#sherlock throwing a tantrum
mareposie · 2 years
Even if I am more into Mycroft "Mr Government" Holmes, I have to admit that Sherlock is really good looking 😩 I understand why William was selling himself around him like a Victorian courtesan "Catch me if you can Mr Holmes" who wouldn’t do it ?
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anime-academia · 4 months
I am going to fight everyone who has turned Sherlock Holmes into this edgy, rude, arse of a character. This man is kind, caring, sympathetic, and knows how to interact with people (even if he'd prefer to avoid doing so).
I get the whole genuis-who- can't -relate- to -the -way- normal -people- function, but y'know what, he's not condescending about it. He doesnt necessarily think himeself to be above the masses. He admits to being beaten without throwing a tantrum about it.
Being a genuis doesn't mean or necessitate being cold and unfeeling
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https-kreideprinz · 3 months
I said, "Baby boy, you know I'm on my period, " yeah !
Clarisse la Rue x GN! Reader, Lester Papadopoulos/Apollo x GN! Reader, Percy Jackson x GN! Reader
. . . Now playing: Moon Cycle by Melanie Martinez! . .
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Notes: I'm on my shark week and so my pookies will comfort me.
Written for @fictionalwhor3
CW: Mentions of Periods. Reader discretion is advised.
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ׂׂૢ Clarisse la Rue
Clarisse pressed a soft kiss to your cheek. "You'll be alright " she whispered, running her hand through your hair.
You whimpered, tears pricking in the corners of your eyes. You felt like shit, looked like shit and probably smelled like shit too.
"You say that every month." You mumbled, wiping your eyes and Clarisse sighed. "That's also ‘cause I'm right every month. Come here." She smiled, pulling you into her arms, rubbing your back.
"How long have these been happening?" She whispered and looked up at her, slightly annoyed at her for asking such a ridiculous question. "Ok stupid question. Got it." She mumbled, rolling her eyes.
Clarisse rolled her eyes. "But still. All these years and you're not dead. I'm just saying." She shrugged. "But if you are going to die. Best you do it in my arms, so you die happy." She smiled, kissing your cheek.
Ok maybe it wasn't that bad.
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ׂׂૢ Lester Papadopoulos/Apollo
Apollo pressed a kiss to the back of your ear. "Need anything else?" He whispered, holding onto your hand. You shook your head, pressing the heating pad against your stomach, moaning in pain.
You looked down at the things Apollo had brought and let him fret over you. "No... I don't need anything... How did you know what I needed?" You mumbled, looking up at your boyfriend.
Apollo scoffed and rolled his eyes "I have a sister you know. And believe me if Artemis didn't get what she wanted - when she wanted it - it was an arrow right to the chest."
He sighed, flopping into bed beside you. "Sorry sunshine, but any sort of tantrum you throw will be multiverses away from how Artemis acts. I can still hear her voice now..." He sighed. "Apollo, I need a heat pad- Apollo where's my ice cream- Apollo I need a fluffy blanket right now and if you don't give me one, I will literally throw you into the River Styx." He said in an overly girlish voice.
He grinned when you chuckled softly. "So, yea... I know a few things. And in any case-" he leaned in to press his forehead against yours. "I'd be willing to learn… for you." He whispered.
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ׂׂૢ Percy Jackson
"I'm sorry." You mumbled for the thousandth time, looking up at Percy who slowly filled up the bathtub with hot water. Your boyfriend gave you a soft smile and shook his head. "And how many times must I tell you. It's ok." He persisted.
You whined, grumbling annoyingly when he chuckled and flicked your forehead. " But our sheets-" you began again, and he shushed you softly. "It's just some blood. It's ok " he rolled his eyes.
Sally taught him how to properly care for someone when this time of the month struck.
"I'll be back ok. Just relax. I'm not mad at you for waking me up, I could never be mad at you for something like this, ok?" He smiled, kissing your forehead. "Just relax. I'll be done before you know it. We'll have fresh sheets and then you and I can head back to bed and put this behind us. Ok?" He smiled.
You nodded and gave him a weak smile. "Okay..." You whispered, sliding into the tub to soak up some of the warmth.
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Taglist: @thementallyunwellapollochild, @apollos-coolest-child, @too-queer-for-school, @chaotic-child-of-apollo, @vintage-wanderers
@solicitedfreakiness, @bows-and-olivia-rodrigo, @iam-sherlocked, @zahrawr-likes-red, @crystal-rayn
© Written By https-Kreideprinz. Do not copy, steal or translate without permission.
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lisbeth-kk · 6 months
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Sherlock fandom
I Can’t Stand It
Rosie’s tantrum in the park, reminds Sherlock of his own childhood. It’s strange that so much of what the little girl says and does resonates with him.
“She’s not yours,” several voices inside his head tell him.
Still, he can’t shake off the feeling of being something more to her than just…what is he exactly to her? She calls him Lock; he calls her Watson. He desperately wants her to call him something else, which he only allows himself to think about when he’s alone.
“I can’t stand it, daddy!” Rosie exclaims and stomps her feet.
“But, sweetheart,” John tries to reason with his four-year-old daughter. “You were perfectly fine eating this last week.”
Rosie rolls her eyes and throws her arms in the air. Sherlock can see that John’s mouth twitches slightly as he’s supressing a smile. Sherlock hears his mother’s voice filled with delight in his mind.
“She’s so much like you sometimes, darling.”
“There are big pieces in it,” Rosie explains to John. “I want smooth ice cream.”
John looks over at Sherlock for help, but Sherlock has long ago decided to never lie to John again. He shrugs apologetically and mutters something under his breath.
“What was that, Sherlock?” John inquires, his tone exasperated now.
“It’s quite normal for children her age to change tastes and react to new textures. I was the same.”
“Yeah, well, she’s not…”
“I know, John!” Sherlock snaps. “You and everyone we know keeps telling me that.”
He turns on his heel and walks briskly out of the park. Behind him the two Watsons call after him, begging him to come back but he can’t. Sherlock can live with everyone else claiming that he’s not Rosie’s father, but it hurts when John joins the choir. Of course, Sherlock knows he has no biological connection to her, but he’s raising her together with John, isn’t he? She comes just as willingly to him as to John. 
“Protect your heart, brother mine,” Mycroft told him after John and Rosie moved to Baker Street, and not for the first time. His brother knew that Sherlock’s heart belonged to John and had for a very long time.
Where are you? I’m sorry, Sherlock. We need to talk. Are you coming home soon?
Sherlock’s heart races in his chest when he reads John’s text. He barely registers the apology. All his brain is capable of is trying to deduce what John wants to talk about.
Are they moving out? Does John want him to spend less time with Rosie? Won’t he be allowed to do children safe experiments with her anymore?
