#she's very privileged - her parents are very wealthy and she has LOTS of siblings
konigsblog · 5 months
who’s pick me pearl??? 😭😭 at first i thought the anonymous was referring to pearl from the movie pearl
this is pick me pearl ↓↓ she says things like, ‘women shouldn't be equal to men’ and ‘abortion should be illegal’ (and refuses to acknowledge young rape victims getting impregnated by their rapist because "that's less than 1% of cases!")
just a lot of anti-feminism bullshit. she's right-wing, fs. i'll list a couple things she's said below:
“16 year old chicks are hotter than 26 year old chicks” she has said before. (wtf 😬)
says that cheating isn't a big deal.
if your husband gives you an STD, then you should stay with him.
she downplays domestic abuse.
says that marriage isn't supposed to be equal.
says that you're only hot in your 20s, and said that you're not wanted in your 30s. (she's 27, and hasn't ever been in a serious relationship before, or at least to my knowledge. clock's ticking, babe).
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digital-roots · 8 days
The Svensson Family
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Apologize for the wait but it's here!!! Sven and Earrings won the poll, so I get to show y'all these awful bastards now!!!
The Svensson family is a notoriously infamous criminal syndicate in Sweden. They're very wealthy and very powerful, being around for many generations. The family prides themselves on having a large control of illegal wares, underground economies and various other shady businesses.
This is gonna be the first part where I introduce each and every one of them. I'll explain more about them and Sven and Earrings relationships toward them later.
Bios for each family member under the cut
(also pleaseee please reblog i spent a lot of time on it and it mean a lot if you read :3)
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Sven Svensson Sr.
The head of the family, he is one of the most feared crime bosses in the country. He's an extremely stoic individual who never shows any sort of emotion. The one exception is when he gets angry, and even then it takes a lot to get him to shout.
That doesn't mean he's not a violent man, however, quite the opposite. While usually leaving his goons to do the acts for him, he is not hesitant to pummel the people that cross him into a bloody pulp. He often even does so around other people, to make an example of what happens to those that fail their tasks or try to usurp him.
His wife Margareta (maiden name Fahlén) is a lot more warmer than him, at least on the surface. She comes from a similar criminal but high profile background and married Sven Sr for power. She's very gentle and soft-spoken. With how nicer she is than the rest of the family, you'd be mistaken into thinking that she's actually a good person. She is not.
She's a natural in social situations and is great in manipulation. She's a very confident in her skills and is used to getting what she wants out of people. That's how she managed to become powerful in the first place. That's how she married into the Svensson family. That's how she had her own children become as great as they are.
The two of them had four kids together: Earrings, Sven, Auguste, and Emelie. For now we'll skip the first two.
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Auguste Sven Svensson is the third child of the Sven Sr and Margareta and the one that looks most like their mother. He inherited his father's stoicism and his mother's people skills. He used to actually be a very shy child, often hiding at the back of his older siblings. But as time went on his parents started to take notice at how much more,,,,adept he was than his other siblings. Sven Sr could see the potential in him that his second son never had. He needed to make sure this boy would become as great as he was.
His parents molded him into becoming the perfect heir to the Svensson name. Any weaknesses or outside interests were beaten out of him. Auguste is resigned to the role that he plays and sees it as they ways things are meant to be. Even if he never wanted it in the first place, he convinces himself that he just needs to be what everyone wants him to be.
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Emelie Svensson
Is the youngest member of the family and is certainly the brattiest. With her siblings getting all of their parent's attention (whether in a good or bad way), that left little care for the girl who just didn't seem to stand out. Of course, it made little ol' Emelie really upset that no one in her family paid attention to her and she took out her anger onto others. Servants, stray animals, even her own siblings weren't exempt from her wrath. Her parents only enabled this behavior, finally giving her some sort of praise from them.
Presently she's about as haughty and cruel as ever, soaking up all the privileges she has as a young woman hailing from a wealthy crime family. Despite her love of bloodshed, she gets very distraught if any blood gets onto her and her million dollar worth dresses.
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Ines Svensson is the sister of Sven Sr and is somehow even more colder and stoic than him. She is very sharp, calculating, and Highly formal. She treats her family more like people that work for her. There is no one who she shows any hint of warmth towards.
...Save for maybe her husband, Stellan Cronholm. A loud and brutish man, he is the ringleader of a large animal smuggling ring that mostly deals with rare, sought out species. He has a personal preference for (endangered and highly expensive) snakes, his favorites being pythons. He loves them more than his own kids (which he holds no affection for).
Whenever he finds anyone (working for him or not) that he suspects is trying to expose it, he sends them to his personal snake pit. It is exactly what it sounds like.
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Ines and Stellan had twins together, Maja and Magnus.
The two were raised mainly by their mother-sorry, boss. The two are both highly efficient and ruthless mercenaries. They were also discouraged from showing any 'softness' to each other as siblings. These sort of stuff had it so the two didn't really mingle with their cousins until they were older.
Both of them were very much affected by their training but Maja was the only one that showed it. Magnus learns to get over it quicker and so does his sister.
Maja is honestly pretty civil when not doing any mercenary work. She doesnt like being around anyone just herself. She likes origami and keeps some in her room.
Magnus learned to get over it by learning to enjoy hurting people, kinda like Emelie. So when hes not going around being a human weapon, hes pulling 'harmless' pranks on others. His all time favorite prank victim is Maja due to always getting a rise out of her. Sometimes even breaking into her room and destroying her stuff. She often tries killing him for this but always fails to do so.
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Finally, we come back to these two. Perle (now known by her toppat nickname 'Earrings') and Sven Jr.
Perle was the oldest one and was the former golden child of Sven Sr's kids, at least until Auguste grew up. Constantly being praised immenseness for her ingenuity, wit, and social skills helped her bloom into the person who she is today. Although, the extremely suffocating pressure she had as the former chosen successor of her family's line of work caused her to stray away when she got older.
She's a very resourceful person with a knack for inventing. Her favorite one she's created are her beloved stun earrings.
In contrast to his darling sister, Sven was the black sheep of the family. He was a....fine enough boy, but he could never reach the insanely high expectations placed upon him. He was constantly belittled and bullied by his own family for being weak willed and generally failing at the things they order him to do.
One too many incidents later, he was exiled from his family by his own father. He joined the Toppat Clan as a way to repent. To finally prove his worth and be seen as the man his family (and himself) always wanted him to be. So far that has not happened.
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lemonadehtwooh · 1 year
So… tell me about your mastersona?
OKAY so I forgot to add that there's five Master OCs, but Romeo is my specific Mastersona/current main character (this is for anyone who needs clarification). The other OCs are: Maple von Roth, Ishaan, Mary, and Chance Finnick
Under cut is backstory info up to how he joins Chaldea's organization of mages (a very long read)
So he comes from a VERY wealthy family, and he was the youngest child. I can't remember ATM how many siblings he has, but I think maybe he had four older sisters and two older brothers. Anyway, he was slightly babied in his childhood, but he never really turned out arrogant (however, he tends to think of himself as too arrogant or selfish due to self-deprecation RIP). His parents weren't very emotionally close to him or his siblings, and instead would replace their lack of presence with gifts and money. He also wasn't very close to his siblings due to him not meeting social expectations very well. He was always very clumsy/very accident prone, awkward, quiet, and noticably "different" in a "bad way" that would get him rejected. So he grew up very lonely and very people-pleasing. However, he really loves to study and read (which is VERY important to remember later) and is very smart academic-wise, which was the one thing that gave him some redemption in his family
Where he comes from isn't specified like the other Master OCs, however he canonically is Latino mixed and speaks Spanish, English, and learned Latin. As well, his family was VERY high class and had a lot of social influence. Adding on, Romeo is trans and was able to socially transition when he was a teenager and was able to medically transition when he was a legal adult very easily. He had some privilege, however that's probably the only time he used it for himself
Soon after his 18th birthday, Romeo was put into an arranged marriage with a girl he grew up around. Although the reasoning is currently vague, I would assume it was for both social and business reasons. His marriage was very loveless, and quickly his wife isolated him from the world and his family. She forbade him from getting a job (at this point now, he never had a job due to his focus on academics) and used him for the money he would receive from his parents. So she was financially abusive and possibly had both physically abused him and sexually coerced him (he, years later, realizes he's gay and was never attracted to women at all, which was why he didn't want anything to do with her in their marriage and why he didn't love her like that). He was very lonely in his marriage, and only found happiness in reading and studying
Eventually he catches her in the act of cheating without being noticed. So he writes a note that he's leaving, leaves her some money and their house, packs a few things, and straight up leaves. He goes VERY VERY VERY far away. The note he left? It was misinterpreted as a suicide note due to excessive apologizing for not being a good enough husband and his horrible way of wording things. He's pronounced dead, despite no body being found. Romeo never finds out about this
He gets his first job. And immediately loses it for accidentally, SOMEHOW, setting things on fire. And he absolutely SUCKS at getting and keeping jobs due to weird accidents, coincidences, and clumsiness. But he's trying SO hard. He wants to work, he wants to make his own money. He wants to have SOMETHING to be proud of
The money he took with him runs out, and he's kicked out of the apartment he was living in. He's homeless now, and proceeds to wander. Soon, the teleportation-in-his-sleep problem kicks up, and he finds himself in a new area every single day. Every day, he wanders and walks and travels with no real direction or purpose. He doesn't have anything but his books and the clothes on him. Years pass, he believes his memory is worsening as he forgets information about himself. He doesn't remember where he's from, his last name, or his age. He has memories, but they don't really matter anymore
One day, Romeo wakes up freezing. In my AU, Chaldea is still in the arctics, BUT there's a huge forest surrounding it as the magical energy radiating from it caused the area to grow wild plants and trees. Romeo manages to walk around a little, but collapses due to his already failing health and him starting to freeze to death
Now Fou comes in, a mix between Fou liking to explore the forest area outside of Chaldea and Fou being attracted by Romeo's sense of despair, hopelessness, yearning for a purpose, and envy of people better/stronger than him. Fou quickly takes a liking to Romeo (the reasoning for now is that Romeo offered Fou some food), piquing Merlin's interest as Fou demands for Romeo to be saved
Merlin sees Romeo's potential future and looses his shit laughing as Romeo becomes one of Chaldea's top mages. He thinks the idea of this pathetic, weak man becoming not only a mage, but a powerful one, is hilarious. He thinks making Chaldea deal with this man would be the funniest joke, but also would be interesting entertainment. So, using his hero creation ability, Merlin has Romeo healed up a bit so Fou can lead Romeo back to Chaldea
Romeo manages to accidentally teleport himself and Fou into Chaldea, and passes out due to the temperature difference and exhaustion
Shenanigans happen, in which Romeo is hidden from the main staff by Chance and her Servant Astolfo, and then Maple joining in as Chance's friend, and then ALMOST EVERYONE also hides Romeo from the main staff so he wouldn't be kicked out because he is just so darn friendly and knowledgeable and helps everyone so much (Romeo is just happy to be making friends)
Obviously, Romeo is found out due to the fact he was snuck into the library so he could read. And during one of these trips, he accidentally gets his foot stuck in a bucket and gets help from "A very pretty lady", aka Da Vinci, and then some stuff happens later and he gets registered as a Mage-in-training with the promise he would continue studying and would work hard to meet hard requirements
Okay, so back to the fact he grew up loving to read! He was born with magical abilities in a mage-based family/community, very specifically he is one of the "breathing and walking" people, however he never realized he was using magic nor did anyone tell him. He thought it was normal stuff. And the books he would read were infused with magic and had very old, unknown magic techniques written in them, and just in general fed him information about magic. Without him knowing it was magic. So he is VERY strong magically, however his lack of proper training and his area of magic being luck AND emotional based makes him weak. Adding on the information he read was unknown, aka an isolated or unused study, which makes it harder to train him because his strong suit is just. Unavailable other than the books he has on him. And his specific magic is so,,, unknown percentages of probability and can fluctuate so crazily just from the fact if he's having a bad day or not, that it's hard to tell if he's doing things right
Adding on, at first when Romeo works for Chaldea, he has no reason to do so other than having a place to stay and eat. It's survival. But later on, shortly before he summons Mr. Utterson, he realizes he wants to fight for humanity because of his friends. And that's where he finds his purpose
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limalosershq · 3 months
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NAME: Sebastian Smythe FACECLAIM:  Herman Tømmeraas AGE/BIRTHDAY: Twenty Two, July 25th  GLEE CLUB: The Warblers SONG CHOICE: Touch It - Ariana Grande MAJOR/MINOR/GRADE: Sebastian is a junior currently majoring in arts management. LOCATION: Sebastian currently lives with his mother and her new, much older husband in Westerville in the house she purchased with her money from the divorce. OCCUPATION: Being a nepo baby, Sebastian has never worked a day in his life <3  CLUBS/EXTRACURRICULARS/SPORTS: Sebastian is co-captain of the Dalton lacrosse team. 
