentle love.” He smiled at me. “Sorry..”
“Don’t be, I do like you needy.” He slightly chuckled when he spoke sending another wave of heat to my cheeks. He’s somehow still just as adorable as he is handsome. “You are beautiful..” I couldn’t help but hold his face in my hands, feeling his pokey gruff and soft skin. “No, you’re the beautiful one, love” I smile and for a moment and forget the world around us. This, this is all I ever wanted. This happiness. I leaned in and kissed him softly and he equally kissed me just as soft and sweet as ever. Is this what true love feels like? Maybe love is overzealous and a much to strong word for something so young but, I truly am so happy.
I feel his hands slowly make their way up my body till they were at my breasts. He fondles and massages them lovingly. The kiss gets increasingly more eager and hungry. “Allow me to take this off?” I feel him grabbing the bottom of my shirt, almost ripping it off with the sheer force of his grip. “Go ahead.” I didn’t have to tell him twice, he took it off so quickly I almost fell off the desk.
I feel the cool metal of his rings caress my now naked skin. He slides his hand around to the back of my shirt and uses his hook to snap my clasp. It slightly smacks my back making me shiver, but it strangely felt so..satisfying. He uses his hook to slide off my bra from my shoulders. I watch as Killian then continues to take off his hook and sets it on the table beside me. He leans down and begins kissing my neck and collarbone, peppering me in soft kisses. The feeling almost tickles then he continues further down to my breasts. He then circles his tongue around my bud before taking it into my mouth. He uses his hand to grope my other breast, “Mmph” I moan but conceal it by using my hand to cover my mouth. “No, don’t you dare cover those darling sounds.” I feel him pitch my nipple at this sentence, I squeak from the pleasure. “Mm-more, please~” He smiles at me before taking a set back.
“Are you sure about this, Love?”
“Yes. 100%”
“Oh, thanks the gods-“ He quickly rushes to my lips once more grabbing my face and hungrily smashing his lips into mine. “Mmph- this isn’t fair, you still have your mm- shirt on-“ I try catching my breath in between rough kisses. Quickly breaking the kiss Killian pulls his shirt over his head and goes straight back to kissing me. His hands go straight to the hem of my skirt trying to yank it off my body. I giggle at his actions and help him, taking my panties off with them to make everything much easier.
After I do I finally look up to see Killian’s face, he’s stepped back now just staring at me in awe. “What’s the matter?” I giggle into my sentence. “You are so, beautiful. You’re perfect my dear..” I shy away from his words when I feel him come in between my legs once again and take my chin into his hand. “Hey, look at me. You’re the most gorgeous woman I know, seen, touched. Don’t you shy away from that.” I feel his finger find their way to my hair as he leads my head into another deep kiss. I pull Killian in by the belt and unbuckle it. I pull it out of the loops and let it drop to the floor.
“Pants, please.”
“Yes ma’am”
Killian takes a pause and unbuttons his pants and unzips them, pulling them down along with his boxers. His cock was practically touching his stomach, leaking with sticky pre-cum. It was a decent width but very long. I was so mesmerized I didn’t even realize I was staring. “I’m glad you like the view, Love-” I looked up embarrassed, my face hot & most likely red. “But my eyes are up here.” He lifts my chin up with his hand again. I stare into his sparking blue eyes as they glimmer with lust & desire.
His hand goes from my chin down my neck and he gently squeezes. I a choked moan escaped from my lips when he did so. “Oh, do you like that Love?”
“Mm Mmhm~” I look up at him with pleading eyes. “Do you want it darling?” All I do is nod my head. “Words. lovely”
“Yes. Yes, please Killian. I want it- I want you so bad.”
“I didn’t even have to ask you to beg, such a good girl~”
I felt my core melt at his words, I was practically oozing with arousal. “Please, please give your cock to me, please.” I continue pleading with both my eyes and words. “If you wish, Love.” With that I feel his tip aline with my velvet folds. “Are you ready?” I eagerly nodded my head to the question.
I feel the head enter inside and before I know it I’m taking inch by inch as Killian whispers all kind of sweet & dirty things in my ear. I slowly become louder & louder as he continues. “Ah~ you were made for me love. You feel so good.” He continued moaning soft grunts in my ear. He had began a stable pace for a while, all I could hear was the wet slops of our juices mixing with one another’s, and his grunts in my ear. I wrapped my legs around his waist instinctively. “Y-you are such a good girl for me, Love” The grip he held on my thighs getting rougher, his pace quicker and sloppier, and more erratic. All I could do was let my mouth fall open and let the sounds roll out.
“Yes, j-just like that darling~”
“Ah~ god Killian!~ please, finish inside, fill me up, please, please.” I felt his dick twitch inside me as he slams inside me deeper and harder with each thrust.
“Are you s-sure love?~”
“A-as you wish-“ Killian continues slamming into me causing the table to bang against the wall, The lamp has fallen over and the grip moved from my thigh to my throat. Everything felt so good- to good. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as I felt the knot in my stomach begin to break and then- stars. That’s all I saw. Pleasure washed over my body causing my legs to shake around Killian’s waist losing strength to keep them wrapped around, but Killian continues pounding into me mercilessly. I still manage to choke out the most pornst⭐️r moans possible as he continues. “T-to- AH~ much!!~”
“C’mon, you can take it love-“ I already feel my own juices dripping from my leg and all over his cock making the wettest of sounds. His cock starts twitching and his moans become louder and thrust more erratic. “God you are amazing~” once he reaches the end of his sentence he cums deep in my cervix, coating my walls white in his sperm.
Both still catching our breaths I kiss Killian’s jaw in soft and sloppy kisses. “You are quite the woman, Love.”
“You not too bad your self.” I retort back, “Your, amazing..”
“As much as I love staring and holding you like this we are in a public library, Love. Door is still unlocked.”
“Oh shit your right- lets get dressed-“ We both quickly grab our clothes off the floor and try to hurrying get dressed when we hear a group come in.
“Hook! Y/N! Are you guys here?” Emma. Shit shit shit, I’m still half dressed.
“Y/N!” And snow. Could this get any worse?
“Where are these bafoons?” And Regina. It can get worse. I finish putting my clothes back on and trying to smooth out the wrinkles and fix my hair. “There you are! What took you two so long to answer-..oh. Seems you two had fun.”
“Listen Regina it’s not what it looks like-“
“I do not care, but we are trying to save storybrooke and more importantly my son so if you could do it on your own time that’d be great.”
“What’s going on over here?”
“Nothing, Emma.”
All I can see is Killian give me a little wink before turning away, pointing to my legs as a small drop of white ran down my leg.
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This is my first story 😨 so please be kind. Y’all at the end idk what I was on but it was 9:30pm then 1:25am-
(Also I didn’t proofread I’m so tired 💀)
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afro-hispwriter · 21 days
Summer Shadows(Camp Slasher Au) Welcome to Camp Paradis!
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Levi Ackerman x reader(eventual)
Warnings- late 90’s, Levi and Mikasa are cousins, Levi sorta hates you
Summary- Camp Paradis is back in session after being closed for the past 30 years after the murder of 17 attendees. But that’s OBVIOUSLY not going to happen again!!!
It’s too fucking hot for this shit
That's what was running through Levi’s head as he carried his two duffle bags through the sea of parents and children coming into Camp Paradis. 
Fucking summer camp, last time I let Erwin convince me to do this
“This is your fault,” Mikasa says next to him, her suitcase hitting her ankles almost every step. “If you hadn’t lost your job, then that shitty apartment we wouldn’t-.”
“Hey, brat.” He stopped and glared at her. “Do you ever shut the fuck up?”
“I hate you.” She stomped off to the check-in and Levi let out a ‘tch’. 
He walked over to where counselors were supposed to meet up when large hands clapped on his shoulders.
“Levi!” He knew the voice instantly and sighed deeply.
“Erwin.” The blonde moved in front of him, he had that stupid smile on his face. It was his first year as head counselor and Levi already knew he was overly excited. Just like he was when he was Valedictorian for his high school and college class, the best football player in both, and one of the smartest. While still being the kindest guy there was. Someone Levi could call his (best)friend. 
“I'm glad you’re here, let me tell you what cabin you’re being assigned.” Erwin looked at his clipboard and flipped through it. “Ackerman. Ackerman. Acker- ah okay you’re going to be In charge of Cabin G with 10 boys from ages 8 to 16.” Erwin points to the cabin far away. “Oh, and that cabin is next to a girl's cabin so you will have to keep an eye out a bit more often.”
“Great, as if just having to keep them alive for the next two months won't be hard enough.” 
“Hey come on, lighten up.” Levi rolled his eyes and turned his body to walk away but Erwin spoke again. “Made sure Mikasa is in the girl's cabin next to yours.”
“Tch. Why would you do that?” 
“Because she’s your family and you care about her. Regardless of whatever hatred there is between you two.” Levi said nothing and did nothing. Just stared at his friend and walked away.
Two steps into the cabin Levi knew what the first job the kids were going to be doing was. It was disgustingly filthy. He didn’t even want to throw his bags down. 
There was a paper to his left on a counter that read
Camp Paradis Cabin G
Head Cabin Counselor: Levi Ackerman(23)
Assistant Cabin Counselor: Furlan Church(19)
Armin Arlet(14)   
Logan Beam(9)
Alexander Clarke(11)
Jean Kirstein(15)
Aloy Ramos(12)
Nicolas Shroud(16)
Connie Springer(15)
Jeremy Volantage(10)
Eren Yeager(15, watch closely, can be very troublesome)
Keiko Xu(8)
The rest of it was some rules and ways of communication. 
