#she's such an amazing musician i'm obsessed
lavenderlyncis · 1 year
Join me in reviewing Olivia Rodrigo's album GUTS. I've waited years for this!!
all-american bitch - 9/10, big fan. I love it when she screams because the world is unfair. same girl, same
bad idea right? - 10/10. I know this one is controversial but I LOVE her more punky songs, I think that's when she's best
vampire - 10/10. I'm not always a fan of piano ballads, but the bridge and outro really make it for me. The hurt turning into anger and despair is just so cathartic. And the video is one of my faves of all time
lacy - 1000/10. What the hell. Did not expect to feel this much emotion from that title. Uhhh... yeah, same. I super relate to that. Whether or not lacy is supposed to be a real person or a manifestation of the beauty standard, this hits. Also, idk if I'm making this up but I dig the romantic undertones, they sell it
ballad of a homeschooled girl - "I made it weird, I made it worse"/10. OLIVIA HOW DID YOU KNOW that I lie awake thinking about all the weird things I did and said, Olivia, did you write this for me specifically??? Every day I am alive IS social suicide. I'm sorry, this is my song, actually. "Can't think of a third line", she's so real
making the bed - "I'm playing the victim so well in my head"/10. How. Does. She. Do. It? I could write an entire essay about this song. Maybe THIS is my song?? She's so good at saying exactly how I feel. I already know that this song will play a million times on my phone. Also I love the drivers license references. Big fan of the making the bed metaphor
logical - 9/10. favourite crime vibes. She's good with these songs about bad relationships. Used to be my favourite thing she did, but now I'm more invested in the songs that are about her/other experiences. That being said this song is really fucking good. This is the Olivia I fell in love with and she's still amazing at doing piano ballads
get him back! - 9/10. Olivia having ANOTHER song with speak-singing where she wants to get back with her ex?? Yes, PLEASE. Bad idea right 2.0. Fucking obsessed
love is embarrassing - 10/10. I said it before I'll say it again, angry Olivia is the best. And she's right, love IS embarrassing as hell
the grudges - 10/10. She does the paino ballads SO WELL. I think this is my favourite one on here. Because, wow, yeah, that is how it is
pretty isn't pretty - i can't rate this/10. GOD, I love it when she talks about insecurities. And don't think I don't see that skipping lunch line. It's sp hard to articulate how this song makes me feel. Especially since I've been low key comparing myself to her, even though we have entirely different bodies and faces. It's nice to know she also struggles with this. And she's right, you could do literally anything to change your appearance and you'd still be unhappy
teenage dream - 100000/10. "Is it recording? Of course it is.", the way I gasped. Okay, I love the interpretation of it ending with a child to be about growing up and childhood innocence. But the line she says?? Especially combined with the meaning of the song it feels a lot like it's about taking away youth by recording it and putting it out there just like she was supposed to be everyone's teenage dream as a child actor and young musician. This feels so personal to her while also being relatable to others. I'm 19 too, Olivia and I are born in the same year. And this is exactly how I feel about growing up. I hope it gets better, my teenage years were crap, I'm tired of being young, but it's also the only thing I can hold onto. I'm honestly terrified of turning 20. But hey, Olivia did it, so... it'll get better, right?
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The desire to possess (Part 2)
Summary: In the darkest of times, there is nothing more terrible than choosing between duty and love. And Rogal Dorn has to see it.
Perturabo/fem!Reader, Rogal Dorn/fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, possesive behavior, obsession
Word count: 1961
Song: Rammstein - Rosenrot
As you can see, if I'm not writing yandere, then I'm doing angst. I also realized that I wanted to write as much as possible about this trio. There will be no ending as such. There will be a part 3 - reader's POV (but not in this week). In general, I want to write drabbles around this triangle. Dorn and the reader love each other, and Perturabo suffers for her. Perturabo “loves” the reader, and she and Dorn suffer for each other. Every time inspiration comes, I will write based on them. Good plan? Good plan.
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Rogal didn't mind the remembrances. They did their job, recording the deeds of the primarchs to leave them in history. The Emperor himself ordered all his sons to take chroniclers with them after the Uralon Triumph. Many simply resigned themselves to “taking the rats on board” without paying much attention to them. As long as they don't interfere. Fulgrim and Sanguinius took a huge number of historians, composers and musicians under their protection.
Dorn was not against the remembrances, but did not want mortals to interfere too much. Therefore, not everyone could get into the Phalanx. And especially to become Rogal’s personal chronicler. The primarch himself wanted to select candidates for this position. He has already found a historian who can tell the deeds of the primarch dryly and impartially. If remembrances even want to express their feelings, then this can be done through other art.
It was with these thoughts that he walked around the Imperial Palace. That's when he met you. You did not have time to win the attention of all Terra. And yet your master patronized your talent. Many mortals did not know about you, but the primarchs saw your sculptures. Rogal liked them. He even took some of them in his chambers.
But seeing you babble in front of the Iron Lord, the primarch realized that he would have to find another sculptor. You told Perturabo in such detail about which fortresses and buildings amazed you, which military campaigns aroused admiration... Dorn even for a second, but only for a second, felt envy.
"I don't care."
Perturabo rejects your services. He goes home, which not surprised Dorn. Such behavior was in the nature of the Iron Lord. And yet the Praetorian could not help but notice the range of feelings flashing across the Olympian’s face. He was pleased with the praise. And yet he decided not to give you his attention.
The Iron Lord goes away and you are left alone. Disappointed and depressed. And Dorn cannot help but feel a pang of pity for you. And a personal base desire to egg on his brother whom he disliked so much.
“Miss” - The Imperial Fist stands right in front of you and you flinch from the seriousness with which he looks at you. - “I saw your sculptures. You have the honor of serving as my remembrancer for the Phalanx. Follow me. I’ll tell you all the responsibilities.”
You blink charmingly in surprise and bewilderment. And nod before almost running after Dorn. The primarch lays out a list of responsibilities for you, inwardly rejoicing that you accepted his offer.
Rogal was pleased. You performed your duties well. You felt when it was worth talking to the primarch and did not distract him with demands to meet. And if he agreed to pose, then you worked strictly according to the schedule. By persisting improving your talent.
You were too feminine and loved beautiful things. But they were practical. You did not have the usual arrogance among remembrances. To be honest, Rogal can count on one hand all the times you didn’t try to not work. All you had to do was pick up any stone or piece of wood and you immediately started carving on it. Even fruit seeds could not avoid such a fate.
Nothing special, nothing significant or important. And yet Rogal himself did not notice how every day he began to think about you more and more. Remember your image. Play your voice in his head. Your gestures. He liked a lot about you.
How your thin, graceful hands were covered with marble dust from your work. The way you blew your hairs away when it came into your eyes. And how you wrinkled your nose when a thought wandered into your head and you didn’t know how to express it in stone.
Grandfather told him about his first love. How he felt at these moments, how he behaved. Almost with displeasure, Rogal realized what he felt for you. It was... unexpected. Fall in love. A mortal girl who didn't really do anything. But during the time that Rogal spent with you, he realized that he had become attached to you. He felt the desire to protect and care only towards his adoptive parent. And now you have appeared.
As you later admitted to Dorn, his declaration of love was... awkward. Almost funny and somewhat terrifying. He simply confronted you with the fact that you were now his beloved. Although Rogal did not put such meaning into his words. But you just smiled shyly at his bewilderment. And at that moment Rogal realized that he wanted to be with you all the time. To spenе the whole life with you. He hasn't felt as calm as he does now for a long time. Next to you.
You hold back your tears and don’t give in to hysterics despite your wish. The only thing that gives you away is your clenched fists. But you stand straight and your voice hardly trembles. If something stupid upset you, he would roll you into his grandfather's cape. Well, if you were in a more intimate setting, Dorn would whisper in your ear what a good girl you are... But the conversation is serious and he wants you to understand the whole terrible fate in which Imperium apperead.
“You know I won’t get in the way. I will sit quietly and keep my head down. I’m not stupid, I know that I’m of little use. But at least I can help treat the wounded and” - you take a deep breath without shedding a single tear. You always wanted to appear strong with the primarch and he could not help but appreciate your tenacity. - “I don’t want to leave you. I cannot leave you and go to another corner of the Galaxy while you are fighting for Terra. I won’t even know if you’re alive.”
“My sons, brothers and the Emperor will be with me. We will defeat the traitors, you can be sure. But I must focus on this battle. Your presence... fear for you will distract me from this.” - Dorn gently puts his arm around your shoulders. And with all the gentleness of which he was now capable, he looks into the eyes. - “The Greyestone Fortress is well fortified and, most importantly, is located far from Terra. My brothers have no use for this world, they only need the Solar System. This means you will be safe. And this will give me confidence in the battle. I want to protect you, don't you see it?”
You look closely into the primarch's eyes before nodding uncertainty.
"Fine. If you say that... then I have nothing to worry about. But Rogal, please,” you purse your lips and look as if one more second and he will evaporate. - "Be careful. I will be waiting for your return.”
The primarch squeezes your shoulders slightly. He almost reaches out to kiss you... but pulls away. Later. When the Siege of Terra is over he will wrap you in his arms and never let you go. But first he must do his duty. And nothing should distract him from saving humanity.
The Emperor has fallen. Dorn failed to protect the master of Mankind. His ghost, seated on the Golden Throne, will haunt Rogal forever. The Emperor's Light, the Beacon for Humanity, was lost forever. They were left alone.
The primarch donned in black. Accepted a heavy burden and a new role. Rogal was not going to allow traitors to continue to rule certain parts of the Galaxy. No, he was going to destroy them all. Spew them into the warp to cleanse the universe forever.
