#shigaraki and his doggo
bis3xuali-tea · 1 year
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Shigaraki & his doggo
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halt-kun · 3 months
My Hero Academia Chapter 418 - A small heart
We're in the deepest trauma of Shigaraki, will we manage to heal his psyche ?
Let's find out
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oh no, the hate is there
doggo is dead (poor dog)
Deku is frozen in place which is understandable
can you help this kid ? how ?
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I'm crying again
Deku is horrified which is understandable
will he cry ? not sure
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Holding yourself together through pure mental strength
that's sick bro
are you Undyne ?
*battle against a true hero starts playing*
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Aww baby, no that wasn't a choice
you didn't know
you didn't know
you didn't know
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sorrow and perplexity ?
will it reverse his whole psyche or just give him a new perspective on his life ?
He'll still need to see a good psychiatrist after that right ?
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That's Iida's hand holding Deku after the vigilante arc right ?
And Kirishima for Bakugo
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hug him now Deku
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I mean Touya is the only one that is irredeemable here, the guy chose to be a problem up till the end
mainly because his character was balanced by Shouto so Horikoshi could also go all in on the guy who didn't want to be saved
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His framework changed, he wants to help, to be a hero, destruction has meaning now but you still need a few steps my dude
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Oh no are those memories from before, did he get a quirk transplant from the fucked up doctor
is he quirkless ?????
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I'm going to cry again, AFO really wanted to soil Shimura's descendance didn't he ?
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Next, Deku and Shigaraki vs AFO
end him again, perfect victory
well poor baby Shigaraki
manipulated by lord empty narcissist here present
I mean there is always the problem of free choice and what makes you accountable but AFO can be such a freak when it comes to controlling every minutes and thoughts of people to fit what he expects of them that I don't think Shigaraki could have avoided this fate
yet he chose to be a hero and help those rejected, that's how he sees it, this change of heart is all his
Touya on the other hand, really gave up and just wanted to see his abusor suffer no matter the cost. The point wasn't retribution anymore or justice but pain pain pain and meeting his end
Well this is going to be interesting too !
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thelreads · 8 months
It got lost in ALL translation, but when Shigaraki thinks 'I feel like there's nothing that can stop me now', he was actually saying 'Right now, I feel like I could take on anything'. Which is a direct quote from when smol!Tenko was playing with his doggo after finding out about Nana.
Oh, I didn't knew that thanks for informing me
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lumilasi · 5 years
Corgi plush ficlet
Relating to the previous pic I posted, I had to write this, but it was too short to put on my ficlet collection honestly, so imma plop it here. I’m probably going to do quite a few child Tenko one-shots for Reanimate for a while....
Characters: Toshinori Yagi/All Might, Shimura Tenko/Shigaraki Tomura
Going outside with him still wasn’t the easiest, given how tense to boy became due to crowds. Toshinori had a feeling it wasn’t necessarily the amount of people itself, but the fact they were unknown. He didn’t know what all those adults would do.
He didn’t trust them.
 Small gloved hand clutched his tightly, and the boy had hidden his face somewhat beneath the scarf wrapped around him.
 The air was chilly, but not cold enough to snow yet.
The blond man walks with him across the park, a specific place in mind. Tenko’s birthday was coming up, he’d turn 7 soon. 
Toshinori wanted to celebrate the boy’s first birthday with him somehow, but knew it could be a bit challenging; the boy didn’t really have friends as he hadn’t been able to go to school at all yet, and the only other adult he seemed to be warming up to was Naomasa.
 Still though. He wanted to do something for the boy’s birthday.
 Soon, the toy shop comes to view, and he could feel the red eyes look up at him confused. Toshinori turns his gaze down and smiles at the boy, gesturing towards the small shop.
 ”I felt perhaps we could get you something for your birthday.”
 Tenko blinks, then cautiously looks towards the shop window, clearly a bit uncertain. He’d ended up accidentally destroying the last plushy he had, but... he’d learned to be more careful.
After a moment of hesitation, the boy looks back up and nods, following his caretaker inside. 
The place was filled with all sorts of toys, games, plushies, everything. It was a little overwhelming for the child, and he shifts closer to grasp on Toshinori’s leg now. The man wants to place an encouraging hand on his small head, but refrains from doing it, as the boy still tensed about that, at least when an adult was towering over him like this. He didn’t mind him petting his hair when the boy sat on his lap or so.
 There were few other kids running around with their parents nearby too, but not that many given the time of the day. Most children were at school.
