#sheamus x y/n
dirtywrestling · 11 months
Hi! Can you do a Sheamus x male reader where they have rough sex in the locker room after reader confesses to sheamus he has a crush on him? Bottom reader please
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Pairing: Sheamus x Male!Reader
Warnings: 18+ Blog, Minors DNI, Bottom!Male!Reader, Locker Room sex, Smut
Commission Requests: Open!
Imagine Requests: Open!
Follow My Side Blog!: @dirtywresling102
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You were glad you opened your mouth when you did. You were glad that you split your dirty little secret to Sheamus, alone in the locker room. "I like you, okay!" Was all it took for Sheamus to pin you against the wall and have his way.
Your grunts echoed throughout the small locker room as Sheamus was pressed up behind you, his large cock hitting all the tight places in your tight ass. "Fuck, gonna make me come already." Sheamus hissed, his large cock head was red on the tip, his heavy balls smacked against your cheeks with each thrust, ready to be emptied.
"Been that long, huh?" You teased only to hiss lowly as Sheamus gripped your hair, tugging your head back.
"Only good boys deserve my come, are you a good boy?" Sheamus' lips brushed against your neck.
"Yes, yes I'm a good boy." You whimpered feeling Sheamus' large hand wrapped around your aching cock, pressed against your stomach and the wall you were pinned against.
"Then start acting like it." The filthy sound of him thrusting into you faster and deeper erupted throughout the room.
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south-of-heaven · 4 months
We need more Rhea x Sheamus' Daughter! Reader! How about Sheamus and reader visiting Australia and Rhea proposes to reader? I want to ses how Sheamus would react to his little girl getting engaged with an Aussie!
Tears || Rhea Ripley x Reader
Summary: You bring Sheamus to Australia to meet Rhea's family. Something unexpected happens.
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The Australian summer embraces the land as you bring Sheamus, your father, to meet Rhea's family for the holidays. The festive spirit hangs in the air, and tonight, the plans include a dinner outing with both your families.
The evening is filled with laughter and lively conversation as you all gather around a table. The restaurant buzzes with warmth, mirroring the joy that fills the hearts of the blended group. Rhea sits beside you, a smile playing on her lips, and Sheamus is clearly enjoying the company.
Amidst the chatter, a sudden hush envelops the table as Rhea rises from her seat. The air is charged with anticipation as she turns to face you, her eyes reflecting a mix of nerves and excitement. The realization dawns on you, catching you completely off guard.
With a graceful movement, Rhea lowers herself onto one knee, and the room holds its breath. The clinking of cutlery fades into the background as all eyes fixate on the unexpected scene unfolding. Your heart races, mirroring the surprise etched on Sheamus's face.
Rhea's eyes lock onto yours, a warmth and sincerity emanating from her gaze. "Y/N," she begins, her voice carrying a depth of emotion that resonates through the room. "From the moment we met, you've been my rock, my love. I can't imagine my life without you, and I don't want to."
A gasp escapes your lips as she produces a small box, revealing a glinting ring. The gravity of the moment hangs heavy in the air, and you find yourself at a loss for words. Rhea continues, her words a testament to the love you've built together.
"Will you make me the happiest person in the world and marry me?" she asks, her voice steady yet vulnerable.
Sheamus, his eyes locked on the unfolding scene, can't hide the twinkle of pride and emotion in his gaze. A moment of silence stretches, filled only by the beating of hearts. Then, with overwhelming joy, you nod, a radiant smile breaking across your face.
The room erupts in cheers, and Rhea slides the ring onto your finger. She stands, pulling you into a tender embrace, sealing the promise of a shared future. The applause is accompanied by the unspoken sentiment that this moment will forever be etched in the hearts gathered around the table.
Sheamus, despite his gruff exterior, wipes away a tear, a subtle show of emotion he won't admit to. The love and commitment shared in this unexpected proposal transcend the boundaries of family, creating a memory that will forever be cherished in the holiday air of an Australian summer night.
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toastedkiwi · 1 year
Chunky Cat
Summary: Henry giving a much deserved update on Sheamus’s weight loss journey. It is a short fic.
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Traumatized Daughter!Reader
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“Everybody’s asking about the fat-,” Henry said to his phone.
“He’s not fat,” you interrupted softly.
“He is,” he said looking at you.
“No, he’s thick,” you said shaking your head.
“He isn’t thick. He. Is. Fat,” Henry argued.
“He’s chunky,” you corrected.
“The chunky orange cat that resides in this home. His name is Sheamus by the way,” Henry said to his phone. “I’ve been told that we need to update you on his weight loss journey. How much weight has he lost, Y/n?”
Your dad leaned into you and adjusted his phone to get you into the shot. The orange cat is happily cradled in your arms.
“Just a pound,” you giggled.
“He’s been eating Kal’s food, right?” Henry asked.
“Yeah,” you smiled.
“Do you have anything to say for yourself on your journey, Sheamus?” he asked.
Sheamus meowed.
“Any last words, Y/n?” your dad asked.
You shook your head no.
“Well, hopefully, the chunkster will be less chunky and stop eating poor Kal’s food,” Henry said.
You giggled and said, “he won’t.”
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sulfurz · 10 months
ೃ༄ MEANT TO BE YOURS (sheamus x fem!reader)
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ೃ༄ PAIRING: sheamus x fem!reader
ೃ༄ REQUESTED BY: @lambofjudgement
now that I've finished screaming about how much I love your writing I have a request (to fill out your masterlist a little bit) for sheamus jealousy fluff? where the f!reader's been teaming with the brawling brutes for a while and when they're feuding with Imperium the Imperium tries to convince her she's too good for them? Maybe before they're together, where he's trying to convince her to stay by being extra nice and thoughtful or overprotectiveness of "his girl" that he lets slip accidentally? whichever route you take will be awesome I'm sure of it! <3
ೃ༄ WARNINGS: um idk like?!?! possessiveness ig??? sheamus is just hot n y/n fancies him
ೃ༄ WORD COUNT: 2.6k😳
ೃ༄ NOTE: UMMMM can u tell i got carried away……. i love sheamus sm i met him once and he is genuinely the sweetest guy in the world so a stephen request ????? i am in heaven pls enjoy
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in theory, the moment you saw the camera you should have known something was coming.
it was one of those peaceful saturday nights on raw, a rare evening where you didn’t have a match to be a part of in any shape or form. you were simply enjoying the energy backstage as you could hear the crowd thrumming beyond the walls, watching matches that didn’t involve you on the monitor. management had requested you come along for some segments, so you were somewhat on guard, but the most you expected was an interview with renee.
you did not expect for the imperium to trudge towards you, trailed by a camera man as they came over with their proposition.
“are you ready to be on the losing side again?” gunther asked, trailed by his lackeys sad they stopped before you, circling like hyenas on the prowl.
you could only cross your arms in defence. “what makes you so sure we’ll lose?”
ludwig laughed from his leader’s left side, an air of certainess to his posture. “oh come on, y/n. you know as much as we do. you’re too good for those brutes, pardon the pun.”
the brutes in question being the stable you had taken on under your management. the brawling brutes were a separate endeavour to your solo career, but it was no secret the group had thrived under your care. if you had been coerced into joining in the first place by a particularly charming irish man, no one would have to know, either. it just so happened your management were looking for another way to push you, and acting as manager for such a powerful stable seemed like a dream when that opportunity fell in your lap.
but of course, once you proved to yourself and the rest of the wwe universe that you knew how to handle yourself both inside and outside of the ring, it wasn’t long before others tried to hunt you down. the brawling brutes were gaining power quicker than a steamroller, and of course people would give anything to stop them in their tracks.
“and what’s in it for me? if i betray them?” you crossed your arms in front of your chest, playing up to the camera, but asking more for your own gain than anything.
“unprecedented power, y/n. sweet, sweet power.” gunther added, motioning for the rest of his stable to follow as he began to walk away. “think about it, you’ll make the right decision.”
you gave a knock to the men’s dressing room door, a telltale shout of ‘decent’ giving away exactly who was in there — his accent certainly stood out amongst most.
pushing open the door, you were met by one single figure hanging back, but the man you needed to see. sheamus was standing there as decent as decent could be for a wwe superstar. it made you blush slightly, but you couldn’t quite understand why. you were used to going arm in arm with the man weekly when he was in nothing more than tight underwear and body oil — yet seeing him standing, clad in nothing but sweats, felt more intimate than before.
“heya, sweetheart.” he mused, charming as ever even when his in ring persona was lessened by the absence of cameras. “missed me that much?”
you rolled your eyes fondly, giving a light shove to his shoulder as you passed to take your place on a bench nearby. “don’t flatter yourself.”
sheamus grinned, a secondary emotion that you couldn’t place flashing past his eyes momentarily. he would never relent, and whilst you always had a rebuttal on the tip of your tongue, you wouldn’t deny how you were consistently forced to turn away, mainly so the man couldn’t see the reddening of your cheeks.
as the leader of the brawling brutes, it was sheamus who you came into contact with the most, and the two of you had built an interesting dynamic over the past few months. he had never hidden his affections for you in the ring, always jumping at an opportunity to be by your side, but you had foolishly put this down to his character, and never thought much of it. he was a naturally charming man, wildly different from everyone else in the roster, and it would have been easy to fall for someone like that. so, aware he was simply just being a character, you shut yourself down to every attempt to place that charm on you, not allowing the possibility for heartbreak.
“i had an interesting conversation today.” you commented quietly, crossing one leg over the other as you watched sheamus ruffle his wet hair from the shower with a towel (bright pink, and strangely familiar? was that a little decal of a flower? where did he get your towel from????). “let’s just say the last thing i was expecting today was to be accosted by imperium.”
sheamus stopped his drying motions immediately, hands coming back down to his side. “imperium? what the hell are they doing? trying to intimidate you?”
you hummed, considering how to approach this. “quite the opposite. in fact, they’ve got it into their minds that i’d be better off by their side, instead of yours.”
then, sheamus barked out a laugh and returned to his prior movements, seemingly unconcerned by the initial offer from your opponents. “well, can’t fault them for trying. as if they’re worthy of you.��
you stayed silent, watching as your friend and in ring partner raided his gym bag in search of a shirt.
“i mean. they’re not wrong when they suggest my style fits theirs slightly better. when i’m on my own i think anyone would have put me with them over you guys.”
silence met you, and when you glanced at sheamus, he wasn’t even looking in your direction. too focused on untangling his shirt straps. for a moment you thought, if that was how much he cared, then you might just take imperium up on their offer—
“you really think that?” sheamus asked darkly, not sparing a glance to his side.
shrugging, you added “i mean, we don’t know for certain but, what have you exactly got to offer me in terms of furthering my career?”
sheamus barked a laugh, but it was void of any humour. “i could list a million reasons why you suit us, sweetheart. how many do you want?”
you raised an eyebrow, his tone rattling straight through you. he was intimidating when he wanted to be, and it was clear that on stage persona was blurring with the man behind the camera for just a second.
“stephen.” you offered as warning, rarely choosing to use superstars’ real names unless the moment required it.
he spun quickly, taking one look at you before any of that hardness slipped away from his features and he was back to looking at you with a level of respect and awe.
“you’ve seen what we can do with you by our sides, y/n. you’re a warrior in and out of the ring. imperium don’t want to further your career, they want to use you for their own benefit.” he took a moment to pull the shirt over his head, before making his way to sit beside you. there was a couple of feet between your positions, but somehow the distance felt even greater.
you hummed, contemplating for just a second. “and? isn’t that what you’re doing? using me for your own benefit?”
when sheamus spoke again, there wasn’t the harshness in his tone like there was before, replaced by the sound of honey dripping off of every word. “we’ve never used you. sure, there’s no denying we’re better with you by our side, but you did all that. imperium want to use you as a pretty show piece, but to us you’re our lifeline.”
you smiled everso slightly, more having to fight the upturn of your lips than anything. “sure you don’t just like a hot woman on your arm every night?”
your stable mate grinned, playfulness returning to the air as he buttered you up. “sure, that’s a bonus, sweetheart. but you’re so much more than that.”
if your heart fluttered slightly at the tone he used, deep and rooted with genuineness, you wouldn’t tell anyone. that was a secret for you to keep.
“you’re a fool if you think we only want you to make us look good.” sheamus began again, shameless as he reached across the space between your bodies, brushing a stray strand of your hair away from your face and behind your ear. another flutter of your heart, this time more like a whisper of wind. “imperium want you to be their arm candy, we want you to be our soul. half the stuff we do wouldn’t be possible without you. you’re one of the strongest women in the roster right now, and that’s not just opinion but a fact, and it’s an honour getting to prove that. you can hold your own, hey, you can be even better, amongst the men, and i think that says everything.”
“you think that highly of me?” you asked, half jokingly, half from a place of needing reassurance. it was easy to doubt yourself amongst so many powerful opponents. “you’re already fighting pretty hard to get me to stay and i barely said anything.”
“you said enough for me to know i don’t want them getting their hands on you.” sheamus muttered, and suddenly the gap between the two of you seemed much smaller than before. “i won’t let them take my girl away that easily.”
your eyes widened at the same time his own demeanour cracked, both noticing the slip of tongue at the same time. again, you were used to the flirting the irish man undertook in the ring, and half of the time outside of it, but any semblance that those layers ran deeper than just kayfabe and your head was in a spin.
another knock at the door brought you out of the moment, a staff member poking his head in to let the two of you know they were closing up soon.
so with a few last goodbyes, you parted ways, this time with a new feeling of confusion in your chest. it was no longer the question of whether the brawling brutes wanted you more than the imperium, but now whether sheamus wanted you more than you wanted to leave.
after the segments on the show the week prior, it was no shock when the brawling brutes had one of their promos cut by the imperium themselves. you had expected it really, but it didn’t make the image of the four men wandering down the ramp towards the ring any less intimidating.
you stood just by the curtain of the ring, watching in concern as predator stalked their prey. you could see imperiums eyes on you, and you knew sheamus had noticed too, for he seemed to step in between their view of you protectively.