Sebastian was born in Westerville to two very wealthy parents, but was conceived in Paris. With his father a State’s Attorney from Ohio and his mother an extremely eclectic visual artist from France, Sebastian spent a lot of his childhood between the States and Europe. While Sebastian is the only child of his mom and dad, he has a lot of half siblings from his father’s many affairs over the years. The recent divorce of his parents and his mother’s new marriage certainly hasn’t made anything any simpler in that regard. All he knows is he’s the best looking out of them all.
Sebastian is perhaps the worst person you could ever meet. Rich, privileged, no-filter. It’s shocking he’s made it this far in life without getting punched in the face. He also had a reputation for being pretty sexually promiscuous, which is something he won’t deny. However, Sebastian has begun to notice that he seems to struggle with anything beyond random hook ups. Sex is great, he loves it, but he has never been able to make an emotional romantic connection with someone outside of it. He’s pretty sure he’s aromantic of some description, but is currently ensuring he’s too focused on school and Glee to think much about it. 
If you ask Sebastian’s dad what his son is doing at college, he’ll tell you he’s studying law. If you ask his mother, she’ll tell you he’s studying fashion design. Neither are true, Sebastian just has to lie in order to keep the two paying his tuition. He’s more than happy to be actually studying art management. It’s his dream to become the world’s most power-crazed agent one day. 
In Ohio? No, clearly not.. But apart from that, pretty much. I’ve always dreamed of working my way up in the arts industry so one day I can control it from the inside single-handedly and I get closer every day. The Warblers and the whole show choir thing as a collective also help, seeing just how deranged the types of people I’ll be representing one day can be. I’m building up my tolerance.
It’s hardly a rivalry at all. There are the Warblers and then we have…the other ones. They’re boring. Sloppy. Lazy. Yawning. The only other team I can even remember is the one that’s just the Warblers but I think they’re all lesbians now or something. It’s not a competition, but it’s really funny to see how hard they try. Endearing. 
Well, for one, I don’t even live in Lima.  Westerville is significantly classier. Regardless, my life is headed on the up-and-up. The Warblers will dominate the season, I will continue to be one of the smartest people in my degree and so on and so forth. Do I have many friends? No. Do I have a great relationship with my parents or my 30+ half-siblings scattered across the globe? No. But I have a level of ambition only really seen in dictators, and a level of pettiness only seen in the antagonists of teen girl movies.
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huds-hub · 3 years
"Undyne looks daggers at your direction."
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Unadopted AU Age: 13 Sprite color: Pink Main tag: #deltarune unadopted au
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This Undyne has a life that isn’t so fortunate compared to the other teenage fishies. This kid has trust issues from moving from one foster family to the other. Unlike the other Undynes, she puts up a tough and distant façade borne from fear. Truthfully, she craves real connections, a real family, and a stable life as all foster kids do. But, as her history taught her, those things don't last long. Of all the verses and AUs, she is the most lawless and volatile fish.
Content warning tags: #child abuse mention cw (generally non-descriptive references, but may eventually be discussed outright in RP.)
More info:
Undyne has lost count of how many times she relocated homes. It started at 5 years old. She was placed in a temporary home when her parents went missing. They were shortly proclaimed dead. Thus beginning her cycle through the foster caring system.
Her current home is a wealthy human family consisting of two parents and two older teenage daughters. The adults are often at work and their kids have their own schedules outside the home. Though she has plenty of new clothes and lots of food to eat, "They're never around,” according to Undyne. It’s not helping with the sense of isolation she feels.
Undyne’s current foster family is making space in her room for another (foster?) child. This absolutely agitates the fish.
The only thing Undyne likes about going to school is P.E. class. Her grades are too low to participate in school extracurricular activities... though she would very much benefit from letting off steam by doing competitive sports.
This fish is weak! Her lack of involvement in sports and her previous homes’ malnourishing diet has left her scrawny. She makes up for it by making the knife her weapon of choice and has better control over shadowmelding than the other AU fishies.
Don’t be too worried about the knife. Much of her actions are driven by fear, and one of those fears is the thought of resorting to actually killing someone. It’s more about putting up a front of fearlessness because all she wants to do is survive.
Undyne is friends with Sugar, who... isn't her best influence.
This fishy stupidly attempted to steal a horse from the town's biggest rodeo star, Annie. She made a deal with the fellow teen to work at her ranch in exchange for not getting arrested.
Asgore is Dad-shaped to her! He is the only person who currently treats her like she imagines an actual loving parent would treat their kids.
Really, she's going to need lots and lots of patience and commitment if you're going to reach her in any positive way.
Related tags:
#adult sugar verse: Undyne runs away from her foster home and encounters an adult Sugar in an abandoned building. It collapses beneath them, leaving Sugar tasked to get herself and the teenager out of the rubble and away from customers hunting her down.
#teen sugar verse: Fishy is friends with teenage Sugar. Undyne sees Sugar as the cooler older teenager who has it all under control. On the other hand, Sugar sees Undyne as privileged due to her wealthy foster family.
Other Deltarune AUs:
Student AU
Sibling AU
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inqorporeal · 4 years
hi! i just read through your mandalore theory, and it's FASCINATING, i love it! any thoughts on Satine herself?
(The Mandalore Theory)
I have a LOT of thoughts about Satine, both meta and in-universe. If she were a real person, I can pretty much guarantee we would never be friends, but as a character she’s fascinatingly complex. I’mma put this under a cut, cus it’s going to be long.
Satine is a wealthy, privileged member of Kalevalan nobility, born and raised on Kalevala and educated on Coruscant. Her father, then-Duke of Mandalore, was likely rarely home when she and her siblings were younger, since he would have had to be resident in Sundari; the rest of the family remained on Kalevala for their safety, because the Mandalorian clan wars kicked off in 60 BBY when a number of Mandalorian clans rejected then-Mand’alor Jaster Mereel’s proposed social reformations and formed the Death Watch (the Wookieepedia says the clan wars started about 44 BBY, but if we examine the larger series of events, it’s pretty clear that things started much, much earlier). Satine hadn’t even been born at that time; due to the growing conflict, it’s understandable that the Duke’s family would have been housed elsewhere for their safety.
Satine’s mother and older sibling (the canonical parent of Korkie) are both unnamed but they’re also both presumed dead, likely victims of the Clan Wars. Eventually the Duke was also killed, prompting Satine’s involvement under the guard of Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi.
At this point, Satine is a complete outsider to Mandalore. Kalevala effectively owns Mandalore -- it has its own king/queen, and provides political support to the New Mandalorian faction (it can be debated as to whether Kalevala originated as a Mandalorian settlement which eventually severed ties, or if it began as its own sovereign world and later adopted some Mandalorian social structures such as the clan system). Satine is not from Mandalore, has never lived on Mandalore, was not educated on Mandalore, and has only the barest, most watered-down connection to Mandalorian culture. Canon and Legends offer slightly different stories, but the important part is that the Republic backed the New Mandalorian faction and helped them to win the Clan Wars. Satine then effectively outlawed traditional Mandalorian society within the parts of Mandalore controlled by the New Mandalorians.
There’s something to be said for the way people react to childhood trauma, the way they deal with healing, and how it affects their relationship with the world as adults. Satine was a child when she lost two members of her family, and a teenager when she lost her father to the same, seemingly unending conflict. Her family has been caught up in this war since before she was born, and it’s entirely understandable that she would have a vested interest in ending the conflict for good, preferably forever.
But as a result, her policies are authoritarian, albeit with the blessing of the people who consider her their leader. The people who stay in New Mandalorian-held territory approve of her work -- everyone is probably sick to death from nearly 20 years of fighting by that point. It’s notable that, during TCW, the only New Mandalorians who actively fight back against Death Watch are the Sundari guard: New Mandalorian civilians never give any indication of owning weapons, armour, or the means for self-defense, and without the Republic’s support -- which Satine refused! -- are utterly steam-rolled by Death Watch over the course of the Clone Wars. Traditional Mandalorian culture has been completely wiped out of their society, and whether this was the ultimate goal of the New Mandalorian faction or if Satine’s own policies led to this point, the fact of the matter is that she was the nominated leader of the movement and approved if not encouraged the sundering of Mandalorian martial tradition. The factions that wanted to continue the conflict -- who refused to surrender their culture -- were banished to what are effectively penal colonies: if they wouldn’t follow the New Mandalorian way of life, they would lose their ancestral homes.
These are not the policies of a leader who seeks reconciliation and social progress; these are the policies of a colonizing force. This is the quintessence of cultural genocide, and Satine is depicted at the forefront of the movement.
On the meta end of things, the fact that a kids’ TV show tries to prop this up as an ideal is more than a little shocking. There was so much space to have an exploration of morality and cultural preservation in TCW’s depiction of Mandalore and Satine as its controlling authority, but they completely dropped the ball and instead went with a very two-dimensional depiction with zero critical discussion. And then showed New Mandalorian pacifism failing Satine’s people repeatedly anyway; good job, Filoni.
Satine has her reasons for her policies and her treatment towards a significant population who should, in theory, also be her subjects. But it’s important to recognise the distinction between having a reason for one’s behaviour, and having a responsibility to address that behaviour when it’s hurting others (or oneself). When one is in a position of holding power over others -- whether in a management position, leadership role, parent or teacher -- it’s even more crucial.
My thoughts on Satine are that she’s a terrible person, secure in her perceived moral superiority, who never shows any indication of ever questioning whether her personal morality is actually what’s best for the hundreds of thousands -- if not millions -- of lives she’s responsible for. She places personal morals above necessary diplomatic compromise; and blames the resulting conflict on the people whose lives she effectively spearheaded the ruination of. If everyone would just do things her way, everything would be better! Whilst she deplores physical violence, her noncombative policies still enact violence against people who hold different values, and in this way she is as uncompromising as her opponent, Pre Vizsla; they both lead cults of personality by sheer force of will.
(A side issue for me with regards to Satine -- which is a far more personal issue than anything objective -- is her treatment of Obi-Wan Kenobi. She displays an incredible lack of respect for his culture -- which is consistent for her established characterisation -- and the way she constantly negs him reminds me of the way my asshole ex could never say anything positive about me. They’re set up to be an ideal for how Jedi should handle attachments and love, as a contrast to Anakin and Padme’s relationship, but I can’t see anything romantic in it.)