He watches the boy look around at all the things put up on shelves and the window, red eyes wide with hesitant curiosity. He was eventually drawn the the plush toy section, which wasn’t too surprising to the pro hero. The shopkeep, a young woman walks there and leans down, asking the boy kindly if he needed help.
 Toshinori could see Tenko tense for a bit, hand twitching nervously as he didn’t know how to react.
 ”Thank you for asking ma’am, but I’ll be able to reach for it if it’s too high.”
 The woman looks up at him and then giggles a bit upon noting how tall he was.
”I see, certainly that won’t be a problem for you two! But if you need anything, I’l be right by the counter!”
 The woman smiles at the shy boy again and walks back to the other parent and child pair further back. Toshinori just gives Tenko a reassuring smile, and the red eyes hesitantly turn to look at the pile of plushies again. He was still a little nervous, fingers twitching lightly, and the boy actually grasps his own hand to make it stop.
 Or he was trying not to reach for his neck.
 The thought made Toshinori sad, and he shakes his head to push away the thought for now. This was supposed to be a happy day; Tenko would notice if his mood went down, and feel guilty about it.
 Eventually, the man notes the boy’s eyes kept fixating on a specific toy. Red eyes would drift away, but eventually return back to it, over and over. 
Finally, small hands reach up hesitantly, picking up the rather large-sized dog-plush, which Toshinori assumed was a corgi, at least based on the stubby legs and a long round body.
 ”My, that is about as big as you.” He chuckles, and the boy turns to look at him hesitantly.
 ”...Is it too big?”
 The man chastises himself mentally the second he hears that; of course Tenko would take his comment the wrong way, given how hesitant he seemed about the whole deal.
 ”No, not at all! If you like it, you can have it. It’s your birthday. Besides I like dogs, but cannot own one for rather obvious reasons.”
 The boy hums, turning his gaze back at the big plushy puppy he was holding. Tenko still seemed somewhat unsure, so All Might sighs and crouches fown beside him, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
 ”Really, if you want that one, it’s yours. I want you to have a nice birthday.”
 Red eyes stare at the puppy toy for a while, then he finally nods, looking up at him hesitantly.
 ”....Can we take this one?”
 ”Yes, let’s go and pay the nice lady on the counter.”
  They walked home in silence mostly, the big plush being clutched in between small arms, and while he couldn’t quite see Tenko’s face, Toshinori could sense the boy was probably smiling lightly.
That evening, when he tugs the boy to bed, he’d already fallen asleep, clutching the plush dog with a wider happy little smile that almost made him cry. Toshinori refrains from doing so however, just wishes him goodnight before turning off the main light.
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What if Shiggy's gf gifted him a corgi puppy?
Well first off Corgi (along with pomeranians and huskys) are perfect doggos and we all know about Mon Chan. So Shigaraki has a major soft spot for the fluffy barrel with legs. As soon as he sees this adorable ball of fluf he heart jumps in his chest, his eyes widen as the happiest, most pure smile ever overtakes his face.
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He missed his Mon Chan dearly, feeling so much guilt over the death of his pup. Now here is this corgi puppy playfully and clumsily trying to play with a bright yellow tennis ball, succeeding more in falling over than actually getting the ball to move.
Tomura had never told you about what happened to Mon chan so the sheer coincidence amazed him. As he sat on the floor calling this little angel over with calls of 'come here puppy. The little adorable puppy immediately runs to Shigaraki, happily bounding over to him.
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As you watch your boyfriend's sheer joy and happiness you know you made an excellent choice in birthday presents. All worries of him not being a dog person vanished. You must admit you were extremely surprised at his reaction, it was like he was a child full of laughs and joy.
Over the coming months Tomura had spent time teaching the precious fur ball to do tricks, bark on command, shake hands and the cute doggy never left his side. The two were inseparable, the little corgi even slept at the foot of the bed.
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Your villan of a boyfriend even begun drawing and making animations of his dog. His phones gallery was packed with pics of you and of his pet. His whole demeanor seemed to change little by little. He was calmer, and more at peace. One night when the three of you were laying in bed he had told you how utterly happy you two made him, he never thought he'd have anyone to love, then he met you, the best thing to happen to him.
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buns-is-sinning · 2 years
IT'S 00:01 ❗❗❗
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My favorite character of all time the bestest boy is having his last birthday before unspeakable things may happen or the story ends.
He means so much to me and he deserves the world if he desires it.
I hope there'll be a good ending for him but as always I'm afraid :c
No matter what there'll always be an AU in my head were the LoV is happily living in the destruction they caused towards the world.
Him finally feeling truly happy as his real family surrounds him and his doggo is there too... that'd be my favorite.
