#sherlock season 4 review
kajaono · 11 months
BBC Sherlock taking John and Sherlock’s relationship for granted creates a rift in the narrative
I have already pointed out in previous post how disappointed I was that John and Sherlock relationship never developed, in a way it should and would have been justified by the narrative
In this point I want to look at how their relationship started and how this was already created the first problems. This review contains multiple spoilers for other Sherlock Holmes shows.
When John and Sherock meet for the fisrt time in ASIP they immediatley start working together.
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No hesitation. They both went full in, from minute one onwards. This is a nice way of showing how well John and Sherlock work together, and that they think alike. But on the other hand it feels like Mofftiss took the relationship for granted and said: "These are John and Sherlock. Of course they work perfectly which each other. We do not have to talk about that."
But imo that was TOO fast. There is no conflict. They never have time to discuss where they stand in this relationship. And because Mofftiss pretend, that they work perfectly together, from minute one onwards - even though they just met - it is hard to further develop their relationship from here on. Because it is already perfect. You would need something really big to happen for them to redefine their roles in this relationship. We kind of had that in season 4, but we knew how messy that went. And there was never a TALK after that. Thats also a main problem in this show. John and Sherlock never really talk. It is John who often sits down and talks and Sherlock is not listening. Of course the relationship is developing, but the show never uses its whole potential.
So what would have been a better way of handling their first meeting? A first meeting that allows them to naturelly grow into the relationship... and further develop their relationship?
Yeah I am gonna drag Elementary into this again. BBC Sherlock and Elementray share a really similar set up. They meet each other for the first time, and immeditaly move in and start solving cases together. But Elemenetary gives John and Sherlock time to grow into the relastionship.
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This moment defines the Joanlock relationship imo. It shows that Joan is ready to confront Sherlock and call out his bullshit, that Sherlock listens and is effected by what Joan thinks and says, that Sherlock still has a lot of work to do. AND - most importantly - that a Johnlock relationship takes effort and is nothing that you can take for granted.
And this show was on air for 7 seasons, with 22 episodes each. Nevertheless the relationship was developing the whole time. In future seasons they are recalling their first meeting, honoring how much they have grown.
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Resulting in:
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gif by: @marlahey
This is something we never got in BBC Sherlock. We never saw them honoring the growth they made, recalling their first meeting, and having a satisifying conculsion, aka: "I love you" (in what way doesn't matter btw. The Joanlock moment wasn't romantic either).
Of course you could agrue now: "But Elementary did had the time for stuff like that, BBC Sherlock only had 4 seasons, with 3 episodes each."
So let us look at The Irregulars next:
This show starts as a usual crime detective show... with a supernatural twist. But slowly you learn that the core point of the show is the relationship between Sherlock Holmes and John Watson.
The show is set years after Holmes and Watsons first meeting. Actually when we first meet John his relationship with Sherlock is over already, broken and ruined. Later we - the viewer - get multiple flashback scene, showing us how they first met, how their relationship developed, and why they are not talking with each other anymore, resulting in this glorious moment:
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But the show doesn't stop there, it even goes further and shows us how John and Sherlock slowly get closer to each other again. Sitting in the dark, discussing their relationship, the mistakes they made and most important: apologizing.
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Still angry at Netflix for cancelling the show.
Of Course we also have other approaches. RDJ Sherlock.
Like BBC Sherlock it leans much more into Crime aspect of the story. But the story still centers around Holmes and Watsons relationship. When we first meet them they have been together long, probably for years. They are already settled in their relationship. They both know their roles in this relationship and they both feel comfortable with it. They behave like an old married couple. And when they fight, it is never serious. The first real problems erupt when Watson decides to marry. And thats the whole core problem of the first movie: Watson moving out of 221B to marry a woman and how Holmes deals with that. He develops from more or less boycotting the marriage to accepting it and gifting Mary and Watson a ring.
The second movie is him trying to accept that his love of his life best friend is married now and trying to solve cases on his own, without Watson. Eventually sacrificing his own life to safe Watson AND Mary. So even though the movies are crime movies, the Johnlock relationship is still the heart of the story.
If the movies wouldn't focus on the Johnlock relationship, the story would be a different one.
Many Johnlock moments in the movies are non-verbal, so excuse the extensive use of gifs here. But there is so much happening on a non-verbal level!
For example the wedding, which is a huge Johnlock moment. John being super nervous before his wedding and you see that Holmes is not happy either, but he still nods, letting Watson know that it is okay and that Watson is making the right decision.
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But nevertheless he has to look away when Mary and Watson kiss. The message is clear here. He isn't happy, he is sad because he is loosing the most important person in his life.
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Then we have moments like this, (see below) where - during a moment of danger - they cling to each other, making sure the other one is safe. Not being afraid of physical contact. This is something I was also missing in BBC sherlock btw. Physical they always made sure to stay away from each other. When they hugged it was like... a big thing. Which - set in modern times - felt a little bit off. Because in contrast to Miss Sherlock (see below) Holmes was never shown to be actively against physical contact. I wish the production team would have allowed more friendly touches. I mean... ACD Johnlock walks around arm-in-arm and John gets nervous everytime Holmes comes close, because "poeple might talk." Nah...
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I think A game of shadows, peaked when Watson and Holmes danced. Because it shows that they have a deep connection. They came from a place where they acted like an old married couple, then being all nervous because of the Watson/Marry wedding, having to re-identify their relationship towards each other, to this finale dance, where - symbolically- they are a couple again. Everything came full circle. It is like: No matter what happens around Watson and Holmes, they will always find their way back to each other. They will always be the center of the story. It will always be them against the rest of the world, no matter what. No excuses.
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But acually, the adaptation most close to BBC Sherlock is Miss Sherlock. I mean... it was basically a female japanese copy of BBC Sherlock.
But still... it improved a lot of things. When Sherlock and Wato (Watson) first meet they really can not stand each other. This Sherlock is also rude, but it is really clear that she is on the autism spectrum. She gets overhelmed by too much light and by loud noises. She is really against phyisal contact.