Levi rubbed his face and pinched the bridge of his nose. Oh, he knew this wasn’t going to be good. Between the mix of a whole bunch of adolescent brats and 2 little kids. He’s not getting a moment's peace, but at least he’s getting paid. 
He dropped his bags at the farthest bunk bed and grimaced at the dirt.
Did they not clean these beforehand?
“Hey!” A voice came from the entrance and Levi turned around. A guy with blonde hair and light gray eyes stood at the entrance waving at him. “Furlan Church and you are?” 
“Ackerman.” The blonde cocked his head to the side.
“Oh Levi. Really? I thought you were a-.” The eyebrow raised from Levi told Furlan it was best to keep that thought to himself. “Anyways, campers should be coming in soon, so what bed are you taking?“ 
Levi looked at the bed he was standing by. 
“Alright, guess I'll take this one.” Furlan tossed his bag on the bed by the main door. 
Levi remembered during orientation for counselors that there was a storage closet with cleaning supplies. He grabbed the handle and pushed it down but just as he opened it, someone was coming out. Before he could step back, his forehead rammed into their chin and his chest bumped a whole bunch of supplies in their arms. 
“Oh no I'm sorry, I should've watched where I was going.” Levi knew that voice. That irritating, grating voice. Looking up at her face confirmed his fears.
Y/n L/n. A total daddy’s girl with daddy's money. He went to school with you and the last time he saw you was high school graduation. He hated you. He always hated your stupid smile. He always hated how smart you were. He always hated how stupidly kind you were. He always hated how caring you were. He hated how you didn’t look any different you’re still so beautiful. Your stupid perfect hair hasn’t changed. He hated the stupid tank top you wore that matched your perfect skin beautifully. He hated those pretty shorts that he knew your ass looked great in. 
He hated you
“Levi? Levi Ackerman holy shit you’re here!” You say with a big smile and open your arms out wide. Dropping everything else in your arms. You stepped forward to hug him but he stepped back and out of reach making you stop. “Oh sorry.” You drop your arms but still keep a smile. “How have you been? 
He stared at you and let out a huff.
“Fine. What the hell are you doing here? Didn’t see you at the orientation and this isn’t your usual setting.”
“I’ve been a counselor here for 3 years now so it’s not mandatory, it’s nice though.” You squatted down and started grabbing the things off the ground. Cleaning supplies Levi could see. 
“Tch. Thought you’d be in Italy or some other country with your boyfriend.” That made you laugh, he squatted down and grabbed a bottle of cleaner.
“What boyfriend?”
“That rich guy-”
“Oh Sam!? Seriously? He was so obnoxious and not my type at all.” You stood back up and Levi followed. “I actually liked the whole camping thing and taking care of kids, it's nice. What Cabin are you in?’
“Hey we’re neighbors, I'm in F as the Head. Guess that’s why I have Mikasa, she’s your cousin right?” He nodded and you pressed your lips together in a straight line. “Okay! I guess I’ll see you later. Bye, Levi.” You brushed past him and he was hit with the scent of your fruity perfume that made him turn his face to follow it. As he did his gray eyes trailed down to your ass.
The kids and parents were slowly starting to trickle in. Parents crying about letting their kids go, kids clinging to their parents, or the parent or kid who just wants to leave or stay to get away from each other. 
In Levi’s cabin, the first boy to arrive was Armin Arlet and his grandfather. He was quiet and settled in quickly. Next was Jean Kirstein, he came in by himself and just by saying a few words. Levi could see this kid had an ego. Eren Yeager came in and Levi and even Furlan were curious about the kid. Armin and he seemed to be good friends since the blonde boy jumped up and ran to Eren screaming his name. Eren’s father came up to Levi and held out his hand.
“I'm Grisha Yeager and this is my wife, Carla, I'm assuming you're Levi.” Their hands met and it ended quickly. “I'm sure they have mentioned our son but trust me on this, my son is a menace, I'm saying he would start a revolution if he could.” Levi sucked in a breath and let it out.
“Sir, I can and will handle your son.” Grisha’s shoulders dropped.
This guy seems disciplined, maybe he is who Eren needs 
“Thank you.” The man says and goes to Eren. 
A long day. A long day indeed.
The last boy to come in was Keiko Xu. He was clutching his mother's hand tightly and his other arm held his stuffed puppy toy. 
“Hey there!” Furlan approached them. “I'm Furlan and you are?” He looked down at the small boy.
“Keiko.” He says and he looks around the cabin and settles on Levi. 
“Cool name, how about you choose a bed kid, we still have three available.” Keiko nodded and dropped his mother's hand. He looked around all the beds, the boys smiling and waving at him. He got closer to Levi and Keiko looked at him in slight fear and that glare wasn’t helping. Levi noticed how nervous the kid was and relaxed his face. 
“Mmm, can I sleep here?” The small boy pointed to the bottom bed of the bunk next to Levi’s.
“Sure kid.” Keiko smiled and sat on the bed. His mother came over dropped his bags down and said her goodbyes. After she left, Furlan closed the door and Levi stood up. 
“Alright brats.” He said loudly and the boys all looked up at him. “Get settled in, we’re leaving in 20 for the grand welcoming in the mess hall. Understood?”
“Yes sir?” Connie salutes and Levi rolls his eyes.
Furlan stood in front leading the group while Levi was in the back making sure none of them strayed. The boys were already becoming fast friends but Keiko was still shy and almost cried when Levi told him to leave his toy so it didn't get lost. But that also seemed to be the reason why Keiko stayed close to Levi, as some sort of protection and comfort Keiko found in such little time. 
He kept looking around at all the people and some bumped into him making him stumble into Levi. In fear of falling, he grabbed Levi's hand and squeezed it tight. Levi’s eyes widened and tried to draw his hand back but Keiko wouldn’t let go. He just had to accept it.
He sat his group down and told them he would be in the back with the other councilors. There were refreshments and snacks that the adults were taking advantage of before the kids ate them all later. To Levi’s surprise, there was tea, it was in the bags but tea nonetheless. He grabbed a mug and the boiling kettle and started his tea. 
He listened to bits and parts of it. Erwin’s overly happy voice was about to give him a headache. 
Someone bumped his shoulder and pressed theirs against his due to the tight fit.
“Levi.” You smiled at him. “Can I ask you a question?” 
“Mmm?” He took a sip. 
“Do you hate me? Like have I done something to you in the past? I just feel like you don’t like me.” He side-eyes you and takes another sip.
“Sorry if I wasn’t so fucking bubbly and happy.” He spit and you scrunch your nose.
“Guess I have my answer.” You start to walk away and Levi rolls his head back and shoots his arm out to grab your elbow 
“Wait brat.” He pulled you back next to him. “I don’t hate you.” 
“Then you strongly dislike me when I haven’t done anything to you. Tell me why you hate me.” He rolled his eyes and stayed quiet. “Fine if you don’t want to tell me, why don’t we just start over, and then when you have fallen hopelessly in love with me, you will forget why you hated me at all.” 
“Tch.” He shook his head and looked into his tea with a small smile.“In your dreams, but fine.” Keith Shadis, the director of the camp, was talking now about to close out. 
“So after lunch, me and my girls were going to do arts and crafts, do you and your boys want to join us?” Levi thought for a moment and stared at his group. He’d known them for less than two hours and he could tell they would prefer to throw a football or play volleyball rather than arts and crafts. Well, Armin and Keiko seem like they would. 
Fuck it
“Sure, I’ll bring them over.” 
“Fun!” You say and elbow him.
There were no directors, no counselors, no campers in the courtyard due to all of them being in the mess hall. 
Nobody knew of the man standing in the trees by the nurse's office. 
Staring right through the window. 
Staring right at Levi and Y/n. 
A/n- first time writing something like this!!! Next chapter will have more Levi and Y/n and masked man lore. Lmk if anybody wants to be tagged for this.
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Pretty girl
Pairing- Neytiri x reader
Summary- Neytiri really enjoys when your being a brat.
Warnings- d/s dynamics, spanking, Dom! Neytiri, fingering, eating out, overstimulation, crying kink??(I'm so high rn I don't know how to spell the real thing, I think that's it lmk if I missed something and this was a request
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Neytiri watched as you discarded the water she had handed you and get the wine they were passing out. Grabbing a hold to the cup in your hand she looked at it and then you. "I got you water, drink it." She said. You give her that reading giggle you do when you know what your getting into. "Your not the boss of me Ma Neytiri," you say tilting in your head a little gleaming smile plastered on that bratty face.
And after dinner there was a party for some young Na'vi getting a ikran. Neytiri watched as you danced, hips rolling as you eye fucked her from the room. She stood up walking over to you stopping your dance giving you a threatening glare, "Stop teasing." She whispered into your ear.
You got close to her ear giving it a small kiss before speaking, "No." You say before walking off proud smirk, she couldn’t wait to wipe it off. She followed you until you got Infront of your shared home, "Tìlor you stop being a brat." She said as you as your pupils dilated with excitement.
"Be quiet." You say.
"What." She says now she's the one who was smiling.
"Be quiet."
And that was the final straw, now you were going to get what you wanted and so much more. She pushed you into the pod and closed the curtains, not giving you anytime to process anything she pushed you onto all fours on the cot that you sleep on. You yelped when she ripped your loincloth and cupped your soaking cunt. "Neytiri." You moan as she massages her hand into your pussy.
And then a harsh jolt shoots through your left ass check. You whine from the hurting sensation but couldn't help but moan as she slips two fingers into your pulsating hole immediately clenching around her fingers. "Ooh don't tell me you are going to release so soon." She says slowly fucking her fingers inside of you. So focused on her heavenly skilled fingers you couldn't answer, and that just wouldn't do.
