#shes actually the one making the rational choice lolol
pinkwhalepjs · 2 years
Class Conflict in ACoFaF (& Wuuvy)
I doubt this narrative will actually go anywhere in ACoFaF but interestingly, just like the Austin novels the season is based around, there is a larger conflict than just the injustice of the Court system at play here and that is the injustice of classism. However the Court system is vilified because it stands as an Obstacle to our Heroes desires for expression and romances, whereas the class system is taken for granted and played for laughs. This is not a critique of Aabria or the season just as an interesting thing that is mirrored from the original genre and I think really shows in how the audience comes to see Wuuvy.
Some Courts hoarding power in the form of Magic is the evil meant to be defeated at the end of the story. It clearly hurts our Heroes by cutting them off from loved ones and eliminating the members of Binx’s court. It also stands as a mirror to the hoarding of Love that all of the heroes struggle with. That their respective Courts or families withhold love based on preconditions of behavior or achievement or assimilation (Binx being the exception of course).
But the actual unfairness of the system they exist in goes largely unaddressed. From the salt goblins who are expected to live their whole tiny lives in service to their superiors and die on command, to the servants Lord Airavis polymorphs and maims for laughs, to Gobble begging for his life while forced to dance, even to Andhera’s dog who is sentient, all (with the notable exception of Binx who goes out of her way to respect servants from Andhera’s dog to Lady Featherfowl’s penguin messenger) enjoy their time at the expense of those below them. This includes Rue, who uses a Command spell on Wuuvy who up to that point happily obeyed their commands and never truly apologizes or addressed the gulf between them. This is a defining moment for Wuuvy. She was happy to serve as a friend and equal and although she continues her devotion to Rue, from that point on she must understand that Rue does not see her as quite such an equal.
But we are not especially meant to feel sympathy for the lower class characters. They are either set pieces or worse, Obstacles and Antagonists for our Heroes to overcome. Wuuvy not delivering the letter to Hob is naturally seen in a villainous light because the story is about the Romance between our Heroes. However isn’t it incredibly fair for Wuuvy to lash out in the only ways that she is able. The line between her and Hob is incredible thin. Both are military leaders of lower station who see Rue’s hidden conflict and admire them ardently. They are both beastly and duty bound. Yet Rue is enamored with Hob after meeting him once and sees Wuuvy only as a friend (or servant) despite (or because of) knowing her for decades. Wuuvy demands satisfaction and does not deliver the letter not because she thinks it will make Rue change their mind or fall in love with her instead, but she has simply had too much indignity to bear. She will not deliver up her own hopes and dreams to another with a smile on her face. That is a step too far. Yet in the end it is Rue’s feeling of betrayal that the story will follow and not Wuuvy’s revelation that she could spend her life knowing every little detail about a person and they could still not understand the most important truths about her.
Again this is not a criticism of the show, and it would be phenomenal if in fact this did arise as an canonical plotline/issue, it just fascinates me that the same phenomenon I find in Austen novels replicates itself here. Characters may actively talk about the oppression of their own station (Elizabeth in P&P or Hob in the show) and yet still happily take part in enforcing the class system. They will be allowed to rise above their own station for the sake of Romance but the stations themselves will remain.
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jenetica · 3 years
A Brief Note from Our Sponsors: Us.
Greetings! If you’re here, it’s likely that you have questions or complaints about our decisions regarding the Calendar Girls series. An ominous start to this discussion, but truly, we welcome you! If you’re here, it means you have been emotionally impacted by our work and, even though this context isn’t the cheeriest, we are so, so grateful you (1) enjoyed our work enough to care about it, and (2) want to develop a better understanding of our process so that you can engage with Calendar Girl more.
First of all, we understand why you’d be upset with us! The cliffhanger at the end of AotM was a DOOZY and leaves a LOT of important questions unanswered, and we left you readers hanging for a LONG time. This post will, hopefully, assuage the worst of your fears without giving away too many plot points.
That being said, please note that there WILL be spoilers ahead. If you want to see the story unfold as we intended, do NOT read this post further. We will tell you now that the post addresses the Deadpool’s identity, our decisions regarding the construction of AotM and the final cliffhanger, our decisions regarding developing the sequel as a prequel, and our plans for future installments. And, naturally, the accusations of “queerbaiting.”
Let’s get started.
It makes sense to open with the most serious issue, so let’s talk about queerbaiting. For anyone here who doesn’t know, queerbaiting is defined as the purposeful insinuation of a homosexual/queer relationship, only to backtrack/subvert that insinuation to avoid the queer relationship. For an example, see: Supernatural from Season 4 and on. 
We have received accusations of queerbaiting for about four years, based exclusively on the reveal at the end of the final chapter. Similarly, we have received complaints that we duped readers into reading hetfic. So, to get things out of the way, yes, Deadpool is Gwen. No, it’s not a trick of the light, or a mistake, or some odd resemblance. They are one and the same. HOWEVER, that does NOT mean that we have queerbaited anyone.
First of all, the tags of the story are honest, and they always have been. AotM is tagged as a “Multi” fic, meaning that there are relationships of multiple orientations involved, and it is tagged with Peter/Gwen as well as Peter/Wade. Careless Whisper is tagged as F/M. We have never suggested or implied that the story would exclusively be slash fiction. We actually left multiple hints that Wade enjoyed femininity, at least as a practice, if not an identity. iFlail and I discussed this issue at length as we wrote/edited AotM and carefully crafted the story with queerbaiting in mind. 
Peter is an unreliable narrator, he always has been, and he always will be. In AotM, Peter assumes Wade is a man and thus, for the purposes of the narrative, Wade is one. The truth, however, is less clean than that. We won’t get into the details here, but safe to say, gender is not binary, it is not permanent, and it is not inexorably linked to one’s biology. Wade has a complicated history and a complicated/unique sense of identity. We have always intended for him to be that way, just as we always intended for him to be notably, pointedly smaller than Peter. 
The accusations of queerbaiting and/or conning readers into reading “het” fic are exclusionary of the greater conversation of gender identity. It was, frankly, disheartening to see so many people assume heterosexuality based exclusively on the last word of AotM. We hope that our work will challenge readers to be more mindful of the expansive world of gender, and to avoid assuming that a specific kind of pairing might involve specific kinds of body parts.
If you have any questions or reservations about our queerbaiting at this point, you are either welcome to keep reading future installments of this work to learn more, or you are welcome to stop altogether. The choice is yours. 
With that hot-button topic out of the way, let’s talk about the greater concept of ending a story of a cliffhanger, our thoughts behind building this series, and our goals for future installments. 
The second part of the Calendar Girl series, Careless Whisper, was written first, and it comes first chronologically. I (Jenetica) initially worked on the story by myself, as an exploration into the concept of “Gwen becoming Deadpool” to see how it might play out. I ended up writing a story I loved, so I moved onto the next part of the story, set four years later. This ended up becoming Angel of the Morning. 
@iflailfic, a good IRL friend of mine from college, came onboard (after I wooed her with several stories worth of porn, as you can see through a jaunt through my posted works) to help me edit. She fell in love with AotM and, as we worked on first draft edits, she floated the idea of AotM coming before Careless Whisper. Honestly, I rejected the idea at first (not sure if she actually knows/remembers that part, lol), because I couldn’t fathom how we would be able to link the parts of the story together. But, eventually, I began to realize her point: AotM introduces our protagonists, develops the “current” world for the series, and has a more dynamic/engaging plot. 
The cliffhanger was a joke at first. My idea. I think my exact words were something like, “LOLOL what if we just ended on ‘GWEN?’ OMG IMAGINE hahahahaha.” But, as we continued to edit… it became the perfect way to end things. Anything that came after that point felt like trash. If we’d expanded any further, we ran the risk of falling headfirst into Part 3 and doubling the size of AotM. Let’s be real, the ending is, all waiting aside, an absolute nuclear bomb on the rest of the story. 
We talked about the likelihood of enraged readers. But we rationalized it by telling each other/ourselves that we had Careless Whisper written, so the wait wouldn’t be too killer.
Best laid plans.
