#Some info on cards and his household
sunlessveils · 8 months
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The household of Dr Cards.
Most are surprised to find the doctor lives so secluded in the marshes, what secrets does he keep there? The truth is not far below the surface. The secret is his daughter,Clara, Sent from the surface by her mother due to her "unladylike" behaviour.
While her claims of singing from the marshlands and Visions of miracles are a source of some concern the doctor ensures she's well protected and cared for.
Rumours stick to the girls caretaker, miss Harpe, that say she used to be a vake hunter. Though most whispers follow the House's guardsman, A faceless fellow in ancient armour but with no lacking in its sword arm. are they dedicated to reenactment or did the doctor animate a suit of armor,or the bones of a long dead warrior, to ensure the safety of his constantly wandering child and the staff?
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garb-rage · 1 year
“So what if it’s raining!” | Kyle Broflovski x Gn!Reader | PT. 1
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🛼 - Summary - Sheila and Gerald Broflovski had planned a date night the weekend of, and set Kyle in charge of babysitting Ike. Kyle, getting extremely bored, invited you over to help and hang out with the two brothers.
- Pairing(s) - Kyle Broflovski x reader
🛼 - Reader Info- reader LOVES rain, unestablished relationship, mutual unspoken crush, fluff kind of, Reader and Kyle are 18!
- Warnings - Canadian character (ike) 😨
🛼 - NOTE - Hey hey! I’ll have part two posted in a day or so, hope this is alright so far! 😁 also this isn’t proofread so I’ll have to do that in a bit 💀
There’s no fucking way.
You groaned.
Letting out a frustrated sigh, you flopped backwards onto the rugged carpet of the Broflovski household in defeat. Your cards flew everywhere, uncaring of the slight mess made.
“Of course, just my luck” You huffed, shifting your head away from the boys sitting before you.
There wasn’t anything you despised more than playing card games with that of Kyle fuckin Broflovski, a teen-prodigy at whatever the hell game you guys decided to bring out next. Despite the “luck”-based system of the current one standing before you on the coffee table, you could have sworn there was some sort of “master-mind” strategy to the entire schtick. It was Uno for goodness sake. It had to have been a set up. He had to have…peered into the future or something.
With an award winning smile, and eyebrows that signaled two-sided pity, Kyle couldn’t help but shrug at your sour attitude. He laughed before he could mutter any apologies, cleaning up the cards littered around your body. “Sorry dude, but I warned you not to play Uno with me. Ike already knows, yet you just had to drag him into this game, huh?”
As if on cue, his little brother pretended to let out a shrill cry of shared defeat.
You sat back up, comforting Ike’s dramatics and ruffled his hair. You stared daggers at Kyle, who was still smugly shuffling through the mass of card games scattered about. It was an outrage. “I’m SORRY! I thought you were all talk dude! The past seven other games were nothing but PLANNED SCHEMES BY YOU! Go-fish, UNO, whatever, you just won them all!”
He scoffed, not looking up at you once. “Guess we’re not counting Ike’s win at solitaire, then?”
All you could do was lovingly punch Kyle, and roll your eyes. He jumped back and laughed a defensive “HEY!” before he could have been attacked any further. Ike cheered, you stood up, and the red-head pretended to cower in fear on the floor, forgetting any of the cards he had been previously sorting. “Smartass” you muttered with a grin.
“Yeah, smartass!” Ike mirrored.
Oh lord, neither of you were the paragon of what the boy should have been looking up to, and it showed. Kyle and you laughed before you crouched back down to help clean up the card games. Your friend sighed, rolling his eyes in a half-assed scold. “Don’t repeat that to mom and dad, Ike, they’ll kill me.”
Smartass? You quirked your eyebrows up in confusion, tilting your head slightly at the notion. “Kill you? I mean, come on, He’s old enough now, it’s not like he doesn’t know things.” You joked, side-eyeing Kyle while putting away the final boxes of the card games. He sighed in response, pinching the bridge of his nose and shaking his head as if recalling a troubling memory. “Yeah, but you haven’t seen our mom when she hears that type of stuff, she goes crazy. So honestly, it’s best if he just stops using that-“
Just then, cutting him off, the lights of the household shut off without any warning. A flash outside the windows rumbled the friendly peace between the three, signaling any nearby residents of an unexpected thunderstorm. Blanketed in sudden darkness, a certain little boy screamed, and ran into an unsuspecting wall.
“Of course, goddammit…UGHHH. A thunderstorm? Really? Hold on guys, give me a second-” Kyle exclaimed, hurriedly fumbling around his pockets for a phone. He grumbled while your excitement suddenly shone through an inky, housed darkness. Finding your phone before your frazzled friend could, you happily tapped the screen and went straight towards the flashlight function. “It’s ok Ike, I’ve got you, don’t run into anymore walls, please.”
A boom, a thunderous crash, and a harrowing plummet of thick drops pelted the house as the little boy hid behind your legs in childish fear.
Storms like these weren’t uncommon in South Park, no, but it felt like it had been forever since the last one wreaked havoc onto the little town, and you always looked forward to them. Despite the setbacks of, well, almost all power going out across town, it was always worth it for the refreshing moments of an insane storm.
“It’s ok Kyle I’ve got my phone now- Ike, dude we should check out the storm! I haven’t seen one like this in AGES!”
Phone now in hand and sporting a tired look of disinterest, Kyle aptly declined. “No. No way, sorry. It’s raining. Shit like this ruins my hair like crazy, and now I’ve got to wait for our stupid power to come back on.” He muttered. Thankfully for you, you had a problem caring, and swiftly walked towards the entrance of the back door, much to your friend’s dismay.
“So what if it’s raining! What comes AFTER a storm is the most beautiful thing ever to look forward to!” You turned back, shifting your gaze towards the two brothers, grinning like a mad man.
As if to compliment your joy, another shattering flash of crisp thunder filled the air, illuminating the rain waiting outside of the Broflovski household. “You’re crazy.” Kyle simply stated, unblinking and unmoving. “I hate how dark our house is.” Was all Ike blathered, moving closer to his brother.
The sway against the boys wasn’t enough, yet despite this, you knew they were going to get FOMO sooner or later with how treacherous the noises outside were. So, without saying another word and a knowing smile, you opened the door to the backyard and ran around as if your life depended on it. And boy, was it worth it. You couldn’t hear the frustrated call of your name over the sound of icy threads weaving the air and sinking into the ground all around you. Laughing and circling around the now mushy grass, a wonderful wave of cold shivered throughout your body, igniting a beautiful adrenaline only such weather could unlock.
“DUDE! YOU’RE GOING TO CATCH A COLD!” You heard over the loudness of the rain. Turning around, you saw what appeared to be a disgruntled silhouette holding a shoddy phone-flashlight, and a stern look chiseled onto the features of a displeased red-head. A typical stance to see him in, and not the last time you’d see it either. Your water-lodged eyes spottet a shorter shadow peering around the taller one, slightly illuminated by the faint light of an IPhone, obviously curious about the weather before him.
Pretending not to hear Kyle, you joyously beckoned Ike over to the backyard, hands outstretched and drenched in water. You grinned, still uncaring of the shivering circumstances.
Not even a moment passed by before you saw the smaller shadow jolting towards the backyard. Of course! You knew IKE would at least eventually cave, and how could you resist rain like this! The weather was sure to ruin any tidiness the two of you held; tangled hair and drenched clothing, leaving behind frantic smiles plastered onto the faces outside. It was horrifyingly comical, much to the chagrin of Kyle.
And honestly, huge win for you, because now that you had won over your friend’s little brother, the two of you were UNSTOPPABLE!
“IKE NO!- Oh my god…”
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PT 1. | PT. 2
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miyamiwu · 1 month
omg my youngest sister is arguing with my mother in the group chat about the Carlos Yulo issue. As expected, my mom is on the abusive mother’s side. Fucking boomers
I honestly don’t have the energy to argue with my mom, so I’ll just leave it to my activist sister 🤣
Context for my non-Filo followers: Carlos Yulo is a Filipino gymnast who won two gold medals in the Olympics (men’s floor exercise and men’s vault), but before he won, his mother was rooting for the enemy team (Japan) and hoping for her own son to lose. Now, with Carlos winning two gold medals, her previous hateful statements were dug up and slapped in her face.
In defense, her mother started talking about how Carlos has been an unfilial child and how she thinks his girlfriend, Chloe, is causing him to drift apart from the family. This in turn caused a lot of people to turn against Chloe and throw misogynistic statements at her.
Carlos and Chloe had to post a video to clear up the misunderstanding and show their side of the story.
In the video, they said that they and Chloe’s family made a group chat and pulled Carlos’ mom into it so they can resolve the issue in private. I didn’t read all the screenshots, but one part had Carlos call out his mom for withholding the allowance he got as a national athlete/prize money from previous international competitions (can’t remember if it was just one of these or both) and using it to pay for the family house (which is under his mother’s name) in bulk without asking for his permission beforehand (his mother held his bank account card back then). The mother was unrepentant though, thinking that there’s nothing wrong with what she did and that she doesn’t have to explain herself to her own son.
Carlos also defended his girlfriend, saying how his mom has been very critical of how she dresses and speaks, as a result of how Chloe grew up in Australia, where the culture is very different. (The traditional ideal of a Filipino woman is someone who is “demure and self-effacing” like Maria Clara, but Chloe is the complete opposite of that. She’s an outspoken, strong, independent woman, and the conservatives and misogynists don’t like that.)
There’s a lot of articles explaining the whole thing better online, so just google them for more info
Anyways, this whole issue really blew up in the Philippines, with the conservatives/older generation admonishing Carlos with justifications like “That’s still your mom” and the younger generation rallying with Carlos and praising him for his courage in breaking free from an abusive household. It really brought to light the toxic Filipino family culture, rendering the issue as not only personal to the Yulo family but also a societal one that is prevalent in a lot of Filipino households. The Philippines is so poor that some parents have treated their children as “investments” to bring them out of poverty.
I’ve witnessed this problem in my own family. I remember when my older brother was in college, he had a scholarship that entitled him to P15,000 per semester (adjusting for inflation, this is now about $350). However, my mom held his ATM card and would only send him a little of the allowance. In the end, my own brother would starve and sometimes even steal other people’s food from the dorm 😔 (As someone who now also lives in the college dorm and has had her own food stolen, this is why I can never really hate or be mad at people who steal. I understand the desperation when you’re really hungry).
In the beginning, my brother thought there was nothing wrong with this and it was only right for him to give back to my mother, and it took my aunt (who housed my brother in his first year of college and also gave him some allowance) a lot of talking into him to convince him how this was wrong. As a parent, my mother had every obligation to provide and raise her children and my brother shouldn’t have to feel like he owes her a favor.
In the Philippines, tradition is to support your child throughout college. In some households, the support is until the child turns 18 or 21. But on the first year my brother left for college (he was only 16 then, as he was part of the old curriculum), my mom just threw him to our aunt’s place, which was near the university, and let him depend on our aunt—who had no obligation to even raise him—while also expecting him to hand over his scholarship allowance to her. It was awful.
I have a lot more examples in the family, but this post is getting too long… but yeah, I am both pissed and disappointed with my mother siding with Angelica Yulo, but at the same time, I kind of expected it. She and Angelica are the same kind of person 😩
However, I can only hold myself back from arguing since I’m not in any position to argue with my mom about this. Mom is still supporting me in college even though I am now an adult (got delayed because of mental health issues and stuff). And by support, it’s her giving me a weekly allowance of P500 (~$9)—which is far from enough for me to cover my meals and other necessities, so I often have to borrow money or do some gigs. I’ve been trying to find a part-time job, but there hasn’t been any luck. I also can’t apply for just any job coz I need to look for one that fits with my schedule and has a salary high enough for me to able to send money to my mom while also leaving some for myself (she’s been pressuring me on this, but as I said, I’m really in no position to talk back 😔).
My brother’s been telling me to just focus on my studies and not worry about it, but I know he would also like my help on the bills in the future. He’s currently paying for the family house that is under my mother’s name and which he doesn’t even live in anymore. He really wants to stop so he can focus on his career and build a future with his girlfriend, but it’s just so hard to break free from this kind of culture, especially when society here is so ready to judge you for being unfilial and lacking utang na loob if you do. And well, we also can’t just throw our mother to the wolves (debt collectors)
So yeah, I’ve been having a hard time, and my mom weighing in on the Carlos Yulo issue unprompted made it even worse 😔
And I swear I don’t mean the end the post like this, but since I’m talking about my troubles anyway, I might as well mention how I’m currently running a Ko-fi goal to help cover some expenses. If you have any spare cash, please consider donating to my Ko-fi 🙏
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aerieherbal · 11 months
Readings for October! 10/16-10/24
I'm doing readings for October! It has been a while! The past solar eclipse brought so much turbulence into my household, and because of that resolved some communication issues and helped improve the relationships we built. I learned so much and I want to help you learn the lessons meant for you during this time.
