#shetland bbc fic
greenapricot · 5 days
Title: The finish line (a good place we could start) Author: greenapricot Fandom: Shetland Characters: Duncan Hunter, Jimmy Perez, Cassie Perez Pairing: Duncan Hunter/Jimmy Perez Rating: Teen Word count: 4,221 Warnings: None
“Who was that, then?” Jimmy asks when Cassie leaves the kitchen to put her things in her room.
They’ve only been in the house a minute, haven’t even taken their coats off yet, and Jimmy is already starting in on him.
“You mean James?” Duncan leans against the kitchen bench, crosses his arms over his chest, then quickly uncrosses them, trying to not look defensive.
Jimmy nods, giving him a look that is more than halfway to not pleased. “Aye, James.”
He isn’t fooled by Duncan playing dumb, he never is, but Duncan would rather not have this conversation when Cassie will be back down any minute.
Duncan shrugs and stuffs his hands into his pockets. “He’s a friend.”
“You seem to have a lot of friends these days.”
The finish line (a good place we could start) on Ao3
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melikes-reads · 3 months
A Shetland Short Story
Reading fic without knowing the source material?
Finally caving in and watching the source material?
Series 1-5: YAY!
Series 6: TOO SAD, NO
Books: yeah, no. I'll ignore you, too.
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shetlandfics · 1 year
Three new Shetland fics for May
The original cast canon may be over, but the fic continues! Three new authors have joined us and there's plenty of room in Lerwick for more.
A Pact - Duncan/Jimmy
a sense of place (going home) - the fandom's first podfic! Rhona
Heifern't you had enough of me - Duncan/Jimmy
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Jimmy is looking to the future, and starting to realise he should maybe be listening to his heart rather than his head
Written for day three of Shetland Fic Fest 2023 for the prompt "season 7 fix-it" because it had to be done
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philleegirl · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Shetland (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Duncan Hunter/Jimmy Perez Characters: Jimmy Perez, Cora McLean Additional Tags: Season/Series 05, Fix-It, AU Summary:
Cora has the power to change literally everything for Jimmy and Duncan with one report.
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greaseonmymouth · 1 year
it’s probably a good thing that I’ve a week off work because inside me are three wolves and they all want to write different fics
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Shetland (TV), Shetland - Ann Cleeves Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alison McIntosh/Jimmy Perez Characters: Jimmy Perez, Alison McIntosh, Duncan Hunter, Drew (Shetland) Additional Tags: Fluff, lots of fluff, Dancing, Drew can't take a hint, First Kiss, One Shot, Short One Shot Summary:
At Sandy's wedding, Drew won't leave Tosh alone. Jimmy comes up with a plan to help Tosh and it leads to something neither of them expected.
I wrote another short Jimmy x Tosh one shot.
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greygullhaven · 11 months
Shetland FanFic
(The Dad and Stepdad relationship has always been an interesting balancing act. Duncan and Jimmy have navigated those waters for years. But is there more bubbling under the surface? Can they be more than the dad and stepdad? Is it possible? It is time for them to finally have that talk and find out!)
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Jimmy had been the stepfather to Duncan’s daughter, Cassie, for most of her life now. Together Jimmy and Duncan had juggled the strain of raising Cassie after Fran died, leaving all three of them broken and a little shattered. That shared connection of love and loss brought the three of them together closer than ever- the two dads especially. On paper, they had a picture-perfect life like most in Shetland. But in reality, things were more complicated, given the unique past and dynamics they shared. Jimmy loved Cassie with all his heart, but he also was finding he had feelings for Duncan as well. And to his surprise, Duncan was finding he had the same feelings for Jimmy as well, bubbling under the cool and controlled mask he always tried to wear.
That day was like many in Shetland. Cool, windy, clouded sky threatened rain at some point that afternoon. Duncan had come home early from the pub and Jimmy had a rare day off from the station. And with Cassie away at school for the semester, it was a rare chance for the two of them to actually have some alone time.