I (Jenetica) take full responsibility for the time it took to start posting again. Over the last four years, I have gone through a number of experiences that challenged my sense of self and pushed me to become a different person, including moving halfway across the country, attending a relatively prestigious law school where I was no longer “the smart kid in the room,” and losing the relationship that I later learned was toxic and abusive. I lost my confidence in a number of ways, including my confidence as a writer. I became terrified that I would never produce anything that lived up to AotM, and that I would disappoint the many (many!) readers demanding answers. Luckily for me, through that adversity I found rewarding friendships, a beautiful partner who treats me the way I’d always fantasized/written about people like me getting treated, and an engaging career that leaves me with enough energy to write. My experiences are mirrored by iFlail, who went through a different, but similarly life-changing, series of events. But through this all, we never lost hope in this story, and we always planned to complete the series. We are wiser, stronger people now, and we both believe that the story will be richer for it. 
Which brings us to now, and our plans for the future. We do NOT intend to wait another four years to post X Gon’ Give It To Ya, the third and final installment of the series. We have spent countless hours brainstorming the plot, and all that’s really left to do is put it to paper. But, for people who are afraid of being burned twice, we will warn you now that Careless Whisper is JUST a prequel. If you want to know what happens after the “Gwen?” reveal, you will not get any answers until XGGITY (which I have, as of just now, decided to pronounce as “Ziggity”). We hope you stick around to watch Careless Whisper unfold, but we will understand if you want to wait until XGGITY to start reading again.
The Calendar Girl series has received more attention than we’d ever dreamed, and regardless of whether you liked or disliked our work, we want to thank you for taking the time to read it. If you made it to the end of AotM, we did something right, and again, we are so grateful that so many people have stuck with us this far.
We encourage everyone, moving forward, to keep a close eye on the tags that we use for our stories. We may not tag everything relevant, for the sake of preserving mystery about the plot, but we will be sure to tag everything that may be triggering or concerning, like self-harm, violence, or expected brand of romantic/sexual interactions. We will be adding this warning to the beginning of each story in the series.
Additionally, we want to acknowledge that there is a stark difference between legitimate concerns about the story and unfounded attacks on our character. Our decision to make this post is our attempt to dissuade the latter: We are not queerbaiting, and we have no interest in “forcing” people to read content that is not to their taste. However, that doesn’t mean that our execution of AotM, Careless Whisper, and/or XGGITY will be beyond reproach. The conversation on gender politics has evolved tremendously over the years that we’ve been working on this series, and it will undoubtedly continue to evolve as we progress into the future. We encourage constructive (!!!) criticism and open conversation on ways that we can improve our story, even if it involves tweaking published work to avoid mishandling deeply personal issues.
That said, if, after reading this post, you are still upset and/or unconvinced about our intentions for this series, we encourage you to stop reading it. We are not compensated for this work, and we have spent hundreds (probably thousands, by now) of hours striving to make the Calendar Girl series the best that it can be, for our own benefit. We believe that it may be the best fanfiction we will ever produce, and our satisfaction with our work is our priority. We will continue to post with that priority at the forefront, and with the demands of our reader base playing second fiddle. Similarly, we expect our readers to prioritize their needs above all others. We ask for your patience and your kindness moving forward and, if you cannot give us that, you are welcome to close the tab and move on with your life to other ventures that suit your interests better.
For those of you that choose to stay: You are in for a hell of a ride. We are both anxious to get through Careless Whisper, because we are both SO excited to share XGGITY with you. We believe it’s going to knock your socks off. We hope to see you there. 
Thanks, everyone, and happy reading!
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dragonnan · 3 years
This is faaaar from a complete list and will be spotty at best but I’ve been pondering MCU characters a lot as I’ve been getting slowly back to work on my mega-fic.  I LOVE minor head canons.  Simple stuff like favorite foods or what music they listen to or were they ever a smoker or whatever whatever.  So I’m gonna give myself the challenge of crafting some head canon and anyone else is very welcome to dive in! (some things are already established via canon)
~ Ethnicity ~ Faith ~ Smoker ~ Alcohol ~ Favorite food ~ Favorite cookie ~ Favorite animal(s) ~ Favorite music ~
Tony Stark:  Ethnicity: Mixed European-American-Jewish (he refers to himself as a “mutt”) Faith: “No thanks” being the initial answer but if he feels like opening up he’ll admit to believing there’s likely “something” out there but at the same time figures that “something” stopped caring about humanity a long long time ago.  Smoker?  Never liked cigarettes but smoked a few cigars when he was younger due to Obie’s influence.  He never was a big fan but wanted to fit in with his mentor.  Alcohol: Influenced both by his father and Obie, Tony started drinking hard liquor semi-regularly as young as 14 (his Dad let him try his first sip at the age of 6).  He pretty much sticks with Scotch or Bourbon but is not opposed to cheap beer at a ball game.  In fact the cheaper the better - a requirement for any self-respecting American.  Favorite food: hot dogs.  Neither one of his parents cooked.  Breakfast and lunch were whatever whenever for all three of them but dinner? You better be sure you were at that table before the plates were set down or you could go without (and Tony got a slap from his father when he’d observed that rule only seemed to apply to him).  But on the nights he was sent to his room, Jarvis would slip upstairs, later, with a sandwich or, on really rough nights, a couple of hotdogs.  Favorite cookie: Those Christmas wreath ones made with cereal and marshmallow with the cinnamon candies.  Favorite animal(s): he likes all animals but if he had to pick one for a pet he’d get an iguana.  Favorite music: well duh lolol.   
Stephen Strange: Ethnicity: Mixed European-American (borrowed from Benedict Cumberbatch’s ethnicity and adding the American) Faith: Originally atheist but now closer to Buddhist.  Smoker:  Never.  Even prior to becoming a sorcerer he has always been conscious of what he takes into his body; especially given the history of cancer on his mother’s side of the family.  Alcohol:  Wine, occasionally, though he isn’t really a social drinker per-say.  Favorite food:  The spicy shrimp and pork dumplings from a Thai place in Midtown.  Favorite cookie: Hmmm.... not a big sweets guy but he won’t turn away a few ginger-pecan cookies with coffee.  Favorite animal(s): dogs - unequivocally.  He had a border collie growing up on his family farm in Nebraska.  Favorite music: please don’t make this poor man actually have to choose.  
Steve Rogers: Ethnicity: Irish (as per comics) Faith? Irish-Catholic (as per the comics).  Smoker? Prior to the serum there was no way he could safely do so with his health issues.  After he started traveling with the performers all of the girls in the group smoked and he tried it out a few times but never developed a taste for it.  Alcohol: he drank A LOT - easy enough to do as it never had any real effect on him.  He enjoys scotch and bourbon (a taste he picked up from hanging around Howard Stark).  Steve seems to low-key always have the munchies (like most enhanced) and once Tony picked up on that there are always a variety of snacks scattered here and there throughout the compound (also of benefit for Bruce, Peter, Thor, and, later, Bucky).  Steve’s favorite foods typically remind him of his mother’s cooking.  While they’d never had much (especially after his father died) his mom could do a lot with limited supplies.  She used to make a fantastic meat pie with ground beef or tongue.  He hates SPAM.  They ate it in the Army, constantly, and just the smell will occasionally send him back to those days and not in a good way.  Favorite cookie?  Oreos.  He can clean up a family sized pack in like 10 minutes.  Steve loves animals but is especially fond of horses and dogs.  There was a dog in his unit in WW2 and Steve, like most of the other men, would share bites of his rations with it.  Steve is nostalgic about music from the 40s but finds that 70s rock really resonates with him.      
Bucky Barnes: Ethnicity: Romanian-American (borrowing a little from Sebastian Stan’s ethnicity) Faith? Possibly agnostic.  Smoker? Heck yes - both cigarettes and cigars.  Like Steve, the serum he received (via Hydra’s experimentation) means he gets to dodge the detrimental side effects of smoking.  Alcohol: He likes to drink but is almost exclusively a beer drinker.  He has a big appetite but refuses to eat around others if he can at all help it.  His favorite food is corned beef with cabbage.  Steve’s grandmother was an Irish immigrant and would make it every Sunday before the war impacted rations.  Since both Bucky’s parents were dead he’d often have dinner with his best friend.  Also, unlike Steve, he actually likes SPAM.  But then, arguably, he isn’t terribly picky about food in general.  Favorite cookie: molasses.  Favorite animal(s): birds - eagles in particular - though he doesn’t look too deeply at the psychology of their ability to just fly away.  Needless to say a crafty observer might spot a former Winter Soldier tossing seeds towards the pigeons.  Favorite music: He’s pretty eclectic though he shies away from anything too loud like death metal.  He finds classical very soothing.       