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3 card readings-$5
Aura readings-$5
Monthly reading-$15 (can be October for date of reading or for November)
Yearly reading- $25 ( starting from date of reading)
Quick Herbal consultation/nutrition consult-$30 (I have a Masters in herbalism & post-masters on clinical nutrition)
1. Let me know you want a reading in my messages. It's easier incase I need more from you. I also don't like to share people's private readings. It's really not up to me to share, you know?
2. Send payment to one of these services below. I won't do your reading until I see the money, but I will let you know I recieved it and tell you you're in the queue. It's completely fine to bug me if you feel I'm taking too long. I do have 2 small babies, so sometimes I can take more time than I want, but everyone always gets their reading.
Venmo- @aerieherbal
Cash app-$atribeof3sisters
3. Send any additional info, usually for aura readings or for 3 card readings. I usually ask if you have any specific questions or if you just want a general reading.
4. Recieve reading and hopefully enjoy!
Thank you for your patronage!!
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P.s. Luna and Sol say hi! Also Luna turn 5 mos.
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skyeslittlecorner · 7 months
Hey love, I was wondering how your oc looked like and personality? Cuz I couldn’t find anything on your blog
I hope you didn't waste too much time on this, because there's really nothing to look for. Never revealed her. I can serve you with my texts, but when it comes to talking about my own OCs, I'm terrible at it-
But it seems better late than never, so meet my lady.
Huge, huuuge thanks for @katy-the-same-as-tsuki for help in design and info card (she's basically Evi's Godmother), and @vilaenor for cutest chibi fanart! 🧡 I myself cannot even hold a pencil, my tool of crime is a quill, so thanks again!!!
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[For interested, more info below the cut!]
As a child, she was a ray of happiness, learning to play instruments with her flutist mother, and spent a lot of time in the forests and mountains near where she lived, camping with her father. That day, she was preparing for the first try to reach the summit of Mount Bukhsansan with her parents. Waking up early in the morning, checking her child's backpack, she was excited like never before. Until bangs and slashes rang out on the first floor. Scream, blood, police sirens. She doesn't remember much from that day, but from that moment on, everything changed.
The family friends who took care of her were lovely. They acted as if she were their niece, and she truly adored them, but the whispers full of pity and the memories mixed with nightmares made her head brain go wild. Her vigor turned into outbursts interspersed with days of stoic silence. What was going on in her mind? Even psychologists didn’t know. She aimed to find out who destroyed her life and take revenge. No more loved ones will be taken away from her.  For this purpose, she was ready to make a pact with the devil himself. 
The summit of Mount Bukhsansan isn’t the hardest to reach, but for her broken heart, it’s higher than Mount Everest. And she decided that one day she will climb it. The day, when her heart will feel light again, will be a farewell to the past and the beginning of her new life.
Strong, rational and cold as Antarctica. Like a sharp knife that always hits the target. Distant friends think of her as a machine fueled by delusions, when her loved ones suffer seeing this wounded child lose herself in her own spiral of madness.
She knows survival and self-defense very well and spends a lot of time practicing. Persistent, or rather, damn stubborn. Her trust issues and high intelligence only make it worse, because she became a master at rationalizing her illusions.
Seems to have no empathy. However, this is the result of the fact that she has been through a lot and small problems do not make an impression on her. Deep down, she understands others' emotions well, but first she would have to deal with her own.
Worked in a small music store to earn money for criminology studies.
Her parents came to Korea from Europe, hence her tall height.
The first days in Hell were a shock, and Satan got hit in the head as soon as he got within a meter. Self-defense reflexes. He truly misses those times.
Never starts a fight on her own, has to be provoked. Unless it's Satan. His very existence is a provocation (affectionate). More like a hunter who hides and watches preys.
Meeting Andrealphus shattered her worldview. It was only when she saw their similarity that she began to question her priorities.
Her fixation on porn began when she was having a huge crisis. Filled with emptiness, she wanted to feel anything. Over time, this numbness passed (or rather she got used to it), but once she became a connoisseur, why not continue.
She would rather fix the tap than do the laundry. Just doesn't like household chores, that’s why Minhyeok was doing it.
Ending note
I tried to marry the canon with my own ideas to keep as many features from the game as possible, and at the same time give her at least some depth. Some people asked about her, so I leave it to you, feel free to do whatever you want!
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bunsandstuff · 16 days
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Lady Alsene Foutuveaux
Warrior of Light
OOC: Hello! My name is Val, some call me Bean too. Thank you for stopping by my blog. It started off as a place for my buns, but these days I've taken a liking to writing about my WoL. Thank you for having interest! Info on her is below! (Also MSQ spoilers ahead)
Alsene Foutuveaux 25 | 15th sun of the fifth umbral moon | Sharlayan | RDM
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- Early Life
She was originally born Alsen Foutuveax to her parents: X'veilhena and Trennont Foutuveaux. Her mother X'veilhena was one of Sharlayan's many gleaners, and it was through her work that she met Alsene's father Trennont, a Sharlayan researcher and archon. It was after this an a few years after that the two were bonded and had a son who they named Alsen. The boy had a few years of memories with his doting parents, but there was always something on the horizon, something the two of them were working feverishly toward, much to Alsen's annoyance. And one day, that seeking would take the pair to shores beyond, and thus was Alsen entrusted to the care of the Wilfsunnwyns. As time progressed and the moons they were promised turned into a year, Alsen became a permanent ward of the Wilfsunnwyn household. In Alsen's youth, the shy miqo'te became close friends with Moenbryda to the depth of being near siblings. By this extension did he become acquainted to Urianger as well, though with both as aloof as they were, their interactions were few in between. It was also Moenbryda who encouraged Alsen to become who he was, and thus transitioned and given the name Alsene by the same Roegadyn lass.
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- Warrior of Light
Becoming Hydaelyn's champion wasn't in the cards, nor was becoming the Warrior of Light. After she got old enough and saw the ever growing threat of Garlemald creeping up through Eorzea, Alsene became tired of the Forum's inaction. Following in her parents' footsteps, Alsene took up arms and set out to lend her hand in the fight to protect Eorzea and all nations against the Empire's threat. And after coming into the power of the Echo and meeting the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, Alene's long journey began.
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- Relationships
Moenbryda Wilfsunnwyn
Found Sister After being taken in by the Roegadyn's parents, Alsene and Moenbryda became very close. The two were nearly inseparable in their youth, and basically family. Up until Moen's passing, Alsene and her were in regular contact, gossiping and spending their little free time catching up with one another. Alsene still regards her as the greatest older sister she could have had.
Urianger Augurelt
Main Ship Despite not having much time to bond in their time in Sharlayan, the two grew closer after Alsene's introduction into the Scions. After one shaky hello, the two of them have retouched on their estranged prior friendship. After Moenbryda's passing, Alsene became more protective over Urianger given how much she knew he meant to her late sister. And in turn, little did she know, the elezen held the same regard for her. Making sure that his dear friend's sister did not come to harm. Their relationship is still unfolding and doesn't have a proper tag yet, but I will update it when I have a name!
Artoirel de Fortemps
AU ship During the main events in Ishgard, Artoirel and Alsene grew quite close. She aided him in learning how to help Ser Aymeric with restoring Ishgard. Their relationship began playful, but both of them knew that there is more lying under the surface. Even so, the Warrior of Light has a hard time accepting these feelings as a beacon to the people placing a strain between them. Their story is unfolding under the tag #Of Hearts and Oaths
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And that is all for now. I will update this as more comes, but I appreciate anyone who has read this far! Thank you!
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ten-cent-sleuth · 11 months
A Galling Yoke, Part 11
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for the Cathartic Shower or Sudden Realisation, Drowning or Drowning Your Sorrows, and Fingore or Electrocution squares on my July Break Bingo card
See this post for main info, including a masterlist and synopsis. See this post for warnings.
Word Count: 3.7k
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x f!Reader
Rating: Mature (for potential triggers, not for sexual content)
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BEWARE THE CONTENT WARNINGS POSTED ABOVE. If you are not comfortable with them, you can read the first part of the chapter, stop at the line break, and skip to the author’s notes for more information.
Nobody bothered you for the coming days. Acquaintances steered clear of Voss House, though the Little Season was by now in full swing, and your staff steered clear of you, though you tried your best not to be too dull or ill tempered with them. Mrs Rogers still kept you company, but you could not entertain much conversation despite your yearning to confide in her all your devastation about William and all your doubts about what you’d gone through with Sherlock. The closest you had managed was a few minutes’ exchange—
“Sherlock knows about Edmund. He knows about me.”
“Oh… I am sorry, ma’am; I know you do not like to be reminded of it.”
“It was terrible, Mrs Rogers. It is terrible.”
“Did he react badly? He never did strike me as the sort to judge a lady for a cad’s behaviour.”
“No, I believe not that he… That is, I know not. I gave him not a chance to properly react, whether it would have been badly or not. But no, his core reaction seemed to be one of concern—and one of apology.”
“Then…he made you not feel pitied, or shameful?”
“Not the guilty sort of shame, merely…merely humiliated, the way one would feel if one made a fool of oneself in public and was laughed at. If… If that makes any sense…”
“It does, my dear. I understand.”
“Perhaps a little pitied, as well. Though I suppose I ought not to be surprised by that. If a battered wife is not blamed, she is to be pitied, is she not?”
“I do not pity you, and you know I do not blame you.”
“…It is only, he had such a sad look about him when he found out. His eyes…”
“There is nothing wrong with being sad about such a situation, is there, ma’am? I am sad some days, when I recall how the master treated you solely to feel better about himself. I am sad whenever I recall how he made you feel—whenever I see how he still makes you feel. Are you not?”
“Indeed, I suppose there are times… Sad, and angry also. I wish I never had to recall.”
“Of course, my lady. But there is nothing wrong with remembering and thinking about it either. Ignorance is a much graver failing than knowledge.”
You had thought of Sherlock then, of how much he prized knowledge, of how much he was discomfited by lack of it, of how much he had wanted knowledge of you.
“Was Mr Holmes’s failing making you feel exposed and embarrassed, or making you think about what you have not spoken of in a very long time?” she had asked, and the answer you felt in your breast had been too tumultuous and nebulous to verbalise.
Mrs Rogers had given you much to think about, but you tried to not have time to think. You busied yourself with catching up on the household affairs you had neglected for the investigation, and then getting as far ahead as you could with them; who knew if Lord Coltidge would have the time to ensure Voss House was running smoothly when things inevitably got hectic once you turned yourself into Scotland Yard?
Then that got you thinking: once you were convicted, your widow’s portion would revert to its original owners, wouldn’t it? Which meant your father would get the house back—it had been bestowed to Edmund as part of your dowry and only became yours upon his demise—and you could not leave your servants vulnerable to him, so you prepared protections for their jobs and arranged for alternate incomes if they had to leave.
You sent the Sulyards an invitation to come by Voss House at any time and at long last clear out Edmund’s effects. You finished up needlework projects lying around and said your goodbyes to your book collection. You went through your chambers and chose what could be given away. You did everything you could to ensure you would slip away from this world, this life, with as few ripples as possible. No unfinished business, no loose ends—
Blinking, you set down the ledger you’d been reviewing and stared out the study window. As you drifted over to the glass pane, the thoughts whirled faster and faster around your head until the tornado sucked the breath out of you: Sherlock had said professional killers didn’t leave loose ends—yet Miss Algar, a trackable witness who had seen the entire murder, remained breathing and even comfortable—so William must have gotten involved—how?—not sure, but somehow he kept the hitman from getting to Miss Algar—so William must have hired Mrs Kinley too—makes sense, who else but Viscount of Pashbroke would expend such liabilities—but it would be equally in character for Viscount of Pashbroke to hand over the reins of everything to the Earl of Coltidge once he broke about the murder—when it rains, it pours—but if your father hadn’t gotten rid of her, he approved of her, which meant she was the talebearing sort of employee—goodness, remember when Mrs Tattershall promised not to tell Father about the frog incident but then she did?—goodness, remember how he knew about your visit to Miss Algar before anyone in London had?—but if Mrs Kinley had always been indiscreet, might she be in contact with the hitman?—no loose ends—yes, ’tis possible she was not even aware, ’tis possible the hitman had snuck into her circle of acquaintances—she had called her charge’s attack an “accident”!—oh yes, ’tis entirely possible she blissfully did not realise the danger she was in, the danger of being a loose end.
By the time you pressed a steadying palm to the window, you were resolved to make sure Mrs Kinley and Miss Algar were safe. Even if it were a long shot, verification that they were prepared should your arrest upset whatever precarious balance with which the hitman had gotten comfortable was not a task you could leave for someone after the fact.
