#sheng kawolski
fuzzydreamin · 1 year
Random Headcanons for: NPCs
♢ Ellie Perkins knits in her spare time. She knit her own scarf, and both Piper and Nat's scarves. She also does other things like gloves and socks, and is working on a blanket.
♢ Ellie's parents were triggermen. They both died in a shootout when she was still a teen. It inspired her to move out of Goodneighbor and begin working with Nick to stop crime.
♢ Travis 'Lonely' Miles is FTM.
♢ Kent Connolly is related to Eddie Winter.
♢ Fahrenheit's real name is Lydia.
♢ Sheng and Donny Kowalski are brothers. Sheng moved to Diamond City when their dad died and unknowingly mispelt his last name on the registration forms. Donny didn't want to leave the waterfront.
♢ The Vault-tec Rep is named ‘James Robert Smith’ and goes by Jim, Jimmy, and Jim Bob.
♢ Magnolia knows she's a synth. She already had a talent and passion for singing, and didn't want to risk a memory alteration changing that, so she just got the facechange and stays low-key. It's an additional reason to why she won't date, other than being married to her work.
♢ The two Minutemen who died at Concord were named Charles and Alice. (These were Preston's friends, and the other MM in his group were named, so these guys get names too.)
♢ As the Minutemen rebuild and Blake Abernathy is able to get farmhands to help him out, Lucy joins up with the Minutemen like she had wanted, to help stop other families suffering like hers did.
♢ Jake Finch also joins up with the Minutemen officially, taking his fathers flaming sword with his blessing this time.
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degin00 · 2 years
[Cait x Curie x Piper: Girl's Night]
After having a girl's night, Cait decides to drink more. Welp, it didn't end nicely as anticipated lol
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When she sobered up, she was grounded along with Nat. (who kicked Sheng Kawolski for trying to kiss her)
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bulundu · 4 years
I don't care what happens in Fallout 5 or where it takes place, all I know is Sheng Kawolski better be an extremely successful businessman with multiple ventures and ties to every settlement that does trade. If we don't see him in the flesh, I want to run into an employee of Kawolski Enterprises who's scouting potential business opportunities for the boss.
And if Todd can't deliver, at least I'll know it's true in my heart.
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I like to imagine that some of the guards of Diamond city always try to tip Sheng Kowalski because they want to support him
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falloutdialogue · 5 years
Diamond City Radio if Travis is Killed
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He’s really smug about it, too.
Hey, so... uhhh... that Travis guy is dead. This is Sheng Kawolski... uhh... seller of fine water products... and I guess I'll play the music from now on.
If you're looking for music, you're in the right place. If you're looking for quality bottled water, come see Sheng Kawolski!
Just 'cause Travis is dead don't mean we shouldn't all enjoy some music... and if you'd like to enjoy some fresh, clean water, you know where to find me!
[Talking to himself] Uhh... which button was it? This one? No.... This one? No.... what about this one?
Hey there! This is Sheng Kawolski, living proof that anyone can make it.
You know what goes great with classic music? Fresh, clean bottled water. That's right, everyone. Sheng Kawolski here - you know where to find me.
This is Diamond City Radio, the best radio station ever.
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thewolfamongussy · 6 years
Found this old picture of Sheng Kawolski I made
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then buy my water
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metalforhands · 6 years
Nat. F*cking. Loves. Them. They are basically the little brothers she always wanted.
oh hell yeah, imagine the kind of mischief they’d get into??
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theggning · 3 years
how would you describe’s nat’s point of view of her sister taking care of her? describe nat’s relationship to piper please!
That one I can do. I’ll separate it into canon and headcanon stuff:
- It’s not clear how much older Piper is than Nat, but according to Piper Nat was “still a baby” when their single father died. So Nat has no real memory of her parents and Piper is the only parental figure she has ever known.
- Though they are sisters, they’re not equals. Piper’s the clear authority figure. This also suggests that Piper takes raising Nat very seriously and isn’t inclined to slack off or be lenient just because she’s her sister and not her mother. Piper is a parent through and through.  