And the most beautiful thing about this adaptation: It knows that in the end Watson will always be Sherlocks weakness. It will not say: "Don't try to drown in the well. Good luck. I am off hugging my sister." (season 4 shade). In Miss Sherlock the finale conflict is: Watson being manipulated to work against Sherlock. Showing, that in the end, it all boils down to their relationship again. And this adaptation wrote a scene that is just.. chef kiss!
When Wato is around, Sherlock is all grumpy towards her. But during the finale Wato is kidnapped. And the show gives us a short look into one of Sherlocks most private moments. The moment she realizes that Wato is kidnapped. A moment where Sherlock is completly alone. And we see a honest and extremly vunerable moment. This one:
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Sherlock screaming Watos name in agony. Knowing that she NEEDS Wato. And then she goes and risks everything to save Wato. EVERYTHING!
Her reputation and her life. She is even ready to be killed by Wato.
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So what am I trying to say? That BBC Johnlock has no relationship development? That there isn't any trust between them? Nope, course not.
We see John and Sherlock growing into the relationship, we see Sherlock getting softer because of John, we see John healing because of Sherlock and on the other hand we see Sherlock opening up, telling Watson whats really on his mind. Trying to be a better human, being more social. But imo that should have been the plot of idk... the first season, maybe the second one. Because thats just the beginning. A Johnlock relationship is so mch deeper, holds so much more story potential. Yeah, John and Sherlock belong to ecah other and are good for each other. We know that! Is Sherlock ready to confess his (plantonic) love for Watson by the end of the show? Is Watson so jealous of Sherlocks love interest that he opens a rift in the universe? Is Sherlock having a break down, screaming out Watsons name in agony? I don't want to see John being replaced by a balloon in season 4 (!) and it is played for a joke. Their relationship should be so so so much deeper at that point. For me BBC Sherlock felt like, they stop mid-relationship-development. It feels like Mofftiss said: "John and Sherlock work well with each other and are best friend. What else is there to say?" SO! MUCH! MORE!
They had all this potential, and went nowhere with it. And i don't necessarily mean romantically btw. Eveen Hilson drove into the sunset together eventually...
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Good Omens Fic Rec: Omens On Baker Street (Good Omens/BBC Sherlock Crossover Series)
The Ineffable Game Sherlock and John are no longer the only crime-solving disaster duo in London. After Sherlock unknowingly wrongs a demon, he finds himself with two mysterious rivals in the detective scene. For Crowley and Aziraphale, it's just a bit of fun, but they end up learning more about human nature than they bargained for. London Falling It’s time to start reconnecting. It's been a long time since John and Sherlock first came face-to-face with the supernatural. Crowley and Aziraphale now spend their days bickering in the South Downs instead of London. Life seemed to be getting back to normal... Unfortunately, 'normal' is only a relative term. Welcome Home Tulip arrives in the South Downs, and finds that starting a new life isn’t as easy as she first thought. Luckily, she now has a family to fall back on.
Length: 155,306 words (full series)
AO3 Rating: Not Rated (but basically PG13)
Best for: Pick-Me-Up, Safe in Public, Comedy
Triggers: Brief Violence
Read it here, series by WorseOmens
Personal Rant: I've been ignoring this one for months. I'm sure I'll bring it up plenty, but BBC Sherlock was my life 10 years ago. Reviewing fics on fuckyeahjohnlockfanfic was such a joy and I have so much fondness and nostalgia for that part of my past. Good Omens is the first time I've engaged in fandom at all since then. I was betrayed by Season 4, I had lost my love for fan spaces, tumblr was emptying. I moved on. But the day I finished Good Omens season two I dived headfirst back into this world. It's been nonstop every day since then for me. I started reading 2-3 fics a DAY again. I kept thinking how insane it would be to start reviewing again. But this series? Idk, I didn't think I wanted to engage with Sherlock again. I thought it'd be too weird, maybe too cringe to indulge in something I thought I "grew out" of. But since I've been working on this new review blog I thought it was time. And oh my god I can't tell you how good this felt. I feel like my Moffat induced heartbreak is starting to heal. So enough about me, let's talk about this series.
*Minor Spoilers* I'll let you guys find out for yourselves just how it happens, but let's say eventually Sherlock and John team up with Aziraphale and Crowley. The first series is set just after the Apocalypse-that-wasn't, and in Sherlock canon in between S1 and S2. The second installment is set post S4 of Sherlock. I am overwhelmed by how much I enjoyed this series. I had assumed I knew how this would go. I thought it was going to be a predictable checklist of crossover tropes. My eyes were practically rolling before I gave this a chance. I wanted to hate it, maybe to prove that I was totally over my past love of Sherlock. But its good. It's entertaining, it's surprising, it's funny, it makes sense.
This is mostly a Good Omens story. If you were never that into Sherlock you'll mostly be able to follow along fine, but I'm not sure the opposite is true. Crowley and Aziraphale are sickeningly in love, and I ate it up. Their relationship is established by the time this starts, but it's been maybe a year (?) since the Notcalypse. John and Sherlock are firmly in their canon of "I'm not his date". I can't spoil it for you, you'll have to see yourself, but how John reacts to Aziraphale just took me out. I was shocked. I had to walk around for a bit. It was unexpected, bold, I wanted to hate it and I loved it. It shouldn't have made sense! Moving on before I spoil...I just can't believe that this series took all the assumptions I had about the rapport between all of them and just chucked them out. Characterizations are all amazing, though I feel Sherlock's presence was a little quiet at times. I feel like he should have noticed more was off sooner than he does. But that can all be explained by supernatural interference so I don't really care too much. This plays with Sherlock canon in such a way that's just like, oh totally that actually makes perfect sense. And it's so smart to skip over past plot lines that it knows we're familiar with. We don't need to go over scenes we all have ingrained in our memories, let's enjoy the story happening right now. And it handles S4 so well. The thing that ruined Sherlock for a lot of people. It's not waved away, but just moved on from and brings Rosie into the second series.