In the hackney to Cable Street, you couldn’t help but think that Sherlock would have come to this conclusion sooner, if only you had kept him apprised of all that you had learnt. If you had told him about Lord Coltidge’s uncommonly familiar knowledge of London on dit… If you had told him William was responsible for Edmund’s death but you felt responsible regardless…
You shook your head. Stop. You could not forget the very valid reason you had not told him: these were your burdens to bear, and he would be better off not learning of them, just as he would have been better off not learning how much pain you carried in you.
Mrs Rogers’s recent words popped into your imagination, and you stewed in them for the rest of the carriage ride.
As you alighted from it in front of Miss Algar’s building, wincing at the aching stiffness in your right leg, you regretted not having spent your time planning what to say instead, but that did not turn out to be so great a problem.
The conversation with Mrs Kinley did not last very long.
The landlord had once again happily led you to the correct flat, but this time, the nurse did not even let you past the threshold. Dogged, you had pleaded your case to her on her doorstep, you whispering furtively your concerns and she exclaiming unreservedly her indignation.
“I have no doubt that you know of whom I speak,” you had thrown out as a last-ditch effort.
“Oh, the impudence! Always a-comin’ hereabouts and a-tellin’ me what to do, just because you’re a great lady and I’m a lowly worker! A noble or not, I think I’d well know if a man I knew had bloody hands!”
“If you would merely tell me if my description sounds like anybody you—”
“Out with you! Out, out, else I scream for the peelers!”
You flinched as the door slammed in your face.
Massaging your vindictive knee—it still had not quite forgiven you for forcing it to run from 221b Baker Street; a part of you couldn’t help but agree—you thought once again of Sherlock. Ignorance is the curse of God indeed. He would have had no patience for Mrs Kinley’s pride getting in the way of the case. Gracious, was this even within the purview of an investigation anymore?
With a sigh, you walked haltingly to the side of the building, leaned against it, and looked up at the sky. What to do? What to do, what to do? You had not planned—or particularly wished, though you did paradoxically long—to see Sherlock, at least not outside of Whitehall Place, but perhaps his assistance would be necessary to protect Miss Algar…
Deliberating over your options, you let quite some time pass. You had not come to a conclusion when movement in your periphery caught your attention. You started to turn, but something else in the air caught your eye: Was it flurrying? Could these really be the first snowflakes?
Before you could confirm, something struck you in the side of the head and—
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—cold. Hmm. What? Your thoughts were sluggish—treacle dripping through your fingers. What had you just been thinking? What had been the first half of…?
A shiver wracked through you. Oh, right. It was too cold. You hated the cold. Why was it so cold?
You shivered again, and this time you noticed something strange: your arms were held down. Held…or tied? And your legs. Your legs too. Tied down.
Now that you were really waking up, you could also tell something was on your face—rough, musty, but light and not completely opaque. That wasn’t so bad, though you endeavoured to keep your breaths shallow so you didn’t inhale too much of the material or whatever dirt it might carry. The real discomfort was under you, a stiff board that was brutal on your shoulders, not to mention the cramps sure to come with your right leg being unable to stretch or relax properly. All in all, you had no clue how you had ended up in this situation.
Clue. Heavens, if Sherlock were here, he’d have probably deduced which sector of London you found yourself in and how much time had passed.
But Sherlock wasn’t here—and he wasn’t coming.
You shuddered, this time not only from the cold.
“Oh, apologies, m’lady—oughtay get a fire goin’?”
You squirmed at the unfamiliar voice. Had the speaker been there this whole time, watching you? If he had just arrived, how had you not heard a door creak?
“Who are you?” Foolish; he would never answer that. “Why did you take me? What are you going to do?”
Now that you were listening to yourself, you realised your voice had a peculiar echo. You must be in a large chamber of some sort—at least as wide and as tall as a ballroom, but where in London could he have taken you that was like that yet secluded enough for nefarious activities?
“Y’sure y’wish fo’ me to answer tha’?” mused your abductor.
You gulped. If he were the hitman—and, really, who else would he be?—you were now a loose end.
“It won’t be so bad, m’lady, if y’just tells me wha’ oi wanna know.” His pause was as menacing as his words. “Why’s ’olmes lookin’ into the ole nemmo on Cable? He know ’bout me?”
“Does he know what about you?” you huffed wryly. “I do not know who you are, you—”
The frigidity hit you first—it was acute, stinging, and miserable. It pierced your skin, freezing you right to the bone all across your body. You didn’t realise it was really only touching your face until it stopped.
“Now that weren’t a very prudent answer, m’lady. You gots a be’ah one?”
“What do you mean? What do you mean?” This time, you were entirely sincere in your confusion: you were so breathless and so cold you couldn’t quite remember what he’d asked you, much less figure out how to answer. And you didn’t know what he had done to you—your senses were too restricted and disoriented for that—but you knew you didn’t want him to do it again, ever.
But then he heaved a sigh, and your heart seizing with realisation, you tensed for—
A thick, heavy paw clamped over your mouth and nose, the now smothering cloth across your face tight against your nostrils. And it was damp, now. It was then that you realised what exactly was happening: he was pouring water on you, right onto you, and you couldn’t breathe.
For minutes—or perhaps seconds, instants, but for a long time, you clawed at your restraints and jerked around on the board, all in vain, all the while flailing to tell whether you were inhaling or exhaling. Filthy water cascading down your nose, muddy panic flooding up your airway, you begged, you sobbed, for it to stop.
Could he hear? Could he understand?
“Anything, I shall tell you anything,” you screamed—your drowning mind screamed—your drowned mouth tried to scream.
Would you drown? Would you die here?
And then it stopped. The water stopped. The pleading and the pain did not.
You heaved as much as you could while still strapped to the board, your lungs shrieking for air.
Air, air, air—
Please, please, please—
“Bleedin’ toffah,” scoffed your tormentor. “Y’need a minute t’stop bla’erin’ nonsense, does you? Blasted no-abilities can’t ’andle nuffin’, not even a bi’ ov fisherman’s dau’er wivout all the box ov toys…”
Quivering with panic and hiccuped tears, you listened to him walk away and sluggishly understood that you indeed hadn’t spoken aloud. A quiet, drenched part of you was grateful—and ashamed that you had tried to—but largely you were horrified that this meant he would return and that meant the water would return and—
The suffocating material, with your shaking, falls, falls to the floor but more importantly falls off. You gasp with relief, even if you still can’t see or breathe clearly from the force of your sobs. Through blurry vision, however, you actually managed to see where you were: a warehouse, dusty and empty, nothing of note, nothing of use… But it’s so bare that your darting eyes notice holes in the wall with wires sticking out—wires not entirely covered in rubber. Naked wires.
And you started to properly calm down as a plan took shape…
“Awite, m’lady, I ’ope you— Wo’ the—!”
Your gaze shot to the man approaching you, walking out of the shadows, and your brow jumped up. That nose, that jawline, that forehead—those were memorable features that you had seen before, that you had seen on Miss Algar’s nurse. You had a rapid stream of thoughts then—of course, of course, William would have accepted a recommendation from his murderous employee about whom to hire for their witness!—but it was dammed by the stony look on your present company as he stormed over to you. Close up, he was a veritable boulder, large and robust, strong- and angry-looking.
“You seen me face!”
You blinked up at him. It had escaped you that anyone knowing his identity would be a big deal to him, but yes, you had seen his face, and you weren’t likely to forget it.
“Dratted Barney Rubble,” he snarled as his calloused hand grabbed at the board you were lying on.
You went rigid in anticipation as he dragged the board—and, you realised now, it was more of a worktable with wheels—in the direction whence he’d come. But when you saw where he was taking you, a rusting basin double the volume of a clawfoot slipper tub, your rising fear went the way of your previous panic. The plan was solidifying.
Chest tightening, you steeled yourself to do just one last little thing…
“Y’re gonna give me the answers oi want,” he muttered, “’cause y’re a ’ole lotta wo’k, m’lady. Take my lump of ice and make this wurf my while, eh?”
His sinister chuckle was the last thing you heard before he threw cloth once more over your head and your ears greyed out with a dull pounding. You knew what was coming. And you had just enough time to hold your breath; then the water started pouring.
For as long as you could, you resisted, determined not to feel that tidal wave of wild terror and compromise your honour again. And you made it over the first swell. You even fought down some of the second surge of rolling nausea and desperate fright! But confound it, how did the water keep coming, simply water and water and—
No, no, no—
Water, constant, splashing, filling—
You gagged as it invaded what should have only had air.
Water, crisp, biting, freezing—
And you kept gagging, unable to find equilibrium now that your defence had crumbled.
Water, mucky, churning, nauseating—
You panted for oxygen, but in its stead your mouth sucked in liquid and moistened cloth. Your only recourse was this: The plan. The plan, the plan, the plan. Remember the plan.
And after some eternity, the tide receded, the pounding quieted, and the sinister chuckle repeated.
“Well, yer maiden-crypt?” he questioned. “’Ow much’s ’olmes know ’bout me an’ the ole Draylus—whatsit—Mistuh ’onourable E’mund?”
The plan. The plan. The plan.
You nodded rapidly under the cloth and rasped out, “Yes, I—I shall tell— He— Mr Holmes, he knows that— Oh, oh goodness— But he still cannot be certain whether—”
There was a rattling slam, and you didn’t have to pretend to flinch. “Ge’ i’ togever!” he shouted. “Oi don’t understa’ nuffin’ y’re sayin’!”
Pushing past your dread, you yanked at your restraints and cried, “Forgive me. Please, forgive me—I shall tell you anything, but no more water, please, please, I cannot—”
You allowed a bit of the hysteria you were feeling deep within your ribcage to spill out in gasping breaths and incoherent pleas. It was cathartic, but above all, it worked.
“Damnation,” he hissed through clenched teeth as he threw away the rag on your head and untied the straps around your arms and legs. “Wou’ja calm it now, m’lady? Oi promise you, no mo’ wa’er iv you tell me—”
Sitting up and scanning the room to reorient yourself, you let his aggravated appeasements wash over you, and when you were ready, with a deep breath, you leapt off the table and shoved him into the basin.
It was deep enough that his head actually went underwater, his shoulders banging into the bottom. You didn’t wait for him to regain his senses and scramble back to the surface.
“Please, God, let this work,” you whispered, grabbing the closest wire exposed in the wall. You shoved it into the water, as close to the man thrashing for purchase in the basin as you dared—but nothing happened.
Sherlock’s face flashed in your head, animated as he explained open and closed circuits. Open: no current. You glanced back at the hole in the wall and saw more heads of copper. Need current. Grinding your jaw, you snatched one with your free hand and had your hard-earned breath knocked right out of you.
Electric agony jumped out of the wires and punched straight through you. Your body felt crumpled from top to bottom with the force of it.
But through the contractions violently commanding your muscles, Sherlock’s voice rang out between your ears: “Electricity shall move more easily through the pump water…” Well, this water was dirtier than any pump water, certainly more so than Sherlock’s fancy deionised stuff.
“…but it always takes the most direct path.” 
Move, you ordered yourself, struggling to eye the “most direct path” through the sweaty haze of sheer hurt. Move. Move. MOVE.
Just as your captor pushed his head out of the water, you threw your spasming fists open and watched the wires fall on opposite sides of the man. He screamed. He screamed, and you stumbled back, not so much because the volume deafened as because the despair punctured.
Between pushing him into the water and dropping the wires beside him passed mere seconds—seven, maybe eight—but your mind was hurtling at such breakneck speed with all the ways the plan could go wrong that it felt like you were waiting before you could finally leave him behind and run.
You did not run very well.
Your right leg was taut, the knee barely creaking along; your arms were dead weight at your sides, your entire torso felt weak and fuzzy, and the nerves throughout your body were quite literally fried.
But you did very efficiently drag yourself out of that crumbling building, onto the street, and down many sidewalks of the City in search of an area of London you recognised.
Dear Lord, is it snowing? was your first lucid thought. And it was. You hobbled along, pressing a palm to walls and fences to keep yourself upright and awake, and watched the flakes drift to the ground. The thought that now you would die, watered down as you were in freezing temperatures, entered your mind and was met with much less perturbation as the thought that you would die there had been. Perhaps because you would not be as ashamed to lose your life to nature as you would be to lose it to a hired killer. Or perhaps simply because you were in shock.
Yet your brain did not feel muddled, but rather cleared of many troubles, of thoughts as large and as weighted as pennies. Indeed, when the first person to approach you among all those giving you strange looks asked, “Madam, are you in need of assistance?”, you had an answer ready—
“I am. Please, know you the way to Baker Street?”
For with a mind newly cleared, you knew that you—even if it meant feeling exposed and embarrassed, even if it meant speaking of things you didn’t want to think about, even if it meant letting him in—would only ever want to go to one person for help, for safety: Sherlock Holmes.
