#shes very odd and wont stop wandering off
sunlessveils · 8 months
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The household of Dr Cards.
Most are surprised to find the doctor lives so secluded in the marshes, what secrets does he keep there? The truth is not far below the surface. The secret is his daughter,Clara, Sent from the surface by her mother due to her "unladylike" behaviour.
While her claims of singing from the marshlands and Visions of miracles are a source of some concern the doctor ensures she's well protected and cared for.
Rumours stick to the girls caretaker, miss Harpe, that say she used to be a vake hunter. Though most whispers follow the House's guardsman, A faceless fellow in ancient armour but with no lacking in its sword arm. are they dedicated to reenactment or did the doctor animate a suit of armor,or the bones of a long dead warrior, to ensure the safety of his constantly wandering child and the staff?
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iliveiloveiwrite · 4 years
Potions and Constellations // G.W.
Summary: The job offer landed on George Weasley’s doormat on the second Tuesday in March. As he bent down to grab the thick, cream envelope, George knew immediately who it was from, having read the handwriting every summer from the ages of eleven to eighteen.
A/N: Professor George Weasley anyone?
Warnings: mentions of grief, missing someone, pining, mutual pining, post!war, fred is dead.
Word count: 4.8k
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The job offer landed on George Weasley’s doormat on the second Tuesday in March. As he bent down to grab the thick, cream envelope, George knew immediately who it was from, having read the handwriting every summer from the ages of eleven to eighteen.
The letter then remained on the kitchen table for a week, going unanswered as George battled with his head and his heart. Teaching was never a profession George had wanted to undertake, but Professor McGonagall sounded adamant in her letter that he would make a worthy addition to the staff at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry.
The war between his head and heart raged on and on. On one hand, he wanted to take the job. George was desperate for a change of scenery. The sight of the shop, no matter how loved it was, had become stale without Fred’s presence. However, how could he leave the legacy of his twin brother? How could he walk away from the walls that screamed Fred’s influence?
The decision is made by Ron. He stops by George’s flat two weeks after the letter first showed up. As brothers are wont to do, he nosed through the papers on George’s kitchen table before his eyes fell on the letter from McGonagall.
After that, a long and winding conversation took place between the two brothers who had grown closer after suffering the loss of a sibling. Ron explained that he would look after the shop; that George could always come back in the school holidays and the odd weekend to check in. The shop wouldn’t be the same without him, Ron admitted, but he made sure to tell his older brother that he would live to regret not taking the opportunity McGonagall was offering.
So that was that.
George replied that very afternoon; accepting the job that would start that September and offering his apologies for how long it had taken to reply.
Over the course of the last four years, Molly has cried exactly four times. In one year, she cried twice. Once out of fear for her husband’s life, and then again over the lifeless body of her darling boy.
After that, Molly very rarely cried, feeling as if there was nothing else that could draw out her tears. That is, until George turned up at the Burrow holding the letter written from the new Headmistress of Hogwarts; the very one offering him a teaching position.
She had cried out of joy and out of fear. She couldn’t help but be scared for her son; returning to where his twin brother died. It took a different sort of bravery to return to such a place, but for George, she would be brave.
George moved to Hogwarts in the last week of August, wanting to settle into his quarters before getting to know the students he would be teaching. All through it, he thinks of Fred, wondering and wondering whether his twin resides with the ghosts of the enchanted castle.
He doesn’t let himself dwell on the though, not wanting to be disappointed when the ghosts return to school when the students return. Instead, George focuses on getting his classroom ready. Being asked to teach Potions was no small feat, and whilst he had little to none teaching experience, he felt confident he could pull this off.
It had been an age since you had last clapped eyes on George Weasley. It was completely possible in that time that he had grown another foot, towering above the students. His robes were just as colourful as the last time you had seen him; the fabric settling around him comfortably as if he was made for a teaching role.
Everything about him has changed, yet he still remains the same. The corner of his eyes now have the beginnings of wrinkles lining their corners; they become more prominent as a large smile breaks across his face, his gaze solely directed on you as George shuffles through the throng of students, stopping in front of your seat at the staff table.
“It’s been…” He starts, a breathtaking smile taking over his face.
“Years,” You finish, cutting him off in one breath.
He smiles, and your heart starts to race uncontrollably. “How have you been?” He asks, voice genuine, eyes bright.
You fiddle with the sleeve of your dark blue robes, representing your house in the sorting ceremony. “I’ve been good,” You murmur, casting your gaze across the Great Hall, taking in the faces of the new students who you would be leading through their magical education. “How have you been, George? I know you’ve had a rough couple of years.”
George frowns, nodding, “It hasn’t been easy, but we all came together as a family and helped one another.”
Silence falls between you both; minds wandering back to that fateful night all those years ago when the school suffered the worst of crimes. So many lost in such a short amount of time; so many lost and the school was still feeling their absence. More ghosts wandered the halls of Hogwarts now, each one becoming a guiding light for the students who were fortunate enough not to know a magical society divided by blood status and family names.
“How long have you been teaching?” George queries, shifting the subject away from the grief that still ravages his soul.
“Since the end of the war. McGonagall offered me the position once Hogwarts had finished reconstruction,” You answer, thinking back to the mild summer day that McGonagall’s offer landed on your doorstep. It had taken you less than an hour to decide; half an hour to reply, and a week to pack up your belongings and move.
George blows out a long breath, nodding as he does so. “What do you teach?”
You laugh, quirking an eyebrow, “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were trying to get to know me.”
George laughs, holding his hands up in surrender, “That’s it – you’ve caught me red handed.”
You snort, rolling your eyes playfully at the man you haven’t seen in years. “I teach Astronomy,” You answer, gesturing to the silver moons and stars sewed into the hems of your robes.
“The only reason I remember those lessons was because of you,” George admits, briefly wondering whether he’s said too much in his first hour of seeing you again.
You duck your head, clearing your throat as you ignore the small voice in your head, reminding you of the teenage crush you had on the redhead all those years ago. Gesturing to the empty seat next to you, you offer George a seat, wanting to catch up more before the sorting ceremony begins and anxious First Years are settled into their houses.
George folds himself down in the seat next to you, immediately reaching for the pitcher of water, pouring a glass for you and him.
“George Weasley,” You tease, “You are a gentleman.”
He snorts, shaking his head, “Molly Weasley’s education was more thorough than anything else I’ve experienced.”
You hold your glass up, toasting the matriarch who you remember with nothing but fondness. George copies your movements, feeling a pang of homesickness as he thinks of the woman who had dedicated her life to her children, and who had experienced the incomparable loss of a child.
Quiet conversation is made between you; earning far more glares than deserved from Professor Flitwick as George makes you laugh so loud; your snort of humour is heard across the Great Hall.
Soon after, McGonagall dismisses the students, wanting them to get an early night, ready for the first full day of lessons tomorrow. As the students file out of the Great Hall, the Professors follow behind, ready to catch any stragglers.
As you turn to the stairs, fingers curl around your wrist, keeping you in place. Wide-eyed, you meet the fierce gaze of George Weasley. “Will I see you again?” He asks; the words blurring into a mess as he rushes to get them out.
You smile softly, nodding your head, “I’m sure you remember the way to the Astronomy classroom.”
George’s answering smile takes your breath away. Reluctantly, he lets go of your hand, breaking the connection between the two of you. Your whole body suddenly feels cold at the loss of contact, as if George’s touch set your whole being alight, bringing it back to life after so long lying dormant.
Turning from the redhead, you hurry away, your steps loud on the stone floor of the corridor. It’s a moment; that’s all – a simple moment, but you turn around, wanting one more look at him before you retire for the night and begin the new school year.
A moment: one moment to find that George is watching you go.
The last time George Weasley had seen the Astronomy Tower there had been fire and screams raging all around him. It had been a shock to return to the school after such a long absence. He never thought he would return; not after leaving his education, and not after losing Fred in the manner he did.
George didn’t think he would ever come back, but on a Friday night, three weeks after lessons start, he finds himself climbing the tower’s steep stairs.
He doesn’t say anything when he lands on the top step; taking a moment to catch his breath and silently admire your form by the telescope. You stare into the instrument intently, your mouth partly hung open as if in constant awe of what the night sky can offer.
Clearing his throat, George announces his presence politely, not wanting to scare you by remaining in silence.
“I was wondering when you were going to come see me,” You tease, eyes bright with happiness at the sight of your unexpected visitor, “I was beginning to think I would have to journey all the way to the dungeons to find you and coax you out.”
Despite himself, a laugh escapes him as he crosses his arms against the cold that rages through the tower and leans against the wall. “I would have come earlier, but I didn’t realise how much work goes into teaching,” He states, gesturing with his head to the piles of paper littering the floor, close to flying away in the wind.
“That isn’t school work,” You clarify, steeling yourself to be made fun of, “That’s my own research.”
“Your own research?”
You nod, “I want to write a book eventually, but it’s also ideas for future lessons.”
George huffs out a breath, thoroughly impressed at your devotion to your subject. He steps further into the tower, “I don’t think I could imagine loving a subject so much.”
“I like the stars,” You offer as explanation, “Did you enjoy it at school?”
“I dropped it after Fifth Year,” George admits sheepishly, rubbing a hand across the back of his neck as he refuses to meet your eyes.
You laugh, shrugging off your teaching robes and depositing them on a nearby chair. “I never thought you were inclined towards the subject, George, don’t worry,” You snigger.
He rolls his eyes, “So what do you teach to Seventh Years?”
You grin, beginning to gesture wildly as you explain your long term plan for Seventh Year witches and wizards. In their final year at Hogwarts, witches and wizards develop their knowledge from Sixth Year by studying further constellations such as Orion the Hunter and Cygnus. “I like to focus on the stories behind the constellations. We focus on one constellation a week, and I round off the week by telling the story of the constellation to the students,” You round off, feeling your face begin to heat as you realise how long you have rambled about the stars.
George doesn’t seem too bothered, however. Instead, he looks rather bewitched by the idea of it. At this point, he wishes he had paid more attention in this particular class. “What constellation did you look at this week?” He asks, unable to stop himself, wanting to hear you talk more about the subject you find yourself so in love with.
“Perseus and Andromeda,” You reply, automatically pointing to the night sky
“I don’t know that one,” George admits, eyes scanning the sky to find the stars that make up the named constellation.
“Would you like to hear their story?”
“You know it?” George ask, feeling immediately silly for asking such a question, worried that he might have insulted you.
You laugh lightly, your smile lighting up your whole face. “Just as well as you know your potions. Don’t think I don’t know you’re smart, Weasley,” You laugh again when George’s face descends into a blush, “You would have had to have been good at the subject to make your skiving sweets.”
“I like Potions,” He admits, knowing full well that three weeks into teaching Potions, he could see him doing this until retirement. “Will you tell me the story?” He asks, desperate to know the story of Perseus and Andromeda.
You gesture to the blankets you keep piled on the floor, wanting somewhere comfier to sit when your back begins to protest the chair at your desk. George all but throws himself on the blankets, eagerly awaiting your retelling of a story he wishes he heard long ago.
Taking a deep breath, you begin, “Perseus was travelling back from killing Medusa when he found a princess chained to a rock in the ocean. For Perseus, it was love at first sight. He saw Andromeda and knew he was in love.
“Andromeda had been chained to the rock as punishment to Cassiopeia, her mother. Cassiopeia was so vain about her beauty, she claimed to be even more beautiful than the daughters of the God of the Sea, Poseidon.
“Poseidon, who was known for his short temper, reacted furiously. The God chained Andromeda to a rock in the sea and sent the sea monster, Cetus after her.
“Perseus was flying home on Pegasus, his winged horse when he came upon Andromeda just as she was about to be devoured. In a hurry, Perseus struck a deal with Cassiopeia and her husband, Cepheus. If Perseus saved Andromeda from Cetus, he would win the right to marry her.
“Unfortunately, the fates were not on their side. After Perseus slew the monster, he came to learn that Andromeda’s hand in marriage had already been promised to another man. Soon, the two men were locked in battle for the right to marry Andromeda. Perseus was initially outnumbered, but at the last moment, pulled out the head of Medusa and turned his opponent to stone.
“Perseus and Andromeda married soon after and lived to old age. When they died, the Gods placed them in the sky as a love story for the ages to come.”
“I think you’re incredible,” George breathes out when you finish the story, but he quickly backtracks when he realises exactly what has been said, “I mean… you’re incredible at your job. I remember you in class, and your love then shines through now.”
“Thank you,” You laugh, “Enough about me. I want to hear about you, George. Tell me about your joke shop in Diagon Alley.”
So he does. George regales to you tales of the shop; the customers he gets to meet. And the ones who have quickly become regulars. He tells you about Ron; how he stepped up after the war, choosing not to become an Auror and instead, help George run the shop. George admits his guilt over leaving Ron to run the shop alone, but he has utter blind faith in his younger brother and knows the shop will be fine.
He speaks of how odd it is to be back at Hogwarts without Fred; to be teaching Potions without Fred and living his life without his twin. The pain of Fred’s loss is still very much alive and evident in his voice as he falls into an inevitable silence, dragged into memories that pricked at his mind like thorns.
That evening, a friendship is forged between the two of you. Through your time at Hogwarts as a student, you had known of the Weasley Twins, and had spoken to both George and Fred on multiple occasions but had never found yourself being friends with them. Now, the beginning threads of a friendship have been weaved between you and George, and the both of you felt it was going to stick.
“Can I come back?” George asks out of the blue, breaking the comfortable silence.
You jump at the sudden sound of his voice but recover quickly. “I’d be disappointed if you didn’t, Professor Weasley,” You smile, a joking tone to your voice.
He parts with one last smile, leaving you at the top of the stairs to the tower, your mind in a muddle. It was going to be one interesting friendship, you thought to yourself, staring at the space George stood only moments ago.
Winter falls into Spring, giving way to new blossoms and a new leash of life – even the Whomping Willow is serene enough to bask in the early morning sun, not wanting to thrash about angrily.
A friendship with George forms quickly; the two of you becoming dependant on each other much faster than you cared to admit. Every Friday evening, George would climb the stairs to the Astronomy Tower where you would both catch up on the week before he inevitably asks to be told a story from the stars.
Weeks passed where this was the routine. Sitting together at meals when your schedule allowed it; night classes meaning your sleep schedule was much different to other teachers. However, Friday evening would be dedicated for George.
Your feelings for George Weasley started slowly. It would be your heart beginning to race by being in his presence, a simple smile from him pulling you close to the edge. That was then followed by daydream after daydream; hopeless wonderings about the touch of his hands against your skin, and the feel of his mouth pressed against yours.
Countless times you had been pulled out of daydreams by students; each one of them knowing full well that the person on your mind had to be important to you to distract you from the stars and their stories.
They hit you full force when you interrupt his lesson on a Wednesday in February. Knocking gently on the classroom door, you had entered upon hearing George’s invitation.
His robe is discarded on his desk and his shirt sleeves are rolled up to the elbow as George gestures animatedly, lecturing about the properties of powdered root of Asphodel in the Draught of Living Death.
The sight of him teaching; commanding the classroom, demanding the attention of every soul in the room – it has your breath quickening and your heart pounding in your chest. He paces the front of the classroom, keeping the attention of all students as he explains what the tasks for today’s lesson. His eyes are bright with passion, and his smile is great as he urges his class to simply try their best – they do not need to get it right the first time.
Upon noticing you stood by an empty desk, George flashes you a wide smile before sending the class off to gather their ingredients and heat their cauldrons. “To what do I owe this visit?” George asks, shoving his hands in his trouser pockets and leaning back against the desk.
You swallow thickly, ridding yourself of all thoughts to do with George and the desk and the outfit he is currently wearing. Regaining your composure, you smile shakily at the redhead, “What? You can visit me, but I can’t visit you?”
George laughs, “Of course not. You’re always welcome. We’re brewing Draught of Living Death. I’m sure you remember that lesson with Snape.”
You snort, “How could I forget? He used my brew as the perfect example for how not to use a cauldron. If I recall correctly, he called it an abuse to perfect potion brewing equipment. I had detention for two weeks!”
“Well” George states, barely repressed amusement sounding in his voice, “I remember your brew. There were very few things that Snape had right, but that was one.”
For a moment, you think he’s serious, but his famous smile soon spreads across his face and you have to repress the urge to jinx him in front of students. “Professor Weasley!” You gasp, faking offence.
George rolls his eyes, “You know it’s true.”
You wait a second before bursting into quiet laughter, trying not to disturb the working students. “It is true,” You giggle, “I was awful at Potions, but your class looks to be in good hands.”
He smiles softly, “So what did I do to deserve a visit from my favourite professor?”
“I’m your favourite?” You ask, placing a hand on your chest, touched.
“Only if I’m your favourite.”
“Then you’re my favourite, Weasley.”
He smiles; the grin lighting up his face as he shuffles on his feet, wondering what to say next that won’t make him look like a fool in front of his students.
Sixth Year Potions watch the exchange; their brews long forgotten as they observe their two favourite professors clearly flirt in front of them. Eyes meet across the room, and all students have the same thought – how long would it be until they got their act together?
Months pass.
Months pass, and you do not confess to your feelings.
Months pass, and something changes between the two of you. The friendship develops, becoming deeper, meaning something more to the both of you. You’re teetering on the edge of a knife, hands gripped tightly in the others as you try to decide which side you’re going to fall over.
It’s as if the both of you know that over the course of your short friendship, friendship would never be enough. It was as if you were destined for each other; George feeling understood by you in a way he hadn’t felt since Fred died.
Feelings remain unsaid; yearning growing inside the both of you until you simply push that boundary of your friendship further, becoming more comfortable with each other. It was hard to remain quiet on the subject when you often caught George’s eyes on you, watching you with an expression on his face that you’re sure is mirrored on your own.
“Are you sure you want to hear tonight’s story?” You ask, a light note of concern in your voice as you watch George’s face for any reaction.
“What do I have to be worried about?” He asks, face adorable scrunched up as he peers through your telescope.
“It’s the story of Castor and Pollux,” You murmur gently, reaching a hand out to brush against the back of George’s hand gently.
George freezes. Somewhere, in the recesses of his mind, he knows those names. A brief memory washes over him; the astronomy tower, a flash of a Gryffindor tie and the sound of a laugh he hasn’t heard in nearing five years now.
“The Twins?” He whispers, voice hoarse as unexpected emotions wash over him. George turns to you, finding nothing but concern and worry alight in your eyes and written across your face. His heart doubles in size at the sight of it; your clear apprehension at telling this story for the fear of hurting his feelings only deepening his feelings for you.
You care, he realises. You truly care about him.
“George,” You whisper, “I don’t have to tell this story. I can tell you another one – the Seven Sisters, or Altair and Vega. The choice is yours.”
George shakes his head, stepping away from the telescope and settling down on the blankets that were spread across the floor. He had to hear this, he realised. He has worked and worked through his grief; he had spoken about it, he had ignored it, he had written about it. It hadn’t gone away; it had simply evolved into part of him – something he would carry around until his very last day on this planet.
No, he had to hear this. He had to hear whether there was another way his grief could be addressed. Meeting your gaze, George smiles reassuringly, holding out a hand for you in a gesture signalling for you to join him on the blankets.
“I want to hear it,” He asserts as you settle next to him.
“Are you sure?”
He nods once more, fidgeting on the blankets, getting comfy.
“The constellation Gemini is made up of two twins named Castor and Pollux. To this day, there is debate of their lineage. In some accounts, they are written as if divine, but in others, they are simply mortal men.
“Castor was born to the mortal king, Tyndarus while Pollux was born to the King of Gods, Zeus. Being identical twins, Castor and Pollux were inseparable. They were two halves of a whole. Castor was a great horseman; Pollux was a born warrior. So great in fact, that they travelled with Jason on the Argo and saved the ship from a terrible storm that would have killed them and the crew.”
You take a deep breath before plundering on with the story, “Castor was killed in battle. He wasn’t to survive; not being the mortal son of a mortal king. Pollux was devastated at the loss of his brother, his closest friend. He begged, pleaded with his own father, Zeus. Pollux asked the King of the Gods to bring Castor back, to bring him back to Pollux so they could have more time.  
“Zeus agreed. He immortalised both Castor and Pollux in the stars, creating the constellation Gemini. To this day, the twins are still together – no longer separated by the veil of death.”
Neither of you speak as you finish your story. You refuse to utter a word, barely even breathing as you wait for George, all the while thinking that this was not the story to have told a man still grieving the loss of his twin brother. In this metaphor, George seems to be Pollux. Fred, the mortal Castor.
“He’s still with me,” George whispers into the night air, “I swear I sometimes feel him around me. It’s been years, but I swear I can hear him tell me to stop being a prat when I need to hear it.”
You smile softly, “He isn’t ever going to leave you. Those we love leave a mark on us that won’t ever fade; their love remains with us even when we think we don’t deserve it.”
“Thank you for telling me the story of Castor and Pollux,” George comments, reaching for your hand across the blankets and squeezes tight.
“You’re welcome.”
“I want to repay you,” George states, sitting up further.
“For what?” You ask, entirely puzzled.
“For Castor and Pollux, for Andromeda and Perseus, for Altair and Vega. For coming to my classroom and making me laugh,” He lists, counting off the reasons on his fingers, “For helping me with my grief when I didn’t know I needed help.”
“You don’t need to repay me,” You comment, “It’s what friends do.”
“I think we’re more than friends at this point, (Y/N),” George states bluntly, “Friends don’t spend their Friday nights regaling the stories of lovers in the past. They don’t tell each their darkest secrets and deepest worries like we do. Friends don’t make my heart race the way that you do.”
“I’d hope not,” You joke, “Otherwise Flitwick is going to get a shock when he’s told.”
“Let me take you to dinner,” George prompts, ignoring your attempt at humour, grasping to his straws of confidence before they fall through his fingers and he loses his chance.
“You want to be more than friends?” You ask, needing clarification before you answer.
“I want to be friends with you, but I want to be the one you wake up to, and I want to be the one you tell the stories of the stars to,” George admits; eyes shining with honesty, voice close to breaking with the sheer scale of emotions running through his body.
“I want to tell you the stories of the stars too,” You whisper, “So long as you teach me how to brew a decent potion.”
George throws his head back at your unexpected answer, laughing as he does so. “Let’s make a deal,” He begins, “Go to dinner with me, and tell me more stories of the stars, and I’ll teach you how to brew a potion.”
A slow smile spreads across your face as you start nod your head, wordlessly accepting his terms. George’s answering grin in breathtaking; relief flooding his body and affection for you rushing to his heart.
He thinks back to that second Tuesday in March when he initially read McGonagall’s job offer, and he wonders whether the last year of his life had always been written in the stars.
General (HP) taglist: @chaotic-fae-queen @harrypotter289 @kalimagik @heloisedaphnebrightmore @nebulablakemurphy @figlia--della--luna @probably-peeves @big-galaxy-chaos @annasofiaearlobe @imboredandneedalife @levylovegood @awritingtree @haphazardhufflepuff @stupxfy @chaoticgirl04 @accio-rogers @starlightweasley @dreaming-about-fanfictions @lestersglitterglue @msmimimerton @obx-beach @izzytheninja @slytherinprincess03 @bbeauttyybbx @breadqueen95 @acciotwinz @kashishwrites @slytherinsunrise @kylosleftbuttcheek @remmyswritings @they-write-once-in-a-blue-moon @ria-rests-here @superbturtlemakerathlete @inglourious-imagines​ @ithilwen-lionheart​ @now-its-time-for-a-breakdown​ @ilovejjmaybank​ @theweasleysredhair​ @theonly1outof-a-billion​ @phuvioqhile​ @moatsnow​ @storyisnotover​ @himooonlight​ @missmulti​
Weasley Twins taglist: @whizboingies​ @ickle-ronniekins​ @oh-for-merlins-sake​ @wand3ringr0s3​ @seppys-return-to-madness​ @hexmione​ @susceptible-but-siriusexual @somekidinacoma​
Specific fic taglist: @poppin-potter @letsgotothehop @magicalxdaydream @vogueweasley @darthwheezely @immobulusmalfoy @pxroxide-prinxcesss @georgeweasleyswhre @george-fabian-weasley @sarcasticallywitty15 @ziamisre4l @mitsukui @dumspirospero-1 @markjaestats @rocket-svt
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thanksjro · 4 years
More Than Meets the Eye #31 - Ammo and the Anti-Glowup
So, the Lost Light disappeared, stranding all the crew in space in their little escape pods. 200-some robots just lost their homes and worldly possessions. That’s absolutely horrible. What a devastating thing to happen.
Anyway, here’s Drift with a flashback sequence.
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No hips, fingers all the exact same length, hockey pucks embedded in his forearms- Rojo, this is a crime you’ve committed. When will the long arm of the law stop your sinful, pancake-shaped hands?
About two years prior to current events, Drift, Riptide, and Pipes- yes, Pipes!- were wandering around trying to find a ship for the space yacht trip. The gang’s here to see who owns the big honkin’ ship outside. Problem is, Drift is unintentionally terrifying because he has a great deal of swords.
Now, you may say to yourself “isn’t it a bit odd that the species that has members who literally turn into guns would be nervous around a guy with swords?” This is a valid critique, until you remember that at least some of the folks who turn into guns were born that way, and Drift was very much NOT born bladed the fuck out. There’s an entire miniseries devoted to explaining this, it’s called Drift. The swords are a choice, one that he makes every day.
Drift is willing to pay an honestly absurd amount of money for the ship, if he can just find the dude with the paperwork- don’t ask where he got the money. Pipes isn’t being terribly helpful in finding them, so Riptide decides that now is the time to start practicing being proactive and pulls a Coyote Ugly.
No, no, he doesn’t.
He does climb up on a table and start yelling for the ship’s owners to reveal themselves, though. Which they do.
Now it’s time for the world-building portion of our comic issue. Let’s learn about chirolinguistics.
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Drift, staying true to his Mary Sue nature, uses his near-perfect Hand skills to strike up a deal with the owners of the ship. This would be impressive, if it didn’t just look like the most convoluted hand-holding session in the friggin’ universe.
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Still, Drift is rich enough to make Jeff Bezos weep with envy, so the arrangements are made and the lads go on their way, talking some mad shit about the original name of the ship as they do.
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So it is revealed to us that the Lost Light is named after a festival for honoring the dead and disappeared, which makes the fact that Rewind and Chromedome were there all the more sad.
Back in the present, Megatron tells Riptide to shut up so they can figure out what the hell they’re going to do about this whole “our home and also ride has ceased to exist” situation. He’s putting an awful lot of distance between himself and the rest of the Autobots as he does it, something that isn’t lost on the more bitter people of the crowd.