The two of them sat out in the small garden, shielded from the outside world by the stone wall surrounding the property. The air between them was thick with something unsaid, and Duncan couldn't tear his eyes away from Jimmy's. They had grown close over the years, but they had only really started to be honed with themselves about how close they were recently becoming. Duncan had begun to feel something new. An unfamiliar warmth blazed within him whenever Jimmy was around, causing his heart to flutter and his cheeks to flush. And Jimmy felt it too. A rush he thought he would never feel again, a peace and comfort whenever he and Duncan were together. It was nice. It was becoming familiar. And it was also becoming somewhat addictive.....
read more here- https://archiveofourown.org/works/49008226/chapters/123641908
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ashmouthbooks · 3 months
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two fics by missmariie, Floorspace and Heifern’t you had enough of me. both are BBC Shetland, Jimmy/Duncan.
this is the second of the homemade bookcloths I made recently - I’m delighted that I’m now able to make bespoke bookcloths in any colour and pattern I desire! decided to put this to use for a matching set of fics.
the fabric is from Søstrene Grene, backed with tissue paper. the endpapers are double sided origami paper also from Søstrene Grene, 70gsm. the text is printed on Munken Pure Smooth Cream 90gsm.
these are both A7 octavos, but slightly different: one has a spine and the other has not, instead a tiny breakaway spine that rounds out from the textblock.
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a-tardis-at-downton · 6 years
@winonabyers @nourgelitnius, here, it’s not so bad.
They’re quiet; they often are, after long days of hard work, and Jimmy finds he prefers the quiet of another’s company to his own lonely solitude now. The autumn mist is pushing in at the edges of the sunset, just off the fringes of red that stains the sky, though there had been only a rare few moments of sunshine earlier that day.
Jimmy watches the night roll in from the comfort of his couch, Tosh’s feet warming beneath his thighs, and she asks the question, voice so quiet she mightn’t have said it at all but for the way her lips pull into a thoughtful frown. Her face is pale in the soft glow of the lamplight as Jimmy watches her, waits.
“D’you think there’s a limit to the pain one person can inflict on another?”
Jimmy sighs then, and it’s long and barbed, and he feels the hurt bubbling up between them. Instead of answering right away, he thumbs the next page of the book in his hands, forgotten until that moment. They’re closer, now, than they had been before she’d left, before everything. They’re more than coworkers now, more than friends, more like something, and Jimmy’s almost afraid to put his finger on it. He daren’t touch the thought, lest he feel more than he should, lest he want more than Tosh does. Tosh is small and fragile now, though not breakable, never that; she simply deserves to be handled with care always. Her eyes are warm and curious, and for a moment she is so terribly like the young detective he remembers, bright-eyed and trusting. But then this Tosh is back, reserved, the line of her lips firm and her eyes searching.
Jimmy reaches for his mug then, his book flopping to his lap as he takes a long sip.
“I dannae, no’ really. I used ta think so, but now, I’m no’ so sure.”
It’s all Jimmy can offer, this hollow platitude, and he aches at the way her frown deepens, her thumb rubbing at the lip of her mug as she considers his words.
“I don’t think there is,” she says firmly, “one moment, one decision, every moment after, that’s all down to one thought, one moment. If I had a head on m’ shoulders, we wouldn’t be here now, would we?”
Jimmy pauses, his own cuppa warming his palms as he watches the darkness fold in around them. The silence hangs between them, filling out the gaps and the space between their bodies, and Jimmy feels the words at the back of his throat.
“It’s not your fault, Tosh, you know that.” The words are gentle, tempered with a kind firmness, and they fall into the quiet between them, heavy.
Tosh sips her tea and lets her eyes flutter shut briefly.
“I s’pose. I know that, in some ways, but when I wake up and I can’t go back t’ sleep, I can’t help but think that I gave him all of the opportunities he needed.”