He pulls his hair in frustration. Why is it so hard to figure out what John wants? Sherlock’s able to read anyone but John. Why?
“Hi, Sherlock. I didn’t know you were here,” Molly says when she walks into the lab at Barts.
“I’m leaving,” Sherlock tells her and walks rapidly out of the room.
Sherlock stands and watches the Thames float by. The London Eye is coloured in pink in the far distance. It’s getting dark and he’s got no recollection of the last hours. His phone buzzes in his pocket and he suddenly remembers that he’s forgotten to answer John’s text.
“A bit not good, Sherlock,” John’s voice scolds him.
Can I call you? Rosie wants to say goodnight.
Sherlock feels his face soften. The Watsons are probably still at Baker Street then. He doesn’t hesitate but calls John’s number.
John’s voice sounds relieved when he picks up, but it’s tinted with worry.
“Hi. You alright?” he asks.
“Fine,” Sherlock says, and it comes out more clipped than he intended.
John sighs and apparently gives the phone to Rosie.
“Lock!” the little girl exclaims.
“Hello, Watson. Ready for bed?” Sherlock inquires softly.
“Yes. Tired,” she tells him and yawns.
Sherlock feels his throat thicken, and he must swallow hard and close his eyes to keep his tears at bay. Without thinking he uses the endearment only Rosie has heard.
“Goodnight, my heart.”
“Night, Lock. See you tomorrow,” Rosie slurs, clearly almost asleep.
Sherlock ends the call before John gets a chance to ask him humiliating questions. The sharp intake of breath from John when Sherlock bid Rosie goodnight didn’t go unnoticed.
“You’ve ruined it now, Holmes,” he tells himself.
Aldi is still open, and Sherlock buys two boxes of ice cream for Rosie without any pieces of fruit, berries, crunch, chocolate or other abominations.
He takes a deep breath before locking himself into Baker Street, and he ascends the stairs silently. John sits in his chair, reading one of his medical journals. Sherlock just nods and walks to the kitchen with his purchases. He places the boxes in the freezer before walking to the bathroom.
“Sherlock?” John calls after him.
“Shower,” Sherlock answers.
The shower does wonders, and Sherlock feels quite refreshed and relaxed when he puts on a t-shirt, pyjamas bottoms and his maroon dressing gown. John stands just outside Sherlock’s bedroom and Sherlock startles a bit.
“Everything alright?” he asks. “Watson?”
“She’s fine, Sherlock. Soundly asleep. I just want to apologise properly to you. I was way out of line earlier. No, Sherlock, listen. I need to say this. Please.”
John’s expression is pained, and Sherlock doesn’t know what’s to come next. Nothing could have prepared him for this.
“I know it’s no excuse that I was exhausted and sleep deprived, but that’s the defence I have, and it’s appalling to say the least. Rosie…she is…just as much yours as she is mine. You care for her just like any parent. She loves you, we both do, and…”
Sherlock’s voice is trembling, and he feels his balance is about to fail him. Warm and steady hands are placed on his upper arms and when John speaks again, his voice is warm with affection.
“Forgive me. Please?”
Sherlock just nods and lets himself melt in John’s embrace.
@flashfictionfridayofficial @totallysilvergirl @keirgreeneyes @calaisreno @a-victorian-girl @phoenix27884 @helloliriels @safedistancefrombeingsmart @gregorovitch-adler @raina-at @peanitbear @topsyturvy-turtely @7-percent @ninasnakie
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star-girl-05 · 12 days
Sherlock Holmes x Reader
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There are many ways to describe THE Sherlock Holmes: Eccentric, Determined, Odd, Genius. Those unfortunate enough to meet him in person would describe him as childish. It’s quite amusing to think that someone as smart as Sherlock would be so childish. He throws tantrums and pouts when he doesn’t get his way. Even when he’s solving a case, he’s giddy like his mommy brought him home a toy. So it should be no surprise he acts childish when he’s in love. 
Of course he doesn’t tell you about his new found feelings for you. No, he performs little experiments on you. Trying to inquire if you could share his feelings. He starts off slowly not wanting to alert you. He begins by increasing his physical contact with you. Just a simple brushing of knuckles when passing each other. Or a gentle hand on your back. Light innocent touches, that's all he dares to do. You don’t seem to mind which gives him confidence to continue testing the relationship between you too. 
He moves on from light touches to soft words. He’s not bold enough to openly flirt with you. That's not his style but he does tease you in his own way. He’ll whisper his explanations in your ear letting his lips graze your ear ever so lightly. Giving him the out if you should bring it up that it was accidental. He’ll give you compliments in the form of observations. ‘That colour blue suits you’, there simple barely there compliments but he still notes the reddish colour to come to your face at them. 
So far it seems you share Sherlock's feelings, but he needs something more concrete if he’s going to confess. So tonight he’s going to be more bold. Johns out with *insert girls name* Sherlock and you will have the flat completely to yourselves. Giving him the perfect atmosphere to collect the last bit of data he needs to know before he reveals his feelings. He needs your pulse, he’s been trying to get it the past week but you always evade him. Moving at just the right moment preventing him from gathering this crucial data. Tonight though he’s determined to get it. 
You have a bright smile on your face when you enter the flat holding a bag of take out. If you're being honest you find yourself nervous to be alone with Sherlock in this manner. Of course you’ve spent time alone with him before, though he was always working on a case. This was different, this time his focus would be on you. It is intimidating to have his undivided attention. Honestly you were so surprised when Sherlock texted you to come over. The simple short text of ‘John’s out come over’ It didn’t leave room for you to say no not that you would have. The thought of declining never even crossed your mind. As soon as you got his message you were responding, at first you thought he had a case. Though with a simple text he refuted the idea texting you that he was just inviting you over. 
After staring at the text for an absorbent amount of time you finally get ready. Picking up takeout on your way and that's where you are now. Sitting next to Sherlock watching some random tv program while eating your takeout. You’re the first to break the silence, “Is everything alright Sherlock?” You're trying not to ruin the evening but you can’t help but be curious as to what brought on this on. He’s been acting differently all week. It was subtle changes at least in the beginning.
Yesterday when the two of you were walking to the lab he grabbed your hand. Fully interlocking his fingers with you. He didn’t even acknowledge it so neither did you just letting him lead you to the lab. 
“Do you think I invited you over because something was wrong?” your face told him his answer. “John was out so I thought we could spend time together” you let out a soft ‘oh’. Not that Sherlock was listening, no he was focusing on your body language. Watching closely at the blush forming on your cheeks. Time to get his last few points of data. 
He feels more confident, especially when he moves closer to you and your pupils enlarge. Your voice is background noise to Sherlock, he focused on your pulse. That's beating rapidly under his finger tips. Experiment complete. 
