#shes cute please can we all collectively see the potential pls...
starzgaze · 4 months
which one should i prioritize 🧎
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andro-dino · 2 years
Hey! It’s CureDeity (sorry tumblr makes me ask from my main). I am here, in your inbox today, to rattle my little empty coin can and ask you to list some of your favorite beyblade fanfics! I’m going around asking a lot of people this, so feel free to ignore it if you want, but I thought this might be a good way for people to shout out some of the fanfic they really enjoy! Btw, if you can, I thought it would be helpful to list which site this fic was on so others could find it easier if they wanted to. Also, if you’ve written any fic (or have fic ideas, as we all know, imagining the same scene over and over again is the bread and butter of a writer), please also take this chance to have a massive, amazing ego and tell us which of your fics you're most proud of/is your favorite/etc.
I don’t read a ton of fics, mostly because I just don’t like reading as a whole and usually don’t have the energy for it, so I apologize if I skip over anyone
All of these are going to be on ao3 because I’ll die before I seriously venture into the wastelands (wattpad and ffnet)
So, starting with my own fics, tbh I tend to hate most of them immediately after I post them, but the two I’m most proud of still are A Confrontation and Hyoma’s Experience in Perpetual Loneliness. Both focus on characters with a lot of angst potential and I still really like how they came out. Confrontation made me genuinely upset while writing it so I was pretty dang confident in it, while Perpetual Loneliness explored a more bittersweet kind of feeling and the complexities of Hyoma’s attachment issues and ways of coping with loneliness in his life that i really like to develop. Also a shameless excuse to write soft domestic kyohyotsu, which is always a plus.
As for you deity, obviously you have a lot of bangers and carry the fanfic side of this fandom on your back, but a couple of my personal favorites from you are the one you made for me with a title too long for me to want to type it out and Ursa Minor. I love the gift fic for the super interesting story, wonderful interactions between starbreaker, emotional scenes that made me sob, and investment I felt in Faust and Zeo’s relationship, AND OBVS YOURE A FUCKING MADLAD FOR WRITING ME A 27K FIC WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU (I still have fanart I need to make of that btw I will get to it eventually I prommy). And Ursa Minor was one that I read early on getting into the fandom and it’s just really gentle and sweet and I liked it a lot. Obviously all your fics are bangers but those are my personal favs.
@lady-lazagna has so many bangers too it’s also hard to choose just a few. The first one that came to mind for me was her mayblade collection, which is just full of absolute bangers all the way through, and then I also remembered Warm Welcome Home because it was cute and made me laugh and I am indeed a sucker for tsujack content
OBVIOUSLY I can’t go without mentioning @heybeyby ‘s fdwdbg because as soon as shekel pitched the idea to me we talked about it for genuinely like 6 hours straight. Every time she brings up a new idea for it I start spinning around at rapid speeds and I am so excited to see how it takes the story in the future because it is gonna be so goddamn good.
One of my favorite fics ever of all time without a doubt is Irisviel101’s Chrysanthemum , which is probably obvious coming from me because it’s a takanosuke and sakyo centric fic, BUT IT IS SO GODDAMN GOOD AND CUTE AND FUNNY AND IT MAKES MY HEART EXPLODE EVERY TIME I READ IT AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH GOD ITS SO GOOD PLS READ IT IF YOU HAVENT
I also can’t go without mentioning Gesso by Arcylic because I absolutely adore how they wrote jack and Zeo together and it’s what made me absolutely fall in love with their friendship dynamic, and what originally inspired me to write Zeo’s Experience in Team Starbreaker
This one. This one goes without saying anything. I just totally adore it and I love the dynamics explored between the characters here.
There’s probably definitely some I’m forgetting here but these are a good couple I wanted to highlight
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I fucking loved this fic and I have no idea what happened to it
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pixicunt · 3 years
25 tae pls or ot7
Wolf pack BTS, Wolf Tae, drowning, cum inflation, implied ot7, overstimulation, wolves trying to get a human pregnant, kidnapping , noncon
wordcount: 1k
25. “You’re so cute when you’re struggling.”
"aww so much fight in such a little body"
You couldn't see his face but you knew his smile was bright, loving the way you screeched out in agony in the desolate forest just hoping anyone would hear you but with your mouth filling with dirt and twigs it was a little hard. With his hand firm on the back of your head pushing you down to into the moss.
"you think you could outrun me ? I knew you were stupid but not that stupid" his chest heaves, you could feel the ragged breathing on your neck when he had you pinned. you could only cry muffled into the air when his claws sink further into you. piercing the skin on your thigh and making your legs kick out in the excruciating pain.
Its only been two weeks since the wolf captured you and brought you back to his pack, you shouldn't have been walking alone in such a barren place. the first week was in preparation of getting you ready to be bred, the wolf and his brothers feeding you and making sure you were fit enough to carry one of their potential offspring.
The second week they began to touch you, feel your body and stretch you with their fingers, all of them so curious about human anatomy and how intoxicating you smell. The pack leader setting rules that no one were to succumb to their wolf instinct's, do not fuck the human yet, we must make sure she is a good candidate and if she can endure this week.
Relentless orgasm, tongue after tongue , finger after finger, hours turning into days with all your energy depleted as they toy with you. until Taehyung snapped. waking you from your sleep one night while his pack was asleep to fuck you open for the first time, his cock ripping you open with a hand over your mouth.
Fucking you open with slow thrust so he didn't wake his brothers. "thats it human, gonna fuck a baby into you until your nice and full for me" the pain of being fucked violently as well as the lack of fluids and rest made you black out, not the romantic fairytale you imagined.
Their fingers and tongues not enough to prepare you for the large length of the wolf penetrating you.
Taehyung forgot wolves have excellent scent and your slick was enough to wake them from their slumber, like a pack of feral wolves the fought over who would go next, tongues busy lapping at your leaking hole while another was busy fucking into you. all taking their turns fucking you open with their cock and cumming inside you, fucking open any unoccupied holes to warm and ready their cocks for your cunt.
"why dont we just cut her open and make a hole, I cant be patient" the leader quickly shot that down with a snarl. "we need it alive to carry the next generation, if you want to act feral then go out and find something to fuck, its a miracle Tae even found something" Hoseok frowns at the tone but stays to watch you regain consciousness for the 3rd time. "fine but I'm next and i wont be nice"
When you woke the next day you couldn't feel your legs, you think one of the meaner wolves broke a rib from fucking you to roughly but you knew you when you heard no sound of any wolf that it was your chance to run, cum gushing out of you when you stand to your two feet and wobble out the front door.
Taehyung always had a very keen sense. being the first one to mate you means he could feel you in his veins and in his blood. which makes you running from him a very stupid idea
"no more, I cant take anymore please"
"oh I could get use to you begging for me"
He takes your hair in his hand, collecting the pieces that fall over your face and grips it tight, he need to make sure you were pliant if you were going to take his knot. he pushes into you slowly, growling as he bottoms out, you claw at the dirt but he was already inside
"your so cute when your struggling"
He takes you by the hair and pushes you into the river that runs across their territory, a small stream of water but deep enough to drown someone in. He forces your head down under the running water, your eyes open in a panic, trying to breathe in and only taking in water as it soaks your lungs.
"but its better if you don't push your luck"
Your chest feeling like it was being crushed by two slowly closing walls, lungs burning and mind screaming for oxygen, when your body stop wiggling and your head stops thrashing under water he lets out a pleasant sigh, your walls squeezing him so tightly.
"thats it, give in to me, let me put a baby in you"
He pushes into you again, tip to base, tip to base getting you adjudged to his overwhelming length. He rips you by the hair out of the water, his pace punishing and cruel, too much for a human like you to take.
His hand tight in your hair as he breeds you full.
