#she's the HEADMASTER
Hey. Hey, remember Eda in season 1?
Remember how she clearly didn’t put much, if any, thought into agreeing to teach Luz magic? Remember how it took days of begging and eventual bribery before Eda showed Luz her first spell, or explained how magic works for witches? Remember how she clearly hadn’t considered the implications of mentoring someone without a bile sac, and didn’t seem to have a plan beyond showing Luz spells that she was physically incapable of replicating and hoping for the best? Remember how she openly laughed (in King’s own words mean-spiritedly) at Luz when she got excited about possibly being ‘the chosen one’? Remember how she didn’t seem to think twice about putting incredibly dangerous traps around an arena two teenagers would be fighting in despite the fact that either girl could have been severely hurt (or in King’s case KILLED) by them? Remember how she initially tried to discourage Luz from even trying to attend Hexside because of her own beliefs about the school system, even though Luz was clearly interested and obviously wanted more education than Eda was (and could) give her alone?
Remember the first time Eda recognized Luz doubting herself and her place on the Isles? Remember her understanding exactly what Luz needed in that moment, AKA a pep-talk, a gentle reality check about the concept of chosen ones, a promise, and a new perspective of the Isles that Eda knew Luz would find beautiful? Remember how she willingly spent a whole day filling out paperwork and undoing her teenage-self’s handiwork despite hating every second of it because she recognized that Hexside was better equipped to help Luz’s growth as a witch then she was on her own? Remember her in Adventures in the Elements, trying so freaking hard to help Luz take the next step in a journey that she didn’t understand much better than Luz did, but had worked hard to try figuring out for Luz’s sake? Remember how she started spending her free time researching older forms of magic in the hopes of MAYBE finding information that could help her teach Luz? Remember her patience despite Luz’s obvious skepticism and eventual disobedience on the Knee? Her immediate praise for Luz managing to discover her second glyph all on her own even though she’d almost gotten Eda eaten by a monster ~10 minutes prior? Remember how she spent Grom stressing because she understood what Luz’s capabilites were at the time and was concerned she was expecting too much from herself and would get hurt physically, mentally, or emotionally during the fight, despite originally planning to do nothing but relax and have fun? Remember how she was 100% ready to face a monster that displays your worst fears to everyone watching, despite having very good personal reasons to be concerned about doing so, without so much as an ‘I told you so’ because what Luz needed at that moment wasn’t a lecture, it was someone supporting her when she was faced with something she wasn’t properly prepared to handle, and letting her know it was okay that she couldn’t do it yet because Eda would be there to help until she was ready?
Remember how she started this series as an irresponsible, negligent teacher? Remember watching her learn and grow as a mentor over the course of the show, gradually taking more kids under her wing (hah) as she went until she became someone that every member of the Hexsquad who’s spent more than 30 minutes with her trusts implicitly and looks to for guidance and support during times of crisis, and who several kids who aren’t part of the main squad (ex. Edric and Emira) respect in a similar way?
Remember this expression from I Was a Teenage Abomination? Her genuine surprise and shock, almost disbelief, at being considered a good teacher? 
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Look at her now.
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spittyfishy · 1 year
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Duchess has just such a pretty design, I love her 🦢💜
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myokk · 30 days
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The Black Cousins🫶
Versailles: @versailles-black
Eloise: me
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More info on that Frankie x Johnny situation. I was really hoping it wouldn’t be like a major plot point but it most definitely is and I’m actually not okay with any of it 💀
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I feel like the comic writers are just fucking with us at this point because they’re doing so many weird things and for WHAT
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cometblaster2070 · 4 months
it's currently like 5 am but all i'm saying is that there needed to be an eah webisode where raven got to beat up headmaster grimm with a baseball bat for the whole episode.
i don't even want any magic bs going on yk, just at least 5 minutes of raven beating the shit out of him with a baseball bat that maddie probably pulled out of her hat.
she went through a lot of shit okay; girl deserved to at least have SOMETHING. and personally speaking, i think it's something we all would enjoy so it's a win-win for everyone here.
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rae-of-gold · 10 months
I'm simultaneously mad at the authors of Ever After High for saying there are no fairytales that go against the norm of damsel in distress and prince that saves her because it's possible they might not have done their research OR it could be a world building choice and for that i applaud them.
im reading Semi-Charming Kind of Life for a project im working on and im getting so angry by them saying there are no fairy tales where the princess saves the day or rescues herself or goes on an adventure but there are!!!! My personal favorite fairytale is exactly that, she literally carves a hole in the stone wall of her tower with a goddamn bread knife to escape when she realizes no one is coming to save her. There's so much more to that story but that's the start of it.