Jimmy feels the familiar rise of anger, it’s hot spear lancing through him, and for a second, brief as it is, he wonders what it might feel like to crush the life from someone, but instead, he looks at Tosh, stares as though he might etch her into stone, as though his memory of her is still waiting to be sculpted. Her face is drawn, exhaustion creeping into the lines of her face, and he hums out a breath.
“You did no such thing,” he offers, though the words barely touch the surface of her sadness.
Tosh considers him for a long while, and it’s as though she sees him anew, because something in her gaze shifts, and Jimmy has to fight the urge to cover her hands with his— he will always protect her, because he looked away for a brief second, was too far away to do anything but worry, and he owes her this.
So, he reaches forward, presses the tips of his fingers to her hand, and waits. Her hand is cool and small when it wraps around his, taking the comfort he offers. It’s small, a simple touch, but it seems to bring a light to Tosh’s eyes that he hasn’t seen for some time. The lamplight casts a glow about her, the night blotting out whatever dim light that the grey sky might have offered even half an hour ago. Steam curls up from his mug as he considers her for a long while.
“I’m sorry, Tosh, I’m sorry I wasn’t there with you.”
He doesn’t mean to say it, to confess his own guilt to the darkness, as if the night has offered him the anonymity of a confessional, and she the priest, can absolve him. But her fingers press into his palm, and they are a tangle of limbs, the pair of them, his hand in hers and her feet warm beneath his legs, and he finds peace in the way his heart hammers a scar into his ribcage.
It’s quiet here, now, the hum of the wind the only thing that keeps them company. The ticking of the clock marks time passed, and after a while, Tosh releases his hand, letting his palm warm the top of her knee instead. He wants to say something, to say a thousand things he hasn’t had the courage to say, but perhaps she knows, already, because her eyes find his, and he feels transparent beneath her gaze.
“I came back because I missed this, you know,” she sighs out after a long moment, stretched until the silence almost snaps when she breaks it, “I missed work, I missed Billy an’ Sandy. I missed the air, the sea,” she takes a long breath, shuddering, and she quakes beneath his hand, “I missed you.”
It’s as though she’s let go of a secret she’s held too close for far too long, because her eyes blink shut and she presses her trembling lips tight together, like perhaps she hadn’t meant to say that. But she had. Here, in his living room, wrapped up in a blanket that smells of the sea of him and her hands wrapped around a mug pulled close to her as though that offers any protection from the recourse she thinks might follow, and she’s so small in her feelings, and she’s almost deflated, really, her shoulders sagging beneath the weight of her words.
Jimmy’s heart leaps, presses warm words back towards her, up his throat, but he stifles them, and holds them tight.
“I missed you too, Tosh,” he says instead, and if his hand trembles when he brushes the hair from her face, she doesn’t seem to notice.
There’s weight beneath the words, slow and honeyed, but Tosh doesn’t seem to notice that either. If she does, it’s only as she lets her eyes slip shut, only as she leans in, as her lips meet his.
And perhaps he has said enough for now.
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greenapricot · 10 months
first line meme
Someone liked one of these I did back in 2020 recently and I thought, I haven't done this meme in a while so: the first line of the last ten fics I've posted.
The Names of All the Winds (Lewis, James/Robbie, magical realism au, wip, 3815w (of eventual 18k)) “You’re allowed to take a holiday too, you know,” Laura says.
The Most Remarkable Thing (OFMD, Ed/Stede, post-s1, retirement and gardening, 6230w) After Stede comes back, after a lot of shouting and some near-stabbing, and some actual stabbing, and more than a bit of uncontrolled sobbing.
Nothing like poetry (Endeavour, Ronnie Box angst, 1257w) Ronnie’s in a pub.
Patterns Unfamiliar (Lewis, James/Robbie, hurt/comfort, 4939w) Between one step and the next everything goes dark.
One thing at a time (Lewis, James/Robbie, allergies, 1052w) James is at his desk when Robbie gets into the office, bright and early despite the late hour he left Robbie’s flat last night.