But why were we even talking about the Lost Light in the first place? Not to reminisce, believe it or not. See, it’s time for Nautica to get a little panel time, and she’s going to use it to be a massive fucking nerd and explain how the quantum engines work. As she does, Ratchet notes that his hands feel funny. Must be the weight of his hand-stealing sins manifesting itself in his joints.
Nautica explains that the engines run off of improbability- it is highly unlikely, but not impossible, that the ship can reach light speed, and riding the fine line between what can happen and what can’t, results in the creation of power for the engines. If this sounds familiar, it’s because Brainstorm gave us a watered down version of this explanation back in issue #2. If it sounds familiar for a different reason, it’s because this is how the Heart of Gold runs in Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Again, I’m not sure why it is that the British love this concept so much, but there you are.
Oh, it appears someone has a question. Let’s see what they want to know about, shall we?
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…Rojo, what the fuck is this.
Our muppety friend here isn’t too keen on how much of a smarmy asshole Nightbeat is being right now, though I’d assume it actually has something to do with the fact that Nightbeat got smacked around with the pretty-boy stick while Getaway very much did not. While the two bicker- there’s a lot of bickering in Season Two- Nautica presents a theory on what happened to the ship; it went too far in the direction of “can’t” and made itself cease to be.
Megatron gives not a shit about quantum improbability, though. He only cares about how they’re going to get out of this mess. Which, y’know. Valid.
Blaster picks up a radio from Rodimus, who tells the gang that they’re to meet up on a nearby planet to regroup and figure out their next move. The call drops before he can get more than a couple Megatron-directed insults in, however. Megatron, in response, tries to be the bigger person, and almost immediately fails. We do get a headcount though, which is good, logistically speaking. This information is communicated to us by way of a splash page full of character head shots. We’ve got 20 ‘bots on board this ship.
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Yep. 20. No more, no less.
As our friends approach the planet, we’re informed that it’s actually a Lectureworld- a planet devoted to the study of a single field. Except it’s actually a Smartplanet now, and it’s been privatized by the Galactic Council, so you’ve got to pay to go there. Cyclonus thinks that that’s bullshit, and I can’t help but agree. Crosscut tries to network with they guy about his play, probably because word got around that Cyclonus is rich as hell, when the lights cut out. When they come back on, Crosscut is nowhere to be found.
It’s time for a Whodunnit.
Tailgate immediately pegs Megatron as the culprit in this disappearance, and breaks out a gun over the matter. Megatron thinks that this is absolutely adorable, which only serves to further infuriate our marshmallow friend. I guess he’s still mad about the whole “I was a Decepticon for five minutes and got brainwashed over it” thing, and wants someone to pin the anger on who’s socially acceptable to hate.
Cyclonus and Ratchet both think that Tailgate’s not going about this the right way, but the guy is simply too het up to listen to them. Tailgate suggests that they lock Megatron in the engine room for the time being and-
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Riptide breaks out his gun, and soon we’ve got a standoff going between the three of them. Cyclonus tries to deescalate, which makes Gears and Huffer break out their guns. Then Hound breaks out his gun, though he seems to be doing his own thing, by pointing it in Nautica’s direction.
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Broski, I think that might be animal cruelty.
Megatron manages to shoot Ravage “unconscious” and catches him by the friggin’ throat, stating that he has zero idea how this guy got here. With the heat off the two of them for a moment, Megatron communicates to Ravage to play ‘possum for the time being. Ravage responds, and I wonder exactly how he’s doing that, considering I don’t think he has enough fingers to effectively utilize Hand as a language. Or fingers at all, really.
While this is going on, Cyclonus snatches the gun out of Tailgate’s hand, admonishing him for being reckless about picking his fights. Generally speaking, you don’t want to try to go toe-to-toe with a guy who’s responsible for the deaths of literal billions. Getaway swoops in to comfort Tailgate, calling him gutsy. I wonder if this will become a trend.
Swerve says a thing, as he is wont to do, and it’s made known that multiple folks have disappeared during this incredibly brief standoff.
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Wow, Chromedome just fucked off, huh? He wasn’t even in that sequence, just left.
Everyone’s positively baffled by the current happenings. There doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to who’s being taken. I guess we’ve got a mystery on our hands.
And who better to solve a mystery than a detective?
Nightbeat wrangles all the leftover folks into a corner of the room, so they can figure out what the common denominator is with all the disappearees. He starts with the easy stuff.
And by “easy”, I mean the super-special racism Tyrest subscribed to.
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If you’ve read Eugenesis, you know that Nightbeat was also part of the first wave of cold-constructed bodies there. However, the general populace wasn’t nearly as chill about it as they were in IDW. Also, Wheeljack was his dad. No word on if that particular tidbit made it into IDW lore.
It’s at this point that we learn about M.T.O.s- made to order soldiers. They were cold-constructed ‘bots created en masse during the war in order to keep up with the demands for troops. Pretty fucked up, if you think about it, being born to die like that.
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Now where have we heard that name before…
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Chromedome, can your love life not be part of the plot for five minutes, my guy?
Nautica makes the honestly horrific claim that a lot of folks owe their existence to Megatron being a warmongering fuck, and even Megatron himself seems rather uncomfortable with the idea. Some thoughts we keep to ourselves, Nautica, even if they might be technically true. And even if Ammo wants to tack on his two cents on the matter.
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What did they DO to you, Ammo? You’re supposed to be hot! Where are my three-paragraphs of description as Hound stares slack jawed the entire time? I miss Polyhex Wars.
Anyway, it’s Megatron’s turn to get poked with the questioning stick, and he’s not having it. He claims that by revealing his mode of creation, he’s risking a repeat of Functionist ideology. This would be valid, if people weren’t literally disappearing without any sort of explanation as to why. As it is, he’s being a stubborn asshole, but I guess he didn’t get his reputation by being a decent person who knew when to back down, now did he?
It’s at this point that Ratchet remembers he knows all the info Nightbeat’s looking for, and the conversation on Megatron’s birth is shelved for another day. I’m sure it won’t be a major plot point later, not in the slightest.
As it turns out, Nightbeat’s theory doesn’t hold water, and folks are still popping out of existence. We get another splash page, this time with everyone’s mode of creation listed under their names, and we move on to other theories about what the fuck is going on. While Nightbeat has a minor crisis over what the answer could possibly be, the MTOs in the group reminisce on the Ten-Step Program, a series of tests they were put through to make sure they worked well enough to get handed a gun and shoved out the door. Riptide wasn’t a fan.
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Riptide has more wood panelling than a 70’s-style ranch house, and I think that’s very brave of him.
It’s at this point that Ratchet remembers it’s been quite a bit since he last shat on religion, and takes the time to do so while informing the reader about Information Creep. This is a concept we’ve seen mentioned previously, during Chromedome’s runaround in Overlord’s brain, but it’s here where we get the juicy implications.
Because memories can become corrupted in the brain due to extreme age, what ought to be objective fact has to be reinterpreted due to missing pieces. This is why nobody knows what the Knights of Cybertron got up to, or if they’re even actually real at all.
The lights go out again, and when they cut back on, Cyclonus is missing, leaving only his sword behind. Tailgate is extremely distraught by this, but Nightbeat gives not a fuck about Tailgate’s impending breakdown. He only cares about the truth!
And then a giant eyeball shows up.
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It’s Ultra Magnus, coming to us live from his shuttle, via holomatter avatar! He shrinks down to a far more reasonable size, in a panel reminiscent of the first time IDW readers saw Megatron.
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Don’t get me wrong, this is a neat parallel, I’m just… not terribly sure why it’s happening. One could say it reflects a reversal in power dynamics, but that theory gets tossed out the window when you remember that this isn’t actually Verity. I suppose it’s just a cool little thing.
Because the comms aren’t working, Ultra Magnus has been forced to use this avatar to communicate with the folks in the Rod Pod. Megatron asks just what the hell is going on, but unfortunately Magnus isn’t sure either. Then his shuttle disappears, and it’s bye-bye grunge girl Magnus.
It’s at this point that Nightbeat decides it’s time to stop pussyfooting around and get serious. He tells Ratchet to throw HIPPA directly in the garbage and write down everything he knows about the Autobots who crewed the Lost Light. And he does mean everything, as we get the splash page again, this time with lots of neat info on our friends, including spark type.
Spark types will become plot-relevant in the storyline after this, but for now let’s focus on some weird gender essentialism that got slapped into the first print of this issue.
As we know very well by this point, Transformers as a franchise has a tumultuous relationship with the idea of women existing. You would think that the awkward introduction of other genders we got in “Dark Cybertron” would have been the end of things being weird in IDW. However, you would be wrong.
In an effort to explain why genders exist, Roberts had the idea to make it spark-based. Nautica, in the solo print of this issue, has an estriol-positive spark. Estriol is a type of estrogen, which is the hormone that develops and maintains feminine secondary sex characteristics, when present in certain levels, in conjunction with other hormones. Biology
This “spark = gender” idea is, generally speaking, not a great idea to be presenting us with, especially when the writer is a cishet male, because it implies biological essentialism- the idea that a personality trait/quality of a person is innate and predetermined by their biology, as opposed to social, cultural, or individual experiences. Because this story doesn’t exist in a vacuum, it’s irresponsible to reduce the experience of being a woman to a single, physical, unchangable asset, especially when all other assets of the same class have zero effect on one’s gender identity. You don’t exactly see many nonbinary robots running around, now do you? And there are definitely more than two spark types, despite the Transformers as a species being... very binary.
It also makes female Transformers into an “other”, which is a problem that has existed from the very start of the franchise, in some form or fashion, and really doesn’t need to be perpetrated anymore than it already is.
The estriol spark type was removed in the trade edition, and Roberts has expressed regrets over its inclusion, having realized that it was potentially offensive.
Getting back to the story, Swerve, Tailgate, and Ratchet have disappeared, though Ratchet seems to have left his hands behind. His stolen, Pharma-original hands.
That’s still fucked up to me. I don’t think it’ll ever not be fucked up.
Riptide reveals the reason that he wasn’t in Season One of MTMTE was because when he went back to grab a receipt for the ship two years prior, he’d discovered that the original owners were worshipers of Mortilus, Cybertronian god of death, and knew about the nasty little problem that was the sparkeater from the first storyline. When Riptide went to confront them about it, they beat him up so bad he was unconscious for two solid days.
Which is a long-ass time to be unconscious. That might have been a coma, Riptide. Jesus, I hope someone got him to a hospital after this beatdown happened, or at least scraped him off the floor.
With this last piece of the puzzle, we finally have the common denominator in this big ol’ mystery. Everyone who disappeared was on the Lost Light when it took off from Cybertron in issue #1, and everyone left behind- Skids, Getaway, Nightbeat, Nautica, Megatron, and Ravage- didn’t join until afterwords.
Of course, having the answer doesn’t do us much good when everyone is still missing, and Megatron seems to agree with me, because he’s about to throw hands, when Nautica lets them know that they’ve arrived at the rendezvous. Problem is, so has something else.
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I’m sure it’s fiiiiiiiiiiiiine!
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voidsentprinces · 3 years
Every bit of Shadowbringers is the Scions it corresponds with.
Amh Araeng Prt 1 is very Alisaie. Mirroring her decision in A Realm Reborn, Alisaie wanders off to the outskirts of civilization. Choosing to observe the powers of the world and figure out a way to stop coming tragedies. We’re introduced to the threat and aggressively fight against it but in mirror the loss of Ga Bu and Louisoix. Alisaie loses someone dear to her by Tempering. Louisoix became a Primal and Ga Bu was tempered by Titan. (Though honestly I wish Alisaie would stop losing people dear to her cause after Requiem for Heroes it feels like the story likes to kick her while she’s down at this point)
Kholusia Prt 1 is very Alphinaud. There is a semblance civilization, a rule of law in the area, there is even a function in which the society works. Mirroring Alphinaud remaining well within spitting distance and very much in the middle of the comings and goings. He uses his diplomatic maturity, which once was made for personal gain with clever wit and scheme. He has learned from the Crystal Brave betrayal, corruption of Ishgards, the result of those who choose might means right and what it results in from his time in Ala Mhigo, Hingashi, and Doma respectively. Applying himself to better comes to grips with the peoples plight. Upon seeing how Eulmore treats those chosen but then thrown away and then coming face to face with Vauthry. Rather than turning a blind eye and just being, “That’s just how it is.” as he was with the Monetarists and Refugees of Ul’dah. He pushes back against the system, damn the consequences, leaving an easily position to effect the politics of Eulmore and even gets a bullseye placed on the back of his head.
Lakeland is very much the Crystal Exarch’s Domain. It is the place of mystery, where life heavily clings on and every time we venture out to it. We come into conflict with either Eulmore or the Sineaters, Vauthry is controlling. It is in Lakeland, we fight through the Holminster Switch. Come face to face with our first Lightwarden and see where there was once furtile farm land, peace, and people. Now chaos reigns and an apocalyptic wave of disaster has struck. Mirror the world, G’raha had woken up to after the Eighth Umbral Calamity. This is where our foot hold is. Where we first bring night back to the First and his plan for saving the Source is put in motion. There is also a sense of myth about the place, Bismarck, a fae being in this shard slumbers in the Lake aptly named the Source. And it is only by bringing together to allies we made that we allowed to travel to the Tempest when he is spirited away. Just as G’raha gathered allies and people to himself to build the Crystarium.
Il Mheg is Urianger’s realm and reflects the game, he has agreed to play with the Warrior of Light at the behest of the Exarch. It is full of beings, who make deals out of innocent furvor at the determent of all who are around them. Pixies trick travels and fellow fae a like. The Nou Mou live to serve mortal kind just as Urianger serves the realm as a whole, no matter what light history might cast him in. And the Amaro dream of comrades lost, wishing to feel the comfort the adventurers and merchants they once wandered with. Grieving in their own way just as Urianger did after Moenbryda’s passing. Il Mheg is the land of faeries, it is steeped in myth and legend just as Urianger always had his nose in a book. Titania lays at the center of the realm. Once the pinnacle of the fae, forever corrupted by the Lightwarden’s energy. A horrific mirror of what should happen is G’raha’s plan should fail and the paragon of heroism, his friend: The Warrior of Light. Could also become a monster wearing the skin of a kingly figure should his mask slip. Yet when we enter his abode in the middle of Il Mheg, the Waking Sands/Rising Stones music plays. Reminding us of home and the Scions, he calls family and he welcomes us as he ever did, cryptically.
“Unto a hero weary of heroes, a heroes wends [their] way...”
Rak’tika is Y’shtola of course. She has turned away from her light magics of conjury to the dark magics of thaumaturge. The great boughs rise up and block out the sun light of the Great Wood. Reflecting the living style of her mentor: Master Matoya. A person who prefers their solitude, away from the dealings of the world, but with great knowledge to progress the plot forward. Thancred and Y’shtola get into an argument on how each other has changed. The two of them stood side by side after the Bloody Banquet and were both flung into Aetherstream by her Flow spell. While Y’shtola adapted to her blindness and halfened life force. Thancred had to push against the constrains of no longer having access to his aether and briefly losing sight in one eye. His last moments were the thought of protecting Minfilia. Only to wake up in Dravania and find out that Minfilia is no more. Y’shtola rejects Master Matoya and Thancred’s choice of solitude. Making friends with the Night’s Blessed. Even though, she knows she might have to leave them behind all too soon. She becomes a pinnacle of the Night’s Blessed community. While Thancred wanders hither and tither unfocused with Ryne at his side. Slipping easily into her role as a Scion, she researches the clues left behind by the Ronka Empire and makes allies with a civilization who has also closed themselves off from the world. Y’shtola is the first one to recognize the faults in G’raha’s plan and is immediately suspicious of the Exarch’s intentions. We see Y’shtola never truly changed however as when it comes time to get the item that will save the world and protect her friends. She readily uses Flow once more. Damn the consequences. Her sacrifice for the greater good is, as always, her charge which she never hesitates to grant. She even bonds with Runar seeing him as a little brother despite his obvious want for something more, just as she has a sister back in Gridania with whom she has a friendly relationship with. Just as Y’shtola’s connection to Matoya opened up the path to Azys Lla. Her run in with Emet-Selch opens up the path to learn of the Ancients and Amaurot and the true nature of Hydaelyn and Zodiark.
Amh Araeng Prt 2 is Thancred. Its tedious, its nearly empty, full of the smallest hopes. Each challenge is made to be tougher than it should be and despite us being able to compliment Thancred when finding a Voebrite coin. He shrugs it off as he is wont to do at this point. We get Ryne’s inner turmoil deepening. Thancred comes face to face with another individual wallowing in their own grief for those he loss and suddenly after coming face-to-face with Ran’jit again. Thancred throws away his misgivings and brings Ryne into the fold as shoe horned and bad written as possible. So lets just skip this area and never talk of it ever again okay? Cause the story never really does save for the Fatebreaker Eden section
Kholusia Prt 2 is Ardbert’s story or what it once was. We gather our group together and besiege Eulmore only for the villain to escape our grasps. But we triumph in liberating Eulmore from Vauthry’s tyranny for a moment. Alphinaud gets his heroic speech, Alisaie gets to combat the threats of the Lightwardens, Y’shtola and Urianger work together to make a massive Talos, Thancred and Ryne keeping tabs on Vauthry and Mt. Gulg. We meet face to face with G’raha. For all intents and purposes our Cylva. A person with a schism coming to a head. We come together as a team for the first time since coming to the First and each shows their worth in their connections to the realm. Mirroring Ardbert’s journey, we are faced with multiple seemingly insurmontible odds and come out on top. Vauthry’s Sineater Guard fall, he himself becomes the last one. The night returns to the First. And. We. Fail. We fail due to the machinations of Ascians just as Ardbert’s group did. The Warrior of Light is brought low by the combined aetheric energies of all Lightwardens. G’raha’s plan fails when Emet-Selch appears and leaves us for dead. Sure the enemy was vanquished, Vauthry and Ran’jit for us, Loghrif and Mitron for Ardbert’s group, but the First still falls to a Flood of Light as the eternal day returns and we are left on the cusp of despair. For all our triumphs. For all the schemes. For all the fighting. We fail. And just as Ardbert learns to protect his world with the aid of the Word of the Mother. The Warrior of Light only survives due to the aid of Ryne. An Oracle of Light who has come into her own and not died on the battlefield. We wander the Crystarium afterwards listening to the tales of the people and what they think of the Exarch. Then immediately find our courage to plunge into the depths. Ardbert giving us the strength to move forward, that he didn’t have when he met Elidibus. No more desperation. Just courage in the face of oblivion.
The Tempest is Emet-Selch. We are bridged there by the mythical Bismarck and find a dwindling but prospering Sahagin alternative. Living and getting by the ruins of those who stood before. The one part of the world far, far, far way from the light of the First. From the people and things, he used to care for. We find he made a city out of nostalgia and even the ghosts become almost too real. He is at the depths of his grief in a world, he cannot forget and will not forsake. It is here, the one clinging to the past the most falls to those who look to the future they yet have. He covets the Exarch’s use of rift travel because he knows if he can harness it, he has a chance to go back and save EVERYONE! But, he can’t and he won’t. He can no longer go home and knowing Elidibus’s memory and personality has been slipping since he left Zodiark’s breast. He asks us:
“Remember us...remember that we once lived.”
The Crystal Tower is Elidibus. It is the shining beacon of hope, he wished to become as Emissary. From the day, he chose to become the heart of Zodiark. To every motion to move for or against his breathren. The Allaghan Empire’s greatest achievement. But ruled by an Emperor whose death dropped him into Nihilism. Conquest was nothing but ashes in the mouth of Xande and he wish to consume the Source in Void. Elidibus wishes the return of Zodiark. For it is his duty, there is no solace in memories he can no longer recall. A being frozen in time just as Amon had the Crystal Tower’s previous inhabitence. Telling us repeatedly that no matter what our Echo shows us of his past. It will not avail us to his present. So he takes on the image of the Warrior of Light, playing pretend at the role of the hero having possessed Ardbert’s body before. He speeds up the Heroes Journey. Has us actively fight against our own memories and in the end, his own brother reappears amidst the clash to grant the last Unsundered Peace in his fall. G’raha sealing away his essence in the Crystal Tower to become part of the beacon of hope and light. Though perhaps in his final moments, his true duty was that he was waiting for someone to return to him. Someone he looked up to in his younger years. A shadow in his memories he has clung to and taken into being the example off in their absence.
“The rains have ceased, and we have been graced with another beautiful day. But you are not here to see it.”
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leigh-kelly · 4 years
If She Never Showed Up What Could Have Been
Happy Brittana’s 6th Anniversary my fellow shippers! I’ve had this idea in my head since Folklore came out last summer, and I figured what better time to share it than today? Obviously, it’s based on “The Last Great American Dynasty.”
Her husband was dead. The doctors had warned them about it for months, that his lifestyle was going to kill him with his weak heart, but Bill hadn’t cared. He’d told her one night as they were lying side by side on the beach that he’d rather live the life he had the way he wanted then live a longer one with no fun. Brittany struggled with that a bit. She thought of the sunny day she got off the train in Watch Hill, Rhode Island, so far from home in St. Louis, and how she’d been madly in love. Their love hadn’t waned over the years, even as Bill traveled for work and Brittany did the fundraising that any young socialite was wont to do. But then, she’d woken up and found his lifeless body next to her and something inside her just snapped.
Everyone in town talked about her. Watch Hill wasn’t a very big place and it was difficult to get away from the gossip. More than once, she’d heard someone casually mention that it was her fault that he was dead. She’d let him party too hard, she was too concerned with having fun herself, some even said that she’d poisoned him for his money, despite what the coroner’s report had said. He was the heir to Standard Oil and they seemed to care more about what losing him meant to the company, not what losing him had meant to her. He wasn’t her first husband, but he was the one she’d truly loved and she missed him dearly. But Brittany was Brittany and she wasn’t going to let that end her life, no matter what everyone else said.
In the first months after Bill’s death, perhaps Brittany went a little mad. She was lonely and she was looking for anything to fill the emptiness. One day, she got it in her head that she wanted to swim in a pool full of champagne. Bill would have thought that was the funniest thing he’d ever heard, and he would have indulged her, so she bought case after case and her groundskeeper drained the pool and filled it up for her bottle by bottle. The bubbles effervesced around her when she got in and she breathed in the sweet alcoholic scent. When she got out, she was sticky from head to toe, but the only way she was surviving was to give into whims like that. The neighbors talked, of course they did, but one, Rachel Berry, was so callous and cruel to her that the next time her dog—a yappy little thing—wandered into her yard, Brittany dipped him in RIT and let him dry a perfect shade of key lime green. After that, everyone had said she’d stolen him, but really, Rachel was always letting the thing out of her sight, and the dog was fine.
After a while, Brittany got tired of Watch Hill. It was the same thing every day, the big salt box house that reminded her of Bill, the gossip that seemed to persist everywhere, so she started going to New York. She’d always loved the ballet and she took in performance after performance. She spent more money than she probably should have, despite the fact that she was rolling in it, but it was the first thing that made her feel alive again. Then, she started flying her friends in from New York and St. Louis and spent even more money entertaining, showing suitors, both men and women, a good time.
It happened when she least expected it. Her friend Mercedes had brought a girl along with her on one of her trips, and when the woman stepped out of the cab, Brittany nearly fell to her knees. Her heart did something that it hadn’t done in too long to count, possibly ever, and she struggled for breath. Standing just outside the house was the most beautiful human being Brittany had ever seen. She wasn’t sure what was darker, her hair or her eyes and she stood with such a poise that Brittany could only dream about having. Her dress was cut low in the front and Brittany’s eyebrows raised a little thinking about what was beneath it. Mercedes came up to the door first and Brittany was stirred from her fantasy when she gave her a hug. Brittany smiled, probably wider than she’d smiled in a year and Mercedes looked at her knowingly.
“A little treat for you, maybe?” Mercedes whispered in her ear and Brittany’s throat went dry.
“Hi.” The other woman came up to her, extending her hand. “I hope you don’t mind that Mercedes brought me along. She just couldn’t stop talking about you and I had to meet the famous Brittany Harkness in person, and of course, see this Holiday House that Mercedes is in love with.”
“Oh, um, no, I absolutely don’t mind that you’ve come. There’s plenty of room, though I’m not totally sure who else will be joining us this weekend. I hope you don’t mind a party.”
“That I don’t.” Santana laughed, and the sound was like music to Brittany’s ears.
As Mercedes and Santana settled themselves into the house, the other guests began to arrive. Brittany was so likely to offer plane tickets to her friends that she never knew who was going to take advantage of it and show up, always, much to Rachel Berry’s chagrin. By the time the maids put dinner on the table, it was set for seventeen and Brittany tried to figure out a way to get Santana seated next to her.
“Santana,” She finally said softly as she sipped her old fashioned. “Since this is your first time a Holiday House, I’d love it if you took a place of honor beside me.”
“This house is full of your friends, Brittany, are you sure?
“I’m sure.”
Dinner was, as always, a boisterous affair, and Brittany hardly had the chance to speak two words to Santana that weren’t interrupted by Tina, or Mike, or much to her annoyance, Blaine. But she was staying for the whole weekend and Brittany kept reminding herself that there would be time for all of that once everyone had settled. After dinner was through and the dishes were cleared away, everyone trickled out into the backyard, wanting the cool sea air to settle their stomachs as they began to drink more heavily. Brittany noticed that Santana lingered near her and it caused her heart to flip, wondering, perhaps, if the woman saw something in her as well.
“I’m sorry, you know.” Santana murmured as she and Brittany stood beside the pool. “Mercedes said it hasn’t been easy for you since—you know.”
“Thank you.” Brittany nodded. “I feel like a fish out of water in this place sometimes. But now that I’ve thrown myself into founding the Harkness Ballet, my life seems to have some purpose again.”
“I’m looking forward to the first production. I just adore the ballet.”
“Do you?” Brittany smiled, glad to have found something in common with her. “I wanted to be a dancer when I was young, but my parents warned against it.”
“Would you like to dance now, with me?”
“I’m sorry, was that too forward? I just…thought I saw you looking at me a certain way.”
“No, no…I was, I mean, I am, I…yes, I would love to dance with you.”
Santana stepped into Brittany’s arms and they danced to the sounds of the cellist who had set himself up on the other end of the pool. It was strange, that Brittany had only known Santana a few hours, but found herself in a state of perfect security once they began to dance together. Brittany looked into Santana’s eyes and found that she longed to kiss her. She couldn’t do it here though, not right in front of everyone, there was something far too taboo about that, but she pulled Santana closer and they shared a soft smile.
Hours later, Brittany had more than her share to drink and everyone had began retiring to their rooms. It was just her and Santana, who still had a martini, who remained in the backyard, and Brittany looked down over the railing of the walkway to see that the ocean looked especially beautiful that night. On so many nights, she’d gone down there herself, sat herself in the sand and just stared out at the wide ocean, wondering what was next for her. In that moment, she had a strange thought, wondering, perhaps, if it was Santana that was next for her. It was an odd thought, definitely, but she just couldn’t seem to shake it.