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szivtalan · 4 years
character ask: kagami, momoi, alex and himuro 👀👀👀
!!! omg thank u Ceru! u might be one of my favorite mutuals <33 (putting this under a read more just so I can speak at lengths about each individual character)
Why I like Kagami: this is where I sarcastically ask “why DON’T i like him” but that’s literally the next question so; he’s everything i want to be and more. He has the determination and the willpower to make his own dreams come true, he’s gay as shit, he’s tall and buff and well-adjusted, mature enough to live on his own at an annoyingly young age, he’s funny and dumb and a total himbo as well as an excellent advisor bc of how grounded he is.
Why I don’t: I’m... not really good with explosive people. Violent men with loud voices especially scare me, and I’d think I’d flinch around him a lot and that would make me rlly anxious.
Favorite episode: it’s a toss-up between the Seirin fam visiting his place for the first time (is it where Kuroko confesses his love to him and then passes out in his arms? idk), and the onsen episode. I also loved all his plays against Kise and Aomine. AND the training camp w him running a lot in the sand.
Favorite season/movie: season 2 probably because he’s not a jerk anymore, but he’s still on his way to shed off any asshole behavior stuck to him. And I actually liked Last Game?
Favorite line: “There’s no such thing as useless effort.” and “This is our drama and we write the plot.” because he’s so ridiculous.
Favorite outfit: all of his casual fits... comfy but manly is my Jam
OTP: AoKaga....they’re truly soulmates, star-crossed lovers, canonically brought together by fate.
Brotp/otp no. 2: KagaKuro, I love them
Head Canon: I have several collections because I think too much about this boy, but here’s something I think about his family: he doesn’t know what happened to his mom. He never asked, because it wasn’t relevant, and he didn’t want to inconvenience his dad by questioning him. Occasionally, as a kid he felt like he was missing out on something (seeing other kids with their moms, feeling like they’re being treated with much more gentle care because they have moms), but as he grew older he realized that nurturing behavior shouldn’t have been limited to only a mother, and that he was just straight up neglected without any regards to missing a parent in his life.
Unpopular opinion: I never realized this was an unpopular opinion but I’m glad he went back to America at the end of Last Game. Obviously, it’s sad that he had to separate from the others, but I felt like Japanese basketball has always been just a stepping point to him, and now that he’d beat the best of them, it was time to move on. And it also warms my heart that him getting scouted in the US gave Aomine hope to aim big, too. I felt like both of them would’ve felt trapped in Japan with their skill sets.
A wish: I want him to be happy and gay and to confront Himuro and tell him how hurt he was by how he treated him and probably do the same to his dad too
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: ....whatever I’d say Shinsun has probably written it/will write it, but I don’t want him to forget about the GoM just because he becomes a world-famous athlete.
5 words to best describe them: sweet child with anger issues
My nickname for them: not mine (it’s Sypha’s) but “Kags”, Kagami, Tigerboy, Kagababe, Baby
Why I like Momoi: she is SO nurturing and sweet and she cares so much about her boys!! I’m sorry it always turns into “how they remind me of myself” but actually I get feeling like a background character and being the moral/emotional/physical support of those who are more talented or in any way better than you. I feel a strange kind of kinship with her and also,,, feminine girls make my heart stop, and it doesn’t get more feminine than Momoi. Added: Aomine aside, the Touou team wouldn’t worth shit without her skills tbh, and she’s not in any way less than the GoM. Also, I appreciate her being the one person to try to keep their friend group together.
Why I don’t: Analytical People Scare me like!! how do u know stuff people are Unknowable!! I usually am also irked by her pointing out Riko’s breast size but I can just pretend that’s in a gay way (maybe Momoi likes girls with small boobs and she’s just bad at flirting) (also I don’t exactly liked her calling Aomine a “ganguro” but I have too little knowledge on the use of this word to say exactly why)
Favorite episode (scene if movie): uh the one where Aomine made her cry? It really came through how much love she actually has for her friends at that one.
Favorite season/movie: she was great in all of them!!
Favorite line: I can’t remember the exact quote and Google isn’t really helpful either but the one where she made Kuroko promise they’ll always play together or something? Or that they’re gonna beat Aomine?? idk?
Favorite outfit: I like all of them but mostly I just appreciate her wearing so many hoodies, she looks so cute in them
OTP / Brotp: it’s both AoMomo. I feel like the have the most special and strongest bond in the entire series.
Head Canon: She’s never been shown to do, but I feel like she wears Aomine’s clothes a Lot. Also, they definitely have sleepovers To This Day.
Unpopular opinion: Momoi is good at basketball and she loves playing!!! But try being successful in it when ur opponents are Giants and Way More Buff than you are
A wish: I wish people appreciated her more!! Both in fandom and in canon. She’s an amazing person and she has her own skills and strengths that are rarely explored or even mentioned anywhere.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: her falling out with her boys ;-; I do not want that
5 words to best describe them: strawberry sweetheart to steal ur heart
My nickname for them: Satsuki :> I feel like it’s a little too much to call characters on their first names sometimes but hers is so cute I can’t
Why I like Alex: yet again another woman with an extensive skill set. I love her persistence and again I appreciate getting disillusioned and finding your way back to the thing you love. Also it’s just sweet that she did that by teaching (again, something I can relate to)
Why I don’t: the whole “kissing children” thing rubbed me the wrong way but again, just like Momoi’s obsession with comparing breast sizes, it’s just bad/sexist writing from Fujimaki probably
Favorite episode (scene if movie): adshg any and all where she expressed that Himuro and Kagami are equally important to her <33 that shit makes my heart burst
Favorite season/movie: she only appears towards the end of s2 and in s3 so... I guess s3?
Favorite line: its so Bad that u literally can’t find the iconic quotes of these iconic ladies anywhere but... her story on finding her passion again through teaching kids, and anytime she mentions her fondness of Kagami and Himuro.
Favorite outfit: her iconic olive green coat with the short red shorts... wtf was that I loved it.
OTP: she doesn’t really interact with people her age but I’ve heard she’s shipped with Masako Araki and I’ve seen some seriously good fanarts and like... Yes Good I’d Love To See It
Brotp: I feel like her and Himuro would be that sassy pair that Kagami tries and fails to contain and they get into all sorts of weird, absurd situations asdjs what I’m trying to say is Kagami has to bail them out of jail from time to time
Head Canon: fck me if I’m wrong but she’s the lesbian single mom of the two gay kids she reluctantly adopted from the streets
Unpopular opinion: it’s more like another headcanon, but she can dunk and she taught Kagami how to do it.
A wish: I’d love her to coach the Seirin fam more!! Pls let her be part of her children’s lives (she could also judge streetball games between the goms it would be fun)
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: anything about her being romantically involved with her pupils makes me.................no
5 words to best describe them: Beautiful Beach Blonde Basketball....goddess
My nickname for them: Alex!! sometimes An Icon
Why I like Himuro: em dash Asdgsdj I’m joking, I’m becoming more and more fond of the boy. Once I realized that he shouldn’t have been the “bigger person” in that situation and one year doesn’t really mean much when you’re that young and that hurt, I realized he’s actually a good and hard-working kid and I’m sorry for giving him so much shade. Also I really like his snark and sass, but that might not even be canon at this point tbh
Why I don’t: I’m still sort of irked by him beating down on Kagami because he was envious/mad, but I realized the aspect of that situation that Really got to me was how devoted Kagami still was to him after all that. That devotion was what felt toxic, nothing that Himuro actually did to him.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): the time they met up w Kagami just to exchange a dramatic socially distancing bro fist and a few encouraging words.... gays be Like That
Favorite season/movie: I really didn’t mind s3 Himuro
Favorite line: apparently he’s said some iconic stuff that I don’t remember (and my sources don’t seem really legit) but I’m gonna say “let’s see you become number 1, bro” because again, that’s just so ridiculous and endearing. On one hand he really went from loathing Kagami to rooting for him and wanting him to reach his full potential and on the other, honey ur  like 17 stop speaking like That
Favorite outfit: his knitted V-neck sweaters and the black coat with the white fur.... boy’s got all the fashion sense that’s missing from Kagami
OTP: can I say.....AoHimu asdfh I ship 3/4 of these characters with Aomine what does that say about me
Brotp: KagaHimu. They can be sweet, but I’ve only ever seen Jake write them really well
Head Canon: I’ve been entertaining the idea of....trans Himuro.....