- Nat attends the Diamond City School on a regular basis, though we never see her in the building. She has a banter with Piper where she talks about receiving detention for “knock[ing Sheng Kawolski] on his ass” for trying to kiss her.
- Nat is clearly very independent and mature for her age, as Piper is comfortable leaving her on her own for periods of time.
- It seems like Piper tries to shield Nat from worries or problems. She won’t tell Nat about her fight with the mayor beyond “tell me if he’s coming.” It seems she wants to keep Nat from worrying, though this unfortunately just makes Nat worry more.
- Piper is deeply worried about Nat growing up to emulate her reckless lifestyle, and says that she’s tried to distance herself a bit lately in the hopes it will make Nat not want to be like her. Sole can coach Piper on what to do here, and 3/4 options tell her to knock that off immediately because all it’ll do is drive a wedge between the sisters.
- I’ve got Piper at 24-25 and Nat at 11-12 in my fic, but these ages aren’t canon. All kids in FO4 look the same age and (SPOILER) is meant to be around 10, so you can speculate most of the other in-game kids are in the 9-12 range.
- Though she trusts Nat to be responsible, Piper has also trained her to defend herself if the need arises. Nat isn’t afraid of being shouted at or approached by strangers. Piper has also taught Nat to use a gun, and has also coached her to find a responsible adult if she needs help while Piper’s out of town. (Nick Valentine is almost certainly one of them, and friendly Diamond City neighbors like Pastor Clements, Arturo, and Mr. Zwicky too... maybe the Bobrovs, in a pinch.)
- Piper is used to being the only one who can handle family problems, so takes on all the responsibility herself. Nat is now old enough to understand when she’s being shielded and gets frustrated when she watches Piper bending over backwards without asking for her help. She wishes Piper would rope her in on more problems so they can solve them together.
- Nat also wishes Piper would take better care of herself and put herself first sometimes. She cannot remember the last time Piper took a day when she wasn’t working or taking care of Nat.
- The sisters are both extremely protective of each other. It just occurs less from Nat’s side because she’s a child, and because Piper is so overprotective of her that she won’t let it ever come up. Given their childhoods and how suddenly Piper was left as Nat’s only protector, this makes perfect sense, even if it does cause them lots of interpersonal problems.
- They don’t fight often, but Nat is coming up on that difficult age where she’s old enough to notice when she’s being shielded and considers it “babying,” but also not old enough for Piper to see her as fully capable. Piper’s going to have to step back and adjust her tendency to see Nat as a baby in need of protection, and Nat’s going to have to be patient and realize it’s okay that she’s still a kid.
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corsairesix · 4 years
I hate to say it, but as Fallout games allow more narrative choices in their main quest, the games are going to get more isolated and less interconnected.
Fallout 1, 2, and 3 had a lot of in-game choices, some of which are determined canon by later games, but mostly a standard main plot, sometimes with a clearly non-canonical evil choice, but still. The Unity is blown up, the Enclave is defeated, the Enclave is defeated again.
Fallout: New Vegas breaks that trend. All four main endings would result in a vastly different Mojave Wasteland. And these consequences are far-reaching -- it would be impossible to have another West Coast Fallout game where the NCR either taking or being kicked out of the Mojave isn’t a major historical event.
Then again, for all intents and purposes it looks like New Vegas was slated to be the last West Coast Fallout game. But the same issues are present in Fallout 4. The Commonwealth would look vastly different in a Railroad Victory vs a BOS Victory. It seems like any future East Coast game that mentions the Commonwealth would have to mention it.
Unless, of course, they don’t mention it. We’ve already seen this with Fallout 4 in regard to Fallout 3. The main players in Fallout 4 that were from Fallout 3 were either unkillable children or essential to the main quest, thus ensuring that they weren’t defining canon for any players. Similarly, the other main sources of information about the Capital Wasteland are a man with implanted memories (Danse) and a consummate liar (Deacon).
That looks like it might be the future of Fallout. We might get another game up or down the coast with the Commonwealth, in which people have barely heard of Massachusetts before. There will be no interconnectedness to a larger world. And Sheng Kawolski will be a companion.