Peter Parker: Ethnicity: Mixed American-Scandinavian-German-ish Faith: Protestant upbringing but unsure where he currently stands. If pressed he’d say he’s “leaving his options open” Smoker?  “Oh gross!” Alcohol: “Um, too young to drink, thanks! But if I WERE to... you know, try it just to taste it there was this mudslide at one of Flash’s parties that was super good...” Favorite food: spaghetti and meatballs.  Lots of meatballs.  Favorite cookie: chocolate chocolate chip with chunks.  Favorite animal(s): NOT spiders.  And NOT birds given how many rooftops he’s traversed layered in pigeon ick.  He’d probably say cats.  Favorite music: The B side of techno rock - especially Depeche Mode.
Peter Quill: Ethnicity:  Half mixed American and half celestial.  Faith: His Dad was a god and he killed him so he figures he probably isn’t on the best terms with the Big G God should He... or She... or Them... be out there.  Look he just wants to do his thing and cause a little trouble without mixing it up with any other celestial types but if they DO wanna throw down he’d like to point out that he’s 1 for 1 and willing to rumble.  Smoker: He would not say no to a really good cigar and may have possibly lifted a case from Yondu’s stash when he struck out on his own.  Alcohol:  Anywhere any time and in large quantities.  Favorite food:  A thick steakhouse bacon burger with potato chips right on the patty.  Extra cheese please!  Favorite cookie: He’s a simple guy with simple tastes.  classic chocolate chip no frills no fuss and fresh from the oven.  Favorite animal(s):  He likes dogs - who doesn’t like dogs?  But he really likes cows.  Just maybe don’t mention the burger thing.  Favorite music:    
Thor: He’s a Norse god of legend so I figure we can forego the ethnicity/faith questions lol.  Smoker: He has never understood this human custom nor has he felt any inclination to try it himself  Alcohol: Beer, mead, and anything capable of knocking him on his ass.  Favorite food:  chili with ghost peppers.  Though nowhere near as hot as the fire chilies of Muspelheim (which would be instantly fatal for humans so its just as well).  Favorite cookie: strawberry cheesecake with macadamia nuts.  Favorite animal(s):  It’s a tossup between bilgesnipe and whales.  Favorite music:  The mighty horns of battle!  He also enjoys old school country, much to Tony’s disgust.  The story aspect of that music is what appeals to him.
Bruce Banner: Ethnicity: Italian-American  Faith: Catholic in his childhood; currently Atheist or maybe agnostic.  Smoker: He tends to avoid any substances for, you know, obvious reasons.  Alcohol: See previous.  Favorite food:  Waffles with sliced mango.  Favorite cookie: Oatmeal.  Favorite animal(s):  Mantis shrimp - “did you know they can generate so much power in their attacks that they can briefly super-heat the water up to 7,700 °C??”  Favorite music:  Indian- especially Krishna Bhajan.    
Clint Barton: Ethnicity:  Mixed European-American and Panamanian.  Faith:  His parents were both Protestant but he’s never latched on to any specific faith and hasn’t really devoted a lot of thought on the matter.  He has a sorta loose idea of “maybe something out there” but that’s all the further he’s gotten on the subject.  What he tells anyone who asks it’s that his religion is coffee.  Smoker: Briefly when he was a teen.  Alcohol:  Beer - he’s a fan of dark lager.  Favorite food:  Coney Island dogs, Pizza, and pickle flavored potato chips.  Favorite cookie:   Monster cookies with the mini M&Ms.  Favorite animal(s): Dogs  Favorite music:  80s rock and some country.
Natasha Romanoff: Ethnicity:  Russian.  Faith:  She was not given much choice when younger and was raised as “state atheist” (per comics).  In the years since escaping that life, however, she has tried to discover more about herself.  Her parents were both Russian Jewish and there has been a pull to discover more about that faith - especially since meeting Wanda - who is Jewish.  Smoker:  No.  Alcohol: Some vodka - that’s a given.  But she actually prefers wine; and honestly her favorites are wine spritzers.  Favorite food:   Favorite cookie: Krumkake filled with creme and berries.  Favorite animal(s): Favorite music:  Overall she listens to a pile of little-known bands and whomever is playing at whatever bar in whatever city she happens to be in.  She also is a huge fan of old school Spice Girls.
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zefyre · 5 years
a+, 11/10, 👌👌👌✔✔✔✔✔ would write if iknew how to spin it, will cry if somehow by some miracle i ever see any contentfor it, like p l s? god?? y'all, garrus is apparently fucking s e v e n??? feettall??? you guys should know by now i’m so fucking weak for height differences,they’d be so freaking cute together?? that i wouldhonestly die of happiness
god pls i’m just imagining some scenariowhere he has to carry her out of a fire fight or smth bc she’s injured! hewould dwarf her, cradle her close and careful to his chest bc yea she’s abadass but she’s also tiny and human and in his head smol + human + hurt = vstrong need to protect his girl
and now i’m getting ideas lmao look what u did nonny!
(warning: a long spiel of unasked rambling under the cut)
((also also it’s been a while since i lastplayed mass effect and i’ve got the memory of a goldfish so apologies for anymistakes or ooc-ness lmao))
hmm but then how would they meet/knoweach other?? old c-sec partner? kagome comes onto the normandy to like, assistdr. chakwas??? oh! or maybe she meets him during his time as archangel, was apart of his team there but had managed to survive? and when shepard finds themboth holed up at his base and garrus inevitably takes that blast, she helpskeeps him stable and refuses to leave his side?
mhmm, since i can’t really see her abilitieshaving a place in like space? lolol maybe she’d have biotics instead? good witha pistol, deadly with a sniper, and maybe a bit of training in field medicinefor both humans and aliens??? which was maybe why garrus recruited her in thefirst place (and knowing him, he could never turn down a good shot, esp. afellow sniper, and she was a damngood one so the choice was obvious)
like garrus maybe meets her to ask her somequestions – she’s been on omega for a while now, made a bit of a name forherself as someone who’s willing to give a lending hand. she’s not really adoctor per say, but the thing is she knows her stuff. she’s got connections.and what’s better is that she’s nice, she’s unaffiliated, and more importantly,doesn’t ask any questions.
((kagome doesn’t involve herself with any ofthe mercenary outfits, however much she dislikes them, but rumor has it she’sunder aria’s protection which is why no one messes with her. kagome’s justreally good at making friends with the strangest variety of people and bc of that she’s left alone.))
but yea, what started as patching up a coupleof teens here and there that got into scrapes or roughed up from a job or whathave you turned to her apartment becoming a sort of safe haven if you needhelp. if kagome couldn’t help, she’d be sure to know someone who could and sendthem there. garrus picks up her name one day pretty early on in his days on omega,figures with people from all the merc groups coming through her door she’d hearsome things and finds her to get some intel. except kagome isn’t a snitch, pplwouldn’t consider her safe to approach if she was, so of course when he triesto press her for info she only smiles at garrus, hands him some medigeland bandages for the gunshot wound he was trying to conceal (and would swear?? hehadn’t let on about??), and some rations bc helooked like he could use it.
“you seem like a goodguy,” kagome says as garrus finally goes to leave. “smart, too.”
he pauses, halfwayout the door, and turns to look at her over his shoulder. she was stillsmiling, though it was softer now, more genuine. he doesn’t say anything inreply, but he tips his head to the side, listening, mandibles twitching as hewaits.
“you’re not the firstone to get it in their head to take on the mercs.” she looks at him closely.“you know it’s a suicide mission.”
garrus tenses, headdropping low for barely a moment before he straightens and pins her with a hardstare. “you’re telling me to drop it?” the very idea makes him bristle.
the small human womanactually snorts. “i doubt you’d listen. somehow i doubt you’d even care.” sheshakes her head. “no, i’m telling you you’d be dead before the week is up, soif you want to last longer than that, if you actually want to make adifference, put a dent in the mercs’ operations, then you might want to find some people.”her smile grows. “a squad.”
garrus stares at herfor a long moment, studying her. curiosity and something else stirs deep in hischest and he turns fully towards her, eyes narrowing something wry. “and youwouldn’t happen to know a few people that might be interested, would you?”