Unpopular opinion: everyone thinks that Kagami is the violent kid and Himuro is the chill, sweet child who’s somehow wound up with this mess of a fiery tiger, but it’s actually Himuro who taught Kagami how to fight and Kagami learned quite a lot of aggression from him
A wish: I feel like Himuro should’ve gotten a separate episode to explore his thoughts, feelings and past. He had so much potential as a character Is2g
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: him quitting basketball would fucking destroy me. I’d be devastated for others too, but it would really pull on my heartstrings if he just dropped the only thing he’s been so passionate about.
5 words to best describe them: gender-non-conforming emo child
My nickname for them: Himu, Tatsuya, Tatsu
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Not Nineteen Forever (11) (Branjie/Scyvie)- Ortega
a/n: hey friends! welcome to chapter 11 of N19F, everyone’s favourite chronicles of our uni gals being irresponsible af. this chapter begins our collective slow descent into madness so hope we’re all ready. as always, thank u for the love and pls pls pls send a wee ask into AQ/my blog telling me what ur fav part was!!! i heart serotonin xo
trigger warning: drug use (Snoop Dogg’s favourite garden plant xo)
please note: this fic contains young adults often behaving in irresponsible/unadvisable ways with regards to alcohol, drugs and sex. if you are someone who feels as if they could be heavily influenced by fic and incorporate what happens in the plot into ur own life, pls steer clear!
summary: Brooke, Yvie and Nina are three flatmates who forged a friendship in their first year of university and picked up some other waifs and strays along the way. Now in their final year, there are feelings that need to be unravelled and confessions to be made whilst navigating drunk nights, hungover mornings, takeaways, group chats, library meetups, cafe gossiping, and the small matter of getting a degree.
last chapter: Christmas saw funny jumpers, Secret Santa gifts, and Yvie and Scarlet saying I love you but not-quite-saying-I-love-you.
this chapter: everyone is back at uni after the holidays but somebody’s got cold feet, and not because the flat heating isn’t switched on.
Brooke wondered if it was possible to sweat herself to death as she dragged her huge suitcase up the final step to her flat and scrambled around in her backpack. She had never been so excited to take off a jacket in her adult life, but as she fumbled around for her keys she began to wonder if she would ever actually get into her flat. Thankfully, somebody had evidently heard her struggling and the door was suddenly thrown open to reveal Nina, just as smiley, happy and excited to see her as she’d been before Brooke had gone home for the holidays.
“Brookey Brooke Brooke!! Happy New Year!” Nina cried, lurching forward to give her a hug.
“Oh my God, Happy New Year baby. I probably stink of sweat,” Brooke concluded, her puffer jacket feeling more like a portable prison of heat with each passing second. Nina patted her on the back as she pulled away, dragging her suitcase inside in a suitably Mum-like manner.
“Nonsense, come in. I only just boiled the kettle, you’ve got scarily good timing. Yvie’s here with Scarlet. I think they may be banging.”
As Brooke walked past Yvie’s room she heard something that sounded suspiciously like a hiss through a set of teeth, and concluded that Nina was probably right.
“I’ll forgive them. How was New Years’?” Brooke asked, finally peeling her jacket off and throwing herself down on the couch. Nina raised her eyebrows as she poured the kettle out into two mugs.
“Really good,” she said, drawing out the “really” for emphasis. “I mean, it was just me, Silky, Akeria and Vanjie but it was such a great night. Kiki went home with a guy that looked like Thor. It was very bizarre.”
Brooke let out a laugh. She hadn’t felt too much fomo at having missed any New Year’s celebrations, as it was really only the girls whose family homes were closest to the city that were able to meet up and party together. Canada was probably a bit too much of a commute. Brooke self-consciously remembered the texts from Vanessa that came through that night, her stomach flipping over.
“Nobody overdid it, did they?” she found herself asking, keen for an outsider’s perspective on the evening. Nina tutted as she handed Brooke her mug and sat down.
“I mean Silky did, but it was basically her birthday party so nobody would begrudge her it. Vanjie was cute, though, it was a shame you never had any signal,” Nina smiled at Brooke, Brooke feeling a knot in her stomach tighten at her words. She plastered on her best fake smile.
“Aw yeah, she’s a cutie.”
“You must be looking forward to seeing her again? Absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that,” Nina encouraged her, sipping her tea.
“Yeah, of course! But I want to see my girls as well, you know? I mean I haven’t seen you for like, a month. Tell me about you and Monet!” Brooke smiled enthusiastically, jumping at the chance to divert the conversation from the topic of her and Vanessa. She took a big gulp of her tea, hoping it would encourage Nina to talk for as long as she could.
“We’re good! We’re good. I saw her just after Christmas, we met up in town. I’m still absolutely convinced the whole thing’s a massive practical joke and she’ll completely ghost me soon, but I’m trying not to think too much about it otherwise I’ll get too wrapped up in it and end up ruining things,” Nina reeled off, ending her sentence with an awkward shrug and a laugh to match, Brooke unsure if she felt good that the heat was off her and Vanessa or bad that it seemed Nina was a hair’s breadth away from self-sabotaging her potential relationship.
“Well you’ve been seeing each other for what, two months now? That’s getting into girlfriend territory, babe."
"Oh, don’t,” Nina laughed, shaking her head so violently that her tea threatened to splash. “As fucking if. No, I’m just enjoying it while it lasts and whatever happens happens. I mean, I’m hardly going to be the one to end it, am I?"
Brooke raised both eyebrows at her but didn’t push for any more. Brooke always worried about Nina ever so slightly, like the sister she never had. Nina was the best hypewoman around, always preaching self-esteem, confidence and body positivity, but when push came to shove she could only sporadically take that advice herself. Brooke knew that Nina had overcome a lot since her time at high school- she’d always remember when Nina broke down to Brooke in her first year halls room and had told her everything she’d struggled with in the past after a set of girls had laughed at Nina in a kebab shop after a night out. So Brooke could understand that sort of self-love was hard for Nina to maintain. Brooke had noticed it seemed to come to her in ebbs and flows like waves; the crashing-against-rocks happy presence of a Nina who danced about the flat singing to Lizzo in a new outfit she loved deeply contrasting with times where the tide would pull her back out into a sea of shame, unhappy and upset because she’d eaten a share pack of Minstrels quicker than she’d thought possible and was disgusted at herself.
“Anyway. What about you, you going to ask Vanjie to be your girlfriend yet? It’s been longer than two months for you both and in your own words, Ms Hytes, that’s girlfriend territory,” Nina asked eagerly, Brooke almost spilling her tea all over herself in shock. Before she could answer, the kitchen door opened and in walked Yvie and Scarlet one after the other in a set of slightly crumpled clothes. Yvie’s face broke out into a smile as she saw her flatmate and she immediately ran forward toward the sofa Brooke was sat on, crushing her in a half-straddle, half-hug.
“Oh my God, bitch, it’s been forever!! Happy New Year!” she cried, muffled against Brooke’s shoulder.
Happy to see Yvie because she hadn’t seen her in ages and also because her arrival meant she didn’t have to answer Nina’s question, Brooke squeezed back hard. “Happy New Year baby!! How were your holidays? Scarlet, c’mere!”
Scarlet shuffled forward as Yvie ungracefully peeled herself off of Brooke, hugging her slightly more gently which Brooke was grateful for as Yvie spoke. “They were good. Made better by this one coming to see me.”