Another smack was giving to you, your moan form to a cry as the pain shoots through you again, and then your crying softness as she soothes your pain by rubbing her cool hands on the spot. And then she gives you another, and another soothing each each two she gave you. The pain from spanking was so euphoric with the mixture of her fucking you, doing all kinds of mounting with her finger, hitting your cervix almost every time she thrusted them in an out.
"You gonna release, oh you are aren't you, you dirty girl if you wanted me to ruin you could've just asked." She teases thumb reaching to your clit as she gives one last spank. Making you moan tears fall from your face she smiles. "Oh such pretty tears," she said rubbing harsh circles to your clit "On such a pretty girl." She finishes as she curls her finger forward hitting your g-spot.
And that was the last thrust you needed as the bubble that had formed in your stomach burst and waves shot through your body, leaving it tingling and shacking, rubbing you through it she gave you pussy a little smack. She licks her fingers and hums in pleasure. "It is so good I must have a taste." She says darkly as she flips you over not giving you time to recover from your previous orgasm.
You shake your head and then cry out as she sticks herself onto your clit, tongue fucking it, circling it, flicking it any and everything to bring you closer to the edge. "To much t-to much." You plea trying to pull away but her grip was too strong holding down your thighs. And it wasn't long till she licked strips up and down, long tongue creeping into your poor abused entrance, gently fucking it before returning to your clit. And the familiar feeling returned and your body shakes, eyes going blank, moans of pain and pleasure fell from your mouth.
She pulled her mouth from you and smiled at your fucked out state. She kisses your forehead and cleans you up, praising you everytime you hissed as she cleans you up, and when she was done she cuddled you until you fell asleep. Like a good girl.
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oooo boy. first, love your writing boo you’re seriously an inspiration <3. secondly, a fic idea: a friend of tim’s flies in to see him bc she moved to maine forever ago, they were like childhood besties. but when they meet again, there’s a mf-ing sPARkk
Memories - Tim Drake x Reader
"I'm so sorry to have to stop taking questions, but we've kept Ms. L/N for 15 extra minutes and I'm sure she has plans after! Everyone please give her another round of applause for coming all the way to Gotham University to present her outstanding research!" the lecture hall erupted with applause as you smiled and waved at the sea of faces in front of you. Presenting your research across the nation was a dream, and although you barely remember it, Gotham was your hometown, and you were excited to see what parts of your rose-coloured memories remained.
"Thank you so much for having me GU! Please, email me with any more questions I'll be happy to reply." you called to the masses that were filing out as you shook your peer's hand one last time, both exchanging pleasantries as the room quieted.
"Sorry again for keeping you over, Ms. L/N, I'm sure you're very busy! But, if you could just take a look at one of my papers up for publication, I would be so, so thankful!" he began, flipping up his laptop as you realized this opportunity to speak was really just an exchange of favours.
A terrifyingly familiar voice echoed across the hall, "actually, she is busy, we have plans." you almost had to squint to see a man's frame leaning up against the doorway, backlit enough that you couldn't make out the details of his face.
"Oh! So sorry. I- uh I can email it to you! We can hop on a zoom call later in the week?" your peer seemed to recognize the figure immediately, packing his things as quickly as the students who were just there for attendance. He scurried away just as quickly too.
"It's been years, but you didn't think I'd find you?" the voice drifted across the room as you turned to face the figure, starting your walk up to him.
"I'm so sorry, the lighting, it's awful! I don't quite recognize you and I certainly don't have plans with anyone I'm afraid!" you replied, practically flying up the stairs just to meet this man face to face. He was dressed exquisitely: suit clearly tailored, hair slicked back with the perfect suave tousle, it was exhilarating.
"You don't recognize your only Gotham friend?"
"I don't have any Gotham friends, I was only here for my first few years of elementary school- oh my god Tim?" you rambled until you made it close enough to see the stranger's face and froze. The eyes, the familiar gleam of mischief and intelligence you had befriended what felt like a million years ago were staring back at you.
"Hey Y/n. Long time no see." he held out a strong hand, helping you up the last few steps, bringing both of you into the light. He continued, "you look, incredible." to which you just gawked in return.
"You look, like Tim" you whispered, tying the strings of comparison between the child you had first hacked a firewall with and the grown man, really billionaire, that stood before you.
He ran an awkward hand through his hair at your response, "thanks, I think." to which you scrambled back, "no! I mean, you look good, really really good, I just can't believe it's you. I mean, I thought about reaching out, you're on my Gotham list [you held up a list of scribbles of old memories] but I just figured you'd be so busy that I didn't bother."
"Didn't bother a partner in underage crime? Callous. Let's see the list though!" he snorted, snatching the scribbles from your hands, holding it up as he read aloud your scrambled childhood memories:
"Visit the nature museum- closed after a Poison Ivy attack, find Mr. Smith from 2nd grade- god you've gotta use google he's long dead he was like 70 when we were 6! Hmmm, visit the Big Belly Burger on 11th- now that's a good one!" he scanned the list quickly while you clawed for it back hoping he wouldn't get to-
"find the old rope swing behind Wayne Manor. You remember that?" the words left his lips just as you tore the paper out of his hand, tucking it back into your pocket.
"Of course I remember it, but it's whatever. It's probably also dead and gone or ruined by a villain. Why are you even here?" you tried to turn the spotlight onto Tim, but he was already halfway out the room, calling "C'mon! At the least I can buy you a 3$ burger and shitty milkshake." to which you haplessly obliged.
"Do you remember getting caught when we rigged the 5th grade presidential election? Why did you even want that kid to win anyway?" You laughed, almost uncontrollably, reminiscing on the old shenanigans.
Tim replied, "oh I didn't care who won or lost, I just wanted to see if we could do it!" to which you threw a french fry at him, which he swiftly caught. "Oh my god we almost got expelled Tim!"
"Doesn't match the time you made us start a homework-completing company in your backyard!" his shoulders shook with laugher.
"We were broke!" you chided, waving your arms exasperated, like you were a kid begging him to join your master plan once again.
"We were six years old!" he chuckled.
"We were, weren't we." you mused, popping the last fry in your mouth, leaning back with a sigh. Some things didn't change. Big Belly Burger was still addictive, Gotham was still filled with pollution, and Tim was still the very best thing about the entire city.
"I can check off one last thing on your bucket list." Tim said decidedly, sitting up in his chair.
"Yea? You gonna bring me to Mr. Smith's grave?" you groaned. But Tim stood up, he had lost the suit jacket and tie somewhere along the 2 hours you'd both spent in the fast food joint, he looked young again. You felt young again.
He had driven you somewhere you only dreamed of pulling into, Gotham Manor. You always wondered how the poor boy from a public elementary school had managed to get adopted by Bruce Wayne, but you never knew how to reach out and ask.
"Tell me you don't still have the rope swing" you shook your head with a grin. Tim just shrugged, hopping out of the sleek black car and running over to open your door for you.
"What do you take me for? A sap?" he crooned.
"Absolutely." you replied, bumping his side with your shoulder as he took the opportunity to lazily sweep an arm around you, guiding you to massive backyard gardens in the Manor.
You mused, "if we wanted to be true to character, we should've snuck in like old times" and Tim snorted, "let's just say I've upped the security pretty significantly, and that wouldn't go so well for us."
You rounded the edge of the perfectly trimmed garden to the scattered trees on the Manor's edge, and sitting there looking the same as ever was a massive tree, a thick rope hanging down tied tightly around a massive tire, the kind a monster truck or a weightlifter threw around, you and Tim had always wondered why it was there, or how the poor tree managed to hold it up, but you never worried about it, both swinging happily late at night after both sneaking out.
You placed a hand on the tree, a few rogue tears slipping down your cheeks as you leaned into Tim's embrace. "I really loved it here you know." you whispered.
"I did too. When you left it wasn't really the same." his voice was soft, you could feel his chest rumbling with every word.
"Really? I guess I always figured you'd find some other genius and take over the world with them"
"You thought I could replace you?"
"No- I mean maybe? I don't know, we were kids I just figured-"
"I didn't forget. You were my first kiss, right here." he leaned forward to put a hand on the old tree.
"Mine too." you replied, smiling as you remembered the nervous peck that occurred the night before you left.
"I was so nervous." he chuckled, staring at the tree, his gaze never meeting yours.
"I didn't think you had the balls." you teased, and his eyes snapped to yours.
"Okay, I was a pretty shy kid, but I've grown a lot."
"Yeah?" you grinned, biting your bottom lip to keep from breaking into a beaming smile.
Tim gently pushed you back against the tree, his hand guiding your chin up, letting your eyes meet his, "yeah" was all he muttered before pressing another gentle, warm kiss to your lips, and the same butterflies you got, all those years ago, took flight once again.
I hope you enjoyed, thank you so much for the request! <3
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sadhours · 1 year
neon lights pt. 4 | b.h & reader
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18 + minors dni | prev. chap
contents: adult themes, smut, exotic dancing, this is kind of self indulgent with billys armpits I’m not sorry
You’re paranoid. You know that. It would be impossible for your coworkers to know that you’ve been hooking up with the cute bartender for a couple weeks now but you still feel like you’ll get caught with lingering glances and laughing too hard at his jokes. What’s not fair is that Billy can flirt with you as hard as he wants and cheer from behind the bar when you’re on stage because it’s not suspicious when he does it. In fact, he does that with most of the dancers. Perhaps it would be more suspicious if he didn’t do that.