I hope he'll at least get redemption in canon but even then I've discussed how tartarus is literal torture and a warcrime going unchecked so i couldn't be happy with that.
Shiggy is and will always be in my heart and i don't think I'll be able to find a character to stan to that degree in quite a while. A lot of good anime is coming to an end soon so i don't know what new things await us but Shigaraki was literally the character i had wished to see for years before i saw him down to the gaming and connection to the league, his views toward morality while still obviously carrying his own moral code that's unknowingly strong, a tragic traumatic backstory that also makes me relate to him in some way, the kind of leadership he shows, his views on humanity. That's something special.
Whatever happens i hope the villain fandom won't die out because if there's no more content on the league there'd be something important missing for me tbh.
With all that being said ...
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sunshinepunches · 4 years
Dog Park!AU with the Trash Boys
Here we are the long awaited 3 illustration project... the dog whores. Like with all my content... 18+ 😔💦
(Gross) gamer boy who owns a corgi. Walking meme. Gen-z scum who went to an all boys school and works at eb games so he can feel more independent from dad. Calls his dog “mon-mon” and “mon-chan” when nobody’s looking. Big weeb. Doggo memes. “I can’t be a weeb if I’m half Japanese!” Called one of his friends a “femoid” once, but he was bashed for it, so he doesn’t do it anymore. He’s the only one out of the three that actually likes dogs. Commissioned art of him, his waifu pillow and mon-chan. Jacks off in the public bathroom at the park to anime porn. Dumb virgin, but big dick.
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Whore fuckboy. Wears a loose muscle tee that shows his side because the arm hole is so large. Whorish. You better believe he is showing that cleavage. Not his dog but he walks it for Natsuo and dad. Doberman. Doesn’t actually like dogs. Encourages the family dog to bite other dogs at the dog park, but the dog is more likely to bite him. Says he gets sooo many messages on bumble. Plays in a band, and works in “graphic design”, he is the disappointment of his family. Sucked a dick for 20 bucks at a party, says he’s straight. Uses the dog to impress women. Has fucked in the public bathroom at the park. Fucks on the park bench. Has STDs.
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Inner city hipster rich boy. Why is he here in a suburban dog park? He’s visiting his grandma who lives in a retirement village (he is visiting his father who lives in a jail). The cavoodle? That also was his grandma’s y’know just helping her out (it was his ex girlfriend’s dog, he stole it after he cheated on her). Has an Instagram for her his dog. Has an Instagram for himself. What does he do for a living? Y’know, consulting and stuff, big firm in Barangaroo (he’s a drug dealer too). Bitch. You know he hires hookers. *stuffs dog into laptop bag* Fucks in the movie theater. Fucks in his Audi.
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unikittythings · 3 years
My Hero Academia season 5 episode 23:
Everytime the op starts I get more detached from the lyrics
I do not remember Re-Destro looking like an ink monster
Did Shigaraki just smile? 🤯
When your kid only has an allergy when he's at home than something is wrong
Did you really had to project your own trauma onto your children Kotaro
Not the doggo😭, no
Congratulations for creating an environment where your child had to dread the development of his quirk
With this arc we are definitely over the PG rating
Not going to lie Horikoshi wrote solid backstories for the villains that explain a lot of things
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theteapotofdoom · 3 years
You ever seen those Canterbury corgi races? Imagine that, but as the setup to a sports anime starring Shigaraki and Mon-chan.
Haikyuu who??? Don’t know her. We only support the corgi race anime with Shig and Mon-chan!
This is so funny to imagine them going through all the tropes ... they start as the two underdogs (haha get it?) and progressively train harder and harder days and night, and everyone is looking at them like “these boys are crazy! they will never make it to regionals!” and then during their race, everyone is like “incredible!!! we’ve never seen a duo so in synch with each other!!! oh what’s this? they’re using the special move invented by All Might years ago! No one but the man himself ever successfully performed it before!!!”
Just two good boys. A madlad and his doggo. Going to nationals and making a lot of friends and rivals. I would watch 25 seasons of this.
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cateil · 5 years
Thoughts on 235
Shigaraki stans unite to PROTECT HIM AT ALL COSTS
What is??? He allergic to???? What does it have to do with being at home vs anywhere else? I need details immediately
His poor doggo
This whole chapter hits close to home for me because of my own childhood. I wonder what Horikoshi's childhood was like. Is he drawing on experience? Or did he just do a lot of research? Because. He's really hitting the nail on the fucking head here.
I can't believe they all just stood by and basically did NOTHING except scream, HE'S FIVE JFC SAVE HIM YOU ASSHOLES
So it's looking like Decay IS his quirk after all, and I'm on board with the emotional activation switch.
