#sherlock holmes vs arsène lupin
fwfanweekend · 3 months
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FW Sherlock Holmes Fanweekend
(*) there will be no theme-days: you can share your contribution(s) to the theme(s) of your choice during the whole event and regardless of the day.
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You can participate in the events with whatever you like: fanart, fanfics, gifs, cosplays, etc. Your contribution can be connected to any of the Sherlock Holmes games by Frogwares!
Just mention this blog and/or use the tag #fwfanweekend, and I will reblog your work!
The events will also take place on the Frogwares Discord server, so you don't have to join Tumblr just to participate. Nevertheless, I would love to share your work here!
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Greetings and feel free to follow this blog for updates 💚
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walks-the-ages · 6 months
Sherlock Holmes vs Arsène Lupin, 1910 Translation
As promised, here are links to the 1910 "Sherlock Holmes vs Arsène Lupin" comic, in the original Portuguese, English translation, and also blank versions, for anyone who wants to translate it into other languages! If anyone can translate it into French, I know the creator of Arsenelupingc.free.fr is on the lookout for a French edition :)
Unfortunately translating something into French is currently beyond my skillset, lol.
Like I said in a post yesterday, this is more of a Sherlock Holmes comic than an Arsène Lupin comic; Arsène is more of a lazy, clumsy parody of himself, but I think that's fair considering how Sherlock was treated in the novels X'D
Trigger Warnings: contains nonconsensual drug use, starvation, and descriptions of suicide.
^ Here's the original 1910 Portuguese version, which is in the Public Domain :)
^ Here is my English translation, which I've made Creative Commons.
^ and last but certainly not least, here is a blank version, so more people can easily translate it into other languages!
It may be a caricature of Lupin, but on the plus side, we now have a Tiger!Lupin design, and I think Watson makes a very cute little Fox :)
I'll make a seperate post of the actual comic, so this one doesn't get too long :)
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m0dernchr0n1cles · 3 months
From Dr. J. Watson's personal writings:
Holmes & Lupin's "relationship"
Arsène Lupin: You’re so cute when you’re irritated. Sherlock Holmes: I am going to slit your throat.
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spark-circuit · 11 months
still utterly obsessed with how Arsène Lupin is written tbh. this trickster fey decided to make the whole of France his playground and no one can do anything about it. and he'd be right at home writing tumblr shitposts too.
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Akechi's taste in Literature
I've taken an interest in the books Akechi reads. Obviously from the first time you talk with him, you can already tell what he tends to: psychology, philosophy, and mythos. Also, I read at least a little bit from every text. One of my professors out there is proud of me. I hope. So: let's talk about it!
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Ok, but why care? Quick Introduction
No particular reason. I simply want to tinker with his brain. I think it could give us insight on the character! And there's an easy way to dismiss this conversation: Akechi uses books as a way to appear intelligent. I don't think that's wrong per se, but he does express an interest in psychology and philosophy in his third semester Jazz Jin discussions. His thieves den conversations also point to interests in mythos. Use this as a "Annoying Person Bookshelf" if you'd like, I certainly will.
Aristole's De Anima (Mementos Mission - Chapter 3)
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De Anima, or "On the Soul" [Leob Classical Library], is an examination of the soul and how it functions within the body. It's pretty dense but easily accessible. On page 15,
"There are times when men show all the symptoms of fear without any cause of fear being present. If this is the case, then clearly the affections of the soul are formulae expressed in matter."
Now, I'm not going to read every book, that would be a huge investment. And unfortunately I am still a university student, so I'll stick to the introduction/first chapters or so. But anyways, to the point of the quote, De Anima tends to get metaphysical. Theory time: Akechi has morbid fascinations with the soul. Not only because he well, kills people, but also messes with the restraints on their heart. I choose this quote because it's a good summary of the kind of body horror someone messing with you in the metaverse is like. It's fear and anger unchained, but it manifests in reality through subway accidents... for example.