“Oh, did you go up to Yvie’s?” Brooke asked Scarlet as she pulled away, Scarlet rolling her eyes in mock-exasperation.
“Yeah, well. Someone decided to develop separation anxiety by the time we’d been apart for a fortnight so had me looking up train times before the bells had even rung at midnight,” Scarlet smiled, Yvie giving her a playful shove before pulling her down onto the armchair and into her lap, Scarlet giggling and batting her away.
“Well, you’re still both as gross as you were together the last time I saw you, so I’m glad nothing’s changed,” Brooke snorted, Yvie flipping her middle finger up at her.
“Oh, and you and Vanjie are gonna be totally different when you see each other again,” she rolled her eyes, Brooke clenching her teeth together momentarily. Why did everybody seem to want to bring Vanessa up every two minutes?
“Well yeah, we probably will be. It’s not like we’re together or anything,” Brooke gave an awkward laugh. Suddenly the mood in the room seemed to change. She saw Scarlet stiffen tensely in Yvie’s lap and Yvie look across to Nina, something in her widened eyes that Brooke couldn’t quite make out. As Brooke turned to look at Nina, the other girl seemed to be impervious to the sudden tension and was smiling brightly at her phone.
“Hey, Monet’s wondering if she can come round. We could get pizza, play Mario Kart, maybe get high? We’ve not done that in a while. Sound good?”
Before Brooke could address the shift in atmosphere, Yvie was replying to Nina. “I’d be so down. I’m actually starving.”
“Sounds fun,” Brooke responded, still not quite able to have her smile meet her eyes. “I’ll go unpack my shit and then come back through. Won’t be long!”
Brooke couldn’t have been more glad of a moment to herself as she flung open her bedroom door and crashed down onto her bed, a feeling of seasickness churning in her stomach. Laying on her back, she stared up at the cracks in the ceiling until her eyes began to burn. She took one heavy, deep breath and opened up her phone. Her gut plummeted all over again when she saw the name in her notifications.
V: You get back to flat okay? Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Brooke tapped out a message as quickly as she could, desperate for the interaction to be over.
B: Yep! Just there with the girls just now xxx
A reply came through before Brooke had even had the chance to replace the phone on her bed.
V: Yay!! You gonna come round and cuddle me and play with my hair? lol xxxxxxxxxx
Every single kiss that Vanessa had left at the end of her text felt like a stab in Brooke’s gut. Her entire stomach feeling like a ton of bricks, she replied.
B: Sorry boo we’re just having flat girl time just now! Just the three of us. I’ll see you soon though? Xxx
This pause was longer.
V: Aww damn well I already waited a month I guess I can wait another day :) have fun Brooky xxxxxxxxxxxx
Brooke dropped her phone on the bed, brought her hands up to her face and gave a huge, massive exhale. She didn’t know what the fuck was wrong with her. She didn’t know what had changed. Vanessa was the girl she’d been chasing for essentially her entire university career, the literal girl of her dreams. She had wanted her, and now she had her. And everything was fine. Except everything was far from fine, Brooke thought as she sucked her tense stomach in and willed that horrible sinking feeling to go away. Maybe it was the month-long gap from when they’d last seen each other. Maybe it was the way Vanessa’s texts seemed to shift from fun and flirty and lighthearted to saccharine sweet and intense. Brooke didn’t know, but all she did know was that any time she thought about her and Vanessa as anything more than what they were now or if anyone else brought that idea up, her heart started doing somersaults, and not in a good way.
Guiltily, she took her phone and scrolled up on her and Vanessa’s text history, looking back at their texts from New Years’.
V: Babyyyy xxxx
V: Keep trying to phone u n it’s going to voicemail :((( xxxxxxx
V: it’s so near midnight!!!!! xx
B: Sorry boo my signal is shit! I’m barely able to text :( xxx
B: But Happy New Year for when it comes!!!! Hope you are having a great night, get home safe xxx
V: Aww man that’s shit lmao dw dw xxxxxxxx
V: Happy New Year my baby, you’re the best thing to come out of this whole year and I’m so so glad we got our shit together, I really really really like you and I can’t wait to see where this year takes us xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
B: Awwww baby you’re sweet xxx
B: You never heard of playing hard to get lol (kidding) xxx
V: Ahahahahaha shut up whore xxxxxxxxx
V: Aint gotta play hard to get when you already got me xxxxxxxxxx
But Brooke hadn’t been kidding, and her signal had been fine, and Vanessa’s messages had made her feel worse instead of better. She preferred the old Vanessa, the sexy and suggestive Vanessa who only wanted to fuck all the time and who wasn’t bothered about cuddling or hair-playing or anything like that. All of that scared Brooke. To her, that was what people in committed relationships did, and she wasn’t at the age where she wanted one of those. Or at least, she’d never had anything properly serious before and the prospect of it completely terrified her. Brooke squeezed her eyes shut and tried to focus on breathing deeply. There was no way any unpacking was getting done now, as the top priority was to stop herself spiralling.
Brooke could have lain there for five minutes or forty-five minutes (she had no idea), but soon enough she was jolted out of her reverie as the buzzer went off. She got up and went out into the hall to get it.
“Brooke, that you? It’s Monet, Neens said I could come round?”
Brooke wanted to repeatedly bash her head against the doorframe. Why did she have to be surrounded by cuddling couples and adorable pet names at a time like this?
“Yeah, no worries! Come up.”
As Brooke held her finger down against the switch to let Monet in, Nina ran out from her bedroom. She’d obviously spent the time making an effort, and her huge mane of wavy blonde hair was half-up half-down in a topknot on her head, her face painted with just enough makeup to look a touch more glam than everyday. She was still in her sweatpants but had changed into a fresh pyjama top. It had Lady from Lady and The Tramp on it, and the slogan “BED HAIR”.
“Is it her? Is she here?” Nina breathed heavily, nudging past Brooke to look through the peephole. Brooke couldn’t help but laugh.
“You sound like the fucking Grim Reaper’s about to come up the stairs, not your girlfriend! Fucking chill,” Brooke spluttered, squeezing Nina round her middle. “It’ll be fine.”
“She’s not my girlfriend! Stop saying that! Oh Jesus, you can’t say that in front of her,” Nina turned to Brooke, mortified. “Do I look okay?”
“You look gorgeous, as always. Interesting outfit choice, though.”
“Well, I want her to think that I always look this good when I’m being a lazy slob around the flat,” Nina shrugged, suddenly tearing her gaze back to the peephole and leaping back from the door as if she’d been scalded. “Fuck! Shit! That’s her, go!"
"Go? Bitch, where?” Brooke burst out laughing, trying to sober up in the hallway as Nina opened the door to Monet, who threw her arms around the other girl and covered both her cheeks in kisses.
“Hey baby! Ugh, I missed you so much,” Monet smiled, Nina growing shy and red as the other girl tapped her on the nose. “Thanks for having me over. I got you flowers!”
Brooke only just noticed the bouquet of bright yellow sunflowers in Monet’s left hand, Nina’s eyes lighting up as they were thrust into her arms.
“Oh, wow! They’re so beautiful, thank you, honey!” Nina smiled, pulling the girl in for another hug.
“Sunflowers for my sunflower. Oh, hey Brooke!” Monet cried as she noticed Brooke, immediately striding towards her and flinging her arms around her in a friendly hug. “How were your holidays? How’s Vanjie?”
Brooke tried her very best to keep from letting her discomfort at the topic of conversation show on her face as she pulled away. “They were…are…both amazing, thanks girl! How were yours?”
“They were great. Glad to be away from my crazy family though. You know you get to a stage when you just can’t live with them a second longer or you’ll commit a mass murder?” Monet chatted away, turning to Nina for validation. Nina screwed up her face and laughed.
“Nah, I think you’re just a psychopath.”