“well if it isn’t our favourite manager and her lackeys.” gunter began, practically toe to toe with sheamus as they stood leader against leader. “have you given any thought to our little conversation last week, y/n?”
before you could even react, sheamus was speaking on your behalf. “she doesn’t want to run around with little boys, she wants to stick with the men.”
gunther only chuckled into the mic, not quick enough to give his own response before giovanni was adding in himself, “if she wants men, she’s with the wrong team.”
“i wonder, if we asked her now, who’d she’s choose?” gunther challenged, the crowd hollering for you to join the conversation.
“stop fooling yourself, gunther, it’s getting embarrassing—“
sheamus was cut off by gunther once more “why don’t we let the little lady speak for herself?”
if the imperium wanted brownie points, they certainly weren’t getting them speaking about you like that. sheamus seemed to think the same, if the way his fists clenched had anything to do with it. he didn’t seem happy about it, but turned to offer you a hand to climb in the ring nonetheless.
you took his offer of help, jumping inside and trying to ignore how you were sure he was squeezing your hand just a little harder than usual. he seemed reluctant to even let go, but dropped the contact only when butch offered you his own mic to join the chorus.
the outcome of this promo was up to you, your manager had made sure that you knew that fact. he was prepared to damage control whichever side you chose, but how was the moment, and you were more unsure than ever. one look at imperium had you wanting to change allegiance. for all the talk about their true intentions, you knew one thing for certain, and that was imperiums power. they were a force to be reckoned with, and having gunther as an ally? that could do wonders for your career both in the stable and in your own solo endeavours.
yet, as you glanced to your side, seeing how sheamus watched you with uncertainty, the decision began to unblur.
he hadn’t spoken to you since the little dialogue mishap in the locker room. you had, at first, thought maybe he was disgusted by his own words, wishing he could take them back out of sheer unhappiness — but when you looked at him now, you could see past sheamus, and just see stephen, and you realised everything he had said was true.
“sheamus over here seems to have gotten it into his head that your allegiance to him is stronger than your want for success.” gunther’s menacing tone brought you out of your realisation, and you turned back to see how the man towered over you. “but you and i know better, don’t we, y/n? you’re a strong woman, you’ll make the right decision.”
a deep breath. “you’re right gunther.” a gasp echoed throughout the crowd as you seemingly made your decision to turn sides. the man in question watched you with a sly smirk, thinking his plan had worked. “my want for success is stronger than anything. so, i have to choose the side i know will get me there.”
you could practically feel the panicked looks of the brawling brutes, and when you turned to hand butch his microphone back, the expressions of betrayal were just as expected — especially from one particular redhead.
taking a step back, you made to stand with the imperium, facing your other stable-mates as the crowd shouted all sorts of nonsense directed at you, surely horrified by your abandonment. you waited a second, revelling in the reaction and allowing the imperium to glow in what they thought was a victory, before in one swift motion, you landed a back elbow straight into gunther’s stomach.
the crowd cheered again, and you wasted no time in stepping back across the ring to sheamus’ side, the grin creeping across the man’s face larger than you had ever seen before.
as you joined back by his side, he didn’t bother removing the microphone from his lips as he solidified his comment from the week prior. “that’s my girl.”
for once, you didn’t think about consequences, not caring that this wasn’t part of the plan or even prior discussed by the two of you — you knew he wanted it as badly as you by now. so, in one swift motion, coupled with a whisper of ‘your girl’, you grabbed sheamus by the back of the neck and pulled him down to crash your lips together.
if the shout from the rest of the brawling brutes was loud in your ear, the screams of the audience were practically deafening, but you barely focused on the reaction as sheamus dropped the microphone he held to the floor in favour of grabbing ahold of your waist.
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vanillawurld · 11 months
༊*·˚Groupie Love
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✧.* Pair - Roman Reigns x Fem! Reader
✧.* Tags & Warnings - Cursing, fluff, slow burn-ish? cornyyyyyyy
✧.* Summary - After getting lost in the big halls where Monday Night Raw was being hosted, Reigns decided to swoop in and help her. From there, a beautiful connection starts to blossom with the WWE star and the lovely girl.
✧.* Extra - Set in Roman's Shield era
✧.* Word Count - 1,544
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Y/N remembers the first time her and Roman laid eyes on each other. It was on a Monday Night Raw event that her brother practically forced her to go to and the shield were making their apperence to ambush Cena, Orton, and Sheamus. When she heard their theme start playing and the men rushing down those long stairs, she didn't expect one of them to land their perfect eyes on her. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw the muscular man smirk at her while going down those long stairs. And it wasn't the last time Reigns acknowledged the girl. Throughout the weirdly long ambush, Roman kept snapping his neck to find Y/N and whenever he did, they always managed to lock eyes.
It was hard for Y/N to manage not to shy away from Roman's stare. Every time he would look for her in the crowd, her face and chest would get a warm but loving feeling.
After the shield left the ring, Y/N lost all interest and focus on any other match. All that was left in her head was the way Roman would stare at her. Even when he was supposed to be focusing on fighting Randy Orton, his eyes would wander off in the crowd to find her. In those stolen moments, she would think about why that man kept looking for her in the crowd.
Roman's action didn't go unnoticed. When him and his group were in the locker room, Seth asked him why he kept looking at the crowd like he was looking for someone. Roman didn't want to tell him that a beautiful glowing girl caught his attention so he lied and said it was nothing. But It was far from nothing though. From the time Roman wasn't in the ring, whenever he would memorize her face, he would smile. He needed to get close to her. He needed to figure out why he had the urge to be with her.
After hours of wrestling, screaming, and music, the event finally ended and it was time to go. Y/N didn't feel any remorse for ignoring the show that was happening in front of her eyes. Throughout the whole time, her head was in the clouds. Thinking of Roman. She didn't even notice the show was over until her brother grabbed her arm and dragged her with him so she didn't get lost in the crowd. While they were both leaving, her brother started to go on about the show. Her brain took no notice of her brother rambling about how amazing Brock Lesnar did this move or how Kane did that move. She didn't care.
"Oh wait, I want to go look at the merch," Her brother suddenly said. He let go of Y/N and started speed walking towards the hundreds of booths filled with WWE merchandise. Y/N took no interest in looking so she stood by a corner to wait for her brother. That was until she needed to use the restroom. She informed her brother to which he said "Yeah, okay. I'll meet you in the car," and kept looking at the merchandise in front of him. Y/N rolled her eyes and started to wander off to look for a bathroom.
'This was a mistake' she said in her head. She was lost. She knew she should've asked for help as soon as she was out of her brother's sight. Y/N was stressing out and making her situation even worse by continuing to roam around. She couldn't stop walking in fear of getting yelled at for being in a restricted area. She decided to stop and lean against a wall to call her brother for help. She didn't know how he would be able to help, but she just wanted to get out of there. As soon as she pressed on her brother's contact, she heard footsteps coming near her presence.
"You okay, ma'am?" she heard a deep voice say behind her. She turned around and saw him standing in front of her. Looking at her with a slight smile on his face.
"O-Oh, uh... Yeah, I'm okay. I just got lost looking for the bathroom," she told him. Roman chuckled at her response. It's not every day that a fan gets lost looking for the bathroom...maybe.
"Here, I'll help you find the bathroom. Don't worry," He said. Y/N mentally sighed. She got saved from embarrassment. "My name is Y/N by the way and you must be Roman Reigns!" she chimed.
Roman chuckled, "Yup that's me, but my real name is Joe so you can call me that". Y/N smiled and mouthed his real name again. She found it funny how he already gave her his real name after meeting him for just 6 seconds.
As they walked together, they were struggling to figure out what to talk about. Both of them wanted to break the awkward silence, but they didn't know how. That is until Y/N's brain started to remember when Roman kept staring at her when he was out in the ring. She wanted to ask him what that was about, but she was afraid that he would say that he wasn't staring at her. She didn't want to get humiliated by thinking a famous person kept staring at her.
Her thoughts were interrupted by Roman, "You sure you're okay? Your facial expression says that you're not." Y/N's cheeks got warm from how quickly he picked up her expression and thinking state.
"Yeah, I'm okay. I'm just thinking about something. That's all." Her voice got quieter. Roman looked at her and stopped walking, causing her to stop walking and turn to face him.
"Thinking of me staring at you while I was in the ring huh."
Y/N's eyes widened. She was right. "So you were staring at me," She softly said while smiling. "But why were you staring at me so much?" she asked. Her heart started beating faster after hearing Roman's confession. Her heart beating lighting fast and scared to hear his reasoning.
"To be honest, you just caught my attention. It’s crazy ‘cause … every day I looked into a crowd and lay eyes on a lot of people, but none of them have really captured my attention like you have. It’s not just your looks that caught my attention… it's something about you. I can’t really figure out what or why." Roman said.
She felt the butterflies in her stomach multiplying after hearing his response. She furrowed her eyebrows and looked at Roman with heart eyes. "Maybe one day you’ll figure it out," she replied.
Roman chuckled, "Well that’s only if we get to talk and interact more. Which, im not complaining about,” Y/N giggled and simply nodded her head.
The two just kept staring at each other. They were so caught up looking into each other's eyes that Y/N forgot she had to use the restroom. That moment was ruined when Y/N's phone started to ring. It was her brother. Y/N didn't realize how long she was gone and instead of picking up the phone to tell her brother she was fine, she sent him a text saying she'll be out in a second.
"I'll walk you out, don't worry."
When the two finally made it out of the building and into the parking lot, Y/N was kind of devasted. She didn't want to go. She wanted to stay with Roman and continue talking about hard feelings. As corny as it sounded, she would do anything to experience that again with Roman.
Y/N wasn't the only one hit with that devasting feeling. Roman didn't want Y/N to leave either. He still wanted to get to know her more. He felt like he was robbed from time.
"When will I get to see you again?" she softly asked Roman.
Roman looked at her and smiled, "Soon. The next WWE event is set a couple hours from this city and I'll be there. I can even buy your ticket if you want. I really want to see you there." he replied.
Y/N nodded her head and started walking toward her brother's car. But before she got close to the car, she turned around and smiled at Roman. "I'll wait for you," was the last thing she said to him that summer night.
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˖◛. *. ⋆ Vanilla Speaks
p.s I didn't proof read this so YOLO
p.p.s guys send in requests im bored
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itjazzbicch · 2 years
Small Confessions
Pairing:  Drew McIntyre x Fem Reader 
Summary: The reader, being long-time friends with Drew McIntyre and Sheamus, is hurt deeply by their fighting, trying to remind them of their friendship just to be shut down and more hurt by Sheamus, walking off before Drew can step in. So, Drew visits her at home, reminding her that they are best friends, and ends up sharing a small confession with her…
Warnings: SMUT! (18+ ONLY!) (Drinking, Swearing, Hairpulling, bit of rough sex, creampie)
Word Count: 2.2k 
Tag List: @demonqueen29 @peachy-satan00 @new-zealand-chic  @crowleysqueenofhell @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @thatpanpal @damnnhausen @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @linziland13 @xxx-jazz-xxx @writtingrose @cuzimacomedian @april-jeanette-wagner @starwithaheart @seeingstarks
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"Drew! Sheamus!"
Why did Adam Pearce even bother anymore? It's been how long that Drew and Sheamus have been fighting non-stop, anywhere, any time.
Deep inside, it did pain me because once upon a time, we were a trio of true friends with big dreams that we all got to accomplish together. Now, this? Just constant fighting? They must've forgotten that I was still here.
"Sorry they're like this Adam," I sighed, marching over and yanking Drew by the hair, Sheamus by the ear, yelling, "Don't you two ever get sick of fighting one another?!"
Adam was watching in shock, wishing he came to me a long time ago as I clanked their heads together hard, then tossed them to the floor on their butts.
"What happened to being best friends, no matter what?" I snapped, looking between the two groaning and rubbing their heads, "Going from nothing to something together! What happened to it? Now, you two fight and bicker like little kids! Get a grip. It's already bad enough that you two almost lost your Money in The Bank spots! Just cut it out, for the love of Pete!"
"Oh, don't ya start ya stuff, Y/N!" Sheamus rose to his first, scoffing at me, "This doesn't concern you, so buzz off!"
"All I want is for us to be friends again, Sheamus," I huffed, letting out emotion, "You just expect me to toss our friendship like trash? Like, how long have we been friends?"
"That's exactly what ya need to do," Sheamus breathed, yelling at me, "It is trash!"
Sheamus's words truly broke my heart into pieces. No matter what happened between the three of us, our friendship still prevailed, and hearing him call it trash, I was defeated. The sadness in my eyes was quite obvious.
For a moment, I didn't realize on my other side that Drew was getting back up, looking even more pissed off, then Adam just had to insert himself:
"Sheamus, you-"
"No, don't." I glared at Adam, having all eyes on me, making sure I glared at Drew and Sheamus too, "I guess I'm not their friend after all. I shouldn't have bothered."
There must've been a scary look on my face because everyone stood still, watching me leave till I was out of sight and not daring to move.
They always say words are just words, but they can truly hurt. Since I wasn't booked, I gladly packed up and went home. Once I was home, that little fight left my mind, and being back home was like normal. I put up all my things, took a shower then slept.
In the morning, it was no different either. Woke up, had a cup of coffee, went to go work out, took a quick shower, started cooking some food and I heard my doorbell ring.
Lucky them, the food I had cooking was done; turning off the stove then headed over and when I opened the door, I found something I didn't expect.
Drew always had the cutest smile that you couldn't look away from, white roses in one arm and a gift bag in another, smiling at me:
"There's my best friend!"
It was so hard for me not to smile, knowing that Drew was a true friend despite his fallout with Sheamus, but I still asked:
"What's this, Drew?"