He cuts you off mid-ramble placing a kiss against your soft lips. He smirks against your lips when he feels your pulse pick up. When he pulls away your eyes are still closed. “What- you just kissed me” your voice is shaky. 
“Yes and I want to do it again, if that’s okay?” While Sherlock was confident in his deducing skills. He was still uneasy about romantical advances.
“Please” you're already tangling your hand in his hair, pulling him back to you. 
Sherlock Holmes can be described as many things: Eccentric, Determined, Odd, Genius, and an amazing Kisser.
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ace-sher-bi-john · 10 months
Rosie Watson/Parentlock Headcanon #3
When Rosie throws tantrums Sherlock and John have two very different approaches.
John deals with it like most parents do. He fights with her. Yells at her. Gives her until the count of three to do what he needs her to do. But it never works, and usually it just makes the tantrum worse.
Sherlock deals with it in a calm, gentle way. He's patient with her. He talks to her in a soft voice and tries to gradually bring her back to Earth. It doesn't always work, but it works more times than not.
The worst part is that Sherlock's method always seems to work when John's there. Whenever John is in the room, Sherlock tries his method and it works. This infuriates John to no end. But he doesn't have the patience to do it Sherlock's way.
Now it may seem out of character for Sherlock to be this kind, patient and understanding of emotions. But if you remember, he's always been more compassionate towards children. The little girl in TRF, the little girl on the plane in TFP, every canon interaction he's had with Rosie.
He also has grown quite a bit as a character from the days when he was alllllllllll cold detached "high functioning sociopath". Now he's not as uncomfortable with expressing emotions, especially in the presence of the two people who are most important to him.
He's also trying harder with Rosie, because she's kinda his daughter. He's helping John raise her at least. Sherlock really doesn't want to mess this up, so he's trying as hard as he can to be more emotionally there for her than he'd ever be to literally anyone else.
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helloliriels · 11 months
Tell Me Where It Hurts
by helloliriels
Inspired by THIS FREAKING BEAUTIFUL IMAGE by @a-victorian-girl
John wasn’t sure what he had expected …
After the wedding; after hearing Sherlock had left early and wasn’t answering his phone …
. He was worried.
They’d gone on their honeymoon, he and Mary.
Sherlock had posted about it … dripping with sarcasm and butterflies and … 
. John had felt miserable the entire 10 days.
Mary wasn’t speaking to him.
Hadn't for two days.
John made his way towards Baker Street knowing only that he needed to see Sherlock. To bring some sanity back into his life.
You keep me right.
John had not prepared himself for what Sherlock's best man speech had contained ...
He hadn't even allowed himself to think about it again.
But he couldn't seem to stop it.
As he approached Baker Street, he realized he was probably going to be facing temper-tantrum Sherlock. Bored Sherlock. Why-the-hell-did-you-get-married-when-I-need-an-assistant-Sherlock.
He was either going to have to;
.  berate Sherlock for not answering his phone; 
.  face some horrible version of Sherlock high off his tits without anyone there to mind him;
. or at the very least, have it out with him about the ridiculously embarrassing posts …??? I mean … who calls it a ‘sex holiday’ …?!
Whatever it was. It wasn’t going to be pretty.
John was amped up and nervous and feeling like he might throw up, but he was going to do this!
Did he need Sherlock?
Like air.
Did he feel like a magnet being pulled towards its home … ? Even though Mary and their residence was forty-five minutes in the opposite direction … ?
Absolutely and without reservation.
He ran his hands through his hair. Cursing himself for being an idiot.
Oscillating again … on the pavement … 
. Bouncing between frustration and need to know.
Before he entered.
He took the stairs slowly. Willing himself to calm and come up with some reasonable way to start the conversation. 
He wanted to sit down and really talk things out with Sherlock. See where they stood. Why … they stood where they were … and how they could move forward, but-
There were voices upstairs?
. Lestrade?
A case?
. No.
A client perhaps?
. No.
Voices were too energetic.
. Sherlock was laughing.
John halted on the steps.
.         Heart racing.
Who had … ?
Made Sherlock laugh … ?
He blinked and went offline temporarily. A panic setting in that he could not quite explain. 
Not rationally. 
Not excusably.
Get ahold of yourself!
. You are a married man!
John swallowed his (unreasonably) bruised pride … 
And took the last few steps up the stairs.
The door was locked.
He heard another chuckle inside and something like-
. John had his keys out of his pocket 
. before he knew what he was doing 
. and the door flung open.
“Sherlo-” John's voice choked in his throat.
He stepped back.
. Stunned.
Sherlock stood by the mantle with another man, running his fingers through his hair.
He had the slightest hint of stubble growing on his face, and a soft look in his eyes … 
And he looked gorgeous.
And all John could think was … 
. His hand is in your hair?
John wanted to die.
“I-uh… I-I’m so-so-sorry, I didn’t mean to just-” he pointed at the door and nearly dropped his keys as if burnt.
Sherlock caught sight of John at last and dropped something himself. Fumbling to the floor to try and catch it, but ultimately crawling around a bit until the item was retrieved.
Those eyes.
Staring back up at John in … Anger? Regret? Agony?  For a brief second …
Before the altogether too-handsome detective collected himself again and rose … smoothing his suit back into order, and ruffling those raven curls back into a mop of touchable silk on his head … 
… made John’s heart skip a beat.
“There, I have it …” Sherlock chirped happily, handing the ring back to whomever this other man was … “no harm done.” He smiled. 
The other man stepped closer again. Placing a soft kiss on Sherlock’s jaw. The familiarity sickening to John's stomach.
.   A ring.
That was what Sherlock was holding.
And smiling. 
So fake.
John wanted to scream.
Instead … 
John turned and ran from the building.
@gregorovitchworld @escaroles @chinike @rhasima @johnlocky (I'm finally working on this one again!) @fluffbyday-smutbynight @totallysilvergirl @topsyturvy-turtely @ anyone who wants to experience pain with me (with a happy ending ofc)
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medicinal-doll · 1 year
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Dark!Daddy!Sherlock x little!reader
Summary: Sherlock hasn't paid you any attention. he'd rather barricade himself in his office than tend to your needs, so you act out. But when Sherlock finds your mess, you find yourself reaping the consequences of your insolence.
Warnings: degrading, master/slave dynamic,cursing, manipulation,Non-con/Dub-con,daddy kink,spanking,fingering,mind break,hair pulling,rough sex,Dom/sub dynamic,hint of ddlg,teasing,petnames,p in v sex
A/N might be admitted to the mental hospital for this one ✨
*Please don't repost without permission If you use my writing as inspiration please ask first and credit me
Your master had been glued to his office for hours. lasting about 10 minutes before you started to miss him badly.You started with your usual routine of whining and whimpering. gently tugging on his pant leg.