Hegel's Dialectics (did Akechi misquote Hegel?) - Rank 1
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Look, almost all of these texts are slogs to get through, so I wouldn't blame Akechi for not catching this. Or not reading the 2017 in-universe equivalent of cliffnotes. Note: Dialectics refers to the structure/strategy that Hegel uses, not a text itself. Looking at the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy we see that Hegel never makes mention of the thesis, antithesis, and synthesis idea. Rather, thesis-antithesis-synthesis is a pattern in his arguments. These are also projected by people reading his text, so we can't fully be sure he's using this to formulate most of his arguments. So not only has Akechi forgotten synthesis, the "unification", but also the fact that Hegel doesn't talk about this. Did he read Hegel? Probably. Did he retain the information? Questionable. Do I blame the writers for making the mistake? mmmm. Maybe. If you're asking me to guess which book he read, I would estimate it was The Phenomenology of Spirit [Google Books]. And yes, I'm going to say it was just because of this quote on page 9 that just, screams Black Mask:
"The force of the mind is only as great as expression; its depth only as, as deep as its power to expand and lose itself when spending and giving out its substance."
Maurice Leblanc's Arsène Lupin vs Sherlock Holmes (Herlock Sholmes) (P5A)
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This book I read because my curiosity definitely got the better of me. Since I've gotten into Persona 5 again, I've been DYING to read this one, but never got around to it. I think this one is also interesting to look at based on how it was represented in the anime, a crow escaping a bird cage. I can say that this doesn't happen in the book, but this is why I think Akechi is self inserting on Holmes/Sholmes here. Holmes is much freer as a person in this text than Akechi, but also in a deep rivalry with Lupin. Their banter is also pretty reminiscent of what they [Joker and Akechi] have, but... with older language. Longer quote, so here's an image in its place:
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Edit/Correction: Edogawa Ranpo's Kogoro Akechi Series!
As pointed out by a couple people, we can't leave out this series. (credits to @heavy-metal-papillon) I don't know why my mind blanked and left this out. Because when I was doing research for this post someone had mentioned it. Just by name, it should be obvious why this is here! Here is a part of the preface that explains Kogoro Akechi, Arsene Lupin, and their presence in Edogawa's novels (written by Ho-Ling Wong):
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Literature he makes references but doesn't mention (note: headcanon/my opinion)
John Stuart Mill's On Utilitarianism
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Because Akechi knows how to flirt, he recommends philosophy to Joker. [Early Modern Texts] In my eyes he definitely doesn't agree with this philosophy (in fact some quotes are definitely more aligned with Maruki's philosophy). Page 8:
"That’s because the utilitarian standard is not •the agent’s own greatest happiness but •the greatest amount of happiness altogether; and even if it can be doubted whether a noble character is always happier because of its nobleness, such a character certainly makes other people happier, and the world in general gains immensely from its existence."
Yes, Akechi reads Freud. Freud's essays: Beyond the Pleasure Principle & The Ego Principle
In an offhanded comment about Personas in the Thieves Den to Ryuji, Akechi says:
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I love you Akechi. I will not read Freud for you. My love has limits.
Carl Jung's Two Essays on Analytical Psychology
Okay I'm NOT reading this (a lie, i did. [Internet Archive]) but this was the foundational text on the Jungian Archetype of the Persona as well as addressing concepts such as "the will to power." Going to leave this quote from page 78 for you to munch on:
"Logically, the opposite of love is hate, and of Eros, Phobos (fear); but psychologically it is the will to power. Where love reigns, there is no will to power; and where the will to power is paramount, love is lacking. The one is but the shadow of the other..."
There's a couple things here that point to Akechi reading this, but ultimately I just headcanon that he wants to reason through why Personas exist.
Generally reads about the casts Personas!
Similarly to how Joker can read about the other PTs Personas, Akechi does as well. Well, if his morbid discussion about Captain Kidd in the Thieves Den is an indicator. Does this mean Akechi is familiar with the Carmen stage opera? I think so. Besides, it's also the smartest move. Akechi (head)canonically reads lovecraft.