But you know what? As a character in a piece of media, I like her. Media desperately needs more complex characters like Satine, particularly female-presenting characters, who are frequently given only two dimensions and one of them is “pretty”. She had a role in TCW that could have been very nuanced with the room to explore a very controversial topic, had the writing been up to the task.
And then the showrunners killed her off for the sake of another character’s manpain. The New Mandalorians -- her cult of personality -- doesn’t even fall apart without her in charge, the way cults of personality are wont to do in real life! The manner of her death serves no real purpose at all in the larger plotline; she could have been killed by anyone else at any other point and it would have had the same effect on Mandalore. Nothing changes there in the year -- a full year! -- between Satine’s death and the Siege of Mandalore at the end of the Clone Wars. Satine could have been kept alive in captivity; she could have gone into exile; the results would have been the same, or possibly even more interesting.
I think Satine is an awful person. I also think that -- as a complicated, contentious, controversial character -- she was underused and underdeveloped, and deserved a hell of a lot better from the storyline than how it treated her.
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devoraqs · 4 years
1-5 both
1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything?
Caspian’s full name is Caspian du Vignoble. Du Vignoble is French for ‘of the vineyard’ and is an occupational surname as their mothers own a winery. 
Alexander’s full name is Alexander Merdryd MacRionnag. Alexander means ‘protector of man’. Merdryd comes from Mordred, the character in Arthurian legend (most of his mother’s family are also named after Arthurian characters). MacRionnag comes from Scottish Gaelic, and means ‘son of a star’. It started off as an epithet his father took, which then became a surname. 
2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them?
While Caspian’s family are wealthy, they aren’t noble by birth. When they marry Nadia, they become First Consort of Vesuvia. 
Alexander’s mother is a queen, but as he is illegitimate he isn’t a prince or duke. He was offered a title by his mother when he reached adulthood, but turned it down. The only ‘title’ he will use is his doctorate, as he’s proud of that. 
3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory?
Caspian had a very privileged and loving upbringing. Their mothers, aunt, and extended family loved and doted on them and their sister. A fond memory is going on long vacations with their mothers and sister to Prakra, Hjalle, and once even Nevivon. A bad memory is the accident they and their sister got into when they were very small that resulted in their sister losing their hearing completely and Caspian being bedbound for two months. 
Alexander’s upbringing was inconsistent and stifled. His mother wanted to be a good parent, but as a reigning monarch she didn’t have much time to be interested in him. Then she married and promptly had three trueborn daughters, and her focus lay on them. As a result, his mother unintentionally ignored him, leading to emotional neglect. He would spend half of the year with his father, who did love his son a lot, but the constant travelling that encompassed his father’s job meant that there was never much stability and Alexander rarely got to bond with children his own age. He did have a lot of privilege though, as he was vastly educated and well cared for. 
4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents?
Caspian’s mothers both have a very good relationship with them, though they are slightly closer to Amara, who is warmer than her wife Charlotte. A good memory is the way that Amara would brush their hair 100 times before they went to sleep. A bad memory was a fight they had with their mothers when they wanted to leave home to study magic in Vesuvia. 
Alexander is closer with his father and stepmother. His relationship with his mother is strained, and his step father pointedly ignores him. A good memory with his mother is her teaching him to play the harp. A bad memory is when his mother married her consort Uthyr, and he told Alexander that “you will never be a son of mine,” and his mother barely reacted to it. From then on he felt like an outsider. 
5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?
Caspian has a twin sister called Safiya. They aren’t biologically twins, but they are exactly the same age and were both adopted by Charlotte and Amara on the same day. They are very close, and love each other dearly. Safiya is more level headed than their sibling, and occasionally this causes friction between them; when they were children they were more alike, but they matured in different ways. 
Alexander has three younger half sisters: Gwenhwyfar (five years younger), Yvaine (seven years younger), and Mairead (ten years younger). He is closest to Gwenhwyfar (he calls her Gwen), but he isn’t as close to Yvaine and Mairead because of their father’s influence, and the fact that Alexander no longer lived at court by the time they were teenagers so he didn’t interact with them much growing up . All three were very upset when he died, however. 
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kingsmakers · 4 years
Evens for Cass and Odds for Phoenix 😈
Ooh this is long so:
Phoenix Black
1. Does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? Which one are they closest with?
Phoenix is obviously from a big family, so yeah she has both her brothers and also her cousins (almost all of which are older than her). She’s closest with Regulus, as they share very similar views. Her twin is probably a little more prejudiced than Phoenix. As a child she was often the glue between Regulus and Sirius, as she’s got a positive relationship with both of her brothers.
3. What is/was your character’s relationship with their father like?
Orion is a fairly distant presence emotionally. He’s an Unspeakable for the Department of Mysteries, so he works long hours and isn’t allowed to talk about his work. Although not as abusive to his kids as Walburga, he’s never intervened on their behalf. She and her father both have depression though, which is something that comes to light more later during Phoenix’s story.
5. On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?
Her wand ALWAYS, probably some treats for her cat Saturn, a bunch of hair pins and hair ties just in case her hair gets too unruly.
7. Does your character have recurring themes in their nightmares?
There’s a lot of death in Phoenix’s nightmares, which makes sense really because of the First Wizarding War and all.
9. Is your character’s current socioeconomic status different than it was when they were growing up?
I think it’s similar. Phoenix has grown up privileged and she’s never wanted for anything, her family is very wealthy. I will say that as an adult, she has more of an appreciation of hard work and having to earn things. Nonetheless she does inherit a fair bit of money, so even if she didn’t work, she’d always be comfortable.
11. In what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been?
Directly following Evan Rosier’s death. I can’t say too much without spoiling, but Phoenix did unknowingly have a hand in his and Wilkes’ ultimate fates. She also understands why Regulus wanted out, and knows she has to go to protect herself and baby Cass. So she’s terrified that Death Eaters will hunt her down and murder her.
13. Is your character bothered by the sight of blood? If so, in what way?
Phoenix is completely unperturbed by blood. As she’d put it, girls see more than boys anyway.
15. Is your character preoccupied with money or material possession? Why or why not?
I think she is despite her best efforts not to be. Much of Phoenix’s young life was dominated by the idea of status, and how flaunting your wealth was the best way to achieve that. She becomes better as an adult, especially as Remus is not very comfortable with flaunting money due to his vastly different financial upbringing.
17. What was your character’s favorite toy as a child?
I think as she’s a pure-blood it’s a bit hard to tell what toys she had, but she probably would have loved all of them.
19. What is your character’s biggest relationship flaw? Has this flaw destroyed relationships for them before?
I would definitely say that, when she’s younger, it’s her tendency to think too much about other people’s opinions and how things look. It definitely ruined her relationship with Remus while they were still at Hogwarts - she placed too much faith in people’s perspectives on it, and it was what led her to break up with him.
21. If something tragic or negative happens to your character, do they believe they may have caused or deserved it, or are they quick to blame others?
I think Phoenix is quite self-destructive, so I think she would often blame herself, or at least question how active a role she had in the tragedy that occurred. She’d wonder what she could do differently. However, when there’s blame to be placed on others, she would certainly put it there.
23. What does your character dislike in other people?
Phoenix is not a fan of others who go out of their way to be cruel or unkind to others for no reason. Ironic, considering she’s a Slytherin and in a very pro-Voldemort circle, but it’s part of what pushes her to want to get out.
25. How quick is your character to suspect someone else? Does this change if they are close with that person?
Phoenix definitely turns a blind eye to those she’s closest with, it’s a big flaw of hers. However, she can be somewhat paranoid and suspicious of others, and when she’s got an idea in her head, it’s hard to convince her otherwise.
27. How does your character normally deal with confrontation?
Phoenix isn’t a very confrontational person, but she does believe in sorting out problems rather than letting them fester. I think she would approach the conflict with the knowledge of what she wants to say, and an idea of what the outcome would be.
29. What did your character dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true?
As a kid, Phoenix really wanted to be an Auror. Unfortunately after her husband was killed by them, it crushed that for her. After that, she was a bit disillusioned with the Ministry, though she knew working for them would be a nice paycheck.
31. Describe a scenario in which your character feels most comfortable.
With Remus and her kids. After the war, she just wants to settle down in a modest home with them and live a peaceful existence. Phoenix has a lot of trauma packed into the space of a few short years, so I think she’s done with eventful after all of that.
33. In the face of criticism, is your character defensive, self-deprecating, or willing to improve?
Phoenix can get very defensive, and is prone to tears when she’s called out. She doesn’t handle criticism well, and it’s something she’s well aware of and is working to change.
35. How does your character behave around people they like?
Phoenix is naturally an extrovert, and that really shines around people she likes. She’s friendly, bubbly and eager to include and be included. Phoenix is the sort of person who, when she’s at her best, you’d really want to be friends with. She does have a sunny personality when she’s in a good mood.
37. Is your character more concerned with defending their honor, or protecting their status?
Originally it would be protecting her status, but that would definitely change later on.
39. Has your character ever been bitten by an animal? How were they affected (or unaffected)?
Lmaoooo does Remus count? ;)
41. Does your character feel that they deserve to have what they want, whether it be material or abstract, or do they feel they must earn it first?
Phoenix at first feels she deserves to have what she wants, but it’s only as she gets older that she realises she has to work for it and earn it, and she finds it feels better to her that way.
43. Has your character ever had a dependent figure who was not related to them?
I wouldn’t say a ‘dependent’ but she does have an interesting relationship with Harry. She’s sort of that aunt figure to him, as both Sirius’s sister and Remus’s wife.
45. What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?
Phoenix isn’t entirely sure that what happens after she dies, but she thinks there might be some sort of afterlife, and it comforts her a little knowing she’ll be reunited with people like her twin.
Cassiopeia Rosier
2. What is/was your character’s relationship with their mother like?
Cass gets along quite well with her mum. Phoenix was only young when Cass was born, so she’s a fairly young mum, and they have some similar characteristics. She’s also the only biological parent of Cass’s still alive, so I think Cass relies on her a bit for information about what her dad was like.
4. Has your character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them? If so, does anyone else know?
I definitely think Cass witnesses a lot during the Second Wizarding War. This is a maybe, but I considered that Cass suspects something is up when Harry is led away with ‘Moody’, and stumbles upon him having changed into Crouch. However, the professors arrive before he can attack her.
6. Does your character have recurring themes in their dreams?
I think Cass dreams about her dad a lot, what he’d be like, how he’d act toward her etc. She adores Remus, but she also wonders about her biological father for sure.
8. Has your character ever fired a gun? If so, what was their first target?
Nope, she has not.
10. Does your character feel more comfortable with more clothing, or with less clothing?
Cass is quite body confident so I think some of the clothing she wears is a little more on the revealing side. I mean, Fred ain’t complaining.
12. In what situation was your character the most calm they’ve ever been?
I think this was during her younger half-brother, Orion Lupin’s, venture to Hogwarts. He was really stressed about where he would be sorted and what it would mean and Cass was like “lmao doesn’t matter”.
14. Does your character remember names or faces easier?
I would say faces.
16. Which does your character idealize most: happiness or success?
A bit of both ideally, but if she had to choose, she would say happiness.
18. Is your character more likely to admire wisdom, or ambition in others?
Wisdom, the little goddamn Ravenclaw.
20. In what ways does your character compare themselves to others? Do they do this for the sake of self-validation, or self-criticism?
Cass is a bit of an overachiever, so she’s likely to compare her grades and results to those of others. She sometimes feels that if she’s not the best, then what’s the point?