Of course he repeatedly kicked you out. but today was different. because after he kicked you out for the third time, you heard a distinct clicking of a lock.
How dare he shut you out like that! you grabbed onto the door handle grunting in frustration and disbelief, but no budge.
A few hours later it was midday. Your tantrum had more than the usual running time. probably because you were bored and Sherlock wasn't there to reprimand you for your mischief.
In the few short hours, you managed to trash the entire living room. The bulk of your toybox was strewn across the room with it's contents littered on every surface imaginable.
But there was just one last thing. Sherlock's prized japanese oakwood coffee table. you threw your huge teddy bear Sherlock had won for you at the fair last Valentine's day.
And watched in horror as it collided with the hard surface. knocking it over onto the hardwood floor with a thundering crash.
Then silence...everything went completely still.
Until you hear that distinct lock sound from Sherlock's door.
"Shit!!shit- shit-" you frantically lift the table, and thank god it's not cracked. you think that would've been your last day on earth. you sigh in relief before turning back to your mess. bumping head first into something clothed and solid."Ouch" you rub your head before peering up, and your eyes go wide.
"Well....Do you have anything to say for yourself little one?" Your master towers over you. His aggravated domineering presence fills every corner of the room to the brim, as he stares you down. anger ever so present in his gaze.
Corneas Seething in anger harshly lavish your form in sheer and utter guilt as you wiggle your butt in shame.
Torn teddy bears and scattered blocks covered the area. Your gaze fixed on the bottom of your sirs deep azure robe, too afraid to look into his eyes. you hated to disappoint him. you didn't mean to be bad, you just wanted him to play with you.
Sherlock wastes no time and leaves you with no room for another reflection before he drags you by your worthless little body to his chambers.
"No!no-Master No!!" You try to kick and claw away from him but sher's grip is firm on your nappy.it threatening to tear from the sheer force of his hold.
Entering the room with haste a harsh grip forces your head against the wooden tile of his room.
Body squirming in desperation to resist.
Sherlock's eyes are cold and uncaring, analyzing your feeble form until you feel a forceful tug at your waist. Followed by a rough hand attempting to pry the diaper off of your clothed center, while the other holds you still.
You were unbelievably wet, but the humiliation of letting him do whatever he wanted with your body made you want to revolt. You can't just let him take you in such a barbarically ungraceful way that easy.
You kick your legs at him trying to throw his grip off of you.
Sherlock says nothing dead silence.
Of all the times you've been with him, you've learned there's 2 sides to his disciplinarian ways.
The first being good sherlock.
Usually he'll just toy with you playfully. while the goal is to punish you, who said it couldn't be fun. Edging you for hours on end as you beg for him to touch you, fuck you, anything. he'd drive you insane, all while he taunts your stupidity.
Laughing at the fact that you should know by now who you belong to.
But then.....there's other Sherlock..Bad Sherlock. Needless to say Sherlock is a man of business. When he comes home to you it's a little different because he has a soft spot for you. But at work he's diligent and stoic, very much no nonsense. and his cases require the utmost concentration and precision.
But most of the time he gets a kick out of your disobedience, and enjoys correcting you. And then there's other times where he genuinely needs you to behave.
His word is law.
Disobey that and well...let's just say your mind and body will be out of commission for at least a few days.
You can tell which mood he's in by the look in his eyes.
When you were in his office he seemed fine.
But I guess as time went on the puzzle he was presented with must've taken him to a more serious state of mind.
So in short, his silence doesn't surprise you. But that's not to say It doesn't scare you shitless when he gets like this.
Cause then there's no arguing with him anymore.
He'll do as he pleases with his property.
Without another thought your nappy is violently ripped from you. Still kicking and screaming Sherlock breathes a deep sigh.
"Disobedient..." He remarks in a low grumbled tone. Before flipping your dress over your head till your little ass was shown fully on display.
You gasp as sherlock roughly groped at the exposed flesh. And there you were... Wet as a river. Sherlocks not daft. He knows when your behavior is especially bad, it's usually a result of your urges not being sated.
But Sherlock has to admit that he almost fell for your trap.
You wanted him to get upset.
He's rougher with you when you've pissed him off. The firm grabs of the tender flesh on your breasts. The way he manhandles you. toys with your body as you're powerless to stop him. How he pounds you as you beg him to stop. screaming it hurts while under your breath you're begging god that he lets Sherlock fuck you till you die.
Sherlock spreads the petals of your not to be ruined heat. you whimper at the sound of the wetness as he gazes at your gaping hole silently collecting his thoughts.
"You don't deserve my cock..." He decides to himself.
That set you off.
"No! Daddy please M'sorry I juss missed you n-"
"Enough" he says hearing no more of the show your trying to put on. Which he now realizes was just one of your big acts of foreplay for rough sex.
He glares down at you, seeming so tall from your spot on the floor. you pout at his feet wiggling your butt in guilt.
But Sherlock refuses to give into the temptation. Today you need to be reminded how unwise it is to test your masters patience.
"Is this how I taught you to behave" he repremands.
Your frame falters, sinking lower to the floor at his blunt questioning. Your silence being a good enough answer.
"Go get my box" he commands.
"T-the gold one?" You look up at him in terror.
"The red one" he corrects.
Involuntary tears leak from your eyes as you cling to his leg like a feeble lamb.
"No! Daddy please don't! M'sorry-" you plead.
"Yes I know you're sorry prey, you're going to be very.. Sorry..."
"No! Anything else!! put me in the ca-"
"Oh so now she tells me what to do" he taunts, the tamber of his tone coated in disapproval.
"N-no I didn't mean it like-.... I wasn't-..." You mumble your explanation but ween off to silence at the judgement of his commanding glare.
Sherlock bends down to your ear. brushing away stray hairs and whispering softly. Voice laced in malice and cruelty, contradicting his calm demeanor.
"Go get my box before I shove my cane all the way up that tight little pucker of yours"
Wide eyed and fearful of your master's wrath you hastily crawl away to retrieve the box from the "training room".
Hesitantly you return, the box clutched nervously between your hands as you try not to make direct eye contact with your owner.
"Well the little thing managed to follow instructions"
You pout at his harshness.
"Now go pick out a belt" he says fiddling with the miscellaneous "correction tools" in the box. not even looking in your direction.
You decide to not make this harder on yourself and sulk as you leave again.
"And don't pick a small one...or I'll come choose myself"
You wince at his threats pouty and fearful what he's gonna do to you.
You come back with a thick black leather belt. you shiver from seeing the spiked and studded one he had hanging in the room.
As you enter you see sherlock pulling out a golden butt plug adorned with a jade jewel. you gulp as it looks bigger than the others he's used on you.
He comes closer to you taking notice of the way you flinch as Sher bends down to your level. holding out the buttplug to you between his middle and index finger.