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daddyfuckinlonglegs · 5 years
A little Piper/Nate fluff for those who care. I’m looking at @lookbluesoup in particular.On AO3 under the Kisses Are Free title. Also updated Trouble (clicky clicky) “Piper! Some guy at the door with a half-assed beard and a dog and one of those vault thingies. You want me to grill him, or let him in?” Nat glared at Nate from under her hand, shielding her eyes from the sun. Nate pressed his lips between his teeth and shook his head, holding back a smile.  “They're called sideburns, you little runt. They don't teach you nothin' at school, do they?” he grinned at her, and she scowled harder. “Don't need school to know when you need a haircut.” Nate laughed and she crossed her arms, satisfied. “Ouch. I'll have you know this hair cut is what you'd call “classic”. “Vintage”, even.” “Old. Just like you, and your jokes.” “Nat!” Piper yelled from upstairs, “Stop being a pain in the ass and let him in.” Nat sighed. “Open up mister,” she gestured at his jacket, then his rifle, “drop 'em at the door. Got a lot of enemies in this town.” Nate held his hands up apologetically, dropping his rifle and unfastening his jacket, pulling a small pistol from inside. He looked down at Dogmeat, sat behind his ankles, head tilted quizzically to the side. Nat nodded and stepped back slightly.
 “Go on in. The dog too. Especially the dog.” “Y'know,” Nate said, squeezing through the narrow gap in the door, “there's a guy down Goodneighbor, called Ham; you ever met him? You're in the same line of business, you oughtta talk about a partnership.”
 Piper hopped down the last two steps as Nat closed the door, bare feet sliding on the floor as she hurried to Nate. She stopped beside him, almost skidding to a halt, Dogmeat barking happily at her approach before settling on the rug by the sofa, and she rushed an apology. “Ugh, sorry about this little weasel; she's determined to keep the house like a fortress.” Nate shrugged. “Didn't you say you got poisoned, once? Seems like maybe she's got a point.”  He winked at Nat, and she cocked her head proudly, then resumed her scowl and sloped off to the bathroom. Nate tallied another point in his head – one day, he'd get on her good side. Not today, but one day. “So...” Piper looked at Nate, awkwardly flapping her arms at her sides, clapping her hands on her hips. “Whatcha got for me, Blue?”  Nate glanced over her shoulder, checking the coast was clear, and quickly slid his hands around her waist, pushing her back against the lockers on the wall and pressing his mouth to hers in a hurried kiss. She wriggled, one hand bunching the sleeve of his jacket in her fist, the other reaching to his face, pulling him close and holding him tight. Dogmeat whined behind him, and Nate smiled, waving his arm out behind him to hush the canine. Piper whispered against his teeth, breathing heavily, not wanting to break their kiss. “Oh thank god, Blue, I was starting to-” He pulled back, meeting her eyes. “Starting to what?” “Well, y'know, worry. That it's all been a dream or something.” He leaned closer, smirking, pushing his hips against her and murmuring low. “A dream? You been dreaming about me, Wright? Thinking about me before bed, getting yourself all worked up?” Piper rolled her eyes and snorted, cheeks turning pink at the thought. “No.” she grinned sheepishy. “Not much anyway.”  The bathroom door opened and they leapt apart, Piper leaning a casual elbow against the locker door, Nate standing back a step, hand in his pocket, and strolling over to pet Dogmeat's eager face. Nat stepped out into the quiet room, and looked around suspiciously. “I'm gonna go play ball, 'kay?” She glared at Nate. “Don't try anything, mister.” Nate shook his head. “I'll sit right here on the sofa. You won't have any trouble from me.” “No kissi-” Piper cleared her throat noisily. “Why don't you take Dogmeat with you? Sure he'd love to join in.” Nat looked at the dog, sat licking his paws on the rug, then at Nate, staring him dead in the eye. “Does he bark when you tell him to?” Nate shrugged. “Why?” “Does he? It's important.” Nate turned and whistled to the dog, clapping his hands. “Hey boy; speak.” Dogmeat lifted his head, barking and yipping enthusiastically, until Nate clapped his hands again. “That do?” Nat's eyes had lit up, bright and twinkling under the ceiling light. “Perfect.” She announced, staring enthralled at the dog. She looked up at Nate. “Can I take him?” “Sure. But I'm trusting you, Miss Wright, see he stays out of trouble.” She smiled, picking up a baseball from the corner, Dogmeat's ears pricking