22. What does your character like in other people?
Genuineness, and the ability to make her laugh.
24. How quick is your character to trust someone else?
Not very. Cass is not a trusting person, and she keeps herself guarded.
26. How does your character behave around children?
Cass is an oldest child and her youngest brother is 14 years younger than her, so she’s pretty good with kids.
28. How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation?
Cass isn’t a physically violent person, and she would only lash out if someone had done so to her first.
30. What does your character find repulsive or disgusting?
Arrogance. Something she does see a lot in other Ravenclaws. Also people thinking they’re ‘above’ others. She’s a pure-blood herself but sees no need to be a supremacist about it.
32. Describe a scenario in which your character feels most uncomfortable.
Being compared to Death Eater daddy in a negative way. She knows her dad did some awful things, and there’s no denying she’s like him in some ways, but she never wants to come across as cruel or malicious.
34. Is your character more likely to keep trying a solution/method that didn’t work the first time, or immediately move on to a different solution/method?
She would move on to a different method. Cass is constantly changing her methods.
36. How does your character behave around people they dislike?
Civil, but indifferent. She will make conversation if she has to, but it won’t be anything more than small talk. She’s not outright rude but she’s not going to push it.
38. Is your character more likely to remove a problem/threat, or remove themselves from a problem/threat?
I think she would remove herself from the problem or threat. She finds taking a step back gives her more space to think.
40. How does your character treat people in service jobs?
Polite. Not quite kind, but she would always at least attempt to be friendly.
42. Has your character ever had a parental figure who was not related to them?
Remus maybe but he’s her stepdad so? Other than that, I think she has Molly Weasley, who utterly adores her.
44. How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it?
She finds it hard. Cass knows that she’s a product of basically an arranged marriage, so it’s not something she throws around lately. It’s a big thing for her to say.
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limalosershq · 4 months
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WELCOME, JUNE! OR IS THAT SEBASTIAN SMYTHE? EITHER WAY, YOU'RE A LIMA LOSER AROUND HERE NOW! Remember to look at our checklist here and then send in your account within 24 hours. That way I can send you the link to the discord server and you can get to plotting with everyone there. We all look forward to rping with you and once again, welcome to the mayhem of show choir!
NAME/ALIAS: june PRONOUNS: any! AGE (21+): 21+ TIMEZONE: aest ACTIVITY: with uni and work, lemme say 6/10!
NAME: sebastian smythe FACECLAIM:  herman tømmeraas AGE/BIRTHDAY: twenty two, july 25th  GLEE CLUB: the warblers SONG CHOICE: touch it - ariana grande MAJOR/MINOR/GRADE: sebastian is a junior currently majoring in arts management  LOCATION: sebastian currently lives with his mother and her new, much older husband in westerville in the house she purchased with her money from the divorce. OCCUPATION: being a nepo baby, sebastian has never worked a day in his life <3  CLUBS/EXTRACURRICULARS/SPORTS: sebastian is co-captain of the dalton lacrosse team. 
Sebastian was born in Westerville to two very wealthy parents, but was conceived in Paris. With his father a State’s Attorney from Ohio and his mother an extremely eclectic visual artist from France, Sebastian spent a lot of his childhood between the States and Europe. While Sebastian is the only child of his mom and dad, he has a lot of half siblings from his father’s many affairs over the years. The recent divorce of his parents and his mother’s new marriage certainly hasn’t made anything any simpler in that regard. All he knows is he’s the best looking out of them all.
Sebastian is perhaps the worst person you could ever meet. Rich, privileged, no-filter. It’s shocking he’s made it this far in life without getting punched in the face. He also had a reputation for being pretty sexually promiscuous, which is something he won’t deny. However, Sebastian has begun to notice that he seems to struggle with anything beyond random hook ups. Sex is great, he loves it, but he has never been able to make an emotional romantic connection with someone outside of it. He’s pretty sure he’s aromantic of some description, but is currently ensuring he’s too focused on school and Glee to think much about it. 
If you ask Sebastian’s dad what his son is doing at college, he’ll tell you he’s studying law. If you ask his mother, she’ll tell you he’s studying fashion design. Neither are true, Sebastian just has to lie in order to keep the two paying his tuition. He’s more than happy to be actually studying art management. It’s his dream to become the world’s most power-crazed agent one day. 
In Ohio? No, clearly not.. But apart from that, pretty much. I’ve always dreamed of working my way up in the arts industry so one day I can control it from the inside single-handedly and I get closer every day. The Warblers and the whole show choir thing as a collective also help, seeing just how deranged the types of people I’ll be representing one day can be. I’m building up my tolerance.
It’s hardly a rivalry at all. There are the Warblers and then we have…the other ones. They’re boring. Sloppy. Lazy. Yawning. The only other team I can even remember is the one that’s just the Warblers but I think they’re all lesbians now or something. It’s not a competition, but it’s really funny to see how hard they try. Endearing. 
Well, for one, I don’t even live in Lima.  Westerville is significantly classier. Regardless, my life is headed on the up-and-up. The Warblers will dominate the season, I will continue to be one of the smartest people in my degree and so on and so forth. Do I have many friends? No. Do I have a great relationship with my parents or my 30+ half-siblings scattered across the globe? No. But I have a level of ambition only really seen in dictators, and a level of pettiness only seen in the antagonists of teen girl movies.
0 notes
inkprintedfox · 4 years
OC Study
Tagged by @advena87 to fill out -THIS- OC question prompt.
I tag @starsandskies @1orweth @kanawolf
This is time consuming so I can understand if you guys don't want to do it, so no pressure. I spent roughly a week and a half, almost two weeks on this? No regrets, mostly took so long for me because I work full time and I tend to space out a lot and ramble. Lol
It is quite a bit of fun and a good exercise to help develop your characters so I do recommend It! Don't recommend doing more than three OCs at a time though, three was hard for me and usually I'm an over-achiever. Go easy and dont burn yourself out! Also would be a good exercise if you're writing with a canon character and want to get a handle on working with them.
I wanted to answer this in character originally but it would have been twice as long and probably taken me a month or more. 😅 Perhaps I'll do something like that one day....
Dragon Age OCs per usual for me.
Warden-Commander and Hero of Fereldan (DAO & DAOA)
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Growing up in the Denerim Alienage has made Feiell a very bitter, angry, and agressive person. Biting and scrabbling to survive she also had to fight to keep her family and neighbors safe from the rich humans that liked to exploit the destitute elves. She gained a reputation as a protector but also a very hard woman.
She redibly accepted her conscription into the Grey Wardens, not only to escape the persecution of the law, but also to escape the narrow world of the Alianage. Collecting the people that would later be affectionately called "The Blight Brigade" exposed her to many new adventures as well as lifelong friendships, love, and personal growth that could not have happened otherwise.
The Champion of Kirkwall (DA2)
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Laid-back, vain, and honestly somewhat lazy, Aiden has never wanted to be anyone's savior let alone a whole city's. Family has been the only thing that mattered in his life and after his father's death, he naturally took on the role of protector and main provider for his mother and siblings. This also made it very natural to take in the stray band of misfits that became almost like family and also why it is so natural for Aiden to constantly help people, even at times he would rather not.
His bleeding heart drags Aiden into the center of conflict far more often than he likes and he constantly berates himself for it. This automatic altruism has jaded him which fuels his sarcastic and sometimes bitter, self-deprecating humor. A tad over dramatic at times means that while he rarely, it ever, says no to aiding someone in need, it certainly doesn't mean he has to be quiet about it either.
The Inqusitor (DAI)
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Max has been fortunate for most of his life, from growing up in the wealthy Trevelyan family, to his good looks and, quiet frankly, fantastic smile it's easy to assume he'd be another spoiled rich brat. You'd be giving in to a stereotype that doesn't, quiet, fit him though. From a young age Max has always been outgoing and adventurous which made him a handful to raise. His father frequently grappled with finding things to keep his youngest son occupied in ways that he hadn't had to do with his previous three children.
Born with a naturally sharp mind and quick wit, Max picks up new concepts quickly and with ease. Which means he often grew board with tutors, burned through the family library in a handful of years, quickly became very competent on horseback as well as the breeding and rearing of them (part of the family business), and often terrorized his siblings as well as the hired staff. Once he exhausted most of the interesting things at home he started running off to search for new adventures. Boredom and frequent arguments with his father often lead to habitual bouts of running away from home. Hence where Max got to truly learn about the world and open his eyes to the kind of privilege he's been so lucky to be born with. Unfortunately this also has ingrained his habit of running away from problems he doesn't see a forward solution to. (*cough*theinqusiton*cough*)
OC Study
Warden-Commander Feiell “Fe" Tabris
Champion of Kirkwall Aiden Hawke
Inquisitor Maxwell “Max" Trevelyan
1. Is your OC easily bothered by things?
Feiell – Small things don’t really bother her but she is a tad hot-headed so if you give her a hard time you might not be in for the best experience. She also has zero tolerance for idiots or assholes.
Aiden – He’s a petty bitch that mostly whines and complains to annoy his friends. Also whining about petty things is a good cover for the bigger worries and anxieties he hides underneath.
Max – Mostly an easygoing, carefree type. It takes the numerous responsibilities of the Inquisition weighing down on him all at once before he starts cracking.
2. How easily does your OC make friends?
Feiell – Most defiantly not a people person. Her natural stoic demure and biting sarcasm keeps people at bay. You have to spend quite a bit of time around her before she warms up to you.
Aiden – For reasons he doesn’t really understand people like Aiden. It’s probably his easy smile and sense of humor which he uses to get what he wants or needs out of them. Not really manipulative just doesn’t feel like he deserves the attention. The humor mostly hides his pain and keeps people at arms length, mostly unintentionally. He hates to burden those he loves.
Max – Max loves people, mostly entertaining, or teasing them. His signature charming smile and good looks usually put people at ease which makes him very likable. It also lets him get away with the mischief he often gets into.
3. Does your OC go beyond what they have to do or do they usually do just enough work to get by?
Feiell – Has almost literally killed herself to get where she is. Her work ethic is legendary and she’ll do almost anything to support her family and friends.
Aiden – Will do the barest minimum to get by. Her lazy as hell, even though he is incapable of saying no when someone needs help.
Max – Believes in doing things right the first time and if not the first time then defiantly the second time. Whatever the job needs to get done he willing to do and if it’s a favorite project he can lose himself in it indefinitely.
4. Is your OC respectful of others?
Feiell – She will be as respectful to you as you are to her, but will out match you if you’re a dick to her or her friends.
Aiden – Respectful enough to not cause trouble and get people to leave him alone.
Max – Perfect manners, and ridiculously charming. He believes everyone deserves respect unless they prove otherwise.
5. Is your OC imaginative or more down-to-earth?
Feiell – Defiantly no-nonsense and down-to-earth. She believes in hard work to active your goals.
Aiden – More of a day-dreamer but pulls a practical side together to care for and help family and friends. Dreams are nice but plans put food on the table.
Max – Total idealist, truly believes even the most impossible is attainable if you work at it long enough. Most of that idealistic optimism is broken after Trespasser, but that’s a long story.
6. Is your OC comfortable with themselves?
Feiell – She’s always been comfortable with who she is and has never felt any shame for it. She owes that to her parents and cousin.
Aiden – Feels like a constant failure and a burden despite how hard he tries not to. Doesn’t feel comfortable with opening up about his feelings and weighing others down with them. Is also terrible with expressing more painful emotions.
Max – Is mostly comfortable with himself. Always felt like a disappointment to his family because he never had the kind of goals for his life he thought they would want from him. Also never really saw himself as reliable but the Inquisition changed all that.