Dorn has not forgotten about you. He sent one of his subordinate ships to Greystone. To replenish provisions and serfs. Bring the necessary equipment to the Phalanx. A few mortals who could help Rogal deal with some matters. And you.
Reuniting with you should have eased the primarch's burden. Bring light and hope back to life. But the Imperial Fists returned with almost nothing. Greystone has fallen.
Perturabo captured the fortress, leaving not even a stone left of it. The Space Marines brought meager supplies of provisions and serfs who could barely stand on their feet. Some mortals close to Dorn survived. Others died during the siege. The warriors learned all the details.
Rogal listened carefully to his sons, not allowing disturbing thoughts to take over his heart. First business, and then love. Duty and service to the Emperor. He assured his father that you would not distract Dorn, no matter how much he was attached to you...
If you're alive, he'll never let you go again. You will live in his chambers forever. You will have your own security. The best mortal warriors. No, Space Marines. Dorn will love you. For real, like he never allowed himself to do. Taste happiness. He will allow his fortress to fall and bare his full soul to you and only you.
But if you are dead... completely dead and your soul is still swallowed up by the warp... Then Rogal will devote himself to cleansing the universe of abomination. No pity, no mercy. All traitors will pay for what they did to you and the Imperium. He will go forward until the very end. Your sacrifice will burn like a beacon in his heart and he will never give up revenge justice.
But everything turns out to be even worse. You are alive. And you are in the hands of Perturabo. Rogal remembered. He remembered that night at the fountain. When he calmed you down. Silently kissed and hugged. How he wanted to show you that he was confident in his choice. That he wants to spend all the eternity with you that you had at the whim of fate. How you smiled happily at the unusual tenderness from Dorn. He is too did not expect this from himself. But this manifestation of pure love only strengthened his thought. You are linked.
And no one will separate you. Especially the Iron Lord, who was watching you from the shadows. Dorn only pressed your figure closer to him, looking into his brother’s eyes. He is already tired of his greedy envy and lack of confidence in his greatness. Perturabo can lament as much as he wants, continue to torment his Legion and mortals... but he will not take you. You belonged to Rogal. No. You both belonged to each other.
And now you are in the hands of a traitor primarch. Who can do whatever he wants to you. He may laugh at you. Revel in your separation from Dorn. He will torment you. Just like the desire to establish himself in war and architecture, Perturabo will certainly want to appropriate your love for himself...
When the Space Marines mentioned that the attack on Greystone happened months ago, he sends them away. Does the Iron Lord want war? Want to laugh in his brother's face? Well, Rogal was more determined than ever to end their personal feud. He had been hearing rumors about the Eternal Fortress for a long time. Now he needed to concentrate all his strength and time on destroying this nest of heretics. The Primarch and his sons would feel real pain together during this siege.
Rogal wraps the Pain Glove around himself like a second skin. The device delivers electrical impulses and the man winces from the tension. More. More pain. He must clear his mind of hatred, anger and revenge through self-sacrifice. If he wants to lead the Imperium to the light, destroy its enemies and bring you back, then he must be calm. Must be humble and reasonable. He must do this.
He has no other choice.
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
(Bringing this as a bit of background-Teemu is basically the singing voice of Cherry from studio killers)
So, musician Dream finally gets to work with singer Hope (no one has ever seen her face face before, her voice is this sweet melodic sound, all the vibrato and high notes are always exquisite in execution, has never had a live event, only using youtube/soundcloud/spotify and other media to promote herself, from time to time you can see some pictures of her daily day life but she is never in them)
So, when Dream gets an dm, from the very Hope herself, asking shyly if he wants to do some collaboration with her, Dream eagerly agrees.
Dream has been in this kind of love with her, he knows it is extremely hard for that relationship to ever exist but he is a romantic fool, he takes this opportunity as some sort of miracle.
Dreams thinks of Hope as a delicate, vibrant, elegant woman, and, allowing himself to daydream about her appearance, he is certainly convinced that the singer must have such beautiful doe eyes.
Because he says so XD
Imagine his surprise when the one he mets is a man, big chest, hairy (very handsome thats for certain) and with a very chatty friendly, sometimes rude and rash personality! (On the side note, the very beautiful doe eyes are in the end, the only thing that's true about Hope/Hob)
Dream belives its a joke and goes along with Hob for a while, annoyed, but still going along the joke, until they start to get a brainstorm of what the collab its gonna be and Hob (He really didnt thought that much about his idol name XD) starts to sing.
And it is, indeed, with no doubt, the person he fell in love.
(Also, its first time Hob has ever shown himself as 'Hope' to anyone besides his family/close friends. So, its no like he is doing this because he thinks Dream is an amazing musician, very alluring, goth, mysterious and overall his type, nope, not at all, its not like he has been in all his presentations and listens to his music religiously and has regular horny thoughts of said goth rearranging his guts in the most extremely, steamy sex ever, Hob might have saved his best melodic moans to Dream and Dream only)
///Let's just pretend Ferdie's voice can do this super cool stuff for this to work XD///
Anon!!!! You have MOST galaxy brain ever. I'm absolutely enthralled and obsessed with this!!! And as Ferdie is a music producer, I can totally believe in this 😉
Dream has this whole mental picture of what Hope probably looks like. Petite, angelic and sophisticated. She probably dresses in the cutest outfits and of course she has the most soulful brown eyes. Dream definitely has some quite elaborate fantasies as he listens to the music, sometimes he makes himself blush because he finds his own thoughts so cringey!
Those eyes that he had imagined meet his across the room, and the soft brown is even more beautiful than he'd dreamed of. As for the rest of Hope's appearance... Dream was quite far off the mark. Hob is an attractive guy, with a neat beard and chest hair just peeping out over the collar of his thin white t-shirt. He shakes Dream’s hand enthusiastically and immediately starts to gush about how much his loves Dream’s music, what his favourites are, how he's even been to a few of Dream’s live events. And Dream has this feeling that he ought to be disappointed. He ought to feel like he's been tricked into something. But the Hope inside his head has been easily replaced by Hob himself already.
The second Hob does a vocal warmup, Dream’s jaw almost hits the floor. Although he knows now that Hob is Hope, he just can't believe that those sounds are coming out of Hob’s mouth. Hob gets a little shy, then. He says that he knows his image doesn't match up with his music, that's why he's never ever shown his face. He was just so desperate to collaborate with Dream, he had to at least give it a shot.
Dream absolutely melts and quickly takes Hob’s hands. He explains that he was drawn to Hope's voice, and it doesn't matter what he look like! Dream wants them to make music together, and if Hob is amenable, they could maybe also get dinner?
Hob sings beautifully for Dream during the following warmup and studio session. But none of those sounds can quite compare to his desperate, warbling moans as he bounces himself on Dream’s cock later on. That's real music. And one day, Dream is going to record it for all the world to hear.
For now though, Hope belongs entirely to him.
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pjunicornart · 9 months
Okay sooo ummmm I've been working on something in the background.
So like, I've been working on a Meet the Robinsons AU idea that I plan on making a ton of content for in the background, I even have some art for it already. However, I wanna see if people would be interested in it... so I'm gonna describe the main players of the AU and answer some questions here in this post because I've just been DYING to info dump about this! Okay, let's start with...
The explanation of everything! What even is this AU I'm working on? It'll be called "Lazy Days." Essentially, this is an AU where the Robinson family stays in their comfy clothes and bedheads all day while drinking tea and/or coffee and binging junk food while watching movies... to name a few activities. My vision for this AU is a super cozy and chill vibe. Sweaters, socks, sweatpants, sleep shorts, donuts, whipped cream cans, coffee mugs, pizza, lo-fi, and more await in this AU!
What are some key differences? Besides the comfy lounge wear? Well, for one, Neil and Franny have more kids. Wilbur is still the eldest, he just has three little siblings now! One of which is adopted! I'll tell you more about them later on in this post. As for another key difference? Neil is still a super genius and everything, however, all of his inventions have a noticeably more... cozy, aesthetic feel. All I'm saying is, Carl looks REAL different in this AU.
Will there be a story? Meh... I'm still debating that. For now, it's just kind of a thing I entertain when I want to/am prompted to. If it were to have a story, it would probably focus on Wilbur and his sibs.
What did you mean by the "main players?" Just what I what refer to as the "core" members of the family. So, Neil and Fran, plus their four kids: Wilbur, Freddie, Mazie, and Leo. Speaking of...
Cornelius 42 years old. Summary: Caffeine Junkie, Sleepyhead, Scatterbrain Owner of his own engineering company, and a pretty chill one at that. He baffles others in his field because on the surface, he seems to not be all there - his choice to show up to important meetings and talks in sweatpants doesn't exactly help with that assumption. However, nobody can deny his amazing intellect, even if it at first glance it seems buried under all the goofball-ness.
Franny 41 years old. Summary: Intense, Mama Bear, Prideful A global phenomenon for her music featuring her own frog band! She's made up her brand from the fact that she's the only musician in the world right now who makes music using little amphibians who miraculously learned how to walk and talk. Besides music, Franny also adores everything about her husband.
Wilbur 16 years old. Summary: Sheepish, Easily Bored, Bookworm When he's not sneaking snacks from the kitchen in the middle of the night, he's usually curled up in a chair reading the book he recently checked out from the local library. His parents are surprised just how much he mellowed out compared to three years ago. That being said... ADHD doesn't magically go away after you grow up a little.
Freddie 13 years old. Summary: Old Soul, Green Thumb, Foodie She was adopted into the family two years after Wilbur was born. It was a circumstance of her father not being able to take care of her at the time. She's the plant person of the family, opting to spend her days taking care of her little garden in the backyard. Which includes fresh produce!