An unreadable expression adorns his features as you take it quietly hoping he won't put it to use.. wishful thinking.
"I want that in your ass before I return...and no lube" he says in an oddly casual manner.
You look at him doe eyed "T-theres no way-" you think to yourself.
"Do you understand me" his dominant cadence snapping you out of your daze.
You nod reluctantly.
"lie down on the couch when you're done"
He then leaves without another word as you eye the cruel challenge your sir has bestowed upon you.
When Sherlock reappears he's clad in his disciplinarian attire. A white dress shirt rolled up to his forearms showing off his delicious spiderweb veins. complimented by a tight black vest showing off every curvature of his sculpted form. black dress pants and shoes to match. And finally an exorbitant avant garde watch adorning his wrist, along with a fresh pair of medicinal black rubber gloves.
You curse under your breath. You've really fucked up this time. And you didn't even manage to get the stupid fucking plug up your ass it just won't go in.
You begin to panic, strenuous efforts to shove the toy in become more frantic as sherlock nears you like a shark in the water. He smirks internally as he sees you tear up with both legs in the air. trying to forcefully shove it in, all to please him.
"Stop" he instructs, and you instantly halt your actions. his words like a cheat code to your body.
"Give it to me."
He holds out his palm all casual and unassuming. he doesn't look mad, but you know it's all a farce to keep you guessing.
You whimper meekly as you continue to try and jam it into your unprepared hole.
"Need I repeat myself?" sher growls with impatience.
You look away feeling shy before begrudgingly handing over the jade plug.
Sherlock hunches himself over you no mercy in sight.
"hold open your ass"
His eyes demonically snap to yours. not only where you about to object and defy his orders, but you also were going to address him by the wrong title.
"Oh bunny don't make me break you" his eyes say.
"Yes Sir" you mutter defeatedly.You then snap your lips shut and pry your butt open as much as you can.
"Wider" he says plainly, feigning indifference.
You try to hide your blush. Sherlock looking at you so exposed like this, he must be getting some sick kick out of it.
Sherlock leans his head down and licks a singular wet strip up your hole. you hate that your walls flutter from it.but that all comes crashing down as Sherlock rams the plug deep into your ass. you scream loud enough that even the neighbors could hear your desperate cry. not that they would dare say anything.They hear you scream most nights. whether it be pleasure or pain, it's all the same to Sherlock.
You fold in on yourself crying at the rough intrusion in your body. you don't dare fight back when sher seats himself on the love sofa. manhandling your form until you're splayed over his lap. you sniffle quietly as sher massages you gently.your body quivering in fear as you hear the clink of a belt. you grip on tightly to his trousers bracing yourself for what's to co-AH!
Sherlock deals a devilish leather blow to your ass and it's already too much."Daddy! No!" You try to reach for the belt but Sher just keeps hitting you harder everytime.
"Ah! No Stop it!!"
You cover your ass as sher holds his belt in the air.Winding up for the worst blow of them all.
"Remove your han-"
"Daddy it hurts!"
"I said move your Fucking hands!!"
You take them away as the leather comes crashing down on your tender ass. you yell as the sting reverberates throughout the tender flesh.
All the strength is zapped from your body, but Sher's just getting started with you.
You cry and sob, muffling your tears and digging your manicured nails into the fabric of your master's trousers.
But then something rubbery makes an abrupt intrusion into your slicken folds. your head shoots up and you gasp at the new contact digging though your walls in search for that deep sensitive area.
You look back at Sherlock stoic as ever as if he didn't just deliver the ass beating of your life just moments ago. You manage to contain most of your moans until he finds your spot.
Now you're really in trouble.
He grinds his knuckles deep into your core making you spasm as you whimper and writhe moaning like a virgin whore.
Sherlock reaches his other hand to pull your hair.You whine and wince as Sherlock periodically takes his fingers out to smack your sore butt then entering them back into you.
It's all too much.
"Please sir can I cum-" you plead trying to wiggle your spot away from the daunting strokes of his gloved hand. moaning profanities under your breath at the mind numbing sensation.
Sherlock says nothing, but you know it's a trap. cumming without permission is a big no no. The consequences being worse than the spanking you just got.
"Master please!! I can't hold it any longer-" you whine meekly trying to wiggle your butt away the pleasure overriding your senses but sher holds you firm.
"If you cum I won't fuck you" he comments, admiring the beauty of your soaked heat clenching and coating the rubber of his the gloved fingers.
It's a little concerning how fast you started to move at his threat.you didn't even squirm that hard when Sherlock dragged your sorry ass into the room.
Wiggling profusely, Sher meets your whims and let's go of you. leading you to tumble onto the hard wooden floor.
"Ouch" you say pitifully, but your mind is quickly drawn away from that as you feel sher's hand lace itself in your hair. pushing your head to lay flat against the ground. his other hand pulling your hips up to meet something wet and bulbous prodding at your entrance.
You grin sadistically.
Yes...this is what you've been yearning for all day. this is the reward for all your efforts. annoying Sherlock, trashing the living room, and getting that violent spanking. all for Sherlock to use you as his own personal cum doll.You're just as fucked up as he is, if not more.
But you grow concerned when sher doesn't move. So you curiously look up at him from your limited view on the ground.
"Holy shit" you shudder internally.
Now he looks pissed, brows furrowed and lips pressed together into a sharp line his eyes cold and malevolent.
Ah yes, this is your master.. the bad one.And the one that makes you the wettest of them all.
He bores into you expectantly, speaking not a word. Sherlock is a man of principle and justice, so needless to say he wants you to apologize for your egregious behavior.
You swallow your shallow breath before pulling your most innocent angel face at him. And even though sher will act like he's immune and it doesn't help your case. His cock twitches noticeably against your entrance as you bat your baby doll lashes at him.His grip tightening in your hair as he grows just as impatient as you are for release.
Not that he'd admit it but he also needed this badly, some leeway from the stress of his case.
"M'sorry for being a bad girl master" you pout at him cutely.
Nothing, not a blink from him. so you keep going.
Listing every single bad thing you've done for the day as his tip distractingly glosses over your clit.
"And I'm sorry for not getting the-mmph!"
Sherlock breathes out a heavy sigh as he slowly sinks his fat cock in your needy little pussy.
"Keep Apologizing..." He grunts as his cockhead buries itself to the hilt nudging against your little baby room.
"I-i'm sorry I couldn't get the plug In ah!-" You yelp as his cock is pulled out from your hole abruptly.
"Couldn't get it where pet" Sherlock groans as he starts to plunge his cock into you.rutting against every sensitive nerve imaginable.
"I-in my ass..." you whimper writhing your butt against his hips begging for him to ruin you.
"Where!" He growls lowly pounding against a spot that makes both of your eyes roll to the back of your skulls.