I applaud Horikoshi on having the restraint not to reveal everything until now. From a writing perspective, the timing is fantastic. (From the fan perspective I'm fucking dying to know what's going to happen and I will continue to complain tho lol.) Like there's been all this amazing foreshadowing since like...super early on, which means Hori has had these plans ALL ALONG
Shig has the best character development of any other character in the manga, fight me
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ichor-and-symbiosis · 5 years
I loved your dog fluffy post but now I’m curious on how shigaraki would react to an s/o having a dog that doesn’t like men. Mine is a rescue blue heeler who doesn’t like men at all and when any people try to give me affection (hugs or sit next to me) he immediately squeezes himself in the middle. Once he likes a man (it takes months to get him even sorta friendly with men) he suddenly becomes a cuddle bug with them & super loving. With females tho it takes like 2 seconds and he’s fine with them.
(pls hug your sweet doggo extra tight for me i love him already) 
tomura would give major side eye to this dog whenever it gets between him and his s/o when he’s in the mood to cuddle, but he’s also aware of its issues so he scoots over to give it space. he understands this dog, in a way. he doesn’t like to be forced into anything, and he’s also wary of situations that remind him of his own troubled past. tomura is pretty laid back about the whole thing and doesn’t bother the dog, which actually might be what helps the dog grow more comfortable around him. he treats it with respect and reads its warning signs, slips it treats from a distance, and once in a while he will reach out cautiously to try to pet it, but only on its own terms. it certainly helps that tomura is very loving towards his s/o, and the dog sees that. so eventually, think tomura will win over this pupper and might even become the human for it. and tomura definitely allows the dog to sleep with him. it is law. 
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Shigadabi Headcanons
(This is a l o n g b o i)
- Dabi is that annoying ass bf who uses corny lines just to piss Tomura off.
“What're u lookin at”
“Somethin handsome”
- Tomura's really ticklish. He just doesn't know what's going on.
- He's also really touchy
Not just cuz he's a touchy guy n really touch starved, but because he knows it actually makes Tomura feel more safe.
If Dabi just gets close and takes his shirt sleeve into his hand while they're crossing the street, it makes Tomura feel much more safe.
Tomura doesn't really trust himself despite what he tries to make himself think.
He doesn't like holding hands though. Even with gloves on.
We'll get into that one later on
- the nicest Shigaraki is is probably when a co-op game is going exactly how he wants it to, when he's drunk, or when he's exhausted.
But the second he dies it's game over for Dabi's eardrums too.
- Dabi finds it funny how Shigaraki's personality changes after a few drinks.
To document it, he says “this is your last one” every time Tomura yells him to get him another one and then writes down Tomura's response.
It usually goes something like
“I hate you”
“that ain't fuckin' fair”
“Noooo :((((”
“Meanie >:(”
- Tomura gets real cuddly when he's asleep.
You can't be not moving within an arm's length if you don't want him to grab you.
If you're standing by the couch, he'll try n grab your shirttail or sleeve or something like that.
He'll lean on you and you're stuck then, he'll grab on and not let go if you try to move.
This goes for anyone, even outside of the LoV if it so happens.
Dabi loves this n toltally takes a bunch of pictures and makes Toga send him the ones she takes.
Tomura's favorite cuddle position is either being a smol spoon or laying ontop of Dabi, with Dabi's arm around him.
Everything just to be close and to feel safe, because Shigaraki hates to sleep, and he feels vulnerable.
Dabi thinks that's because of AfO and wonders if Tomura would be that cuddly all the time if he grew up with someone else, he was doing it unconsciously.
- speaking of sleep habits, Shigaraki sleeps with a blanket.
Not with naps, those're fine. He can get through an hour and a half or so.
But he actually can't get to sleep, real sleep, without his blanket.
It's just small and blue with lil white and light yellow bunnies on it, he's had it since he was real little.
The only time he won't really sleep without it is if he has at least three stuffed animals around him. No less.
He's exhausted and none of this can be provided? He's not having a good sleep and he's barely comfortable.
- it's so fascinating to Dabi what having a bad childhood can do to you.
He thought that his was the worst until he learnt of Tomura because, unlike Tomura, Dabi actually /had/ a childhood. He was quickly tossed to the side after his father learned his qhirk hurt him but he still grew to be about 15 in that household, with three younger siblings to give a bunch of love and support to, of whom also give a lot back. They went to the park, to the movies, school. They were neglected but that meant Dabi could sneak them out to have some fun.