Mazie 10 years old. Summary: Weirdo, Hypersensitive, Pouty She's absolutely OBSESSED with cryptids. Bigfoot, Night Crawlers, Aliens, Mothman... you name it, she probably knows a whole book's worth of information about it. Hell, she'll even watch cryptid adjacent stuff. For example, kaiju movies. Her ultimate dream is to see the Loch Ness Monster. Or Bigfoot. Or aliens. Or any cryptid.
Leo 3 years old. Summary: Non-Verbal, Picky, Loner Leo is the only one who takes after his father, sharing his blonde hair. Which couldn't have worked out better! You see, after Leo was born, Franny went on a massive world tour. So Neil was the one taking care of him during his early years, and so Leo got very attached to his daddy. Wherever Neil goes, Leo follows. He's very fussy and uncooperative if Neil is away at work or just out for groceries.
I'm super curious to see your thoughts on this, if any. I'm gonna make stuff for this regardless, but I still want to start some conversations! Ask box is always open! THIS POST HAS A SISTER POST NOW! This one has images! :o Here it is -> Lazy Days Character Busts.
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rabbitechoes · 7 months
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february was a really good month for music!!! i enjoyed so many projects from both artists i've loved for a long time and some i haven't enjoyed in the past at all. there were a few disappointing ones too, one album in particular spawning some of the most irritating discourse in a long time, but i'm trying to look at the positives!! here are my thoughts on some of the most notable projects that dropped this month!!! to check out my thoughts on some of the songs that dropped this month click here!!! also feel free to follow me on rate your music and twitter <3
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What Now - Brittany Howard
◇ genre: psychedelic soul
When Brittany Howard dropped her first solo record, Jaime, back in 2019, I was absolutely obsessed with it. The shift from the blues rock-centric sound of her other work to the world of psychedelic soul worked extremely well. However, as with most new music I was obsessed with during that time, it feels like it was so long ago. I think the pandemic made me sort of forget a lot of these albums I once loved. For some subconscious reason, I don't revisit many of the new records I loved from late 2019 to early 2020. Jaime was unfortunately one of them. When I heard this new album was on the way, I was excited and listened to like one of the singles, but nothing more. When I finally sat down to listen to What Now, it felt like meeting up with an old friend and hitting it off almost immediately.
The opener "Earth Sign" shook me to my core on my first listen. It's spacey, slow-building, but when Howard emphatically sings that third "out thereeee" in the third verse it acts like a call to arms for the drums to come booming in. Such a cool moment moment. The next track "I Don't" is one of the more straightforward psychedelic soul cuts on the album and it's so gorgeous. I can't get enough of it. The title track picks up the pace a bit and is almost funk rock. I adore Howard's fuzzy guitar on this song. It's probably also a good time to mention how the rest of the musicians on this project do an amazing job. "Another Day" and "Prove It to You" are really interesting detours into a more dance direction. They simultaneously sound out of place while also fitting right in. I would love to hear these sounds be explored further on future albums. The album's home stretch kicks off with "Samson" which might be Howard's most intimate moment from a musical standpoint. Very bare guitar parts, organ, and some saxophones peppered in. Stunningly beautiful. She immediately fires back up for "Patience" which features some of my favorite instrumentation across the whole record. Mixing together those funky basslines and guitar licks before shifting into some sweeping keyboards on the later half of the track. "Every Color in Blue" is a phenomenal final note. Again, mixing together some subtle jazz instrumentation with Howard's awe-inspiring vocals. You just have to hear this. I've listened to this album a ton since it dropped. I'm still uncovering new things I didn't appreciate on the last listen. Please don't let this album fly under your radar!!
listen here: Apple Music Spotify Bandcamp SoundCloud YouTube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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◇ genres: art pop, experimental hip hop, electronic
I'll be honest, I didn't know who Quadeca was before his last album I Didn't Mean to Haunt You. I learned after the fact that he was a YouTuber and that many were shocked he had made an album that good. The quality for "YouTuber music" is nearly in the dirt, but that record kind of pushed Quadeca out of the label of "YouTuber music." I enjoyed the album a good bit, although I found him to be a bit overhyped by many following its release. I don't know if that's where my lack of knowledge on Quadeca comes into play, but it's just how I felt. Then comes SCRAPYARD and I'm forced to eat the biggest crow ever. This new mixtape from Quadeca has him showcasing his range as not just a producer, but a rapper, lyricist, and multi-instrumentalist as well. Opener "Dustcutter" is an emo-rap track with elements of art pop mixed in and it's amazing. His exasperated, frantic delivery at various points throughout the track creates this very anxious tension that feels almost palpable. The next track, "A la carte" with brakence, picks up the pace a bit and the two work very well together. "Pretty Privilege" veers heavily into the art pop and it's so great. Hits pretty close to home as someone who has struggled with body image issues and Quadeca handles these themes in a tactful way. "Easier" shows another switch-up as he delves into some folktronica. He shows so much more depth as an artist here and to think this is the "scrapyard." One of the more no-frills hip hop tracks here is "Guess Who?" and it's a fun listen. The final three tracks are extremely poignant and offer some of the most intimate moments on the record. "U Tried That Thing Where Ur Human" reminds me a bit of a Xiu Xiu track except a bit less ... Xiu Xiu. "Guide Dog" is a really emotional indie folk cut and one that grows on me over reoccurring listens. "Texas Blue" is the most I've enjoyed a Kevin Abstract feature since like high school. Quadeca and Abstract have an incredible chemistry here. It really feels like the perfect way to end this project. Quadeca, I'm sorry for thinking you were overhyped. This SCRAPYARD mixtape is exceptional and I can't wait to hear what you do next.
listen here: Apple Music Spotify Bandcamp SoundCloud YouTube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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Where we've been, Where we go from here - Friko
◇ genre: indie rock
Many reviewers have drawn a clear line of influence from Where we've been, Where we go from here and indie rock of the 2000s. Those reviewers would be absolutely correct too. If you told me this was an indie rock staple of that era with a Pitchfork Best New Music review to its name, I might believe you. However, this is a band's debut album in the year 2024. One of the most exciting in recent memory, made even more so by Friko being relatively unknown before this project. It's like it appeared out of thin air. Randomly here's one of the most polished indie rock albums in a while that puts a modern twist on an old formula. An old formula that I have a soft spot for, for better or for worse. Even by the opener, "Where We've Been," I knew this album was something special, at least for me. Vocalist and guitarist Niko Kapetan absolutely steals the show here. His voice is shaky, but effortlessly melodic. "Crimson to Chrome" has one of the most memorable choruses I've heard in a minute, it's been stuck in my head for days. Drummer Bailey Minzenberger really kills it here too. The energy keeps up on the next track "Crashing Through." Those first three tracks alone are a hell of a statement for a debut record. "Chemical" veers into the post-punk and shows the band's range very well. Even when the band get a bit quieter like on "Until I'm With You Again," there's still just this ... energy to it all. Friko sound so confident here, like they know they're gonna be a big name in the genre in a very short time. I hope I'm right about that because this album is amazing. I was a bit floored by how much I enjoyed this. Incredibly excited to see what Friko have in store for us next.
listen here: Apple Music Spotify Bandcamp SoundCloud YouTube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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PHASOR - Helado Negro
◇ genres: indietronica, neo-psychedelia
Similarly to Brittany Howard, Roberto Carlos Lange's music has escaped me over the last few years. I enjoyed his 2019 album This Is How You Smile, but I just kind of lost track of him. However, I saw his new album PHASOR getting some buzz and I decided to check it out. I'm glad I did! It's a gorgeous album full of sweet, borderline ambient songs. "I Just Want to Wake Up With You" is such a simple song, but it's so enjoyable. The repetition of the chorus never feels irritating because the production and instrumentation are so nice. It almost feels like you're swimming and the little synth flourishes remind me of early electronic music from the 70's. The whole album is full of stuff like that too. It's such an easy listen. Each song just breezes past you so gently. It doesn't demand your attention, but if you decide to give it some you will be rewarded. "Out There" sounds so cool and more complex than some of the other songs here while not losing the subtlety of the album. "Best For You and Me" is similar in this aspect too with its driving piano chords and fuzzy synths bubbling up underneath Lange's soft vocals. The most raucous track here is the opener "LFO (Lupe Finds Olivieros)" which is a cool mix of indie rock with the rest of the album's spacey synth work. This album has really grown on me over multiple listens. It's so easy to throw on whenever. It fits nearly every mood and doesn't overstay its welcome at all. It's also reminded me to go back and revisit more of his work from the past! 
listen here: Apple Music Spotify Bandcamp SoundCloud YouTube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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She Reaches Out to She Reaches Out to She - Chelsea Wolfe
◇ genres: darkwave, post-industrial
Chelsea Wolfe is a name that sounded vaguely familiar to me before I listened to her new record She Reaches Out to She Reaches Out to She, but I'm pretty sure I've never heard any of her stuff before this. Upon listening, I have a strong desire to dive into her back catalog. This album is excellently produced and wonderfully written. These songs are dark and often chilling. Both due to Wolfe's unique vocals and the production. You're thrown right into it with "Whispers In The Echo Chamber" as Wolfe sings about seeing things "beyond reality" and the dark synths really accentuate that feeling. The song eventually builds into a big industrial burst with a ripping guitar part towards the end of the track. I loved the range presented here and it's present across the whole album. Wolfe shines in both the softer moments and the louder moments. "House of Self-Undoing" is more straight-forward industrial rock. Even amidst the wild drums and guitars, Wolfe's vocals stand out. The lyricism here strikes a nice balance between substance and style. The majority of the tracks here have at least one lyric that is razor sharp despite the ethereal vocals. "The Liminal" is a really great trip-hop cut and an unexpected, but welcome change of pace after the slow-burning "Tunnel Lights." As was "Eyes Like Nightshade" which blends elements from dance music into this dark world Wolfe is creating. It's such an easy album to get sucked into. Even with the sonic shifts, these songs immerse you in their weird world. The album ends with one of its most fiery moments, "Dusk," as Wolfe aptly sings "and I will go through the fire" as the heavy industrial guitars and drums almost drown her out. I really loved this album. Wolfe managed to balance both the chaos and relative tranquility on the album just by her performance alone. Really need to listen to more of her stuff!