“well,” she shrugs,all casual and indifferent, but the curl of her mouth was definitely coy. “iknow a lot of people.”
it actually pulls ashort laugh from him, the sound raspy and gravelly but genuine, and it startleshim. he hasn’t laughed in long while, hasn’t had much reason to, not sinceshepard and the normandy…
he shakes himselffrom those thoughts and turns his attention back to the woman in front of him.“then I’d appreciate any help you could give me.”
and from there, garrus finds himself payingvisits to kagome’s modest little apartment every once in a while. sometimes tosee if she’ll give him any intel picked up from her other visitors (shedoesn’t), sometimes to ask if she knows somebody that could get him one thing oranother (that, she could help with) or if she heard any rumors about this murderor a string of missing people (she was more forthcoming when it came to thingslike that, and didn’t mind passing on info she’d heard on her own). andeventually every once in a while turns into a few times a week, to say hi, tochat, sometimes to have a drink.
except as garrus’ team grows and they make aname of their own, they start to make waves – it doesn’t take long after forthe wrong people to make connections, and even all the friends kagome madedoesn’t stop her apartment door from bursting open one day, ppl crashing in armed withguns and demands that she come with them, archangel on the tips of their tongues.
but it’s omega of course, practicallyeveryone was armed one way or another. kagome was no different. it didn’t hurtthat they sent a small group, thinking she’d come without a fight. throwing upa barrier and knocking them out with her biotics was too easy – not a lotpeople even know she was a biotic, so the element of surprise was with her.
It takes over an hour after the fact that hehears about it – he storms over and into her place to see it in shambles, theintruders still knocked out, and kagome gone with the wind.
there’s blood.
none of the mercenaries are bleeding.
suffice to say, garrus is neither gentle norpatient when he grabs one off the ground and shakes him awake to interrogatehim, and it’s only the slightest relief to hear they weren’t able to take her.
even that is squashed when he hears it’sbecause of him that they even came for her, and he’s none to kind when he knocks the fucker out again with the butt ofhis rifle before he’s off to find her.
he’s been looking for over 24 hours whensomeone approaches him, or rather, knocks into him under the guise of passinghim a note with an address on it.
he goes to it, of course, recognizes thehandwriting as well as the address and it’s with knee weakening relief to findher safe and sound in a well-guarded room in afterlife, nursing only a grazeand a strong drink, not even caring how she was even able to organize it.
(aria’s an old friend, she later says, muchto his bewilderment)
and there’s a moment™, garrus crouched down in front of kagome where she’sresting on the couch, and he reaches out to gently take her injured arm,mandibles fluttering in his distress, subvocals thrumming almost a whine when he turns toapologize that she stops him, striking him speechless as she reaches up to touchthe side of his face and smile kindly as she simply says, “not your fault.”
afterward, after garrus double checks on herwound and checks her over for any other injuries despite her rolling eyes andinsistence that she’s fine, and they’re left sitting together on the couch bothnursing a drink of their own, sitting close enough that their thighs arepressed together, she turns to him and says that since she can’t go home now,there’s nothing left but to join up with him now.
to which garrus sputters, choking mid-sip onhis drink, but because he couldn’t find any reason to object (not that heactually wanted to object – if he washonest, if he had ever thought there was the slightest chance she’d actuallyagree, he’d have asked her months ago)he agrees and welcomes her on board.
she fits in nicely with his crew, shepractically already knew most of them in some way or another, and from thereit’s smooth sailing. he couldn’t ask for a better squad, and it was almost tooeasy to disrupt the stranglehold the three merc groups had on omega.
(there’s a human saying about knocking onwood when it came to chancing fate, and if there had actually been any nearby he’d have done so in a heartbeat)
it takes him a long while before he realizes he’snot just fond of her, but attracted toher – it isn’t until they’re betrayed by one of their own that he recognizesthe driving force behind the strong sense of protectiveness that overwhelms himwhen they’re in a firefight, the same one that spikes whenever she dives out of cover tohelp when someone gets hit, and in the months that follow when it’s just themtwo holding the fort against wave after wave of mercs, it’s her that compelshim not to throw himself in one last blaze of glory to take out as many mercsas he can.
when shepard comes blazing in, he almostcouldn’t believe it, he thinks his prayers to the spirits for some way for themto get out of the corner they’d been backed into were answered in the form of amiracle.
he should have remembered the spirits had asick sense of humor when he took a rocket to the face.
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mys-takenforgranted · 7 years
I'm coming here with some angst lol... how bout MC breaking up with the RFA
hey anon can i just say…… you’re no longer welcome to my blog.  NO JK i live for angst.  this is a long post so take this as your warning. ~mod may
It was just a normal day.  Yoosung was playing LOLOL instead of going to class, you were doing… whatever an MC does.  But in the midst of all that was a very strained argument.  Your boyfriend was barely listening to you as he kept yelling at his teammates.  You loved him, you really did; but your frustration was growing while your patience was cut short.  Storming over to his computer, you yanked out every cord you could reach and crossed your arms when he started complaining.
“MC, why did you do that! I was in the middle of–”
You cut him off, not caring what you had to say.  “I have been trying to talk to you for half an hour now.  This game is not more important than me.”  Yoosung started spluttering but you interrupted him again.  “You need to get a job, Yoosung! We have talked about this months and you swore you’d look into it but not once have I seen you applying for anything.  We’re moving in together! I can’t pay everything by myself!”
He turned his head to avoid looking you in the eyes as he tried to defend himself.  “I told you, MC.  I can make a living off of gaming! Youtubers do it all the time!”
Here we go again. 
It was the same old thing with him but despite what he thought, it wasn’t that easy making money off of gaming.  But no matter what you said, he didn’t listen to you. 
Your eyes began watering and when you spoke, it came out strained.  “I can’t keep doing this, Yoosung.”
His eyes finally met yours and you knew he was panicking on the inside.  “What are you talking about? MC.. come on.  Be rational, please.”
Your temper shot through the roof.
“I am being rational! Get a fucking job, that’s all I’m fucking asking!” You started screaming at him but you didn’t stop even as tears started rolling down his face.  Not once had you raised your voice like you did in that moment.  He didn’t even bother defending himself and just sat in his chair, sobbing while you screamed.
“This is over.  WE’RE over.  I refuse to keep dating a child.”
You stormed out of his place, Yoosung weakly calling for you.
“M-MC! Please– don’t leave me… Please! I LOVE YOU.”
His desperate cries only broke your heart more but your tears didn’t fall until you slammed the door shut behind you.
11:25PM:  Hey honey! Just checking up on you :) Love you!!
1:42AM:  I miss you, are you coming home soon?
3:02AM:  …..Zen?
You always tried your best not to be an overbearing, clingy girlfriend.  You trusted your boyfriend, and knew he would never hurt you.  But Zen had left at 8PM and it was already 3AM.  He said he would only be out “for a few hours”, so why wasn’t he back yet?
Curled in on yourself, you fell asleep with your phone in your hand, still on the couch as you waited for him to come home.  Nightmares wracked your sleep, and you awoke to stiff joints and back pain.  Across from you in the loveseat was your boyfriend, looking as though he passed out as soon as he arrived.  When did he get back?
The hours quickly passed as you made breakfast, cleaned the apartment, basically anything as you waited for him to wake up.  He didn’t awake until noon, while you were scrolling on your phone.  Right then, you caught sight of an article that featured Zen.
It was nothing new.  He was a celebrity – he was always the hot topic.  Instead of scrolling past like usual, your eyes were trained on the cover photo.  It was Zen, looking horribly drunk with… his arm around a girl’s waist.  Quickly tapping on the article, you skimmed through, your heart beating faster at each picture you saw and your despair quickly growing.
“So…. this is why you didn’t text back.  Or why you never came home,” you commented bleakly as Zen stumbled around the kitchen.  He slowly turned, a questioning look on his face.  You didn’t give him a chance to respond as you shoved the phone in his face.