But it makes so much sense that a story like that, one where the details aren't simple and expected that someone like Headmaster Grimm would cut it from the lineup of stories told in the modern day. To make everyone believe that there is only one way of doing things and nothing has ever veered from that ever. That's part of his whole goal to begin with, isn't it? so to what extent would he be willing to go to confirm that? We already know he's willing to lie and deceive literally the whole world to fit his narrative, so what else would he do?
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penguinparty88 · 10 months
Albus & Severus: *accidentally set the kitchen on fire*
Albus: We need an adult!
Severus: Albus, you are an adult!
Albus: We need an adultier adult! Get Minerva!
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auduux · 2 months
I feel an overwhelming urge to write long haired potions professor Draco and headmaster Potter drarry.
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dapper-lil-arts · 6 months
hi correct me if im wrong, but arent the equestria girls teenagers and their pony counterparts adults?
oh you're absolutely right, its deranged. EG was cynicaly created to cash in on the monster high wave, and it has its merrits, but it actively ages down characters with jobs, careers, and among other things I will never get over this. in FIM, rarity has a *franchise* she is a successfull business woman who is out there expanding her business. thats crazy fun! And on EG she's just a highschooler! so weird! Every character suffers from a diminishment like this, sadly. Don't get me wrong, there is a cuteness to the lower stakes and goofyness of "hey we need to do a battle of the bands to save the world" thats entertaining, but sheesh. they coulda been on a community college or smth!
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theyarerealtome · 7 months
Surely someone must have written the Everlark Gilmore Girls AU right? Because like -
Fiercely independent single mother Katniss Everdeen raising her sweet, intelligent daughter Prim (who is so close in age they’re practically sisters), and friends with the bakery/café owner Peeta who keeps her fed in cheese buns and bread, and sees her everyday while quietly and patiently pining.
FT: Best friend Madge who Katniss later opens a business with. Grumpy town eccentric Haymitch. Flamboyant dance studio owner and gossip Effie. Prim's best friend Rue who Katniss also ends up mothering because that's who she is. Estranged mother Mrs Everdeen who Katniss felt abandoned by but adores Prim. Local fashion designer Cinna who took Katniss in when she first arrived. And then Prim’s father and Katniss’s teenage sweetheart Gale comes back around periodically wanting another chance but doesn’t realise they’ve changed too much to ever be together.
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thedarkcircuswritings · 3 months
It's ok!!
I was planning for Capsacian to visit the Great Destroyers Tomb where Burning Spice was sleeping in, not his bio parents
Maybe the Scovillian Headmasters there as well.
He basically tries to talk to Burning Spice in it...asking "Why did you give me this curse?!"
And the Headmaster comforts him! Basically the Headmaster is a better dad then Burning Spice
You can delete the old one btw
(He/She Burning Spice btw
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"Capsaicin... This is not worth it!" The Scovillian Headmaster tried to plead, yet it landed on deaf ears as Capsaicin stood in front of the tomb. He wanted answers. He deserved answers, after all that has happened... There had to be a reason for all of this, and if he had to fight for answers, he will. Ignoring his headmaster's warnings, he yelled. "BURNING SPICE!! COME OUT!! I DARE YOU TOO!!" A cackle came from inside of the tomb, and Capsaicin could easily see the beast's eyes peer back at him through the darkness before showing a smile that glowed as bright as fire through teeth alone. "So... the little lava demon has come crawling back... and the pathetic one he calls a master has joined the fray too... Kehahahahaha!" Through his laughter, he stepped forward, Burning Spice swinging his axe around before slinging it over his shoulder. She was intimidating, but Capsaicin didn't bend to fear. There was still the rage of uncertainty inside of him, and he demanded- no, he deserved answers. "My bloodline... You've ruined it, haven't you?" Capsaicin asked bitterly. "This strength, this flame, this burning power... You've only bred me to fight!! Why!? Why did you create me for this reason!?" "Whatever answer he gives, it will not be beneficial-" "SILENCE!!" Burning Spice's voice stopped Scovillian Headmaster's sentence immediately, a bit of smoke escaping her mouth as she shouted. After a moment to let her yells echo around the walls, Burning Spice chuckled. "Do you really think you deserve to know, you puny cookie?" "I am not just a puny cookie!" Capsaicin barked. "I know you're the one who created me while you were sealed away and then sent me away! Were you trying to form evil? Is there any sort of morality left inside of you!?" "Morality is not for the strong. I see now that wherever you went off to, it made you weak. Your dough is not covered in the stains of jam like it would've been when I was your age. How disappointing." "Do not speak to my student like that!!" Scovillian Headmaster finally spoke. "He is the strongest student I know, and a beast like you knows not of the trials he's overcome!" "The only growth I want to see is his battling skills!" Burning Spice hissed. "Without it, he is nothing to me!" Again, the beast stared right into Capsaicin's eyes, the fire in his eyes matching the one's in Capsaicin's. "You are nothing to me, son."