Thank you for reading. If you stopped at the line break (provided by @firefly-graphics, whose graphics are very cool), you can DM me (or send an ask, but you’ll have to be off anon) and I’ll give you a summary. This is not necessary though; the skipped section has some character development and meaningful parallels, but nothing plot-wise that you can’t figure out in the next chapter. Everyone else, I hope you enjoyed the warehouse scene (which I am Quite dissatisfied with and will be revising the heck out of for AO3). I have no doubt that I screwed up some facts; to a certain extent, I did so knowingly for the plot, but still feel free to point out errors or inaccuracies with the science or the Cockney and I’ll hope to rectify them. Feedback is always welcome!
Taglist [comment below if you’d like to be added!]: @theyaremorethanjustfictional
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bucketspammer4life · 11 months
punch out really random headcanons part 8778568
opening up this pandora's box again, proceed with caution
Glass Joe has awful spice tolerance, he can only tolerate little sprinkles of black pepper, anything other than that and hes dead
Bald bull cant sit straight in a chair,he'll usually sit side ways, thanks to this people can usually find where he has been sitting checking the chairs, its like his business card
King Hippo can eat an entire watermelon, no cutting, no slicing, hard parts included, WHOLE, he can do this with practically any fruit since he lived in a ingredient household but felt too lazy to cook anything, excluding kiwis, not because he cant handle it but just because he doesnt like kiwis, peeled or not
Bear hugger is like a disney princess, he can talk to animals & somehow understand them well, when he first did this everyone considered calling up the local doctor and asking whats wrong with him, theyre used to it now and sometimes ask him to translate, thanks to this he can never be a vetenarian
Don flamenco has a eerily good sense of smell, show him a boxers perfume and he'll tell who it belongs to, when they bought it, whats in it, what emotion it invokes in them and how old it is
Great tiger sometimes practices wrestling moves on his clones from boredom, usually ending up with him breaking his back or knocking something over
Disco Kid screams a lot, bug in the locker rooms? Expect a shriek, new song dropped from his favorite artist? Prepare for a proper EEEK, pissed off at someone? Buckle up for a loud groan, hes very vocal and is the type to sigh loudly over and over again until someone asks him whats wrong
Von Kaiser has a lot of CD's of his Old Grandpa Music™ collection, sometimes playing them from time to time while reads books
Piston Hondo sometimes eats ingredients when hes not in a cooking mood and feels like going nuts, usually doing this when his week goes bad
Aran Ryan has eaten a tide pod once, thats enough info
Super Macho Man used to be a math tutor, he uses this to his advantage to help Mac with his homework, it ends up in them looking up the answers and gossiping (SUPER MACHO MULTIPLICATION!)
Mr Sandman can endure stubbing his toe
Soda Popinski always made some dubious drinks as a kid and drank them, some including little, tiny little bits of bleach, thanks to his childhood self hes unknowningly immune to drinking bleach
Bald bull sleeps a lot, especially in the afternoon, which comes back to bite him in the ass and have him wake up at 4 AM, being a part of the reason hes ridiculously irritable, if he were to fix up his sleep schedule he would be way more calmer
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psalm22-6 · 1 year
Reading the screenplay for Les Misérables (1917) by Frank Lloyd and Marc Robbins
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So the 1917 American film production of Les Miserables (starring William Farnum, directed by Frank Lloyd, and produced by William Fox) is not lost per se but it isn't readily available to watch either. According to @melancholyarchivist's research, a version is preserved by the Filmoteka Narodowa and can be viewed on-site (Is there anyone in Poland who's interested in visiting?) and we may some day get a restored version. In the meantime, I found that (most of) the screenplay is available through the Library of Congress, where it was submitted as part of the studio's copyright claim. I will tell you straight away that it itsn't complete. It ends right at the story's climax, which was incredibly frustrating to me but there's still lots of cool info. Here were some high/low lights for me: The film begins with a forward displayed through intertitle cards:
1. In the realm of prose Victor Hugo’s immortal classic shows that if sin dims the Divine Image, conscience disturbs the soul with sore discontent. 2. We see how God uses conscience to waken a dead soul and “plague the sinful man with dark despair,” until the conscience, that first made a coward of a bad man, at last makes a hero, of a good man. 3. In “Les Miserables,” Victor Hugo portrays the worst man as having a Diving Spark that no injustice can extinguish, which God guards and feeds, making it incorruptible in this life, and immortal in the next—SLOW FADE
That is not a great start but okay. Then we see Napoleonic soldiers walking triumphantly through the streets (the year is 1796.) Contrast this with scenes in Jean Valjean’s household, where children are fighting over a scrap of bread. Valjean sees the baker's window full of cakes and bread. He breaks the window and reaches over the cakes in order to take the bread. He is of course immediately caught, and the baker rejoices smugly. For context to this next part, an iris shot was a common technique in silent films where the camera’s “eye” opens and closes to direct the viewer's attention. (Also I have added punctuation to a lot of these quotes to make them more readable.)
SLOW IRIS in on loaf of bread on Judge’s bench. Open full on Judge, looking off and talking sternly, pointing to loaf of bread
This makes it sound like the bread is on trial. The bread on display in the courtroom is present in the 1935 American film production as well and like in the '35 production, 1917 has Jean Valjean dragged out of the courtroom while dramatically reaching for his sister. In Toulon, we see Javert as a prison guard. Although Valjean is repeatedly referred to as a "galley slave," he is not shown working on a ship (as he will be in the '35 film). He demonstrates his strength by saving a prisoner in a quarry. There is a lengthy scene of Jean Valjean attempting to escape prison (which was eventually cut down according to what I've read. Notice how the title page says "a film in 10 reels." It was later cut to 8.) Jean Valjean strangles a guard to death. Bloodhounds chase him across a marsh. When Valjean is released from prison, instead of being chased by the dog out of the dog house, there is a scene where Jean Valjean asks a man for food. The man refuses but Jean Valjean then sees him give his dog steak. He exclaims “I am denied food–when even dogs are fed.” A nun directs Valjean to the Bishop's. After the classic Bishop's Candlesticks sequence, we do see Valjean steal from Petit Gervais. Cut to the bishop praying in front of his empty cupboard. Then cut back to Jean Valjean, who sees the coin. Cut to the bishop. Back to Jean Valjean. Jean Valjean has a vision of himself: beside him fades in images of him as a prisoner, which are slowly replaced by a vision of the Bishop surrounded by light and looking at him sadly.  The police are looking for Valjean but they don’t see him because he is on the ground sobbing. Then he goes to the Bishop’s house and prays outside it.  There is a very sad scene of Fantine leaving Cosette with the Thenardiers but this scene was later cut. After Fantine is fired, an “old hag” tells her “Why should you starve when you are still young enough to attract men?” (This intertitle was cut by the Chicago board of censors.) In horror, Fantine holds up her hair and has a vision of Cosette as a baby, which dissolves into the hair. We see Fantine go to the hairdresser to sell her hair.  Immediately after this she encounters the Bamatabois character and remembers what the old woman told her (that intertitle was also cut by the Chicago board of censors). She smiles at him, and touches his arm, and he pushes her into the gutter, telling her it is where she belongs. When Javert arrests her, the money she got for selling her hair is left behind in the gutter.   Meanwhile, we see Valjean coming into the homes of poor families to give them money. He arrives in time to see Fantine's arrest and orders that she be freed, leading to this direction:
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Very dramatic. I'll try to limit my use of screenshots though, since the typeface is a bit hard to read but one thing that's very charming and at times hilarious are the typos. See for example this scene where Javert tells Mayor Madeleine that he has denounced him:
Interior Madelein's room-- He writing at desk. Door opens. Housekkeper announces Javert. Javert enters. Stands looking at Madeleine. Housekeeper exits. Madeline turns around, asks Javery his business.
Even ignoring "Javery," they just spelled Madeleine three different ways.
Closeup Javert-- Her looking at Madeleine with resigned expression says: "I WISH TO TENDER MY RESIGNATION." Closeup Madeleine-- He looking at Javery in tense manner, suddenly controls himself, quietly says "Well."
As Jean Valjean decides what to do about Champmathieu's arrest, he sees visions of prison and of the bishop. When he arrives at the court in Arras, he is transfixed by the doorknob, which transforms into the face of prisoner 24601 (I thought that part sounded pretty cool). In the courtroom, no one believes that Madeleine is Jean Valjean. He addresses the prisoners and reveals that he knows Valjean's prison number. Then he lifts up his sleeve.
Closeup Madeleine left arm and shoulder. Letters T.F.P. and numbers 24601 is seen branded there
Of course, the musical would later do this but what other early adaptations show Jean Valjean with a brand? Fantine dies, Simplice lies to help Valjean escape (a fair amount of emphasis on Simplice actually.) We see Madame Thenardier send Cosette out to get water. In the woods, witches and ghouls haunt Cosette. Valjean buys her Catherine, shows the Thenardiers the letter from Fantine and gives them money in exchange for Cosette. Cut to 1832 (funny, this is basically just like how the musical abridgesthings). We get a birds eye view of Paris and the
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Closeup Courfeynac-- He surrounded by men, who are eagerly questioning him. Marins enters. They greet one another in friendly manner. Courfeynac tells Marius he wants to speak with him. They exit from friends. Long Distance-- Men gathered in knots whispering as Courfeynac and Marins go to table, sit and start to talk. [...] Interior room at coffee house-- Marins on stall, addressing men in earnest manner. He finishes speech, is congratulated by Courfeynac and others. IRIS OUT.
Yes, Courfeyrac is called "Courfeynac" for half the script, until they switch to "Courferac" which isn't as bad. Marius is always "Marins," except once when he is called Marius and I swear that "Marius" is the typo. We also get a short scene of Gillenormand, who receives a letter from Marins saying that he won't accept his money. Meanwhile...
Long Distance Garden-- Cossette out of sight. Valjean enters, sees her gone. Registers surprise. Cossette creeps out behind him, startles him. He turns, sees her. They exit together.
It's not super egregious but Cosette is always called "Cossette." Marins leaves Courfeynac. Cossette and Valjean go to the park.
Long Distance-- Valjean and Cossette seated on bench Closeup Marins-- He looking off, registers fascination. Closeup Cossette-- She reading book, slowly raises eyes. Sees. Closeup Marins-- He looking toward her, fascinated.
He looks at her like she's a bug.
Long Distance-- Marins walks past Cossette and Valjean. He exits past camera. Closeup Cossette-- She peeping over top of book after book after Marins. Very interested. Pathway-- Marins going from camera, turns and suddenly walks back.
Freak behavior.
Long distance-- Valjean speaks to Cossette, who is shyly looking toward Marins. They both rise and exit past camera. Marins comes to bench, picks up Cossettes handkerchief, gazes after them, registers facination.
I don't think that there is any payoff to the handkerchief, it seems to really be Cossette's. Cut to the Thenardier's. There is no Azelma, Azelma is replaced by Gavroche (sometimes spelled Gavroch, Gavranche, Bavranche or Gavrouche.) Eponine comes to Marin's room and he gives her money. Then that very afternoon, Valjean comes to give the Thenardiers alms. Gavroche actively participates in his parent's schemes (he breaks the window with a rock, not his hand.) Thenardier recognizes Valjean and decides to rob him.
Outlet of Sewer-- Low barred arch gate in background, river seen beyond. Thenardier come to outside of gate, opens it with key, enters, close gate behind him as he comes to foreground toward camera. 4 men creep past camera and join him. He starts to whisper to them.
I love that Thenardier is meeting Patron-Minette (unnamed though) in the sewer and that they introduce his key here. Meanwhile, Marins goes to the police:
Police Headquarters-- Javert with back to camera, listening to Marins, who is telling of plot. Javert suddenly swings around, full face to camera. THE SUBLINE IRONY OF FATE. JAVERT NOW ATTACHED TO THE PARIS POLICE TAKES CHARGE OF THE CASE.
I bet that that reveal was awesome! Javery gives Marins a gun. Then Valjean arrives at the Thenardier's house and is forced to write a letter luring Cossette there. But before he can be made to give the address, he escapes and burns his arm. Marins fires the pistol and Javert arrives. Valjean then knocks over the candlesticks and escapes in the dark. He goes home and Cossette tends to his wound. Eponine and Gavroche see their parents arrested.
Closeup Eponine and Gavranche-- Gavranche turns to Eponine and says: SISTER DEAR - I AM GOING FAR FROM HERE.
Meanwhile Marins is distraught because he can't find Cossette
Interior Meeting Room, A.B.C.'s-- Room crowded with men. Marins seated alone at table. Courfeynac addressing men. Marins does not pay much attention.
Eponine finds Cossette's house and leads Marins there.