“Mm, you love it though,” Monet smiled, shooting a wink at Nina that instantly rendered her speechless. Monet burst out into a laugh and Brooke tried not to roll her eyes. Why did everyone else seem to fall into their couples so easily? Why did nobody else seem to have doubts or fears? “Come on, let’s get these pizzas ordered. I think my stomach’s eating itself."
Brooke followed the two girls through to the living room, as Nina let Monet know that Scarlet and Yvie were round. Monet turned to Brooke as if she was about to say something, but Brooke watched as Nina grabbed Monet’s wrist and whispered something to her urgently, Monet nodding understandingly. Brooke got the feeling that she had been the subject of the comment.
"Hey Monet!” Yvie called, Monet going over to give Yvie and Scarlet a hug in turn as Nina put the flowers in water.
“Hey ladies! You part of the WaGs of Belford Road too, Scarlet?” Monet asked her, Scarlet laughing and smiling up at her.
“The fuck does WaGs mean, you calling my girlfriend a bitch?” Yvie asked jokingly, Monet sitting down on the sofa and stretching out her legs as if she was one of the flat’s tenants.
“Wives and girlfriends. Mainly used for footballers back in the day but we’re just ballers, I guess.”
“We’d have the full set if Vanj was here,” Scarlet smiled at Brooke, and suddenly yelped, Brooke not missing the dig in the ribs that Yvie gave her. She started to become concerned. Was she making it really obvious that something was wrong?
“Okay, pizza!” Nina suddenly clapped her hands together, making Brooke jump. She scrolled her phone after she sat next to Monet, who threw an arm over her shoulder and pulled her close. “We could get this deal? Cookies, wedges, chicken strippers and two pizzas for £25.99?"
"I’m not sure I’ll want cookies,” Scarlet mused, Brooke deciding she could really do with hitting the bong if only to fucking relax, and that now was as good a time as ever.
“You sure? Not even after this?” Brooke spoke up, holding out the bong and watching Scarlet reconsider.
“What pizzas are we getting?” Monet asked, Yvie instantly sighing the world-weary sigh of a put-upon flatmate. Monet raised a questioning eyebrow Nina’s way.
“Ugh, don’t. It’s a point of contention in this whole flat,” she began explaining. “Yvie likes pepperoni, but not any other meats. I only really like margherita or something chicken-y or vegetable-y. Brooke likes pineapple and olives-”
“Hold the fuck up,” Monet stopped Nina, whipping her head round to cast Brooke a judgemental glare that she almost missed, too busy tipping the weed out onto the gauze.
“That’s disgusting, Brooke,” Scarlet wrinkled her nose up, Brooke rolling her eyes as she searched for a lighter.
“Fucking hell, guys, it’s not a raw fucking sausage! It’s a bit of fruit and a bit of vegetable!” she sighed. Seeing her obvious distress, Monet produced a pink Bic from the pocket of her black jeans and held it out to her, Brooke taking it gratefully and striking up.
“…So you see the issue we have whenever we want a pizza in this flat,” Nina finished as the smoke hit the back of Brooke’s throat and she exhaled quicker than she would have liked, punctuating the whole thing with a cough and a splutter.
“Do you ever just get a half and half?” Scarlet asked innocently. Yvie squeezed her shoulder and laughed good-naturedly.
“Babe, I know you weren’t any good at Maths in high school, but there’s only two parts to a half."
"You like…pepperoni, right?” Nina narrowed her eyes as she tried to remember Monet’s favourite. The other girl responded by leaning in and kissing her cheek, smiling.
“Aww, Neens! You remembered,” Monet smiled, delighted. Yvie turned to Scarlet and frowned.
“Yours is…Hawaiian?”
Scarlet laughed. “Barbecue chicken. Monet, can we swap girlfriends?”
Brooke’s eyebrows flew up her forehead involuntarily as Nina completely froze, but Monet simply laughed back. “Sorry sweetie, this one’s mine. I can rent her out though. Five pounds an hour?”
“Eh, excuse me! I am actually here, you know?” Nina cried, seemingly much more relaxed now that Monet hadn’t freaked out at the label Scarlet had given them.
“Right, what fucking pizzas are we getting? The munchies are going to kick in in about twenty minutes so let’s go,” Brooke asked decisively, squeezing herself down beside Monet and Nina.
“Well, half and half both of them so that there’s four,” Monet suggested, gesturing to Yvie. “Me and Yvie like pepperoni, so let’s do half pepperoni, Neens if you like chickeny things then let’s have you sharing a barbecue chicken with Scarlet…we can make another half pineapple and olives for Brooke’s Satanic tastebuds and…that means we’ve got another half to play with.”
“Oh my God. Monet, can we keep you?” Yvie asked incredulously. “I think that’s the quickest we’ve ever decided on an order.”
“Let’s just make the last half margherita, then we can all have a bit,” Scarlet shrugged, Nina nodding and quickly ordering. Soon enough, the bong was getting passed round and the girls all settled into their respective seats lazily, the Wii soon getting fired up and many rounds of Mario Kart getting played. Eventually, it ended in a fierce battle between Yvie and Brooke.
“Oh, Christ!” Yvie groaned, Scarlet, Nina and Monet howling with laughter at Yvie’s dismay as she flew off the course. “I got a fucking mushroom and I used it…on a corner…like a squandering fucking toddler!”
“Eat shell dick, King Boo,” Brooke muttered, sending a blue shell with her right trigger as the buzzer to the flat went off.
“I’ll get it!” Monet cried excitedly, Nina getting slightly dislodged as she leapt off the sofa and ran through to the hall. As Monet returned with numerous boxes piled high on top of each other, Brooke sped across the finish line and cheered.
“You’re a fucking cheat,” Yvie scowled at her, pointing an accusatory finger her way. Brooke snorted a laugh.
“Hey! No fighting!” Nina chastised, ripping a box open to reveal a pizza with a curious variety of toppings.
“You’re my winner, boo,” Scarlet smiled at her girlfriend, Yvie instantly softening and kissing her on the cheek. Suddenly, four sets of phones went off and Scarlet checked hers first.  
Akeria Sainsburys Bag for Life: Alright hoes are we all back from home?
Okay Then: i’m still in Dubai sorry xoxo
Brooke’s Ford Transit Vanjie: Oo00oooh alright for some xoxo
Akeria Sainsburys Bag for Life: Jeez Plastique that must be so hard for you, thoughts and prayers up xo
Akeria Sainsburys Bag for Life: The reason I ask is because we at Antigua Road want a night outtt
Scarlet’s bitch: sorry guys we could not be further from a night out mood
mose: Yeah sorry ladies I am jetlagged as fuck
Kim Kardashian-West: Sorry girls :( Monet and Scarlet are round at ours though if anyone wants to join!!
Brooke’s stomach dropped as she remembered her lie to Vanjie. Shit.
“Nina, fuck,” Brooke said involuntarily, the other girls turning to her curiously.
“What did I do?”
The churning in Brooke’s stomach was back as if it had never left. She paused, looking back down at her phone. The chat had gone strangely quiet. Brooke bit at the skin on her thumb. “Nothing. Don’t worry about it.”
Yvie, ever the anti-bullshit merchant, narrowed her eyes at Brooke. “Are you okay, girl? You don’t seem so good today.”
Brooke was on the defense before she knew it. “I’m fine! I’m good!"
Before anyone else could say a thing, Brooke’s phone lit up. She was being phoned, and she didn’t have to look to see who it was.
Ignoring the rest of the girls, she walked out of the living room and into the hall, only answering her phone when she was safely in her own room. She took a deep breath before she spoke, keeping her tone deliberately, painfully, light.
"Hey boo!”
“Hey Brooke Lynn,” Vanessa’s voice was a similarly forced upbeat, but Brooke’s heart sank at the upset behind it. “Um, I’m just…I’m a little confused.”
“Okay, what’s up?” Brooke asked lightly, growing more convinced by the second that she was developing a stomach ulcer.