I could spend days in this combined universe. I love the banter between Crowley and Aziraphale. They’re also very Gomez and Morticia here. Very secure in their relationship and madly in love. Extremely possessive Crowley, so expect some fun moments with that. Protective of each other, but also have complete trust in the other’s ability. I love their clumsy half hearted attempts at being human and that it completely goes over everyone's heads. Come on Sherlock! Cosmo and Wanda aint slick!! It's fun and silly. It's the kind of fanfic that makes your cheeks hurt from smiling too much. But it's not shallow. It has some excellent insight. Even though Sherlock and John are not the stars here, they still get their moments to shine. In the second installment there is a line about their bond being foraged not in the danger of their lives but in the quiet and gentle in-between and I wanted to cry. It was so healing for my broken Johnlock heart.
This post is much too long already. If you are a fan of both series, just do me a solid and read it. I just know you'll like it. Embrace the silly, warm your heart with the rest, and enjoy it. It's completely safe for public, but it was incredibly annoying to have to keep walking away from it. My next read will be at home, and very soon.
Read it here, series by WorseOmens
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lololollywrites · 9 months
LoloLolly's 2023 Year in Review
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Thank you for the tag, @discordantwords! It seems apt, as you're one of the reasons I was productive (for me, that is) this year - I so appreciate your FTH bid! I participated for the very first time in 2023 and published TWO FTH fics. Such a cool experience.
Here is my 2023 stats page from AO3. I know it's modest for most seasoned AO3 authors, but as a relatively new poster on the site, I've been thrilled so see the constant growth and explosion of support.
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Completed fics:
*I currently have no WIPS, nor did I publish any ficlets this year. We'll see what 2024 brings!
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Never Been Better
John gets married. Sherlock leaves the wedding reception early, but he’s fine. Fine. The seven percent solution? It helps him think. If only Baker Street didn’t seem so empty. But he’s perfectly okay. Never been better, in fact. Never been better. (Published January 30, 2023, completed February 24, 2023; Chapters 3/3, 16,109 words)
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Pressure Points
(My first FTH entry for @discordantwords)
The bonfire doesn't happen during The Empty Hearse. Instead, both John and Sherlock are placed into a life-or-death situation. One that may prove too much for a still-wounded Sherlock. Excerpt: “Pressure p-points. They’re observing our reactions to the situation. It’s possible they’ll intercede should w-we be in any real danger of dying – it’s an ex-experiment. It may or may not be attempted m-murder.” “May or may not be?” “We must operate un-under the assumption that it is, of course.” “Already there, Sherlock. The water’s up to our fucking ribcages.” “Mm. So it is.” (Published May 26, 2023, completed June 14, 2023; Chapters 4/4, 19,892 words)
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Cold Inside
(My second FTH entry for @shakespearelovedladymacbeth)
Sherlock has just shot Magnussen, and John feels adrift. Everything is wrong. He's fairly certain he hates his wife, too. The regrets are too numerous for him to count. Sherlock is in prison, his ultimate fate unknown and the isolation slowly (or, rather, worryingly quickly) whittling away at his sanity. Mycroft is equally untethered, scrambling for options. Perhaps John can help. And perhaps, just perhaps, they can manage to save Sherlock and rid themselves of Mary in one fell swoop. (HLV fix-it) (Published October 6, 2023, completed November 3, 2023; Chapters 5/5, 26,843 words)
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formulaorange · 9 months
Fall 2023 Anime Review
The 24 episodes series this season are popping off. Honestly one of the better seasons for anime that we've had in a few years.
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Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (1/2) - 16/28 Episodes This show almost feels like a fever dream. There's a fuzziness to the animation style that also gives it a ghibli vibe. Definitely one of the more memorable and important fantasy series out there. It has something about it that gives it more of a deeper meaning than other series and definitely feels like each episode is it's own piece of a puzzle. 10/10 - Masterpiece
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The Apothecary Diaries (1/2) - 12/24 Episodes I wasn't sure what to expect from this series but I thoroughly enjoy it so far. I ended up going ahead and reading the manga because I wanted more content. Just a fun medical mystery type show with some goofy scenes and bits of almost romance? Looking forward to more episodes in the future. 8.5/10 - Very Good +
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Shangri La Frontier (1/2) - 12/25 Episodes I genuinely enjoy this series. It does have a bit of an SAO vibe initially but it moves past that real quick. I think it's one of the more enjoyable series for people who actually enjoy and appreciate video games. Overall, the game itself just looks like a lot of fun and you can tell the mc is enjoying it too. 8/10 - Very Good
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Shy - 12 Episodes I don't know why people aren't into this series. I think it would definitely have done better had it come out during the peak of hero shows but it still hits. I think it's a really well done story and the animations are also satisfying. Reminds me a little of Justice League or Young Justice. Honestly a fun watch. 8/10 - Very Good
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SpyxFamily - Season 2 - 12 Episodes This show never disappoints. Each episodes is just as entertaining as the first season and I don't feel like a single episode has been wasted so far. I'm still very much looking forward to future content. 8.5/10 - Very Good+ Dr. Stone - Season 3 - 11 Episodes For some reason I always seem to put off watching this series but as soon as I get into it, it's so worth it. Definitely still holding up to the pilot season and I'm just as stoked for future seasons. Solid consistency. 8/10 - Very Good The Eminence In Shadow - Season 2 - 12 Episodes This had such a banger first season. Definitely just a fun show for me that I try not to look into too much when watching. Has straight forward fun protagonist and the story hasn't flopped so far. 7.5/10 - Good+ Ron Kamonohashi's Forbidden Deductions - 13 Episodes The first few episodes come off as a cheesy Sherlock spoof but it definitely takes off on the later cases. It becomes less overall about the cases but the combo of the two and the different situations they end up in. By the end of the season I felt like the cases they worked were fun and interesting and I liked the character building. 7/10 - Good My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-rank Adventurer I gave this 3 episodes. Honestly I think ending it at episode 3 was fine.. The story feels weak but it's a nice short story if you watch the first 3 episodes and don't care the whole demon lord plot. 5/10 - Average The Rising of Shield Hero - Season 3 - 12 Episodes I got through about 4 episodes and really enjoyed it and then it just went downhill. It turned into some kind of monster raising anime with a side of shield hero. I initially dropped it but decided to come back and finish it because i'm still attached to the overaching story for some reason. I found the last 3 episodes were decent and did add to the overall story but I still had such a rough time in the first 3/4. 4.5/10 - Less than Average Goblin Slayer - Season 2 - 12 Episodes I was so disappointed by this show. I honestly can't remember how the first season ended but I don't feel like it needed this season. Felt much more like the standard harem isekai with very little interesting aspects to the story. Not to mention the whole elf incest story line they threw in there. Definitely won't be coming back for a 3rd season. Had a really hard time getting through this one. 3.5/10 - Bad/Very Bad
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fandom · 2 years
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Lots of new releases last week, folks.