"In my ass!!Please Master fuck me!fuck-"
Sherlock fucks into you recklessly. robbing you of your inhibitions and vocabulary in an instant.
"Fuck-daddy fuck pleas-! Ruin me please..."
You whimper whine and moan at his cock, it pulling embarrassing sounds from your body. You and Sherlock rock back and forth inside of each other animalisticly, as if driven by a primal urge.
You feel his big veiny cock pulse inside of you hitting your spot with every rough thrust. his balls clenching and unclenching themselves from the pleasure.
"Master!Master!Master!!!Please-.. Shit-!" You call him over and over again. begging for him to stop or keep going, your mind being too scrambled to decipher between the two.
"You gonna stop being an ungrateful wench"
"Wrecking all the expensive shit I pay for"
Sherlock growls into your ear tugging at your hair while he fucks your pussy aggressively.
"Yes! yes-"" you mewl at him completely under his spell.
"Dumb fucking baby slut, fucking up my nice table- I should fuck you on that table.. breed you till the cum drips out" Sher groans darkly in your ear. his gutteral moans sinking you deeper into the pool of bliss.
"You want me to fuck you dumb hm? Ruin and break you" he taunts.
You nod sickly, slamming your hips to fuck back into him. meeting every one of his sinful thrusts in a circadian rhythm."Is that why you won't let your master get a good day's work in dolly,Need me that badly?" Sherlock starts smacking your ass again and you forget what being human feels like.
"Yes sir!!yes sir-Please I can't help it!" A bit of drool leaks from your mouth seeping onto the floor.
"Well would you look at that, all cock drunk and addicted to my cock"
"You addicted to my cock baby hm?" He coos in a dominant tamber.
"Yes sir! I need it!! I don't know how to act right if I don't have your dick breeding up my little bitch hole-" you bark out your pussy clamping down around him tightly.
"I know prey, your just a dumb little baby princess"
"That pretty little head of yours is just filled with air, You need your master to keep you in line honey don't you"
He places a sinister kiss to your head as he delivers thrust after thrust into your dripping walls. the intense rhythm of his hips unwavering.
"Don't worry honey I'll fix you right up
You know I always do..." He whispers psychotically.
"Y-yes master!" you moan, the program of his influence playing all over your mental state.
"Bad toy....such a naughty little toy...messing up daddy's apartment" he says in between the manipulative kisses.
"Say it princess, tell me your my toy"
You revel in the sound of his voice, it pulling you deeper into the fog of your mind.
"I've.. been a bad toy master!-"
"I-i'm M-masters...Toy" you stutter the command back to him as he pounds you good and deep.
"Good girl, now tell me how bad you want me to fix you" he says, voice dropping to that low gravely octave that could make you do anything.
Sherlock's thrusts become disheveled as his pace slows him finally reaching his orgasm after the countless times you've already cum.It still leaves you spasming around him.
"I-Im a D-dumb little bitch toy master, I-i need you to fix me..." you say all mind broken and too fucked up to care.
"Of course I will sweetness" Sherlock says smirking possessively. placing a tender kiss to your lips, this embrace being the first kindness he's shown you all day.
Even though your senses are shot, you can still register the thick streams of cum coating your walls. But all you can do is lie there, you couldn't walk if you tried.
"Come here honey" the devil of a man picks you up in his arms in an all too gentle manner considering the careless roughness he's subjected your fragile body to.
You lay blank in his arms with slow shallow breaths as Sherlock carries off your form to the training room for a little "tinkering.
Then it'll be off to bed in your cage, some supper if your sir is feeling merciful.
Not like you have a say anyway, you're his after all. Sherlock's obedient little pet.So I hope you learned your lesson little bunny.But if you didn't that's fine too.Sherlock would love nothing more than to wipe the slate of you clean.Taking you apart and putting you back together again until you learn to be his perfect little angel.
His Prey.
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William and Sherlock are both incredibly disconnected from their own emotions in a lot of ways, and learning to grow past that and reconnect with those parts of themselves is an important part of not only their arcs, but the series as a whole.
Their humanity and their emotions being tied to that is a really strong undercurrent in the series. This kind of undercurrent tends to be strongest when there are, well, nonhumans somewhere floating around in the story, but YuuMori rests its discussion on this without resorting to that trick.
Instead, it works a lot with the way these two main characters think about themselves, relate to themselves and others, how they treat and refer to others, and how they each behave. Both of them can easily be dehumanized because of the not-entirely-healthy way they deal with their emotions at first, and both of them get a handle on their emotions and living with them as they start to remember and participate more in their own humanity.
I also find interesting how they relate to their own emotions, and despite how disconnect they feel from them, how strongly they really influence their behavior.
Sherlock, on the surface, seems obviously emotional. When he likes people, they know. When he's grumpy, everyone knows. When he's excited and happy, everyone knows. He wears his heart on his sleeve, and even in the face of rejection, he never actually stops doing that.
He's a brave man, for that. Honestly, Sherlock is very bold and strong of heart. I think he has to be, for the way he restarted William's.
But being bold of heart doesn't mean you actually engage with your emotions. Equally, it can mean you ignore them.
Despite all I described above above, he's frequently confused and surprised by how he feels (see: being jealous of Mary, see: trying to deal with his frustration with William 'dumping' him briefly, etc.). He suffers through conflicting feelings about Mary, about William and Mycroft, and Irene and Hudson. He's not really that great at handling his feelings. And he acts out when he's upset with no real acknowledgment of what he's doing—he shoots his own wall, he insults John because he's mad, he barely apologizes and tries to avoid the earnest openness it requires he gets extremely high and damages his own beloved, expensive instrument...none of this is really engaging with his emotions or properly dealing with it.
But as we edge toward The Final Problem, John has done a lot of his work on Sherlock and Sherlock is opening up to John and admitting to his fears. He's still not handling them great—stop with the self-sacrifice, boys!—but he can at least understand and admit to how he feels. He can even tell John how he feels about William, and, hell, even Louis, even his uncertainties about their relationship. He knows and acknowledges all of the messiness in there.
William isn't there by The Final Problem. Oh, sure, he manages to tell Sherlock all the important things. But he's taking caveats to protect himself—with the letter, he assumed he'd die and not have to deal with the fallout. He gets there a little bit later, after he stops seeing himself in a role.
While Sherlock is obviously emotional, William tends to be more buttoned up and closed off. I suspect he would probably insist that he doesn't act emotionally at all. Fans sure do. Personally, well. You know those guys who get so caught up in, "No, I'm being logical," while they throw a tantrum when no one agrees with them?
Yeah, that's William.
He's caught up in an environment where everyone affirms his emotional impulses and tantrums as logical and brilliant, when he's really just...Feeling A Way and acting on it. He's upset, he's hurt, he's angry, and now everyone else has to deal with him trying to soothe himself because he literally does not realize these things are a Him problem. He has no idea how to cope with his feelings, because he can't even admit he's having them.