7. Does your OC plan things and stick to it or do they make it up as their go?
Feiell – Always has a plan and is a master of adjusting things on the fly if needed. Prefers to stick to the plan but has accepted how rarely that can happen.
Aiden – He’s been winging his whole life and it somehow hasn’t killed him yet.
Max – Usually has more of an outline than a hard plan. Trial & error are his best friends and somehow he’s still alive, that’s probably because he uses educated guesses more that throwing things to the wind.
8. Was their life eventful before the start of the story, or was it more dull?
Feiell – Depends if living in poverty and oppression is dull to you. I guess since it was normal for her it was boring.
Aiden – The stress of hiding a mage father and sister was more than Aiden ever wanted. He would have preferred boring.
Max – While the constant mischief Max got himself into means things were never dull they certainly seem boring when compared to life in the Inquisition. Josephine certainly had her hands full going through all of Max’s past exploits.
9. Do they have the habit to insult other people?
Feiell – Is a salty, little bitch so defiantly yes. She has a sharp tongue.
Aiden – Bit of a smart-ass and occasionally he can’t help it so it gets him in trouble.
Max – Mostly no, it takes quite a bit to get on his nerves enough to make him snap at you. Usually very polite.
10. Would your OC be described as “the life of the party”?
Feiell – She can be described as the death of the party.
Aiden – Likes to think he is.
Max – Is the actual life of the party if he wants to be. Usually he is.
11. Are they critical of others?
Feiell – To a degree, yes
Aiden - Mostly critical of himself
Max – Not really, he’s pretty non-judgmental
12. Do they like art? what is their favorite type (paintings, songs, fashion, etc)?
Feiell – The art of war perhaps, but music is good too.
Aiden – He considers Fenris a work of art if that counts.
Max – Paintings, music, nature, pretty clothes (mostly on Dorian), Max loves it all. He was especially fond of watching Solar paint his murals.
13. Are they more accepting or more controlling of the people in their life?
Feiell – As long as you’re not bothering her and no one gets hurt she doesn’t really care what people do.
Aiden – He has no control over his own life let alone any one else.
Max – Very accepting of people but not above a subtle nudge to do things he feels might benefit them.
14. Is your OC a good listener?
Feiell – She listens more than she talks, so yes.
Aiden – The one who’s always there to listen when you need him.
Max - Yes, he also has a great memory so he's very good at keeping track of all the drama in life. Lol
15. Are they opinionated or more willing to change their minds?
Feiell – Pretty opinionated but not impossible to change her mind, not that it is easy to do so mind you.
Aiden – Too changeable at times and mostly keeps his opinions to himself.
Max – A few solid moral opinions that he won’t move on but open-minded on nearly everything else.
16. Are they the kind of person who’s always on the defensive?
Feiell – Much less than she use to be but definitely yes.
Aiden – Only when he feels blamed for everything, which he is often.
Max – No, he dose his best to own up to his mistakes and rarely takes things personally.
17. Do people like hanging around them? do they have a positive, friendly energy?
Feiell – I will file this under HELL NO. She scares the crap out of most people if she doesn’t piss them off. It can take quite awhile for friends to warm up to her, if at all.
Aiden – People love Aiden, but the older he gets the less Aiden likes people. They demand too much from him but he’ll never be able to say no, or miss a chance at a passive-aggressive joke. Or a regular bad joke for that matter.
Max – People love Max almost from the moment they meet him. There is just something about him that puts everyone at ease and makes it easier to trust and smile. Must be the charming smile, yeah, has to be. He’s not bad looking either.
18. Is your OC a procrastinator? if they are, what’s an example of how much?
Feiell – People die if she puts things off, so no. Some days she wishes she could put many things off though. Like dying anytime soon, there’s too much to accomplish.
Aiden – What is productivity? If nobody is dying or it’s not dragging him, kicking and screaming, by the hair then its probably not getting done. At least no time soon. Guilt trip him hard to speed things up.
Max – Important things get done but if it’s not a pressing issue then it often can be temporarily abandoned for more enjoyable activities. Even if it’s set aside, the thing will still be done in a reasonable amount of time. Unless he forgets, which can happen frequently.
19. Do they tend to panic in certain situations or are they more calm?
Feiell – Always calm, if something bothers her you’ll never know.
Aiden – Panics constantly. Somewhat hides it well…somewhat…
Max – Takes most things in stride, the sudden dump of responsibility and people’s lives was really stressful but he adjusted to it.
20. Are they vengeful?
Feiell – I literally made a post of her being a deity of vengeance lol.
Aiden – Petty or bitter, perhaps, but not full on vengeful.
Max – Yes, touch the people he loves and see a whole different side of him.
21. What are some skills your OC has a talent for and what are some that they worked for?
Feiell – She’s has a natural flair for swordsmanship, her mother started training her and Fe kept up the practice even after her mother’s passing. Her leadership skills were…a little more rough. She had to learn how to organize and lead people on the fly because of the Blight but luckily she learns quickly.
Aiden – He’s scary good at lying, not even Varric can catch him in one. (Honestly most of his book is just Varric's best guess on Aiden's thoughts) Knife throwing took quite a bit of practice though. He can now nail someone at 100 pages and is unmatched at darts.
Max – Politics and navigating the Great Game are weirdly natural for Max even though he kinda hates it. His archery skill is something he is extremely proud of because he’s practiced relentlessly to be as good as he is. And he really is good, until a natural like Sera comes and shatters his ego. Lol
22. Are they more socially awkward or socially confident?
Feiell – Awkward, but in the way that she doesn’t care what people do or say. She dose her own thing and ignores everyone else.
Aiden – Smooth on the outside, tired wreak on the inside. Not that anyone will ever know.
Max – Social chameleon, and life of the party. Until he slips away unnoticed somehow.
23. What is something really dumb that irritates your OC a lot?
Feiell – Dumb questions about her hair: “How long is it?”, “Why do you keep it that long?”, “Is it really that red?”. Usually answered with “Why do you care so much, it’s not your hair.” Also people touching her constantly, she doesn’t see the need to constantly clap people on the shoulder or grab their arms when somethings funny.
Aiden – Orlesians, if you don’t know anything about DA then I’m sorry, this probably doesn’t make sense to you.
Max – Assuming he's stupid or that because of his wealth that he doesn't do any work. He's a natural busy-body so assuming he sits on his are all day is really irritating.
24. Do they tend to see the good in people?
Feiell – No, she’s had too many bad experiences before so distrust is her default until proven otherwise.
Aiden – Sometimes, mostly sees people in shades of grey. No one is 100% good or bad.
Max – He sees the good in people as often as he can and tries to pull some good out of those who are sometimes a little lost.
25. What does it take for your OC to trust someone?
Feiell – Doing what you say you will, not hiding things, sticking up for others when it clearly has no benefit for you, and give it a few weeks….or months and she may trust you.
Aiden – Help him out in a hard spot, or help family/friends.
Max – If you’re not openly malicious or he doesn’t feel like you’re lying/hiding anything his default if to trust until proven otherwise.
26. Do they have a lot of mood swings?
Feiell – Not really, she’s not a very emotional person. Unless you count her temper which can light like a matchstick.
Aiden - Known to be moody, to the point of it being a well known joke among friends. On bad days he can even out do Anders.
Max – Only if the stress is overwhelming him or he’s pretty sick. Otherwise he’s pretty even tempered.
27. Do they like to be the center of attention or do they prefer to be in the background?
Feiell – Hates being the center of attention and would rather be left alone. Unfortunately she’s had to get use to the attention after becoming Warden-Commander.
Aiden – If people could forget who he is it would be really nice. Likes being the center of attention among friends and family, doesn’t like it with crowds of strangers.
Max – Loves entertaining people and making them laugh which makes him great for parties. He grew up attending big gatherings and is an expert at navigating them, which means he's also very good at slipping away from them when he tires of the crowds.
28. Do people think they’re pretentious?
Feiell – Sometimes, her natural expression can give that impression but most of those people that make this mistake are racist shems that don’t like the power she has. Or the fact that she could kill them without breaking a sweat.
Aiden – No, his face is too friendly and if that doesn’t do it the self-deprecating jokes do.
Max – Yes, it’s easy for people to assume that since he comes from money. He’s never thought himself better than anyone though and tries to dispel that impression, but you can’t control what people want to think of you.
29. Is your OC detail oriented or do they focus more on the big picture?
Feiell – Details, details, you add them all up and that’s how you get a bigger picture. Other words, very detail oriented.
Aiden – Big picture. How you get there is a mystery though.
Max – Big picture first then an outline of the main details to get there.
30. Which high school movie stereotype would they fit best?
Feiell – The ice queen/The strict, scary teacher.
Aiden – Class clown/Troublemaker/Weird but laid back teacher
Max – The jock that befriends the weird kid/Hot science teacher
31. Are they good giving advice?
Feiell – Defiantly not, she’s better at giving orders.
Aiden – Only ask if you want to get in trouble. Ok, that’s not completely true, occasionally he can give good advice. Particularly to help cheer someone up.
Max – I would say yes, he’s gotten quite a bit of good advice over the years and likes to pass it on.
32. Which one of the 7 deadly sins fit your OC more? do they see it as a flaw?
Feiell – Wrath: Only a flaw if you think beating your enemies is a bad thing.
Aiden - Sloth: Regrets this flaw. If he had acted sooner on many things they might not have escalated the way they did.
Max – Pride: A flaw he has worked hard to temper over the years. Was more of a problem when he was younger than now.
33. Is your OC more likely to keep their feelings to themselves or to share them?
Feiell – Keeps them mostly to herself. A couple close friends may get a glimpse but only Zevran knows her well. He’s learned when to prod to get her to open up.
Aiden – Doesn’t like to burden others so keeps his feelings to himself even when he shouldn’t.
Max – His oldest sister is his best friend and confidant, she gets to hear everything. Max has started to lean on Dorian in this way too. Basically immediate family and good friends will know what’s up.
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ellynneversweet · 4 years
In reference to this post, which it took me fucking ages to find again. Thank you! And I’m so sorry for taking so long to reply — I realised that what I wanted to talk about was what I was in the middle of writing, and then I couldn’t find the original post FML.
For my free choice, I’m going to carry on about everything that gets broken (so far) in A Pillar I am of Pride, and why including literal babies as characters in fic is real fucking hard (ie they have next to no character or plot agency), so without further ado, may I present:
Stains and Spills and Smashed Pots, Oh My!
Right, so, Pillar started out as something along the lines of ‘five times the Darcys and the Rushworths had dinner together, and one time they didn’t,’ but because I am bad at sticking to a plan, it evolved into something slightly looser, and then I decided what I really wanted to do was write a something with a very formal and elaborate grammatical structure that was, on the face of it, about a bunch of posh, mostly dignified adults having a series of dull and unpleasant parties, and smuggle in a series of smutty jokes and wink-wink-nudge-nudge moments about which of the characters are getting it on (or failing to) with whom. To that end, everything I can think of gets to be a metaphor, and, by the way, looking back I’m slightly pissed that in the opening scene I missed a trick and wrote the Darcys buttering toast instead of muffins.
So far the list of smashed, stained, and broken items goes:
Item: Mr Darcy’s ornamental orange tree in a chinoiserie pot, and (nearly) his gigantic hallway mirror.  Damage: the former is tripped over by Mr Rushworth while blind drunk, and the latter he catches himself on. All of this is scene-setting ‘rich people showing off’ decor, and what this does on a literal level in-fic is aggravate Elizabeth and Darcy, who do not appreciate their stylish, comfortable home being smashed up by an oafish guest. On another level, it’s building on canon!Darcy’s associations with gardens and gardening, being someone who creates and produces within the community. On the jokey metaphor level, orange blossom is associated with marriage, and (smashed) mirrors with bad luck. The Rushworth marriage isn’t going to last, and they’re going to cause some stress to their married neighbours.