listen here: Apple Music Spotify Bandcamp SoundCloud YouTube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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All Life Long - Kali Malone
◇ genres: drone, holy minimalism
My first introduction to Kali Malone's work was through her 2022 album Living Torch. A really interesting two part, 33-minute drone piece that had a really dark atmosphere to it. Her last album, Does Spring Hide Its Joy, was way more expansive at three hours. I had to listen to it over multiple days. It played on a lot of the themes of the previous, except grander. This new album is trimmed down a bit, but it has some of her strongest material. Opening the album with the choral "Passage Through the Spheres" is a very interesting choice. It doesn't really sound like much of the album musically, but it sets the tone very well. All Life Long sounds like the album art suggests. Everything feels cold. Maybe not the standing the snow kind of cold, but a really strong, uncomfortable chill. The title track, split into versions both for organ and voice, is a big highlight here. Malone's plodding organ on the former feels like you're stepping into somewhere you shouldn't be. It sounds haunted. "No Sun to Burn (for Brass)" lightens the mood just a bit and is a really striking minimalist composition. "Prisoned on Watery Shore" is a mellow drone cut and it keeps you hooked the whole time. Just by the first four tracks Malone has taken us down so many avenues and flexed her range as a composer. I love the dark droney synths and little organ flourishes on "Fastened Maze." I do like when Malone works with a brass quintet and the choirs, but they really shine with the drone stuff. She's so good at creating distinct atmospheres in each of her compositions. All Life Long might be my favorite project of Malone's yet. The majority of the songs here are really well composed and evoked some kind of reaction from me. Not sure if I would recommend starting with it if you're new to Malone's work, I would say Living Torch is still the best entry point, but definitely give this a listen after.
listen here: Apple Music Spotify Bandcamp SoundCloud YouTube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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Prelude to Ecstasy - The Last Dinner Party
◇ genre: indie rock, glam rock, pop rock
I mentioned this in my singles & songs post from last month, but I have been loving the singles leading up to this album. Even if the entire debut from the London glam rock band didn't live up to the hype those songs gave me, I would still be pretty satisfied. Luckily, Prelude to Ecstasy is a really good debut. The band dives into themes of gender, generational trauma, and toxic relationships accompanied by some catchy, cathartic songwriting. The best example of this is the band's biggest hit thus far, "Nothing Matters." I touched on it briefly in the aforementioned post from last month, but I just adore that song. One of the most well-crafted rock songs of the decade so far. That chorus sticks with you for days. I wish I could be a bit contrarian and say that the biggest hit isn't the best song, but I just can't here. That isn't to say the rest of the material here is weak, far from it, this album is loaded with great songs. "Burn Alive" veers into a more post-punk sound which fits the band so well. The lyrics discuss turning pain into art and lead vocalist Abigail Morris has defined it as the band's "mission statement." Very strong start to the record. I wrote about how great "Caesar on a TV Screen" was last month, but I enjoyed it even more in the context of the album. "Sinner" is another great example of the band's glam rock sound. It sounds so classic, but not in the extra-derivative Greta Van Fleet way. They use these sounds from the past and put their own spin on it. All in all, this is a very strong debut album. Occasionally the band can drift into the generic, but those moments are few and far between. They're even more forgivable when you compare them to what other new stuff is playing on your local alternative station. I'll definitely take it over any son of Mumford.
listen here: Apple Music Spotify Bandcamp SoundCloud YouTube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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Loss of Life - MGMT
◇ genre: neo-psychedelia
Nearly 6 years removed from their stellar previous album, Little Dark Age, MGMT have finally returned with Loss of Life. An album that sees them leaning away from the synth-heavy sound of the previous in favor of a more organic sound. Guitars and the occasional piano are usually the driving force behind these songs. The psychedelia present through all of their work is also here which is to be expected. The album opens with "Loss of Life Pt. 2," which features some of the most electronic instrumentation across the whole record and a lot of it would be reprised for the closing title track. Lead single "Mother Nature" follows it and it really was the perfect choice for a lead single. It introduces this "era" of the band perfectly. More organic instrumentation, more mature lyrics, while still having those hooks that really stick with you. I think this is one of the best songs the band have ever made and while a lot of the songs following don't reach those heights, plenty come very close. "People In The Streets" follows the same formula as that song, but way more mellow. I love the bass on this track, it's so prevalent in the mix. The next track "Bubblegum Dog" is almost glam rock and they pull off that sound pretty well. The lyrics feel like a meditation on the creative process and moving forward. Interesting themes that I'm interested in hearing from them at this stage in their career. A lot of the songs here, as good as most of them are, just leave me wanting a little bit more. I often found myself wanting the band to take a few more risks and get a bit wilder on the musical front. I feel like you could've explored these more mature themes while also getting a bit crazier with it. As this album dropped only last week, I don't feel like my opinions on it are fully formed. Maybe I'll enjoy it more over more listens as the year rolls on. For the most part, Loss of Life is a really good return for the band and an interesting release in their discography.
listen here: Apple Music Spotify Bandcamp SoundCloud YouTube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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Still - Erika de Casier
◇ genre: contemporary r&b
Erika de Casier had been on my radar for years, but I never got around to listening to any of her albums in full. I was inspired to listen to her new album due to her incredible single from last month, "Lucky." A really sleek, atmospheric drum and bass cut with a killer hook and production that still wows me even after multiple listens. It's probably still my favorite track on the album, but that's not to say there aren't other amazing tracks on Still. The reggaetón undertones of "Home Alone" were a very welcome surprise. "ice" is has a very funky bassline and a nice feature from They Hate Change. "Believe It" has a subtle bit of trip-hop thrown in and some of my favorite hooks on the whole record. The album's sounds are deceptively eclectic as de Casier blends them together so well. The incredible production across Still can sometimes be to its detriment. On a few tracks, the production feels let down by some weak songwriting. Not bad by any means, but I just wish there was a bit more of an edge to them. de Casier is a very good pop songwriter and pretty much every track has a good hook, chorus, etc., but it doesn't leave much of an impact beyond that. "Ex-Girlfriend" and "Twice" are examples of this. Really nice beats, but I feel like they never reach the heights they have the potential to. Even with those gripes, Still is a really well-crafted record and there is no shortage of great stuff here.
listen here: Apple Music Spotify Bandcamp SoundCloud YouTube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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Other Rooms - Adriaan de Roover
◇ genres: ambient, electroacoustic
I don't know much about Adriaan de Roover at all. I found this album on the front page of Bandcamp and decided to check it out because the genres looked appealing. Sometimes you need a good ambient album and Other Rooms is a satisfying listen. There are some gorgeous ambient soundscapes on this project with some glitchy moments peppered in. In fact, the album starts off with one of those moments. "Yet" has these prickly, glitchy synths throughout, yet an almost eerie wave of noise accompanies them. It creates a really cool dynamic. If you're just looking for some good ol' ambient, check out the tracks "Homebound" and "Dank U." My favorite piece here is the title track. It features some nice ambient synth-work alongside these distant choir-like vocals and some chilling piano chords thrown in. The backend of the tracks turns to something far more sinister with one of the most outwardly unsettling dark warbles. There always feels like there's something underneath a lot of the songs. I just wish it was a bit more fleshed out. At just under 30-minutes in length, I feel like there was a bit more to explore. Still definitely worth checking out if you're looking for a good ambient album with a decent amount of depth to dive into.
listen here: Apple Music Spotify Bandcamp SoundCloud (not available) YouTube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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Club Shy - Shygirl
◇ genres: house, dance-pop
There's not really much to say about this new Shygirl EP except that it's a really strong, concise collection of house and dance-pop tracks. A bit of a detour from the sound of her previous album Nymph, but it works so well. She works with a ton of different producers here and it's incredible how cohesive it all sounds. Every track hits and there's very rarely a dull moment. "4eva" and "thicc" are probably the biggest highlights here for me. I'm a total, anti-social geek that doesn't go to clubs, but those songs make me want to. If you need a quick collection of thumping club songs, look no further.
listen here: Apple Music Spotify Bandcamp SoundCloud YouTube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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Unwired Detour - Asian Glow
◇ genres: noise pop, indietronica
I've listened to a decent amount of Asian Glow's work over the last few years. They've been involved in some pretty interesting projects throughout the decade so far both on their own and with other noisy/shoegaze artists such as Weatherday and Parannoul. They played bass on the latter's After the Night live album which was one of my favorites last year. However, it seems as though the Asian Glow project is coming to an end with Unwired Detour. They announced on their Bandcamp that this would be the "last album [they'll] ever release for Asian Glow." It doesn't feel like your typical "final album" though, at least to me. I'm sure it has a lot more personal significance for the artist, but this just sounds like an extremely promising album from a young artist and one that could be a stepping stone to much greater heights.