up at the sound of her opening the door. “Got it. C'mon boy.” Dogmeat stood up, hesitantly, looking around the room, and Nate encouraged him. “Go on boy. Out you go.” He stretched his back legs, then cantered up to Nat, nudging her affectionately as he squeezed through the door. Nat giggled, half closing the door behind her, and Piper called out to her. “Leave Sheng out of it; I mean it Nat!” The door slammed, shaking the shack wall, and Piper blew a stray strand of hair from her face. “Well, that's that, then. Rest in Peace, Sheng Kawolski. Poor kid's gonna get eaten.” Nate smiled, and Piper dumped herself onto the sofa beside him. “Things any better with that... situation?” Piper made a face. “Ugh. No. He's really got a crush on her, and last week he sent her a love note. She tried to get me to put an article in the paper, as a response, the headline was “Leave Me Alone Creep-Face, Or I'll Bust Your Nose Again”.” Nate laughed quietly, running his arm around Piper's shoulders. “Gotta hand it to her, the direct approach is definitely her strong suit. Takes after you, for sure.” “Just don't tell her that.” Piper curled into Nate, trying to get comfortable, shoulders squeaking against the leather of his jacket, and she tugged down the zipper, wrinkling her face. “Can we get you out of this? I wanna get all up close and personal; I wanna be so close I can smell you.” Nate laughed, wriggling out of his jacket under Piper's hands. “Trust me, you don't want to smell me right now.” Piper nudged her way under his arm again, pressing herself against him and tucking her hand into the open collar of his shirt, her chin resting on his shoulder. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, inhaling through her nose. “Mmm, grimy.” she teased, picking at his buttons and pressing her nose to his neck.  Nate slid his fingers up into her hair, and she tipped her head back to face him. For a long moment, they sat, still, breathing in the closeness of each other, eyes settling lovingly on the tiny details of their faces – the soft bow of Piper's mouth, the proud, upturned flick of Nate's nose, the splash of freckles beneath her eyes, the steep ridge of his adam's apple, and the shadow around his throat, the little dimples at the corners of her mouth and the way her hair curled messily beneath her chin, framing her face... He took her face in his hand, swiping his thumb gently across her cheek. She smiled and kissed his wrist. “Never really thought that we'd end up like this...” She stretched to kiss him, he pulled back, holding her shoulder, keeping their distance. He raised his eyebrows condescendingly. “No kissing, remember?” Piper snorted and wriggled up to his face, locking her lips with his. His hands trailed slowly down her back, over her hips, and he lowered one hand to her thigh, lifting her leg over his, coaxing her into his lap. She clambered over, settling across his thighs and opening her eyes, but not letting her lips leave his, giggling against his mouth. His mouth opened, pulling her bottom lip gently between his teeth, and she sighed “God, Blue, I missed you.”
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javapixels-plays · 6 years
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I’ll clean up your pond, but you can keep your overpriced water.
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companionhell · 6 years
Shaun asks the companions for dating advice
I’m gonna write Shaun as a teenager for this one, because ten years old seems a bit young for dating.
Cait: Cait was taken aback that he’d want her advice, and after staring at him for a second, actually gave him some. “Put yourself first, kid. Listen to your heart. If someone seems wrong for you, they’re wrong. Get yourself outta there.” She wouldn’t say much else, though, shooing Shaun away if he asked what made her say that- she didn’t want to talk about Stratton.
Codsworth: It had never occurred to Codsworth that young Shaun would be interested in dating, and he was quite surprised by the thought for a moment or two. “Well, not that I have much experience,” he started cheerily, after supposing that Shaun was old enough, “but etiquette is key. Look your best, hold open doors, pull chairs out, the whole nine yards.”
Curie: Curie had to think about it for a little while, as there weren’t any dates during her two hundred years underground. Eventually, though, she gave him the best directions she could: “Find someone who makes you happy.” She remembered an addendum as Shaun was walking away, and shouted it after him. “And don’t forget to comb your hair!” Whenever he didn’t, it was a mess.