"I know ya don't want me fighting Sheamus anymore, but I was very ready to claymore him after what he said to you," He began, seeing how it hit him in the heart just like it did to me, "And it literally made me cry when you said that we're not friends anymore. So, I'm here to remind you that unlike that scumbag Sheamus, you are my friend. My best friend."
That put the brightest smile on my face, on top of my favorite flowers, needing to know what was in that bag? How could I be so heartless and deny all of that?
"Drew, you big softy," I smiled, hugging him tightly, "I didn't mean that towards you, really. I know you'll always be my friend."
"Always, Y/N," He laid his head on top of mine, swaying softly and offering, "A game's about to come on. Wanna whip something up and watch it? We can also use your gift."
"Let's do it," I smiled, taking the roses as he stepped in, "What is the gift?"
Drew always knew me well, making me laugh while heading to the kitchen island, whipping out my favorite bottle of whiskey, "Great for a game day."
"Should've known," I laughed, heading over to the window where I kept my flowers, making those gorgeous white roses right at home in a vase, taking a slow breath in to smell, hearing behind me:
"Ooh, steak!"
Turning, there was Drew at the stove, eating the steak that I had prepared in the skillet for the sandwiches I was going to make and enjoying himself.
"Can I even make the sandwiches first, Drew?!" I scolded, shooing him away from the stove, "I just worked out and need the food."
"It's good!" He protested, stealing one more piece, "I can't help it."
Shaking my head at him, I went ahead and began to make our steak and cheese sandwiches, this time he helped rather than eat it all, and got us two glasses of whiskey so we could sit at the television and turn on the football game.
Moments like these were the best. Good food, whiskey, and a very good game. Once our food was gone, we were yelling at the television like crazy, whiskey maybe influencing how loud our voices were, jumping at certain times when our team scored.
"Come on! There ain't much time left!" Drew was literally on the edge of his seat, scoffing when I said:
"I don't know if they're gonna get it!"
"Bet ya fifty bucks?" He offered, positive that they were going to score, both of us standing and I agreed:
"Bet! They're not-"
"HELL YEAH!" Drew jumped for joy as they scored, winning the game, "Where's my money?!"
"Your money?!" I played back, pushing him softly, "I don't owe you shit."
"Ah! Ah! We made a bet and-" He began and just for fun, I used the coffee table as a step stool, jumping up and also pushing it so I could DDT Drew onto the couch cushion, rolling away to laugh:
"And I bet you didn't see that coming!"
I had to hold my stomach from laughing so hard but came to a slow stop when Drew picked his head up, giving me eyes like a tiger, even while playing.
"Now, Drew-" I went to deescalate, but there was no deescalating, taking off the second Drew got to his feet.
"Why are you running, Y/N?!" He began to chase, running around the couch at first, till I started booking it to my bedroom so I could try to hide:
"Running? I'm not running!"
Damn it, he was fast and I ended up squealing super loud when he ran through and tackled me onto the bed, beginning to tickle me and then raid my pockets:
"Ya owe me fifty bucks! Kick it up!"
"Drew, stop!" I laughed even when he wasn't tickling me, "I can't breathe!"
"How ya talking then!" He made us laugh more, to the point where we weren't breathing, collapsing on my chest and slapping the bed.
"They call you a Scottish psychopath, when you're really the Scottish goofball," I breathed in deep, looking to see his messy hair and bright blue eyes connect with mine, getting that serious, psychopathic look he could get, but was still playful:
"Now, you're gonna get the psycho."
I went to gasp but was left breathless when he kissed me, so deep and beginning to press my body into the bed, not expecting this but not letting the moment be wasted, kissing him right back, holding onto his jersey when he started feeling my legs.
"This is my favorite jersey," He looked down at my clenched hand in his shirt, seeing how hard I was gripping, cocking his eyebrow when I suggested:
"Just take it off then."
"Oh yeah?" He snickered, sitting up and taking it off, slow and showing off every muscle in his arms, chest, and core, having me licking and biting at my lower lip, not paying attention till he said, "Like what you see?"
I just nodded softly, fighting the squirm in my hips, but he noticed, sending my heart racing when he put his hands on my knees, spreading my legs out, connecting hips and bringing his chest back to mine, "I can tell."
"You know that I'm a straight-forward person, Drew," I reminded him, softly grinding my hips up to his, "Where are we going to go with this?"
"You know exactly where we're going," He smiled, kissing me again, a lot more impatient and stronger, hands going right for my clothes and I helped, getting down to my panties then going after his pants, but he stood up, doing that for me.
My eyes were so fixed on his marvelous body that it caught me off guard when he yanked me by the ankle, flipping me to my stomach, really turning me on when I felt his hand in my hair.
"Don't think I forgot how you pulled me by the hair on Friday," His laugh was no good, pulling my head back and the other hand pulling my panties off, using his thigh to spread my legs, "Figured I'd return the favor."
"Don't act like you didn't like it," I joked, throwing a sexy smirk back at him, going to back my hips up, but my jaw dropped.
Kneading at the bed softly, I took a deep breath, taking in the feeling of his cock finding its way into me, the way it was splitting me with such strong friction, so warm and creating a wave of fire across my nerves when he pinned his hips to my ass, the tip of his cock as deep as possible, greeting my sweet spot.
I already knew that was the only softness I was going to get, ready to hold onto the blanket as he pulled his hips back, leaving just his tip:
"You're really gonna like it, I know that."
There was a small strain in my throat from the sharp moan jumping out, strong hand yanking my hair, pulling my entire body back onto his cock, hips thrusting hard and about putting me in two, showing me that he didn't like it slow.
Neither did I, slight tears in my eyes from the burn, but the pleasure so good that it had me in a daze already, only straining my voice more with louder moans, his pounding so strong I could feel the ricochet ripple through my body.
"I fucking love it!" I whined hard, pushing my face into the mattress to rest my neck for a moment, walls clenching hard and it was just driving him even more crazy.
"Love it, aye?" He was so proud already, laughing softly at the drool at the side of my mouth when he pulled my head back up, so out of it that I admitted:
"You know how many times I've dreamed about fucking you? Damn, right I love it."
In return, he kissed me with a passionate force, tongue swirling in when I began moaning, because his cock didn't slow for even a second, heart pounding so hard when he bit my lower lips, hand gripped on my hip and pulling back, confessing back:
"Think I haven't about you? I did kiss you first, remember?"
I nodded softly, crying out when he freed my lip, "God, Drew! Keep it like that!"
"Gonna tell me why?"
My body was shaking from how close I was, beginning to pant and it was harder to breathe his hand back in my hair again, not going to get what I wanted till I said it, not like he needed to ask anyhow because before he could say anything again, I gasped hard:
"Because I'm ab-; I'm cuming, Drew! Fuck!"
The only thing keeping me up was his hand, back bending and jerking my hips up toward him, pulling the blanket and sheets, growing weak in the knees when it all hit me, wet slick squirting out and sure making a mess of us as he kept going, groaning and swearing, but loving every moment, spanking my ass and holding on with a few more thrusts beginning to get the better of him.
"Come on, Drew," I looked back, begging due to the good feeling of his cock throbbing, closing my eyes and whining at the overstimulation, "It's just so fucking good."
"Sure the hell is," He breathed in deep, taking my wrists and keeping me pinned down, lifting our hips up just a little and pounding harder than before, having me bury my face to muffle the screams, picking up to get air and gasping at the hot feeling, walls coated in his seed, flooding in deep.
"Oh my god," My head dropped, drained but never feeling so good, slowly following along when he fixed me on the bed properly, laying on my back, huffing:
"Fuck, Y/N."
"You're telling me," I giggled faintly, looking in the corner of my eye to meet his, "Never seen this side of you and fuck."
He found it funny when my eyes rolled back and my head dropped again, not needing the words to know about our little confessions at that moment, but not leaving me hanging either:
"You can see it more if you want to." 
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deepdisireslonging · 2 years
Cheek to Cheek
The Reader has a request she’s never asked for. But Roman asks for her, and it makes a fantastic birthday present.
Pairing: Roman Reigns x Reader x Drew McIntyre
Warnings/Promises: food mention, SMUT, oral (female and male receiving), split-roasting, dirty talk
Word Count: 3000
Note: It’s mostly smut. Lovely, filthy, possessive and slightly fluffy smut. Comments and reblogs are appreciated. Enjoy!
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You tried to keep Roman from pushing you towards the front door of your house. “Is there a particular reason why you were craving strawberries this morning? I thought it was only the wife who was supposed to get cravings.” With a grunt, you placed your foot on the edge of the porch. “And why that certain store all the way across town?”
Roman scooped you up anyways, taking the fruit out of your hands. “I’ve got a plan, and they’ll be good with something later.” Unlocking the door, he made sure you went through it first.
“Happy Birthday, Y/N!”
You shrieked as your friends and coworkers started to sing the birthday song. Soon you were laughing, lightly punching Roman in the arm. He shrugged, and handed the strawberries off to Naomi, who sat them beside the delectable cake sitting on your kitchen counter.
“Happy Birthday, dear Y/N, happy birthday to you!”
Everything was moving so fast. Ice cream and cake and a few brightly wrapped presents, you welcomed the space of quiet you cut out for yourself on the edge of the party. Some of them, because of the show schedules, you hadn’t seen in a while. I was nice to catch up with them. Others had made similar reconnections. At least one square of cake had flown across your yard, landing perfectly on its target to much cheering and applause. But the alone time in the quiet couldn’t last long.
Roman appeared behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist, and resting his chin on your shoulder. “Did you enjoy your surprise?”
“I did, thank you. But you didn’t have to do all this.” Waving your arm in a circle, you brought attention to the raucous that had become your backyard. If people didn’t keep an eye out, the square of grass was going to turn into a ring requiring a referee.
“Yes, I did. I like surprising you with things.” He kissed your temple, then whispered in your ear. “This isn’t all that I’ve got for you.”
You rolled your eyes. The man never stops. “Oh, I’m sure you do.”
Slightly offended, he sucked his teeth at you. “It won’t be only that.” Pressing his cheek to yours, he guided your eyeline to land on one other person. “I talked to somebody this week about something you’ve been afraid to ask for yourself.”
A gasp ripped through you. It caught the attention of the man you were looking at. That Scottish grin tugged at the side of Drew’s face, and he raised his plate of cake to you. When he winked, you shrank back into Roman’s chest, but he puffed it out. Forcing you to remain in view of the only other man you desired besides Roman.
“You’re not joking, are you?”
Roman kissed your temple again before standing straight. “I never joke when it comes to the needs of my girl.” He nodded over your head at Drew.
Soon you were standing in his shadow, backed up against your lover and husband with nowhere to go. “Happy birthday, Y/N.”
You swallowed thickly. “Th- Thank you.”
“If it’s alright, I’ll see you later to give you your present.”
He was gone, pulled away by Sheamus into a deep soccer discussion before you could squeak out a reply. Roman ran his hands up and down your shoulders. You calmed under his touch. Suddenly, you turned. Grabbing him by his shirt collar, you dragged him down for a kiss.
“Thank you, thank you, thank-“
Roman silenced you with a kiss. “Anything for you.”
Across the yard, Jimmy Uso shouted, “get a room!”
“If you would hurry up and eat your cake, we would have been there by now!” Roman tugged you into his chest to hide your embarrassment, flipping off his cousin while the rest of the party laughed.
The rest of the celebration went smoothly. It was the first time in a while that you’d been able to relax with your coworkers, many of whom you truly considered your close friends. They trickled out a few at a time and wishing you well.
Soon it was just you, Roman, and Drew.
The second the door shut, they turned and looked at you with equally hungry gazes. Like lions, they followed your retreating steps. Down the hall, bumping into corners, struggling with door handles. Roman pressed up against you, opening the last one into your bedroom when your hands couldn’t manage it in time. He picked you up by your waist, making you yelp. As Drew shut the door behind him, Roman planted you in the center of the room.
“I have to admit,” Drew said, “that I was a bit surprised when Roman came to see me. I didn’t take him for the kind of man to share.” He ignored Roman’s muttered “I don’t,” and started to pace around you. “It’s unfortunate that Roman got to you before I did.” Placing the crook of his finger under your chin, he made you look up into his eyes. “Maybe you wouldn’t be in such a predicament now.”
A warm torso stepped up behind you, trapping you between the two men once again. “Perhaps. But then you’d be in the predicament of having to come to me to ask for this little evening.” Roman ran his fingers through your hair, making your eyes close and your mouth part. He chuckled above you, laughing at how easily you melted under his touch, and at Drew’s shocked face of how little it took to make you moan. He stepped back, making you whine at the loss of his heat. “What can I say? You’ll always be my favorite number two.”
Drew rolled his eyes. “Aw, piss off, Reigns.”
You turned and slapped at Roman’s shoulder. “Could you behave for once?”
“That’s not usually my style.”
“It’s my birthday,” you pouted.
Stepping behind you, Drew wrapped his arms around your shoulders and rested his head to one side, mirroring Roman’s place. “She’s right, Roman. You shouldn’t deny the birthday girl the perfect version of her present.” He kissed the side of your head, making Roman growl.
To calm him, you wrapped your arms around one of Drew’s. “Please, baby? If this is supposed to be my present, can you two get along for a little while?”
That did it. Roman dramatically sighed. “I suppose so.” He snagged your wrist to tugged you out of Drew’s grip. “But you’re my girl, always and forever.”
“Unless she wants more, sometime.”
Roman shot him a glare. You laced your fingers into his. “I’m yours. Always and forever. Thanks for inviting Drew for me.”
“Anything for my girl.”
Drew snorted. “You’ve really got him wrapped around your little finger, don’t you, princess?”
“In about ten minutes,” Roman said, “you’ll probably be in the same position.”