The second season of Netflix’s Young Royals dropped, welcoming Wilhelm and Simon back to the small screen. The Dragon Prince Book 4: Earth also dropped, and it was worth the three-year wait. Harry Styles fans are dissecting every part of My Policeman. GIF-makers are running wild with A Thing That Happened in Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir. Genshin Impact’s latest update has players all up in their feelings about everyone’s favorite evil puppet, Scaramouche. Henry Cavill is out as Geralt in The Witcher but back as Sherlock Holmes in Enola Holmes 2. Tumblr celebrated the second anniversary of Supernatural’s Destiel love confession. And, oh yeah, Ryan Reynolds is here now—welcome, @vancityreynolds​. This is Tumblr’s Week in Review.
Young Royals
Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir
Elon Musk
Interview with the Vampire
Kit Connor
Genshin Impact
Ryan Reynolds
The Dragon Prince
My Policeman
Stranger Things
Artists on Tumblr
November 5th
The Owl House
The Witcher
Enola Holmes 2
Critical Role
Scaramouche | Genshin Impact
Marichat | Marinette Dupain-Cheng & Chat Noir, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
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jonfucius · 3 months
Great Star Trek Rewatch - TNG Season 2
Originally posted on Twitter 17 March 2021 - 6 April 2021
Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 2 is up next in my Great Star Trek Rewatch. As with ENT, DSC, STX, TOS, TAS, TOS FF, and TNG Season 1, mini-reviews will document my progress.
The Child: A reused Phase 2 script gives Troi a unique pregnancy story, though I don’t like the loss of bodily autonomy. Still, it’s hard not to feel a little sad when Ian “dies.” Pulaski is instantly dislikable yet charismatic, a testament to Muldaur’s performance. 7/10
Where Silence Has Lease: I really dig the surreal scenes aboard the pseudo-Yamato, and the philosophical discussion about death later in the episode. The episode swings and hits, but it’s a single. 7/10
Elementary, Dear Data: Everyone loves a period romp, and a it’s Sherlock Holmes romp to boot. Moriarty is a compelling villain, whose motivation mirrors that of Data’s: what does it mean to be human? 8/10
The Outrageous Okona: A romantic farce with the dashing titular character at the center. I can see why Billy Campbell was both a finalist for, and ultimately passed over for, the role of Riker. It would’ve been great to see Whoopi Goldberg and Joe Piscopo trade jokes. Alas. 6/10
Loud As A Whisper: I appreciate the deaf representation, but the denouement leaves something to be desired. I’m fascinated by the idea of Riva’s chorus, however. A grisly scene in an otherwise tame series really drives home the danger into which Riva is going. 7/10
The Schizoid Man: Intriguing concept that is strung out far too long. Props though to the late W. Morgan Sheppard and Susie Plakson, who makes her Trek debut as Dr. Selar. 6/10
Unnatural Selection: This one hits a little differently in a post-COVID world. I don’t care for rapid aging stories, however. I do appreciate the somber tone at the end, with Pulaski’s voiceover paying tribute to the Lantree’s crew. 6/10
A Matter of Honor: I love this episode. It’s top-notch from the top down. Riker’s sojourn aboard a Klingon ship gives us some much-needed insight into the franchise’s most iconic aliens. Klag is one of my favorite guest characters. 10/10
The Measure of a Man: Another standout episode from this season that shows just how high Star Trek can go when it wants to. If you have access to the TNG Blu-rays, make sure to watch the reconstructed extended edition as well. 10/10
The Dauphin: After two standout episodes we get a dud. I don’t like the implication that Salia’s worth as an individual was directly tied to her appearance. 4/10
Contagion: The episode does a ton of worldbuilding without being tiresome. The stakes are high, with the destruction of the Yamato (RIP Capt Varley) and the Romulans investigating. The gag of Picard appearing on the warbird’s bridge, and his parting shot, is a great capper. 8/10
The Royale: The surreal style is reminiscent of “Spectre of the Gun,” but I still think that entry is the stronger of the two. Still, it’s a decent, off-beat entry that has somewhat disappeared from the franchise. 6/10
Time Squared: A small time jump sets this one apart from most time travel stories. The knowledge that this could have led into “Q Who?” is a bummer, since the anomaly ended up being pointless. Nice callback to “We’ll Always Have Paris,” and foreshadowing of the next episode. 7/10
The Icarus Factor: I wish Worf’s B-story and Riker’s A-story could have been swapped, because the former is far more compelling and less repetitive. 6/10
Pen Pals: The debate about the Prime Directive is meaty and well worth watching, which grows organically from Data’s communications with Sarjenka; the conclusion to Wesley’s subplot also easily melds with the main storyline. 7/10
Q Who?: In a petulant fit, Q tosses our heroes into the path of the enigmatic Borg. Great things have small beginnings, indeed. The Borg’s horrific relentlessness is on display here. 9/10
Samaritan Snare: The Pakled are a swing and a miss. I love Picard’s scenes with Wesley, however. And I don’t fully buy Picard’s sudden vain streak. 5/10
Up the Long Ladder: Hoo boy the Irish stereotypes. The pro-choice message gets a little lost in the shuffle, as well. 5/10
Manhunt: Lwaxana Troi haters can back off; she’s a delightful change of pace. Worf’s admiration of the Antedeans always cracks me up. 7/10
The Emissary: K'Ehleyr is one of the greatest Klingon characters ever written or performed, and her chemistry with Worf is off the scales. The Klingon sleeper ship concept is intriguing, and shows how much the galaxy has changed in the decades between TOS and TNG. 8/10
Peak Performance: This is just a fun, plot-driven action piece. Wesley's sneaky antimatter gambit, Riker's glee in playing pirate against the Enterprise, and the fooling of the Ferengi make for a fun outing. Guile, indeed. If only the season had ended here. 9/10
Shades of Gray: The use of barely-relevant scenes from previous outings makes the clip-show nature of this one stand out even more. I'm giving it a generous 3 points for the three days it took to film the "new" material, which is actually not horrible. 3/10
And with that, TNG Season 2 comes to an end in my Great Star Trek Rewatch. Final score: 6.86/10. Highest score(s): “A Matter of Honor,” “The Measure of a Man.” Lowest score(s): “Shades of Gray.”