“So, uh…I thought you guys were having a girls’ night, and then Nina said that Monet and Scarlet were over…you know, it just seems a bit like the others have their girls round?” Vanessa questioned, her voice measured and calm and small and making Brooke feel like a massive dick.
“Yeah, no, uh…” she began, not really knowing how she was going to excuse herself. “I mean, no, I thought that too until I realised Yvie had Scarlet round and then Nina told me Monet was coming…just one of those things, you know? I mean I’d thought it was just a flat night too.”
“Right, sure,” Vanessa’s voice was understanding, and Brooke’s heart felt sore. She suddenly remembered something Vanessa had said.
“Besides, Monet and Nina aren’t together. It’s only Yvie and Scarlet that are girlfriends."
Brooke heard the hiss of a sigh come from the other end of the line. ”Brooke, can I ask you a question?“
“Are we okay? You know, what we’ve got goin’ on. Are you still happy?”
Brooke’s stomach dropped to the floor. She had the smallest possible time gap to confront all the feelings she’d been trying to push to the back of her mind, and it was an impossible task. All day her stomach had been in knots at the thought of seeing Vanessa, but now that she was faced with the prospect of losing her she found herself panicking. She still liked Vanessa. Everything was just so new and different. She had to articulate that to her.
“Yeah, of course, definitely,” Brooke began, the audible sigh of relief on the other end of the line making guilt stab at her heart. “It’s just…everything’s so fresh, you know? I just want to take things as slow as we can. I like how we are, and I don’t want anything to change anytime soon.”
“Okay. No, don’t worry, I get it. I get it, and I don’t want to mess up either. So I’m happy to do whatever you want,” Vanessa said, her tone more cheerful now.
“I’m sorry if I freaked you out. Do you, uh. Do you still want to come round?”
“Nah, don’t worry, baby. I think us three are still gonna go out, so sorry in advance if I phone you at three in the morning.”
Maybe it was because she hadn’t seen Vanessa in a while, Brooke comforted herself, her heart swelling at the smile she could hear in her voice. Once they were together again and Vanessa would wind her up and they would kiss all rough and hot the way Brooke liked, then things would be better.
Enthused by her new-found optimism, Brooke found herself smiling. “Thanks for the warning. I’ll make sure my phone’s turned off.”
“Bitch. Cut that attitude or you won’t get any cute photos of my outfit.”
Brooke felt a heat curl in her stomach. “I’m more interested in what’s under the outfit, to be honest.”
“You’re a nasty fuckin’ whore. You might get somethin’ if you’re lucky. Okay, I gotta go, but I’ll see you soon, yeah?"
"Yeah, soon. Have a good night, stay safe,” Brooke signed off, relaxing slightly on her bed.
“I will. Bye, boo.”
Brooke hung up, laying her head against the pillow and breathing out gently. Things were okay. She’d just had a wobble. She still liked Vanjie. They would be fine.
Before she could contemplate any more, her bedroom door burst open to reveal Yvie who marched in and perched herself on the end of the bed.
“Would a knock kill you?” Brooke rolled her eyes, too drained to be properly annoyed.
“Okay, talk to me,” Yvie demanded, her eyes full of concern. “You’re not fine. What’s up?”
Brooke knew she couldn’t lie to either of her flatmates, least of all Yvie. She groaned, unwilling to think any more about the situation but being forced to anyway. “Okay, it’s honestly nothing.”
Yvie said nothing, instead continuing to look at her, worry covering her face.
“When you began seeing Scarlet,” Brooke began unsteadily. “Did you ever…you know. Have second thoughts? Or any doubts or anything?”
“Absolutely fucking not,” Yvie said instantly, frowning. “But I know where this is going.”
Brooke’s stomach gave a spasm, instantly feeling the guilt seep through her again. “I feel so shit…and I’m sure it’s just a blip because I’ve not seen her in ages. But everything’s just getting too intense too quickly, you know? I’m happy just chilling with Vanessa, but I feel like she wants a girlfriend and I’m not ready for all that just yet. I thought I would be, but I’m not. Actually I don’t know if I thought I would be or not. The whole thing’s fucking with my head.”
Yvie sat and listened to her ramble on, then when she was sure she was finished she reached forward and took her hand. “Okay. First thing is, you’re completely valid. Everyone gets second thoughts about a potential relationship at one stage or another.”
“You’ve literally just said you haven’t.”
“Ignore that. Do as I say, not as I do, or..whatever. It’s a big commitment, and it’s easy to freak out. But I would just remember…” Yvie began, her face becoming pained as she looked right in Brooke’s eyes. “…how long you liked Vanjie for. How many times you were so close to telling her you liked her, and how many times you shat out. How fuckin’ happy you must have been when you kissed for the first time or when you told each other you liked each other. Fuck knows when Scarlet told me she felt the same way as I did, my brain produced the most sorotonin that’s ever been in my body in my entire life. Like, if you think you want to end things with Vanj, that’s fine. But you need to be honest with her, girl.”
Brooke remembered the day she’d finally been brave enough to kiss Vanessa and how her mind had completely short-circuited as their lips made contact. She remembered how wanted Vanessa had made her feel the first time they’d slept with each other, and the complete euphoria Brooke had felt when Vanessa told her she liked her back. All of those memories just made her feel more guilty at the fact that she felt more worried about the prospect of seeing Vanessa than excited. Remembering her internal pep-talk from earlier, Brooke shrugged.
“I know. I’m being an idiot. And I don’t want to end things with her, that’s stupid. It’s probably all the time we spent apart, right? Like I’ll probably see her and it’ll all fall back into place and I’ll feel just like I felt before the holidays again.”
“Absolutely,” Yvie smiled a little as she reassured her. Letting go of her hand, she patted Brooke’s leg. “You good?”
Brooke didn’t allow herself to think too much about it. “Yeah. Thanks for the pep talk.”
“Come on, then. There’s pizza that needs eating.”
As Brooke rose from the bed and followed Yvie to the door, she felt struck by a sudden dread. “Yvie?”
The other girl turned around and looked at her expectantly.
“Would you mind if we just kept this conversation between ourselves?”
Yvie nodded reassuringly and held the door open for Brooke, Brooke walking through it quickly and reassuring herself with exactly the same words as she’d done before. Things were okay. She’d just had a wobble. She still liked Vanjie. They would be fine.
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The 11 Times Lizzy Has Felt For The Phantomhive Twins
In regards to the new chapter, I decided to make a little compilation of the brilliant portrayal of our favourite swordsgirl being selfless and supporting both the twins. I made this in chronological order of her ageing up over the years so without further ado, let us begin~
● She didn’t want to practice fencing anymore because Ciel was afraid of “strong” girls
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Even at such a young age, Lizzy seems to take Ciel’s words very much to heart and believes that he won’t want to marry her anymore if she ever displayed her swordfighting skills to him. But notice how at the very end, she reluctantly complies to continue because it’s “for his sake.” She’s doing this for Ciel. She will protect him in the future because being the Queen’s Watchdog comes with many risks and dangers, and she needs to learn to fend for herself and for Ciel.
● She cries at the sight of seeing “Ciel” again after he was presumably thought to be dead
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What else is there to say? Lizzy loves Ciel, and seeing him turn up literally out of nowhere is sure to reduce her to tears. She even states that she “can’t believe it” indicating that she had accepted his death and now that he’s back she is certain to hold him dear.
● She knows how much Madam Red means to Ciel
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This panel was taken during the Jack the Ripper arc where Ciel strides into the church and leans over Madam Red. We know that Lizzy and Ciel used to play together with Madam Red alot and she, in turn, loved them earnestly so this panel really highlights not just the close bond between aunt and nephew, but also the close bond between Ciel and Lizzy.
● She feels genuinely happy knowing that Our Ciel is back to his old self
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This here accentuates Lizzy’s complete selflessness towards her own happiness and instead focuses on retaining and acquiring that very same happiness for her fiancè. Notice how she does not speak of this in front of Our Ciel which points towards the focal point of her character: her good nature. She’s not trying to induce guilt or self-pity from others, rather - and yet again - she’s only doing this FOR Our Ciel.