“I normally go down to the beach at night before bed, what do you think?”
“I could go up to bed if you’d like the time alone.”
“I’d like to share it with you, if that’s alright.” Brittany told her, gently taking her hand.
Together, they walked down to the beach and Brittany found a spot for them in the sand. Santana was clearly very tipsy—not that Brittany wasn’t—and she rested her head on Brittany’s shoulder. Brittany touched her hair and suddenly, Santana lifted her head up, looking Brittany right in the eyes. Even in the moonlight, Brittany could see the softness in them and she pressed her hand to Santana’s cheek.
“Would it be alright—”
“Kiss me, please.” Santana whispered, and Brittany did just that.
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silvadraconis · 3 years
Choking Fears
A one shot between Silva and Dantes, and about avoiding nightmares
(Tagging @panyum )
"Accomplice" A short call as a figure rises up out of the shadows at their feet "Ah. he's looking for me. right" Dantes only ever called Silva Accomplice, they were both his master, but the name of Accomplice was given to Silva alone Just as she was the only one allowed to call him Edmond Her and Guada swap places, having retired to their room after a bout of training in the sim. She takes a bit of a breath and faces the aforementioned Count who's looking at her with an impassive gaze She gives a bit of a sheepish wave "Hello, you called for me?" she had a feeling she knew what this was about, though she hoped she was wrong
A subtle shift of his form as he fully comes out of the shadows, before taking a seat in a chair and crossing his legs "May I ask where you've been lately?" "Oh crap, this is not about the training, fuckkk" she had assumed he was here to chastise her and Guada for being reckless in the sim today, tackling enemies on their own as Silva gave Guada advice But turns out she was quite wrong on that account She gives him a confused look that's almost perfectly done "What do you mean, I'm kinda stuck to Guada I'm usually not too far away" she chuckles a bit He gives her a knowing look "You know very well that's not what I meant. You haven't been sleeping lately, and even I can't seem to track you down, where have you been going?" He'd never admit it, but it bothered him that she was harder to find than Guada when she decided to go wandering off, something about the way her soul was tied to his other masters that made things difficult. Not that he was that worried about her in the grand scheme of things(he lied to himself). He knew she was fully capable as she continued to remind him She huffs a sigh and sits on the bed, looking so very different in posture from Guada despite it being the same body. At least he never had any issues in telling them apart like that, they were both so very distinctive in the way they moved and acted. "Edmond, I don't exactly need to sleep, and I'm a ghost, I'm fine I assure you" He narrows his eyes at her a bit She's deflecting, as she often tries to do when he confronts her at first with these sorts of things, convinced she's some sort of burden still He closes his eyes for a moment before opening them and regarding her with a piercing gaze that causes her to shift slightly "Hmph, and how many times have we talked about how despite being a ghost rest is needed?" She rubs the back of her neck, a tic that gives her away despite her trying to deflect "I mean, yes, but-" He asks her bluntly "How bad have they been as of late? They must be hounding you quite severely to cause you to avoid sleep to such a degree" He's seen the horrid nightmares that plague her mind, the terrible memories that filled his blackened rage filled heart to the brim with hate for those who did this to her If it wasn't for the fact that the world was currently burnt to ash, he'd have already done something about the people responsible for such atrocities She stills, going into that unnatural silence as a reflex. He waits patiently for her to answer, knowing that pressing her is not the way to get her to talk usually After a few moment she finds her speaking voice again and answers quietly "It's not those ones that are, bad recently." she looks to the ground in embarrassment Ah. that would explain why she'd been avoiding him in particular then. He sighs a bit "Silva, it matters not the hell I drag you out of, I promised you I'd come when you called. You're my accomplice, and I won't abandon you in any hell, be they real or ones of your own making" She rubs the back of her neck again, curling in on herself a bit "Edmond I, it's not fair to you though. I'm constantly having nightmares as it is, and those one are…" "Are what? Nothing more than shadows and fabricated hells, you've made it through them before, and I would never leave you to traverse such hells alone, be they real or imagined" She looks at him now, brown eyes piercing straight back "I know you won't! That's what I mean! You deserve rest too! You're constantly saving me from my nightmares, and those ones in particular are so hard to drag me out of, it's not right!" His eyes flash back with some of that rage, not at her but at her situation "Are you saying it's right then to let you deal with them alone? We're partners Silva. No one deserves to face such hells alone" She rubs her arms and looks at the ground Finally some of her walls are starting to crack, and he can feel her through the bond again Worry, care, concern, and behind it all, the sticky cloying feeling of fear coating everything Suddenly he there instead of the chair, sitting behind her, and wrapping her in his cloak
For reasons that he initially couldn't fathom, she felt safe with him, despite who and what he was. He's seen his masters charge at wild manticors and spriggans, face down impossible odds without so much as a trickle of fear, and if there was they pushed past it just the same. But this cloying fear was stopping his Accomplice in her tracks, preventing her from resting, from relying on him like she used to She starts in surprise at him suddenly being behind her "Edmond! Hey what are you doing?! I'm fine its just-" Her voice dies in her throat as he looks at her, with eyes demanding honesty and a soft smile He chuckles a bit "Kuhaha, you know Accomplice, your stubbornness is as much a virtue as it is a detriment sometimes. But you know that I too share in the same determination. So what is it that has you so fearful? What is it that keeps you from calling out to me and resting like you should?" He suspects the answer already, but he wants to hear it from her. If she truly wanted to keep hiding it he wouldn't press her She looks to the ground again, avoiding his gaze Her will is crumbling though as he holds her steadfast, and finally after a long moment she sighs "It terrifies me, those nightmares. Moreso than the regular ones, there's something about that place that, clings to me" She shivers a bit in his grip, and he tightens his hold on her "I get, worried, that...maybe this time will be the time I wont find my way out" He tilts her head with his hand gently, getting her to look at him "My beloved Accomplice, are you saying you don't trust me to find you?" "N-no that's not! Shadow I'm not saying-" she tries to backpedal but fails to do so He smiles, his sharp teeth glinting as he looks at her "Kuhaha, then surely there is nothing to fear? There is nothing wrong with being afraid, but allowing such fear to consume you helps nothing. Nomatter what prison your soul falls into my Accomplice, I swear I will find you. Do you trust me to find you? Do you trust in me to wait for me?" She sighs and leans into him "Of course I do Edmond but, that's part of the problem. You help me so much, I want you to get some rest too" He sighs and pulls off his hat, plopping it on her head "Hmph, well, I'd certainly be getting more rest if I wasn't concerned with finding where exactly you go off too, even Robin Hood couldn't find you these past few nights." He had gone to Robin when he failed to find her, him seeming to have a knack at tracking her down, but even he had been coming up empty handed "Ah. That, I-" she flushes a bit in embarrassment, not having considered that fact at all He chuckles again, sensing that he had swiftly flattened her arguments in one fell blow "Kuhaha, so, will you stop hiding away now? Else I'll be forced to bring in reinforcements, including a certain detective, as much as I am loath to give him the satisfaction of solving this mystery" She blanches at that a bit. She knows damn well Sherlock could sus out where she went, cause of freakin course he could She tries to rally herself and offers a counter argument "What if I just tell you where I am? That'd solve both problems yeah?" He looks at her flatly "No. You need rest. Would you prefer I go and find Hektor to get him to convince you along with me?" She looks at him in protest "Hey! Now you're just trying to gang up on me!" "Kuhahaha, if it takes an army to force your stubbornness to listen than an army I shall raise my Accomplice" He tightens his hold on her, looking at her with a smile and eyes full of that determined gleam She sighs and leans her head against his shoulder "Fine, I surrender. But only cause you and everyone else in this damned Chaldea are stubborn as hell too" He chuckles "As I expected from my beloved Accomplice, you know how to pick your battles. Now then, where is it that you're going off to?" She gets a cheeky grin of her own "Nuh uh, that's my secret to keep, I'll rest don't worry. But I'm keeping my hidey hold for future use" He frowns as he looks at her, then sighs, realizing that while he may have won this battle he may have lost the war on this one She chuckles in victory and he looks at her with a wide grin, his eyes getting the slightest trickle of flames "Kuhahah! So be it then my Accomplice! Next time you decide to use such a place I'll find you even then!" She grins and laughs with him "We'll just have to see won't we my Shadow?" He grins widely and plucks his hat off of her head, putting it back on "Kuhaha, see we shall. There's not a prison or place I cannot break into. I have followed you into the depths of hell and the void itself, I will surely find you next time!"
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0utatnight · 4 years
Soo dies in the past and wakes up to someone giving her CPR in modern day.
 Baek Ah’s face rises above her and he helps her sit up as she goggles at his modern clothes. He tells her she’ll be fine and then speaks to someone over her shoulder he calls hyung who he says was lucky enough to pull her from the water when he did. 
She looks over to see a sopping wet So in jeans and a tshirt with one sleeve hemmed up and pinned where there is only empty space. She says his name in shock and he doesn’t respond to it, instead asking where their brother is. Baek Ah goes to reply but Won appears behind them and says he’s on his way, they just texted him. He genially accuses So of messing up a perfect afternoon, and tells him he’s an idiot for jumping in as he is- he must have a death wish. Baek Ah hushes him.
As they sit, Soo asks So and then Baek Ah if they don’t know her- and as they exchange looks Won asks if there’s anyone in the park who knows her. His words with Baek Ah begin to blur as Soo sees a figure approaching in the distance and though she tries to tell herself it can’t be him, it is very clearly Wook walking toward the four of them with a first aid kit in hand. 
The brothers all act normal as he approaches and sets down his bag, but Soo can’t keep from moving away, huddling into So’s side. They do pick up on her odd behaviour but don't know what to make of it. So feels her trembling as Wook speaks to her softly and she clenches down on his arm. When Wook reaches for her face to check her pupils she shrinks back and So grabs his hand, telling him and then asking him to stop. 
Wook does what he can to check that she’s alright without touching her and asks if there’s anyone they can contact, and Soo finally recalls her mother. Won goes to dial her number and Wook takes the phone to explain that as far as they know (after introducing himself as a doctor) she’s fine but probably needs to go to a hospital. As Wook and Won wander a bit farther away, Baek Ah asks Soo her name and she replies Hae Soo before correcting herself- Ha Jin. 
Finally Wook wanders back and hands Soo the phone, saying he assured her mother but she wants to talk to Soo. So is instantly in tears after hearing her mother’s voice and can barely communicate with her. Her mother assures her she’ll be there soon and hangs up, leaving Soo to cry on the other end. Wook says they told her they were by the parking lot and So and Baek Ah help Soo up and they begin the trek to where the others are waiting. 
Soo knows in the back of her mind that this must be the rest of the brothers but she’s having trouble processing and near blanks when she sees pretty much the whole group minus Yo. 
They sit her down and Mu gives her one of the towels they brought with them while the other brothers ask questions. Jung is attentive but standoffish and Eun is mostly just irritated his day has been interrupted. They coddle her into sitting on their picnic blanket and when So goes to move away Soo grasps at his shirt. He reluctantly stays by her side, but wont take off his shirt when Mu hands him a towel, despite his urging. 
When Jung tries to tell him no one cares (So is clearly self conscious about his arm), So snaps at him. Used to this side of him, Soo curls into his side and murmurs about him getting sick. She reluctantly detaches from him and tells him to go get changed. The brothers watch this odd exchange in startled amusement- nobody tells So what to do. But he accepts a shirt from Mu and wanders over to a more forested area to change. 
Baek Ah sits next to Soo and mildly tells her he’s never seen So so quiet when told to do something before, they must have rescued a fairy. Wook takes the moment to mention Soo seems to be more on her feet now, and Eun scoffs at her jumping into the lake for the child, while Jung commends her for it. Soo hesitantly says yes, addressing him for the first time, and Mu smiles down at her to say he’s glad she’s alright. 
Meanwhile Wook tries to bring the conversation around and asks if she knows So; when she can’t reply and they lock eyes he hesitantly asks if she’s met any of them before. While she tries to think of an answer, someone calls out “Ha Jin” and Soo darts up to run towards her mother, nearly stumbling along the way (Jung catches her when she nearly trips over them to stand up). Soo and her mother embrace and her mother scolds her for her near death experience, clearly scared for her daughter. Soo apologises and clings to her, and the boys approach them hesitantly. 
The mother greets them and Wook is the first to address her, saying he’s the doctor she spoke to on the phone, and that Soo seems to be fine, just shaken.
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sincerlypadfoot · 4 years
Horcrux (2)
 Send Requests here 
Word Count - 1444
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“Everyone just think of something that made you happy, a moment that made you feel different, a special memory,” Harry Potter said walking around the room, I stood watching everyone cast their Patronus. “Aspen,” Harry said catching my attention as he walked over towards me. “Why don’t you try it?” he asked as I looked down at my wand.
“I don’t think I have anything happy to think about,” I mumbled raising my wand in the air. 
“Christmas is coming up, you don’t have any good memories from Christmas?” he asked placing his hand on top of mine.  “Come on we can do it together, ready,” he said raising my hand up in the air.
“Expecto Patronum,” I whispered, nothing came out of my wand causing me to get frustrated. “I can’t do it I told you, nothing,” I huffed putting my hand back down but Harry lifted it back up.
“Try it again,” He whispered moving behind me. “What is something your happy about?” He asked trying to get into my head.
“My dad,” I said then stopped. “My brother,” I continued saying but stopped. “I don’t think I can cast one, I just don’t have anything happy in my head,” I whispered feeling embarrassed.
“Okay well think about the first time you came to Hogwarts, it’s basic but it works trust me, think of the first time you ran to the platform, how did you feel,” Harry said raising my wand up in the air again. 
“Expecto Patronum,“ I said again, opening my eyes to nothing. “Nothing,” I mumbled, Harry, let go of my hand and moved in front.
“We’re going to do some duelling,” He shouted catching everyone's attention. “Nothing big I’d just like to see what you guys know,” Harry shouted as everything gathered in a circle, I stood in the back watching Harry move to the middle.
“Aspen,” Harry said waving his hand in the air. “And Ginny,” He said. Everyone looked at me as I walked to the middle of the room facing Ron.
“I’ll go easy on you,” Ginny said raising her eyebrows at me, I turned around not saying anything, waiting for Harry's signal to start. 
“Confringo!” I shouted turning around sending Ginny flying before she had the chance to do anything else, I smirked putting my wand down and watching Ginny help herself up annoyed.
“I think we can practice duelling another time,” Harry said cutting us off before another spell was set to place. “Practice your forms during the break please, and I hope everyone has a good break,” Harry said breaking up the circle.
“Snake,” Ginny muttered walking past me hitting my shoulder, I turned around ready to do something but Harry's hand was placed on my shoulder.
“She’s just mad cause no one has done that before, don’t take it personally,” Harry said as I turned around and faced him. “Where are you going this Christmas?” He asked guiding me out of the room. 
“Home, Dracos parents invited me over, but I’m not sure I want to go anymore,” I said huffing as we walked away. “I won’t tell him about this I hope you know, I like practicing spells without the pressure of my dad and family,” I smiled as Harry grabbed my hand.
“Have a good winter break,” Harry said letting go of my hand. “Make some good memories, you’ll be able to cast a Patronus before this year ends,” He chuckled walking away, I watched him walk away.
“Ohh Aspen,” Draco said coming up from behind me and tossing me on his shoulders. “You’re coming home with me for winter break,” He chuckled as he walked forward with me on his shoulders. “You gonna tell me what Harry and his little friends are doing now?” He asked walking down the stairs.
“They're not doing anything Draco, your just crazy,” I chucked hanging onto his shoulders. “What are we doing this winter?” I asked looking down at him.
“We’re just gonna do what normal people do, just state the obvious,” Draco chuckled bending down and putting me onto the ground. “Go grab your stuff, your brother is waiting for us,” Draco said smiling and walking up to his room.
I touched the back of my neck, feeling the scar burning up. I walked up to my room sighing a bit and opening the door, everyone had gathered their stuff but me, half of the room still had stuff hung up and placed all over the place.
I waved my wand, watching everything gather into my cases, I leaned back, looking around the room. I thought about Harry and my family, something about going home didn’t excite me too much.
“I’m ready,” Draco said walking into my room. “Hey, how did I never notice that scar?” He asked placing his hand on the back of my neck. “It’s shaped like a tree, a tree,” He chuckled saying it twice.
“Had it since birth Draco, guess your just blind,” I chuckled walking away from him and picking up my bags. “Come on, I’m ready and just can’t wait to go home,” I said bulging my eyes and walking out of the room annoyed.
“What's your problem?” He asked following me down. “Oh hanging out with those people are changing your mind isn’t it,” Draco said walking out of the common room with me.
“Quit it Draco, come on we don’t wanna miss the train,” I huffed walking out of Hogwarts. I’m not gonna miss this place,” I chuckled making Draco chuckled.
“So, your spending the summer at my house, that's excited,” Draco chuckled. “It was my plan you know, we don’t spend much time together, you being my best friend and I, I don’t know much about you,” He said as we walked into the forest, making our way to the station.
“Yeah, it’ll be fun I guess spending the summer at your house, my brother and dad will be there, right?” I asked looking at him,
“Your dad is everywhere,” Draco chuckled nervously. “Being the dark lord and all, he’s everywhere which is kinda scary, do you find him scary?” He asked almost requesting what came out of his mouth.
“I find my dad very terrifying,” I chuckled looking at Draco. “We’re in this together Draco, I wont let anything happen to you, if you don’t let anything happen to me,” I said stopping the both of us from walking anymore.
“I wouldn’t let anything happen to you,” Draco said with a smile. “But yeah your dad scares me to death,” He chuckled continuing to walk again. “Ignore Pansy today, she’s in a mood,” Draco said as we got to the train and walked passed all the houses, coming to our part of the trolly.
“Hows it going you two,” Pansy asked crossing her arms. “You too look pretty cozy,” She smirked, I looked her her then at Blaise who rolled his eyes.
“Quit it Pansy, i’m not in the mood,” I mumbled sitting beside Blaise, Draco shoving him beside Pansy unhappy. “Just be glad we’re going home,” I mumbled leaning back in my seat.
“Yeah you know I heard a couple rumors, about your family Aspen, care to explain,” She asked leaning forward. “What’s the scar on the back of your neck?” 
“Leave it alone Pansy,” Draco shouted looking over at her. “It’s none of your business,”  He huffed shaking his head.
“I think i’m just gonna wander around the train for a bit, go through my notes and just read a book,” I mumbled getting up from the table. “I’ll see you later Draco,” I smiled walking out and looking around, I went threw a couple cables trying to find a empty cart, finally finding one and sitting alone.
The train ride went quiet, I tossed on a sweater and pulled out one of my textbooks, going through and marking important things I had to study.
“We’re here,” Draco said walking into the cart. “I’m sorry about Pansy, really, I don’t know what her problem is with you the past month,” He said leaning against the open door.
“Yeah it’s fine Draco, let’s go,” I mumbled shoving my text book back in my bag and followed Draco out. “Hope this winter is good,” I smiled jumping off the train and looking around. “Apollo,” I chuckled walking over to the tall blond haired boy who leaned against the wall. 
“I haven’t seen you in years, look at you,” Apollo chuckled with a smile. “Aspen Riddle, you’ve changed,” He chuckled saying my last name, a last name that I had told no one had hogwarts. 
“Apollo Riddle, you’ve changed, look at your tattoos,” I chuckled grabbing his arm and touching the tattoos placed all over. “We should get to the Malfoys, it’s freezing,” I said looking at Draco who gave me a odd smile.
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rhabakoli · 5 years
Don’t Go
It’s my obligation, as ‘the smutty friend’ to take care of any smut scenes coming up in any of @dreamwritesimagines stories. so, here we go. 
Tagged: @cloudberrysims @habitchi @this-is-whump-dammit
She was scratching Roach’s neck, trying to keep her face neutral. In truth, her heart was in pain. Geralt was going back into the forest. He barely came out alive last time, after some gruesome monster surprised him and almost impaled him. Not that Geralt would ever have told her about it, no. She had to hear from Ciri, who heard it from the Bard. Jaskier was – ironically – the only one not lying about his missions. 
She didn’t notice Roach’s ears turning, her head raising as she nickered at her rider. “I thought I’d find you here.” His warm voice startled her, sent her tripping over her own feet as she turned around. Geralt caught her around the waist, pulled her flush against his body. “Don’t hurt yourself.” The princess looked up at him, into his golden eyes, and had to remind herself to breathe. Especially when his free hand came up and smoothed along her cheek. At first she tried to back away, but his hold on her didn’t budge – and he was wearing gloves. As always, around her. I don’t want to waste just one second pulling gloves on, when I could be having my hands on you instead. She blushed at the memory, still speechless; and frankly, her priority right now was to burn his face into her mind, so she could draw him over and over again. At the end of this mission, he’d be gone. Or, if he was gone, the mission would end. Either way, odds were high she’d never see him again. Geralt observed her face, tiny smirk on his lips. “I really would like to kiss you right now.” Which – oh god. Good that he was holding her, because her knees were giving out. He came closer, his hand going from her cheek to the back of her head. “I wont. But I really want to.” His voice dropped another octave, she could feel the vibrations in her chest. Her throat was dry, her lungs struggled to get air. “I wish I could touch you the way I wanted. Make you feel good.” His hand smoothed down to the small of her back, barely stopped before he was cupping her bum. “Maybe when I’m back.” Now, that brought her back into reality. She found her strength, placed her hands on his chest, ignored the little voice in her head that told her to never take her hands away, and shoved at him. “You asshole.” He tilted his head in surprise, blinking owlishly. “What?” “You fucking asshole.” It wasn’t appropriate behaviour, not for a princess and not even for a lady, but she didn’t care. She was so furious. “How dare you talk to me like that, make those loose promises, when you know very well you could die!”, she hissed at him. His crossed his arms in front of his chest, eyes turning to slits. He knew, he wouldn’t get a word in, not when she was this angry. “How dare you play with my heart this way! I feel like this whole situation is tearing me apart, and you’re not helping, Geralt!” He used the break in her rant to advance upon her, clap one hand over her mouth, the other pressed to the small of her back to pull her against him once more. He’d never get tired of feeling her body under his fingers. He’d had dreams about this. He kissed the back of his hand. “Let’s not discuss this here, shall we?” And so he pulled her along, out of the stables and to her room, where there was at least the illusion of privacy. There, he let her go, waved a hand through the air in a ‘go on’ motion and waited.   She was staring at him, pouty and annoyed. His not-kiss had surprised her and made her wish for this wretched curse to be gone already. She’d almost forgotten what she was so angry about. Oh, right. “You are mean.” Yes, well done, very eloquent, very witty. Seeing him in her room had her eyes fill with tears, and she couldn’t stop them. “I hate that you have to go, and then you come here, and say all those things! And I know this couldn’t ever be real, this couldn’t ever happen, because the moment the curse is lifted, my mother will be throwing suitors at me like I was a field to be sown!” Geralt had to hold back a sneer at her words. No one would have her. No one. As long as it made her happy, he’d be the only one touching her. “Don’t go.” “What?” She was pleading him, to stay, not to fight. “You could hide out here for the day, and then say you killed her but she refused to lift the curse – please don’t leave, I couldn’t bear if something happened to you.” Geralt’s eyes softened at her words. His precious princess. “I can’t. If there is any chance to lift this curse, I have to try it.” He stepped closer, hands reaching out once again. She willingly went to him, stepped into his embrace. Instantly, she felt safe, protected, like nothing ever had to worry her again. She looked up at him, wanted to cup his face and kiss him, but instead she placed her hands on his chest and rested her head against them. Warmth radiated from him, his voice was low, deep as he continued. “I’ll come back. I’m not willing to let anyone else have you.” “How selfish.” “Can you blame me?” He looked down at her, pupils dilating as she bit her lip. “Can you really blame me, when you look like that?”   His fingers traced the laces of her dress, teasingly pulling here and there, not actually doing anything, because, well, obvious reasons. The little tugs grated on her nerves though – but in a good way. Tension was building, she could feel the heat pool in her belly at the thought of feeling his hands on her. His big, strong hands, with those long and deft fingers. Surely, he’d know how to use them. She blushed at her own thoughts, and turned her head away. Geralt noticed. Of course. A hand came up, one finger guiding her chin, so she’d look back up at him. “Tell me, princess.” His other hand still played with the laces, made it hard to think.   “Can I see how far that blush goes?” His voice, his words sent shivers down her spine; she gave a curt nod. The pressure around her ribcage lessened as the laces gree loose. “Are you sure.” Hungry eyes were drinking her in; never had she felt so safe and wanted under such an intense gaze. “Yes.” A growl left Geralts chest, his fingers now working faster to peel the heavy dress off her. “You are divine, princess.” How he could say her title with such fondness, such reverence, almost like a prayer – she’d never know. But she did know, she wanted to hear it again, and again, and again. “Geralt, please.” The dress was off in less time than they needed in the mornings to get it on; much less time. This left her now in her shift, thin linen which hid nothing. His hands flexed on her hips, a groan and a curse filled the air. And suddenly, she was off the floor. He’d grabbed the back of her thigh, the other supporting her back, and lifted her up, turned and pressed her back to the wall, his hips pressed against hers. She could feel him hot and hard against her pelvic bone. He looked down at where they were joined, and rolled his hips once, twice; it was delicious. She’d helped her needs before, she was not completely innocent, but this. Never had she had a man, never did she think it could be like this! And Geralt was still fully clothed, still wearing gloves.  God, there was still a dagger strapped to his thigh. He was ranting, telling her what he wanted to do to her, how he wanted to make her feel good, and that he wouldn’t let her leave bed for days, if he could have his way. it did nothing to calm her racing heart, to stop the heat from pooling in her belly, to keep her heartbeat from wandering down to her clit. Nothing. And he knew it. Her legs were around his waist, his hands wandering, never staying still. One pinched a nipple, the other palmed her ass, then wandered down to her knee and up to wrap around her waist and keep her exactly where he wanted her. “Say, princess.” His hip bumped against hers, the bulge in his breeches meeting her centre right on, making her let out a small moan. “Did you ever think of me? At night? In a dream?” She couldn’t answer, the constant friction, his consuming presence, his words in her ears; it was too much for her. She just nodded, then bit her lip when he rubbed against her with more force. “Did you touch yourself?” Another nod. It made no sense to lie to him, to deny him anything, not when he made her feel this good. He froze. “Princess. Darling.” His hand came up, thumb over her lips. “Don’t move.” And he pressed his lips to his thumb, just for a second, before pulling back and fixing her with those unique eyes of his. “One day, I’ll kiss you. I’ll properly kiss you.” His thumb swiped over her lower lip. “Here.” Then his hand left her face, fingertips traced a path down her neck, her chest, her belly, until he reached where he wished he was buried already. “And here.” His thumb pressed down on her clit, circled it, flicked it. His gloves felt strange, combined with the linen, but oh so good. Her hips bucked, completely out of her control, and Geralt just mirrored her. They fell into a rhythm, spurring each other on, driving them towards the edge faster and faster until they stood right there. Geralt ducked, one hand underneath her, to hold her, one at her clit, still working her; ducked down, his lips ghosting over her clothed shoulder, whispered sweet nothings against her skin and just when he felt her coming, he bit her shoulder, left his mark. No one would see it anyways. She was tense in his arms, her orgasm wracked through her, her breathing stopped for a moment, until she gasped and panted. He was still hard, still going, but he didn’t wanted her to grow oversensitive. His lady, his princess, this wonderful human being, reached down, cupped his dick and applied pressure, gave him something to rut against. “Geralt, please. Please, come.”  HIs fingers digged into her skin, most likely leaving bruises, with how hard he was pressing. But she didn’t mind. It was something to remember him by. “Geralt, come on. I’m yours.”  “Shit.”  His hips stilled, his dick twitched under her hand. Geralt groaned, closed his eyes at that. He shot his load into his pants, like a boy. This woman will be the death of him. Their pants filled the air, mindless giggles filtering in, when she came back to herself. “This is not what I expected.” Geralt turned his head from where his forehead was pressed against her shoulder and glanced up at her. “What can I say? You’re beautifully terrifying when you’re furious.”