Riches and Wonders (OFMD, Ed/Stede, modern au, Blackbeard's bar and grill, 56474w) By the time the main course arrives, Stede has all but tuned out the man sitting across the table from him.
Never quite like this (Shetland, Jimmy/Duncan, 753w) “Hey,” Jimmy says, as if he hasn’t said just that to Duncan a thousand times over the years in a thousand ways; exhausted, exasperated, teasing, content, relieved, fond even.
A tunnel to crawl through (OFMD, Ed/Stede, post-s1 reunion, 2361w) Blackbeard swings down from the rigging onto the deck, slashes, parries, meets each piece of steel that flashes toward him with his own.
It's misery loves you (OFMD, Izzy pov, Ed/Stede post-s1 reunion, 1908w) Blackbeard is himself again.
The time it takes to get from here to there (Lewis, James/Robbie, The Soul of Genius coda, mutual pining, 6445w) “All these lonely people pouring their lives into puzzles that can’t be solved.”
Just to spread it around I'm tagging: @mr-iskender, @thankyouforbeingsowrong, @mcgstarroar, @bryndeavour, @vita-s-west, @ronniebox, @lemonistas But don't feel obligated (only do it if it's fun)
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drjohnweston · 3 years
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Not to keep going on about this but the fact that Sandy went from being unconscious after being hit by a car on a remote, uninhabited island, where nobody knew he was, to being at the hospital with Tosh is as much of a mystery as who did the murders.
Given that Perez is the last arrive at the hospital I’m going to rule out him finding Sandy.
So possibilities are:
Sandy regained consciousness and finally rang in for help.
Tosh took advantage of the fact that she has all the brain cells and managed to track Sandy down on instinct alone while he was still out cold.
Kate Kilmuir realised she hadn't been able to get hold of Sandy for awhile and called the police, who then realised he hadn't been at work for two days and thought they should maybe try to find him.
Billy did notice Sandy hadn't turned up for work and got over his fear of leaving the police station to perform a one man rescue mission.
Nobody noticed he was missing and Sandy had to walk back across the island and tombolo after being run over and had to drive himself to the hospital.
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shetlandfics · 1 year
"If I know anything, it's that by now I'm stuck with you. So."
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imminentinertia · 2 years
So I'm several months too late to the party and also this is a SKAM blog (mostly) and also I almost never use Tumblr these days but COME ON I REALLY REALLY REALLY NEED TO TALK ABOUT ALL THE MASSIVE INCONSISTENCIES IN DUNCAN'S ARC
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mywingsareonwheels · 3 years
Fellow “Shetland” fans: a question about season 5 episode 5...
... how did Duncan get between the two beaches which are (I checked a map ;-) ) 20 miles away? In the middle of the night? And presumably (I would darn well hope) not driving?!!
I’ve seen a theory in one excellent fanfic (part of the Bonds series by Eliabrith, highly recommended, is on AO3, has a potential trigger for some but it’s well warned-for) that Chris picked him up and drove him. Which honestly seems pretty plausible considering Everything. Any other theories? Any clues that I’ve missed?
(The fact that he doesn’t appear to know himself how he got to Spiggie Beach - that it’s just where he woke up - is... Oof. <3 )
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philleegirl · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Shetland (TV), Death in Paradise Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Duncan Hunter/Jimmy Perez Characters: Duncan Hunter, Catherine Bordey, Jimmy Perez Additional Tags: heat - Freeform, culture clash, Catherine is a matchmaker even for married couples, Catherine can embarrass Jimmy easily, Duncan finds it funny Summary:
Even as Duncan stood there in his sweaty misery he knew that it wasn't the heat getting to him. No, the real reason was that after weeks of seemingly back to back cases, Jimmy was at home probably dozing in their shaded hammock while he was stuck working at a sunny bar he didn't even own, which after owning his own businesses for most of his adult life stung more than the heat prickles of the direct sun.
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