Funny thing is, you don’t even need to hide this but you really don’t want the whole club knowing because then they’ll ask questions. You’d seen it after Billy had hooked up with some of the dancers, a million questions about him and what he was like in the sack or if they were dating him. Sometimes they’d ask you about him, since he lived with you and he was pretty reserved and mysterious. Which he was with you too. You knew his routines and habits but you didn’t know his dreams or aspirations. You didn’t know about his family but you’d assumed it wasn’t a happy one since he didn’t bring them up and they never called to talk to him.
That’s got to be on the to do list: get to know your roommate that you’re only sleeping with. You keep telling yourself you two are only having sex but Billy has slept in your bed every single night since this started. On nights he stays out late at the casino, he still crawls into your bed instead of his and even though he reeks of cigarettes in the worst way, you melt in his arms and fall asleep mid-making out. You haven’t kissed this much since high school. It’s insane. Sometimes you guys don’t even have sex, you just lay sprawled out on your bed or the couch, tongues tied. You’d forgotten how much you loved kissing and Billy’s the absolute best at it. You’re actually a little self conscious, worried that you suck at it even when he tells you that you’re the best kisser in the world. It’s an intimate interaction you’d taken for granted. You've never felt more desired in your life.
“Earth to Cherry,” your co-worker, Delancy says as she sits next to you. “What or sorry, who are you thinking about? Lost in your own little world over there.”
“Sorry,” you reply sheepishly, “I was just zoning out, no thoughts up here.”
You jokingly knock on your temple, standing up and disrobing. Your set is after hers which means you’re up. She slaps your ass as you walk past and you turn to blow her a kiss.
“I’m gonna need the warmest welcome for our next lady,” the emcee announces, “You know her, you love her, you want her… Cherry!”
You strut out on the stage, flipping your hair behind your shoulder and smiling to the familiar and new faces lining the stage. You desperately want to look at the loud cheers coming from behind the bar, knowing you’ll see Billy with a wide, happy smile. The urge to make money helps you make eye contact with the dollar bills flying towards you as you wrap a leg around the pole.
“Ow!” Billy’s excited voice cheers for you and you can’t help it, locking your eyes with his.
You arch your back, dropping your eyes to tonight’s bachelor and delivering him a wink. He’s a shy guy, his friends slapping him on the back. You like those ones, they’re always so respectful and they never lay a hand on you during lap dances but their friends make sure they tip you heavily. You find yourself wondering what Billy would be like as a patron, it’s a dangerous thought as it makes your moves on the pole a lot more sexually charged. You crawl across the floor, seeing Ulysses S. Grants face and you try to remember a time when you’d seen a $50 while on stage. You snatch it from the fingers and tuck it into your g-string, then you see the generous face looking back at you. Chip grins up at you and from years of practice, you do not falter but instead, you give him more of a show, pulling at the string of your top to release your breasts. This is a topless club after all. The sea of men cheer as you stand back to your feet and toss your top to the back of the stage before making your way along the front, sliding bills wherever you can fit them.
Billy’s in awe, always is when he sees you but when you’re on stage, it’s like a whole different personality comes out. He totally understands why you have such a loyal fan base, regulars he only sees on nights you’re working. He can see in your eyes how much you enjoy this and it’s not anything he sees from the other dancers. He’s happy to see you happy, even if it’s the money the men hand you that gives you that look in your eye. All he wants to do is lift you up and Billy’s never felt that for another person in his entire life, except for his mother.
Becky rocks her hip against Billy’s, “You two finally did it.”
“Huh?” Billy tries a hand at acting, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
He grabs the bottle of house tequila and pours three shots for the gentlemen at the bar.
“I can see it in your eyes, dude,” Becky laughs and Billy waves a hand at her dismissively.
“It’s called pining. I want what I can’t have,” he motions at the men at the bar, who are all turned towards the stage, “We all want what we can’t have.”
Becky snorts, “They look at her like she’s the last slice of pizza and they’re all starving. You,” she pokes his chest, “Look at her like she’s the goddamn embodiment of heaven.”
“She is,” he mumbles, setting the bottle down and sliding the shots across bar, “Six dollars, gentlemen, cash only.”
Without looking, the guy who ordered shoves Billy a $10. He makes the change and throws the rest in his bucket. Becky walks over and smirks up at him, “You can’t get shit passed me, Hargrove.”
He rolls his eyes but they fall back on you, watching as you gather up your money while the music fades. He knows you’ll be out on the floor and he grabs two shot glasses, preparing them on the bar-top.
“The liar works tonight,” Chip grins as he sits at the stool directly in front of Billy.
“Sorry, I’m new,” Billy lies with a shit-eating grin.
“What’s she drink?” he asks, pulling his wallet from his pocket.
“Top shelf gin,” Billy admits, grabbing the coup to prepare your favorite drink. He grabs the shot glasses but stops himself, figuring he deserves two shots after this interaction is done.
Chip slides a twenty dollar bill over, “I’ll have a shot of Jack.”
Billy’s eyes catch yours as you make your way to the bar, noting your outfit change. The white top and bottoms with cherries bedazzled on them make his dick ache in his jeans. The first time he saw you in it, he took his fifteen and jerked off in the bathroom.
“Hey, darling,” he smirks at you, “I’d say you made rent the first fifteen seconds you were up there. Looks like I can go ahead and take my half to the casino.”
Billy never, ever mentions the fact that you two live together in front of customers but he fucking hates this Chip guy and wants to make him mad.
“Only if you can double it, lucky boy,” you sing as you rest your arms on the bar, then you notice Chip and Billy rolls his eyes as your demeanor changes. He knows this is why you resisted your attraction to him but he doesn’t care, he can deal with most of the assholes who want to get in your pants but this guy just makes his skin crawl.
“Oh and hello to you,” you smile at him, “I owe you a private dance for how nice you’re treating me.”
“As long as it doesn’t go to this bozo’s rent,” Chip motions his thumb behind him and when you look up, Billy’s mocking him with his hands. You can’t help but giggle, even though you worry Billy’s jealous. That’s why you’ve set restrictions for yourself in the first place.
“God, no, come rain or shine, he’s got to pay his fair share,” you say before giving Billy a pointed look.
“He’s not your boyfriend, is he?” Chip asks.
“In my dreams,” Billy groans, but locks his eyes on yours to let you know he’s serious but he also doesn’t want to make your job any harder, “But hey, I wish I was every one of these girls boyfriends.”
“This one’s the prettiest,” Chip declares, pointing at you.
“You’re so sweet,” you tell him, twirling your hair in between your fingers.
Chip turns and grabs the drink he’s ordered for you, though he has no idea what it is, “I was told this is your favorite.”
You take it graciously and try to ignore Billy pounding two shots one after the other behind Chip. As the two of you walk towards the private rooms, Billy reassures himself by setting a goal tonight to make you scream his name as soon as he gets you home. Chip can hand you all the money he wants, he’ll never get you anywhere near an orgasm and Billy knows that.
“You gotta cool it,” Becky scolds him.
“That one was obvious,” she says, “Didi even catches wind of you two hooking up and you’re out on your ass. That’s her number one money maker.”
Billy knows it, reaching for his pack of Marlboros, “We’re not hooking up, Becky. God damn. Just keep rubbing it in my fucking face.”
She shakes her head, but turns to look at him as she walks back to her side of the bar like she believes him for a second.
He feels his stomach churn, thinking about you in that private room with that arrogant douchebag. He’s never really cared about it before but this guy thinks he has a chance and Billy worries he does. He knows it’s ridiculous but the only time Billy’s handed you a wad of cash it’s with sorrowful eyes and an apology because it’s always about a week too late. He wonders what this Chip fella does for a living that makes it so easy to throw so much money at you. The history of you having gone to school with the guy also makes him worried because truth be told, Billy doesn’t really know you. Conversations always tend to be about mundane things or how attractive the other is. You’ve both built this wall up and haven’t began taking it down. Billy’s not sure if either of you really will. It’s comfortable to go home and talk about each others day. Who would want to ruin that with trauma?
Billy takes a long drag off his cigarette as you exit the private room and say goodbye to Chip. At least the guy knows when to leave. You walk back over to the bar and smile wide at Billy, “He just paid our rent.”
“Your rent,” he says, pouring a couple of shots for the two of you.
You shake your head, “No, the boyfriend thing did something for him. You helped work for this money.”
Billy chuckles, “What did he say in there?”
You sit down on a stool and cheers Billy, downing the celebratory shot as you think back to the private room. Chip was weird. You didn’t touch him when you could help it but he was talking at you like you were, like he was about to blow a load in his pants.
“Lots of things but I think he was thinking more about you than he was me,” you reply happily.
Billy gives you a bewildered look, “In what way?”
“He kept asking if you were my boyfriend and I said you were whatever he wanted you to be, so he took that as a yes and started saying stuff about how much it turned him on to know you were right out here but he was in the room with me,” you shrug.
Billy nods, “So in his fantasy world, I’m being cuckholded. Interesting.”
He thinks it’s funny because truth be told, he actually gets to touch you and doesn’t have to pay to see your tits. You giggle, grabbing a hold of Billy’s wrist to look at his watch. You’ve only got an hour left of your shift.
“What’re we doing after work?” you ask, glancing around to make sure Didi or any coworkers weren’t in ear shot.
You know you should be out making more money, not spending time with Billy but hey, the few hundred dollars tucked into your top was more than you’d expected for a 5 minute private dance. He also looked particularly cute today, tying his hair up with one of your hair ties after a few hours behind the bar. He’d told you he hadn’t had a haircut in at least a year and you’d said you would cut it for him but you haven’t offered since and you’re starting to really like how long it is.