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Home - Part 5
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It had been a couple of weeks since Jack had turned up out of the blue, i had stayed with Bucky and the kids for a week while Bucky had a restraining order sorted out. I was back home now but not before Bucky had arranged for a state of the art security system for the house (which Steve came round to install), i had tried to tell him a standard alarm system would be fine but he insisted that i had this one.....I would even get alerts on my phone if anyone was detected approaching the property.
It had definitely put my mind at ease about being home alone.
Thursday night i was at the Barnes residence later than expected, Bucky had been held up on a case he was working. Allie had been unusually quiet tonight, every time i asked if she was okay she just nodded and after dinner she took herself up to bed.
It was nearing midnight when Bucky finally got home, i had been asleep in the armchair with the chunky blanket over me but woke up hearing the front door close. Bucky walked in looking exhausted but still gave me a smile when he locked eyes with me.
"Hey doll, I'm sorry its so late. You didn't have to wait up you should have gone to bed"
"I was going to but i wanted to talk to you about Allie" i told him rubbing my eyes trying to wake up.
"She okay?" He asked looking worried, i nodded quickly as he sat on the table in front of the armchair i was in.
"She's just not been herself since i picked them up from school. She's been so quiet all evening Bucky and thats just not like her..... she had dinner then took herself to bed. I tried asking if she was okay and all i got was a nod"
"That does sound odd for Allie, i'll talk to her in the morning"
"Okay, well i'll just do their lunches then I'm gonna turn in for night" i said throwing the blanket off and getting up.
"I'll help you with that, get it done quicker".
I made the sandwiches while Bucky grabbed the fruit packs and juice boxes.
He zipped up the lunch bags after adding the sandwiches i made and put them into the girls school bags. I was wiping down the side when i heard Bucky mumble "shit" under his breath.
"Everything okay?"
"I think i know whats got Allie acting like she is..." he said handing me a sheet of paper from Allie's bag.
'Mother Daughter Picnic' was written at the top of the page signed by Ms Harper for tomorrow!
"Is this a yearly thing?"
"No, they've never had one of these before"
"This woman is crazy! She doing this because you turned her down?"
"I have no idea" he run a hand through his hair "i'll just keep Allie home from school if you dont mind having her?"
"I dont mind at all Bucky you know that. Or i could go with Allie?" I shrugged, this woman was really pissing me off!
"You'd do that?"
"Of course! Ms Harper already thinks we're married so why not" i chuckled rolling my eyes "i dont want her thinking she's got one over on you either"
"Im sure Allie would love having you there with her Y/N" Bucky smiled.
"Do you think Steve could watch Rosie while i do the picnic with Allie?"
"Yeah not a problem, i'll call him in the morning get him to swing by"
"Sounds good, well I'm gonna go get some sleep...good night Buck" i smiled before turning to head up to my room, he grabbed my hand stopping me as i passed him and pulled me in for a hug.
"Thank you doll, you dont know how much this means to us. Your amazing" he kissed the top of my head and took a step back "goodnight Y/N"
"Goodnight" i replied quickly feeling my cheeks burn and went up to my room before he had a chance to see the effect he had on me!
"Allie, baby i saw a letter in your bag about a Mother Daughter picnic at school today" Bucky said at breakfast the next day, she nodded sadly not looking at any of us.
"What would you say if Y/N went with you?"
She looked up with wide eyes at me then Bucky "really?"
"If thats okay with you sweetheart, i'd love to come to a picnic with you" i smiled at her, she broke out in a huge smile climbing down from her chair and running over to me.
"Thank you Y/N" she squeezed me tightly back to the happy Allie we were used to.
She leaned back and placed her little hands either side of my face and smiled "I love you!"
If it was possible my heart would have melted right there!
"Awww Allie! I love you too sweetheart" i smiled at her.
"I love you too Y/N!" Brooke added not wanting to be left out, i chuckled before smiling over at her.
"I love you too Brooklyn James, i love you all"
I caught Bucky smiling at his girls then at me, i quickly returned his smile.
"Okay, i gotta go my girls" he got up pulling on his suit jacket "Steve will be here at 11am to watch Rosie"
"How about i swing by the school and pick you girls up today?" Bucky suddenly added like it was the best idea he'd ever had.
"You having a early day?" I asked sounding surprised.
"Yeah, i'll be there to pick you and the girls up" he smiled kissing Rosie and Brooke on the head then coming over to where Allie was still in my lap to kiss her, he surprised me when he kissed my head too.
"See you girls later, love you" he called leaving the dining room, and with that he was gone.
"Okay, lets get you guys to school".
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Steve was at the house at 11am as promised, i didn't have to be at the school til 12 so we sat and had a coffee and a chat while we waited. When i told Steve id have to walk to the school because Bucky had insisted on picking us up afterwards, he offered to drop me there instead saying he didn't want me wandering alone.
"So, Mother daughter picnics huh?" Steve said teasingly and wriggling his eyebrows as he drove me to the school.
"Yep looks like it" i nodded " i love the girls, id do anything for them.... even going to mother daughter picnics organised by bitter old bitches"
"Ms Harper definitely fits the bitter old bitch title" Steve laughed "she's liked Buck since high school! You'd think she'd get over him already.... i mean his not even that great" He rolled his eyes playfully making me laugh.
"Thats a lie and you know it, your both great guys"
"Aw thanks Y/N!"
"Shut up Steve, dont make me take it back"
"Oh no you can't take it back now"
"But in all seriousness, you and Bucky seem to be getting along well...."
"Yeah of course, it'd be kinda awkward if we didn't being as I'm there with kids all day" i scoffed.
"Seems like a little more than a work relationship though"
"Well its not" i shook my head looking to Steve "do you think im sleeping with him or something?"
"No! no of course not..... are you? I mean it'd be totally okay of you were..."
"Im not! God Steve...." i huffed as he pulled up out the front of the school "i can't believe you would ask me that"
"Why? Its not such a crazy thought! I think your good together, and i haven't seen him this happy in a very long time....I think a lot of that has to do with you"
"Your crazy!"
"Tell me you dont have feelings for him then..."
"Shut up Steve" i threw the door open "im late now! Thanks!" I turned to check on Rosie she was still fast asleep in the back seat "dont be bringing this shit up to Bucky!" I closed the door and marched into the school.
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I followed the signs for the picnic around the outside of the building that then led onto the playing field where benches had been set out. All the benches were filled with moms and smiling little girls, then i spotted Allie standing on her own away from everyone with Ms Harper! I jogged over only to hear Ms Harper make a comment to Allie about having no mom and that she shouldn't here at the picnic!!
I saw red!! The anger was raging through me, but i knew i couldnt make a scene here infront of everyone.
"Allie!" I called to her so she knew i was there and hadnt let her down! Her little face lit up and she flew into my arms.
"Im so sorry I'm late babe, you can blame Uncle Steve for driving like an old woman" i smiled at her before turning to look at Ms Harper.
"Ms Harper, id like to say its nice to see you again but i dont like to lie infront of my kids" i felt some semblance of pleasure from the worried look on the womans face.
"Allie why dont you go find us a seat, i'll be right there"
"Okay" she said happily running off towards the benches. Once she was far enough away i turned my attention to Ms Harper.
"I heard what you said to Allie you spiteful bitch! I get your not happy that Bucky isn't interested in you but guess what? You dont always get what you want!! And you cannot say that shit to a five year old!"
"I was only telling her the truth! Her moms dead! Why should she be here?"
"Shes got a mom you stupid fuck! Im her mom got it??! I already warned you about messing with my kid.... your lucky theres people here because god help me you would be on your fucking ass by now if they weren't!"
I turned to go find Allie but stopped to look back at Ms Harper "oh and you should probably start looking for a new job, I'm not letting this go and I'm sure my husband wont either when i tell him the vile shit coming out of your mouth"
"But i....." she started to say with wide eyes.
"Have a good afternoon Ms Harper" i called back in an over the top happy voice as i approached the benches and found Allie.
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The picnic was lovely, we were sat with some of Allie's friends and their moms who Allie introduced as Josie and her mom Kylie, Emma and her mom Rachel and then Nell and her mom Nessa.
They were all lovely and very welcoming, the afternoon flew by and playdates were arranged, I'm sure Bucky would love that!
2:45 came around and the picnic was over, i took Allie's hand and we made our way out front to wait for Bucky. To our surprise he was already outside waiting for us leaning against the side of his car, he greeted us both with a smile.
"Hey girls"
"Hey yourself" i smiled at him as he scooped Allie up into one arm and draped the other over my shoulders placing a kiss on the side of my head.
"How'd it go?"
"It was so much fun daddy! Y/N met my friends!" Allie told him sounding so happy at how the afternoon went.
"She did?" He asked matching her tone and smiling. I spotted Ms Harper hovering over near the gates looking towards us and frowned.
"You okay doll? You look like your ready to murder someone" Bucky asked as his arm slipped down to wrap around my waist.
"Maybe because i am! I need to talk to you about Ms Harper....."
"Okay" he nodded then turned to strap Allie into her booster seat while we waited for Brooke to come out. Once he was done he closed the car door and turned me to face him so i had my back to Ms Harper the super bitch!! He held one hand against the side of my face making me look up at him, it would look pretty intimate to anyone watching and that was the whole point.... right?
"What happened?" He asked calmly and i couldn't help but wonder how long he'd keep that calm look about him once i told him what she had said.
"I was a little late getting here because Steve was driving like an old woman..." i started to say, i wasn't about to tell Bucky i was late because Steve was questioning mine and Bucky's relationship!
"When i got here Ms Harper was standing away from the picnic with Allie.... as i got closer i heard her telling Allie she shouldn't be at the picnic because she doesn't have a mom!" I closed my eyes trying to fight back the anger once again "how could someone say that Buck!"
I could feel the anger vibrating through Bucky but he just pulled me into his arms, my arms wrapping around his waist.
"I think we should report her Bucky, she cant get away with saying these things to Allie!"
"I agree doll, this has to stop. I'll make an appointment to see the principal”
"I can come with you if you want? Tell him what I've heard her say..."
"Yeah okay, id like that"
"I should tell you now, i threatened to knock her on her ass.... i kinda lost my shit with her" i admitted and Bucky just chuckled dropping his head to my shoulder.
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sinningismywinning · 4 years
Do As You Please - 4
   Thomas seemed to have a never-ending supply of cigarettes. This was something you’ve come to notice. Before he was able to whisk you away to the Garrison, you sheepishly informed him that you had some shopping to attend. He had already dismissed John and Arthur to go to the pub, keep things under wraps. 
   “I’ll make it quick, yeah? Only take me about an hour,” You explained. Alfie was very tight with time. Thomas only rubbed the back of his neck in response. “But what if I wanted you to start now?” He questioned with underlying authority.
   He was someone you could push. Only problem was, you didn’t know how far. “I’ve made arrangements before hand. I wont let your work-fare kidnapping stop me.” Your words came out more stern than anticipated.
  “Aye, careful how you speak to your boss,” he threatened with a tilted chin. Once again, the roll of your eyes only helped satisfy him more. He knew how to get under your skin. Make your ears hot. Not many people were dismissive of him in the way that you were.
   Sure, Pol and Ada threw their attitudes in his face, but they also obliged to his orders. You simply didn’t give a fuck. Part of him wanted to challenge that. Break you down to your bare essentials. But for now, he was caught shamelessly staring. “Say.. I’ll go with.” He was more-so telling you, rather than asking you.
   The side of your nose crinkled with amusement. “Can’t stand to be away from me huh?” Your words would make almost any man blush. But once again, Thomas Shelby wasn’t just any man.
   “Last I heard, you weren’t complaining.” He sighed, letting his hand graze to your lower back. He surely had a knack for that. Guiding people around. Gentle caresses. Firm grips. 
                          He didn’t expect you to smack his hand away.
   Part of you wanted it to stay there. Maybe go lower if anything. But yet again, you didn’t know this man, and this man knew no boundaries. Rejection wasn’t something he was use to. The expression on his face said it all. Parted lips, pupils wide. You couldn’t help but laugh with pity. Part of him hoped that he didn’t offend you, but the other part of him did.
   Knowing that you would squirm from his touch. Knowing that you rejected his advances to maintain your composure only made him-
   “I thought we discussed this. I charge too much for you.” Your words cut his thoughts. A small laugh left his mouth. And with that, you made your way towards the market. It wasn’t a far walk from the tailor shop. Only about block. 
  He followed behind. Hands in his pockets, thoughts running wild. You had to have enjoyed the chase. If not, you were more of a man than most. You simply would have told him to fuck off.
   But you didn’t. He didn’t push anything too far. Thomas was smart. Quick-witted if anything. The best hunters knew to not scare away their prey.
   He admired the sight of you. Grabbing apples and fruits, turning them over to check ripeness. There was something so simplistic about you. You were a real beauty when you weren’t snapping at people within an arms reach. His own thoughts made him grin. 
   Your basket was filling. Yeast for bread, what else did you need? Alfies medicine. “You gonna keep following me around? Or are you gonna help me shop?” You called out to Thomas. Your eyes didn’t move from your basket, as you evaluated everything you had grabbed. About two tents over was where you had to go for Alfies medicine. 
   “Sorry love, just admiring.” He admitted shamelessly. He was hoping to see your hands shake. Hear your timid voice. That didn’t happen.
   “Admiring what? The fuckin’ corn section?” You said making yourself laugh. “Never been to a market before?” He really didn’t know what he had gotten himself into.
   You weren’t soft-spoken like most. You were loud, kind, and sympathetic. He shook his head with disbelief. “I was admiring you.” Were his attempts working? He never gave in to a woman like this. All you did was finally meet his gaze with a soft smile. 
   He was staring at you. Lost in thought. You had grown use to this with him. Just his character of habit. You momentarily put a hand on him to walk alongside you. “Lets go.”
   You were a brutish woman. He hadn’t met anyone as stubborn as him in quite some time. You reminded him of Polly. His mind kept wandering. You no longer seemed nervous to be around him. Not to his knowledge at least.
   Why was that? It took him a moment, but it finally clicked. Only when you were alone with him, would your nimble hands shake. Your voice would waiver, and you’d do anything to avoid his eyes. He figured it out, and kept it to himself.
   “Good afternoon Miss Green,” you spoke kindly to the older woman who ran the medicine tent. “Hello dear! It’s lovely to see you!” She said walking from the table to give you a hug. She was always frivolously kind. Giving you advice on how to treat Psoriasis. You had lied and said it was for yourself. She informed you of home remedies she’d use on her late husband, and how to find the cheapest herbs and creams. She was a sweet woman.
   Her eyes landed on Thomas, and all of her personality seemed to slip. She hung her head momentarily. “Good evening Mr. Shelby,” she spoke trying to seem appealing.
   You stared at Thomas for an explanation on her behavior. Hoping you could read something through his eyes. His cold glare back to you, offered no solace.
   “Oh uh,” you tried to clear the air, “I was wondering if you still had that ointment in stock,” she made everything herself. “Oh- I do!” She exclaimed going back behind the counter.
   Thomas took a step back from you, and remained silent with his hands in his pockets. He did nothing but watch the exchange.
   “How much will it be this time?” You asked as she handed you the jar of cream. You always tried your best to give her extra money when you had it on you.
   Her eyes glanced from Thomas, and back to you. “Free of charge.” She smiled falsely. “No no I can’t accept that,” you interjected. “No dear, I insist.” She seemed a bit frantic.
   You locked eyes with her, trying to figure out what had her all riled up. She was scared of him. You looked at Tom from over your shoulder. “She’s willing to pay. How much Miss Green,” he spoke up with his stern gaze.
   The woman’s lips tightened. “I..” she hesitated. “3 quid,” she said looking to Thomas for the right answer. Everything about this was unsettling you. 
   “Thomas,” you paused “Do me a favor, I forgot to grab cheese. You can do that for me, yeah?” You asked. His eyes met yours. He was going to interject, but figured it better to oblige. He nodded in response and walked away.
   “You okay..?” You asked just above a whisper. You slowly handed her the money. “I just.. I don’t want to upset him,” She tried to explain lowly. “What do you mean upset him? What’s he gonna do?” You said sparingly as a joke.
   “You.. You don’t know?” She questioned with even wider eyes. “No? I don’t know?” You weren’t getting the hint fast enough. Thomas had already came back. You felt the cheese drop into your basket. You greeted him with a quick smile. 
   Miss Green avoided the conversation completely. You could sense her uneasiness, so you figured it best to throw extra money her way, and leave her stand. You politely exited and walked to the check-out with Thomas.
   “Fucks wrong with you? Scaring an old woman like that,” You said looking to him. You chalked it up to his intimidating appearance. “Wouldn’t hurt you to smile at others huh? You act like you have no teeth in your mouth,” you added on with a pursed frown.
   You really just didn’t understand it? Did you? Thomas took your groceries, completely dismissing what you had said to him. You huffed in annoyance as he handed the basket to the clerk.
   “Are we good here?” Thomas spoke lowly, looking from your items, to the man behind the table. The clerk looked through your items and cleared his throat. “Aye Mr. Shelby,” he said with the same smile Miss Green had posed.
   You went to grab your money but Thomas hooked his arm under yours. He began to walk. “What- What are you doing?” “We’re leaving Y/N.” He shot back. “But I didn’t pay- I’m not trying to go to jail over a jar of yeast.” You rambled.
   He raised his hand to stop you from speaking. “Not necessary,” his gruff voice spoke out. “He owed me a favor. It was free of charge,” He lied, and damn, did he lie good.
   Your eyebrows cinched together. You looked up at him for a better explanation, but it was apparent that you wouldn’t be getting one. You shook your head with confusion, not quite understanding the reputation he had made for himself.
   Was it like that with the others? Did everyone in his family get away with murder? Little did you know. His arm unhooked from yours, as you made your rounds near your house.
   You caught his eyes looking down to your hand. He did things without thinking. He held your basket in his left, and moved his right hand down to yours. He laced your fingers and waited for the smack. He was expecting you to tear your hand away, maybe even shove him. But you didn’t.
   For just this once, you let it happen. Partially because you were paralyzed with fear. Fear of embarrassing yourself, of being lead on, of not being good enough. Your cheeks burned red, and you once again, did anything to not look at him. You were silent for once.
   Every so often he’d glance at you. Wondering if you understood what it meant to hold his hand in public. To have people see you with him. He was growing to feel an odd sense of responsibility for you. You were naive. Fragile. Afraid of intimacy. It takes one to know one. After France, he refused the thought of love. The image of sleeping with someone again brought him discomfort. But he got to a level of realization. If it was suppose to happen, it would. 
   Bodies were meant for touch, for comfort. He found that in Lizzie, and in many other women. But right now, he was finding that feeling with you.
   Your inner monologue differed greatly from his. Your mind was spinning in circles. You kept your eyes glued to the cobblestone. Wondering why this was happening to you. You weren’t insecure, but at the same time you felt that no one would pay you any attention. You liked it that way. Keeping to yourself. Drinking in the back of a restaurant while couples slow danced hand-in-hand.
   You cleared the knot in your throat when you that saw your house was nearby. He wasn’t the first to let go. It was you. He was comfortable with himself, with his image, with the size of his hands, and the size of other things.
   You on the other hand, tried your hardest to not think of yourself in a romantic situation. You were flustered to even think of your personality and appearance were being evaluated. The thought made your skin crawl.
   He lead you up to the front-door of your own house. You could tell by the expression on his face that he wanted to come in. If anything, he assumed that he would be coming in. “What’s that cream for anyways?” He asked, catching you by surprise.
   You leaned against your door, in order to assure he wouldn’t push his way in. He wouldn’t, but you didn’t know any better. “Oh.. I have psoriasis,” you smiled through false explanation. His head tilted with confusion. “I don’t see any psoriasis,” he called out, gently grazing your chin with his knuckle.
   Your eyes went wide. He found it amusing. It thrilled him to pick you apart like this. “It’s on my legs,” you stammered. ”May I see?” he asked growing a smile on his face. He stepped closer to you. Slick bastard. “Oh uh, no..” You retorted back.
   He put his hands up defensively, he didn’t want to push it too far. You seemed on-edge as it was. “I’m gonna go put these inside,” you gestured to the basket he held, and turned to the door. “Stay out here for a moment,” your keys unlocked the door.
   “Why do I have to stay outside?” he questioned. “I have.. a cat.” Bullshit. Thomas laughed at your shitty response. “No really, I do. He doesn’t like anyone but me. He’ll bite the fuck outta’ ya.” Your cover-up was starting to form.
   Thomas crossed his arms. “Whats the name of your cat?” He was trying to push buttons. “Alf-Alfred..” Your response came out slow
   The odd mental image that you created in your mind let a smirk creep up on your face. He huffed through his nose. He always had such a stern look. Always frowning. “Alright,” he rolled his eyes. “I need a smoke anyways,” he said finally giving over the basket.
   Thank god it worked. He wasn’t going to put himself anywhere he wasn’t wanted. He knew you were lying, but chalked it up to your house being messy.
   Once inside, you locked the door for further insurance. “You’re home early.” Alfie was reading the same paper from that morning. Probably counting the letters on the page.
   “Yeah, I was out early.. Went to shop,” should you tell him you quit? Or not yet. You set the basket down on the table. “Who’s the bloke outside?” He questioned threateningly. You could feel your heart drop to your ass. “Same one who walked me home last night,” you said with ease.
   “Huh,” he huffed standing up from the recliner. “Whats his name?” You knew he’d do a check-in on him. Have one of his men figure out who it was you were seeing. “Thomas...” You said admitting his name. “I’m old enough to have my own friends,” you paused.
    “Are they really friends if they wanna fuck you?” He said blatantly. “Whats his last name?” Your lips pursed and you just stared at him. “I’m not gonna shoot him through the fuckin’ door Y/N,” He said shaking his head. “Maybe I will... Depends...” He was very eccentric. 
   You kept your gaze with him for too long. He knew you were hiding something. He squinted his eyes. “Tell me the fuckin’ name,” he threatened. “Thomas Sheldon..” you said walking past him. “I’m going out, wont be home for a while-”
   “You better not be lying to me,” He said walking closer to you. His hand reached out and gripped your bicep. “I promise, I’m not lying,” Yes you were, and the guilt you were feeling was getting heavier. You should just tell him. Why lie?
   He let go and simply nodded, not breaking the eye contact. “Not too late.” He said with a low mumble. “Yeah, of course not.” You nodded. He never really intimidated you, but right now he was. “Dinner will be in the oven when you get home,” he said walking past you, and further into the kitchen.
   With a sigh of relief, you walked to the front door. “Won’t be late,” you promised unlocking it, and closing it behind you.
   You almost forgot Thomas was waiting for you.”Who was that?” You were startled out of your skin. “Huh? Who?” you questioned defensively.
   He laughed and threw his cigarette bud on the floor. He squinted his eyes at you. “Who were you talking to?” He questioned. “You told them you wouldn’t be late? Huh?” He asked, doing his routine chin tilt.
   “Oh.. uh yeah.. that was my cat,” You said covering your ass. “You talk to your cat like it’s a person..?” He paused. “Yeah? You don’t?” You said getting defensive. “Never had a fuckin’ cat,” he said shaking his head. 
   What an odd woman you were. “You remind me of someone,” he said gesturing you off the steps of your house. “Who?” You asked with curiosity.
   “Just some man.. Haven’t seen him since we went to the beach together,” 
@captivatedbycillianmurphy @amirahiddleston @urbansaint @parochialism @mortalflower @a-dorky-book-keeper @stressedandbandobessed7771 @patdsinner33
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thetravelerwrites · 4 years
Monster Match #21: Astomi
The Traveler's Masterlist
For @moonlightreetops: Appearance: Mortal Woman, Pfp is me(straight brown hair, almond hazel eyes), short, scared, with sevral tattoos. Personality: INFJ, Cancer, loud, protective, generous, and I have a snort laugh; definitely a hugger. Therapist friend and proud. I believe I was born cursed to always be polite and kind to everyone. I'm not naive to the trouble I can get into this way but I still cant help myself. Oh! And I cry with every movie and sad commercial. It's annoying.
Hobbies: Hosting D&D, Collecting macabre things, Responsible Social Distancing. Likes: Roadtrips, Pretending I'm more fond of the outdoors than I actually am, Forest Paintings, My Nerd Family, Opposoms. Dislikes: Heights, Bugs, Cooking, Cockroaches (listed separately from bugs because I will panic cry)
Ideal Partner: Someone whose more grounded than I am but at the same time is understanding of my struggles and won't berate me for them. And preferably a monster who wont leer in my windows. (Still have fears of that from my childhood monsters) NSFW & SFW welcomed. My orientation is Pan. So you are free to throw whatever you like at me.
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You’ve been matched with an Astomi!
Originating in Greek and Roman mythology, Astomies, also known as the Gangines, are an ancient legendary race of people who had no need to eat or drink anything at all. They survived by smelling apples and flowers. Megasthenes, a historian and Asian Indian ethnographer, located them at the mouth of the river Ganges. They are described as being hairy and having no mouth. When traveling, they would carry roots, flowers and apples to smell. They could die by smelling a strong, unpleasant smell.