The album features some really good noise pop/indietronica tracks with some having more of a rock edge than others. "Ashes" is one of my favorite cuts here because of that rock edge. It also feels like one of the more lively tracks here from a production standpoint. I feel the same way about "Kuroitamago #2" and "Faucet." This album is at its best when they cut loose a bit. A lot of these songs are really good, but the production feels like a big barrier preventing them from reaching that next level. Like on the opener "Down in the sink" which is just begging to be free from the Wall of Sound production style. I still think on the whole this project is worth checking out. I also am excited to hear whatever comes next from the artist formerly known as Asian Glow.
listen here: Apple Music (not available) Spotify (not available) Bandcamp SoundCloud (not available) YouTube (not available) ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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2093 - Yeat
◇ genres: industrial hip hop, experimental hip hop, trap
I haven't really been crazy about a lot of Yeat's music, but 2093 is probably his strongest album to date. There are so many really cool ideas here and there are some awesome moments here from a production standpoint. However, it would be even better if it were reigned in and shortened by maybe even 20 minutes. He commits to the concept of 2093 and being in the future, but that kinda wears thin when multiple songs hammer that concept home over and over again. On the whole it can be a very tiresome listen made somewhat worthwhile due to a large number of highlights. "Morë" and "U Should Know" are my two favorite tracks on the album if just for the beats alone. They sound so cool and the former dives into the industrial hip hop sound really well. Yeat's bars are pretty nice for the most part, he's not my favorite rapper and often he never surpasses the "this is fine" territory, but he works within these songs very well. I'll always be a sucker for reoccurring lyrical themes across an album. Lil Wayne locked in for his verse on "Lyfestylë" which makes it another standout. I really had a difficult time getting into the later half of the album, but the penultimate track "If We Being Rëal" brought me back into it. There is a really, really solid album within 2093. If you took the cream of the crop and maybe saved the rest for a deluxe edition, you would be absolutely golden.
listen here: Apple Music Spotify Bandcamp (not available) SoundCloud YouTube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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◇ genre: art rock, post-punk
IDLES decided to switch things up going into their fifth studio album, partially stepping away from the raucous energy of their previous work in favor of something softer, less aggressive. They enlist the help of Nigel Godrich and frequent collaborator Kenny Beats for the bulk of production duties here. Godrich especially has heaps of experience in the art rock world mainly through his production work on every Radiohead studio album besides Pablo Honey. The production really is one of the standout things about TANGK, unfortunately I don't really know if IDLES is the best at making the most of it. This isn't a bad album by any means and I do warm up to it bit by bit after every listen, but I can't help but feel like a lot of this is underwhelming. I'm all for bands expanding their sound and trying different things, but I feel like IDLES lose a good bit of their charm by going into this direction. The best moments on the album are the ones reminiscent of the wild energy of their previous work. Especially "Dancers", a collab with LCD Soundsystem and a track that somehow flew under my radar last year. That swinging chorus rules so hard. "Hall & Oates" is another massive highlight for a lot of the same reasons. "Gift Horse" is awesome too and shows the band kinda leaning further towards dance-punk.
IDLES really thrive with that rough around the edges sound. Not all of their forays away from it are bad, in fact, none of them are really. Many just feel kinda boring.
listen here: Apple Music Spotify Bandcamp SoundCloud YouTube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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Drop 7 - Little Simz
◇ genres: UK hip hop, electronic dance music
It breaks my heart to write this, but Drop 7 was underwhelming. Little Simz is one of my favorite artists going today and her last three studio albums are absolutely incredible. Her 2021 album Sometimes I Might Be Introvert was my favorite album of that year and I would give it a very prestigious 10/10 score!! I was so hyped for this EP once she started teasing it on social media. The snippets showed her venturing into some more electronic production and I was intrigued. Unfortunately, those experiments don't really come together to make a great EP. There are some really good moments though. The opener "Mood Swings" is great and shows her feeling right at home with this style. The next track "Fever" is also one of the better cuts here, but it highlights a big issue I have with this project. Her typical incredible flows and lyricism aren't really present here across this EP. Most of the time her bars feel like an afterthought and oftentimes there isn't much else to carry the tracks on any other front besides that. One of the only exceptions is "SOS" which is a nice tribal house track that makes me want to dive into the genre more. I'm trying not to be too harsh on this EP because it's obvious she uses the Drop EPs to experiment and test out ideas, but Drop 7 left a lot to be desired. I don't think this journey into electronic/house music is a bad idea, but I just hope it can be fleshed out properly on her next full-length project.
listen here: Apple Music Spotify Bandcamp (not available) SoundCloud YouTube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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Vultures 1 - Kanye West & Ty Dolla $ign
◇ genres: pop rap, trap, alternative r&b
It feels pointless to dive into Kanye's weird, antisemitic antics over the last year or so. He obviously doesn't care and his ardent supporters don't either. "Separate the art from the artist!" they cry meanwhile said artist is making light of his antics in the art itself. Thus making it impossible to separate it from him. So that begs the question ... why do people still cling to him? Does the man who just a few months ago uttered the phrase "Jesus Christ, Hitler, Ye — third party, sponsor that" still make good music? Maybe if the beats go hard enough you can forgive and forget as he boasts about still being "the king" despite his vile antics? Unfortunately for the Kanye fans, this might be his worst album to date. No longer can they use the shield of "but he still makes good music!" I've tried to write about how I feel about this album over and over again, but it's so frustrating. Pretty much every song has a fair amount of bullshit thrown in which makes the whole thing unenjoyable. "Stars" is a decent opener until Kanye says "Keep a few Jews on the staff now" as if it somehow absolves him of his past remarks. "Keys to My Life" has a cool beat, but Kanye's verses are some of the weakest of his career. "Talking" probably has the least amount of bullshit and it can be a bit touching at times. "Back to Me" ranks among the worst things Kanye's ever touched. Everything about it irritates me, I don't even enjoy the Freddie Gibbs feature. The same can be said about "Hoodrat." "Do It" isn't offensively bad, but it bores me to tears. "Burn" is just pathetic as Kanye tries to get a quick nostalgia pop because the beat and his flow are sort of reminiscent of The College Dropout era, y'know when he made good music. "Fuk Sumn" and "Carnival" are the most enjoyable tracks here, but I can't see myself ever really going back to them. The title track isn't good and is proof Kanye has lost pretty much all of his sauce. The last two tracks, "Problematic" and "King," are embarrassing. The former where Kanye refers to his current wife as a "reference" to his ex-wife Kim Kardashian and the latter where he says he's "still the king!" despite people rightfully calling out his behavior. These over-the-top egotistical bars would at least be a little bit forgivable if the songs were any good, but they aren't. I almost forgot to mention this is a collab with Ty Dolla $ign and while he has some decent moments (his verse on "Talking" is a genuine highlight), as he says on the track "Paid," he's "just here to get paid." Vultures 1 has to be one of the worst albums by an artist of Kanye West's standing. Someone responsible for making some of the most influential music of the last two decades having a fall from grace this hard and fast would be sad if he weren't such a massive piece of shit. My apologies for going in on this album, but if you know me you will know that I used to be a massive fan of this man's music. I own like half of his discography on vinyl and I stuck with him through so much bullshit. I'm catching up on my Kanye hate after many years of being a delusional dickrider of his. He's making it easy too, not just with his antisemitism, but with this bad record too.
listen here: don't, listen to something good instead ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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Slut Pop Miami - Kim Petras
◇ genres: dance-pop, house, electropop
I really am rooting for Kim Petras. I thought she was making some cool stuff near the end of the 2010s, but I just haven't been able to get into anything she's dropped lately. Especially these Slut Pop projects. It was already uncomfortable how often Petras collaborated with alleged sexual abuser Dr. Luke, but releasing a bunch of hypersexual bangers produced by him is just very uncomfortable and tone deaf on many different levels.
listen here: don't, listen to Club Shy for ur house and dance-pop fix this month ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ thanks for reading <3
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tunawithsoysauce · 5 months
Stuff you might wanna know :3
about ~me~
Name: Finn/Todd Henriksson
Age: 13 (2011)
Swedish, third generation Finnish
👆 the main stuff. Scroll for a bit more detailed bullshit.
▪︎I LOVE MUSIC!!! I go to a music highschool, my parents are musicians and I love singing and playing french horn. Fun thing, right!?
▪︎I'M TRANS (wow!) I'm transmasc, and have been as long as I can remember (I came out at eight, I believe?) And my pronouns are he/him! I'm a boy. Only boy.
▪︎I USUALLY DONT KNOW WHAT IM DOING (wha) I don't know what im doing. Most of the time. Id like to believe im kind and try to be good, but you know. It is what it is.
▪︎HAIR DYE AND ROCKS! (lmao what) i love dying my hair. And rocks. Not cool rocks. Just... rocks.
▪︎ART!!!! (YIPPIE !) I love drawing and writing and stuff like that. Very fun. Its like the only thing I do haha
▪︎NERD!!! (OFc) I love fixating on stuff. Which leads me to our next segment...
▪︎Interests (online)
The main ones AREEEE: *drumroll*
1. Doctor who! (My sister used to love it. She showed me it all and now im as big a nerd as she is.)
2. Sherlock holmes! (Or Sherlock & co. Both. Mostly just the novels. The BBC show if you make me.)
3. Good omens! Or Neil gaiman in general! (He's very cool)
Eeeeh otherwise im very obsessed with loads of stuffs. Just. Ask me if ive seen something, ill probably have.
▪︎Mum & dad! (My mum's mean sometimes. Not all the time. She can be good. She’s just... she has a diffrent way of loving.) (Dad! He's amazing. I love him.)
▪︎ main siblings! (I have two fully bio siblings. Otto, and Ruben. Otto is 6 and Ruben is 14. Otto is silly, my big brother is amazing. He's my true rolemodel :))
A) -Anna!! She's the one im closest to. She’s the youngest (26) and has a cat and a fiancee (Jim.) Jim's cool. Very silly. He's also sort of a role model, for me. He's been in my life for all of it, I think? My sister had a boyfriend before that. He was very quiet. Anna is very nice and I love having sleepovers with her. She was also the one who introduced me to Doctor who!! We always have so much fun. She really likes the beatles. Don't know why I put that there. She just really likes them. Felt important.