Exterior Valjeans house-- Eponine enters followed by Marins. She turns, points to garden gate. He joyfully starts toward gate. She stops him. He turns to her. She wistfully says: DO YOU LOVE HER? Back-- She finishes line. Marins nods yes, then eagerly exits to gate. Eponine looks after him and sighs. Garden at bench-- Cossette gazing out dreamily. Marins enters quietly behind her, stands looking at her with great love. She suddenly feels his presence, sees him, rises, stands staring at him. They look at one another. Marins registers great love, starts to speak to her. She turns away from him, registers great confusion and emotion. Close up Eponine-- She leaning against iron fence, registers dumb suffering.
Unlike in the book, where iirc Marius and Cosette embrace straight away and then never again until they are married, Marins and Cossette do not embrace as first but after many meetings, they embrace A LOT. One night Valjean looks out his window and he just sees them making out. Then Marins leaves. Cosette goes inside.
Interior living room (night)-- Cossette discovered arranging flowers in old fashion vase and lighting candles in happy manner. Valjean enters to her, stands looking at her in silent anguish. She turns, sees him, goes to him lovingly, asks him what's the matter. He quietly says: FOR REASONS WHICH I CANNOT EXPLAIN WE MUST LEAVE THIS HOUSE TONIGHT FOR ANOTHER I HAVE CHOSEN.
So yeah the reason they leave is because of Marins. Meanwhile, Javert gets a message:
Interior Police Headquarters-- Javert discovered writing. Gendarmine enters, hands him letter. He opens it, read INSPECTOR JAVERT A MALE PRISONER NAMED THENARDIER ESCAPED TONIGHT FROM THE LA FORCE PRISON. ACT ACCORDINGLY. LEBLANCC
This letter makes me laugh. MEANWHILE, Cossette is distraught at leaving. She sees Eponine (Marins had previously pointed out his friend Eponine) and gives her a letter for Marins.
That also makes me laugh. Then a riot breaks out for no reason except that it is 5 June 1832.
Street near coffee house-- People seen hurriedly entering homes, all in state of alarm. Courfeynac at head of 35 men marching toward camera, old man and Gavranche at side of him. They all singing revolutionary songs.
Eponine is there in men's clothes and she gets the idea to give Marins (who has discovered that Cossette's house is empty) an anonymous note telling him to go to the barricade.
Long shot-- Shooting barricade in foreground, fight in progress. Red flag which is attached to pole at top of barricade suddenly falls, shot away. Old man grabs it, starts to climb to top of barricade. Close up top of barricade-- Old man starts to put flag back into place. Close up soldiers at end of street-- Officer gives command, they fire volley. Close up old man-- He trying to fix flag, suddenly his body sags, clutching flag, he falls. Long distance-- Old man falls from top of barricade to ground. Courferac goes to him. Close up Courferac andold man-- Courferac raises the dead body, registers strong emotion Close Up Marins-- He gazing off, exits toward Courferac Behind barricade-- Marins with Courferac laying dead man on matress, Marins has dead man's coat in hand, suddenly rises, calls off, raises hand, says: "LET THIS DEAD HERO'S COAT BE OUR FLAG."
They continue to fight the National Guard. Marins strikes a soldier senseless. Eponine gets shot, gives Marins the letter, and asks for a kiss. Marins kisses her. She dies. Then he writes a note to Cossette. Gavroche delivers the note to Valjean. Valjean is about to rip it up when he has a vision of the Bishop.
The next morning, the insurgents are still fighting:
Iris in on old man's coat-- Top of pole at barricade. Open full, showing long distance shot of street, men in barricade being served with coffee, fighting going on. Valjean in background, tending wounded.
Couferac tells them that they are going to run out of ammunition and Gavroche goes to get more. Valjean yells at him to come back. When Gavroche is shot and killed, Valjean retrieves the body and the ammunition.
Interior coffee house-- Courferac followed by Marins and Valjean leave body of Gavrouche. Courferac sees Javert and in terrible rage points to him and says: "YOUR FRIENDS MURDERED THAT BOY FOR WHICH CRIME YOU DIE."
I forgot to mention that Javert had been caught and tied up earlier. Marins is horrified but Courferac agrees. Valjean secretly lets Javert go. The barricade is attacked by cannons. Marins is shot. Valjean takes Marins and leaves. We see Courferac fighting terrifically. Shots of Valjean carrying Marins through the sewers are interspersed with shots of Courferac and others fighting. The insurgents retreat into the coffee house. The others die until only Courferac remains. He runs into another room, slamming the door behind him. The soldiers follow. The screenplay ends there! Don't you wish you could read the rest??! I feel certain that we were going to see Thenardier again, since he had escaped from prison, plus we saw him use that key. And I think we would have seen Gillenormand too. Also obviously Jean Valjean dies, but I read that his death scene got cut down in the final version.
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paleparearchive · 4 months
Character profile - Sisley
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GENERAL DISCLAIMER: please keep in mind that I got access to these game profiles from gamerch, but unfortunately not all of them have all the information. Wherever you see a "//", it's because that info wasn't on the site and I couldn't find anyone who unlocked it. If you happen to have it, please send it to me! Also, some characters will have more infos than other because they had more cards in the game.
Other note: know that, in this case, "strength" is their painting technique or what they use in paintings.
Name: Sisley (Alfred Sisley)
CV: Arthur Conant Lounsbery
Catchphrase: "Modest, Hardworking Young Man"
Hobby: Collecting art supplies, keeping a household budget, sending money to family
Likes: High quality things, silk products
Dislikes: Nothing
Height: 165 cm
Birthday: October 30th
Favourite food: Cheap, large portions and easy-to-make food
Disliked food: Expensive meat, truffles, meals paid by others
Strength: Calm depiction filled with soft light
Special skill: Embroidery, saving development
Relationships with artists: He's especially close with Monet, Bazille, and Renoir, all of whom are alumni, and he admires Manet. He sometimes asks Mucha for advice on saving money. There is no one he has difficulties with.
How he became an exclusive member: To send money to his family, he worked part-time while painting as an artist. Later, he was invited by Renoir and decided to stay only as a registered artist. He was so impressed by the parade at the art festival that he became an exclusive artist.
What he wants to do: //
Sleeping time: "I sleep for about six hours. I have a habit of getting up early."
What he wants now: "I don't think there's any point in getting what I want unless I get it myself… If I had to say something, it would be a silk handkerchief."
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canislucrum · 1 year
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hellu hellu gloss here ( s/h, 21+ ) n happy opening day 2 us all!!! can't wait 2 get plottin n interactin w all ur cool muses ♡ im gna be writing for mr venture capitalist, wolf of ansan street, jin hansol!! he's lived in astra nearly all his life and only recently got his ass booted 2 ansan bc his rich n influential daddi-o pulled some strings to get his ass kicked out so ... awkward ... but yes!! you can find more nonsense info on hansol under the cut, but as alw, pls hit that LIKE button n ill come runnin into ur dms!!! also if u have d*scord pls pls lmk bc i cannot for the life of me keep up w tumblr ims orz edit 10/07: so i've decided hansol is gna take on a fake identity as some not-from-ansan dude named kim wonshik bc the anti-astra sentiment in nightrunners ( aka the place he's tryna infiltrate n gentrify ) is p strong and his family is too much of a household name rn!! he's gna be known as jin hansol in business and clinical settings but other times he's gna be known as wonshik but yep!! so muses from ansan prob only ever know of him as wonshik unless we plot otherwise <3
if ur an astrology h0 like me then ♡ he's a leo sun / scorpio moon / aries rising which explains a lot of his fuckassery behaviours 👅
lil backstory: his family owns cynet cybernetics, a v longstanding company and one of the major providers of androids ( aka ai robots / humanoids that run around doin ur house chores 4 u... yep... )!! they were one of the first in astra 50y ago which means hansol was born in astra!! he's Never been to ansan and honestly kinda looks down on it ( pun not intended ) so we know where this is goin 🥶
anw he's born middle child between big bro n lil sis n was unsurprisingly neglected : )) he was alm exclusively raised by cynet androids yikers so altho his physical needs were tended 2 as a kid ( 2 the point of overindulgence honestly ), his emotional needs is that year 1 science textbook sittin in the deep corner beggin 2 b read
a lot of his experience shaped who he was as a teen!! he was a bit of a black sheep n would alw get into tons of trouble like tw underage drinking and drug use n it was all rlly j his own way of trying to get his father's attention!! it seemed like those were the only times his dad ever acknowledged his existence even tho it was usually j 2 express his disappointment
meanwhile his obnoxiously overachieving older bro is taken under daddi-o's wing when he comes of age, even starts 2 intern @ cynet n this pushes hansol to clean up his act!! ofc given his track record his dad is Not goin 2 award him the same internship @ cynet so he ends up trying to prove himself in other ways aka scoring deals, funding startups w his sizeable pocket money, buying out said startups when it shows promise!! he's also a bit of a gambler n even got the rights to revel mayb ab 1y ago in a moderately high-stakes poker games so uh... revel peeps say hi 2 ur absentee owner ♡ also has a ton of body mods to help him cheat in these poker games aka cyberaudio 2 b able to pick up change in tone aka if the person is lying n cyberoptics which helps him read hidden cards!! i'll update his body mods page someday rip
ofc despite all his efforts, none of these r big enough to impress his dad so he goes higher!!! word spreads ab his 'talent' @ the game n this leads to his invitation to play a v v high-stakes poker game w the big boys aka dad's competitors friends!! it's to the point that they don't dabble in cash anymore so this is rlly The Game that would get him his father's attn if he won so he rlly goes all in!! all of the jin family members get a small share of cynet to ensure that the company stays in the family and ultimately overpowers non-relative shareholders in big decisions, n bc hansol is positive he's gna win ( bc he's cheating lol ) he bets his share of cynet eek
ends up LOSING bc it turns out they were cheating too but !! he only knows they're cheating bc he's cheating so can u imagine how that argument is goin 2 go down : )) so yeah cynet is so super impt 2 his family n his dad was absolutely livid to find out that hansol gambled his share away n chalked it up 2 his 'delinquent activities' being so bad 2 the point where it's not only detrimental 2 himself but 2 his family!!! anw 2 regain that cynet share that hansol lost, his dad reports him to the authorities for cheating ( dad obv found out ab his mods bc whose credit card do u think he's usin to install em ) n pulls some strings to get him kicked tf out of astra
so yeah now he's here!! it's been 3 months since n he's still trying to prove himself, this time 2 prove 2 his dad that he's a better businessman than his dad will ever be n the first step is 2 get himself back on astra!! of interest one of his current ventures is to gentrify the betting ring @ the nightrunners races n j make it more organised / official but understandably the nightrunners want their own representative runnin these bets so yeah this means hansol is tryna officially become a nightrunner
personality wise i'd say he's v cunning, likes to think he's more like his dad than his brother is bc he can be p cutthroat and he knows a good deal when he sees one ( n honestly it's true it's prob why his dad loathes him extra ) n he takes a lot of pride in it!! ( yeah he's got a capital D for daddy issues )
also has a bit of a one-track mind so it's like if it's related 2 wtv business venture he's focused on then he'll care 2 the point of obsession n micromanaging but if it's not a priority then he will literally pretend it doesn't exist!! what this means espc socially is if ur someone who's eg a nightrunner he'll be v present 2 u but if ur eg working @ revel he literally could not give less of a shit u prob won't even recognise him that's how absent he is
he can be really charming when he wants to be but honestly it's j part of the game, v wolf of wall street villain coded, has a predatory instinct @ pursuing wealth n will stop at nothing rlly
this is also bad but in line w bein raised by androids n just not respecting ansan at all it can sometimes feel like he's treating ansan as sorta his playground n by extension he doesn't rlly treat a lot of ppl from ansan like real humans n this may sometimes be sorta alluded to in j how he talks or the things he does......... but yeah this sorta goes back 2 his stuff w the nightrunners, like j not respecting their races n stuff n j seeing it as a business opportunity but idk!! mayb w more time in ansan he'll have a good character arc n learn 2 care for things
err as alw i've rambled on waaay too much so if uve made it this far i wanna personally thank u ♡ also below r some plots 2 get us started w the brainstormin!!
since he's p hyperfocused on the nightrunners rn i feel like @ nightrunners there'd b plenty of opportunities 4 positive n negative interactions!! mayb he's tricked u w his charm n u think he genuinely loves racing n shit teehee or ur sus ab his motivations n ur sleepin w one eye open when he's around idk!! i'd also love a nightrunner who's a friend of his ( who he probably approached when he heard ab the existence of these races ) who queued him in that nightrunners only want their own people runnin these bets, which gives him the bright idea 2 become a nightrunner!!
did i mention he loves a good gamble <333 anyone who's a gambling fiend urself pls step right up!!! he also prob places bets on fighters @ the underground so if ur muse is a fighter mayb he places a bet on u!! or against u!! hansol is also not above cheatin so imagine he approaches u n tells u to lose on purpose or smth n he'll give u money in return....