“I trust you Zen, I always have! And I don’t even care that you stayed out so late without even a single text back but… why this? I would have been fine if it were just some friends but this is not okay, Zen.”
It was like word vomit as you couldn’t stop yourself from ranting.  He didn’t say a word as he just listened to you, regret plain on his face.  That said all you needed to know.
“I can’t… I’m not going to keep letting this happen.”  Your voice dropped and you backed away from him, feeling too numb.  Not once did you look at him as you walked away.  Not once did he try to stop you as he went to the room and began packing your bag.
And that hurt more than anything he could have ever done.
Did your girlfriend ever stop working?
It wasn’t really a bad thing that she was so dedicated to her job and goal-oriented, you actually admired her for it, but you were so lonely.  The two of you rarely had time to spend together and when you did, Jaehee just wanted to stay home and sleep. 
Her constant working was a common topic that was brought up during conversation that often led to arguments.  Such as today.
“Please, Jaehee, just take a break.  A vacation.  Something! I just miss you,” the last sentence came out as more of a whisper and you leaned back into the kitchen chair as the two of you shared a dosirak (A/N: similar to a bento box!!).  Jaehee adjusted her glasses and set her kimchi down, looking haggard at the worn-out conversation topic.
“We’ve been over this.  I need all the hours I can get, especially since you just got laid off.  We can’t afford for me to take days off.”
“Then maybe we should take some time off from each other.”
You visibly winced as she stopped moving completely, staring at you as though you were a complete stranger sitting in her chair and sharing her dosirak.  She stuttered for a few moments, trying to find something to say.
“I’m sorry?”
Jaehee looked confused and heartbroken all at once.  And yet… she seemed to have the same thought.
You sighed but didn’t bother to repeat yourself.  It was for the best, the both of you knew it.
“Maybe you’re right,” she murmured.  “We need… a break.”
It hurt to think that she could so easily take a break from the relationship but not from her job.  Even so, you nodded, not trusting yourself to speak.
“I still love you, no matter what.”
Once again, you only nodded.
The fights seemed to never stop between you two.  It was usually small stuff, like him spending too much on something or you feeding Elizabeth the 3rd the wrong kind of cat food.  But lately the arguments exploded into bigger stuff.  Him wanting you to change something about yourself and you telling him that wasn’t necessary.
“If you were in love with me as you say you are, then I wouldn’t have to change at all!” You were yelling at him, yet he was calm and collected.  As always.  It only infuriated you more.
“MC, if I had a terrible quality about myself, wouldn’t you want me to change it or work on it?”
That only made you roll your eyes.  He hated when you did that, which was the main reason why you did it.  “I’m human.  I have flaws.  I’m not going to change myself just to please you! Take me as I am or leave.”
Jumin’s jaw noticeably clenched, and you could tell the thought crossed his mind.  Both of you were quiet for too long.  The tension was so thick, even Elizabeth the 3rd left the room.  Finally, he spoke.
“Do I have no other options?”
It was so like him to ask that but you shook your head.  “Love me for who I am or… don’t love me at all.”  Your voice trembled on the last few words but you refused to show weakness.
Another long silence.
Not once did you think you could ever leave this man and now it seemed like that was the only choice you had.  That thought alone almost broke your resolve completely.
Nodding once, he whipped his phone out.  “Driver Kim, please be ready within an hour to escort MC out.”
Unable to breathe, you finally broke down and fell to the floor, sobbing your heart out.
Every day it was like Saeyoung tried less and less with the relationship.  At times he just didn’t care at all, and had no problem telling you so.  You knew what you were getting into when you first started dating him, but you broke a little more everyday.  You didn���t know how much longer you could take it.
Until a particular day when Saeyoung was having one of his “episodes” and completely ignored you.  Usually you could handle him pushing you away but today was different.
“Saeyoung this is getting too much for me.  Please, just tell me what I’m doing wrong so I can fix it!” You pleaded, not knowing what else you could do.  If he wanted you to change something about yourself – fine, done.  If he wanted you to work on something, that’s cool too.  You just wished he would tell you what was wrong instead of pushing you away.
Your begging only seemed to make him angry.  “Stop making everything about yourself! The world doesn’t revolve around you, MC!” He pushed the papers off of his desk and knocked his chair over as he stood.  “This is how I am, this is how I will always be.  You knew this.  If you can’t handle it, then the door is right there.”
Your mouth went dry at those words and you could feel your heart drop into your stomach.  “That’s what you want? For me to leave?”
He didn’t answer so you just shook your head.  “You’re right, I can’t handle this anymore.  I can’t be with someone who acts like they don’t love me.  I guess I wasn’t as strong as I thought; I can’t put up with someone like you.  You’re just… too hard to love,” you admitted, feeling ashamed even as you said it.  It wasn’t a false statement but you hated that you gave up so easily.
You looked up to find tears streaming down his face.  “Goodbye.  I don’t want to see you again.”  It was a lie, but it was what you both needed to hear.
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choisgirls · 7 years
Dear 404, i hope this one doesn't trigger you: Please write an RFA/V/Saeran reaction to MC admitting she has killed someone. Like, right almost now. Body is not even hidden yet, she might or might not be asking for help/assistance (your choice if it was accidental, self-defense or premeditated, but wow, premeditated would be cool).
A/N: (I really… wastempted.. to turn these into individual fics…because i kept these short withnot much detail but /man/ i wanted to get more detailed;;) I’m not gonna lie, Iwas like… really… excited… for this one. Because I’ve never writtenanything like this. My stuff is usually fluff and some (pretty bad) nsfw hereand there but i am /hyped/ and hope this came out okay ~Admin 404
Should I put a TWhere? I wouldn’t know what to put? But it’s here? There’s mentions of blood anddeath? Is that a good enough TW? Is there a “General TW”?
               -“Hey MC! Welcome home, doyou want to play a little LOLOL before I log-” his sentence faded off,taking in the blood on your hands and the immense amount of tears trailing downyour face
               -“What happened?! Are youokay?! MC, is this blood?! Please, talk to me!” he panicked, running up toyou and searching for any sort of cut on your hands before wiping away yourtears
               -He tried to look into your eyesbut you couldn’t stop crying long enough to look at him.
               -Trying to talk through yoursobs and hiccups, he caught a few words like attack, scared, and the phrase“couldn’t help”
               -His panic levels skyrocketed.What?? Couldn’t help what? Who? MC?
               -You calmed down enough to startspeaking quietly, never taking your eyes off of your hands
               -“There.. was this guy. Iwas walking home and he pulled me into this dark alley thing…… and Ijust,,, I pushed him away from me but I didn’t mean it! I didn’t mean it,Yoosung!” you cried out, tears starting to fall again, “ I tried tohelp him, I really did! It was an accident!”
               -You kept crying out and asworried as he was about you, he couldn’t get past the fact that a grown man? Grabbedyou? What did he want to do? What did he think he was going to get away with?
               -His eyes grew dim, a sort ofveil over them you’ve never seen before, as he grabbed your wrists, leaning inclose to your face
               -“MC, what happened to him.Whose blood is this? His, right?” he asked, honestly scaring you a littlebit with his dark tone
               -You nodded, sniffling as he tookyou to the sink to wash your hands before asking you to take him to where theman was.
               -On the way there, you explainedthat you had pushed him away from you, not knowing he would trip and smack hishead against the side of a brick building
               -“I- I wanted to call thepolice but I wasn’t sure what to do! What if they didn’t believe it was anaccident! What if-”
               -You were caught off guard whenhe started to wipe him down, trying to rid him of any evidence of you
               -“Yoosung? What are youdoing? Shouldn’t we call-”
               -He turned to you, eyes darkerthan ever, leaning in close to whisper to you
               -“He touched you, MC. Heshouldn’t have. You aren’t his to grab onto. You’re mine and only mine,”he leaned in all the way to kiss your lips softly before continuing
               -“MC, he’s gone. He’spassed on. But he got what he deserved,” he stood up straighten thannormal
               -“He’s lucky he was gonebefore I got here, or it would have been much… much worse. Now, I’m going toget rid of any evidence that you were here. I’ll protect you, MC”
               -He smiled at you, his normal,happy smiled turned into something dark and wicked, he kissed you again, alittle harder than at first, his heart pounding in the excitement of whatyou’ve done, but mixed with his anger that another man had even thought to puthis hands on you. He’d take this secret to his grave, always looking out foryou from then on
               -He has hundreds, if not thousandsof fans
               -And you’re okay… as long asthey stay away from him. Stay within the boundaries. Keep their hands off. Keepthe distance between them.