B) Malin!! My middle big sister. She’s awesome, and She’s got a whole family. A husband (He's amazing and so so so smart i literally think he's so cool) which i think is very rad, and my neice !!! He's called Einar. He's 3. He calls me "uncle Todd" (AJSKSJJDKD)
C) My biggest brother Mattias. He's quiet, but also very awesome. His girlfriend is very nice too. She has green hairdye in her hair. :3)
This includes:
1. Leija! We met in the beginning of fourth grade. She’s weird like me. And awesome. I love her.
2. Elsa!!! She's been my best friend all my life. Our mums know eachother. She’s kind and beautiful and always makes me happy.
3. Elvira!!! My mandatory lesbian friend. That's a joke. She’s cool. And very nice. She never speaks ill of anyone. She’s truly the kindest human ever.
4. Sofie!!! A non-binary chaos machine. I love them. They're always a joy to be around.
5. Max!!! My absolute best friend. He's amazing even though we barely met even a year ago. I visit him frequently.
5. Jack!!! (Love interest? Kind of dating?)
Side characters (wtf)
▪︎My therapist!! She's called Emma. Uh.
▪︎My father figure!!! Otto. Not to be confused with my little brother.
▪︎ My Swedish teacher!! I just think she's awesome. She’s also called Anna. Not to be confused with my sister.
▪︎ All my finnish friends! Jesus christ if I named all of the finnish blokes ive befriended id die typing.
▪︎ this random dude I met on reddit i haven't talked to for two months :D
▪︎Sofia!! A lady at my school. She’s awesome. She’s practically my step mum. She’s held me while I cried in the nurses office more than I can think.
▪︎ uhm
Mondays: french horn B)
Tuesdays: dancing!! (With Elvira:))
Wednesdays: orchestra!! (French horn)
Thursdays: TSS!! (A place you can hang out at)
Fridays: bugging my music teacher and playing drums with my bassist friend until I get kicked out!
As previously mentioned i go to a music school. We have music everyday. Its awesome.
I love swedish, music, art, english, french, and history.
I hate P.E, math, science and homeroom.
Bye :33
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magxit · 1 year
Sorry, Anon, but if Matty was stressed about anything in May, it was his stupid shit that rained hell down on Taylor and caused shitty headlines and fan behavior from both. Also, stop acting like Matty isn't an extremely intelligent person who is very aware of the online community and fan culture and very aware of the mania that surrounds Taylor. And might I remind you it was his choice too to jump in with both feet forward facing. Yes, maybe the attention he'd get from being Taylor's partner would be sometimes overwhelming, but there's ways to combat that, and we know she's willing to do that. On top of that, he wouldn't be dating your perception of Taylor, but rather the real human being who is known to be quite amazing. Besides, if they just lived normally, the obsession would fizzle. The ONLY reason people were so obsessed with Joe is because they knew nothing, and that drove them crazy. And as far a them both being musicians causing issues with distance and how she should date an actor. Well, any time you have two people in the entertainment industry, you're going to run into distance issues. You solve that the same way you solve any relationship issues.....communication, compromise and effort. The positive thing between them both being musicians is that they actually have a lot in common and can easily relate to the issues that come with their careers. I'm not saying Matty and Taylor could have some great love story (or maybe I am), but your reasons are simply based on the fact that you don't want a relationship between them to work, because there is no perfect partner that comes wrapped in a bow that fits perfectly in to your life. They're all work, the secret is simply finding one you're willing to put the work in for.
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pprodsuga · 6 months
Ahh, I see. Well, make sure to rest well and keep hydrated dear!! Also I'm so obsessed with the rockstar of aesthetic and I try to do it but I always seem to draw back to my girlie roots😔 like i just wanna be a cool girl with band pins and a leather jacket and a cool converse tote bag.. but at the same time.. ribbons, baby pink and strawberries😞😞... it's a constant fight in my head everyday on which one I wanna go for.
Also, lately, I've been catching myself relistening to beabadoobees music. Shockingly enough, I typically listen to rap r&b, (childish gambino, occasional tyler the creator, brent faiyaz) and stuff of that sort! I also mess with wave to earth, laufey, colde and yerin baek!
Anyways, I hope you have an absolutely sweet, awesome, wonderful day!!
i understand completely! i don’t know how to classify my personal style if i’m being totally honest. one day i could go all pink/bows/ribbons/tight dresses and then the next all black/loose fitting/pants, and then neutral tones/business casual. shopping is so hard bc i don’t necessarily have one style i stick with, ya know? so long as you love the way you feel/look, that’s all that matters !!
also omg i love beabadoobee—i think she’s incredibly talented and she sounds so amazing live! ah i love the musicians you’ve mentioned. they’re all so incredibly talented. you have a wonderful music taste 😌🫶🏼
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persephonelovesbooks · 9 months
"About the Blogger" meme
It's been ages since I've done one of these. Thanks a lot, Curry! @currymanganese for the shout-out!! here we go 🤠
Star Signs: Cancer Sun, Aquarius moon, Libra rising
Favourite Holiday : Christmas is my no .1 fav. There are so many great memories associated with the Holiday season. The lights, the presents,and of course, the FOOD!! Onam is a close second with its vibrancy and the spirit of togetherness !
Last meal: PB&J
Current favourite musician: I'm a Hoe for Hozier. Always playing him on loop. Also recently I've been obsessed with Mitski also. She's divine!!!! Other Favs include Florence Welsh, Paris Paloma, Pink Floyd, Lana Del Rey, Arctic Monkeys, Phoebe Bridgers, Radiohead and also been listening to songs by REM( thanks to The Bear)
Last music listened to : Chemtrails over the country club by Lana. Her voice! 😫♥️
Last movie watched : May December . Brilliant!!! Natalie Portman knocked it out of the park!
Last TV watched : Derry Girls . Excellent writing and performance. Watching also Abbott Elementary cuz I heard Ayo is in it! That too is a laugh fest.
Last book finished : Piranesi by Susanna Clarke. Clarke is a gifted wordsmith.
Last book abandoned : oh lawwdd there's so many. I've been an ardent practitioner of tsundoku lately.
Currently reading: A lot of The Bear fanfics, hell yeah!! Absolutely a fan of Curry's fic Why Can't We Be Friends . Yo when's the next update tho!!
Last thing researched for art/writing : The Scream by Edvard Munch to take a class on it.
Fav online fandom memory: oh gosh, I've been here on Tumblr since 2012 or so and I've been pretty seriously involved in fandom stuff. I guess my fav memory would be the bonding we all had ,the really interesting convos, the delectable meta and ultimately the joy of sharing a common interest and making a bunch of amazing friends ❤️
My case with fandoms is that I've got seasonal obsessions. Right now it's Sydcarmy from The Bear. I wasn't part of any fandoms for a long time because of academics , job hunting and everything. So SydCarmy feels pretty special. It just brought me straight back to my old glory days. I'm constantly blown away by the fire ass meta and the analyses here . Cannot wait for S3.
Woohoooo, this was fun ✨️🥳
I'm tagging everyone who wants to do this
Thanks for reading, lovelies 💖
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seraphbutch · 7 months
I think it was you that sparked my week long endless replaying of Ethel Cain and now I've started listening to shygirl.
how does it feel to have such control over what musician I'm obsessed with next?
P.s. hope the drag show went well.
The new shygirl is literally insane she is carrying the pop girlies😭😭😭😭 I'm so sad her show here got canceled it was going to be a religious experience
ALSO YES THANK YOU the show went amazing and was sold out!!✨️✨️
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Helloooo 👻
It's so good to know that!!! OMG that's so exciting!!! I love making bracelets. I've been reusing some beads from old necklaces that I don't use anymore and some others that I got recently and it's so fun! I'm also going to maybe try making a mix of crochet and bead bracelets for my eras show next year. Sadly, my town won't get the eras movie, but I don't think I want to see it before the actual concert. But, I'm so excited for you all going and sharing these moments again!!!! 🤍🤍🤍
It's definitely the key to a successful future!!! Open communication and willingness to have empathy and walk a mile in someone else's shoes. I think we'll achieve great things when we care about eachother truly more.
Yes, it was a cool experience! I just felt like I could trust her and this time I wasn't wrong. 😂 I might sell some stuff I don't really use anymore. And give some others to my friends that I think fit the aesthetic perfectly. Definitely!!! I'm not exactly from a rural area, but it pretty much as gigantic in the middle of nowhere vibes. Hehehe
I kinda did back then!!!! It was a great time!!! And then speak now was out and that made everything even worse. I was so in love with it!!! I was drawing a 13 on my hand everyday in my senior year in highschool, during my study time for the final exams. Like a good luck charm. 🥰🤍 you're so right about that!!!! Her music is definitely different from eachother, but there's like this thread throughout that just makes it so Taylor! I'm glad you're also having the best time with the rerecordings, because I definitely am!!! I think it's something so incredible! Awww that's so sweet!!! How is it having brothers? I only have two younger sisters.
Hahaha what's your dog's name? I also had a dog and a cat before and it was amazing! They got along so well. 🤍🤍🤍
I haven't watched any of those do I'll add them to my list! Thank you 🤍
Oh, that's understandable! I used to listen to them too! We have a lot of similar favs!!!! ☺️🥰 what's your favourite non Taylor song atm?
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!! I hope that you've had a lovely week so far <3
oh 100%, I am a bracelet making fiend! I do pretty basic ones to be fair, but I also work full-time so it's not as easy for me to do more intricate ones; although I LOVE seeing how creative people are with their bracelets (shoutout to my favs @hollyfhumberstone and @dancingwiththecoven bc they make GORGEOUS bracelets and I am forever in awe of coco's and jens talent!!!). OMG PLEASE MAKE CROCHET AND BEAD BRACELETS THAT'S SO CUTE!! I'm sorry that the movie isn't coming to your town, that's no fun, but I'm glad you get to go to the actual show next year (that's so exciting!)! I'm super excited especially because I'm taking the day off tomorrow to go spend it with my friends before the showing we're going to and we're all huge swifties so it's always a party with us!