“No clue but looks like you’re paying,” he teases.
You mull over the options in your head, “I’m sure we’ll figure it out by the end of the night.”
Turning your head, you see Didi entering from the dressing room and that’s your cue to actually do your job again. You hop off the stool and make your rounds around, waiting until someone catches your attention. Didi walks up to the bar, asks Billy to make her a drink with a flutter of her eyelashes.
“Yes, ma’am,” he sings, reaching back for the bottle of gin.
“Busy night,” she says, glancing around the club, “You doing well in tips?”
“Oh yeah, plus the roomie just earned our rent in like five minutes so I’m not stressing anymore,” he explains, backtracking from his conversation he had with her a week ago about how badly he needed money. He had told her as a way to ask for more shifts but Didi had taken it differently, thinking that he was asking her for money and she’d come on pretty strong that night. He got out of it with his charm but Billy was still feeling super uncomfortable around her since.
“That girl really knows how to make money,” Didi shakes her head. You were the best dancer here, you never got too drunk, you never showed up with baggage and you really knew how to wring men of every penny that had.
Billy nods, handing the gin and soda to Didi, “Maybe her skills will rub off on me.”
He makes a face, realizing that might sound sexual even though he didn’t mean it that way. Didi laughs and drops her hand on top of Billy’s.
“Oh, I’m sure you have it in you, just gotta put your mind to it.”
Billy grins awkwardly, wanting to pull his hand away but he didn’t want to offend her because he needed this job. Luckily, a group of drunk guys stumble their way up to the bar and Billy can excuse himself to over serve them.
“I’m tired,” you complain as you watch Billy wash the last bit of dishes. You’d changed into your sweatpants and hoodie and all you want to do is wash your makeup off. The last hour dragged on and you had forgotten that even if your shift ends, Billy has to stay behind to clean the bar. You like watching him move tough, the curls that had fallen from his ponytail bounce around his face and neck and his face looks so concentrated. It’s probably because he’s a bit tipsy but it’s adorable.
“So we just going home then, sweet thing?” he asks as he stands up, puts his hands on his hips as he tries to think about what he’s got to do next.
“Will you make me ramen when we get home?” you pout up at him with your big doe eyes.
Billy can’t resist, he grabs a hold of your face and leans over the bar to kiss you. You melt into it before you remember Didi is lurking around here somewhere, so you pull away.
“That a yes?” you ask, biting your lip.
The blonde just shakes his head, turning around to continue his nightly duties.
When you get home, he does start boiling a pot of water and you disappear into the bathroom to wash your makeup off. You tie your hair up into a bun and smear moisturizer on your face, figuring by the time you finish up your ramen will be ready. Billy does it perfect too, every time no matter how shitfaced he is. He usually cuts up some green onions and occasionally fries up an egg for it. You smell that he’s doing so now as soon as you open the bathroom door. Everything about it is so domestic, you think when you walk into the kitchen and see him cooking for you, lit cigarette perched between his lips but he’s careful to lean over and ash in the ashtray. You’re not sure this is even a friends with benefit’s situation, whenever you look at him you’re enamored.
You wrap your arms around his waist and rest your cheek against his back, unable to really control your hands as they snake under his shirt to grab his hips. His skin is always hot to the touch, makes your fingers tingle. Billy leans back against you, guiding your feet back to he can strain some of the water from the noodles as you cling onto him. He’s sweaty from work but you’ve always been excited by his musk, you find yourself shoving your face in his armpit whenever you can. Billy thinks it’s a bit strange but he’s flattered more than anything, especially when you mutter something about pheromones when he teases you about it.
“Alright,” he peels your hands off his hips and you let out a whine of protest. “Ramen time.”
He carries the bowls over to the coffee table while you reach into the fridge to grab you each a can of soda. You sit cross crossed beside him, cracking open the soda and taking a big gulp, the carbonation settles your stomach. Billy leans forward to grab your bowl and hand it to you, reaching for the remote to turn the TV on before he starts digging into his own.
You mix up the noodles, humming happily before slurping a forkful into your mouth. You two sit in silence as you eat and once you’ve disposed of your empty bowls on the coffee table, you curl up with Billy, shoving your hand up his shirt to lay your palm against his bare chest. He lays his hand on your ass and kisses your forehead. You don’t care how this blurs the lines, it just feels so right. You close your eyes, unable to keep them open from how comfortable you are on his chest and slowly drift to sleep.
You wake up when Billy’s lifting you off the couch, bridal style. The house is dark now and you don’t know how long he let you sleep on the couch. He carries you to the bathroom and sits you on the counter after flicking the light on. You see he’s changed into a pair of grey sweats that hang low on his hips. You let your eyes rake over his chest, smiling up at him dreamily. When he reaches up to open the medicine cabinet, you lean forward and smush your face into his exposed armpit.
“You weirdo,” he chuckles, pulling away once he’s grabbed your toothbrush.
“Smells good,” you mumble, sleepily.
He shakes his head, smiling as he wets your toothbrush and squeezes some toothpaste on it before handing it to you.
“Brush,” he instructs.
You obey, sticking the toothbrush in your mouth while you look up at him.
“I’m not weird,” you say around your toothbrush and Billy leans back against the wall, raising an eyebrow at you.
He mimics you, speaking gibberish to tease you. You giggle, hopping off the counter to spit into the sink and rinsing out your mouth.
“I said I’m not weird,” you clarify, locking your fingers as you trail back to your room.
Billy turns your light on, closing the door behind him and goes to turn the fan on, “I’ve never had anyone smell my armpit.”
Grabbing the hem of your sweatshirt to pull it over your head, you get stuck and struggle a bit before you feel Billy’s hands helping get it off of you. He drops it to the floor and places his hands on your hips, pulling you flush against him.
“Okay, they were all missing out,” you shrug, resting your cheek on his pec.
Billy laughs softly, walking you over to the bed and laying you down on it. He walks over to turn the light out and crawls down into the bed with you. You melt as you pulls you into his arms starts pressing kisses against your throat. You lean your head back and moan softly, tangling your legs with his.
“Well, thank you,” he mumbles, “It’s very flattering that you like my BO, even if it’s kinda weird.”
You roll your eyes, “I’m sure you have your weird kinks you’re hiding.”
Billy laughs, “Oh, it’s a kink now?”
You slap his chest, “No, but you know what I’m trying to say.”
He nods, chuckling softly still, “I’m just fucking with you, baby.”
The pet name makes you purr, the way it falls out of his lips makes your thighs tingle. He places his hand on your cheek and turns your head up to his, pressing his lips against yours. It starts lazily, sporadic kisses between just resting your lips against the others. Billy drags his fingernails up and down the small of your back, you shiver under his touch, a chill running up your spine. You feel him smile and you return it, grabbing a hold of his jaw. He bites your bottom lip, teeth gently knocking into yours for a second but he’s quick to smooth his tongue along your lower lip. You dart yours out to meet his, your toes curling as the kiss becomes more charged. Billy’s grabbing at your skin, pushing you impossibly closer to him while licking into your mouth. Your heart pounds in your chest, feeling like a teenager again. You always do whenever you two kiss like this. The build up of it all so utterly arousing, like Billy’s shy at first and then he suddenly can’t get enough of you. And he’ll kiss you like this for hours, until you’re both a panting mess and he has to get out of bed to fetch you some water.
Sometimes it ends with sex, other times hand stuff or occasionally just sleep. You never know which but you’re anticipating his next move always. Right now with the way he’s pulling and scratching at your hips, you know it won’t end in sleep even though you’re on the verge of it. Billy’s good at waking you up, though. He grabs a handful of your ass and squeezes it before mumbling into your mouth, “You’re so sexy. Want you out of these sweats.”
“Then take them off,” you reply hastily, tugging on his curls when his lips find your throat again. Billy pushes you onto your back and hovers above you, licking where your shoulder meets your neck as his fingertips hook into your sweatpants to pull them off of you. It’s so much hotter when he undresses you. He notices you’re not wearing underwear and he groans softly, pushing your thighs apart so he can get his fingers on you. He wastes no time, feeling how soaked you are and he wonders if it’s from the kissing or the armpit thing but he’s too embarrassed to ask.
“So fucking wet,” he settles for, inching two digits inside of your acing core.
“Billy,” you pant out, unable to keep your eyes open as he curls his fingers up and drags them across your most sensitive wall.
“Is this all for me?” he asks, his voice hoarse against your skin. You nod frantically, mind cloudy as you focus on the pleasure he brings you.
“Tell me,” he demands harshly and he pauses his movements abruptly as he looks up at you. It’s a little disorienting but most of all, it’s irritating. No matter how stubborn you are, you’re learning that Billy always gets his way. You wonder if the whole thing with Chip is bothering him and that scares you. This isn’t supposed to be an exclusive relationship and you find yourself regretting that you hadn’t set stronger boundaries. No, instead you insinuated that you wanted exclusivity.
Your hands raise to grab onto his biceps and your worries slip away at the touch of his warm skin. Writhing against his fingers, you finally pant out, “It’s all for you, Billy.”
He presses a searing kiss against your lips, continuing his ministrations but faster and harder this time, almost like you’ve won the prize. He mouths against your lips, “That’s right, baby. This pussy is all mine.”
You arch against him when his fingertips graze the spongy spot deep inside you and you gasp out, digging your nails into his arms. Your entire body is on fire and Billy’s barely started. How he’s able to have this effect on you is unbeknown. It’s like he’s magic, or worse.