Rolling your eyes, you took both men by the wrist and tugged them towards the bed. You guided each hand to a strap on your dress, then closed your eyes. It made your skin hot that you could tell their touches apart despite them moving in confusing patterns. One dipped under the front neckline to run his fingers over your breasts. The other reached back, spreading his large hand across your bared skin, then reaching for the zipper. As it came down, the other helped you out of the fabric. Unprepared as you were, your underwear didn’t match, one of the bows was missing, and you momentarily felt like this moment could have been better. Then the hands removed that fabric as well, and you didn’t care anymore.
When you opened your eyes, Roman was there to kiss your forehead. He made eye contact with Drew behind you, who kissed between your shoulder blades. You arched at the sensation.
“Watch this.” Roman ran his hands up your stomach to cup your breasts. Then he squeezed them, kneaded them and brought your nipples to stiff peaks. Your mouth fell open, gasping as he started to roll the buds between his fingers. His touch moved for a minute, then Drew’s hands were where his had been. Drew continued the motion, humming as you leaned back into his chest. Roman guided your feet apart. He reached between your thighs, then ran his fingers through the slick he found there. “Either that didn’t take long, or you’ve been wet all afternoon thinking about taking both of us.” He made you focus on him. “Which was it?”
He didn’t wait for your answer. Shedding his shirt, he nodded for Drew to do the same, taking up the motions on your breasts in the meantime. Drew sat on the edge of the bed. He pulled you into his lap, holding your legs apart with his knees. Roman kneeled, watching you pant and writhe with Drew working your breasts, and him rubbing up and down your thighs.
“Talk to her.” As he nosed up your thigh he added, “bonus points if you find the place on her neck to whisper and make her shiver.”
You glared at him.
Then Drew’s nose was running along your jawline. “Hmm. I wonder where that could be.” The rumble in his chest brought you close to a shiver. “I have to ask,” he kissed the top of your shoulder, “why did you wait so long to ask, princess? You could have had me at any time.” He moved his mouth to right behind your ear. “You could have had this cock filling you every night.” The shiver that shot through you made him trap you close to his chest. One hand spread across your stomach, while the other alternated between your breasts. Your arms were pinned to your sides.
So, when Roman started to eat you out, there was nowhere for you to squirm except back into Drew’s chest, and to grind back into his cock trapped in his jeans. He groaned in your ear, holding you closer. Roman nosed at your clit, helping to pin down your thighs with his grip keeping you open and spread across Drew’s thighs. Behind you, Drew continued to whisper questions of what you liked best. Below you, Roman brought you to the brink, leaned back so you would squirm, then to the brink again. Soon Drew couldn’t take you grinding on his cock anymore and reached for your clit himself.
“Does the birthday girl get to cum as many times as she wants, or will there be just one like lightening?”
Roman slowly licked bottom to top up your slit. “Depends. Which do you want, baby girl? So many that you can’t remember your name, or just the one that will knock you on your ass?” He curled two fingers into your slick. “You have to tell me soon. Or I’m going to pick.”
“Many,” you rushed. “Please. Don’t make me wait. I want to feel both of you. Please. Many, please, Roman-“
He grunted. “Keep working at her clit. And hold her tight, Drew. She’s… active when she cums.”
You could feel Drew’s smirk against your cheek.
They worked against you together. On edge already, the first orgasm quaked through your limbs. Drew tightened his grip, gasping with how much force there was in your release. He pressed his cheek to yours as you opened your eyes, and you saw what he saw. Across the room, your boudoir mirror caught your strung-out look and reflected it back. Roman’s head bobbed up and down as he toyed with your sex. Stringing you out, drawing your next release closer and closer. Drew’s ministrations on your clit made your chest heave.
“You look gorgeous, princess,” Drew groaned in your ear. “We’ve got all night to ruin ya’ and we’ve just begun.”
Roman took that moment to curl his fingers how he had learned over the years with you. Again, you shuddered and quaked, gushing on Roman’s tongue and arching in Drew’s hold. Roman stood up to swallow your cries with a rough kiss. He motioned for Drew to get rid of his pants while he worked on removing his own. Every inch of you was sensitive. Both men kissed their way over and around your body, nipping and sucking marks to claim bits and pieces of you.
Holding you lightly by your throat, Roman held you up to meet his gaze. “Do you want him, baby girl?”
Frantically, you nodded.
He pushed you to your hands and knees with your legs spread towards him. In front of you, Drew was very ready for you. His cock bobbed in front of your face.
“Go ahead,” Roman urged. “Taste it.”
“Come on, princess. Let me feel that hot mouth-“ Drew broke off with a groan as you wrapped your lips around his head. You moaned and hummed around him. Bobbing back and forth, you worked on getting as deep into your mouth as you could. Roman suddenly pulled you away, making both you and Drew gasp at the loss. “Reigns-“
“I need her attention.” Roman stroked your breasts, then ran his hand up to your throat, supporting your head. “You’re gonna make him feel good, right?” He grinned at feeling your hum under his fingertips. “While you’re doing that, I’m going to make you feel good too. Is that okay?”
“Yes, please.”
He pushed you back down, spreading his hand over your spine. “That’s my good girl.”
You warmed at the praise. Eagerly, you took Drew back into your mouth. Roman began to work into your sex, easing, pulling and pushing. The pushing sent you further down Drew’s cock, making him brace one hand back on the headboard. He gripped your hair, keeping you from taking him all the way. That is, until Roman was ready. Unknown to you, they shared a look above you, then both pulled out so they could begin their paces into your holes.
Drew cracked first. “Reigns, you bastard-“
He just laughed. “Tappin’ out already?”
“Not a chance.” Drew moved your hair out of your face so he could watch your lips move around his cock. “Look at you, princess. Never would’ve thought you were such a good cocksucker. And takin’ the both of us? You’re a treasure.” He groaned as you swallowed around him. “Takin’ me so deep down t’at pretty throat. Takin’ him so deep into your pussy.”
Roman groaned when you contracted your walls around him, letting him know you hadn’t forgot him. “You like it when we talk dirty to you, don’t you pretty girl?” He roughly filled you, then sat there, running his fingers up and down your spine while Drew continued to fuck your mouth. “Bet Drew has no idea the things you let me do to you. Edging you for weeks while I’m gone. Making you scream for hours when I get back, or you come to see me. Wonder if he’s ever heard you from my dressing room, unable to scream anything but my name.”
Drew’s pace stuttered.
It wasn’t unnoticed. “He answered quick to your little proposition. Turns out, he wanted you just as much as you wanted him. Can you imagine it, baby girl, your big Scotsman having to find some secluded spot because of the sound of you cumming on this dick?”
You groaned, making Drew shudder. Moving with Roman’s restarted thrusts, you took Drew deeper, gagging when you went to far. Drew kept you from doing that again, but his stuttering thrusts filled your mouth and throat just fine. Your every nerve ending was thrumming. So close to release. Roman knew it, was waiting for it. He lightly scratched his nails down your back, then leaned to reach down for your clit.
“Cum for us, baby. Come on.”
With a whimper, your body seized. Drew gripped the base of his cock and pulled out so you could breathe and scream as Roman kept moving. He watched as Roman took you to another orgasm before filling you with his own.
Roman, breathless, laid you down across the bed as Drew moved to stand between your legs. Roman kneeled next to your head to kiss your cheek and to ask you to keep going. “Can you give us one more, baby? To thank him for your present?”
Your mind was filled with haze. But you nodded anyway and reached for him. Drew took your hand, letting you pull him over you. His large hands smoothed up your torso, then back down to your thighs. He held them open, plotting his next move. Your sex oozed with Roman’s cum. Smirking, Drew crooked his fingers and scooped it out. You shuddered with sensitivity, soothed by Roman running his fingers through your hair. You didn’t see the glare. Didn’t care as Drew slowly filled you. Their stuffing of you were of different pleasing proportions, but all you cared about was the pleasure. He waited for you to buck towards him before making the pace.
“How does she feel, Drew?”
“Incredible,” he grunted. “Gonna make you cum, princess. Gonna fill you up. Your mouth took me so good. Now fuck this cock. Come on. I’ll get you there.”
Weakly, you met his thrusts. The last orgasm was there. Waiting. Close. Drew reached to circle your clit. It didn’t take long before you were gone. Soaring. Crying out his name and clawing at the sheets with the hand Roman didn’t have intertwined with his.
Finally sated, you let your mind blur and dance in fuzzy circles behind your eyes. Gently, they cleaned you up. Dressed you in your silk pajamas. You startled when both of them crawled into bed on either side of you.
Roman kissed the back of your neck while Drew traced his finger over your lips. “Did you really think a few orgasms was going to be your present?” Drew chuckled, brushing his fingers over your eyelids. “I’ll be here in the morning for your wake-up call too.” He kissed your forehead. “Goodnight, princess.”
“Goodnight, baby girl.”
“Goodnight, Drew,” you yawned. “Goodnight, Roman.”
You dreamed of what the morning would bring.
*** Masterlist 
Wrestling Masterlist
Other “Shared” Fics:
Andrade Cien Almas/Reader/Dean Ambrose -  Choose Me (AR, A, Ficlet)
Bobby Fish x Reader x Kyle O’Reilly -  Our Princess (AR, S, threesome)
Elias x Reader x Roman Reigns  - Chained to the Wall (S, threesome)
Jordan Devlin x Reader x Finn Balor -  Teacher and Student (AK, S, Threesome, no M|M)
Pete Dunne x Reader x Tyler Bate -  Which One? (AR, F, S, threesome)
FTR (Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder) - Hands Everywhere (AR, S, Threesome)
Tommaso x Reader x Gargano -  Just a Thing (AR, S)
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rhodesrider · 2 years
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Drew M. x Little! Black! Fem Reader (Ft. Uncle! Sheamus)
SFW! Age Regression! 18+!
Word Count: 745
“My Queen! The knights are attacking your towers! What do we do?!”
Y/N looked around and got out her sword trying to protect her fort, but it was too late. The fort came down and she pouted starting to cry. Drew the knight in shining armor, went to go get her and gave the evil eye at Sheamus that knew he fucked up. “Dude you weren’t suppose to destroy the fort!” Drew said. “Uncle shemi why did you do that?” Y/N started to cry more upset. “Oh gosh darlin’ I’m sorry. My foot slipped.” Sheamus hugged her saying sorry a bunch of times. “No I don’t forgive you!” Y/N as you can tell is in her little space, and Sheamus was chilling with Drew having a drink till he asked her Daddy to play. Sheamus is still new to her being a little but he’s learning, it’s like having fun with a kid.
“Babydoll come on now you can’t forgive me at all?” Sheamus asked with a sweet voice. Y/N turned around and crossed her arms. Sheamus looked at Drew for help but he shrugged seeing if he can figure it out on his own. “Oh god mi heart…” he grabbed his chest dramatically. Y/N turned around and gasped going to him to help him. “Gosh darlin, I guess your powers are too strong..” Drew watched the scene trying to see what what going on. “Uncle what powers?” She asked confused and worried. “Your powers that strike down anyone that take your kingdom away but I swear it was an innocent my queen.” He pleaded. “I didn’t mean to..” she pouted. “It’s alright darlin, but there is a way to cure me!” Y/Ns eyes lit up. “Accept my apologies my queen , and I’ll take ya for ice cream.” She nodded quick. “Uncle shemi I forgive you!” He got back up dramatically and smiled picking her up hugging her, facing drew smirking taking this as a victory. “Now let’s go lass, how’s about some cookies and cream. My treat. Think of it as the enemy giving a truce.” She nodded. Sheamus smiled and fixed her tiara going to the kitchen with her. “I feel abandoned!” Drew said and Y/N got down from the island in the middle of the kitchen, getting Drew’s hand and he sat with her for ice cream.
After a while, Y/N was sleep on the couch, Drew put her weighted blanket over her smiling. Both Drew and Sheamus went to the other room with talk some. “How long have you been with Y/N again?” Sheamus asked sipping on the drink Drew poured. “Oh like 2 years, why?” “When she told you about this little space thing, how did you react?” Drew looked at Sheamus smiling. “Well, I was unsure about it. But I love her. So I learned about it, took a class on insta-“ “There’s a bloody class?!” Sheamus asked and Drew shushed him to keep it down. “Yea you would be surprised a lot of people helped me to understand, it was private too so I didn’t have to worry about fucking reported up my ass about this. What Y/N does is private in this house hold.”
Sheamus nodded understanding. “She has one little friend that’s it.” “Who?” “Judgement Days little hound..” Drew sighed. Sheamus blinked. “That little fucker Nicole?” He nodded. “She’s been there little for a minute. Dominik is the only one she doesn’t like.” They laughed some. “Why does she do it?”
Drew sighed and looked at her as she was sound asleep. “People hurt that poor lass. And she grew up too fast. You know the other day I got her a bratz doll. Those dolls from like the 2000s, I got her four and she was crying. They are right above her vanity in my room. She never had one. And I fulfilled that. I felt good when I did.” He smiled. “Good on you brother. What about when she acts out? Like does she have tantrums? Just throws fits.” Drew sighed nodding. “She does and it’s a struggle. But I got this.” He smirked pulling out a tally counter. “A counter?” “When she hears clicks she straightens up.” He smirked. “Got it from Balor.”
Y/N started to wake up but not as a little, as her usual self. She yawned and rubbed her eyes taking off the tiara looking at the time getting up getting her laptop. “Hey babygirl, you had a nice nap?” Drew asked. “Yea I did. Um imma go finish up my work and turn in these assignments…” she yawned again going upstairs to handle her business. “And that’s another thing, it’s not all the time. It’s just when she needs it.” Drew smiles going back in the living room and cleaning her toys and stuffed animals taking the fort down. “She gets stressed she ask, or sometimes when she has a nightmare she goes into it, either way I’ll be there for her.” Drew smiles finishing up. He texts her did she want any snacks while she studied. “Well I’m glad I’m a uncle for her.” He smiled. “Thank you and you’re awesome for learning more about her regression brother.” Drew smiles as Sheamus got his keys heading out. “You call me if you need a sitter.” He smiled and Drew let him out.