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thegayhimbo · 11 months
Stranger Things Hawkins Horrors Review
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If you haven’t yet, be sure to check out my other Stranger Things Reviews. Like, Reblog, and let me know what your thoughts are regarding the show or the upcoming season! :)
Stranger Things Comics/Graphic Novels:
Stranger Things Six
Stranger Things Halloween Special
Stranger Things The Other Side
Stranger Things Zombie Boys
Stranger Things The Bully
Stranger Things Winter Special
Stranger Things Tomb of Ybwen
Stranger Things Into The Fire
Stranger Things Science Camp
Stranger Things “The Game Master” and “Erica’s Quest”
Stranger Things and Dungeons and Dragons
Stranger Things Kamchatka
Stranger Things Erica The Great
Stranger Things “Creature Feature” and “Summer Special”
Stranger Things Tie-In Books:
Stranger Things Suspicious Minds
Stranger Things Runaway Max (Part 1 of 3)
Stranger Things Runaway Max (Part 2 of 3)
Stranger Things Runaway Max (Part 3 of 3)
Stranger Things Darkness On The Edge Of Town (Part 1 of 3)
Stranger Things Darkness On The Edge Of Town (Part 2 of 3)
Stranger Things Darkness On The Edge Of Town (Part 3 of 3)
Stranger Things Rebel Robin Book and Podcast (Part 1 of 2)
Stranger Things Rebel Robin Book and Podcast (Part 2 of 2)
Synopsis: Set between seasons 3 and 4, Mike, Dustin, Lucas, Max, Erica, Nancy, Robin, and Steve are all trapped inside in the Video Rental Store after the power goes out on a dark and stormy night. With nothing better to do to pass the time, they begin telling each other scary stories and urban legends surrounding Hawkins......
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This'll be a shorter review than usual since this was a fast read, but man this book was a lot of fun! The premise itself (i.e. certain main characters from the show trapped in the same location interacting with one another) is worthy of an entire episode from the show, and it's disappointing that Netflix and the Duffer Brothers never thought to film a stand-alone Halloween or Christmas or Holiday Episode (similar to what BBC Sherlock did). Even if it didn't tie into the mythology of the show, just seeing certain characters converse with one another when they barely do on the show would have been something I (and plenty of other fans) would have sat through.
The premise of this book is similar to the short Halloween Special comic I reviewed several months ago (you can find the link to it above), except that was set before season 1 and only featured one scary story told by Will to his friends. By contrast, this book takes place in-between seasons 3 and 4 after Steve and Robin get the job at the Video Rental Store, the Byers Family and El have moved to Lenora (meaning they aren't in this book), and each of the characters here get to tell their creepy tales.
The structure for Hawkins Horrors is similar to horror anthology series like The Twilight Zone, Creepshow, and Tales from the Crypt. It also reminded me a little of the Goosebumps series R.L. Stine wrote in the 90s. The big difference is while Goosebumps was tailored towards kids and had elements of comedy to balance out the horror, the stories told by the characters in Hawkins Horrors get pretty dark and gruesome, and some of them even end on chilling notes. This is not a feel-good book.
Each of the stories are urban legends surrounding Hawkins that the characters either insist are true (even though it's implied they aren't), or at the very least have some details tweaked. What's neat is, if you pay close attention, some of the urban legends told are similar to other famous horror stories, and arguably paying homage to them. Robin and Steve's story about the monster under Lover's Lake is the premise of Stephen King's "The Raft." Erica's story is similar to the plot of Alfred Hitchcock's Rear Window (right down to the protagonist in a wheelchair seeing something he shouldn't have) except the climax takes a horrifying turn and the ending is ambiguous about the protagonist's survival. Mike's story comes off as a combination of Child's Play and The Twilight Zone episode "Living Doll." Matthew J. Gilbert wrote this book, and it's pretty clear he's a major horror fan. I wouldn't be surprised if he took inspiration for some of these anthology stories from other famous ones, and brought the Stranger Things charm to them.
On top of that, the book acts as clever foreshadowing for certain events in relation to certain characters in season 4. Nancy's horror story takes place at Pennhurst Asylum, where she will later go with Robin to learn about Victor Creel and what happened to his family. Steve's story about the monster under Lover's Lake hints at how he'll eventually gets dragged through the lake into the Upside Down:
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Dustin's story is centered around D&D, and even references the Hellfire Club and Eddie (though Eddie is just referred to as "The Dungeon Master" at this point). Even Erica's story, about the only sane person who tries to warn others about how dangerous someone else is, has parallels to her being the only one at the town hall meeting in season 4 who stands up to Jason and calls bullshit on his attempts to paint the Hellfire Club as a Satanic cult.........only to get dismissed when most of the adults in the room agree with Jason and turn into a lynch mob as a result.