Danse: Though feeling somewhat awkward to be asked something like that, Danse was flattered that Shaun had come to him, of all people. He paused before answering. “Pursuing a relationship should hardly be your focus, son. There’s work to consider, responsibilities…” Shaun gave Danse a look, and he dropped it. “If you’re that set on it, just remember that balance is always key.”
Deacon: Deacon launched into a list of hyper-specific pieces of advice, implying that he’d experienced each before (the first being “don’t trust ammunition traders with purple eyebrows”). Shaun played along with the joke for a while, but eventually turned to leave, a little disappointed. Deacon stopped him before he went. “Seriously, though, kiddo. If you find someone perfect, don’t lose them.”
Dogmeat: As a canine, Dogmeat couldn’t offer verbal advice for Shaun. He did sit and listen to Shaun rant, though, if he wanted, and inspected every potential date Shaun brought home. Dogmeat had pretty good intuition about people, and could tell whether those Shaun cared for were genuinely kind individuals- if they weren’t, Dogmeat found a way to let Shaun know.
Gage: Gage laughed, but cut himself off when he saw the look on Shaun’s face. The kid was serious? Why the hell ask a raider with absolutely no experience for advice? Gage grunted and acted more irritated than he was- really, he was just surprised. Eventually, if Shaun hung around, Gage grumbled a response. “Most people are only out for themselves. That’s worth rememberin’.”
Hancock: Oh, he had plenty of wisdom to bestow on the next flirtatious generation. Hancock had good date ideas and could also usually tell if Shaun’s potential matches were half-decent. But his best advice was only a few sentences. “Don’t be afraid to date around, find out what you like. But don’t be afraid of commitment, either. That’s when you get lonely.”
MacCready: MacCready wasn’t sure why Shaun would come to him, of all people, about this, but wasn’t about to turn him away. He told some really bad dad jokes or muttered about not getting paid enough for this (or maybe both), but did offer Shaun a few words. “Find someone who’ll be there for you, who makes you happy, and hold onto ‘em. You need someone to have your back.”
Nick: Nick had plenty to say on etiquette and small gestures that Shaun’s dates would love (from footing the bill at nicer restaurants to elegant bouquets of hubflowers), but surprisingly little on the actual substance of a relationship. He figured anything like that wasn’t his place. If Shaun asked specifically, though, Nick said this: “When you find the right one, pal, you’ll know.”
Piper: She teased Shaun a lot about finally being old enough to date, but gave him some sweet, self-affirming advice and some tips about how to treat his date right. Afterwards, though, Piper found herself worrying. Nat would soon be at that age, too. She’d come to Piper for advice, right? Not just sneak around? She’d better avoid that Sheng Kawolski kid.
Preston: Preston was flattered that Shaun trusted him enough for this, but did take a minute or two to think up his response. “Find someone you feel lucky to be with,” he said eventually. “Take your time, don’t rush things, and enjoy the feeling. After that, stick with them. Loyalty will get you happiness.” He hoped all went well with Shaun’s efforts, and might ask for follow-up.
Strong: Strong did not comprehend human dating. Super Mutants had no concept of gender or sexuality, so explaining to Strong why some humans enjoyed pairing up for certain activities was extremely difficult. Even if he did understand, he was reluctant to give advice- this seemed boring and not worth his time. Eventually he just grunted. “Find human who help humans.”
X6-88: X6 didn’t have much advice, per se. He wasn’t really programmed for dating, so it was difficult for him to give any advice about it to Shaun. So X6 shook his head, but if Shaun persisted, he told him to be careful. Behind the scenes, though, X6 ran a background check on all of Shaun’s dates. Shaun was Sole’s child, after all, and X6 was just keeping him safe.
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knightiss · 6 years
Questions, Answers, and Cheesecake
I had fun writing this commissioned story for @thedorkyastra!
The sun was high and the radiation was low, the perfect day to move to the center of the commonwealth. Piper was filling out the final paperwork in the mayor's office. Her ears were sharp, ready to grasp on any sign of a story.