He pulls back, positioning himself better between your legs. He spreads your thighs wider with his knees, entering a third finger into your gushing center. Pressing his left palm on your pubic bone, he rubs your clit with his thumb in quick, repeating circles. The pressure of his hand on you added with the fingers pumping in and out as quick and as hard as he can is excruciatingly delicious. No man has ever fingered you like this and you begin to wonder where in the fuck he learned this. You don’t have time to think much about it as he’s coaxing your orgasm along. Any minute now, you know you’ll cum harder than you ever have before.
“Look at you,” he coos, “such a desperate little slut.”
If you could see you from his eyes, you’d have to agree. You’re squirming around, your fists grabbing the sheets below you so tight your knuckles are turning white and the noises you’re making are borderline pornographic. Like you’re faking it but that’s the furthest thing from the truth. Billy’s just a fucking God with his fingers.
“You’re gonna cum for me,” he says it almost condescendingly, “like a good little slut.”
His words are like a spell and it works, your orgasm crashes through you aggressively. You scream his name, legs shaking as you squirt out all over his fingers and arms. And it lasts for what feels like forever. When you think it’s over, it keeps going and you realize Billy hasn’t stopped. He won’t let you come down, pulling a consecutive orgasm from you. You squirt again and finally, your legs snap shut around his arms. You cry out his name like a chant, begging him to stop or continue, you’re not sure.
You have no idea how much time as passed when you’re able to sit up and look at him, seeing the mess you’ve made of the sheets and Billy’s sweats. You’re gasping for air, your lungs burning and you’re entire body feels like it’s vibrating.
“What the fuck?” you pant in disbelief.
Never in your life have you done that before. In fact, you didn’t even know it was possible. You’d heard of other women squirting but you’d never done it. Until Billy. He looks so goddamn cheerful at your reaction. He even laughs, rubbing your thighs soothingly.
“You’re welcome,” he beams.
“Fuck,” you collapse on your back, trying to catch your breath.
“I think we’re gonna have to sleep in my bed,” he mentions, a hint of humor in his voice.
“I don’t think I can stand,” you tease back at him, “You’re gonna have to carry me.”
Billy does, getting off the bed and scooting his arms underneath you to pick you up like he did earlier that night. He carefully walks you to his bedroom, laying you on his bed before going to change into different clothes and you see the erection he’s sporting. You reach your hands out, making grabby gestures.
“No clothes, C’mere.”
Billy chuckles, “I guess that’s fair enough.”
He turns his light off and crawls into his bed beside you. You turn to kiss him, your fingertips circling his cock slowly and you smile into the kiss when he moans softly. You’ve never been insecure about your skills in bed but Billy’s on a whole new level and you ache to impress him. You pull away from his lips and start kissing down his chest and stomach. You lick a broad stripe against his abs, tightening your grip on the base of him. He exhales, fingers tangling into your hair as you descend lower. You let go of him and his cock rests up against his stomach, your hands meet his hips and you lick from his balls to his tip. Billy lets out a guttural groan so you do it a few more times before wrapping your lips around his tip. Humming around him, you inch him further and further until you can’t anymore. You feel his pubes tickle your nose, his hands pulling roughly at your hair. You swallow around him before you ease up, your hand moving to stroke where your mouth leaves. You gather the remaining saliva in your mouth and drool it over his tip, using your hand to spread it along his length.
Billy’s panting above you, “Ugh, such a good girl…”
His praise feels nice, making you giggle softly before rolling your tongue along the edges of his tip. You stroke him faster, lowering your mouth to his sack so you can swirl your tongue against his balls. Billy groans louder this time, jerking his hips as he fucks into your first. You start to feel a dull burn in your forearm and wrist but you’re determined to give him an equally earth shattering orgasm as he gave you briefly before.
“Fuck,” Billy grits behind clenched teeth, “I’m gonna cum.”
You quickly move to wrap your lips around his tip again, sucking him down hard without relenting your motions with your hand.
Billy whines, “Ah-ah…” and it’s the prettiest sound you’ve ever heard in your life. You hum happily and he shoots his load into your mouth, hips lifting of the bed as he does so. You swallow and continue to suck, pulling every last drip from him until he’s pushing your head away.
“Fuck,” he exhales loudly, reaching for your arm so he can pull you back up with him. Your face is close enough so you bury it in his armpit and take a whiff. Billy jumps, pulling you up the bed further.
“Jesus Christ, you fiend, that tickles,” he mutters as he presses his lips to yours.
“You smell so fucking good,” you purr, “I just can’t help myself.”
“After that, you deserve it,” he grins, “now get some sleep.”
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mariaofdoranelle · 1 year
Look at Us Now - Ch. 1
Fic masterlist
Oh, hi, guys! Welcome to my new hyper fixation!! *fireworks* *champagne glasses* *me smiling like a maniac*
I really hope you like this new au! My other ones are still in progress, I’m just really excited about this lol
Warnings: cursing, mentions of drinking, mentions of sketchy cigars, mentions of a fistfight, mentions of a sprained ankle, promises of smutty times
Words: 3,3k
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This party was falling apart. Literally.
Uncle Orlon thought it was a good idea to bring Aelin to this year's Aviator's Ball, so she could meet her future bosses with a little less pressure. At first, it was all fancy uniforms, expensive drinks and small talk. Now that it was past midnight, some of the older officers with the highest ranks had left—Like Orlon and Darrow—, a drunk major knocked down a massive flower arrangement, and the guy Aelin was flirting with had offered her a very sketchy-looking cigar, which she politely declined.
When two lieutenants started a fistfight, Aelin knew it was time to go.
She speed walked through the crowd of people, and even bumped her shoulder against the party planner's, who was going toward the brawl. The poor girl.
When she finally stepped outside, it felt like she could finally breathe.
"Staying out of trouble?" A deep voice asked her. Aelin looked around until she found an officer leaning on the side of the stairs that led to the garden. With his face lit up by the moonlight and eyes sparkling as they studied each other, he was breathtaking. Or at least that was Aelin's first thought when she saw him.
Aelin walked towards him. Staying out of trouble was Uncle Orlon's only request, but she also didn't want to look bad in front of her future bosses and future coworkers. That sounded like a suicide mission.
"Seems like that's what you're doing."
The hot officer chuckled. "Turns out being locked up becomes really easy when you're in the military. Specially when you make yourself some unruly friends."
"Have you ever been to the guardhouse?"
"Fuck, no."
She leaned against the wall on his side and shook his hand. "I'm Aelin."
Turning fully towards him, she flipped her hair back a little to expose her shoulders and cleavage. "It's really hot in here, isn't it?"
Rowan got sidetracked by her exposed skin for a millisecond, then his eyes snapped back to hers. "You think so?"
"I know so, and I think it's because of—"
"Global warming, I know. God, this city gets hotter each year."
He tilted his head. "You don't agree? This city's weather is hell."
Aelin clamped her lips together and tried not to laugh, even though her shoulders were shaking already. "I was going to land a pickup line, Rowan."
"Oh." He blushed, and it was the most adorable thing. "I thought we were talking about carbon monoxide."
Aelin chuckled. "Well, you ruined my pickup line now."
"My roommate teaches me a lot of those, but I won't use them."
Rowan leaned sideways on the wall and smirked. "Because I'm not trying to pick you up, I'm feeling like pinning you down instead."
She looked up, gaping. Aelin could kill that blunt, sassy grin of his. Or kiss it. God, she really wanted to kiss him now. Since he noticed her minutes ago, actually.
It was beautiful, how that smirk melted as his eyes darkened. The fabric of his uniform under her fingertips and Aelin's hands going up until they reached the lapels and clenched.
With both hands on her waist, Rowan was already one breath away from her when he closed their lips together with small, tentative brushes. At least until Aelin closed her arms around his neck and almost crushed their faces together, deepening the kiss.
His hands were everywhere. Her hips, her waist, toying with the straps of her dress. All that clashing and flicking and grabbing was making her heartbeat go wild. When it became too much, Rowan grabbed her upper arms and mentioned to lean away, but Aelin gently bit his lower lip to stop him.
Stay here, she conveyed.
He gave her small, gentle kisses and rested his forehead against hers, both heavily breathing against each other.
"You're not someone's wife, right?"
"What?" she breathed. Aelin's mind was still foggy from the kiss, she must've heard the wrong thing.
He swallowed and slid his hand down her arms, squeezing her fingers at the end. "That's why Fenrys got into a fistfight at the party. He made out with another officer's wife."
Aelin leaned away to properly look at his face, trying to understand what was going on. First, who the hell is Fenrys? Second, did he just stop their kiss to ask if she was married? Because he was avoiding a fistfight?
She sighed. You know what, that was fair.
Shaking her head, Aelin wiggled all her ringless fingers.
His eyes assessed her lack of uniform. "Someone's daughter, then. I think that's even worse."
A troublesome smirk was her only answer. Well, she was someone's great-niece, but it became almost the same if she considered Orlon raised Aelin since she was eight.
Looking up, Rowan cursed under his breath. Probably calculating his chances of being punished for this if her date—Brigadier Galathynius, not that he knew it—discovered. Proving her theory right, he asked, "They outrank me, right?"
Aelin raised her eyebrows. "You want to fuck me or not?"
"What?" His eyes widened, then he flinched. "Fuck, sorry, babe." He trailed kisses from her jaw to her lips, tugging her closer by the waist.
She hummed. That was much better.
"Do you want to leave before this party burns itself to the ground?" He whispered in her ear.
She chuckled. "Sure."