Tomura didn't have anything after he got his quirk. He killed his entire family then was wandering the streets for who knows how long. Who knows what he whitnessed and went through in that time. Then who knows what happened after he was picked up by AfO. That scar on his finger posed quite a few questions.
Dabi had a childhood still, even if a good amount was taken. Shigaraki's was ripped away from him and he didn't get more than 4 years of it, maybe a bit less.
That's why he acted so childish all the time.
- Dogs are probably the things Tomura hates the least.
If he sees a smol doggo on the side of the road he will want to pet it and he will do anything it takes to achieve his goal. He'll usually pull his sleeve down over his hand if it's long enough, or just use the knuckle of his pointer finger.
But if he sees a corgi he'll probably cry.
It's not the biggest c r y, but like he's reminded of the dog he had when he was little and he can't handle being reminded of that experience.
Big doggos scare him.
- Dabi has considered taking him to a shelter, just so he can inteact. They'll adopt if they want, but Shigaraki mostly just enjoys going so he van have a fun time with the doggos.
- Tomura has a habit of getting lost while they're in a group.
Are they in the mall and pass by a GameStop? Tomura's gonna turn into that store, you can't stop him.
He always turns into arcades and play parks too.
Dabi never let's him though.
C'mon man let the kid have some fun >:(
- despite what you nay think, Dabi has a bunch of chapsticks on him at all times and he throws them at Tomura whenever he picks at his lips.
The further into the day it gets, the more he picks, the more force behind the blows.
- Dabi has a rainbow blanket tha the often uses to, as Tomura puts it, assault Shigaraki.
He'll throw it at him then kiss him when he pulls the blanket down, sling it over him with both ends in his hand so he can pull Tomura close n kiss him.
Gay shit like that.
- Dabi's more open about it — their relationship and his sexuality — than Tomura. He doesn't care. He'll say it if someone's looking at them weird or just looking at Tomura (bcus Dabi thinks it's bcos he's hot even though that's not why people are looking at him. Dabi he looks like a hobo calm down)
Tomura, though, doesn't say anything. Even if people ask. He's not exactly self-conscious or nervous or anything, he's just not one of those 'outwardly gay' people. Example, the op.
- Dabi does a lot of things to Tomura when he's asleep, since he's a deep sleeper.
Cut his nails
Put ChapStick on
Brush his hair
And many more that Tomura will not do by himself.
- Okay so I saved this one for last because it's a long one.
We were at about 975 words before this one, and the toltal word count now that I've finished is about 1719, so this is a long boi.
Tomura doesn't like his hands getting anywhere near Dabi.
He isn't as cautious around anyone else and he really wasn't round Dabi till he realized how gay he was.
As most people know already, when Tomura's Quirk manifested, he killed everyone in his family present at the time. Maybe one or two was an accident, but he was so young and he most likely panicked and got scared. He did all of that with his hands, he caused so much destruction with his hands.
My headcanon is thay it manifested while he was lovin his corgi dog with his sister across the room. Of course, that's going to cause them both to scream and she ran over. Tomura probably didn't even know what had happened, how it happened, or how he'd caused it at that point, so he tried to grab onto her. That didn't work very well.
Screams alerted most in the house and Shigaraki, well, Shimura in this case, fit it together that it was his hands that caused it.
He couldn't understand what was happening or the true weight of the situation but he knew he was in some huge trouble.
Tenko didn't look back, just trying to shut up and do anything he could.
He didn't even have time to grab anything from his home, once everything had been done. The rush of adrenaline, fear, and panic were keeping him doing what he was doing but now that he was really understanding whay was going on, what he'd just done, what'd just happened, why it looked like he'd just dipped his arms and chest and face in paint.
And he ran.
He hated his Quirk for a while before he was groomed to realize he could use it for reasons not so hurtful to him. Before that, though, he tried on multiple occasions after learning how his Quirk really worked to slice his finger off.
He got the idea back when he found a documentary on the ‘Shimura Family Massacre.’ All he got from AfO was some 'reassuring words' and a hand on his shoulder.
He got to the bone one time, because AfO wasn't home to stop him, but he didn't have a good enough knife to get through it and all the really good and sharp Japanese knives were hidden and/or out of his reach.
Shigaraki shut himself off. When he slowly started letting himself feel emotions again, in the form of gaming and things of that nature, he still didn't let himself get close to anyone. Sure it happened unconsciously, he didn't realize the dependence or care for AfO until he was ripped away.
He didn't realize the little care that started to build up among the league either.
But Dabi was the one to really break that one, he blew it out of the fucking park, and Tomura feels... Really scared around him.