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nicolewoo · 7 months
Super Earth Chapter 11: Landed
Pairing: Roman Reigns X Reader
Interesting fact: TOI 1452b (SUPER EARTH) is a real planet, but's so far away, scientist can only speculate that it is covered in water.
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As the ship gently touched down onto the landing pad, I almost expected the pad to rock or shift and tumble us into the ocean, but it didn’t move at all.
“Great Landing Captain!” Seth’s voice chirped through the coms. “Smooth as butter.”
“Thank you for your assistance, Commander Rollins.” I answered back.
“Come on out whenever your ready.” Rollins added. “We’re all excited to meet you guys.”
From the cock pit 10 meters above the pad, I had an excellent view of the colony. The first thing I noticed was the wall that surrounded the colony. That had been a crucial piece of the colony and had taken 5 years to construct once a new type of plexiglass was made that was strong enough to withstand the ocean winds and waves and still allow the residents to see out. I couldn’t imagine what it must have been like in the years before that wall was erected. There had been quite a few people pulled overboard during storms. 6 colonists had died.
The landing pad itself had opaque walls made from a new type of organic plastic, because the plexiglass couldn’t handle the heat of the ship engines.
The colony consisted of identical small white houses. The pad itself was near the workshops and warehouses for the settlement. There were also a few bigger buildings in the center of town. I assumed they housed the public buildings and businesses. There were plants everywhere. Growing on top of the buildings, growing from raised beds around the houses, even window boxes grew what looked like herbs.
My eyes scanned the ocean. The gorgeous teal waters around the colony were calm and peaceful, but we had seen dark blue waters and storms as we orbited the planet.
15 minutes after landing, I walked down the ramp flanked by Jamie, Orange, Gargano, Dr. Thorpe and Ciampa behind me. A group of people were headed to the launch pad on electric golf carts… a lot of them.
A tall man with wild, untamed black hair and beard led the group to greet us. “Captain Y/L/N?”
“Commander Rollins?” I asked extending my hand to shake his.
“Welcome to Super Earth!” He shook my hand as he talked. I stopped to look around, breathing in the salty air. My eyes scanned the vast planet of water around the colony, and I realized my whole group was doing the same.
“Thank you.” I tried to focus back on him.
I’d done it. We’d done it. We successfully landed on Super Earth. I realized every dream I’d ever had was coming true right at this moment, and it was surreal.
“Commander Rollins, I’d like to…..”
Rollins held up a hand to stop me. “It’s just Seth. We don’t stand on ceremony here. Just call me Seth.”
This was a bit of information I’d somehow never heard before. “No ranks?” He shook his head no. Somehow that felt right; no ranks, no titles. It was foreign to me, to my crew, but then we were surrounded by new everything.
“Seth, I’d like to introduce you to some of my crew. Lt….. I mean, Jamie and Ciampa are my co-pilots, Dr. Thorpe, Orange Cassidy and Gargano who are our Engineers.”
Seth took turns shaking everyone’s hands before introducing the people standing around him.   “This is Balor, Priest,” I started shaking their hands “Um…. Sheamus, Butch and Holland.”
I waited a beat for their ranks before realizing they wouldn’t be given. Everything was so relaxed here.
I heard footsteps coming from inside the ship and turned to see Mello tentatively coming down the ramp with his duffel bag. He looked questioningly at me as if asking permission, and I signaled to let everyone out of the ship.  
The people Seth had just introduced me to were quick to greet my crew and passengers, grabbing bags and loading them onto the golf carts as they did. Seeing my crew and passengers coming off the ship and seeing the planet for the first time was almost as exciting as I was coming down the ramp. Wide eyes, smiles, laughs. I’d done this. I’d gotten everyone here safely. A tear of relief threatened to fall from my eye. Orange scooted closer to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. Jamie came up from the other side, wrapping an arm around my waist.
“You did it, Cap.” Orange said.
“WE did it.” I answered.
We stayed a couple more minutes watching as colonists greeted our crew and passengers. Hugs, handshakes, smiles and laughter abounded. Many of the crew members and scientists paused to give me and the flight crew a pat on the back. Tilly came over to hug me, holding me too tight and whispering, “I knew you could do it!” before going back to the friends she was with.
Priest, who I’d just met a few minutes ago, stuck his fingers in his mouth for a loud whistle to get everyone’s attention. “Let’s all head into town.” Seth said and we started walking away from the pad. I’d thought the golf carts were there to give us rides into the colony, but instead they were used to carry luggage, although I did see Owens and Zayne hanging off the back of one, grinning mischievously like school-boys.
I saw Roman out of the corner of my eye. “Will you excuse me for a second?” Seth said yes and took the break to talk to one of the cart drivers.
I practically ran to Roman and I jumped into his arms. “You did it, baby girl. I knew you would.” He said as he spun me around once. That pesky tear of joy came out now, snaking down my face as the cool ocean wind chilled it. “Ok, go do your thing. I’ll see you after my lab is set up.”
“Love you.” I whispered as I hugged him again and went back to Seth.
Residents of the colony lined the streets, waving and cheering as we passed. They all seemed to be as excited as we were. Flags of different countries hung from doorways, pieces of cloth had been strung together to create Mexican-style decorative flag bunting that hung between the houses and across the streets and children had filled the streets with chalk art. Laugher, cheers and welcomes rang out. This was a party and we were the guests.
“So, you’ve got 531 residents here?” I asked Seth as we walked through the settlement.
Seth was quick to answer, “Your information is out of date!”
I turned to him, thinking quickly, “Did you lose someone?” I said with sympathy.
Seth answered with a chuckle. “No. No not at all. We have someone new!”
It took a beat for me to realize what he meant. “There’s a baby?”
He nodded with a smile, “As of last week. We now have 532 residents.”
We entered a building and Seth knocked on a door to the right of the front door. “Honey, you decent?”
“Oh… uh…..” A woman said. “Hold on…. Ok. Yeah Yeah, Come on in!”
“Becks, This is Commander Y/L/N.” He introduced. “Commander, this is my wife Becky.”
“Y/N” I said as we walked into the room and found a beautiful red-headed woman rearranging her clothing after breastfeeding.
“Hello!” She was bright eyed and excited, but I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the baby. They were perfect. “Would you like to say hi?” The woman offered me the little infant; who was so tiny I couldn’t believe it.
I took the baby, holding and rocking it in my arms. “And this is Roux.” Seth said holding a finger to the baby who smiled  and cooed up at him while gripping the finger.
“I wasn’t expecting a baby.” I smiled down at the child. “Hello Roux. Welcome to…..” I was going to say welcome to the world, but I realized that was wrong… “our universe. Seth? She’s yours?”
He beamed the smile that could only come from a proud father. “She’s ours.”
“She’s precious.” Jamie said as she followed Seth’s example and held a finger out for Roux to grasp.
Finishing up what she was doing, Becky took Roux from me and grabbed a cloth satchel that I guessed she was using as a diaper bag. “We’re ready. Let’s head over to the square.” At that, we left the building, walking around the block and seeing a large open space with a stage in the town square.
The square was surrounded by houses, all small and white and made from the organic plastic that surrounded the pad. The colonists had found ways to personalize their homes; Fruit trees grew from raised garden beds, flowers sat on window sills, bright colored curtains peeked out from inside the houses.  
A few minutes later, Seth and Becky, who held baby Roux, took the stage. A quick, very loud whistle from Seth quieted everyone. “I’d like to formally welcome you TOI 1452 B.” A huge cheer rang out from everyone. “I’m Seth. I’m Base Commander, Mayor, Architect and…” he paused as he tried to remember.
Becky jumped in “Barista, babe.”
Seth chuckled, “And barista.” Everyone laughed.
“That reminds me, Cap” He motioned me up to the stage. “I have a very, very important question for you.”
Anticipating his question, I answered. “I have 500 cases of coffee and 400 coffee plants for you.” The crowd went wild with clapping and laughter. “Are you out of coffee?” I laughed and Becky answered.
“We’ve been on tight rations. One cup per person per day. It’s been hell.” She chuckled as she said it and all of the colonists laughed with her.
“Allright!!!!” He motioned for the crowd to quiet down. “Can all the newcomers hear me?” My passengers and crew said yes. “So, Welcome. First off, the number one rule of this colony is to do NO HARM to this planet. That means no dropping things. The winds on this planet can be brutal, so everything needs to be secured at all times. Can we all agree to our motto: LEAVE NO TRACE?!” As Seth said it, the colonists who could hear him said the phrase at the same time. Those who couldn’t hear him echoed the phrase as they heard it. As our crew and passengers heard it, they repeated it too. Of course, I did too.
“We don’t stand on ceremony here. You don’t have to call me Base Commander or Mayor. Just call me Seth. If the colonists call you by your name instead of your rank, please don’t take offence. We all live here. We all work here, and we’re all equal. If something needs done, we do it. Doesn’t matter what our titles are or what our degrees are. For less popular positions, like waste management and washing the outside of the colony walls, we rotate so everyone does their turn. It is fair.
For the next few hours, colonists will be helping the scientists set up their labs. If you look over here,” He pointed to a row of colonists who were sitting at tables. “When this meeting is over, go there and find the colonists assigned to help you. You’ve been paired up with the scientists you’ll be working with while you’re on Super Earth.”
“Lastly, dinner will be served at 1800 hours in our cafeteria” He pointed across the square to a large building. “but we have snacks and drinks set up now if you get hungry early, but don’t ruin your appetites. Our colonists have been working hard to cook up a feast for you.”
My crew and passengers broke out clapping and cheering.
“There are 2 people to a house, so when you’re finished with your work, head into the cafeteria where we have the housing station set up. Tell us who you’re bunking with, and we’ll assign you a house.” He turned to Becky and asked “Is that all?”, and she nodded.
“We’ll see you all at dinner then.” Seth unceremoniously walked off the stage, and the colonists started moving…. Some inside buildings and houses, some back to the landing pad, some to help carry our luggage.
The next couple of hours were hectic. Seth, Becky and my crew had a million questions for me, and I found myself stuck to one area instead of being able to help. I’d much prefer helping set up the labs, but instead I was stuck reading reports on ships systems, identifying which crates belonged to which scientists and directing the delivery of our cargo load, much of which was filled with supplies for the colony.
When I was finally done at 1445 pm, I was happy to grab my duffel bag and head to the cafeteria to get my house assignment.
A grizzled young man sat behind a table, “Hey Cap. I’m Dean.” He stood and shook my hand. “Who you rooming with?” he asked as if he’d already asked it a million times today.
I was a little nervous when I answered, “Dr. Reigns.” What would the colonists think about me falling for someone on the trip. Would they send a long-range communication to Earth to report the relationship? But Dean didn’t blink an eye. “Oh yeah! I forgot he said that. Ok, He grabbed a scanner from the table, pushed a few buttons on it and held it to my eye before typing on a computer pad for a second. “House 32” He said. “Dragon?” A young man turned to look at Dean before heading our way. “This is Diego. We all call him Dragon. He’ll show you to your house.”
I thanked Dean before greeting Dragon. He didn’t speak much, and when he did, he had a heavy accent. “This way.” He led me to the house. “Now, just hold your face here for an eye scan.” I did as he showed me, and heard the front door unlock. I opened the door, thanked the young man who promised to see me at dinner and turned to go.
I heaved my bag inside, looking through the very tiny house. There was one room, a living room consisting of one small couch and a coffee table, with a tiny kitchenette on one side. A second room was our bedroom, and I spied a small bathroom just beyond, but my favorite site of all was Roman unpacking his bag into drawers.
“There you are! Welcome home.” He came and wrapped himself around me. Kissing me deeply. I could lose myself in his kiss; especially after this momentous day, but it would be rude not to go to dinner.
“Lab ready?” I had expected it to take much longer.
He nodded as he handed me a much-welcomed cup of water. “Hmmm.” It tasted awful! Nothing like the water on Earth. There was a musty taste that reminded me of feet.  “That’s gonna take some getting used to.” I chuckled.
He laughed, “Yeah, I think I’ll be drinking a lot of tea and coffee.”
I unceremoniously plopped on the couch. “How did you get the lab set up so fast?”
He sat next to me, giving me a kiss before answering. “These people are amazing. All of them are in amazing shape and have tons of energy. Maybe something in the water is giving them strange alien powers.” He teased. “Just kidding. I had a lot of very helpful colonists working with me. When I left there were just a couple more labs to move.” He wrapped his arm around the back of the couch and pulled me into his side. “What have you been up to?”
“Basically? Standing in the middle of the square answering questions, directing payload movement and paperwork.”
“Sounds boring.” He laughed.
“I wanted to help with the labs, but I couldn’t get free.” I laid my head on his shoulder.
He kissed my forehead and we settled into a comfortable silence as we snuggled. “Oh, Hey baby” He said. I peeked up to see him smiling. “Your life’s ambition was accomplished today.”
I sighed. “It was.”
“Is it everything you wanted?” He asked.
In truth it was way too soon to tell if Super Earth was going to live up to my expectations, but so far, the landing, the people, the colony was better than I had imagined. I nodded yes. “I think it’s going to be better than I’d hoped, but we shall see.”
A Feast! The colonists had cooked up a feast for us! Two tables filled with food. Casseroles, stews, soups, breads, rice…. As we’d heard, they had made all our favorites. Seth and Becky had saved us a place at their table. 
“Sit. Sit you two.” Becky said when we she saw us. “How is everything? Settling in?”
We took our seats, and a man came by with some coffee and tea pitchers, filling our glasses quickly. “I have to say, this is amazing! We can’t thank you all enough.”
“We definitely feel welcome.” Roman added.
“Did we hear you’re a couple?” Becky said.