Akechi really enjoys psychology and philosophy, and while some of it seems like he's doing it for attention/to appear smarter, he DOES continue to show interest in third-semester/thieves den. I still can't forgive him for reading Freud.
The List (of ones directly mentioned here)
De Anima, Aristotle
The Phenomenology of Spirit, Hegel
Arsène Lupin vs Sherlock Holmes, Leblanc
On Utilitarianism, John Stuart Mill
Beyond the Pleasure Principle & The Ego Principle, Freud
Two Essays, Carl Jung
The Fiend with Twenty Faces, Edogawa Ranpo
Other notes and headcanons I can't justify giving sections to:
he probably read that fuckass billiards book
definitely stuff on justice. i was just lazy. Some of these texts do cover these ideas, but definitely not all of them
he likes detective novels. he's probably read a fair share of sherlock holmes.
he probably reads adjacent literature to some of the philosophers mentioned (for example: Nietzsche to Jung, Plato to Aristotle)
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
Undead Girl Murder Farce Episode 5: The Immortal of London
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I know, you know, we all know. Undead Girl Murder Farce sits atop this season twirling its crown around its head. Rather than resting on its laurels and taking credit for all that it's done, it reaches higher, it digs deeper, bringing us closer to the goal of the Oni Hybrid and Bodiless Immortal. And by God if I don't want to gush about how much I love this episode more than anything else in the world at this moment.
The episode opens with Arsène Lupin stealing The Phantom of The Opera alongside a specific ruby, so we're treated to quite the farce of a conversation. A really great personification of the sentiment of this story, and an interesting opposition to Aya and Tsugaru. Also Mamoru Miyano as Lupin is just an insanely good fit.
Also also, if it wasn't clear, both these people are not explicitly human. They weren't exactly all that subtle about naming conventions here, as Arsène Lupin translates to "Male Wolf". Though I should also say, it isn't this anime that gives Lupin his namesake, but French author Maurice Leblanc.
It's right about now that I started getting goosebumps about where this piece was going. Arsène Lupin is frequently stated to be the French counterpart to Sherlock Holmes, who just so happens to be working this case. Not only that, but we have Aya Rindo in on it.
This is Yugo Aosaki putting his wit in contention with the greats of the detective world. An arc all about challenging himself as a creator by pitting his characters against the giants in the history of detective novels.
I don't know if people really understand that. It's like if you made a superhero and placed them in the same story as Superman and Batman. It's like if you stuck a character of your own making in between Mickey Mouse and Popeye. The sheer confidence. No, not even. The scale of the challenge in balancing the world of the greats alongside your own is something else entirely. It's not Aosaki borrowing the personalities of authors for the basis of their characters, but bringing in historical greats to provide the foundation for the detective equivalent of Dark Horse and DC vs Marvel.
Anyways, rant over, take a look at these super pretty layouts from Lupin and The Phantom.
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The idea of Lupin being in Sherlock's silhouette/shadow is just such a great piece. I love it. Also, the consistency in characterization through visuals? I actually can't get enough. Lupin and The Phantom are almost always shown from a side profile. It's just so subtle yet so good. Such a great detail to provide life to a character through things as simple as positioning and angles.
Anyways, look at Tsguaru's silly little walk here. The man is so deeply unserious and showboat-y that you can't help but love him.
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In terms of more serious pieces though, I loved this pseudo first person view of Tsugaru from a perspective similar to Aya's. The camera movement really sells the fact that it's supposed to be her looking up at him.
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And finally, we reach our first rival. And he doesn't disappoint at all. Right away, his quick wits and observations are put on full blast as he analyzes Aya, Tsugaru, and Shizuku at a glance. It's such a great cut that immediately sells this character's observational ability. The way he looks over Shizuku sharply, reasoning that she carries a weapon, while Tsugaru is a more casual gaze that traces his blue vein. It tells the story of the fact that Holmes (who we do not know is Holmes at this point in time) is wary of the empty handed maid carrying something large, and is more relaxed about the person carrying a bird cage.