alternatively anyone working @ revel say hello 2 ur boss 😩 i imagine the prev boss was a little more hands on bc they actually cared a lil more for revel and since the ownership's passed to him it's rlly j been goin downhill... also fun thread where he dines @ revel for the first time n mayb he doesn't pay n they confront him n he's like i own this place n they're like o so ur also delusional
he honestly gets a cybermod for literally anyth ( could also b purely for aesthetic purposes honestly ) so anyone workin @ the circle installation centre and apollo medical see u for the monday am appt
he's currently staying at la mariposa ( yeah he was cut off from his fam but this is j proof of privilege 🤡 aka bein his father's son has helped him start off w a large capital to get his hands into a lot of diff businesses which are all now paying off n funding his time @ ansan )
i can also imagine hansol may not be So forthcoming ab him being from astra espc when he finds out ab some of the anti-astra sentiment so idk it would b cool if he kinda lied ab his identity to u n u bought into it n he's literally not at all the person u became friends w ( or even started dating 👀 )
alternatively if ur a diehard fan of astra he will use his birthright as an advantage : )) or if uve been to / are from astra mayb!!! yall could've known each other somehow!!
someone he's pissed off or wronged n mayb now it's comin back 2 bite him in the ass!!!
catch him at orbital sometimes bc old habits die hard
even someone workin at or used to work at cynet?? like the ansan branch or smth!! i feel like ur muse would know him bc he's part of the jin family n ngl once he finds out he's immediately gna start treatin ur muse as like an assistant or smth......... .. .. .... .... orrr mayb he will ask u for info on how daddi-o's doin idk lots of room 4 brainstormin!!
a bunch of his body mods r to make him a good poker player which is rlly handy in business bc he can usually tell when someone's lying!! maybe ur muse is tryna lie to him ab smth n hes like 🧐
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bluejayblueskies · 2 years
Hi!! I’m looking into bookbinding, specifically ficbinding- contemplating getting into it, not committing yet bc i know have a history of researching, investing in, then abandoning hobbies. Right now tho im still in the research phase, and I’m wondering how it went when you bound It Will Be This, Always - thats on my list of fics i want to bind (has made me cry more than once) and id like to know the size of the paper and font you used, so i can estimate how much hypothetical supplies id need to replicate it for myself 👀 also any tips you might have for someone totally new!! thanks for your time, have a great day :)
hey!! i love seeing more people get into bookbinding--it's such a fun and rewarding hobby, and one of the best things about it is how versatile it is. there are people who have lots of specialist equipment and get really invested in the materials, there are people who work with what they have around the house, and there are people (like me) who are somewhere in between.
resources and commentary under the cut!
first off, here are some helpful resources for getting started out:
How to Make A Book, by ArmoredSuperHeavy
Sea Lemon's video about how to make a casebound book (she has a lot of other good videos too if you go poking around that are excellent for beginners)
DAS bookbinding videos (a bit more complex but good for research purposes and incredibly detailed)
A reference guide for a wide variety of different types of binding
Casing in a textblock - this is the method I use for casing in and it works pretty well!
Free icons to use when typesetting
Join the renegade discord! You don't have to have bound any books at all to join, and there's a ton of super helpful info and resources in there.
you can pretty easily do a pamphlet-bound notebook using some copy paper, a piece of cover paper, and staples if you want to start small and work your way up. (i did not do this haha, but i've seen a lot of other people do it and they can be pretty nice first projects!)
for it will be this, always specifically, i did a half-bound case-bound book, which means there's three separate pieces of bookcloth--one for the spine and two for each cover board. that kind of binding is detailed in armoredsuperheavy's tutorial from start to finish, which is pretty much what i used (minus the 'sewing with tapes' part because you don't really need to for smaller books).
in terms of equipment that i used for iwbta (which is a case bound book), the main things were:
an awl, for punching holes in the signatures (household alternative: a thumbtack or a strong needle with some sort of cushion on the end, like an eraser)
a bonefolder, for creasing the pages (you can also easily just use the back of your thumbnail, a credit card, or any other thing that will crease the pages crisply without damaging them)
pva glue, for gluing the spine, the cover, and attaching the textblock to the cover (household alternative: elmer's glue. it won't last as long but is good for just starting out and is easier to find at craft stores)
gluebrush/paintbrush, for applying glue (you can use one of those foam ones in a pinch, but something with bristles generally works better in my experience)
ruler + pencil, for measuring
needle and thread, for sewing the signatures (you can use regular sewing needle and sewing thread [doubled up for more strength], or you can use waxed thread. i personally have a block of beeswax [purchased for ~$4 from a farmer's market near me] that i use to wax embroidery thread for large books and regular sewing thread for small books)
paper (i used 8.5 x 11 hammermill 20lb cream colored paper, but you can also use just regular copy paper. the difference is that bright white paper can look blue in books, but honestly, i've never noticed anything odd about it, and i definitely have some published books that use bright white paper. the one caveat for this is that 8.5 x 11 paper is long grain and usually you want short grain paper for bookbinding, but i honestly wouldn't worry about this at all unless you decide to really go all-in on bookbinding)
bookpress, for pressing your pages and keep everything flat and together (household alternative: a few heavy books work, or you can use C clamps and thin boards)
printer + ink (or a printing service like Staples)
bookboard, for the covers. this is essentially chipboard, which you can find at local craft stores. you can also cannibalize an old textbook/binder for the stiff boards there, or use thinner cardboard in a pinch (i used some sheets of thin cardboard for my very first book). those cheap thin painting canvases also work well but can be a bit on the thick side. for the spine, thin cardboard is definitely the way to go (i usually use bits of old sparkling water boxes)
exacto knife or boxcutter, for cutting things (i can't think of a good household alternative to this--you'll want something that you can use in conjunction with a ruler so you can cut things straight)
bookcloth and/or decorative paper, for covering. bookcloth is basically fabric with a paper backing on it. you can make your own using heat and bond, tissue paper, and fabric, but for just starting out, you can also just use either a thicker fabric that glue won't soak through or cover the whole thing with paper. i've seen people cover their first book(s) with paper bags or other things they just had lying around!
i have a few pics of some of my early supplies here if you'd like to take a look!
for the typeset, i actually don't mind sharing it if you want to use it as reference (or just use it in general)! you can find a PDF and a copy of the word doc here!
the fonts i used were Garamond for the body and a Andragogy for the title/author/chapter titles. i've actually shifted to using Perpetua for my body font lately because i'm not fond of Garamond's italics--you can play around with serif fonts and see what you like best though! that's a lot of the fun of it <3
and here are some tips i have for people just starting out:
when typesetting, you're going to want to pick a page size for your document that aligns with the size of one page of your book (eg. if you're printing on letter-sized paper and doing a full-size book, half-letter or 5.5 x 8.5 is what you're looking for) and then use this imposer to put your document in the correct form for printing. esp. if you use word don't use word's built-in booklet settings--this is much easier and more flexible
do a blank notebook first using cheaper materials to catch any mistakes
do test prints of your typesets on cheap paper to make sure everything looks the way you want it (esp. colors and gradients, which look different when printed, and printer skew, where the front and the back won't always line up quite correctly)
there are a lot of videos out there about how to do things!! if the ones i've linked don't work for you, you can shop around through youtube until you find one that does.
it can be really easy to get overwhelmed with the sheer amount of information that comes up when you research bookbinding, so the best thing i find to remember is that a) there are many different ways to do this and while some ways may last longer than others or make more archival-quality books, ultimately, pick the way that you enjoy the most, and b) there are so many tools very few of which you actually need, so tbh you can ignore most people who try to tell you that you absolutely must have [xyz] piece of equipment
i hope this was helpful!! i've absorbed a lot of stuff since i started binding (and continue to absorb a lot of stuff, mainly from the renegade server) and there's a lot to learn, but it really can be as simple or as complex as you make it 💜
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dradelcra · 2 years
Hello! I love your jnh designs so much! Do you have any info or a story around them?
Thank you!!! It always means a lot when people say they like the designs and even want to hear about the lil headcannons/stories I have! (I should really upload to that AO3...) I try not to deviate from the text too much but I love going nuts on their interactions and life prior to the first chapter.
so uuuuh yeah :>
Long post incoming <3 (Really)
I could go on and on about them but I'll do what is best and give some details so you won't be straining your eyes too much.
(This is actually quite long now sorry. I had too much fun with this!)
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Mr. Utterson (48/12)
-Estate planning Lawyer -Second Oldest of five (first died in childhood). Has a younger sister and two twin younger brothers. -Happily unmarried (tried but it wasn't his cup of tea). -Chinese descent (He has a Chinese name too). -Near-sighted. -Able to bend his own words to his advantage, Jekyll could only wish to be as good as him. (These are never done with hostile intent) -Different in terms of personality in comparison to his more outgoing, expressive and louder family members but he still shares their kind characteristic. -Although he often keeps to himself, he is rather nosy and invasive when it comes to his friends and those around him. -Although he is generally kind, he doesn't take things to heart, especially when it's from someone he doesn't know. Will brush it off without issue. -Doesn't like when he has to do an in person consultation with his clients, however, if it's important he may get a bit of 'liquid courage' before hand. -Not one to get physical but he did punch a kid in boarding school for trying to harm Jekyll after words failed to resolve the issue. -His ties all have different patterns on them. -Former Theatre kid however he will sometimes act out imaginary situations in the comfort of his own room. -Cheats at cards. His friends still have yet to find out how he keeps winning. -Unlike everyone else, their colour motifs are colour mixes of their parents. Uttermom is Cherry red and his Utterdad is Indigo. -Has two pet cats. A Russian Blue named Motz (short for Mozzarella or Mozart depending on who's asking) who he got after a legal issue with a couple who abandoned everything and left the country, including the cat. And a Li Hua, named Heng, which his mother gifted him so he would be less lonely at home. Victim of the universal cat distribution system.
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Mr. Enfield (28)
-Police officer; Newcomen is his partner. -Moved from the United States to England as his mother's dying wish to get out of the dusty town. (Although smog isn't that much better...) -Was from a miner town and his dad owned the local saloon/bar. -Somewhat like his cousin, he's a stickler for the truth while also being a bit of a gossip. -As you'd expect, the exact opposite of his cousin aside from having the same strong sense of curiousity and justice (and sense of humour). -Although he gives the impression of a refined man, that is only when he doesn't speak. He's still learning the English customs. -Speaks a lot of American slang, often leaving his English counterparts confuzzled. -Unlike everyone else, their colour motifs are colour mixes of their parents. Enfield's Mom was hot pink and his Dad is matcha green.
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Mr. Guest (29)
-Clerk -Near-sighted. -Trinidadian (after a friend <3). -Young lad who left home to pursue a career instead of what his family had planned for him. -One of the few people to both 'butt-heads' with Utterson and yet be comforting company. -Generally handles the conversational side of the job and is very good at it as a result. -Generally prefers to keep to himself but like anyone, he does enjoy going out with others to relax
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Mr. Poole (54)
-House head/servant -Indian; Migrated to France for work. Left France once hired by the Jekyll household. -A professional of his work so well known in the butler society that many households prayed he didn't work for the Jekyll household just so he could help them. -Understanding and willing to be an ear to listen and give advice in return if asked. -Far-sighted -(According to butler work ethics, he's not really supposed to have a mustache but if I try to imagine him without one I'll perish so-) -Although Jekyll is the master of the house, Poole is the one who controls most of the tasks within it, along with the family home. -(Another note, I had to age down everyone a little just to Poole wouldn't be nearing his 60s when he kicks the door down)
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Dr. Jekyll (46)
-Apothecary -French/Russian(Mom)+English(Dad) -Only Child (with an unknown half-brother), as well as lonely child. -Unintentionally acts like his mother whom he had a difficult relationship with growing up (Nature and Nurture sort of scenario). Father was kind but negligent. -Acts more like his *'true self' around Utterson and Lanyon on the account that he grew up with them. (*whatever that means) -Got terrified of misbehaving due to witnessing one of the maids die due to such actions (his mother told him that). Then the typical, acting out to get his parent's attention. After their death, and disappearing for three years, he mellowed out. -Has a scar on the left side of his head made during the 3 year trip at the age of 30; the draping/styling of his hair hides it. -His long hair is a coping mechanism and is styled to appear short. It is dyed lighter than it actually is. -Meticulous about his appearance (even as Hyde; old habits) -Divorced, but on good terms. -Has his own garden where he grows flowers. -Collects stamped wax seals. (Utterson uses wafer seals; Lanyon does not stamp his wax seals) -An anxious man especially when things don't go according to plan. -Depending on the relationship with him, his smile may either be comforting or condescending, Schrodinger's smile (you don't know its intention unless you know what he's thinking). -Something of a people pleaser even when he tries to not be. Force of habit. A push-over in boarding school since he never had much opportunity to make friends but both Lanyon and Utterson made sure to stop this as best as they could. -Utterson and Lanyon sometimes call him Jeck-ul to tease him. -Has a rabbit. She is an English Spot named Lily, after her fur pattern and colouration. She also liked to eat the flowers in Jekyll's garden after gnawing out of her cage for the 10th time. She is missing an eye. She was about to be thrown out of a pet shop but Jekyll saw it as an opportunity to use her as a test subject. He ended up not doing that.