               -You’re trying so hard to keepyour cool. You knew as an amazing actor, he was bound to get a lot of attentionfrom other people.
               -But you couldn’t take itanymore.
               -This one woman- one who thoughtshe was cute by trying to get so close to your boyfriend
               -Thought she could get whatevershe wanted out of him by flipping her hair, pushing up her bra, running herfingertips down his arms
               -But did she care that he wasyours? No. Did she continue trying to scheme her way into his pants? Yes.
               -Have you had enough? Mostdefinitely.
               -You contacted her through aburner phone, pretending to be Zen. You set up everything you needed to inorder to carry out whatever you needed to protect Zen.
               -Sitting at home, Zen wasactually worried about you- you hadn’t come home in hours, and you weren’tpicking up his calls? What if something had happened to you?
               -But you knew what you weredoing. You wanted to take your time, let her know exactly what she got herselfinto before you ended her life. You wanted to make her pay, not give her a freepass by taking care of it quickly.
               -“MC! There you are! Youhaven’t answered my calls all day, where have you been?” Zen asked themoment you walked through the door, practically running up to you as you turnedto face him.
               -He wrapped his arms around yourwaist, looking down at you as you gave him your award winning smile, playing ahand on his cheek
               -“Don’t worry about me, Ijust had some business to take care of,” you said with a slight giggle. Itwas then that Zen noticed an odd emotion in your eyes. Why did your hands smellslightly metallic?
               -When you pulled your hand awayfrom his face, he could feel something warm, and a little sticky on his face.Wiping a little off, he saw that it was blood
               -He quickly looked at your hand,about to ask you if you had gotten hurt- but he noticed both of your hands werecovered in the red liquid, along with spatters of blood flung across your face.How did he not notice it before when he was looking into your eyes?
               -“MC..? What.. happened?What did you do…” he trailed off, watching as you threw your onceenemies signature scarf on the ground, soaked in blood
               -“I took care of our littleproblem, see? Now you and I don’t have to worry about her butting into ourrelationship. I did this for us! We can live together happily, until anotherone of those harpies try getting to you again.”
               -You stepped closer to him, standingon your toes to kiss his cheek, stepping away to watch how completely shockedhe was. Before turning on your heel, you caressed his cheek and looked into hiseyes, your own glossing over with a wave of possession. “You’remine,” you whisper against his lips, leaving him to his thoughts while youwent to wash up
               -What could he do? What shouldhe do? There were so many thoughts running through his head. When he wasyounger and in a motorcycle gang there were… many things he didn’t enjoydoing. There were times he’s sure he had… injured others to the brink ofdying, but he pushed that in the back of his mind. But you? You were doing thisto innocent people who got too friendly to him? What has he going to do? He wasa natural flirt. How many more people were going to get hurt? Can he even dealwith the fact that you had… done this?
               -The both of you know how totake care of yourselves
               -Both know self defense, youmight even know some sort of martial arts, or so Jaehee thought
               -You’ve always seemed a littlemore… fluent, in your movements
               -Whether you noticed it or not,you had this hidden strength about you and that left her with mixed feelings
               -On one hand, she was proud! Shedidn’t have to worry /too/ much about you getting hurt
               -On the other hand… she had toworry about anyone who came near you. Even if it was something innocent, likesomeone walking up behind you too quietly, she was scared that you might hurtsomeone
  ��            -Turns out she was right.
               -You called her during ameeting. She ignored the first one, thinking she could call you backafterwards, but you kept calling? She excused herself and answered the call,only to hear you broken in sobs, unable to form a full sentence
               -“MC? MC what’s wrong? Areyou alright?” she started to whisper soothing words into the phone, hopingto get you calm enough to talk to her
               -You told her you needed her tomeet you in a discreet location, and that made her danger senses go off
               -Rushed out of the office to meetyou in a dark, deserted alleyway downtown.
               -She found you on the ground,hugging your knees and completely sobbing. A tall, burly man lay on the groundnext to you, his eyes dull and lifeless
               -Her gasp caused your head tosnap up and look at her, tears streaming down your face.
               -“Jaehee! You have to trustme, I-I didn’t mean to do this! I didn’t mean to hurt him! He grabbed myshoulder from behind and I just… I just… reacted! I didn’t know I wou-wouldslam him to the fl-floor that hard!”
               -She bent down next to you,smoothing your hair and kept an eye on the man laying lifeless next to the twoof you. She couldn’t muster up any words to comfort you, her mind was workingtoo fast to think rationally
               -‘It was self-defense,’ she toldherself, 'MC would never hurt…. I mean… take someone’s life on purpose…’
               -What would happen to MC? Wouldpeople believe it was self defense? Would MC be safe? There had to be a way tomake sure MC wouldn’t get in trouble for this. She could do her research, shecould ask Jumin for help- no no, she couldn’t do that…
               -She had to do whatever shecould to protect you.
               -You looked up and watched asshe started to drag the man away from you, propping him up against thedumpster. She figured he looked scruffy enough that people could think he hadsimply fallen and hurt himself on his own. She felt extremely guilty, but shecouldn’t lose you
               -“MC,” she said,holding onto your shoulders as she bent down to your eye level once more,“You and I will never speak of this again, do you understand?”
               -He was suspicious when yourefused to let him send body guards with you when you left the penthouse
               -What could you have been doing?
               -You knew he already didn’t likethe fact that you were leaving so late at night. He just wanted you to staywith him, but you had to do a lot of convincing to get him to let you leave.Sometimes you stayed behind on his business trips because you had things to do
               -There was this one person..this one person in your life who you could never forgive for hurting you
               -You’ve followed him for years,tracking everything he’s done, learned all of his schedules
               -You were always telling Juminhe should be more open, more honest, more in tuned with his emotions, and to berational about things
               -Did you take your own adivce?No. This was something they couldn’t come back from. This was something thatwould never go away, you had to take care of it yourself
               -One night, you decided it wasthe best time to strike. It was now or never, and this could all be over with.You wouldn’t have to sneak around anymore, and you could finally forget allthat had happened.
               -Your target was risky, he wasin the higher class and held some sort of power in the business world, but thatwasn’t going to stop you.
               -Making your way into his house,you lay in wait, Your heart beating out of your chest
               -When the deed was done you wenthome, cursing yourself for not thinking it completely through. You thought socarefully how to get it done, how to enjoy it, how to execute it so you won’tbe caught in the act
               -But one thing you didn’t thinkabout was how to clean up after you were done.
               -You couldn’t get caught. Therewas no way you were going to go down for this, nor were you about to slanderJumin’s good name
               -But you didn’t know what to do?How were you going to cover this up? Who could you even ask for help?
               -You went home, your thoughtswere frantic but you were composed on the outside. Jumin wouldn’t have beenable to notice something was wrong… if he didn’t notice the fact you smelllike metal and another man’s cologne
               -He sat as you carefullyexplained to him what you had done, rubbing his forehead, his eyebrows knittogether.
               -He cannot believe what you haddone. He knew you had a problematic past but he just couldn’t see how someonelike you- the kindest, most warm-hearted person he has ever met, could go andmurder a man with no remorse.
               -He has the money to clean upyour mess, he has the strong mentality to keep your secret, he has theresources to make sure you’re never caught and that you’re safe- and he’ll doit all for you because you are the love of his life and there was no well in/hell/ that they were going to take you from him.