They were silently walking wherever he was leading her. One-night stands were so awkward sometimes, but Aelin was feeling good about this one. There was something comforting about Rowan, but she was failing to point what exactly. At one point, their hands accidentally grazed, but he kept them there and slowly intertwined their fingers.
Aelin hid a grimace when she saw his car, though. "I live in the village." She pointed in the direction of one of the military villages they had close by. "We can go by foot."
"You think I'd drink in front of all my bosses?"
He had a good point. It seemed like he was the only officer who cared, though. She had no idea how he understood her concerns so quickly, but Aelin didn't want to think too hard on this.
"I thought you should know I just moved in and my house is... lacking." He scratched the back of his head. "If you don't mind."
"Oh." She tilted her head. "We can go to my place, if you think that's better."
His shoulders dropped in relief. "You're sure it won't cause trouble?"
"I know my way around those security cameras." Aelin waved him off and leaned her side on his car. "But I still need to know what's lacking in your house."
Rowan's cheeks went crimson in a heartbeat. "I have a bed, it just hasn't arrived yet."
Aelin started cackling, her body trembling with laughter as he stared at her with the corners of his lips tugging up.
"I physically have a matteress, though!" He yelled over her laughter and opened the car, "And a great wall."
Things got quieter inside the car, so it was Aelin's cue to update her boyfriend, who was a little back and forth between Doranelle and Rifthold these days. He never told her about his one-night stands, which she didn't mind, but it felt wrong to sleep with someone without telling him.
Aelin: found myself a hot officer for the night
Aelin: we're going to my place
Dorian: how hot is he
Aelin: 8,5 maybe?
Such a horrendous lie. Aelin never graded her boy toys above 9 because she felt better if only her actual boyfriend was a 10. Truth was, if Dorian is a 10, Rowan is at least a 12. Actually, he was so handsome it made a lot of sense grading him above maximum score.
Dorian: nice
Dorian: have fun babe x
Rowan cleared his throat when they arrived at the village. Quickly tucking her phone back inside her purse, Aelin gave the directions of her house and made him park two houses before.
They silently walked together, until she stopped him on the border between her house and the neighbor's.
"I'm assuming you don't want to get caught by the cameras, since you're so scared of my uncle."
His eyes sparkled now that she satisfied his curiosity. Or maybe made it worse. There was no way to know. "An uncle, then." Rowan raised his eyebrows. "I'm not scared of him, but it would be nice if you could assure me he won't put me in the guardhouse for this."
Aelin snorted. Orlon couldn't hurt a fly if he wanted to, and even Darrow was a huge softie inside. But just the thought of sneaking out a little with her hot officer sent a thrill down her spine, so she kept her mouth shut.
"This wall we're in, it's a blind spot." When Aelin looked at Rowan, he was the most focused she'd seen tonight. An airman ready for battle. "We'll follow that path until we reach the porch, then we climb on the first window. It's my cousin's room, but he doesn't live here anymore. Then I'll check if the coast is clear, and my room is the one right next to it. Got it?"
Rowan nodded, eyes still calculating their path.
"It's the only way to get inside without getting caught on camera," Aelin added.
"This sounds like my training."
Aelin made eye contact, her chest a little more thrusted out than before. "Is the reward as good?"
"Not really, no," he muttered, his eyes on her lips.
"Well, you'll have to work for it, Officer," she said before tugging his arm towards the low fence they needed to climb.
From the moment Aelin decided she wanted to become a doctor, she knew she'd work at the Air Force General Hospital.
This was the place she came to get her first casket when she was nine, after falling from her rollerskates. The place Aelin reached for when she got a little too drunk at seventeen, and made Aedion flirt with the doctor so she wouldn't snitch on them to Uncle Orlon. She was comfortable there. It felt familiar.
During those early daydreams about her own life, Aelin never thought about the moments she'd wish she worked somewhere else, though. They were nothing more than fleeting thoughts, she loved her job. But they still happened on days like this.
When Aelin opened the X-ray images on her computer, the boy's ankle didn't seem to be broken. One small blessing.
His eyes went wide when she told him so. "But it feels like it is."
Aelin gave him a sympathetic smile. "It's just a sprain, but I'll prescribe you some painkillers and—"
"Good, now we can go back to training," his instructor interrupted.
A death glare was Aelin's only response before she continued, "And I need you to rest that feet for two days—"
"Absolutely not!" The unwanted instructor cut in again, making the boy freeze on his seat. "What's the point of painkillers if he can't even exercise?"
"Captain Whitethorn," she hissed, "I believe I am the doctor here."
He slowly turned to that terrified boy. "Do you mind giving the doctor and I a moment to speak?"
"No." Aelin got up before he could. "Captain Whitethorn and I can talk in another room." She pointed at his swollen ankle. "You rest that feet."
Rowan followed her to an empty room two doors down, and they closed the door, it was like... It was like every other day, actually.
"You." He pointed a finger at her. "Do not question my authority in front of my students, Lieutenant."
"And you." She pointed a finger back. "Do not question my authorithy as a doctor in front of my patients, asshole."
"I was not trying to—"
"Yes, you were!" Aelin screamed this time. "Every day, you question what, when, how—"
"Well, maybe I wouldn't need to question if you just—"
"If I just what?" She opened her arms, tired of this. "If I just acted exactly like you?"
Rowan just stared at her with that intense look of his.
Aelin took a deep breath. She wouldn't put sense in Rowan's head by screaming. She never did.
He raised his eyebrows. "Seriously? You're trying to guilt trip me by using his first name?"
"It's his first week here, and he's already in the hospital, Rowan! He's a teenage boy! He's someone's kid!" Aelin yelled, her tone increasing with each argument.
"Don't you even think about mentioning my daughter! He's the one who enlisted. I'm just doing my job."
She sighed. "I know you are, but your teaching techniques..."
He scoffed. "Don't act like you didn't love my teaching techniques back then."
"Fuck you!"
There were two loud bangs in the door before Aelin's tiniest, angriest co-worker barged in.
"You two." Elide's finger darted between them before she continued. "Seriously? Again?"
Rowan didn't dare point out that he was being talked down by someone with a lower rank than his. He knew better than to argue with Elide.
She continued, "I'm going to discharge your patient, and you two are leaving. Now."
Aelin looked at her watch. Fuck, they needed to rush if they didn't want to be late.
She turned to Rowan. "I'll be in the car in 5." And stopped. Aelin slowly turned to Elide and said, "Tell the patient that Captain Whitethorn told him to go home and come back in two days."
Rowan clenched his jaw, arms already crossed, but said nothing. He knew he had no chance with Aelin and Elide together.
The drive was pretty silent after that, but not exactly comfortable. She knew their fight hadn't ended yet, but it had to for now. They needed to look composed for this.
They heard the deafening sound of children screaming before the car could park at the Air Force school, made specially for the children of the Air Force personnel. It wasn't one of those fancy Montessori schools with hyper-specialized teachers, but it was a good school right next to the village they lived in. It was the best choice for them.
Rowan didn't think so. And he always let her know that, from big arguments to the classic arms-crossed-and-narrowed-eyes thing he was doing now.
She wouldn’t acknowledge his dissatisfaction now, though. They walked together until the pre-K area, which was separated from the big kids', and it took no time at all until a soft set of limbs wrapped themselves around her legs.
Aelin crouched down to talk to her daughter and adjust that messy hair, taking it out of the front of her gorgeous deep green eyes, when Maisie's jaw fell. And she shrieked.
"DADDY!" Was the only thing she screamed before jumping on Rowan's arms, always ready to catch her. "You said you couldn't pick me up today."
Maisie's hair was completely her own, Aelin noticed as her daughter had her back turned at her, on her dad's arms. Not as pale as Rowan's, not as golden as Aelin's. She had Aelin's nose but, apart from that, Maisie looked like a small Rowan Whithethorn with chubby cheeks.
She was just waiting for her face to be right next to his and... yep, there it is. Copy, paste, add childish features. Genetics sounded a lot simpler than what she studied in college while looking at those two.
Rowan was spinning her around, and Mai's squeals of delight were almost deafning. For the first time since seeing Rowan today, Aelin felt like smiling.
They had conflicts, yes, but Aelin couldn't deny that he was a great dad. She had never resented Rowan for being the parent with the stronger genes, or Maisie for being so much like her father. On the contrary. She even thought it was cute, especially when she saw her daughter's little frown or her shy demeanor with strangers. Maisie's a Whitethorn through and through, or so Rowan's family point out every time they meet.
"How was your day, hun?" Aelin asked on the walk back to the car while brushing her little girl's hair back with her hand.
"I got the littlest, babiest grapes today." She stopped in the middle of the parking lot and opened the lunchbox. "Look!"
Inspecting it, Aelin noticed Maisie's littlest, babiest grapes looked like a car ran them over. "What happened to them?"
She took the lunchbox back and frowned. "I don't know. I slept with them at nap time to protect them, but it didn't work out."
Aelin's lips were clamped together, trying hard not to laugh. That little girl probably squished the poor grapes to death. Rowan seemed to think the same, from the way the corners of his lips were tugging up. Noticing Aelin's stare, he gave her a small smile while ruffling their daughter's hair. She quickly looked away.
They never picked her up together when Maisie was in daycare, but they were doing it as an encouragement now that she was still adapting to preschool.
She always missed one parent while in another's house, even if she spent no more than three days in each house and had daily goodnight calls. Every morning was a different meltdown because she says she doesn't like school, so promising Maisie that both parents would pick her up was a good way to stop a tantrum. Some days, at least.
Their daughter was asleep in the car seat, exhausted from preschooler life, so they kept quiet while Aelin drove Rowan back to base for his night class.