● Eventhough she doesn’t show it, she is very sensitive to Our Ciel’s emotions
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This was taken right after the Circus Arc and Our Ciel was not in the best of places after all that ensued. Eventhough he did try to appear like his normal self, Lizzy naturally noticed something was off about him. This was the chapter where Nina was making Easter costumes for them and we all know Lizzy is a huge admirer of clothing and fashion in general. And yet, she suppresses this excitement of obtaining new clothes and instead is concerned for the well-being of Our Ciel.
● She wants to get to know the “current” him better
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Lizzy knows that the “Ciel” now is not the same Ciel as before. But instead of pushing him away, she welcomes him with open arms. She tries her best to make Our Ciel confide in her because she is genuinely concerned about him and wants to help him.
● She wants him to be happy
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This was Lizzy’s reaction when Sebastian stated that he believes Our Ciel was worn out because he had spent a pleasant day with all his close and loved ones around. She’s relieved to know that he’s getting a good rest and that it was partially because of her. This has been Lizzy’s goal all along: to make Our Ciel happy again.
● She knows the time has come for her to make a huge sacrifice
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Lizzy always knew that at some point in time, she would eventually have to reveal the whole of herself to Our Ciel however, I imagine she never thought it would be this soon or in such a situation as they were in. Notice how she’s crying and smiling at the same time. She knows it’s her duty to protect Our Ciel now and she would strip off her cute image if it meant for his sake. So, I suppose in a twisted sort of way she tried to find some positivity in this, such as she would be making a sacrifice but one that she’d make gladly. Because, again, it’s for Our Ciel.
● She cheers him on
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This panel was drawn after Blue House was declared the winner of the Cricket Tournament. There’s not much that needs to be said here. Eventhough she has a brother in another house and eventhough they lost, she is still in high spirits and again, is genuinely happy and actively cheers for Our Ciel throughout the entire competition.
● She worries about him
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I interpreted this little panel above as Lizzy being thoroughly shocked because Bravat has managed to relate what and how she actually feels. This suggests that her concern over Our Ciel must be a prominent and focal point of her priorities.
● She doesn’t want to hurt him
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I think the fact that she says she “doesn’t know what the right thing do is either” goes to show her internal struggle for siding with Real Ciel or Our Ciel. She realises that all this time she’s spent trying to cheer her fiancè up might be all in vain because that person wasn’t even her fiancè to begin with. But even so, the agony and despair of the betrayal coincides with her potentially grown love for Our Ciel. That is why it is so hard for her to choose “the right thing to do.”
And there you have it! This was what I have managed to collect. If there were any other highlights of Lizzy’s character portrayal that you’ve found you can reblog this as I might have missed some. 
Somebody please save our precious sword-wielding badass and Our!Ciel good lord they’ve had to go through so much pls k thx  
As always, thank you for reading!
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kwamiwayzz · 6 years
Citrus Fanfic (Rec-ish) Masterpost
Hello Hello! It’s been about two weeks since the Citrus manga ended and while it leaves some of us fans thirsty for more content, Saburouta did say she’s planning for a spin-off that’s coming up in Winter 2019 :D 
But since that’s 4 months away, I figured I could create this fanfic list that could keep y’all busy in the next few months ^^ 
Keep in mind, I actually haven’t read some of the fics on this list, but have added them here since I’ve heard good reviews from other people and thought why not add them on here too~ 
Also, if any of y’all are starting out reading Citrus fic you should definitely start here lol I actually have this a top rec on this list and have recommended it before but everything smx writes is absolutely amazing and in-character
Alright, I’ll possibly add some of my thoughts and opinions on some of the fics included in this list so...here we go~ 
Valentine’s Day by mikotyzini
Citrus: Fantasies by epitomeofdisaster
Milk and its Derivatives by Joebagadonut & WhyMeiTalksWithPigeons
Warmth by Ennju
Into the Gremlin’s Den by AlexIsOkay
A Fresh Coat by mizutanitony 
Citrus - A Compilation by mikotyzini 
My Papa by Shmehua1
Sweet and Sour by Cynical-Banshee
Tenderness by ArcanicSoul 
Market Fresh Citrics by MCMulch
Dates Like Detentions by AlexIsOkay
The Price of Pretending by AlexIsOkay
[More under the cut since I know it’ll get really long]
Citrus schtuffs by angel0wonder - Yeah, I know I’ve recommended this before countless times in the past, but honestly, I can’t help it. I love it too much and it was the Citrus fic collection that introduced me to Citrus fic and eventually inspired me to write my own. Every chapter has nice little moments of fluff and comedy that the manga is in dire need of and every character included is in character that I can almost imagine Saburouta writing this herself! There’s some angst in it too, like chapter 41, but even those ones are a great read! If you want to know my favorites to start with, I can suggest reading chapter 9, chapter 16, chapter 25, chapter 33, CHAPTER 39 (pls read this one), chapter 41, and chapter 43. There’s a lot more and I love this collection dearly, but those chapters are my absolute favorites ^^ 
Uncomfortable Truths by mizutanitony - Okay, so confession time. I was actually really, and I mean REALLY hesitant to read this fic at first because of the premise. It’s basically a sequel to a bad end if Mei chose to marry her fiance Udagawa, leaving her and Yuzu separated for almost 2 years. The fic itself actually takes place 5 years after those events transpire and Yuzu and Mei are engaged and taking care of their son who’s the biological son of Udagawa. One thing I can say to why I was hesitant in reading this at first is because I thought the drama would be way too drawn out and/or I thought the premise was mostly going to heavily focus on flashbacks that have Yuzu and Mei still be separared and Mei trying to deal with herself being married to Udagawa. But when I did give this fanfic a shot, I was surprised and honestly glad I read it. The characters are all in character, and while there’s heavy drama here and there I feel like with the situation presented, it’s necessary and justified without being too overblown. Much of the focus on this fic is Yuzu and Mei trying to manage their relationship as adults, their respective jobs, and how to take care of a child. I could actually see this be a potential route if Mei did end up marrying Udagawa at the end of the manga and did try to do everything she could to win Yuzu back. And honestly, the parts where Mei and Yuzu talk out their relationship, the parts where they’re struggling mentally (especially) in figuring out where to go from where they are, especially knowing how much their past still hurts them, is the best thing I love out of this fic. Also 12/10 the smut scenes are hot. The fic itself is almost over but the chapters themselves are really long and can give y’all something to keep yourselves busy! Give it a shot! 
Skipping a Beat by BluBerserker - I binged this fic during my stressful first week of school and I really like the direction the author is taking this story! I’m not really sure how it’s gonna pan out, but I was interested in the premise. Yuzu being sick and learning how to deal with living with a heart condition? Mmmmyes I can feel the angst. One thing I love about this fic is the chemistry established between Yuzu and Mei, especially after Mei finds out about Yuzu’s brugada syndrome and ends up feeling guilty for causing her more pain than necessary. She really starts to loosen up around Yuzu and comes to terms with her feelings a little faster and earlier than where the manga went ^^
Neapolitan Ice Cream & Secrets by DoorIsAjar - aAAAAAAAAAA, this one!! I love this one! This is the kind of fluff that I used to write during my earlier days getting used to writing Citrus fic for this fandom. It’s basically about Yuzu taking care of Mei after Mei gets her wisdom teeth pulled out and is loopy on nitrous-oxide. There’s just a charm and endearing appeal to this fic in particular, and while Mei has a more childlike demeanor because of how loopy she is, it’s actually very in character and just absolutely adorable. I’m just surprised Yuzu didn’t drop dead after the many times Mei has been too cute for her! >u<
Grandes Esperanzas by YuzuAihara1993 - I actually have not read this for the sole reason that...well, it’s in Spanish and I can’t read Spanish ^^; BUT don’t let that stop you! The reason I’m adding this on this list is because I’ve heard from different people, mainly smxmuffinpeddling, how amazing this fanfic is and how it made her cry. She actually translated a portion of this fic and even said she’s in the process of translating the fic itself! As for those who already can read Spanish, try this one out!