And I very truly don't think he realizes until after The Fall that he was so emotional and so unaware of the emotion that he couldn't try to compartmentalize or account for the bias to see things more clearly.
It's pretty explicit on that rooftop that William sees emotions and being connected to emotions as being human, as having a heart, and Sherlock saved him by reminding him of it. Sure, Sherlock did that way back when they first met, but it was also clear that even back then, that quick connection would lead to William's defeat and their exact situation—even if they hadn't gotten there yet.
Sherlock managed to throw away William's plans because he forced William to feel that restarted heart and actual engage in the world. To remember he's part of it, not being of pure logic who only interacts with the world and isn't of it. Every time William dehumanizes someone by calling them a devil or an angel or a hero, he's disconnecting them from their humanity—even himself.
He doesn't call anyone that afterward. He can finally see the world clearly, unclouded by his forced narrative, by the emptiness he was forcing on himself. The world is beautiful, and he's ready to engage with it fully now.
Because Sherlock reminded him he had a heart, that he was a living, breathing human, and sparked emotions he couldn't dismiss or avoid or pull away from.
Because to be human is to feel, and to be human is to be part of the world, and to be part of the world is to live.
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Zlhxksjsksks half of season three is John throwing every tantrum hissy fit and complete meltdown about being excluded from Sherlock's insane behaviors and actions and lifestyle. Actually in episode one of the whole show John starts freaking out about this before they even rlly know each other.... that's how crazy he is. " r u trying to put me off??" And Sherlock is like no girl🤣🤣
Meanwhile 1000 geniuses on tumblr dot com freaking out about John's bodily autonomy. Not only was he fine w the violation -- if Sherlock did it himself, or to some fawning fan-turned-volunteer, he would throw up. He would explode
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asherloki · 8 months
One whiskey please
Sherlock x reader
Warning:- alcohol, bar fight almost
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"May I buy you a drink?" Said the man as stood beside me at the bar counter. I've been watching him for a long time, sitting alone with a whiskey in hand. Refusing every women who came to him. I couldn't stop looking at him. He has gorgeous green eyes, soft curly dark hair. He wore a white shirt with a black suit and a huge coat was beside him, probably he took it off because the air in here is warm. I stared at him, eventually hoping he'd see me and he did. He sipped his whiskey staring at me. Putting his whiskey down, he gave me a nod and I returned a nod to him too. With a smirk indicating he can come over here. As I saw him getting up I turned to face the bar, knowing he'd eventually say, what he actually did.
"Certainly" I replied leaning over the bar, "and who you might be?"
"Sherlock Holmes" he replied, "might've heard about me, didn't you?"
"I may have, I don't remember much about guys" I said sultrily, "but they do about me".
"I can see that" he answered and turned to the bar counter asking for a glass of whisky, "one whiskey please" he turned to me, "you're beautiful and rich".
"So am I, you're pretty damn appealing too" I answered, my eyes staring straight into his eyes.
"Your drink sir" said the guy at the counter giving him the glass.
"Your drink" Sherlock said to me handing me the whiskey.
"You sure?" I said gulping, dropping the smirk for a moment.
"Well you can try and if you don't -" he was suggesting if I don't like it I don't have to drink it until a guy came to me and said,
"I'd get you a better drink" and touched my hand to my surprise.
I didn't even had to shout for help cause Sherlock threw that whiskey on his very expensive shirt and pushed him away from me.
"Get off me" he hissed at him, "is she your property?"
"Yes I am" I said standing at the counter because those heels are awful and I couldn't walk properly in them, "I'm his wife you idiot".
Saying so I took out my wedding ring from my bag and wore it. He seemed to have seen something as surprising as a blue tiger. His mouth fell open, as everyone else's. Sherlock let go off him and took out his ring from the pocket and wore it.
"I... I didn't" that man stuttered, in utter surprise.
"It's okay" Sherlock patted his shoulder, "I know you didn't know that." Then he turned to me and said, "that's why I told you we can't recreate everything those fictions are about, in real life, but you were so invested into this pretence of hot rich fic scenario that you read".
It infuriated me that he shouted at me, "but I wanted to recreate it".
"Stop throwing tantrums at me, you can't even handle those stupid heels" he said walking towards me.
"Fine" I said, and put them off, "I look so short to you now".
Everyone laughed in awe there at this, even the guy drenched in whiskey, so did Sherlock at my knitted brows and pout.
"You're adorable" he said pinching my cheek. Then paying the man at the bar counter and taking his coat from his seat, we left the bar.
We walked in silence holding hands through the almost empty street of London.
"Did I look rich?" He asked as we walked barefoot.
"You looked normal " I said, still mad that our pretence didn't work.
"Well you don't even drink alcohol " he complained.
"Good for you, you got to drink your dearest whiskey." I said.
He chuckled at my anger. I carried these awful pair of heels because I bought it for tonight with alot of money which is a total waste. I can't handle heels, today was a reminder again. He too walked barefoot because according to him he can't possibly have the comfort of wearing shoes when I am walking barefoot.
"You know, these rich sexy stuffs aren't for us" he said. He's a simple man you know, I love his simple yet adventurous life, simple flat, simple he, himself.
"I guess so..." I said.
"Want to grab an ice cream?" And there he hit the nail at the perfect spot, I turned all excited to him,
"Yes yes and yes".
With that we ran barefoot to get some sweet treats for us. I know our plan didn't work but whatever we're doing now, is better, because it's not pretence.
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onedayimgonnasnap · 2 years
How about dating hcs for Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, and Beezelbub?
Obey Me X Reader Dating HCS
Tw: Leviathan JK
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Ok so start off when dating this man be expected to get introuble with a bunch of fucking witches who Mammon owes money to.
You end up getting kidnapped often but nothing too serious since the kidnappers don’t have anything against you. Just Mammon,
so during the whole experience you get to eat chocolate chip cookies and apple juice watching curious George. They don’t actually know a whole lot about humans- they just know Curious George is a popular TV show.
Also man likes to spoil you like crazy and you both often go on dates. Before the mafia shows up and demands money-
He also likes to have you with him watching his modeling. (Bitch wants you to drool over him)
He also likes to hold your hand, he never lets it go so you might as well sew your hand together.
He also sneaks into your bed at night after telling you he’s not clingy. He wakes you up like “MC 🥺 I frew up-“
Also has a weird obsession with uno-
The whole dating Mammon experience is really wild- He means well though he’s just mischievous.
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Ok so bro has an anime for every single fucking situation. At this point you’re pretty sure he pulls it out of his ass.
Bro has also asked you; “Would you still love me if I was a worm?”