Item: Elizabeth’s evening outfit, and probably her dignity. Damage: stained by leaky breasts as a result of startled-awake-and-crying Darcy baby The cherry on top of the ruined evening. Elizabeth spends the evening watching half her guests delving into a previously unknown family feud and in the process accidentally insulting the other half, then finds out her husband is, unexpectedly, completely wasted (along with five other increasingly-less-decorous gentlemen, two of whom are her overnight guests while the others are theoretically responsible for getting their female family home safely after dark in an city and era not known for being particularly safe) and ends up trying to resolve everything in the middle of a wardrobe emergency while comforting a distressed baby. On the metaphorical level, the point is this: everyone’s body is betraying them. The resident drunks are telling, or at least alluding to, deep dark secrets, and generally making smutty jokes, and Elizabeth, who is trying very hard to be Mrs Darcy v1 (dignified society hostess with the mostess) instead ends the evening as Mrs Darcy v2 (frustrated, upset and hormonal young mother).
Item: Mr Bennet’s letter to Elizabeth, in which he probes her opinions on Maria Rushworth and Henry Crawford. Damage: squirted by breastmilk when Darcy toddler picks a fight with Darcy baby during breakfast. This part is where I got stuck for ages. The Rushworths (Mr and Mrs) have seriously offended Elizabeth, who is a champion grudge holder, but she needs to continue to be around them on some level without overtly influencing the overarching Mansfield Park plot, in order for the fic to progress. Maria in particular has insulted Elizabeth’s parenting, so it makes sense to bring the children in. Only problem is: they’re babies. There’s a limit to what you can do with characters who are babies. In this case, they get to be useful metaphoric sounding boards for the actions and beliefs of the adults around them. Elizabeth is in this scene (and the fic more generally) meant to be set up as Maria’s foil. Elizabeth has a successful-by-regency-standards marriage, which means money, respected social status, and production of a (male) heir and spare. That she gets on with her husband is a cool bonus. So, on the metaphoric level, the kids are representative of the key regency gentlewoman KPI: legitimate fertility (and, by extension, legitimate sexual activity). Elizabeth has children, Maria doesn’t (yet), which puts Elizabeth up a peg on the social pole. Also, Mansfield Park is, among other things, heavily focused on siblings fighting with each other and older siblings in particular fucking things up for their younger siblings. The Darcy kids are having a playful wrestle, not trying to destroy each other’s lives and inheritances — the worst that happens is that Darcy baby gets his breakfast interrupted — but it’s a chibi reflection of the Bertram and Crawford siblings arguing with each other. On a jokey level — a bit of stray bodily fluid gets squirted onto a sheet (of paper), and literally stains Maria’s name. It’s crude, but hey.
Item: Broderie Anglaise table runner. Damage: ripped as a result of Darcy toddler playing racetracks on it with a toy horse. The table runner was originally Elizabeth’s sleeve, but that got changed because it didn’t quite flow, scene-structure wise. Darcy toddler is busy practising being a gentleman’s heir, which for a three year old in a century where hotwheels haven’t been invented yet, means playing with a toy horse. This carries on from the previous two incidents, but it basically boils down to Darcy toddler (and absent Darcy baby) being physical, living proof of Elizabeth having a sex life. Ripping a bit of white lace with a miniature Trojan horse is, again, probably a bit crude, but it is meant to reinforce the previous points made about married (prospective) mothers whose bodies conspire to produce proof of just what(/whom) they’re doing.
Item: baby rattle. Damage: Darcy baby throws it out of his pram, and eventually has his toy-chucking privileges taken away by Elizabeth after it gets dropped in something nasty. Small babies like to drop and throw stuff, which, I am assured, is a normal part of child development that works around concepts like figuring out how their hands/gravity work and engaging in trust exercises with their carers. Darcy toddler — Edward — and Darcy baby — Richard — are pretty deliberately named after Elizabeth’s decent, respectable Uncle Gardiner, and Darcy’s witty and sensible bestie/cousin Colonel Fitzwilliam, who got the standard fandom first name this time round. Darcy baby takes after his (wilful) mother. In canon, pre-fic, Elizabeth Bennet, country girl next door, does a fair bit of damage by failing to consider the consequences of her actions. Obviously, at this point, Darcy baby is...a baby...and a toy accidentally thrown into a pile of horse manure is not, say, a ruined housemaid or pile of gambling debts, but grown up Richard Darcy, wealthy and charming second son of a very important family, exists in potentia as the sort of problem young man that turns up over and over again in Austen (George Wickham, Tom Bertram, Henry Crawford etc). His parents, who are all too aware of what it means to let a man in that social position regard himself as untouchable, are making a point of teaching both their sons that their tiny baby actions have tiny baby consequences. Which leads to 6 and 7:
Item: A red ball. Damage: the ball, offered by Mary Crawford after Richard has had his rattle taken away, meets the same muddy fate. This whole scene was structured around Mary getting to say ‘boys will be boys.’ Mary Crawford is a perennial fave of mine, but I do have one problem with her, and that is her blaming Fanny for Henry’s part in ruining Maria’s life. Mary, who has just been asked not to encourage Richard throwing his toys, goes ahead and does just that. She’s been raised with Henry, and it shows — she sees nothing wrong with indulging privileged kids and encouraging thoughtless behaviour. Darcy baby here also serves as a stand-in for his adult namesake, Colonel Fitz, another second son, whom Elizabeth is considering attempting to throw together with Mary. Mary is playful, charming, and fascinating, but possibly not very reliable. And, of course, because the original sin metaphor is inescapable in western culture, the toy she offers in this show of defiance is red, round, and chewable.
Item: Elizabeth’s redingote. Damage: drooled upon by Darcy baby In keeping with the Elizabeth-as-Maria’s foil theme, Elizabeth suffers a (very minor) public disgrace, and her various female companions attempt to address it. Georgiana Darcy  suffers an acute case of fremdschamen, and immediately informs Elizabeth of the issue before attempting to fix it but becoming overwhelmed, Anne Wentworth actually does fix it quietly and without a lot of fuss, Julia Bertram is completely ineffectual, and Mary Crawford, after ignoring what was going on right in front of her eyes and letting things progress past where they should have been, tries to cover it up by using the gentleman culprit as a shield, and relying on him to do something he is absolutely not going to do, ie, sit still (Not suggesting that Darcy baby is at fault or malicious — he’s just the unfortunate teething stand-in for Mary’s complicity in adult!brat Henry’s bad behaviour).
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thelostboys-rp · 4 years
New characters!
The muns’ minds are always busy with new characters so here’s an introduction to the characters you’ll be seeing in our stories or have already come across them.
Lance Emerson
Face claim: Julian McMahon
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Born and raised in Phoenix, Arizona, Lance’s childhood was comfortable and filled with privilege. His mother was the COO (chief operator officer) of a corporation, and his father a traveling businessman—both came from well-to-do backgrounds. Lance was the first-born son out of five children and was the clear favorite. Living in a gated community, he attended the most prestigious private schools the country had to offer. Money was never an issue for him or his siblings, but he was well aware that his parents gave him the biggest allowance of them all, and he had more freedom to do whatever he wished. He developed an aggressive and superficially passionate charisma that drew people to him like moths to a flame. This gained him plenty of followers who admired his sharp wit and business perception that he learned from his parents. 
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Rory Hawthorne
Face claim: Jensen Ackles
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The biological brother of Leon, Rory was only five years old when he lost his life. Both boys carried the skin-walker gene, but only one of them would be allowed to embrace it; the other had to die.
Rory's young soul was sent to Purgatory, when he was forced to quickly adapt to a strange, dark world where only the strong survived. After much running and hiding, Rory came across a collective of monsters, lost souls like him. They took him under their wing and taught him how to fight. During this time, Rory was able to adapt to his surroundings and develop his own, unusual powers. The rage he felt toward his own brother had never left him, and thus created malevolent energy within. While his physical body died at the tender age of five, his spiritual body grew into adulthood.
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Mason Sawyer
Face claim: DJ Cotrona
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Mason Sawyer was second in command up until the moment Dick Roman met his end by a group of hunters, this sprang Mason forth as the Leviathan’s new Master and leader. He quickly established his dominance over the other Leviathans and began his master plan to convert all humans into livestock for the Leviathans to slaughter and eat. 
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AJ Frog
Face claim: Chandler Riggs
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Number Thirteen is a dhampir, and the biological son of Alan Frog. Having been developed in a secret lab unknown to Alan, the child was created as part of a eugenics experiment by vampire hunters who desired to create the ultimate weapon against the undead. Raised in a sterile underground bunker, the boy was the thirteenth attempt at creating life and the only one to survive past the first year of his life.
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Face claim:  Draculangelica/Angelica Rose
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The goddess of strife, chaos, and discord, Eris is the essential “shit starter” and queen of grudge holding. Compared to all the gods and goddesses, she is among the least liked, given the hostility and negativity that arise every time she’s present. She delights in people’s misery, regardless if they’re considered good or bad; she chooses no sides, only her own. The only time she is every truly happy is when people are miserable. All arguments, no matter how big or small, stem from Eris. Her need to start trouble sparked one of the greatest wars in ancient history which saw the destruction of Troy during the Bronze Age, and it started off with Eris being snubbed.
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Rachel Benton
Face claim: Nikki Reed
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Born into the criminal underworld to a family of assassins, Rachel grew up learning how to fight and kill early on. She also learned about her heritage as a werewolf, but all of her family members refused to give into "the curse" and discouraged her from allowing the nature of the beasts to consume her. While maintaining their human form, she and her family were still much stronger and faster than normal humans. They were also capable of killing others without triggering their true forms. On her sixteenth birthday, Rachel was recruited by a rival crime family to be their personal mercenary. Unable to resist the wealthy temptation they offered her, she left her family without a word. 
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Belladonna Alexander
Face claim: Darya Goncharova
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Belladonna was orphaned as a young girl after the deaths of her loving parents by the Roman Catholic Empire.As a child she ended up a prisoner and became the Roman Catholics King’s Sorceress. She was a kind, headstrong, caring, brave, and extremely attractive young woman with a slender, voluptuous build, and average heart, gray eyes, the lightest skin complexion, and long straight black hair.
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Original actor: Seb Castang
Alternate face claim: Ian Somerhalder
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Xavier was born in 1452. As Xavier grew up, he was taught the many painful ways to torture a human when they were to be put to death. When reaching legal age Xavier took on a job of being an executioner. In a lot of ways, you would think one wouldn’t get pleasure out of preforming these kinds of acts out on another human being, but Xavier did. Xavier enjoyed his job to the fullest and would sometimes suggest new ways that one could be punished. Many people including Xavier’s parents thought of Xavier as a cold sadistic human being because after each person he executed he was known for always having a sick looking smile on his face.
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Chanel Dixon
Face claim: Loren Gray
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At the age of fourteen Chanel began running various hustles on random people for money. It wasn’t something she was proud of, but to kept food in her stomach she had to do what was necessary. Her mother and father were always strung out on various types of drugs – to stoned out of their minds to even remember they had a teenage daughter who was practically starving to death because of their drug addictions.