I didn’t know what to say. Would they care? “Uh…”
Roman finished my thought. “Yes, but she’s scared NASA will think less of her for falling in love with a passenger.”
Seth and Becky looked at each other while they laughed. “That’s how we fell in love too. NASA understands if you put people in close quarters for months on end, someone is gonna fall in love” He said.
“Really?” I asked.
Becky smiled wide and started to answer but was interrupted by a gong. Everyone stopped to look in the direction of the sound. “Dinner is ready.” A tall young man in an apron yelled.
“Awesome!” Seth said. “Let’s get in line.” He jumped up, grabbed the baby from Becky and led the way to the buffet.
The food, much like the water tasted odd. Not terrible, but not delicious either. It would take some getting used to. When Roman caught my eye, he smiled at me knowingly. I almost laughed out loud.
Despite the odd flavors, my crew and passengers were having a great time. A small band set up and music and dancing ensued. Carmello found me at one time and handed me a container of food. I could tell it was from the ship; which meant Mello cooked it; which meant it would taste amazing. All he said was “I got your back Cap… Always.” I hugged him while I laughed.
“Thank you!” Roman added.
“I also got a package of Oreos tucked away for you. I’ll deliver them tomorrow.” He winked as a beautiful young colonist pulled him onto the dance floor.
“You Rock!” I called out to him.
Tilly sat at a table with a mix of our crew and colonists. She was telling the colonists about space dodgeball. Everyone was fascinated. She stopped mid-sentence and stood when she saw me approach. “Captain” she said.
“You don’t have to call me captain here, Tilly.” It was weird to call her by name.
“Yeah, but if I stop now, I’m afraid I’ll forget when we fly home.” It was an issue I expected and was inclined to forgive. There was a good chance I’d mess up too.
“I understand. Walk with me.” Tilly turned back to the table saying she’d be back.
“Just a few minutes.” I added as we took a few steps away; enough to be out of earshot from the table.
Tilly fidgeted with her hands in obvious nervousness. “You’re not in trouble.” At that she relaxed. “Tilly, you have an amazing ability.” I started, and she smiled a bit.
“What’s that Cap?”
“You have the ability to make the people around you feel at ease.”
Tilly’s room-brightening smile burst forth. She very quietly said “Thank you cap.”
“No. Thank YOU!” I said. “It was you and your faith in me and your ability to calm people that helped me the most today, and I thought you should know that.”
Tears welled up in the young woman’s eyes. “Cap, I mean,” her fidgeting returned.. “that’s just…I don’t know what to say.”
I smiled warmly, “You don’t need to say anything, but I wanted to let you know how important your kindness was today, and I wanted others to know, which is why” I pulled out a tablet I was holding, clicking the screen to turn it on, “I’m putting a personal Captain’s Commendation in your file.”
 This was a huge honor. Only about 3 people got these a year; and only when their actions had directly helped a Captain. She took the pad from me and scanned what I had written. Her engineering skills, her calm under pressure. and that Tilly would be an amazing ambassador, because she possessed an uncanny ability to put those around her at ease.”
She started crying. “An ambassador? I’ve never even thought about that.”
“I’d like you to think about it, seriously. I’ve spoken to Cassidy. He agrees with me, and, if you want to explore being an ambassador, he’s willing to let me borrow you one day a week.” She started to protest, saying she had a lot of work to do, but I stopped her. “Coffey has grown so much over the past 4 months. He’s already doing more than expected. I bet he’d be willing to learn some of your job. It’s not permanent, just something to think about.”
She was a little dumbfounded. “Tilly,” she looked at me. “This is a huge opportunity. Be my liaison with the colony one day a week. If you don’t like it, you can go right back to engineering, but if you do like it, and I’m sure you’ll be great at it, you have a chance to move way up in rank. I highly suggest you do it. Opportunities like this don’t happen often.”
Hearing my words, she started nodding fervently. “Yes! Yes! Of course Cap. It would be my honor!” She hugged me quickly then realized how inappropriate that would be on the ship. She started to pull away, but I hugged her back.
“At this rate, you’ll be ready for the Captain’s chair in a couple of years.” I said.
@mindofasagitarius @lclb13 @serenityfiretrash @lustyromantic @reigns-5sos @bigpsychicbagelauthor @omg-im-such-a-masochist @marlananicole @wickedsunfire @starwithaheart for the wolf fic @spookys-girl for the wolf fic @pitlissa22 for the wolf fic @snowpanda18 @thesamoanqueen @sassginaswanmills
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luvlady-writes · 2 years
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Hello there!
I'm Lu.
For requests, I do NOT write smut (the biatch is still uncomfortable doing it, or maybe I'll write something small, who knows?), I can imply it. Also, I don't do A/B/O, sorry. If you want an AU, we can talk about it, but big no no to MafiaAU's or CEOAu's.
Act: #SorryNoySorry I will not write Yandere or toxic possessive characters.
ABSOLUTELY NOT to AdultCharacter x MinorCharacter (required). If the minor character is the one in love but Adult character only sees them like a sibling/student/etc, I'm ok with it. NEVER the Adult taking advantage of the minor.
For writing, now, I will keep things limited to:
(Keep in mind that I wrote for CharacterxReader. It can be Female reader, Male Reader. I'm still working on Gender neutral reader).
☙Dean Winchester. ☙Sam Winchester.
☙Madara Uchiha. ☙Kakashi Hatake. ☙Itachi Uchiha.
WWE (I haven't watched it for years, but I can work with wrestlers before 2015).
I'm a Angst wh*re, so you might see a lot of it. I'm open to everything.
My ask box is open for your request. Do them as detailed as you can, please. If you want it in Spanish, I will do it.
If you want to talk, ramble, ask questions or a little chismesito, my ask and DM's are always open.
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Okay so this is a list of my short stories, with links leading to each post. Some stories have been discontinued, some are complete. And some are ongoing. I list the name of the story, who is paired in the story, what the character/person is from, and lastly if it's complete, ongoing, or discontinued. If there are multiple parts, they should all be linked.
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1.) The Phoenix & The King (1-?)
• King Harald Finehair X Jade Clegane OC
• Vikings & Game of Thrones crossover
2.) Lean On Me (1-2) - (2-2)
• John Marston X Reader
• Red Dead Redemption 2
3.) You Are Mine, And I Am Yours. (1-1)
• Toecutter X Reader
• Mad Max (1979)
4.) My Sweet (1-?)
• Dani Filth X Yandere!Reader
• Cradle of Filth
5.) My Sweet Domesticated Demon (1-1)
• Hellboy X Reader
• Hellboy (2004)
6.) One man's trash, is another man's treasure. (1-4) - (2-4) - (3-4) - (4-4)
• Bo Sinclair X Reader
• House of Wax (2005)
7.) Sudden Appearances (1-1)
• Dr. Nelson Wright X Reader
• Flatliners (1990)
8.) Giving into Desire (1-1)
• Jeff Hardy X Reader
9.) Swimming Lessons (1-1)
• John Marston X Reader
• Red Dead Redemption 2
10.) This wasn't supposed to happen, but I'm glad it did. (1-5) - (2-5) - (3-5) - (4-5) - (5-5)
• Peter Steele X Reader
• Type O Negative
11.) Life & Death (1-1)
• Death!Jeff Hardy X Life!Reader
• WWE (Supernatural entities edition)
12.) Lustful Desires (1-1)
• Incubus!Jeff Hardy X Human!Reader
• WWE (Supernatural entities edition)
13.) Leprechaun King (1-1)
• Leprechaun!Sheamus X Human!Reader
• WWE (Supernatural entities edition)
14.) Those Werewolf Eyes (1-1)
• Werewolf!Jon Moxley X Human!Reader
• WWE (Supernatural entities edition)
15.) Bear Cuddles (1-1)
• Human!Roman Reigns X Werebear!Reader
• WWE (Supernatural entities edition)
16.) Lokabrenna (1-?)
• Osferth X Reader
• The Last Kingdom & Vikings crossover
17.) Hellhound (1-3)
• Tyler Galpin X (Y/n) Wolfgang Von Frankenstein
• Wednesday (series) & Misfits (Sorta)
18.) Hail To The End Of The World~ (1-?)
• Gunnar Jensen X Reader
• The Expendables (movies) & The Walking Dead (Series)
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1.) NO TITLE (1-1)
• David X Reader
• The Lost Boys
2.) NO TITLE (1-1)
• David X Reader
• The Lost Boys
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south-of-heaven · 2 months
Requests are closed
AJ Styles
Alexa Bliss
A to Z - Aleister & Zelina
Becky Lynch
Bianca Belair
Brandi Rhodes
Brody - Brandi & Cody
Baylor - Bayley & Finn
Browsey - Ronda & Travis
Brie Bella
Beth Phoenix
Brody King
Cody Rhodes
Charlotte Flair
Cheddie - Chyna & Eddie
Candice LerRae
Claudio Castagnoli/Cesaro
Damian Priest
Damage CTRL
Dakota Kai
Drew McIntyre
Dominik Mysterio
Dexter Lumis
Eddie Guerrero
Four Horsewomen - WWE Four Horsewomen - UFC
Finn Balor
Glowish - Naomi & Jimmy
House of Black
Iyo Sky
Indi Hartwell
InDex - Indi & Dexter
Judgement Day
Jessamyn Duke
Jon Moxley
Jey Uso
Jimmy Uso
Jade Cargill
Julia Hart
Jeff Hardy
Karl Anderson
Kairi Sane
Karrion Kross
Lyra Valkyria
Liv Morgan (No longer writing for)
Liv 4 Brutality
Mia Yim
Marina Shafir
Moriguez - Liv & Raquel
Malakai/Aleister Black
Moxuette - Jon & Renee
Natalya Neidhart
Nikki Bella
Phoenix-Edge - Beth & Edge
Queen of Harts - Shayna & Nattie
Rhea Ripley
Rhuddy - Rhea & Buddy
Ronda Rousey
Renee Paquette
Ruby Riott/Soho
Roman Reigns
Ronattie - Ronda & Nattie
RnR - Rhea & Raquel
Raquel Rodriguez
Shayna Baszler
Starkszler - Shayna & Zoey
Stephanie McMahon
Sonya Deville
Scarlett Bordeaux
Scarrion - Scarlett & Karrion
Saraya Knight
Sasha Banks
Triple H
The Big Three - Jade, Bianca, & Naomi
Trish Stratus
Team Bestie - Lita & Trish
The Rated R Couple - Lita & Edge
Troey - Trish & Zoey
Toni Storm
Zelina Vega
Zekota - Zelina & Dakota
Zoey Stark
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ledamemangociana · 7 years
full video of New Day getting ganged up on. if you thought the clip of the Cesaro swing was fun to watch, wait until you see the whole attack tbh (esp if you’re a Sheasaro shipper/stan like me tbqfh this video is A Gift™ lemme tell u)
PS - not my vid btw i just find things a lot 
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sulfurz · 10 months
ೃ༄ TWENTY TWENTY T’REE (sheamus x fem!reader)
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ೃ༄ PAIRING: sheamus x fem!reader
Can I have a one shot with sheamus where he’s kinda irritated and speaking loud and fast. Just ranting to his partner and he turns to see her trying not to laugh because she loves his strong accent
ೃ༄ WARNINGS: none (unless u count laughing at his accent. reader is gonna laugh at his accent)
ೃ༄ WORD COUNT: 788
ೃ༄ NOTE: THIS IS VERY SHORT BUT as someone who is dating an irish person…. this is the story of my life don’t get me wrong my girlfriend is the loml but sometimes i do have to ask her to slow down. just read everything in an irish accent pls
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you heard sheamus arrive home before you saw him. the telltale sound of a car door slamming in the driveway gave away how your boyfriend was most likely feeling, so you resigned yourself to readying the comfort as you finished up your work.
you were lazily thrown across the couch, laptop on your thighs as you flicked through spreadsheets for your job. no day off apparently.
as the door to your home opened, you could hear telltale irish muttering that the day hadn’t quite been everything he had wanted it to be. he seemed to kick his shoes off as opposed to place them on the rack neatly, if the banging against the hallway door was a good enough sign.
“i’m home.” then came a tired shout, and you chuckled to yourself at the obvious statement.
“no way.” was your sarcastic response, turning your head just in time to see your boyfriend appear through the doorway, wasting no time in shooting you a (hopefully) playful glare. “welcome home, love.”
for a moment, he cracked a smile through the layers of frustration, walking over to where you sat and leaning down just enough to peck your lips. his hair was still slightly damp from a shower at the training centre, the feeling of it touching your forehead making you shudder momentarily.
“how was training?” you felt vaguely like your were poking the bear, seeing the way his shoulders tensed at the question.
sheamus immediately jumped into busying himself around the room, unpacking his bag and putting everything back in its place. “it was a load of shite. boss man pulled me into his office not even half way t’rough, something about a new storyline that’s entirely bullshite if you ask me.”
you raised an eyebrow, allowing him to move around you as you formatted something on your spreadsheet, noting down a total at the bottom. “in what way?”
“they’re just not even trying t’ hide their favouritism now — got the most insane match cards lined up with winners ya wouldn’t even t’ink possible. half the guys in t’ locker room don’t like it, but we’ve gotta do what the boss man wants.”
you hummed noncommittally, typing something into your laptop as he continued in the background.
“i’m fed up at this point. we cannay even have a day these days, then i got put t’rough a table wrong in training, proper botched it and could barely get up for a second. i tell yous it’s gone to shite since the hey days, could do with a whole rebrand a’ this point but i don’t t’ink even tha’ could save us.”
by now, you were barely following what sheamus was saying. he had a habit of talking fast when annoyed, and this time was no exception, but coupled with your half focus — you wouldn’t deny you had lost entire understanding of what he said half way through. it was something you had noticed in the years you had been together; no matter how used to his accent you had gotten, he always got more irish the moment he was even slightly upset. unfortunately, the thicker accent coupled with the speed usually equaled y/n losing everything he was saying.
you had to chuckle to yourself as he went off again in the background, thankful he wasn’t looking in your direction as you tried to hide your amusement behind your hand.