Hawkins Horrors was released on May 3, 2022, a few weeks before the first volume of Season 4 was dropped. I would not be surprised if Netflix and the Duffer Brothers told Matthew J. Gilbert plot elements from season 4, and gave him permission to subtly reference (but not completely spoil) said plot points. Even though I saw the show before I read this book, I still enjoyed the foreshadowing. Well played! :)
The stories were entertaining, but I was more invested in the interactions between the characters. Two of my favorite moments are at the beginning of the book, and towards the end when Mike starts telling his tale. The first is this interaction when everyone shows up minutes before the Video Rental Store closes, much to the annoyance of Steve:
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Then there's this fun bit where Mike trolls everyone while the storm is raging and the power is out 😂:
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It's also pretty amusing when one character tries to tell their story, and the others either question if it actually happened, starts poking holes in it (much to the irritation of the character telling their story), or even calling out when, from their perspective, the tale has a lousy ending:
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It's interactions like this that make the book enjoyable. I'm glad we get to have most of the characters hanging out as friends without there being a crisis from the Upside Down that they have to deal with.
Overall, this was an entertaining read, and a fast-paced book. High recommendations to check it out when you can!
And once again, Happy Halloween everyone!
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Vienna Blood (2019-) season 3 review (no spoilers)
🎬 Max Liebermann, a student of Sigmund Freud, helps Detective Rheinhardt in the investigation of a series of disturbing murders around the grand cafés and opera houses of 1900s Vienna.
📝 Yet another awesome season. This show is just brilliant, it's a bit like Sherlock Holmes, a bit period drama with some excellent mysteries. I loved season 3 just as much as the previous two. The show's production design is just amazing, they find incredible locations and create beautiful sets for this series. Definitely check it out. It's also not gory which I like.
Does anyone know if there will be a season 4?
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kajaono · 9 months
I can understand that Sherlock season 5 is appealing from a fan POV.
But you always have to see it from a company POV. In the end a movie or a tv show is always a way to earn money. Movie making is not a charity project. The BBC will not say: "Oh Mofftiss its okay that you write a season 4 that is bad on purpose/that no one understands because they do not look deep enough and hence no one is buying the season 4 box set. Its also okay that people give this show bad ratings and refuse to interact with the show. Thats okay, because in ten years you will make another season and explain the true meaning. And of course people will wait for ten years and then come back. And all the fanical loss we made is irrelevant."
No, they will say: "Closed end? bad reviews? BC has no time for a tv show anymore? Okay, maybe it time to move on and find something new that produces money."
over and out. No matter how harsh that may sound. You think the BBC is nicer then Netflix and doesn't cancel TV shows immeditaly?
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thebiballerina · 9 months
Tag Game
Thank you to @doctorbeverlycrusher for tagging me!
Last song: "Brandenburg" by Black Violin (Black Violin rules and I highly recommend their music, by the way.)
Favorite color: Mauve. Specifically opera mauve.
Last movie/show: Star Trek: Discovery (This is related to my last song. The music Stamets puts on in season 4 episode 7 is either the Brandenburg Concerto or some version of it. But I really like the the Black Violin version.)
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: All of the above? Especially combinations. If I really had to pick, spicy. 
Relationship status: Eh… I don't usually get into that publicly, as a rule.
Current obsession: I always have more than one. I'm currently trying to finish up reviewing a selection of Sherlock Holmes adaptations for their depictions of Irene Adler, as I promised to do on my Adler Saw trap post.
Last thing I searched: I honestly do not remember. I can't check my history either, since I have the TrackMeNot add-on (which is very interesting, I recommend reading about it on their website even if you don't want to use it yourself). Technically, the very last thing I searched for was "Black Violin", but that was because I wanted to add their website link above.
Tagging @elements-united @universalsatan @femmefatalelf @ribbed-vault-heart , if any of you want.
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dan6085 · 1 year
Here are some TV series with high ratings from Rotten Tomatoes:
1. **"Breaking Bad" (2008-2013):** A high school chemistry teacher turned methamphetamine producer teams up with a former student. (Rating: 96%)
2. **"The Wire" (2002-2008):** Explores the city of Baltimore and its relationship with politics, media, schools, and the maritime industry. (Rating: 94%)
3. **"The Sopranos" (1999-2007):** Follows the life of mob boss Tony Soprano as he tries to balance the demands of his crime family with his personal life. (Rating: 92%)
4. **"Fargo" (2014-present):** Inspired by the film, each season features new characters and storylines, all connected by crime and moral dilemmas. (Rating: 94%)
5. **"Better Call Saul" (2015-present):** A prequel to "Breaking Bad," focusing on the evolution of the character Jimmy McGill, a small-time lawyer. (Rating: 97%)
6. **"Game of Thrones" (2011-2019):** Based on George R.R. Martin's novels, it explores the power struggles among noble families as they attempt to control the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms. (Rating: 89%)
7. **"Stranger Things" (2016-present):** Set in the 1980s, a group of kids in a small town encounters supernatural forces and government conspiracies. (Rating: 87%)
8. **"Black Mirror" (2011-present):** Anthology series exploring the dark side of technology and its impact on society. (Rating: 83%)
9. **"The Crown" (2016-2022):** Chronicles the reign of Queen Elizabeth II from her wedding in 1947 through present day. (Rating: 90%)
10. **"Mindhunter" (2017-2019):** FBI agents investigate and understand serial killers by interviewing them and applying psychology. (Rating: 97%)
11. **"BoJack Horseman" (2014-2020):** An animated series following the life of an anthropomorphic horse actor dealing with self-worth, addiction, and relationships. (Rating: 93%)
12. **"The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel" (2017-present):** A housewife in the 1950s discovers her talent for stand-up comedy and pursues a career in the male-dominated industry. (Rating: 86%)
13. **"Patriot" (2015-2018):** An intelligence officer tries to prevent Iran from going nuclear, leading to various high-stakes and darkly comedic situations. (Rating: 91%)
14. **"One Day at a Time" (2017-2020):** A sitcom focusing on a Cuban-American family dealing with everyday life struggles. (Rating: 99%)
15. **"Sherlock" (2010-2017):** A modern adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes detective stories. (Rating: 78%)
16. **"Veep" (2012-2019):** Follows the life of former Senator Selina Meyer as she becomes the Vice President and later, the President of the United States. (Rating: 93%)
17. **"Westworld" (2016-present):** An amusement park for rich vacationers, the park is looked after by robotic hosts until they start malfunctioning. (Rating: 78%)
18. **"The Good Place" (2016-2020):** Afterlife comedy where a woman realizes she hasn't been a good person and tries to earn her spot in the "good place." (Rating: 97%)
19. **"Rick and Morty" (2013-present):** Animated series following the misadventures of an eccentric, alcoholic scientist and his good-hearted but easily influenced grandson. (Rating: 94%)
20. **"Chernobyl" (2019):** A historical drama miniseries depicting the Chernobyl nuclear disaster and its aftermath in the mid-1980s Soviet Union. (Rating: 96%)
Please check Rotten Tomatoes or other reliable sources for the most current ratings and reviews of these TV series.