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The entire approach to how analytical Holmes' is is just impeccable. I love it, all the little details and the focus on his gaze and how it shifts and softens or hardens depending on what he's presented with.
And then of course there's this scene of the unknown duo from Aya's perspective. Absolutely love how they dance around the fact that it's Sherlock Holmes and Watson in this whole exchange. So creative and well done.
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Anyways, our pair of duos gets apprehended by Scotland Yard and they become frenemies in their brief carriage ride together. Absolutely love how they compare and contrast Aya and Holmes through various cuts and that they are in competition with one another. Aya is the first to make note of the redness on the hands of an actual pair of delinquents, while Holmes is the one that correctly deduces what it is they were carrying. Really commendable work to have such a solid back and forth.
Also, the fact that Aya is looking downward while Holmes holds his gaze upwards. Just great visuals to set in stone their rivalry and opposition to one another.
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Moving forward, the reveal of Sherlock Holmes is made in the carriage, and is quite funny at that. But it does its job and doesn't linger. Rather, we move onto a pair of characters we've only been teased about, our duo of vampires shown at the end of the previous episode. It's interesting because at least between the two of them, there doesn't seem to be any sort of incredibly strong bond or history. Which is even more surprising due to them both being vampires. Of course, the piece that gets me with this moment isn't the odd conversation between the pair, it's the ending cut of Moriarty. It's hard to convey with just a gif, but the way that the woman vampire greets Moriarty at the beginning of the cut, and it continues up until where it ends, there's just something so satisfying with how it reaches past where you expect it to.
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Alright, so we now arrive at the mansion that is the source of this mystery: Phileas Fogg and the Penultimate Night. There's a lot to take in, but this cut is absolutely my favorite. The way it makes use of the conversation and building layout to create something so simple yet so striking is just wonderful.
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From here however we flip to and from Lupin and The Phantom and our group at Fogg's mansion. For the sake of clarity I'm going to see through the cuts of the former before returning to the latter.
We immediately open with our two phantoms in a very unique layout. Definitely adore the depth of the layout, but more than that appreciate how they immediately immerse us in Lupin's sensibilities as we see (presumably) stolen art in the room alongside all sorts of plans regarding the mansion.
Now, how did they get plans for the mansion? As it turns out that question is answered later on in the episode as Fogg bought it from the Temple Church, rather than having it built himself.
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The layouts in this sequence are just plain satisfying as Lupin and Erik dance around one another in conversation. Also, for those that are curious about the order of events, there's conveniently a clock placed in the room during Erik and Lupin's conversation, and we get a few looks at Big Ben throughout the episode.
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Alright, back to the mansion. Right away, it's established how crowded and full this mystery is with people eager to solve and stop it before it can occur. While not of the highest fidelity, the bold decision to separate the characters on the x and y axis rather than just one of them provides a more loose sense of how "together" this group is. That is, they're joined by circumstance, not purpose.
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Also, here's a really interesting scene. Yes, the chairs obstructing parts of the characters is one thing, but pay attention to the layering of characters here. Our newest addition, the one that thinks themselves above shaking the hand of Fogg is the one that appears at the front of the group intruding upon Fogg's mansion. Following that we have Holmes and Aya on the same layer, then their subordinate/partner in Watson and Tsguaru. Following that we have the loose stragglers alongside Shizuku, who always separates herself when involved in mysteries.
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Speaking of that congested and overfilled feeling, this cut of the group walking in a cramped hallway conveys it incredibly well.
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As I'm running out of space for images, I'm going to speed things along and just make mention of loose ideas.
Firstly, there's an interesting detail on the massive pillar that exists in the middle of the massive basement lurking beneath Fogg's mansion. To me, it seems like two people (possibly even children) holding hands. Considering that the space is called the Chamber of Additional Crimes, one can only wonder. Especially since there's only a sole throne within the massive empty space.