               -It takes him a very long timeto process all of the information before figuring out how to help you, and evenlonger to actually attempt to get physically close to you because his mind justwouldn’t stop running. He wouldn’t dare to kiss you until he was positive youwere in the right frame of mind
               -Although he helped you coveryour tracks, he’s still worried about anyone coming near you. He should beafraid of you hurting him but he wasn’t. He was more afraid of someone findingyou, or someone hurting you in retaliation. Just as V and Rika had theirsecrets, he now felt this sort of… pride in having a dark secret between thetwo of you. He knew it was wrong to think that but he couldn’t help it. It gavehim sort of a rush to think about something so secretive the two of you couldnever speak about it. There was never a thought in his mind growing up thathe’d be this close to someone but now he did and there were multiple times hehad to talk himself out of suggesting the two participating in similar actsjust to grow even closer
               -As secret agent, he’s had totake a few lives
               -He’s not proud of it per say,but he doesn’t let it tear him up inside
               -He found complete comfort inyou, though
               -You were calm, loving, and sowarm- something he didn’t have most of his life.
               -He thought you were soinnocent, so pure
               -But there was something in yourbackground check that just didn’t add up with him
               -There were pieces ofinformation missing. What was your source of income? Your spending habits werea little sporadic? What sort of life were you living?
               -He ignored it all because he ofall people knew about terrible pasts, and wanted to believe everyone can be whothey are in the present instead
               -So whatever was wrong with yourbackground, he decided he could accept it
               -He was extremely broken heartedat the fact he had to leave you for a mission, but he knew it was something hehad to do, and he would see you at home, ready to greet him!
               -What he didn’t expect on thismission, however, was to find you there, at his targets place
               -Let alone see you grab the guyby the hair, dragging a knife across his neck
               -He actually almost screamed,watching the love of his life kill this man, the red liquid dripping down theguys throat and across his chest
               -You looked up from the man tosee Saeyoung, your once emotionless face turned to something completelymortified at being found out
               -“This.. this isn’t what itlooks like,” you let out a nervous giggle, “I-I mean okay it.. it iswhat it looks like. B-but you have to hear me out! Please! Just hear meout!”
               -He stared at you like a deer inthe headlights, listening to you explain that you’re a paid hitman. You had noidea his target was the same one you had been given
               -You explained that you did thisoften, with multiple different methods, but when you attempted to go intodetail, Saeyoung stopped you with tears in his eyes
               -“MC, listen… I forgiveyou. My job… it’s not that innocent either, I get it. I just wish.. you wouldhave told me, you know? Trust me with this sort of thing… You… you’re sokind and I love the ever-loving hell out of you. I’m not going to change how Ithink about you. Except now I’m sure I might have some nightmares watching youwith a knife to a man’s throat, but…”
               -You nodded in understanding,letting out a soft sigh and a small smile at the fact that he immediatelyaccepted you despite the horrors you bring upon people, just like you acceptedhis. At least now he understood why you didn’t mind the danger of being withhim…
               -A light bulb went off betweenthe two of you when you simultaneously realized you had to get rid of the body.Completely thrown off guard by Saeyoung’s presence, you lost all train ofthought and he started to help you clean up the mess, much to your surprise.You stayed with him while he got whatever information he needed, and as ifnothing happened, the two of you went home together hand in hand. Was it oddfor the both of you to accept that you’re both killers? Yes, but the two of youcan work on those feelings together, and Saeyoung was okay with that
               -He’s been hurt enough in thislife
               -And he had been surrounded byenough pain, confusion, and manipulation
               -When he met you, everythingseemed brighter and loving and he couldn’t wait to finally be happy with noworries!
               -Except it wasn’t that easy forhim
               -He expected some sort ofhiccup, but he didn’t know it would be something like this.
               -The two of you were walkingthrough the seemingly empty park one night after an incredible date, when younoticed there was some sort of black figure lurking in the shadows
               -As much as V would love toprotect you, his eyesight still isn’t the best, but you don’t blame him at all.You just take it upon yourself to protect him instead!
               -That being said you carriedsome sort of weapon with you, because you never know who would come up to thetwo of you. Usually it was something like pepper spray, but after the whole“Rika” thing, you got something a little more… powerful, becauseyou were terrified about someone hurting V!
               -The shadow figure jumped out tograb you, and you panicked.
               -With a small screech when youwere grabbed, you pulled out a small handheld gun, pointing it in the directionof the person holding onto you. A bang rang out and echoed into the night and Vfreaked out, worrying about you
               -He could see a lot of movementand he didn’t know what to do and he never felt more horrible
               -There was a loud thud followedby a lot of mumbling
               -He was able to pick out wordslike, “oh no,” “what did I do,” and “please”
               -Frantically trying to find you,you grabbed his hand and started to sob
               -Your hand was wet and sticky, andhe immediately knew what he was touching. He dropped to his knees, his heartracing out of fear. Was it possible for his heart to beat so fast it just runsout of his chest?
               -“MC? MC! Are you okay? Areyou in pain? What happened? Are you injured? MC! Please, tell me whathappened!” he begged, listening to you cry violently, trying to get wordsto come out through your cries
               -“I! He- he! He grabbed me!I was afraid! I was scared for you and I… I didn’t know what to do! I just- Ipointed, closed my eyes, and pulled the trigger! I only meant to hurt him alittle bit, I guess?? So that we could get away?? I.. I didn’t mean for this! Ididn’t mean to end this man’s life! Jihyun, please! Please believe me!”
               -He pulled you into his chest,smoothing your hair and whispering calming words, he wasn’t sure how well hecould help you, but he knew it wasn’t your fault.
               -It was self-defense and heknows it. He would never blame you for this. But he loved you, and he couldn’tlet you suffer through this alone. He took the gun apart, chucking pieces intowhat he hoped was the lake, shoving other pieces into his pocket. If it was inpieces, they won’t have enough evidence.
               -He promised you he would alwaysbe there for you no matter what. He knows you aren’t capable of harming aperson on purpose. He was positive that you are simply an angel on earth andwould only do what you needed to protect yourself and the ones you love. Therewas no way he would let you get caught. He’s done terrible things in the pastand he would do them all over again if it meant he could protect you.
               -Working for Mint Eye, he’salready had to kill people
               -It doesn’t bother him anymore.He can do it in the blink of an eye. He doesn’t think twice
               -When you first joined Mint Eye,he was positive you wouldn’t make it
               -Someone as cute as you wouldn’tbe able to handle such dirty work.
               -You’d probably cry the firsttime you were confronted
               -So when you were sent on amission unrelated to the RFA, he wanted to go with you
               -Definitely not to protect you!Just… to see you crash and burn.
               -You came face to face with theman you had to kill
               -Saeran stood back with his armscrossed, ready to step in and call you an idiot. To tell you that you weren’tcut out for the job, you should stick to just working back at headquarters
               -But without a second thought,you put the gun in between this man’s eyes and pulled the trigger,  leaving the blood spatter across your face asyou stare down emotionless at the lifeless body at your feet
               -He was honestly shocked?You…. didn’t feel a thing?
               -You continued going throughthis man’s belongings, looking for what you were sent there for
               -He stood there in awe, not sureabout what he should do about this situation? There were so many feelings aboutyou swirling around in his head. He couldn’t help but grab your arm and spinyou around, watching as your eyes sparked back to life
               -“Um? Saeran? What do youwant? What’s wrong?”
               -Looking back and forth betweenyour eyes, Saeran watched as your guard dropped and concern flooded them,staring back at him and started to get confused
               -“I uh. Just-” hestarted, turning his head away from you and furrowing his eyebrows, frowning atthe floor, “Don’t get to full of yourself when I say this but, you… youdid good. I thought.. I thought you didn’t have it in you to kill. I thought Iwould have to.”
               -He turned back to you, eyebrowsstill knit together before he sighed and slammed his lips against your own,dominating and commanding your bottom lip to follow the movement of his own,moving a hand up to the back of your head to bring you closer
               -You tried to stutter out thatyou were out of breath and that’s when he let you go, practically pushinghimself 7 feet away from you
               -“I mean, whatever. Youbetter do this well next time. I don’t want to have to follow you every timeyou leave HQ just to make sure you can keep pulling the trigger. It’s notbecause I want to protect you, or anything! Take care of your damn self! Youknow what, maybe you shouldn’t even go on these things anymore. Maybe youshould just stay back,” he rambled on, trying to hide a blush that wasrising to his cheeks. He turned to the lifeless body on the ground, nervouslyfidgeting with him, attempting to change the subject
               -“Come on. I’ll help youjust this once to get rid of this thing. You need to do it yourself. I won’thelp you next time. What do you mean I’m trying to change the subject? No I’mnot! Mind your own damn business, get over here and help me carry thisguy!”