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icecoffee90 · 1 year
Top 9 Shows
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Thank you for tagging me, @jerzwriter!
Okay, this list was so hard to narrow down and I'm sure I still forgot some, lol.. I was addicted to TV shows at one point (it all started with House and Heroes in about 2008 and lasted for years), I've barely watched anything in the past couple of years, though. Alright, let's get to it! I'll TRY to keep this short..
1. Will & Grace: Smart humor, top-notch physical comedy, amazing cast.. Is it perfect? No. No show is. I once saw a video in which Megan Mullally said something along the lines of "our worst episode is still funnier than the best episode of other comedy shows", which I respectfully disagree with, but it's definitely high quality entertainment! The reboot (or the last 3 seasons, whichever you prefer) admittedly wasn't that enjoyable, but the original finale sucked, so at least the characters got the ending they deserved!
2. Pushing Daisies: I love procedurals and I love shows with a supernatural aspect, so a combination of the two is an absolute win! This show deserved much more than just two seasons! I should rewatch it for a third time soon..
3. Sherlock: What can I say? I got hooked immediately with "A Study In Pink", I rewatched it at least 4 times while waiting for episode 2 to air in my country.. Welp, I couldn't wait, I binged the next 2 eps the next day, lol. To this day "The Reichenbach Fall" remains the best episode of any show I've ever seen and that's the reason why, despite the abomination the final season was, Sherlock made my top 3.
4. The Last of Us: Do I even need to say anything?! I doubt there is anyone who missed everyone and their mom singing the show's praises after each episode, lol. Episodes 5, 6 and 8 were pure television gold! The only reason I didn't put the show higher on my list is that we've only seen one season so far and it's still not clear in which direction season 2 is gonna go.. 🤷‍♀️
5. Only Murders in the Building: Another show that got me hooked with the series premiere already! Of course, the main reason I started watching it was the main trio of actors, but the show is about so much more. I love getting to know the character's backstories as we're trying to uncover the killer.
6. Schitt's Creek: Okay, what can I say about this show? Like with Will & Grace, the first season may not have been "all that" (just my opinion), but from season 2 onward it became a comedy gold! The characters quickly grow on you and make you care about all their highs and lows.. And Moira f**king Rose is hands down one of the best characters on TV ever!
First, a little fun fact nobody asked for: I've finally gotten around to watching this show when covid started and my timing couldn't have been worse - I binged the entire thing within a week, I had one episode left the day the penultimate episode aired and then I had to wait a whole week for the finale! 😩😂
7. Person of Interest: A great procedural with an interesting "twist" (for a lack of better word).. But again, aside from the 'cases', you care about the characters as well. I remember there were at least 2 eps which made me cry.
8. Young Royals: Am I a little too old to be enjoying this show this much? Maybe. Do I care? Hell no! But I'd argue that rather than a teen show, it's a show about teenagers. I originally had no intention to watch this show, but I read a fan review which was very positive, so I figured that I might as well give it a shot and if nothing else, I'd at least pick up some Swedish (Boy, was I naive, lol! The opening scene already showed me that I'll be lucky if I learn 2 words.. 😅). Ahem, sorry, to the point - all I know is that no other recent show had me looking up release Dates and actually worrying that there won't be another season. The show just sucks you in. And it is about so much more than the main romance arc! But apparently I'm partial to the "idiots in love" trope, lol.
9. White Collar: Did I mention that I love procedural dramas? Lol. The main reason I started watching this show was that I fell in love with Matt Bomer's character on Chuck and I simply wanted to see more of the actor. Little did I know how much I'd be enjoying it, even though I didn't agree with each and every of Neal's decisions. Although, if I remember correctly, it was also starting to run out of steam toward the end. I know everyone was hoping for a reboot, but now I'm not sure it would be the same without Mozzie.. 😔
Honorable mentions: Chuck, Monk, Abbott Elementary, The Good Wife..
I'm sure I'm still forgetting many others but this is probably enough.. 😅
They may have already been tagged, but I'd like to see what shows are on @dr-colossal-pita's list (feel free to ignore!)
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festival-of-pudding · 2 years
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I posted 2,082 times in 2022
That's 1,137 more posts than 2021!