“It’ll be nice to have something to new to read for once.” A man’s voice said. Piper turned around to see something she only ever shot at. A synth. But this one was different he was wearing detective clothes, and was smoking a cigarette.
“Nick, please no smoking inside.” Geneva said, Piper could hear a flirty tone in her voice.
“Oh sorry Geneva.” The detective took a final deep breath crushed the cigarette in his hand. “Now you don’t need to look at me like I’m a three headed Brahmin. Names Nick Valentine. I met your sister down stairs nice kid.” He flicked the cigarette out the large window, and reached out to shake her hand.
“ Piper Wright.” She took the hand slowly. There was only one way for her to describe the feeling. Weird. Because it felt like metal, but at the same time felt like genuine act of kindness.
“Now I’m sure you have questions. But I have some business to attend to with Mcdonough.” As he spoke the doors to the office opened, and a large cheery man walked out. The second Piper saw him she heard alarms go off in her head. Something wasn’t right about him.
“NICK! So good to see you my friend. Did you get that information I sent?” McDonough forcefully grabbed both of Nick’s hands and shook them roughly.
“Yea yea. Sent me on a wild goose chase. Next time you should try fact checking everything.”
“What’s this now?” Piper asked intrigued.
“Now Now Miss Wright, was it? While having a paper in town will surely be appreciated by everyone. Try to realize, personal matters should stay personal.”
“Oh of course Mr. Mayor.” Piper said, mocking Geneva’s tone.
“Now then, Nick if you please.” McDonough motioned towards his office, and the Synth nodded and went on in.
“Nice to meet you again Piper.” He gave a final wave as the doors closed behind him.
“Now let's finish that paperwork shall we?” Geneva wasn’t in a flirty mood anymore.
A few days passed and Piper and Nat seemed to final moved in. The previous tenant left behind books upon books. Some well kept over time, some newer self published books. The two of them were organizing them. Trying to figure out what to keep, to sell, or to donate to the school. “What’s this?” Nat held up a leather bound book. It simple said New Testament.
“I think it's a bible. Put it on the table we’ll see it the pastor across the street wants it. So, that Valentine character. What do you think?” Piper asked.
“I donno. I mean he seems nice. Gave me a Nuka Cola.” Nat said as she sat the bible down. “You got an itch?”
    “You know it. I did some digging. He’s some kind of local legend. He saved the last mayor’s kid. But still, he’s a synth.” Piper fingers were tapping on the book she held. “But he acts human?” She looked at the book she was messing with. Wizard of Oz. One of the few books their dad would read to them. “Maybe he’s like the tin man.”
    “Why don’t you just talk to him?” Nat fell back on the bed. “Worst he can say is no.”
    “Nat Nat Nat. You gotta know the target. He’s a detective. He knows people, knows how to use his words to get what he wants. Nick may be a synth, but he’s charismatic. If I go up to him, he could read what I wanted from a mile away.”
    “From the sound of that I’d say you to are a lot alike.”
    “Hmm. I’m going out. You should get to bed. School starts tomorrow.” Piper grabbed the bible on the table and headed out the door. The last thing she heard was her sister groan.
    “Thank you Piper. This will be helpful if anyone wants to know more about the christian god.” Pastor Clements took the book. “Now I have a feeling this isn’t just a social call.”
    “Hey just trying to be a good neighbor.” Piper said.
    “Right. I already know you’ve been digging for info on good old nick.”
    “Can you blame a girl for being curious?”
    Clements laughed. “Listen. Nick, he’s a good man. He never tries to hide who he is, and well. Sometimes I think he’s more human than the rest of us.”
    “But he’s not human. He’s. a. Synth.”
    “Listen. Piper. You gotta think more with your heart than your head. Everybody and everything has a chance to live and do things. They can be good, they can be bad. Nick is one of the good ones. You may think him being a Synth makes him evil. But I’ll tell you this, I think the only other person around here who is bothered by him being a synth, is Nick himself.”
    The words the pastor spoke ligerned in Piper’s head. She took a drink from the beer in her hand. Maybe he was right, maybe she was digging too much into this. But she couldn’t get rid of the itch. In fact, the itch was getting worse by the minute.