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xxcherrycherixx · 11 months
C.A Cupid hosting her show: this true hearts day i have decided to host a special hour where i share some of the best love songs with you guys! lets start off with a personal favorite of mine, this is "love to love you baby" by Donna Summer
10 minutes later in headmaster grimms office
C.A Cupid: what do you mean im being expelled-
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queenwhoneverwasx · 1 year
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Eve Best as Farah Dowling I Fate: The Winx Saga S1 - S2
I was meant to post this when the one anniversary of season 2 dropped but life happened. (Little bit of a rant coming just fyi)
So the show got cancelled (boo!) and well, this happened. I have to admit this one really hurt. Ugh. I knew this was a possibility since Eve was working on HOTD and schedules were tough especially since they were still protocols to follow. But the writing of it all just made it ten times worse.
At least we got to say goodbye to her in a way in the show, and I know that hug was not only for Bloom but for all of us in this corner of the fandom, the ones who flooded Bryan and Fate's insta accounts with the hashtag 'bringfarahback', I just know they did all of this to give us some sort of closure and while it wasn't what most of us (certainly not me lol) expected at least we got to hear her as Farah one more time.
While I did enjoyed some aspects of S2 (mostly Terra and the fact that we got to see Rob and Ken more on screen) and saw improvements from the first one, sometimes it did feel like a different show than what we first saw. I was left kinda disappointed with the way they handled some characters and their storylines. Sam? What was that?
And don't even get me started on Saul's lack of reaction towards Farah?! I won't ever understand it. And I'm not saying this because I am a shipper but the woman that you fought alongside for years, was friends with for decades died and gave us absolutely nothing? Not a single reaction? Ok. (I have a headcanon to explain this otherwise it just hurts my soul lol)
And hello? The fact that the season was meant to have one more episode and it was scrapped?
It's like they couldn't figure out if they wanted to go full on with this version of the show or go full cartoon version or a mix of both and the result of it is what we got. I really hope that the fans of the cartoon get what they want from a live action soon.
But hey, I got attached to this group of magic fairies (and their teachers lol) and I do miss them.
I could talk about this for hours, but I'm gonna stay with all the positive this show gave me, which is some pretty cool people I got to talk to and fangirl with and all those months we spent theorizing and talking about our favorite trio. When I say I love our corner of the fandom I really do mean it.
PS: I was sure that if the show kept going she would've of come back one way or another, maybe in a future season. But hey, she will be alive and well in all of our fics :)
credit for pics
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epickiya722 · 7 months
I didn't think I would find out about Uma being Headmaster of Auradon Prep today...
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whateverafterhigh · 2 years
Thinking about Dexter and how his parents thought there might have been a chance of him being the Beast, and wondering what about him growing up must have made them think that it was him (opposed to Daring or any of his many cousins).
Like, I know his “I’ll help anybody who needs it” approach was presented in a “I’m not like other girls” kind of way to Raven, and his agreement that it is unfair that there are people like Raven who never get a happily-ever-after is also framed for Raven’s benefit, and that both these things are there to establish him as a potential love interest. But what if that was expanded on to give him more depth, instead of just being to flag him to the readers as the male love interest?
What if Dexter was already taking this kind of approach to how he goes about solving problems as a hero at home?
For example, what if Dexter’s first reaction to seeing a mob of goblins or orcs walking up the main entrance of Charming Castle was to go out an talk to them? (Which is potentially stupid if they’re armed, and he was almost certainly yelled at for doing it) And while he’s out there he starts thinking, “hey, maybe these people have a point their conditions aren’t fair” but he’s still got to do something about the mob to at least de-escalate the situation somewhat, and so he just... helps them unionise or form a guild? And now the group are protesting legally so you’ll have to negotiate with them instead of attacking them, dad.
This will almost certainly cause friction between him and his parents because a) he’s just walking up to a potentially dangerous group of people who are armed and angry without back-up or a weapon and that’s going to get him killed one day, they’re allowed to be worried for his safety and sanity they’re his parents, and b) that’s not how you’re supposed to heroically solve this kind of thing why can’t you be normal.
Headmaster Grimm will hate it even more because he’s probably not paying the goblin and fairy cleaning staff. He knows full well that one of the differences between Kingdom Management and Kingdom Mismanagement is whether or not you should support your employees unionising, or pay your employees a living wage. Something, something... Grimm doesn’t want people to be too good because it’ll start making him look bad.
But given Rosabella is said to be supporting a new Beast-related charity or cause every week, maybe Dexter’s destiny will be the Beast?
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wesavegotham · 9 months
I don't fully understand how he did it, but Williamson made the Batman and Robin book so boring. How do you make a book with BRUCE WAYNE and DAMIAN, two of DC's most dramatic and at times unreasonable characters, boring?
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