"I'll call you," was the only thing he said. Not goodbye or thank you for the ride.
Aelin knew she meant he'd call Maisie for their goodnight call, but she took the bait anyway. "No, you'll call Maisie."
Rowan pinched the bridge of his nose, and Aelin could feel her body go tense again. He was the one annoyed, really?
"I don't understand why we keep having the same conversation over and over."
"Me neither, is that so hard to stop calling me and use the f—" she glanced at Maisie, still asleep. "Fucking parenting app?" Aelin whispered.
"You know what?" He leaned closer to her, hand resting on the car panel. "It is. I hate that app."
"I. Don't. Care. I can't have you calling me several times a day to ask stupid shit like if I packed Maisie's lunch."
Rowan frowned. "That kind of comment isn't helping, Aelin. In fact, it makes me even more concerned."
Was he implying that Aelin didn't care?
Heat flushed through her whole body as she saw red. "Get out of my car."
He didn't.
"Now!" Aelin whisper-yelled, still trying not to wake Maisie up. "Don't you have a student to screw or something?"
Rowan's eyes widened, and every feature of his face slowly started looking consumed by rage. From his glare to his reddened face.
He held back, though.
"You know what?" Rowan unfastened his seatbelt. "I can't talk to you when you're like this."
"Great." Aelin knew she had gone too far. She'd think about it the day she actually cared.
"And I'll call you as many times a day I want whenever you're with my daughter."
He got out and slammed the car door.
Rowan's body went taut at the same time Aelin flinched. They both knew what was happening now.
"Mommy, where's Daddy going?" Their daughter asked a moment later, rubbing her eyes.
Maisie's lips started wobbling the second she noticed Rowan was leaving, and she was wailing even before he could get into the backseat to soothe her. He kept saying that he'd see her at their goodnight call later and tomorrow at the pickup again, but nothing seemed to work.
Resting her head on the steering wheel and taking a deep breath, Aelin tried to think of something. The best bribes were always ice cream or more screen time. She needed to pick her weapons wisely.
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joedirtymadre · 7 months
First Date
YUTA X READER. FLUFF. (Thank you so much 🥹. AND YES I CAN. But pls keep sending more requests I really do get excited when you guys send them 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️)
I looked into the mirror, “Don’t you think this is too much…?” I questioned myself as I looked at the date outfit Nobara helped me put together. “Nah, you look hot!” Nobara said with a thumbs up. I looked at the outfit, I was wearing a purple low v-neck halter top, with a white tennis skirt. She also let me borrow some cute sandals she had, and a lot of matching jewelry. “What’s wrong? You don’t look too sure,” Nobara pouted. “N-No don’t get me wrong, the outfit is beautiful… but I don’t think it’s my style,” I pointed out. “Hmmm… I guess you do have a point… Yuta is already so blushy blushy around you in just your uniform. Maybe this as a first date outfit might just kill him,” Nobara joked. “Stop it, and I think I’ll just change into some jeans and throw a sweatshirt over it, plus some sneakers cause what if we’re walking all day?” I pointed out. “Pretty good points, but I think I know what to put you in,” Nobara smirked.
“Oh wow! Nobara, this is so cute!” I smiled as I spun around. (You can think of any outfit you’d like, but for the story I’ll be using the image down below 🫡) “I’m glad you like it, but all I’m saying is that if I were asked on a date I would’ve dressed so hot he would’ve died the second he laid his eyes on me,” Nobara smirked. “Maybe it’s a good thing you haven’t been asked on a date yet… you might end up on the most wanted watch list,” I joked while grabbing my blue handbag. Nobara rolled my eyes and followed me to her door. “Alright I have to go! Or else I’ll be late!” I said as I ran off to the campus stairs.
I made it! I looked down the stairs to see Yuta already waiting. “Yuta!” I called out and rushed down the stairs. “Hey (Y/N),” he smiled. I made it to the last step, but before stepping down I tripped over my own foot. “Ah-“ I let out while falling forward. “(Y/N)!” Yuta said and quickly ran over to catch me. Yuta wrapped his arms around me and quickly caught me before I could hit the ground. “Ah… t-thanks Yuta,” I blushed as I looked up to face him. “N-No problem, I just didn't want you to g-get hurt,” he stuttered, while quickly letting go of me. “Thanks,” I smiled. “So what’d you have planned for today?” I asked. “Ah, well… I thought some ramen would be good to start with,” he said. “Ooh! Yeah ramen sounds perfect right now!” I cheered and led the way to the train station.
“That really hit the spot, huh Yuta?” I asked. “Mhmm, now there was a place I wanted to go to…” he trailed off as he looked around the street. I tilted my head in confusion. “There it is!” He said as he grabbed my hand and we ran over to the mysterious place he mentioned. Suddenly he stopped and I looked up and realized that we stopped in front of a flower shop. “Oh wow! Flowers!” I smiled. “Yeah, I have something I need to pick up,” he blushed. “You do?” I asked. “Yeah, wait right here… just for a second!” He said as he ran in. I shrugged my shoulders and looked across the street to see an older couple walking together holding hands. “That’s nice…” I smiled. I began turning my gaze back to the flower shop to check if Yuta was out, until I heard someone scream. I flipped my head back towards the couple, and noticed a man fighting the older woman for her purse. “Hey!” I yelled and began to run over. Before I could reach the man, he pushed the older woman and ran off. I watched as her husband quickly knelt down to tend to her. “I’ll get him! I swear!” I yelled and took off over the guy. I ran as fast as I could towards the man, I watched as he took a turn into a small alley. I slowly approached the alley, making sure he wasn’t about to jump out and attack me. I then saw a head peep from behind a dumpster. I heard him scoff, “It’s just a high schooler…” he laughed as he walked out. “Now run off girly, before you get hurt. Just needed some quick cash, it shouldn’t concern you,” he said as he tried walking away. “Hey! I ain’t letting you leave with that purse!” I yelled. “And what are you gonna do about it?” He chuckled as he turned back. He rushed over to me, and I got in stance ready to fight back, but before I could land a punch the dumpster was thrown towards the man. Throwing him against the wall, knocking him out. “What the-?” I cut myself off, as I felt a scary presence. I turned around and saw Yuta. “Yuta!” I said and ran over. “Are you ok?” He asked, but before I could answer he pulled into a hug. “God… I got scared…” he said as he slightly trembled against me. “Yuta, I’m ok… plus you know I can handle myself,” I smiled and looked up to face him. “I know, but… I should be the one protecting you, especially when you’re with me,” he said as he had a serious look on his face. “You wanna be my superhero?” I giggled. “N-No… not like that, but… I just want to make sure you’re safe. I’d rather get hurt than you,” he smiled. I felt my cheeks heat up, “O-Okay,” I said softly. “Now let’s go take that woman’s purse back,” he said. I nodded and we quickly went to retrieve the bag.
While walking back to the couple I realized something… “Hey Yuta? Where’s your flowers?” I asked. “About that… I dropped them the second I saw you run off…” he sighed. “Oh… were they for someone important?” I asked. “Umm… yeah, they were someone really special,” he sighed again. “Oh, I’m sorry! I’ll buy you some new ones,” I said nervously. “No, that's fine,” he smiled. “Hello!” We turned our attention towards the unfamiliar voice. We looked up and noticed the older woman from earlier. “We got your purse back!” I said, and handed her the bag. “Oh thank you so much, both of you!” She smiled. “And we made sure to call the police, we’d hate to have that happen to you again,” Yuta said. “Where’s your husband?” I asked. “He’s coming, he said he saw something on the floor and went to go pick it up,” she explained. “I see, well I’m glad you’re ok. That was a nasty fall,” I pointed out. “I may not look like it, but I’m one tough cookie. Just ask my husband,” the woman laughed. She quickly turned around, “Oh there he is,” she said. We looked over and noticed him carrying a bouquet of wildflowers. “The bouquet!” Yuta said in shock as the man walked up to us. “I saw you drop these, and I assumed that you were with our friend here,” he said as he looked over towards me. “Thank you!” He said as he grabbed the bouquet from the older man. “No problem, and thank you for helping us,” the man said, as he shook our hands. “We really appreciate it, and also you two really deserve each other. Going off to help a stranger, and you going off to back her up. Not a lot of people like that anymore,” the woman winked. I felt my face blow up, and I looked over to see Yuta also has a cherry face. “Th-Thank you miss,” I smiled. We said our goodbyes and headed our own way.
“What a crazy first date, huh?” I laughed as we walked up the stairs. “It was,” Yuta chuckled. “So happy you got the flowers, that person is super lucky,” I smiled. “(Y/N)… they’re for you,” he laughed. I turned around quickly, and stared at him in disbelief. “Well I was hoping to surprise you with flowers when I walked out of the flower shop, but…” he laughed. “They’re for me?” I asked, still in disbelief. “Well… I was hoping we’d be in a more romantic setting, but I was hoping if this date went well then…” he trailed off. “Then?” I encouraged him. “Then I was planning on asking you to be my girlfri-“ I cut him off. “Yes!” I said as I pounced on him. He caught me, but the flowers flew everywhere. “The flowers!” He panicked. “It’s ok, Yuta,” I smiled. “But how are you going to remember our first date?” He asked. “I got an idea,” I smiled as I cupped his face. Before he could get another word in, I pulled him into a soft kiss. I felt him tense up, but quickly relaxed and deepened it. We finally pulled away and stared at each other, slowly trying to catch our breath. “T-That can work,” Yuta stuttered. I laughed, before pulling him in for another kiss.
The outfit I had in mind 💅
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