Studies With Wolves by punklobster - I just really like this one, okay? i wrote a gigantic ass review on AO3 detailing how much I loved it. It’s basically a Wolf Children-esque AU where Yuzu meets Mei in college but notices she’s not a student there. Just read it. Please, it’s amazing 12/10 in character and 20/10 would read again.
Dinner at Aihara’s by fishnspice - This was one of the very first Citrus fanfics I read on AO3 and it has this nice atmosphere established between Yuzu and Mei that I sometimes find myself reading over and over again. 
Daughters and Lovers by LittleElisa - Okay, I need to recommend this one. This one, while kind of intimidating to read at first because of the formatting, is actually really nice and really in-character. I found myself re-reading this fanfic about 4-5 times after the first time I gave it a chance. It takes place around Volume 3 (back before we knew what the heck would happen, so this fic is pretty old), and takes a route where Ume finds out about their relationship pretty early on and...does not take it well, leading her to separate Yuzu and Mei. She doesn’t play the “non-understanding” parent and does actually feel bad for separating her daughters like that, but realistically I felt like this is what she would do after dealing with the shock that...well, her two daughters are making out behind closed doors. Everything else about this fic is actually amazing. I think I even remembered smxmuffinpeddling beta-ing this fic at one point! Give this one a shot! Unfortunately, the fic is unfinished and hasn’t been updated in years so like...if you like cliffhangers, well...good luck ;u;
Love Like You’ll Never be Hurt by vyoria - This one takes a bit of a different route compared to most other Citrus fics I’ve read so far. It’s basically where Yuzu and Mei don’t meet until they’re much older, like possibly in their late 20s, early 30s, and Mei is married to Amamiya. Unfortunately, because of the author’s busy schedule, there’s only been 1 chapter out so far. But the premise is nice and even if it is just one chapter I suggest y’all check it out! 
i have died everyday (waiting for you) by forbiddenquill - This fic...boi, back when I read this fic I didn’t really know what to expect from it aside from it was named after a really cheesy and endearing love song from Twilight. I think the thing that gravitated me the most towards this fic was the atmosphere the author set up between Yuzu and Mei. It had been a couple months since they’d last seen each other, and you can really feel for that sense of longing they both crave while also understanding the tense atmosphere they feel around each other because of the awkwardness from being apart for so long. You know Mei wants to be with Yuzu but doesn’t know how and yet Yuzu still reaches out to her one more time just to talk. Honestly, I don’t know where this author has been but they pretty much predicted the last chapter through this fic (almost). Spoiler alert: you kinda have to read it through to know what I mean XD 
And that’s the most I could think of so far! ^^; If you guys have any other fics you feel should be on this list let me know! 
I’ve also written my own Citrus fics, but like...it feels weird self-promoting myself XD. I’ll just say that if you’re curious to read some of my stuff, I’m Zoop Top on fanfiction.net and Rolex on AO3 
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lvtvr · 7 years
I... kinda wanna hear the klahnce tropes you hate...
ok since i can never resist a chance to Vent i’m gonna share them under a cut but first some disclaimers
1) honestly oh my god if somebody else likes or enjoys this stuff i dont care!!!! i really do not care!!!! as long as you aren’t shoving it in my face or claiming that any alternative interpretations are Wrong™, i really really do not mind!!!! people like different things and that’s okay!!!!!! my intention truly isn’t to make some 15 year old w a fluffy fantasy feel guilty just bc some random person on the internet doesnt like the way they do things kdsjgsjdgskjdg so pls read this w a grain of salt
2) i’m not even really that passionate in my dislike of these things bc it’s just shipping and it literally doesn’t matter at all so this is basically just a list of my preferences
phew ok here we go
the kind of k/l made by lovers of l@ngst that makes the whole story about lance, and him just needing to be reassured of how incredible he is 
this almost always has keith tenderly holding lance and saying something along the lines of “you are the most beautiful boy in the universe and i will never let you go :) i love you so much lance :) to me, you are each and every star in the sky :)”
this bothers me bc the dynamic they are portraying is closer to h@nce, sh@nce, or even she!th. both hunk and shiro are kind and loving people who are quick to verbally reassure their friends. but keith, the way i read him, prefers action to speech. he has other ways of expressing how deeply he feels about someone without waxing poetic
please don’t make discount h@nce, make actual h@nce instead i beg of u
also ppl editing the “br0gan3s hug” replacing shiro with lance and now suddenly it’s romantic and not familial lmao… just admit that u love the beauty of s/k and its passionate star-crossed lovers bound by fate angle and stop projecting it onto k/l which is a different beast entirely
“keith and lance have been in love with one another all along/are in love with one another at this current point in canon”
ok while i do admit i can appreciate some cute pining-at-the-garrison fanart, this one bugs me bc if we just look at canon………  they don’t like each other. they just. they don’t.
there’s definitely an admiration-jealousy thing going on from lance’s side, but not an outright crush
and lets be real while i understand the appeal of a headcanon where keith has crushed on lance since forever………………….. in canon, he literally had no idea who he was
i dislike this bc to me it sounds far too much like a love at first sight kind of thing, where they had crushes on each other without even really knowing one another
the appeal of k/l for me is the potential for growth they have AFTER they’ve spent months in space working as a team and getting to know who the other person really is, beyond first impressions
two people who are incompatible at first, developing and maturing until they can see new sides to each other, learn to work with one another, and choose to put their differences aside so that they can be together? that’s much more romantic, at least to me.
the “keith and lance are in love and shiro and keith are brothers and also shiro is dating allura :)” clusterfuck that mostly died after the vague statement about allura’s age that gave antis a collective bout of hives
im not saying there are no good fics with this constellation but there are 392580968230698409683478 fics that copypasted this relationship matrix. it is a fanon thing but ppl started treating it like canon which always gets me a little squinty. also i’m not all that into s/a so there’s that
keith and lance getting married. this is entirely a personal thing but it’s my biggest fucking squick and i have an irrational hatred for it it just fucking bothers me so much NEVER talk to me about it
this includes kidfic it makes me feel almost ill
marriage/domesticity/kids is the opposite of a romantic fantasy for me and thinking about it makes me really uncomfortable
while im more ok with it with some other pairings, i just cant see it happening w keith and lance
this is also where i see them start to clash, with lance’s big family and probable love of tradition and keith’s orphan-loner lifestyle. they’d probably want very different things
and it’s really stressful for me to think about so i’d rather just not lol
basically just fucking miss me with them wearing rings or anything like that unless u want me to let out bloodcurdling screams for 8 consecutive hours
anything making them too soft, squishy and blushy. while i totally get why people want to look at this kind of content it makes me want to die
this is usually paired with “everyone else exists just to support their relationship”
i’ve also seen their rivalry reduced to “yeah but i love you more asswipe” “no i love YOU more” “umm excuse you i clearly love you the most :/” like… lmao pls stop this they’d still argue about exactly the same things as before
while they’d definitely tell each other i love you and be soft with each other, it’d be in quiet, private moments. ultimately, they aren’t a gross sappy couple… they just aren’t…… they’re those friends who argue a lot about inconsequential things but also kiss each other when they’re alone and would die for each other without hesitation but will Never admit it
okay phew i think those are my Top Shitty K/L Tropes, and from what i’ve heard there are a lot more like them being shoved into ridiculous yaoi archetypes (eg keith is a blushing flower of a sub instead of the vers power bottom we all know he Actually is) but since i read very little fic i’ve managed to avoid that stuff. sorry this turned into an essay lol this always happens
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