EXACTLY! You hit the nail on the head!!! <333
Omg yessssssss, I love getting to support small businesses and especially small swiftie businesses, it's always my fav thing to do! Oh I feel that! I live in a big-ish city, but it's in the middle of nowhere and it takes almost 2 hours to get to the closest big city with things like target or even most chain restaurants like Panda Express or sit down ones like Olive Garden.
The OG Speak Now era was something else! I remember when it came out and being absolutely obsessed with haunted bc I was in a twilight phase and I firmly believed that haunted should've been on the soundtrack somewhere! Long Live is my fav from Speak Now (og and tv) but a lot of that has to do with the memories I have associated with it! Okay but I love that you drew the 13 on your hand for good luck, that's so precious!!
It's 100% Taylor's songwriting that makes it so clearly Taylor. Really and truly, it's amazing to see how she's consistent with her writing from debut to midnights considering how much she's grown as a songwriter and musician over the years. I firmly believe that her music holds up throughout the years and will continue to do so, especially with the re-recordings! Oh I am, I love getting to relive those eras again, especially because they were so important to me during the OG eras. I'm very lucky to have my brothers! We're all very close and I wouldn't trade them for the world (I'm the middle child lol)!!
Her name is Kayla! She's an 11 year old Labrador Retriver mix that I adopted last year and I love her so so much! Winnie is my baby but Kayla is my sweet old lady. They get along for the most part except Kayla is a garbage disposal and will eat anything, including Winnie's food (which makes Winnie angry because she's particular about her food lol).
I recommend them a lot! I'm always looking for new things to watch or listen to, I love broadening my tastes!
I love that!!! I think my favorite non-Taylor song atm is He Gets Me So High by beabadoobee or get him back! by Olivia Rodrigo. They're both songs I have constantly going in my head.
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post-futurism · 9 months
3, 9, and 13 for end of year asks! :-)
3. Favourite musical artist / group you started listening to this year?
Currently it's Sofia Kourtesis, I discovered her about a month ago and have been absolutely floored by all of her releases. Her album, Madres, is so beautiful and fun. She dedicated the album to a neurosurgeon who saved her mother from late stage cancer. The full story about it is really moving, you can read about it on her Bandcamp. I've seen a few clips of Sofia play live and it's very emotional, so keen to see her live if I can. Plus she's a queer woman activist and just seems so lovely, I'm obsessed.
9. Best month for you this year?
I'm not sure what was the best one 🤔 maybe May? I put myself out a lot in social activity, like going to see friends and going to clubs, saw lots of amazing musicians, stayed out the latest I have in years, took ridiculously blurry photos. It was a fun month.
13. How was your birthday this year?
It was so sweet, probably the best! It was my 30th and I'd arranged for my friends to stay in an old boarding house near my place and decorated the place I rented and had bountiful food and music video clips playing and all my favourite people. It was exactly what i hoped it would be, and I hope it was memorable for my friends who attended too 💞
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lorenlily · 2 years
hi, feb anon here
you should 100% watch derry girls, it is so hilarious omg! as an irish/english person who is growing up in england, it is literally the funniest show i've watched recently! all three seasons are *chefs kiss* brilliant.
gilmore girls is also great! i do love rory and logan together, i just love logan in general. the more i watch the show, the more i come to think of him as rory's best love interest! you should defintly try it out! i won't say anymore on that so as not to spoil anything.
i am very frustrated rn because once upon a time has been taken off neflix and i don't have disney+ so i can't have the killian and emma content that i crave, but it's ok i'll find a way to watch their episodes :)!
my top three from rep are call it what you want, dress and getaway car
from evermore they are long story short, coney island feat the national and champagne problems (with special mention to evermore feat bon iver because i love it so much)
and from midnights it's paris, would've could've should've and labyrinth,
that was hard omg
i haven't read daisy jones and the six but i will have to check it out now that you've reccommended it, along with that fantasy series. i just bought shadow and bone, as i've seen a lot of love for the books and tv show so i'm gonna try and read that. have you read it? if so, what are your thoughts?
i am really excited for maisie peters second album, body better, to be released as i am obsessed with the lead single and love her music! i haven't listened to paramours album yet but i've been meaning to, same with gracie abram's discography. i'm gonna try to listen to all of gracies stuff before her next album release.
as for marvel, i used to like it a lot, but i think that was more because everyone else did and i wanted to feel included. now tho, the films just seem kinda lifeless. like there are so many filmos and tv shows being mass produced by them that none of it feels unique or authentic, and all the dialogue is just sarcastic and quick witted and kinda mean. idk, i'm just not really that into it anymore. i liked tom hollands spiderman films though, and i've been meaning to watch andrew garfields spiderman for a while.
and as you can see from this ridiculously long message i am a rambler too.
i don't really know what else to say about me, there's not a lot to tell. i like alice oseman and plants and taylor swift and most of my life centres around music and musicians and different media i enjoy.
umm, yeah, i wish i had more to say about me but there's just not really a lot.
what about you tho, any new medias or things coming out that you're excited for? anything interesting about yourself? any fun facts? i'm curious.
i hope you are having a lovely day and everything goes well and you have a nice time doing whatever you plan to do <3
hiiiiiiiii <3
yeah see marvel movies are mostly alright and very surface level but honestly they messed a lot of things up with endgame that it's made me lose the love i had for some movies. i've always loved the ant man movie and fantastic four is literally the only other project i'm excited for. I hate how they cancelled great shows so only disney+ shows remain and now everytime I watch something i just think about the potential they had lmao i could rant on it all day long....
toms movies are okay but nwh is the only goood one for me and i love the amazing spiderman movies the most!!
oh maisie i liked the music she made for the trying soundtrack (idk what the show is i haven't watched it) and i love songs her eps especially the list and daydreams and adore you and details. her album i only really loved and listen to outdoor pool and volcano but body better!!!! omg I love it so much and I'm excited for her new album I really love this sound
difficult has become my favourite gracie song so i'm excited for the new album and i really love how she's got great bops and really depressing songs (which aren't boring for me to listen to)
ouat is so good even when it's bad lol and it's annoying it got taken off netflix! derry girls i've been meaning to watch and it sounds so good!! lol gilmore girls got spoiled for me which idm i don't think i would've watched it but honestly my dash is mostly rogan shippers and i'd say they're correct too
djats i liked the style of the book and its inspired by fleetwood mac and the civil wars (both artists i've never listened to lol) and the band is supposed to be 70s rock which i have no idea what that sounds like so I'm excited for the music but from all the promo they clearly have changed some scenes from the book which kinda made me less excited but i'm still gonna watch it i just think the discourse about "ships" when it's released is going to be inssuferable lol i think mostly i'm excited to expand on a few of the side characters storylines more
i think like majority people i prefer the six of crows duology to the shadow and bone trilogy (its not bad just the other one is sooo good) and honestly the shows okay but the things i've heard about season 2 like joining both book 2+3 for the plot of the second season i'm just so confused about the direction but it's not long till it's released now (literally everything is releasing in march lol)
now onto taylor! your top 3s are so superior omg!!!! the coney island and labyrinth appreciation! you're literally after my heart!!! what rerecordings are you most excited for? do you have any unreleased tracks you would really like on some of the vaults!! the two lover tracks omg those snippets are soooo goood i really really want them released!!!!!
well now i've thought about it there's actually a lot of things i'm excited for this year!! creed 3 is coming out next month i love those movies! and john wick 4! across the spiderverse looks absolutely incredible! apparently there's a new insidious movie coming out this year (it's my comfort horror series lol) hafsah faizals new book a tempest of tea which is pitched as king arthur meets peaky blinders with vampires!!!!!!! it's alll the things i love! and it's the one book i'm most excited for!! speaking of peaky blinders the movie is filming this year and any behind the scenes crumbs i'm so ready for!! the pjo tv show its looking like its not going to coming out until next year but I'm anticipating at least a trailer since filming has ended and we're getting a new pjo book with percy, annabeth and grover again as well as the solangelo book called the sun and the star! also the little mermaid movie she's absolutely going to kill it!! and is it wishful thinking to say speak now tv (which my dream release date of this year would be september 1st! it's a friday 🙏) and so many other things but this message is getting very long lol
honestly same! i'm literally made up of the media's i consume lol my life is pretty boring and all i've done this year so far is get job rejections and get ill lmao but the biggest source of comfort in my life is my nephew's who i look after almost every weekend :)
and i guess another little thing about me is my dream would be to write a book i have so many ideas in my head but o can't seem to get them on paper, even just practising writing a scene i find hard to do. i think at most i just want to learn how to write. i don't even think it'd go anywhere like i don't think anything will be ready to publish or whatever but just for myself i think it'd help free up my mind if i got my ideas out of my head and fully thought out and wrote a book. what about you? what's your dream job or passion? is there anything new you're trying out or want to? anything you'd want to go back and revisit?
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Introduction Post!!!