He's scared to love and get attached because he's sared that something like the massacre in his home will happen again.
He doesn't want to hurt Dabi.
It took him a really long time to even get that close to him.
When he really got into a relationship with Dabi was when he started wearing his gloves again. They're the ones digital artists use.
Tomura is really touch starved and is glad Dabi can provide hugs n cuddles n shit.
It took Tomura an even longer time to start hugging or snuggling back, but he'd still rip his hand away whenever Dabi tried to hold it — even if he was wearing gloves.
But he is slowly getting better at it.
Dabi linked their pinky fingers when they were at a bus stop (he fuggin held on so tight so Tomura wouldn't jerk away).
Tomura looked up at him and gave him the most fearful look, and it fucking shattered Dabi's heart.
He didn't let it show though, he just smiled a little and said “See? It's okay.”
They've been getting better bit by bit since then.
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librarybunny13 · 4 years
Things to tear your soul apart
Tomura already forgave Hana
Tomura turns into his younger self when he speaks to his mother. Also his younger body would have less damage so he would hope his mother wouldn't be as worried.
Both his grandparents are there
“Don’t forget us,” from Nana.
Things that I might be wrong about
Is Tomura’s dad actually.....trying to stop him from going to All For One? I mean it can almost be interpreted as his father trying to shove him away from AFO and trying to shove him towards the rest of the family. Like he’s actually trying to do something good for his son. SHOCK! Or do I just want his father to realize what an asshat he was to his poor son.
Things that make me go....what?
Is this like Tomura dying or is he inside of the quirk AFO like Deku can go into OFA?
Err okay so Nana’s hand was definitely given to Shigaraki. But why can he see her so clearly? He saw one picture.
“Don’t deny me anymore.” But was that the voice of Shigaraki or the voice of AFO? If it’s Shigaraki’s voice he means he does not want his family to defy him. But if it came from AFO.......that means that Nana can still defy AFO. It means she has NOT given up on Tomura! It means she can still fight! YES! Please let it be AFO saying this! This makes me so hopeful!
Deku said “he’s coming”. THen Deku says, “It’s coming” by ‘it’ has AFO’s power become like something similar to OFA? Scary thought.
(added) When the doctor is talking, there are like square thoughts. Who is it thinking they don’t like being touched?
Things I did not like:
Where is Mon-chan?! I expected sweet doggo kisses from Mon-chan!
Tomura told them to “stop.” Nooooo!
Seeing Tomura being hit by that electricity reminded me of going into a seizure and the hellish way it hurts like a bitch.
(added) They knew Mic was a friend of Kurogiri! DAMN THEM!
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Best of tags #08
A compilation of my favorite reactions to this blog.
@mangafreakazoid on the problematic aspects of superheroics: (Link)
#bnha#and all super hero media frankly#just take this point and *whoosh* miss it ocompletely#which is a shame! because it's fascinating!#media studies
I’d be willing to bet that Horikoshi has read Alan Moore’s “Watchmen”. The superhero society he describes in “My Hero Academia” is surprisingly layered and complex; it creates a lot of problemetic phenomena and its excesses are frequently called out. I’m not sure the manga is a deconstruction the genre, though. More of a reconstruction. Horikoshi’s part of this generation who digested the grim superhero backlash of the 80′s/90′s and wants to address the criticism rather than handwave it. Basically it comes down to focusing less on what makes a superhero and more on what makes a hero, period. It’s become trendy these days for self-aware superheroes to poke fun at some of the more ridiculous aspects of the genre (if Deadpool’s popularity is any indication) but it’s still very rare to see a comic really delve into how weird a superhero society would be on a sociological level. So far “My Hero Academia” is rather successful in that regard.
@kaeru-hime on a joke about BNHA’s pro hero Shouta Aizawan a.k.a. Eraserhead:  (Link)
#i thought this was a fucking david lynch post at first
Yeah, the thought did occur to me too! At first I felt guilty that David Lynch fans (of which I’m part of, incidentally) would browse through the “Eraserhead” tag and not find posts about the movie they love. But then I remembered that eery sense of confusion and absurdity is exactly what David Lynch would want.