Bro cried when you said; “No lol”
Bro gets jealous easily when he’s alone and he sees other couples. You have to deal with it pretty every fucking time.
He saw a trend on the internet where a couple bought two beta fishes and he went to go find you.
He doesn’t ask for affection but he does thing where it’s like; “Man I would really love to hold someone’s hand- to bad no one will ever wanna hold a stupid otaku like me’s hand. :((“ And he does it while staring at you.
Also his body type changes (not in a fat shaming way) but he changes from fit to dad bod pretty often. It’s the happy weight you get from being in a relationship.”
You also have to make sure he drinks water often. Like chug it down his mf throat.
You guys also often make OCs together for different anime’s.
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Bro sends you cat memes, cat pictures, professional cat photography and cat drawings.
Also he keeps hiding a bunch of cats in your room.
Lucifer like a proud dad tells you embarrassing stories that Satan has done when he was younger (including he was a furry. Satan has a fursona and Levi is making bank)
He also randomly pretends to be Sherlock homes it’s really cute when it’s not every-time you lost your phone charger.”
Bro also throws tantrums like one time you heard his voice squeak like he was still going through puberty.
Satan once murdered someone after they recommended him the book Twilight.
He also has different phases based on what book he’s reading. He’s also wrote fanfiction AU’s of you and him
He also has cat hair all over his clothes half of the time and he likes his reading cuddle times so good luck with that.
Bro also calls you at 3:00 AM to ask you the most random crack questions.
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You’re never allowed to neglect yourself in any way ever again.
He will smack you if you talk down about yourself in any way whatsoever.
You both have a self care session every other day, you both gossip it’s really fun.
Bro is down bad for you- Bro went from ‘for the streets’ to “I only want you in the sheets-“
He also wants to Princess carried by you no matter how tall you are.
Bro also likes to bite you and smother you with kisses.
You have both lipstick marks and a bunch of hickeys that’s to him.
He also will never let you sleep alone ever again.
Everytime you both are going out he grabs your arm.
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Bro is extremely blunt and does not like to sugar coat things.
He might seem harsh but with a little more context he just cares.
You’re also never allowed to skip meals ever again.
If you do after he’s done eating he likes to give you food.
He also likes forehead kisses and headpats, he starts blushing so much when you do it.
When he sees you’re uncomfortable or scared he picks you up and throws you over his shoulder leaving.
He also likes when you scratch his back or head to him if feels like Heaven.
One of the problems I can think of is that you have to keep a safe for snacks for yourself so the big bitch like a grizzly bear doesn’t break in.
Also has bit you a bunch of times not like those hickey bites. The ones that look like you were almost eaten.
He’s also given you scary dog privileges.
Your bed now has ants because of all the crumbs in bed he leaves- he also has once eaten one of your blankets and clothes.
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voidsteffy · 2 years
I love the Sherlock from Elementary. He has all the eccentricity of the Book Holmes, and is SO human. Yeah he's weird but he's also a gentleman.
Things I love about Elementary:
1. Sherlock is humanised but his eccentricities remain intact. He is a neuro-atypical and he doesn't seek to fit in. He loses sense of manners sometimes but whenever he's in control of himself you can never catch him being impolite to others.
2. Sherlock values the contribution made in his life by Kitty, Captain Gregson and even Bell. He can't outright say it everyday but you can see him being a protective cat jist hissing at anyone who decides to trouble them.
3. He values Joan's credibility and gives her the rash push into directions he knows she will exceed in. Joan has been more or less sheltered her entire life with friends who just sigh at her choices rather than take active decisions for her and be the bad cop. But Sherlock is just what Joan needs, much like how Joan is exactly who Sherlock needs
4. His and Kitty's relationship is so well developed. Sherlock just out here drinking respect women juice. Except he's not because he always sees them as people and he always respects people for their trials and tribulations
5. Sherlock. Styles. Joan.
6. If Sherlock throws a hissy fit, Joan is absolutely there to show him immediately that he's not a baby to throw a temper tantrum (ep 1 is that u haha)
7. Sherlock's relationships, his reactions, his methodology, his need to be understood pulled back by his inability to be at everyone else's pace... It's all so well balanced
8. Sherlock. Never. Sleeps. With. Joan. This is important because there come a lot of people on one's life that give help more than they take and tether us to humanity but we don't sleep with all of them. I'm glad that they saw the potential of a greater bond beyond sexual relation and acknowledged that Joan Watson is Sherlock's soulmate in a way he never knew he needed. No lust. Just love.
9. Also, Joan Watson is a potential aro queen
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with God as my witness if you people don't de-bbc-ify your Sherlock & Co. sherlock designs I'm going to to something drastic and violent (<- sob aggressively and scream at my phone and throw a little temper tantrum)
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myeyesblurry · 6 months
how r we feeling abt the sherlock rp situation?
sad foe Ssherlock i wish him the best we spoke once and it wasnt pretty but that wasnt his fault LOL it but we came to an understanding and we've rp'd (abiet less lol) sinc3 but we don't talk period tea LOL character friends mod beef 😭👍
talked to John before too he was kinda narrow minded / uh like difficult to open his view to mine but i mentioned some psychology and color graph and he liked it and was more understanding lol like i supported him as a person, as a mod, everyone gets mod respect, but when he popped up out of nowhere i was like bro chill aa
seeing these peiple who i may not have chatted with lots but once or twice , and having mature conversation with them both, where we both had different views and communicated them, itd weird to see the w a y John is pushing so hard ??? like yeah John was narrow minded when i talked to him but dude you kicked Sherlock out it's over stop interacting?? why was he nessaging him agter? why did he CONTINUE TO and then spread abuse claims against Sherlock after others called Johns harassing sctions abuse like are u deflecting 💀😭💀 bbg take a step back go outside touch some grass oh my gods
sorry im high rn and im open to answering stuff ik ik 🤪 crazy
honestly feels like John is throwing a tantrum because Sherlock moved on and isn't paying attention to him
which is saying something. up foe interpretation LMAO
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getosbf · 1 year
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Sherlock tried to shake William awake, woken up himself by the terrified whimpers. It didn't take long to figure out he was having a nightmare. Maybe from his shaking, William was having a fit- throwing a tantrum in his sleep.
Frankly, Sherlock should have expected it when a fist came out of the blue hitting him squarely in the nose. But it was way past midnight and neither of them were awake until the sickening crunch filled the air.
William jerked awake and looked around frantically for the source of the noise. He saw Sherlock and oh...
The bleeding nose and drops of red on the bedsheet were explanation enough.
SLSKSKSKSKJDSK THESE DUMBASSES WILL BE AT THE DOCTOR'S AT THREE IN THE FUCKING MORNING LIKE "good morning, doctor. Could you do us a little favor? No, you do not need to call the police-"
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