“i dun’ even know their reasons for this one, i t’ink they’re just t’rowing shite out there now ‘nd hoping for the best. they used to give us reasons for whatever they did, but now it’s just ‘hey sheamus my man do this entirely unreasonably t’ing just for views even though it doesn’t match your character at all’, it’s— are you alright there?”
you glanced up to see sheamus looking straight at you, clearly having seen the way you were practically folded in on yourself in amusement.
trying to calm yourself down was worse, the laughter you were suppressing coming out in snorts by now. “i’m so— i’m so sorry! you’re-“ you hicupped “you’re just very irish.”
“no shite sherlock.” your boyfriend responded, but as you looked up at him, he was cracking a smile of his own, the frustrated expression he had worn before cracking in its facade “have i ever told you i hate yous?”
you giggled again, lying full on your side by now on the sofa. opening your arms, you beckoned him to come join you with a smile that he mirrored on his own face “many times. you never fail to remind me.”
sheamus cackled loudly, practically jumping on top of you as he peppered kisses along your cheeks. “wait till you meet my father.”
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wrestlersownmyheart · 2 years
"Nurseries, & Babies & Weddings! Oh, My!" *Second Sequel to "Tricked and Treated"* (Drew McIntyre X Reader)
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Pairing: Drew McIntyre X Reader Summary: It is time for Baby McIntyre to make their arrival! Drew and Y/N opted to not know the sex of their baby till it was born, and boy do they get a surprise! And there is a wedding in the near future! Disclaimers: I own nothing or anyone associated or affiliated with WWE. I own only the original characters. This is just a fictional story that came from my imagination. Content/Trigger Warnings: Fluff
Note: I couldn't find the names of Drew's siblings, so I just made something up. Oh, and I also messed with Drew's full name a tad toward the end of the story.
Nurseries, & Babies & Weddings! Oh, My! Second Sequel to Tricked and Treated
"Up a little higher on the right side, or it's going to be crooked, Drew," you chuckled as your fiance hung a blown up portrait of your latest sonogram up in the nursery. The nursery that was almost finished now, thank goodness. You just needed to get some decorative baby pillows for the crib and you'd be good to go.
The months flew by since you'd told Drew you were pregnant. The baby was due any day now and you were more than ready to bring the little life out into the world.
Since both you and Drew decided that you'd wait on hearing what the sex of your baby was, you went with mint green and a pastel yellow for the colors and you'd decorated in a way that would be appropriate for a girl or a boy.
"Perfect," you exclaimed, when Drew had the portrait positioned just right. "Hang it like that!"
"As you wish, my love," he replied, settling the portrait into place.
You smiled at his choice of words. He was always finding ways and using perfect times to say "As you wish" because it was from your favorite movie, The Princess Bride-it was his way of saying "I love you".
"I love you too, Drew," you smiled and stood beside him as you both surveyed the nursery. "It looks amazing, doesn't it?"
"Aye, it does," the large Sotsman replied. "I can hardly wait for the little rugrat to get here!" He laughed, hugging you close and placing his hands lovingly on your large belly. "I can feel he or she kicking up a storm," Drew said, rubbing his hands over the large swell.
"They're probably hungry," you giggled. "I know I am!"
"Well, let's go out and get a nice dinner and have one last date night before the baby comes," Drew suggested. "We've been working so hard on the nursery. And the wedding. We deserve a reward."
"That we do," you agreed, already heading for the stairs to get changed. "Sounds like fun!"
Drew followed you and over the next hour you got dressed up and did your makeup for a nice dinner out.
"Soon you were parked at Ocean Prime, one of the best restaurants in all of Tampa. Normally you wouldn't be able to get in at such short notice, but Drew, being who he was, pulled some strings and got you an amazing table outside, near the beach.
Once seated, you both ordered an appetizer of Sonoma Goat Cheese Ravioli and entrees of sushi (Ocean roll) for you, and a New York Strip steak for Drew. And while Drew had a glass of Guinness, you opted for water.
Waiting on your entrees, you munched on the ravioli and marveled at the creamy texture.
"This is fun," you admitted, swallowing a bite of food. "It'll probably be a long while till we get to do this again, so we'd better enjoy it."
Drew nodded, "I know. Here's to sleepless nights and diaper changes," he toasted with his beer. You tapped your glass to his and each of you took a sip of your drinks just before the entrees arrived.
"Ooo, yummy," you exclaimed, eyeing your plate of sushi.
Drew moved the plate of ravioli out of the way to make room for his steak and also eyeballed his own plate.
You both ate slowly, savoring every moment together, as well as every bite of your delicious food. You discussed more baby names and decided that Angela would be the perfect name for a girl and Angel for a boy. Either way, Drew's mother would be remembered every time you uttered your child's name.
"Well hey, guys!"
You both looked up to see Sheamus and Nia Jax standing by your table.
You both stood and greeted them and offered for them to sit at your table to which they accepted.
Once they were seated, the waiter came and took their orders and hurried off to get their drinks and food.
Soon you and Drew each finished your meal, and ordered a desert to split-a Crème Brûlée with fresh berries, and then you rose to your feet to go to the ladies room. Nia stood as well and walked with you to the bathroom. You had the distinct feeling she was watching out for you as if you were a ticking time bomb. You small talked the whole time you were in the ladies room and then when you were finished taking care of your business, you walked out of the stall and went to the sinks to wash your hands.
"So have you decided on a name for the baby," Nia asked, looking in the mirror and running her hands over her unruly hair.
"Yes, I think we have," you said, clearly excited. "We picked out Angela for a girl and Angel for a boy."
"Oh, my God, that is so sweet!"
"It will be our way of remembering Drew's mother and- OH!"
A splash of water hit your feet.
That's weird, you thought. I didn't splash any water out of the sink. And it's warm.
"What is it," Nia demanded, ready to go on red alert.
"My water. It just broke," you said, your brain only just then computing what had happened.
"Oh, wow," Nia said. "Come on, let's get you back to Drew. We need to get you to the hospital."
"Yeah," you mumbled, almost in shock. It seemed like just yesterday you were telling Drew you were having a baby and now here you were, in labor.
You and Nia made your way back outside and hurried over to the table where Drew and Sheamus sat drinking their beer and talking.
A contraction hit you hard then and you doubled over, grabbing at your stomach. "Oh, my God… that hurts!"
"Babe, what's wrong," Drew said as he and Sheamus immediately stood to their feet.
"Her water broke in the ladies' room," Nia answered for you, reaching over and rubbing your back.
"Excuse me, is the lady alright?" The waiter approached and looked quite frightened.
"I need an ambulance for my fiancée, please. She's in labor," Drew answered, coming around the table to stand by you. "Come sit down, love." You obediently sat down in the chair he pulled out for you as the waiter went to call for an ambulance.
The emergency vehicle arrived only about five minutes later. You were quite thankful for the fact. Within minutes you were loaded into the ambulance with Drew by your side and Sheamus and Nia following behind in their car.
Once you reached the hospital, you were unloaded and wheeled immediately to the maternity ward where a labor and delivery nurse began asking questions about your contractions and how you were feeling. She also handed a sheaf of papers over to Drew to fill out.
"OH LORD," you cried as another contraction hit you.
"Those contractions seem to be getting closer together. We need to get you into the birthing room and let me check you over.
Minutes later, you were settled in the delivery room and people were fussing over you left and right and you were in PAIN. Your pelvic muscles were seizing and your back was screaming. So naturally, you were terrified of the epidural. Which as it so happened, wasn't near as scary as you thought it'd be.
Drew was with you the whole step of the way, holding your hand, running his hand over your back and whispering soft words to you.
Sooner than you realized, it was time to push.
This is what had you scared. What if your body wasn't strong enough to bring a human being into the world? What if you just couldn't do it? What would happen?
"Okay, let's get your feet in the stirrups and on your next contraction I want you to push," Your obstetrician said.
You were terrified but you did as your doctor said and pushed as a contraction hit. You screamed through the push and beared down as hard as you could.
"Good, Y/N. That's great! Again!"
You did this… It seemed endless. But finally the doctor said, "I can see the head!"
When the next contraction hit you pushed with all your might. You were ready for this baby to be born.
"Baby, you're doing amazing," Drew said, kissing your temple.
You pushed again, determined to have the baby.
A baby's cry pierced the air. "It's out," the doctor exclaimed. "A baby girl!"
"Angela…" You cried weakly. "Our baby girl, Drew."
Suddenly your pelvic muscles seized again and you gripped Drew's hand. "An-Another contraction!" You gasped out.
"What," the doctor asked, handing the baby over to the delivery nurses to be cleaned up.
Your body began pushing on its own almost and you beared down further with a scream.
"We have a hidden twin, folks!"
"What?" you cried.
"The ultrasounds didn't pick up the second baby. You're having twins, Y/N." She got back into position between your legs. "Okay, you can do this, Y/N. You just have to push some more."
Taking a deep breath you beared down and pushed as hard as you could with a loud wail.
"Good! One more! One more push, baby," Drew encouraged you, gripping your hand in his. "Squeeze my hand, love."
With a sob of exhaustion you did squeeze his hand and pushed the baby out completely on your next push. Another baby's wail rang out and you smiled. Happy that both babies were crying and apparently healthy.
"Oh, God…" you fell back against the pillow behind you and panted. "Please tell me that it's not triplets."
"It's another little girl," the doctor reported. "Twin girls."
"I'm so proud of you," Drew whispered. He brought your hand to his lips and kissed it. "So proud."
"I love you," you told him, smiling. "We have two daughters, Drew."
He kissed the top of your head. "I know it. Angela, and… What should we name the second one?"
"Anne," you whispered. His mother's middle name. "Angela and Anne."
"Are you sure," Drew asked, tears in his eyes. "You wouldn't mind?"
"Not at all," you said, reaching up and cupping his face in your hand. "Not at all."
The babies were cleaned up and then one was handed to you, and one to Drew. The crying had finally stopped and now the babies cooed and gurgled in your arms.
"Oh my gosh, they're so precious," you exclaimed. "We did good, babe."
"Yes, we did."
"I love you, so much," You whispered, gazing up at your soon-to-be husband.
"And I love you," he returned, reaching over and stroking the side of your face. "I can't wait for you to become my wife."
"I can't either."
You both looked down at your daughters and smiled. Life couldn't get much better.
Five Months Later…
(The Saturday before Halloween…)
You smiled at all the women in your dressing quarters helping you to get ready for your wedding. Being that Halloween was when you fell in love and got engaged, as well as announced your pregnancy, you wanted to have your wedding as close to the Holiday as possible. But you knew it was impossible to have the wedding on the exact holiday since it was a Monday and many of your guests-the Monday Night RAW roster-would have to work. And Sunday seemed too irreverent, so Saturday had to do.
The wedding was held in Abernathy Forest in Scotland and was a costume party-slash-wedding. Yours and Drew's costumes were from The Princess Bride-Drew's costume was the solid black ensemble that Westley wore in the Fire Swamp and your costume was the red dress that Buttercup wore, also in the Fire Swamp. You even wore a long blond wig to ensure your hair was just the right tone for the costume-you'd gone all out on the apparel.
Finally, you were fully dressed and ready for the wedding.
"Is the bride ready," Drew's brother, and groomsman, David, asked at the flap to your dressing tent.
"I am," you called out, excited and ready to be married.
The twins were with your parents, the party was ready to unfold. All you had to do was get married!
Upon reporting that you were ready, David and the other groomsmen-Drew included-took their places at the makeshift altar while classical music played.
Suddenly Canon began playing and the bridesmaids went down the rustic isle slowly to give you extra time for any last minute touches you needed to make.
The music faded out once the bridesmaids all took their places and then the introduction to the Wedding March rang out, and you took a deep breath.
Nervous, but excited, you held your bouquet of wildflowers in your hands and began the slow walk down the aisle. You glanced around you as you walked and took note of everyone's costumes. Couples dressed as famous couples in history, from movies-like you and Drew-and single people dressed as their favorite characters from movies and tv shows. You smiled, your happiness radiating off you. You looked to the altar and saw Drew. He was breathtaking in his black trousers and baggy black dress shirt. You sighed dreamily. This man was yours. And you were his. At long last.
You finally made it to Drew's side and smiled up at him, tears threatening to fall. He took your hand, kissed it and you both turned to the minister, waiting on him to begin.
"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of God, and before you, as witnesses, to join Drew and Y/N in matrimony, which should never be entered into lightly, but rather with a healthy reverence for the commitment and sacrifice that is needed to maintain and grow the marriage bond." The minister began.
"Into this holy union Drew and Y/N now come to be joined. If any of you can show just cause why they may not lawfully be married, speak now; or forever hold your peace." He paused, giving anyone time to speak out. SIlence met their ears and the minister continued.
"Drew, will you take this woman, whose hands you hold, choosing her alone to be your wedded wife? Will you live with her in the state of true matrimony? Will you love her, comfort her, through good times and bad, in sickness and in health, honor her at all times, and be faithful to her?"
Drew looked down at you and smiled warmly, "I do."
The minister turned to you then and spoke again. "Y/N, will you take this man, whose hands you hold, choosing him alone to be your wedded husband? Will you live with him in the state of true matrimony? Will you love him, comfort him, through good times and bad, in sickness and in health, honor him at all times, and be faithful to him?"
You smiled back at Drew and squeezed his hands. "I do."
The minister moved on to vows and you each gave your own vows to one another. Then you placed the wedding rings on each of your hands and swore to love each other till death do you part.
"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. Drew, you may kiss your bride."
With a smile and a flash of his dimples, Drew leaned down, touched his lips to yours and kissed you.