What is more interesting however is the fact that the silver box, the throne that it's sat upon, and the pillar that creates the exterior of the chamber all share similar design language. Apparent on the exterior of the chamber and on the silver box is the design of flowers. An oddly specific choice considering they should have nothing to do with one another.
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Breezing onward, Aya reads aloud the inscription (which pertains to werewolves) on the Penultimate Night that Fogg produces from the silver box, and we're treated to some very out there visuals once more. The confidence in the exploration of color and oddity to complement detailed exposition is really something else. Works incredibly well to keep viewers engaged with what they see as well as what they hear.
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During an explanation on the history of the gem, we also get treated to a surprisingly stylized piece of art depicting the battle between werewolves and dwarves. Was very surprised to see it, but I really like the style.
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We make a brief stop back in with Moriarty for some conversation, and get treated to a wild Edward Allen Poe (alongside others). Nothing of note really, but I did want to point it out.
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We quickly return back to Holmes and Aya, and a really interesting exchange (if you can call it that) takes place. Holmes talks confidently about his observations and their meanings, while Aya takes the silent backseat and explores the details of the chamber. It's a great and subtle piece regarding the approaches of each of the detectives and how their personalities influence their interaction in regards to the mystery.
It's also during Holmes' explanation that we get this interesting piece. For whatever reason Watson and Holmes are shown separated by Tsugaru's hand. I know it's not at all likely, but given the separation I can't help but feel like there's a chance it's trying to tell viewers that Watson is a traitor/spy.
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And the episode's end. Ishikawa Goemon. For those who don't know (like myself 15 minutes ago), Ishikawa Goemon is Japan's Robin Hood equivalent. More specifically though, Aya is undoubtedly referencing a Kabuki play in which Goemon appeared in. In my research the only one that remains popular to this day is The Golden Gate and The Paulownia Crest. Realistically, it does make sense as the chamber has a golden gate. For those interested I'd definitely recommend taking a look into the plot of the play.
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Either way, we've reached the end. I've talked about so much and so many different pieces here that I can hardly tell up from down and left from right in the thoughts. It's a damn good episode. A damn good episode. And I think I'll leave it at that.
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leonawriter · 3 months
I kinda prefer Hakuba not knowing Shinichi is Kudo right away because I tend to find it more interesting and fun if the “Holmes(es) don’t automatically know when they’re talking to “Lupin” after meeting them once like with Herlock and (original) Lupin. Early on sure but not right away. Sure it’s cool and kinda funny because it terrifies Lupin but makes him feel more one note and one of the reasons I dislike Herlock.(An other point against him being a gleeful dick to his Watson, Wilson. Third he murdered a woman to hurt her husband.)
/tilts head
Y'know, I think you got a little lost there. Your analogy(?) took you a little further from the point than you perhaps intended it to.
But just to clarify: Kuroba Kaito is not actually Arsène Lupin and Hakuba Saguru is not actually either Sherlock Holmes or Sherlock Sholmes. The actions of their predecessors does not affect them in any way other than what inspiration Gosho takes from them.
Having read both (S)Holmes vs. Lupin and Gold Mask (Kogoro Akechi vs. Lupin), I think neither of them correlate perfectly with Hakuba and Kaito, as they really all are their own characters. If anything, the writers of P5 take more from Gold Mask than Gosho does.
Also, regardless of whether you like him not knowing from the start or not, it's canon that Hakuba knows what Kaito looks like, and how he thinks, and the probability that he did just take one look at Kaito and he knew it was him, but simply didn't have any evidence... is ridiculously high.