@awesome-milkshake-blog on MHA’s society: (Link)
#bnha#the society in bnha is so messed up#and only the villains acknowledge it
I’m not so sure. We’ve seen a lot of criticism from heroic characters such as Shinsou, Monoma, Aizawa, etc. But mostly they’re isolated Cassandras whose voices are muffled by the noise of the superhero propaganda machine. This benefits the villains as they become the only persons loud enough to stand up to the system in any noticeable way. All For One is a villain, he has no ambition to change society for the better. But he’s clever enough to know that this system creates outcasts. By convincing these outcasts he’s the only one able to defend them, he can create an army. And his terrorism creates paranoia in the public, strengthening his “us vs them” rhetoric. It’s textbook terrorism: he doesn’t often attack strategically significant institutions, he instead attacks what will create the most scandalous media fanfare. So of course his first order of business is to engineer a school shooting, for maximum shock. All For One’s followers think they’re part of some great war, but really it’s more of a media compaign to recruit more members into All For One’s cult.
@khirishima on All Might’s merch:  (Link)
#all might cereal would be delicious though
They taste like JUSTICE!!! With a dash of pure unadulterated cavities.
@im-no-hero-im-alto on Mari Kondo killing Mineta: (Link)
bold of you to assume Shinsou needed to tell her to do it
From what little I’ve seen of Kondo, she seems to have little patience for mysogynists. So my guess is that she brought Shinsou around to plead legal irresponsibility in the murder trial.
@rosetteskye on Dabi saving his backstory for “someone special” : (Link)
Are you implying that Deku isn’t someone special to Todoroki?!
It’s written in-character. Dabi’s dismissive of Deku’s significance, not me. It’s a joke about how revealing your tragic brackstory is a stand-in for losing your/ oh, you’ll figure it out. I’m going to bed.
@scream-mans-friend on All Might cereals: (Link)
#shut up aizawa theyre busy voring all.might
The only thing anyone’s voring today is my sanity.
@my-minds-cabinet on Mineta becoming a priest: (Link)
#he isnt holy enough#in fact hes not holy at all lol
That’s the only happy ending I can imagine for Mineta. He gets injured, finds God in a near-death experience, and vows celibacy. Then again even if you ignore his sexual deviancy there are still several instances in the series where he’s shown to be a manipulative jerk, even towars his male classmates. So at that point the only way to salvage his character would be a major personality change after a brain concussion.
@salty-cold-medina on collective thirsting over Horikoshi Kohei: (Link)
#what is WRONG with y'all
I blame baby-boomers.
@doggo-city on Aoyama dyeing his costume black for Tokoyami: (Link)
If you paint his belt black he will be able to shoot darkness
By My Hero Academia’s logic... this sounds legit.
@principle-of-parsimony on Toga romanticizing gay terrorists: (Link)
#this is honestly how some people act
My personal headcanon is that Shigaraki mostly recruits his League of Villains by logging into Tumblr and finding the worst “hot takes” imaginable. Tumblr is rife with outcasts who latch on morally bankrupt narratives where their community is filled with heroes who can do no wrong. That fits the League of Villains’ recruitment policies. Toga’s behavior in this ficlet was partly inspired by inane comments I read on the “Rejected Princesses” blog (Link).
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lumilasi · 3 years
Stuff that Might happen in The Shadowed Pages: (Might because fics often have a mind of their own and evolve in ways I’m not able to predict lmao)
Shigaraki saving Izuku from poisoning by stabbing him with a quirk
Spinner stress knitting a scarf long enough to fit them all in (he knits in this AU) which Toga and Twice take advantage of
Mon-chan Jr. Being sus over Dabi and gnawing at his socks
Izuku generally having kind of a bad time
Dabi freaking out because of some trauma based things and thinking that hm, maybe trying to attack a guy who could destroy an ENTIRE CITY was a bad idea. (Tomura forgives him because he understands what was going in in his head at that moment so he’s not mad)
Teen AFO having fun being a ghost and terrorizing some of Tomura’s friends a little bit (mainly Dabi)
Teen AFO ’growing up’ over the course of the story as he slowly stops being in denial over his past actions (it’s kinda the point of his part in the story: Tomura’s not really looking for an apology at this point, just acknowledgment)
....The gang probably, maybe, perhaps, having to get AFO a body back because of story circumstances (Tomura naturally comments it is a terrible idea)
Izuku calling his father out for his past bullshit (and current)
Reveal that AFO had a bigger plan/kind of a good-ish reason behind everything he did (with some exceptions), which makes the gang wonder about the whole ’does end justify the means?’ Question.
Toshinori having a bad time and being sad a lot
Tomura making Dabi question if what he wants to do is what he actually needs
”YOU HAVE YOUR OWN PRIVATE ISLAND?!” ”Nah, Sensei did, now it’s mine.”