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Caroline Fox
Face claim: Candice King
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Caroline was a popular girl  in school, the captain of the cheerleading squad. Always organizing the parties and always displaying a high degree of leadership among her friends. Beautiful and chic, she was also extraordinarily strong and determined, much like her mother. She was extremely loyal and protective of her friends. She had a sensitive and loving nature. Despite having a confident exterior and high social prestige, underneath it all Caroline was very insecure and neurotic which often tended to make her an overachiever at times, creating flaws and complexities within herself, leading to various matters that factored into her development as she worked to overcome them. 
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Cassidy Quinn
Face claim: Elizabeth Olsen
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It was several years into their perfect Santa Carla life when everything changed. Twelve-year-old Carson was babysitting a seven-year-old Cassidy and a group of rabid vampires attacked. They were playing outside just after dark even though Cassidy had been telling Carson that they needed to go inside, but he was hell bent on them staying outside. It turned out he was being mentally influenced by the creatures watching them from the woods. These were not normal vampires – they were more like wild animals. By the time the attack was done, both kids were seriously injured and had lost a lot of blood. Thankfully, Cassandra has come home not too long after the vampires had run off and she called an ambulance to try and save their lives.
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sgnyeeun · 4 years
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oops, i hope i’m not too late but hi, everyone!! thank you for all the welcomes, i’m super stoked to be here !!! ‪♡‬  i’m chi, 21, gmt+8 and this is my little overachieving baby, yeeun! think of her as tony stark, but younger, korean, female and without all the scientific stuff..... she literally lives by the saying ‘work hard but play harder’ lmaooo her profile is up here, bio here and i have some plots ready over here! and if you click read more, there’s a a short tl;dr of her life !!
anyways i look forward to meeting everyone!! like this post if you wouldn’t mind me sliding into your dms ‪‪♡‬ ‪♡‬ also i have discord so if you prefer that lemme know! 
born as the youngest child in a wealthy family, so she’s been raised with money and privilege. doesn’t really understand the concept of money and she just spends however she wants (on herself and other people)  
she does actively try not to flaunt her wealth too much but sometimes it slips bc her mouth works faster than her brain so she has made a few insensitive statements (for example, “$1000 is considered expensive?” “why dont you just pay for it??”) 
has two older siblings so her parents don’t really care for her, having exhausted their efforts with moulding her two older siblings into taking over the family business so this gives her a lot of freedom to do anything she wants but instead, it makes yeeun determined to carve her own path and have the most ~ prestigious career ~
so she puts a lot of pressure on herself and has dedicated her whole life to getting a high flying investment banking job. doing something for fun ? what’s that ? pursuing a career because you like it ? a foreign concept! 
so its no surprise that a lot of people see her as being high strung and very aggressive lmao 
has a really warped measure of self worth like. she thinks she’s only good because she has good grades and has big dreams (her parents’ fault, they’ve ingrained in her that you’re only as good as your career) so doesn’t really understand that some people may not be as ambitious or aggressive as her (leads to some questionable comments like “can you make money with an arts degree??” someone plz educate her!)
with the amount of stress she puts on herself, it leads to a lot of self-hatred, angry nights where she drinks soju alone and cries and unhealthy coping mechanisms (basically partying and drinking, which is her main way of relieving stress, she’s wild af honestly) 
anytime there’s a party, you’re very likely to see yeeun there. she doesn’t do social drinking, she drinks to get fucked up so hit her up if you ever need shots. her personal favourite is tequila
it has led to many messy nights: puking on streets, making out with one too many people, saying things she wouldn’t have said sober
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thebeatricesmith · 4 years
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Look! It’s [ PEPPER HAWTHORNE ]. They have been living in [ NORTH ] Kingsboro for [ FIVE YEARS ]. They say the [ 28 ] year old can be [ SELFISH ] but also [ RESOURCEFUL ], but I just think [ SHE/HER ] looks a lot like [ ANNIE MURPHY ].
full name: pepper grace hawthorne
age + birthday: twenty-eight | 11/22/1991
gender + pronouns: cis female | she/her
sexual & romantic orientations: pansexual/romantic
hometown: greenwich, connecticut
occupation: heiress, owner of one of a kind boutique pep in your step
personality traits: self-involved, social, generous, privileged, gossipy, bold, playful, confident, materialistic, irresponsible, thrill-seeking. 
looks like: annie murphy
mother: deirdre hawthorne
father.: henry hawthorne
siblings: davis hawthorne ( older brother )
other: n/a
pepper grew up in greenwhich, ct in a house big enough to hold three families. the hawthornes come from old money. the kind of old money nobody really knows where it came from, but pep likes to tell people her daddy was responsible for inventing dr. pepper, making her the name sake. 
didn’t spend a ton of time with her parents growing up, both too busy making business deals and impressing at society events. thus, pepper and her older brother were primarily raised by their nanny who gave them as much love and affection as a woman who spent more time at work than she did with her own children. as a result, pepper doesn’t have a huge sense of familial obligation -- or an obligation to others in general. that’s not to say she’s cruel, or distant -- in fact, she can be very generous with her friends, particularly those who live in the south of kingsboro - but rather that thinking of others and how her actions might affect them doesn’t come naturally. 
that being said she is relatively close to her brother, who seems to suffer the same affliction as pepper. this leads to many fights that often end with an ‘UGH!’
all things considered her childhood was pretty average. or average by wealthy white girl standards -- ballet and piano lessons as a young girl, flashy sweet sixteens and cotillions and flashy sweet sixteens in her teen years.  
has a history of dating the wrong people -- often finding herself attracted to people who are much more interested in having a good time than they are in her specifically. this has lead to an assortment of heartbreaks on various continent and once abandoned in a chalet on the alps. but this hasn’t stopped her from putting herself, and her heart, out there again and again. 
took her six years to graduate college, mainly because she spent much more time partying and spring breaks then she did in the lecture hall. she’s not exactly proud to admit that the only reason she did manage to graduate was paying her peers to do her assignments. so while she is technically a certified, sarah lawrence educated business bitch, she doesn’t strictly know what she’s actually doing. 
so, when daddy lent her the money to open pep in your step she was determined to prove herself, and two years later she still feels like she’s proving herself. but the shop manages to make enough to keep the lights on and her accountant says that’s a good thing so by her standards she’s nailing it. 
has been to every ny fashion week since she moved to the city, though she prefers london’s. 
codependent bestie - these two are OBSESSED with each other. it would honestly be cute if they weren’t so gross about it -- tagging each other on instagram posts and consulting each other on meals. 
flings/exes - it’s unlikely they were very significant, most of pepper’s relationships bottom out after two months. give me exes who are friends, exes who gossip about each other, dramatic exes GIMME GIMME!
fwb - honestly they don’t even have to be friends or even like each other (hate sex ftw), just two attractive adults who hook up. 
vapid party friends - these aren’t the kind of friends you’d want in your corner on your worst day or when you find yourself in a crisis. they will turn on you in a second and would have no issues ditching you if a better offer came along, but they take the best bar selfies and have fun together so #bffs. 
sugar besties - much like tom and donna, pepper lives by the mantra ‘treat yourself’, but she learned a while ago it’s not nearly as fun to do alone! this pal from the south side is spoiled rotten, and is often gifted ornate (and probably useless) things. you like baking?! here have a kitchenaide in every color! oh! you like that band? baaabe here are vip tickets to their paris show! 
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emiliabeauchamp · 4 years
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♕ Q U E E N  E M I L I A ♕
↬ Full name ↫
Queen Emilia Natalia Catherine Romanov-Beauchamp
↬ Nickname ↫
↬ Birthday ↫
August 6th
↬ Birthplace ↫
Kingdom of Elya 
↬ Zodiac ↫
↬ Height ↫
↬ Orientation ↫
↬ Social Class ↫
Upper class
↬ Wealth ↫
Being a princess, she was always somewhat wealthy but Miria is actually more prosperous than Elya is
↬ Tattoos ↫
↬ Piercing ↫
Just her ears
↬ Outfits ↫
Emilia dresses for her role as princess and queen but always tries to be a little trendy. She loves to follow fashion and look her best. She’s very Princess Diana and Victoria Beckham.
↬ Normal mood ↫
She’s typically pleasant but has a hint of sass. Em doesn’t hold back but her years of being a princess has her keeping to her best behavior unless absolutely necessary in social settings.
↬ Temper ↫
Emilia is feisty but also diplomatic. She keeps her composure but is stern and isn’t going to back down if she steps up.
↬ Discipline ↫
She is incredibly patient and disciplined because of her upbringing.
↬ Strengths ↫
Emilia has been mentally strong for a long time due to being a princess who rebelled against her family. It wasn’t wildly known to the public but it caused a lot of tension with her parents up until she was shipped off to Miria.
↬ Weaknesses ↫
Her weakness is actually appearing weak. She doesn’t want anyone to think she isn’t strong or can’t hold her own.
↬ Drive/dreams ↫
She’s never had to think much about dreams because she was always set to be married off to be a ruler of sorts but she’s very driven at whatever she has to do. Now being with Rhys and them finding real love with each other, she really wants to be a mom and have a family.
↬ Fears ↫
Em hates spiders but she’s also afraid of losing Rhys and their life.
↬ Likes ↫
Music, art, gardens, horses, travel, jewelry. She’s a typical aristocrat.
↬ Dislikes ↫
Mess, scary movies, lip gloss, cheap champagne.
↬ Soft spot ↫
Rhys, animals, kids
↬ Depression ↫
Emilia’s abortion and then immediate move to Miria within the next year really took a toll on her. She had too much alone time with her thoughts and it took a long time for her to feel happy again.
↬ Inspiration ↫
It’s a toss up because partially it is her mother, she’s always respected her as a queen but she also is inspired by Rhys and how much he cares for the kingdom. It makes her want to be a better leader.
↬ Role model ↫
Her mom despite any strains in their relationship, she’s always looked up to her.
↬ Mental disorder ↫
↬ Habits ↫
She has a habit of drinking a cup of tea before bed.
↬ Love Language ↫
Physical Touch
(5 Stars means very high strength, 1 star means very low strength aka weak)
↬ Psychological strength ↫
⭑⭑⭑⭑⭑ - She’s strong and always holds her own
↬ Physical strength ↫
⭑⭑ - She’s athletic enough but I wouldn’t say she’s strong.
↬ Leadership ↫
⭑⭑⭑⭑⭑ - Emilia is a naturally leader despite being the youngest in her family. She also knows when to step back and let others lead.
↬ Wisdom ↫
⭑⭑⭑ - She’s wise but I would say averagely.
↬ Intelligence ↫
⭑⭑⭑⭑⭑ - Em had the best schooling growing up as a princess and she never minded school.
↬ Confidence ↫
⭑⭑⭑⭑⭑ - She’s always been fairly confident since nothing has ever come in her way to knock her down.
↬ Endurance ↫
⭑⭑⭑⭑ - Her struggles are minimal but she’s strong enough to handle issues when they do arise.
↬ Father ↫
King Nicholas III - they were never very close since she was the youngest and he had most in common with the boys. He always wanted to protect her since she’s the girl but Emilia felt like it was bit misogynistic as she got older.
↬ Mother ↫
Queen Natalia - Although they had always been close, it’s also always been a tense relationship. Her mother expected a lot from her and the pressure eventually made them drift apart when Emilia got older.
↬ Siblings ↫
Her brother Nicholas is the oldest and taking on the throne. Her other brother Peter is in the military. The three of them were always close but she hasn’t had much contact since moving to Miria.
↬ Other relatives ↫
She has cousins in Auradon - King Ben II and Queen Evelyn.
↬ Enemies ↫
She has held some resentment towards her family but no real enemies.
↬ Rivals ↫
Whoever Rhys is rivals with.