"I love you, Mrs. McIntyre."
"I love you too, Mr. McIntyre," you returned, wrapping your arms around his neck.
He pulled you close and kissed you again as all the guests cheered and hooted.
"We can't go anywhere but up," Drew said, taking your hand and leading you back down the aisle so you could start the wedding reception.
"And go up we shall," you gave him an impish smile. "I'm pregnant again."
"Again?" Drew asked in shock. "Already?"
You nodded, a smile on your lips, "We're having a little boy. Andrew McLean McIntyre the fifth."
"I couldn't love you any more than I do now," Drew said, nearly speechless. He stopped walking and pulled you into his embrace again. "Really. I love you so much, Y/N."
"I know. And I love you every bit as much."
"Let's get to the party and announce our newest addition to the family."
You nodded and walked with him, hand in hand to the venue.
You were both ready for whatever life handed you. As long as you had each other, and your children, nothing would get in your way.
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itjazzbicch · 2 years
Brute Feelings
Pairing: Ridge Holland x Fem Reader
Summary: Based on Pretty Please;
While having a playful, intimate relationship, the feelings Ridge and the reader have for one another grow stronger and some of their actions earns Sheamus’s attention and when the reader hears him asking Ridge while she’s not around makes her nervous for a change…
Warnings: SMUT! (18+ ONLY!)
Word Count: 2.8k
Tag List: @demonqueen29 @peachy-satan00 @new-zealand-chic @crowleysqueenofhell @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @thatpanpal @damnnhausen @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @linziland13 @xxx-jazz-xxx @writtingrose @legit9thlunaticwarrior @seeingstarks @rubyred1980
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Ridge may have taught me a lesson after what happened in our pub, but I was still the crazy girl I was. I even did some things on purpose just to earn a ‘punishment.”
One thing that I was beginning to notice was how it was bringing us closer together too and with work getting heavy, major opportunities coming our way, Ridge, Sheamus and most importantly myself, were in the zone and supporting one another.
Sheamus had what seemed like a war with Gunther and now, it was my turn in the spotlight. It had to be one of the most challenging matches I’ve ever had, a fatal five way match with some of the best women’s wrestlers, including Ronda Rousey.
From beginning to finish, I never stopped fighting and luck was on my side. Ronda thought she had Natalya beat while setting up her arm bar, not getting her to tap just yet. Natalya was reaching for the ropes and Ronda had no choice but to stand so she could try to drag her back and the moment she did, I sent her into the ropes, so that Natalya rolled out to the floor and I yanked Ronda by the hips, rolling back and sitting across her legs while also creating a bridge to the mat, all of my body weight on her and it got me the win.
Not many women here have beaten Ronda and now I was one of them, jumping for joy and shaking like crazy at the crowds roar, smiling more when Sheamus and Ridge made they way down.
“Ridgey!” I jumped straight into his arms the moment he stood up, his smile showing me how proud he was, holding his face in my hands, and I was about to kiss him till I remembered where we were, dodging his lips and hugging his head instead, trying to act normal when I kicked my feet with my fist in the air, “I did it!”
“Next stop is that title,” He smiled back, letting me down as Sheamus came over to hug me next, giving him a good squeeze to try and keep the excitement that I had before I realized that I was about to kiss Ridge in the ring meanwhile no one knew about us, not even Sheamus.
“We’re proud of ya, girl,” Sheamus made sure to squeeze me back, ruffling my hair and laughing before we made our way out of the ring.
They both were truly great friends, rushing to the back so I could get changed and we could go out to a pub for a little celebration. It was one of the best nights we had in quite a while. We got a good bit of rounds, some food and before we left, I let them go get the car while I went to the ladies room.
Before walking out of the entrance, I was looking through my wallet for my hotel room key when I heard Sheamus’s voice:
“So, Ridgey, I’ve been meaning to ask you something.”
I wasn’t sure if this was any of my business, but I was curious, staying inside to listen to him ask Ridge:
“Is there something going on between ya and Y/N that you’re not telling me about?”
Even though I was all alone and they didn’t notice me at all, I stayed as still as a statue, growing more nervous, maybe he noticed Ridge and I’s behavior sometimes?
“What makes you think that?” Ridge asked back, sounding very calm; couldn’t have been me.
“Because, after she won and jumped onto ya, I thought she was gonna kiss ya. That’s not like her.”
Damn it, Sheamus truly knew me well. I didn’t know what to think, let alone do or say anything if I walked out there, hoping Ridge would kill this:
“Even though she acts like a wild animal half the time, she appreciates us and this is her first time getting a title shot. I’m sure she was just overly excited.”
“Maybe, she has her moments every now and again,” Sheamus seemed to accept that answer and I couldn’t stand there being as anxious as I was, acting happy like I was right before we closed up shop, pretending to skip out to them:
“We ready to go, lads?”
Sheamus held up the keys, smiling at me and heading over to the car. I’m glad it was dark in the backseat of the car, being with both of them after hearing that had my leg shaking, I started over thinking, but once we were in the elevator of the hotel and Sheamus got off at his floor first, I felt a little better.
I couldn’t ignore all of these feelings and after all, it seemed that they didn’t notice that I was there, and Ridge was the one I had to discuss this with.
“Hey, Ridgey?” I asked him quietly as the elevator doors closed, staring at the floor, but could feel his eyes on me:
I began fidgeting with my hands from the nervousness coming back again, swallowing it down to ask him, “I’m not causing any issues between you and Sheamus, am I?”
“No, of course not!” He said quickly, I’m sure it was shocking for him to see me so shy and quiet, “What makes you think that?”
“I heard what he asked you,” Finally, I picked up my head to look him in the eyes and just as I thought, he had no clue, the shock in his eyes expressing that, “And I couldn’t tell if he was suspicious of us in a bad way, or just curious. I’m sorry that I almost kissed you out there. I was just so happy.”
It wasn’t like me to ever apologize, Ridge staring at me as if he never heard me say those words before, he probably hasn’t truthfully, but he still brightened my mood when he took my hand:
“Don’t be sorry. You had every right to be happy like that and honestly, I planned on kissing you back. The whole thing with Sheamus? I’m sure he just finds it weird because you’re always just so-“
He was trying his best to find the right words, but I went ahead and said for him, “Crazy? It’s okay to say it.”
“Yeah, crazy,” He laughed softly, “But that’s alright. I think you’re perfect the way you are, even if you can be such a handful.”
“Figuratively or physical?” I joked, snickering when he rolled his eyes at me, laughing more he pulled me into his arms and threw me over his shoulder like he always does, stepping out of the elevator:
“Hope you like sleepovers.”
“Only with you,” I was smiling, kicking my feet and stole his hat to play with while he opened the door and the moment he stepped in, I used my speed to slide down in front of him, locking my legs around his waist to keep myself from falling, pulling his head to mine to kiss him.
“Can’t even let me get in the door?” He was always poking at me, but right now wasn’t the time for that, growling against his lips:
“I’ve been waiting all night to kiss you and you know I’m not patient.”
“I know, surprised you could behave for this long,” He chuckled, wrapping his arms around me while saying softly, “But don’t worry, tonight is about you.”
“About me?” Those words made the little devil on my shoulder dance, smiling more as he laid me on the bed, throwing his shirt off and reassuring:
“So…” My mind was really getting lost in all of my dirty thoughts, biting my lip while staring at those massive arms and chest of his, “I don’t have to ask or say please? Just do what I want?”
“All bets are off, baby girl,” He winked, coming down to kiss me again, not expecting to be thrown on his back as I laughed:
“Well, tonight is really my lucky night.”
I jumped right on top of him and started grinding against his hard on, gladly giving him a kiss like he wanted, but letting them turn into soft bites while working down to his neck, able to feel his pulse growing, getting a spank and small warning:
“You better not be leaving marks all over me.”
“You’ve done the same to me. There’s a great thing called makeup,” I made sure to leave a dark one just for that, purring in his ear softly, “Besides, you keep lifting your head higher so I can keep doing it. You like it.”
Instead of answering me, he spanked me again and that time it really fired me up, standing up over him in bed, stripping out of my clothes and that’s when I got an idea, hinting as I placed a foot above his arms near the pillows, humming:
“Hmm, what shall I do next?”
“Well, you have two places to sit,” He quickly kicked off his boxers, having me look down briefly at his hand stroking his cock softly, knowing that made me even crazier than I already was, then licking his lips.
He always took the chance to work me, now this was my chance, smirking at him, “I wouldn’t want to wear you down too quick just yet, so-“
Taking another step towards his head, he was on it quicker than me, taking my thighs and pulling me down to sit on his face with a growl, “Takes a lot to wear me down.”
“Shhhh,” I gasped softly, playing with his hair at first while his tongue was at my clit, unable to help the slight rock in my hips when he started sucking next, turning my slight gasps into moans, “R-Ridgey-“
It didn’t take long for my body to reach its first struggling, forehead against the wall and trying to control the trembles, but of course he didn’t make that easy for me, giving me a spank so hard that I squealed, then hooking his arms around my thigh with his incredible strength, and still keeping my hips and legs shaking hard, keeping my body rocking.
Even with his face buried in my soaked cunt, I could see that he was smiling, my body giving off all of the signals that my orgasm was coming, stopped trying to fight the shakes and jolts, going right ahead and grinding against his face quicker than before.
“You just want me to suffocate you, huh?!” I didn’t realize how loud I was, unknowingly pounding my fists against the wall, nearly crying at how hard he was sucking my clit this time, squeezing his head with my thighs as hard as I could.
He still managed to laugh at me under there, panting so hard and my eyes were blurry a bit when I opened them a little, crying out,”Fucking hell, Ridgey! Oh my-, Oh my go-“
Not even for a second, he didn’t let up during my orgasm, and I may have been a soaked, shaking mess, I wasn’t out just yet.
“You alright?” He watched me carefully as I rose up on my knees slowly, still being proud of himself, “That made you really loud.”
“I’m just fine,” I flashed a quick look through my hair when our first time came to mind, how he edged me and had me begging.
“I know that look-“ For a change, that was a good thing to say. He instantly knew that I was ready to pounce, smirking while I slid back, squatting before sitting on his cock slowly.
It was harder to fight the wired nerves than I thought, but I was still capable. Poor Ridgey, he surely wasn’t prepared for my sudden burst of quickness, making sure he got to hear the sweetest moans of mine that turned him on, taking every inch of his cock with every bounce, as quickly as I could for as long as I could, till I fell to my knees.
“I see what you’re doing,” Leaning down to leave marks along his chest while winding my hips, things started to click in his mind, but I played dumb:
“What? I’m just enjoying you. My legs can only handle so much.”
“Liar,” He huffed, being playful and this time, I showed him that he was right, sitting back up and fixing myself into the squatting position again:
“Well, you did tell me that all bets were off. So, you afraid to moan or something?”
This time I had his eyes shut tight and his lip trapped in his teeth, bouncing harder this time too, adding a rocking motion along with it, and even when my knees gave way again, reaching another orgasm, I still kept rocking my hips, noticing how he was panting and his cheeks were red.
“Bet all of that speed going down to nothing drives you crazy, huh?” I left some kisses at his neck again before whispering in his ear, lifting my hips to bounce a few times then grinding down to a slow pace.
“You wanna see crazy?” It was a quiet breath, but I heard it, giggling as I settled, whispering back:
“Give me all you got.”
That moment, I finally realized that Ridge never showed me his crazy side, moving so quickly that I was just suddenly on my back, a single thrust sending the bed against the wall and getting me to scream, his speed outdoing mine.
There were so much power in his hips that I thought he was going to break me into the bed, a pinch in my lower core when he pushed my legs back with them against his chest and when I went to hold his head, he took my wrists, pinning them down with no chance of breaking his strength.
“R-Ridge-y” They called him Ridge The Fridge for a reason, I was starting to feel that weight of pure muscle on top of another orgasm coming like a storm, all of it knocking the air out of me, not able to finish.
“What? Can’t handle it?” He kept his nose against mine, about folding me in half and kept me so senseless that all I could do was whine, walls so clenched around his cock that the friction made me ache.
“I’m about to cum so hard!” I said it as quickly as I could, as it was happening rather, crying again at how overloaded my nerves were, woozy in the mind from all of the pleasure smacking me like a train.
Letting my arms and legs go, I still latched around him, hugging him super tight, feeling his cock throbbing with the last thrusts he had, gasping and making whatever noise felt right at the kisses he left along my neck to help me relax, his cock buried deep and his seed flooding.
“Just know, I’m not leaving this bed until I have no choice,” I chuckled softly before dropping limp, smiling at his laugh too:
“Well, your human body pillow is here, so don’t worry.”
“Good,” I smiled to him, “I know that I’m going to get a good nights sleep.”
After getting cleaned up and stealing one of his t-shirts to sleep in, I was out like a light and slept for what felt like a week, but with my eyes closed, still in a slumber, a pout formed on my face when I no longer felt Ridge’s chest that I was resting my head on.
“Ridgeyy,” I pouted sleepily, my arm still numb when I rose it a little, “Come back.”
“I’ll be right back, baby girl,” I heard from what seemed like a distance, rubbing my eyes and thankfully, it was still dark in the room, but there was a light that my tired eye focused on.
It was the door and I noticed it was open with Sheamus standing there, Ridge answering meanwhile he was still in just his shorts.
“Oh, hey Sheamy,” I yawned softly, then realized what I said, forgetting about last night.
His face was priceless at least, looking to me, then Ridge, the mess of the room. Ridge noticed the same thing I did, but before anything could be said, Sheamus, face and voice still tired, turned and walked away:
“I don’t even want to know what happened in there.”
I had to laugh at that, Ridge shutting the door and looking at the positive side, “Well, we don’t have to explain anything to him anymore.”
“Yeah, I think he took the hint,” I giggled sleepily, cuddling back up to him as he returned to me, “You’re all mine, now.”
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