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classiclitbracket · 2 years
Classic Lit Bracket Round One
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Here are all the round one matchups! They will release in groups of eight every other day (beginning with the top left and moving to the bottom right) at 8:30 AM EST and remain open for 24 hours. (List of matchups and links below the cut)
Tuesday (3/21)-Round One Part One
The Great Gatsby vs. Alice and Wonderland
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn vs. North and South
1984 vs. The Call of the Wild
Les Misérables vs. Peter Pan
To Kill a Mockingbird vs. Dune
Frankenstein vs. The Left Hand of Darkness
Dracula vs. Carmella
Wuthering Heights vs. The Scarlet Letter
Thursday (3/23)-Round One Part Two
Pride and Prejudice vs. Oblomov
Effi Briest vs. Homo Faber
The Sherlock Holmes series vs. the Arsène Lupin series
Crime and Punishment vs. Paradise Lost
The Secret Garden vs. The Outsiders
Little Women vs. the Phantom of the Opera
The Old Man and the Sea vs. Brave New World
The Metamorphosis vs. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
Saturday (3/25)-Round One Part Three
The Picture of Dorian Gray vs. Catch-22
The Oz Series vs. Anne of Green Gables
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde vs. The Chronicles of Narnia
The Sorrows of Young Werther vs. Lolita
Passing vs. Don Quixote
The Three Musketeers vs. The Well of Loneliness
All Quiet on the Western Front vs. A Separate Peace
All Lord of the Rings novels vs. King Solomon's Mines
Monday (4/03)-Round One Part Four
War of the Worlds vs. Orlando
Lord of the Flies vs. Of Mice and Men
Jane Eyre vs. The Bluest Eye
Fahrenheit 451 vs. The Catcher in the Rye
Invisible Man (Ellison) vs. War and Peace
A Christmas Carol vs. The Bell Jar
Moby Dick vs. The Stranger
Slaughterhouse-Five vs. Their Eyes Were Watching God
REMATCH: Crime and Punishment vs. 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea
Just FYI, this bracket was semi-seeded. My auto-entries got the top seeds on the left, and the multi-submissions got the top seeds on the right (though I did shuffle a couple things). The singlet submissions were assigned randomly, with a couple of exceptions for match ups I wanted to see happen. Nothing, however, has been set up with the intention of making it easy for any one novel to win.
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franz-dargor · 9 months
Tagged by my fav racoonalope @bumblingwitch 🦝
Last song - Welcome to the Internet (Bo Burnham)
Last TV show or Film - The Boy and the Heron (Studio Ghibli)
Currently watching - a solo playthrough of BG3 on YT.
Currently reading - Murtagh (Christopher Paolini), the Book of the Five Rings, Arsène Lupin vs Sherlock Holmes
Seeet, spicy or savoury? - being a man from southern Italy, it's obviously S P I C Y
Last thing I searched online - what the fuck is a whelk
Last thing I searched for writing purposes - how many people there are working on a 1800's galleon.
If you see this, and feel like it, do this!
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Round 1: Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars) vs. Herlock Sholmes (Arsène Lupin series by Maurice Leblanc)
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Emperor Palpatine participates as derivative of Emperor Ming the Merciless from Flash Gordon (officially confirmed)
Herlock Sholmes participates as derivative of Sherlock Holmes (officially confirmed I guess?)
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fwfanweekend · 4 months
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Hello, froggies!
As already announced, the next FW Sherlock Holmes Fanweekend will take place in November 2024! Thank you a lot for your wonderful suggestions for the themes! I will make a poll to pick the three themes for the event soon!
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In the meantime, user colorful_mess18 on the official Frogwares Discord server came up with a wonderful idea:
A mini-event during summer 2024!
The mini-event will take place on AUGUST 25TH. The theme of the event will be BEACH.
As always, you can participate in the "FW Sherlock Holmes Summer Fest" with whatever you like: fanart, fanfics, gifs, cosplays, etc.
Just mention this blog and/or use the tag #fwfanweekend, and I will reblog your work!
The mini-event will also take place on the Frogwares Discord server, so you don't have to join Tumblr just to participate. Nevertheless, I would love to share your work here!
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Greetings and feel free to follow this blog for updates 💚
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walks-the-ages · 6 months
google translate and lotsssssss of online dictionaries: bringing obscure Public Domain works to your local language from 1910!
in other words, the 1910 "Sherloch Holmes contra Arsenio Lupin" will get posted to the web archive and here tomorrow once I finish the last two pages :)
So far, Arsène is out of character, but Sherlock seems to be in character; I think that's fair, lmao, considering Herlock Sholmes (and Holmlock Shears?) are very much parodies of Sherlock Holmes.