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There was a forest reserve near your home that you frequented to draw and paint. There was a section of it that was strangely green all year round, and you weren’t sure why. None of the trees were evergreens, so the hidden grove should have lost leaves and turned grey like all the greenery around it in the winter, but it never did. You never went into it, and you never saw anyone near it. It was just an oddity no one knew anything about. Lots of people said it was haunted.
The more logical minded people claimed there was a hot spring somewhere in the grove that kept the trees green, but that it was toxic to people, which is why no one ever went there. Though, that didn’t make sense to you. If it was toxic, why were there flowers and birds? The wildlife seemed unaffected by whatever odd supposed toxin existed in the grove.
It had struck your interest more than once, but you never went in. You loved ghost stories, but you weren’t necessarily keen on being in one. And the threat of a toxin was enough to keep you from venturing in.
Though, one day, as you were wandering close, you heard a mournful whimpering, as if someone were in pain. Your worry about ghosts and toxins flew out of your mind as you ran into the grove, looking for whatever was making the sound.
“Hello?” You called. “Is someone there? Are you okay?”
“Please!” They called. “Can you help me?”
“Yes,” You said, pushing past the thick foliage. “Just hold on, I’m coming. Keep talking to me so I can find you! What’s your name? How old are you?”
“Geras!” They said, coughing. “I’m ninety-eight seasons!”
“Seasons?” What was ninety-eight divided by four? “So you’re twenty-four?”
“I suppose,” They said. “But we don’t measure time that way.”
“The people of the grove,” They said. “My family and I.”
“Wait,” You said, untangling yourself from a tree. “People live in here? I thought there was a toxin in the air that killed people.”
“What?” They actually laughed, which turned into a hacking cough. “No, of course not.”
“What about the ghosts, then? Are they real?” You asked with a laugh, but you were met with silence. “Geras? Geras! Keep talking.”
“Hurry, please,” Geras said, their voice hoarse. “Please.”
“Almost there,” You said. You finally managed to fight your way through heavy branches and dense underbrush and into what looked like an apple orchard. There were all sorts of apple trees there, and in between a copse of heritage apples was a person laid between the rows, unmoving.
“Geras?” You called. You couldn’t see much of them beyond the long brown hair all over. You could only tell that they were tall and gangly.
Next to them was a bag that stank to high heaven. At first you thought it could be poisons, but you looked inside and found a litany of gross hunting sprays: skunk essence, liquid ass, insect repellents, deer musk, and the like. The odor was so strong that it made you gag.
“Is this the problem?” You asked, breathing through your shirt. They nodded weakly. You weren’t surprised. It made you feel woozy, too. “I’ll get rid of it and come back to check on you, okay?”
“Yes, please,” They gasped.
You fought your way back out of the grove into the dead winter forest, back to the hiking trail to find a trash receptacle. It took nearly thirty minutes to find one, and another twenty to return to the grove. By the time you got back, Geras was not there. Worried, you followed the row up to a house.
The house was… old. Very old. So old that you couldn’t even determine what style or era it was from. It was tall and square, made of rough brick and thatched roof. There seemed to be no windows, but the entire front wall was open and had a rolled up flap that closed that side from the elements.
From the open side, you could see people moving around, hurried, almost frenzied, and you called out to them.
“Hey!” You said. “I’m looking for Geras! He… or she.. or they passed out from some garbage that got thrown in here. Are they okay?”
They all stopped and turned to stare at you from the shadow, and it was then you realized that there was no lights or electricity. There wasn’t even a power pole or lines anywhere nearby.
“Are you the one who helped Geras?” One of them asked. They had a feminine sounding voice.
“Yes,” You said. “Are they okay?”
“She’s not well,” The speaker said. “I am her mother, Foteini.” The woman came down and out of the shadows, and you took a step backward.
She was covered from head to toe in fur, except for her face, which was hairless, but possessed no mouth. Her eyes and nose were very large, however, and her silvering hair was long behind her.
“What are you?” You asked, your voice a little shaky.
“The people of the grove,” She said, her voice not coming from any sort of mouth, but rather from all around her. It wasn’t like telepathy; you could actually hear a voice in your ears, but it seemed to emanate from all over her. “Do not be frightened. We are gentle people.”
There were three other people there in that stepped out of the darkened interior, a black haired creature like Foteini and two much smaller ones the same color as the mother, likely children. They clung to the legs of the taller, black furred creature, seemingly frightened of you.
“Will Geras be okay?” You asked haltingly.
“I don’t know,” The mother said. “She inhaled much of the fumes from those poisons.”
“Is there something I can do to help?” You asked.
“You’ve already done her a great service,” Foteini said. “We would not have been able to help her, if we had found her, and if she had laid there longer, she’d likely have died.”
“Why?” You asked. “That stuff stank, sure, but it wasn’t technically poisonous. Not inhaling it, anyway.”
“We live on the aromas of nature,” Foteini explained. “Flowers, trees, fruit. Those sustain us. Pungent, unpleasant smells, like that poison you disposed of, are toxic and potentially fatal to us.”
“Oh,” You said, daunted. “Is there something that could help speed her recovery?”
Foteini thought. “Roses. They are among the most fragrant things that exist in nature, but we haven’t been able to grow them here in many years. Could you find some?”
“Yeah. Yeah! I… I’ll be back!” You said, and dashed back out of the grove before they could stop you.
You got out of the forest, dropped off your painting stuff at home, and went to a plant nursery.
“Do you have any rose plants?” You asked the clerk.
“Well, yes,” The clerk said. “But it’s too late in the year to plant them. If you want to grow from seeds, though, you can plant those now. I can sell you some seeds and give you a guide.”
That’s too long, you thought to yourself. Geras needed the roses now. “You know, I’ll take it, but I’m in a hurry.”
“Uh… alright.”
The clerk packed up the seeds of several types of roses and a guide for each, and as soon as you had them, you sprinted to a flower shop. You purchased a large bouquet of the finest, freshest, most aromatic red roses, and while it took a chunk out of your bank account, you didn’t want to run the risk of buying some that were less than perfect in fear that they wouldn’t work.
It was nearing sundown when you returned to the grove, and Foteini seemed surprised to see you.
“I wasn’t sure if you’d return,” She said. “Humans tend to stay away from this place.”
“I brought the roses,” You said, gasping for breath. “And some seeds to plant.”
“This is… most generous of you,” Foteini said. “Please, come inside. Night is approaching and you don’t want to be in the forest after dark. There are far less benign creatures out there than us.”
You shivered and followed her inside.
Geras was lying on a pallet in a far room, her breathing labored and raspy. Foteini began to lay out the flowers around Geras’s head, arranging the flowers around Geras’s head in a circle.
“Breathe deep,” Foteini said soothingly, rubbing Geras’s chest like a mother would for a sick child.
Geras made an effort to take a deep breath, but it sounded pained. However, after two or three tries, her breathing eased and eventually, after about an hour of tense waiting, she was able to breath without struggle. Foteini relaxed, and so did you.
“You should sleep here tonight,” Foteini said. “And eat as many apples as you want. We owe you a great debt.”
“I’m just glad I could help,” You said.
You fell asleep almost immediately after eating, having been exhausted by all the running. When you awoke, there was a new bushel of apples sitting next to you, and next to that was Geras, watching you sleep.
“Oh,” You said, sitting up and rubbing your eyes. “Are you okay?”
“Yes, I’m much better now,” She said, smiling with her large green eyes. “Thank you for everything.”
“Of course,” You said with a self-conscious laugh. “You gave me a scare.”
“I’m sorry,” She said. “I know humans aren’t used to us.”
“No, I mean almost dying like that,” You corrected her. “I mean, I was a little startled, I’ll admit, but you guys seem nice.”
“You’re nice, too,” She said, continuing to smile.
“Thanks,” You said, starting to blush under the weight of her stare. “I, uh… I should get back, I have to go to work later today.”
“Of course,” Geras said, standing in a fluid movement and holding out a hand to help you to your feet. “Though… I hope… you’ll come back to visit?” She held out one of the roses for you to take.
You smiled at her, your hands still clasped. “I would like that very much.”
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My Masterlist
The Exophilia Creator’s Masterlist
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Lullaby [100%]
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Read Equinox here and come back!
On the day Ami turned 16, she didn’t request a big party or a car.
“Are you sure?” asked Sakura for what felt like the millionth time. She glanced up at the window. Tobirama sat at the controls, his elbow leaning on the intercom button as he listened in. Ami fiddled with the strap of the electric guitar. It had a shiny seafoam green body. She ran her fingers down the maple fingerboard.
“Yeah! This is what I’ve always wanted to do,” insisted Ami, looking up. Her eyes glittered with excitement.
“I’ve always wanted to play a song you wrote for me, Mom,” Ami added. She gave the strings a strum in an easy G-chord. The callouses on the pads of her fingers had toughened them into the perfect tools for plucking the steel strings. And her fingers were strong from years of practicing on almost any musical instrument she could get her hands on.
“Don’t thank me. Daddy wrote the riff for this,” Sakura reminded her, sitting down behind the drums. She pulled her headphones up from her neck and set them over her ears.
“Thank you, Daddy. I love you!” Ami chirruped, blowing a kiss toward the window. Tobirama didn’t return the gesture, but a smile curled his mouth.
“Happy birthday, Angel,” he said in a quiet voice before he pushed play on the backing track.
Everyone in Old Pines knew about the Siren nest right on the border with the forest. It also happened to be the town’s second pack of werewolves. Technically. It was only one wolf and a half, but according to Kiba, that was enough to count.
Ami wrinkled her nose whenever Kiba and Mari showed up on the back porch covered in mud and whatever else they had picked up in the forest. Sometimes she clicked her tongue as she wiped the remaining deer blood off Mari’s face. At least they had stopped bringing back dead rabbits and raccoons.
“Did you have fun?” she asked.
“Yeah! Pop broke the deer’s neck in, like, 5 seconds!” Mari chirruped.
“Well that’s cool,” answered Ami. A smile crossing her face as her little sister tried to throw her arms around her waist. She held up a finger, reminding Mari of the filth covering her clothes. Mari whined a little but stood still.
“Sorry, Peanut. I know you don’t like seeing blood,” Kiba apologized as he pulled his shirt over his head. There were a few scrapes on his back, but he seemed otherwise unharmed.
“That’s alright, Pop. It’s more the mud than the blood, honestly,” Ami replied. And then she smiled when Kiba mussed her hair.
“Heads up!” Sakura called.
Ami jumped out of the way just as cold water spurted out of the hose. Mari and Kiba yelped in unison. As they squirmed, Tobirama’s cool voice warned them:
“If you run from this, you’re not walking in that house.”
They froze. Turned to stare at each other. And then Kiba’s head drooped. They submitted to the torment of the icy water on their hair and bodies. When Itachi approached to shampoo their hair, Kiba’s head snapped up. He threw his arms around him, pulling him into the cold water.
“STOP! HELP!” Itachi yelped, sputtering against the water. Mari wrapped her arms around him, too.
“Sakura! Turn off the water!” he pleaded.
Sakura, hand on her hip, aimed the hose to the side for a bit. She considered the three of them. Sopping on the back porch. Itachi’s hair falling into his face, making him look like a wet dog. She turned her head to look at Tobirama, who stood by the garden faucet connecting the hose to the house, smirking.
Kakashi appeared in the doorway, a bowl of cereal in one hand. A spoon in the other.
“Kakashi! Make them stop!” Itachi begged.
Kakashi took in the scene, like a good cop was wont to do. And then he took a big bite of cereal. Crunching the pieces loudly between his molars.
“Not my jurisdiction,” he decided.
Sakura aimed the hose back at them and listened to all three of them howl.
Itachi had his revenge later when he grabbed Sakura by the waist as they walked into the house. His frozen hands pressing to her stomach and back as she shrieked with laughter.
Dinner, as usual, was crowded and noisy. With so many people laughing and chewing, it was impossible for the house to stay quiet. But as they began to clear the table and throw out the garbage, Ami tugged on the edge of Kiba’s shirt. He paused mid-step, hands heavy with plates. Ami stared back at him, her big green eyes blinking slowly at him.
“Babe?” he called over his shoulder.
“Ami and I’ll do the dishes,” Kiba offered. Sakura withdrew her hands from the soapy water. She took Itachi by the elbow and murmured something into his ear. He wiped his hands dry too before he put them on Mari’s shoulders.
“Show me that math homework, Mari. Let’s get that out of the way,” he announced. Groaning, Mari still pulled him up the stairs to where she had dropped her backpack right after school.
Sakura’s eyes met Kakashi’s.
“Let’s go walk the dogs,” he suggested.
At those words, the beagle sitting by the front door bolted to his feet. Following him was a brown and white mutt that yapped as it also ran to the door.
It smelled like autumn when they stepped out of the house. Sakura’s left hand slipped into Tobirama’s as they descended the wooden steps. And then she took Kakashi’s with her right.
“What do you think that’s about?” Sakura wondered as they headed down the sidewalk. The dogs’ panting filled the night air. Sakura could smell the hint of fairy magic as they passed behind the cafe. The lights in the windows were dark. Ino had closed up and gone home for the night by now, of course.
“You think she fought with a friend? The girls usually go to Kiba for things like that,” Kakashi suggested. Sakura wrinkled her nose as she considered that.
“Do you think she’s in trouble and didn’t want us to know?” Tobirama then said.
Sakura snorted at that. “Then why would she go to Kiba? She’d run right to Daddy.” She nudged him with her elbow. And Tobirama looked bewildered.
Kakashi leaned forward to level Tobirama with a knowing look. “Softie.”
“Like a big teddy bear,” snickered Sakura. And when Tobirama’s face scrunched into a scowl, she leaned closer with a smile. “I love it,” she added.
The answer to their question came later that night. Long after Mari and Ami had gone to bed. And after the dogs had fallen asleep too. Even after Kakashi had come home from his final check around the small town.
Kiba sat at the kitchen table, staring down into his beer. Swirling the amber drink around and around as he seemed to think very carefully about something.
“What’s on your mind?” prompted Sakura, settling in the seat beside him, her arms draping across his shoulders. He, of course, wasn’t even a little startled. She could never sneak up on him- not with his insane sense of hearing and smell.
“Our big girl’s got a lot on her mind, apparently,” he sighed.
“School?” guessed Itachi, sitting across from him. Tobirama settled next to Itachi, his arm resting on the back of the chair.
“Murder?” wondered Sakura, thinking back on her experiences as a teenager.
“School, actually. Well, sorta. College,” Kiba replied.
“College already?” marveled Itachi. And then he paused to think before he amended, “Actually, no. She’s a sophomore already.  That makes sense.”
“What about college?” Sakura prompted. Because if this was just a talk about the cost of tuition, she knew Kiba wouldn’t look so miserable. Between all their salaries (and the royalties she and Tobirama earned from their music), they were more than prepared to send both their daughters to private universities (if that was what they wanted, of course).
“I’m just... well.... aw, jeez, Kakashi, maybe you should sit,” Kiba fumbled through the words, rubbing the back of his neck.
“....Alright,” Kakashi agreed. He glanced around the kitchen, which, someone usually criticized of being too small for their family at least once a week. Sakura got out of her chair to let him sit instead. She settled in his lap, feeling his arms wrap around her waist.
“So what’s up, Kiba?” Sakura urged him. 
Kiba heaved a sigh that sounded odd coming from him. Because Kiba was all smiles and corny jokes. Even the girls agreed that he was the most fun, even though they tried to pretend that they were too old for the occasional fart joke.
“Well, so... Ami’s been looking at schools. And she’s been worried about.... well... distance.”
No one pretended not to have understood. 
Sakura felt Kakashi’s arms tighten a little. She placed her hand on top of his. Patting softly as she kept her eyes fixed on Kiba. Who looked guilty for having brought it up at all. 
“She was saying how she’s been thinking of going to school on the west coast. But then she started talking about how not everyone could come visit or see her graduate.”
Itachi’s forehead wrinkled. “She’s thought ahead that much about it? All by herself? Why wouldn’t she talk to us about it first?”
“She probably didn’t want Kakashi to feel hurt. Or lonely,” Tobirama guessed. 
“Did I say something to make her worry like that?” wondered Kakashi. Sakura patted his hand again. 
“She’s a teenager. That’s why. You didn’t do anything wrong,” she assured him. 
Over the years, Kakashi had worked hard to extend the reach of his territory. Each new mile he gained was a struggle. It took years and years of effort, pushing and straining against the magical threads that bound him to the cornerstone of the old church wrapped in ivy. He could freely wander the shores of the beach now. And he could venture deeper and deeper into the forest, matching Kiba’s strides with ease. 
But even that progress could only take him so far. 
Sakura patted his hand again. “Hey. Let’s make tomorrow family night. We’ll have dinner and then talk things out,” she suggested. 
Kakashi rested his forehead on her back. She felt him nod against her shoulder blade and patted his hand a little harder. 
Of course the talk with Ami went well the following day. She was such a sweet girl who had dreaded the thought of making her beloved Papa feel left out. 
“But I don’t want you to be sad, Papa,” she insisted, tears in her eyes as she threw her arms around Kakashi’s middle. And he hugged her close, his hand rubbing up and down her back. 
“I know, sweetheart. But you have to do what’s right for you. Not me,” he told her. 
“I love you so much, Papa,” Ami mumbled in response. 
Despite the tears, the night ended on a positive note. Ami was in a good enough mood that she graced everyone with a kiss on the cheek before she went to bed. 
Sakura took a deep breath as she leaned on the arm of the sofa. She watched her oldest daughter disappear up the stairs. 
“She’s such a good girl. I wonder who she takes after. Definitely not me,” Sakura remarked. 
“True,” muttered Kiba. Snickering, he caught her foot when she aimed a kick at his stomach. And through their laughter, they exchanged a look. Because even as he sat there smiling, Kakashi looked sad. He might have fooled someone else- but definitely not his family. 
“You alright, Kakashi?” Itachi asked. 
Kakashi nodded a little too slowly. “Of course,” he replied.
He definitely wasn’t. 
A few nights later, something half-woke Sakura. The crickets trilled outside in a delicate chorus. As the sunrise drew closer, the blackness of the horizon began to glow. Softly at first, and then brighter. And that light diffused in through the window. 
It was the swish of the comforter that pulled Sakura from her dreams. 
“Wha?” she croaked, head rising from the indent in her pillow. 
“It’s alright. I just heard a noise,” Kakashi whispered, rising on his elbow. He turned his head one way, then the other. Throwing his legs off the side of the bed, he sniffed at the air. 
Sakura began to sit up too. Tobirama’s arm slipped off of her, catching in the crook of her elbow. He didn’t stir.
“Don’t go alone. Maybe Kiba should go with you,” she suggested. But she stopped when Kakashi turned back to her, his eyes gleaming a little too brightly in the almost-morning. 
“I’ll be careful,” Kakashi assured her. And when she continued to stare at him, he added, “And I’ll pick up coffee on the way back.” 
Only when she nodded did Kakashi lean in to kiss her forehead. And then her pout before he slipped out of bed. Running a hand through his rumpled hair, Kakashi crept through the silent house. As he descended the stairs, he spotted Kiba and Mari both in their wolf forms, sprawled out on the back porch. Mari’s hind legs twitched a little as she dreamt. 
And then there was the noise again. 
Kakashi seamlessly transitioned into other form as he left the house. Black wisps of smoke flickering from the end of his tail as he descended the wooden steps. Barely displacing the gravel path with his paws. And once he hit the street, he broke into a run. Pulled by a faint voice that was almost familiar.
He followed the sounds down the streets, turning corners on a path that he knew by heart. And in the blink of an eye, he found himself standing in front of the old, white church. The tower glowing softly in the light of the rising sun.
Kakashi turned. A little golden-brown dog sat in the grass. Tail wagging. A bright red kerchief was tied around its neck. 
“Papa,” the dog said again. His mouth moving perfectly with the sounds. 
Biscuit had lived a long, healthy life. And while the dogs that Kakashi adopted tended to live longer than normal, old age eventually caught up with each of them. Biscuit had fallen asleep one night and hadn’t woken up again. And like all of the other dogs Kakashi had taken in over the years, he was laid to rest in the graveyard of the church. 
So it was strange that Biscuit stood in front of Kakashi now. Tail swishing back and forth, head cocking to one side. 
“You made it, Papa,” Biscuit said. 
“Uh.... I guess I did,” Kakashi replied, fazing back into his human form. Tail wagging harder now, Biscuit trotted up to him. He nuzzled against Kakashi’s palm. And Kakashi responded by patting his neck, hand ruffling through the thick golden fur. 
“Oh, wow. I.... I really missed you, bud,” Kakashi then said. 
“I know,” Biscuit answered. And if a dog could smile, that was what Biscuit was doing. 
After a while of petting Biscuit, Kakashi spoke again. 
“So... this just a nice visit... or...?” Kakashi trailed off. Unsure of what was even going on. Biscuit tilted his head to the other side. 
“You’ve been feeling sad, Papa. So we decided to help.” As Biscuit spoke, ethereal threads of silver rose from the soil. They wove together into the shapes of more paws and wagging tails. They came in all shapes and sizes. Short and squat. Tall and skinny. And slowly, those silver threads condensed, turning black and gold and white. Turning into patches of white and dun on glossy fur. 
Bull snuffled at him. Pakkun shook himself before he peered up with big eyes. Shiba was there, too. And all of the other dogs he had taken in over the years. Stretching back and back all the way until the very beginning. To the first stray mutt he had taken in off the street.
“I don’t understand,” Kakashi whispered. He turned his head back toward Biscuit when he felt a lick on his hand. 
“It’s okay, Papa,” Biscuit told him. “Since you took care of us, we’ll take care of the town from now on. You can go.” Behind him, Bull gave a sage nod of his wrinkly head.
“Go where?”
“Anywhere,” Biscuit replied. And then he disappeared into silver threads that dissolved into the air. The rest of the dogs followed one by one. Unraveling and twisting into nothingness. Pakkun was the last to go. The pug stared up at him with big, wet eyes. 
“Take good care of Mama,” Pakkun requested. And before Kakashi could promise him that he would, the dog was gone.
Sakura woke for a second time a little while later when she felt Kakashi’s hand on her shoulder. Her eyes opened right away. 
“Is everything alright?” she demanded.
And this time, Tobirama woke up too. Squinting angrily at the morning light like he always did. 
“I need to show you something,” Kakashi blurted out. And the excitement in his face was impossible to argue with. Sakura looked over her shoulder at Tobirama. He glared back at her. The anger faded when she bent over and planted a kiss on his lips. He let out a sigh before he sat up, running a hand through his tangled hair. 
“I’m not driving,” he grumbled as he got out of bed.
It took a few minutes to wake everyone and load them into the minivan.
“Where are we going?” Itachi asked as he gripped the steering wheel. He wore his sunglasses, scowling against the morning sunlight. Kakashi stood next to the window, his hand resting on top of the car.
“Toward the highway,” Kakashi instructed. And then he slipped into the shape of a smoky black dog and took off down the street.
The minivan crackled down the asphalt, chasing after the dark shape that cut across town. When they reached the town’s limits, Itachi slowed the car. He could see the black dog sitting beside the wooden sign that read ‘Old Pines’ in dark green letters. Sakura rolled the window down and stuck her head out of the car.
“What’re we doing out here?” Ami wondered, craning her head to peer out the window. Mari leaned against her shoulder, not quite asleep but not quite awake either.
As the car rolled to a stop next to the sign, Kakashi got to his feet. He gave a pointed look toward the car before he slowly began taking steps past the sign. He crossed over the border of the town. Then took another step. Then another.
“Kakashi, what are-” Sakura interrupted herself with a gasp. Her hands flying to her mouth.
“No way,” Kiba breathed.
One by one, the members of their family piled out of the car. Sakura leaned against Kiba’s side as she watched Kakashi take off in a run down the empty road. Until he was just a black blob against the asphalt. Itachi leaned his elbow on Sakura’s other shoulder. After a minute, Kakashi began running back toward them. 
“Papa! It’s a miracle!” Mari exclaimed as she ran to greet him. She threw her arms around his neck. And, laughing, Ami threw her arms around him too. Kakashi shifted back into his human form, an arm around each of his daughters as he squeezed them tight.
“I’m so happy for you, Papa,” Ami said. 
“Thank you,” he said. And it sounded like he was choking back tears. 
“SHERIFF!” Kiba bellowed. Their eyes popped open as he grabbed them and lifted all three of them off the ground. Sakura wormed her way inside the cluster. The girls giggled as her hair tickled their noses. 
“Where should we go?” Kiba wondered. Because there had been so many times when they had seen or done things and wished that Kakashi could see them too.  
“Anywhere,” laughed Sakura in response.
“I suggest somewhere tropical because you seriously need a tan, Kakashi,” remarked Itachi, leaning on the hood of the minivan.
“Hidan’s shooting a music video in Aruba. We could crash it,” suggested Tobirama, looking over an email on his phone. 
Ami’s head popped up from somewhere under Kiba’s arm. “Really? Can we do that, Daddy?” she inquired, eyes sparkling with excitement. 
“Of course. I’m the boss,” Tobirama scoffed. He turned away to make a phone call. Holding it away from his ear in anticipation of Hidan’s adamant protest.
As the years passed, the town of Old Pines changed very little. Sometimes people thought they heard dogs barking in the distance more often than they used to. But the smell of fairy magic, sweet and warm, still hung in the air near the little cafe on the corner.  And when summer retreated, the leaves on the trees began to turn orange and gold, lighting up the town in bright shades.
The once small cabin on the edge of town had grown into something that now fit such a large family. Little crystals of peridot hung from the curtain rods, tinkling against each other whenever someone walked past. The mantelpiece above the fireplace was always crowded with picture frames of various shapes and sizes- all the members of their big family squeezed together to fit into each shot.
What had changed were the souvenirs that had begun to overtake the house. Gaudy magnets appeared on the fridge. Mysterious wood carvings sat on the bookshelves. Useless and shiny bits that scattered the house to remind its occupants of distant lands.
“Don’t forget flip-flops. Hotel floors are not to be trusted.”
“Is anyone gonna check a bag? I need to take my hairspray.”
“Yeah, squeeze it in mine. Can I put my sneakers in yours then?”
“Has anyone seen my sweater? The blue one with stripes. I can’t find it anywhe- Nevermind. Thank you, Baba!”
The entire house overflowed with the sounds of zippers and people running back and forth between rooms. Tobirama was the only one who sat still. He had finished packing his suitcase two days ago. It sat in the corner of his room with his passport resting on top.
“Are you sure you’re alright to travel?” he queried for the millionth time. He watched Sakura sitting on the edge of the bed. She sat wrestling with a t-shirt, trying to fold it in the neat, trendy way that was all over the internet nowadays. Tobirama huffed. He got to his feet. 
“Give me that,” he grumbled. Grabbing it out of her hands, he folded it into a perfect square. And then he went on to fold the rest of the shirts sitting on the bed.