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Dr. Lanyon (47)
-General Physician -Scottish -Tallest of everyone mentioned. -older brother with a half-sister. -Hard of hearing due to an incident which started Jekyll and Lanyon's relationship tension. Has a hearing aid but doesn't like using it. Good at making it seem like he can hear. Both Jekyll and Utterson learned how to sign so he wouldn't feel alienated. -Has signed names for those close with him. (J-'J & Flower' U-'Angel' P- 'Pool' Blaire(wife)-I didn't come up with one yet, maybe sunlight or honey which he signs then signs love to make it more endearing idk) -Had a sick mother which prompted his career to General Medicine. Was a loner as a result in his younger years as he looked for work to be able to feed himself and was rumored to be a witch's child. Luckily that's now in the past. -Married to a nurse, turned doctor, who he met on a work trip to the United States (he passed out from heat exhaustion on the job). He has two kids, both who have Jekyll and Utterson as their godfather's -One is named Catriona, Jekyll's goddaughter. (It is vital to know this) -Typical dad and wife loving guy. -Often has a big smile of his face and will wrap you into a hug or give a hearty handshake if given the chance. -Radiates comfort; great with holding a conversation, it's near impossible not feel relaxed around him while he gives you a check up. Jekyll can only wish to be that good. -Pedantic about situations he's knowledgeable in, especially when it comes to health. -Not afraid to start an argument in situations where he feels disrespected. -Looks like a hardy man who doesn't take things to heart but he's quite the opposite. He dyed his hair when he got bullied for it in his younger years. -Has an old dog named Ruth. She's a Duck Tolling retriever, who is terribly sweet and has the energy of a puppy. Lanyon got her from the will of one his patients. She is named after the original owner's child that they never got to have. She unintentionally makes for a good service dog since she helped the previous owner alot during his old age.
Relationships :
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Jekyll x Utterson x Lanyon (J.U.L/Jewel)
-The trio officially meet at boarding school as Jekyll carries Lanyon with him after the death of his mother. They went to the same school as Utterson by Poole's suggestion to Henry's father. -Utterson and Lanyon had a difficult time getting along with each other at the start due to their contrasting personalities, however Jekyll was a good medium and eventually they managed to work with each other's differences. -Lanyon is the one driving force keeping them from not dying at an early age. Those two can barely cook or monitor their own health for themselves. -Utterson the one driving force keeping them from not going broke or getting into major legal issue. -The lads have had pretty peaceful lives, it's strange. Jekyll surely has no idea why. Any outside ruckus seems to just...stop... -On breaks, the stay with Utterson's family until Jekyll is no longer able to due to training for future obligations. They still visit each other. -Utterson's parents were very supportive and kind, indirectly adopting Jekyll and Lanyon as their own. -The trio hold private events with each other where they gift each other random items or hold lunches at their houses. -The jests amongst these three, you'd think they were children with how they act around each behind closed doors. -They'd kill for each other and who is to say the hadn't?
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Poole x J.U.L.
-Was practically a big brother to them; helped them with school work where he could despite leaving school at a young age to work. He managed to get help from another maid who actually knew the material. -Had his fair share of adventures with the lads when they were younger. Having his plate full underestimates his situation. -They still manage to raise his blood pressure even at this age. It wouldn't be them if he didn't find them passed out on the couch after their loud chatter. -They may be adults but he's still going to cover them with a blanket in those instances.
(some of these may have been mentioned and may refer you back to a previous panel or not?)
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Jekyll x Everyone
-Out of everyone in the house, Poole (and a former maid), were the only ones who interacted with Jekyll rather than giving him the cold shoulder. Poole was fired by Henry's mom as a result but luckily the news reached Jekyll's dad before he left and was soon rehired (the former maid was not as lucky). -Despite the work relationship, Poole is like family to Jekyll, although Jekyll does sometimes use the boss position to his advantage whenever he becomes a bit invasive. -Somewhat childish around Poole, complaining about things and asking him to make him his favourite foods even though that's not his job per se. -After he left for boarding school, Poole left the Jekyll house. When he returned from College, Jekyll went out of his way to bring him back. -Respects him more than his parents. -He couldn't count how many times Poole had been there for him during tough times. -When Poole got fired Jekyll planned to run away with Lanyon to go find him and bring him back.
-Jekyll moves between England and Scotland due to dad's' work, eventually meeting Lanyon at age 10 in Scotland. -Love-hate relationship; If arguments ever arise it's rarely about anything serious. -Lanyon is more likely to call out Jekyll for certain actions, which entertains Jekyll. -As much as Jekyll enjoys troubling Lanyon, he does sometimes take it too far. He knows when Lanyon goes quiet. -They trust each other with the worse of themselves. -Jekyll wishes Lanyon would relax more, he's been more his parent than his parents. -Is competitive with him. -He didn't mean to hurt him, it was an accident...
-Jekyll(5) met Utterson(7) in England after travelling to town with Poole to a local fabric store, to whom Utterson's mother owns. -Unlike Lanyon, Utterson is less likely to call out Jekyll for certain actions, however that's because he feigns ignorance. -Although Jekyll trusts Utterson with the negatives of himself, he knows Utterson does tent to go overboard with trying to mend a situation so he keeps a bit to himself. -He envies Utterson for being so…himself without risking people outcasting him. -Has actually managed to genuinely upset him, which is difficult. Utterson didn't speak to him for nearly a month. Lanyon had to be the negotiator for once. He stopped being upset after a day. He may seem reasonable but he is also extremely petty.
-Jekyll wasn't one hundred percent on having someone so young handle his finances but soon came around when he realized it would lighten the work load on Utterson. -Quite likes Guest once they started talking. -Taught him how to play cards. Started losing to him at cards.
-Met him when he was a child but after that he hadn't seen him again until the incident (where he didn't recognize him). -He sort of reminds him of someone…oh well.
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Utterson x Everyone
-When they first met he was reading a book and Jekyll asked him about it but he didn't want to hold a conversation. Jekyll suggests sharing the silence then, which did spark Utterson's interest. -Utterson understands that Jekyll likes to keep to himself as he does but also wishes he'd actually trust him more with his troubles. It's a bit hypocritical on his part and he knows this. -Got him hair ribbons and accessories to show his support. -Although he enjoys his company, he sometimes thinks Jekyll prefers Lanyon over him due to how differently he acts between the two.
-Annoying (Affectionate) -He ends up being both a baby sitter and dog sitter for him sometimes. He still isn't sure how he gets put into that position so easily. -Lanyon is a good person to talk to with reasonable solutions but sometimes he can be really unreasonable when he's clouded by his emotions. -He's a bit too 'touchy' for his liking but at this point diverging the course of a river would be easier than telling him to not hug him at every greeting. He's come to term with it . Afterall, it's not so bad if it's him. -Thinks the arguments between him and Jekyll are ridiculous, but entertaining. If he asks them what they were arguing about they end up forgetting. He can't help but to laugh. -Before they met at boarding school, Jekyll would send letters about him and their adventures. It made him want to be more involved. -Sometimes he envied how outgoing and good with people Lanyon is. -He likes to hear him talk. His voice is full of life and charm.
-Likes Mr. Poole. -Utterson's parents send him stuff like fabrics and vegetables as he is a regular customer at his mom's shop. -If Poole hadn't come to the shop he wouldn't have met Jekyll and by extension Lanyon. -Finds his work ethics impressive and wishes to make him proud as if he was his own parent.
-Enfield's mother is Utterson's mother's sister (aunty but it's vital you know which side).. -When Utterson last saw him he was 10. Poor Utterson (and his siblings) were very confused as to who he was when he returned nearly two decades later! -The two get along rather well despite their opposing personalities (not in the same sense of Utterson with Lanyon). -Before Enfield's migration, they saw each other on some New Years' days when Enfield was still a kid. -He thinks he's learned some…questionable behaviours. He doesn't like tea and drinks coffee without anything in there. He once saw his cooking outside. -Whenever something involves Enfield, Utterson has to be mentioned since he is his emergency contact. (luckily it's never serious)
-Utterson hired him as Guest was having a difficult time searching for work, especially after separating from his family. -After discovering why, Mr. Utterson still kept him around. -Enjoys having him around to either chat or just sit in silence with while working. -It took a bit of convincing on Guest's part (alongside Jekyll and Lanyon who worried he'd overwork himself if he didn't some help) as Utterson wasn't entirely thrilled with someone being at his work place but decided to give him a chance after hearing he was a good conversationalist.
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Lanyon x Everyone
-He grinds his gears (affectionate). -They bicker like brothers and just as quickly make up without needing to apologize directly. -Both his wife and Jekyll seem to make it their duty to tease him endlessly, why had he done this to himself. -When his mother died in their youth, Jekyll held his hand and had a sleep over. -Always says he's finished with him and his antics but they always end up reconciling. I believe if he hadn't died they might have done so again. -The two are always touching each other, whether with a shoulder slung over, a hug, a pat on the back or linked arms. -Was a bit protective of Jekyll and didn't like his parents or some of the destructive things he did. -Didn't like when Jekyll was growing his hair out but eventually learned to style hair thanks to his sister. He's begun to think that Jekyll only invites him over just to do it.
-The definition of opposites. If they weren't seen together you'd think they wouldn't know each other. -Because of this, they aren't likely to be around each other for too long, however that does not mean they don't enjoy each other's company. -Where Utterson may press, Lanyon will recede, sometimes causing situations to get out of hand. Luckily they never get too far. -He doesn't understand him sometimes but he tries his best not to be too physical with him since it makes him uncomfortable. Sometimes however, he gets a away with it. -Utterson appears like a very relaxed individual who always knows what he's doing, people like him without him doing much. It's quite admirable. -He can chat a mile with Utterson around and knows he's still listening. -He wishes he'd stop drinking so much, both as his friend and doctor. He once tried to 'borrow' a cup of water from him after a walk over to his house only to find out that it was liquor. Utterson it is 9am.
-He feels indebted to him for the care he showed him when he was younger. The food he sent him and the stories he told them in the dimly lit space of Jekyll's room made him forget what it was like to be alone. -Gives him check ups whenever he can, even if he may say that he's fine. That guy's health is very important, free of charge! Jekyll will pay.
-He handles his finances as well at Utterson's law farm. A smart young lad! -Thinks he's a bit small for his age though. Perhaps he'll allow him to make him a hearty meal one day.
-Cute kid! He remembers playing cops and Robbers with him. -Gave him a big hug when they met again.
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Guest x Everyone
-Thinks he's a good boss, although he wishes he'd actually communicate directly with his clients rather than using him as a medium. -They 'talk' about their lives and clients with each other. It's a huge relief for both of them. -Subjected to a lot of his puns and jokes. Everyday is torture. -Utterson helped him to pick out some clothes when he started working under him. Style is a must when working under Utterson/j.
-As they both know Utterson they interact sometimes. -Guest is still dumbfounded as to how the two (Utterson and Enfield) are related. -Rarely interact with each other but Guest thinks Enfield is rambunctious.
-Reminds him of an uncle. -He get's lunch from him that reminds him of home.
-Respects Jekyll, however, he had heard some things he'd rather not relay to Mr. Utterson. Even if it was to confirm or deny. The risk wasn't worth it.
-Homely father figure. -Has considered making him his doctor but he'd rather not risk anything.
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Enfield x (almost) Everyone
-His favourite cousin (more or less). He may say that he doesn't want to leave him house but he knows that actually means he just lacks the motivation. That's okay! He shall be there. -Enfield tries to get Utterson to go out more. It's a gradual work in progress. -Thinks that he needs to relax more, try going to the theatre like he used to. However, Utterson always finds a way to not go. Eventually he stopped trying there but he did manage to make walking the street a common thing. -He's very reserved on the surface. Although, now when Enfield thinks about it, maybe he's just actually like that. Maybe he's shy? (no.) -Tries to get him to smile where he can, even though it only seems to make Utterson less willing to do so. -He doesn't like playing any strategy based games with him because he someone always wins.
-Barely remembers him but Utterson talks highly of him, albeit in a round about way.
-Doesn't remember much about him but Utterson and Guest speak highly of him. Maybe one day he'll be as respectable as him.
-Rarely interact with each other but Enfield wishes Guest would be more open. He thinks hanging around Utterson is making him 'too quiet'.
Poole: They don't know each other.