    “Heard you’ve been asking about me.” Piper jumped a bit when Nick sat himself at the stool next to hers. “Vadim. Beer please, and you better not replace it with moonshine again!” Nick narrowed his eyes at the troublemaking brother before returning his attention to Piper.  “You know, you could have just asked the source.”
    “Well, you can understand why I didn’t.”
    Nick laughed as he opened the beer with his hand. “Of course I do! You think your the first person I’ve done this song and dance with. Everytime a new person moves into the city, they think there gonna be the one to dig up all my secrets.”
    “So you do have secrets?” Piper smirked.
    “You don’t?” Nick took a deep drink from the bottle. “Secrets are secrets for a reason. We don’t want people to know them. Sure, some secrets are dangerous. But some are just secrets for a reason others won’t understand.”
“You going to spill any of them?”
Nick tapped his fingers and smirked. “I’ll tell you what. I’ll give you one question a day. We can meet up, you can come to the agency. I’ll be hundred percent honest. Detective’s honor.”
“What’s the catch?”
“I expect the same from you.”
Piper considered the offer. She remembered what she told Nat. It seemed like they were both true. Nick was trying to work that charm of his. But she didn’t get that feeling she got with McDonough. “Alright Nicky you got a deal.” The two of them shook hands. “Alright, How the hell are drinking that?”
“Same as you. With my lips.”  Nick smirked. Pipers eyes narrowed at him. Nick laughed. “Right right. Sorry. I’m not like those hunks of junks you see digging around the wasteland. Whatever the institute shoved in me they wanted to try to make me human as good be. But, as you can see.” Nick gestured to himself. “Didn’t work out.”
    It wasn’t a good answer, but it was an answer. Piper sighed. She needed to think about this. “Now then I do believe it’s my turn to ask a question.”
    “Ok Tin Man shoot.”
    Nick gave her an annoyed look but ignored it.“If you could try any food to ever exist what would it be?”
    “Excuse me?” Piper almost laughed. Was this a joke to him?
    “I wanna know.”
    Piper shook her hand. “I guess I would wanna try.” Piper trailed off. She remembered a cookbook she found in her new house. “Cheesecake.”
“Good choice.” Nick said. He chugged the last of his beer. “Oh and in case you're wondering, I can’t get drunk.”
“Depends on who you ask.”
A few days had passed and they learned things about each other. Piper learned how Nick had the memories of an old detective, Nick learned Piper liked Jazz music. When Piper asked about how he found his way to Diamond City, he told her the story of living with a settlement, then when he decided to leave he ran into some raiders who kidnapped a young woman. She almost laughed at the stupidity of the raiders who believed Nick was a bomb. Nick wanted to know if she was more of a cat person or a dog person.She couldn’t choose between the two.
She knew what his plan was,and she didn’t mind that it was working. Nick just wanted her to be his friend. But she still wanted to know about the institute. Sadly she wasted one of her questions asking about what it was like there. Only for him to say he didn’t remember. Piper told him her favorite season was fall.
Piper was walking back into the city with a bag full of ink she managed to get from local stores. All of it was expired. But it would work. She brought it into her house and sat it by the printer. “Nat? You home?” She should have been back from school by now.
Piper walked into the street to see if she could find her sister, it didn’t take long because Nat was sat at Power Noodles waiting as Takahashi sat down two bowls of noodles. When the robot moved, the other one was revealed to be sitting next to her.
“Hey Piper! Did you find the ink?” Nat said with excitement. “Nick fixed the printer. We can finally post a story!”
“Oh really Nick?” Piper asked.
“Hey I told you, I’m looking forward to reading something new.” Nick said. “We need another bowl Takahashi.”
“I was thinking Piper! We should look into Sheng Kawolski. He’s real shady. I mean how is a kid running a water purfaction center?!”
“Just like your sister huh?” Nick chuckled. “So you got a question Piper?”
Piper thought for a minute. Before she answered Nat spoke up. “Can I ask one!?”
“Yea you can have this one.” Piper took a bite of the piping hot noodles.