“The doctor says I’m fine. Besides. We’ve been planning this trip since last year,” Sakura replied as she watched him. 
“I moved stuff around on the itinerary so we won’t be walking around as much.”
They both started. When they looked up, they found Itachi in the doorway, his back against the doorjamb. He scrolled through his document on his tablet, which he had probably checked about a thousand times by now. 
“Maybe we should rent a car,” Itachi then worried as he eyed Sakura. 
“Absolutely not. Parking in Rome is a nightmare,” Sakura protested. 
“Can’t drive in Europe. Don’t they all drive on the left?” Kiba piped up, his head appearing over Itachi’s shoulder. He squinted down at the tablet too. 
“That’s just England,” replied Itachi. When Itachi snickered at him, Kiba knocked into the back of Itachi’s knee, making his leg buckle. Sakura stifled a snort into her fist. 
“Pop?” a voice came from down the hall. Kiba twisted his head to yell back, “Yeah?”
“Is there room in your bag for my umbrella?”
“Think so. Go for it.”
“Kay. Thanks!”
Kiba then ducked under Itachi’s tablet to enter the room. Hands in the back pockets of his jeans, he plopped down on the bed beside Sakura. She had given up on packing as Tobirama seized the rest of her clothes and began placing them in her empty suitcase for her.
“Kiba, we need to have a serious talk,” Kakashi announced as he appeared in the doorway, Ami tucked under his arm. Itachi moved to the side so she could roll Kiba’s suitcase into the room. 
Kiba arched an eyebrow. “About?”
“This,” Ami said before she opened his suitcase to reveal the contents within. 
Itachi pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and pointer finger. Tobirama let out a noise of exasperation.
“....You can’t be serious, Kiba,” Tobirama whispered. He sounded defeated.
“I refuse to be seen with you if all you’re packing is flannel,” Itachi declared.
“That’s, like, all I own,” Kiba insisted. 
“No, it’s not. You have plenty of nice shirts. I know. Because we buy them for you every year, Pop,” Mari piped up as she appeared in the doorway. She wrinkled her nose in disgust at his fashion choices.
“It’s my aesthetic!”
When everyone continued to glare, Kiba threw his hands up in the air. “Babe. Come on.”
Everyone’s stare turned to Sakura. She considered this as she rubbed her hand over the bump under her sweatshirt. 
“Stop bullying him. He can wear what he wants,” Sakura decided. 
Kiba’s face turned smug. “Thank you.”
“We can always photoshop him out of all our pictures later,” Sakura then added. 
“Aw, Mom. You’re such a savage,” Mari cackled. She crossed the room to slap Sakura a high five. 
In the midst of all this chatter and laughter, the doorbell rang. Mari and Ami swiveled their heads to stare at each other.
“You get it.”
“No, you get it.”
“Can someone get the door, please!” Kakashi interrupted the squabbling. The girls exchanged one last look before they both hurried out of the room. Their footsteps stumbled down the stairs together, just slightly out of sync with each other. They giggled, probably as one elbowed the other. Everyone upstairs stayed quiet as they listened to the door open. 
“Heya, pups! Excited for your trip?” Hana’s voice drifted upstairs. 
As Itachi crouched to help Tobirama continue packing, Sakura closed her eyes. 
She could remember what this house had felt like all those years ago. When she had first driven into this tiny town in the middle of the night. Her sedan crammed with her possessions. The inside of her head even more cluttered than her car. Back then, this house had just been another place to run away to. Quiet. Far from prying eyes. 
She had never imagined living somewhere so noisy. 
Her eyes opened. Kakashi was kneeling in front of her. A faint smile on his lips. 
“Are you feeling okay?” His hand brushed against her cheek. 
She had also never imagined living somewhere that felt so warm. 
“Yeah. Everything’s alright,” she assured him. Even without trying, she found herself returning his smile. 
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Promise (Jungkook x You x Yoongi ONESHOT)
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A/N : And also, I’m trying a new thing here and you are in no way obligated to do it but if any of you like my stories and want to give some support, why not buy me a coffee? ☕💜
“I’m pregnant,”
“Oh fuck,”
Y/N looks at the boy in front of her with wide eyes. Did the firat word that came out from his mouth is oh fuck?
“Are you sure?” He ran his hand through his hair multiple times, brows furrowed. “I mean.. it could be a false positive. We only did it a few times and its your first time too. How can you be pregnant?”
“Well…” Y/N held up the 10 sticks in front of him. 10 sticks of pregnancy tests that has a big fat positive sign on it. “If all 10 of this faulty, then maybe I should just sue the company. And also,” she pass him a slip of paper. “I already went to the doctors to confirm before I came to you. I needed to be sure too,”
“Y/N…” Jungkook weakly took the paper and scan its content. Yes, his girlfriend is a few weeks pregnant.
“We are going to be okay right Kookie? We love each other. And I know we are young, but we can do this right?” Y/N tried to smile, holding his hand. “I can find some work and you can do so many things. You have a bright future ahead of you. You c-”
“Thats exactly it Y/N,” Jungkook cuts her off and pull his hand back.
“W-what do you mean?” She looks at his retracted hand and back up at his face. Something is going to go very wrong, she can feel it.
“We are young. A-and I do have a bright future ahead of me…” Jungkook looks at her with sad eyes. “Y/N… remember that audition I went to?”
“I didnt win that but I got 7 different other offers instead and I have chosen one. I’m going to be a trainee. A trainee to become an idol!” Jungkook smile. Y/N knows this has been his long time dream. She wont stop him from going right?
Y/N looks at the smiling boy in front of her.
“You got in?!” She jumped excitedly and hugged him. “Then whats the problem? You can train and I’ll find work for a few years first until you debut. We can stay in Seoul together Kookie and start a new life!” Y/N grins. “I know you will debut and be successful one day. You are Jeon Jungkook, I believe in you Kookie,”
“Y/N…” Jungkook pushes her slowly, breaking the hug and is met with confusion from her. “I cant bring you… I… uh… I am not allowed to date until I debut and a few years after that in fact..,”
“W-what?” Y/N was shocked to the core. What is he saying? Is he breaking up with her? When shes carrying his child? “But.. what about..” she looks down and rub her still flat stomach.
“I-I dont know,” Jungkook sighed. “Honestly, I dont. But.. we will find a way, I promise okay?” Jungkook smile and hugs her, kissing her forehead. “I’ll never leave you and our baby alone. You will never ever be alone, I promise,”
Y/N was drag out from her memories at the sound of her 5 year old daughter calling her name. She quickly wiped her tears and look at the little girl.
“Yes Jasmine, what is it baby?”
“Until when will grandma sleep in the ground? Its dirty!” She pouted. “Is she not coming home?”
“Well.. baby… grandma uh.. she went to a special place to sleep, and the ground is the way in. She likes that place so much she told me to tell you that she wont be coming back until quite some tine. Okay baby?” Y/N stroke her daughter’s hair softly.
“Okay eomma. But tell her to come back soon. I miss her,”
“I know baby. I know,” Y/N sighed and hugs Jasmine tightly, whispering, “I miss her too. More than you can ever know,”
The day Y/N told Jungkook that she was pregnant was the last day she ever saw or heard from him. He went back home that night, with a promise that everything will be alright, that she wont be alone and he will come up with a plan. But he dissapeared the same night, no texts, no calls, no messages, no one knows where and never came back. Y/N worked hard to raised her daughter up alone with the help of her single mother. Jeon Jasmine, she named her, but she can never answer when the little girl asks why her family name is different than her eomma or where her appa is. Soon, Jasmine stop asking and the three of them live happily together, the memory of Jungkook locked away. Until Y/N’s mother passed away a week ago and Jasmine keep wondering where she went.
Grandma sleeping at a special place is the best excuse she could come up with and after a week, Y/N decided that its time. She have to move on and make new memories someplace else with Jasmine.
A new job, a new place, a new life, just the two of them.
“And baby? We are going to a special place too. Not the same place Grandma went to, but another one okay. Lets go. Pick up your stuffed bunny and lets go okay?” Y/N place her on the ground and picked up the two luggage bags, fitting only the things they needed the most. New memories requires new things, right? and she take a step into a new future, hoping to forget every awful memory that ever happen in Busan.
You promise I’ll never be alone. Then what am I now Jungkook? Y/N sighed and looks down when she felt a tug at her hand and saw Jasmine smiling at her, making her heart soared. Well, Kookie, maybe you are right, I will never be alone afterall.
Y/N looks up from the newspaper in her hand to the small building in front of her. This is the right adress, so this must be the place.
Hiring Coffee Girl
Y/N tapped the newspaper again, takes a deep breath and walks in. Being a coffee girl is not exactly a high paying job, but after dropping out from school to raise Jasmine, Y/N only works a few odd jobs here and there in her small hometown, which means she has no experience to apply for a high paying job in the big city of Seoul. But coffee? That she can do.
“H-hello?” Y/N nervously looks around the building. How can a supposedly entertainment company be this quiet. Yeah, its a small, unknown one, but surely they must have a handful of staff atleast? Theres not even a reception in this building. A building that doesnt even look like an office. Y/N wandered around the building, finding courage in herself to explore more. She came all this way, with what little money she have, she have to ace this interview.
Getting a little deeper into the building, she passed a few closed doors and finally hears music coming from a bright lighted room. With shaky hands and sweaty palms, she makes her way to the room and knock softly on the slightly ajar door.
“H-hello? Is anybody in here?”
No answer.
After knocking a few more times Y/N decided to push the door, only to be greeted by the bright light of the room. With blinking eyes she focuses herself and saw the room is some sort of a music room, with a grand piano located right in the middle of it. But what catches her eyes the most is the man sitting at the piano, head between his hands, slumping in frustration.
Y/N nervously take a few small steps closer and whisper.
“H-hi. Hello? S-sir?”
Still no answer.
“S-sir?” She reached out and tap the man’s shoulder, who immediately whipped his around, glaring at her, making her jump.
“I-I’m sorry. I didnt mean to disturb you but I-”
“Who the hell are you?!” The man turned fully at her and Y/N managed to sink in his features. He is good looking, no doubt. With short black hair, his beautiful pale skin glowing, his dark eyes shooting her death glares.
He is the most beautiful man she has ever seen.
“Are you deaf? Or u cant talk or something?” He waves his hand in front of her, making her jump again. “Heeellloooo?”
“S-sorry. I-im here to interview for the coffee girl position?” She stuttered.
“Do I look like an interviewer to you? Get out from here. This is private practice!” The man huffed and turned back around to his piano, shuffling through his music notes.
“Sorry,” Y/N quickly bows and turned to leave but stopped in her tracks when she heard a loud sigh from that same man, while loudly mumbling to himself.
“What cant I get this next note right? God damn it!” He slammed his hands on the piano keys, making a loud noise. Y/N knew she shouldnt, especially after the man just told her directly to get out but she turned around and approach him anyway.
“M-maybe I can help. M-may I? See? Your music notes?”
He looks up and glares at her.
“You? Coffee girl? What the hell do you know about music?” He scoffs.
“Maybe not as much as you Sir,” Y/N starts to get annoyed. How arrogant is this man? “But it seems like you are stuck and maybe a fresh perspective from a coffee girl can help,” she gritted her teeth, glaring back straight to his face. The man kept quiet for a moment before sighing.
“Fine, what do I have got to lose anyway,”
Y/N smile and took the papers he offered. After reading through and thinking for a moment, she smile.
“How about this? May I?” She gestured to the piano. “Sure. Go ahead,” he scooted a bit to give her space.
“I was thinking of something like this,” she starts to press the keys, making out a beautiful melody that fits the next part of the song perfectly. The man turns to her, mouth gaped open.
“H-how did you think of that? I have spent 4 days locked up in here, trying to think of the perfect continuation for that part!”
“Well,” she smiles, “sometimes a fresh perspective is all you need,”
“Are you sure you are just a coffee girl?” The man looks at her skeptically.
“Well, I am not practically hired yet, but I am hoping I would be. I reaaaaally need a job,” Y/N shrugs.
“No, I mean, you must have some sort of knowledge or maube some dumb luck or talent in music to do this so effortlessly. Who are you?”
“Well.. I do have a big interest in music. Me and my boyfriend, well, uh… my ex boyfriend,” Y/N gave a small smile at the memory of Jungkook, “use to compose songs together. I also studied music a little before I dropped out from school,”
“Do you still need a job?” The man looks at her with a serious face now.
“Yeah. I absolutely need one,”
“Then I am going to get you one,” he flashed a gummy smile and pull her hand.
“Wait, where are we going?!”
“To meet the CEO,”
“C-CEO?! Does the CEO really need to interview me for just a coffeegirl position!?” Y/N shrieked, making the man laugh.
“Of course not. We couldnt care less who will make us coffee. But I am going to make you a song writer for the company,” he grins again.
“W-what?!” Y/N felt dizzy. Is this man for real?
He just smile and continue to drag her to a room on the second floor. Suddenly he stops right before entering the room and smile, his hand shooting out to hers.
“I am going to be your colleague. We are going to spend a lot of time together since we are gonna be writing songs. I should at least know your name coffee girl,” he grins.
“I-Im Y/N. L/N Y/N,” Y/N reached out and shook his hand.
“Hi Y/N. I’m Yoongi. Min Yoongi, and it would be a pleasure to work with you,”
“Working hard?”
Y/N jumped when that soft whisper hits her ears and turned around to smack the source of the voice right in the head.
“Owww!” “Serves you right Min Yoongi!” She pouted. “I told you dont sneak up on me when I am working!”
“But I brought coffee, and donuts. Is that enough to forgive me?” He gave her his famous gummy smile, holding up the tray of hot coffees and brown paperbag filled with donuts.
“Hmmm, depends,” Y/N crosses her arms and pretends to think. “Is it strawberry filled?”
“Of course it is. Dont you know by now to not underestimate Min Yoongi?”
“Then you are forgiven,” she smile and catch the bag that Yoongi threw at her. “Mmhhm delicious!”
Yoongi took a seat in front of her and smile. Writing music time is his favorite part of work. Sure, it has always been his favorite, but ever since that fateful day Y/N walks in looking for the coffeegirl position, it has gone even better.
“So, how was your band mates?”
“Oh right!” Yoongi smile. After years or training and just coped up writing music, he is finally introduced to another 6 trainees that will soon debut with him as part of the same group. Earlier today was the first time they actually officially met each other. Sure, he has seen them around the company sometimes, but never propeely introduced. “They are great. But I am the second oldest. Which means I have 5 bratty little brothes to deal with. I thought having you is punishment enough,” he laughs.
“Yahh. Who are you kidding? You love me,” Y/N giggles and continue to eat her donuts, which fillings has now dripped on her chin. Yoongi smiles at the sight of her scrunching her nose, brows furrowed trying to wipe the mess and mumble only loud enough for him to hear.
“I do. I really do love you,”
“Did you say something?” Y/N looks up at him, taking him by surprise.
“N-no. Just got some inspiration for the music. Stop eating and lets get to work you piggy,” he laughs and ruffles her hair.
“Yah, Im no piggy!” Y/N giggles. “Anyway, how long do you think PD-nim will keep with the rule that only married woman can meet and work with your group? I want to meet them too!” Y/N pouts.
“Well, a rule is a rule, and we are all devastatingly good looking you know, you might fall in love,” he laughs.
“That rule shouldnt apply to me. I have a kid!” Y/N protested. “And I am already working with you, for so many hours a day too! Whats the difference?”
“You might have a kid, but you are still single,” Yoongi rolled her eyes. Y/N had introduced Jasmine to him a month after they started working together, and just like her mother, the little girl managed to win his cold heart in a matter of seconds. “And its different with me. You knew me before I was an idol. Before I get all this cool clothes, 10 inch makeup and this swaggie dance moves. You already see me as a friend,” Yoongi smiles although deep inside he wished Y/N would say something about how he is more than a friend.
Y/N shrugs.
“Whatever. I still think the rule is stupid. I worked here but I cant see them? Stu-pid,” Y/N rolls her eyes and start to work. “But hey, atleast I get to spend time with you. And thats more than enough, right Yoongs?”
Yoongi smile at the nickname.
Y/N woke up that morning with her heart beating fast. She can feel something is happening today but she cant put her finger on what it is. Anxiously, she gets ready, take a shower, prepare breakfast for the two of them and send Jasmine off to school and make her way to the studio. Yoongi has a schedule today, so she will be working alone.
She smile at the thought.
Who knew that grumpy man she accidentally met a year ago, yes, a year ago, become one of her bestfriends and also a member of an idol group. Yoongi has debuted a year ago and to this day, she still dont know who his bandmates are or ever meet them. She always miss their show due to her busy schedule, balancing between work and taking care of Jasmine, and since the group dont have that many shows to begin with, she never get the chance to see them.
1 new message Yoongs 😊
Y/N smile and clicked open the text. She knows hes busy but he never fails to atleast wish her a good morning. Without realizing, her face etched with a huge smile. Y/N shakes her head and clears her throat as she realized what shes doing. Why am I smiling just from his name anyway?
Im taking you to lunch today. You are finally meeting my infamous bandmates. See you at 1 😘
Y/N smoothed down her wrinkled shirt as she paced back and forth in front of the building, waiting for Yoongi. She dont know how to feel right now, nervous? Not exactly. Trying to impress? Not so much. But she do want to atleast look presentable in front of Yoongi’s bandmates. She has been bugging him to let her meet them for a year and now that he managed to do so, she should atleast act her best.
A few minutes later a small van with tinted window stopped in front of the building and out the first face she seens coming out fron the sliding door flashed her a big gummy smile.
“Yoongs!” She jumped and hugs him. Yoongi laugh and hugged her back.
“Wow, someone is excited to see me. I feel so touched,”
“Yah, I’m lonely. Writing songs alone is not as much fun as it sounds okay!” She pouted playfully and smack his chest.
“I know, I know and I’m sorry. To make it up to you, I am finally giving you your wish. Come meet my bandmates,” he takes her hand and leads her closer to the van. One by one they climb out fron the van, smiling, shaling her hands, telling her how they love her songs and how Yoongi talked so much about her.
“Thats Seokjin-hyung, Jimin, Namjoon, Hoseok..” Yoongi peered inside. “Wheres the maknaes?”
“They are coming out. Tae is trying to wake our sleeping beauty,” Jin explained. “Sorry, our youngest like to sleep,” he gave a small laugh.
“Its alright. You guys must be tired. Thank you for still making time to have lunch with me,” Y/N smiles. Before Jin coukd answer, Taehyung climbed out from van.
“Hes awake! I did it. Hi, I’m Taehyung,” he grins and gave his hand for a handshake. Y/N who is still starstruck by his beauty awkwardly take his hand as the “sleeping beauty” everyone talked about climbed out the car, which almost give Y/N a heart attack.
“Hi, sorry, I’m Jung-
All six pairs of eyes are opened wide at whats happening in front of them. Their faces turned from Y/N’s shocked face to Jungkook’s disbelief reaction.
“Wait, do you guys know each ot-” Yoongi didnt managed to finish his question when suddenly a pretty girl ran up to the group and hugs Jungkook tight.
“Babyyy, I have waited for so long! Me and the baby is hungry!” She pouted playfully and rubbed the slight bumped on her stomach. Y/N’s mind is spinning as she tries to register what is happening in front of her. “Oh sorry, I didnt realized theres someone else,” the girl giggles and turn to Y/N, bows and sticks out a hand.
“I’m Nayla, Kookies’ fiancee. And this is our soon to be Kookie junior,” she smile and rubbed her stomach again. “And you are?”
“I-I,” Y/N’s eyes flicked over to Jungkook’s face who just look at her with a sad expression. Not sad for the situation, but more like sad for her. “I uh, I have to go,” she bows quickly and ran back inside as fast as she can, leaving everyone in confusion.
“Hey.. Y/N? Are you in here?” Yoongi’s soft voice calls out to here and she sense a figure coming closer to her as she quickly wipes her eyes but to no avail. The tears just keeps on coming. Yoongi sighed and sits on the floor besides her.
“H-how do you know I’ll be here?” She whispered, making Yoongi smile.
“Because, this is your sad room. I know you come here when you had a writers’ block, or you feel like your work is not good enough or when you are feeling anything bad at all,”
“Y-you notice?”
“Of course I do. I just thought you would appreciate it if I leave you alone whenever you come in here,”
“Then why arent you leaving me alone now?”
“Because I dont know what makes you sad this time. And I want to make you feel better. But I cant do that if you wont tell me. So… can you tell me? Please?” Yoongi scooted closer and tuck a stray hair behind her ears. “Please?”
“I-,” Y/N sniffles. “J-Jungkook…”
“You know Jungkook? I know hes a maknae brat, but what could he have done to make you this upset,” Yoongi wondered out loud. “Want me to beat him up?”
Y/N lets out a small smile in between her tears.
“N-no,” she smiles and takes a deep breath. “Jungkook… he uh..” Y/N starts to cry again. “J-Jungkook.. he is… Jasmine’s father,”
“And Yoongi, he has a fiance and a baby on the way!” Y/N burst out crying and Yoongi immediately leap forward and engulfed her in his tight hug. “Im alone Yoongs.. I thought when I find him I wont be alone anymore. B-but.. Jasmine and me will be alone,”
No, Y/N,“ Yoongi strokes her hair softly. “I promise you Y/N. You wont ever be alone. I’ll take care of you. I promise, I’ll take care of you,”
Maybe its true when people say omce you notice or know something, you will never unseen it. After that fateful lunch meet up, Y/N keep seeing Yoongi’s band mates everywhere in the company. Of course, Jeon Jungkook included. Funny how for the one year she worked there, she didnt even crossed their shadow.
Still, she tries her best to avoid them l at any costs until one day, while she went to the rehearsal room early to meet Yoongi. He usually came early to finish a verse or two before their dance rehearsal and Y/N usually meet him there for a little catch up on work and leave before the others arrive. But as she pushed open the door, Yoongi was no where in sight, but she was met with a sweaty, dancing Jungkook instead.
“Oh.. uh, hi,” Jungkook immediately turned off the music player and stops, wiping a small towel over the sweats on his face.
“Uh.. hi.. s-sorry. I was looking for Yoongi. He usually come here early..” Y/N looks down and fiddles with her fingers from the awkward tension. How can she felt awkward with the same guy who whispered words of love in her ear years ago?
“Oh. Something came up, so hyung will arrive a bit late today. You are welcone to wait,” Jungkook motioned to one of the couches.
“Uh.. thanks..” Y/N looks around, still not sure what to do. Should she just leave and text Yoongi?
“So how are you? We havent seen each other for so long,” Jungkook cuts off her thoughts, smiling at her. Y/N looks at him. How can he be so casual when the last time they saw each other is when she told him she was pregnant? And never heard from him again?
“Im good,” she smiles. “Im a song writer now. But of course you know that,” she slapped her forehead. “Obviously I write songs for your band,” she gives a small laugh. Jungkook smiles back at her.
“Yes, you are. So how is working with hyung? We are all scared to disturb him when hes writing, but you seems to be able to work well with him?”
“Yoongi is great actually. And he helped me a lot,” Y/N smile at the thought. “He works really hard. Im actually here becayse he actually always tired to fit in some writing before all of you have to rehearse your dance,”
“Ohhhh, typical hyung,” Jungkook smiles. “But Joonie hyung told me the rap line has something came up today. So they will be late. You want me to take a message?”
“Well…” Y/N thought for a moment. “Yeah, that would be great actually. Just tell him that I cant stay because I need to go school,”
“School?” Jungkook looks at her, confused. “Are you still studying?”
“Oh right no,” Y/N laughs, realizing Jungkook must be confused. “I need to go to Jasmine’s school. They are having a-”
“Jasmine?” Jungkook cocks an eyebrow and Y/N realized she never actually had a chance to introduce him to his daughter. Y/N feels her eyes starts to water and smile softly. This is the forst time Jungkook even hears his daughter’s name.
“Jasmine… well,” she spoke softly, eyes never leaving his. “Jasmine is my daughter. Well, actuallu, she is our daug-”
“Stop,” Jungkook raised his hand to stop her from finishing her sentence. Y/N looks at him with confusion. “Dont finish that sentence. I know what you are trying to say Y/N and I dont want to hear it. I dont want to know about her. At all,”
Y/N felt like her heart stopped. She knows Jungkook most probably dont love her anymore, but she had thought he would atleast feel something for his daughter? A little girl who never knew who her father was.
“Jungkook, I-”
“I know maybe you think by bringing her up I will feel regret, or maybe you can rekindle our love or something,” Jungkook sighed. “But let me tell you this now. I dont know how or what kind of funny joke the universe is trying to pull, that you somehow ended up working here of all places, but we are over. What we had are in the past and we will never be together again. We were teenagers, and I dont think I was even in love with you back then,” Jungkook runs a hand through his hair while Y/N is still dumbfounded about everything he says.
“Let me finish ok?” He stops her. “I dont regret what I did. I know that makes me an asshole, but I am happy now. I love Nayla. I will do anything for her. And we have a baby on the way. And that baby is my daughter. I love my career and I have a bright future ahead of me, so please, please dont do anything that would jeapordize what I had or I swear Y/N, I’ll make you regret it. Clear?”
Y/N blinked a few times, the pain in her chest is killing her, her eyes trying hard to blink back the tears. Is this the Jungkook that she knows and love? How is he this heartless?
“Good,” without hesitation Jungkook turns and plays the song again and continue his dance, leaving Y/N standing there, frozen.
“Hey, you are early today,” Y/N turns and see Yoongi smiling at her. Without realizing, the other members are already entering the room one by one, chit chatting and placing their bags at the corner, ready to rehearse. She lifted her head to look at Jungkook, who is smiling and greeting his hyungs like their conversation never even happened.
“Yeah..” she smile weakly. “I uh just want to tell you that I dont feel well, so I’m gonna head home early today. Have a fun rehearsal,” Y/N smile, bows and quickly ran out before Yoongi can say anything.
He knows. Jungkook knows that Y/N is avoiding him ever since the conversation they had in the rehearsal room. Jungkook didnt regret what he said because he meant every single word. He have a good thing going with Nayla and his career and he doesnt want a blast from the past to ruin it. But why is it he found himself cranking his neck to see if Y/N walks pass the hall? Or feeling irritated that Y/N didnt make any more effort to talk to him, or to introduce Jasmine to him? Or the feeling of extreme annoyance that Yoongi keeps on talking about her? He knows for sure that Yoongi knows about their history. Though his hyung never mentioned anything about it, but from the way Yoongi eyed him up and down or the sarcastic remarks he makes sometimes, Jungkook knows Yoongi knows exactly what happened. But what he doesnt know is, if Yoongi know about that conversation that took place a few days ago.