↬ Friends ↫
Rhys, she also has some various diplomatic friends as well as some of her advisors in the castle. She lost touch with a lot of her party friends in Elya.
↬ Best friend ↫
Rhys :)
↬ Love interest ↫
Again Rhys
↬ Marital status ↫
Married to King Rhys
↬ Children ↫
Oliver, Liliya, Sebastien, Juliette
↬ Pets ↫
Besides horses, they don’t currently however she would like the kids to have a dog so eventually they get some animals for the kids.
P A S T - T I M E
↬ Hobbies ↫
Piano, horse back riding, painting.
↬ Talents ↫
She’s always been really talented with the piano.
↬ Sports ↫
She doesn’t have much interest anymore but she played polo for a bit growing up.
↬ Classes ↫
↬ Occupation ↫
Queen of the world jk Miria
H O M E   L I F E
↬ Location ↫
Born in Elya but now living in Miria.
↬ House size ↫
They have many homes but their main is a beautiful castle.
↬ House type ↫
Inside the castle is more modern. Emilia and Rhys keep most of the classic touches but wanted to make it their own.
↬ Level of luxury ↫
The more luxe the betta.
↬ Outdoor description ↫
It’s beautiful with stables in the back with a lot of area to ride as well as large garden area for them to explore.
↬ Indoor description ↫
Very glam but keeping with the classic touches to respect the history of the castle.
↬ Bedroom description ↫
They have their bedroom done with dark and sensual colors with a lot of rich fabrics. It feels cozy despite the luxe look.
L I F E    S T O R Y
↬ Age 0-12 ↫
Emilia grew up very privileged. She had access to the best education, hobbies, clothes, you name it. Her parents tended to leave their children with the nannies. Em learned a lot from them and in hindsight, it made her a lot more grounded as an adult.
↬ Age 13-18 ↫
Through her teen years, she started to get more rebellious. Being the youngest plus the only girl made her parents try to be overprotective however she did not want to follow their rules. She often broke them but her parents never did well at reprimanding her so she just kept breaking rules until it got her in trouble.
↬ Age 19-25 ↫
She found trouble in boys and partying. Emilia got pregnant with a shitty ex fling and had to get an abortion. Shortly there after, her parents essentially married her off. Emilia was not thrilled about being on her own in Miria. It led to a rocky start to her relationship with Rhys. After a while they bonded and the two of them have become incredibly strong. She’s happy with how her life has turned out with Rhys and feels their relationship will only grow with them.
↬ Darkest secret ↫
Her abortion is definitely her biggest secret - Rhys is one of the few people that know. The only other person who knows is her mother who forced her into making that decision.
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ftriver · 5 years
hi   angels   !   im   most   likely   sleeping   right   now   so   i   have   this   drafted   but   let   me   just   say   i   am   fucking   buzzin’   to   be   a   part   of   this   group   ,   i've   been   itching   to   write   again   for   the   longest   time   &   thankfully   i   can   do   that   with   dis   shithead   named   river   .   i   go   by   t   ,   she   /   her   pronouns   ,   and   i   would   absolutely   love   some   messy   plots   to   dig   into   so   please   milly   rock   on   that   like   button   .   :~)  
𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠  here  and  do  i  have  the  tea  for  you  .  river  is  back  on  campus  ,  which  is  surprising  considering  the  threatening  note  i  left  them  .  yes  ,  i  know  all  about  his  growing  alcohol  dependency  because  of  their  gluttony  .  imagine  the  tabloids  and  how  the  o’connor  family  would  feel  for  such  information  to  come  out  ,  not  to  mention  the  reputation  of  pike  because  of  their  actions  .  at  this  rate  ,  he  is  better  off  staying  put  in  tampa  ,  florida  and  living  off  that  $900m  family  net  worth  .  what’s  the  point  in  studying  business  law  with  plans  to strive  into  the  nfl  unbeknownst  to  his  family ,  is  it  worth  it  with  what  i  know  ?  anyways  ,  they  may  want  to  continue  to  be  charismatic  &  perspicacious  because  the  choleric  &  imprudent attributes  make  me  want  to  spill  . trigger warning :  alcoholism  ,  republicans  . 
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𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐥  𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞  :    alexander  river  o’connor  . 𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬  :   only  goes  by  river  . 𝐚𝐠𝐞  : twenty  one  years  . 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲  &  𝐳𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐜  : leo  sun  ,  aquarius  moon  ,  gemini  ascendant  !   𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐨𝐰𝐧  :    tampa  ,  florida  . 𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥  𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧  : swings  both  ways (  family  are  unaware  ) , &  has  only  been  in  relationships  with  girls  so  far  . 𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲  :  painfully  caucasian  . 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐫𝐤𝐬  &  𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞  𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐬  :  obnoxious  laughter  ,  snapbacks  ,  empty  beer  cans  ,  protein  shakes  ,  dust-covered  study  books  ,  two  seasons  into  spongebob  squarepants  on  netflix  ,  unread  message  from  father  ,  bitten  nails  ,  overflown  trash  cans  ,  used  condoms  ,  cupboard  full  of  ramen  pots  .   𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐒  : • the  o’connor’s  hail  from  an  incredibly  political  background  .  river’s  grandfather  ,  great  grandfather  were  both  former  mayors  ,  his  father  is  a  wealthy  senator  &  his  mother  a  news  anchor  with  a  heavy  hand  in  journalism  ,  she's  been  called  out  for  her  controversial  right  -  wing  opinions  in  the  media  .  river’s  raised  in  a  family  who  hold  strong  christian  ,  conservative  values  ( republicans  ,  yuck  !  )  though  his  father  remarried  two  times  before  winding  up  with  river’s  mom  .  needless  to  say  ,  this  clueless  boy  stuck  out  like  a  sore  thumb  compared  to  the  rest  of  his  full  &  half  -  siblings ; who  all  had  fixated  dreams &  plans  from  a  young  age  ,  whether  that  was  delving  into  medicine  ,  business  innovation  and  even  the  world  of  criminal  law  . • in  all  honesty  ,  though  ,  let’s  not  get  it  twisted  !  river  was  subject  to  a  very  privileged  childhood  .  he  had  everything  handed  to  him  on  a  silver  platter  until  the  age  of  sixteen  lmao  &  that’s  when  his  father  was  tireless  with  his  efforts  to  align  his  political  aspirations  with  river’s  future  .  he  made  sure  that  river  was  a  hard  working  boy  with  several  public  sector  volunteering  jobs  along  with  school  (  it  was  more-so  about  maintaining  “image”  &  brushing  up  on  prowess  ) ,  & all  throughout  high  school  he  still  sustained  tip  top  grades  .   •  during  his  private  academy  years  river  was  also  an  active  member  of  his  school  council  ,  debate  team  ,  played  lacrosse  &  football  but  really  fell  in  love  with  football  more  than  anything  .  he  dropped  the  rest  of  the  extracurricular’s  towards  the  end  to  focus  on  football  ,  as  his  coach  was  a  huge  positive  influence & encouraged  him  to  pursue  this  lil’  ol  ambition  !   •  so  lets  skip  to  college  !  river  knew  by  senior  year  he  wanted  to  get  away  from  florida  and  embellish  in  new  surroundings  for  his  college  years  . ngl  his  family  initially  wanted  him  to  go  to  harvard  so  he  had  to  put  up  a  good  fight  to  attend  hollingsworth  .  he  pledged  for  pike  even  though  his  upbringing  was  more  aligned  with  the  sigma  house  ,  but  tbh  river  knew  from  the  get-go  he'd  better  fit  with  his  pike  brothers  'cause  thats  where  he  could  find  kindred  souls  for  his  love  of  football  .  he  immediately  hurled  himself  into  a  wild  partying  lifestyle  (  lets  get  reckless  luv   )  .  alcohol  ,  drugs  ,  sex  ,  you  name  it  .  &  as  of  now   he  is  currently  playing  for  the  college  football  team  as  a  wide  receiver  in  the  pipeline  dream  of  getting  scouted  lmao  ,  but  his  parents  of  course  pushed  him  to  take  on  a  degree  that  could  be  utilised  for  a  political  future  .  he  figured  business  law  was  perhaps  the  most  ideal  course  of  action  'cause  he  really  doesn't  want  to  delve  into  the  world  of  politics  ,  especially  seeing  as  he  internally  opposes  everything  his  family  holds  dear  as  their  beliefs  .  also  ,  if  the  football  thing  doesn't  work  out  for  him  ,  corporate  law  is  the  next  best  thing  fdjdfnj  . so  yeah  !  though  he  comes  across  really  meathead  -  like  &  kind  of ( ? )  a  mess  ,  back  home  river’s  family  are  on  the  receiving  end  of  a  more  polished  ,  cultivated  version  of  their  son .  
•  okay  first  thing’s  first  .  river’s  a  huge  shithead  but  the  rare  times  get  him  in  his  philosophical  spiels  talking  about  the  world’s  political  state  ,  or  rather  ,  america’s  political  state  ,  he’s  far  more  woke  than  his  family  ,  &  actually  doesn’t  believe  in  a  lot  of  what  his  family  spews  .  there  have  been  far  too  many  family  dinners  where  there’s  been  heated  debates  between  him  &  his  relatives  .  some  of  his  siblings  also  share  progressive  opinions  but  there  are  others  (  the  older  ones  )  that  are  exact  replicas  of  his  father  lmao •  as  i’ve  mentioned  before  ,  he’s  become  a  huge  party  boy  ,  &  with  this  ,  unfortunately  ,  in  the  recent  year  there’s  been  a  slight  dependency  for  the  bottle  (  jsyk  he’s  not  a  raging  alcoholic  yet  but  im  js  nine  times  out  of  ten  you’ll  find  homeboy  buzzed )  .  river  doesn’t  think  he  really  has  a  problem  though  , &  he  especially  doesn’t  think  he  has  a  place  to  really  scream “  woe  is  me  “  ,  if  that  makes  sense ?  he’s  aware  of  his  privilege  &  most  times  when  he  feels  the  whole  world  is  piling  on  top  of  him  ,  it’s  just  easier  to  go  out    &  turn  up  .  he’s  stressed  a  lot  of  the  time  ,  but  again  ,  it’s  easier  to  bury  this  with  the  company  of  his  friends  on  some  #lets  get  wrecked  boys  lmao  .  also  when  he  goes  back  home  between  semesters  ,  he  helps  with  his  father’s  campaign  &  the  like  .  there’s  responsibilities  ,  he  doesn’t  get  to  go  back  home  for  a  break  .  he  used  to  be  a  freak  of  routine  &  get  lit  until  six  in  the  morning  every  day  &  then  run  his  normal  errands  on  no  sleep  but  recently  his  partying  habits  have  caught  up  to  him  ddfjnfd  he's  kinda  been  having  more  and  more  trouble  recovering  as  time  has  gone  on  . his  attendance  at  school  is  slowly  declining  this  year  cause  there'll  be  days  where  he  misses continual  day's  worth  of  classes  and  you  wont  hear  from  him  for a while... but  eventually  he’ll  show  up  like  nothing  was  wrong  . :~) •  an  attention  -  seeking  fuckboy  ,  he  can  very  loud  and  vulgar  but  is  here  for  a  good  time  not a  long  time.  most  of  his  relationships  have  either  been  very  on  /  off or  flings  that  have fizzled out  due  to  the  fact  he’s  a  leo  &  river  is  too  invested  in  himself  to ~ open up ~  emotionally   .  he’s  an  athlete  so  he  is  very  competitive  ,  a  sore  loser  dfjndfj  & can  have  a  melodramatic  temper  both  off  and  on  the  field  !
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