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hi!! lovely to see you - won't you stay awhile?
the basics:
name: Joy, short for Jonathan
age: 17, going on 18! (wish me a happy birthday on 14 october :3)
pronouns: he/she/they
orientation: omnisexual, polyamory
gender identity: genderfluid and pangender!!
timezone: CET (GMT +1)
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my tops:
musicians: Twenty One Pilots, Måneskin, Hozier, George Michael, Wham!, Bastille, P!ATD, Tally Hall, My Chemical Romance, The Oh Hellos, The Amazing Devil, Lemon Demon, Kwiat Jabłoni
songs: Lavish, Bourgeoisieses, This is Love, ANARCONNASSE, Too Sweet, Sunlight, Midwest Indigo, Routines in the Night, l'altra dimensione, tous les memes
fandoms: marauders era, the lunar chronicles, the good place, grishaverse (haven't read king of scars yet tho), the cruel prince, some musicals (mainly Hamilton), DDLC, FNAF (I haven't played the games but I do really like the lore and songs), WTNV, AGGGTM, TØP lore
books: the cruel prince trilogy, red white and royal blue, they both die at the end, aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe, the midnight library, six of crows duology, 1984, animal farm
shows/films: the good place, loki, moon knight, the umbrella academy, heartstopper, hazbin hotel, legally blonde, tick, tick, boom!, hamilton, howl's moving castle
Hobbies: writing, reading, cello, painting, writing my own songs, D&D
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I'm a band kid, I write songs and plays and stories and books ^^
I finished writing a book recently!! You can read it on AO3 here. Let me know if you want a pdf or epub version, I'd be happy to share!!
hogwarts house: hufflepuff
grisha order: durast
godly parent: Apollo
divergent faction: amity (born candor)
hunger games district: probably eleven
I'm obsessed with Welcome to Night Vale (mountains are fake y'all, they were made up by the government)(although I haven't listened to a lot of it...)(Still love it tho ^^)
I'm absolutely a yapper, and love meeting new people, so feel absolutely free to dm me if you wanna chat!! <3
please consider using tone tags, I dumb as all heck
I have two younger siblings!! A brother and a sister :>
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my people:
@andytheoverthinker - husband, partner, beloved boyfriend <3
@evee-refuses-to-die - squirrel extraordinaire, sweetest lil' insomniac
@lyionly - genuinely the most talented artist I know, best bio partner
@bjcf23 - favourite cousin ever <33
@astroocti - my drummer friend :D
mutuals: @erraticprocrastinator-alt @jess-of-all-trades @finnslay @moonysfavoritetoast @cazzythefrogking @chatter-crow @def-not-kaz-brekker @chaosgremlinlivinginyourwalls @waitingonadeathgodtocallmeback @saivamp @lemon-cosmoscollection @gay-for-zoya @agenaroace-a-fucking-disgrace @finleyforevermore @kaithe-enby404 @currently-becoming-potatoes @catinasink @vintagetee13 @clodoveah @ghost-of-a-poet @viago-vamps @ddlcbrainrot @pan-anarcho @gremleyn @discoveredreality @blue-bell-icecream @xrinnihil @artemisiamezzanotte @drifter-gaming @stqrgirl3 @my-castles-crumbling @winters-rose-daughterofcain @elliots1stshadow @daydream-of-a-wallflower @razz-is-queer @blood-slushy @starcrossedmoony @celestialserenity24 @justafanbutcurious @37x3
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final section!! my bullshit:
#jonny writes stuff - my writing
#joy has thoughts - I say stuff
#joy on fandoms - anything fandom related
#joy on volleyball - I rant about volleyball I guess?
#joy has a strange mum - about my mother (sometimes I rant, idk what to tell ya--)
#joy on music - anything music related
#joy has friends - about my irls <3
#joy is gay for andy - about my beloved bf
#joy gets asks - I respond to asks!! May take me a while tho-
@joywritesbutitsactuallymystories - sideblog where I repost my writing
@prongsiedadeerest - my James Potter rp sideblog
my poems
my novel
my carrd for further contact info!!:
ok lovelies, that's it!! thank you for being here <3
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jentlemahae · 6 months
I'm half excited for ttpd ( especially so long london as I love a sad song) but half worried if I'll like it tbh. Like I love the midnight 3am tracks the most and some of the standard edition but for me midnight was her weakest album in terms of songwriting and production. There is so many ways to do synthpop to make it exciting but it's jack so 🤷, and personally I'm not a huge talk - singing fan which is really prominent on midnight. The song titles on ttpd are interesting in a way where they can either be ( sorry) cringe songs or really amazing 👏. Alas I ama fan so definitely will listen when it comes out.
While we are on the topic of ttpd may I ask how u feel about every vinyl having an exclusive bonus track, which probably will come on streaming in a few months? Ik it's a way to make more money and sell more records but I don't think taylor needs that yk, like she can release a standard vinyl and a deluxe edition and still sell a ton of albums. It seems so wasteful and money grabby ig. Also if u are interested there is a musician on ig called Lauryn Marie who has been making songs based on how she thinks the songs on ttpd will sound like by looking at the titles and it's pretty interesting.
oh !! well i LOVED midnights so i’d be definitely up for something similar, tho i honestly don’t see it being synth pop like midnights (tho u never know with taylor ahaha) so it might be okay even for u :p and i am OBSESSED with the song titles, they look so witty and mysterious !!!! plus i am so intrigued by this aes and concept
and tbh i hate the variant discourse and find it so annoying — basically every artist nowadays does multiple variants of physical albums nowadays and several have done bonus track per vinyl variant , the only reason why taylor gets so much hate for it is bcs unlike 90% of other artists, she can actually sell them. plus, it’s annoying when fans complain bcs she’s not holding anyone at gunpoint, like if u don’t wanna buy just don’t buy it ?? u will literally find them online the day after ?????
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edwardastormwrites · 1 year
Juice Wrld and Why do I always add #thelight to my posts
written by Edward Storm
My name is Eddie Storm and I'm a writer.  I'm a poet.  I've been writing since age 13 and this is about the age when I started to become totally obsessed with music. Over the years I found myself obsessed with the huge variety of genres of music and many different particular artists.  My first musical hero was Jim Morrison.  He died in his addiction many years before I was born.   I was 14 years old when Kurt Cobain died.  I was 15 when Jerry Garcia died. Over the years many many more unbelievably talented musicians have died young as the result of substance abuse.  One of the shining stars of the hip hop industry to recently pass away was the one and only Juice Wrld.
He was an amazing talent. I loved how multifaceted he was as a singer and how brave of a musician he was regarding the different genres he would blend together.  I have never seen anyone free style like him.  He wasn't afraid to collaborate with a wide range of musicians in the studio and on stage.  His music to most people would be considered rap or hip hop but it clearly transcended those two genres.  His lyrics were direct and to the point.  Burn, burn, burn.   He was a modern day soul singer and did not mind airing his darkest secrets and failures through his lyrics.  He was a poet.  He was also a kind hearted tolerant human being.  He was a force for good.  I get emotional thinking that the world lost such a great soul so young.
Bob Dylan is another poet.  It turns out that just like Mr. Higgins, Mr. Zimmerman is also a remarkable human being n a force for good.  I was a kid who started to appreciate his music at a very young age of 17.  I saw him live for the first time at the age of 17 in Tinley Park, Illinois . Between the age of 17 and 40 I saw him live in concert almost 100 times on his never ending tour. Mr. Dylan has challenged himself time and time again to incorporate different types of sound into his studio albums and into his live performances. When he was very young he was considered a folk musician then he moved on to loud electric rock then country rock then gospel then bluesy gritty rock and blues then swinging country music then serious minded Grammy winning albums like Time out of Mind that discussed very heavy things like the loss of health, love, dreams, and much more. Today at the age of 80 he recently released one of the best albums of his career and has been touring ever since playing some of the best shows of his career. 
When I listen to the music of Jarad Anthony Higgins  I can hear the same sense of joy and courage that to marked Dylan as a performer and songwriter.  Sadly we will never know what else the young man could have done with his career because of his problems with addiction. There are millions of us in America and around the world who suffer from the disease of addiction. Many of us never even have the chance to get any help or treatment.  I am one of those people who suffers from the disease of addiction.  Some of the most inspirational people in my life have also been some of the people who have had the most self-destructive habits. One of these was my mother, a person that I have spent 28 years of my life missing dearly. She seemed to handle situations with ease in life that would leave other people completely stumped and at a standstill. She did it with grace.  I found this hilarious!  Losing her a month before my sixteenth birthday was tough, but luckily she haf already instilled a pretty realistic “theory of everything” in me.  I understood that life was not fair and it never would be but that everything was still ok.  Accept it and get ahead of it as fast as possible.  Have as much fun as you can doing it, see, life is simple. . She was not an artist of any kind by this I mean she was not a painter nor a photographer nor a poet nor a professional comedian, I guess I would say that instead the world was canvas and she herself was the art.  She was the type of person that rarely shows up in photos but when they do they seem to be popping out of the photograph.  Do you know these type of people? The way she moved the way she talked the way she inspired it was masterful, one of God's many many masterpieces.  You are not perfect, and by a long shot my friend but I promise you are a masterpiece.  If you haven’t realized that you are a masterpiece well that is ok, you just have to hit the books a little harder You know what my mother’s job was? She taught kids with severe behavioral disorders.   The type of kids who will knife a teacher in the back at age 14.  No one knifed my mother.  She was their defender, the told them they had the right to be themselves and that those who didn’t want our attention were not worth it anyway.  This takes love.  She showed love, they gave it right back even harder.  Love wins.  Love can live forever but we do not live forever.
I am so sick of losing not only family but close friends to the disease of addiction. In 2022 I lost two friends both under the age of 30 to senseless overdoses. I can no longer count the number of people I have known over the past 10 years who have suffered a death in some way related to addiction. 
One of my favorite songs by juice wrld is THE LIGHT.  About a month ago I opened an Instagram account for the first time to start to promote my poems and flash fiction .  Every little thing I write is for all of you like Juice Wrld who struggle through each day with addiction.  Each day your memory keeps me brave and keeps me writing on.  The light is with me, the light is with you, the light is millions of souls bright and don't you ever forget that.  Keep the good fight for freedom burning through your sharing my people.  When it's dark outside you're always the light.
-Eddie Storm
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