“Lets go Kookie,” Taehyung nudge him, snapping him out from his thoughts. Taehyung and him wanted to grab some food after the tiring rehearsal while the other hyungs decided to just go back to the dorm and sleep the say away, exhausted. They walked the short distance to their favorite snack stall near the building.
As Taehyung chatted away happily while stuffing his face full, Jungkook caught something at the opposite road in the corner of his eye.
He hasnt seen her for days already. Jungkook keeps on staring, blanking out everything that Taehyung is saying.
What is she doing?
Y/N turns to face him and thats when he realizes that she was talking to a little girl. Jungkook’s heart immediately beats faster at the sight fo the girl’s brown doe eyes, smiling and looking up to her mother with clear adoration.
Jasmine. His daughter.
Jungkook smiles without realizing. Sbe is so beautiful, and happy. Happy without him. Without a father. Because her father disown her. Jungkook’s smile turn to a frown. But the frown gets deeper when he saw Yoongi walks towards them and Jasmine immediately runs to his hyung and hugs him as Yoongi kneels to her height. He saw how Yoongi adjusted his daughter’s beanie and ruffle her hair. And how her tiny hands hugs Yoongi’s neck as he picks her up. How Y/N smiles warmly at the two of them. To everyone else, they look like a freaking happy family. But Jungkook knows better.
Because thats his family. And he wants it back.
Ever since then, Jungkook has been following Y/N’s every step. And hes not being subtle about it either. Hes obviously watching and staying close and keeps on making snide remark about Yoongi and his closeness to her whenever they are together. At one point Y/N have had enough and drag the maknae to an empty rehearsal room.
“Why are you acting like this?”
“I dont know what you mean,” Jungkook shrugs. “Can I go now?”
“No! You know exactly what I mean. Why are you acting like a jealous freak?!” Y/N is frustrated with his behavior
“Fine!” Jungkook raised both his hands. “I dont want you close to hyung. Yoongi hyung,” Jungkook crosses his arms in front of his chest.
“Why the hell not? Hes my friend. And who are you to tell me what to do?!”
“Well, for starters, I’m the father of your daughter. I dont want you to simply let my daughter close to anyone!”
“What?!” Y/N looks at him in disbelief. “You said Jasmine is not your kid remember. What? You suddenly want us back now?!” Y/N scoffs.
“N-no. I dont want that. I just…” Jungkook is loss for words.
“Then what do you want from me Jungkook? You said you dont want me to get close. You said you dont want to get to know your daughter, but you flipped out everytime Im close to Yoongi! What the hell do you want?!”
Jungkook kept quite, his chest heaving heavily from his breath, trying to control his emotions. Y/N takes a deep breath and looks at him.
“Jungkook.. I love you. I admit it. I love you. I still do. Even after years you left me and treating me like crap ever since we met again, I still love you,” Y/N confessed. “Choose me Jungkook. Marry me and lets forget the past mistakes. Be with me. Be here for me, for Jasmine. For once in her life. Marry me Jungkook,”
“I-I cant…”
“You… cant? Why? Why Jungkook? Tell me why!”
“I-I dont know! I dont know okay!But all I know is that I dont want to get married now Y/N. I am still young!” Jungkook lets out his frustration. To be honest, he really dont know how he feels.
“You are engaged to Nayla, Jungkook! Engaged to be freaking married!” Y/N screamed back.
“Nayla and me will only be married in a few years time. We never picked a date yet,” Jungkook justify.
“Then fine, okay. I’ll wait. I have waited for so many years, whats a few more.m right? Jungkook, I love you. Please,” Y/N sniffles. “Please, leave Nayla. We have a family. You, me and Jasmine. Please Jungkook, Nayla will understand. We are a family. We are meant to be together!” Y/N reached out and hold his hand. Hoping this time, he wont leave them again.
“Its not because of Nayla or anyone. Dont you get it?! Its you! I dont want to marry you!”
“W-what?” In shock, Y/N drop his hand, mouth gaping open. Jungkook finally said it. Shes the reason why. Shes the reason why Jasmine doesnr have a father. Jungkook left not because he was afraid of commutmentor anything. Its because… of her. Jungkook just doesnt want to marry her.
“Wait Y/N, thats not what I meant,” Jungkook quickly realized what he said and try to reached for her hand again but she swatted it away.
“No Jungkook. For the first time you left me, I finally understand. Its very clear now why. You dont love me. You never did. And you never will. All this years I thought if I found you, I can trt to make you fall in love with me. But how can I? How can I if you never love me in the first place?” Y/N laughs emotionlessly. “I-Im gonna go,”
“No Y/N, wai-”
“No Jungkook. Let me go. And this time I promise I will leave you alone,”
“Hey…” Yoongi smiles and take sits down on the steps besides her. Y/N quickly try to wipe her flowing tears but failed. Its just too much. “I didnt mean to eavesdrop… but I passed by the rehearsal room, and I kinda heard everything. Are you… okay?”
“Why are you so nice to me Yoongs?” Y/N sniffles, letting her tears flows down. She doesnt want to keep it inside anymore. “I am sure you have better things to do than be with me and all my drama. Than entertaining a kid who is not even yours. You dont have to be nice to me just because you feel like you have to. Im okay,”
“Is that what you think Y/N? That I have to?” Yoongi gave a small laugh. Y/N nodded.
“Im a nobody. Just a small town girl who you helped to get a job. You have big things ahead ready for you Yoongs. And I am sorry I drag you into this,”
“Hey…” Yoongi cups her face to make her look at him. “You might be a small town girl who I helped. But I know for sure that even if I didnt, you will be great elsewhere. So actually, I am the one who should thank tou for picking to work with me,” he flashed his gummy smile, making Y/N smile a little. “Y/N… you might be a small town girl, but you are so much more to me,”
Y/N looks him, confusion clear in her eyes.
“You are the girl whos talent so raw, so amazing, it amazes me. You ate the girl who with just a smile, or even a yawn,” he laughs, “makes my heart beats uncontrollably. I dont know how or when it happens… actually, I do,” Yoongi smiles. “It happens from the first day you tapped my shoulder and said I should open up and listen to some fresh persepctive. My heart cant stop beating at the thought of you ever since then, my mind cant stop thinking about you ever since and I just cant bloody stop smiling at the thought of you, at the sound of your name Y/N. There.. you know everything now. So I hope you dont think that I have to take care of you. I hope you know that I want to take care of you, because the thought of you and Jasmine alone or sad or unhappy makes me want to protect you, love you and just.. make you smile again,”
“Yoongi..,” Y/N whispered his name so softly while his eyes still locks on hers. “I… but I cant-”
“Hey,” he takes her hand and rubs it softly. “I am not telling you all this so that you will forget Jungkook or choose me. Its not my intention. Im telling you all this because you need to know how you make me feel, how important you are, how loved and how I need you. You dont have to say anything,”
“Yoongi…” Y/N cleared her throat, eyes glistening with tears. “I care for you. You are what makes me so strong to be here, to start this new life after I move. To face Jungkook and Nayla everyday. But Yoongi… Jungkook is my-”
“I know,” Yoongi smiles and squeezes her hand. “Jungkook is your first love. And its not easy to forget him. I know he is your first love Y/N, and I dont mind. Because… I am going to be your last love, and I promise I will wait however long that takes,”
Y/N mouth gaped open, but nothing came out. Speechless as she stares at Yoongi’s smiling face.
“I love you Y/N,” he whispered and kisses her forehead. “And you dont have to say anything,”
Jungkook is going crazy. He didnt mean to say what he said. He was just so stressed about his feelings that it just came out. He loves Nayla, and the baby. He is happy. Was happy. Everything changes when Y/N appeared again in his life and he starts to doubt everything.
The jealousy, the longing, the constant nagging from Nayla asking why hes acting different… its all just too much. And when Y/N asks him to pick her, choose her, there and then, he lost it. He was scared, he was lost and he doesnt want to do something he will regret. But apparently, he did it anyway.
Its been a few months since then, and Y/N avoided him like a plague. It doesnt help that Yoongi is helping her to avoid Jungkook too, and worse, that hyung is getting extremely close to her too, and that shameless hyung is no longer hiding his feelings for her. His whole band knows about it now, and theres nothing Jungkook can do to stop him. Jungkook needs to see Y/N, to talk to her, to explain everything. He knows what he wants now. Its very clear now. He loves Y/N. He wants to be in her life again, to be Jasmine’s father, to watch her grow up with Y/N by his side. Never again missing anything in her life. Jungkook will be damned if he lets Y/N go to Yoongi. His own band mate. His own hyung. But what if its too late? What if Y/N stops loving him in this past few months? What if he lost his chances for good. He needs to see her.
And he needs to see her now.
“Y/N, please. Just hear me out,” Jungkook pulls her hand before she could escaped. After months trying, he finally gets hold of her writing schedule and waited at the music room where she and Yoongi always work together. He made sure its the day where Y/N is alone, no hyung in sight and waited for her for hours until she showed up. She has no where no run now.
“I have nothing to say to you Jungkook,” Y/N tries to escape but failed.
“But I do. So you need to listen!” Jungkook gripped her hand. “Please?” Y/N sighed and nodded. She cant never resist thise doe eyes.
“Thankyou,” he gives her a small smile. “Y/N, first I want to say I’m sorry. Sorry for saying I dont want to marry you. Sorry for saying I dont want to get to know our daughter. And most of all… sorry for leaving you all those years ago.. when I promised you that you wouldnt be alone,” he takes a deep breath. “I regret everything I did to you. I was stupid, a brat and selfish. I know that. But I also know one thing… I know that I love you. In love with you. And I dont want to live another day without you,”
Jungkook stops and looks at her, trying to gauge her reaction, but nothing. He cant read whats shes feeling, so he decides to continue.
“Y/N… I’ll do anything. I’ll go as fast as you want or as slow as you want. If you want to get married now, lets do that. If you want to wait for 10 more years, I’ll do that too. Please Y/N, you dont have to forgive me, but please, accept me…”
“What about Nayla?” Y/N finally speaks after being quite for a while.
“Nayla..” Jungkook sighs.“Theres something you should know Y/N. That baby.. its not mine,” Y/N gasps, surprised by his confession. “You see… I have been chasing after Nayla for quite some time… but she has always been in love with this one guy, her ex boyfriend. Then one day, she came to me crying, saying shes pregnant and her boyfriend left her… she was scared, and alone.. and for the first time, she said she wanted me. I said yes. I accepted her, and accepted her baby as my own. But.. she left… the guy came back, said he wanted her back and she went back to him. Nayla is not a problem to us anymore Y/N. We can be together,” Jungkook smiles.
After a moment of silence, Y/N lets out a long laugh.
“So thats why you are acting like this. Because Nayla left you? Thats it isnt it?”
“What?! No!” Jungkook panics as he realized what Y/N must be thinking about. “No Y/N. I have realized long before she left me that I love you. I want to be with you. You and Jasmine. You!” He held her hand tightly. “Please, believe me Y/N,”
“How can I Jungkook? You have done nothing but breaks my heart and hurt me…”
“I know, I know. But I promise. And this time I really promise, that I will spend the rest of our lives to prove to you that I love you. To shower you with the love that you deserve. To be the father that our daughter deserve. Y/N… I know you still love me,” he places her hand in his heart. “And I promise, you will never be alone again. I will show you how much I love you. I love you Y/N. I love you with everything I got,”
Y/N looks down and looks back up to the face that she had always, always love. The face that he always longed for. Slowly, a smile appeared on her face.
“I love you,” Jungkook smile and leans closer, to finally give her the kiss she has been waiting for so long.
Yoongi immediately turns away from the door and walks out from the building. He is pretty sure Y/N wouldnt notice that he missed their session today.
He was so excited to surprise her today, bringing her favorite donuts. Y/N has been happier lately, and they have been so much closer ever since the Jungkook situation. Yoongi had thought he actually stands a chance. That Y/N has finally moved on ftom her first love. From the speeech he hears Jungkook gave her, and that smile on her face before he leans in to kiss her… well, he knows hows thats going to end.
Yoongi sat at the bench along the road alone, munching on the donuts he bought slowly. This is where he usually meets with Y/N and Jasmine, before they went off for some food or fun activities on his free day. None of that anymore. He is sure Jungkook will be doing that with her now. Yoongi sighed.
“How can someone sounds so sad while eating such delicious donuts?” Yoongi immediately turns around to the sound of the voice and see Y/N walking towards her, smiling. Ia she here to tell him about her and Jungkook. He dont need to know. “And Min Yoongi, are you eating my favorite donuts alone?!”
Yoongi try to give her a smile and pass the bag to her. Y/N smile and take a seat besides him.
“Why the long face?”
“Nothing you need to know,” Yoongi shrugs. “You look happy today,”
“Yes. Its a good day today,”
“Yeah. I fell in love,” Y/N smiles and Yoongi felt his heart breaking.
“Well.. good for you then. I have to go. Ill see you?” He starts to stands up to leave but Y/N pulls his hand.
“Wait. Dont you want to know more?”
“Actually no,” Yoongi shakes his head and try to break free but Y/N tighten her grip and frown.
“No sit,” and Yoongi has no other choice but to follow. “I had a talk with Jungkook today,”
Yoongi kept quiet, wondering why he is putting himself through this hell.
“He told me he regrets everything he ever said, or did to me. He told me he wanted to try again. To be with me. To be with Jasmine. He said he finally realizes what he wants, that he loves me. And wants to spend the rest of our lives together. Its everything I wanted to hear Yoongi,” Y/N smile.
“Yeah? Congratulations. I am very happy for you,” Yoongi forced a smile.
“And do you know what I think about while he is saying all that?”
Yoongi shrugs.
“All I can think about is how I dont want any of that from him anymore. Instesd, all I can think about is all the days I spent with you. To spend my days with you. Laughing and having fun with Jasmine and you. The way you smile, the way you always here to listen to me, the way you care, the way you… love me…”
Yoongi feels his heart beats faster but his tounge is tied.
“And I realized… that I want to be all of that to you too. I want to be the face you remember, I want to take care of you, to listen to you, to make you smile, to make you laugh. Yoongi, do you know what I’m trying to say?”
“I-Im not sure? Maybe you can enlighten me?” Yoongi tries to keep a straight face but he cant keep his gummy smile from showing.
“Min Yoongi, I love you,” Y/N grins. “And I want to be your last love too. No, I’m gonna be your last love, and it starts now,”
“I love you,” Jungkook smile and leans closer, to finally give her the kiss she has been waiting for so long.
Y/N stops him before his lips can touch hers and smile.
“Y/N? Whats wrong?”
“I dont love you anymore Jeon Jungkook. And I promised you that I’ll leave you alone remember? And unlike you, I always keeps my promises,”
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Redemption pt 3
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Rating: PG17 for safety
Parings: Wol x Emet-Selch
Its over, the winner gets to write the next chapter of the story. So why, pray tell, wont the Warrior of Light let him die?
Chapter Summary:
Swath and Hades have a heart to heart, while he is bombarded by emotions he have not felt in eons.
Word count: 5126
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Hades took in gulps of air as Swath breached the surface. She had walked quite a distance under the water; but keeping up the bubble had begun to drain the two of them. Hades loath to admit that his concentration waned as time had dragged on. To the extent that moments before as the Hero was frantically running to try to get as close as she could to the surface he had lost control of the magic which formed the air pocket. It had popped suddenly causing the water to press in quickly around them, cutting off his air supply and choking him. It was an odd sensation in two ways; one Hades normally would be able to manipulate magic, aether, the very will of the world itself around him with the ease of a person breathing. Instead he was becoming restrained and a slave to the mundane just as the rest of the shards inhabitants, which infuriated him. Two, he could not remember the last time he had been in a near death situation. The water had robbed him of his breath and filled his nose and mouth, Hades had felt fear as the dark waters close in around them. The sensation was a short lived as burst into breathable air, as once the bubble had popped she had been able to swim quickly to the surface.
Then suddenly he was thankful, realizing that it was the third time today he had been saved by her hands.
As Swath turned on her back to start kicking her feet, Hades found himself staring at the sky. The lazy clouds contrasted with the sensation of the water lapping around them. As Swath continued the journey towards shore Hades felt himself falling into his thoughts. His mind wandering back to the previous hours; more importantly, the incident with Amaurot and the butterfly. Hades realized that his magic was stunted, it deeply troubled him; his soul was not changed. Not fundamentally at least, it was still whole, still a soul of an Ancient. Yet the binds that Swath had put on him unknowingly had changed the flow. It limited him in ways that he hated. He theorized right there that being near her was like putting a cap upon his power. She was his limiter. Rightly so as well; his soul was properly bound to hers, her aether even now acting as gentle bindings. As such, Hades was reluctantly grateful to Swath’s existence. 
He was starting to feel more than just intervals of depression and hatred for the world around him. His heart beginning to sing with familiarity to her broken soul; it had been before of course, while they fought, while they traveled together. But Hades had silenced that song himself, because he had thought it was not her. Yet here he was leaning against Swath, hours ago his enemy with a blossoming trust. It likely was very possible with their growing relationship, he thought that he could overcome the limiter himself. Hades knew he would have to be careful so that he would not harm her, the strings that connected him to her likely worked both ways - as it did when he used her as a conduit for his magic. If he tried to bypass them he could possibly send negative feedback and hurt her. 
He felt a frown grace is brow momentarily as he took a quiet oath that he would do everything in his power not to harm her. For the sake of his budding feelings, and for the sake that she had gone against the wishes of her companions for his sake.
I’h will be using you, I’h will use yah as a reason for meh to live. The one I saved.
To use him as a reason to live. How much of the world was upon her shoulders? How many times did she feel like she failed to protect those around her? Closing his eyes he took in a breath. No, he would not add to that weight. While the chapter between the two of them had been finished she still had to contend with Elidibus. 
Opening his eyes he looked down at their bodies, the kicking of her feet and how she still wore her armor, but was seemingly unhindered. Elidibus was not as strong as Hades within the field of magic, but he was far more cunning of an opponent. Hades may have raised armies and empires, but even he did not know the extent Elidibus had upon the stage of the world. If Hades played his cards right; he knew he could become a valuable asset to Swath in the war against Zodiarks remaining forces. The thought caused his heart to clutch, with fear, loathing and excitement. To what extent had he been tempered? He wanted to know, he wanted to see; he wanted to fight back against his creation which he had served so dutifully. 
As the water splashed his face and he turned slightly to catch her face out of the corner of his eye. Though his the wet strands of his hair he could see her eyes closed, her face oddly relaxed. To what extent was she tempered? Could he use his bonds to free her as well? Hades slammed down hard on that train of thought, it would do no good to either of them thinking that way. If he severed the connection between the ‘Mother Crystal’ and Swath there could be a lot of backlash - her unnatural strength may fade, or worse yet, the Primal may retaliate to keep its hold on Swath. Hades couldn't risk it, he wouldn't. He would have to learn to accept her as she was now, while researching in the background about the effect of Primals. Hades had never given it much thought, had only understood the fundamentals. But it had been eons since he last picked up a book on the subject. Perhaps the people, of the various shards had learned something new that could help him in that front. 
He would fight for Swath’s right to choose; so that she could have the ending she deserved. For now he set the thoughts aside and began to shift to get himself a little more comfortable. To mitigate the sting of the sea water upon his exposed wound. As he shifted he heard the Viera woman give a content sigh. Turning his head he lifted a free hand to push back his still soaked hair to look at her better. Hades raised his eyebrows when he saw the wide grin and sparkle in her eye as she gazed at him. 
“Pray tell hero,” Hades asked hoarsely, letting his hand drop and clearing his throat in a futile attempt to rid his voice of its sudden roughness. “Why are you gazing at me with such an expression?”
“Happy,” Swath answered curtly. This caused Hades to frown; the one worded sentence had reminded him of the rumor that the hero was often a person of few words. How it often got her into trouble or unable to get proper information. Slight irritation bubbled in his chest as he reached out and seized her cheek between his thumb and forefinger pinching it. Her expression turned from joy to, while still happy, confusion. 
“Swath, that is not a valid answer to give me.” He chastised her as if she was one of his many children. He had been a father many times over, and while she was a grown woman he felt the need to remind her that speaking her mind would get better results than not. She blinked as he wiggled his fingers and then splayed his hand against her cheek caressing a small scratch that he found under her eyes. Hades felt a jolt of strange emotion as the Viera leaned into his hand. His eyebrows shooting up as he watched her nuzzle his palm; her face was one of contemplation. She was clearly thinking of what to say and debating her words. As she did she stopped moving, allowing the two of them to float in the sea. Hades watched as she collected her thoughts, her mismatched eyes shifting to look over him carefully. Then, her hands moved to free him from the bridal carry she had been holding him in. She left one hand on his upper back so that he would not float away from his place on her lap. With her other free hand she paddled lazily to keep their momentum going.
“A valid answer,” She repeated looking up to the sky, her white hair fanning out in the water like a halo. “This moment, I’hm happy for it.” Swath breathed, Hades pulled his hand away, as if her voice was releasing him from a spell. “I’h dun get moments like these oft.” Her gaze was focused on the sky and not the man in her arms. Hades felt his head tilt in curious wonder, and words began to tumble from his lips before he could stop or censor them.
“You are not given moments of reprieve often?” He shifted to let his body float in the sea water, only remaining on top of her by the grace of her one arm which still wrapped around his upper torso. “You were told to rest often, if I recall, did you not?” She laughed, the water around them splashing up to his face causing Hades to huff with frustration. He reached up to, in a futile attempt, wipe the drops from his face. “Do not laugh at me hero, I did not spy upon you while you were in your room. I may be a villain, but I am a villain with morals.” Suddenly with those words, the air changed, Swath looked down at him with a leer. As if she was reminded of something increasingly negative, Hades frowned back at her trying to gauge her emotions and failing. 
“Is tha’ what yah call it?” She looked at him with a surprisingly cold smirk. “Bein’ a villian with morals?” Swaths brows turned down into a frown. “Hades yah murdered millions yah know.” 
Ah, he thought, that was what it was. She was looking at him not as Emet-Selch, who did kill millions ‘indirectly’ - but as Solus zos Galvus, the warmongering man who killed millions by leading an army. He felt a mixture of anger and sadness, in the pit of his stomach. Hades did not want her to see him as anything but Hades. A rather fruitless wish, but one he had unknowingly had - one that had clearly been broken. He knew he could not take back the deeds he had committed, nor would he apologize for them. Hades at the time of committing them had firmly believed, tempered or not, that he had been doing the correct thing. 
Follow the plan, sacrifice the fragments to bring about the world once more. All would be well and Zodiark would bring them all back. 
The thought now, brought a bitter laugh to his lips. As it spilled past his restraint he could hear Swaths sharp intake of air - more shock at his reaction than anything. 
“Hero,” Hades began carefully, turning once more to fully look at her, making eye contact with ease. His expression was cool and collected, he knew full well that he could not escape his past. “While I understand that you feel like this is a conversation we must have, I humbly ask that we postpone it until we are not floating in the middle of the sea.” Hades emphasized this by lifting his hand and mentioning to the water around them. She stared at him as he let a gentle smile grace his lips. “All I will say is that you had the perfect chance to allow this world to be rid of this villain that you hold.” His words were cold - he knew this, but it was a truth he felt she must hear. “You chose to use me to live, and I accepted this. Until you grow tired of me, I will live.” Her face quickly darkened, it was not anger or sadness, that much Hades could tell. It was acceptance. She knew it was her choice, and she was not regretting it. But the golden eyed man could tell her mind spun with unasked questions; ones that likely neither of them could answer.
Why him?  He who had done such wrongs? 
The silenced dragged on a moment more before Hades sighed heavily. “Let us think of such things later. You have not answered my original question and I am not fond of having the conversation changed.” He shifted looked back up at her, she stared at him with a soft smile that reached her eyes. The hand that was paddling stopped and she reached up to gently touch the wound upon his chest - while it stung he allowed her the movement. After a moment she began to propel them forward once more.
“Nay, I did not get much of ah reprieve in mah own quarters.” Swath finally spoke, conceding to Hades demand. The man marveled at her bluish skin that was tinted with a nearly invisible blush. Part of him felt glee that she was blushing because of his words. The heavy atmosphere that had nearly suffocated them moments ago was broken with a shared smile and chuckle. “I’h had ah, companion, tha often came tah speak tah me.” She lifted her head out of the water and Hades watched as her ears twitched, he reached up, grunting to help her keep them above the water for a little while. In doing so he was more sprawled out against her, but the hand on his back told him she did not mind. In fact it held him close to her breast as she started kicking again to give them more momentum. 
“Please continue hero, who was this companion?” He asked now leaning over her, his face frighteningly close to hers. His wet hair falling around them shielding them from the sting of the sun. Her eyes grew heavy as she looked at his face, and a strange expression - one that seemed to echo the strange emotion he had felt when he had first used her as a conduit painted itself across her features momentarily before she smiled. 
“He was ah lingerin spirit. One of tha ol’ Warriors of Darkness yah sent to terrorize me back in tha day.” Swath spoke with the grin upon her lips - a smile that caused the back of Hades’ neck to heat up. Was it the sun? Was it his own emotions? He was a right mess and could not tell.
But Hades had remembered the Warriors of Darkness - at least he what he had heard of them. It was Elidibus’ plan originally of course. That and Hades himself had been asleep at the time - he did not want to deal with petty schemes. Logically speaking from the point of being a Ascian, the plan had been a disaster. It had actually only benefited Swath and the Scions, more than likely setting in motion the events that would bring them to the moment they were in. Then Hades recalled the voice that had used her body to speak right before they engaged in combat, when he had momentarily thought the light had won out. “Ah,” he breathed, his lips tight as he looked down at her. Air whistled out of his mouth as he sighed. “The spirit that was part of your whole.” He moved his hand slightly so he could stroke her ear with his thumb. Causing that blush to creep back across her face. Hades, despite himself was pleased he could have such an affect on her. Clearing his throat he stopped and resumed just holding her ears out of the water. “I will endeavor to give you as much time as you need to rest when we return to the Crystarium.” Hades promised, causing her face to shift from embarrassment to surprise. “We can even devise a plan to keep your Scion companions from pestering you. You can blame it upon my wound, the fact that only you can rightly treat me.” He smiled as her hand became tighter around his back. She stopped kicking a moment, before reaching up with her other hand and bringing his head down to nuzzle against her. This time Hades blushed, how many times has she done this to him today? “Yes yes..” He murmured, sighing shifting to press his third eye against her forehead. “Enough of that.” 
Under him, the Viera beamed clearly content with his actions as he moved away. She moved and shifted him in her arms as she did. He allowed her too, and soon he was being held bridal style again. “Tha will also give us plenty o’time ta talk about yah past.” Swath teased gently, her words quiet and sobering. They made Hades smile sadly at her.