“So your last name is Valentine. Can you love?” Piper almost choked.
“What it’s a question?!”
Nick laughed. “No it’s fine.” Nick stopped and thought for moment. “I think I can. I mean it’s just another emotion. I don’t know if I can feel the love a husband feels for a wife, mostly because I couldn’t put anyone through that. But the love you two got.” He pointed his chopsticks at the both of them. “I know I can feel that. Because that kind of love doesn’t mean giving half of yourself. It means you already share something. Something no one can explain. Science may try to say it’s because you share DNA. But I say it’s something more. Maybe it’s a soul, or maybe it’s just a need. A need to have somebody to care about other than yourself. I know I have that feeling.  Because if I didn’t, well I would have you take me out back and take care of me like the other synths.”
Piper stared at the synth sitting there. She had spent the first weeks of her new life trying to ruin his. She finally got what Pastor Clements was telling her. Nick was human, even if he didn’t think so. “Your quite the poet Nicky. I’ll give you that.”
“So, you got a question for us then?” Nat asked excitedly.
“Yea.” Nick bent down to his side and pulled up a cooler. “You want some cheesecake.”
“HECK YEA!” Nat screamed happily. Nick started to open the cooler.
“Where the hell did you get that?” Piper asked.
“I have a buddy who lives in Vault 81. Had to rush over there early this morning, and he hooked me up. Consider it a housewarming gift, sorry its late.”
Nick started pulled out folks and plates. He cut a piece and placed it on the girl’s plate. “Wait.” He reached his hand into the color and pulled out a glass jar filled with a red gooey liquid.  “Strawberry jam.” He placed a spoonful. “Gotta hand it to Vault 81, they got the good stuff.”
Nat took a big bite of the cake, her eyes seemed to sparkly. “It’s so good! Nick aren’t you gonna eat any.”
“Sadly dairy never wants to work with my system. Go on Piper have some.”
Piper took a bit and it was as delicious as she could have ever imagined. “So what does it taste like?”
“Taste like Home Nicky. Taste Like Home.”
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underrated fallout 4 character: sheng kawolski. why cant i adopt that little shit
hes a businessman doing his thing
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After punching him dead in the eye when he tried to kiss her, Nat sent Sheng the coldest nuka cola she could find with a note attached that said “ur an asswipe and I hate u but im sorry for the black eye. The cola is for ur eye. P.S. try ANYTHING like that again and u’ll end up with much worse. P.P.S. Stop eating ONLY sugar bombs ur gonna die from diabetes. And u smell like them ALL the time.”
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falloutdialogue · 5 years
“Can I pay with this charge card?”
You may come across a man named Parker Quinn, who will try to con you into buying a ‘charge card.’ If you buy it, you can ask vendors if you can pay with the card; here’s what they say.
Polly: ... No. Daisy: A charge card? Whoa. I haven't seen one of these since before the War... Uh... sorry, honey, but this thing hasn't been good for about 200 odd years. If you're trading, I might be able to give you a couple of caps for it, but it's barely worth the plastic it's printed on. Arturo Rodriguez: You're kidding, right? Caps only, friend. Becky Fallon: Whatever that is, we don't take it.  Fred Allen: A what? Whoa, that some kind of pre-War plastic ID thing? You're joking with me right? KL-E-O: While I appreciate the novelty of crushing someone under the burden of financial debt, we only accept caps here. Moe Cronin: Tryin' to pull a fast one on me? No. Caps only. Myrna: This something synths use to pay for things? We don't take filthy synth money here! Percy: A charge card? I'm sorry, but I'm programmed to only accept what you humans call "caps." Sheng Kawolski: A what now? OH... Oh no way! Parker Quinn got another one. I can't believe it. That old shark. Listen, ain't no one from here to the Quincy Bay gonna accept that useless hunk of plastic. You're better off tossin' it.  Solomon: Hey, I know money's kind of an imaginary thing anyway, but that card is like... way more imaginary than I'm comfortable with. Whitechapel Charlie: What are you, an idiot? No. Caps only. Now what'll it be? John: Uh, caps only, I'm afraid.
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