346 posts created (17%)
1,736 posts reblogged (83%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,390 of my posts in 2022
Only 33% of my posts had no tags
#9-1-1 - 378 posts
#fp911 - 92 posts
#firefighter husbands - 90 posts
#reply - 75 posts
#the accuracy - 73 posts
#rhett i do declare - 69 posts
#writingtag - 63 posts
#rhink - 59 posts
#all of a stock - 57 posts
#bobby my love - 47 posts
Longest Tag: 107 characters
#me + my sisters + my mom singing africa at the top of our voices in our hideous green oldsmobile good times
My Top Posts in 2022:
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oh my god I never noticed that line i am dying
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245 notes - Posted March 26, 2022
current sexuality: Eddie saying "I'm fine" while smiling at Bobby like an absolute serial killer
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265 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
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shoutout to bobby's hot priest from season 1, hope he's doing ok
272 notes - Posted March 26, 2022
do not give in to despair, my loves. that's what they want. they know they are not the future, and they will hurt as many people as they can as they flail desperately to keep their claws on the world. they want us hopeless, beaten, defeated. but we are not, and we never will be. don't let your rage destroy you — let it fuel your fight.
341 notes - Posted June 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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baby boy looks like death warmed over and his hair is still 💯 he lost his sanity but not his pomade
499 notes - Posted April 18, 2022
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renfriscreyden · 2 years
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I posted 9,039 times in 2022
81 posts created (1%)
8,958 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,740 of my posts in 2022
#the witcher season 2 - 131 posts
#vid - 113 posts
#the witcher - 86 posts
#jaskier - 77 posts
#yennefer of vengerberg - 77 posts
#tua 3 - 69 posts
#esc 22 - 50 posts
#art - 47 posts
#tua spoilers - 44 posts
#wwdits - 43 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#i dont remember precisely but. probably smth ya related. maybe smth like the mortal instruments. hp. maybe sherlock. or uhm...dan and phil
My Top Posts in 2022:
The Amazing Devil album reviews
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See the full post
1,052 notes - Posted November 10, 2022
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1,152 notes - Posted June 23, 2022
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Anya and Joey dressed as Yennefer and Jaskier, laughing behind the scenes, is something that can be so personal,
1,822 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
I was NOT prepared for these cake reveals. Not at all. Begging y'all to watch the new witcher themed nailed it episode!
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See the full post
3,174 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Not a single brain cell between them. I think that's beautiful <3
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5,987 notes - Posted May 19, 2022
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peageetibbs · 2 years
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Ich habe 1.248 Mal im Jahr 2022 etwas gepostet
21 Einträge erstellt (2%)
1.227 Einträge gerebloggt (98%)
Blogs, die ich am häufigsten gerebloggt habe:
Ich habe 1.238 meiner Einträge im Jahr 2022 getaggt
Nur 1% meiner Einträge hatte keine Tags
#sherlock – 797 Einträge
#sherlock fanart – 620 Einträge
#johnlock – 173 Einträge
#sherlock fanfiction – 150 Einträge
#benedict cumberbatch – 117 Einträge
#funny stuff – 93 Einträge
#movies – 85 Einträge
#personal stuff – 58 Einträge
#fanfic art – 54 Einträge
#fanart – 49 Einträge
Längstes Tag: 48 characters
#brother mine - if you ever read this - i´m sorry
Meine Top-Einträge im Jahr 2022:
I bought a little Bougainvillea bush for my dad´s garden and I swear it keeps staring at me:
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The little fella on the top left kinda looks like a little pink Jawa...
One of them was outright yelling at me:
Vollständigen Eintrag ansehen
13 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 5. Juni 2022
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@khorazir I received your Christmas card and added it to my Christmas collage I´ve been building over the last few years with your amazing drawings (and the lovely cards from my dear friend @meetinginsamarra) and I feel it´s really telling a story (and not the Nativity story...😉). My record player which has to provide the space for it is getting a bit crowded by now..,  I also donated to my local food bank as you requested. TYSM for spreading Christmas spirit every year. Long live our fandom and a contemplative Advent season to you all!
16 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 2. Dezember 2022
Currently watching a rerun of “Twister” in German Free TV. Just saw the flying cow and considered for the umpteenth time breaking my fanfic rule about not starting a WIP and finally reading @discordantwords´s “Whirlwind”... damn, so tempted... 🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪😵
27 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 7. Mai 2022
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28 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 11. Dezember 2022
Meine #1 des Jahres 2022
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Vollständigen Eintrag ansehen
152 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 23. November 2022
Hol dir deinen Tumblr-Jahresrückblick 2022 →
Well, since everybody is doing their review, I´ll post, too. Nothing out of the ordinary here, except that for my primarily Sherlock-centered blog it´s kinda strange that only two of my Top-5-posts feature Sherlock in any kind... Well, there is this other handsome dark-haired Brit who came into my view just some month ago and who may have caused some distraction...🤔😁😉 Guess he isn´t going anywhere in the forseeable future, so you may keep seeing him occasionally on my blog...
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I posted 20,132 times in 2022
That's 4,384 more posts than 2021!
485 posts created (2%)
19,647 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 565 of my posts in 2022
#bestiee w/ 2 'ee's - 136 posts
#rue my beloved - 119 posts
#&lt;3 - 91 posts
#friends enemies and everyone in between the aziraphale to my crowley &lt;3 - 41 posts
#prev tags - 14 posts
#rueee <333 - 12 posts
#crowley - 10 posts
#good omens - 10 posts
#go2 - 8 posts
#anthony j crowley - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 132 characters
#i want to get little tattoos of fandom symbols all over my left shoulder so i have something to remind me of reasons i've been happy
My Top Posts in 2022:
screaming crying throwing up waiting for the second season of good omens
104 notes - Posted February 28, 2022
May i present SuperWhoLock:
Sherlock: good in a shit way
Dr. Who: shit in a good way
Supernatural: shit in a shit way
thank you for coming to my ted talk
113 notes - Posted March 21, 2022
i showed my friend who has never seen good omens this picture
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and this was his reaction-
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166 notes - Posted March 3, 2022
i love living a constant identity crisis. so fun
224 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
i found this really cool picrew so it's time for a tag game, link is here
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tagging: @angel-of-fallen-dreams @the-purple-duck @toomanyfandomnames @iattachtooeasilytocartoons and anyone else who wants to
321 notes - Posted June 20, 2022
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