“If that is what you wish to converse about during that time I will not protest.” He felt her begin to kick her legs with more gusto and her face was no longer focused on him. She was gazing towards the shore which was approaching quickly now. Their reprieve was now over; and it would likely continue to be until certain matters were discussed and plotted out. He was a man that was supposed to be beyond redemption, one that only deserved death as his final outcome. Looking down at his wound he let his shoulders sag. He had done horrible things - things he did not regret, and despite being freed from the chains of temperament he could not truly tell what had been his own desires and actions and what had been the will of Zodiark influencing him.
It vexed him, he continually repeated that he did not regret his actions, but at the same time the amount of life that had been lost caused a strange knot to form in his stomach. Stray thoughts continually reared their head against his usual logic.
What if this could have happened sooner? What if one of those people he had killed had been her?
Her hands brought him out of his dark musings; Hades had to reach out and grip her collar as she brought her feet down onto the sand, as she twisted she and Hades momentarily went under the water, before she stood straight up. Their clothing cascading with water, the golden eyed man coughed and sputtered out as much salt water from his lungs as he could. He looked at her with frustration but her apologetic smile and gentle squeeze quickly caused what minor irritation he had with her to dissipate. Swath walked with purpose until they were out of the water completely. Suddenly her shoulders dropped and Hades for the first time noticed that her soul was dim - that she was exhausted. 
“Can yah stand alright?” Swath suddenly asked, turning her tired gaze to him. He nods, and she set him down carefully pain laced through his chest down to his feet, with a sharp inhale he stood as straight as his back allowed. He felt his legs wobble and he shut his eyes momentarily, her hands still on his back and shoulder. Reaching up, he grabbed her hand entwining their fingers and giving a squeeze. 
“Yes, I will be fine Swath.” Hades looked up at her face, her eyes scanning his expression carefully before giving him another soft smile. Then, the two of them heard the stampeding footsteps and the calling of Swaths name, from the Scions and other unfamiliar voices. Hades watched as her face turned with confusion and then hardened into a familiar form. It was a manner that he had seen her take many times during her journey. “Your public awaits you Hero.” He smiled as she side eyed him, taking a step back he gently swept his arm up in a bow. “I shall remain a shadow at your side.” 
“Yah better,” Swath muttered lowly. She reached out and pulled him closer, and behind her. “Do not leave mah side Hades.” Watching her curiously he shrugged. 
“I will always watch you from the shadows.” He murmured, taking half a step back as the crowd reached them. Most of them Hades realized he recognized from the reconstruction of the lift and the giant golem. They all came to welcome her back from their fight. He looked away as the Scions rushed in. 
That was right, he was the enemy of these people - no he had been. He was no longer in a position to rightfully call himself a villain. He was just an onlooker, an outsider, a ghost that should have died. The noise of the conversation became background noise as Hades eyes gazed across the beach. He could see in the distance the lift - his mind returning to the conversation that he had with her. Hades smiled, it was not a bad memory to dwell upon, the din of the people was easily ignored as his eyes continued scanning the scenery until it fell upon Eulmore itself. The city loomed in the distance and the sight of it caused that knot to return to his stomach. He had done a terrible thing there. Hades had sentenced an innocent unborn child and its mother to certain death, to become a monster and corrupted the father to set the cogs of the rejoining in motion. 
Raising his hand to the wound upon his chest he let it hover there, he felt slick with sweat as the knot continued to twist. What was this feeling, was this regret? What was he feeling regret for? No, it was not setting the plan of the rejoining in motion, was it because of the child? Did he feel regret for creating a twisted creature that should have grown with love and care from its parents? He clenched his fist against his chest as what he could only describe as a fever grew. Shutting his eyes he took a deep steadying breath, pushing the knot away. Hades knew he did not have the time to deal with whatever he was feeling. Although the feeling dissipated the heat did not. Reaching up he pressed his ungloved hand to his face. It was fruitless but he tried to feel if a sudden fever was coming on. It was strange, why would he suddenly be getting sick? He should not be able to - even when he possessed a body and let it age he had rarely gotten ill. Another steadying breath, but his legs began to feel like jelly, and his chest ached. Unexpectedly he felt cool hands pressing against his forehead and cheek. Hades also then realized that the conversation from the crowd had dulled, and looking back he saw Swath before him and the people behind her chatting away with each other.
“Hades?” Her facade was down as her face quickly scanned his. One of her hands pressed firmly against his forehead and the other trailed down intermittently pressing on his cheeks and neck searching for heat.  Sighing he reached up and seized her wandering hand and entwined his hand to hers.
“Yes Hero, did I miss anything of importance? The conversation was boring me.” He shrugged, giving her an exhausted smile trying to convey that he was fine and just because he was clearly taking ill he refused to be a burden. While he would admit openly that her hands felt soothing he would not say that amidst strangers. 
“Are yah developin ah fever?” Swath asked him slowly so that the others did not hear them. 
He shrugged. “Even if I am, there is little to do about it here. I will persevere until the point I cannot.” Hades body was starting to become sore, he was truly getting sick. Perhaps the stress of the day, being pulled from death, and being drowned in various emotions that he had not felt in eons was even too much for him. 
“Can ah Ascian catch a fever?” She muttered leaning back touching his face again. Again, Hades shrugged. 
“Hero,” His tone was a gentle warning. “Do not obsessed over my health at the moment. There are many pressing matters to attend to.” Raising his hand he waved to Thancred, who was now looming behind her, Swath, surprised, spun on her heel with unusual speed for one so exhausted. Hades smiled, because as she turned she did in such a fashion so that their hands were still entwined. A small gesture that she did not have to do, and one that further convoluted Hades feelings. He knew he was falling in love with her; it was a familiar feeling. He would not stop the descent of love either, but he doubted that he would ever act upon it. It was not his place to woo the hero of light and darkness. Regardless if she had been his love in her past life.
“Thancred!” She blurted out causing him to heave a sigh and wave towards a path. “Ah, ‘re we ready ta go?” 
“Yes, we are,” The white haired man then eyed Hades who raised his eyebrows at him. The man scanned the former Ascian, lingering on his wound with a frown. “Can you even walk?” 
Hades face twisted up into a frown. He actually did not know if he could or not. With the wound starting to hurt again and the fever on top of it all he likely was doing his best to remain standing. “Does it matter if I can walk or not?” He eyed Thancred carefully who shrugged.
“I ask only out of concern for Swath, if you cannot she likely will try to carry you again.” Waving his hand dismissively Thancred looked away. “I really don't care what happens to you.” Hades grinned as he felt small waves of anger coming off of Swath. The golden eyed man knew that she probably did not understand her attachment to him, and while the feeling was mutual he was still grateful that she wished to defend him so. 
Hades took a step forward his hand practically dragging Swath along. His steps where unsteady but he refused to allow his weakening body to win out. The hero quickly fell behind Hades as he followed Thancred. Further ahead of them was the crowd, all huddled around the Exarch. Ah, this was why they needed to hurry forward. The Exarch could not be too long from the Tower, he would grow weak. How could he have forgotten? Before them Thancred jogged to meld into the group leaving Swath and Hades trailing behind. After several moments, Hades could see the twins and the child Ryne throwing glances at them. Ryne clearly looking at both Swath and Hades while the twins only looked at Swath. They wanted her to join them that much was clear, he leaned his head towards her. 
“Swath,” He said her name carefully, gauging her reaction. In response to her name he felt her grasp on his hand tighten, causing him to sigh. She was being stubborn, Hades realized whatever he said she would not leave him. Regardless he would try for the sake of the young ones. “You should go to them, you have won after all.” 
“Tha victor writes tha story?” Came her murmur. 
He frowned. “Why are you repeating my words?” The question came with a bit of malice from Hades, she should just leave him and go towards her companions. Continually fussing over him would achieve nothing. 
“What kind ah story do yah think we will write?” She asked looking towards the people jovial and clearly celebrating. Hades frowned, his eyes focused on her face, while his mind only focused on walking forward. “How will yah be painted? As ah fellow victim as tha Exarch?” Hades grew quiet as his gaze frantically searched her rather blank face for some inkling of her thoughts. “As tha villain?” Swaths voice trailed off and she looked down at their entwined hands. 
“How would you like the story written Hero?” Hades asked suddenly, stopping his gait causing her to stop as well. The rabble continued except for the Scions who paused to keep an eye on them. Hades cared not if they watched, he looked at her blank face, as if she was frightened of what was to come. He reached out and took her other hand holding them he asked again. “You, are the victor Swath, not your fellows, you. How would you, like the conclusion to this chapter to be written?” 
Swath looked at him with shock, as if no one had ever actually asked her that. Once again her face was deep in consideration. “I wish for ah happy endin.” She muttered, “One where it says tha I saved yah.”
Hades smirked, “Then make sure it is written as such hero.” Turning he released her other hand and raised it to his forehead. He was again drenched in sweat, beside him Swath took the lead catching up to the other Scions who had been waiting for them. Ahead of them was a prepared set of steeds to allow them to fly back to the Crystarium. Hades felt his shoulders slump a little, he did not have the energy to hold onto a beast. As the Scions settled on their steeds and made sure the Exarch was comfortable Swath led Hades to a large one and climbed on, only to hold her hand out to him. He frowned.
“Ride with meh Hades.” She breathed, “I’h wanna make sure yah dun pass out.” Hades chuckled and using nearly the last of his energy climbed onto the beast behind her. She shifted and leaned back letting her messed up ponytail rest on his head. “Hold onta me.” Frowning he wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned into her back. It was broad, not as broad as his of course. Physically she was still slimmer than him even though she was clearly much more muscular and towered over him. The beast easily launched into the air making his head spin, soon the ground was far below them and they were on their way back to the Crystarium. 
His destiny awaited there, the pivotal moments that would begin to change him. Hades knew this, but his attention span was once again nonexistent as the fever began to grow, heating him up. Shutting his eyes he pressed his forehead into her shoulder. He would not pass out, he would hold strong until he could properly collapse. Where he was not a burden to her. 
The thought was short lived as his consciousness faded and he slumped against her.
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my-creative-hell · 5 years
It was Hannah and Iden’s first night shift looking after Grave, though they had been warned against taking the night shifts by several co-workers. They said Grave had a tendency to try and escape and be rowdy, so most of them kept her tranquillised to make her docile.
After many chats with their highers, Hannah and Iden had managed to convince them to allow them to spend the night with Grave without her being tranquillised.
Which was why they were now hiding outside the room, waiting to see what the large cryptid would do when under no restraints. They didn’t believe it was necessary to keep such a creature forcefully docile. It didn’t feel right, and they wanted to prove it to themselves.
As predicted, Grave started to mess remotely with the cameras, with them giving off small noises as they were forcefully shut down. Surprisingly nimble giant fingers carefully unlock the large cage she is kept in, the large cryptid emerging slowly from the cage.
But once out, she moved with speed, practically running down the hallways as her giant bear like feet made large thumping noises, which echo and ricochet off of the walls around the twins as they follow after her, out of sight and silent.
Grave runs down the halls and begins to check on the other cryptids in the unit, saying hello to the ones that were still awake, four in total of the ten kept, including Grave, and releasing them from their cages to wander. The sleeping ones got some sweet chirps that might have been a goodnight.
While the others seemed to wander aimlessly through the rooms and labs in the unit, Grave seemed to have a destination in mind as the twins follow her as she pads her way to the chemical and medical room in the unit, her footsteps precise and determined sounding to the twins as they linger behind, making sure to stay out of sight and mind.
Once entering the room, it quickly became clear to the twins what Grave was doing in there, as she appeared to be searching for something in specific. It didn’t take a genius to figure out she was looking for the tranquillisers to try and get rid of them all, and while the twins didn’t know the exact location of them, they did know they weren’t in there.
Grave figured it out after a short while, frustrated noises coming from her as she searched the entire room top to bottom before figuring out they must have been hidden better in a place she had no idea about. It made sense, tranquillisers were the only things the others believed could ‘tame’ the wild beast, so of course they would lock them up in a widely unknown location.
“..-. ..- -.-. -.-” (Fuck.) Grave huffs the word as the realisation that the tranqs weren’t in there fell upon her, and instead she opted to mess around out of boredom, practically playing with the chemicals and equipment that was in the room.
Hannah and Iden watch from the shadows in fascination as Grave messes around, unknowingly creating a high impact bomb on her first attempt, watching as she realises as it starts to heat up, quickly throwing it out of a window where it proceeds to explode, the impact radius at least ten feet wide.
Grave stares at the explosion for a moment in what the twins could only assume was awe before she turned back around from the window and proceeded to play around more.
The next thing she managed to create took more time, as she was being delicate with it, taking the time to boil chemicals and place things gently. It was astounding to the twins, and made them wonder how the others could possibly only view her as something akin to a large dumb animal.
What Grave had just created was akin to highly dangerous acid, which she then proceeds to pour into a trashcan, showing an odd distain for them as she does so.
Once that is done, Grave puts it all in ice water, placing it into the sink and pouring it into the bowl of the sink, which becomes full of a glass like substance. She had managed to create a form shifting wax, making the twins smile in awe at her intelligence and versatility.
Another batch of acid was created by the cryptid, being poured onto the strange glass like creation. But it didn’t melt it, like you would expect an acid to do; instead it lit the creation on fire for a few seconds, an intense fire, and a mixture of different colours. It was very interesting looking, even if it didn’t last too long.
Once the large cryptid had decided she was done in the chemical room, she proceeded to clean everything up, putting everything back in their perfect places, even in the perfect positions. Nothing looked out of place; it was like she had never gone in there in the first place.
Hannah and Iden follow her as she makes her was into the large kitchen, watching as she begins to steal some of the food, not seeming to have a specific way of doing it. A bag of grapes are pulled from the counter and placed in her mouth in what seems to be happiness, her mouth twisting slightly into something akin to a smile. Some more food goes missing into her mouth, but it wasn’t too much for anyone to notice, other than the twins who had seen it all happen, still hidden from the gaze of the large cryptid.
Well, most of it was unnoticeable. Grave makes her disliking for the other scientists very clear as she proceeds to mess up all their food, though she spares Hannah and Iden’s food, showing mercy as this was their first day, though they didn’t know that and were only left confused.
Some soup was placed in the microwave by the large creature, as her many eyes watch it rotate as it is heated up, carefully removing it when it had finished, cautious of ripping the door off. Surprisingly, Grave grabs a spoon to eat her soup with, holding it delicately in her fingers as she uses it to carry the hot liquid into her mouth.
The other cryptids Grave had allowed to wander seem to smell the soup, as the four of them begin to wander into the kitchen, passing by the invisible twins.
Grave kindly gives them all spoons and they all start to eat together, having a conversation in familiar beeps and chirps. Though the conversation was going too fast for the twins to comprehend all of it, what with them talking over each other, they could understand that the cryptids were talking about the other scientists and how they were messing with them, each of the cryptids doing their own version of a smile, their faces lighting up as they speak.
This only made the twins more upset. All the cryptids showed extreme intelligence and no one seemed to care, just wanting to keep them docile and dumb so they wont even realise they are locked away from the rest of the world. They had emotions, and the twins seemed to be the only ones who could see this fact.
The cryptids eventually seem to be getting tired, saying goodnight to one another before all padding off to their cages to sleep, locking them behind them like nothing had happened.
Grave herself returns to her room, sitting down in her now locked cage and turning the cameras in the facility back on, so they can record everything from then onwards.
Hannah and Iden watch her form outside before Hannah takes a deep breath, pushing open the door to the lab gently and slowly making her way in slightly, Iden following behind her.
Grave starts to panic immediately, realising they had probably seen everything, backing up quickly. Her panic and fear plummet to beyond beeps of worry and into full on defence mode, a torrent of static being released from her mouth onto the two small people in the room with her.
The effect is almost immediate; the twins both doubling up as the noise infects their brains, twisting their senses into cruel demons that spike and play with their minds, pain skyrocketing out of nowhere.
They grasp at their heads and an ear, trying to make sense of what was happening to them and why they hurt to bad, Hannah making an attempt to speak, but her brain had lost all ability to form coherent thought beyond pain, let alone a word or sentence.
The two get pushed down by the static, landing harshly on their knees on the floor, grasping their heads as if their hands were the only things keeping them from falling apart, mouths hung open in pure agony as the static drones on and on, Grave never letting up.
If they could scream, they would, but the action was impossible as their bodies forcibly sink into the floor more, the twins being pushed on their back as the pain continues to wash over them, dulling their senses and making their heads swim.
Much more and the twins bodies had given up trying to fight or stay alert, the twins sinking into darkness, their bodies falling limp against the floor, hands falling away form their ears as the static continues on for a while longer.
Eventually the noise of the static dulls and begins to fade, until Grave finally decides to stop.
She looks at the now severely unconscious people, before deciding to move them to an unused room inside the lab, hiding their limp bodies inside, keeping the door unlocked as she heads back and gets into her cage, glad to have avoided the threat of the humans.
But for Hannah and Iden, the threat has only begun. In their unconscious state, their brains begin to pull up images. At first its dreams, faces they know, people they get along with, but after a while things begin to change.
Faces they know and love get distorted, mangled in front of them, skin becoming slashed and bruised and ripped open, mouths becoming unhinged, and eyes falling out or being removed forcefully.
Then more things begin to pop up, their minds beginning to torture them under the effects of the static. Memories get pulled up, torturous and strong, making the twins convulse and shake in their sleep, fat tears starting to pour from their eyes and disjointed words and screams beginning to be pulled from their burning throats.
Memories of heaven, the pearly white gates being ripped apart as the very one who made them, who loved them was forced to kick them down into hell, stripping them of their strength, making them vulnerable for all eternity, weak and unworthy, but unable to die, only to feel all the pain bestowed upon them.
The burning of the fall scotched up their backs in their dreams, Hannah’s eyes beginning to sting as the memory of them being burned up resurfaces, making her need glasses when she came to earth.
Memories of the hardships they endured on earth, the endless beatings and torture they had both endured over the millennia. The hangings, and cuts and burns and gunshots they had gained over time all melting and mixing into one undeniable and unbearable sense of pain that left them writhing in fear and agony, their screams becoming distorted and split as they decent more into pure fear.
Grave can hear them form her cage, but thought nothing of it. All humans were loud, especially when placed under, and these were no different. She didn’t know what she had expected of them, and it doesn’t bother her in the slightest.
An entire night of screaming and shaking and crying left the twins feeling as if they had died when they did wake up, not long before their colleagues started filing in for the day shifts.
Their eyes had dark circles around them; they looked pale and sickly, bodies still shaking with unfocused eyes that still held horror inside of them.
When they manage to pull themselves off of the floor, they make their way into the lab, neither of them really looking at Grave as they move past her, not wanting any more confrontation. They didn’t believe she was bad, they believed she was scared and worried, that she maybe wouldn’t have done it if she knew the truth.
They silently make their way out of the office, feigning their natural states for their co-workers as they leave the building slowly, Hannah using the last bit of her energy and sanity to erase the recorded footage from that night, the shadows manifesting much weaker than normal, but strong enough to ruin the equipment and corrupt all the footage to an unrecoverable state.
The next day on their assigned day shift, they didn’t look any better, eyes still tired and bodies still shaking, though they were good at stopping the tremors to fool their co-workers.
They hadn’t gotten any sleep the previous night, their nightmares playing on a loop inside their minds now, the horror in their eyes undimmed as they enter the lab, keeping their eyes cast low as their shaking involuntarily increases.
They remain quiet as they enter and walk to their desks to begin work, the fear still prevalent in their minds, even though they knew they didn’t blame Grave for what happened, the thoughts were still fresh in their minds, playing behind their eyes.
Silently, the twins begin to run and catalogue numbers, their hands shaking as they type and write statistics and reports, the usual banter and chatter they may have had on pause for now.
Grave watches them from her cage, having lumped them in with the other scientists, believing them to be of the same mindset. Believing they would tranq her given the chance, that they would hurt her if they got too close to her, not even wanting them to breathe near her.
Not that the twins were even thinking of doing that, they themselves were too afraid of everything to even try to do anything. So instead they sit in silence, Iden working on numbers while Hannah is writing behavioural reports and general statuses, their bodies shaking the whole day while they work in complete and utter silence, eyes unfocused and tired.
They leave in silence, not even looking back at Grave as they do, feigning for their co-workers before heading home.
The next day is no different. Neither twin had any sleep, and though you could say their shaking had subsided slightly, it was still there.
Once again they enter the lab in silence, sitting down and working in silence for the entire day, heads bowed and low as they work, not sparing a glance anywhere other than their work. Grave enjoys this. She has distaste for scientists, currently including these ones, so she enjoys the silence.
They leave in silence once again, having a third night of no sleep due to the nightmares playing in repeat in their heads keeping them alert and unable to close their eyes.
The third day into the effect, they come in, the bags under their eyes slightly worse, the tremors in their bodies still noticeably remaining. They walk slightly huddled into themselves, like they are afraid they will break if they don’t, like frail glass, though their co-workers would never know, they were so good at acting.
They enter the lab the same as they have been, refusing to talk and sitting down, though Hannah doesn’t start working immediately.
Instead, she places her head down on her arms; her breathing is slow and laboured as she does this. When they do start work, their movements are slower due to fatigue and their heads are hung low as they do.
And Grave starts to feel bad now, quite bad actually. This effect had never gone so far before, it had never affected anyone so badly, and seeing them like this made her feel a little bad for them. And it only worsened throughout the day.
But, before they leave today, Iden leans close to Hannah, lowering his voice to a whisper as he speaks. ”Did Jeff ask you about Grave too? He was asking if she did anything on the night, I said no.” He explains, Hannah turning to look at him, nodding her head in understanding and agreement.
“I said no too.” She explains as they begin to pack up and leave, the bad feelings inside of Grave swelling more now as she starts to realise they may not have been as bad as the others, and that they didn’t rat her out at all.
The next day, Iden is absent, Hannah walking into the lab in silence alone. He had given in and filed for a day off due to fatigue, but they couldn’t both be off, and Hannah seemed to be handling it just slightly better, so she had opted to go in alone.
The shaking remained slightly as she enters the lab, sitting down quietly, looking tied. She silently begins working, writing up things for both her and Iden, not bothering to pay attention to anything else.
She gets startled when some small beeping noises come from the large cryptid in the cage she wasn’t paying attention to, and she glances out of the corner of her eye at Grave, surprised by the sudden noise, not saying anything in response, not even sure she was hearing it right, it had been a while since she slept.
The beeps continue to come from Grave, though they seem to be getting faster now, worrying Hannah, in case something was wrong with the large cryptid and she had ignored it.
She sits up from her previously hunched position, shifting to look at Grave properly, revealing her very tired face fully to her as she does so, trying to see if something is wrong.
“-.-- --- ..- .----. .-. . / -. --- - / --- -.- .- -.-- -.-.--” (You’re not okay!) Grave says suddenly sounding slightly distressed. Hannah can barely answer at first, so taken aback by this sudden outburst from the large creature before her. when she does respond, her voice is broken from not speaking for a while.
“I-I-I’m just a l-little t-tired.” Her voice stutters due to her fatigue as she makes light of the situation, making it out to be less alarming than it is, not wanting to make any more worry.
“. -..- .... .- ..- ... - . -.. -.-.-- -.-.-- -.-.-- / -. --- - / --- -.- .- -.-- -.-.-- -.-.-- -.-.--” (Exhausted!!! Not okay!!!) Grave says, cutting through Hannah’s lies, making her back-pedal slightly. But she doesn’t want to worry anyone, so she just doubles down.
She tries to laugh, but it comes out as crackly and dry, her throat straining.
“I-its fine, -I-I’ll sleep at h-h-home.” She tries to reason, a forced smile plastered on her face, though her eyes are still dim and tired, and no light behind them to be seen.
“--. . - / .. -.” (Get in) Graves hand slides through the bars of her cage, startling Hannah, leaving her confused and a little scared.
“I-I-into what??” She asks, confused, tired and a little on edge at the moment as she looks at the hands.
Grave wave her hand a little as she speaks next.
“.... .- -. -.. .-.-.- / --. . - / .. -.” (Hand. Get in.) She says again, sentence simple so Hannah can understand it. And she does, eyes widening slightly as she backs up slightly from the hand.
“O-oh, that’s what you- b-but, I have w-work to do, I-I-I-” She tries to explain, stress rising, but her mind is to exhausted to come up with the words she would want to say, even if she knew what those words were.
“.... / .- / -. / -..” (H a n d) The word is stronger, a demand more than anything else now, and Hannah felt she had no choice but to listen to the large cryptid waiting in front of her.
“H-hand, right, hand…” Hannah says slowly as she carefully climbs on, limbs feeling weak and heavy, just trying not to fall. She has no idea what Grave wants, and it scared her. She wasn’t scared of grave necessarily, just scared in general.
Grave smiles, her mouth full of teeth as that toothy grin emerges before she speaks, smile not leaving her face.
“... --- ..-. - ..--..” (Soft?) She asks Hannah as she sits on her hand. Hannah doesn’t know how to respond. It feels like it should be soft, but Hannah had been cold from lack of sleep for so long, her hands had gone kind of numb.
“I-I- think so? M-my hands are k-kinda n-n-numb right n-now, so-” She offers a weak smile of her own to the big cryptid, though she was sure it didn’t touch her face like it normally would.
“..-. ..- .-. / - .. -- . .-.-.-” (Fur time.) Grave says as she gently places Hannah in her soft fur, instantly making Hannah a bit less stressed, though the confusion remained as her brain struggles to process what is happening.
“-... . - - . .-. ..--..” (Better?) Grave asks Hannah as she is in her fur and Hannah opens her mouth to answer, her voice sounding weak as it falls on her ears.
“I-I think so?? I-I f-feel better, m-m-maybe-” She tries to speak what she’s feeling, the words sounding tired and flat in her head as she hears them.
“... .-.. . . .--. -.-.--” (Sleep!) The simple command jolts Hannah and she back-pedals slightly, worried a bit now. She likely wouldn’t sleep well, and she didn’t know if she wanted Grave to deal with that.
“Sleep? A-are you sure, I-I don’t wanna w-w-orry you.” She tries to back out and explain, but she gets the feeling it’ll be futile when arguing with Grave.
“... .-.. . . .--. -.-.-- -.-.-- -.-.-- / .--. .-.. . .- ... . -.-.--” (Sleep!!! Please!) Grave asks again, worried, though slightly less so. Hannah concedes, sighing as she finally lies down in the fur properly, squeezing her eyes closed tightly and trying to focus on her breathing, instead of the still playing nightmares in her head.
Slowly but surely, she starts to relax, being lulled to sleep by Graves’s breathing, slowly sinking into sleep.
Grave is feeling happier watching the small human fall asleep in her arms, smiling slightly as Hannah’s face visibly relaxes as she sinks into sleep further, safe and cared for in Graves arms.
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