Tomura throwing shit at the ghost a lot
Junior trapping Dabi on the floor by sitting on his belly and giving him his best doggo glare (which fails at intimidation because he’s a cute floofball)
Kurogiri eventually remembering who he used to be (teen spirit AFO might recall it first and tell Tomura about it)
Library slumber party with the gang
Gang ’kidnapping’ Izuku to protect him from other villains who’ve figured out he’s AFO’s son. Not because his dad asked, but because Tomura decided the kid shouldn’t suffer because of his father’s nonsense. (Also he lowkey likes the living broccoli in all honesty - not that way of course)
Tomura dumping unconscious Izuku to Toshinori like ”here, you lost this” while in his full dramatic torn cape ’villain’ gear
Tomura throwing dog snacks at Dabi
Redestro still lowkey simping for Shigaraki while still in jail
Dabi being pretty touch averse at first, then realizing he really likes it when Tomura does random stuff like cards through his hair or pokes his stitches curiously (cue ’this wasn’t in the plans oh no’ panic)
Mon-chan Jr. Getting tangled up in Spinner’s yarn
Let’s see how many of these actually come true lmao
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ectoplasms-teeth · 5 years
My Tarot Academia! - Minor Arcana: Cups
Here are my designs for the Cups suit in a My Hero Academia tarot deck. The Cups are the suit of the emotional being and consciousness, which is represented by water. This suit is my favorite when reading and the one I connect to most, so I think these designs are some of the strongest. Like with the other suits though, there doesn’t seem to be cohesion. I think the individual story each card tells makes up for it though! You can read about the other designs at the links below. 
[Major Arcana] [Minor Arcana - Cups] [Minor Arcana - Swords] [Minor Arcana - Coins] [Minor Arcana- Wands] Ace of Cups - Kirishima 2 of Cups - Blood King and his bulldog 3 of Cups - The Big Three 4 of Cups - Amajiki 5 of Cups - Mirio 6 of Cups - Nejire 7 of Cups - Eri 8 of Cups - Shigaraki 9 of Cups - Monoma 10 of Cups - Asui Family Princess of Cups - Ashido Prince of Cups - TestsuTestu Queen of Cups - 13 King of Cups - Shoji
On the Ace of Cups Kirishima stands in plain clothes with his hair down, his arms thrown out for a big manly hug. In the Two of Cups, Kan and his doggo relax in the park playing fetch. Doggo has one stick while Kan holds the other. The Three of Cups features the big three in plain clothes, posed for a friendly selfie. Nejire holds the camera, leaning into Mirio. Mirio holds Amajiki around the shoulders. Despite Amajiki’s shyness, they are all smiling brightly. 
The Four of Cups features Amajiki in his Suneater costume. He leans against a wall looking nervous. Mirio’s face is phasing through the wall next to him. 
The Five of Cups is Mirio nude on his knees, holding his Lemillion costume in his lap and hands. It is tattered and his hands are covered in blood. He cries. In the background is a hospital scene with a bed and a heart monitor that is flat-lined. 
The Six of Cups features a Nejire in her beauty pageant outfit. She is floating in the card, releasing wave blasts from her hands that send two trays of three cups each into the air. The cups slosh, but only one is spilling. 
Eri stars in the Seven of Cups, standing in the middle of the card surrounded by seven out-reaching hands. One is Midoriya’s hero glove, reaching to grasp her. Other grasping hands are those of Overhaul, a shadowy figure/shadow hand, and a hand in a yukata. Aizawa’s hand is outstretched palm up, as is Mirio’s. The hero and villain hands alternate. She stands at the center looking afraid, with her horn fully grown. 
The 8 of Cups is Shigaraki, who crouches before seven cups that spill blood onto the floor. Only one cup sits upright, held in his hand as it disintegrates. Some of the cups are fractured or fully broken. The Nine of Cups shows Monoma in his student uniform. He looks content, if not smug, as he holds up a tray that supports nine cups.  The Ten of Cups pictures the members of the Asui family each holding two cups. Their arms are interlocked and they smile at the viewer.
 Mina is the Princess of Cups, who stands before a large silver cup ready to shoot her acid. She is wearing her hero outfit. 
The Prince of Cups features TetsuTetsu proudly lifting a large silver cup (his size or larger) in one arm. He flexes the other arm, which is covered by his quirk.. He is wearing his hero outfit. 
As the Queen of Cups, 13 balances a gold cup in one hand while pointing their finger with the other. Their finger is capped; they are pointing, rather than using their quirk. Shoji is the King of cups, using his dupli-arms to replicate eyes. Two look to the viewer, two to the side, and two at a normal sized cup in the foreground.  [Major Arcana] [Minor Arcana - Cups] [Minor Arcana - Swords] [Minor Arcana - Coins] [Minor Arcana- Wands]
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