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
Helo do you know any good fics about alex summers? I watched the movies and loved them but then realised the comics.. left Much to be desired (plus impossible to understand it all) the few ive read and liked have been about Scott and Alex, so i figured i could at least try to ask you. I actually got so excited when i realised Alexs the younger one in the comics but then i also saw that uhhh he is not loved in the fandom and IMMA STOP GOING ON ABOUT THIS
LOLOL oh boy am I sorry anon, I’m not sure I’m the best blog to give you recommendations there. I’m uh.....not historically a fan, except for the handful of scenes in First Class where his and Darwin’s chemistry made him bearable for the few minutes before they inexplicably killed Darwin off and made me hate everything else even more by extension.
No, but in all fairness, like.....I make a lot of ‘ugh Alex Summers is the worst’ jokes that are half tongue in cheek, half serious, because like....in theory he’s no worse than any other character and he absolutely has potential in the right hands, such as in fandom hands. (And I do like X-Men: Evolution Alex!) 
Its just that for a variety of reasons, like, every single straight white writer with absolutely Horrible Takes on marginalized communities and how they interact with the rest of society and the government, etc, they seem like....something about Alex’s character just grabs them like a magnet, and they universally seem to be like I can, I must I WILL use him as a mouthpiece to spout the ABSOLUTE WORST TAKES whenever and wherever possible. Chuck Austen, Rick Remender, Ed Brubaker....they’re all like “This is my son, and I’m really proud of him.”
So I almost always end up squinting at him in the comic books and being like, just to try something different for a sec, what if you were just dead and never came back ever. *Shrugs*
Even though in all fairness I’m perfectly aware that were he not there, they’d all just find someone else to use as their Terrible Takes Mouthpiece. So in a way, perhaps he serves an essential function in the X-Men ecosystem, keeping the Terrible Takes largely contained within just his character, at the sacrifice of his character’s likeability. Y’know, like how Betsy spent years keeping the Shadow King contained in her psyche at the sacrifice of her telepathy.
Anyway, yeah I’m pretty sure the only time I can actually remember liking Alex in the comics was back when I was like, thirteen and V. Gay and reading the Outback era of Uncanny X-Men, where Alex basically like....just ran around shirtless and in short jogging shorts every issue, because V. Important Reasons, I’m sure. Look, I wasn’t reading those issues for the articles, why would I know what those reasons were.
(Also I am admittedly super petty and Bobby Drake’s my favorite Marvel character and Alex and Bobby famously never get along, like they get within two panels of each other and its like Round 50 Million: FIGHT! And I, of course, must always be Team Bobby, like the rational and impartial reader that I am. Its just The Law).
You MIGHT want to check out Domenika Marzione’s fanfic though, if you can find her stuff? I’m pretty sure her fics are on both Ao3 and ff.net, and I THINK that’s how her name was spelled, and she used it or variations of it for all her usernames. Like, she’s one of the old school fans, I remember her stuff from way back when and I know in all the various X-Fandoms, particularly comic books, Alex was her preferred character of choice to write about. I know she had one fic called like, White Rabbit or something, that was Alex/OC and super long - pretty sure it was well over 100K. So if you just go through the Alex Summers tag or filter on either Ao3 or ff.net, and search by word count, you should be able to find her easily enough. 
I don’t think I ever read most of her X-stuff, but she was in a ton of the same fandoms I was in over the years, so I’ve read a lot of her other stuff here and there, and she’s definitely a good writer....she just tends to focus on certain characters and storylines that aren’t to my preference so I never got around to reading most of her Alex-centric X-fics. But for long fics about him, and particularly with him as the younger sibling....yeah, I’d look for her stuff and start there. 
(Just FYI - she also had a pretty long and well-spoken of fic called Acts of Contrition, that was Alex-centric....BUT though that’s comic book based, its set in the Ultimate Universe specifically, where Alex is Scott’s older brother, like in the movies. So if you’re most interested in the dynamic with him as the younger brother, I do know Acts wouldn’t be the fic to start with).
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justa-mysticmess · 7 years
rfa headcanons || character mc
hiii~ look who’s back from the dead! with more head canons! ssshhh! i know i have to get the ones in my inbox done but! when inspiration strikes Dx please don’t kill me OTL anyway!! i wrote this immediately as the thought struck me: what if mc was the character in a game the rfa played and got attached to?? it would! not! leave! me! basically rfa feat. game character mc
honestly interacted with mc only to distract herself from the anger and disappointment she felt at work almost on a daily basis now
so what if mc wasn’t real? so what if they were just a computer saying programmed things because of the app she downloaded?
she could always talk to mc and rant to them about her problems
and even though she knew mc was not real, their words of comfort and encouragement soothed her greatly
didn’t realize when she grew so dependent on mc  but she always looked forward to getting to open the app so she could talk to her virtual s/o
is so depressed that mc isn’t real because she has become smitten!! and it kind of stings because she always thought she was very rational and mature
so how did she end up falling in love with a computer?
darling girl can not for the life of her bring herself to delete the app
ya boy downloaded the app after a buddy on LOLOL recommended it as a thank you for helping him win at that boss level
wasn’t sure at first, but decided to give it a shot when his friend said it would be preparation for when he would get a girlfriend
unfortunately he quickly became addicted to chatting with character mc much too quickly that even his LOLOL began to suffer some
at least his grades improved some because mc would scold him from time to time to study hard and would give words of praise and encouragement when he did
he talked about rika and the effect of her loss a lot to mc at first 
but slowly he realized it didn’t hurt as much and he didn’t need to talk about her to mc anymore
gets mocked in the messenger by seven endlessly for ‘dating’ a computer
doesn’t have an immediate comeback, so he rushes out of the messenger. how dare seven?!
when he tells mc, they tell him it couldn’t be helped, since seven was right fourth wall kinda freaks poor yoosung lmao but that seven shouldn’t be mocking him. after all, from what he has told mc, seven seems most likely to create and date a computer himself
so in love with mc for that comeback!
finds the app on his phone one day and immediately thinks of seven in some very choice words because only he would pull a prank like that
decides to return the favor by not reacting to the prank, not even mentioning it once or being angry at the redhead
s m i r k s when seven finally breaks and timidly asks if something weird happened to his phone
decides to check the app out when he’s bored during a needlessly long car drive home screw bad traffic!
is weirded out by the whole thing first and keeps selecting random responses
is so intrigued by that mc character after a few days of playing though and can’t start his day without checking if they are on or have left any messages
wishes so dearly mc could come to him but all his money and all his guards can not bring a computer to life
s a d ! why elizabeth? why must mc not be real?
finds comfort in all the words mc says and all the positive energy they bring into his life despite not actually existing
took t i m e to warm up to mc and the game but has fallen in love with both! 
this boy!! actually created a game one night when he was feeling too sentimental
put in all the perfect features and just enough attitude so the character wouldn’t be mistaken for an angel or seem obviously fake
in an even poorer show of judgment, he actually plays the game one day when he’s feeling depressed and sentimental again
b i g   m i s t a k e on his part! even if he is not one to be attracted to games easily like yoosung or get captured by them, this ! game! was made by him! which meant it basically had most of his interests
it didn’t help that he knew mc was just a program he had written, for that fact made him feel worse every time he felt comforted by things mc would say to cheer him up or help him get through a tough spot
vanderwood doesn’t know who, or what, is responsible for this change, but they are not gonna complain in case they jinx themself because ! seven’s place has become less messy and more livable and he focuses on his tasks more even though his jokes and pranks have! not! ceased!
near constant angst in privacy! although mc does make him really happy
“i wish i could take you out of the world of binary numbers and bring you to me”
plz stop, i c r i 
can’t believe he is desperate enough to download a game yoosung got addicted to
is even more shook when he finds himself addicted just as much as, if not more, than yoosung himself!
happy to brag 24/7 to mc 
is mc really a computer?? because??? they give such good advice ??
able to focus on acting more enthusiastically now that he isn’t angsting over being single
because mc is his bae right???
WISHES seven does not find out about him playing the game too! it would be embarrassing!!!
can’t believe he has feelings for a computer QAQ
but mc is so nice though! just his type!
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