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Poole x (almost) Everyone
-He understands that children become more closed off when they grow older but…why did it have to happen to him! -Such things are expected…at least he turned out fine for the most part. -His mother had the whole house terrified if anyone interacted with the young master. He only got the pass because Jekyll's dad found out after he was fired without him knowing. -He was distant with him after being threatened by her but it broke his heart when the young Jekyll thought it was his fault. -Did everything in his power to ensure that Jekyll could have some semblance of a normal childhood, even if that was limited and risky. -Happy he found friends to which he could be close with. -Jekyll is still as sneaky as he was as a kid as he is now. -Sometimes he'd find the doctor try to seek comfort from him as he used to with a hug. Some things never change…
-When he first met Lanyon, he already discovered his intention of using Jekyll for his own benefits. However, despite that, he treated him as the friend Jekyll terribly needed. With some care, he found that Lanyon's intentions soon turned genuine. -Tried to make his visits as enjoyable as possible when he was younger. -Convinced Lanyon's step father to send him to boarding school with Jekyll rather than separating them. It was a risk meddling with lives however it went as hoped for him. -Very relieved with how Lanyon tuned out. Although he wish he'd stop nearly squishing him when he hugged him.
-He was a quiet kid overall and Poole is glad he turned out so well. -His parents have helped him multiple times when it came to organization, management and how to ensure a child reaches their fullest potential although that wasn't entirely his job. -Jekyll and Utterson once returned from the creek covered in mud. Utterdad had never been so amused that his son was capable of such activities. Poor Poole is truly using all his luck when being responsible for them.
-Poole has had some interactions with Guest as it relates to finances due to him working at the firm where Jekyll keeps his funding. -Guest sometimes gets snacks from when he visits Jekyll's house on work.
Enfield: They don't know each other.
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Hyde (23~28)
-looks like their mother -Has a cleft lip. -Due to their chemical make-up, he gives the impression of a ruffian, however she doesn't do anything that would cause that much of a ruckus outside of the area they are in. How else would they have hidden their presence form his friends? -Bribes her way into doing odd jobs when bored. -Unless they say what they were, the person asking wouldn't know. But where's the fun in telling, unless it has its advantages. -The clip in their hair is actually a repurposed tie clip from Utterson. -Oddly flexible, oddly agile.
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Hyde x Everyone
Lanyon -Lanyon doesn't notice them but there was a cup of coffee that appeared at the stand when he forgot his pouch at home. -Almost got hit by a carriage when he wasn't paying attention but a strong tug pulled him back. Before he could confront the person for felling him, they seemed to have never existed. Maybe his coat got caught on something?
Utterson -Utterson doesn't like him but he can't bring himself to hate him on account that he's oddly familiar. -Sometime Hyde surprises him with when shows actual 'kind' behaviour or sports a genuine smile. (Jekyll forgets he is Hyde sometimes)
Poole -They remind them of Jekyll when he was younger. He's a lot more unruly in comparison however and Poole does not have the energy to keep up like he used to. -Thinks that Hyde is a secret child of Jekyll as a result but he isn't going to ask.
Guest -Asks for money from a separate account via Guest which is convenient since Utterson doesn't interact directly with his clients. -Guest often forgets Hyde every time he returns but then he partially remembers him because of his 'vibe' and when he uses the same account upon returning. -Guest only wonders what they do as a job but he's not getting paid to question.
-Hyde thinks Enfield is annoying because he keeps imposing on his actions with his sense of justice and as an officer he's even more persistent. -Enfield thinks they are a ruffian but blames it on Hyde being young (Although Hyde said they were the same age). Thinks he could 'fix' them to be a proper individual, like him for example. -(I know Jekyll canonically never met Enfield before the incident but my vers. has Jekyll and Lanyon partially meeting Enfield when J.U.L. were still in boarding and visited Utterson's home during break)
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inxspacetime · 2 years
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❝ boyfriend, killer; boyfriend, killer. ❞
full name: michael alan davidson nicknames/aliases: mickey,mickey altieri type: canon fandom: scream (film series) pronouns: he/him traits: loyal, unhinged occupation: thread dependent birthplace: lincoln, ne current location: ohio/new york (thread dependent) age: 20-54 (thread dependent) birthday: november 4th zodiac: scorpio sexuality: homosexual position: versatile  hair color: brown/greying (thread dependent) eye color: brown height: six foot (6′) weight: 175lbs drinks/smokes/drugs: yes/rarely/depends tattoos: n/a piercings: n/a scars: one on his forehead from a car crash he was in during the windsor murders, a few gunshot wounds from that same night. 
more info;
born to a pair of farmers. they expected him to do the same with his life, but his head was in the (much darker (clouds). his love of horror was the bane of his religious parents’ existence. but the more they fought him on it, the more his love of the genre grew.
despite the fact that he constantly butt heads with his parents, the household was a fairly loving one. his feelings on them are a bit mixed, but he’s never considered any violence against them.
left home at the age of nineteen - as soon as he possibly could. his parents still thought he would float back down to reality and take his role on the farm seriously, but he was already interested in another family’s business.  he was approached in a chatroom by mrs. loomis, and he was a bit starstruck. her convincing was light, she really didn’t have to say much to win mickey over. he left his family home in the middle of the night and never turned back.
she’s another one that mickey has conflicted feelings over, but he does wish he got to kill her for turning on him.
he went through with their plan until the very end, until he was supposed to be killed. but the shots he received, while really painful, were not fatal. he managed to slip away from the scene before authorities arrived to the theater. 
from that point on he drifted to new york until he settled somewhere near the city. essentially, he ended up taking the plan his partner crafted for herself, his alias allowing him to slip through the cracks (Mickey Altieri doesn’t exist!). 
he’s currently working odd end jobs here and there, most notably some work at a mechanic’s. he hasn’t completely given up his ‘habit’, but he has become more integrated into society.
can be a bit of a wild card. if he’s loyal to someone, he’s loyal to a fault. that list is just very limited. he’s still a pretty sociable, funny even, but there is a wall there for sure.
faceclaim is timothy olyphant. but penn badgley is also available as a more modern option.
01. ✧ 02. ✧ 03. ✧ 04. ✧ 05. ✧ 06. 
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zzencat · 2 months
Heyy, here for your free readings!
My intials are EE
First of all, there's this guy in my class, and Idk anything about him, except his name, and he seems like cute, I mean he's good, ykwim 😭 I mean it's just been like 4-5 days, and ugh- idk if I should try to form a friendship, and there's noooo way I'll be the first one to make a move or anything
Ugh idk what to do,
So, can I know about him ? Like is this crush going anywhere or it's gonna end just like this?
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aight EE you’re up!! thanks for participating! 👊👊
hmmm before you fantasize about this mans any further, there is a bit to break down (ruminating abt a life w him is prob not in your best interest). so there’s an obvious rush, an urge to wanna be with this guy. great!! HOWEVER, there are some things to consider. there’s definitely a lack of commitment, either in home or financial life. it seems like there’s already conflict here or there is going to be, based on your energy rn. so if you continue to live like you are right now, day to day, after this reading as if nothing happened? you’ll need to sort out some issues first. your energy is going in a direction where it gets crushed by many people or things in life to mature and either cut ties with those around you, your environment, or your own layers. there’s a lot of focus on gaining money and some sort of stability first bc the nature of this guy is lowkey bland af. maybe he’s one that relies on looks rather than personality? whatever it is, not the greatest vibe. if you happen to follow family traditions or engage in cultural events, etc., this guy doesn’t give a damn. he’s either slow in learning and taking in info, but his brain has lesser grooves in it than sheep do (aka bro is a lil dumb or blatantly ignorant and doesn’t care). either way, he gives “idk idc” brain energy.
ok so now we get to pulling his cards. it seems like he gets away with a lot of things by looks or begging or whatever- i was getting some slacky, noncommittal cards but as i further clarified, … this is a possibility as well: maybe he’s grown up in a poor household—it’s either this, or he’s the one causing instability, at least in material. he seems to run away from problems a lot. “escaping from treacherous waters.”
if you do get involved with this person tho, it could trigger an onslaught of crazyyyyy ass events in order to get you to an abundant place in your life. you’d have one big character death basically, and it would fuel you to work hard and do ambitious things.
if you wanna develop some kind of relationship with this guy, try platonic first, just as you’d mentioned. then you can see more bits of his personality for yourself.
the choice is up to you EE! imo, this guy kinda seems scummy, but hey, to each their own yk? thank you again!!
if you have feedback, i will gladly accept with open arms bro hit me w it :)
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art-h · 2 years
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I have left this post for a while as I wanted to sit with the experiences and feelings that the pieces evoked. On the 8th December we attended the British Art Show 9 in Plymouth. I have been to exhibitions at galleries previously, but the work on show here was something extraordinary for me. Placed across 4 art galleries & featuring the work of 32 artists of different fields and specialties. I was truly overwhelmed and invigorated with the ideas and forms the exhibitions displayed. I came home totally unable to communicate how much I had taken in, hence needing to sit with the ideas for a while. I decided to select the most inspiring pieces to talk about to make it easier to concentrate.
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This piece is an interesting place to start. By Than Hussein Clark; this deconstructed baby grand piano at first glance didn't look like anything to me, so I thought it was meant to represent how, as humans, we only see things as they are presented, not how they could be seen. This idea was astonishing to me as I take it for granted that so many things are just as they are. I do not look at trees and see future tables and chairs or papers on which to be printed. I do not see a table as anything else than a functional, occasionally beautiful piece of furniture. But to look at a piano sawed to pieces and reconstructed as a sculpture really opened my mind to a wealth of new ways of looking at things. It was only when I looked at the accompanying card that I found out that it was meant to be a camel!
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This next triptych moved me somewhat. The stained glass pieces by Elaine Mitchener feature scenes from her performance work "Sweet Tooth". I have since watched the performance on the back of seeing this info card. For anyone who is interested, you can watch it here:
I found it deeply moving as it explore the premise and ideas surrounding slavery. Even though I studied the Triangular Trade in school, it never sunk in how it would feel to be treated as a possession. In much the same way as any object. If we broke a plate, we would discard it and probably purchase a new one. In times of slavery, this was no different for humans. If they were no longer up to the use you purchased them for, they would be discarded, either by murder or abandonment. Even in the 21st century - a very current dialogue that needs to be discussed and understood by all.
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I went into this piece thinking about the power of audio/visual art forms that we have learned in our Mac Training sessions with Cally and Dan. Most recently, the ideas behind projection mapping. I had never heard of GAIKA or his work but found the sounds on the headphones coupled with the visual shown above to be quite evocative. I wanted to understand more about how he wanted to portray this animation of man by machine, I found the video below very useful for explaining the indescrible emotions the visuals and sounds made me feel.
This final one - was the most profound experience of the day which I am still processing.
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An audial and totemic piece, the photo above depict the work of Oliver Beer that he named "Household Gods". I was already drawn in by this title as I am acutely aware of the term from my previous reading of ancient civilisations. Oliver positioned objects belonging to his Grandmother, Mother and Sister with microphones in and around them on pillars of varying heights to show the viewer the sounds objects make in relation to their surroundings. And that sound is being constantly fed into speaking which utterly immerse the viewer in an experience that truly feeds the intellect and stimulates thought that would otherwise be ignored. I went to view this twice, the first time I was alone and I was transcended into thoughts of my own upbringing, how there were items that belonged to my family that still evoke memories of them. What made me stop and think was the idea that objects are subjected to vibrations of all kinds of sounds that, in some microscopic way, might still be reverberating inside them to this day; like the rings on a tree can reflect what was happening in the world around it at the time. It made me wonder how, like the ripples on water, vibrations never really fade away and how sound is an almost ignored sense; for instance our brains are programmed to drown out background noise or focus on a very select sound that could pose threats to us. It made me reevaluate how emotive sound can be, for example I've often wondered how the highest pitch in Allegri's Miserere never fails to bring tears to my eyes and yet I've no idea why. When I did finally leave my solitude in this piece I came across Dan, who was capturing some local shots and was on his way to the Mirror Gallery where this was located. I was aware of his background as a sound engineer and how impassioned he gets when talking about his chosen field. I didn't go into detail about the Household Gods piece, just that there was a piece I wanted to see how he would react to. It was truly an acutely vicarious experience to witness how someone with a deep wellspring of passion for the field felt about the piece. We then sat and discussed the almost metaphysical experiences that sounds and their place within objects have an unseen history. Very much informed by the cliche "If these walls could talk", we discussed at length how objects can in fact "listen" to what we say in their proximity. Our voices work on vibrations which are interpreted by how they bounce off of our ear drums and again interpreted by our brains in microseconds and while objects might not have the interpretive powers of our brains, they can still receive the vibrations of what we say and then once those vibrations dissipate, the sound becomes part of the objects life and existent history.
A fantastic day that inspired me in so many ways. I am grateful beyond words to have experienced all of it.
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