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[ID: A gif of Arianna Grande, wearing black bunny ears and a black dress against a pink background, gesturing a flat line with her arm, saying "It's equality." End ID]
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awestruck-atrophy · 1 year
Hey, I just wanted to let you know that "Arséne Lupin" is the wrong accent! The correct spelling is Arsène Lupin. Also, I'm curious as to why you grouped the Lupin stories as gothic lit, this is the first time I've ever seen someone call them that.
in my mind, at least tangentially, Sherlock Holmes and Arsène Lupin are connected (there’s even a book about Lupin Vs a-character-who-is-basically-Holmes). Sherlock Holmes counts as gothic lit, so… I figured it was tangentially grouped. I could be entirely wrong.
thank you again!
update: the first lupin story was published in 1905, while the last Holmes story was published in 1927. there’s a good bit of overlap! I think Arsène deserves to be considered gothic, even if honorarily.
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spark-circuit · 8 months
Oh, apparently Arrest of Arsène Lupin is Arsène Lupin vs Sherlock Holmes, under a different title! I wanted to read the books in order but theres no problem with back tracking a little bit,,,
Oh, I thought it was referring to the first story in Extraordinary Adventures, lmao! But tbh as much as there's some continuity, you can probably read them in any order and understand the timeline well enough. (Most are short standalone stories, but I know there's a few that follow like a rough timeline. I'm sure someone in the Arsene Lupin tag listed them somewhere because they have a list of all translations available atm.) 👍
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Thoughts on newsies' favourite books? - @roideny
Elliot you know me so well, hmm let’s see
Okay first, in this au Spot, Jack, Charlie are adoptive brothers, their mom is Medda. Race and Romeo are birth brothers (because why not)
Also David, Race, and Katherine are academic buddies, they are also rivals and have a love/hate relationship going on
Probably adventure/fantasy stuff, escapism through reading and all that
He had a (ongoing) Percy Jackson phrase
His favorite is The Lightning Thief
He also like Marvel/DC comics
Ehhh I have no idea who is his favorite you’ll need to ask someone that had actually read those
He likes dystopian/sci-fi
His favorite is The Hunger Games series and Animal Farm
I would say more but those are still on my tbr so I can’t judge
He really loves The Great Gatsby (after Race and David forced him to read it)
Don’t read that much but got rope into whatever Spot & Jack (especially Jack) is into at the moment
He leans on the coming of age stories
He likes The Little Prince
I think David would like detective/crime/mystery (whatever it’s called) and literature (again whatever it’s called in English)
Like Sherlock Holmes, Arsène Lupin, and Agatha Christie’s stuff
He likes to solve the mystery
He and Spot are dystopian buddies
His favorite would be To Kill A Mockingbird and The Great Gatsby
Romance, literature and modern (again what’s its name)
Her favorite author is Jane Austin
Favorite book is Pride and Prejudice and the Selection series
David got her into Crime stuff, she likes And Then There Were None
Oh oh she likes Circe
She read The Iliad/The Odyssey first -> The Song of Achilles/Circe-> PJO
Literature, modern, and romance
Also like adventure/fantasy, reality is not satisfying enough for him
Of course he likes pjo
He and David had a bet that he can’t finish Les Misérables, he did and he Like It A Lot
He loves Diary of a Wimpy Kid series
His favorite is Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda, The Great Gatsby, and Pride and Prejudice
Tuck Everlasting has a special place in his heart
Like adventure/fantasy/action stuff but he doesn’t read and watch the movies instead
Also like PJO but he watched the movies first and got bullied into reading the books
Read about the same level as Spot
Likes Sci-fi and Fantasy
Let’s face it finch is part of the pjo gang
And he likes Diary of a Wimpy Kid as well
His favorite is The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Call to the Wild, and The Hunger Games series
And he had a Warrior Cats phase
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